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Results for human trafficking

611 results found

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Title: Combating Trafficking in Persons in Accordance with the Principles of Islamic Law

Summary: Trafficking in persons or human trafficking,1 a recognized human rights violation prohibited by international law, affects all countries and regions of the world. As a national and international, often organized crime, it knows no boundaries-geographical, cultural, political or religious. Its victims and perpetrators hail from all around the world. The flow of trafficked persons reaches some of the most far-flung areas of the globe. Trafficking in persons manifests itself as exploitation in different forms in different countries, but no region is immune to it. Muslim countries, most of which are members of the Organization of the Islamic Conference,2 are not exempt-all are affected by this crime. Trafficking in persons for the purposes of sexual exploitation and for labour exploitation in the domestic service industry and in agriculture and construction affects Muslim countries in the Middle East and North Africa. Trafficking in children and women for sexual or labour exploitation occurs in African countries both within and across national borders. In South and South-East Asia, trafficking in men, women and children for the purpose of sexual labour exploitation, which may also include trafficking for the purpose of begging or child sex tourism, is prevalent.3 While international law provides States with the central guiding framework for combating trafficking in persons, for this effort to be most effective, national legislatures should design legal provisions that, while consistent with international law, are also responsive to national specifics and are tailored to the legal structures and the phenomenon of trafficking manifested in each State.4 Given that the legal traditions and legal systems in many Muslim countries rely primarily on Islamic law, a study of Islamic legal provisions and traditions relating to trafficking in persons becomes important. An understanding of Islam's position on trafficking in persons and related acts and elements can provide important avenues for the development of a comprehensive approach to combating trafficking in persons in Muslim countries, one which draws on and is grounded in the Islamic tradition, as well as in compliance with international law. The purpose of the present publication is thus to analyse the Islamic legal tradition from the perspective of those sources, principles and provisions that may best be utilized in understanding, addressing and combating trafficking in persons. More specifically, this entails the elaboration of a comprehensive theory of Islamic legal principles for the prohibition of the crime of trafficking in persons and associated acts and means, on the one hand, and the protection of victims of such trafficking, on the other. It involves understanding the nature of the crime of trafficking in persons under Islamic law and what protections and safeguards are provided by Islamic law to the accused in the prosecution of trafficking. It also involves analysing how Islam relates to a victim-centred approach to the problem and what the obligations of the ordinary citizen may be in providing victims with assistance. It is also necessary that any checklist of issues addressing trafficking in persons under Islamic law also include prevention, education and public awareness-all core principles of a comprehensive strategy of combating trafficking as enshrined in international law.5

Details: Vienna: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2010. 72p.

Source: https://www.unodc.org/documents/human-trafficking/Islamic_Law_TIP_E_ebook_18_March_2010_V0985841.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: International


Shelf Number: 116312

Human Trafficking
Islamic Law

Author: Ditmore, Melissa

Title: Kicking Down the Door: The Use of Raids to Fight Trafficking in Persons

Summary: This report summarizes the findings of a human rights documentation project to explore the impacts and effectiveness of current anti-trafficking approaches in the United States from a variety of perspectives. The data collected suggests that vice raids conducted by local law enforcement agencies are in ineffective means of locating and identifying trafficked persons. The research also reveals that vice raids and federal anti-trafficking raids are all too frequently accompanied by violations of human rights of trafficked persons and sex workers alike, and can therefore be counterproductive to the underlying goals of anti-trafficking initiatives.

Details: New York: Sex Workers Project, Urban Justice Center, 2009. 74p.

Source: Accessed April 17, 2018 at: http://sexworkersproject.org/downloads/swp-2009-raids-and-trafficking-report.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: United States

URL: http://sexworkersproject.org/downloads/swp-2009-raids-and-trafficking-report.pdf

Shelf Number: 117114

Human Trafficking
Law Enforcement
Police Behavior
Sex Workers
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Caplan, Arthur

Title: Trafficking in organs, tissues and cells and trafficking in human beings for the purpose of the removal of organs

Summary: This joint study has been prepared in the framework of the cooperation between the Council of Europe and the United Nations. The specific focus of this paper is to study the trafficking of organs, tissues, and cells and trafficking of human beings for the purposes of transplantation.

Details: Council of Europe/United Nations: 2009


Year: 2009

Country: United States


Shelf Number: 116547

Human Trafficking

Author: National Agency for the Prohibition of Traffic in Persons and other Related Matters (NAPTIP)

Title: Nigeria: Country Response on Trafficking in Persons Especially Children and Women (2002-2007)

Summary: This report is an update version of earlier reports of Trafficking in Persons (TIP) projects and programs implemented in Nigeria from 2002 to 2006. It highlights the successes of the Nigerian government and identifies gaps in the response and offers recommendations to fill those gaps. This report also has information on Nigeria's status as a source, transit and destination country for trafficking in persons. Also considered are legislative and policy developments, constraints and challenges, and highlights good practices and lessons learned in the course of program implementation.

Details: Abuja, Nigeria: NAPTIP, Geneva: UNICEF, 2008


Year: 2008

Country: Nigeria


Shelf Number: 115378

Female Victims
Human Trafficking

Author: Texas. Attorney General's Office

Title: The Texas Response to Human Trafficking: Report to the 81st Legislature

Summary: This report provides both an overview of human trafficking in the State of Texas and the government's response to human trafficking. Human-trafficking related issues are identified, and recommendations are provided for the Texas Legislature's consideration as it examines how to enhance existing statutes and services available to human trafficking victims.

Details: Austin, TX: Office of the Attorney General, 2008


Year: 2008

Country: United States


Shelf Number: 115825

Human Trafficking

Author: Plan Togo

Title: For the Price of a Bike: Child Trafficking in Togo

Summary: This booklet is about the pervasiveness of child trafficking in Togo: the extent, causes, forms and consequences of the phenomenon. Led by four Togolese experts (from the disciplines of sociology, anthropology, socio-demography and economics), the research involved a study of existing documentation; consultations with relevant government bodies and non-government organizations (NGOs), the police, customs officers and others; and field research in all five regions of the country, in villages and towns identified as severly affected by child trafficking.

Details: Woking, UK: Plan Togo, 2006


Year: 2006

Country: United Kingdom


Shelf Number: 114856

Human Trafficking

Author: Halvorsen, Kate

Title: Shady Traffic. Part Three: Review of the Portefolio Supported by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings

Summary: This report is part three of a series of reports commissioned as a review of the Norwegian project portfolio on human trafficking. Part Three deals with an external review of a sample of projects/partners with a main focus on results and lessons learned.

Details: Oslo, Norway: Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation, 2009

Source: Norad Report 2c/2009

Year: 2009

Country: Norway


Shelf Number: 115357

Human Trafficking

Author: Bokhari, Farhat

Title: Stolen Futures: Trafficking for Forced Child Marriage in the UK

Summary: The research for this report documented 48 cases of trafficking for forced child marriage, including cases where there were strong suspicions of an impending forced marriage involving the movement and potential exploitation of the child. There is little data on this aspect of trafficking internationally or within the United Kingdom, partly because of a lack of systematic data collection on child trafficking in all its forms. With the increasing profile and development in policy on forced marriage in the UK and elsewhere, attention on the links between forced marriage, child marriage and trafficking has been growing, albeit slowly. This exploratory study hopes to contribute to a clearer understanding of this issue from a UK perspective and to offer some new insights into how the needs of the children involved may be addressed.

Details: London: ECPAT UK, 2009. 40p.

Source: Accessed April 17, 2018 at: https://ec.europa.eu/anti-trafficking/sites/antitrafficking/files/ecpat_trafficking_for_forced_child_marriage_in_uk_en_1.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: United Kingdom

URL: https://ec.europa.eu/anti-trafficking/sites/antitrafficking/files/ecpat_trafficking_for_forced_child_marriage_in_uk_en_1.pdf

Shelf Number: 117104

Child Exploitation
Child Marriage
Child Protection
Child Trafficking
Human Trafficking

Author: Kelly, Emmo

Title: Bordering on Concern: Child Trafficking in Wales

Summary: This research was commissioned by the Office of the Children's Commissioner Wales to consider what evidence base there is child trafficking in Wales. Whilst there is significant anecdotal evidence, so far there has been a lack of baseline data on children who have been trafficked, into, within and out of Wales. This research aims to address that gap and builds on research ECPAT UK has already conducted in England.

Details: London: ECPAT UK, 2009


Year: 2009

Country: United Kingdom


Shelf Number: 114864

Human Trafficking

Author: Asia Foundation

Title: Incidence of Trafficking in Persons and Prostitution at Mine Sites in Mongolia

Summary: This report examines the incidence of prostitution and human trafficking at mine sites across Mongolia. It includes surveys with 300 community members at eight sites, both soum and bagh centers and mine sites, as well as surveys of 16 sex workers at six mine sites. Interviews were conducted from July 20 to July 30, 2008 by teams organized by the Population Teaching and Research Center (PTRC). The objective of this report is to build upon existing studies of human trafficking, including two studies conducted by The Asia Foundation on trafficking risks and combating trafficking in Mongolia. The survey is unique in its focus on the mining sector in Mongolia.

Details: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia: Asia Foundation, 2008


Year: 2008

Country: Mongolia


Shelf Number: 114896

Human Trafficking

Author: Webb, Sarah

Title: Organised Immigration Crime: A Post-Conviction Study

Summary: This report outlines the findings of an interview program conducted in 2006 with 45 prisoners convicted of human trafficking/smuggling offences in 2005. The research was commissioned to provide a fuller understanding of the market dynamics of facilitated illegal entry into the United Kingdom. The results present a picture by the perpetrators was of a market that conferred healthy profits with a low risk detection. The United Kingdom is perceived as an attractive destination for a number of reasons and illicit entry across UK borders is perceived to be easy. Many interviewess expressed genuine surprise at the severity of the sentences that they had received for involvement in human trafficking/smuggling offences.

Details: London: Home Office Research, Development and Statistics Directorate, 2009

Source: Research Report 15

Year: 2009

Country: United Kingdom


Shelf Number: 115394

Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: United Nations. Office on Drugs and Crime. Regional Office for Southern Africa

Title: Combating Trafficking in Persons: A 2005 Assessment of the Laws and Measures Relevant to Human Trafficking in Selected SADC Countries: Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa and Zambia

Summary: This assessment analyzes laws and measures related to human trafficking in a sample of Southern African Development Community (SADC) countries, namely Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa and Zambia. It also analyzes laws and measures concerning organized crime, money laundering, corruption and related areas, as defined and addressed in the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, due to their integral relationship with human trafficking. The assessment provides information on the ratification and implementation status of the Convention and Protocol in all SADC countries. It further provides some anecdotal information on human trafficking in the assessment countries and gives a brief overview of studies on its extent and nature.

Details: Pretoria, South Africa: 2007


Year: 2007

Country: South Africa


Shelf Number: 115738

Human Rights
Human Trafficking

Author: Zhou, Hui

Title: 'One Victim of Trafficking Is One Too Many': Counting the Human Cost of Trafficking, Cases of Trafficking in Australia

Summary: Project Respect spent 6 weeks researching and documenting cases of human trafficking in Australia. This report refers to approximately 300 cases cases of victims of trafficking documented during this time. Some of the cases documented are based on cases Project Respect had already gathered in 5 years working with women in the sex industry. Other cases were obtained from other sources for the specific purpose of this documentation project. Project Respect circulated a letter and survey form widely in Australia seeking information for this documentation project.

Details: Victoria, Australia: Project Respect, Inc., 2004


Year: 2004

Country: Australia


Shelf Number: 116670

Forced labor
Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Logan, T.K.

Title: Human Trafficking in Kentucky

Summary: From the executive summary: "Within the context of both national and state level concern about human trafficking, Kentucky has been working to address the issues and needs of human trafficking through training, task forces and the passage of state legislation criminalizing human trafficking. As one critical interim step in addressing human trafficking in Kentucky, a statewide needs assessment was developed and conducted. This report summarizes the methods and results of a statewide needs assessment to better understand the scope and extent of human trafficking knowledge and cases in Kentucky. Overall 140 respondents provided information between September 2006 and June 2007 with a response rate of 86%."

Details: Lexington, KY: University of Kentucky, 2007


Year: 2007

Country: United States


Shelf Number: 115824

Human Trafficking

Author: Bermudez, Laura

Title: 'No Experience Necessary': The Internal Trafficking of Persons in South Africa

Summary: This report examines qualitative findings concerning the internal trafficking of persons in South Africa for the purposes of commercial sexual exploitation, forced labor, and the removal of organs.

Details: Pretoria, South Africa: International Organization for Migration Regional Office for Southern Africa, 2008. 75p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2008

Country: South Africa


Shelf Number: 117821

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking

Author: Robertson, Phil

Title: From the Tiger to the Crocodile: Abuse of Migrant Workers in Thailand

Summary: The thousand of migrant workers from Burma, Cambodia, and Laos who yearly cross pourous borders in Thailand experience daily situations straight out of a Thai proverb -- excaping from the tiger, but then meeting the crocodile -- that describes fleeing from one difficult or deadly situation into another that is just as bad. This report finds a litany of labor rights violations against migrants, including denying the right to organize and collectively bargain, and retaliating with intimidation, violence and firings. Forced labor and human trafficking continue to be the other major risks faced by migrant workers in Thailand.

Details: New York: Human Rights Watch, 2010. 119p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 17, 2018 at: http://www.refworld.org/docid/4b84ec212.html

Year: 2010

Country: Thailand

URL: http://www.refworld.org/docid/4b84ec212.html

Shelf Number: 117117

Forced Labor
Human Rights
Human Trafficking
Migrant Workers

Author: Stepnitz, Abigail

Title: Of Human Bondage: Trafficking in Women and Contemporary Slavery in the UK

Summary: This report examines the issue of human trafficking as it relates to forced labor in the UK.

Details: London: Eaves Housing for Women, 2009. 50p.


Year: 2009

Country: United Kingdom


Shelf Number: 117572

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking

Author: Pearson, Elaine

Title: Underpaid, Overworked and Overlooked: Volume 1, The Realities of Young Migrant Workers in Thailand

Summary: This report assesses economic, legal, social and policy factors affecting four sectors where trafficking of children and women is known or suspected to occur in Thailand: agriculture, domestic service, fishing boats and fish processing, and manufacturing and domestic work.

Details: Geneva: International Labour Office, 2006. 176p.

Source: Internet Source; The Mekong Challenge

Year: 2006

Country: Thailand


Shelf Number: 117641

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking

Author: Bochkor, N.P.

Title: Status Report on Implementation of the State Programme on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings for the period until 2010 in Ukraine: Results of the 2007-2008 Monitoring

Summary: This report presents the results of monitoring over the implementation of the State Programme on Combating Trafficking in Human Rights for the period until 2010, which was initiated to study the problems and work out recommendations on the improvement of these activities. The report is intended for the representatives of public authorities, public and international organizations as well as for the general public.

Details: Kyiv, Ukraine: Ministry of Ukraine on Family, Youth and Sports Affairs and the International Women's Rights Centre, 2009. 70 p.


Year: 2009

Country: Ukraine


Shelf Number: 117714

Human Trafficking

Author: Amnesty International UK

Title: Under the Covers: Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation in Wales

Summary: This report outlines evidence on the extent of trafficking into the sex trade in Wales, and suggests what can be done to help the victims.

Details: Cardiff: Amnesty International UK, 2007. 18p.


Year: 2007

Country: United Kingdom


Shelf Number: 116257

Human Trafficking
Sex Trafficking

Author: Pierre, Yves-Francois

Title: Lost Childhoods in Haiti: Quantifying Child Trafficking, Restaveks, and Victims of Violence

Summary: This report presents the findings of a survey on human rights violations, with an emphasis on child trafficking, abuse, and violence in Haiti.

Details: Port-au-Prince, Haiti: U.S. Agency for International Development/Haiti Mission: Washington, DC: Pan American Development Foundation, 2009. 77p.


Year: 2009

Country: Haiti


Shelf Number: 117590

Child Abuse
Human Rights
Human Trafficking

Author: Priebe, Alexandra

Title: Hidden in Plain View: The Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Girls in Atlanta

Summary: This report was prepared in response to heightened awareness and concern about the commercial sexual exploitation of children, the commercial sex industry, and trafficking of young women and girls into Atlanta for the purpose of sexual exploitation. The report addresses the commercial sexual exploitation of girls by: providing analysis of the populations at risk and trends across the city; exploring the demographic and geographic characteristics of the girls being commercially sexually exploited; mapping the geographic distribution of commercial sex hot spots; describing the social and health services provided to sexually exploited girls; and describing the statutory response to the sexual exploitation of girls.

Details: Atlanta, GA: Atlanta Women's Agenda, 2005. 67p.


Year: 2005

Country: United States


Shelf Number: 118083

Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation (Atlanta, Georgia)

Author: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). East Asia and Pacific Regional Office

Title: Child Trafficking in East and South-East Asia: Reversing the Trend

Summary: To consolidate the gains and growing knowledge base on trafficking in the region over the past seven years, and to guide the future direction of UNICEF's interventions on child trafficking, this report presents a country-level assessment of child trafficking in seven countries: China, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam in early 2008.

Details: Bangkok, Thailand: UNICEF, East Asia and Pacific Regional Office, 2009. 103p.


Year: 2009

Country: Asia


Shelf Number: 116389

Human Trafficking

Author: Hatley, Anne

Title: Identification of Street Children: Characteristics of Street Children in Bamako and Accra

Summary: This report presents the results of a quantitative study of the street children population in two West African cities: Bamako in Mali and Accra in Ghana. The main aim of the study was to develop methodologies for difficult to reach populations, with an additional aim of giving characteristics of the population group chosen.

Details: Oslo: Fafo, 2005. 94p.

Source: Fafo-report 174

Year: 2005

Country: Africa


Shelf Number: 116372

Child Labor
Human Trafficking
Street Children

Author: Smucker, Glenn R.

Title: The Uses of Children: A Study of Trafficking in Haitian Chidlren

Summary: This study documents a series of insidious forms of child abuse affecting Haitian children in their own country and in the neighboring Dominican Republic. It presents evidence of trafficking within Haiti and across the border.

Details: Port-au-Prince, Haiti: USAID/Haiti Mission, 2004. 166p.


Year: 2004

Country: Haiti


Shelf Number: 111165

Child Labor
Human Trafficking
Sex Trafficking

Author: Harris, Julie

Title: Tipping the Iceberg: A Pan Sussex Study of Young People At Risk of Sexual Exploitation and Trafficking: Final Report

Summary: This report presents the findings of a year-long research study mapping the service needs of young people at risk of sexual exploitation across Sussex, UK.

Details: Ilford, UK: Barnardo's, 2007. 114p.


Year: 2007

Country: United Kingdom


Shelf Number: 113841

Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Gould, Chandre

Title: Selling Sex in Cape Town: Sex Work and Human Trafficking in a South African City

Summary: This report examines the sex work industry in South Africa and the evidence for human trafficking into the industry.

Details: Pretoria/Tshwane, South AfricA: Institute for Security Studies, 2008. 205p.


Year: 2008

Country: South Africa


Shelf Number: 110887

Human Trafficking
Sex Trafficking

Author: Perrin, Benjamin

Title: Faster, Higher, Stronger: Preventing Human Trafficking at the 2010 Olympics

Summary: This report considers the upcoming 2010 Olympics in Vancouver in the context of Canada's human trafficking response to date, and makes recommendations to ensure that this event is not a flashpoint for human trafficking.

Details: Calgary: Future Group, 2007. 24p.


Year: 2007

Country: Canada


Shelf Number: 113896

Human Trafficking

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Title: Resource Book on the Legal Framework on Anti Human Trafficking

Summary: Trafficking of women and children is one of the gravest organized crimes and violations of human rights, extending beyond boundaries and jurisdictions. Preventing and combating of human trafficking requires all stakeholders to integrate their responses on prosecution, prevention and protection. Keeping this philosophy in mind, Project IND/S16 of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), which is a joint initiative of UNODC and Government of India, with support from the US Government, has undertaken several initiatives since its launch in April 2006 in India. This project is focused on "Strengthening the law enforcement response in India against trafficking in persons, through training and capacity building". The major activities in the project are training of police officials and prosecutors, setting up Anti Human Trafficking Units, establishing networks among law enforcement agencies and civil society partners as well as developing appropriate resource tools including Protocols, Manuals, Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), Compendiums and other training aids. The Resource Book on the Legal Framework on Anti Human Trafficking has been designed to collect, review and analyze the relevant national legislations, international and regional instruments and judicial precedents that bring out the full range of crimes which comprise human trafficking; to analyze the existing legal framework in the light of international and regional legal standards on trafficking; and provide, where necessary, recommendations. This Resource Book for the law enforcement officials and other stakeholders is an attempt to sensitize them regarding the effective role that they can play under the various available laws on trafficking. It is hoped that a proper reading of the law will lead to its better enforcement; victims will be rescued more effectively, appropriate protective measures will be ordered looking to the age of the victims a and they will have a better chance of reintegration in society. This Resource Book has been developed by National Law University of India, Bangalore in association with UNODC and has received valuable inputs from senior judges, prosecutors, police officials and civil society organizations. The document has been prepared in a simple lucid style with cross - references to legal provisions and judicial pronouncements. It is a concise, practical and user friendly tool which will be of use to all stakeholders working in the field of anti human trafficking.

Details: New Delhi: United Nations Office on Drugs, Regional Office for South Asia, 2008. 168p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 25, 2018 at: https://www.unodc.org/documents/human-trafficking/India_Training_material/Resource_Book_on_Legal_Framework.pdf

Year: 2008

Country: India

URL: https://www.unodc.org/documents/human-trafficking/India_Training_material/Resource_Book_on_Legal_Framework.pdf

Shelf Number: 117090

Child Trafficking
Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Human Organs

Author: Catalla, Rebecca F.

Title: The Mekong Challenge: Cambodia's Hotel and Guesthouse Workers: Their Recruitment, Working Conditions and Vulnerabilities.

Summary: When the magnitude of child labour was found to be more serious than reported in 2001, ILO-IPEC with its national partners conducted a series of rapid assessments and baseline surveys in selected sectors such as trafficking in women and children, salt production, rubber plantation, fishing sector, etc. These have not only helped to build the knowledge base on the target children and their realities of work, but they have also contributed to raising awareness about trafficking and labour exploitation and have led to increased advocacy for action to prevent the abuses. To further understand these issues and concerns that are associated with child labour and trafficking in identified new sectors, a survey was carried out among hotel and guesthouse (HGH) workers and employers in Siem Reap. The research aimed to provide wide-ranging information on workers in hotels and guesthouses, an industry in Siem Reap identified as a receiving area/sector of trafficking in children and young women. More specifically, the study sought to profile the situation of workers working in hotels and guest houses in Siem Reap district, Siem Reap province including: reasons for working, skills/ vocational background, health and educational status, working environment/condition of trafficking for labour (in slave-like conditions) by unscrupulous employers, wages/income earned, income management, and future planning. This was accomplished by carrying out a survey among HGH workers and employers, and interviews with key informants using instruments that have been used by ILO-IPEC for similar efforts in various countries. A total of 371 workers and 17 employers in 36 hotels and guesthouses were interviewed; 13 stakeholders served as key informants for the qualitative aspect of the study. Descriptions of working conditions in this report, while wide-ranging, do not attempt to be thorough and comprehensive. Rather they reflect information obtained through a structured instrument within an eight-day data collection period. As such the data mirrors the limitations of survey methodology (e.g., measurements are taken at one point in time) even as representatives of workers from different HGH departments/units (e.g., housekeeping, kitchen, administration, etc.) were interviewed. It is also worth mentioning that responses of the workers and employers may have been given in a context where they feared that the information may be used against the hotels and guesthouses - which were their primary sources of livelihood - since ongoing strikes in some hotels were still unresolved at the time of the survey. Workers in hotels and guesthouses in Siem Reap can be portrayed as young, having a mean age of 23 years, and are relatively well educated, 89% of whom reached lower secondary levels. They belonged to families whose parents were highly literate, and had sources of incomes that came from agriculture, waged employment or from other businesses. A third also had some kind of training connected to their work and 10.5% were still in school completing formal education or attending short courses. More than a quarter (27%) did not report any health problem and only 2.4% cited illnesses that could be said to be serious. Workers too, had access to various types of information on a daily basis from magazines/ newspapers, television, and radio. Awareness regarding HIV/AIDS and STI was reported by 94% and 75% of respondents, respectively, indicating a need for improvement, especially for the latter. In terms of their work profile, respondents have been in their present occupations for an average of 1.67 years, gaining acceptance by applying for the job or through referrals. The primary motivation to work was the desire to help the family (99%) and due to personal reasons like wanting to gain experience (36%) or continue their studies (2%). Usually, workers were at their posts for a mean number of 6.14 days, for both peak and slow seasons, averaging 9.57 and 8.23 hours, respectively. Food, water, access to toilet facilities and breaks at work were provided by employers, although workers were also said to bring their own water to their workplace. On the other hand, living arrangements entailed residing with relatives, on their own, or with friends/co-workers, reported by 31%, 30% and 35% of the total, respectively. Women were less likely to live alone, preferring to live with a family member or relatives. Workers also have a fairly developed support network, with families, friends, employers, and co-workers being sought for assistance primarily in terms of advice, financial assistance. Income-wise, 61% of respondents had earnings between 150,000 (US$37) to 300,000 Riel (US$75) and an additional 25% reported incomes above 300,000 Riel. Employers, on the other hand, comprised mostly of men, at 70% of the total, had an average of 42.47 years, and over three quarters reached upper secondary level or the university. They were characterized as kind, understanding and looked after their welfare, by 97% and 79% of workers respectively. Eight of ten respondents found their jobs lucrative, and this is reflected in the range of salaries or revenues they earned per month. The lowest monthly wage was 260,000 Riel or (US$65) by a respondent working in a HGH Type 4 of guesthouse while at the high end of the scale of reported salaries, three respondents working in mid-range to upscale hotels said that their monthly earnings from their jobs ranged from 1.4 million (US$350) to 4 million Riel (US$1,000). Among nine owners, revenues generated started at 1.08 million (US$270) to 16 million Riel (US$4,000) from establishments classified as budget guesthouses 1-4. Given that the room rates in these places range from US$5 to US$15 for single and US$20 for double rooms, the high earnings reported is a good indication of the occupancy rates. Some observations that can be drawn from the findings are: - While workers appeared to be cared for by their employers, the workers would be hard pressed to sufficiently cover the cost of lodging, additional studies, and sending money home to help support families. Salaries in hotels and guesthouses are not as high as might be expected from a growing industry. - In terms of trafficking, there was no reported case among respondents - key informant responses and the quantitative data show that recruitment processes of HGH were accomplished through a typical hiring procedure involving the application for jobs, taking tests and being interviewed. No allusion to coercion, being sold, or reporting situations of debt bondage was ever made by respondents. While 'debt' had been mentioned in relation to working, this information was obtained from other persons; whereas monetary obligations to employers have been in the form of advances. - The desire to start a small business, expressed repeatedly by worker-respondents, may indicate a cognizance of the potential for economic gain from the booming tourism sector. Furthermore, workers want to better themselves by enrolling in short-term courses like computer literacy and English, and gaining additional skills related to their jobs. Provided sufficient opportunities, this group could well become future members of the burgeoning middle class of Cambodia. - As documented by the research, the demand for sex with young persons comes from the guests of hotels and guesthouses, the gratification of which is facilitated by workers or 'guides' in exchange for some recompense. - Despite the monitoring that is supposed to be carried out by relevant government agencies in the province, minors have been seen entering hotels and guesthouses as the sexual partners of guests. While workers in the hotels and guesthouses in Siem Reap appear to be better off in terms of work conditions, there are a few areas that require additional review. - The existing salaries have to be increased - at present, compensations are small in relation to reported earnings of owners and to a robust sector. - In smaller guesthouses, working hours and days need to be monitored since this could be a 7-day workweek and beyond eight hours per day, especially in the peak season. While it may be argued that these conditions are typical in family-run guesthouses, it does not justify overworking and underpaying workers. - The founding of unions that will help ensure that employers and owners comply with the labour laws should be promoted. As the tourism sector further expands, it is necessary to ensure that employers and owners stick to the letter of the law.

Details: Bangkok: International Labour Office, 2006. 109p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 3, 2018 at: http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---asia/---ro-bangkok/documents/publication/wcms_bk_pb_70_en.pdf

Year: 2006

Country: Thailand

URL: http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---asia/---ro-bangkok/documents/publication/wcms_bk_pb_70_en.pdf

Shelf Number: 117672

Human Trafficking
Labour Exploitation
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Dottridge, Mike

Title: Kids Abroad: Ignore Them, Abuse Them or Protect Them? Lessons on How to Protect Children on the Move from Being Exploited

Summary: This study focuses on the experience of young people who leave home or travel abroad to seek work or a better life and also on children who are sent away from home by their parents. It explores initiatives which have had the effect of reducing the likelihood that such children will be subjected to economic or sexual exploitation. It sets out to go beyond identifying the vulnerable situations faced by such children, by examining what techniques have proved helpful to children who move away from their families.

Details: Geneva: Terre des Hommes International Federation, 2008. 88p.


Year: 2008

Country: International


Shelf Number: 113296

Child Labor
Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Clawson, Heather J.

Title: Study of HHS Programs Serving Human Trafficking Victims: Final Report

Summary: This report examines how the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services programs are currently addressing the needs of international and domestic victims of human trafficking in the United States, with an emphasis on identifying statutory, policy, programmatic, and other barriers to providing effective, comprehensive services to this population and possible promising practices to address these challenges.

Details: Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, 2009. 48p., app.


Year: 2009

Country: United States


Shelf Number: 118159

Human Trafficking
Victim Services

Author: Save the Children Denmark

Title: Sex Offenders Without Borders: An Investigation Into the Sexual Abuse and Exploitation of Children in Thailand, Cambodia and Burma in Relation to Travel and Tourism

Summary: This investigation was carried out to gain more insight into the modus operandi of travelling sex offenders who sexually exploit children in Thailand, Cambodia and Burma; with particular emphasis being placed on the activities of Danish travelling sex offenders.

Details: Copenhagen: Save the Children Denmark, 2009. 98p.


Year: 2009

Country: International


Shelf Number: 118228

Human Trafficking
Sex Offenders
Sex Tourism
Sexual Exploitation (Children)

Author: International Tribunal for Children's Rights

Title: International Dimensions of the Sexual Exploitation of Children: Global Report

Summary: The sexual abuse and exploitation committed on children by adults surpass all national boundaries. These abuses thus become the responsibility of more than one state, they become, in effect, an international problem. Some of the most common examples of these international dimensions of sexual exploitation of children include child sex tourism, cross-border trafficking of children for sexual purposes, child pornography and most recently the use of the Internet as a new channel for the proliferation of these forms of abuse and exploitation. This report presents an analysis and compilation of the recommendations produced by the first cycle of interventions of the International Tribunal for Children's Rights in France, Brazil and Sri Lanka. The recommendations cover a wide array of measures aimed at better protecting children from sexual exploitation and ensuring that their abusers are properly prosecuted and convicted, all over the world.

Details: Montreal: International Bureau for Children's Rights, 1999. 116p.


Year: 1999

Country: International


Shelf Number: 102426

Child Maltreatment
Child Pornography
Child Protection
Child Sex Tourism
Child Sexual Abuse
Human Trafficking
Sex Offenders

Author: Kangaspunta, Kristiina

Title: Human Trafficking: An Overview

Summary: This report provides background on human trafficking, explains what has been achieved in the first year of the United Nations' Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking, and identifies challenges that lie ahead.

Details: New York: United Nations, 2008. 48p.


Year: 2008

Country: International


Shelf Number: 114870

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Title: Model Law Against Trafficking in Persons

Summary: The UNODC Model Law against Traffficking in Persons was developed in response to the request of the General Assembly to the Secretary-General to promote and assist the efforts of Member States to become party to and implement the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and the Protocols thereto. It was developed in particular to assist States in implementing the provisions contained in the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, supplementing that Convention.

Details: Vienna: UNODC, 2009. 73p


Year: 2009

Country: International


Shelf Number: 116185

Human Trafficking
Human Trafficking (Prevention)

Author: Johnson, Afrooz Kaviani

Title: Mind the Gaps: A Comparative Analysis of ASEAN Legal Responses to Child-Sex Tourism

Summary: This report summarizes relevant laws and policy instruments relating to child-sex tourism in the ten South East Asian Countries - Brunei Darussalam, Burma, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. It is intended to assist national action and enable regional comparisons to enhance the legal response to this crime.

Details: South Melbourne, AUS: Child Wise, 2009. 51p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2009

Country: Asia


Shelf Number: 116511

Child-Sex Tourism
Human Trafficking

Author: Sykiotou, Athanassia P.

Title: Trafficking in Human Beings: Internet Recruitment

Summary: This report presents the current methods used by human traffickers to recruit their victims via the Internet, and identifies legal, administrative and technical means used to combat this misuse.

Details: Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 2007. 145p.


Year: 2007

Country: International


Shelf Number: 119797

Human Trafficking
Internet Safety
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Bliss, Katherine E.

Title: Trafficking in the Mesoamerican Corridor: A Threat to Regional and Human Security

Summary: This report presents a summary of a one-day meeting intended to (1) raise awareness of the relationships among arms trafficking, drug trafficking, human trafficking, and wildlife trafficking in the Mesoamerican region; (2) identify similarities and differences in approaches to the organized movement of diverse illegal products in the region; (3) discuss the challenge and opportunities for promoting cooperation not just among law enforcement agencies but also among advocacy groups, technical agencies, and research entities; and (4) to articulate recommendations for enhanced cooperation in the future.

Details: Washington, DC: Center for Strategic and International Studies, 2009. 20p.

Source: A Report of the CSIS Americas Program

Year: 2009

Country: International


Shelf Number: 117625

Arms Trafficking
Drug Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Wildlife Trafficking

Author: International Centre for Migration Policy Development

Title: Guidelines for the Development of a Transnational Referral Mechanism for Trafficked Persons: South-Eastern Europe

Summary: These guidelines aim to be a practical tool for practitioners, in the form of five Standard Operating Procedures, a set of recommendations and practical measures for transnational referral of trafficked persons.

Details: Vienna: ICMPD, 2009. 133p.


Year: 2009

Country: International


Shelf Number: 117567

Human Trafficking

Author: Jonge, Boudewijn de

Title: Eurojust and Human Trafficking: The State of Affairs

Summary: This report assesses the current role of Eurojust in the fight against human trafficking and offers suggestions to further strengthen the support by Eurojust to Member States. First, the report presents an overview of the fight against human trafficking in the European Union, and then describes the current role of Eurojust in resolving the indicated problems.

Details: The Hague: Eurojust, 2005. 77p.


Year: 2005

Country: Europe

URL: http://polis.osce.org/library/f/3273/2219/EU-NLD-RPT-3273-EN-2219.pdf

Shelf Number: 118342

Human Trafficking

Author: International Labour Office

Title: Cambodia's "Beer Promotion Girls": Their Recruitment, Working Conditions and Vulnerabilities

Summary: This survey is part of a series of studies into recruitment practices and working conditions in the Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS) of children and young women in sectors vulnerable to human trafficking, and the associated and inherent sexual and labour exploitation. With the increasing sophistication of consumer marketing, the alcohol and beverage industries in Cambodia and other GMS countries have found new ways to advertise their competing products through the employment of beer promotion girls - attractive young women dressed in the colors and logos of their sponsors. This report take san in-depth look at both the personal and working lives of these young women.

Details: Geneva: ILO, 2006. 116p.

Source: The Mekong Challenge; Internet Resource

Year: 2006

Country: Cambodia


Shelf Number: 117642

Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Sharma, Bhavna

Title: Contemporary Forms of Slavery in Brazil

Summary: This report provides information and analysis in relation to slavery practices in Brazil, with a particular focus on forced labor in the Amazon, trafficking of people for the labor and sexual exploitation, and child domestic work.

Details: London: Anti-Slavery International, 2006. 17p.


Year: 2006

Country: Brazil


Shelf Number: 118365

Child Labor
Child Sexual Exploitation (Brazil)
Human Trafficking
Sexual Violence

Author: Kaye, Mike

Title: Contemporary Forms of Slavery in Paraguay

Summary: This report gives an overview and analysis of different slavery practices in Paraguay, including forced labor of indigenous people, trafficking in people, the commercial sexual exploitation of children, child domestic work and child soldiers.

Details: London: Anti-Slavery International, 2006. 25p.


Year: 2006

Country: Paraguay


Shelf Number: 118401

Child Prostitution
Child Sexual Exploitation (Paraguay)
Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Sex Trafficking

Author: Sharma, Bhavna

Title: Contemporary Forms of Slavery in Peru

Summary: This report provides information and analysis in relation to slavery practices in Peru, with a particular focus on forced labor in the Amazon, domestic work, trafficking of women and children for sexual exploitation, and children working in mines.

Details: London: Anti-Slavery International, 2006. 20p.


Year: 2006

Country: Peru


Shelf Number: 118403

Child Sexual Exploitation
Forced labor (Peru)
Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Kyckelhahn, Tracey

Title: Characteristics of Suspected Human Trafficking Incidents, 2007-08

Summary: The Human Trafficking Reporting System (HTRS) was developed in 2007 to collect data on alleged human trafficking incidents from state and local law enforcement agencies. This report presents data as of September 30, 2008 on incidents, suspects, and victim characteristics from 38 human trafficking task forces. Incident data include the number of suspects and victims, number of agencies involved in the incident, confirmation of incident as human trafficking, and type of lead agency. Victim data include demographic characteristics such as age, race, gender, and citizenship status. In addition to demographic characteristics, suspect data include available arrest, adjudication, and sentencing information. The report covers incidents reported by task forces from January 1, 2007, to September 30, 2008.

Details: Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2009. 16p.

Source: Special Report, January 2009

Year: 2009

Country: United States


Shelf Number: 118351

Crime Statistics
Human Trafficking

Author: Farley, Melissa

Title: Men Who Buy Sex: Who They Buy and What They Know

Summary: A sample of 103 men in London, England, who used trafficked and non-trafficked women in prostitution were asked about their experiences and awareness of the sex industry. Almost all (96%) bought sex indoors. Many reported that they were aware of pimping, trafficking and other coercive control over those in massage parlor, brothel, and escort prostitution. These men were frequently aware of the vulnerability and risk factors for entry into prostitution including childhood abuse, lack of alternative job choices, coercive control and homelessness. The men listed effective deterrents to buying sex which included time in prison, public exposure and being issued a Anti-Social Behaviour Order. They described their ambivalence about buying sex and their ambivalence about the nature of their relationships with women.

Details: London: EAVES; San Francisco: Prostitution Research & Education, 2009. 32p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2009

Country: United Kingdom


Shelf Number: 117575

Human Trafficking
Sex Offenses
Sex Trafficking
Sexual Violence

Author: Dottridge, Mike

Title: In Pursuit of Good Practice in Responses to Child Trafficking: Experiences from Latin America, Southeast Europe and Southeast Asia

Summary: Based on a set of seven criteria, this report assesses what constitutes 'good practice' in the context of a wide array of efforts to prevent child trafficking. These efforts range from the collection of evidence about patterns of human trafficking; the provision of information and advice to children, parents and communities; the development of local networks to protect children; activities to influence the media; activities to improve minimum standards to protect and assist child victims of trafficking; and the promotion of alliances to bring about change.

Details: Geneva: Terre des Hommes International Federation; The Hague: Stichting Terre des Hommes Netherlands, 2010. 52p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2010

Country: International


Shelf Number: 118586

Child Protection
Child Trafficking
Human Trafficking

Author: Kego, Walter

Title: Counteracting Transnational Organized Crime: Challenges and Countermeasures

Summary: According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, transnational organized crime is one of the major threats to human security, impeding the social, economic, political and cultural development of societies worldwide, and involved in trafficking in human beings, drugs and firearms, money laundering, etc. This report outlines the origins of transnational organized crime, describes how it manifests itself and identifies possible threats against societies. Money laundering is dealt with in some detail since it facilitates transnational crime activities and their expansion into the legal economy. The challenges posed by financial crime are identified and guidelines for its prevention are outlined. The EU strategy against transnational organized crimes is an example of how the common European model of crime prevention can be implemented elsewhere.

Details: Stockholm, Sweden: Institute for Security and Development Policy, 2010. 30p.

Source: Internet Resource; Stockholm Paper Series

Year: 2010

Country: International


Shelf Number: 118591

Drug Trafficking
Financial Crimes
Human Trafficking
Money Laundering
Organized Crime
Transnational Crime

Author: Surtees, Rebecca

Title: Anti-Trafficking Data Collection and Information Management in the European Union - a Handbook. The Situation in the Czech Republic, Poland, Portugal and the Slovak Republic

Summary: This handbook aims to present, discuss and test a model for two types of data collection: data about victims of trafficking and data about alleged/convicted perpetrators of trafficking. The handbook is intended as a practical tool and, thus, outlines not only how data can be collected from a methodological and legal perspective but, equally, what type of victims and trafficker/criminal justice information can be important to collect and analyse in efforts to combat human trafficking.

Details: Vienna: International Centre for Migration Policy Development, 2009. 164p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2009

Country: Europe


Shelf Number: 118729

Human Trafficking

Author: Jacomy, Severine

Title: Risks and Realities of Child Trafficking and Exploitation in Central Asia

Summary: This study explores three hypotheses regarding the issue of child trafficking in the Central Asia area: 1) More child trafficking occurs in Central Asia than is currently acknowledged; 2) Child trafficking is closely linked to other societal issues; and 3) Current systems fail to adequately prevent and respond to child trafficking.

Details: Geneva: UNICEF Regional Office for CEE/CIS, 2009. 97p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2009

Country: Asia


Shelf Number: 118669

Child Pornography
Child Prostitution
Child Sex Trafficking (Asia)
Child Trafficking
Human Trafficking

Author: Cameron, Sally

Title: Trafficking and Related Labour Exploitation in the ASEAN Region

Summary: In the ASEAN region, many thousands of people are trafficked from, through and to ASEAN countries each year. This report has synthesised key current English language research on trafficking in the ASEAN region as a means to provide a basic outline of human trafficking as it is currently understood. Country profiles present trafficking within an economic and labor migration context, as consideration of both is fundamental to understanding why anti-trafficking responses are so challenging and why they must be multi-dimentional.

Details: Utrecht, The Netherlands: International Council on Social Welfare, 2007. 273p.

Source: Internet Resource; ICSW Briefing Paper

Year: 2007

Country: Asia


Shelf Number: 118584

Human Trafficking
Labor Exploitation

Author: Turukanova, Elena

Title: ODIHR Anti-Trafficking Programme: Identification, Assistance and Protection of Victims of Trafficking in the Russian Federation (Focusing on the Moscow Region)

Summary: The OSCE/ODIHR, the human rights institution of the OSCE, focuses on the protection of international rights in responses to trafficking. In particular it has developed the concept of 'National Referral Mechanisms' (NRMs) a human-rights based approach to identifying and protecting trafficking victims, which places protection of trafficked persons rights' at the center of its concern. This review provides an overview of the steps already taken by Russia to implement its OSCE commitments on anti-trafficking, with particular consideration given to the measures it has taken to establish an NRM.

Details: Vienna: Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, Organisation for Security and Cooperation Europe, 2008. 53p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2008

Country: Russia


Shelf Number: 118710

Human Rights
Human Trafficking
Victims of Trafficking

Author: Cambodia. Provincial Department of Social Affairs, Labour, Vocational Training and Youth Rehabilitation

Title: Destination Thailand: A Cross-Labor Migration Survey in Banteay Meanchey Province, Cambodia

Summary: The main purpose of the labor migration survey was to provide insights and background information about the current situation and, as much as possible, provide some indication on the trafficking of children and women within the labor migration framework internally and across the border with Thailand. The data is meant to inform policy and program development on labor migration managment and trafficking prevention efforts at the local as well as at the subregional levels.

Details: Bangkok: International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour, International Labour Office Bangkok, 2005. 87p.

Source: Internet Resource; The Mekong Challenge

Year: 2005

Country: Cambodia


Shelf Number: 117671

Child Labor
Child Trafficking
Forced Labor
Human Trafficking

Author: ActionAid International Vietnam

Title: On the Trafficking of Vietnamese Women and Children. Synthesis Report of Three Research Studies: Cambodia, Taiwan (China), Vietnam.

Summary: This report consolidates three reports conducted under the coordination of ActionAid International Vietnam. The destinations included are Cambodia, Taiwan (China) and Vietnam. The reports are synthesized according to the four levels of inquiry agreed at the start of the research: (1) to learn about the situation of trafficked and migrant women and children at places of origin, (2) to learn about the situation at places of destination, (3) to assess the interventions available/not available to them, and (3) to make recommendations to ActionAid International Vietnam on future program interventions.

Details: Ha Noi, Vietnam: ActionAid International Vietnam, 2005. 68p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2005

Country: Asia


Shelf Number: 118690

Human Trafficking
Sex Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Carchedi, R.

Title: Trafficking of Nigerian Girls in Italy: The Data, The Stories, The Social Services

Summary: This publication examines the services and social protection interventions in favor of minor Nigerian girls who are victims of trafficking in Italy. The study highlights the particular aspects of trafficking from Nigeria, especially those related to minors, while examining the specific needs and characteristics of these services through a qualitative research approach. Using official data from the Department for Equal Opportunities on victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation, this study also provides an estimate of the phenomenon on the Nigerian target population.

Details: Rome: UNICRI, 2010. 109p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2010

Country: Italy


Shelf Number: 118696

Child Prostitution
Child Sexual Exploitation
Child Trafficking
Human Trafficking

Author: Hancilova, Blanka

Title: Legislation and the Situation Concerning Trafficking in Human Beings for the Purpose of Sexual Exploitation in EU Member States

Summary: This report explores how EU Member States' legislation and policies on trafficking in human beings for the purpose of sexual exploitation and other relevant areas such as prostitution, immigration and labor influence the situation concerning trafficking in human beings for the purpose of sexual exploitation. It provides the European Commission and the EU Member States with information on how to improve their future legal and programmatic actions in this area.

Details: Vienna: International Centre for Migration Policy Development, 2009. 286p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2009

Country: Europe


Shelf Number: 117790

Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Mahmoud, Toman Omar

Title: The Economic Drivers of Human Trafficking: Micro-Evidence from Five Eastern European Countires

Summary: Human trafficking is a humanitarian problem of global scale, but quantitative research on the issue barely exists. This paper is a first attempt to explore the economic drivers of human trafficking and migrant exploitation using micro data. The paper argues that migration pressure combined with informal migration patterns and incomplete information are the key determinants of human trafficking. To test this argument, the study uses a unique new dataset of 5513 households from Belarus, Bulgaria, Moldova, Romania and Ukraine. The main result is in line with expectations: migrant families in high migration areas and with larger migrant networks are much more likely to have a trafficked victim among their members. The results also indicate that illegal migration increases trafficking risks and that awareness campaigns and a reduction of information asymmetries might be an effective strategy to reduce the crime.

Details: Kiel, Germany: Kiel Institute for the World Economy, 2009. 24p.

Source: Internet Resource; Kiel Working Papers No. 1480

Year: 2009

Country: Europe


Shelf Number: 118686

Human Trafficking
Illegal Migration

Author: Poghosyan, G.

Title: Trafficking and Labour Exploitation of Armenian Migrants: A Sociological Survey

Summary: This survey assesses the level of awareness among different social groups in Armenian society about the phenomenon of trafficking in persons, to understand how widespread it is in Armenia and to establish which social groups are likely to become potential victims of trafficking.

Details: Yerevan: Armenian Sociological Association, 2005. 59p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2005

Country: Armenia


Shelf Number: 119153

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking

Author: Gaber, Milica Antic, ed.

Title: Violence in the EU Examined: Policies on Violence Against Women, Children and Youth in 2004 EU Accession Countries

Summary: This report presents the results of a 2-year project conducted by a research team of 10 partner organizations from 10 countries that accessed the EU in 2004. Papers in the report all address the issue of violence against women, children and youth from different theoretical perspectives and analyzed using different methodological approaches. Some of the issues discussed include : sexual harassment; trafficking in persons; sexual exploitation in prostitution and pornography; children as victims of violence in the family; mail-order brides; and labor exploitation.

Details: Ljubljana: University of Ljuljana, Faculty of Arts, 2009. 199p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2009

Country: Europe


Shelf Number: 118683

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Mail-Order Brides
Sexual Exploitation
Sexual Harassment
Violence Against Women

Author: Anti-Trafficking Monitoring Group

Title: Wrong Kind of Victim? One Year On: An Analysis of UK Measures to Protect Trafficked Persons

Summary: In December 2008 the U.K. ratified the Council of Europe Convention on Action Against Trafficking in Human Beings. The Convention came into force in the UK in April 2009. This report examines how the UK and its devolved administrations are meeting their obligations under the Convention. It found that the UK Government's anti-trafficking practice is not compliant with the Convention and, where it relates to children, is not compliant with other aspects of UK law or best practice.

Details: London: Anti-Slavery International, 2010. 153p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2010

Country: United Kingdom


Shelf Number: 119220

Child Trafficking
Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: IMAS, Inc.

Title: Women At-Risk in the Republic of Moldova: National Representative Survey

Summary: Two of the Republic of Modova's greatest human rights concerns today include domestic violence and trafficking in persons. With this in mind, between May and June of 2005, Winrock International, working in collaboration sith IMAS Inc., commenced a study in which face-to-face interviews were conducted among 1,030 women from between the ages of 16 and 35 throughout the country. One of the primary objectives of the study was to identify the profiles of women who are vulnerable to becoming victims of trafficking. At the same time, the study evaluates levels of domestic violence across a wide spectrum of the population and its inter-relationship with the phenomenon of trafficking.

Details: Chisenau, Republic of Moldova: IMAS Inc. and Winrock Interntational, 2005. 113p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2005

Country: Moldova


Shelf Number: 117705

Domestic Violence
Human Rights
Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Title: Combating Trafficking in Persons in Accordance with the Principles of Islamic Law

Summary: Given that the legal traditions and legal systems in many Muslim countries rely primarily on Islamic law, a study of Islamic legal provisions and traditions relating to trafficking in persons becomes important. An understanding of Islam's position on trafficking in persons and related acts and elements can provide important avenues for the development of a comprehensive approach to combating trafficking in persons in Muslim countries, one which draws on and is grounded in Islamic tradition, as well as in compliance with international law. The purpose of this publication is thus to analyse the Islamic legal tradition from the perspective of those sources, principles and provisions that may best be utilized in understanding, addressing and combating trafficking in persons.

Details: Vienna: UNODC, 2010. 62p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2010

Country: International


Shelf Number: 119206

Human Trafficking
Islamic Law

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Title: Migrant Smuggling by Air

Summary: This report presents the findings from an UNODC Expert Group Meeting in Vienna on 7 to 9 December 2009 aimed at increasing understanding of migrant smuggling by air, with the objective of better preventing and combating the phenomena. The Expert Group Meeting specifically aimed to gain a better understanding of: 1) the modus operandi of migrant smugglers who use air routes to commit their crimes; 2) good practice of law enforcement and other actors involved in responding to this problem; 3) what the gaps in knowledge of and response to this particular method of migrant smuggling are; and 4) how UNODC and other international actors can better assist states in strengthening capacities to prevent and combat the smuggling of migrants by air.

Details: Vienna: UNODC, 2010. 21p.

Source: Internet Resource; Issue Paper

Year: 2010

Country: International


Shelf Number: 119248

Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Juvenile Delinquency
Juvenile Offenders
Migrant Smuggling
Prevention, Juvenile Delinquency

Author: Dibb, Rebecca

Title: Substance Use and Health Related Needs of Migrant Sex Workers and Women Trafficked into Sexual Exploitation in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets and the City of London

Summary: This study aims to establish the incidence of trafficking of women and girls into sexual exploitation in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets and the City of London; and to identify the countries that they come from and the routes used to traffic them into the UK. The study seeks to identify and nature and extent of safety, substance use and health related needs of trafficked and migrant women working in the sex industry.

Details: London: The Salvation Army, Research and Development Unit, 2006. 114p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2006

Country: United Kingdom


Shelf Number: 119224

Health Care, Prostitutes
Human Trafficking
Sex Workers - Prostitutes
Sexual Exploitation
Substance Abuse

Author: Europol

Title: OCTA 2009: EU Organised Crime Threat Assessment

Summary: The 2009 OCTA assesses the threat of organized crime in the EU through the analysis of the organized groups, of the criminal markets, and of their interaction within and without territorial entities denominated as criminal hubs. Through this approach it finds that the most significant criminal sectors are drug trafficking, trafficking in human beings, illegal immigration, fraud, counterfeiting and money laundering.

Details: The Hague: European Police Office, 2009. 64p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2009

Country: International


Shelf Number: 119244

Human Trafficking
Illegal Immigration
Money Laundering
Organized Crime

Author: ECPAT International

Title: Upholding the Right of Children to Live Free from Commercial Sexual Exploitation: Interventions and Recommendations

Summary: The commercial sexual exploitation of children is a transnational issue that affects children across Asia and one that needs to be addressed in the regional and international context. A key requirement is well-coordinated, consistent and strong laws, within countries and across jurisdictions. Children are trafficked across borders and coerced into prostitution; child sex tourists travel to different locations to exploit children; and rapid growth in Internet use and other information and communication technologies allows child pornography to be distributed across borders. Many countries have inadequate legislation to address the problem. This report looks at the legal environment in the Asia Region and outlines the steps a country can take to fulfill its obligations towards children.

Details: Bangkok: ECPAT International, 2007. 61p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2007

Country: Asia


Shelf Number: 119250

Child Pornography
Child Prostitution
Child Sex Tourism
Child Trafficking
Children, Crimes Against
Human Trafficking
Sex Trafficking

Author: Stephen-Smith, Saray

Title: Routes In, Routes Out: Quantifying the Gendered Experience of Trafficking to the UK

Summary: In April 2004 the POPPY Project published ‘When Women Are Trafficked’. This report provided an outline of the experiences of 26 women trafficked into the UK and subsequently supported by the POPPY Project between March 2003 and March 2004 and was the first report of its kind to be published in the U.K. Since then, research based on case studies of trafficking victims has been lacking from discussions on how to tackle human trafficking in the UK, as identified in 2007 in the UK Action Plan on Tackling Human Trafficking. This report responds to this need for more detailed research data, providing valuable information about the types of experiences women trafficked into the UK had prior to, during and after escaping their trafficking situation.

Details: London: The POPPY Project, Eaves Housing for Women, 2008. 34p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2008

Country: United Kingdom


Shelf Number: 116473

Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Aung, Winston Set

Title: Illegal Heroes and Victimless Crimes: Informal Cross-border Migration frm Myanmar

Summary: This paper highlights the perception of those involved in the course of cross-border migration from Myanmar in each step they, intentionally or unintentionally, maintain the status of illegality. It also attempts to identify the implications of cross-border migration on migrants’ families and their community in the country of origin. Interviews and questionnaire surveys conducted in different projects in 2008 and 2009 in different places in Myanmar and neighboring countries, coupled with qualitative and quantitative analyses, attempt to enhance the reliability and representativeness of the findings in this paper.

Details: Stockholm: Institute for Security and Development Policy, 2009. 56p.

Source: Internet Resource; Asia Paper

Year: 2009

Country: Burma


Shelf Number: 118592

Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Illegal Aliens

Author: Smith, Linda A.

Title: The National Report on Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking: America's Prostituted Children

Summary: The National Report is the culmination of ten field assessments conducted in targeted locations in the United States, providing a comprehensive understanding of child sex trafficking across America. The report reveals the reality that American children are being recruited from our neighborhoods and sold on our streets. The report found misidentification of victims to be the primary barrier to properly addressing America's trafficked children. Consequently, this misidentification often leads to the criminalization of victims, barring them from receiving proper treatment and care. In fact, in nearly every location American child victims of sex trafficking are being arrested for the crime committed against them while their abusers walk free. In addition, the study found a severe lack of appropriate protective and therapeutic shelters. Finally, the National Report emphasizes that although buyers are critical in addressing the issue of child sex trafficking, buyers most often escape criminalization.

Details: Vancouver, WA: Shared Hope International, 2009. 75p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2009

Country: United States


Shelf Number: 117036

Child Prostitution
Child Sex Trafficking
Child Sexual Exploitation
Human Trafficking

Author: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe

Title: A Summary of Challenges on Addressing Human Trafficking for Labour Exploitation in the Agricultural Sector in the OSCE Region

Summary: This report provides an analysis of the current challenges within the agricultural sector, aiming to assist to identify the structural issues and deficits of this sector that case or exacerbates a worker's vulnerability. The research found that agricultural workers are especially vulnerable to abuse, exploitation, and trafficking. This overview analyses the international legal framework, the anti-trafficking standards of labour and in particular of migrant workers.

Details: Vienna: OSCE, 2009. 62p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2009

Country: Europe


Shelf Number: 119252

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Migrant Workers

Author: National Research Council

Title: Approaches to Reducing the Use of Forced or Child Labor

Summary: In response to provisions of the Trafficking Victims Protection and Reauthorization Act, the U.S. Department of Labor's Bureau of International Labor Affairs contracted with the National Research Council to organize a two-day workshop on a framework for assessing practices designed to reduce the use of child and forced labor in supply chains that produce goods imported into the United States. This report presents a summary of the workshop.

Details: Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2009. 131p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2009

Country: International


Shelf Number: 117600

Child Labor
Forced Labor
Human Trafficking

Author: Lam, Janice

Title: Opportunities and Obstacles: Ensuring Access to Compensation for Trafficked Persons in the UK

Summary: Although there has been an increase in the number of convictions for human trafficking in the UK, legal remedies and compensation for trafficked persons have remained inaccessible. This report identifies the legal remedies available to trafficked persons in England and Wales and analyses the effectiveness of each remedy viewed in light of its accessibility to trafficked persons.

Details: London: Anti-Slavery International, 2008. 51p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2008

Country: United Kingdom


Shelf Number: 119276

Human Trafficking
Victim Compensation

Author: Martynowicz, Agnieszke

Title: The Nature and Extent of Human Trafficking in Northern Ireland: A Scoping Study

Summary: This scoping study examines the nature and extent of human trafficking in Northern Ireland. The purpose of the study was to “increase the knowledge of the commissioning organisations about trafficking and identify the appropriate steps that might be taken to respond to this issueâ€.

Details: Belfast: Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission; Equality Commission for Northern Ireland, 2009. 102p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2009

Country: United Kingdom


Shelf Number: 119391

Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: South African Law Reform Commission

Title: Report on Trafficking in Persons

Summary: This report addresses three main aspects regarding trafficking in persons in South Africa: the prevention of trafficking in persons; the prosecution of traffickers and other role-players; and the protection of victims of trafficking. The report includes a series of recommendations to address these three issues.

Details: Pretoria, South Africa: South African Law Reform Commission, 2008. 167p.

Source: Internet Resource; Project 131

Year: 2008

Country: South Africa


Shelf Number: 119122

Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Title: The Globalization of Crime: A Transnational Organized Crime Threat Assessment

Summary: "In The Globalization of Crime: A Transnational Organized Crime Threat Assessment, UNODC analyses a range of key transnational crime threats, including human trafficking, migrant smuggling, the illicit heroin and cocaine trades, cybercrime, maritime piracy and trafficking in environmental resources, firearms and counterfeit goods. The report also examines a number of cases where transnational organized crime and instability amplify each other to create vicious circles in which countries or even subregions may become locked. Thus, the report offers a striking view of the global dimensions of organized crime today."

Details: Vienna: UNODC, 2010. 303p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2010

Country: International


Shelf Number: 119407

Human Trafficking
Maritime Crime
Migrant Smuggling
Organized Crime
Transnational Crime

Author: Rusu, Viorelia

Title: Overview of the Child Trafficking Phenomenon in the Republic of Moldova

Summary: The present study represents an attempt to present qualitative, as well as some quantitative characteristics of the child trafficking phenomenon in the Republic of Moldova. The study report includes information about the average portrait of a victim of child trafficking, factors that increase child vulnerability to involvement into child trafficking situations, main characteristic features or elements of a child trafficking crime identified — peculiarities of recruitment, transportation, forms of exploitation and criminal methods of influence/control used against children. In the study report, existing models of child trafficking are presented both at the transnational level where children-citizens of the Republic of Moldova. become subjects of exploitation in other countries, and child trafficking inside of the country. Besides, the report reflects some new trends in the evolution of the child trafficking phenomenon, and gives an analysis of its relation to the phenomenon of child sex-tourism that emerged recently in Moldova.

Details: Chisinau, Moldova: International Center for Women Rights Protection and Promotion "La Strada", 2010. 71p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2010

Country: Moldova


Shelf Number: 119424

Child Exploitation
Child Prostitution
Child Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Sex Tourism
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Pierce, Alexandra

Title: Shattered Hearts: The Commercial Sexual Exploitation of American Indian Women and Girls in Minnesota

Summary: This report examines the issue of commercial sexual exploitation of American Indian women and girls in Minnesota, including but not limited to sex trafficking.

Details: Minneapolis, MN: Minnesota Indian Women's Resource Center, 2009. 127p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2009

Country: United States


Shelf Number: 117316

Child Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Indian Women and Girls
Native Americans
Sexual Abuse Victims
Sexual Violence (Minnesota)

Author: International Labour Office

Title: Combating Trafficking in Children for Labour Exploitation: A Resource Kit for Policy-Makers and Practitioners

Summary: This resource kit presents a series of booklets designed to enable policy-makers and practitioners to design, implement and improve policy and programming to fight child trafficking. The resource kit is composed of five independent, but interrelated books that each cover a particular set of themes: Book 1 is designed to help users to understand human trafficking, particularly trafficking that involves children (people under the age of 18 years); Book 2 is about acquiring knowledge prior to designing responses to child trafficking; Book 3 is about building a legal and policy framework within which to address trafficking, and also pays attention to mobilization and building of partnerships; Book 4 is about the actual remedial action to address child trafficking and provides insight into the initiatives that have been and can be taken to prevent such trafficking, protect children from becoming victims of trafficking, respond where trafficking exists and provide support and services to those who have been trafficked; Book 5 is about effective processes that may contribute to effective remedial action, and highlights amongst others the value of child participation, monitoring and documentation of learning.

Details: Geneva: ILO, 2008. 222p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2008

Country: International


Shelf Number: 117315

Child Labor
Child Trafficking
Children, Crimes Against
Human Trafficking

Author: Zhang, Sheldon

Title: Why Sex Trafficking Is Constrained and Limited: A Conceptual Explanation

Summary: Using findings from a recently completed study in Tijuana, Mexico, this paper presents a descriptive analysis of the circumstances of 220 sex workers who were working in the city’s sex industry. Based on the patterns uncovered from these women’s narratives, the paper proposes a conceptual paradigm that challenges the sensational claims made by many international agencies and social advocacy groups about the widespread problem of sex trafficking activities in Latin America. The intent of this paper was not to question the existence of sex trafficking, but to understand the experiences of those who were closest to this illicit enterprise, so that effective counter-trafficking strategies can be planned and implemented.

Details: Santiago, Chile: Global Consortium on Security Transformation, 2010. 22p.

Source: Internet Resource; Working Paper Series, no. 5

Year: 2010

Country: Mexico


Shelf Number: 119446

Human Trafficking
Sex Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Velkoska, Violeta

Title: Criminal Justice Responses to Organized Crime

Summary: This survey represents a systematized collection of data at the national leval about the majority of cases related to the criminal offences of trafficking in human beings, mediation in prostitution, and smuggling of migrants, as well as other forms of organized crime, which are tried before the basic courts in Macedonia.

Details: Skopje, Macedonia: Coalition "All for Fair Trials", 2007. 103p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2007

Country: Macedonia


Shelf Number: 119454

Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime (Macedonia)
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Victoria. Parliament. Drugs and cRime Prevention Committee

Title: Inquiry Into People Trafficking for Sex Work: Final Report

Summary: This study reports on the prevalence of women trafficked to Australia for sexual purposes. It is an attempt to make the Melbourne community aware of this crime and to institute a better regime to protect these vulnerable women. The report recommends that a special unit be set up in the Department of Justice to work in the sex industry area and particularly with trafficked women.

Details: Melbourne: Government Printer for State of Victoria, 2010. 257p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2010

Country: Australia


Shelf Number: 119533

Human Trafficking
Sex Trafficking
Sex Workers
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Velkoska, Violeta

Title: Combating Trafficking in Human Beings Through the Practice of the Domestic Courts

Summary: The lack of thorough empirical analysis of the situation in the Republic of Macedonia regarding the issue of the state’s success in tackling the phenomenon of trafficking in human beings within the institutions responsible for its prosecution and suppression is a motive for developing the report “Suppression of Trafficking in Human Beings through the practise of the domestic of the domestic courts†of the Coalition “All For Fair Trialâ€. The research encompassed within the Report, for most of the cases in relation to the criminal offences of “Trafficking in Human Beingsâ€, “Mediation in Prostitution†and “Smuggling of Migrants†tried before basic courts in Macedonia, is the first systemized data collection on a national level.

Details: Skopje, Macedonia: Coalition "All for Fair Trials", 2005. 91p.

Source: Internet Resource; Accessed August 8, 2010 at http://www.osce.org/documents/mms/2005/12/17412_en.pdf

Year: 2005

Country: Macedonia

URL: http://www.osce.org/documents/mms/2005/12/17412_en.pdf

Shelf Number: 110878

Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation
Smuggling of Migrants

Author: United Nations Children's Fund, Innocenti Research Centre

Title: South Asia in Action: Preventing and Responding to Child Trafficking: Analysis of Anti-Trafficking Initiatives in the Region

Summary: This report presents an analysis of anti-trafficking initiatives related to children in the South Asian countries of Afghanistan, Bangaladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. South Asian children continue to be trafficked for multiple forms of sexual exploitation – including prostitution, sex tourism, child pornography, paedophilia - and labour exploitation in agriculture, factories, domestic servitude and begging, forced marriage, adoption, military recruitment and debt release. The report includes several examples of laws and policies that could be enacted to prevent children from being trafficked and to protect children once they have been trafficked.

Details: Florence, Italy: UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre, 2009. 70p.

Source: Internet Resource; Accessed August 8, 2010 at http://www.unicef-irc.org/publications/pdf/ii_ct_southasia_analysis.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: Asia

URL: http://www.unicef-irc.org/publications/pdf/ii_ct_southasia_analysis.pdf

Shelf Number: 117638

Child Labor
Child Pornography
Child Prostitution
Child Trafficking
Forced Marriage
Human Trafficking
Sex Tourism

Author: Human Rights Foundation of Monland. Women and Child Rights Project (WCRP)

Title: Nowhere Else to Go: An Examination of Sexual Trafficking and Related Human Rights Abuses in Southern Burma

Summary: "This report documents sexual trafficking and human rights abuses committed against Burmese women and children from 19 Townships in Mon State, Karen State, Tenasserim Division, Pegu Division, Rangoon Division and Mandalay Division. From 2004 to July 2009 the (Mon) Woman and Child Rights Project (WCRP)—Southern Burma documentation program compiled 40 separate incidents totaling 71 victims. This number represents only a small percentage of the instances of sexual trafficking from Burma to Thailand and other bordering nations, though the case studies of this report provide an important lens through which to view the present-day situation. Sexual trafficking and related human rights abuses are pervasive and arguably growing problems systematized by a harsh economic reality under the military rule of the State Peace and Development Council (SPDC). Whereas the illegitimate junta has become a signatory of anti-trafficking protocols from the United Nations and founded internal regulatory committees to deal with such issues, the last decade has seen flagrant corruption along the border of Burma and Thailand. Government-organized NGOs dedicated to defending the rights’ of its people serve more as roadblocks than as catalysts for social advancement and equitable access to state resources. Facing a broken educational system most likely to betray them, women and girls inside Burma are left with few employable skills and must seek money in any way they can. A reeling marketplace stunted by the government’s economic mismanagement, increased militarization in rural and especially border areas, and the ear-ringing echoes of Cyclone Nargis and price fluctuations from a global economic downturn leave the women of the mainly-agrarian regions of Southern Burma with a glaring ultimatum: migrate or starve. The draw of being able to send money back to their home country in the form of remittances often cannot be tempered even by stories of corrupt traffickers, arrests, or dangerous and abusive living conditions upon arrival. Most of the incidents detailed in this report point to violent sexual abuses that took place during the trafficking process or upon arrival in Thailand, Malaysia, and other destinations. The interview subjects often narrate the types of factory and domestic jobs they were promised to contrast the illegal sex work and other exploitive labor they were forced to perform."

Details: Burma: Human Rights Foundation of Monland, 2009. 92p.

Source: Internet Resource; Accessed August 13, 2010 at: http://rehmonnya.org/data/nowhereelsetogo.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: Burma

URL: http://rehmonnya.org/data/nowhereelsetogo.pdf

Shelf Number: 117670

Human Rights
Human Trafficking
Sex Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Farrell, Amy

Title: Understanding and Improving Law Enforcement Responses to Human Trafficking: Final Report

Summary: Though recognition of the importance and severity of human trafficking has grown in recent years, the identification and investigation of human trafficking cases remains a complex undertaking for local law enforcement. Effectively responding to human trafficking requires officers to notice and identify victims who often have been hidden from or had poor relationships with law enforcement in the past (e.g., women in prostitution, migrants, immigrant community member, and poor women). Sometimes officers may be reluctant to intervene in sex and labor trafficking situations due to a belief that victims were complicit with their own victimization. Local law enforcement response is further complicated by immigration issues since many local agencies have made a decision to not inquire about citizen status during routine policing activities as a means of building trust and confidence in the local community. Additionally, the crime of human trafficking may take backseat to other institutional priorities such as violence and drugs. Finally, officers must look at old problems or traditional crime categories such as prostitution through a different lens and therefore reclassify ‚offenders‛ such as prostitutes as victims. Since the enforcement of the law in the United States is predominately carried out by the thousands of local, county and state agencies representing diverse environments and local crime problems and coming from a variety of different organizational structures, fully understanding how law enforcement perceives and responds to the problem of human trafficking in the United States necessitates inquiry into the specific experiences of these agencies. The majority of research on law enforcement responses to human trafficking to date has focused on the experiences of a narrow number of large municipal police departments who were perceived to be most likely to come into contact with incidents of human trafficking. While this research has provided an important starting point for understanding the challenges law enforcement agencies encounter in the identification and investigation of human trafficking, it represents only the experiences of a limited number of large agencies. On the other hand, the research presented here documents in a systematic fashion, the present response of local, state and county law enforcement to human trafficking in the U.S. It provides the first description of the steps taken by local law enforcement to identify human trafficking. Additionally, it will shed light on the impact of law enforcement efforts by measuring how often identification of trafficking victims leads to their rescue and the prosecution of trafficking perpetrators. Ultimately, this research will prove instrumental in providing local law enforcement in the U.S. with the necessary tools to successfully identify, investigate and aid in the prosecution of cases of human trafficking. The project addresses four main areas: 1) the perceptions of trafficking held by law enforcement and the preparation agencies have taken to address the problem; 2) the frequency in which law enforcement identifies and investigates cases of human trafficking and 3) the characteristics of those cases investigated by law enforcement and 4) the investigation and prosecution of human trafficking cases.

Details: Boston, MA: Northeastern University, Institute on Race and Justice, 2008. 256p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 19, 2010 at: http://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/222752.pdf

Year: 2008

Country: United States

URL: http://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/222752.pdf

Shelf Number: 110845

Human Trafficking
Organized Crime
Police Investigations
Sexual Exploitation

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Title: An Introduction to Human Trafficking: Vulnerability, Impact and Action

Summary: This document presents three background papers presented to the Vienna Forum to Fight Human Trafficking, held in the Austrian capital from 13 to 15 February 2008. The aims of the Forum were to raise awareness of all forms of trafficking, to facilitate cooperation and partnerships among participants, to take stock of progress made and to set the directions for follow-up measures to prevent and counter human trafficking. The Vienna Forum was organized around three central themes, which reflect the key issues that need to be addressed in a comprehensive anti-trafficking strategy: Why does human trafficking occur? What are the consequences? What measures might be taken in response?

Details: New York: UNODC, 2008. 140p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 22, 2010 at: http://www.unodc.org/documents/human-trafficking/Marika-Misc/An%20Introduction%20to%20Human%20Trafficking%20-%20Vulnerablity,%20Impact%20and%20Action.pdf

Year: 2008

Country: International

URL: http://www.unodc.org/documents/human-trafficking/Marika-Misc/An%20Introduction%20to%20Human%20Trafficking%20-%20Vulnerablity,%20Impact%20and%20Action.pdf

Shelf Number: 110896

Human Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: Vogel, Augustus

Title: Navies versus Coast Guards: Defining the Roles of African Maritime Security Forces

Summary: Piracy, illegal fishing, and narcotics and human trafficking are growing rapidly in Africa and represent an increasingly central component of the threat matrix facing the continent. However, African states’ maritime security structures are often misaligned with the challenges posed and need coast guard capabilities and an array of intra-governmental partnerships.

Details: Washington, DC: Africa Center for Strategic Studies, 2009. 6p

Source: Internet Resource: Africa Security Brief, No. 2: Accessed August 30, 2010 at: http://africacenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/AfricaBrief_2.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: Africa

URL: http://africacenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/AfricaBrief_2.pdf

Shelf Number: 119708

Drug Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Illegal Fishing
Maritime Crime
Maritime Security

Author: Ozkan, Cemal

Title: Combating Human Trafficking: The Swedish Experience

Summary: Human trafficking implies transnational transportation of people for purposes such as prostitution, slavery, begging or committing crimes on behalf of others. In Europe, trafficking has become an increasing problem over the last two decades because of ever more porous borders and the European integration, which has created a flexible milieu for organized criminals seeking to capitalize on the demand for purchasing sex.

Details: Stockholm: Institute for Security & Development Policy, 2010. 3p.

Source: Internet Resource: ISDP Policy Brief, No. 25: Accessed September 2, 2010 at: http://www.isdp.eu/images/stories/isdp-main-pdf/2010_ozkan_combating-human-trafficking.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Sweden

URL: http://www.isdp.eu/images/stories/isdp-main-pdf/2010_ozkan_combating-human-trafficking.pdf

Shelf Number: 119725

Border Control
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: Gillmore, Edward

Title: The Expansion in the EU of Baltic Organized Criminal Groups

Summary: Two recent reports have highlighted the expansion into the EU of organized criminal groups trafficking drugs, human beings and arms. The reports analyze the structural and functional features of these groups as well as the economic mechanisms supporting their activities.

Details: Stockholm: Institute for Security & Development Policy, 2010. 3p.

Source: Internet Resource: ISDP Policy Brief, No. 24: Accessed September 2, 2010 at: http://www.isdp.eu/images/stories/isdp-main-pdf/2010_gillmore_the-expansion-in-the-eu.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.isdp.eu/images/stories/isdp-main-pdf/2010_gillmore_the-expansion-in-the-eu.pdf

Shelf Number: 119727

Drug Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime
Transnational Crime

Author: Tyldum, Guri

Title: Someone Who Cares: A Study of Vulnerability and Risk of Marriage Migration from Russia and Thailand to Norway

Summary: This report describes opportunities and challenges for women who come to Norway from Thailand and Russia through marriage. The main emphasis is on ways into, as well as ways out of, transnational marriage. The report takes up topics such as motivation and expectations among those seeking transnational marriage, opportunities for marriage migration through networks and tourism, the role of international marriage agencies, consequences of divorce, the (lack of) willingness to return to country of origin and the women’s opportunities for starting a life on their own in Norway. The report describes the economic, legal and discursive frameworks that the women have to relate to, and how this in combination with the women’s personal resources for some can combine to create particular vulnerabilities and room for exploitation. In light of this the authors also discuss how exploitation of marriage migrants could raise the need for prosecution and protection within the human trafficking framework.

Details: Oslo: Fafo, 2008. 142p.

Source: Internet Resource: Fafo-report 2008:26; Accessed September 2, 2010 at: http://www.fafo.no/pub/rapp/20068/20068.pdf

Year: 2008

Country: Norway

URL: http://www.fafo.no/pub/rapp/20068/20068.pdf

Shelf Number: 119733

Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Bouteillet-Paquet, Daphne

Title: Smuggling of Migrants: A Global Review and Annotated Bibliography of Recent Publications

Summary: The purpose of this thematic review is to survey existing sources and research papers on migrant smuggling and to provide a gap analysis of existing knowledge from a global perspective. Indeed, despite the fact that migrant smuggling has attracted great media and political attention over the last two decades, there has not been any comprehensive analysis of the state of expert knowledge. Great confusion still prevails about what is migrant smuggling within the global context of irregular migration. Smuggling of migrants is a crime defined under international law as “the procurement, in order to obtain, directly or indirectly, a financial or other material benefit, of the illegal entry of a person into a State of which the person is not a national or a permanent residentâ€, according to the definition of Article 3 (1) of the Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air – commonly referred to as the Migrant Smuggling Protocol – supplementing the United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime. In order to comply with the Migrant Smuggling Protocol, Article 6 also requires States to criminalize both smuggling of migrants and enabling of a person to remain in a country illegally in order to obtain, directly or indirectly, a financial or other material benefit as well as aggravating circumstances that endanger lives or safety, or entail inhuman or degrading treatment of migrants. By virtue of Article 5, migrants shall not become liable to criminal prosecution for the fact of having been smuggled under the Migrant Smuggling Protocol. It is therefore to be understood that the Migrant Smuggling Protocol aims to target migrant smugglers, not the people being smuggled. While most researchers refer to the Migrant Smuggling Protocol, some authors have developed a broader definition referring to the sociological characteristics of migrant smuggling. According to Van Liempt, a broader definition is necessary in order to properly reflect the changing character of intermediary structures in international migration processes and to shed a light on the possible criminal character of smuggling. From a sociological perspective, migrant smuggling may then include every act lying on a continuum between altruism and organized crime. Doomernik defines migrant smuggling as “every act whereby an immigrant is assisted in crossing international borders whereby this crossing is not endorsed by the government of the receiving state, neither implicitly nor explicitlyâ€. To the extent that the literature available making a distinction to be made, the issues of “irregular migration†and “trafficking in persons†are deliberately not covered per se by this thematic review, despite the fact that these phenomena are closely connected with migrant smuggling in practice. The overall objective of the report is to enhance the concrete understanding of this phenomenon by looking at the following issues: - Chapter 2 will look at legal definitions of closely connected issues and the conceptualization of migrant smuggling; - Chapter 3 will look at the methodology currently applied for researching migrant smuggling; - Chapter 4 will discuss the strengths and limitations of the methods used to quantify irregular migration and migrant smuggling. It will also consider the current state of knowledge – or lack thereof – regarding smuggling trends, geography and organization of travel in different regions; - Chapter 5 will include a discussion about the motivations (root causes) and profile of smuggled migrants; - Chapter 6 will discuss the profile of migrant smugglers and motivations; - Chapter 7 will analyse smuggler-migrant relationships; - Chapter 8 will discuss the organizational structures of smuggling networks in different regions of the world; - Concrete recruitment processes and fees are discussed in chapter 9. The different methods to smuggle (basic transfer services versus all-inclusive service with travel visa smuggling, forged documents) but also the role of corruption as a cause and consequence of migrant smuggling will be considered; - Chapter 10 will be devoted to the human and social costs of migrant smuggling. The research is based on literature available in English and French language, such as journalistic books, reports and academic articles. Research reports published by international organizations and NGOs were also considered. Neither the annotated bibliography, nor the thematic review pretends to be comprehensive. Rather, they are conceived as a summary of existing knowledge and identified gaps based on the most recent and relevant research available.

Details: Vienna: UNODC, 2010. 163p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 3, 2010 at: http://www.unodc.org/documents/human-trafficking/Marian/Smuggling_of_Migrants_A_Global_Review.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: International

URL: http://www.unodc.org/documents/human-trafficking/Marian/Smuggling_of_Migrants_A_Global_Review.pdf

Shelf Number: 119735

Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Illegal Aliens
Organized Crime

Author: Zimic, Simona Zavratnik, ed.

Title: Women and Trafficking

Summary: The book gathers proceedings of an international seminar titled Women in Migration and Vulnerability for Trafficking in Human Beings, organized by the East East Cooperation Center at the Peace Institute, Ljubljana, taking place 11–12 June 2004 in Piran, Slovenia. The fifteen papers presented and carefully debated at the seminar cover a variety interdisciplinary encounters and experiences with trafficking in women, among them an historical overview, debates over human rights approaches, an analysis of media reporting, and innovative recommendations for recasting the issue. The book includes a series of case studies covering experiences in field work, legislation in different countries.

Details: Ljubljana, Slovenia: Peace Institute, 2004. 180p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 7, 2010 at: http://www2.arnes.si/~ljmiri1s/eng_html/publications/pdf/MI_politike_symposion_women_and.pdf

Year: 2004

Country: Europe

URL: http://www2.arnes.si/~ljmiri1s/eng_html/publications/pdf/MI_politike_symposion_women_and.pdf

Shelf Number: 119242

Human Rights
Human Trafficking
Sex Trafficking

Author: Allais, Carol

Title: Tsireledzani: Understanding the Dimensions of Human Trafficking in Southern Africa

Summary: This report provides the first comprehensive assessment of human trafficking in South Africa. This research study was conducted by the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) on behalf of the ‘Programme of Assistance to the South African Government to Prevent, React to Human Trafficking and Provide Support to Victims of Crime’. The programme of assistance forms part of South Africa’s National Strategy to Combat Human Trafficking through prevention, response and support for victims, known as TSIRELEDZANI. The programme of assistance is being implemented by the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) and is co-funded by the South African Government and the European Union (EU). The overall objective of South Africa’s National Strategy on Human Trafficking is to ensure full compliance with the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children (hereafter, ‘Palermo Protocol’), which supplements the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised Crime. Compliance includes developing comprehensive legislation underpinned by a victim-centred empowerment approach, taking full account of the Victim’s Charter1 as well as relevant South African legislation. The specific purposes of the Tsireledzani Programme are to: (a) contribute to compliance with the Palermo Protocol requirements, (b) increase capacity to deal with trafficking, and (c) enhance inter-sectoral coordination and cooperation. Tsireledzani is being implemented by the Sexual Offences and Community Affairs (SOCA) Unit of the NPA over a three-year period (2008-2010). The present study addresses Result 1 of the programme of assistance to the South African government: DEEPENED KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING OF TRAFFICKING, and presents findings on human trafficking in South Africa obtained from research undertaken from December 2008 to March 2010. The objectives of the study were to: 1. Identify trafficking trends in order to develop appropriate responses; 2. Identify national legislative measures, policy frameworks and women’s and children’s rights instruments; 3. Analyse counter-trafficking responses regarding human trafficking in the SADC region and other countries with comparative features; 4. Identify the profile of the victims and characteristics and motives of the agents in human trafficking; 5. Identify the purposes for human trafficking and the key driving factors; 6. Identify socio-economic aspects of the demand and cultural values and practices influencing human trafficking; 7. Identify the interrelation between human trafficking and migration relation issues in the context of globalization; 8. Identify the linkage between organised crime networks and corruption, and human trafficking; 9. Identify indicators for a national Trafficking Information Management System ; 10. Make recommendations on the outcome of the above results.

Details: Pretoria: National Prosecuting Authority of South Africa, 2010. 206p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 8, 2010 at: http://www.hsrc.ac.za/Document-3562.phtml

Year: 2010

Country: South Africa

URL: http://www.hsrc.ac.za/Document-3562.phtml

Shelf Number: 119766

Child Prostitution
Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Illegal Trade
Organized Crime
Wildlife Conservation
Wildlife Crime (Asia-Pacific)
Wildlife Smuggling

Author: Joseph, Victor

Title: Stolen Lives: Dignity, Forgiveness, Hope, and Future-Mindedness for Victims of Sex Trafficking in India

Summary: Trafficking is a particularly pernicious and vicious assault on individual dignity. How do the victims deal with the shame of what has happened to them? How do they forgive, if it is even deemed possible to forgive, those who have trampled on their dignity, and how is it possible for the victims to forgive themselves? How do the victims recover or establish a sense of control of their own lives and destinies? How do they regain hope and belief in the future? What if they had almost no sense of control in the first place? The focus of this study is on seeking to provide the beginnings of some answers to those all important questions. The report focuses on trafficked victims between the ages of 14 and 22 who were sold into brothels in India.

Details: West Conshohocken, PA: John Templeton Foundation, 2010. 80p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 10, 2010 at: http://www.templeton.org/sites/default/files/TraffickingReport_Final.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: India

URL: http://www.templeton.org/sites/default/files/TraffickingReport_Final.pdf

Shelf Number: 119776

Child Prostitution
Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Planitzer, Julia

Title: Guiding Principles on Memoranda of Understanding Between Key Stakeholders and Law Enforcement Agencies on Counter-Trafficking Cooperation

Summary: One of the main objectives of the United Nations Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking (UN.GIFT) is to prosecute the perpetrators involved in trafficking in human beings while protecting the rights and well-being of trafficked persons. In order to achieve this goal, effective formalized cooperation between a broad range of stakeholders, such as law enforcement agencies and specialized service providers, is essential. Cooperation between similar agencies and intraagency cooperation is also essential. Fostering cooperation between law enforcement agencies and other stakeholders in fighting human trafficking has been a major component of the comprehensive approach taken by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) towards combating trafficking in human beings, particularly, the building of operational and institutional links between specialized service providers, labour inspectors and other law enforcement agencies. IOM’s experience has demonstrated that personal relationships based on trust often play the most important role in enabling effective and open cooperation between different institutions and law enforcement agencies. While informal cooperation has often brought success, it is hazardous in the absence of clear protocols for cooperation, and does not contribute to the longer term goal of establishing multi-stakeholder systems and structures. Formalized cooperation, such as Memoranda of Understanding (MoU), clearly identifies the driving principles of such cooperation, and contributes to the building of mutual trust and the development of a common understanding on the objectives and policies of the different parties.

Details: Vienna: International Organization for Migration, 2009. 127p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 10, 2010 at: http://www.ungift.org/docs/ungift/pdf/humantrafficking/Guiding_Principles_annexe.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: International

URL: http://www.ungift.org/docs/ungift/pdf/humantrafficking/Guiding_Principles_annexe.pdf

Shelf Number: 119782

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking

Author: Clawson, Heather J.

Title: Prosecuting Human Trafficking Cases: Lessons Learned and Promising Practices

Summary: Human trafficking involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to exploit a person for profit. Trafficking victims are subjected to sexual exploitation, forced labor, or both. Labor exploitation includes slavery, forced labor, and debt bondage, while sexual exploitation typically includes abuse within the commercial sex industry. While human trafficking is a crime that is prohibited by state, federal, and international law, estimates of the magnitude of the problem are alarming. This study examines the existing U.S. Federal and State legislation in providing prosecutors with the tools needed to gain convictions of those charged with human trafficking, defined as “the use of force, fraud, or coercion to exploit a person for profit.†The findings suggest that once human trafficking prosecutions have begun, guilty verdicts are likely.

Details: Fairfax, VA: ICF International, 2008. 94p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 13, 2010 at: http://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/223972.pdf

Year: 2008

Country: United States

URL: http://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/223972.pdf

Shelf Number: 113031

Human Trafficking

Author: Jackson, Keith

Title: Setting the Record: The Trafficking of Migrant Women in the England and Wales Off-Street Prostitution Sector

Summary: Project Acumen is a wide-ranging study aimed at improving our understanding of the nature and scale of the trafficking of migrant women for sexual exploitation so it can be tackled more effectively. Led by the Regional Intelligence Unit for the South West, the project sought to measure the extent of trafficking in England and Wales and provide a more nuanced picture of the trafficking landscape. It highlights the sometimes complex circumstances of trafficked women and the varied techniques used by traffickers to influence, control and exploit them. The estimate of trafficking is built up from an examination of the off-street prostitution sector in seven regions, which has then been generalised to represent England and Wales as a whole. The project calculated the number of businesses operating in the sector, and then converted this into the number of women involved in prostitution (allowing for differences in size between businesses). The project has estimated the sector consists of 6,000 businesses and 30,000 women involved in prostitution. 17,000 of these women are migrants, and these were the focus of further analysis. To assess the extent of trafficking, detailed information was gathered from a sample of migrant women involved in prostitution. This was done using a systematic methodology drawn from an internationally recognised process drawing on the International Labour Organisation’s operational indicators of trafficking system and adhering to the United Nations definition of human trafficking (which is also used by the Government). This definition requires three components: the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons by certain defined means for the purpose of exploitation. The research included specially trained police officers conducting interviews with a sample of over 200 women involved in prostitution to determine each woman’s individual circumstances. The results and findings were considered in consultation with experts from law enforcement, support services and academia; this rigorous approach was intended to ensure that the estimate is as reliable as possible. The analysis suggests that of the 17,000 migrant women involved in prostitution in the off-street sector: • 2,600 are trafficked. These are highly vulnerable people. Although most are not subject to violence themselves, many are debt-bonded and strictly controlled through threats of violence to family members. 1,300 of these women are from China, and most of the rest are from South East Asia (primarily Thailand) and Eastern Europe. • 9,ô€®00 are considered to be vulnerable. Although they have elements of vulnerability to trafficking, most are likely to fall short of the trafficking threshold. There may be cultural or financial factors which prevent them from exiting prostitution (or seeking help to do so) but they tend to have day to day control over their activities, and although they may have large debts they generally do not consider themselves to be debt-bonded. The majority of women in this category are from Eastern Europe (4,100), followed by those from China and South East Asia (3,700). The remaining women are from South America and Africa. • 5,500 do not meet the ‘trafficked’ or ‘vulnerable’ thresholds. These women were aware before leaving their home country that they would likely become involved in prostitution, live and work largely independently of third party influence, keep a significant proportion of the money they earn and are not subject to debt-bondage or threats of violence. 85 per cent of migrants in this category are from Eastern Europe, and there are relatively few barriers preventing them from existing prostitution and returning to their countries of origin. The report also finds that significant regional differences exist. For example, in London 96.4 per cent of women involved in prostitution are migrants, compared with only 31.5 per cent in Yorkshire and the Humber.

Details: London: Association of Chief Police Officers, Regional Intelligence Unit for the South West, 2010. 58p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 14, 2010 at: http://www.acpo.police.uk/asp/policies/Data/Setting%20the%20Record%20(Project%20ACUMEN)%20Aug%202010.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.acpo.police.uk/asp/policies/Data/Setting%20the%20Record%20(Project%20ACUMEN)%20Aug%202010.pdf

Shelf Number: 119794

Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Canada. Royal Canadian Mounted Police Criminal Intelligence

Title: Human Trafficking in Canada

Summary: Project SECLUSION was prepared for the Immigration and Passport Branch as a national overview of human trafficking activities in an effort to identify the extent of organized crime involvement, transnational associations, source countries, as well as issues and challenges faced by law enforcement. This report also serves as a preliminary baseline of human trafficking activities affecting Canada in both the transnational and domestic perspectives.

Details: Ottawa: RCMP, 2010. 49p.


Year: 2010

Country: Canada


Shelf Number: 119806

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime
Sexual Exploitation
Transnational Crime

Author: Stacey, Lisa

Title: Whose Child Now? Fifteen Years of Working to Prevent the Sexual Exploitation of Children in the UK

Summary: This report describes some of the key issues for children affected by sexual exploitation in the UK. Fifteen years on, this report explores the continuing hidden nature of the problem and describes what Barnardo’s is doing today, while suggesting what action still remains to be taken to further protect exploited children and young people.

Details: Ilford, UK: Barnardo's, 2009. 18p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 23, 2010 at: http://www.barnardos.org.uk/whose_child_now.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.barnardos.org.uk/whose_child_now.pdf

Shelf Number: 119848

Human Trafficking
Sexual Abuse
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Cambodian League for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights

Title: Violence Against Women in Cambodia: 2006

Summary: Historically, Cambodians have suffered through a culture of violence perpetuated by the Khmer Rouge regime and other political groups. The impact of this violence continues to affect many people within Cambodia. One of the most vulnerable affected groups are the women of Cambodia. Violence against women – particularly in the form of domestic violence, rape, and human trafficking for the purposes of sexual exploitation – is one of the most serious human rights problems in Cambodia. Although Cambodia is beginning to recognize the significance of violence against women, the extent of the Government’s willingness to educate the judiciary, the police and the public on these issues, and to implement laws and policies that prevent such violence and protect victims, is still quite limited. Cambodia ratified the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) in 1992 and committed to enforcing the Cambodian Millennium Development Goals (CMDG) in 2000. Both instruments contain provisions to reduce and eliminate violence against women, but there has been insufficient government action to implement them. Since 1992, the Government’s progress in reducing and eliminating violence against women since 1992 has been slow and often inadequate. In 2006, the period covered by this report, no new laws or influential policies protecting women from violence were passed or implemented by the Government. This report aims to provide a realistic account of the trauma suffered by Cambodian women from domestic violence, rape, and human trafficking for the purposes of sexual exploitation. The report is based on information from LICADHO’s Women’s Rights Office, based in Phnom Penh, and staff in 12 provincial offices, and it also features personal stories of violence from four Cambodian women.

Details: Phnom Penh, Cambodia: LICADHO, 2007. 28p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 23, 2010 at: http://www.licadho-cambodia.org/reports/files/105LICADHOReportViolenceWoman2006.pdf

Year: 2007

Country: Cambodia

URL: http://www.licadho-cambodia.org/reports/files/105LICADHOReportViolenceWoman2006.pdf

Shelf Number: 117362

Domestic Violence
Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation
Violence Against Women

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Title: An Asessment of Transnational Organized Crime in Central Asia

Summary: Transnational organized crime in Central Asia represents a serious threat to the region inhibiting the emergence of stable societies. This report provides an overview of the scope of the problem of transnational organized crime in Central Asia. The report identifies trafficking in drugs, human beings and firearms, fraud and corruption as the principle and most serious crimes in the Central Asian region. It provides an analytical framework based on causal factors as well as on facilitating and inhibiting factors. Acknowledging the difficulties and limitations associated with research on organized crime in Central Asia, the report is a synthesis of information from a multitude of sources. It includes information provided by the governments of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan together with data and information drawn from secondary literature, expert opinions and other sources. An analysis of organized crime in Central Asia must take into account historical, political, social and economic developments in the region. Most states in Central Asia are in a transitional period and are characterized by developing, but still relatively low levels of effective governance. Gaps in governmental capacity and voids created by weak and ineffective state institutions are a strong contributing factor in the proliferation of organized criminal activities. Moreover, cultural, religious and ethnic differences are exploited by organized criminals to achieve their objectives and to facilitate the spread of organized crime. Organized crime, therefore, must be seen as a consequence of the interplay between these various elements. The report discusses the specific structures and modes of operation of the Central Asian criminal groups. It highlights the diversity of those groups and the tendency towards more flexible network organizations. Various types of activities in which criminal groups are engaged are explored in the report, with drug trafficking presenting the most serious problem. With three of the Central Asian states, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, sharing borders with Afghanistan, the largest producer of illicit opiates in the world, Central Asia is an important transit zone for illicit drugs. A consequence of the drug trafficking has been a major increase in drug abuse in the region. However, it is not the only form of criminal activity associated with organized crime in the region. Organized crime activity includes significant—and in some cases growing—incidents of trafficking in human beings and firearms, fraud and corruption.

Details: New York: UNODC, 2007. 57p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 9, 2010 at: http://www.unodc.org/documents/organized-crime/Central_Asia_Crime_Assessment.pdf

Year: 2007

Country: Asia

URL: http://www.unodc.org/documents/organized-crime/Central_Asia_Crime_Assessment.pdf

Shelf Number: 116541

Drug Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Firearms

Author: International Organization for Migration

Title: Human Trafficking: New Directions for Research

Summary: As part of the UN Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking (UN.GIFT), a two-day meeting of research experts was organized by IOM, in collaboration with UNODC and ILO. The meeting took place in Cairo on the 11th and 12th of January 2008. The overall objective of the meeting was to contribute to the prevention and elimination of human trafficking by developing a set of recommendations to promote new ways of studying trafficking and to enhance the quality of research on the subject. The research initiative also responds directly to one of UN.GIFT’s three strategic goals: to broaden the knowledge base of data, facts and research on trafficking. The report includes 10 papers from the meeting: four address "conceptual and data issues," while the remaining six present overviews of the status of research on trafficking in specific regions (Asia, Europe, Middle East and North Africa, North America, and Latin America and the Caribbean).

Details: Geneva: IOM, 2008. 190p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 9, 2010 at: http://www.iom.int/jahia/webdav/shared/shared/mainsite/microsites/IDM/workshops/ensuring_protection_070909/human_trafficking_new_directions_for_research.pdf

Year: 2008

Country: International

URL: http://www.iom.int/jahia/webdav/shared/shared/mainsite/microsites/IDM/workshops/ensuring_protection_070909/human_trafficking_new_directions_for_research.pdf

Shelf Number: 117677

Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: de Andres, Amado Philip

Title: West Africa Under Attack: Drugs, Organized Crime and Terrorism as the New Threats to Global Security

Summary: This paper provides an overview on the current situation in West Africa with regard to drug trafficking (cocaine, heroin and hashish), organized crime (from human trafficking to diamond trade and its link with terrorism financing) and terrorism.

Details: Madrid: UNISCI, 2008. 26p.

Source: Internet Resource: UNISCI Discussion Paper, No. 16: Accessed October 12, 2010 at: http://www.ucm.es/info/unisci/revistas/UNISCI%20DP%2016%20-%20Andres.pdf

Year: 2008

Country: Africa

URL: http://www.ucm.es/info/unisci/revistas/UNISCI%20DP%2016%20-%20Andres.pdf

Shelf Number: 119931

Drug Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: Ireland. Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform. Anti-Human Trafficking Unit

Title: Summary Report of Trafficking in Human Beings in Ireland for 2009

Summary: The Summary Report of Trafficking in Human Beings in Ireland for 2009 is the first report to be produced by the State regarding suspected and potential victims of trafficking. The report provides an extensive overview of trafficking in human beings as it occurred in Ireland in 2009. Information was collected from a number of different sources which included the Garda National Immigration Bureau (GNIB), the Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service (INIS) of the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform and several non-governmental organisations. The report also provides important information regarding the suspected victims, their backgrounds and their experiences.

Details: Dublin: Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform, 2010. 34p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 12, 2010 at: http://www.justice.ie/en/jelr/AHTU%20Summary%20Report%202009.pdf/Files/AHTU%20Summary%20Report%202009.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Ireland

URL: http://www.justice.ie/en/jelr/AHTU%20Summary%20Report%202009.pdf/Files/AHTU%20Summary%20Report%202009.pdf

Shelf Number: 119937

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Ahmad, Natasha

Title: In Search of Dreams: Study on the Situation of the Trafficked Women and Children from Bangladesh and Nepal to India

Summary: To enhance better understanding of the dynamics of regional trafficking and to assist victims which will help to develop a regional strategy to prevent trafficking, International Organization for Migration (IOM) initiated a comprehensive research in 1999. The objectives of the research project were to understand the phenomenon of trafficked women, men and children from Bangladesh and Nepal to India, identify possible areas of assistance to the victims of trafficking and to analyse perception of migration realities in order to develop information dissemination strategies for prevention of trafficking.

Details: Dhaka, Bangladesh: International Organization for Migratoin, 2001. 47p.


Year: 2001

Country: India


Shelf Number: 117363

Child Trafficking
Human Trafficking

Author: ECPAT International: Constant, Sedrine

Title: Monitoring State Progress to Protect Children & Young People from Trafficking for Sexual Purposes. A Call for Accelerated Action from States: It's In Your Hands!

Summary: Despite the acknowledged obligation to afford special protection and care to children, which is set out in various international instruments, most countries largely fail to uphold children’s rights in a comprehensive way. Gaps in the framework required for the full protection of a child opens opportunities for exploiters to abuse children and allows the trafficking of children and young people to be perpetuated so that it now accounts as one of the three top most lucrative criminal activities. Ensuring a meticulous and regular monitoring of the measures implemented to protect children and their effectiveness is therefore essential to identifying challenges and priorities and adequately informing policies and programming. Monitoring the implementation of states’ actions to fulfil their commitments on child rights and in particular the right of the child to be protected from sexual exploitation, including trafficking, is the main mandate of ECPAT International. Based on its experiences and the work of its global network, ECPAT International has undertaken to examine progress accomplished by 41 states to secure a safer world for children in line with specific goals and indicators derived from previously agreed international commitments, and in particular the 2008 Rio de Janeiro Declaration and Call for Action to Prevent and Stop Sexual Exploitation of Children4 (a recent outcome of the deliberations of over 3,500 participants at the World Congress III against Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents). To increase the accountability on commitments made to children, this monitoring initiative is a specific activity contributing to raising global awareness and advocacy through the three-year ‘Stop Sex Trafficking of Children and Young People’ campaign conducted in partnership between ECPAT International and The Body Shop. It aims at scrutinising states’ progress to turn binding and moral agreements into concrete positive outcomes for children around the world through specific and measurable actions contributing to the enhancement of global child protection from sex trafficking. Through the campaign, civil society initiatives will simultaneously be stepped up through the work of ECPAT groups and others at the national level and the public, to support governments in fulfilling their responsibilities.

Details: Bangkok, Thailand: ECPAT International; Littlehampton, UK: The Body Shop INternational PLC, 2010. 47p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 14, 2010 at: http://www.thebodyshop.com/_en/_ww/services/pdfs/Values/Global_Monitoring_ProgressCards.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: International

URL: http://www.thebodyshop.com/_en/_ww/services/pdfs/Values/Global_Monitoring_ProgressCards.pdf

Shelf Number: 119954

Child Prostitution
Child Sexual Exploitation
Child Trafficking
Human Trafficking

Author: De Sas Kropiwnicki, Zosa

Title: Wolves in Sheep's Skin: A Rapid Assessment of Human Trafficking in Musina, Limpopo Province of South Africa

Summary: This report found evidence of the trafficking of migrants entering South Africa from Zimbabwe. The report, "Wolves in Sheep's Skin: A Rapid Assessment of Human Trafficking in Musina, Limpopo Province of South Africa", finds that migrants in the region are regularly subjected to high levels of abuse and violence, which in turn makes them vulnerable to trafficking. It specifically identifies cases involving trafficking for sexual and labour exploitation, forced criminal activity such as the sale of illegal substances, servitude, extortion and other forms of exploitation. The report found that some migrant groups are particularly at risk, such as victims of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV); those who have been stranded, robbed or subjected to other forms of violence; women and girls involved in prostitution and transactional sexual behaviour; and unaccompanied minors travelling alone or with adults. Situated approximately 20 km from the Zimbabwean border, Musina is the point of entry for a large number of Zimbabwean migrants. A total of 130 respondents from Zimbabwe and South Africa were interviewed in August 2009, including migrants, government officials, service providers, farm managers and so called malaisha or taxi drivers, frequently involved in human smuggling. Identified factors contributing to migrant vulnerability include the political and socio-economic insatiability in Zimbabwe, the lack of adequate border controls, difficulty in obtaining travel documents, the establishment of informal criminal networks, an increase in the movement of women and unaccompanied minors, and a lack of awareness and experience regarding safe migration. The report also notes that addressing the incidence of violence and abuse reported by migrants – and particularly by women and children – is as critical as the issue of human trafficking itself. The assessment also revealed that migrants in Musina are vulnerable to a range of health care concerns such as sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and reproductive health problems, physical trauma, negative psychosocial reactions, malnutrition and limited access to health care. The report identifies shortfalls in policy and practice with regard to human trafficking in Musina, including insufficient capacity of law enforcement and border officials to identify cases of human trafficking; inadequate referral, shelter and assistance networks; and deficient investigation and prosecution of incidences of abuse and violence against migrants.

Details: Geneva, Switzerland: International Organization for Migration, 2010. 78p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 14, 2010 at: http://www.iom.int/jahia/Jahia/media/press-briefing-notes/pbnAF/cache/offonce?entryId=27157

Year: 2010

Country: South Africa

URL: http://www.iom.int/jahia/Jahia/media/press-briefing-notes/pbnAF/cache/offonce?entryId=27157

Shelf Number: 119964

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Skec, Selma Golubovic

Title: Trafficking in Human Beings in Croatia: An Assessment Focusing on Labour Exploitation

Summary: This publication summarises the results of an assessment of the situation of trafficking in human beings in Croatia, with a particular focus on trafficking for labour exploitation. The assessment was conducted between November 2009 and February 2010 in the framework of the project “Targeting niches in the anti-trafficking efforts: customised support for Croatia.†In addition to providing updated data in trafficking in human beings in Croatia, this publication aims at reviewing the most updated normative and practice-oriented documents on the subject of trafficking for labor exploitation. An additional purpose of this assessment is to propose a set of indicators for the identification of potential victims of trafficking for labour exploitation. These are largely based on the indicators already developed by the International Labour Office (ILO), and are adapted for the specific situation in Croatia. The findings of this assessment intend to provide insightful information to the Office for Human Rights, partner in this project, for the development of future initiatives, as well as to other interested policy makers, in view of shaping and implementing future sustainable anti-trafficking policies in Croatia.

Details: Vienna: International Centre for Migration Policy Development, 2010. 62p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 18, 2010 at: http://www.anti-trafficking.net/fileadmin/IIMS-documents/Croatian_English_2010-09-29_Final_small.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Croatia

URL: http://www.anti-trafficking.net/fileadmin/IIMS-documents/Croatian_English_2010-09-29_Final_small.pdf

Shelf Number: 119991

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking

Author: Rosenberg, Ruth

Title: Trafficking of Adult Men in the Europe and Eurasia Region: Final Report

Summary: There is an increasing recognition throughout the world that it is not only women and children who fall victim to traffickers. Men migrate in large numbers and more and more studies indicate that many of these men are being exploited to a degree which was heretofore unrecognized. USAID commissioned this paper to shed light on the nature and extent of trafficking of men in the Europe and Eurasia region. It is expected that the paper will stimulate dialogue and provide guidance which can help to develop strong programs that address the needs of men who are vulnerable to trafficking or who have been trafficked and to measurably improve their lives.

Details: Washington, DC: United States Agency for International Development, 2010. 44p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 20, 2010 at:

Year: 2010

Country: Europe


Shelf Number: 120024

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking

Author: Nikolic-Ristanovic, Vesna, et.

Title: Male Trafficking in Serbia

Summary: In the last decades the problem of trafficking in persons came to the attention of the academic and professional public; important international documents were brought, and national mechanisms for combating this type of crime and for the assistance and protection of the victims were advanced. A great effort has been put into the improvement of uncovering and prosecuting of trafficking cases, as well as of identification, assistance and protection of the victims in Serbia as well. Nonetheless, similarly as worldwide, the emphasis in Serbia was on the research and the improvement of social responses related to trafficking in women and girls, while dealing with male victims was rather rare and marginal. However, in the last few years, in Serbia and world-wide, there has been an increase in the number of identified male victims of trafficking in persons, thereby enabling for a clear articulation for the needs to increase and systematize knowledge which would serve as a basis for designing a mechanism for more adequate combat, prevention, and protection and assistance of victims. With that, it is not a surprise that, in 2006, the U.S. Department of State – Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons - tendered a competition for research projects on the victimization of males by trafficking in persons, for which the Victimology Society of Serbia, along with a few more organizations from different parts of the world, received financial support for the implementation of the project whose results are presented here.

Details: Belgrade: Victimology Society of Serbia, 2009. 300p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 20, 2010 at: http://www.vds.org.rs/FILE/TrgovinaMuskarcimaUSrbijiEng.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: Serbia and Montenegro

URL: http://www.vds.org.rs/FILE/TrgovinaMuskarcimaUSrbijiEng.pdf

Shelf Number: 120033

Human Trafficking
Smuggling of Migrants

Author: Hancilova, Blanka

Title: Labour Exploitation and Trafficking in Azerbaijan: An Exploratory Overview, June 2008

Summary: The report explores the issues of labour exploitation and forced labour of Azerbaijanis abroad and of foreigners in Azerbaijan. It documents in more detail than it was done so far that next to women and children, also men are potentially vulnerable to exploitation and that exploitation takes place not only in commercial sex but in many other sectors of the economy.

Details: Vienna: International Centre for Migration Policy Development, 2010?. 42p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 20, 2010 at: http://www.anti-trafficking.net/fileadmin/ICMPD-Website/Other/2009_AZ_research_FINAL_for_PRINT2.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Azerbaijan

URL: http://www.anti-trafficking.net/fileadmin/ICMPD-Website/Other/2009_AZ_research_FINAL_for_PRINT2.pdf

Shelf Number: 12004

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking

Author: Gentiana, Ioana

Title: Trafficking in Children in Romania: Study on the Recruiting Process

Summary: Human trafficking in every form (sexual exploitation, forced labour and begging or perpetration of crimes) continues to be a worldwide social phenomenon that is morally, psychologically and physically prejudiced to its both its direct victims and others. This phenomenon becomes even more alarming when children are trapped into trafficking networks. In many cases children fall into the hands of individuals for whom nothing is more important than the perspective of financial benefits obtained from their exploitation. The study, achieved within the RO2006/IB/JH 08 Twinning Project - “Improving the institutional capacity of the agencies involved in the prevention of trafficking in human beings in line with the current European standards and best practices (Strengthening the institutional capacity of the agencies involved in preventing human traffic in compliance with the European standards and the best current practicesâ€) represent the outcome of a fruitful cooperation between the Austrian experts from the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights, Vienna, and the research team of the National Agency against Human Trafficking within the General Inspectorate of Romanian Police. The study was a part of the activities provisioned within the “A†component of the PHARE Project. One of its main objectives is to strengthen the research capacity of the National Agency against Human Trafficking. Various studies and much research on human trafficking has been undertaken during the last few years; however, some questions remained without answers necessary to understanding the phenomenon: “What are the main causes and how exactly does the recruitment process of trafficked minors for the purpose of exploitation take place? Also, Why, in similar living conditions, only some minors become victims of human traffic and other do not?†These are examples of questions concerning the research. This study intends to offer further relevant information to understand the children trafficking phenomenon by detailing the recruitment process and other related aspects while analyzing the favouring factors encouraging minors’ vulnerability.

Details: Bucharest: Alpha MDN, 2009. 106p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 21, 2010 at: http://anitp.mai.gov.ro/en/trafic/rapoarte/studiu%20ade%20eng.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: Romania

URL: http://anitp.mai.gov.ro/en/trafic/rapoarte/studiu%20ade%20eng.pdf

Shelf Number: 120043

Child Trafficking
Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Tamas, Ana-Maria

Title: Sociological Research Handbook On Child Trafficking

Summary: What do we know about trafficking? This simple question is being discussed throughout the previous years in Europe on numerous conferences and academic meetings. The big discrepancy between the quantitative estimations of the size of the crime and the real figures is only one area among much more where the call is made for more and better data and research. Rather than finding simple answers, including comparable statistics and a common framework of data analyzing, more complex questions have been raised. European criminal codes defining trafficking in human beings consist of different cultural and historical layers that go back to the 19th Century. They include patterns of criminal and economic dimensions combined with moral attitudes. In the contemporary framework some of these notions still appear in the anti-trafficking discourses: the images of naïve and over-credulous women and girls combined with other gender and racial stereotypes as well as the predominant focus on sexual exploitation. In order to come to a sound understanding of the phenomenon of trafficking in human beings one has to identify the myths and stereotypes being used in the framework as well as to highlight the facts. Comprehensible research and profound methodology are key to improve the understanding of the phenomenon. This handbook reflects the process of a cooperative (research that we did) as part of the Twinning Project “Strengthening the capacity to prevent trafficking in human beings in Romaniaâ€. It provides methodologies, frameworks and practical examples in order to guide future research efforts. It takes into account the importance of data protection and research ethics as a core in all researches in the area of human trafficking.

Details: Bucharest: Alpha MDN, 2009. 144p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 21, 2010 at: http://anitp.mai.gov.ro/en/trafic/rapoarte/manual%20ade%20eng.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: Romania

URL: http://anitp.mai.gov.ro/en/trafic/rapoarte/manual%20ade%20eng.pdf

Shelf Number: 120044

Child Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Ogrodnik, Lucie

Title: Towards the Development of a National Data Collection Framework to Measure Trafficking in Persons

Summary: While trafficking in persons has become a worldwide concern, current data collection activities reveal that data are limited in scope, incomparable and insufficient to ascertain the true extent of the problem in Canada. This study was conducted by the Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics and funded by Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada to examine the feasibility of developing a national data collection framework to measure trafficking in persons in Canada. Consultations were undertaken with key stakeholders from provincial and federal government departments, the police community, non-government organizations and academics. This report identifies a number of data collection and research strategies that could contribute to a better understanding of the nature and scope of human trafficking in Canada.

Details: Ottawa: Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, Statistics Canada, 2010. 61p.

Source: Internet Resource: Crime and Justice Research Paper Series: Accessed October 26, 2010 at: http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/85-561-m/85-561-m2010021-eng.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Canada

URL: http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/85-561-m/85-561-m2010021-eng.pdf

Shelf Number: 120087

Crime Statistics
Human Trafficking

Author: Surtees, Rebecca

Title: Handbook on Anti-Trafficking Data Collection in South-Eastern Europe: Developing Regional Criteria

Summary: The Handbook contains a list of indicators for the collection of data on trafficking in human beings – both on the victim side and on the criminal justice side. These indicators have been developed in close cooperation with governmental partners and in consultation with international experts and representatives of international and non-governmental organisations. Without sufficiently accurate data it is not possible to either gauge the extent or recognise the true nature of the trafficking problem and understand the complexity of the issues involved. Thus the Handbook aims to be a tool to support governmental agencies in the collection of concrete, reliable data on human trafficking as such data is an essential prerequisite for all effective programmes, interventions, policies and legislation. While in the context of this project the Handbook targets governments in South-Eastern Europe, its appeal is likely to be broader and may prove a helpful resource for anti-trafficking actors working with data collection and information management beyond the SEE region.

Details: Vienna, Austria: International Centre for Migration Policy Development, 2010. 204p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 26, 2010 at: http://www.ungift.org/doc/knowledgehub/resource-centre/ICMPD_Handbook_on_Anti-Trafficking_Data_Collection_in_SEE.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.ungift.org/doc/knowledgehub/resource-centre/ICMPD_Handbook_on_Anti-Trafficking_Data_Collection_in_SEE.pdf

Shelf Number: 120095

Human Trafficking

Author: Totten, Mark

Title: Investigating the Linkages between FASD, Gangs, Sexual Exploitation and Women Abuse in the Canadian Aboriginal Population: A Preliminary Study

Summary: Over the last decade there has been an increase in the reporting of Aboriginal gangs and the impact on individuals, communities and youth in Canada. Some reports have described youth involvement in these gangs as reaching crisis proportions, particularly in prairie provinces, since the social impacts of gangs are directly linked to the drug trade, violence, weapons trade, sexual exploitation and the trafficking of women and girls. The impact on Aboriginal women and girls is particularly worrisome, as their involvement in gang activity is increasing, which may be directly related to their vulnerability and marginalization in Canadian society. This link is surmised by the fact that Aboriginal girls and women are significantly more likely than any other group in the country to die at a young age from suicide, homicide or serious illness; they suffer disproportionately elevated rates of sexual and physical abuse as children and adults; rates of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) appear to be elevated in the Aboriginal (particularly the First Nations) population, which is directly linked to higher rates of drug and alcohol use and addictions at a young age; and, they make up the large majority of all individuals in Canada who are involved in the sex trade and sexual trafficking. In addition to these indicators, there is increasing evidence that suggests gangs are responsible for the sexual exploitation and sexual slavery of Aboriginal women and girls. While there is an increasing awareness of the involvement of Aboriginal girls in gangs, there is little published evidence to determine concrete linkages between gangs, sexual exploitation and violence. One factor that has not yet been explored, as both a cause, consequence and compounding factor of the exploitation of Aboriginal women and girls and gang involvement is FASD. The purpose of this research report for the Native Women’s Association of Canada (NWAC) is to provide an exploratory investigation into the linkages between many of the abovementioned phenomena - to begin a journey into making the connection between FASD, sexual exploitation, gangs, and extreme violence in the lives of Aboriginal young women. In so doing, we hope to develop a plan to prevent Aboriginal young women from using alcohol and other drugs during pregnancy.

Details: Ottawa: Native Women's Association of Canada, 2009. 25p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 28, 2010 at: http://www.nwac.ca/sites/default/files/imce/NWAC%20FASD%20SexExplGangs%202009.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: Canada

URL: http://www.nwac.ca/sites/default/files/imce/NWAC%20FASD%20SexExplGangs%202009.pdf

Shelf Number: 120115

Alcohol Abuse
Female Victims
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Sweden. National Criminal Police. Criminal Intelligence and Investigation Division, Intelligence Section

Title: Trafficking in Human Beings for Sexual and Other Purposes. Situation Report 9: 1 January - 31 December 2006

Summary: The National Criminal Investigation Department's ninth situation report on trafficking in human beings for sexual and other purposes contains an account of the work done by the police to combat trafficking in human beings. It also contains an explanation of how this can be prevented and suppressed, and also an account of current legislation in this area and its application.

Details: Stockholm: National Criminal Police, 2009. 56p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 1, 2010 at: http://www.polisen.se/Global/www%20och%20Intrapolis/Informationsmaterial/01%20Polisen%20nationellt/Engelskt%20informationsmaterial/Trafficking_Lagesrapport_9_ENG.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: Sweden

URL: http://www.polisen.se/Global/www%20och%20Intrapolis/Informationsmaterial/01%20Polisen%20nationellt/Engelskt%20informationsmaterial/Trafficking_Lagesrapport_9_ENG.pdf

Shelf Number: 120151

Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Namibia. Ministry of Gender Equality and Child Welfare and the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry

Title: A Baseline Assessment of Human Trafficking in Namibia: A Nationally Representative Qualitative Assessment

Summary: Trafficking in Persons is a significant human rights and development issue worldwide that affects men, women and children, and Namibia is no exception. To this effect, Namibia ratified the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and the additional Protocol to Prevent Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Humans especially women and children in 2003. The Prevention of Organized Crime (POCA) Act no.29 of 2004 which criminalizes Trafficking in Persons was enacted. Further, in the US Department of State 2008 Trafficking of Persons (TIP) Report, Namibia was designated a “Special Case.†A Special Case designation denotes that there is simply not enough reliable information on the country’s trafficking circumstances, but the existence of a significant human trafficking problem is suspected, though the scope and magnitude remains unsubstantiated by sufficient reliable reporting. Specifically, the TIP report states: Limited reporting suggests that Namibia may be a source and destination country for trafficked children; however, the magnitude of this problem is unknown. It is suspected that the largest percentages of trafficking victims are children engaged in prostitution. There is evidence that a small number of Namibian children are trafficked within the country for domestic servitude, as well as forced agricultural labor, cattle herding, and possibly vending. There have been a few reported cases of Zambian and Angolan children trafficked to Namibia for domestic servitude, agricultural labor, and livestock herding. To improve the effectiveness of its fight against human trafficking, the Government of Namibia should consider two initial steps: develop a baseline understanding of the problem, which could include reviewing existing reports and engaging stakeholders; and designate a focal point within the government to coordinate dialogue and action by relevant government entities. As further information is developed, public awareness raising and training of relevant law enforcement and social services officials could facilitate the identification and assistance of victims, and help determine the extent of the problem. In response to the lack of knowledge about the scope and magnitude of trafficking in Namibia, an assessment of Trafficking in Persons in Namibia was initiated by the Ministry of Gender Equality and Child Welfare (MGECW) in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry (MAWF) with the support of USAID/ Namibia. The team of experts comprising of one international expert, one regional expert and two Namibian experts was assembled to conduct this assessment. The team was assisted in the field by two members of the MGECW and one from MAWF. The purpose of this assessment was to (a) collect available information on the scope of trafficking in persons in targeted areas of Namibia, (b) review counter- trafficking initiatives by government and civil society and, (c) outline gaps and make recommendations concerning future programming and research needs. Prior to undertaking stakeholder and key informant interviews, the team conducted a literature review of pertinent materials on trafficking in persons in Namibia and the region, which it supplemented throughout the course of its field work. The interviews took place between April 8 and 28, 2009. The interviews covered four basic areas: (1) general knowledge of the respondent about human trafficking; (2) prevention initiatives; (3) prosecution, policing and the legal framework; and, (4) protection and victim assistance.

Details: Windhoek, Namibia: Ministry of General Equality and Child Welfare, 2009. 102p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 4, 2010 at: http://www.usaid.gov/our_work/cross-cutting_programs/wid/pubs/Final_Human_Trafficking_Report_Namibia_100216.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: Namibia

URL: http://www.usaid.gov/our_work/cross-cutting_programs/wid/pubs/Final_Human_Trafficking_Report_Namibia_100216.pdf

Shelf Number: 120188

Child Prostitution
Child Trafficking (Namibia)
Forced Labor
Human Rights
Human Trafficking

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Title: Model Law Against the Smuggling of Migrants

Summary: The Model Law against the Smuggling of Migrants was developed by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in response to a request by the General Assembly to the Secretary-General to promote and assist the efforts of Member States to become party to and implement the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and the Protocols thereto. It was developed in particular to assist States in implementing the provisions contained in the Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air, supplementing the Convention. The Model Law will both facilitate and help systematize the provision of legislative assistance by UNODC as well as facilitate the review and amendment of existing legislation and the adoption of new legislation by States. It is designed to be adapted to the needs of each State, whatever its legal tradition and social, economic, cultural and geographic conditions. The Model Law contains all the provisions that the Protocol requires or recommends that States introduce in their domestic legislation. The commentary to the Model Law indicates which provisions are mandatory and which are optional. That distinction is not made with regard to the general provisions (chapter I) and the definitions (article 3), as they are an integral part of the Model Law but are not mandated by the Protocol per se. Recommended provisions may also stem from other international instruments, including international human rights law, humanitarian law and refugee law. Whenever appropriate or necessary, options for the wording of the provision are suggested in order to reflect the differences between legal cultures. The commentary also indicates the source of the provision and, in some cases, supplies alternatives to the suggested text or examples of national legislation from various States (in an unofficial translation where necessary). Due regard is also given to the interpretative notes for the official records the implementation of the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, and the Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air, both supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime. The Government of Canada contributed to the organization of one of the expert group meetings.

Details: Vienna: United Nations, 2010. 108p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 4, 2010 at: http://www.unodc.org/documents/human-trafficking/Model_Law_Smuggling_of_Migrants_10-52715_Ebook.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: International

URL: http://www.unodc.org/documents/human-trafficking/Model_Law_Smuggling_of_Migrants_10-52715_Ebook.pdf

Shelf Number: 120189

Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: Xiu, Liu

Title: Organized Crime and the Black Economy in China

Summary: Organized crime has now become a serious social problem in all cities in China. Officially, the Chinese government has thus far acknowledged that only a few criminal groups have acquired so-called mafia-like characteristics in their organizational structure. However, there are no real mafia-type organizations in China. Organized crime in China mainly engages in drug trafficking, money laundering, smuggling, human trafficking, manufacture and smuggling of counterfeit money and guns, prostitution, etc.

Details: Santiago, Chile: Global Consortium on Security Transformation, 2010. 20p.

Source: Internet Resource: Working Paper Series, No. 7: Accessed November 29, 2010 at: http://www.securitytransformation.org/images/publicaciones/173_Working_Paper_7_-_Organized_Crime_and_the_Black_Economy_in_China.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: China

URL: http://www.securitytransformation.org/images/publicaciones/173_Working_Paper_7_-_Organized_Crime_and_the_Black_Economy_in_China.pdf

Shelf Number: 120299

Drug Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Money Laundering
Organized Crime (China)
Trafficking in Weapons

Author: Cavener, John

Title: Sexual Exploitation: 'Internal Trafficking' of Chidlren and Young People at Risk in the North East and Cumbria

Summary: This report explores the internal trafficking of children and young people for the purpose of sexual exploitation across the North East and Cumbria. The project was funded by the Northern Rock Foundation, and took place across a 16-month period beginning in August 2008. The main aims and objectives of this project were to highlight: · What factors make children and young people vulnerable to sexual exploitation within the region; · What factors facilitate the internal trafficking of children and young people at risk of sexual exploitation within the region; · What range of sexually exploitative activities children and young people within the region are engaged in; and · What levels of professional awareness, range of interventions, gaps in provision and models of practice exist among agencies engaging children and young people at risk.

Details: Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Northern Rock Foundation, 2010. 68p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed December 2, 2010 at: http://www.nr-foundation.org.uk/downloads/Sexual%20Exploitation%20-%20Internal%20Trafficking.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.nr-foundation.org.uk/downloads/Sexual%20Exploitation%20-%20Internal%20Trafficking.pdf

Shelf Number: 120349

Child Prostitution
Child Trafficking (U.K.)
Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Cernik, Jan

Title: Pilot Research of the Environment of Trafficking in Human Beings on the Territory of the Czech Republic (December 2004 - February 2005)

Summary: This report examines the issue of human trafficking in the Czech Republic, with an emphasis on the involvement of organized crime groups.

Details: Prague: International Organization for Migration, 2005. 134p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed December 7, 2010 at: http://www.iom.hu/PDFs/Pilot%20Research%20on%20the%20Environment%20of%20THB%20in%20Czech%20Rep.pdf

Year: 2005

Country: Czech Republic

URL: http://www.iom.hu/PDFs/Pilot%20Research%20on%20the%20Environment%20of%20THB%20in%20Czech%20Rep.pdf

Shelf Number: 113435

Human Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: Casenave, Pierre

Title: Regional Report on the Implementation of the "UNICEF Guidelines for the Protection of the Rights of Child Victims of Trafficking in South Eastern Europe": Assessment of the Situation in Albania, Kosovo and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedon

Summary: Trafficking in Human Beings still remains a major human rights violation affecting South Eastern Europe. Although many efforts have been made and progress achieved in combating this human tragedy throughout Europe in general, and South-Eastern Europe in particular, human beings are still victims of trafficking and children, as a particularly vulnerable group, are not an exception and represent an important proportion of the persons being trafficked. While governments devoted important means, commitments and efforts to combating trafficking in human beings especially within the wider framework of the combat against organized crime, an emphasis on victims’ protection still need to be put. Even though efforts were made to protect victims and therefore prevent them of being re-trafficked, as it is often the case, proper protection measures and rehabilitation alternatives need to be created, enhanced and/or implemented. In 2003, UNICEF released its “Guidelines on the protection of child victims of trafficking for South Eastern Europeâ€1 thus creating a set of standards favourable to the recognition of the status and rights of child victims of trafficking. These guidelines were also adopted for other countries when UNICEF in 2006 launched the guidelines without particular geographical coverage. 6 years after the launch of the UNICEF guidelines, the EIDHR project on “Enhancing capacity to address child trafficking from a Human Rights perspective in South East Europe†started to contribute to the development of effective policies and practices against trafficking in especially children, safeguarding and promoting the rights of boys and girls. One of its aim was to enhance the intervention of national authorities in their combat against child trafficking and protection of child victims. The research on the implementation of UNICEF guidelines was logically a component of this activity. Within this framework, it was necessary to determine whether or not UNICEF guidelines led to legislative changes and positive policy developments, but also to assess the level of their implementation by all stakeholders, at every stage of the child victims’ protection process. As a consequence, the consideration given to practice was paramount. Even though reports, studies and analyses available offer a global panorama of the situation of victims of trafficking in the three countries subject to this study, the added value of this thorough study lies in the regional approach as well as the focus on child victims of trafficking. This report voluntarily left aside considerations regarding prevention of child trafficking, since the purpose of this study was to identify the measures taken by governments to ensure the protection of children already considered as victims of trafficking. However, the part on identification of child victims analyzes whether the situation of a child not yet granted the status of victim was properly evaluated, since wrong assessment can leave children that truly are victims of trafficking without any kind of assistance and deny them the rights attached to their victim status.

Details: Budapest: Terres des hommes - Child Relief, 2010. 110p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed December 8, 2010 at: http://www.crin.org/docs/Tdh_South_Eastern_Europe.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.crin.org/docs/Tdh_South_Eastern_Europe.pdf

Shelf Number: 120418

Child Trafficking
Children, Crime Against
Human Trafficking

Author: Naif Arab University for Security Sciences

Title: Combating Trafficking in Persons in Accordance with the Principles of Islamic Law

Summary: Trafficking in persons or human trafficking, a recognized human rights violation prohibited by international law, affects all countries and regions of the world. As a national and international, often organized crime, it knows no boundaries" geographic, cultural, political, or religious. Its victims and perpetrators hail from all around the world, and its flows reach from and to some of the most far-flung corners of the planet. It manifests itself as exploitation in different forms and types across countries, but no region is immune. In this global phenomenon, Muslim countries are no exception" all are affected by this crime. Trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation, as well as for labor exploitation in the domestic service industry and in agriculture and construction, affect Muslim countries in the Middle East and North Africa. Trafficking of children and women for sexual and labor exploitation likewise occurs in African countries both within and across national borders. In South and Southeast Asia, trafficking in men, women and children for similar purposes, which may also include trafficking for the purpose of begging and child sex tourism, are prevalent. While international law provides the central guiding framework for States in combating human trafficking, for this effort to be most effective, national legislatures should design legal provisions which, while consistent with international law, are also responsive to national specifics and are tailored to the legal structures and the phenomenon of trafficking as manifested in each State. Given that the legal traditions and legal systems in many Muslim countries rely primarily on Islamic law, a study of Islamic legal provisions and traditions which relate to trafficking in persons becomes important. An understanding of Islam's position on trafficking in persons and its related acts and elements, can provide important avenues for the development of a comprehensive approach to combating trafficking in Muslim countries, one which draws on and is grounded in the Islamic tradition, as well as in compliance with international law. The purpose of this paper is thus to analyze the Islamic legal tradition from the perspective of those sources, principles and provisions that may best be utilized in understanding, addressing, and combating trafficking in persons. More specifically, this entails the elaboration of a comprehensive theory of Islamic legal principles for the prohibition of the crime of trafficking in persons, and associated acts and means on the one hand, and the protection of victims of trafficking on the other. It involves understanding what the nature of the crime of trafficking under the Islamic law of crime and punishment is and what protections and safeguards are provided by Islamic law to the accused in the prosecution of trafficking. It merits analyzing how Islam relates to a victim-centered approach to the problem, and what the obligations of the ordinary citizen in providing victims with assistance may be. It is also necessary that any checklist of issues addressing trafficking in persons under Islamic law also include prevention, education, and public awareness—all core principles of a comprehensive strategy of combating trafficking as enshrined in international law. Some of the important questions tacked as part of this paper will thus include, for example, how does Islamic law provide for the principle of compensation for victims of a crime? In regard to prevention, how does Islam deal with vulnerable victims such as children, orphans, refugees and internally displaced persons, and non-Muslims living in a Muslim country? How does, if at all, a religious approach differ from a non-religious approach when one designs a public awareness campaign or educational curricula? In answering these and similar questions, the paper will address how applicable principles of Islamic legal theory relate to various forms of trafficking in persons, especially those most pertinent to the context of Muslim countries. An exploration of the forms of trafficking which are most significant in the Muslim world will thus be explored accordingly. The international framework governing trafficking in persons, especially the United Nations Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, as the central guiding international instrument for combating trafficking in persons, will serve as a foundational and comparative frame of reference throughout the paper. Since the source of Islamic law is the religious text, as opposed to legislation or court decisions, issues of religion that are relevant to trafficking in persons may arise and it is among the aims of this paper to address these considerations.

Details: Vienna: UNODC, 2009. 138p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed December 8, 2010 at: http://www.unodc.org/documents/human-trafficking/UNODC_Trafficking_and_Islamic_Law_-_Amended.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: International

URL: http://www.unodc.org/documents/human-trafficking/UNODC_Trafficking_and_Islamic_Law_-_Amended.pdf

Shelf Number: 120420

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Tena, Maria

Title: Modern-Day Slavery in U.S.-Mexican Territory: Human Trafficking at the Border

Summary: This brief attempts to provide an open window into the grim reality of human trafficking in the U.S.- Mexico context, by describing its different manifestations and providing current statistics that demonstrate its prevalence. It also highlights recent legislation (within the last five years) which has been drafted and implemented in each country at both federal and state levels in an effort to effectively combat this modern-day form of slavery.

Details: San Diego, CA: University of San Diego, Trans-Border Institute, 2010. 10p.

Source: Internet Resource: Border Brief: Accessed December 9, 2010 at: http://catcher.sandiego.edu/items/peacestudies/Border_Brief_FINAL_BW_oct4_10.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: United States

URL: http://catcher.sandiego.edu/items/peacestudies/Border_Brief_FINAL_BW_oct4_10.pdf

Shelf Number: 120424

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking

Author: O'Riordan, Bridget

Title: Migration and Debt Bondage: Manifestations and Policy Recommendations

Summary: In recent years, a heightened awareness of human trafficking has emerged. The extent of the problem has come to light and the plight of 27 million people enslaved worldwide has been recognized. With the increased focus on human trafficking, more information regarding not only the pervasiveness of the problem but its many manifestations are becoming known. In the United States, more cases of forced labor among foreign workers, especially those involved in domestic service and agriculture have surfaced. The increase in movement between nations has lead to more opportunities for trafficking and exploitation. Workers, often in great need of employment, can easily fall victim as their desperation leads them to situations of vulnerability. Due to such vulnerability, a power disparity is created between the workers and their employers, which leads to abuse. Many of these abuses result when migrants are stripped of their rights and incur unbearable levels of debt during the recruitment period. If recruitment methods and policy were changed to promote transparency and eliminate debt, the propensity of workers to be trafficked and engaged in forced labor would be significantly diminished.

Details: San Deigo, CA: University of San Diego, Trans-Border Institute, 2010. 12p.

Source: Internet Resource: Border Brief: Accessed December 9, 2010 at: http://catcher.sandiego.edu/items/peacestudies/FINAL_color_sep22_10.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: United States

URL: http://catcher.sandiego.edu/items/peacestudies/FINAL_color_sep22_10.pdf

Shelf Number: 120425

Debt Bondage
Forced Labor
Human Trafficking

Author: Sarrica, Fabrizio

Title: Trafficking in Persons; Analysis on Europe

Summary: The Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children (the “UN Trafficking Protocolâ€) was opened up for signatures in the year 2000 and came into effect in December 2003. This paper presents an overview of the situation in Europe and its evolution during the last nine years. The paper is based on information collected by UNODC in the framework of the United Nations Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking (UN.GIFT), published in the Global Report on Trafficking in Persons in February 2009. Data on the trafficking situation in Europe was gathered from national authorities by UNODC and the UN-affiliated European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control (HEUNI). The researchers contacted the relevant national governments to collect available data in three subject areas: Legislative and administrative frameworks; Criminal justice data, and the profile of the offenders; and the Numbers of victims identified and their profiles. The information presented pertains to the 2003-2008 period.

Details: Vienna: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2009. 25p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed December 9, 2010 at: http://www.unodc.org/documents/human-trafficking/Trafficking_in_Persons_in_Europe_09.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.unodc.org/documents/human-trafficking/Trafficking_in_Persons_in_Europe_09.pdf

Shelf Number: 120430

Human Trafficking

Author: Claude, Kajsa

Title: Targeting the Sex Buyer. The Swedish Example: Stopping Prostitution and Trafficking Where It All Begins

Summary: This publication presents the Swedish view on human trafficking for sexual purposes and prostitution. Its point of departure is that the demand for sexual services sustains these deplorable activities. Seen from this perspective, Sweden has taken a number of important steps, including stricter laws; measures designed to increase cooperation among authorities and organizations; and efforts to ensure better protection for victims and safe repatriation to their countries of origin.

Details: Solna: Swedish Institute, 2010. 60p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed December 9, 2010 at: http://www.ungift.org/doc/knowledgehub/resource-centre/The_Swedish_Institute_Targeting_the_sex_buyer.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Sweden

URL: http://www.ungift.org/doc/knowledgehub/resource-centre/The_Swedish_Institute_Targeting_the_sex_buyer.pdf

Shelf Number: 120434

Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Aronowitz, Alexis

Title: Analysing the Business Model of Trafficking in Human Beings to Better Prevent the Crime

Summary: The purpose of this project is to assist the OSCE Office of the Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings to identify theoretical underpinnings which may explain the business and socio-economic factors contributing to human trafficking in a wide context. This will facilitate the implementation of a holistic preventive strategy and help identify knowledge gaps that will need to be addressed in the very near future. In keeping with the OSCE Action Plan to Combat Trafficking in Human Beings and the United Nations Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking, it is anticipated that this exploratory research will pave the ground for a well-informed debate and assist in the further development of a comprehensive counter-trafficking policy. A second major objective is to provide recommendations, next steps and guidelines for decision makers, civil society and other concerned actors on the effective prevention of human trafficking. This study was implemented as part of the UN.GIFT Expert Group Initiative, as it seeks to produce guidance toward both short- and long-term results that will contribute to more effective prevention of human trafficking.

Details: Vienna: Office of the Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, 2010. 112p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed December 9, 2010 at: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/document/activities/cont/201006/20100608ATT75674/20100608ATT75674EN.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: International

URL: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/document/activities/cont/201006/20100608ATT75674/20100608ATT75674EN.pdf

Shelf Number: 120435

Human Trafficking
Socioeconomic Status

Author: Lin, Leo S.F.

Title: Conceptualizing Transnational Organized Crime in East Asia in the Era of Globalization: Taiwan's Perspective

Summary: This paper aims to scrutinize the transnational organized crime (TOC) in East Asia, and Taiwan in particular, in the era of globalization. This paper provides with a conceptual framework which allows us to examine the nature of transnational organized crime in the globalized world. It argues that TOC is a dual dimensional phenomenon—entity and activity dimensions— both dimensions of TOC have been largely affected by globalization. In East Asia, especially People’s Republic of China, where globalization has boosted the economy tremendously, created an unprecedented opportunity for TOC to grow. This paper argues that since most of the non-traditional TOC groups are difficult to classify because it is very much depending on the cases, it would be more clear and effective to profile the traditional type of TOC in East Asia. Several important traditional criminal groups are identified. Regarding the activity dimension, human trafficking and drug trafficking and smuggling are the two most serious and complicated issues in East Asia. This paper also identifies the source, transit and destination countries in human trafficking and drug trafficking and smuggling. As regards the TOC situation in Taiwan and its relations with East Asian countries, this paper analyzes the origin of Taiwan’s organized crime groups, which is both from locality and mainland China. Following globalization and Taiwanese economy recovery, Taiwan’s underworld went into a new stage of development, penetrating political, economic and other aspects in the society. As a result, many traditional organized crime groups vigorously expand their organizations oversees. Human trafficking and drug trafficking and smuggling are the main concerns for Taiwan government. Under the efforts of the government, the situation of both issues is improving. In recent years, with the openness and the increase exchanged with Mainland China, human and drug trafficking from Mainland China has become serious problems in Taiwan.

Details: Athens, Greece: Research Institute for European and American Studies, 2010. 33p.

Source: Internet Resource: Research Paper No. 146: Accessed December 16, 2010 at: http://www.isn.ethz.ch/isn/Digital-Library/Publications/Detail/?ots591=0c54e3b3-1e9c-be1e-2c24-a6a8c7060233&lng=en&id=122411

Year: 2010

Country: Taiwan

URL: http://www.isn.ethz.ch/isn/Digital-Library/Publications/Detail/?ots591=0c54e3b3-1e9c-be1e-2c24-a6a8c7060233&lng=en&id=122411

Shelf Number: 120533

Drug Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime (Taiwan)

Author: Hubschle, Annette, compiler

Title: Organised Crime in Southern Africa: First Annual Review

Summary: In 2005 representatives of the Institute for Security Studies (ISS) and the Secretariat of the Southern African Regional Police Chiefs Cooperation Organisation (SARPCCO) discussed the lack of reliable information and research on organised crime and how it impacted on law enforcement in southern Africa. The lack of credible homegrown research data ultimately led to the conceptualisation of a joint research project between the Cape Town-based ISS Organised Crime and Money Laundering Programme and SARPCCO. The Enhancing Regional Responses Against Organised Crime (EROC) Project commenced in January 2008 and concludes in December 2010. The objectives of the research are to: Provide in-depth information on contemporary organised criminal activities in the sub-region to policy and decision makers; Analyse the transnational dynamics of organised criminal groups and networks; Determine whether, and to what extent, links exist between organised crime and terrorism; Consider and document the role that corruption plays in organised crime; and Evaluate the capacity and effectiveness of law enforcement agencies in the sub-region to overcome organised crime. This report comprises the research findings of the first year of data collection (2008) for the EROC project. It is the first of three such reports that will be published by the ISS in collaboration with SARPCCO. It looks at selected organised criminal activities and observed levels of prevalence in 12 southern African countries. Research questions, methodologies, limitations and ethical considerations are discussed in detail. Due to the lack of statistical and quantitative data, the report relies mostly on qualitative methodologies. Representatives of law enforcement agencies, government departments and para-statals, civil society, business and professional associations, academics, prisoners, former gang members and members of the broader communities whose lives have been affected by organised crime, were consulted in one-on-one interviews, focus groups, observations and workshops. A team of field researchers led by a research coordinator collected the data presented and analysed in this report. The research was informed by a working definition of organised crime which was jointly developed by the heads of criminal investigation departments in southern Africa and the research team. The report shows that the more serious forms of crime in terms of the monetary value involved or the potential harm they cause have a transnational dimension, both in terms of being committed by people of varying nationalities and in terms of affecting more than one country. It has been established that organised crime in most countries is underpinned by corruption, which is either a facilitating activity or an organised criminal activity in its own right. The geo-political and economic environments of individual countries amplifies the significance of specific criminal activities, the commonest forms of which have been identified as stock theft, theft/hijacking of motor vehicles, cultivation of marijuana and a broad spectrum of economic crimes. Further, the research has shown that although economic crimes may not be as prevalent as other forms of crime, statistically their impact on the society and the economy are far reaching. Furthermore, the effectiveness of law enforcement against organised crime has been put in the spotlight.

Details: Pretoria, South Africa: Institute for Security Studies, 2010. 101p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 11, 2011 at: http://www.iss.co.za/uploads/OrgCrimeReviewDec2010.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: South Africa

URL: http://www.iss.co.za/uploads/OrgCrimeReviewDec2010.pdf

Shelf Number: 120675

Counterfeit Goods
Drug Markets
Financial Crimes
Human Trafficking
Money Laundering
Offenses Against the Environment
Organized Crime (South Africa)
Stolen Motor Vehicles
Wildlife Crime

Author: Monzini, Paola

Title: Smuggling of Migrants Into, Through and From North Africa: A Thematic Review and Annotated Bibliography of Recent Publications

Summary: “Smuggling of migrants†is defined in article 3 of the Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, as “the procurement, in order to obtain, directly or indirectly, a financial or other material benefit, of the illegal entry of a person into a State Party of which the person is not a national or a permanent residentâ€. Article 6 of the Protocol requires the criminalization of such conduct and that of enabling a person who is not a national or a permanent resident to remain in the State concerned without complying with the necessary requirements for legally remaining in the State by producing a fraudulent travel or identity document, or procuring, providing or possessing such a document, or any other illegal means in order to obtain a financial or other material benefit. Based upon this definition, the purpose and scope of this publication is to survey existing sources and research papers on smuggling of migrants into, through and from North Africa reflecting the current state of academic knowledge, as well as knowledge gaps and discussions on the subject. This study has two main United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 2241, No. 39574. objectives: to describe major findings on smuggling of migrants into, through and from North Africa, and to highlight the need for further research on specific issues that have not yet been studied and on areas where little analysis has yet been carried out. The publication reviews literature that has been published by academics, journalists, international organizations and non-governmental organizations. The reviewed literature was selected on the basis of its thematic relevance and date and the language of publication: only publications in English, French and Italian were reviewed. The research does not pretend to be comprehensive. As far as the geographical scope of the review is concerned, it is important to note that it actually goes beyond the North African countries, because irregular migration and smuggling flows are transnational in nature; they often originate and/or end in the North African region. For this reason, sub-Saharan African and European countries are also considered. The presence of smugglers is recorded mainly in relation to crossing of the Sahara Desert and the maritime passages to Europe. Thus, while the main focus of the review is on North African countries (Algeria, Egypt, the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Morocco and Tunisia), literature considering countries of origin and transit such as Mali, the Niger and the Sudan, and countries of destination and transit, such as Greece, Italy and Spain, has also been reviewed to some extent. As far as the routes to Europe are concerned, those ending in Spain have not been given the same attention in this review as have journeys ending on Italian shores. Some of the most important theoretical research papers published on the subject of migrant smuggling in general have also been considered. Where statistical data and other figures are quoted, reference is made to their source. The review is divided into thematic chapters that review research publications on the following topics: •• Quantifying irregular migration and smuggling of migrants into, through and from North Africa •• The geography of migrant smuggling routes •• Profiles and characteristics of smuggled migrants •• Smuggler-migrant relationships •• Organizational structures of migrant-smuggling networks •• Modus operandi of migrant smugglers •• Smuggling fees •• Human and social costs of smuggling Finally, the thematic review presents a summary of major findings, highlighting the challenges of carrying out research into the issue of migrant smuggling and the gaps in that research. The review is complemented by an annotated bibliography of the relevant literature.

Details: Vienna: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2010. 62p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 2, 2011 at: http://www.unodc.org/documents/human-trafficking/Migrant_smuggling_in_North_Africa_June_2010_ebook_E_09-87293.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: International

URL: http://www.unodc.org/documents/human-trafficking/Migrant_smuggling_in_North_Africa_June_2010_ebook_E_09-87293.pdf

Shelf Number: 120680

Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Illegal Migration

Author: David, Fiona

Title: Labour Trafficking

Summary: Since July 2007, the Australian Institute of Criminology has been conducting research into the trafficking of persons in the Asia–Pacific region in order to contribute to the evidence base underpinning efforts to combat people trafficking across a range of industries. This report examines what is known about labour trafficking, based on incidences of reported crimes, but also by drawing on information about unreported crime. As such, it provides an assessment about the known or likely incidence of trafficking in persons.

Details: Sydney: Australian Institute of Criminology, 2010. 79p.

Source: Internet Resource: Research and Public Policy Series, No. 108: Accessed February 8, 2011 at: http://www.aic.gov.au/documents/A/9/0/%7BA90867A2-1558-4B01-A233-34B3381D2F6D%7Drpp108.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Australia

URL: http://www.aic.gov.au/documents/A/9/0/%7BA90867A2-1558-4B01-A233-34B3381D2F6D%7Drpp108.pdf

Shelf Number: 120709

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking

Author: Haken, Jeremy

Title: Transnational Crime In The Developing World

Summary: This report analyzes the scale, flow, profit distribution, and impact of 12 different types of illicit trade: drugs, humans, wildlife, counterfeit goods and currency, human organs, small arms, diamonds and colored gemstones, oil, timber, fish, art and cultural property, and gold. Though the specific characteristics of each market vary, in general it can be said that these profitable and complex criminal operations originate primarily in developing countries, thrive in the space created by poverty, inequality, and state weakness, and contribute to forestalling economic prosperity for billions of people in countries across the world.

Details: Washington, DC: Global Financial Integrity, 2011. 68p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 8, 2011 at: http://www.gfip.org/storage/gfip/documents/reports/transcrime/gfi_transnational_crime_high-res.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: International

URL: http://www.gfip.org/storage/gfip/documents/reports/transcrime/gfi_transnational_crime_high-res.pdf

Shelf Number: 120716

Art Crime
Drug Trafficking
Financial Crimes
Human Trafficking
Illicit Trade
Offenses Against the Environment
Transnational Crime
Wildlife Crime

Author: United Nations. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

Title: Recommended Principles and Guidelines on Human Rights and Human Trafficking

Summary: Over the past decade, human trafficking has moved from the margins to the mainstream of international concern. During this period we have witnessed the rapid development of a comprehensive legal framework that comprises international and regional treaties, as well as a broad range of soft-law instruments relating to trafficking. These changes confirm that a fundamental shift has taken place in how the international community thinks about human exploitation. It also confirms a change in our expectations of what Governments and others should be doing to deal with trafficking and to prevent it. On a very practical level, a human rights-based approach to trafficking requires an acknowledgement that trafficking is, first and foremost, a violation of human rights. Trafficking and the practices with which it is associated, including slavery, sexual exploitation, child labour, forced labour, debt bondage and forced marriage, are themselves violations of the basic human rights to which all persons are entitled. Trafficking disproportionately affects those whose rights may already be seriously compromised, including women, children, migrants, refugees and persons with disabilities. A human rights approach to trafficking also demands that we acknowledge the responsibility of Governments to protect and promote the rights of all persons within their jurisdiction, including non-citizens. This responsibility translates into a legal obligation on Governments to work towards eliminating trafficking and related exploitation. A human rights approach to trafficking means that all those involved in anti-trafficking efforts should integrate human rights into their analysis of the problem and into their responses. This approach requires us to consider, at each and every stage, the impact that a law, policy, practice or measure may have on persons who have been trafficked and persons who are vulnerable to being trafficked. It means rejecting responses that compromise rights and freedoms. This is the only way to retain a focus on the trafficked persons: to ensure that trafficking is not simply reduced to a problem of migration, a problem of public order or a problem of organized crime.

Details: New York and Geneva: United Nations, 2010. 255p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 8, 2011 at: http://www.ohchr.org/Documents/Publications/Commentary_Human_Trafficking_en.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: International

URL: http://www.ohchr.org/Documents/Publications/Commentary_Human_Trafficking_en.pdf

Shelf Number: 120718

Child Labor
Forced Labor
Forced Marriage
Human Rights
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Jakobsson, Niklas

Title: The Law and Economics of International Sex Slavery: Prostitution Laws and Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation

Summary: Trafficking in humans for sexual exploitation is an economic activity driven by profit motives. Laws regarding commercial sex influence the profitability of trafficking. Using cross country data we show that trafficking of persons for commercial sexual exploitation is least prevalent in countries where prostitution is illegal, most prevalent in countries where prostitution is legalized, and in between in those countries where prostitution is legal but procuring illegal. Case studies of countries that have changed legal framework support the claims on the direction of causality as well as the causal mechanisms. The results suggest that criminalizing buying and/or selling sex may reduce the amount of trafficking to a country.

Details: Goteborg, Sweden: School of Business, Economics and Law, University of Gothenburg, 2010. 28p.

Source: Internet Resource: Working Papers in Economics, No. 458: Accessed February 9, 2011 at: http://gupea.ub.gu.se/bitstream/2077/22825/1/gupea_2077_22825_1.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: International

URL: http://gupea.ub.gu.se/bitstream/2077/22825/1/gupea_2077_22825_1.pdf

Shelf Number: 120729

Human Trafficking
Sex Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Surtees, Rebecca

Title: Listening to Victims: Experiences of Identification, Return and Assistance in South-Eastern Europe

Summary: In recent years combating trafficking in human beings has consistently been on the agenda of national administrations and international actors. A number of studies have attempted to map out the dimensions of the problem as an aspect of organized crime or irregular migration and a number of programmes have been designed to address the needs of the victims of this crime. Yet, most implemented policies and practices as well as the more theoretical studies merely discuss the current status of national and international legislation, address the need for capacity building of a specific target group or concentrate on preventive measures such as awareness raising. The study “Listening to Victims: Experiences of identification, return and assistance in South-Eastern Europe†offers a different take on the issue of trafficking. By listening to the victims themselves, by acknowledging and putting forward their “self-articulated needs,†the study attempts to show the different dilemmas facing trafficking victims. It demonstrates that one general solution is not possible and selective and targeted interventions on different levels are necessary instead. The study reflects the dynamic situation in the anti-trafficking field in South-Eastern Europe. It attempts to outline the ambiguity and complexity that surround the issue of trafficking in human beings, in order to preempt one-track solutions and policy measures. The study does not contain a catalogue of recommendations but provides food for thought for all actors involved. By describing the involvement of different governmental and non-governmental institutions and organisations in the process of identification, assistance and referral of victims of trafficking, the study hints at possible adjustments and improvements in the role of each anti-trafficking actor. It is through the voices of the victims themselves that helpful suggestions for state and non-state actors are articulated. This is particularly the case in the area of rehabilitation and reintegration after an eventual return to the country of origin, which opens a broad spectrum of possibilities for bilateral and multilateral cooperation.

Details: Vienna: International Centre for Migration Policy Development, 2007. 246p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 11, 2011 at: http://www.childtrafficking.com/Docs/listening_to_victims_1007.pdf

Year: 2007

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.childtrafficking.com/Docs/listening_to_victims_1007.pdf

Shelf Number: 112353

Human Trafficking
Victims of Crime

Author: Marenin, Otwin

Title: Challenges for Integrated Border Management in the European Union

Summary: The expansion of the European Union has required a rethinking of how the external borders of the EU can best be protected against transnational crime, illegal immigration, trafficking in goods and people, non-legitimate asylum seekers and terrorist-related threats. The history, strategic logic, issues faced and current policies for securing the expanding external borders of the EU through the integrated border management (IBM) vision and strategy will be described and critically analysed. The paper is based on information in publicly available documents from EU institutions, scholarly writings on borders and the management of border controls, my own prior writings on border controls and police reforms, and a few interviews with participants involved in creating a new EU integrated border management system.

Details: Geneva: Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces, 2010. 161p.

Source: Internet Resource: DCAF Occasional Paper - No. 17: Accessed February 14, 2011 at: http://www.dcaf.ch/Publications/Publication-Detail?lng=en&id=114407

Year: 2010

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.dcaf.ch/Publications/Publication-Detail?lng=en&id=114407

Shelf Number: 120756

Border Security
Human Trafficking
Illegal Immigrants
Trafficking in Goods
Transnational Crime

Author: Friesendorf, Cornelius, ed.

Title: Strategies Against Human Trafficking: The Role of the Security Sector

Summary: Security sector personnel are well-placed to assist in the fight against human trafficking: by identifying victims; investigating networks; disrupting operations; and prosecuting traffickers. Moreover, trafficking, like many crimes, flourishes where the rule of law is weak, such as in post-conflict situations. Restoring security based on the rule of law can reduce vulnerability to human trafficking and other types of organised crime. Strategies Against Human Trafficking: The Role of the Security Sector provides practical guidance on how practitioners in the security sector can take measures against modern-day slavery.

Details: Vienna and Geneva: National Defence Academy and Australian Ministry of Defence and Sports, 2009. 514p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 16, 2011 at: http://www.acrath.org.au/multimedia/downld/var/Strategies_Against_Human_Trafficiking-The_Role_of_the_Security_Sector_Vienna&Geneva_Sep2009.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: International

URL: http://www.acrath.org.au/multimedia/downld/var/Strategies_Against_Human_Trafficiking-The_Role_of_the_Security_Sector_Vienna&Geneva_Sep2009.pdf

Shelf Number: 120807

Border Security
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime
Security Personnel

Author: Minwalla, Sherizaan

Title: Human Trafficking in Iraq: Patterns and Practices in Forced Labor and Sexual Exploitation

Summary: Human trafficking in the form of forced prostitution and labor has long existed in Iraq, as has forced marriage and domestic servitude within the family, tribe and community. Since the 2003 invasion and subsequent civil war, Iraq has increasingly been a source of trafficking victims who are transported to neighboring countries, as well as a destination for foreign workers who are at risk of trafficking and come to Iraq from the Philippines, Nepal, Bangladesh and other countries where poverty is widespread. Furthermore, internal conflict and breakdown in law and order has resulted in a rise in kidnapping and trafficking from one location to another within Iraq. The Iraqi Constitution prohibits forced labor, kidnapping, slavery, slave trade, trafficking in women or children, and the sex trade, and the Government of Iraq ratified the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women ("CEDAW"). However Iraqi government officials have overwhelmingly failed to act to prevent abuses and to punish offenders. Iraq has not passed anti-trafficking legislation, allowing traffickers to continue to operate with impunity. Research and preliminary investigations leading to the production of this report indicate that Iraqi women and girls are being subjected to the following types of trafficking: 1) exploitation of prostitution or other forms of sexual exploitation; 2) forced labor or services; 3) slavery or practices similar to slavery; and 4) servitude. There are also credible reports of trafficking-related practices such as forced participation in criminal activity. Because of the nature of trafficking, quantitative measurement is inexact even in developed nations with functioning judicial and law enforcement sectors. In Iraq, measuring the scope of trafficking is far more difficult. However, there is ample evidence of established patterns and practices of trafficking, leading to a strong likelihood that hundreds of women have been trafficked over the last five years in the Kurdistan region, and thousands elsewhere in Iraq and in neighboring regions. In accordance with the Iraqi Constitution as well as international treaty obligations, Iraq must develop an effective national and regional counter-trafficking strategy. A comprehensive approach to combating trafficking must include prevention strategies, protection of trafficking victims, and prosecution of traffickers. This is a difficult time for Iraqis as they struggle with ongoing violence and war, as well as ongoing political restructuring in which many issues have yet to be determined. However it is also an opportune time to address trafficking and other serious human rights violations, as Iraq's national and regional governments work to strengthen the rule of law. Addressing problems of trafficking and other forms of gender-motivated violence is integral to this process of reform.

