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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 8:49 am

Results for nuisance related behaviors and disorders

1 results found

Author: Flight, Sander

Title: Cameratoezicht bekeken: Evaluatie cameratoezicht Amsterdamse Wallen en Nieuwendijk (2008 - 2010) (In Dutch)

Summary: Camera surveillance was initiated in 2 areas in Amsterdam as off 2004. The reason for this was the widespread drug-related nuisance and the increasing burden of partying public. The areas under surveillance are popular within the city, which means that safety is of top priority to attract foreigners, entrepreneurs and residents. The goal of installing the cameras in these neighbourhoods was to prevent crime, to increase objective and subjective safety, to detect crime and to improve emergency aid within the areas.

Details: Amsterdam: DSP-groep, 2011. 71p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 7, 2011 at: http://www.eukn.org/E_library/Security_Crime_Prevention/Crime_Prevention/Camera_Surveillance/Camera_surveillance_in_Amsterdam_does_it_work

Year: 2011

Country: Netherlands

URL: http://www.eukn.org/E_library/Security_Crime_Prevention/Crime_Prevention/Camera_Surveillance/Camera_surveillance_in_Amsterdam_does_it_work

Shelf Number: 123009

Disorderly Conduct
Nuisance Related Behaviors and Disorders
Situational Crime Prevention (Amsterdam)
Video Surveillance