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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 9:00 am

Results for immigration court

4 results found

Author: Appleseed

Title: Assembly Line Injustice: Blueprint to Reform America's Immigration Courts

Summary: This report presents an evaluation of the Immigration Court system across the U.S. by gathering the opinions of those who face the challenges of the system on a daily basis. Interviews were conducted among a broad sample of experts, including practitioners, officials of nonprofit associations, leaders of professional organizations, academics and governmental players. This report presents the findings of these interviews, as well as a series of recommendations to bring the reality of fair play and equal justice to the Immigration Court system.

Details: Washington, DC: Appleseed, 2009. 39p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2009

Country: United States


Shelf Number: 118771

Illegal Aliens
Immigrants (U.S.)
Immigration Court

Author: Legal Assistance Foundation of Metropolitan Chicago

Title: Videoconferencing in Removal Hearings: A Case Study of the Chicago Immigration Court

Summary: The Chicago Immigration Court began its use of videoconferencing for detained immigrants in removal hearings in 2002, and contends that the practice increases efficiency and effectiveness. However, after examining over one hundred hearings, this study found videoconferencing riddled with problems such as technological malfunctions and/or failure, lack of proper language interpretation, little or no ability for detainees to communicate with their counsel, and problematic presentation of evidence. Having immigrants appear by television from a small room at a suburban detention center, while the immigration judge, the trial attorney, and the lawyer (if any) are in a downtown courtroom, raises serious concerns.

Details: Chicago: The Authors, 2005. 62p., app.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2005

Country: United States


Shelf Number: 118774

Immigration Court

Author: Immigrant Defense Project

Title: The Courthouse Trap: How ICE Operations Impacted New York's Courts in 2018

Summary: In 2018, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) substantially expanded arrest and surveillance operations in New York's courts, continuing a disturbing trend that began with the inauguration of President Donald Trump. ICE operations increased not only in absolute number but grew in brutality and geographic scope. Agents, disguised in plainclothes, used intrusive surveillance and violent force to execute arrests. They also reached into many new areas of the state, conducting arrests in several upstate counties that were previously untouched. And ICE agents pursued New Yorkers in a broader range of courts-conducting operations in civil and criminal courts and in courts designed to be rehabilitative instead of punitive. All of these changes underline ICE's increasing reliance on the state's court system as a place to trap and detain immigrant New Yorkers.

Details: New York: The Author, 2019. 15p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 7, 2019 at: https://www.immigrantdefenseproject.org/wp-content/uploads/TheCourthouseTrap.pdf

Year: 2019

Country: United States

URL: https://www.immigrantdefenseproject.org/wp-content/uploads/TheCourthouseTrap.pdf

Shelf Number: 154534

Illegal Immigrants
Immigrant Detention
Immigrant Enforcement
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
Immigration Court

Author: TRAC

Title: ICE Fails to Target Serious Criminals in Immigration Court Filings

Summary: Despite the administration's rhetoric of deporting "criminals" from this country, the latest data from the Immigration Courts through June 2019 shows only 2.8 percent of recent Department of Homeland Security (DHS) filings based deportability claims on any alleged criminal activity. This is way down from the emphasis on deporting criminals that prevailed a decade ago.

Details: Syracuse, New York: Syracuse University, Newhouse School of Public Communications and Whitman School of Management, 2019. 3p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 25, 2019 at: https://trac.syr.edu/immigration/reports/566/

Year: 2019

Country: United States

URL: https://trac.syr.edu/immigration/reports/566/

Shelf Number: 157058

Illegal Immigration
Immigration Court