Details: Chicago: Heartland Alliance, 2007. 40p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 18, 2011 at: http://www.heartlandalliance.org/whatwedo/advocacy/reports/humantraffickinginiraq.pdf

Year: 2007

Country: Iraq

URL: http://www.heartlandalliance.org/whatwedo/advocacy/reports/humantraffickinginiraq.pdf

Shelf Number: 120823

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women

Title: Beyond Borders: Exploring Links Between Trafficking and Labour; Exploring Links Between Trafficking and Gender; Exploring Links Between Trafficking, Globalisation, and Security; Exploring Links Between Trafficking and Migration

Summary: The Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women (GAATW) was launched in 1994 by a group of women’s rights activists looking for answers to simple questions: Why do women migrate? Why do some of them end up in exploitative situations? What types of jobs are they entering into? Which human rights are being violated before, during, and after their journey? How are they showing resistance to abuses and achieving their migratory goals? Answering these questions became a collaborative effort involving countless organisations and individuals over the years, and contributed to creating a more sophisticated anti-trafficking framework. This anti-trafficking framework has in many cases contributed to protecting the rights of trafficked persons. However, excessive focus on the issue of human trafficking over the last several years has also tended to ignore other related phenomena, such as people’s experiences in migration and work. Consequently, anti-trafficking has become somewhat isolated from its context and is now a highly specialised field. Such specialisation does occur in every field of knowledge and is to some extent necessary. Yet, there is a danger in trying to address the problem of human trafficking without understanding the changing context of labour and migration in a rapidly globalising world. By doing so we would be looking at trafficking exclusively as a crime and not as the end result of a number of interconnected social factors. Further, our understanding will lack the ability to create progressive political change unless we analyse the complex social reality from a gender and human rights perspective. At a practical level we have observed that this segregation of expertise is impairing our ability to assist people or effect change when rights violations are happening. As the research documented in Collateral Damage (GAATW, 2007) pointed out, anti-trafficking initiatives have in some instances harmed the very people whose rights they have claimed to protect. Exclusive focus on trafficking without a social analysis also contributes to sensationalism. It creates the false impression that trafficking is a problem that can be solved by merely taking a few legal measures and providing assistance to those identified as trafficked. Thus, the long term goal of advocating for systemic and structural changes in society gets overlooked. Regrettably, while many of us in civil society find ourselves in specialised niche areas, sometimes our advocacy efforts in one area may run counter to the advocacy efforts made by other social movements. For example, our loud condemnation of exploitation of women migrant workers may encourage the states to stop women from migrating altogether. Indeed, strict border controls have been touted as anti-trafficking measures. How do we then condemn rights violations, but also expose the agenda of states as protectionist towards women? How do we uphold rights of migrating people, but not let the state abdicate its responsibilities towards its citizens and their right to livelihood in their own countries? How do we expose workplace exploitation and advocate for standard wages for all, but not let our advocacy result in a large number of people losing their jobs and being replaced by another set of workers in some other place? Obviously, there are no easy solutions. As we see it, understanding the existing links among the issues, starting inter-movement dialogues, and collaborating with colleagues on concrete cases are essential steps. Over the last two years, GAATW has tried to address this specialisation through different means. One of them has been to work on this series of Working Papers, which explores links between trafficking and migration; trafficking and labour; trafficking and gender; and trafficking, globalisation, and security. These Working Papers look at which broader understandings are most relevant for anti-trafficking advocates, such as: Why do labour rights matter for trafficked persons? How do states’ security measures affect women’s movement through territories and borders? The rationale for these Working Papers is simple. We, like many others, are acknowledging the existing links between trafficking, migration and labour, in the broader contexts of gender and systems of globalisation and security. We are taking a further step by examining those intersections from a human rights perspective. These Working Papers outline where the anti-trafficking framework can strengthen other frameworks and vice versa, and where we as advocates can work together and establish joint strategies. The Papers also aim to identify tensions among the different frameworks, and recognise the spaces for separate work. The complexities in people’s lives cannot be captured by one story or approach alone, whether that approach is anti-trafficking, women’s rights, human rights, migrant rights, or labour rights. In other words, a person’s life cannot be summarised as being merely that of a “trafficked person†or “migrant workerâ€, as often happens. People’s lives are richer than their trafficking, migration and work experiences. People, in spite of hardship, show great amounts of courage, resourcefulness and resilience, and find ways to negotiate complicated situations to exercise their rights. Our Papers have focussed on the lives of women. As an alliance of primarily women’s rights organisations, much of our direct engagement is with women. While we decided to give centrality to women’s lived experiences, we are certainly not denying that experiences of exploitation and trafficking for men are any less horrendous. These four Working Papers depict numerous examples of migrant women exercising agency. The Papers also show that, because space for agency is determined by the systems a person must navigate, different frameworks (labour, migration, anti-trafficking, and so on) can be used at different moments to increase women’s power over their own situations. Although these four Working Papers have distinctive features, they all cover the following broad areas: • Basic concepts in the field • Examples of the links between trafficking and other issues in the work of civil society actors, governments, and other stakeholders • The beneficial and harmful effects of these simultaneous factors on working migrant women • The importance of using a human rights-based approach • How groups from different sectors can work together in new ways • Policy recommendations People who are interested in the interface between theory and practice, and between conceptual and pragmatic work, are the intended audience of these Working Papers.

Details: Bangkok: Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women, 2010. 4 pts.

Source: Internet Resource: GAATW Working Papers Series 2010: Accessed March 8, 2011 at: www.gaatw.org

Year: 2010

Country: International


Shelf Number: 120909

Border Control
Forced Labor
Human Rights
Human Trafficking

Author: Jobe, Alison

Title: The Causes and Consequences of Re-trafficking: Evidence from the IOM Human Trafficking Database

Summary: Although there is a consensus agreement among international organizations, governments and academics regarding the seriousness and significance of re-trafficking as a problem, there has been very little research conducted into its incidence, cause or consequence. The majority of information on and discussion about re-trafficking is anecdotal, and research findings, where they exist, are few in number. Where retrafficking is discussed in literature, it is often in relation to concerns over the links between re-trafficking and deportations and/or reintegration projects, although much empirical research regarding the exact nature of such relationships remains elusive. It is apparent from studies which have analysed rates of re-trafficking that the secondary trafficking of previously trafficked persons is a substantive issue – one that is not adequately reflected to date in the growing body of research on human trafficking. This research paper aims to address the gap through an exploratory analysis of known re-trafficking cases in the Human Trafficking Database of the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

Details: Geneva: International Organization for Migration, 2010. 80p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 8, 2011 at: http://www.iom.int/jahia/webdav/site/myjahiasite/shared/shared/mainsite/published_docs/studies_and_reports/causes_of_retrafficking.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: International

URL: http://www.iom.int/jahia/webdav/site/myjahiasite/shared/shared/mainsite/published_docs/studies_and_reports/causes_of_retrafficking.pdf

Shelf Number: 120905

Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Organization for Security and Co-operation Europe, Office of the Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings

Title: Unprotected Work, Invisible Exploitation: Trafficking for the Purpose of Domestic Servitude

Summary: Trafficking for the purpose of labour exploitation is commonly perceived as less invasive and damaging than trafficking for sexual exploitation. While in some cases this might be true, trafficking for domestic servitude is often just as devastating an experience, with long-term and serious consequences. This invisible exploitation must become a concern for all of us. It could be taking place next door, in our own social environment. This Occasional Paper is the result of the Alliance High-level Conference on “Unprotected Work, Invisible Exploitation: Trafficking for the Purpose of Domestic Servitude†hosted by the Special Representative in Vienna on 17 and 18 June 2010 and the Background Paper which informed the dialogue and exchange at the Conference. The Paper is meant to provide a policy tool for decision makers and practitioners dealing with trafficking in human beings on the ground. It is based on desk research, field work and case study analyses in order to shed light on one of the most invisible forms of modern-day slavery. The Paper also benefits from the comments, inputs and expertise of specialized NGOs. Furthermore, it is enriched by the valuable contributions and direct experience of policymakers and public officials (including law enforcement, prosecutors, judges, diplomats), as well as trade unions, international organizations and academics who participated in the Alliance Conference. The Alliance Conference, which aimed at advancing the implementation of OSCE anti-trafficking commitments and mobilizing greater political will, highlighted the specific features of this form of trafficking in human beings, as well as the experiences and challenges that participating States, civil society and international organizations encounter in prevention of trafficking for domestic servitude. It provided an excellent forum to gather expertise, exchange good practices and develop recommendations on what more can be done to eradicate trafficking in human beings for domestic servitude.

Details: Vienna: OSCE, 2010. 72p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 8, 2011 at: http://ftsblog.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Unprotected-Work-Invisible-Exploitation.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Europe

URL: http://ftsblog.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Unprotected-Work-Invisible-Exploitation.pdf

Shelf Number: 120904

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking

Author: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, Office of the Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings

Title: Combating Trafficking as Modern-Day Slavery: A Matter of Rights, Freedoms and Security: 2010 Annual Report

Summary: The Special Representative (SR) is tasked by the 2005 Ministerial Council Decision to report annually to the Permanent Council on the progress achieved over the preceding year’s anti-trafficking work carried out throughout the OSCE region. This report covers the period from January to November 2010. The report is divided in four parts and deals with different aspects of the phenomenon, policies, actions, and challenges deriving from trafficking in women, men, and children for many different exploitative purposes. Part I “Trafficking in Human Beings as Modern-Day Slavery†explores the multiple forms of trafficking and addresses them as severe human rights violations, serious transnational organized crime, and threats to the individual and State security. Recent research and case studies from a variety of OSCE participating States help illustrate the phenomenon. Nowadays, trafficking in human beings is a serious crime that is widespread and ever-increasing throughout the OSCE region and beyond. Every day, thousands of people – among them a significant proportion of children – are deceived, abused, threatened and coerced into situations of exploitation that amount to slavery. The variety of forms of exploitation is endless and includes trafficking for sexual and labour exploitation, for domestic servitude, forced begging, petty crime, pickpocketing, and trafficking for the purpose of organ removal. Part II “Joining Efforts to Tackle Trafficking in Human Beings†provides an overview of the work and internal co-ordination and co-operation further developed in 2010 by the OSCE institutions, structures and field operations. It presents the work carried out by the SR and her Office in strengthening the ongoing dialogue and action with the 2010 Kazakh OSCE Chairmanship and the participating States and, more specifically, with a wide range of Parliamentarians, government authorities, and judiciary representatives met during conferences, seminars, workshops, bilateral meetings held in different OSCE countries. Furthermore, this part of the report describes the external partnerships reinforced or newly established with many international, intergovernmental and civil society organizations to jointly combat human trafficking and fully promote comprehensive measures aimed at the protection of the rights of all trafficked persons. Part III “Stepping Forward: Challenges and Future Perspectives†concludes the report as a stand alone chapter by addressing four crucial areas that the OSR decided to focus on to advance the anti-trafficking action: prosecution and criminal justice response; protection of victims’ rights; prevention; and strengthening partnership. Furthermore, in line with the priorities of the Kazakh OSCE Chairmanship, the SR dedicated special attention to trafficking in children. Part IV of the report lists the references and an Annex recording the conferences and events attended by the SR and her Office in 2010.

Details: Vienna: OSCE, 2010. 64p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 9, 2011 at: http://www.osce.org/cthb/74730

Year: 2010

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.osce.org/cthb/74730

Shelf Number: 120932

Child Trafficking
Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Peters, Alicia W.

Title: Trafficking in Meaning: Law, Victims, and the State

Summary: This dissertation examines the ways in which US anti-trafficking law (and related policies) incorporates the social and political context in which it was created and examines the ways in which deep-seated beliefs about sex intersect the drafting, interpretation, and implementation of anti-trafficking law and policy. Specifically, this dissertation focuses on the diverse meanings and consequences of a recent US law, the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) of 2000, for criminal justice authorities, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and victims of trafficking in the New York metro area. While all laws are subject to interpretation regarding meaning and application, the TVPA contains an especially complicated and layered definition of trafficking, reflecting the diverse constituencies (anti-prostitution feminists, evangelical Christians, and human rights advocates) that lobbied for radically different versions of anti-trafficking bills. This complexity in the law invites considerable flexibility in interpretation and application. This research examines distinctions between the “law on the books,†the “law in their minds,†and the “law in action†(Schuck, 2000) by looking at ruptures between the TVPA as written, as understood by the various actors for whom it has relevance, and as actually implemented. Correspondingly, this project analyzes how beliefs about trafficking and sex intersect with these three angles of inquiry. I argue that the TVPA is a rich cultural text, reflecting the social and political anxieties over prostitution, immigration, and victimization, among others, that surfaced during its drafting and that are replicated as various implementers interpret the law and reinforced through its application. Cultural norms and assumptions, regarding sex in particular, continually resurface through the everyday implementation of the law. As a result, a particular vision of trafficking (forced prostitution) and a specific type of victim (women forced into prostitution) is privileged in complicated ways that divert attention from trafficking into other labor sectors (domestic work, agriculture, factory labor, nude dancing, etc.) and from men altogether.

Details: New York: Columbia University, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, 2010. 273p.

Source: Internet Resource: Doctoral Thesis: Accessed March 11, 2011 at: http://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/231589.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: United States

URL: http://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/231589.pdf

Shelf Number: 120980

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Finckenauer, James O.

Title: Researching and Rethinking Sex Trafficking: The Movement of Chinese Women to Asia and the United States for Commercial Sex

Summary: Despite the concern and attention devoted to human trafficking in general and sex trafficking in particular over the past decade, there is still much about it that is unknown or subject to disagreement. And in general there has been little empirical research on the issue. Where there have been studies, the researchers have often drawn conclusions or generalized findings based on biased samples. Given this state of affairs, we have chosen in the study reported here to assume that prostitution is a multifaceted business with a proliferation of diverse women, and that therefore it is essential to study women in different sex venues and different destination countries in order to have a more nuanced and better balanced understanding of the transnational commercial sex business and its relation to sex trafficking. In contrast to the prevailing research approach in this area, of relying upon subjects defined by others, we instead decided to cast the broadest net possible, and to interview subjects under the broadest range of possible statuses. We also decided to conduct our subject interviews under circumstances that would maximize the probability that the subjects would be forthcoming and not constrained by other motives or agendas. In brief, we set out to conduct a study with the following specific aims: 1. To examine the underlying reasons for the illicit movement of women from China to destinations throughout Asia and to the U.S. for the purpose of prostitution. 2. To explore the structure or social organization of the movement of women from China to Asia and the U.S. 3. To understand the methods of recruiting, transporting, and managing Chinese women by various participants in the smuggling, trafficking, and sex businesses. 4. To investigate the economic aspects of smuggling, trafficking, and prostitution. 5. To examine the social adjustment and settlement patterns among Chinese women and the victimization and exploitation of these women by smugglers and traffickers and sex industry operators. 6. To analyze the individual and group characteristics of smugglers and traffickers and their relationships with gangs and organized crime. 7. To evaluate the problems and prospects of combating the movement of women from China to the rest of the world. Our goal was to shed light on one group of women who go overseas to engage in commercial sex – in this case women from the People’s Republic of China (PRC) – and to provide a more nuanced understanding of the movement of these women and its possible relation to sex trafficking. Our underlying assumption is that commercial sex, the transnational movement of women to overseas sex venues, and sex trafficking are linked. In this study, we sought to explore that linkage, and to consider whether that linkage is as characterized by the U.S. government and the United Nations in their respective codifications of human trafficking . A secondary goal was to inform the development of better strategies and responses to cope with these phenomena.

Details: Newark, NJ: School of Criminal Justice, Rutgers University, 2010. 204p.

Source: Internet Resource: Final Report to the U.S. Department of Justice: Accessed March 17, 2011 at: http://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/233583.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: International

URL: http://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/233583.pdf

Shelf Number: 121045

Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Cho, Seo-Young

Title: Compliance for Big Brothers: An Empirical Analysis on the Impact of the Anti-trafficking Protocol

Summary: The Anti-trafficking Protocol reflects the interests of the major powers. Due to the high costs of compliance, countries will strategically select certain obligations to comply, which can satisfy the major powers with smaller costs. Among the three main obligations of the Protocol "prevention, protection and prosecution, we predict that ratification leads to compliance with the prevention policy first because prevention is less costly for member states to comply with. Therefore it is the most "efficient" form of compliance. We empirically test this hypothesis by employing panel data from 147 countries during the period of 2001-2009. As the theory predicts, the ratification of the Protocol has the strongest effect on the prevention policy of a member state compared to protection and prosecution. Our findings are robust to the method of estimation and the choice of variables.

Details: Gottingen: Center for European Governance and Economic Development Research, 2011. 47p.

Source: Internet Resource: CEGE Discussion Paper No. 18: Accessed March 18, 2011 at: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1757761

Year: 2011

Country: International

URL: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1757761

Shelf Number: 121063

Human Trafficking

Author: Cockayne, James

Title: Peace Operations and Organised Crime

Summary: This report presents the four main themes that emerged from a seminar organized by the International Peace Academy (now the International Peace Institute) and the Geneva Centre for Security Policy in Geneva on 29/30 November 2007. First, it addresses the question of the conceptual relationship between organised crime and peace operations, outlining a framework for functional analysis focusing on the complex environments in which international interventions take place and the functions that organised crime and peace operations play in those environments. Second, it looks at the causal relationship between peace operations and organised crime. Third, it turns to the strategic conclusions flowing from this analysis, investigating a number of trade-offs involved when peace operations confront organised crime. Last, it presents some of the most salient operational considerations and lessons learnt from the Seminar and the discussion papers prepared for it.

Details: Geneva: Geneva Centre for Security Policy and International Peace Institute, 2008. 55p.

Source: Internet Resource: Geneva Papers No. 2: Accessed March 18, 2011 at: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1127871

Year: 2008

Country: International

URL: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1127871

Shelf Number: 121071

Human Trafficking
Organized Crime
Peace Operations

Author: Cho, Seo-Young

Title: The Spread of Anti-Trafficking Policies: Evidence from a New Index

Summary: We analyze the spread of policies dealing with international trafficking in human beings. Arguing that countries are unlikely to make independent choices, we identify pressure, externalities and learning or emulation as plausible diffusion mechanisms for spatial dependence in anti-trafficking policies. We develop a new index measuring governments’overall anti-trafficking policies for 177 countries over the 2000-2009 period. We also assess a country’s level of compliance in the three main constituent dimensions of anti-trafficking policies – prosecution, protection and prevention. Employing a spatial autoregressive model, we find that, with the exception of victim protection measures, anti-trafficking policies diffuse across contiguous countries and main trading partners due to externality effects. We find evidence for learning or emulation effects in all policy domains, with countries looking toward peers with similar political views or cultural values. Surprisingly, major destination countries do not seem to exert pressure on relevant main countries of origin or transit to ratchet up their policies.

Details: Bonn, Germany: Institute for the Study of Labor, 2011. 48p.

Source: Internet Resource: IZA Discussion Paper No. 5559: Accessed March 23, 2011 at: http://www.iza.org/index_html?lang=en&mainframe=http%3A//www.iza.org/en/webcontent/publications/papers/papers%3Fyear%3D2011%26scroll%3Ddown%26first_shown%3D0&topSelect=publications&subSelect=papers

Year: 2011

Country: International

URL: http://www.iza.org/index_html?lang=en&mainframe=http%3A//www.iza.org/en/webcontent/publications/papers/papers%3Fyear%3D2011%26scroll%3Ddown%26first_shown%3D0&topSelect=publications&subSelect=papers

Shelf Number: 121100

Human Trafficking

Author: Council of the Baltic Sea States. Expert Group for Cooperation on Children at Risk

Title: Baltic Sea Region – Information Management to Prevent Trafficking BSR IMPT

Summary: This report is one of the results of a project implemented by the Expert Group for Cooperation on Children at Risk, EGCC, within the Council of the Baltic Sea States. Unaccompanied and trafficked children is one of the priority areas for the EGCC. The “Baltic Sea Region – Information Management to Prevent Trafficking†project, BSR IMPT, explores information structures on child trafficking with the ambition of mapping existing information and intelligence structures aiming to picture information streams. Trafficking in children may appear a relatively minor problem. The official numbers – cases brought to trial – are very low. However, there may or may not be a hidden number. In any event, as trafficking constitutes a phenomenon closely associated with exploitation, prevention and protection measures need to address the ‘wider pool’ of children at risk of exploitation and, possibly therefore, trafficking. This is emphasised in the report. The report is grounded on information obtained mainly from three expert seminars and around 60 interviews in nine countries within the Council of the Baltic Sea States. Information management, IM, is a complex area, where a number of factors in the end determine how information is managed in terms of stream and channels. This report starts from sectors or groups of professionals involved and the complexity was stressed by many of the professionals, who may not be in a position to see the full picture and therefore are often uncertain where to address suspicions and intelligence which may be vital for other professionals. Professionals retrieve information from various sources. They may read reports or participate in conferences and seminars, which along with a number of training sessions provide professionals with the opportunity to share information. A number of professionals also engage in networks with colleagues or at a multi-sector level. Information is categorised. One category is anecdotes and myths; single stories or incidents that may or may not be cases of trafficking of children. There are huge challenges associated with exploring, verifying and making such information available across sectors, i.e. to police, social authorities, NGOs and others. The same is true of the flow of information between national, regional and local levels or across borders. In many countries reporting mechanisms between the local and national levels seem weak. The report concludes that information flows are facilitated if there is a centralised national organ to manage and orchestrate compilation and dissemination, along with a number of networks feeding it information. Here Denmark, Norway and, to some extent, Finland are well positioned. Equally CBSS and the EGCC pursue a role of centralised structure, functioning at the regional level as a convenor and amplifier by facilitating information flows across borders between the countries in the Baltic Sea region. National Contact Points, NCPs, have a central position in assuring links with the national level.

Details: Stockholm, Sweden: Council of the Baltic Sea States, The Children's Unit, 2010. 80p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 23, 2011 at: http://www.childcentre.info/public/CBSS_IMPT_report_new.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.childcentre.info/public/CBSS_IMPT_report_new.pdf

Shelf Number: 121111

Border Security
Child Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: GLE Consulting

Title: The 2012 Games and Human Trafficking: Identifying Possible Risks and Relevant Good Practice From Other Cities

Summary: This report reviews the potential impact of the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games on trafficking, in the context of a possible increase of people entering the UK due to human trafficking. While international and national laws are in place to combat trafficking, London boroughs and other organisations offer services that aim to mitigate the impact. Local organisations highlight good practice and the value of multi-agency working, close cooperation between agencies and maximising existing resources. This report briefly outlines the international and European legal and policy frameworks that exist to counter human trafficking, and summarises the laws, mechanisms and organisations that play a role in tackling trafficking and supporting its victims, which are relevant to, or active in, London. Multi-agency work and knowledge sharing is essential for offering support to victims. This research offers a framework for future European funding applications in the area of trafficking, which could complement existing services of boroughs and their partners. In addition, whereas many London local authorities already have expertise in tackling trafficking and supporting its victims, this research can assist those boroughs with less experience in the area.

Details: London: London Councils, 2011. 28p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 23, 2011 at: http://www.londoncouncils.gov.uk/policylobbying/crime/publications/2012humantrafficking.htm

Year: 2011

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.londoncouncils.gov.uk/policylobbying/crime/publications/2012humantrafficking.htm

Shelf Number: 121112

Human Trafficking

Author: World Bank

Title: Human Trafficking: A Brief Overview

Summary: Millions of men, women and children are victims of human trafficking for sexual, forced labor and other forms of exploitation worldwide. The human and economic costs of this take an immense toll on individuals and communities. By conservative estimates, the cost of trafficking in terms of underpayment of wages and recruiting fees is over $20 billion. The costs to human capital are probably impossible to quantify. The problem of trafficking cuts across a range of development issues, from poverty to social inclusion, to justice and rule of law issues, and thus has relevance for practitioners throughout the development community. This note provides a brief overview on the issues of human trafficking, which can be used as a quick reference for the task team leaders, sector managers, directors, and their clients at the World Bank Group. This note will first provide a definition of human trafficking and the scope of the problem, then summarize the regional trends of trafficking patterns. This is followed by a discussion of the key actors in the anti-trafficking movement and the role played by development partners in preventing human trafficking. The final section offers some potential orientations for the World Bank Group to further engage this issue in its operations.

Details: Washington, DC: World Bank, 2009. 16p.

Source: Internet Resource: Social Development Notes, No. 122: Accessed April 6, 2011 at: http://siteresources.worldbank.org/EXTSOCIALDEVELOPMENT/Resources/244362-1239390842422/6012763-1239905793229/Human_Trafficking.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: International

URL: http://siteresources.worldbank.org/EXTSOCIALDEVELOPMENT/Resources/244362-1239390842422/6012763-1239905793229/Human_Trafficking.pdf

Shelf Number: 121254

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Garcia, Ana Isabel

Title: Costa Rica: Female Labour Migrants and Trafficking in Women and Children

Summary: This paper presents an overview of the situation of female migrant labourers and reviews the legislative framework, government policy and private initiatives to protect their rights in Costa Rica. The paper aims at assisting and enhancing the efforts of government agencies, workers’ and employers’ organizations, non-governmental organizations and civil society groups in sending, transit and destination countries to protect the human rights of women migrant workers in the different stages of the migration process. The focus is on the situation of the women migrant workers in their families, workplaces, communities and societies in sending and receiving countries and also on the initiatives, policies and programmes, “good†and “bad†practices implemented by government, private recruitment and employment agencies and a wide range of social actors to assist and protect women migrants against exploitation and abuse and to prevent them from being trafficked.

Details: Geneva: Gender Promotion Programme, International Labour Office, 2002. 72p.

Source: Internet Resource: GENPROM Working Paper No. 2: Accessed April 11, 2011 at: http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---ed_emp/documents/publication/wcms_117928.pdf

Year: 2002

Country: Costa Rica

URL: http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---ed_emp/documents/publication/wcms_117928.pdf

Shelf Number: 121299

Child Labor (Costa Rica)
Child Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Migrant Workers

Author: Texas Juvenile Probation Commission

Title: Alternatives to Juvenile Justice for Youth Involved in Prostitution. Report to the 82nd Legislature January 2011

Summary: The 81st Texas Legislature passed House Bill 4009, authored by Representatives Weber and Thompson and sponsored by Senator Van de Putte, requiring the Texas Juvenile Probation Commission (TJPC) to prepare a report evaluating alternatives to the juvenile justice system for children who are accused of engaging in acts of prostitution. This report, which fulfills the legislative mandate, focuses on the issue of sex trafficking of domestic minors and explores ways to identify, divert and serve juveniles engaged in prostitution. While the report primarily concentrates on the Texas juvenile justice system and programs within the state, it also highlights best practices throughout the United States. The Texas Juvenile Probation Commission, with the assistance of a committee composed of Legislative staff and staff from the Office of the Attorney General (OAG), the Texas Youth Commission (TYC), the Department of Family Protective Services (DFPS), law enforcement agencies, and non-governmental organizations sought to answer the following questions: • What is the extent of juvenile prostitution in Texas? • How do existing Texas laws address juveniles accused of engaging in acts of prostitution? • What services are available for juveniles involved in prostitution? • What alternatives are available to divert these juveniles from the juvenile justice system? This report addresses potential changes to statute that can divert juveniles accused of engaging in prostitution from the juvenile justice system, the need for enhanced detection and identification of juveniles engaging in prostitution and the need for comprehensive community-based and residential services to serve these juveniles.

Details: Austin, TX: Texas Juvenile Probation Commission, 2011. 41p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 11, 2011 at: http://www.tjpc.state.tx.us/publications/reports/RPTOTH201103.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: United States

URL: http://www.tjpc.state.tx.us/publications/reports/RPTOTH201103.pdf

Shelf Number: 121304

Alternatives to Incarceration, Juvenile Offenders
Human Trafficking
Juvenile Prostitution (Texas)
Sex Trafficking

Author: Kim, Jane

Title: Prosecuting Human Trafficking as a Crime Against Humanity Under the Rome Statute

Summary: Bought and sold, consumed and exploited: human bodies, labor, personhood, and dignity have become the most valuable, reusable, and profitable products in the 2011 world market. In the early twenty-first century, increased awareness and international concern mobilized several legal mechanisms to combat the 32 billion dollar human trafficking industry. In 2002, the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court entered into force, with specific reference to “trafficking in persons†as a crime against humanity. Despite the developments in human trafficking law, awareness, and policy over the past decade, the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) potential treatment of trafficking as a crime against humanity remains a question mark. This paper examines the potential of the ICC in prosecuting human trafficking as a crime against humanity, identifying the complex contexts of trafficking, the opposition that ICC prosecution will likel! y face, and approaches that the ICC could take in investigating and prosecuting human trafficking. Highlighting the challenges of defining trafficking, the shadow of armed conflict in the ICC’s developing jurisprudence, and the risk of overlooking the gravity of human trafficking, this paper concludes by urging the ICC to look beyond the situations to which international law has traditionally applied. To realize the promise of the Rome Statute, this paper urges the ICC to incorporate the Palermo Protocol, common purpose, and the exceptional and global effects of the trafficking market in approaching human trafficking as a crime against humanity.

Details: New York: Columbia Law School, Center for Gender & Sexuality Law, 2011. 35p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 21, 2011 at: http://blogs.law.columbia.edu/gslonline/files/2011/02/Jane-Kim_GSL_Prosecuting-Human-Trafficking-as-a-Crime-Against-Humanity-Under-the-Rome-Statute-2011.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: International

URL: http://blogs.law.columbia.edu/gslonline/files/2011/02/Jane-Kim_GSL_Prosecuting-Human-Trafficking-as-a-Crime-Against-Humanity-Under-the-Rome-Statute-2011.pdf

Shelf Number: 121469

Human Trafficking

Author: Fujita, Koichi

Title: Myanmar Migrant Laborers in Ranong, Thailand

Summary: Thailand is the major destination for migrants in mainland Southeast Asia, and Myanmar (Burmese) migrants account for the dominant share. This paper sheds light on the actual working conditions and the life of Myanmar migrants in Thailand, based on our intensive survey in Ranong in southern Thailand in 2009. We found a wide range of serious problems that Myanmar migrants face in everyday life: very harsh working conditions, low income, heavy indebtedness, risk of being human-trafficking victims, harassment by the police and military (especially of sex workers), high risk of illness including malaria and HIV/AIDS and limited access to affordable medical facilities, and a poor educational environment for their children.

Details: Chiba, Japan: Institute of Developing Economies, 2010. 42p.

Source: Internet Resource: IDE Discussion Paper No. 257: Accessed April 26, 2011 at: http://ideas.repec.org/p/jet/dpaper/dpaper257.html

Year: 2010

Country: Thailand

URL: http://ideas.repec.org/p/jet/dpaper/dpaper257.html

Shelf Number: 121493

Human Trafficking
Sex Trafficking

Author: Rigby, Paul

Title: Child Trafficking in Glasgow. 2 - The Views of Professionals

Summary: This is the second phase of research in Glasgow to explore the issue of child trafficking and establish a more robust evidence base about the backgrounds, characteristics, exploitation and experiences of trafficked children. Sixteen experienced front line professionals and managers were interviewed to ascertain their perceptions and views, both positive developments and the barriers to effective practice. The emergent themes, while only indicative of practice and challenges in the city, were varied and highlighted the complexities surrounding the protection of children who may have been trafficked. The positive multi-agency approach and commitment of front line staff were considered to be positive aspects of work and four key themes were identified as potential barriers to improving future practice: • The impact of trauma and fear experienced by trafficked children on their engagement with agencies and provision of services • The challenges of identification, assessment and service delivery when information about children is invariably limited and children often do not understand the roles of agencies within either the immigration or child protection systems • Relationships as a key factor in effective practice, including the recognition of a child’s relationship with traffickers • The importance of taking into account children’s cultural experiences and how these impact on notions of victimhood, exploitation, rehabilitation and support. The findings from this research complement that of the phase 1 case file analysis and indicate that while there have been substantial improvements in Glasgow, awareness and understanding of the multi-faceted and complex components of child trafficking remains limited, compromising the potential to provide appropriate protection and support to children. The complexities of the trafficking trade, and how the many inter-related factors may affect service delivery for a group of particularly vulnerable children, are beginning to be identified. However, as elsewhere, developments are constrained by the absence of a clear evidence base that can fully inform effective policy and practice.

Details: Glasgow: Glasgow Child Protection Committee, 2010. 46p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 28, 2011 at: http://www.glasgowchildprotection.org.uk/NR/rdonlyres/C3597A7A-8D4C-4F98-B846-76A6F7CB1D1C/0/GCPC_child_traffic_research2010.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.glasgowchildprotection.org.uk/NR/rdonlyres/C3597A7A-8D4C-4F98-B846-76A6F7CB1D1C/0/GCPC_child_traffic_research2010.pdf

Shelf Number: 121560

Child Trafficking (Glasgow)
Human Trafficking

Author: Rigby, Paul

Title: Child Trafficking in Glasgow: Report of a Social Work Case File Analysis of Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children

Summary: This research is the first phase of work in Glasgow to explore the prevalence of child trafficking in the city and to establish a knowledge base about children who may have been trafficked. A sample group of 75 unaccompanied asylum seeking children (UASC) known to the social work asylum assessment team in 2007 was identified and data gathered via a two stage retrospective case file analysis. To address any immediate practical, ethical and child protection issues a multi-agency steering group guided the research. The sample consisted of 38 females and 37 males, aged between 12 and 17 on their first contact with social work services in Glasgow. Indirect indicators were used to identify those children with potential concerns about trafficking and a data collection form was developed to gather additional background and journey details. Following the two-stage process of data collection and analysis the presence of indirect indicators in social work records suggests that 28% of UASC children have probably been trafficked, with a further 15% presenting with ‘suspicions’ suggesting a possibility of trafficking. Due to the understandable reluctance of victims to speak about their experiences and methodological challenges, not least utilising records of one agency, details about the children’s backgrounds and journey details are partial. Despite the limited information available it was apparent that children had a variety of background circumstances and had experienced multiple exploitative situations on their journeys, indicating that attempts to categorise children by background or type of exploitation will be problematic. The children with the highest concerns regarding trafficking are from a variety of countries, with West Africa and East Asia being the largest source regions. A number of children had been in the UK for considerable periods before becoming known to the authorities, with accompanying concerns about where they had been and what may have happened to them. Following referral to social work services in Glasgow the children received practical help and support in relation to various issues including education, health, accommodation and asylum applications. Psychological support and input to specifically address trafficking issues was limited, partly due to the reluctance of children to engage with counselling and also the absence of agencies dealing specifically with child trafficking. Few children were identified in practice as possible trafficking victims and child protection procedures were commenced in only two cases. This probably reflects the absence of national or local guidance and limited awareness of trafficking indicators amongst practitioners at the time of the research. Once identified as UASCs, children under the age of 16 were all, except one, initially accommodated in social work care. Those over 16 years of age were accommodated elsewhere with social work support, although this has potential implications for monitoring and safeguarding practice if they have been trafficked. This exploratory case file analysis is the first study in Scotland to systematically investigate child trafficking and while there are limitations due to inherent methodological challenges of trafficking research, it has provided baseline data to inform local and national policy and practice. While the actual numbers of UASCs presenting in Glasgow is small, when compared to other areas of the UK the evidence indicates the proportion of UASCs who may have been trafficked is higher than previously identified.

Details: Glasgow: Glasgow Child Protection Committee, 2009. 30p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 28, 2011 at: http://www.glasgowchildprotection.org.uk/NR/rdonlyres/F4470FF7-1586-4ADB-8217-03A0E45EA07A/0/GCPC_child_traffic_2009.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.glasgowchildprotection.org.uk/NR/rdonlyres/F4470FF7-1586-4ADB-8217-03A0E45EA07A/0/GCPC_child_traffic_2009.pdf

Shelf Number: 121562

Child Trafficking (Glasgow)
Human Trafficking

Author: Craggs, Sarah,

Title: Rights, Residence, Rehabilitation: A Comparative Study Assessing Residence Options for Trafficked Persons

Summary: Increased attention has been given to the issue of “reflection periods†and temporary residence permits as a means to both ensure the protection of trafficked persons and strengthen the investigation and prosecution of traffickers. This study aims to assess how legal norms pertaining to the right to residence are being translated into practice. It provides a comparative legal and practice-based assessment of the application of the right to residence in four countries, namely Austria, Belgium, Italy and the United States of America. Field work was undertaken in all four countries in July and August 2009. The findings are drawn from 46 interviews held with a diverse range of participants. The research was conducted at the request of the donor, the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Directorate of Political Affairs, Political Affairs Division IV. The research process was guided by a number of key research questions with the aim to: assess the legal frameworks in each respective country; examine how the given regulations are applied in practice; assess whether there are any discrepancies with the literal text of the law; and document the experiences and developments that have been made in the four countries in terms of the pertinent frameworks. The research findings reflect this focus; however, the authors acknowledge that the issues of residence and rehabilitation for trafficked persons – whether in the country of exploitation and/or identification, the home country, or a country of resettlement – demand continued attention. The report demonstrates that one of the key barriers to the efficiency of the residence permit procedure remains the manner in which legislation is being translated into practice. There are gaps in existing laws and, in addition, these laws are not always fully implemented. On the other hand, practice by law-enforcement authorities and other actors often goes further than the provisions in the law. In short, there is little consistency and the treatment of victims can vary greatly, depending on the city where they are identified or which agency or individual conducts their interview.

Details: Geneva: International Organization for Migration, 2010. 141p.

Source: Internet Resource: International Migration Law, No. 24: Accessed April 28, 2011 at: http://publications.iom.int/bookstore/free/IML24.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: International

URL: http://publications.iom.int/bookstore/free/IML24.pdf

Shelf Number: 121563

Human Trafficking
Victims of Human Trafficking, Service for

Author: Banks, Duren

Title: Characteristics of Suspected Human Trafficking Incidents, 2008-2010

Summary: The report describes the characteristics of human trafficking investigations, suspects, and victims in cases opened by federally funded task forces between January 2008 and June 2010. This report provides information about investigations, persons involved in suspected and confirmed incidents of human trafficking, and case outcomes. Data are from the Human Trafficking Reporting System (HTRS), which was created in response to a congressional mandate in the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2005 for biennial reporting on the scope and characteristics of human trafficking. HTRS is currently the only system that captures information on human trafficking investigations conducted by state and local law enforcement agencies in the United States. The report also describes HTRS data collection procedures and data quality issues. Highlights include the following: Federally funded task forces opened 2,515 suspected incidents of human trafficking for investigation between January 2008 and June 2010; About 8 in 10 of the suspected incidents of human trafficking were classified as sex trafficking, and about 1 in 10 incidents were classified as labor trafficking; The confirmed human trafficking incidents open for at least a year led to 144 known arrests.

Details: Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2011. 12p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 29, 2011 at: http://bjs.ojp.usdoj.gov/content/pub/pdf/cshti0810.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: United States

URL: http://bjs.ojp.usdoj.gov/content/pub/pdf/cshti0810.pdf

Shelf Number: 121581

Crime Statistics
Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Sex Trafficking

Author: Padavan, Frank

Title: The Counterfeit Connection : The Counterfeit Goods Trade, Intellectual Property Theft and Terrorist Financing: With a Discussion of Illegal Immigration, Alien Smuggling and Human Trafficking

Summary: This report focuses on the counterfeit goods trade and its connection to terrorism financing. The purpose of the report is to explore the connections between illegal immigration, including alien smuggling and human trafficking, and the counterfeit goods trade and terrorist financing.

Details: Albany, NY: New York State Senate Majority Task Force on Immigration, 2005. 108p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 29, 2011 at: http://nysl.nysed.gov/uhtbin/cgisirsi/xK6obNlwCS/NYSL/62700081/9

Year: 2005

Country: United States

URL: http://nysl.nysed.gov/uhtbin/cgisirsi/xK6obNlwCS/NYSL/62700081/9

Shelf Number: 121574

Counterfeit Goods
Human Trafficking
Illegal Aliens
Illegal Trade
Terrorist Financing

Author: Joudo Larsen, Jacqueline

Title: The Trafficking of Children in the Asia–Pacific

Summary: Children are vulnerable to many forms of abuse and exploitation and have long been victims of trafficking for the purpose of both sexual and labour exploitation. There has been some analysis of trafficking of children in Asia, where trafficking persists despite significant prevention efforts, however, comparatively little is known about trafficking in the Pacific. Given that over one-third of the population in the Pacific region is under 15 years of age, anecdotal reports of circumstances which may amount to trafficking raise concerns for the large youth population in the Pacific Islands. Further, although there have been no prosecutions for child trafficking in Australia, the risk experienced by children within the Asia–Pacific region is relevant to responses in Australia and in supporting the development of improved inter-country responses across the region. This paper examines current definitions of child trafficking, the forms that it is known to take in Asia and the Pacific, the factors which increase vulnerability to trafficking and the mechanisms for the protection of children from this crime. It is clear that greater conceptual clarity in the definition of child trafficking, together with more detailed investigation of trafficking areas that are less well-known (such as the trafficking of boys for sexual exploitation and the vulnerability of refugee and migrant children) will assist in improving the evidence base for child trafficking and inform the development of more effective responses to these crimes in the Asia–Pacific region.

Details: Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology, 2011. 6p.

Source: Internet Resource: Trends & Issues in Crime and Criminal Jsutice, No. 415: Accessed May 5, 2011 at: http://www.aic.gov.au/documents/0/1/B/%7B01B01E30-2D3F-44EC-A3F6-713A85400134%7Dtandi415.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Australia

URL: http://www.aic.gov.au/documents/0/1/B/%7B01B01E30-2D3F-44EC-A3F6-713A85400134%7Dtandi415.pdf

Shelf Number: 121646

Child Prostitution
Child Trafficking
Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Sex Trafficking

Author: de Coning, Eve

Title: Transnational Organized Crime in the Fishing Industry. Focus on: Trafficking in Persons; Smuggling of Migrants; Illicit Drugs Trafficking

Summary: The study posed the questions whether there is transnational organized crime and other criminal activity in the fishing industry and, if so, what the vulnerabilities of the fishing industry are to transnational organized crime or other criminal activity. The research took the form of a six-month desk review of available literature, supplemented by ad hoc consultations and a two-day expert consultation held in Vienna, Austria. Importantly the study did not set out to tarnish the fishing industry. Rather, the study sought to determine whether criminal activities take place within the fishing industry to the detriment of law-abiding fishers, the legitimate fishing industry, local fishing communities and the general public alike. The study considered the involvement of the fishing industry or the use of fishing vessels in trafficking in persons (Chapter 2); smuggling of migrants (Chapter 3); illicit traffic in drugs (Chapter 4); and other forms of crime such as marine living resource crime, corruption, and piracy and other security related crimes (Chapter 5).

Details: Vienna: United Nations, 2011. 146p.

Source: Internet Resource: accessed May 9, 2011 at: http://www.unodc.org/documents/human-trafficking/Issue_Paper_-_TOC_in_the_Fishing_Industry.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: International

URL: http://www.unodc.org/documents/human-trafficking/Issue_Paper_-_TOC_in_the_Fishing_Industry.pdf

Shelf Number: 121659

Child Trafficking
Drug Trafficking
Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Illegal Fishing
Illegal Migrants
Maritime Crime
Offenses Against the Environment
Organized Crime

Author: Surtees, Rebecca

Title: Beneath the Surface. Methodological Issues in Research and Data Collection with Assisted Trafficking Victims

Summary: In the late 1990’s and early 2000’s, during deliberations of the seminal United Nations Anti-Trafficking Protocol and the early drafting of national laws that followed, only a handful of reports addressing contemporary forms of slavery had been written. This has changed. Today hundreds of studies on human trafficking are available with more published each month. The expansive growth in the body of literature on this subject within this relatively short timeframe is a positive development and is welcomed by all who have dedicated themselves to ending modern slavery. Government leaders, donors, service providers and other professionals, faced with the myriad of complexities and variations of human trafficking, continue to stress the importance of research to their work and their desire for more data collection and research. However, even though policymakers and practitioners want and need research they can use, many conclude, with some dismay, that only a small percentage of the numerous reports available provide sufficient empirical rigour and quality of analytical insights needed to help guide more informed decisions capable of producing more effective anti-trafficking results. It is clear that despite a substantial investment of time and resources to produce more and more studies around the world, few end up being useful to government officials and antitrafficking professionals in their work. Implementation of more effective practices to end modern slavery will require better underlying research, analysis and evaluation. Achieving this, however, will not be possible in the absence of a foundation of sound data systematically collected to serve specific practice-based research objectives. This report focuses on approaches to collecting data about human trafficking that underlie a large segment of research produced since the UN Protocol and, in doing so, reveals some of the key reasons that research generally has not provided a clearer path to more effective action for policymakers and practitioners. It examines how current approaches to the collection and use of data about human trafficking, while helpful for certain purposes, fall short of what will be needed to achieve a new generation of higher quality research and analysis capable of helping to produce transformative results in addressing human trafficking.

Details: Geneva: International Organization for Migration; Washington, DC: NEXUS Institute, 2010. 96p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 10, 2011 at: http://publications.iom.int/bookstore/free/beneath_the_surface.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: International

URL: http://publications.iom.int/bookstore/free/beneath_the_surface.pdf

Shelf Number: 121696

Human Trafficking

Author: Organization of Women's Freedom in Iraq (OWFI)

Title: Prostitution and Trafficking of Women and Girls in Iraq

Summary: In spite of the Organization of Women’s Freedom in Iraq (OWFI) background on women's rights, we did not expect nor comprehend the extent of the problem when we received reports of the kidnapping of women and girls in Baghdad in May 2003. When we started to gather reports from Baghdad neighborhoods the following summer, the numbers were shocking. We expressed our dismay to the media and fearing that a new and vicious era has attacked the women of Iraq. OWFI learned that trafficking of women is the hidden face of war, insecurity and chaos. In those days, we sympathized with women who were forced or maybe sold into prostitution. We did not have the same consideration for women who were already prostituted in brothels. We thought of them as the unfortunate margins of the society. It was only in 2006, that we noticed an epidemic rise in the number of women who prostituted for a living, whether in formal brothels, inregular working places, or in a hidden neighborhood hideaway. The numbers were obviously no longer something we could consider an unfortunate marginal minority. It was only then that we, in OWFI, decided to investigate the extent prostitution in Iraq, in order to better understand the underground industry of trafficking which thrives on the exploitation of women's flesh. We also needed to gather some background information about the history of prostitution and trafficking in Iraq. Our efforts started with documenting kidnappings in the first years, but gradually expanded into searching for places where girls and women are sold. We found ourselves documenting prostitution houses where the actual buying and selling take place. Eventually, it was impossible to separate one issue from the other. After confronting officials throughout 2008 and 2009 about the issue of trafficking, OWFI developed a reputation of a fierce defendant of women's integrity against the war-time disasters. As a result, eye-witnesses and the victims of trafficking began contacting OWFI with their stories. Some reports were of incidents too big for OWFI to handle. For example, distressed witnesses reported the kidnapping and trafficking 128 women from the city of Diyala in 2007. Following an interview with OWFI activist on MBC TV, the government campaigned against OWFI starting in May 2009 with active attacks over the public Al Iraqia television, and intervened to stop the airing of televised broadcasts where OWFI sought to tell the trafficking story. Frankly, we were intimidated and scared. Moreover, OWFI was advised by allies that publishing these facts may jeopardize our lives as we are touching onto one of the biggest industries in the world, and a new and thriving one in Iraq. We decided to be silent, stay safe, and keep our information to ourselves. OWFI could not maintain that position for long. A visit to the female juvenile prison in Baghdad in January 2010 reminded us that OWFI served an important mission that required courage, but facing our fears. It was the faces of 12 year old Mena and her sister that reminded us or our responsibilities. They were imprisoned after being sent back from the Arab Emirates as "prostitutes." Meeting those two children and hearing their stories was a heavy experience for the activists of OWFI. Some rushed out crying; some promised to help; while others hardened their resolve to document and reveal these crimes against the women or Iraq, including innocent young girls. Innocent girls who should still be enjoying childhood under the protection of their mothers were being incarcerated for the crime of prostitution, an ordeal in which they were modern-day slaves. At this point, we do not know if the numbers of Iraqi teenaged trafficking victims of the recent years are in the thousands, or tens of thousands. We do know that the Iraqi government does not want to hear the facts nor acknowledge the sufferings. Lawmakers do not feel an urgency to eradicate the crime of trafficking. One recent letter from an informed OWFI supporter gave us the ultimate push to publicize the facts. He had previously forwarded us a report which was too big to handle. That letter said, "You need to do something. The women and their families need to know that someone stands with them. The fact that 128 young women from Diyala were exported into sexual slavery within a few months cannot pass unnoticed. The traffickers and their official partners are set free while the trafficked women and their families suffer in silence, from shame and slavery… The case just cannot be closed".

Details: New York: Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, United Nations Office, 2010. 84p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 16, 2011 at: http://www.peacewomen.org/assets/file/Resources/NGO/dispvaw_prostitutiontraffickingiraqwomen_owfi_march2010.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Iraq

URL: http://www.peacewomen.org/assets/file/Resources/NGO/dispvaw_prostitutiontraffickingiraqwomen_owfi_march2010.pdf

Shelf Number: 121724

Child Sex Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Prostitution (Iraq)
Sex Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Robson, Paul

Title: Ending Child Trafficking in West Africa: Lessons from the Ivorian Cocoa Sector

Summary: This report finds that trafficking of children to cocoa farms in Côte d’Ivoire still occurs. The research found significant numbers of young people in Mali and Burkina Faso who had worked as children in cocoa farms in Côte d’Ivoire in the last five years. The practices occur in the context of large-scale movements of people within the region including the trafficking of children to other agricultural activities and to other sectors.

Details: London: Anti-Slavery International, 2010. 37p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 18, 2011 at: http://www.antislavery.org/includes/documents/cm_docs/2011/c/cocoa_report_for_website.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Africa

URL: http://www.antislavery.org/includes/documents/cm_docs/2011/c/cocoa_report_for_website.pdf

Shelf Number: 121740

Child Labor
Child Maltreatment
Child Trafficking (West Africa)
Human Trafficking

Author: Skinner, Robyn

Title: Child Trafficking and Organized Crime. Where Have All the Young Girls Gone?

Summary: This study investigates the role of organized crime in human trafficking, the third largest illicit industry in the world, and looks at how many trafficked girls and women are subjected to sexual exploitation.

Details: Washington, DC: Youth Advocate Program International, 2004. 6p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 19, 2011 at: http://www.yapi.org/rpchildtrafficking.pdf

Year: 2004

Country: International

URL: http://www.yapi.org/rpchildtrafficking.pdf

Shelf Number: 121753

Child Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Lalani, Mumtaz

Title: Ending the Abuse: Policies That Work to Protect Migrant Domestic Workers

Summary: From June 2010 to January 2011 the London-based charity Kalayaan conducted research on the ‘Overseas Domestic Worker’ (ODW) visa system in the UK. Drawing on a combination of quantitative and qualitative data, the research identifies the importance of a legal channel of migration for migrant domestic workers (MDWs) to the UK and confirms that the ODW visa route is working as intended and as such has a negligible impact on net migration to the UK. It also demonstrates the effectiveness of the ODW visa in protecting the rights of MDWs and emphasises the need for similar protections to diplomatic domestic workers. Finally, the research findings indicate that the measures in place to identify and assist trafficked domestic workers in the UK could in no way act as an alternative system of protection to the protections currently afforded to MDWs through the visa. Home Office data for the period from January 2003 to August 2010 shows that 41 per cent of MDWs cited types of abuse or exploitation as their reason for changing employer. The right to change employer thus enables MDWs to escape from abusive employers. Interviews conducted by Kalayaan indicate that this right facilitates workers to negotiate fairer terms and conditions in their future employment, remaining visible in the UK whilst continuing to support their families by sending remittances home. The visa’s portability provision also plays a crucial role in facilitating domestic workers to pursue legal remedies against their employers. Indeed, between May 2009 and December 2010, 53 domestic workers brought employment tribunal cases against their employers; 34 of these cases had been concluded by December 2010. Taking such action would be unthinkable if the worker had to continue working for their employer and residing in their household and would be impossible if workers lost their right to remain in the UK when they fled from an abusive employer. Further, the protections afforded to MDWs under UK employment law, and in particular, the right to legal remedy, arguably help to reduce the incidence of trafficking and forced labour among MDWs. Indeed, in 2009 the Home The overwhelming majority of MDWs accompany their foreign employers to the UK for a finite period of time. Estimates using United Kingdom Border Agency (UKBA) figures show that less than 5 per cent of domestic workers who enter the UK on an ODW visa go on to settle. In 2009, MDWs accounted for a mere 0.5 per cent of the individuals who were awarded settlement in the UK, thus showing that this immigration route has a negligible impact on net migration to the UK. For the few domestic workers who remain in the UK, the route to settlement rids them of their underlying vulnerability by removing their dependency on employers to maintain their immigration status and facilitates their integration into UK society.

Details: London: Kalayaan, 2011. 46p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 19, 2011 at: http://www.kalayaan.org.uk/documents/Kalayaan%20Report%20final.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.kalayaan.org.uk/documents/Kalayaan%20Report%20final.pdf

Shelf Number: 121759

Domestic Workers (U.K.)
Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Migrant Workers

Author: Lainez, Nicolas

Title: Prostitution Mobility and Representations The Case of Vietnamese Prostitutes Going to Cambodia

Summary: This study is the first in a series of three, the objective of which is to understand international mobility undertaken for the purposes of prostitution and forms of commercial sex by low-skilled women and female minors from the Mekong Delta. The first study addresses cross-border mobility for prostitution between the Vietnamese southern province of An Giang and Cambodia. Field investigation shows that this flow of mobility, which attracted a significant number of women in the 1990s, has now dried up in Vietnam, essentially because Cambodia is no longer viewed as a destination for easy money but rather a dangerous and unwelcoming country.

Details: Hô Chi Minh City & Bangkok: Alliance Anti-Trafic Vietnam & IRASEC/Observatory on Illicit Trafficking, 2011. 32p.

Source: Internet Resource: Research Report No. 1: Accessed May 24, 2011 at: http://www.childtrafficking.com/Docs/alliance_anti_11_representation_0411.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Cambodia

URL: http://www.childtrafficking.com/Docs/alliance_anti_11_representation_0411.pdf

Shelf Number: 121796

Human Trafficking
Prostitution (Cambodia; Vietnam)
Sexual Exploitation

Author: United Nations Inter-Agency Project on Human Trafficking

Title: Exploitation of Cambodian Men at Sea: Facts about the Trafficking of Cambodian Men onto Thai Fishing Boats

Summary: An estimated thousands of Cambodian men, women, and children are trafficked annually to Thailand for the purpose of labor exploitation. Some of the worst exploited are the men and boys who are deceived onto long-haul fishing boats that fish the waters of the South China Sea, including into Malaysian waters. These boats, out to sea for up to two years or more, become virtual prisons on which the trafficking victims endure inhumane working conditions, and physical abuse. Death at sea is frequently reported, sometimes at the hands of the Thai boat captains. The only way to escape is to jump ship when the boat goes ashore for registration/documentation purposes in places like Sarawak, Malaysia. This SIREN report summarizes the facts about the trafficking of 49 Cambodian men and boys trafficked onto Thai long-haul fishing boats and assisted over the past 18 months by a network of responders spanning Cambodia, Thailand, and Malaysia. There are some variations in the scenarios faced by these men and boys, but the common theme is deception and debt bondage by two or more Khmer and Thai brokers; their sale to a Thai boat owner for 10,000-15,000 Baht; slave-like working conditions at sea, including beatings, deprivation of food, inhumane work hours (for example, working 3 days and nights straight when nets need to be mended), lack of medical treatment for illnesses and injuries, and threats of death; and sometimes, reportedly, murder.

Details: Phnom Penh, Cambodia: UNIAP, 2009. 7p.

Source: Internet Resource: SIREN Case Analysis: Accessed May 24, 2011 at: http://www.no-trafficking.org/reports_docs/siren/siren_cb3.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: Cambodia

URL: http://www.no-trafficking.org/reports_docs/siren/siren_cb3.pdf

Shelf Number: 121824

Debt Bondage
Fishing Industry
Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Labor Exploitation (Cambodia)
Male Victims of Trafficking

Author: European Roma Rights Centre and People in Need

Title: Breaking the Silence: Trafficking in Romani Communities

Summary: Estimates provided during research by the ERRC and PiN about the perceived representation of Roma among trafficked persons in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia are several times higher than the proportion of Roma among the general population, indicating a disproportionate impact of this practice on Romani communities. Romani women and children were found to be particularly vulnerable to trafficking, which brings Roma to other countries and to other locations within their home countries. Roma are trafficked for various purposes, including sexual exploitation, labour exploitation, domestic servitude, organ trafficking, illegal adoption and forced begging. The vulnerability factors identified in this study are closely linked to those commonly associated with non-Romani trafficked persons and include structural forms of ethnic and gender discrimination, poverty and social exclusion which result in low educational achievement, high levels of unemployment, usury, growing up in State care, domestic violence and substance abuse. Gaps in law, policy and practice in the field of anti-trafficking constitute barriers to the fight against trafficking in Romani communities. Few Roma are identified by police as trafficked persons and many are reluctant to report themselves to law enforcement agencies for fear of reprisal from their traffickers or of prosecution for the conduct of criminal acts as a trafficked person. Similarly low numbers of Romani trafficked persons access victim prevention and protection services and general social protection systems are failing to reduce the extreme vulnerability of Roma to trafficking. The overwhelming lack of support available to Romani trafficked persons negatively impacts the ability of many to re-integrate, leaving them highly vulnerable to re-trafficking.

Details: Budapest: European Roma Rights Centre, 2011. 92p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 1, 2011 at: http://www.errc.org/cms/upload/file/breaking-the-silence-19-march-2011.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.errc.org/cms/upload/file/breaking-the-silence-19-march-2011.pdf

Shelf Number: 121936

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation
Trafficking in Organs

Author: Solis Rivera, Luis Guillermo

Title: Organized Crime in Latin America and the Caribbean: Summary of Articles

Summary: This document is both a summary and translation of the book Crimen Organizado en América Latina y el Caribe, which was edited by MA. Luis Guillermo Solís Rivera and PhD. Francisco Rojas Aravena. The book was developed by the General Secretariat of the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO after its initials in Spanish) and the Open Society Institute (OSI). It was originally published by Editorial Catalonia and the General Secretariat of FLACSO in 2008. The book is made up of 12 essays and it has 379 pages. The essays have been written by a group of distinguished authors from different backgrounds and each one contributed in the area of his or her expertise. The 12 essays are characterized by their diversity because each of them addresses different aspects of organized crime. And even though most authors agree that the strongest manifestation of organized crime is drug trafficking, they also analyze other intimately related issues such as human trafficking, arms trafficking, the smuggling of various goods, juvenile gangs, and money laundering. They also agree on some of the most important consequences of organized crime such as the corruption of many public officials, violence, insecurity, problems with democratic governance and the gradual erosion of the democratic system as a whole. The authors agree on the above aspects, but they each analyze the problem from a different perspective. Some essays address the issue from a general perspective and the perspective of the Latin American and Caribbean region as a whole, while other essays focus on certain case studies like the current situation in Mexico, Brazil, Peru, and Colombia, among others. Aside from this geographic variety, there is a methodological variety as well. Some authors focus on the definition of organized crime and other concepts that are linked with it such as public safety, democracy, corruption, and democratic governance. Other essays, however, evaluate empirical facts and current data for various countries of the region. Some authors explore the regional history, and why the particular histories of some countries have made them vulnerable to organized crime. Others reflect mainly on the current situation and search for answers to this serious problem. What they have in common is that, both from a past or present perspective, they analyze organized crime in its entire context and how the multiple economic, social, political, and cultural structural deficiencies have made Latin America prone to these criminal activities. This book provides solutions for the problem such as the need to strengthen international cooperation, transparency and governance, participation of civil society, and the importance of not attacking violence with violence, but concentrating on solving the structural and systemic problems. In sum, it analyzes organized crime from an integral and multidimensional perspective.

Details: San Jose, Costa Rica: FLACSO, 2009. 95p.

Source: Internet Resource: accessed July 27, 2011 at: http://www.flacso.org/uploads/media/Organized_Crime.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: Central America

URL: http://www.flacso.org/uploads/media/Organized_Crime.pdf

Shelf Number: 122180

Drug Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime (Latin America and Caribbean)
Violent Crime

Author: Finklea, Kristin M.

Title: Sex Trafficking of Children in the United States: Overview and Issues for Congress

Summary: The trafficking of individuals within U.S borders is commonly referred to as domestic human trafficking, and it occurs in every state of the nation. One form of domestic human trafficking is sex trafficking. Research indicates that most victims of sex trafficking into and within the United States are women and children, and the victims include U.S. citizens and noncitizens alike. Recently, Congress has focused attention on domestic sex trafficking, including the prostitution of children - which is the focus of this report. Federal law does not define sex trafficking per se. However, the term "severe forms of trafficking in persons," as defined in the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000 (TVPA, P.L. 106-386) encompasses sex trafficking. "Severe forms of trafficking in persons" refers, in part, to "[s]ex trafficking in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such act has not attained 18 years of age...." Experts generally agree that the trafficking term applies to minors whether the child's actions were forced or appear to be voluntary. The exact number of child victims of sex trafficking in the United States is unknown because comprehensive research and scientific data are lacking. Sex trafficking of children appears to be fueled by a variety of environmental and situational variables ranging from poverty or the use of prostitution by runaway and "thrown-away" children to provide for their subsistence needs to the recruitment of children by organized crime units for prostitution. The TVPA has been the primary vehicle authorizing services to victims of trafficking. Several agencies have programs or administer grants to other entities to provide specific services to trafficking victims. Despite language that authorizes services for citizen, lawful permanent resident, and noncitizen victims, appropriations for trafficking victims' services have primarily been used to serve noncitizen victims. U.S. citizen victims are also eligible for certain crime victim benefits and public benefit entitlement programs, though these services are not tailored to trafficking victims. Of note, specialized services and support for minor victims of sex trafficking are limited. Nationwide, organizations specializing in support for these victims collectively have fewer than 50 beds. Other facilities, such as runaway and homeless youth shelters and foster care homes, may not be able to adequately meet the needs of victims or keep them from pimps/traffickers and other abusers. In addition, it has been suggested that minor victims of sex trafficking - while too young to consent to sexual activity with adults - may at times be labeled as prostitutes or juvenile delinquents and treated as criminals rather than being identified and treated as trafficking victims. These children who are arrested may be placed in juvenile detention facilities instead of environments where they can receive needed social and protective services. Finally, experts widely agree that any efforts to reduce the prevalence of child sex trafficking - as well as other forms of trafficking - should address not only the supply, but also the demand. Congress may consider demand reduction strategies such as increasing public awareness and prevention as well as bolstering investigations and prosecutions of those who buy illegal commercial sex ("johns"). In addition, policy makers may deliberate enhancing services for victims of trafficking. The 112th Congress may address these and other issues if policy makers choose to take up the reauthorization of the TVPA , which expires at the end of FY2011.

Details: Washington, DC: Congressional Research Services, 2011. 46p.

Source: Internet Resource: R41878: Accessed August 10, 2011 at: http://www.couragetobeyou.org/wp-content/uploads/06.21.2011-CRS-Sex-Trafficking-of-Children.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: United States

URL: http://www.couragetobeyou.org/wp-content/uploads/06.21.2011-CRS-Sex-Trafficking-of-Children.pdf

Shelf Number: 122346

Child Prostitution
Child Trafficking (U.S.)
Human Trafficking
Juvenile Runaways
Sex Trafficking

Author: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe

Title: Trafficking in Human Beings: Identification of Potential and Presumed Victims: A Community Policing Approach

Summary: The timely and proper identification of presumed victims of human trafficking is of paramount importance to ensuring that victims receive the assistance to which they are entitled. It is also crucial to the effective prosecution of the crime. The identification of potential victims can disrupt the trafficking process before it even starts and thus prevent the exploitation of vulnerable individuals. Authorities, including police officers, are usually familiar with the basic characteristics of victims of transborder trafficking in human beings for the purpose of sexual exploitation. However, they tend to have limited experience with the identification of trafficking victims who have been exposed to other forms of exploitation, such as domestic servitude or forced labour in the construction, agriculture or garment industries. As a rule, identifying a trafficked person is a complex and timeconsuming process. Sometimes it takes weeks or months for a trafficked person to overcome post-traumatic stress disorder and develop enough trust in the authorities to be able to speak out. However, because identifying trafficked persons grants them access to necessary assistance, it should be carried out quickly and accurately, irrespective of the criminal prosecution process. Various manuals, lists of indicators and checklists27 for victim identification have been prepared by State institutions and international and non-governmental organizations for use by professionals in different spheres. Nevertheless, practical experience shows that the mere existence of indicators and checklists does not lead to effective victim identification. The relevant authorities often need additional guidance on how to apply these tools. And in many cases, policy documents containing such indicators are not distributed beyond the central offices that have the unique mandate to identify victims while local law enforcement agencies, whose officers are on the front lines, are not familiar with them. There are pros and cons with respect to the use of checklists and indicators. Indicators can provide greatly sought-after guidance, but if they are applied rigidly, they can be rather limiting. To fulfil their role— to provide guidance that is relevant but not too rigid—indicators need to be reassessed and revised on a regular basis to take into account new information and trends. Profiling potential and presumed victims should not lead to unsubstantiated generalizations and discriminatory policing approaches and attitudes. It can be challenging to avoid discrimination and maintain the integrity of guidelines and other measures for victim identification used by law enforcement authorities. Even guidelines that are designed with the best of intentions may eventually be implemented without due consideration for integrity when they are interpreted and used by police officers in their daily work. It is possible to improve identification of victims of human trafficking by introducing common indicators acceptable to all relevant actors, including the police. Police officers are confronted every day with a variety of offences, but they must be able to detect suspected cases of human trafficking among all other crimes. Even though they do not specialize in human trafficking, they must be able to recognize the most important indicators of the crime, identify victims and refer them to relevant authorities. When a front-line officer has doubts about a trafficking case, he or she should immediately contact specialized police units, specialized public prosecution offices or specialized NGOs. The challenge for all actors involved in identification of presumed victims of human trafficking is where to set the threshold. When performing initial identification, the threshold must be lower than that set out in the criminal code. The police in various OSCE participating States have been criticized for interpreting the definition of presumed victims too narrowly and not treating persons in situations where there were slight indications of trafficking as presumed victims.28 The community policing tools provided in this guidebook should help to address the challenges of preliminary identification of presumed and potential trafficking victims. The guidebook is divided into eight chapters. Chapter One underlines the necessity of developing a common list of indicators to provide a basis for multi-agency co-operation in victim identification. Chapter Two establishes a link between victim identification and the legal definition of human trafficking and focuses on the main principles that have to be taken into consideration when approaching the problem. Chapter Three addresses different aspects of the community policing approach to victim identification. Chapter Four focuses on characteristics of victims and difficulties faced by those who deal with identification of potential and presumed victims. Chapters Five and Six divide the trafficking process into pre-exploitation and exploitation phases and provide lists of certain indicators that refer to victims in these respective phases. These two chapters also provide guidance for community police officers on how to identify signs of trafficking situations and how to respond to these situations. Chapter Seven provides recommendations for law enforcement capacity development in the area of victim identification. Chapter Eight emphasizes that community policing can provide a more nuanced and comprehensive approach to victim identification than those used separately by the police and their partners. As a result, they will be able to identify, reach out to and assist more victims and potential victims of trafficking in persons.

Details: Vienna: OSCE, 2011. 107p.

Source: Internet Resource: SPMU Publication Series Vol. 10, 2011: Accessed August 24, 2011 at: http://www.osce.org/node/78849

Year: 2011

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.osce.org/node/78849

Shelf Number: 122478

Community Policing
Human Trafficking

Author: Hamood, Sara

Title: African Transit Migration Through Libya to Europe: The Human Cost

Summary: This report seeks to shed light on the experiences of refugees, asylum-seekers and migrants temporarily residing in and passing through Libya en route to the EU. The report examines the experiences of refugees, asylum-seekers and migrants in Libya. It also analyzes the notion of protection for refugees and asylum-seekers in Libya both from a legal perspective and as understood by refugees and asylumseekers themselves. It further tracks the journeys of refugees, asylum-seekers and migrants, originating from Egypt, Sudan and the Horn of Africa, from their countries of origin to the ultimate destination of the EU. Finally, it outlines and analyzes the cooperation between the EU and Libya on migration issues.

Details: Cairo: American University in Cairo, Forced Migration and Refugee Studies, 2006. 86p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 31, 2011 at: http://www.migreurop.org/IMG/pdf/hamood-libya.pdf

Year: 2006

Country: Africa

URL: http://www.migreurop.org/IMG/pdf/hamood-libya.pdf

Shelf Number: 122569

Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Illegal Immigrants
Immigration (Africa)

Author: Rosenberg, Ruth

Title: Tackling the Demand that Fosters Human Trafficking: Final Report

Summary: Without demand for commercial sex and for products produced with forced labor the ability of persons to make vast amounts of money by enslaving others would be decreased. Despite the importance of reducing demand to combat trafficking in persons, there is a dearth of information about good practices in demand reduction. The USAID Europe and Eurasia Bureau’s Social Transition Team’s new publication, Tackling the Demand that Fosters Human Trafficking aims to begin to fill those gaps in knowledge. This new report analyzes information on demand for prostitution and inexpensive labor from the Europe and Eurasia region as well as countries around the world, and includes a variety of good practices in addressing the issue. Concrete ideas and tools detailed in the report will help policymakers and practitioners alike to integrate demand reduction activities into anti-trafficking and other relevant programming. Resources and tools discussed in the report include: analysis of legislation and its impact; education programs and curriculum for youth; guiding principles, handbooks, and other resources for businesses; product standards, certification, voluntary cooperation and codes of conduct; and information on trade unions and NGO activities and resources.

Details: Washington, DC: United STates Agency for International Development, 2011. 82p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 16, 2011 at: http://socialtransitions.kdid.org/sites/socialtransitions/files/resource/files/Tackling_the_Demand-_Final_8-29-11.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: International

URL: http://socialtransitions.kdid.org/sites/socialtransitions/files/resource/files/Tackling_the_Demand-_Final_8-29-11.pdf

Shelf Number: 122650

Human Trafficking
Sex Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Pearson, Elaine

Title: Coercion in the Kidney Trade? A Backgrund Study on Trafficking in Human Organs Worldwide

Summary: Trafficking for the purpose of 'removal of organs' is identified as trafficking under the UN Trafficking Protocol definition. Despite the recent attention being paid to human trafficking, by donors, governments and non-governmental organisations, detailed and accurate information related to removal of organs is lacking, as are any programmes to combat organ trafficking. Is it because it is simply a sensational media story with little substance in fact? If we considered trafficking in a narrow way of only those cases of transporting someone with complete deception or forcing them to have an organ removed, then such cases occur but in a very small number. There is certainly a much more significant pattern of organ trafficking in terms of people being deceived and coerced into selling organs. Most consent to sell a kidney, but there is deception as to amount of payment for the kidney, and in some cases no payment at all. Consent may be obtained under varying degrees of coercion. Victims of kidney trafficking face not only the economic crises that caused them to consider selling their kidney in the first place but also ill health due to lack of information and lack of adequate health care. Kidney sellers are not supported to take legal action against traffickers; many are precluded from filing a criminal complaint as they unwittingly signed false affidavits saying they gave their kidney away. There are no statistics on the extent of kidney trafficking per se. Experts state, at a minimum, several thousand illegal kidney transplants from live unrelated donors take place every year. Some of this number, though not all, is trafficked. Regulation of commercial kidney sales is increasingly a topic of discussion as a means to deal with illegal organ sales and the resulting negative impact on donor-sellers, especially those who are trafficked in developing countries. This study looks at both arguments for and against regulation and the author concludes that effective regulation would require a system of free long-term health care for kidney sellers, thus placing an incredible financial burden on the State that developing countries could not bear. Secondly, it seems unlikely that a regulated trade could prevent organ trafficking, unless and until, issues of corruption are successfully dealt with. The link between human trafficking and organ trafficking has not been clearly established. Yet when one compares organ trafficking in terms of coerced sale of organs to trafficking in women for sex work, one can see there are some similarities. Both sets of 'survivors' frequently face stigmatisation and discrimination in home communities because of what they 'have done'. Moral arguments condemn outright the use of the body in that way, i.e. sale of sex or body part. Root causes of both types of trafficking is poverty and discrimination though gender discrimination may be less significant in relation to organ trafficking in some countries. Despite these similarities, arguments for and against legalisation of the sex or organ trade to combat trafficking cannot be equated. From available research in countries where organ trafficking is a problem, it seems that selling an organ does not improve one's economic position and for those living in poverty without access to medical care, does pose health concerns. These health concerns must be comprehensively addressed in any regulated system of organ 'sale'. If we accept that kidney trafficking in a small but significant problem, then measures should be taken against it in countries where such trafficking is known to exist. Such measures should focus on providing more information to potential kidney sellers so they are better informed regarding the risks and impacts of the procedure and of trafficking. Such sellers should know how to minimise negative impacts. Criminal laws should be amended so that brokers and medical staff involved in transplantation procedures are criminally responsible whilst donor-sellers are specifically free from criminal responsibility unless directly involved in trafficking others.3 Those who have sold kidneys should have access to information, legal, medical and social assistance including counselling. Organ trafficking remains an invisible 'trafficking' sector for existing anti-trafficking initiatives. It should not be so difficult to extend successful intervention activities for human trafficking to this new area and new target group, in countries where organ trafficking is a significant problem. The leading organisation specifically working to this issue, Organs Watch has conducted research on organ trade in twelve countries (Argentina, Brazil, Cuba, India, Iran, Israel/West Bank, Moldova/Romania, Philippines, Russia, Turkey, USA and South Africa). Based on that research, at least all of these countries can be seen to have a significant trafficking problem.

Details: Eschborn, Germany: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH, 2004. 40p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 29, 2011 at: http://www.gtz.de/de/dokumente/en-organ-trafficking-2004.pdf

Year: 2004

Country: International

URL: http://www.gtz.de/de/dokumente/en-organ-trafficking-2004.pdf

Shelf Number: 122940

Human Trafficking
Organ Trafficking

Author: Conley, Christopher J.

Title: Interdicting Maritime Migrant Smuggling: Applying Some Concepts of Operational Art to Coast Guard Operations

Summary: The issue of illegal human trafficking, smuggling, and migration in the maritime domain presents a challenge to the organizations charged with protecting the borders of the United States. As an agency responsible for enforcing laws on the high seas, the U.S. Coast Guard is the primary instrument for interdicting illegal maritime migration. Except in extreme circumstances of mass migration, the Coast Guard has relied on the principle of effective presence to accomplish its mission and done so with measurable success. However, with the growing transnational criminal nature of human trafficking and increased pressure on U.S. maritime borders due to tougher border enforcement, the Coast Guard should seek to expand its concept of operations for interdiction of human smuggling in the maritime domain. The Coast Guard could do this by inviting relevant agencies to participate in a Joint Interagency Task Force to bring a unified effort to counter maritime smuggling. Furthermore, the Coast Guard should apply the appropriate concepts of operational art consistent with joint doctrine in planning and executing its mission to ensure the most effective and efficient application of national resources.

Details: Newport, RI: Joint Military Operations Department, Naval War College, 2008. 25p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 7, 2011 at: http://dodreports.com/pdf/ada484333.pdf

Year: 2008

Country: United States

URL: http://dodreports.com/pdf/ada484333.pdf

Shelf Number: 123003

Border Security
Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Illegal Aliens
Maritime Crime
Maritime Security
U.S. Coast Guard

Author: Latonero, Mark

Title: Human Trafficking Online: The Role of Social Networking Sites and Online Classifieds

Summary: This report presents a comprehensive examination of the role of social networking sites and online classified ads in facilitating human trafficking and delivers recommendations for developing technological innovations to monitor and combat trafficking. Human trafficking, a form of modern-day slavery, is a grim reality of the 21st-century global landscape in developed as well as developing countries. While traditional channels of trafficking remain in place, online technologies give traffickers the unprecedented ability to exploit a greater number of victims and advertise their services across geographic boundaries. Yet the extent to which online technologies are used in both sex and labor trafficking is unclear, and the current approach to the question is lacking. While online classified sites such as Craigslist have already been under intense scrutiny for being used by traffickers, little research is available on the role of online classified and social networking sites in human trafficking, and the issue has yet to be fully studied. Instead of singling out these technologies as a root cause of trafficking, this report poses the following question: Can online technologies be leveraged to provide actionable, data-driven information in real time to those positioned to help victims? This study forwards the hypothesis that tools such as data mining, mapping, and advanced analytics can be used by governmental and nongovernmental organizations, law enforcement, academia, and the private sector to further the anti-trafficking goals of prevention, protection, and prosecution. Adapting these technologies and methods requires careful consideration of potential implications for civil liberties, such as privacy and freedom of expression. This report applies detailed methods to understanding the relationship between domestic human trafficking and online technologies through literature reviews, field research, and interviews. In addition, the report presents preliminary results from primary research in developing tools to assist law enforcement and anti-trafficking efforts. The report concludes with a set of recommendations and guidelines to inform future research and technological interventions in human trafficking. The use of Internet technologies in people’s daily lives has dramatically increased in recent years. In 2010, the number of Internet users worldwide exceeded an estimated 2 billion. Hundreds of millions of individuals use social networking sites, and approximately half of all online adults in America have used online classified advertising sites. In contrast to the many social benefits that Internet technologies provide, a darker narrative also has emerged. Social networks and online classified sites are being used by traffickers to market, recruit, sell, and exploit for criminal purposes. Many of these sites are explicit in nature and some are underground. Yet, evidence from legal cases demonstrates that mainstream sites such as Craigslist, Backpage, and Myspace have already been used for trafficking. Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking sites are susceptible to similar uses. Because human trafficking is a crime recognized by international protocols and state laws, traffickers are traditionally forced to conduct their activities underground. But this report illustrates that online transactions leave behind traces of user activity, providing a rare window into criminal behavior, techniques, and patterns. Every online communication between traffickers, “johns,†and their victims reveals potentially actionable information for anti-trafficking investigators. Until now, there has been a lack of data on the role of online technologies in human trafficking. Yury Fedotov, executive director of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, remarked: “We do not have an accurate picture of the scope and nature of [the misuse of technology] and cannot act as effectively as we should. Knowledge is essential for evidence-based policy, and we must fill the information gap.†The Annenberg Center on Communication Leadership & Policy (CCLP) at the University of Southern California launched an anti-trafficking initiative in response to a similar call for increased knowledge. The project began at a June 2010 meeting CCLP Director Geoffrey Cowan convened in Washington, D.C., at the urging of Alec Ross, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s senior adviser for innovation, and Ambassador Luis CdeBaca, head of the State Department’s Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons. Representatives from the U.S. Agency for International Development, the Department of Justice, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and the United Nations joined leaders from the technology field, nongovernmental organizations, and academia to discuss the use of technology to address trafficking. The meeting set into motion research initiatives in the Mekong Subregion (including Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam), Haiti, and the United States. An absence of technological solutions for information sharing among antitrafficking organizations inspired further study into potential uses of technology in this field. A partnership between the USC Information Sciences Institute and CCLP developed prototype software designed to detect possible cases of online sex trafficking activity, particularly cases involving underage victims. Together, the group conducted advanced research on data mining, computational linguistics, and mapping tools to monitor trafficking on social networking and online classified sites. Feedback from the Federal Bureau of Investigation was integral to this process. This report indicates that immediate action is required to develop monitoring and prevention techniques to combat human trafficking online. The report recommends future research and proposes actions that stakeholders can undertake to address trafficking online. Comprehensive solutions to trafficking through online channels should involve proactive steps by governments to protect victims and support law enforcement in combating a new generation of tech-savvy traffickers. At the same time, this report urges private-sector technology firms to recognize the opportunity to address human trafficking on their networks and services. In addition, NGOs and academics bring needed expertise to technological interventions. This study also identifies technological innovations that can be used by actors and stakeholders involved in anti-trafficking efforts. To that end, the following principles are intended for those seeking to employ technology as a means to combat human trafficking.

Details: Los Angeles: University of Southern California, Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, Center on Communication Leadership and Policy, 2011. 56p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 17, 2011 at: https://technologyandtrafficking.usc.edu/files/2011/09/HumanTrafficking_FINAL.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: United States

URL: https://technologyandtrafficking.usc.edu/files/2011/09/HumanTrafficking_FINAL.pdf

Shelf Number: 123011

Human Trafficking
Internet Crimes
Internet Safety
Online Victimization
Sex Trafficking
Social Networking

Author: National Gang Intelligence Center

Title: 2011 National Gang Threat Assessment: Emerging Trends

Summary: According to the 2011 National Gang Threat Assessment released by the National Gang Intelligence Center (NGIC), approximately 1.4 million gang members belonging to more than 33,000 gangs were criminally active in the U.S. as of April, 2011. The assessment was developed through analysis of available federal, state, local, and tribal law enforcement and corrections agency information; 2010 NDIC National Drug Threat Survey (NDTS) data; and verified open source information. "Gangs continue to expand, evolve, and become more violent. The FBI, along with its federal, state, local, and tribal law enforcement partners, strives to disrupt and prevent their criminal activities and seek justice for innocent victims of their crimes," said Assistant Director Kevin Perkins, FBI Criminal Investigative Division. Other key findings are as follows: - Gangs are responsible for an average of 48 percent of violent crime in most jurisdictions and up to 90 percent in several others, according to NGIC analysis. - Gangs are increasingly engaging in non-traditional gang-related crime such as alien smuggling, human trafficking, and prostitution. - Gangs are also engaging in white-collar crime such as counterfeiting, identity theft, and mortgage fraud. - Gangs are becoming increasingly adaptable and sophisticated, employing new and advanced technology to facilitate criminal activity discreetly, enhance their criminal operations, and connect with other gang members, criminal organizations, and potential recruits nationwide and even worldwide.

Details: Washington, DC: National Gang Intelligence Center, 2011. 104p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 22, 2011 at: http://www.fbi.gov/stats-services/publications/2011-national-gang-threat-assessment/2011%20National%20Gang%20Threat%20Assessment%20%20Emerging%20Trends.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: United States

URL: http://www.fbi.gov/stats-services/publications/2011-national-gang-threat-assessment/2011%20National%20Gang%20Threat%20Assessment%20%20Emerging%20Trends.pdf

Shelf Number: 123088

Gang Violence
Gangs (U.S.)
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: Orfano, I.

Title: Headway – Improving Social Intervention Systems for Victims of Trafficking

Summary: Even though in the last decade many anti-trafficking initiatives have mushroomed throughout Europe, a lot still needs to be done. Human trafficking has a complex, multidimensional and ever-changing nature and often public and private service providers do not possess the proper instruments or approaches to respond to the needs of trafficked. Furthermore, the existing knowledge mainly concerns trafficking of women and girls into the sex industry (mostly street prostitution, more rarely behind-closed-doors prostitution). Very little is known about other forms of trafficking (i.e. for forced labour, begging, illegal activities, organ transplants, illegal adoption or forced marriage) and about other victims (minors, men or transgender people). Interventions frequently remain experimental, disjointed and not implemented as part of a structured, consistent and integrated model. This situation undermines the operators’ opportunities to acquire comprehensive knowledge of the phenomenon and of the practices of intervention and co-operation that already exist within the anti-trafficking sector and, consequently, it reduces their ability to provide proper support to trafficked persons. Given this scenario, within the framework of the EQUAL Community Initiative of the European Union), the Development Partnerships (DPs) of Headway – Improving Social Intervention Systems for Victims of Trafficking), developed and implemented a transnational multi-activity project. This was based on the rationale that exchanges co-operation between agencies concerned with victim assistance in the countries of origin, transit and destination – and represented within the transnational partnership – are crucial for the development and improvement of the standards and tools needed to monitor the phenomenon. Collaboration is equally essential for strengthening the social interventions intended to protect and assist trafficked persons and to improve their prospects of social inclusion and access to the labour market. The national DPs, which represent very different regional and national contexts (Estonia, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Poland and Portugal) and multidisciplinary compositions of public and private agencies, worked together for more than two years in order to achieve the following goals: – to broaden and share the level of knowledge as regards the phenomena of human trafficking (Activity 1) and the legislative systems (Activity 2) that protect victims of trafficking and prosecute the crime; – to collect examples of good practice interventions supporting the social and labour market inclusion of trafficked persons in their countries of destination and origin, seeing if innovative approaches can be applied elsewhere (Activity 3); – to analyse and compare current monitoring systems and jointly to develop common tools and mechanisms aimed at effectively and regularly monitoring different forms of human trafficking (Activity 4). Through the implementation of a monitoring mechanism and the mapping of available services it is possible, on the one hand, to improve the quality of the existing services and, on the other, to plan innovative ad hoc interventions capable of addressing the needs of trafficked persons in particular; – to map out existing interventions (Activity 5) and to link up various anti-trafficking activities through the establishment of an online transnational database (Activity 6). This database can then contribute to the prompt referral of trafficked persons to the appropriate service provider/s (locally, nationally or internationally) and can supply the necessary information about services available in a given place to the agencies engaged in the field. This publication thus contains the main results achieved by the Headway DPs over more than two years of co-operation in developing common methodologies and understandings of rather complex issues. Following this brief introduction, the publication offers an executive summary in seven different languages: English (the working language used) and the six national languages of the DPs: Estonian, German, Italian, Lithuanian, Polish and Portuguese. In Chapter One there is an analysis of the literature on trafficking as regards Estonia, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Poland and Portugal, and a brief overview of the phenomenon, as described in the seventy-one selected publications. Chapter Two brings together the national legal frameworks covering human trafficking and related areas in the partner countries. It also presents a brief analysis of the identified strengths and shortcomings of the national frameworks that support trafficked persons and fight trafficking. Chapter Three presents thirty-one selected examples of good practice in the field of protection of trafficked persons and prevention of trafficking in human beings in the six European partner countries, in order to promote a transnational exchange of practical experiences, working methods and results achieved. Chapter Four contains the main findings of the analysis and comparison of existing systems for monitoring human trafficking and the services available for trafficked persons in the partner countries and some other selected countries. It also describes what a monitoring system should look like, as well as putting forward a proposal to draft and implement a European model of monitoring trafficking phenomena. The main characteristics and the functioning of the Headway database are described in Chapter Five. The Headway database is a transnational database of organisations and institutions working on trafficking and is intended to be a tool that facilitates contacts between them and any other interested bodies. Given the lack of exposure usually suffered by the outcomes of external evaluation of projects, the Headway partners decided to include a specific chapter devoted to this in the publication, so contributing to the future work of the partners and of other agencies in the field. Thus, Chapter Six includes the observations of the external evaluator as to the project’s relevance, effectiveness, and sustainability. Finally, in the Annexes section, descriptions of the national DPs are provided, as well as their contact details.

Details: Warsaw: Headway. Improving Social Intervention Systems for Victims of Trafficking Project, 2007. 243p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 26, 2011 at: http://lastradainternational.org/lsidocs/319%20Headway%20Project.pdf

Year: 2007

Country: Europe

URL: http://lastradainternational.org/lsidocs/319%20Headway%20Project.pdf

Shelf Number: 112350

Human Trafficking
Sex Trafficking
Victims of Trafficking

Author: Barnett, Laura

Title: Prostitution in Canada: International Obligations, Federal Law, and Provincial and Municipal Jurisdiction

Summary: International trafficking in women and children, sexually exploited children in Thailand, female prostitutes murdered in British Columbia: each of these issues has special significance for Canada and its prostitution laws. Canada’s laws attempt to prosecute organized crime and to protect victims of trafficking and other forms of sexual violence, whether at home or by Canadians abroad. Canada’s multifaceted approach to curbing prostitution reflects a range of domestic and international obligations. Criminal laws are implemented at the federal level to meet international treaty obligations, while each province and municipality has its own means of dealing with prostitution locally, within the powers of its jurisdiction. Although these obligations occasionally clash – as when laws stretch beyond their mandated scope or do not manage to extend far enough – the ultimate result is a fairly comprehensive legislative response to prostitution and its associated social ills.

Details: Ottawa: Library of Parliment, Parliamentary Information and Research Service, 2008. 33p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 26, 2011 at:

Year: 2008

Country: Canada


Shelf Number: 123157

Child Prostitution
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime
Prostitution (Canada)
Sexual Exploitation

Author: International Centre for Migration Policy Development

Title: Yearbook on Illegal Migration, Human Smuggling and Trafficking in Central and Eastern Europe: A Survey and Analysis of Border Management and Border Apprehension Data from 2008: Including: Special Survey on the 2007 Enlargement of the Schengen Area

Summary: Based on the contributions of the border services of 22 Central and Eastern European states, this Yearbook again provides a unique compilation and overview of irregular migration trends in the region. This year’s edition comprehensively covers the region and features major improvements in the quality and analysis of the compiled data. Like its predecessors, this book will be an indispensable source for all scholars and practitioners interested in irregular migration.

Details: Vienna: International Centre for Migration Policy Development, 2010. 250p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 10, 2011 at: http://research.icmpd.org/fileadmin/Research-Website/Publications/reports_and_studies/ICMPD-Yearbook-of-Illegal-Migration-in-2008-with_cover.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Europe

URL: http://research.icmpd.org/fileadmin/Research-Website/Publications/reports_and_studies/ICMPD-Yearbook-of-Illegal-Migration-in-2008-with_cover.pdf

Shelf Number: 123305

Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Illegal Migration
Migration (Europe)

Author: Quirk, Joel

Title: Unfinished Business: A Comparative Survey of Historical and Contemporary Slavery

Summary: The history of slavery raises many uncomfortable political and moral questions. Until relatively recently, legal enslavement was widely regarded as a natural and all but inescapable feature of human existence, which appears to have been sanctioned, in one form or another, by every major civilization and religion. The key break with this enduring precedent occurred in the second half of the eighteenth century, with the emergence of an organized anti-slavery movement in some parts of Europe and the Americas. This fledgling movement would face tremendous political and economic obstacles. From the sixteenth century onwards, European traders had been supplying colonial settlements in the Americas with ever increasing numbers of slaves from Africa. This unprecedented investment in human bondage had proved to be a major commercial success, creating powerful vested interests that were heavily reliant upon slave labour. Over many decades, organized anti-slavery challenged this flourishing system on various fronts, leading to protracted contests over the status of slavery on both sides of Atlantic. After numerous setbacks, false starts and a series of often violent conflicts, slavery was legally abolished throughout the Americas, with the final act coming with the passage of a ‘Golden Law’ abolishing slavery in Brazil. The passing of Trans-Atlantic slavery is often viewed as an historical endpoint, which relegated slavery to the distant past. This is misleading. As this report makes clear, slavery remained legal in other parts of the globe well into the twentieth century, and in territories where slavery came to be legally abolished human bondage and extreme exploitation regularly continued under other designations. Many governments would rush to declare that slavery was no longer a problem, but these declarations rarely matched events on the ground. In the immediate aftermath of legal abolition, this was chiefly a question of the widespread use of forced, bonded and indentured labour in many jurisdictions. Over the last half century, the primary focus has gradually shifted towards practices which are analogous to legal slavery, with human trafficking, sexual servitude and child labour acquiring particular prominence. Interest in contemporary slavery has increased dramatically over the last ten years, but there remains a widespread tendency to view historical and contemporary slavery as independent fields of study. For most historians of slavery, current problems rarely enter into the picture, except perhaps as brief postscripts, which typically take the form of passing observations that the struggle against slavery has not entirely concluded. For those focused on the present, the bulk of whom are political activists and official agents, the history of slavery and abolition consistently takes a back seat to contemporary issues. While both approaches are perfectly legitimate and entirely understandable, they can indirectly foster an informal separation between past and present, which can obscure the historical roots of contemporary problems. This report moves beyond this artificial divide, providing the first ever comparative survey of both historical practices and contemporary problems. In doing so, it draws upon a wide range of literatures and source materials. The primary goal here is not to provide a comprehensive account of a specific issue or event in the history of slavery, but instead to integrate some of the key findings of existing treatments of many different events within a broader historical and political perspective. By concentrating upon important parallels between past and present, the report offers new ways of engaging with many of the key relationships and connections that have shaped the historical trajectory of slavery and abolition over the last five centuries. It is also important to recognize, however, that the report also operates at a high level of generalization. This has meant that a number of important developments have been passed over, or sketched in relatively brief terms. These shortcomings are hard to avoid in a survey of this type, especially given the scale of the global issues involved, so it is important to approach the information presented here as an open invitation to further analysis, rather than the final word on any particular topic. To assist additional inquiries, the report also includes a substantial number of references, which provide information on many key sources and authors for readers seeking further information on specific issues. The report is divided into five major chapters. The first chapter, ‘Defining Slavery in all its Forms,’ examines a number of definitions of slavery, both past and present. When it comes to the history of slavery, the main task facing any definition of slavery is developing a formula which separates slavery from related forms of servitude. When it comes to contemporary slavery, the main task facing any definition of slavery is specifying which activities are sufficiently similar to legal slavery that they deserve to be placed on the same footing. The second chapter, ‘The Question of Numbers’, examines a number of estimates of the scale of slavery, slave trading and other forms of human bondage. This starts with the history of Trans-Atlantic slavery, where a great deal of information is available. This wealth of material is unusual. In most cases estimates of slave numbers are confined to informed extrapolations, which can often be complicated by the illegal nature of many of the practices involved. The third chapter, ‘Human Bondage in Comparative Perspective’, identifies a number of differences and similarities between historical and contemporary practices. Four main themes are identified here; i) demand, acquisition and control, ii) transit and transfer, iii) slave roles, and iv) slave resistance. These themes follow a loose sequence of events, with demand for slaves providing a basis for various modes of enslavement, market-driven migration, and a series of commercial exchanges. Once slaves reach their destination, we confront the further question of slave roles, which have been characterized by a range of economic, reproductive, military and social considerations. The final theme of this chapter is slave resistance, which applies to every stage in this complex chain. Slave resistance is commonly associated with overt acts such as rebellion, flight and suicide, but it can also extend to long-term efforts to develop autonomous spaces under extremely difficult circumstances. By considering each of these themes in turn, this chapter identifies a number of key differences and similarities between various historical and contemporary practices, paving the way for further analysis of the history of organized anti-slavery and contemporary activism. The fourth chapter, ‘Legal Abolition’ starts by identifying three main paths through which the legal abolition of slavery has historically occurred. This finds expression in a series of brief case studies, starting with four countries which occupy key positions when it comes to the end of Trans-Atlantic slavery; the United States of America, Saint-Domingue/Haiti, Great Britain and Portugal. Each of these cases captures different aspects of a complex trajectory. The history of anti-slavery is often equated with social activism in Britain and the United States, but these countries are not representative of experiences elsewhere. These case studies are then followed by a survey of the history of the legal abolition of slavery in other parts of the globe, where anti-slavery measures were often closely connected with European imperialism and colonialism. This important relationship is explored through additional studies of the history of legal abolition of slavery in India, Nigeria, Ethiopia and Saudi Arabia. The fifth chapter, ‘Effective Emancipation’, explores some of the key limitations of the legal abolition of slavery. Although slavery has been legally abolished throughout the world, the serious problems associated with slavery have continued to this day in various guises. Something more is required: effective emancipation. The chapter begins with the aftermath of legal abolition, which can be divided into short and long term dimensions. The immediate component is concerned with the widespread use of other forms of human bondage as an informal substitute for slavery following legal abolition. The long term component is concerned with the enduring legacies of historical patterns of enslavement. The chapter then goes on to provide a further series of case studies of different aspects of contemporary slavery, focusing upon chattel slavery in Mauritania, debt-bondage in India, migrant domestic workers in Singapore, and human trafficking in Great Britain. The conclusion of the report, ‘Public Policy and Political Activism’, outlines a series of general strategies and recommendations for addressing contemporary problems. This platform draws upon the key insights of previous chapters of the report, making a case for both targeted action and sweeping socio-economic reform. This begins with four key themes; i) education, information and awareness ii) further legal reform, iii) effective enforcement, and iv) release, rehabilitation and restitution. These four themes can be viewed as the core of anti-slavery activism, offering a targeted platform that should command support from across the political and ideological spectrum. It is also clear, however, that the fight against both contemporary slavery and the long-term legacies of historical slave systems requires systemic efforts to address larger socio-economic problems. If we are serious about confronting contemporary slavery, we also need to be serious about larger questions of poverty, inequality, racism and discrimination.

Details: Paris: The Slave Route Project, Division of Cultural Policies and Intercultural Dialogue, UNESCO, 2008. 141p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 15, 2011 at: http://www.unesco.org/culture/pdf/UnfinishedBusinessReport2008.pdf

Year: 2008

Country: International

URL: http://www.unesco.org/culture/pdf/UnfinishedBusinessReport2008.pdf

Shelf Number: 123354

Forced Labour
Human Trafficking

Author: Husum, Alan R.

Title: Prostitution and Trafficking: Trying to Understand Why Some Women Choose to Return to Prostitution

Summary: This project aims to describe and unravel the complexities within prostitution and trafficking, paying special attention to the women who are re-trafficked and the reasons why. In doing so the report discusses various psychological, existential and cultural relations to women who are or have been trafficked, and the repercussions these have in the aftermath. Employing two vignettes as real life examples the project determines the most important factors, when helping trafficked victims who face the possibility of getting re-trafficked.

Details: Roskilde, Denmark: Roskilde University, 2009(?). 76p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 22, 2011 at: http://rudar.ruc.dk/handle/1800/3157

Year: 2009

Country: Denmark

URL: http://rudar.ruc.dk/handle/1800/3157

Shelf Number: 123417

Human Trafficking
Sex Workers

Author: Ball, Rochelle

Title: Australia’s Pacific Seasonal Worker Pilot Scheme: Managing Vulnerabilities to Exploitation

Summary: As part of the Australian Government’s response to trafficking in persons, the Australian Institute of Criminology (AIC) has undertaken preliminary research to assess the risks and protective factors for labour trafficking and to identify matters for priority research. In this context, a literature review is presented of Australia’s Pacific Seasonal Worker Pilot Scheme (PSWPS), which is designed to enable Pacific Islanders to temporarily work in the horticultural sector and following a recent announcement, to also allow East Timorese access to tourism work in Australia. The paper is informed by literature relating to the longer running New Zealand Recognised Seasonal Employment (RSE) Program, supplemented with targeted stakeholder consultations conducted between 2008 and 2010 in the Pacific. At this early stage, the PSWPS is regarded as a positive development in the legal sourcing and use of overseas temporary labour but its planned growth will nonetheless be challenging. The RSE may provide valuable lessons for the recently announced expansion of the PSWPS and other temporary workers schemes for Pacific Islanders.

Details: Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology, 2011. 8p.

Source: Internet Resource: Trends & Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice, No. 432: Accessed November 22, 2011 at: http://www.aic.gov.au/documents/E/0/C/%7BE0C1EEB4-B893-489E-98F3-8FF9BAF3E8C9%7Dtandi432.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Australia

URL: http://www.aic.gov.au/documents/E/0/C/%7BE0C1EEB4-B893-489E-98F3-8FF9BAF3E8C9%7Dtandi432.pdf

Shelf Number: 123428

Human Trafficking
Labor Exploitation
Labor Markets
Labor Trafficking

Author: Derks, Maria

Title: A Community Dilemma: DDR and the Changing Face of Violence in Colombia

Summary: Colombia has stood at the forefront of debate across Latin America and the world on how chronic armed violence can be combated. Its programmes of Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) have aimed to put over 50,000 ex-combatants from paramilitary forces and guerrilla movements back into civilian life. But a rising tide of criminal violence has swept up former paramilitary fighters and is seizing control of Colombia’s many sources of illicit wealth, with cocaine production and trafficking at their heart. While thousands are still enrolled in reintegration courses, this paper asks what more the Colombian government, civil society and the international community can do to ensure that the demobilization process does not end in failure. The paper, based on extensive field research, argues that an essential first step is to ensure local communities are engaged, respected and protected.

Details: The Hague: Conflict Research Unit, Netherlands Institute for International Relations 'Clingendael', 2011. 71p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 29, 2011 at: http://www.clingendael.nl/cru/news/2011/20110707_a_community_dilemma_ddr_and_the_changing_face_of_violence_in_colombia.html

Year: 2011

Country: United States

URL: http://www.clingendael.nl/cru/news/2011/20110707_a_community_dilemma_ddr_and_the_changing_face_of_violence_in_colombia.html

Shelf Number: 123489

Drug Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Paramilitary Groups
Violence (Colombia)
Violent Crime

Author: Lainez, Nicolas

Title: A Foot In and a Foot Out: Sex Migration of Vietnamese Women to Singapore

Summary: This study is the third in a series of three, the objective of which is to understand international mobility undertaken for the purposes of commercial sex purposes by low-skilled women from the Mekong Delta. In particular, this research addresses the migration of Vietnamese migrant entertainers to Singapore. This report is based on a five-month ethnographic investigation conducted in a boarding house of Vietnamese migrant entertainers in Singapore. It provides a unique picture of the social organization of the migration network operating between Vietnam and Singapore, and of the transient lives of Vietnamese entertainers in Singapore. The influx of migrant entertainers increased in Singapore in the early 1980s. The regional exchange network now includes women originating from all of the Southeast Asian countries. This includes Vietnamese, who appear to be a minority compared to other nationalities such as Filipina, Chinese, Indonesian and Thai. Singaporean authorities are undoubtedly concerned about the changing composition of the foreign entertainer population, and this is a contentious and sensitive issue in Singapore. At the same time, the authorities are concerned about enforcing the law on prostitution. The legislation does not criminalize the act per se. Rather, it enforces neutralization and containment in the Designated Red-Light Areas, as well as monitoring of the sex industry to keep exploitation and the spread of STDs and HIV/AIDS in check. Two-thirds of the Vietnamese migrant entertainers of the study were between 20 and 30 years old. A profile emerged in which slightly more than half originated from HCMC, and were lowly educated and unskilled. Family dissolution was an important feature, as nine women out of 16 were separated from their partners and four came to Singapore following a separation. These factors pushed half of the sampled migrant entertainers into prostitution in Vietnam before they decided to migrate. Their objective in coming to Singapore was to earn a substantial amount of money. Indeed, the expectation of high earnings was the chief pull factor due to the general assumption that Singapore is a rich “El Dorado†where foreign migrant entertainers can generate earnings of at least S$ 1000 (US$ 816) per month. This was a misconception on their part as many returned to Vietnam with less than that or empty pockets. In addition, a substantial part of the earnings – between US$ 1057 and US$ 1482 – was also used to cover travel and living expenses. The recruitment process of Vietnamese migrant entertainers reveals a complex network of exchange that links the Vietnamese operators within Singapore with the migrant entertainers in Vietnam. This informal and clientelist network is composed of migration brokers and their long-standing customers who introduce and assist new customers in the transnational movement between Vietnam and Singapore. The brokers are able to expand their customer base by incorporating the networks of their previous customers, who in turn become peers of the new recruits. The network appears to be a well-organized and non-exploitative voluntary exchange system. It functions effectively because of the symbiotic relationship between the migration brokers and the migrant entertainers. One of the key findings of this research is that trafficking for sexual exploitation of Vietnamese sampled women and minors to Singapore is irrelevant. As described in the report, three factors created transience in the life of the entertainers. Firstly, all entertainers entered Singapore on 30-day Social Visit Passes. This scheme does not allow foreign visitors to engage in any form of employment, including prostitution. Officials from the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) routinely refuse entry and expel Vietnamese female travelers suspected of coming to Singapore to work in the prostitution industry. Vietnamese migrant entertainers typically rely on professional migration brokers who provide services to enable their customers to slip through the net of the ICA. Secondly, after the expiry of their 30-day Social Visit Pass, the migrant entertainers of the study faced two options: they could either return to Vietnam or extend their stay in Singapore. The majority sought to avoid raising the suspicions of the immigration authorities and returned home for a few months, before coming back to Singapore. Those wishing to extend their stay had several methods at their disposal: extending the social visit pass, exiting and returning to Singapore to obtain a new social visit pass, acquiring a Performing Artist Work Permit, or getting genuinely or fraudulently married to a Singaporean citizen or permanent resident. The decision to extend the stay depended on personal motivations and financial resources, as well as on the availability of services provided by the Vietnamese migration broker and Singaporean sponsors. Lastly, the Anti-Vice Enforcement Unit (AVEU) relies on raids and on deportations as key mechanisms to control foreign prostitution in Singapore. Red light areas like Geylang, Joo Chiat and Orchard Towers are regularly raided, and arrested entertainers are deported to their home country at their own expense. As a consequence of these three factors, the Vietnamese migrant entertainers of the study were constantly straddling Singapore and Vietnam. They were only allowed to stay in Singapore for 30 days at any one time and upon the expiry of the pass, they would return to Vietnam, with the intention of returning at another time. Consequently, while living in Singapore, they were either looking for ways to extend their stay, or thinking about their return to Vietnam. This was pervasive: upon arrival, they were already thinking about the return trip, and vice-versa. They lived lives of transience and evanescence. In fact, even when they were physically in one space, they were mentally in the other.

Details: Ho Chi Minh City: Alliance Anti-Trafic, 2011. 75p.

Source: Internet Resource: Research Report No. 3: Accessed January 10, 2012 at: http://www.childtrafficking.com/Docs/lainez_nicolas_footout_0112.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Asia

URL: http://www.childtrafficking.com/Docs/lainez_nicolas_footout_0112.pdf

Shelf Number: 123542

Human Trafficking
Sex Tourism
Sexual Exploitation

Author: International Catholic Migration Commission

Title: Bondaged Souls: Migration and Situation of Trafficking in Sabah, Malaysia

Summary: Human trafficking is a multi-dimensional issue. It is a crime that deprives people of their human rights and freedoms, increases global health risks, fuels growing networks of organized crime, and can sustain levels of poverty and hinder development in certain areas. The impacts of human trafficking are devastating. Victims may suffer physical and emotional abuse, rape, threats against self and family or even death. But the devastation also extends beyond individual victims; human trafficking undermines the health, safety and security of all nations it touches, including Malaysia. The Bondaged Souls video and accompanying training manual reveal the suffering of trafficking victims as their tell their personal stories about the intricate workings of the human trafficking business in Sabah, Malaysia. The transational nature of human trafficking, however, poses enormous challenges to governments worldwide. The Bondaged Souls materials have been designed to provide training facilitators with a practical resource for expanding understanding of cross-border human trafficking, particularly amongst Malaysian and international stakeholders. All training modules are flexible and can be used for various purposes ranging from a short presentation to a complete two-day training. The training package includes a training video, which is divided into four episodes, including: 1.Migration and trafficking 2.Modus operandi and debt bondage 3.Exploitation 4.Plan of action

Details: Geneva: ICMC, 2011. 124p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 10, 2012 at: http://www.icmc.net/system/files/publication/bondaged_souls_migration_and_the_situation_of_tra_20269.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Malaysia

URL: http://www.icmc.net/system/files/publication/bondaged_souls_migration_and_the_situation_of_tra_20269.pdf

Shelf Number: 123552

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation
Victims of Human Trafficking

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Title: Issue Paper: Smuggling of Migrants by Sea

Summary: Smuggling of migrants is defined by Article 3 of the Migrant Smuggling Protocol supplementing the United Nations Transnational Organized Crime Convention (UNTOC), as “...the procurement, in order to obtain, directly or indirectly, a financial or other material benefit, of the illegal entry of a person into a state party of which the person is not a national.†The specific nature of the seaâ€based component of the smuggling journey resulted in a dedicated section on the issue in the Migrant Smuggling Protocol. While smuggling by sea accounts only for a small portion of overall migrant smuggling around the world, the particular dangers of irregular travel at sea make it a priority for response; though more migrant smuggling occurs by air, more deaths occur by sea. The journey of the migrant smuggled by sea often starts a significant distance away from the coast of departure. Some journeys to the coast may take mere days, but others can take place over years during which the migrant must work en route to raise money for his passage. Arduous desert crossings and victimization by smugglers and other criminals en route mean that some do not survive overland journeys to the coast. Contrasted with these extreme experiences, economically empowered migrants can afford a higher level of smuggling service and may experience no particular hardship, simply travelling through various international airport hubs toward the coastal country from where their sea journey commences. The type and size of vessel used to smuggle migrants by sea depends on the time, place and financial capacity of migrants undertaking the smuggling journey. In some countries, boats of only a handful of passengers are commonly intercepted by authorities, while in others vessels of several hundred people have been used. While voyages may be comfortable when conditions at sea are mild and the vessel is equipped with adequate food, water and sanitation, the journey is a harrowing one for the majority of migrants who report rough conditions, terrible cold and scarce food and water. The nature of the crime and its relationship with smuggling of migrants by land and by air means that it is a successful crime type that yields high profits for smugglers with all the risks being borne by migrants. Indeed, migrant smuggling by sea can be understood as a criminal business, which is competitively run as such. Smuggling by sea is generally carried out by flexible criminal groups or individuals operating on the basis of repeated contractual arrangements, rather than by hierarchical organizations. There are two methods used when vessels approach coasts of destination. One aims to reach land by evading detection by authorities, the other sets out to be detected and intercepted or rescued by authorities in territorial waters of destination coastal countries. In both situations, detecting smuggling vessels at sea is a key challenge for coastal states which may have limited resources and large search and rescue areas of responsibility. Upon detecting vessels, the key challenge is to balance objectives with obligations at international law, including the Migrant Smuggling Protocol. Smugglers are generally wellâ€informed about states’ protection obligations and act to exploit them, instructing migrants what to do upon interception to increase their chances of gaining entry into and remaining in countries of destination. For instance, officials responsible for intercepting vessels at sea have been faced with situations of people sabotaging their own vessels to force authorities to carry out rescues. Suggestions made in respect of encountering migrant smuggling at sea include Page 8 of 71 increased support of coastal states through joint patrols and provision of resources, and increased compliance with international legal standards and obligations in carrying out interceptions of smuggling vessels at sea. While responding to the situation at hand and ensuring that persons on board are appropriately assisted, a key challenge is to seize evidentiary opportunities to investigate smugglingâ€related crimes. The complex nature of migrant smuggling networks and their modus operandi means that smugglers cannot be identified purely by looking to smugglers who may be on board boats; the transnational criminal network itself must be traced from a smuggling vessel, back to the coast of embarkation, and from there back to countries of transit and origin. Suggestions made for improved investigation and prosecution of migrant smuggling by sea include harmonizing domestic legislation with the UNTOC and the Migrant Smuggling Protocol. Further it is suggested that sentences imposed for smuggling offences be publicized as a means of deterring wouldâ€be smugglers. Capacity building measures are also suggested so as to increase identification of smugglers on vessels, and to better link seaâ€based crimes with landâ€based smugglers. Preventing migrant smuggling by sea requires states to balance their obligations in international law with their legitimate interests in protecting state sovereignty from violation by organized crime groups. But law enforcement efforts alone are not adequate to prevent migrant smuggling by sea; the Migrant Smuggling Protocol stresses that prevention efforts must address root causes that lead a person into the hands of smugglers in the first place. Suggestions made for preventing migrant smuggling at sea include raising awareness about the dangers of sea smuggling journeys and the criminality of smuggling. Suggestions are also made to raise awareness of those who influence political and policy decisions, so policies put in place protect state sovereignty, uphold international obligations, and are not vulnerable to exploitation by smugglers. Also emphasised is the responsibility of coastal states of departure to intercept smuggling vessels before they embark on sea journeys. Beyond this, comprehensive data collection, analysis and research are suggested to strengthen evidenceâ€based responses. Experts from countries of origin, transit and destination unanimously agree that the most essential ingredient for effective and comprehensive response to migrant smuggling by sea is strengthened international cooperation to remove areas of impunity for smugglers along smuggling routes. Suggestions made for cooperating in response to migrant smuggling at sea include aligning activities with the Migrant Smuggling Protocol and increasing the role of UNODC in facilitating cooperative response. The value of bilateral and regional cooperation arrangements is stressed, with emphasis on flexible cooperative networks for effective and efficient onâ€theâ€ground response. Regular coordination meetings and joint operations are suggested to improve strategic and operational interagency coordination, as is the empowerment of central designated authorities to address migrant smuggling by sea. In short, while it is difficult to make generalizations about migrant smuggling by sea, two key points hold true around the world. Firstly, migrant smuggling by sea is the most dangerous type of smuggling for the migrants concerned, making it a priority concern for State response. Secondly, efforts to combat smuggling of migrants will be unsuccessful unless cooperation is strengthened not only between countries of sea departure and arrival, but also among the countries of origin, transit and destination along the entire smuggling route.

Details: Vienna: UNODC, 2011. 71p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 17, 2012 at: http://www.unodc.org/documents/human-trafficking/Migrant-Smuggling/Issue-Papers/Issue_Paper_-_Smuggling_of_Migrants_by_Sea.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: International

URL: http://www.unodc.org/documents/human-trafficking/Migrant-Smuggling/Issue-Papers/Issue_Paper_-_Smuggling_of_Migrants_by_Sea.pdf

Shelf Number: 123647

Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Illegal Aliens
Illegal Migrants
Maritime Crime

Author: Zhang, Sheldon X.

Title: Sex Trafficking in a Border Community: A Field Study of Sex Trafficking in Tijuana, Mexico

Summary: Sex trafficking has caught worldwide attention in recent years, often being portrayed as modern-day slavery. The United States, along with many countries, has taken an aggressive position on pursuing sex traffickers, pimps, and sex tourists, making the nation among the most inhospitable to human trafficking and prostitution. Despite widespread attention on sex trafficking, there has been little empirical research on the nature and process of sex trafficking activities. Most existing studies have relied on so-called expert sources (i.e., advocacy groups, shelters, and law enforcement agencies). This study gathered information from the two sources closest to this illicit enterprise - (1) prostitutes; and (2) pimps (or sex trade facilitators). Data for this study were primarily gathered in Tijuana, Mexico. It was hypothesized that human traffickers and sex industry operators might find Tijuana’s socio-political environment conducive to trafficking activities. Tijuana, the largest city on Mexico’s northern border, has long been a major tourism and weekend destination for Southern Californians. Its red light district draws a large number of visitors from both sides of the border. With more than 60 million people crossing the busiest international border annually, there is no shortage of demand for fringe services. Despite its geopolitical significance and the potential of spillover effects, to date there has been no empirical study on sex trafficking activities in Tijuana. This study is the first known empirical effort to fill this knowledge gap. The main questions in this study included: 1. To what extent, at what stage, and on what premises are deception, fraud, force, or coercion being used in the transportation of prostitutes into Tijuana? 2. To what extent and with what methods are human traffickers and sex industry operators managing trafficking activities and controlling prostitutes? 3. How do human traffickers and sex industry operators organize themselves and engage in business transactions? 4. What policy implications can be drawn to improve efforts by U.S. law enforcement and social service agencies to deter human trafficking and assist victims?

Details: San Diego, CA: San Diego State University, Department of Sociology, 2010. 164p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 20, 2012 at: https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/234472.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Mexico

URL: https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/234472.pdf

Shelf Number: 123693

Human Trafficking
Sex Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Monzini, Paola

Title: Human Smuggling To/Through Italy

Summary: This report contains the following two papers: The Irregular Immigration Industry on the North-East Border, by Giuseppe Sciortino and Migrant Smuggling via Maritime Routes, by Paola Monzini.

Details: Rome (?):Centre Studi di Politica Internazionale, 2004. 67p.

Source: Internet Resource: http://www.cespi.it/cnr/Monzini-Sciortino-ing_rev_.pdf

Year: 2004

Country: Italy

URL: http://www.cespi.it/cnr/Monzini-Sciortino-ing_rev_.pdf

Shelf Number: 123737

Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Maritime Crime

Author: Holmström, Charlotta

Title: Prostitution in the Nordic Countries

Summary: This report summarises the results of the research project “Prostitution in the Nordic Countriesâ€, conducted by the Nordic Gender Institute – NIKK and commissioned by the Nordic Council of Ministers for Gender Equality. The aim of the project was to present and discuss research on prostitution and human trafficking for sexual purposes in the Nordic countries and the autonomous territories of the Faroe Islands, Greenland and Ã…land. The project has compiled data on the extent of prostitution, as well as on both the legal and the social treatment of these issues. The report also presents results from quantitative and qualitative studies on attitudes to prostitution and human trafficking for sexual purposes. The project comprised eleven Nordic researchers from various disciplines and from all the Nordic countries.

Details: Copenhagen, Denmark: Nordic Council of Ministers, TemaNord, 2009. 45p.

Source: Conference Report, Stockholm

Year: 2009

Country: Denmark


Shelf Number: 123752

Human Trafficking
Sex Trafficking

Author: Adams, William

Title: An Analysis of Federally Prosecuted CSEC Cases since the Passage of the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Prevention Act of 2000

Summary: This study examined the prosecution of the commercial sexual exploitation of children and youth (CSEC) in the United States. The research took the form of a national analysis of federal prosecutions since the passage of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) in 2000, answering the following research questions: (1) Is the United States enforcing existing federal laws related to CSEC? (2) What are the key features of successfully prosecuted CSEC cases? (3) Have the U.S. courts increased penalties associated with sexual crimes against children? (4) What are the effects of CSEC legislation on service providers who work with victims? This assessment provides policy makers with a means of assessing the effects of legislation aimed at combating CSEC.

Details: Washington, DC: Justice Policy Center, Urban Institute, 2008. 163p.

Source: Final Report: Internet Resource: Accessed on January 27, 2012 at http://www.urban.org/UploadedPDF/411813_CSEC_analysis.pdf

Year: 2008

Country: United States

URL: http://www.urban.org/UploadedPDF/411813_CSEC_analysis.pdf

Shelf Number: 123832

Commerical Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)
Human Trafficking
Trafficking in Persons

Author: Thomas, Cheryl

Title: Sex Trafficking Needs Assessment for the State of Minnesota

Summary: The Advocates for Human Rights (“The Advocatesâ€) prepared this needs assessment report at the request of the State of Minnesota Human Trafficking Task Force1 (“Task Forceâ€) pursuant to its mandate from the Commissioner of Public Safety to conduct a human trafficking needs assessment and to develop a plan to prevent human trafficking. This report focuses solely on trafficking of persons for commercial sexual exploitation or prostitution as defined in federal law and Minnesota law. The findings of this report are based on interviews with 175 participants throughout the State of Minnesota. Interviewees included judges, prosecutors, public defenders, immigration attorneys, family law attorneys, probation officers, law enforcement officers, immigration officials, healthcare providers, service providers, social services and other stakeholders regarding their knowledge of and experiences with trafficked persons. Sex trafficking violates numerous human rights. Federal, state, and international laws compel an effective response from the government to address these violations. This report describes the legal framework and the various institutional and collaborative responses necessary to address these violations, including services to protect the fundamental human rights of trafficked persons and law enforcement actions to hold traffickers accountable for the crimes they have committed. Despite the increased attention to this problem in recent years, The Advocates has found that often the response of law enforcement is ineffective and the needs of trafficked persons remain unmet. This report includes recommendations to address the barriers to an effective, coordinated response to sex trafficking and to better meet the needs of trafficked women and children.

Details: Minneapolis: Advocates for Human Rights, 2008. 214p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 1, 2012 at: http://www.theadvocatesforhumanrights.org/sites/608a3887-dd53-4796-8904-997a0131ca54/uploads/REPORT_FINAL.10.13.08.pdf

Year: 2008

Country: United States

URL: http://www.theadvocatesforhumanrights.org/sites/608a3887-dd53-4796-8904-997a0131ca54/uploads/REPORT_FINAL.10.13.08.pdf

Shelf Number: 112713

Human Trafficking
Sex Trafficking (Minnesota)
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Schuster, Martina

Title: Discourse on prostitution and human trafficking in the context of UEFA EURO 2012: Academic study of discourse and campaigns in the run-up to the 2012 European Football Championship finals as the basis for advising decision-makers

Summary: This study focuses on the themes of sex work, sex tourism and human trafficking in the UEFA EURO 2012 host countries, Poland and Ukraine. It is designed to provide UEFA and local stakeholders with an academic basis for their preparations for the event and to serve as a starting point for networking, media work, activities and campaigns linked to these themes. The study expressly aims to help prevent sensationalist media reporting that might lead to a deterioration of the working and living conditions of sex workers. It also opposes the portrayal of UEFA EURO 2012 as a cause of violations of women’s rights, such as abduction, trafficking and rape. Analysis of previous international sports events, such as the 2006 World Cup in Germany1 and the 2010 World Cup in South Africa does not suggest that major football events lead to a rise in human rights violations of this nature. Nor is there any evidence that demand for sexual services increases as a result of such events. An international academic study of discourse in the run-up to the 2010 World Cup in South Africa and of what actually transpired during the tournament, for example, showed that the predicted sharp increase in the offer of sexual services failed to materialise, as did the feared rise in human trafficking (see Delva et al. 2010).

Details: Amsterdam, The Netherlands: La Strada International, European Network Against Trafficking in Human Beings, 2010.

Source: First Report: Internet Resource: Accessed on February 3, 2012 at

Year: 2010

Country: Europe


Shelf Number: 123931

Human Trafficking
Prostitution (Europe)
Sex Tourism
Sex Trafficking
Sex Work

Author: Lichtenwald, Terrance G.

Title: Smuggling Multi-Consignment Contraband: Isolated Incidents or a New Trend?

Summary: The study included an extensive literature review and a number of scholarly articles, books, national and international government documents, and newspaper stories. Web crawlers ran 24 hours a day every day between the years 2004 through 2009, with all possible MCC combinations being searched for (i.e., drugs, guns, jewels, nuclear weapons, cigarettes, wildlife, immigrants, human trafficking, etc.), and located key words identifying MCC incidents. This study found 16 documented cases of smugglers transporting more than one type of contraband in the same shipment. MCC shipments were frequently associated with Phase II and III smuggling organizations. MCC is occurring by land, air, and sea. A number of cases were identified where a smuggler or smuggling organization had smuggled more than one type of contraband but not in the same shipment. There were two incidents of a smuggler using multiple contrabands as a Trojan horse. There was one incident of a weapons smuggler assisting what he believed was a terrorist group involved in drug production and smuggling, with purchasing one hundred Igla surface-to-air missiles, armor-piercing rocket launchers, and combat helicopters. There was one finding of a smuggling organization having an armory that included a light anti-tank weapon.

Details: Springfield, MO: Inside Homeland Security, Summer 2009. 17p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 4, 2012 at http://www.all-about-forensic-science.com/support-files/smuggling.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: United States

URL: http://www.all-about-forensic-science.com/support-files/smuggling.pdf

Shelf Number: 123974

Alien Smuggling
Drug Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Trafficking of Nuclear Materials

Author: Banerjee, Paramita

Title: Crossing Boundaries: Cross-Border Mobility of Boys Between Bangladesh & India: An Explorative Study

Summary: The primary goal of this research was to explore the phenomenon of cross-border mobility of boys between Bangladesh and India, so as to build an understanding among the stakeholders on the issue – thereby informing State and NGO child protection policies and interventions. In particular, to inform policies and systems, which facilitate repatriation of boys across countries and suggest strategies to address vulnerabilities of boys to smuggling, trafficking and other forms of abuse, violence and exploitation.

Details: Dhaka, Bangladesh; Sanjog, 2010. 68p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 6, 2012 at: http://www.childtrafficking.com/Docs/sanjog_11_crossing_boundaries_0112.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Bangladesh

URL: http://www.childtrafficking.com/Docs/sanjog_11_crossing_boundaries_0112.pdf

Shelf Number: 123988

Child Sexual Abuse, Males
Human Smuggling (Bangladesh)
Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation, Boys

Author: Blokhuis, Bregje

Title: Violation of Women's Rights: A cause and consequence of trafficking in women

Summary: The report reveals how gender discrimination and violence is linked to trafficking. It argues that effective prevention of trafficking in women or protection of women at risk of trafficking can only take place if women’s rights - in particular economic and social gender equality – are safeguarded and fulfilled. Gender equality and efforts to end violence against women must stand at the centre of any anti-trafficking policy or activity.

Details: Amsterdam, Netherlands: La Strada International, 2008. 116p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 14, 2012 at http://www.humantrafficking.org/uploads/publications/lastrada_08_rights_0708.pdf

Year: 2008

Country: International

URL: http://www.humantrafficking.org/uploads/publications/lastrada_08_rights_0708.pdf

Shelf Number: 112356

Human Rights
Human Trafficking
Violence Against Women

Author: Pajnik, Mojca

Title: Prostitution and Human Trafficking: Gender, Labor and Migration Aspects

Summary: Discussing prostitution and human trafficking today means confronting dominant perceptions. In western societies striving to enhance economic efficiency, these either perpetuate the neo-capitalist idea of free choice, or take over the victimization argument which presumably makes obvious the need for “fight and prevention policies†in prostitution or human trafficking. This book problematizes the dominant representations and ideologization of these phenomena, trying to offer new avenues of thought and action. We start from the thesis that one-sided definitions of prostitution, either as the selling of a body identical to any other service provided for money or as a priori violence against women, are inappropriate. While one-sided definitions indeed draw attention to particular dimensions of prostitution, by not taking into account the diversity or the contrasting character of prostitution, they also help create the onesided social construction of prostitution. In this book we argue beyond binary logic and take into account many realities of women and men involved in prostitution and human trafficking. We argue that a dualist understanding is inappropriate because, among other things, it excludes marginalized phenomena in prostitution, for example, male prostitution with women as clients , same-sex and transgender prostitution. Above all, it does not encompass the heterogeneity of experiences and, as the historical comparisons show, it does not introduce any novelty into the public arena. In our analysis we regard prostitution as a form of work which may involve exploitation based on gender differences, or master-slave relations in the case of human trafficking . At the same time, we take into account the possibility that women and men in prostitution are not a priori victims of human trafficking and that a woman is not necessarily an object of sexual consumption. Starting from these premises, we study prostitution by thematizing its various aspects, including work, non-work, women’s work and the sex industry . In so doing, we also identify relational links between prostitution and human trafficking. In this book, gender is not absolutized, nor is sexual orientation presupposed. When thematizing gender we avoid essentialism, while concluding that both prostitution and human trafficking are characterized by unequal relationships and discrimination based on gender differences, and that they are also a consequence of hetero-normativism. Since throughout this text prostitution and human trafficking are considered with gender differences in mind, we mainly refer to female prostitutes or women in prostitution. When we want to refer to male prostitution , or homosexual and heterosexual prostitution, we use the appropriate gender attribute. This form is most frequently used in the chapter on sex work and self-organization of persons in prostitution. In conducting this study, we were also interested in how “outside†observers who do not have direct experience with prostitution or human trafficking perceive the two phenomena. We employed a public opinion survey to find out what men in Slovenia thought about human trafficking and prostitution. According to the rare studies which examined the demand, the clients for sexual services are mainly men. Taking this into account, we conceptualized our study in such a way that it describes in detail the attitude of men towards prostitution. In focusing on male clients for sexual services and male respondents in our public opinion survey we do not wish to prejudice the readers that women do not buy sexual services, nor do we want to suggest that their opinions are less important.

Details: Ljubljana, Slovenia: Mirovni Institut, Institute for Contemporary Social and Political Studies, 2008. 154p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 21, 2012 at http://www.mirovni-institut.si/data/tinymce/Publikacije/Prostitucija/MI_politike_prostitution_ENG_final_lowres.pdf

Year: 2008

Country: Slovenia

URL: http://www.mirovni-institut.si/data/tinymce/Publikacije/Prostitucija/MI_politike_prostitution_ENG_final_lowres.pdf

Shelf Number: 124215

Human Trafficking
Prostitution (Slovenia)
Sex Work

Author: Lo, Sandy

Title: Chinese Migrants: Their Experiences in Their Own Words

Summary: What is life like for Chinese migrants who come to the UK? As part of a project on Chinese migrant workers, this collection of stories lets them describe their experiences in their own words. It explores: - what draws people from China to the UK; - how they made the move; - their experiences when they get here; - how they build a new life. It shows: - how difficult it can be to move to better jobs here; - how vulnerable they are; and - reveals the impact on family and relationships. Finally, it examines how people decide if they should stay or leave, and what stops them escaping exploitation.

Details: York, UK: Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 2011. 46p.

Source: Internet Resource: accessed March 2, 2012 at: http://www.jrf.org.uk/sites/files/jrf/chinese-migrant-experience-full.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.jrf.org.uk/sites/files/jrf/chinese-migrant-experience-full.pdf

Shelf Number: 124349

Chinese Migrants (U.K.)
Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Labor Exploitation

Author: Ham, Julie

Title: What's the Cost of a Rumour? A guide to sorting out the myths and the facts about sporting events and trafficking

Summary: There has been a lot published on the supposed link between sporting events and trafficking, but how much of it is true and how much of it is useful? In this guide, we review the literature from past sporting events, and find that they do not cause increases in trafficking for prostitution. The guide takes a closer look at why this unsubstantiated idea still captures the imagination of politicians and some media, and offers stakeholders a more constructive approach to address trafficking beyond short-term events. We hope this guide will help stakeholders quickly correct misinformation about trafficking, develop evidence-based anti-trafficking responses, and learn what worked and what didn't in past host cities.

Details: Bangkok: Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women (GAATW), 2011. 75p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 9, 2012 at http://www.gaatw.org/publications/What's_the_Cost_of_a_Rumour-GAATW2011.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: International

URL: http://www.gaatw.org/publications/What's_the_Cost_of_a_Rumour-GAATW2011.pdf

Shelf Number: 124408

Evaluative Studies
Human Trafficking
Sex Trafficking
Sex Workers
Sporting Events

Author: Thomas, Nerea Bilbatua

Title: More 'Trafficking' Less 'Trafficking' - Trafficking for Exploitation Outside the Sex Sector in Europe

Summary: GAATW has always proactively lobbied for a broad definition of human trafficking and has consequently critiqued a ‘traditional’ near exclusive focus on the sex industry as the primary, if not the only, site of trafficking. We have noted with interest the recent focus on what is termed as ‘trafficking for labour exploitation.’ While we are not sure that creating two separate and distinct categories such as ‘trafficking for labour exploitation’ and ‘trafficking for sexual exploitation’ is helpful, we welcome the broadening of focus. Further, we wanted to take a closer look at this new scenario, especially in Europe, and analyse the practical and conceptual implications of the expansion of initiatives to trafficking outside the sex sector, especially for service providers and for those seeking assistance. We wanted to understand the emerging issues linked to this expansion (especially as they relate to identification and assistance). Finally, we also wanted to hear the views of service providers on looking at trafficking for sexual and labour exploitation as two distinct forms of trafficking. A working paper, as the name implies, is a work in progress, rather than a ‘final say’. Thus we look forward to discussion and dialogues with colleagues on the issues raised in this paper. Identification as trafficked, or presumably trafficked, is the first step towards providing assistance and protection to those whose rights have been violated. Identification rates for trafficking for exploitation outside the sex sector are low. This is due to several reasons, including a narrow understanding of trafficking, gender and moral biases, conflicting provisions in migration and labour legislation, and other practical obstacles. The general observation is that assistance and protection services have focused on women trafficked into the sex sector. Direct assistance providers explain that lack of identification is one of the main reasons for people trafficked into other sectors not receiving available assistance under the anti-trafficking legislation. More often than not national legislations have proved to be deterrents for identification. Regarding assistance needs, the service providers we spoke to did not think that two distinctly different categories of assistance; one for men and another for women or one for people trafficked into the sex industry and another for those trafficked into other sectors, are needed. Instead they felt that assistance needs differ depending on the type or degree of exploitation. Hence a more nuanced needs assessment should be done. In other words it is the notion of assistance ‘packages’ that should be questioned and support should be tailored to meet the need of each trafficked person regardless of their gender or sector of exploitation. For persons trafficked outside the sex sector to access justice, service providers pointed out that no single alternative legal framework (labour, migration or asylum) is necessarily better than the criminal justice one using anti-trafficking legislation. However, using more than one legal route certainly offers more legal options. Trafficked persons therefore are better off using more than one legal route. Making a distinction between trafficking for exploitation outside the sex sector and within the sex sector has proven useful to some. For example, making a distinction between sex and labour trafficking has served to put the spotlight on various labour sectors in Europe which were traditionally not looked at as potential sites of trafficking. It has opened up possibilities for identification of the ‘non-traditional’ victim of trafficking, such as somebody trafficked outside the sex sector, or a trafficked man. However, it was pointed out that distinguishing trafficking per sector of exploitation can also have negative consequences. Making such a distinction takes the emphasis away from exploitation, instead it looks at the sector and thus risks looking at all work in that sector as exploitative. Besides, it excludes the sex sector as a labour sector even though some countries have legal sex sectors and in many others sex workers are demanding workers rights. Overall, working on this paper allowed us to understand the practical implications of broadening of the anti-trafficking framework.

Details: Bangkok: Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women (GAATW), 2011. 102p.

Source: GAATW Working Papers Series: Internet Resource: Accessed March 9, 2012 at http://www.gaatw.org/publications/MoreTrafficking_LessTrafficked_GAATW2011.01.31.12.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.gaatw.org/publications/MoreTrafficking_LessTrafficked_GAATW2011.01.31.12.pdf

Shelf Number: 124409

Human Trafficking
Sex Trafficking
Sex Workers

Author: Hunter, Philip

Title: Human Trafficking and Business: Good Practices to Prevent and Combat Human Trafficking

Summary: This brochure presents an overview and introduction to human trafficking and the role that business can play in addressing it. It explains in practical terms what human trafficking is, why it is an issue for business and what companies large and small can do to take action against it. Divided into two parts, this brochure (1) presents a section that gives an overview of the key issues linking human trafficking and business; and (2) a series of case studies that highlight the practical actions companies are taking to fight this abuse.

Details: Geneva: UN.GIFT, 2010. 68p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 11, 2012 at http://publications.iom.int/bookstore/free/UN.GIFT%20Private%20Sector.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: International

URL: http://publications.iom.int/bookstore/free/UN.GIFT%20Private%20Sector.pdf

Shelf Number: 124450

Businesses and Crime
Crime Prevention
Human Trafficking

Author: Polaris Project

Title: Combating human trafficking and modern-day slavery: ten years of impact 2002-2012

Summary: uring their senior year at Brown University, Katherine Chon and Derek Ellerman read a newspaper article describing the horrific conditions of a brothel located near their apartments. The brothel had been disguised as a massage parlor. But inside the building, police officers had found six Asian women with cigarette burns on their arms who were being held in a situation of debt bondage. “This was like slavery,†were the words of the officer who handled the investigation. This eye-opening case made it clear to Katherine and Derek that modern-day slavery existed in present-day America in ways that they were not aware of. They could not walk away. Instead, they devoted themselves to preventing such abuses from happening to more people. Inspired by the example of the Underground Railroad, Katherine and Derek developed a vision for an organization where everyday people could come together to do extraordinary things to overcome the scourge of slavery. Just as those who were escaping the slavery of the 19th century followed Polaris, the North Star, as they sought freedom, a similar spirit of hope, courage, and community infused Katherine and Derek’s work. They officially founded Polaris Project on February 14, 2002, a day dedicated to generating attention to stop violence against women and girls. The day after graduation, they packed up a U-Haul truck and relocated their lives to Washington, d.c., to launch Polaris Project’s first office on Capitol Hill. Polaris Project’s central goal was to create long-term solutions that would change the underlying systems that allow human trafficking to occur. Katherine and Derek’s programmatic strategy was grounded in an analysis of human trafficking as a market-based phenomenon driven by two primary factors: low-risk and high-profit. They believed then, as they do today, that modern-day slavery can be eliminated by reaching a tipping point where human trafficking becomes a high-risk, lowprofit endeavor. Over time, Katherine and Derek built an organization that successfully combines its work on the frontlines serving victims of human trafficking with the creation of long-term solutions that affect systemic and social change. Early on, they launched an innovative victim outreach program to uncover trafficking locations, directly target trafficking networks, identify victims and connect them to services. As the organization grew, staff members worked with coalition partners to help pass landmark bills through Congress and groundbreaking legislation in 48 states that protect victims and punish perpetrators. In 2007, Polaris Project expanded the National Human Trafficking Resource Center to operate as a national anti-slavery lifeline. And law enforcement officers, service providers, and other key first responders have sought out Polaris Project as a go-to agency for valuable trainings on how to recognize the signs of trafficking.

Details: Washington, DC: Polaris Project, 2012. 28p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 11, 2012 at http://www.polarisproject.org/about-us/financial-information/2002-2012-report

Year: 2012

Country: United States

URL: http://www.polarisproject.org/about-us/financial-information/2002-2012-report

Shelf Number: 124452

Human Trafficking

Author: Bowen & Shannon Frontline Consulting

Title: Human Trafficking, Sex Work Safety and the 2010 Games: Assessments and Recommendations

Summary: In 2007, Vancouver community organizations that work on issues related to sex work partnered with the Vancouver Police Department to establish the Sex Industry Worker Safety Action Group (SIWSAG). With a grant from the Government of British Columbia and support from the Vancouver Police Department, SIWSAG retained Frontline Consulting to produce a background study on the potential impact of the 2010 Olympic Games on the trafficking in persons for the purpose of sexual exploitation and on safety issues for sex workers. The study explores these issues though the experience of cities that have recently hosted mega sport events. This study represents the first step of a multiphased 2010 Impact project that is being undertaken by SIWSAG. The concepts of trafficking in persons for the purpose of sexual exploitation and sex work/prostitution have yet to be uniformly defined. Each term carries differing ideological frameworks and the attributes ascribed to each vary depending on political, social and economic contexts. Trafficking and sex work have a history of being conflated and this, compounded with political and economic agendas associated with global attention, combine to produce a myriad of responses that directly affect the lives of those identified as sex workers, victims of trafficking or both. Prostitution and trafficking activities as related to mega sporting events first came to public attention in Athens (2004) and Germany (2006). An increased number of sex workers and trafficking victims were expected to ‘flood’ into these locations during their respective mega events. Neither location experienced any increase that could be attributed to their hallmark event. The commonly held notion of a link between mega sports events, TIP (Trafficking in Persons) and sex work is an unsubstantiated assumption. Trafficking is an ongoing criminalized and clandestine activity in which victims either fear coming forward or have little opportunity to do so. For complex reasons, there have been no international trafficking convictions in Canada. International victims who seek to stay in Canada face significant challenges. There have been, to date, five domestic trafficking convictions in Canada. Canadian authorities estimate that up to 800 individuals are annually trafficked into Canada for the purposes of sexual exploitation. In Canada, communicating for the purpose of prostitution, procuring and keeping a bawdy house (brothel) are federal offences. The controversial debate around legalization, decriminalization and abolition of sex work was reignited as a result of the murder and abduction of 65 women in Vancouver’s sex industry during the 1990s. Aboriginal women’s advocates emphasize that the effects of colonial violence coupled with discriminatory legislation and a diminishment of Aboriginal women’s roles in society has led to their susceptibility to violence and exploitation. In Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside (DTES), it is estimated that more than 50% of the women who work on the street are Aboriginal women. Aboriginal women constituted a majority of missing women from the DTES during the period of 1995-2000. The Downtown Eastside is an economically deprived inner city neighbourhood with residents who are battling homelessness, poverty, drug addiction and HIV/AIDS, in addition to violence and povertyrelated criminal activity. Currently, DTES residents and service providers express increasing concern about the potential treatment of residents during the 2010 Games with many fearing that the authorities may seek to displace residents in an effort to reduce the impact of negative perceptions of the neighbourhood and simplify Games security requirements. Ten Olympic host cities were selected to contribute to this study and they include: Salt Lake City, Turin, Athens, Sydney, Atlanta, Germany, Calgary and Montreal, the UK and Vancouver. Contacts were invited to take part in telephone interviews or to respond via email. Vancouver contacts had the option of participating in a facetoface interview. Researchers reviewed 200 websites; 90 media articles, 88 academically reviewed journal articles, and 35 government reports in a quest to find information related to the project’s topics.

Details: Vancouver: Sex Industry Worker Safety Action Group, 2009. 150p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 16, 2012 at http://vancouver.ca/police/assets/pdf/reports-policies/report-human-trafficking-2010-games.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: International

URL: http://vancouver.ca/police/assets/pdf/reports-policies/report-human-trafficking-2010-games.pdf

Shelf Number: 124554

Human Trafficking
Sex Workers
Sporting Events

Author: Verité

Title: Hidden Costs inthe Global Economy: Human Trafficking of Philippine Males in Maritime, Construction and Agriculture

Summary: workers for almost all parts of the world, particularly the Middle East, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, North America, and Europe. However, certain workforce mechanisms and policies in these developed countries exploit the vulnerabilities of male Filipino workers (OFWs) overseas. The working conditions in these developed countries, combined with the Filipino workers’ significant lack of education on relevant topics, results in migrant workers falling prey to unscrupulous employers and human traffickers. Many of these OFWs are promised jobs that often entail exploitation, violence, poor working conditions, and offer little hope for improvement. Little is known about the trafficking of Filipino men. In the Philippines, as in other countries, the focus of anti-trafficking policy, research, and law enforcement has been almost exclusively on women and children victims, and consequently, more information is known on the industries and destinations into which women and children are often trafficked. Notably, in the last five years, Philippine media organizations have consistently carried reports of male overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) subjected to various exploitative and distressed situations. However, only recently have these situations been explicitly labeled as cases of trafficking. Despite the media mileage and the growing awareness and activism on human trafficking here and abroad, there remains a deep deficit of understanding with respect to male victims of human trafficking; the circumstances that lead to their being trafficked; and the places, sectors, or industries where the exploitation takes place. This discrepancy with respect to attention on male victims of human trafficking has begun to be recognized by policymakers and researchers. At the same time, the operational definition of human trafficking is being slowly expanded to encompass various modes of exploitation of migrant workers, including the exploitation of workers migrating legally under their own will for legitimate forms of employment. Several international organizations have published reports exploring the issue of male human trafficking, in response to the dearth of available studies. Some of these reports show that men are vulnerable to human trafficking and exploitation in ways distinct from women, and that men may be less likely to report and talk openly about experiences of exploitation. Although Philippine anti-trafficking laws are constructed in a way that recognizes women, children and men as victims, available government databases reveal that very few cases involving male victims of labor trafficking are ever formally filed for litigation in court. Of the 12 convictions in 2006, when this research project was being conceptualized, none of these cases involved trafficking of men. Moreover, according to the 2009 Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report, there have been no reported labor trafficking convictions, despite extensive reports on Filipinos trafficked for forced labor domestically and across borders. Both the large numbers of Philippine males employed abroad, and the known labor violations among migrant workers employed in various types of work that are characteristically male, make the plight of male Philippine trafficking victims ripe for exploration. The short-term goal of this project was to build understanding and awareness of human trafficking of Philippine males by expanding the breadth and depth of knowledge surrounding male trafficking. The long-term goal is to make this increased body of knowledge available to governments, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), corporations, unions and other stakeholders who, through their policy and programmatic initiatives and services, will be able to reduce, via targeted prevention and victim assistance programs, the incidence of male trafficking and mitigate the subsequent devastating impact on victims.

Details: Amherst, MA: Verité, Undated. 77p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 25, 2012 at http://www.verite.org/sites/default/files/images/Verit%C3%A9%20TIP%20Report%20Male%20Trafficking.pdf

Year: 0

Country: Philippines

URL: http://www.verite.org/sites/default/files/images/Verit%C3%A9%20TIP%20Report%20Male%20Trafficking.pdf

Shelf Number: 124748

Human Trafficking
Males, Filipino
Migrant Workers

Author: Verité

Title: Vulnerability to Broker-Related Forced Labor among Migrant Workers in Information Technology Manufacturing in Taiwan and Malaysia

Summary: The phenomenon of trafficking for labor exploitation is importantly played out in the Philippines, which has the second highest rate of employment of its citizens abroad in the world. With some 2,700 Philippine workers leaving daily for jobs abroad and approximately eight million citizens stationed overseas, some have estimated that one in three households in the Philippines has or had a member employed abroad.1 Malaysia and Taiwan, the two “receiving†countries of Philippine workers of focus for this study, both host substantial numbers of Philippine workers each year. In 2008 there were approximately 200,000 Philippine workers employed in Malaysia;2 and 90,000, in Taiwan.3 The conditions of these Philippine workers while abroad are troublesome – one NGO has estimated that one overseas Philippine worker is killed at work each day; while 21 return home in various forms of distress, including having suffered non-payment of wages, or emotional or physical abuse.4 Verité’s own work has found all the hallmarks of debt bondage among overseas Philippine workers, including highly leveraged debt in order to finance usurious recruitment fees; deception on the part of labor brokers as to salary and job type; and, while on the job, illegal salary withholdings, compromised freedom of movement, and compulsory overtime. To illuminate the special situation of foreign contract workers and identify appropriate policy responses, Verité undertook in 2004 and 2005 a project to study both legal protective regimes and on-the-ground practices in seven countries in Asia and the Middle East.5 Verité’s findings provided important original research on the practices and processes of labor broker arrangements in particular – including fees charged by brokers and employers and financing schemes entered into to fund the fees – and the ways in which these broker arrangements affected the conditions workers faced upon arrival in a destination country. The findings from Verité’s 2005 report have been amply bolstered by more current news reports on the plight of Philippine contract workers in Malaysia and Taiwan;6 as well as by ongoing Verité audits of IT and other manufacturing facilities in those two countries and elsewhere in the region. Issues related to exploitative labor brokerage practices have consistently been referenced in US Department of State’s Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report for Taiwan. The TIP Report for 2009 which places Taiwan at a Tier 2, cites it as primarily a destination for men, women, and children trafficked for the purposes of forced labor and commercial sexual exploitation. The report also noted that “trafficking victims are usually workers from rural areas of Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, and the Philippines, brought into Taiwan for employment in low-skilled work through various intermediaries – recruitment agencies and brokers.†The Report cites further that, “Many migrant workers are charged job placement and service fees up to the equivalent of USD 14,000, some of which are unlawful, resulting in substantial debt that unscrupulous labor brokers or employers may use as a coercive tool to subject the workers to involuntary servitude… Labor brokers often help employers forcibly deport “problematic†employees, thus allowing the broker to fill the empty quota with a new foreign worker who must pay placement and brokerage fees that may be used to subject them to involuntary servitude.â€7 This current report builds Verité’s prior work, as well as the work of others. In the pages below, Verité will explore these and other factors related to labor brokers and forced labor in our research.

Details: Amherst, MA: Verité, 2010. 101p.

Source: Help Wanted Hiring, Human Trafficking And Modern-Day Slavery in The Global Economy Regional Report: Internet Resource: Accessed March 25, 2012 at http://www.verite.org/system/files/images/HELP%20WANTED_A%20Verite%CC%81%20Report_Migrant%20Workers%20in%20Taiwan%20%2526%20Malaysia.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Asia

URL: http://www.verite.org/system/files/images/HELP%20WANTED_A%20Verite%CC%81%20Report_Migrant%20Workers%20in%20Taiwan%20%2526%20Malaysia.pdf

Shelf Number: 124749

Forced Labor (Taiwan) (Malaysia)
Human Trafficking
Information Technology
Migrant Workers

Author: Verité

Title: Help Wanted: Hiring, Human Trafficking and Modern-Day Slavery in the Global Economy

Summary: Verité’s HELP WANTED initiative – a research and advocacy effort described in this report – aims to clarify and publicize the ways in which current labor broker practices can create hiring traps; and to provide concrete approaches by which private sector, civil society, and governmental institutions can address this key point of leverage to reduce the risk of a worker ending up a victim of modern-day slavery. Labor brokers – middlemen in the recruitment, hiring and/or management of laborers – operate at the core of the global economy. Complex supply chains necessitate levels of coordination and expertise that are not easily found within a given company because the challenges are spread out over multiple countries and time zones, and workforces are in many instances comprised of workers from far-flung lands. Companies turn to labor brokers to manage many of these challenges, but the increasing use of labor brokers brings with it troubling issues of fragmented and opaque social accountability. For workers, labor brokerage increases migration and job acquisition costs and the risk of serious exploitation, including slavery. Verité is a global advocate for workers. Through our understanding of the perspectives of workers, we find solutions to human rights violations in good business practices. We work to remove dangers and abuses in workplaces around the world by providing knowledge, skills Workers are at heightened vulnerability to modern-day slavery when they have been brought to work away from their homes. This vulnerability is generated or exacerbated by the involvement of labor brokers. Labor brokers act as the middlemen, facilitating a connection between potential workers and their eventual employers. The system of labor brokerage is widespread, opaque, sometimes corrupt, and largely lacking in accountability. In some cases brokerages are substantial, well-organized companies. In others they are informal in their structure and outreach. In all cases their presence in the recruitment and hiring “supply chain†increases the vulnerability of migrant workers to various forms of forced labor once on-the-job. The debt that is often necessary for migrant workers to undertake in order to pay recruitment fees, when combined with the deception that is visited upon them by brokers about job types and salaries, can lead to a situation of debt-bondage – which, according to Anti-Slavery International, is “probably the least known form of slavery today, and yet it is the most widely used method of enslaving people.â€1 When a migrant worker finds herself in a foreign country, with formidable recruitment debt and possibly even ancestral family land hanging in the balance, on a work visa that ties her to one employer and a job that doesn’t remotely resemble the salary and conditions that were promised to her by her labor broker, she has fallen into what Verité calls a HIRING TRAP. There are few global workplace problems in more urgent need of attention. This report begins by offering key findings from recent Verité research on the intersection of brokers, migrant workers and slavery. This research was performed in a variety of sectors and locales across the globe, including: the migration of adults from India to the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) States of the Middle East for work in construction, infrastructure and the service sector; the migration of children and juveniles from the Indian interior to domestic apparel production hubs; the migration of adults from Guatemala, Mexico and Thailand to work in U.S. agriculture; and the migration of adults from the Philippines, Indonesia and Nepal to the Information Technology sector in Malaysia and Taiwan. This report then presents the factors that, in Verité’s view, constitute the major red flags for vulnerability of migrant workers to broker-induced forced labor. These red flags were present individually or in various combinations across all the sectors and locales of Verité’s research. A set of concrete activities and engagements to promote the fair hiring of migrant workers is offered at the close of the report.

Details: Amherst, MA: Verité, Undated. 72p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 25, 2012 at http://digitalcommons.ilr.cornell.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2135&context=globaldocs

Year: 0

Country: International

URL: http://digitalcommons.ilr.cornell.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2135&context=globaldocs

Shelf Number: 124750

Adult Victims
Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Juvenile Victims
Migrant Workers

Author: David, Fiona

Title: Organised Crime and Trafficking in Persons

Summary: The public tends to assume that trafficking in persons is associated with the forced recruitment of women for sexual exploitation by highly organised, criminal gangs. In reality, the modus operandi and individuals involved in trafficking crimes are diverse. Trafficking in persons can and does occur in a range of industries and sectors, and it affects women, men and children. Furthermore, this crime can and has been perpetrated by relatively unsophisticated offenders, including individuals acting alone or with one other person, such as a spouse. All of these factors have implications for prevention, detection and prosecution. In this paper an overview is provided of the existing research on the organisation of human trafficking internationally and in Australia. It begins with an examination of the key concept: precisely what is organised crime? This is followed by an examination of the Australian and international literature on trafficking offending, a review that confirms the paucity of primary research on this subject. This paper is the first publication of a larger research project investigating the nature and characteristics of trafficking offending, with a particular focus on the Australian context.

Details: Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology, 2012. 12p.

Source: Internet Resource: Trends
& Issues
in Crime and Criminal Justice, No. 436: Accessed April 3, 2012 at: http://www.aic.gov.au/documents/F/3/2/%7BF32BB053-07A7-4698-BED7-47DA99F09BBD%7Dtandi436_001.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Australia

URL: http://www.aic.gov.au/documents/F/3/2/%7BF32BB053-07A7-4698-BED7-47DA99F09BBD%7Dtandi436_001.pdf

Shelf Number: 124801

Human Trafficking
Organized Crime (Australia)
Sexual Exploitation

Author: International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)

Title: Forced Labour: Mini Action Guide

Summary: Forced labour is often associated with slavery. That is correct. Forced labour is therefore often associated with the past. This is incorrect. Forced labour continues to manifest itself in new forms throughout the world, and certain contemporary forms are even increasing in numbers of victims in a context of globalisation and increased migration. The ILO made a very conservative minimum estimate in 2005 stating that at any given moment 12.3 million people are working in forced labour conditions. The way in which forced labour is used is constantly changing. The legislation abolishing slavery two centuries ago may have abolished formal slavery and legal ownership of certain people over others; however, in practice forced labour has never been eradicated. Workers in forced labour today loose their freedom of movement through more indirect and less obvious mechanisms such as debt bondage, serfdom, indentured labour, etc. At the same time there are still some persistent vestiges of traditional slavery in certain parts of Africa, and the difference between a modernday domestic worker abused, exploited and locked up in a private home or bonded labourers on remote farms or working with brick kilns and traditional slaves may in practice be smaller than we like to think. Forced labour is a truly global problem affecting every region and all countries in the world whether industrialised or developing, rich or poor. Labour intensive and unregulated industries are affected the most: agriculture, domestic work, construction, mining, quarrying and brick kilns, manufacturing processing and packaging, entertainment and prostitution. Forced labour constitutes the antithesis to decent work and violates all core labour standards. Forced labourers are often victims of discrimination based on ethnicity or sex, and cultural preconceptions about inferiority of certain groups of people are therefore – together with economic hardship – the main root causes of the entire phenomenon. Up to 50 percent of all forced labour victims are children in forced child labour, a “worst forms of child labourâ€. These workers are under extreme exploitation and often isolated from their peers. Freedom of association and the right to organise will seem a distant dream to them – let alone their right to collective bargaining. Trade unions in most countries around the world are campaigning for decent work for all. We cannot be serious about this if we still allow forced labour and human trafficking to foster in every country around the world.

Details: Brussels, Belgium: ITUC International Trade Union Confederation, 2008. 50p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 17, 2012 at http://www.ituc-csi.org/IMG/pdf/guide_forced_labour_EN.pdf

Year: 2008

Country: International

URL: http://www.ituc-csi.org/IMG/pdf/guide_forced_labour_EN.pdf

Shelf Number: 124997

Debt Bondage
Forced Labor
Forced Labor, Children
Human Trafficking
Labor Exploitation

Author: van der Laan, Peter H.

Title: Cross-border Trafficking In Human Beings: Prevention and Intervention Strategies for Reducing Sexual Exploitation

Summary: Over the years, growing attention has been given to the phenomenon of trafficking in human beings (THB). Sexual exploitation was until recently by far the most commonly identified feature of THB, followed by forced labour. Many activities to combat trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation have been initiated by numerous supranational, international as well as national organizations. Much is written about these initiatives, but some areas have been neglected. Knowledge on ‘what works’ is in particular limited. The growing attention to THB entails a demand for more information. The severity of the crime and the impact on its victims makes it of utmost importance to gain more insight into the working and effectiveness of anti-trafficking strategies and interventions. The main objective of this review was to assess the presently available evidence on the effects of interventions that aim to prevent and suppress trafficking in human beings. The following questions were central to the systematic review: 1) What types of anti-THB strategies and interventions can be identified that have been accompanied by some form of empirical analysis? 2) Which of these studies incorporate (quasi-)experimental evaluations that are rigorous enough to determine the effect of these anti-THB strategies on preventing and suppressing THB? 3) What are the outcomes of these (quasi-)experimental studies? Policies or interventions to prevent or suppress cross border trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation have not been evaluated rigorously enough to determine their effect. Using different search strategies and key words in nine different languages, the authors identified 19.000 studies on trafficking that came out between January 2000 and June 2009. They examined and coded the full text of the 20 studies that contained a combination of the relevant key words in their title, subtitle and/or abstract. None of these were controlled and most did not even use pre- and post-test measures.

Details: Oslo: The Campbell Collaboration, 2011. 50p.

