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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 8:58 am

Results for illegal trade, cigarettes

1 results found

Author: Joossens, Luk

Title: How Eliminating the Global Illicit Cigarette Trade Would Increase Tax Revenue and Save Lives

Summary: This report presents the following: 1) Updated country level estimates of the illicit cigarette market around the world, using 2007 data or as close to 2007 as available; 2) Evidence that higher income countries, where cigarettes are more expensive, have lower levels of cigarette smuggling than lower income countries, contrary to the tobacco industry claim that the overall level of smuggling is dependent on cigarette price; 3) Evidence that the burden of cigarette smuggling falls disproportionately on low and middle income countries, where the majority of the world's tobacco users live; and 4) Estimates of the number of lives saved and revenue gained globally in the future if smuggling were eliminated.

Details: Paris: International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 2009. 30p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2009

Country: International


Shelf Number: 119395

Cigarette Smuggling
Illegal Trade, Cigarettes