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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 9:03 am

Results for jails (virginia)

1 results found

Author: Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services

Title: Virginia's Peculiar System of Local and Regional Jails

Summary: Responsibilities for jails – construction, operation, certification, funding, etc. – are spread across multiple state and local agencies. The state provides substantial funding for jails, but other than certifying and inspecting the facilities, it has little direct authority over operations. Because Virginia’s jail system is so fragmented – and often difficult to understand when trying to develop policies and programs concerning jails – this report was developed to provide a better understanding of the purpose, operations, funding, and development of Virginia’s jail system.

Details: Richmond, VA: Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services, 2010. 22p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 8, 2011 at: http://www.dcjs.virginia.gov/research/Documents/2010%20JailReport-2.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: United States

URL: http://www.dcjs.virginia.gov/research/Documents/2010%20JailReport-2.pdf

Shelf Number: 120889

Correctional Institutions
Jails (Virginia)