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Results for juvenile justice (latvia)

1 results found

Author: Kronberga, IIona

Title: Child-friendly Justice in Latvia: Focusing on Crime Prevention

Summary: Child delinquency prevention is an integral part of Juvenile Justice. Today, it can be considered as one of the most significant problems in creating and implementing legal rights in Latvia. Although juvenile delinquency prevention is set as an international priority in the field of protection of the rights of the child, the institutions in charge still invest inadmissibly little effort and resources in finding solutions for the particular problem. Due to the insufficient reaction, the risk increases that the child can face a situation where his or her rights get violated or where he or she violates the rights of another person by committing an offence. The child is unprotected in every nonstandard situation of his or her life - becoming a participant of legal relations in an administrative proceeding, criminal proceeding or civil proceeding when, for instance, solving problems of their mutual relations, defence of the interests of the child is the last the parents think about. It is important that in such situations the child has a reliable and knowing person by his or her side, a specialist who is interested in helping the child. The Protection of the Rights of the Child Law stipulates around twenty institutions for protection of the rights of the child, though the performance and mutual coordination often includes significant failures, non-professional efforts, even refusal to react to the cases of violation of the rights of the child. Specialists of protection of the rights of the child have to understand how important is an individual investment in child delinquency prevention - the need and importance of this investment, as well as its contribution to ensure safe community should be realised by every professional who could become the "reliable and knowing person" in a relevant situation for a particular child. The question of juvenile delinquency prevention, as well as conclusions and suggestions from the research "Child-friendly legal environment in Latvia: delinquency prevention" could be in particular useful for such specialists as teachers, psychologists, social case workers, lawyers, sworn advocates, prosecutors, judges, Orphan's courts and other representatives of relevant institutions in the field.

Details: Riga, Latvia: PROVIDUS, Center for Public Policy, 2012. 146p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 27, 2014 at: http://www.providus.lv/upload_file/Projekti/Kriminalitesibas/Child-friendly%20Justice%20in%20Latvia.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Latvia

URL: http://www.providus.lv/upload_file/Projekti/Kriminalitesibas/Child-friendly%20Justice%20in%20Latvia.pdf

Shelf Number: 133453

Delinquency Prevention
Juvenile Delinquency
Juvenile Justice (Latvia)
Juvenile Justice Systems