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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 8:39 am

Results for intimate partner violence (sweden)

1 results found

Author: Hradilova-Selin, Klara

Title: Partner Violence Against Women and Men

Summary: For some time now, violence against women has attracted attention as being a major social problem – in particular, the violence men exert on their female partners. Studies based on various sources – criminal statistics, medical data and victim surveys – lead, in part, to different conclusions regarding the nature and extent of the violence, and its development over time. At the same time, knowledge is still lacking regarding the extent that men are exposed to violence in intimate relationships. Some studies indicate that this exposure may be relatively high. The question is important, particularly from a legal security point of view. Even those people exposed to violence who do not conform to the conventional image of a typical crime victim are entitled to be treated well by the judicial system. The purpose of the report is to highlight two main issues: 1. The extent and nature of violence in intimate relationships. Who suffers? To what extent do people exposed to violence in intimate relationships experience feelings of fear and insecurity? 2. How strong is the confidence in the judicial system among people exposed to violence in partner relationships? How do these people regard their contacts with the judicial system (the police)? What support have they received?

Details: Stockholm: Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention, 2009. 10p.

Source: Internet Resource: English Summary of Bra Report No. 2009:12: Accessed December 13, 2010 at: http://www.bra.se/extra/measurepoint/?module_instance=4&name=Partner_violence_aginst_woman_and_men_summary.pdf&url=/dynamaster/file_archive/090729/59ea9f3217210134a9ad69076ca8c4e9/Partner%255fviolence%255faginst%255fwoman%255fand%255fmen%255fsummary.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: Sweden

URL: http://www.bra.se/extra/measurepoint/?module_instance=4&name=Partner_violence_aginst_woman_and_men_summary.pdf&url=/dynamaster/file_archive/090729/59ea9f3217210134a9ad69076ca8c4e9/Partner%255fviolence%255faginst%255fwoman%255

Shelf Number: 120490

Domestic Violence
Intimate Partner Violence (Sweden)
Victims of Family Violence, Services for