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Date: July 17, 2024 Wed

Time: 9:16 pm

Results for illegal fishing (baltic sea)

1 results found

Author: Greenpeace

Title: The Cod Fishery in the Baltic Sea: Unsustainable and Illegal

Summary: The United Nations (UN) states that the main factors determining biodiversity loss in our oceans are overfishing and climate change. Cod is a case in point. Once so dense that fish could literally be scooped out of the sea, the majority of the cod stocks worldwide are now commercially extinct, or very close to it. This is true in the Baltic Sea, particularly for the eastern stock. The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES: the scientific advisory body for the northeastern Atlantic region) is calling for a drastic reduction of quotas, or even for a cessation of cod fishing in waters of the eastern Baltic Sea. However, the dire warnings from ICES have been ignored in the past, and there is no reason to be more optimistic this time. For instance, the Council of Fisheries Ministers of the EU has set the 2006 total allowable catch for Eastern Baltic cod at a level more than three times that advised by ICES. In addition to the official quota of 49,000 tonnes, a huge amount of illegally caught cod is landed in harbours around the Baltic Sea for consumption within the EU market. ICES estimates that in 2005, the amount of illegally caught cod reached close to 15,000 tonnes, which is 38 % above the official landings. The Polish fleet, in particular, is fishing above its allocated quota. This report summarises the disastrous situation, gives an overview of the Baltic cod fleet and markets, and describes the EU’s political approach to managing Baltic cod fisheries, which may be viewed as a failure to this point in time.

Details: Amsterdam: Greenpeace, 2006. 16p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 17, 2011 at: http://www.imcsnet.org/imcs/docs/the_cod_fishery_in_the_Baltic_sea_unsustainable_illegal.pdf

Year: 2006

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.imcsnet.org/imcs/docs/the_cod_fishery_in_the_Baltic_sea_unsustainable_illegal.pdf

Shelf Number: 122363

Illegal Fishing (Baltic Sea)
Offenses Against the Environment
Wildlife Crime