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Date: July 17, 2024 Wed

Time: 9:04 pm

Results for muggings

2 results found

Author: Marklund, Fredrik

Title: Crime prevention in hot spots: The results and experiences from two project targeting muggings and assault

Summary: This report looks at two projects carried out by the police in Stockholm and Sodermanland in collaboration with the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Bra). The project primarily concerns crime prevention initiatives targeting muggings in Stockholm and open-air assault in Eskilstuna. The point of departure was the potential in both cities to concentrate crime prevention initiatives to specific locations, known as hot spots, for the offence in question. Bra's role in this context was to provide methodological support - in the sense of assisting the various police authorities in the choice of initiatives and working methods based on available research - and to evaluate the outcomes of the projects. The police was responsible for designing the project's organisational framework, developing initiatives and implementing these. In both cases the project duration was one year. The purpose of the projects was to reduce the crime rate in the two cities. In a larger perspective, it is also Bra's hope that the report will contribute to stimulating the police to invest in crime prevention initiatives with a clearer scientific basis.

Details: Stockholm: Bra -- The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention, 2014. 7 p. (English Summary)

Source: Internet Resource: English summary of Bra report No. 2014:15: Accessed March 12, 2016 at: https://www.bra.se/download/18.12caa4f91440b31239f321b/1399560117212/2014_Crime+prevention+in+hot+spots.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Sweden

URL: https://www.bra.se/download/18.12caa4f91440b31239f321b/1399560117212/2014_Crime+prevention+in+hot+spots.pdf

Shelf Number: 138181

Crime Prevention
Hot Spots
Policing Hot Spots

Author: Ring, Jonas

Title: Mugging. A study regarding who is victimised, the offence, and the risk factors for robbery among young people

Summary: The overall purpose is to map the characteristics and trends in respect of the robberies, as well as to contribute knowledge regarding who is victimised and who commits the offence. The study is based on information from Brå’s Swedish Crime Survey (Nationella trygghetsundersökning) (NTU), which is an annual survey regarding victimisation, addressed to individuals 16-79 years of age. Other material includes the Swedish School Survey on Crime (SUB), which is a self-reported study conducted among students in year nine. Information has also been obtained from a selection of police reports regarding mugging. The central enquiries are Are certain sociodemographic groups more exposed than others? Can one see any risk factors for exposure? How do mugging victims perceive their safety and what is their fear of exposure? When, where, and how are muggings committed? Is it possible to identify any factors which correlate with participation in robbery among young people?

Details: Stockholm: Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Brå), 2016. 12p.

Source: Internet Resource: English summary of Brå report 2016:11.: Accessed February 13, 2017 at: https://www.bra.se/download/18.3c6dfe1e15691e1603e1b8ae/1471874269840/2016_11_Muggings.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Sweden

URL: https://www.bra.se/download/18.3c6dfe1e15691e1603e1b8ae/1471874269840/2016_11_Muggings.pdf

Shelf Number: 147845

Street Crime