Source: Campbell Systematic Review 2011:9 : Internet Resource: Accessed April 17, 2012 at http://www.emnbelgium.be/sites/default/files/publications/cross_border_trafficking_systematic_review.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: International

URL: http://www.emnbelgium.be/sites/default/files/publications/cross_border_trafficking_systematic_review.pdf

Shelf Number: 124999

Crime Prevention
Human Trafficking
Intervention Programs
Sex Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation


Title: Perilous Journeys: The Plight of North Koreans in China and Beyond

Summary: Scores of thousands of North Koreans have been risking their lives to escape their country’s hardships in search of a better life, contributing to a humanitarian challenge that is playing out almost invisibly as the world focuses on North Korea’s nuclear program. Only a little over 9,000 have made it to safety, mostly in South Korea but also in Japan, Europe and the U.S. Many more live in hiding from crackdowns and forcible repatriations by China and neighbouring countries, vulnerable to abuse and exploitation. If repatriated to the North, they face harsh punishment, possibly execution. China and South Korea have held back, even during the Security Council debate over post-test sanctions, from applying as much pressure as they might to persuade Pyongyang to reverse its dangerous nuclear policy, in part because they fear that the steady stream of North Koreans flowing into China and beyond would become a torrent if the North’s economy were to collapse under the weight of tough measures. While there is marginally more hope Beijing will change its ways than Pyongyang, concerned governments can and must do far more to improve the situation of the border crossers. Even without a strong response to the 9 October 2006 nuclear test that targets the North’s economy, the internal situation could soon get much worse. The perfect storm may be brewing for a return to famine in the North. Last year, Pyongyang reintroduced the same public distribution system for food that collapsed in the 1990s and rejected international humanitarian assistance, demanding instead unmonitored development help. Funding for remaining aid programs is difficult to secure, and summer floods have damaged crops and infrastructure. Hunger and the lack of economic opportunity, rather than political oppression, are the most important factors in shaping a North Korean’s decision to leave “the worker’s paradiseâ€. A lack of information, the fear of being caught by Chinese or North Korean security agents and financial limitations are more significant barriers than any actual wall or tight security at the border. China compensates for the virtual absence of border guards with a relentless search for North Koreans in hiding. In October 2006, Chinese authorities began to build a fence along the frontier and conduct neighbourhood sweeps to find and arrest the border crossers. Despite these formidable obstacles, the willingness among North Koreans to risk their lives to escape is growing stronger, and arrivals in the South are likely to hit a record this year. The most important pull factor shaping the decision to leave is the presence of family members in China and, increasingly, South Korea. The nearly 9,000 defectors in the South are able to send cash and information to help their loved ones escape. To a lesser but significant extent, information is beginning to spread in the North through smuggled South Korean videos, American and South Korean radio broadcasts, and word of mouth – all exposing North Koreans to new ideas and aspirations. Most North Koreans do not arrive in China with the intention of seeking official asylum, but because Beijing is making it ever more difficult for them to stay, a growing number are forced to travel thousands of kilometres and undertake dangerous border crossings in search of refuge in Mongolia or South East Asia. The mass arrests of 175 asylum seekers in Bangkok in August 2006 and a further 86 on 24 October provide vivid examples of host country hospitality being stretched to the limits. The vast majority of North Koreans who have made it to safety resettle in South Korea. In most instances, this is a choice motivated by language, culture and the promise of being reunited with family members. In a growing number of cases, the overly burdensome procedures for being granted asylum anywhere else is the deciding factor. With the exception of Germany, the governments that have pressed most vigorously for improving North Korean human rights, namely the U.S., the European Union member states and Japan, have taken in only a handful of asylum seekers. A loose network of makeshift shelters focused on humanitarian aid has evolved into a politically-charged but fragile underground railroad on which some North Koreans can buy safe passage to Seoul in a matter of days, while others suffer years of violence and exploitation. If they are to minimise the exploitation of the most vulnerable and enhance the much-needed aid this network delivers, concerned governments must commit to a sustainable solution. None of the policies proposed in this report would create unmanageable burdens for any government. Unless North Korea’s economy collapses completely, the numbers of its citizens crossing international borders will continue to be restricted by many factors, not least Pyongyang’s tight controls on internal movement and the financial cost of securing an escape route. However, it is time to back up strong words and resolutions about the plight of North Koreans with actions, both because humanity demands it and because if the international community cannot quickly get a handle on this situation, it will find it harder to forge an operational consensus on the nuclear issue.

Details: Brussels: International Crisis Group, 2006. 48p.

Source: Internet Resource: Asia Report No. 122: Accessed April 18, 2012 at: http://www.crisisgroup.org/~/media/Files/asia/north-east-asia/north-korea/erilous_journeys___the_plight_of_north_koreans_in_china_and_beyond.ashx

Year: 2006

Country: China

URL: http://www.crisisgroup.org/~/media/Files/asia/north-east-asia/north-korea/erilous_journeys___the_plight_of_north_koreans_in_china_and_beyond.ashx

Shelf Number: 125015

Forced Marriages
Forced Repatriation
Human Trafficking
Refugees (North Korea and China)

Author: Committee for Human Rights in North Korea

Title: Lives for Sale: Personal Accounts of Women Fleeing North Korea to China

Summary: This report calls the world’s attention to the suffering of North Korean women who have become the victims of trafficking and forced marriages when escaping their country for a new life in China. Not only are the political and economic rights of these women neglected by their own government, but also by the government of their country of asylum. Too often the failure of both North Korea and China to protect them has been overlooked by the international community. Women represent the majority of North Koreans who flee into China. One of the reasons they cross the border is lack of sufficient food or the means of survival in their own country. For almost twenty years, famine has stalked North Korea. It reached its peak in the mid-1990s but remains a specter, and may reach crisis proportions again. Caused largely by government policies, combined with natural disasters, the famine of the 1990s killed and displaced millions of North Koreans. Women of the classes defined by the regime as politically disloyal became especially vulnerable when husbands and fathers died, and they began to flee to China in search of food and economic opportunities for themselves and their families. Unauthorized departure, however, is a crime in North Korea. Although seeking opportunities in China, they instead became victims of traffickers and victims of men in China who paid traffickers to purchase a North Korean “wife.†The “marriages†the women enter, often through coercion, have no official standing in China and are given no legal protection. The women in these marriages are frequently “trapped,†unable to free themselves from arrangements in which they were sold for a price. They also live in fear of being returned to North Korea where they can expect incarceration, punishment, and even possible torture and death. Yet they are not permitted to prove they are political refugees or refugees sur place. Instead, they must bear exploitation and insecurity in China so as to avoid forced repatriation and punishment. Even when they are sold to partners who do not abuse them and raise families, they are still denied their basic rights. They and their children often have no legal status. Children conceived in China are usually not protected by the laws of either China or North Korea. The interviews in this report make clear the difficult choices facing North Korean women who describe in their own words what has happened to them. “They would not allow me to leave the house,†one woman recounted, “then someone from Yanji came to take me to Heilongjiang Province by train. Only when we arrived in a village in Heilongjiang did I hear I was going to get married.†Another recalled, “I ran away from the house, not knowing where to go. Within a few hours, I was caught and brought back by the Chinese man. He took out his leather belt and whipped me.†One woman who was forcibly returned to North Korea and escaped again to China said, “I was interrogated and detained for four weeks. During the interrogation, the man who was asking me questions suddenly punched me in my left eye with his fist. My eyeball cracked and I lost eyesight in that eye immediately…†These are stories of human suffering that have received far too little notice in the world at large. The human rights abuses of the North Korean regime, increasingly made known by news accounts, reports of the United Nations Secretary-General and Special Rapporteur, defectors, and organizations like ours, are beginning to be understood and condemned internationally. What is often ignored, however, is that these abuses do not stay in the confines of North Korea but spill over into neighboring countries, and inflict pain on the lives of North Korean citizens outside their borders. Often overlooked too are the special needs of North Korea’s women and the desperation many face. This is a report about women whose lives are at risk and for sale. It makes recommendations for change. We urge that these recommendations be widely read and acted upon.

Details: Washington, DC: Committee for Human Rights in North Korea, 2009. 64p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 18, 2012 at: http://hrnk.org/wp-content/uploads/Lives_for_Sale.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: China

URL: http://hrnk.org/wp-content/uploads/Lives_for_Sale.pdf

Shelf Number: 125016

Forced Marriages
Forced Repatriation
Human Rights (North Korea and China)
Human Trafficking

Author: Trimble, Meridee Jean

Title: U.S. Policy Options Toward Stopping North Korea’s Illicit Activities

Summary: North Korea began its involvement in illicit activities in the 1970s, but it took the United States until the new millennium to develop a series of major law enforcement approaches to counter these activities. North Korea’s illicit activities are purportedly the funding input for the development of its nuclear weapons program, which constitutes the output. The main illicit activities to be discussed include drug production and trafficking, the counterfeiting of U.S. currency, cigarettes and pharmaceuticals, missile sales and human trafficking. The United States has aggressively addressed the nuclear threat that North Korea poses, but has been slow to address the inputs that fund the outputs. This thesis seeks to answer the question of why it took the United States over three decades to address the illicit activities of North Korea that purportedly fund its nuclear program.

Details: Monterey, CA: Naval Postgraduate School, 2007. 91p.

Source: Internet Resource: Master's Thesis: Accessed April 18, 2012 at: http://www.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a475783.pdf

Year: 2007

Country: Korea, North

URL: http://www.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a475783.pdf

Shelf Number: 125018

Drug Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Illegal Activities (North Korea)
Illicit Goods

Author: Muico, Norma Kang

Title: An Absence of Choice: The Sexual Exploitation of North Korean Women in China

Summary: The sexual exploitation of North Korean women in China is a complex issue. It encompasses a wide range of situations and levels of complicity on the part of the woman. In cases of trafficking, women can be forced into marriage or the sex industry. The methods by which traffickers recruit women are deception, coercion and abduction. Although many women try to escape from their exploitative situation, others do not. Testimonies from trafficked women indicate that many remain because they feel helpless and powerless to change their situation. In the case of forced marriages, some women choose to stay because of the birth of a child and/or they have developed an emotional attachment to their husband. Several women trafficked into forced marriage and the sex industry have expressed the view that despite everything, their current situation is better than risking repatriation or starvation. Finally, not all North Korean spouses of Chinese men have been trafficked. In fact, many North Korean women allow a third party to sell them as brides to Chinese men or agree to an arranged marriage. Marriages involving undocumented North Korean women, however, are not legally binding and if the women are caught by the Chinese authorities, they - like any other irregular North Korean migrant - face deportation.

Details: London: Anti-Slavery International, 2005. 24p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 18, 2012 at: http://www.antislavery.org/includes/documents/cm_docs/2009/f/full_korea_report_2005.pdf

Year: 2005

Country: China

URL: http://www.antislavery.org/includes/documents/cm_docs/2009/f/full_korea_report_2005.pdf

Shelf Number: 125017

Forced Marriages
Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation (China)

Author: Chemonics International Inc.

Title: Literature Review: Trafficking in Post-Conflict Situations

Summary: The review, conducted in 2004 and updated in July 2006, found a great deal of work on the subject of conflict and its effects on women, children, and gender-based violence; the gender aspects of peacekeeping; and human trafficking in countries that once were in conflict. However, very few of these works deal directly with the issues of conflict, human trafficking, and their interrelationships; even fewer works contain in-depth descriptions and analyses of conditions present in conflict and post-conflict situations, which particularly contribute to the emergence of human trafficking in post-conflict and neighboring countries. The exception is the growing body of work on child soldiers and women associated with the fighting forces (WAFF), recent works on human trafficking in women and girls for sexual exploitation in and around areas with peacekeeping missions, and the evolving links between post-conflict trafficking in persons and organized crime. From the literature review, most trafficking in post-conflict countries follows predictable patterns based on the country’s placement on the conflict spectrum. Immediately before and during conflict, human trafficking is primarily related to the recruitment and use of child soldiers1 and WAFF.2 At this stage, there is also human trafficking of refugees and displaced persons, especially for sexual exploitation or labor. Immediately following conflict, most child soldiers and WAFF victims are released and try to reintegrate back into civilian society—usually through a disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration (DDR) program. With the influx of large numbers of peacekeepers, human trafficking shifts toward prostitution of women and girls. In the post-conflict period, the lack of law and order and the large numbers of vulnerable and destitute populations, especially female refugees, internally displaced populations (IDPs), separated children, and war widows, contribute toward the country becoming a source and a transit point for human trafficking for sexual exploitation or forced labor. In this post-conflict climate, women and girls suffer disproportionately from lack of access to resources and education, thereby heightening their vulnerability to various forms of exploitation and human trafficking. In search of opportunities to improve their social, economic, and political situations in more developed cities or countries, yet lacking comprehensive information or access to legitimate migration programs, many of these persons fall victim to human traffickers. This phenomenon occurs not only in the immediate post-conflict period, but often well after the conflict has subsided. In some areas, such as the former Soviet Union and the Balkans, literature links post-conflict trafficking with organized and transnational crime. A few of the reviewed works also examine the role wealthier countries play as sources of demand and destination of trafficked persons. The literature review also revealed geographic patterns and trafficking trends. The work on child soldiers and WAFF is overwhelmingly related to the large number of continuing conflicts in Africa. The work on human trafficking and the presence of large numbers of peacekeepers tends to focus on the problems in the former Yugoslavia; however, more recent attention has turned toward trafficking for sexual exploitation in areas such as East Timor, Ethiopia and Eritrea, Afghanistan, and Iraq. The work on post-conflict trafficking is much broader- covering the former Soviet Union, Balkans, Africa, Southern Asia, South America and other areas of the world. Another emerging pattern is the heightened risk faced by displaced children and women before, during and after conflict. These risks include significant impediments and limited resources dedicated to poverty-alleviation and education programs, human rights awareness, rehabilitation and reintegration of victims within their home communities, as well as critical individual and public health risks from rising prevalence of HIV/AIDS and other related health complications. Among the most vulnerable populations are street children, IDPs and refugees. Yet, due to a lack of comprehensive data, population tracking, awareness-raising, multi-disciplinary examination of inter-related phenomena related to such persons in conflict and post-conflict situations, reliable information on their numbers, prevention and protection services and reliable indicators for measuring interventions for such victims are lacking.

Details: Washington, DC: United States Agency for International Development, 2006. 117p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 18, 2012 at: http://www.usaid.gov/our_work/democracy_and_governance/technical_areas/trafficking/pubs/Trafficking_Conflict_July2006.pdf

Year: 2006

Country: International

URL: http://www.usaid.gov/our_work/democracy_and_governance/technical_areas/trafficking/pubs/Trafficking_Conflict_July2006.pdf

Shelf Number: 125019

Child Soldiers
Child Trafficking
Human Rights
Human Trafficking

Author: Dockery, Sarah

Title: Sex Trafficking in South Korea, Indonesia and China: Analyzing the Variance of Sex trafficking Levels through a Rational, Structural and Feminist Approach

Summary: What explains the variance among levels of criminal participation in the sex trafficking industry in South Korea, Indonesia and China? As such, the dependent variable is the prevalence of criminal participation in the sex trafficking industry. South Korea is considered to have a low level of sex trafficking, Indonesia a medium level, and China a high level (these qualifications will be explained and discussed further later). As the research question suggests, this paper will explain sex trafficking through analyzing the role of the criminals who participate in trafficking victims, as well as the national environments in which they operate. Simply put, the international sex trafficking business would not exist without traffickers and the economic, social, political and legal contexts in which this activity takes place. The fact that individuals in different countries make the decision to become a criminal and engage in this industry fuels its persistence and growth. Instead of the victims or the consumers of the sex slavery, this paper will focus on the recruiters, traffickers, and exploiters to explain the prevalence of sex trafficking in South Korea, Indonesia, and China. One might simply conclude that South Korea has the lowest level of sex trafficking because it has the smallest population out of the three, and that China has the highest because it has the largest population. On a regional and global scale, however, the issue of sex trafficking is clearly much more complicated than that. Therefore, more complex and nuanced explanations need to be explored. To explain the variance in the prevalence of sex trafficking in these countries, three approaches will be employed: a rational approach, a structural approach, and a feminist approach. Through the rational approach, economic theories such as economic liberalism and concepts such as markets, supply, demand and comparative advantage will be utilized to explain the variation. Based on liberal economic factors and the nature of sex trafficking, this explanation hypothesizes that underdevelopment leads to higher levels of sex trafficking in a country. Second, a structural approach focuses on the role of the state as an institution. The paradigm of historical institutionalism will be coupled with Gary Becker’s economic model of crime, to analyze why individuals choose to become traffickers in this industry. Through this structural approach and Becker’s model of crime, we hypothesize that ineffective rule of law and law enforcement institutions lead to higher levels of sex trafficking. In this approach, the independent variable is the effectiveness of the institution of law enforcement, which determines of expected cost of sex trafficking. Finally, a feminist approach analyzes the role that gender inequality plays in sex trafficking in each case. Through the independent variable of gender inequality, high levels of gender inequality are hypothesized to yield higher levels of sex trafficking.

Details: Memphis, TN: Rhodes College, 2010. 42p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 18, 2012 at: http://www.operationbrokensilence.org/downloads/Dockery_Sex_Trafficking_Report.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Asia

URL: http://www.operationbrokensilence.org/downloads/Dockery_Sex_Trafficking_Report.pdf

Shelf Number: 125021

Human Trafficking
Human Trafficking (South IKorea, Indonesia, China)
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Operation Broken Silence and End Slavery Tennessee

Title: The Nashville Backpage Report: An Analysis of the Online Commercial Sex Industry and Human Trafficking in Tennessee

Summary: The purpose of this report is to raise awareness of human trafficking and forced prostitution within the online commercial sex industry of Nashville, Tennessee and recommend ways to combat human trafficking on the internet. While the data will not always cite specific examples of human trafficking or forced prostitution, it addresses the supply of commercial sex advertised on nashville.backpage.com and its connection to human trafficking. Commercial sex is illegal in Tennessee. Despite its illegality, commercial sex can be easily and anonymously purchased while browsing the escort classifieds on Backpage. For this reason, we can confidently claim that Backpage is profiting from illegal enterprises and illicit trade. The escort classifieds are often used as a vessel for human trafficking and forced prostitution. This Nashville Backpage Report exposes the connection between the online sex industry and human trafficking in Nashville, Tennessee and provides solutions for citizens, policy makers, law enforcement, and NGOs.

Details: Operational Broken Silence and End Slvery Tennessee, 2012. 42p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 19, 2012 at: http://www.operationbrokensilence.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Nashville-Backpage-Report.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: United States

URL: http://www.operationbrokensilence.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Nashville-Backpage-Report.pdf

Shelf Number: 125027

Human Trafficking
Prostitution (Tennessee)

Author: Nelson, Sue

Title: Literature Review and Analysis Related to Human Trafficking in Post-Conflict Situations

Summary: The review found a great deal of work on the subject of conflict and its effects on women, children, and gender-based violence; the gender aspects of peacekeeping; and human trafficking in countries that once were in conflict. However, very few of these works deal directly with the issues of conflict, human trafficking, and their interrelationships; even fewer works contain in-depth descriptions and analyses of conditions present in conflict and post-conflict situations, which particularly contribute to the emergence of human trafficking in post-conflict and neighboring countries. The exception is the growing body of work on child soldiers and women associated with the fighting forces (WAFF), recent works on human trafficking in women and girls for sexual exploitation in and around areas with peacekeeping missions, and the evolving links between post-conflict trafficking in persons and organized crime. From the literature review, most trafficking in post-conflict countries follows predictable patterns based on the country’s placement on the conflict spectrum. Immediately before and during conflict, human trafficking is primarily related to the recruitment and use of child soldiers1 and WAFF.2 At this stage, there is also human trafficking of refugees and displaced persons, especially for sexual exploitation or labor. Immediately following conflict, most child soldiers and WAFF victims are released and try to reintegrate back into civilian society—usually through a disarmament, demobilization, and rehabilitation (DDR) program. With the influx of large numbers of peacekeepers, human trafficking shifts toward prostitution of women and girls. In the post-conflict period, the lack of law and order and the large numbers of vulnerable and destitute populations, especially female refugees, IDPs, separated children, and war widows, contribute toward the country becoming a source and a transit point for human trafficking for sexual exploitation or forced labor. In this post-conflict climate, women and girls suffer disproportionately from lack of access to resources and education, thereby heightening their vulnerability to various forms of exploitation and human trafficking. In search of opportunities to improve their social, economic, and political situations in more developed cities or countries, yet lacking comprehensive information or access to legitimate migration programs, many of these persons fall victim to human traffickers. This phenomenon occurs not only in the immediate post-conflict period, but often well after the conflict has subsided. In some areas, such as the former Soviet Union and the Balkans, literature links post-conflict trafficking with organized and transnational crime. A few of the reviewed works also examine the role wealthier countries play as sources of demand and destination of trafficked persons. The literature review also revealed geographic patterns and trafficking trends. The work on child soldiers and WAFF is overwhelmingly related to the large number of continuing conflicts in Africa. The work on human trafficking and the presence of large numbers of peacekeepers tends to focus on the problems in the former Yugoslavia; however, more recent attention has turned toward trafficking for sexual exploitation in areas such as East Timor, Ethiopia and Eritrea, Afghanistan, and Iraq. The work on post-conflict trafficking is much broader- covering the former Soviet Union, Balkans, Africa, Southern Asia, South America and other areas of the world. Another emerging pattern is the heightened risk faced by displaced children and women before, during and after conflict. These risks include significant impediments and limited resources dedicated to poverty-alleviation and education programs, human rights awareness, rehabilitation and reintegration of victims within their home communities, as well as critical individual and public health risks from rising prevalence of HIV/AIDS and other related health complications. Among the most vulnerable populations are street children, IDPs and refugees. Yet, due to a lack of comprehensive data, population tracking, awareness-raising, multi-disciplinary examination of inter-related phenomena related to such persons in conflict and post-conflict situations, reliable information on their numbers, prevention and protection services and reliable indicators for measuring interventions for such victims are lacking.

Details: Washington, DC: U.S. Agency for International Development, 2004. 118p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 19, 2012 at: http://www.usaid.gov/our_work/cross-cutting_programs/wid/pubs/trafficking_dai_lit_review.pdf

Year: 2004

Country: International

URL: http://www.usaid.gov/our_work/cross-cutting_programs/wid/pubs/trafficking_dai_lit_review.pdf

Shelf Number: 125022

Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Ham, Julie

Title: Moving Beyond 'Supply and Demand' Catchphrases: Assessing the Uses and Limitations of Demand-Based Approaches in Anti-Trafficking

Summary: In the anti-trafficking sector, the concept of ‘demand’ typically refers to consumers’, employers’ and clients’ demands for services provided by or products produced by trafficked labour. Although ‘demand’ is widely mentioned in the anti-trafficking literature (see page 16, What do stakeholders usually say about demand?), most references to ‘demand’ don’t go beyond brief statements about: • Needing more research on ‘demand’; • Raising awareness to reduce demand; • Demand as a root cause of trafficking; and • Reducing demand as a trafficking prevention measure. Generally, two different demand-based approaches are discussed as anti-trafficking strategies: (1) calling for the elimination of the sex work sector, and (2) reducing the demand that enables exploitation in various sectors where trafficking occurs. ‘End demand for prostitution’ approaches have been most heavily promoted by prostitution abolitionists, who claim that penalising sex workers’ clients will help fight trafficking. Sex workers rights groups and some antitrafficking organisations (including GAATW) have strongly opposed criminal penalties against clients as this approach: • Has not reduced trafficking or sex work; • Threatens sex workers’ income security and working conditions, such as by increasing competition amongst sex workers, and increasing the vulnerability of sex workers who must negotiate with nervous and scared clients (i.e. less time for workers to determine whether a potential client is safe or not); • Has not stopped violent or abusive clients who are more experienced at evading law enforcement, but has ended up impacting less experienced clients and ‘good’ clients; • Dismisses and silences the concerns, priorities and knowledge of sex workers; • Muddles anti-trafficking efforts by confusing trafficking with sex work; • Increases police’s power over sex workers; and • Increases stigma against women in sex work. Sex workers’ rights groups and anti-trafficking allies have tried to shift the concept of ‘demand’ in a more rights-based direction by: trying to reduce the demand for unprotected paid sex (e.g. by empowering sex workers to demand condom use), reducing the demand for exploitative labour practices within the sex work sector, and increasing awareness among ‘demand’ or clients about treating sex workers respectfully and ethically. Many sex workers rights organisations also advocate for decriminalising consensual sex work while retaining existing criminal penalties against violence in sex work. They and their allies argue that decriminalisation of consensual sex work would: • Help prevent the misuse of anti-trafficking laws to punish women in sex work; • Impact the ‘demand’ for commercial sex by increasing women’s power to manage or negotiate working conditions with clients; • Assist anti-trafficking efforts by fostering cooperation between police and sex workers; • Reduce police violence against sex workers by changing the amount of power police yield over sex workers; and • Allow sex workers to report violence and exploitation to the police without fear of arrest. Another anti-trafficking approach to demand focuses on tackling the demand for exploitative labour practices, in any sector where trafficking can occur. In the sex work sector, re-framing demand-based efforts to reducing the demand for exploitative labour practices in sex work may provide a more productive, rights-based approach than the ‘end demand for prostitution’ approaches currently touted by prostitution abolitionists. The demand for exploitative labour practices (including, but not limited to the sex work sector) generally refers to labour that is: • Low cost - including non-payment or underpayment; • Easy to control - including keeping workers from leaving abusive situations; and • Unprotected - social attitudes that normalise or justify exploitation and discrimination, unregulated labour. The demand for low cost, controllable and unprotected labour can stem from globalised economic processes demanding increasingly flexible labour, and discrimination that can normalise or justify exploitation. Although migrant labour isn’t inherently exploitable, social and political processes can change migrant labour into labour that can be exploited. Migrant labour becomes cheap, controllable and unprotected when: • Labour market demands are undermined by immigration policies; • Migrant workers are labelled or constructed as ‘illegal’; and when • Discrimination against migrants is normalised or justified. Strategies to reduce the demand for exploitative labour practices include: • Creating legal migration channels for working-class migrant workers; • Ensuring coherence between immigration and labour policies; • Decriminalising migration and protecting migrants’ rights; • Enforcing labour standards and improving working conditions; • Reducing discrimination against migrants; • Raising awareness among investors and consumers on how they can help reduce demand. The usefulness of current ‘demand’-based approaches in anti-trafficking may be limited because: • The main focus on clients and consumers can mask significant structural factors that need to be addressed, including poverty and restrictive immigration measures; • Simplistic economic analogies of ‘supply and demand’ may not help to clarify complex social issues, such as trafficking; • Demand-based approaches fail to acknowledge migrants’ and workers’ own demands, motivations, aspirations, resistance strategies and recommendations; and • People talk about ‘demand’ and ‘supply’ as if they’re not connected. Efforts to reduce the demand for exploitative labour practices may be more effective if stakeholders: • Recognise the different ways supply and demand can shape each other, e.g. a large supply of cheap labour can increase the demand for domestic workers; • Focus efforts on reducing the ability of employers to demand vulnerable, exploitable labor, in any sector, not just the sex work industry; • Listen to the ‘supply’s (i.e. workers’) demands, such as the demand for safe migration opportunities, and the demand for safe working conditions. It could well be that problems about ‘demand’ would be best met with ‘supply’-side solutions (i.e. strengthening workers’ rights). For example, how do domestic workers’ organising efforts and labour protections change the expectations and behaviour of employers?

Details: Bangkok, Thailand: Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women, 2011. 98p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 19, 2012 at: http://www.gaatw.org/publications/MovingBeyond_SupplyandDemand_GAATW2011.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: International

URL: http://www.gaatw.org/publications/MovingBeyond_SupplyandDemand_GAATW2011.pdf

Shelf Number: 125023

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Sex Workers
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Serojitdinov, Anvar

Title: IOM 2011 Case Data on Human Trafficking: Global Figures & Trends

Summary: IOM 2011 Case Data contains information on all trafficking cases assisted by the organisation in 2011. The tables contained within this document are based upon IOM case data where the organisation has been involved in providing direct assistance to a trafficked person in the context of an IOM countertrafficking project. Data is collected directly from trafficked persons and stored into the IOM human trafficking database. This covers approximately 20,000 cases encoded by 72 different missions. In Europe IOM has globally provided assistance to individual trafficked persons on 1606 occasions. 1315 of these persons were adults aged 18 and over, whereas 198 were minors and 93 unknown. 1010 of these individuals were female, 502 were males, and in 34 cases the sex of the individual was unknown.

Details: Geneva, Switzerland: International Organization for Migration (IOM), 2012. 32p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 24, 2012 at http://ec.europa.eu/anti-trafficking/download.action;jsessionid=1JBhPXCH6Yx2d7x12NtYT6Xkcyz6JlHTNhHTnzgPJnLhqJTjLWWx!-1664183480?nodeId=0c594432-d910-421a-864f-45f546ae3abb&fileName=IOM+Global+Trafficking+Data+on+Assisted+Cases+2012.pdf&fileType=pdf

Year: 2012

Country: International

URL: http://ec.europa.eu/anti-trafficking/download.action;jsessionid=1JBhPXCH6Yx2d7x12NtYT6Xkcyz6JlHTNhHTnzgPJnLhqJTjLWWx!-1664183480?nodeId=0c594432-d910-421a-864f-45f546ae3abb&fileName=IOM+Global+Trafficking+Data+on+Assisted+Cas

Shelf Number: 125061

Crime Statistics
Crime Trends
Human Trafficking

Author: Kabeer, Naila

Title: "Footloose" Female Labour: Transnational Migration, Social Protection and Citizenship in the Asia Region

Summary: This paper reviews the literature on female labour migrations flows within the Asia region from a gender perspective in order to gain a better understanding of their patterns, causes and consequences as well as their implications for current concerns with social protection and citizenship. The rationale for a gender perspective stems for evidence that women migrate for different reasons than men, they migrate along different routes and the consequences of their migration are also often different. Female migration therefore poses a particular kind of challenge for social protection and for the citizenship status of migrants. In addition, from a more analytical perspective, the study of gender-differentiated movements of the population are important for the mirror they hold up to the different ways in which gender inequalities in the division of labour are incorporated into the broader and spatially uneven processes of development in an era of globalization.

Details: Ottawa: International Development Research Centre, 2007. 69p.

Source: Internet Resource: IDRC Working Papers on Women’s Rights and Citizenship: Accessed May 4, 2012 at: http://www.idrc.ca/EN/Resources/Publications/Pages/ArticleDetails.aspx?PublicationID=455

Year: 2007

Country: Asia

URL: http://www.idrc.ca/EN/Resources/Publications/Pages/ArticleDetails.aspx?PublicationID=455

Shelf Number: 125154

Female Immigrants (Asia)
Human Rights
Human Trafficking

Author: Laczko, Frank

Title: Trafficking in Persons and Human Development: Towards A More Integrated Policy Response

Summary: Poverty is often regarded as the "root cause" of trafficking, but the linkages between poverty, lack of development and trafficking are complex. For example, there is some evidence to suggest that victims of cross-border trafficking are more likely to originate from middle-income rather than lower-income countries. Trafficking and development have tended to be treated as very separate policy areas and the assessment of the development impact of counter-trafficking programmes is still at an early stage. This paper outlines a possible framework for a more evidence-based approach to understanding the linkages between trafficking, trafficking policy and human development. The paper argues that the human development gains from greater mobility could be significantly enhanced if there was greater coherence between policies to combat trafficking and policies to promote development.

Details: New York: United Nations Development Program, 2009. 68p.

Source: Internet Resource: Human Development
Research Paper
2009/51: Accessed May 4, 2012 at: http://hdr.undp.org/en/reports/global/hdr2009/papers/HDRP_2009_51.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: International

URL: http://hdr.undp.org/en/reports/global/hdr2009/papers/HDRP_2009_51.pdf

Shelf Number: 125155

Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Jennings, Kathleen

Title: UN Peacekeeping Economies and Local Sex Industries: Connections and Implications

Summary: “Peacekeeping economies†have not been subject to much analysis of either their economic or socio-cultural and political impacts. This paper uses a gendered lens to explore some ramifications and lasting implications of peacekeeping economies, drawing on examples from four post-conflict countries with past or ongoing United Nations peacekeeping missions: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, Liberia, and Haiti. The paper is particularly concerned with the interplay between the peacekeeping economy and the sex industry. It examines some of the characteristics and impacts of peacekeeping economies, arguing that these are highly gendered – but that the “normalization†of peacekeeping economies allows these effects to be overlooked or obscured. It also contends that these gendered characteristics and impacts have (or are likely have) broad and lasting consequences. Finally, the paper considers the initial impacts of UN efforts to tackle negative impacts of peacekeeping economies, particularly the zero-tolerance policy against sexual exploitation and the effort to “mainstream†gender and promote gender equality in and through peacekeeping. The paper suggests that the existence and potential longterm perpetuation of a highly gendered peacekeeping economy threatens to undermine the gender goals and objectives that are a component of most peace operations.

Details: Brighton, UK: MICROCON: A Micro Level Analysis of Violent Conflict, Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex, 2009. 31p.

Source: Internet Resource: MICROCON Research Working Paper 17; Accessed May 8, 2012 at: http://www.microconflict.eu/publications/RWP17_KJ_VNR.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: International

URL: http://www.microconflict.eu/publications/RWP17_KJ_VNR.pdf

Shelf Number: 125177

Human Trafficking
Sex Tourism
Sex Workers
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Stencavage, Darla L.

Title: Security Implications of Human-Trafficking Networks

Summary: Globalization has provided many people around the world with increased prospects where they had been severely restricted from enhancing their economic plight in the past. Unfortunately, organized crime groups have used these new opportunities for personal gain by trafficking other humans. Although human trafficking is not a new phenomenon, globalization has increased competition and has intensified the demand for cheaper goods and services worldwide. Consequently, in the modern era of globalization and with the possibility for increased profits, it seems likely that human trafficking will continue to grow as a part of human existence. The United States must recognize any connections between the operations of human-trafficking networks and terrorist groups and the potential implications these networks can have on the security of the nation. This study looks at the connections that exist between human-trafficking networks and terrorist organizations in Kosovo. An analysis of the connections between the trafficking networks and terrorist groups in this area attempts to bring to light the need for further research of the connections between these types of operations and highlights the need to maintain both national security and human security in the United States.

Details: Fort Leavenworth, Kansas: U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, 2007. 96p.

Source: Masters Thesis: Internet Resource: Accessed May 8, 2012 at http://www.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?AD=ADA471456

Year: 2007

Country: United States

URL: http://www.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?AD=ADA471456

Shelf Number: 125197

Human Trafficking
National Security (U.S.)

Author: Burn, Jennifer

Title: Hidden Exploitation: Women in Forced Labour, Marriage and Migration: An Evidence Review

Summary: This report exposes gaps in knowledge and services relating to the labour of women in Australia. Along with an assessment of the needs, it provides suggestions for a way forward in terms of possible partnerships for developing knowledge, services and advocacy. The gaps considered include labour force, forced labour, forced migration and forced marriage. Labour Force and Forced Labour While women have over the long term been overrepresented in part-time or casual employment, the increased use of precarious forms of employment is leaving many women, especially those from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) backgrounds at risk. There is a need for more legal protection as well as culturally and linguistically appropriate resources for community education on rights and services. While it appears that exploitation of children through work is not happening on a significant scale in Australia, it is important that a means of keeping a national watch on this is found. There is a clear history of exploitation of Indigenous women by way of overwork or government control of work or earnings. The situation of disadvantage in work remains in place for many today. Indigenous women are overrepresented among the unemployed and discouraged workers. Through the Community Development Employment Projects (CDEP) many are in effect underpaid for highly skilled work and long hours. The status of CDEP participants needs to be established so that more equitable outcomes can be put in place. In Australia employment legislation and instituted monitoring and intervention via the Fair Work Act, Fair Work Australia and the Fair Work Ombudsman provide protection for workers. However, those in employment other than full time, permanent work are still relatively unprotected. Improvements are needed in relation to the relevant aspects of immigration law and anti-discrimination law and the anti-trafficking legislation needs a review. In addition, services (including language resources and education) are needed to improve access to protection and legal assistance for vulnerable workers, especially Indigenous women and women from Non-English Speaking Backgrounds or CALD backgrounds. The report outlines the definitions in international and Australian laws of “people traffickingâ€, “slavery†and “forced labour†and makes the case for criminalising forced labour. Forced migration Migrant women as a group tend to be vulnerable to varying degrees when it comes to work, because of factors including financial stress, language, lack of education or qualifications, social isolation or child care responsibilities. Among the most vulnerable are those people on temporary work or student visas who suffer from a lack of affordable housing and poor access to information about work rights. Being without a valid visa adds another dimension. Forced marriage For foreign partners of Australian citizens, family violence may mask forced or servile marriage, so education of community workers is needed for the full protection of the women concerned. All of these situations are complex legally and culturally, so community consultation is critical and the safety of each woman needs to have priority. The many opportunities for further work include research, community consultation, awareness raising, service provision and advocacy.

Details: Abbotsford, VIC: Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand, 2012. 58p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 9, 2012 at: http://www.goodshepherd.com.au/sites/default/files/files/0556%20GOOD%20SHEPHERD%20HIDDEN%20EXPLOITATION%20EXECUTIVE%20SUMMARY%20FINAL%20ONLINE%5B1%5D%5B2%5D.pdf (executive summary)

Year: 2012

Country: Australia

URL: http://www.goodshepherd.com.au/sites/default/files/files/0556%20GOOD%20SHEPHERD%20HIDDEN%20EXPLOITATION%20EXECUTIVE%20SUMMARY%20FINAL%20ONLINE%5B1%5D%5B2%5D.pdf (executive summary)

Shelf Number: 125224

Child Labor
Forced Labor (Australia)
Forced Marriage
Forced Migration
Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation
Violence Against Women

Author: Levonkron, Nomi

Title: The Legalization of Prostitution: Myth and Reality. A Comparative Study of Four Countries

Summary: During the course of almost any discussion on the subject of prostitution and trafficking in women, one or more of those involved argues that the solution is to legalize prostitution. Those who support this approach claim that legalization will enable criminal elements to be identified and removed from the sex industry; will protect women’s rights; and will prevent a public nuisance. It is also claimed that the state will benefit from the taxation of the sex industry. Since a number of countries have gained practical experience in the legalization of prostitution, public debate on this question in Israel should be informed by this experience. As our study shows, the “legalization of prostitution†should not be seen as a homogenous concept. Different countries have introduced widely divergent arrangements or systems of legalization reflecting diverse approaches to prostitution. After presenting the principal features of the debate on the approach to be taken to prostitution and its institutionalization, we shall review the situation in Israel. Thereafter, we shall examine the arrangements for legalization as introduced in four countries, focusing on a number of aspects: The factors leading the country to legalize prostitution; the nature of the institutionalizing legislation; and the ways in which the process of legalization influenced all those involved – the victims of human trafficking and women engaged in prostitution, pimps and traders, and the position of state, particularly in economic terms. Lastly, we shall examine the ramifications of our study for Israel. Should the current policy be left intact or should it be changed; and if so – how? Can the legalization of prostitution provide a solution for the situation in Israel? The present study is unique in terms of the diversity of the sources on which it is based. In additional to theoretical literature, empirical and updated information that was collected from reports issued by governmental authorities and NGOs in the Netherlands, Germany, Australia, and the state of Nevada in the USA. The comparison between these different countries aimed to enable a thorough examination of the systems introduced to legalize prostitution in their local economic, political, and sociocultural contexts. The Netherlands and Germany are two adjacent nations; both are members of the European Union and both have a similar basic profile. This selection was balanced with countries from other continents with sharply different conditions, as reflected in the distinct systems they have adopted for the legalization of prostitution. The information collected for the study reflects a broad range of ideological positions on the subject of prostitution, from those who view it as a form of exploitation and humiliation of women to those who see prostitution as just another job. In each of the countries examined we contacted experts and relevant public bodies – the police, the prosecution service, the Special Rapporteur on trafficking in women, and human rights organizations that assist the victims of trafficking, as well as organizations that help women in the sex industry to claim their rights. We sent identical questionnaires to these sources in order to examine all aspects of the process of institutionalization. In addition to the abovementioned sources, the study is also based on the responses received from fifteen experts and organizations.

Details: Tel Aviv: Hotline for Migrant Workers, 2007p. 103p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 23, 2012 at: http://hotline.org.il/english/pdf/The_Legalization_Of_Prostitution_English.pdf

Year: 2007

Country: International

URL: http://hotline.org.il/english/pdf/The_Legalization_Of_Prostitution_English.pdf

Shelf Number: 125290

Human Trafficking
Prostitution, Legalization (Israel)
Sex Industry
Sex Workers
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Wilson, Anne P.

Title: Trafficking Risks for Refugees

Summary: Refugees are at particular risk for human trafficking – a consequence of their vulnerable status, the devastating losses they have experienced, and their precarious life situations until durable solutions become available. According to the United National High Commissioner for Refugees, trafficking risks for refugees are at ever-increasing levels worldwide. This paper will provide an overview of both the constant and emerging facets of the refugee condition contributing to trafficking risk, and will offer policy and practice recommendations for risk reduction. The perspective offered is that of a national non-profit organization - Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service - which resettles refugees from around the world in forty-five communities across the United States, serves asylum-seekers and other at-risk migrants in detention, and works with smuggled and trafficked migrant children. LIRS is a national faith-based nonprofit organization, founded in 1939, which works to engage communities in service to and advocacy for migrants and refugees. Our primary expertise in the area of refugees and trafficking comes from two decades of experience working with migrant children, the insights we have gained in serving “women at riskâ€, and our knowledge of the vulnerabilities within refugee populations in the post-resettlement period.

Details: Baltimore, MD: Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, 2011. 13p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 19, 2012 at http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1003&context=humtraffconf3

Year: 2011

Country: International

URL: http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1003&context=humtraffconf3

Shelf Number: 125353

Crime Reduction
Human Trafficking
Risk Assessment

Author: Perrin, Benjamin

Title: Migrant Smuggling: Canada's Response to a Global Criminal Enterprise

Summary: Migrant smuggling is a dangerous, sometimes deadly, criminal activity which cannot be rationalized, justified, or excused. From both a supply and demand side, failing to respond effectively to migrant smuggling and deter it will risk emboldening those who engage in this illicit enterprise, which generates proceeds for organized crime and criminal networks, funds terrorism and facilitates clandestine terrorist travel; endangers the lives and safety of smuggled migrants, undermines border security, with consequences for the Canada/U.S. border, and undermines the integrity and fairness of Canada’s mmigration system. Introduced in Parliament in June, 2011, the Preventing Human Smugglers from Abusing Canada’s Immigration System Act (Bill C-4) includes amendments to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) that would: 1. Enhance the existing offence of migrant smuggling, in terms of the elements of the offence, the penalties available, and recognized aggravating factors; 2. Modify the general provisions of the IRPA to provide for detention of foreign nationals on arrival in Canada on grounds of serious criminality, criminality, or organized criminality; and 3. Create a separate legislative scheme for groups of smuggled migrants who arrive in Canada that relates to detention, release, and timing to apply for various forms of immigration status. This paper supports Bill C-4, but with two necessary amendments, namely: 1. Initial review of detention of designated foreign nationals should take place within 48 hours of detention, with further reviews every three or six months thereafter, in order to comply with binding Supreme Court of Canada jurisprudence; and 2. An exemption for designated foreign nationals who are minors (persons under 18 years of age) from the detention provisions of Bill C-4, which would instead subject them to the general rules related to detention of foreign nationals who are minors. These changes would provide Bill C-4 with a more balanced response to migrant smuggling. Bill C-4 is just part of the overall action being taken by the Government of Canada to address migrant smuggling. A comprehensive approach to addressing migrant smuggling ultimately requires three primary strategies pursued together at the national and international levels: 1. National jurisdictions must take greater action to discourage illegal migration and disrupt migrant smuggling operations through legislation like Bill C-4 and through international cooperation; 2. National jurisdictions must establish more efficient refugee-determination processes and expedient procedures to remove failed claimants; and, 3. As part of the solution, the international community should continue to develop a proactive response to the global refugee situation.

Details: Ottawa: Macdonald-Laurier Institute, 2011. 30p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 19, 2012 at http://ssrn.com/abstract=1961284

Year: 2011

Country: Canada

URL: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1961284

Shelf Number: 125358

Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Migrant Smuggling (Canada)

Author: Zywiec, Dawn Marie

Title: Women Trafficking Women and Children: An Exploratory Study of Women Sex Traffickers

Summary: There is little published literature on female sex traffickers in the United States. The purpose of this research was to explore the lived experiences of women sex traffickers. Method: This qualitative study primarily drew on in-depth, interpretive feminist methodology. Seven women offenders were interviewed twice for 90 minutes, from three different prisons. Six of the women were sex offenders. Narratives were analyzed and themes constructed. Through ongoing dialogue, the researcher was able to find meaning in, and to describe the women’s experiences. Although each woman’s experience was unique, there were commonalities in their narratives. Findings: Four themes emerged from the data analysis: pathways to prison, prison culture and experience, views towards victims, and giving back. The co-offender typology was the primary theme that emerged from the analysis of the transcripts. Fearing abandonment, most of the participants felt pressured by male partners to traffic children and commit other sexual offenses, often against their own children. Conclusion: Grounded in participants’ experiences, this study contributes to defining sex trafficking in a broader network and structure of oppression. The in-depth, descriptive findings of this research will hopefully expand anti-sex trafficking campaign prevention, and awareness knowledge.

Details: Carbondale, ILL: Southern Illinois University Carbondale, 2012. 233p.

Source: Internet Resource: Dissertation: Accessed June 28, 2012 at: her.siu.edu/dissertations/DZywiec.doc

Year: 2012

Country: International


Shelf Number: 125425

Female Sex Traffickers
Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Shively, Michael

Title: A National Overview of Prostitution and Sex Trafficking Demand Reduction Efforts

Summary: To combat prostitution and human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation, criminal justice interventions and collaborative programs have emerged that focus on reducing demand for commercial sex. In a prior study, Abt Associates found that the use of anti-demand approaches was more widespread throughout the United States than previously thought. We also found that little research or descriptive information was available about the vast majority of interventions. It was also evident that communities attempting to address demand had usually done so with little guidance from the collective experience of others; consequently, some initiatives had struggled or failed when faced with problems that had been solved elsewhere. This report is designed to provide a descriptive overview of initiatives targeting the demand for commercial sex in the United States. It describes the process of gathering the information in this (and other) reports, discusses specific initiatives, and highlights selected communities to illustrate how and why their members have endeavored to address prostitution and sex trafficking by combating demand. The report is intended to serve as an introduction for those considering applying antidemand tactics in their communities, and for those at the state government level who are considering policies, statutes, and infrastructure investments supporting local efforts.

Details: Cambridge, MA: Abt Associates, 2012. 245p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 2, 2012 at: https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/238796.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: United States

URL: https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/238796.pdf

Shelf Number: 125442

Human Trafficking
Prostitution (U.S.)
Sex Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Lee, Samuel

Title: Human Trafficking and Regulating Prostitution

Summary: The effect of prostitution laws on human trafficking and voluntary prostitution is subject to debate. We argue theoretically that neither legalization nor criminalization can simultaneously protect voluntary prostitutes and unambiguously reduce trafficking. We propose an alternative, “hybrid†policy that achieves both objectives and restores the free market outcome that arises in the absence of trafficking: legal, strictly regulated brothels combined with severe criminal penalties for johns who buy sex outside of them. If a regulator wants to eradicate all prostitution instead, the optimal policy criminalizes all johns. Criminalizing prostitutes is ineffective and unjust because it fails to eradicate trafficking and penalizes victims. We consider cross-border trafficking, sex tourism, social norms, and political support for prostitution laws. The model predicts that the female-male income ratio is a key determinant of how much prostitution is involuntary, the consequences of prostitution laws, and the political will to enact or enforce them.

Details: New York: Stern School of Business, New York University, 2012. 46p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 5, 2012 at: http://web-docs.stern.nyu.edu/old_web/economics/docs/workingpapers/2012/LeePersson_HumanTraffickingandRegulatingProstitution.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: International

URL: http://web-docs.stern.nyu.edu/old_web/economics/docs/workingpapers/2012/LeePersson_HumanTraffickingandRegulatingProstitution.pdf

Shelf Number: 125471

Human Trafficking
Sex Tourism
Sex Work
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Shared Hope International

Title: Rapid Assessment on Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking: Virginia

Summary: Domestic minor sex trafficking (DMST) is the commercial sexual exploitation of a United States (U.S.) citizen or lawful permanent resident (LPR) child through prostitution, pornography or sexual performance for monetary or other compensation (i.e. shelter, food, drugs, etc.). Experts estimate 100,000 U.S. citizen/LPR minors are used in prostitution every year in the U.S., making DMST the single most under-reported, under-identified, and most severe form of commercial sexual exploitation America is facing today.1 The federal Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) of 2000, and subsequent reauthorizations, has defined all minors involved in commercial sex acts as victims of trafficking, including minors who are U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents. Despite being federally defined as victims of a crime, many domestic minor sex trafficking victims are routed through the juvenile justice system under charges of prostitution or related delinquencies instead of being identified as victims in need of services to which they are statutorily entitled. Shared Hope International has researched the identification of and response to domestic minor sex trafficking victims in Virginia. The Rapid Assessment Methodology and Tool: Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking in the United States was developed by Shared Hope International, funded by the Department of Justice (DOJ), and implemented in Virginia by Samantha Healy Vardaman, Esq., Taryn Mastrean, Tabatha Mansfield, and Elizabeth Scaife of Shared Hope International. This assessment includes information collected from July to November 2010 through a comprehensive survey of existing research and the completion of 41 interviews with representatives from 32 organizations and agencies that interact with or advocate for victims of domestic minor sex trafficking. An addendum follows that brings in recent information and developments in Virginia, as the issue has rapidly gained attention and action on the part of state leaders and legislators. Throughout the report, Shared Hope International notes effective practices as well as gaps and challenges that are present while working with this challenging population of victims. The goal of this assessment is to provide first responders and community members with information to advocate for improvements in the identification and proper response to DMST victims. This assessment will be provided to all stakeholders to inform the identification of victims and to help bring services. This research offers qualitative data on the DMST issue in Virginia; additional and continuing research to quantify the scope of the problem would help support future action in Virginia.

Details: Vancouver, WA: Shared Hope International, 2011. 82p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 7, 2012 at: http://www.sharedhope.org/Portals/0/Documents/VirginiaRA.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: United States

URL: http://www.sharedhope.org/Portals/0/Documents/VirginiaRA.pdf

Shelf Number: 125492

Child Prostitution
Child Sexual Exploitation
Child Trafficking (Virginia)
Human Trafficking

Author: Shared Hope International

Title: Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking: Child Sex Slavery in Washington

Summary: Domestic minor sex trafficking (DMST) is the commercial sexual exploitation of United States citizen or lawful permanent resident (LPR) children through prostitution, pornography or sexual performance for monetary or other compensation (shelter, food, drugs, etc.). Experts estimate at least 100,000 U.S. citizen/LPR minors are used in prostitution every year in the U.S., making DMST the single most under-reported, under-identified, and most severe form of commercial sexual exploitation children are facing today.1 The Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) of 2000, and subsequent reauthorizations, has defined all minors involved in commercial sex acts as victims of trafficking, including minors who are U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents. However, the reality is that many domestic minor sex trafficking victims are detained in the criminal justice system under charges of prostitution instead of receiving the services they need and to which they are statutorily entitled. Shared Hope International has researched the identification and proper response to domestic minor sex trafficking victims in Washington. The Rapid Assessment Methodology and Tool: Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking in the United States was developed by Shared Hope International, funded by the Department of Justice (DOJ), and implemented in Washington by Melissa Snow, Karen Redington, M.S., and Kelli Russell of Shared Hope International. This assessment includes information collected from September to November 2010 through a comprehensive survey of existing research and the completion of 105 interviews with representatives from over 55 organizations and agencies that interact with or advocate for victims of domestic minor sex trafficking. Best practices are noted throughout the report, as well as the gaps and challenges that are present while working with this difficult population of victims. A motivated group of individuals, organizations, and agencies in Washington are wrestling with the task of identifying and responding to domestic minor sex trafficking victims. Nonetheless, countless victims remain hidden and those who are identified or self-disclose their involvement in prostitution are often placed in the juvenile justice system rather than treated as victims. This results in the failure to access available services for the restoration of victims. The goal of this assessment is to provide Washington first responders and community members with information to advocate for improvements in the identification and proper response to DMST victims. This assessment will be provided to all stakeholders to inform the identification of victims and to help bring them services offered in accordance with the TVPA and its reauthorizations. This research offers qualitative data on the DMST issue in Washington;

Details: Vancouver, WA: Shared Hope International, 2011. 84p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 9, 2012 at: http://www.sharedhope.org/Portals/0/Documents/WashingtonRA.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: United States

URL: http://www.sharedhope.org/Portals/0/Documents/WashingtonRA.pdf

Shelf Number: 125515

Child Prostitution
Child Sex Trafficking (Washington State)
Child Sexual Exploitation
Human Trafficking

Author: Squire, Jason

Title: Sri Lanka Research Report The Sexual Abuse, Commercial Sexual Exploitation and Trafficking of Children in Sri Lanka

Summary: Sri Lanka is famed for the proverbial three S’s: Sun, Sea and Sand. In the north and east of the country, the government has been engaged in armed conflict for over 25 years with the secessionist Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). Relative to the other countries of South Asia, the Sri Lankan government over the last 40 years has been able to provide adequate social services to its population: the country has the best educational system in South Asia, with a relatively high attendance of children in school, and health services that reach the majority of the population. People’s access to media is high throughout the country. At the same time, the ongoing civil war and decrease in the strength of the agricultural economy, which supports approximately 75% of the population, have resulted in increased rural poverty. In response to this, the government has engaged in two primary economic strategies, both of which have had a direct impact on the sexual abuse and commercial sexual exploitation of children. The first strategy has been the promotion of external labour migration for women. Sri Lanka has the highest proportion in South Asia of females working abroad for employment, and these comprise primarily women who have young children. The consequent absence of female caregivers has resulted in a reduction of protection for children in the home, in turn resulting in what many consider to be a high level of domestic sexual abuse. The second economic strategy supported by the government has been the development of an international tourism industry, initiated in the 1970s. National and international tourism are mainly concentrated around the western, north central, central and southern provinces. Tourism is one of the main income-generating activities for the country. While benefiting the economy, the growth of tourism coupled with low levels of child protection, the prevalence of domestic child sexual abuse and increasing rural poverty is thought to have contributed to the growth of child sex tourism (CST) in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka gained notoriety for the availability of child sex in the 1980s. Since then, many local NGOs and international agencies have been active in raising the issue as a concern and developing projects around the issues. To date, the majority of interventions and research on the commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) and child sex tourism have focused on the ‘destination’ end of the situation – that is, the locations where sexual exploitation take place. Fewer interventions and less research have been conducted on the ‘source’ side of the situation – that is, in the families and communities from which the exploited children originate.

Details: Lausanne, SWIT: Terre des hommes, 2008. 62p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 9, 2012 at: http://www.childtrafficking.com/Docs/trafficking_report_srilanka_17_12_08.pdf

Year: 2008

Country: Sri Lanka

URL: http://www.childtrafficking.com/Docs/trafficking_report_srilanka_17_12_08.pdf

Shelf Number: 114895

Child Prostitution
Child Sex Trafficking
Child Sexual Abuse (Sri Lanka)
Child Sexual Exploitation
Human Trafficking
Sex Tourism

Author: European Forum for Urban Safety

Title: Wandering Young People: The Conditions for Return

Summary: The publication “Wandering young people: the conditions for return†is the last step of an 18-month project as a feasibility study on the reintegration of isolated minors victims of trafficking, based on 600 study cases in Albania, Austria, France, Italy, Romania and Spain. This project, co-financed by the European Commission, is the result of a convergence of interests and questionings between local authorities – represented by the European Forum for Urban Safety and, within it the cities of Turin and Barcelona, to which was later added the Land of Tyrol – and associations specialised in taking care of and following up foreign minors, represented by the Jeunes Errants association (based in Marseilles) and Terre des hommes (regional child protection project based in Budapest). In a case-by-case approach, the study allowed for the analysis by the project’s various partners of 600 cases of minors potentially victims of trafficking. Initially it was a matter of identifying who these minors were, putting them back in their identity, history and life plan. The particular situation of these minors in fact requires appropriate responses. This can be done by proposing typologies and, for each of them, tracks for comprehension and resolution. Our categorisation was anxious to reproduce the nature of complex process of trafficking and migration, accounting for the children’s histories in an overall approach. The notion of vulnerabilities is important here: identifying them can allow for understanding the sequences in an itinerary and the solutions to envisage, in particular in a perspective of return (as well as prevention of new cases of trafficking). The study also allowed for studying how these minors become integrated into the environment of different European destination cities. For it is indeed the local and/or municipal authorities who are on the front line faced with the phenomenon of minors victims of trafficking and illicit activities that ensue and occur on their territory. On this occasion, a certain number of dysfunctions were noted. (…) Between the development of organised networks and the toughening of States’ migratory policies, now more than ever the operationalisation of the child’s rights raises a question. This study aims at providing solutions to succeed in reconciling the two imperatives that are 1) the return of victims of trafficking in human beings to their country of origin and 2) taking into account the particular vulnerability of children victims of trafficking in human beings. From this viewpoint, our recommendations are thus organised around three main lines: 1) case-by-case treatment; 2) the support of pluridisciplinary work and cooperation of players; 3) the development of transnational strategies and solidarities of responsibility.

Details: Terre des hommes, European Forum For Urban Safety, Federation Jeunes Errants, 2009. 117p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 9, 2012 at: http://tdh-childprotection.org/documents/wandering-young-people-the-conditions-for-return

Year: 2009

Country: Europe

URL: http://tdh-childprotection.org/documents/wandering-young-people-the-conditions-for-return

Shelf Number: 117797

Child Sexual Exploitation
Child Trafficking (Europe)
Human Trafficking

Author: Northern Ireland. Department of Justice

Title: Research Paper Investigating the Issues for Women in Northern Ireland Involved in Prostitution and Exploring Best Practice Elsewhere

Summary: Prostitution is occurring in towns throughout Northern Ireland: PSNI intelligence over a six month period indicated that 18 of the 29 police areas in Northern Ireland had reported incidents of prostitution. However, Belfast, in particular South Belfast, remains the main problem area. In 2010 the PSNI suggested that there were approximately 40-100 women involved in prostitution at any one time in Northern Ireland. However, the common opinion of those interviewed for this research is that it is extremely difficult to obtain an exact figure for the number of women involved, given the covert nature of the activity. Moreover, street prostitution has declined in Northern Ireland and off-street prostitution has increased, making it harder to track. Research indicates that Northern Ireland is a destination country as well as a transit country for victims of human trafficking for sexual exploitation. Prostitution is occurring in towns throughout Northern Ireland: PSNI intelligence over a six month period indicated that 18 of the 29 police areas in Northern Ireland had reported incidents of prostitution. However, Belfast, in particular South Belfast, remains the main problem area. In 2010 the PSNI suggested that there were approximately 40-100 women involved in prostitution at any one time in Northern Ireland. However, the common opinion of those interviewed for this research is that it is extremely difficult to obtain an exact figure for the number of women involved, given the covert nature of the activity. Moreover, street prostitution has declined in Northern Ireland and off-street prostitution has increased, making it harder to track. Research indicates that Northern Ireland is a destination country as well as a transit country for victims of human trafficking for sexual exploitation. It is common for these victims to be moved across the border from Northern Ireland to the Republic of Ireland and back again. Many of the women who have been trafficked into Northern Ireland and forced into prostitution were under the illusion that they would be working as nannies, seamstresses, hairdressers or that they would be receiving an education. These women, who are believed predominantly to be Chinese or from Africa or South America, are commonly subjected to violence and threats. It is important to note that women involved in prostitution in Northern Ireland will not always be trafficked from other countries. Some may be Northern Ireland women who have got caught up in the sex industry because of problems that they have experienced in their lives. Internal trafficking can also take place where a woman who is a native of the country is sold and trafficked around Northern Ireland. The age of those involved in prostitution in Northern Ireland can range from younger than 15 to 50 or more years of age. There is anecdotal evidence which suggests that prostitution in Northern Ireland is linked to organised crime gangs and drug use.

Details: Belfast: Northern Ireland Department of Justice, 2011. 129p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 9, 2012 at: http://www.dojni.gov.uk/index/publications/final_research_paper_-_women_in_northern_ireland_involved_in_prostitution.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.dojni.gov.uk/index/publications/final_research_paper_-_women_in_northern_ireland_involved_in_prostitution.pdf

Shelf Number: 125523

Human Trafficking
Organized Crime
Prostitution (Northern Ireland)
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Wyler, Liana Sun

Title: Trafficking in Persons: International Dimensions and Foreign Policy Issues for Congress

Summary: Trafficking in persons, or human trafficking, refers to the subjection of men, women, and children to exploitative conditions that can be tantamount to slavery. Reports suggest that human trafficking is a global phenomenon, victimizing millions of people each year and contributing to a multi-billion dollar criminal industry. It is a centuries-old problem that, despite international and U.S. efforts to eliminate it, continues to occur in virtually every country in the world. Human trafficking is also an international and cross-cutting policy problem that bears on a range of major national security, human rights, criminal justice, social, economic, migration, gender, public health, and labor issues. The U.S. government and successive Congresses have long played a leading role in international efforts to combat human trafficking. Key U.S. foreign policy responses include the following: • Foreign Country Reporting to describe annual progress made by foreign governments to combat human trafficking, child soldiers, and forced labor. • Foreign Product Blacklisting to identify goods made with convict, forced, or indentured labor, including forced or indentured child labor. • Foreign Aid to support foreign countries’ efforts to combat human trafficking. • Foreign Aid Restrictions to punish countries that are willfully noncompliant with anti-trafficking standards. • Conditions on Trade Preference Program Beneficiaries to offer certain countries export privileges to the United States, only if they also adhere to international standards against forced labor and child trafficking. • Preventing U.S. Government Participation in Trafficking Overseas to punish and deter trafficking-related violations among U.S. government personnel and contractors. Although there is widespread support among policy makers for the continuation of U.S. antitrafficking goals, ongoing reports of such trafficking worldwide raise questions regarding whether sufficient progress has been made to deter and ultimately eliminate the problem, the end goal of current U.S. anti-trafficking policies. This report explores current foreign policy issues confronting U.S. efforts to combat human trafficking, the interrelationship among existing polices, and the historical and current role of Congress in such efforts. The 112th Congress has introduced and taken action on several bills related to human trafficking, including bills to reauthorize the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA), the cornerstone legislative vehicle for current U.S. policy to combat human trafficking, beyond FY2011 (S. 1301, H.R. 2830, and H.R. 3589). Given recent challenges in balancing budget priorities, the 112th Congress may choose to consider certain aspects of this issue further, including the effectiveness of international anti-trafficking projects, interagency coordination mechanisms, and the monitoring and enforcement of anti-trafficking regulations, particularly as they relate to the activities of U.S. government contractors and subcontractors operating overseas.

Details: Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service, 2012. 36p.

Source: Internet Resource: CRS Report R42497: Accessed July 11, 2012 at: http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/row/R42497.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: International

URL: http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/row/R42497.pdf

Shelf Number: 125541

Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Mavcic, Arne Marjan

Title: Thematic Study on Child Trafficking: Slovenia

Summary: Slovenian legislation fully complies with the international obligations against trafficking in children. Trafficking in human beings was introduced into the Kazenski zakonik [Penal Code] as a newly-defined criminal offence in 2004. Other provisions which directly or indirectly relate to trafficking in human beings, and children more specifically, include Article 387 Placing in a condition of slavery, Article 185 Abuse of prostitution, Article 187 Presentation and manufacturing of pornographic materials and Article 311 Prohibited crossing of state borders. There is no difference in the criminalisation of trafficking between countries or within a country. The principle of the child’s best interest is well established. Article 16 of the Zakon o mednarodni zašctit [International Protection Act] explicitly requires the authorities which decide on international protection (asylum, refugee status etc.) for a minor to respect the principle of the child’s best interests. The principle is set out or implemented in a number of statutory provisions. Since 2004 Slovenia has had a National Action Plan against trafficking in human beings in general, i.e. without a special focus on children. Its objective is to define key counter-trafficking activities to be implemented within a period of two consecutive years. It comprises the following elements: legislation on the investigation and prosecution of criminal offences related to trafficking in human beings, prevention, i.e. awareness-raising and research activity, assistance to and protection of trafficked victims, training and international cooperation. The total budget for combating trafficking in human beings for the years 2008 and 2009 is €190,000. By its decision no. 240-05/2003-1 of 18.12.2003, the government of the Republic of Slovenia appointed an Medresorska delovna skupina za boj proti trgovini z ljudmi [Interdepartmental Working Group for the Fight Against Trafficking in Persons] (hereinafter the IWG). Its mandate covers trafficking in human beings in general, including children. The IWG comprises representatives of ministries and government bodies and members of domestic and international organisations (NGOs). A National Coordinator in this field was already appointed in February 2002. Training of professional actors involved in the identification, care and protection of trafficked children is a well-established part of the national preventive strategy against trafficking. It mainly involves training of the police in cooperation with NGOs and internal expert training and education for nongovernmental organisations. Victims of trafficking are not punished for unlawful acts committed as a direct result of being trafficked. However, in the absence of de jure criminalisation, de facto criminalisation still persists. The authorities are tackling the problem in cooperation with NGOs through awareness-raising activities.

Details: Vienna: FRA - European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, 2009. 35p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 21, 2012 at: http://fra.europa.eu/fraWebsite/attachments/Child-trafficking-09-country-sl.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: Slovenia

URL: http://fra.europa.eu/fraWebsite/attachments/Child-trafficking-09-country-sl.pdf

Shelf Number: 125713

Child Sexual Exploitation
Child Trafficking (Slovenia)
Human Trafficking

Author: Mo, Pak Hung

Title: International Human Trafficking: Theory and Solution.

Summary: In this paper, we build a simple model to explain the choice of migration method and the root causes of international human trafficking (IHT). Our analyses result in several implications on the problems related to IHT. First, IHT is driven by poverty and international productivity/living quality disparities. Second, the existing humanitarian and/or suppressive approaches cannot solve the problem. Third, the best option for solving the problem is setting up the ‘reciprocal direct investment’ (RDI) scheme between leading and lagged economies. The RDI scheme can facilitate improvements in the quality of public governance in lagged economies and directly promote international competition, efficiency, trade liberalization and division of labor. The resulting convergence in global living quality at a higher level across nations will eliminate the root causes of illicit migrations.

Details: Hong Kong: Hong Kong Baptist Unviersity, 2011. 27p.

Source: Internet Resource: MPRA Paper No. 35104: Accessed July 24, 2012 at: http://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/35104/1/MPRA_paper_35104.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: International

URL: http://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/35104/1/MPRA_paper_35104.pdf

Shelf Number: 125760

Economic Conditions
Human Trafficking
Illegal Migration
Sex Trafficking

Author: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). Innocenti Research Centre

Title: Child Trafficking in the Nordic Countries: Rethinking Strategies and National Responses. Technical report

Summary: The study was initiated with twin aims: improving understanding of child trafficking and responses in the region; and contributing to the international discourse on child trafficking by examining the linkages between anti-trafficking responses and child protection systems. Although the study was conceived with a primary focus on trafficking, its scope is much broader. It analyses how the general principles of the Convention of the Rights of the Child are applied in relation to those children vulnerable to trafficking and other forms of exploitation. The study confirms that the Nordic countries have indeed made significant − and continuously evolving − attempts to address the issue of child trafficking, including through setting up relevant institutions, developing action plans and allocating budgets. However, while this has meant that specialized expertise is available for specific groups of children, it has sometimes also led to fragmentation of services, leaving some children unprotected. The research also finds that many existing gaps may be bridged by consistent and strengthened implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. At the same time, the study highlights that there is a way to achieve a fuller realization of rights for children who are vulnerable.

Details: Florence, Italy: UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre, 2012. 164p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 25, 2012 at: http://www.unicef-irc.org/publications/643

Year: 2012

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.unicef-irc.org/publications/643

Shelf Number: 125768

Child Protection
Child Trafficking (Nordic Countries - Denmark, Fin
Human Trafficking

Author: International Labour Organization

Title: ILO Global Estimate of Forced Labour: Results and Methodology

Summary: Using a new and improved statistical methodology, the ILO estimates that 20.9 million people are victims of forced labour globally, trapped in jobs into which they were coerced or deceived and which they cannot leave. This figure, like the previous one in 2005, represents a conservative estimate, given the strict methodology employed to measure this largely hidden crime. Human trafficking can also be regarded as forced labour, and so this estimate captures the full realm of human trafficking for labour and sexual exploitation or what some call “modern-day slaveryâ€1. The figure means that around three out of every 1,000 persons worldwide are in forced labour at any given point in time. Women and girls represent the greater share of the total – 11.4 million (55%), as compared to 9.5 million (45%) men and boys. Adults are more affected than children – 74% (15.4 million) of victims fall in the age group of 18 years and above, whereas children aged 17 years and below represent 26% of the total (or 5.5 million child victims). Of the total number of 20.9 million forced labourers, 18.7 million (90%) are exploited in the private economy, by individuals or enterprises. Out of these, 4.5 million (22%) are victims of forced sexual exploitation, and 14.2 million (68%) are victims of forced labour exploitation in economic activities, such as agriculture, construction, domestic work or manufacturing. The remaining 2.2 million (10%) are in state-imposed forms of forced labour, for example in prisons, or in work imposed by the state military or by rebel armed forces. Turning to the regional distribution, the Asia-Pacific region (AP) accounts for by far the largest number of forced labourers – 11.7 million or 56% of the global total. The second highest number is found in Africa (AFR) at 3.7 million (18%), followed by Latin America and the Caribbean (LA) with 1.8 million victims (9%). The Developed Economies and European Union (DE&EU) account for 1.5 million (7%) forced labourers, whilst countries of Central, Southeast and Eastern Europe (non EU) and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CSEE) have 1.6 million (7%). There are an estimated 600,000 (3%) victims in the Middle East (ME)2. The prevalence rate (number of victims per thousand inhabitants) is highest in the CSEE and Africa regions at 4.2 and 4.0 per 1,000 inhabitants respectively, and lowest in the DE&EU at 1.5 per 1,000 inhabitants. The relatively high prevalence in Central and South Eastern Europe and CIS can be explained by the fact that the population is much lower than for example in Asia, while reports of trafficking for labour and sexual exploitation and of state-imposed forced labour in the region are numerous. The estimates also allow an assessment of how many people end up being trapped in forced labour following migration. There are 9.1 million victims (44% of the total) who have moved either internally or internationally, while the majority, 11.8 million (56%), are subjected to forced labour in their place of origin or residence. Cross-border movement is strongly associated with forced sexual exploitation. By contrast, a majority of forced labourers in economic activities, and almost all those in state-imposed forced labour, have not moved away from their home areas. These figures indicate that movement can be an important vulnerability factor for certain groups of workers, but not for others.

Details: Geneva: International Labour Organization, 2012. 48p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 30, 2012 at: http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---ed_norm/---declaration/documents/publication/wcms_182004.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: International

URL: http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---ed_norm/---declaration/documents/publication/wcms_182004.pdf

Shelf Number: 125811

Forced Labor (International)
Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Braunmiller, Julia

Title: The Protection Project Review of the Trafficking in Persons Report

Summary: On June 19, 2012, the United States Department of State, Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons released the 2012 Trafficking in Persons Report (TIP Report). The TIP Report is comprehensive, well drafted, and thoroughly documented. In my opinion, the Report constitutes the primary reference and main source of information on efforts made by governments worldwide to combat trafficking in persons. The purpose of this review is to analyze the valuable information provided in the TIP Report. The Report is not only a diplomatic tool designed to engage governments in the battle against trafficking; it also serves an educational function, which has been the inspiration for this research.

Details: Washington, DC: The Protection Project, The Johns Hopkins University, The Paul H. Nitze School Of Advanced International Studies, 2012. 128p.

Source: Internet Resource: accessed August 13, 2012 at: http://www.protectionproject.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/TIP-Review-2012-Final.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: International

URL: http://www.protectionproject.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/TIP-Review-2012-Final.pdf

Shelf Number: 126004

Child Sex Tourism
Child Trafficking
Debt Bondage
Forced Begging
Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: The Protection Project

Title: Reporting on the Status of Trafficking in Women in Accordance with Article 6 of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women: Guidelines on the Interpretation of the Text of Article 6 of the Convention

Summary: Article 6 of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) reads as follows: "States Parties shall take all appropriate measures, including legislation, to suppress all forms of traffic in women and exploitation of prostitution of women." Article 6 lays the foundation for combating trafficking in women and exploitation of women for the purpose of prostitution and calls upon state parties to adopt all necessary measures to prevent the acts of trafficking and exploitation of prostitution of women. Consequently, state parties to the Convention, when reporting on Article 6 should cover the status of trafficking in women as well as exploitation of women in prostitution. In doing so, they must refer to all appropriate measures that they have taken including legislative measures. This publication includes a list of guidelines on interpreting the text of and reporting on Article 6 of the Convention.

Details: Washington, DC: The Protection Project at Johns Hopkins University, 2012. 30p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 13, 2012 at http://www.protectionproject.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Guidelines-Art-6-CEDAW_Final1.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: International

URL: http://www.protectionproject.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Guidelines-Art-6-CEDAW_Final1.pdf

Shelf Number: 126014

Female Victims
Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Marshall, Phil

Title: Re-Thinking Trafficking Prevention: A Guide to Applying Behaviour Theory

Summary: Trafficking prevention, vulnerability reduction, and strengthened monitoring, evaluation, and analysis of programmes are all mandated under the 3rd COMMIT Subâ€regional Plan of Action (COMMIT SPA III, 2011â€2013) as well as the 2004 COMMIT Memorandum of Understanding. This Guide aims to support COMMIT Taskforces and partners in improving the effectiveness of trafficking prevention programmes though an analytical approach centred around the planning and measurement of behaviour change. The term “prevention†is used to describe a huge range of antiâ€trafficking interventions and has accounted for a large proportion of the investment in antiâ€trafficking. In source-based efforts to reduce vulnerability and migration, we find a host of awarenessâ€raising activities, microcredit schemes, vocational training, community protection networks, programmes to increase school attendance, and even the building of wells in rural communities to reduce seasonal migration. At destinations we find further awareness-raising efforts, emerging campaigns targeting consumers, migrant hotlines, and workplace inspections. Governments and other actors have also attempted to prevent trafficking in transit through strengthened border controls, restrictions on movement, particularly of young women and girls, and outâ€reach services for potentially vulnerable migrants in border areas, boat and bus terminals. To date, however, there has been limited analysis to understand how these efforts ultimately impact human trafficking or how they fit together into a set of activities to prevent human trafficking. Further, although the prevention of trafficking requires changes in behaviour, there have been few attempts to define prevention activities in behavioural terms. This paper seeks to highlight the potential advantages of doing so, demonstrating the benefits of behavioural theory, developed and refined in other fields, as a basis for stronger programme design and evaluation in the antiâ€trafficking sector. It will not provide extensive detail on behavioural theory, on which there is much documentation, but seeks to present core ideas in broad terms to antiâ€trafficking practitioners.

Details: Bangkok: United Nations Inter-Agency Project on Human Trafficking, 2011. 32p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 14, 2012 at http://www.no-trafficking.org/pub/rethinkingTraffickingPreventionWeb.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: International

URL: http://www.no-trafficking.org/pub/rethinkingTraffickingPreventionWeb.pdf

Shelf Number: 126024

Crime Prevention
Crime Prevention Programs
Human Trafficking

Author: Dottridge, Mike

Title: Children, Adolescents and Human Trafficking: Making Sense of a Complex Problem

Summary: This Issue Paper presents current knowledge about the scope and meaning of child trafficking. Although it might seem to be a simple subject to describe, it is not. First, there is the question of what a ‘child’ is. The international definition in the Convention on the Rights of the Child defines a ‘child’ as a person under the age of 18 but, at the same time, it recognizes the evolving capacity of adolescents to engage in certain activities and make certain decisions (UN Child Rights Convention, UN Committee on the Rights of the Child 2003). Additionally, there is confusion about how to distinguish between child employment, which is permissible, and child labor, which is not. Also, there is a conflict between international law and local practices because, in many countries, children routinely start to work before reaching the minimum legal age for employment set by international law.

Details: Washington, DC: Center for Human Rights & Humanitarian Law, Washington College of Law, American University, 2012. 21p.

Source: Issue Paper 5: Internet Resource: Accessed August 14, 2012 at http://rightswork.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Issue-Paper-5.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: International

URL: http://rightswork.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Issue-Paper-5.pdf

Shelf Number: 126025

Child Labor
Child Trafficking
Child Victims
Human Trafficking

Author: MacLean, Douglas

Title: Commercial Marriage Trafficking: Uncovering a Growing New Form of Transnational Human Trafficking, and Shaping International Law to Respond

Summary: In both the developing and the developed world, a rising demand for brides has led to an increase in marriage migration. As those who migrate for international marriages seek better lives, they become targets for criminal groups engaged in human trafficking. Unfortunately, international law on human trafficking, created as a floor for coordinated action, has become a ceiling; its silence on forced marriage has resulted in little movement on the international or domestic levels to tackle this growing new crime. As a result, marriage migrants, and even some who migrate for labor, are left at the mercy of commercial marriage traffickers. Drawing from work conducted at the United Nations Inter-Agency Project on Human Trafficking, this article uncovers the new phenomenon of commercial marriage trafficking, the conceptual gaps in international law that impede effective responses, and how those gaps can be successfully addressed. The article first introduces the definition of human trafficking under international law, discussing the crime in the context of marriage migration. Failures of international law to address exploitation in this specific context are then exposed and discussed. A new legal definition addressing the real-world realities of commercial marriage trafficking is introduced, turning the focus of scrutiny to the key point of exploitation, the act of marriage itself. The definition is examined through examples from real-world cases, with effective strategies for integrating the definition into existing international law discussed. Finally, key steps that states can immediately take to fight commercial marriage trafficking are drawn from existing international laws on marriage.

Details: Tokyo: The Center for Documentation of Refugees and Migrants, University of Tokyo, 2012. 37p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 17, 2012 at: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2122859

Year: 2012

Country: International

URL: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2122859

Shelf Number: 126060

Human Trafficking
Marriage Trafficking

Author: Charlton, Alexandra

Title: The Challenges to Responding to Human Smuggling in Canada: Practitioners Reflect on the 1999 Boat Arrivals in British Columbia

Summary: During the summer of 1999, four boats arrived off the west coast of British Columbia (BC) carrying a total of 599 migrants smuggled directly from Fujian, China. After their arrival, most of the migrants made refugee claims. Once the first group of migrants had been processed and released, many disappeared, thus abandoning their refugee claims. In response, the federal government detained most of the migrants who arrived on the following three boats. Because of the scale of the boat arrivals and the decision to detain refugee claimants, Canadian governmental and non-governmental institutions faced unprecedented challenges in responding to this migration. Many of these challenges involved collaboration and resource sharing among institutions. While other federal departments and other levels of government were involved, Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) held primary responsibility, with its mandate to facilitate immigration and to enforce international borders in relation to human migration. This paper is a collective contribution made by seven people – with distinct perspectives – involved in the response to human smuggling in BC in 1999. They convened at a workshop held at the Fifth National Metropolis Conference in Ottawa on 20 October 2001 with the goal of furthering the dialogue about the cross-institutional response to human smuggling. The objective of this paper is to continue the dialogue about the many challenges to responding to human smuggling in Canada, as outlined by speakers. Speakers were asked to address the following questions: (1) What is the framework within which you work (e.g., the mandate and culture of your institution)? (2) What are your roles and responsibilities in responding to human smuggling? (3) What have been the main challenges in the cross-institutional coordination of the response?

Details: Vancouver: Vancouver Centre of Excellence, 2002. 43p.

Source: Internet Resource: Research on Immigration and
Integration in the Metropolis Working Paper Series, No. 02-23: Accessed August 28, 2012 at: http://mbc.metropolis.net/assets/uploads/files/wp/2002/WP02-23.pdf

Year: 2002

Country: Canada

URL: http://mbc.metropolis.net/assets/uploads/files/wp/2002/WP02-23.pdf

Shelf Number: 126155

Human Smuggling (Canada)
Human Trafficking
Illegal Immigrants
Maritime Crime
Maritime Security

Author: United Nations

Title: Action Against Transnational Organized Crime and Illicit Trafficking, Including Drug Trafficking (2011-2013). Thematic Programme

Summary: This Thematic Programme on Action Against Transnational Organized Crime provides the framework for the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) work against organized crime for the period 2011-2013. It outlines the context, the problems addressed and the challenges faced in preventing and combating organized crime in a globalized world. It describes the work of UNODC to assist countries in developing strategies, policies, action plans, programmes and projects in relation to all aspects of the United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC)and its three Protocols, as well as the three Universal Drug Conventions. This Thematic Programme develops responses to the six primary threats that have been identified. This response builds upon the Office’s core comparative advantages and expertise as a criminal justice sector provider, to close the loop on organized crime, challenging its perpetrators, disrupting its flows and its proceeds, whilst simultaneously building a culture of prevention and zero tolerance for crime and corruption, both nationally, regionally and internationally. The proposed programme strikes a balance between supporting long-term institutional capacity development objectives (for example, through building legislative and regulatory frameworks in line with international conventions, standards and norms) and working in partnership with the Governments of Member States to implement their policy priorities and strategies in a tangible and impact-orientated way. The programme presented here has three sub-programmes: • Sub-Programme 1: International Policy, Knowledge and Trends deals with UNODC’s normative role in support of the Conference of the Parties (COP) of UNTOC and the International Drug Conventions. This sub-programme drives forward critical international planning and policy making towards the framework of a coordinated and comprehensive international response. In addition, given the dynamic, opportunistic nature of organized crime, UNODC will utilize its expertise and experience to develop an evidence-based understanding of organized crime, monitor new and emerging forms of organized crime and the challenges that they present. • Sub-Programme 2: Regional and National Capacity Building and Technical Assistance guides the work of UNODC in ensuring the effective implementation of UNTOC and its Protocols through the provision of expert technical assistance, the creation of global tools (such as model laws, guides) and standardize proven approaches (through handbooks, case studies and international standards) which can serve as a platform for the customization of technical assistance and programme development via the Regional or Country Programmes which UNODC has already launched. These Programmes serve as an effective vehicle for Member States to promote international cooperation mechanisms, and build regional capacity in priority areas. • Sub-Programme 3: Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling describes the UNODC response to two heinous forms of organized crime most frequently characterized by human rights violations. As both phenomena are complex, so too are the approaches required in response. In responding to the mandate offered to UNODC through the UNTOC Protocols against Trafficking in Persons and with clear political momentum provided by the Global Plan of Action, UNODC seeks to position itself as a policy lead and central hub for the international anti-human trafficking community, and to build capacity for coordinated action around the four pillars of both the Protocol and the Global Plan of Action: prevention, protection, prosecution and partnership. The implementation of the Thematic Programme on Organized Crime and Illicit Trafficking, including Drug Trafficking, is a holistic exercise for all of UNODC, given the close inter-linkages and interdependencies of its mandates. However, the strategic leadership and accountability for delivery against this Thematic Programme is vested within the Division for Treaty Affairs, specifically the Organized Crime and Trafficking Branch (OCB) within UNODC, in close partnership and cooperation with the other substantive and geographical divisions of the Office.

Details: Vienna: United Nations, 2011. 119p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 5, 2012 at: http://www.unodc.org/documents/commissions/WG-GOVandFiN/Thematic_Programme_on_Organised_Crime_-_Final.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: International

URL: http://www.unodc.org/documents/commissions/WG-GOVandFiN/Thematic_Programme_on_Organised_Crime_-_Final.pdf

Shelf Number: 126257

Drug Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: Jani, Nairruti

Title: Exploring Vulnerability and Consent to Trafficking Related Migration: A Study of South Asian Bar Dancers

Summary: Lack of resources in South Asian countries compel many people to migrate to other countries, some legally, others illegally. In 2005, Over 100,000 bar dancers in Mumbai became unemployed overnight when the state government banned bar dancing under international pressure. Some of these bar dancers were forced to become prostitutes; some others migrated to other countries, including U.S., for work (Chadha, 2007). While dancing in U.S., these girls are kept under heavy security, they are not allowed to talk to the patrons, nor are they allowed to go out of their designated apartment on their own. They are sent from one city to another city, and are generally unaware of their next destination. Even though these girls have migrated with their own will, their prison like situation suggests that they can be defined as victims of human trafficking. Even though the girls actually consented, they are subject to debt-bondage, earn very little income and are denied basic liberties. This ‘consensual trafficking’ has not been studied by the academic community or by the policy makers. This research studies bar dancers in U.S. and explores the factors which create vulnerability in bar dancers to consent to trafficking related migration. The main research question is (1) What are the reasons that create vulnerability among certain groups of people who either get trafficked or smuggled? This research explores a pioneering field of research which is a recent phenomenon. This qualitative research is based on grounded theory involving in-depth data collection from the informants and the researcher. The data collection was based on auto-ethnographic principles, where the researcher observes and interacts with participants and creates a detailed field note that includes researchers own perceptions about participant interactions. Findings indicate that the vulnerability to trafficking within south Asia is characterized by poverty, gender bias, caste or religion by birth, lack of education and lack of awareness. Single women are more prone to trafficking as they do not have any support systems and are required to feed themselves and their children. Lack of employable skill makes it difficult for them to find employment in South Asian competitive markets. Another significant finding is that positive social networks and family support reduced the risk of trafficking among South Asian women from rural areas to urban areas in South Asia. However, lack of family support got translated in lack of community networks for some victims who then chose to use unknown migration networks. Traffickers employed migration agents at rural areas who deceived many of South Asia women and lured them as well as their families by creating false dream jobs in foreign destinations. Some women got trapped in debt trap of these agents who paid the migration cost for the victims and enslaved them after reaching the destination. This finding relates to theory of social support, social exchange and migration theory of network. Lack of employment, increasing age, debts and acculturation in Mumbai bars were the primary contributors to South Asian bar dancers’ vulnerability to international trafficking. Older women and Muslim women were more prone to be trafficked to gulf countries where as Hindu girls and younger girls were trafficked to western countries. After the ban on dance bars in Mumbai the vulnerability of former bar dancers increased significantly due to reduced employment opportunities.

Details: Arlington, TX: The University of Texas at Arlington, 2009. 184p.

Source: Dissertation: Internet Resource: Accessed September 5, 2012 at http://dspace.uta.edu/bitstream/handle/10106/2015/Jani_uta_2502D_10428.pdf?sequence=1

Year: 2009

Country: Asia

URL: http://dspace.uta.edu/bitstream/handle/10106/2015/Jani_uta_2502D_10428.pdf?sequence=1

Shelf Number: 126271

Debt Bondage
Human Trafficking
Social Networks
Unemployment and Crime

Author: Gardner, Julie

Title: Minnesota Girls Are Not For Sale

Summary: It is fair to say the problem of Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking (DMST) is among the greatest travesties known in our world today. The issue is deplorable, and the haunting effects on its victims are an appalling injustice. The scale on which this trafficking is taking place reflects the magnitude of the problem, and our global society risks being judged in history as having fundamentally failed our most vulnerable members without broad efforts to fight it. Although a subject rife with research possibilities and probable solutions, sex-trafficking is currently poorly defined, differentially and intermittently quantified, and often challenged by obsolete legal codes and a sexist prostitution enforcement paradigm. In response, government agencies, international organizations, nongovernmental organizations, faith-based organizations, and the private sector are reallocating and mobilizing some of their resources to combat this ancient scourge made modern. The vast majority of anti-human trafficking money is being offered to organizations involved in rescue and rehabilitation work. While this is commendable, it also potentially puts the cart before the horse. The funding for research, data collection and analysis is rare in comparison and it remains very hard to find either short-term or longitudinal studies. Governments and organizations are currently being forced to make important policy decisions based on very few substantial analyses of the problem. There are considerable gaps in our knowledge, which in turn means that policy is being developed in the absence of strong data. A review of the literature on human sex-trafficking, state by state, region by region, and topic by topic, is the critical first step to understanding the scope of the problem. This review is also essential to finding the gaps in the knowledge base so that coordinated efforts can be directed to those areas. Without research and attendant analyses, policymakers potentially make decisions in the dark, thereby wasting precious and limited resources. With the aforementioned in mind, this project investigates the literature, law, funding mechanisms, and program services available relating to the trafficking of girls for sexual exploitation within the United States, and where possible Minnesota. Attention is also paid to the media and its coverage of the issue. The intent is to explore the extent and complexity of the problem, the cost in both human and economic terms, and research directions toward the development and implementation of probable political, legal, economic, and social solutions applicable to Minnesota. Recommendations include continued state statute monitoring with an eye toward modification, police training and paradigm change as well as an increased and broadened victims’ services framework.

Details: Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, Humphrey School of Public Affairs, 2011. 96p.

Source: Internet Resource: MPA and MPP Professional Paper: Accessed September 13, 2012 at: http://law-library.rutgers.edu/cj/gray/search.php

Year: 2011

Country: United States

URL: http://law-library.rutgers.edu/cj/gray/search.php

Shelf Number: 126331

Child Sex Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Sex Trafficking (Minnesota)
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Farley, Melissa

Title: Garden of Truth: The Prostitution and Trafficking of Native Women in Minnesota

Summary: Since Native women are at exceptionally high risk for poverty, homelessness, and sexual violence which are elements in the trafficking of women, and because the needs of Native women are generally not being met, and because prostituted women are at extremely high risk for violence and emotional trauma, our goal was to assess the life circumstances of Native women in prostitution in Minnesota, a group of women not previously studied in research such as this. We assessed their needs and the extent to which those needs are or are not being met. We interviewed 105 Native women in prostitution for approximately 1.5 hours each, administering 4 questionnaires that asked about family history, sexual and physical violence throughout their lifetimes, homelessness, symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder and dissociation, use of available services such as domestic violence shelters, homeless shelters, rape crisis centers, and substance abuse treatment. We asked the women about the extent to which they connected with their cultures, and if that helped them or not. We asked about racism and colonialism. The questionnaires were both quantitative and qualitative. About half of the women met a conservative legal definition of sex trafficking which involves third-party control over the prostituting person by pimps or traffickers. Yet most (86%) interviewees felt that no women really know what they're getting into when they begin prostituting, and that there is deception and trickery involved. • 79% of the women we interviewed had been sexually abused as children by an average of 4 perpetrators. • More than two-thirds of the 105 women had family members who had attended boarding schools. • 92% had been raped. • 48% had been used by more than 200 sex buyers during their lifetimes. 16% had been used by at least 900 sex buyers. • 84% had been physically assaulted in prostitution. • 72% suffered traumatic brain injuries in prostitution • 98% were currently or previously homeless. • Racism was an emotionally damaging element in these women's lives and a source of ongoing stress. • 62% saw a connection between prostitution and colonization, and explained that the devaluation of women in prostitution was identical to the colonizing devaluation of Native people. • 33% spoke of Native cultural or spiritual practices as an important part of who they were. • 52% had PTSD at the time of the interview, a rate that is in the range of PTSD among combat veterans. 71% had symptoms of dissociation. • 80% had used outpatient substance abuse services. Many felt that they would have been helped even more by inpatient treatment. 77% had used homeless shelters. 65% had used domestic violence services. 33% had used sexual assault services. • 92% wanted to escape prostitution • Their most frequently stated needs were for individual counseling (75%) and peer support (73%), reflecting a need for their unique experiences as Native women in prostitution to be heard and seen by people who care about them. Two thirds needed housing and vocational counseling. • Many of the women felt they owed their survival to Native cultural practices. Most wanted access to Native healing approaches integrated with a range of mainstream services. Prostitution is a sexually exploitive, often violent economic option most often entered into by those with a lengthy history of sexual, racial and economic victimization. Prostitution is only now beginning to be understood as violence against women and children. It has rarely been included in discussions of sexual violence against Native women. It is crucial to understand the sexual exploitation of Native women in prostitution today in its historical context of colonial violence against nations. In order for a woman to have the real choice to exit prostitution, a range of services must be offered yet there are currently few or no available services especially designed for Native women in prostitution. We recommend increased state and federal funding for transitional and long term housing for Native women and others seeking to escape prostitution. We recommend increased funding for Native women's programs, including advocacy, physical and mental health care, job training and placement, legal services, and research on these topics. We urge state, local, and tribal officials to review and reconsider their policies toward victims of prostitution and We recommend increased state and federal funding for transitional and long term housing for Native women and others seeking to escape prostitution. We recommend increased funding for Native women's programs, including advocacy, physical and mental health care, job training and placement, legal services, and research on these topics. We urge state, local, and tribal officials to review and reconsider their policies toward victims of prostitution and trafficking, including this new research about Native women. The arrest and prosecution of victims is counter-productive and exacerbates their problems. As a Native woman interviewed for this research study said, "We need people with hearts." Arresting sex buyers, not their victims, is a more appropriate policy.

Details: St. Paul, MN: Minnesota Indian Women's Sexual Assault Coalition; San Francisco, CA: Prostitution Research & Education, 2011. 72p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 17, 2012 at: http://www.prostitutionresearch.com/pdfs/Garden_of_Truth_Final_Project_WEB.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: United States

URL: http://www.prostitutionresearch.com/pdfs/Garden_of_Truth_Final_Project_WEB.pdf

Shelf Number: 126355

Human Trafficking
Native American Women (Minnesota)
Sexual Abuse
Sexual Exploitation
Sexual Violence
Violence Against Women

Author: RATS-W Team

Title: Hit and Run: Sex Worker’s Research on Anti trafficking in Thailand

Summary: Sex workers in Thailand must be one of the most researched groups in the world. For decades individuals and groups have made their way to Empower to complete a PhD, make a documentary, write an article, or fulfil their grant terms. We have lots of experience with research. For the past ten years sex workers in Thailand have had our human rights violated under the guise of implementing anti-trafficking law and policy. We have experienced an onslaught of slander vilifying our entire industry; violent police raids on our workplaces, arbitrary detention, forced rehabilitation in government shelters and deportation. We have continually advocated for reform and human rights protections especially for migrant sex workers. Despite these efforts our industry is still over represented in anti-trafficking raids and misrepresented as inherently violent, exploitative and an equivalent to human trafficking. People still do not know about or understand how current antitrafficking practices are not only abusing the rights of individuals, but are a huge barrier to our efforts to further reduce exploitation in our industry. In 2010 Empower decided to undertake a nation-wide community research project to identify and document the impact of the current Thai anti-trafficking law, policy and practice, on sex workers in Thailand, and to develop relevant and achievable solutions. Our secondary aims were to strengthen knowledge and awareness amongst our community about our legal and human rights; and to build our skills to design, carry out and collate research for use in our human rights advocacy. Our research did not set out to measure, prove or disprove the existence of human trafficking within the sex industry in Thailand. There is already a plethora of wildly contradictory reports on the subject. More significantly, as the leading sex worker organization working on the ground for the past 30 years, we already were well aware that human trafficking has been steadily disappearing from the sex industry in Thailand over the last 15 years. Instead we set out to measure the impact of anti trafficking law and practices on the human rights of women who are accused of being trafficked and other women who are not trafficked, but severely affected by anti-trafficking measures.

Details: Thailand: Empower Foundation: 2012. 124p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 27, 2012 at: http://www.aidsdatahub.org/dmdocuments/HitandRun_RATSW_Eng_Empower_2012.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Thailand

URL: http://www.aidsdatahub.org/dmdocuments/HitandRun_RATSW_Eng_Empower_2012.pdf

Shelf Number: 126485

Human Rights
Human Trafficking
Sex Workers (Thailand)

Author: Myers, Adam

Title: The Objectification of Women as a Facilitator of Sex Trafficking Demand

Summary: Human trafficking represents one of the great social ills and avenues of international crime in our day. One facet of human trafficking, which involves the trafficking of women and girls into sex work industries, is perpetuated by demand within receiving states. Within developed states, this demand can be identified as being fostered by a culture of objectification of women, wherein women's bodies and sexual capability are seen as commodities. This objectified culture has been created and nurtured by cultural influences that vary in legality and general acceptance but are all pervasive practices, such as the presence of pornography, and depictions of women in general media sources such music, film, and advertising. The cultural sources of the objectification women must be seriously addressed in order to combat trafficking demand within developed receiving states.

Details: Unpublished Paper, 2011. 77p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 29, 2012 at: http://adamhmyers.com/Objectification-human%20trafficking.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: International

URL: http://adamhmyers.com/Objectification-human%20trafficking.pdf

Shelf Number: 126492

Human Trafficking
Mass Media
Sex Trafficking
Sex Workers
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Jordan, Ann

Title: The Swedish Law to Criminalize Clients: A Failed Experiment in Social Engineering

Summary: In 1999, the Swedish government embarked on an experiment in social engineering to end men’s practice of purchasing commercial sexual services. The government enacted a new law criminalizing the purchase (but not the sale) of sex (Swedish Penal Code). It hoped that the fear of arrest and increased public stigma would convince men to change their sexual behavior. The government also hoped that the law would force the estimated 1,850 to 3,000 women who sold sex in Sweden at that time to find another line of work. Lastly, the government hoped that the law would eliminate trafficking into forced prostitution and the presence of migrant sex workers. Not surprisingly, the experiment has failed. In the thirteen years since the law was enacted, the Swedish government has been unable to prove that the law has reduced the number of sex buyers or sellers or stopped trafficking.

Details: Washington, DC: Center for Human Rights & Humanitarian Law, Washington College of Law, American University, 2012. 17p.

Source: Issue Paper 4: Internet Resource: Accessed September 30, 2012 at

Year: 2012

Country: Sweden


Shelf Number: 126517

Crime Prevention (Sweden)
Human Trafficking
Legislation (Sweden)
Prostitution (Sweden)
Sex Buyers (Sweden)
Sex Trafficking

Author: Cox, Lisa

Title: Global Monitoring Status of Action Against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children: Canada. 2nd Edition

Summary: While childa prostitution is present throughout Canada, it is most visible in larger urban centres, such as Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver, where small organised crime groups often control prostitution rings involving children. It is estimated that the average age of children entering prostitution in Canada is 13 to 18. Despite this problem, there are extremely limited services to support sexually exploited children. Experts in the field note that the single biggest challenge is securing safe housing for these child victims, as organisations providing shelter and focused services struggle to find funding to provide the full array of services needed. Several distinct groups of children are at particular risk of becoming involved in the sex trade in Canada. Those vulnerable groups include runaways, unwanted children, youth living independently, and children using Internet communications to solicit clients for sex. These children generally lack supervision and are developmentally unprepared to deal with the dangers associated with the sex trade. Canada is a source, transit, and destination country for children subjected to trafficking in persons. Across the country Canadian women and girls, particularly from Aboriginal communities, and foreign women and children, primarily from Asia and Eastern Europe, have been identified as victims of sex trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation. Victims of sex trafficking have been identified from the following countries: China, Hong Kong, Fiji, Taiwan, South Korea, the Philippines, Romania, Ukraine and Moldova. It is reported that Asian victims are found primarily in Vancouver and Western Canada while victims from Eastern Europe are primarily sent to Toronto, Montreal and Eastern Canada. Authorities also report Canadian lawmakers continue to grapple with the pressures and complexities of new technologies that increase the availability of child pornography. In the past several years, investigators in Canada have reported an increase in the number of videos available that depict child sexual abuse, as well as an increase in the size of personal collections that organised crime units are often involved and that many of the victims, especially ones from South Korea, were “in-transit†to the United States.

Details: Bangkok: ECPAT International, 2012. 62p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 3, 2012 at: http://www.ecpat.net/EI/Pdf/A4A_II/A4A_V2_AM_CANADA.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Canada

URL: http://www.ecpat.net/EI/Pdf/A4A_II/A4A_V2_AM_CANADA.pdf

Shelf Number: 126551

Child Pornography
Child Prostitution
Child Sexual Abuse
Child Sexual Exploitation (Canada)
Child Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: Cox, Lisa

Title: Global Monitoring Status of Action Against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children: United States of America. 2nd Edition

Summary: The United States is a federal constitutional republic, in which the President, Congress and the Judiciary share powers reserved to the Federal Government, and the Federal Government shares sovereignty with the state governments. Although the financial crisis has resulted in a prolonged economic downturn, the United States still has the largest and most powerful economy in the world, with a per capita gross domestic product (GDP) of around $48,000. The country overall has a very high standard of living and was ranked fourth in the world on the Human Development Index (HDI) in 2010. Despite the United States being a very high income country, US children are worse off than their peers in less rich countries in key areas of health, education and poverty. For example, infant and child mortality and rates of low birth weight are higher in the United States than in most other countries of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). In addition, the rate of child poverty is double and the rate of teen births, over three times the OECD average. However, the US Government is working to address these issues. It currently spends more on children than most OECD member states and has developed several relevant policies, as well as a good knowledge base, with regard to child wellbeing. The United States has also made progress in addressing the problem of commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC). Successful efforts in this area have included: adoption of strong legislation like the PROTECT our Children Act of 2008; the formulation and implementation in 2010 of The National Strategy for Child Exploitation Prevention and Interdiction; new initiatives promoting Internet safety and national public awareness campaigns; cooperation between public and private sectors; and the creation of national databases. Despite these efforts, there remains a huge gap in the implementation of existing laws, policies and practises. Major factors contributing to this gap include: a lack of resources to assist victims; insufficient awareness of the extent of harm caused by CSEC; and widespread public attitudes that often view sexually exploited children as juvenile delinquents undeserving of protection. While the United States has a welldeveloped child welfare system that includes risk assessments, family preservation, foster care and adoption services and youth development, these services are often only available to children with caregivers. Children living on the street, runaways and those who have been forced into prostitution are often treated as criminals instead of victims in need of assistance. Thus, the child welfare system needs to be adapted to provide specialised services to children and youth who are without caregivers or parents. Although the prostitution of children is often perceived as a problem confined to developing countries, it regularly takes place in the United States. However, accurate figures about children being entrapped into this form of sexual exploitation are not available. According to government information, experts estimate that at least 100,000 children are exploited through prostitution every year in the United States; however, there is a paucity of reliable data. about the source and characteristics of sexually exploited children.8 It is noteworthy that since the enactment of the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000 (often referred to as the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000), all cases of children exploited in prostitution are considered as child sex trafficking regardless of whether the victim is an American citizen or has been transported.

Details: Bangkok: ECPAT International, 2012. 70p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 4, 2012 at: http://www.ecpat.net/EI/Pdf/A4A_II/A4A_V2_AM_USA.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: United States

URL: http://www.ecpat.net/EI/Pdf/A4A_II/A4A_V2_AM_USA.pdf

Shelf Number: 126556

Child Prostitution
Child Protection
Child Sex Trafficking
Child Sexual Exploitation (U.S.)
Human Trafficking

Author: Ditmore, Melissa

Title: The Use of Raids to Fight Trafficking in Persons

Summary: Trafficking in persons refers to the transportation and compulsion of an individual into any form of labor through use of force, threats of force, fraud, or coercion, or debt bondage. In 2000, the US passed legislation recognizing “serious forms of trafficking†as “recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services, through the use of force, fraud, or coercion†in all forms of labor, including, but not limited to, sex work, bringing domestic legislation in line with international standards governing trafficking in persons. (Trafficking Victims Protection Act, 2000; United Nations Optional Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, EspeciallyWomen and Children, 2000) Enforcement of federal anti-trafficking legislation has taken place in large part through anti-trafficking raids, conducted by federal law enforcement agents, and vice raids targeting prostitution conducted by local law enforcement agencies. Notwithstanding the broader reach of the current legislative definition of trafficking, US law enforcement agencies have been criticized for continuing to focus on trafficking into sex work to the exclusion of other widespread forms of trafficking. (Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women 2007: 239-241; Women’s Commission for Refugee Women and Children 2007) Indeed, the word “trafficking†primarily evokes images of women and children forced into sexual servitude in the popular imagination and, prior to 2000, anti-trafficking legislation focused exclusively on prostitution, based on the presumption that no woman would ever exchange sex for material gain without extreme coercion. In reality, trafficking occurs in a far broader range of sectors and types of work, including domestic work, agricultural labor, manufacturing and the service industries, and affects men as well as women and children. This report summarizes the findings of a human rights documentation project conducted by the Sex Workers Project in 2007 and 2008 to explore the impacts and effectiveness of current anti-trafficking approaches in the US from a variety of perspectives. It is among the first efforts since the passage of the TVPA to give voice to the perspectives of trafficked persons and sex workers who have experienced anti-trafficking raids. A total of 46 people were interviewed for this report, including immigrant sex workers and trafficked persons who have experienced raids or otherwise had contact with law enforcement, along with service providers, attorneys, and law enforcement personnel. The data collected from this small to medium-sized sample is extremely rich, and suggests that vice raids conducted by local law enforcement agencies are an ineffective means of locating and identifying trafficked persons. Our research also reveals that vice raids and federal anti-trafficking raids are all too frequently accompanied by violations of the human rights of trafficked persons and sex workers alike, and can therefore be counterproductive to the underlying goals of anti-trafficking initiatives. Our findings suggest that a rights-based and “victim-centered†approach to trafficking in persons requires the development and promotion of alternate methods of identifying and protecting the rights of trafficked persons which prioritize the needs, agency, and self-determination of trafficking survivors.They also indicate that preventative approaches, which address the circumstances that facilitate trafficking in persons, should be pursued over law enforcement based responses.

Details: New York: Urban Justice Center, Sex Workers Project, 2009. 74p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 9, 2012 at: http://www.sexworkersproject.org/downloads/swp-2009-raids-and-trafficking-report.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: United States

URL: http://www.sexworkersproject.org/downloads/swp-2009-raids-and-trafficking-report.pdf

Shelf Number: 126659

Anti-Trafficking Raids
Human Trafficking
Sex Workers
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Reisen, Mirjam van

Title: Human Trafficking in the Sinai: Refugees between Life and Death

Summary: This report describes the horrific situation of trafficking of refugees in the Sinai desert, a crisis that started in 2009. The refugees include men, women, children and accompanying infants fleeing from already desperate circumstances in Eritrea, Ethiopia and Sudan. An estimated 95% of the refugees held hostage in the Sinai (also referred to as hostages) are Eritreans. Smuggled across borders by middlemen, or kidnapped from refugee camps in Ethiopia and the Sudan as well as their surrounding areas, and then captured or sold, the refugees are held hostage close to the Israeli border in inhumane conditions and tortured for ransoms up to USD 50,000. A large number of the refugees have died, either while being held hostage or after their release – often even after their ransom has been paid. A large number of refugees simply ‘disappear’, killed while being held or shot by the Egyptian military guarding the border with Israel after release. The aim of this report is to give the Sinai refugees a voice. Through the interviews we can hear their stories, and connect with them. It is hoped that this document will raise awareness among the broader public of the desperate plight of these people as a step towards stopping this crime. A second aim of the report is to contextualise these practices within the international legal framework, and, in this way, highlight the obligations of states and international organisations, including the EU, to take action against these practices. This report examines the processes involved in the trafficking of the refugees (i.e., how the refugees are recruited, how they are transported to the Sinai including their routes, and the conditions under which they are being held) and the international legal framework applicable to these practices (i.e., whether or not these practices can be considered ‘trafficking in persons’, ‘torture’ or other).

Details: Tilburg, Brussels: Tilburg University/EEPA, 2012. 87p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 19, 2012 at: http://www.eepa.be/wcm/dmdocuments/publications/report_Human_Trafficking_in_the_Sinai_20120928.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Egypt

URL: http://www.eepa.be/wcm/dmdocuments/publications/report_Human_Trafficking_in_the_Sinai_20120928.pdf

Shelf Number: 126756

Debt Bondage
Forced Begging
Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Refugees (Egypt)
Trafficking in Human Organs

Author: Cavendish, Betsy

Title: Children at the Border: The Screening, Protection and Repatriation of Unaccompanied Mexican Minors

Summary: “Children at the Border†shows that the 2008 federal Trafficking Victim Protection Reauthorization Act (“TVPRAâ€)—which was intended to prevent human trafficking and exploitation—has not been fully implemented. Unaccompanied Mexican children who merit protection, either in the U.S. or México, are often quickly shuttled back across the border without sufficient care, leading many to attempt the dangerous journey yet again. Thousands of children are needlessly exposed to human trafficking by drug cartels and criminal gangs, or sent back to potentially abusive and dangerous situations without having a reasonable chance to assert their rights to protection. The roughly 15,000 unaccompanied Mexican minors who are apprehended by the U.S. border patrol each year will benefit from the better screening proposed in the report. Children in México who are either returned to shelters or are in transit through México without a parent will also benefit from these recommendations. The report and recommendations follow two years of research by a pro bono team of 32 lawyers as well as AG Design. The project involved site visits at 14 different locations on both sides of the U.S.-México border. México Appleseed and Appleseed collaborated with pro bono legal counsel from four leading law firms: Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld, DLA Piper and Mayer Brown in the U.S.; and Jáuregui y Navarrete in México.

Details: Washington, DC: Appleseed; Mexico: Appleseed Mexico, 2011. 136p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 25, 2012 at: http://appleseednetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Children-At-The-Border1.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: United States

URL: http://appleseednetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Children-At-The-Border1.pdf

Shelf Number: 126805

Border Security
Child Protection
Child Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Unaccompanied Children (U.S., Mexico)
Undocumented Minors

Author: Godwin, John

Title: Sex Work and the Law in Asia and the Pacific: Laws, HIV and Human Rights in the Context of Sex Work

Summary: Nearly all countries of Asia and the Pacific criminalize some aspects of sex work. Criminalization increases vulnerability to HIV by fuelling stigma and discrimination, limits access to sexual health services and condoms. The report clearly distinguishes between adult consensual sex work and human trafficking for sexual exploitation. Removing legal penalties for sex work allows HIV prevention and treatment programmes to reach sex workers and their clients more effectively. These are some of the findings in an unprecedented study issued today by the UN Development Programme (UNDP), the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) and the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS). Sex Work and the Law examines 48 countries in Asia and the Pacific to assess laws, legal policies and law enforcement practices that affect the human rights of sex workers and impact on the effectiveness of HIV responses. Where sex work has been decriminalized, there is a greater chance for safer sex practices through occupational health and safety standards across the industry. Furthermore, there is no evidence that decriminalization has increased sex work. The report describes countries that use punitive law enforcement practices, confiscate condoms as evidence of illegal conduct, require compulsory or coerced HIV testing, deny government services and certain rights to sex workers, and have compulsory detention centres. The report notes: •Eleven countries where sex workers report condom confiscation or police harassment for possessing condoms (China, Fiji, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Sri Lanka and Vietnam). •Six countries that require mandatory testing of sex workers for HIV or sexually transmitted infections (STIs) as a condition of employment (Guam (unincorporated territory of the United States), Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and several states of Australia); and three countries where compulsory or coerced HIV testing for sex workers has been reported (China, India and Vietnam). •At least four countries in which compulsory detention of sex workers for rehabilitation or re-education is reported (China, India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka). Roy, UNDP Asia-Pacific Regional Centre Manager. The report highlights current laws, policies and practices that are helpful to HIV responses. A snapshot: •Decisions of the Supreme Courts of Bangladesh, India and Nepal recognize the human rights of sex workers. •The Ministry of Interior of Cambodia issued a Directive that condoms will not be used as evidence for arrest. •Legislation in Fiji and Papua New Guinea make it unlawful to deny a person access to condoms or other means of protection from HIV. •National HIV laws in Cambodia, Fiji, Lao PDR, Papua New Guinea and the Philippines offer some protections in areas such as prohibition of compulsory testing, and rights to confidentiality and to protection from discrimination for those who are HIV-positive. •Legislation in Vietnam requires the government to implement harm reduction interventions including condom programmes with sex workers, and protects peer educators from prosecution. •Rules of the Social Security Fund of Thailand enable sex workers to access state social security benefits. The report also highlights how significant advances in recognition of the rights of sex workers can occur even in contexts where the sex industry is illegal. For example, education of police and empowerment of sex workers has helped to reduce human rights violations in India and Thailand, and health authorities in many countries now actively support sex worker organizations to deliver HIV prevention programmes to their peers.

Details: Bangkok, Thailand: United Nations Development Programme, UNCP Asia-Pacific Regional Centre, 2012. 212p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 26, 2012 at: http://www.snap-undp.org/elibrary/Publication.aspx?ID=699

Year: 2012

Country: Asia

URL: http://www.snap-undp.org/elibrary/Publication.aspx?ID=699

Shelf Number: 126809

HIV (Viruses)
Human Trafficking
Sex Trafficking
Sex Work (Asia)
Sex Workers
Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Author: Great Britain. Crown Prosecution Service

Title: Violence against Women and Girls Crime Report: 2011-2012

Summary: This CPS Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) Crime Report is the fifth edition published by the CPS. As in previous years, it covers a range of VAWG strands: • domestic violence • rape and sexual offences • human trafficking, with a focus on trafficking for sexual exploitation • prostitution, • forced marriage, honour based violence and female genital mutilation • child abuse • pornography. The report provides data and commentary in separate sections on each of the VAWG strands, including a number of case studies and good practice. Key issues that were identified in 2011-12 have been highlighted within each section and may differ according to strands. The CPS collects data14 to assist in the effective management of its prosecution functions. The CPS does not collect data which constitutes official statistics as defined in the Statistics and Registration Service Act 200715. Equality profiles of defendants, by gender and ethnicity, are assessed and reported on in this report. Data on victims are reported where available and are still under further development.

Details: London: Crown Prosecution Services, 2012. 67p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 5, 2012 at: http://www.cps.gov.uk/publications/docs/cps_vawg_report_2012.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.cps.gov.uk/publications/docs/cps_vawg_report_2012.pdf

Shelf Number: 126876

Child Abuse
Domestic Violence
Honor-Based Violence
Human Trafficking
Sexual Violence
Violence Against Women and Girls (U.K.)

Author: Protection Project

Title: Understanding Trafficking in Persons in the MENA region: the Causes, the Forms, the Routes and the Measures to Combat a Serious Violation of Human Rights

Summary: In today’s globalized world in which many principles and traditions are being called into question, few rights such as the right to freedom and security enjoy such broad consensus. Trafficking in persons and all forms of enslavement, states around the world agree, must be confronted relentlessly and with all means available. Since the adoption of the United Nations Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons in 2000, many countries have therefore reformed their legislation to criminalize trafficking in persons within their jurisdictions and have taken concrete steps to eradicate the problem through the engagement of civil society, law enforcement personnel and the judiciary. To assist governments and the international community in implementing these new laws, a plethora of excellent training manuals on trafficking in persons have been published by national and international institutions. Some of these manuals are sector-specific, some of them focus on a region; others provide a general overview of the problem of trafficking without a specific regional or functional focus. Drawing from over 10 years of experience in providing capacity building trainings on trafficking in persons to all levels of society and to the governments in the greater MENA region, The Protection Project at the Johns Hopkins University, School of Advanced International Studies wrote this training manual with two objectives in mind: firstly, developing a training manual for practitioners specifically tailored to the forms and routes of trafficking in persons in the MENA region; secondly, addressing in detail some of the specific and particular issues of the region, including the Islamic law perspective on the combat against trafficking in persons. In referring to the MENA region the manual includes the following countries: Algeria, Bahrain, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Palestinian Authority, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Sudan, Yemen. The training manual aims at providing the reader with a useful tool to understand the problem of trafficking in the MENA region through a three level approach: firstly, it provides an overview of the forms and routes of trafficking in persons in the MENA region; secondly, it analyzes the measures either taken or that should be taken to address the problem of trafficking in the region through the established 4 Ps approach; thirdly, it helps the understanding and memorization of the content of each chapter though review questions and practical exercises.

Details: Baltimore, MD: The Protection Project, John Hopkins University, 2012(?). 128p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 5, 2012 at: http://www.protectionproject.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/TIP-MENA-UNODC-QFCHT.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: International

URL: http://www.protectionproject.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/TIP-MENA-UNODC-QFCHT.pdf

Shelf Number: 126884

Human Trafficking

Author: The Future Group

Title: Falling Short of the Mark: An International Study on the Treatment of Human Trafficking Victims

Summary: Victims of human trafficking live in a world of fear and despair. The treatment afforded to these victims when they finally emerge from the violent and brutal cycle of human trafficking tells us something about our own societies. This Study has been undertaken to evaluate the progress made by various developed countries towards implementing their international obligations to protect victims of human trafficking, and to assess the treatment given to these victims in comparison to international best practices. The Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (“Trafficking Protocol”) was adopted on November 15, 2000, and came into force on December 25, 2003. With 117 signatories, it has widespread international support. One of its main objectives is to protect and assist trafficking victims. Part I of this Study consists of country narratives that describe and analyze the law and practice of selected jurisdictions with respect to their compliance with Articles 6-8 of the Trafficking Protocol. This Study concludes that Australia, Germany, Italy, Norway, Sweden and the United States are generally complying with their international obligations under the Trafficking Protocol related to the protection of victims of human trafficking. However, the United Kingdom has failed to meet these international standards and is currently reviewing its policy in this area in light of its recent ratification of the Trafficking Protocol. Canada has systematically failed to comply with its international obligations under the Trafficking Protocol related to the protection of victims of human trafficking. Canada’s record of dealing with trafficking victims is an international embarrassment and contrary to best practices. Since November 2004, The Future Group has been corresponding with the Government of Canada to attempt to obtain information on its compliance with Articles 6-8 of the Trafficking Protocol. In addition to extremely lengthy delays in responding to inquiries, former Liberal Cabinet Ministers passed the buck to each other, ignored the request for information, and failed to detail any steps that Canada has taken whatsoever to meet its international obligations in this regard. The new Conservative Government, under Prime Minister Stephen Harper, which took power in early February 2006, has not yet had an opportunity to announce its policy in this area. Part II of this Study provides a comparative analysis of best practices in the jurisdictions that are under review. Those countries that are global leaders in best practices, as well as those which have fallen short of the mark for the treatment of trafficking victims may be identified.

Details: Calgary, Alberta, Canada: The Future Group, 2006. 41p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 6, 2012 at: http://www.oas.org/atip/canada/Fallingshortofthemark.pdf

Year: 2006

Country: International

URL: http://www.oas.org/atip/canada/Fallingshortofthemark.pdf

Shelf Number: 126892

Human Trafficking
Victims of Human Trafficking

Author: Alpes, Maybritt Jill

Title: Bushfalling: How Young Cameroonians Dare to Migrate

Summary: This book is written in reaction to, on the one hand, trafficking and smuggling discourses in Europe, and, on the other hand to the strong belief in the possibilities of bushfalling in Cameroon. Tensions between ambitions for mobility and imposed immobility are reflected in the way that Anglophone Cameroonians have started since the late 1990s to refer to emigration in Pidgin as ‘bushfalling’. Bushfalling is the act of going out to the wilderness (bush) to hunt down meat (money) and bring back these trophies. On the basis of an ethnographic study of migration brokers, consulate officers, aspiring migrants and their families, as well as deported migrants, this research investigates what makes young Cameroonians migrate at all cost. The books argues that we can only come to understand dynamics of trafficking and bushfalling if we take seriously the perspectives of people in countries of departure, as well as the plurality of regulatory dynamics that shape conditions of departure. By studying rather than presupposing the place of state, market and family actors within conditions of departure, this study unravels how the phenomena of bushfalling and trafficking do not exist merely because individuals chose to migrate at all cost.

Details: Amsterdam: Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research, 2011. 266p.

Source: Internet Resource: Dissertation: Accessed November 9, 2012 at: http://dare.uva.nl/record/399071

Year: 2011

Country: Cameroon

URL: http://dare.uva.nl/record/399071

Shelf Number: 126909

Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Illegal Immigrants
Marriage Migration
Migration (Cameroon)

Author: Lloyd, Paulette

Title: The Global Diffusion of Law: Transnational Crime and the Case of Human Trafficking

Summary: This article theorizes and analyzes the diffusion of criminal law globally. The past few decades have seen the proliferation of new laws criminalizing certain transnational practices, from money laundering to corruption; from insider trading to trafficking in weapons and drugs. Human trafficking is one example. How do we understand the fairly rapid move in the past two decades for many countries to criminalize the exploitative transshipment of people across borders. We argue that (1) issue framing is crucial; (2) once human trafficking is framed as linked to transnational crime, governments are more likely to adopt a prosecutorial approach to address it; and (3) the transnational crime frame explains the diffusion pattern of criminal statutes internationally. We test our argument by documenting the effect of issue framing and physical vulnerability on the diffusion of criminal law in this area. These results suggest the importance of combining both ideational and material factors to understand the spread of criminal law world-wide.

Details: Unpublished Paper; 2012. 55p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 20, 2012 at: http://www.socsci.uci.edu/files/internationalstudies/docs/2012/simmons.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: International

URL: http://www.socsci.uci.edu/files/internationalstudies/docs/2012/simmons.pdf

Shelf Number: 126938

Criminal Law
Human Trafficking
Transnational Crime

Author: Lobasz, Jennifer Kathleen

Title: Victims, Villains, and the Virtuous: Constructing the Problems of “Human Traffickingâ€

Summary: Over the past two decades, human trafficking has come to be seen as a growing threat, and transnational advocacy networks opposed to human trafficking have succeeded in establishing trafficking as a pressing political problem. The meaning of human trafficking, however, remains an object of significant—and heated—contestation among transnational actors with opposing perspectives on prostitution, the appropriate balance between law enforcement and human rights protection, and migration. The outcomes of disputes over meaning are highly significant. Anti-trafficking discourses establish regimes of knowledge that set boundaries for how scholars, activists, legislators, and citizens conceive of human trafficking—they establish what trafficking is and who counts as trafficked, and create narratives that explain how trafficking has become a problem and what should be done to fix it. In this dissertation I conduct a genealogical discourse analysis of anti-trafficking advocacy, policy, and scholarship in the United States from the late 1970s to 2000, looking in particular at feminist and religious abolitionist advocacy networks, and the role they play in the creation of the U.S. Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000. I argue that “human trafficking†is better understood as a contested concept rather than as an objectively given problem. The meaning of trafficking is constructed rather than inherent, and inseparable from the political context through which it is produced.

Details: Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota, 2012. 270p.

Source: Internet Resource: Dissertation: Accessed November 20, 2012 at: http://conservancy.umn.edu/bitstream/131822/1/Lobasz_umn_0130E_12756.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: United States

URL: http://conservancy.umn.edu/bitstream/131822/1/Lobasz_umn_0130E_12756.pdf

Shelf Number: 126941

Forced Labor
Human Rights
Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Latonero, Mark

Title: The Rise of Mobile and the Diffusion of Technology-Facilitated Trafficking

Summary: In September 2012, President Obama identified human trafficking as one of the great human rights issues of our time, representing a “debasement of our common humanity that tears at the social fabric of our communities, endangers public health, distorts markets, and fuels violence and organized crime.†The nature and extent of human trafficking in modern society is complex and evolving, however, and our understanding of the phenomenon is fraught with contested terminologies and differing perceptions. Broadly speaking, human trafficking involves the severe sexual and labor exploitation of vulnerable people for financial gain, which amounts to a gross violation of human rights. Children exploited in the sex trade are especially at risk. What role does technology play in the shifting dynamics of human trafficking today? In this report, researchers at the USC Annenberg Center on Communication Leadership & Policy (CCLP) reveal how those involved in human trafficking have been quick to adapt to the 21st-century global landscape. While the rapid diffusion of digital technologies such as mobile phones, social networking sites, and the Internet has provided significant benefits to society, new channels and opportunities for exploitation have also emerged. Increasingly, the business of human trafficking is taking place online and over mobile phones. But the same technologies that are being used for trafficking can become a powerful tool to combat trafficking. The precise role that digital technologies play in human trafficking still remains unclear, however, and a closer examination of the phenomenon is vital to identify and respond to new threats and opportunities. This investigation indicates that mobile devices and networks have risen in prominence and are now of central importance to the sex trafficking of minors in the United States. While online platforms such as online classifieds and social networking sites remain a potential venue for exploitation, this research suggests that technology-facilitated trafficking is more diffuse and adaptive than initially thought. This report presents a review of current literature, trends, and policies; primary research based on mobile phone data collected from online classified sites; a series of firsthand interviews with law enforcement; and key recommendations to policymakers and stakeholders moving forward. While the sex trafficking of minors continues to expand across multiple media platforms, our research indicates that the rise of mobile technology may fundamentally transform the trafficking landscape. No other communication technology in history, including the Internet, has been adopted so rapidly around the world. The World Bank estimates that 75% of the global population has access to a mobile phone. Mobile’s ability to facilitate real-time communication and coordination, unbound by physical location, is also being exploited by traffickers to extend the reach of their illicit activities. Traffickers are able to recruit, advertise, organize, and communicate primarily—or even exclusively—via mobile phone, effectively streamlining their activities and expanding their criminal networks. In short, human traffickers and criminal networks are taking advantage of technology to reach larger audiences and to do illicit business more quickly and efficiently across greater distances. Mobile communication may also represent a breakthrough for interventions by law enforcement and the anti-trafficking community. Data gleaned from cellphones and mobile networks constitute a trail of information and evidence that can be a powerful tool in identifying, tracking, and prosecuting traffickers. Mobile technologies can also be used to reach vulnerable communities and raise public awareness. The rise of mobile has major implications both for the spread of human trafficking and for anti-trafficking efforts, and should be carefully considered by law enforcement, policymakers, and activists as they develop strategies to combat human trafficking in the United States and worldwide. Furthermore, the respect for privacy and civil liberties, and potential unintended consequences of technological interventions on victims and survivors, are crucial considerations in developing mobile-based solutions. This research expands on CCLP’s 2011 report examining the role of online technologies in human trafficking. Key findings of the 2011 report focused on the use of Internet technologies, particularly online classifieds and social media sites, for the sex trafficking of minors in the United States. The USC Information Sciences Institute (ISI) and CCLP collaborated to develop prototype software designed to detect possible cases of sex trafficking of minors online. Our research indicated that tools such as data mining, mapping, computational linguistics, and advanced analytics could be used by governmental and nongovernmental organizations, law enforcement, academia, and the private sector to further anti-trafficking goals of prevention, protection, and prosecution.

Details: Los Angeles: University of Southern California, Annenberg Center on Communication Leadership & Policy, 2012. 52p.

Source: Internet Resource: Research Series on Technology and Human Trafficking; Accessed November 23, 2012 at: http://www.ungift.org/doc/knowledgehub/resource-centre/USC-Annenberg-Technology-and-Human-Trafficking-2012.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: International

URL: http://www.ungift.org/doc/knowledgehub/resource-centre/USC-Annenberg-Technology-and-Human-Trafficking-2012.pdf

Shelf Number: 126983

Human Trafficking
Mobile Technologies
Mobile Telephones
Online Communications
Sex Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation
Technology and Crime

Author: Miraglia, Paula

Title: Transnational Organised Crime and Fragile States

Summary: Transnational organised crime (TOC) refers to a fluid and diversified industry that engages in illicit activities ranging from drug and human trafficking to drug smuggling, piracy and money laundering. Although it may affect strong states, conflict-affected and fragile states are especially vulnerable to the dynamics of TOC and may provide more favourable conditions for its development. The implications for those states are many and serious. This paper outlines the ways in which TOC has evolved in recent years and how policy might be adapted to take account of this evolution. It emphasises that TOC today is less a matter of organised cartels established in producer or end-user states, but increasingly characterised by fluid, opportunistic networks that may for example specialise in transport and logistics. The paper recommends tackling the problem through a comprehensive approach that considers TOC as but one element within a greater complex of cause and effect. This would entail a re-evaluation of many current assumptions about TOC and a reformulation of current policies.

Details: Paris: Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development, 2012. 36p.

Source: Internet Resource:OECD Development Co-Operation Working Papers, WP 3/2012: Accessed November 24, 2012 at: http://www.clingendael.nl/publications/2012/20121026_briscoe_transnational_organised_crime.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: International

URL: http://www.clingendael.nl/publications/2012/20121026_briscoe_transnational_organised_crime.pdf

Shelf Number: 126988

Drug Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Money Laundering
Transnational Organized Crime

Author: Akee, Randall

Title: Transnational Trafficking, Law Enforcement and Victim Protection: A Middleman Trafficker's Perspective

Summary: We explore three hitherto poorly understood characteristics of the human trafficking market - the cross-border ease of mobility of traffickers, the relative bargaining strength of traffickers and final buyers, and the elasticity of buyers' demand. In a model of two-way bargaining, the exact configuration of these characteristics is shown to determine whether domestic and foreign crackdowns on illicit employment mutually reinforce or counteract one another in efforts to stem the tide of trafficking. Estimation results from a gravity model of trafficking present evidence consistent with the mutual reinforcement view, indicating considerable ease of mobility, partial bargaining power, and inelastic demand.

Details: Bonn, Germany: Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), 2011. 47p.

Source: Internet Resource: IZA Discussion Paper No. 6226: Accessed December 4, 2012 at: http://ftp.iza.org/dp6226.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: International

URL: http://ftp.iza.org/dp6226.pdf

Shelf Number: 127122

Border Security
Economics of Crime
Human Trafficking
Offender Mobility

Author: Dabney, Jonathan Dickinson

Title: Identifying Victims of Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking in a Juvenile Custody Setting

Summary: Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking (DMST) is a severe form of child sexual exploitation. Thus far, DMST studies have been qualitative or relied on secondary data. There has been no quantitative attempt to directly identify victims in a methodical way in order to determine the prevalence of DMST at a local level or the nature and strengths of its correlates. The present study used a three-tiered screening process to identify victims of DMST in a juvenile detention center. All youth taken into custody over a three and a half month period (N = 738) received a short assessment to identify those most at risk and in need of additional screening. During the study, six youth were identified as DMST victims and statistically significant differences were found between youth referred for additional screening (N = 47) and youth who were not. The results suggest that detention and probation staff identified the presence of DMST risk factors in youth screen interviews and were making referral decisions based on the presence of those risk factors. Practical implications of the findings are discussed along with suggestions for future research.

Details: Portland, OR: Portland State University, 2011. 76p.

Source: Internet Resource: Thesis: Accessed December 10, 2012 at: http://dr.archives.pdx.edu/xmlui/bitstream/handle/psu/7010/Dabney_psu_0180E_10259.pdf?sequence=1

Year: 2011

Country: United States

URL: http://dr.archives.pdx.edu/xmlui/bitstream/handle/psu/7010/Dabney_psu_0180E_10259.pdf?sequence=1

Shelf Number: 127207

Child Sex Trafficking (U.S.)
Child Sexual Abuse
Child Sexual Exploitation
Human Trafficking

Author: Cho, Seo-Young

Title: Modelling for Determinants of Human Trafficking

Summary: This study aims to identify robust push and pull factors of human trafficking. I test for the robustness of 70 push and 63 pull factors suggested in the literature. By employing an extreme bound analysis, running more than two million regressions with all possible combinations of variables for up to 153 countries during the period of 1995-2010, I show that crime prevalence robustly explains human trafficking prevalence both in destination and origin countries. My finding also implies that a low level of gender equality may have constraining effects on human trafficking outflows, contrary to expectations. The linkage between general migration and human trafficking is less clear but a certain type of globalization facilitating migration – exposure to foreign contacts and information – determines human trafficking. Institutional quality matters more in origin countries than destinations.

Details: Berlin: Economics of Security, 2012. 41p.

Source: Economics of Security Working Paper 70: Internet Resource: Accessed December 21, 2012 at http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2117838

Year: 2012

Country: International

URL: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2117838

Shelf Number: 127248

Crime Analysis
Human Trafficking

Author: Soirila, Ukri

Title: Trafficking in Human Beings and Foucauldian Biopower: A Case Study in the Expansion of the Human Rights Phenomenon

Summary: Trafficking in human beings has become one of the most talked about criminal concerns of the 21st century. This thesis asks how has the anti-trafficking campaign been translated in human rights language. Can human rights actually bring salvation to the victims of trafficking? The translation process has been a complicated process involving various actors, including scholars, feminist NGOs, local activists and global human rights NGOs. It is argued that in order to understand the measures of the authorities, and to assess the usefulness of human rights, it is necessary to adopt a Foucauldian perspective and to observe the measures as biopolitical defence mechanisms. Human rights have not become useless for the victims of trafficking, but they must be conceived as a universal tool to formulate political claims and challenge power.

Details: Helsinki, Finland: University of Helsinki, 2011. 104p.

Source: Master's Thesis, University of Helsinki: Internet Resource: Accessed December 22, 2012 at https://helda.helsinki.fi/bitstream/handle/10138/28677/traffick.pdf?sequence=1

Year: 2011

Country: United States

URL: https://helda.helsinki.fi/bitstream/handle/10138/28677/traffick.pdf?sequence=1

Shelf Number: 127261

Human Rights
Human Trafficking
Victims of Crime
Victims Services

Author: University of California, Berkeley, Human Rights Center

Title: Freedom Denied: Forced Labor in California

Summary: Forced labor—defined as “all work or service which is exacted from any person under the menace of any penalty and for which the said person has not offered himself voluntarily†is not something that happens somewhere ‘over there’ in the developing world. It is a significant and often overlooked problem right here in the United States. Our research suggests that at any given time, ten thousand or more men, women and children are laboring against their will as prostitutes, farm and sweatshop laborers, and domestic workers in the United States. The U.S. Congress has recognized the scope of the problem and, in 2000, adopted the Trafficking Victim Protection Act. But the federal government understands that more needs to be done, and it has urged states to close gaps in the law by passing their own laws to combat human trafficking and forced labor. California is hardly a stranger to the issue—especially because forced labor flourishes in states with large immigrant populations. In recent years, the practice has spread to several areas of the state. Over eighty percent of the cases have been documented in the urban centers of Los Angles, San Diego, San Francisco, and San Jose. The majority of those forced to work as modern-day slaves come to California from abroad—with or without valid travel documents. Others are U.S. citizens that have fallen into the clutches of traffickers. Whether foreigners or not, they are terrified of their captors and face uncertain futures should they manage to escape. Our research identified 57 forced labor operations in almost a dozen cities in California between 1998 and 2003, involving more than 500 individuals from 18 countries. Thailand was the home country of 136 forced labor victims, with 104 and 53 arriving from, respectively, Mexico and Russia. American citizens comprise 5.4 percent of the total. Victims labored in several economic sectors including prostitution and sex services (47.4%), domestic service (33.3%), mail order brides (5.3 %), sweatshops (5.3%), and agriculture (1.8%). Victims of forced labor often suffer severe hardships and deprivations. Their captors often subject them to beatings, threats, and other forms of physical and psychological abuse. They live in conditions of deprivation and despair. Their captors may threaten their families. Perpetrators exert near total control over victims, creating a situation of dependency. Victims come to believe they cannot leave. They are terrified of their captors but also fear law enforcement, a fear often based on bad experiences with police and other government officials in their countries of origin. Once victims escape captivity they confront a host of new problems Obtaining safe shelter and legal employment are immediate concerns. Because so many survivors are strangers in a strange land, provision of comprehensive social services is needed to help them navigate from servitude to independent living. In recent years, thanks to the new trafficking act, federal prosecutors have taken the lead in bringing perpetrators of forced labor to justice. But much more needs to be done at the state level to end this practice. California criminal law, in particular, needs to be reformed to sanction modern traffickers and to train law enforcement to identify forced labor cases and to work appropriately with victims to gain their trust and cooperation in investigations and prosecutions. State law enforcement needs to coordinate their efforts with federal authorities to ensure that survivors promptly can access federal immigration benefits. In addition, prosecutors must act to protect witnesses and their families who reside overseas. To eradicate forced labor in California, we recommend that the following measures be taken: 1. The state should enact new criminal laws against forced labor. California’s criminal laws are not tailored to combat the practice of forced labor. The U.S. Department of Justice has proposed model state legislation which reflects the experience of law enforcement personnel who have investigated and prosecuted perpetrators under federal criminal law. California should review and adapt the model law so that state law enforcement can amplify federal efforts and bring greater numbers of offenders to justice. 2. The state should train law enforcement and other first responders to identify and address forced labor. Law enforcement personnel, health care providers, health and labor inspectors, and other first responders likely to encounter victims of forced labor should be trained to recognize the indicators of forced labor and how to intercede to liberate victims so that wellintentioned interventions do not jeopardize victims and their families. 3. The state should create civil remedies for forced labor survivors. Survivors of forced labor have been robbed of their earnings and their dignity. They should have access to courts to hold their perpetrators liable for the damages they inflicted upon survivors. The ability to file a private suit will allow survivors to control decisions about whether to pursue legal action and may help restore to them a sense of control over their lives. 4. The state should increase access to social services for survivors of forced labor. Safe housing and access to legal counsel must be made available to survivors. The state should provide funds to expand shelters dedicated to serving forced labor survivors. While only the federal government can provide immigration benefits to survivors, state law enforcement promptly should issue the appropriate certifications so that survivors can apply for federal relief. The state should fund medical care, legal assistance, job training and placement to support the recovery of survivors. 5. The state should create a task force to develop policy to address human trafficking and forced labor. A comprehensive response to forced labor involves many state and federal agencies, social service providers, legal advocates, researchers, and policy makers. The state should convene a task force to bring together stakeholders to identify gaps in the response to forced labor, develop guidelines to promote a consistent and survivor-centered approach to cases, and recommend policy to strengthen the state’s response.

Details: Berkeley, CA: Human Rights Center, University of California, Berkeley, 2005. 39p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 22, 2013 at: http://www.oas.org/atip/country%20specific/Forced%20Labor%20in%20California.pdf

Year: 2005

Country: United States

URL: http://www.oas.org/atip/country%20specific/Forced%20Labor%20in%20California.pdf

Shelf Number: 127349

Forced Labor (California, U.S.)
Human Rights
Human Trafficking

Author: Hales, Liz

Title: The Criminalisation of Migrant Women

Summary: The work of a number of key organisations, including the International Organisation for Migration, has led to awareness of the extent of national and international people trafficking and exploitation by smugglers and agents of people seeking to leave their country to seek work or asylum. Within the UK, public knowledge has been influenced by the setting up of the UK Human Trafficking Centre in October 2006, the work of a number of human rights organisations, and media interest in some cases. However, to date, there has been no formal recognition of the numbers of potential victims in custody on criminal charges, nor systematic prison based research that provides evidence on how these individuals have been managed within the Criminal Justice System and by the United Kingdom Border Agency, at a time when the percentage of foreign women in the prison estate continues to increase. Our research on the criminalisation of migrant women, funded for 18 months by the ESRC, aimed to fill this knowledge gap. The research was carried out between May 2010 and November 2011 with migrant women in prison and the immigration holding estate in the South-East of England. The key aims were to gather information in relation to the numbers of migrant women being processed through the criminal justice and immigration systems within England and Wales. Within the context of this picture we aimed to see whether there were any women who were victims of trafficking, smuggling and ‘work under duress’ in custody, and by examining case management identify the extent of compliance in relation to the European Convention on Trafficking and the Convention of Human Rights. Key findings  In 2009 there were 2,454 foreign national receptions into the female prison estate and during the period of the research foreign national prisoners accounted for 19 per cent of the population in custody and 26 per cent of new untried receptions. In four of the five prisons, where the majority of interviews were carried out, the average population was 30 per cent, rising to 31 per cent in HMP Holloway and HMP Bronzefield in the final month. Analysis of data from fpwp/Hibiscus, a key organisation working with foreign women in custody, showed that 41 per cent of their caseload in 2009 involved women charged with offences such as deception and fraud in relation to their immigration status and related offences of use of false documentation to access work or benefits, or pass through customs on entry or exit from the UK. Prison data gathered in the context of the research indicated that 26 per cent overall were arrested in relation to these offences with an additional 4 per cent arrested on offences such as street robberies and sale of counterfeit goods (offences potentially linked with trafficking). Within the immigration estate in 2010, 4,337 women were taken into detention, of which there were 2,799 receptions at Yarl’s Wood IRC, where monthly figures showed that 112 women, one third, were being held post completion of a prison sentence.  In the context of interviews with 103 migrant women in the prison and immigration holding estate, detained or arrested on charges that are potentially linked with entry to or exit from the UK or work under the control of others, evidence gathered indicated that 43 were victims of trafficking, of whom two were formally re-assessed as children whilst in the adult estate.1 An additional five women had entered the country independently, but had then been worked in slavery or servitude like conditions and 10 had entered the UK in the hands of agents and had been arrested resultant on the theft of their relevant documents by their smugglers.  The progress of these 58 women within the target group (that is, those who might have been trafficked or smuggled or made to work under duress) was then monitored in terms of their management within the criminal justice and immigration systems. This was carried out by 59 follow up interviews in custody and 14 more in the community, observations of 33 court appearances, ongoing communication by letter and examination of relevant paper documentation held by the interviewees, their legal representatives and others, wherever this was feasible.  38 of the 48 women within the target group (58) for whom there is data on employment were involved in non-skilled work before departure and, for those who were complicit in the decision to travel to the UK, reasons for migration were a mixture of economic necessity and a need for asylum. For all but eight it was their first move from home. Eight of those trafficked did not travel directly to the UK, but were first moved to other countries to work en route. Five had been trafficked as children and one of the children had been re-trafficked to the UK after being deported back to Africa from the first destination country. Twenty of the women trafficked were forced to work in prostitution and fifteen in cannabis production. Eight worked in domestic servitude, two were acting as drug mules and eight were involved in street robberies and the sale of fake goods. An additional five women were forced into these areas of work after entering the country independently of those who controlled them in the work.  The common experience of all the women within this target group was one of disempowerment and for those trafficked or smuggled this process started from the point of recruitment. All of those interviewed indicated that they had been victims of physical and/or emotional abuse. Twenty-four women disclosed in interview that they had experienced multiple rapes and for an additional two this had been an ongoing threat. For those who migrated to seek asylum, disclosures indicated that these experiences started prior to their move and were thus the key reasons for migration. For others, disclosures in interview indicated that it was integral to the relationship they had with those who brought them to the UK, who worked them under duress and to whom they had been sold. For many, the hold and threats made by those who had recruited, moved and controlled them did not disappear on arrest.  The women’s experiences led to them to report that they felt socially isolated, vulnerable, traumatised, subject to flashbacks, ashamed to tell others what had happened and finding difficulty in knowing whom to trust. They indicated that all of this was exacerbated by the experience of imprisonment and uncertainty about the future and it is not insignificant that being handed over to the police or immigration was a common threat used by those who had held them.  In terms of the offences for which they had been arrested, the two key offence groups were in relation to the use of false identity documentation and the production of cannabis. Within the target group of 58, 20 of the primary charges were for use of false instrument with intent and 14 for the production of a controlled drug (cannabis).  Of the 43 who were identified as victims of trafficking by the researchers, only 11 were processed through the National Referral Mechanism (NRM) and this did not happen for two of these women until their sentence was completed. Four other women were advised that this option was open to them. Three declined as they were serving short sentences and their goal was to return home as soon as possible, and the fourth was too frightened of the potential implications both to herself and her daughter in making full disclosure of her experiences.  With four of these cases, the Conclusive Grounds decision made on their victim status by UKBA (which acted as the competent authority) was negative. To date, one of these decisions has been overturned following a successful judicial review; such a review was being considered for a second. Even where referrals were made to the NRM that resulted in a positive decision and non-prosecution, the victims spent on average four months in custody. For the other 37 there was no formal recognition of their victim status and no access to appropriate support or temporary protection from deportation other than going down the route of applying for asylum. Of equal significance is the fact that, to date, in only one of the cases did victim disclosures result in a full police investigation in relation to the actions of the perpetrators.A key question of this research is therefore why so few of those whose disclosures at interview with the researchers, which exemplified all the key indicators of being a victim of trafficking, had not been identified as such within the criminal justice system. Similarly we looked at why those arrested on offences committed under duress, in ignorance or resultant on the action of those who had controlled them were held entirely responsible for their actions.

Details: Cambridge, UK: Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge,, 2012. 128p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 29, 2013 at: http://www.crim.cam.ac.uk/people/academic_research/loraine_gelsthorpe/criminalreport29july12.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.crim.cam.ac.uk/people/academic_research/loraine_gelsthorpe/criminalreport29july12.pdf

Shelf Number: 127432

Female Inmates
Human Trafficking
Illegal Immigrants
Migrant Women (U.K.)
Sexual Assault
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Brunovskis, Anette

Title: Balancing Protection and Prosecution in Anti-Trafficking Policies. A comparative analysis of reflection periods and related temporary residence permits for victims of trafficking in the Nordic countries, Belgium and Italy

Summary: This report analyses and discusses the various forms of reflection periods and related temporary residence permits for victims of trafficking in the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden) as well as Belgium and Italy. The study was initiated and funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers, who saw the use of a comparative study of models and experiences in the Nordic countries. In addition, for the purpose of expanding the analysis, Belgium and Italy were also included. These two countries were selected as both have long-standing experience of anti-trafficking work. Both were early actors in implementing temporary residence permits for victims of trafficking, but have adopted different models for reflection periods/temporary residence. As such, their inclusion in this report serves as a backdrop and a foundation for comparison and discussion of the Nordic models of reflection periods and temporary residence permits. The main focus in this report is on how different policy solutions relate to victims’ needs, as well as the needs of states for victims to cooperate in investigation and prosecution of traffickers. These needs can be difficult to reconcile, and the report discusses implications of different models and approaches, remaining sensitive to the fact that there are differences between the countries’ social and political contexts. The concept of “best practice†as such is not culturally and politically neutral. What may be a “best practice†in one context is not necessarily transferrable to another.

Details: Copenhagen: Nordic Council of Ministers, 2012. 81p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 13, 2013 at:

Year: 2012

Country: Europe


Shelf Number: 127601

Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation
Victims of Trafficking, Services for

Author: Carker, Cat

Title: The People Smugglers' Business Model

Summary: This paper examines first some of the more recent international research, and second, relevant Australian case law and the more limited body of Australian research on people smuggling, to determine whether this business model can be identified. It does not seek to evaluate the appropriateness or efficacy of specific anti-people smuggling policies that have been or are currently being pursued by Australian Governments. Key points: •Since the late 1990s, people smuggling has been a key focus of political debate on irregular migration to Australia. Most recently, attention has turned to how to ‘break the people smugglers’ business model’ . While there is continuing debate about how best to achieve this objective, the business model being referred to remains largely unarticulated, at least publicly . •Examination of recent open source research and Australian case law reveals there is no single ‘people smugglers’ business model’ that explains how people smugglers operate, either internationally or to Australia . However, certain themes are evident, including the predominance of fluid networks over more hierarchical organisations and the flexibility, adaptability and resilience of those involved. It appears that a variety of business models are employed (either explicitly or implicitly) and that they are constantly evolving. •Some basic characteristics of maritime people smuggling from Indonesia to Australia can be discerned from open source information that can be used to outline some of the basic components of a common business model that seems to operate. However, there appear to be many variations on different components of the model. Further, the Indonesia to Australia leg is only part of a much longer journey, and Indonesia is not the only departure point for boats to Australia organised by people smugglers. Finally, while political and popular attention has focused largely on irregular maritime arrivals, people smuggling to Australia also occurs by air. •The use of the singular terms ‘the people smugglers’ business model’ or ‘the people smuggling business model’ gives the impression of a homogeneous market for which a single measure or ‘one size fits all’ solution might exist. The reality of a variety of business models operating at different stages of the supply chain between source countries and destination countries, including Australia, points to the need for a more tailored and considered approach. The points at which to intervene in order to ‘break’ a certain business model, and the most appropriate modes of intervention, will depend on the particular characteristics of that model.

Details: Canberra: Parliament of Australia, Parliamentary Library, 2013. 48p.

Source: Internet Resource: Research Paper No. 2, 2012-13: Accessed March 7, 2013 at: http://apo.org.au/sites/default/files/docs/ParliamentaryLibrary_SmugglersBusinessModel_Feb2013.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Australia

URL: http://apo.org.au/sites/default/files/docs/ParliamentaryLibrary_SmugglersBusinessModel_Feb2013.pdf

Shelf Number: 127862

Border Security
Human Smuggling (Australia)
Human Trafficking
Illegal Immigration
Maritime Crime

Author: Children's Rights Alliance

Title: Safe Care for Trafficked Children in Ireland: Developing a Protective Environment

Summary: This report focuses on developments in care for trafficked children in Ireland with a specific aim of outlining current practice in Ireland in relation to the provision of safe and appropriate accommodation, care, supports, and legal protection to trafficked children or those children suspected of being trafficked. The report is based on a series of interviews carried out by the research team between September and December 2011, on child trafficking, with professionals in the areas of child welfare, care, education, and advocacy. It also incorporates written feedback received between December 2011 and May 2012 from the HSE, AHTU, Irish Refugee Council, Immigrant Council of Ireland and Barnardos on draft reports. Furthermore, it draws on publicly available information on child trafficking in Ireland and internationally. Up to now the public discussion on child trafficking in Ireland has largely focused on the known cases of separated children and the vulnerability of this particular group. Until the end of 2010, responsibility for the care of this group of children lay largely with the Separated Children Seeking Asylum team of the HSEB who have developed insight and expertise in this area. This can now be utilised in the transition to the new care arrangements for separated children. There is another emerging group of nonmigrant children who are being trafficked in Ireland. We understand that there have been prosecutions and other cases are under investigation and are therefore not discussed in this report. Information was not available on these cases at the time of writing the report. Nevertheless, our recommendations on safe care provisions are applicable to all groups of trafficked children or children vulnerable to trafficking. Trafficking is a contentious term and while international and national definitions have been developed, we have found that understandings in practice can differ, leading to variations of approach and perspective. The report comprises of five sections plus a section on conclusions and recommendations arising from the research exercise. Section 1, ‘Child Trafficking: Brief Overview and Key Policy Responses’, offers an outline of child trafficking, including key policy directions and practices, with a focus on current developments in the area. Section 2, ‘Separated children and Service Provision in Ireland: A Service in Transition’ looks at the context in which services have transitioned from a largely Dublin based hostel system of provision to a national fostering based service for separated and trafficked children. Section 3, ‘Child Trafficking: Key Concerns’ addresses three specific issues which emerged from this research namely missing children, family reunification and aftercare. Section 4, ‘Training’ highlights areas where training needs are most crucial including identification of those children and young people who are trafficked or at risk of being trafficked, developing resources in responding to their care needs, awareness of security and safety issues as well as developing cultural competency. Section 5, ‘Public Awareness Campaigning’ examines the role of various advocacy and awareness raising campaigns as well as the issue of the development of a dedicated missing children hotline. Finally, Section 6, ‘Developing a Protective Environment: Conclusions and Recommendations’ brings together some important issues as identified in this research which could inform practice in the area of safe care for trafficked children going forward.

Details: Dublin: Children's Rights Alliance, 2012. 80p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed march 15, 2013 at: http://www.childrensrights.ie/sites/default/files/submissions_reports/files/SafeCareForTraffickedChildrenInIrelandReport.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Ireland

URL: http://www.childrensrights.ie/sites/default/files/submissions_reports/files/SafeCareForTraffickedChildrenInIrelandReport.pdf

Shelf Number: 127963

Child Protection
Child Sexual Exploitation
Child Trafficking (Ireland)
Human Trafficking

Author: Minnesota. Department of Public Safety. Office of Justice Programs

Title: No Wrong Door: A Comprehensive Approach to Safe Harbor for Sexually Exploited Youth.

Summary: Juvenile victims of sexual exploitation are the focus of a recent model aimed at ensuring they are indentified, receive effective services and are housed safely, according to Minnesota Department of Public Safety Office of Justice Programs (OJP). The model is highlighted in the recently released report No Wrong Door: A Comprehensive Approach to Safe Harbor for Sexually Exploited Youth. The model features 11 recommendations from 65 stakeholders, including representatives from The Family Partnership—an organization that strives to build strong families, communities and better futures for children through counseling, education programs and advocacy. Recommendations include: 1.Creating a statewide human trafficking director position. This full-time position with the Department of Health would be responsible for coordinating trainings, and collecting and disseminating information on sexual exploitation and services across the state as a resource to stakeholders. 2.Creating six regional navigator positions. These grant-funded positions would serve as experts in their region of the state and a resource to professionals needing information on how to work with juvenile sex trafficking victims. 3.Providing comprehensive training on juvenile sexual exploitation. Training on how to recognize, screen, refer and investigate sexual exploitation would be available to professionals who come into contact with youth. 4.Ensuring effective outreach to youth. Outreach efforts would be made to sexually exploited youth to connect them with services and support. 5.Supporting coordinated law enforcement investigations across Minnesota. Law enforcement would increase their ability to effectively conduct victim-centered investigations focused on arresting traffickers and commercial sex abusers. 6.Providing appropriate, effective diversion opportunities to youth ages 16 and 17. Law enforcement and county attorneys would divert victimized youth as a means of keeping them from becoming more deeply involved in the juvenile justice system. 7.Modifying the Juvenile Protection Hold Statute to meet the needs of sexually exploited youth. This modification would ensure that sexually exploited youth being held by law enforcement would be placed in the least restrictive setting possible. 8.Ensuring access to safe and supportive housing. Four types of shelter and housing services would be available specifically for sexually exploited youth across Minnesota to meet the different needs of youth. 9.Providing appropriate and accessible supportive services to sexually exploited youth. They would have access to several types of trauma-informed, victim-centered services including advocacy, health care, education and employment. 10.Supporting efforts to prevent the sexual exploitation of youth. Prevention activities would be undertaken to address the environmental, organizational and cultural norms that allow for the sexual exploitation of youth. 11.Conducting comprehensive evaluation to ensure the No Wrong Door Model is an effective model of intervention. Safe Harbor for Sexually Exploited Youth Law The creation of the No Wrong Door Model is one of five provisions included in Minnesota’s Safe Harbor for Sexually Exploited Youth Law. Passed in July 2011, the law affirms Minnesota’s recognition that it is a best practice to treat sexually exploited children and those at risk for exploitation as victims rather than as juvenile delinquents. The legislation also ensures that those who purchase juveniles for sex are held accountable, and that there is a system of response in place to move victims of sexual exploitation toward recovery and healing. In addition to development of a victim-centered response model, provisions of the law: •Define sexually exploited youth in Minnesota’s child protection statutes/laws (effective Aug. 1, 2011). •Increase the penalty against commercial sex abusers (effective Aug. 1, 2011). •Exclude sexually exploited youth under the age of 16 from the definition of a delinquent child (effective Aug. 1, 2014). •Create a mandatory first-time diversion for any 16 and 17 year old who has been exploited in prostitution (effective Aug. 1, 2014).

Details: St. Paul: Minnesota Department of Public Safety. Office of Justice Programs, 2013. 38p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 18, 2013 at: https://dps.mn.gov/divisions/ojp/forms-documents/Documents/!2012%20Safe%20Harbor%20Report%20(FINAL).pdf

Year: 2013

Country: United States

URL: https://dps.mn.gov/divisions/ojp/forms-documents/Documents/!2012%20Safe%20Harbor%20Report%20(FINAL).pdf

Shelf Number: 127999

Child Prostitution
Child Sex Trafficking
Child Sexual Abuse (Minnesota, U.S.)
Child Sexual Exploitation
Human Trafficking

Author: International Centre for the Prevention of Crime (ICPC)

Title: International Report on Crime Prevention and Community Safety

Summary: The ICPC’s 2012 International Report on Crime Prevention and Community Safety presents key subjects on the international agenda regarding crime and violence, highlighting forms in which prevention can address these issues to generate more resilient and cohesive communities around the world. The third edition of the Report focuses on five topics of significance for crime prevention policymaking at the international level: Human Trafficking, Informal Settlements, Post-Conflict and Post-Disaster Areas, Drug Production in Developed Countries and ICPC’s own Global Survey on Safety in Cities. It analyses these issues from the prevention perspective and contributes to the larger debate on responses to crime using ICPC’s 18 years of expertize in the field. The International Report provides information and tools to help governments, local authorities, international organizations and other actors implement successful crime prevention policies in their countries, cities and communities.

