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Results for inequality, women

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Author: UN Women

Title: Progress of the World's Women 2011-2012: In Pursuit of Justice

Summary: Progress of the World’s Women 2011–2012: In Pursuit of Justice shows that where laws and justice systems work well, they can provide an essential mechanism for women to realize their human rights. However, it also underscores the fact that, despite widespread guarantees of equality, the reality for many millions of women is that justice remains out of reach. The report highlights the practical barriers that women – particularly the poorest and most excluded – face in negotiating justice systems and the innovative approaches that governments and civil society are pioneering to overcome them. It explores the ways in which women are reconciling guarantees of their rights with the realities of living within plural legal systems. And it highlights the severe challenges that women face in accessing justice in the aftermath of conflict, as well as the enormous opportunities for change that can emerge in these most difficult times. This volume of Progress of the World’s Women starts with a paradox: the past century has seen a transformation in women’s legal rights, with countries in every region expanding the scope of women’s legal entitlements. Nevertheless, for most of the world’s women the laws that exist on paper do not always translate into equality and justice. In many contexts, in rich and poor countries alike, the infrastructure of justice – the police, the courts and the judiciary – is failing women, which manifests itself in poor services and hostile attitudes from the very people whose duty it is to fulfil women’s rights. As a result, although equality between women and men is guaranteed in the constitutions of 139 countries and territories, inadequate laws and loopholes in legislative frameworks, poor enforcement and vast implementation gaps make these guarantees hollow promises, having little impact on the day-to-day lives of women. Well-functioning legal and justice systems can provide a vital mechanism for women to achieve their rights. Laws and justice systems shape society, by providing accountability, by stopping the abuse of power and by creating new norms about what is acceptable. The courts have been a critical site of accountability for individual women to claim rights, and in rare cases, to affect wider change for all women through strategic litigation. Laws and justice systems have been the focus of women’s activism because women have recognized both their potential and their current failings. Where laws are missing or discriminatory and the infrastructure of justice is broken, access to justice must mean more than simply helping women to access existing justice systems. This edition of Progress of the World’s Women underscores that laws and justice systems that are biased against women’s interests and reinforce unequal power relations between women and men, must themselves be transformed in order to fulfil the potential they hold for accelerating progress towards gender equality.

Details: New York: UN Women, 2011. 168p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 9, 2011 at: http://progress.unwomen.org/pdfs/EN-Report-Progress.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: International

URL: http://progress.unwomen.org/pdfs/EN-Report-Progress.pdf

Shelf Number: 122339

Human Rights, Women
Inequality, Women