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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 8:39 am

Results for juvenile offenders (u.k).

1 results found

Author: Maruna, Shadd

Title: Youth Conferencing as Shame Management: Results of a Long-term Follow-Up Study

Summary: The Northern Ireland Youth Conferencing Service (YCS) was launched in December 2003 in response to recommendations made in the Belfast Agreement of 1998. The YCS conferencing process involves a meeting between the young person (between 10 and 18) who offended, the victim, and others who have been affected by the crime. The focus is on all parties resolving how the young person can both make amends for the crime, and also ensure that future offending is avoided. This report presents the findings from a qualitative, process evaluation of the long-term life outcomes for a small sample (N=26) of young people involved in this process due to the commission of a crime. Participants were interviewed at least one year after their initial involvement with the YCS in order to discern whether the conference has had any lasting impact on their lives and their self-understandings. Interviews were transcribed and coded for patterns in the participants’ reflections on the conferencing process, their postconference lives, and their involvement with criminality and risky behaviours.

Details: Cambridge, UK: ARCS Ltd., 2011. 78p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 13, 2011 at: http://www.youthjusticeagencyni.gov.uk/document_uploads//SHAD_MARUNA_STUDY.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.youthjusticeagencyni.gov.uk/document_uploads//SHAD_MARUNA_STUDY.pdf

Shelf Number: 122730

Juvenile Offenders (U.K).
Victim-Offender Mediation
Youth Conferencing