Details: Montreal: ICPC, 2012. 180p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 20, 2013 at: http://www.crime-prevention-intl.org/en/publications/report/report/article/translate-to-english-rapport-international-2012-sur-la-prevention-de-la-criminalite-et-la-secu.html

Year: 2012

Country: International

URL: http://www.crime-prevention-intl.org/en/publications/report/report/article/translate-to-english-rapport-international-2012-sur-la-prevention-de-la-criminalite-et-la-secu.html

Shelf Number: 128012

Crime Prevention
Drug Control
Drug Trafficking
Drugs and Crime
Human Trafficking

Author: San Patten and Associates

Title: Building a Calgary Community Response for Children, Youth, and Adults Involved in the Sex Trade/Sexual Exploitation Trade. Project Report

Summary: In fall 2006, the United Way of Calgary brought together a variety of stakeholders to develop a Coordinated Community Response Plan to the Sex Trade in Calgary. Subsequently, San Patten and Associates1 were contracted to lead the research and writing of the Community Response Plan. This project is strategically positioned under the United Way’s Safety from Violence portfolio within the current “People Living in Vulnerable Situations†community impact plan. The development of a coordinated response for people involved in the sex trade in Calgary and area builds on new and existing partnerships and collaborations amongst a wide variety of stakeholders, including several levels of government, non-governmental agencies, academic researchers, and clients. Though this project was initiated in part to address the closure of the Stepping Out Program, it is expected that Community Response Plan will also inform future programming efforts in Calgary to help address the diverse needs of individuals involved in, or impacted by, the sex trade. While valuable research has been conducted on specific elements of the sex trade in Calgary, limited research has been conducted about the broad context of the sex trade and the full continuum of programs and policies that impinge on the sex trade. Our consultation with a broad range of stakeholders, supplemented by research from across Canada and other countries, indicates that there are several factors that are integral to prevention efforts, supporting people in the sex trade, and helping them to transition out of it. 1.1 Purpose The purpose of this project is to build a coordinated response for people who are involved in the sex trade/sexual exploitation trade in Calgary and area. More specifically, this project aimed to gather and document the perspectives of a broad range of stakeholders (including community based organizations, government, researchers and individuals currently or previously involved in the sex trade) about the current context of sex trade work and sexual exploitation in Calgary. In addition, this project included a scan of the current program and policy environment with respect to the sex trade in Calgary. This data gathering was completed to identify appropriate responses to the needs of individuals involved in the sex trade, and to identify possible future program and policy directions for the city of Calgary to meet the diverse and complex needs of individuals involved in the sex trade and those who are sexually exploited.

Details: Halifax, Nova Scotia: San Patten and Associates, 2007. 114p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 20, 2013 at: http://www.sanpatten.com/Project%20Report.pdf

Year: 2007

Country: Canada

URL: http://www.sanpatten.com/Project%20Report.pdf

Shelf Number: 128017

Child Prostitution
Human Trafficking
Sex Trafficking
Sex Workers
Sexual Exploitation (Canada)

Author: Rossborn, Stella

Title: Actors against Trafficking for Labour Exploitation. Report on Cooperation between Stakeholders at the National Level in the countries of the Baltic Sea region to Address Trafficking for Labour Exploitation

Summary: The aim of the study is to obtain an overview of the different actors who are currently involved in the work of combating and preventing trafficking for labour exploitation. Actors have occasionally also been included who have a significant potential to be involved in this work. In addition, the study has analysed existing resources and structures, primarily for cooperation at the national level. This work was a necessary starting point in identifying existing resources as well as challenges encountered by different actors at the national level. The results have been compiled into the report which will serve as a starting point and as a basis for dialogue at the national level in each member state. The report has been designed to present an overview of relevant actors and mandates; governmental as well as non-governmental. It further analyses the current forms of cooperation, in terms of mechanisms in place as well as relevant policies and legislation. The findings are based mainly on the expertise and experience of national actors currently working on the issue of trafficking for labour exploitation and forced labour. As such, the report is meant to capture resources as well as challenges as they are perceived and identified by the relevant national actors, according to the individual context in that specific country.

Details: The Council of the Baltic Sea States,, 2013. 107p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 30, 2013 at: http://www.cbss.org/Civil-Security-and-the-Human-Dimension/the-task-force-against-trafficking-in-human-beings-with-focus-on-adults

Year: 2013

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.cbss.org/Civil-Security-and-the-Human-Dimension/the-task-force-against-trafficking-in-human-beings-with-focus-on-adults

Shelf Number: 128181

Forced Labor (Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany,
Human Trafficking

Author: Huynh, Yoomie

Title: An Assessment of the Exploitation of Children and Students During the 2011 Cotton Harvest in Tajikistan

Summary: Combating human trafficking is a key priority for the International Organization for Migration (IOM). Trafficking in persons primarily involves exploitation, and as such, the use of child labour during the cotton harvest falls within the scope of IOM activities. As an intergovernmental body, IOM in collaboration with the Government of Tajikistan (GoT) has actively adopted effective measures to monitor the use of child labour during the cotton harvest. Such measures have included assisting the GoT in developing and implementing the National Action Plan on Combating Human Trafficking in the Republic of Tajikistan for 2011–2013 and conducting an annual monitoring and awareness campaign during the 2010 and 2011 cotton harvests. Table of Contents •Foreword •Executive summary •1. Introduction •2. Cotton monitoring project •3. Legal analysis on legislation pertaining to child labour rights •4.Monitoring results •5. Situational analysis of monitoring results •6. Recommendations •List of abbreviations and acronyms •Glossary •Figures, maps & tables

Details: Dushanbe, Tajikistan: International Organization for Migration, 2012. 49p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 6, 2013 at: http://publications.iom.int/bookstore/free/Cotton_MonitoringReport_04_09_2012.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Tajikistan

URL: http://publications.iom.int/bookstore/free/Cotton_MonitoringReport_04_09_2012.pdf

Shelf Number: 128297

Child Exploitation
Child Labor (Tajikistan)
Human Trafficking

Author: Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies

Title: Mapping the Realities of Trafficking in Women for the Purpose of Sexual Exploitation in Cyprus

Summary: This report is the result of a research project conducted by the Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies [MIGS]. The main aim of the project was to gain and share awareness, knowledge and understanding on the phenomenon of trafficking in women in Cyprus for the purpose of sexual exploitation. The research was carried out using a gender-sensitive, feminist perspective and attempted to a.) map and assess existing data on the extent of trafficking in women for sexual exploitation in Cyprus b.) outline state and non-governmental responses to the problem and c.) suggest ways to combat this increasingly widespread phenomenon. The research began in January 2006 and the data for this report was gathered predominantly through semi-structured interviews with key policy makers, government officials and NGO representatives /civil society activists working broadly in the area of trafficking, migration, and gender. The themes addressed in the interviews included the goals of particular existing and planned policies; awareness of issues and challenges relating to these policies and their implementation; views and attitudes regarding the situation of trafficked women in Cyprus; and, suggestions for the improvement of existing policies as well as best practices. Information was also gathered through the existing and planned National Action Plan for trafficking, media monitoring, and secondary analysis of available statistical data as well as systematic observation conducted by MIGS throughout the research period.

Details: Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies, 2007. 58p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 12, 2013 at: http://www.medinstgenderstudies.org/wp-content/uploads/migs-trafficking-report_final_711.pdf

Year: 2007

Country: Cyprus

URL: http://www.medinstgenderstudies.org/wp-content/uploads/migs-trafficking-report_final_711.pdf

Shelf Number: 128345

Human Trafficking
Sex Trafficking (Cyprus)
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Janson, Lara

Title: “Our Great Hobbyâ€: An Analysis of Online Networks for Buyers of Sex in Illinois

Summary: When it comes to prostitution, the commercial sex industry, and sex trafficking, most discussions, reports, and research on the topics focus on “the prostitute,†ignoring the consumers of prostituted women, the “johns.†Focusing primarily on the women, who mostly constitute the supply side of the commercial sex industry, limits our understanding of the social relationships that characterize and fuel the commercial sex industry. This study focuses on the exchange of information among men who post on the USA Sex Guide in Illinois regarding what they call their “great hobby,†buying sex. Studying these online forums where men trade information with one another on buying sex with women sheds light on the attitudes of a segment of men who buy sex in Illinois as well as a broader community of sex purchasers. It offers a unique glimpse into a world that remains hidden and often inaccessible to researchers. Researching the online johns’ boards also contributes to a better understanding of the increasingly important role of the Internet in the lives of men who buy sex. This research is based on predominantly qualitative content analysis of posts made on the USA Sex Guide from June 1, 2010 to August 31, 2010 by men who buy sex in Illinois. We found that the USA Sex Guide serves as a community and an important resource for johns to inform themselves about buying sex throughout Illinois. The forums create a brotherhood among men who buy sex and reinforce men’s justifications for purchasing sex. The USA Sex Guide appears to be a source of strong bonding among the johns, who often use the forums to help buttress one another against perceived critics or threats. Postings on the USA Sex Guide indicate that men travel throughout Illinois to buy sex in a variety of venues, particularly throughout the Chicago suburbs. The geographic mobility of men who buy sex suggests that responses to the demand for commercial sex must be coordinated in order to be effective. The entries also reflect an ethos of male entitlement to sex that many johns use to rationalize their behavior. Additionally, the data indicate a common vision of a fantasy shared by many men on the forum—an ideal experience in which prostituted women provide an illusion of intimacy and authenticity in their sexual encounters with johns. This research confirms findings from other studies that indicate that the commercial sex industry in Illinois is harmful; some men who buy sex admit on the USA Sex Guide boards to being violent or aggressive toward women in prostitution, and many men on the forums reference the harm the commercial sex industry causes to women, communities, relationships, and themselves. Comments made by men on the USA Sex Guide about law enforcement and policy efforts to combat prostitution reveal the ineffectiveness, in terms of deterring men from buying more sex, of policies that target prostituted women or only men of color who buy sex. Conversely, when johns post on the boards about law enforcement raids that only target men who buy sex, it creates energetic discussions about the risks of their “great hobby.†Some men on the forums state that they will no longer take the risk of buying sex due to the increased risk of legal punishment.

Details: Chicago: Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation, 2013. 112p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 16, 2013 at: http://caase.org/demandreport

Year: 2013

Country: United States

URL: http://caase.org/demandreport

Shelf Number: 128362

Human Trafficking
Internet Crimes
Prostitution (Chicago, U.S.)
Sex Trafficking
Sex Work
Sexual Exploitation

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Title: Transnational Organized Crime in East Asia and the Pacific A Threat Assessment

Summary: East Asia and the Pacific have experienced rapid economic and social changes during the past few decades and faced the considerable regulation challenges these changes create for public authorities. This report takes a look at the manner in which criminal enterprises have developed alongside legitimate commerce in recent years. Drawing on official statistics, academic studies, and interviews with law enforcement officials, it attempts to outline something about the mechanics of illicit trade: the how, where, when, who, and why of selected contraband markets affecting the region. It also endeavours to give the best reading of the available data on the size of these markets. Though the list of contraband markets discussed is not comprehensive and it is impossible to quantify the value of these markets with any precision, these estimates are offered to prompt public debate on areas of great public policy significance. The mechanics of trafficking are discussed for a nonexhaustive list of 12 illicit flows, which themselves are organized under four headings: 1. Human trafficking and smuggling of migrants 2. Illicit drugs (heroin and methamphetamine) 3. Resources (wildlife, wood products) and pollution crime (e-waste, ozone-depleting substances) 4. Products (counterfeit goods, fraudulent medicines).

Details: Vienna: UNODC, 2013. 192p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 1, 2013 at: http://www.unodc.org/documents/data-and-analysis/Studies/TOCTA_EAP_web.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Asia

URL: http://www.unodc.org/documents/data-and-analysis/Studies/TOCTA_EAP_web.pdf

Shelf Number: 128580

Counterfeit Goods
Drug Trafficking
Fraudulent Medicines
Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Offenses Against the Environment
Organized Crime (East Asia, Pacific)
Wildlife Crime

Author: Surtees, Rebecca

Title: Trafficked at Sea. The exploitation of Ukrainian seafarers and fishers

Summary: The blight of slavery continues to afflict our world today, on a far greater scale and in far more insidious forms than many of us realise. This paper addresses a manifestation of human trafficking that has yet to receive the attention it deserves from policymakers, practitioners or prosecutors around the world: seafarers and fishermen trapped for their labour at sea. The men interviewed for this report, young and old, experienced and novice, were led through a calculated maze into a world of imprisonment at sea, backbreaking labour, sleep deprivation, crippling and untreated illness, and, for the least fortunate, death. These men, seeking honest work at sea, ended up on slave ships without means of escape or reasonable prospects for rescue. Their unsettling stories are echoed by the experience of men in a number of countries around the world. Countries must find new ways to end the impunity of these floating safe havens for traffickers. This report also shines a bright light on the role played by unscrupulous labour recruiters, who repeatedly spin their deceptions to lure these men into the trap that waits for them at sea. In such cases, the recruiters are an integral part of a trafficking scheme under international instruments such as the UN Protocol to Prevent Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons and the governments of the countries in which they operate – in most cases in the home countries where the men are citizens and live – need to investigate and prosecute these recruiters, and the agencies they work for, as traffickers. Trafficking for forced labour has historically received less recognition than the more sensational sex trafficking cases. But as the groundbreaking research that forms the basis for this paper reveals, labour trafficking at sea is every bit as inhumane, and in dire need of a solution, as any form of slavery practiced today. This paper attempts to lay the groundwork for that solution by providing insight into the nature of this form of trafficking, analysis of its causes and patterns and recommendations for how to move forward. This report represents some of the very first in-depth research on the issue of seafarers and fishers as victims of trafficking. The importance of increasing popular awareness of this phenomenon and of encouraging governments, organisations, and individuals to take action on it, cannot be overemphasised. It was in that light that the NEXUS Institute, with support from IOM, was inspired to dig deeper into this understudied yet critical issue. The challenges confronting the international community in addressing trafficking at sea are not few and they do not lend themselves to easy solutions. The very nature of trafficking at sea—the mobility of the vessels used, its camouflage within the traditional seafaring industry and the illegal fishing market that funds it, among other characteristics —make it one of the most challenging forms of human trafficking to seek out and eradicate. But that eradication remains, as ever, our goal.

Details: Geneva, SWIT: International Organization for Migration; Washington, DC: NEXUS Institute, 2012. 140p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 2, 2013 at: http://www.nexusinstitute.net/publications/pdfs/Trafficked%20at%20sea%20web.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Ukraine

URL: http://www.nexusinstitute.net/publications/pdfs/Trafficked%20at%20sea%20web.pdf

Shelf Number: 128602

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Maritime Crimes
Shipping Industry

Author: Surtees, Rebecca

Title: Re/integration of Trafficked Persons: Supporting Economic Empowerment

Summary: Meaningful re/integration is a complex and costly undertaking. It requires a full and diverse package of services for the individual (and often also the family) to address the root causes of trafficking as well as the physical, mental and social impacts of their exploitation. Obstacles to sustainable recovery and re/integration for trafficking victims are myriad and often specific to the socio-cultural, economic or political situation in the country where re/integration takes place. Central to any assistance programme must be a victim and human rights centred philosophy with sustainable re/integration as the measure of success. This philosophy lies at the core of the Foundation’s strategy which aims not only to support different models and approaches to re/ integration in different countries but also to analyse the strengths of the various strategies as well as any inhibitors to full re/integration success. This paper is the third of a series that aim to shed light on good practices in the area of re/integration as well as important lessons learned. With its focus on monitoring and evaluation, it addresses one of the most challenging and under-considered aspects of re/integration work. Often perceived simply as paperwork that needs to be done in order to meet donors’ requirements, monitoring and evaluation is put forward here as a major tool to systematise re/integration work and to ensure that assistance is appropriate and effective.

Details: Brussels: King Baudouin Foundation; Washington, DC: NEXUS Institute, 2012. 98p.

Source: Internet Resource: Issue paper #4: Accessed May 2, 2013 at: http://www.nexusinstitute.net/publications/pdfs/Re-integration%20of%20trafficked%20persons,%20developing%20m&e%20mechanisms,%20KBF%20&%20NEXUS%202009.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: International

URL: http://www.nexusinstitute.net/publications/pdfs/Re-integration%20of%20trafficked%20persons,%20developing%20m&e%20mechanisms,%20KBF%20&%20NEXUS%202009.pdf

Shelf Number: 128604

Human Trafficking
Socioeconomic Status
Victim Services

Author: Brunovskis, Anette

Title: Leaving the past behind? When victims of trafficking decline assistance

Summary: While many victims of human trafficking for sexual exploitation are assisted within the numerous anti-trafficking programmes developed in countries of destination and origin, an increasingly noted trend has been that many identified victims decline the assistance offered to them. To date, little systematic knowledge has been available on why this is so, and what the consequences are. This report analyses the issue based on interviews with 39 victims of trafficking and 13 women and transgender persons in street prostitution whose status with respect to trafficking could not be determined, as well as a large number of anti-trafficking actors, in Albania, Moldova and Serbia. The authors found that victims decline assistance for a large variety of reasons, stemming from their personal circumstances; because of the way assistance is organized; and due to factors in their social surroundings, including negative assistance experiences in the past. Many do not accept because they feel it is not a real option, and are left to cope on their own with unattended post-trafficking problems. The insight that victims who decline often have other assistance needs than those catered for within the assistance system today should be incorporated into future assistance planning and design.

Details: Oslo, Norway: Fafo; Washington, DC: NEXUS Institute, 2007. 162p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 2, 2013 at: http://www.fafo.no/pub/rapp/20040/20040.pdf

Year: 2007

Country: International

URL: http://www.fafo.no/pub/rapp/20040/20040.pdf

Shelf Number: 109314

Human Trafficking
Victim Services

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Title: Assessment Guide to the Criminal Justice Response to the Smuggling of Migrants

Summary: The Assessment Guide to the Criminal Justice Response to the Smuggling of Migrants provides an inventory of measures for assessing the legislative, investigative, prosecutorial, judicial and administrative responses to the smuggling of migrants by land, sea and air, for deterring and combating such crime, and for integrating the information and experience gained from such assessment into successful national, regional and international strategies. The Assessment Guide is based on lessons learned from domestic and international efforts to curtail the smuggling of migrants, scholarly analysis and case examinations, and consultation with key stakeholders and relevant experts. The Assessment Guide is a standardized and cross-referenced set of measures designed to enable government officials in immigration, customs and law enforcement agencies and United Nations agencies, as well as other organizations, industry and individuals, to conduct comprehensive assessments of domestic systems, to identify areas of technical assistance, to assist in the design of interventions that incorporate international standards and norms on the prevention and suppression of the smuggling of migrants, and to assist in training on these issues.

Details: New York: UNODC, 2013. 174p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 2, 2013 at: http://www.unodc.org/documents/human-trafficking/Migrant-Smuggling/UNODC_2012_Assessment_Guide_to_the_Criminal_Justice_Response_to_the_Smuggling_of_Migrants-EN.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: International

URL: http://www.unodc.org/documents/human-trafficking/Migrant-Smuggling/UNODC_2012_Assessment_Guide_to_the_Criminal_Justice_Response_to_the_Smuggling_of_Migrants-EN.pdf

Shelf Number: 128607

Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Illegal Immigrants

Author: Perez Solla, Maria Fernando

Title: Slavery and Human Trafficking International Law and the Role of the World Bank

Summary: This paper reviews the international legal framework applicable to the World Bank and Member States on contemporary forms of slavery, in particular, trafficking. The Palermo Trafficking Protocol is specially analyzed. Moreover, the paper refers to the preventive framework constituted by human rights obligations, particularly those of international labor law. The World Bank’s mandate appears to permit preventive action. The Articles expressly refer to the goal of improving conditions of labor. On one hand, the Bank’s practice includes today work in areas linked to human rights, which reveals tacit agreement by Member States. In addition, human rights obligations have been widely accepted by the international community, though implementation is poor. Moreover, poverty causes vulnerability to slavery-like practices, and they perpetuate poverty. A modest set of recommendations and areas in which further research is needed are included. The paper encourages mainstreaming the issues analyzed strategically in the Bank’s core operations (concerning processes and results), with country-led and country specific efforts, identifying the issues important for poverty reduction and growth.

Details: Washington, DC: Social Protection & Labor, The World Bank, 2009. 69p.

Source: Internet Resource: SP Discussion Paper no. 0904: Accessed May 8, 2013 at: http://siteresources.worldbank.org/SOCIALPROTECTION/Resources/SP-Discussion-papers/Labor-Market-DP/0904.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: International

URL: http://siteresources.worldbank.org/SOCIALPROTECTION/Resources/SP-Discussion-papers/Labor-Market-DP/0904.pdf

Shelf Number: 128677

Forced Labor
Human Rights
Human Trafficking

Author: Frontex

Title: Annual Risk Analysis 2013

Summary: Detections of illegal border-crossing along the EU’s external borders dropped sharply in 2012 to about 73 000, i.e. half the number reported in 2011. This was the first time since systematic data collection began in 2008 that annual detections have plunged under 100 000. In the Central Mediterranean area, the large number of detections in 2011, which suddenly increased following the Arab Spring in Tunisia and Libya, had been significantly reduced by the end of 2011. However, throughout 2012, detections steadily increased and by the end of the year they totalled more than 10 300. Starting from 2008, considerable numbers of migrants had been detected crossing illegally the border between Turkey and Greece, along the so-called Eastern Mediterranean route. The situation changed dramatically in August 2012 when the Greek authorities mobilised unprecedented resources at their land border with Turkey, including the deployment of 1 800 additional Greek police officers. The number of detected illegal border-crossings rapidly dropped from about 2 000 in the first week of August to below 10 per week in October 2012. The enhanced controls along the Greek-Turkish land border led to a moderate increase in detections of illegal border-crossing in the Aegean Sea and at the land border between Bulgaria and Turkey, but simultaneous mitigation efforts in Turkey and Bulgaria have so far contained the displacements. There remains the risk of resurgence of irregular migration, since many migrants may be waiting for the conclusion of the Greek operations before they continue their journey towards Europe. Many migrants who cross the border illegally to Greece move on to other Member States, mostly through the land route across the Western Balkans. Contrary to the decrease at the Greek-Turkish land border, there was no decrease in detections of illegal border- crossing on the Western Balkan route (6 390, +37%). In 2012, in the Western Mediterranean area between North Africa and Spain, detections of illegal border-crossing decreased by nearly a quarter compared to 2011 but remained above the levels recorded in previous years (6 400, -24%). In 2012, Afghans remained the most detected nationality for illegal border-crossing at EU level, but their number considerably dropped compared to 2011. Syrians stand out, with large increases in detections of illegal bordercrossing and for using fraudulent documents compared to 2011. Most of the detected Syrians applied for asylum in the EU, fleeing the civil war in their country. There were large increases in refusals of entry at the Polish land border with Belarus and Ukraine. However, these increases were offset by a decrease in refusals of entry issued at other border sections, resulting in a stable total at EU level compared to 2011 (-3%, 115 000 refusals of entry). Detections of illegal stayers, which totalled about 350 000 in the EU in 2012, have shown a stable but slightly declining long-term trend since 2008. Most migrants detected illegally staying in the EU were from Afghanistan and Morocco. Despite a short-term increase of 10% between 2011 and 2012, the overall trend of detections of facilitators of irregular migration has been falling since 2008, totalling about 7 700 in 2012. This long-term decline may be in part due to a widespread shift towards the abuse of legal channels (such as overstaying, abuse of visa-free regime, etc.) and document fraud, which results in facilitators being able to operate remotely and inconspicuously. In 2012, there were around 8 000 detections of migrants using fraudulent documents to enter the EU or Schengen area illegally. Preliminary data on asylum applications in 2012 indicate an overall increase of about 7% compared to the previous year. While Afghans continue to account for the largest share of applications, much of the increase was due to an increasing number of applications submitted by Syrian nationals. The number of asylum applications submitted in the EU by Western Balkan citizens, mostly those from Serbia, remained unabated in 2012. Consequently, following the implementation of the visa facilitation agreement with five Western Balkan countries that started at the end of 2009, there are now discussions in the EU about the possible reintroduction of the visa regime. In 2012, there was a steady trend of about 160 000 third-country nationals effectively returned to third countries. Greece reported the largest number of returns of a single nationality (Albanians), and effective returns in Greece increased markedly in the last quarter of 2012 following the launch of the Xenios Zeus operation. Looking ahead, the assessment of risks along the EU’s external borders shows that despite a sharp reduction in detections between 2011 and 2012, the risks associated with illegal border- crossing along the land and sea external borders remain among the highest, in particular in the southern section of the border of the EU. The risk of illegal border-crossing along the land borders of the Eastern Mediterranean route, including the Greek and Bulgarian land border with Turkey, is assessed amongst the highest. This comes after several years of large numbers of migrants detected at the Greek land border with Turkey. Although the flow abruptly stopped in August 2012, there are reports of uncertainties related to the sustainability of the efforts and growing evidence that migrants are waiting in Turkey for the end of the operation. Increases at the neighbouring sea border (Aegean Sea), at the land border between Bulgaria and Turkey and increases in detections of document fraud from Istanbul airports, although so far relatively small, indicate that alternatives to the Greek land border are being explored by facilitators. Many of the migrants who crossed illegally through the Eastern Mediterranean route are expected to continue making secondary movements across the Western Balkans and within the EU. The risk of illegal border-crossing across the Central Mediterranean area was also assessed amongst the highest due the continued volatile situation in countries of departure in North Africa. Crisis situations are still likely to arise at the southern border with thousands of people trying to cross the border illegally in the span of several weeks or months. Past experiences also show that these crises take their toll on human lives, and are very difficult to predict and quell without a coordinated response. Most risks associated with document fraud were assessed as high. Indeed, document fraudsters not only undermine border security but also the internal security of the EU. These risks are also common to nearly all Member States, as they are associated with passenger flows and border checks, which are a specific expertise of bordercontrol authorities. Fraud is expected mostly among EU travel documents (e.g. passports, visas and ID cards). False pretence or deception is used to obtain a wide range of documents. The most common technique is to use fraudulent documents to obtain short-term visas. Most risks associated with the abuse of legal channels are assessed as high as they are common and widely spread phenomena. Based on currently available information, the risks associated with cross-border criminality are assessed as moderate, including the risks of trafficking in human beings, terrorism, smuggling of illicit drugs and exit of stolen vehicles.

Details: Warsaw, Poland: Frontex, 2013. 84p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 1, 2013 at: http://www.frontex.europa.eu/assets/Publications/Risk_Analysis/Annual_Risk_Analysis_2013.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.frontex.europa.eu/assets/Publications/Risk_Analysis/Annual_Risk_Analysis_2013.pdf

Shelf Number: 128911

Border Control
Border Security
Drug Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Illegal Immigration
Risk Assessment (Europe)
Stolen Vehicles

Author: Permal, Sumathy

Title: Safe Waters: Malaysia’s Response to Enhancing Security in Southeast Asia’s Maritime Domain

Summary: Europe and Asia share a long history of multilateral and bilateral relations. Both regions have many things in common including political, economic and cultural ties which have always been closely interlinked. Despite these long-standing relations, new challenges are currently emerging. Maritime security issues such as piracy, cross-border illegal activities and threats emanating from non state actors are bound to pose challenges to the maritime security environment. Malaysia has bilateral and tri-lateral cooperation mechanisms in place to address these challenges, although stronger initiatives along these lines with the EU are yet to materialise. The same can be said of cooperation between the EU and Asia on this issue, and advancing efforts on maritime security in the region and beyond where Malaysia’s interests are at stake require the development of a comprehensive security framework for Europe and Asia. Maritime piracy is a highly sophisticated crime involving all the activities of legitimate company operations although its profits also underwrite other illegal activities such as human trafficking. As with challenges facing other areas of maritime security, there has been scant cooperation between the EU and Asia on addressing this scourge. This study aims to propose links through comprehensive country studies that would bring the EU and Asia closer together in this area by addressing maritime security challenges in the Southeast Asia region with specific attention to issues affecting Malaysia.

Details: Kuala Lumpur Malaysia: Maritime Institute of Malaysia, 2012. 23p.

Source: Internet Resource: Research Paper: Accessed June 4, 2013 at: http://www.eu-asia.eu/index.php?eID=tx_nawsecuredl&u=0&file=fileadmin/KAS_Files/documents/Paper_Permal.pdf&t=1370440410&hash=de2d3586ef8d80f7905acda873625de38236203b

Year: 2012

Country: Malaysia

URL: http://www.eu-asia.eu/index.php?eID=tx_nawsecuredl&u=0&file=fileadmin/KAS_Files/documents/Paper_Permal.pdf&t=1370440410&hash=de2d3586ef8d80f7905acda873625de38236203b

Shelf Number: 128933

Drug Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Maritime Crime (Malaysia)
Maritime Security

Author: Clark, Nick

Title: Detecting and Tackling Forced Labour in Europe

Summary: Stronger labour market regulation and associated inspection/enforcement powers would make it more likely for forced labour to be detected. This study reveals how nine European countries (France, Germany, Italy, Ireland, Latvia, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain and Sweden) detected and tackled forced labour. Analysis identified key issues and lessons for the UK. ◾Although international measures outlaw forced labour, it occurs in all nine countries and is not always recognised by official bodies. ◾Most forced labour is in undeclared or clandestine jobs, but sometimes contributes to prominent companies’ supply chains. ◾Housing, healthcare and subsistence support is generally limited and designed with rehabilitation of trafficking victims in mind. These may prove unattractive to workers who need to find another employer. Recommendations include: ◾better information and training on forced labour indicators; ◾enlarging relevant inspectorates; ◾establishing main contractor liability in areas like construction and agriculture; and ◾pursuing unpaid wages and compensation in prosecution cases.

Details: York, UK: Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 2013. 75p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 7, 2013 at: http://www.jrf.org.uk/sites/files/jrf/forced-labour-europe-full.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.jrf.org.uk/sites/files/jrf/forced-labour-europe-full.pdf

Shelf Number: 129007

Forced Labor (Europe)
Human Trafficking

Author: Farah, Douglas

Title: Mapping Transnational Crime in El Salvador: New Trends and Lessons from Colombia

Summary: Since El Salvador‟s civil war formally ended in 1992 the small Central American nation has undergone profound social changes and significant reforms. However, few changes have been as important or as devastating as the nation's emergence as a central hub in the transnational criminal “pipeline†or series of recombinant, overlapping chains of routes and actors that illicit organizations use to traffic in drugs, money, weapons, human being, endangered animals and other products. The erasing of the once-clear ideological lines that drove the civil war and the ability of erstwhile enemies to join forces in criminal enterprises in the post-war period is an enduring and dangerous characteristic of El Salvador's transnational criminal evolution. Trained, elite cadres from both sides, with few legitimate job opportunities, found their skills were marketable in the growing criminal structures. The groups moved from kidnapping and extortion to providing protection services to transnational criminal organizations to becoming integral parts of the organizations themselves. The demand for specialized military and transportation services in El Salvador have exploded as the Mexican DTOs consolidate their hold on the cocaine market and their relationships with the transportista networks, which is still in flux. The value of their services has risen dramatically also because of the fact that multiple Mexican DTOs, at war with each other in Mexico and seeking to physically control the geographic space of the lucrative pipeline routes in from Guatemala to Panama, are eager to increase their military capabilities and intelligence gathering capacities. The emergence of multiple non-state armed groups, often with significant ties to the formal political structure (state) through webs of judicial, legislative and administrative corruption, has some striking parallels to Colombia in the 1980s, where multiple types of violence ultimately challenged the sovereignty of state and left a lasting legacy of embedded corruption within the nation's political structure. Organized crime in El Salvador is now transnational in nature and more integrated into stronger, more versatile global networks such as the Mexican DTOs. It is a hybrid of both local crime ―with gangs vying for control of specific geographic space so they can extract payment for the safe passage of illicit products― and transnational groups that need to use that space to successfully move their products. These symbiotic relationships are both complex and generally transient in nature but growing more consolidated and dangerous.

Details: Miami: Florida International University, Western Hemisphere Security Analysis Center, 2011. 49p.

Source: Internet Resource: Western Hemisphere
Security Analysis Center. Paper 29; Accessed July 1, 2013 at: http://digitalcommons.fiu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1028&context=whemsac

Year: 2011

Country: El Salvador

URL: http://digitalcommons.fiu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1028&context=whemsac

Shelf Number: 129224

Drug Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime (El Salvador)
Violent Crime

Author: Banerjee, Paramita

Title: Where Have All the Flowers Gone? An Evidence-Based Research Into Sex Trafficking of Girls

Summary: Is human trafficking an issue of crime or development? Most would argue – both. Domestic and international legal instruments define it as a trans-national organised crime, in recognition of the complex criminal nexus that is involved in profiteering from it. Many argue that defining trafficking as a crime alone is a blinkered approach, whereby the context of victims of trafficking, context of socio-economic and political forces that creates vulnerability for victims are ignored, reparation is substituted by prosecution alone. And therefore, rather than welfare, policing has become the centre-stage of action. The focus on the developmental context and responsive welfare measures has taken a backseat. This research draws its learnings from the implementation of an anti-trafficking case management programme – the objectives of which are to identify cases of children disconnected from their families and assist families to recover traces of their missing children. This programme shows that if the assistance begins from the source areas/ victims’ homes, then victims are often recovered even before they are sold off into brothels; traffickers in the source areas (first procurers) can be arrested and evidence from destination points can be used to strengthen the case against the first procurers. And this has a significant impact on prevention – because the crime gets visibilised to the community at large. But, project implementation experiences also showed that survivors’ contexts (family, community and the context of rural India at large) were desperate and gloomy. And there is very little attention paid to this context – so, even after all the ‘assistance’ of recovering prostituted girls and women, the context they were returning to raises serious questions in the wisdom of survivors returning to situations of deprivation and abuse. And therefore, it seemed necessary to learn, from these experiences, more closely, more in detail, on what is not working, what interventions seem to create dents in the system and could be scaled up and learn, from the researchers’ perspectives, what are the questions that are to be asked for its answers to be found. This research, in its present form, should be useful for development practitioners at national and international levels, researchers and academics and policy makers and influencers. In particular, this research should influence welfare policies targeting the poor in India, adolescents and children in particular, with a bias towards girls and women.

Details: West Bengal, India: Sanjog, 2010. 84p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 13, 2013 at: http://lastradainternational.org/lsidocs/where%20have%20all%20the%20flowers%20gone.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: India

URL: http://lastradainternational.org/lsidocs/where%20have%20all%20the%20flowers%20gone.pdf

Shelf Number: 129395

Child Pornography
Child Prostitution
Child Sex Trafficking
Human Trafficking

Author: Dugan, Emily

Title: Forced Labour and Human Trafficking: Media Coverage in 2012

Summary: The press identified significantly fewer victims of forced labour than the official figures. This analysis of media coverage of forced labour in 2012 gives insight into how many victims of forced labour there are in the UK and shows trends in human trafficking and forced labour. â—¾Analysis of 2,770 media articles captured by LexisNexis in 2012 found 263 victims of forced labour and human trafficking were identified by the UK media in Britain last year. â—¾The press identified significantly fewer victims than the official figures. The United Kingdom Human Trafficking Centre (UKHTC) found 1,186 potential victims of forced labour and trafficking in 2012. â—¾Gaps in newspaper reporting often reflect gaps in law enforcement; the sources of articles are often court cases or tip-offs from the police or other officials. This paper analyses 2,770 articles captured by LexisNexis in 2012.

Details: York, UK: Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 2013. 26p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 5, 2013 at: http://www.jrf.org.uk/sites/files/jrf/forced-labour-media-coverage-full.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.jrf.org.uk/sites/files/jrf/forced-labour-media-coverage-full.pdf

Shelf Number: 129514

Forced Labor (U.K.)
Human Trafficking
Mass Media

Author: Miles, Siobhan

Title: Butterfly Longitudinal Research Project, a Chab Dai Study on (Re-)integration: Researching the Lifecycle of Sexual Exploitation & Trafficking in Cambodia. End of Year Progress Report 2012

Summary: This is the third end of year progress report for the Butterfly Longitudinal Research Project, a Chab Dai Study on (Re-)integration: Researching the Lifecycle of Sexual Exploitation & Trafficking in Cambodia. The purpose of this report is to communicate progress and findings for 2012. Recruitment of participants was closed in December 2011 and the sample size has been set at 128 participants. An average of 107 participants attended each of the three field visits conducted throughout the year. During 2012, because the sample size was large enough, and remained stable across the research time frame, more significant statistical analysis was possible than the previous year. Although the majority of study participants were still in their respective assistance programs (APs), whether residential (RP) or community programs (CPs), a larger number have also begun the reintegration process, and 5% have completed reintegration; that is, they are no longer part of any assistance program. The overriding objective of the Butterfly Longitudinal Research is to better understand, from the participants’ perspectives, what the (re-)integration process is like for them over a ten-year period. Our purpose is to understand what makes them more resilient and what makes them more vulnerable, yet at this early point in the longitudinal study such conclusions are not yet possible. We have used a mixed methods approach to enquire about the participants’ current perceptions, views and experiences, and about their expectations for the futures. A small number of participants voluntarily described some of their experiences before their sexual exploitation.

Details: Phnom Penh, Cambodia: Chab Dai Coalition, 2013. 114p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 6, 2013 at: http://www.childrecovery.info/fileadmin/pdf/Butterfly_Annual_Report_2012-1__1_.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Cambodia

URL: http://www.childrecovery.info/fileadmin/pdf/Butterfly_Annual_Report_2012-1__1_.pdf

Shelf Number: 129562

Child Sexual Exploitation (Cambodia)
Human Trafficking
Reintegration, Human Trafficking Victims
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Bindel, Julie

Title: Capital Exploits: A Study of Prostitution and Trafficking in London

Summary: This report examines changing trends and patterns in prostitution and trafficking for the purposes of prostitution across London. The study, published by Eaves for Women was commissioned by the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) in the context of their Violence Against Women and Girls strategy, and is based on six months of intensive research in the capital. Some of its key findings include the following: There is an inconsistent police and local authority approach to addressing prostitution across London which has a negative and harmful impact on the women involved. Services often fail to identify that a woman accessing support may be involved in prostitution and therefore do not refer her to specialist support. Local residents are increasingly calling on police and local authorities to switch tactics and to target pimps, gangs and controllers instead of targeting and criminalising the women being exploited. There has been an increase in non-British women and girls selling sex on-street. The gap between street and off-street prostitution is narrowing. Many women are involved in both. Girls under 18 have been identified as being prostituted and trafficked within some London boroughs. In some boroughs trafficked women are now being controlled by criminal gangs in on-street prostitution as well as off-street. The study finds plentiful evidence that London continues to have a thriving sex industry, with prostitution clearly in evidence in almost every borough. It also identifies a huge variation and often contradictory approaches to addressing the issue – with some boroughs tackling prostitution as violence against women and providing those involved with support to exit, whilst others arrest and criminalise women, and some take measures to challenge men’s demand for prostitution.

Details: London: Eaves, 2013. 99p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 8, 2013 at: http://i1.cmsfiles.com/eaves/2013/06/Capital-Exploits-June-2013.pdf-da8819.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://i1.cmsfiles.com/eaves/2013/06/Capital-Exploits-June-2013.pdf-da8819.pdf

Shelf Number: 129582

Human Trafficking
Prostitution (London, U.K.)
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Thomas, Chantal

Title: Immigration Controls and 'Modern-Day Slavery'

Summary: Are immigration controls the single biggest legal factor contributing to modernâ€day slavery? In a national and international political moment in which immigration law and policy are being hotly debated, participants in the debate should recognize the impact of strict migration controls – one of the clearest results of the current U.S. immigration law reform effort – is to exacerbate conditions of immiseration that are frequently associated by antiâ€trafficking advocates and reformers with "modernâ€day slavery." Conversely, those who are fighting to end modernâ€day slavery might be best advised to focus on immigration reform that relaxes border control and increases the rights and remedies of undocumented migrants, as the measures that could most provide immediate redress.

Details: Ithaca, NY: Cornell Law School, 2013. 50p.

Source: Internet Resource: Cornell Legal Studies Research Paper No. 13-86 : Accessed August 8, 2013 at: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2294656

Year: 2013

Country: United States

URL: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2294656

Shelf Number: 129599

Border Control
Border Security
Human Trafficking
Illegal Immigrants
Immigration (U.S.)
Immigration Policy

Author: Geddes, Alistair

Title: Forced Labour in the UK

Summary: Forced labour in the UK is a significant, though hidden, and probably growing problem. The study reviewed data on forced labour, human trafficking and workplace exploitation, and found that the UK has to do more to tackle forced labour. â—¾Available evidence suggests the number of people in the UK experiencing forced labour may run into thousands. Many are entitled to work here, being EU migrants and UK citizens. â—¾Likely elements within forced labour include low-skill manual and low-paid work; temporary agency work; specific industrial sectors; and certain non-UK migrant workers. â—¾The definition and scope of forced labour are poorly understood, including differences between human trafficking, slavery and exploitation. Consensus is needed on forced labour indicators for assessing the scope and scale of forced labour in the UK, and to assist legal proceedings. Relatively little case law exists. â—¾Forced labour and trafficking form part of more general labour exploitation, requiring effective criminal justice and workplace rights interventions, and not being seen as an immigration issue. â—¾A strategic approach is needed to tackle forced labour, ensuring that the most vulnerable workers and sectors are properly protected.

Details: York, UK: Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 2013. 164p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 10, 2013 at: http://www.jrf.org.uk/sites/files/jrf/Forced%20Labour%20in%20the%20UK%20FINAL%20prog%20paper.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.jrf.org.uk/sites/files/jrf/Forced%20Labour%20in%20the%20UK%20FINAL%20prog%20paper.pdf

Shelf Number: 129605

Forced Labor (U.K.)
Human Rights
Human Trafficking

Author: Tyler, Meagan

Title: Not Just Harmless Fun: The Strip Club Industry in Victoria

Summary: This report shows the burgeoning strip club industry in Victoria, Australia, harms women and communities. Strip clubs harm the physical and mental health of women who strip, as well as the opportunities of all women who want equal sexual relationships with men. Strip clubs create no-go areas for women, and are responsible for increasing violence in the community. The Coalition Against Trafficking in Women Australia (CATWA) argues that strip clubs need to be understood as part of the industry of prostitution and regulated in the same way as brothels. This means that they would be licensed, subject to planning restrictions, unable to obtain liquor licenses, and owners would need criminal record checks. To ensure that strip club are not seen merely as entertainment venues, like other night clubs, they should be regulated as commercial sex venues.

Details: Melbourne, AUS: Coalition Against Trafficking Women, 2010. 25p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 10, 2013 at:http://catwa.org.au/files/images/Strip_Club_Report.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Australia

URL: http://catwa.org.au/files/images/Strip_Club_Report.pdf

Shelf Number: 129610

Human Trafficking
Sex Workers (Australia)
Strip Clubs

Author: x:talk project

Title: Human Rights, Sex Work and the Challenge of Trafficking: Human Rights Impact Assessment of Anti-Trafficking Policy in the UK

Summary: This report was produced by the x:talk project and the main findings reflect the experiences and views of people working in the sex industry in London. The x:talk project is a grassroots sex worker rights network made up of people working in the sex industry and allies. In addition to providing free English classes to migrant sex workers, we support critical interventions around issues of migration, race, gender, sexuality and labour, we participate in feminist and anti-racist campaigns and we are active in the struggle for the rights of sex workers in London, the UK and globally. The x:talk project has been developed from our experiences as workers in the sex industry. x:talk is sex worker-led not because we think that being a 'sex worker' is a fixed identity, but because we believe that those who experience the material conditions of the sex industry are in the best position to know how to change it. This report demonstrates that for the human rights of sex workers to be protected and for instances of trafficking to be dealt with in an effective and appropriate manner, the co-option of anti-trafficking discourse in the service of both an abolitionist approach to sex work and an anti-immigration agenda has to end. Instead there needs to be a shift at the policy, legal and administrative levels to reflect an understanding that the women, men and transgender people engaged in commercial sexual services are engaged in a labour process. The existing focus in anti-trafficking policy on migration, law enforcement and on the sex industry does not address the needs, choices and agency of trafficked people, whether they work in the sex industry or elsewhere, and prevents migrant and non-migrant people working in the sex industry from asserting fundamental rights.

Details: London: x:talk project, 2010. 62p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 28, 2013 at: http://www.xtalkproject.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/reportfinal1.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.xtalkproject.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/reportfinal1.pdf

Shelf Number: 131492

Human Rights
Human Trafficking
Sex Work (U.K.)

Author: Walts, Katherine Kaufka

Title: Legal Services Assessment for Trafficked Children: Cook County, Illinois Case Study

Summary: Child trafficking is one of the most disturbing human rights abuses of our time, involving cases of boys and girls exploited for labor and/or commercial sexual services. These children may suffer physical, sexual, and emotional violence at the hands of traffickers, who can be pimps, employers, and even family members. Trafficking schemes may involve various forms of force, fraud, and coercion, which can be physical and/or psychological in nature. Current research indicates that legal services are a critical component of a comprehensive service delivery model for victims of human trafficking and a realization of human rights. However, little to no effort has been made to identify the various legal needs of child trafficking victims, a particularly vulnerable population. In February 2012, the Center for the Human Rights of Children (CHRC) initiated a legal needs assessment project for child trafficking victims, using Cook County Illinois as a case study. The project identified: - Existing service providers working with both US citizen and foreign national child trafficking survivors - The legal needs of trafficked children - Current legal services available to this population - Gaps in those services in Cook County We chose Cook County as a case study for several reasons. It is the second most populous county in the nation, and houses the city of Chicago, which has been recognized as one several human trafficking hubs across the United States., Cook County has an established community of service providers and advocacy organizations working with survivors of human trafficking in various capacities, and two task forces. The project also included a preliminary assessment of legal services for child trafficking victims offered by organizations around the country as a comparison to the results of our research in Cook County. Select Findings - Child trafficking victims have various legal needs across multiple legal systems, including (but not limited to) criminal justice, juvenile justice, immigration, labor, civil, child welfare, family, and education. - While 85% of survey respondents believed access to competent legal services is critical in leading to positive outcomes for child trafficking victims, less than 10% believed that the legal needs of child trafficking victims in Cook County were being fully met. - Interdisciplinary collaboration between legal and nonlegal service providers is a critical component of any service delivery model for trafficking victims. - There are considerable systemic barriers to ensuring that child trafficking victims receive appropriate legal services and protections, including limited organizational capacity and training, financial and personnel resources, and lack of data and research: - The definition of child trafficking is confusing and sometimes controversial. Many child serving agencies are not aware of federal and/or state definitions of child trafficking. Some organizations have misconceptions about the legal statutory framework, or believe it negatively impacts their clients. This impacts identification of new cases and referrals to appropriate legal service providers. - Child trafficking cases are often very complex and resource intensive. Providing services is becoming more challenging with the narrowing of both federal and state budgets, restricting access to critical services across all sectors. - Service providers who first identify children as victims may not be equipped to identify all relevant needs (e.g., legal, psychological, social). This is true even amongst legal service providers who may specialize in a particular area of the law, and are unable to identify other legal needs. - There are no standardized mechanisms for data collection and research. Only a few organizations have begun to collect data on child trafficking. Existing data on human trafficking often does not disaggregate adults from minors.

Details: Chicago: Center for the Human Rights of Children, Loyola University Chicago, 2013. 71p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 11, 2013 at: http://www.luc.edu/media/lucedu/chrc/LegalServicesAssess_TraffickedChildren_2013_CHRC_Final.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: United States

URL: http://www.luc.edu/media/lucedu/chrc/LegalServicesAssess_TraffickedChildren_2013_CHRC_Final.pdf

Shelf Number: 131615

Child Labor
Child Prostitution
Child Protection
Child Sexual Exploitation
Child Trafficking
Human Trafficking

Author: Barrick, Kelle

Title: Indicators of Labor Trafficking Among North Carolina Migrant Farmworkers

Summary: Human trafficking is a hidden problem of unknown numbers and unsubstantiated estimates. Among known trafficking cases, nearly 80% have been sex trafficking. However, it is suspected that labor trafficking is underidentified (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2009). The purpose of the current study is to investigate potential correlates of labor trafficking in an effort to identify indicators of labor trafficking that could be used by state and local law enforcement as signals that labor trafficking may be taking place in their communities. The study sought to achieve two goals: (1) document the characteristics and indicators of labor trafficking, including component crimes, collateral crimes, and other community impacts; and (2) provide law enforcement with actionable knowledge to help identify labor trafficking. RESEARCH DESIGN We used the rapid appraisal method (RAM), an applied ethnographic method characterized by collecting data from multiple sources to triangulate findings (Bergeron, 1999; Crawford, 1997). The data collection strategies included stakeholder interviews, a farmworker survey, and secondary community data (demographics, labor, and crime). FINDINGS The major findings of the study include the following. - Whereas law enforcement respondents were insistent that farmworkers were treated well, outreach workers, who have more contact with farmworkers, reported that they were frequently abused and exploited. - About one-quarter of farmworker respondents reported ever experiencing a situation that may constitute trafficking, and 39% reported other abuse. - The most common type of exploitation was abusive labor practices (34%), followed by deception and lies (21%), restriction and deprivation (15%), and threats to physical integrity (12%). - Workers with greater English proficiency were more likely to experience any violation and trafficking, but English proficiency was not associated with non-trafficking abuse. - A worker’s lack of legal status was the strongest and most consistent predictor of experiencing trafficking and other violations. - Workers in counties with moderate and large Hispanic populations were less likely to report all types of victimization than were those from counties with relatively small Hispanic populations. - Trafficking and non-trafficking abuse were less common in counties with a high proportion of the labor force employed in agriculture than in counties with low levels of agriculture.

Details: Research Triangle Park, NC: RTI International, 2013. 147p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 31, 2014 at: https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/244204.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: United States

URL: https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/244204.pdf

Shelf Number: 131827

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking

Author: Rusev, Atanas

Title: Human Trafficking, Border Security and Related Corruption in the EU

Summary: Trafficking in human beings (THB), as a transnational crime, involves movement of people across borders. In this regard, border control authorities are expected to play an important role in preventing and curbing this phenomenon. Border guards are identified as key actors in fight against trafficking in human beings both in the new Directive 2011/36/EU and the associated EU Strategy towards the Eradication of Trafficking in Human Beings. The role of border guards in combating trafficking, is largely seen as in the role of "first responder" as part of the National Referral Mechanisms in identification of victims of trafficking, as well as for the identification and apprehension of traffickers within border control procedures. The growing commitment on the EU policy level for prevention of, and fighting against, trafficking of human beings, has also led to recognition of the issue as an important priority to border control authorities of all Member States as well. The European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union (FRONTEX) has already recognised THB as one of its priorities and has developed a training manual for border guards related to THB and a handbook for Border Control Authorities on good practices to counter THB. This paper Human Trafficking, Border Security and Related Corruption in the EU, by Atanas Rusev of the Center for Study of Democracy in Bulgaria, investigates the much under-researched aspect of corruption and human trafficking. Rusev explores this topic vis-a-vis border authorities and connected corruption to facilitate, inter alia, THB and how this corruption can be related to the corporate sector and enter into the highest political spheres.

Details: Brussels: DCAF, 2013. 28p.

Source: Internet Resource: Migration and the Security Sector Paper Series: Accessed January 31, 2014 at: http://www.dcaf.ch/Publications/Human-Trafficking-Border-Security-and-Related-Corruption-in-the-EU

Year: 2013

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.dcaf.ch/Publications/Human-Trafficking-Border-Security-and-Related-Corruption-in-the-EU

Shelf Number: 131833

Border Security
Human Trafficking

Author: Laboratory to Combat Human Trafficking

Title: Colorado Project National Survey Report

Summary: The Colorado Project to Comprehensively Combat Human Trafficking (Colorado Project) is a collaborative initiative of the Laboratory to Combat Human Trafficking (LCHT) that aims to lay groundwork for a multi-stage analysis of the question of what it would take to end human trafficking in Colorado. The primary goal of the early stages of this endeavor is to develop sustainable efforts to end human trafficking with the essential input of those working on the ground. Drawing from a comprehensive literature review and informed by national data, the Colorado Project developed a state-level tool by which communities can assess their strengths and gaps in combating human trafficking. The present Colorado Project National Survey Report aims to highlight preliminary steps that led to the focus on Colorado, as reviewed in the Colorado Project Statewide Data Report. From the earliest phases of this multi-year project, we maintained with the vision of encouraging comprehensive and multidisciplinary thinking about community-level anti-trafficking efforts. In order to answer the question of "what it would take to end human trafficking in Colorado", the Project Team recognized that this inquiry required a collective effort to identify what is being done before formally evaluating effectiveness. Drawing from the Social Ecology Framework that guided the project, the focus of the present research was on systems-level efforts and initiatives that directly and indirectly support survivors of human trafficking. Several quantitative and qualitative methods were employed to develop the state-level template of promising practices, to survey those who work in the anti-trafficking field and to seek support from national stakeholders for the project. The goal of the state-level promising practices was to guide communities to assess strengths (prevalence) and gaps in order to develop community-led action plans to more efficiently and effectively combat human trafficking. The present National Survey Report highlights the process of identifying promising practices within the anti-trafficking field, as organized by 4Ps: prevention, protection, prosecution and partnership. The Colorado Project Statewide Data Report, in turn, provides innovative methodologies that incorporated the survey tool, focus groups and interviews that resulted in a Colorado Action Plan to create a comprehensive and efficient state-level response to human trafficking in Colorado.

Details: Denver, CO: Laboratory to Combat Human Trafficking, 2013. 117p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 3, 2014 at: http://coloradoproject.combathumantrafficking.org/resultsandfindings/nationalreport

Year: 2013

Country: United States

URL: http://coloradoproject.combathumantrafficking.org/resultsandfindings/nationalreport

Shelf Number: 131841

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking

Author: Verite

Title: Risk Analysis of Indicators of Forced Labor and Human Trafficking in Illegal Gold Mining in Peru

Summary: Peru is one of the largest gold producers in the world- the fifth largest, if illegally produced gold is taken into account. Hundreds of thousands of people are employed in Peru in artisanal gold mining and peripheral services. With the support of Humanity United, Verite mapped production areas and the supply chain of Peruvian gold, consulted with experts from NGOs, government, and academia, and conducted interviews with almost 100 mine workers, and workers providing peripheral services (including mechanics, cooks, sex workers, transporters, and others). In the the course of these interviews, workers told us horrendous stories of labor and sexual exploitation in Peru. There are a number of factors that make the gold sector in Peru vulnerable to forced labor: primarily, the prevalence of illegal gold mining. Its illegality results in a black hole, in which miners operate in areas that are not fully under the control of the government. Verite's report on risks of forced labor in artisanal and small scale mining (ASM) in Peru raises challenging questions for companies in industries including jewelry, mining, electronics and banking. The report reveals that ASM gold tainted by human rights abuses makes its way - through corruption, laundering and illegal export- into the hands of global traders, refineries, banks and into our watches and smart phones. Our research on these largely hidden problems is intended to encourage action on the part of stakeholders, including companies, NGOs, governments, and industry associations to raise awareness of the vulnerability to forced labor, as well as actions companies can take to improve their ethical performance.

Details: Amherst, MA: Verite, 2013. 120p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 11, 2014 at: http://www.verite.org/sites/default/files/images/Indicators%20of%20Forced%20Labor%20in%20Gold%20Mining%20in%20Peru_0.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Peru

URL: http://www.verite.org/sites/default/files/images/Indicators%20of%20Forced%20Labor%20in%20Gold%20Mining%20in%20Peru_0.pdf

Shelf Number: 131853

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Precious Metals
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Howard, Russell D.

Title: The Nexus of Extremism and Trafficking: Scourge of the World or So Much Hype?

Summary: In a globalized and increasingly interconnected world, the transfer of information, expertise, and relationships are becoming more complex and more commonplace. The interconnectedness of criminal organizations that span not only countries but across regions of the globe is troubling. However, more troubling is the possibility of the linking of transnational criminal organizations with insurgent and terrorist organizations as addressed in this work by Brigadier General (retired) Russ Howard and Ms. Colleen Traughber. The radical ideologies propagating politically motivated violence now have the opportunity to leverage and participate in traditionally criminal enterprises. This melding of form and function provides criminals with new networks and violent extremists with new funding sources and potential smuggling opportunities. General Howard and Ms. Traughber delve into the nexus between violent extremist elements and transnational criminal elements by first clarifying whether a real problem exists, and if so, what is the appropriate role for Special Operations Forces (SOF) in confronting it. The authors bring rigor to the subject matter by dissecting the issue of intention and opportunities of criminal organization and violent extremists. The question is confounded by the authors who note the wide variance in the motivations and opportunities of both different criminal organizations and extremist organizations. What the authors do make clear is that the trafficking of humans, weapons, drugs, and contraband (HWDC) is a natural way for the criminals and extremists to cooperate. To bring the issue into focus, the authors systematically examine case studies dealing with the nexus between specific organizations and HWDC trafficking opportunities. Human trafficking in Europe and the former Soviet Union; weapons trafficking in the Far East, Asia, and South America for money; the narcotics trade by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Columbia; Hezbollah and Kurdistan Workers' Party, as well as contraband smuggling of cigarettes, are all used to examine the extremist/criminal nexus. The connections become clear as the authors discuss each of the HWDC issues within the nexus; what is also clear is that often the nexus is a simple marriage of convenience. General Howard and Ms. Traughber transition from the vignettes to how this nexus will impact SOF and interagency partners. Most importantly, the authors recognized a need for SOF to expand their mission set, and authorities to more appropriately address criminality in support of extremist groups. The authors identify issues for SOF including the traditional delineation between law enforcement activities and military activities. The findings, therefore, make a case that as SOF move into the future and are required to confront the nexus between extremists and criminals, a new definition and some deep thought need to be given to expanding SOF roles and authorities.

Details: MacDill AFB, FL: Joint Special Operations University, 2013. 98p.

Source: Internet Resource: JSOU Report 13-6: Accessed March 12, 2014 at: https://jsou.socom.mil/JSOU%20Publications/13-6_Howard_Nexus_FINAL.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: International

URL: https://jsou.socom.mil/JSOU%20Publications/13-6_Howard_Nexus_FINAL.pdf

Shelf Number: 131881

Cigarette Smuggling
Extremist Groups
Human Trafficking
Weapons Smuggling

Author: National Crime Prevention Centre (Canada)

Title: Local Safety Audit Guide: To Prevent Trafficking in Persons and Related Exploitation

Summary: This guide is designed to contribute to the development of strategic action plans to prevent human trafficking and other related forms of violence and exploitation in Canada's urban centres, and to address the factors which make particular groups far more vulnerable to sexual exploitation and/or forced labour than others. It uses a sound evidence-based approach, and explicitly considers gender and other intersecting factors which influence an individual's vulnerability. It will enable stakeholders from the public sector and civil society to assess the nature and extent of these problems in their particular urban area, and to develop an action plan tailored to those problems and their local context. The need for unified action - in Canada and internationally - to prevent human trafficking, a modern form of slavery, which violates fundamental human rights, is clear. The Government of Canada's National Action Plan (2012) seeks to accelerate action against trafficking in relation to prevention, prosecution, and protection of victims, and to foster partnerships which are vital to achieving progress in each of these areas. Human trafficking is a complex crime which is facilitated by many factors, including the vulnerability of particular populations to exploitation, complicity or ignorance on the part of civil society, and the demand for particular goods and services. Human trafficking involves the recruitment, transportation, harbouring and/or exercising control, direction or influence over the movements of a person in order to exploit that person, typically through sexual exploitation or forced labour. Trafficking may occur entirely in one country or involve individuals being trafficked from other countries. It may involve illegal migrants who find themselves exploited once they arrive in Canada. It may involve people legitimately entering the country under foreign worker programs, but whose treatment and conditions of work amount to exploitation.

Details: Ottawa: Public Safety Canada, 2013. 44p.

Source: Internet Resource: Research Report: 2013-1: Accessed March 13, 2014 at: http://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/cnt/rsrcs/pblctns/lcl-sfty-dtgd/lcl-sfty-dtgd-eng.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Canada

URL: http://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/cnt/rsrcs/pblctns/lcl-sfty-dtgd/lcl-sfty-dtgd-eng.pdf

Shelf Number: 131906

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Verite

Title: Labor Brokerage and Trafficking of Nepali Migrant Workers

Summary: This report describes research conducted on the relationship between labor brokerage and the risk of forced labor among Nepali migrant workers employed abroad. The research examines forced-labor triggers in Nepal and India and receiving-country mechanisms that encourage forced labor in Malaysia, the United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.), and Israel. The role of Guatemala and Mexico as transit countries for Nepali workers traveling illegally to the U.S. is also explored. Study Objectives Verite conducted research to determine the different types of labor-brokerage networks that exploit both documented and undocumented Nepali migrant workers; to find the points in the employment life cycle at which exploitation occurs; to identify the factors that increase migrant workers' vulnerability to exploitation; and to identify viable policy options to reduce Nepali migrant workers' vulnerability to exploitation. Verite conducted research in Nepal and in receiving countries, including Malaysia and the U.A.E., with case studies on Nepali workers in Israel and Guatemala. Verite researchers reviewed relevant literature, followed by contextual analysis of relevant audit findings, social-institutional mapping, and extensive interviews (one-on-one and group) with workers, NGOs, government officials, labor advocates, and unions in Malaysia, the U.A.E., Guatemala, and Israel.

Details: Amherst, MA: Verite, 2013. 108p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 18, 2014: http://www.verite.org/sites/default/files/images/Humanity%20United-Nepal%20Trafficking%20Report-Final_1.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: International

URL: http://www.verite.org/sites/default/files/images/Humanity%20United-Nepal%20Trafficking%20Report-Final_1.pdf

Shelf Number: 131958

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Illegal Migrants
Migrant Workers

Author: Andrevski, Hannah

Title: Experiences of exploitation and human trafficking among a sample of Indonesian migrant domestic workers

Summary: Indonesia has one of the highest rates of workers seeking employment abroad, with the majority of these workers being females employed in domestic service. Due to the nature of recruitment, the process of migration and the location and characteristics of the work, Indonesian migrant domestic workers may in some instances be at risk of abuse, exploitation and human trafficking. Drawing on data contained in the International Organization for Migration's Counter Trafficking Module, the experiences of Indonesian victims of human trafficking who were exploited as domestic workers in Malaysia are examined, as well as the risk factors that may have contributed to their exploitation. Understanding the nature of human trafficking and the risk factors for exploitation is crucial for developing domestic and regional responses that can effectively contribute to anti-human trafficking strategies in the southeast Asia region.

Details: Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology, 2014. 11p.

Source: Internet Resource: Trends & Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice, No. 471: Accessed March 21, 2014 at: http://www.aic.gov.au/media_library/publications/tandi_pdf/tandi471.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Indonesia

URL: http://www.aic.gov.au/media_library/publications/tandi_pdf/tandi471.pdf

Shelf Number: 104858

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Migrant Workers

Author: Stritecky, Vit

Title: Developments in trafficking in human beings for the purpose of labor exploitation and forced labor

Summary: This monograph deals with an important legal, human rights and security related topic of human trafficking for the purpose of exploitation and forced labor. The book points to the fact that the phenomenon of trafficking in human beings for the purpose of labor exploitation and forced labor has been on the rise, creating an environment of very complex international social networks. Even though this global problem is predominantly connected with Asia and Africa, the authors warn, that this phenomenon is very relevant for the EU as well. Due to the growing resources and expanding reach of organized crime, the trafficking poses a growing challenge for the EU. For this reason the activities on the part of national and international stakeholders, who attempt to develop more effective tools to fight this phenomenon have intensified. Authors of publication, Vit Stritecky and Daniel Topinka, emphasize the fact, that the nature and complexity of human trafficking and other illegal activities connected with it require a broader understanding of security sector. Besides traditional law-enforcement agencies, such as the police, the judicial branch, private security agencies, we should also understand the importance of non-governmental organizations providing counsel, social services and child protection. The book also abandons the traditional and predominant orientation on human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation and explains that the concept of human trafficking is also connected with forced labor and other (non-sexual) forms of exploitation as well as other topics (e.g. trafficking in human organs). The book "Developments in trafficking in human beings for the purpose of labor exploitation and forced labor" presents a detailed discussion of how the concept of human trafficking has evolved (e.g. discussion about different forms and types of trafficking), legal concepts and frameworks reflecting the specific definition debates connected with human trafficking and last but not least strategic litigation, which is connected with the social and legal assistance provided by non-governmental organizations.

Details: Prague: Institute of International Relations, 2013. 197p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 28, 2014 at: http://aa.ecn.cz/img_upload/6334c0c7298d6b396d213ccd19be5999/publication.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Europe

URL: http://aa.ecn.cz/img_upload/6334c0c7298d6b396d213ccd19be5999/publication.pdf

Shelf Number: 132003

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Shuker, Lucie

Title: Evaluation of Barnardo's Safe Accommodation Project for Sexually Exploited and Trafficked Young People

Summary: - The Safe Accommodation Project piloted the use of specialist foster placements for young people at risk, or victims, of sexual exploitation and/or trafficking, for the first time in England,as well as providing training to foster carers and associated professionals, and 1-1 support to young people in other care settings. - Warm, trusting relationships are at the heart of creating safe and stable specialist foster placements. These take time to develop but unlock a series of other positive outcomes. - Effective specialist placements are supported by a team around the child which shares a common safeguarding approach and attitude toward a young person's level of risk. - There is clear potential for specialist placements to be cost-effective, particularly where they deter young people from unstable care pathways and being referred to residential care. - Where specialist placements are offered in line with the model developed in the evaluation, sexually exploited and/or trafficked young people can be effectively protected and can continue to go on to recover from abuse. - Specialist placements appear to be meeting a need amongst young people at risk, or victims, of sexual exploitation and/or trafficking. As such it is recommended that this model of specialist foster care should continue to be provided, drawing on the learning generated from the evaluation, in order to ensure that more young people can benefit from such specialist provision.

Details: Bedfordshire, UK: University of Bedfordshire, Institute of Applied Social Research, 2013. 161p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 19, 2014 at: https://www.beds.ac.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0016/305314/Barnardo27s-SA-Project-Evaluation-Full-Report.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: United Kingdom

URL: https://www.beds.ac.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0016/305314/Barnardo27s-SA-Project-Evaluation-Full-Report.pdf

Shelf Number: 132083

Child Sexual Abuse
Child Sexual Exploitation
Child Trafficking
Human Trafficking

Author: Surtees, Rebecca

Title: After Trafficking: Experiences and Challenges in the (Re)integration of Trafficked Persons in the Greater Mekong Sub-Region

Summary: (Re)integration is a process that involves many steps after the individual's exit from trafficking. Ideally trafficked persons are identified and provided with a range of services to support their social and economic (re)integration. Many trafficked persons interviewed for this study were assisted and supported in these ways. Others were not fully supported through these stages but nonetheless did receive assistance that was valuable toward their recovery and (re)integration. Interviews with trafficked persons yielded many positive examples and experiences, including the important role played by various actors and agencies and (re)integration services in recovery and (re)integration processes. Nonetheless, many trafficked persons in the Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS) did not have access to these "ideal" pathways and their experiences following their emergence from trafficking further exacerbated their ordeals. Many were neither identified nor assisted as victims of trafficking, which meant they did not receive support to aid in their recovery and sustainable (re)integration. Some trafficked persons received some forms of assistance but not the full package they required (and were entitled to) to move on from their trafficking experience and (re)integrate into society. Equally important, some preferred not to be assisted and declined some or all support offered to them. Understanding these diverse and complex post-trafficking trajectories sheds light on a wide range of issues and dynamics at play in the (re)integration processes in the GMS. It also highlights both the strengths and weaknesses of existing (re)integration mechanisms and processes. The study was based on in-depth interviews with 252 trafficked persons about their experiences of (re)integration, including successes and challenges, as well as future plans and aspirations. The trafficked persons interviewed for this study came from all six countries in the GMS and included men, women and children, trafficked for various forms of forced labour, sexual exploitation, begging and/or forced marriage. The study included persons who had been identified and assisted, as well as those who were not identified and/or did not receive assistance. This research study was undertaken in the context of the a region-wide (re)integration initiative under Project Proposal Concept 5 (PPC5) within the 2nd COMMIT Sub-regional Plan of Action (2008-2010), which sought to assess the effectiveness of (re)integration processes and structures in the region. It continued under the 3rd COMMIT Sub-regional Plan of Action (2011-2013) under Area 3, Protection. While the study is intended for anti-trafficking policymakers and practitioners in the GMS, these findings also have relevance for practitioners and policy makers in other countries and regions who are seeking to enhance their anti-trafficking response, in line with the interests and experiences of trafficked persons.

Details: Bangkok: UNIAP/Nexus Institute, 2013. 252p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 19, 2014 at: http://www.nexusinstitute.net/publications/pdfs/After%20trafficking_Experiences%20and%20challenges%20in%20(Re)integration%20in%20the%20GMS.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Asia

URL: http://www.nexusinstitute.net/publications/pdfs/After%20trafficking_Experiences%20and%20challenges%20in%20(Re)integration%20in%20the%20GMS.pdf

Shelf Number: 132084

Forced Labor
Forced Marriage
Human Trafficking
Sex Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation
Victims of Crime

Author: Nordic Council of Ministers,

Title: Trafficking In Human Beings. Report from a conference on Identification of victims and criminals -- why we do not notice them

Summary: The conference Identification of victims and criminals - why we do not notice them arranged 30-31 May 2013 in Tallinn, Estonia formed the conclusion of a Nordic-Baltic-Northwest Russian cooperation project and gathered together around 80 participants to discuss ways of identifying victims and criminals and why we do not notice them, even though we now have available to us facts, figures, research and knowledge about human trafficking. The report presents summaries of the presentations, the Panel discussion and the recommendations from the Round Table discussions.

Details: Copenhagen: Nordic Council of Ministers, 2014. 45p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 28, 2014 at: https://www.norden.org/en/publications/publikationer/2014-526

Year: 2014

Country: Denmark

URL: https://www.norden.org/en/publications/publikationer/2014-526

Shelf Number: 132181

Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation
Victims of Crimes

Author: Immigrant Council of Ireland

Title: Stop Traffick! Tackling Demand for Sexual Services of Trafficked Women and Girls

Summary: This study, funded under the European Commission's Prevention and Fight against Crime (ISEC) initiative, has been carried out as part of the project 'Stop Traffick: Tackling demand for sexual services of trafficked women and girls'. The research will inform strategies to reduce demand for the services of trafficked women and girls in the five participating countries (Cyprus, Finland, Ireland, Bulgaria and Lithuania). This evidence base will influence the production of a toolkit of products and activities to: - Raise awareness among buyers and potential buyers of services delivered by victims of human trafficking in the sex industry - Reduce the demand for purchase of sexual services The initiating partner, the Immigrant Council of Ireland (ICI), led this project in collaboration with the Bulgarian Gender Research Foundation (BGRF), Klaipeda Social and Psychological Service Centre (KSPSC) in Lithuania, the Mediterranean Institute for Gender Studies (MIGS) in Cyprus and the Multicultural Women's Association of Finland (MONIKA). This report analyses and assesses efficient approaches to discourage demand for the services provided by victims of human trafficking for sexual exploitation, based on a greater understanding of experiences, attitudes and motivations of the people who purchase sex. We wanted to gather sufficient knowledge to inform interventions linked with the decision to purchase sex and, in particular, to purchase sex from a vulnerable individual who could be a victim of human trafficking.

Details: Dublin: Immigrant Council of Ireland, 2014. 117p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 3, 2014 at: http://www.immigrantcouncil.ie/images/stories/documents/STOP_TRAFFICK_-_full_report.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.immigrantcouncil.ie/images/stories/documents/STOP_TRAFFICK_-_full_report.pdf

Shelf Number: 132206

Human Trafficking
Sex Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation
Victims of Human Trafficking

Author: Benton, Meghan

Title: Spheres of Exploitation: Thwarting Actors Who Profit from Illegal Labor, Domestic Servitude, and Sex Work

Summary: Large-scale migration flows are too often exploited by "bad actors" for profit-ranging from criminals who exploit trafficked people to employers who do not meet legal hiring practices. Even consumers, who may not know the source of their goods and services, sometimes aid the exploitation of migrants. This report analyzes such exploitation in three spheres: the domestic care sector, the labor market, and the sex industry. Across all three, perpetrators are broadly motivated by the lure of high profits and low risks. The report, part of a Transatlantic Council on Migration series on migration "bad actors," details several obstacles governments face in their efforts to weaken such actors: victims may be unwilling to report crimes, the crimes themselves fall into a gray area in which identification and prosecution are complex, and the leaders of criminal organizations often successfully protect themselves from enforcement efforts by implicating their foot soldiers and victims in illegal activity. Policies to disrupt the business model of exploitation seek to increase risks and reduce profits for facilitators, and they may also aim to reduce the supply and demand of exploitable labor. Most policies carry risks and practical challenges. One of the main legal tools-anti-trafficking legislation-aims to increase the risks of severe exploitation, but low prosecution rates and trivial sentences reduce their utility as a deterrent. Measures that target employers also face several challenges, such as proving employer guilt and administering high-enough fines. Increasing subcontractors' regulations, if successfully implemented, can raise standards across the board, but may also inadvertently lead to more severe exploitation (and more illegal immigration) if some operators are pushed underground. The report argues that one of the biggest challenges facing law enforcement is that the focus on serious criminals and lawbreakers ignores those who operate on the edge of legality; the reality is that creative criminal organizations exploit legal routes wherever possible, sometimes flying under the radar of police. This situation often creates unexpected results. Some policies to encourage legal migration-like those that tie workers to a particular employer-can facilitate exploitative practices, while policies designed to reduce exploitation (such as licensing systems) might make some operators more likely to hire unauthorized workers.

Details: Washington, DC: Migration Policy Institute, 2014. 22p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 3, 2014 at: http://www.migrationpolicy.org/research/migration-exploitation-illegal-labor-domestic-servitude-sex

Year: 2014

Country: United States

URL: http://www.migrationpolicy.org/research/migration-exploitation-illegal-labor-domestic-servitude-sex

Shelf Number: 132222

Border Security
Domestic Workers
Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Illegal Immigrants
Sexual Exploitation
Undocumented Immigrants

Author: Rudolph, Alexandra

Title: International Human Trafficking: Measuring Clandestinity by the Structural Equation Approach

Summary: Worldwide human trafficking (HT) is the third most often registered international criminal activity, ranked only after drug and weapon trafficking. The aim of the paper is to measure the extent of HT inflows to destination countries. It proposes the application of the Multiple Indicators Multiple Causes (MIMIC) structural equation model in order to include potential causes and indicators in one model and generate an index of the intensity of HT in destination countries. Thus, we account for the unobservable nature of the crime as well as for visible aspects that both shape the extent of it. By including both dimensions of the trafficking process the model is applied over a period of ten years. The resulting measure orders 142 countries between 2000 and 2010 according to their potential of being a destination country based on characteristics of the trafficking process. The results are that OECD countries are the most likely destination countries while developing countries are less likely.

Details: Bonn: Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), 2013. 49p.

Source: Internet Resource: IZA Discussion Paper No. 7867: Accessed May 5, 2014 at: http://ftp.iza.org/dp7867.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: International

URL: http://ftp.iza.org/dp7867.pdf

Shelf Number: 132237

Human Trafficking

Author: Schulze, Erika

Title: Sexual Exploitation and Prostitution and its Impact on Gender Equality

Summary: The objective of this briefing paper is to provide background information drawn from the international literature on sexual exploitation and prostitution and its impact on gender equality in relation to the report of the Women's Rights and Gender Equality Committee. The study concentrates on the debate on whether prostitution could be voluntary or has rather to be regarded in any case as a violation of women's human rights. It also presents an overview of the policies on prostitution in the Member States as well as four case studies: Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, and Sweden. Conclusions are presented with the view to enhance the debate.

Details: Brussels: European Parliament, 2014. 89p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 5, 2014 at: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/etudes/join/2014/493040/IPOL-FEMM_ET(2014)493040_EN.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/etudes/join/2014/493040/IPOL-FEMM_ET(2014)493040_EN.pdf

Shelf Number: 132245

Human Rights
Human Trafficking
Sex Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: U.S. President's Interagency Task Force

Title: Progress in Combating Trafficking in Persons: The U.S. Government Response to Modern Slavery

Summary: Trafficking in persons, or human trafficking, is the act of recruiting, enticing, harboring, transporting, providing, obtaining, or maintaining a person for compelled labor or commercial sex acts through the use of force, fraud, or coercion. Sex trafficking of a minor under the age of 18 does not require the use of force, threats of force, fraud, or coercion. The Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) of 2000 (Pub. L. 106-386), as amended, describes this compelled service using a number of different terms, including involuntary servitude, slavery, debt bondage, and forced labor. Human trafficking can include, but does not require, movement. Under the TVPA, people may be considered trafficking victims regardless of whether they were transported to the exploitative situation, previously consented to work for a trafficker, or participated in a crime as a direct result of being trafficked. At the heart of this phenomenon are the traffickers' aim to exploit and enslave their victims and the myriad of coercive and deceptive practices they use. Human trafficking is an opportunistic crime. Traffickers target all types of people: adults and children, women, men, and transgender individuals, citizens and noncitizens alike. No socioeconomic group is immune; new immigrants, Native Americans, runaways, the homeless, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth are particularly vulnerable. One of the most common assumptions about "average" trafficking victims is that they are vulnerable simply because they come from the poorest, most isolated communities, whether overseas or in the United States. Indeed, many do. Yet some victims, from a variety of backgrounds, have reported that their suffering began with their aspirations for a better life and a lack of options to fulfill them. That's where the traffickers come in. Exploiting these realities, traffickers appear to offer a solution - a good job, a brighter future, a safe home, or a sense of belonging, even love. They prey on their victims' hope and exploit their trust and confidence, coercing them into using themselves as collateral for that chance.

Details: Washington, DC: President's Interagency Task Force, 2014. 32p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 5, 2014 at: http://www.state.gov/documents/organization/224810.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: United States

URL: http://www.state.gov/documents/organization/224810.pdf

Shelf Number: 132246

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: International Labour Office (ILO), Special Action Programme to Combat Forced Labour

Title: Hard to See, Harder to Count: Survey Guidelines to Estimate Forced Labour of Adults and Children

Summary: ILO global estimates on child and forced labour have focused a spotlight on these persistent and severe violations of the human rights of children and adults. The magnitude of forced labour, estimated to affect at least 20.9 million people, of whom about a quarter are children, has served to demonstrate the urgency of action to address the needs of these most vulnerable workers, and prevent others from falling prey to such exploitation. But the estimates have also highlighted the critical need for sound statistics at national level. Criminal phenomena such as forced labour present obvious measurement challenges; conventional survey instruments are often ill-equipped to capture those child and adult workers concealed in hidden workshops, or toiling in fields under a burden of debt. Human trafficking can also be regarded as forced labour, and these guidelines can be used to measure the full spectrum of human trafficking abuses or what some people call "modern-day slavery". The only exceptions to this are cases of trafficking for organ removal, forced marriage or adoption, unless the latter practices result in forced labour. Action to address child labour and forced labour lies at the heart of the ILO's decent work agenda, guided by ILO standards on these subjects. The International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC) has, since 1992, worked to eradicate child labour in all parts of the world. In 1998, ILO member States adopted the Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, thereby committing themselves to respect, promote and realise freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, and the elimination of forced labour, child labour and discrimination at work. The International Labour Office, for its part, committed itself to assist member States in their efforts. Shortly thereafter, the Programme to Promote the Declaration was established and, in 2001, a Special Action Programme to combat Forced Labour (SAP-FL) was created as part of this programme. In recent years, IPEC and SAP-FL have invested considerable effort and resources in devising and testing survey methodologies for application at country level, to allow robust national estimation of the number of adults and children in forced labour, and deeper insights into the causes and nature of these problems. This work has represented a real and rewarding collaborative effort between the ILO and the various national institutions (national statistical offices and others) which partnered with ILO for implementing the national surveys.

Details: Geneva: ILO, 2012. 122p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 6, 2014 at: http://www.aihr-resourcescenter.org/administrator/upload/documents/hard.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: International

URL: http://www.aihr-resourcescenter.org/administrator/upload/documents/hard.pdf

Shelf Number: 132251

Child Labor
Forced Labor
Human Trafficking

Author: United Nations Inter-Agency Project on Human Trafficking

Title: Human Trafficking Sentinel Surveillance. Viet Nam - China Border 2010. Lang Son | Lao Cai | Quang Ninh

Summary: The Mekong region contains diverse patterns of human trafficking. They are both internal and crossborder, highly organized and small-scale, involving sex, labour or marriage through both formal and informal recruitment mechanisms, and can involve men, women, boys, girls and entire families. China is a key destination country for victims of human trafficking from Viet Nam. Due to the underground nature of sex, labour, and marriage trafficking, it is hard to estimate the prevalence of human trafficking in either country, though one 2010 estimate from the Viet Nam Ministry of Public Security estimates that 60 percent of Vietnamese trafficking cases involves trafficking to China. The aim of UNIAP's sentinel surveillance is to assess the situation of Vietnamese deportees being returned from China and, using this information, map trafficking trends and patterns; establish types and profiles of cross-border trafficking victims; and document how brokers and traffickers operate to put Vietnamese in exploitative situations. Through the latter half of 2010, UNIAP researchers were deployed to Lang Son, Lao Cai, and Quang Ninh international border checkpoints to conduct site surveys and structured, indepth interviews with a non-representative sample of 93 male and female Vietnamese citizens deported from China. The research uncovered undocumented labour migration that sometimes involved human trafficking, and sometimes did not. The majority of the 93 deportees were, in fact, undocumented labour migrants who were deported due to immigration violations, and who had not been exploited or abused. However, 20.5 percent of the cases were likely human trafficking cases, including labour, marriage, and sex trafficking. There were also proactively intercepted cases that both Vietnamese and Chinese police identified as possible sex or marriage trafficking, where the likely victim was saved before being entered into an exploitative situation. Due to a variety of factors, including logistical factors related to difficulty in accessing the appropriate checkpoint in time given little advance notice, the sample of 93 deportees does not constitute a representative sample. However, since so little research has been conducted systematically examining Viet Nam-China trafficking into sex, marriage, and labour, these cases are examined with more emphasis on rich qualitative description of vulnerability, exploitation, and trafficking, supplemented with quantitative analysis. The beginning of this report begins with two case studies - one marriage trafficking case and one sex trafficking case - to illustrate the details of the broker-trafficker networks, extent of exploitation and perspectives of victims right from the start. There are six key recommendations proposed, based on the seven key findings from this round of sentinel surveillance. Recommendations for addressing risk factors among vulnerable populations are proposed for trafficking prevention and safe migration policy, as well as outreach and community-based work, primarily on the Viet Nam side but also where exploited Vietnamese are in China. Examining broker-trafficker networks and the exploitative employers, families, and brothels they feed aims to support a stronger investigative and protective response on both the Viet Nam and China sides, and to this end recommendations for where to target labour, marriage, and sex trafficking rings are also provided. Identifying knowledge and skill gaps in both government and non-government personnel working in antihuman trafficking and immigration control aims to help target capacity building and reduce mistreatment of trafficking victims thought to be immigration violators and thus criminals.

Details: Bangkok: United Nations Inter-Agency Project on Human Trafficking, 2011. 84p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 10, 2014 at: http://www.no-trafficking.org/reports_docs/siren/SentinelVTNCHN.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Asia

URL: http://www.no-trafficking.org/reports_docs/siren/SentinelVTNCHN.pdf

Shelf Number: 132315

Criminal Networks
Human Trafficking
Labor Trafficking
Sex Trafficking

Author: Inzano, Angela

Title: Promising Criminal Justice Practices in Human Trafficking Cases: A County-Level Comparative Overview (2005-2010) With Special Emphasis On Cases Involving Children

Summary: The crime of human trafficking is international in scope, and is prevalent in every country. The passing of the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act (TVPA) of 2000 signaled the U.S. government's recognition of human trafficking as a crime that occurs within its own borders. The TVPA has since been reauthorized in 2003, 2005, and 2008, updating criminal statutes, enhancing protections for victims, and addressing gaps on research and issues concerning domestic trafficking (i.e. trafficking of U.S. citizens). As of 2011, almost every state, with the exception of West Virginia, Wyoming, South Dakota, and Massachusetts, has some form of human trafficking statute within their criminal code. Between January 2008 and June 2010, federally-funded human trafficking task forces opened 2,515 suspected incidents of human trafficking for investigation. Most of these cases were classified as sex trafficking (82%), including more than 1,200 incidents with allegations of adult sex trafficking, and more than 1,000 incidents with allegations of prostitution or sexual exploitation of a child. Eleven percent of the suspected incidents opened for investigation were classified as labor trafficking, and 7% were unclassified with respect to trafficking type. These figures represent only a small percentage of the estimated scope of the problem in the United States. The last estimate published by the United States government reported that approximately 14,500-17,500 men, women, and children are trafficked into the U.S. annually.5 Other scholars estimate the number to be higher, estimating that that as many as 17,000 foreign national children are trafficked into the United States, not even beginning to take into account trafficking of adults. Neither of these figures includes the domestic trafficking of United States citizens. Some non-governmental organizations (NGOs) working with vulnerable youth estimate that between 100,000 - 300,000 U.S. citizen children are exploited for the purpose of commercial sex acts each year. Though existing estimates suggest that the problem of human trafficking is significant, few research studies exist with respect to human trafficking in the U.S., and even fewer studies relate to trafficking in children. This is due to a number of factors, including the lack of consistent data collection and tracking mechanisms across NGOs and government agencies, misconceptions about what the human trafficking of children entails, differing legal definitions and applications between law enforcement and NGOs, ideologically-driven research, limited access to human trafficking survivors, and the hidden nature of the crime. The first anti-trafficking efforts in the United States were largely driven by federal agencies, including the U.S. Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigations, Immigration Customs Enforcement, and the Department of Labor. In 2003, the reauthorization of the TVPA encouraged states to pass their own anti-trafficking laws, recognizing that local law enforcement agencies and service providers are better able to identify potential human trafficking cases in their community. In order to encourage more local responses to potential cases, the U.S. Government also began to fund local anti-trafficking task forces in 2004. Cook County - which includes Chicago and the surrounding metropolitan area - has been identified as one of several human trafficking hubs in the country. In October 2005, the Chicago Police Department received a Bureau of Justice Affairs Grant to create a local anti-trafficking task force, comprised of local and federal law enforcement agencies and service providers. However, between 2005-2010, there were only 33 arrests under human trafficking statutes in Illinois and no human trafficking related prosecutions in Cook County, though human trafficking task forces in other large counties across the country were already mounting comprehensive responses to this crime. This "gap" was the genesis of this research project, the aim of which is to review and analyze other similarly sized counties with large, metropolitan centers across the country, in order to identify best practices, challenges and efforts that have led to successful case outcomes. This research project identifies and synthesizes cases from 2005-2010 that involved human trafficking and developed at county-level law enforcement agencies and task forces across the United States. Where possible, cases involving minors will be highlighted, in order to address distinct issues facing children who have been victimized by human trafficking. Best practices in victim identification, case investigation, perpetrator prosecution, and service provision were included. During the time period on which this project is focused, Cook County had not yet developed The Cook County Trafficking Task Force. Since 2010, Cook County has made significant strides in addressing the crime of human trafficking. Some of these initiatives will be addressed later in the report. We hope that providing a localized, county-level study will also assist other jurisdictions in their day-to-day anti-trafficking work.

Details: Chicago, IL: Center for the Human Rights of Children, Loyola University Chicago, 2012. 23p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 9, 2014 at http://www.luc.edu/media/lucedu/chrc/pdfs/Trafficking_County_Report.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: United States

URL: http://www.luc.edu/media/lucedu/chrc/pdfs/Trafficking_County_Report.pdf

Shelf Number: 132420

Anti-Trafficking Task Force
Human Trafficking
Juvenile Victims

Author: Dank, Meredith

Title: Estimating the Size and Structure of the Underground Commercial Sex Economy in Eight Major US Cities

Summary: In 2010, the National Institute of Justice funded the Urban Institute's Justice Policy Center to measure the size and structure of the underground commercial sex economy in eight major US cities. The goals of this study were to: (1) derive a more rigorous estimate of the underground commercial sex economy (UCSE) in eight major US cities and (2) provide an understanding of the structure of this underground economy. To date, no reliable data exist to provide national or state policymakers with a verifiable and detailed understanding of underground commercial sex trade networks or the ways in which these networks interact with one another on the local, state, or interstate level. In addition, there is no information regarding the relationship between the UCSE and the local commercial sex trade or commercial sex activity conducted over the Internet. This study aimed to close the gap in our understanding about the nature and extent of these activities. Research Questions The study was guided by four main research questions: 1. How large is the underground commercial sex economy in eight major US cities? 2. To what extent are the underground commercial sex, drug, and weapons economies interconnected in the eight major US cities? 3. How do the ties between traffickers within the underground commercial sex economy impact the transportation of sex trafficking victims? 4. What are the network characteristics of the traffickers that operate within the underground commercial sex economy? Methodology The study employed a multi-method approach, using both qualitative and quantitative data, and data were collected in the following eight cities: San Diego, Seattle, Dallas, Denver, Washington, DC, Kansas City, Atlanta, and Miami. -- Existing datasets documenting the market changes for illegal drugs and weapons were analyzed to measure changes in these markets and estimate the overall size of these markets. This was done by measuring changes in a series of "proxy" variables, which we assumed to be proportional to underlying activity. Thus, official national datasets that measured some sort of drug and gun activities over a period of time were collected to measure these changes. Qualitative data was collected through interviews with 119 stakeholders and 142 convicted offenders, including local and federal law enforcement officers, prosecutors, pimps/sex traffickers, sex workers, and child pornographers. Stakeholders and offenders were interviewed about the structure of the UCSE, the profits generated through the UCSE, networking within the UCSE, and changes in the UCSE over time. Underground Commercial Sex Economy Key Findings "Sex sells" does little to explain the multi-million-dollar profits generated by the underground commercial sex economy. From high-end escort services to high school "sneaker pimps," the sex trade leaves no demographic unrepresented and circuits almost every major US city. What we know about the underground commercial sex economy is likely just the tip of the iceberg, but our study attempts to unveil its size and structure while documenting the experiences of offenders and law enforcement. Our study focused on eight US cities- Atlanta, Dallas, Denver, Kansas City, Miami, Seattle, San Diego, and Washington, DC. Across cities, the 2007 underground sex economy's worth was estimated between $39.9 and $290 million. While almost all types of commercial sex venues -- massage parlors, brothels, escort services, and street- and internet-based prostitution -- existed in each city, regional and demographic differences influenced their markets. Pimps and traffickers interviewed for the study took home between $5,000 and $32,833 a week. These actors form a notoriously difficult population to reach because of the criminal nature of their work. Our study presents data from interviews with 73 individuals charged and convicted for crimes including compelling prostitution, human trafficking and engaging in a business relationship with sex workers. Pimps claimed inaccuracy in media portrayals. Most pimps believed that the media portrayals exaggerated violence. Some even saw the term "pimp" as derogatory, despite admitting to occasional use of physical abuse for punishment. Although pimps may have underreported the use of physical violence, they did cite frequent use of psychological coercion to maintain control over their employees. Pimps manipulate women into sex work. From discouraging "having sex for free" to feigning romantic interest, pimps used a variety of tactics to recruit and retain employees. Some even credited their entry into pimping with a natural capacity for manipulation. Rarely, however, were pimps the sole influence for an individual's entry into the sex trade. Women, family, and friends facilitate entry into sex work. Female sex workers sometimes solicited protection from friends and acquaintances, eventually asking them to act as pimps. Some pimps and sex workers had family members or friends who exposed them to the sex trade at a young age, normalizing their decision to participate. Their involvement in the underground commercial sex economy, then extends the network of those co-engaged in the market even further. Unexpected parties benefit from the commercial sex economy. Pimps, brothels, and escort services often employed drivers, secretaries, nannies, and other non-sex workers to keep operations running smoothly. Hotel managers and law enforcement agents sometimes helped offenders evade prosecution in exchange for money or services. Law enforcement in one city reported that erotic Asian massage parlors would purchase the names of licensed acupuncturists to fake legitimacy. Even feuding gang members occasionally joined forces in the sex trade, prioritizing profit over turf wars. The most valuable network in the underground sex economy, however, may be the Internet. The Internet is changing the limitations of the trade. Prostitution is decreasing on the street, but thriving online. Pimps and sex workers advertise on social media and sites like Craigslist.com and Backpage.com to attract customers and new employees, and to gauge business opportunities in other cities. An increasing online presence makes it both easier for law enforcement to track activity in the underground sex economy and for an offender to promote and provide access to the trade. Child pornography is escalating. Explicit content of younger victims is becoming increasingly available and graphic. Online child pornography communities frequently trade content for free and reinforce behavior. Offenders often consider their participation a "victimless crime." The underground sex economy is perceived as low risk. Pimps, traffickers, and child pornography offenders believed that their crimes were low-risk despite some fears of prosecution. Those who got caught for child pornography generally had low technological know-how, and multiple pimp offenders expressed that "no one actually gets locked up for pimping," despite their own incarcerations. Policy and practice changes can help combat trafficking and prostitution. -- Cross-train drug, sex, and weapons trade investigators to better understand circuits and overlaps. -- Continue using federal and local partnerships to disrupt travel circuits and identify pimps. -- Offer law enforcement trainings for both victim and offender interview techniques, including identifying signs of psychological manipulation. -- Increase awareness among school officials and the general public about the realities of sex trafficking to deter victimization and entry. -- Consistently enforce the laws for offenders to diminish low-risk perception. -- Impose more fines for ad host websites.

Details: Washington, DC: Urban Institute, 2014. 348p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 14, 2014 at: http://www.urban.org/UploadedPDF/413047-Underground-Commercial-Sex-Economy.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: United States

URL: http://www.urban.org/UploadedPDF/413047-Underground-Commercial-Sex-Economy.pdf

Shelf Number: 132450

Child Pornography
Human Trafficking
Prostitution (U.S.)
Sex Trafficking
Sex Workers
Underground Economy

Author: Human Rights Watch

Title: Yemen's Torture Camps: Abuse of Migrants by Human Traffickers in a Climate of Impunity

Summary: Tens of thousands of African migrants pass through Yemen each year to seek work in Saudi Arabia. A multi-million-dollar human trafficking industry has developed in Yemen based on their passage. Its locus is the hot and dry northern border town of Haradh. Here Yemeni traffickers have found a particularly horrific way to make money: by taking migrants captive and transporting them to isolated camps, where they inflict severe pain and suffering and extort ransom from the migrants' relatives and friends. Yemen's Torture Camps describes how Yemeni officials have conducted only sporadic raids on the camps, and have frequently warned traffickers of raids, and freed them from jail when they are arrested. In some cases, officials actively helped the traffickers capture and detain migrants. It also documents abuses of migrants by Saudi border officials, who apprehend border crossers and turn them over to Haradh-based traffickers. The report is based on interviews with 67 people, including 18 Ethiopian migrants who survived torture in the camps, and 10 traffickers and smugglers, as well as health professionals, government officials, activists, diplomats, and journalists. Human Rights Watch calls on the Yemeni government to launch a concerted effort to investigate and prosecute traffickers, as well as members of the security forces, regardless of rank, suspected of collusion with traffickers. It also calls on police, military, and intelligence agencies to assist in the investigations and take appropriate disciplinary action against personnel implicated in trafficking.

Details: New York: Human Rights Watch, 2014. 81p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 14, 2014 at: http://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/reports/yemen0514_ForUpload.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Yemen

URL: http://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/reports/yemen0514_ForUpload.pdf

Shelf Number: 132454

Human Rights Abuses (Yemen)
Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking

Author: Coumans, Sara Vida

Title: How Age Matters: Exploring Contemporary Dutch Debates on Age and Sex Work

Summary: Social protection policies regarding sex work in The Netherlands use 'age' as an instrument to create binaries between adults and young people. The concept 'chronological age' assumes that age is a static feature and supports the process of categorization; however, age is a socially constructed phenomenon and has an embodied experience that is gendered. The objective of this research is to understand the role of 'age' in shaping social protection policies regarding sex work in The Netherlands, by analyzing how age is understood by those involved in the design and implementation of policies related to sex work in The Netherlands.

Details: The Hague: Institute of Social Studies, 2014. 51p.

Source: Internet Resource: ISS Working Paper Series / General Series , No. 588: Accessed June 14, 2014 at: http://repub.eur.nl/pub/51411

Year: 2014

Country: Netherlands

URL: http://repub.eur.nl/pub/51411

Shelf Number: 132455

Human Trafficking
Sex Workers (Netherlands)
Sexual Exploitation

Author: American Civil Liberties Union

Title: Victims of Complacency: The Ongoing Trafficking and Abuse of Third Country Nationals

Summary: This report examines the ongoing trafficking and abuse of Third Country Nationals ("TCNs"), tens of thousands of whom are hired yearly through U.S. Government ("USG") contracts to work in support of U.S. military and diplomatic missions in Iraq and Afghanistan. This large and diverse civilian workforce, or "army behind the army," hails primarily from developing countries such as Nepal, India, the Philippines, and Uganda, and performs low-wage but essential services, including construction, security, and food services. As a result of widely publicized incidents-such as the abduction and murder of twelve Nepali men whom Government contractors trafficked into Iraq in 2004 - the U.S. Government came under pressure to eliminate trafficking and labor abuses from the U.S. contracting industry. Although the Government then adopted a "zero-tolerance" policy against trafficking, reports of abuse continued to surface. In 2007, U.S. Government contractors trafficked a group of Fijian women to Iraq and subjected them to various forms of abuse and exploitation. In 2008, 1,000 South Asian workers staged protests on the outskirts of Baghdad after a Government subcontractor confined them to a windowless warehouse without money or work for as many as three months. Most recently, in December 2011, dozens of Ugandan TCNs held a series of rallies in Baghdad; their employer, a U.S.-based contractor, had left them stranded - with no pay and no return airfare - upon losing its USG contract as a result of the military drawdown. In light of these ongoing abuses, this report aims to: 1. Shed light on the system by which U.S. Government contractors continue to traffic and abuse TCNs, as well as explain in detail how this system operates, whom it benefits, and how it affects TCNs; 2. Explain how this system violates U.S. and international prohibitions against human trafficking and labor abuse; 3. Demonstrate that U.S. Government measures to address these problems are failing to prevent contractors from engaging in trafficking and labor abuse; and 4. Recommend concrete steps the U.S. Government should take in order to eliminate trafficking and abuse from the U.S. contracting industry. In addition to public sources, this report draws upon a) interviews conducted with a wide range of experts and other actors, including Government officials, journalists, attorneys, anti-trafficking advocates, and representatives of the contracting industry; b) documents obtained by the American Civil Liberties Union ("ACLU") through Freedom of Information Act ("FOIA") litigation on trafficking and forced labor of TCNs; and c) interviews with Indian nationals who worked previously for U.S. contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Details: New York: ACLU, 2012. 100p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 19, 2014 at: http://www.aclu.org/files/assets/hrp_traffickingreport_web_0.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: International

URL: http://www.aclu.org/files/assets/hrp_traffickingreport_web_0.pdf

Shelf Number: 132512

Forced Labor
Human Rights Abuses
Human Trafficking

Author: Freccero, Julie

Title: Safe Haven: Sheltering Displaced Persons from Sexual and Gender-Based Violence. Case Study: Thailand

Summary: With one of the longest-running civil wars in history, Burma has been plagued by internal conflict between a military-backed government and many ethnic minority insurgent groups for over six decades. Widespread human rights abuses, the confiscation of land, the destruction of villages, and livelihood vulnerability have forcibly displaced millions of people in Eastern Burma, primarily ethnic minorities. Many flee to neighboring Thailand, where an estimated 142,000 Burmese refugees reside in camps along the border and over two million Burmese migrants live throughout Thailand as a whole. Without access to official refugee status in Thailand, Burmese asylum seekers are allowed to temporarily reside in one of the nine camps along the Thailand-Burma border. If they leave the camps without proper documentation, however, they are generally regarded as illegal migrants and are subject to arrest, detention, and deportation by Thai authorities. In the refugee camps, it is believed that insufficient resources, protracted confinement, and high rates of alcohol use contribute, to a high incidence of domestic violence. Service providers have also documented rape, sexual exploitation, and trafficking as significant problems. Outside the camps, local women's groups have identified domestic violence, rape, and trafficking as significant problems in migrant communities. Reporting of this violence is rare, however, as it exposes undocumented migrants to arrest and deportation. Additionally, limited economic opportunity and the undocumented or temporary legal status of migrants leave many vulnerable to sexual exploitation and abuse by employers, Thai authorities, and others in their communities. In an era of increased attention to conflict-related violence, we are now beginning to understand the continuum of sexual and gender-based harm that men, women, and children can suffer during armed conflict, in flight, and while temporarily resettled in refugee or internal displacement camps. Violence such as rape, gang rape, sexual torture, and sexual slavery can occur during periods of armed conflict, perpetrated by different actors for different reasons. Those fleeing a conflict may still be susceptible to rape, sexual exploitation, or trafficking while attempting to secure transport, cross borders, and find lodging. Finally, even after flight - whether to refugee or internal displacement camps or within urban centers - vulnerability to harm persists, perhaps due to a lack of protective networks, immigration status, or basic resources. In fact, displacement is believed to increase vulnerability through new and exacerbating conditions, such as the breakdown of family and community ties, collapsed gender roles, limited access to resources, insufficient security, and inadequate housing in camp settings. When refugees or internally displaced persons experience sexual and gender-based violence, their needs can be particularly urgent and complex. Survivors may experience compounded levels of physical or psychological distress resulting from individual and collective harms suffered. Unfortunately, multisectoral service options are often scarce in forced displacement settings. It is important to better understand the options for immediate physical shelter that exist in these contexts. In addition to providing immediate physical protection, programs that provide shelter to displaced persons fleeing sexual and gender-based violence may help to facilitate access to other critical services in resource-constrained settings. However, data about shelter-providing programs in such contexts is extremely limited. Evidence-based information about shelter models, client and staff needs, service challenges, and strategies is urgently required to inform policy, programming, and implementation guidance for international, national, and local entities that design or oversee these protection programs.

Details: Berkeley, CA: Human Rights Center, University of California - Berkeley, School of Law, 2013. 145p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 19, 2014 at: http://www.law.berkeley.edu/files/HRC/SS_Thailand_web.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Thailand

URL: http://www.law.berkeley.edu/files/HRC/SS_Thailand_web.pdf

Shelf Number: 132528

Domestic Violence
Gender-Based Violence
Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation
Victim Services
Violence Against Women

Author: Horn, Rebecca

Title: Safe Haven: Sheltering Displaced Persons from Sexual and Gender-Based Violence. Case Study: Kenya

Summary: In the first eight months of 2012, the Dadaab refugee camp complex at the Kenya-Somalia border registered nearly 6,000 new arrivals from Somalia, bringing the total population of the northeastern camps to 474,000. If the Dadaab complex were a city, it would be Kenya's third largest, after Nairobi and Mombasa. A similar population explosion occurred on the other side of the country, in Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya's northwest. Nearly 13,000 new refugees were registered between January to August 2012, mostly from South Sudan. The total camp population is now over 101,000. By August 2012, the total number of registered refugees and asylum-seekers in Kenya came to over 630,000-with 55,000 of these residing having migrated internally to Nairobi.2 Camp overpopulation and ongoing security concerns have led to extreme resource constraints and protection challenges. UNHCR's implementing partners report cases of aggression within the camps, including rape and other forms of sexual and gender-based violence. Further south in the country, 664,000 Kenyan citizens were displaced as a result of the post-election violence that occurred immediately after December 2007's presidential election results were announced.3 During the two months of inter-ethnic conflict that ensued, approximately 1000 cases of sexual and gender-based violence were treated by the two major gender violence clinics in Nairobi.4 Today, many Kenyans remain displaced, with entire camp communities still clustered in central and western Kenya. Security and service delivery to the camps is low. Rates of sexual and gender-based violence are difficult to assess, but assumed to be largely underreported. In an era of increased attention to conflict-related violence, we are now beginning to understand the continuum of sexual and gender-based harm that men, women, and children can suffer during armed conflict, in flight, and while temporarily resettled in refugee or internal displacement camps. Violence such as rape, gang rape, and sexual torture or slavery can occur during periods of armed conflict and may be perpetrated by different actors for different reasons. Those fleeing a conflict may still be susceptible to rape, sexual exploitation, or trafficking while attempting to secure transport, cross borders, and find lodging. Finally, even in settlement-whether in refugee or internal displacement camps or in urban centers-vulnerability to harm persists due to a number of factors, including lack of protective networks, immigration status, and basic resources. Displacement also increases vulnerability through new and exacerbating conditions, including the breakdown of family and community ties, collapsed gender roles, limited access to resources, insufficient security, and inadequate housing in camp settings. Refugees and internally displaced persons fleeing armed conflict or even natural disasters have few options for immediate physical protection from sexual or gender-based violence-either during flight or in camps. Further, the needs of refugees or internally displaced persons who also experience sexual and gender-based violence are likely to be urgent and complex. They may experience compounded levels of physical or psychological distress stemming from both conflict-related displacement and their experience of sexual and gender-based violence. Providing services to people with such complex vulnerabilities requires multisectoral approaches that address the special needs created by these circumstances. It is important to better understand the options for immediate safe shelter that exist in these contexts. In addition to providing immediate physical protection, programs that shelter those fleeing sexual and gender-based violence may help to facilitate access to other critical services in resource-constrained displacement settings. However, data about shelter-providing programs in these contexts is extremely limited. Evidence-based information about shelter models, client and staff needs, service challenges, and strategies is urgently required to inform policy, programming, and implementation guidance for international, national, or local entities that design or oversee these protection programs.

Details: Berkeley, CA: Human Rights Center, University of California, Berkeley, School of Law, 2013. 113p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 19, 2014 at: http://www.unhcr.org/51b6e2fd9.html

Year: 2013

Country: Kenya

URL: http://www.unhcr.org/51b6e2fd9.html

Shelf Number: 132529

Gender-Based Violence
Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation
Sexual Violence
Victim Services
Violence Against Women

Author: Harris, Kamala D.

Title: Gangs Beyond Borders: California and the Fight Against Transnational Organized Crime

Summary: Gangs Beyond Borders: California and the Fight Against Transnational Organized Crime, addresses all three emerging pillars of transnational criminal activity: the trafficking of drugs, weapons and human beings; money laundering; and high-tech crimes, such as digital piracy, hacking and fraud. It is the result of extensive research and consultation with federal, state, and local law enforcement, non-governmental organizations, and academia. The report finds that while transnational organized crime is a significant problem, it is not insurmountable. In California, law enforcement at all levels of government have made major strides against these criminal groups, even in the face of declining resources. Law enforcement in foreign countries have made steady in-roads, as well, as demonstrated by the recent arrest in February 2014 of Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzman Loera, the reputed head of Mexico's notorious Sinaloa Federation cartel. The report describes the strategies that are working and sets forth recommendations to combat transnational organized crime. A call for sustained law enforcement funding and collaboration between federal, state, and local governments are at the center of these recommendations.

Details: Sacramento: California Attorney General, 2014. 118p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 20, 2014 at: https://oag.ca.gov/sites/all/files/agweb/pdfs/toc/report_2014.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: United States

URL: https://oag.ca.gov/sites/all/files/agweb/pdfs/toc/report_2014.pdf

Shelf Number: 132534

Computer Crimes
Digital Crimes
Drug Trafficking
Gun Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Internet Crimes
Money Laundering
Organized Crime
Transnational Crime

Author: American Bar Association

Title: How Do Fortune 100 Corporations Address Potential Links to Human Rights Violations in a Globally Integrated Economy?

Summary: The report, "How Do Fortune 100 Corporations Address Potential Links to Human Rights Violations in a Globally Integrated Economy?" presents the first ever analysis of major companies' publicly available policies on human trafficking, forced labor and the trade in conflict minerals. The researchers found that 54 percent of all Fortune 100 companies have publicly available policies addressing human trafficking and that 66 percent have policies on forced labor. Furthermore, when the research team eliminated companies without supply chains (such as those engaged in insurance, banking and financial services), the remaining 79 companies - termed the "Target Group" in the study - displayed even greater coverage, with nearly two-thirds (66 percent) having policies on human trafficking and more than three-quarters (76 percent) having policies on forced labor. In addition, over one third (37 percent) of all Fortune 100 companies had publicly available policies addressing conflict minerals and over four in ten (43 percent) of the Target Group had such policies. Because not all Fortune 100 companies deal in conflict minerals, the numbers on these policies are lower.

Details: Washington, DC: American Bar Association; Tempe, AZ: Arizona State University, 2014. 45p.

Source: Internet Resource: http://www.americanbar.org/content/dam/aba/administrative/human_rights/fortune_100_report_on_trafficking.authcheckdam.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: International

URL: http://www.americanbar.org/content/dam/aba/administrative/human_rights/fortune_100_report_on_trafficking.authcheckdam.pdf

Shelf Number: 132547

Conflict Minerals
Forced Labor
Human Rights Abuses
Human Trafficking

Author: International Labour Office

Title: Profits and Poverty: The Economics of Forced Labour

Summary: The global integration of economies, including labour markets, has brought many opportunities for workers and businesses. Despite the past years of economic crisis, it has generally spurred economic growth. However, the growth in the global economy has not been beneficial for all. Today, about 21 million men, women and children are in forced labour, trafficked, held in debt bondage or work in slave-like conditions. The publication of this new ILO report on the economics of forced labour takes the understanding of forced labour, human trafficking, and modern forms of slavery to a new level. It builds on earlier ILO studies on the extent, cost and profits from forced labour. For the first time, it looks at both the supply and demand sides of forced labour, and presents solid evidence for a correlation between forced labour and poverty. What's more, it provides startling new estimates of the illegal profits generated through the use of forced labour, as well as new evidence of the key socio-economic factors that increase the risk of falling victim to coercion and abuse. These new findings come as progress is being made in the struggle against forced labour. State-imposed forced labour is declining in importance when compared to the extent of forced labour in the private economy. Of course, vigilance is needed to prevent state-imposed forced labour from resurging. But attention must now be focused on understanding what continues to drive forced labour and trafficking in the private sector. Chapter 1 lays the groundwork for an understanding of forced labour and what it is, and examines the importance of defining forced labour and related practices, such as human trafficking and slavery. It reviews the global forced labour estimates published by the ILO in 2012, which were significantly higher than the ILO's earlier estimate. Chapter 2 examines the profits from forced labour. Using a new and expanded methodology and based on the 2012 Global Estimate, the report provides updated estimates of the global profits generated by forced labour. Chapter 3 provides a new analysis of the socio-economic factors that make people vulnerable to forced labour. Based on a series of ground-breaking country surveys that consider a range of different cohorts and factors, it highlights where forced labour is most likely to occur and provides a striking correlation between household vulnerability to sudden income shocks and the likelihood of ending up in forced labour. It also elucidates risk factors that can increase vulnerability to forced labour, such as poverty, lack of education, illiteracy, gender and migration. The results of this study serve to highlight the critical need for standardized data collection methods across countries that enable the ILO and other international organisations to generate more reliable global figures, measure trends and better understand risk factors. What's more, it also shows how understanding the socio-economic factors that increase a person's vulnerability to forced labour can help drive the development of new, more robust and concrete strategies that augment existing programmes. In addition, it calls for a strengthening of laws and policies based on normative responses and an expansion of preventive measures that can keep people out of forced labour. The report concludes that there is an urgent need to address the socio-economic root causes of this hugely profitable illegal practice if it is to be overcome. Comprehensive measures are required that involve governments, workers, employers and other stakeholders working together to end forced labour. It shows how the continued existence of forced labour is not only bad for its victims, it's bad for business and development as well. And it aptly illustrates that forced labour is a practice that has no place in modern society and should be eradicated as a matter of priority.

Details: Geneva, ILO, 2014. 66p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 15, 2014 at: http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---ed_norm/---declaration/documents/publication/wcms_243391.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: International

URL: http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---ed_norm/---declaration/documents/publication/wcms_243391.pdf

Shelf Number: 132678

Cost Benefit Analysis
Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Socioeconomic Conditions

Author: Sijapati, Bandita

Title: Trafficking and Forced Labour in Nepal: A Review of the Literature

Summary: This book reviews the current state of knowledge on various aspects of trafficking and forced labour in Nepal. The first part analyses issues related to different forms of labour exploitation. It identifies the main obstacles to addressing associated problems and also highlights some of the best practices, before concluding with recommendations that could help make planned interventions more effective. The second part consists of a detailed annotated bibliography of 256 books, papers and articles on the subject. It is divided into four broad categories of trafficking, forced labour, migrant labour, and traditional forms of bondage. The authors believe this will serve as a handy resource to both researchers and practitioners.

Details: Kathmandu, Nepal: Himal Books for the Centre for the Study of Labour and Mobility, 2011. 220p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 15, 2014 at: http://www.ceslam.org/docs/publicationManagement/Trafficking_Forced_Labour_Nepal.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Nepal

URL: http://www.ceslam.org/docs/publicationManagement/Trafficking_Forced_Labour_Nepal.pdf

Shelf Number: 132679

Forced Labor (Nepal)
Human Trafficking

Author: Spinks, Harriet

Title: Destination Anywhere? Factors affecting asylum seekers' choice of destination country

Summary: - At the end of 2011 there were over 16 million refugees and asylum seekers worldwide. By far the majority of these are hosted in the developing world, close to the refugee-producing hotspots. However significant numbers do make their way to developed countries to apply for asylum. - In the context of increasing numbers of asylum seekers arriving in Australia by boat in recent years, there has been much debate about the impact of certain policy measures on numbers of arrivals, and the relative significance of 'pull' versus 'push' factors in influencing the rate of arrivals. - There is a growing body of research (albeit largely from outside Australia) into the issue of asylum destination choice - that is, the extent to which asylum seekers are able to exercise choice when it comes to their destination country, and their reasons for choosing certain countries over others. - This research reveals a number of common themes, chief among them being that asylum seekers generally have limited options available to them, and choices are made within a very narrow field of possibilities. Their choices and their journeys are often strongly influenced by the people smugglers, or agents, they engage to assist them. - Where asylum seekers are able to exercise choice in determining their destination country, factors such as the presence of social networks, historical ties between the countries of origin and destination, and the knowledge or belief that a certain country is democratic, where human rights and the rule of law are likely to be respected, are highly influential. - Policies and processes relating to the asylum procedure in destination countries are generally not well known and therefore not highly significant in influencing choice of destination. This represents a major challenge for governments which are attempting to curb flows of asylum seekers through changes to asylum policy.

Details: Canberra: Parliament of Australia, 2013. 24p.

Source: Internet Resource: Research Paper no. 1, 2012-13: Accessed July 16, 2014 at: http://parlinfo.aph.gov.au/parlInfo/download/library/prspub/2209855/upload_binary/2209855.pdf;fileType=application/pdf

Year: 2013

Country: International

URL: http://parlinfo.aph.gov.au/parlInfo/download/library/prspub/2209855/upload_binary/2209855.pdf;fileType=application/pdf

Shelf Number: 132683

Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking

Author: Petros, Melanie

Title: The Costs of Human Smuggling and Trafficking

Summary: It has become almost axiomatic to begin papers on human smuggling and trafficking by stating that they remain under-researched phenomena. Increasingly, however, this is not the case, and new empirical research has begun to plug some of the gaps. What is true, nevertheless, is that this research is largely scattered. Still relatively little information is available in academic publications, with the concentration of empirical evidence spread across policy papers, migration bulletins and the media. Probably as a result, it is also true that this information has rarely systematically been analysed. There is, for example, still no reliable global overview of the scale or dynamics of human smuggling and trafficking; certain geographical regions and routes are far better understood than others, and there are very few comparative studies. In contrast, this paper attempts to draw together some of this scattered information - it is based on analysis of over 500 secondary sources. It is concerned specifically with the costs of human smuggling and trafficking, and adopts a longitudinal and global perspective - asking how costs vary across the world, how they have changed over time and what factors other than origin and destination determine their level.

Details: Geneva, SWIT: Global Commission on International Migration, 2005. 21p.

Source: Internet Resource: Global Migration Perspectives, No. 31: Accessed July 18, 2014 at: http://www.refworld.org/docid/42ce53934.html

Year: 2005

Country: International

URL: http://www.refworld.org/docid/42ce53934.html

Shelf Number: 114680

Costs of Criminal Justice
Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking

Author: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, Office of the Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings

Title: Leveraging Anti-Money Laundering Regimes to Combat Trafficking in Human Beings

Summary: This publication, issued by the OSCE Office of the Co-ordinator for Economic and Environmental Activities, the OSCE Office of the Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, and the OSCE Transnational Threats Department - Strategic Police Matters Unit, summarizes several years of joint efforts to bridge gaps in the knowledge and capacity of practitioners who are working to counter money laundering and trafficking in human beings. Much of the research contained herein was identified during the OSCE/UNODC Expert Seminar on Leveraging Anti-Money Laundering Regimes to Combat Human Trafficking, held in Vienna on 3-4 October 2011. This publication provides background and information to help practitioners to operationalize the intersection of human trafficking and money laundering.

Details: Vienna: OSCE, 2014. 44p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 21, 2014 at: http://www.osce.org/secretariat/121125?download=true

Year: 2014

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.osce.org/secretariat/121125?download=true

Shelf Number: 131683

Economic Crimes
Human trafficking
Money Laundering (Europe)

Author: Reichert, Jessica

Title: National survey of residential programs for victims of sex trafficking

Summary: Through a survey, researchers sought to learn about residential programs for trafficking victims in the U.S. The purpose was to share available programs and services with other jurisdictions to better serve victims of trafficking. A listing of programs identified through the survey is provided in Appendix B. The following are key findings about residential programs for victims of sex trafficking in the U.S. Nationally, a total of 33 residential programs were found to be currently operational and exclusive to trafficking victims with a total of 682 beds, two in Illinois. Residential programs were open in 16 states and the District of Columbia; California had the most with nine residential programs offering 371 beds for victims. The Western region of the country had the most residential programs for victims with 59 percent of the total beds available there. In California, there were ten residential programs with approximately 54 percent of all beds for trafficking victims. Twenty-eight states had no residential programs for victims of sex trafficking and no plans to open any. Most of the programs accepted both domestic and international victims (64 percent) and 36 percent were exclusive to victims of domestic sex trafficking. Most available beds in residential programs (75 percent) were designated for minor victims of sex trafficking. Of the surveyed programs, there were fewer than 28 beds for male victims of sex trafficking. All but one of the residential programs indicated they offer residential services 24-hours a day, seven days a week. Twenty-eight of the 37 operational facilities have aftercare services for the victims leaving the residential program. Many agencies indicated that they would be opening a residential program—a total of 27 programs offering 354 more beds.

Details: Chicago, IL: The Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority, 2013. 37p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 25, 2014 at: http://www.icjia.state.il.us/public/pdf/ResearchReports/NSRHVST_101813.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: United States

URL: http://www.icjia.state.il.us/public/pdf/ResearchReports/NSRHVST_101813.pdf

Shelf Number: 132776

Human Trafficking
Sex Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation
Victim Services

Author: Seelinger, Kim Thuy

Title: Safe Haven: Sheltering Displaced Persons from Sexual and Gender-Based Violence. Case Study: Haiti

Summary: As part of its Sexual Violence Program, the Human Rights Center conducted a one-year study in 2012 to explore and improve understanding of the options for immediate, temporary shelter for refugees, internally displaced persons, and other migrants fleeing sexual and gender-based violence in countries affected by conflict or natural disaster. We define shelter flexibly. For example, it may be in the form of a traditional safe house, or a network of community members' homes, or other safe spaces coordinated by a base organization. Our aim was to generate research-based evidence to inform donors, policymakers, and international and local actors about types of relevant models, priority challenges, and promising practices. The study focused on three key objectives: 1. Identify and describe shelter models available to refugees, the internally displaced, and migrants fleeing sexual and gender-based violence. 2. Identify unique challenges experienced by staff and residents in these settings and explore strategies to respond to these challenges. 3. Explore protection needs and options for particularly marginalized victim groups, such as male survivors, sexual minorities, sex workers, and people with disabilities. The aim and objectives were the same across each of the studies, carried out in Colombia, Haiti, Kenya, and Thailand. Our research focused primarily on programs that served communities of refugees, migrants, and internally displaced persons, including those operating in a camp setting. We also studied mainstream shelters to identify protection options and innovations in urban settings. Study outputs include four country-specific reports and one comparative assessment that contain guiding considerations for the UNHCR and other stakeholders involved in the provision of protection to these populations. The Haitian landscape of shelters for survivors of sexual and gender-based violence changed quickly after the 2010 earthquake. Two major safe houses suddenly ceased to operate. One was the Centre Yvonne Hakim Rimpel, run by the Ministere a la Condition Feminine et aux Droits des Femmes (hereinafter Women's Ministry) and funded in part by Eve Ensler's V-Day. The other was a short-term emergency house run by the women's rights organization Kay Fanm. In their place, post-earthquake Haiti saw a proliferation of new shelter efforts supported by international donors, including several of the programs we visited. Our researchers conducted interviews with staff and residents in six shelter programs, including the following: - three traditional safe houses run by local women's rights groups; - one independent living arrangement program funded by a private US-based foundation; - one LGBT rights group that did not run a formal shelter, but which provided ad hoc access to a community host network; - one hybrid shelter space that consisted of dormitory space downstairs in the office of a women's rights organization. We also learned of other developing shelter options, such as temporary plywood housing, or "T-shelters," erected by various international groups in certain camps, an IOM project in Croix-des-Bouquets, and a safe house planned by the French Red Cross in conjunction with a local Haitian organization in Petit Goave. However, these emerging programs were not included in our study sample.

Details: Berkeley, CA: Human Rights Center, University of California - Berkeley, School of Law, 2013. 110p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 13, 2014 at: http://www.unhcr.org/51b6e2b29.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Haiti

URL: http://www.unhcr.org/51b6e2b29.pdf

Shelf Number: 133038

Domestic Violence
Gender-Based Violence (Haiti)
Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation
Victim Services
Violence Against Women

Author: Diallo, Ismaila

Title: A profile of crime markets in Dakar

Summary: Several criminal markets - ranging from drug trafficking to human trafficking, piracy and counterfeiting, trafficking of pharmaceuticals, cybercrime and money laundering - can be found in Dakar, Senegal. This paper profiles those criminal markets currently active in the city and its suburbs, analyzing their structures, operations and transnational dimensions. The expansion of these criminal markets is a matter of considerable concern for West Africa's economic and social development. In every case, 'regardless of the criminal market... the common denominator is always exploitation for profit. This exploitation ultimately affects the entire country: its people and institutions; its' economic prosperity; and its social fabric'.

Details: Pretoria: Institute for Security Studies, 2014. 12p.

Source: Internet Resource: ISS Paper 264: Accessed August 14, 2014 at: http://www.issafrica.org/uploads/Paper264.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: South Africa

URL: http://www.issafrica.org/uploads/Paper264.pdf

Shelf Number: 133050

Counterfeit Medicines
Criminal Networks (South Africa)
Drug Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Money Laundering
Organized Crime

Author: Thomas, Chantal

Title: International Law against Sex Trafficking, in Perspective

Summary: This study places international law on sex trafficking in a broad theoretical and historical context. First, it identifies the international law on sex trafficking as part of an "international law of prohibitionism" that operates as a particular kind of response to and management of globalization. Second, this study identifies dynamic forces both "external to" and "internal to" law that lead to prohibitionism. "External" factors refer to economic, sociological and cultural phenomena that seem to have triggered the turn to prohibition. The international legal framework responds to and reflects these external sociological factors; these factors are also productive of state power for the purposes of policing illegal transactions. Taking an historical approach, it is possible to construct a loose parallel between prohibitionism during the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. If such dynamics helped secure the basis for the modern administrative state in the early 20th century, by supporting the consolidation of national police power, they may undergird and reinforce the expansion, not only of national, but also of international legal authority, in the 21st. The study's "internal" factors are social and legal concepts that determine the formulation, interpretation and application of a legal test. This internal analysis here examines the interaction within doctrinal structures of the dichotomy between legal consent and legal coercion, and of the mediating concepts of normality and abnormality. Both external and internal factors buttress the international law of prohibition as a basis for the expansion of state authority and of the authoritativeness of international law. Third, the study refines the historical context mentioned above to look at the international law against sex trafficking in particular. In the last great era of unregulated economic expansionism, the turn of the 19th century, concerns similar to anti-trafficking were in wide circulation, but expressed under the rubric of "white slavery." The earlier law, and the discourse surrounding it, exhibited some of the same features as the contemporary law. Finally, this study suggests that, whatever the moralistic or misguided features of prohibitionism, its rise may also prefigure a transition to broader market regulation. Prohibitionism is deeply implicated in a laisser-faire approach to law; it is the mirror image of, but also the continuation of, the vast apparatus necessary to maintain a market-oriented regulatory posture. It provides a vocabulary - mediated by constructs of 'abnormality,' or 'extraordinary' cases - to enable the discussion of market controls in an ideological environment in which such discussion might otherwise be discouraged. Even as it supports the market, however, prohibitionism is also associated with a set of concerns about the market's potentially harmful effects. Under the ideological constraints of laisser-fair-ism, concerns relating to the abuses of the deregulated market may tend to focus on extraordinary cases. Such concerns, however, though first expressed about "abnormal" contracts (such as those related to the trafficking of persons), may turn out slowly to gain sufficient currency to apply to "ordinary," "normal" contracts. As legal subjects, women seem to have provided the template for this discursive transformation in both historical eras (consider that the West Coast Hotel case that ended the Lochner era addressed the social need to protect women in the workplace). If the study's suggestions are accurate, then, prohibitionism may signal a change from the view that market regulation must be exceptional to an understanding of its pervasive importance.

Details: Ithaca, NY: Cornell Law School, 2014. 62p.

Source: Internet Resource: Cornell Legal Studies Research Paper No. 13-85 : Accessed August 25, 2014 at: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2274095

Year: 2014

Country: International

URL: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2274095

Shelf Number: 133134

Criminal Law
Feminist Legal Theory
Human trafficking
Sex Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Isacson, Adam

Title: Mexico's Other Border: Security, Migration, and the Humanitarian Crisis at the Line with Central America

Summary: Mexico's Other Border: Security, Migration, and the Humanitarian Crisis at the Line with Central America, which examines migration patterns, human trafficking and smuggling, security, and U.S. and Mexican policy at Mexico's southern border. With dozens of images, maps, statistics, and testimonies, the report not only explains what Mexico's "other border" looks like, it shows very clearly that the real humanitarian emergency is not just in shelters and detention facilities in south Texas - it runs along the entire migration route to the United States. Mexico's Other Border also outlines what is at stake for policymakers under pressure to "do something" about the current surge in migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border. Contrary to what some in Washington allege, lax U.S. border security is not to blame for this surge. (In fact, the number of security personnel on the U.S.-Mexico border has doubled in the past eight years.) WOLA found that Mexican authorities and migrant shelters alike have seen a sharp rise in migration from Central America, including the influx of families and unaccompanied children that authorities are now struggling to manage in south Texas and elsewhere on the U.S.-Mexico border. The report documents a modest but accelerating buildup of U.S.-funded security forces and infrastructure on both sides of the Mexico-Guatemala border. In a series of recommendations, authors Adam Isacson, Maureen Meyer, and Gabriela Morales call for an approach that can ease the humanitarian crisis facing Central American migrants in transit, without the risks of a large deployment of undertrained, uncoordinated, and unaccountable military, police, intelligence, and migration forces

Details: Washington, DC: Washington Office on Latin America, 2014. 43p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 10, 2014 at: http://www.wola.org/publications/mexicos_other_border

Year: 2014

Country: Central America

URL: http://www.wola.org/publications/mexicos_other_border

Shelf Number: 133260

Border Law Enforcement
Border Security (U.S.)
Drug Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Illegal Immigrants

Author: Inter-American Commission on Human Rights

Title: Human Rights of Migrants and Other Persons in the Context of Human Mobility in Mexico

Summary: 1. Pursuant to Article 41 of the American Convention on Human Rights and Article 58 of its Rules of Procedure, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (hereinafter "the Inter-American Commission" or "the IACHR") is presenting this report to assess the human rights situation of the international and domestic migrants in the context of human mobility in Mexico and to make recommendations to ensure that the migration and immigration policies, laws and practices in the United Mexican States (hereinafter "the Mexican State," "Mexico" or "the State") comport with the international human rights obligations it has undertaken to protect migrants, asylum seekers, refugees, victims of human trafficking and the internally displaced persons. 2. Throughout this report, various situations are described that affect the human rights of migrants, asylum seekers, refugees, victims of human trafficking and the internally displaced in Mexico. This report's particular focus is on the serious violence, insecurity and discrimination that migrants in an irregular situation encounter when traveling through Mexico, which includes, inter alia, kidnapping, murder, disappearance, sexual violence, human trafficking and the smuggling of migrants. The report also looks at the issue of immigration detention and due process guarantees for migrants, asylum seekers and refugees held in immigration holding or detention centers. The report will also examine situations that affect the human rights of migrants who live in Mexico, such as their right to nondiscrimination in access to public services and their labor rights. The last part of the report examines the difficult circumstances under which those who defend the rights of migrants perform their mission. 3. Mexico is today a country of origin, transit and destination for migrants, and increasingly a country to which they return. Mexico is the necessary gateway of mixed migration flows, which include thousands of migrants, asylum seekers, refugees and victims of human trafficking which have the United States as their main destination and, to a lesser extent, Canada. Of all the countries in the Americas, Mexico is doubtless the one that most clearly reflects the various faces of international migration in a country. Because of the enormous impact that international migration has had on Mexico, particularly as a country of origin for migrants, globally Mexico has been a principal driving force and advocate for the recognition and protection of the human rights of all migrants. 4. Furthermore, in recent years, public security in Mexico has been severely eroded by the intense violence generated by organized crime and the battle being waged against it. The spike in criminal violence in recent years in Mexico poses very complex challenges for the State, which is called upon to take every measure necessary to safeguard the security of persons within its jurisdiction, which obviously includes migrants. Security and protective measures have to be premised on respect for human rights to ensure that the actions taken by the State to fight crime do not end up becoming a source of still greater insecurity or even State abuse. Mexico does not have a citizen security and safety policy specifically geared to preventing, protecting and prosecuting crimes committed against migrants. Furthermore, the State's response to the surge in violence has be to shore up the military and police forces to help them fight crime, mainly drug trafficking. In many instances, the effect of these two factors has been to increase the violence and human rights violations committed by State agents, rather than to safeguard the security of those in Mexico. 5. While the severe insecurity that Mexico is now experiencing has had profound effects on the Mexican population, it has also revealed just how vulnerable migrants in Mexico are, particularly migrants in an irregular situation in transit through Mexico. In recent years, the Commission has been receiving news and reports of multiple cases in which migrants are abducted, driven into forced labor, murdered, disappeared and, in the case of women, frequently the victims of rape and sexual exploitation by organized crime. The Commission has also received information to the effect that in a considerable number of cases, State agents - members of the various police forces or personnel of the National Institute of Migration - have been directly involved in the commission of the crimes and human rights violations listed above. At the present time, the extreme vulnerability of migrants and other persons to the heightened risks of human mobility in Mexico is one of worse human tragedies in the region, involving large-scale and systematic human rights violations. 6. The insecurity of migrants in Mexico was why, during the hearing on the "Situation of the Human Rights of Migrants in Transit through Mexico" held on March 22, 2010, civil society organizations asked the IACHR to have its Rapporteurship on the Rights of Migrant Workers and Their Families conduct an on-site visit to Mexico to examine the situation of migrants' human rights. For its part, the Mexican State's response was that the oversight mechanisms of the Inter-American and universal systems have an open, standing invitation to visit Mexico, so that the Rapporteurship's visit would be welcome. The onsite visit was hastened by a series of communications that civil society organizations sent to the IACHR Rapporteur on the Rights of Migrant Workers, and by thematic hearings held at Commission headquarters which revealed large-scale violations of migrants' human rights in recent years, the inefficacy of the public safety and security services, and the fact that no one was made to answer for the crimes committed against migrants. The Mexican State formally invited the Rapporteur to conduct an in loco visit, which he did from July 25 to August 2, 2011.

Details: Washington, DC: Organization of American States, 2013. 272p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 12, 2014 at: http://www.oas.org/en/iachr/migrants/docs/pdf/Report-Migrants-Mexico-2013.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Mexico

URL: http://www.oas.org/en/iachr/migrants/docs/pdf/Report-Migrants-Mexico-2013.pdf

Shelf Number: 133293

Asylum Seekers
Human Rights Abuses(Mexico)
Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Immigrant Detention
Organized Crime

Author: Alemika, Etannibi E.O.

Title: The Impact of Organised Crime on Governance in West Africa

Summary: There are several types of organised criminal activities and operatives in West Africa. These activities include drug trafficking, advanced fee and internet fraud, human trafficking, diamond smuggling, forgery, cigarette smuggling, money-laundering, arms manufacture, arms trafficking, and armed robbery as well as oil bunkering . Transnational organised criminal activities often involve collaboration among domestic and foreign criminal groups. Organised criminal groups infiltrate governments, businesses, political and economic systems. They undermine the effectiveness of these systems, sometimes through corruption and violence. It is imperative that enough effort is given to the understanding of the impact of organised crime on governance in West Africa. Aim and scope of study In this study, the following issues are addressed: - Variety and trends of organised crime in West Africa; - Impact of organised crime on peace, stability, development and the rule of law; - Transnational linkages of organised crime; and - Linkages between state institutions/politics and organised crime. The focus of the study is different from the prevalent approach to the subject and reports on organised crime in West Africa, which have been more concerned with drug trafficking, human trafficking and scams directed at European and North American countries. Inadequate attention has been paid to other forms of organised crime. More significantly, there has been a lack of attention to the impact of organized crime on the fragile political, economic and social systems of the region. The responses by international, regional and national actors involved in developing and implementing measures against organised crime emphasise developing the capacity of law enforcement and judicial officials to enable effective interdiction and enforce the law. However, experience over the past two decades in many parts of the world indicates that reliance on law enforcement alone may not be an effective and sustainable enough approach. A broader understanding of actors, modes of operation, networks, of the nexus between organised crime and political systems, and the impact of organised criminal activities and actors on the economies and societies of West African countries is a prerequisite for developing a comprehensive and effective response to the activities of criminal networks.

Details: Abuji, Nigeria: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Regional Office Abuja, 2013. 106p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 12, 2014 at: http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/bueros/nigeria/10199.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Africa

URL: http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/bueros/nigeria/10199.pdf

Shelf Number: 133292

Criminal Networks
Drug Trafficking
Human trafficking
Money Laundering
Organized Crime (West Africa)
Tobacco Smuggling
Trafficking in Weapons

Author: Great Britain. National Crime Agency

Title: National Strategic Assessment of Serious and Organised Crime 2014

Summary: If there is a single cross-cutting issue that has changed the landscape for serious and organised crime and our response against it, it is the growth in scale and speed of internet communication technologies. The online streaming of real-time child sexual exploitation and abuse is a growing threat. Cyber techniques have proliferated and are used ever more extensively by wider serious and organised crime groups to commit 'traditional' crimes (see Section 1: Cross-cutting issues for cyber-enabled crime). As more government services go online, including tax collection, there is an increasing risk of online attacks and fraud against the public sector. Large scale attacks on public as well as private online services erode consumer confidence, which affects the UK's social and economic well-being and reduces the attractiveness of the UK as a place to do business. 84% of all cases of identity fraud are delivered by the internet. The pace of development of deployable criminal tools is such that we anticipate an increase in the targeted compromise of UK networked systems, more ransom-ware attacks and distributed denial of service (DDOS) attacks against business-critical systems. Corruption is another key cross-cutting issue, the impact of which is disproportionate to the level and frequency at which it occurs, with serious ramifications in terms of confidence towards the public and private sectors and in undermining trust in government. Proceeds of corruption and bribery amounting to millions of pounds from some international politically exposed persons (PEPs) have been laundered through UK financial systems including banks and investment property. The scale of the laundering of criminal proceeds, despite the UK's leading role in developing international standards to tackle it, is a strategic threat to the UK's economy and reputation. Some of the same financial transfer systems used by serious and organised criminals in the UK are also used by terrorist groups both domestically and overseas. The UK and its dependent territories are believed to have been the destination for billions of pounds of European criminal proceeds. We assess that the supply of heroin from Afghanistan, amphetamine processing/production in the UK and the supply of new psychoactive substances are all likely to increase, and that the supply of cocaine from South America is likely to remain at a high rate. The impact of the illegal drugs trade in the countries where they are sourced and those through which they are trafficked can be significant and undermines states and government structures. In some cases it has the potential to damage UK strategic partnerships. Human trafficking is widely recognised as a significant global problem. Work to scope the extent of criminality behind the trafficking of human beings continues in order to improve the understanding of modern slavery. We assess that irregular migrants already in the UK will continue to provide a pool of people that serious and organised criminals can exploit by selling them forged or counterfeit documents to support fraudulent applications for leave to remain in the UK. We also assess that criminal exploitation of the legitimate supply of firearms to the UK marketplace will increase. There is also a concern that weapons, whether from illegal or legitimate sources, might find their way into the hands of extremists. All of the most serious crime threats are transnational. Commodities of all types - including, for example, trafficked people destined for modern slavery, intangibles targeted in fraud and cyber crime - either come from or transit through often unstable countries. Corruption in these countries both feeds off the proceeds of the crime and contributes in turn to instability. The criminal exploitation of corrupt and unstable governments or countries can directly threaten UK national security.

Details: London: National Crime Agency, 2014. 28p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 29, 2014 at: http://www.nationalcrimeagency.gov.uk/publications/207-nca-strategic-assessment-of-serious-and-organised-crime/file

Year: 2014

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.nationalcrimeagency.gov.uk/publications/207-nca-strategic-assessment-of-serious-and-organised-crime/file

Shelf Number: 133466

Child Sexual Exploitation
Drug Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Illegal Drugs
Illegal Guns
National Security
Online Victimization
Organized Crime (U.K.)
Violent Crime

Author: Gastrow, Peter

Title: Transnational organised crime: The stepchild of crime-combating priorities

Summary: Experts continue to argue about an appropriate definition for organised crime, and ordinary citizens and lawmakers do not really know what it means. We tend to feel intense about the crime categories that make up organised crime, such as the trafficking of women and children, the poaching and smuggling of rhino horn and ivory, the selling of fake medicines, abalone poaching, the smuggling of endangered species, trafficking in narcotics, bank fraud or cybercrime. But organised crime as a concept tends to leave most people untouched. Pressure from voters on politicians and the latter's hope of re-election contribute to crime- combating strategies being short term, uncoordinated and confined within national borders. Little attention is paid to transnational organised crime even though it is developing into a major international security threat. It has gone global, but effective global responses have not been developed. Undoubtedly, some of the battles against transnational organised crime are being won, but we are losing the war. The vulnerabilities of developing countries should make the warning lights for Africa go on even stronger than elsewhere. Through its regional organisations and the AU, Africa should start working on a coordinated regional approach towards countering transnational organised crime on the continent, because individual states will no longer be able to do so on their own.

Details: Pretoria, South Africa: Institute for Security Studies, 2013. 4p.

Source: Internet Resource: Policy Brief: Accessed October 1, 2014 at: http://www.issafrica.org/publications/policy-brief/transnational-organised-crime-the-stepchild-of-crime-combating-priorities

Year: 2013

Country: International

URL: http://www.issafrica.org/publications/policy-brief/transnational-organised-crime-the-stepchild-of-crime-combating-priorities

Shelf Number: 133525

Drug Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime
Wildlife Crime

Author: Niemi, Johanna

Title: Abuse of a victim of sex trade. Evaluation of the Finnish sex purchase ban

Summary: The report explores the effectiveness of the offence 'abuse of a victim of sex trade', (Criminal Code, chapter 20 section 8). Enacted in 2006, this provision prohibits the purchasing of sex from a victim of human trafficking or procuring. It is complemented by section 7 of the Public Order Act, which prohibits the purchasing and the offering for sale and selling of sex in a public place. The report also explores the situation in the UK and Sweden. Sweden has had a comprehensive sex purchase ban in place since 1999. Information on the situation in Sweden is available in a report published in 2010 and the annual reports of the National Rapporteur on Trafficking in Human Beings. The relevant legislation in the UK as reformed in 2009 closely resembles the Finnish corresponding legislation. Because no study of the effectiveness of the British legislation has yet been conducted, interviews were conducted to gain a better picture. The situation in Finland was explored through statistics and register data, interviews with 18 experts and a review of court documents. Statistics show that between 2006 and 2013, a total of 379 cases of 'abuse of a victim of sex trade' were registered by the police. Charges were brought against 49 persons and tried. The district courts have sentenced 42 persons for 'abuse of a victim of sex trade' or an attempt thereof. The default fine has been established at 20 day-fines. Fines for purchasing and selling sex, pursuant to the Public Order Act, were imposed in 106 cases between 2003 and 2011. Most of these fines were imposed on the sellers. Investigating and proving 'abuse of a victim of sex trade' has turned out to be challenging. The report concludes with recommendations.

Details: Helsinki: Finland Ministry of Justice, 2014. 137p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 17, 2014 at: http://oikeusministerio.fi/material/attachments/om/julkaisut/FMVCU3esJ/OMSO_13_2014_Sex_136_s_korjattu.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Finland

URL: http://oikeusministerio.fi/material/attachments/om/julkaisut/FMVCU3esJ/OMSO_13_2014_Sex_136_s_korjattu.pdf

Shelf Number: 133740

Human Trafficking
Sex Trade
Sex Trafficking
Sex Workers (Finland)
Sexual Violence
Victims of Crimes

Author: Owens, Colleen

Title: Understanding the Organization, Operation, and Victimization Process of Labor Trafficking in the United States

Summary: This study examines the organization, operation, and victimization process of labor trafficking across multiple industries in the United States. It examines labor trafficking victim abuse and exploitation along a continuum, from victims' recruitment for work in the United States; through their migration experiences (if any), employment victimization experiences, and efforts to seek help; to their ultimate escape and receipt of services. Data for this study came from a sample of 122 closed labor trafficking victim service records from service providers in four US cities. In addition, interviews were conducted with labor trafficking survivors, local and federal law enforcement officials, legal advocates, and service providers in each site to better understand the labor trafficking victimization experience, the networks involved in labor trafficking and the escape and removal process, and the barriers to investigation and prosecution of labor trafficking cases. All the victims in this study sample were immigrants working in the United States. The vast majority of our sample (71 percent) entered the United States on a temporary visa. The most common temporary visas were H-2A visas for work in agriculture and H-2B visas for jobs in hospitality, construction, and restaurants. Our study also identified female domestic servitude victims who had arrived in the United States on diplomatic, business, or tourist visas. Individuals who entered the United States without authorization were most commonly trafficked in agriculture and domestic work. Labor trafficking victims' cases were coded to collect information on their labor trafficking experience, as well as any forms of civil labor violations victims encountered. All victims in our sample experienced elements of force, fraud and coercion necessary to substantiate labor trafficking. Elements of force, fraud and coercion included document fraud; withholding documents; extortion; sexual abuse and rape; discrimination; psychological manipulation and coercion; torture; attempted murder; and violence and threats against themselves and their family members. In addition to criminal forms of abuse, we also found that labor trafficking victims faced high rates of civil labor exploitation. These forms of civil labor exploitation included, but were not limited to, being paid less than minimum wage; being paid less than promised; wage theft; and illegal deductions. While legal under some visa programs and labor law, employers/traffickers also controlled the housing, food, and transportation of a significant proportion of our sample. Immigration status was a powerful mechanism of control - with employers threatening both workers with visas and unauthorized workers with arrest as a means of keeping them in forced labor. Despite 71 percent of our sample arriving in the United States for work on a visa, by the time victims escaped and were connected to service providers, 69 percent were unauthorized. By and large, labor trafficking investigations were not prioritized by local or federal law enforcement agencies. This lack of prioritization was consistent across all study sites and across all industries in which labor trafficking occurred. The US Department of Labor was rarely involved. Survivors mostly escaped on their own and lived for several months or years before being connected to a specialized service provider. A lack of awareness and outreach, coupled with the victims' fear of being unauthorized, inhibited the identification of survivors. Policy and practice recommendations are provided to improve identification and response to labor trafficking and guide future research on labor trafficking victimization.

Details: Washington, DC: Urban Institute, 2014. 307p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 22, 2014 at: http://www.urban.org/UploadedPDF/413249-Labor-Trafficking-in-the-United-States.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: United States

URL: http://www.urban.org/UploadedPDF/413249-Labor-Trafficking-in-the-United-States.pdf

Shelf Number: 133798

Forced Labor (U.S.)
Human Trafficking
Immigrant Labor
Labor Trafficking

Author: Salamanca, Luis Jorge Garay

Title: Understanding the Structure of Transnational Criminal Networks Operating in the U.S./Mexico Border and the Southeastern Border of the European Union

Summary: Systemic crime and systemic corruption, much like any other activity, require the interaction of different agents. Some of those interactions are sporadic and some are permanent. In general, there are "many situations that social actors create and must negotiate in their behavior" (Radil, Flint, & Tita, 2010, p. 308), and it is possible to model and analyze those situations when arranged as a social network. Additionally several States and multilateral agencies acknowledge Transnational Criminal Networks (TCNs) as one of the most important threats for the domestic and transnational stability. Bearing this in mind, the purpose of this document is to model and analyze situations of crime consisting on Transnational Criminal Network (TCNs) operating in the southern border of The United States and the Southeastern border of the European Union, both regions concentrating some of the most dangerous and powerful TCNs on a global scale. The present document consists of eight sections. The first is the methodological and theoretical framework. The second is an introduction to the current situation of crime in Mexico. The third is the model and analysis of a TCN operating across Mexico and the United States, in which members of "Los Zetas" and "La Familia Michoacana" participate on activities of drug and hydrocarbons trafficking. The fourth section is an analysis of how the modeled Mexican TCN operates inside the United States. Implications for the stability and national security of the United States are also explored in the fourth section. The fifth section is an introduction to the situation of crime and corruption in Bulgaria, herein interpreted as the southeastern border of the European Union. In the sixth section four TCNs are modeled and analyzed: two consisting on crime transiting through Bulgaria, related to Drug Trafficking, and two consisting on exporting human trafficking from Bulgaria to Western Europe and a Skimming network. The final section is a summary of recommendations for improving the confrontation of TCNs.

Details: Bogota, Colombia: Vortex Foundation; Sophia, Bulgaria: Risk Monitor, 2013. 235p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 27, 2014 at: http://www.informeescaleno.com.ar/images/Understanding_the_Structure_Bulg_grant.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: International

URL: http://www.informeescaleno.com.ar/images/Understanding_the_Structure_Bulg_grant.pdf

Shelf Number: 133820

Border Security
Criminal Networks
Drug Trafficking
Gang Violence
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime
Political Corruption

Author: Native Women's Association of Canada

Title: Sexual Exploitation and Trafficking of Aboriginal Women and Girls - Literature Review and Key Informant Interviews

Summary: This research was prepared for the Canadian Women's Foundation's National Task Force on Trafficking of Women and Girls. This research will form a comprehensive picture on the state of human trafficking for sexual exploitation of Aboriginal women and girls in Canada. The review will help to inform the work of NWAC and the Canadian Women's Foundation's Task Force and aid in the Task Force's preparations to identify and suggest key solutions for a national anti- trafficking strategy effectively addressing sexual exploitation of Aboriginal women and girls in Canada.

Details: Toronto: Canadian Women's Foundation, 2014. 81p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 30, 2014 at: http://canadianwomen.org/sites/canadianwomen.org/files//NWAC%20Sex%20Trafficking%20Literature%20Review_2.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Canada

URL: http://canadianwomen.org/sites/canadianwomen.org/files//NWAC%20Sex%20Trafficking%20Literature%20Review_2.pdf

Shelf Number: 133878

Child Sexual Exploitation
Human Trafficking
Sex Trafficking (Canada)
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Barrett, Nicole A.

Title: Laws to Combat Sex Trafficking: An Overview of International, National, Provincial and Municipal Laws and their Enforcement

Summary: This report examines current legislation, regulations and law enforcement issues relating to human trafficking for sexual exploitation at four levels: the international, national, state/provincial, and municipal. The report is part of on-going research for the Task Force on the Trafficking of Women and Girls in Canada, convened by the Canadian Women's Foundation (CWF). A previous research report to the Task Force discusses the incidence of sex trafficking in Canada as well as specific issues of trafficking for sexual exploitation in Canada and the impacts on women and girls in particular. The overall purpose of the research is to analyze Canada's legal framework for addressing sex trafficking, place Canada's current legislative responses to sex trafficking at federal, provincial and municipal levels in the context of international obligations and recent developments in other countries, and to examine possible responses and innovative practices for the law and law enforcement. The report is intended to aid the Task Force in formulating its programming and policy responses to the significant problem of sexual exploitation of women and girls in Canada. The report is divided into six main sections, which look at the context in which legislation should be considered, and examines the four levels of applicable law, including a brief discussion of internet regulation as it relates to sex trafficking. The six sections include: - An introduction, providing methodology and context - International protocols and obligations relating to sex trafficking and selected examples of foreign national and state/provincial legislation on human trafficking and prostitution - Canadian Federal legislation - Canadian Provincial legislation - Canadian Municipal regulation - Regulating the internet The final section of the report summarises the main issues arising from the research for further consideration by the Task Force. Summary charts on current international, Canadian Provincial and Municipal responses, and an overall matrix of legislative responses to trafficking for sexual exploitation are included as Appendices to the report (Appendices I-VII).

Details: Toronto: Canadian Women's Foundation, 2013. 106p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 30, 2014 at: http://canadianwomen.org/sites/canadianwomen.org/files//Laws%20to%20Combat%20Sex%20Trafficking_2.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: International

URL: http://canadianwomen.org/sites/canadianwomen.org/files//Laws%20to%20Combat%20Sex%20Trafficking_2.pdf

Shelf Number: 133880

Child Prostitution
Child Sexual Exploitation
Human Trafficking
Internet Crimes
Law and Legislation
Sex Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Human Rights Watch


Summary: At least 146,000 female migrant domestic workers—perhaps many more—are employed in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Female domestic workers from the Philippines, Indonesia, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Ethiopia, and elsewhere face severe abuse and exploitation by employers and labor recruitment agencies. “I Already Bought You”: Abuse and Exploitation of Female Migrant Domestic Workers in the United Arab Emirates documents how the UAE’s visa sponsorship system (known as kafala) ties migrant workers to employers and how the exclusion of domestic workers from labor law protections leaves migrant domestic workers at risk of abuse. The report exposes barriers preventing abused domestic workers from obtaining remedy, including lack of shelters, penalties for “absconding” workers, and justice system failings. Based on interviews with 99 female domestic workers, recruitment agents, employers, and others in the UAE, the report documents abuses that domestic workers face—passport confiscation, non-payment of wages, lack of rest periods and time off, confinement to households, excessive work and working hours, food deprivation, and psychological, physical, and sexual abuse. In some cases the abuses amounted to forced labor or trafficking. The UAE has an increasingly influential role in the international labor arena. In 2014, it joined the governing body of the International Labour Organization. At home, however, it maintains the exploitative kafala system, has failed to adopt a bill pending since 2012 on domestic workers’ rights, and has yet to ratify key international treaties on migrants’ and domestic workers’ rights. Human Rights Watch calls for the reform of the kafala system and the introduction of labor law protections and other measures to fully protect domestic workers’ rights.

Details: New York: HRW, 2014. 85p.

Source: Internet Resource: accessed November 10, 2014 at: http://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/reports/uae1014_forUpload.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: United Arab Emirates

URL: http://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/reports/uae1014_forUpload.pdf

Shelf Number: 134018

Domestic Workers (U.S.)
Forced Labor
Human Rights Abuses
Human Trafficking
Migrant Labor

Author: Anderson, Sarah

Title: Street Talk: An evaluation of a counselling service for women involved in street based prostitution and victims of trafficking

Summary: Street Talk is a small charity providing psychological interventions ('talking therapies') alongside practical support, primarily to two groups of women: women who have been the victims of trafficking and those women involved in or exiting street based prostitution. In 2012, Revolving Doors Agency was asked by Street Talk founder and director, Pippa Hockton, to conduct both a process and outcome evaluation of the Street Talk service. Field work for the evaluation commenced at the end of October 2012 and concluded in June 2013. Evaluation aims - Describe Street Talk model - Describe service user base and other key stakeholders - Determine extent to which service activities were delivered as intended and aligned to service aims and objectives - Describe processes of: building and maintaining partnership working arrangements; development of shared aims and objectives; target group identification and access; and client engagement and service delivery - Examine facilitators and barriers to project implementation within each host organisation - Identify perceived value and outcomes for partner host organisations and users of the service - Identify and describe Street Talk's "theory of change".

Details: London: Revolving Doors Agency, 2013. 99p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 20, 2014 at: http://www.revolving-doors.org.uk/documents/street-talk-evaluation/

Year: 2013

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.revolving-doors.org.uk/documents/street-talk-evaluation/

Shelf Number: 134163

Human Trafficking
Prostitution (U.K.)
Sex Workers
Sexual Exploitation

Author: U.S. Government Accountability Office

Title: Human Trafficking: Oversight of Contractors' Use of Foreign Workers in High-Risk Environments Needs to Be Strengthened

Summary: Since the 1990s, there have been allegations of abuse of foreign workers on U.S. government contracts overseas, including allegations of TIP. In 2002, the United States adopted a zero tolerance policy on TIP regarding U.S. government employees and contractors abroad and began requiring the inclusion of this policy in all contracts in 2007. Such policy is important because the government relies on contractors that employ foreign workers in countries where, according to State, they may be vulnerable to abuse. GAO was mandated to report on the use of foreign workers. This report examines (1) policies and guidance governing the recruitment of foreign workers and the fees these workers may pay to secure work on U.S. government contracts overseas and (2) agencies' monitoring of contractor efforts to combat TIP. GAO reviewed a nongeneralizable sample of 11 contracts awarded by DOD, State, and USAID, composing nearly one-third of all reported foreign workers on contracts awarded by these agencies at the end of fiscal year 2013. GAO interviewed agency officials and contractors about labor practices and oversight activities on these contracts. What GAO Recommends GAO recommends that agencies (1) develop a more precise definition of recruitment fees and (2) ensure that contract monitoring specifically includes TIP. DOD concurred with the first recommendation, while State and USAID noted that forthcoming regulations would prohibit all recruitment fees. Agencies concurred with the second recommendation.

Details: Washington, DC: GAO, 2014. 67p.

Source: Internet Resource: GAO-15-102: Accessed November 25, 2014 at: http://www.gao.gov/assets/670/666998.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: International

URL: http://www.gao.gov/assets/670/666998.pdf

Shelf Number: 134244

Foreign Workers
Human Trafficking

Author: Justice Centre Hong Kong

Title: How Many More Years A Slave? Trafficking for Forced Labour in Hong Kong,

Summary: Forced labour, modern slavery, debt bondage and human trafficking are all terms that have recently made their way into headlines in Hong Kong. These have often been in the context of multiple accounts of alleged abuse of foreign domestic helpers, such as the much-publicised cases of Erwiana Sulistyaningsih and Kartika Puspitasari in the past year. There are currently 11.7 million people in forced labour conditions in the Asia-Pacific region. As an important regional hub and both a destination and transit territory for human trafficking, Hong Kong is failing to fully comply with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking. Current legislation merely prohibits human trafficking "for the purpose of prostitution", but not for forced labour or other forms of trafficking, which has been criticised in the US State Department's Trafficking in Persons Report, as well as by UN bodies and several human rights organisations. This briefing - the first of a joint series examining modern day slavery in Hong Kong and offering policy solutions - will provide clarity about the distinguishing features and overlaps between forced labour and human trafficking, with reference to international standards. It will go on to identify the gaps in existing legislation, which is currently failing to provide redress in cases of trafficking for forced labour and to prevent further abuses, is neglecting to prosecute traffickers and is not offering adequate protection to victims of trafficking for forced labour in the HKSAR territory. The briefing calls on the Hong Kong Government to: (1) develop a broader definition of human trafficking which encompasses all forms of human trafficking as set out in the UN Trafficking Protocol (2) create a national plan of action to combat human trafficking (3) adopt a comprehensive anti-human trafficking law and (4) offer more robust labour protections against forced labour. Doing so is crucial to prevent further human rights abuses at a time when Hong Kong is looking at other emerging markets for sources of labour. At this critical juncture, the Hong Kong Government has an opportunity and the resources to redouble its efforts to combat modern forms of slavery and serve as a model in the Asia-Pacific region.

