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Results for nigerian fraud

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Author: Cross Border Crime Forum. Mass-Marketing Fraud Subgroup

Title: Mass-Marketing Fraud A Report to the Minister of Public Safety of Canada and the Attorney General of the United States

Summary: In April 1997, then-Prime Minister of Canada Jean Chrétien and then-President of the United States Bill Clinton directed the preparation of a joint study examining ways to counter the serious and growing problem of cross-border telemarketing fraud. In November 2007, a binational working group established for that purpose provided a report to the Prime Minister and the President that contains a detailed examination of the problem and a series of recommendations to improve both countries’ responses to the problem. Those recommendations included identification of telemarketing fraud as a serious crime; establishment of regional task forces to cooperate across the international border; coordination of strategies to control telemarketing fraud between both countries at agency, regional, and national levels; operation of an ongoing binational working group to provide overall coordination; and other recommendations to address information-gathering, evidence-sharing and mutual legal assistance, extradition, and public education and prevention. The 1997 Report became a general blueprint for coordinated binational actions against telemarketing fraud. In the ten years since the issuance of the 1997 Report, Canada and the United States have not only carried out all of the recommendations in that Report, but have made even greater strides in combating what is now termed mass-marketing fraud - i.e., fraud schemes that use mass communications methods, such as telemarketing, the Internet, and mass mailing to contact and communicate with large numbers of prospective victims and to obtain funds from victims. This Report has three purposes. First, it will describe the principal trends and developments since 2003 in four major types of crime associated with mass-marketing fraud (i.e., telemarketing fraud schemes, Internet fraud schemes, Nigerian fraud, and identity theft). Second, it will summarize the principal approaches that law enforcement in both countries have adopted since 2003 to combat mass-marketing fraud more effectively. Third, it will report on recommendations that this Subgroup made in 2003 as part of a binational action plan to combat mass-marketing fraud, and set out additional recommendations that address changes in the nature and types of mass-marketing fraud that have emerged since 2003.

Details: Ottawa: Public Safety Canada, 2008. 47p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 29, 2011 at: http://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/prg/le/oc/_fl/mass-marketing-fraud-2008-5-year-report-eng.pdf

Year: 2008

Country: United States

URL: http://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/prg/le/oc/_fl/mass-marketing-fraud-2008-5-year-report-eng.pdf

Shelf Number: 121198

Identity Theft
Internet Crimes
Mass Communications
Nigerian Fraud
Telemarketing Fraud (U.S. and Canada)