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Results for organized crime

844 results found

Author: Daniele, Vittorio

Title: Organized Crime and Foreign Direct Investment: the Italian Case

Summary: The objective of this paper is to examine the impact of crime on foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows in 103 Italian provinces. The incidence of criminality is measured through the number of complaints for different kinds of crime. The analysis has been conducted using different estimation methods for panel data. The results show how the correlation between organized crime is both negative and significant. This relationship appears strong even when, in specifications, it is considered as an indicator of financial incentives for investment. Furthermore, such a correlation between crime and FDI seems to be valid only for certain crimes, traditionally related to presence of organized crime of the mafia type. Even if these results suggest that crime is, in itself, a deterrent for foreign investors, this does not exclude the possibility that a high incidence of (certain) crimes may be perceived as a signal of a socio-institutional environment unfavorable for FDI.

Details: Munich, Germany: CESifo GmbH (Munich Society for the Promotion of Economic Research), 2008

Source: CESifo Working Paper No. 2416

Year: 2008

Country: Italy


Shelf Number: 113391

Organized Crime

Author: Manwaring, Max G.

Title: A Contemporary Challenge to State Sovereignty: Gangs and Other Illicit Transnational Criminal Organizations in Central America, El Salvador, Mexico, Jamaica, and Brazil

Summary: The purposes of this monograph are to (1)introduce the gang phenomenon as a major nonstate player and a serious threat in the global and regional security arenas; (2) examine the gang phenomenon in Central America in general and in El Salvador, Mexico, Jamaica, and Brazil more specifically; and (3) summarize the key points and lessons and make brief recommendations.

Details: Carlisle Barracks, PA: Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College, 2007


Year: 2007

Country: United States


Shelf Number: 116539

Organized Crime
Transnational Crime

Author: Great Britain. Cabinet Office

Title: Extending Our Reach: A Comprehensive Approach to Tackling Serious Organised Crime

Summary: This paper outlines the action the the government of the United Kingdom is taking to improve the response to serious organized crime and harm it causes to the U.K.

Details: London: The Stationery Office, 2009


Year: 2009

Country: United Kingdom


Shelf Number: 115747

Organized Crime

Author: Webb, Sarah

Title: Organised Immigration Crime: A Post-Conviction Study

Summary: This report outlines the findings of an interview program conducted in 2006 with 45 prisoners convicted of human trafficking/smuggling offences in 2005. The research was commissioned to provide a fuller understanding of the market dynamics of facilitated illegal entry into the United Kingdom. The results present a picture by the perpetrators was of a market that conferred healthy profits with a low risk detection. The United Kingdom is perceived as an attractive destination for a number of reasons and illicit entry across UK borders is perceived to be easy. Many interviewess expressed genuine surprise at the severity of the sentences that they had received for involvement in human trafficking/smuggling offences.

Details: London: Home Office Research, Development and Statistics Directorate, 2009

Source: Research Report 15

Year: 2009

Country: United Kingdom


Shelf Number: 115394

Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: Bullock, Karen

Title: Public Concerns About Organised Crime

Summary: From this report: "[t]his report presents findings from a study that explored the nature and extent of public concern about organised crime. The study drew on two sources of data: ten in-depth focus groups and a telephone survey of 1,000 randomly selected members of the public. The impetus for this research was the 2004 Organised Crime White Paper which pointed to the need to examine the level of public concern about organised crime and the harm associated with it. Rather than assessing the effectiveness of a specific policy initiative, the work was carried out to increase the wider contextual evidence base on organised crime, specifically focusing on public perception and concerns."

Details: London: Home Office Research, Development and Statistics Directorate, 2009

Source: Research Report 16
GfK NOP Social Research

Year: 2009

Country: United Kingdom


Shelf Number: 115788

Organized Crime
Public Opinion

Author: Queensland. Crime and Misconduct Commission

Title: Illicit Drug Markets in Queensland: A Strategic Assessment

Summary: This strategic intelligence assessment presents a market-based analysis of the risk posed by illicit drug markets in Queensland, with a particular focus on organised criminal involvement in those markets.

Details: Brisbane: Crime and Misconduct Commission, 2010. 92p.

Source: Crime Bulletin Series; No. 12

Year: 2010

Country: Australia


Shelf Number: 117699

Drug Trafficking
Drug Trafficking Control
Organized Crime

Author: Englund, Cecilia

Title: The Organisation of Human Trafficking: A Study of Criminal Involvement in Sexual Exploitation in Sweden, Finland and Estonia

Summary: Trafficking in human beings for sexual purposes has attracted great attention in recent years. Many activities have been initiated to combat such global trafficking. However, some areas may have been neglected, in particular the situation with regard to criminal activity. This report sheds light on this aspect, as its aim is to describe trafficking in human beings for a sexual purpose with a focus on the organisation of the criminal networks involved. The study in Sweden, Finland and Estonia This report is based on a study carried out in 2007-2008 in three countries on the Baltic Sea: Sweden, Finland and Estonia. The aim of the study was to examine the organisation and structures of criminal networks involved in human trafficking for sexual purposes and the conditions and factors of the market and the trade in Sweden, Finland and Estonia. Further, the process of trafficking was studied, from recruitment in the country of origin, to the transporting of women and girls to the country of destination, where procuring has taken place. This study has been carried out by the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention together with the European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control (HEUNI) and the Institute of Law at Tartu University in Estonia.

Details: Stockholm: Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention, 2008. 192p.

Source: Report 2008:21: Accessed Dec. 10, 2018 at: https://www.bra.se/download/18.cba82f7130f475a2f1800023448/1371914733517/2008_21_human_trafficking.pdf

Year: 2008

Country: Europe

URL: https://www.bra.se/download/18.cba82f7130f475a2f1800023448/1371914733517/2008_21_human_trafficking.pdf

Shelf Number: 113237

Criminal Networks
Human Trafficking (Finland, Sweden, Finland)
Organized Crime
Sex Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Nilsson, Magnus

Title: The Business of Narcotics: Do Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs Affect Young Men's Experience of Narcotics?

Summary: In this thesis, outlaw motorcycle gangs are used to measure the effects of organized crime on young men's expeience of narcotics. The study relies on panel data for Swedish countie stretching over the period 1995-2005, using results from conscript surveys to determine young men's experience of narcotics.

Details: Uppsala, Sweden: Uppsala University, Department of Economics, 2007. 46p.

Source: Master's Thesis

Year: 2007

Country: Sweden


Shelf Number: 113849

Motorcycle Gangs
Organized Crime

Author: Lindelauf, Roy

Title: Understanding Terrorist Network Topologies and Their Resilience Against Disruption

Summary: This article investigates the structural position of covert (terrorist or criminal) networks.

Details: Tilburg, Netherlands: Tilburg University, 2009. 13p.


Year: 2009

Country: International


Shelf Number: 117867

Organized Crime
Terror Networks

Author: Schloenhardt, Andreas

Title: Palermo on the Pacific Rim: organised crime offences in the Asia Pacific region.

Summary: This paper suggests that 'We must recognise the failure of the "organised crime laws" to win the "war on organised crime".' Offences designed to penalise criminal organisations constitute the most recent and perhaps most ambitious strategy to fight organised crime. The common feature of these offences is that they are designed to target the structure, organisation, members, and associates of organised crime groups. Their shared rationale is the view that disrupting criminal activities and arresting individual offenders does not dismantle the criminal organisations that stand behind these illegal activities. Four main types of organised crime offences are identified in this study. These include: 1. The conspiracy model, found in the Convention against Transnational Crime and in jurisdictions such as Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, and several Pacific Island nations; 2. The participation model stipulated by the Convention against Transnational Organised Crime, and also adopted in Canada, New Zealand, New South Wales, PR China, Macau, Taiwan, the Pacific Islands, and California; 3. The enterprise model based on the US RICO Act, which is also used in many US States, and the Philippines; 4. The labelling/registration model of Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, New South Wales, and South Australia.

Details: Bangkok, Thailand: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Regional Centre for East Asia and the Pacific, 2009, 315p.

Source: Internet Source: Accessed April 27, 2018 at: http://apo.org.au/node/18766

Year: 2009

Country: Asia

URL: http://apo.org.au/node/18766

Shelf Number: 116380

Criminal Law
Drug Trafficking
Illicit Markets
Organized Crime

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Title: Resource Book on the Legal Framework on Anti Human Trafficking

Summary: Trafficking of women and children is one of the gravest organized crimes and violations of human rights, extending beyond boundaries and jurisdictions. Preventing and combating of human trafficking requires all stakeholders to integrate their responses on prosecution, prevention and protection. Keeping this philosophy in mind, Project IND/S16 of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), which is a joint initiative of UNODC and Government of India, with support from the US Government, has undertaken several initiatives since its launch in April 2006 in India. This project is focused on "Strengthening the law enforcement response in India against trafficking in persons, through training and capacity building". The major activities in the project are training of police officials and prosecutors, setting up Anti Human Trafficking Units, establishing networks among law enforcement agencies and civil society partners as well as developing appropriate resource tools including Protocols, Manuals, Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), Compendiums and other training aids. The Resource Book on the Legal Framework on Anti Human Trafficking has been designed to collect, review and analyze the relevant national legislations, international and regional instruments and judicial precedents that bring out the full range of crimes which comprise human trafficking; to analyze the existing legal framework in the light of international and regional legal standards on trafficking; and provide, where necessary, recommendations. This Resource Book for the law enforcement officials and other stakeholders is an attempt to sensitize them regarding the effective role that they can play under the various available laws on trafficking. It is hoped that a proper reading of the law will lead to its better enforcement; victims will be rescued more effectively, appropriate protective measures will be ordered looking to the age of the victims a and they will have a better chance of reintegration in society. This Resource Book has been developed by National Law University of India, Bangalore in association with UNODC and has received valuable inputs from senior judges, prosecutors, police officials and civil society organizations. The document has been prepared in a simple lucid style with cross - references to legal provisions and judicial pronouncements. It is a concise, practical and user friendly tool which will be of use to all stakeholders working in the field of anti human trafficking.

Details: New Delhi: United Nations Office on Drugs, Regional Office for South Asia, 2008. 168p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 25, 2018 at: https://www.unodc.org/documents/human-trafficking/India_Training_material/Resource_Book_on_Legal_Framework.pdf

Year: 2008

Country: India

URL: https://www.unodc.org/documents/human-trafficking/India_Training_material/Resource_Book_on_Legal_Framework.pdf

Shelf Number: 117090

Child Trafficking
Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Human Organs

Author: Brady, Hugo

Title: The EU and the Fight Against Organised Crime

Summary: This report calls for closer EU co-operation to fight organized crime. It points out that while criminals can move easily between EU countries, national policemen cannot. The report examines what the EU's role is in helping member-states to tackle the threat of organized crime, and whether police forces are working together closely enough to break up organized criminal networks.

Details: London: Centre for European Reform, 2007. 40p.

Source: Working Paper (Centre for European Reform)

Year: 2007

Country: Europe


Shelf Number: 113795

Criminal Networks
Organized Crime

Author: Woodiwiss, Michael

Title: The Global Fix: The Construction of a Global Enforcement Regime

Summary: This briefing tracks the history of the concept of organized crime and its metamorphosis into a transnational phenomenon allegedly posing a serious threat to global world order. It shows how the United States has dominated the construction of a global enforcement regime by interlinking concepts of drugs prohibition and combating organized crime. It states that the limited and blame-shifting approach to organized crime pioneered by the United States has steered attention away from corporate criminal activities towards conspiracies of criminal organizations.

Details: Amsterdam: Transnational Institute, 2005. 31p.

Source: TNI Briefing Series; no. 2005/3; Crime and Globalisation Programme

Year: 2005

Country: International


Shelf Number: 114636

Criminal Organizations
Organized Crime

Author: U.S. Department of Justice. National Drug Intelligence Center

Title: Marijuana and Methamphetamine Trafficking on Federal Lands Threat Assessment

Summary: Drug trafficking organizations, criminal groups, and independent traffickers frequently produce and transport illicit drugs, particularly marijuana and methamphetamine, in or through federal lands. The largest seizures of cannabis from federal lands have been in California and Kentucky, where the primary producers are Mexican drug trafficking organizations and Caucasian independent dealers, respectively. Mexican drug trafficking organizations and criminal groups smuggle marijuana across the Southwest Border through federal lands; Canada-based criminal groups, outlaw motorcycle gangs, and independent dealers smuggle marijuana through federal lands along the Northern Border.

Details: Johnstown, PA: National Drug Intelligence Center, 2005. 14p.


Year: 2005

Country: United States


Shelf Number: 116184

Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime
Smuggling (Drugs)

Author: Delap, Emily

Title: Begging for Change: Research Findings and Recommendations on Forced Child Begging in Albania/Greece, India and Senegal

Summary: This report explores the issue of forced child begging both in its local specifics and global commonalities. Forced child begging involves forcing boys and girls to beg through physical or psychological coercion. Forced child begging offers an important focus for the struggle for children's rights in that it represents one of the most extreme forms of exploitation of children in the world today. The research shows that children may be forced to beg by their parents or guardians. Others are exploited in this way by third parties, including cases of children trafficked into begging by informal networks or organized criminal gangs.

Details: London: Anti-Slavery International, 2009. 33p.


Year: 2009

Country: International


Shelf Number: 114862

Child Exploitation
Child Labor
Child Trafficking
Children, Crimes Against
Organized Crime

Author: Seelke, Clare Ribando

Title: Merida Initiative for Mexico and Central America: Funding and Policy Issues

Summary: On October 22, 2007, the United States and Mexico announced the Merida Initiative, a multi-year proposal for $1.4 billion in U.S. assistance to Mexico and Central America aimed at combating drug trafficking and organized crime. This report provides an overview of the funding provided for the Initiative and a discussion of some policy issues that Congress may consider as it oversees implemention of the Initiative.

Details: Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress, 2009. 28p.

Source: Serial Publication; CRS Report for Congress; R40135

Year: 2009

Country: United States


Shelf Number: 117767

Drug Control Policy
Drug Trafficking
Merida Initiative
Organized Crime

Author: Canadian Human Rights Commission

Title: Freedom of Expression and Freedom from Hate in the Internet Age

Summary: This report provides a comprehensive analysis of a current debate: what is the most effective way to prevent the harm caused by hate messages on the Internet, while respecting freedom of expression?

Details: Ottawa: Minister of Public Works and Government, 2009. 58p.

Source: Special Report to Parliament

Year: 2009

Country: Canada


Shelf Number: 118364

Drug Trafficking
Freedom of Expression
Gun-Related Violence
Hate Crimes
Organized Crime
Violence (Latin America)
Violent Crime

Author: Queensland Crime and Misconduct Commission

Title: Organised Property Crime Markets in Queensland: A Strategic Assessment

Summary: The purpose of this strategic assessment is to describe the nature and extent of organized property crime markets in Queensland. Organized property crime is defined as a criminal conspiracy involving repeated theft and subsequent receiving of high-value property by a number of people in a criminal network. The property crime market refers to the acquisition and subsequent disposal of stolen property.

Details: Brisbane: Crime and Misconduct Commission, 2009. 47p.

Source: Crime Bulletin Series, No. 9

Year: 2009

Country: Australia


Shelf Number: 116370

Organized Crime
Property Crime
Stolen Goods

Author: Financial Action Task Force

Title: Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Vulnerabilities of Commercial Websites and Internet Payment Systems

Summary: Criminals have shown adaptability and opportunism in finding new channels to launder the proceeds of their illegal activities and to finance terrorism. As the Internet becomes more and more a worldwide phenomenon, commercial websites and Internet payment systems are potentially subject to a wide range of risks and vulnerabilities that can be exploited by criminal organizations and terrorist groups. This study analyses money laundering and terrorist financing (ML/TF) risks with commercial websites and Internet payment systems with the focus on mediated customer-to-customer websites as the most vulnerable to abuse because of their popularity, accessibility to the public, and high volume of cross border transactions. The analysis also provides a number of case studies that illustrate how mediated customer-to-customer websites can be exploited for ML/TF purposes.

Details: Paris: FATF, 2008. 39p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2008

Country: International


Shelf Number: 118344

Internet Crimes
Internet Safety
Money Laundering
Organized Crime
Terrorist Financing

Author: Financial Action Task Force

Title: Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Through the Real Estate Sector

Summary: The objective of this report is to develop more information on the issue of using the real-estate secotor to launder money and to present a clearer picture of the way that real estate activity can be used for money laundering or terrorist financing. First, it explores the means by which illicit money is channelled through the real-estate sector to be integrated into the legal economy. Second, it identifies some of the control points that could assist in combating this phenomenon.

Details: Brussels, Belgium: FATF, 2007. 41p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2007

Country: International


Shelf Number: 118345

Money Laundering
Organized Crime
Terrorism Financing

Author: Johnson, Paul

Title: Cost Benefit Analysis of the FCTC Protocol on Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products

Summary: Illicit trade in tobacco products is a serious global problem. It contributes to high mortality from smoking-related diseases, lost tax revenue ($40.5 billion globally) and growing organized crime. The current draft of the FCTC (Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, World Health Organization) protocol proposes a number of measures -- such as tighter control of the supply chain, enforcement and international cooperation -- which are expected to reduce the size of illicit trade globally. This report assesses the likely costs and benefits of such action from a U.K. perspective. In line with standard practice it looks at the costs of regulation to industry and government, the likely impact of the regulation on behavior and benefits which that may bring.

Details: London: ASH (Action on Smoking and Health), 2010. 58p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2010

Country: United Kingdom


Shelf Number: 118542

Cost-Benefit Analysis
Illegal Tobacco
Illegal Trade
Organized Crime

Author: Leeson, Peter T.

Title: Pirational Choice: The Economics of Infamous Pirate Practices

Summary: This paper investigates the profit-maximizing strategies of violent criminal organizations by examining the economics of infamous pirate practices. The paper explores three practices pirates used to reduce tne costs and enhance the revenues of their criminal enterprise. First, the paper examines the priate flag, the Jolly Roger, which pirates used to signal their identity as unconstrained outlaws, enabling them to take prizes without costly conflict. Second, the article considers how pirates combine heinous torture, public displays of madness, and published advertisement of their fiendishness to establish a fearsome reputation and piratical brand name that prevented costly captive behaviors. Third, the article analyzes how pirates used artificial impressment to mitigate the increased risk of pirating in the 18th century as a result of English legal innovations. The unique context in which pirates sought profits, not a difference in pirate rationality, explains pirates' eccentric and often bizarre behavior. Pirates' infamous practices improved their efficiencey "on the account" enhancing their criminal enterprise's profitability.

Details: Fairfax, VA: Department of Economics, George Mason University, 2009(?). 40p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2009

Country: International


Shelf Number: 113551

Criminal Behavior
Criminal Enterprise
Organized Crime

Author: Savona, Ernesto U.

Title: MON-EU-TRAF: A Pilot Study on Three European Union Key Immigration Points for Monitoring the Trafficking of Human Beings for the Purpose of Sexual Exploitation Across the European Union

Summary: This project aimed to: monitor and analyse investigative and legal activities on human trafficking for sexual exploitation in three member-states of the European Union (Spain, Italy, Finland), the purpose being to gain a better understanding of the phenomenon, its extent, and its trends, in order to identify common indicators at the European level. The project collected data on the following aspects: the provenance of victims and criminals; organizational structure of criminal groups, trafficking routes and modus operandi; monitoring and analysing the responses (penal and preventative) by the three member-states considered; and to furnish the member-states and the European institutions with a survey grid for data collection and analysis.

Details: Trento, Italy: TRANSCRIME, 2002. 258p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2002

Country: Europe


Shelf Number: 117703

Human Trafficking (Europe)
Organized Crime
Sex Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Kego, Walter

Title: Counteracting Transnational Organized Crime: Challenges and Countermeasures

Summary: According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, transnational organized crime is one of the major threats to human security, impeding the social, economic, political and cultural development of societies worldwide, and involved in trafficking in human beings, drugs and firearms, money laundering, etc. This report outlines the origins of transnational organized crime, describes how it manifests itself and identifies possible threats against societies. Money laundering is dealt with in some detail since it facilitates transnational crime activities and their expansion into the legal economy. The challenges posed by financial crime are identified and guidelines for its prevention are outlined. The EU strategy against transnational organized crimes is an example of how the common European model of crime prevention can be implemented elsewhere.

Details: Stockholm, Sweden: Institute for Security and Development Policy, 2010. 30p.

Source: Internet Resource; Stockholm Paper Series

Year: 2010

Country: International


Shelf Number: 118591

Drug Trafficking
Financial Crimes
Human Trafficking
Money Laundering
Organized Crime
Transnational Crime

Author: Martinez, Angelica Duran

Title: Organized Crime, the State and Democracy: The Cases of Central America and the Caribbean

Summary: Over a decade on from the end of the civil wars that devastated the region, large parts of Central America are once again afflicted by chronic violence. This time, however, the principal culprits are narco-traffickers and criminal networks, undermining state structures through corruption and clandestine links to political parties, judges and law enforcement officials. In the Caribbean, meanwhile, a flourishing drug trade has brought wealth, but at the cost of rising homicide rates and grave damage to democratic institutions. Based on a two-day conference of experts held in early 2007 in New York, this report explores new thinking on the ills afflicting the region - including the highly controversial mara gangs - and how the international community might help remedy the problems of crime and corruption without undermining the fragile states that are the essential building blocks of any long-term solution.

Details: Madrid: FRIDE (Fundacion para las Relaciones Internacionales y el Dialogo Exterior), 2007. 16p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2007

Country: Central America


Shelf Number: 118677

Criminal Gangs
Criminal Networks
Drug Trafficking (Central America, Caribbean)
Organized Crime

Author: Krause, Andre

Title: The Crime Threat Analysis Process - An Assessment

Summary: This study investigated the application of the crime threat analysis process at station level within the Nelson Mandela Metro City area with the objective of determining inhibiting factors (constraints) and best practices. Qualitative research methodology was applied and interviews were conducted with crime analysts and specialized investigators/intelligence analysts. The research design can be best described as descriptive - and explorative in nature. The crime threat analysis process embroils the application of various crime analysis techniques and the outcomes thereof intends to have a dual purpose of generating operational crime management in assisting crime prevention initiatives and crime detention efforts, mainly focussing on the criminal activities of group offenders (organized crime related), repeat offenders and serial offenders. During the study it became evident that crime analysts understand and thus apply the crime threat analysis process indifferently, which impeded on the relevancy and the utilization therof as an effective crime management tool.

Details: Pretoria: University of South Africa, 2007. 132p.

Source: Master's Essay

Year: 2007

Country: South Africa


Shelf Number: 118756

Crime Analysis
Crime Mapping
Crime Prevention
Organized Crime

Author: Brands, Hal

Title: Crime, Violence, and the Crisis in Guatemala: A Case Study in the Erosion of the State

Summary: In numerous Latin American countries, organized crime and violence are corroding governance and imperiling democratic legitimacy. This phenomenon is most severe in Guatemala, which is currently experiencing a full-blown crisis of the democratic state. An unholy trinity of criminal elements - international drug traffickers, domestically based organized crime syndicates, and youth gangs - have dramatically expanded their operations since the 1990s, and are effectively waging a form of irregular warfare against government institutions. The effects of this campaign have been dramatic. The police, the judiciary, and entire local and departmental governments are rife with criminal infiltrators; murder statistics have surpassed civil-war levels in recent years; criminal operatives brazenly assassinate government officials and troublesome members of the political class; and broad swaths of territory are now effectively under the control of criminal groups. Guatemala's weak institutions have been unable to contain this violence, leading to growing civic disillusion and causing marked erosion in the authority and legitimacy of the state. This problem cannot be addressed through police measures alone; combating it will require a holistic strategy that combines robust enforcement and security measures with sustained efforts to broaden socio-economic oppportunities, combat corruption, and, above all, to build a stronger and more capable state.

Details: Carlisle, PA: U.S. Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, 2010. 63p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2010

Country: Guatemala


Shelf Number: 118749

Criminal Activity (Guatemala)
Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime
Youth Gangs

Author: Kego, Walter

Title: Countering Narcotics Smuggling in Europe's Eastern Neighborhood

Summary: This report presents the findings from a seminar held in Kiev, Ukraine on November 27-28, 2008. The aim of the seminar was to develop an understanding of criminal trends and activities in the entire region, but also to inquire into what possibilities there are to enhance collaboration in crime prevention in general, and fighting organized trade in narcotics in particular.

Details: Stockholm, Sweden: Institute for Security and Development Policy, 2009. 32p.

Source: Internet Resource; Policy Paper

Year: 2009

Country: Europe


Shelf Number: 116248

Drug Control
Narcotics Smuggling
Organized Crime

Author: Reidy, Aisling

Title: Paramilitaries' Heirs: The New Face of Violence in Colombia

Summary: Between 2003 and 2006 the Colombia government implemented a demobilization process for 37 armed groups that made up the brutal, mafia-like, paramilitary coalition known as the AUC. The government claimed success, as more than 30,000 persons went through demobilization ceremonies and entered reintegration programs. But almost immediately afterwards, new groups cropped up all over the country, taking the reins of the criminal operations that the AUC leadership previously ran. Today, these successor groups are engaging in frequent and serious abuses against civilians, including massacres, killings, forced displacement, rapes, threats, and extortion. This report documents the extent to which the emergence of the successor groups is related to the government's failure to effectively demobilize main AUC leaders and fighters. It describes the groups' brutal abuses against civilians, particularly in Medellin, the Uraba region, and the states of Meta and Narino.

Details: New York: Human Rights Watch, 2010. 113p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2010

Country: Colombia


Shelf Number: 117328

Human Rights (Colombia)
Organized Crime
Paramilitary Forces

Author: Smith, Russell G.

Title: Financing of Terrorism: Risks for Australia

Summary: This paper examines the global environment in which the financing of terrorism occurs, particularly with responect ot eh activities of transnational, organized groups that may have an involvement with terrorist organizations. Consideration is then given to how the financing of terrorism occurs, first through the use of illegally obtained funds and then through financing derived from legitimate sources, sucha as charitable donations, which are diverted for use in terrorist activities. Evidence of the financing of terrorism in Australia is then examined and cases which have been detected and prosecuted in Australia than entail an element of terrorist financing are reviewed. Although the number of cases is small, they are indicative of the fact that Australia is not immune from terrorist activities that are being financed by Australian individuals and organizations.

Details: Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology, 2010. 6p.

Source: Internet Resource; Trends & Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice, No. 394

Year: 2010

Country: Australia


Shelf Number: 118810

Organized Crime
Terrorism, Financing
Terrorist Financing

Author: Lebeya, Seswantsho Godfrey

Title: Organised Crime in the Southern African Development Community with Specific Reference to Motor Vehicle Theft

Summary: This objective of this study is to analyze the laws used by the Southern African Regional Police Chiefs Co-operation Organisation member countries in fighting motor vehicle theft, transnational organized crime, recoveries, repatriation, prosecution and extradition of offenders. The member countries on which the analysis is done are Lesotho, South Africa, Swaziland and Zambia.

Details: Pretoria, South Africa: University of South Africa, 2007. 156p.

Source: Internet Resource; Master of Laws Thesis

Year: 2007

Country: Africa


Shelf Number: 119111

Motor Vehicle Theft
Organized Crime
Vehicle Crime

Author: Milliken, T.

Title: The Elephant Trade Information System (ETIS) and the Illicit Trade in Ivory

Summary: The illicit trade in ivory, which has been increasing in volume since 2004, moved sharply upward in 2009, according to the latest analysis of seizure data in the Elephant Trade Information System. The analysis was based upon 14,364 elephant product seizure records from 85 countries or territories since 1989, nearly 2,000 more records than the previous analysis, in 2007. The remarkable surge in 2009 reflects a series of large-scale seizure events that suggest an increased involvement or organized crime syndicates in the trade, connecting African source countries with Asian end-use markets.

Details: Harare, Zimbabwe: TRAFFIC East and Southern Africa, 2009. 40p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2009

Country: International


Shelf Number: 117396

Illegal Trade (Ivory)
Offenses Against the Environment
Organized Crime
Wildlife Crime

Author: Nordeste, Bruno

Title: The Potential Expansion of Methamphetamine Production and Distribution in Canada: A Background Study

Summary: This report presents essential background on the state of the methamphetamine market in Canada and the role of organized crime within it.

Details: Ottawa: Carleton University, Country Indicators for Foreign Policy, 2004. 28p.

Source: Internet Resource; Commission by Criminal Intelligence Service Canada

Year: 2004

Country: Canada


Shelf Number: 119215

Drug Control
Illegal Drugs
Methamphetamine (Canada)
Organized Crime

Author: Australia. Parliament. House of Representatives. Standing Committee on Communications

Title: Hackers, Fraudsters and Botnets: Tackling the Problem of Cyber Crime. The Report of the Inquiry into Cyber Crime

Summary: This report asserts that Australian home computer users and small businesses have been left to fend for themselves against the growing problem of organized cyber crime. The committee makes 34 recommendations aimed at improving Australia's response to the growth of cyber crime, and further recommends that an Office of Online Security be established to coordinate cyber crime policy across the Commonwealth, State and Territory governments, and foster partnerships with industry and the community.

Details: Canberra: Australian Parliament, 2010. 260p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2010

Country: Australia


Shelf Number: 119160

Computer Crimes
Identity Theft
Internet Safety
Organized Crime

Author: Europol

Title: OCTA 2009: EU Organised Crime Threat Assessment

Summary: The 2009 OCTA assesses the threat of organized crime in the EU through the analysis of the organized groups, of the criminal markets, and of their interaction within and without territorial entities denominated as criminal hubs. Through this approach it finds that the most significant criminal sectors are drug trafficking, trafficking in human beings, illegal immigration, fraud, counterfeiting and money laundering.

Details: The Hague: European Police Office, 2009. 64p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2009

Country: International


Shelf Number: 119244

Human Trafficking
Illegal Immigration
Money Laundering
Organized Crime

Author: Kego, Walter

Title: Internationally Organized Crime: The Escalation of Crime within the Global Economy

Summary: International organized crime is growing in significance, not just in some countries, but on a worldwide scale with an increasing number of people affected. The trade in narcotics is the principal source of revenue for international criminal organizations. The countries for production, transit, and consumption are all integrated in complex networks, which are characterized by economic gain, violence, and corruption. Nation-states and boundaries are not much of an obstacle in thwarting these criminal networks. Moreover, the criminal organizations are apt at altering their structure to make themselves more flexible and consequently more difficult to penetrate by law enforcement agencies.

Details: Stockholm: Institute for Security and Development Policy, 2009. 17p.

Source: Internet Resource; Policy Paper

Year: 2009

Country: International


Shelf Number: 118775

Criminal Organizations
Drug Trafficking
Illicit Drugs
Organized Crime

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Title: The Globalization of Crime: A Transnational Organized Crime Threat Assessment

Summary: "In The Globalization of Crime: A Transnational Organized Crime Threat Assessment, UNODC analyses a range of key transnational crime threats, including human trafficking, migrant smuggling, the illicit heroin and cocaine trades, cybercrime, maritime piracy and trafficking in environmental resources, firearms and counterfeit goods. The report also examines a number of cases where transnational organized crime and instability amplify each other to create vicious circles in which countries or even subregions may become locked. Thus, the report offers a striking view of the global dimensions of organized crime today."

Details: Vienna: UNODC, 2010. 303p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2010

Country: International


Shelf Number: 119407

Human Trafficking
Maritime Crime
Migrant Smuggling
Organized Crime
Transnational Crime

Author: Seelke, Clare Ribando

Title: Latin America and the Caribbean: Illicit Drug Trafficking and U.S. Counterdrug Programs

Summary: Drug trafficking is viewed as a primary threat to citizen security and U.S. interests in Latin America and the Caribbean despite decades of anti-drug efforts by the United States and partner governments. The production and trafficking of popular illicit drugs—cocaine, marijuana, opiates, and methamphetamine—generates a multi-billion dollar black market in which Latin American criminal and terrorist organizations thrive. These groups challenge state authority in source and transit countries where governments are often fragile and easily corrupted. Mexican drug trafficking organizations (DTOs) largely control the U.S. illicit drug market and have been identified by the U.S. Department of Justice as the “greatest organized crime threat to the United States.” Drug trafficking-related crime and violence in the region has escalated in recent years, raising the drug issue to the forefront of U.S. foreign policy concerns. This report provides an overview of the drug flows in the Americas and U.S. antidrug assistance programs in the region. It also raises some policy issues for Congress to consider as it exercises oversight of U.S. antidrug programs and policies in the Western Hemisphere.

Details: Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service, 2010. 34p.

Source: Internet Resource; CRS Report for Congress

Year: 2010

Country: United States


Shelf Number: 119439

Drug Control
Drug Policy
Drug Trafficking (Latin America)
Organized Crime

Author: Ruggiero, Vincenzo

Title: Organized Crime: Between the Informal and Formal Economy

Summary: It has been noted that, when dealing with organized crime, social scientists often rely on government pronouncements which are typically state-serving, or work from exceptionally poor, undocumented, secondary sources. For this reason, the criminal justice system ends up playing a crucial role in the evaluation of organized crime, its impact and severity, and ultimately its very definition. This paper sets off with an overview of the definitions of organized crime, highlighting the controversies found in the literature. It then proposes a series of observations around the causation of this type of crime. Such observations will lead to the identification of ‘criminal enterprises’, to a tentative classification, and to the distinction between organizations mainly involved in conventional illegal activities, and organizations that gain access to the official political and economic world. The areas of contact between the formal and the informal spheres of the economy will be pointed out, while, in the second part of this paper, specific case studies will provide empirical evidence of how partnerships between organized crime and the official world might take shape.

Details: Santiago, Chile: Global Consortium on Security Transformation, 2010. 33p.

Source: Internet Resource; Working Paper Series no. 4

Year: 2010

Country: International


Shelf Number: 119447

Organized Crime

Author: Idriss, Manar

Title: International Report 2010 Crime Prevention and Community Safety: Trends and Perspectives

Summary: This report examines the impact of migration, organized crime and substance abuse on community safety. It highlights the importance of good governance frameworks for prevention and safety, training and capacity building for different sectors of the community, and the evaluation of programmes and strategies. It also emphasizes social and education approaches to crime prevention among vulnerable populations. Providing a large panorama of prevention in the world, the Report 2010 examines in particular the impact of migration, organized crime and substance abuse on community safety. It highlights the importance of good governance frameworks for prevention and safety, training and capacity building for different sectors of the community, and the evaluation of programmes and strategies. It also emphasizes social and education approaches to crime prevention among vulnerable populations.

Details: Montreal: International Centre for the Prevention of Crime, 2010. 223p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2010

Country: International


Shelf Number: 119293

Alcohol Abuse
Crime Prevention
Organized Crime
Substance Abuse

Author: Sabin, Mike

Title: Solutions to the Methamphetamine Crisis in New Zealand: A Study of Supply and Demand-Side Interventions and their Efficacy

Summary: Methamphetamine, now second only to cannabis for illicit drug use rates in New Zealand, is commonly smoked, injected, snorted and ingested orally, causing a rapid progression to addiction. Chronic use of the drug often leads to anti-social, violent behaviour and serious mental illness. The purity of methamphetamine is linked to the degree of associated harm, increases of criminal offending and adverse socio-economic consequences. Recent surveys of social and criminal trends links methamphetamine with increasing prison populations, court cases and social costs, with $551 million worth of loss within New Zealand thought to be caused by the drug in 2006; more than any other drug. In analysing ‘what works and what doesn’t’ on the global stage, in particular within the United States, it is clear that New Zealand’s national drug policy of the last 10 years which focuses on harm minimisation, has been, and will continue to fail. Alongside this, with the limited efficacy of the supply-side interventions enacted in New Zealand in the early 2000s, the precursor and chemical diversion schemes are in need of overhauling. It is clear that there is no-one-silver bullet, but it is apparent that in the absence of successful demand reduction Police and Customs will be largely ineffective at tackling the subsequent supply. It is apparent that in the absence of so many of the interventions being employed successfully elsewhere, New Zealand has limited opportunities or likelihood of resolving the methamphetamine crisis. Conversely this study has identified a range of strategies with proven efficacy which if actioned effectively have the potential to bring about rapid change in this country. These strategies include overhauling the national drug policy and abandoning the focus on harm minimisation in favour of an approach based on harm elimination, which encourages citizens, in particular youth, to reject drug use. The establishment of a national drug control policy office which accounts directly to the Prime Minister and ensures administration and accountability of all drug policy objectives and outcomes across all ministries. A refocus of policing priorities toward organised criminal entities and improved powers and legislation to address precursor supply and disrupt criminal markets. The implementation of drug treatment courts and widespread, accessible treatment, alongside effective education and screening intervention. And the introduction of coordinated and concerted youth education and screening programmes, which utilise random student drug testing, and a focus on encouraging youth attitudes and behaviours which reject drug use.

Details: Mongonui, New Zealand: MethCon Group Limited, 2008. 87p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2008

Country: New Zealand


Shelf Number: 119468

Drug Abuse and Crime
Drug Control
Drug Policy
Drug Reform
Organized Crime

Author: Alcantara, Mariana Del Rocio

Title: Mara Salvatrucha and Transnational Crime in North and Central America: Uncovering the External Links and Internal Dynamics

Summary: The assimilation of organised crime into transnational crime has had detrimental effects on the national and regional security of countries around the world. Transnational crime has increasingly become a security concern, as organised gangs have permeated across borders with enhanced sophistication with minimal regard for law enforcement. Mara Salvatruchal (also known as MS or MS-13) is an organisation that has rapidly spread from its initial location on the West Coast of the United States to other parts of the country as well as neighbouring nations in Central America. The main aspect of this thesis is the activities of Mara Salvatrucha in North and Central America and the analysis of the internal and external dynamics that have enabled the organisation to expand and become one of the most feared organised gangs in the American Continent. Hence, this thesis critically analyses the anti-crime prevention measures put into action in the hope of curbing and eliminating the security threats that MS and its members provide within the region. Transnational crime theory is a core component of this thesis as it identifies numerous factors that are associated with this transnational organisation and will effectively put internal and external dynamics of MS into perspective. The objective of this thesis is therefore to use a case study methodology on Mara Salvatrucha to emphasise the law enforcement strategies that have thus far been deployed to control the increasing level of gang related violence taking place in the United States and Central American nations.

Details: Adelaide, Australia: School of International Studies, University of South Australia, 2007. 106p.

Source: Internet Resource; Thesis

Year: 2007

Country: United States


Shelf Number: 119512

Mara Salvatrucha
Organized Crime
Transnational Crime

Author: International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children

Title: Child Pornography: Model Legislation & Global Review. Fifth Edition

Summary: Research into national child pornography legislation began in November 2004. Primary sources of information included: LexisNexis; a survey of Member Countries previously conducted by Interpol regarding national child sexual exploitation legislation; government submissions to the U.N. Special Rapporteur on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution, and Child Pornography in conjunction with a U.N. report on child pornography on the Internet; and direct contact with in-country nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), law enforcement agencies and officers, and attorneys. Sadly, the end results continue to shock. Of the 187 Interpol Member Countries, only 29 have legislation sufficient to combat child pornography offenses (5 Member Countries meet all of the criteria set forth above and 24 Member Countries meet all but the last criteria, pertaining to ISP reporting); and 93 have no legislation at all that specifically addresses child pornography. Of the remaining Interpol Member Countries that do have legislation specifically addressing child pornography: 54 do not define child pornography in national legislation; 24 do not provide for computer-facilitated offenses; and 36 do not criminalize possession of child pornography, regardless of the intent to distribute. Fundamental topics addressed in the model legislation portion of this report include: Defining “child” for the purposes of child pornography as anyone under the age of 18, regardless of the age of sexual consent; Defining “child pornography,” and ensuring that the definition includes computer- and Internet-specific terminology; Creating offenses specific to child pornography in the national penal code, including criminalizing the possession of child pornography, regardless of one’s intent to distribute, and including provisions specific to downloading or viewing images on the Internet; Ensuring criminal penalties for parents or legal guardians who acquiesce to their child’s participation in child pornography; Penalizing those who make known to others where to find child pornography; Including grooming provisions; Punishing attempt crimes; Establishing mandatory reporting requirements for healthcare and social service professionals, teachers, law enforcement officers, photo developers, information technology (IT) professionals, ISPs, credit card companies, and banks; Addressing the criminal liability of children involved in pornography; and Enhancing penalties for repeat offenders, organized crime participants, and other aggravated factors considered upon sentencing.

Details: Alexandria, VA: International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children, 2008. 33p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2008

Country: International


Shelf Number: 119545

Child Pornography, Model Legislation
Children, Crimes Against
Internet Crimes
Organized Crime
Sex Crimes
Sex Offenders
Sexual Exploitation, Children

Author: ECPAT International

Title: Regional Overview on Child Sexual Abuse Images through the Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Belarus, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine

Summary: "In the framework of consolidating knowledge on commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) in the CIS region, and in order to guide ECPAT’s strategies and priority actions for the protection of children, ECPAT International collaborated with its affiliate members in Belarus, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine to document evidence on the sexual exploitation of children through the use of ICTs in the region, especially the production and distribution of child sexual abuse images. This regional report, based on literature reviews and detailed case analyses, explores the risks for children to be increasingly sexually exploited in relation to the development of ICTs in the region."

Details: Bangkok, Thailand: ECPAT International, 2008. 100p.

Source: Internet Resource; Accessed August 13, 2010 at http://lastradainternational.org/lsidocs/Regional_Overview.pdf

Year: 2008

Country: Europe

URL: http://lastradainternational.org/lsidocs/Regional_Overview.pdf

Shelf Number: 119590

Child Pornography
Child Sexual Abuse
Child Sexual Exploitation
Internet Pornography
Organized Crime

Author: Astorga, Luis

Title: Drug Trafficking Organizations and Counter-Drug Strategies in the U.S.-Mexican Context

Summary: This paper looks at the increase in violence in Mexico among trafficking organizations and the efforts and prospective strategies available to counter the drug trafficking networks.

Details: Washington, DC: Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars; San Diego: Trans-Border Institute, University of San Diego, 2010. 29p.

Source: Internet Resource; Accessed August 13, 2010 at http://http://www.wilsoncenter.org/topics/pubs/Drug%20Trafficking%20Organizations.%20Astorga%20and%20Shirk.pdf; Working Paper Series on U.S.-Mexico Security Cooperation

Year: 2010

Country: Mexico

URL: http://http://www.wilsoncenter.org/topics/pubs/Drug%20Trafficking%20Organizations.%20Astorga%20and%20Shirk.pdf; Working Paper Series on U.S.-Mexico Security Cooperation

Shelf Number: 119596

Drug Trafficking (Mexico)
Drug Trafficking Control
Organized Crime

Author: Farrell, Amy

Title: Understanding and Improving Law Enforcement Responses to Human Trafficking: Final Report

Summary: Though recognition of the importance and severity of human trafficking has grown in recent years, the identification and investigation of human trafficking cases remains a complex undertaking for local law enforcement. Effectively responding to human trafficking requires officers to notice and identify victims who often have been hidden from or had poor relationships with law enforcement in the past (e.g., women in prostitution, migrants, immigrant community member, and poor women). Sometimes officers may be reluctant to intervene in sex and labor trafficking situations due to a belief that victims were complicit with their own victimization. Local law enforcement response is further complicated by immigration issues since many local agencies have made a decision to not inquire about citizen status during routine policing activities as a means of building trust and confidence in the local community. Additionally, the crime of human trafficking may take backseat to other institutional priorities such as violence and drugs. Finally, officers must look at old problems or traditional crime categories such as prostitution through a different lens and therefore reclassify ‚offenders‛ such as prostitutes as victims. Since the enforcement of the law in the United States is predominately carried out by the thousands of local, county and state agencies representing diverse environments and local crime problems and coming from a variety of different organizational structures, fully understanding how law enforcement perceives and responds to the problem of human trafficking in the United States necessitates inquiry into the specific experiences of these agencies. The majority of research on law enforcement responses to human trafficking to date has focused on the experiences of a narrow number of large municipal police departments who were perceived to be most likely to come into contact with incidents of human trafficking. While this research has provided an important starting point for understanding the challenges law enforcement agencies encounter in the identification and investigation of human trafficking, it represents only the experiences of a limited number of large agencies. On the other hand, the research presented here documents in a systematic fashion, the present response of local, state and county law enforcement to human trafficking in the U.S. It provides the first description of the steps taken by local law enforcement to identify human trafficking. Additionally, it will shed light on the impact of law enforcement efforts by measuring how often identification of trafficking victims leads to their rescue and the prosecution of trafficking perpetrators. Ultimately, this research will prove instrumental in providing local law enforcement in the U.S. with the necessary tools to successfully identify, investigate and aid in the prosecution of cases of human trafficking. The project addresses four main areas: 1) the perceptions of trafficking held by law enforcement and the preparation agencies have taken to address the problem; 2) the frequency in which law enforcement identifies and investigates cases of human trafficking and 3) the characteristics of those cases investigated by law enforcement and 4) the investigation and prosecution of human trafficking cases.

Details: Boston, MA: Northeastern University, Institute on Race and Justice, 2008. 256p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 19, 2010 at: http://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/222752.pdf

Year: 2008

Country: United States

URL: http://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/222752.pdf

Shelf Number: 110845

Human Trafficking
Organized Crime
Police Investigations
Sexual Exploitation

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Title: An Introduction to Human Trafficking: Vulnerability, Impact and Action

Summary: This document presents three background papers presented to the Vienna Forum to Fight Human Trafficking, held in the Austrian capital from 13 to 15 February 2008. The aims of the Forum were to raise awareness of all forms of trafficking, to facilitate cooperation and partnerships among participants, to take stock of progress made and to set the directions for follow-up measures to prevent and counter human trafficking. The Vienna Forum was organized around three central themes, which reflect the key issues that need to be addressed in a comprehensive anti-trafficking strategy: Why does human trafficking occur? What are the consequences? What measures might be taken in response?

Details: New York: UNODC, 2008. 140p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 22, 2010 at: http://www.unodc.org/documents/human-trafficking/Marika-Misc/An%20Introduction%20to%20Human%20Trafficking%20-%20Vulnerablity,%20Impact%20and%20Action.pdf

Year: 2008

Country: International

URL: http://www.unodc.org/documents/human-trafficking/Marika-Misc/An%20Introduction%20to%20Human%20Trafficking%20-%20Vulnerablity,%20Impact%20and%20Action.pdf

Shelf Number: 110896

Human Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: Beare, Margaret

Title: Global Transnational Crime: Canada and China

Summary: This paper presents a review of the phenomena of transnational crime/organized crime (TNC/OC) as it relates to Canada and China. The paper begins by outlining the changing understanding of TNC/OC. Three issues dominate much of the current debate: issues of the breakdown in strictly ‘ethnic’-based operations and the refocus of law enforcement on criminal markets; the changing perception of the structure of criminal organizations and finally, a recognition of harm as a determinant of the types of criminal activity that ought to be treated internationally with the seriousness of the more traditional organized crimes. Next, this paper identifies the key illicit markets related to Canada and China. These markets include: money laundering, drug trafficking, human smuggling and the counterfeiting of goods, cards and currency. This paper concludes with a discussion on areas of tension and opportunities for enhanced cooperation on a bilateral and multilateral basis between Canada and China. One key unresolved tension relates to China’s quest for international assistance in combating corruption. China and Canada have ratified the UN Convention Against Corruption and in addition Canada is involved in four international agreements dealing with the criminal aspect of corruption – but from China’s perspective these agreements were supposed to assist countries in their fight against various forms of corruption but are either not effective or are not implemented.

Details: Toronto: Canadian International Council, 2010. 24p.

Source: Internet Resource: China Paper No. 16: Accessed August 22, 2010 at: http://www.onlinecic.org/resourcece/archives/chinapapers/cic_chinapapersno16_bearepdf

Year: 2010

Country: Canada

URL: http://www.onlinecic.org/resourcece/archives/chinapapers/cic_chinapapersno16_bearepdf

Shelf Number: 119658

Drug Trafficking
Human Smuggling
Illicit Markets
Money Laundering
Organized Crime
Transnational Crime (Canada and China)

Author: Gounev, Philip

Title: Examining the Links Between Organised Crime and Corruption

Summary: This report presents an analysis of the links between organised crime and corruption. The main objectives of the study were to identify: 1) causes and factors that engender corruption by organised crime (including white-collar criminals) within the public and private sectors; 2) the scope and the impact of that corruption on society and institutions; 3) organised crime’s main corruption schemes, the areas or risks they create, and the related differences amongst European Union (EU) Member States (MS); 4) best practices in prevention and countering corruption linked to organised crime; and 5) framework for a future assessment of trends in the link between organised crime and corruption, as well as corresponding counter measures.

Details: Sofia, Bulgaria: Center for the Study of Democracy, 2010. 335p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 24, 2010 at: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/meetdocs/2009_2014/documents/libe/dv/report_csd_/report_csd_en.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/meetdocs/2009_2014/documents/libe/dv/report_csd_/report_csd_en.pdf

Shelf Number: 119676

Organized Crime
White Collar Crime

Author: Weisburd, David

Title: The Importance of Place in Policing: Empirical Evidence and Policy Recommendations

Summary: This monograph argues that the police can be more effective if they shift the primary concerns of policing from people to places. Such a shift is already underway in American policing where place has begun to be seen as an important focus of police crime prevention effort. But even in the U.S., people and not places remain the central concern of policing. Places in this context are specific locations within the larger social environments of communities and neighborhoods. They may be defined as buildings or addresses, block faces or street segments, or as clusters of addresses, block faces or street segments that have common crime problems. This report presents research which describes from both empirical and theoretical perspectives how the police can produce substantial crime prevention effects by directing their focus at small, well-defined locations with high levels of crime. The research findings presented in this report also strongly indicate that place-based policing of this kind can prevent crime using considerably less resources than more traditional policing methods.

