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Results for illegal immigration (texas)

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Author: Bernsen, James Aalan

Title: Illegal Immigration - The Costs to Texas, 2009

Summary: This paper is an attempt to adjust the 2006 findings of the Lone Star Foundation on the costs of illegal immigration to Texas. In 2006, the Lone Star Foundation (LSF) completed a six-month review of the costs of illegal immigration to Texas. This study’s findings were published on the foundation’s website and in the book “Immigration and the American Future” by Chronicles Press. The LSF study found a total net cost to Texas of illegal immigration at around $3.5 billion, consisting of $4.5 billion of direct, identifiable costs offset by $1 billion in tax revenues. This figure confirmed estimates by the Federation for American Immigration reform (FAIR). The key cost figure in both studies was far and away the cost of education. This is because costs for health care and other services only affect a small portion of the immigrant population, while virtually all children of illegal immigrants are educated at state expense. But how do those numbers stack up today? What is the 2009 cost of illegal immigration to Texas? As the lead author of the 2006 Lone Star Foundation study, this writer takes another look at the numbers in light of recent research with the aim of updating those figures. Using population change as the major variable, as there has been little in the area of public policy which has changed since 2006, we have updated the 2006 numbers and come up with a best estimate of the minimum net costs of illegal immigration to Texas taxpayers around $4.5 billion. Additional evidence shows that number could be as high as $6 billion.

Details: Austin, TX: Bernsen Consulting, 2009. 13p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 2, 2012 at system.gocampaign.com/files/file.asp?f=165355

Year: 2009

Country: United States


Shelf Number: 124355

Costs of Crime
Illegal Immigration (Texas)