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Results for human trafficking (europe, south america)

1 results found

Author: Ciudadana, Mirada

Title: The Prelude to Human Trafficking: Vulnerable Spaces for Andean Migrants in the European Union

Summary: This exploratory study was born out of the desire to shed light on possible human trafficking cases in Europe. The initial research goals were modified during the research process due to difficulties in locating human trafficking cases in which Peru was the country of origin and Europe the point of destination. For this reason it was not possible to learn about characteristics of the victims or about their experiences. Consequently, more emphasis was placed on examining factors that could have favored the development of human trafficking in Europe and which could help explain why some groups of people may be more vulnerable than others to becoming victims of human trafficking. Given the difficulties of obtaining information about victims of Peruvian origin in the European Union (EU), it was deemed necessary to expand the scope of the research and include information about people from the entire Andean community (Ecuador, Colombia and Bolivia, as well as Peru). However, the main results of this study focus on the Peruvian community, while data regarding trafficking victims from the Andean community serve as contextual support. Following the initial research, Mirada Ciudadana continued the study, broadening the scope and research about irregular migration of persons of the Andean community in the European Union, especially in Spain and Italy, countries which contain more than 70% of the Andean migrants in the European Union. 1 Mirada Ciudadana contacted civil society organizations that deal with human trafficking in the European Union and migratory issues in general in Peru, as well as Peruvian consular representatives in European countries with the largest number of Andean migrants. Mirada Ciudadana also contacted European government offices which provide assistance and protective services to trafficking victims in EU countries. The authors also contacted Peruvian associations in the EU. The primary objectives of this study seek to identify cases of human trafficking victims in the European Union and to identify vulnerable situations conducive to human trafficking. These objectives lead to several questions which have been separated into two main areas: The first area includes questions related to the quantitative and qualitative dimensions of human trafficking and groups of people that are vulnerable to exploitation: What are the driving factors leading to the existence of spaces prone to human trafficking and human exploitation in general? How is it possible to obtain viable statistics given the illicit nature of irregular migration? How many confirmed cases exist involving trafficked Peruvians in the European Union? How many cases exist that involve persons from other Andean countries? What impact could irregular migration have on the global human trafficking problem? The second set of questions relates to the best mechanisms for obtaining this information: What institutions have the greatest access to victims: Consular representatives whose mission is to protect their fellow citizens? Civil society organizations and government entities that provide specialized assistance and protection to trafficking victims? Local associations established in the receptor countries comprised of Andean citizens? Are these institutions willing to share this information and why? What responses did these institutions provide when contacted? In response to these questions, the study is divided into five main sections: • The first section presents the research aims and methodology. • In the next section, the historical background of this issue is reviewed to provide a foundation for further development. • Subsequently, the context and motivations for Andean migration to the European Union are explored, reviewing historical links as well as the main causes of this phenomenon. • Based on these factors, the fourth section deals with the principal vulnerable spaces in which the conditions conducive to human trafficking are fostered. The main job sectors where exploitive situations identified are examined, as well as the development of European migratory policies and their impact on human trafficking. • The fifth section outlines cases that have been identified and their characteristics, including a brief analysis of possible reasons for the number of cases identified. Finally, it provides comments about the responses from each sector contacted. This initial study aims to demonstrate the difficulty of gaining access to quantitative and qualitative information that would permit the identification of characteristics of persons vulnerable to human trafficking. In addition, it seeks to clarify important aspects of the contexts in which victims of exploitative situations and potential human trafficking cases are found. Thus, this study will serve as a foundation for future research within the European Union that will be able to identify vulnerable spaces and interview victims to learn about more aspects of their actual situations.

Details: Peru: Mirada Ciudadana and Capital Humano y Social Alternativo, 2009. 85p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 11, 2012 at: http://www.chsalternativo.org/upload/archivos/archivo_300.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.chsalternativo.org/upload/archivos/archivo_300.pdf

Shelf Number: 125537

Human Trafficking (Europe, South America)
Sexual Exploitation