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Results for law enforcement homicides

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Author: Banks, Duren

Title: Arrest-Related Deaths Program Assessment: Technical Report

Summary: The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) designed the Arrest-Related Deaths (ARD) program to be a census of all deaths that occur during the process of arrest in the United States. The manner in which these data were collected varied from state to state, and often depended on the data systems available to the state reporting coordinators (SRCs) responsible for data collection throughout the state, the involvement of local law enforcement agencies or medical examiner's/coroner's offices, and other support that the SRC may have had to conduct the data collection. This variability in approach has led to questions about whether these data collection methods were capable of capturing the universe of arrest-related deaths and law enforcement homicides in particular. BJS requested RTI International to conduct an assessment of the ARD program to evaluate (1) the coverage of the program in comparison to Supplementary Homicide Reports (SHRs) maintained by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and (2) various aspects of the current program methodology. The coverage assessment matched law enforcement homicides captured by the ARD program to those found in the SHR justifiable homicide file, followed by a capture-recapture analysis to provide information on the scope and characteristics of cases eligible for inclusion in the ARD program that are captured in one or both of these data systems. The ARD law enforcement homicides and SHR justifiable homicide files are similar; however, some law enforcement homicides that were not classified as justifiable are not identified in the SHR. RTI calculated the size of the law enforcement homicide population in the United States and the ARD program coverage using two methods to estimate the lower and upper bounds of ARD coverage. We found that over the study period from 2003 through 2009 and 2011, the ARD program captured, at best, 49% of all law enforcement homicides in the United States. The lower bound of ARD program coverage was estimated to be 36%. These findings indicate that the current ARD program methodology does not allow a census of all law enforcement homicides in the United States. The ARD program captured approximately 49% of law enforcement homicides, while the SHR captured 46%. An estimated 28% of the law enforcement homicides in the United States are not captured by either system. However, the methodology for identifying ARD cases has changed over the observation period. In 2011, the ARD program was estimated to cover between 59% and 69% of all law enforcement homicides in the United States, depending on the estimation method used. While this coverage estimate still does not result in a census, it does suggest improvements over time in the overall approach to identifying law enforcement homicides and reporting them to the ARD program. We found considerable variability between states in the proportion of law enforcement homicides that are reported to the ARD program only, the SHR only, or to both sources in 2011. Twelve states reported only to the ARD program in 2011, while no states reported cases only to the SHR. Additional analyses to explore the effect of case identification methodology and SRC affiliation failed to identify a specific ARD methodology that was associated with better program coverage in 2011. The current analyses only compared ARD program coverage to the SHR. Other sources may also provide additional information about the extent of law enforcement homicides in the United States or in selected jurisdictions, and coverage of the various data collection systems. These sources include the Fatal Injury Reports that are part of the National Vital Statistical System maintained by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and direct reports from local law enforcement agencies. In addition, the ARD program assessment examined only arrested-related deaths that are the result of law enforcement homicides. Arrest-related deaths due to illness, overdose, accidents, and other manners of death are likely even more difficult to identify and, if included, could have a significant downward impact on our coverage estimates. However, no other national data collection exists that examines arrest-related deaths due to a manner other than law enforcement homicide. If BJS pursues a collection to measure law enforcement homicides or all manners of arrest-related deaths in the United States, changes must be made to the data collection methodology to support more complete coverage.

Details: Research Triangle Park, NC: RTI International, 2015. 53p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 9, 2015 at: http://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/ardpatr.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: United States

URL: http://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/ardpatr.pdf

Shelf Number: 134760

Arrest-Related Deaths
Arrests (U.S.)
Law Enforcement Homicides