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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

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Results for neighborhoods and crime (st. paul, minnesota)

1 results found

Author: Barton, Bridget

Title: Perceptions of Crime in the St. Paul Promise Neighborhood

Summary: The purpose of this project was to explore perceptions of crime in the St. Paul Promise Neighborhood and compare them with reported crime. We utilized focus groups to identify resident perceptions of which areas in the Promise Neighborhood are safe and which are unsafe. These perceptions were mapped by each individual focus group participant, aggregated into one overall map, and then overlaid on reported crime data maps from the City of St. Paul Police Department. The Promise Neighborhood initiative in St. Paul, MN, encompasses a 250-block area that includes the Frogtown Neighborhood and part of the Summit University Neighborhood. This initiative is a collective effort to create “a community where all children succeed in school and life.” (Strong Schools, Strong Communities: Saint Paul Public Schools Strategic Plan 2011-2014, 2010). The St. Paul Public School system is in the process of transitioning from a school choice model to a community schools model, which encourages students to attend schools near where they live (Ibid.). This change will have a significant impact on how students travel to and from school; parents in this area must have confidence that safe pathways to school are available for their children. Equally important when considering perceptions of crime is the feeling of overall safety for residents, which affects the willingness of residents to use public spaces and interact with neighbors. Results from the focus group and mapping activities indicate that resident perceptions are on target in some areas, but more frequently, residents perceive the Promise Neighborhood to be more unsafe than the reported crime rates reveal. Several areas were specified as unsafe when they had a relatively lower rate of reported crime from the city of St. Paul. Conversely, of the four blocks in the neighborhood with the highest rates of crime, only one of the blocks was indicated to be unsafe by more than a few focus group participants. There were limitations of this study, namely, the small sample size and the short amount of time available for research. Focus groups were conducted at already established community meetings, so the number of participants was dependent upon those who attended each meeting. This research project was conducted in three months from start to finish. Researchers were only able to scratch the surface of neighborhood crime perceptions, leading focus groups at only three community meetings. This research finds that strengthened neighborhood relationships will bridge the gap between perceived crime and reported crime. The results of this research recommend further work in building neighborhood ties between the Promise Neighborhood initiative and residents, in an effort to reach more residents in the neighborhood. Relationships between residents should be supported to build neighborhood cohesion and trust, with special focus on activities that will encourage sharing and helping between neighbors. Neighborhood cohesion will enhance positive perceptions of the neighborhood by residents and encourage everyone to feel responsible for public spaces. Finally, relationships between residents and institutional service organizations in the area, such as the police, city, and garbage service, should be strengthened to promote trust and to demonstrate the dedication of the institutions to the neighborhood.

Details: Minneapolis, MN: The Hubert H. Humphrey School of Public Affairs The University of Minnesota, 2012. 40.

Source: Internet Resource: MPP and MURP Capstone Paper; Accessed October 1, 2012 at: http://conservancy.umn.edu/bitstream/123486/1/Barton_Perceptions%20of%20Crime%20in%20the%20St%20Paul%20Promise%20Neighborhood.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: United States

URL: http://conservancy.umn.edu/bitstream/123486/1/Barton_Perceptions%20of%20Crime%20in%20the%20St%20Paul%20Promise%20Neighborhood.pdf

Shelf Number: 126528

Community Participation
Neighborhoods and Crime (St. Paul, Minnesota)
Urban Areas