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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 9:00 am

Results for male victims of trafficking

1 results found

Author: United Nations Inter-Agency Project on Human Trafficking

Title: Exploitation of Cambodian Men at Sea: Facts about the Trafficking of Cambodian Men onto Thai Fishing Boats

Summary: An estimated thousands of Cambodian men, women, and children are trafficked annually to Thailand for the purpose of labor exploitation. Some of the worst exploited are the men and boys who are deceived onto long-haul fishing boats that fish the waters of the South China Sea, including into Malaysian waters. These boats, out to sea for up to two years or more, become virtual prisons on which the trafficking victims endure inhumane working conditions, and physical abuse. Death at sea is frequently reported, sometimes at the hands of the Thai boat captains. The only way to escape is to jump ship when the boat goes ashore for registration/documentation purposes in places like Sarawak, Malaysia. This SIREN report summarizes the facts about the trafficking of 49 Cambodian men and boys trafficked onto Thai long-haul fishing boats and assisted over the past 18 months by a network of responders spanning Cambodia, Thailand, and Malaysia. There are some variations in the scenarios faced by these men and boys, but the common theme is deception and debt bondage by two or more Khmer and Thai brokers; their sale to a Thai boat owner for 10,000-15,000 Baht; slave-like working conditions at sea, including beatings, deprivation of food, inhumane work hours (for example, working 3 days and nights straight when nets need to be mended), lack of medical treatment for illnesses and injuries, and threats of death; and sometimes, reportedly, murder.

Details: Phnom Penh, Cambodia: UNIAP, 2009. 7p.

Source: Internet Resource: SIREN Case Analysis: Accessed May 24, 2011 at: http://www.no-trafficking.org/reports_docs/siren/siren_cb3.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: Cambodia

URL: http://www.no-trafficking.org/reports_docs/siren/siren_cb3.pdf

Shelf Number: 121824

Debt Bondage
Fishing Industry
Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Labor Exploitation (Cambodia)
Male Victims of Trafficking