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Results for juvenile victimization

2 results found

Author: Sedlak, Andrea J.

Title: Nature and Risk of Victimization: Findings from the Survey of Youth in Residential Placement

Summary: This report presents key findings from the Survey of Youth in Residential Placement (SYRP) on youth’s victimization in placement, including their experiences of theft, robbery, physical assault, and sexual assault. SYRP is the only national survey that gathers data directly from youth in custody, using anonymous interviews. The report describes a variety of youth characteristics and facility conditions that correlate with victimization rates and identifies a core set of risk factors that predict the probability of a youth experiencing violence in custody. Results indicate that 46% of youth had their property stolen in their absence, 10% were directly robbed, 29% were threatened or beaten, 9% were beaten or injured, and 4% were forced to engage in sexual activity.

Details: Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, 2013. 16p.

Source: Internet Resource: Juvenile Justice Bulletin: Accessed July 3, 2013 at:http://www.ojjdp.gov/pubs/240703.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: United States

URL: http://www.ojjdp.gov/pubs/240703.pdf

Shelf Number: 129235

Juvenile Detention (U.S.)
Juvenile Inmates
Juvenile Victimization
Youth in Custody

Author: Pope, Kalis

Title: Young People's Experiences of Crime: an Investigation into the Victimisation and Offending of Inner-City Dublin Youth

Summary: This project is one of the first empirical investigations into youth victimisation and offending in Ireland and is one of three research projects that were established under the Youth Crime Research Project: Young People's Experiences of Crime. Victim surveys are of particular interest to this study, as they help to illuminate the 'dark figure' of crime through ascertaining individual's experiences of victimisation, while simultaneously collecting pertinent information regarding their own level of criminality. A common failure among the majority of victim surveys, however, is that they do not investigate the experiences of young people. This project seeks to address this deficiency. Through the use of a victim survey, structural equation models, and focus groups, this research will also analyse the extent and nature of youth victimisation and offending in inner-city Dublin, possible correlations between victimisation and offending behaviour, the role parental supervision and routine activities/lifestyle choices play in determining the risk of victimisation and offending, and the role gender plays in young people’s experiences of crime. Previous research has shown that victimisation is a strong indicator of likely participation in delinquent behaviour. However, many young people have been victimised, yet do not pursue a delinquent lifestyle as a result, suggesting a strong similarity between victimogenic and criminogenic risk factors, such as age and environment. The control that guardians exert over youth is also paramount in determining what type of lifestyle youth can pursue in the first place. As youth cannot be supervised at all times, the lifestyle choices they make regardless of parental influence, will also be investigated. Finally, this research aims to be instrumental in the future development of a nationwide survey of youth experiences of crime in Ireland.

Details: Dublin: Dublin Institute of Technology, 2015. 367p.

Source: Internet Resource: Dissertation: Accessed January 25, 2017 at: http://arrow.dit.ie/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1065&context=appadoc

Year: 2015

Country: Ireland

URL: http://arrow.dit.ie/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1065&context=appadoc

Shelf Number: 147802

Juvenile Delinquency
Juvenile Offenders
Juvenile Victimization
Victimization Studies
Victims of Crime
Youth Victimization