Details: Stockholm: Brottsforebyggande radet (Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention), 2010. 69p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 25, 2010 at: http://www.bra.se/extra/measurepoint/?module_instance=4&name=The_importance_of_place_in_policing.pdf&url=/dynamaster/file_archive/100609/d4dd5dc1d51f6c3442a975a5f37d9ef3/The%255fimportance%255fof%255fplace%255fin%255fpolicing.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: United States

URL: http://www.bra.se/extra/measurepoint/?module_instance=4&name=The_importance_of_place_in_policing.pdf&url=/dynamaster/file_archive/100609/d4dd5dc1d51f6c3442a975a5f37d9ef3/The%255fimportance%255fof%255fplace%255fin%255fpolicing

Shelf Number: 119686

Crime Locations
Crime Prevention
Drug Trafficking
Maritime Crime (Gulf of Guinea; Africa)
Maritime Security
Organized Crime
Public Safety
Public Spaces

Author: Sabet, Daniel

Title: Police Reform in Mexico: Advances and Persistent Obstacles

Summary: At no time in Mexico’s history has there been a greater need for professional police forces. The current security crisis, which resulted in an estimated 6,587 organized crime related killings in 2009, has brought police reform to the top of the national agenda. While law enforcement should be the primary tool to address the country’s crime problems, the police are viewed as part of the problem rather than part of the solution. A brief review of the daily newspapers reveals problems such as (1) corruption and collusion with organized crime, (2) abuses of human rights in the form of torture, unwarranted search and seizure, violations to due process, and inversion of the presumption of innocence, and (3) ineffectiveness exemplified by the inability to stem the violence, poor investigation and intelligence gathering capabilities, and high rates of impunity. Evidence of these three problems has produced a deep seeded lack of confidence in the police, which ironically makes the police even less effective and further perpetuates corruption and abuse. Addressing Mexico’s security crisis will require creating an effective police force operating within the confines of the law. This chapter seeks to provide an overview of police reform in Mexico and elucidate the obstacles to institutional change. The chapter begins with an introduction to policing in Mexico and offers a brief exploration of the evidence of corruption, abuse, and ineffectiveness that plague Mexico’s various and numerous police departments. The analysis briefly considers the different approaches to reform, including a limited discretion approach, professionalization, and militarization. I then offer an overview of reform during the last three federal administrations: Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de León (1994-2000), Vicente Fox Quesada (2000-2006), and Felipe Calderón Hinojosa (2006-2012). The analysis concludes that considerable advances have been made but is forced to recognize that the fundamental problems of corruption, abuse, and ineffectiveness remain. To understand why, I explore the considerable obstacles that continue to serve as a challenge to reform efforts.

Details: Washington, DC: Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Mexico Institute; San Diego, CA: University of San Diego, Trans-Border Institute, 2010. 23p.

Source: Internet Resource: Working Paper Series on U.S.-Mexico Security Collaboration: Accessed August 30, 2010 at: http://wilsoncenter.org/topics/pubs/Police%20Reform%20in%20Mexico.%20Sabet.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Mexico

URL: http://wilsoncenter.org/topics/pubs/Police%20Reform%20in%20Mexico.%20Sabet.pdf

Shelf Number: 119706

Organized Crime
Police Corruption
Police Misconduct
Police Reform

Author: Dudley, Steven S.

Title: Drug Trafficking Organizations in Central America: Transportistas, Mexican Cartels and Maras

Summary: This chapter is about drug trafficking organizations (DTO) operating in Central America. It is broken down by theme rather than by country. It provides a brief history of DTO activity in the region; descriptions of who operates the DTOs, both locally and internationally, and their modus operandi; the use of street gangs in DTO activities; DTO penetration in government and security forces; local, regional and international efforts and challenges as they try and combat DTOs. The chapter is centered on the three countries where the problem of DTOs appears to be the most acute: Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras.

Details: Washington, DC: Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Mexico Institute; San Diego, CA: University of San Diego, Trans-Border Institute, 2010. 30p.

Source: Internet Resource: Working Paper Serieson U.S.-Mexico Security Collaboration: Accessed August 30, 2010 at: http://wilsoncenter.org/topics/pubs/Drug%20Trafficking%20Organizations%20in%20Central%20America.%20Dudley.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Central America

URL: http://wilsoncenter.org/topics/pubs/Drug%20Trafficking%20Organizations%20in%20Central%20America.%20Dudley.pdf

Shelf Number: 119707

Drug Cartels
Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime
Street Gangs

Author: Bailey, John

Title: Combating Organized Crime and Drug Trafficking in Mexico: What are Mexican and U.S. Strategies? Are They Working?

Summary: Mexico confronts the greatest threat to its democratic governance from internal violence since the Cristero Revolt of the latter stages of the Revolution of 1910-29. In this case, the threat is posed by criminal groups, especially by politically savvy, hyper-violent drug trafficking organizations (DTOs), currently inflicting spectacular damage in several regions and sowing insecurity throughout the country. But the DTOs are only the most pressing symptom of a growing mix of forms of organized crime (OC) rooted in a robust informal economy and a civic culture marked by comparatively little confidence in the police-justice system and low compliance with the state’s law. The threat is further exacerbated by a crisis of political legitimacy and state capacity. Neo-liberal policies since the mid 1980s have not generated a new social contract to replace the populist consensus of the “golden age” of growth with stability (1950s-1970s), and the Mexican state lacks an effective police-justice-regulatory system capable of enforcing its laws with respect to public security. This chapter first examines the evolution of the Mexican and US national government strategies for confronting OC/DTOs, with particular attention to the institutional frameworks that have been established to implement these strategies. It then evaluates the degree of “fit” between the two governments’ strategies and considers metrics by which progress can be measured. It concludes with an assessment of progress.

Details: Washington, DC: Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Mexico Institute; San Diego, CA: University of San Diego, Trans-Border Institute, 2010. 25p.

Source: Internet Resource: Working Paper Series on U.S.-Mexico Security Cooperation: Accessed August 30, 2010 at: http://wilsoncenter.org/topics/pubs/Combating%20Organized%20Crime.%20Bailey.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Mexico

URL: http://wilsoncenter.org/topics/pubs/Combating%20Organized%20Crime.%20Bailey.pdf

Shelf Number: 119588

Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: International Crisis Group

Title: Reforming Haiti's Security Sector

Summary: Operations led by the UN peacekeeping mission (MINUSTAH) largely disbanded armed gangs in the slums of Haiti's cities, but progress has been undermined by persisting crime, political instability and natural disasters. Reforming Haiti's Security Sector , the latest report from the International Crisis Group, examines the difficulties in strengthening the justice sector and establishing an operational and sufficiently staffed police force - two crucial elements for the country's future stability and development. Making decisive and swift headway with security sector reform (SSR) is a vital part of any durable solution to Haiti's political and economic, as well as security problems", says Bernice Robertson, Crisis Group's Haiti Senior Analyst. "The process to create a 14,000-strong Haitian National Police (HNP) by 2011 must be speeded up". The fall of Prime Minister Jacques-Adouard Alexis during last April's protests, the drawn-out negotiations between President Rena Preval and parliament over his successor and new Prime Minister Michele Pierre-Louis' political difficulties have put Haiti's fragile governance once again under severe strain. Drug traffickers, organised criminals and corrupt politicians have mobilised the population for their own benefit and a procession of hurricanes in August and September has caused enormous damage to Haiti's physical infrastructure. HNP vetting needs to be concluded, the number of police cadets has to be increased and officers should receive further training in specific skills, including anti-kidnapping, riot control, counter-drug, border control, forensics and intelligence gathering and analysis. Special crime chambers ought to be created to try serious offenders, and the inhumane prison conditions have to be improved quickly. MINUSTAH should maintain its present military component but increase the number of international police, and deploy UN civil affairs and police personnel with special experience in border control to assist HNP units along the frontier with the Dominican Republic. "Haiti urgently needs a professional HNP as a prerequisite and bulwark if the new government is to move the country, with MINUSTAH and donor help, toward stability", says Markus Schultze-Kraft, Crisis Group's Latin America Program Director. "But it also needs a justice system capable of upholding the rule of law and programs that provide swift, visible relief to families enduring extremely harsh living conditions and natural disasters".

Details: Brussels, Belgium: International Crisis Group, 2008. 41p.

Source: Internet Resource: Latin America/Caribbean Report No. 28: Accessed August 30, 2010 at: http://www.crisisgroup.org/~/media/Files/latin-america/haiti/28_reforming_haiti_s_security_sector.ashx

Year: 2008

Country: Haiti

URL: http://www.crisisgroup.org/~/media/Files/latin-america/haiti/28_reforming_haiti_s_security_sector.ashx

Shelf Number: 119709

Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime
Police Corruption
Police Reform

Author: Ozkan, Cemal

Title: Combating Human Trafficking: The Swedish Experience

Summary: Human trafficking implies transnational transportation of people for purposes such as prostitution, slavery, begging or committing crimes on behalf of others. In Europe, trafficking has become an increasing problem over the last two decades because of ever more porous borders and the European integration, which has created a flexible milieu for organized criminals seeking to capitalize on the demand for purchasing sex.

Details: Stockholm: Institute for Security & Development Policy, 2010. 3p.

Source: Internet Resource: ISDP Policy Brief, No. 25: Accessed September 2, 2010 at: http://www.isdp.eu/images/stories/isdp-main-pdf/2010_ozkan_combating-human-trafficking.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Sweden

URL: http://www.isdp.eu/images/stories/isdp-main-pdf/2010_ozkan_combating-human-trafficking.pdf

Shelf Number: 119725

Border Control
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: Sjolinder, Henrik

Title: Fighting Organized Crime in the EU: A New Era with the Lisbon Treaty and the Stockholm Programme

Summary: The EU´s actions to counter transnational organized crime have paved the way for a process aimed at harmonizing and unifying national structures on legal matters in order to combat transnational crime. This brief will outline novelties relevant for the prevention and fight against organized crime as presented in the recently ratified Lisbon Treaty and the Stockholm Programme.

Details: Stockholm: Institute for Security & Development Policy, 2010. 3p.

Source: Internet Resource: ISDP Policy Brief, No. 23: Accessed September 2, 2010 at: http://www.isdp.eu/images/stories/isdp-main-pdf/2010_sjolinder_fighting-organized-crime.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.isdp.eu/images/stories/isdp-main-pdf/2010_sjolinder_fighting-organized-crime.pdf

Shelf Number: 119726

Organized Crime
Transnational Crime

Author: Gillmore, Edward

Title: The Expansion in the EU of Baltic Organized Criminal Groups

Summary: Two recent reports have highlighted the expansion into the EU of organized criminal groups trafficking drugs, human beings and arms. The reports analyze the structural and functional features of these groups as well as the economic mechanisms supporting their activities.

Details: Stockholm: Institute for Security & Development Policy, 2010. 3p.

Source: Internet Resource: ISDP Policy Brief, No. 24: Accessed September 2, 2010 at: http://www.isdp.eu/images/stories/isdp-main-pdf/2010_gillmore_the-expansion-in-the-eu.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.isdp.eu/images/stories/isdp-main-pdf/2010_gillmore_the-expansion-in-the-eu.pdf

Shelf Number: 119727

Drug Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime
Transnational Crime

Author: Bouteillet-Paquet, Daphne

Title: Smuggling of Migrants: A Global Review and Annotated Bibliography of Recent Publications

Summary: The purpose of this thematic review is to survey existing sources and research papers on migrant smuggling and to provide a gap analysis of existing knowledge from a global perspective. Indeed, despite the fact that migrant smuggling has attracted great media and political attention over the last two decades, there has not been any comprehensive analysis of the state of expert knowledge. Great confusion still prevails about what is migrant smuggling within the global context of irregular migration. Smuggling of migrants is a crime defined under international law as “the procurement, in order to obtain, directly or indirectly, a financial or other material benefit, of the illegal entry of a person into a State of which the person is not a national or a permanent resident”, according to the definition of Article 3 (1) of the Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air – commonly referred to as the Migrant Smuggling Protocol – supplementing the United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime. In order to comply with the Migrant Smuggling Protocol, Article 6 also requires States to criminalize both smuggling of migrants and enabling of a person to remain in a country illegally in order to obtain, directly or indirectly, a financial or other material benefit as well as aggravating circumstances that endanger lives or safety, or entail inhuman or degrading treatment of migrants. By virtue of Article 5, migrants shall not become liable to criminal prosecution for the fact of having been smuggled under the Migrant Smuggling Protocol. It is therefore to be understood that the Migrant Smuggling Protocol aims to target migrant smugglers, not the people being smuggled. While most researchers refer to the Migrant Smuggling Protocol, some authors have developed a broader definition referring to the sociological characteristics of migrant smuggling. According to Van Liempt, a broader definition is necessary in order to properly reflect the changing character of intermediary structures in international migration processes and to shed a light on the possible criminal character of smuggling. From a sociological perspective, migrant smuggling may then include every act lying on a continuum between altruism and organized crime. Doomernik defines migrant smuggling as “every act whereby an immigrant is assisted in crossing international borders whereby this crossing is not endorsed by the government of the receiving state, neither implicitly nor explicitly”. To the extent that the literature available making a distinction to be made, the issues of “irregular migration” and “trafficking in persons” are deliberately not covered per se by this thematic review, despite the fact that these phenomena are closely connected with migrant smuggling in practice. The overall objective of the report is to enhance the concrete understanding of this phenomenon by looking at the following issues: - Chapter 2 will look at legal definitions of closely connected issues and the conceptualization of migrant smuggling; - Chapter 3 will look at the methodology currently applied for researching migrant smuggling; - Chapter 4 will discuss the strengths and limitations of the methods used to quantify irregular migration and migrant smuggling. It will also consider the current state of knowledge – or lack thereof – regarding smuggling trends, geography and organization of travel in different regions; - Chapter 5 will include a discussion about the motivations (root causes) and profile of smuggled migrants; - Chapter 6 will discuss the profile of migrant smugglers and motivations; - Chapter 7 will analyse smuggler-migrant relationships; - Chapter 8 will discuss the organizational structures of smuggling networks in different regions of the world; - Concrete recruitment processes and fees are discussed in chapter 9. The different methods to smuggle (basic transfer services versus all-inclusive service with travel visa smuggling, forged documents) but also the role of corruption as a cause and consequence of migrant smuggling will be considered; - Chapter 10 will be devoted to the human and social costs of migrant smuggling. The research is based on literature available in English and French language, such as journalistic books, reports and academic articles. Research reports published by international organizations and NGOs were also considered. Neither the annotated bibliography, nor the thematic review pretends to be comprehensive. Rather, they are conceived as a summary of existing knowledge and identified gaps based on the most recent and relevant research available.

Details: Vienna: UNODC, 2010. 163p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 3, 2010 at: http://www.unodc.org/documents/human-trafficking/Marian/Smuggling_of_Migrants_A_Global_Review.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: International

URL: http://www.unodc.org/documents/human-trafficking/Marian/Smuggling_of_Migrants_A_Global_Review.pdf

Shelf Number: 119735

Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Illegal Aliens
Organized Crime

Author: Keller, Dennis E.

Title: U.S. Military Forces and Police Assistance in Stability Operations: The Least-Worst Option to Fill the U.S. Capacity Gap

Summary: Establishing an effective local police force is one of the most critical elements of successful counterinsurgency (COIN) and stability operations, but it is a task for which the U.S. Government is the least prepared and capable. The establishment of an effective police force is critical to security sector reform, justice sector reform, and the successful transition to the host nation’s security forces. But the United States lacks the institutional capacity to provide an immediate and coordinated civilian police training and advisory effort, particularly in a failed or fragile state. Because hesitation in addressing such problems causes delays in forming and training new police forces, and, even worse, emboldens corrupt and abusive locals who enable insurgents, terrorist groups, and organized criminal networks, the U.S. military must be prepared to support stability operations at regional level and below by assessing, advising, and even training police units until such time as civilian police trainers and mentors arrive on the ground. Army doctrine emphasizes the importance of community-focused civilian police forces during stability operations and suggests that clear separation of police and military roles is essential to successful rebuilding. Doctrine also recognizes that military forces may have to perform police functions during the initial response. But history is replete with examples of local police becoming targets of opportunity for insurgencies; having trained, operationally ready police is always important and no more so than in current operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. At one time, the U.S. Government had a better institutional response than it does now. From 1954 to 1974, first the International Cooperation Administration (ICA), and then its successor organization, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), established in 1961, presented balanced programs providing technical advice, training, and equipment for civil and paramilitary police organizations. In 1963, USAID established the International Police Academy in Washington, DC, to train foreign police officers. At its peak, the USAID arm had 590 permanent employees, to include staff at the International Police Academy, and advisors in 52 countries at different times. This academy graduated over 5,000 students from 77 countries until it was closed because of congressional fears that the program approved, advocated, or taught torture techniques that had damaged the image of the United States. Thus, legislation was passed that prohibited foreign assistance funds for training and financial support of law enforcement forces within or outside the United States. The reluctance to be associated with local police continues to haunt U.S. Government efforts to train police of fragile and failed states to this day. As a result, the U.S. Government continues to lack the capacity for timely deployment of civilian police trainers in the early phases of stability operations. Using military personnel to train and advise civilian police is being justifiably criticized. Military personnel, even military police, are not prepared to train and advise civilian police in most tasks. Instead, their training is skewed toward the higher end stability policing tasks such as riot control, convoy security, motorized patrolling, establishing checkpoints, and weapons training. The emphasis on such tasks makes it more difficult to transition to community-based policing. A clear delineation needs to be established between stability policing and community-based policing, with phased transitions as appropriate. Focusing only on the technical skills must cease, while instruction in such normative principles as responsiveness to the community, accountability to the rule of law, defense of human rights, and transparency to scrutiny from the outside, must be institutionalized. Such an adjustment will result in an organizational culture that abjures abuse. Such success will require embedding of quality advisors for a significant period of time, though even then expectations must be kept realistic.

Details: Carlisle, PA: U.S. Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, 2010. 57p.

Source: Internet Resource: PKSOI Paper: Accessed September 7, 2010: http://www.strategicstudiesinstitute.army.mil/pubs/download.cfm?q=1013

Year: 2010

Country: International

URL: http://www.strategicstudiesinstitute.army.mil/pubs/download.cfm?q=1013

Shelf Number: 119757

Organized Crime
Police Reform
Police Training

Author: Allais, Carol

Title: Tsireledzani: Understanding the Dimensions of Human Trafficking in Southern Africa

Summary: This report provides the first comprehensive assessment of human trafficking in South Africa. This research study was conducted by the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) on behalf of the ‘Programme of Assistance to the South African Government to Prevent, React to Human Trafficking and Provide Support to Victims of Crime’. The programme of assistance forms part of South Africa’s National Strategy to Combat Human Trafficking through prevention, response and support for victims, known as TSIRELEDZANI. The programme of assistance is being implemented by the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) and is co-funded by the South African Government and the European Union (EU). The overall objective of South Africa’s National Strategy on Human Trafficking is to ensure full compliance with the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children (hereafter, ‘Palermo Protocol’), which supplements the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised Crime. Compliance includes developing comprehensive legislation underpinned by a victim-centred empowerment approach, taking full account of the Victim’s Charter1 as well as relevant South African legislation. The specific purposes of the Tsireledzani Programme are to: (a) contribute to compliance with the Palermo Protocol requirements, (b) increase capacity to deal with trafficking, and (c) enhance inter-sectoral coordination and cooperation. Tsireledzani is being implemented by the Sexual Offences and Community Affairs (SOCA) Unit of the NPA over a three-year period (2008-2010). The present study addresses Result 1 of the programme of assistance to the South African government: DEEPENED KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING OF TRAFFICKING, and presents findings on human trafficking in South Africa obtained from research undertaken from December 2008 to March 2010. The objectives of the study were to: 1. Identify trafficking trends in order to develop appropriate responses; 2. Identify national legislative measures, policy frameworks and women’s and children’s rights instruments; 3. Analyse counter-trafficking responses regarding human trafficking in the SADC region and other countries with comparative features; 4. Identify the profile of the victims and characteristics and motives of the agents in human trafficking; 5. Identify the purposes for human trafficking and the key driving factors; 6. Identify socio-economic aspects of the demand and cultural values and practices influencing human trafficking; 7. Identify the interrelation between human trafficking and migration relation issues in the context of globalization; 8. Identify the linkage between organised crime networks and corruption, and human trafficking; 9. Identify indicators for a national Trafficking Information Management System ; 10. Make recommendations on the outcome of the above results.

Details: Pretoria: National Prosecuting Authority of South Africa, 2010. 206p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 8, 2010 at: http://www.hsrc.ac.za/Document-3562.phtml

Year: 2010

Country: South Africa

URL: http://www.hsrc.ac.za/Document-3562.phtml

Shelf Number: 119766

Child Prostitution
Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Illegal Trade
Organized Crime
Wildlife Conservation
Wildlife Crime (Asia-Pacific)
Wildlife Smuggling

Author: Goodman, Colby

Title: U.S. Firearms Trafficking to Mexico: New Data and Insights Illuminate Key Trends and Challenges

Summary: Recent news reports that 72 people were summarily executed by an organized crime group in northern Mexico highlight again the horrific violence that has gripped much of the country. The victims (mostly migrants) are the latest tragic reminder that large amounts of sophisticated firearms and ammunition in the hands of violent criminals have made their enterprise more deadly and have complicated law enforcement efforts to bring them under control. It is not surprising, then, that the government of Mexico has made curbing firearms trafficking a top priority in its efforts to dismantle organized crime. Additionally, Mexico has made disrupting arms trafficking networks from the United States a priority issue in the U.S.-Mexico security cooperation agenda. This report provides answers to some of the critical questions about U.S. firearms trafficking to Mexico.

Details: Washington, DC: Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Mexico Institute; San Diego, CA: University of San Diego, Trans-Border Institute, 2010. 35p.

Source: Internet Resource: Working Paper Series on U.S.-Mexico Security Cooperation: Accessed September 14, 2010 at: http://www.wilsoncenter.org/news/docs/U.S.%20Firearms%20Trafficking%20to%20Mexico-%20Goodman%20Final.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Mexico

URL: http://www.wilsoncenter.org/news/docs/U.S.%20Firearms%20Trafficking%20to%20Mexico-%20Goodman%20Final.pdf

Shelf Number: 119791

Firearms Trafficking
Organized Crime
Trafficking Weapons
Violence (Mexico)
Violent Crime

Author: Japan. National Police Agency. Drugs and Firearms Division

Title: Drug Control in Japan 2009

Summary: This report provides an overview of the drug situation in Japan, including laws to control abused drugs.

Details: Tokyo: National Police Agency, 2009. 13p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 15, 2010 at: http://www.npa.go.jp/english/yakujyu/Drug%20Control%20in%20Japan%202009.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: Japan

URL: http://www.npa.go.jp/english/yakujyu/Drug%20Control%20in%20Japan%202009.pdf

Shelf Number: 119805

Drug Control
Drugs and Crime
Organized Crime

Author: Canada. Royal Canadian Mounted Police Criminal Intelligence

Title: Human Trafficking in Canada

Summary: Project SECLUSION was prepared for the Immigration and Passport Branch as a national overview of human trafficking activities in an effort to identify the extent of organized crime involvement, transnational associations, source countries, as well as issues and challenges faced by law enforcement. This report also serves as a preliminary baseline of human trafficking activities affecting Canada in both the transnational and domestic perspectives.

Details: Ottawa: RCMP, 2010. 49p.


Year: 2010

Country: Canada


Shelf Number: 119806

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime
Sexual Exploitation
Transnational Crime

Author: Unger, Brigitte

Title: Detecting Criminal Investments in the Dutch Real Estate Sector

Summary: The real estate sector is a prominent candidate for money laundering and criminal abuse. Real estate objects can be used in two ways for criminal purpose. They can be traded in order to hide the origin of illicit funds on a non transparent and speculative market, or they can be used as a final investment, where criminals park their money in business or houses permanently. Given the importance of this sector in the Netherlands, both with regard to its economic size and its relevance for criminals, several studies on criminal behavior in the real estate sector have been made. Most prominently the study of the WODC by Ferwerda et al (2007), which gives a good overview over maleficent behavior in the Dutch real estate sector, and the Financial Expertise Center (FEC) report of 2008 on money laundering techniques. However, so far, no systematic study on the importance and frequency of diverse maleficent behavior constructions for money laundering in this sector has been conducted. This study tries to use all information available, to operationalize it into measurable indicators, and to systematically analyze criminal investment in the Dutch real estate sector.

Details: The Hague: Dutch Ministry of Finance, Justice and Interior Affairs, 2010. 252 p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 16, 2010 at: http://www.minfin.nl/dsresource?objectid=80301&type=org

Year: 2010

Country: Netherlands

URL: http://www.minfin.nl/dsresource?objectid=80301&type=org

Shelf Number: 119823

Financial Crimes
Money Laundering
Organized Crime
Real Estate

Author: Tilley, Nick

Title: Business Views of Organised Crime

Summary: This report describes research that examined the impact of organised crime against businesses located in three high crime residential neighbourhoods in the U.K. The study is based on detailed interviews with managers or owners of 420 businesses in three high crime neighbourhoods. It was concerned with the effects of both direct and indirect organised crime, including: direct victimisation of the businesses from organised crime groups; the creation of a local climate of organised crime and intimidation that drives out certain businesses or acts as a barrier to the establishment of others; and the arrival of unfair competition through the sale and distribution of illicit goods whether stolen, counterfeit or contraband.

Details: London: Home Office, 2008. 66p.

Source: Internet Resource: Research Report 10: Accessed September 22, 2010 at: http://rds.homeoffice.gov.uk/rds/pdfs08/horr10c.pdf

Year: 2008

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://rds.homeoffice.gov.uk/rds/pdfs08/horr10c.pdf

Shelf Number: 113412

Business Crimes
Organized Crime
Stolen Goods

Author: International Expert Group on Piracy off the Somali Coast

Title: Piracy Off the Somali Coast: Workshop Commissioned by the Special Representative of the Secretary General of the UN to Somalia Ambassador Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah

Summary: In order to develop a coordinated response to the challenge of maritime piracy along the Somali coast, the United Nations Political Office for Somalia (UNPOS) commissioned an international expert consultation on the issue. The consultation took place in Nairobi from the 10th to the 21st of November. It was supported by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Somalia and hosted by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Nairobi. The international group consisted of private experts, national officials and representatives of international organizations covering expertise in organized crime, maritime law, Navy operations, risk management, migration management, marine contingency management, state of law, development and livelihoods, humanitarian relief, peace keeping and security sector reform. Many of the experts possess expertise and experience in Somalia as well as in neighboring countries and seas. The assessment aimed at providing a practical interdisciplinary overview on piracy rather than a comprehensive analysis of all aspects of piracy in Somalia. The report starts off with a short history on Somalia (chapter 1) and a general chapter on piracy in international waters (chapter 2). This is followed by an assessment on the piracy situation off the Somali coast (chapter 3), its legal framework (chapter 4), and the costs associated with the phenomenon (chapter 5). Chapter 6 lists the additional costs to Somalia, the region and the international community, of allowing the situation to escalate without international intervention, on land and sea. Chapter 7 summarizes what is currently being done to address the problem and the final chapter (chapter 8) provides a summary of recommendations for short-, medium- and long-term impact. The detailed recommendations are listed in an Appendix.

Details: Nairobi: International Expert Group on Piracy off the Somali Coast, 2008. 92p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 23, 2010 at: http://www.imcsnet.org/imcs/docs/somalia_piracy_intl_experts_report_consolidated.pdf

Year: 2008

Country: Somalia

URL: http://www.imcsnet.org/imcs/docs/somalia_piracy_intl_experts_report_consolidated.pdf

Shelf Number: 119847

Maritime Crime
Organized Crime

Author: Nopens, Patrick F.P.

Title: Countering Afghan Narcotics: A Litmus Test for Effective NATO and Russia Cooperation?

Summary: Afghan opiates kill 100,000 people a year globally. Every year NATO countries lose over 10,000 people to heroin overdoses. In Russia an estimated 30,000 to 40,000 people die of drug overdoses yearly. Counter-narcotics in Afghanistan is an area where NATO’s and Russia’s interests clearly coincide. If NATO and Russia cannot find a way of effectively cooperating in this matter, not only will the Afghan narcotic problem spiral completely out of control, but NATO-Russia cooperation could come under pressure.

Details: Brussels, Belgium: Royal Institute for International Relations, 2010. 7p.

Source: Internet Resource: Security Policy Brief, No. 14: Accessed October 5, 2010 at: http://www.egmontinstitute.be/papers/10/sec-gov/SPB-14-Nopens-countering-afghan-narcotics.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Afghanistan

URL: http://www.egmontinstitute.be/papers/10/sec-gov/SPB-14-Nopens-countering-afghan-narcotics.pdf

Shelf Number: 119859

Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: Hamilton-Smith, Niall

Title: Determining Identity and Nationality in Local Policing

Summary: This research examined practices for checking the nationality and migrant status of arrestees in a sample of 14 custody suites in the UK. The study also involved the piloting of enhanced checking processes in four custody suites. The research demonstrated that more rigorous practices in custody suites could increase the number of foreign nationals and illegal migrants who are identified as being involved in criminal activity. The pilots also showed that custody suites with dedicated UK Border Agency staff could significantly increase the volume of checks undertaken and the number of foreign nationals and illegal migrant arrestees identified. Despite the challenges identified, significant progress and momentum in addressing many of these problems were achieved in the pilot sites. Since the fieldwork was completed, a range of operational and policy improvements has been implemented that has addressed many of the issues identified by the research, referenced throughout the report.

Details: London: Home Office Research, Development and Statistics Directorate, 2010. 33p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 6, 2010 at: http://rds.homeoffice.gov.uk/rds/pdfs10/horr42c.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://rds.homeoffice.gov.uk/rds/pdfs10/horr42c.pdf

Shelf Number: 119872

Illegal Immigrations
Organized Crime

Author: Briscoe, Ivan

Title: A State of Siege: Elites, Criminal Networks and Institutional Reform in Guatemala

Summary: The scale and severity of the challenges facing the Guatemala state have been underlined by events over the past year. Humanitarian crises and a continuing wave of violent crime, exacerbated by the penetration in Guatemalan territory of Mexican cartels, have multiplied the demands on public authorities. The government of President Alvara Colom, a self-declared social democrat, has vowed to fight poverty and clean up the security and judicial systems. To a significant extent, the country is still locked into the terms of the informal political and economic settlement that lay beneath the formal peace process ending the country's civil war in 1996. Whereas the peace accords promised rural development, a stronger and wealthier public sector, and a dismantling of the structures of counter-insurgency, the post-conflict reality fell under a different paradigm. Criminal groups, involving former military officers, acting state officials, criminal entrepreneurs and gang members, extended their influence. This paper, which forms part of the broader Clingendael research programme into post-conflict and fragile states, aims to unpick these constrains on governance in Guatemala, and also points to the emerging trends that are now altering the country's internal balance of power. In particular, the election of Colom in 2007 and the creation in the same year of the UN Commission Against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG) are landmark events that appear to have undermined the post-conflict settlement. However, recent setbacks, including the paralysis of key policy initiatives - such as tax reform - and repeated acts of corruption in the security forces and the judicial system have raised questions over whether reform of the state is possible, and how it is to be carried out.

Details: The Hague: Netherlands Institute of International Relations 'Clingendael', 2010. 64p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 6, 2010 at: http://www.clingendael.nl/publications/2010/20100913_cru_publication_ibriscoe.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Guatemala

URL: http://www.clingendael.nl/publications/2010/20100913_cru_publication_ibriscoe.pdf

Shelf Number: 119873

Criminal Networks
Criminal Violence
Organized Crime

Author: Perelygin, Alexander

Title: Metal Fingerprint: Countering Illicit Trade in Precious Metals and Gemstones

Summary: International efforts to disrupt terrorist and organized crime networks must pay special attention to how these networks are financed. Global trade in precious metals and gemstones has become a significant source of financing for both organized crime and terrorist groups. As the demand for materials bearing precious metals and stones continues to grow, criminal and terrorist networks will exploit weak national and international monitoring of the trade to finance activities that threaten us all. Public-private partnerships offer a real chance of increasing transparency and monitoring in the trade of precious metals and gemstones, thus undermining the financial foundation of global terrorist networks. Serious efforts have been undertaken by governments, international organizations, and the global business community to stem illegal trade in many commodities used in money laundering and terrorist financing—especially since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, in the United States. Significant success has been seen in disrupting the trade of illegal rough diamonds through the Kimberly Process. But success has been elusive in the illegal trafficking of precious metals and gemstones. Efficient law enforcement in this area is hampered by the lack of internationally recognized procedures for certifying batches of primary precious metals-bearing raw materials and a lack of well-established methods of identifying the origin of both precious metals and gemstones. These shortcomings complicate the process of distinguishing between legal and criminal supplies and place a substantially greater burden on the due diligence efforts of precious metals refiners and stonecutters to ascertain the veracity of their customers. Russian research institutes and forensic laboratories, led by the mining and metallurgical company Norilsk Nickel, have devised advanced methods to identify the origin of semi-products bearing platinum-group metals (PGM). This methodology can be expanded to other metal groups and gemstones, taking the form of a Platinum Initiative to ensure efficient certification procedures in the international metal trade and strengthen existing certification schemes in the diamond and gemstones industries. In July 2007, an informal international working group, including experts from the private sector, government, and independent think tanks, was established under the auspices of the G8 in order to explore the potential of the Platinum Initiative. The conclusions and recommendations formulated in this policy paper are to a large extent based on the initial findings discussed at the first three meetings of this Working Group held in July and October 2007 and February 2008. Key Recommendations include the following: Develop the Platinum Initiative into a strong industry-focused program that includes: an international register of verified and legitimate traders in PGM; enhanced customs control procedures to identify PGM-bearing goods; internationally shared databases of PGM-bearing raw materials; enhanced control measures in mining and metallurgical companies; an international network of certified forensic and expert laboratories capable of tracing the origins of the goods and commodities in question. Coordinate the enforcement mechanisms of the Platinum Initiative with the relevant international organizations—in particular, the World Customs Organization (WCO), appropriate UN agencies, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), and the G8 governments. Incorporate data on platinum-metals bearing goods and materials into the existing WCO framework using tracking systems such as the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System and the Customs Enforcement Network. Establish standardized procedures for information-sharing between national law enforcement agencies and PGM-producing companies to respond rapidly to the appearance of suspicious consignments of unfinished precious metals-bearing materials on the market. Strengthen the implementation and regulatory framework of the World Bank’s anti-money laundering (AML) program to reflect the significant role of illegal precious metals trading as an instrument of terrorist financing.

Details: New York: East West Institute, 2008. 11p.

Source: Internet Resource: Policy Paper 4/2008: Accessed October 9, 2010 at: http://www.ewi.info/metal-fingerprint-countering-illicit-trade-precious-metals-and-gemstones

Year: 2008

Country: International

URL: http://www.ewi.info/metal-fingerprint-countering-illicit-trade-precious-metals-and-gemstones

Shelf Number: 119899

Illegal Trade
Metal Theft
Organized Crime
Precious Metals
Terrorist Financing

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Title: An Asessment of Transnational Organized Crime in Central Asia

Summary: Transnational organized crime in Central Asia represents a serious threat to the region inhibiting the emergence of stable societies. This report provides an overview of the scope of the problem of transnational organized crime in Central Asia. The report identifies trafficking in drugs, human beings and firearms, fraud and corruption as the principle and most serious crimes in the Central Asian region. It provides an analytical framework based on causal factors as well as on facilitating and inhibiting factors. Acknowledging the difficulties and limitations associated with research on organized crime in Central Asia, the report is a synthesis of information from a multitude of sources. It includes information provided by the governments of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan together with data and information drawn from secondary literature, expert opinions and other sources. An analysis of organized crime in Central Asia must take into account historical, political, social and economic developments in the region. Most states in Central Asia are in a transitional period and are characterized by developing, but still relatively low levels of effective governance. Gaps in governmental capacity and voids created by weak and ineffective state institutions are a strong contributing factor in the proliferation of organized criminal activities. Moreover, cultural, religious and ethnic differences are exploited by organized criminals to achieve their objectives and to facilitate the spread of organized crime. Organized crime, therefore, must be seen as a consequence of the interplay between these various elements. The report discusses the specific structures and modes of operation of the Central Asian criminal groups. It highlights the diversity of those groups and the tendency towards more flexible network organizations. Various types of activities in which criminal groups are engaged are explored in the report, with drug trafficking presenting the most serious problem. With three of the Central Asian states, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, sharing borders with Afghanistan, the largest producer of illicit opiates in the world, Central Asia is an important transit zone for illicit drugs. A consequence of the drug trafficking has been a major increase in drug abuse in the region. However, it is not the only form of criminal activity associated with organized crime in the region. Organized crime activity includes significant—and in some cases growing—incidents of trafficking in human beings and firearms, fraud and corruption.

Details: New York: UNODC, 2007. 57p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 9, 2010 at: http://www.unodc.org/documents/organized-crime/Central_Asia_Crime_Assessment.pdf

Year: 2007

Country: Asia

URL: http://www.unodc.org/documents/organized-crime/Central_Asia_Crime_Assessment.pdf

Shelf Number: 116541

Drug Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Firearms

Author: New Zealand Police National Intelligence Centre

Title: Organised Crime in New Zealand, 2010

Summary: According to the United Nations (UN), transnational organised crime is a major threat to human security, impeding the social, economic, political and cultural development of societies worldwide. Organised crime groups throughout the world are involved in a range of criminal activities including drug trafficking, human trafficking, firearms trafficking, environmental crime, cyber crime and money laundering. As part of the global community, New Zealand is not immune to the organised crime threat. A number of organised crime groups, both domestic and international, are involved in a range of illegal markets impacting on New Zealand. Organised Crime in New Zealand 2010 aims to provide insight into the nature and extent of the threat in New Zealand. The analysis in this report draws from information provided by a range of agencies from the New Zealand Government and the private sector. Open source research on national, regional and global trends relating to organised crime is also included. Further, the report highlights efforts that aim to disrupt and dismantle organised crime in New Zealand.

Details: Wellington, NZ: New Zealand Government, 2010. 23p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 13, 2010 at: http://www.ofcanz.govt.nz/sites/default/files/Organised-Crime-in-NZ-2010-Public-Version.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: New Zealand

URL: http://www.ofcanz.govt.nz/sites/default/files/Organised-Crime-in-NZ-2010-Public-Version.pdf

Shelf Number: 119925

Organized Crime

Author: de Andres, Amado Philip

Title: West Africa Under Attack: Drugs, Organized Crime and Terrorism as the New Threats to Global Security

Summary: This paper provides an overview on the current situation in West Africa with regard to drug trafficking (cocaine, heroin and hashish), organized crime (from human trafficking to diamond trade and its link with terrorism financing) and terrorism.

Details: Madrid: UNISCI, 2008. 26p.

Source: Internet Resource: UNISCI Discussion Paper, No. 16: Accessed October 12, 2010 at: http://www.ucm.es/info/unisci/revistas/UNISCI%20DP%2016%20-%20Andres.pdf

Year: 2008

Country: Africa

URL: http://www.ucm.es/info/unisci/revistas/UNISCI%20DP%2016%20-%20Andres.pdf

Shelf Number: 119931

Drug Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: McGuire, Peter L.

Title: Narcotics Trafficking in West Africa: A Governance Challenge

Summary: West Africa is one of the most impoverished, underdeveloped, and instability prone regions in the world. Many of the nation-states in the region are empirically weak: they lack the capacity to deliver public goods and services to their citizens, do not claim effective control over their territories, are marked by high levels of official corruption, and are plagued by political instability and violent conflict. Since 2004 the region has faced an unprecedented surge in illicit narcotics (primarily cocaine) trafficking, raising fears within the international community that foreign (largely South American) trafficking groups would engender escalated corruption and violence across the region. This paper examines the effect that the surge in narcotics trafficking has had on governance and security in the region, paying particular attention to the experience of Guinea-Bissau and neighboring Republic of Guinea (Guinea-Conakry), two West African states that have been particularly affected by the illicit trade. The central argument presented is that narcotics trafficking is only one facet of the overall challenge of state weakness and fragility in the region. The profound weakness of many West African states has enabled foreign trafficking groups to develop West Africa into an entrepôt for cocaine destined for the large and profitable European market, sometimes with the active facilitation of high-level state actors. Thus, simply implementing counter-narcotics initiatives in the region will have a limited impact without a long-term commitment to strengthening state capacity, improving political transparency and accountability, and tackling poverty alleviation and underdevelopment. Without addressing the root issues that allowed for the penetration of trafficking groups into the states of the region in the first place, West Africa will remain susceptible to similar situations in the future, undermining the region’s nascent progress in the realms of governance, security, and development.

Details: Boston: Boston University, The Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future, 2010. 40p.

Source: Internet Resource: The Pardee Papers, No. 9: Accessed October 13, 2010 at: http://www.bu.edu/pardee/files/2010/03/Pardee_Paper-9-Narcotics-Trafficking.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Africa

URL: http://www.bu.edu/pardee/files/2010/03/Pardee_Paper-9-Narcotics-Trafficking.pdf

Shelf Number: 119953

Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime


Title: Colombia: President Santos's Conflict Resolution Opportunity

Summary: President Juan Manuel Santos, in office since 7 August 2010, has an opportunity to end Colombia’s generations of armed conflict by building on but adjusting and substantially broadening the strategy followed for eight years by his predecessor. Alvaro Uribe’s predominantly military approach – the “democratic security policy” – did produce important security gains, but Colombia remains plagued by new illegal armed groups (NIAGs) and other criminal actors. By concentrating mainly on fighting the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and the National Liberation Army (ELN), it neglected other sources of violence and, most importantly, failed to address underlying causes of the conflict. Santos, who was elected with the largest majority in history, should use his political capital to implement a more integrated conflict resolution strategy that advances institutional and structural reforms needed to address illegality and impunity, expand access to services and tackle issues of land and victims’ rights.

Details: Brussels: International Crisis Group, 2010. 30p.

Source: Internet Resource; Latin America Report No. 34; Accessed October 15, 2010 at: http://www.crisisgroup.org/~/media/Files/latin-america/colombia/34%20Colombia%20-%20President%20Santoss%20Conflict%20Resolution%20Opportunity.ashx

Year: 2010

Country: Colombia

URL: http://www.crisisgroup.org/~/media/Files/latin-america/colombia/34%20Colombia%20-%20President%20Santoss%20Conflict%20Resolution%20Opportunity.ashx

Shelf Number: 119980

Criminal Violence
Drug Trafficking
Militant Groups
Organized Crime

Author: Meyer, Maureen

Title: Abused and Afraid in Ciudad Juarez: An Analysis of Human Rights Violations by the Military in Mexico

Summary: Washington, DC: Washington Office on Latin America: Mexico: Miguel Agustin Pro Juarez Human Rights Center (Center Prodh), 2010. 15p.

Details: This report focuses on human rights violations that occurred in Ciudad Juarez in the context of Joint Operation Chihuahua, which began in March 2008, and reviews the drug policies adopted by the Mexican government, with support from the U.S. government, to address the security crisis in Mexico. The report aims to give voice to some of the victims of the war against organized crime in Mexico: in particular, individuals who have been abused by the very security forces who are supposed to protect them. It does not seek to minimize the countless atrocities committed by drug trafficking organizations and other criminal groups in Mexico, which have been widely reported in the press. Rather, the report focuses on human rights violations — including forced disappearances, torture and arbitrary detentions — that have been committed by the Mexican government’s security forces, mainly the Mexican military, in the context of the counter-drug efforts in the country. The failure to hold soldiers responsible for the violations they commit leads to more abuses, weakens citizen trust, and undermines the population’s willingness to collaborate in the struggle against any type of crime.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 15, 2010 at: http://www.wola.org/images/stories/Mexico/wola%20prodh%20juarez%20report%20color.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Mexico

URL: http://www.wola.org/images/stories/Mexico/wola%20prodh%20juarez%20report%20color.pdf

Shelf Number: 119981

Criminal Violence
Drug Trafficking
Forced Disappearances
Human Rights
Military Personnel
Organized Crime

Author: Seniora, Jihan

Title: Managing Land Borders and the Trafficking of Small Arms and Light Weapons

Summary: Border controls are an important dimension of the international efforts to combat the uncontrolled proliferation of small arms and light weapons (SALW) and their ammunition. Indeed, even if their relevance sometimes seems to be challenged by some changes (such as new technologies and globalization), borders remain the most visible sign of the sovereignty of a State on its territory. Borders management are crucial to a State’s involvement in the protection of its population. The illicit trafficking of small arms and light weapons (SALW) across green borders is characterized by specific dynamics which must be taken into account in the actions to prevent it: a strong link between cross-border trafficking of SALW and other transnational crimes, the role of transborder communities and the fact that border areas can become a shelter for criminal groups, rebels or traffickers and finally the “ant trade”. Because these aspects have an impact on the demand in arms, the intensity and the direction of the traffics between neighbouring countries, they deserve particular attention in the efforts to strengthen border monitoring and control at checkpoints. For an effective border management several challenges must be highlighted. First, the flow of illicit SALW must be considered a separate issue when conceiving and organising the management. Second, controls at checkpoints must be optimised by clarifying the role of the agencies involved in border management and their human and technical needs according to realities on the ground. Controls at checkpoints must be reinforced by a careful and coordinated monitoring along the border. Measures also need to be taken upstream: national legislations, identification of the actors involved in trafficking by intelligence services, etc. A fourth issue is corruption which affects the very existence of border management. A stronger cooperation between agencies at intra- and inter-level as well as between populations in border areas and the political and administrative authorities can also contribute to a more effective border management. Finally, technology transfers and training, tailored to the needs of each State also prove of great importance.

Details: Brussels: Groupe de recherche et d'information sur la paix et la securite (GRIP), 2010. 24p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 19, 2010 at: http://www.grip.org/en/siteweb/images/RAPPORTS/2010/2010-3_EN.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: International

URL: http://www.grip.org/en/siteweb/images/RAPPORTS/2010/2010-3_EN.pdf

Shelf Number: 120011

Border Patrol
Border Security
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Weapons

Author: Aguirre, Katherine

Title: Assessing the Effect of Policy Interventions on Small Arms Demand in Bogota, Colombia

Summary: In Bogotá, some 50,000 people died in firearm-related events between 1979 and 2009. This constitutes roughly 8% of the total number of deaths, by natural or external causes, registered in the Colombian capital. While the impact of firearms in Bogotá is smaller than in Colombia as a whole, where approximately 11% of deaths have been attributed to firearms, Bogotá contributed 10% of all firearms deaths in Colombia over the period 1979 to 2009. In Bogotá as in the rest of Colombia, homicides are the primary event through which firearms deaths occur (more than 90% of cases). In 2009, there were over 15,000 homicides registered in Colombia. Despite an impressive reduction since 2002 (26.8%), and this figure being the lowest in more than 20 years, the homicide rate in Colombia continues to rank as one of the highest in the world, if not the highest. Improvements in the city of Bogotá have contributed substantially to the overall reduction in homicides. The city has experienced an impressive reduction of homicide violence since its peak in 1993, when the number of homicides rose from 3,000 in 1992 to almost 4,500, a 33% increase. According to the National Police, the figure of 2009 of Bogotá was 1,327 a reduction of around 70% with respect to the 1993 level. The current homicide rate of 18 per 100,000 inhabitants is still quite high, but contrasts with the rate of 1993 of 80 per 100.000. The contribution of Bogotá to the total number of homicides of the country has not declined at the same speed as the level of homicides. For the 2007, the Ministry of Defence says that the capital contribute with 32.7 per cent in the decrease of the homicides in the whole country. Violence in Colombia is a result of two interconnected complex social phenomena. The first is the prevalence of entrenched criminal organisations, mainly involved in the production and transport of illegal narcotics. The second is the three-sided armed conflict between the government, guerrilla groups and paramilitary groups. The situation in Bogotá is influenced more by common urban delinquency by conflict dynamics. In this document, we assess the market associated with the criminal use of firearms. Recent academic studies highlighted demand for firearms for violent use. This assessment will distinguish demand for firearms along two main axes: the markets in which they can be obtained (legal and illegal markets) and how individuals use them (criminally and non-criminally). Specifically, we will explore the impact that active antigun policies and other security interventions, established in the mid-1990s, had on reducing firearm-related homicides in Bogotá. After reviewing the general context, we will introduce the policies that have been implemented by local administrations during the period in which the homicide rate fell drastically. We then use a variety a statistical methods to assess the impact of gun-carrying and violence reduction interventions on homicide in Bogotá.

Details: Bogota, Colombia: CERAC - Centro de Recursos para el Analisis de Conflictos, 2009. 62p.

Source: Internet Resource: Documentos de CERAC, No. 14: Accessed October 19, 2010 at: http://www.cerac.org.co/pdf/CERAC_WP_14_DemandBogotaFinal.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: Colombia

URL: http://www.cerac.org.co/pdf/CERAC_WP_14_DemandBogotaFinal.pdf

Shelf Number: 120022

Gun Control
Gun Violence
Organized Crime
Violent Crime

Author: Killebrew, Bob

Title: Crime Wars: Gangs, Cartels and U.S. National Security

Summary: Criminal networks linking cartels and gangs are no longer simply a crime problem, but a threat that is metastasizing into a new form of widespread, networked criminal insurgency. The scale and violence of these networks threaten civil governments and civil societies in the Western Hemisphere and, increasingly, the United States as well. American policymakers have been slow to recognize the evolution of the drug cartels and gangs from purely law enforcement problems to the strategic threat they now pose. Drug trafficking is variously described solely in terms of a drug problem, a challenge to other countries or a problem for states along the United States' southern border. Drug trafficking groups are, in fact, a threat across all these categories – they are part of networks attacking the United States and other friendly countries on many fronts. Although the U.S. government is currently implementing measures to address the separate pieces of this problem – for example, deploying National Guard units to the border – it has yet to craft a truly comprehensive domestic and foreign strategy to confront the inter-related challenges of trafficking and violence reaching from the Andean Ridge to American streets. This report is the product of a yearlong study by the Center for a New American Security (CNAS). It seeks to explain the scale of organized crime in key countries in the Western Hemisphere and provide elements of such a strategy. We make these observations based on research and analysis of regional trends as well as conversations with government and law enforcement officials, in the United States and abroad, on the front lines of this fight. The first section presents the geography of crime in Latin America, outlining how the criminal networks in Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela and other countries in between pose a common problem for the region and the United States. While the circumstances and potential futures of each country differ, they are linked. The following section shows how the same networks are also active and growing within the United States, posing the need for domestic as well as foreign action. The last section of this study recommends principles to guide a national strategy against cartels and gangs. Finally, to make the point that illegal drug trafficking is not the cartels’ only business, the appendix summarizes the major kinds of illicit commerce that support organized criminal groups in this hemisphere.

