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Date: July 17, 2024 Wed

Time: 9:07 pm

Results for immigration (california)

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Author: Delgado, Amalia Greenberg

Title: Costs and Consequences: The High Price of Policing Immigrant Communities

Summary: Local police and sheriffs are facing some of the most difficult fiscal constraints in decades. At the same time, federal immigration law and policy have not kept pace with our nation’s workplace needs and other global causes of migration. The federal immigration failure creates both pressures and incentives for local police and sheriff ’s deputies to act as immigration agents, but it also creates additional costs and burdens for local peace officers and agencies who want to stay out of the immigration enforcement business. This report explores the costs and consequences of local enforcement of federal immigration law. It addresses both purposeful collaboration between local law enforcement agencies (LLEAs) and the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and the incidental costs incurred by LLEAs through discretionary enforcement decisions that particularly impact immigrant communities. Because most LLEAs in northern California have policies against enforcing civil immigration laws, our primary goal is to provide practical guidance to further those policies and minimize the fiscal and social costs of incidental immigration enforcement. The report begins with an overview of the immigration landscape in California, with myth-busting facts about immigrants and an overview of the social and fiscal costs of local immigration enforcement. The price—often hidden—of local police practices that lead to civil immigration enforcement is quite high: scarce resources are diverted from pressing public safety needs, immigrant victims and witnesses fear reporting crime to the police, criminal investigations are undermined by a lack of trust between police and immigrant community members, and sometimes the rights of individuals (including U.S. citizens) are violated. We also examine how every stage of police officers’ everyday interactions with individuals — from responding to a 911 call or conducting a traffic stop to questioning an arrestee during booking —can lead to immigration consequences, with an attendant cost to local agencies. Personal stories illustrate some of the dynamics at play, legal analyses are provided, and proposals for local action suggest ways in which police can limit their hand in federal immigration enforcement to redirect resources and enhance public safety. Proposals are embedded in the body of the report. Detailed recommendations are available as a free-standing summary. There can be no doubt that California residents have a responsibility to abide by the laws of the state and the country at large and that local police and sheriffs play an essential role in protecting the public safety of all communities. By considering new ways in which police and community members can move ahead together in a climate of great fiscal and social pressures, we can more accurately gauge and control the costs of local policing in immigrant communities and direct our efforts toward public safety priorities that are cost-effective, helpful to crime-fighting, and fair to all.

Details: San Francisco: ACLU of Northern California, 2011. 36p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 10, 2011 at: http://www.aclunc.org/docs/criminal_justice/police_practices/costs_and_consequences.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: United States

URL: http://www.aclunc.org/docs/criminal_justice/police_practices/costs_and_consequences.pdf

Shelf Number: 121701

Costs of Criminal Justice
Illegal Immigrants
Immigration (California)