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Results for human trafficking (finland)

1 results found

Author: Finnish National Rapporteur on Trafficking in Human Beings

Title: The Finnish National Rapporteur on Trafficking in Human Beings: Report 2011

Summary: Finland is a transit and destination country for dozens or even hundreds of victims of trafficking every year. The victims can be women, children or men. In Finland, human trafficking manifests itself in at least two ways: prostitution and procuring. The exploitation of foreign workers and immigrants in households and sectors such as the restaurant, construction, cleaning, metal, transport and garden industries as well as in berry-picking jobs can meet the statutory definition of a human trafficking offence. No cases of organ trafficking have been reported in Finland to date. Finnish citizens may also fall victim to human trafficking. In Finland, human trafficking is an offence which carries a severe penalty. Under our national legislation, the following acts are considered human trafficking: • sexual abuse or exploitation akin to a procuring offence; • forced labour or other demeaning circumstances; or • trafficking in human organs for financial gain. This report presents statistics on human trafficking issues recorded at the Office of the Ombudsman for Minorities in 2009 and 2010, divided into customer contacts, requests for information and the Rapporteur’s own initiatives, opinions and publications. Additionally, the statistics show a small group of other matters related to human trafficking. Compared to 2009, the number of customer contacts and requests for information went up considerably. The Office and its personnel published a greater number of articles and other documents in 2010 than it did the year before. The number of media contacts also increased.

Details: Helsinki: Vähemmistövaltuutettu, 2011. 48p.

Source: Internet Resource: Publication 8: Accessed December 1, 2012 at: http://www.ofm.fi/download/31724_Ihmiskaupparaportti_englanti.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Finland

URL: http://www.ofm.fi/download/31724_Ihmiskaupparaportti_englanti.pdf

Shelf Number: 127049

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking (Finland)
Sexual Exploitation