Details: Washington, DC: Center for a New American Security, 2010. 77p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 20, 2010 at: http://www.cnas.org/files/documents/publications/CNAS_CrimeWars_KillebrewBernal.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: United States

URL: http://www.cnas.org/files/documents/publications/CNAS_CrimeWars_KillebrewBernal.pdf

Shelf Number: 119971

Criminal Networks
Drug Cartels
Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: Leijonmarck, Erik

Title: The Role of Organized Crime and Drug Trafficking in Kyrgyzstan's Ethnic Crisis

Summary: On October 10, Kyrgyzstan held parliamentary elections. According to reports, the elections were surprisingly free and fair. Unfortunately, the problem of state criminalization remains. The new government will face a tough task when dealing with this problem. The conflict that erupted in June in southern Kyrgyzstan is generally seen as being driven by external factors, such as Islamic radicals exploiting socio-economic grievances and the extreme politicization of ethnicity and identity. Although these are important factors, the role of organized crime in the outbreak of ethnic conflict should not be overlooked. Behind the conflict lies the interplay between external and domestic factors as well as the link between regional/local organized crime and the corrupt family politics of former President Kurmanbek Bakiyev.

Details: Stockholm: Institute for Security & Development Policy, 2010. 3p.

Source: Internet Resoruce: Policy Brief, No. 39: Accessed November 1, 2010 at: http://www.isdp.eu/images/stories/isdp-main-pdf/2010_leijonmarck-asyrankulova_the-role-of-organized-crime.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Kyrgyzstan

URL: http://www.isdp.eu/images/stories/isdp-main-pdf/2010_leijonmarck-asyrankulova_the-role-of-organized-crime.pdf

Shelf Number: 120148

Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime
State Crime

Author: Raczkowski, Konrad

Title: Transnational Organized Crime: An Economic Security Threat in the Baltic Sea Region

Summary: At the beginning of the 21st century the world encountered a new type of threat, extraordinary both in scale and effect. Terrorist actions were unprecedented in their scale and have altered perceptions of global terrorism. An expansion of organized crime further fuelled by the worldwide economic crisis in 2007–08, triggered by the high risk U.S. mortgage loan market, were all factors in raising awareness of an uncertain and unpredictable future. The addition of catastrophic natural disasters in India, Thailand, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Pakistan , China1 as well as natural disasters on a more localized scale such as fires, flooding, technical breakdowns or effects of the ash cloud from the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajökull which in 2010 disrupted European and transcontinental air travel, may lead us to the assumption that our world is no longer a safe place. Meanwhile, pressure is mounting from related discussions for a redefinition of organized crime and penalizing actions on the fringes of legality which have a destructive impact on individuals or society as a whole. At this time of crisis it is particularly worthwhile to reflect over whether pushing many companies to the verge of bankruptcy while tightening criteria for loans affords new opportunities for embezzlement, money laundering and consequently legalizing capital coming from undisclosed sources of income. As set forth by the Italian President Giorgio Napolitano, there is a risk that mafia organizations will avail themselves of opportunities afforded by the current crisis, resulting in their taking control of companies under threat of bankruptcy, which will lead to their presence in all regions of the country. It seems necessary now, more than ever before, to reconstruct the financial system in the public sphere and also within individual households while supervising all the incoming assets, at both domestic and international levels. In most cases the impersonal nature of the financial market appear to have brought about irretrievable changes that significantly influenced the daily life and operations of many people, companies, institutions and states. If we add the fact that in Greece, among other countries, the data concerning the budget deficit presented to Brussels and potential purchasers of Greek debt were incorrect, the whole sequence of events following the disclosure of the scale of financial irregularities seen under the government ofKostas Karamanlis are hardly surprising. It is therefore key to address the threats to economic safety where moral and ethical standards fell apart and an undefined speculative capital from supranational capital groups ravaged investors on a large scale. For this reason it is relevant to consider the understanding of traditional criminal groups as well as attempting to answer whether consent to organized operations of financial groups in an incompletely specified system of international law may have features of organized crime and therefore may be seen as criminal. This report is an attempt to outline certain economic conditions which may determine speculative or criminal activity in this field. This factor seems to be crucial as most citizens of developed countries even do not entirely comprehend this mechanism and the reasons behind its efficiency. In this respect a significant part of this report is devoted to elucidate the foundation for contemporary economic conditions in the global system. The analysis is intended to make the reader aware of how far these conditions may determine organized criminal activity or contribute to forming organized activity of a culpable nature, constituting social harm of a scope permitted by law but nevertheless not negligible.

Details: Stockholm: Institute for Security and Development Policy, 2010. 71p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 2, 2010 at: http://www.isdp.eu/images/stories/isdp-main-pdf/2010_raczkowski_transnational-organized-crime.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.isdp.eu/images/stories/isdp-main-pdf/2010_raczkowski_transnational-organized-crime.pdf

Shelf Number: 120154

Economics and Crime
Financial Crimes
Organized Crime


Title: Study on Extortion Racketeering - The Need for an Instrument to Combat Activities of Organised Crime

Summary: This final report covers all the activities concerning the Study on “Extortion Racketeering – The need for an instrument to combat activities of Organised Crime” awarded to Transcrime by the European Commission. In continuity with the conclusions of the “Seminar on Counteraction of Extortion Racketeering” held in Frascati (Italy) on 8-10 March 2007 organised by the Italian Ministries of Justice and the Interior, within the framework of the AGIS programme, this study intends to assess the magnitude of the problem of extortion racketeering in the EU MS and if and how it should be tackled. There are two different types of extortion racketeering (systemic and casual) linked to three main variables: the organisational structure of the criminal crime group that engages in extortion racketeering; its strong presence at local territorial level; and the victim-offender relationship. These three variables are reciprocally related: the more the organised crime group focuses its activity on the local territory, being facilitated by its monopolistic position and hierarchical structure, the more it conducts criminal transactions with politicians and administrators, the more it infiltrates legitimate business, the more extortion becomes systemic (spreads and continues), and in becoming systemic provides more resources and closer control over the territory, the more criminals establish symbiotic relationship with the victims and the more the legitimate economy is infiltrated. Generally speaking, the more OC groups act at transnational level, and the more they develop network organisational structures the less they will be able to control systematically a territory, the less extortion they use and, when they do so, it is casual. This explains why EU MS have substantive differences in the presence of extortion. After pointing out similarities and differences in extortion racketeering among the EU MS (in the phenomenon and in the legislation and other practices), this study identifies the common elements that may help to increase the effectiveness of existing instruments, and it suggests recommendations that could be adopted at EU level and addressed to MS. To this end, this study: 1) frames the problem of extortion racketeering in the EU Agenda (Chapter 1); 2) outlines how extortion racketeering has developed in EU MS, the main forms of regulation of the phenomenon and the countermeasures (Chapter 2 and 3); 3) analyses the differing magnitude of the phenomenon across EU MS in light of the similarities and differences previously outlined, pointing out where the gaps are and where further action is needed (Chapter 4 and 5); 4) develops the index of relevance in the media in order to explain the social construction of the phenomeno in the EU Ms (Chapter 6); 5) summarizes the main findings (Chapter 7); and 6) identifies reccommendations (legislative and practices) which may be adopted at European and national level (Chapter 8).

Details: Trento, Italy: TRANSCRIME, 2010. 297p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 2, 2010 at: http://www.securitytransformation.org/images/documentos/420_Study_on_extortion_racketeering_Final_Report.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.securitytransformation.org/images/documentos/420_Study_on_extortion_racketeering_Final_Report.pdf

Shelf Number: 120162

Organized Crime

Author: Porobic, Jasmin

Title: Arms Availability and its Impact on Drug Trafficking: A Balkan Perspective

Summary: Large scale weapons stockpiling during contemporary Balkan wars left behind massive quantities of arms and other military equipment. The reaction of the international community to the outbreak of the wars was to establish an arms embargo, which had little effect, as the republics turned to the international black marketers and in a world-wide arms trading within organized crime groups from all over the world. Moreover, after the conflicts, disarmament processes were not efficient, leaving most of the arms beyond effective government control. Arms trafficking was closely tied with organized crime activities for their great profitability and existed in areas of armed conflict and where organized groups needed arms for own protection or violent activities. This environment led to the development of smuggling channels and reinforced the organized crime groups. Initially, channels were used to smuggle arms but also other scarce goods which led to strengthening of organized crime groups’ cooperation in fostering the black market. The conflicts (1991-1999) in the Former Yugoslavia provided ample opportunities for arms and drugs trafficking in unprecedented proportions. Unlike opposing legal structures, organized crime groups in the Balkans are multiethnic, transnational and well-integrated within its corresponding European criminal counterparts. Albanian, Bosnian, Croatian, Kosovar, Montenegrin and Serbian criminal groups work not only together but also with drug manufacturers from Asia and South America and European distributors. Today, Albania is among the leading countries in the world in processing opium, with widespread organized criminal groups in all former Yugoslav republics and throughout the world. During the conflicts, more often than not, proceeds from drug trafficking and distribution were used to buy the weaponry to arm certain belligerent groups. Recent police actions to combat organized criminal groups in virtually all cases indicate that arms smuggling is consistently linked to drugs trafficking. The police reports show that every police operation stepping up the fight against organized crime seizes large quantities of both drugs and arms as it goes ‘hand in hand’. Attempts of illegal cross-border trafficking of drugs and arms have been a common occurrence. Despite permanent police operations aimed at suppressing organized criminal activity this phenomenon is on the rise. For example, among numerous actions – within the scope of the region-wide police operation dubbed Network 2010, large quantities of narcotics and arms were seized at the Klobuk border crossing near Trebinje between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro. Some 155 kilograms of a potent strain of cannabis, ‘skunk’, and 276 rifles were found in a hidden compartment of a truck after a months-long, carefully planned operation. However, the fight against these types of organized crime activities is difficult in this region given the high rate of corruption and links between organized crime groups and high state officials. This policy paper therefore provides a general overview of trends and circumstances surrounding the most resilient sectors of organized crime – illicit drugs and arms – and comparatively assesses the efforts of governments in the Western Balkans in containing them. It further offers possible remedial solutions to the problem. An analysis of domestic and international academic literature, appropriate legislation and security agency materials, as well as deductive, comparative and descriptive were utilized in preparation of the policy paper. Data were gathered by using interrogative method and individual interviews of narrowed-down population of officials from various police agencies, judicial and customs institutions involved in small arms control and organized-crime investigative matters.

Details: Santiago, Chile: Global Consortium on Security Transformation, 2010.

Source: Internet Resource: Policy Brief Series, No. 13: Accessed November 2, 2010 at: http://www.securitytransformation.org/images/publicaciones/179_Policy_Brief_13_-_Arms_availability_and_its_impact_on_drug_trafficking._A_Balkan_perspective.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.securitytransformation.org/images/publicaciones/179_Policy_Brief_13_-_Arms_availability_and_its_impact_on_drug_trafficking._A_Balkan_perspective.pdf

Shelf Number: 120163

Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Weapons

Author: Trans-Border Institute, Joan B. Kroc School of Peace Studies, University of San Diego

Title: Drug Violence in Mexico: Data and Analysis from 2001-2009

Summary: Mexico closed the decade with an unprecedented level of violence, and a record number of drug-related killings in 2009. In light of the spectacular nature of this violence and the challenge it represents for the Mexican state, it raises serious concerns for the Mexican public, for policy makers, and for Mexico's neighboring countries. This report provides an overview of the trends found in available data on drug-related killings in Mexico, and offers some brief observations about the causes of violence and the effectiveness of recent efforts to combat organized crime.

Details: San Diego, CA: Trans-Border Institute, 2010. 15p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 3, 2010 at: http://www.wilsoncenter.org/topics/pubs/2010-Shirk-JMP-Drug_Violence.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Mexico

URL: http://www.wilsoncenter.org/topics/pubs/2010-Shirk-JMP-Drug_Violence.pdf

Shelf Number: 120171

Drug Trafficking
Drug-Related Violence
Organized Crime
Violence (Mexico)
Violent Crime

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. Regional Office Brazil

Title: Country Profile

Summary: The Federal Government Multi-year Plan (PPA), 2004-2007, entitled - A Brazil for All - laid out the country's vision for a more equitable, sustainable, and competitive Brazil. Equity is undermined by high crime rates, which affect the poor more deeply. Crime and violence in slum areas remain high and solutions remain elusive. The Government recognizes that crime and violence causes serious economic and social problems that need to be addressed along four broad lines of actions. First, over the long term, social progress at the macro level, with more and better income opportunities would help reduce crime. Second, in the near term, community-based approaches involving the local population and local governments have shown results. Third, urban upgrading programmes in slum areas can also be an entry point for community and cultural activities, micro-credit, and other opportunities. Fourth, improving performance of the police and judiciary will also help lower impunity and crime rates. In opinion polls and consultations, crime and violence are mentioned as one of the most pressing concerns facing Brazilians today. Crime prevention at the local level, combining elements of traditional responses with the targeting of risk factors - such as: easy access to firearms, drugs, and alcohol; high levels of school dropout and unemployment, family violence; and the media portraying violence - represent the emerging international consensus on combating crime and violence. The primary responsibility lies not only with the police, but also with municipalities, state governments and communities. Partnership at all levels needs to be actively engaged. It is important to point out that the average homicide rate of 23.8 per 100,000 inhabitants in Brazil does not provide a complete picture of the situation. This average does not reflect the inequalities that exist between areas in the cities where the middle to upper class population live and the tourists visit - where rates of 5 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants is prevalent while in slums, rates of 100 homicides and above are registered per 100,000 inhabitants. If we consider that, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), for every homicide at least 20 people get injured, the magnitude of the crime and violence in small and big cities acquires a serious dimension. From a gender perspective 82 per cent of the homicides are related to males, and the most affected age group is between 15-29 years old with high incidence in the Afro-Brazilian ethnic group. Unequal distribution of wealth among youth of the upper-middle- class (with the millions of young people living in slums) is a reflection of an unequal society. In this society, 1 per cent of the rich population receives 10 per cent of total national income and 50% of the poor population receives 10% of the national income. Crime prevention experts in Brazil agree that inequality and social exclusion, more than poverty, are the main causes of the involvement of youths in criminal activities. Sustainable development is undermined when crime goes unpunished, since it increases the - Custo Brazil, - (broadly defined as impediments and obstacles to Brazilian competitiveness). Crime depletes resources that could be used for education, health, public safety, generation of employment, etc. Criminal groups are now active in moneylaundering, theft of art and cultural objects, theft of intellectual property, illicit arms trafficking, insurance fraud, computer crime, environmental crime, trafficking in persons, illicit drug trafficking, fraudulent bankruptcy, infiltration of legal businesses, corruption and bribery of public or party officials, etc. These crimes, of a national and transnational nature, provide the criminal groups with most of their illicit money. The national dimension of the economic and social cost of crime has never been assessed. However, based on the sparse data available, it could represent 10 per cent of the Gross Domestic Product. Some of these crimes are white-collar crimes involving mostly middle to upper class, well educated professionals, who count on impunity and low risk of being sentenced for their crimes against the public treasury, financial institutions, etc. Over the last two years, the Brazilian Government has given priority to fighting white-collar crimes with some degree of success. Much remains to be done to recover stolen assets in Brazil and abroad as a measure to show that crime does not pay. Promotion of public ethics is also a work in progress. The success story of Brazil continues to be the control of HIV/AIDS. The mortality from AIDS is now limited to 6 cases in every 100,000 inhabitants. HIV among injecting drugs users has been reduced by half in the last 10 years. A similar national effort is required to control and reduce by half the homicide rate by the year 2015.

Details: Brasilia, Brazil: UNODC Regional Office Brazil, 2005. 48p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 4, 2010 at: http://www.unodc.org/pdf/brazil/COUNTRY%20PROFILE%20Eng.pdf

Year: 2005

Country: Brazil

URL: http://www.unodc.org/pdf/brazil/COUNTRY%20PROFILE%20Eng.pdf

Shelf Number: 120180

Crime (Brazil)
Criminal Violence
Organized Crime
Violent Crime

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Title: Model Law Against the Smuggling of Migrants

Summary: The Model Law against the Smuggling of Migrants was developed by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in response to a request by the General Assembly to the Secretary-General to promote and assist the efforts of Member States to become party to and implement the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and the Protocols thereto. It was developed in particular to assist States in implementing the provisions contained in the Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air, supplementing the Convention. The Model Law will both facilitate and help systematize the provision of legislative assistance by UNODC as well as facilitate the review and amendment of existing legislation and the adoption of new legislation by States. It is designed to be adapted to the needs of each State, whatever its legal tradition and social, economic, cultural and geographic conditions. The Model Law contains all the provisions that the Protocol requires or recommends that States introduce in their domestic legislation. The commentary to the Model Law indicates which provisions are mandatory and which are optional. That distinction is not made with regard to the general provisions (chapter I) and the definitions (article 3), as they are an integral part of the Model Law but are not mandated by the Protocol per se. Recommended provisions may also stem from other international instruments, including international human rights law, humanitarian law and refugee law. Whenever appropriate or necessary, options for the wording of the provision are suggested in order to reflect the differences between legal cultures. The commentary also indicates the source of the provision and, in some cases, supplies alternatives to the suggested text or examples of national legislation from various States (in an unofficial translation where necessary). Due regard is also given to the interpretative notes for the official records the implementation of the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, and the Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air, both supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime. The Government of Canada contributed to the organization of one of the expert group meetings.

Details: Vienna: United Nations, 2010. 108p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 4, 2010 at: http://www.unodc.org/documents/human-trafficking/Model_Law_Smuggling_of_Migrants_10-52715_Ebook.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: International

URL: http://www.unodc.org/documents/human-trafficking/Model_Law_Smuggling_of_Migrants_10-52715_Ebook.pdf

Shelf Number: 120189

Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: Kofoed, Julie Garfieldt

Title: Criminal Justice in the Netherlands Over Trade in Natural Resources Originating From Conflict Zones

Summary: Natural resources such as diamonds, timber, coltan, and other minerals are often extracted from developing countries by rebel groups; and the resources are subsequently exported to developed countries as private goods. There is evidence that the presence of valuable natural resources increases the likelihood of armed conflict; and it is widely acknowledged that the sale of these natural resources is often used to fund an prolong armed conflicts. Once sold, these natural resources regularly enter developed countries, including the Netherlands, as a final destination or a transit point, whereupon they are sold and used as if they were legitimately obtained goods. Given that the countries of origin are often unable to exercise effective control over the illicit extraction and trade in resources on their territory, the IES has advocated that developed importing or transit countries take steps to block access to their national markets by criminalizing trade in resources that originate from conflict zones and that are illicitly extracted and sold. It is hoped that the prevention of access to the external market will diminish the money flow which fuels armed conflicts. It is expected that without the ability to export the illicitly obtained resources to external markets, the most important money flows that underlie or fund the continuation of armed conflict will soon dry up.

Details: The Hague: Institute for Environmental Security, Amsterdam International Law Clinic and Bronkhorst International Law Services, 2008. 64p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 8, 2010 at: http://www.envirosecurity.org/pathfinder/Criminal_Jurisdiction.pdf

Year: 2008

Country: Netherlands

URL: http://www.envirosecurity.org/pathfinder/Criminal_Jurisdiction.pdf

Shelf Number: 120262

Illegal Trade
Natural Resources
Offenses Against the Environment
Organized Crime
Wildlife Crimes

Author: U.S. Department of Justice. Office of the Inspector General. Evaluation and Inspections Division

Title: Review of ATF's Project Gunrunner

Summary: This review by the Department of Justice (Department) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) examined the impact of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ (ATF) implementation of Project Gunrunner on the illicit trafficking of guns from the United States to Mexico. Violence associated with organized crime and drug trafficking in Mexico is widespread, resulting in tens of thousands of deaths. In part because Mexican law severely restricts gun ownership, drug traffickers have turned to the United States as a primary source of weapons, and these drug traffickers routinely smuggle guns from the United States into Mexico. The criminal organizations responsible for smuggling guns to Mexico are typically also involved in other criminal enterprises, such as drug trafficking, human trafficking, and cash smuggling. This requires ATF to work with other federal entities, as well as with state and local law enforcement partners, in sharing intelligence, coordinating law enforcement activities, and building cases that can be prosecuted. To help combat firearms trafficking into Mexico, ATF began Project Gunrunner as a pilot project in Laredo, Texas, in 2005 and expanded it as a national initiative in 2006. Project Gunrunner is also part of the Department’s broader Southwest Border Initiative, which seeks to reduce cross-border drug and firearms trafficking and the high level of violence associated with these activities on both sides of the border. In June 2007, ATF published a strategy document, Southwest Border Initiative: Project Gunrunner (Gunrunner strategy), outlining four key components to Project Gunrunner: the expansion of gun tracing in Mexico, international coordination, domestic activities, and intelligence. In implementing Project Gunrunner, ATF has focused resources in its four Southwest border field divisions. In addition, ATF has made firearms trafficking to Mexico a top ATF priority nationwide. The OIG conducted this review to evaluate the effectiveness of ATF’s implementation of Project Gunrunner. Our review examined ATF’s enforcement and regulatory programs related to the Southwest border and Mexico, ATF’s effectiveness in developing and sharing firearms trafficking intelligence and information, the number and prosecutorial outcomes of ATF’s Project Gunrunner investigations, ATF’s coordination with U.S. and Mexican law enforcement partners, ATF’s traces of Mexican “crime guns,” and challenges that ATF faces in coordinating efforts to combat firearms trafficking with Mexico.

Details: Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of the Inspector General, 2010. 138p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 10, 2010 at: http://www.justice.gov/oig/reports/ATF/e1101.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: United States

URL: http://www.justice.gov/oig/reports/ATF/e1101.pdf

Shelf Number: 120279

Drug Trafficking
Gun Violence
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Weapons

Author: Arky, Aaron S.

Title: Trading Nets for Guns: The Impact of Illegal Fishing on Piracy in Somalia

Summary: Somali piracy reached a record high level in 2008, with 111 of the 293 worldwide attacks occurring in the waters surrounding Somalia. The incidence of piracy in Somali waters almost doubled in 2009, and the Somali share of total piracy attacks worldwide increased from under 40% to over 50%. Often overlooked is the initial upsurge in piracy, following the Indian Ocean tsunami in December 2004, which contributed to a sharp increase in piracy in 2005 and again in 2008. This thesis addresses why this initial surge occurred when it did. This increase can be attributed to the transformation of the pirate business model from fishermen who started to defend themselves, to the organized crime that displaced them in 2004 due to the opportunistic behavior of warlords. A convergence of factors contributing to the conditions at the time of the tsunami had short-term effects in 2005 that were enough to provide a boost to the already increasing business model of piracy.

Details: Monterey, CA: Naval Postgraduate School, 2010. 41p.

Source: Internet Resource: Thesis: Accessed December 2, 2010 at: http://www.hsdl.org/?view&doc=131926&coll=limited

Year: 2010

Country: International

URL: http://www.hsdl.org/?view&doc=131926&coll=limited

Shelf Number: 120362

Illegal Fishing
Maritime Crime
Offenses Against the Environment
Organized Crime
Wildlife Crime

Author: Cernik, Jan

Title: Pilot Research of the Environment of Trafficking in Human Beings on the Territory of the Czech Republic (December 2004 - February 2005)

Summary: This report examines the issue of human trafficking in the Czech Republic, with an emphasis on the involvement of organized crime groups.

Details: Prague: International Organization for Migration, 2005. 134p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed December 7, 2010 at: http://www.iom.hu/PDFs/Pilot%20Research%20on%20the%20Environment%20of%20THB%20in%20Czech%20Rep.pdf

Year: 2005

Country: Czech Republic

URL: http://www.iom.hu/PDFs/Pilot%20Research%20on%20the%20Environment%20of%20THB%20in%20Czech%20Rep.pdf

Shelf Number: 113435

Human Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: Nair, P.M.

Title: Trafficking Women and Children for Sexual Exploitation: Handbook for Law Enforcement Agencies in India

Summary: "Irrefutable is the fact that trafficking of women and children is a grave violation of Human Rights and one of the most serious organized crimes of the day, transcending cultures, geography and time. The response by the agencies concerned in addressing the issues has been far from satisfactory, which has exacerbated the violations and harm to the trafficked persons. No wonder, the vulnerable sections have become more prone to trafficking. The spate of incidents reported from different parts of the country, where thousands of children remain untraced, is a symptom of the serious dimension of trafficking. In order to address this issue, there is a need for empowering the Law Enforcement agencies, i.e., police, prosecutors, judiciary, correctional administrators, development administrators as well as the social activists and the media so that they are fully empowered with knowledge, skills and appropriate attitude. This hand book, carefully drafted after stupendous efforts by Dr P.M.Nair, is an outstanding contribution in empowering each one in addressing human trafficking from a human rights perspective."

Details: New Delhi: UNIFEM; UNODC, 2007. 74p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed December 8, 2010 at: http://ru.unrol.org/files/Handbook_for_Law_Enforcement_Agencies_in_India[1].pdf

Year: 2007

Country: India

URL: http://ru.unrol.org/files/Handbook_for_Law_Enforcement_Agencies_in_India[1].pdf

Shelf Number: 119120

Human Rights
Human Trafficking (India)
Organized Crime
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Jamaicans for Justice

Title: For Want of a Nail: Jamaicans For Justice (JFJ) Submission to The Jamaican Justice System Reform Initiative February 28, 2007

Summary: Violent and organised crime threatens to overwhelm our beautiful island nation and our current justice system is weak, dysfunctional and no match for the tasks it faces. Few would argue that the Jamaican justice system isn’t in a state of crisis. The Jamaican Justice System Reform initiative has laudable goals which Jamaicans for Justice (JFJ) supports: a modern justice system that is efficient, accessible, accountable, fair and able to deliver timely results in a cost-effective manner. None-the-less, there have been many excellent studies and proposed reforms that came before this initiative and they have, inevitably, failed to be implemented. Jamaicans For Justice sincerely hopes the insights, recommendations and strategies resulting from this initiative will appropriately address the issues and, further, actually receive the political will and support necessary for change. JFJ believes that as we address unfairness and inaccuracy in the criminal justice system we must do so with a holistic approach. Police and court reform must take place in juxtaposition to be successful and to result in ensuring that even the most vulnerable in our society can access justice and be guaranteed fair and equal treatment. Since its inception in 1999, JFJ has accumulated a considerable amount of data relating to the justice system, including information on issues regarding arrest and detention, access to legal aid, the performance of investigative bodies, and the functioning of the courts. We have witnessed far too many grave injustices and inordinate delays endured by Jamaicans in their quests for justice. It is unacceptable. Jamaicans have lost faith in the system of justice in their country, if indeed they ever had it, and they so desperately want and need to have that faith. We are committed to creating a justice system that will serve all Jamaicans equally and fairly and thereby establish or regain their confidence. We hope that the data and recommendations we present in this submission will assist the nation in moving forward in the right direction: towards a justice system that will bring peace to Jamaica by adherence to the rule of law and to human rights as set out in the Jamaican Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Details: Kingston: Jamaicans For Justice, 2007. 36p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed December 13, 2010 at: http://www.jamaicansforjustice.org/docs/080609195FJ.pdf

Year: 2007

Country: Jamaica

URL: http://www.jamaicansforjustice.org/docs/080609195FJ.pdf

Shelf Number: 120485

Criminal Justice Systems (Jamaica)
Organized Crime
Violent Crime

Author: Matei, Florina Cristiana

Title: Combating Terrorism and Organized Crime: South Eastern Europe Collective Approaches

Summary: The end of the Cold War triggered an inexorable bloom of democracy and freedom in a multifarious and perilous security environment. Post-Cold War security challenges and threats no longer come from organized, hierarchical state actors, but rather from non-state, easily adaptable, network-centric groups and organizations (such as terrorist, organized crime (OC), money laundering and human trafficking groups), which have progressively succeeded in altering the traditional geographic borders between countries, as well as between domestic and foreign threats. The breakup of Yugoslavia in the early 1990s and the terrorist attacks in the US (2001), Turkey (2003), Spain (2004) and London (2005), etc. have clearly illustrated how instability and war involving failing states, on the one hand, or specific ideologies and religious convictions of small groups of people (yet very well prepared and organized), on the other hand, can impact the peace and security of an entire region or continent. These developments have prompted governments and nations to investigate the dynamics of networked decision-making and adopt a more network-like behavior in order to better understand and tackle terrorism and organized crime networks. In addition, nations have deepened cooperation with countries with common and shared security goals by establishing “interagency cooperation” tools and mechanisms, developing and consolidating “partnerships”, and joining various “collective/cooperative security” organizations and alliances. South Eastern Europe (SEE) is no stranger to terrorism and organized crime. These menaces, along with poverty, political instability, corruption, isolation of minorities, pandemic disease, natural disasters and others, shape the spectrum of security threats to the South Eastern European region. In their search for effective responses, nations have gradually developed an array of bilateral, subregional and regional cooperation mechanisms and/or joined existing international cooperative organizations and alliances. One question remains: with all these instruments in place, has SEE shifted from the “Powder Keg of Europe” to a stable, terrorism- and organized crime-free region? This paper investigates South Eastern Europe’s developments with regard to combating terrorism and organized crime cooperation.

Details: Athens, Greece: Research Institute for European and American Studies (RIEAS), 2009. 21p.

Source: Internet Resource: Research Paper No. 133: Accessed December 17, 2010 at: http://www.rieas.gr/images/rieas133.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.rieas.gr/images/rieas133.pdf

Shelf Number: 120540

Organized Crime

Author: Nomikos, John M.

Title: Illegal Immigration and Organized Crime in Greece

Summary: During the 1990’s the immigration problem in Greece started to have explosive dimensions due to political and economic developments in South-East Europe, but also due to the continuous conflicts in the Middle East and North Africa. An important factor which played an important role in shaping these developments was the collapse of Alia’s regime in Albania (1991) and the subsequent flow of illegal immigrants from Albania into Greece and also from other Balkan countries (Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, FYROM) due to the political unrest that took place in the Balkans during that period. In Greece, immigration policy is facing the same inflexibility which does not solve the problem but rather functions in a fragmentary way and does not constitute a substantial effort in solving the problem. Dealing with illegal immigration as a national security threat is a strategic option and it is absolutely necessary the formation of an immigration policy which will prevent the flow of illegal immigrants and give directions in regard to the integration of the legal immigrants in Greek society in coordination with the European Immigration Policy which will be formed by the European Commission. Greece has to form and implement a long term immigration policy which will include efficient mechanisms of internal and external control (cooperation of Ministries of Employment, Interior, National Defense, Foreign Affairs, Public Health and Mercantile Marine) in cooperation with our European Union partners and non- European Union states like Turkey, where the bigger number of illegal immigrants are flowing to Greece. This article has three sections. The first section is referring to the institutional framework in Greece and the observations in regard to the implementation or not of this framework in order to handle in a more efficient way the immigration problem. The second section is describing the causes of the flow of illegal immigrants in Greece and the repercussions on national security. Finally, the third section is referring to the latest developments in European Union immigration policies and the role of Immigration Liaison Officers (ILO) in facing illegal immigration. Liaison Officers (ILO) are serving in the immigration offices of the European Union Member States and they try to coordinate and implement national immigration policies into a common European Immigration Policy.

Details: Athens, Greece: Research Institute for European and American Studies, 2010. 20p.

Source: Internet Resource: Research Paper No. 144: Accessed December 17, 2010 at: http://www.rieas.gr/images/rieas144.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Greece

URL: http://www.rieas.gr/images/rieas144.pdf

Shelf Number: 120541

Illegal Aliens
Illegal Immigration
Immigrants (Greece)
Organized Crime

Author: Peters, Gretchen

Title: Crime and Insurgency in the Tribal Areas of Afghanistan and Pakistan

Summary: Insurgent and terror groups operating in the tribal areas of Afghanistan and Pakistan are deepening their involvement in organized crime, an aspect of the conflict that at once presents enormous challenges and also potential opportunities for Coalition forces trying to implement a population‐centric counterinsurgency (COIN) strategy. Within a realm of poor governance and widespread state corruption, anti‐state actors engage in and protect organized crime—mainly smuggling, extortion and kidnapping—both to raise funds and also to spread fear and insecurity, thus slowing the pace of development and frustrating attempts to extend the rule of law and establish a sustainable licit economy. Militant groups on either side of the frontier function like a broad network of criminal gangs, not just in terms of the activities in which they engage, but also in the way they are organized, how funds flow through their command chains and how they interact—and sometimes fight — with each other. There is no doubt that militant groups have capitalized on certain public grievances, yet their ties to criminal profiteering, along with the growing number of civilian casualties they cause on both sides of the frontier, have simultaneously contributed to a widening sense of anger and frustration among local communities. Through a series of focused and short anecdotal case studies, this paper aims to map out how key groups engage in criminal activity in strategic areas, track how involvement in illicit activity is deepening or changing and illustrate how insurgent and terror groups impose themselves on local communities as they spread to new territory. It is hoped that a closer examination of this phenomenon will reveal opportunities for disrupting the problem, as well as illustrate how Coalition forces, the international community and moderate Muslim leaders might capitalize on an untapped public relations opportunity by better protecting local communities who are the main victims of it.

Details: West Point, NY: Combating Terrorism Center at West Point, 2010. 98p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed December 20, 2010 at: http://www.humansecuritygateway.com/documents/CTC_CrimeandInsurgencyintheTribalAreasofAfghanistanandPakistan.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Afghanistan

URL: http://www.humansecuritygateway.com/documents/CTC_CrimeandInsurgencyintheTribalAreasofAfghanistanandPakistan.pdf

Shelf Number: 120547

Organized Crime
Terrorism (Afghanistan, Pakistan)

Author: Banks, Debbie

Title: Skinning the Cat: Crime and Politics of the Big Cat Skin Trade

Summary: The illegal trade in poached skins between India, Nepal and China is the most significant immediate threat to the continued existence of the tiger in the wild. While the importance of the problem has been recognised and plenty of information is already available, the lucrative illegal trade continues.

Details: London: Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA UK); New Delhi: WPSI India, 2006. 25p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 3, 2011 at: http://www.eia-international.org/cgi/reports/reports.cgi?t=template&a=129

Year: 2006

Country: India

URL: http://www.eia-international.org/cgi/reports/reports.cgi?t=template&a=129

Shelf Number: 120692

Illegal Trade
Organized Crime
Wild Animal Trade
Wildlife Crimes

Author: United Nations. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

Title: Recommended Principles and Guidelines on Human Rights and Human Trafficking

Summary: Over the past decade, human trafficking has moved from the margins to the mainstream of international concern. During this period we have witnessed the rapid development of a comprehensive legal framework that comprises international and regional treaties, as well as a broad range of soft-law instruments relating to trafficking. These changes confirm that a fundamental shift has taken place in how the international community thinks about human exploitation. It also confirms a change in our expectations of what Governments and others should be doing to deal with trafficking and to prevent it. On a very practical level, a human rights-based approach to trafficking requires an acknowledgement that trafficking is, first and foremost, a violation of human rights. Trafficking and the practices with which it is associated, including slavery, sexual exploitation, child labour, forced labour, debt bondage and forced marriage, are themselves violations of the basic human rights to which all persons are entitled. Trafficking disproportionately affects those whose rights may already be seriously compromised, including women, children, migrants, refugees and persons with disabilities. A human rights approach to trafficking also demands that we acknowledge the responsibility of Governments to protect and promote the rights of all persons within their jurisdiction, including non-citizens. This responsibility translates into a legal obligation on Governments to work towards eliminating trafficking and related exploitation. A human rights approach to trafficking means that all those involved in anti-trafficking efforts should integrate human rights into their analysis of the problem and into their responses. This approach requires us to consider, at each and every stage, the impact that a law, policy, practice or measure may have on persons who have been trafficked and persons who are vulnerable to being trafficked. It means rejecting responses that compromise rights and freedoms. This is the only way to retain a focus on the trafficked persons: to ensure that trafficking is not simply reduced to a problem of migration, a problem of public order or a problem of organized crime.

Details: New York and Geneva: United Nations, 2010. 255p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 8, 2011 at: http://www.ohchr.org/Documents/Publications/Commentary_Human_Trafficking_en.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: International

URL: http://www.ohchr.org/Documents/Publications/Commentary_Human_Trafficking_en.pdf

Shelf Number: 120718

Child Labor
Forced Labor
Forced Marriage
Human Rights
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Beittel, June S.

Title: Mexico's Drug Trafficking Organizations: Source and Scope of the Rising Violence

Summary: In Mexico, the violence generated by drug trafficking organizations (DTOs) in recent years has been, according to some, unprecedented. In 2006, Mexico’s newly elected President Felipe Calderón launched an aggressive campaign — an initiative that has defined his administration — against the DTOs that has been met with a violent response from the DTOs. Government enforcement efforts have had successes in removing some of the key leaders in all of the seven major DTOs. However, these efforts have led to violent succession struggles within the DTOs themselves. In July 2010, the Mexican government announced that more than 28,000 people had been killed in drug trafficking-related violence since December 2006 when President Calderón came to office. Although violence has been an inherent feature of the trade in illicit drugs, the character of the drug trafficking-related violence in Mexico seems to have changed recently, now exhibiting increasing brutality. In the first ten months of 2010, an alarming number of Mexican public servants have been killed allegedly by the DTOs, including 12 Mexican mayors and in July, a gubernatorial candidate. The massacres of young people and migrants, the killing and disappearance of Mexican journalists, the use of torture, and the phenomena of car bombs have received wide media coverage and have led some analysts to question if the violence has been transformed into something new, beyond the typical violence that has characterized the trade. For instance, some observers have raised the concern that the Mexican DTOs may be acting more like domestic terrorists. Others maintain that the DTOs are transnational organized crime organizations at times using terrorist tactics. Still others believe the DTOs may be similar to insurgents attempting to infiltrate the Mexican state by penetrating the government and police. The growing security crisis in Mexico including the March 13, 2010, killing of three individuals connected to the U.S. consulate in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, (two of the victims were U.S. citizens) has drawn the attention of the U.S. Congress and has raised concerns about the stability of a strategic partner and neighbor. Congress is also concerned about the possibility of “spillover” violence along the U.S. border and further inland. The 111th Congress held more than 20 hearings dealing with the violence in Mexico, U.S. foreign assistance, and border security issues. The 112th Congress is likely to be interested in progress made by the Calderón government in quelling the violence and asserting its authority in DTO strongholds, and in the implications for the United States. Members are also likely to continue to conduct close oversight of U.S.-Mexico security cooperation and other related bilateral issues. This report provides background on drug trafficking in Mexico, identifies the major drug trafficking organizations operating today, and analyzes the context, scope, and scale of the violence. It examines current trends of the violence, analyzes prospects for curbing violence in the future, and compares it with violence in Colombia.

Details: Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service, 2011. 27p.

Source: Internet Resource: CRS Report No. 7-5700: Accessed February 8, 2011 at: http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/row/R41576.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Mexico

URL: http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/row/R41576.pdf

Shelf Number: 120722

Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: Blickman, Tom

Title: Countering Illicit and Unregulated Money Flows: Money Laundering, Tax Evasion and Financial Regulation

Summary: In July 1989, the leaders of the economic powers assembled at the G7 Paris summit decided to establish a Financial Action Task Force (FATF) to counter money laundering as an effective strategy against drug trafficking by criminal ‘cartels’. Here began an international anti-money laundering (AML) regime. Since then it has expanded its scope to fight transnational organized crime and counter the financing of terrorism. During that time other illicit or unregulated money flows have appeared on the international agenda as well. Today, tax evasion and avoidance, flight capital, transfer pricing and mispricing, and the proceeds of grand corruption are seen as perhaps more detrimental obstacles to good governance and the stability and integrity of the financial system. Other international bodies were tasked to tackle these ‘public bads’. Tackling tax evasion is still in its infancy, and there is a growing awareness that the AML regime is not working as well as intended. Experts still ponder how to implement one that works. Tax havens and offshore financial centres (OFCs) were identified as facilitating these unregulated and illicit money flows. The 2007-2008 credit crisis made only too clear the major systemic risk for all global finance posed by the secrecy provided by tax havens and OFCs. They were used to circumvent prudential regulatory requirements for banks and other financial institutions and hide substantial risks from onshore regulators. After twenty years of failed efforts, the G20 (having supplanted the G7) has again pledged to bring illicit and harmful unregulated money flows under control. This briefing looks at previous attempts to do so and the difficulties encountered along the way. Can the G20 succeed or is it merely following the same path that led to inadequate measures? What are the lessons to be learned and are bolder initiatives required? In brief, the paper concludes that current initiatives have reached their sale-by date and that a bolder initiative is required at the UN level, moving from recommendations to obligations, and fully engaging developing nations, at present left out in the current ‘club’-oriented process.

Details: Amsterdam: Transnational Institute, 2009. 39p.

Source: Internet Resource: Crime and Globalisation Debate Papers: Accessed February 10, 2011 at: http://www.idpc.net/sites/default/files/library/Countering%20illicit%20and%20unregulated%20money%20flows.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: International

URL: http://www.idpc.net/sites/default/files/library/Countering%20illicit%20and%20unregulated%20money%20flows.pdf

Shelf Number: 118152

Financial Crimes
Money Laundering
Organized Crime
Tax Evasion

Author: Rios, Viridiana

Title: Drug Violence in Mexico: Data and Analysis Through 2010

Summary: Since the 1990s, Mexico has experienced a persistent public security crisis involving high rates of violent crime and increased violence among organized crime syndicates involved in drug trafficking and other illicit activities. In recent years, this violence has become so severe that officials in Mexico and the United States have expressed uncertainty about the Mexican state's ability to withstand the effects of this violence. Indeed, 2010 was the worst year on record for such violence, and was marked a sharp increase in politically targeted violence that included numerous assassinations and kidnappings of public officials. Until recently, there has been little detailed data or analysis available to gauge Mexico's drug related violence. Until January 2011, the Mexican government released only sporadic and unsystematic data on drug violence, and tracking by media sources produced widely varying estimates. In the absence of reliable information, sensationalistic reporting and government statements contributed to considerable confusion and hyperbole about the nature of Mexico's current security crisis. Fortunately, in recent months, greater public scrutiny and pressure on Mexican authorities resulted in a wealth of new data on Mexico's drug violence. This report builds on previous research by the Trans-Border Institute's Justice in Mexico Project (www.justiceinmexico.org), compiling much of this new data and analysis to provide a more complete picture of Mexico's drug war and the challenges it presents to both Mexico and the United States.

Details: San Diego: Trans-Border Institute, Joan B. Kroc School of Peace Studies, University of San Diego, 2011. 22p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 11, 2011 at: http://justiceinmexico.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/2011-tbi-drugviolence2.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Mexico

URL: http://justiceinmexico.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/2011-tbi-drugviolence2.pdf

Shelf Number: 120749

Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime
Violent Crime (Mexico)

Author: Friesendorf, Cornelius, ed.

Title: Strategies Against Human Trafficking: The Role of the Security Sector

Summary: Security sector personnel are well-placed to assist in the fight against human trafficking: by identifying victims; investigating networks; disrupting operations; and prosecuting traffickers. Moreover, trafficking, like many crimes, flourishes where the rule of law is weak, such as in post-conflict situations. Restoring security based on the rule of law can reduce vulnerability to human trafficking and other types of organised crime. Strategies Against Human Trafficking: The Role of the Security Sector provides practical guidance on how practitioners in the security sector can take measures against modern-day slavery.

Details: Vienna and Geneva: National Defence Academy and Australian Ministry of Defence and Sports, 2009. 514p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 16, 2011 at: http://www.acrath.org.au/multimedia/downld/var/Strategies_Against_Human_Trafficiking-The_Role_of_the_Security_Sector_Vienna&Geneva_Sep2009.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: International

URL: http://www.acrath.org.au/multimedia/downld/var/Strategies_Against_Human_Trafficiking-The_Role_of_the_Security_Sector_Vienna&Geneva_Sep2009.pdf

Shelf Number: 120807

Border Security
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime
Security Personnel

Author: Snyder, Neil N.

Title: Disrupting Illicit Small Arms Trafficking in the Middle East

Summary: "The illicit trade in small arms and light weapons delivers a global supply of weapons and ammunition to the demand of rogue state and non-state actors. While arms do not create conflict, they increase the intensity of violent conflict. The illicit trafficking of small arms contributes to irregular conflicts in the Middle East, a region of persistent conflict and instability. The international community has attempted to regulate the global supply of small arms through non-binding agreement and embargoes, but these efforts have been ineffective in achieving the goal of preventing the flow of weapons to criminal organizations, terrorists, and other de-stabilizing non-state actors. This thesis systematically examines the illicit small arms trade to identify points of vulnerability. This study identifies a strategy to disrupt the flow of arms to specific groups or states by countering arms brokers and the networks of actors that brokers coordinate."

Details: Monterey, CA: Naval Postgraduate School, 2008. 87p.

Source: Internet Resource: Thesis: Accessed February 17, 2011 at: https://www.hsdl.org/?view&doc=107048&coll=limited

Year: 2008

Country: International

URL: https://www.hsdl.org/?view&doc=107048&coll=limited

Shelf Number: 120811

Arms Trafficking (Middle East)
Illicit Trade
Organized Crime

Author: Finlay, Brian D.

Title: Counterfeit Drugs and National Security

Summary: The deadly implications of counterfeit drugs are well understood to be a central challenge to the integrity of public health systems around the globe, as well as a direct threat to our individual health and welfare. What is less understood is that the profits from this sinister crime are increasingly being co-opted by an array of organized criminal groups and terrorist entities as a means by which to fund their nefarious operations around the world. As such, counterfeit pharmaceuticals pose a direct threat to national and international security. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), counterfeit drugs could make up as much as half of the global pharmaceutical market, with the largest share of fake products circulating in the developing world where regulation and enforcement capacity is comparatively weak. Though the basis of this estimate is unclear, the figure is especially alarming given the narrow definition of “counterfeit” used by the agency. However, it is clear that counterfeit pharmaceuticals remain one of the world’s fastest growing industries. Recent trends suggest a massive increase in counterfeit drug sales to over $70 billion globally in 2010. This is an increase of more than 90 percent from 2005. Although the counterfeiting of, and trafficking in, all manner of products is on the rise globally — including currency, documents, software, and electronics — no other bogus product has the capacity to harm or even kill its consumer as do illicit pharmaceuticals. Additionally, most other counterfeits are not quite as lucrative. According to a recent report on counterfeit drugs by the global pharmaceutical firm Pfizer, profits from counterfeiting today surpass gains made from heroin and cocaine. These alarming rates of growth are, in part, a result of the growing size and sophistication of drug counterfeiting rings, and the widening involvement of organized transnational criminals and even international terrorist groups looking to fund their illegal and unrelated activities worldwide. Indeed, not only have groups such as the Russian mafia, Colombian drug cartels, Chinese triads, and Mexican drug gangs all become heavily involved in producing and trafficking counterfeit drugs over the past decade, but mounting evidence also points to the direct involvement of Hezbollah and al Qaeda. With increased opportunity to make gains from the pharmaceutical counterfeit industry, nefarious actors are likely to pay even more attention to it in the future. As such, the problem is not only a public health hazard of highest magnitude; it is also a national and international security threat.

Details: Washington, DC: The Stimson Center, 2011. 16p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 28, 2011 at: http://www.stimson.org/images/uploads/research-pdfs/Full_-_Counterfeit_Drugs_and_National_Security.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: International

URL: http://www.stimson.org/images/uploads/research-pdfs/Full_-_Counterfeit_Drugs_and_National_Security.pdf

Shelf Number: 120881

Counterfeit Drugs
Counterfeit Pharmaceuticals
Organized Crime
Terrorist Financing

Author: Dugard, Jackie

Title: From Low Intensity War to Mafia War: Taxi Violence in South Africa (1987 - 2000)

Summary: This report presents the results of a case study of South Africa's 'taxi wars', a series of violent conflicts that have marked the largely black-owned and black-operated minibus taxi industry since its deregulation in 1987. Prior to 1994, these taxi wars were relatively few in number and were predominantly linked to state-orchestrated violence. Since then, however, taxi violence has become more widespread, decentralised and criminal in character. Behind this shift are changes in the organisation of the taxi industry that broadly reflect the evolving relationship between state and society in post-apartheid South Africa. This report sets out an historical overview of the taxi phenomenon during the period 1987-2000. It focuses on the development of the taxi industry and its associated violence in the late-apartheid era, up to the present day. Case material is drawn from an in-depth longitudinal study of taxi violence in the Cape Peninsula area, but the research findings reflect taxi violence more generally. The generalised findings can be summarised as follows: • Taxi violence has its roots in the policies of deregulation and destabilisation pursued by the apartheid regime during the late 1980s and early 1990s. • As the state's control over the economy and society has weakened in the course of South Africa's transition, taxi associations have developed as informal agents of regulation, protection and extortion. • Violent taxi associations called 'mother bodies' have been allowed to develop and expand virtually unchecked by the authorities. These organisations are behind most of the violence that has come to be associated with the industry. Mother bodies have used their considerable firepower and weight to resist recent government attempts to re-regulate the taxi industry and they are symptomatic of more generalised rising levels of organised crime in post-apartheid South Africa. • Official corruption and collusion are major factors contributing to the continuation of taxi violence. In particular, the ownership of taxis by police and other government personnel directly aids criminality in the industry and exacerbates attempts to resolve the violence. Beyond providing an historical overview of the genesis of, and reasons for, taxi violence, this report also details the latest developments in the government's ongoing attempt to curb taxi violence; namely its plans to restructure the industry in terms of a recapitalisation programme that envisages replacing the existing taxi fleet of 16-seater vehicles with new, yet-to-be manufactured 18- and 35-seater vehicles, and which discusses the potential impact of such developments in this volatile yet necessary sector.

