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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 8:58 am

Results for illicit markets (u.k.)

1 results found

Author: Great Britain. HM Treasury

Title: New responses to new challenges: Reinforcing the Tackling Tobacco Smuggling Strategy

Summary: Tobacco smuggling is not a victimless or harmless crime. Smoking kills half of all smokers, and organised criminal gangs that smuggle tobacco provide a cheap and unregulated supply which undermines the Government’s policy of using tax to maintain the high price of tobacco and help reduce smoking, especially among the young. Tobacco smugglers also undermine law-abiding businesses and often use the proceeds to fund other forms of organised crime. Maintaining the stability of the public finances is an essential foundation of a strong economy, and at the heart of our stable public finances is a tax system based on the principle that everyone should pay their fair share. When people evade taxes, they undermine that principle and increase the burden on honest taxpayers. Our commitment to tackling fraud and smuggling in all its forms is therefore integral to maintaining a fair tax system, safeguarding the stability of the public finances and protecting the revenue available for investment in our public services. The Government launched its innovative strategic approach to tackling tobacco smuggling in 2000, investing more than £200m in new staff and new technology. The strategy has successfully halted and reversed the rapid growth in cigarette smuggling, safeguarding around £6 billion of public money. The UK is now recognised as an international leader in its approach to analysing and tackling tobacco smuggling. Despite this success, 1 in 6 cigarettes and around half of hand-rolling tobacco smoked in Britain are still illicit. And there is a growing threat from illegal counterfeit cigarettes, which may pose additional health risks to smokers. With smugglers constantly changing their tactics to try and maintain their profits, the Government constantly needs to anticipate and adapt to new threats and challenges. This document summarises the progress made in tackling tobacco smuggling since the launch of the strategy in 2000, and analyses how the smuggling problem has changed. It also sets out clear targets for the next phase of the strategy and plans for new staff, technology, legislation, publicity and cooperation with tobacco manufacturers to reinforce the further clamp down necessary on tobacco smuggling.

Details: London: HM Treasury, 2006. 32p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 20, 2012 at http://www.thecre.com/ccsf/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/New_responses_to_new_challenges_reinforcing_Tackling_Tobacco_Smuggling_Strategy.pdf

Year: 2006

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.thecre.com/ccsf/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/New_responses_to_new_challenges_reinforcing_Tackling_Tobacco_Smuggling_Strategy.pdf

Shelf Number: 124614

Illegal Trade (U.K.)
Illicit Markets (U.K.)
Tobacco Smuggling (U.K.)