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Results for juvenile residential treatment centers

1 results found

Author: Texas Juvenile Justice Department

Title: Effectiveness of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports: A Report to the Texas Legislature

Summary: House Bill 3689 from the 81st Legislative Session required the implementation of Positive Behavioral Supports and Interventions (PBIS) in the Texas Juvenile Justice Department (TJJD) [formerly Texas Youth Commission], with an implementation status report due December 1, 2010, and an effectiveness report due December 1, 2012. Statutory reporting requirements for this document, as outlined in Texas Education Code, Title 2, Subtitle F., Chapter 30, Subchapter E, §30.106, are (c) (3) (A) documentation of school-related disciplinary referrals, disaggregated by the type, location, and time of infraction and by subgroups designated under commission rule; and (B) documentation of school-related disciplinary actions, including time-out, placement in security, and use of restraints and other aversive measures, disaggregated by subgroups designated under commission rule. The Texas Juvenile Justice Department (TJJD) provides oversight to educational programming in secure facilities as required by statute for both general and special education student populations. When the legislation was initiated during the 81st legislative session in 2009, nine secure facility schools were recipients of the PBIS implementation, and currently, following facility closures in 2011, there are six. The evolution of programming elements continues to be a focus at each campus. This is a comprehensive report which not only provides statistical analysis satisfying statutory requirements, but also includes discussion on program elements, considering comparative data for the current school year and those prior (pre-PBIS : post-PBIS). The implementation of PBIS appears to be having an impact on the behavior and academic outcomes of youth in secure facilities. Significant findings regarding the effectiveness of PBIS in TJJD: - The number of incidents, both minor and major, are four times higher in non-school settings than in school, where PBIS has been implemented; - The percent of incidents with youth eligible for special education services has decreased, and the percent of Security admissions for these students is the lowest it’s been since 2009; - The percent of disciplinary referrals for Hispanic and Anglo students is the lowest it’s been since 2009; - The percent of disciplinary referrals involving physical and mechanical restraint has decreased to the lowest levels since 2009; - Average Daily Attendance has increased; and - Academic performance has increased in all categories of measured outcomes.

Details: Austin, TX: Texas Juvenile Justice Department, 2012. 29p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 25, 2013 at: http://www.tjjd.texas.gov/publications/reports/PBISLegislativeReport2012-12.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: United States

URL: http://www.tjjd.texas.gov/publications/reports/PBISLegislativeReport2012-12.pdf

Shelf Number: 129146

Behavior Modification
Correctional Programs
Juvenile Correctional Facilities
Juvenile Inmates
Juvenile Justice (Texas, U.S.)
Juvenile Residential Treatment Centers