Details: Johannesburg, South Africa: Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation, 2001. 46p.

Source: Internet Resource: Violence and Transitions Series, Vol. 4: Accessed March 16, 2011 at: http://www.csvr.org.za/docs/taxiviolence/fromlowintensity.pdf

Year: 2001

Country: South Africa

URL: http://www.csvr.org.za/docs/taxiviolence/fromlowintensity.pdf

Shelf Number: 121023

Organized Crime
Taxi Violence (South Africa)
Violent Crime

Author: Dixon, Bill

Title: Gangs, Pagad & the State: Vigilantism and Revenge Violence in the Western Cape

Summary: The report begins by setting popular activism against gangsterism and drugs in the historical and social context of the Western Cape. It goes on to provide a short history of People Against Gangsterism and Drugs (Pagad) - as seen through the eyes of the media - since its formation in December 1995. The main body of the report is devoted to the accounts of Pagad's origins, development and current status provided by the nine people interviewed for the research: two senior police intelligence officials, two former gangsters, a prominent member of Pagad, two seasoned observers of the organisation and two anticrime activists with an intimate knowledge of Pagad and recent developments in the Western Cape. What emerges from these competing narratives is an extremely complex picture. Defining moments - the death of Hard Livings gang leader Rashaad Staggie in August 1996, the failure of successive rounds of peace negotiations between representatives of Pagad and the security services, a 'shoot-out' in the Tafelsig area of Mitchells Plain in May last year between police and armed 'vigilantes'- are subject to vastly different interpretations. The concluding sections of the report try to make some sense of the events of the last five years. They trace the origins of gang and vigilante violence in the Western Cape and provide an analysis of Pagad's formation, its development and the evolution of the state's response to it, first as a popular movement, then as a 'vigilante group' and now as an 'urban terror' organisation. The report ends with an assessment of the prospects for reconciliation between Pagad, the State and the gangs and an end to organised violence in the Western Cape.

Details: Johannesburg, South Africa: Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation, 2001. 71p.

Source: Internet Resource: Violence and Transition Series, Vol. 2: Accessed March 16, 2011 at: http://www.csvr.org.za/docs/gangs/gangspagadstate.pdf

Year: 2001

Country: South Africa

URL: http://www.csvr.org.za/docs/gangs/gangspagadstate.pdf

Shelf Number: 121024

Organized Crime
Vigilantism (South Africa)

Author: International Peace Institute

Title: Transnational Organized Crime: Task Forces on Strengthening Multilateral Security Capacity

Summary: The paper highlights how states and international organizations so far have largely failed to anticipate the evolution of transnational organized crime (TOC) into a strategic threat to governments, societies, and economies. At the international level, a largely outdated understanding of TOC does not adequately contemplate the strategic impact of TOC, and commonly fails to ensure that international efforts are not working at cross-purposes. The Blue Paper lays out recommendations on how to 1) improve information sharing; 2) develop international investigative, policing, and prosecutorial tools; and 3) integrate strategic decision making into international peace efforts and international crime fighting.

Details: New York: International Peace Institute, 2009. 54p.

Source: Internet Resource: IPI Blue Papers, No. 2: Accessed March 16, 2011 at: http://www.ipacademy.org/publication/policy-papers/detail/83-transnational-organized-crime-ipi-blue-paper-no-2.html

Year: 2009

Country: International

URL: http://www.ipacademy.org/publication/policy-papers/detail/83-transnational-organized-crime-ipi-blue-paper-no-2.html

Shelf Number: 121029

Organized Crime
Transnational Crime

Author: Cockayne, James

Title: Peace Operations and Organised Crime

Summary: This report presents the four main themes that emerged from a seminar organized by the International Peace Academy (now the International Peace Institute) and the Geneva Centre for Security Policy in Geneva on 29/30 November 2007. First, it addresses the question of the conceptual relationship between organised crime and peace operations, outlining a framework for functional analysis focusing on the complex environments in which international interventions take place and the functions that organised crime and peace operations play in those environments. Second, it looks at the causal relationship between peace operations and organised crime. Third, it turns to the strategic conclusions flowing from this analysis, investigating a number of trade-offs involved when peace operations confront organised crime. Last, it presents some of the most salient operational considerations and lessons learnt from the Seminar and the discussion papers prepared for it.

Details: Geneva: Geneva Centre for Security Policy and International Peace Institute, 2008. 55p.

Source: Internet Resource: Geneva Papers No. 2: Accessed March 18, 2011 at: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1127871

Year: 2008

Country: International

URL: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1127871

Shelf Number: 121071

Human Trafficking
Organized Crime
Peace Operations

Author: Thouni, Francisco E.

Title: The Impact of Organized Crime on Democratic Governance in Latin America

Summary: Organized crime in Colombia is today more complex, diversified and sophisticated than when the cocaine industry started. Indeed, the illegal industry has been a catalyst that aggravated many of the main social conflicts of the country and encouraged the growth of organized crime. Organized crime has become a great obstacle to democratic governance in Colombia. We can say that the Mexican state is losing the war against drug trafficking and that therefore it must radically change its strategy because of the following: the spike in executions, the exponential increase in U.S. aid, the increased presence of the armed forces in the fight against drug trafficking and in public security in high risk cities, the transformation of Juarez into the most dangerous city in the world, increasing cocaine consumption and the sentiments that Mexico could become a failed state. The management, administration and overall control of public security matters and, amongst these, combating organized crime, as well as the organization and running of the police system remain in the hands of the police themselves, generating a sort of "police-ification" of public security. In Brazil, Paraguay and to a lesser extent in Uruguay this process has also included a strong tendency to incorporate the Armed Forces in the "war on organized crime", all prompted by the failings of the police system in tackling the problem. If Unasur is to be defined as an integration scheme and a successful one, certain basic questions have to be answered in the short-term: how is integration being defined-what are we talking about? The promotion of inter-regional dialogues, for instance between Unasur and the EU, could contribute to this process regarding three main issues: security and defense; security and democratic governance; and security, organized crime and transnational violence.

Details: Berlin: Department for Latin America and the Caribbean, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2010. 40p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 4, 2011 at: http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/iez/07386.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Latin America

URL: http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/iez/07386.pdf

Shelf Number: 121237

Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime
Public Security
Violent Crime

Author: Commins, Stephen

Title: Urban Fragility and Security in Africa

Summary: Estimates are that more than half of all Africans will live in cities by 2025. This rapid pace of urbanization is creating a new locus of fragility in many African states - as evidenced by the burgeoning slums around many of the continent's urban areas. The accompanying rise in youth unemployment, urban violence, and organized crime pose new challenges with direct implications for the shape and composition of Africa's security sector.

Details: Washington, DC: Africa Center for Strategic Studies, 2011. 8p.

Source: Internet Resource: Africa Security Brief, No. 12: Accessed April 6, 2011 at: http://africacenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/ASB-12_Final-for-Web.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Africa

URL: http://africacenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/ASB-12_Final-for-Web.pdf

Shelf Number: 121258

Organized Crime
Urban Crime (Africa)
Violent Crime
Youth Crime

Author: U.S. Customs and Border Protection

Title: United States - Canada Joint Border Threat and Risk Assessment

Summary: This assessment seeks to provide U.S. and Canadian policymakers, resource planners, and other law enforcement officials with a strategic overview of significant threats along the 5,525-mile/8,891-km international boundary between the United States and Canada. These threats are categorized as follows: • national security; • criminal enterprises; • migration; • agriculture; and • health.

Details: Washington, DC: U.S. Customs and Border Protection; Ottawa: Canada Border Services Agency; Ottawa: Royal Canadian Mounted Police, 2010. 21p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 7, 2011 at: http://www.dhs.gov/xlibrary/assets/us-canada-jbtra.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: United States

URL: http://www.dhs.gov/xlibrary/assets/us-canada-jbtra.pdf

Shelf Number: 121266

Illegal Immigration
Organized Crime
Terrorism (U.S. and Canada)

Author: Killebrew, Bob

Title: Security Through Partnership: Fighting Transnational Cartels in the Western Hemisphere

Summary: The most dangerous threat to the United States and its allies in the Western Hemisphere is the growth of powerful transnational criminal organizations that threaten law, order and governance in Mexico and the seven states of Central America. Over 35,000 Mexicans have died in drug-related violence since 2006 when Mexican President Felipe Calderón began to crack down on the cartels; in 2010 more than 3,100 have died in Ciudad Juarez alone. In neighboring Guatemala, the government declared an official “state of siege” along its northern border with Mexico to permit its military to fight the los Zetas cartel. Unfortunately, efforts to counter cartels and drug trafficking have largely failed thus far. Worsening violence and instability in the region threaten U.S. national security interests and demand a stronger response. To address this threat, the United States and its partners in the region should look to Colombia for guidance and assistance. Colombia has fought similar threats with some success and is emerging from three decades of crisis fueled by drug trafficking organizations and violent cartels. While Colombia will face many challenges for some time to come, it is increasingly secure, democratic and able to help its neighbors. The United States and its partners throughout the Western Hemisphere stand the best chance of securing the region against the most dangerous cartels by attacking them together. A regional security framework such as the “Mesoamerican Security Corridor,” proposed by the U.S. Department of State, offers a new opportunity to link U.S. and Colombian assistance and counternarcotics programs in Mexico to address challenges in the Central American states to Mexico’s south. Such a regional security framework will be necessary to defeat the cartels and reinstitute the rule of law and justice. A key element of the framework should be greater synergies between major U.S. security assistance programs including the Mérida Initiative, Plan Colombia and nascent bilateral Colombian-Mexican cooperation.

Details: Washington, DC: Center for a New American Security, 2011. 6p.

Source: Internet Resource: Policy Brief: Accessed April 7, 2011 at: http://www.cnas.org/files/documents/publications/CNAS_Partnership_KillebrewIrvine.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: International

URL: http://www.cnas.org/files/documents/publications/CNAS_Partnership_KillebrewIrvine.pdf

Shelf Number: 121268

Drug Cartels
Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime
Transnational Crime

Author: Reporters Without Borders

Title: Organized Crime Muscling in on the Media

Summary: A total of 141 journalists and media workers were killed during the decade of the 2000s in attacks and reprisals blamed on criminal groups. Mafias and cartels today pose the biggest threat to media freedom worldwide. A transnational phenomenon, organized crime is more than the occasional bloody shoot-out or colourful crime story in the local paper. It is a powerful parallel economy with enormous influence over the legal economy, one the media have a great deal of difficulty in covering. Its elusiveness and inaccessibility to the media make it an even greater threat, both to the safety of journalists and to the fourth estate’s investigative ability.

Details: Paris: Reporters Without Borders, 2011. 10p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 19, 2011 at: http://en.rsf.org/IMG/pdf/organized_crime.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: International

URL: http://en.rsf.org/IMG/pdf/organized_crime.pdf

Shelf Number: 121395

Organized Crime

Author: Miller, Nathan H.

Title: Strategic Leniency and Cartel Enforcement

Summary: The cornerstone of cartel enforcement in the United States and elsewhere is a commitment to the lenient prosecution of early confessors. A burgeoning game-theoretical literature is ambiguous regarding the impacts of leniency. I develop a theoretical model of cartel behavior that provides empirical predictions and moment conditions, and apply the model to the complete set of indictments and information reports issued over a twenty year span. Reduced-form statistical tests are consistent with the notion that leniency enhances deterrence and detection capabilities. Direct estimation of the model, via the method of moments, yields a 59 percent lower cartel formation rate and a 62 percent higher cartel detection rate due to leniency. The results have implications for market e±ciency and criminal enforcement.

Details: Berkeley, CA: University of California-Berkeley, Department of Economics, 2007. 48p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 19, 2011 at:

Year: 2007

Country: United States


Shelf Number: 121396

Organized Crime

Author: Brown, Matthew M.

Title: Engaging the Borderlands: Options for the Future of U.S.-Mexican Relations

Summary: The security of the U.S.-Mexican border is an issue of considerable interest for both countries. The North American Free Trade Agreement has created a web of symbiotic links between the two countries. Unfortunately, this has also presented opportunities for illegal transit. These opportunities are increasingly exploited by Mexican Drug Trafficking Organizations (DTO) whose actions are destabilizing Mexico and increasingly penetrating into the United States. Increasing levels of violence, intimidation, and influence have rapidly become intolerable, demanding a government response. While widespread use of the U.S. military remains an option, the costs both economic and operational, make the use an unviable one. Rather a mixed approach of U.S. and Mexican capacity building and economic assistance is a preferred alternative. The increased capacity of U.S. and Mexican security and law enforcement organizations will over time disrupt, then dismantle the Mexican DTOs. Simultaneously, economic assistance aimed at developing impoverished Mexican regions will both legitimize the Mexican government while marginalizing the influx of narco-dollars. This combined approach provides stability to the region, increases cooperation between neighboring governments, and fosters further legitimate economic growth in the region.

Details: Fort Leavenworth, KS: School of Advanced Military Studies, United States Army Command and General Staff College, 2010. 67p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 25, 2011 at: http://www.hsdl.org/?view&doc=136619&coll=limited

Year: 2010

Country: United States

URL: http://www.hsdl.org/?view&doc=136619&coll=limited

Shelf Number: 121487

Border Security
Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: Thomas, Sarasu Esther

Title: Human Responses to Human Trafficking in Bangladesh, India, Negal and Sri Lanka

Summary: The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Regional Office for South Asia, (UNODC ROSA) and the UN Women, South Asia signed a Memorandum of Understanding, whereby they committed to strengthen the existing cooperation in dealing with the organized crime of human trafficking in the SouthAsian countries of Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Maledives and Sri Lanka. The Protocol seeks to prevent trafficking in persons, protect victims of trafficking and promote cooperating among State Parties in order to meet these objectives. Within South Asia, the legal regime is diverse, and the SAARC Convention on Preventing and Combating Trafficking in Women and Children for Prostitution, 2002, represents a need and political commitment from countries in the SAARC region. Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Sri Lanka have all taken steps in the right direction to combat human trafficking; however, there is a need to look closely at country specific laws to understand where the gaps lie. It is in the light of this, that a Legal and Policy Review of Repsonses to Human Trafficking has been taken up. This Report looks at the law and policy, especially in the context of the Protocol, supplementing work already available in different studies.

Details: New Delhi: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Regional Office for South Asia, 2011. 98p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 25, 2011 at: http://www.ungift.org/doc/knowledgehub/resource-centre/UNODC_UNGIFT_Responses_to_Human_Trafficking_in_Bangladesh_India_Nepal_and_Sri_Lanka.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Asia

URL: http://www.ungift.org/doc/knowledgehub/resource-centre/UNODC_UNGIFT_Responses_to_Human_Trafficking_in_Bangladesh_India_Nepal_and_Sri_Lanka.pdf

Shelf Number: 121492

Human Trafficking (Bangladesh, India, Negal, Sri L
Organized Crime
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Papademetriou, Demetrios G.

Title: A New Architecture for Border Management

Summary: This report commissioned to inform the work of MPI’s Transatlantic Council on Migration for its meeting on “Restoring Trust in the Management of Migration and Borders” examines the emergence of a new border architecture resulting from the explosion in global travel and the dawning of the age of risk. This new border architecture must respond effectively to the seemingly competing demands of facilitating mobility while better managing the risks associated with cross-border travel (e.g. terrorism, the entry of unwanted migrants, and organized crime). The report examines the information-sharing agreements, technology innovations, and multilateral partnerships that have emerged as key components of the new architecture for border management, and discusses challenges and considerations for the future.

Details: Washington, DC: Migration Policy Institute, 2011. 29p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 28, 2011 at: http://www.migrationpolicy.org/pubs/borderarchitecture.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: International

URL: http://www.migrationpolicy.org/pubs/borderarchitecture.pdf

Shelf Number: 121571

Border Security
Illegal Aliens
Organized Crime

Author: de Coning, Eve

Title: Transnational Organized Crime in the Fishing Industry. Focus on: Trafficking in Persons; Smuggling of Migrants; Illicit Drugs Trafficking

Summary: The study posed the questions whether there is transnational organized crime and other criminal activity in the fishing industry and, if so, what the vulnerabilities of the fishing industry are to transnational organized crime or other criminal activity. The research took the form of a six-month desk review of available literature, supplemented by ad hoc consultations and a two-day expert consultation held in Vienna, Austria. Importantly the study did not set out to tarnish the fishing industry. Rather, the study sought to determine whether criminal activities take place within the fishing industry to the detriment of law-abiding fishers, the legitimate fishing industry, local fishing communities and the general public alike. The study considered the involvement of the fishing industry or the use of fishing vessels in trafficking in persons (Chapter 2); smuggling of migrants (Chapter 3); illicit traffic in drugs (Chapter 4); and other forms of crime such as marine living resource crime, corruption, and piracy and other security related crimes (Chapter 5).

Details: Vienna: United Nations, 2011. 146p.

Source: Internet Resource: accessed May 9, 2011 at: http://www.unodc.org/documents/human-trafficking/Issue_Paper_-_TOC_in_the_Fishing_Industry.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: International

URL: http://www.unodc.org/documents/human-trafficking/Issue_Paper_-_TOC_in_the_Fishing_Industry.pdf

Shelf Number: 121659

Child Trafficking
Drug Trafficking
Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Illegal Fishing
Illegal Migrants
Maritime Crime
Offenses Against the Environment
Organized Crime

Author: Europol

Title: Organised Crime & Energy Supply. Scenarios to 2020.

Summary: Energy security is now front page news. Increasing concerns about global warming and other environmental threats have brought increased public attention to energy issues in general, while occasional energy shortages in recent winters in certain countries have provided a reminder of just how reliant on identified energy supplies we are. Around the world and more specifically in the EU, concerns have been raised regarding future energy availability, particularly levels of dependence on hydrocarbon imports (oil and gas). At the same time, strategic intelligence analysis indicates that organised crime groups are involved in energy supply to the EU and within EU Member States (MS). In the Strategy for Europol 2010-2014, the Organisation has committed itself to “scan the environment for new developments in internal security threats”. With this in mind, Europol has carried out a scenario management exercise to examine the possible future involvement of organised crime in energy supply. Scenarios are descriptions of possible worlds which facilitate reflection on the future. Different scenarios highlight risks and opportunities which enable organisations, including law enforcement agencies, to prepare appropriate responses in the event of identified phenomena becoming a reality. Scenario building is an approach which is increasingly being used by the public and private sector alike. The scenarios presented in this document will be used to inform strategic decision–making at Europol, supporting the overall approach of forward planning through foresight. It is also anticipated that this document will be of use to the competent authorities in EU Member States. This report is the result of a joint exercise, which has drawn on expertise from Europol, national law enforcement, the private sector, academia and the European Commission.

Details: The Hague: EUROPOL, 2010. 26p.

Source: Internet Resource: Knowledge Product: Accessed May 9, 2011 at: http://www.europol.europa.eu/publications/Scenarios/Organised_crime_in_energy_supply.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.europol.europa.eu/publications/Scenarios/Organised_crime_in_energy_supply.pdf

Shelf Number: 121660

Energy Infrastructure
Internal Security
Organized Crime

Author: Manwaring, Max G.

Title: A "New" Dynamic in the Western Hemisphere Security Environment: The Mexican Zetas and Other Private Armies

Summary: This monograph is intended to help political, military, policy, opinion, and academic leaders think strategically about explanations, consequences, and responses that might apply to the volatile and dangerous new dynamic that has inserted itself into the already crowded Mexican and hemispheric security arena, that is, the privatized Zeta military organization. In Mexico, this new dynamic involves the migration of traditional hard-power national security and sovereignty threats from traditional state and nonstate adversaries to hard and soft power threats from professional private nonstate military organizations. This dynamic also involves a more powerful and ambiguous mix of terrorism, crime, and conventional war tactics, operations, and strategies than experienced in the past. Moreover, this violence and its perpetrators tend to create and consolidate semi-autonomous enclaves (criminal free-states) that develop in to quasi-states—and what the Mexican government calls “Zones of Impunity.” All together, these dynamics not only challenge Mexican security, stability, and sovereignty, but, if left improperly understood and improperly countered, also challenge the security and stability of the United States and Mexico’s other neighbors.

Details: Carlisle, PA: U.S. Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, 2009. 42p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 10, 2011 at: http://www.strategicstudiesinstitute.army.mil/pubs/display.cfm?pubid=940

Year: 2009

Country: Mexico

URL: http://www.strategicstudiesinstitute.army.mil/pubs/display.cfm?pubid=940

Shelf Number: 121700

Organized Crime
Private Armies (Mexico)

Author: Skinner, Robyn

Title: Child Trafficking and Organized Crime. Where Have All the Young Girls Gone?

Summary: This study investigates the role of organized crime in human trafficking, the third largest illicit industry in the world, and looks at how many trafficked girls and women are subjected to sexual exploitation.

Details: Washington, DC: Youth Advocate Program International, 2004. 6p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 19, 2011 at: http://www.yapi.org/rpchildtrafficking.pdf

Year: 2004

Country: International

URL: http://www.yapi.org/rpchildtrafficking.pdf

Shelf Number: 121753

Child Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Bjelajac, Zeljko Dj.

Title: Contemporary Tendencies in Money Laundering Methods: Review of the Methods and Measures for its Suppression

Summary: Money laundering is not an isolated case, present in a single state or a series of states, but a worldwide phenomenon. Banking represents a useful field for different types of offenses related to money laundering. The utilization of corresponding accounts for the purposes of money laundering has also been perceived as a serious problem. The exploitation of the electronic money transfer for money laundering appears to be the most convenient and frequent method of concealing illegally acquired assets, and this method is today one of the most common and suitable methods of the capital transfer worldwide. Money laundering represents important organized crime activity, that is, its’ typical and characteristic behavior. Traditional financial instruments are increasingly repressed by the use of the new technological systems and replaced by new electronic payment systems. However, the utilization of the new electronic payment systems introduces a variety of risks associated to numerous opportunities of abuse due to money laundering. In order to prevent money laundering and the wrongful consequences it causes in different spheres of society, competent authorities engage in a number of preventive processes and actions, applying specific methods and measures developed for combating this phenomenon.

Details: Athens, Greece: Research Institute for European and American Studies (RIEAS), 2011. 22p.

Source: Internet Resource: RIEAS: Research Paper, No. 151: Accessed May 29, 2011 at: http://www.rieas.gr/images/rieas151.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: International

URL: http://www.rieas.gr/images/rieas151.pdf

Shelf Number: 121763

Financial Crimes
Money Laundering
Organized Crime

Author: Feinstein, Dianne

Title: Halting U.S. Firearms Trafficking to Mexico: A Report ....to the United States Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control, One-Hundred Twelfth Congress, First Session

Summary: Military-style weapons are arming Mexico's brutal drug trafficking organizations at an alarming rate. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) has consistently found that the overwhelming majority of firearms recovered at crime scenes and traced by Mexican officials originate in the United States. These guns have contributed to Mexico's dangerous levels of violence. Since the start of the administration of President Felipe Calderon in December 2006, according to Mexican government estimates, 34,612 people have died in organized crime-related killings in Mexico. The killings reached their highest level in 2010, increasing by almost 60 percent to 15,273 deaths from 9,616 the previous year. As the U.S. partners with Mexico to combat drug-related violence, we must enhance our efforts to curb firearms trafficking from the United States to Mexico. This report provides background information on firearms trafficking and makes recommendations to Congress and the Obama Administration on key next steps.

Details: Washington, DC: The Authors: 2011. 28p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 27, 2011 at: https://www.hsdl.org/?view&doc=143589&coll=limited

Year: 2011

Country: United States

URL: https://www.hsdl.org/?view&doc=143589&coll=limited

Shelf Number: 121828

Firearms Trafficking
Gun Control (U.S.)
Gun Violence
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Weapons

Author: U.S. Senate. Caucus on International Narcotics Control

Title: U.S. and Mexican Responses to Mexican Drug Trafficking Organizations

Summary: Violence in Mexico continues unhindered without any signs of slowing. This report outlines a series of concrete steps the United States can take to support the Mexican government in its fight against drug trafficking organizations and drug-related violence. While our security partnership with Mexico has deepened in recent years, more can be done to help. The attached report synthesizes information gathered by Caucus staff through a country visit, briefings, interviews, and a review of documents from both government and non-government subject matter experts. The report describes the current strategy and provides important recommendations for policymakers and stakeholders.

Details: Washington, DC: The Caucus, 2011. 71p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 27, 2011 at: http://drugcaucus.senate.gov/Mexico-Report-Final-5-2011.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Mexico

URL: http://drugcaucus.senate.gov/Mexico-Report-Final-5-2011.pdf

Shelf Number: 121837

Drug Cartels
Drug Control Policy
Drug Trafficking (Mexico)
Drug Trafficking Control
Drug-Related Violence
Organized Crime

Author: Belli, Roberta

Title: Where Political Extremists and Greedy Criminals Meet: A Comparative Study of Financial Crimes and Criminal Networks in the United States

Summary: Financial crime poses a serious threat to the integrity and security of legitimate businesses and institutions, and to the safety and prosperity of private citizens and communities. Experts argue that the profile of financial offenders is extremely diversified and includes individuals who may be motivated by greed or ideology. Islamic extremists increasingly resort to typical white-­‐collar crimes, like credit card and financial fraud, to raise funds for their missions. In the United States, the far-­‐right movement professes its anti-­‐government ideology by promoting and using a variety of anti-­‐tax strategies. There is evidence that ideologically motivated individuals who engage in financial crimes benefit from interactions with profit-­‐driven offenders and legitimate actors that provide resources for crime in the form of knowledge, skills, and suitable co-­‐offenders. This dissertation sheds light on the nexus between political extremism and profit-­‐driven crime by conducting a systematic study of financial crime cases involving Islamic extremists, domestic far-­‐rightists, and their non-­‐extremist accomplices prosecuted by federal courts in 2004. Attribute and relational data were extracted from the U.S. Extremist Crime Database (ECDB), which is the first open-­‐source relational database that provides information on all extremist crimes, violent and non-­‐violent, ideological and routine crimes, since 1990. A descriptive analysis was conducted comparing schemes, crimes, and techniques used by far-­‐rightists, Islamic extremists, and non-­‐extremists, before moving into an in-­‐depth social network analysis of their relational ties in co-­‐offending, business, and family networks. The descriptive findings revealed considerable differences in the modus operandi followed by far-­‐rightists and Islamic extremists as well as the prosecutorial strategies used against them. The subsequent exploratory and statistical network analyses, however, revealed interesting similarities, suggesting that financial schemes by political extremists occurred within similarly decentralized, self-­‐organizing structures that facilitated exchanges between individuals acting within close-­‐knit subsets regardless of their ideological affiliation. Meaningful interactions emerged between far-­‐rightists and non-­‐extremists involved in business ventures and within a tax avoidance scheme, indicating that the crime-­‐extremism nexus was more prevalent within far-­‐right settings compared to Islamic extremist ones. The findings were discussed in light of their implications for criminological theories, criminal justice and crime prevention policies, and methodological advances.

Details: Dissertation, City University of New York, 2011. 464p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 28, 2011 at: http://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/234524.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: United States

URL: http://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/234524.pdf

Shelf Number: 121874

Extremist Groups
Financial Crimes
Organized Crime
White Collar Crime
White Collar Offenses

Author: Larence, Eileen R.

Title: Organized Retail Crime: Private Sector and Law Enforcement Collaborate to Deter and Investigate Theft

Summary: Each year organized groups of professional shoplifters steal or fraudulently obtain billions of dollars in merchandise to resell in an activity known as organized retail crime (ORC). These stolen goods can also be sold on online marketplaces, a practice known as “e-fencing.” GAO was asked to assess ORC and e-fencing. This report addresses: (1) types of efforts that select retailers, state and local law enforcement, and federal agencies are undertaking to combat ORC; (2) the extent to which tools or mechanisms exist to facilitate collaboration and information sharing among these ORC stakeholders; and (3) steps that select online marketplaces have taken to combat ORC and e-fencing, and additional actions, if any, retailers and law enforcement think may enhance these efforts. GAO reviewed retail-industry documentation, such as reports and surveys, and academic studies related to ORC and efforts to combat it. GAO also interviewed representatives from four major retail associations and five individual retailers, selected for their knowledge of and efforts to combat ORC, as well as eight local law enforcement officials involved in the development of ORC information sharing networks, and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials. The results are not generalizable, but provided insights on activities related to ORC. GAO is not making any recommendations in this report.

Details: Washington, DC: U.S. Government Accountability Office, 2011. 49p.

Source: Washington, DC: GAO-11-675: Accessed June 29, 2011 at: http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d11675.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: United States

URL: http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d11675.pdf

Shelf Number: 121892

Organized Crime
Organized Retail Theft (U.S.)
Stolen Goods

Author: Queensland. Crime and Misconduct Commission

Title: Regulating Prostitution: A Follow-Up Review of the Prostitution Act 1999

Summary: This 2011 review aimed to update the picture of the prostitution environment in Queensland, by finding out: (1) which recommendations from the CMC’s previous review have been implemented and what their effect has been what changes, if any, have occurred in the achievement of the Act’s underlying principles since the last review; and (2) what new and emerging issues are facing the industry in Queensland, and in comparable jurisdictions, which could affect the achievement of these principles. The review found that the position in Queensland has remained relatively stable, and that the legislative objectives are generally being achieved. It identified that licensed brothels: have minimal impact on community amenity show no evidence of corruption and organised crime (other than illegal prostitution) have access to exit and retraining programs for sex workers who may wish to leave the industry provide a safe workplace and a healthy environment in which to carry out prostitution. However, as a result of the review, the CMC called on the government to action two previous recommendations, which although supported are yet to be fully implemented. They relate to the establishment of an inter-agency Ministerial Advisory Committee to address issues facing Queensland’s prostitution industry, and a tightening of the legislation linked to advertising to prevent illegal operators masquerading as legal enterprises.

Details: Brisbane: Crime and Misconduct Commission, 2011. 68p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 30, 2011 at: http://www.cmc.qld.gov.au/data/portal/00000005/content/15385001309241014238.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Australia

URL: http://www.cmc.qld.gov.au/data/portal/00000005/content/15385001309241014238.pdf

Shelf Number: 121952

Organized Crime
Prostitution (Australia)
Sex Work

Author: Bartels, Lorana

Title: Ths Status of Laws on Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs in Australia. Second Edition.

Summary: This paper sets out the laws in Australia governing organised crime and, in particular, outlaw motorcycle gangs (OMCGs). It presents an overview of each jurisdiction's current and proposed legislative framework, as well as proposals to coordinate legislative responses.

Details: Sydney: Australian Institute of Criminology, 2010. 12p.

Source: Internet Resource: Research in Practice Report No. 2: Accessed July 6, 2011 at: http://www.aic.gov.au/publications/current%20series/rip/1-10/~/media/publications/rip/rip02_v2.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Australia

URL: http://www.aic.gov.au/publications/current%20series/rip/1-10/~/media/publications/rip/rip02_v2.pdf

Shelf Number: 121983

Motorcycle Gangs (Australia)
Organized Crime

Author: Felbab-Brown, Vanda

Title: The Disappearing Act: The Illicit Trade in Wildlife in Asia

Summary: Southeast Asia, with its linkages into the larger Asian market that includes China, Indonesia, and India, is one of the world’s biodiversity hotspots as well as one of the world’s hotspots for the illegal trade in wildlife and wildlife parts. Although demand markets for wildlife, including illegally-traded wildlife are present throughout the world, China ranks as the world’s largest market for illegal trade in wildlife, and wildlife products, followed by the United States. Globally, the volume and diversity of traded and consumed species have increased to phenomenal and unprecedented levels, contributing to very intense species loss. In Southeast Asia alone, where the illegal trade in wildlife is estimated to be worth $8-$10 billion per year, wildlife is harvested at many times the sustainable level, decimating ecosystems and driving species to extinction. Other environmental threats such as climate change, deforestation and other habitat destruction, industrial pollution, and the competition between indigenous species and invasive species often impact ecosystems on a large scale. But the unsustainable, and often illegal, trade in wildlife has the capacity to drive species into extirpation in large areas and often into worldwide extinction—especially species that are already vulnerable as a result of other environmental threats. The threats posed by illegal (and also legal, but badly managed and unsustainable) trade in wildlife are serious and multiple. They include irrevocable loss of species and biodiversity; extensive disturbances to larger ecosystems; economic losses due to the collapse of sustainable legal trade of a species and its medicinal and other derivate products, or of ecotourism linked to the species; severe threats to the food-supply and income of forest-dependent peoples; spread of viruses and diseases; and the strengthening of organized crime and militant groups who use the illegal trade in wildlife for provisions and financing. At the core of the illegal trade in wildlife is a strong and rapidly-expanding demand. This includes demand for bushmeat — by marginalized communities for whom wildlife meat is often the primary source of protein, and for the affluent who consume exotic meat as a luxury good. Other demand for wildlife is for curios, trophies, collections, and accessories, furs and pets. Much of demand arises out of the practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) which uses natural plant, animal, and mineral-based materials to treat a variety of illnesses, maintain good health and longevity, and enhance sexual potency, and is practiced by hundreds of millions of people. Although effective medicinal alternatives are now available—many of these TCM potions fail to cure anything, and the supply of ingredients for TCM frequently comes through illegal channels and crisis-level poaching — demand for TCM continues to expand greatly. The expansion of supply of illegally-sourced and traded wildlife has been facilitated by the opening up of economies in Southeast and East Asia and the strengthening of their international legal and illegal trade connections; infrastructure development linking previously inaccessible wilderness areas; and commercial logging. The illegal trade in wildlife involves a complex and diverse set of actors. These include illegal hunters — ranging from traditional and poor ones to professional hunters, layers of middlemen, top-level traders and organized-crime groups, launderers of wildlife products (such as corrupt captive- breeding farms and private zoos), militant groups, as well as local and far-away consumers, both affluent and some of the world’s poorest. Other stakeholders in the regulation of wildlife trade and conservation include logging companies, agribusinesses, the fishing industry, local police and en- forcement forces, and governments. Policies and enforcement strategies for curbing the illegal trade in wildlife to ensure wildlife conservation and preserve biodiversity need to address the complex and actor-specific drivers of the illegal behavior. In Southeast and East Asia, government policies to prevent illegal trade in wildlife continue to be generally characterized by weak laws governing wildlife trade, limited enforcement and low penalties. Government efforts to inform publics largely unaware of (and often indifferent to) how their consumer behavior contributes to the devastation of ecosystems in the region and world-wide also continue to be inadequate. Monitoring of captive-breeding facilities in Asia is often poor, thus facilitating the laundering of illegally-sourced wildlife and undermining the capacity of the legal trade in wildlife to curb illegal and unsustainable practices. Nonetheless, there has been intensification and improvement of government response to the illegal trade in wildlife in Asia, with many governments in the region toughening laws and increasing law enforcement, the Southeast Asian countries establishing the ASEAN-Wildlife Enforcement Network (ASEAN-WEN) to facilitate law enforcement, and even China undertaking more extensive labeling of legal wildlife products. The extent of unsustainable, environmentally damaging, and illegal practices that still characterize the wildlife trade in Asia and in many parts of the world cries out for better forms of regulation and more effective law enforcement. Unfortunately, there are no easy solutions to the problem; and almost every particular regulatory policy is either difficult to implement or entails difficult trade-offs and dilemmas.

Details: Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 2011. 43p.

Source: Internet Resource: Working Paper No. 6: Accessed July 7, 2011 at: http://www.brookings.edu/~/media/Files/rc/papers/2011/06_illegal_wildlife_trade_felbabbrown/06_illegal_wildlife_trade_felbabbrown.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Asia

URL: http://www.brookings.edu/~/media/Files/rc/papers/2011/06_illegal_wildlife_trade_felbabbrown/06_illegal_wildlife_trade_felbabbrown.pdf

Shelf Number: 122000

Illegal Logging
Illegal Wildlife Trade
Offenses Against the Environment
Organized Crime
Wildlife Crime (Asia)

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Studies and Threat Analysis Section

Title: The Transatlantic Cocaine Market

Summary: Key Findings of this report include: Global demand for cocaine has shifted. Demand in the United States was more than four times as high as in Europe in 1998, but just over a decade later, the volume and value of the West and Central European cocaine market (US$33 billion) is approaching parity with that of the US (US$37 billion). Two thirds of European cocaine users live in just three countries: the United Kingdom, Spain and Italy. With Germany and France, these countries represent 80% of European cocaine consumption.  European cocaine seizures increased rapidly between 1998 and 2006, peaking at some 121 tons. They have dropped off sharply since then, to some 53 tons in 2009, while at most, European demand has stabilized. There have been increases in seizures in South America, but the price of pure cocaine has not increased greatly in Europe, suggesting that traffickers have found new ways of evading law enforcement.  In the last decade, most (about 60%) of the cocaine seized was taken at sea or in ports. The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela was the most prominent country of origin for direct cocaine shipments to Europe, with the cocaine coming mainly from Colombia.  It appears that most of Europe’s cocaine enters by sea, primarily via Spain. Nearly half the cocaine seized in Europe was taken by Spanish authorities, two-thirds of which was detected in international waters and 11% in containers.  Excluding what is imported for local consumption, it is estimated that about 21 tons of cocaine were trafficked from West Africa to Europe in 2009. This is down sharply from two years before, when the total could have been as high as 47 tons.  Much of the trafficking to West Africa used to be carried out by large ‘mother ships’ that unloaded the drugs on to smaller, local vessels off the West African coasts. Today, large maritime shipments have virtually disappeared, suggesting that traffickers have changed their tactics. There is evidence of shipments in large commercial aircraft purchased second-hand by traffickers for this purpose. There are also indications that containerized shipping is being utilized, but very few of these shipments have been detected.  Most of the recently reported seizures of cocaine from container consignments from South America to West Africa had Nigeria or Ghana as their destination. Most of these containers originated in Peru or the Plurinational State of Bolivia.  Commercial air flights used to be the most common vector for trafficking cocaine from West Africa to West and Central Europe (97% of seizure cases over the last decade, or 58% of all cocaine seized). But the number of detections have declined drastically in recent years, suggesting again that traffickers have changed their tactics.  There appears to be some trafficking of cocaine from West Africa to Europe across the Sahara to countries in northern Africa, although very few seizures have been made. There is some evidence of use of the traditional cannabis resin trafficking routes from Morocco to Spain.  Although it appears that Colombian organized crime groups still dominate trafficking of cocaine to Europe, domestic markets are often in the hands of traffickers of other nationalities.  In addition to the health consequences of cocaine use, the impact of cocaine trafficking includes drug-funded violence, political instability and corruption in many areas.  In line with the principle of shared responsibility and a balanced approach to the drug problem, the expansion of the cocaine market across the Atlantic and, more recently, in South America, highlights the importance of developing strategies on the scale of the cocaine threat. Efforts must be increasingly coordinated and integrated into an international approach that adapts to new developments as quickly as the traffickers. There are many reasons to be optimistic about the capacity of the international community to achieve a significant reduction of the global cocaine market during the present decade.

Details: Vienna: UNODC, 2011. 66p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 15, 2011 at: http://www.unodc.org/documents/data-and-analysis/Studies/Transatlantic_cocaine_market.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: International

URL: http://www.unodc.org/documents/data-and-analysis/Studies/Transatlantic_cocaine_market.pdf

Shelf Number: 122077

Drug Markets
Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime
Transnational Crime

Author: Issa, Darrell E.

Title: The Department of Justice’s Operation Fast and Furious: Accounts of ATF Agents

Summary: In the fall of 2009, the Department of Justice (DOJ) developed a risky new strategy to combat gun trafficking along the Southwest Border. The new strategy directed federal law enforcement to shift its focus away from seizing firearms from criminals as soon as possible — and to focus instead on identifying members of trafficking networks. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) implemented that strategy using a reckless investigative technique that street agents call “gunwalking.” ATF’s Phoenix Field Division began allowing suspects to walk away with illegally purchased guns. The purpose was to wait and watch, in the hope that law enforcement could identify other members of a trafficking network and build a large, complex conspiracy case. This shift in strategy was known and authorized at the highest levels of the Justice Department. Through both the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Arizona and “Main Justice,” headquarters in Washington, D.C., the Department closely monitored and supervised the activities of the ATF. The Phoenix Field Division established a Gun Trafficking group, called Group VII, to focus on firearms trafficking. Group VII initially began using the new gunwalking tactics in one of its investigations to further the Department’s strategy. The case was soon renamed “Operation Fast and Furious,” and expanded dramatically. It received approval for Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF) funding on January 26, 2010. ATF led a strike force comprised of agents from ATF, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The operation’s goal was to establish a nexus between straw purchasers of assault-style weapons in the United States and Mexican drug-trafficking organizations (DTOs) operating on both sides of the United States-Mexico border. Straw purchasers are individuals who are legally entitled to purchase firearms for themselves, but who unlawfully purchase weapons with the intent to transfer them into the hands of DTOs or other criminals. Operation Fast and Furious was a response to increasing violence fostered by the DTOs in Mexico and their increasing need to purchase ever-growing numbers of more powerful weapons in the U.S. An integral component of Fast and Furious was to work with gun shop merchants, or “Federal Firearms Licensees” (FFLs) to track known straw purchasers through the unique serial number of each firearm sold. ATF agents entered the serial numbers of the weapons purchased into the agency’s Suspect Gun Database. These weapons bought by the straw purchasers included AK-47 variants, Barrett .50 caliber sniper rifles, .38 caliber revolvers, and the FN Five-seveN. During Fast and Furious, ATF frequently monitored actual transactions between the FFLs and straw purchasers. After the purchases, ATF sometimes conducted surveillance of these weapons with assistance from local police departments. Such surveillance included following the vehicles of the straw purchasers. Frequently, the straw purchasers transferred the weapons they bought to stash houses. In other instances, they transferred the weapons to third parties. The volume, frequency, and circumstances of these transactions clearly established reasonable suspicion to stop and question the buyers. Agents are trained to use such interactions to develop probable cause to arrest the suspect or otherwise interdict the weapons and deter future illegal purchases. Operation Fast and Furious sought instead to allow the flow of guns from straw purchasers to the third parties. Instead of trying to interdict the weapons, ATF purposely avoided contact with known straw purchasers or curtailed surveillance, allowing guns to fall into the hands of criminals and bandits on both sides of the border. Though many line agents objected vociferously, ATF and DOJ leadership continued to prevent them from making every effort to interdict illegally purchased firearms. Instead, leadership’s focus was on trying to identify additional conspirators, as directed by the Department’s strategy for combating Mexican Drug Cartels. ATF and DOJ leadership were interested in seeing where these guns would ultimately end up. They hoped to establish a connection between the local straw buyers in Arizona and the Mexico-based DTOs. By entering serial numbers from suspicious transactions into the Suspect Gun Database, ATF would be quickly notified as each one was later recovered at crime scenes and traced, either in the United States or in Mexico. The Department’s leadership allowed the ATF to implement this flawed strategy, fully aware of what was taking place on the ground. The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Arizona encouraged and supported every single facet of Fast and Furious. Main Justice was involved in providing support and approving various aspects of the Operation, including wiretap applications that would necessarily include painstakingly detailed descriptions of what ATF knew about the straw buyers it was monitoring. This hapless plan allowed the guns in question to disappear out of the agency’s view. As a result, this chain of events inevitably placed the guns in the hands of violent criminals. ATF would only see these guns again after they turned up at a crime scene. Tragically, many of these recoveries involved loss of life. While leadership at ATF and DOJ no doubt regard these deaths as tragic, the deaths were a clearly foreseeable result of the strategy. Both line agents and gun dealers who cooperated with the ATF repeatedly expressed concerns about that risk, but ATF supervisors did not heed those warnings. Instead, they told agents to follow orders because this was sanctioned from above. They told gun dealers not to worry because they would make sure the guns didn’t fall into the wrong hands. Unfortunately, ATF never achieved the laudable goal of dismantling a drug cartel. In fact, ATF never even got close. After months and months of investigative work, Fast and Furious resulted only in indictments of 20 straw purchasers. Those indictments came only after the death of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. The indictments, filed January 19, 2011, focus mainly on what is known as “lying and buying.” Lying and buying involves a straw purchaser falsely filling out ATF Form 4473, which is to be completed truthfully in order to legally acquire a firearm. Even worse, ATF knew most of the indicted straw purchasers to be straw purchasers before Fast and Furious even began. In response to criticism, ATF and DOJ leadership denied allegations that gunwalking occurred in Fast and Furious by adopting an overly narrow definition of the term. They argue that gunwalking is limited to cases in which ATF itself supplied the guns directly. As field agents understood the term, however, gunwalking includes situations in which ATF had contemporaneous knowledge of illegal gun purchases and purposely decided not to attempt any interdiction. The agents also described situations in which ATF facilitated or approved transactions to known straw buyers. Both situations are even more disturbing in light of the ATF’s certain knowledge that weapons previously purchased by the same straw buyers had been trafficked into Mexico and may have reached the DTOs. When the full parameters of this program became clear to the agents assigned to Group VII, a rift formed among Group VII’s agents in Phoenix. Several agents blew the whistle on this reckless operation only to face punishment and retaliation from ATF leadership. Sadly, only the tragic murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry provided the necessary impetus for DOJ and ATF leadership to finally indict the straw buyers whose regular purchases they had monitored for 14 months. Even then, it was not until after whistleblowers later reported the issue to Congress that the Justice Department finally issued a policy directive that prohibited gunwalking. This report is the first in a series regarding Operation Fast and Furious. Possible future reports and hearings will likely focus on the actions of the United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Arizona, the decisions faced by gun shop owners (FFLs) as a result of ATF’s actions, and the remarkably ill-fated decisions made by Justice Department officials in Washington, especially within the Criminal Division and the Office of the Deputy Attorney General. This first installment focuses on ATF’s misguided approach of letting guns walk. The report describes the agents’ outrage about the use of gunwalking as an investigative technique and the continued denials and stonewalling by DOJ and ATF leadership. It provides some answers as to what went wrong with Operation Fast and Furious. Further questions for key ATF and DOJ decision makers remain unanswered. For example, what leadership failures within the Department of Justice allowed this program to thrive? Who will be held accountable and when?

Details: Washington, DC: United States Congress, 2011. 51p.

Source: Internet Resource: Joint Staff Report: Accessed July 20, 2011 at: http://grassley.senate.gov/judiciary/upload/ATF-06-14-11-Joint-Issa-Grassley-report-on-agent-findings.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: United States

URL: http://grassley.senate.gov/judiciary/upload/ATF-06-14-11-Joint-Issa-Grassley-report-on-agent-findings.pdf

Shelf Number: 122129

Border Security
Drug Cartels
Gun Control
Gun Violence
Guns (U.S.)
Illegal Guns
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Weaspons

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Title: Organized Crime and its Threat to Security: Tackling a Disturbing Consequence of Drug Control

Summary: Over time, international controls have limited the number of people who take illicit drugs to a small fraction of the world’s adult population, much smaller than those who use other addictive substances, like tobacco and alcohol. This undeniable success has also had a dramatic unintended consequence: a criminal market of staggering proportions. If unattended, this criminal market will offset the many benefits of drug control. In fact, the crime and corruption associated with the drug trade are providing strong evidence to a vocal minority of pro-drug lobbyists to argue that the cure is worse than the disease, and that drug legalization is the solution. This would be an historical mistake, one which United Nations Member States are not willing to make. The reason is straightforward: there is no need to choose between health (drug control) and security (crime prevention). They are complementary, and not contradictory commitments. Yet, because drug trafficking enriches criminals, destroys communities and even threatens nations, it has to be dealt with urgently and forcefully. Policy change is required against crime, not in favour of drugs. This paper focuses on three requirements, as a way to map the road ahead. The need for an integrated strategy. Crime control measures must integrate all elements of the drug chain: supply, trade and demand. So far governments have mostly pursued disjointed interventions that have displaced the problem (from one country to another and/or from one substance to another); have addressed only some aspects (fighting illicit crops, instead of mass poverty); or have used a sledge-hammer instead of a more appropriate chisel (criminalizing addiction, instead of treating addicts). Also measures have been incoherently applied over time (with uneven political commitment), and over space (without the coordination promoted by international agreements). For example, the UN legal instrument against Organized Crime and its protocol on Fire Arms provide platforms for joint, rapid-impact action: yet, they not been implemented in a way robust enough to impact the drug trade. As a result, a number of countries now face a crime situation largely caused by their own choice. This is bad enough. Worse is the fact that, quite often their vulnerable neighbours pay an even greater price. The need for community resistance. Drugs infect especially certain segments of society. Ghettos, even entire regions controlled by crime cartels, are breeding grounds of both drug supply (trafficking) and demand (addiction). Exploitation, instability, even terrorism are their direct cause and consequence. Yet, like addiction, violence can be cured: it is indeed possible to regain control of places that today are hospitable only to anti-social behaviours. The challenge is to re-integrate marginalized segments of society and draw them into, rather than push them out of the law. From the Andes to South East Asia, this has been done with farmers who have been assisted to switch from illicit to licit crops – despite the war conditions surrounding them. From Europe to Australia this has been done with addicts who have been helped to abandon their drug dependence – despite largely adverse social settings. The world over, drug farmers and drug addicts have benefited from targeted assistance: why not duplicate this winning model in the heart of ghettos and in areas out-of-control? Why do states abandon masses of unemployed, illiterate youth that face no other option than a day of money, notoriety and death as foot-soldiers in rag-tag armies of mafias and rebels? The need for a shared commitment. The drug trade not only infects people in so many lands. It also corrupts governments, together with business and finance. Nations need to strengthen integrity in governance (public and private) and resistance to drug cartels, armed with war chests worth billions of dollars. This is not happening. Money laundering is rampant and practically unopposed: honest citizens, seeing the expensive cars, yachts and mansions of untouchable mafias and their cronies, wonder why proceeds of crime are not seized. The internet supplies drugs, arms, even people and their organs, on-line. One of humanity’s biggest capital assets, the web, when perversely used is turned into a weapon by criminals and terrorists. Surprisingly, calls for international agreements against cyber-crime and cyber-terrorism remain unanswered. Even existing international legal instruments are not adequately applied, their rules of engagement not yet agreed upon years after their entry into force. In fact, the Conferences of the Parties for the implementation of the UN Conventions against Corruption and against Organized Crime have repetitively failed to deliver – focussed on processes rather than on the substance of fighting organized crime. The drug control conventions – so effective in reducing the health impact of illicit substances – are under attack for a collateral damage the founding fathers could not anticipate: the emergence of drug cartels powerful enough to affect politics and business. This may be an unintended consequence of the drug conventions: above all, it is the inescapable result of inadequate implementation of existing crime control agreements and unwillingness to develop new ones, despite the sacrifice – often the ultimate sacrifice – of law enforcement officers. The overall context has weakened further the respect for human rights. Although drugs and crime kill, societies should not kill because of them. There cannot be disagreement on this. Yet, under the (no doubt emotional) pressure of a concerned public opinion, efforts to preserve public health (by controlling drugs) and to maintain public order (by preventing crime) are not always conducted with respect for the rights of other human beings. Still worse, when the law is not observed, when drug mafias challenge the state, when vast income inequalities are the result of crime rather than honest work, the call is inevitable: an eye for an eye. Governments must oppose this frightening cycle.

