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Date: October 20, 2024 Sun

Time: 1:20 am

Results for opium trade(afghanistan)

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Author: Van Heuvelen, Elizabeth S.

Title: Uniting the Golden Crescent and Central Asia: The Potential for Greater Regional Cooperation to Curb Afghanistan's Opium Trade

Summary: This paper explores the potential for greater regional cooperation betwen Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, and Central Asian Republics in combating the opium trade. Through examining the history of the regional dynamics of the opium trade, this paper concludes that elimination of the opium trade will require sustained regional cooperation that targets reduction of both supply and demand. There are significant challenges to enacting such a program, but there is also the potential to build on and expand initiatives with similar goals that are already underway. In the context of the Obama administration's broad review of U.S. foreign policy and strategy in the region, now is a fertile time to explore and pursue such efforts.

Details: Washington, DC: Johns Hopkins University, School of Advanced International Studies, 2009. 35p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2009

Country: Afghanistan


Shelf Number: 118671

Drug Trafficking
Drug Trafficking Control
Opium Trade(Afghanistan)