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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 8:59 am

Results for illicit minerals

1 results found

Author: Bromberg, Megan

Title: Mapping the Illicit Mineral Trade: Identifying the Illicit Supply Chain for Diamonds, Gold, and Tantalum Across Contexts

Summary: The illicit mineral trade is a global issue that affects all countries, as illicit or conflict minerals continue to unwittingly end up in our jewelry, phones, and laptops. Whether these minerals come from unregulated mines that use child labor and harm the environment, fund the insurgencies of armed groups, or are smuggled into neighboring countries by corrupt government officials, the illicit mineral trade is dependent on the exploitation of poverty and those who rely on the mining to survive.

Details: Washington, DC: American University, 2016. 100p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 20, 2016 at: http://www.american.edu/sis/practica/upload/Mapping-the-Illicit-Mineral-Trade.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: International

URL: http://www.american.edu/sis/practica/upload/Mapping-the-Illicit-Mineral-Trade.pdf

Shelf Number: 145610

Conflict Minerals
Illegal Mining
Illicit Minerals
Illicit Trade
Natural Resources