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Results for national crime survey

2 results found

Author: Hvitfeldt, Thomas

Title: Swedish Crime Survey 2015

Summary: This report presents the overall results of the 2015 Swedish Crime Survey (Swedish abbreviation: NTU). Approximately 12,400 persons responded to the questions; this was a 63 per cent response rate to the survey. Most participated through telephone interviews, but a smaller percentage participated through posted questionnaires or Internet questionnaires. The results of the report are summarised below, divided into the following areas of enquiry: exposure to crime, insecurity, trust in the criminal justice system, and victims' contacts with the justice system.

Details: Stockholm: Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Bra), 2016. 10p.

Source: Internet Resource: English summary of Bra report 2016:1: Accessed March 14, 2016 at: https://www.bra.se/download/18.47fa372d1520dfb2fc572961/1454313352735/2016_NTU_summary_2015.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Sweden

URL: https://www.bra.se/download/18.47fa372d1520dfb2fc572961/1454313352735/2016_NTU_summary_2015.pdf

Shelf Number: 138215

Crime Statistics
National Crime Survey

Author: Soderstrom, Maria

Title: Swedish Crime Survey 2017

Summary: In 2017, two parallel Swedish Crime Surveys were conducted, the SCS - Standard and the SCS - Local. The SCS - Standard has been conducted with the same data collection method and sample as previously, while the SCS - Local has been conducted with a different method, involving another sample, revised questionnaires, and different data collection method. The technical report (Bra 2018) contains detailed accounts of the ways in which the surveys were conducted. As from 2018, the method which is used in what is presently called the SCS - Local will be the new standard method. This summary refers only to results from the SCS - Standard, although this year's report also comprises results from the SCS - Local. This is because the summary focuses on trends over time and the SCS - Local has only been conducted once. In general, however, a comparison of the two shows the SCS - Local reflects higher levels of victimisation and unsafety than the SCS - Standard. In addition, the SCS - Local indicates that a smaller percentage of the population has a high degree of confidence in thecriminal justice system as well as positive experience from contacts with the criminal justice system than is indicated by the SCS - Standard. The SCS - Standard has been conducted since 2006. In 2017, approximately 11,600 persons responded to the questions in the SCS - Standard, which is a 59 per cent response rate to the survey. Most participated in the SCS - Standard through telephone interviews, but a smaller percentage participated through posted questionnaires or internet questionnaires.

Details: Stockholm: Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Bra), 2018. 24p.

Source: Internet Resource: English summary of Bra report 2018:1: Accessed April 4, 2018 at: https://www.bra.se/download/18.10aae67f160e3eba6292cc95/1520607741267/2018_Swedish_Crime_Survey_2017.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: Sweden

URL: https://www.bra.se/download/18.10aae67f160e3eba6292cc95/1520607741267/2018_Swedish_Crime_Survey_2017.pdf

Shelf Number: 149686

Crime Statistics
Crime Trends
National Crime Survey