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Results for license plate technology

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Author: Eberline, Andrew

Title: Cost-Benefit Analysis of Electronic License Plates

Summary: The objective of this report is to determine whether el ectronic vehicle recognition systems (EVR) or automatic license plate recognition systems (ALPR) would be beneficial to the Arizona Department of Transportation (AzDOT). EVR uses radio frequency identification technology tags (RFID) that would be placed on all registered vehicles so that RFID readers could read vehicles’ plate numbers as they pass using the radio frequency signal emi tted by the RFID tag. ALPR technology uses cameras and alphanumerical recogni tion software to read license plates as they pass. The literature review looks into the previous applications of both ALPR a nd EVR. Departments of Transportation (DOTs), tolling authorities and law enforcement all have used va rious applications of this advanced electronic technology. Based on the literature review and the benefits section (Chapt er 3), the potential benefits of an ALPR / EVR system are: 1. The ability for AzDOT to potentially m onitor traffic flow more accurately, 2. The ability to better enforce license and registration compliance, 3. The ability to better enforce auto insurance compliance, 4. The ability to implement a toll, or congestion charge, 5. The ability to aid law enforcement in finding suspected criminals. Chapter 4 determines the potential costs of an ALPR or EV R system and then compares the costs with the total quantifiable benefits using two case stud ies. In the first case study, an AL PR system was set up on all major valley freeways, and in the second case study, an EVR system was set up on all major valley freeways. The ALPR case study concluded that such an ALPR system could be set up for about $10 million dollars and it could generate up to $400 million dollars in direct benefit per year and up to $1.3 trillion in benefi ts to highway users per year. The EVR case study concluded that such an EVR system could be set up for about $50 milli on, and it could generate up to $4 07 million in direct benefit per year and up to $1.33 trillion in benefits to highway users per y ear. A direct benefit profits the state directly with cash, whi le benefits to highway users helps society as a whole but the state receives no revenue. Chapter 5 looked into the legality of a potential ALPR or EVR system. This chapter concluded that AzDOT has the authority to implement an ALPR / EVR system in Arizona. Ho wever this section also concluded that AzDOT should seek legislative support to increase public support. This report concludes that at the present ALPR should be further researched and/or im plemented by the State of Arizona. The reasons for this recommendation are because o f: ALPR’s previous applications, ALPR’s lower up front cost, ALPR’s ability to read out-of-state plates, ALPR’s potential lo wer degree of public opposition, and the possibility that ALPR would have to back up an EVR system. All in all, these techno logies are changing at a rapid rate and a change in any of these variables that generated this recomme ndation could change this recommendation.

Details: Phoenix, AZ: Arizona Department of Transportation, 2008. 91p.

Source: Internet Resource: Final Report 637: Accessed August 25, 2016 at: http://cebcp.org/wp-content/lpr/ArizonaCostBenefitAnalysis.pdf

Year: 2008

Country: United States

URL: http://cebcp.org/wp-content/lpr/ArizonaCostBenefitAnalysis.pdf

Shelf Number: 140035

Cost-Benefit Analysis
License Plate Recognition
License Plate Technology