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Results for human trafficking (iraq)

1 results found

Author: Marcovich, Malka

Title: Trafficking, Sexual Exploitation and Prostitution of Women and Girls in Iraq

Summary: Trafficking, Sexual Exploitation and Prostitution of Women and Girls in Iraq is particularly based on firsthand knowledge gained through a consultation process with women and women’s organizations in Iraq and the neighboring region, over a period of three years. Many factors combine to promote the rise of sex trafficking and prostitution in the area: the US-led war and the chaos it has generated; the growing insecurity and lawlessness; corruption of authorities; the upsurge in religious extremism; economic hardship; marriage pressures; gender based violence and recurrent discrimination suffered by women; kidnappings of girls and women; the impunity of perpetrators of crimes, especially those against women; and the development of new technologies associated with the globalization of the sex industry. Organizations that have experience aiding victims of gender based violence, who are in contact with women in the brothels and in prisons, and who have done research in the field, as well as reports from international agencies and NGOs, address these factors. Not only war and economic insecurity push women and girls into prostitution but also the social situation of widows and single women who, without resources, are also without social networks and protection. Male violence, including battering of wives, incest and honor crimes are also push factors. Women and children have been the primary victims who have suffered the consequences of both the brutal reign of Saddam Hussein and the Baath Party and the war begun in 2003. The backlash against women and women’s rights and the terrorizing of women has become commonplace. The impotence of authorities has encouraged a culture of impunity in which crimes against women are minimized, neglected and denied. Security is a key issue for both victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation and other forms of violence against women, and for those who assist and advocate for victims. This report investigates the factors that promote trafficking in women for prostitution, identifies the obtacles in preventing sexual exploitation and in punishing perpetrators, and recommends ways of addressing violence against women and protecting victims of trafficking and prostitution in Iraq.

Details: Amman, Jordan: Norwegian Church Aid, 2010. 35p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 18, 2011 at: http://www.kirkensnodhjelp.no/PageFiles/726/Report,%20Trafficking%20in%20Iraq%20(PDF).pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Iraq

URL: http://www.kirkensnodhjelp.no/PageFiles/726/Report,%20Trafficking%20in%20Iraq%20(PDF).pdf

Shelf Number: 120825

Child Prostitution
Human Trafficking (Iraq)
Sexual Exploitation
Violence Against Women