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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 8:48 am

Results for illegal logging (bulgaria)

1 results found

Author: Kostov, Georgi

Title: Illegal Logging in Bulgaria

Summary: This report analyses the aspects and extent of illegal logging in Bulgaria. WWF shows that the volume of illegally logged timber amounts to 3.7 million cubic metres per year, or 45% of the annual harvest. Most of this is used as fuelwood, but about 1 million cubic metres are processed by the timber industry. The authors point to an urgent need to improve law enforcement and prosecutions for violations, to increase motivation for forest staff by removing obstacles to their work and increasing salaries, to assess logging companies and exclude those violating legislation, and to improve the cooperation between the National Forestry Board and revenue and customs authorities.  

Details: World Wildlife Fund, European Forest Programme and the Danube Carpathian Programme, 2005. 29p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 15, 2012 at: http://www.forestconsulting.net/Downloads/Publications/finalillegalloggingbulgariafebr05.pdf

Year: 2005

Country: Bulgaria

URL: http://www.forestconsulting.net/Downloads/Publications/finalillegalloggingbulgariafebr05.pdf

Shelf Number: 125304

Forest Management
Illegal Logging (Bulgaria)
Offenses Against the Environment