Details: Hong Kong: Justice Centre Hong Kong, 2014. 23p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 25, 2014 at: http://www.justicecentre.org.hk/framework/uploads/2014/03/JCHK_Report_final_spreads.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Hong Kong

URL: http://www.justicecentre.org.hk/framework/uploads/2014/03/JCHK_Report_final_spreads.pdf

Shelf Number: 134246

Debt Bondage
Domestic Workers
Forced Labor (Hong Kong)
Human Rights Abuses
Human Trafficking

Author: Coalition for Organ Failure Solutions (COFS)

Title: Sudanese Victims of Organ Trafficking in Egypt

Summary: COFS-Egypt has accumulated compelling evidence that organ traffickers have exploited and are continuing to exploit Sudanese refugees and asylum-seekers in Egypt. These abuses include removing kidneys either by inducing consent, coercion, or outright theft. In some cases, sex trafficking was associated with incidents of organ removal. The victims include men, women, and children. Many of the victims came to Egypt seeking refuge from the genocide and armed conflict in their homeland. Based on its ongoing fieldwork, COFS-Egypt identified 57 Sudanese refugees and asylum seekers in Egypt who said they were victims of organ trafficking. Each case involved the removal of a kidney. COFS-Egypt has conducted in-depth interviews with 12 of these individuals who described their experiences in compelling detail. COFS-Egypt arranged ultrasounds and physical exams for five of the victims as part of its follow-up care outreach services. These medical exams confirmed that kidneys had been removed in all five cases. Arrangements to interview and provide this care for the other victims are ongoing. Four victims also showed COFS' field researchers documents from the hospitals where their nephrectomies and the transplants occurred; the documents included their respective identifiers. Of the 57 victims identified, 39 (68%) are from Darfur, 26 (46%) are female and 5(9%) are children. The twelve victims COFS interviewed ranged in age from 11-36 years with an average of 23.5 years; four (33%) of the victims were 18 years old or younger; and five (42%) were female. Three of the interviewed victims said people smugglers/traffickers helped them to enter Egypt and worked directly with the organ traffickers who arranged their kidney removal. Statements by some of the victims interviewed indicated that some women and girls are simultaneously being trafficked for sex and organs (9 possible cases in the sample of 57), and that the actual number of females in general may far exceed that of males. Thus, women and children are of special concern. Three of the victims interviewed held official "refugee" status from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). One victim's application for refugee status was under review; another had filed an application; and seven others were illegal and had not yet applied to UNHCR at the time that they said organ traffickers victimized them. One victim told COFS' researchers that they were imprisoned in an effort to prevent them from reporting their claims of organ theft; this victim escaped during the January 25, 2011 revolution. Four of the victims said they had met the patients who had received their kidneys. Seven of the victims said they knew the nationality of the recipient. These victims reported that three recipients were from Sudan, one was from Jordan, one was from Libya, and two were from countries of the Persian Gulf. Interviewed victims also reported theft of money by the broker. All of the victims interviewed said they had experienced a deterioration of their health in addition to negative social, economic and psychological consequences as a result of the experience. COFS estimates that there are at least hundreds of Sudanese victims of organ trafficking in Egypt as well as numerous others from Jordan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia, Iraq and Syria. The total number of victims of organ trafficking in Egypt is estimated to be in the thousands. The findings presented in this report include only living victim-survivors of the organ trade that COFS was able to identify. This report does not speak to claims of people death as a result of a commercial organ removal. This has special significance considering recent reports about the kidnapping and abuse of sub-Saharan African migrants smuggled into the Sinai Peninsula en route to Israel. The reports include claims of torture and removal of organs that have resulted in death.

Details: Cairo, DC: COFS, 2011. 30p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 15, 2015 at: http://www.cofs.org/english_report_summary_dec_11_2011.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Egypt

URL: http://www.cofs.org/english_report_summary_dec_11_2011.pdf

Shelf Number: 134407

Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Organ Trafficking
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Organs (Africa)

Author: Regional Mixed Migration Secretariat

Title: Migrant Smuggling in the Horn of Africa & Yemen: The political economy and protection risks

Summary: This publication, the first in a new series of studies by the RMMS on specific mixed migration issues, focuses on migrant smuggling in the Horn of Africa and Yemen. Globally, migration and mobility are important survival and poverty reduction strategies for a large and growing number of people. This is no different in the Horn of Africa and Yemen, a poor, environmentally fragile and conflict-prone region that has generated a heavy flow of mixed migration in recent years. In 'mixed migration', different groups of migrants may travel with or alongside each other, using the same routes and means of transport but with different motivations and objectives. The term is relatively new and encompasses groups of refugees, asylum seekers, economic migrants, Internally Displaced People, stateless persons on the move and trafficked persons. The 'status' (regular, irregular) of people on the move often changes and adapts over the course of a journey, leading to increased difficulties in classification. In this report the term migrant is often used to include all those in the mixed migration flows, even if they include refugees and asylum seekers. According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), such movements often involve irregular or clandestine travel, "exposing people to exploitation and abuse by smugglers and traffickers or placing their lives at risk. Most migrants, when they travel irregularly, are in vulnerable situations". The majority in the Horn of Africa and Yemen move with the assistance or under the control of migrant smugglers. Although the results of migration may contribute to social and economic development, such forms of irregular migration represent huge challenges for governments and international organisations with regard to promoting the rights of migrants, addressing the issue of irregular migration and border management, ensuring national security and correct immigration procedures, and countering the activities of criminal networks. Migrant smuggling is a disturbing phenomenon due to the power dynamics and attendant protection risks between migrant and smuggler as well as between migrant and officials in the states through which migrants travel. Unlike human trafficking, the migrant starts his or her journey on a consensual basis, but this often soon changes. According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), migrant smuggling can be a 'deadly' business. Between 2006 and 2012, when regular monitoring of new arrivals first began, a conservative estimate indicates that almost half a million migrants (447,000) have set off to Yemen in boats from Djibouti or the Somali port city of Bossaso, almost all of them Somalis and Ethiopians. According to Human Rights Watch, and as this study will illustrate, asylum seekers, refugees and other migrants travelling to Yemen from the Horn of Africa suffer severe human rights abuses, violence or loss of life. They also claim that "despite the numbers and despite the human rights abuses, this has been largely ignored by the outside world". Many Eritrean migrants and asylum seekers take the western route through Sudan into Libya, while a large cohort of other Ethiopians and Somalis stream south through Kenya and towards South Africa. Almost all of this movement is facilitated by human smugglers.

Details: Nairobi: RMMS, 2013. 80p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 9, 2015 at: http://regionalmms.org/fileadmin/content/monthly%20summaries/series_booklet_Leo.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Africa

URL: http://regionalmms.org/fileadmin/content/monthly%20summaries/series_booklet_Leo.pdf

Shelf Number: 134573

Asylum Seekers
Criminal Networks
Human Smuggling (Africa)
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: Seelke, Clare Ribando

Title: Trafficking in Persons in Latin America and the Caribbean

Summary: Trafficking in persons (TIP) for the purpose of exploitation is a lucrative criminal activity that is of major concern to the United States and the international community. According to the U.S. State Department, there may be as many as 20 million trafficking victims around the world at any given time. In recent years, the largest numbers of trafficking victims have been identified in Africa and Europe; however, human trafficking is also a major problem in Latin America. Countries in Latin America serve as source, transit, and destination countries for trafficking victims. Men, women, and children are victimized within their own countries, as well as trafficked to other countries in the region. Latin America is also a primary source region for people trafficked to the United States, increasingly by transnational criminal organizations. In FY2013, primary countries of origin for foreign trafficking victims certified as eligible to receive U.S. assistance included Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador (along with Thailand, the Philippines, and India). Smaller numbers of Latin American TIP victims are trafficked to Europe and Asia. Latin America serves as a transit region for Asian TIP victims. Since enactment of the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000 (TVPA, P.L. 106-386), Congress has taken steps to address human trafficking by authorizing new programs, reauthorizing existing ones, appropriating funds, creating new criminal laws, and conducting oversight on the effectiveness and implications of U.S. anti-TIP policy. Most recently, the TVPA was reauthorized through FY2017 in Title XXII of the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (P.L. 110-457). According to CRS calculations, obligations for U.S.-funded anti-TIP programs in Latin America totaled roughly $10.9 million in FY2012. On June 20, 2014, the State Department issued its 14th annual, congressionally mandated report on human trafficking. The report categorizes countries into four "tiers" according to the government's efforts to combat trafficking. Those countries that do not cooperate in the fight against trafficking (Tier 3) have been made subject to U.S. foreign assistance sanctions. Nicaragua and, for the first time, Chile received the top Tier 1 ranking in this year's report. While Cuba and Venezuela are the only Latin American countries ranked on Tier 3 in this year’s TIP report, 10 other countries in the region - Antigua and Barbuda, Belize, Bolivia, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Panama, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, and Uruguay - are on the Tier 2 Watch List. Unless those countries make progress, they could receive a Tier 3 ranking in 2015. The 114th Congress is likely to continue oversight of TIP programs and operations, including U.S.-funded programs in Latin America. Congress is likely to monitor trends in human trafficking in the region, such as the involvement of organized crime groups in TIP, the problem of child trafficking in Haiti, and the vulnerability of unauthorized child migrants from Central America to trafficking. Congress could consider further increasing funding for anti-TIP programs in the region, as was provided for forensic technology to combat TIP in Central America and Mexico in P.L. 113-235, possibly through the Merida Initiative, the Central America Regional Security Initiative (CARSI), or through other assistance programs. For

Details: Washington, DC: Congressional Research Services, 2015. 20p.

Source: Internet Resource: CRS Report RL33200: Accessed February 16, 2015 at: https://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/row/RL33200.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Caribbean

URL: https://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/row/RL33200.pdf

Shelf Number: 134628

Human Smuggling
Human trafficking
Human Trafficking (Latin America, Caribbean)
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Finklea, Kristin

Title: Sex Trafficking of Children in the United States: Overview and Issues for Congress

Summary: The trafficking of individuals within U.S borders is commonly referred to as domestic human trafficking, and it occurs in every state of the nation. One form of domestic human trafficking is sex trafficking. Research indicates that most victims of sex trafficking into and within the United States are women and children, and the victims include U.S. citizens and noncitizens alike. Recently, Congress has focused attention on domestic sex trafficking, including the prostitution of children, which is the focus of this report. Federal law does not define sex trafficking per se. However, the term "severe forms of trafficking in persons," as defined in the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000 (TVPA, P.L. 106-386) encompasses sex trafficking. "Severe forms of trafficking in persons" refers, in part, to "[s]ex trafficking in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such act has not attained 18 years of age.... " Experts generally agree that the trafficking term applies to minors whether the child's actions were forced or appear to be voluntary. The exact number of child victims of sex trafficking in the United States is unknown because comprehensive research and scientific data are lacking. Sex trafficking of children appears to be fueled by a variety of environmental and situational variables ranging from poverty or the use of prostitution by runaway and "thrown-away" children to provide for their subsistence needs to the recruitment of children by organized crime units for prostitution. The TVPA has been the primary vehicle authorizing services to victims of trafficking. Several agencies have programs or administer grants to other entities to provide specific services to trafficking victims. Despite language that authorizes services for citizen, lawful permanent resident, and noncitizen victims, appropriations for trafficking victims' services have primarily been used to serve noncitizen victims. U.S. citizen victims are also eligible for certain crime victim benefits and public benefit entitlement programs, though these services are not tailored to trafficking victims. Of note, specialized services and support for minor victims of sex trafficking are limited. Organizations specializing in support for these victims may have fewer beds than might be needed to serve all victims. Other facilities, such as runaway and homeless youth shelters and foster care homes, may not be able to adequately meet the needs of victims or keep them from pimps/traffickers and other abusers. In addition, it has been suggested that minor victims of sex trafficking-while too young to consent to sexual activity with adults-may at times be labeled as prostitutes or juvenile delinquents and treated as criminals rather than being identified and treated as trafficking victims. These children who are arrested may be placed in juvenile detention facilities instead of environments where they can receive needed social and protective services. Finally, experts widely agree that any efforts to reduce the prevalence of child sex trafficking - as well as other forms of trafficking-should address not only the supply, but also the demand. Congress may consider demand reduction strategies such as increasing public awareness and prevention as well as bolstering investigations and prosecutions of those who buy illegal commercial sex ("johns"). In addition, policy makers may deliberate enhancing services for victims of trafficking. The most recent reauthorization of the TVPA, in March 2013, reauthorized some existing provisions, created a new grant program to combat child sex trafficking, and authorized appropriations through FY2017.

Details: Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service, 2015. 54p.

Source: Internet Resource: CRS Report No. R41878: Accessed February 19, 2015 at: https://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/R41878.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: United States

URL: https://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/R41878.pdf

Shelf Number: 134660

Child Prostitution (U.S.)
Child Sex Trafficking
Child Trafficking (U.S.)
Human Trafficking
Juvenile Runaways
Sex Trafficking

Author: International Centre for the Prevention of Crime (ICPC)

Title: Human Trafficking, Other Forms of Exploitation and Prevention Policies

Summary: This report explores strategies and initiatives related to the prevention of human trafficking that have been implemented in various developed countries. It covers the following themes: strategies aimed at combating human trafficking; enumeration; dissemination and coordination between the various levels to prevent and combat human trafficking; data collection systems; position in relation to application and evaluation.

Details: Montreal: International Centre for the Prevention of Crime, 2014. 138p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 4, 2015 at: http://www.crime-prevention-intl.org/fileadmin/user_upload/Publications/2014/HT_report_English_FINAL_20-10-14_Revised.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: International

URL: http://www.crime-prevention-intl.org/fileadmin/user_upload/Publications/2014/HT_report_English_FINAL_20-10-14_Revised.pdf

Shelf Number: 134744

Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Cole, Jennifer

Title: Sex Trafficking of Minors in Kentucky

Summary: Findings presented in this report are from telephone surveys conducted from July 2012 through April 2013 with 323 professionals who worked in agencies that serve at-risk youth and/or crime victims across Kentucky. Respondents were from all geographic and demographic communities in Kentucky, with the highest number serving Bluegrass metropolitan communities including Louisville, Lexington, and Northern Kentucky. Of the professionals who completed the survey (n = 323), the types of agencies with the highest number of respondents were: - Administrative Office of the Courts, Court Designated Workers (28.0%) - Department of Juvenile Justice Personnel (17.0%) - Victim service agencies (12.0%)-• Services for at-risk youth (10.0%) A little over one third of professionals (35.9%) had received some training related to human trafficking and the majority of professionals reported their agency did not have protocols for screening for victims of human trafficking (76.5%). About half of professionals (49.8%, n = 161) had worked with definite or suspected victims of sex trafficking as a minor (STM).

Details: Lexington, KY: University of Kentucky, Center on Drug and Alcohol Research, Center on Trauma and Children, 2013. 50p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 16, 2015 at: http://www.rescueandrestoreky.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Sex-Trafficking-of-Minors-in-Kentucky-Dr.-Coles-Report-Aug-2013.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: United States

URL: http://www.rescueandrestoreky.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Sex-Trafficking-of-Minors-in-Kentucky-Dr.-Coles-Report-Aug-2013.pdf

Shelf Number: 134935

At-Risk Youth
Child Sex Trafficking (Kentucky)
Child Sexual Exploitation
Human Trafficking

Author: Boukli, Paraskevi

Title: Imaginary penalities: reconsidering anti-trafficking discourses and technologies

Summary: The antithesis between a criminalisation and a human rights approach in the context of trafficking in women has been considered a highly contested issue. On the one hand, it is argued that a criminalisation approach would be better, because security measures will be fortified, the number of convictions will inevitably increase, and states' interests will be safeguarded against security threats. On the other hand, it is maintained that a human rights approach would bring more effective results, as this will mobilise a more 'holistic' approach, bringing together prevention, prosecution, protection of victims and partnerships in delivering gendered victim services. This antithesis, discursively constructed at an international level, cuts across a decentralised reliance on the national competent authorities. To investigate this powerful discursive domain, I set these approaches within the larger framework of a tripartite 'anti-trafficking promise' that aims to eliminate trafficking through criminalisation, security and human rights. I ask how clearly and distinctively each term has been articulated, by the official anti-trafficking actors (police and service providers), and what the nature of their interaction is within the larger whole. In grappling with these questions, I undertake both empirical and theoretical enquiry. The empirical part is based on research I conducted at the Greek anti-trafficking mechanisms in 2008-2009. The theoretical discussion draws, in particular, on the concept of 'imaginary penalties' introduced in the criminological work of Pat Carlen. I consider what it might mean to bring this concept to bear in the context of anti-trafficking. In my analysis, criminalisation is linked to a 'toughness' rhetoric, an ever-encroaching and totalising demand for criminal governance. Security is shown to express the contemporary grammar of criminalisation, crafting a global language of risks and threats as core elements of the post 9/11 ideological conditions in the area of crime control. Finally, human rights are figured as tempering or correcting the criminal law for the sake of victims' protection. Together, these three elements constitute a promise that, once they are balanced and stabilised, trafficking can be abolished. Yet it is not only trafficking that is at stake. My study shows how anti-trafficking discursive formations also produce particular forms of subjectivity and conceptions of class, sex, ethnicity and race. The upshot is to bring into focus the imaginary penalities at the centre of anti-trafficking discourses and technologies, while also suggesting the possibilities for contesting and transforming their subjects and fields of operation. The thesis opens up the conceptual map of future critical engagement with the relation of structural inequalities and imaginary penalities.

Details: London: London School of Economics, 2012. 390p.

Source: Internet Resource: Dissertation: Accessed March 18, 2015 at: http://etheses.lse.ac.uk/435/

Year: 2012

Country: International

URL: http://etheses.lse.ac.uk/435/

Shelf Number: 134950

Human Trafficking
Victims of Trafficking

Author: Swiss-Romanian Cooperation Programme

Title: Trafficking in Persons for Begging -- Romania Study

Summary: Romania is one of the states that have explicit domestic legislation on trafficking in persons for forced begging. The victims of forced begging are not punished, irrespective of their age. Assistance to victims of trafficking is granted irrespective of the form of exploitation. Hence, a victim forced to beg is entitled to and receives the same type of assistance as other victims of trafficking. Moreover, through child protection mechanisms and legal proceedings, Romania determines all the possible situations that involve child begging. This also includes the situation when a child is forced to beg by another person, including the children's parents. Vulnerability to trafficking for begging is not particularly gender biased. Factors such as low levels of schooling, lack of employment opportunities, dysfunctional or absence of social support networks, poor conditions of living and also other elements all acting together, favour the coercion of the victim and indirectly their victimisation. Family-related dysfunctions, such as: violence, alcohol abuse, tense relations between the family members, the absence of a parental model or an inappropriate one, and the lack of effective support, may represent factors that increase an individual's vulnerability to trafficking. Regarding the methods used by traffickers and also the abuses that victims suffer during the trafficking period, there are no different particularities comparing trafficking for begging to other forms of trafficking. Trafficking related to forced begging has mainly developed abroad. This evolution has been associated with the large profits obtained in trafficking for begging, in countries with high living standards, but also with the weak legislation of such countries, which mitigates the traffickers' risk of being identified. The traffickers operating abroad generally consist of individuals with criminal records, who have over time, oriented themselves towards this type of criminality, based on the significant volume of income that can be obtained, compared to the low level of risk undertaken. Interviews of both victims and experts related that most of the time, trafficking related to forced begging only represents one of the criminal actions performed by the traffickers operating abroad, such that traffickers also force victims into sexual exploitation or various street-related criminal offenses. In some cases, the traffickers were also involved in drug trafficking or car theft. Domestic trafficking constitutes a small percentage of trafficking for forced begging. Domestic trafficking shows specific features, compared to the external trafficking. The victims are generally disabled persons, institutionalized minors or homeless children. The victims are forced into begging under the pretext of 'protection', yet most of these victims were already practicing begging in order to obtain a minimum daily living. The study shows the situation of children who are exploited through begging by their own parents as a problem, which must be taken into account. The causes associated with trafficking by parents, include the lack of resources needed for decent living conditions as well as educational and cultural problems that prevent this group from being able to benefit from the social assistance that the Romanian state provides. With respect to the characteristics of traffickers, those operating domestically generally operate individually or in small groups, by exploiting a low number of victims. Generally, no other criminal actions are envisaged, although sometimes, trafficking for forced begging is correlated with trafficking for sexual exploitation or with petty street crimes. The ratio of women to men is equal amongst domestic traffickers, with women and men being involved in both recruitment and exploitation. The evaluation of the vulnerability of persons who are practicing begging, indicates that proper identification and referral of those victims to adequate assistance could break the chain of this particular type of trafficking. If the beggars could be removed from the streets and assisted in a proper manner, the traffickers would lose their assets and the victims could be assisted to exit the trafficking cycle. The assistance process however must be focussed, as an increasing percentage of victims being re-trafficked for forced begging is evident, as opposed to other forms of exploitation.

Details: Bucuresti, Romania: National Agency against Trafficking in Persons, 2013. 86p.

Source: Internet Resource: accessed March 18, 2015 at: https://ec.europa.eu/anti-trafficking/sites/antitrafficking/files/trafficking_in_persons_for_begging_-_romania_study_0.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Romania

URL: https://ec.europa.eu/anti-trafficking/sites/antitrafficking/files/trafficking_in_persons_for_begging_-_romania_study_0.pdf

Shelf Number: 134962

Child Trafficking
Forced Begging (Romania)
Human Trafficking
Organized Crimes

Author: Surtees, Rebecca

Title: Traffickers and trafficking. Challenges in researching human traffickers and trafficking operations, 2014

Summary: While much research and literature exists about trafficking victims, far less is known about the persons responsible for their exploitation. A clearer picture of how traffickers operate is vital in efforts to prevent and combat the crime of human trafficking and can be used in the development of criminal justice and social welfare responses to human trafficking - informing policies, strategies and interventions. To date, much of what is known about trafficking and traffickers is drawn from information provided by trafficking victims. Because trafficked persons are key witnesses to events in the trafficking process, there are substantial strengths to victim-derived data. At the same time, there are some significant limitations to this type of information. This paper discusses some of the fault lines involved in understanding traffickers and trafficking operations through the lens of trafficked persons and their individual trafficking experiences. These limitations make clear that an improved understanding of traffickers and trafficking operations requires looking beyond victim-derived datasets to other information sources, including research with traffickers themselves. This paper concludes with a discussion on recent research efforts on traffickers and trafficking, which signal potential ways forward of improving research on this significant human rights issue and crime. These include in particular drawing on criminal justice data sets as well as engaging directly with persons involved in trafficking, each of which affords important insight into various aspects of the other side of human trafficking. These studies also make clear that such research is not only possible but also essential to a thorough and holistic understanding of trafficking.

Details: Geneva, SWIT: International Organization for Migration; Washington, DC: NEXUS Institute, 2014. 76p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 20, 2015 at: http://publications.iom.int/bookstore/free/Nexus_Traffickers_and_trafficking_FINAL_WEB.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: International

URL: http://publications.iom.int/bookstore/free/Nexus_Traffickers_and_trafficking_FINAL_WEB.pdf

Shelf Number: 135264

Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Inter-Agency Coordination Group against Trafficking in Persons (ICAT)

Title: Preventing Trafficking in Persons by Addressing Demand

Summary: During the first decade following the adoption of the UN Trafficking in Persons Protocol, most efforts to prevent trafficking in persons (TIP) focused on what is often referred to as the supply side, concentrating on those who were seen as vulnerable to becoming victims of trafficking in person. Partly as a result of a perceived lack of progress for such supply side interventions, recent years have seen an increased interest in identifying and addressing factors that contribute to the demand that fosters all forms of labour exploitation. One of the ways in which this demand is met, is through trafficking in persons, which this paper aims to explore. The present paper is the second in a series of policy papers elaborated jointly by the member organizations of the Inter-agency Coordination Group against Trafficking in Persons. Its purpose is to provide guidance to organizations and practitioners by mapping out the dimensions of this demand as it relates specifically to trafficking in persons for labour exploitation, as well as highlighting strategies that can be used to address this aspect of the problem. The paper proceeds to identify concrete steps that can be taken by different actors to effectively reduce this demand. This paper concentrates specifically on demand that contributes to trafficking for labour exploitation in the context of the production of goods and/or services. The paper thus excludes trafficking for other purposes (including forced marriage, begging, forced criminality and organ removal), each of which has particular nuances. The paper further does not address demand that contributes to trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation. The paper does however make frequent reference to forced labour. While forced labour and trafficking for labour exploitation are not fully synonymous - not all forced labour involves trafficking and not all trafficking for labour exploitation amounts to forced labour - they both result from similar demand factors. Further, many relevant initiatives against exploitative labour practices are framed in terms of forced labour rather than trafficking in persons. The paper is divided into three parts. Part I provides an introduction to the concept of demand in the context of trafficking in persons for labour exploitation, the international legal framework relating to demand, and the reasons for increased attention to this area. The aim is not to create a definitive definition of demand but rather to identify an overall framework for Part II of the paper. This identifies different strategies and approaches for addressing demand and includes suggestions on possible steps to be taken with regard to each strategy. Part III consists of concluding comments, incorporating a brief summary of main recommendations.

Details: Vienna, Austria: ICAT, 2014. 30p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 20, 2015 at: http://www.ungift.org/doc/knowledgehub/events/ICAT_Demand_paper_-_FINAL.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: International

URL: http://www.ungift.org/doc/knowledgehub/events/ICAT_Demand_paper_-_FINAL.pdf

Shelf Number: 135272

Crime Prevention Programs, Human Trafficking
Forced Labour
Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Balarezo, Christine A.

Title: Selling Humans: the Political Economy of Contemporary Global Slavery

Summary: Human trafficking is a growing illegal crime, both in terms of numbers and profits. Thus, important to consider, as it is a human rights, political, criminal justice, national security, and economic issue. Previous studies have these examined these human trafficking factors independently, yet none have really taken into account how they work simultaneously. This study examines why human trafficker continues to occur, particularly at the domestic and transnational level, and also why some countries are better able to effectively deal with this problem in terms of criminalizing human traffickers. It is argued that at the domestic level, traffickers first must take into account the operating costs, illegal risks, bribery, and profits of the business. After considering these basic elements, they then need to consider the world, including economic, political, geographic, and cultural factors that may help facilitate human trafficking. However, human trafficking can occur across large geographic distances, though rare. This is more likely to happen based on the type of human trafficking group, available expatriate or immigrant networks, the origin-transit-destination country connection, or strength of the bilateral economic relationship between origin and destination countries. Finally, looking at why some countries are better able to criminalize traffickers helps us to better understand how human trafficking can be discouraged. In short, conformity of a country's domestic anti-human trafficking law, as well as the degree of enforcement, should increase the probability of criminalizing a human trafficker. These three theoretical arguments help to better understand the nature of the business, and more importantly, why human trafficking continues.

Details: Denton, TX: University of North Texas, 2013. 249p.

Source: Internet Resource; Dissertation: Accessed April 20, 2015 at: http://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc407818/

Year: 2013

Country: International

URL: http://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc407818/

Shelf Number: 135280

Human Slavery
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Hansen, Randall

Title: Securing Borders: The Intended, Unintended, and Perverse Consequences

Summary: All countries have the same basic goals in regard to national borders: to ensure that the beneficial movement - of legal goods, tourists, students, business people, and some migrants - is allowed, while keeping unwanted goods and people out of the country. All countries also face a similar set of border enforcement goals and challenges. They must prevent cross-border terrorism, illegal migration, human smuggling and trafficking, and other criminal activity such as drug trafficking. In adopting policies and practices to combat these activities, countries also face a common and basic dilemma: policies in any one area have perverse, regrettable, and often unintended, consequences and feedbacks. As states implement extensive border controls and apply a wide variety of deterrence measures such as visas and carrier sanctions to prevent illegal migration, they indirectly push unauthorized migrants into the hands of smugglers and traffickers who promise to evade these controls. This report is first in a series that focuses on ways to curb the influence of these"bad actors" who pose challenges to countries' immigration control efforts. The report outlines the security-related challenges that borders are intended to address and, in turn, the perverse consequences that tighter border enforcement generates. The report analyzes challenges in five key categories: terrorism, asylum, human smuggling and trafficking, illegal migration, and drug trafficking. Turning to policy implications of the analysis, the authors argue that in order to operate successfully in the changing landscape of border management, and prevent the perverse consequences of border control efforts, policymakers must focus on principles of good governance. Weak states cannot have strong borders, and states will not get border policy right unless they get their institutions right. Accordingly, proper border policy depends on a commitment to the rule of law, low levels of corruption, effective police and border control forces, and successful coordination both among responsible agencies and with like-minded states. To this end, this report offers several policy recommendations for more effective border security.

Details: Washington, DC: Migration Policy Institute, 2014.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 20, 2015 at: http://www.migrationpolicy.org/research/securing-borders-perverse-consequences

Year: 2014

Country: International

URL: http://www.migrationpolicy.org/research/securing-borders-perverse-consequences

Shelf Number: 135282

Border Security
Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Illegal Immigration

Author: McIntyre, Susan

Title: Aboriginal Domestic Trafficking in Persons

Summary: The data for this report was summarized from the following studies completed by Dr. Susan McIntyre: - The Youngest Profession Oldest Oppression (1994) - Strolling Away (2004) - Under the Radar the Sexual Exploitation of Young Men in Alberta (2005) - Under the Radar the Sexual Exploitation of Young Men in British Columbia (2006) - Under the Radar the Sexual Exploitation of Young Men in Saskatchewan (2008) - Under the Radar the Sexual Exploitation of Young Men in Manitoba (2008) - Under the Radar the Sexual Exploitation of Young Men in Western Canada (2010) The key findings in each subsection were derived from Under the Radar the Sexual Exploitation of Young Men in Western Canada (2010): - A total of 157 young men were interviewed and 96 of them were Aboriginal. The highest Aboriginal representation was from Saskatchewan where 85% were Aboriginal. - A background of sexual abuse prior to the street for this population was 70%. A background of physical abuse was reported in 82% of this Aboriginal population. - A total of 54% of these Aboriginal young men reported self harming actions prior to the street. - Sixty-one percent of this population entered into the Child Welfare system - Running away was reported in 81% of young Aboriginal men - Fifty percent reported being thrown out of their home - The youngest person began work at age 8 and the oldest at 30 with an average age of entering into street sexual exploitation being 15 years of age. - Just over half this population reported a connection to their Aboriginal culture - Eighty-three of the 96 Aboriginal young men (86%) had a history with the police - Seventy percent of this population were victims of violence within the home while 90% had witnessed family violence - Nine years was the average time Aboriginal youth reported working - Self introduction or introduction by a friend was the most common route into sexual exploitation - A family history of sexual exploitation was reported in over 60% of those interviewed - Thirty percent of this population reported being a biological parent - Over 60% of this population had not completed high school - Risk of gay bashing violence for this population is always a risk though only close to half had the experience - Family strain and disconnection was prevalent in 58% of these young men - Eighty-two percent of this population reported addiction as an issue - A person has a sexual orientation in their work life and in their private life - Having regular customers and/or sugar daddies was reported in 86% of those interviewed for the study - Sixty-six percent of this population had moved and worked in sexual exploitation - Over half of this population had worked in more than one province A review of the overall findings was complete, and the Aboriginal data was then separated out and analyzed for the Aboriginal Domestic Trafficking in Persons report. The remainder of this report is a discussion and series of seven recommendations which are as follows: 1. That an environmental scan be undertaken and completed at a national level looking at the services and supports available to sexually exploited young men. It should examine the extent of services available to Aboriginal sexually exploited young men given their overrepresentation in Western Canada. It will also be important that this document be province and city specific. 2. That studies such as Under the Radar be completed in other parts of Canada (e.g. Central and Eastern Canada) looking at the sexual exploitation of young men. National studies have been completed on females in sexual exploitation but not on males. This would provide an opportunity to have a complete picture of sexually exploited young men in Canada and the level of Aboriginal representation. 3. That specific research is undertaken that focuses on the issue of transgendered and/or Two-Spirited persons. That education and training be developed for educators, social service providers, health care workers, police, family and the general public in reference to transgendered and Two-Spirited persons. 4. That programs and services be designed, implemented and evaluated that are specifically focused on young sexually exploited young men; and that sexually exploited young men be the primary focus in this process. Specific attention should be directed toward the risk factors facing Aboriginal persons. 5. That a Federal Territorial Provincial Working Group be set up to look at sexually exploited young men. Establishing a gender-specific committee will ensure their needs is being considered from a program, policy and legal prospective. 6. That specific prevention and training programs be developed in looking at sexually exploited Aboriginal persons. Prevention programs and training materials should be designed, developed and delivered examining the role residential schools have played in impacting parents and their communities. These programs could be delivered to families, parents and the community both urban, rural and on reserve. 7. That training and education be designed and delivered to government, correctional and social service practitioners and students on the issue of sexual exploitation of young men including Transgendered and Two-Spirited individuals. Focus should be directed to the overrepresentation of Aboriginal persons and the relationship this has to residential school history.

Details: Calgary, Alberta: Hindsight Group, 2012. 42p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 1, 2015 at: http://www.hindsightgroup.com/Resources/Documents/Aboriginal%20Domestic%20Trafficking%20in%20Persons%20Final%20May%2018%20.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Canada

URL: http://www.hindsightgroup.com/Resources/Documents/Aboriginal%20Domestic%20Trafficking%20in%20Persons%20Final%20May%2018%20.pdf

Shelf Number: 135491

Human Trafficking
Indigenous People
Male Prostitutes
Sex Workers
Sexual Exploitation (Canada)

Author: Murphy, Laura T.

Title: Trafficking and Exploitative Labor among Homeless Youth in New Orleans

Summary: According to the Global Slavery Index, about 60,000 people are currently suffering under conditions of forced labor in the United States. But more detailed and systematic data are needed - especially about U.S. cities said to be "hubs for human trafficking." In Louisiana, official data are starting to be collected after a law was passed in 2014. Meanwhile, as part of a larger national effort, we have undertaken a study of trafficking among homeless youth in New Orleans. Located at the edge of the French Quarter, Covenant House New Orleans provides shelter and services to homeless, runaway, and at-risk youth ages 16 to 22, and to their children. In a replication and extension of a previous Covenant House study in New York, we interviewed 99 New Orleans clients, asking about various kinds of victimization and probing to see if their work experiences met federal legal criteria for sex trafficking, in which "a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud or coercion" or the person is under 18 years old; or for forced labor, defined as "the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services through the use of force, fraud or coercion for the purpose of subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage or slavery." Overall, our study revealed that 14% of respondents were identified as victims of some form of legally defined trafficking, with eleven who said they were trafficked for sex, five who reported being subject to other kinds of forced labor, and two reporting both kinds of exploitation. Covenant House New Orleans cares for about 615 youth aged 16 to 23 over the course of a year, and our results indicate that about 85 residents per year are likely to have been trafficking victims as currently legally defined. More broadly, almost a third of our respondents reported having been approached by strangers on the street to trade sex or to engage in other illegal or informal work. Most assumed they were being offered an opportunity to work in the sex trade. Recruitment into the drug trade happened very young, with one respondent starting at age nine and others in their teenage years. Our study also revealed that homeless youth are vulnerable to other kinds of exploitation - such as dangerous work conditions or wage theft. Experiences of Trafficking - Primarily for Sex We uncovered only five legally defined labor trafficking cases, and four of them were youth forced into drug dealing. Only one person reported being brought into factory labor via fraud in Mexico. Forced sexual labor was the main form of trafficking experienced by victims in our study, reported by eight females and three males. Three victims identified as gay, lesbian or bisexual. - Of the 11 people who were trafficked for sex, seven are considered trafficking victims by law because they were selling sex under age 18 either voluntarily or through force, and three of those seven continued to be coerced by pimps as young adults. Four older respondents reported situations of force, fraud, or coercion that compelled them to engage in sex work, so they too would be considered trafficked regardless of their age. Two young men who reported engaging in sex work as children indicated that they had not experienced any compulsion to participate. Sexual Labor and Sex for Survival One fourth of our respondents had been involved in sexual labor of some form. Thirteen respondents had worked as commercial sex workers, ten had worked in the sex industry as exotic dancers, and two had worked in the French Quarter as "shot girls" who use sexual flirtation to entice customers to buy drinks. - One third of all the young women we interviewed and almost a fifth of the men had engaged in sexual labor of some kind. In a typical year, therefore, Covenant House serves about 154 residents likely to have engaged in this kind of labor. - Fifteen respondents had engaged in "survival sex," performing a sex act in exchange for food, housing, or some other basic necessity they believed they had no other way to obtain. - Because there has been significant attention to survival sex prevalence among transgender youth, we analyzed that data and found that there were no clear cases of trafficking among the three transgender respondents. One reported resorting to survival sex on occasion for survival purposes. All three transgender respondents had experienced both sexual and physical abuse. Lessons and Policy Implications - Covenant House and similar shelters should increase beds and space for homeless youth, especially those involved in the sex trade. In cooperation with other providers, shelters should do more to help victims of sex trafficking, including young men as well as women. - Private and public agencies should improve work opportunities and training for young adults. - Currently, young adults "age out" of many legal protections and eligibility for foster care. Legislators should look for ways to ensure greater continuity into young adulthood. - The legislature and local police departments should fund and require programs to help law enforcement officers identify victims of trafficking; and community activists, legal professionals, and service providers should spread information about Louisiana's new law to vacate convictions for people who turn out to be trafficking victims. - To help communities cope, more research is needed on patterns of forced drug dealing. .

Details: New Orleans: Loyola University, Modern Slavery Research Project and Covenant House, 2015. 44p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 9, 2015 at: http://www.covenanthouseno.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Trafficking-Exploitative-Labor-Homeless-Youth-New-Orleans.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: United States

URL: http://www.covenanthouseno.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Trafficking-Exploitative-Labor-Homeless-Youth-New-Orleans.pdf

Shelf Number: 135545

Child Labor
Child Prostitution
Child Sexual Exploitation
Child Trafficking (New Orleans)
Homeless Youth
Human Trafficking
Sex Trafficking

Author: Murphy, Laura T.

Title: The Louisiana Human Trafficking Report

Summary: A first-ever report on human trafficking in the New Orleans metro area released March 21 by Loyola University New Orleans sheds light on the problem, highlighting indicators that suggest sex trafficking and forced labor are significant concerns for the area. While New Orleans has rapidly increased its legal, law enforcement and service provider capacity to address human trafficking in the last five years, obstacles stand in the way of effectively assisting victims, according to the report. The Modern Slavery Research Project at Loyola, with the support of the New Orleans Human Trafficking Work Group, released "The Louisiana Human Trafficking Report," authored by Loyola professor Laura Murphy, Ph.D., who leads the research project and the work group, and alumnus Brian Ea. For nine months, Murphy and other researchers turned to survivors, service providers, social workers, journalists, law enforcement, and local and state officials to uncover the pressing issues of human trafficking in the last 10 years, including the area's preponderance of sexual entertainment services, barriers for victims to report the crimes, high rates of poverty and youth homelessness. In the first six months of 2013 alone, a hotline run by the National Human Trafficking Resource Center received 227 reports from Louisiana, approximately the same number received in all of 2012. Among the likely human trafficking cases gleaned from those hotline calls, at least half involved minors. Sixty-eight percent were sex trafficking related, while at least 16 percent were cases of labor trafficking. But those statistics only uncover the tip of the iceberg, according to Murphy. Those statistics capture only a fraction of the cases - only those cases identified by a citizen and then reported to law enforcement or through other official channels such as the hotline. "Understanding human trafficking in the United States is incredibly difficult because exploited laborers tend to be a hidden population. The Modern Slavery Research project is dedicated to producing thoughtful, data-driven, community-based research that can better inform our community's approach to this issue," she said. "This report is only the beginning of the research we need to do to uncover the prevalence and scope of trafficking in Louisiana." Murphy, on a mission to help combat human trafficking in the Crescent City, hopes that the report will be used as ammunition to fuel ongoing efforts to address both sex and labor trafficking. In that realm, the report points to several recommendations that aim to improve awareness and response to trafficking, including: -Establish a dedicated human trafficking legal court in New Orleans; - Vacate criminal records for all crimes committed by adults that are determined to be a result of labor or sex trafficking victimization; -Pursue appropriate cases as human trafficking instead of the Fair Labor Standards Act or, in the cases of sex trafficking, pandering or inciting prostitution; -Focus on arrest of traffickers instead of sex workers; -Increase training to health care professionals on identifying victims of trafficking; -Expand access to self-esteem, harm-reduction and anti-trafficking curricula for youth; and -Create a high school anti-human trafficking curriculum with sustainable dissemination model.

Details: New Orleans: Loyola University New Orleans, 2014. 40p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 13, 2015 at: http://admin.loyno.edu/webteam/userfiles/file/LA%20HT%20Report%20final.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: United States

URL: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5887a2a61b631bfbbc1ad83a/t/59498f8b5016e1fb9956b1e7/1497993139659/LouisianaHT.pdf

Shelf Number: 135631

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Sex Trafficking
Sex Workers
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Donnelly, Robert

Title: Transit Migration in Mexico: Domestis and International Policy Implications

Summary: The recent surge in Central American migration has challenged Mexico to implement policies that uphold human rights for migrants (especially unaccompanied children) who are passing through the country while also deterring unauthorized crossings at the southern border and cracking down on human smuggling and trafficking. However, finding the appropriate balance for these policies - with a humanitarian focus on the one hand and meeting larger "security concerns" on the other hand - has been elusive for the Mexican government. This essay discusses the historical and political context of Mexico's various policy responses to the spike in Central American migration through Mexico toward the United States and analyzes related implications for the country's relationships with the United States and its Central American neighbors.

Details: Houston, TX: James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy, Rice University, 2014. 20p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 21, 2015 at: http://bakerinstitute.org/media/files/files/4a32803e/MC-pub-TransitMigration-120214.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Mexico

URL: http://bakerinstitute.org/media/files/files/4a32803e/MC-pub-TransitMigration-120214.pdf

Shelf Number: 135741

Border Security
Human Rights
Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Immigration Policy

Author: Polaris Project

Title: Sex Trafficking in the U.S.: A Closer Look at U.S. Citizen Victims

Summary: Sex Trafficking in the U.S.: A Closer Look at U.S. Citizen Victims provides crucial insight into the realities of sex trafficking in the U.S. based largely on experiences reported by U.S. citizen survivors. The issue brief highlights key aspects of the U.S. sex trafficking industry, including how U.S. citizen victims are recruited and controlled, the relationships between victims and traffickers, common venues where sex trafficking occurs, and survivors' level of access to opportunities for assistance. The brief, based on information reported to the National Human Trafficking Resource Center (NHTRC) hotline and Polaris's BeFree Textline in 2014, illustrates the variety of situations that victims face in rural, suburban, and urban communities across the country. The information contained in the brief is based on data collected from 1,611 sex trafficking cases reported to the National Human Trafficking Resource Center (NHTRC) hotline and the BeFree Textline in 2014 involving U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents, as well as a deeper analysis of 292 survivor accounts who directly contacted the NHTRC or BeFree. This information was supplemented with data from 141 U.S. citizen sex trafficking survivors who received direct services from Polaris between 2011 and 2014. By amplifying the voices of these survivors, we are taking steps to better understand the variety of ways traffickers operate and the comprehensive services victims require to rebuild their lives.

Details: Washington, DC: Polaris Project, 2015. 10p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 29, 2015 at: http://www.polarisproject.org/storage/us-citizen-sex-trafficking.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: United States

URL: http://www.polarisproject.org/storage/us-citizen-sex-trafficking.pdf

Shelf Number: 135798

Human trafficking
Sex Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Chuang, Janie A.

Title: Exploitation Creep and the Unmaking of Human Trafficking Law

Summary: The U.S. government has been promoting a greatly expanded legal definition and policy understanding of the problem of human trafficking. Through doctrinal and discursive conflation, it has recast (1) forced labor as trafficking, and (2) trafficking as "slavery." The aggregate effect of these moves is a doctrinally problematic "exploitation creep" that creates two possible trajectories for the anti-trafficking movement. The first favors crime-control-focused approaches that seek ex post perpetrator accountability and victim protection. The second - favored here - targets structural vulnerability to trafficking through strengthened labor frameworks, providing long-overdue substance to States' obligations to prevent trafficking under international law.

Details: Washington, DC: American University - Washington College of Law, 2013. 52p.

Source: Internet Resource: American University, WCL Research Paper No. 2014-49: Accessed May 30, 2015 at: http://www.upf.edu/gredtiss/_pdf/2013-LLRNConf_Chuang.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: United States

URL: http://www.upf.edu/gredtiss/_pdf/2013-LLRNConf_Chuang.pdf

Shelf Number: 129963

Forced Labor
Human Slavery
Human Trafficking

Author: Walker, Kate

Title: Ending the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children: A call for multi-system collaboration in California

Summary: Within the United States, California has emerged as a magnet for commercial sexual exploitation ("CSE") of children ("CSEC"). The FBI has determined that three of the nation's thirteen High Intensity Child Prostitution areas are located in California: the San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San Diego metropolitan areas. Child sex trafficking, child pornography, and child sex tourism are all forms of CSEC. Frequently, victims are exploited through more than one form of abuse, and they cycle through the stages of exploitation many times before they are able to leave their exploitative relationships. To address this problem, California must develop a comprehensive and collaborative response to ensure CSE victims are identified and receive the services they need to overcome trauma and live healthy, productive lives. The children who fall prey to exploiters are frequently those with prior involvement with the child welfare system, such as through child abuse report investigations and placement in foster care. Other victims should have received Child Welfare services and protections but never gained access to the system, and are instead treated like criminals and funneled into the juvenile justice system.

Details: Sacramento: California Child Welfare Council, 2013. 100.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 2, 2015 at: http://www.chhs.ca.gov/CWCDOC/Ending%20CSEC%20-%20A%20Call%20for%20Multi-System%20Collaboration%20in%20CA%20-%20February%202013.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: United States

URL: http://www.chhs.ca.gov/CWCDOC/Ending%20CSEC%20-%20A%20Call%20for%20Multi-System%20Collaboration%20in%20CA%20-%20February%202013.pdf

Shelf Number: 130001

Child Pornography
Child Prostitution
Child Sex Trafficking
Child Sexual Abuse
Child Sexual Exploitation
Child Welfare
Human Trafficking

Author: Stopler, Lucien

Title: Money Makes the World Go Down. Child Sexual Abuse and Child Sexual Exploitation in Tanzania

Summary: Child sexual abuse and child sexual exploitation is widespread and growing in Tanzania. Although no nationwide statistics currently exist, certain observations strongly indicate widespread sexual exploitation. This report is based on a literature review and key informant interviews. Tanzanian police, specialized local and international NGOs and victims of abuse and exploitation were interviewed during the field work. Below is a summary of the empirical findings that are subsequently supported and discussed in the body of the report. Research conducted in six areas of Dar es Salaam revealed that 40% of children from poor families are being sexually exploited. Other commercial areas in Tanzania, including mining and fishing areas, are known locations for child prostitution. Anecdotal information confirms that a large number of children travel to these areas on payday to solicit sex. Child sexual abuse is rampant among street children; it is estimated that 30 to 40% of boys are abused by older boys and market vendors and 90% of girls are abused and generally end up in prostitution. The clients of child prostitutes' range, from tourists, business men and NGO workers for the more expensive girls, to locals and teenagers exploiting the children that charge the lowest rates - sometimes asking only for food. Child prostitutes interviewed related stories of violence from clients and big mama's (pimps) and the desperation they feel from not having any options. Child sexual abuse within the family goes mostly undiscovered because family honor prevails over the rights of individual children. Boy prostitution is a phenomenon that occurs primarily in Zanzibar. Child sexual abuse and child sexual exploitation are often linked. Child sexual abuse is defined differently than child sexual exploitation - namely that there is no commercial transaction or negotiation taking place - but in practice there is a gradient scale from abuse to exploitation. Sexual abusers often introduce an aspect of commercial transaction that further exploits the vulnerability of the victim. The police do not prioritize the investigation or prosecution of men having sex with child prostitutes, even though sex with a minor is a grave offence, carrying up to 30 years imprisonment as well as corporal punishment. The police arrest the underage prostitute, not the man who is also breaking the law by engaging in child sexual exploitation. The police are themselves accused of exploiting child prostitutes. The police officers that are committed, request more training on investigative techniques and internatioanal cooperation, as well as sufficient resources. Trafficking routes run from Tanzania and other East African countries to Europe. Information from the Tanzanian police lists the Netherlands as a likely location for victims of trafficking, even though there are few reports of women in The Netherlands trafficked from Tanzania. Two important root causes of child sexual abuse and exploitation that need to be addressed are poverty, which pushes children towards the city where there is no work, and broken homes emanating partly from social stress. Income-generation and family-support programs can improve this situation.

Details: The Hague: Terre des Hommes Netherlands, 2009. 41p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 3, 2015 at: http://www.mensenhandelweb.nl/system/files/documents/14%20feb%202014/Money%20Makes%20the%20World%20Go%20Down%20%20Tanzania.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: Tanzania

URL: http://www.mensenhandelweb.nl/system/files/documents/14%20feb%202014/Money%20Makes%20the%20World%20Go%20Down%20%20Tanzania.pdf

Shelf Number: 129774

Child Prostitution
Child Sex Trafficking
Child Sexual Abuse
Child Sexual Exploitation
Human trafficking

Author: Stepnitz, Abigail

Title: Male-ordered The mail-order bride industry and trafficking in women for sexual and labour exploitation

Summary: This report explores the concept of servile marriage and the ways in which it overlaps with trafficking and violence against women and girls, especially those brought to the United Kingdom. The report reviews the social, political and economic contexts in the UK and on a global scale that have contributed to the development and proliferation of the mail-order bride (MOB) industry, the trends that can currently be observed and the ways in which the industry promotes trafficking, slavery, prostitution, pornography, exploitation of vulnerable groups and racial and ethnic stereotyping. The report examines evidence from websites and marriage brokers as well as from men who have or intend to 'purchase' a wife. Much of this evidence reflects the disconcerting levels of racialisation, links with sexual abuse of children, and the use of deceit and coercion to lure women from their homes and communities into lives of servitude in the UK. Statistical evidence is also analysed to highlight trends in ethnic representation, region and country of origin, and the issuing of fiancee/spousal visas, reported trends in prostitution, POPPY Project referrals of women trafficked for sexual and labour exploitation, abuse of migrant domestic workers and overall rates of domestic violence suffered by women in the UK. The theme of this report - the trafficking of women and girls into servile marriage through 'mail-order bride' channels - is yet another frontier in the global struggle against contemporary slavery and the multiple ways in which women and girls are exploited. Trafficking is a primary example of the connection between poverty, development, migration, violence against women and sexual or labour exploitation. A servile marriage will be understood here to be any situation wherein a woman is in a marriage that is either legally binding or sanctioned by her community in such a way that she has no reasonable possibility of asserting that the marriage is invalid; and wherein the woman is held in domestic and/or sexual servitude that defines her role as a wife.

Details: London: The POPPY Project, Eaves Housing for Women, 2009. 40p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 3, 2015 at: http://i1.cmsfiles.com/eaves/2012/04/Male-ordered-bedd8d.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://i1.cmsfiles.com/eaves/2012/04/Male-ordered-bedd8d.pdf

Shelf Number: 135876

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Mail-Order Brides
Sex Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Czarnecki, Dorothea

Title: Prostitution in Germany - A Comprehensive Analysis of Complex Challenges

Summary: Debate about prostitution was rekindled in Germany in the autumn of 2013, in connection with a number of national and international media and policy campaigns. This debate has often conflated two different issues: prostitution on the one hand, and human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation on the other. This in turn has led to incorrect information being spread about the legal situation and practice in Germany. A campaign by the European Women's Lobby, for example, seeks to "free" Europe from prostitution. Along with the Bild-Zeitung and Der Spiegel, feminists both at home and abroad are calling Germany "Europe's brothel". In the autumn of 2013 the women's magazine EMMA called on its readers to sign a petition to criminalize sex workers' clients and to eliminate prostitution as such. In response, the newly founded Professional Association for Erotic and Sexual Services (Berufsverband erotische und sexuelle Dienstleistungen - BesD) proceeded to release its own "pro prostitution" petition. We, the authors of this analysis, are feminists who work with both sex workers and trafficked persons as part of our professional activities, which include providing psychosocial support, doing research, and seeking to improve the situation of these two groups in terms of both policy and practice (see the bios in section 14). We seek to achieve a secure legal framework for sex workers, because we know that strengthening their rights will lead to greater protection against violence, better disease prevention and health services, and also reduce the social stigmatization and humiliating treatment they experience from authorities. We are publishing this analysis to help provide a more objective and nuanced basis for discussion about prostitution. We seek to present a realistic view of prostitution in Germany that is based on research and professional experience. Our analysis of this issue focuses on the rights and legal equality of sex workers, and on the protection thereof. We do not make value judgments about prostitution. We realize that not all feminists share this position. Some feminists view prostitution as a threat to women's right to equality with men and to a life free of male violence and patriarchal dominance. They fear that the public presence of prostitutes, along with the associated sexualized and stereotypical view of women and the character of the sexual services they provide, could make these social struggles more difficult and undermine the achievements of the women's movement. We take these fears very seriously. These questions are of concern to many women who are clearly willing to take a closer look at the issues and not to simplify them on the basis of any ideology. We are aware that this constitutes a dilemma - the rights of individuals or a minority stand in opposition to the widespread wish for a society without prostitution. But this dilemma may not be resolved in a one-sided manner. Comprehensive account must be taken of different situations, different worlds, and the "obstinate lifestyles of others" (Nauerth 2012:58). This is a matter of self-determination - and of respect for decisions that women make in the face of greatly reduced options. And many women make decisions that others would strictly reject for themselves.

Details: Berlin: SPI Research, 2014. 48p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 8, 2015 at: http://www.spi-research.eu/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/ProstitutioninGermanyEN_main.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Germany

URL: http://www.spi-research.eu/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/ProstitutioninGermanyEN_main.pdf

Shelf Number: 135965

Human Trafficking
Sex Workers

Author: Bearup, Luke S.

Title: Trafficking and Protection: Theorising reintegration and defining success

Summary: Grounded upon research in Cambodia, a theory of 'reintegration' is proposed for victims of sex-trafficking and benchmarks for assessing success. Drawing upon a cosmopolitan conception of shared vulnerability, it is argued that a life lived with dignity chiefly depends upon access to either modernist or traditional forms of reciprocal recognition.

Details: Burwood, VIC, AUS: Deakin University, 2015. 315p.

Source: Internet Resource: Dissertation: Accessed July 17, 2015 at: http://dro.deakin.edu.au/view/DU:30074158

Year: 2015

Country: Cambodia

URL: http://dro.deakin.edu.au/view/DU:30074158

Shelf Number: 136094

Human Trafficking
Sex Trafficing
Victim Reintegration

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

Title: Combating Transnational Organized Crime Committed at Sea

Summary: The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) is the guardian of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC) and its supplementary Protocols, and of the United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances. The United Nations Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ), in its twentieth session in 2011 considered the problem of combating transnational organized crime committed at sea. Resolution 20/5 mandates UNODC to convene an expert meeting to "facilitate the investigation and prosecution of such cases by Member States, including by identifying gaps or possible areas for harmonization, and measures to strengthen national capacity, in particular in developing countries, to more effectively combat transnational organized crime". This Issue Paper is the product of discussions held in Vienna on 12-13 November 2012 at the expert group meeting convened pursuant to resolution 20/5 of the CCPCJ. It is also based on a desk review of research carried out on the issue, with particular emphasis on existing UNODC materials concerning transnational organized crime at sea and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. Its goal is to serve as a background document to the recommendations of the expert meeting, which will be presented to the CCPCJ at its twenty-second session to be held 22-26 April 2013. The Issue Paper underscores the common and interlinked emerging crimes at sea, including piracy and armed robbery at sea, migrant smuggling and trafficking in persons, drug trafficking, organized crime within the fishing industry and oil bunkering; it identifies the applicable maritime laws and regulations and their potential gaps as well as the relevant good practices and challenges in international cooperation at the legal and operational level with respect to crimes at sea; it discusses the problems concerning the investigation and prosecution of crimes at sea, including questions such as where capacity-building is needed.

Details: Vienna: UNODC, 2013. 63p.

Source: Internet Resource: Issue Paper: Accessed July 22, 2015 at: http://www.unodc.org/documents/organized-crime/GPTOC/Issue_Paper_-_TOC_at_Sea.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: International

URL: http://www.unodc.org/documents/organized-crime/GPTOC/Issue_Paper_-_TOC_at_Sea.pdf

Shelf Number: 136126

Drug Trafficking
Fishing Industry
Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Maritime Crime
Organized Crime

Author: Anderson, Bridget

Title: Forced Labour and Migration to the UK

Summary: The disaster in which 21 Chinese migrants died picking cockles in the treacherous tides off Morecambe Bay in February 2004 has led to increased public awareness of the abusive employment relations and poor living conditions of many migrants working in the United Kingdom. Press coverage of these issues can adopt a very mixed tone. On the one hand the migrants involved are depicted as 'victims' working in Dickensian conditions; the employers and ubiquitous gangmasters as morally reprehensible and, more often than not, foreign. On the other hand migrants are also frequently portrayed as persons benefiting from undeserved opportunities. However, this short exploratory report offers a new framework with which we might begin to discuss the problem of super-exploitation in the workplace, particularly that which affects migrant workers. The report begins by answering questions such as What are the indicators of forced labour? and Why do people become vulnerable to forced labour? Focussing on four sectors - agriculture, construction, care workers and contract cleaning - the report highlights issues such as health and safety, accommodation and subcontracting. A key finding is that future discussion must begin to separate the control of immigration and the protection of workers rights.

Details: Oxford, UK: Center on Immigration Policy and Society, and London: Trades Union Congress, 2004. 68p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 29, 2015 at: http://www.ituc-csi.org/IMG/pdf/Forced_labour_in_UK_12-2009.pdf

Year: 2004

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.ituc-csi.org/IMG/pdf/Forced_labour_in_UK_12-2009.pdf

Shelf Number: 136229

Forced Labor
Human Rights
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: Ellis, Clare, ed.

Title: Disrupting Organised Crime: Developing the Evidence Base to Understand Effective Action

Summary: Organised crime is a threat to national security. Indeed, the National Security Strategy has identified it as a tier two priority risk. Organised crime undermines the integrity of our financial system and threatens our economic prosperity; human trafficking challenges the security of our borders, while various forms of organised criminality directly facilitate terrorist activity. Organised crime is equally a serious concern for local policing. A previous conference in this series highlighted the ways in which extremism undermines community cohesion; organised crime has a similar impact, causing significant harm to the communities it touches. The importance of tackling organised crime is clear, but without the means to analyse our impact, it is difficult to determine which policies, strategies or operational tactics are effective. The scale and complexity of this challenge is further amplified by the focus of the Serious and Organised Crime Strategy on 'relentless disruption', meaning that any metric must be able to measure the impact of a diverse range of tactics. Without this evidence base, how can we allocate increasingly scarce resources efficiently? These fundamental issues were the driving force behind this conference. The challenge is complex, but the era of Big Data analytics offers new opportunities that are worth exploring.

Details: Swindon: Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) and London: Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), 2014. 84p.

Source: Internet Resource: ST FC/RUSI Conference Series No. 5: Accessed July 29, 2015 at: https://www.rusi.org/downloads/assets/201411_STFC_Serious_Organised_Crime_Web_final.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: United Kingdom

URL: https://www.rusi.org/downloads/assets/201411_STFC_Serious_Organised_Crime_Web_final.pdf

Shelf Number: 136233

Human Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: Boff, Andrew

Title: Shadow City: Exposing Human Trafficking in Everyday London

Summary: Increasingly the authorities and many residents in London know that there is a criminal activity called human trafficking. What they don't usually know, accurately, is what human trafficking actually constitutes and what forms are taking place around them. Most London residents imagine that it does not touch directly on their lives - that the exploitation takes place in brothels run by foreign gangs controlling foreign women. But it's nearer than they think. If you have had an Irish or Eastern European traveller knocking on your door offering cut-price construction work, if you have had a manicure at a Vietnamese nail bar; if you have been to inexpensive Chinese and Indian restaurants or takeaways; passed by groups of men at mobile soup runs for the homeless; if you have taken cannabis; bumped into Latin American cleaning staff at London hotels; dealt with British or African children who play truant at school; if any of these circumstances are familiar to you, then you may well have seen or even indirectly been involved in the exploitation of a victim of "trafficking." But human trafficking is not slavery in the historic sense - this is the first misleading notion and is partly why authorities often fail to recognise, and so let down, victims of trafficking. The scare-stories about thousands of hidden slaves tied up against their will is inaccurate. What can be found in London, in higher numbers, are children and vulnerable British adults and, often irregular, migrants being relentlessly exploited, particularly by British standards and international human rights legislation. However, "choice", ambiguous as that term may be, is involved in these victims' circumstances and, in many cases these people - such as migrants from poverty stricken backgrounds or homeless British male victims - may see this life as an improvement on where they have come from. Yet some victims will experience appalling and often gruesome abuse in the UK. Sexual torture, starvation and physical abuse are not uncommon in these outwardly 'consensual' environments. However, at the other end of the scale you can find workers experiencing no physical or sexual abuse, and whose 'traffickers' have largely kept to the terms of agreement. They will be being paid less than the minimum wage, working unremitting hours, and be in unreasonably high debt bondage to criminals. They will also still live in a state of anxiety relating to those they owe money to, or those they work with, or the British authorities due to their irregular immigration status. This makes human trafficking a grey area, not black and white as is commonly presented.

Details: London: GLA Conservatives, 2013. 230p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 3, 2015 at: http://glaconservatives.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Shadow-City.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://glaconservatives.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Shadow-City.pdf

Shelf Number: 136284

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Mulvihill, Natasha

Title: An Evaluation of the GDVSAP Trafficking and Grooming Project, Gloucester, UK

Summary: This report was commissioned by Gloucestershire Domestic Violence Support and Advocacy Project (GDVSAP) in Gloucestershire to evaluate the Trafficking and Grooming (T&G) project established in 2011 and funded for three years by the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation. Researchers at the University of Bristol Centre for Gender and Violence Research considered: - how effective the project has been at what it actually delivered; - what learning the project offers in terms of both frontline practice with victims of grooming and/or trafficking and the wider strategic and/or policy response in Gloucestershire, and beyond. The report is structured around three sets of outcomes data: - Telephone interviews with selected practitioners in the county who have worked with the T&G project and/or are working with young people (including views of the project, its organisation, effectiveness and aims; the nature of multiagency working; and the perception of trafficking and grooming as an issue in Gloucestershire) (n=12) - The individual victim casework files (n=64) - Evaluation sheets completed by attendees at CSE training delivered by the T&G project (n= 174) Conceived originally to meet the needs of trafficked women (particularly those without recourse to public funds) and support young women being groomed in to prostitution, the T&G project evolved to focus particularly on young girls at risk of, or experiencing, sexual exploitation broadly (90% of recorded cases) and has worked with only a handful of trafficking victims (around 6% of recorded cases). Of the 64 individuals that the project has supported over the funded period, half engaged positively and two thirds of this group appeared to have a reduced CSE risk after the project's intervention. A key achievement of the project is that it has provided a service to those at risk and in need who might otherwise slip through the statutory net (adult women, for example) or who need intensive work over a period (such as the young people at risk of CSE/grooming). This has been particularly important during a period of budget cuts to statutory services. The client base is very diverse and this has required negotiating and maintaining a profile working across three different strategic remits, which is extremely resource-intensive. A county-wide 'anti-sexual exploitation' strategy which recognises the links between risk of CSE, prostitution, and trafficking, could bring together this work more coherently. Despite losing the domestic violence tender, GDVSAP maintains a strong reputation locally and the T&G coordinator has worked hard to sustain its wider remit. As such, there has been an attempt to maintain the positioning of the T&G project in the wider context of gender, power, domestic and sexual violence and coercion. The majority of the interview respondents said that the project's work with young people at risk of CSE, its specialist knowledge and BME expertise, were vital and there is concern about future funding for the service.

Details: Bristol, UK: Centre for Gender and Violence Research, University of Bristol, 2014. 52p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 3, 2015 at: http://www.bristol.ac.uk/sps/media/GDVSAP_evaluation_report_2014.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.bristol.ac.uk/sps/media/GDVSAP_evaluation_report_2014.pdf

Shelf Number: 136302

Child Sexual Exploitation
Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Sex Trafficking

Author: Nexus Institute

Title: Assessing the impact and effectiveness of anti-trafficking interventions in the criminal justice sector: a discussion paper on issues, obstacles and opportunities

Summary: Over the past decade, global concern about human trafficking has prompted massive investment into anti-trafficking interventions by intergovernmental organizations, states and civil society. While early interventions took place in a performance evaluation vacuum, there have been growing calls for greater transparency and accountability within the anti-trafficking sector, including through rigorous impact evaluation. Such calls are fully justified. The human rights imperatives that underpin anti-trafficking work and the significant investment of public resources demand that interventions demonstrate accountability, results and beneficial impact. However, in practice this is more complicated and there has been relatively little analysis of the practical issues and challenges that arise in efforts to evaluate anti-trafficking work. In the specialized area of criminal justice responses to trafficking, such analysis is virtually non-existent, despite the increasing attention and resources that are being directed to this aspect of the anti-trafficking response. Impact and effectiveness evaluation in the context of international development is both complicated and contested. Multiple theories and elaborate methodologies abound, and these can present a daunting impediment to those seeking practical guidance on the essential problem of determining "what works". This paper seeks to cut through some of the complexities by focusing attention on several areas that are directly implicated in measuring anti-trafficking interventions in the criminal justice sector. It is the result of a comprehensive review of relevant literature and recent evaluation reports as well as interviews with key players in the field.

Details: Nexus Institute, 2011. 35p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 5, 2015 at: https://nexushumantrafficking.files.wordpress.com/2015/03/assessing-impact-and-effectiveness-of-at-interventions-in-cj-sector-gallagher-surtees-2011.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: International

URL: https://nexushumantrafficking.files.wordpress.com/2015/03/assessing-impact-and-effectiveness-of-at-interventions-in-cj-sector-gallagher-surtees-2011.pdf

Shelf Number: 136333

Human Trafficking

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. Independent Evaluation Unit

Title: Counteracting Human Trafficking in Brazil

Summary: The technical cooperation project on Counteracting Trafficking in Persons in Brazil (AD/BRA/05/S25) aimed to improve the institutional capacity of the country in dealing with the domestic and international trafficking of persons and its related human rights violations. The primary objective was to coordinate the Federal Executive government and subnational governments in the formulation and development of a national policy and plan to curb trafficking in persons. This project, which was proposed to cover the period between 2007 and 2010, was extended to 2011. This independent evaluation was conducted at the request of the UNODC regional office and the Brazilian government, between November and December 2011 (with field missions in Brasilia and Sao Paulo). It relied on in-depth interviews with stakeholders and documentary research to evaluate the quality of project concept and design; effectiveness; efficiency; effectiveness; relevance; sustainability; impact in achieving its planned objectives; results (whether planned or not). The evaluation also intended to provide policy recommendations to the UNODC and the Brazilian government and indentify lessons learned for other countries willing to scale up anti-human trafficking initiatives. Relevance. Because of the large territorial landscape, the improving economic conditions and population vulnerability (in some regions as the North), Brazil serves as an origin, transit and destination of trafficking victims. Brazil's Congress and the Executive government ratified the 2000 UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and its additional protocols in 2003 and 2004, respectively. Although this was an important step in anti-human trafficking initiatives, Brazil had little experience in responding to this problem. In this sense, the collaboration with the UN through the Project S25 was crucial to strengthen the institutional capacity to deal with human trafficking by coordinating initiatives at Federal level and between states and by disseminating knowledge on counteracting human trafficking. Quality of design. The main actors engaged in the project design in 2006 were the National Secretariat of Justice (SNJ) and the UNODC. The objectives were formulated according to previous studies/diagnostics at the request of both institutions. Additionally, the project was sensitive to successful local experiences but also to the overall guidelines of the UNODC (prevention, prosecution and assistance to the victims). The original project provided a detailed list of expected outcomes and products. However, these were unsatisfactory in terms of clarity and means of verification. It is important to recall that, until then, Brazil had little experience in developing a response to this social problem. On the other hand, despite the UNODC capacity of aggregating experiences from other settings, the global response was under development. Thus, best practices to respond to this social problem were being constructed at that time. Efficiency of implementation and quality of management. In 2009, there was an important reformulation of some outputs to adjust to the evolution of Brazil's response and the international guidelines. For instance, increasing the participation of Brazil's resources and the exclusion of "smuggling of migrants" in the title (to align it with international standards). The disbursement of resources increased steadily over the years and delays were related to challenges of implementation. These referred to constant changes in project coordination and to the fact that the Brazilian government has limited the activities to be funded with international cooperation's resources. The financial execution of the project was constantly monitored by the UNODC, the Office of Comptroller General (CGU) and the SNJ. Despite minor improvements required on financial implementation, CGU's audit reports clearly stated that there were adequate internal control mechanisms. Nevertheless, monitoring reports of the project's activities were unsatisfactory given its poor description of activities implemented and its briefness. Effectiveness. The project was decisive to diffuse knowledge on this theme among subnational governments by training local professionals and police officers, but also to the media through an aggressive awareness campaign at the airports. The project also sponsored important events related to trafficking in humans in Brazil, such as the presentation of the UN Global Report on Trafficking in Persons and a meeting of the network of professionals working on this issue in 2010. In addition, the project facilitated the participation of civil society in these events (e.g. through transportation) and in the formulation of the national plans (e.g. development of a methodology of public consultation). However, there is still a necessity to foster the training of professionals when assisting the victims and knowledge of federal police officers. Lastly, Brazil is yet to promote a mass awareness campaign to inform the general population (e.g. the Blue Hearth campaign has not been promoted within the country to date). Finally, the proposed database integrating information from different services on human trafficking (assistance to the victims and criminal investigations) is yet to be fully implemented. Impact and sustainability. There was a general consensus among stakeholders that the project was crucial in order to place human trafficking on the agenda of the Ministry of Justice, promote knowledge about this issue within different levels of government and empower civil society groups. There are reasons to believe that Brazil will continue and expand these initiatives: the second national plan was developed and there are signs of commitment of subnational governments to respond to trafficking (12 states have implemented centres to refer victims, while 5 municipalities have created unities in the airports to identify possible victims among deported citizens). Finally, the findings of this independent evaluation suggest that project S25 was crucial to strengthen Brazil's capacity in dealing with this social problem. It is reasonable to infer that, by initiating prevention and assistance to the victims and control and punishment to the offenders, Brazil has limited the channels of this criminal activity and sent a strong message to other countries on how to curb it. Based on the information provided by the stakeholders and desk review findings, this evaluation recommends that it is necessary to: continue to strengthen the training of professionals working at the centres and unities, implement mass awareness campaigns such as the Blue Heart Campaign, foster the debate on the necessity to expand the legislation on human trafficking, encourage studies to diagnose and map the extent of this problem in Brazil, and improve the progress reports and monitoring mechanisms (e.g. mid-term evaluations).

Details: Vienna: UNODC, 2011. 56p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 7, 2015 at: http://www.unodc.org/documents/evaluation/ProEvals-2009/ProEvals-2010/ProEvals-2011/S25_Report_FINAL-FINALrev.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Brazil

URL: http://www.unodc.org/documents/evaluation/ProEvals-2009/ProEvals-2010/ProEvals-2011/S25_Report_FINAL-FINALrev.pdf

Shelf Number: 136344

Human Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis

Title: A Comprehensive Approach to Combating Illicit Trafficking

Summary: Responsible for more than $300 billion per year in trade and comprising a wide variety of products shipped over a complex web of interlocking transport routes, illicit trafficking constitutes a major security challenge that no single country or anti-trafficking organization could possibly manage alone. Indeed, the cross-border and transnational nature of the trade, combined with its diversity and the increasing agility and technological sophistication of the traffickers involved, demands a multilateral and multidimensional response from those who hope to combat it. An effective response, moreover, will require much closer coordination between the public and private sectors than exists today, as well as sturdier partnerships between and among the many national, regional, and international agencies - including a host of intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) - now charged with responsibility for one or another dimension of the illicit trafficking challenge. Indeed, pooling the expertise and resources of all the relevant stakeholders in support of an overarching comprehensive approach that leverages their collective capabilities is arguably the only way to make As for the specifics of a comprehensive approach, it must address several underlying characteristics of the current trafficking problem that are not widely understood and remain difficult to manage. First, in addition to the multi-product and inter-regional aspects of illicit trafficking noted above, a comprehensive approach must come to grips with the way in which many legal activities - including those performed by white-collar, middle-class collaborators - are intertwined with and help to facilitate illegal activities in the trafficking realm. Second, such an approach must also understand (and target) the many linkages that exist between and among the various trafficking streams for the shipment of drugs, small arms and light weapons (SALW), chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) materials, counterfeit products, laundered money, and human beings, as well as the way in which control over the transit route for one type of commodity may allow traffickers to control the flow of other goods, both legal and illegal, that pass along the same route. Third, and on a related note, the anti-trafficking community must fully expect, and prepare for the prospect, that illicit traffickers will try to shift their shipments, if at all possible, from route to route - and from one form of transport to another - in order to avoid detection and interception. Closing off one trafficking flow, therefore, may simply trigger the opening of a new route in a less carefully monitored part of the world. Further on this last point, in today's globalized economy, illicit traffickers are increasingly inclined to base their operations in remote and poorly governed areas, where they can conduct business relatively free of outside interference. They appear to be especially partial to what the head of the UN's Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) recently referred to as "geographic blind spots" - that is, largely forgotten areas in failed or failing states that are "out of government control, and too scary for investors and tourists," where radar, satellite, and other forms of surveillance are limited or nonexistent. Operating from such locations, traffickers can run fleets of ships, planes, and trucks loaded with a mix of products with little fear of disruption. Many of these areas, moreover, are burdened with large numbers of unemployed youth who are often all too willing to provide the traffickers with a local workforce that has few alternatives to make money, and is likely to remain compliant. Hence, in addition to better surveillance and interdiction capabilities, any serious effort to stem illicit trafficking must also include a development component aimed at easing (if not eradicating) the socio-economic and political vulnerabilities in "blind spot" territories that traffickers seek to exploit. As suggested above, yet another increasingly important dimension of illicit trafficking to bring under a comprehensive approach is the ever-expanding and more sophisticated use of technology by traffickers. Access to the latest technology, including satellite hook-ups, cell phones, and GPS equipment, is effectively what has empowered loose bands of poor, illiterate Somalis to capture ocean-going vessels operated and/or relied upon by the world's richest and most powerful countries. So, too, cyber crime has allowed traffickers in remote areas to steal the identities of people half a world away, while also facilitating money laundering via lax banks and/or corrupt officials. In the not too distant future, access by traffickers to the technical skills and equipment necessary to handle CBRN-related materials could easily promote a growth in the trade of these key components of weapons of mass destruction (WMD). Getting a better handle on the many ways in which technology is likely to be used by traffickers and their fellow travelers in the years to come, therefore, will require input from a wide array of public- and private-sector technology experts. Equally important, a public-private initiative along these lines holds the best chance of discovering how the anti-trafficking community itself can leverage technology to detect and disrupt smuggling and related crimes. There is also a need for much greater informa eater information sharing between and among anti-trafficking groups with regard to current and emerging trafficking routes, the products and services being trafficked along these routes, the number of traffickers using these routes, and the inter-relationships between and among these traffickers. Closer institutional collaboration on such matters would be particularly helpful within regions (and between adjacent regions) where illicit trafficking is well entrenched, but where intra- and inter-regional cooperation may be hampered by ethnic and sectarian rivalries, unresolved border disputes, and contrasting approaches to law enforcement. Important steps have been taken in this regard, including ongoing efforts to strengthen countersmuggling capabilities along the infamous Great Silk Road via national and IGO support for the Southeast European Cooperative Initiative (SECI) in Romania and the Central Asian Regional Information and Coordination Centre (CARICC) in Kazakhstan. Similar initiatives can and should be pursued in other regions where traffickers now thrive.

Details: Cambridge, MA: Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis, 2010. 202p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 8, 2015 at: http://www.sipri.org/research/security/transport/files/existing-good-practice/united-states-4

Year: 2010

Country: International

URL: http://www.sipri.org/research/security/transport/files/existing-good-practice/united-states-4

Shelf Number: 136363

Human Trafficking
Illegal Trade
Illicit Trafficking
Money Laundering
Organized Crime

Author: Chester, Hilary

Title: Child Victims of Human Trafficking: Outcomes and Service Adaptation within the U.S. Unaccompanied Refugee Minor Programs

Summary: In the United States, the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) of 2000 and subsequent reauthorizations in 2003, 2005, 2008, and 2013 define both the crime of trafficking of persons for the purposes of labor or commercial sex and the services and benefits available to victims. Foreign-born victims of human trafficking are eligible for many of the same protections,services, and benefits as refugees. Foreign-born victims of human trafficking also share many affinities with refugees - the need for support while rebuilding their lives in a new culture and assistance with healing from the trauma endured, including loss and/or separation from family. Child victims of trafficking have additional needs and vulnerabilities, especially as they begin to rebuild their lives in their new communities. Foreign-born child victims in the United States without the care of a parent or legal guardian are eligible to enter the Unaccompanied Refugee Minor (URM) program, a specialized system of community-based and licensed foster-care programs developed and funded specifically for certain foreign-born children.iii The URM programs operate under the principles of safety, permanency, and child well-being, coupled with the principles of integration and cultural competency. The URM network also employs a strengths-based and trauma-informed approach to meet the unique needs of these populations. For almost thirty-five years, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops/Migration and Refugee Services (USCCB/MRS) has coordinated a network of URM programs across the United States to provide care and custody for thousands of eligible children. From 2002 to 2013, the USCCB/MRS URM programs cared for 110 child victims of trafficking. This paper presents the features of the URM program model that most effectively meets the specialized needs of foreign-born child victims of human trafficking. Also shared below are key findings from the study related to individual outcomes for child victims of trafficking, the services and resources provided to child victims of trafficking, and the policies and practices of URM programs for the recruitment, training, and support of foster families and program staff. The URM program, with its specific adaptations and accommodations to meet the specialized needs of foreign-born child victims, can serve as a national and international model for the care and integration of both foreign-born and national/citizen child victims of human trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation.

Details: Washington, DC: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 2015. 41p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 14, 2015 at: http://www.usccb.org/about/anti-trafficking-program/upload/URM-Child-Trafficking-Study-2015-8-15.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: United States

URL: http://www.usccb.org/about/anti-trafficking-program/upload/URM-Child-Trafficking-Study-2015-8-15.pdf

Shelf Number: 136431

Child Sexual Exploitation
Child Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Unaccompanied Children

Author: International Labour Organization

Title: Baseline Study on Forced Labour and Human Trafficking in Kwara, Kano, Cross River and Lagos States in Nigeria

Summary: The Baseline study in the four states was part of a larger research project initiated by the Special Action Programme to Combat Forced Labour and Trafficking of ILO-Declaration. The overall objective of the study was generate multi-varied baseline data on forced labour and trafficking in persons. The data generated included the level or prevalence of forced labour and human trafficking in the four pilot states, their root causes and the cultural perceptions and attitudes of the rural and urban community members toward migration-motivated forced labour and human trafficking. Through the data analysis, an understanding of the nature, mechanisms and trends in human trafficking and forced labour was developed. In addition, the study sought to examine, analyse and explain how existing law and policies regulation migration and trafficking influence the movement of employment-motivated migrants.

Details: Abuja, Nigeria: ILO, 2006. 63p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 19, 2015 at: http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---africa/---ro-addis_ababa/---ilo-abuja/documents/publication/wcms_303654.pdf

Year: 2006

Country: Nigeria

URL: http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---africa/---ro-addis_ababa/---ilo-abuja/documents/publication/wcms_303654.pdf

Shelf Number: 136488

Forced Labour
Human Trafficking

Author: Rubio Grundell, Lucrecia

Title: EU Anti-Trafficking Policies: from Migration and Crime Control to Prevention and Protection

Summary: Trafficking in Human Beings (THB) emerged on the EU's agenda in the mid-1990s. Since then, it has been the subject of increased media attention, intense political cooperation and much legal regulation. Despite three decades of commitment to maximizing co-operation in the fight against THB however, facts regarding prevention, prosecution and especially protection remain extremely discouraging. The upcoming adoption of the European Agenda on Migration therefore, which points to the "fight against criminal human trafficking networks" as one of its four priorities, is promising. It may mark the stepping up the EU's efforts to implement the existing tools and cooperation in dealing with THB. Even more so, when the transitional period for the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty's provisions regarding Justice and Home Affairs expired in December 2014. This policy brief argues however, that even though the absence of internal borders renders a European approach indispensable, the management of migration flows from third countries is not an adequate framework within which to tackle THB. In fact, the incorporation of THB into the category of migration, especially irregular migration, is arguably one of the main reasons for the lack of success of EU anti-trafficking policies to date. A revision of EU anti-trafficking policies should ensure a more inclusive decision-making process, a focus on exploitation and not on the irregular crossing of borders, a harmonization of penalties and the guarantee that measures regarding protection are made compulsory, non-discriminatory, unconditional and adequate. Moreover, the root causes of THB must be addressed and this must include a review of the impact of EU migration laws themselves.

Details: Florence, Italy: Migration Policy Centre Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies - European University Institute, 2015. 12p.

Source: Internet Resource: Policy Brief: Accessed August 20, 2015 at: http://cadmus.eui.eu/bitstream/handle/1814/35745/MPC_PB_2015_09.pdf?sequence=1

Year: 2015

Country: Europe

URL: http://cadmus.eui.eu/bitstream/handle/1814/35745/MPC_PB_2015_09.pdf?sequence=1

Shelf Number: 136497

Human Trafficking
Illegal Immigration
Organized Crime

Author: Centre for Security Studies - BH

Title: Study of Organised Crime in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Summary: The Study of Organised Crime in Bosnia and Herzegovina is based on the need to make it easier for decision-makers in government institutions to identify the priority strategic areas in the fight against organised crime. It was initiated by the wish to fill the possible gaps that may appear in the public policies developed solely on the information and data in the possession of government institutions. The analysis of the citizens' views and perceptions of the issues falling within the scope of responsibility of the relevant agencies should be one of the sources of information to which officials will give adequate attention, in particular bearing in mind that it is related to the rule of law and threats to human security. The results presented in this study are the product of the analysis of the qualitative and quantitative data, within a complex approach to the phenomenon of organised crime which had to be examined from various aspects. Hence, the approach to the implementation of the research had to be multi-dimensional, giving the same amount of weight to institutions in the area of justice and security but also to the sources which are not part of government albeit deeply engaged in efforts to fight organised crime through their own activities. This study does not go deep into or draw attention to either completed or still pending investigations of individual criminal activities conducted by relevant institutions. Rather, its goal is to identify, from the civil society perspective, the areas of real threats which should be taken into consideration when developing national strategies, with recommendations for concrete actions plans to fight organised crime. - A diverse array of criminality covered under organised crime, the various forms of its manifestation and a multitude of other characteristics organised crime contains resulted in the absence of the general consensus in either theory or legislation over what the term organised crime encompasses. - Most of domestic and international authors believe that organised crime encompasses the component of the necessary existence of the link between a criminal organisation and the state and its authorities, as an important element of organised crime. - International literature contains the vast array of definitions of organised crime. Prominent among them is the UN definition under which organised crime is: "a large scale and complex criminal activity carried on by groups of persons, however loosely or tightly organised, for the illegal enrichment of those participating at the expense of the community and its members". - The European Union did not accept the model of developing a single definition of organised crime. Rather, it adopted a list of 11 characteristics of organised crime, of which six must be present for any crime to be classified as organised crime. - Under the Criminal Code of Bosnia and Herzegovina, an organised crime group is defined as an organised group of at least three persons, which has existed over a certain period of time, operating for the purpose of committing one or more criminal acts which are punishable by imprisonment for a term not less than three years or a heavier punishment. - The authors from our country and the region share the opinion that the main motivating power of organised crime, as a heterogeneous and complex phenomenon, is financial gain, or more precisely, generation of massive profits quickly, and no risk of exposure in such criminal activities. - Analysing the significant number of international documents treating organised crime-related issues, we can say that there is a huge number of organised crime activities, although among the most dominant are certainly trafficking in drugs, money laundering, trafficking in human beings, and vehicle theft. - Bosnia and Herzegovina's institutional capacities for fighting organised crime exist. They are numerous, ranging across a broad spectrum, from legislative, operational, advisory to controlling capacities. At the level of BiH, there are 142 institutions which have a role to play in fighting organised crime.

Details: Sarajevo: Centre for Security Studies, 2014. 106p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 20, 2015 at: http://europa.ba/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/delegacijaEU_2014080112003740eng.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina

URL: http://europa.ba/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/delegacijaEU_2014080112003740eng.pdf

Shelf Number: 136503

Drug Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Money Laundering
Organized Crime
Vehicle Theft

Author: Liberty Asia

Title: From every angle: Using the law to combat human trafficking in Southeast Asia

Summary: Modern-day slavery takes many forms: human trafficking, forced and bonded labour, sexual exploitation and domestic servitude. The common denominator of all these crimes is the evil intention to strip human beings of their freedom, and then to use, control, abuse and exploit them. Although often hidden, these odious crimes are all too common on fishing boats in Thailand, brothels in Cambodia, behind the closed doors of homes in Hong Kong, or in hotels in Western countries. As part of the wider efforts to combat these hateful crimes, the Thomson Reuters Foundation has teamed up with Liberty Asia and a number of leading law firms, to produce 'From every angle: Using the law to combat human trafficking in Southeast Asia'. Fighting human trafficking through our global pro bono programme TrustLaw is a core focus of the Thomson Reuters Foundation. The report looks at the laws that apply in a range of scenarios: a woman is promised employment as a domestic worker, but receives abuse instead of her pay; a boy moves for a construction job, but is held against his will and denied fair wages; a woman moves country for a job, only to be forced to work in a brothel. While all these scenarios involve trafficking, it is not just trafficking laws that apply. We hope the report will highlight the range of offences that can occur in a trafficking situation, such as assault, sexual violence, employment and immigration law breaches, to enable more prosecutions and combat the culture of impunity for the traffickers and the offenders, whoever they are. The report focuses on seven countries in Southeast Asia. However, trafficking is a global issue. TrustLaw connects lawyers in over 170 countries with NGOs, like Liberty Asia, to provide free legal assistance on pressing global issues or to support their legal needs. Modern day slavery is a big part of our Trust Women Conference - a fast-growing movement to put the rule of law behind women's rights and trigger concrete action.

Details: London: Thomson Reuters Foundation, 2014. 269p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 26, 2015 at: http://lawyer-vietnam.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/From-every-angle.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Asia

URL: http://lawyer-vietnam.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/From-every-angle.pdf

Shelf Number: 134306

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Modern Day Slavery
Sex Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Center for the Study of Democracy

Title: Financing of Organised Crime

Summary: Enhancing the knowledge of the financing of organised crime is an indispensable component of more effective and smarter approaches to prevention and investigation. Accessing capital is a significant constraint for some criminals when they seek to become big players in illicit markets for goods and services, yet the processes and structures involved in the financial investment of criminal markets are largely under-researched. Whilst there is general information available regarding the level of financing required for a criminal group's operations in specific illicit markets - for example, the illicit drugs market is relatively well documented and there is a reasonably sound understanding of the pricing available along the entire value chain of operations, from production prices, smuggling and wholesale prices, middle-level dealing, to retail distribution, as well as with costs of the business - this is not the case with a number of other illicit markets such as organised VAT fraud, illicit excisable goods, smuggling/trafficking in human beings, counterfeiting of goods and money, payment card fraud, and trafficking in stolen vehicles, etc. To enter a criminal market at the wholesale level, organised criminals may need significant financial resources including, but not restricted to, credit facilities. Their need for financing concerns every level of organized crime. However, while millions (upfront and/or on credit) may be needed to enter the cocaine market at wholesale level, participation at the retail level requires only modest resources. The same applies to manifestations of organised crime that do not require entrepreneurial characteristics and are based on predatory activities. For example, small criminal groups may need only several tens of thousands of euros to launch an international banking fraud. The entry costs for many e-crimes are insignificant. Various financial mechanisms and opportunities are available for criminal actors to fund new or existing illicit activities. However, fairly little has been done in terms of systematically analysing or targeting individuals or processes that are mainly involved in the financing of criminal structures and organised criminal activities. The financing of organised crime is the type of horizontal issue that several analyses as well as threat and strategic assessments - analyses and assessments that have been previously criticised us unreliable sources of information on organized crime - often skip, focusing instead on the proceeds of crime, criminal assets and/or money laundering. Official and informal financial services may all be used to finance organised criminal operations in one way or another. Previous research has shown that financiers are often behind the financing of large-scale trafficking of commodities such as cigarettes or drugs. Yet despite the influence of these financiers, they remain outside the scope of analysis of organised crime being done at EU level, where such information is largely omitted. Although considerable research has been conducted on the proceeds of crime and the financial management of several organised criminal activities, the financing of terrorism and money laundering, little has been done in terms of analysing or targeting individuals, structures and processes that are involved in the "preceeds" of crime, especially on crimes unconnected with the financing of terrorism. Little has also been done in terms of analysing whether criminal entrepreneurs engage in a process that disguises a legitimate source of funds that are to be used for illegal purposes, a process that has been defined as "reverse money laundering." Following these observations, a number of academics and law-enforcement officials from across Europe were contacted in order to gather information regarding the respective situations in their countries. It was established that many faced a similar situation, where some operational knowledge on the issue existed, yet (excepting the Netherlands) analytical units had not given much specific attention to it. Therefore, an interest was expressed to gather this knowledge at the EU level, as well as to exchange knowledge and experiences with partner countries where this issue has been paid more attention.

Details: Sofia: Center for the Study of Democracy, 2015. 464p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 26, 2015 at: http://www.csd.bg/artShow.php?id=17317

Year: 2015

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.csd.bg/artShow.php?id=17317

Shelf Number: 136598

Human Trafficking
Illegal Markets
Organized Crime
Stolen Vehicles
Terrorist Financing

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

Title: Support to strengthening of immigration control capacity at the international border gates and international cooperation to prevent and control migrant smuggling and human trafficking

Summary: This report is the independent final evaluation (FE) of the project "Support to Strengthening of Immigration Control Capacity at the International Border Gates and International Cooperation to Prevent and Control Migrant Smuggling and Human Trafficking", implemented by the UNODC Office in Ha Noi, Viet Nam (refer nr VNMS79). Implementation commenced in February 2010 with a duration of 3 years and 6 months, with a budget of USD 1,078,540 (both after project revision). In supporting the Government of Viet Nam to combat the smuggling of migrants and trafficking of people, VNMS79 was designed with a focus on building capacities at land-, air- and seaports through the strengthening of law enforcement and immigration methods (e.g. detection of document and passport fraud, information and trend analysis) in order to better identify and investigate cases of trafficking and smuggling. The objective of VNMS79 is defined as 'To strengthen the capacity of immigration control at the border gates and improved skills of investigation, detection and information processing on migrant smuggling and human trafficking in line with the requirements of the United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC) and its Protocols Against Trafficking of Persons and Smuggling of Migrants'. It is supported by two outcomes: (1) 'Improved capacities at selected border gates to prevent, detect and investigate human trafficking and migrant smuggling', further aided through six outputs, and (2) 'Enhance international cooperation to prevent and control migrant smuggling and trafficking', supported by two outputs. The outputs include delivery of training, supporting equipment and the provision of legal assistance in setting up legal frameworks and cooperation mechanisms.

Details: New York: UNODC, 2013. 61p.

Source: Internet Resource: VNMS79: Accessed August 28, 2015 at: https://www.unodc.org/documents/evaluation/Independent_Project_Evaluations/2014/VNMS79_Final_Evaluation_Report_2014.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Vietnam

URL: https://www.unodc.org/documents/evaluation/Independent_Project_Evaluations/2014/VNMS79_Final_Evaluation_Report_2014.pdf

Shelf Number: 136613

Border Security
Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Immigration Enforcement
Organized Crime

Author: Massachusetts Interagency Human Trafficking Policy Task Force

Title: Findings and Recommendations

Summary: It is estimated that across the United States nearly 300,000 children are trafficked for sex every year. The U.S. Justice Department has identified the average age of entry into prostitution is 13.7 These cases involve tremendous violence, are complex and expensive to prosecute. Victims are brutalized in the worst ways imaginable. In Massachusetts, there is currently no systematic way to quantify the problem much less identify and meet the needs of victims. Trafficking victims are individuals lured into this country and Massachusetts with false promises of legitimate work, only often to be forced into the sex or labor industry upon arrival. They are also domestic and Massachusetts born runaways being taken in by traffickers and forced to trade sex for a place to sleep, or girls being baited into "the life" by a presumed boyfriend who later reveals himself as a pimp. Much like a victim of domestic violence, human trafficking victims are trapped by fear, isolation, and brutality at the hands of their traffickers. The Task Force recognizes that frequently one victim is subjected to both sex and labor trafficking. However, because these two types of trafficking are often addressed differently, a separate and in-depth discussion of each is provided below to best understand their specific aspects. Sex Trafficking Sex trafficking of U.S. citizens and foreign nationals occurs across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. For example, in 2011, The E.V.A. Center, a Boston-based program that works with adult women involved in the sex trade, reported that the program served 225 adult women since the program began in 2006.8 Of these women, 20 were identified as foreign nationals and 145 were between the ages of 17 and 25. The E.V.A. Center reports that over half of the women were court involved with an over half of the women were court involved with an over representation of young women aging out of government systems, such as the custody of the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families ("DCF") and the Department of Youth Services ("DYS"). The majority of women were referred at a point of crisis, largely from law enforcement ("LE"), community clinics, hospitals, the Massachusetts Department of Transitional Assistance, the Probation Department, and SafeLink, the Massachusetts domestic violence hotline. Similarly, the commercial sexual exploitation of youth occurs across the Commonwealth. Although state-wide statistics are not available, in a 2012 report the Children's Advocacy Center ("CAC") of Suffolk County noted that, "[i]n recent years, hundreds of girls in the Boston area have been drawn into 'the life' of commercial sexual exploitation; countless others remain at risk." The report documented more than 480 child victims of sexual exploitation received services in Suffolk County between 2005 and 2012. Of these children, 98% were girls, and 65% of the girls were girls of color. Moreover, the majority were runaways and/or victims of child abuse. The CAC report also acknowledges that "[b]oys and transgendered youth are also involved in commercial sexual exploitation of children ("CSEC"), but less visible." There is a lack of understanding of the nature and extent of trafficking of men and boys. Furthermore, there is a dearth of information regarding children being trafficked in other regions of the Commonwealth, and the identification of child victims outside of Boston remains a challenge. There is also a connection between homelessness and trafficking in Massachusetts, irrespective of age. According to a 2005 report from the Massachusetts Department of Education ("DOE"), approximately 12,000 Massachusetts high school students are homeless with 5,000 unaccompanied or without a guardian. Of these youth, 47% experienced mental illness, 21% of homeless youth have substance abuse issues (compared to 2% of housed youth), and 20% of youth are involved in the criminal justice system. According to Steven Procopio, staff member at Boston GLASS Surviving Our Struggle and subcommittee member, homeless men and boys are more vulnerable to become commercially exploited. Procopio reports that sexually exploited youth are often former runaways due to family violence, sexual abuse, and sexual identity issues. Many turn to the sex industry as a survival mechanism to obtain food or shelter. Survivors report high rates of HIV and sexually transmitted diseases, and they are often exploited sexually by men and/or women with economic means. Labor Trafficking Labor trafficking takes a variety of forms in Massachusetts, including forced labor, domestic servitude, or debt bondage in workplaces such as restaurants, bars, nail salons, and factories. Throughout Massachusetts, many individuals work in industries where they are increasingly vulnerable to exploitation, and this is compounded by fact that many of these industries function in the underground economy. In 2011, Governor Deval Patrick recognized the hazards of these jobs, noting that the underground economy "exploits vulnerable workers and deprives them of legal benefits and protections." While trafficking involves both U.S. citizen and foreign nationals, undocumented workers are often particularly vulnerable to abuse due to their lack of immigration status and fear of deportation. According to a 2012 study by The Immigrant Learning Center, large industries in Massachusetts thrive off of immigrant workers, including accommodations and food services (10.5%), health care and social assistance (15.6%), manufacturing (13.6%), and retail (9.6%).17 Furthermore, the report states, "immigrants are much more highly concentrated in occupations that require little education such as building and grounds cleaning and maintenance (3.13%), production (2.24%), health care support (1.74%), food preparation and serving (1.67%) and farming, fishing, and forestry (1.43%)" - industries where workers are more prone to abuse and exploitation. While labor statistics are not available, Lutheran Social Services of New England, an organization that provides case management and legal services to labor trafficking survivors, confirmed recent cases of labor trafficking in Massachusetts. Cases included: - Workers living in restaurants and subject to poor working conditions and nonpayment of wages; - Domestic workers from Brazil, Bolivia, Kenya, Tanzania, and Rwanda, employed to provide housekeeping or child care services; - Dancers in strip clubs throughout Massachusetts; - Employees of diplomats brought to the United States to work; - Women working in massage parlors or apartments providing sexual and massage services (mixed sex/labor cases); - Factories employing workers using threats of deportation and poor working conditions; - Agricultural and seasonal workers; - H-2B workers employed by companies providing substandard working conditions and housing to workers; - Women lured by promises to marry or of romance who are then coerced to work; and - Children coerced to beg for money on the street. Workers in certain sectors were more prone to abuse. For example, temporary workers in Massachusetts have been particularly vulnerable to exploitation. According to a 2011 report by the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, more than 941 temporary agencies employed 65,720 workers each day, working in industries such as construction, manufacturing, warehousing, and landscaping. Mirna Montano, Massachusetts Coalition for Occupational Safety and Health ("MassCOSH") Worker Center organizer, reports "We had so many frustrated and upset workers coming to us for help with unpaid wages, injuries, illegal fees," and "bad employers [knew] that they could get away with leaving workers in the dark regarding almost everything: pay rate, who was covering workers' compensation insurance, [and] how much transportation would cost." In July 2012, the Massachusetts legislature passed a statute aimed at extending greater protection to temporary workers. However, little is yet known about the legislation's impact on exploitation and trafficking.

Details: Boston: The Task Force, 2013. 98p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 31, 2015 at: http://www.mass.gov/ago/docs/ihttf/ihttf-findings.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: United States

URL: http://www.mass.gov/ago/docs/ihttf/ihttf-findings.pdf

Shelf Number: 136647

Child Sex Trafficking
Child Sexual Exploitation
Debt Bondage
Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Sex Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Cyrus, Norbert

Title: Demand Arguments in Debates on Trafficking in Human Beings: Using an historical and economic approach to achieve conceptual clarification

Summary: This first DemandAT working paper by Norbert Cyrus and Dita Vogel seeks to clarify the concept of demand in the context of trafficking in human beings. It approaches this task by historically analysing the emergence of the concept of demand within legal frameworks related to trafficking. The paper also discusses the understanding of demand as a concept in economics and whether and how this can be applied to trafficking in human beings. Working Paper 1 makes recommendations on terminology for the DemandAT project including: -the definition of demand as 'the willingness and ability to buy a particular commodity' 'the definition of demand-side policies and measures as reserved for activities that seek to influence the demand for final commodities (such as consumer goods and services)

Details: Vienna: International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), 2015. 38p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 11, 2015 at: http://www.demandat.eu/sites/default/files/DemandAT%20WP1%20Cyrus%20Vogel%20June%202015a.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.demandat.eu/sites/default/files/DemandAT%20WP1%20Cyrus%20Vogel%20June%202015a.pdf

Shelf Number: 136720

Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police

Title: Out of the Shadows: An Overview of Organized Crime in Ontario

Summary: Ontario's police leaders are shining a light on the true nature of organized crime by releasing a new report, Out of the Shadows: An Overview of Organized Crime in Ontario. The report details the aspects of organized crime that are putting communities across the province at risk. The Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police's (OACP) Report explores the role organized crime plays in such criminal activities as: the production, distribution, and sale of illicit drugs; gun and gang violence; eCrime, fraud and money laundering; and human trafficking and exploitation

Details: Toronto: Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police, 2007. 28p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 14, 2015 at: http://www.torontopolice.on.ca/media/text/20070705-oacp_outoftheshadows.pdf

Year: 2007

Country: Canada

URL: http://www.torontopolice.on.ca/media/text/20070705-oacp_outoftheshadows.pdf

Shelf Number: 136749

Drug Trafficking
Gang Violence
Gun Violence
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: National Crime Research Centre (Kenya)

Title: Human trafficking in Kenya

Summary: Background This study sought to examine human trafficking in Kenya. Human trafficking is a serious crime and a grave violation of human rights. The general objective of study was to examine human trafficking in Kenya with a view to informing prevention, control and mitigation measures by agencies in the criminal justice system. The study examined the prevalence of human trafficking in Kenya, main types/forms, factors contributing to human trafficking; victims and their socio-economic profiles, survival mechanisms of victims and survivors; the recruiters and their socio-economic profiles; facilitators and networks, sources, transit routes, modes of transportation and destinations of trafficked human beings. The payment cost involved, socio-economic effects of human trafficking, intervention strategies and their effectiveness; and finally best practices in preventing and combating trafficking in human beings; challenges faced in preventing and combating and possible solutions. This research was initiated to provide detailed understanding of human trafficking in Kenya. Study Methods The study employed a survey design. This design of the methodology implied spending a lot of time in the communities where victims of human trafficking could be found. The techniques applied were the following: analysis of secondary reference materials, observation, unstructured and semi-structured interviews with key informant. Data was collected using questionnaire for Key Informants and Interview schedules for sample respondents. Data was analyzed using statistical packages for social sciences (SPSS) version 21.0. Findings are then presented in distribution frequency and percentage tables and figures. The use of descriptions and quotations was instrumental in the analysis and presentation of qualitative data. All the data was presented in themes guided by the research questions. Review of literature identified gaps in policy and related studies is also covered. The field work was carried out in the across the Country in 20 counties that were sampled, with 735 sample respondents with 25 key informants drawn from institutions addressing human trafficking in Kenya and elsewhere. Key Findings Results of the study indicate that: i. Trafficking of people from Kenya to other nations was the most prevalent (external trafficking) in Kenya at 60.2%. 84% of the respondents indicated awareness of human trafficking and out of these, 55% indicated that prevalence of human trafficking was quite high, 36% indicated that it was medium and 9% said that it was low. On the most prevalent type/ form of trafficking, trafficking for labour scored highest followed by child trafficking and trafficking for prostitution at 58.7%, 24.1% and 17.1% respectively. ii. Forms of trafficking prevalent in Kenya were labour and sex related at 44% and 53% respectively. Trafficking involves children, men and women at 33%, 26% and 41% respectively. iii. Poverty and unemployment are the main factors contributing to human trafficking. In domestic poverty was highest at 47.1% and external at 37.6%. Unemployment scored second highest at 34.1% in external and 23.7% in domestic. iv. Victims of human trafficking are children, men and women and their socio-economic profiles are low income, poverty, illiteracy, unemployment, desire for well paying jobs, domestic violence and social exclusion. v. Most survivors of human trafficking engage in self employment as a survival strategy at 28.5% and doing odd jobs at 20.8%. Other activities that they are involved in includes; support from relatives and well wishers; Enganging in prostitution; Involved in crime,; Get counselling services; Get government/ NGO'S assistance; Live in isolation and Joining religious groups. For the victims they comply with traffickers as their only survival strategy vi. Recruiters of human trafficking victims are relatives at 40.%, businessmen at 23%,, friends at 20.9% , government officers, wealth people in the village, middle and high level professional, teachers, social workers and religious leaders. Socio-economic profiles of recruiters are middle and high income earners, individuals who command a following and respect from people. They are generally influential persons in society. vii. High levels of Poverty and unemployment in the country are the main facilitators in external trafficking at 25.7% and 26% respectively. Ready markets for casual labour and corruption also scored high at 12% and 11.6%. Others were ; Ideology of better life styles, Illiteracy, its a lucrative business, porous border points and lack of awareness (civic education). viii. 70.5% of the respondents indicated that most of the victims in domestic trafficking are sourced from rural areas and 21.6% from urban areas. In external, 42.2% are sourced from urban areas and 29.7 from other African countries. Other sources include institutions like schools, churches, children homes and refugee camps. Road transport is the commonly used in domestic trafficking at 81.7% while air is mostly used in external human trafficking The results indicate that victims of human trafficking in external are mostly destined in Middle East countries at 44.5% and 32.9% are trafficked in other African countries. In domestic human trafficking, most of the victims are destined in urban areas at 67.2%. ix. Agent commission's cost emerged as the major payment cost with 46.7% . However, 28.6% of the respondents indicated unawareness of these costs. Others which were listed includes; Transport costs, registration fee, reward for brokers and agents, Medical cost, document processing costs and money for food and accommodation. x. Awareness of socio-economic effects was at 80.1% with Brain drain/labour drain emerging as the highest socio economic effect of human trafficking with 21.6% followed by psychological trauma at 19.9% and social breakdown at 10.6% and increased insecurity at 10.5% .Others were; death; improves family income; loss of revenue; Violation of human rights and freedom; increased school dropouts and poverty respectively. xi. Of those who indicated awareness of intervention strategies, the following were listed as the strategies used to address human trafficking in Kenya: Strategic checkpoints for verification of documents, civic education by government and media, Arrest and prosecution of culprits, ban on night travelling and to certain destinations, enforcement of existing Acts, embracing the Nyumba Kumi Initiative, and youth empowerment through Uwezo fund. xii. Three interventions were used to rate the effectiveness of intervention strategies used to address human trafficking. Based on three, the study showed that these intervention strategies are not working. This is after scoring the following percentages on non-effectiveness: prosecution 58.5%, prevention 58.7% and capacity building 47.8%. On effectiveness, they scored 26.7%, 31.9% and 36.3% respectively. Comparing the three capacity building was the most effective at 36.3%. xiii. Poverty, unemployment and corruption are the major reasons as to why the business of human trafficking continues to persist in the country despite various interventions in place. Other reasons which emerged from the results of the survey are; Ignorance among the Kenyan people, Corruption in government officials, Advanced technology which helps in recruitment, existing laws being lenient on perpetrators, Kenyans being greedy for money, poor implementation of existing laws, trafficking being a lucrative business, porous border points, high demand for labour in developed countries and high Illiteracy level among Kenyans. xiv. Improving renumeration for the officials handling the issue of human emerged the best at 24% followed by civic education at 22% and Increasing surveillance and beefing up security at 13.4%. Others were; job creation , Effective legislations, Taming corruption, improving the economy, collaboration among stake holders and community policing. xv. Corruption emerged as the major challenges faced in preventing and combating human trafficking in Kenya at 41.2% followed by unemployment at 13.5%. Other challenges identified were ; Lack of effective laws to address the issue, lack of collaboration between the stake holders, lack of political will/ hostile border relations, Ignorance, collusion between locals and perpetrators, poverty, and lack of resources xvi. Taming corruption and creating jobs/ offering loans to the youths emerged as the best solutions to the challenges faced in preventing and combating human trafficking in the country at 23.7% and 19.2% respectively. Other solutions listed were; providing civic education, Reducing the gap between the rich and the poor, Increasing surveillance, Enforcement of existing laws, providing resources, vetting of officers handling the issue of human trafficking, Initiating community policing ,Enacting new punitive legislations, collaboration among stake holders and Creating a special police unit to handle the issue. Recommendations i. Strengthen detection and investigation as corruption is rampant and could hinder the same through Networking and Collaboration among stakeholders ii. Stakeholders in fight against human trafficking should embrace new technology in tracking and detecting the culprit, establish inter-link between local and international investigating agencies and training of investigators to be enhanced iii. There is need to apply the anti-trafficking law to investigate and prosecute trafficking offenses, and convict and punish trafficking offenders, including government officials suspected of complicity in human trafficking; iv. Enhance the use the anti-trafficking law or Section 14 of the Sexual Offenses Act to prosecute and punish child sex tourists; provide additional training to all levels of the government, particularly law enforcement officials, on identifying and responding to trafficking crimes; establish an official process for law enforcement officials to refer trafficking victims for assistance; v. The government should continue to increase oversight of and accountability for overseas recruitment agencies; increase protective services available to adult trafficking victims, particularly those identified in and returned from the Middle East; vi. Establish and convene the Counter-Trafficking in Persons Advisory Committee to coordinate the government's anti-trafficking efforts and oversee full implementation of the Counter-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2010; vii. Establish the board of trustees to oversee the National Assistance Trust Fund for Victims of Trafficking and allocate money to endow this fund; and launch and implement the national plan of action. viii. Prosecutors to widely use the Counter-Trafficking in Persons Act. As guidelines for implementing the victim protection provisions of the anti-trafficking statute have yet to be developed, the government continued to lack a formal mechanism for identifying victims of trafficking among vulnerable populations. ix. There is need efforts to identify and protect all victims; male, female and child trafficking victims. Protection for adults was unavailable, including for the increasing number of victims in the overseas migrant worker population. Neither the Ministry of Gender nor any other ministry received a specific budget allocation for anti-trafficking activities. x. Efforts to reduce poverty and unemployment should be quickened to curb human trafficking especially of children and women. xi. Efforts should be geared towards protection, prevention and capacity development for the public particularly those in low income areas, with illiteracy and unemployed. xii. Recommendations strategies used to address human trafficking in Kenya: Strategic checkpoints for verification of documents, civic education by government and media, Arrest and prosecution of culprits, ban on night travelling and to certain destinations, enforcement of existing Acts, embracing the Nyumba Kumi Initiative, and youth empowerment through Uwezo Fund.

Details: Nairobi, Kenya: National Crime Research Centre, 2014. 132p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 1, 2015 at: http://crimeresearch.go.ke/index.php?option=com_phocadownload&view=category&id=4:preliminary-reports&Itemid=496

Year: 2014

Country: Kenya


Shelf Number: 136936

Child Trafficking
Forced Labor
Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Modern Slavery
Socioeconomic Conditions and Crime

Author: International Organization for Migration

Title: Pilot Study: Tourist Marriage in Yemen

Summary: Definition: For purpose of this research the authors define Tourist Marriage as a legal union between a Yemeni woman and a man from an Arabian Gulf country which was intended by the groom to be of a limited duration - a fact not clearly communicated to the parents, bride or Yemeni officials. Such marriages often occur during the summer months when there are significant tourists from Gulf Cooperative Council (GCC3) countries visiting Yemen. In Yemen, marriage is a formal relationship between two families with the primary purpose of legally producing children which impacts economic status in the immediate term with implications for future generations through inheritance rights. In Yemen's Personal Status Law 1992 (No. 20) provides the legal framework for this central, social institution. Modifications were made to the Personal Status Law in 19984 and in 1999 the minimum marriage age of 15 years was abolished. The amendment tied marital age to a provision allowing the guardian of a minor to marry her off on the condition that she is fit for sexual intercourse at the onset of puberty (interpreted by some more conservative perspectives to be at the age of nine). One aspect of the legal framework for marriage that has generated heated debate in recent years is contradictions between the Personal Status Law and Yemen's CEDAW obligations. A further law relevant to Tourist Marriage is the Nationality Law 1990 (No. 6) and its subsequent amendments. In 2010 the Parliament ratified an amendment to the Nationality Law (Article 3) which gave Yemeni women the right to confer citizenship to their children. Currently, a key driver of changing marriage patterns in Yemen is economics. Increasing costs for the various aspects of marriage in Yemen from the mahr to celebration costs, exacerbated by rising levels of poverty, food insecurity and numbers of conflict-affected populations are all contributing to transforming marriage in Yemen. Poverty rose dramatically from 42 per cent of the population in 2009, to 54.5 per cent in 2012 and food insecurity has increased dramatically. As a result of increasing poverty and rising marriage costs, marriage traditions are transforming. Increasing incidence of mass marriages, consanguineous marriages and shegar marriages are all trends that are heavily influenced by the deteriorating economic situation in Yemen. A further marital trend in Yemen that bears relevance to this study is the issue of early marriage which has gained increasing urgency in Yemen due to increasing levels of poverty exacerbated by long-term displacements as a result of conflict. Among increasingly economically vulnerable Yemenis and conflict-affected populations in the country, one coping strategy has been marrying off girls at a younger and younger age. This practice has perceived benefits to family honour among internally displaced persons (IDPs) and provides the desperately poor with some financial benefits. Following up on NDC recommendations, on 27 April 2014, the Legal Affairs Minister Mohammad Makhlafi submitted to Prime Minister Mohammad Basindawa a draft amendment to the Child Rights Law (2002) which would establish 18 as the minimum marriage age. The practice of temporary marriage dates to pre-Islamic times and was accepted under certain conditions when the first Muslims were away from their homes for extensive periods of time, although it has often been a practice which generated heated religious and social disputes on its legality within Islamic law and its cultural impact. Anecdotal evidence suggests that there is an increase in temporary marriages in Muslim countries. Currently, all Yemeni madhahib (doctrines - singular madhhab) condemn the above mentioned practices of temporary marriage including Shafi'i (Sunni), Zaydi (Shi'a) and Ismaili (Shi'a - with an estimated 60,000 Yemeni Dawoodis, more commonly known as Bohras). The practice of Tourist Marriage emerged as a significant trend in the media between 2005 and 2007. In 2003 the first of four Government official decrees and memos was issued by the Ministry of Interior (MOI) and Ministry of Justice (MOJ) to regulate Mixed Marriage (defined as a marriage between a Yemeni national and a non-Yemeni). This implies that the practice of Tourist Marriage preceded 2003, possibly going back to 2000. While it is clear that Ibb has had significantly high numbers of Tourist Marriage and, to a lesser degree al-Hodeida, this research found allegations of the practice in the Governorates of Hajja, Taiz, Sana'a, Rayma and Aden, as well as evidence of relative frequency of the practice in Hadramout, where there has been very limited media attention. Based on interviews for this pilot study, key nationalities of Gulf men engaging in Tourist Marriage include: Saudi men in Ibb, al-Hodeida and some in Hadramout; Omani men in Hadramout (al-Sahil, al-Wadi and foremost in Tarim); and Emirati men in Ibb and a few reported incidents in Hadramout. The phenomenon of Tourist Marriage has a key economic dimension. For young, uneducated and rural women from poor families, Tourist Marriage, along with other types of Mixed Marriage, are often seen as addressing a number of economic and social issues. The shorter-term benefits include protecting the honour of the young woman and her family and addressing poverty. The longer-term logic of such a marriage includes having kin with legal residence (and hopefully citizenship) outside of Yemen, as well as producing legitimate heirs. Unfortunately, the reality is that Tourist Marriage does not further any longer-term strategies and causes grave harm and trauma for the young brides. In the 2005 Ibb University Workshop, a number of papers were presented which hypothesized the factors behind the spread of Tourist Marriage in Ibb. The consensus in this workshop was that Tourist Marriage constitutes a warping of the notion of marriage from a bond between a husband and a wife recognized by society into a deceptive opportunity to have legally sanctioned sexual relations with a woman. Workshop participants also agreed that the parents of the brides in Tourist Marriages sincerely believed that the union in marriage is not temporary, hence the mahr costs are very close to "market rates," namely equivalent to amounts that would be requested from any potential Yemeni grooms. The impact of Tourist Marriage is particularly devastating on young girls who fall prey to the practice with regards to their reproductive health, psychological well-being, educational aspirations and emotional development. While some of the "wives" in Tourist Marriage may receive divorce papers from their former husbands, many do not. A study conducted in 2005 by Dr Fuad Hamoud al-Shibami, a professor at Ibb University, with 40 brides of Tourist Marriage from Ibb governorate found that 35 per cent were ages 15-19 and 38 per cent ages 20-24, with 92.5 per cent from urban areas and 7.5 per cent from rural communities. Tourist Marriage as assessed in this pilot study can be prime facie categorized as human trafficking, due to deception on the part of the groom and the Marriage Broker about the "temporary" nature of the marriage for the sole purpose of sexual exploitation. The deception is perpetuated by the father or male guardian negotiating the marriage contract, the family of the bride to be, as well as the bride who will soon be robbed of her virginity. Others may be in collusion with the deception, such as the Akil al-Hara, the Marriage Judge and the khatba connecting families to Gulf men seeking to marry. However, each case would need to be examined to determine collaborators to the deception and if sexual exploitation occurred.

Details: Sana'a, Yemen: International Organization for Migration, 2014. 74p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 8, 2015 at: http://publications.iom.int/bookstore/free/Tourist_Marriage_Yemen.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Yemen

URL: http://publications.iom.int/bookstore/free/Tourist_Marriage_Yemen.pdf

Shelf Number: 136968

Child Marriages
Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation
Socioeconomic Conditions
Tourist Marriage

Author: Great Britain. Home Office

Title: Review of the National Referral Mechanism for victims of human trafficking

Summary: 2.1 Summary 2.1.1 The National Referral Mechanism Review was commissioned by the Home Secretary in April 2014 as part of the Government's wider commitment to eradicate slavery and protect victims. The Review's starting point has been the victim and their experiences; the lens we have used has been focused on them. We have been enormously helped by a wide range of practitioners, Parliamentarians, campaigners and crucially victims who have been willing to talk and tell us of their appalling experiences. 2.1.2 Between its inception in 2009 and September 2014 approximately 6,800 people were referred to the National Referral Mechanism (known as the NRM). It is a complex mechanism, involving a wide group of dedicated professionals, statutory and voluntary organisations. 2.1.3 The Review was asked to examine and make recommendations to the Home Secretary on six key areas: - identification of victims - how they access support - the level of support that victims receive - decision making - governance of the NRM - collection and sharing of data 2.1.4 In recognition of the specific issues affecting children we have investigated and provided recommendations focused on them and their particular needs. 2.1.5 The Review found many areas of good practice; however, we also saw a disjointed system where awareness of human trafficking was often low and of the NRM processes still lower. We heard of the difficulties faced by support providers in moving people on from the support provided under the victim care contract. There were many critics of decision making, the quality and communication of decisions and the ability to manage and share information effectively in the best interest of victims.

Details: London: Home Office, 2014. 80p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 15, 2015 at: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/467434/Review_of_the_National_Referral_Mechanism_for_victims_of_human_trafficking.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: United Kingdom

URL: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/467434/Review_of_the_National_Referral_Mechanism_for_victims_of_human_trafficking.pdf

Shelf Number: 136992

Human Trafficking
Victim Services
Victims of Trafficking

Author: Sharapov, Kiril

Title: Understanding Public Knowledge and Attitudes towards Trafficking in Human Beings. Part 1

Summary: Despite Europe being a major thoroughfare for human trafficking and exploited labour that enables many European consumers to live 'the good life', research presented in this paper shows that many citizens do not understand human trafficking, nor do they see it as a problem in their everyday lives. Over the last decade, human trafficking has become a policy priority for governments in all European countries, for non-governmental organizations that provide services to victims of trafficking, and for researchers attempting to assess its magnitude. However, little is still known about how many people are trafficked into and exploited within Europe, and how many people are exploited across national economies without being trafficked in the first place. Little is also known about public understanding of human trafficking and public attitudes towards this phenomenon. This study addresses a gap in knowledge in this field and highlights differences in the levels of awareness of human trafficking among the general public in Great Britain, Ukraine, and Hungary. It relies on representative surveys of public understanding and attitudes towards human trafficking in these countries, which represent one of the many trafficking routes from Eastern into Central and Western Europe. The surveys were completed between December 2013 and January 2014.

Details: Budapest: Center for Policy Studies, Central European University, 2014. 52p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 20, 2015 at: https://cps.ceu.edu/sites/default/files/publications/cps-working-paper-upkat-public-knowledge-and-attitudes-towards-thb-2014.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Europe

URL: https://cps.ceu.edu/sites/default/files/publications/cps-working-paper-upkat-public-knowledge-and-attitudes-towards-thb-2014.pdf

Shelf Number: 137036

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Public Attitudes
Public Opinion

Author: Jovanovic, Jelena

Title: 'Vulnerability of Roma' in Policy Discourse on Combatting Trafficking in Human Beings in Serbia: Perspectives of the National Policy Actors

Summary: This paper presents the results of research on national anti-trafficking policy actors' discourses on 'vulnerability of Roma' to trafficking in human beings in Serbia. According to most of the interviewed policy actors, Roma are one of the 'vulnerable groups', constituting at least half of all human trafficking victims. However, many of the interviewees argue there are no specific vulnerability factors that can be associated with Roma. Yet the analysis of their discourses suggests that institutional discrimination based on 'ethnicity' and racism can be considered the specific factors. It further suggests that these two factors do not only increase vulnerability of Roma, but also prevent local anti-trafficking policy actors from providing assistance and protection to Romani victims of trafficking. In addition, the analysis also indicates that reconstruction of the concept 'Romani culture' is another factor that prevents local anti-trafficking policy actors from helping Romani victims of trafficking. The research presented here was concerned with the different meanings embedded in the concept 'vulnerability of Roma'. The juxtaposition of policy actors' discourses alongside discourses represented through the national strategic policy documents reveals several problematic category making processes and conceptualizations. For instance, as we will soon see, the subtle conceptualization of 'trafficking in Roma' as a Romani problem and then, further to this, as a Romani women's problem.

Details: Budapest: Center for Policy Studies, Central European University, 2015. 34p.

Source: Internet Resource: Working Paper Series, 2015/4: Accessed October 20, 2015 at: https://cps.ceu.edu/sites/default/files/publications/cps-working-paper-osi-ttf-vulnerability-of-roma-2015.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Serbia and Montenegro

URL: https://cps.ceu.edu/sites/default/files/publications/cps-working-paper-osi-ttf-vulnerability-of-roma-2015.pdf

Shelf Number: 137037

Human Trafficking
Minority Groups

Author: Sharapov, Kiril

Title: Understanding Public Knowledge and Attitudes towards Trafficking in Human Beings. Part 2

Summary: Part 2 of this research report should be read and considered within the context of the discussion, methodological overview and survey data analysis introduced in part 1 (Sharapov 2014a). In picking up where Part 1 left off, Part 2 explores how survey respondents answered a series of agree/disagree statements in relation to various issues associated with trafficking in human beings. The project's survey questionnaire is included as Annex 1 in Part 1.

Details: Budapest: Center for Policy Studies, Central European University, 2015. 32p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 20, 2015 at: https://cps.ceu.edu/sites/default/files/publications/cps-working-paper-upkat-public-knowledge-and-attitudes-towards-thb-2015.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Europe

URL: https://cps.ceu.edu/sites/default/files/publications/cps-working-paper-upkat-public-knowledge-and-attitudes-towards-thb-2015.pdf

Shelf Number: 137038

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Public Attitudes
Public Opinion

Author: Briscoe, Ivan

Title: New humanitarian frontiers: Addressing criminal violence in Mexico and Central America

Summary: Parts of Central America and Mexico are suffering a humanitarian crisis which stems directly from expanding criminal violence. In vulnerable communities in the region there are mass casualties on a par with conflicts elsewhere in the world - rape, kidnapping, human trafficking, extortion, forced displacement (both internally and across borders), migration of unaccompanied minors from crime-ravaged communities and exploitation and murder. The report pinpoints three structural challenges to a stronger humanitarian agenda in response to criminal violence in the region: the features and characteristics of criminal violence, the presence of self-sustaining regional mixed migration and the flow of narcotics and the extremely fragile nature of Central American states. The case for a reinvigorated humanitarian approach to criminal violence is stronger than ever. There are notable opportunities. This report argues that the existing strengths of humanitarian organisations in addressing criminal violence could be responsibly enhanced.

Details: Geneva, SWIT: Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre, 2015. 25p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 27, 2015 at: http://www.internal-displacement.org/assets/publications/2015/201510-am-central-americas-violence-en.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Central America

URL: http://www.internal-displacement.org/assets/publications/2015/201510-am-central-americas-violence-en.pdf

Shelf Number: 137158

Drug-Related Violence
Human Trafficking
Violent Crime

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Country Office Pakistan

Title: The Socio-Economic Impact of Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling in Pakistan

Summary: Pakistan's population as of July 2011 is estimated at 187.3 million, with an annual estimated growth rate of 1.5 per cent, comprising 52 per cent male and 48 per cent female with more than 50 per cent being youth between 15 and 29 years of age. Pakistan is bordered by Afghanistan and Iran in the west, India in the east and China in the far northeast, with sea borders to the south. It is a federation of four provinces (Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa), a capital territory (Islamabad), and two semi-autonomous regions (FATA and Gilgit-Baltistan), and the Pakistan administered portion of Kashmir. Pakistan has faced numerous economic, social and security challenges since 2007, commencement point of this research. These combined factors are matter of an acute concern for the law enforcement agencies provide the ideal environment for transnational organised crime networks to flourish and exploit weaknesses in the system. The impact is not limited solely to the human costs relating to the extreme suffering and dehumanization of the individuals who are trafficked but also poses serious governance risk within the wider region. This has a direct detrimental effect on the state structures arrayed against corruption and organized crime. It also poses a threat to the economic development of the country. Pakistan is a source, transit and a destination country for human trafficking and migrant smuggling. The problem manifests itself within the country and across borders. In Pakistan, Sindh and Punjab remain a source of concern with high instances of bonded labour in agriculture, brick making and other industries. In response to migrant smuggling and human trafficking issues, the Government of Pakistan has taken important steps in developing strategies to combat these crimes and protect the rights of victims. In 2002, the Prevention and Control of Human Trafficking Ordinance (PACHTO) was enacted. This was followed by the development of a National Action Plan for Combating Human Trafficking, as well as establishment of Anti-Human Trafficking Units (AHTUs) and Circles under the jurisdiction of the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA).

Details: Islamabad: UNODC - Pakistan, 2014. 50p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 17, 2015 at: https://www.unodc.org/documents/pakistan/The_Socio-economic_impact_of_human_trafficking_and_migrant_smuggling_in_Pakistan_19_Feb_2015.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Pakistan

URL: https://www.unodc.org/documents/pakistan/The_Socio-economic_impact_of_human_trafficking_and_migrant_smuggling_in_Pakistan_19_Feb_2015.pdf

Shelf Number: 137312

Border Security
Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Illegal Migrants
Socioeconomic Conditions and Crime

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Country Office Pakistan

Title: Pakistan's law enforcement response to the smuggling of migrants and trafficking in persons.

Summary: This report assesses the legal frameworks, law enforcement strategies, capacities, and methodologies pertaining to migrant smuggling and trafficking in persons in Pakistan, focusing specifically on the mandate, organisation, and operations of Pakistan's Federal Investigation Agency. The report identifies, maps, outlines, and explores existing law enforcement responses and assess these against international law requirements and against the standards set by international best practice guidelines. This report reveals strengths of existing arrangements and identifies areas where further development or reform may be needed. This report shows that Pakistan has solid policy, legislative, and organisational frameworks to combat trafficking in persons and, to a lesser degree, the smuggling of migrants. The Government of Pakistan has to be commended for setting up a National Action Plan for Combating Human Trafficking in 2004 and enacting the Prevention and Control of Human Trafficking Ordinance two years earlier. This report shows enforcement mandates pertaining to trafficking in persons, especially those of the FIA, are sufficiently clear and are supported by relevant enforcement powers. Legislative and law enforcement frameworks for migrant smuggling are not well developed or, as confirmed by other reports, non-existent and concerns remain over ongoing confusion between migrant smuggling and trafficking in persons in Pakistani law and by Pakistani authorities. Pakistan is also not a Signatory to the United Nations Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Air, and Sea and the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children. Pakistan has, however, signed the Convention against Transnational Organised Crime. Pakistan's relatively sound policy, legal, and organisational frameworks are, however, not matched by consistent implementation and execution; words are often not followed by actions. This assessment has found major deficiencies in the training of FIA personnel and in the facilities and equipment used by and available to FIA investigators and front-line officers. Most FIA officers working in units charged with investigating migrant smuggling and trafficking in persons obtain no training at all and frequently lack the most basic equipment to carry out their duties. FIA facilities in local areas are often in poor condition and lack reliable electricity supplies. Practical mechanisms for the protection of smuggled and migrants and, in particular, victims of trafficking in persons are, for the most part, non-existent, under-developed, or are only addressed in very rudimentary and ad-hoc ways. Also of concern are deficiencies in inter-departmental cooperation, national coordination, human resources, case management and data storage, information and evidence gathering.

Details: Islamabad : United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Country Office Pakistan, 2011. 147p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 25, 2015 at: https://www.unodc.org/documents/pakistan//2011.10.00_Pakistans_Law_Enforcement_Response_final.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Pakistan

URL: https://www.unodc.org/documents/pakistan//2011.10.00_Pakistans_Law_Enforcement_Response_final.pdf

Shelf Number: 137340

Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Illegal Immigrants
Illegal Immigration
Immigration Enforcement
Migrant Smuggling
Organized Crime

Author: Cyrus, Norbert

Title: The Concept of Demand in Relation to Trafficking in Human Beings: A Review of Debates since the Late 19th Century

Summary: The 2000 UN Trafficking Protocol obliged states to discourage demand that fostered exploitation leading to trafficking. Fifteen years later, there is still no shared understanding of what demand means in the context of debates on trafficking in human beings (THB). This paper charts the history of the use of the concepts "trafficking" and "demand" in the context of debates on trafficking since the 1860s. It shows that terminological confusion was and still is a constant feature of these debates. The paper argues that conceptual confusion hampers mutual understanding, prevents reasonable dispute and undermines the capacity to develop policy approaches which effectively provide protection from trafficking and exploitation.

Details: Vienna, Austria: Demand Side Measures Against Trafficking, 2015. 112p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 1, 2016 at: http://www.demandat.eu/sites/default/files/DemandAT_WP2_Cyrus_October_2015_FINAL.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.demandat.eu/sites/default/files/DemandAT_WP2_Cyrus_October_2015_FINAL.pdf

Shelf Number: 137466

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

Title: The Concept of "Exploitation" in the Trafficking in Persons Protocol

Summary: Article 3(a) of the United Nations Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (Trafficking in Persons Protocol) defines trafficking in persons as constituting three elements: (i) an "action", being recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons; (ii) a "means" by which that action is achieved (threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, abduction, fraud, deception, abuse of power or a position of vulnerability, and the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve consent of a person having control over another person); and (iii) a "purpose" (of the action/means): namely, exploitation. Exploitation is not specifically defined in the Protocol but stipulated to include, at a minimum: "the exploitation of the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labour or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude or the removal of organs." The definition further clarifies in Article 3(b), that consent of the victim to the intended exploitation is irrelevant when any of these 'means' have been used. All three elements (act, means and purpose) must be present to constitute 'trafficking in persons' in the Trafficking in Persons Protocol. The only exception is that when the victim is a child, the 'means' element is not part of the definition. The Protocol definition has been widely embraced by States and the international community. However, over the past decade it has become evident that questions remain about certain aspects of that definition and its practical application. This is important because to characterize certain conduct as 'trafficking' has significant and wide-ranging consequences for the alleged perpetrators of that conduct, and for the alleged victims. There may also be consequences for States - both internally in terms of constructing a national understanding of the nature and extent of the 'trafficking problem', and externally, in relation to various institutions and mechanisms that concern themselves with States' response to 'trafficking'. The potential breadth and narrowness of the definition has raised several issues to which States have taken quite different positions. Those who support a conservative or even restrictive interpretation of the concept of trafficking consider that too wide a definition may encompass practices that do not meet the high seriousness threshold expected of 'trafficking'. Those who advocate for a more expansive interpretation consider that too narrow an understanding of what is 'trafficking' may impede investigations, prosecutions and convictions related to practices that should indeed fall within this term - or indeed operate to exclude such practices altogether. Claims that 'all trafficking is slavery' and 'all forced labour is trafficking' are just two manifestations of what has been termed 'exploitation creep'. The risk that important concepts contained in the Protocol are not clearly understood and, therefore, are not consistently implemented and applied has been acknowledged by States Parties. In 2010, the Open-ended Interim Working Group on the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (Working Group on Trafficking in Persons) recommended that UNODC prepare a series of Issue Papers "to assist criminal justice officers in penal proceedings" on several concepts identified as problematic. The first Issue Paper, on the concept of "abuse of a position of vulnerability and other 'means'" was completed and issued in 2012, along with a Guidance Note for Practitioners. The second study, which dealt with the issue of "consent" was completed and issued in 2014. That study did not lend itself to a Guidance Note but a list of 'Key Considerations" for practitioners was formulated and included as an annex to the Issue Paper. The present study focuses on the third definitional concept identified as requiring attention: the concept of "exploitation". Each study has adopted a similar methodology, with occasional refinements to reflect lessons learned. The methodology includes (i) a desk review of relevant literature including legislation and case law; (ii) a survey of States representing different regions and legal traditions through legislative and case review as well as interviews with practitioners; (iii) preparation of a draft issue paper; (iii) review of the draft issue paper and development of additional guidance at an international expert group meeting; and (v) finalization of the Issue paper and any associated guidance. This present Issue Paper is divided into five parts. Part 1 sets out introductory and background material. Part 2 provides an overview and analysis of the international legal and policy framework around exploitation with a particular focus on the Trafficking in Persons Protocol. Part 3 summarises and analyses the results of the survey conducted of national law and practice as it relates to exploitation within the definition of trafficking. Part 4 seeks to draw together the findings from the survey. The final part, Part 5, provides guidance emanated in the process of developing this paper, including through the surveys and expert interviews as well as in the expert group meeting in October 2014.

Details: Vienna: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2015. 136p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 12, 2016 at: https://ec.europa.eu/anti-trafficking/sites/antitrafficking/files/unodc_ip_exploitation_2015.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: International

URL: https://ec.europa.eu/anti-trafficking/sites/antitrafficking/files/unodc_ip_exploitation_2015.pdf

Shelf Number: 137472

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime
Sexual Exploitation

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

Title: The role of recruitment fees and abusive and fraudulent recruitment practices of recruitment agencies in trafficking in persons

Summary: The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), as the guardian of the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons (the Trafficking in Persons Protocol), assists Member States in their efforts to effectively implement the Trafficking in Persons Protocol and to build comprehensive and effective responses to trafficking in persons. Among other work, UNODC supports Member States through the development of various research and issue papers and reports on trafficking in persons. The purpose of this work is to help improve understanding of the complex nature of the crime of trafficking in persons, with the ultimate goal to allow for better prevention of the crime, prosecution of traffickers, protection of trafficking victims, and creation of more effective partnerships and cooperation among States and between different stakeholders. The present report aims to shed light on one of the burning issues concerning trafficking in persons, namely the linkages between recruitment fees and abusive and fraudulent practices of recruitment agencies and trafficking in persons. Recruitment agencies can play a legitimate and essential role in facilitating supply and demand in labour markets, across geographies and sectors. In particular, they often facilitate the movement of workers looking for job opportunities outside their home countries. Yet, abusive recruitment practices seem to flourish in all parts of the world. Such practices seem to be closely linked with trafficking in persons. In many countries recruiters and recruitment agencies charge workers fees for recruitment services that far exceed the legal limits or that might be prohibited altogether. The indebtedness that often follows and the need to repay the debt often drives workers to accept difficult or exploitative working conditions, making them vulnerable to trafficking in persons. In addition, the role of recruitment fees and agencies in trafficking in persons can go beyond just creating vulnerabilities in workers to trafficking in persons. Recruiters and recruitment agencies might be directly involved in trafficking criminal networks aiming to exploit workers. The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between recruitment fees and other abusive and fraudulent practices of recruitment agencies and trafficking in persons, with a particular focus on criminal justice measures to address this relationship. While there have been numerous incidents of abusive recruitment practices and subsequent labour exploitation reported in all parts of the world, little is known about how States respond to the phenomenon and whether they use their anti-trafficking legislation to prosecute persons involved in such recruitment practices. The paper examines the State practice with a view to highlighting lessons learned and providing recommendations on how to adequately respond to the issue. Addressing the role of recruitment fees and agencies in trafficking in persons is a challenging undertaking, since the topic has not yet been thoroughly examined and globally the criminal justice responses and measures in this regard appear to be very limited. Yet, it is hoped that the report will increase knowledge and awareness of the linkages between trafficking in persons and abusive recruitment practices and shed light on the existing responses. It should be noted that the present report is complemented by the report "Regulating labour recruitment to prevent human trafficking and to foster fair migration: models, challenges and opportunities" prepared by the International Labour Organization (ILO), an outcome document of the ILO's parallel, related research. While these are two separate reports, UNODC and the ILO have developed joint recommendations stemming from both Organizations' research, which will be launched together with the respective publications of ILO and UNODC.

Details: Vienna: UNODC, 2015. 86p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 12, 2016 at: https://www.unodc.org/documents/human-trafficking/2015/15-05035_ebook-_Recruitment_Fees.Agencies.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: International

URL: https://www.unodc.org/documents/human-trafficking/2015/15-05035_ebook-_Recruitment_Fees.Agencies.pdf

Shelf Number: 137473

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies

Title: "I thought I was applying as a caregiver": Trafficking in Women for Labour Exploitation in Domestic Work

Summary: In recent years the issues of gender and migration have received more attention from scholars, researchers and policymakers in different national contexts as well as at the EU level. Despite there being acknowledgment that gender matters, the experience of migrant domestic workers as possible victims of trafficking in human beings for labour exploitation has remained unexplored. Migrant domestic workers are left out of most policy framework relating to immigrant integration, violence against migrants, trafficking in human beings (THB), or exploitation, and therefore they tend to be invisible at all levels. However, female migrant domestic workers are visible agents within the destination countries since current economies in Europe are also built around them. EU Mediterranean countries such as Spain, Greece and Cyprus have become destination countries for many female migrant domestic workers, while Lithuana is a country from which domestic workers originate. It is evident from previous research that many are victims of exploitation. OSCE's Guide on Gender-Sensitive Labour Migration Policies notes that more women are migrating and the demand for workers in female dominated sectors, such as domestic work, is ever-increasing. Research shows that domestic workers play a crucial role in society but at the same time, due to the isolated and unregulated setting of their work, they are especially vulnerable to abuse, violence and exploitation. Migrant domestic workers mostly live in their employer's house and many, according to studies by the International Labour Organization, report physical, psychological, sexual abuse, and exploitative work conditions. They are often overworked, underpaid, have their personal documents confiscated, are restricted in their freedom of movement, and have their pay withheld in order to pay off debts related to their recruitment and transportation. Such exploitation is under-reported, and authorities do not necessarily recognize these situations to be cases of trafficking. However, trafficking in women may occur if the employee has been deceived, or if her dependent status and vulnerability has been abused in order to subject her to exploitation. Furthermore, the recent EU directive on THB (2011/36/EU) recognizes the gender dimension and it encourages Member States to be more aware of the less investigated forms of THB such as labour exploitation. The new strategy on THB (The EU Strategy towards the Eradication of Trafficking in Human Beings 2012-2016) is a critical tool in assisting the Member States to implement the Directive, and both documents pay special attention to THB for labour exploitation.

Details: Nicosia, Cyprus: University of Nicosia Press, 2015. 175p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 13, 2016 at: http://www.medinstgenderstudies.org/wp-content/uploads/here5.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.medinstgenderstudies.org/wp-content/uploads/here5.pdf

Shelf Number: 137562

Domestic Workers, Abuse of
Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Labor Exploitation


Title: ICE and USCIS Could Improve Data Quality and Exchange to Help Identify Potential Human Trafficking Cases

Summary: Although January is National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month, the month kicked off with a startling report revealing that human traffickers are exploiting the US visa process to smuggle victims into the country. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and US Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) data from 2005 to 2014 indicates that work and fiance visas were the predominant means by which more than half of the human traffickers known to federal law enforcement legally smuggled victims into the United States, according to an audit by the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) Office of the Inspector General (IG). The IG also determined that 274 subjects of ICE human trafficking investigations successfully petitioned USCIS to bring 425 family members and fiances into the United States. ICE could not say exactly how many visa petitioners were human traffickers; however, 18 of the 274 had been arrested for trafficking-related crimes, including sex trafficking, labor trafficking, peonage, and involuntary servitude. The IG's report explained that fiance visas are used to lure human trafficking victims to the US as part of marriage fraud schemes. The traffickers confiscate the victims' passports and often subject them to psychological and physical abuse, such as forced sex and/or forced labor. The auditors determined that ICE and USCIS could improve data quality to better identify instances of human trafficking. Lack of communication between ICE and USCIS also created vulnerabilities in the visa process. "ICE had to extensively manipulate its system to provide us with reasonably reliable data for our data matching and analysis," the report stated. "USCIS did not always collect names and other identifiers of human traffickers that victims had provided in their T visa applications. Due to incomplete data, we were limited in our ability to match, analyze, and draw conclusions from the components' databases." The IG made three recommendations: Recommendation 1: Develop and implement procedures to capture the names and other identifying information on human traffickers found in victims' statements, which are submitted with T and U petitions, in USCIS information systems. Recommendation 2: Collaborate with ICE to institute a mutually acceptable procedure for transferring USCIS data on alleged human traffickers to ICE. Recommendation 3: Collaborate with USCIS to identify a mutually acceptable procedure for obtaining names and other identifying information on alleged human traffickers that is available in USCIS systems. ICE and USCIS concurred, saying they would address the IG's recommendations.

Details: Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Homeland Security, 2016. 27p.

Source: Internet Resource: OIG-16-17: Accessed January 25, 2016 at: https://www.oig.dhs.gov/assets/Mgmt/2016/OIG-16-17-Jan16.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: United States

URL: https://www.oig.dhs.gov/assets/Mgmt/2016/OIG-16-17-Jan16.pdf

Shelf Number: 137658

Customs Enforcement
Forced Labor
Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Immigration Enforcement
Labor Trafficking
Sex Trafficking

Author: Mai, Nick

Title: The Psycho-Social Trajectories of Albanian and Romanian 'Traffickers'

Summary: This report will summarise the results of a recent (2008) pilot research undertaken in Italy and Albania on the psycho-social profile of men involved in international sex work as agents. By drawing on original research material - 34 in depth interviews with international sex work agents from Albania and Romania - the report will analyse the socio-cultural underpinnings of their life trajectories and migratory projects, with particular reference to the way these impacted on their specific involvements in the international sex industry. The findings of the research problematise the Manichaean way in which the trafficking paradigm explains migrants' involvement in the international industry according to a polarised scenario of victims (women) and exploiters (men). They also point to the necessity for future research and social interventions to explore the socio-economic, cultural and affective underpinnings of people's modes of involvement in the international sex industry, including when a woman is managed by a man. The research evidence highlights the existence of a separation between trafficking and the involvement of migrant workers in the international sex industry. The variety of life trajectories and experiences gathered show clearly how extreme forms of exploitation and abuse are a specific and increasingly marginal outcome of the nexus between migration and the international sex industry, rather than the reality for the majority of migrants. The research findings show that there is a high degree of fluidity and ambivalence within the relations between the men and women involved. They underline individual and socio-economic aspects of vulnerability and resilience which could inform the basis for more efficient initiatives of social intervention. By engaging with the life histories of migrant men working as agents in the international sex industry, the research embeds them within wider socio-economic and cultural transformations. Selling sex abroad became relatively 'normalised' in specific sociocultural and economic settings 'at home' and emerged as a way to both challenge and reproduce existing gender and class based limitations to social mobility. The findings of the research highlight the need to engage with the individual mix of vulnerability and resilience of each migrant involved in international sex work. They also question the usefulness of profiling when understanding the diverse life experiences of people working in the international sex industry, whose life choices reflect ambivalences and contradictions which are shared with the societies of origin and of destination brought together by their migratory journeys.

Details: London: Institute for the Study of European Transformation - ISET, London Metropolitan University, 2010. 56p.

Source: Internet Resource; ISET Working Paper 17: Accessed January 27, 2016 at: https://metranet.londonmet.ac.uk/fms/MRSite/Research/iset/Working%20Paper%20Series/WP17%20N%20Mai.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Albania

URL: https://metranet.londonmet.ac.uk/fms/MRSite/Research/iset/Working%20Paper%20Series/WP17%20N%20Mai.pdf

Shelf Number: 137689

Human Trafficking
Male Sex Work
Sex Trafficking
Sex Workers

Author: Kohli, Ravi KS

Title: Evaluation of Independent Child Trafficking Advocates trial: Final Report

Summary: This report presents findings from an evaluation of a one-year trial of the Independent Child Trafficking Advocates (ICTA) service that took place across 23 local authority areas in England. The trial was part of the Government's commitment to section 48 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, which sets out provisions for the ICTA service. The role of the independent child trafficking advocates is to provide specialist independent support to trafficked children and to act in the child's best interest across the areas of social care, immigration and criminal justice. This is in addition to the existing statutory service provision for trafficked children. Aims and approach of the evaluation This independent evaluation of the ICTA trial by the University of Bedfordshire sought to answer three questions. - How was the advocacy scheme implemented? - How did the role of the advocate work in practice? - What was the impact of the advocacy scheme for trafficked children? The trial used alternate allocation to place children identified as potentially trafficked into an advocacy group or a comparator group. The evaluation employed a mixed-methods approach comprising surveys, interviews and focus groups with a range of stakeholders and the children themselves. Case files for the children in the trial were analysed to understand the different experiences of the children in the advocacy and comparator groups. The circumstances of the trial presented considerable challenges in addressing the key questions. There were complexities in looking across 23 local authorities, each having their own policies and practices. The evaluation was set up to look in detail at the work of the advocates with trafficked children, meaning that there are more and better quality data about the children in the advocacy group than those in the comparator group. This means that there is limited information to assess the impact of the advocacy service, relative to existing provision. The report focuses on the impact of the service on trafficked children, drawing on the views of a range of stakeholders and the children. In addition, one year is a very short time to build, deliver and measure the effectiveness of a new advocacy service for trafficked children. It will take longer to establish many of the sustainable beneficial outcomes for this vulnerable group of children.

Details: London: Home Office, 2015. 59p.

Source: Internet Resource: Research Report 86: Accessed February 2, 2016 at: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/486138/icta-horr86.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: United Kingdom

URL: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/486138/icta-horr86.pdf

Shelf Number: 137743

Child Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Missing Children

Author: Rosenblum, Marc R.

Title: Trends in Unaccompanied Child and Family Migration from Central America

Summary: After reaching record high levels during the spring and summer of 2014, the flow of Central American unaccompanied children (UACs) and families arriving at the U.S.-Mexico border declined sharply. Data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) show a resurgence in the numbers of child migrants and families from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras arriving in the United States in the summer and fall of 2015. What caused the sharp drop in Central American child and family migration flows in summer 2014, and why have the numbers begun to climb once again? Undoubtedly, numerous factors contributed to the downturn. The United States intensified its enforcement efforts at the U.S.-Mexico border, detained large numbers of Central American women and children, targeted more resources to investigate and prosecute migrant smugglers, and worked with the Northern Triangle countries on a public information campaign to discourage outflows. Perhaps most importantly, Mexico significantly stepped up its enforcement, with the advent of the Southern Border Program. Guatemala and Honduras also took additional steps to secure their common borders and Guatemala's border with Mexico; and the three Northern Triangle countries announced a large-scale development strategy known as the Plan for the Alliance for Prosperity. While the drop in child migration and family arrivals in 2014 led some to believe the regional migration crisis had been resolved, rising flows in 2015 offer a reminder that humanitarian and migration pressures in the Northern Triangle remain a major concern, and that smuggling networks play a significant role. This fact sheet examines influencing factors on the recent trends in unaccompanied child and family arrivals from Central America to the U.S.-Mexico border, as well as Mexico's role in enforcement.

Details: Washington, DC: Migration Policy Institute, 2016. 11p.

Source: Internet Resource: Fact Sheet: Accessed February 8, 2016 at: http://www.migrationpolicy.org/research/trends-unaccompanied-child-and-family-migration-central-america

Year: 2016

Country: Central America

URL: http://www.migrationpolicy.org/research/trends-unaccompanied-child-and-family-migration-central-america

Shelf Number: 137790

Border Law Enforcement
Border Security
Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Illegal Immigration
Unaccompanied Children

Author: Shared Hope International

Title: JuST Response State System Mapping Report. A Review of Current Statutes, Systems, and Services Responses to Juvenile Sex Trafficking

Summary: While there is growing recognition at the federal, state and local levels that youth caught in the commercial sex industry are victims1 of exploitation rather than willing participants in criminal activity, in the 15 years since the Trafficking Victims Protection Action (TVPA) of 2000 was enacted, the majority of state prostitution laws have remained at odds with the federal definition of a juvenile sex trafficking victim. Only recently have state agencies that regularly interact with juvenile sex trafficking victims begun to screen the youth they serve for possible commercial sexual exploitation, and even when victims are screened, staff may lack the training to accurately identify trafficking. Yet another barrier arises when victims are identified but appropriate services are not available, leaving overburdened state agencies with an impossible task of connecting a victim to services that do not exist, or the multiple individuals and agencies working with this population are left to develop protocols in silos, resulting in victims touching multiple systems with no coordinated response. These types of barriers and challenges have both negatively and positively impacted the discussion of how states should respond to juvenile sex trafficking victims. While increased understanding of the impact of trauma on juvenile victims has generated pressure to develop solutions, there is a lack of clear agreement on best practices in responding to this population, leaving states without clear guidance on how to develop a system that avoids re-traumatization while addressing the unique needs of individual victims. This lack of guidance may prompt states to avoid developing a response until best practices are identified; however, a wait-and-see approach leaves the urgent and extensive needs of this victim population unaddressed. Enacting laws intended to protect victims without a deep understanding of the implementation challenges risks undermining the purpose of those laws, or risks establishing laws that are never put into practice. On the other hand, if states allow the complexity of the issue to deter action, vulnerable youth will continue to face the trauma of exploitation and punishment through the delinquency process instead of having access to critically needed services. This tension between the complexity of this issue and the critical need for solutions has led approximately half of the states in the country to make efforts to enact laws that change their response to victims, while other states have implemented non-statutory protocols in response. The unique policy and resource landscape in each state also contributes to the great diversity in how states are responding to juvenile sex trafficking victims. Within that diversity, however, trends are emerging and the nascent development of protective responses across the country provides a unique opportunity for creativity and collaborative learning, from the local jurisdictional level to the national level. Some states have begun the process of reviewing their laws, agency protocols and service options in a collaborative manner that helps create streamlined coordinated responses to identify exploited youth and connect them to the most appropriate services that avoid re-traumatization and, through ongoing assessment and support, promote their individualized long term success. This type of response - what Shared Hope has termed a JuST (Juvenile Sex Trafficking) Response - recognizes that achieving a comprehensive protective system response in any state is a complex and long-term process, taking into account the individual policy and services landscape in each state or jurisdiction. This report discusses how several states are shaping effective responses that align with their existing policies. Ideally these examples will offer a learning experience and inspire policy makers, advocates and service providers across the nation to creativity and action.

Details: Vancouver, WA: Shared Hope International, 2015. 99p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 10, 2016 at: http://sharedhope.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/JuST-Response-Mapping-Report-Final-web.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: United States

URL: http://sharedhope.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/JuST-Response-Mapping-Report-Final-web.pdf

Shelf Number: 0

Child Prostitution
Child Sexual Exploitation
Child Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Juvenile Sex Trafficking
Sex Trafficking

Author: Shared Hope International

Title: Demanding Justice Arizona. A Field Assessment of Demand Deterrence and Enforcement and Justice for Victims

Summary: Experts estimate that the crime of juvenile sex trafficking impacts thousands of youth in America each year, yet many cases remain unidentified or unreported. The commercial sex industry conforms to the basic economic principle of supply and demand - demand for sex acts with children drives traffickers to supply victims for profit. In order to effectively reduce the prevalence of child sex trafficking, the element that makes it a profitable venture for traffickers - demand - must be aggressively deterred. In 2014, Shared Hope International conducted a research project on the subject of demand for sex with minors. The study consisted of a desk review followed by quantitative research in four geographic areas, including Maricopa County in Arizona, of instances where buyers1 were identified. Using police and court records, this targeted research tracked the cases of identified buyers from arrest to prosecution and sentencing. This Field Assessment is a qualitative aspect of the project focused specifically on Arizona. It was designed to gather perspectives from a broad variety of stakeholders to assess the current attitudes, knowledge and practice toward demand deterrence, enforcement of anti-demand laws and the many aspects of justice for juvenile sex trafficking victims. A total of 78 individuals from 44 organizations participated in the research through interviews and three focus group discussions convened by Shared Hope with survivors of sex trafficking and law enforcement agents. Participants represented five stakeholder populations: non-governmental organizations and community service providers; law enforcement entities; prosecutorial entities; government entities and survivors. Concerted efforts to address child sex trafficking, and specifically demand for child victims, have been in effect for years in Arizona, making it a prime destination to conduct this Field Assessment. The research is intended to illuminate successful practices and key barriers to assist Arizona professionals in strengthening the local response to trafficking and to inform national efforts.

Details: Vancouver, WA: Shared Hope International, 2015. 62p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 10, 2016 at: http://sharedhope.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/DJP_Arizona-Field-Assessment_optimized.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: United States

URL: http://sharedhope.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/DJP_Arizona-Field-Assessment_optimized.pdf

Shelf Number: 137825

Child Prostitution
Child Sexual Exploitation
Child Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Juvenile Sex Trafficking
Sex Trafficking

Author: Roe-Sepowitz, Dominique

Title: YES Project. Youth Experiences Survey: Exploring the Sex Trafficking Experiences of Arizona's Homeless and Runaway Young Adults

Summary: This study investigated the prevalence of sex trafficking experiences among homeless young adults ages 18-25 years old who received services from homeless programs in Arizona during July 2014. The purpose of this study was to explore the unique experiences and challenges facing sex trafficked homeless young adults compared to non-sex trafficked homeless young adults. Surveys were completed by 246 homeless youth receiving services from young adult serving organizations in Arizona including: Tumbleweed Youth Services (Phoenix), One-n-Ten (Phoenix), and Our Family (Tucson). Findings revealed 25.6% of the participants reported a history of sex trafficking, 21.8% of the male participants and 24.5% of the female participants. LGBTQ young adults were significantly more likely to report sex trafficking experiences (33, 38.4%) than heterosexual young adults (23, 19.7%). The sex trafficked young adults were found to significantly differ from the non-sex trafficked participants with higher rates of self harm, history of suicide attempt, addictions to drugs and alcohol, history of dating violence, childhood sexual abuse, and medical and mental health problems. Implications from these findings indicate that as many as one in four homeless young adults in Arizona has experienced sexual exploitation through a commercial sex trafficking situation, with 65.1% reporting having a sex trafficker. These findings also demonstrate that sex trafficking is experienced by both male and female homeless young adults and is significantly more likely to be reported by youth who identify as LGBTQ.

Details: Tempe: Arizona State University, School of Social Work, Office of Sex Trafficking Intervention Research, 2014. 32p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 10, 2016 at: http://trustaz.org/downloads/rr-stir-youth-experiences-survey-report-nov-2014.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: United States

URL: http://trustaz.org/downloads/rr-stir-youth-experiences-survey-report-nov-2014.pdf

Shelf Number: 137832

Homeless Persons
Human Trafficking
Juvenile Prostitution
Sex Trafficking
Young Adults

Author: Roe-Sepowitz, Dominique

Title: Report on the Incidence of Sex Trafficking in Arizona's Juvenile Probation Departments

Summary: The identification of minor sex trafficking victims in the United States is complicated by a number of factors including: victims being fearful of self-identifying to those who can offer assistance due to shame, stigma of being labeled a prostitute, fear of the consequences from their offender and to their offender, mistrust of the criminal justice system, as well as having limited knowledge and awareness of how their commercial sexual exploitation falls into the category and definitions of sex trafficking. Systems that serve minors in the United States including the child welfare and juvenile justice systems currently have limited capacity to identify sex trafficking victims. This limitation is due to the fact that few states are participating in the development and use of a valid screening tool and/or have not implemented flags within the system to both establish an ongoing count of sex trafficking victims and report information to those who serve the youth. The purpose of this study is to capture the rate of occurrence of sex trafficking among juveniles involved in Arizona's juvenile justice system. Also, recommendations were collected from juvenile probation officers and staff on how the Arizona juvenile probation system can best serve the sex trafficked juveniles on their caseloads. Once the incidence rate of sex trafficking victims among juveniles involved in the Arizona Juvenile Probation System (adjudicated and non-adjudicated) in Arizona was collected, recommendations for targeted services and systems changes were developed in partnership with the Arizona Administrative Office of the Court, which administers the Arizona Juvenile Probation system. Arizona's Juvenile Probation Department has around 236 juvenile probation officers and in 2015 has served an average of 3,849 juveniles per month through standard and intensive probation. Juveniles being served by Arizona's Juvenile Probation system can be living at home, group homes, foster homes, residential treatment programs, transitional housing or in a detention center. To obtain the rate or incidence of sex trafficking victims among juvenile probationers in Arizona, all juvenile probation officers were mandated to attend a sex trafficking-specific training. A total of 567 juvenile probation officers, juvenile probation supervisors, other probation staff (surveillance officers, detention officers, treatment supervisors) and community partners were provided with a three-and-a-half hour in-person sex trafficking 101 training. This training included expert trainers, researchers, survivor speakers, sex trafficking specific social service agency providers, and a review of actual cases of sex trafficking of a minor in Arizona. After the training, the attendees were surveyed about the incidence of having sex trafficked victims on their current caseloads. The intent of the survey was to establish the incidence rate of sex trafficking victims among juvenile probationers in Arizona, as well as to establish details about the sex trafficking victims. This included: the sex trafficking experience of identified victims, specifically their age when they were first sex trafficked, who is/was the sex trafficker and whether they are still being trafficked, and if they are also involved with the child welfare system, history of mental health diagnosis, substance abuse problems, family challenges, such as absent or incarcerated parents, and how the sex trafficking victimization was discovered by the juvenile probation officers.

