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Results for jails (ohio)

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Author: Martin, Brian D.

Title: Findings and Recommendations from a Statewide Outcome Evaluation of Ohio Jails

Summary: Scholars and practitioners have very little systemic knowledge regarding evidence-based practices in jails in Ohio or nationally. Historical information about past inspections and jail characteristics maintained by the Bureau of Adult Detention has been impeded by narrowly focused content, limited time frames, and unreliable data collection techniques. As a consequence, the current research project draws on multiple methodologies and sources of information as part of an extensive evaluation of the sources of jail best practices. Data collection activities conducted throughout the project were large in scale and wide-ranging, including focus groups from 6 different stakeholder groups, a correctional officer task survey of 1,005 respondents about training-related needs and deficiencies, statewide facility-level data collection at 86 full service jails, an inmate survey with 979 respondents, a jail administrator survey with 12 respondents, semi-structured interviews of key jail operational personnel at a sample of 12 full service jails, and intensive observational site visits at a sample of 12 full service jails. The results highlight several key themes and important facility-level characteristics that differentiate between levels of functioning and effectiveness in jails. In particular, we identify a set of recommendations and identified best practices stemming from actual operational procedures and administrative capacity while also assessing the effectiveness of current inspection activities and jail standards in Ohio.

Details: Columbus, OH: Bureau of Research and Evaluation Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction, 2012. 107p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 7, 2013 at: http://www.ocjs.ohio.gov/FinalJailReport.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: United States

URL: http://www.ocjs.ohio.gov/FinalJailReport.pdf

Shelf Number: 127528

Correctional Administration
Correctional Institutions
Jails (Ohio)
Mental Health Services