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Date: July 17, 2024 Wed

Time: 9:09 pm

Results for imprisonment for public protection

1 results found

Author: Howard League for Penal Reform

Title: The Never-Ending Story: Indeterminate Sentencing and the Prison Regime. Research Briefing

Summary: The Imprisonment for Public Protection sentence (IPP) was poorly planned and implemented and resulted in unjust punishments, particularly for those sentenced prior to 2008. Despite the abolition of the sentence in 2012, serious implications for the prison estate remain - There are currently 5,809 people in prison serving an IPP; over half (3,570) have passed their tariff date - Urgent action needs to be taken to enable the safe release of people serving post-tariff IPPs into the community - The analysis is based on information provided by 103 senior prison governors, whose responses drew almost exclusively on their experience of working with IPP prisoners. The majority reported that IPP sentences had a negative impact on prisoners, prison staff, and the prison regime - The findings suggest that there are insufficient resources to deliver IPPs effectively. Resource shortages often lead to resentment between IPP prisoners and other prisoners and may threaten the safety and stability of the prison regime - Ninety-two per cent reported that IPPs decreased staff job satisfaction as they undermined staff credibility, prevented staff treating all prisoners fairly, and often meant staff were unable to assist prisoners in progressing through their sentences - The majority recommended that the government enable post-tariff IPP prisoners to be safely managed into the community. To achieve this, respondents said it was necessary to increase resources, enhance the role of probation, alter the release process for IPP prisoners and convert IPP sentences with short minimum terms to determinate sentences.

Details: London: Howard League for Penal Reform, 2014. 6p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 14, 2014 at: https://d19ylpo4aovc7m.cloudfront.net/fileadmin/howard_league/user/online_publications/never-ending_story_IPP.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: United Kingdom

URL: https://d19ylpo4aovc7m.cloudfront.net/fileadmin/howard_league/user/online_publications/never-ending_story_IPP.pdf

Shelf Number: 104822

Imprisonment for Public Protection
Indeterminate Sentences
Sentencing (U.K.)