Details: Tempe: Arizona State University, School of Social Work, Office of Sex Trafficking Intervention Research, 2015. 17p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 10, 2016 at: https://socialwork.asu.edu/sites/default/files/%5Bterm%3Aname%5D/%5Bnode%3Acreate%3Acustom%3AYm%5D/asu_juvenile_probation_study_dec15.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: United States

URL: https://socialwork.asu.edu/sites/default/files/%5Bterm%3Aname%5D/%5Bnode%3Acreate%3Acustom%3AYm%5D/asu_juvenile_probation_study_dec15.pdf

Shelf Number: 137833

Child Sex Trafficking
Child Sexual Exploitation
Human Trafficking
Juvenile Probation
Juvenile Probation Officers
Juvenile Prostitution
Probation Officer Training
Sex Trafficking

Author: Healy, Claire

Title: Targeting Vulnerabilities: The Impact of the Syrian War and Refugee Situation on Trafficking in Persons. A Study of Syria, Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq

Summary: Conflict and violence in Syria since 2011 have caused massive loss of life and human suffering, as well as a complex displacement crisis. Four of Syria's neighbouring states are the most important hosting countries worldwide for refugees from the war-torn country. As of the end of September 2015, there are almost four million Syrian refugees in Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq alone, whose registration is active with the UN High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR). In addition, over six and a half million Syrians are internally displaced within their own country. Not all Syrians and stateless people who have fled abroad have registered with UNHCR or the national authorities (NRC, April 2015a), and not all those internally displaced are recorded as such, therefore the figures are likely to be even higher in all cases. Apart from the violence itself, the conflict and attendant refugee crisis in neighbouring countries have led to increased impoverishment, informal "coping" economies and war profiteering, rendering people displaced by the crisis vulnerable to exploitation and different forms of trafficking in persons. Uncertainty prevails as to when the war in Syria will end and internally displaced people (IDPs) will be able to return to their homes, whether Syrian refugees abroad will be able to return to their country of origin, and for how long the hosting states will be able to meet the refugees' needs in terms of providing access to basic services - accommodation, healthcare and education - and opportunities for income generation. As of mid-2014, the situation in Syria, as well as in parts of Iraq, has been further exacerbated by the seizure of large swathes of territory by Da'ish (ISIS/ISIL/IS), resulting in violence and further displacement of Syrian and Iraqi people, as well as of other people residing in those areas. This Study assesses the effects of the Syrian war and refugee crisis on trafficking in persons (TIP) in Syria and the surrounding region. The five countries under study - Syria, Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq (with a focus on the Kurdistan Region of Iraq - KR-I) - were selected on the basis of the magnitude of refugee and internal displacement. While around 6.6 million people are internally displaced in Syria as of the time of writing (October 2015), to the north of Syria, Turkey hosts around 1.9 million registered Syrian refugees, mostly in the southeastern and southern Turkish provinces. At Syria's western border, the second most important hosting country in absolute numbers, Lebanon, is currently hosting over 1.1 million registered Syrians. Syria borders Jordan to the south, which is currently hosting around 630,000 people who have fled from Syria. Finally, Syria shares its eastern border with Iraq, where the majority of Syrians in the country reside in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KR-I), an autonomous region in the federal state, host to a total of around 250,000 Syrian refugees. Nevertheless, these numbers do not include people who have fled from Syria to the neighbouring countries, but are not registered as active with the UNHCR - nor, in the case of Turkey, with the national authorities. In addition, the situation is highly dynamic, with Syrian refugees newly arriving in host countries, moving outside the region, entering a situation of internal displacement within Syria and, in some cases, returning to Syria for various reasons. Throughout the text, the five countries under study are referred to by order of the size of the displaced Syrian population: Syria, Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq. The human trafficking phenomenon itself is the thematic focus of this research, which aims to understand the forms of trafficking in persons that are taking place and whom they affect, as well as who the perpetrators are, rather than examining anti-trafficking policies or initiatives. The forms of trafficking in the countries under study are the subject of investigation, as well as situations of vulnerability to trafficking, although reference is also made, where relevant, to trafficking from or through these countries. Relevant anti-trafficking legislation, institutions, policies and activities in the countries under study are briefly examined below, and throughout the rest of the Study are referred to only as and when relevant to understanding the trafficking phenomenon. This is driven by the conviction that the most important step in responding to the trafficking and exploitation of girls, boys, women and men is to first understand it. The chronological scope of the Study facilitates a comparison of the situation at the beginning of 2011, referred to throughout as the baseline date, with the situation throughout 2011-2015 inclusive, in order to assess the effects of the conflict. To better understand the situation prior to the outbreak of the war, the Study covers the decade 2001-2010, which is referred to as the baseline period. As set out below in the section on Methodology, the analysis of the baseline period principally draws on secondary research and data, while primary sources were also consulted for the period since the outbreak of the war. Research commenced in late 2014, with all of the field research taking place in Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq during 2015.

Details: Vienna: International Centre for Migration Policy Development, 2016. 258p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 17, 2016 at: https://www.icmpd.org/fileadmin/ICMPD-Website/Anti-Trafficking/Targeting_Vulnerabilities_EN__SOFT_.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Syria

URL: https://www.icmpd.org/fileadmin/ICMPD-Website/Anti-Trafficking/Targeting_Vulnerabilities_EN__SOFT_.pdf

Shelf Number: 137860

Human Trafficking
War and Crime

Author: Cho, Seo-Young

Title: Does Legalized Prostitution Increase Human Trafficking?

Summary: This paper investigates the impact of legalized prostitution on human trafficking inflows. According to economic theory, there are two opposing effects of unknown magnitude. The scale effect of legalized prostitution leads to an expansion of the prostitution market, increasing human trafficking, while the substitution effect reduces demand for trafficked women as legal prostitutes are favored over trafficked ones. Our empirical analysis for a cross-section of up to 150 countries shows that the scale effect dominates the substitution effect. On average, countries where prostitution is legal experience larger reported human trafficking inflows.

Details: Berlin: Department of Development and Security, DIW Berlin, 2012. 48p.

Source: Internet Resource: Economics of Security Working Paper; No. 71: Accessed February 18, 2016 at: http://www.diw.de/documents/publikationen/73/diw_01.c.405653.de/diw_econsec0071.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: International

URL: http://www.diw.de/documents/publikationen/73/diw_01.c.405653.de/diw_econsec0071.pdf

Shelf Number: 137885

Human trafficking

Author: Finn, Kathleen

Title: Responsible Resource Development and Prevention of Sex Trafficking: Safeguarding Native Women and Children on the Fort Berthold Reservation

Summary: In 2010, large deposits of oil and natural gas were found in the Bakken shale formation, much of which is encompassed by the Fort Berthold Indian reservation, home to the Mandan, Hidatsa, and Arikara Nation ("MHA Nation" or "Three Affiliated Tribes" or "the Tribe"). However, rapid oil and gas development has brought an unprecedented rise of violent crime on and near the Fort Berthold reservation. Specifically, the influx of well-paid male oil and gas workers, living in temporary housing often referred to as "man camps," has coincided with a disturbing increase in sex trafficking of Native women. The social risks of oil development on American Indian reservations like Fort Berthold are distinct from development in other areas in the United States. The complex and shifting nature of federal Indian law presents legal and practical challenges to law enforcement in civil and criminal contexts. Further, the historical exploitation of Indian lands and people informs current social and economic conditions that contribute to increased sex trafficking of Native women and children. This paper begins by describing the intersection of sex trafficking and oil and gas development on the Fort Berthold reservation. Next, the paper describes the jurisdictional regime within federal Indian law and other barriers to law enforcement that have created a situation ripe for trafficking and other crime on the Fort Berthold reservation. Third, the paper will examine strategies to address this complex issue including: corporate engagement of relevant companies; tribal capacity and coalition building; and remedies contained in the Violence Against Women Act of 2014. This paper asserts that all of the stakeholders involved in oil development on the Fort Berthold reservation - federal, state, tribal, and public and private companies - must work cooperatively to decisively eliminate sex trafficking of Native women and children

Details: Boulder, CO: American Indian Law Clinic, University of Colorado at Boulder, School of Law, 2016. 41p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 19, 2016 at: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2723517

Year: 2016

Country: United States

URL: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2723517

Shelf Number: 137896

American Indians
Human Trafficking
Native Americans
Natural Resources
Sex Trafficking

Author: Zervos, Eleni

Title: The Invisible Crime: Sex Trafficking in Greece. An Analysis of the Structural Barriers and Vulnerability Victims Face in Seeking Protection

Summary: Human trafficking remains one of the most pervasive and profitable organized criminal activities in the world. Generating $150 billion globally, it ranks as the third largest and fastest growing international crime, exploiting millions of people in the process. A criminal industry driven by market demands, its vast spread can be credited to its economic model as a low risk enterprise with immense financial gains. It ranges from both sexual and labor exploitation, to organ harvesting and, in some cases, forced begging and theft5. Of the 21 million people human trafficking victimizes, 11.4 million are women and girls while 9.5 million are men and boys. 33% are children7. The most common form of trafficking, accounting for 53% of all individuals trafficked, is sexual exploitation8 victimizing 4.1 million people9 with females making up an overwhelming majority of 97%. Unfortunately, given the illicit nature of these human rights violations, it is difficult to accurately assess the full scope of this crime and any data collected represents either only one portion of this large-scale issue or is based on estimates. When reviewing these statistics, it is also important to take into consideration that higher numbers of reported trafficking victims in one country do not necessarily signify higher actual numbers of victims, but might simply represent a more sophisticated means of data acquisition in that particular country. There are, however, global trends that can be identified when studying how human trafficking spreads throughout the world. While it is a crime with international reach, victims are often from impoverished countries with limited resources. Wealthier countries are generally where demand and exploitation is highest. In particular, human trafficking tends to thrive in countries where women's rights are devalued, and where women typically hold economically disadvantaged positions in comparison to their male counterparts. Trafficking is prevalent in conflict zones, both because they are intrinsically a context where the risk of exploitation is elevated, and because some members of local peacekeeping missions have been known to solicit sexual activity with trafficking victims themselves.

Details: Athens: Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign policy, 2015. 48p.

Source: Internet Resource: Working Paper No. 69/2015: Accessed March 4, 2016 at: http://www.eliamep.gr/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/69_2015_-WORKING-PAPER-_Eleni-Zervos.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Greece

URL: http://www.eliamep.gr/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/69_2015_-WORKING-PAPER-_Eleni-Zervos.pdf

Shelf Number: 138036

Forced Labor
Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime
Sex Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Ulibarri, Billy James

Title: Human trafficking victims are everywhere and nowhere: A qualitative content analysis of the United States anti-human trafficking campaign, 2000-2012.

Summary: This dissertation explores the oppositional framing techniques used by actors in the United States anti-human trafficking (AHT) campaign. Theoretically based in symbolic interactionism, I conduct a frame analysis of 12 years of newspaper articles (2000-2012), which comprises the official discourse of the AHT campaign in the United States. I unpack three frame disputes, where claims are challenged and the challenges are rebutted in three primary disputes: 1) the characteristics and experiences of human trafficking victims, 2) the credibility of quantitative estimates of the prevalence of human trafficking, and 3) the justification for the development of new AHT policy tools. Using inductive data analysis methods, I analyze the frames, counterframes, and reframes as they are embedded in the official anti-human trafficking discourse. I reveal a campaign where dominant actors use reframing strategies in concert to accomplish three larger discursive goals: 1) to veil inconsistencies and contradictions in their claims; 2) to insulate their claims from further scrutiny; and 3) to justify the continued interventions on the campaign's behalf. By identifying how reframing strategies are used in concert with each other to serve as damage control functions, I contribute to a greater understanding of oppositional framing strategies.

Details: Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico, 2015. 290p.

Source: Internet Resource: Dissertation: Accessed march 5, 2016 at: https://repository.unm.edu/handle/1928/31748

Year: 2015

Country: United States

URL: https://repository.unm.edu/handle/1928/31748

Shelf Number: 138108

Human Trafficking
Media Campaigns

Author: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

Title: Illicit Trade: Converging Criminal Networks

Summary: Illicit trade is a worldwide phenomenon. Globalisation has provided opportunities for criminal networks to expand the scope and scale of their operations, with serious negative consequences for the economy, the environment and society. Illicit trade also undermines good governance, the rule of law and citizens' trust in government, and can ultimately threaten political stability. This report provides analysis of some of the main areas of illicit trade, including trafficking in persons, wildlife, counterfeit medicines, narcotics, tobacco, alcohol and sports betting. It looks at what drives and facilitates such activity, estimates the volume of trade and amount of revenue it generates, maps the pathways of illicit goods from production to consumer, describes the shortcomings of current policies for reducing or deterring illicit trade, and suggests avenues for improvement. Understanding illicit trade It is important to clearly define and measure illicit trade, and understand the context that allows it to flourish. However, countries - and sometimes regions within countries - do not always agree on what goods can be legally traded, and there is even greater variance in the application of quality standards and the protection of intellectual property rights. These differences can make cross-country measurement of illicit trade as a whole very difficult, which is why this report takes a sectoral approach. Our increasingly interconnected economies and societies have allowed organized crime to expand alongside the exponential growth in legitimate international trade. Criminal networks exploit differences in regulatory and tax regimes to move goods and services across borders. While exact measurements can be difficult given the clandestine nature of illicit transactions, one estimate puts the profits of international organised crime as high as USD 870 billion, or 1.5% of global GDP. Calculating and tracking the money made from these activities is important as it can provide crucial information to law enforcement. More data and information sharing is needed to develop a clearer understanding of illicit trade and how to combat it. A more holistic view of the cost of illicit trade also takes into account its harmful impacts on consumers, the environment, tax revenues and jobs. Traffic in humans and narcotics, for example, also exact a very heavy social toll. Illicit trade can also be closely linked to criminal violence and terrorism. Costs in terms of law enforcement, incarceration and rehabilitation should also be taken into account. Finally, illicit trade can cause longer-term damage to the rule of law, public trust, human capital and public health, as well as deter foreign investment. Trafficking in persons According to estimates by the International Labour Organisation (ILO), 20.9 million people are forced into slavery worldwide causing immense, long-term damage to individuals, communities, and nations. Trafficked persons tend to flow from poorer regions to richer regions and from conflict regions to more stable regions. Governments need to give priority to implementing laws for preventing trafficking, protecting victims and prosecuting both traffickers and the corrupt public officials who assist them. Illicit trade in wildlife Demand for elephant ivory and rhino horn has driven dramatic growth in illegal wildlife markets in recent years due primarily to a growing consumer base in East Asia. Taken together, all forms of wildlife trafficking constitutes one of the most lucrative forms of illicit trade, and the sector has more than doubled since 2007. Monitoring and enforcement in source countries can be effective means to reduce poaching, but training and information systems are needed to build adequate capacity. Counterfeit medicines The trade in counterfeit medicine is a huge industry, generating as much as USD 200 billion a year in tangible goods alone according to OECD's study of 2005 data, which is soon to be updated. It has a direct negative impact on health, depriving users of appropriate treatment and contributing to global microbial resistance. Pharmaceutical companies also suffer a loss in revenue and reputation, and increased costs for security. Successfully combatting counterfeiting will require more extensive information sharing across agencies and nations. Finally, the development and adoption of an international public health treaty would be a significant step toward protecting patients and public health globally. Tobacco products The illicit trade in tobacco is perhaps the most widespread and most documented sector in the shadow economy. It has been estimated that 570 billion illicit cigarettes were consumed worldwide in 2011. Illicit tobacco is an important source of revenue for criminal networks, and deprives government services of excise tax revenues at the same time. To counter the illicit trade in tobacco products, governments developing a multifaceted approach, including: building partnerships, increasing data validity and reliability, launching educational and public awareness campaigns, increasing capacity-building efforts, and prioritising countering illicit tobacco products and its associated crimes. Narcotics The global narcotics trade is thought to be the single largest black market in the world, and is a source of revenue for international criminal organization. In addition to the negative impact on human health and well-being caused by the narcotics themselves, the criminal violence that accompanies all aspects of drug trafficking erodes state institutions and is often difficult to reverse. Tackling the narcotics trade effectively will require not only punitive approaches and sanctions but also state building, economic development and good governance practices. Alcohol It is estimated that billions of dollars from trafficking and illegal trade in alcoholic beverages flow through the global economy each year, distorting local economies, diminishing government and legitimate business revenues, and in some cases posing a serious health risk to consumers. It is estimated that illicit sources account for 25% of total worldwide adult alcoholic consumption. Contributing factors include the higher cost of legal products from taxes, weak laws, lack of enforcement and social acceptance of contraband in some countries. Sports manipulation The globalisation of sports has led to an increase in unregulated sports betting, which is increasingly used for money laundering and has been connected to corruption in sports (match-rigging). An internationally co-ordinated, pro-active response is needed, including initiatives targeting bettors and offenders, police action and co-operation with financial institutions. It is also important to communicate on the subject of sports integrity to all stakeholders, including the public and the media.

Details: Paris: OECD, 2015. 259p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 5, 2016 at: http://www.oecd.org/gov/risk/illicit-trade-converging-criminal-networks.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: International

URL: http://www.oecd.org/gov/risk/illicit-trade-converging-criminal-networks.pdf

Shelf Number: 138115

Counterfeit Medicines
Criminal Networks
Drug Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Illegal Trade
Illicit Tobacco
Illicit Trade
Organized Crime
Sports Betting
Wildlife Crime

Author: Cheon, Hyunjung

Title: Police Estimates of Sex Trafficking: Venues, Trends, and Data Sources

Summary: Over the past two decades, United States policymakers and the public have become increasingly aware of and concerned about the trafficking of persons for commercial sex. In 2000, the federal government passed the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA). Since then, law enforcement agencies at all levels have engaged in identifying and responding to sex trafficking problems. Estimates of the prevalence of U.S. sex trafficking vary, depending on the data sources used. Most estimates of the magnitude of sex trafficking in this country are made by federal entities. Relatively little is known, however, about the sources of information actually used by local police agencies to assess and understand sex trafficking problems in their own communities. To help fill that gap, the Center for Violence Prevention and Community Safety at Arizona State University, with the support of the McCain Institute, surveyed a sample of local police agencies across the country, seeking to understand (a) their estimation of the magnitude of sex trafficking problems in their jurisdictions in 2014, (b) their perceptions of the nature of the local problems, (c) the sources of information relied upon to assess and form perceptions of those problems, and (d) their experience in addressing sex trafficking issues. Seventy-two of the largest municipal police agencies in the U.S. completed the survey. The following are the key findings from their responses: - The majority of respondents indicated that the magnitude of the sex trafficking problem in the various venues in their communities (i.e., massage parlors, escort agencies, adult clubs, brothels, non-licensed cantinas) was relatively unchanged over time. More than 80 percent reported, however, that the rate of online sex advertising was increasing. - For sex trafficking of juveniles, online sex advertising was the most prevalent venue. - Sex trafficking victims were most likely to be female and aged 18 to 24 years; the United States was most commonly their country of origin.

Details: Phoenix, AZ: Center for Violence Prevention & Community Safety, Arizona State University, 2015. 59p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 12, 2016 at: http://cvpcs.asu.edu/sites/default/files/content/products/CVPCS-PoliceEstimatesOfSexTrafficking.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: United States

URL: http://cvpcs.asu.edu/sites/default/files/content/products/CVPCS-PoliceEstimatesOfSexTrafficking.pdf

Shelf Number: 138192

Child Prostitution
Child Sex Trafficking
Child Sexual Exploitation
Human Trafficking
Sex Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation
Social Media

Author: Bouche, Vanessa

Title: Identifying Effective Counter-Trafficking: Programs and Practices in the U.S.: Legislative, Legal, and Public Opinion Strategies that Work

Summary: After more than a decade of sustained efforts to combat human trafficking in the United States, it is necessary to step back and examine the effectiveness of key anti-trafficking strategies. Utilizing a multi-method approach, we examine 1) the effectiveness of state-level human trafficking legislation to determine what specific legislative provisions are most effective for obtaining desired outcomes, 2) the characteristics of state prosecutions for human trafficking offenses to determine how state laws are being used to hold offenders accountable, and 3) what the public knows about human trafficking, why the public holds the beliefs that they do, and what the public expects from government anti-trafficking efforts. Together the three parts of the study inform efforts to develop effective counter-trafficking programs and practices for legislators, law enforcement, the courts, anti-trafficking agencies, and the public. Part I: Evaluating How State Anti-Trafficking Statutes Impact Human Trafficking Arrests & Prosecutions Purpose: To determine whether state adoption of various anti-trafficking legal provisions increases the identification, arrest, and prosecution of human trafficking suspects. Methodology: All state human trafficking laws enacted between 2003 and 2012 were classified by statutory provisions grouped into three broad categories: state investment, civil remedies, and criminalization. Models were estimated predicting whether statutory provisions were associated with the arrest and prosecution of human trafficking offenders in each state in the years following enactment. To measure human trafficking arrest and prosecution outcomes we constructed a database of 3,225 human trafficking suspects who were identified in open source information across all states from 2003 to 2012. Findings: - Criminalization of human trafficking has been the dominant legislative response. State provisions for human trafficking have expanded over time and more states have legislated on human trafficking through criminalization than through state investment or civil remedies. State human trafficking penalties, however, vary widely across the country. - Laws that have potential fiscal or bureaucratic impact on the state anti-trafficking efforts increase arrests for human trafficking, with the exception of mandating data collection or reporting about human trafficking, which is negatively related to human trafficking arrests. - Requiring the National Human Trafficking Hotline number to be posted in public places is the most important provision for increasing the number of human trafficking arrests (though mandating the posting of the national hotline does not predict prosecution). Task forces are the strongest predictors of both state prosecution of human trafficking suspects for any criminal offense type and prosecution of suspects for human trafficking specific offenses. - Overall, civil provisions are less effective in predicting arrests and prosecutions than state investment measures. However, safe harbor and civil action provisions are two civil remedies that do strongly predict arrest and prosecutions. - More comprehensive laws increase arrests and prosecutions for human trafficking, but harsher criminal penalties do not. In other words, it is more important that state human trafficking legislation be comprehensive across all categories rather than being extremely harsh in only one category. Part II: Analysis of Identified State Human Trafficking Cases Purpose: To date there has not been any comprehensive study of the characteristics, legal process, or disposition of human trafficking offenses adjudicated in state courts. Utilizing a unique source of data on 479 state human trafficking prosecutions, we examine the effect of different legal processes and extra-legal factors in prosecutions of human trafficking cases. Methodology: Based on data collected from the open-source search process (described above), and a survey of states attorneys general about all known state human trafficking prosecutions, we identified human trafficking suspects who were arrested between 2003 and 2012 and prosecuted under a state human trafficking statute. For each of these suspects, we requested court records from the appropriate local court. All suspect court records were coded to identify information about the nature of the criminal charge, the process of adjudicating the charge, and the case disposition. Findings: - There is dramatic unevenness in the utilization of state human trafficking charges across the US. Thirty-nine percent (39%) of identified suspects who were charged with a state human trafficking offense were from California. - Human trafficking suspects were charged with multiple offenses in addition to the trafficking charge. The most common accompanying charges were: prostitution-related charges (34%), pimping/pandering charges (37%), sexual abuse or rape charges (29%), and kidnapping charges (17%). - Fifty-three percent (53%) of the suspects charged with a state human trafficking offense had that offense dismissed prior to adjudication, 13% of suspects went to trial on the human trafficking charges, and 35% of suspects plead guilty to a human trafficking charge before trial. Although human trafficking suspects were convicted of human trafficking crimes in only 45% of the studied cases, human trafficking suspects were convicted of any state crime in 72% of the cases. - State human trafficking cases are lengthy and involve numerous motions and hearing. Cases involving adult victims took longer than cases involving minor victims and were more likely to go to trial. When cases do go to trial defendants face significantly more severe penalties than when cases are adjudicated through a guilty plea. Because few state human trafficking cases go to trial, the legal environment and best prosecution strategies remain uncertain. Part III: Evaluating Public Opinion on Human Trafficking Purpose: Perhaps the most important and least understood mechanism in combatting human trafficking is public engagement. Given the intimate relationship between public opinion and public policy, it is vital that we gauge what the public knows, thinks, and feels about human trafficking and uncover the mechanisms that make human trafficking a more salient issue for the general public. Methodology: To measure public opinion on human trafficking we administered a survey experiment to a representative sample of 2,000 Americans in the spring of 2014. The first goal of the survey was to track what the public knows, thinks, and feels about human trafficking. The second goal of the survey was to identify factors that may cause people to change the way they think about and engage with the issue. Findings: - A strong majority of the public has a solid understanding that human trafficking is a form of slavery (90%), but many hold incorrect beliefs about human trafficking, including that human trafficking victims are almost always female (92%), is another word for smuggling (71%), always requires threats of or actual physical violence (62%), involves mostly illegal immigrants (62%), and requires movement across state or national borders (59%). - The public is concerned about the issue of human trafficking. Over 80% of the public reports that they have 'some' or 'a lot' of concern about human trafficking and only 3% of the public reports having no concern. Fifty-one percent (51%) say that human trafficking should be a top or high priority of the US government. White males are the least likely to be concerned about human trafficking and least likely to think it should be a government priority. - The US public thinks sex trafficking is a more significant problem than labor trafficking, women/girls are more at risk than men/boys, and that human trafficking happens in the U.S. but not in a person's community. - When the public is exposed to human trafficking victims that are not typically highlighted in the news (i.e., young males), they are highly concerned about the victimization and want the government to take action. - Sex-related behaviors affect beliefs about human trafficking. Respondents who consumed pornography within the last year have more knowledge of human trafficking, but they think that it should be less of a government priority. Similarly, respondents visiting a strip club within the last year reported lower levels of concern about human trafficking and thought that human trafficking should be less of a government priority than those respondents not visiting a strip club within the last year. - The public has not made the connection between how their own attitudes and behaviors can either help or hinder the movement against human trafficking.

Details: Final Report to the U.S. National Institute of Justice, 2015. 95p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 12, 2016 at: https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/249670.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: United States

URL: https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/249670.pdf

Shelf Number: 138206

Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Financial Action Task Force

Title: Money Laundering Risks Arising from Trafficking in Human beings and Smuggling of Migrants

Summary: Criminals are increasingly turning to the trafficking of human beings and the smuggling of migrants given the high profitability of these illegal activities. The money generated by such activities finds its way into the financial system. The FATF has carried out a study which describes the money flows related to these two distinct problems and attempts to assess their scale. The key objectives of the report are the following: - To assess the scale of the problem; - To identify different trends in trafficking in human beings/ migrant smuggling; - To identify from case studies where money laundering is occurring and what form it is taking; - To inform law enforcement agencies on the laundering of funds coming from human trafficking/ migrant smuggling; - To identify red flag indicators to assist financial institutions in their identification of money laundering from human trafficking/ migrant smuggling, and in the reporting of suspicious transaction reports; - To increase the possibility of the proceeds of human trafficking/migrant smuggling being identified and confiscated, and thereby discouraging the activity of human trafficking or migrant smuggling.

Details: Paris: FATF, 2011. 86p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 15, 2016 at: http://www.fatf-gafi.org/media/fatf/documents/reports/Trafficking%20in%20Human%20Beings%20and%20Smuggling%20of%20Migrants.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: International

URL: http://www.fatf-gafi.org/media/fatf/documents/reports/Trafficking%20in%20Human%20Beings%20and%20Smuggling%20of%20Migrants.pdf

Shelf Number: 138243

Financial Crimes
Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Migrant Smuggling
Money Laundering

Author: Verite

Title: A Verite Assessment of Recruitment Practices and Migrant Labor Conditions in Nestle's Thai Shrimp Supply Chain

Summary: Seeking to better understand the risks of forced labor and human trafficking in the Thai seafood industry, Nestle contracted Verite to conduct a focused investigation of six production sites in Thailand - three shrimp farms (one in Mahachai and two in Surat Thani), two ports of origin (Ranong Fish Port and Mahachai Fish Port), and one docked fishing boat (in Ranong Fish Port). These sites were identified by a third-party supply chain mapping consultant as being linked with the fishmeal (or fish feed) used as feed input in farms producing whole prawns for Nestle. Verite assessed these and a number of other worksites in the same supply chain. The three-month assessment focused on forced labor and trafficking risks in the recruitment, hiring, employment and living conditions of foreign migrant workers in the targeted vessel-to-marketplace shrimp and fishmeal supply chain of one of Nestle's key suppliers. The findings of this assessment are largely consistent with those of Verite's prior research and other assessment work in the Thai seafood sector, as well as with reporting done by media and other organizations. B. Key Findings Verite found indicators of forced labor, trafficking, and child labor to be present among sea-based and land-based workers engaged in the production sites covered by the assessment. - Workers interviewed by Verite had been subjected to deceptive recruitment practices that started in their home countries, transported to Thailand under inhumane conditions, charged excessive fees leading to debt bondage in some cases, exposed to exploitative and hazardous working conditions, and, at the time of assessment, were living under sub-par to degrading conditions. - Workers reported that they were not provided with adequate information about the terms of their work at the point of their recruitment and, often, the actual conditions of the work were severe, including excessive overtime, no days off, and few protections against working hazards. A few workers reported having been 'sold' to a boat captain or being transported by a broker to a port, with the only alternative to joining the crew being to buy back the contract. - Verite found few and typically inadequate mechanisms for age-verification of workers, and identified underage workers engaged in sea-based work. - Grievance mechanisms for sea-based workers and most land-based workers were largely absent, with little to no communication available to fishers while at sea. - Compounding these issues, workers often lacked appropriate documentation, which would have lent them some level of protection against threats of detention, deportation, and denunciation to the authorities. Even when workers did have appropriate documentation, withholding of passports and personal documents by employers was found to be a common practice. - Pay practices for sea-based workers often resulted in employers withholding workers' total pay. Workers had no means of verifying if they were receiving the wages owed them, and could not leave their employment without potentially facing financial penalties. - Workers also reported intimidation, harassment, and verbal and physical abuse. Freedom of movement was restricted for fishers even when not at sea. Land-based workers reported constant surveillance and intimidation by the local authorities. - Verite found the use of an illegal substance among workers on fishing boats to be rampant; supervisors/crew leaders were fully aware but did not restrict use, as the substance kept workers awake and able to perform long work hours.

Details: Amherst, MA: Verite, 2016? 22p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 21, 2016 at: http://www.verite.org/sites/default/files/images/NestleReport-ThaiShrimp_prepared-by-Verite.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Thailand

URL: http://www.verite.org/sites/default/files/images/NestleReport-ThaiShrimp_prepared-by-Verite.pdf

Shelf Number: 138352

Debt Bondage
Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Migrant Labor

Author: Verite

Title: Strengthening Protections Against Trafficking in Persons in Federal and Corporate Supply Chains. Research on Risk in 43 Commodities Worldwide

Summary: This report presents narratives on 43 of the world's most important primary commodities. To produce these reports for each primary commodity, a multitude of data was assembled on global production and trade patterns (principal countries of production and consumption, and export-import data for key producers, importers, and the United States), reports of forced labor and/or child labor associated with the commodity, and the names of any countries in which trafficking-related problems have been reported in association with the commodity. Using the general information assembled as a starting point, each key commodity was then researched in depth, with the findings compiled into comprehensive commodity analyses. Thus, each individual commodity report provides background on the production patterns and labor practices involved in the specific industry in question. Each report also describes the connection, if any, between the commodity and forced labor and/or child labor. When available, case studies are provided of documented instances of human trafficking in the industry. The following reports also describe the structure of the supply chain for each commodity and any links to other supply chains for which the commodity is a key input, and review any government or industry initiatives that exist to reduce human trafficking in conjunction with the commodity in question. In the case of some commodities, no cases of human trafficking have been documented. In these commodity reports, efforts were made only to describe supply chain dynamics and general labor practices, to the degree that information was available. Therefore, these reports do not constitute a definitive list of commodities tainted by human trafficking. Given data limitations, it was necessary to examine other indicators, and one key indicator of risk that was used was the incidence of child labor. Child labor can vary considerably from sector to sector, country to country, and household to household, and it is not human trafficking per se. For these purposes, however, child labor may provide an indicator of risk for forced labor, given that the drivers for both may be similar, such as demand for cheap, exploitable, unskilled labor, poverty, unequal access to education, and exclusionary social attitudes based on caste, gender, immigration status, or ethnicity. That said, description of child labor risk in the commodity reports should not be used exclusively to evaluate the risk of trafficking in a supply chain, but should instead be understood as providing additional context.

Details: Amherst, MA: Verite, 2016. 206p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 22, 2016 at: http://www.verite.org/sites/default/files/images/Verite-CommodityReports-2016%200229.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: International

URL: http://www.verite.org/sites/default/files/images/Verite-CommodityReports-2016%200229.pdf

Shelf Number: 138377

Child Labor
Child Trafficking
Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Supply Chains

Author: Carrera, Sergio

Title: The Cost of Non-Europe in the Area of Organised Crime and Corruption: Annex I - Organised Crime

Summary: This Research Paper examines the costs of non-Europe in the field of organised crime. It provides an interdisciplinary analysis of the main legal/ethical, socio-political and economic costs and benefits of the EU in policies on organised crime. It offers an in-depth examination of the transformative contribution that the EU has made, in terms of investigation, prosecution and efficiency, to trans-border operational activities and the protection of its citizens' rights. Finally, it seeks to answer the questions of what are the costs and benefits of European cooperation and what forms of cooperation would bring more European added value.

Details: Brussels: European Parliamentary Research Service, 2016. 177p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 30, 2016 at: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/STUD/2016/579318/EPRS_STU(2016)579318_EN.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/STUD/2016/579318/EPRS_STU(2016)579318_EN.pdf

Shelf Number: 138492

Costs of Crime
Drug Trafficking
Economic Crimes
Environmental Crime
Human trafficking
Organized Crime
Weapons Trafficking

Author: Nolan, Brittany

Title: A Rights-Based Approach to Trafficking? The Trafficking of Women for Forced Labour in the European Union and the United Kingdom

Summary: Human trafficking is a prominent human rights issue that on a regional and national level brings together elements of criminal justice, immigration affairs, and human rights. Trafficking for forced labour in particular is a form of exploitation that removes a victim's freedom and dignity, as they are used for their labour and not valued as a human being. The actual extent of human trafficking on its own is difficult to measure, however the ILO estimates there may be as many as 20.9 million people held in forced labour worldwide. This research evaluates whether the European Union (EU) and United Kingdom (UK) implement a human rights-based approach (HRBA) in their policies and legislation covering human trafficking for forced labour. A HRBA is discussed as a human rights framework that includes the empowerment of the trafficking victim, adherence to normative trafficking conventions set by international organisations, and by the extend a criminal justice approach is lessened, in favour of a more human rights-based one. This thesis analyses EU policy, such as the 2002 and 2011 directives on trafficking in human beings, as well as UK government strategies and legislation. The EU has made substantial progress in using a HRBA throughout their policies since 2002, notably in their 2011 and 2012 directives. They increasingly offer minimum standards and provisions of victim support and assistance, taking into consideration potential cross-cultural barriers. They increasingly use the term victim-centred in their reports on human rights, and overall have improved in using a HRBA. The UK has also made progress in incorporating a HRBA in their policies, although they continue to focus heavily on trafficking as a crime that needs a stronger criminal justice response. The creation of a draft Modern Slavery Bill has given the UK a chance to incorporate a HRBA more strongly in their legislation; however they did not use this opportunity fully. The UK also continues to focus on trafficking as an immigration issue, and is unwilling to align itself with all EU policy on trafficking if it has an obligation to provide residence permits to victims. Until the UK can move away from focusing on immigration and criminal aspects of human trafficking, the victim will remain a less prominent part of the trafficking story.

Details: Canterbury, UNZ: National Centre for Research on Europe, University of Canterbury, 2015. 89p.

Source: Internet Resource: Thesis: Accessed April 1, 2016 at: http://ir.canterbury.ac.nz/bitstream/handle/10092/11813/Nolan%2c%20Brittany_Final%20Masters%20Thesis.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y

Year: 2015

Country: Europe

URL: http://ir.canterbury.ac.nz/bitstream/handle/10092/11813/Nolan%2c%20Brittany_Final%20Masters%20Thesis.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y

Shelf Number: 138518

Forced Labor
Human Rights Abuses
Human Trafficking

Author: Oosterhoff, Pauline

Title: Using Participatory Statistics to Examine the Impact of Interventions to Eradicate Slavery: Lessons from the Field

Summary: This CDI Practice Paper reflects on the use of participatory statistics to assess the impact of interventions to eradicate slavery and bonded labour. It deals with: (1) the challenges of estimating changes in the magnitude of various forms of slavery; (2) the potential of combining participatory approaches with statistical principles to generate robust data for assessing impact of slavery eradication; and (3) the practical and ethical questions in relation to working with people living within a context of modern slavery. The paper draws lessons from the realities of using participatory statistics to support the evaluation of a slavery eradication programme in North India.

Details: Brighton, UK: Institute of Develoipment Studies, Centre for Development Impact, 2016. 8p.

Source: Internet Resource: Practice Paper no. 16: Accessed April 1, 2016 at: http://opendocs.ids.ac.uk/opendocs/bitstream/handle/123456789/9582/CDIPracticePaper_16.pdf?sequence=5

Year: 2016

Country: International

URL: http://opendocs.ids.ac.uk/opendocs/bitstream/handle/123456789/9582/CDIPracticePaper_16.pdf?sequence=5

Shelf Number: 138519

Bonded Labor
Bonded Labour
Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Modern Slavery

Author: European Commission. Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs

Title: Study on the gender dimension of trafficking in human beings: final report

Summary: The purpose of this study is to contribute to the identification and understanding of what it means to be 'taking into account the gender perspective, to strengthen the prevention of this crime and protection of the victims thereof', as required in Article 1 of European Union (EU Directive 2011/36/EU on Preventing and Combating Trafficking in Human Beings and Protecting its Victims in the context of the EU Strategy (COM(2012) 286 final) Towards the eradication of Trafficking in Human Beings. The study contributes to Priority E Action 2 of the Strategy, which states that "the Commission will develop knowledge on the gender dimensions of human trafficking, including the gender consequences of the various forms of trafficking and potential differences in the vulnerability of men and women to victimisation and its impact on them". Its specific objectives and tasks are to address: the "gender dimension of vulnerability, recruitment, and victimisation"; "gender issues related to traffickers and to those creating demand"; and "an examination of law and policy responses on trafficking in human beings from a gender perspective". This study, according to its terms of reference, aims to look specifically at the gender dimension of trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation. This follows evidence from statistical data from Eurostat, as well as data from The European Police Office (Europol) and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), according to which the most reported form of exploitation of victims is that of sexual exploitation and its strong gender dimension (96 % women and girls). It further addresses recommendations addressed in the Resolution of the European Parliament of 26 February 2014 on sexual exploitation and prostitution and its impact on gender equality (2013/2103(INI)) urging the European Commission to evaluate the impact that the European legal framework designed to eliminate trafficking for sexual exploitation has had to date and to undertake further research on patterns of prostitution, on human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation and on the increased level of sex tourism in the EU, with particular reference to minors, and to promote the exchange of best practices among the Member States. The study is situated within the law and policy environment in the EU on anti-trafficking in human beings and on gender equality. This includes analysis of the gender dimension of each of the fields that are identified as priorities in the EU Strategy (COM(2012) 286 final) towards the eradication of trafficking in human beings (victim assistance, law enforcement, prevention by demand reduction, coherence and coordination, and knowledge and emerging concerns). The study uses reviews of relevant literature, in-depth case studies and high-level analysis in order to reach conclusions with regard to the gender dimensions of trafficking in human beings and make recommendations concerning law and policy implementation and improvement.

Details: Brussels: European Parliament, 2016. 240p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 1, 2016 at: https://ec.europa.eu/anti-trafficking/sites/antitrafficking/files/study_on_the_gender_dimension_of_trafficking_in_human_beings._final_report.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Europe

URL: https://ec.europa.eu/anti-trafficking/sites/antitrafficking/files/study_on_the_gender_dimension_of_trafficking_in_human_beings._final_report.pdf

Shelf Number: 138522

Gender-Specific Responses
Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation
Victims of Trafficking

Author: Verite

Title: An Exploratory Study on the Role of Corruption in International Labor Migration

Summary: In the 2013 white paper, "Corruption and Labor Trafficking in Global Supply Chains," Verite detailed how fraud, corruption, bribery, and other illegal practices are common features of the international recruitment of migrant workers. The myriad official approvals, documents, and associated fees - foreign worker quotas, job order attestations, exit and guest worker visas, medical certifications, police clearances, work permits etc. - required to deploy a migrant worker from one country to another mean the opportunities and incentives for employers and their recruitment agents to bribe civil servants have become a structural feature of the international labor migration process. Since recruitment agents and employers ultimately transfer most, if not all, of the upfront costs of employment to foreign migrant workers, both of these forms of recruitment-related corruption directly contribute to the excessive and illegal fee burdens frequently faced by migrant workers. In this way corruption is a significant contributing element to migrant worker vulnerability to debt bondage, human trafficking, and forced labor. Further, Verite and others have pointed out that the corrupt activities all too common in migrant worker recruitment also create potential legal risk for companies under origin and destination country laws as well as extraterritorial anti-corruption statutes such as the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and the UK Bribery Act (UKBA). Because multinationals can be liable for the acts of their foreign subsidiaries, franchisees, joint venture entities, and even suppliers that use third party employment agencies under a number of legal theories including traditional agency principles, the risk arises where corrupt payments result in a direct or indirect benefit to an employer - an improper advantage - through cheap migrant labor or the avoidance of the upfront costs of employment. Ironically, these many procedures and requirements that are so vulnerable to corruption were often put in place to protect workers and ensure regular process in the highly complex governance of international migration. The governments' responsibilities to protect the labor and human rights for migrants and to regulate a growing, dynamic private recruitment sector are not in question. Nor is the fact that legitimate private labor recruiters can play an important role in connecting workers with much-needed jobs; indeed, good recruiters are seeking to reform and reinvent the system. There is a flurry of efforts underway by governments, unions, civil society organizations, recruiters, employers, and international institutions like the ILO and IOM to reform the systems in place. Yet, even as reform efforts proceed apace, as this report outlines, "pay-to-play" kickback commissions and other corruption payments are all too common in the migration process; understanding the nature and extent of those payments is vital to reforming the process. Indeed, the lack of deep knowledge of the role of corruption in the process is a very real threat to the success of reform efforts. With new policies and procedures being proposed or enacted every month in countries around the world, it is vital that deeper understanding is achieved of the nature and extent of corruption. Corruption occurs for many reasons and eliminating controls and processes because corruption is attached to them is by no means the proper approach. Reform efforts themselves will generate unintended consequences in terms of corruption risk and new costs and threats to migrants. Hence, much humility and patience are called for as a wide range of institutions globally promote new models to protect workers.

Details: Amherst, MA: Verite, 2016. 32p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 8, 2016 at: https://www.verite.org/sites/default/files/images/Verite-Report-Intl-Labour-Recruitment_0.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: International

URL: https://www.verite.org/sites/default/files/images/Verite-Report-Intl-Labour-Recruitment_0.pdf

Shelf Number: 138606

Debt Bondage
Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Migrant Workers

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

Title: Recent trends of human trafficking and migrant smuggling to and from Pakistan

Summary: Pakistan is a destination, transit, and source country for smuggling of migrants and trafficking in persons. It has taken some important steps in combating these transnational crimes, including the promulgation of domestic legislation such as the Prevention and Control of Human Trafficking Ordinance also known as (PAC HTO) in 2002 as well as establishing Anti-Human Trafficking Units and Circles under the jurisdiction of the Federal Investigation Agency. However, migrant smuggling and human trafficking remain issues of concern. 1.1 Smuggling of migrants to Pakistan The best estimate of irregular migrants to Pakistan puts the population at more than four million. Afghans are the largest group at approximately 2.7 million, followed by the combined population of Bengali, Bangladeshi, and Burmese nationals at more than one million. However, Pakistan as a destination country for irregular migration is not a new phenomenon. Irregular migration to Pakistan has two key features: historic and protracted. Approximately 74 per cent of all Afghan nationals in the country were born in Pakistan, and 80 per cent of Afghan households arrived in Pakistan before 1985. Similarly, a majority of the Bengali, Bangladeshi, and Burmese nationals arrived prior to 1997. The number of new arrivals of irregular migrants is very small when compared to the existing population in Pakistan. The attractiveness of Pakistan as a destination country has declined due to its political and economic circumstances. Border management and interdiction of new arrivals will only have limited impact on the regulation of the existing population of irregular migrants. As such, Pakistan must explore ways to regularise and regulate the status of the existing irregular migrant population. UNODC recommends to the Government, in cooperation with UNHCR to find long-term solutions for the Afghan population in Pakistan, particularly as the Proof of Registration Cards for 1.6 million Afghans expired on 30 June 2013. In addition, with UN assistance, the Government should also find solutions for the combined Bengali, Bangladeshi, and Burmese population, including stateless people. 1.2 Smuggling of migrants from Pakistan Pakistani nationals are among the ten most-detected nationalities that attempt irregular migration to the European Union (EU) and Australia. At the same time, Afghans are also one of the most detected nationalities for irregular migration. The number of Afghan nationals using smuggling networks to enter the EU and Australia far exceeds the number of Pakistanis. However, the migration patterns of the two populations are entangled, and both populations use the same routes and smuggling networks. Moreover, Pakistan is a key transit country for Afghans. To enter the EU, Pakistani and Afghan nationals predominantly use the Eastern Mediterranean Route, by both land and sea. Pakistani, Afghan, and Bangladeshi nationals have reported they rendezvous in Iran and travel in a mixed group to the EU through Turkey and then Greece. Pakistani and Afghan nationals both feature prominently on the Western Balkans Route for secondary movement within the EU and the Schengen Zone. Both have also been detected in significant numbers along the sea route from Greece to the southern Italian regions of Apulia and Calabria. The vast majority of Pakistani and Afghan nationals attempt to enter the EU through blue and green borders. The number that attempts clandestine entry at border check posts is low. Irregular migrants appear to use a combination of tactics; clandestine crossing of blue and green borders and legal entry or exits at border check posts using legitimate but fraudulently obtained documentation. The volume of migration appears to be sensitive to push factors in the countries of origin. For example, the 2010 floods in Pakistan appear to have led to an exceptional spike in the volume of EU migration in 2011 by Pakistani nationals. Moreover, the routes used for smuggling of migrants appear to be responsive to changing interdiction and border control tactics. For example, improved land interdiction led to an increase in the use of sea routes. Changing status of a country - such as accession to EU membership - also has an impact on the routes used. With the recent economic downturn in the EU, particularly in Greece, Spain, and Italy, it is anticipated that some secondary movement by Pakistani and Afghan nationals will be detected as they seek better economic opportunities. Although the number of Afghan irregular migrants far exceeds the number of Pakistanis, more Pakistanis are found to use fraudulent documentation. Further, more Pakistanis are detected as facilitators of smuggling. This suggests that the smuggling networks are more organised and sophisticated in Pakistan, and that both Pakistani and Afghan nationals use Pakistani networks. In addition, the European Union raised concerns about the increased use of legitimate but fraudulently obtained documentation. As an island country, almost all irregular migrants to Australia arrive by sea from Indonesia. The number of irregular maritime arrivals from Afghanistan also far exceeds the number from Pakistan, but both populations are of concern to Australia. Again, smugglers use a combination of tactics; irregular migrants often exit Pakistan on valid passports and visas, and then travel by air to Malaysia or Thailand. From there, they travel clandestinely over land and sea to Indonesia, from where they attempt the final segment of the journey to Australia by sea. The majority of Pakistani and Afghan nationals that attempt irregular migration to Australia by sea are religious or ethnic minorities. They lodge protection applications on arrival and their claims have had an extremely high rate of acceptance, demonstrating that they have legitimate and compelling flight reasons. Members of the community tend to view smugglers as providing a necessary service to help them escape the persecution they suffer in their countries of origin. Smugglers that operate on this route appear to be well established and known to the community. They do not appear to recruit, but find business through word of mouth recommendations from successful migrants. Intending migrants approach the smugglers proactively. Businesses that claim to be visa consultants are often involved in smuggling rings. Facilitators and agents generally have ties to the migrant community and have often attempted or succeeded on the same route. Visa consultants often operate as fronts for smuggling networks. Therefore, UNODC recommends that the Government of Pakistan considers implementing regulation of visa consultancies

Details: Islamabad: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), July 2013. 88p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 11, 2016 at: https://www.unodc.org/documents/pakistan//2013.12.26_Research_Report_HTMS_COPAK_HTMSS_Designed_for_printing.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Pakistan

URL: https://www.unodc.org/documents/pakistan//2013.12.26_Research_Report_HTMS_COPAK_HTMSS_Designed_for_printing.pdf

Shelf Number: 137571

Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Illegal Immigrants

Author: Texas Department of Public Safety, Texas Fusion Center, Intelligence & Counterterrorism Division

Title: Texas Gang Threat Assessment

Summary: The key analytic judgments of this assessment are: - Gangs continue to represent a significant public safety threat to Texas due to their propensity for violence and heightened level of criminal activity. Of the incarcerated gang members within Texas Department of Criminal Justice prisons, over 60 percent are serving a sentence for violent crimes, including robbery (24 percent), homicide (16 percent), and assault/terroristic threat (15 percent). We assess there are likely more than 100,000 gang members in Texas. - The Tier 1 gangs in Texas for 2015 are Tango Blast and Tango cliques (estimated 15,000 members), Texas Syndicate (estimated 3,400 members), Texas Mexican Mafia (estimated 4,700 members), Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) (estimated 800 members), and Latin Kings (estimated 2,100 members). These groups pose the greatest gang threat to Texas due to their relationships with Mexican cartels, high levels of transnational criminal activity, level of violence, and overall statewide presence. - Gangs in Texas remain active in both human smuggling and human trafficking operations. Gang members associated with human smuggling have direct relationships with alien smuggling organizations (ASOs) and Mexican cartels. These organizations were involved in and profited from the recent influx of illegal aliens crossing the border in the Rio Grande Valley in 2014. Gang members involved in human trafficking, including commercial sex trafficking and compelling prostitution of adults and minors, exploit their victims through force, fraud or coercion, including recruiting and grooming them with false promises of affection, employment, or a better life. Gangs identified as being involved in human trafficking in Texas in 2014 include Tango Blast, Texas Syndicate, Bloods, Crips, Gangster Disciples, and MS-13. - Mexican cartels regularly use Texas gangs for the purposes of illicit cross-border smuggling. Members of Tier 1, Tier 2, and other gangs are sometimes recruited and tasked by cartels to carry out acts of violence in both Texas and Mexico. The relationships between certain gangs and cartels fluctuate based on cartel structures and cell alignments, gang alignment with specific cartels, threats or coercion, and familial ties. - Traditional rivalries between gangs continue to diminish as members take advantage of opportunities to collaborate and achieve common criminal objectives, typically for financial gain. Members of gangs such as the Bloods, Texas Syndicate, and Texas Mexican Mafia are working together to smuggle and sell drugs and weapons, among other crimes. In addition, law enforcement continues to observe gang members with hybrid memberships, where gang members claim multiple affiliations, which presents challenges in identifying and investigating gang activity.

Details: Austin, TX: Texas Department of Public Safety, 2015. 58p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 13, 2016 at: https://www.txdps.state.tx.us/director_staff/media_and_communications/2015/txGangThreatAssessment.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: United States

URL: https://www.txdps.state.tx.us/director_staff/media_and_communications/2015/txGangThreatAssessment.pdf

Shelf Number: 138647

Drug Trafficking
Gang Violence
Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Sex Trafficking

Author: Europol

Title: The THB Financial Business Model: assessing the current state of knowledge

Summary: Europol's Report on Trafficking in Human Beings (THB) Financial Business Model 2015 is now available online. This document has been prepared by experts at Europol and is oriented towards explaining the current crime situation, providing an overview of all relevant factors e.g. organised crime groups (OCGs), criminal markets, and geographical dimension. The main key findings detailed in the report show how OCGs involved in THB tend to work independently from other groups and launder their own criminal proceeds with little use of experts. These OCGs are mainly small and based on family and ethnic ties. The family cell is used to support trafficking operations and money laundering activities. There are no new methods of money laundering specific to THB groups, but the exploitation of innovative technologies is increasing. Financial institutions, money service businesses and other types of financial providers are at most risk of being exploited by the money laundering activities of OCGs.

Details: The Hague: Europol, 2015. 14p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 13, 2016 at: https://www.europol.europa.eu/content/trafficking-human-beings-financial-business-model

Year: 2015

Country: Europe

URL: https://www.europol.europa.eu/content/trafficking-human-beings-financial-business-model

Shelf Number: 138650

Financial crimes
Human Trafficking
Money Laundering
Organized Crime
Proceeds of Crime

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

Title: Trafficking in Persons for the Purpose of Organ Removal: Assessment Toolkit

Summary: The present toolkit deals with trafficking in persons for the purpose of organ removal, as defined by the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children, (Trafficking in Persons Protocol), supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (Organized Crime Convention). Terms like 'organ trafficking', 'illegal organ trade', 'transplant tourism', 'organ purchase' and others are often used interchangeably with trafficking in persons for the purpose of organ removal, even where they would not refer to the same phenomenon. Any conduct described by such terms will only be within the scope of this toolkit, if it meets the definition provided by the Trafficking in Persons Protocol. Trafficking in persons for the purpose of organ removal is not a new phenomenon. Over the years, the crime has received significant attention from media, NGOs, academia and also from international and regional actors such as the Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, especially in women and children and the Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Being Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe. The issue was also taken up at the UN Economic and Social Council and the General Assembly, which, e.g., in 2013 adopted resolutions that inter alia request UNODC to collect and analyse information on trafficking in persons for organ removal and encourage Member States to provide to UNODC evidence-based data on patterns, forms and flows of trafficking in persons, including for the purpose of the removal of organs respectively.

Details: Vienna: UNODC, 2015. 149p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 21, 2016 at: https://www.unodc.org/documents/human-trafficking/2015/UNODC_Assessment_Toolkit_TIP_for_the_Purpose_of_Organ_Removal.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: International

URL: https://www.unodc.org/documents/human-trafficking/2015/UNODC_Assessment_Toolkit_TIP_for_the_Purpose_of_Organ_Removal.pdf

Shelf Number: 139094

Human Trafficking
Organ Trafficking
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Organs

Author: Pascalev, A.

Title: Trafficking in human beings for the purpose of organ removal: A comprehensive literature review

Summary: Trafficking in human beings for the purpose of organ removal (THBOR) is prohibited worldwide, yet a growing number of reports indicate its increase across the globe. Many countries in and outside the European Union (EU) have implemented proper legislation against THBOR. However, information regarding the incidence of THBOR and the non-legislative response to it is practically non-existent and unavailable to judicial and law enforcement authorities in the EU member states. Transplant professionals, human rights NGOs and international organizations also have little knowledge and awareness of the crime (1). This knowledge gap hampers the development of a structured and effective action to this repugnant form of human trafficking, which brings physical and psychological harms to vulnerable individuals. The HOTT project has four objectives aimed at addressing the knowledge gaps and improving the non-legislative response to THBOR. These objectives are: - to increase knowledge about THBOR - to raise awareness among target groups - to organize an expert meeting where organ trafficking experts and competent authorities can express their views on project results - to provide recommendations to improve the non-legislative response This report contributes to the first objective: to gather information and increase knowledge about THBOR. It does so by describing the state-of-the-art of literature on the ethical aspects, causes and the actors involved in THBOR.

Details: Rotterdam, NETH: Erasmus MC University Hospital Rotterdam, Department of Internal Medicine, Section Transplantation and Nephrology, 2013. 79p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 21, 2016 at: http://hottproject.com/userfiles/HOTTProject-TraffickinginHumanBeingsforthePurposeofOrganRemoval-AComprehensiveLiteratureReview-OnlinePublication.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: International

URL: http://hottproject.com/userfiles/HOTTProject-TraffickinginHumanBeingsforthePurposeofOrganRemoval-AComprehensiveLiteratureReview-OnlinePublication.pdf

Shelf Number: 139093

Human Trafficking
Organ Trafficking
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Organs

Author: Ambagtsheer, F.

Title: Trafficking in Human Beings for the Purpose of Organ Removal: Results and Recommendations

Summary: When, in the early 1990's I began a multisided medical anthropological field research project in the transplant units, blood clinics, dialysis centers, prisons, kidney motels, safe houses, and refugee centers where underground transplants were negotiated and cobbled together by brokers for patients willing to travel to parts unknown for a back door transplant from invisible living suppliers in the global South, there was only one scientific article on the topic. That article was concerned only with the risks for the foreign recipients of South Asian kidneys. There were no concepts, categories, legal or philosophical language to identify what was going on. Consequently, the existence of human trafficking for the purpose of organ removal for illicit transplants was denied. Even as late as 2009, the joint United Nations/Council of Europe on 'Trafficking in organs, tissues and cells and trafficking in human beings for the purpose of the removal of organs' never once referred in the text of the document to human trafficking but rather to 'organ trafficking', thus unintentionally erasing the trafficked kidney sellers from any consideration or discussion. The problem was solid organs, not people, that were being trafficked and in a sense, sold While this sematic problem still exists, as it did in the Rosenbaum case discussed in this book, the dedicated and collaborative work of the EU-funded HOTT project will make it much more difficult for medical professionals, police, prosecutors and judges to ignore the vast scholarly and scientific literature on the topic, and the hard evidence produced in the first prosecutions of international organized crime syndicates pretending to be merely facilitating medical tourism rather than the illicit networks of human trafficking for human kidney sellers that they are. The extensive bibliography, original reports on the extent and consequences of human trafficking to procure organs and the case study reports and summaries, required considerable archival and field research to identify the networks, the investigations, indictments, and prosecutions of surgeons, nephrologists, transplant brokers, kidney hunters, mobile patients/kidney recipients, and trafficked kidney providers. The complexity of these international illicit networks explains their resilience. The obstacles include differences in legal jurisdictions, incompatible laws, and the immunity of complicit transplant surgeons. The first, and most successful of the prosecutions of an international human trafficking syndicate for the procurement of paid organ sellers was in Brazil in 2004, a key link in the Netcare case in South Africa described here. The Brazilian police sting, Operation Bisturi (scalpel) led to the indictment of twenty five participants, eleven of whom were eventually tried and found guilty of human trafficking of recruited kidney sellers from the slums of Recife. They were convicted for the recruitment, handling, medical pre-screening and transport of the men to private Netcare clinics in Durban and Johannesburg where their kidneys were removed and transplanted into the bodies of international patients, mostly from Israel. The case was handled efficiently by the Brazilian court's precise application of the 2000 Palermo Convention. The chief of the syndicate, Gedalya (Gaddy) Tauber, of Israel, and his Brazilian partner, Ivan Bonifacio da Silva, both retired military police officers, were given stiff sentences along with several other intermediaries that included a distinguished, middle aged woman lawyer, who hid the money in her private bank safe at the Recife branch of City Bank. One of the convicted was a kidney seller who joined the scheme and became a ruthless and dangerous kidney hunter, and the alleged head of a local death squad. Only the Brazilian doctor who conducted the blood tests escaped conviction. However, the presence of the suspects - perpetrators, intermediaries, and victims - in court room caught the attention of the ferocious Brazilian media. It was a major scandal in which Brazil was the victim and the nation was outraged that their citizens had been preyed upon and used by international transplant trafficking networks. This prosecution led to other investigations and prosecutions of domestic trafficking in humans for organs. More difficult to adjudicate are the cases where the buyers, sellers, brokers, and surgeons are from the same nation although branching out to other diasporic sites. In these instances we enter the ethical gray zone described by Primo Levi where perpetrators and victims, government officials and ordinary by-standers are partially complicit but feel helpless to extract themselves from a traffic in 'goods' (a healthy organ) rather than a traffic in 'bads' (illicit drugs and guns). The criminals could operate freely within the international legal lacuna that protected them. Moreover, human trafficking for organ procurement is often seen even by police, prosecutors, federal agents and judges as essentially a victimless crime. The judge in the Rosenbaum Sentencing based on a plea bargain, that it was a 'sorry story;, but one in which, she said, 'buyers and sellers both got something out of the deal'. What had been revealed in this first US prosecution of what the court described as three cases of illicit brokering and payment for an organ was not even the tip of the iceberg. The language of THBOR was not available to the federal prosecutors nor did US laws on human trafficking include those that are trafficked to provide 'spare' kidneys. The new term, THBOR though awkward, has given long overdue recognition of the real crime that is at stake here. Because most of the damages take place elsewhere and out of sight of the police and the courts that handle these cases, THBOR remained invisible. The complexity and the tragedy is that this form of human trafficking can save or enhance some lives at the expense of other disposable lives, sub-citizens in the global world. There are many excellent recommendations in this book, but the political will to apply them cannot be assumed. Trafficking in human beings for the purpose of organ removal is unlike other forms of human trafficking, even though the same international traffickers may also be involved in drug, small arms, and sex trafficking. Human trafficking in fresh organs is small, complicated, expensive and highly lucrative. But unlike other forms of human trafficking the good news is that it can be eradicated. The traffic is dependent on hospitals, nurses, doctors and surgeons. Without their complicity, knowingly or not, the traffic in humans for their fresh organs cannot exist. This report is the first to highlight the role and responsibilities of the medical transplant surgeons. We are dealing with a medical-surgical crime and it should be treated as such. Among the recommendations are that all persons who forfeit an organ (usually a kidney) for money within an organized international crime network are ipso facto victims, even if the person agreed to it. Another is that surgeons should be held responsible for removing and/or implanting a kidney from a trafficked person. We ask that surgeons and doctors cooperate with law enforcement and not to hide behind doctor-patient confidentiality when crimes may have been committed. Surgeons and nephrologists should inform their patients who are planning to travel abroad for an illicit transplant of the medical, ethical, and legal consequences. We ask that customs officials be required to ask those coming and leaving a country to declare whether they are traveling for the purpose of a transplant, which may or may not be legal.

Details: Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers, 2016. 154p.

Source: Internet Resource: The HOTT Project: Accessed April 21, 2016 at: https://thbregionalimplementationinitiative.files.wordpress.com/2015/09/hott_project-book_2016.pdf

Year: 2916

Country: International

URL: https://thbregionalimplementationinitiative.files.wordpress.com/2015/09/hott_project-book_2016.pdf

Shelf Number: 139092

Human Trafficking
Organ Trafficking
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Organs

Author: Ambagtsheer, F.

Title: Trafficking in Human Beings for the Purpose of Organ Removal: A Case Study

Summary: The present report builds upon the conclusions presented in the HOTT project's literature review, 'Trafficking in human beings for the purpose of organ removal: a comprehensive literature review'. This review concluded that a study of the current literature provides limited information and knowledge about the nature and incidence of the crime, and needs to be strengthened by other sources of information. The HOTT project's objectives are to: - increase knowledge about trafficking in human beings for the purpose of organ removal - raise awareness among target groups - improve the non-legislative response Purpose of study This case study report addresses the gaps that were already highlighted in the HOTT project's literature review. This study's purpose is to contribute to existing gaps in knowledge concerning a) the actors and their modus operandi of contemporary organ trafficking networks and b) the experiences of police and prosecution in disrupting and prosecuting the persons involved in these networks. Selection of countries and cases To acquire in-depth knowledge about the criminal networks involved in trafficking in human beings for the purpose of organ removal (THBOR), the research team collected information in the field by interviewing people worldwide who were directly involved in and affected by the events that led to prosecutions and convictions. With the financial support of the European Commission Directorate General Home Affairs, the Central Division of the National Police of the Netherlands, the Magnus Bergvalls Foundation (Sweden) and the Royal Physiographic Society (Sweden), the research team travelled to 4 countries to study 3 trafficking cases: 1. South Africa, Durban (November 2012) - Netcare case 2. Republic of Kosovo, Pristina (September 2013) - Medicus Clinic case 3. State of Israel, Tel Aviv and Jerusalem (October 2013) - Netcare and Medicus Clinic case 4. United States of America (USA), New York (March 2013) - Rosenbaum case Visiting these countries made it possible to talk to key persons and to access data that would not have been acquired through literature- or desk research. The countries and cases were selected because of common features: police and prosecution investigated international networks involving (elements of) THBOR and succeeded in gathering sufficient evidence to bring these cases to court that led to convictions of the accused, they relied on assistance from other countries and were able to demonstrate how to achieve successes and overcome obstacles in international criminal collaboration.

Details: Rotterdam: Erasmus MC University Hospital Rotterdam Department of Internal Medicine, Section Transplantation and Nephrology, 2014. 32p.

Source: Internet Resource: HOTT Project: Accessed April 23, 2016 at: http://hottproject.com/userfiles/Reports/3rdReportHOTTProject-TraffickinginHumanBeingsforthePurposeofOrganRemoval-ACaseStudyReport.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: International

URL: http://hottproject.com/userfiles/Reports/3rdReportHOTTProject-TraffickinginHumanBeingsforthePurposeofOrganRemoval-ACaseStudyReport.pdf

Shelf Number: 138783

Human Trafficking
Organ Trafficking
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Organs

Author: Ambagtsheer, F.

Title: Organ Recipients Who Paid for Kidney Transplantations Abroad: A Report

Summary: Worldwide, there is a mismatch between the increase in the number of those waiting and the increase in those identified as potential donors. Kidney transplant wait lists grow most prominently. By the end of 2013, 49.266 people were waiting for a kidney transplantation in the European Union, whilst only 19.227 transplantations were performed that year. Eurotransplant's wait list has an average waiting time of 3-5 years. About 15-30% of the patients die before receiving a kidney (3). Also in other parts of the world such as in the United States of America (USA), the number of candidates on the kidney wait list is increasing. Between 1980 and 2009 the list increased by 600%. Yet, the number of annual donors between 2004 and 2011 remained relatively stagnant at 13.000, making the gap between organ supply and demand even larger. The list in the USA now has a median wait time of over 4 years. The activity of organ transplantation worldwide is less than 10% of the global need. Furthermore there are substantial disparities in access to transplantation, not only globally, but within countries as well. Organ recipients travel across the world for transplantation, the most common being live kidney transplantation (8-13). Although travelling abroad does not imply an illegal transplant purchase, it is commonly perceived to be an illegal and/or immoral endeavour involving health risks. Several qualitative studies have been performed among patients who purchase kidneys (17-22). Some of these studies reveal that patients bring back little or no information about their operation, such as the origin of their kidney, the transplantation costs or where and by whom the transplantation was performed. The limited amount of data about transplantations abroad makes it difficult to draw firm conclusions about its scale, nature and potential illegality. Also, little knowledge exists about the motivations, experiences and characteristics of patients travelling abroad. Purpose of study The main conclusion of the HOTT project's first report, 'Trafficking in human beings for the purpose of organ removal: a comprehensive literature review' (23) (hereafter: literature review), is that a literature study provides limited information and knowledge about the nature and incidence of the crime. The underlying report aims to fulfil gaps of knowledge highlighted in the literature review by presenting the results of interviews with patients who travelled abroad for paid kidney transplantations. The purpose of this study is to describe the process of the transplantation (how, where and by whom it was facilitated) and the perspectives, experiences, behaviors and motivations of these patients. Research questions The research questions are as follows: 1. Do patients travel abroad for paid kidney transplantations? 2. How, where and by whom were their transplantations facilitated? 3. What are patients' motivations, experiences and characteristics?

Details: Rotterdam: Erasmus MC University Hospital Rotterdam Department of Internal Medicine, Section Transplantation and Nephrology, 2014. 25p.

Source: Internet Resource: HOTT Project: Accessed April 23, 2016 at: http://hottproject.com/userfiles/Reports/2ndReportHOTTproject-OrganRecipientsWhoPaidForKidneyTransplantsAbroad.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: International

URL: http://hottproject.com/userfiles/Reports/2ndReportHOTTproject-OrganRecipientsWhoPaidForKidneyTransplantsAbroad.pdf

Shelf Number: 138784

Human Trafficking
Organ Trafficking
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Organs

Author: Justice Acts New Zealand

Title: Protecting the Vulnerable: An Independent Review of NZ's laws on trafficking, slavery & exploitation

Summary: This is a legal review of all laws touching on the issue of human trafficking, slavery and labour exploitation in New Zealand. It makes recommendations for legislative and policy changes as well as setting out all major, known, cases of human trafficking since 1999.

Details: Greenlane, Auckland, NZ: Justice Acts New Zealand, 2014. 35p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 2, 2016 at: http://www.communityresearch.org.nz/research/protecting-the-vulnerable-an-independent-review-of-nzs-laws-on-trafficking-slavery-exploitation/

Year: 2014

Country: New Zealand

URL: http://www.communityresearch.org.nz/research/protecting-the-vulnerable-an-independent-review-of-nzs-laws-on-trafficking-slavery-exploitation/

Shelf Number: 138892

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking

Author: Davy, Deanna

Title: Transnational Advocacy Networks in Campaigning: The Campaign against Child Sex Trafficking in the Mekong Subregion

Summary: The rapidly expanding market in enslaved children bought and sold for sex is one of the worst transnational crimes that appear to have been facilitated by globalisation and its many effects, such as growing disparity in wealth between North and South. Child sex trafficking has become one of the most highly publicised social issues of our time and, due to its global nature, transnational anti-trafficking advocacy networks are well placed and central to lead campaigns against it. Transnational advocacy networks (TANs) in the GMS have been integrally involved in the formation of child sex trafficking policy agendas through their involvement in transnational networks and transnational campaigns and in working with governments and the private sector. Cosmopolitan anti-trafficking advocacy in these countries has led to significant progress in the Mekong Subregion by bringing the child trafficking issue onto the global social policy agenda, resulting in new child protection legislation and improved inter-agency collaboration in the region. This PhD research focuses on the politics, processes and effectiveness of transnational anti-trafficking advocacy networks in Thailand and Cambodia. Central questions in this study are addressed. For example, how and why do anti-trafficking advocacy networks evolve? What is the 'glue' that binds network partners and sustains network connections over time? How do networks measure the perceived 'effectiveness' of the networks' advocacy on the problem of child trafficking in the Southeast Asia region? How does North-South collaboration, and contention, and other aspects of network politics contribute to TAN effectiveness? Research into this area is important for improving our understanding of the internal processes, mechanisms and politics and TANs, and the sustainability and effectiveness of anti-trafficking advocacy networks in combating transnational crime and promoting social justice. This research addresses the above questions through an analysis of the politics and typologies of transnational anti child trafficking advocacy networks operating in Thailand and Cambodia. Using a cosmopolitan framework the research analyses data from twenty-two semi-structured interviews with experts from anti-trafficking advocacy networks in the GMS.

Details: Sydney: University of Sydney, 2012. 359p.

Source: Internet Resource: Dissertation: Accessed May 3, 2016 at: http://ses.library.usyd.edu.au/bitstream/2123/8939/1/DAVY%20DEANNA%20PHD%20THESIS.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Asia

URL: http://ses.library.usyd.edu.au/bitstream/2123/8939/1/DAVY%20DEANNA%20PHD%20THESIS.pdf

Shelf Number: 138900

Child Human Trafficking
Child Prostitution
Child Sex Trafficking
Child Sexual Exploitation
Human Trafficking

Author: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA)

Title: Guardianship for children deprived of parental care - A handbook to reinforce guardianship systems to cater for the specific needs of child victims of trafficking

Summary: The EU Strategy towards the Eradication of Trafficking in Human Beings 2012-2016 recognises the importance of comprehensive child-sensitive protection systems, for which a robust guardianship system serves as a touchstone. Effective guardianship systems are key to preventing abuse, neglect and exploitation. Yet the roles, qualifications and competences of guardians vary from one Member State to another. This handbook, a joint publication of the European Commission and the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, is designed to help standardise guardianship practice, ensuring also that it is better equipped to deal with the specific needs of child victims of trafficking. It provides guidance and recommendations to EU Member States on strengthening their guardianship systems, setting forth the core principles, fundamental design and management of such systems. By promoting a shared understanding of the main features of a guardianship system, it aims to improve conditions for children under guardianship and promote respect for their fundamental rights.

Details: Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2015. 118p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 4, 2016 at: http://fra.europa.eu/en/publication/2014/guardianship-children-deprived-parental-care-handbook-reinforce-guardianship

Year: 2015

Country: Europe

URL: http://fra.europa.eu/en/publication/2014/guardianship-children-deprived-parental-care-handbook-reinforce-guardianship

Shelf Number: 138924

Child Protection
Child Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Victims of Trafficking

Author: Wilkinson, Mick

Title: Forced labour in the UK and the Gangmasters Licensing Authority

Summary: Migration and trafficking for forced labour has been fuelled over the past decade by global inequalities and by poverty, conflict and environmental degradation in developing countries. The process has been encouraged by the increase in demand by employers for low-cost, "flexible' labour in the increasingly free-market economies of developed countries, and by consumer demand for cheap goods and services. There is a demand in the UK for cheap, mobile, flexible labour across a range of sectors, including care, construction, cleaning, hospitality and catering, and food production. Surveys have consistently found that UK employers prefer to employ migrant workers, because they consider them to be hard-working and reliable, and willing to work unsociable hours. Many businesses now depend upon them, as do entire sectors of the economy - both private and public. Studies sponsored by the Home Office, the International Organisation for Migration, the Institute for Public Policy Research, and the Royal Society for Arts have all argued a net benefit to the UK economy of the order of $2bn-$3bn per annum. Such are the benefits to British industry, that the-then Director-General of the CBI, Sir Digby Jones, called in April 2005 for the government to resist any thoughts of a cap on immigration, arguing that every one per cent increase in immigration generated a 1.5 per cent increase in national wealth. He added: If it was not for immigrant labour, especially in leisure, in tourism, in agriculture, in construction, then frankly many of our businesses would not have the workers we need.- The so-called "demographic time bomb" both in the UK and other western European countries, with ageing populations, means that those active in the labour market represent a diminishing proportion of the workforce and those beyond retirement age constitute a growing proportion. The implications for the dependency ratio of economically inactive to economically active people are clear, and this is reflected in an increasing dependence on migrant workers. In short, the UK needs migrant workers. In order to meet that demand, over the past two decades UK governments have developed a programme of "managed migration". This actively encourages the flow of temporary migration in the interests of the UK economy, by expanding existing temporary worker schemes and adding new programmes. As a result, the number of work permits issued to foreign-born workers rose from 40,000 a year in the mid-1990s to over 200,000 a year in 2004. That process culminated with the Worker Registration Scheme in 2004, to facilitate the arrival of A8 Accession state nationals. Alongside this, since the early 1980s there has been a drive, across the major Western economies, to reduce business regulation to a minimum. UK governments have played a very significant role in this, both at home and in Europe. In 1973, the UK government introduced the Employment Agencies Act, under which all labour providers had to register and comply with legal standards. However, under the Conservative government of John Major, a more liberal labour policy introduced the Deregulation and Contracting Out Act 1994, through which the system of agency licensing was abolished and action against exploiters became primarily dependent upon the complaints of victims. In June 2008, a research team led by Dr Mick Wilkinson at the Contemporary Slavery Research Centre, the Wilberforce Institute, Hull University, was commissioned by Oxfam to conduct an independent evaluation of the GLA and the Act. Their remit was to: Review the operation of the GLA and Act; Assess the strengths and shortcomings of both in protecting the employment rights and wider rights (eg. to safe housing) of migrant and other vulnerable workers; and Make recommendations on how the Act could be strengthened and extended and the Authority improved to protect migrant and vulnerable workers more effectively.

Details: Hull, UK: Contemporary Slavery Research Centre (CSRC), The Wilberforce Institute, University of Hull, 2010.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 5, 2016 at: http://www2.hull.ac.uk/fass/pdf/WPGLAreport.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www2.hull.ac.uk/fass/pdf/WPGLAreport.pdf

Shelf Number: 138949

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Migrant Labor

Author: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA)

Title: Guardianship systems for children deprived of parental care in the European Union: With a particular focus on their role in responding to child trafficking

Summary: Children who are deprived of parental care and are unaccompanied or separated from their primary caregiver are particularly vulnerable to abuse and exploitation. They are entitled to special protection. Effective guardianship systems are key to preventing abuse, neglect and exploitation and they protect child victims of trafficking. Children who are separated from the parents are at heightened risk of exploitation, including falling victims of trafficking in human beings. In other cases, children have been separated from their primary care givers as they were also involved in exploiting the child they were responsible for. The EU Strategy towards the eradication of trafficking in human beings 2012-2016 underlines the importance of comprehensive child-sensitive protection systems to prevent and address child trafficking. Robust guardianship arrangements are a cornerstone of such child protection systems. Yet the roles, qualifications and competences of guardians vary substantially from one Member State to another. In June 2014, the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), in close cooperation with the European Commission, published a handbook on Guardianship for children deprived of parental care - A handbook to reinforce guardianship systems to cater for the specific needs of child victims of trafficking. The handbook offers EU Member States comprehensive guidance and recommendations on strengthening national guardianship systems. The handbook lays down the core principles that should guide national guardianship systems and suggests how national authorities, as well as guardians, could strengthen guardianship arrangements to respond better to the needs of child victims of trafficking. By promoting a shared understanding of the main features of a guardianship system, the handbook aimed at improving conditions and respect for the fundamental rights for all children deprived of parental care. It also sought to respond better to the specific needs of child victims of trafficking. The agency mapped national guardianship systems with the aim of identifying common challenges and promising practises. This report presents the main findings of this background research, which were also used to develop the handbook. These two publications are the latest results from FRA's longstanding commitment to promote and protect the rights of the child. This comparative report may assist Member States to understand better the strengths and weaknesses of their national system. It may also assist them to take measures to promote the effective protection of all children and, more specifically, find an adequate response to the needs and rights of those who are in the most vulnerable situation, such as child victims of trafficking.

Details: Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2015. 80p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 5, 2016 at: https://ec.europa.eu/anti-trafficking/sites/antitrafficking/files/guardianship_systems_for_children_deprived_of_parental_care_in_the_european_union_en.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Europe

URL: https://ec.europa.eu/anti-trafficking/sites/antitrafficking/files/guardianship_systems_for_children_deprived_of_parental_care_in_the_european_union_en.pdf

Shelf Number: 138952

Child Protection
Child Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Victims of Trafficking

Author: Vogel, Dita

Title: The Concept of Demand in the Context of Trafficking in Human Beings: Using Contributions from Economics in Search of Clarification

Summary: Working Paper 3 examines how economic contributions can help clarify some of the terminology used in the DemandAT project. It sets out economic theories of 'demand', and contrasts these to common understandings of the concept of demand and prices as employed in debates on anti-trafficking, as well as understandings of the role of coercion. The paper suggests that the use of these terms has often been vague and inconsistent. The paper illustrates these problems by looking at three examples of the application of economics concepts in literature on THB. It concludes that what is needed most urgently is more context dependent data interpretation, rather than more data.

Details: Vienna: Demand-Side Measures Against Trafficking, 2015. 45p.

Source: Internet Resource: DemandAT Working Paper No. 3: Accessed May 11, 2016 at: http://www.demandat.eu/sites/default/files/DemandAT_WP3_Vogel_Economics_for_Conceptual_Clarification_FINAL.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.demandat.eu/sites/default/files/DemandAT_WP3_Vogel_Economics_for_Conceptual_Clarification_FINAL.pdf

Shelf Number: 139002

Economics and Crime
Human Trafficking
Sex Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime

Title: Understanding Illicit Trade: Impact of Human Trafficking and Smuggling on the Private Sector

Summary: Around the globe, an estimated 20.9 million people are in situations of so-called modern day slavery, or forced labour, at any point of time. Many of these victims are trafficked within their country or across borders. Considering this number, there is an urgent need to improve our understanding of criminal activities in the area of human trafficking and exploitation, the difficulties to track perpetrators and protect victims. The individual criminals and complex networks behind different forms of trafficking and exploitation as well as the high level of profits connected to their illicit activities stress the need to consider human trafficking and exploitation in terms of transnational organised crime. Drawn from a series of webinars hosted by the Global Initiative and Babson College in 2014-15, this report highlights emerging human trafficking challenges and identifies promising anti-trafficking initiatives from the private sector. Each chapter of the report covers one of five key areas of human trafficking: - Migrant workers in the USA and their vulnerability to labour exploitation - Online sexual exploitation of children and recent technological developments in detecting this form of crime - Human trafficking in football, particularly in the area of recruitment of young athletes - Labour exploitation and the construction industry, using the example of the kafala system in the Gulf countries to highlight flawed national regulation putting migrant works at risk of being trafficked and exploited - Responding to the global black market in illicit organs and the intrinsic role the private sector has played in enabling this illicit business Whilst each chapter clearly shows the organised criminal networks behind the different forms of trafficking and exploitation, there are significant differences in the types of crimes and their individual complexities. It is, therefore, crucial to deepen the research into each of the areas and to develop individual responses and strategies private sectors can apply to counter criminal networks across the globe. The report finds that the private sector needs to play a stronger role in ensuring ethical and fair practices, and to contribute its unique knowledge and expertise to help in the fight against human trafficking. Overall, he private sector is an increasingly important actor in enabling as well as in combating the different aspects of human trafficking.

Details: Geneva, SWIT: The Initiative, 2016. 52p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 18, 2016 at: http://www.globalinitiative.net/download/global-initiative/Understanding%20Illicit%20Trade_06.05.16(1).pdf

Year: 2016

Country: International

URL: http://www.globalinitiative.net/download/global-initiative/Understanding%20Illicit%20Trade_06.05.16(1).pdf

Shelf Number: 139069

Forced labor
Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Illicit Trade
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Organs

Author: Pettersen, Lone Charlotte

Title: Tracking the Trafficker? A Qualitative Study of the Investigation of Trafficking in Human Beings in Norway

Summary: Trafficking in human beings (THB) is a vast global problem where the cynic exploitation of fellow human beings is limited only by the exploiter's creativity and cruelty. This paper looks upon the phenomena of THB from a law enforcement perspective, thus defining and problematizing it as a crime against humanity and a crime against international and national laws. Consequently, understanding the complexity of the crime enables the investigator and prosecutor to better conduct criminal investigations to uncover, prevent and prosecute the crime of THB. Norway is a recipient country, and to some extent also a transit country, which means that the victims of THB in Norway are mostly from foreign countries. However, the numbers on THB are not reliable when it comes to describing the reality of victims that have yet to be identified by Norwegian authorities. Thus, the majority of THB-cases reported, investigated and receiving convictions, are THB for sexual exploitation. Trafficking for other types of exploitation is widely underreported. At the same time, research on the field of trafficking in Norway has focused mainly on sexual exploitation. However, this paper does not distinguish between the different types of exploitation. Rather, it focuses on how the police investigate the phenomena in order to be able to prosecute the traffickers. As such, this paper is based on a qualitative study where police investigators and police prosecutors from 8 different police districts in Norway have been interviewed about their knowledge and experience in investigating cases of THB. The study aims to answer the following approach to the research topic: Tracking the Trafficker? A qualitative study of the investigation of trafficking in human beings in Norway. The research findings suggest that there is a severe lack of competency in THB in general in the Norwegian police and that this affects the outcome of THB-cases in several ways. The police does not initiate THB-cases themselves, rather they are to a large extent recipients of information from others - especially the victim. This leads to a highly victim-oriented approach to the investigation, placing much responsibility on the victim to provide the investigation with sufficient information to identify the trafficker or other important part of the exploitation they have been exposed to. Furthermore, the victim itself is considered a great challenge in the investigation of THB-cases. The findings also indicate that the organisational structure of the police districts, combined with how THB is prioritized with regard to resources and personnel, may have some affect as to how the investigation is conducted in the different police districts.

Details: Oslo: Politihogskolen , 2015. 119p.

Source: Internet Resource: Thesis: Accessed May 18, 2016 at: https://brage.bibsys.no/xmlui/bitstream/handle/11250/297965/master_Pettersen_2015.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y

Year: 2015

Country: Norway

URL: https://brage.bibsys.no/xmlui/bitstream/handle/11250/297965/master_Pettersen_2015.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y

Shelf Number: 139074

Human Trafficking
Police Investigations
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Carpenter, Ami

Title: The Nature and Extent of Gang Involvement in Sex Trafficking in San Diego County: Executive Summary

Summary: The overall purpose of this project was to investigate the nature and assess of the scope of gang involvement in sex trafficking in San Diego County. Human trafficking is a global phenomenon with a variety of local manifestations, including labor and sex trafficking. San Diego is ranked by the FBI as one of the nation's 13 highest areas of commercial sexual exploitation of children. Despite widespread attention on sex trafficking, there has been little empirical research on the nature and process of sex trafficking activities, and even less on the connection between sex trafficking and gangs. Prior to this study, much of what was known about sex trafficking in San Diego County was anecdotal and descriptive. The study's basic premise was that empirical investigation would prove useful for both policy and practice. This 3-year study reports on three major sets of findings: (1) the scope and nature of gang involvement in sex trafficking and commercial sexual activity, including detailed analysis of sex trafficking facilitation (2) the scope of nature of victimization in San Diego County, and (3) estimates of the regional commercial sex economy. It was designed to improve on seven shortcomings in human or sex trafficking research thus far: 1. Few credible estimates of the scale of sex trafficking in a particular region 2. The common conflation of commercial sexual exploitation and prostitution with sex trafficking 3. Lack of primary data on sex trafficking 4. Inability to identify networks of sex traffickers 5. Understudied extent of gang involvement in sex trafficking 6. Over-reliance on qualitative methods 7. Small sample sizes

Details: San Diego: University of San Diego, 2015. 16p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 8, 2016 at: http://www.abolishhumantrafficking.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Executive-Summary.Final-Technical-Report.NIJ2016-1.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: United States

URL: http://www.abolishhumantrafficking.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Executive-Summary.Final-Technical-Report.NIJ2016-1.pdf

Shelf Number: 139314

Human trafficking
Sex Trafficking
Sex Workers
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Miner-Romanoff, Karen

Title: An Evaluation Study of a Criminal Justice Reform Specialty Court - CATCH Court: Changing Actions to Change Habits

Summary: This article reports on an evaluation of a program for convicted prostitutes who are victims of human trafficking, the Changing Actions to Change Habits (CATCH) specialized docket in Franklin County, Columbus, Ohio. Founded by Judge Paul M. Herbert in 2009, CATCH blends punitive sentences with a 2-year treatment-oriented non-adversarial program for rearrested prostitutes who suffer from posttraumatic stress syndrome, depression, and drug addiction. Based on therapeutic jurisprudence, in its 5 years of existence CATCH has served 130 participants (12% graduation rate in first 4 years). The researcher was invited by the Franklin County Municipal Court to conduct the evaluation, the first of the program, with criminal justice referrers and program participants. Data were collected from Court records, a 9-item survey for referrers by email, a 20-item survey for participants, and a roundtable discussion with 20 volunteer participants. In the quantitative component, five goals and objectives were formulated. Results of descriptive statistics on participants' experiences indicated that from 48% to 100% were positively affected by the program. Program completers had fewer jail days, arrests, and recidivism, as well as improved living conditions, than noncompleters (those who were rejected or dropped out). Results of inferential statistics for completers and noncompleters indicated that for jail time and arrests, no significant differences were found among the groups. For recidivism, a significant difference was found, indicating that program completers had a statistically significant lower recidivism rate than the other groups. The five goals and objectives were partially met. In the qualitative component, participants singled out caring by the judge and staff, lack of judgment, encouragement of their self-esteem, improved family relationships, and the difficulty of asking for help. For increased awareness, participants suggested education of law enforcement officers about the program, education in communities of young girls, and creation of CATCH-type programs in other cities. Recommendations for future research included more frequent and discrete data collection by the court, larger sample sizes, and individual participant in-depth interviews. The success of the CATCH program indicates its use as a model for similar courts in Ohio and nationally.

Details: Columbus, OH: Franklin University, 2015. 95p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 9, 2016 at: https://ext.dps.state.oh.us/OCCS/Pages/Public/Reports/CATCH%20FULL%20REPORT%20for%20Court%20CL%205.30.15.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: United States

URL: https://ext.dps.state.oh.us/OCCS/Pages/Public/Reports/CATCH%20FULL%20REPORT%20for%20Court%20CL%205.30.15.pdf

Shelf Number: 139342

Human Trafficking
Problem-Solving Courts
Victims of Trafficking

Author: International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala

Title: Human trafficking for sexual exploitation purposes in Guatemala

Summary: Human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation is a human and social drama, a human rights violation and a criminal offense. It is an illegal practice that affects particularly girls, boys and adolescents, robbing them of their innocence and dignity. It is an unacceptable offense that violates basic rights, while perpetrators benefit, profit, torture and truncate the lives of persons by inflicting suffering on those who are more vulnerable. Trafficking in persons is a form of contemporary slavery that should compel society at large, and authorities, particularly, to reject and decisively eradicate it. The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG), present the report Sexual Trafficking in Persons in Guatemala within the framework of their mandates, sharing common goals in the area of human rights protection and the fight against impunity, which documents the significance and the consequences of this criminal phenomenon in the country. The objective of this effort is to provide guidance for public policy, budget and investigation strategies in order to identify and dismantle criminal structures, as well as to promote other efforts that ultimately help to prevent and fight the scourge, provide assistance to victims and impart justice to prevent offenses from remaining unpunished. The report includes extensive theoretical and field investigation that identifies Guatemala as a country of origin, transit and reception of trafficking victims. Universal consensus rates this crime as a grave human rights violation, made more serious by the ability of criminal structures to operate transnationally, which makes the problem more complex and imposes difficulties on States to identify, prosecute and dismantle criminal groups. According to the analysis and findings of the report, there are an estimated 48,500 direct victims of trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation in Guatemala, and the illegal profits produced by this offense amount to 12.3 billion quetzales, equivalent to 2.7% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), that is, more than the total budget to educate children and adolescents, estimated at 1.44% of the GDP in 2014.

Details: Guatemala City: CICIG, 2016. 145p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 10, 2016 at: http://www.cicig.org/uploads/documents/2016/Trata_Ing_978_9929_40_829_6.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Guatemala

URL: http://www.cicig.org/uploads/documents/2016/Trata_Ing_978_9929_40_829_6.pdf

Shelf Number: 139363

Child Sex Trafficking
Child Sexual Exploitation
Human Trafficking
Sex Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Carpenter, Ami

Title: The Nature and Extent of Gang Involvement in Sex Trafficking in San Diego County: Full Report

Summary: INTRODUCTION In 2011, San Diego County created the multi-agency San Diego County Regional Human Trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children Advisory Council with the objective to reduce human trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation of children in San Diego County and the Mexico border region through prevention, prosecution, protection and partnerships. As co-chairs of the Research and Data Sub-Committee of this advisory council, Drs. Carpenter and Gates were asked to pursue a research agenda that would help develop robust measures of the scope of human trafficking in San Diego County. Of particular interest to the County Advisory Council was empirical evidence of the suspected relationship between gangs and human trafficking. BACKGROUND AND STUDY OBJECTIVES The overall purpose of this project was to investigate the nature and assess of the scope of gang involvement in sex trafficking in San Diego County. Human trafficking is a global phenomenon with a variety of local manifestations, including labor and sex trafficking. San Diego is ranked by the FBI as one of the nation's 13 highest areas of commercial sexual exploitation of children. Despite widespread attention on sex trafficking, there has been little empirical research on the nature and process of sex trafficking activities, and even less on the connection between sex trafficking and gangs. Prior to this study, much of what was known about sex trafficking in San Diego County was anecdotal and descriptive. The study's basic premise was that empirical investigation would prove useful for both policy and practice. This 3-year study reports on three major sets of findings: (1) the scope and nature of gang involvement in sex trafficking and commercial sexual activity, including detailed analysis of sex trafficking facilitation (2) the scope of nature of victimization in San Diego County, and (3) estimates of the regional commercial sex economy. It was designed to improve on seven shortcomings in human or sex trafficking research thus far: 1. Few credible estimates of the scale of sex trafficking in a particular region 2. The common conflation of commercial sexual exploitation and prostitution with sex trafficking 3. Lack of primary data on sex trafficking 4. Inability to identify networks of sex traffickers 5. Understudied extent of gang involvement in sex trafficking 6. Over-reliance on qualitative methods 7. Small sample sizes

Details: Final report to the U.S. National Institute of Justice, 2016. 172p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 13, 2016 at: https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/249857.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: United States

URL: https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/249857.pdf

Shelf Number: 139400

Human Trafficking
Sex Trafficking
Sex Workers
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Neville, Darren

Title: Internal border controls in the Schengen area: is Schengen crisis-proof ?

Summary: This study, commissioned by the European Parliament's Policy Department for Citizen's Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the LIBE Committee, analyses the Schengen area in the wake of the European 'refugee crisis' and other recent developments. With several Member States reintroducing temporary internal border controls over recent months, the study assesses compliance with the Schengen governance framework in this context . Despite suggestions that the end of Schengen is nigh or arguments that there is a need to get 'back to Schengen', the research demonstrates that Schengen is alive and well and that border controls have, at least formally, complied with the legal framework. Nonetheless, better monitoring and democratic accountability are necessary.

Details: Brussels: Policy Department C: Citizens' Rights and Constitutional Affairs, European Parliament, 2016. 124p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 11, 2016 at: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/STUD/2016/571356/IPOL_STU(2016)571356_EN.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/STUD/2016/571356/IPOL_STU(2016)571356_EN.pdf

Shelf Number: 139587

Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Illegal Migration
Migration (Europe)

Author: Hofmeister, Wilhelm

Title: Trafficking in Human Beings: learning from Asian and European Experiences

Summary: Trafficking in human beings is a strong violation of basic rights and a severe transnational organized crime. But human trafficking is also a highly profitable business in both Europe and Asia. People can be trafficked for different purposes, including sexual exploitation, labour exploitation, organ smuggling and as brides/grooms. Victims of this crime are highly vulnerable and are often coerced by the traffickers through threats to harm their family members, to abuse them or to sell them. At the same, the victims are granted hardly any rights in the destination countries and cooperation with the police is limited due to fear or the fact that the police might be corrupt and involved in the crime as well. Conservative estimates by the International Labour Organization (ILO) indicate around 20.9 million persons in situations of forced labour in 2012. This does not include people being trafficked for organ removal, forced marriage or adoption. More than 50 percent of these people originated from countries in the Asia-Pacific region. The actual numbers of identified victims and convicted traffickers is only a very small percentage of this estimate. This highlights the two key challenges in combating human trafficking - victims identification and prosecution of traffickers.

Details: Singapore : Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung [and] East Asian Institute [and] European Policy Centre [and] European Union Centre in Singapore, 2014. 150p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 11, 2016 at: http://www.kas.de/wf/doc/kas_40567-1522-2-30.pdf?150227075526

Year: 2014

Country: International

URL: http://www.kas.de/wf/doc/kas_40567-1522-2-30.pdf?150227075526

Shelf Number: 139589

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Irregular Immigration
Organized Crime

Author: Great Britain. House of Lords. European Union Committee

Title: Operation Sophia: the EU's naval mission in the Mediterranean: an impossible challenge

Summary: Since 2014, Europe has been struggling to respond to an exceptional number of irregular but voluntary migrants 2 seeking to cross European borders. On 19 April 2015, off-the-coast of the Italian island of Lampedusa, a boat carrying nearly 700 migrants capsized and almost all its passengers drowned. The Lampedusa tragedy changed EU policy. Four days later, the European Council pledged to take steps to prevent further loss of life at sea, fight the people smugglers and prevent illegal migration flows. In May, a new naval mission-Operation Sophia-was deployed in the central Mediterranean. It currently patrols a vast area of the high seas off the coast of Libya to Italy, gathering information, rescuing migrants, and destroying boats used by smugglers. Critics suggested that search and rescue activity by Operation Sophia would act as a magnet to migrants and ease the task of smugglers, who would only need their vessels to reach the high seas; these propositions have some validity. On the other hand, search and rescue are, in our view, vital humanitarian obligations. We commend Operation Sophia for its success in this task. The mission does not, however, in any meaningful way deter the flow of migrants, disrupt the smugglers' networks, or impede the business of people smuggling on the central Mediterranean route. The arrests that Operation Sophia has made to date have been of low-level targets, while the destruction of vessels has simply caused the smugglers to shift from using wooden boats to rubber dinghies, which are even more unsafe. There are also significant limits to the intelligence that can be collected about onshore smuggling networks from the high seas. There is therefore little prospect of Operation Sophia overturning the business model of people smuggling. The weakness of the Libyan state has been a key factor underlying the exceptional rate of irregular migration on the central Mediterranean route in recent years. While plans for two further phases would see Operation Sophia acting in Libyan territorial waters and onshore, we are not confident that the new Libyan Government of National Accord will be in a position to work closely with the EU and its Member States any time soon. In other words, however valuable as a search and rescue mission, Operation Sophia does not, and we argue, cannot, deliver its mandate. It responds to symptoms, not causes.

Details: London: House of Lords, 2016. 43p.

Source: Internet Resource: HP Paper 144: Accessed July 13, 2016 at: http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld201516/ldselect/ldeucom/144/144.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld201516/ldselect/ldeucom/144/144.pdf

Shelf Number: 139636

Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Illegal Immigrants

Author: Savic, Marijana, ed.

Title: Local Communities in the Fight against Human Trafficking

Summary: Publication Local communities in the fight against human trafficking is produced within the homonymous project, that was designed and implemented by the organization Atina, in partnership with Novi Sad's Humanitarian Centre, and in cooperation with the Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction Team of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, with the financial support of the European Union, Office for Cooperation with Civil Society of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, and German Federal Government through the "Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH". The project is motivated by the need to strengthen the role of civil society organizations in decision-making process and, more specifically, their competence to monitor local strategies and action plans relevant to the field of human trafficking; empowering relevant stakeholders for intersectoral partnerships in order to provide support to vulnerable groups, and strengthening vulnerable groups to participate in decision-making process. Enabling better understanding of the protection of victims and prevention of human trafficking in the context of the reform of local social security system, the research should contribute to achieving these goals. In other words, the research has been fueled by recent changes in the area of human trafficking and in the area of social protection - a growing need to increase capacity and find answers to problems of the protection of victims and prevention of human trafficking at the level of local community, starting from local public policies, to everyday practice within disparate sectors. Research will continue to serve as a basis for improving local response to human trafficking and the networking of actors, working in the field of protection of vulnerable groups, in seven cities/municipalities involved in the project - Kraljevo, Kragujevac, Vranje, Nis, Novi Sad, Subotica, Sremska Mitrovica. The research activities include the analysis of relevant documents in the field of international standards, national legislative and strategic framework, as well as relevant local strategies and action plans in the field of social protection, that are of importance for human trafficking. The second segment of the research was carried out with professionals who have experience in direct work on protection of groups that are particularly vulnerable to the phenomenon of human trafficking, as well as in creating local policies.

Details: Belgrade: Citizens' Association for Combat against Trafficking in Human Beings and all Forms of Violence against Women - Atina, 2013. 174p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 19, 2016 at: http://atina.org.rs/sites/default/files/Local%20communities%20publikacija.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Serbia and Montenegro

URL: http://atina.org.rs/sites/default/files/Local%20communities%20publikacija.pdf

Shelf Number: 139664

Human Trafficking
Violence Against Women

Author: Florida. Legislature. Office of Program Policy Analysis & Government Accountability

Title: Placement Challenges Persist for Child Victims of Commercial Sexual Exploitation; Questions Regarding Effective Interventions and Outcomes Remain,

Summary: A total of 264 verified commercial sexual exploitation child victims (CSE children) were identified in calendar year 2015, more than the 170 identified from July 2013 through December 2014. CSE children are to be placed and served in specialized residential programs, such as safe houses and safe foster homes. However, there are a limited number of these beds and provider criteria exclude some children. Providers report that they deliver consistent statutorily-required services to children, and the Department of Children and Families (DCF) is conducting a review of literature to identify effective interventions for CSE children. Many CSE children we identified in our previous report had since been re-victimized, involved with the criminal justice system, or only attended school intermittently. State agencies, including DCF and the Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ), continue working to better identify CSE children through community awareness, training, better information system tracking, and a new screening tool. The Human Trafficking Screening Tool has been released for use but concerns exist; DCF and DJJ should prioritize getting feedback on the screening tool and validating it.

Details: Tallahassee: OPPAGA, 2016. 35p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 25, 2016 at: http://www.oppaga.state.fl.us/MonitorDocs/Reports/pdf/1604rpt.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: United States

URL: http://www.oppaga.state.fl.us/MonitorDocs/Reports/pdf/1604rpt.pdf

Shelf Number: 139841

Child Prostitution
Child Sex Trafficking
Child Sexual Abuse
Child Sexual Exploitation
Human Trafficking

Author: Schloenhardt, Andreas

Title: Irregular migration and associated crime in Pakistan: a review of the Federal Investigation Agency's (FIA) training programmes

Summary: This report reviews existing training programmes on irregular migration and associated crime offered by the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and develops recommendations to enhance the training of FIA officers and other law enforcement personnel in this field. Irregular migration, especially in the form of migrant smuggling and trafficking in persons, and associated criminal activities such as money laundering, document fraud, and corruption, are of imminent concern to Pakistan. Trafficking in persons is the acquisition of people by improper means such as force, fraud or deception, with the aim of exploiting them. Smuggling of migrants involves the procurement for financial or other material benefit of illegal entry of a person into a State of which that person is not a national or resident. Virtually every country in the world is affected by these crimes. Recent reports confirm that Pakistan is simultaneously a sending, transit, and destination point for smuggled migrants and trafficked persons. Domestic trafficking, especially of women and children, is also of ongoing concern. The challenge for all countries, rich and poor, is to target the criminals who exploit desperate people and to protect and assist victims of trafficking and smuggled migrants, many of whom endure unimaginable hardships in their bid for a better life. Pakistan's Federal Investigation Agency (FIA), as the country's chief national law enforcement agency, has a mandate to prevent and suppress trafficking in persons and migrant smuggling and is in a unique position to comprehensively combat these phenomena, along with associated crime such as money laundering, document fraud, and corruption. In response to the emergence of migrant smuggling and trafficking in persons, the Government of Pakistan has taken decisive action to develop national strategies to prevent and suppress these crime types and protect the rights of victims. In 2002, a Prevention and Control of Human Trafficking Ordinance was enacted. This was followed by the development of a National Action Plan for Combating Human Trafficking and the creation of an Anti-Trafficking Unit within the FIA. UNODC, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, is the guardian of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised Crime and the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress, and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children and the Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Air, and Sea. UNODC leads international efforts to comprehensively prevent and suppress migrant smuggling and trafficking in persons and protect the victims of these heinous crimes. UNODC's Country Office in Islamabad stands ready to assist Pakistan's authorities in their efforts.

Details: Pakistan: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2011. 42p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 25, 2016 at: https://www.unodc.org/documents/pakistan/2011.10.00_Irregular_Migration_Associated_Crime_in_PakTNA_of_FIA_Academy_fin.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Pakistan

URL: https://www.unodc.org/documents/pakistan/2011.10.00_Irregular_Migration_Associated_Crime_in_PakTNA_of_FIA_Academy_fin.pdf

Shelf Number: 139856

Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Illegal Migration
Organized Crime

Author: Johnson, Sarah

Title: An Analysis of Human Trafficking in Iowa

Summary: Human trafficking has become a topic receiving much interest both in Iowa and nationally. However, estimates of human trafficking incidents and victims are difficult to derive given the underground nature of the offense. The purpose of this analysis is to gather data on human trafficking incidents in the state of Iowa.

Details: Des Moines: Iowa Division of Criminal & Juvenile Justice Planning & Statistical Analysis Center, 2016.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 26, 2016 at: http://publications.iowa.gov/21719/1/CJJP_January_2016_Task_Force_Report_%20Human%20Trafficking.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: United States

URL: http://publications.iowa.gov/21719/1/CJJP_January_2016_Task_Force_Report_%20Human%20Trafficking.pdf

Shelf Number: 139859

Human Trafficking

Author: Maroukis, Thanos

Title: Demand in the Context of Trafficking in Human Beings in the Domestic Work Sector in the United Kingdom

Summary: The British government has taken several important legislative steps in addressing THB, the modern slavery bill being the most recent one. At the same time, it has adopted a number of policies that contradict the implementation of a public policy intent at criminalising and stopping THB. The change of the overseas domestic worker visa rules putting newly arrived domestic workers in a very vulnerable position as regards their employment is a case in point. The UK also remains a country with a largely unregulated domestic work sector and without a Labour Inspectorate agency overseeing the activities of employers and businesses across the sectors of the British economy. The evidence collected in this study suggests that the main obstacles to prevent exploitative situations within the domestic work industry are: a) the strict immigration rules and political priorities of law enforcement agencies, b) the involvement of the State in the organisation and regulation of the domestic work labour market, and c) the state of the welfare regime protecting families and offering vulnerable individuals access to the rule of law. These are the structural reasons that lie behind the failure to protect domestic workers and deter abusive behaviour on the part of employers in the UK. The study's findings on national law-cases also demonstrate that the kind of work relationship established in domestic work aggravates the vulnerability of the workers and the sense of impunity on the part of the employers

Details: Vienna: ICMPD, 2016. 40p.

Source: Internet Resource: DemandAT Country Study No. 7: Accessed August, 1, 2016 at: http://cadmus.eui.eu/bitstream/handle/1814/41930/DemandAT_CountryStudies_2016_07.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y

Year: 2016

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://cadmus.eui.eu/bitstream/handle/1814/41930/DemandAT_CountryStudies_2016_07.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y

Shelf Number: 139908

Domestic Workers
Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Modern Slavery

Author: Corona, Samantha

Title: Students Together Reducing Exploitation and Trafficking Team: success and challenges

Summary: This program evaluation study aimed to highlight the growth, accomplishments and challenges of Students Together Reducing Exploitation and Trafficking (S.T.R.E.A.T.) Team, a human sex trafficking program in the Sacramento City Unified School District from 2012 to 2015. The program was analyzed based on existing service records, S.T.R.E.A.T. Team workshops surveys, and three key informant interviews. Three major findings were identified (1) the importance of creating a team with a survivor and ally led perspective; (2) school systems have been identified as areas of opportunity to engage with youth on this topic; and (3) evaluation of program outcomes to facilitate the team's ability to spread awareness of sex trafficking to youth. Sex trafficking of youth has infringed on basic human rights, an implication for the profession of social work.

Details: Sacramento: California State University, 2016. 118p.

Source: Internet Resource: Thesis: Accessed August 1, 2016 at: http://csus-dspace.calstate.edu/handle/10211.3/173390

Year: 2016

Country: United States

URL: http://csus-dspace.calstate.edu/handle/10211.3/173390

Shelf Number: 139909

Child Sex Trafficking
Child Sexual Exploitation
Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Palumbo, Letizia

Title: Trafficking and Labour Exploitation in Domestic Work and the Agricultural Sector in Italy

Summary: In Italy, as in many European countries, agriculture and domestic work are sectors characterised by high levels of irregular work without contract and with no respect of minimum pay, humane living conditions or access to basic services. Generalised informality however sometimes leads to cases of sever exploitation and outright human trafficking. This report focuses on the conditions that can lead from irregular work to abuse and trafficking in agriculture and domestic work - we question the cultural and economic aspects that make such situations possible. We also review the relevant legislation punishing exploiters and protecting victims with a view of identifying existing gaps and make suggestions for improvement. Indeed while the Italian legal framework is particularly progressive as regards the assistance and protection of victims of trafficking and severe exploit ation, related legal practices and implementation of policies on the ground suffer from several shortcomings. For instance, the implementation of Article 18 of Legislative Decree No. 286/1998, which provides victims of exploitation and trafficking with spe cial protection and assistance as well as with a residence permit for humanitarian reasons, has been arbitrary and inconsistent throughout the country, especially in cases of labour exploitation. In addition, Italy has inadequately transposed into national law Directive 2011/36/EU on trafficking and lacks a comprehensive law on labour exploitation. In recent years anti -trafficking interventions have not been a priority and programmes for assistance of victims of trafficking and severe exploitation have been under -funded. There is no effective system of data collection on the victims participating in these programmes; the national plan against trafficking has been adopted only recently (February 2016) after a severe delay of more than one year with respect to the established deadline; there is a lack of structured campaigns against t rafficking and serious exploitation. This report stresses the need for an integrated and comprehensive approach to trafficking and labour exploitation in agriculture and domestic w ork and makes specific recommendations for each of the two sectors.

Details: Italy: European University Institute, 2016. 56p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 1, 2016 at: http://cadmus.eui.eu/bitstream/handle/1814/42406/GGP_TRAFFICKO_2016_EN.pdf?sequence=3

Year: 2016

Country: Italy

URL: http://cadmus.eui.eu/bitstream/handle/1814/42406/GGP_TRAFFICKO_2016_EN.pdf?sequence=3

Shelf Number: 139910

Domestic Workers
Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Labor Exploitation

Author: Palumbo, Letizia

Title: Demand in the Context of Trafficking in Human Beings in the Domestic Work Sector in Italy

Summary: Notwithstanding significant demand for domestic workers in Europe, sub-standard conditions and informal work-arrangement persist. Despite various national contexts and policies, this labour sector mostly composed of migrant women still face vulnerability to abuses, exploitation, as well as trafficking. Informal work arrangement still prevails. A new study on trafficking in domestic work brings visibility and new data on this under-researched and hidden phenomenon happening in Europe. This study examines the demand-side of trafficking in domestic work in Italy in its multiple facets (diplomatic household, domestic worker visa regime, aupair, child fostering, etc.). It is part of a series of studies conducted in 7 European countries, from southern, central and northern Europe: Belgium, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Netherlands and the UK. Looking at the demand-side of trafficking in domestic work brings back at the core of the discussion: the private nature of the employer/employee relationship which often escapes regulation, monitoring and sanctioning. Domestic work is still largely undervalued and hardly perceived as 'real' form of work.

Details: Vienna: ICMPD, 2016. 42p.

Source: Internet Resource: DemandAT Country Study No. 5: Accessed August 1, 2016 at: http://www.demandat.eu/sites/default/files/DemandAT_CountryStudies_5_Italy_Palumbo.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Italy

URL: http://www.demandat.eu/sites/default/files/DemandAT_CountryStudies_5_Italy_Palumbo.pdf

Shelf Number: 139912

Domestic Workers
Forced labor
Human Trafficking
Modern Slavery

Author: Volder, Eefje de

Title: Demand in the Context of Trafficking in the Domestic Work Sector in the Netherlands

Summary: Notwithstanding significant demand for domestic workers in Europe, sub-standard conditions and informal work-arrangement persist. Despite various national contexts and policies, this labour sector mostly composed of migrant women still face vulnerability to abuses, exploitation, as well as trafficking. Informal work arrangement still prevails. A new study on trafficking in domestic work brings visibility and new data on this under-researched and hidden phenomenon happening in Europe. This study examines the demand-side of trafficking in domestic work in the Netherlands in its multiple facets (diplomatic household, domestic worker visa regime, au pair, child fostering, etc.). It is part of a series of studies conducted in 7 European countries, from southern, central and northern Europe: Belgium, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Netherlands and the UK. Looking at the demand-side of trafficking in domestic work brings back at the core of the discussion: the private nature of the employer/employee relationship which often escapes regulation, monitoring and sanctioning. Domestic work is still largely undervalued and hardly perceived as 'real' form of work.

Details: Vienna: ICMPD,2016. 42p.

Source: Internet Resource: Demand AT Country Study No. 6: Accessed August 1, 2016 at: http://www.demandat.eu/sites/default/files/DemandAT_CountryStudies_6_Netherlands_deVolder_0.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Netherlands

URL: http://www.demandat.eu/sites/default/files/DemandAT_CountryStudies_6_Netherlands_deVolder_0.pdf

Shelf Number: 139913

Domestic Workers
Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Modern Slavery

Author: Angeli, Danai

Title: Demand in the Context of Trafficking in Human Beings in the Domestic Work Sector in Cyprus

Summary: Notwithstanding significant demand for domestic workers in Europe, sub-standard conditions and informal work-arrangement persist. Despite various national contexts and policies, this labour sector mostly composed of migrant women still face vulnerability to abuses, exploitation, as well as trafficking. Informal work arrangement still prevails. A new study on trafficking in domestic work brings visibility and new data on this under-researched and hidden phenomenon happening in Europe. This study examines the demand-side of trafficking in domestic work in Cyprus in its multiple facets (diplomatic household, domestic worker visa regime, aupair, child fostering, etc.). It is part of a series of studies conducted in 7 European countries, from southern, central and northern Europe: Belgium, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Netherlands and the UK. Looking at the demand-side of trafficking in domestic work brings back at the core of the discussion: the private nature of the employer/employee relationship which often escapes regulation, monitoring and sanctioning. Domestic work is still largely undervalued and hardly perceived as 'real' form of work.

Details: Vienna: ICMPD, 2016. 40p.

Source: Internet Resource: DemandAT Country Study No. 2: Accessed August 1, 2016 at: http://www.demandat.eu/sites/default/files/DemandAT_CountryStudies_2_Cyprus_Angeli.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Cyprus

URL: http://www.demandat.eu/sites/default/files/DemandAT_CountryStudies_2_Cyprus_Angeli.pdf

Shelf Number: 139914

Domestic Workers
Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Modern Slavery

Author: Camargo Magalhaes, Beatriz

Title: Demand in the Context of Trafficking in Human Beings in the Domestic Work Sector in Belgium

Summary: Demand in the Context of Trafficking in Human Beings in the Domestic Work Sector in Belgium Beatriz Camargo Magalhaes June 2016 DemandAT Country Study No.1 Summary : Belgian anti -THB policy is often pointed as exemplary given its broad definition of the crime of trafficking for labour exploitation, as being the work or service carried out in conditions contrary to human dignity, in which the coercion element is not compulsory. However, hardly any policy initiatives in Belgium tackle specifically demand- side aspects in labour exploitation and THB in the domestic work sector. Recent policy changes in the domain of domestic work at diplomatic households and the formalisation of live -out domestic work with a service voucher policy have positive effects on the sector. Undocumented domestic workers in the shadow market and possibly regular migrants under temporary work permits are, though, still largely unprotected. The main obstacles to prevent exploitative situations within the sector are the migration and employment policies applying to domestic work. Indeed, this paper argues that when migrant workers are without the possibility to regularise their migration status maintain them in a vulnerable situation: migration status is a key issue for giving people the real possibility to access and defend their rights. Only the full respect of (all) workers' rights will reduce their vulnerability to labour exploitation and trafficking.

Details: Vienna: ICMPD, 2016. 40p.

Source: Internet Resource: DemandAT Country Study No. 1: Accessed August 1, 2016 at: http://www.demandat.eu/sites/default/files/DemandAT_CountryStudies_1_Belgium_Camargo.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Belgium

URL: http://www.demandat.eu/sites/default/files/DemandAT_CountryStudies_1_Belgium_Camargo.pdf

Shelf Number: 139915

Domestic Workers
Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Modern Slavery

Author: Angeli, Danai

Title: Demand in the Context of Trafficking in Human Beings in the Domestic Work Sector in Greece

Summary: June 2016 DemandAT Country Study No.4 Summary Even though Greece counts as one of Europe's four main trafficking hubs and even though migrant domestic workers have been arriving in the country since the late 70s, these two storylines somehow fail to meet. According to the official figures, trafficking of human beings (THB) for domestic work is practically non -existent in Greece; and labour trafficking in general, is just a recent phenomenon. Addressing demand for cheap and exploitable workers becomes then a theoretical question. Migrant domestic workers themselves, however, have a very different story to tell about how they entered and stayed in the country, under what terms they found their work, what the expectations are and why they cannot leave. In most cases, these are stories of false promises, long working hours, small salaries and fear of coming forward. Lifting these cases out of their invisibility and understanding what are the factors shaping the demand in the context of THB in the domestic work sector is an important necessary step to open the debate on trafficking in domestic work in Greece.

Details: Vienna: ICMPD, 2016. 40p.

Source: Internet Resource: DemandAT Country Study No. 4: Accessed August 1, 2016 at: http://www.demandat.eu/sites/default/files/DemandAT_CountryStudies_4_Greece_Angeli.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Greece

URL: http://www.demandat.eu/sites/default/files/DemandAT_CountryStudies_4_Greece_Angeli.pdf

Shelf Number: 139916

Domestic Workers
Force Labor
Human Trafficking
Modern Slavery

Author: Levy, Florence

Title: Demand in the Context of Trafficking in Human Beings in the Domestic Work Sector in France

Summary: The fight against trafficking in human beings (THB) is now part of the French political agenda. Yet the priority is given to the fight against sexual exploitation while labour exploitation is still regarded as a minor phenomenon. The particular issue of exploitation in domestic work has not been considered on its own even if France has been condemned twice by the European Court of Human Rights for failing to protect victims in two cases of exploitation in domestic work. Since then, the law has been amended, and we have to wait until we can assess the effectivity of this new legal framework. The issue of demand remains a blind spot in terms of how THB is understood. The public declarations of government's commitment to the fight against THB provide a contrast with the low number of convictions actually brought down by the courts. The research highlights the difficulties faced by labor inspectorates and legal actors in establishing cases of THB in domestic work. This is linked with the characteristic of this work sector, but also with confusions in the understanding of what is THB, what are the victims and perpetrators profiles and the tensions between the fight against illegal immigration and the mission to protect victims of THB.

Details: Vienna; ICMPD, 2016. 36p.

Source: Internet Resource: DemandAT Country Study No. 3: Accessed August 1, 2016 at: http://cadmus.eui.eu/bitstream/handle/1814/41926/DemandAT_CountryStudies_2016_03.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y

Year: 2016

Country: France

URL: http://cadmus.eui.eu/bitstream/handle/1814/41926/DemandAT_CountryStudies_2016_03.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y

Shelf Number: 139931

Domestic Workers
Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Modern Slavery

Author: Robinson, Courtland

Title: Anti-Human Trafficking in Thailand: A Stakeholder Analysis of Thai Government Efforts, the U.S. TIP Report and Rankings, and Recommendations for Action

Summary: The goal of this study was to conduct an assessment of Thailand's initiatives to counter human trafficking in the last five years, through a review of documents and key informant interviews (KIIs) with a range of experts, including officials from the Royal Thai Government (RTG) and U.S. Government (USG), non - governmental organizations (NGOs), international organizations (IOs), and academic institutions (ACA). This study also included an assessment of the methodology used by the U.S. Department of State's Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons (TIP Office) to rank foreign country efforts to eliminate severe forms of trafficking in persons. The study was supported by a research grant from the Royal Thai Embassy in Washington, D.C. which commissioned the services of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (JHSPH), Center for Refugee and Disaster Response, to assess Thailand's anti - trafficking activities and to assess the methodologies used in the TIP country rankings and to make recommendations for improving empirical measurement of human trafficking and documentation of anti - trafficking efforts. The specific objectives of this study were as follows: - Objective 1: To conduct a documents review of relevant research, policy and other documents related to human trafficking in Thailand, including reports by UN and international organizations, non - governmental organizations (NGOs), Thailand Government reports, and U.S. Government reports, including the annual Trafficking in Persons (T IP) Reports . - Objective 2: To conduct key informant interviews (KIIs) with individuals who are knowledgeable about Thailand's anti - trafficking initiatives and/or the TIP Reports - analysis and ranking methodologies. These included Thai and U.S. Government of ficials, international and non - governmental organizations, and academics. Each was invited to offer professional perspectives on the Thai Government's efforts to combat trafficking in persons and the TIP Report country assessments and rankings. - Objective 3 : To utilize the documents review and results of the de - identified key informant interviews to produce a report to be shared with Thai and U.S. government agencies and with the broader public to recommend improvements in Thailand's anti - trafficking initiatives as well as approaches for empirical measurement of human trafficking and documentation of anti - trafficking efforts.

Details: Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University, Bloomberg School of Public Health, 2016. 187p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 2, 2016 at: http://www.jhsph.edu/research/centers-and-institutes/center-for-refugee-and-disaster-response/Anti-Trafficking-in-Thailand-30Jun2016.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Thailand

URL: http://www.jhsph.edu/research/centers-and-institutes/center-for-refugee-and-disaster-response/Anti-Trafficking-in-Thailand-30Jun2016.pdf

Shelf Number: 139941

Anti-Human Trafficking
Forced Labor
Human Sexual Exploitation
Human Trafficking

Author: London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Title: Labour Exploitation, Trafficking and Migrant Health: Multi-country Findings on Health Risks and Consequences of Migrant and Trafficked Workers

Summary: Global assessments suggest that a substantial proportion of labour migrants ends up in situations of extreme exploitation, some of whom are identified as victims of human trafficking. Because large numbers of migrant workers fall into a "grey area" between trafficking (as defined by international and national law) and exploitative labour situations, there is good reason to explore the differences and similarities between the health needs of those who have been identified as trafficked compared to other migrants working in the same labour sector who have not. It is urgent to understand present-day occupational health and safety risks, forms of abuse and exploitation in different sectors and common hazardous working and living conditions to improve prevention and response strategies. This is among the first studies to explore and compare the influence of occupational and other risk exposures on people's health and well-being and compare the experiences of migrant workers and victims of trafficking across sectors and regions. Our multiregion qualitative study on exploitation and harm experienced by individuals in the textile sector in Argentina, and artisanal gold-mining in Peru and construction sector in Kazakhstan, found important commonalities in the health hazards and financial, social and legal challenges across sectors and regions. In total, we interviewed 71 people; of these, 18 were formally identified victims of trafficking and 53 were migrant workers. Our research found that many of the abuses reported by victims of trafficking were also reported by numerous migrant workers who were not identified as victims of trafficking. Policymakers and programme staff need to look more carefully at what is happening to the larger population of people working in unregulated, informal sectors, because there are many similarities in the harm experienced by migrant workers and that experienced by identified victims of trafficking. We hope that future interventions will aim to include the larger populations of those who are in need of assistance. By making this broader investment, we will simultaneously protect against the most extreme abuses that we call modern slavery or human trafficking.

Details: Geneva: International Organization for Migration, 2015. 184p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 26, 2016 at: https://publications.iom.int/system/files/pdf/labour_exploitation_trafficking_en.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: International

URL: https://publications.iom.int/system/files/pdf/labour_exploitation_trafficking_en.pdf

Shelf Number: 140042

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Labor Exploitation
Migrant Workers

Author: King's College London

Title: PROTECT: Provider Responses Treatment and Care for Trafficked People

Summary: Human trafficking is the recruitment and movement of people - often by means such as coercion, deception, and abuse of vulnerability - for the purpose of exploitation. Trafficked people experience multiple health risks prior to, during, and following their trafficking experiences, and many suffer acute and longer term health problems. As such, National Health Service (NHS) professionals have an essential role in the identification, referral, and clinical care of trafficked people in England. Human trafficking now falls within the United Kingdom's (UK) 'Modern Slavery Act, 2015', which received Royal Assent on 26th March 2015. The Modern Slavery Act addresses both human trafficking and slavery, defining slavery as knowingly holding a person in slavery or servitude or knowingly requiring a person to perform forced or compulsory labour. Yet, despite this renewed focus, there remains extremely limited evidence to inform health service responses to human trafficking. A systematic review conducted in 2012 found that previous research into the health needs of trafficked people focused predominantly on women in low and middle income countries who had been trafficked for sexual exploitation. Very little evidence existed on the needs of trafficked children, trafficked men, and of women trafficked for domestic servitude and labour exploitation, particularly in high income country settings. Evidence was also lacking on which healthcare services were most likely to be accessed by trafficked people and under what circumstances, and on the knowledge and training needs of NHS professionals. Our research programme therefore aimed to provide evidence to inform the NHS response to human trafficking, specifically the identification and safe referral of trafficked people and the provision of appropriate care to meet their health needs. The research programme was designed based on three core objectives: (1) To synthesise evidence on the number of trafficked adults and children identified and using NHS services in England, the healthcare needs of trafficked people, and their experiences and use of healthcare; (2) to document NHS experience, knowledge and gaps about trafficked people's health care needs; and (3) to provide recommendations research-based papers and dissemination strategies to support NHS staff to identify, refer and care for trafficked people and to become a strategic partner within the UK National Referral Mechanism (NRM)1 and with other agencies.

Details: London: King's College London, 2015. 190p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 27, 2016 at: https://www.kcl.ac.uk/ioppn/depts/hspr/research/CEPH/wmh/assets/PROTECT-Report.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: United Kingdom

URL: https://www.kcl.ac.uk/ioppn/depts/hspr/research/CEPH/wmh/assets/PROTECT-Report.pdf

Shelf Number: 140060

Human Trafficking
Medical Services
Mental Health Services
Victim Services
Victims of Human Trafficking

Author: Verite

Title: The Nexus of Illegal Gold Mining and Human Trafficking in Global Supply Chains: Lessons from Latin America

Summary: Research carried out by Verite has found that Latin American countries export staggering amounts of illegally mined gold tied to human trafficking. This presents legal and reputational risks for major companies with gold in their supply chains. The paper, The Nexus of Illegal Gold Mining and Human Trafficking in Global Supply Chains, provides analysis of the risk of labor trafficking linked to illegal gold mining in Latin America, drawing upon in-depth field research carried out by Verite in Peru in 2012-2013 and in Colombia in 2015, and desk research carried out across the Latin American region. The diminishing supply and increasing demand for gold, combined with criminal and armed groups' quest for new sources of illicit revenue, have contributed to a surge in illegal extraction of gold from increasingly remote and lawless regions. Latin America is a vitally important player in the global gold trade, contributing 20 percent of the world's gold production in 2013. Latin American countries, along with Canada (which is a major conduit for Latin American gold), constitute all top ten exporters of gold to the United States. In several Latin American countries, unregulated illegal and informal mines account for over 75 percent of gold produced. In Peru and Colombia-the two largest cocaine producers in the world-the value of illegal gold exports has in recent years surpassed the value of cocaine exports, becoming the largest illicit export from these two countries. In Latin America, and elsewhere in the world, illegally mined gold is strongly linked to human trafficking and other labor abuses as these mines are usually located in areas with a weak presence of government authorities and a strong presence of armed and criminal groups. Verite's in-depth research in Peru found many other indicators of forced labor in illegal gold mining, all of which increase the risk of human trafficking. In Colombia, both men and women were found to be vulnerable to labor trafficking in mines controlled by armed and criminal groups. Small-scale artisanal miners, who should in no way be confused with the groups that control illegal mines, are also increasingly vulnerable to becoming victims of debt bondage, both because they are extorted by these groups and because some governments treat them as criminals rather than as potential victims. In addition, illegal gold mining is closely associated with child labor, severe threats to workers' health and safety, and sex trafficking. Child labor - including forced child labor-is common in illegal gold mining. While children are generally employed in peripheral services such as tire and motorcycle repair and stores, teenagers are employed in many of the most dangerous jobs in illegal gold mines, such as swimming in mercury-filled pools of water to suck up gold-laced sand with powerful hoses, risking drowning and being disemboweled by the powerful hoses. Workers also face mine collapses and explosions, repetitive tasks, heavy work, and exposure to extreme heat, dust, noise, tropical illnesses, and mercury and cyanide. Verite field research found that sex trafficking, including of girls as young as 12, is extremely pervasive in illegal mining areas. Illegally mined gold is "laundered" and exported, with the help of corrupt government officials, to prominent refineries, which supply some of the biggest central banks, jewelry companies, and electronics producers in the world. In contrast to other goods produced by organized criminal groups such as cocaine or heroin, illegally mined gold can easily be laundered, after which it becomes a legitimate consumer commodity that moves easily and legally across international borders. The ubiquity of illegally-mined gold and the lack of transparency upstream of most gold refineries means that companies buying gold from major refineries are often at risk of illegally mined gold entering their supply chains. A Verite analysis of Dodd-Frank Act compliance records found that 72 of the Fortune 500 companies filed conflict mineral reports during 2015 listing the smelters and refineries from which they obtained their gold the previous year. Verite found that approximately 90 percent of these companies purchased gold from refineries that have demonstrated a pattern of purchasing illegally mined gold from Latin America. Companies that source illegally produced gold from Latin America face severe reputational and legal risks, including potential liability under a number of statutes covering company complicity in trafficking in persons, forced and child labor, organized crime, corruption, and conflict minerals. Some of these statutes stipulating steep fines for companies and even long jail sentences for their executives. Combatting illegal gold mining and the human and labor rights abuses that accompany it requires a coordinated, multi-pronged approach by the governments of gold producing countries, as well as the countries and companies that import gold. While some Latin American governments have recently stepped up efforts to prosecute individuals and companies that illegally extract and export gold, the governments of gold importing countries have thus far done relatively little to hold accountable the companies that import this gold, although they have the tools and mandate to do so. Companies must also take steps to ensure that they are not responsible for perpetuating organized crime, violence, corruption, and human trafficking by purchasing, directly or indirectly, illegally mined gold from Latin America.

Details: Amherst, MA: Verite, 2016. 17p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 30, 2016 at: http://www.verite.org/sites/default/files/Verite-Report-Illegal_Gold_Mining.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Latin America

URL: http://www.verite.org/sites/default/files/Verite-Report-Illegal_Gold_Mining.pdf

Shelf Number: 140083

Child Labor
Conflict Minerals
Forced Labor
Gold Mining
Human Trafficking
Natural Resources
Organized Crime
Supply Chains

Author: Suhr, Brigitte

Title: Funding the Fight Against Modern Slavery: Mapping Private Funds in the Anti-Slavery and Anti-Trafficking Sector: 2012-2014

Summary: Modern slavery condemns tens of millions of men, women, boys and girls to lives filled with violence, exploitation and abuse. Unscrupulous criminals prey upon the most vulnerable and marginalised people to generate illegal and unconscionable profits - up to $150 billion each year, according to the ILO. Between 20.9 million and 35.8 million people live in slavery-like conditions today. Around one in four people enslaved in the world are children. However, in recent years, a growing number of anti-slavery and anti-trafficking projects have begun to turn the tide. People have been liberated from servitude. Children at-risk of slavery have begun schooling.2 Lives have been transformed, communities renewed. Funding is absolutely critical to these efforts. Committed donors who share our vision for change are integral partners in the fight against modern slavery. This study sought to quantify the scale, focus and geographic location of private funding for antislavery initiatives, as well as identify promising trends and funding gaps that need to be addressed.

Details: London: The Freedom Fund and Humanity United, 2016. 32p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 30, 2016 at: http://freedomfund.org/wp-content/uploads/Donor-Mapping-Report-for-web-FINAL-30March16-1.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: International

URL: http://freedomfund.org/wp-content/uploads/Donor-Mapping-Report-for-web-FINAL-30March16-1.pdf

Shelf Number: 140103

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Modern Slavery
Terrorist Financing

Author: U.S. Government Accountability Office

Title: Human Trafficking: Agencies Have Taken Steps to Assess Prevalence, Address Victim Issues, and Avoid Grant Duplication

Summary: Human trafficking - the exploitation of a person typically through force, fraud, or coercion for such purpose s as forced labor , involuntary servitude or commercial sex - is occurring in the United States . Congress has passed multiple laws to help ensure punishment of traffickers and protection of victims. DOJ and the Department of Homeland Security lead federal investigations and prosecutions of trafficking crimes. The Departments of Defense, Labor, and State, and the Equal E mployment Opportunity Commission investigate trafficking related offenses under certain circumstances , and take further action, as appropriate. DOJ and HHS awar d grants to fund victim service programs. The Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act of 2015 includes a provision for GAO to review la w enforcement efforts and grant programs to combat human trafficking and assist victims in the United States . This report discusses (1) federal efforts to assess prevalence of human trafficking ( 2) challenges agencies face in investigating and prosecuting human trafficking cases, and 3) federal grants and steps taken to prevent duplication. GAO reviewed trafficking data and agency documents, and conducted 32 interview s with federal, state and local law enforcement officials and prosecutors in four jurisdictions . We selected t hese jurisdictions based on the number of human trafficking tips they received, receipt of human trafficking task force funding and geographic variation. These officials' perspectives cannot be generalized to all jurisdictions but they provide insights into anti -trafficking efforts. What GAO Found Federal agencies have begun efforts to assess the prevalence of human trafficking in the United States and develop data standards and definitions to help facilitate prevalence studies. For example, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is spons oring the Human Trafficking Data Collection Project , which seeks to inform the development of an integrated data collection platform regarding human trafficking victimization, establish baseline knowledge of human trafficking and victim needs, and support effective prevention and intervention responses. HHS, in consultation with key stakeholders, has developed draft data fields and definitions for human trafficking and expects to begin piloting the data collection effort in fall 2016. Further, the National Institute of Justice, within the Department of Justice (DOJ) , has awarded grants for the development and testing of methodologies that could be used to estimate the prevalence of human trafficking. Federal, state and local law enforcement officials and prosecutor s GAO interviewed reported that investigating and prosecuting human trafficking cases is challenging for multiple reasons, including a lack of victim cooperation, limited availability of services for victims, and difficulty identifying human trafficking. Officials told us that obtaining the victim's cooperation is important because the victim is generally the primary witness and source of evidence; however, obtaining and securing victims' cooperation is difficult , as victims may be unable or unwilling to testify due to distrust of law enforcement or fear of retaliation by the trafficker. According to these officials, victim service programs , such as those that provide mental health and substance abuse services , have helped improve victim cooperation ; however, the availability of services is limited. Further, officials reported that identifying and distinguishing human trafficking from other crimes such as prostitution can be challenging. Federal, state, and local agencies have taken or are taki ng actions to address these challenges, such as increasing the availability of victim services through grants and implementing training and public awareness initiatives. GAO identified 4 2 grant programs with awards made in 2014 and 2015 that may be used to combat human trafficking or to assist victims of human trafficking, 15 of which are intended solely for these purposes . Although some overlap exists among these human trafficking grant programs, federal agencies have established processes to help prevent unnecessary duplication. For instance, in response to recommendations in a prior GAO report, DOJ requires grant applicants to identify any federal grants they are currently operating under as well as federal grants for which they have applied. In addition, agencies that participate in the Grantmaking C ommittee of the Senior Policy Operating Group are encouraged to share grant solicitations and information on proposed grant awards, allowing other agencies to comment on proposed grant awards and determine whether they plan to award funding to the same organization.

Details: Washington, DC: GAO, 2016. 80p.

Source: Internet Resource: GAO-16-555: Accessed September 6, 2016 at: http://www.gao.gov/assets/680/678041.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: United States

URL: http://www.gao.gov/assets/680/678041.pdf

Shelf Number: 140168

Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation
Victims of Human Trafficking

Author: World Economic Forum

Title: State of the Illicit Economy: Briefing Papers

Summary: While the state of the global economy continues to fluctuate, its illegitimate counterpart, the illicit economy, has seen unprecedented growth. As such, it has etched its way into all aspects of society, and is cause for serious global concern. From healthcare to infrastructure to the arts, the illicit economy does not affect just one aspect of society, but all of them: business, government, civil society and individuals. It is a disruptor of social order to the greatest extent. A call to action must be made. The illicit economy is formed from the proceeds of illicit trade which is, in turn, largely rooted in organized crime. Whether it is human trafficking, arms trafficking, the illegal wildlife trade, counterfeiting or money laundering, these activities are incredibly lucrative and fuel the magnitude of the illicit economy. Our Global Agenda Council on Illicit Trade 2012-2014 estimated the shadow economy to be worth $650 billion. More current research projects that the cost to the global economy of counterfeiting alone could reach USD 1.77 Trillion in 2015. With technological advancements and the international nature of trade in the world today, this value is expected to continue to rise. Illicit trade operates on a vast scale and unprecedented pace, making it increasingly challenging to tackle. There are multiple initiatives and organizations, as well as public and private initiatives, dedicated to combating one or several aspects of illicit trade, but this is not a fight that can be won unilaterally. To achieve success, a global and multidisciplinary approach is needed in which the knowledge, expertise and experiences of various actors can be tapped into and shared. As an international institute for public-private partnership, the World Economic Forum provides a neutral platform for parties to come together and discuss the issue of illicit trade. The aim is to foster structured dialogue between business, civil society and government so that common methods and solutions of tackling this trade can be found. Through multidisciplinary cooperation and joint action, results can be achieved. We can disrupt the proliferation of illicit trade, whether it is by simply raising awareness of the problem within affected communities, or by finding ways of detecting and preventing crimes that contribute to ruining the economy. The World Economic Forum's Meta-Council on the Illicit Economy aims to take this principle of public-private cooperation forward. By engaging leading experts in the field, the Meta-Council will try to find viable multi-stakeholder solutions to limiting this criminal activity. This paper on the State of the Illicit Economy is the first step in the process. It sets out the parameters within which illicit trade operates, the contributing factors to illicit trade, the role that various societal sectors can play in the fight against it, and the types of solutions needed to combat it.

Details: Geneva, SWIT: World Economic Forum, 2015. 20p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 8, 2016 at: http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_State_of_the_Illicit_Economy_2015_2.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: International

URL: http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_State_of_the_Illicit_Economy_2015_2.pdf

Shelf Number: 140237

Human Trafficking
Illegal Trade
Illicit Mining
Illicit Trade
Organized Crime

Author: Ricard-Guay, Alexandra

Title: Labour Trafficking in Canada: At the Margins of the Anti-Trafficking Efforts

Summary: As in many other countries, such as in Europe, Canada has increased its anti-trafficking efforts since this crime was included in the criminal code in 2005. However, trafficking for labour exploitation remains poorly addressed in the current anti-trafficking response. Concerns related to domestic sex trafficking have dominated the landscape and driven the bulk of government actions, leaving labour trafficking side way. This paper reviews the evolution the Canadian governance of trafficking and examines the key challenges in addressing trafficking for labour exploitation. The paper draws on a study conducted in Canada between 2011 and 2013, and which is based on 79 interviews with key stakeholders. One key argument of the analysis presented in this paper is that the Canadian policy has been shaped by national mobilisation around the issue of sexual exploitation of young women, especially adolescent girls as well as Aboriginal women. Further, this framing and conception of trafficking interact with the legal definition of trafficking in the criminal code and the ways in which it is applied. Indeed, the current trafficking offence is less easily understood as applying to situations of labour exploitation. However, labour trafficking is progressively emerging as a matter that deserves public and political interest. Migrants' and refugees' rights organisations, as well as civil society anti-trafficking initiatives, play a role in raising awareness about this issue and including this issue in the government actions.

Details: Florence, IT: European University Institute, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (RSCAS), 2016. 25p.

Source: Internet Resource: Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies Research Paper No. RSCAS 2016/40: Accessed September 13, 2016 at: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2832812

Year: 2016

Country: Canada

URL: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2832812

Shelf Number: 140259

Human Trafficking
Labor Exploitation

Author: Sikka, Anette

Title: Labour Trafficking in Canada: Indicators, Stakeholders, and Investigative Methods

Summary: Human trafficking is a complex phenomenon, touching on issues of migration, employment, prostitution and crime control. The purpose of this research project is to provide information on labour trafficking in Canada that will assist law enforcement and other criminal justice bodies in identifying and investigating these cases. In addition to an analysis and summary of relevant international and domestic laws and policies, the report synthesizes the existing body of literature, and analyzes published cases of labour trafficking in Canada. The literature review suggests that the topic of labour trafficking has not received significant attention as its own subject matter and merits critical analysis in the legal, jurisprudential and policy context. A case review found little evidence linking labour trafficking in Canada to established organized crime. Further, analysis found no forced labour situations reported as potential cases of trafficking of Canadians or permanent residents outside of the sex trade or criminal activity, such as drug trafficking. The analysis of labour trafficking was focused upon 'legal' occupations, which resulted in published cases that involved potential labour trafficking cases that were mainly related to migrant workers in Canada. A key finding of the report is that cases exist in stories reported by the media, as well as academics, not-for profit and legal literatures, which may meet the legal definition of labour trafficking, but have not been conceptualized or classified as human trafficking for the purposes of labour exploitation. This report identifies a number of exploitative labour practices that can become part of the spectrum of human trafficking activities. An analysis of cases identifies a combination of deceptive recruitment practices and aggravating exploitative work arrangements which result in situations that explicitly or implicitly prevent migrants from leaving employment situations in a manner that conforms to legal definitions of human trafficking. In particular, case analysis reveals activities by recruiters and employers that place individuals in exploitative situations that they are unable to leave. Some of these fears arise from physical threats or abuse, but also from debt bondage or threats of criminalization. For instance, examples are documented where exploitation, whether through inadequate working conditions, insufficient housing, confiscation of identity documents, or physical abuse, exist as factors contributing to a migrants' unwillingness or inability to escape exploitative work situations. The existence of high debt or extreme poverty in a home country can leave migrants vulnerable to exploitative working conditions. Threats, including overt reference to legal actions such as deportation, when used in the context of these exploitative conditions, may constitute trafficking in persons. These factors of coercion or deception and exploitation, when considered jointly, suggest a spectrum of activities that can be considered labour trafficking; which have been, hitherto, given little consideration as a form of human trafficking. The report notes a series of indicators which may aid stakeholders in the detection, investigation, prosecution and amelioration of trafficking generally, and specifically in a labour context. Noting a general dearth of human trafficking cases, and of labour trafficking specifically, the report finds that physical harm, as is often the case in sex trafficking, is a notable, albeit rare, indicator of labour trafficking. Most frequently, cases of labour trafficking come to the attention of authorities when there is a connection to employment standards, occupational health and safety, and labour rights violations that are identified by NGOs. It is not common that police services or government authorities identify cases of labour trafficking directly through their dealings with migrant workers. A gender analysis of the cases indicates that the involvement of youth and females is more common in domestic care or isolated work situations where there is evidence of labour trafficking. Such cases share characteristics with cases of sex trafficking, and appear more likely to also include elements of sexual exploitation. The study also notes victims' lack of awareness of their rights and resources (including an individual's inability to understand they are a victim of human trafficking) and a marked reticence amongst victims to report exploitative work arrangements, as a key characteristic in labour trafficking cases as well as an obstacle to anti-trafficking activities. Employer violations of basic obligations, such as building codes, may not only portend greater offences occurring in the work place, such as egregious exploitation and coercive environments, but may also provide an intervention point for authorities. Federal, provincial/territorial, and municipal stakeholders could therefore benefit from greater information - and intelligence-sharing amongst regulatory and policing agencies to ensure relevant sharing and escalation of employer contraventions across jurisdictions. With potential indicators of labour trafficking identified, there is a suggestion to move toward a definition of forced labour that considers coercion not only through physical force but through several interlocking and overlapping barriers which prevent potentially trafficked individuals from leaving an exploitative workplace. A challenge for researchers and authorities is to define where the regulatory infractions of employment standards end and the criminal offence of human trafficking begin, and to revise trafficking models and anti-trafficking practices accordingly. This work could benefit from further research into existing reported cases of human trafficking and more generally into cases documenting exploitative labour practices experienced by migrant workers, Canadian citizens, and permanent residents alike. Included with the report are annexes of Canadian cases of labour trafficking of a non-sexual nature. Each incident is coded for: location; means by which the incident came to the attention of authorities; any identified law enforcement response or investigative methods; characteristics of victims; activities potentially classified as coercive or deceptive; activities potentially classified as exploitation; any prosecutorial or judicial determinations regarding the status of victims (trafficked or not trafficked); and, any non-governmental or governmental organizations involved either in identification or service provision.

Details: Ottawa: Public Safety Canada, 2013. 111p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 13, 2016 at: https://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/lbrr/archives/cn63310954-eng.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Canada

URL: https://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/lbrr/archives/cn63310954-eng.pdf

Shelf Number: 131164

Forced labor
Human Trafficking
Labor Exploitation
Labor Trafficking

Author: Beatson, Jesse

Title: The Exploitation of Foreign Workers in Our Own Backyards: An examination of labour exploitation and labour trafficking in Canada

Summary: Background - Many employers who engage in the exploitation of foreign workers have experienced impunity due to factors such as lack of interest by law enforcement agencies, ambiguous or non-existent criminal justice legislation, poor labour standards and/or untenable complaint mechanisms, and government programs for foreign workers with inadequate protections in place to safeguard human rights. - Changes to the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP) in Canada has resulted in an increase in foreign workers and many of them are quite vulnerable to actual and potential exploitation. - A lot of reports and advocacy efforts focus on trafficking for the purposes of sexual exploitation so the picture many people have of the nature and scope of trafficking in Canada may be skewed. More research is needed on labour-related abuses, both to better understand this phenomenon and also to assess the merits of the "trafficking" framework - The current legal definition of labour trafficking has some limitations and may need to be improved so that better protection and justice for victimized foreign workers in Canada can be provided. Countless numbers of men, women, and children are exploited around the world by unscrupulous employers. Impunity is all too commonly experienced by these employers, regardless of whether they operate in developing or developed world contexts. This impunity is due to a combination of possible factors such as lack of interest or effort by law enforcement agencies, ambiguous or non-existent criminal justice legislation, poor labour standards and/or untenable complaint mechanisms, and government foreign labour programs designed without adequate worker protections. This report was prepared for CATHII (Comite D'Action Contre La Traite Humaine Interne Et Internationale) during the spring and summer of 2015 to investigate labour exploitation and labour trafficking in the Canadian context. Recent changes to Canadian immigration programs, specifically the Temporary Foreign Workers Program (TFWP), has resulted in a comparatively greater increase in non-nationals entering the country versus permanent immigrants (Thomas 2010). The potentially mutually beneficial and positive aspects of the TFWP notwithstanding; in practice, these foreign workers lack access to the same rights and privileges as Canadian citizens or permanent residents and this makes them vulnerable (Macovei 2012). Canadian employers who engage in exploitative practices of foreign workers may be the most immediate and easily identifiable cause of these labour abuses, but the policy context should be considered a structural factor that influences how easy it is to carry these abuses out. According to a government issued pamphlet "Canadian law protects all workers in Canada, including temporary foreign workers... The exploitation of a foreign national may violate Canadian law and human rights" (Temporary Foreign Workers). Nevertheless, Fudge and MacPhail (2009) have argued that the mechanisms designed to monitor and protect the rights of foreign workers are in fact not well developed or monitored and that the actual and potential exploitation of foreign workers "undermines the legitimacy of the program (TFWP) both within and outside of Canada" (p. 43). Thus, one of the objectives of this report - through compiling several documented cases where foreign workers have been exploited - is to shed light on patterns and trends that might point towards problems with the current TFWP system. Case summaries provide vivid testimonies that changes may need to be made to immigration policy to ensure more robust protections of human rights. A second objective of this report is to join others who are beginning to address a disparity in trafficking research and advocacy work in Canada. Within the community of NGOs in Canada dedicated to issues of human trafficking, the heaviest emphasis of research and advocacy efforts tends to be placed on trafficking for the purposes of sexual exploitation. Consequently, the victims of trafficking practices are thought primarily to be young women forced into the sex trade, brought into Canada from foreign countries under false pretences. While efforts made on behalf of individuals fitting this general description are laudable and ideally will continue to be strengthened in coming years, an unfortunate side effect of the intense focus on this particular trafficking narrative is that it gives a misleading impression about the nature and scope of trafficking-related abuses in Canada. By expanding the focus of research and advocacy around trafficking issues to include labour exploitation, victims of these activities, increasingly being accepted as the most common form of trafficking globally, will have a better chance at justice and protection. Potential future victims will also hopefully receive better safeguarding of their human rights.

Details: Montreal: CATHII (Comite D'Action Contre La Traite Humaine Interne Et Internationale), 2015. 52p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 14, 2016 at: http://www.cathii.org/sites/www.cathii.org/files/The%20Exploitation%20of%20Foreign%20Workers%20Report.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Canada

URL: http://www.cathii.org/sites/www.cathii.org/files/The%20Exploitation%20of%20Foreign%20Workers%20Report.pdf

Shelf Number: 140275

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Labor Exploitation
Labor Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Great Britain. Crown Prosecution Service

Title: Violence against Women and Girls: Crime Report, 2013-2014

Summary: This report is an analysis of the key prosecution issues in each Violence against Women and Girls (VAWG) strand - domestic violence (DV), rape, sexual offences, stalking, harassment, forced marriage, honour based violence, female genital mutilation, child abuse, human trafficking, prostitution and pornography. We recognise that most of these offences are targeted at male victims as well as female victims. A number of case studies are used to illustrate some good practice from Areas.

Details: London: Crown Prosecution Services, 2014. 91p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 15, 2016 at: https://www.cps.gov.uk/publications/docs/cps_vawg_report_2014.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: United Kingdom

URL: https://www.cps.gov.uk/publications/docs/cps_vawg_report_2014.pdf

Shelf Number: 147889

Child Abuse and Neglect
Crime Statistics
Domestic Violence
Forced Marriage
Honour-Based Violence
Human Trafficking
Sex Offenses
Violence Against Women, Girls

Author: Hoff, Suzanne

Title: Engaging the Private Sector to End Human Trafficking: A Resource Guide for NGOs

Summary: Anti-trafficking non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and networks have so far not focused much on engaging the private sector on its role in trafficking in human beings (THB). Because the legal definition of human trafficking has historically been restricted to exploitation in the sex industry, anti-trafficking action has, until recently, been largely tackled and framed in the context of women's rights, debates on sex work and within criminal law. This changed in 2000 when the UN Palermo Protocol2 extended the definition of human trafficking to include all forms of forced labour and slavery-like practices in all economic sectors. This has made labour law and relevant stakeholders such as trade unions central to this issue, and has merged debates on human trafficking and forced labour. The EU Anti-trafficking Directive from 2011 reaffirmed this. The legacy of human trafficking being regarded as a problem that is exclusive to the sex industry is still apparent. The majority of the cases identified and registered still relate to exploitation in the sex industry, even though it is known that labour exploitation occurs in many different sectors. More awareness and attention is needed for all forms of human trafficking, which is often still framed as only a criminal justice issue, whilst the relevance of labour rights is underreported. This is also perpetuated by the fact that anti-trafficking organisations - and indeed other stakeholders such as service providers, municipalities and government institutions - have developed collaborative and well-functioning multi-stakeholder networks specifically dealing with prevention and direct support for trafficked persons. Anti-trafficking NGOs, such as members of the European anti-trafficking network La Strada International (LSI), often provide services for trafficked people, such as shelter, medical and legal advice, as well as advocacy directed at states to ensure improved legislation for the rights of trafficked people. Their networks include law enforcement, judiciaries, criminal law experts, social services (women's shelters, psychologists) or immigration officials and organisations that directly deal with the identification, support, court cases, return and reintegration of trafficked persons. The framing of human trafficking in these networks and practices therefore naturally refers to the focus of these stakeholders and relevant laws. The extension of human trafficking so that it is generally understood to include labour exploitation in sectors other than the sex industry has meant that the private sector has become seen as a more important stakeholder in anti-trafficking work. This has now been recognised by all relevant organisations dealing with the fight against human trafficking, as the above quote by the UN Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons indicates. Anti-trafficking NGOs have also started to acknowledge the need to engage the private sector. First, as increasing requests for assistance are received for those exploited in different labour sectors; and second, as they are being confronted with cases in which the private sector plays a role in the exploitation of people. One example of this is the tree workers case in the Czech Republic, where at least 2,000 workers, mainly from Vietnam, but also from Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia and the Ukraine, have been forced to work under very harsh conditions during 2009 and 2010 in the state forest of the Czech Republic, recruited and employed by legal agencies. In the framework of the NGOs & Co project, LSI carried out a survey in 2013, among 27 European anti-trafficking NGOs, including LSI members, assessing their overall level of engagement with the private sector, as well as the perceived obstacles, enablers and lessons learned in partnering with businesses. This assessment revealed that, although 80% of the respondent NGOs have experience in targeting the private sector and claim to see the private sector as one of their key target groups, less than half of the participants in the survey recognised the importance of such work in their Strategic Plans, and only 11% (3 out of 27 organisations) have a specific staff person dedicated to engaging with the private sector. In short, there is little capacity for engagement or indeed knowledge of the different strategies of private sector engagement applied in other civil society networks.

Details: Amsterdam: SOMO; LaStrada, 2015. 146p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 17, 2016 at: http://lastradainternational.org/lsidocs/3227-Resource%20Guide%20Egnaging%20the%20Private%20Sector%20to%20End%20Human%20Trafficking.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: International

URL: http://lastradainternational.org/lsidocs/3227-Resource%20Guide%20Egnaging%20the%20Private%20Sector%20to%20End%20Human%20Trafficking.pdf

Shelf Number: 147952

Forced Labor
Human Slavery
Human Trafficking
Modern Slavery

Author: Polaris Project

Title: More than Drinks for Sale: Exposing Sex Trafficking in Cantinas & Bars in the U.S.

Summary: Across the United States, thousands of Latina women are prisoners of the sex trafficking industry in bars and cantinas. These women are victims of an underground sex economy, run by traffickers who go largely untouched. From December 2007 to March 2016, the National Human Trafficking Resource Center hotline and BeFree Textline identified 1,300 potential victims from Latin America in cantina-related cases in 20 U.S. states and Puerto Rico. Deceived and enticed with false promises of good jobs or a better life, victims are lured to the U.S. by some of the most violent trafficking networks operating in the country and are forced to engage in commercial sex. Polaris's new report More than Drinks for Sale: Exposing Sex Trafficking in Cantinas and Bars in the U.S. details how these commercial-front brothels continue to operate largely unchecked by posing as traditional bars or nightclubs - and highlights the need to eradicate this crime and support its survivors.