Details: Vienna: UNODC, 2009. 22p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 21, 2011 at: http://www.unodc.org/documents/drug-treatment/CND_09ED_final%20paper.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: International

URL: http://www.unodc.org/documents/drug-treatment/CND_09ED_final%20paper.pdf

Shelf Number: 122134

Drug Control Policies
Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: Hoisington, Caroline

Title: Rough Trade: How Australia's Trade Policies Contribute to Illegal Logging in the Pacific Region

Summary: The Australian Government is not doing enough to ensure that Australian imports of forestry products are consistent with the goals of Australian aid programs and stated commitments to reduce greenhouse gases. Australian aid includes programs and projects to help Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and the Pacific Island nations to better manage their forestry resources for long-term sustainability, maximum socioeconomic benefit for their citizens and to participate in REDD (reduced emissions from deforestation and forest destruction), the innovative program rewarding carbon sequestration. Illegal logging in these countries is more extensive than generally understood and it is a serious impediment to achieving the goals of Australian aid programs. Illegal logging is a major cause of deforestation and environmental destruction; it undermines nations’ efforts to manage forest resources for a sustainable industry, destroys the livelihood of forest-dwellers and costs governments large sums in lost revenue. It fosters corruption and is associated with organised crime and violence. It undercuts the international and Australian domestic markets for wood products from legally managed forestry by being cheaper. Deforestation is responsible for about 20 per cent of global greenhouse-gas emissions, and illegal logging is responsible for a large part of the deforestation. Continued illegal logging demonstrates that governments cannot protect their forest resources and it undermines their credibility for participation in the REDD mechanism. Ultimately, illegal logging is market-driven and a significant part of the demand is international. Australia inadvertently contributes to these problems by importing timber and wood products, including wooden furniture, without adequate controls in place to ensure that the wood is legally sourced. The lack of legal mechanisms available to Customs for the control of illegal wood imports is inconsistent with the goal of Australia’s aid program, environmentally sound management of natural resources among neighbouring countries and at home. It may benefit the importers of certain products by keeping prices low but those artificially low prices undercut Australia’s own forestry and forestry-based industries. Several specific measures are recommended to ensure that timber and wood-product imports are legally sourced.

Details: Bruce, ACT, AUS: The Australia Institute, University of Canberra, 2010. 93p.

Source: Internet Resource: Institute Paper No. 5: Accessed July 27, 2011 at: www.tai.org.au

Year: 2010

Country: Australia


Shelf Number: 122177

Illegal Logging (Australia)
Illegal Trade
Natural Resources
Offenses Against the Environment
Organized Crime

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Title: The Global Afghan Opium Trade: A Threat Assessment

Summary: Over the last decade, the global trade in illicit Afghan opiates has been one of the world’s greatest transnational drug and crime threats – with severe consequences for health, governance and security at national, regional and international levels. In Afghanistan and elsewhere, transnational organized crime groups were the main beneficiaries of the US$68 billion trade in 2009, which they supplemented with other forms of crime such as arms trafficking and human smuggling. In 2009, the Afghan Taliban was estimated to have earned around $150 million from the opiate trade, Afghan drug traffickers $2.2 billion, and Afghan farmers $440 million. While the findings suggest that most insurgent elements content themselves with taxing the trade rather than attempting to become active participants, it now appears that some insurgents involve themselves directly in the heroin supply chain, including in the procurement of acetic anhydride. Anti-government elements based in Afghanistan and Pakistan may gain access to only a fraction of the value of Afghan opiate exports, but this is nonetheless enough to support logistics, operations and recruitment. Areas under insurgent influence, such as the border between Iraq and Turkey and the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan, also provide a key competitive advantage for organized crime groups as those areas lie beyond the reach of law enforcement. If global organized crime groups managing the opiate trade pocketed only 10 per cent of the profit, they would have earned at least $7 billion in 2009. All these illicit profits are laundered in one way or another, a process that undermines the vulnerable economies of areas such as the Balkans and Central Asia. Traffickers tend to shift routes and change their modus operandi as law enforcement pressure increases. Traditional methods of land border control may not be sufficient to stem the flow of opiates into destination markets.

Details: Geneva: UNODC, 2011. 162p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 5, 2011 at: http://www.unodc.org/documents/data-and-analysis/Studies/Global_Afghan_Opium_Trade_2011-web.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Afghanistan

URL: http://www.unodc.org/documents/data-and-analysis/Studies/Global_Afghan_Opium_Trade_2011-web.pdf

Shelf Number: 122312

Drug Trafficking
Drugs and Crime
Illegal Drugs
Opium (Afghanistan)
Organized Crime

Author: Schneider, Friedrich

Title: The (Hidden) Financial Flows of Terrorist and Organized Crime Organizations: A Literature Review and Some Preliminary Empirical Results

Summary: The financial means of international terror and organized crime organizations are analysed. First, some short remarks about the organization of international terror organizations are made. Second and in a much more detailed way a literature review is provided about the financing of terrorist and organized crime organizations, their sources and the various methods they use. Third, an attempt is made to estimate the financial means of terror organizations with the help of a latent estimation approach (MIMIC procedure). The figures show that Al Qaeda and other terror organizations have sufficient financial means. Fourth, some remarks are made about the negative effects of terror on the economy in highly developed countries and some strategies are presented to combat (the financing) of terrorism.

Details: Bonn, Germany: IZA, 2010. 44p.

Source: Internet Resource: IZA Discussion Paper No. 4860: Accessed August 12, 2011 at: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1584191

Year: 2010

Country: International

URL: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1584191

Shelf Number: 122381

Money Laundering
Organized Crime
Terrorist Financing

Author: Environmental Investigation Agency

Title: Made In China: How China's Illegal Ivory Trade is Causing a 21st Century African Elephant Disaster

Summary: China has the largest illegal ivory trade of any nation in the world. It is the most significant global destination for illegal ivory. Ivory traders are now thought to be stockpiling elephant tusks and ivory products for lucrative sales to the hundreds of thousands of foreigners expected to attend the Beijing Olympics in the summer of 2008. China’s long failure to crack down on its massive illegal ivory trade makes a mockery of its claims to be hosting a “Green Olympics”. Chinese nationals, companies – some government owned – and organized crime syndicates are implicated in the smuggling of vast amounts of illegal ivory and the consequent elephant poaching afflicting much of Africa. Countries affected include Sudan, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Chad, Kenya, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria, Cameroon, and Mali. Indications suggest that Chinese involvement in illegal ivory trade extends to other African elephant range states as well. With Chinese investment and human presence in resource extraction operations across Africa skyrocketing, demand for ivory will overwhelm the ability of range states to conserve their elephants from poaching gangs connected to Chinese ivory buyers, often in collusion with corrupt government officials. China’s massive illegal ivory trade is not an accident. Failure by the Government of China to ensure meaningful enforcement of CITES regulations that prohibit the import and export of ivory resulted in illegal ivory flooding onto the domestic market in the 1990’s. China’s demand for ivory is directly responsible for the renewed poaching crisis facing many African elephant populations, as this report shows. After CITES increased protection for Africa’s rapidly disappearing elephants by banning international trade in ivory products in 1989, China neglected to fully enshrine those legal protections in domestic law for 17 years. Over that period its government did little to enforce CITES regulations prohibiting ivory imports or exports. Major failures included a vast loophole enabling traders to register ivory which they had “forgotten” to register at the time of the 1989 CITES ban as “pre-convention”, in effect enabling smuggled ivory to be legalized and then moved onto China’s flourishing domestic market. Illegal ivory seized by Chinese government agencies is also alleged to have disappeared into government ivory stocks. Numerous traders have confirmed that government ivory stocks continued to be sold to them in the 1990’s and 2000’s, including via government owned companies. Even the ruling Communist Party of China is reported to have held ivory stocks which were sold to traders. Organized smuggling syndicates have proliferated across Africa in recent years as Chinese companies and nationals pour into the continent, extracting its rich resources to fuel the explosive growth in manufacturing on the Chinese mainland. Whether working for oil companies in Sudan and Angola, or logging companies in west and central Africa, some Chinese nationals are tempted into working for the lucrative underground ivory trade. Africa’s elephants are paying the price for China’s failure to enforce the CITES ban. Recent commendable efforts by China’s government to suppress the illegal ivory trade have resulted in some high-profile seizures as well as restrictions on ivory product sales. Yet the government has now legalized dozens of companies thought to be implicated in illicit trade. Further, it undermines its own efforts to crack down on illegal trade by auctioning off confiscated poached ivory to domestic traders. Worse, China is now seeking legal approval from CITES to take part in future ivory auctions in order to expand its domestic trade. The Chinese government’s determination to host a “Green Olympics” in 2008 will be badly tainted if it continues to protect a domestic ivory trade that is fueling widespread poaching and illegal trade across several continents. The country’s very belated efforts to ratchet up enforcement operations against large-scale smuggling and commercial trade in ivory are not enough to prevent a 21st century African elephant disaster, driven by Chinese consumer demand. Instead the Government of China can affirm its commitment to CITES and to protecting endangered species by taking immediate action to ban the domestic trade in ivory. By simplifying enforcement procedures and empowering enforcement personnel across the nation, ivory trade can be eliminated within China’s borders. A precedent already exists. In 1993 China banned domestic rhino horn trade after rhino poaching in Africa and Asia and the flow of horns to China had reached crisis levels. China’s successful action to save the world’s rhinos demonstrated high level political will to protect the wildlife of other nations. Today, China’s people face two key questions with regard to another beloved endangered species: the African elephant. First, where does all the ivory in China come from, almost 18 years after international trade was banned? And second, does the Government of China have the political will to ban the domestic ivory trade that is helping to push many African elephant populations towards extinction?

Details: London; Washington, DC: EIA, 2007. 36p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 31, 2011 at: http://www.eia-global.org/PDF/Report--MadeInChina--Species--May07.pdf

Year: 2007

Country: China

URL: http://www.eia-global.org/PDF/Report--MadeInChina--Species--May07.pdf

Shelf Number: 122567

Endangered Species
Illegal Trade
Organized Crime
Wildlife Crime (China)

Author: Cadman, Mike

Title: Consuming Wild Life: The Illegal Exploitation of Wild Animals In South Africa, Zimbabwe and Zambia: A Preliminary Report

Summary: The illegal killing of wild animals poses an urgent threat to their survival and involves enormous cruelty, untold suffering, pain and death for individual animals, family groups and social networks. The raison d’etre for this report was, therefore, to attempt to get an overview of the current scale of illegal killing of wild life in South Africa and the southern African region more broadly. This Report represents the groundwork – a foundation to build on. The need for further research is extensive. However, this preliminary investigation clearly reveals a startling picture – one of enormous suffering, an inability by state agencies to adequately monitor the illegal killing of wild animals, a lack of centralised statistics and data, an uncoordinated response from authorities, insufficient enforcement and a general way of thinking that promotes killing instead of protection and respect. South Africa and its neighbours have flourishing illegal wild animal markets and in South Africa, particularly, this is compounded by its geographical location and relatively sophisticated infrastructure. Indeed, poaching is taking place in an increasingly organised scale. Africa has seen the unprecedented annihilation of wild animals as a result of poaching and it is being fuelled by the profits that are made by commercial wildlife traffickers (often to satisfy consumer demand abroad) and uncontrolled commercial exploitation. This is part of a global problem which according to Interpol is worth some US$12 billion a year. Throughout Africa, money is the driving force of this illegal trade and it is motivated by greed and aided by corruption, inadequate ranger staffing, public attitudes to wildlife, lack of public awareness, lack of data and lack of adequate law enforcement. There are three general categories of consumptive use of wild animals: commercial trophy hunting, illegal poaching (including subsistence hunting), and commercial farming. Nearly all illegal poaching is commercial. For purposes of this report ‘poaching’ is defined as hunting wild animals for food and entrepreneurial exploitation, including the bushmeat trade for local and urban trade, trafficking (locally and cross-border) and trade in live animals and body parts. The traditional medicines market is an important component in the illegal wildlife trade. The killers come in a variety of forms: they may be local people, they may be using snares, they maybe using guns or they may be the lowest link in a massive international mafia chain of wildlife trade that is today almost as big as the drug trade. Poachers are thus often highly organised armed gangs and hardened criminals. Methods of poaching include: shooting, snaring (using wire, cables etc.), gin traps, poisoning and the use of packs of dogs. It is generally believed that wild animals are safe in Reserves. However, research has revealed that many of the reserves in southern Africa are heavily targeted by armed poachers. Of concern is that in some instances the park rangers themselves are poaching. A recent research study undertaken by Professor Greg L. Warchol shows “numerous instances of rangers poaching for bushmeat, elephant ivory and rhino horn. In a Kruger National Park-sanctioned ‘culling’ effort, rangers authorised to kill 120 impala illegally killed an additional 60 for sale to a local butcher shop. One Kruger ranger was arrested for shooting 20 white rhinos and another admitted to killing at least 46 over 12 years to pay his gambling debts.” Poaching, trafficking and the bushmeat trade continue to thrive and expand in the region because there are flawed efforts to combat it. In particular, it is as a result of: 􀂃 The ‘sustainable’ and consumptive use context, i.e., the belief that animals are a resource to be used rather than protected. An illegal activity occurs within a framework where the same activity (killing for food or for profit), is legal. The key to this problem is that animals are seen as property, whether the property of the landowner, of governments or of rural communities. This commodification of sentient beings implies their exploitation. 􀂃 Inadequate leadership from government – insufficient priority is being given to wildlife crime. Protecting wildlife is often viewed as a low priority. 􀂃 Poor conceptualisation and implementation of non-consumptive poverty relief and development projects. 􀂃 Wildlife laws are too weak, ambiguous and contradictory. 􀂃 Prosecutors and magistrates are often unfamiliar with wildlife laws. 􀂃 Strong enforcement and compliance is lacking. 􀂃 Low levels of staffing and capacity. 􀂃 Lack of effective anti-poaching strategies, nationally and regionally. 􀂃 Effective public awareness-raising is wanting. This report strongly indicates that urgent action is needed. It is imperative that authorities in the region address this grave situation and take effective steps to prevent wildlife crime and protect wild animals in the region so as to: 1. Create and coordinate long-term programmes and strategies at a national and regional level; 2. Reduce national demand; 3. Mitigate poaching activities; 4. Expose the extent of poaching and trade; 5. Gather intelligence for future analytical reports and to identify enforcement priorities; 6. Determine what animals are being targeted. Animal Rights Africa therefore recommends that governments in the region need to implement the following strategies: 􀂃 Establish national and regional Wildlife Crime Databases. 􀂃 Review policies and legislation. 􀂃 Review policy of ‘sustainable use’ and consumptive use. 􀂃 Ensure that legislation and judicial systems support prosecutions and higher penalties. 􀂃 Build capacity, increase numbers, train and support rangers. 􀂃 Forge partnerships; between government agencies, with NGOs and intergovernmentally. 􀂃 Actively seek participation of civil society. 􀂃 Promote public awareness and education which is aimed at protecting and respecting animals in the wild. 􀂃 Investigate non-consumptive ways of addressing hunger.

Details: Animal Rights Africa; Zwe African Wild Life, 2007. 43p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 31, 2011 at: http://www.animalrightsafrica.org/Archive/Consuming_Wild_Life_290307_final.pdf

Year: 2007

Country: Africa

URL: https://docplayer.net/21741902-Consuming-wild-life-the-illegal-exploitation-of-wild-animals-in-south-africa-zimbabwe-and-zambia-a-preliminary-report.html

Shelf Number: 122568

Illegal Trade
Organized Crime
Wildlife Crime (Africa)

Author: Aning, Kwesi

Title: ECOWAS and Conflict Prevention in West Africa: Confronting the Triple Threats

Summary: West Africa’s relative stability following a period of violent and protracted conflicts in the 1990s is under increasing attack from a range of existing and emerging threats. The emergence or in some cases re-emergence of certain trends, namely armed sub-state groups, small arms flows and the narcotics trade could erode the stability that the region currently enjoys. Despite progress in consolidating democracy over the past two decades, a series of recent military coups has raised questions about the state of the democratic structures that are currently in place. More generally, much of the region is still waiting for a ‘democratic dividend’: despite the return to civilian rule and holding of periodic elections, the social and economic well being of the vast majority of people in the sub-region remain dire. The near simultaneous assassination’s of President Joao Bernado Vieira of Guinea Bissau and the country’s Chief of Staff, General Tagme Na Waie in 2008 was a glaring reminder of West Africa’s troubled past. Although a military takeover in Guinea (Conakry) was foreseen if and when the oft expected death of its long-term leader happened, the occurrence of a coup d’etat in December 2008, against the inept and incompetent regime following the death of President Lansana Conté, was nonetheless an unsettling development. There is no doubt that the re-emergence of coup d’etats is a manifestation of the weaknesses of the democratic systems that have been established; highlighting the need to ensure that democracy transcends the holding of periodic elections. At the heart of the problem is the growing abuse of power by civilian authorities. For instance, the issue of term limits has proved to be contentious as several civilians Heads of State have attempted to change their national constitutions to prolong their stay in power often in defiance of public opinion. Recent attempts by Niger’s President, Mamadu Tandja to change the country’s constitution to allow him a third term is a glaring manifestation of this troubling pattern. Meanwhile, the emergence of al-Qaeda affiliated groups, primarily in the Sahel constitutes a new form of transnational threat with wider global consequences. The activities of groups such as al-Qaeda in the Maghreb pose serious security threats to countries in the Sahel and beyond. Organized crime is also running rampant in the region. Outsiders find it hard to distinguish between criminal groups that are engaged in smuggling contraband items including hard drugs, groups with terrorist links and those with a political agenda. Establishing the differences between these groups is one of the hardest challenges confronting national, regional and international actors in their efforts to combat the multiple threats to stability in West Africa. These developments, coming against the backdrop of the current global economic and financial crisis has placed tremendous pressure on national governments as they struggle to cope with the dire effects of the crises and responding to these threats. The challenges are compounded by the shifting priorities of donor countries, some of whom have been forced to scale back their assistance due to the impact of the financial meltdown on their national budgets. It is against this backdrop that this paper addresses three critical transnational challenges, referred to as the “triple threats” confronting West Africa: governance, drug trafficking and small arms and light weapons (SALW). The combined effect of these threats could undermine the security and stability of the entire sub-region. The paper argues that understanding the broad dynamics and impacts of poor governance, the proliferation of SALW and drug trafficking is critical to maintaining regional stability as a whole.

Details: New York: New York University, Center on International Cooperation, 2009. 22p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 31, 2011 at: http://www.cic.nyu.edu/peacekeeping/conflict/docs/bah_ecowas.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: Africa

URL: http://www.cic.nyu.edu/peacekeeping/conflict/docs/bah_ecowas.pdf

Shelf Number: 122576

Drug Trafficking (West Africa)
Organized Crime

Author: Kego, Walter

Title: Organized Crime and the Financial Crisis: Recent Trends in the Baltic Sea Region

Summary: The financial crisis has affected not only the economies of countries in the Baltic Sea Region. It also provided a golden opportunity for organized crime groups to expand their activities. This book presents analyses by leading criminologists on how these groups have been able to take advantage of the crisis. Using a wide range of information and statistical data, the six case studies reveal the extent to which organized crime groups have infiltrated societies and pose a severe threat not only to individuals but also the state. Countries profiled include: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia and Sweden.

Details: Stockholm: Institute for Security and Development Policy, 2011. 153p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 3, 2011 at: http://www.isdp.eu/images/stories/isdp-main-pdf/2011_kego-leijonmarck-molcean_organized-crime-and-the-financial-crisis.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: International

URL: http://www.isdp.eu/images/stories/isdp-main-pdf/2011_kego-leijonmarck-molcean_organized-crime-and-the-financial-crisis.pdf

Shelf Number: 122625

Economic Crimes
Economics and Crime
Organized Crime

Author: Nilsson, Robert

Title: The Impact of Drugs Trafficking, Corruption and Organized Crime: How to Strengthen Regional Cooperation around the Baltic Sea

Summary: The need for expanded and improved regional cooperation among the states around the Baltic Sea in countering the illicit drugs trade and organized crime is something which has been emphasized by papers previously published by ISDP within this research project. However, this is the first major attempt to put the acute need for regional cooperation among the wider spectrum of law enforcement offices and research communities at the very forefront of the policy debate. The reasons are manifold and ever more pressing in the rapidly changing context of closer European integration both within the Union itself and with the countries just east of the common border. The by far most profitable and, at the same time, most serious business for organized criminal networks operating in the Baltic Sea region is that of narcotics, through the entire chain from production to distribution. Even though the drug problem has been described by UNODC as contained in the sense that the demand has been stabilized, recent figures show that this containment is under threat. On the supply side the situation looks very different with increases both in production and trafficking. Similar to any legal market, the balance between supply and demand is the main determinant for pricing as well as the development of new business strategies for the drug lords within organized criminal networks. Together with these basic underlying factors of the narcotics trade, there are a number of recently emerged and decisive variables which have to be accounted for in the analysis of the future impact on cooperation among the states in the Baltic Sea region and its immediate neighbors. One such important factor is last year’s decision to enlarge the Schengen area, raising a number of pertinent questions and challenges of how to adapt to the radically changing environment where the borders of the EU have now been brought “closer to regions and territories which are unstable, uncontrolled and hence should be a source of concern due to the crime trends visible in geographical areas such as the Northern Caucasus and Central Asia.” Another such factor of which we still know very little about is the impact of the financial crisis. Most likely, this crisis will have effects on the narcotics trade as on any other legal or illegal trade. These effects are difficult to predict at the moment, but just as a strong and well-monitored banking system carries the necessary preconditions for controlling and securing financial transfers, the weakened state of the banks in the region could provide increased opportunities for organized criminal networks in their continuous search for expanded business opportunities. But apart from these two politico-economic changes of great import, what are the more imminent challenges to be met in the common fight against the proliferation of narcotics and growth of organized crime in the Baltic Sea region?

Details: Stockholm: Institute for Security and Development Policy, 2009. 48p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 3, 2011 at: http://www.isdp.eu/images/stories/isdp-main-pdf/2009_nilsson-kego_the-impact-of-drugs-trafficking.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: International

URL: http://www.isdp.eu/images/stories/isdp-main-pdf/2009_nilsson-kego_the-impact-of-drugs-trafficking.pdf

Shelf Number: 122626

Drug Enforcement
Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: Seelke, Clare Ribando

Title: U.S.-Mexican Security Cooperation: The Merida Initiative and Beyond

Summary: Increasing violence perpetrated by drug trafficking organizations and other criminal groups is threatening citizen security and governance in Mexico. According to Mexican government data, organized crime-related violence claimed more than 34,500 lives in Mexico between January 2007 and December 2010. That toll may now exceed 40,000. Escalating violence has increased U.S. concerns about stability in Mexico, a key political and economic ally, and about the possibility of violence spilling over into the United States. Mexican drug trafficking organizations dominate the U.S. illicit drug market and are now considered the greatest organized crime threat facing the United States. In recent years, U.S.-Mexican security cooperation has increased significantly, largely as a result of the development and implementation of the Mérida Initiative, a counterdrug and anticrime assistance package for Mexico and Central America that was first proposed in October 2007. Between FY2008 and FY2010, Congress provided $1.5 billion for Mérida Initiative programs in Mexico, with an early emphasis on training and equipping Mexican security forces engaged in counterdrug efforts. As part of the Mérida Initiative, the Mexican government pledged to intensify its efforts against transnational criminal organizations and the U.S. government pledged to address drug demand and the illicit trafficking of firearms and bulk currency to Mexico. With funding for the original Mérida Initiative technically ending in FY2010 and new initiatives underway for Central America and the Caribbean, the Obama Administration worked with the Mexican government to develop a new four-pillar strategy for U.S.-Mexican security cooperation. That strategy, adopted in March 2010, focuses on (1) disrupting organized criminal groups; (2) institutionalizing the rule of law; (3) building a 21st century border; and (4) building strong and resilient communities. The first two pillars largely build upon existing efforts, whereas pillars three and four broaden the scope of Mérida programs to include efforts to facilitate “secure flows” through the U.S.-Mexico border and to improve conditions in violence-prone border cities. Congress appropriated $143.0 million in Mérida assistance for Mexico for FY2011 in P.L. 112-10. The Administration requested $282 million in Mérida assistance for FY2012. As of August 1, 2011, a total of $473.8 million worth of assistance had been provided to Mexico. The 112th Congress is likely to continue funding and overseeing the Mérida Initiative, as well as examining the degree to which the U.S. and Mexican governments are fulfilling their pledges to tackle domestic problems contributing to drug trafficking and crime in the region. Congress may also examine the degree to which the Administration’s new strategy for the Mérida Initiative complements other counterdrug and border security efforts as outlined in the 2011 National Southwest Border Counternarcotics Strategy. Given current budget constraints, Congress may also debate how best to measure the impact of current and future Mérida Initiative programs. Another congressional interest is likely to focus on whether human rights conditions placed on Mérida Initiative funding are appropriate or sufficient.

Details: Washington, DC: Congressional Research Services, 2011. 48p.

Source: Internet Resource: R41349: Accessed September 7, 2011 at: http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/row/R41349.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Mexico

URL: http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/row/R41349.pdf

Shelf Number: 122670

Border Security
Drug Control
Drug Trafficking (Mexico)
Merida Initiative
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Weapons


Title: Violence and Politics in Venezuela

Summary: Every half hour, a person is killed in Venezuela. The presence of organised crime combined with an enormous number of firearms in civilian hands and impunity, as well as police corruption and brutality, have entrenched violence in society. While such problems did not begin with President Hugo Chávez, his government has to account for its ambiguity towards various armed groups, its inability or unwillingness to tackle corruption and criminal complicity in parts of the security forces, its policy to arm civilians “in defence of the revolution”, and – last but not least – the president’s own confrontational rhetoric. Positive steps such as constructive engagement with Colombia as well as some limited security reform do not compensate for these failures. While the prospect of presidential elections in 2012 could postpone social explosion, the deterioration of the president’s health has added considerable uncertainty. In any event, the degree of polarisation and militarisation in society is likely to undermine the chances for either a non-violent continuation of the current regime or a peaceful transition to a post-Chávez era. A significant part of the problem was inherited from previous administrations. In 1999, the incoming President Chávez was faced with a country in which homicide rates had tripled in less than two decades, and many institutions were in the process of collapse, eroded by corruption and impunity. During the “Bolivarian revolution”, however, these problems have become substantially worse. Today, more than ten people are murdered on the streets of Caracas every day – the majority by individual criminals, members of street gangs or the police themselves – while kidnapping and robbery rates are soaring. By attributing the problem to “social perceptions of insecurity”, or structural causes, such as widespread poverty, inherited from past governments, the government is downplaying the magnitude and destructive extent of criminal violence. The massive, but temporary, deployment of security forces in highly visible operations, and even police reform and disarmament programs, will have little impact if they are not part of an integrated strategy to reduce crime, end impunity and protect citizens.

Details: Brussels: International Crisis Group, 2011. 40p.

Source: Internet Resource: Latin America Report No. 38:

Year: 2011

Country: Venezuela


Shelf Number: 122747

Criminal Violence (Venezuela)
Organized Crime
Political Corruption
Violent Crime

Author: Barrett, Nicole A.

Title: An Exploration of Promising Practices in Response to Human Trafficking in Canada

Summary: This report was commissioned by the Government of Manitoba on behalf of the Federal-Provincial- Territorial (“FPT”) Forum of Senior Officials responsible for the Status of Women. Its purpose is to identify and explore promising practices focused on human trafficking prevention and victim support that could be considered by Canadian Federal/Provincial/Territorial (“FPT”) governments to better address human trafficking in Canada. The report has three parts. The first part discusses the legal and sociological context required to understand human trafficking issues as they relate to prevention and victim services. In this regard, the Trafficking Protocol to the Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime, the first internationally agreed upon definition of trafficking in persons, frames the discussion. The report outlines Canada's laws against human trafficking: section 279.01 of the Criminal Code, passed in 2005, and section 118 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, passed in 2002. Canada's existing human trafficking coordination bodies and victims services at the federal, provincial and territorial levels are briefly canvassed. The second section explores promising practices in human trafficking prevention and victim services while the third offers brief conclusions and recommendations on the practices presented.

Details: Vancouver: International Centre for Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy, 2010. 84p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 17, 2011 at: http://www.icclr.law.ubc.ca/files/2010/An%20Exploration%20of%20Promising%20Practices%20in%20Response%20to%20Human%20Trafficking%20in%20Canada.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Canada

URL: http://www.icclr.law.ubc.ca/files/2010/An%20Exploration%20of%20Promising%20Practices%20in%20Response%20to%20Human%20Trafficking%20in%20Canada.pdf

Shelf Number: 122768

Human Trafficking (Canada)
Organized Crime
Sexual Exploitation
Victim Services

Author: Skinnider, Eileen

Title: Victims of Environmental Crime – Mapping the Issues

Summary: In recent years, with greater understanding of the need to protect the environment and a better appreciation of what the environment can and cannot sustain, regulation, and in some cases, criminalization of harm to the environment is becoming more accepted. Environmental crime has been identified as one of the most profitable and fastest growing areas of international criminal activity, with increasing involvement of organized criminal networks. Serious environmental harms committed by otherwise legitimate corporations for financial motives are increasingly attracting media attention. At the 12th United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (2010), the international community acknowledged the challenges posed by emerging forms of crime that have significant impact on the environment and called on Member States to study this issue and share best practices. Despite this growing awareness, environmental crimes often fail to prompt the required response by governments, the enforcement community and the public. Often perceived as “victimless”, environmental crimes do not always produce an immediate consequence, the harm may be diffused or go undetected for a lengthy period of time. Added to this is the fact that many environmental disruptions are actually legal and take place with the consent of society. Classifying what is an environmental crime involves a complex balancing of communities’ interest in jobs and income with ecosystem maintenance, biodiversity and sustainability. Environmental crime affects all of society. It can have detrimental consequences on the economies and security of a country. For individuals and communities, it may impact public health, livelihoods, and lower property values, as well as impacting on non-human species, nature itself and future generations. The effects of a single environmental offence may not appear significant but the cumulative environmental consequences of repeated violations over time can be considerable. Victims of environmental harm are not widely recognized as victims of “crime” and thus are excluded from the traditional view of victimology which is largely based on conventional constructions of crime. This has meant little attempt to describe the actual prevalence and consequences of environmental crime victimization. Environmental crime victims challenge the traditional victimology approach as they are often victimized collectively and can involve non-conventional victims (non-human species, the environment and future generations). The far-reaching impacts of environmental crime raise complex and unique issues for both victims and government. The objective of this report is to advance the knowledge of the legal and policy issues for victims of environmental crime. Historically, research on environmental crime has lacked the theoretical and methodological depth that has been undertaken for other traditional crimes. In particular, the field of victimology has paid little attention to this type of victimization or to understand how it differs from other types of victimization. Nor has it considered implications for these victims in seeking access to justice, redress, assistance and support. This research maps out the issues relating to victims of environmental crime and identifies topics requiring further study. Part I provides a brief overview of the international and domestic legal framework, using Canada as the case study, before examining some of the conceptual debates regarding definitions and philosophical perspectives. Part II explores the range and types of victims, mapping out the issues for further study. Part III sets out the legal and quasi-legal bases upon which victims of environmental crime can access justice and apply for various types of remediation.

Details: Vancouver: International Centre for Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy, 2011. 86p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 17, 2011 at: http://www.icclr.law.ubc.ca/files/2011/Victims%20of%20Environmental%20Crime.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Canada

URL: http://www.icclr.law.ubc.ca/files/2011/Victims%20of%20Environmental%20Crime.pdf

Shelf Number: 122770

Natural Resources
Offenses Against the Environment (Canada)
Organized Crime
Wildlife Crime

Author: Watson, Calinka

Title: The Organised Crime of Organ Trafficking

Summary: Across the world today people are selling their bodily organs to organ trafficking syndicates in order to make money for necessities and to pay off loans used in order to survive. Modern medical technology has vastly improved the outcome of organ transplants and survival rates of human organ recipients. This in turn means that as a survival option many more potential recipients are being placed on waiting lists in order to receive organ transplants. What therefore contributes to the organised crime of black markets in human organs is the great shortages in the numbers of donated organ necessary for organ transplantations. This is due to increased numbers of patients on transplant waiting lists. Poor donors are therefore willing, in the nonregulated system of organ trade, to sell their organs to increase their fortunes and rich ill recipients are willing to pay any price for any organ. Organised crime legislation and medical policies today make this activity illegal and this can be said to be half the problem in increased organ markets and organ trafficking syndicates. The traditional system of organ donation, namely altruistic organ donation without compensation, is no longer effective enough in ensuring that sufficient numbers of human organs are donated yearly to meet the demand. Hospitals and other non-governmental organisations or institutions dealing with organ donation, procurement and human organ transplantation are in desperate need of such organs for organ transplants. For this reason various solutions have been illustrated as methods in eliminating the organised crime of organ trafficking and increasing available organs needed for transplantation. Some of these options include national organ donor registries to track current organ donors, presumed consent laws which require donors to specifically opt out of an organ donor registry, conscription or state owned organs as well as future’s markets or donation contracts and other forms of compensation to donors such as tax deductions, preference for future organ transplants above other recipients and remuneration for all expenses incurred and lost during the organ donation period. Educational and public media programmes have also been suggested to educate average citizens on the issue of organ transplantation and to make them aware of organ trafficking and the need for donated organs, whether such human organs are donated while the donor is alive or if the donor only consent to such removal of organs once deceased. Many ethical dilemmas exist regarding these various ideas to increase donated organs. People feel that by selling human organs for example, poor donors will be exploited and altruistic donations will no longer be willing to donate their organs because of feelings of disgust for newly designed organ donation legislation. Beyond this fear lies the fear that if organ markets were legalised only richer members of society would be able to afford organ transplantations and that thereby poorer people would not have access to organ transplants. The situation without such a legalised market in place, however, already exploits the poor members of society and bad health risks for both the organ donor and organ recipient ensue due to shocking medical surroundings and incorrect procedures used in illegal organ transplantations. What is recommended therefore is that such legalised systems of compensated organ donation are to work in conjunction with the traditional altruistic system of organ donation and other methods used to increase organ donation and that legislation be correctly drafted and implemented to benefit both organ donor and organ recipient. It is deemed that such a legalised system of organ sales will eventually eliminate the organised crime of organ trafficking as the illegal demand for such organs will no longer exist. This will occur because of increased organ donations due to, amongst other methods of organ procurement, educational programmes and organ donors receiving some form of compensation for their donation.

Details: Bloemfontein, South Africa: University of the Free State, Department of Criminal and Medical Law, 2006. 308p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 23, 2011 at: http://etd.uovs.ac.za/ETD-db/theses/available/etd-06142007-072827/unrestricted/WatsonC.pdf

Year: 2006

Country: South Africa

URL: http://etd.uovs.ac.za/ETD-db/theses/available/etd-06142007-072827/unrestricted/WatsonC.pdf

Shelf Number: 122806

Organ Trafficking
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Organs (South Africa)

Author: Kan, Paul Rexton

Title: Mexico's "Narco-Refugees": The Looming Challenge for U.S. National Security

Summary: Since 2006, when Mexican president Felipe Calderon declared war on the drug cartels, there has been a rise in the number of Mexican nationals seeking political asylum in the United States to escape the ongoing drug cartel violence in their home country. Political asylum cases in general are claimed by those who are targeted for their political beliefs or ethnicity in countries that are repressive or failing. Mexico is neither. Nonetheless, if the health of the Mexican state declines because criminal violence continues, increases, or spreads, U.S. communities will feel an even greater burden on their systems of public safety and public health from “narco-refugees.” Given the ever-increasing brutality of the cartels, the question is whether and how the United States Government should begin to prepare for what could be a new wave of migrants coming from Mexico. Allowing Mexicans to claim asylum could potentially open a floodgate of migrants to the United States during a time when there is a very contentious national debate over U.S. immigration laws pertaining to illegal immigrants. On the other hand, to deny the claims of asylum seekers and return them to Mexico, where they might very well be killed, strikes at the heart of American values of justice and humanitarianism. This monograph focuses on the asylum claims of Mexicans who unwillingly leave Mexico, rather than those who willingly enter the United States legally or illegally. To navigate wisely in this sea of complexity will require greater understanding and vigilance at all levels of the U.S. Government.

Details: Carlisle, PA: U.S. Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, 2011. 50p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 4, 2011 at: http://www.strategicstudiesinstitute.army.mil/pdffiles/PUB1083.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Mexico

URL: http://www.strategicstudiesinstitute.army.mil/pdffiles/PUB1083.pdf

Shelf Number: 0

Border Security
Drug Cartels (Mexico)
Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime
Violent Crime

Author: International Crisis Group

Title: Guatemala: Drug Trafficking and Violence

Summary: The bloody eruption of Mexican-led cartels into Guatemala is the latest chapter in a vicious cycle of violence and institutional failure. Geography has placed the country – midway between Colombia and the U.S. – at one of the world’s busiest intersections for illegal drugs. Cocaine (and now ingredients for synthetic drugs) flows in by air, land and sea and from there into Mexico en route to the U.S. Cool highlands are an ideal climate for poppy cultivation. Weapons, given lenient gun laws and a long history of arms smuggling, are plentiful. An impoverished, underemployed population is a ready source of recruits. The winner of November’s presidential election will need to address endemic social and economic inequities while confronting the violence and corruption associated with drug trafficking. Decisive support from the international community is needed to assure these challenges do not overwhelm a democracy still recovering from decades of political violence and military rule. Gangs and common criminals flourish under the same conditions that allow drug traffickers to operate with brazen impunity: demoralised police forces, an often intimidated or corrupted judicial system and a population so distrustful of law enforcement that the rich depend on private security forces while the poor arm themselves in local vigilante squads. Over the past decade, the homicide rate has doubled, from twenty to more than 40 per 100,000 inhabitants. While traffickers contribute to the crime wave in border regions and along drug corridors, youth gangs terrorise neighbourhoods in Guatemala City. The outrages perpetrated by the most violent Mexican gang, the Zetas – who decapitate and dismember their victims for maximum impact – generate the most headlines. Violent drug cartels, however, are only one manifestation of the gangs and clandestine associations that have long dominated Guatemalan society and crippled its institutions. How to change this dynamic will be one of the most difficult challenges facing the winner of November’s presidential election. Both Otto Pérez Molina and Manuel Baldizón have promised to get tough on criminals, but a hardline approach that fails to include a strategy to foster rule of law is unlikely to yield anything more than sporadic, short-term gains. For decades, the state itself was the most prolific violator of human rights. During the 36-year conflict that ended with the peace accords of 1996, the armed forces murdered dissidents in urban areas and razed villages suspected of harbouring guerrilla forces. Just as Guatemala was recovering from years of political violence, control of the South American drug trade was shifting from Colombia to Mexico. Increased interdiction in the Caribbean, plus the arrest of Colombian cartel leaders, allowed Mexican traffickers to begin taking over drug distribution in the late 1990s. Mexican President Felipe Calderón’s crackdown after 2006 forced traffickers to import increasing amounts of contraband into Central America and then move it north over land. The shipment of more drugs through Central America has had a multiplier effect on illegal activities. Violence is especially intense in coastal and border departments, where traffickers and gangs have diversified into other activities, such as local drug dealing, prostitution, extortion and kidnapping. In some regions, narcotics traffickers have become prominent entrepreneurs, with both licit and illicit businesses. They participate in community events, distribute gifts to the needy and finance political campaigns. Their well-armed henchmen offer protection from other gangs and common criminals. Those who finance opium poppy cultivation provide impoverished indigenous communities with greater monetary income than they have ever known. But these domestic trafficking groups also operate with impunity to seize land and intimidate or eliminate competitors. Local police and judicial authorities, under-resourced and widely mistrusted, offer little opposition. There are signs of progress. The attorney general is reviving long-stalled investigations into past human rights abuses while aggressively pursuing the current threat posed by organised crime. A veteran human rights activist was tapped by the outgoing government to reform the police. The International Commission Against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG), a UN-Guatemalan initiative, is pursuing high-profile criminal cases. Donors are financing vetted units, providing new investigative tools and building new judicial facilities. Moreover, over the past year, Central American authorities, with international help, have arrested half a dozen high-level Guatemalan traffickers who are awaiting extradition to the U.S. But ending the impunity that has allowed trafficking networks and other illegal organisations to flourish will require a long-term, multi-dimensional effort. To shore up recent gains and lay the ground work for sustainable reform it is urgent that: •the new president allow Attorney General Claudia Paz y Paz to complete her four-year term, fully support Police Reform Commissioner Helen Mack and encourage CICIG’s efforts to pursue high profile cases and build prosecutorial capacity; •political and business leaders work together both to increase government revenues for crime-fighting and social programs and to devise anti-corruption initiatives that will hold officials responsible for their use of public funds; •regional leaders increase cooperation to interdict illegal narcotics shipments and to break up transnational criminal groups through entities such as the Central American Integration System (SICA); •the U.S. and other consuming countries provide financial aid commensurate with their national interest in stopping the drug trade and aimed not just at arresting traffickers but also at building strong, democratically accountable institutions; and •international leaders open a serious debate on counter-narcotics policies, including strategies designed to curtail both production and consumption; it is past time to re-evaluate policies that have failed either to alleviate the suffering caused by drug addiction or to reduce the corruption and violence associated with drug production and trafficking.

Details: Bogota; Brussels: International Crisis Group, 2011. 32p.

Source: Internet Resource: Latin America Report No. 39: Accessed October 18, 2011 at: http://www.crisisgroup.org/~/media/Files/latin-america/39%20Guatemala%20--%20Drug%20Trafficking%20and%20Violence.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Guatemala

URL: http://www.crisisgroup.org/~/media/Files/latin-america/39%20Guatemala%20--%20Drug%20Trafficking%20and%20Violence.pdf

Shelf Number: 123052

Drug Cartels
Drug Trafficking (Guatemala)
Drugs and Crime
Organized Crime
Violent Crime

Author: Thwaites, Greg

Title: An Assessment of the Potential Savings from Barnardo’s Interventions for Young People Who Have Been Sexually Exploited

Summary: This report presents the findings from research undertaken by Pro Bono Economics on behalf of Barnardo’s into the potential savings from Barnardo’s interventions for young people who have been sexually exploited. The research sought to determine the effectiveness of Barnardo’s interventions in reducing the risk of sexual exploitation and associated risk factors, and estimated the fiscal rate of return of such interventions – that is, the saving to the taxpayer for every pound spent by Barnardo’s on the intervention. Statistical methods were employed to measure the effect of Barnardo’s interventions on the severity of sexual exploitation and its associated risk factors. The cost of sexual exploitation was estimated for varying degrees of severity using a range of secondary sources. These estimates were then combined to calculate the gross financial benefit of the intervention, and compared to the cost of the intervention to give an overall fiscal rate of return. Two models are presented – one which assumes that the level of risk remains unchanged in the absence of the intervention, and one which provides an estimate of how the level of risk changes in the absence of an intervention. Both highlight that the benefits to the taxpayer of Barnardo's interventions for young people who have been sexually exploited substantially outweigh the costs, with a potential saving of either £6 or £12 for every £1 spent depending on the assumptions made, in addition to a substantial (non-costed) reduction in the risk of sexual exploitation.

Details: London: Pro Bono Economics; Barnardo's, 2011. 45p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 20, 2011 at: http://www.probonoeconomics.com/wp-content/uploads/Barnados-report-final.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.probonoeconomics.com/wp-content/uploads/Barnados-report-final.pdf

Shelf Number: 123057

Child Prostitution
Child Sexual Abuse
Organized Crime
Sex Offenses
Sexual Exploitation, Children (U.K.)

Author: National Gang Intelligence Center

Title: 2011 National Gang Threat Assessment: Emerging Trends

Summary: According to the 2011 National Gang Threat Assessment released by the National Gang Intelligence Center (NGIC), approximately 1.4 million gang members belonging to more than 33,000 gangs were criminally active in the U.S. as of April, 2011. The assessment was developed through analysis of available federal, state, local, and tribal law enforcement and corrections agency information; 2010 NDIC National Drug Threat Survey (NDTS) data; and verified open source information. "Gangs continue to expand, evolve, and become more violent. The FBI, along with its federal, state, local, and tribal law enforcement partners, strives to disrupt and prevent their criminal activities and seek justice for innocent victims of their crimes," said Assistant Director Kevin Perkins, FBI Criminal Investigative Division. Other key findings are as follows: - Gangs are responsible for an average of 48 percent of violent crime in most jurisdictions and up to 90 percent in several others, according to NGIC analysis. - Gangs are increasingly engaging in non-traditional gang-related crime such as alien smuggling, human trafficking, and prostitution. - Gangs are also engaging in white-collar crime such as counterfeiting, identity theft, and mortgage fraud. - Gangs are becoming increasingly adaptable and sophisticated, employing new and advanced technology to facilitate criminal activity discreetly, enhance their criminal operations, and connect with other gang members, criminal organizations, and potential recruits nationwide and even worldwide.

Details: Washington, DC: National Gang Intelligence Center, 2011. 104p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 22, 2011 at: http://www.fbi.gov/stats-services/publications/2011-national-gang-threat-assessment/2011%20National%20Gang%20Threat%20Assessment%20%20Emerging%20Trends.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: United States

URL: http://www.fbi.gov/stats-services/publications/2011-national-gang-threat-assessment/2011%20National%20Gang%20Threat%20Assessment%20%20Emerging%20Trends.pdf

Shelf Number: 123088

Gang Violence
Gangs (U.S.)
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: Cavanagh, Ben

Title: A Review Of Reinvestment In Financial Investigation From The Proceeds Of Crime

Summary: In January 2010, the Scottish Government provided matched funding of £1 million (£500k from Scottish Government and £500k from the police) to 3 forces to improve their capacity for financial investigation, the range of uses to which it is applied and its overall impact. The funding was intended to increase the number of financial investigators working in police forces with the objective of targeting community level criminal activity. Decisions about the nature of the posts, where they would be based and how they would be tasked and managed, were left for forces to make in light of local needs and priorities. There were however important reference points for senior managers in Force Investigation Units (FIUs) to help inform these decisions. These included a joint Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary for Scotland (HMICS) and Inspectorate of Prosecution in Scotland (IPS) report about proceeds of crime and financial investigation, with recommendations for the improvement of financial investigation and Proceeds of Crime Act (POCA) systems. They also included a number of training and guidance manuals developed by the National Policing Improvement Agency (NPIA). The stated aims for the reinvestment project were to ‘improve financial investigation’ and ‘increase the number of financial investigators in local force divisions with the objective of targeting community level criminal activity.’ The assessment of the impact of the extra funding is therefore conceived in a number of ways related to these aims including: consideration of how far the new funding supported the achievement of the HMICS/IPS recommendations for POCA and financial investigation, the extent to which police forces realised their own hopes for the local development of financial investigation, and, how far the funding has helped it make its maximum and most efficient contribution to policing outcomes beyond those most directly related to the use of ‘proceeds of crime’ legislation. The research included interviews with senior managers, financial investigators, and officials from other parts of the financial recovery systems, including the Crown Office’s National Casework Division (renamed in March 2011 as the Serious Organised Crime Division) and Civil Recovery Unit, who use the products of financial investigators in their asset recovery work, as well as the collation of available administrative and management data, and analysis of apparent trends.

Details: Edinburgh: Scottish Government Social Research, 2011. 34p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 25, 2011 at: http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2011/10/20092612/10

Year: 2011

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2011/10/20092612/10

Shelf Number: 123144

Asset Forfeiture
Criminal Investigation (U.K.)
Financial Investigations
Money Laundering
Organized Crime
Proceeds of Crime

Author: Barnett, Laura

Title: Prostitution in Canada: International Obligations, Federal Law, and Provincial and Municipal Jurisdiction

Summary: International trafficking in women and children, sexually exploited children in Thailand, female prostitutes murdered in British Columbia: each of these issues has special significance for Canada and its prostitution laws. Canada’s laws attempt to prosecute organized crime and to protect victims of trafficking and other forms of sexual violence, whether at home or by Canadians abroad. Canada’s multifaceted approach to curbing prostitution reflects a range of domestic and international obligations. Criminal laws are implemented at the federal level to meet international treaty obligations, while each province and municipality has its own means of dealing with prostitution locally, within the powers of its jurisdiction. Although these obligations occasionally clash – as when laws stretch beyond their mandated scope or do not manage to extend far enough – the ultimate result is a fairly comprehensive legislative response to prostitution and its associated social ills.

