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Date: July 17, 2024 Wed

Time: 9:07 pm

Results for juvenile offenders (montana)

2 results found

Author: Hollist, Dusten

Title: Assessing the Mechanisms that Contribute to Disproportionate Minority Contact in Montana's Juvenile Justice Systems

Summary: The objective of the research was to conduct a disproportionate minority contact assessment oriented toward providing an understanding of the contributing factors that influence minority overrepresentation trends in four Montana counties. Specifically, the investigation involved a quantitative examination of the role of extra-legal and social factors in the explanation of disproportionate minority contact. The study used data from focus groups and face-to-face interviews with juvenile justice systems decision makers to put in to context and provide a more complete understanding of the mechanisms that contribute to disproportionate minority contact in Montana. The primary research objectives are based on an examination of the following questions: 1. Are minority juveniles overrepresented in Montana’s Juvenile Justice Systems? • Are disparities concentrated in a single decision point or are they spread out across multiple points? 2. Does race continue to contribute to disproportionate minority contact after social characteristics (e.g. individual and family factors) and criminal histories have been accounted for in the models? • Are the findings similar when examined across multiple decisions points (e.g. referral to the county attorney; petitions for adjudication; delinquency findings; confinement in secure placement)?

Details: Missoula, MT: Social Science Research Laboratory University of Montana, Missoula, 2012. 52p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 17, 2012 at: http://mbcc.mt.gov/Data/SAC/RAI/DMC%20Technical%20Report%20_Final%20Version_.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: United States

URL: http://mbcc.mt.gov/Data/SAC/RAI/DMC%20Technical%20Report%20_Final%20Version_.pdf

Shelf Number: 126356

Juvenile Justice System
Juvenile Offenders (Montana)
Minority Groups
Racial Disparities

Author: Hollist, Dusten

Title: The Montana Pre-Adjudicatory Detention Risk Assessment Instrument: A Validation and Assessment Study

Summary: The primary research objective in the current investigation is a performance assessment of the Montana Pre-Adjudicatory Risk Assessment Instrument (RAI). The RAI has been used on a pilot basis in Cascade, Hill, Missoula, and Yellowstone Counties since 2009 as part of the predispositional detention decision-making process to determine whether or not juveniles pose a public safety risk if released. The analysis focuses on two dimensions associated with the RAI. The first of these pertains to racial and cultural sensitivity in assessing offender risk. The second pertains to public safety outcomes associated with the behavior of juveniles who are released from detention. Specifically, whether a new offense occurred resulting in a misdemeanor or felony citation during the 45-day period of risk and whether the juvenile failed to appear for an initial court appearance after release from detention. To achieve these objectives, the following three research questions were examined: 1. Is the RAI being administered impartially and in a manner that it assesses juvenile offender “risk” in a culturally and racially sensitive manner? • Are there differences in the patterns of overrides that are used to make detention decisions when comparing White and minority juveniles? 2. Did the juveniles reoffend while on release status during the period of risk? • Was there a new felony or misdemeanor citation within 45 days following release from detention? 3. Did the juveniles fail to appear for the initial court appearance following release from detention? • Did the juvenile fail to appear for the next court appearance or follow-up with the probation officer after their release from detention?

Details: Missoula, MT: Social Science Research Laboratory University of Montana, Missoula, 2012. 35p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 27, 2012 at: http://mbcc.mt.gov/Data/SAC/RAI/RAI%20Technical%20Report%20_Final%20Version_.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: United States

URL: http://mbcc.mt.gov/Data/SAC/RAI/RAI%20Technical%20Report%20_Final%20Version_.pdf

Shelf Number: 126467

Juvenile Detention
Juvenile Offenders (Montana)
Risk Assessment