Details: Washington, DC: Polaris, 2016. 40p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 20, 2016 at: http://polarisproject.org/sites/default/files/Cantinas-SexTrafficking-EN.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: United States

URL: http://polarisproject.org/sites/default/files/Cantinas-SexTrafficking-EN.pdf

Shelf Number: 145619

Human trafficking
Sex Trafficking
Sex Workers
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Zhilla, Fabian

Title: Organised crime risk assessment in Albania: Executive summary

Summary: This study focuses on the organised crime activities in Albania, as well as those conducted by Albanian criminal networks in the region and beyond. The study analyses organised crime activities such as trafficking in persons, illicit drugs and arms, smuggling of migrants, extortion, contract killings, organised cybercrime and money laundering. In some cases, so as to be able to clearly identify them, comparisons were made between various criminal activities and groups, despite the difficulties encountered with resources and the method applied. Various sources are used (both primary and secondary), including national official reports, and European and international agencies fighting organised crime. In addition, 44 interviews were conducted with experts that have a direct or indirect relation with the fight against organised crime, for instance, serious crime judges, prosecutors, lawyers, investigative journalists, civil society representatives and experts of organised cyber-crime. The total duration of recorded interviews is 24 hours and 12 minutes. Our findings and the opinions of the interviewees suggest that the elements that have stimulated organised crime in the country are of a social, economic and political nature: - Transition from a totalitarian regime with a stringent policy on crime, to a fragile democracy with weak and unconsolidated institutions, and staff without sufficient education and/or experience; - Chaotic situation post-1997 with the collapse of the pyramid schemes; - Institutions that are subject to reform, with staff turnover due to changes in government; - Lack of institutional independence, and endemic corruption in the police and law-enforcement agencies; - Albania's favourable geographical position - with drug-producing and supplier countries such as Afghanistan and Turkey in the East, and high-consumption countries in the West; - International nature of organised crime and the impact of globalisation; - Lack of political stability in the country for more than two decades; - Weak economy with high levels of unemployment and insufficient earnings per capita (one of the lowest in the continent); - Dismantling of social structures, adversely affecting the family as the nucleus; - Continuous immigration waves, importing experiences and criminal connections obtained abroad; - Support from members of the Albanian diaspora; - Conflicts in the region, with 'golden opportunities' to obtain money from the trafficking of arms, smuggling activities, etc; - Use of technology and advanced communication tools

Details: Tirana, Albania: Open Society Foundation for Albania, 2016. 16p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 22, 2016 at: https://www.osfa.al/sites/default/files/press_permbledhje_english_0.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Albania

URL: https://www.osfa.al/sites/default/files/press_permbledhje_english_0.pdf

Shelf Number: 140410

Drug Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Money Laundering
Organized Crime

Author: De Witte, Iara

Title: Vulnerability of Bulgarian and Romanian Children to Trafficking in The Netherlands and in Brussels

Summary: The research "Vulnerability of Bulgarian and Romanian Children to Trafficking in The Netherlands and in Brussels (Belgium)" was conducted in the framework of the "Mario II Project", a European project aimed at improving the level of protection of migrant children from Central and South East European (C/SEE) countries who are vulnerable to abuse, exploitation and/or trafficking. This report presents the main findings of the research that consisted of a desk review, supplemented by interviews with stakeholders, case studies, and street observations. Due to limited data on the research target-group available in The Netherlands, field activities were expanded to include the neighbouring city of Brussels in Belgium. Children's involvement in begging-like activities in The Netherlands is very seldom reported, and seems to mostly relate to cases from the past (around the year 2007). There were also no indications of involvement of these children in other economic activities like selling souvenirs to tourists, or other forms of activities. Children's involvement in criminal activities appears to be a tangible problem, which raises several concerns in terms of child protection as well as crime control. However, due to the very nature of these activities (hidden and incidental), it was rather difficult to detect and approach the children involved during the field work. Apparently, most of the children identified in these situations were children from C/SEE countries who were not residing at a permanent address and/or who were (temporarily or permanently) deprived of parental care. Indeed, the research found no indications that children from C/SEE countries who come together with their parents (typically in the framework of general labour migration patterns) were involved or exploited in begging, economic activities or criminal activities. These children can find themselves in socially vulnerable situations, but not to the extent that they fall victim of exploitation. The large majority of children begging in the streets observed by the research team were found in Brussels (Belgium), where this phenomenon is much more visible and frequent than in The Netherlands. Therefore, the majority of children targeted by street observation were located in Belgium. One of the reasons that could explain the different prevalence of the phenomenon of child begging in the two countries targeted relates to a diverse approach undertaken by authorities among the two countries: in The Netherlands, the response from child protection and law enforcement authorities to cases of children begging with adults in the year 2007 was vigorous and apparently had a deterrent effect: by taking the children away from the streets, adults involving them could not rely on an additional source of income, and therefore might have moved to other locations outside the country. In Belgium, begging with children is generally tolerated by authorities, and there is a broader social acceptance of the phenomenon in general, facts that could explain the visible presence of children begging in the city of Brussels. Conversely, both Belgium and The Netherlands have a similar approach to children's involvement in criminal activities (although, however, the approach in Belgium was not subject of in-depth review in the framework of the present study). Similarly, the features and prevalence of this phenomenon appear to be comparable in Belgium and in The Netherlands. The research looked in greater depth at the responses to the involvement of children in begging, economic or criminal activities in The Netherlands. At national level, when it comes to adopting protection measures for migrant children from C/SEE countries, there is some degree of uncertainty about (and overlap among) the applicable child protection measures and competent authorities. Indeed, these children are both EU nationals (fact which triggers the application of protection measures designed for national children) and foreigners (their case thereby falling under the provisions of immigration law). At local level, some cities developed referral systems and standard operating procedures to deal with cases of children involved in begging, economic and criminal activities, entailing a cooperation among law enforcement and child protection authorities. However, several gaps have been identified, which leave many of these children without adequate protection. These gaps concern primarily: the practical and legal impossibility to adopt protection measures when the child's parents do not reside at a permanent address; difficulties in assessing the relationships between the child and his/her (alleged) parent(s); gaps in the identification (and treatment) of children who are trafficked for begging, economic or criminal activities as victims of that crime; children's disappearance from the child protection systems (particularly from temporary alternative care); and difficulties in timely appointing a guardian (and in ensuring a sufficient extension of guardianship provisions). The report recommends to adopt measures aimed to enhance the protection of children involved in begging, economic or criminal activities, to be always guided by rights-based, child-centred considerations. At local level, these measures mainly revolve around assessing in greater depth the relationships between the child and his/her parents or legal guardians, when doubts arise concerning the nature of such relationships. It is also recommended to systematically request the appointment of a guardian in cases of children deprived of adequate parental care. Legal and practical obstacles in intervening to protect children whose parents are not residing at a permanent address should be overcome, and this circumstance (along with the child's lack of school attendance) should be considered as an additional risk factor. At national level, among relevant recommendations, the need to enhance the protection of children involved in begging, economic or criminal activities from neglect and abuse, and particularly from exploitation, in cases where signs of these violations of fundamental children's rights are displayed is of utmost importance. In particular, cases of (potential) child trafficking for exploitation in the above-activities should be promptly detected and (potential) child victims should be referred to existing protection services and treated as children and as victims of a serious crime. The capacity of frontline professionals to identify these cases should be enhanced through regular training, in the framework of clear procedures embedded in the child protection system and in the (developing) national referral mechanisms for trafficked persons in The Netherlands. Children belonging to the most vulnerable groups, particularly those (temporarily) deprived of adequate parental care, and/or not residing at a permanent address in the country, should be effectively reached by child protection services. Clear procedures to identify a durable solution for each child concerned, based on his or her best interests, should be developed, with strict procedural safeguards and involving decision-makers with relevant areas of expertise, allowing a proper balancing of the different relevant factors to be considered. The process should facilitate adequate child participation and explore on equal grounds the possibilities to return the child to his or her country of origin, to allow the child to remain and integrate in The Netherlands, or to reunite the child with his or her family in a third country.

Details: Budapest: Mario Project, 2014. 81p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 29, 2016 at: https://www.defenceforchildren.nl/images/13/3733.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Europe

URL: https://www.defenceforchildren.nl/images/13/3733.pdf

Shelf Number: 140515

Child Prostitution
Child Sexual Exploitation
Child Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Migrant Children

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

Title: Transnational Organized Crime in the Pacific: A Threat Assessment

Summary: This report presents major threats posed by transnational organized crime in the Pacific region, mainly focusing on the Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs). Based on consultations with the Pacific Island Forum Secretariat (PIFS) and information obtained from desk reviews conducted by UNODC, this report focuses on four major types of transnational organized crime affecting the Pacific region: - Drug and precursor trafficking; - Trafficking in persons & smuggling of migrants; - Environmental crimes (fishery crime and other wildlife trafficking & illegal logging and timber trafficking); and - Small arms trafficking. In addition to the major four types of transnational crime, the report also includes some information on the trafficking of counterfeit goods, including fraudulent medicines, and cybercrime to shed light on emerging threats in the region. The four major illicit flows discussed in the report are different sorts of illicit activities, yet they all pose immense challenges to the region. There are strong indications that the PICTs are increasingly targeted by transnational organized crime groups due to their susceptibility to illicit flows driven by several factors. These include (a) the geographical location of the PICTs situated between major sources and destinations of illicit commodities; (b) extensive and porous jurisdictional boundaries; and (c) differences in governance and heterogeneity in general law enforcement capacity across numerous PICTs and the region in general. These complexities also underscore the inherent difficulties in detecting, monitoring, preventing and responding to transnational organized crimes in the region. In this context, transnational criminal activities continue to increase throughout the Pacific and have detrimental impacts on communities, sustainable economic development and regional security. At a regional level and across all transnational organized crime types discussed in this report, a fundamental problem is the significant gaps in data and information related to transnational crime among the PICTs. This is a major hindrance in developing effective and evidence-based responses to transnational organized crime.

Details: Bangkok: UNODC, 2016. 130p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 30, 2016 at: http://www.unodc.org/documents/southeastasiaandpacific/Publications/2016/2016.09.16_TOCTA_Pacific_web.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Asia

URL: http://www.unodc.org/documents/southeastasiaandpacific/Publications/2016/2016.09.16_TOCTA_Pacific_web.pdf

Shelf Number: 140518

Counterfeit Goods
Drug Trafficking
Environmental Crimes
Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Illegal Fishing
Illegal Logging
Organized Crime
Wildlife Crime
Wildlife Trafficking

Author: Dobreva, Natasha

Title: Promotion of the Rights of Trafficked Persons in Bulgaria: A Human Rights Based Approach

Summary: One of the problems many countries have in common, including Bulgaria, Romania and Slovakia, is the lack of access of victims of trafficking to legal counseling and aid. An adequate referral system which ensures that victims are informed about the relevant judicial proceedings and their rights from their very first contact with the authorities is missing. There are very few lawyers trained in working with trafficked persons. State-funded legal aid is scarce and often limited to no more than the formal presence of a lawyer during the trial. Even if formally victims have a right to claim compensation for the damages they suffered, in practice such claims are rarely awarded and, if they are, hardly ever executed. Provisions, such as the use of closed hearings or audiovisual means, that might protect the safety and privacy of victims are not effectively used. Many actors in the judicial system, including police, prosecutors, judges and lawyers, lack knowledge about trafficking and its psychological, social and health impacts on its victims. And in some cases victims are disrespectfully treated by representatives of the judicial system itself. As a result trafficked persons face major barriers in accessing justice and criminal proceedings often lead to their secondary victimization. At the same time, NGOs are not trained in providing legal counseling and only have limited funds to pay for legal aid and representation. Despite increasing awareness that trafficking and the exploitation of human beings under forced labour or slavery-like conditions constitute severe human rights violations, States tend to focus on the prosecution and punishment of the perpetrators, while the protection of the rights of trafficked persons lags behind. Often victims are purely seen as instrumental for the prosecution with little regard for the far reaching impact testifying against their exploiters may have on their current and future well-being, safety and life.

Details: Sofia: Animus Association Foundation, 2013. 100p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 11, 2016 at: http://www.animusassociation.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Promotion-of-the-rights-of-the-trafficked-persons-in-Bulgaria.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Bulgaria

URL: http://www.animusassociation.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Promotion-of-the-rights-of-the-trafficked-persons-in-Bulgaria.pdf

Shelf Number: 145417

Forced Labor
Human Rights
Human Trafficking
Trafficked Persons

Author: Callahan, Gina

Title: More Than A Movement: Unpacking Contemporary Anti-Human Trafficking Efforts in Washington, D.C.

Summary: Trafficking in persons has attracted seemingly boundless attention over the last two decades and the work aimed at fighting it is best understood when this cause is contextualized against the backdrop of other social forces - economic, social, and cultural - shaping contemporary nonprofit activities. This project argues that the paid and volunteer labor that takes place in metro Washington, D.C., to combat trafficking in persons can be understood as both a movement and an industry. In addition to arguing that anti-trafficking work is part of a nonprofit industrial complex that situates activist and advocacy work firmly inside state and economic institutions, this project is concerned with the ways in which trafficking work and workers conduct their business collectively. As an organizational study, it identifies the key players in the D.C. region focused on this issue and traces their interactions, collaborations, and cooperation. Significantly, this project suggests that despite variations in objectives, methods, priorities, and characterizations of trafficking, thirty organizations in metro D.C. working on this issue "get along" because they are bound by the benign common goal of raising awareness. Awareness, in this context, is best understood as both a cultural anchor facilitating cohesion and as a social currency allowing groups to opt into joint efforts. The dissertation concludes that organizations centralize awareness in their collective activities over more drastic priorities around which consensus would need to be gained. This is a lost opportunity for making sense of the ways that individual bodies - men, women, and children - experience not just trafficking, but the world around them.

Details: College Park, MD: University of Maryland, College Park, 2016. 253p.

Source: Internet Resource: Dissertation: Accessed October 12, 2016 at: http://drum.lib.umd.edu/bitstream/handle/1903/18571/Callahan_umd_0117E_17354.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y

Year: 2016

Country: United States

URL: http://drum.lib.umd.edu/bitstream/handle/1903/18571/Callahan_umd_0117E_17354.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y

Shelf Number: 140666

Human Trafficking

Author: Sutton, Mitchell

Title: Transnational crime in Sri Lanka: Future considerations for international cooperation

Summary: This report examines transnational, serious and organised crime in Sri Lanka, its impact on neighbouring states, law enforcement cooperation, and the influence of Sri Lanka's changing geopolitical and economic orientation on criminal activity. Geopolitical change was a major influence on the patterns of transnational crime in Sri Lanka, especially the end of the civil war in 2009 and the destruction of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). The LTTE's demise ended some activity while changing the patterns of transnational crimes such as arms smuggling, people smuggling and human trafficking. Still, the threat of transnational crime hasn't disappeared from Sri Lanka since the end of the civil war. Local law enforcement agencies and the military are struggling to develop strategies to combat a multifaceted threat exacerbated by the country's porous border with India, international drug rings and cartels, government corruption, and proximity to swathes of under- or ungoverned territory in Myanmar, India, Bangladesh and Pakistan. Historical and new international relationships-especially with Russia, China and the Middle East - have also influenced crime patterns in Sri Lanka. Regional states have felt strong impacts from criminal activities involving Sri Lanka. Those impacts have differed markedly, as each affected state has been incorporated into a different place along the contraband supply chain. People smuggling and associated crimes are likely to remain the main concerns for Australia. Drug, arms and human trafficking are likely to pose problems for India and Southeast Asia. Because this criminal activity is diffuse, solutions must necessarily come from both domestic and regional sources, and involve neighbouring states working with the Sri Lankan Government to develop strategies to jointly reduce the threat. Already, a proliferation of different multilateral and bilateral law enforcement cooperation agreements has emerged in response to these challenges. Future engagement should focus on enhancing the intelligence capabilities of Sri Lanka's military and law enforcement agencies, encouraging reforms to eliminate corruption and inefficiency and realigning government agencies to fit the new threat.

Details: Barton,. ACT: Australian Strategic Policy Institute, 2016. 32p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 13, 2016 at: https://www.aspi.org.au/publications/transnational-crime-in-sri-lanka-future-considerations-for-international-cooperation/SR94_Sri-Lanka.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Sri Lanka

URL: https://www.aspi.org.au/publications/transnational-crime-in-sri-lanka-future-considerations-for-international-cooperation/SR94_Sri-Lanka.pdf

Shelf Number: 145538

Arms Smuggling
Drug Trafficking
Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Firearms

Author: Bergbom, Katie

Title: Trapped in the Kitchen of the World: The situation for migrant workers in Thailand's poultry industry

Summary: Thailand is a prominent world supplier of poultry meat products. During the last couple of decades the nation's domestic production has experienced several booms, as the poultry industry has evolved into a main ingredient of Thailand's objective of becoming "the kitchen of the world". The EU has become its biggest market for export. About 270 000 tonnes of poultry meat products were shipped from Thailand to the EU in 2014. Sweden has imported poultry products from Thailand since at least the late 1990s. In 2014 Thailand was Sweden's second largest supplier of processed poultry products, after Denmark. Recently Sweden launched a National Action Plan for Business and Human Rights with the explicit expectation that all Swedish companies shall respect human rights, as specified in the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP). With this report Swedwatch aims to investigate the levels of social responsibility taken by Swedish stakeholders in their trade with Thai suppliers, from the perspective of the above mentioned standards. Thai industries are grappling with a shortage of domestic labour. Like many of Thailand's labour intensive sectors the poultry industry too has found a remedy across the borders, in the neighboring countries. In search for better salaries and the possibility to send money back home, millions of migrant workers from mainly Cambodia and Myanmar have formed the lowest level of Thailand's labour pyramid. Many of these people have also become victims of unscrupulous employers and recruiters as well as corrupt officials. This report indicates that violations of migrant workers' rights occur in Thailand's poultry industry, in resemblance to other Thai sectors that have been exposed by the media during the latest years. According to the global labour rights organization Solidarity Center, migrant workers in Thailand experience some of the worst abuse in the world. Interviews with 98 migrant workers employed by four different Thai poultry producers, that all have exported to Sweden during the last three years, show an extensive variation of violations. In total, six factories were included in the field study. Based on the interviews, four of the factories were found to act in breach of many or all of Thailand's main labour and social protection laws as well as international laws and standards formulated by the UN, ILO and others, at the time of the field study. Migrant workers at all factories included in the study state that personal documents such as passports or work permits have been confiscated by their employers or recruitment agencies. The interviews reveal that workers are in different levels of debt bondage due to excessive recruitment fees and other costs at all selected factories. Interviewees at all factories stated that they had not received health insurance though fees were deducted from their salaries. These practices are only a few examples revealed by the field study. All are indicators of trafficking of adults for labour exploitation, according to the International Labour Organization, ILO. Workers at four of the six factories said there was child labour, at three of the factories with workers as young as 14 years old. Employing youth under 15 years of age is in breach of Thailand's Labour Protection Act of 1998. Thai poultry meat products follow a complex supply chain before they reach the consumer in private restaurants and cafés, public hospitals and schools or at family dinner tables in Sweden. The EU legislation regarding indication of origin on processed food means that products labelled as having an EU country as origin, actually may come from third countries such as Thailand. This makes it near impossible to estimate the total volume of Thai poultry imported to the Swedish market annually. According to one of the Swedish importers, at least half of all the Thai poultry meat that is consumed in Sweden is not included in the official statistics of import. Swedwatch's survey of Swedish stakeholders involved in the import of poultry products from Thailand shows that this decades long business relation was initiated with a focus on animal welfare and product quality, and with no meaningful due diligence performed on potential adverse human rights impacts in the industry. Of the stakeholders interviewed for this report only Axfood, a wholesaler, has started to perform due diligence on adverse human rights impacts in Thailand's poultry industry. Other than that, the UNGP and the Swedish government's National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights are still unknown to many actors in Sweden's food sector. This report further reveals extensive shortcomings of social responsibility in Swedish public procurement of food. Public procurers at county councils and municipalities do not have the routines to set social criteria in their procurement of food. Audits to ensure that their codes of conduct are fulfilled throughout their supply chains are generally not performed due to lack of resources. This means that children and adults in Sweden's public institutions such as schools, retirement homes and hospitals may be served poultry products produced by exploited migrant workers. For this report Swedwatch has also conducted a survey of supermarket chains on the Swedish market. The focus was on house brands containing poultry products. The results show that one out of five food companies included in the survey use Thai poultry in their house brands. This report makes several recommendations. Thai companies should ensure that all forms of unlawful recruitment fees are stopped and ensure that brokers are not charging migrant workers costs leading to debt bondage. As a minimum all the companies should comply with Thai labour legislation. Stakeholders at the Swedish food market that are linked to the import of Thai poultry products should assure that their suppliers follow international labour right standards as expressed in the ILO core conventions. Importers and wholesalers should conduct due diligence on adverse human rights impacts and show with commitment and transparency how potential risks are identified and mitigated, in accordance with the guidelines of the UNGP. Food should be identified as a risk category in trade, not only when it comes to animal welfare and product quality.

Details: Stockholm: SwedWatch, 2015. 73p.

Source: Internet Resource: Report #76: Accessed October 15, 2016 at: http://www.swedwatch.org/sites/default/files/tmp/76_thaikyckling_151123_ab.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Thailand


Shelf Number: 144878

Child Labor
Debt Bondage
Human Rights Abuses
Human Trafficking
Labor Exploitation
Migrant Workers

Author: LexisNexis

Title: Dark Chocolate: Understanding Human Trafficking Risks in the Chocolate Supply Chain; We Have a Choice White Paper

Summary: Using a licensed collection of the most influential news sources from more than 120 countries, the LexisNexis Human Trafficking Awareness Index measures media coverage of human trafficking to highlight key trends at national and global levels. The Index is intended to support the work of campaigners and other organisations in understanding perceptions of human trafficking in its various forms. This report was developed in partnership with STOP THE TRAFFIK as part of this Rule of Law initiative. STOP THE TRAFFIK (www.stopthetraffik.org) is a global campaign organisation working to prevent human trafficking. For further information on the LexisNexis Human Trafficking Awareness Index please visit www. nexis.co.uk/humantrafficking or email nexisinfo@lexisnexis.co.uk. This report focuses on the 476 English language articles identified in the Nexis Human Trafficking Awareness Index, since the launch of the Index in May 2010 until May 2013, directly relating to human trafficking and the global cocoa supply chain. Representing a tiny fraction of the articles within the Nexis database they nonetheless provide deep insight into this issue. A significant proportion of the licensed content is not available on the open web and it is all structured and enriched to make analysis easy. We examine the link between chocolate and human trafficking by analysing: - media coverage of the largest companies in the industry and implications for supply chain professionals; - how Non-Governmental Organisations drive media awareness and influence key initiatives for change; - the role of certification and how organisations can incorporate it into their broader supply chain risk management.

Details: Cambridge, UK: LexisNexis, 2014. 36p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 17, 2016 at: http://www.nexis.co.uk/pdf/Dark_Chocolate.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: International

URL: http://www.nexis.co.uk/pdf/Dark_Chocolate.pdf

Shelf Number: 145093

Child Labor
Child Trafficking
Cocoa Industry
Human Trafficking

Author: Hill, Angela

Title: "This Modern Day Slavery": Sex Trafficking and Moral Panic in the United Kingdom

Summary: The dissertation analyzes the discourse and development of the British anti-sex trafficking movement. Following the European Union's largest expansion in 2004, the United Kingdom experienced a surge in immigration from Eastern Europe, which was greeted by fears about losing British culture, stolen jobs, and rising criminal activity. From this welter of concerns, I argue, the issue of sex trafficking coalesced into a moral panic about the dangers of immigration and the sexual exploitation of women. Using qualitative research and discourse analysis, I examine the movement's depiction of the trafficking victim and its reliance on punitive policing and anti-immigration policies. Although anti-trafficking advocates claim the abolition of the African slave trade as their historical precedent, I contend that the conceptual roots of contemporary discourse lie in the white slavery panic of the Victorian era. Today's description of the trafficked woman as young, naive, and Eastern European recalls the figure of the white slave at the same time that it demonizes migrant sex workers who do not fit the feminized and culturally-bound profile of helpless victim. This analysis of the United Kingdom's response to a changing demographic landscape reveals how a reaction can define the phenomenon to which it ostensibly refers. In other words, the anti-trafficking campaign produces its opposing object, ¯ sex trafficking - by delimiting the discursive field and determining the appropriate course of defensive action. In light of the political and economic crises wracking post-millennial Britain, the realm recast itself as a hostile environment for sex trafficking and inaugurated a series of unprecedented policing measures and prostitution policy shifts. To interrogate these events I perform a contrapuntal reading that troubles both the conceptual basis of the anti-trafficking movement and its legal and tactical operations. Through this analysis, my dissertation reveals that the anti-trafficking campaign is not a reaction to the sexual traffic in women; it is part of a larger socio-legal response to Eastern Europeans seeking access to the United Kingdom as full members of the European Union. This project constitutes an expansion and repositioning of studies of sex work and migration, offering a specific analysis of the British context while emphasizing the intersection between standardized narratives and cultural ruptures.

Details: Berkeley, CA: University of California, Berkeley, 2011. 146p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 20,. 2016 at: http://escholarship.org/uc/item/2d8113tb

Year: 2011

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://escholarship.org/uc/item/2d8113tb

Shelf Number: 145876

Human Trafficking
Modern Slavery
Moral Panic
Sex Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Olson, Eric L.

Title: Migrant Smuggling and Trafficking at the Rio Grande Valley: Ten Observations and Questions

Summary: In the scorching heat of a late summer day on the U.S. - Mexico border along the lower Rio Grande Valley (RGV) I had a revelation. Migrant smuggling and trafficking along this difficult part of the border lands is a constantly changing business. Despite involving human lives, smuggling and trafficking are fundamentally a business, albeit a deplorable one, that responds to a complex series of factors - some legitimate, others less so. As a result, the dynamics around these factors are constantly in flux and what we think we know today, maybe different a month, or a year from now.

Details: Washington, DC: Latin American Program, The Wilson Center, 2016. 8p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 12, 2017 at: https://www.wilsoncenter.org/sites/default/files/olson_border_2016_0.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: United States


Shelf Number: 140861

Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Migrant Smuggling

Author: Eurofound

Title: Regulation of the labour market intermediaries and the role of social partners in preventing trafficking of labour

Summary: The right to free movement for workers within the European Union was enshrined in Article 48 of the EEC Treaty in 1957. Nowadays, private labour market intermediaries – such as temporary work agencies and employment placement agencies – contribute to facilitating this labour mobility in their role as mediator between individual workers and organisations in need of labour. However, due to loopholes in regulation, some workers and vulnerable groups run the risk of being exploited by fraudulent agencies. This report examines how public authorities are currently regulating labour market intermediaries across Member States, highlighting the effectiveness or otherwise of different registration or licensing schemes. It also examines activities by social partners aimed at preventing the trafficking of labour. The overall aim is to contribute to the development of a best practice guide for public authorities to encourage better monitoring and enforcement of regulations deterring trafficking for the purpose of labour exploitation. An executive summary is available - see Related content.

Details: Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2016. 62p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 2, 2016 at: http://www.eurofound.europa.eu/sites/default/files/ef_publication/field_ef_document/ef1603en.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.eurofound.europa.eu/sites/default/files/ef_publication/field_ef_document/ef1603en.pdf

Shelf Number: 140993

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking

Author: United States Advisory Council on Human Trafficking

Title: United States Advisory Council on Human Trafficking Annual Report 2016

Summary: The U.S. Advisory Council on Human Trafficking is comprised of eleven survivor leaders who bring their knowledge and experience to advise and provide recommendations on federal anti-trafficking policies to the President's Interagency Task Force to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons (PITF). The Council was established on May 29, 2015 by section 115 of the Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act (JVTA), Pub. L . 114-22, also known as the Survivors of Human Trafficking Empowerment Act, and in December 2015 President Barack Obama appointed the eleven members of the Council, to: - Provide advice and recommendations to the U.S. government, specifically the Senior Policy Operating Group (SPOG) and the PITF, to strengthen federal policy and programming efforts that reflect best practices in the anti-trafficking field. - Review federal U.S. government policy and programs intended to combat human trafficking, including programs relating to the provision of services for victims. - Gather information from U.S. government agencies, states, and the community for the Council's annual report. - Publish an annual report that contains the findings derived from the reviews conducted of federal government policy and programs. - Serve as a point of contact for federal agencies reaching out to human trafficking survivors for input on anti-trafficking programming and policies in the United States. - Represent the diverse population of human trafficking survivors across the United States.

Details: Washington, DC: The Advisory Council, 2016. 28p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 7, 2016 at: http://www.state.gov/documents/organization/263434.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: United States

URL: http://www.state.gov/documents/organization/263434.pdf

Shelf Number: 145386

Human Trafficking
Victims of Trafficking

Author: Beddoe, Christine

Title: Class Acts? Examining modern slavery legislation across the UK

Summary: In 2015 the Modern Slavery Act, the Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Criminal Justice and Support for Victims) Act (Northern Ireland), and the Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Scotland) Act entered into force in the UK. These Acts have introduced new offences of human trafficking and other forms of modern slavery, as well as a raft of provisions aimed at preventing modern slavery and protecting its victims. The purpose of this research was to review and compare the key provisions in these three Acts, to assess the extent to which they contribute to the UK’s implementation of the 2005 Council of Europe Trafficking Convention and EU Trafficking Directive , and the extent of their implementation to date. The report considers whether the Acts have better equipped the UK to tackle modern slavery. The research was undertaken through a combination of desk research, parliamentary questions and interviews with key stakeholders. The introduction of this legislation marks a significant development in the UK’s efforts to tackle this crime. A considerable amount of time and expertise was involved in the drafting of the legislation, and the resulting laws passed are comprehensive in scope. The Acts, and the scrutiny surrounding them, served to shine a spotlight on the issue of modern slavery and galvanise efforts to tackle it. The Prime Minister's recent announcement to continue her work on fighting modern slavery is encouraging and signals that the momentum gained in this regard will not be lost. However, the ATMG has found, through reviewing the Acts' provision, that there are significant differences in a number of key areas across the three jurisdictions of the UK, for instance in both the statutory support entitlements for adult victims and in the non-criminalisation provisions. In the majority of cases where differences occur, it is the Modern Slavery Act that falls short of its counterparts in Scotland and Northern Ireland. The ATMG is concerned that there isn’t a robust monitoring framework in place to oversee the implementation and impact of the Acts, and calibrate their success. This research highlights continuing weaknesses in data collection and the lack of a central, statutory body with the responsibility to collate and analyse data on both victims and perpetrators and to assess the interface between the various data streams across the UK. There must also be greater oversight and accountability to ensure that data on victims is stored safely and used effectively. The ATMG believes the Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner would, with the necessary resources and independence, be ideally placed to have oversight of modern slavery data collected in the UK. However, this is currently not part of the Commissioner's role.

Details: Anti-Slavery International, 2016. 82p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 14, 2016 at: http://www.antislavery.org/includes/documents/cm_docs/2016/a/atmg_class_acts_report.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.antislavery.org/includes/documents/cm_docs/2016/a/atmg_class_acts_report.pdf

Shelf Number: 146646

Domestic Workers
Human Trafficking
Modern Slavery
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Muskat-Gorska, Zuzanna

Title: The Role of the Internet in Trafficking for Labour Exploitation

Summary: The report examines what role the internet plays in trafficking in human beings for labour exploitation. It considers in particular methods of online job recruitment and looks at cases studies from several EU Member States – Czech Republic, UK, Ireland, and Romania – and discusses to what extent the internet plays a role and if so, how significant the role of the internet is in facilitating human trafficking. The report provides examples of potential solutions.

Details: Brussels: International Trade Union Confederation, 2015. 28p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 28, 2016 at: https://www.ituc-csi.org/IMG/pdf/internet_and_labour_trafficking.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Europe

URL: https://www.ituc-csi.org/IMG/pdf/internet_and_labour_trafficking.pdf

Shelf Number: 147309

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Internet Crimes
Labor Exploitation

Author: United Nations Action for Cooperation against Trafficking in Persons

Title: A Study of Forced Marriage between Cambodia and China

Summary: This report examines patterns of forced marriage in the context of broader migratory flows between Cambodia and China. It primarily draws on the accounts of 42 Cambodian women who experienced conditions of forced marriage, with interviews having taken place in both countries. Key informants from government and non-government stakeholders in Cambodia and China were consulted as well. The objective has been to analyze recruitment, brokering, transportation and exploitation patterns as well as the links between these; to determine service needs amongst Cambodians trafficked to China for forced marriage, in China, during the repatriation process and upon return to Cambodia; as well as to identify opportunities for interventions to prevent forced marriages from occurring and to extend protective services to those in need, at both policy and programming levels. The phenomenon of forced marriage has received increasing recognition and attention in the Greater Mekong Sub-Region, initially from Myanmar and Viet Nam into China and within China itself, but lately also from countries further afield especially Cambodia. In Cambodia, the lack of employment opportunities and low wages, amongst other factors, are leaving young people with few alternatives but to seek work outside their home country. Cambodian women have especially limited educational and job prospects whilst at the same time facing high pressures to contribute financially to their families. Given restrictive labor migration policies especially in low-skill sectors in the region, marriage migration to improve economic conditions has become a viable alternative. China is confronted with an unusually high gender imbalance derived primarily from more than 30 years of one-child policy coupled with gender selection due to son preference. The latter is linked to Chinese traditions that see the sons carry on the families’ lineage over generations as well as care for their aging parents, together with their wives that join the husbands’ families. In this environment, particularly the economically disadvantaged rural men in China look to women from other countries like Cambodia, Myanmar or Viet Nam. Both countries, however, prohibit international marriage broker services, meaning marriage migration is often facilitated by agents cooperating across borders without licenses and oversight. Whilst anecdotal evidence suggests that some, perhaps even many, of the Cambodian women living in arranged marriages in China are content in their situations, this study outlines the possible downsides of engagements brought about in non-regulated manners

Details: Bangkok: UNDP, 2016. 37p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 28, 2016 at: http://un-act.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Final_UN-ACT_Forced_Marriage_Report.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Asia

URL: http://un-act.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Final_UN-ACT_Forced_Marriage_Report.pdf

Shelf Number: 146253

Forced Marriage
Human Trafficking
Violence Against Women, Girls

Author: Reitano, Tuesday

Title: The Khartoum Process: A sustainable response to human smuggling and trafficking?

Summary: In the 2012-16 'migration crisis', citizens from the Horn of Africa have been arriving irregularly in Europe in unprecedented numbers, whilst featuring disproportionately amongst the fatalities. This has prompted the launch of the Khartoum Process, a partnership between the 28 member states of the European Union (EU) and East and North African states, to respond to human smuggling and trafï¬cking. This brief critically and unfavourably evaluates this framework. The Khartoum Process is not only unlikely to achieve the desired outcomes, but, more importantly, it is likely to pose a risk to the better governance and development of the Horn of Africa.

Details: Pretoria: Institute for Security Studies, 2016. 12p.

Source: Internet Resource: Policy Brief 93: Accessed December 5, 2016 at: http://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/gi-iss-the-khartoum-process-nov-2016.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Africa

URL: http://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/gi-iss-the-khartoum-process-nov-2016.pdf

Shelf Number: 147921

Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Immigration Enforcement

Author: U.S. Government Accountability Office

Title: Human Trafficking: State Has Made Improvements in Its Annual Report but Does Not Explicitly Explain Certain Tier Rankings or Changes

Summary: Human traffickers around the world exploit men, women, and children for profit—often through commercial sex work or forced labor. The State Department annually reports on global anti-trafficking efforts—ranking countries into 1 of 4 tiers based on their actions. We found several key shortcomings in State's 2015 and 2016 reports—potentially limiting their usefulness as tools to encourage governments to fight trafficking. For example, the reports lacked clear explanations for some countries' rankings, or for decisions to upgrade or downgrade a country to a different tier. We recommended that State improve the transparency of its decision-making.

Details: Washington, DC: GAO, 2016. 61p.

Source: Internet Resource: GAO-17-56: Accessed December 6, 2016 at: http://www.gao.gov/assets/690/681388.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: United States

URL: http://www.gao.gov/assets/690/681388.pdf

Shelf Number: 147861

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Forrester, Ricardo Reinaldo

Title: Girl handlers: a contemporary look at 21st century Colombian pimping in Hong Kong

Summary: The aim of this thesis is to explain the identity narratives of three different Colombian 'girl handlers' in Hong Kong and how these form a nexus to a wider context of human trafficking and organised crime. This investigation takes form in the analysis of their impression management utilising the concepts of front-stage, back-stage, facework, techniques of neutralisation they utilise to justify their behaviour, and their links to organised crime syndicates operating both within and outside of Hong Kong. I also look at the way in which they go about doing their business of 'girl handling' in practice. The research was conducted to gain a better understanding of this particular criminal subculture. The context of the aforementioned forms of analysis; and attempts to offer original insight into this criminal group. It is a relatively small operation functioning within the greater scheme of the sex trade and as such, most of the people involved in this trade were interviewed. This investigation was conducted through in-depth interviews of the Colombian 'girl handlers' and in-depth interviews with a priest who is familiar with this scene. In addition I have analysed both Colombian court documents which verify certain claims made by the research participants and documents released by the United Nations in relations to a particular case which will be mentioned in the third chapter of this thesis. The empirical findings of this research demonstrate that Colombian girl handlers have to manage different façades to operate in this trade and keep it secret from people they do not trust; this works both ways as they would lose credibility in both their legal and illegal jobs. Another finding is that they utilise various techniques of neutralisation to justify their behaviour and actions in the trade. The last finding illustrates that all three girl handlers have some ties to an organised crime syndicate (if they are not fully affiliated) as they would not be allowed to operate within this field without such connections. Those who do, conform to the 'outer layers' or 'fringes' of the Colombian cartels. The interviewees therefore could be defined as small cogs working in the "outer layers" of an international machine of crime syndicates far away from Hong Kong. This study therefore allows for the understanding of Colombian 'girl handlers' in different forms which make each unique in the way that he conducts his business. (392)

Details: Pokfulam, Hong Kong SAR: University of Hong Kong, 2012. 285p.

Source: Internet Resource: Thesis: Accessed December 7, 2016 at: http://hub.hku.hk/bitstream/10722/192645/1/FullText.pdf?accept=1

Year: 2012

Country: Hong Kong

URL: http://hub.hku.hk/bitstream/10722/192645/1/FullText.pdf?accept=1

Shelf Number: 140317

Colombian Cartels
Crime Syndicates
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime
Sex Workers

Author: Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF)

Title: Slavery at Sea: The Continued Plight of Trafficked Migrants in Thailand's Fishing Industry

Summary: In the last two years, nothing has changed on the issue of human trafficking in fisheries... It just stays the same. Nothing new, no improvements – because the problems are still there. Kyaw Lin Oo, interpreter for victims of human trafficking Thailand is the third largest seafood exporter in the world, • with seafood exports valued at $7.3 billion in 2011. The European Union imported more than $1.15 billion (€835.5 million) worth of seafood from Thailand in 2012, while the value of imports by the United States exceeded $1.6 billion in 2013. The Thai fishing industry remains heavily reliant on -- trafficked and forced labour. It is clear that rising overheads, exacerbated by the need to spend more time at sea for smaller catches due to over-fishing and chronic mismanagement of the fishery will continue to encourage these abuses. As boat operators have looked to cut costs, working -- conditions and wages have suffered, causing many workers to turn away from the industry and forcing some employers to rely on criminal trafficking networks to meet the labour shortfall. NGOs, international organisations, governments and -- industry have identified the Thai seafood sector as an area of high concern for forced and trafficked labour. Thailand has spent four consecutive years on the Tier 2 "Watchlist" of the US Department of State's Trafficking in Persons report and now faces a mandatory downgrade to Tier 3 in 2014 if the major issues are not adequately addressed. To address a series of criticisms made by observers, -- Thailand's Ministry of Social Development and Human Security (MSDHS) released the 2013 National Action Plan to Prevent and Suppress Human Trafficking (NAP). The document itself is broad in scope and undermined by vague objectives. EJF investigations have revealed evidence that the Thai Government is falling far short of critical commitments made in the action plan. Investigations in 2014 document the continued prevalence -- of trafficking in the Thai fishing industry, with operators now taking greater precaution to avoid detection, including transhipping trafficked workers at sea. Corruption remains a major obstacle to efforts to -- combat human trafficking in Thailand. EJF investigations uncovered evidence of continued police collusion in the trafficking and exploitation of migrant workers aboard Thai fishing boats. Further, EJF's investigations reveal that local officials often provide protection and even assistance to unscrupulous brokers and business owners engaged in the trafficking and abuse of migrant workers. The case of the 14 men rescued from a port in Kantang -- first reported in EJF's 2013 "Sold to the Sea report" reveals serious structural failings in how Thai authorities deal with human trafficking victims and cases more generally. After nearly a year in a Government shelter and little progress on their case, the victims told EJF in 2014 that they are frustrated and now more focused on returning home than pursuing their case. Without determined action at the highest levels of -- Government to identify and successfully prosecute criminals, corrupt officials and unscrupulous business operators, alongside the introduction and enforcement of comprehensive measures to regulate Thailand's fishing fleets and recruitment practices, violence, exploitation and slavery will remain an ongoing feature of Thailand's seafood industry.

Details: London: EJF, 2014. 40p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed December 9, 2016 at: https://ejfoundation.org/sites/default/files/public/EJF_Slavery-at-Sea_report_2014_web-ok.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Thailand

URL: https://ejfoundation.org/sites/default/files/public/EJF_Slavery-at-Sea_report_2014_web-ok.pdf

Shelf Number: 145617

Fishing Industry
Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Illegal Fishing
Migrant Labor
Wildlife Crime

Author: Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF)

Title: Thailand's Seafood Slaves: Human Trafficking, Slavery and Murder in Kantang's Fishing Industry

Summary: -- Human trafficking and slavery are global problems. It is estimated that as many as 35.8 million men, women and children are currently victims of human trafficking around the world. -- Thailand is the 30th largest economy in the world with a GDP of US$404 billion. -- The Thai seafood industry employs more than 800,000 people, while seafood exports are valued at $6 billion. -- A growing number of independent reports over the past decade have documented abuses of workers trafficked on to Thai fishing vessels, including bonded, forced and slave labour and the use of extreme violence. One report by the United Nations Inter-Agency Project on Human Trafficking (UNIAP) found that 59% of trafficked migrants interviewed aboard Thai fishing vessels reported witnessing the murder of a fellow worker. -- Thailand's fish stocks and marine biodiversity are in crisis. The Thai fishing industry has undergone decades of over- fishing and astonishingly poor fisheries management. Rapid industrialisation during the 20 th Century has resulted in too many vessels using destructive and unsustainable fishing methods to catch too many fish. The overall catch per unit effort (CPUE) in both the Gulf of Thailand and the Andaman Sea has plummeted by more than 86% since 1966, making Thai waters among the most over-fished regions on the planet. -- The pressure on Thailand's over-exploited fish stocks has been and continues to be due in large part to the demand for animal feeds and farmed shrimp. The fishmeal industry has masked the true economic and ecological costs of over- fishing by over-valuing the trash fish which constitutes one of its key raw materials. -- The lack of an adequate fisheries management regime and effective enforcement along with extensive corruption have facilitated overfishing in Thailand, which has generated economic pressures that fuel the ongoing, widespread use of slave labour. -- Exhausted fish stocks mean that vessels are staying at sea longer and going further afield, often fishing illegally in other nations’ territorial waters, to bring in diminishing catches. In turn operators are using human trafficking networks and bonded, forced and slave labour to crew their vessels and depress costs. This largely export-focused industry is able to carry on providing cheap products to western markets as a direct result of these human rights abuses. Consumers in the west are eating product contaminated with slavery, 'pirate' fishing, corruption and criminality.

Details: London: EJF, 2015. 44p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 9, 2016 at: http://ejfoundation.org/sites/default/files/public/EJF-Thailand-Seafood-Slaves-low-res.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Thailand

URL: http://ejfoundation.org/sites/default/files/public/EJF-Thailand-Seafood-Slaves-low-res.pdf

Shelf Number: 145618

Fishing Industry
Forced labor
Human Trafficking
Illegal Fishing
Wildlife Crime

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

Title: Victim Identification Procedures in Cambodia: A brief study of human trafficking victim identification in the Cambodia Context

Summary: This Report addresses the context of trafficking in human beings in Cambodia and the  process by which trafficking victims are identified and assisted. Cambodia’s current  antiâ€trafficking field is crowded with various government, nonâ€government, and  international institutions each administering its own response to the problem of  trafficking and the challenge of victim assistance. It assesses the successes and  shortcomings of different approaches to identifying victims, providing support services,  and ensuring access to justice. This Assessment evaluates the viability of a national  referral mechanism, whereby the diversity of approaches could be streamlined into a  single cooperative framework. Ultimately, a national referral mechanism would  strengthen Cambodia’s responsiveness to trafficking victims by providing standardized  processes for victim identification, assistance, and referral therein replacing the  inefficiency of competing approaches.    The Report begins with the Cambodian state framework, detailing the initiatives  undertaken by the Cambodian government to combat trafficking. This state institutional  overview investigates planned initiatives as well as the allocation of actual resources, as  projects at the policy level are not always supported with tangible resources at the  ground level. It then assesses how the Cambodian government’s local and regional  actors identify individuals. Furthermore, this Assessment analyzes Cambodia’s current  political, legislative, and judicial landscape to assess how victims’ rights are protected  and how their legal claims are pursued.  The Report evaluates the relevant legislation  pertaining to trafficking crimes and the international agreements or more formal  treaties that govern crossâ€border trafficking in Southeast Asia. Relying on recent  research and reports that provide background information on the current status of  trafficking in Cambodia, the Assessment especially focuses on information about  victims, including victim demographics and profiles, to determine precisely where and  how trafficking occurs. Following the pathway of identified victims, this analysis also  includes the situation for such victims after rescue from exploitative situations. The  Report looks at how victims are processed and referred to social services, including  what services are available and how such services are delivered to the victims.   In this context, this Assessment considers the viability of a national referral mechanism.  Its value in this chaotic landscape is proportional to the enormity of the challenge that  would be presented through its implementation. The Report catalogues the  government’s apparent receptiveness to such a project, based upon a series of  interviews conducted with relevant ministries and figures knowledgeable in the field.  The Assessment identifies other nascent coordinating projects underway, including  centralized databases or victim identification procedures, which are in various stages of  implementation. This document then analyzes possible avenues of cooperation,  discusses the viability of a national referral mechanism and briefly outlines the hurdles  to implementation. Finally, the Report considers the advantages such a project, if  successfully undertaken, would provide for Cambodia. 

Details: Bangkok, Thailand: UNODC, 2013. 43p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed December 14, 2016 at: https://www.unodc.org/documents/southeastasiaandpacific/Publications/2013/NRM/FINAL_Draft_UNODC_report_Cambodia_NRM.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Cambodia

URL: https://www.unodc.org/documents/southeastasiaandpacific/Publications/2013/NRM/FINAL_Draft_UNODC_report_Cambodia_NRM.pdf

Shelf Number: 146109

Human Trafficking

Author: Renshaw, Lauren

Title: Migrating for work and study: The role of the migration broker in facilitating workplace exploitation, human trafficking and slavery

Summary: Temporary migrants play an important role in Australia's workforce and student population. Little is known, however, about the migration mechanisms temporary migrants use and the associated risks these may involve. This paper examines the role of migration brokers in alleged and finalised cases of migrant exploitation ranging from low pay and hazardous working conditions to more severe forms involving debt bondage, forced labour and other slavery-like practices. This paper presents a typology of two kinds of migration broker - the migration facilitator and the labour supplier - developed from these case studies. Points of intervention are discussed with reference to these types, as is the effectiveness of various responses to the actions of migration brokers in preventing and detecting human trafficking, slavery and slavery-like practices. These responses may overlap with responses to other serious crimes such as immigration fraud, corruption, extortion and people smuggling.

Details: Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology, 2016. 18p.

Source: Internet Resource: Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice, no. 527: Accessed December 15, 2016 at: http://aic.gov.au/media_library/publications/tandi_pdf/tandi527.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Australia

URL: http://aic.gov.au/media_library/publications/tandi_pdf/tandi527.pdf

Shelf Number: 146156

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Modern Slavery
People Smuggling

Author: Great Britain. Crown Prosecution Service

Title: Violence against Women and Girls: Crime Report, 2015-16

Summary: The Violence against Women and Girls (VAWG) report is the ninth edition published by the CPS. It provides an assessment of prosecution performance on crimes that have been grouped together under the heading ‘VAWG’, as they have been identified as being committed primarily, but not exclusively, by men against women. The CPS addresses these issues within the overarching crossgovernment strategic framework of VAWG, recognising that victims of this group of crimes are disproportionally female. The approach acknowledges VAWG as a fundamental issue of human rights and women’s rights. The UK government has signed and ratified the United Nations call to all states to prevent and respond to violence against women. VAWG is recognised worldwide, and by the UK Government, as a form of offending where gender plays a part. As the United Nations2 describes it: ‘Violence against women is a manifestation of historically unequal power relations between men and women, which have led to domination over and discrimination against women by men and to the prevention of the full advancement of women, and … violence against women is one of the crucial social mechanisms by which women are forced into a subordinate position compared with men’. The CPS is committed to securing justice for all victims of crimes grouped together as ‘VAWG’. To that end, we are inclusive in our approach. All our VAWG policies are applied fairly and equitably to all perpetrators and victims of crime – irrespective of their gender. Recognising that these offences can be targeted at male and transgender victims as well as female victims, the report includes total data on all perpetrators and victims, irrespective of gender. Where possible, data is broken down, in the body of the report, by gender as well as overall volumes and proportions. The report is an analysis of the key prosecution issues in each VAWG strand – domestic abuse (DA), stalking, harassment, rape, sexual offences, forced marriage, honour based violence, female genital mutilation, child abuse, human trafficking for sexual exploitation, prostitution and pornography. The data that forms the basis of the report is derived from the CPS’ Case Management System (CMS) and its associated Management Information System (MIS) which shows the number of defendants, offences and victims or witnesses. Domestic abuse, rape, forced marriage, honour-based violence, child abuse and human trafficking cases are identified by flags applied to defendants. Stalking, harassment, sexual offences, prostitution, pornography and obscenity data can only be provided using the offences data base.

Details: London: CPS, 2016. 114p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed December 15, 2016 at: http://www.cps.gov.uk/publications/docs/cps_vawg_report_2016.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.cps.gov.uk/publications/docs/cps_vawg_report_2016.pdf

Shelf Number: 146121

Child Abuse and Neglect
Crime Statistics
Domestic Violence
Forced Marriage
Honour-Based Violence
Human Trafficking
Sex Offenses
Violence Against Women, Girls

Author: Carrera, Sergio

Title: Irregular Migration, Trafficking and Smuggling of Human Beings: Policy Dilemmas in the EU

Summary: While the current migration and refugee crisis is the most severe that the world has known since the end of the Second World War (with over 60 million refugees worldwide, according to the UNHCR), it may turn into the norm, because the reasons to migrate keep on multiplying. These reasons range from long-lasting political crises, endemic civil wars, atrocities committed against ethnic or religious groups by extremist organisations to the lack of economic development prospects and climate change. The European Union has a duty to welcome some of these people – namely those who need international protection. With over a million irregular migrants crossing its external borders in 2015, the European Union has to engage in a deep reflection on the rationale underpinning its policies on irregular migration and migrant smuggling – and their effects. At such a strenuous time, the challenge before us is “to work closely together in a spirit of solidarity†while the “need to secure Europe’s borders†remains an imperative, to recall President Juncker’s words. Of particular relevance in this framework is the issue of migrant smuggling, or facilitation of irregular entry, stay or transit. Addressing migrant smuggling – located at the intersection of criminal law, which sanctions organised crime, the management of migration and the protection of the fundamental rights of irregular migrants – has become a pressing priority. But the prevention of and fight against migrant smuggling is a complex process, affected by contextual factors, including a high level of economic and social disparity between the EU and several third countries, difficult cooperation with source and transit countries and limited legal migration channels to the EU. In this framework, the European Commission tabled two agendas prioritising the fight against migrant smuggling. The European Agenda on Security, adopted in April 2015, and the European Agenda on Migration, presented in May 2015, both attach major importance to cooperation against the smuggling of migrants inside the EU and from third countries. Shortly afterwards, to operationalise these frameworks, the European Commission presented the EU Action Plan against Migrant Smuggling, in May 2015. It foresees a comprehensive, multidisciplinary response against migrant smuggling involving relevant stakeholders and institutions at all levels. The Action Plan covers all phases and types of migrant smuggling and all migratory routes, including the facilitation of secondary movement, unauthorised residence within the EU and the necessity to enforce return and readmission procedures. It endorses a comprehensive approach ranging from preventive action targeting potential migrants in countries of origin and transit to measures against smuggling rings operating along the migratory routes, while ensuring the full respect of the human rights of migrants. The implementation, involving different actors and organisations at local, regional, national and international levels, as well as EU agencies, is coordinated by the Commission. The Action Plan sets out both short-term and long-term objectives around four main priorities: reinforcing investigation and prosecution of smugglers; improved information gathering, sharing and analysis; better prevention of smuggling and assisting vulnerable migrants and enhancing cooperation with third countries. The Action Plan underlines the critical need to collect and share information on the modus operandi, routes and economic models of smuggling networks in order to understand the business model of criminal networks and design adequate responses. In this framework, full use should be made of the available risk analyses and monitoring of pre-frontier areas. The dissemination of information related to the external borders will be increased with the support of Eurosur, while further research on the phenomena and on the links with other crimes needs to be initiated. The relevant EU agencies must scale up their work on migrant smuggling. Their resources devoted to migrant smuggling have been increased substantially. Europol’s new European Migrant Smuggling Centre should become the EU information hub in the fight against migrant smuggling. The presence of both Europol and Frontex in the hotspots of frontline member states is crucial for gathering and processing information – and for launching investigations leading to prosecutions. Funded by the European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme for Research, the FIDUCIA project has promoted research on the role of trust-based policies in legal compliance in the field of migration, through the work done by the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) and a group of academics. The initiative aims to stimulate evidence-based policy-making and to bring fresh thinking to develop more effective policies. The European Commission welcomes the valuable contribution of this initiative to help close the wide gap in our knowledge about the smuggling of migrants, and especially the functioning of smuggling networks.

Details: Brussels: Centre for European Policy Studies, 2016. 112p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed December 19, 2016 at: https://www.ceps.eu/system/files/Irregular%20Migration,%20Trafficking%20and%20SmugglingwithCovers.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Europe

URL: https://www.ceps.eu/system/files/Irregular%20Migration,%20Trafficking%20and%20SmugglingwithCovers.pdf

Shelf Number: 147762

Border Security
Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Illegal Migration

Author: Milwaukee Homicide Review Commission

Title: Estimating the Number of Sex Trafficked Youth Using Contacts with the Milwaukee Police Department

Summary: The purpose of the study was to estimate the number of youth trafficked, create a demographic profile of trafficked youth, and obtain other descriptive information about the status of such youth at the time of contact with the Milwaukee Police Department (MPD). It includes an analysis of findings, potential research areas, and a discussion section on policy implications, particularly as they relate to BMCW services and processes and future research areas. For inclusion in the case review, the following case definitions were required: occurred in the City of Milwaukee with MPD contact between August 1, 2010 and August 1, 2012, individual was 17 years of age or younger, individual suspected or known to have been recruited, encouraged, or obtained for the purpose of a commercial sex act or sexually explicit performance as defined by Wisconsin statute. During the two year period, 77 youth were identified as having been sex trafficked. These youth were primarily African American girls (12-17 years) residing on the north side of Milwaukee. The majority of the youth were 16-17 (68% or 52 youth). Almost a third of the youth were 12-15 years old (32% or 25) at the time of the trafficking incident. Nearly 70% were reported missing to the Milwaukee Police Department at least once during their lifetime. Over a quarter of the youth (29%) had reports of sexual assaults, most of these with non-caregivers. In almost a third of a sample of 36 incident reports, the youth independently or together with family members, sought out police assistance to report the trafficking. Most of the youth with reported involved families were 16-17 years old. BMCW was mentioned just a few times in the selected police reports. Where BMCW was mentioned, referrals were being made to BMCW or police were responding to a call from BMCW. Several organizations were mentioned as having involvement with youth. These organizations included the Sexual Assault Treatment Center, Homme House, St. Rose Center, Legal Aid Society, and several schools. Examining the system-wide response to missing youth - particularly African American females - may be warranted given that almost 70% of the youth in this study had been reported missing at least once, some as often as 9 times. It may be important for all systems partners to review their BMCW referral and documentation policies.

Details: Milwaukee, WI: The Commission, 2013. 18p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed December 19, 2016 at: http://media.jrn.com/documents/TraffickingReport+May3+2013.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: United States

URL: http://media.jrn.com/documents/TraffickingReport+May3+2013.pdf

Shelf Number: 147754

Human Trafficking
Juvenile Sexual Exploitation
Sex Trafficking

Author: Small, Mark

Title: Identifying Potential Instances of Human Trafficking: Applying a Novel Template of Indicators to Narratives in Police Incident Reports

Summary: Human trafficking research is difficult. Even the most basic of tasks—that of identifying instances of human trafficking—proves challenging. At least two factors contribute to the problem of identification. The first considered here is that there is no reliable or complete database recording instances of human trafficking. We tackle this difficulty by examining an underused data source: officer narratives from police incident case reports. These are often overlooked in favor of the summary statistics drawn from them. The second factor that we consider is that there is no commonly-acknowledged methodology among stakeholders for identifying instances of human trafficking. In response, we survey the human trafficking literature to construct a novel template—named the Human Trafficking Identification Template. The template is comprised of indicators about the victim, the suspect, and the scene of the crime, which when applied to narratives of police incident reports, can suggest the presence of human trafficking. Our preliminary research applied this novel technique to the narratives of police incident case reports from Greenville County, South Carolina. After applying the Human Trafficking Identification Template, we determined that 9 of 42 examined prostitution cases and 4 of 22 kidnapping/abduction cases might warrant further investigation for additional (or alternative) human trafficking charges. Further investigation is necessary to confirm these cases, as well as to confirm that instances of human trafficking were not overlooked, yet this early research is a promising step toward identifying instances of human trafficking. Future research is necessary to refine the template to discover which indicators are pivotal to identifying instances of human trafficking. For the purpose of understanding human trafficking in South Carolina, we would also like to consider other jurisdictions in addition to Greenville County and to consider narratives included in other kinds of reports, such as those filed with victim service organizations.

Details: Clemson, SC: Clemson University, Institute on Family and Neighborhood Life, 2015. 21p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed December 20, 2016 at: http://www.scdps.gov/ohsjp/stats/SpecialReports/Human_Trafficking_Report_20150630_final.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: United States

URL: http://www.scdps.gov/ohsjp/stats/SpecialReports/Human_Trafficking_Report_20150630_final.pdf

Shelf Number: 147307

Human Trafficking

Author: Sahan Foundation

Title: Human Trafficking and Smuggling on the Horn of Africa-Central Mediterranean Route

Summary: As Europe struggles to manage its largest migrant crisis in more than half a century, attention has focused largely upon the refugee flows from Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan, where years of war and instability are driving the exodus. But in 2015, an estimated 154,000 migrants entered Europe via the Central Mediterranean Route – an increase of nearly 400% over the previous year, and more than 1,000% over 2012 – most of them from the Horn of Africa. By far the largest contingent of migrants – nearly 39,000 in 2015 – is from the sub-region's second smallest country: Eritrea. In contrast with the mass, largely uncontrolled movements of refugees from the Middle East, irregular migration from the Horn of Africa is dominated by highly integrated networks of transnational organised criminal groups. Coordinated by kingpins based chiefly in Libya and the Horn of Africa, these networks "recruit" their clients via schools, the Internet and word of mouth; they corrupt government officials to ensure seamless travel across borders; they collude with Libyan militias to secure safe passage across the desert to launching points on the southern shores of the Mediterranean; and they cast their human cargoes adrift at the limit of Libyan territorial waters in order to avoid interdiction and arrest by European security forces. Inception and Purpose of the Report Security has long been a shared preoccupation of countries of the region. The "revitalisation" of IGAD in 1996 expanded the organisation’s mandate to more directly address challenges of peace and stability in the sub-region, including, under Article 18(a), "effective collective measures to eliminate threats to regional cooperation, peace, and stability." In 2002, the states of the region signed the African Union Peace and Security Council (PSC) Protocol, which outlined the various components of a new African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA) built around structures, objectives, principles, and values, as well as decision-making processes relating to the prevention, management, and resolution of crises and conflicts, post-conflict reconstruction and development in the continent. In this context, in 2003, the IGAD Summit of Heads of State and Government endorsed a new strategy for Conflict Prevention, Management, and Resolution (CPMR), which was enlarged upon in October 2005 to develop an IGAD “Peace and Security Strategy†in line with APSA. Although the new strategy remained heavily focused on inter-state and intra-state conflict, it called for the enhancement of IGAD activities on countering emerging transnational security threats. IGAD, coming to terms with the expanding scope of regional security challenges, adopted a new Security Strategy in December 2010 and, in October 2011, launched the IGAD Security Sector Programme (ISSP), whose expanded mandate included counter-terrorism, transnational organised crime (TOC), maritime security, and security institutions' capacity-building.

Details: Sahan Foundation, 2016. 39p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed December 20, 2016 at: http://eritreanrefugees.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/IGAD-Sahan-2015-Trafficking-Report.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Africa

URL: http://eritreanrefugees.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/IGAD-Sahan-2015-Trafficking-Report.pdf

Shelf Number: 147783

Border Security
Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Maritime Crime
Maritime Security
Organized Crime

Author: Jacobsen, Karen

Title: Ransom, Collaborators, Corruption: Sinai Trafficking and Transnational Networks from Eritrea to Israel. A Case Study of the Eritrean Migration System

Summary: Each month thousands of men, women, and children flee Eritrea as a result of grave violations of human rights committed by the Eritrean government. Political oppression and religious persecution have led to the imprisonment or disappearance of thousands of citizens, as well as mass flight. Travelling via Sudan and Egypt, 36,000 Eritreans have made their way to Israel over the past six years. Most have gone through a well-organized network of people smugglers and human traffickers. Many initially contacted smugglers but were later deceived, held hostage for large ransoms, and physically abused. Others had no intention to come to Israel and were kidnapped in East Sudan to then be sold to Sinai traffickers who also abused them while they were held hostage for ransom. For the last two years, Israeli, Egyptian, and international human rights organizations have reported that increasing numbers of Eritreans have undergone severe torture and abuse while being held hostage for months at a time in the Sinai. Human rights organizations have documented the brutality of traffickers in the Sinai. Eritrean asylum seekers have testified to gang rape of men and women, whipping, and various methods of torture, including burial in the sand, electric shocks, hanging by one’s hands and legs, burning with hot-iron bars, and prolonged exposure to the sun. This paper seeks to expand our empirical knowledge by describing and analysing the processes and actors, including Eritrean families both in the diaspora and in Eritrea, involved in the transnational networks supporting and enabling the smuggling and trafficking of Eritreans through the Sinai to Israel. We focus only on the Sinai route, although migration from Eritrea also occurs south to other parts of Africa, west through Sudan to Libya, and east across the Red Sea. The Sinai route actors include smugglers from the Rishaida tribe in East Sudan, Sudanese and Egyptian authorities, Bedouin smugglers in Egypt, and Eritrean collaborators who work with the traffickers as intermediaries. It is likely that similar smuggling – and probably trafficking – networks also exist for these other migration routes.

Details: Somerville, MA: Feinstein International Center, Tufts University, 2013.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed December 20, 2016 at: http://fic.tufts.edu/assets/Ransom-Collaborate-Corrupt-8-12.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Africa

URL: http://fic.tufts.edu/assets/Ransom-Collaborate-Corrupt-8-12.pdf

Shelf Number: 147780

Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking

Author: Carling, Jorgen

Title: Beyond Definitions: Global migration and the smuggling–trafficking nexus

Summary: This discussion paper explores the rise of mixed, irregular migration with particular focus on the role of smuggling and trafficking in both facilitating that movement and influencing its impact. It explains the current migration context followed by a discussion and analysis of the smuggling-trafficking nexus. Emerging characteristics of irregular migration suggest that changing realities are challenging the limits of existing terminology and understanding around these activities. Current legal concepts and structures are struggling - and sometimes completely unable - to capture the complexity of what is happening. Migrants are facing increased risks in terms of greater vulnerability and less protection, not least through a shrinking of the asylum space. Understanding migrant smuggling and human trafficking as part of a wider phenomenon within classic economic dynamics of supply and demand is critical to developing migration policy that is not diverted by misuse of terminology and that maintains an appropriate focus on the rights of migrants and corresponding obligations of States. An understanding of how and why smuggling and trafficking occur also lays bare the costs to the modern liberal State of waging 'war' against an enemy that can only ever be defeated through the continuous deployment of massive force and denial of basic rights. The paper brings together the insights of three experts who have worked as practitioners and researchers on mixed migration, smuggling and trafficking within diverse geographical and disciplinary perspectives.

Details: Nairobi: Regional Mixed Migration Secretariat, 2015. 12p.

Source: Internet Resource: RMMS Discussion Paper, 2: Accessed December 21, 2016 at: http://file.prio.no/Publication_files/Prio/Carling%20et%20al%202015%20-%20Beyond%20definitions.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: International

URL: http://file.prio.no/Publication_files/Prio/Carling%20et%20al%202015%20-%20Beyond%20definitions.pdf

Shelf Number: 146007

Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking

Author: United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime

Title: Global Report on Trafficking in Persons: 2016

Summary: The 2016 UNODC Global Report on Trafficking in Persons is the third of its kind mandated by the General Assembly through the 2010 United Nations Global Plan of Action to Combat Trafficking in Persons. It covers 136 countries and provides an overview of patterns and flows of trafficking in persons at global, regional and national levels, based primarily on trafficking cases detected between 2012 and 2014. As UNODC has been systematically collecting data on trafficking in persons for more than a decade, trend information is presented for a broad range of indicators. The thematic chapter of the 2016 edition of the Global Report looks at how migrants and refugees can be vulnerable to trafficking in persons, en route or at destination. It also analyses the particular condition of people escaping war, conflict and persecution. Most countries have passed legislation that criminalizes trafficking in persons as a specific offence; many have done so recently. The Global Report shows that there is a relation between how long a country has had proper trafficking legislation on its books, and how many convictions it reports. Countries with longer-standing legislation record, on average, more convictions. That said, the overall criminal justice response to trafficking in persons, which has historically been very weak, has not improved significantly.

Details: New York: UNODC, 2016. 126p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed December 23, 2016 at: http://www.unodc.org/documents/data-and-analysis/glotip/2016_Global_Report_on_Trafficking_in_Persons.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: International

URL: http://www.unodc.org/documents/data-and-analysis/glotip/2016_Global_Report_on_Trafficking_in_Persons.pdf

Shelf Number: 144837

Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Illegal Immigration

Author: Innocenti Insight

Title: Child Trafficking in Europe: A Broad Vision to Put Children First

Summary: The UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre Insight entitled Child Trafficking in Europe: A broad vision to put children first examines how the European region is responding to child trafficking. It assesses the legal, policy and implementation frameworks in place to address this phenomenon, which affects the lives of untold numbers of children and families in the region and beyond. Children are trafficked within and across borders in Europe. They are trafficked into hazardous labour, sexual exploitation, domestic servitude, begging, criminal activities – including petty crime – and other exploitative situations. Many children suffer profound and sometimes permanent damage. Child trafficking is a serious violation of human rights that threatens children’s survival and development. It denies children their fundamental rights, including the right to education, health and protection from exploitation and abuse. This report adheres to the international definition of trafficking in human beings and child trafficking, as provided by the UN Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Human Beings, Especially Women and Children (the 'Palermo Protocol'). This study covers 51 countries/entities in Western and Eastern Europe and Central Asia (see Annex, page 47). It investigates the complexity of child trafficking from its origin to destination and maps trafficking patterns as well as targeted law and policy responses in the wide European region. The report addresses child trafficking in the framework of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and focuses on prevention, protection and empowerment. It promotes a child-centred approach that encourages child participation and ensures that children’s views are taken into account for more effective prevention of all forms of child exploitation and abuse. What emerges in the study is a sense of the complexity and dynamics of child trafficking and an understanding that no country or region is immune. The study highlights a number of concrete measures taken by European governments that show that increasing attention is being paid to the special situation and vulnerability of children affected by trafficking. At the same time, the study makes clear that although potentially influential international standards have been adopted, the extent to which such instruments and initiatives have actually been implemented across Europe or used to frame policies and actions is varied, inconsistent and uncoordinated. Some countries have not yet ratified important legal instruments, thus compromising the effectiveness of child protection. Trafficking in human beings is often considered in the broader context of controlling irregular migration, organized crime and sexual exploitation, and insufficient attention is paid specifically to preventing child trafficking and ensuring the rights of affected children. The Insight illustrates that a child-centred strategy to address child trafficking is long overdue. This strategy must place children's rights at the centre of international, regional and national policies and initiatives. It must focus on the prevention of exploitation and abuse of children, as well as on the protection and empowerment of all vulnerable children and child victims. The strategy has to acknowledge children’s evolving capacity for engagement and their right to be heard and to have their views taken into account in all matters concerning them. Child Trafficking in Europe is part of a broader UNICEF IRC research initiative on child trafficking. It follows an earlier analysis of the situation in Africa, including a review of law and policy responses. UNICEF IRC research on child trafficking is also focusing on South Asia. Future research will enhance a global perspective on child trafficking. It will investigate the links to other complex child protection issues, such as the rights of children who move or migrate on their own. The UNICEF IRC Insight also builds on studies completed by the UNICEF Regional Office for Central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CEE/CIS). In fact, UNICEF IRC research findings substantiate many conclusions from that region, and confirm their relevance and validity for the wider European region, including within the European Union and other Western European countries.

Details: Florence, Italy: UNICEF, UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre, 2008. 68p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 28, 2017 at: https://www.unicef-irc.org/publications/pdf/ct_in_europe_full.pdf

Year: 2008

Country: Europe

URL: https://www.unicef-irc.org/publications/pdf/ct_in_europe_full.pdf

Shelf Number: 147291

Child Protection
Child Trafficking
Human Trafficking

Author: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)

Title: Anti-trafficking response in Republic of Azerbaijan: assistance and services available to victims of trafficking and forced labour. Needs Assessment Report

Summary: The Office's assessment includes the review and analysis of the assistance and services available to victims of trafficking and forced labour in Azerbaijan, with the objectives of identifying gaps and obstacles preventing provision of effective assistance to victims, and of seeking opportunities for improving these aspects of assistance. The review of legislation and practices included housing, social, medical, psychosocial, legal, physical safety and protection, and reintegration assistance services available in Baku, the capital city of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Details: Baku: OSCE Office in Baku, 2012. 52.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 3, 2017 at: http://www.osce.org/baku/105274?download=true

Year: 2012

Country: Azerbaijan

URL: http://www.osce.org/baku/105274?download=true

Shelf Number: 146274

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Victims of Trafficking

Author: GRETA (Group of Experts on Action Against Trafficking in Human Beings

Title: Report concerning the implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on Act. Second Evaluation Round

Summary: According to data collected by the National Crime Agency (NCA), the number of referrals of possible victims of trafficking to the National Referral Mechanism (NRM) was, respectively, 1 186 in 2012, 1 746 in 2013, 2 340 in 2014, and 3 266 in 2015.5 Out of the total number of referrals over the period 2012-2015, 60% were female, with an upward trend in the proportion of male referrals over the years (thus in 2015, there were 1 744 female and 1 518 male referrals). The number of child victims referred to the NRM has also been on the increase: from 371 in 2012 to 982 in 2015 (29% of all referrals during the period 2012-2015). Sexual exploitation was the most frequently referred type during the reporting period (36% of all referrals), followed by labour exploitation (35% of the referrals), which also includes as a subcategory the exploitation of criminal activities, and domestic servitude (13% of the referrals). Further, there were eight referrals of possible victims of trafficking for the purpose of organ harvesting during the reporting period. The type of exploitation was unknown in the remaining cases. Statistics indicate an upward trend in the proportion of referrals of victims of trafficking for the purpose of labour exploitation, which in 2015 was the most prominent type of exploitation recorded for both adult and child victims. Possible victims of trafficking were reported to originate from some 100 different countries. Albania, Vietnam and Nigeria were the most common countries of origin of the possible victims referred. Other main countries of origin were Romania, Poland, the Slovak Republic and Sudan. The number of UK nationals referred as possible victims over the period 2012 to 2015 was 451; the majority of them were children trafficked for the purpose of sexual exploitation within the UK. As regards the number of persons actually recognised as victims of trafficking (i.e. given positive conclusive decisions after referral to the NRM), it was 819 in 2013 (46.9% of all referrals), 834 in 2014 (35.6% of the referrals) and 674 in 2015 (20.6% of the referrals). The number of negative decisions was, respectively, 776 in 2013 (44.5% of all referrals), 924 in 2014 (39.5% of the referrals) and 768 in 2015 (23.5% of the referrals). The remainder of the cases were pending decisions, suspended cases and cases withdrawn from process.6 GRETA notes that trends in the percentages of positive and negative conclusive decisions are strongly influenced by the proportion of pending cases. The UK authorities have indicated that the quarterly NRM statistics that are published on the National Crime Agency website will include an update of the decision status of the 2015 NRM statistics. GRETA notes that according to a 2014 estimate of the Home Office, based on Multiple Systems Estimation and using the different sources of data collected by the NCA, there are between 10 000 and 13 000 persons who would upon detection be referred into the NRM (possible victims of modern slavery) in the UK. The proportion of those who are referred into the NRM is small but constantly growing, as illustrated by the above-mentioned figures.

Details: Strasbourg Cedex, France: Council of Europe, 2016. 121p.

Source: Internet Resource: GRETA(2016)21: Second Evaluation Round: Accessed February 4, 2017 at: http://www.ecpat.org.uk/sites/default/files/greta_2016_21_fgr_uk_en_final.docx_.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.ecpat.org.uk/sites/default/files/greta_2016_21_fgr_uk_en_final.docx_.pdf

Shelf Number: 145996

Child Sexual Exploitation
Child Trafficking
Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Modern Slavery
Sexual Exploitation

Author: GRETA (Group of Experts on Action Against Trafficking in Human Beings

Title: Report concerning the implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings by the Republic of Moldova

Summary: The first evaluation of the implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings ("the Convention") by the Republic of Moldova took place in 2010-2011. Following the receipt of the Republic of Moldova's reply to GRETA's first questionnaire on 3 September 2010, a country evaluation visit was organised from 10 to 13 May 2011. The draft report on the Republic of Moldova was examined at GRETA's 11th meeting (20-23 September 2011) and the final report was adopted at GRETA's 12th meeting (6-9 December 2011). Following the receipt of the Moldovan authorities' comments, GRETA's final report was published on 22 February 2012. In its first report, GRETA welcomed the efforts made to develop the institutional and legal framework for combating trafficking in human beings (THB), including the putting into place of a National Referral System for identification, assistance and protection of victims and potential victims of trafficking. GRETA commended the measures taken to raise public awareness, but urged the authorities to strengthen the aspect of prevention through economic and social empowerment measures for groups vulnerable to THB. Further, GRETA urged the authorities to take further measures to identify victims of trafficking, paying particular attention to vulnerable groups, such as women from socially disadvantaged families, women subjected to domestic violence, children left without parental care and children placed in state institutions. GRETA also underlined the importance of providing additional human and financial resources to the agencies involved in the provision of assistance measures to victims of trafficking. Moreover, GRETA urged the Moldovan authorities to set up a State compensation scheme accessible to victims of trafficking. As regards the application of criminal legislation, GRETA stressed that the investigations of trafficking offences should be improved to ensure that they lead to proportionate and dissuasive sanctions and that particular attention should be paid to cases of THB involving public officials. On the basis of GRETA's report, on 11 June 2012 the Committee of the Parties to the Convention adopted a recommendation to the Moldovan authorities, requesting them to report back on the measures taken to comply with this recommendation by 11 June 2014. The report submitted by the Moldovan authorities was considered at the 14th meeting of the Committee of the Parties (7 July 2014). The Committee of the Parties decided to transmit the authorities' report to GRETA for consideration and to make it public. On 3 September 2014, GRETA launched the second round of evaluation of the Convention in respect of the Republic of Moldova by sending the questionnaire for this round to the Moldovan authorities. The deadline for submitting the reply to the questionnaire was 3 February 2015. The Republic of Moldova submitted its reply on 11 February 2015. The Republic of Moldova remains mainly a country of origin of victims of THB, some of whom are exploited within the country. There are also indications that the Republic of Moldova is becoming a country of transit, without there being data that can illustrate this trend. According to official statistics, the number of identified victims of trafficking was 154 in 2011, 290 in 2012, 262 in 2013, 264 in 2014, and 310 in 2015. During the 2011-2015 period, 68% of the victims were female. Children represented 13% of the identified victims. From 2011 to 2014, only two foreign victims were identified, however, in 2015 a group of 15 foreign children was identified. Trafficking in human beings for the purpose of sexual exploitation has remained the prevalent form of exploitation (45% of the identified victims in 2015), but the number of identified victims of THB for the purpose of labour exploitation has been on the rise (44% of all identified victims in 2015, compared to 29% in 2011) and almost equalled that of victims of THB for sexual exploitation. Further, there has been an increase in the number of persons trafficked for the purpose of forced begging (9% in 2015). In 2014, the first four cases of THB for the purpose of forced criminality appeared in the official statistics. There were 30 victims of internal trafficking in 2011, 25 in 2012, 34 in 2013, 33 in 2014, and 97 in 2015. Internal THB cases represented 17% of all cases in the period 2011-2015, mostly for the purpose of sexual exploitation. The main countries of destination of people trafficked from the Republic of Moldova have been the Russian Federation, Turkey, the northern part of Cyprus, and the United Arab Emirates. In 2014, the majority of the Moldovan victims (134) were trafficked to the Russian Federation. Certain EU countries (e.g. the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland, Romania and Spain) have emerged as countries of destination for Moldovan victims of trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation, following the visa regime liberalisation with the Schengen area in 2014.

Details: Brussels: Council of Europe, 2016. 52p.

Source: Internet Resource: Second Evaluation Round: GRETA(2016)9: Accessed February 4, 2017 at: http://antitrafic.gov.md/public/files/GRETA_2016_eng.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Moldova

URL: http://antitrafic.gov.md/public/files/GRETA_2016_eng.pdf

Shelf Number: 145885

Child Sexual Exploitation
Child Trafficking
Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Modern Slavery
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Bakker, Anne

Title: At the Gate: Civil and military protection of Europe's Borders

Summary: The migratory pressures on Europe's borders present the EU with an enormous challenge to get its act together. While the objectives and mandates of internal and external security actors increasingly overlap, these actors often still live in separated worlds. This Policy Brief analyses how the EU’s border security can be strengthened through a more joined-up approach between internal and external security actors. Furthermore, it looks into how civil-military connectivity in border security can be changed from the existing ad hoc nature to more structural cooperation. Despite the EU deal with Turkey in early 2016, the migration pressure on Europe's borders persists. The Syrian war lingers on, while instability and conflicts in Northern Africa continue to offer human traffickers ample opportunities to conduct their dirty business. Many politicians earmarked 2016 as the political breakthrough year in halting massive migration flows to Europe. Stepping up the protection of Europe's borders can certainly help to better manage migration flows. Yet, gatekeeping alone will not solve the problem. Cooperations agreements have been signed, but further steps are needed to translate this into action. With so many actors involved in mapping the routes and modus operandi of smugglers, sharing information is crucial to ensure the complementarity of action and to avoid any duplication of efforts. This also requires an increase in civil-military cooperation concerning capablities.

Details: The Hague: Clingendael, 2017. 10p.

Source: Internet Resource: Policy Brief: Accessed February 15, 2017 at: https://www.clingendael.nl/sites/default/files/PB_At_%20the_%20gate.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: Europe

URL: https://www.clingendael.nl/sites/default/files/PB_At_%20the_%20gate.pdf

Shelf Number: 145397

Border Security
Human Trafficking
Illegal Migrants

Author: Implementation Agency for Crime and Security (IMPACS)

Title: CARICOM Crime and Security Strategy 2013: Securing the Region

Summary: I. The ideals of the CARICOM integration movement and the pillars of its foundation can only be realised in a safe and secure Community. The CARICOM Crime and Security Strategy (CCSS) constitutes an historic and defining moment for the Community in clearly articulating its security interests within the wider context of the shifting balance of global geopolitical power, increasing market competitiveness, public debt financing and profound economic uncertainties, threats of climate change and scarcity of key resources.This current situation is further exacerbated by profound influence of new technology and social media, the increasingly asymmetric nature of conflict, and the growing power of non-state actors, including transnational organized crime. II. The multidimensional and multifaceted nature of the risks and threats faced by CARICOM Member States are increasingly interconnected, cross-cutting, network-centric and transnational. The repercussions of emerging threats now propagate rapidly around the world, so that events in any part of the world are now far more likely to have immediate consequences for the Caribbean region. This rapidly - evolving set of security scenarios - and the absence of a common analysis of the risks and threats that affect CARICOM Member States - make this Strategy vitally necessary. III. The Council of Ministers Responsible for National Security and Law Enforcement (CONSLE) at its 5th Meeting mandated the CARICOM Implementation Agency for Crime and Security (IMPACS) to develop a "Regional Crime and Security Strategy" (hereafter called the CARICOM Crime and Security Strategy). IV. The Strategy is guided by the principles and values of democratic choice, freedom, justice, prosperity, respect for territorial integrity, respect for and promotion of human rights and good governance all of which reflect the deepest convictions of the Community. V. The goal of the CARICOM Crime and Security Strategy is to significantly improve citizen security by creating a safe, just and free Community, while simultaneously improving the economic viability of the Region. VI. The Strategy identifies and prioritises the common security risks and threats which CARICOM is facing now, and likely to face in the future. It articulates an integrated and cohesive security framework to confront these challenges,and will therefore guide the coordinated internal and external crime and security policies adopted by CARICOM Member States, under their respective legal frameworks to the fullest extent. VII. The risks and threats identified in the CARICOM Crime and Security Strategy are prioritised into four (4) Tiers: • Tier 1 -Immediate Significant Threats. These are high-probability, high-impact events. They are the currentand present dangers. • Tier 2 - Substantial Threats. These are both likely and high-impact, but are not as severe as Tier 1 Threats. • Tier 3 - Significant Potential Risks. These are high-impact, but low-probability. • Tier 4 - Future Risks. These are threats where the probability and impact cannot be assessed at this stage. VIII. Tier 1 Threats consist of the mutually-reinforcing relationship between transnational organised criminal activities involving illicit drugs and illegal guns; gangs and organised crime; cyber-crime; financial crimes and corruption. Tier 1 Threats are the main drivers of current criminality levels, and has the potential to cripple the already fragile socio-economic developmental progress in CARICOM and the advancement of CSME. Tier 1 Threats are the Immediate Significant Threats to the Community and are primarily responsible for the Caribbean having one of the highest homicide rates in the world -30 people killed for every 100,000 inhabitants; (compared to a world average of 5). IX. The criminality perpetuated by the Tier 1 Threats is driven by the desire and pursuit of profit, power and prestige. The criminals are supported by the facilitatorswhich consist of unscrupulous and corrupt professionals within key sectors of the economy such as the financial, legal, justice, law enforcement and security, public officials and even government officialswho help them to secure and conceal their assets. X. Organised crime depends on the facilitators of criminality. It is the facilitators who operate both in the licit and illicit world who shield organised crime and allow it to flourish. There are also a range of social factors that enable and support this criminality, including large economic disparities, poverty, the rising cost of living, social exclusion and marginalisation, unemployment and multiple governance failures. XI. Tier 2 Threats are Substantial Threats to the Region. They include human trafficking and smuggling, natural disasters and public disorder crimes. XII. Tier 3 Risks consist of Significant Potential Risks and include attacks on critical infrastructure and terrorism. XIII. Tier 4 Risks consist of Future Risks, with unknown probabilities and consequences. They include climate change, pandemics and migratory pressure.

Details: Washington, DC: U.S. State Department, 2013. 63p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 17, 2017 at: https://www.state.gov/documents/organization/210844.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Caribbean

URL: https://www.state.gov/documents/organization/210844.pdf

Shelf Number: 146969

Financial Crimes
Human Trafficking
Illegal Guns
Illicit Drugs
Organized Crime
Public Disorder

Author: Lopez Guevara, Estefania

Title: Babies Trafficking Networks in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Nigeria

Summary: This document is the Social Network Analysis applied to criminal structures involved in the market of child trafficking operating across various African countries. Besides presenting an explanation of the methodology applied for modeling the criminal network, the document includes a description of the operations carried out in the child trafficking market, and the main actors involved. It also presents the sources and cases that were modeled and analyzed, as well as the main characteristics of the specific criminal networks.

Details: Bogota, Colombia: Vortex Foundation, 2017. 29p.

Source: Internet Resource: http://media.wix.com/ugd/522e46_2b050e7ae37a4723a34f4535fcc79485.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: Africa

URL: http://media.wix.com/ugd/522e46_2b050e7ae37a4723a34f4535fcc79485.pdf

Shelf Number: 141219

Child Trafficking
Criminal Networks
Human Trafficking
Social network Analysis

Author: Lopez Guevara, Estefania

Title: Introduction to Trafficking and Laundering of Children

Summary: Trafficking in human beings is generally referred to as the 21st century's slavery, and it has been asserted that human trafficking is more common now than at any time in history (Snyman, 2005). The Global Report on Trafficking in Persons, published by the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in November 2014, found victims from 152 nationalities in 124 countries. Additionally, in some regions child trafficking is a major concern; for instance, in Africa and the Middle East children constitute 62 per cent of detected trafficked victims (UNODC, 2014). Currently, children are trafficked for prostitution, forced labor and early marriage: "In African countries, the poverty existing in households, the absence of social protection, the high profits earned by traffickers, and the low conviction rates for offences against the traffic, have caused child trafficking to persist" (Mbakogu, 2014). In 2006, the Trafficking in Persons Report published by the U.S. Department of State revealed that human trafficking is the third market generating profits for organized crime, behind only drugs and guns trafficking. It is estimated that an amount close to USD $9.5 billion is generated annually through trafficking. Bearing in mind the relevance of this criminal market, this document is an introduction to the humans trafficking market, providing an overview of this contemporary trafficking. Additionally, attention is focused on the specific trafficking of children happening in the African countries of Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Nigeria, Benin, Cameroon and Ethiopia.

Details: Bogota, Colombia: Vortex Foundation, 2017. 18p.

Source: Internet Resource: The Global Observatory of Transnational Criminal Networks Research Paper No. 6. VORTEX Working Papers No. 20: Accessed February 28, 2017 at: http://media.wix.com/ugd/522e46_f3c830fccdbe49409089792bd2299f18.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: International

URL: http://media.wix.com/ugd/522e46_f3c830fccdbe49409089792bd2299f18.pdf

Shelf Number: 141252

Child Prostitution
Child Sex Trafficking
Child Trafficking
Human Trafficking

Author: Follmar-Otto, Petra

Title: Human trafficking in Germany; strengthening victim's human rights

Summary: The previously marginalised phenomenon of human trafficking became a mainstream political issue more than ten years ago. Human trafficking is not only perceived as a severe form of transnational organised crime but is also denounced as a human rights violation. Many international, regional, and national initiatives and programmes have been created. The 2000 UN Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons and the 2005 Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings are specialised legal instruments that have led to legal changes at the regional and national levels. In spite of these developments, human trafficking remains one of the most urgent human rights issues for Germany and other industrialised countries: first – in spite of the necessary scepticism about the data on human trafficking – there is every indication that the extent of human trafficking in Europe and worldwide remains very high. Second, victim's rights have made only marginal progress in spite of the attention human trafficking receives in Germany: the vast majority of trafficked persons are not identified as victims of human trafficking. In practice, even those who are so identified cannot assert rights to (temporary) residence, safe accommodation, material and psychosocial assistance, and remuneration and compensation unless they agree to appear as witnesses in criminal proceedings. Trafficked persons are not perceived as legal subjects, and there is a lack of legal clarity and legal certainty. Third, the prevention of human trafficking is not integrated into a way of organising (labour) migration that is generally oriented to human rights and aims to ensure that regular and irregular migrants never end up in situations of exploitation that are similar to slavery. Announcements are often made to the public that enough has been said about human trafficking and that it is now time to act. This is certainly right – but, given the steps that have already been taken, it is also necessary to review the underlying concepts and the effects that actions taken against human trafficking can have on human rights. Trafficked persons are caught in the competing political interests of fighting crime, migration policies, and human rights. In many countries, including Germany, actions that are taken and reforms of the law still emphasise criminal prosecution. A full human rights approach has not yet been developed. The specific international instruments on human trafficking are still far from covering all obligations under the core human rights treaties, such as the UN Covenant on Civil and Political Rights or the UN Convention for the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). Measures against human trafficking can even lead to violations of the human rights of trafficked persons (or people who could potentially be trafficked) or other groups, such as migrants or sex workers. In some contexts, combating human trafficking is also used as a pretext for introducing restrictive and repressive measures into migration or security policies or the regulation of sex work. This study is therefore intended to contribute to the analysis of policies against human trafficking from the viewpoint of human rights. In the public debate there is often uncertainty about how to describe this phenomenon, which makes it difficult to take effective, appropriate action against human trafficking. This study therefore begins with definitions, explains the necessary distinctions, and provides data and facts about human trafficking (section 2). The third section covers the causes of human trafficking and the various approaches to combating it and describes the status quo in Germany. The fourth section discusses in greater detail how the prohibition of human trafficking and the resulting state obligations are anchored in human rights. The more recent specialised international agreements on human trafficking and law-making in the European Union are then presented (section 5). The emphasis is on the Council of Europe Convention, which professes to treat human trafficking in a human rights context. The final chapter summarizes elements of a human rights approach against human trafficking and makes recommendations for further development of policies. This study concentrates on trafficking in adults. Women, who make up the vast majority of the trafficked persons in Europe, are in the forefront. The field of trafficking in children is not covered by this study. Where that issue is concerned, reference is made to a recently published study by the Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) of the European Union, which investigates the legal framework and measures against trafficking in children in the EU Member States.

Details: Berlin: German Institute for Human Rights, 2009. 96p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 28, 2017 at: http://www.stiftung-evz.de/fileadmin/user_upload/EVZ_Uploads/Publikationen/Studien/2009_study_human_trafficking_in_germany.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: Germany

URL: http://www.stiftung-evz.de/fileadmin/user_upload/EVZ_Uploads/Publikationen/Studien/2009_study_human_trafficking_in_germany.pdf

Shelf Number: 141254

Human Rights Abuses
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime
Victims of Trafficking

Author: Busch-Armendariz, Noel

Title: Human Trafficking by the Numbers: The Initial Benchmark of Prevalence and Economic Impact for Texas

Summary: Report from the Statewide Human Trafficking Mapping Project of Texas, a collaboration among the Institute on Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault (IDVSA) and the Bureau of Business Research at The University of Texas at Austin as well as Allies Against Slavery. The study found that there are more than 300,000 victims of human trafficking in Texas, including almost 79,000 minors and youth victims of sex trafficking and nearly 234,000 adult victims of labor trafficking. Minor and youth sex trafficking costs the state of Texas approximately $6.6 billion annually, and traffickers exploit approximately $600 million from victims of labor trafficking in Texas.

Details: Austin: University of Texas at Austin, School of Social Work, Institute on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault , 2016. 110p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 6, 2017 at: https://repositories.lib.utexas.edu/bitstream/handle/2152/44597/idvsa-2016-human-trafficking-by-the-numbers.pdf?sequence=2&isAllowed=y

Year: 2016

Country: United States

URL: https://repositories.lib.utexas.edu/bitstream/handle/2152/44597/idvsa-2016-human-trafficking-by-the-numbers.pdf?sequence=2&isAllowed=y

Shelf Number: 141349

Child Sex Trafficking
Costs of Crime
Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Modern Slavery
Sex Trafficking

Author: Focus on Labour Exploitation (FLEX)

Title: Improving the Identification and Support of Victims of Trafficking for Labour Exploitation in the EU

Summary: Human trafficking for the purpose of labour exploitation is a serious crime and a human rights violation. Despite its pervasiveness across Europe and its harmful effects on victims, limited attention has been paid to the identification and support of victims of trafficking for labour exploitation. The ProAct project (Pro-active Identification and Support of Victims of Trafficking for Labour Exploitation in the EU) seeks to address this by improving responses to trafficking for labour exploitation throughout the European Union. The conclusions and recommendations presented in this briefing are the result of a 2-year project combining both extensive research and practical experience components. This policy brief presents three key issues identified through the project: 1. the need for sustainable support and access to accommodation for victims of trafficking for labour exploitation; 2. the increasing conflation of labour inspection and immigration control and the need for more proactive and victim-centred identification efforts; 3. the lack of access to legal remedies for victims of trafficking for labour exploitation. This paper highlights the concerning position that, in many European countries current responses to trafficking fall short of international and European obligations, and that more needs to be done both to effectively prevent trafficking for labour exploitation, and to support and protect its victims from further victimization. It proposes a set of recommendations in order to ensure a sustainable and comprehensive approach to human trafficking for labour exploitation in the EU. It calls for the effective and full implementation of European obligations by Member States, and seeks to provide input to the post-2016 EU strategy on Trafficking in Human Beings.

Details: London: FLEX, 2016. 12p.

Source: Internet Resource: PRO-ACT Policy Paper: Accessed March 21, 2017 at: http://www.labourexploitation.org/sites/default/files/publications/PROACT%20Policy%20Paper.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.labourexploitation.org/sites/default/files/publications/PROACT%20Policy%20Paper.pdf

Shelf Number: 144523

Forced labor
Human Trafficking
Labor Exploitation
Trafficking for Labor Exploitation

Author: Polaris Project

Title: The Typology of Modern Slavery: Defining Sex and Labor Trafficking in the United States

Summary: For the last 15 years, people in the modern anti-trafficking field have struggled to identify and disrupt human trafficking networks in the United States. This movement to stop modern slavery has confronted many challenges, and one of the most significant has been the absence of data that shows how human trafficking operates. To eradicate human trafficking networks and help survivors, we must be able to identify and disrupt the manifestations of trafficking in our communities. From sex trafficking within escort services to labor trafficking of farmworkers, the ways humans are exploited differ greatly. Each type has unique strategies for recruiting and controlling victims, and concealing the crime. For years, we have been staring at an incomplete chess game, moving pieces without seeing hidden squares or fully understanding the power relationships between players. Many efforts to combat trafficking have generalized across too many types and created overly generic resources and responses. For example, if an anti-trafficking group is providing a training for hotels, generic "Human Trafficking 101" training is less effective than training that focuses on the types of trafficking that actually use hotels as part of their business model. With The Typology of Modern Slavery, our blurry understanding of the scope of the crime is now coming into sharper focus. Polaris analyzed more than 32,000 cases of human trafficking documented between December 2007 and December 2016 through its operation of the National Human Trafficking Hotline and BeFree Textline. This is the largest data set on human trafficking in the United States ever compiled and publically analyzed.

Details: Washington, DC: Polaris Project, 2017. 80p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 29, 2017 at: https://polarisproject.org/sites/default/files/Polaris-Typology-of-Modern-Slavery.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: United States

URL: https://polarisproject.org/sites/default/files/Polaris-Typology-of-Modern-Slavery.pdf

Shelf Number: 144631

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Modern Slavery
Sex Trafficking

Author: U.S. Government Accountability Office

Title: Human Trafficking: Action Needed to Identify the Number of Native American Victims Receiving Federally-funded Services

Summary: All four federal agencies that investigate or prosecute human trafficking in Indian country-the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and the U.S. Attorneys' Offices (USAO) 0 are required to record in their case management systems whether a human trafficking offense was involved in the case. With the exception of ICE, these agencies are also required to record in their case management systems whether the crime took place in Indian country. ICE officials explained that the agency does not record this information because, unlike BIA and the FBI, ICE is not generally involved in criminal investigations in Indian country. Typically, ICE would only conduct an investigation in Indian country if specifically invited by a tribe to do so. Further, with the exception of BIA, these agencies do not require their agents or attorneys to collect or record Native American status of victims in their cases due to concerns about victim privacy and lack of relevance of the victim's race to the substance of the investigation or prosecution. The Departments of Justice (DOJ), Health and Human Services (HHS), and Homeland Security (DHS) administered at least 50 grant programs from fiscal years 2013 through 2016 that could help address Native American human trafficking. For example, 21 of these grant programs, which were administered by DOJ and HHS, could be used to provide services to Native American human trafficking victims. However, the total number of Native American victims who received services under these grant programs is unknown. HHS is developing a data collection tool that grantees can use to report information on human trafficking victims served, including Native American status of victims. DOJ's Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) requires grantees to report Native American status of victims served, but not by type of crime. DOJ's Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) and the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) do not require grantees to collect and report Native American status of victims served. However, in fiscal year 2017, OVC began providing recipients of human trafficking - specific grant programs the option to report the race or Native American status of victims served. While Native American status may not generally be a factor for determining whether a victim can receive services, it may be a factor for determining how best to assist this particular demographic. According to the 2013-2017 Federal Strategic Action Plan on Services for Victims of Human Trafficking in the United States, expanding human trafficking data collection and research efforts for Native Americans and other vulnerable populations is an area for improvement for the federal government. Additionally, Standards for Internal Control in the Federal Government states that quality information should be used to achieve objectives based on relevant data from reliable sources. Without collecting data on the Native American status of victims served, federal agencies will not know the extent to which they are achieving government-wide strategic goals to provide and improve services to vulnerable populations, including Native American human trafficking victims. Why GAO Did This Study Human trafficking-the exploitation of a person typically through force, fraud, or coercion for such purposes as forced labor, involuntary servitude or commercial sex-is occurring in the United States. Traffickers seek out persons perceived to be vulnerable. Native Americans (i.e., American Indians or Alaska Natives) are considered to be a vulnerable population. DOJ, DHS, and the Department of the Interior investigate human trafficking crimes. Primarily, DOJ and HHS provide grants to fund victim services. GAO was asked to examine Native American human trafficking. This report focuses on federal efforts to address human trafficking, including the extent to which (1) agencies collect and maintain data on investigations and prosecutions of human trafficking in Indian country or of Native Americans regardless of location and (2) federal grant programs are available to help address such trafficking, and how many Native American trafficking victims have received assistance through these programs. GAO reviewed human trafficking investigation and prosecution data from fiscal years 2013 to 2016; reviewed solicitations for human trafficking-related grant programs; and interviewed grant program officials. What GAO Recommends GAO recommends that DOJ require its grantees to report the number of human trafficking victims served and, as appropriate, the Native American status of those victims. DOJ partially concurred with the recommendation. GAO clarified the recommendation and maintains action is needed.

Details: Washington, DC: GAO, 2017. 56p.

Source: Internet Resource: GAO-17-325: Accessed April 8, 2017 at: http://www.gao.gov/assets/690/683805.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: United States

URL: http://www.gao.gov/assets/690/683805.pdf

Shelf Number: 144752

American Indians
Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Native Americans
Sexual Exploitation
Victims of Human Trafficking
Violence Against Women

Author: Correa-Cabrera, Guadalupe

Title: Trafficking in Persons Along Mexico's Eastern Migration Routes: The Role of Transnational Criminal Organizations

Summary: The aim of this research is to understand the role of transnational organized crime in human trafficking along Mexico's eastern migration routes, from Central America to Mexico's northeastern border. In this region, drug traffickers are smuggling and trafficking unauthorized migrants in order to diversify their revenue streams. This project analyzes the new role of Central American gangs and Mexican -origin drug trafficking organizations--now known as transnational criminal organizations (TCOs) - in the trafficking of persons from Central America to Mexico's northeastern border.

Details: Washington, DC: Wilson Center, Latin American Program, 2017. 14p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 11, 2017 at: https://www.wilsoncenter.org/sites/default/files/final.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: Mexico

URL: https://www.wilsoncenter.org/sites/default/files/final.pdf

Shelf Number: 144799

Criminal Networks
Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Illegal Immigrants
Organized Crime

Author: Frontex

Title: Risk Analysis for 2017

Summary: Risk analysis is the starting point for all Frontex activities, from high level strategic decision-making to planning and implementation of operational activities. Frontex collects a wide range of data from Member States, EU bodies, its partner countries and organisations, as well as from open sources on the situation at and beyond Europe's borders. The data is analysed with the aim of creating a picture of the situation at the EU's external borders and the key factors influencing and driving it. Beyond establishing trends and identifying risks, Frontex also provides advice on appropriate operational responses to various challenges, including cross-border crime, at the EU external borders. This helps optimise the use of available resources and maximise the effectiveness of actions taken. The agency's risk analysis is used to advise high level decision-making as well for daily coordination of joint operations. In 2016, a drop in detections reported at the external borders with Turkey and Western Balkan countries led to an overall decrease in detections of illegal border-crossing at EU level. However, with over half a million detections (511 371), the figure is still significantly higher than any yearly total between 2010 (104 060) and 2014 (282 933). This means that the pressure on the external borders of the EU remained exceptionally high in 2016. The migratory pressure at the EU's external borders with Turkey has been easing since October 2015. An important factor in this regard is the EU-Turkey statement, which came into force in March 2016, in which Turkey agreed to secure its maritime and land borders and accept the return of irregular migrants from Greece. The statement has largely removed the incentive for migrants to take irregular migration routes to Greece and has undermined the business model of people-smuggling networks. Several measures introduced to prevent illegal border-crossing along the Western Balkan route have also discouraged many irregular migrants from making the dangerous sea crossing to the Greek Eastern Aegean Islands. Nevertheless, Greek Hotspots saw several riots last year resulting in injuries and material damage. Similar security problems and overcrowding in Bulgaria reflected persistent tensions in reception facilities and the precarious situation of migrants and refugees. Never before had detections been so high in the Central Mediterranean area, with 181 459 in 2016, which is 18% more than in 2015. For the third consecutive year, detections in the Central Mediterranean Sea have exceeded 100 000. At the same time, IOM data show that the number of deaths and missing persons – a rough estimate due to the absence of passenger lists and the few bodies actually recovered – increased from 3 175 in 2015 to over 4 500 in 2016. The increase in fatalities occurred despite enhanced operational efforts and the fact that most rescue operations took place close to, or sometimes within, Libyan territorial waters. A staggering 96% of newly-arrived migrants interviewed in the Central Mediterranean region stated that they had used the services of smuggling networks to illegally enter the EU. This suggests that irregular migration via Libya is entirely dependent on the services of the smuggling networks. Therefore, any activity that would disrupt or deter these groups could significantly curb the flow of irregular migrants into the EU. The increasing number of vulnerable persons moving through the Central Mediterranean, in particular Nigerian women, makes it very clear that effective detection of people trafficked for sexual exploitation, forced labour and other purposes remains a major challenge for border authorities. The establishment of Hotspots in southern Italy helped to considerably improve the registration of new arrivals. However, many arriving migrants were also disembarked outside Hotspot areas, which undermined the uniform application of registration rules. Moreover, after having been registered in the Hotspots, many migrants simply left the reception centres without notification or proper documentation. It should be stressed that movement of people without proper documentation within the EU carries serious implications for internal security. As in the case of the Central Mediterranean, never before had detections on the Western Mediterranean route been as high as in 2016, with more than 10 000 detections. This is 46% more than in 2015 on the same route, and 21% more than in 2011, the previous record-breaking year. As in the Central Mediterranean, most migrants were from Africa, which indicates the growing pressure of illegal immigration from this continent towards the EU.

Details: Warsaw, Poland: Frontex, 2017. 64p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 6, 2017 at: http://frontex.europa.eu/assets/Publications/Risk_Analysis/Annual_Risk_Analysis_2017.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: Europe

URL: http://frontex.europa.eu/assets/Publications/Risk_Analysis/Annual_Risk_Analysis_2017.pdf

Shelf Number: 145346

Asylum Seekers
Border Patrol
Border Security
Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Illegal Migrants
Irregular Migrants
Risk Analysis

Author: Martin, Lauren

Title: Early Intervention to Avoid Sex Trading and Trafficking of Minnesota's Female Youth: A Benefit-Cost Analysis: Full Report

Summary: We provide analysis of an innovative policy to reduce social harms from sex trading among female youth, including adolescents (e.g. survival sex, prostitution, sex trafficking). The policy consists of early intervention efforts with adolescent females to prevent and dissuade them from sex trading. Our framework treats the program as an investment project and calculates its net present value, where the benefits are understood to be harms avoided by successfully reducing the extent of sex trading. We approach the analysis from the narrow perspective of the public budget. That is, both the cost of the program and the specific harms from sex trading are evaluated in terms of the burden they impose on a community's government expenditures. We do not examine the full social costs of sex trading. Our valuation of harms is a conservative estimate based on available social science data. We conduct sensitivity analysis with respect to key model parameters such as program effectiveness, discount rate and other model parameters. The program returns positive Net Present Value in all but the most pessimistic scenarios, which we believe are highly unlikely to prevail. In our best estimate it returns $34 in benefit for each $1 in cost.

Details: Minneapolis: Minnesota Indian Women's Resource Center, 2012. 90p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 9, 2017 at: http://mnhttf.org/site/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Benefit-Cost-Study-Full.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: United States

URL: http://mnhttf.org/site/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Benefit-Cost-Study-Full.pdf

Shelf Number: 145360

Child Prostitution
Child Sex Trafficking
Cost-Benefit Analysis
Human trafficking
Sex Trafficking

Author: Lepp, Annalee

Title: 2010 Winter Games Analysis on Human Trafficking

Summary: Between February and August 2010, GAATW Canada researchers conducted a qualitative research project, funded by Public Safety Canada, on possible increases in transnational and domestic human trafficking in British Columbia in connection with the 2010 Vancouver Olympic and Paralympic Games. Research involved examining available data on the link between trafficking in persons and previous mega sporting events, analyzing media, online, and public discussions that focused on human trafficking prior to and during the Olympic Games, and conducting telephone, in-person, and e-mail interviews with 61 key informants, federal and provincial representatives, enforcement personnel, members of non-governmental organizations, as well as legal and human rights advocates. In the process of investigating the main research question, the research team also considered the dynamics of pre-Olympic anti-trafficking discourses and campaigns, what trafficking in persons prevention measures were implemented by governmental, enforcement, and non-governmental sectors and the reported effectiveness of those strategies, as well as the key recommendations that emerged from interview participants. The interview data provided contrary evidence about whether or not there were indications that human trafficking had occurred prior to and during the 2010 Olympic Games. Nonetheless, without out ruling the possibility that human trafficking for the purposes of labour and sexual exploitation might have evaded detection with the risk of domestic trafficking into the commercial sex sector specifically mentioned, the vast majority of informants across stakeholder sectors suggested that they had no specific knowledge of or that there was no concrete and verifiable evidence of trafficking in persons for the purposes of sexual or labour exploitation linked to the 2010 Olympic Games. In addition, as of the end of August 2010, no trafficking in persons cases connected to the event had reached the level of investigation. There was also no strong evidence of a significant spike in male demand for paid sexual services during the Olympic Games. In the absence of evidence-based research, which has systematically assessed the fan base of or measured male demand for paid sexual services during mega sporting events, it is unclear whether this was a feature unique to what some interviewees described as a more "family-oriented" event like the Winter Olympics or mega sporting events more generally. Available data suggests, however, that during presumably less "family-centred" international sporting events like the 2006 and 2010 FIFA World Cups, the anticipated or forecasted level of demand did not materialize. The key recommendations that emerged from the interview data included the following: - Examine the histories of and the lessons learned from previous international sporting events as well as the policies and practices implemented by other host nations/regions. This would include an analysis of the anticipated fan base. - Engage in an early assessment of the risk of human trafficking in the host country/region/city using an evidence-based approach, and develop appropriate prevention strategies accordingly. Labour trafficking should receive equivalent attention to trafficking in persons for the purpose of sexual exploitation, and prevention initiatives, including guiding principles for employers, should be initiated during the infrastructure and venue construction phase. - Establish mechanisms based on a consistent definitional methodology to track trafficking in persons information, data, and measurements, and conduct data collection prior, during, and after the event. - Strategic planning and implementation should include the development of a clearly defined human trafficking prevention plan with milestones and benchmarks, the fostering of partnerships, networks, coordination, and information sharing among relevant government agencies, enforcement bodies, and with NGOs, and the establishment of appropriate investigative protocols and referral mechanisms to monitor the situation on the ground and to respond to the support needs of trafficked persons. Key partnerships and consultations on strategic planning should also involve Indigenous, youth, sex worker, and migrant worker organizations/advocates as well as grassroots community-based groups. - In consultation with relevant NGOs and community-based partners, ensure that relevant and funded service strategies are in place to serve the needs of trafficked persons, as well as irregular migrant workers (including free and confidential legal advice and representation, interpreters, and translation). - Conduct targeted trafficking in persons awareness training of enforcement personnel (police officers, immigration and border officials), criminal justice officials, labour inspectors, first responders and NGO partners, as well as private sector employers and employees in such areas as construction, hospitality services, and transportation. This instruction should also include "sensitivity training" of all security and enforcement officers seconded to the event. Special attention should be paid to non-discriminatory treatment of foreign nationals at ports of entry and temporary foreign workers regardless of labour site, as well as to the rights, safety, and needs of marginalized, stigmatized, vulnerable, and diverse local populations whose lives and work might be negatively impacted by the influx of tourists, an enhanced security and enforcement apparatus in their communities, as well as by certain anti-trafficking interventions. - Devise and initiate a national or regional trafficking in persons public awareness campaign, with input from all relevant community stakeholders. Such a campaign should be accurate, evidence-based, and adhere to the principle of "do no harm." While the above recommendations are consistent with those found in assessments of other mega sporting events, two additional themes emerged from the interview data. The first focused on the important need to foster collaborative partnerships and consultations on strategic planning with communities with on-the-ground knowledge of trafficking in persons and those whose lives and work might be adversely affected by the enhanced security and enforcement presence and anti-trafficking interventions during international sporting events. In the context of the 2010 Olympic Games in Vancouver, the beginnings of such a model was evident and could be extended to include other grassroots, community-based representatives. The second theme concentrated on the critical necessity to adopt an evidence-based strategic approach and practice. Applicable to governmental, enforcement, and non-governmental agencies, this underlying principle would shape the planning and implementation of human trafficking prevention strategies, public awareness and media campaigns, as well as necessary assistance measures for trafficked persons should the need materialize.

Details: Ottawa: Public Safety Canada, 2013. 85p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 9,. 2017 at: https://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/cnt/rsrcs/pblctns/wntr-gms-2010/wntr-gms-2010-eng.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Canada

URL: https://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/cnt/rsrcs/pblctns/wntr-gms-2010/wntr-gms-2010-eng.pdf

Shelf Number: 131176

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Sex Workers
Sporting Events

Author: International Organization for Migration

Title: Enhancing the Safety and Sustainability of the Return and Reintegration of Victims of Trafficking: Lessons Learnt from the CARE and TACT Projects

Summary: This report follows on from the implementation of two distinct but complementary projects implemented by IOM: Coordinated Approach for the Reintegration of victims of trafficking returning voluntarily to any third country (CARE project) and Transnational Action - Safe and sustainable return and reintegration for victims of Trafficking returning voluntarily to priority countries: Albania, Morocco and Ukraine (TACT project). The two projects involved a total of 9 European Union Member States (EU MS) - Austria, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Spain and the United Kingdom - committed to improving the return and reintegration programmes available for Victims of Trafficking (VoTs), in order to make the process safer and more sustainable, and to reduce the risks of re-trafficking. Bearing this objective in mind, IOM endeavored through the implementation of both projects to develop, implement, and fine-tune Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for the Return and Reintegration of Victims of Trafficking, ensuring a continuum of care. This joint report aims to gather and share the lessons learnt through the implementation of both projects, suggesting a way forward for the establishment of transnational referral mechanisms between EU MS and third countries. The issue of transnational referral mechanisms is a key priority in the current EU anti-trafficking efforts, as mentioned in the EU Anti-trafficking Strategy for the period 2012-2016. . As part of the introduction, this report will start with an overview of the key concepts and legal framework relating to trafficking and voluntary return, analyzing their linkage, and a brief explanation of the content of the EU Anti-trafficking Strategy, in the framework of which both the CARE and TACT projects are implemented. The first section will present in detail the CARE and TACT projects objectives and activities. The second section will go through the lessons drawn from the implementation of the CARE project and propose recommendations to enhance the assistance and protection provided to returning VoTs. The third and final section will go a step further, presenting some reflections in turn on the concept of the Transnational Referral Mechanism (TRM) and its possible concrete implementation throughout the EU and third countries. The international legislative framework on human trafficking is governed by the United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime and its two Additional Protocols. The Convention, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly through resolution 55/252 on 15 November 2000, entered into force on 29 September 2003. It is complemented by the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children , also known as the Palermo Protocol (entered into force on 25 December 2003) and the Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air , which entered into force on 28 January 2004. According to Article 3 (a) of the Palermo Protocol, "Human trafficking" can be described as "the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation. Exploitation shall include, at a minimum, the exploitation of the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labour or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude or the removal of organs".

Details: Paris, France: IOM, 2014. 126p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 15, 2017 at: http://iomfrance.org/sites/default/files/Enhancing%20the%20Safety%20and%20Sustainability%20of%20the%20Return%20and%20Reintegration%20of%20VoTs.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Europe

URL: http://iomfrance.org/sites/default/files/Enhancing%20the%20Safety%20and%20Sustainability%20of%20the%20Return%20and%20Reintegration%20of%20VoTs.pdf

Shelf Number: 145474

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Modern Slavery
Sex Trafficking
Trafficking in Organs
Victim Services
Victims of Trafficking

Author: International Labour Office (ILO), Special Action Programme to Combat Forced Labour

Title: Caught at Sea: Forced Labour and Trafficking in Fisheries

Summary: This report examines recent literature and consolidates existing knowledge about forced labour and human trafficking in the fisheries, with the focus on fishing vessels engaged in commercial marine fisheries. It considers institutional and legal frameworks as well as multi-stakeholder initiatives that have the potential to affect the safety, living and working conditions of fishers. It also echoes the discussions of a consultation on forced labour and human trafficking in the fishing sector, held by the ILO in September 2012 and which identified some key priorities for a global action programme.

Details: Geneva: ILO, 2013. 100p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 17, 2017 at: http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---ed_norm/---declaration/documents/publication/wcms_214472.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: International

URL: http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---ed_norm/---declaration/documents/publication/wcms_214472.pdf

Shelf Number: 131252

Fishing Industry
Forced Labour
Human Trafficking

Author: Ahn, R.

Title: Sex Trafficking of Women and Girls in Eight Metropolitan Areas around the World: Case Studies Viewed through a Public Health Lens.

Summary: This report presents the principal findings from eight case studies of sex trafficking of women and girls in metropolitan areas of five countries.  New York City and Los Angeles, United States --  London, England --  Manila, Philippines --  Mumbai and Kolkata, India --  Rio de Janeiro and Salvador, Brazil Our research team conducted these case studies between October 2008 and October 2009. Collectively, these case studies were designed to: (a) examine the issue of sex trafficking through an integrative, public-health lens; (b) identify current, local health-system responses to sex trafficking; and (c) determine the potential role of local health systems in addressing sex trafficking, alone and alongside other anti-trafficking stakeholders, in affected communities.

Details: Boston, MA: Massachusetts General Hospital, 2010. 212p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 22, 2017 at: http://www.massgeneral.org/emergencymedicineglobalhealth/assets/IES.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: International

URL: http://www.massgeneral.org/emergencymedicineglobalhealth/assets/IES.pdf

Shelf Number: 145665

Human Trafficking
Sex Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Verite

Title: Strengthening Protections Against Trafficking in Persons in Federal and Corporate Supply Chains: Research on Risk in 43 Commodities Worldwide

Summary: More than twenty million men, women and children around the world are currently believed to be victims of human trafficking, a global criminal industry estimated to be worth $150.2 billion annually. As defined in the US Department of State's 2014 Trafficking in Persons Report (TIP Report), the terms "trafficking in persons" and "human trafficking" refer broadly to "the act of recruiting, harboring, transporting, providing, or obtaining a person for compelled labor or commercial sex acts through the use of force, fraud, or coercion," irrespective of whether the person has been moved from one location to another. Trafficking in persons includes practices such as coerced sex work by adults or children, forced labor, bonded labor or debt bondage, involuntary domestic servitude, forced child labor, and the recruitment and use of child soldiers. Many different factors indicate that an individual may be in a situation of trafficking. Among the most clear-cut indicators are the experience of coercive or deceptive recruitment, restricted freedom of movement, retention of identity documents by employers, withholding of wages, debt bondage, abusive working and living conditions, forced overtime, isolation, and physical or sexual violence. The United States Government is broadly committed to combating trafficking in persons, as guided by the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) of 2000, and the UN Palermo Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, Supplementing the United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime. In September 2012, the United States took an unprecedented step in the fight against human trafficking with the release of a presidential executive order (EO) entitled "Strengthening Protections Against Trafficking in Persons in Federal Contracts." In issuing this EO, the White House acknowledged that "as the largest single purchaser of goods and services in the world, the US Government has a responsibility to combat human trafficking at home and abroad, and to ensure American tax dollars do not contribute to this affront to human dignity." The EO prohibits human trafficking activities not just by federal prime contractors, but also by their employees, subcontractors, and subcontractor employees. Subsequent amendments to the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and the Defense Acquisition Regulations System (DFARS) in the wake of the EO will affect a broad range of federal contracts, and will require scrutiny by prime contractors of subcontractor labor practices to a degree that has not previously been commonplace. Top level contractors will now need to look actively at the labor practices of their subcontractors and suppliers, and to consider the labor involved in production of inputs even at the lowest tiers of their supply chains.

Details: Amherst, MA: Verite, 2017. 355p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 25, 2017 at: https://www.verite.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/EO-and-Commodity-Reports-Combined-FINAL-2017.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: International

URL: https://www.verite.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/EO-and-Commodity-Reports-Combined-FINAL-2017.pdf

Shelf Number: 145793

Child Labor
Child Trafficking
Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Supply Chains

Author: International Organization for Migration

Title: Report on Human Trafficking, Forced Labour and Fisheries Crime in the Indonesian Fishing Industry

Summary: In 2015 the mass rescue of foreign fishers trafficked for labour exploitation on Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing vessels in Benjina and Ambon highlighted the lack of adequate policing of the fishing industry and a lack of scrutiny of working conditions on vessels and in fish processing plants. The case highlighted the expansive nature of this transnational criminal venture. Victims were recruited from numerous countries and forced to work illegally within Indonesia. National laws and regulations were breached and international conventions ignored. Front companies were established and illegally caught fish transshipped in the Indonesian EEZ and boundary areas, thus preventing interception by the Indonesian authorities. Ultimately the catch entered the global supply chain and was handled by legitimate suppliers of fish, unaware of its provenance and the human toll behind the catch. The situation in Benjina and Ambon is symptomatic of a much broader and insidious trade in people, not only in the Indonesian and Thai fishing industries, but indeed globally. This research provides a glimpse into a far-reaching and well-entrenched criminal industry operating alongside the legitimate fishing industry, and often overlapping. The situation represents the spread of transnational organized crime at sea and the threat it poses as a maritime security threat to nations, and a human security threat to fishers, seafarers and fishing communities. Human Trafficking and Forced Labour in Indonesia fishing industry is characterized by: - systematic and highly organized deceptive recruitment and exploitation of fishers and seafarers from multiple source countries in South East Asia; witness testimony of murder and the unlawful disposal of corpses; - extreme cases of labour exploitation with fishers working in excess of 20 hours per day up to 7 days per week; and - a lack of awareness at the local level of human trafficking and forced labour and associated criminal activity. IUU fishing in Indonesia is characterized by: - overlapping Indonesian government legislation and regulations has created confusion over the responsibilities of key government bodies responsible for the oversight of worker recruitment, conditions, and monitoring of fishing companies, manning agencies, and fishing vessels; - collaboration of more than 2 people: double-flagged vessels are registered in two different countries. This act of forging the deletion certificate is done by at least the ship-owner, the backers and field actors; - suspected commission of serious criminal offences: illegal fishers violate numerous laws, from deactivating the transmitter, using prohibited and destructive fishing gear, illegal transshipment, forging vessel documents and the logbook; - foreign masters working illegally for indefinite periods of time: although there has been a national law prohibiting the use of foreign crews, there are still lots of foreign fishing masters working on board vessels undertaking lengthy voyages. This shows that there is considerable planning to conduct the crime; - the pursuit of profit and/or power: the very reason for fisheries crime is to gain more profit and financial benefits with the least minimum effort in regards to compliance and exploiting the corruptible tendencies of some high level authorities and politicians; - operating at an international level: illegal fishers operate in multiple countries, fish in various areas, fly flags of convenience and land their catch directly to another State, and sell the fish in the international market at high cost; and - using commercial or businesslike structures: most illegal fishing operations are managed using large companies, often established with foreign investment, have valid licences, yet they are violating laws and evading taxes. - That port authorities record the movements of vessels, particularly foreign affiliated vessels; - That port officials fisheries investigators be trained in identifying indicators of human trafficking , forced labour and IUU fishing; - Minimise overlapping regulation / authority between Government agencies; - That all deaths on board fishing vessels or in port are investigated and an autopsy performed; - That Flag States take more responsibility for the actions of IUU Fishing vessels flying under their flags; - Efforts to establish a global vessel record (registry) are supported; - Support increased inspections and accessibility to fishing vessels and remote fish processing plants; - Support an increased role for investigators (navy, marine police and fisheries) to conduct inspections of fishing vessels for evidence of trafficking and IUU fishing; - Conduct human rights due diligence and human rights audits on fishing companies before issuing licences; - Establish centres for fishers and seafarers at ports (centre for fishers to report abuse, injuries, deaths and seek protection); - Support multi-agency inspections and investigations at ports; - Introduce a multi traceability policy to prevent human rights violations and reduce IUU fishing; and - Increase and consumer awareness of human trafficking in the fishing industry.

Details: Geneva, SWIT: IOM, 2016. 148p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 26, 2017 at: https://www.iom.int/sites/default/files/country/docs/indonesia/Human-Trafficking-Forced-Labour-and-Fisheries-Crime-in-the-Indonesian-Fishing-Industry-IOM.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Indonesia

URL: https://www.iom.int/sites/default/files/country/docs/indonesia/Human-Trafficking-Forced-Labour-and-Fisheries-Crime-in-the-Indonesian-Fishing-Industry-IOM.pdf

Shelf Number: 145805

Fishing Industry
Forced Labor
Human Rights Abuses
Human Trafficking
Illegal Fishing
Maritime Crime
Modern Slavery
Port Security

Author: Amnesty International

Title: Turning People into Profits: Abusive Recruitment, Trafficking and Forced Labour of Nepali Migrant Workers

Summary: In the absence of decent work opportunities at home, millions of Nepali citizens have turned to the global economy for employment. With more than 400,000 people leaving every year for jobs abroad, migration is a key source of income for the country. But although wages sent home by Nepali migrant workers make up almost a third of the country's GDP, a shockingly low proportion of the Nepal government's budget - less than one percent - is allocated annually to government departments mandated to protect the rights of labour migrants. Poor government oversight over the recruitment of Nepali workers for foreign employment have opened up countless possibilities for fraud, extortion, trafficking, and exploitation of people desperate for work. This report provides fresh evidence that despite recently-introduced government reforms, entrenched patterns of abuse of Nepali migrant workers remain unaddressed. During recruitment processes, local agents and recruitment agents in Nepal are still able to deceive and exploit migrants without significant fear of being caught or punished. New government policies meant to improve the protection of migrant workers' rights, and drastically reduce what recruitment businesses can charge workers, have not been adequately resourced, monitored, or enforced. Migrants remain at risk of crippling indebtedness, forced labour, and various forms of exploitation throughout the migration process. The report makes recommendations for the Government of Nepal, governments of destination countries and businesses to ensure that migrant workers are treated with respect and dignity, and that their migration experiences are not marked by deception, indebtedness and coercion.

Details: London; AI, 2017. 88p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 6, 2017 at: https://www.amnesty.org/en/documents/asa31/6206/2017/ne/

Year: 2017

Country: Nepal

URL: https://www.amnesty.org/en/documents/asa31/6206/2017/ne/

Shelf Number: 145935

Forced Labor
Human Rights Abuses
Human Trafficking
Migrant Workers

Author: UNICEF

Title: A Child is a child: Protecting children on the move from violence, abuse and exploitation

Summary: Millions of children are on the move across international borders - fleeing violence and conflict, disaster or poverty, in pursuit of a better life. Hundreds of thousands move on their own. When they encounter few opportunities to move legally, children resort to dangerous routes and engage smugglers to help them cross borders. Serious gaps in the laws, policies and services meant to protect children on the move further leave them bereft of protection and care. Deprived, unprotected, and often alone, children on the move can become easy prey for traffickers and others who abuse and exploit them. Alarming numbers of children are moving alone Many children move alone and face particularly grave risks. In parts of the world, the number of children moving on their own has skyrocketed. On the dangerous Central Mediterranean Sea passage from North Africa to Europe, 92 per cent of children who arrived in Italy in 2016 and the first two months of 2017 were unaccompanied, up from 75 per cent in 2015. At least 300,000 unaccompanied and separated children moving across borders were registered in 80 countries in 2015-2016 0- a near five-fold increase from 66,000 in 2010-2011. The total number of unaccompanied and separated children on the move worldwide is likely much higher. Specific reasons motivate children to undertake journeys alone. Many seek to reunite with family members already abroad. Others pursue their families' aspirations for this generation to have a better life. Perceptions of the potential benefits of children moving, especially to certain destinations, filter through social networks. Other factors include family breakdown, domestic violence, child marriage and forced conscription. Without safe and legal pathways, children's journeys are rife with risk and exploitation Whatever their motivation, children often find few opportunities to move legally. Family reunification, humanitarian visas, refugee resettlement spots, and work or study visas are out of reach for most. But barriers to legal migration do not stop people from moving, they only push them underground. Wherever families and children desperate to move encounter barriers, smuggling in human beings thrives. Smugglers range from people helping others in need for a fee to organized criminal networks that deliver children into hazardous and exploitative situations. Once children and families place their fates in the hands of smugglers, the transaction can readily take a turn towards abuse or exploitation - especially when children and families incur debts to pay smugglers' fees. Europol estimates that 20 per cent of suspected smugglers on their radar have ties to human trafficking - they help children cross borders, only to sell them into exploitation, sometimes akin to contemporary forms of slavery. Some routes are particularly rife with risks. In a recent International Organization for Migration survey, over three-quarters of 1,600 children aged 14-17 who arrived in Italy via the Central Mediterranean route reported experiences such as being held against their will or being forced to work without pay at some point during their journeys - indications that they may have been trafficked or otherwise exploited. Traffickers and other exploiters thrive especially where state institutions are weak, where organized crime abounds, and also where migrants become stuck and desperate.

Details: New York: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), 2017. 64p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 7, 2017 at: https://www.unicef.org/publications/files/UNICEF_A_child_is_a_child_May_2017_EN.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: International

URL: https://www.unicef.org/publications/files/UNICEF_A_child_is_a_child_May_2017_EN.pdf

Shelf Number: 145948

Child Abuse and Neglect
Child Maltreatment
Child Protection
Child Sexual Exploitation
Children Exposed to Violence
Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Migrant Children
Organized Crime
Unaccompanied Children

Author: Aning, Kwesi

Title: Getting Smart and Scaling Up: The Impact of Organized Crime on Governance in Developing Countries. A Case Study of Ghana

Summary: his case study presents findings of field research on the impact of organized crime on governance and development in Ghana. The objective is not to paint a negative picture of Ghana, but rather to highlight core structural weaknesses that enable organized crime to flourish largely uncontested, placing significant, albeit not immediately obvious, pressure on the democratic and development gains made over the past two decades. The case study is divided into five sections. Section I begins with an overview of the political context in Ghana, with specific reference to the emergence of democratic politics and the nature of the political economy in the post-independence era. It reviews trends in Ghana's economic development and governance since 1992, and examines the nature of formal and informal institutions and prevalent norms of behaviour. Section II examines the nature and scope of organized crime in Ghana, namely drug trafficking, money laundering, illegal mining, electronic waste dumping, cybercrime, human trafficking, and small arms trafficking and manufacturing. Section III focuses on the impact of organized crime on governance and development, while Section IV suggests some initial recommendations.

Details: New York: Center on International Cooperation, New York University, 2013. 38p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 14, 2017 at: https://www.gov.uk/dfid-research-outputs/getting-smart-and-scaling-up-the-impact-of-organized-crime-on-governance-in-developing-countries-a-case-study-of-ghana

Year: 2013

Country: Ghana

URL: https://www.gov.uk/dfid-research-outputs/getting-smart-and-scaling-up-the-impact-of-organized-crime-on-governance-in-developing-countries-a-case-study-of-ghana

Shelf Number: 146138

Drug Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Illegal Mining
Organized Crime

Author: Reitano, Tuesday

Title: Integrated Responses to Human Smuggling from the Horn of Africa to Europe

Summary: In the period 2013-16, more than 1.5 million people have converged towards Europe from across Africa, the Middle East and Asia. Some seek asylum from conflict, violence and humanitarian need; others are migrant workers taking the opportunity of a confluence of political instabilities and circumstance that has made migration to Europe more affordable and accessible than ever before. The rapid acceleration of this mass movement, and the diversity of motivations behind each individual journey have together overwhelmed the capacity of European policymakers to respond. It has invalidated the repertoire of existing migration management measures as well as the lexicon typically used to describe migration, asylum and protection. Migrants now come from and traverse along routes that inevitably cross the weakest of states, ratcheting up criminality, instability and human misery along their journey. This has resulted in an urgent effort to understand the phenomena and the vectors propelling people toward Europe, and by doing so to design a better set of responses. One such vector that has risen to prominence are human smugglers, who have been universally vilified for their callous profit taking, practices of abuse and carelessness with the lives with which they were entrusted. Sacrificed to an industry that is now estimated to be worth more than L6billion a year, 10,000 people are known to have died seeking passage to Europe. Heralding from a region characterised by intense insecurity, with ongoing violent conflicts and widespread food insecurity, citizens from the Horn of Africa, most namely Eritrea, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan and Ethiopia, have been amongst the highest arrivals to Europe in the past five years, but of greater concern, Horn of Africans have consistently represented a disproportionate share of those whose lives were lost attempting this journey. While many nationalities remain unknown, and the exact percentages for each source country consequently impossible to calculate, of those identified as having died between 2014-15, 10% were from the Horn of Africa. In the contemporary context, the complexity of addressing the challenge of irregular migration is compounded. Mobility is a source of resilience in a troubled and fragile region. Political, humanitarian and economic motivations for migration interweave, and the political reality of authoritarian source and transit states limits the leverage wielded by European states and the international community, leaving them struggling to find partners with which to cooperate. This context highlights the urgent need to move away from traditional perspectives focussing on border security and support to state security institutions, and rethink ways of working to focus on improving and reinforcing stability, governance and development for the people of the region. This report presents the major findings of research conducted between July and September 2016 over eight major smuggling hubs between the Horn of Africa and Europe. The research methodology was a broad selection of key informant interviews - more than 600 individual interviews - with national government officials, civil society actors, international officials, think tanks and policy bodies, but most importantly with migrants and traffickers themselves. This was supplemented with a review of the growing body of literature on mixed migration in the region and towards Europe. In doing so, the study adopts an innovative approach, situating human smuggling within its local political economy, and proposing context relevant approaches in response.

Details: Geneva, SWIT: Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime, 2017. 83p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 16, 2017 at: http://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/global-initiative-human-smuggling-from-the-horn-of-africa-may-2017-web.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: Europe

URL: http://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/global-initiative-human-smuggling-from-the-horn-of-africa-may-2017-web.pdf

Shelf Number: 146195

Border Security
Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Illegal Immigrants
Immigration Enforcement

Author: Ambagtsheer, F.

Title: Organ Trade

Summary: Organ trade constitutes the sale and purchase of organs for financial or material gain. Although prohibited since the 1980s, an increasing number of reports indicate its proliferation across the globe. Yet, many knowledge gaps exist on organ trade, in particular on the demand -and facilitation side of the trade. This thesis addresses the following aims: 1 Provide insight into the scale of patients who buy organs for transplantation and describe why, where, how and from whom they purchased organs 2 Acquire knowledge and understanding of the experiences, attitudes, behaviors and needs of transplant professionals who treat patients before and/or after they buy organs 3 Examine the modus operandi of those who facilitate illegal transplantations and study the investigation and prosecution of organ trade networks 4 Assess the possible implications of a punitive, legislative approach 5 Propose alternative strategies that may deter organ trade more effectively Adopting a multidisciplinary approach, the objective is not only to acquire a better empirical understanding of organ trade, but to use this knowledge to explore and encourage strategies that may eliminate 0 or regulate - the trade more effectively with lesser risk of harms.

Details: Rotterdam: Erasmus University, 2017. 220p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 27, 2017 at: https://repub.eur.nl/pub/99988

Year: 2017

Country: International

URL: https://repub.eur.nl/pub/99988

Shelf Number: 146580

Human trafficking
Organ Trafficking
Trafficking in Organs

Author: Murphy, Laura T.

Title: Labor and Sex Trafficking Among Homeless Youth: A Ten-City Study

Summary: Human trafficking - the exploitation of a person's labor through force, fraud, or coercion - is a crime whose victims tend to be society's most vulnerable. People who are homeless, lack a support system, or are desperate for work are susceptible to the promises of people who would exploit them for labor and for sex. Recently, homeless youth providers in the United States and Canada have become aware that their clients are particularly at risk of trafficking and research has begun to uncover the extent and contours of the problem within that community. Between February 2014 and June 2016, researchers from Loyola University New Orleans's Modern Slavery Research Project (MSRP) were invited by Covenant House International and ten of their individual sites in the United States and Canada to serve as external experts to study the prevalence and nature of human trafficking among homeless youth aged 17 to 25. MSRP researchers interviewed 641 homeless and runaway youth who access services through Covenant House's network of shelters, transitional living and apartment programs, and drop-in centers. Youth were invited to participate, on a voluntary basis, in a point-in-time study about work experience. Semi-structured interviews were conducted using the Human Trafficking Interview and Assessment Measure (HTIAM-14) to assess whether youth had been trafficked for sex or labor in their lifetimes.

Details: New Orleans: Loyola University New Orleans, 2017. 48p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 31, 2017 at: http://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/73f135_ca561f855f2b47519683ccf342074d6d.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: United States

URL: http://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/73f135_ca561f855f2b47519683ccf342074d6d.pdf

Shelf Number: 146624

Forced Labor
Homeless Persons
Human Trafficking
Modern Slavery
Sex Trafficking

Author: Verite

Title: Risk Analysis of Labor Violations Among Farmworkers in the Guatemalan Sugar Sector: A Summary Report on Findings from Rapid Appraisal Research

Summary: Guatemala plays a major role in the global sugar trade, as the world's fourth largest sugar exporter and the third leading exporter of sugar to the United States in 2015. Verite chose to carry out rapid appraisal research on labor conditions on Guatemalan sugarcane plantations due to Guatemala's important role in the global sugar trade and indications that workers employed on sugarcane plantations were vulnerable to exploitation. Past studies on labor conditions among Guatemalan and Central American agricultural workers, as well as Verite's past research in the Guatemalan coffee and palm oil sectors, indicated a high risk of labor violations. Rapid appraisal research was carried out by Verite and REACH (Research-Education Action-Change) on labor conditions in Guatemalan sugarcane production in late 2016. Researchers conducted a literature review, expert consultations, unstructured life story interviews with three workers, and in-depth survey interviews with 38 workers who performed a range of tasks on sugar plantations, including harvesting sugarcane. Verite's research builds from several earlier reports examining working conditions in the Guatemalan sugar industry and uses it to contextualize Verite's more recent findings. Researchers did not scientifically sample respondents, and thus the results of the study are not statistically representative and are not meant to be interpreted as such. However, using qualitative research methods, the researchers have been able to portray a rich description of the experiences of a group of Guatemalan sugarcane workers, some of whom endured highly concerning labor abuses. Verite's triangulation of these findings through review of relevant literature and interviews with local experts suggests that the experiences of workers interviewed were not isolated or unusual, but reflective of systemic issues within the industry. Additional in-depth research would be required to document the prevalence of the labor abuses found here in a more precise and conclusive manner. Verite found indicators of labor trafficking and evidence of recruitment abuses, child labor, restrictions on workers' right to freedom of association, gender-based discrimination, wage and hour violations, threats to workers' health and safety, inhumane living conditions, and negative impacts on communities surrounding sugar plantations. Issues uncovered by Verite that were especially concerning and had not been specifically analyzed by prior research included exploitative recruitment and hiring practices, indicators of labor trafficking, and severe health and safety violations. Verite research has consistently found that being hired through labor brokers increases workers' vulnerability to a range of labor abuses. Most of the workers interviewed by Verite for this study had been hired by labor brokers, none of whom showed their recruits a power of attorney letter, as required by law. Verite research found that workers hired through brokers were often charged recruitment fees and wage deductions, potentially heightening their vulnerability to debt bondage, and were deceived both about their terms of employment, in some cases even about the sector in which they would be working. Furthermore, researchers found that workers were not provided with written contracts or other documents detailing the terms of their employment, making them vulnerable to deception and changes in their conditions of work. Research on human trafficking was guided by the International Labor Organization's (ILO's) operational indicators of trafficking for labor exploitation, which are broken down into indicators of deceptive recruitment, coercive recruitment, recruitment by abuse of vulnerability, exploitation, and coercion at destination. Verite found evidence of the existence of many indicators of forced labor including the recruitment-related issues mentioned above, many of which are also indicators of trafficking. Other major trafficking-related risks identified by Verite included forced overtime, due in large part to quotas and a productivity-based payment system; restrictions on workers' freedom of movement, including through the retention of identity documents; indebtedness to labor brokers and company stores; and evidence of induced addiction to drugs, including opioids. Sugarcane production, by its nature, puts workers at risk, often requiring physically demanding labor with machetes and long hours of exposure to high temperatures, agrochemicals, and smoke from burning cane fields. Workers are vulnerable to heat exhaustion and dehydration, as well as workplace injuries and chronic kidney disease (CKD), an often fatal and poorly understood illness common among cane cutters. Findings that are of specific concern were serious injuries and pesticide exposure; a lack of access to potable water, breaks, and shade, which, combined with other factors are believed to cause CKD; and a lack of access to health care. Many workers interviewed reported that children worked on sugar plantations and often carried out hazardous tasks, such as applying pesticides and using machetes to harvest sugarcane. Workers reported that payment violations are common, including payments far below the minimum wage and gender-based wage discrimination. Researchers found that many workers lacked access to sufficient food and potable water in employer provided housing. Workers also lacked access to grievance mechanisms allowing them to report labor abuses and seek redress.

Details: Amherst, MA: Verite, 2017. 13op.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 7, 2017 at: https://www.verite.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Verite_Guatemala_Sugar_Report_July_2017.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: Guatemala

URL: https://www.verite.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Verite_Guatemala_Sugar_Report_July_2017.pdf

Shelf Number: 146756

Forced Labor
Human Rights Abuses
Human Trafficking
Labor Conditions
Sugar Industry

Author: Ricard-Guay, Alexandra

Title: Addressing demand in the context of trafficking in the domestic work sector: perspectives from seven European countries

Summary: Trafficking in human beings covers various forms of coercion and exploitation of women, men and children. Responses to trafficking have traditionally focused on combating the criminal networks involved in it or protecting the human rights of victims. However, European countries are increasingly exploring ways in which to influence the demand for services or products involving the use of trafficked persons or for the trafficked persons themselves. DemandAT aims to understand the role of demand in the trafficking of human beings and to assess the impact and potential of demand-side measures to reduce trafficking, drawing on insights on regulating demand from related areas. DemandAT takes a comprehensive approach to investigating demand and demand-side policies in the context of trafficking. The research includes a strong theoretical and conceptual component through an examination of the concept of demand in trafficking from a historical and economic perspective. Regulatory approaches are studied in policy areas that address demand in illicit markets, in order to develop a better understanding of the impact that the different regulatory approaches can have on demand. Demand-side arguments in different fields of trafficking as well as demand-side policies of selected countries are examined, in order to provide a better understanding of the available policy options and impacts. Finally, the research also involves in-depth case studies both of the particular fields in which trafficking occurs (domestic work, prostitution, the globalised production of goods) and of particular policy approaches (law enforcement and campaigns). The overall goal is to develop a better understanding of demand and demand-factors in the context of designing measures and policies addressing all forms of trafficking in human beings. The research is structured in three phases: Phase 1: Analysis of the theoretical and empirical literature on demand in the context of trafficking and on regulating demand in different disciplines, fields and countries. From January 2014-June 2015. Phase 2: Three in-depth empirical case studies of different fields of trafficking - domestic work, prostitution, imported goods - and two studies on different policy approaches: law enforcement actors and campaigns. From September 2014- December 2016. Phase 3: Integrating project insights into a coherent framework with a focus on dissemination. From January 2017-June 2017. This report examines the demand-side of trafficking in the domestic work sector based on seven country studies (Belgium, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, and the UK). The report i) provides an overview of the phenomenon of trafficking in domestic work, ii) examines the factors influencing the demand in the context of trafficking, and iii) discusses key challenges in responding to and tackling this issue. The paper argues that measures addressing the demand-side (employers/labour market) can hardly be separated from tackling the 'supply' side, namely addressing the workers' situations. Domestic workers face vulnerabilities to exploitation: the work is performed in private homes within intimate relationships characterised by dependency and power imbalance, very often within informal and live-in arrangements. Some policies may also foster the precariousness of migrant domestic workers. Preventing trafficking from occurring and discouraging inappropriate demand includes the reduction of vulnerability to abuse on the side of workers and the limitation of the opportunities for exploitation on the side of employers. Thus, a holistic approach must be adopted to address the demand-side of trafficking. Establishing stronger regulations for domestic work is crucial, but it is not sufficient without simultaneously seeking ways of empowering domestic workers and fostering change in social norms and employers' behaviour, beliefs, and attitudes that tend to undervalue domestic work.

Details: Vienna, Austria: DemandAT, 2016. 71p.

Source: Internet Resource: DemandAT Working Paper no. 7: Accessed August 8, 2017 at: http://www.demandat.eu/sites/default/files/DemandAT_WP7_RicardGuay_DomesticWork_Trafficking_Final_0.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.demandat.eu/sites/default/files/DemandAT_WP7_RicardGuay_DomesticWork_Trafficking_Final_0.pdf

Shelf Number: 146778

Domestic Workers
Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Modern Slavery

Author: McGrath, Siobhan

Title: Addressing the demand side in and through supply chains: Mapping the field of initiatives around human trafficking forced labour and slavery

Summary: This working paper presents the first piece of data collection and analysis from WP9 'Globalised Production of Goods,' part of the overall DemandAT project. The paper offers a preliminary analysis of an inventory of initiatives around human trafficking and supply chains. We first consider how demand may be understood in the context of supply chains in relation to concerns around trafficking, forced labour and/or slavery (TFLS). We further begin to map the field of interventions at the TFLS-supply chain nexus. We analyse the range of actors involved, the forms that the initiatives take in terms of the mechanisms by which they would operate, and the scope of initiatives both in terms of industry and geography. The field of initiatives at the TFLS-supply chain nexus is seen to be growing quickly, and exhibits a high degree of variegation.

Details: Vienna, Austria: DemandAT, 2017. 38p.

Source: Internet Resource: DemandAT Working Paper No. 8: Accessed August 8, 2017 at: http://www.demandat.eu/sites/default/files/DemandAT_WP8_McGrathMieres_SupplyChains_Final.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: International

URL: http://www.demandat.eu/sites/default/files/DemandAT_WP8_McGrathMieres_SupplyChains_Final.pdf

Shelf Number: 146780

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Modern Slavery
Supply Chains

Author: Cyrus, Norbert

Title: Learning from Demand-Side Campaigns against Trafficking in Human Beings: Evaluation as Knowledge-Generator and Project-Improver

Summary: Demand-side campaigns seek to influence the spending patterns of persons and organisations or to encourage the reporting of seemingly suspicious occurrences to helplines or the police. Although considerable funds are devoted to such campaigns, little is known about their effectiveness, mainly due to the lack of or insufficient evaluation. However, examples of critical internal evaluation show that evaluative insights are possible, particularly with projects designed with a view to their evaluability. Theoretical analysis of campaign types indicates that awareness-raising helps no one unless it leads to action, that the reduction of exploitation is a more logical primary aim than the reduction of trafficking for the purpose of exploitation, and that campaigns usually rely on complementary measures for their effectiveness. The interpretation of fragmented information in a theoretically structured way leads to additional conclusions. Campaigns often take on the guise of a big funnel, with several hundreds of thousands of people being targeted initially, yet filtering down to only a handful with the opportunity and motivation to behave as recommended at the end. Also, messages designed to attract attention can all-too-easily be misunderstood and have unintended and harmful side-effects for the public’s perception of victims and perpetrators. As a consequence, it seems promising to turn to more narrowly focused behaviour-change campaigns, to design them with a view to their evaluability and to evaluate them through a learning-oriented approach. Exemplary external evaluations with increased resources, as well as low-budget internal evaluations with the selective sharing of results, could increase our knowledge of what really works and what does not.

Details: Vienna, Austria: DemandAT, 2017. 62p.

Source: Internet Resource: DemandAT Working Paper no. 9: Accessed August 8, 2017 at: http://www.demandat.eu/sites/default/files/DemandAT_WP9_Cyrus-Vogel_Campaigns_June%202017.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: International

URL: http://www.demandat.eu/sites/default/files/DemandAT_WP9_Cyrus-Vogel_Campaigns_June%202017.pdf

Shelf Number: 146781

Human Trafficking
Media Campaigns
Sex Trafficking

Author: Mieres, Fabiola

Title: Globalised Production of Goods: Project report

Summary: This report gathers the experience and presents the emerging results of research conducted by academics at Durham University's Geography Department on 'Globalised Production of Goods,' their contribution to thet DemandAT project. Data collection and preliminary analysis were carried out by Fabiola Mieres, PhD during the period November 2014-November 2016 and supervised by Siobhan McGrath, PhD. The overall aim of the research is to analyse existing and proposed initiatives to address trafficking, forced labour and/or (contemporary) slavery (which we term TFLS) in supply chains. The report is structured around the two key forms of data collection we conducted: first, the identification and mapping of 97 initiatives in the nascent field of governance over TFLS in and through supply chains (the TFLS-supply chain nexus). The dataset shows the variegated forms that this governance takes. Its construction further served as a source from which to choose case studies for further analysis by locating a group of initiatives in particular sectors. Second, we discuss the three case studies: electronics in Malaysia, construction in Qatar, and agriculture in the United States. Finally, preliminary conclusions are drawn with some indicators of potential areas for future research.

Details: Vienna, Australia: DemandAT, 2017. 74p.

Source: Internet Resource: DemandAT WP 9 Case Study: Accessed August 8, 2017 at: http://www.demandat.eu/sites/default/files/DemandAT_Globalised_Production_of_Goods_ProjectReport.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: International

URL: http://www.demandat.eu/sites/default/files/DemandAT_Globalised_Production_of_Goods_ProjectReport.pdf

Shelf Number: 146782

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Supply Chains

Author: Anti-Trafficking Monitoring Group

Title: Brexit and the UK's Fight Against Modern Slavery

Summary: The following paper considers the potential impact of the UK's withdrawal ('Brexit') from the European Union (EU) on efforts to tackle modern slavery. The purpose of this briefing is to review the extent to which the UK's membership in the EU has influenced national anti-trafficking efforts, and consider if and how Brexit may impact the UK's ability to combat modern slavery and protect its victims. Where possible, recommendations have been made on the steps to take to mitigate any potential risks posed by Brexit to UK anti-trafficking efforts.

Details: London: Anti-Trafficking Monitoring Group, 2017. 30p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 31, 2017 at: https://www.antislavery.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/ATMG-Brexit-paper.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: United Kingdom

URL: https://www.antislavery.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/ATMG-Brexit-paper.pdf

Shelf Number: 146961

Human Trafficking
Modern Slavery

Author: Australia. Parliament. Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade

Title: Modern slavery and global supply chains. Interim report

Summary: With reference to the United Kingdom's Modern Slavery Act 2015 and to relevant findings from the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade's report, Trading Lives: Modern Day Human Trafficking, the Committee shall examine whether Australia should adopt a comparable Modern Slavery Act. The Committee shall have particular regard to: 1 The nature and extent of modern slavery (including slavery, forced labour and wage exploitation, involuntary servitude, debt bondage, human trafficking, forced marriage and other slavery-like exploitation) both in Australia and globally; 2 The prevalence of modern slavery in the domestic and global supply chains of companies, businesses and organisations operating in Australia; 3 Identifying international best practice employed by governments, companies, businesses and organisations to prevent modern slavery in domestic and global supply chains, with a view to strengthening Australian legislation; 4 The implications for Australia's visa regime, and conformity with the Palermo Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children regarding federal compensation for victims of modern slavery; 5 Provisions in the United Kingdom's legislation which have proven effective in addressing modern slavery, and whether similar or improved measures should be introduced in Australia; 6 Whether a Modern Slavery Act should be introduced in Australia; and 7 Any other related matters.

Details: Canberra: The Committee, 2017. 81p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 1, 2017 at: http://parlinfo.aph.gov.au/parlInfo/download/committees/reportjnt/024092/toc_pdf/Modernslaveryandglobalsupplychains.pdf;fileType=application%2Fpdf

Year: 2017

Country: Australia

URL: http://parlinfo.aph.gov.au/parlInfo/download/committees/reportjnt/024092/toc_pdf/Modernslaveryandglobalsupplychains.pdf;fileType=application%2Fpdf

Shelf Number: 147004

Debt Bondage
Domestic Workers
Forced Labor
Forced Marriage
Human Trafficking
Modern Slavery
Supply Chaings
Wage Exploitation

Author: United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime

Title: Trafficking in persons from Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar to Thailand

Summary: The present report, "Trafficking in persons from Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar to Thailand" is the result of a partnership between the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the Thailand Institute of Justice (TIJ). In 2016, TIJ invited UNODC to collaboratively develop an extensive research report on trafficking in persons from Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar to Thailand with the objectives of increasing evidence-based information relating to trafficking in persons, reviewing the current state of knowledge, identifying existing information gaps and enhancing the capacity of States to generate, access and use information on trafficking in persons. This report is the first of its kind and marks the launch of an ongoing research and strategic policy partnership between UNODC and TIJ. Previous UNODC reports on trafficking in persons have covered the subject of trafficking to Thailand as one important flow in a region rife with trafficking cases. Previous reports have explored trafficking primarily from a law enforcement perspective and highlighted the need for strengthened legal frameworks, law enforcement responses, including the need for proactive investigations, and stronger criminal justice frameworks. This report, while emphasising the way forward in preventing and combating trafficking to Thailand, also explores the many facets of the trafficking phenomenon itself, including the profiles of victims and traffickers, the contemporary push and pull factors for trafficking, the routes taken by regular and irregular migrants to Thailand, the fees paid to smugglers and traffickers and the modi operandi of traffickers and their networks. Drawing on the available literature and qualitative data collected through interviews with experts in the four target countries (Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Thailand) the report presents in detail the current picture of trafficking in persons to Thailand and highlights challenges and opportunities for combating trafficking. While gaps in information remain and the overall picture remains incomplete, the findings presented in this report rely on a solid evidence base and may be useful for researchers, policy makers, governments and others interested in improving the response to combating trafficking, as well as approaches to identifying and supporting victims. The report consists of six chapters. The introduction (Chapter I) presents information on the topic covered, the background and context of the study, the study's purpose and goals, and methodology. Chapters II to IV examine the levels and characteristics of trafficking in persons in Cambodia (Chapter II), Lao PDR (III), and Myanmar (IV). Each of these chapters follows an identical structure by (1) summarising the available data, (2) exploring the causes of trafficking in persons, (3) examining the different types of trafficking and the profile of victims, (4) documenting the means and routes used for trafficking to Thailand, (5) analysing the exploitation of victims by their traffickers and (6) exploring the profile of the traffickers and trafficking networks.

Details: Bangkok: UNODC, 2017. 261p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 7, 2017 at: https://www.unodc.org/documents/southeastasiaandpacific/Publications/2017/Trafficking_in_persons_to_Thailand_report.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: Asia

URL: https://www.unodc.org/documents/southeastasiaandpacific/Publications/2017/Trafficking_in_persons_to_Thailand_report.pdf

Shelf Number: 147139

Child Trafficking
Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Labor Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Gastelum Felix, Siria

Title: Resilience in Sinaloa: Community Responses to Organized Crime

Summary: The term resilience has started to sound like a cliche. The concept has become a popular buzzword in development discourses over the last decade, but in the international global policy fora, resilience remains a loosely defined conceptual approach. The empirical ambiguity of the concept, its incipient implementation as well as its rising popularity can make resilience susceptible to becoming another empty rhetorical promise in development brochures. However, the resilience approach to development has the potential to show us new modes of learning about the ways we organize ourselves into more effective networks to achieve common goals and overcome disruptions. This report is the first of a series of evidence-based research in Sinaloa, Mexico on community resilience and organized crime supported by the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime (GI) as part of the #GIresilience Project. The Resilience Series, as it is formally known seek to provide substantial knowledge and data on building community resilience in the context of organized crime to the ongoing multi-stakeholder dialogue in the international global development policy fora. Drug wars, illicit economies, and weak governance have marred Sinaloa for decades, along with countless failed security policies. In the last thirty years, the state became the base of one of the largest transnational drug-trafficking networks in the world: the Sinaloa Cartel. As the power of the Sinaloa DTO increased, the influence of organized crime became prominent in citizen's daily lives. The Sinaloa Federation became a separate power structure effectively challenging and overpowering legitimate state institutions. Against this tumultuous background, extraordinary civic responses to the effects of organized crime have been taking place at the community level. These responses are effectively non-violent and demonstrate great capacities of resilience at the grassroots where violence and violations are intensified. Our intention is to bring these perspectives and resilient actors into the global policy dialogue on organized crime and development, to discuss alternatives to the traditional security-driven responses. The ultimate aim of the #GIresilience Project is to create a global network of resilient communities to counter and mitigate the effects of criminal networks. This involves a) highlighting the courageous and inspiring work done under the most arduous circumstances, and b) incubating and developing resilience-based initiatives that can protect, enable and empower citizens who have taken and continue to take a stand against organized crime. By tapping into these communities' own sources of resilience, we can build sustainable responses to organized crime and develop their capacity to thrive.

Details: Geneva, SWIT: Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime, 2017. 40p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 12, 2017 at: https://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Resilience-in-Sinaloa-community-responses-to-OC.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: Mexico

URL: https://globalinitiative.net/resilience-in-sinaloa/

Shelf Number: 147222

Drug Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: United Nations Children's Fund

Title: Harrowing Journeys: Children and youth on the move across the Mediterranean Sea, at risk of trafficking and exploitation

Summary: Young migrants and refugees set out to escape harm or secure better futures - and face staggering risks in the process. For 17-year-old Mohammad, who travelled through Libya to seek asylum in Italy, violence and persecution back home meant the choice was clear: "We risked our lives to come here," he says, "we crossed a sea. We knew it is not safe, so we sacrificed. We do it, or we die." For children and youth on the move via the Mediterranean Sea routes to Europe, the journey is marked by high levels of abuse, trafficking and exploitation. Some are more vulnerable than others: those travelling alone, those with low levels of education and those undertaking longer journeys. Most vulnerable of all are those who, like Mohammad, come from sub-Saharan Africa. These findings come from a new UNICEF and International Organization for Migration (IOM) analysis of the journeys of some 11,000 migrant and refugee children (adolescents aged 14-17) and youth (18-24), as recorded in their responses to the Displacement Tracking Matrix Flow Monitoring Surveys conducted by IOM along the Central and Eastern Mediterranean routes to Europe in 2016 and 2017. The analysis reveals that while adolescents and youth are at greater risk than adults on both routes, the Central Mediterranean route to Italy is singularly dangerous. It takes most young migrants and refugees through Libya, where they contend with pervasive lawlessness and violence and are often detained, by state authorities and others. On both routes, additional years of education and travelling in a group, whether with family or not, afford young migrants and refugees a measure of protection. But where they come from outweighs either of these factors. An adolescent boy from subSaharan Africa, who has secondary education and travels in a group along the Central Mediterranean route, faces a 73 per cent risk of being exploited. If he came from another region, the risk would drop to 38 per cent. Anecdotal reports and qualitative research from the Mediterranean region and elsewhere suggest that racism underlies this difference. Countless testimonies from young migrants and refugees from sub-Saharan Africa make clear that they are treated more harshly and targeted for exploitation because of the colour of their skin. The story that emerges from the data confirms the tragic reality that adolescents and youth are prepared to pay a high price for a chance at a better life. Those interviewed in the surveys are among millions on the move worldwide, as recent decades have seen high levels of displacement, across borders and within countries. Many flee brutal conflicts or violence, while others move in search of prospects for better education or livelihoods. With regular migration pathways barred for most, those seeking to make their way across borders often place their fates in the hands of smugglers. This alone leaves them dependent and vulnerable. They risk life and limb as they travel through harsh environments - and suffer appalling abuse and exploitation if they fall into the hands of traffickers, armed groups or other predators. As the world continues to grapple with the reality of migration and displacement, the findings from this report underscore the urgent need for action. To protect the most vulnerable among those on the move, UNICEF and IOM call for a multi-pronged strategy that addresses the interplay of factors that expose migrant and refugee children and youth to risk - or help keep them safe. Such a strategy includes expanding safe and regular migration channels to dampen the demand for smugglers, while fighting trafficking and exploitation. To enhance the resilience and protect the rights of children and youth, it entails investing in education and other basic services, coordinating child protection efforts across countries, and fighting racism and xenophobia in the countries migrants and refugees travel through and the ones in which they seek to make their lives.

Details: New York: UNICEF, 2017. 64p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 13, 2017 at: https://www.unicef.org/publications/files/Harrowing_Journeys_Children_and_youth_on_the_move_across_the_Mediterranean.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: International

URL: https://www.unicef.org/publications/files/Harrowing_Journeys_Children_and_youth_on_the_move_across_the_Mediterranean.pdf

Shelf Number: 147236

Asylum Seekers
Child Migrants
Child Trafficking
Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking

Author: International Labour Organization

Title: Global Estimates of Modern Slavery: Forced Labour and Forced Marriage

Summary: The 2017 Global Estimates of Modern Slavery focus on two main issues: forced labour and forced marriage. The estimate of forced labour comprises forced labour in the private economy, forced sexual exploitation of adults and commercial sexual exploitation of children, and state-imposed forced labour. The estimates herein are the result of a collaborative effort between the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Walk Free Foundation, in partnership with the International Organization for Migration (IOM). They benefited from inputs provided by other UN agencies, in particular the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). In the context of this report, modern slavery covers a set of specific legal concepts including forced labour, debt bondage, forced marriage, other slavery and slavery like practices, and human trafficking. Although modern slavery is not defined in law, it is used as an umbrella term that focuses attention on commonalities across these legal concepts. Essentially, it refers to situations of exploitation that a person cannot refuse or leave because of threats, violence, coercion, deception, and/or abuse of power.

