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Results for law and legislation

10 results found

Author: O'Connor, Jean

Title: From Policy to Practice: State Methamphetamine Precursor Control Policies

Summary: This report discusses state methamphetamine laws and regulations.

Details: Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University, 2007

Source: The MayaTech Corporation; University of Michigan

Year: 2007

Country: United States


Shelf Number: 117150

Law and Legislation

Author: Savona, Ernesto U.

Title: A Study of Crime Proofing: Evaluation of Crime Risk Implications of the European Commission's Proposals Covering a Range of Policy Areas

Summary: This overall aim of the project is to promote crime proofing, in order to develop a practical instrument to be used by policymakers for detecting and reducing possible crime risks inadvertently caused by legislation.

Details: Milan: Transcrime, 2006


Year: 2006

Country: Italy


Shelf Number: 114309

Law and Legislation

Author: Mossman, Elaine

Title: Key Informant Interviews: Review of the Prostitution Reform Act 2003

Summary: This report was commissioned to provide information for the review of the Prostitution Reform Act 2003 by analyzing data collected during interviews with brothel operators and Non-Governmental Organizations.

Details: Wellington, NZ: Ministry of Justice, 2007

Source: Crime and Justice Research Centre, Victoria University of Wellington

Year: 2007

Country: New Zealand


Shelf Number: 115791

Criminal Law Reform
Law and Legislation

Author: Crago, Anna-Louise

Title: Our Lives Matter: Sex Workers Unite for Health and Rights

Summary: This report highlights the innovative contributions of eight groups from very different countries: Durjoy Nari Shongho in Bangladesh, Humanitarian Action in Russia, Stella in Canada, Durbar Mahila Samanwaya Committee (DMSC) in India, Sex Workers Project of the Urban Justice Center in the United States, Odyseus in Slovakia, Davida in Brazil, and Sex Worker Education and Advocacy Taskforce (SWEAT) in South Africa.

Details: New York: Open Society Institute, 2008


Year: 2008

Country: United States


Shelf Number: 115193

Law and Legislation

Author: United States Commission on Civil Rights

Title: Enforcing Religious Freedom in Prison

Summary: This report focuses on the government's efforts to enforce federal civil rights laws prohibiting religious discrimination in the administration and management of federal and state prisons. The Constitution provides for prisoners retaining some rights of religious exercise. With the intent of furthering religious freedom in prisons while maintaining security, the Commission developed findings and recommendations based on its social science research, case law review, briefing testimony, and interrogatory responses received from the Department of Justice, several state and federal prisons, various prisoner advocacy groups, and other organizations.

Details: Washington, DC: 2008


Year: 2008

Country: United States


Shelf Number: 113590

Correctional Institutions
Law and Legislation

Author: Virginia. Department of Criminal Justice Services

Title: Use of Anti-Gang Statutes Contained in the Code of Virginia

Summary: From the report: "In June 2006, Governor's Executive Order 15 formalized Virginia's Interagency Anti-Gang Workgroup to monitor the progress of Virginia's gang initiatives and to make recommendations for strengthening Virginia's anti-gang activities. In 2007, the Interagency Anti-Gang Task Force asked the Department of Criminal Justice Services to examine the use and effectiveness of certain gang legislation that was enacted during the last several years. Law enforcement agencies and Commonwealth's Attorneys offices throughout the state were surveyed to solicit information about the statutes from persons involved in the enforcement and prosecution of gang-related crime. A total of 120 Commonwealth's Attorneys and 216 personnel from law enforcement agencies were asked to complete the survey."

Details: Richmond: 2008


Year: 2008

Country: United States


Shelf Number: 115372

Law and Legislation

Author: Ford, Jolyon

Title: Beyond the 'War on Terror': A Study of Criminal Justice Responses to Terrorism in the Maghreb

Summary: From the monograph: "[t]his monograph is a preliminary study of the extent to which three North African countries - Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia - have successfully implemented legal and institutional measures to address the threat of terrorism primarily through their national criminal justice systems, pursuant to internationally and regionally agreed obligations and in accordance with internationally accepted standards. This study is part of the multi-year project, "Strengthening the criminal justice capacity of African states to investigate, prosecute and adjudicate cases of terrorism,' which started in 2008. The project is being implemented by the International Crime in Africa Programme (ICAP) of the Institute for Security Studies (ISS)."

Details: Pretoria, South Africa: Institute for Security Studies, 2009. 124p.

Source: ISS Monograph 165: Accessed May 8, 2018 at: https://www.africaportal.org/publications/beyond-the-war-on-terror-a-study-of-criminal-justice-responses-to-terrorism-in-the-maghreb/

Year: 2009

Country: Africa

URL: https://www.africaportal.org/publications/beyond-the-war-on-terror-a-study-of-criminal-justice-responses-to-terrorism-in-the-maghreb/

Shelf Number: 116681

Law and Legislation

Author: Bullock, Karen

Title: Examining Attrition in Confiscating the Proceeds of Crime

Summary: From the report: "[t]his study sought to identify the extent of attrition (financial loss) in the confiscation order process and why it occurs. The study found that although the majority of cases experience little or no attrition, there is significant monetary attrition in the confiscation order system. However, much of the overall 'loss' shown by the statistics is artificial and stems from the operation of the Proceeds of Crime Act (POCA) (2002) - in particular, the broad assumptions that can be applied in the calculation of criminal benefit. Policy makers should therefore be aware of the distinction between this 'procedural attrition' and attrition that represents a true loss - in particular that which occurs during enforcement of orders."

