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Results for mentors

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Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Title: Migrant Smuggling by Air

Summary: This report presents the findings from an UNODC Expert Group Meeting in Vienna on 7 to 9 December 2009 aimed at increasing understanding of migrant smuggling by air, with the objective of better preventing and combating the phenomena. The Expert Group Meeting specifically aimed to gain a better understanding of: 1) the modus operandi of migrant smugglers who use air routes to commit their crimes; 2) good practice of law enforcement and other actors involved in responding to this problem; 3) what the gaps in knowledge of and response to this particular method of migrant smuggling are; and 4) how UNODC and other international actors can better assist states in strengthening capacities to prevent and combat the smuggling of migrants by air.

Details: Vienna: UNODC, 2010. 21p.

Source: Internet Resource; Issue Paper

Year: 2010

Country: International


Shelf Number: 119248

Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Juvenile Delinquency
Juvenile Offenders
Migrant Smuggling
Prevention, Juvenile Delinquency

Author: Tolan, Patrick

Title: Mentoring Interventions to Affect Juvenile Delinquency and Associated Problems

Summary: Mentoring is one of the most commonly-used interventions to prevent, divert, and remediate youth engaged in, or thought to be at risk for delinquent behavior, school failure, aggression, or other antisocial behavior. We conducted a meta-analytic review of selective and indicated mentoring interventions that have been evaluated for their effects on delinquency outcomes for youth (e.g., arrest or conviction as a delinquent, self-reported involvement) and key associated outcomes (aggression, drug use, academic functioning). Of 112 identified studies reported published between 1970 and 2005, 39 met criteria for inclusion. Mean effects sizes were significant and positive for each outcome category. Effects were largest (still moderate by Cohen’s differentiation) for delinquency and aggression. However, these categories also showed the most heterogeneity across studies. The obtained patterns of effects suggest mentoring may be valuable for those at-risk or already involved in delinquency and for associated outcomes. Moderator analyses found stronger effects in RCTs compared to quasi-experimental studies, for studies where emotional support was a key process involved in mentoring, and where professional development was a motivation for mentors. However , the collected set of studies are less informative than expected with quite limited detail in studies about what comprised mentoring activity and key implementation characteristics. This limitation encourages caution particularly in interpreting the moderated effects. These findings add to the longstanding calls for more careful design and testing of mentoring efforts to provide the needed specificity to guide effective practice of this popular approach.

Details: Oslo: Campbell Collaboration, 2008. 115p.

Source: Internet Resource: Campbell Systematic Review, 2008:16: Accessed August 23, 2010 at: http://campbellcollaboration.org/lib/download/238/

Year: 2008

Country: United States

URL: http://campbellcollaboration.org/lib/download/238/

Shelf Number: 119674

Juvenile Delinquency
Juvenile Offenders
Prevention, Juvenile Delinquency