Details: Ottawa: Library of Parliment, Parliamentary Information and Research Service, 2008. 33p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 26, 2011 at:

Year: 2008

Country: Canada


Shelf Number: 123157

Child Prostitution
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime
Prostitution (Canada)
Sexual Exploitation

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Title: Estimating Illicit Financial Flows Resulting from Drug Trafficking and other Transnational Organized Crimes: Research Report

Summary: “Always follow the money” has been sound advice in law enforcement and political circles for decades. Nevertheless, tracking the flows of illicit funds generated by drug trafficking and organized crime and analysing the magnitude and the extent to which these are laundered through the world’s financial systems remain daunting tasks. UNODC’s research report, Estimating illicit financial flows resulting from drug trafficking and other transnational organized crimes, attempts to shed light on the total amounts likely to be laundered across the globe, as well as the potential attractiveness of various locations to those who launder money. As with all such reports, however, the final monetary estimates are to be treated with caution. Further research and more systematic collection of data on this topic are clearly required. Prior to this report, perhaps the most widely quoted figure for the extent of money-laundering was the IMF’s ‘consensus range’ of between 2-5 per cent of global GDP, made public in 1998. A study-of-studies, or metaanalysis, conducted for this report, suggests that all criminal proceeds are likely to have amounted to some 3.6 per cent of GDP (2.3 - 5.5 per cent) or around US$2.1 trillion in 2009. The resulting best estimate of the amounts available for money-laundering would be within the IMF’s original ‘consensus range’, equivalent to some 2.7 per cent of global GDP (2.1 – 4 per cent) or US$1.6 trillion in 2009. From this figure, money flows related to transnational organized crime activities represent the equivalent of some 1.5 per cent of global GDP, 70 per cent of which would have been available for laundering through the financial system. The largest income for transnational organized crime seems to come from illicit drugs, accounting for a fifth of all crime proceeds. Research in the area of illicit financial flows generated by one key transnational organized crime sector, the global market for cocaine, was also conducted for this report. The gross profits out of cocaine sales (totaling US$85 billion) were estimated at US$84 billion for the year 2009, compared with about US$1 billion earned by the farmers in the Andean region. Most of the gross profits (retail and wholesale) were generated in North America (US$35 billion) and in West and Central Europe (US$26 billion). The report also reminds us that, contrary to the common misperception that money is neither good nor bad, investments of ‘dirty money’ into licit economies can create problems ranging from distortions of resource allocation to the “crowding out” of licit sectors. In some cases, the influx of tainted money undermines the reputations of local institutions. Significantly, these investments can hamper investment and economic growth. While the situation is less clear for financial centers receiving illicit funds, the long-term consequences may be negative if they fail to actively fight money-laundering. Research also indicates that the socio-economic costs related to drug abuse are twice as high as the illicit income generated by drug trafficking. Indeed, in some countries (for example, the United States and the United Kingdom) the ratio is 3:1. This report argues that the severest consequence of criminal funding is that they perpetuate and promote criminal activities, creating a cycle of organized criminal activity and drug trafficking that leeches off societies. Less than 1 per cent of global illicit financial flows are currently seized and frozen. UNODC’s challenge is to work within the UN system and with Member States to help build the capacity to track and prevent money laundering, strengthen the rule of law and prevent these funds from creating further suffering.

Details: Vienna: UNODC, 2011. 140p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 29, 2011 at: http://www.unodc.org/documents/data-and-analysis/Studies/Illicit_financial_flows_2011_web.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: International

URL: http://www.unodc.org/documents/data-and-analysis/Studies/Illicit_financial_flows_2011_web.pdf

Shelf Number: 123169

Drug Trafficking
Financial Crimes
Money Laundering
Organized Crime

Author: Kalinkovich, L.N.

Title: Trafficking in Persons in the Republic of Belarus

Summary: Trafficking in women is a relatively new phenomenon to Belarus. At present there is not any objective official or other statistical data that points to the number of Belarusian women who have become the target of sexual or other forms of exploitation abroad. According to the information provided by the Department of Drugs and Morals of the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Belarus, 215 Belarusian women, who had been victimized by criminal groups engaged in trafficking women to the brothels abroad, came to law- enforcement bodies for advice and protection in the year 2002. In January – April 2003, 96 women were officially recognized as victims of trafficking in persons. There is no doubt whatsoever that these figures do not fully reflect the problem discussed. The available information points to Belarus as a transit State (mainly due to its geographical position) and also as a country of origin because it plays an important role in providing foreign markets with victims of trafficking . Belarusian women are trafficked from practically all regions, towns and cities in the Republic. As workers of the sex industry, they can be encountered in almost every European city or in other countries of the world. The information they have read about successful employment abroad and the victim’s wish to conceal the type of her work she does, make them an easy prey for traffickers. According to the estimates of the Federal Department of Criminal Police of Germany, the majority of victims of trafficking in persons arrive to Germany from the States of Central and Eastern Europe (69% in 2001). The proportion of the victims of trafficking from the States of this region amounts to 83.2% of the total number of the identified victims. The highest number of victims (140 persons) come from Belarus. The number of trafficking victims from Belarus has increased three-fold in 2001. A similar tendency could also be observed in 2002. The officials of this Department estimate the number of Belarusian women subjected to sexual exploitation to be up to 50,000. Today the problem of trafficking in human beings in the Republic, including that in women, has received only initial examination and needs further study. The purpose of this research project is to study the dimensions and mechanisms of criminal activities relating to trafficking in persons in the Republic of Belarus, and to examine the criminal, legal and other measures being taken to combat this type of crime. The source of information used to conduct this study was the data available in the Republic of Belarus on individuals and criminal structures engaged in trafficking in persons in Western European countries, Middle Eastern countries and in some other countries. The major problems, which were examined during this study and the compilation of the booklet, were: Ø analysis of the international legal aspects of trafficking in persons; Ø elucidation of the concept of trafficking and analysis of the criminal and legal measures being taken to combat trafficking in persons in the Republic of Belarus; Ø study of the social, economic, demographic and other factors promoting trafficking in persons in the Republic of Belarus; Ø consideration of trafficking in persons as a type of organized criminal activity, and building the model of its functioning; Ø gathering information on the dimension and nature of criminal activities related to trafficking in persons in the Republic of Belarus; Ø study of the subjects and mechanisms of criminal activity, determination of the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the organized criminal trafficking structures in the territory of the Republic, and determination of specific spheres of their activities; and Ø assessment of combating trafficking in human beings in the Republic of Belarus. The principal techniques used to collect information during the preparation of this publication were: conducting a study of the materials gathered by law enforcement and other State agencies on the problem in question; making an analysis of criminal proceedings initiated against the perpetrators and other accomplices in criminal offences relating to trafficking in persons; interviewing the officers of the units combating organized crime and trafficking in persons; gathering information on the victims of trafficking, and making an analysis of publications in mass media (newspapers, magazine). The above techniques were employed to obtain objective data that may be used to enhance the efficiency of law-enforcement agencies of the Republic in the detection, prevention and curbing of crimes related to trafficking in persons, as well as tohelp them carry out well-directed and effective operations aimed to combat trafficking in persons.

Details: Minsk: International Organization for Migration IOM Office in the Republic of Belarus, 2004. 126p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 31, 2011 at: http://www.childtrafficking.com/Docs/republic_of_belarus_oct07.pdf

Year: 2004

Country: Belarus

URL: http://www.childtrafficking.com/Docs/republic_of_belarus_oct07.pdf

Shelf Number: 107819

Human Trafficking (Republic of Belarus)
Organized Crime
Sexual Exploitation

Author: U.S. Department of Justice. National Drug Intelligence Center

Title: Cities Where Mexican Drug Trafficking Organizations Operate Within the United States

Summary: (LES) The National Drug Intelligence Center (NDIC) assesses with high confidence that in 2009, Mexican drug trafficking organizations (DTOs) were operating in the United States in at least 1,286 cities spanning all nine Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF) regions, based on law enforcement reporting. Moreover, NDIC assesses with high confidence that Mexican DTOs in at least 143 of these U.S. cities were linked to a specific Mexican Cartel or DTO based in Mexico — the Sinaloa Cartel (at least 75 cities), the Gulf Cartel/ Los Zetas (at least 37 cities), the Juárez Cartel (at least 33 cities), the Beltrán-Leyva DTO (at least 30 cities), La Familia Michoacán (at least 27 cities), or the Tijuana Cartel (at least 21 cities). NDIC assesses with high confidence that Mexican DTOs will further expand their drug trafficking operations in the United States in the near term, particularly in the New England, New York/New Jersey, Mid-Atlantic, and Florida/Caribbean Regions. NDIC also believes that Mexican DTOs will maintain the present high level of availability for heroin, marijuana, and methamphetamine because the conditions in Mexico and in the United States that enabled and motivated the DTOs to increase production and availability of those drugs have not significantly changed.

Details: Johnstown, PA: National Drug Intelligence Center, 2010. 24p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 2, 2011 at: http://www.9news.com/pdfs/gangs%20and%20cities.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: United States

URL: http://www.9news.com/pdfs/gangs%20and%20cities.pdf

Shelf Number: 123219

Drug Trafficking
Mexican Drug Cartels
Organized Crime

Author: Kabir, FHM Humayan

Title: Tracing Illicit Tobacco Trade in South Asia. Focus Countries: Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka

Summary: As evidenced by the on-going negotiations of a protocol to combat illicit trade into tobacco products by the Parties to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, the illegal trade in tobacco products has come to receive international attention in recent times. Nevertheless, evidence regarding the nature, magnitude and strategies to address the problem is largely limited to Europe and North America. Illicit trade was estimated to constitute nearly 11.6 % of global cigarette sales in 2009. In Asia, illicit trade constituted 9 % of the overall sales. Existing estimates and media reports indicate Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka in South Asia as highly vulnerable to this out-law trade. Illicit tobacco trade undermines public health measures such as taxation that help reduce tobacco use. Preliminary media reports from the region point towards linkages of illicit tobacco trade with extensive tax evasion, sabotage of customs and border controls and money laundering. South Asia region presents some unique challenges to regulating illicit tobacco trade. The vast variety of tobacco products illegally traded within and out of the region and the major modes of trade differ considerably from the markets in the West that are familiar to international policy makers and regulators. The inadequacies of the tax collection mechanisms and the recent spurt in Free Trade Zones in the Four-Country Research Summary region poses unique challenges to regulating illicit trade in South Asia. Research by Center for Public Integrity in the region also informs key areas for further research. In developing an effective global strategy to combat illicit tobacco trade, it is important to begin by ascertaining the nature and modes of this illegal trade, their implications for public health, economy and the society and possible means to control them. Framework Convention Alliance and HealthBridge has therefore commissioned a multi-country investigative researchexploring the nature and magnitude of illicit tobacco trade inBangladesh, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. The research was conducted between November 2009 and September 2010. In-country researchers with expertise in investigative research from the four study countries gathered information on the illegal supply chain of tobacco and allied industries and analysed its contributing factors and impact on national and regional economies and public safety. The researchers engaged primary and secondary sources in gathering information. The analysis and views expressed in the country reports are solely that of the country researchers. While the study objectives varied slightly in line with country priorities, the overarching goals of the multi-country research were to: 1. Explore the nature, forms and magnitude of illicit trade in tobacco and tobacco products in the study countries 2. Describe the impact of illicit tobacco trade on national and regional economy and public safety 3. Identify challenges in controling the illicit tobacco trade 4. Identify best practices and strategies to control illicit trade in tobacco products.

Details: Ottawa: HealthBridge, 2010. 97p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 4, 2011 at: http://www.healthbridge.ca/Illicit%20Tobacco%20Trade%20in%20South%20Asia.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Asia

URL: http://www.healthbridge.ca/Illicit%20Tobacco%20Trade%20in%20South%20Asia.pdf

Shelf Number: 123223

Cigarette Smuggling
Illegal Trade
Illicit Tobacco (South Asia)
Organized Crime

Author: Briscoe, Ivan

Title: What Makes Countries Vulnerable to Transnational Organised Crime?

Summary: Countries emerging from conflict or other major crises face numerous difficult challenges on the road to state-building. One of the most harmful is the rise of violent crime, which threatens weak state institutions and the rule of law. In a number of cases, this concern is accentuated by the presence of transnational organised crime. Instead of starting on a path of economic and institutional development, these nations are transformed into way stations on the route of illicit products – drugs, clandestine migrants, or commodities such as timber or diamonds – heading to rich consumer markets. A conservative estimate puts the total value of these global markets at $125 billion per year. The problems posed by transnational organised crime are serious and spreading. In Central Asia, West Africa and Central America, the wounds of civil war and political transition had not yet healed by the time the phenomenon appeared. Instead, criminal groups took full advantage of the weaknesses of governments and the rule of law in the aftermath of faltering transitions to democracy. These groups formed links with formal economic and political actors, and used their power where necessary to intimidate citizens into submission. Electoral processes, political parties, security forces, horizontal inequalities, ethnic rivalries and basic conceptions of citizenship have all been reshaped by criminal money and violence. This report explores in depth the exact nature of the threat posed by transnational organised crime and the conditions that give rise to its growth. In particular, it asks whether the presence of transnational groups in fragile states is an effect of international conditions – such as the need to supply a particular consumer market – or due to causes that are internal to the country. On this basis, it picks out five key factors that underlie the expansion of this sort of crime. These are: • the proximity to trafficking routes and destination markets; • favourable international security conditions; • extreme institutional fragmentation; • high levels of inequality; and • social atomisation. Above all, the report stresses the importance of the last three domestic vulnerabilities in providing criminal groups with exceptional leverage over state and security actors, businesses, and local populations. In conclusion, it offers a number of pointers for future policymaking that take into account the grave threat posed by transnational organised crime to stability and development. While this threat is undeniable, it is also true to say that it is the expression of fault lines and vulnerabilities in fragile states that cannot be repaired solely by law enforcement or donor exhortation.

Details: Oslo: Norwegian Peacebuilding Resource Centre, 2011. 16p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 8, 2011 at: http://www.humansecuritygateway.com/documents/NOREF_WhatMakesCountriesVulnerabletoTransnationalOrganizedCrime.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: International

URL: http://www.humansecuritygateway.com/documents/NOREF_WhatMakesCountriesVulnerabletoTransnationalOrganizedCrime.pdf

Shelf Number: 123258

Organized Crime
Transnational Organized Crime
Violent Crime

Author: Disley, Emma

Title: Individual Disengagement from Al Qa'ida-Influenced Terrorist Groups. A Rapid Evidence Assessment to Inform Policy and Practice in Preventing Terrorism

Summary: This paper looks at why and how individuals stop being violent and whether there are intervention practices to learn from. It also explores transferable knowledge from the literature on street gangs, religious cults, right-wing groups and organised crime groups.

Details: London: Home Office, 2011. 137p.

Source: Internet Resource: Occasional Paper No. 99: Accessed November 9, 2011 at: http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/publications/science-research-statistics/research-statistics/counter-terrorism-statistics/occ99?view=Binary

Year: 2011

Country: International

URL: http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/publications/science-research-statistics/research-statistics/counter-terrorism-statistics/occ99?view=Binary

Shelf Number: 123276

Extremist Groups
Organized Crime
Radical Groups

Author: Steinberg, Nik

Title: Neither Rights Nor Security: Killings, Torture, and Disappearances in Mexico’s “War on Drugs”

Summary: Five years since President Felipe Calderón declared “war” on organized crime in Mexico and dispatched the military to confront the country’s drug cartels, the government’s policy is failing on two fronts. It has not succeeded in reducing violence, and has resulted in a dramatic increase in grave human rights violations, which have only exacerbated the climate of violence, lawlessness, and fear that exists in many parts of the country. Based on extensive research in five states — Baja California, Chihuahua, Guerrero, Nuevo León, and Tabasco — Neither Rights Nor Security presents compelling evidence of the systematic use of torture by Mexican security forces, as well as the involvement of police and soldiers in scores of enforced disappearances and extrajudicial killings. These are not isolated acts. Rather as the testimonies of victims, eyewitnesses, and evidence from public information requests and official government statistics show, these abusive tactics are endemic to Mexico’s counternarcotics efforts. The violations persist in large part because the members of security forces who commit them are virtually never held accountable. Many cases languish in the military justice system. And even when investigations are opened in the civilian justice system, prosecutors repeatedly fail to take basic steps such as identifying and interviewing witnesses. Nevertheless, government officials are often quick to dismiss victims’ allegations as false and to cast victims as criminals. Such accusations compound the suffering already inflicted by these serious violations and place the burden on victims and their families to conduct investigations themselves. Neither Rights Nor Security demonstrates how this pattern of abuse and impunity is undercutting Mexico’s efforts to reduce violence, dismantle criminal networks, and restore the rule of law in parts of the country where it has been badly damaged.

Details: New York: Human Rights Watch, 2011. 218p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 10, 2011 at: http://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/reports/mexico1111webwcover_0.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Mexico

URL: http://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/reports/mexico1111webwcover_0.pdf

Shelf Number: 123278

Drug Cartels
Drug Trafficking
Human Rights (Mexico)
Organized Crime
Police Use of Force

Author: Chetty, Kasturi

Title: Child Sex Tourism in South African Law

Summary: Child sex tourism is tourism organised with the primary purpose of facilitating a commercial sexual relationship with a child. It involves a segment of the local child sex industry that is directly connected to both an international and domestic tourist market. The increase of tourism has brought with it complications in that tourism is being used as a means for sex tourists to initiate contact with children. Aside from child sex tourists who are paedophiles, there are those who engage in the opportunistic exploitation of children while travelling on business or for other reasons. There are a number of social and economic factors leading to child sex tourism and the effect is that child victims are exposed to immediate harm, irreversible damage and even death. As South Africa's tourism industry expands into one of the country’s top earners of foreign currency, it is unfortunate to note that its child sex tourist trade is also on the increase. Reports show that sex tours are as easily organised as wine route tours in Cape Town. Commercial sexual exploitation of children is prevalent in South Africa and has become more organised in recent years. A comprehensive response to the problem is essential to ensure that South Africa does not become a “safe haven” for child sex tourists. Effective laws at home and the extraterritorial application of these laws to prosecute South African nationals for crimes committed abroad are imperative. Significant steps are being taken both nationally and internationally to target child sex tourism. South Africa has ratified several international instruments on children’s rights, trafficking in persons, child labour, and discrimination against women and young girls, all of which relate to child sex tourism. In doing so, South Africa has made an international commitment to uphold the provisions of these instruments and give effect to them. South Africa is therefore under an international obligation to create the necessary structures and apply mechanisms and resources to combat child sex tourism. South Africa does not have legislation that specifically prohibits child sex tourism at present. The Sexual Offences Act and common law, however, cover a wide range of offences relating to sexual intercourse and sexually indecent acts as well as the various facets of prostitution such as solicitation, procurement of females as prostitutes and brothel-keeping. Although these legal measures are in many respects commendable there are still too many loopholes. There are situations that are not adequately provided for and others that are not provided for at all. It is expected that the new Sexual Offences Bill containing specific provisions on child sex tourism couched in gender-neutral terms which apply extraterritorially, will go a long way to improving the present system for child victims. The issue of child protection is covered by South Africa’s Constitution as well the provisions of the Child Care Act and Domestic Violence Act. These legal measures ensure that the direct involvement in the commercial exploitation of children is prohibited, the conduct of parents who ill-treat or allow their child to be ill-treated is covered and the abduction or removal of a child is an offence. Despite these positive aspects, there is nevertheless room for improvement. The legislative provisions of the Children’s Act, which has been assented to by the President but not yet promulgated, comprehensively address the problem areas. Once enforced the Children’s Act will go a long way in improving the present system of child protection by holistically addressing the needs of children in respect of prevention of abuse as well as their care and protection. Other pieces of legislation which apply to child sex tourism are the Prevention of Organised Crime Act; Immigration Act; Basic Conditions of Employment Act; Films and Publications Act and the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act. They allow for the prosecution of sex exploiters and traffickers for offences related to child sex tourism, child prostitution, child pornography and various other forms of sexual exploitation of children. Overall the impact of these miscellaneous pieces of legislation on child sex tourism is praiseworthy. However, they bring to light the fact that there are numerous statutes, each dealing with one aspect of child sex tourism as opposed to a single comprehensive statute to refer to in handling such cases. Therefore there is still room for improvement in this regard.

Details: Port Elizabeth, South Africa: Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, 2007. 139p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 12, 2011 at: https://www.nmmu.ac.za/documents/theses/KChetty.pdf

Year: 2007

Country: South Africa

URL: https://www.nmmu.ac.za/documents/theses/KChetty.pdf

Shelf Number: 123319

Child Prostitution
Child Protection
Child Sex Tourism (South Africa)
Child Sexual Exploitation
Internet Crimes
Organized Crime

Author: Schreier, Fred

Title: Fighting the Pre-eminent Threats with Intelligence-led Operations

Summary: This paper discusses the role of intelligence, intelligence services and intelligence-led operations as crucial components of the efforts to counter the new risks, dangers and threats to states and their population. The end of the Cold War and globalisation has not only brought a multiplication of actors, sources of conflict and means to fight. Indeed, globalisation, accelerating techno-logical innovation, growing interdependence and vulnerability of modern states has dramatically enhanced the number and diversity of risks, dangers and threats. The fact that these are increasingly transnational in nature, originate more and more often from non-state actors and appear and mutate ever more quickly, renders the fight against them more difficult. This is particularly true for the unholy trinity of transnational terrorism, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and transnational organised crime (TOC) that have become the pre-eminent security challenges confronting the world and the new intelligence priorities. TOC is growing in volume, geographic reach and profitability, and is well positioned for further growth because it does, in many ways, have the most to gain from globalization. Growth and spread of TOC increase the risks of proliferation of WMD and, with it, of catastrophic transnational terrorism as proliferants and terrorists collude ever more symbiotically with TOC groups to move money, men and materials around the globe. The more the international order is threatened by asymmetric warfare of Islamistic terror networks, the more the threat perception will become multifaceted and chaotic if more actors can acquire WMD. These developments not only diminish the predictability of risks and dangers. The more diffuse and unpredictable the situation and the threat perception, the more difficult it will become to clearly distinguish between external and internal, civilian and military threats to a country, and between the strategic, operational or tactical levels of risks and dangers. More than ever before intelligence is the pre-requisite for all measures that aim at the effective prevention, disruption and suppression of these threats. But countering the pre-eminent threats from multiplying non-state actors that operate clandestinely requires more than just intelligence services. These threats can only be effectively counteracted, disrupted, pre-empted and prevented when the operations of all security sector organisations that are mandated to deal with them are intelligence-driven or intelligence-led. This requires a paradigm shift in national security strategy that not only entails a ‘whole of government’ approach and multilateral engagement, but a radical new approach with more intensive collaboration, interaction and information exchange by these organisations with the agencies of the intelligence community. This paper (1) sketches the main threats currently confronting all states. Part (2) elaborates what intelligence is and explains why intelligence is key to counter the expanding array of threats more effectively. Part (3) shows the application of intelligence and the contributions of intelligence-led operations to the fight against the pre-eminent threats. Part (4) explores patterns and problems of intelligence cooperation. In part (5) some of the implications which intelligence-led operations may have for democratic control, supervision, oversight and accountability are indicated. The paper ends with a list of key recommendations.

Details: Geneva: Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF), 2009. 134p.

Source: Internet Resource: DCAF Occasional Paper – No. 16: Accessed November 15, 2011 at: http://www.dcaf.ch/DCAF-Migration/KMS/Publications/Fighting-the-Pre-eminent-Threats-with-Intelligence-led-Operations

Year: 2009

Country: International

URL: http://www.dcaf.ch/DCAF-Migration/KMS/Publications/Fighting-the-Pre-eminent-Threats-with-Intelligence-led-Operations

Shelf Number: 123349

Intelligence Gathering
Organized Crime
Weapons of Mass Destruction

Author: Bastick, Megan

Title: Security Sector Responses to Trafficking in Human Beings

Summary: In recent years trafficking in human beings has become an issue of increasing concern to European states. Trafficking in human beings is understood as ahuman rights issue, a violation of labour and migration laws, and as undermining national and international security through its links to organised crime and corruption. United Nations agencies, the European Union, the Council of Europe and the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe, amongst others, make important contributions to coordinating the fight against human trafficking. However, there remain significant deficits in concrete information sharing and cooperation between the security agencies of different states necessary to achieve success. In many countries, cooperation among local security sector actors, other state agencies and non governmental organisations has improved. However, ensuring that the human rights of trafficking victims are protected requires more substantial training and specialised operational procedures within the security sector. This paper brings a governance analysis to security sector responses to human trafficking. It focuses on security governance approaches concerning criminalisation and harmonisation of laws, prosecution of traffickers, protection of trafficked persons, prevention in countries of origin and prevention in countries of destination. The authors identify key shortcomings in current security responses to human trafficking, and make recommendations to states with aparticular focus on national and international coordination and the prevention of human trafficking.

Details: Geneva: Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF), 2007. 44p.

Source: Internet Resource: DCAF Policy Papers (21):
Accessed November 15, 2011 at: http://www.dcaf.ch/DCAF-Migration/KMS/Publications/Security-Sector-Responses-to-Trafficking-in-Human-Beings

Year: 2007

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.dcaf.ch/DCAF-Migration/KMS/Publications/Security-Sector-Responses-to-Trafficking-in-Human-Beings

Shelf Number: 123353

Human Rights
Human Trafficking (Europe)
Organized Crime
Security Sector

Author: Andres, Amado Philip de

Title: West Africa Under Attack: Drugs, Organized Crime and Terrorism as the New Threats to Global Security

Summary: Drug trafficking in West and Central Africa is nothing more that the most visible symptom of a much deeper and destabilizing disease which is slowly but progressively affecting the bodies of African states and institutions. This paper provides an overview on the current situation in West Africa with regard to drug trafficking (cocaine, heroin and hashish), organized crime (from human trafficking to diamond trade and its link with terrorism financing) and terrorism.

Details: UNISCI, 2008. 26p.

Source: Internet Resource: UNISCI Discussion Papers, No. 16: Accessed November 19, 2011 at: http://www.ucm.es/info/unisci/revistas/UNISCI%20DP%2016%20-%20Andres.pdf

Year: 2008

Country: Africa

URL: http://www.ucm.es/info/unisci/revistas/UNISCI%20DP%2016%20-%20Andres.pdf

Shelf Number: 123398

Drug Trafficking (West Africa)
Organized Crime

Author: Keese-Nagy, Katalin

Title: Trade in Sturgeon Caviar in Bulgaria and Romania: Overview of Reported Trade in Caviar, 1998-2008

Summary: The aim of this briefing is to provide an overview of legal trade patterns of caviar of Acipenseriformes from Bulgaria and Romania (hereafter referred to as the ‘two target countries’) for the period 1998 to 2008 and to gather information of detected cases of illegal trade in sturgeon caviar where these two countries were implicated. In response to reported declines in sturgeon populations and with the aim of ensuring that trade in sturgeon products, such as caviar, is sustainable and not threatening the species’ survival, all species of sturgeon and paddlefish have been listed in Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) since April 1998. Accordingly, in April 1998, the order was also listed in Annex B of the EU Wildlife Trade Regulations (EU Regulations) implementing CITES in the European Union (EU). The Annex B/Appendix II listing regulates trade in all parts and derivatives, including caviar, meat, etc. Fishing and export of sturgeon and sturgeon products of wild origin was banned in Romania in 2006 for 10 years. In an overview of global caviar trade for the period 1998 to 2006, TRAFFIC reported that legal international trade amounted to 1313 t; with Romania ranking as the world’s fifth largest caviar exporter, exporting 26 tonnes (t) over the period, after Iran (438 t), the Russian Federation (138 t), Kazakhstan (95 t), Azerbaijan (35 t) and China (29 t) (TRAFFIC, 2009). The EU was reported to be the world’s largest importer of caviar for the period 1998-2006, importing 619 t, followed by the USA (292 t), Switzerland (149 t) and Japan (132 t) (TRAFFIC, 2009). During the same period, the volumes of caviar reported in international trade per year plummeted from a peak at 263 tonnes (t) in 1999 to 44 t in 2006. Regarding illegal trade in caviar, it is difficult to quantify its levels, as this is by nature a hidden activity. However, large seizures of illegal caviar in Europe indicate that there is a thriving black market in the luxury roe. They also demonstrate that caviar smugglers are well-organized and use sophisticated methods and the illegal caviar trade is considered to have strong links with organized crime groups. According to data reported to EU-TWIX, over 7 t of illegal caviar were seized by European authorities from 2000 to 2007 (TRAFFIC, 2009). However, the real size of the illegal trade is likely to be considerably higher, given that much of it is undetected and information is incomplete for some importing countries.

Details: Budapest, Hungary: TRAFFIC Europe, 2011. 20p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 26, 2011 at: http://www.wwf.de/fileadmin/fm-wwf/pdf_neu/Trade%20in%20Sturgeon%20Caviar%20in%20Bulgaria%20and%20Romania.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.wwf.de/fileadmin/fm-wwf/pdf_neu/Trade%20in%20Sturgeon%20Caviar%20in%20Bulgaria%20and%20Romania.pdf

Shelf Number: 123401

Illegal Fishing
Illegal Trade (Europe)
Organized Crime
Wildlife Crime

Author: Cockayne, James

Title: State fragility, organised crime and peacebuilding: towards a more strategic approach

Summary: Fragile states, with their ready pools of unemployed labour, populations inured to violence and weakened state capacity, offer sites of competitive advantage for militant organisations, criminal networks and political leaders alike. Collaboration among them may benefit all three – financing militancy, protecting crime and securing political control. Criminal networks threaten not only to fuel conflict, but also to undermine post-war gains – by criminalising politics and instrumentalising continuing disorder, thereby creating pervasive fragility in the international system. Yet the international community currently lacks a coherent approach to tackling organised crime in conflict-affected communities. This report argues that there are normative, analytical and practical obstacles to the development of an effective response. Firstly, at the normative level, sovereignty represents a constraint on international action, especially where crime and politics are intertwined. Secondly, there is analytical confusion regarding how to understand and respond to organised criminal actors in peacebuilding contexts. Security-oriented actors tend to treat organised criminals as potentially violent spoilers of peace processes – or potential partners for peace – and focus on coercion, negotiation and compromise. Development actors tend to focus on addressing the structural factors – such as high unemployment, access to weapons and access to profitable illicit markets – that criminal entrepreneurs exploit. These different approaches are poorly integrated and sometimes compete outright. Thirdly, there are numerous obstacles to the international mobilisation and organisation of the capacity needed to tackle organised crime effectively, particularly specialist investigative resources and analytical expertise. The report suggests treating organised crime as a strategy of governance, and differentiates among different strategies (predatory, parasitic, symbiotic) that may pose different threats to peacebuilding. Finally, it proposes a series of specific steps that might be taken immediately and in the medium and long term to equip peace builders with the analysis, tools and capacity they need to mount a more strategic response.

Details: Oslo, Norway: NOREF (Norwegian Peacebuilding Resource Centre), 2011.

Source: Internet Resource, NOREF Report: Accessed on December 8, 2011 at: http://www.peacebuilding.no/var/ezflow_site/storage/original/application/2af427c8039ed02db6fd29fab1144aa8.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: International

URL: http://www.peacebuilding.no/var/ezflow_site/storage/original/application/2af427c8039ed02db6fd29fab1144aa8.pdf

Shelf Number: 123507

Criminal Networks
International Crime
Organized Crime

Author: Savona, Ernesto U.

Title: Understudied Organized Crime Offending: A Discussion of the Canadian Situation in the International Context

Summary: This report provides an analysis of selected possible understudied organized crime activities in the Canadian context, contributing to the knowledge on both of the nature and the scope of organized crime. The analysis involved an extensive review of the existing state of organized crime literature in the international context. The analysis was based on available literature, official reports and informed speculations.

Details: Ottawa: Public Safety Canada, 2011. 38p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 12, 2012 at: http://transcrime.cs.unitn.it/tc/fso/pubblicazioni/AP/Understudied_Organized_Crime_Offending_A_Discussion_of_the_Canadian_Situation_in_the_International_Context-English.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: International

URL: http://transcrime.cs.unitn.it/tc/fso/pubblicazioni/AP/Understudied_Organized_Crime_Offending_A_Discussion_of_the_Canadian_Situation_in_the_International_Context-English.pdf

Shelf Number: 123556

Counterfeit Goods
Hazardous Wastes
Offenses Against the Environment
Organized Crime
Wildlife Crime

Author: Transform Drug Policy Foundation

Title: The War on Drugs: Creating Crime, Enriching Criminals

Summary: The global war on drugs has been fought for over 50 years, to achieve its stated goal of a “drug-free world”. Yet despite the ever increasing resources spent on police and military efforts to suppress the illicit drug trade, supply has more than kept pace with rising global demand. Indeed, most indicators suggest drugs are cheaper and more available than ever before. This briefing summarises the crime-related costs stemming from the war on drugs, which include: • Organised crime arising from the illicit drug trade, and its knock-on effects in terms of money laundering, corruption and violence • Street-level crime committed by drug gangs and by dependent drug users attempting to support their habits • The criminalisation of users, excessive levels of incarceration, and crimes committed by governments under the banner of the drug war • The economic costs of drug war-related crime, and the criminal justice response to it There is overlap with other areas of the Count the Costs initiative – human rights (including a detailed discussion of prison issues), security and development, discrimination and stigma, public health, the environment and economics.

Details: London: Transform Drug Policy Founcation, 2011. 14p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 12, 2012 at:

Year: 2011

Country: International


Shelf Number: 123567

Drug Policy
Drug Trafficking
Illicit Drugs
Organized Crime
War on Drugs

Author: Sheptycki, James

Title: The Global Literature on Organized Crime: An Interpretive Report on the Development and Meta- Analysis of an Annotated Bibliographic Database for Canadian Policy Makers

Summary: The organization of crime in Canada affects and is affected by broader global currents, and Canadians can learn from examples of best practices both at home and abroad. Public Safety Canada [PSC] recently sought the development of an annotated bibliographic database, populated with a current body of literature which has been assessed for its validity and relevance, together with a meta-analysis of existing global research which can inform the criminal justice enforcement community and serve as a model for the continued expansion of reliable knowledge in the field. The following analytical report accompanies the delivery to Public Safety Canada of an expandable, updatable and electronically stored bibliographic database of research literature on the organization of crime and practical responses to it. This database is currently populated with over 300 annotated references and includes extensive search features which will support both researchers and criminal justice practitioners in their efforts against organized crime in Canada. In this report, the authors describe the method and scope of their global search for relevant and valuable research and policy literature. As well, organized within several subject theme categories, the authors offer extensive commentary on the nature and quality of the existing research and policy literature together with detailed interpretations on the evident trends in prevention and enforcement.

Details: Ottawa: Organized Crime Division, Law Enforcement and Policy Branch, Public Safety Canada,46p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 13, 2012 at: http://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2011/sp-ps/PS4-97-2010-eng.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: International

URL: http://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2011/sp-ps/PS4-97-2010-eng.pdf

Shelf Number: 123600

Organized Crime

Author: D'Amato, Alessio

Title: Bureaucrats vs the Mafia: Corruption, Extortion and Illegal Waste Disposal

Summary: We develop a simple model where an economic agent chooses the level of legal and illegal disposal. Illegal disposal implies corruption of a bureaucrat in charge of waste management. In the absence of a criminal organization, illegal disposal is performed by the agent, who is subject to enforcement and bribes the bureaucrat. At the opposite, in the presence of a criminal organization, illegal disposal is performed by the mafia, which requires an extortion rate from the agent and bribes the public official; in this latter case no enforcement on the agent is possible. The environmental authority sets the enforcement e¤ort as well as the waste tax rate. In our setting the waste tax rate can be either budget balancing or optimally de…ned. Results suggest that the presence of the ma…fia leads to a larger illegal disposal and a larger economic activity. Enforcement is always smaller in the presence of the mafi…a under the optimal tax rate, while the results are ambiguous under a budget balancing tax rate. Interestingly, the optimal tax rate implies smaller incentives for the criminal organization to enter the market, and welfare might be higher when the mafia is present.

Details: Unpublished paper: 2011. 16p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 13, 2012 at: http://www.webmeets.com/files/papers/EAERE/2011/434/Corruption_Mafia_Waste_EAERE2011.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: International

URL: http://www.webmeets.com/files/papers/EAERE/2011/434/Corruption_Mafia_Waste_EAERE2011.pdf

Shelf Number: 123602

Organized Crime
Waste Management

Author: White, Rob

Title: Key Vulnerabilities & Limitations in the Management of Hazardous Waste and Its Disposal

Summary: This paper outlines the process of developing a matrix to assess overall environmental regulatory performance, in the context of key vulnerabilities and limitations in the management of hazardous waste and its disposal.

Details: Hobart, Tasmania: School of Sociology and Social Work, University of Tasmania, 2011. 22p.

Source: Internet Resource: Briefing Paper No. 3: Accessed January 13, 2012 at: http://www.utas.edu.au/sociology/CRU/Briefing_Paper_3_Key_Vulnerabilities_and_Limitations_in_the_Management_of_Hazardous_Waste_and_its_Disposal.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Australia

URL: http://www.utas.edu.au/sociology/CRU/Briefing_Paper_3_Key_Vulnerabilities_and_Limitations_in_the_Management_of_Hazardous_Waste_and_its_Disposal.pdf

Shelf Number: 123603

Hazardous Waste
Offenses Against the Environment
Organized Crime
Waste Management (Australia)

Author: Horowitz, Carl F.

Title: Union Corruption in America: Still a Growth Industry

Summary: Back in the summer of 1999 the National Institute for Labor Relations Research (NILRR) published a monograph by this author entitled, Union Corruption: Why It Happens, How to Combat It. Drawn primarily from newspapers, magazines and government reports, the study described various patterns of corruption within unions. Replete with juicy anecdotes of embezzlement, extortion, and on due occasion, murder, it concluded with a discussion of the potential ways through which unions could be made to adhere to legal conduct. While unions have made some progress in ridding their ranks of their criminal element, the reality is that their officials, under pressure from the government, have had little choice in such instances but to clean up their operations. This new monograph focuses exclusively on several high-profile cases that have emerged since its predecessor's publication. Yet it retains the 1999 edition's thesis that American trade unionism is shot through with a culture of intimidation. That is, people within unions who steal often show a willingness to threaten and terrorize members who are aware of theft and might come forward to report it. Corruption and criminal violence are to a large extent by-products of our longstanding system of exclusive representation and forced-dues collection by unions. They are further exacerbated by insufficient enforcement of union financial reporting standards. Any long-term strategy to eliminate, or at least radically reduce, union corruption depends heavily on preventing unions from interfering with the rights and wishes of individual workers.

Details: Springfield, VA: National Institute for Labor Relations Research, 2004. 84p.

Source: Internet Resosurce: Accessed January 13, 2012 at: http://www.nilrr.org/files/Horowitz.pdf

Year: 2004

Country: United States

URL: http://www.nilrr.org/files/Horowitz.pdf

Shelf Number: 123604

Labor Unions
Organized Crime

Author: Moloeznik, Marcos Pablo

Title: Final Report: A Comprehensive Assessment of the Municipal Police of Ciudad Juárez

Summary: On September 26, 2011, the Justice in Mexico Project presented the results of its latest Justiciabarómetro survey, titled: Diagnóstico integral de la policía municipal de Ciudad Juárez (in Spanish), which was developed in collaboration with the Colegio de Chihuahua, the Colegio de la Frontera Norte, and the Comisión Nacional Para Prevenir y Erradicar la Violencia Contra Las Mujeres de la Secretaría de Gobernación. The survey builds on the findings of a similar study conducted one year earlier in Guadalajara, and was implemented for the Justice in Mexico Project by the polling firm Data Opinión Pública y Mercados (DATA-OPM). Along with the Guadalajara survey, this study of the Ciudad Juárez police department, conducted in represents one of the largest independent studies of a police force ever published in Mexico. Focusing on the border city of Ciudad Juárez, adjacent to El Paso, Texas, this study focuses on one of the country’s most important industrial cities and, at the time the survey was implemented, the most violent municipality in Mexico. This study surveyed 75% of the 3,146 municipal police officers serving the roughly 1.3 million inhabitants of Ciudad Juárez. This survey was conducted in June 2010, during the worst year of violence since rival organized crime groups began fighting for control of drug trafficking routes through this major trade corridor. In October 2010, a new mayoral administration took office, introducing new measures to improve the local police department. This study therefore provides a snapshot of the department as the new administration took over, and a useful baseline for evaluating what progress has been made over the last year. Among the key findings of the survey were severe deficiencies in training and equipment, a lack of merit-based hiring criteria and civil service protections, high levels of distrust among law enforcement personnel, and severe problems of coordination with state and federal law enforcement agencies. Over half the force indicated that they do not have the equipment that they need to do their job, including adequate police uniforms, and half said that the condition of available equipment was bad (33%) or very bad (17%). Respondents demonstrated a basic knowledge of proper law enforcement protocols, but also expressed a strong demand (47%) for more training. 85% said that they have no opportunity to practice the proper use of a firearm on a regular basis, 55% indicated that they do not receive any breaks during their shift, and a significant portion (47%) indicated that they do not have adequate time to exercise during their shift. Among various questions on law enforcement integrity, 60% of respondents indicated that honesty is the most important virtue of a police officer, but only 40% believed that it was the virtue most present on the force. Notably, on a scale of 0 to 4, roughly 65% indicated that the the level of corruption was at 2 or higher and 36% of respondents felt that the level was above 3. In terms of where corruption is located, 44% of respondents indicated that it was found at the highest levels, 29% indicated that corruption was found at all levels, and the remainder indicated corruption was found only in at lower or middle management levels. Such problems reflect systemic problems common in police departments in Mexico (as evidenced by the aforementioned survey in Guadalajara), and will no doubt take considerable time to redress. In the meantime, monitoring by the Justice in Mexico Project suggests that the security situation has improved moderately in Ciudad Juárez, with at least a 30% decline in homicides in 2011 compared to 2010. Many credit Ciudad Juárez’s newly appointed police chief, Julian Leyzaola, for achieving a dramatic drop in drug violence. As chief of Tijuana’s police department during 2007-2010, Leyzaola presided over a dramatic decline in drug related violence during his tenure in office, an achievement that many hope will now be replicated in Ciudad Juárez. This survey helps to measure many of the challenges the department faces, and sets a baseline for evaluating reform efforts over the coming years.

Details: San Diego: Trans-Border Institute , University of San Diego, Justice in Mexico Project, 2011. 52p.


Year: 2011

Country: Mexico


Shelf Number: 123643

Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime
Police (Mexico)
Police Agencies

Author: Anti-Defamation League

Title: Bigots on Bikes: The Growing Links between White Supremacists and Biker Gangs

Summary: In recent years, a disturbing trend has emerged on the white supremacist scene in the United States. More and more white supremacists are developing links to motorcycle clubs across the country, including outlaw motorcycle gangs frequently involved with criminal activity. Though there has always been a small amount of crossover between white supremacist subcultures on one hand and the biker subculture on the other, these contacts have heretofore been relatively limited. Now, however, bikers and white supremacists are commingling with increasing frequency in a number of different ways. All five of the major white supremacist movements in the United States—neo-Nazis, racist skinheads, Ku Klux Klan groups, racist prison gangs, and Christian Identity groups—have developed noteworthy ties to the biker subculture. There is a significant overlap between elements of the biker subculture and elements of white supremacist subcultures, including shared symbology, shared slang and language, and in some cases shared dress. These cultural connections make encounters between the different movements easier. As a result of these individual connections, the number of people who hold dual membership in biker clubs and white supremacist groups has grown. Institutional connections have also grown, including biker gangs co-sponsoring white power events and allowing white supremacists to meet at their club houses. The most disturbing development has been the formation in recent years of a number of explicitly white supremacist biker gangs and clubs. If these connections continue to increase, they could add strength to white supremacist movements and could also increase ties between white supremacists and organized crime.

Details: New York: Anti-Defamation League, 2011. 21p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed on January 21, 2012 at http://www.adl.org/extremism/ADL_CR_Bigots_on_Bikes_online.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: United States

URL: http://www.adl.org/extremism/ADL_CR_Bigots_on_Bikes_online.pdf

Shelf Number: 123712

Hate Crime
Organized Crime


Title: Organised Maritime Piracy and Related Kidnapping for Ransom

Summary: In recent years, there has been a growing concern over organised piracy on the high seas and kidnapping for ransom. These activities present a number of potential risks to the international financial system and challenges to the law enforcement and regulatory framework worldwide. Piracy for ransom and kidnapping for ransom are considered separate categories of serious criminal offences and as such, they are addressed independently in this study: 1) Maritime piracy for ransom: This section examines the financial implications of piracy as a major proceeds-generating offences. It provides a clear overview of patterns of illicit financial activity associated with this offence. 2) Kidnapping for ransom: This section focuses specifically on kidnapping as a means of financing terrorism and as a means to collect funds and support operations of terrorist groups. It provides a unique insight into the significance of revenue generated from this offence for a number of terrorist groups and criminal organisations, and the role of the formal financial sector. In addition to raising awareness of these important issues, the report also highlights some of the challenges associated with identifying, investigating, and tracing illicit flows associated with maritime piracy for ransom and kidnapping for ransom.

Details: Paris, France: FATF-GAFI (Financial Action Task Force), 2011. 48p.

Source: FATF Report: Internet Resource: Accessed on January 29, 2012 at http://www.fatf-gafi.org/dataoecd/40/13/48426561.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: International

URL: http://www.fatf-gafi.org/dataoecd/40/13/48426561.pdf

Shelf Number: 123876

Maritime Crime
Organized Crime

Author: Dorn, Nicholas

Title: Bad Thoughts: Towards an Organised Crime Harm Assessment and Prioritisation System (OCHAPS)

Summary: This paper examines concepts of harm (damage, negative impact or consequences) arising from organised crime (OC) in the international, British and Dutch literatures. The context is policy makers’ interest in clarifying priorities for action through the criminal justice system, administrative measures and/or private sector partners. The paper concludes that prioritisation should depend not only on where the harm is greatest, but also on the extent to which of the responses/measures available to the public-private partners are capable of significantly reducing the harms (this is the question of effectiveness, efficiency, added value, or ‘amenability’ – the practical potential for harm reduction). Putting together these two overarching considerations, one arrives at the idea: Rating of harms x Rating of the effectiveness of actions = Justification for action. (The authors acknowledge that, in formulating priorities for action, the authorities may also have additional, policy-related considerations, however those are outside the ambit of this paper, which covers only ‘technical’ issues.) What then is harm, what is effectiveness, and how can they be ‘rated’? This paper identifies three distinct aspects of harm: (i) ‘hurts’ to victims (in a wide variety of social positions); (ii) ‘threat’ to the capabilities and integrity of ‘guardians’ (all public officials and private sector professionals who have roles in relation to the prevention and control of OC); and (iii) potential for ‘systemic damage’ (for example, undermining economic stability). Since harm types (i), (ii) and (iii) generally cannot be measured quantitatively in terms of one common metric (such as financial costs), qualitative assessment should be adopted. A common framework for comparison of harms may be provided by scales, running from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest conceivable), doing this separately for hurts to victims, for threat to guardians, and for potential systemic damage. Only direct forms of harm should be considered – not indirect or response costs – since inclusion of the latter leads to circularity (spending yet more on what we have spent most upon in the past). Only tangible harms should be included (not so-called ‘intangible harms’, such as reputational damage of a person, firm, enforcement agency or country). Reasons include the consideration that such harms result from social reaction to criminal acts, rather than from the criminality per se. Also, some intangibles are found to be sites of deep social conflict, so evaluating them cannot be done without ‘taking sides’. As for effectiveness/amenability, it is suggested that prosecutors, police and others should asked to identify those measures that are seen to most strongly reduce the harms that are of greatest concern. In order to operationalise this harm effectiveness framework, more work is needed on harm and also on effectiveness/amenability. In summary, in order to prioritise cases, expert judgement will be needed on which of the available actions (of the criminal justice systems and administrative and private sector partners) have the best prospects for reducing each aspect of harm. This study was financially supported by the Ministry of Justice, The Hague, The Netherlands, and can also be found on the website of the WODC (Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek- en Documentatiecentrum).

Details: Rotterdam: Criminology Department, Erasmus School of Law, Erasmus University, 2010. 43p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 11, 2012 at http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1574071

Year: 2010

Country: International

URL: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1574071

Shelf Number: 124086

Harm Reduction
Organized Crime

Author: Daxecker, Ursula

Title: Insurgents of the Sea: Institutional and Economic Opportunities for Maritime Piracy

Summary: While piracy may evoke romanticized visions of swashbuckling, rum swigging, and skirt chasing pirates hoisting the Jolly Roger, it is not a relevant description of modern piracy. Maritime piracy has changed substantially by taking advantage of modernization and substantial upgrading of the weapons, vessels, and weapons it employs. In addition, as documented by the International Marine Bureau (IMB), the frequency of pirate attacks has increased significantly, with more than 2,200 piracy incidents occurring since 2004. We argue that piracy is a result of permissive institutional environments and the lack of legal forms of employment in states‟ fishing sectors. We investigate these arguments empirically using systemic and monadic-level data for the 1991-2009 period. Our empirical analyses show that state weakness and reductions in fish catch affect piracy as expected. These findings suggest that international efforts in combating piracy should center on improving the institutional environments and labor opportunities driving maritime piracy.

Details: Unpublished, Undated. 39p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 11, 2012 at http://ursuladaxecker.weebly.com/uploads/2/6/1/8/2618117/prins_and_daxecker_04-18-11.pdf

Year: 0

Country: International

URL: http://ursuladaxecker.weebly.com/uploads/2/6/1/8/2618117/prins_and_daxecker_04-18-11.pdf

Shelf Number: 124087

Maritime Crime
Organized Crime

Author: DuPée, Matthew C.

