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Date: July 17, 2024 Wed

Time: 9:04 pm

Results for kidnappers

1 results found

Author: Pedneault, Amelie

Title: Risk Assessment of Sex and Kidnapping Offenders: A Review of Practices and Training Needs in Washington State

Summary: In Washington State, sexual and kidnapping offenders who return to the community after a conviction or at the end of their incarceration must register with their local law enforcement agency. Each agency is required to classify offenders on their sexual re-offense risk within the community at large; Level 1 represents a low level of sexual risk, Level 2 poses a moderate risk, and Level 3 a high risk (RCW 4.24.550 section 6b). The determination of offenders' risk level should consider the recommendation made by the Department of Corrections, Department of Social and Health Services, and End of Sentence Review Committee (RCW 4.24.550 section 6a). It is also possible for an agency to conduct their own application of a risk assessment tool, and other pertinent information about aggravating or mitigating factors when determining an offender's risk level (RCW 4.24.550 section 6a). The Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs has written a model policy to assist law enforcement agencies in the development of their own policies and procedures regarding sex offender registration and community notification (RCW 4.24.5501). While agencies can mold their operating policies and procedures on this model, they still have discretion to develop their own. As a result, their processes differ. In order to gain insight into the processes followed in agencies throughout Washington State, an online survey of law enforcement agencies was conducted. The present study has two aims: 1. Review and summarize the risk assignment procedures with which law enforcement agencies throughout Washington State assign a level of risk to sexual offenders. Specifically, the following aspects of the risk assignment process are reviewed: - Tools and materials considered; - Existence of an initial risk level classification appeal process; - Obstacles to timely risk assignments; - Specific procedure applicable when assigning a risk level to juvenile offenders. 2. Review and summarize training opportunities that are pertinent to assignment of risk for sexual offenders. The following two aspects of risk assignment training are reviewed: - Current opportunities to participate in training activities; - Training needs.

Details: Olympia, WA: Washington State Office of Financial Management, 2016. 24p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 12, 2016 at: http://www.ofm.wa.gov/sgc/sopb/meetings/board/2016/09/rso_coordinator_report_edits.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: United States

URL: http://www.ofm.wa.gov/sgc/sopb/meetings/board/2016/09/rso_coordinator_report_edits.pdf

Shelf Number: 140684

Police Education and Training
Risk Assessment
Sex Offenders