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Date: July 17, 2024 Wed

Time: 9:19 pm

Results for lone-actor terrorism

2 results found

Author: Ellis, Clare

Title: Lone-Actor Terrorism: Final Report

Summary: The aim of the Countering Lone-Actor Terrorism (CLAT) project is to understand lone-actor terrorism in a European context. The project will develop a database of lone-actor cases from across Europe. Its overall objective is to see if it is possible to discern any trends or patterns that could be translated into useful observations or recommendations for practitioners and policy-makers. This is the final report in the CLAT series. It aims to synthesise key aspects of the project, bringing together insights from the literature, details of the project's methodology and key findings, along with suggestions for further research.

Details: London: Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies, 2016. 40p.

Source: Internet Resource: Countering Lone-Actor Terrorism Series No. 11: Accessed June 11, 2016: https://rusi.org/sites/default/files/201604_clat_final_report.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: United States

URL: https://rusi.org/sites/default/files/201604_clat_final_report.pdf

Shelf Number: 139389

Lone-Actor Terrorism

Author: Bakker, Edwin

Title: Lone-Actor Terrorism: Definitional Workshop

Summary: The aim of the Countering Lone-Actor Terrorism (CLAT) project is to understand lone-actor terrorism in a European context. The project will develop a database of lone-actor cases from across Europe. Its overall objective is to see if it is possible to discern any trends or patterns that could be translated into useful observations or recommendations for practitioners and policy-makers. During the first workshop of the CLAT Consortium, held in The Hague in January 2015, several academics and professionals were invited to help to define lone-actor terrorism (LAT). The aim of this two-day meeting was to arrive at a working definition of LAT that will be used when collecting cases for the database.

Details: London: Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies, 2015. 19p.

Source: Internet Resource: Countering Lone-Actor Terrorism Series: No. 2: Accessed September 20, 2016 at: https://rusi.org/sites/default/files/201512_clat_definitional_workshop.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: International

URL: https://rusi.org/sites/default/files/201512_clat_definitional_workshop.pdf

Shelf Number: 145621

Lone Wolf Terrorism
Lone-Actor Terrorism