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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 8:51 am

Results for organized crime, peacebuilding, conflict

1 results found

Author: Teran, Nika Strazisar

Title: Peacebuilding and Organized Crime: The cases of Kosovo and Liberia

Summary: This paper examines the impact of the activities of organized criminal groups on peacebuilding efforts in the cases of Kosovo and Liberia. The paper looks at the evolution of criminal patterns in the period before, during and after the conflict and examines their impact on peacebuilding in the post-conflict phase. The paper examines the period from the early 1990s to early 2006 for the case of Kosovo, and from early 1997 to early 2006 for the case of Liberia. It aruges that although the types of organized crime differed widely in the two cases, organized crime presented a serious threat to peacebuilding efforts and damaged the functioning of democratic institutions.

Details: Bern, Switzerland: Swisspeace, 2007, 38p.

Source: Internet Source

Year: 2007

Country: Switzerland


Shelf Number: 113416

Organized Crime, Peacebuilding, Conflict