Title: The Narcotics Emirate of Afghanistan: Armed Polities and Their Roles in Illicit Drug Production and Conflict 1980-2010

Summary: The production of illicit narcotics in low-intensity conflict environments remains a serious concern for U.S. policymakers. Afghanistan is a solid example where the intersection of crime, narcotics production and insurgency has successfully thwarted U.S. stabilization and security efforts despite a 10-year military engagement there. This study seeks to examine the role of crime better, particularly narcotics related criminal enterprise, and its effect on the Taliban-led insurgency in Afghanistan. This study explores political, economic and conflict related factors that facilitate the narcotics industry and forges cooperation between drug trafficking organizations and insurgent movements. A key argument of this study is that nontraditional participants in narcotics production, such as insurgent groups or state representatives and institutions, acquire more than just profit and resources. Participants stand to gain political leverage, the social and political legitimacy derived from “protecting” the livelihoods of rural farmers, as well as “freedom of action;” the ability to operate unimpeded within a given territory or space because of public support. This study also suggests that one additional factor, social control, is a key motivator for an actor’s participation in the narcotics industry.

Details: Monterey, CA: Naval Postgraduate School, 2010. 143p.

Source: Thesis, Naval Postgraduate School: Internet Resource: Accessed February 12, 2012 at http://www.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?AD=ada536901.pdf&Location=U2&doc=GetTRDoc.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Afghanistan

URL: http://www.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?AD=ada536901.pdf&Location=U2&doc=GetTRDoc.pdf

Shelf Number: 124110

Drug Markets
Drug Trafficking
Narcotics (Afghanistan) (Pakistan)
Organized Crime

Author: Lanzante, Joseph A.

Title: The Relationship between Criminal and Terrorist Organizations and Human Smuggling

Summary: This thesis sought to expand on the literature that has been written on the possibility and impact of a relationship forming between criminal and terrorist organizations in terms of human smuggling. These entities could form a strategic alliance and leverage existing narcotics, weapons, and human smuggling corridors that exist south of the U.S./Mexico border to smuggle terrorist operatives into the U.S. thereby threatening U.S. interests and national security. The analysis of the scholarly literature, interview data, and case studies point to a relationship between criminal and terrorist organizations and the fact that they have worked together to smuggle terrorists into the U.S. Additionally, corruption efforts by these organizations places a weak link in U.S. border security that can be exploited for nefarious purposes. Enhanced information sharing between law enforcement entities may be the single best way to detect the relationship between criminal and terrorist organizations and prevent them from smuggling a terrorist operative into the U.S.

Details: Monterey, CA: Naval Postgraduate School, 2009. 115p.

Source: Internet Resource: Thesis: Accessed February 14, 2012 at: http://www.thecre.com/ccsf/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/Lanzante.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: United States

URL: http://www.thecre.com/ccsf/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/Lanzante.pdf

Shelf Number: 124131

Border Security
Drug Trafficking (U.S.)
Human Smuggling
Organized Crime

Author: Yikona, Stuart

Title: Ill-gotten Money and the Economy: Experiences from Malawi and Namibia

Summary: Over the last 20 years, the international community has significantly stepped up its efforts to prevent, detect, and deter money flows related to criminal activities and terrorism financing. Since the early 2000s, this drive has extended to developing countries, with most of them introducing anti-money laundering (AML) policies. The primary driver behind this is law enforcement; these policies are aimed at detecting and tracing flows of ill-gotten money, which would enable authorities to fight and prevent crime and recover assets of crime, corruption, and tax evasion. Insufficient attention has been paid to the economic side of ill-gotten money and the efforts to combat such flows, particularly in developing countries. Why is it critical for them, and what is the case for combating the flows of ill-gotten money in countries severely constrained by a lack of resources and limited technical capacity to implement a full AML-framework? Moreover, why are ill-gotten proceeds relevant to the issue of economic development? What is the magnitude of the ill-gotten money flows from activities that generate such flows? Added to this are concerns that anti-money laundering policies may at times actually jeopardize certain development objectives, such as access to finance for poor people. The core objective of this study is to introduce economics into the international debate about anti-money laundering, and to introduce the idea of the usefulness and effectiveness of such policies. We also hope that we might be able to bridge the gap between the law enforcement and economist communities. Indeed, the 2011 World Development Report (WDR) on conflict, security, and development provides us with a critical framework to think through the link between organized crime and development from an economic perspective. The study focuses on two developing countries: Malawi, a low-income country, and Namibia, a middle-income country. The central questions asked are: Why are “proceeds of crime” relevant for economic development? Do “proceeds of crime” and related policy responses help or harm economic development? One critical step in such analysis is to obtain a better understanding of the magnitude of the domestic or cross-border sources of ill-gotten money in a country: how it is recycled through the economy and across its borders or spent and invested. Only then is it possible to discuss the economic effects of the circulation and allocation of ill-gotten money in developing countries and the economic impact of the underlying activities. While not intended to be exhaustive or definitive, this study is meant to contribute to a better understanding and quantification of the issues relevant to the proceeds of crime and economic development. For practical and operational purposes, and to be grounded in country specifics, this study only focuses on Malawi and Namibia. However, it is hoped that the approach developed in this study will be useful to other developing-country governments in identifying the main sources and magnitude of the flows of ill-gotten money, and the main recycling patterns and their effects on the economy. Such a framework will help governments in developing countries to systematically analyze the potential impact of AML and design and prioritize AML policies. The findings presented in this study are based on an extensive literature research; World Bank discussions with numerous public- and private-sector officials and representatives of the Governments of Malawi and Namibia during a Bank mission in November 2010; and workshops conducted in both countries in February 2011 to obtain feedback on the preliminary findings. In conducting this study, the team adopted an interactive approach. This was critical because mobilization of local expertise is essential not only in establishing a complete picture of current and future AML challenges, but also in designing policy considerations that subsequently are widely supported.

Details: Washington, DC: The World Bank, 2012. 114p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 14, 2012 at: http://www-wds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServer/WDSP/IB/2011/10/31/000386194_20111031015900/Rendered/PDF/651760PUB0EPI100money09780821388877.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Africa

URL: http://www-wds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServer/WDSP/IB/2011/10/31/000386194_20111031015900/Rendered/PDF/651760PUB0EPI100money09780821388877.pdf

Shelf Number: 124132

Economic Development
Economics and Crime
Financial Crimes
Money Laundering (Malawi, Namibia)
Organized Crime
Proceeds of crime
Tax Evasion

Author: Anti-Defamation League

Title: The Aryan Circle: Crime in the Name of Hate

Summary: The Aryan Circle is a large, growing and dangerous white supremacist prison gang based primarily in Texas, though it has a presence in a number of other states. It is active both in prisons and on the streets. It is an extreme and violent group, with a long track record of murder, including the deaths of two police officers in Bastrop, Louisiana, in 2007. The Aryan Circle is an organized crime group; its white supremacy often takes a backseat to traditional criminal motives. However, it uses its white supremacy as a bond to cement the loyalty of individual members to the group, creating an extended Aryan crime "family." It originated in the Texas prison system in the mid-1980s. For many years it was a small group, but by 2009 it has become the second largest white supremacist gang in the Texas prison system. The Aryan Circle has four distinct segments: its Texas prison population, its federal prison population, its out-of-state prison population, and its "street" or "free world" population. The total number of Circle members is probably over 1,400, making it one of the largest white supremacist groups in the United States. Perhaps the most disturbing trend is the rapid growth in its "free world" membership, which has resulted in an epidemic of criminal activity across Texas and beyond. The Aryan Circle is headed by an elected president and run by senior members comprising an Upper Board who control the four segments mentioned above. Each segment has hierarchies that comprise a Middle Board as well as officers such as majors, captains/district captains, and lesser ranks. After several years of divided leadership, Billy "Thumper" Haynes was elected the Circle's new president in 2008. However, dissatisfaction with this choice led to in-fighting and dissent. After Haynes was arrested for alleged murder in late 2008, Greg "Droopy" Freeman replaced him, but internal dissent continues. The Aryan Circle recruits in the prisons and on the streets. Recruits or "prospects" must undergo a lengthy apprentice period in which their background is checked and they are indoctrinated into the rules and beliefs of the Circle. Only after many months are they allowed full Circle membership. Aryan Circle members tend to come from lower socioeconomic backgrounds and their criminal activity often supplements a blue collar or service industry paycheck. Many Aryan Circle members work in the oil industry in Texas. The Aryan Circle is somewhat unusual among racist prison gangs in that women can and do become full-fledged members. The Circle has a significant female component that takes part in all Circle activities—administrative, social, and criminal. Some women have achieved positions of considerable importance and responsibility within the Circle, but sexism prevents them from rising to the highest ranks. By the late 1990s, the Aryan Circle developed a significant presence in the free world across Texas and beyond. This has increased the group's criminal opportunities and ability to recruit. The Circle expects released prisoners to report to their "free world" district captain and continue their association with the group. The original "homegrown" white supremacy of the Aryan Circle has become more sophisticated, closer to that of "traditional" white supremacists such as neo-Nazi and Klan groups. However, many Circle members still have only a crude understanding of white supremacist ideology. The Circle uses its white supremacy to increase solidarity within its ranks, consciously trying to create the atmosphere of an extended Aryan family or clan to which all are unbendingly loyal. The Aryan Circle has few relationships with "traditional" white supremacist groups. Its relations with other prison gangs, such as the Aryan Brotherhood of Texas or the White Knights, are more often violent than not; the Aryan Circle has been involved in a number of violent prison gang wars. The Aryan Circle not only deals drugs; many of its members abuse drugs, especially methamphetamine, which has caused serious problems for the group and its members. Efforts by Circle leaders in the past to combat drug use by members have failed. A new effort started in 2008 that creating a "Chemical Free" program, complete with distinctive tattoo, faces serious hurdles. Much of the Aryan Circle's criminal activities are profit-driven. Inside prisons, Circle members engage in protection rackets and other schemes, but the smuggling of contraband (particularly illegal drugs and tobacco) is the most important endeavor. Outside prison walls, Circle members engage in a wide variety of activities, of which illegal drugs (especially methamphetamine) are the most important, followed by a variety of theft and robbery rings.Organized violence is also a feature of Aryan Circle activity. Behind prison walls, Aryan Circle members engage in violence against rival gangs, while inside and outside of prisons, the Circle has killed or attempted to kill a number of suspected informants or other people perceived to be "weak links," in order to protect the group. In and out of prisons, Aryan Circle members have committed a variety of violent acts against African-Americans, Hispanics, homosexuals and transgender people, and others. Though their main motivations are those of an organized crime group, they live up to the hatred implicit in their white supremacist beliefs as well.

Details: New York: Anti-Defamation League, 2009. 37p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 18, 2012 at http://www.adl.org/extremism/Aryan-Circle-Report.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: United States

URL: http://www.adl.org/extremism/Aryan-Circle-Report.pdf

Shelf Number: 124169

Bias Crime
Hate Crimes
Organized Crime

Author: Hervieu, Benoit

Title: Paraguay: Journalists Alone Facing Trafficking

Summary: Last February, Reporters Without Borders released its first-ever thematic report on organized crime, the main source of physical danger for journalists since the end of the Cold War. Produced with the help of our correspondents and specialists in several continues, that report underlined how difficult it is for the media to investigate the criminal underworld’s activities, networks and infiltration of society. Aside from covering bloody shootouts between rival cartels, news media of any size usually seem ill-equipped to describe organized crime’s hidden but ubiquitous presence. Paraguay, which a Reporters Without Borders representative visited from 3 to 10 July, is a good example of these problems. Overshadowed by Brazil and Argentina, its two big neighbours in the Southern Common Market (Mercosur), it has long received one of the world’s worst rankings in Transparency International’s corruption index. It is also a major way station in the trafficking of cocaine from the Bolivian Andes to the Southern Cone. While the level of violence is not as high as in Mexico, Colombia or some Central American countries, the persistent corruption, judicial impunity and influence of mafia activity on political and business activity prevent the media and civil society from playing a watchdog role. Although elections brought about a real change of government for the first time in 2008, Paraguay is still struggling to free itself from the code of silence and complicity that prevailed during the decades of dictatorship and affects the media as well. This was clear from interviews with journalists, observers and state officials in Asunción and Concepción, in the border cities of Ciudad del Este and Encarnación, and the Argentine border city of Posadas.

Details: Paris: Reporters Without Borders for Press Freedom, 2011. 11p.

Source: Inquiry Report: Internet Resource: Accessed February 19, 2012 at http://en.rsf.org/IMG/pdf/paraguay_report.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Paraguay

URL: http://en.rsf.org/IMG/pdf/paraguay_report.pdf

Shelf Number: 124205

Drug Cartels
Organized Crime
Trafficking (Paraguay)

Author: Mazzitelli, Antonio L.

Title: Mexican Cartels Influence in Central America

Summary: According to the US Government, over 60 percent of the cocaine intended for the US market transit through Central American. Since the early 1990’s, Colombian and Mexican drug trafficking organizations (DTOs) established logistics bases both on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of Central America, facilitating the movements of large shipments of cocaine. In establishing these routes, the DTOs took advantage of a number of local enabling factors. Among them, the preexistence of well-established smuggling networks, the weakness of law enforcement and judicial structures in most countries in the region, and the overall culture of lawless and impunity resulting from the civil conflicts that marked the paths to democracy of some of these nations. The tough campaigns launched against DTOs by the governments of Colombia and Mexico during the past eight years, coupled with the gradual evolution of both local and foreign criminal organizations (COs) involved in (but not exclusively) cocaine trafficking, seem to have further worsened the situation in Central America. Old styled DTOs and local “transportistas”1 are increasingly challenged by new criminal groups, usually emerging from the military and claiming specific territories. These new groups are exerting a capillary control over all types of criminal activity taking place in the territories under their control. The confrontation between two different criminal “cultures”-- the first, business oriented; the second one, territorial oriented-- constitutes a serious threat not only to the security of citizens, but also to the very consolidation of balanced democratic rule in the region. Mexican DTOs and COs poses a serious threat to Central American, if left unchecked. Responses by national institutions, assisted by their main international partners, will have to be carefully tailored according to the specific feature of the predominant foreign criminal organization operating in its territory. In the case of DTOs, interventions will have to privilege investments in the areas of financial investigations, specialized prosecution and international cooperation, as well as anti-corruption initiatives. In combatting COs (Zetas type), intervention will have to privilege restructuring, professionalization and deployment of local police corps that would then be capable of controlling the territory and preventing the infiltration of external criminal actors. In both cases, governments need to strengthen the intelligence capacity of law enforcement agencies allowing the early identification of the likely threat, its analysis and its subsequent removal. National law enforcement and judicial efforts should also be geared toward the creation of a sincere and mutual beneficial international cooperation (both investigative and judicial) that is built not only on common objectives, but also on the use of common investigative instruments and harmonized procedures.

Details: Miami, Florida: Western Hemisphere Security Analysis Center, Applied Research Center, Florida International University, 2011. 30p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 21, 2012 at http://digitalcommons.fiu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1044&context=whemsac

Year: 2011

Country: Central America


Shelf Number: 124217

Drug Cartels
Drug Traffikcing
Organized Crime

Author: Liang, Christina Schori

Title: Shadow Networks: The Growing Nexus of Terrorism and Organised Crime

Summary: Key Points: there are growing links between terrorist and organised crime groups who are sharing expertise and are cooperating in kidnapping, arms, drugs and human trafficking, as well as drug production, cigarette smuggling, extortion and fraud; The growing nexus of shared tactics and methods of terror and crime groups is due to four major developments: globalization, the communication revolution through the Internet, the end of the Cold War, and the global "war on terror"; Both terrorist and organised crime groups are leveraging the Internet for recruitment, planning, psychological operations, logistics, and fundraising. The Internet has become the platform for both organised crime and terrorists to conduct cybercrimes ranging from video piracy, credit card fraud, selling drugs, extortion, money laundering and pornography; The growing nexus has facilitated terrorists to access automatic weapons, including stand-off weapons and explosive devices, empowering them to challenge police, land and naval forces with the latest sophisticated weaponry and intelligence; The growing nexus of terrorism and organised crime is exacerbating efforts in war-fighting and peacemaking in Iraq and Afghanistan. Also, West Africa in general and the Sahel in particular have become a dangerous new trafficking hub uniting both terrorists and organised crime cartels across a wide and mostly ungoverned land mass; The growing nexus of terrorism and organised crime groups is challenging international and national security by weakening democratic institutions, compromising government institutions, damaging the credibility of financial institutions and by infiltrating the formal economy, leading to increased crime and human security challenges.

Details: Geneva: Geneva Centre for Security Policy, 2011. 6p.

Source: GCSP Policy Paper No. 20: Internet Resource: Accessed February 21, 2012 at http://gcsp.ch/content/download/6607/61163/download

Year: 2011

Country: International

URL: http://gcsp.ch/content/download/6607/61163/download

Shelf Number: 124228

Organized Crime
Transnational Crime

Author: Reed, Quentin

Title: Squeezing a Balloon? Challenging the Nexus Between Organised Crime and Corruption

Summary: Corruption and organised crime are of great concern to the international community: while the first is regarded as one of the greatest barriers to development, the second is seen as a key threat to international security and stability. In this context, corruption is best understood as the way in which organised crime infiltrates the state. Corruption is one of the primary enabling activities of organised crime, it makes possible and/or facilitate the conduct of this type of criminal activities. This U4 Issue argues that understanding the connections between both phenomena requires a deeper analysis of the relationships between organised criminals and public officials at different levels of the state. First, international standards and conventional wisdom tend to embrace a limited range of the possible policies that may be employed to tackle organised crime and the corruption, and are heavily oriented towards criminal law and enforcement. Second, policies to tackle both problems are usually developed without applying sound principles of policy‑making. The author argues for the development of policies based on proper analysis of the specific context, breaking down the problem into clear components, identifying their causes, and selecting specific and appropriate measures to address each component or causal factor. In particular, the author suggests there is a pressing need to correct the current bias towards criminal law enforcement solutions.

Details: Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (U4 Issue 2009:7) 38 p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 29, 2012 at: http://www.u4.no/publications/squeezing-a-balloon-challenging-the-nexus-between-organised-crime-and-corruption-2/

Year: 0

Country: International

URL: http://www.u4.no/publications/squeezing-a-balloon-challenging-the-nexus-between-organised-crime-and-corruption-2/

Shelf Number: 124322

Organized Crime

Author: Fröhlich, Tanja

Title: Organised environmental crime in a few Candidate Countries

Summary: The study at issue investigates organized environmental crime in the five Accession Countries: Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania and Poland. The study encompasses: a numerical evaluation of cases of organised environmental crime in the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania and Poland; an analysis of the legal environment concerning organised environmental crime in the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania and Poland; a review of the enforcement structures concerning organised environmental crime in the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania and Poland. The following sectors are covered: illegal commercial trade in endangered species and their products; illegal pollution, dumping and storage of waste, including transfrontier shipment of hazardous waste; illegal commercial trade in ozone depleting substances; illegal dumping and shipment of radioactive waste and potentially radioactive material; illegal logging and illegal trade in wood; and illegal fishing.

Details: Kassel, Germany: BfU, 2003. 625p.

Source: Final Report: Internet Resource: Accessed March 2, 2012 at http://ec.europa.eu/environment/legal/crime/pdf/organised_candidate_countries.pdf

Year: 2003

Country: Europe

URL: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/legal/crime/pdf/organised_candidate_countries.pdf

Shelf Number: 124362

Endangered Species
Environmental Crime (Czech Republic) (Estonia) (Hu
Illegal Fishing
Illegal Logging
Offenses Against the Environment
Organized Crime

Author: Anti-Defamation League

Title: The Aryan Circle: Crime in the Name of Hate

Summary: The Aryan Circle is a large, growing and dangerous white supremacist prison gang based primarily in Texas, though it has a presence in a number of other states. It is active both in prisons and on the streets. It is an extreme and violent group, with a long track record of murder, including the deaths of two police officers in Bastrop, Louisiana, in 2007. The Aryan Circle combines extremism with organized crime. The Aryan Circle is an organized crime group; its white supremacy often takes a backseat to traditional criminal motives. However, it uses its white supremacy as a bond to cement the loyalty of individual members to the group, creating an extended Aryan crime "family." It originated in the Texas prison system in the mid-1980s. For many years it was a small group, but by 2009 it has become the second largest white supremacist gang in the Texas prison system. Most of the group's members are concentrated in Texas, with cells in or near many metropolitan areas, including Houston, Dallas, Fort Worth, Austin, San Antonio, Waco, San Angelo, Wichita Falls, and Midland/Odessa, among others. The group also has spread its tentacles into surrounding states, has attempted to actively recruit new members in Texas' border states, and individual cells and members have been noted across the country.

Details: New York: ADL, 2009. 38p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 21, 2012 at:

Year: 2009

Country: United States


Shelf Number: 124630

Hate Groups
Organized Crime
Prison Gangs (Texas)
Violent Extremism

Author: Shaw, Mark

Title: Spotting the Spoilers: A Guide to Analyzing Organized Crime in Fragile States

Summary: Rarely considered a serious challenge until recently, organized crime and related serious crime have become a critical issue in many fragile states. Experience shows that organized crime must be addressed during the course of any peace operation or political mission, since in many cases it is the biggest impediment to peace. Given weak institutions, few economic opportunities, and serious security threats, the activities of organized crime can have a disproportionate and devastating impact in fragile states, particularly when a political transition to peace or democracy is underway. This guide is designed for people in multilateral organizations who want to analyze the nature of organized crime in a fragile state, and should be particularly useful for field staff of peacekeeping, peacebuilding, or political missions engaged in mission planning and post-conflict needs-assessment. The objective of this guide is to hopefully allow the production of what is generally called an Organized Crime Threat Assessment (OCTA). The OCTA is a tool for generating a strategic picture of organized crime that can lead to an evidence-based response, both in terms of policy and operations. The guide seeks to provide an overview of what steps can be taken to analyze and understand organized and serious crime in a particular country. It is not a guide for conducting a criminal investigation; rather, it is a way to gather together information on things that have not been focused on before and that impact the peace or political process.

Details: New York: International Peace Institute, 2012. 64p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 24, 2012 at http://www.humansecuritygateway.com/documents/IPI_SpottingtheSpoilers_AGuidetoAnalyzingOrganizedCrimeinFragileStates.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: International

URL: http://www.humansecuritygateway.com/documents/IPI_SpottingtheSpoilers_AGuidetoAnalyzingOrganizedCrimeinFragileStates.pdf

Shelf Number: 124727

Conflice and Violence
Organized Crime

Author: Reyna, Enrique J.

Title: Exploiting Weaknesses: An Approach to Counter Cartel Strategy

Summary: The thesis, “Exploiting Weaknesses: An Approach to Counter Cartel Strategy,” provided an in-depth case study analysis of Los Zetas transnational criminal network to gain an understanding on its weaknesses and vulnerabilities. The thesis utilized social movement theory to illuminate its mobilizing structure and key essential factors that make Los Zetas vulnerable to disruption. In addition, the study identified Los Zetas’ financial support structure to expose its insidious methods. Finally, the thesis utilized social network analysis and geographical information systems to gain an understanding of its organizational networks, deduce possible safe havens, and key terrain of Los Zetas. Ultimately, the employment of the aforementioned theories revealed essential vulnerabilities, which form the essence of a practical disruption policy recommendation against Los Zetas.

Details: Monterey, CA: Naval Postgraduate School, 2011. 139p.

Source: Internet Resource: Dissertation: Accessed April 3, 2012 at: http://www.hsdl.org/?view&did=699795

Year: 2011

Country: Mexico

URL: http://www.hsdl.org/?view&did=699795

Shelf Number: 124811

Gangs (Mexico)
Geospatial Information Systems (GIS)
Los Zetas
Organized Crime
Social Network Analysis

Author: Morselli, Carlo

Title: The Factors That Shape Organized Crime

Summary: Organized crime has received considerable attention among policy-makers and law enforcement agencies in recent decades. This development is, in part, due to the disproportionate harms produced by the illicit activities of criminal organizations and networks, as opposed to individuals and small groups. High-profile wars between rival groups, such as that between the Hells Angels and Rock Machine occurring in Quebec during the 1990s, have also contributed to the growing concern about organized crime. In addition, an increasing volume of violence, especially homicide, in Canada appears to be gang-related. In response to the increases in organized crime, federal, provincial and territorial governments want to further understand the nature of organized crime, by building upon existing research that would allow decision-makers to implement approaches to combat organized crime that were based on empirical evidence. There continues to be substantial gaps in the empirical data, impeding the development of appropriate policy responses to criminal activities that may be associated with organized crime. One area that has been of particular interest is the structure of organized crime groups and the factors that contribute to varying structures. The literature reviewed indicated that the structure of organized crime varies in terms of their flexibility and adaptability. Studies of organized crime groups increasingly show that social networks are critical to their understanding and that there are many small, loosely structured networks. The assumption of using social network analysis is that the connections between individuals and groups are crucial determinants of the performance and sustainability of criminal organizations. The social network approach may also be applied at different levels of analysis, thus offering a more complete understanding and approach for containing organized crime. Such applications have been well documented at the individual level, as criminal career research has demonstrated. In this particular project, the network approach was used to identify those variables that have the greatest impact upon criminal organizations and the linkages between them. The framework for this project complements the recent work by the Australian Federal Police who have established the Target Enforcement Prioritization Index (TEPI). The TEPI is designed along a matrix (or quadrant) framework in which decision makers are able to contemplate the level of risk associated with a target and the level of success that enforcement may have if targeting such a threat. The AFP experience with the TEPI is an initial guide for the present report in that it provides an understanding of how specific features of individuals, groups, and environments may be used to assess the scope and structure of organized crime in a given setting. The focus on this project was to review the literature pertaining to the structure of criminal organizations and networks in order to ultimately identify the relevant variables that can then be applied to the development of analytical models. The identification of variables affecting the structures of and linkages between organizations will then serve as the basis for future statistical modeling that will enhance the understanding of these organizations/networks and inform strategies to disrupt them. The information provided in this report will help police and policy-makers to understand how specific features of individuals, groups and environments may help in the assessment of the scope and structure of organized crime in a particular setting. The analytical report created in this project includes:  A catalogue of relevant individual, group, and environmental level variables;  Justification from previous research or theory for the inclusion of each variable, with regard to how and why it is relevant to criminal organizational structures and linkages;  The levels of measurement applicable to each variable;  Sources for the data necessary to measure each variable;  The explanatory power of each variable, given the evidence; and  A discussion of the overall dataset and the implications for modeling and analytical purposes The report assesses a number of individual, group/organization, and environmental level variables that may influence how individuals or groups structure their criminal operations in a variety of criminal market and legitimate settings. In as much as possible, we categorize such factors along individual, group, and environmental levels of measurement. In many cases, however, a factor transcends more than one level of analysis, forcing us to address the issue more broadly. The report focused on the following themes:  Formal Organizational Membership and Trust  Personality  Financial and Material Resources  Violence  Technological and Private Protection Capacities  Language Skills, Ethnic Composition, and Social Embeddedness  Crime Mobility, Diversity, and Continuity  Upperworld Conditions and Facilitators  Criminogenic Opportunities  Target Priority Furthermore, an inventory of the variables found to explain the structure of crime in organized crime, criminal market, and criminal network research has been assembled in a separate catalogue (refer to the Appendix). This catalogue is meant to facilitate the work of law-enforcement and policy officials who are in constant search of new avenues of inquiry to a wide array of problems addressed in this report. The catalogue is designed as an outline of the more elaborate research review. It provides details on the variable’s level of measurement, essential coding, impact on the structural features of criminal groups, explanatory power, and possible data sources that may be used to gather factual data for practical purposes.

Details: Ottawa: Public Safety Canada, 2010. 82p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 5, 2012 at: http://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2012/sp-ps/PS4-89-2010-eng.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: International

URL: http://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2012/sp-ps/PS4-89-2010-eng.pdf

Shelf Number: 124849

Criminal Organizations
Organized Crime
Social Network Analysis

Author: Owens, Emily G.

Title: The Birth of the Organized Crime? The American Temperance Movement and Market-Based Violence

Summary: Economic theory and anecdotal evidence suggest that the absence of formal contract enforcement increases systemic, or market-based, violence in illegal markets. Lack of substantial variation in market legality has prevented empirical evaluation of the strength of this association. Using a state-level panel of age-specific homicide rates between 1900 and 1940, I demonstrate that criminalization of alcohol markets led to a compression of the age distribution of homicide victims. Specifically, homicide rates for individuals between the ages of 20 and 30 increased relative to homicide rates for individuals under 20 and over 30. The compression of the age distribution of homicide victims was most evident in northern states and in states with large immigrant and urban populations. Using modern homicide data, I show that this age specific change in homicide rates is consistent with an increase in systemic violence, supporting the argument that the temperance movement contributed to the rise of organized crime in the United States. Banning the commercial sale of alcohol appears to have had a protective effect for children and mature adults, but this came at the expense of increasing the rate of violence among young adults.

Details: Unpublished paper, 2011. 43p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 10, 2012 at: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1865347

Year: 2011

Country: United States

URL: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1865347

Shelf Number: 124912

Alcohol Related Crime
Illegal Markets
Organized Crime
Violent Crime

Author: ESSAM (Eastern and Southern Africa Anti-Money Laundering Group)

Title: Report on Cash Courier-Based Money Laundering

Summary: In general, there are three main methods by which criminal organisations and terrorist financiers move illicit money for laundering purposes. These are (i) the use of the financial system (ii) the physical movement of money (iii) the use of fraudulent trading arrangements. The Financial Action Task Force Special Recommendation IX on Cash Couriers obliges countries to put in place measures to detect the physical cross-border transportation of currency and bearer negotiable instruments, including a declaration system or other disclosure obligations. The Special Recommendation also requires countries to ensure that their competent authorities have the legal authority to stop or restrain currency or bearer negotiable instruments that are suspected of been related to terrorist financing or money laundering or that are falsely declared or disclosed Countries should also ensure that effective, proportionate and dissuasive sanctions are available to deal with persons who make false declarations and disclosures. In cases where the currency or bearer negotiable instruments are related to terrorist financing or money laundering, countries should also adopt measures, including legislative ones which would enable the confiscation of such currency or instruments. This study used of a detailed questionnaire to gather information on the current practices of cash courier-based money laundering and the financing of terrorism in the ESAAMLG region. The information focused on the ability of the ESAAMLG member countries to detect and combat cash couriers for AML/CFT purposes. This study concludes that cash courier based money laundering is an activity that is present in virtually all ESAAMLG member countries. All ESAAMLG member countries are predominantly cash-based economies and have porous borders, and thereby making the region more vulnerable to cash- courier-based money laundering. Most ESAAMLG member countries have limited or no legislation in place to combat cash couriers and the associated money laundering and terrorist financing risks. There is a general shortage of technical expertise and resources required to deal with cash courier based money laundering and terrorist financing. There is a critical need for training and awareness raising to enhance skills and experience to combat cash courier based money laundering, Looking ahead, there appears to be a number of steps that could be taken within the ESAAMLG member countries to enable national authorities to cope with and combat cash courier based money laundering and terrorist financing. These measures can be grouped into legislative, effective institutional arrangements, awareness raising, training, and improving domestic, regional and international cooperation.

Details: Mombasa, Kenya: ESAAMLG Typologies Working Group, 2008. 63p.

Source: Internet Resource: WGTP doc.1 r (2008): Accessed April 10, 2012 at: http://www.esaamlg.org/userfiles/Cash_Courier_Report.pdf

Year: 2008

Country: Africa

URL: http://www.esaamlg.org/userfiles/Cash_Courier_Report.pdf

Shelf Number: 124915

Money Laundering (Africa)
Organized Crime
Terrorist Financing

Author: Farah, Douglas

Title: Dangerous Work: Violence Against Mexico’s Journalists and Lessons from Colombia

Summary: The job of Mexican journalists covering drug trafficking and organized crime along the Mexico-U.S. border has been called the most dangerous job in the world. And the danger has spread from journalists for traditional media to bloggers and citizens who post reports on drug cartel violence through social media such as Twitter and Facebook. In many ways the experience of Mexico today mirrors the experience of journalists in Colombia in the 1980s and 1990s, when much of that country was a war zone and reporters and editors were being killed or driven into exile by drug traffickers, paramilitary squads, and Marxist guerrillas. Yet the response of the governments and media organizations in the two countries could hardly be more different, nor could the results. Many of the successful steps taken in Colombia could be implemented in Mexico in a relatively short time. This report looks at some of the lessons Mexico could learn from Colombia’s experience, as well as some reasons these lessons have not yet been taken to heart. In addition to conducting a literature review, the author interviewed more than a dozen Colombian and Mexican journalists, in person and by e-mail, to learn more directly about the experiences of those who have lived or are now living on the front lines, in situations of significant risk.

Details: Washington, DC: Center for International Media Assistance, National Endowment for Democracy, 2010. 36p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 12, 2012 at: http://cima.ned.org/sites/default/files/CIMA-Mexico-Colombia%20-%2004-09-12.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Mexico

URL: http://cima.ned.org/sites/default/files/CIMA-Mexico-Colombia%20-%2004-09-12.pdf

Shelf Number: 124945

Drug Cartels
Drug Trafficking (Mexico)
Organized Crime

Author: National Retail Federation

Title: 2011 Organized Retail Crime Survey

Summary: The National Retail Federation’s Organized Retail Crime survey, now in its seventh year, is conducted every spring to gauge the impact and severity of organized retail crime. This year’s survey collects information from a variety of retailers, ranging from restaurants to department stores to specialty retailers and grocery stores. Insights of senior retail loss prevention executives from 129 retail companies are included in this report. This year’s survey found that organized retail crime affects almost every single retailer, with 95 percent reporting they have been a victim of organized retail crime in the past 12 months, up six percent from last year. Although retailers continue to build their defenses against this growing problem, criminals are finding myriad ways to work around the system. Retailers are also reporting that the criminals they apprehend are increasingly resorting to violence, putting the safety of both associates and customers at risk. The scope of most criminal enterprises extends far beyond store limits. For the first time in the survey’s history, NRF polled retailers about this threat and found that nearly half of all respondents said they have been a victim of cargo theft within the past year. The survey found most cargo theft occurs en route from the distribution center to the store, but other points within the supply chain are just as vulnerable. This not only affects a retailer’s bottom line, it also affects what consumers end up seeing on the shelves at the store and the amount of inventory available. Crime rings throughout the country often take advantage of big cities and large highways to move their stolen merchandise and hit multiple targets. When asked where in the United States retailers have the most problems with criminal gangs and organized retail crime, cities including Los Angeles, Miami, New York and Dallas were listed. Making the list for the first time, Las Vegas and Phoenix are now among the top 10 metropolitan areas retailers say are affected, indicating criminal enterprises continue to travel the country. Many times, retailers and law enforcement officials find it difficult to track these crime gangs because they cross state lines in a matter of hours. New technologies, however, are beginning to play a vital role in tracking thefts and criminal behavior even through various states and at different retail companies. As the economy forces retail executives to pay close attention to every line item in their budgets, loss prevention executives say senior leadership is more likely to understand how organized retail crime impacts the company’s bottom line. This year’s survey found nearly six in 10 senior loss prevention executives say their senior management understands the severity of the problem, a big step up from the 39 percent reported in 2005. As a result, many companies are allocating additional resources – including more personnel and greater investment in technology – to combat the problem. Organized crime gangs who steal consumer and other valuable goods such as over-the-counter medicines, baby formula, diabetic testing strips and designer jeans, often use the façade of a local pawn shop, flea market or warehouse to hide their stolen merchandise. These criminals also pose as legitimate sellers on online auction sites, selling their stolen goods to innocent and unknowing consumers. The report found more than seven in 10 retailers identified or recovered this stolen merchandise from both physical and online fence locations. Industry partnerships with law enforcement and increased resources in personnel may have contributed to the increase in identifying these stolen goods. The increase in the number of retailers who have been victimized may have played a role as well. Retailers have spent years lobbying Congress about the need for specific organized retail crime legislation. Specific lobbying interests include stiffer penalties for criminals involved with organized retail crimes, expanding law enforcement’s ability to charge and prosecute offenders and decreasing the felony dollar amount threshold at which criminals are charged. Though retailers recently celebrated the passing of H.R. 5932, the Organized Retail Theft Investigation and Prosecution Act of 2010 in the House of Representatives, which aims to establish the Organized Retail Theft Investigation and Prosecution Unit with the Department of Justice, budget crises and several other pressing issues prevented this bill from being presented to the Senate. Several states have engaged the issue through state legislation and many have already seen success. The report outlines which states have already passed bills and those that are currently working on bills. Through various platforms, retailers are able to communicate and network with industry peers about the challenges organized retail crime presents for their business and how to combat the multi-billion dollar problem. These platforms include national committees, local intelligence sharing groups, partnerships with local, state, and federal law enforcement, and relationships with lawmakers. Together, retailers and law enforcement officials are making great strides in uncovering the criminal enterprises that exist throughout the country. These collaborations have resulted in many successful federal indictments and the breakup of large crime rings, which operated for years behind physical and online fence operations. From government affairs and strategic partnerships to grassroots initiatives, retailers have been very resourceful in finding ways to confront the issue. Efforts to pass federal legislation persist and work continues behind the scenes as executives from different companies come together to shed light on this growing problem.

Details: Washington, DC: National Retail Federation, 2011. 23p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 15, 2012 at http://www.nrf.com/modules.php?name=Documents&op=viewlive&sp_id=6549

Year: 2011

Country: United States

URL: http://www.nrf.com/modules.php?name=Documents&op=viewlive&sp_id=6549

Shelf Number: 124977

Costs of Crime
Organized Crime
Retail Theft
Victimization Survey

Author: Stys, Yvonne

Title: Conditional Release of Federal Offenders Convicted of Criminal Organization Offences

Summary: Past research on criminal organization offenders has typically centred on the nature of the offences committed and profiling those offenders. This study extended the extant knowledge of criminal organization offenders by updating past profiles, focusing on community outcomes while on conditional or statutory release, and identifying risk factors related to re-offending for these offenders. Overall, 451 offenders were identified in the Correctional Service of Canada’s (CSC) Offender Management System (OMS) as being convicted of a criminal organization offence, as outlined in Sections 467.11 to 467.13 of the Criminal Code of Canada (CCC), between April 25, 1997 and March 31, 2009. This included 418 non-Aboriginal males, 19 Aboriginal males, and 14 women offenders, with an average sentence length of 5.2 years. Most offenders convicted of a criminal organization offence had some prior involvement with the criminal justice system, with 21.5% having served a previous adult term in a federal penitentiary. Along with their current criminal organization conviction, offenders were most commonly also convicted of drug offences (59.6%) or attempted murder (8.2%). Examination of criminogenic risk, need and reintegration potential found that the typical criminal organization offender was assessed as being “medium” risk (58.1%) and “high” need (45.9%), with “high” reintegration potential (68.8%). Domain-level analyses of need illustrated that criminal organization offenders were significantly more likely to have some or considerable need in the areas of criminal attitudes and criminal associates than a matched sample of CSC offenders. Of the 451 offenders who were convicted of a criminal organization offence, 332 (73.6%) had been released to the community. The majority were released on day parole (51.8%) or statutory release (44.9%). Most (76.4%) had been employed at some point during release, and 14.8% of those released were participating in some sort of community intervention program, with the most common programs including education, Counter-Point, and living skills programs. Of those who were released, 12.7 % (42) were re-admitted to a federal institution. Most had their release revoked without a new offence (76.2%), while 14.3% (n=6) were convicted of a new offence. Survival analyses conducted to determine the risk of failure upon release found that those convicted of criminal organization offences were significantly less likely than the matched group to be returned to custody. Risk factors found to be especially predictive of readmission or re-conviction included age at release and type of release, with younger offenders and those on statutory release more likely to fail than those released at an older age or released on day or full parole.

Details: Ottawa: Correctional Service of Canada, 2010. 47p.

Source: Internet Resource: Research Report 2010 No R-227: Accessed April 16, 2012 at: http://www.csc-scc.gc.ca/text/rsrch/reports/r227/r227-eng.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Canada

URL: http://www.csc-scc.gc.ca/text/rsrch/reports/r227/r227-eng.pdf

Shelf Number: 124986

Conditional Release (Canada)
Criminal Organizations
Day Parole
Organized Crime

Author: Jiggens, John Lawrence

Title: Marijuana Australiana : Cannabis Use, Popular Culture and the Americanisation of Drugs Policy in Australia, 1938-1988

Summary: The word 'marijuana' was introduced to Australia by the US Bureau of Narcotics via the Diggers newspaper, Smith's Weekly, in 1938. Marijuana was said to be 'a new drug that maddens victims' and it was sensationally described as an 'evil sex drug'. The resulting tabloid furore saw the plant cannabis sativa banned in Australia, even though cannabis had been a well-known and widely used drug in Australia for many decades. In 1964, a massive infestation of wild cannabis was found growing along a stretch of the Hunter River between Singleton and Maitland in New South Wales. The explosion in Australian marijuana use began there. It was fuelled after 1967 by US soldiers on rest and recreation leave from Vietnam. It was the Baby-Boomer young who were turning on. Pot smoking was overwhelmingly associated with the generation born in the decade after the Second World War. As the conflict over the Vietnam War raged in Australia, it provoked intense generational conflict between the Baby-Boomers and older generations. Just as in the US, pot was adopted by Australian Baby-Boomers as their symbol; and, as in the US, the attack on pot users served as code for an attack on the young, the Left, and the alternative. In 1976, the 'War on Drugs' began in earnest in Australia with paramilitary attacks on the hippie colonies at Cedar Bay in Queensland and Tuntable Falls in New South Wales. It was a time of increasing US style prohibition characterised by 'tough-on-drugs' right-wing rhetoric, police crackdowns, numerous murders, and a marijuana drought followed quickly by a heroin plague; in short by a massive worsening of 'the drug problem'. During this decade, organised crime moved into the pot scene and the price of pot skyrocketed, reaching $450 an ounce in 1988. Thanks to the Americanisation of drugs policy, the black market made 'a killing'. In Marijuana Australiana I argue that the 'War on Drugs' developed -- not for health reasons -- but for reasons of social control; as a domestic counter-revolution against the Whitlamite, Baby-Boomer generation by older Nixonite Drug War warriors like Queensland Premier, Bjelke-Petersen. It was a misuse of drugs policy which greatly worsened drug problems, bringing with it American-style organised crime. As the subtitle suggests, Marijuana Australiana relies significantly on 'alternative' sources, and I trawl the waters of popular culture, looking for songs, posters, comics and underground magazines to produce an 'underground' history of cannabis in Australia. This 'pop' approach is balanced with a hard-edged, quantitative analysis of the size of the marijuana market, the movement of price, and the seizure figures in the section called 'History By Numbers'. As Alfred McCoy notes, we need to understand drugs as commodities. It is only through a detailed understanding of the drug trade that the deeper secrets of this underground world can be revealed. In this section, I present an economic history of the cannabis market and formulate three laws of the market.

Details: Brisbane: Queensland University of Technology, Centre for Social Change Research, 2004. 294p.

Source: Internet Resource: Thesis: Accessed April 30, 2012 at: http://eprints.qut.edu.au/15949/

Year: 2004

Country: Australia

URL: http://eprints.qut.edu.au/15949/

Shelf Number: 125108

Drug Abuse and Crime
Drug Control
Drug Policy
Drug Prohibition
Marijuana (Australia)
Organized Crime

Author: McCaffrey, Barry R.

Title: Texas Border Security: A Strategic Military Assessment

Summary: During the past two years the state of Texas has become increasingly threatened by the spread of Mexican cartel organized crime. The threat reflects a change in the strategic intent of the cartels to move their operations into the United States. In effect, the cartels seek to create a “sanitary zone” inside the Texas border -- one county deep -- that will provide sanctuary from Mexican law enforcement and, at the same time, enable the cartels to transform Texas’ border counties into narcotics transshipment points for continued transport and distribution into the continental United States. To achieve their objectives the cartels are relying increasingly on organized gangs to provide expendable and unaccountable manpower to do their dirty work. These gangs are recruited on the streets of Texas cities and inside Texas prisons by top-tier gangs who work in conjunction with the cartels.

Details: Mico, TX: Colgen, 2011. 30p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 2, 2012 at: http://mccaul.house.gov/uploads/Final%20Report-Texas%20Border%20Security.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: United States

URL: http://mccaul.house.gov/uploads/Final%20Report-Texas%20Border%20Security.pdf

Shelf Number: 125122

Border Security (Texas)
Drug Cartels
Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: Isacson, Adam

Title: Beyond the Border Buildup Security and Migrants Along the U.S.-Mexico Border

Summary: Once relatively quiet and neglected, the U.S.-Mexico border zone is a very different place than it was twenty years ago, or even ten years ago. Today, border communities are separated by both security measures and security conditions. South of the borderline, a spiral of organized crime has made Mexico’s northern states one of the world’s most violent regions. North of the borderline, a “war on drugs,” a “war on terror,” and rising anti-immigrant sentiment have encouraged a flurry of fence-building and a multiplied presence of guards, spies, and soldiers. Together, both sides comprise one of the world’s principal corridors for the transshipment of illegal drugs and weapons. The population most affected by this sharp change in threats, vigilance, and attitudes is the hundreds of thousands of undocumented people who seek every year to migrate into the United States. Some come because of the promise of economic opportunity, or the lack of it in their countries of origin, mostly Mexico and Central America. Some come to escape violence or poor governance. A growing proportion comes to be reunited with loved ones already in the United States. The number of migrants is less than it used to be, for reasons that this report will explore. But after the changes of the past several years, migrants face a much greater risk of being kidnapped and extorted by criminals and corrupt officials in Mexico; finding themselves mired in the U.S. criminal justice system; or even dying in a desert wilderness. This report is the product of a yearlong study of border security policy and its impact on the migrant population. On the U.S. side, we visited three border regions and carried out extensive research in Washington. In Mexico, we conducted surveys of migrants, and met with Mexican officials and representatives of civil society and migrant shelters.

Details: Washington, DC: Washington Office on Latin America, 2012. 62p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 2, 2012 at: http://justf.org/files/pubs/120419_WOLA_Beyond.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: United States

URL: http://justf.org/files/pubs/120419_WOLA_Beyond.pdf

Shelf Number: 125124

Border Security
Drug Trafficking
Illegal Aliens
Illegal Immigrants
Illegal Migration
Organized Crime

Author: Duncan, Gustavo

Title: Crime and Power: The Filter of Social Order

Summary: In this paper I advance an explanation of the social origins of cocaine trafficking in Colombia in which two thresholds are distinguish. The first threshold occurs when the knowledge and the willingness for a specific criminal activity reproduce faster than the enforcement capacity of the authorities, and the second one, at a more advanced stage of diffusion of crime in society, when the state is forced to consider the political demands of criminal organizations. This explanation aims to explore an aspect of crime that is usually neglected by the specialized literature: the role of crime in the political structure and eventually in the process of state making. My argument here is that in order to acquire political power crime has to experience a process of diffusion into the social order to the extent of redefining the relationships, the values, and the hierarchies of a large part of the society.

Details: APSA 2010 Annual Meeting Paper, 2010. 36p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 3, 2012 at: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1644540

Year: 2010

Country: Colombia

URL: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1644540

Shelf Number: 125143

Drug Trafficking (Colombia)
Organized Crime

Author: Hervieu, Benoit

Title: Organized Crime Muscling in on the Media

Summary: A total of 141 journalists and media workers were killed during the decade of the 2000s in attacks and reprisals blamed on criminal groups. Mafias and cartels today pose the biggest threat to media freedom worldwide. A transnational phenomenon, organized crime is more than the occasional bloody shoot-out or colourful crime story in the local paper. It is a powerful parallel economy with enormous influence over the legal economy, one the media have a great deal of difficulty in covering. Its elusiveness and inaccessibility to the media make it an even greater threat, both to the safety of journalists and to the fourth estate’s investigative ability. "Organized crime” is the generic label that the post-Cold War world has given to these new predators of journalism. Mafias, cartels, warlords recycled as traffickers, paramilitaries running rackets, separatist groups that traffic and extort to fund themselves – they have replaced the world’s remaining dictatorial regimes as the biggest source of physical danger to journalists. From newspapers to TV news, from crime reports to yellow press, the media seem to be reduced to counting the number of dead, including the dead within their own ranks. While organized crime often overlaps with a violent criminality consisting of rackets, kidnapping and murder, it is the expression of an economic and geopolitical reality that the media usually do not reflect, a reality that does not admit analysis of the types of criminal organizations involved, the way they operate and their ramifications. This dimension of organized crime, which is completely beyond the scope of the 24-hour news cycle, also includes its impact on the “legal world” and its various components, including the media. Far from wanting to overthrow the political, economic and media bases of societies, organized crime has every interest in participating in them and using them. This fundamental fact suggests that the media are vulnerable not just as victims but also as actors or cogs of a parallel system for which they can serve as information and public relations outlets.

Details: Paris: Reporters Without Borders, Undated. 10p.

Source: Inquiry Report: Internet Resource: Accessed May 8, 2012 at http://fr.rsf.org/IMG/pdf/organized_crime.pdf

Year: 0

Country: International

URL: http://fr.rsf.org/IMG/pdf/organized_crime.pdf

Shelf Number: 125209

Criminal Violence
Organized Crime
Victims of Violence

Author: Australia. Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre

Title: Suspicious matter reporting - Market Participants in the securities and derivatives sectors

Summary: All reporting entities under the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006 (AML/CTF Act) have obligations to report suspicious matters to AUSTRAC through the submission of suspicious matter reports (SMRs). These reports are a critical source of intelligence in combating serious criminal activity, including organised crime, terrorism financing and tax evasion. In July 2010 AUSTRAC conducted a survey of reporting entities that are Market Participants1 in the securities and derivatives sectors. The survey gathered information about how Market Participants have understood and addressed their SMR and related obligations under the AML/CTF Act. The survey included questions about staff training, transaction monitoring and enhanced customer due diligence (ECDD). This report presents the results of the survey, including aggregated data and analysis. It is a snapshot of organisational capacity and readiness among Market Participants to identify matters that may be reportable to AUSTRAC as SMRs. There are 16 key findings and five areas of ‘outlier behaviour’ that warrant highlighting. Where the report states that a respondent exhibited ‘outlier behaviour’, this indicates that the respondent’s behaviour diverged from that exhibited by their peers, and that they were yet to develop fully effective AML/CTF programs, systems or processes. The report’s findings will be directly relevant to Market Participants. The findings will also be of interest to the broader regulated population, compliance professionals, industry peak bodies, professional associations and academics.

