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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 9:04 am

Results for juvenile violence

2 results found

Author: Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Bra)

Title: Evaluation of the K-model (The Kronoberg Model)

Summary: The K-model is a working model used by the police that aims to prevent young people from drinking alcohol in public places and, as an extension to this, to contribute towards reducing juvenile violence in these environments. The model was developed by the police in Kronoberg County (hence The K-model), which is one of Sweden’s 21 Counties and also one of the 21 County Police Authorities. The police’s own experiences and follow-ups of the model indicated that it was both possible to manage in a good way and had the capacity to reduce juvenile violence. .

Details: Stockholm: Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention, 2009. 19p.

Source: Internet Resource: English Summary of Bra rerpot No. 2009:5: Accessed December 2, 2010 at: http://www.bra.se/extra/measurepoint/?module_instance=4&name=Evaluation_of_the_K_model_summary.pdf&url=/dynamaster/file_archive/091229/c81e66bdea74d8ac3314be4e8c4d531f/Evaluation%255fof%255fthe%255fK%255fmodel%255fsummary.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: Sweden

URL: http://www.bra.se/extra/measurepoint/?module_instance=4&name=Evaluation_of_the_K_model_summary.pdf&url=/dynamaster/file_archive/091229/c81e66bdea74d8ac3314be4e8c4d531f/Evaluation%255fof%255fthe%255fK%255fmodel%255fsummary.pdf

Shelf Number: 120360

Alcohol Related Crime, Disorder (Sweden)
Juvenile Offenders
Juvenile Violence

Author: CNDH Mexico

Title: Adolescentes: Vulnerabilidad y Violencia

Summary: This report Examines the impact of poverty, social disorganization, and the influence of peers and adults that encourage crime and violence among juveniles in Mexico. It consists of interviews who explain how and why they became involved in organized crime.

Details: Mexico: CNDH, 2016. 188p.

Source: Internet Resource: Informe Especial: Accessed February 17, 2017 at: http://www.cndh.org.mx/sites/all/doc/Informes/Especiales/Informe_adolescentes_20170118.pdf (In Spanish)

Year: 2016

Country: Mexico

URL: http://www.cndh.org.mx/sites/all/doc/Informes/Especiales/Informe_adolescentes_20170118.pdf

Shelf Number: 147326

Juvenile Offenders
Juvenile Violence
Organized Crime
Social Disorganization
Socioeconomic Conditions and Crime