Details: Geneva: ILO, 2017. 68p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 27, 2017 at: http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---dgreports/---dcomm/documents/publication/wcms_575479.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: International

URL: http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---dgreports/---dcomm/documents/publication/wcms_575479.pdf

Shelf Number: 147475

Child Sexual Exploitation
Debt Bondage
Forced Labor
Forced Marriage
Human Trafficking
Modern Slavery

Author: Cooper, Kate

Title: Exploitation and Trafficking of Women: Critiquing narratives during the London Olympics 2012

Summary: his report was commissioned by the Central American Women's Network (CAWN) to inform its work around the role of civil society and the media in shaping public understanding of different forms of exploitation experienced by women, in particular migrant women, in the context of major sporting events. It is based on an extensive study of press coverage of the issues of trafficking and exploitation of women during the London Olympics 2012 and examines critically the range of narratives underlying the approach to these issues in the print media. In addition, the report includes in-depth analysis of the campaigns mounted by five civil society organizations (CSOs) and compares the different approaches and strategies applied in each case, assessing the reasons for the varying degrees of success of each, respectively. An important aim of the study was to identify lessons and draw up recommendations based on the experience of the London Olympics that can be applied to other forthcoming major sporting events. The report highlights the fact that dominant narratives about trafficking not only conflate issues of trafficking with those of immigration and sexual exploitation but also frequently fail to employ the necessary analytical rigour. Prior to the Olympics, narratives circulated within Westminster and in the media predicting a rise in the number of women that would be trafficked to London for the London Olympics. The forecasts involved extremely large numbers and focused in the main on an expected rise in the number of women to be trafficked for sexual exploitation. During this period, many migrant women 'seen' in London, particularly those who could be characterized as 'exotic', were assumed to be trafficked into the capital for the Olympics and to be controlled by criminal gangs. Media reports circulating around this time (and in general) illustrate the very negative and stereotyped ways in which migrant women are portrayed, particularly in the tabloid press. However, the ensuing 'moral panic' about trafficking and sexual exploitation was not backed up by any evidence. Indeed, a body of evidence already existed prior to the Olympics demonstrating that major sporting events do not contribute to a rise in the incidence of trafficking for sexual exploitation. It is unclear why no one in government seemed aware of such research. The prediction that London would be 'flooded' with 'sex slaves' proved to be a myth. Indeed, the numbers of actual Victims of Trafficking (VoTs), as defined in the Palermo Protocol, was low during the Olympics - as it had been prior to the event. Over time, attention has been drawn to this discrepancy by a wide variety of stakeholders: CSOs, sex worker rights activists, academics and some journalists from the broadsheets. Yet despite the existence of this by now wellestablished counter-narrative that questions and contradicts the prevalent assumptions, the dominant framework within which most trafficking continues to be constructed is that of sexual exploitation. At the same time, very little attention was given in both government discourse and the media either to the global inequalities that drive women to seek a better life abroad or to the benefits the economies of richer countries enjoy because of the role that migrants play in providing cheap labour. In particular, the role of the UK's trade and development policies in perpetuating and deepening these inequalities was not examined in any of the mainstream narratives. Nor was any understanding shown of the fact that restrictive immigration policies contribute to migrant women's vulnerabilities and potential exploitation. Finally, no account was taken of the fact that the percentage of migrant women in the UK is scarcely higher today than it was a few decades ago. Even though the number of VoTs is low, migrant women in the UK face a wide range of problems. The London based Latin American Women's Rights Service is a CSO that works at the grassroots with women from Latin American countries who find themselves in a variety of exploitative situations. Because the official definition of VoT is very narrow, LAWRS encounters few women who are helped by trafficking legislation and believes that the law is too restrictive and should be replaced by a broader approach in which the human rights of all migrant women are addressed. Stop The Traffik, a government-funded inter-governmental campaign, was set up to address the predicted rise in trafficking during the period of the Olympics. Although the premise was false, the initiative is to be commended for encompassing other forms of trafficking apart from trafficking for sexual exploitation, thus breaking somewhat with he narrow focus on prostitution. However, while the campaign itself achieved high visibility, the number of reports of suspected trafficking was extremely low, a result that throws into question the government's strategy on this issue and, indeed, the utility of the trafficking legislation as a means of addressing exploitation. X:talk, the third CSO examined in this report, is a sex workers organisation, which was concerned that the government would use the wildly exaggerated predictions of a rise in the number of women trafficked into the UK for the purposes of sexual exploitation as an excuse to aggressively police, raid and shut down some workplaces within the sex industry. Such practices have been shown time and again to endanger the lives of all sex workers by displacing them from their peers, from regular clients and from the outreach services that keep in contact with them. The 'abolitionist' take on sex work and associated narratives, prevalent in the current and previous governments, obscure the wider reality that trafficking for the purposes of sexual exploitation is one out of a wide range of exploitative situations in which migrant women can find themselves. In addition, the focus on sexual exploitation, rather than on sex work as work, results in less meaningful intervention. Current narratives about the issue are mostly constructed within a framework of implicit moral disapproval, which fails to address the important health and safety concerns of all sex workers, whether migrant or not. Moreover, it appears that government officials, both within the current and previous governments, subscribe to a particular brand of feminist ideology that that does not recognise or respect the agency of women who choose to become sex workers. Thus, despite the success of its media campaign from the perspective of press coverage, the x:talk campaign was not successful in achieving one of its main policy aims, namely a moratorium on the policing of sex workers during the period under analysis and, indeed, x:talk was excluded from wider debates around these issues. Migration is a development strategy for millions of women all over the world who seek out work in different parts of the service sector and other informal spheres in order to subsist. Restrictive immigration policies and a focus on trafficking and sexual exploitation do nothing to alleviate their vulnerability. What is needed is an approach that addresses and is able to legislate against the whole range of different forms of exploitation that take place in workplaces both in the UK and further along global supply chains. However, there were some examples of a more integrated approach with a focus on wider exploitation and the human rights of women: the multi-agency Human Trafficking and London 2012 Games Network, as well as the Play Fair Campaign, of which War on Want was a key part. War on Want's campaign, contributed both to the work of the Network and to Playfair and drew attention to the shocking labour conditions of many workers, mostly women, in the factories producing goods for export to the UK during the Olympics. A wide range of events ensured that their campaign figured in the media, though much ingenuity and imagination were required to gain the press's interest. This makes a marked contrast with the widespread coverage in the tabloid press of 'sex trafficking', in which any piece of news was seen as a hook for carrying yet another story on the issue. Responding to these difficulties in relation to attracting press interest, War on Want successfully developed a range of different media strategies, involving the innovative use of social media as a means of communicating directly with its supporters. The fourth campaign studied is the one developed and coordinated by Anti-Slavery International in collaboration with the Institute for Human Rights and Business. Entitled The Staff Wanted Initiative, this campaign sought to address exploitative working conditions in the poorly regulated sectors of construction, domestic work, cleaning, catering and hospitality during the London Olympics. This initiative helped business identify who is controlling cheap labour, how it is coming in and the level of workers' pay. This focus on workers' rights, rather than anti-immigration, trafficking or the abolition of any particular sector of work, serves as an example of good practice for employers in other areas of poorly regulated or informal work. This report argues that governments would do better to focus on the human rights of all migrants in the UK, not just those who fall into the restrictive definition of 'trafficked' people and many of whom experience exploitation in many different forms. In order for this change to occur, CSOs will need to work effectively together not only by campaigning against particular legislation but by also exerting pressure to counter particular ideologies that impede a reasoned and rational debate. This is particularly the case with sex work which, if it were conceptualized as "work", would lead to the formulation of holistic approaches based on global justice and the human rights of all migrant workers. During the London Olympics 2012 the campaigns analysed in this report experienced various degrees of success. Factors linked to success rates include: the visibility of these CSO during the Olympics, their ability to work with other CSOs and agencies, the palatability of their message and their effectiveness in getting their message out using various media outlets. In some cases, the use of social media allowed them to communicate directly to their public, reducing the importance of the conventional media. Nonetheless, high level campaigns in which CSOs were able to work together effectively and which managed to gain high media visibility stood the highest chance of effecting change. This is how, for example, the Playfair Campaign 2012 was able to insist on corporations disclosing their supply chains. But the strategy needs to be further developed if change is to occur at the level of ideology and legislation and the first step is for all CSOs to find a common, integrated narrative that focuses on global justice and the human rights of all women and to use this as a campaign framework. Based on the above analysis, the report concludes with recommendations directed at CSOs, governments and corporations. These recommendations are aimed at protecting the human rights of all women and ensuring responsible actions and media coverage during future sporting events around the world.

Details: London: Central America Women's Network. 2014. 48p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 28, 2017 at: http://www.cawn.org/assets/Exploitation%20and%20Trafficking%20of%20Women_.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.cawn.org/assets/Exploitation%20and%20Trafficking%20of%20Women_.pdf

Shelf Number: 131504

Human Trafficking
Migrant Women
Sex Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation
Sporting Events

Author: Rosen, Liana

Title: The State Department's Trafficking in Persons Report: Scope, Aid Restrictions, and Methodology

Summary: The State Department's annual release of the Trafficking in Persons report (commonly referred to as the TIP Report) has been closely monitored by Congress, foreign governments, the media, advocacy groups, and other foreign policy observers. The 109th Congress first mandated the report's publication in the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (TVPA; Div. A of the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000, P.L. 106-386). Over time, the number of countries covered by the TIP Report has grown, peaking at 188 countries, including the United States. In the 2017 TIP Report, the State Department categorized 187 countries. Countries were placed into one of several lists (or tiers) based on their respective governments' level of effort to address human trafficking between April 1, 2016, and March 31, 2017. An additional category of special cases included three countries that were not assigned a tier ranking because of ongoing political instability (Libya, Somalia, and Yemen). Its champions describe the TIP Report as a keystone measure of government efforts to address and ultimately eliminate human trafficking. Some U.S. officials refer to the report as a crucial tool of diplomatic engagement that has encouraged foreign governments to elevate their own antitrafficking efforts. Its detractors question the TIP Report's credibility as a true measure of antitrafficking efforts, suggesting at times that political factors distort its country assessments. Some foreign governments perceive the report as a form of U.S. interference in their domestic affairs. Continued congressional interest in the TIP Report and its country rankings has resulted in several key modifications to the process. Such modifications have included the creation of the special watch list, limiting the length of time a country may remain on a subset of the special watch list, expanding the list of criteria for determining whether countries are taking serious and sustained efforts to eliminate trafficking, establishing a list of governments that recruit and use child soldiers, and prohibiting the least cooperative countries on antitrafficking matters from participating in authorized trade negotiations. These modifications were often included as part of broader legislative efforts to reauthorize the TVPA, whose current authorization for appropriations expires at the end of FY2017.

Details: Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service, 2017. 37p.

Source: Internet Resource: CRS Report R44953: Accessed October 4, 2017 at: https://fas.org/sgp/crs/row/R44953.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: International

URL: https://fas.org/sgp/crs/row/R44953.pdf

Shelf Number: 147548

Child Soldiers
Human Trafficking

Author: Basson, Danna

Title: Validation of the Commercial Sexual Exploitation-Identification Tool (CSE-IT). Technical Report

Summary: Commercial sexual exploitation of children in the U.S. is recognized as a child welfare, mental health, and public health crisis. Despite growing awareness of the problem, it is poorly understood and difficult to recognize. As a result, 75% of young people who experience commercial sexual exploitation (CSE) endure multiple years of abuse before anyone intervenes. The lack of a standard, validated screening tool for use in settings where vulnerable youth are served severely hampers the ability of public agencies to identify victims early and provide targeted services. As a result, there are no valid prevalence or incidence rates for youth who are sexually exploited in California or the United States. To address the need for early identification, credible prevalence estimates of children who experience CSE, and improved response and protection for exploited youth, WestCoast developed, pilot tested, and validated a screening tool to identify exploited youth. This report describes the development of the screening tool - called the Commercial Sexual Exploitation-Identification Tool (CSE-IT) - and the pilot test results and validity evidence for the CSE-IT. To develop the CSE-IT, WestCoast gathered input from over 100 stakeholders, including survivors of exploitation and providers across a variety of disciplines, to inform the content, structure, and administration of a new screening tool. Stakeholder input was critical to constructing a tool informed by the experience of the people who use it and the people it is intended to help. The resulting tool was piloted in 45 agencies, including 15 child welfare agencies, 6 juvenile justice agencies, and 24 community-based organizations. Two thousand childserving professionals screened 5,537 children and youth age 10 and over. The screening results showed that 635 youth, or 11.5% of the youth that were screened, have clear indicators of exploitation (or a score of Clear Concern on the CSE-IT). This rate differs by service setting, gender identity and expression, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, and age. To validate the CSE-IT, we used pilot data to assess the tool's criterion validity, including concurrent and convergent validity, using data collected concurrently via the Crisis Assessment Tool/Childhood Severity of Psychiatric Illness (CAT/CSPI), a validated instrument. We also assessed the psychometric properties of the CSE-IT, including the tool's reliability and factor structure, using Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA). To ensure the content and structure of the CSE-IT reflected the complex reality of CSE for survivors of this abuse as well as for service providers, we also conducted extensive qualitative review of the tool through debriefings with CSE-IT users, agency leaders, survivors of CSE, advocates, and other stakeholders. The CSE-IT pilot study shows that systematically screening for CSE using a universal screening protocol helps identify youth experiencing exploitation, and that using a tool rather than relying on clinical judgment alone furthers this goal. Results also demonstrate the feasibility of establishing a systematic protocol of universal screening in large public agencies.

Details: Oakland, CA: WestCloast Children's Clinic, 2015. 64p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 16, 2017 at: http://www.westcoastcc.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/WCC-CSE-IT-PilotReport-FINAL.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: United States

URL: http://www.westcoastcc.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/WCC-CSE-IT-PilotReport-FINAL.pdf

Shelf Number: 147691

Child Abuse and Neglect
Child Prostitution
Child Sexual Exploitation
Child Trafficking
Human Trafficking

Author: Bachinger, Almut

Title: The Role of Labour Inspection in Addressing Demand in the Context of Trafficking in Human Beings for Labour Exploitation

Summary: The present working paper examines law enforcement in labour markets with regards to reducing demand in the context of trafficking in human beings for labour exploitation in five EU member-states. Four case studies in Austria, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands and the UK and a less-intensive case study in Germany were conducted between June 2015 and May 2016. In all the countries we investigated bodies tasked to monitor labour conditions and compliance with labour standards and to enforce the relevant labour, social security and other laws, labour inspection services - in principle - have an important role in addressing trafficking for labour exploitation. Although labour inspectorates do not operate explicitly according to a concept of demand, there is consensus among the actors involved that the authorities tasked with the monitoring of labour standards and conditions influence employers' behaviour with regards to trafficking for labour exploitation and thus address employer demand. Stakeholders view labour inspectors' as an effective measure through which to tackle trafficking for labour exploitation. At the same time, monitoring of labour conditions and of breaches of labour standards as well as trafficking is constrained due to limited resources and, simultaneously, an increase in the tasks which labour inspectorates have to fulfil and the growing complexity of labour relations and conditions.

Details: Vienna: Demand-Side Measures Against Trafficking, 2017. 82p.

Source: Internet Resource: DemandAT Working Paper no. 12: Accessed November 29, 2017 at: http://demandat.eu/sites/default/files/WP11_WorkingPaper12_Labour%20Inspection_FINAL_0.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: Europe

URL: http://demandat.eu/sites/default/files/WP11_WorkingPaper12_Labour%20Inspection_FINAL_0.pdf

Shelf Number: 148527

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Labor Exploitation

Author: Great Britain. Home Office

Title: Transparency in Supply Chains etc. A practical guide

Summary: Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 requires certain organisations to develop a slavery and human trafficking statement each year. The slavery and human trafficking statement should set out what steps organisations have taken to ensure modern slavery is not taking place in their business or supply chains. This document provides guidance on: who is required to publish a statement how to write a slavery and human trafficking statement how to approve and publish the statement

Details: London: Home Office, 2017. 46p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed December 1, 2017 at: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/649906/Transparency_in_Supply_Chains_A_Practical_Guide_2017.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: United Kingdom

URL: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/649906/Transparency_in_Supply_Chains_A_Practical_Guide_2017.pdf

Shelf Number: 148680

Corporate Crime
Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Modern Slavery
Supply Chains

Author: Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime

Title: Transnational Organized Crime and the Impact on the Private Sector: The Hidden Battalions

Summary: his paper is based on a detailed review of the scale and nature of organised crime's infiltration of the private sector. These findings are a 'call to arms' for the international private and public sectors to transform their co-operation and teamwork. We have adopted a practical definition of organized crime as that which is carried out by a group of people, suspected of serious criminal offences, over a prolonged period, motivated by profit or power. In our analysis of six major private sector industries, six specific forms of organised crime stood out as either having material impact on the private sector, or using the private sector as facilitators. Money laundering is the process of making dirty money look clean. One estimate puts it at 2% of global GDP - c.$1.5 trillion. Money-laundering is an 'enabling crime', facilitating organized crime (as well as terrorism) with social and economic costs. Asset misappropriation refers to stealing from businesses. For example, cargo thefts cost as much as $30 billion in losses each year worldwide. Counterfeiting and contraband, whilst thought of as being a consumer goods crime, is rife in a broad range of sectors, in particular technology products and pharmaceuticals, to devastating effect. It is estimated by OECD at $461billion, or 2.5% of world trade. Fraud and extortion remain strongly present in the financial, construction and real estate industries. In construction extortion could account for of 20-30 per cent of lost project value. Human trafficking. High volume, low skilled labour enterprises such as construction and building, have the highest penetration of trafficking incidence in the private sector. Cyber Crime. Hacking attacks cost the average American firm $15.4 million per year over. In 2015 68,000 URLs containing child sexual exploitation and abuse (CSEA) images were hosted online on 1,991 domains. The reputational impact means major tech companies apply significant collaborative resources to weeding out criminal, terrorist and CSEA activity. Finding#1: The Scale and Impact of Crime in the Private Sector is Truly Staggering. A conservative estimate of the value of organized crime was $3.6-$4.8 trillion, in 2015/2016, 7% of global GDP. The broader impact of organized crime is difficult to assess as it is multi-dimensional, and shared across the private, public sector, and society itself. The impact on the private sector only - in terms of revenue loss - is estimated at c$130 billion. The Institute of Economics and Peace (IEP) calculated the financial cost of terrorism at over $52 billion in 2014. A conservative estimate of total transnational organized crime is $870 billion a year. This is more than six times the amount of official development assistance and close to 7% of the world's exports of merchandise Finding #2 Private sectors are either facilitators or targets. Crimes are either done 'to' private sector organisations, or 'through' them. Sectors are either the targets of fraud or asset theft themselves, particularly in construction, consumer goods ($460 billion counterfeit goods), and financial card fraud, or they facilitate crime unwittingly, through use of technology networks by fraudsters to target victims, e.g. the real estate sector laundering dirty funds or the transport industry moving illicit goods. Regulation varies between the 'victim' and 'enabling' industries. Laws are in place to criminalise the use of the private sector for technology or money laundering crime. The victim industries, however, often are reliant on existing laws around theft, or copyright infringement, which are not tailored to the activities of TOC groups and tend to have lower penalties for infringement. Finding #3 Organized crime's impact on the private sector is growing not shrinking. Counterfeit goods have risen from $250 billion to $461 billion in the last 8 years. Asset theft in the transport and logistics theft rose by over 90% 2015 to 2016. There is a sense that regulation is not working: money laundering seizures equated to 0.2% of all laundered funds in one study; and after the dark web's Silk Road was taken down, many sites sprung up to take on and indeed grow the trade. Finding #4 Direct impact of Crime Disproportionately felt in the global south. Sweatshops flourish in South Asia; trafficking of labour and sex workers originates predominantly in Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe; corruption in natural resources damages production in Africa and the Caucasus; technology fraud is driven from eastern and southern Europe, West Africa and the Middle East. Whereas in developed economies counterfeit drugs may comprise less than 0.2 percent of the market developing markets are often beset by 30% fakes, as a UNODC report showed for anti-malarial drugs in Africa. Globalization is increasing the 'attack surface' for TOC groups. The abuse of the often weaker regulatory regimes in the Global South by TOC groups further increases the risk for the private sector operating in these areas. Finding #5 Responses re confrontational rather than collaborative. There are very few examples of successful public and private sector co-operation against TOC groups. Private sector organisations complain that communication with the law enforcement sector is one-way and that the regulatory reporting burden, designed to combat crime, can act as a deterrent to co-operation. Tangible results have been seen when industries take the lead on disrupting the work of TOC groups, such as TAPA the Transported Asset Protection Association

Details: Geneva, SWIT: The Global Initiative, 2017. 84p.

Source: Internet Resource: accessed December 7, 2017 at: http://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/gitoc_tocprivatesector_web-1.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: International

URL: http://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/gitoc_tocprivatesector_web-1.pdf

Shelf Number: 148755

Cargo Theft
Counterfeit Goods
Human Trafficking
Illicit Trade
Money Laundering
Organized Crime
Private Sector
Stolen Property
Theft of Goods

Author: Dank, Meredith

Title: Pretesting a Human Trafficking Screening Tool in the Child Welfare and Runaway and Homeless Youth Systems

Summary: Despite the fact that youth involved in the child welfare (CW) and runaway and homeless youth (RHY) systems are particularly vulnerable to being trafficked, there is no consensus screening tool to identify trafficking experiences among such youth. In order to better serve youth trafficking victims, this study developed a Human Trafficking Screening Tool (HTST) and pretested it with 617 RHY- and CW-involved youth. This research established that the screening tool is accessible to youth and easy to administer, and that both the full-length tool and a shorter version were effective in identifying youth who are trafficking victims in RHY and CW systems, though additional research with more youth is needed. Methodology The tool was pretested with 617 youth, ages 12 to 24, across 14 RHY and CW settings in New York, Texas, and Wisconsin from March to November 2016. The survey captured their trafficking experiences as well as demographic characteristics and other life experiences related to trafficking (e.g., running away, drug abuse). The 19-item HTST was embedded in a longer Life Experiences Survey, along with a 6- item short-form version called the HTST-SF. The full HTST took approximately two minutes to complete, while the HTST-SF took less than a minute. Most youth completed the survey in an anonymous self-administered electronic form. A random 25 percent were administered the survey by a practitioner, who also recorded their own perspective on the youth's trafficking status. Key Findings Overall, the HTST (which measures both lifetime and past-year experiences) and the HTST-SF performed equally well at capturing trafficking experiences for most youth. Sampled youth were mostly 18 to 24 years old and in RHY-system settings. - HTST covered the key dimensions of youth's trafficking experiences, according to Urban Institute researchers, members of the HHS study team, and RHY and CW youth helping on the study's youth advisory council. - HTST could be implemented and understood in RHY and CW settings. Practitioners assessed the tool as easy to administer and youth's responses as truthful and understanding HTST questions. Further, youth's inclination to respond was not affected by whether the tool was self- or practitioner administered. - Responses to the HTST were correlated to known trafficking risk factors and outcomes, including running away from home, being kicked out of one's home, abusing prescription or over-the-counter drugs, trading sex for something of value on their own (i.e., without the presence of a third-party exploiter), being arrested, and seeking help. - The HTST correctly predicted trafficking victimization. For approximately 6 in 10 youth, the HTST correctly predicted youth to be trafficking victims according to administrating practitioners' beliefs and observations. Additionally, the HTST correctly predicted 8 in 10 times which youth were not trafficking victims, according to practitioners' beliefs and observations. - The short form of HTST performed equally well as the full version, with regard to all measures of validity. Since the HTST-SF took less than a minute to administer, it would appear preferable when time is an issue, unless practitioners are interested in capturing more specific dimensions of youth's trafficking experiences. Table 3 on page 21 shows the long form of the tool, and Figure 2 on page 30 lists the questions from the short form. Conclusion Responses to the 19-item HTST and 6-item HTST-SF were correlated with several known risk factors and outcomes associated with trafficking victimization, including running away from home, being kicked out by parents/guardians, exchanging sex on their own for something of value, abusing over-thecounter drugs, and seeking help. Further, both tools correctly identified trafficking victims 6 in 10 times and nonvictims 8 in 10 times, based on practitioners' assessments of youth's trafficking experiences. Given that practitioners also provided positive feedback on the tools, which took two minutes or less to administer, this study concludes that both the HTST and HTST-SF are accessible, effective tools for screening youth for human trafficking in CW and RHY settings. Given limited samples of certain subpopulations, we recommend additional testing of youth under age 18 and youth in CW settings, in addition to further validation work with a nationally representative sample of youth.

Details: Washington, DC: Urban Institute, 2017. 80p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 20, 2018 at: https://www.urban.org/sites/default/files/publication/93596/pretesting_tool_1.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: United States

URL: https://www.urban.org/sites/default/files/publication/93596/pretesting_tool_1.pdf

Shelf Number: 148890

Child Welfare
Homeless Youth
Human Trafficking

Author: Newman, Graeme R.

Title: The Exploitation of Trafficked Women

Summary: This guide begins by describing the problem of exploiting women who have been trafficked into the United States, and the aspects of human trafficking that contribute to it. Throughout the guide, the word "trafficked" shall mean internationally trafficked, unless otherwise stated. Additionally, the guide's focus is on the final period in the process of trafficking at which women are further exploited by those into whose hands they are passed. This is the point at which human trafficking becomes a problem for local police and so the guide identifies a series of questions that can help analyze local problems related to trafficking. Finally, it reviews responses to the exploitation of trafficked women and examines what is known about the effectiveness of these responses from research and police practice. Concern about the exploitation of women who have been trafficked into the United States derives from the international issues of human trafficking and slavery. The characteristics of international human trafficking, including the profits, resemble those of the international drug trade. In the United States, until the passage of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) in 2000, human trafficking was approached as an immigration problem, which meant that police viewed trafficking as a federal rather than a local responsibility. The TVPA clarified the definition of human trafficking-a particularly difficult problem, as will be seen below- and introduced a number of important protections for trafficked individuals (see Box 1). The TVPA defines two forms of severe human trafficking: a. "...sex trafficking in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such an act has not attained 18 years of age." b. "...the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services, through the use of force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery." Because some 70 percent of internationally trafficked women end up in the sex trade, the effect of the TVPA is to define many such women as crime victims rather than criminals. Whether pressed into forced labor or prostitution, the exploitation of these individuals is continued upon entry into the United States, whether in the same hands of those who trafficked them, or whether passed on to others who profit from commercial sex or cheap, often forced, labor. The TVPA does not require that a trafficked person be actually transported anywhere; it simply requires that the victim's freedom be constrained by force, fraud or coercion. The focus of this guide, however, is on those women who are transported into the United States for the purposes of commercial sex or forced labor.

Details: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, Center for Problem-Oriented Policing 2006. 98p.

Source: Internet Resource: Problem-Oriented Guides for Police; Problem-Specific Guides Series; No. 38; Accessed February 5, 2018 at: http://www.popcenter.org/problems/pdfs/ExploitTraffickedWomen.pdf

Year: 2006

Country: United States

URL: http://www.popcenter.org/problems/pdfs/ExploitTraffickedWomen.pdf

Shelf Number: 102303

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Modern Slavery
Problem-Oriented Policing
Sex Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Latonero, Mark

Title: Technology and Labor Trafficking in a Network Society. General Overview, Emerging Innovations, and Philippines Case Study

Summary: While interviewing survivors of labor trafficking for this report, researchers heard from a young woman in the Philippines who applied for domestic work in the Middle East. She recounted the way her friend, already working abroad, had called and sent texts of encouragement and eventually put her in touch with a recruiter. She was promised that her documents would be arranged with an employer before her flight to begin work. Upon her departure, the recruiter said that plans had changed. She was told her work papers and airline ticket would be issued in Malaysia. The woman was put on a boat and spent over a week crossing the Sulu Sea from one island to another. She was isolated. Her only means of communication was her mobile phone. Not wanting to worry her family (they had high hopes for her employment), she communicated only with her friend, asking for advice and reassurance. Even if she had been able to access the Internet, it is unclear whether she possessed the skills or knowledge to search for the appropriate online resources. Once in Malaysia, she was put into a van with others. While traveling to an unknown destination they were apprehended by police. Interrogated and imprisoned, the young woman managed to sneak her phone into jail and made one last call. Finally, the friend passed along word of her plight and the Philippine government intervened. After a month in prison she was repatriated and is currently in a rehabilitation shelter in Manila. This report finds that isolation from the technologies and social networks that connect individuals to support and services is an indicator and risk factor for labor trafficking. Stories of isolation are unfortunately common in cases of labor trafficking. What is striking in the case above is the central role played by technology. The woman's mobile device both connects and disconnects her from illegal recruiters, employers, family, friends, social services, and assistance. This speaks to the larger premise of this report - new information and communication technologies (ICT's) have become an integral part of the networks that underpin labor trafficking in the 21st Century. Yet little research exists on the impact of technology in exacerbating or addressing the isolation, fraud, force, and/or coercion so often at the heart of trafficking cases. There is a lack of evidence-based research on any relationship between technology and labor trafficking either within or across national borders. To effectively intervene in labor trafficking, the impact of technology needs to be addressed by policy makers, governments, NGOs, researchers, and the private sector. Throughout the world, the rapid diffusion of technologies, such as social media, mobile devices, and the Internet, is impacting social, economic, and political life at an unprecedented scale. We live in a "network society" where technology and the flow of information are crucial forces of global social change. The network perspective helps us examine labor trafficking in a new way - not only as an economic, regulatory, or legal problem but as an issue driven by the technologies connecting networks of actors. This research report is the first to investigate the relationship between technology and labor trafficking. This project began in early 2014 and was made possible by a grant from Humanity United. The research builds upon the Technology and Human Trafficking Initiative, launched in 2010 at the Annenberg Center on Communication Leadership & Policy at the University of Southern California. The evidence gathered and analyzed in this report is based on public documents, websites, interviews with key stakeholders in the US and internationally, and fieldwork in the Philippines. With little previous research on the topic, this study is inherently exploratory. Thus this report's primary goal is to frame technology's impact on labor trafficking and to establish a set of definitions, theories, terms, themes, recommendations, and principles that can guide future research and policy.

Details: Los Angeles: University of Southern California, Annenberg Center on Communication Leadership & Policy, 2015. 68p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed march 9, 2018 at: https://communicationleadership.usc.edu/files/2015/10/USC_Tech-and-Labor-Trafficking_Feb2015.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Philippines

URL: https://communicationleadership.usc.edu/files/2015/10/USC_Tech-and-Labor-Trafficking_Feb2015.pdf

Shelf Number: 149415

Domestic Workers
Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Labor Trafficking
Mobile Technologies
Mobile Telephones
Online Communications
Social Media
Technology and Crime

Author: Justice Centre Hong Kong

Title: Refugee-Human Trafficking Nexus Research

Summary: Justice Centre Hong Kong conducted primary research with a view to exploring the refugee-trafficking nexus in Hong Kong. Specifically, the research has examined if and how those seeking protection through Hong Kong's Unified Screening Mechanism might also be victims of trafficking. Recommendations have been made for the Hong Kong Government and civil society based on the findings of the research.

Details: Hong Kong: The Justice Centre, 2017. 68p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed march 12, 2018 at: http://www.justicecentre.org.hk/framework/uploads/2018/02/Refugee-Human-Trafficking-Nexus-Full-report-R3.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: Hong Kong

URL: http://www.justicecentre.org.hk/framework/uploads/2018/02/Refugee-Human-Trafficking-Nexus-Full-report-R3.pdf

Shelf Number: 149425

Human Trafficking

Author: National Conference of State Legislatures

Title: Safe Harbor: State Efforts to Combat Child Trafficking

Summary: Child trafficking crimes - actions that facilitate the commercial sexual exploitation or forced labor of youth - present difficult criminal justice and human services challenges for government officials. State legislators, through the deliberation and enactment of policy, are at the forefront of the current intergovernmental effort to identify and implement effective procedures to combat child traffickers and pursue justice for survivors. A recent trend in state child trafficking policy focuses on treating trafficked youth as survivors of trauma who should be provided rehabilitative services rather than as perpetrators of crimes they were forced to commit. Policies created for this purpose are a subset of child trafficking measures often referred to as safe harbor laws. This report identifies six themes in state safe harbor laws and provides policy alternatives within each theme. The six themes are: Collaboration and coordination of state entities and resources. Decriminalization and/or diversion for actions of trafficked youth. Funds for anti-trafficking efforts and survivor services. Provision of services for youth survivors. Increased penalties for traffickers of children. Training to recognize and respond to trafficking crimes and its victims

Details: Washington, DC: NCSL, 2017. 13p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 19, 2018 at: http://www.ncsl.org/Portals/1/Documents/cj/SafeHarbor_v06.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: United States


Shelf Number: 149504

Child Prostitution
Child Protection
Child Sex Trafficking
Child Sexual Exploitation
Child Trafficking
Forced Labor
Human Trafficking

Author: KnowTheChain

Title: Food and Beverage Benchmark Findings Report. How are 20 of the largest companies addressing forced labor in their supply chains?

Summary: According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), an estimated 21 million people are victims of forced labor around the world. As defined by the ILO, forced labor refers to "situations in which persons are coerced to work through the use of violence or intimidation, or by more subtle means such as accumulated debt, retention of identity papers or threats of denunciation to immigration authorities." The agricultural sector alone (including forestry and fishing) generates an estimated US$9 billion in illegal profits from forced labor each year.1 The food and beverage industry is an at-risk sector. Forced labor occurs both in the production of raw materials and during the food processing stages of food and beverage companies' supply chains. Food commodities are produced by agricultural workers who often come from vulnerable groups such as women, international migrants, and internal migrants with little education. Weak labor laws and law enforcement in the sector, together with isolated workplaces where housing tends to be provided by the employer, aggravate the typically poor working conditions and can leave workers vulnerable and dependent on their employer. Evidence of forced labor can be found in numerous commodities and countries, such as rice from India or sugar from Brazil. Much of the recent media attention has focused on Thailand, and Thai companies are not only facing scrutiny on using forced labor in the seafood industry, but also in poultry production, for which the EU is the biggest export market. Fourteen workers who escaped a Thai poultry farm in 2016 reported abusive supervisors, long working hours, were only allowed to leave the farm for two hours a week under supervision, and sometimes were forced to sleep next to hatchlings.2 Forced labor is a global occurrence and also occurs in Western countries-it is linked to food products including strawberries from Germany, apples from the United Kingdom, and tomatoes from the United States.3 In fact, the Coalition of Immokalee Workers, a worker-based human rights organization, estimates that approximately 5% of all farm workers in the US are victims of forced labor, the majority of whom are migrant workers from Mexico, Guatemala, and Haiti. Workers are held against their will, forced to work for little or no pay, with their work and commute taking up at least 12 hours a day. Suppliers and retailers alike face significant business risks due to forced labor. These include operational risks (such as having to discontinue supplier contracts due to public pressure, reputational risk incurred from negative publicity) and legal and regulatory risks (such as lawsuits from employees, customers, and other stakeholders). For example, in early 2016 the Thai tuna processing factory Golden Prize Tuna Canning paid Myanmar migrant workers US$1.3 million compensation for labor abuses.4 At the same time, companies-particularly consumer-facing brands-can benefit from a proactive stance on eliminating forced labor in their supply chains in terms of reputation, reduced operational and regulatory risks, and employee motivation. There is growing global momentum in both soft and hard law requiring companies to address forced labor risks in their supply chains and disclose their efforts in this respect. The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights have established that businesses have a responsibility to respect human rights, including through business relationships. The UN Sustainable Development Goals also address the issue: Goal 8 includes the objective to "take immediate and effective measures to eradicate forced labor [and] end modern slavery and human trafficking." Regulatory requirements include the California Supply Chains Transparency Act and the Modern Slavery Act in the United Kingdom. Access to government contracts is increasingly linked to provisions on forced labor, with both the US and Dutch governments having put provisions for government contractors in place in 2012. The ILO's legally binding Protocol on Forced Labour, which was adopted in 2014 and requires states to prevent and remedy forced labor, has been ratified by eight ILO member countries with more to come.5 Overall, progress in the food and beverage industry to address supply chain labor issues such as forced labor has been slow. In the 2016 update of its Behind the Brands campaign, Oxfam found that, in contrast to areas such as climate change or land rights, "[t]he Big 10 [food and beverage companies] have barely shown any improvement [from 2013] on the issue of labor rights in their supply chains." Companies in this sector have been less responsive to KnowTheChain than companies in the Information and Communications Technology and Apparel & Footwear sectors. Nevertheless, the sector is starting to recognize its impacts and several sectoral initiatives have recently pledged to address forced labor. In December 2015, Australian retailers signed a pledge to address forced labor in their supply chains; in January 2016, the Consumer Goods Forum published a resolution to develop an action plan to eradicate forced labor; and in May 2016, AIM-PROGRESS publicly committed to support the implementation of this resolution. Further, investors have started to engage investee companies in the sector in recent years. For example, as part of its "No Fees" Initiative, members of the US faith-based investor network Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility have held dialogues on modern slavery with companies sourcing palm oil and seafood, both retailers and manufacturers in the food sector. Another example is a group of global investors coordinated by the UN-supported Principles for Responsible Investment which have been engaging food companies on supply chain labor issues.

Details: San Francisco: KnowTheChain, 2016. 28p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 28, 2018 at: https://knowthechain.org/wp-content/plugins/ktc-benchmark/app/public/images/benchmark_reports/KTC_Food_Beverage_Findings_Report_October.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: International

URL: https://knowthechain.org/wp-content/plugins/ktc-benchmark/app/public/images/benchmark_reports/KTC_Food_Beverage_Findings_Report_October.pdf

Shelf Number: 149604

Forced Labor
Human Rights Abuses
Human Trafficking
Modern Slavery
Supply Chains

Author: KnowTheChain

Title: Eradicating Forced Labor in Electronics: What do company statements under the UK Modern Slavery Act tell us?

Summary: The information and communications technology sector (ICT) is at high risk of forced labor. A significant number of workers in electronics supply chains are migrant workers who are particularly vulnerable to exploitation. The US Department of Labor lists China and Malaysia as countries where electronics may be produced using forced labor. In fact, a 2014 Verite study found that nearly a third of migrant workers in Malaysia's electronics sector are in situations of forced labor. To mark the third anniversary of the passage of the UK Modern Slavery Act, this report analyzes how companies in this at-risk sector are responding to this legislative requirement. The UK Modern Slavery Act is the most farreaching global legislation on forced labor and human trafficking currently in effect, as it affects any global company that has a turnover of $36 million or more and carries out business in the UK. Most notably, it is the first piece of legislation that requires not only annual reporting on the steps taken to address modern slavery in a company's own operations and supply chains, but also board approval and a director's signature on the company's public statement - ensuring that senior management, as well as boards, pay attention to the issue of forced labor. To understand to what extent the sector is aware of and responding to this legislation, we analyzed large- and medium-size global ICT companies and identified 102 companies from Asia, Europe, and the United States required to report under the Modern Slavery Act. We reached out to 23 of those companies that had not published a statement. We also assessed compliance among published statements with the minimum requirements of the Modern Slavery Act: the statement must be linked on the homepage of the company's website, signed by a director or equivalent, and approved by the board. We additionally evaluated all the identified ICT companies' statements against KnowTheChain's benchmark methodology, which comprises seven themes: commitment and governance, traceability and risk assessment, purchasing practices, recruitment, worker voice, monitoring, and remedy. All statements receive a score out of 100. Disappointingly, 85% of the analyzed statements scored below 25. This report highlights promising practices, as well as gaps identified against our methodology, and makes recommendations to companies.

Details: San Francisco: KnowTheChain, 2018. 33p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 29, 2018 at: https://knowthechain.org/wp-content/uploads/KTC-ICT-MSA-Report_Final_Web.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: United Kingdom

URL: https://knowthechain.org/wp-content/uploads/KTC-ICT-MSA-Report_Final_Web.pdf

Shelf Number: 149597

Electronic Goods
Forced Labor
Human Rights Abuses
Human trafficking
Modern Slavery

Author: KnowTheChain

Title: Apparel and Footwear Benchmark Findings Report: How are 20 of the largest companies addressing forced labor in their supply chains?

Summary: According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), an estimated 21 million people are victims of forced labor around the world. As defined by the ILO, forced labor refers to "situations in which persons are coerced to work through the use of violence or intimidation, or by subtler means such as accumulated debt, retention of identity papers or threats of denunciation to immigration authorities." The apparel & footwear industry is an at-risk sector. Forced labor occurs both in the production of raw materials and during the manufacturing stages of apparel and footwear companies' supply chains, especially at lower tier suppliers and in home-based or informal manufacturing. Most nations in the world participate to some degree in the textile and apparel sector. And, the textiles, clothing, and footwear industry is a rapidly growing field of employment: While in 2000 the global garment industry employed about 20 million workers, this number has at least tripled to 60-75 million workers in 2014, three quarters of whom are women. Following incidents of child labor and reports about sweatshop conditions since the 1990s, companies have taken action, and associations such as the Ethical Trading Initiative, the Fair Labor Association, and the Better Work Initiative, a partnership between the ILO and the International Finance Corporation, have helped companies to work towards improving conditions in apparel supply chains. Today, companies acknowledge responsibility for working conditions in their supply chains, and traceability and transparency are higher than in other sectors. The majority of large apparel and footwear companies have in place supplier monitoring systems, and, through initiatives such as ACT (Action, Collaboration, Transformation), apparel brands, retailers, manufacturers, and trade unions are collaborating to implement living wages. Why does forced labor in the sector persist? While progress has been made, forced labor persists in the sector. The tragic collapse of the Rana Plaza building in Bangladesh has proven that auditing systems can easily fall short: two factories in the building had been audited for social compliance and several brands were unaware that their clothes were being made there. Where audits are announced, some employers ask undocumented workers or child workers to hide. In other instances, the work is subcontracted, and poor working conditions move to a deeper, less visible part of the supply chain.4 "Fast fashion" models can exacerbate the risk of forced labor, with pressure on lead times and pricing leading suppliers to outsource production.

Details: San Francisco: KnowTheChain, 2016. 36p.

Source: Internet Resources: Accessed April 6, 2018 at: https://knowthechain.org/wp-content/plugins/ktc-benchmark/app/public/images/benchmark_reports/KTC_A&F_ExternalReport_Final.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: International

URL: https://knowthechain.org/wp-content/plugins/ktc-benchmark/app/public/images/benchmark_reports/KTC_A&F_ExternalReport_Final.pdf

Shelf Number: 149720

Consumer Products
Forced Labor
Human Rights Abuses
Human Trafficking
Migrant Workers
Modern Slavery
Retail Industry
Supply Chains

Author: KnowTheChain

Title: How food and beverage companies tackle forced labor risks in sugarcane supply chains

Summary: Sugarcane is one of the largest agricultural commodities in the world. It can be found in everyday food items such as cereals, yogurts, and ready-made pizzas, and in beverages such as soft drinks, sports drinks, and flavored coffees. Sugarcane is typically manually harvested, often by migrants and rural workers with little education-in Brazil, more than 25% of the rural population work in sugarcane supply chains. Sugarcane workers face hazardous working conditions, long working hours in isolated workplaces, low wages, and even forced labor. Food and beverage companies face major risks in sourcing sugarcane, given this commodity has been found to be produced by forced labor in Brazil and India, the two largest sugarcane producers in the world. This case study assesses how a sample of 10 companies address forced labor risks across their sugarcane supply chains, finding that, while some companies have assessed risks and set targets, all companies in the case study need to improve significantly-in particular to provide grievance mechanisms and remedy. For the purpose of this report, the term "sugar" has been used where sources refer to sugarcane and may also refer to sugar beets. This study follows KnowTheChain's first food and beverage benchmark completed in 2016, which found a lack of transparency and adequate action to address forced labor in commodity supply chains such as sugarcane, where risks have been documented. We compared the disclosed policies and practices of the 10 companies and examined additional information provided through a questionnaire, which was developed in consultation with global and local stakeholders. Eight of the companies responded to the questionnaire, which represents a notable increase from the 2016 benchmark, when less than half of the companies provided additional disclosure. Key findings on the 10 companies in our case study include: - All companies disclose where at least some parts of their sugarcane supply chains are located. Coca-Cola discloses a map that highlights all sourcing countries for its key commodities. However, the company did not follow through on its commitment from 2013 to disclose the names of all its direct sugarcane suppliers within three years. Wilmar is the only company that discloses a list with names and addresses of its sugar suppliers. - All companies should take concrete follow-up steps at the country level. However, we found steps taken at that level are limited. PepsiCo, Coca-Cola, Nestle, and ABF are the only companies making efforts to understand and assess forced labor risks in their sugarcane supply chains at the country level. While most companies have a grievance mechanism in place, it is unclear whether the mechanisms are communicated to and used by suppliers' workers. Further, no company was able to provide an example of remedy provided to workers in their sugarcane supply chains. - Most companies recognize the need to significantly increase their efforts to improve working conditions in their sugar supply chains and have committed to implement or strengthen sustainable sugar sourcing, which includes efforts to prevent forced labor. Notably, Nestle has set time-bound targets for salient labor issues which include, for example, working with suppliers to promote the right of workers to establish and join trade unions.

Details: San Francisco: KnowTheChain, 2017. 34p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 6, 2018 at: https://knowthechain.org/wp-content/uploads/KTC-SugarcaneReport-Final_August-2017.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: International

URL: https://knowthechain.org/wp-content/uploads/KTC-SugarcaneReport-Final_August-2017.pdf

Shelf Number: 149721

Consumer Products
Forced Labor
Human Rights Abuses
Human Trafficking
Modern Slavery
Supply Chains

Author: White, Elise

Title: Navigating Force and Choice: Experiences in the New York City Sex Trade and the Criminal Justice System's Response

Summary: This study is a departure from the standard treatments of prostitution and sex trafficking, which tend to focus on discrete sub-populations or the specific experiences of a few subjects. In more than 300 in-depth interviews with adults involved in New York City's multifaceted sex trade-conducted by our team of researchers, many with their own experiences in the sex trade-participants described a murky and mutable continuum between involvement due to force and choice. Nearly half of participants met the federal definition for sex trafficking, the majority because they first traded sex before the age of 18. A similar number of participants reported having worked with or for a third party who connected them to customers, often characterizing these relationships as mutually beneficial. Most drew explicit connections between their involvement in the sex trade and poverty, housing instability, substance use, family trauma, or health issues. Rather than clear-cut cases of exclusively force or choice, this study finds that economic exigencies and systemic constraints are the primary drivers of adult involvement in New York City's sex trade. The study also examines a unique criminal justice response-New York City's Human Trafficking Intervention Courts-developed to mitigate some of the harm trafficking victims experience in the criminal justice system. Legal and social service practitioners praised the courts' responsiveness to defendants' high rates of trauma and their commitment to helping defendants avoid criminal records, largely through alternative social service mandates.

Details: New York: Center for Court Innovation, 2017. 110p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 9, 2018 at: https://www.courtinnovation.org/sites/default/files/media/documents/2018-03/nyc_sex_trade.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: United States

URL: https://www.courtinnovation.org/sites/default/files/media/documents/2018-03/nyc_sex_trade.pdf

Shelf Number: 149730

Human Trafficking
Sex Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: GRETA (Group of Experts on Action Against Trafficking in Human Beings

Title: 7th General Report on GRETA's Activities Covering the period from 1 January 20 31 December 2017

Summary: I am pleased to introduce the Seventh General Report on GRETA's activities and to highlight the on-going work of the Council of Europe in combating trafficking in human beings and vindicating the rights of victims of trafficking. The human rights-based approach to combating human trafficking is critical to all aspects of GRETA's work, recognising as it does that trafficking in human beings is a serious human rights violation, one that, as the European Court of Human Rights has repeatedly noted, treats human beings as commodities to be bought and sold. This General Report covers the activities of GRETA from 1 January to 31 December 2017. The year 2017 marked further progress in the application of the Convention across Europe, with the ratification by the Czech Republic on 29 March 2017. All member States of the Council of Europe, with the exception of the Russian Federation, have now ratified the Convention, and Belarus is also a State Party. While the expansion in ratifications of the Convention is significant to ensure greater reach in our work, more effective implementation by States Parties of the Convention standards remains critical. Against a backdrop of millions of people forcibly displaced worldwide, and hundreds of thousands of people on the move in Europe, the risks of exploitation are great. Of particular concern are the risks faced by victims of trafficking on arrival in Europe, with many barriers in place to accessing protection and heightened risks of re-trafficking within Europe. The gender dimension of human trafficking, and gender inequality as both a cause and a driver of exploitation, is central to many of GRETA's country reports. The risks faced by children and young people remain of particular concern, as weaknesses in child protection systems in many countries lead to failings in ensuring timely responses to the rights and needs of migrant and asylum-seeking children at risk. Strengthening the impact of GRETA's work in combating human trafficking is critical and the report highlights examples of where implementation of Convention standards is securing incremental change. Legislative changes continue, as well as policy and practical measures to improve early identification of child victims, steps to provide assistance to male victims of trafficking, and more proactive approaches to ensure access to compensation and legal redress. In this Seventh General Report, GRETA highlights the particular challenges of trafficking for the purpose of labour exploitation. Labour exploitation was chosen as one of the thematic focuses of the second evaluation round of the Convention because of GRETA's concern that Convention obligations were not being met, and that many victims of labour trafficking were not being identified as such nor granted access to assistance and protection. 2017 saw the adoption of the landmark judgment of the European Court of Human Rights in Chowdury and Others v Greece, in which the Convention and its Explanatory Report, together with GRETA's reports on Italy and Spain, were widely cited. The judgment is an important contribution to European human rights law in recognising the complex and subtle forms of coercion that underpin trafficking for the purpose of labour exploitation. The judgment is significant given GRETA's findings that many domestic courts fail to fully understand the gravity of labour exploitation or the nexus with human trafficking. As of the end of 2017, GRETA had adopted 42 country reports under the first evaluation round and 25 country reports under the second evaluation round. These reports highlight that in many States Parties, trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation is the predominant form of human trafficking identified. There is, however, an increase in the number of identified victims of trafficking for the purpose of labour exploitation, and in several countries, labour trafficking has emerged as the predominant form of trafficking. While there are considerable variations in the number and proportion of labour trafficking victims among countries, all countries indicate an upward trend of labour exploitation. hese trends are of great concern to GRETA and highlight the urgent need for closer co-operation between States, civil society, trade unions and the private sector. GRETA has repeatedly stressed the need for comprehensive legislation on trafficking for the purpose of labour exploitation, including recognition of the irrelevance of the victim's consent to the intended exploitation, and the need for heightened attention to the abuse of a position of vulnerability. Trafficking for the purpose of labour exploitation occurs in the formal and informal economies, with migrant workers particularly at risk. Men constitute most of the identified victims of labour trafficking, in sectors as diverse as agriculture, construction, hospitality and fisheries. Women are also victims of trafficking for labour exploitation, often in the more isolated setting of domestic and care work. The possibility of trafficking occurring in diplomatic households is now well recognised, and GRETA's country reports highlight examples of good practice in prevention of such exploitation and in overcoming the barriers presented by state and diplomatic immunity claims. Poverty and discrimination on grounds of 'race' or ethnicity, as well as migration status, continue to contribute to the risks faced by minority communities, including risks of labour exploitation. The increasing precariousness of work, and the risks encountered by seasonal and migrant workers in particular, are documented in several of GRETA's country reports. The fisheries industry is recognised as posing particular challenges to the resourcing and functioning of inspectorates and other oversight bodies. GRETA's reports highlight steps being taken to strengthen preventive measures, yet the limited oversight of agricultural and other sectors contributes to difficulties in outreach to those often most at risk of exploitation. Limited resources for labour inspectorates, restrictions on collective bargaining and restricted access to channels for legal migration all contribute to labour trafficking. Access to information and to legal assistance remains a challenge for many victims of trafficking for the purpose of labour exploitation, and GRETA highlights the importance of ensuring that victims are not criminalised, and can secure access to compensation and effective legal redress. The move towards greater transparency in supply chains, with significant legislative developments as well as policy initiatives, is highlighted as a potentially useful tool to combat human trafficking. In 2017, GRETA again invoked its urgent procedure mechanism, undertaking a short country visit to Hungary, in response to concerns raised in relation to the identification and access to assistance and protection of victims of trafficking. The use of the urgent procedure ensures a more timely response to potentially serious violations of human rights. Combined with the one-year follow-up reporting by States Parties now adopted, GRETA's monitoring work is developing to be more responsive, timely and effective. Complementing GRETA's monitoring work is the continued expansion of the Council GRETA's recommendations. GRETA is also working with other Council of Europe bodies to strengthen the impact of its work, including with MONEYVAL to highlight the importance of financial investigations in disrupting trafficking networks, as well as with other international organisations and civil society to assist in the identification of victims of trafficking among asylum seekers and migrants. 2017 came to an end with images of human trafficking in Libya and concerns at labour exploitation of many migrants travelling en route to Europe. This highlights the urgent need for strengthened co-operation between states and prevention measures to combat exploitation and abuse.

Details: Strasbourg, France: Council of Europe, 2018. 81p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 9, 2018 at: https://rm.coe.int/greta-2018-1-7gr-en/16807af20e

Year: 2018

Country: Europe

URL: https://rm.coe.int/greta-2018-1-7gr-en/16807af20e

Shelf Number: 149745

Asylum Seekers
Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Labor Exploitation
Labor Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation
Trafficking for Labor

Author: Carrillo, Roxanna

Title: Not A Minute More: Ending Violence Against Women

Summary: Violence against women and girls kills and maims vast numbers; it fills their lives with pain and terror, from which some never recover. It exists in every country of the world in some form, and the statistics paint a horrifying picture: 40 per cent of all female homicide victims in the United Kingdom are killed by their intimate partners; every year thousands of women suffer dowry-related deaths or are disfigured by acid thrown in their faces by rejected suitors in Bangladesh, Colombia, India, Nigeria and Pakistan. In 2002, the Council of Europe declared violence against women a major cause of death and disability for women 16 to 44 years of age and called it a public health emergency. And in the United States, the health-related costs of rape, physical assault, stalking and homicide by intimate partners are more than $5.8 billion every single year. Globally, the World Bank estimates that violence against women is as serious a cause of death and incapacity among women of reproductive age as cancer and a greater cause of ill health than traffic accidents and malaria combined. One in three women throughout the world will suffer this violence in her lifetime; she will be beaten, raped, assaulted, trafficked, harassed or forced to submit to harmful practices such as female genital mutilation (FGM). In the majority of cases, the abuser will be a member of the woman's own family or someone known to her. Exacerbating the problem is the fact that violence in general has not abated. Whether it breaks out as full-scale war, ethnic or religious conflict, terrorism or the violence that regular unabated? The answer is deceptively simple, but the solution is deeply complex: gender inequality fuels violence against women and the power imbalances it creates are not easily rectified. As long as women in diverse countries do not have access to property and employment and equal wages, to the seats of power, to education, it is possible for governments to ignore them and their needs. Our work to end violence against women must be a conscious part of our work towards the empowerment of women in general. We cannot change the basic structures of society overnight. But each step in the ongoing effort to eradicate violence puts more pressure on those who condone the violence and allow it to exist. Each step makes it harder to ignore the international agreements to protect and promote women's human rights. This is the moment for a renewed commitment to build on the achievements of the last decades and find the resources for meaningful action. Without this commitment, much of what has been achieved may be lost. That would be a tragedy for all of us, since, as we have learned, women's security is tied to global security. In the words of the UN Commission on Human Security (Human Security Now, 2003): "The security of one person, one community, one nation rests on the decisions of many others, sometimes fortuitously, sometimes precariously." In our interconnected world, we are all affected by the decisions of individuals and nations whether close to home or on the other side of the world. Gender-based violence is part of an intricate web of violence. The trafficking of women is linked to the trafficking of drugs and arms, and an increase in criminality. Rape and sexual abuse are tied to the devastation caused by HIV/AIDS and the destruction of families. Impunity for violence against women suggests impunity for criminal behaviour and the disintegration of the rule of law. Violence against women is tied also to the brutality of war, an issue that was taken up extensively in Women War and Peace, an independent expert assessment commissioned by UNIFEM and published in 2002. Our goal in this report is to highlight achievements and indicate what must be done to build on these achievements. The report provides examples of good practices as well as of efforts that did not meet the goals set out for them - and explores why not. It looks at the challenges ahead, and asks what the most fruitful next steps might be. The work of the last decades indicates several directions for the future, but one of the most critical areas is the need for collaboration and partnerships. No one government or international agency or civil society organization can hope to have an impact alone. Pooling resources, sharing strengths and knowledge and listening to local leaders will allow end-violence efforts to move to the next level. We hope that that the lessons gathered here will serve as a tool, a prod and an inspiration to those entrusted with building the rule of law and honouring human rights as the basis for human security everywhere.

Details: New York: United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), 2003. 114p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 10, 2018 at: https://www.un.org/ruleoflaw/files/312_book_complete_eng.pdf

Year: 2003

Country: International

URL: https://www.un.org/ruleoflaw/files/312_book_complete_eng.pdf

Shelf Number: 117087

Dowry Deaths
Gender-Based Violence
Genital Mutilation
Human trafficking
Violence Against Women, Girls

Author: Molenaar, Fransje

Title: Why the EU should help former smugglers get a job: An integrated approach for Agadez (and beyond)

Summary: In mid-2016, EU efforts to disrupt the business model of migrant smugglers - one of the main pillars of its migration policies - resulted in the sponsoring of police actions in Agadez, Niger. The assumption underlying this course of action was that smuggling and trafficking can and should be addressed by the securitised and militarised approaches that the international community generally applies to transnational criminal activities. In the case of Agadez, however, this approach eventually dug its own grave as it did not provide direct economic alternatives to a local community that lost an important source of livelihood. The approach could have benefited from lessons learned from the international community's decade-long experience with disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration (DDR), which combines securitisation with programmes for economic integration. Applying best DDR practices to the case of Agadez allows for the formulation of an integrated approach to human smuggling in Agadez and beyond.

Details: The Hague: Clingendael (the Netherlands Institute of International Relations), 2018. 11p.

Source: Internet Resource: CRU Policy Brief: https://www.clingendael.org/sites/default/files/2018-04/PB_Why_the_EU_should_help_former_smugglers_get_a_job.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: Europe

URL: https://www.clingendael.org/sites/default/files/2018-04/PB_Why_the_EU_should_help_former_smugglers_get_a_job.pdf

Shelf Number: 149814

Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Migrant Smugglers
Migration Policy

Author: European Commission

Title: Report on the progress made in the fight against trafficking in human beings (2016) as required under Article 20 of Directive 2011/36/EU on preventing and combating trafficking in human beings and protecting its victims

Summary: This paper complements the first European Commission Report on the progress made in the fight against trafficking in human beings as required under article 20 of Directive 2011/36/EU (hereafter "the Report"). It aims to provide a factual overview of the main current trends, actions, and statistical data on trafficking in human beings in the EU, as reported by Member States, civil society and international organisations. The paper elaborates in detail on the measures reported by the Member States to address trafficking in human beings, and additionally takes into consideration actions implemented by the European Commission and other relevant stakeholders in the context of the EU Strategy towards the eradication of trafficking in human beings 2012-2016 (hereafter "the EU Strategy"). A key focus of the EU Strategy has, in fact, been on developing concrete actions to support the implementation of the Anti-trafficking Directive by complementing the work done by the Member States. The EU Strategy actions are based on five priorities: identifying, protecting and assisting victims of trafficking; stepping up the prevention of trafficking in human beings; increased prosecutions of traffickers; enhanced coordination and cooperation among key actors and policy coherence; and increased knowledge of - and effective response to - emerging concerns related to all forms of trafficking in human beings. The paper elaborates on the topics presented in the Report in selected areas of the 'three Ps', prosecution (with focus on financial investigations), protection (with focus on the setting up of national referral mechanisms) and prevention (with focus on actions taken by Member States to prevent the crime as provided by Article 18 of the Anti-trafficking Directive). Furthermore, the paper takes into account the key EU policy framework in addressing trafficking in human beings, including: the European Agenda on Migration ; the European Agenda on Security ; the EU Action Plan against migrant smuggling 2015-2020 ; the Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy 2015-2019 ; the new framework for the EU's activities on gender equality and women's empowerment in EU's external relations for 2016-2020 and the Strategic engagement of the EU for gender equality 2016-2019. The first section of this Staff Working Document describes the methodology and information sources used for drafting both the Report and this document. The following sections mirror the structure of the Report by providing detailed and factual elements on: trends in trafficking in human beings; results of specific anti-trafficking actions; and statistical data provided by the Member States.

Details: Brussels: European Commission, 2017. 97p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 20, 2018 at: http://humantraffickingsearch.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/commission_report_on_the_progress_made_in_the_fight_against_trafficking_in_human_beings_2016_swd_en.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Europe

URL: http://humantraffickingsearch.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/commission_report_on_the_progress_made_in_the_fight_against_trafficking_in_human_beings_2016_swd_en.pdf

Shelf Number: 149867

Human Rights Abuses
Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Illegal Migration
Migrant Smuggling

Author: Dottridge, Mike

Title: Ending Exploitation: Ensuring that Businesses do not Contribute to Trafficking in Human Beings: Duties of States and the Private Sector

Summary: This paper outlines the measures that businesses can take to ensure that trafficking in human beings does not occur in their workplaces or those of their suppliers (i.e., other businesses that sell products or services to them). It also reviews the obligations of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe's (OSCE) participating States to regulate business activities and to enable businesses to take appropriate action to stop human trafficking from occurring. It ends with a series of recommendations for OSCE participating States. The question of what business enterprises, other organizations and individual consumers can do to ensure that people are not trafficked as a result of a business' conduct, whether in the workplace, supply chains, in purchasing decisions or other behaviour, has been a focus of interest since the United Nations (UN) adopted a Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children (the "UN Trafficking Protocol") in 2000. The paper reviews how action by private sector businesses (and potentially state-owned ones as well) can prevent trafficking in human beings from occurring in their workplaces and those of their suppliers, thereby reducing traffickers' earnings and potentially helping drive them out of business. The paper focuses on how to maximize the substantial influence that managers of businesses and organizations have to prevent human trafficking through their procurement or purchasing decisions. It focuses in particular on the benefits that occur when businesses make commitments to respect human rights (or not to tolerate specific abuses of human rights), notably by setting minimum standards in codes to regulate their workplaces and those of their suppliers.

Details: Vienna: OSCE Office of the Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, 2014. 108p.

Source: Internet Research: Occasional Paper Series No. 7: Accessed April 20, 2018 at: https://www.osce.org/secretariat/126305?download=true

Year: 2014

Country: Europe

URL: https://www.osce.org/secretariat/126305?download=true

Shelf Number: 149872

Forced labor
Human Trafficking

Author: McDermott, Jeremy

Title: The Changing Face of Colombian Organized Crime

Summary: - Colombian organized crime, that once ran, unchallenged, the world's cocaine trade, today appears to be little more than a supplier to the Mexican cartels. Yet in the last ten years Colombian organized crime has undergone a profound metamorphosis. There are profound differences between the Medellin and Cali cartels and today's BACRIM. - The diminishing returns in moving cocaine to the US and the Mexican domination of this market have led to a rapid adaptation by Colombian groups that have diversified their criminal portfolios to make up the shortfall in cocaine earnings, and are exploiting new markets and diversifying routes to non-US destinations. The development of domestic consumption of cocaine and its derivatives in some Latin American countries has prompted Colombian organized crime to establish permanent presence and structures abroad. - This changes in the dynamics of organized crime in Colombia also changed the structure of the groups involved in it. Today the fundamental unit of the criminal networks that form the BACRIM is the "oficina de cobro", usually a financially self-sufficient node, part of a network that functions like a franchise. In this new scenario, cooperation and negotiation are preferred to violence, which is bad for business. - Colombian organized crime has proven itself not only resilient but extremely quick to adapt to changing conditions. The likelihood is that Colombian organized crime will continue the diversification of its criminal portfolio, but assuming an ever lower, more discrete profile and operating increasingly abroad.

Details: Berlin: Friedrich Ebert Sstiftung, 2014. 14p.

Source: Internet Resource: Perspectivas 9/2014: Accessed April 26, 2018 at: http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/bueros/la-seguridad/11153.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Colombia

URL: http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/bueros/la-seguridad/11153.pdf

Shelf Number: 149898

Drug Cartels
Drug Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: Bruni, Vittorio

Title: Study on Migration Routes in West and Central Africa

Summary: This report provides an overview of the complex migration trends in West and Central Africa. Based on a desk review of the existing literature and data, the report presents the main drivers and trends of migration in the region, the main routes migrants take to move from the region to get to Europe, migrant vulnerabilities, and the policy and programme responses to migration (multilateral and inter-regional frameworks, regional organizations, and bilateral agreements). The migration contexts of thirteen countries in West and Central Africa are examined: Burkina Faso, the Central African Republic, Chad, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Cote d'Ivoire, Mali, Mauritania, Nigeria, Nigeria, Senegal, and Sierra Leone. These countries are, to different extents, all origin, transit, and/or destination countries of migrants. In West and Central Africa, asylum seekers, refugees, and economic migrants move within the region and beyond it, motivated by different and often overlapping factors, including conflicts, political and socio-economic conditions, and environmental causes. Economic migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers, tend to use similar migration routes and modes of travel. Among the group of migrants originating from the focus countries there are also irregular migrants and victims of human trafficking. For most "irregular" West-African migrants, migration is "regular" in the sense that movements of citizens of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) are prescribed by the freedom of movement protocols of ECOWAS. However, while citizens in this region have the right to free movement, they often lack the correct or recognised documents for movement, making them "irregular" migrants in the region. Even with the ECOWAS free movement protocol in place, there are many barriers to regular migration for prospective migrants, including administrative and bureaucratic challenges and a lack of governmental ability to implement ECOWAS legislations. Corruption is also a major impediment to regular migration, as paying bribes to border patrols is, in many countries, an institutionalised norm. Bribes are often required even when migrants are in possession of proper documentation. Most migrants in the West and Central African region move within the region, and they largely do so by travelling by highways in private cars or buses. Contrary to popular belief, the minority of people that migrate from the region seek to reach Europe. Among those migrants that seek to reach Europe, most rely for the last part of their journey on smugglers that will bring them from some northern Nigerien or Malian cities to either Algeria or, more commonly, Libya. Generally, the complex nature of migration in the region makes it a challenge to identify different types of migrants and their specific vulnerabilities and needs. For these reasons, the flows of migration in the region are often referred to as mixed or complex migration.

Details: Maastricht, Netherlands: Maastricht Graduate School of Governance, 2017. 170p.

Source: Internet Resource: accessed April 27, 2018 at: https://www.merit.unu.edu/publications/uploads/1518182884.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: Africa

URL: https://www.merit.unu.edu/publications/uploads/1518182884.pdf

Shelf Number: 149927

Asylum Seekers
Border Security
Human Trafficking
Immigration Policy

Author: Marchand, Katrin

Title: Study on Migration Routes in the East and Horn of Africa

Summary: This report provides an overview of the complex mixed migration trends in the East and Horn of Africa. Based on a desk review of the existing literature and data on the main drivers and trends of migration in the region, the main routes, migrant vulnerabilities and needs as well as policy and programme responses to migration are presented. Specifically, the mixed migration context of eight countries in the East and Horn of Africa is examined: Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan and Uganda. These countries are, to different extents, all origin, transit and/ or destination countries of migrants. In the East and Horn of Africa, asylum seekers, refugees and economic migrants move within the region as well as beyond for a variety of different factors, including conflicts, political and socio-economic conditions as well as environmental causes in their respective countries of origin. These migrants often use the same migration routes and modes of travel, including smugglers. In addition, victims of trafficking may also be among these migrants. Overall, this mixed nature of migration in the region makes it a challenge to identify different types of migrants and their specific vulnerabilities and needs. Drivers of Migration The factors that lead people to make the decision to migrate through both regular and irregular channels are often called the drivers of migration. This includes both voluntary and forced movements as well as temporary and permanent ones. The countries in the East and Horn of Africa share many characteristics, but differ in others. It can be said that the region as a whole faces challenges associated with low human and economic development. In addition, violent conflicts, political oppression and persecution are or have been main migration drivers in Ethiopia, Somalia, South Sudan and Sudan. In the case of Eritrea the obligatory national service requirements present another significant driver of migration. Environmental factors are also increasingly affecting countries in the region and impact peoples' livelihoods and migration decisions. Migration from Uganda and Kenya is mainly driven by economic factors. Often it is a mix of different factors that lead to the decision to migrate. It is important to keep in mind that even though the eight focus countries share some common drivers of migration the specific country context matters.

Details: Maastricht, Netherlands: Maastricht Graduate School of Governance, 2017. 114p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 27, 2018 at: https://www.merit.unu.edu/publications/uploads/1517475164.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: Africa

URL: https://www.merit.unu.edu/publications/uploads/1517475164.pdf

Shelf Number: 149929

Asylum Seekers
Border Security
Human Trafficking
Immigration Policy

Author: Love, Hannah

Title: Justice in Their Own Words Perceptions and Experiences of (In)Justice among Human Trafficking Survivors

Summary: Survivors of interpersonal violence face many challenges when interacting with the criminal justice system, including the fear of being disbelieved, concerns about safety and retaliation, and a distrust in the system's ability to adequately respond to their cases. Although past studies have documented the challenges survivors of sexual and intimate partner violence face when interacting with the justice system, few have focused on survivors of human trafficking-a population that often experiences misconceptions regarding their victimization, stigma due to perceived involvement with illegal behavior, xenophobia, and criminalization. Without survivors' perspectives, little is known about how criminal justice actors can address these challenges and improve their interactions with human trafficking survivors. The Bending Towards Justice: Perceptions of Justice among Human Trafficking Survivors study is the first to ask survivors of human trafficking how they perceive their interactions with the justice system and how they define justice in their own terms. Drawing from qualitative interviews with 80 survivors of sex and labor trafficking and 100 human trafficking stakeholders in eight diverse metropolitan locations across the country, this brief documents survivors' difficulties achieving justice through traditional criminal justice means and provides their recommendations for how justice system responses to trafficking can be improved. It reveals that most survivors do not endorse traditional forms of retributive justice, such as incarceration, and instead prefer preventative remedies outside the formal criminal justice system.

Details: Washington, DC: Urban Institute, 2018. 18p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 2, 2018 at: https://www.urban.org/sites/default/files/publication/97351/justice_in_their_own_words_0.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: United States

URL: https://www.urban.org/sites/default/files/publication/97351/justice_in_their_own_words_0.pdf

Shelf Number: 149977

Human Trafficking
Victim Services
Victims of Crime
Victims of Trafficking

Author: Yu, Lilly

Title: Alternative Forms of Justice for Human Trafficking Survivors: Considering Procedural, Restorative, and Transitional Justice

Summary: Alternative forms of justice show promise for human trafficking survivors, who often do not find resolution (such as conviction and incarceration for their traffickers) through the traditional criminal justice system. The Bending Towards Justice: Perceptions of Justice among Human Trafficking Survivors study is the first to ask survivors of human trafficking whether nonpunitive forms of justice would complement or compensate existing remedies. Drawing from qualitative interviews with 80 survivors of sex and labor trafficking, this brief documents survivors' experiences with and perceptions of alternative practices, including procedural, restorative, and transitional justice. While all survivors have extensive experience with procedural justice practices, only some survivors have experienced restorative and transitional justice practices. Those who had not experienced restorative and transitional justice found them desirable and promising. Service provider and criminal justice stakeholders may help survivors achieve justice for their victimization experiences by incorporating these alternative forms of justice in their practices. A key finding from the Bending Towards Justice study is human trafficking survivors' difficulty in achieving justice through the traditional criminal justice process. Various factors, including challenges survivors face participating in criminal cases against their traffickers and the inability of retributive justice outcomes, primarily the conviction and incarceration of a trafficker, impede justice for all survivors (Love et al. 2018b). As a result, practitioners, policymakers, and survivor advocates are rethinking how survivors of human trafficking can achieve justice for their experiences. Several alternative forms of justice have been shown to be viable additions or alternatives to traditional criminal justice. Three models show promise when applied to human trafficking cases: (1) procedural justice, (2) restorative justice, and (3) transitional justice. - Procedural justice models argue that the process by which justice is achieved is more important than the outcome of a case. More specifically, theories of procedural justice maintain that survivors' perceptions of justice are influenced by opportunities to be involved in the decisions made in service provision and criminal justice processes and the opportunities to participate in both by having a voice and expressing their side of the story (Thibaut and Walker 1975; Tyler 1988, 1990). An overarching element of procedural justice, therefore, is the respectful treatment of survivors as they pursue services for themselves and/or criminal justice outcomes for their traffickers. - Restorative justice models argue that criminal justice outcomes, including convictions and imprisonment, are not always the best response to crimes against a person (Bolivar 2013; Mika et al. 2004). In the case of human trafficking, nonpunitive, survivor-defined responses, including an acknowledgment of wrongdoing or an apology from traffickers, survivor confrontation of their traffickers, and the payment of reparations might significantly affect perceptions of justice. - Transitional justice models argue that larger community efforts to respond to crimes by acknowledging the harms that have occurred and preventing them from occurring again are most likely to promote peace, provide a sense of justice, and result in longer-term impacts (David and Yuk-Ping 2005; Teitel 2003; van Zyl 1999; Waldorf 2006). Transitional justice for human trafficking survivors primarily focuses on reforms to institutions and policies and educational and memorial initiatives, such as human trafficking awareness campaigns and speaking with policymakers regarding human trafficking-related legislation. While research on the effects of alternative forms of justice has largely been limited to people who are accused of crimes, these models could improve survivor perceptions of justice and reform traditional responses to human trafficking. In response, this brief explores how procedural, restorative, and transitional justice can lead to justice for survivors of human trafficking and complement or compensate for traditional justice system remedies.

Details: Washington, DC: Urban Institute, 2018. 16p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 2, 2018 at: https://www.urban.org/sites/default/files/publication/97341/alternative_forms_of_justice_for_human_trafficking_survivors_0.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: United States

URL: https://www.urban.org/sites/default/files/publication/97341/alternative_forms_of_justice_for_human_trafficking_survivors_0.pdf

Shelf Number: 149978

Human Trafficking
Procedural Justice
Restorative Justice
Transitional Justice
Victim Services
Victims of Crime
Victims of Trafficking

Author: McCoy, Evelyn

Title: Delivering Justice for Human Trafficking Survivors: Implications for Practice

Summary: System actors, including criminal justice stakeholders and social and legal services providers, face challenges in understanding, identifying, and responding to human trafficking cases and survivors' needs. At the same time, survivors of human trafficking often experience misconceptions regarding their victimization, stigma due to perceived involvement with illegal behavior, xenophobia, and criminalization. To date, few studies have documented these challenges for both survivors and system actors, as well as how survivors and system actors conceptualize "justice." This brief is intended for practitioners, including social and legal service providers, law enforcement officials and leadership, prosecutors, judges, and advocates to learn about the study's major findings and how they can inform their daily work with survivors. In addition to findings, this brief includes recommendations made by survivors and stakeholders to improve survivors' experience with service provision and the criminal justice system at several decision points, including arrest, investigation, and prosecution.

Details: Washington, DC: Urban Institute, 2018. 21p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 10, 2018 at: https://www.urban.org/sites/default/files/publication/97356/delivering_justice_for_human_trafficking_survivors.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: United States

URL: https://www.urban.org/sites/default/files/publication/97356/delivering_justice_for_human_trafficking_survivors.pdf

Shelf Number: 150142

Human Trafficking
Victim Services
Victims of Trafficking

Author: Alrabe, Khaled

Title: Lifelines: Supporting Human Trafficking Survivors in the San Francisco Bay Area

Summary: THIS REPORT PROVIDES the findings of a study of human trafficking in the San Francisco Bay Area. The primary objective of the study was to document the challenges law enforcement, service providers, and prosecutors face in (1) identifying, investigating, and prosecuting sex and labor trafficking cases, and (2) providing trafficking survivors with adequate services, protection, and shelter. California is a major locus of human trafficking-defined as recruiting, smuggling, transporting, harboring, buying, or selling of a person for exploitation1 -largely because of its international border, demand for cheap labor, criminal gangs, and a relatively thriving economy. In 2015, the National Human Trafficking Resource Center reported that its hotline had received more reports of sex and labor trafficking from California than from any other state. In addition, the thirteen areas identified by the FBI as having the highest incidence of sex trafficking domestically, three are in California: San Francisco, San Diego, and Los Angeles. The Bay Area is home to a number of human trafficking task forces and coalitions that vary in terms of focus, structure, leadership, and geographic interest. Some task forces, such as the San Jose Police Human Trafficking Task Force and the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Task Force, focus on coordination within law enforcement in the pursuit of traffickers. Other coalitions, such as the South Bay Coalition to End Human Trafficking, work to improve services and to strengthen local capacity to identify and assist trafficking survivors. Most counties have a human trafficking task force or other collaborative mechanism that include representatives from law enforcement, service providers, and local government. These organizations include the San Francisco Collaborative Against Human Trafficking, Contra Costa Alliance to End Abuse, Marin County Coalition to End Human Trafficking, and Alameda County HEAT Watch. Many of these organizations are led by local governing bodies, such as the Mayor's office or the Attorney General's office.

Details: Berkeley, CA: Human Rights Center, UC Berkeley School of Law, 2018. 44p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 14, 2018 at: https://www.law.berkeley.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Bay_Area_Trafficking_Report_final.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: United States

URL: https://www.law.berkeley.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Bay_Area_Trafficking_Report_final.pdf

Shelf Number: 150177

Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Labor Trafficking
Sex Trafficking
Victims of Trafficking

Author: Human Rights Center, UC Berkeley School of Law.

Title: Building Trust: Perspectives on a Victim-Centered Approach to Human Trafficking Investigations in Los Angeles County

Summary: THIS REPORT PROVIDES THE FINDINGS of a study of the Human Trafficking Bureau (Bureau) of the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department, which is a member of the Los Angeles Regional Human Trafficking Task Force (Task Force). The primary objective of the study was to document the strengths and challenges the Bureau and other members of the Task Force encountered as they apply a victim-centered approach to investigations of human trafficking cases in their first year of operations (November 2015 to December 2016). Such an approach prioritizes the needs of victims and works to minimize re-traumatization. Established in September 2015 through a grant from the U.S. Department of Justice, the Task Force is a multi-agency partnership between federal, state, and local law enforcement and social service agencies mandated to "prosecute traffickers and buyers who target them, and provide services designed to restore the victims to lives free from the trauma bonds they've been forced to endure." The Bureau, which had been established earlier by Los Angeles Country Sheriff Jim McDonnell, was assigned to lead the Task Force in combatting human trafficking-defined as the recruiting, smuggling, transporting, harboring, buying, or selling a person for exploitation-in the county. From the onset, the Bureau and the Task Force embraced a novel approach to human trafficking investigations by physically co-locating investigators, prosecutors, and representatives of service provider organizations in the Bureau's headquarters in Monterey Park. Using an open-floor plan, the Bureau houses representatives from the Task Force, including the Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking (CAST); the FBI; District Attorney's Office; Los Angeles County Probation Department; Department of Children and Family Services; and Department of Homeland Security. The Bureau maintains an investigative unit called the Detective Information Research Center (DIRC), which provides backup research for investigators. The Bureau also maintains a separate unit called the Sexual Assault Felony Enforcement Team (SAFE), which conducts cyber investigations of crimes against children (ICAC), including child pornography, sextortion, enticement, and crimes committed by California State sex registrants. The Bureau's human trafficking teams have access to a "soft room" for interviewing and offering services to trafficking victims. While the Task Force is mandated to investigate both labor and sex trafficking cases, the vast majority of cases during the first year of its operations have involved sex trafficking. The Bureau has a three-pronged approach to sex trafficking. The first is to identify and locate victims. Once victims are located, service providers are brought in to provide a range of services from medical care to housing. The second prong is to arrest traffickers and gather evidence for prosecutions. And the third is to staunch demand in the sex trade by targeting buyers, or "johns." Using semi-structured questionnaires, researchers at the Human Rights Center, in partnership with Berkeley Law's International Human Rights Law Clinic, interviewed 45 key informants, including investigators, researchers, service providers, and prosecutors directly located in the Bureau or connected to it. Researchers also reviewed seven case files representative of various sex trafficking cases the Bureau had investigated during the first six months of 2016 and observed two sting operations directed at buyers and traffickers in Los Angeles County. All key informant interviews were transcribed and coded. In all, more than 35 codes were developed and tagged, resulting in 412 pages of coded data. The codes included a range of topics, including reluctance of victims to cooperate with law enforcement, shelter and long-term housing, challenges of investigating labor trafficking, the hidden nature of the crime, relations between investigators and prosecutors, proving the elements of the crime of human trafficking, criminalization vs. decriminalization of prostitution, and inter-agency co-location and cooperation. Since the Bureau has investigated only a few cases of labor trafficking, the report's primary focus is on sex trafficking cases.

Details: Berkeley, CA: The Center, 2017. 78p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 14, 2018 at: https://www.law.berkeley.edu/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/LA_report_2017_Nov20release.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: United States

URL: https://www.law.berkeley.edu/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/LA_report_2017_Nov20release.pdf

Shelf Number: 150178

Criminal Investigations
Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Labor Trafficking
Sex Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation
Victims of Trafficking

Author: Hussemann, Jeanette

Title: Bending Towards Justice: Perceptions of Justice among Human Trafficking Survivors

Summary: This study addresses gaps in knowledge about how survivors and stakeholders perceive justice in cases of human trafficking and the potential of alternative models of justice, including procedural, restorative, and transitional justice, to enhance survivors' experiences and the outcomes of their trafficking cases. Most survivors did not endorse traditional forms of retributive justice for their traffickers, such as incarceration, and instead felt justice could be best achieved through prevention. Survivors' perceptions of justice for themselves included the ability to move on from the trafficking experience and find autonomy and empowerment through achieving self-defined goals. Survivors and stakeholders both expressed concern with the justice system's ability to help survivors achieve their desired outcomes; however, survivors and social service providers did find promise in alternative forms of justice to achieve individualized goals. This study relies on semistructured interview data collected with 80 survivors and 100 social service and criminal justice stakeholders across eight diverse sites in the United States. Findings offer the most comprehensive understanding of survivor experiences with social service providers and criminal justice stakeholders and criminal justice processes to date.

Details: Washington, DC: Urban Institute, 2018. 46p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 31, 2018 at: https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/251631.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: United States

URL: https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/251631.pdf

Shelf Number: 150410

Human Trafficking
Victim Services
Victims of Trafficking

Author: U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. Maine Advisory Committee

Title: Human Trafficking in Maine

Summary: Human trafficking - the coercion of human beings for the purpose of involuntary labor, sexual exploitation, or both - is a growing problem in Maine. President Obama has called human trafficking modern day slavery, declaring that the United States "must end this most serious, ongoing criminal civil rights violation." The Maine Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights (Maine SAC or Committee) started examining the issue of human trafficking in 2011 and convened a briefing in April 2012. The Committee heard from law enforcement officials, prosecutors, legislators, and advocates. Survivors of human trafficking also participated, putting a human face on the problem. The briefing shined a light on the fact that Maine did not have a stand-alone dedicated human trafficking law. Committee members questioned the panelists about the absence of this legislation and encouraged panelists to consider legislative actions to help address the human trafficking in Maine. Subsequent to the briefing, the Maine legislature enacted several provisions aimed at protecting victims and increasing penalties for violators. Specifically, in 2013, the Maine legislature passed LD 1159, an Act to Address Human Trafficking, Sex Trafficking, and Prostitution. The statute broadened the definition of "human trafficking offense," and established "sex trafficking" and "aggravated sex trafficking" as crimes. The Maine legislature later signed LD 1730, An Act to Assist Victims of Human Trafficking, into law. The statute has two main effects: first, it provides an affirmative defense for victims of trafficking who are charged with prostitution, and second, it adds an additional fine for those convicted of aggravated sex trafficking. The Maine SAC convened a second briefing on human trafficking in June 2014 to learn about the impact of the new trafficking laws and to find out what still needs to be done to address human trafficking in Maine. The Committee invited additional law enforcement officials, prosecutors, legislators, advocates, and survivors of human trafficking to update the Committee. In issuing this report, the Committee commends the state for the progress it has made in addressing human trafficking. Nonetheless, the Committee finds that more needs to done to help victims and survivors of trafficking, especially with regards to criminal liability of victims and assistance for victims. Regarding criminal liability, the Committee learned that two new laws are needed: a vacatur statute and a safe harbor law. A vacatur law allows courts to vacate the offenses committed by victims during the course of their being trafficked. An ideal vacatur statute would allow courts to vacate any prostitution, drug possession, or other criminal conviction, provided that the act in question was committed by a victim of human trafficking during the course of being trafficked. To this end, the Maine SAC recommends that the Maine legislature enact a vacatur law. The Maine legislature should also enact a safe harbor law that is designed to prevent minors who are victims of human trafficking from being charged with crimes committed during the period they were trafficked. Existing safe harbor laws vary significantly among the states. Thus, the Maine SAC recommends that the Maine legislature enact the safe harbor law. The Committee also recommends that the U.S. Department of Justice draft a model safe harbor law that may be introduced in state legislatures. Finally, one of the most critical components of a proper response to human trafficking is the provision of adequate services for trafficking victims. Services are so key, in fact, that Maine prosecutors have ranked them more important in fighting human trafficking than a dedicated human trafficking statute itself. Traffickers make great efforts to ensure that their victims are isolated and totally dependent on them not only for the material essentials of life, but also for any sort of stability or feeling of normalcy. The Committee learned that trafficking victims are often arrested as a way to ensure that they have shelter, food, and safety. In order to adequately address human trafficking, the state needs both to create and fund programs that provide services to human trafficking victims. An ideal system of victim assistance services in Maine would address the fundamental needs of trafficking victims, including living assistance, educational services, and working with federal agencies on immigration and citizenship services. These services would receive sufficient funding to adequately serve the growing number of individuals in Maine identified as victims of both sex and labor trafficking. Finally, while this report focuses its findings and recommendations on the issue of sex trafficking, both briefings included testimony from advocates working on the issue of labor trafficking. Some estimate that labor trafficking constitutes almost one-third of the total human trafficking market. Labor trafficking in Maine occurs in several industries, including construction, manufacturing, agriculture, and logging. The Committee discredited the myth that labor trafficking involves exclusively undocumented workers. There are cases throughout New England - in construction, domestic help, and restaurants - where trafficked individuals are documented immigrants or U.S. citizens. We hope that Maine will consider adopting a standalone labor trafficking statute similar to the sex trafficking statute it recently enacted.

Details: Washington, DC: U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, 2016. 49p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 2, 2018 at: http://www.usccr.gov/pubs/Human-Trafficking-in-Maine.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: United States

URL: http://www.usccr.gov/pubs/Human-Trafficking-in-Maine.pdf

Shelf Number: 150436

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Labor Trafficking
Modern Day Slavery
Sex Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation
Victims of Trafficking

Author: Australia. Parliament. Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade

Title: Hidden in Plain Sight: An inquiry into establishing a Modern Slavery Act in Australia

Summary: Slavery is one of the most appalling crimes in human history. Regrettably, the term 'modern slavery' reminds us that slavery and slavery-like practices are still prevalent around the world today, including here in Australia. Modern slavery is often 'hidden in plain sight'. These heinous crimes are present across a range of industries in Australia and in the global supply chains of businesses and organisations operating here. Latest estimates suggest that over 40 million people around the world, and 4 300 in Australia, are victims of some form of modern slavery, which includes human trafficking, slavery, debt bondage, forced labour and other slavery-like practices. In November 2016, the Foreign Affairs and Aid Sub-Committee of the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs Defence and Trade (Committee) sought the referral of this inquiry to investigate measures to better combat modern slavery in Australia and around the world. The Committee was very pleased when the Australian Government, through the Attorney-General, approved and provided a referral for this inquiry in February 2017. The inquiry particularly focussed on assessing the effectiveness of the United Kingdom's Modern Slavery Act 2015 (UK Act) and whether similar or improved measures could be introduced in Australia. During the inquiry, the Committee received 225 submissions and held 10 public hearings. The Committee heard from a range of dedicated individuals, businesses and organisations with an interest in eradicating modern slavery, including from within global supply chains. The Committee applauds the work being undertaken by these groups to tackle these terrible crimes. The Committee heard strong support for key elements of the UK Act, including from businesses. There was particular support for the establishment of the Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner and the introduction of global supply chain reporting requirements. The Committee recommends that the Australian Government introduce similar measures here, with a range of improvements as outlined in this report. Specifically, the Committee recommends the establishment of an Australian Modern Slavery Act, including an Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner to lead and coordinate Australia's response to combatting modern slavery. Evidence suggests that the UK Commissioner has made an important contribution to raising awareness of modern slavery, better coordinating UK law enforcement agencies and advocating for improved supports for victims.

Details: Canberra: The Committee, 2017. 393p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 3, 2018 at: http://www.gla.gov.uk/media/3377/hiddeninplainsight-australian-modern-slavery-doc.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: Australia

URL: http://www.gla.gov.uk/media/3377/hiddeninplainsight-australian-modern-slavery-doc.pdf

Shelf Number: 150453

Child Trafficking
Debt Bondage
Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Modern Slavery
Supply Chains

Author: Polaris Project

Title: On-Ramps, Intersections, and Exit Routes: A Roadmap for Systems and Industries to Prevent and Disrupt Human Trafficking

Summary: Harold D'Souza hardly seemed like an obvious candidate for a five-figure bank loan. He had only just arrived from India, with a wife, two young boys, and a job offer that turned out to be fraudulent. Yet somehow, with just a few signatures on a few dotted lines, Harold walked out the door of a bank with what would have been a small fortune had he been allowed to access it. Of course, he wasn't. Every dime of that money went to the man who actually arranged for the loan - the trafficker. This was the same man who brought Harold to the United States with the promise of a high-paying professional job and instead forced him to work in a restaurant and live in a virtual prison of debt and desperation. Exactly how the trafficker managed to secure a loan of tens of thousands of dollars in the name of a newly arrived migrant worker with no verifiable source of income remains a mystery to Harold. Clearly though, it was not dumb luck. The trafficker knew exactly how to work within and around a highly regulated and legitimate industry - banking - to maximize the profit he made on Harold and his family. It was all part of his business plan. The man whose lies and manipulations robbed Harold of his freedom was not unique to his field. A successful trafficker, like any successful entrepreneur, begins with a business plan built on a platform of established business models and best practices. Over time, that plan is chiseled to perfection as the trafficker learns new skills and tests out innovative new ways to monetize the exploitation of human beings. As with any enterprise, the business plan of a human trafficking venture is not built in a vacuum but rather exists within an ecosystem or matrix, depending on and intersecting with a range of legitimate industries and systems - cultural, governmental, environmental. Examples are abundant. Traffickers use banks to store their earnings and buses to move their victims around; hotel rooms are integral to the operations of some sex traffickers, social media is a vital recruitment trawling ground for others. This report takes a magnifying glass to such private-sector intersections. The details matter. The more that is known about the business plans of human trafficking, the more possible it becomes to prevent and disrupt the crime and help survivors find freedom. The insights here are gleaned from those in a position to understand the nuances of each business intersection point - the survivors who lived the experience. They are not definitive scientific conclusions but rather valuable baseline narratives that can spark further exploration and collaboration from other sectors. Each set of insights is followed by detailed recommendations for turning them into action, industry by industry. Like the insights and information that precede them, these recommendations are also not intended to be definitive. They are a beginning; an invitation. What we have learned is only as valuable as the partners who join us in making the recommendations a reality - and by offering more of their own. This report builds upon Polaris's 2017 report, The Typology of Modern Slavery, which analyzed data, gleaned from nearly 10 years of operating the National Human Trafficking Hotline, to show that human trafficking in the United States consists of 25 distinct business models. For each, the Typology report illuminated the basic operational plan - the demographics of both victims and traffickers, and how victims are recruited and controlled.

Details: Washington, DC: Polaris Project, 2018. 176p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed july 27, 2018 at: https://polarisproject.org/sites/default/files/A%20Roadmap%20for%20Systems%20and%20Industries%20to%20Prevent%20and%20Disrupt%20Human%20Trafficking.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: United States

URL: https://polarisproject.org/sites/default/files/A%20Roadmap%20for%20Systems%20and%20Industries%20to%20Prevent%20and%20Disrupt%20Human%20Trafficking.pdf

Shelf Number: 150930

Debt Bondage
Human Trafficking
Modern Slavery
Social Media

Author: Mann, Lori

Title: Trafficking in Human Beings and Smuggling of Migrants in ACP Countries: Key Challenges and Ways Forward Informing discussions of the ACP-EU Dialogue on Migration and Development

Summary: This report was commissioned by the ACP-EU Migration Action in 2017 as part of the Action's efforts to collect, analyse and disseminate information and knowledge on the results achieved through its activities. Focusing on trafficking in human beings (THB) and the smuggling of migrants (SoM), experts from ACP and EU countries met in Brussels in July 2014 to discuss their respective policies pertaining to these fields, and to identify concrete areas of cooperation in order to tackle both phenomena in a spirit of shared responsibility and cooperation. The meeting demonstrated a shared commitment to address challenges, and recognized the necessity to deepen cooperation among countries of origin, transit and destination, including by fostering a South-South perspective. The recommendations elaborated during the experts' meeting were subsequently validated by the Ambassadors' meeting in January 2015. Soon after, the ACP-EU Migration Action began implementing activities to address the issues of THB and SoM. The ACP-EU Dialogue recommendations on THB and SoM include: - Enact (or amend) comprehensive national legislation on both trafficking in human beings and the smuggling of migrants, in line with the Palermo Protocols and EU legislation; - Effectively implement national legislation on trafficking in human beings and migrant smuggling, ensuring victim identification and protection and the prosecution of perpetrators for the full range of existing forms of exploitation; - Raise awareness regarding THB and SoM among all key stakeholders, including: law enforcement, the judiciary, health care workers and labour inspectors, among others, by providing information and training; - Promote cross-border and international cooperation among countries of origin, transit and destination through bilateral Memorandums of Understandings (MoUs) and a special focus on South-South cooperation; - Improve data collection on THB and SoM as a prerequisite for evidence-based policy action; - Promote a victim-centred, human rights-based, gender-sensitive approach to ensure victim protection and identification in full cooperation with NGOs; - Dismantle criminal networks through financial tracking and tackling corruption among public officials, and prosecute traffickers and smugglers to prevent impunity; mentation of existing laws, the lack of comprehensive legislation on trafficking- and smuggling-related issues and underlying primary governance problems constitute additional significant barriers to addressing THB and SoM. The prevention of, and response to, trafficking in human beings and migrant smuggling requires a comprehensive, "whole of government" approach. It touches upon a myriad of related issues, inter alia: corruption, access to civil registration documents, labour laws and inspections, access to social welfare, gender-based violence, child protection and migration. As many of the recipients of the Action's support are poor and/or Small Island States, they face basic infrastructure and primary governance challenges that necessitate, but at the same time complicate, the provision of specialized technical assistance. Meeting the demand for institutional strengthening and capacity building requires adapting methodologies to the particularities of each country, including geographical and resource constraints, as well as the ways in which social and cultural norms function in relation to forms of exploitation and gender-based violence that lead to, or themselves might constitute of trafficking in human beings. Cooperation is the cornerstone of effective anti-trafficking and anti-migrant smuggling initiatives, and is required between States, institutions and non-State actors at all levels: subnational, national and international. Several ACP State recipients demonstrate increasingly effective cooperation at diverse levels, especially where such efforts benefit from existing structures and/or support at the regional level, such as regional platforms or cooperation agreements. However, for most State recipients, weak inter-agency cooperation at the national level constitutes a huge barrier to the effective implementation of laws and policies. National inter-agency coordination mechanisms to address trafficking in human beings and migrant smuggling (where existent) remain new for many of the examined ACP States, and few work systematically with civil society organizations. Cooperation between States is crucial for disrupting both the smuggling and trafficking business models, given the inherently transnational nature of the former and the often -albeit not always- international character of the latter. Cross-border collaboration must hence also be strengthened, especially with regards to data sharing, investigations, prosecutions and returns. Yet, the best examples of cooperation do not focus on policing alone, but include elements of prevention and development, and the integration of a human rights-based approach. The potential use of regional mechanisms should be highlighted too, given the increased interest by stakeholders in this modality of South-South cooperation, and the large percentage of victims trafficked regionally. The most striking gap among ACP State recipients is the absence of the provision of assistance to, and the protection of, trafficking victims and smuggled migrants, which should be at the heart of any anti-THB and anti-SoM strategy. Upholding human rights remains central for all cases. In addition to the rights accorded to trafficking victims, and those accorded to smuggled migrants, specific needs due to individual trafficking or smuggling experience, as well as characteristics such as gender and age and socio-cultural norms, should be taken into account. To date, little efforts have been made in most of the examined countries to develop referral systems and for ensuring that victims are duly identified and receive the needed assistance. Moreover, cases were noted where victims of trafficking and smuggled migrants were not shielded from prosecution - as is set forth by the Protocols - and in few countries they are subject to immediate deportation and potential refoulement. In some countries, civil society actors play an important role in providing shelter and other basic necessities. Yet sometimes they operate with no clear mandate to assist trafficking victims or vulnerable migrants specifically, indicating a potential lack of experience and expertise in addressing the needs and rights of trafficking victims and smuggled migrants. In addition, many operate with little if any government support or involvement. Prevention efforts should raise awareness on trafficking in human beings and smuggling of migrants among the public, while addressing the root causes of both phenomena, and targeting a wide range of stakeholders. Many of the examined ACP countries have organized, or are in the process of organizing capacity building for government entities at the policy and/or frontline level, including awareness raising on these phenomena. However, prevention and awareness raising should target and actively involve a wider range of stakeholders, for example traditional community leaders and diaspora, given the direct contact they have with (aspiring) migrants in many ACP countries. Communities should also be consulted in the design of awareness campaigns. The private sector is another key partner for prevention efforts in ACP countries, especially when addressing the demand side of the trafficking chain. Any meaningful prevention effort must be associated with realistic alternative options to unsafe migration, such as development and work opportunities that benefit migrants and their societies in the countries of origin and destination. Finally, reliable data is the most basic prerequisite for developing policies that are evidence based and respond appropriately to the local context. However, in many of the examined ACP countries, data tends to range from anecdotical to non-existent. In many instances, capacity building on data management, analysis and sharing is needed, at the inter-agency as well as the international level. Proper case management systems with standardized interfaces are also essential. However, the limitations in both infrastructure and resources should be taken into account and in that sense, international methodologies and systems for data collection and management should be adapted to the local context. Through a series of baseline assessments, the ACP-EU Migration Action has identified the above mentioned gaps among other specific barriers to effective anti-trafficking and anti-smuggling strategies. Such assessments are conducted within each targeted country and form the foundation of the related technical assistance support. In light of its work with States and Regional Organizations throughout the African, Caribbean and Pacific regions, the Action remains poised to provide the needed technical assistance and to contribute new knowledge to the concrete dialogue that is ongoing between States within the ACP-EU Partnership framework. The recommendations presented at the conclusion of the report build upon those issued by the ACP-EU Dialogue on Migration and Development and seek to highlight emerging challenges while bringing the achievement of stakeholders and the related good practices to the fore. This analysis seeks to produce knowledge that can be adapted for use in other context where States struggle with these same phenomena.

Details: Brussels: IOM, 2018. 233p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 1, 2018 at: http://acpeumigrationaction.iom.int/sites/default/files/final_web.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: Africa

URL: http://acpeumigrationaction.iom.int/sites/default/files/final_web.pdf

Shelf Number: 151003

Criminal Networks
Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Illegal Immigration
Organized Crime
Victims of Trafficking

Author: Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime

Title: Responding to the human trafficking-migrant smuggling nexus with a focus on the situation in Libya

Summary: Probably nowhere more than in Libya have the definitional lines between migrant smuggling and human trafficking become as blurred or contested. Hundreds of thousands of migrants have left Libya's shores in the hope of a new life in Europe; tens of thousands have died in the process. The inhumane conditions migrants face in Libya are well documented. The levels of brutality and exploitation they experience in Libya's turbulent transitional environment have led to smuggling and trafficking groups being bundled under one catch-all heading by authorities and policymakers, and targeted as the root cause of the migration phenomenon. In many respects, this would appear to conveniently serve the interests of EU leaders and governments, who choose to disguise the anti-migration drive they urgently seek support for behind a policy of cracking down on both trafficking and smuggling rings, which they conflate as a common enemy, and one and the same. Given the highly complex context of Libya, this report proposes instead that any intervention to address the so-called migrant crisis should place the human rights of migrants at its centre, as opposed to necessarily demonizing smugglers, who are often the migrants' gatekeepers to a better existence elsewhere.

Details: Geneva, SWIT: The Global Initiative, 2018. 20p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 4, 2018 at: http://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Reitano-McCormack-Trafficking-Smuggling-Nexus-in-Libya-July-2018.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: Libya

URL: http://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Reitano-McCormack-Trafficking-Smuggling-Nexus-in-Libya-July-2018.pdf

Shelf Number: 151508

Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: Ruiz-Benitez de Lugo, Lucia Bird

Title: Battling Human Trafficking: a Scrutiny of Private Sector Obligations under the Modern Slavery Act

Summary: Modern slavery is a global problem estimated to affect over 40 million people, 16 million of those in forced labour in the private sector. Forced labour in the private economy is estimated to generate $150 billion in illegal profits per year, with recent research finding that 71% of companies believe modern slavery is likely to be occurring in their supply chains. Multi-nationals from Nestle to Costco have faced class actions in US courts and, even where the case has been unsuccessful, suffered significant reputational damage. The private sector is being held to account for human rights violations in their supply chains in an unprecedented manner. The Transparency in Supply Chains clause (TSC) in the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (MSA), which firmly placed obligations on a significant cross-section of the private sector for mitigating the risk of human trafficking in their supply chains (HTSC), is the UK's landmark legislation effecting this shift of responsibility onto business. The MSA is groundbreaking legislation, and a number of other jurisdictions are already following suit. Consequently, an analysis of the MSA yields a clearer understanding of the current trend in global regulation of human trafficking in supply chains. The TSC requires companies falling within specified financial and geographic thresholds to publish an annual statement outlining the steps they have taken to mitigate the risk of HTSC (the "TSC Statement"). The aim of the TSC is to 'prevent modern slavery in organisations and their supply chains' by increasing the transparency and accountability of companies to both shareholders and consumers, thereby driving best practice in HTSC risk mitigation. The TSC came into force in 2015, and most companies falling within scope have been required to publish the first TSC Statement in 2017 to cover the 2016 fiscal year. This is consequently a key moment to take stock and analyse the efficacy of the TSC against its stated purpose, to assess compliance and review how the structure of the TSC requirement could be tweaked to enhance impact.

Details: Geneva, Switzerland: The Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime, 2018. 36p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 8, 2018 at: http://globalinitiative.net/battling-human-trafficking-a-scrutiny-of-private-sector-obligations-under-the-modern-slavery-act/

Year: 2018

Country: International

URL: http://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Battling-Human-Trafficking-A-Scrutiny-of-Private-Sector-Obligations-under-the-Modern-Slavery-Act-Global-Initiative-RESPECT-2018.pdf

Shelf Number: 151448

Forced Labor
Global Affairs
Human Trafficking
Modern Slavery
Private Sector

Author: Strategic Applications International

Title: Below Ten: Combating Drugs, Guns, and Human Trafficking at the U.S. Southwest Border

Summary: The Below Ten project focused on three cities located on or below Interstate 10 - (1) Nogales, Arizona; (2) Pharr, Texas; and (3) San Diego, California - and their efforts to respond to a wide range of problems related to guns, drugs, and human trafficking. A key component of the project was the series of summits held to develop stakeholder-led plans to respond to the wide range of humanitarian, commercial, and enforcement issues. This publication describes the outcomes of these summits, which brought community members together with local, state, federal, and tribal law enforcement; public health providers; social services; and other groups to identify problems, challenges, and solutions. It also provides detailed information on the approach adopted by each community and the activities that have been sustained since the project ended.

Details: Washington, DC: Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, 2018. 64p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 20, 2018 at: https://ric-zai-inc.com/Publications/cops-p369-pub.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: United States

URL: https://ric-zai-inc.com/Publications/cops-p369-pub.pdf

Shelf Number: 151604

Border Security
Drug Trafficking
Gun Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Trafficking in Weapons

Author: Armstrong, Mary I.

Title: Citrus Helping Adolescents Negatively Impacted by Commercial Sexual Exploitation (CHANCE) Pilot Study: Progress Report

Summary: CHANCE is a treatment program in Miami-Dade County for youth identified as victims of human trafficking that provides a comprehensive continuum of services designed to address trauma, improve youth functioning and well- being, and reintegrate affected youth into a normalized family and community setting. USF/CFS is conducting a program evaluation and longitudinal outcome study of youth served by the CHANCE program to assess the effectiveness of these services for this population. Areas of investigation include child and youth functioning at home, in school and in the community, as well areas specific to this population including traumatic exposure and symptoms.

Details: Tampa: Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute. University of South Florida, 2016. 42p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 9, 2018 at: https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/9c11/3a5c9ebb5b47f3845e31f35ceb846a08cfcd.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: United States

URL: https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/9c11/3a5c9ebb5b47f3845e31f35ceb846a08cfcd.pdf

Shelf Number: 152859

Child Prostitution
Child Sexual Abuse
Child Sexual Exploitation
Child Trafficking
Human trafficking

Author: Field, Frank

Title: Independent Review of the Modern Slavery Act 2015

Summary: In July 2018, the Home Secretary, at the request of the Prime Minister, announced a review of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the Act). The members of the Review are Frank Field MP (chairman), Maria Miller MP and the Baroness Butler-Sloss. The Review's terms of reference are set out at Annex A. We have been provided with a secretariat seconded from the Home Office to support us, and we are very grateful to them for their hard work, efficient research, and for providing us with the relevant information we need to formulate and substantiate our conclusions and recommendations. We have also secured the services of a former House of Commons Clerk who has provided independent support and advice on the drafting of our report. Although we have been set up by the Home Office, we have made it very plain to Government that we are carrying out an entirely independent review of the working of the Act. As such, the conclusions and recommendations set out in this interim report and all other reports are entirely our own. We have set up an independent website that can be found at www.independentmsareview.co.uk. We were asked to focus on four areas of the Act and produce a final report for the Home Secretary with our recommendations by the end of March 2019. These four areas are: - The Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner (sections 40 - 44) - Transparency in supply chains (section 54) - Independent Child Trafficking Advocates (section 48) - The legal application of the Act, comprising: - The definition of exploitation (section 3) - Reparation orders (sections 8-10) - The statutory defence (section 45) Of these areas, we were invited to give our views on the Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner and transparency in supply chains before the end of 2018. We have therefore decided to prioritise writing interim reports on these two issues, and this is the first such report. In accordance with our terms of reference, this report addresses the question: "how to ensure the independence of the Anti-Slavery Commissioner".

Details: London, U.K.: Home Secretary, 2018. 33p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed December 18, 2018 at: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/modern-slavery-act-2015-review-first-interim-report?utm_source=70d9df3e-7125-4243-bca5-b7a621b2edb3&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=govuk-notifications&utm_content=immediate

Year: 2018

Country: United Kingdom

URL: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/765256/independent-msa-review-interim-report-1-iasc.pdf

Shelf Number: 154068

Child Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Modern Slavery Act
Reparation Orders
Supply Chain

Author: Koskenoja, Maija

Title: An Unknown Future: A Report on the Effectiveness of Legislation Concerning Assistance for Victims of Human Trafficking Conclusions and Recommendations

Summary: Abstract The Non-Discrimination Ombudsman and the European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control, affiliated with the United Nations (HEUNI) jointly implemented an assessment of legislation that applies to assistance for victims of human trafficking in Finland (Act on the reception of persons seeking international protection and on the identification of and assistance to victims of trafficking in human beings, (746/2011). The report is based on extensive document and interview material including, for example, the entries in client records concerning assistance provided to 66 victims of human trafficking. In addition, a total of 83 specialists working in the field of counteracting human trafficking across Finland were interviewed for the report. The report shows that the social and health administration in municipalities is not familiar with the act that applies to the reception of and assistance to victims of human trafficking and that the special status of victims of human trafficking as recipients of services is not realised in municipalities. Victims of human trafficking do not always receive the statutory services they would be entitled to. There are also Finnish citizens among these victims. The report also reveals that there are people in Finland who, in spite of their need for assistance for reasons related to human trafficking, do not get sufficient help from the system of assistance for victims of human trafficking, or who do not find their way to or are not within the scope of the assistance provided by the authorities. According to the report, a central reason for this is the strong link between the provision of assistance and the process of bringing perpetrators to justice (the criminal process) that results from legislation and its application. This link seems to have become stronger as a result of the legislative amendment that entered into force in 2015. All in all, the system of assistance for victims of human trafficking, which is managed by the reception centre in Joutseno, carries out good work with its clients as well as good cooperation with other authorities. Based on the report, the most important recommendations are: 1. Enacting a special act that applies to assistance for victims of human trafficking, 2. Issuing instructions to municipalities for the application of legislation concerning assistance for victims of human trafficking and, 3. Improving the operational capacities of non-governmental organisations.

Details: Valtioneuvoston: Ministry of Foreign Affairs Finland 2018.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 9, 2019 at: https://tietokayttoon.fi/documents/1927382/2158283/An+unknown+future.pdf/de58c765-d4f7-4ddf-b23c-345ec1c65686/An+unknown+future.pdf.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: Finland

URL: https://tietokayttoon.fi/documents/1927382/2158283/An+unknown+future.pdf/de58c765-d4f7-4ddf-b23c-345ec1c65686/An+unknown+future.pdf.pdf

Shelf Number: 154050

European Institute for Crime Prevention and Contro
Human Trafficking
International Protection
Legislation Application
Non-Discrimination Ombudsman
Victim Assistance

Author: Ohio Human Trafficking Task Force

Title: Governor's Ohio Human Trafficking Task Force Report. Building a Comprehensive State Response

Summary: Human trafficking is a form of modern day slavery where people profit from the control and exploitation of others. It is a pervasive crime that touches every region of the state with its destructive acts of injustice, devastating the lives of those impacted in Ohio's cities, suburbs and rural communities. To respond, Ohio Governor John R. Kasich launched a state-level anti-human trafficking response that has resulted in the coordinated and proactive measures that exist in Ohio today. In 2012, Governor Kasich signed Executive Order 2012-06K creating the Ohio Human Trafficking Task Force. In doing so, he charged state agencies to coordinate a state-level response to implement informed, strategic and effective policies addressing both the gaps and opportunities within Ohio's systems to identify and serve victims of human trafficking. Since 2012, the U.S. Department of State's 3P framework to prevent trafficking, protect victims and prosecute offenders has guided Ohio's strategy to build a foundation for a comprehensive response model. The Task Force has implemented policies to support the sustainability of Ohio's anti-trafficking initiatives and programs, supported local partnerships by providing continued training and technical support, and obtained federal dollars to implement anti-trafficking projects in Ohio. The following report outlines the 2017-2018 Task Force priorities and the steps the state has taken to accomplish them.

Details: Ohio: Human Trafficking Task Force, 2019. 40p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 10, 2019 at: https://humantrafficking.ohio.gov/OhioHumanTraffickingTaskForceReport0119.pdf

Year: 2019

Country: United States

URL: https://humantrafficking.ohio.gov/OhioHumanTraffickingTaskForceReport0119.pdf

Shelf Number: 154097

Anti-Human Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Modern Day Slavery

Author: Larson, Jessica

Title: Learning from Danish Counter-Piracy off the Coast of Somalia

Summary: ABSTRACT Since the mid-2000s, piracy off the coast of Somalia has posed a serious threat to international shipping and the safety of seafarers. As a seafaring nation, combating Somali piracy quickly became an important security and foreign policy priority for Denmark. This report documents Denmark's recent role in international counter-piracy off the coast of Somalia and examines the challenges and opportunities posed by Danish involvement. The report offers central points for policy-makers to take into account when planning future participation in international maritime security operations, including other forms of maritime crime such as drug- and weapon-smuggling in the Indian Ocean and human trafficking in the Mediterranean. The report identifies four areas in particular in which Denmark may contribute to maritime security. These areas are aligned with Danish capabilities and interests, as well as critical gaps in existing international engagement. They are: - continuing support to the international agenda of multilateralism in maritime security; - emphasising long-term capacity-building of regional maritime security capabilities; - accounting for local conditions in policy planning regarding cooperation with regional states; - strengthening Danish maritime security policy by systematically evaluating civil-military cooperation.

Details: Copenhagen, Denmark: Danish Institute for International Studies, 2017. 38p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 12, 2019 at: http://pure.diis.dk/ws/files/1236845/Report_10_Somalia_piracy_WEB.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: Somalia

URL: https://www.diis.dk/en/research/new-diis-report-unfolds-danish-counter-piracy-action

Shelf Number: 154101

Civil-Military Cooperation
Foreign Policy
Human Trafficking
Maritime Security

Author: Keeble, Jasmin

Title: An Assessment of Independent Child Trafficking Advocates: Interim Findings

Summary: Background Independent Child Trafficking Advocates (ICTAs) Section 48 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 made provision for ICTAs in England and Wales. The role of ICTAs is to provide specialist independent support for trafficked children, in addition to existing statutory service provision, and to advocate on behalf of the child to ensure that their best interests are reflected in decisions made by public authorities. Previous trial and early adopter sites In January 2014, the Home Office commissioned an initial trial of ICTAs, delivered by Barnardo's, in 23 local authorities in England. The trial evaluation report, published in December 2015, found that the role of ICTAs was seen positively by most professionals involved and by the children themselves. ICTAs were perceived as adding value to existing service provision. However, the evaluation found that there was a need for further research into the ways ICTAs mediate the risk of children going missing. There was also limited evidence of benefits in relation to the immigration and criminal justice systems, due to the short timescale of the pilot. In June 2016, the Government announced that it would commence Section 48 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. To support the national roll-out of the ICTA service, it was introduced in three early adopter sites: Greater Manchester, Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, and throughout Wales. This service has run from 30 January 2017 and is due to continue up to 31 January 2019. Aims The Home Office are assessing the ICTA service in the three early adopter sites over 2 years. An Independent Expert Advisory Panel has been established to oversee this assessment of the ICTA service. The overall aim of the assessment is to answer the question: What is the 'added value' of the ICTA service, and is this different for different groups of children and in different early adopter sites? To address this question, the assessment will explore: - How the ICTA service was implemented in the early adopter sites. - How the ICTA service works alongside existing service provision for trafficked children in the early adopter areas, and how this is different for different groups of children. - The outcomes for children who had an ICTA, including the outcomes for different groups of children.

Details: London, UK: 2018.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 16, 2019 at: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/an-assessment-of-independent-child-trafficking-advocates-interim-findings

Year: 2018

Country: United Kingdom

URL: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/730098/assessment-of-independent-child-trafficking-advocates-horr101.pdf

Shelf Number: 154222


Child Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Modern Slavery Act 2015

Author: Center for the Study of Democracy

Title: Financing Organised Crime: Human Trafficking in Focus

Summary: The report Financing of Organised Crime: Human Trafficking in Focus contributes to a better understanding of the financial aspects of this infamous phenomenon. The analysis explores the sources and mechanisms of the financing of trafficking in human beings, settlement of payments, access to financing in critical moments, costs of business, and the management of profits. The report draws on the findings of nine in-depth country case studies in Belgium, Bulgaria, Italy, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Romania, Spain, and the United Kingdom. Based on the results of the analysis and the examination of the current practices with regards to financial investigations, the report also suggests recommendations for tackling this crime. The chapters of this report have been written by: Introduction - Atanas Rusev; Chapter 1 - Atanas Rusev, Nadya Stoynova, Fiamma Terenghi, Andrea Di Nicola, and Jelle Janssens; Chapter 2 - Fiamma Terenghi and Andrea Di Nicola; Chapter 3 - Atanas Rusev, Mois Faion, Nadya Stoynova, Anton Kojouharov, and Marian Sabev; Chapter 4 - Sigrid Raets and Jelle Janssens; Chapter 5 - Sigrid Raets and Jelle Janssens; Implications for Policy - Atanas Rusev and Nadya Stoynova.

Details: Sofia, Bulgaria: The Center, 2019. 448p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 23, 2019 at: http://www.csd.bg/artShow.php?id=18388

Year: 2019

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.csd.bg/artShow.php?id=18388

Shelf Number: 154385

Financial Investigations
Human Trafficking
Money Laundering
Organized Crime

Author: Galos, Eliza

Title: Migrant Vulnerability to Human Trafficking and Exploitation: Evidence from the Central and Eastern Mediterranean Migration Routes.

Summary: Over the past years, public attention has gradually turned to the experiences of migrants along the precarious Mediterranean routes to Europe. A large number of migrants continue to risk their lives crossing the Mediterranean Sea on the way to Europe, often enduring long and perilous journeys. In 2015 and 2016, there was a large increase in arrivals of migrants and refugees fleeing protracted conflict, poverty and persecution, and seeking security and economic opportunities in Europe. The largest number of recorded migrant arrivals to Europe in 2015 occurred on the Eastern Mediterranean route. Also, the largest number of recorded migrant arrivals on the Central Mediterranean route occurred in 2016, which was also considered the deadliest and most dangerous year on record for sea crossings to Europe. A growing body of evidence is beginning to highlight the scale and scope of exploitation experienced by migrants along these routes, including human trafficking. In particular, the abuses endured by migrants in Libya - the main departure point for sea crossings to Europe - have been well documented. This report examines migrants' vulnerability to human trafficking and exploitation by exploring risk and protective factors associated with unsafe migration, through the systematic evidence collected by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Displacement Tracking Matrix operations in 2016. It presents the results from the largest existing set of survey data on the vulnerability of migrants to abuse, exploitation and human trafficking on the Mediterranean routes to Europe. Data derive from interviews conducted over a one-year period with more than 16,000 migrants in seven countries, namely, Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Serbia, Slovenia and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. In the context of the analysis, migrants' vulnerability to human trafficking and exploitation is operationalized as the positive response to at least one of the five key questions included in the survey that refer to an individual experience during the journey. The key questions are related to potential human trafficking for labour exploitation, forced marriage and other experiences that could signal coercion (such as being held against one's will) in a possible human trafficking scenario. The survey did not collect information on potential human trafficking for sexual exploitation or on other forms of gender-based violence. More information on the choice and implications of the questions included in the survey can be found in the Methodology (Chapter 2). Definitions related to key terms, such as vulnerability and human trafficking, can be found in the Methodology and Appendix 1. The analysis of the IOM survey data shows that more than one third (37%) of all interviewed migrants had a personal experience that indicated the presence of human trafficking or other exploitative practices along the route. Seventy-three per cent of migrants interviewed along the Central Mediterranean route presented at least one indicator of exploitation, along with 14 per cent of migrants interviewed along the Eastern Mediterranean route.

Details: Geneva, SWIT: International Organization for Migration, 2017. 94p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 4, 2019 at: http://migration.iom.int/docs/migrant_vulnerability_to_human_trafficking_and_exploitation_November_2017.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: Europe

URL: http://migration.iom.int/docs/migrant_vulnerability_to_human_trafficking_and_exploitation_November_2017.pdf

Shelf Number: 154484

Force Labor
Human Trafficking
Labor Exploitation

Author: Lyneham, Samantha

Title: Estimating the dark figure of human trafficking and slavery victimisation in Australia

Summary: The true extent of crime victimisation is unlikely to ever be known, yet new statistical techniques offer a promising method of uncovering the 'dark figure' of hidden victimisation. One such technique is multiple systems estimation (MSE), which counts the overlap of victims appearing in different combinations across multiple data sources. Using this technique, it is estimated that the number of human trafficking and slavery victims in Australia in 2015-16 and 2016-17 was between 1,300 and 1,900. This means there are approximately four undetected victims for every victim detected. Quantifying the extent of human trafficking and slavery victimisation enhances our understanding of the problem and provides a sound evidence base for informing policy development, the provision of victim support and law enforcement activities.

Details: Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology, 2019. 8p.

Source: Internet Resource: AIC Statistical Bulletin 16: Accessed February 15, 2019 at: https://apo.org.au/sites/default/files/resource-files/2019/02/apo-nid220271-1332516.pdf

Year: 2019

Country: Australia

URL: https://apo.org.au/sites/default/files/resource-files/2019/02/apo-nid220271-1332516.pdf

Shelf Number: 154629

Human Trafficking
Modern Slavery
Victims of Trafficking

Author: Sereni, Anna

Title: Before the Harm is Done: Examining the UK's response to the prevention of trafficking

Summary: The purpose of the research carried out for this report was to review action taken in the UK since 2012, relating to the prevention of human trafficking, in order to assess the extent to which it contributes to the UK's implementation of the 2005 Council of Europe Trafficking Convention and the EU Trafficking Directive requirements. The research was undertaken through a combination of desk research, Freedom of Information (FOI) requests and stakeholder interviews. The research found positive examples of localised good practice and outstanding work by some bodies, which have shown a deep understanding of trafficking. Despite significant development in the UK's efforts to tackle this issue, however, the examples of good practice do not represent the overall situation. We found that positive efforts are weakened by lack of evaluation and undermined by the strong tendency to view the anti-trafficking response through a criminal justice lens. Overall, the report concludes that: - The UK continues to lack an overall strategy to prevent trafficking in adults and children; - This leads to an inconsistent and fragmented approach to the prevention of trafficking; - The UK's lack of a strategic response means that prevention is often seen through the prism and policies of immigration and crime, hindering effective preventative action; - The result of this approach and the wider policies of austerity, a hostile immigration environment and the threats posed by Brexit, is that the vulnerability of adults and children to exploitation is not reduced and the UK risks contravening its positive obligation to prevent trafficking.

Details: London: Anti-Trafficking International, 2018. 98p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 19, 2019 at: http://www.antislavery.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Before-the-Harm-is-Done-report.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.antislavery.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Before-the-Harm-is-Done-report.pdf

Shelf Number: 154667

Child Exploitation
Child Trafficking
Human Exploitation
Human Trafficking

Author: International Organization for Migration

Title: Strengthening responses to child trafficking and modern slavery: A Pilot Project to support foster carers looking after Albanian and Vietnamese unaccompanied children

Summary: This project evaluation report reviews tools and activities piloted to build the capacity of foster carers to look after Albanian, Vietnamese and other unaccompanied asylum-seeking children in the United Kingdom who are identified - or potential - victims of human trafficking and modern slavery. These include tools to inform young people about foster care in their own language, thereby reducing their vulnerability to going missing from care and being trafficked.

Details: Geneva: IOM, 2019. 40p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 18, 2019 at: https://publications.iom.int/system/files/pdf/child_trafficking_modern_slavery.pdf

Year: 2019

Country: Albania

URL: https://publications.iom.int/system/files/pdf/child_trafficking_modern_slavery.pdf

Shelf Number: 155042

Child Migrants
Child Trafficking
Foster Care
Human Trafficking
Modern Slavery

Author: Field, Frank

Title: Independent Review of the Modern Slavery Act. Third interim report: Independent Child Trafficking Advocates

Summary: In July 2018, the Home Secretary, at the request of the Prime Minister, announced a review of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. The members of the review are Frank Field MP (chairman), Maria Miller MP and the Baroness Butler-Sloss. You can read the review's terms of reference. This is the third interim report from the review. As part of the review, the members were invited to give their views on the Independent Child Trafficking Advocates scheme. This report looks at the question of how to ensure the right support for child victims given the changing profile of child trafficking. The report includes findings and a summary of recommendations.

Details: London: Ministry of Justice, 2019. 40p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 25, 2019 at: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/788251/Independent_MSA_Review_Interim_Report_3_-_ICTAs__2_.pdf

Year: 2019

Country: United Kingdom

URL: In July 2018, the Home Secretary, at the request of the Prime Minister, announced a review of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. The members of the review are Frank Field MP (chairman), Maria Miller MP and the Baroness Butler-Sloss

Shelf Number: 155152

Child Sexual Exploitation
Child Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Modern Slavery Act
Reparation Orders
Supply Chain

Author: Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM)

Title: "Sold Like Fish": Crimes Against Humanity, Mass Graves, and Human Trafficking from Myanmar and Bangladesh to Malaysia from 2012 to 2015

Summary: On April 30, 2015, Thai authorities announced the discovery of a mass grave in a makeshift camp in a forested area near the Malaysian border. The grave contained more than 30 bodies of suspected victims of human trafficking believed to be Rohingya Muslims and Bangladeshi nationals. Less than one month later, on May 25, the Royal Malaysian Police announced the discovery of 139 graves and 28 suspected human-trafficking camps in Wang Kelian, Perlis State, Malaysia. Rohingya Muslims have faced military-led attacks and severe persecution in Myanmar for decades. Fortify Rights, the United Nations, and other organizations determined that there are reasonable grounds to believe that the Myanmar authorities committed genocide against Rohingya-a crime that continues to today. These crimes forced hundreds of thousands of Rohingya refugees to flee the country in recent years. Most fled with hopes of finding sanctuary in Bangladesh and Malaysia, the nearest predominantly Muslim countries. This report documents how a transnational criminal syndicate-a group of individuals or organizations working together for common criminal interests- in Myanmar, Bangladesh, Thailand, and Malaysia preyed on Rohingya refugees, deceiving them into boarding ships supposedly bound for Malaysia. Motivated by profit, between 2012 and 2015, a transnational criminal syndicate held Rohingya as well as Bangladeshis at sea and in human-trafficking camps on the Malaysia-Thailand border. Traffickers provided their captives with three options: raise upwards of 7,000 Malaysian Ringgit (US$2,000) in exchange for release, be sold into further exploitation, or die in the camps. Members of a syndicate tortured, killed, raped, and otherwise abused untold numbers of men, women, and children, buying and selling them systematically in many cases, in concert with government officials. Days after the mass-grave discovery in Thailand in 2015, Thai authorities arrested a Rohingya man from Myanmar named Anwar, also known as Soe Naing, for alleged involvement in a human-trafficking ring. Thai authorities went on to arrest 102 other suspects, including senior Thai government officials. Thai authorities then began the largest human-trafficking trial in the history of Southeast Asia. On July 19, 2017, a newly established, specialized human-trafficking court in Bangkok convicted 62 defendants for crimes related to the trafficking of Rohingya and Bangladeshis to Malaysia via Thailand. Those found guilty included nine Thai government officials, including Lieutenant General Manas Kongpaen, a military general who reportedly received approximately US$1 million (3.49 million Malaysian Ringgit) in profits from the trafficking trade, including payments amounting to more than US$400,000 (1.39 million Malaysian Ringgit) in just over one month alone. In contrast, since 2015, Malaysian courts convicted only four individuals of trafficking-related offenses connected to the mass graves discovered at Wang Kelian. All those convicted were foreigners, including one Thai national, two individuals from Myanmar, and a Bangladeshi national. The Royal Malaysian Police reportedly arrested 12 police officers but eventually released them due to a lack of evidence. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)-the agency mandated to protect refugees-estimates that more than 170,000 people boarded ships from Myanmar and Bangladesh bound for Thailand and Malaysia from 2012 to 2015 and that the criminal syndicate organizing the vessels generated between US$50 million (174.5 million Malaysian Ringgit) and US$100 million (349 million Malaysian Ringgit) annually. Each ship reportedly earned traffickers an estimated US$60,000 (209,400 Malaysian Ringgit) in profits, according to UNHCR. The majority of people trafficked during this period were Rohingya Muslims; however, in late 2014 and 2015, the syndicate began targeting Bangladeshi nationals as well. This is a joint report by the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM, referred to in this report as "the Commission") and Fortify Rights. It documents human rights violations perpetrated against Rohingya Muslims trafficked from Myanmar and Bangladesh to Thailand and Malaysia from 2012 to 2015, the discovery of mass graves in Wang Kelian in Malaysia's Perlis State, and the Malaysian authorities' response to the discovery of the mass graves. It analyzes the violence against Rohingya within the framework of relevant international law.

Details: Belfast, ME: Authors, 2019. 124p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 5, 2019 at: https://www.fortifyrights.org/downloads/Fortify%20Rights-SUHAKAM%20-%20Sold%20Like%20Fish.pdf

Year: 2019

Country: Asia

URL: https://www.fortifyrights.org/downloads/Fortify%20Rights-SUHAKAM%20-%20Sold%20Like%20Fish.pdf

Shelf Number: 155353

Criminal Syndicates
Human Rights Abuses
Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Gadd, David

Title: Mapping the Contours of Modern Slavery in Greater Manchester: Key Findings

Summary: The research reported here arose from an N8 Policing Small Grant that aimed to map the contours of modern slavery as they appeared in 2015 data recorded for the Greater Manchester area by Greater Manchester Police (GMP) and the Modern Slavery Human Trafficking Unit (MSHTU) - formerly the United Kingdom Human Trafficking Centre (UKHTC). The MSHTU oversees the National Referral Mechanism (NRM), which is the formal process through which victims of modern slavery in the UK are officially identified and supported. In 2015 GMP filed 581 intelligence logs pertaining to Modern Slavery as it became defined under the 2015 Modern Slavery Act. These intelligence logs derived from 333 enquiries lodged in the Modern Slavery Data Tool (MSDT). Many intelligence logs and enquiries refer to the same suspects and offenders. Hence, the 333 enquiries pertained to just 120 suspects and 102 victims. Omissions in the datasets were rectified and backfilled where possible and records were linked before being thoroughly anonymised. The vast majority of jobs in the 2015 MSDT were generated within GMP itself, with only 4% coming from external sources (NGOs or another police force).

Details: Manchester, UK: University of Manchester, Centre for Criminology and Criminal Justice, 2017. 4p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 15, 2019 at: https://n8prp.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/N8-PRP-Small-Grants-Modern-Slavery-findings.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: United Kingdom

URL: https://n8prp.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/N8-PRP-Small-Grants-Modern-Slavery-findings.pdf

Shelf Number: 115165

Human Trafficking
Modern Slavery

Author: Currier, Alyssa

Title: 2018 Federal Human Trafficking Report

Summary: Holding human traffickers accountable through criminal investigations and prosecutions, as well as civil lawsuits, is a crucial element of an effective, victim-centered approach to combating human trafficking. Human traffickers are economically motivated, compelling people to work or to engage in commercial sex for the trafficker's own profit. The Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) of 2000 criminalizes this form of exploitation at the federal level and has provided increasingly more protection for victims over time. The TVPA provides, inter alia, mandatory victim restitution and the option for victims to sue their traffickers civilly. In 2017, the Human Trafficking Institute ("Institute") published the first Federal Human Trafficking Report, an exhaustive review of federal efforts to hold traffickers accountable for their exploitative conduct. The 2018 Federal Human Trafficking Report ("Report") is a continuation of the Institute's efforts to provide comprehensive data about every criminal and civil human trafficking case that federal courts handle each year. The Report's findings are not a prevalence estimate of human trafficking within the United States, but instead, serve as an objective summary of how the federal court system is used to combat human trafficking. In 2018, there were a total of 771 active human trafficking cases in federal courts across the United States. The majority (88.2%) of the active human trafficking cases were criminal prosecutions. The remaining 11.8% of the active human trafficking cases were civil suits. Criminal Cases -- In 2018, the government initiated 171 criminal human trafficking cases in federal courts. Ninety-five percent of the initiated cases were sex trafficking cases, and 4.7% were labor trafficking cases. This represents a 29% decrease in the number of initiated cases from the 241 new criminal cases in 2017. Since the TVPA was enacted in 2000, the number of human trafficking cases prosecuted has increased dramatically. In 2000, the federal government initiated four human trafficking cases. In 2007, the year the Justice Department formed the Human Trafficking Prosecution Unit, initiated federal prosecutions jumped to 55 new cases. Although the number of sex trafficking prosecutions charged by the federal government each year has greatly increased since the enactment of the TVPA, the number of new labor trafficking cases has remained relatively stagnant. Case Type -- Over half (51.6%) of the criminal human trafficking cases active in 2018 were sex trafficking cases involving only child victims. The remaining 48.4% of the criminal cases were sex trafficking cases involving only adult victims (16.3%), sex trafficking cases involving adult and child victims (16.2%), sex trafficking sting cases without identified victims (8.4%), sex trafficking cases where the age of the victim was undisclosed (2.4%), and labor trafficking cases (5.1%). Business Models -- Criminal defendants used the internet to solicit buyers of commercial sex in 87.7% of the sex trafficking cases active in 2018. Of these cases, public sources identified Backpage as a platform used to solicit buyers in 300 cases. The number of cases involving Backpage dropped 18.3% from 2017, following the shutdown of Backpage in April 2018. Only 5.3% of the sex trafficking cases active in 2018 involved commercial sex being marketed on a street or track known for prostitution. This is a slight decline from the 6.6% of sex trafficking cases that involved street-based commercial sex in 2017. In 2018, labor trafficking defendants most commonly compelled victims to work as domestic servants. Of the labor trafficking cases active in 2018, 38.7% involved domestic work, where victims were forced to provide house cleaning, childcare, and other household tasks. The other top industries where defendants commonly compelled victims to work included food services or restaurant labor (19.4%), farming or agricultural labor (12.9%), and construction labor (12.9%). These were the same top four business models as in 2017. Methods of Coercion -- Traffickers frequently use a combination of coercive tactics to compel a victim to provide sex or labor. In 2018, evidence in over half (56.2%) of the sex trafficking cases indicated that a defendant used physical violence to force a victim to engage in commercial sex.iii In addition to violent methods of coercion, traffickers commonly rely upon more subtle forms of coercion to control their victims. Of the sex trafficking cases active in 2018, 42.6% involved a defendant threatening to use violence against a victim, 25.4% involved a defendant verbally or emotionally abusing a victim, and 23.3% involved a defendant placing a victim in physical isolation in order to coerce the victim to engage in commercial sex. Defendants in over one-third (36.2%) of the active sex trafficking cases allegedly induced a substance addiction, or exploited an existing addiction, as a method to control a victim. The most common methods of coercion used by defendants in labor trafficking cases active in 2018 were the withholding of pay (60%) and threats of physical abuse (60%). In 57.1% of the cases, defendants used physical violence to coerce a victim to work or provide services. Non-physical methods of coercion targeting migrant populations appeared in public sources more frequently in labor trafficking cases than sex trafficking cases. For example, 51.4% of labor trafficking cases included evidence that a defendant threatened a victim would be deported if he or she did not comply with the defendant's demands. In comparison, only 2.6% of sex trafficking cases mentioned a defendant's threat of deportation as a method of coercion. ....

Details: Merrifield, VA: Human Trafficking Institute, 2019. 112p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 4, 2019 at: https://www.traffickingmatters.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/2018-Federal-Human-Trafficking-Report-Low-Res.pdf

Year: 2019

Country: United States

URL: https://www.traffickingmatters.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/2018-Federal-Human-Trafficking-Report-Low-Res.pdf

Shelf Number: 155619

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Labor Trafficking
Sex Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Hestia

Title: Underground Lives: Police response to victims of modern slavery

Summary: In 2018 there was a 250% increase in the number of modern slavery operations reported by UK police forces. However, numbers of prosecutions for perpetrators of modern slavery offences remain considerably low, with only 7% of recorded cases of modern slavery referred to the CPS. Securing the cooperation of vulnerable victims with criminal proceedings is key to the success of prosecutions for this highly complex crime. However, two years since Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) reported widespread police failings that left many victims unidentified and not given the protection they deserve, the police response continues to fall short of the standards required to afford victims the full safeguards and support they need. Following on from concerning witness statements to the Home Affairs Select Committee on Modern Slavery, Hestia has undertaken an experience-based analysis to further understand the needs of victims who are engaging with the police and what more is required to meet them. The combination of these two forms the basis of the first police super-complaint on modern slavery highlighting that while considerable progress has been made, many victims are still not receiving the appropriate level of service and support by nonspecialist police officers and calling for sustainable plans from police forces to ensure an improved response to this abhorrent crime.

Details: London: Author, 2019. 20p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 15, 2019 at: https://www.hestia.org/Handlers/Download.ashx?IDMF=952a9bfc-b57e-42f0-9ff3-6efcafb5db6f

Year: 2019

Country: United Kingdom

URL: https://www.hestia.org/Handlers/Download.ashx?IDMF=952a9bfc-b57e-42f0-9ff3-6efcafb5db6f

Shelf Number: 155849

Human Trafficking
Modern Slavery
Police Response to Human Trafficking
Victims of Trafficking

Author: Maguire, Edward

Title: Baseline Assessment for Project Lantern

Summary: This report presents the findings from a study conducted in October 2006 to examine sexual trafficking in minors in Cebu, Philippines. The study was conducted by Crime and Justice Analysts, Inc. (CJA), an independent research and evaluation firm specializing in criminology and criminal justice. The International Justice Mission (IJM) retained CJA to support its work in reducing the number of sex trafficking victims by conducting a formal, scientific study collecting quantitative data that will help measure the impact of a new initiative, Project Lantern. The project is designed to reduce the incidence of sex trafficking in the target area by strengthening local capacity to successfully locate, arrest, and prosecute perpetrators, thereby leading to increased expectations of criminal sanctions for violating trafficking laws. The baseline study described here is the first of three waves of data collection designed to measure the availability of sex-trafficking victims in Cebu. Together, these three waves will be used by IJM and its contractors to evaluate the effectiveness of Project Lantern. IJM provided CJA with a list of eight indicators or proxies intended to measure the availability of child sex trafficking victims. CJA then deployed a team of 10 people (including eight investigators, one data collection expert, and one security expert) to the Philippines for training and data collection. The eight investigators each spent seven (and in some cases eight) nights visiting bars, brothels, massage parlors, malls, a red light district, and other locations where people seeking sex go to find prostituted or commercially exploited women and girls. The eight investigators posed as sex tourists and sought out prostituted or commercially exploited minors. They engaged in training on age estimation and used a number of age-confirmation processes to determine whether someone was in fact a minor. While conducting their covert observations, the investigators systematically collected data on a number of variables having to do with the people they were meeting and the places they were visiting. As they gathered the necessary data, they submitted it regularly to a centralized command center using cellular telephones (either by voice or by text). The data were entered into a series of databases by a data coordinator at the command center. Those databases, as well as the qualitative field notes written by the investigators at the end of their shifts, constitute the primary data sources for the findings presented in this report. During the course of the study, the investigators made 84 visits to bars, 12 visits to brothels, 19 visits to massage parlors, 16 visits (walk-throughs) to malls, and four visits to a busy red-light district. Out of the 94 bars, brothels, and massage parlors visited by the investigators (some were visited multiple times), commercially exploited minors were located in 35. Altogether, the investigators observed approximately 1,550 prostituted or commercially exploited women and girls. Of these, 103 (6.6%) were confirmed as minors. Across all attempts to locate minors, it took our investigative teams, on average, 113 minutes to locate a minor. The report presents a more detailed look at the study's findings. The results of the baseline study confirm the presence of prostituted or commercially exploited minors in Cebu. Although our investigators routinely encountered token resistance to their efforts to find minors, the fact that they were able to find them so quickly and so easily suggests that there are many to be found. The investigators were unable, despite their best efforts, to locate prostituted or commercially exploited preteens; most of the minors we discovered were 16 or 17 years old. Our findings also suggest that minors come to be employed in the sex trade through different routes, although all of them are considered "trafficking victims" under Philippine law. Some appear to seek the work out of economic necessity; several minors told us they forged their paperwork to get the job. Others fit the more conventional image of a sex trafficking victim in the sense that they were taken involuntarily from their homes, they are moved around to work in different cities depending on customer demand, and they show visible signs of maltreatment and poor living conditions. Over the past decade, there has been an increase in the extent to which criminological interventions like Project Lantern have been subjected to independent, external evaluation to assess their effectiveness. The new emphasis on evaluation research is part of a larger movement in several disciplines toward "evidence-based" policymaking. We applaud IJM and the Gates Foundation for their willingness to evaluate the effectiveness of Project Lantern. The result will be an increased understanding of sexual trafficking in minors and hopefully an enhanced capacity to implement effective solutions.

Details: Fairfax, VA: Crime and Justice Analysts, 2007. 48p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 21, 2019 at: Rutgers Criminal Justice Library.

Year: 2007

Country: Philippines

URL: http://www.edmaguire.net/Reports

Shelf Number: 155953

Child Sex Trafficking
Commercially Exploited Minors
Human Trafficking
Red Light District
Sex Tourists
Sex Trafficking

Author: Maguire, Edward

Title: Wave 3 Assessment for Project Lantern

Summary: This report presents the findings from a study conducted in May 2010 to examine sexual trafficking of minors in Cebu, Philippines. The study was conducted by Crime and Justice Analysts, Inc. (CJA), an independent research and evaluation firm specializing in crime and criminal justice issues. International Justice Mission (IJM) retained CJA to support its work in reducing the number of child sex trafficking victims by conducting a formal, scientific study collecting quantitative data to help measure the impact of its Project Lantern initiative. The project is designed to reduce the incidence of child sex trafficking in the target area by strengthening local capacity to successfully locate, arrest, and prosecute perpetrators, thereby leading to increased expectations of criminal sanctions for violating trafficking laws. The wave 3 study described in this report is the final of three waves of data collection designed to measure the availability of child sex-trafficking victims in Cebu. Wave 1 of this study was conducted in October of 2006 and wave 2 was conducted in August 2008. We also present findings here comparing data across the three waves of data collection. Together these three waves of data will be used by IJM and its contractors to evaluate the effectiveness of Project Lantern. IJM provided CJA with a list of eight indicators or proxies intended to measure the availability of child sex trafficking victims. During wave 3, CJA deployed a team of 11 people (including eight investigators, two data collection staff, and one security director) to the Philippines for training and data collection. The eight investigators each spent seven nights visiting bars, brothels, massage parlors, malls, red light districts, and other locations where people seeking sex go to find prostituted or commercially exploited women and girls. The eight investigators engaged in training on age estimation and used a number of age-confirmation processes to determine whether someone was in fact a minor. They then posed as sex tourists and sought out prostituted or commercially exploited minors. While conducting their covert observations, the investigators systematically collected data on a number of variables having to do with the people they were meeting and the places they were visiting. As they gathered the necessary data, they submitted it regularly to a centralized command center using cellular telephones (either by voice or text). The data were entered into a master database by two data coordinators at the command center. This database, the qualitative field notes written by the investigators at the end of their shifts, and photographs and audio/visual footage taken of suspected and confirmed minors, constitute the primary data sources for the findings presented in this report. During the course of the wave 3 study, the investigators undertook 114 visits to bars, 7 visits to brothels, 8 visits to massage parlors, 12 visits to malls, 13 street encounters, 8 pimp encounters, and 6 dates. Out of the 68 bars, 5 brothels, and 8 massage parlors visited by the investigators (some were visited multiple times), commercially exploited minors were located in 10. Altogether, the investigators observed approximately 1,369 prostituted or commercially exploited women and girls. Of these, 21 (1.5%) were confirmed as minors. Across all attempts to locate minors, it took our investigative teams, on average, 7 hours and 29 minutes to locate a minor. This report presents detailed findings from wave 3, while also providing an overview of findings from all waves of the study. Results from the wave 1 and 2 studies confirmed the presence of prostituted or commercially exploited minors in Cebu. Wave 3 also confirmed the presence of prostituted or commercially exploited minors in Cebu, though in reduced numbers: 21 (1.5%) in wave 3 compared to 29 (2.2%) in wave 2, and 103 (6.6%) in wave 1. Our investigators routinely encountered token resistance to their efforts to find minors in wave 1. It took longer for our investigators to locate minors during wave 2. During wave 3, investigators found locating minors to be even more difficult than in the two previous waves, suggesting that the prevalence of minors in the sex trade has decreased over time. As in waves 1 and 2, the investigators were unable, despite their best efforts, to locate prostituted or commercially exploited preteens. The majority of minors discovered across all three waves of this study were 16 or 17 years old. Based on our interviews with minors, we know that many enter the sex trade through different routes, although all of them are considered "trafficking victims" under Philippine law. Some appear to seek out the work out of economic necessity; several minors told us they forged their paperwork to get the job. Others fit the more conventional image of a sex trafficking victim in the sense that they were taken involuntarily from their homes, they are moved around to work in different cities depending on customer demand, and they show visible signs of maltreatment and poor living conditions. Over the past decade there has been an increase in the extent to which criminological interventions like Project Lantern have been subjected to independent, external evaluation to assess their effectiveness. The new emphasis on evaluation research is part of a larger movement in several disciplines toward "evidence-based" policymaking. We applaud IJM and the Gates Foundation for their willingness to evaluate the effectiveness of Project Lantern. This investment in quantitative research is sorely needed to shed light on human trafficking, a topic about which much has been written but little is known. Even relatively straightforward questions like whether prosecuting traffickers will reduce trafficking have still not been settled. For instance, one commentator noted "there is little evidence that prosecutions have any significant impact on aggregate levels of trafficking." The culmination of the Project Lantern evaluation will help improve knowledge about sexual trafficking in minors, and contribute to an enhanced capacity to implement effective solutions.

Details: Fairfax, VA: Crime and Justice Analysts, 2010. 50p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 21, 2019 at: Rutgers Criminal Justice Library.

Year: 2010

Country: Philippines

URL: http://www.edmaguire.net/Reports

Shelf Number: 155954

Child Sex Trafficking
Commercially Exploited Minors
Human Trafficking
Red Light District
Sex Tourists
Sex Trafficking

Author: Economist Intelligence Unit

Title: The Global Illicit Trade Environment Index: Serbia, Bosnia and Montenegro

Summary: Geography, history and political culture (characterised by high levels of corruption) combine in the economies of the former Yugoslavia (and the Balkans in general) to create a range of issues when it comes to combatting illicit trade. Serbia, for one, lies on a major trade corridor known as the Balkan route, which is used by criminal groups for various activities, including human trafficking and the trafficking of drugs coming from Asia and South America. Montenegro's ports are similarly used as transit points for the unloading and reloading of illicit cargo destined for Central and Western Europe. Bosnia's porous borders with the former two economies, as well as with neighbouring Croatia, enable easy transit from Eastern Europe and the Balkans region to economies in Western Europe. This could be made worse by the adoption of a Visa Liberalisation Agreement between the European Union's (EU) Schengen zone and Kosovo (which lies in an area considered by Serbia to be vulnerable to trafficking), expected by the end of the year. Compounding the problem, the disintegration of Yugoslavia in the 1990s, and the accompanying conflicts, is thought to have led to an increased risk of terrorism in the region - with an increase in Islamic radicalisation and in nationals of countries and territories in the region joining the so-called Islamic State (IS) as foreign fighters in Syria and Iraq. Ethnic separatist and religious extremist groups are active in some southern regions of Serbia and Kosovo, whose declaration of independence in 2008 was not recognised by Belgrade. These factors lead to increased terrorist financing and thus money laundering. Bosnia's complex and decentralised government structure has also been an obstacle to reforms, and corruption is prevalent in all three economies. This briefing paper will look at the illicit trade environment in Bosnia, Serbia and Montenegro across the four categories of the index: government policy, supply and demand, transparency and trade, and the customs environment. It will consider how these economies compare at global and regional levels, as well as looking at some of the details particular to each.

Details: New York: Transnational Alliance to Combat illicit Trade (TRACIT), 2018. 22p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 21, 2019 at: https://www.tracit.org/uploads/1/0/2/2/102238034/eiu_serbia_bosnia_and_montenegro_illicit_trade_paper_final.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: Serbia and Montenegro

URL: https://www.tracit.org/uploads/1/0/2/2/102238034/eiu_serbia_bosnia_and_montenegro_illicit_trade_paper_final.pdf

Shelf Number: 156582

Drug Trafficking
Extremist Groups
Financing of Terrorism
Human Trafficking
Illegal Trade
Illicit Trade
Organized Crime
Political Corruption

Author: Economist Intelligence Unit

Title: The Global Illicit Trade Environment Index: Asia

Summary: Economies around the world are facing the blight of illicit trade, but perhaps nowhere more so than in Asia-Pacifc. The region, long a source of supply for illicit goods - be it counterfeits, drugs, or traffcking in humans or illicit wildlife - is now emerging as a major source of demand, compounding the problem signifcantly. And although not much hard data are available, it is quite clear that "due to rising affuence in Asia and other major consuming economies, illicit trade volumes have gone up," says Steven Galster, founder and executive director of the Freeland Foundation, an Asia based non-governmental organisation (NGO) focused on environmental conservation and human rights, who cited the trade in endangered species, specifically. As a result, wildlife species are disappearing at alarming rates; pirated and mislabelled products are traded freely across borders and sold openly within them, with varied rates of concern and control on the part of governments; narcotics-related incidents frequently make headlines of regional newspapers; human trafficking is becoming even more common, abated and masked at the same time by various refugee crises in South-east Asia; illegal logging remains a threat to deforestation throughout the region, spurring corruption and lining the pockets of criminals with piles of cash; and illegal arms sales are rampant. The Global Illicit Trade Environment Index is a tool not to measure the size of the problem, but to better understand underlying vulnerabilities in economies that give rise to illicit trade or fail to inhibit it. Although the size of the problem in monetary terms is hard to measure, it is clear the sums of illegal money involved are huge, and there is a consensus on the need to curb illicit trade. Through this study, we hope to provide insight on how economies can use the tools at their disposal to create the right environment to do so. Given Asia's geographic, economic and political diversity, it should come as no surprise that its economies have had varying degrees of success in - and varying attitudes towards - combating illicit trade. As the region continues to grow, and as it moves towards deeper economic and trade integration via various trade agreements and related initiatives, such as the Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) Economic Community (AEC), there will be an attendant need for it to implement stricter policies on illicit trade. Its record so far is not encouraging. There have, however, been some positive developments in recent years, says Jeremy Douglas, regional representative of the UN Offce on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) for South-east Asia and the Pacifc. Mr Douglas notes that there has been "increasing political interest" in addressing illicit trade and [we are seeing] a couple of key ASEAN member states prioritising action on border management and scanning illicit flows of all kinds. Nevertheless, he does caution that political interest "hasn't translated into practical change yet". To measure how nations are addressing the issue of illicit trade, the Transnational Alliance to Combat Illicit Trade (TRACIT) has commissioned the Economist Intelligence Unit to produce the Global Illicit Trade Environment Index. The global index expands upon an Asia-specifc version, originally created by The Economist Intelligence Unit in 2016 to score 17 economies in Asia on the extent to which they enabled or prevented illicit trade. The Asian index generated much-needed attention on the issue of illicit trade within the region. Building upon the success of the Asia index, the global index now includes 84 economies, providing a global perspective and new insights on the social and economic impacts of illicit trade. This briefng paper focuses on the 21 economies in the Asia-Pacific covered by the index. For an explanation of how the global illicit index differs from the 2016 index, please consult the methodology in the appendix.

Details: New York: Transnational Alliance to Combat illicit Trade (TRACIT), 2018. 29p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 21, 2019 at: https://www.tracit.org/uploads/1/0/2/2/102238034/eiu_asia_illicit_trade_paper_final.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: Asia

URL: https://www.tracit.org/uploads/1/0/2/2/102238034/eiu_asia_illicit_trade_paper_final.pdf

Shelf Number: 156583

Drug Trafficking
Endangered Species
Human Trafficking
Illegal Trade
Illicit Trade
Wildlife Crime
Wildlife Trafficking

Author: Walker, Summer

Title: Fragmented But Far-Reaching: The UN System's mandate and response to organized crime

Summary: From peace operations to how to better manage forests and food supply chains, the United Nations (UN) is engaged in the fight against organized crime and efforts to mitigate its impact within the ambit of the UN's wider goals: peace and security, human rights and sustainable development. Mandates relating to key crime types are often allocated to one or more agencies or departments across the UN System, but, as always, mandates evolve, and information about these mandates and the relevant programmes and activities carried out by agencies can be fragmented, scattered and duplicatory. For some emerging or resurging forms of crime, mandates allocated decades ago have required a far more comprehensive set of responses in their contemporary forms. To better understand the UN's overall mandate for addressing organized crime, the Global Initiative conducted a desk review of the UN's entities and agencies to identify their mandates and working agendas for organized crime, specifically in relation to the UN's work on six crime types that have had major impacts on broader UN goals, including the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This paper is a companion piece to an interactive online tool, which displays the organized-crime agendas within the UN System. The tool's purpose is to provide a better understanding of the UN's counter-crime work and serve as a basis for discussion about how organized crime challenges, which are now far-reaching and serious, could be more effectively met and how UN System resources can be used more coherently. The mandate for addressing organized crime extends across the UN System in a way that is expansive, exhaustive and certainly under-appreciated. A review by the Global Initiative has identified a working agenda for 79 out of the UN's 102 entities, bodies and agencies, or nearly 77 per cent. The research (see Figure 1) found that 37 per cent of these entities address human trafficking, and 33 per cent work on illicit drugs. Environmental crime was third, with 28 per cent of entities addressing related issues. Cybercrime and financial crime both saw 22 out of the 102 entities addressing the issue (21 per cent), and arms trafficking is worked on by 21 entities, yet this understanding of arms trafficking does not include illicit chemical and nuclear material trafficking. This paper examines the implications this has for the UN System given such a widely dispersed mandate. Organized crime is a cross-cutting threat to the goals of many different sectors, in all three core areas of the UN's work: peace and security, human rights and development. Previous analysis conducted by the Global Initiative found that organized crime affects a high proportion of the SDGs. An additional Global Initiative review of UN Security Council (UNSC) resolutions in 2018 found that 22 of the 54 resolutions (40 per cent) referred to a form of organized crime, showing a significant recognition of the problem on the international security agenda. Given the diverse nature of organized-crime threats, it is possible to argue that perhaps it is only right that the requirement to respond to organized crime is distributed across the UN System so widely. But without a coherent strategy underpinning this wide mandate, responses to organized crime across the system can be fragmented, and opportunities to achieve synergies and learn lessons from responses are not maximized, or perhaps not realized at all. Organized crime is a challenge that rises and falls on the global policy priority list. The diversity of illicit markets and the fact the harm caused by organized crime tends to be more corrosive in nature than sensational mean that it is often overlooked or downgraded on the priority list. However, over the past two decades, there have been certain points when the threat of a specific form of organized crime became so compelling that it demanded an urgent response from the international community and the UN System. These flashpoints in the debate - for example, during the piracy crisis in the Gulf of Aden in 2011/12 (see page 3), or the demand for a response to human smuggling and trafficking in 2016/17 - have regrettably shone a light on the UN System's shortcomings rather than draw attention to the efficacy of the world's global governance mechanism to respond to shared, transnational threats that require collective response. Many efforts have been made to create better UN System coherence, but with the global scale and impact of organized crime on the rise, the need to recognize its corrosive impact on major UN objectives should be an imperative for the following reasons: - Organized crime is a leading cause of violence and homicide globally. - Criminal interests and corruption in natural-resource sectors are leading drivers of deforestation and unsustainable natural-resource extraction. - Organized crime has a destructive impact on governance, anti-corruption, economic development and trade, and environmental protection efforts. - Serious rights violations to individuals are caused by organized crime, such as the interlinking phenomena of modern slavery, forced labour, human trafficking and aggravated smuggling. It is very clear when looking at the spread of activity across the system that the issue is not solely a law-enforcement problem. Threats posed by criminal groups are wide-ranging: they impact good governance, breed corruption and weaken development agendas. A holistic view of the issues aligned with increased coherence would help shrink the learning curve on the pervasive impact of organized crime on international security, development and human rights.

Details: Geneva: Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime, 2019. 28p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 24, 2019 at: https://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/gitoc_un_june_19.pdf

Year: 2019

Country: International

URL: https://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/gitoc_un_june_19.pdf

Shelf Number: 156607

Arms Trafficking
Environmental Crime
Financial Crime
Human Rights
Human Trafficking
Illicit Drugs
Modern Slavery
Organized Crime
Transnational Organized Crime
United Nations