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Results for juvenile delinquency (great britain)

2 results found

Author: Prior, David

Title: Preventing Children's Involvement in Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour: A Literature Review; A Paper Produced for the National Evaluation of the Children's Fund

Summary: The focus of this review is on services for the prevention of crime and anti-social behavior among five to thirteen year olds in the U.K. The basic strategy of the review was two-fold: first, it distilled the key messages relevant to the research question from the exiting body of primary and evaluative research, drawing particularly on systematic reviews and meta-analyses of studies that met core criteria of rigor and replicability, and on the findings from large-scale longitudinal studies; and second, it aimed to identify and assess significant research studies in the UK that sought to evaluate preventive interventions developed in the wake of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998.

Details: Nottingham, UK: Dfes Publications, 2005. 76p.

Source: Research Report; No. 623

Year: 2005

Country: United Kingdom


Shelf Number: 113780

Antisocial Behavior (Great Britain)
Delinquency Prevention (Great Britain)
Juvenile Delinquency (Great Britain)

Author: Phillips, Annabelle

Title: Youth Survey 2008: Young People in Mainstream Education

Summary: This report summarizes the findings of the MORI Youth Survey 2008 which sought to examine experience of crime among 11 to 16-year-olds attending mainstream education. It found that the most common offenses committed by young people who admit offending are: fare dodging, stealing from shops, hurting someone who did not need medical attention, damaging property, graffiti, and stealing school property.

Details: London: Youth Justice Board, 2009. 74p.


Year: 2009

Country: United Kingdom


Shelf Number: 113838

Crime Survey (Juveniles)
Juvenile Delinquency (Great Britain)
Juvenile Offenses (Great Britain)