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Results for natural resources (ghana)

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Author: International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources(IUCN)

Title: Parks and Reserves of Ghana: Management Effectiveness Assessment of Protected Areas

Summary: Ghana is endowed with diverse ecosystems, which results in a relatively high degree of diversity of plant and animal species. The network of protected areas is a fair representation of all these ecosystems namely: Guinean savannah woodland, transition between dry forest and guinea savannah, dry semi-deciduous forest, moist evergreen forest, transitional zone between moistevergreen and moist semi-deciduous forest types, and dry evergreen forest. The diversity of Ghana Wildlife Protected Areas (WPAs) protects a very wide variety of mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds, vascular plants and butterflies. Some WPAs are part of the upper Guinean rain forest which is very rich in biodiversity. The transboundary nature of other parks like Kyabobo makes it possible for buffalos and elephants to move between Ghana and Togo (Fazao-Malfakassa National Park). In Ghana, the Wildlife Division (WD) of the Forestry Commission is responsible for the protection and management of wildlife protected areas (WPAs). Until 1999 the Wildlife Division was known as the Wildlife Department, a single, centralized government institution directly under the Ministry of Lands and Forestry, now Lands and Natural Resources. Since its creation in 1967, WD has been severely under-resourced and unable to perform its mandate effectively. This has led to a serious reduction in management capability and, as a result, the conservation of a lot of PAs has suffered. There are twenty one (21) WPAs in Ghana totalling 1,347,600 ha or 5.6% of the country. The protected area network includes 7 National Parks, 6 Resource Reserves, 2 Wildlife Sanctuaries, 1 Strict Nature Reserve and 5 coastal wetlands. These PAs are of economic importance as they contribute to improving standards of living of communities surrounding them. Livelihood support programmes exist in some communities surrounding the park, as well as community based tourism programmes. Some plant species are used for wood production and some of the PAs contain medicinal plants. Some PAs also have cultural, religious or spiritual significance with shrines and sacred grooves, for example, and some have aesthetic attractions such as the Bamboo Cathedral and Rapids in Ankasa; Waterfalls, Magnificent Caves in Bomfobiri, and Kakum. WPAs in Ghana are subject to pressures and threats, the main pressures being poaching, bush fires and land conversion due to farming or grazing around or within the PAs. Illegal gathering of wild plants and animals (poaching) is present in all PAs at different degrees of severity. There is a high demand for bush meat, rattan and chewing stick. Rattan is poached for craft; elephants are hunted for their tusks, and leopard for skin. But killing of animals is also a result of human/wildlife conflict. Poaching is less severe in some PAs because of better law enforcement or the setting up of community initiatives that regulate harvesting of non-timber forest products, which contributes to reduction in poaching. Land conversion is mainly due to cocoa farming outside the parks in southwestern Ghana. In Shai Hills, illegal grazing by livestock affects the overall productivity of the reserve. These pressures increase the PAs' vulnerability, which is an issue in most of the PAs. Indeed, there is high demand for resources for cultural and economic purpose; in some parks like Mole, group hunting is a cultural practice, and bush fires are sometimes caused by fire festival, and for the installation of a chief, part of some key species like elephant or lion are sometimes needed.

Details: Ouagadougou, BF: UICN/PACO, 2010. 54p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 18, 2013 at: http://data.iucn.org/dbtw-wpd/edocs/2010-073.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Ghana

URL: http://data.iucn.org/dbtw-wpd/edocs/2010-073.pdf

Shelf Number: 128007

Animal Poaching
Environmental Crimes
Natural Resources (Ghana)
Offenses Against the Environment
Wildlife Crime
Wildlife Law Enforcement
Wildlife Management