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Date: July 17, 2024 Wed

Time: 9:02 pm

Results for juvenile justice (oregon)

1 results found

Author: Ziedenberg, Jason

Title: Misguided Measures: The Outcomes and Impacts of Measure 11 on Oregon’s Youth

Summary: Oregon voters passed Measure 11 in November 1994. The measure created new mandatory minimum sentences for 16 crimes and required that youth charged with those crimes be tried as adults. The legislature subsequently added more crimes to Measure 11. Today, Measure 11 requires youth ages 15 years or older charged with one of 21 crimes to be prosecuted automatically in the adult criminal justice system and if convicted of that crime, to serve the same mandatory sentence that applies to adults. Fifteen years after Measure 11 was enacted, the Campaign for Youth Justice and Partnership for Safety and Justice embarked on a study to determine the impact that Measure 11 was having on youth in Oregon. The authors analyzed data on 3,274 young people indicted with Measure 11 offenses since 1995. The authors also looked at a subset of 759 cases handled between 2006 and 2008 to understand the current way Measure 11 is being implemented in the 36 Oregon counties. The report examines the detrimental impact of Measure 11 in a thorough, in-depth analysis of its effect on youth and public safety in Oregon. According to the data, Measure 11 has not made Oregon any safer. In fact, most youth charged with Measure 11 offenses are not the most serious youth offenders, but they receive the most serious sentences, little to no rehabilitative services, and face lifelong barriers to becoming productive citizens even after they have served their sentence. The report provides clear reasons why the public should reconsider Measure 11 for juveniles in addition to a list of recommendations that incorporate the latest research on curbing juvenile delinquency and recidivism in order to improve youth justice policies and increase public safety in Oregon

Details: Washington, DC: Campaign for Youth Justice; Portland, OR: Partnership for Safety and Justice, 2011. 92p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 28, 2011 at: http://www.campaignforyouthjustice.org/documents/Misguided_Measures_July_2011.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: United States

URL: http://www.campaignforyouthjustice.org/documents/Misguided_Measures_July_2011.pdf

Shelf Number: 122191

Juvenile Court Transfer
Juvenile Detention
Juvenile Justice (Oregon)
Juvenile Offenders
Waiver (of Juvenile Court Jurisdiction