Details: London: Home Office Research, Development and Statistics Directorate, 2009

Source: Research Report 17

Year: 2009

Country: United Kingdom


Shelf Number: 115821

Administration of Justice
Law and Legislation

Author: Nkosi, Zaba Philip

Title: An Evaluation of South Africa's Legislation to Combat Organised Crime

Summary: The objective of this research is to evaluate existing South African laws intended to deal with organised crime with relevant international instruments in order to establish whether the laws are adequate and are being implemented effectively to fight the scourge. The hypothesis of this research project is that South Africa has adequate laws (compliance); however, the problem lies in their implementation (enforcement). To obtain the necessary information to achieve the said objectives, the views made by various writers on organised crime were considered. The legislation currently in place to combat organised crime was identified and measured against aforementioned instruments in order to establish whether they do achieve the minimum standards set for the fight against organised crime. The comparison was done following the perspectives contained in these instruments in chapter form. In this regard, over-achievements as well as under-achievements were highlighted. For an example, article 6 of the Palermo convention instructs state parties to include as predicate offences all serious crime, punishable by maximum deprivation of liberty of at least 4 years or more, for money laundering. The Prevention of Organised Crime Act (POCA), on the other hand, contains no list of specific predicate offences, but makes an open-ended reference to the "proceeds of unlawful activities." It is, therefore, all-encompassing. Another example can be found in the South African definition of corruption. The South African statutory definition penalises corruption in the widest sense and in all its forms, whereas that in the Palermo Convention is limited or restricted, as it does not instruct for the criminalisation of corruption involving foreign public officials or international civil servants. The evaluation of existing South African laws shows that South Africa has adequate laws to fight organised crime. There is, however, a room for improvement in their implementation, particularly in the prosecution of organised crimes. The South African government is urged to make available adequate financial resources to enable prosecutors to carry out their functions effectively in the fight against the scourge.

Details: Port Elizabeth, South Africa: Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, 2011. 90p.

Source: Thesis. Internet Resource: Accessed on January 22, 2012 at http://www.nmmu.ac.za/documents/theses/ZABA%20%20PHILIP%20%20NKOSI.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: South Africa

URL: http://www.nmmu.ac.za/documents/theses/ZABA%20%20PHILIP%20%20NKOSI.pdf

Shelf Number: 123727

Law and Legislation
Organized Crime (South Africa)

Author: Barrett, Nicole A.

Title: Laws to Combat Sex Trafficking: An Overview of International, National, Provincial and Municipal Laws and their Enforcement

Summary: This report examines current legislation, regulations and law enforcement issues relating to human trafficking for sexual exploitation at four levels: the international, national, state/provincial, and municipal. The report is part of on-going research for the Task Force on the Trafficking of Women and Girls in Canada, convened by the Canadian Women's Foundation (CWF). A previous research report to the Task Force discusses the incidence of sex trafficking in Canada as well as specific issues of trafficking for sexual exploitation in Canada and the impacts on women and girls in particular. The overall purpose of the research is to analyze Canada's legal framework for addressing sex trafficking, place Canada's current legislative responses to sex trafficking at federal, provincial and municipal levels in the context of international obligations and recent developments in other countries, and to examine possible responses and innovative practices for the law and law enforcement. The report is intended to aid the Task Force in formulating its programming and policy responses to the significant problem of sexual exploitation of women and girls in Canada. The report is divided into six main sections, which look at the context in which legislation should be considered, and examines the four levels of applicable law, including a brief discussion of internet regulation as it relates to sex trafficking. The six sections include: - An introduction, providing methodology and context - International protocols and obligations relating to sex trafficking and selected examples of foreign national and state/provincial legislation on human trafficking and prostitution - Canadian Federal legislation - Canadian Provincial legislation - Canadian Municipal regulation - Regulating the internet The final section of the report summarises the main issues arising from the research for further consideration by the Task Force. Summary charts on current international, Canadian Provincial and Municipal responses, and an overall matrix of legislative responses to trafficking for sexual exploitation are included as Appendices to the report (Appendices I-VII).

Details: Toronto: Canadian Women's Foundation, 2013. 106p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 30, 2014 at: http://canadianwomen.org/sites/canadianwomen.org/files//Laws%20to%20Combat%20Sex%20Trafficking_2.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: International

URL: http://canadianwomen.org/sites/canadianwomen.org/files//Laws%20to%20Combat%20Sex%20Trafficking_2.pdf

Shelf Number: 133880

Child Prostitution
Child Sexual Exploitation
Human Trafficking
Internet Crimes
Law and Legislation
Sex Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation