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Date: July 17, 2024 Wed

Time: 9:14 pm

Results for illegal cigarette trade

1 results found

Author: Tobacco Institute of India

Title: The Threat of Growing Illegal Cigarette Trade in India: Adversely Impacting Legal Industry, Government Revenue and Livelihood

Summary: Illegal Cigarette trade comprising international smuggled and locally manufactured tax-evaded cigarettes accounts for as much as 1/5th of the Cigarette Industry in India. Extremely high tax rates and constantly increasing tax rates on Cigarettes provide a profitable opportunity for tax evasion by illegal trade in both international smuggled and domestic tax evaded cigarettes

Details: New Delhi: Tobacco Institute of India, 2015. 20p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 10, 2017 at: http://www.tiionline.org/bookpublications/threat-of-growing-illegal-cigarette-trade-in-india-july-2015/

Year: 2015

Country: India

URL: http://www.tiionline.org/bookpublications/threat-of-growing-illegal-cigarette-trade-in-india-july-2015/

Shelf Number: 146002

Cigarette Taxes
Illegal Cigarette Trade
Illegal Cigarettes
Illegal Tobacco Trade
Illegal Trade
Tobacco Industry