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Results for juvenile justice, administration of

6 results found

Author: Deitch, Michele

Title: From Time Out to Hard Time: Young Children in the Adult Criminal Justice System

Summary: This report provides a look at how the nation treats young children who commit serious crimes, analyzes the available data with regard to the transfer of young children to adult criminal court, documents the extremely harsh and tragic consequences that follow when young children go into the adult criminal justice system, examines international practices, and offers policy recommendations to address this situation.

Details: Austin, TX: The University of Texas at Austin, LBJ School of Public Affairs, 2009. 116p.


Year: 2009

Country: United States


Shelf Number: 115642

Juvenile Court Transfer
Juvenile Justice, Administration of
Juvenile Offenders

Author: Leiber, Michael J.

Title: Race and Detention Decision Making and the Impact on Juvenile Court Outcomes in Black Hawk County, Iowa

Summary: In the early summer of 2005, Michael Leiber met with juvenile court personnel from Black Hawk County to discuss the possibility of conducting a detailed study of detention in their jurisdiction. The initiative for the study came from the Court itself due to concerns about the number of detained youth, particularly minorities. A detailed inquiry into the use of detention, the types of detention used, for what and whom, had not been previously conducted. After gaining judicial permission, Leiber agreed to examine detention decision-making in Black Hawk County and its impact on juvenile justice decision-making. Data were manually collected from case files in Black Hawk County covering referrals to juvenile court and the North Iowa Detention facility from 2003 through 2004. Aggregate information was also used that represented the number of detention referrals for the years 1990 through 2004. This report presents the findings of this investigation.

Details: Richmond, VA: Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs, Virginia Commonwealth University, 2007. 148p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 2, 2010 at: http://www.uiowa.edu/%7Enrcfcp/dmcrc/documents/DetentionFinalLeiberReport.pdf

Year: 2007

Country: United States

URL: http://www.uiowa.edu/%7Enrcfcp/dmcrc/documents/DetentionFinalLeiberReport.pdf

Shelf Number: 119724

Discrimination in Juvenile Justice Administration
Juvenile Detention
Juvenile Justice, Administration of

Author: Barnardo's

Title: From Playground to Prison: The Case for Reviewing the Age of Criminal Responsibility

Summary: This report examines the latest available data for 10 and 11 year olds in the U.K. criminal justice system and finds that the current process is not the most effective and cost-efficient way of dealing with their offending. It calls for the government to consider raising the minimum age of responsibility from 10 to 12 for all offences other than murder, attempted murder, manslaughter, rape and aggravated sexual assault.

Details: Ilford, UK: Barnardo's, 2010. 11p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 14, 2010 at: http://www.barnardos.org.uk/120910_from_playground_to_prison-2.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.barnardos.org.uk/120910_from_playground_to_prison-2.pdf

Shelf Number: 119797

Age (Law)
Juvenile Justice, Administration of
Juvenile Offenders

Author: Morgan, Rod

Title: Report to the Welsh Assembly Government on the Question of Devolution of Youth Justice Responsibilities

Summary: A report examined the risks and benefits of transferring youth justice to the Welsh Assembly Government. There was a broad consensus supporting the principle of devolving of youth justice: but there were many issues regarding resources and finance that needed to be looked at in detail.

Details: Cardiff: Welsh Assembly Government, 2009. 98p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 26, 2010 at: http://wales.gov.uk/docs/dsjlg/publications/commsafety/100920devyouthjusticeen.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://wales.gov.uk/docs/dsjlg/publications/commsafety/100920devyouthjusticeen.pdf

Shelf Number: 120100

Juvenile Justice Systems
Juvenile Justice, Administration of

Author: Bostwick, Lindsay

Title: Policies and Procedures of the Illinois Juvenile Justice System

Summary: This report presents the policies and procedures of the Illinois juvenile justice system in a detailed step-by-step walkthrough of the different stages of the system in Illinois.

Details: Chicago: Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority, 2011. 44p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 3, 2011 at: http://www.icjia.state.il.us/public/pdf/ResearchReports/IL_Juvenile_Justice_System_Walkthrough_0810.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: United States

URL: http://www.icjia.state.il.us/public/pdf/ResearchReports/IL_Juvenile_Justice_System_Walkthrough_0810.pdf

Shelf Number: 122634

Juvenile Justice Systems (Illinois)
Juvenile Justice, Administration of
Juvenile Offenders

Author: Balck, Annie

Title: Advances in Juvenile Justice Reform: 2009 - 2011

Summary: The National Juvenile Justice Network (NJJN) is pleased to present this compilation from across the country of advances in juvenile justice reform made between 2009 and 2011. In it, we have gathered together significant laws, administrative rule and practice changes, positive court decisions, and promising commissions and studies. The breadth and scope of its contents are a testament to the great number of positive changes that have occurred over the course of the past few years. While it may sometimes feel that progress toward reform is slow to non-existent, this compendium shows that, in fact, thanks to the tireless work of advocates, stakeholders, and policymakers, reform victories are won on a regular basis, every year, in nearly every state. That being said, we would be remiss if we did not also note that the news is not all good. There are many states and localities where juvenile justice reform is badly needed—where youths’ due process rights are routinely violated; where schools funnel youth into juvenile court; where youth of color are unfairly and disproportionately punished; where youth in confinement are abused and beaten. Reformers have a lot to celebrate, but there is also much to be done. The document provides a broad view of the primary issues of concern in the reform field, as well as a snapshot of those areas that are gaining the most traction; we hope the publication will serve as an educational tool for individuals less familiar with specific reform efforts, and inspire those already dedicated to change. Lastly, this publication is meant to serve as a concrete representation of how far the movement for juvenile justice reform has come, and act as incontrovertible evidence that progress is indeed being made.

Details: Washington, D.C.: The National Juvenile Justice Network, 2012. 66p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 13, 2012 at http://www.njjn.org/uploads/digital-library/NJJN_adv_fin_press_sept_update.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: United States

URL: http://www.njjn.org/uploads/digital-library/NJJN_adv_fin_press_sept_update.pdf

Shelf Number: 126692

Juvenile Justice Policy
Juvenile Justice Reform
Juvenile Justice, Administration of