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Results for juvenile violence (uk)

1 results found

Author: Adfam

Title: Between A Rock and A Hard Place: How Parents Deal with Children Who Use Substances and Perpetrate Abuse

Summary: Previous research commissioned by Adfam and AVA found that the problem of child to parent violence (CPV) was under recognised and under supported by services. It found that many groups which offered support for families affected by drugs and alcohol came into contact with parents who reported high levels of violence from their drug or alcohol using children which in many ways was similar to what is widely considered domestic violence under the definition of intimate partner violence (IPV). The purpose of this stage of the project, therefore, was to consult parents affected by CPV, find out what their experiences of seeking support had been, identify areas of deficiency in support and make corresponding recommendations to address them and build relationships between the family, domestic violence and drug and alcohol sectors. This stage of the project consisted of facilitating nine focus groups throughout England with 88 parents affected by CPV. In these focus groups parents were consulted on to their experiences of CPV – what form it took, when they first realised what was happening, which services they turned to first, and which services were the best in providing support. The focus groups were conducted in a safe and confidential manner by an experienced facilitator, with Adfam and AVA providing a confidentiality protocol and a consent form for parents taking part. The second stage of the project will provide training for family support groups and a series of briefings on CPV. The focus groups were organised with the help of family support groups throughout England – organisations often run by parents–turnedpractitioners who have used their personal experiences of having a drug or alcohol user in the family to provide support for other parents and family members.

Details: London: Adfam and Ava, 2012. 41p.

Source: Project Report: Internet Resource: Accessed December 20, 2012 at http://www.adfam.org.uk/docs/Between_a_rock_and_a_hard_place_-_Project_report.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.adfam.org.uk/docs/Between_a_rock_and_a_hard_place_-_Project_report.pdf

Shelf Number: 127238

Family Violence (UK)
Juvenile Drug Offenders (UK)
Juvenile Violence (UK)
Victims Services