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Results for offenders (texas)

1 results found

Author: West, John Marcus

Title: Training Offenders for Life and Work: An Assessment of Texas' Project RIO (Reintegration of Offenders)

Summary: The first purpose of this study is to describe the ideal characteristics of a model offender reintegration program based on a review of the literature. The second purpose is to conduct a limited case study and assess Texas’ Project RIO (Reintegration of Offenders) using the ideal characteristics. The third purpose is to make recommendations that should assist all offender reintegration programs to assist offenders more effectively in the reintegration process. The methodologies used in this limited case study of Project RIO include document and archival analysis. The document and archival analysis include a collection of reports published by Project RIO’s operating agencies and several independent reports. Overall, Project RIO does not adhere to the practical ideal type model developed through the literature. Project RIO could improve services by: increasing requirements regarding participation in life skills and educational programming; adding a reintegrative focus to the intake assessment of the offender; creating a method for diverting offenders from a return to prison for technical violations; and developing a method for offenders to earn the reintegration of their rights.

Details: San Marcos, TX: Applied Research Projects, Texas State University - San Marcos, 2007. 91p.

Source: Internet Resource: Paper 257: Accessed March 11, 2011 at: http://ecommons.txstate.edu/arp/257

Year: 2007

Country: United States

URL: http://ecommons.txstate.edu/arp/257

Shelf Number: 120975

Correctional Programs
Offenders (Texas)