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Results for liquor licensing policy (australia)

1 results found

Author: Trifonoff, Allan

Title: Liquor Licensing Legislation in Australia: Executive Summary - An Examination of Liquor Licensing Legislation in Australia as at December 2010

Summary: This is the Executive Summary of the three reports from a review of liquor licensing legislation in Australia which was undertaken by the National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA). These reports are an outcome of a project initiated under the former Ministerial Council on Drug Strategy (MCDS) Cost Shared Funding Model, now administered under the Intergovernmental Committee on Drugs, National Drug Strategy, Cost Shared Funding Model. The project was overseen by South Australia Police which also generously contributed to the report’s publication. The aim of the project was to review, from a law enforcement perspective, the enforcement provisions of the liquor licensing legislation of all Australian states and territories. The project involved an extensive literature review, a comprehensive examination of each Australian state and territory’s liquor licensing legislation and alcohol-related data collection systems as well as interviews with key informants. South Australia Police contracted the National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction at Flinders University in South Australia to undertake the project.

Details: Adelaide, South Australia: National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA); Flinders University, 2012. 28p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed December 21, 2012 at http://nceta.flinders.edu.au/files/8713/5226/7677/EN463_LLReport_Exec_summary.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Australia

URL: http://nceta.flinders.edu.au/files/8713/5226/7677/EN463_LLReport_Exec_summary.pdf

Shelf Number: 127250

Liquor Licensing Policy (Australia)