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Date: July 17, 2024 Wed

Time: 9:11 pm

Results for inter-agency cooperation

2 results found

Author: Brand, Anthony

Title: Gangs at the Grassroots: Community Solutions to Street Violence

Summary: This research focuses on violent and criminal gangs rather than broadly defined anti-social behavior or youth crime. It looks primarily at how to maximize the impact of local interventions that target people involved in or on the fringes of gangs. It highlights how top-down responses and crack-downs on youth crime can do little to address the underlying drivers of gangs and their criminality. It suggests that local, multi-agency frameworks are key to addressing gang violence, and effective solutions must simultaneously deliver a range of interventions across education, health, policing, youth-work, community engagement, economic development, regeneration, skills and training and family support, all tailored to the specific communities and context in which different gangs operate.

Details: London: New Local Government Network, 2008. 36p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2008

Country: United Kingdom


Shelf Number: 118781

Gangs (U.K.)
Inter-Agency Cooperation
Intervention Programs
Youth Gangs
Youth Violence

Author: Vanhauwaert, Rosita: European Crime Prevention Network

Title: The Prevention of Youth Crime Through Local Cooperation with the Involvement of the Police – A Pilot Study

Summary: The pilot study aims to identify EU good practices regarding local cooperation, with the involvement of the police to prevent youth crime. The purpose of the study is to know what kind of local cooperation involving the police exists in the EU Member States to prevent youth crime and which of these are effective in preventing youth crime (i.e. what works). The projects that were identified are divided according to the risk factor prevention paradigm (individual/peer, school, family and community). The pilot study concludes that despite the abundance of local cooperation forms, it is almost impossible to know which types of local cooperation are effective, due to a lack of solid monitoring and evaluating of inter-agency work in crime prevention.

Details: Brussels: EUCPN Secretariat, 2012. 40p.

Source: Internet Resource: Thematic Paper No. 2: Accessed April 5, 2013 at: http://www.eucpn.org/research/reviews.asp

Year: 2012

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.eucpn.org/research/reviews.asp

Shelf Number: 128294

Delinquency Prevention (Europe)
Inter-Agency Cooperation
Police-Citizen Interactions