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Results for juvenile delinquency (canada)

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Author: Craig, Wendy

Title: Better Beginnings, Better Futures Study: Delinquency Trajectories of At-Risk Youth

Summary: Many studies of juvenile delinquency over the past two decades have focused on older, serious, and violent juvenile offenders. Younger delinquents have been ignored partly because their number is relatively small and their threat is often not as immediate. Understanding the trajectories of delinquency at a young age and the risk and protective factors associated with those developmental trajectories can inform the development of early risk assessments and the development of targeted prevention and intervention programs. The objectives of the research were to identify early trajectories of delinquency for both boys and girls from age 8 (Grade 3), age 11 (Grade 6), and age 14 (Grade 9) in a longitudinal sample of at-risk youth from a multi-informant perspective, assess risk and protective factors that may influence the likelihood that youth will engage in criminal behaviour in adolescence, and examine whether youth in the identified delinquency trajectories differ substantially in terms of delinquency, involvement with the criminal justice system, emotional and behavioural problems, experience of abuse, academic/school functioning, and health/health risk behaviours. Additionally, this study aimed at estimating the costs associated with each delinquency trajectory on utilization of government resources in the criminal justice system, remedial education, health care and social services, and social assistance. In order to examine these research questions, analyses were conducted using the Better Beginnings, Better Futures data. These data followed 842 children living in five disadvantaged communities in Ontario. The same children were assessed when they were in Grades 3, 6, and 9 with measures largely based on the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth (NLSCY). Three key informant sources were used to assess children’s delinquency (parents, teachers and self-report youth ratings). In Grade 3, children’s levels of delinquency were assessed by teachers. In Grade 6, the children were assessed by parents, teachers and the youth, while in Grade 9, they were assessed by parents and the youth. In addition to the above, 31 risk factors and 17 protective factors for delinquency were examined when the children were in Grade 3. When the children were in Grade 9, 41 outcome measures were examined in the following domains: emotional and behavioural problems, delinquency problems, abuse, involvement with the criminal justice system, functioning in school, and health and health risk activities. Finally, monetary costs associated with the criminal justice system, remedial education, health care and social services, and social assistance were estimated for each participant. The literature on delinquent trajectories identifies three main delinquency groups among children and youth: a low delinquency group, a high delinquency group, and a desisting delinquency group. The trajectory analyses of the current research indicated that there were six delinquency trajectory groups. Children in two of the trajectories had very low ratings of delinquency across time (lowest delinquency group and the second lowest delinquency group). Two other trajectories showed a similar pattern of delinquency ratings that was decreasing over time. In the moderate desisters group, children had moderate levels of delinquency at Grade 3 followed by low levels of delinquency at Grades 6 and 9. In the highest desisters group children had the highest level of reported delinquency behaviours at Grade 3, followed by a marked decrease in reported delinquency at Grades 6 and 9. The fifth trajectory group, named escalators, had very low levels of reported delinquency at Grade 3 and increased markedly in their reported delinquency over time. By Grade 9, children in this trajectory group had the second highest delinquency scores. The final group, high delinquency, started with moderate levels of reported delinquency at Grade 3, marked by the highest reported levels of delinquency at Grades 6 and 9 of any of the trajectory groups. Children at risk for delinquency (i.e., those in the high delinquency, escalators, and the two desisters trajectory groups) scored significantly higher on 17 of the 31 individual, family, peer, and neighbourhood risk factors. For example, children from these four trajectory groups experienced more hyperactive, oppositional-defiant, and physically aggressive behaviours; family risk factors included single parenthood, less parental education, public housing, and hostile-ineffective parenting. These results highlight the need to further develop and refine assessment tools to include these risk factors associated with delinquency. By Grade 9, the high delinquency and escalators groups also had significantly more problems than the other groups; they exhibited more emotional/behavioural, health, criminal, and school functioning problems. Early identification at school and involvement in special education programs early may have significantly reduced these negative outcomes in Grade 9. Finally, the economic analyses identified that youth in the high delinquency, escalators, and the two desisters trajectory groups cost a significant amount of money; for example, approximately 80% of the estimated costs to society (e.g., on utilization of government resources in the criminal justice system, remedial education, health care and social services, and social assistance) were from these four trajectory groups which represent 18% of the sample. Furthermore, 80% of the estimated criminal justice costs were due to the youth in the high delinquency and escalators groups. The findings of the current study highlight some key conclusions. First, there are early indicators to the developmental pathways to delinquency. The risk factors associated with delinquency involvement (e.g., inattention/hyperactivity problems, oppositional defiant problems, low family functioning, having a teenage mother) can be identified as early as Grade 3 and can inform the implementation of an assessment and/or screening tool for children and youth at-risk of delinquency. Second, delinquency involvement does not just emerge, it develops over time, and without intervention, the problems accumulate and may become serious and significant by as early as Grade 9. Third, investment in prevention, such as educational support, can reduce criminal justice costs and delinquency involvement. The most at risk groups (high delinquency and escalators groups) for delinquency involvement accounted for the majority of the estimated reactive costs (e.g., criminal justice, health care and social services, social assistance) and not the preventative costs (e.g., remedial education). Specifically, the high delinquency and escalators groups accounted for 46% of the reactive costs compared to 32% for the two desisters groups and 22% for the two low delinquency groups; for the preventative costs, high delinquency and escalators groups accounted for 38% of the costs compared to 44% for the two desister groups and 18% for the two low delinquency groups. Although more research is needed to understand the delinquency trajectories of girls, those at-risk of delinquency appear to require more support. Although our high risk group of girls was limited, there are some preliminary indications from this research that they are at a heightened risk for problems (e.g., emotional problems, having delinquent friends, police involvement) and the estimated costs associated with their problems may be higher than for boys because they appear not only through the criminal justice system, but also through the health care system.

Details: Ottawa: National Crime Prevention Centre, Public Safety Canada, 2011. 56p.

Source: Internet Resource: Research Report 2011-03: Accessed August 10, 2012 at: http://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/res/cp/res/_fl/bbbf-eng.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Canada

URL: http://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/res/cp/res/_fl/bbbf-eng.pdf

Shelf Number: 125960

At-risk Youth
Delinquency Prevention
Juvenile Delinquency (Canada)
Juvenile Offenders
Juvenile to Adult Criminal Careers