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Date: July 17, 2024 Wed

Time: 8:59 pm

Results for militias (south sudan)

1 results found

Author: Saferworld

Title: People's Peacekeeping Perspectives: South Sudan

Summary: Challenges of inter-communal violence and militia mobilsation are a recureant problem in South Sudan and are miring the early optimism about the new country's prospects. Escalating problems between Juba and Khartoum have added to a growing sense of uncertainty, and stand to take away crucial revenues from South Sudan at a time when development and security priorities cannot go under-resources. The fact that Jonglei State yet again witnessed hundreds of deaths over the past few months, as well as the abduction of women and children and the theft of thousands of cattle, raises troubling questions for the Government of South Sudan (GoSS); as it does for international actors who have supported and continue to support the prevention of violence in conflict-affected states. And beyond Jonglei, many communities have yet to transition from a state of conflict and continue to suffer insecurity and poverty.

Details: London: Saferworld, 2012. 6p.

Source: People's Peacemaking Perspectives: Internet Resource: Accessed April 15, 2012 at http://www.humansecuritygateway.com/documents/CR_PeoplesPeacemakingPerspectives_SouthSudan.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Sudan

URL: http://www.humansecuritygateway.com/documents/CR_PeoplesPeacemakingPerspectives_SouthSudan.pdf

Shelf Number: 124978

Armed Conflict (South Sudan)
Human Rights
Militias (South Sudan)