Details: West Chastwood, Australia: Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC), 2010. 35p.

Source: AUSTRAC survey series no. 2: Internet Resource: Accessed May 8, 2012 at http://www.austrac.gov.au/files/surveyseries_market_participants.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Australia

URL: http://www.austrac.gov.au/files/surveyseries_market_participants.pdf

Shelf Number: 125219

Business Crimes
Crime Reporting (Australia)
Financial Crimes
Organized Crime
Terrorist Financing

Author: Williams, Phil

Title: Drug Trafficking, Violence, and Instability

Summary: The rationale for this series is a reflection of the ways in which the world of armed groups has changed and is continuing to change, and the impact of these changes on threats and challenges to national and global security. Although challenges posed by various kinds of violent armed groups initially appear highly diverse and unrelated to one another, in fact they all reflect the increasing connections between security and governance—and, in particular, the relationship between poor governance and violent armed groups. The growth in the number of states with capacity gaps, functional holes, and legitimacy deficits helps to explain the resurgence of a new medievalism, and the rise of illegal quasi-governments in localized areas. The irony is that after several decades in which the number of sovereign states represented in the United Nations (UN) has increased significantly, relatively few of these states can truly claim a monopoly on force within their territorial borders. Violent challengers to the Westphalian state have taken different forms in different parts of the world. These forms include tribal and ethnic groups, warlords, drug trafficking organizations, youth gangs, terrorists, militias, insurgents, and transnational criminal organizations. In many cases, these groups are overtly challenging the state; in others they are cooperating and colluding with state structures while subtly undermining them; in yet others, the state is a passive bystander while violent armed groups are fighting one another. The mix is different, the combinations vary, and the perpetrators of violence have different motives, methods, and targets. In spite of their divergent forms, however, nonstate violent actors share certain viii qualities and characteristics. As Roy Godson and Richard Shultz have pointed out, “As surprising as it may seem, pirate attacks off Somalia, militias in Lebanon, and criminal armies in Mexico are part of a global pattern and not anomalies.” Indeed, these violent armed groups or, as they are sometimes called, violent nonstate actors (VNSAs) represent a common challenge to national and international security, a challenge that is far greater than the sum of the individual groups, and that is likely to grow rather than diminish over the next several decades. Although the U.S. military—especially the Air Force and the Navy—still place considerable emphasis on the potential emergence of peer competitors among foreign armed forces, more immediate challenges have emanated not from states but from various kinds of VNSAs. This monograph, “Drug Trafficking, Violence, and Instability,” focuses on the complex relationship between human security, crime, illicit economies, and law enforcement. It also seeks to disentangle the linkages between insurgency on the one hand and drug trafficking and organized crime on the other, suggesting that criminal activities help sustain an insurgency, but also carry certain risks for the insurgency. Subsequent monographs will focus on specific areas where violent armed groups operate, or they will delve into specifics about some of those groups. Some works will be descriptive or historical, while others are more analytical, but together they will clarify the security challenges that, arguably, are the most important now faced by the United States and the rest of the world. The series will include monographs on Mexico, the Caribbean, and various kinds of violent armed groups.

Details: Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh, Matthew B. Ridgway Center for International Securities Studies; Carlisle, PA: U.S. Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, 2012. 88p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 10, 2012 at: http://www.strategicstudiesinstitute.army.mil/pdffiles/PUB1101.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: International

URL: http://www.strategicstudiesinstitute.army.mil/pdffiles/PUB1101.pdf

Shelf Number: 125243

Criminal Organizations
Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime
Violent Crime
Youth Gangs

Author: Environmental Investigation Agency

Title: Borderlines: Vietnam's Booming Furniture Industry and Timber Smuggling in the Mekong Region

Summary: EIA/Telapak have been probing the trade in stolen timber in East Asia since the late 1990s. Over the last decade, governments around the world have made a raft of pronouncements regarding the seriousness of illegal logging and their determination to tackle it. Yet the stark reality is 'business as usual' for the organised syndicates looting the remaining precious tropical forests for a quick profit. This report contains new information from field investigations carried out by the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) and its partner Telapak. It exposes how the rapid growth of Vietnam's wood processing industry is threatening some of the last intact forests in the Mekong region, especially those in neighbouring Laos. Since the mid-1990s, Vietnam has taken steps to conserve its remaining forests, whilst at the same time hugely expanding its wooden furniture production industry. Furniture exports from the country were US$ 2.4 billion in 2007, a startling ten-fold increase since 2000. It is unfortunately inevitable that due to the lack of controls on the global timber trade, illegal timber constitutes a significant component of the imported raw materials supplying Vietnam's furniture factories. Vietnam has an unenviable track record when it comes to dealing in stolen timber. In the late 1990s it was caught importing illegal timber from neighbouring Cambodia. In 2003 EIA/Telapak documented shipments of stolen logs from Indonesia entering Vietnam. As the price of raw timber increases, and some wood producing countries like Indonesia take steps to combat illegal logging, the trade in stolen timber shifts. New evidence from EIA/Telapak reveals that Vietnam is now exploiting the forests of neighbouring Laos to obtain valuable hardwoods for its outdoor furniture industry. This trade is in direct contravention of laws in Laos banning the export of logs and sawn timber. During 2007 EIA/Telapak investigators visited numerous furniture factories and found the majority to be using logs from Laos. In the Vietnamese port of Vinh, EIA/Telapak witnessed piles of huge logs from Laos awaiting sale. At the border crossing of Naphao, 45 trucks laden with logs were seen lining up on the Laos side waiting to cross into Vietnam. EIA/Telapak estimate that at least 500,000 cubic metres of logs move from Laos to Vietnam every year. It is not just Vietnam which is exploiting its neighbour. Traders from Thailand and Singapore are also cashing in. Posing as investors, EIA/Telapak investigators met with one Thai businessman who bragged of paying bribes to senior Laos military officials to secure supplies of timber worth potentially half a billion dollars. The cost of such unfettered greed is borne by poor rural communities in Laos who are dependent on the forests for their traditional livelihoods. They gain virtually no income from this trade: instead, the money goes to corrupt officials in Laos and businesses in Vietnam and Thailand. The ultimate responsibility for this dire state of affairs rests with the consumer markets which import wood products made from stolen timber. To some extent the dynamic growth of Vietnam's furniture industry is driven by the demand of end markets such as the European Union and US. Until these states clean up their act and shut their markets to wood products made from illegal timber, the loss of precious tropical

Details: London: Environmental Investigation Agency; Bogor, Indonesia; Telepak, 2008. 24p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 15, 2012 at: http://www.greengrants.org.cn/file/pub/Borderlines[1].pdf

Year: 2008

Country: Vietnam

URL: http://www.greengrants.org.cn/file/pub/Borderlines[1].pdf

Shelf Number: 125268

Illegal Logging (Vietnam)
Offences Against the Environment
Organized Crime
Timber Smuggling

Author: Hirschberger, Peter

Title: Illegal Wood for the European Market: An Analysis of the EU Import and Export of Illegal Wood and Related Products

Summary: Illegal logging is a pervasive problem of major international concern, as it leads to deforestation, one of the main causes for climate change. Illegal logging for international markets is often a form of organised crime. Like other criminal activities it takes place covertly. This is why no one can calculate the quantity of wood of illegal origin in international trade with exact certainty. This study thus aims to give an estimate of the orders of magnitude of timber from illegal sources which reach the European market. All products in which wood was used as a raw material were included for this purpose. The European Union foreign trade data from 2006, calculated back to the quantity of raw timber that was needed to produce the imported products (raw timber equivalent), is used as a basis. The share of illegal logging in global wood production is estimated at 20% to 40%, and the economic loss through lost receipts for the state, industry and forest owners is estimated at US$ 15 billion (9, 5 billion euro) per year. Illegal logging pushes wood prices down worldwide by 7% to 16%. This economic loss for legitimately operating companies is compounded by the damage both to the image of wood as a sustainable raw material and to the responsible forestry sector.

Details: Frankfurt am Main, WWF-Germany, 2008. 45p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 15, 2012 at: http://www.illegal-logging.info/item_single.php?it_id=644&it=document

Year: 2008

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.illegal-logging.info/item_single.php?it_id=644&it=document

Shelf Number: 125274

Illegal Logging (Europe)
Offences Against the Environment
Organized Crime

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Title: Opiate Flows Through Northern Afghanistan and Central Asia: A Threat Assessment

Summary: This report describes the illicit trade of opiates along the Northern route from northern Afghanistan to Central Asia up to the borders of the Russian Federation. It has been organized in three sections. The first section begins by addressing the dynamics of trafficking in northern Afghanistan, including the groups involved, the volumes of opiate flows and opiate consumption, as well as the share that southern Afghanistan production takes in Northern route trafficking. A second section explores trafficking dynamics through Central Asia, including the methods involved and the groups managing the trade. Lastly, the final section briefly analyzes the regional capacity to respond to the threat of Afghan opiates. For the purposes of this study, ‘northern Afghanistan’ refers to both north Afghanistan and north-east Afghanistan, following the regional grouping of provinces used in the UNODC annual Opium Poppy Survey. The north Afghanistan region consists of the provinces of Baghlan, Samangan, Faryab, Sari-pul, Jawzjan, Bamyan and Balkh, while north-east Afghanistan consists of Kunduz, Badakhshan and Takhar provinces.

Details: Geneva: UNODC, 2012. 106p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 15, 2012 at: http://www.unodc.org/documents/data-and-analysis/Studies/Afghanistan_northern_route_2012_web.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Asia

URL: http://www.unodc.org/documents/data-and-analysis/Studies/Afghanistan_northern_route_2012_web.pdf

Shelf Number: 125301

Drug Abuse and Addiction
Drug Trafficking
Opiates (Asia)
Organized Crime

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Title: Police Information and Intelligence Systems

Summary: In recent years there have been some important developments concerning the use of criminal intelligence by law enforcement agencies in many parts of the world and these have resulted in an increasing recognition amongst practitioners that: 􀂃 timely and actionable criminal intelligence is essential to make an impact on the prevention, reduction and investigation of serious and organised crime, particularly when it is of a trans-national nature. (“Timely” means that it is provided in good time and “actionable” means that its detail and reliability supports the taking of action.); 􀂃 criminal intelligence can play a significant role in helping with the directing and prioritising of resources in the prevention, reduction and detection of all forms of crime – through the identification and analysis of trends, modus operandi, “hotspots” and criminals – both at the national and transnational level; and 􀂃 intelligence can form the bedrock of an effective policing model – often termed “Intelligence Led Policing” – where intelligence is essential to providing strategic direction and central to the deployment of staff for all forms of tactical policing activity, including community policing and routine patrols. Whilst significant differences will be seen in the understanding and acceptance of information and intelligence as a law enforcement tool, the fact remains that, in many countries and international organisations, criminal intelligence has been adopted as the law enforcement strategy of choice to drive policing forward in the next century.

Details: New York: UNODC, 2006. 38p.

Source: Internet Resource: Criminal Justice Assessment Toolkit 4: Accessed May 16, 2012 at: http://www.unrol.org/files/4_Police_Information_Intelligence_Systems.pdf

Year: 2006

Country: International

URL: http://www.unrol.org/files/4_Police_Information_Intelligence_Systems.pdf

Shelf Number: 125308

Criminal Intelligence
Intellegence-Led Policing
Organized Crime

Author: Environmental Investigation Agency

Title: Attention Wal-Mart Shoppers: How Wal-Mart's Shopping Practices Encourage Illegal Logging and Threaten Endangered Species

Summary: Despite Wal-Mart’s newfound corporate emphasis on sustainability, undercover investigations in China by the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) have found that Wal-Mart is turning a blind eye to illegal timber sources in its supply chain which threaten some of the world’s last great natural forests. Wal-Mart’s ‘no questions asked’ sourcing policy is having particularly dangerous consequences for the high conservation value forests of the Russian Far East and the endangered species dependent on them, including the world’s largest cat, the Siberian tiger. EIA’s investigators see Wal-Mart’s footprints around the globe, but nowhere more so than in China, which produces 84% of Wal-Mart’s wood products. The Chinese manufacturing sector relies on large quantities of high-risk timber imported from the world’s illegal logging hotspots. In the north, thousands of train cars of wood cross the Russian- Chinese border daily from Russia’s vast Far Eastern forests. Experts estimate that 35-50% of the logging in this region is illegal under Russian law. EIA investigations into Wal-Mart’s links to this highly criminalized trade have revealed the company’s inattention to the legality of its raw materials. During 2007, undercover investigators met with eight Chinese manufacturers that supply Wal-Mart with wood products ranging from baby cribs to toilet seats. All suppliers independently attested to Wal-Mart’s strong influence and their emphasis on price as the dominant consideration for raw material procurement. All of them used wood from the Russian Far East, most exclusively so.

Details: Washington, DC: EIA, 2007. 28p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 18, 2012 at: http://www.illegal-logging.info/uploads/walmartreport.pdf

Year: 2007

Country: Asia

URL: http://www.illegal-logging.info/uploads/walmartreport.pdf

Shelf Number: 125317

Endangered Species
Illegal Logging
Offenses Against the Environment
Organized Crime
Wildlife Crime

Author: Briscoe, Ivan

Title: Crime and error: why we urgently need a new approach to illicit trafficking in fragile states

Summary: Transnational organized crime has boomed in some of the poorest and most fragile countries in the world, prompting the international community into renewed efforts to devise a response. So far, however, the results have not been impressive. Murder rates remain stubbornly high along the cocaine highways of Central America, West African crime expands unabated, and in Central Asia, the trade route for heroin from Afghanistan remains under the control of armed groups and opaque political interests. This brief seeks to explain the fundamental errors and misconceptions which ensure that the fight against global crime, while scoring ever more arrests and interdictions, has failed to make headway against trafficking through fragile states. Although progress has been made in understanding how security and justice systems work, Western donors still need to confront the endemic weaknesses of institution-building, the extraordinary allure of the global criminal economy, and the ways that politicians and business systematically collude with traffickers. The brief concludes by listing a series of new policy areas that could underpin a new approach. Above all, these emphasize reducing the receptivity of fragile states to criminal enterprise, staunching violence, and ensuring the gradual build-up of trust, probity and clean business.

Details: The Hague, The Netherlands: The Clingendael Conflict Research Unit, Netherlands Institute of International Relations, 2012. 6p.

Source: CRU Policy Brief #23: Internet Resource: Accessed June 7, 2012 at http://www.humansecuritygateway.com/documents/CRU_CrimeandError.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: International

URL: http://www.humansecuritygateway.com/documents/CRU_CrimeandError.pdf

Shelf Number: 125329

Organized Crime
Transnational Crime

Author: Good, Beverly

Title: Preventing Bulk Cash and Weapons Smuggling into Mexico: Establishing an Outbound Policy for the Southwest Border for Customs and Border Protection

Summary: U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is the agency responsible for securing the borders of the United States from those people and things that would do the United States harm. The Office of Field Operations (OFO) is the office responsible for securing the Ports of Entry (POEs). CBP/OFO has dedicated personnel, technology, infrastructure and resources assigned to the inbound inspections for processing those travelers and inbound processing has been a national priority of CBP since its inception in 2003. Although CBP/OFO has the authority to conduct outbound inspections, there is little infrastructure, intelligence sharing or technology at the POEs for conducting outbound operations. Some POEs are conducting outbound operations with officers that have been taken from the inbound staffing models. However, at the time of writing this thesis, CBP does not have a national policy mandating POEs conduct outbound operations. On the Southwest Border (SWB), the Mexican Drug Trafficking Organizations (DTOs) are continuing to smuggle bulk cash and weapons into Mexico and border violence continues to increase. This thesis makes a recommendation of what the best policy option for outbound operations would be to implement on the SWB.

Details: Monterey, CA: Naval Postgraduate School, 2010. 99p.

Source: Internet Resource: Thesis: Accessed June 26, 2012 at: http://www.hsdl.org/?view&did=11533

Year: 2010

Country: United States

URL: http://www.hsdl.org/?view&did=11533

Shelf Number: 125403

Border Security
Organized Crime
Smuggling (U.S.)
Weapons Smuggling

Author: Hartl, Jennifer Ann

Title: Human Trafficking in the Russian Federation: An Examination of the Anti-Trafficking Efforts of the Federal Government, Non-Governmental Organizations and the International Organization for Migration

Summary: The buying and selling of human beings for the purpose of exploiting their labor seems, to most people, a distant and archaic practice that disappeared in the mid–19th century. The trans-Atlantic slave trade and the infamous Middle Passage are phenomena studied in history courses, as though they were secured firmly in the past. To be sure, the ‘peculiar institution’ of the legal trade in human beings did end during the 19th century; the legal ownership of slaves in the United States ended when the Emancipation Proclamation was issued in 1863. Yet, the illegal trade in humans has continued and, today, illegal modern slavery exists on every continent in the world. It is sustained by global traffic of men, women, and children, which is financed and operated by international organized crime networks in some cases and unscrupulous individuals – including friends and family members of the enslaved – in others. The trafficking of human beings for the exploitation of their labor in the Russian Federation is the focus this paper. Specifically, this paper examines human trafficking operations in Russia and the efforts of the Russian government, non-governmental organizations, and the International Organization for Migration to prevent trafficking, prosecute traffickers, and provide assistance to survivors of trafficking. To put this into context, I first discuss the problem of human trafficking on a global scale, particularly focusing on the nature of human trafficking as a global issue as well explaining the differences between human trafficking and human smuggling. I then consider the root causes of human trafficking including both push and pull factors which sustain the business of trafficking in persons. I acknowledge the problem of conducting data and research on human trafficking, particularly methodological challenges, and the need for better data on human trafficking. My in-depth study of human trafficking in the Russian Federation includes discussions of the main forms of trafficking, health issues related to human trafficking, trafficking and the shadow economy, and the relationships between trafficking, corruption, and organized crime. I evaluate the anti-trafficking efforts in Russia by the Federal Government, non-governmental organizations, and the International Organization for Migration. Following and evaluation of anti-trafficking efforts in Russia, I will discuss recommendations for future anti-trafficking policy.

Details: Iowa City: University of Iowa, 2010. 71p.

Source: Internet Resource: Thesis: Accessed June 26, 2012 at: http://ir.uiowa.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1867&context=etd

Year: 2010

Country: Russia

URL: http://ir.uiowa.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1867&context=etd

Shelf Number: 125407

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking (Russian Federation)
Organized Crime
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Goddard, Terry

Title: How to Fix a Broken Border. A Three-Part Series

Summary: If the United States wants effective border security, then more effective law‐enforcement measures must be taken. The first step is to identify the right target: the increasingly sophisticated smuggling organizations known as the “cartels.” By attacking the money laundering which is the life blood of the cartels, and making the bi‐national criminal investigation and prosecution of cartel bosses a priority, the border can be made significantly more secure. In the process, the violence in Mexico and the smuggling of drugs and people into the United States will be reduced. But this requires a unified focus, with state and federal law‐enforcement agencies cooperating to target organized criminal activity rather than economic migrants. As described in the How to Fix a Broken Border series of papers, written by former Arizona Attorney General Terry Goddard, an effective border‐enforcement strategy must do the following: Adopt a Coordinated, Multi‐dimensional, Bi‐national Approach • We must stop compartmentalizing border objectives by illegal activity. Current agency efforts are incorrectly focused on stopping particular kinds of contraband. But a successful effort cannot be about unauthorized immigrants alone (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), or drugs alone (Drug Enforcement Agency), or guns alone (Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms). It must address, disrupt, and destroy the total business of the cartels. • We need a comprehensive, bi‐national, border‐wide strategy that includes federal authorities and Mexican law enforcement, as well as state and local police. Target Cartel Money • A more effective border‐enforcement strategy starts with the money. Billions of dollars in illegal revenue from the sale of drugs and other contraband flows into cartel pocketbooks each year. This revenue crosses the border, from the United States into Mexico, by many means, ranging from bulk cash shipments and wire transfers to funnel bank accounts and stored value devices. • Any serious border defense must go after the cartel’s money, but that is not happening. U.S. Treasury Department officials who observe and regulate the international movement of currency remain unwilling or unable to go after money laundering across the Mexican border. • Generally speaking, the failures of the anti‐money laundering effort are not because of inadequate statutes, but a failure of enforcement. Again and again, huge amounts of funds flowing illegally out of this country could be stopped if financial institutions and government agencies focused on the problem and aggressively policed unlawful or questionable behavior. • Current federal law limits the circumstances under which prosecutors can seize the cash they believe to be part of a criminal scheme. In contrast, Arizona law makes it far easier to hold suspected funds pending further examination of their source. Expanding federal authority, with appropriate safeguards, would enhance anti‐money laundering efforts. Close Money‐Laundering Loopholes • The cross‐border movement of “stored value” devices is a particularly critical problem. These innocent‐looking plastic cards can contain thousands if not millions of dollars and are not covered by any currency disclosure requirements at the border. 􀂾 Under U.S. law, no traveler may take over $10,000 in cash or cash equivalents, called “monetary instruments,” into or out of the United States without declaring that money at the border. 􀂾 However, stored value devices are not listed as monetary instruments or otherwise subject to declaration at the border, even though they could contain many times the $10,000 disclosure threshold. 􀂾 This loophole, clearly identified by federal authorities over five years ago, provides smugglers with a massive opportunity to evade anti‐money laundering security at the border. • The U.S. government must enforce existing anti‐money laundering provisions, and quickly close existing loopholes, to stop (or at least slow down) the cash flowing to the cartels. Until government agencies, especially Treasury, get more serious about cutting off the illegal international flow of funds, we can never say we have a “secure” border. Go After Cartel Bosses • Current law‐enforcement efforts primarily target low‐level subcontractors for the cartels. • This country must focus on the arrest and incarceration of cartel leaders. We need to send a clear message that it will be extremely hazardous for anyone to take a fallen leader’s place. • For example, the arrest, prosecution, and incarceration of Chapo Guzman, the notorious leader of the Sinaloa cartel, would significantly boost our border‐enforcement efforts. • Ultimately, going after the cartel bosses will require federal leadership and close cooperation with the law enforcement of Mexico. The lack of bi‐national coordination, in effect, provides cartel leaders a sanctuary south of the border. Protect Ports of Entry • One of the consequences of the hysteria about border security is the buildup of the Border Patrol at the expense of customs enforcement. With the de‐emphasis on customs inspections, more contraband gets through the ports. • By appearing tough—making fortification of the border with additional Border Patrol the top priority, while deemphasizing the ports of entry—it is now easier for the criminals to come through our front door. • Most of the criminal activity has shifted to the border crossings, not the places in between. We need more resources for inspections at ports of entry. If this country wants to stop smuggling, we must take a broader and more analytical approach to what motivates the smugglers—and the means by which they illegally move drugs, money, guns, and people in such large volumes with such impunity. Going after the contraband product or smuggled people, as this country has been doing for years, is destined to be an endless chase. The cartels will just regroup and continue operations, learning from their mistakes. If we are serious about stopping the threat on the border, we have to dismantle the criminal organizations that carry the contraband and take away the tools that make them so effective. Anything less will fail.

Details: Washington, DC: Immigration Policy Center, 2011. 3 parts

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 29, 2012 at: http://www.immigrationpolicy.org/perspectives/how-fix-broken-border-three-part-series

Year: 2011

Country: United States

URL: http://www.immigrationpolicy.org/perspectives/how-fix-broken-border-three-part-series

Shelf Number: 125429

Border Security (U.S.)
Drug Cartels
Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: David, Fiona

Title: Organised Crime and Trafficking in Persons

Summary: The public tends to assume that trafficking in persons is associated with the forced recruitment of women for sexual exploitation by highly organised, criminal gangs. In reality, the modus operandi and individuals involved in trafficking crimes are diverse. Trafficking in persons can and does occur in a range of industries and sectors, and it affects women, men and children. Furthermore, this crime can and has been perpetrated by relatively unsophisticated offenders, including individuals acting alone or with one other person, such as a spouse. All of these factors have implications for prevention, detection and prosecution. In this paper an overview is provided of the existing research on the organisation of human trafficking internationally and in Australia. It begins with an examination of the key concept: precisely what is organised crime? This is followed by an examination of the Australian and international literature on trafficking offending, a review that confirms the paucity of primary research on this subject. This paper is the first publication of a larger research project investigating the nature and characteristics of trafficking offending, with a particular focus on the Australian context.

Details: Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology, 2012. 12p.

Source: Internet Resource: Trends & Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice, No. 436: Accessed July 2, 2012 at: http://www.aic.gov.au/publications/current%20series/tandi/421-440/tandi436.aspx

Year: 2012

Country: Australia

URL: http://www.aic.gov.au/publications/current%20series/tandi/421-440/tandi436.aspx

Shelf Number: 125449

Human Trafficking (Australia)
Organized Crime
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Bricknell, Samantha

Title: Firearm Trafficking and Serious and Organised Crime Gangs

Summary: Despite strict regulations on the import, export, ownership, use, transfer and storage of licit firearms, there exists in Australia a potentially large pool of illicit firearms, some of which are acquired, stockpiled and used for serious and organised crime. This report follows a modest group of publicly released examinations of firearm trafficking operations in Australia, to describe what can be determined about the composition and maintenance of the illicit firearm market, its use by serious and organised crime groups and the diversity of transaction arrangements used to vend illicit firearms.

Details: Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology, 2012. 60p.

Source: Initernet Resource: Research and Public Policy Series 116: Accessed July 2, 2012 at: http://www.aic.gov.au/en/publications/current%20series/rpp/100-120/rpp116.aspx

Year: 2012

Country: Australia

URL: http://www.aic.gov.au/en/publications/current%20series/rpp/100-120/rpp116.aspx

Shelf Number: 125456

Illicit Firearms
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Weapons (Australia)

Author: Rolles, Steve

Title: The Alternative World Drug Report: Counting the Costs of the War on Drugs

Summary: The Alternative World Drug Report, launched to coincide with publication of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime’s 2012 World Drug Report, exposes the failure of governments and the UN to assess the extraordinary costs of pursuing a global war on drugs, and calls for UN member states to meaningfully count these costs and explore all the alternatives. After 50 years of the current enforcement-led international drug control system, the war on drugs is coming under unparalleled scrutiny. Its goal was to create a "drug-free world". Instead, despite more than a trillion dollars spent fighting the war, according to the UNODC, illegal drugs are used by an estimated 270 million people and organised crime profits from a trade with an estimated turnover of over $330 billion a year – the world’s largest illegal commodity market. In its 2008 World Drug Report, the UNODC acknowledged that choosing an enforcement-based approach was having a range of negative "unintended consequences", including: the creation of a vast criminal market, displacement of the illegal drugs trade to new areas, diversion of funding from health, and the stigmatisation of users. It is unacceptable that neither the UN or its member governments have meaningfully assessed these unintended consequences to establish whether they outweigh the intended consequences of the current global drug control system, and that they are not documented in the UNODC’s flagship annual World Drug Report. This groundbreaking Alternative World Drug Report fills this gap in government and UN evaluations by detailing the full range of negative impacts resulting from choosing an enforcement-led approach.

Details: Count the Costs.org, 2012. 111p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 2, 2012 at: http://www.countthecosts.org/sites/default/files/AWDR.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: International

URL: http://www.countthecosts.org/sites/default/files/AWDR.pdf

Shelf Number: 125458

Costs of Crime
Costs of Criminal Justice
Drug Abuse and Addiction
Drug Enforcement
Drug Policy
Illegal Drugs
Organized Crime

Author: Locke, Rachel

Title: Organized Crime, Conflict, and Fragility: A New Approach

Summary: The rise of transnational organized crime in conflict-affected and fragile states poses a serious threat to peace and development. And the pressure transnational organized crime is placing on the international system is stretching the collective ability to respond. While the correlation between conflict and state fragility is well established, this policy paper explains the links between transnational organized crime, conflict, and fragility, showing that the three fit together in an uneasy and potentially deadly triumvirate. The report finds that organized crime does not merely undermine the strength of the state in conflict-affected and fragile contexts, it further impacts the critical and often contested relationship between the state and society. Given this complex context, the author makes a number of recommendations for governments and international actors: • Law-and-order interventions that focus on eliminating cartel leadership remain insufficient and can even reinvigorate long-standing divisions in society. • These status quo interventions must therefore be part of a larger strategy that takes into account the political, economic, and social realities in each context. • In the long run, building and reinforcing the connections between state and society in fragile and conflict-affected contexts will be essential to undermining transnational criminal networks and ensuring lasting peace and development.

Details: New York: International Peace Institute, 2012. 24p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 5, 2012 at: http://www.ipacademy.org/publication/policy-papers/detail/364-organized-crime-conflict-and-fragility-a-new-approach.html

Year: 2012

Country: United States

URL: http://www.ipacademy.org/publication/policy-papers/detail/364-organized-crime-conflict-and-fragility-a-new-approach.html

Shelf Number: 125472

Organized Crime
Transnational Crimes

Author: Northern Ireland. Department of Justice

Title: Research Paper Investigating the Issues for Women in Northern Ireland Involved in Prostitution and Exploring Best Practice Elsewhere

Summary: Prostitution is occurring in towns throughout Northern Ireland: PSNI intelligence over a six month period indicated that 18 of the 29 police areas in Northern Ireland had reported incidents of prostitution. However, Belfast, in particular South Belfast, remains the main problem area. In 2010 the PSNI suggested that there were approximately 40-100 women involved in prostitution at any one time in Northern Ireland. However, the common opinion of those interviewed for this research is that it is extremely difficult to obtain an exact figure for the number of women involved, given the covert nature of the activity. Moreover, street prostitution has declined in Northern Ireland and off-street prostitution has increased, making it harder to track. Research indicates that Northern Ireland is a destination country as well as a transit country for victims of human trafficking for sexual exploitation. Prostitution is occurring in towns throughout Northern Ireland: PSNI intelligence over a six month period indicated that 18 of the 29 police areas in Northern Ireland had reported incidents of prostitution. However, Belfast, in particular South Belfast, remains the main problem area. In 2010 the PSNI suggested that there were approximately 40-100 women involved in prostitution at any one time in Northern Ireland. However, the common opinion of those interviewed for this research is that it is extremely difficult to obtain an exact figure for the number of women involved, given the covert nature of the activity. Moreover, street prostitution has declined in Northern Ireland and off-street prostitution has increased, making it harder to track. Research indicates that Northern Ireland is a destination country as well as a transit country for victims of human trafficking for sexual exploitation. It is common for these victims to be moved across the border from Northern Ireland to the Republic of Ireland and back again. Many of the women who have been trafficked into Northern Ireland and forced into prostitution were under the illusion that they would be working as nannies, seamstresses, hairdressers or that they would be receiving an education. These women, who are believed predominantly to be Chinese or from Africa or South America, are commonly subjected to violence and threats. It is important to note that women involved in prostitution in Northern Ireland will not always be trafficked from other countries. Some may be Northern Ireland women who have got caught up in the sex industry because of problems that they have experienced in their lives. Internal trafficking can also take place where a woman who is a native of the country is sold and trafficked around Northern Ireland. The age of those involved in prostitution in Northern Ireland can range from younger than 15 to 50 or more years of age. There is anecdotal evidence which suggests that prostitution in Northern Ireland is linked to organised crime gangs and drug use.

Details: Belfast: Northern Ireland Department of Justice, 2011. 129p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 9, 2012 at: http://www.dojni.gov.uk/index/publications/final_research_paper_-_women_in_northern_ireland_involved_in_prostitution.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.dojni.gov.uk/index/publications/final_research_paper_-_women_in_northern_ireland_involved_in_prostitution.pdf

Shelf Number: 125523

Human Trafficking
Organized Crime
Prostitution (Northern Ireland)
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Great Britain. House of Lords. European Union Committee

Title: Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism

Summary: In the United Kingdom alone the turnover of the most serious forms of organised crime is perhaps £15 billion a year, two thirds of which is laundered through banks and other bodies. Much of this constitutes the proceeds of drug trafficking. The problem is global, and so must be the response. More than 180 countries are involved as members of or by being associated with the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), which recommends the action they should take to counter money laundering and the financing of terrorism, and promotes the monitoring of their compliance with those standards. The European Commission has been a member of the FATF from the outset, and the Community has been in the forefront of the fight. For the Member States, the FATF policy is implemented by a Directive which sets out in detail what is expected of them. The first requirement is that they should implement the Directive, and not all have yet done so. The United Kingdom has done so very effectively, but in other respects the Government have been slow. Astonishingly, they have not even signed, much less ratified, the Warsaw Convention on Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing, which would extend to all Council of Europe States arrangements through which to access financial information on money laundering and terrorist financing, and information on assets held by criminal organisations, including terrorist groups. The Warsaw Convention, if in force, would also help with recovery of the proceeds of crime, especially through civil proceedings. This is vital for the prevention and deterrence of drug trafficking and other serious crimes. Freezing the assets of suspected terrorists is another essential weapon, but it must not be abused; those whose assets are frozen have a right to know why, to make representations, and to have them considered. The European Court has led the way to progress in the EU; the United Nations still has some way to go.

Details: London: The Stationery Office, 2009. 2 vol.

Source: Internet Resource: 19th Report of Session 2008–09. Accessed July 16, 2012 at: http://www.coe.int/t/dghl/monitoring/moneyval/activities/UK_Parlrep.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.coe.int/t/dghl/monitoring/moneyval/activities/UK_Parlrep.pdf

Shelf Number: 115780

Financing of Terrorism
Money Laundering (U.K.)
Organized Crime

Author: Pew Research Center. Global Attitudes Project

Title: Mexicans Back Military Campaign Against Cartels: Despite Doubts About Success, Human Rights Costs

Summary: As Felipe Calderón’s term as Mexico’s president draws to a close, Mexicans continue to strongly back his policy of deploying the military to combat the country’s powerful drug cartels. Eight-in-ten say this is the right course, a level of support that has remained remarkably constant since the Pew Global Attitudes Project first asked the question in 2009. Support for Calderón’s strategy continues despite limited confidence that the government is winning the drug war, and widespread concerns about its costs. Just 47% believe progress is being made against drug traffickers, virtually identical to the 45% who held this opinion in 2011. Three-in-ten today say the government is actually losing ground against the cartels, while 19% see no change in the stand-off between the authorities and crime syndicates. At the same time, the public is uneasy about the moral cost of the drug war: 74% say human rights violations by the military and police are a very big problem. But concern about rights abuses coexist with continued worries about drug-related violence and crime – both of which strong majorities describe as pressing issues in Mexico. President Calderón himself remains popular. A 58%-majority has a favorable opinion of Mexico’s current leader. Although down from a high of 68% in 2009, this rating nonetheless puts him on par with the 56% who have a positive view of the Institutional Revolutionary Party’s (PRI’s) Enrique Peña Nieto, whose ratings clearly topped those of his opponents when the poll was conducted between March 20 and April 2 of this year. Whether Peña Nieto or any of the other presidential candidates have a solution to Mexico’s drug problems is an open question for the Mexican public. When asked which political party could do a better job of dealing with organized crime and drug traffickers, about equal numbers name Calderón’s National Action Party (PAN) (28%) and Peña Nieto’s PRI (25%), while only 13% point to the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD). Fully 23% volunteer that none of the parties is particularly capable of dealing with this critical issue. These are the principal findings from the latest survey in Mexico by the Pew Research Center’s Global Attitudes Project. Conducted face-to-face with 1,200 adults from across the country, the poll also finds that most Mexicans (61%) blame both the United States and their own country for the continued drug violence within their borders. While solid majorities would welcome U.S. assistance in combating the cartels if the aid came in the form of training, equipment or intelligence support, only a third would approve deploying U.S. troops on Mexican soil. Overall, a majority (56%) of Mexicans have a favorable opinion of the United States, with about the same number (53%) convinced that Mexicans who migrate to the U.S. have a better life. Despite this perception, most Mexicans have no interest in migrating north across the border, although the percentage who say they would move to the U.S. if they had the means and opportunity has remained fairly steady since 2009.

Details: Washington, DC: Pew Research Center, 2012. 21p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 16, 2012 at: http://www.pewglobal.org/files/2012/06/Pew-Global-Attitudes-Project-Mexico-Report-FINAL-Wednesday-June-20-2012.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Mexico

URL: http://www.pewglobal.org/files/2012/06/Pew-Global-Attitudes-Project-Mexico-Report-FINAL-Wednesday-June-20-2012.pdf

Shelf Number: 125627

Drug Cartels
Drug Policy
Drug Trafficking
Drug Violence
Drug War (Mexico)
Organized Crime


Title: Dismantling Colombia's New Illegal Armed Groups: Lessons from a Surrender

Summary: The surrender of the Popular Revolutionary Anti-Terrorist Army of Colombia (ERPAC) in December 2011 risks going down as a failure. Only a fraction of the group took part; leaders may be getting away with short prison sentences; and the underlying criminal and corrupt structures will likely remain untouched. The impact on conflict dynamics in the group’s eastern-plains stronghold has been limited. As worrying, the lack of transparency, including of international oversight, has damaged the credibility of the process, leaving the impression that an illegal armed group has again outwitted state institutions to the detriment of the public and particularly of the victims. The authorities need to draw the right conclusions from the process. Otherwise, the lack of appropriate instruments to manage collective surrenders will continue to hamper efforts to combat groups such as ERPAC that have grown into one of the country’s top security challenges. The surrender of 272 members – slightly more than a third of ERPAC’s total armed strength – was the first time a New Illegal Armed Group (NIAG) with roots in the demobilised paramilitaries had chosen to give up its weapons. Pressure to surrender had been building, externally and within the group, since police killed its founder, alias “Cuchillo”, in December 2010. The former mid-level paramilitary leader had made ERPAC the dominant illegal armed force in parts of Meta, Guaviare and Vichada departments, with a key role in drug trafficking and other organised criminal activities. But with substantial links to the regional and local political elite as well as to parts of the security forces, ERPAC was always more than an ordinary criminal outfit. It exercised strict social control in its strongholds, including through targeted killing of community leaders, and was responsible for displacements, child recruitment and sexual violence. ERPAC members currently face criminal proceedings before ordinary courts. They may seek benefits provided for by the criminal justice system such as the reduction of sentences in return for accepting charges. But they are not eligible for the benefits of the government’s demobilisation, disarmament and reintegration (DDR) program. This is because the government considers groups such as ERPAC criminal organisations (BACRIMs in the Spanish acronym) and not part of the internal armed conflict. For the same reason, NIAG members are also not eligible for consideration under transitional justice measures such as the 2005 Justice and Peace Law (JPL). A wholesale extension of DDR and transitional justice mechanisms to NIAGs would be unwarranted, but the exclusive reliance on the ordinary criminal law to try their members has its downsides. First, it leaves victims without legal guarantees and benefits extended to the victims of the guerrillas and the paramilitaries; a March 2012 Constitutional Court ruling might, however, open the door for some NIAG victims to be covered by the new 2011 Victims Law. Secondly, it leaves former fighters without a clear perspective of civilian reintegration, thus increasing risks they will take up arms again. Serious crimes committed by NIAGs need to be fully investigated and prosecuted, but a more expansive approach to dismantling these groups is also required where there is a sufficient link to the armed conflict. Contrary to government hopes, the ERPAC process revealed the limits of its surrender strategy, rather than vindicating it. The attorney general’s office had little choice but to free most of the fighters almost immediately, as only nineteen leaders were originally subjects of an arrest warrant. This obliged prosecutors and the police to recapture ERPAC members one by one, an onerous, still incomplete task. The public outrage was understandable, but more damaging is that the process will likely fail both to punish those responsible for serious crimes and to have a structural impact on ERPAC’s business activities as well as its corrupt links with politicians and security forces. Potential information from rank-and-file members on ERPAC operations appears not to have been fully exploited. Leaders do not face a credible threat of serious criminal charges and thus have little incentive to collaborate seriously with the judicial system. But the problem goes further. The government’s sharp conceptual distinction between parts of the conflict and organised crime groups – upon which the logic of the surrender was built – poorly reflects on-the-ground complexities. Groups such as ERPAC do not fully replicate the paramilitaries, but they cannot and should not be considered in isolation from the broader context of the internal armed conflict. This means that dismantling the NIAGs involves more than investigating and punishing individual criminals. It also requires dismantling corrupt networks, guaranteeing victims’ rights and preventing rearmament. Given its current weakness, reconciling such disparate interests overburdens the judicial system. The Santos administration deliberately left the field to the attorney general’s office, but the shortcomings revealed in the ERPAC experience have highlighted the need for an explicit surrender policy that goes beyond individual criminal prosecution and has active government leadership. After the Uribe administration long downplayed the NIAG threat, President Santos has taken a stronger stand, though results have remained elusive. Combating NIAGs is a complex challenge, involving multiple government agencies and cutting across several policies. But without an explicit surrender policy, the government’s anti-NIAG strategy will continue to fall short. Such a policy could also have benefits beyond future exercises with NIAGs. A more credible and encompassing approach to tackling NIAGs might become a crucial part of guarantees for the new peace talks with the guerrillas that the government is slowly preparing the ground for. RECOMMENDATIONS To facilitate collective surrenders of NIAGs in a manner that ensures their complete dismantlement, including front structures and corrupt networks, guarantees the protection of victims’ rights and prevents rearmament, while avoiding impunity To the Government of Colombia and the Attorney General and other Judicial System Authorities: 1. Ensure police and judicial institutions have the resources, capacity and career-incentives to investigate and prosecute the full spectrum of NIAG crimes, including serious offences equivalent to grave violations of human rights and international humanitarian law (IHL), and the corrupt networks behind the groups. 2. Strengthen incentives for rank-and-file NIAG members to surrender and cooperate in revealing information about operations, superiors and enabling networks by clarifying whether and how the “opportunity principle” – which permits the attorney general’s office to suspend or desist from prosecution in a given case that does not involve grave violation of human rights and IHL – applies to them. 3. Improve the civilian perspective for former NIAGs members by introducing basic reintegration benefits, subject to strict criteria of eligibility, judicial records and behaviour. 4. Clarify the handling of young NIAG members, who should be eligible to enter the Colombian Institute for Family Welfare (ICBF) program for child soldiers, despite the government’s classification of NIAGs as criminal organisations rather than part of the armed conflict. 5. Improve institutional guarantees for NIAG victims by an extensive and pro-victim interpretation of Law 1448 (2011), and if this proves ineffective, consider introducing legislation to ensure equal treatment for them. 6. Strengthen victims’ rights to truth by introducing an administrative program similar in design to Law 1424 (2010), under which NIAG rank-and-file members would receive legal benefits in return for contributing to the establishment of non-legal truth and historical memory; individuals responsible for serious offences should not be eligible for such a program. 7. Increase the credibility and accountability of surrender processes by inviting international organisations, in particular the Mission to Support the Peace Process in Colombia of the Organisation of American States (Mapp-OAS), to monitor and accompany them.

Details: Bogota; Brussels: International Crisis Group, 2012. 28p.

Source: Internet Resource: Latin America Report N°41: Accessed July 17, 2012 at: http://www.crisisgroup.org/~/media/Files/latin-america/colombia/41-dismantling-colombias-new-illegal-armed-groups-lessons-from-a-surrender

Year: 2012

Country: Colombia

URL: http://www.crisisgroup.org/~/media/Files/latin-america/colombia/41-dismantling-colombias-new-illegal-armed-groups-lessons-from-a-surrender

Shelf Number: 125653

Armed Groups (Colombia)
Illegal Weapons
Organized Crime

Author: Gabor, Thomas

Title: Economic Sectors Vulnerable to Organized Crime: Commercial Construction

Summary: The economic and regulatory environment in which the Canadian commercial construction sector operates is at moderate to high risk of corruption and organized criminal activity. This report is based on a literature review, interviews and a descriptive analysis of economic data from the commercial construction sector in British Columbia and Quebec. The authors state the lack of prosecutions in the Canadian court system demonstrating direct involvement of organized crime in the Canadian commercial construction sector makes it difficult to assess their prevalence in the sector. While the presence of organized criminal groups in the sector remains unknown, however, based upon an analysis of the broader political, economic and regulatory environment, the authors conclude that the commercial construction sector is at a moderate to high risk of corruption and organized criminal activity. The study asserts that the vulnerability of the commercial construction sector is based upon a number of factors. For example, tighter competition in the sector since the 2008 recession could potentially increase the opportunities for activities such as collusive bidding or other illegal practices. The fragmented state of regulation, which is split between different levels of governmental authority, also creates risks of organized criminal activity. More broadly, the nature of large-scale commercial construction projects, and their exposure to numerous risks such as poor weather, labour market fluctuations, and supply chain risks, contributes to vulnerabilities from both unscrupulous industry insiders and external criminal organizations. The Canadian construction sector plays a key role in the overall economy. In May 2010, the sector's contribution to Canada's gross domestic product was approximately C$ 71 billion (5.7 per cent). The influx of the federal government's C$ 40 billion infrastructure stimulus fund assisted with construction sector activities during the economic downturn. Additional stimulus is being provided from infrastructure investments by provincial and municipal governments. In 2010, more than 480,250 people were employed in non-residential construction trades. Industry Canada estimated that, in 2009, about 99.6 per cent of construction companies had fewer than 100 employees. The majority of firms (59.8 per cent) qualified as micro-businesses with fewer than five employees, small firms with 5 to 99 employees accounted for 39.2 per cent of construction sector businesses, and just one per cent of firms had more than 100 employees. The majority of businesses (54.2 per cent) hire contract workers rather than employees. The small size of many firms, and the competitiveness of the market overall, may also create opportunities for organized criminal activity where small firms are vulnerable to any disruptions which may negatively affect their operations or work schedules. Although the Canadian Commission on Building and Fire Codes, established by the National Research Council of Canada, is responsible for the development of national model codes for Canada, responsibility for construction regulations in Canada resides with the provinces and territories. The provinces establish regulations – building, fire, plumbing, and electrical codes – while their enforcement is the responsibility of the local authorities. In addition to building codes, the provinces regulate the health and safety regulations, wages and labour practices, benefits, conditions of work, licensing and employment of workers, and the roles of tradespeople and professionals of the sector. Generally speaking, there are no limitations on companies that can become involved in the commercial construction sector. While in some provinces, and for some trades, individuals must hold a professional or trade certification or designation, or be registered as an apprentice to work, this is not always the case. While this lowers the barriers to entry for new firms, lack of regulation of market participants can also create opportunities for infiltration by organized crime. For example, it is possible that a new firm may enter the market, either as a general or sub-contractor, for the primary purposes of laundering capital gained through illicit activities. High initial start-up costs, such as for heavy equipment, may offer opportunities for money laundering. It is important to note, however, that the commercial construction sector is not alone in being susceptible to these vulnerabilities. The authors identify a number of factors contributing to the vulnerability of the construction sector to organized criminal groups, with complexity being the common thread linking these factors. Large commercial construction projects are complex in almost every aspect. Multiple phases of large projects, for example, require the control and coordination of very large and diversified workforces, as well as the maintenance of supply chains from multiple suppliers. Each phase is thus exposed to numerous risks, which may come from a disruption to the supply of needed materials, labour problems, or other factors. This can make such projects vulnerable to those who can gain control over these processes by criminal means such as extortion. The complexity of projects also makes the understanding of cost overruns more difficult. As each major project in commercial construction is frequently a ‘one-off', gauging the accuracy of the estimated costs of any project becomes very difficult, and opens up the possibility of fraudulent activity. This is compounded by a current low level of expertise within the public sector in the area of acquisitions in the real estate and construction sectors. The authors also contend that, due to this lack of expertise combined with the unique nature of many commercial construction projects, the procurement phase of such projects can be particularly vulnerable to organized criminal influence. This influence may be exercised on those in positions to award contracts through such means as bribery, intimidation or extortion, but may also take the form of cartel-like collusive bidding among firms without the knowledge of public authorities. While the authors found numerous examples of potential vulnerabilities in the commercial construction sector in the two jurisdictions examined (Montreal and Vancouver), there was no indication that these vulnerabilities have been exploited by criminal organizations. The authors attribute this finding to both the limitations in available data, as well as the lack of prosecutions of members of criminal organizations in this sector of the economy.

Details: Ottawa: Organized Crime Division, Law Enforcement and Policing Branch, Public Safety Canada, 2011. 57p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 17, 2012 at: http://lailayuile.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/corruptioninconstructionreport.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Canada

URL: http://lailayuile.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/corruptioninconstructionreport.pdf

Shelf Number: 125655

Businesses and Crime
Commercial Construction
Economics and Crime (Canada)
Organized Crime

Author: Harvard Law School, Human Rights Program, International Human Rights Clinic

Title: No Place to Hide: Gang, State, and Clandestine Violence in El Salvador

Summary: Fifteen years after the civil war in El Salvador came to an end, violence and insecurity continue to shape the daily lives of many Salvadorans. This report examines the phenomenon of youth gangs and documents human rights violations associated with gang violence and Salvadoran governmental responses to it. Our examination is situated in the context of an assessment of the current state of the rule of law in El Salvador. The war in El Salvador during the 1980s was one of the bloodiest and most brutal in a region gripped with civil conflicts throughout that decade. The Salvadoran conflict gained worldwide notoriety for the prevalence of human rights abuses and death squads, that operated with the apparent acquiescence of state authorities, to terrorize civilian populations. Unfortunately, as discussed in Section I of this report, efforts since the war to build functioning democratic institutions in El Salvador have largely failed to overcome the legacies of institutional incapacity and politicization. Current levels of violence are extraordinarily high. El Salvador’s homicide rate is nearly double the average for Latin America, a region with high levels of violence by global standards. Continued political polarization, weak judicial and law enforcement institutions, and the persistence of extra-judicial violence seriously undermine citizen security and the rule of law in El Salvador. Violent street gangs have grown rapidly in this fractured and dysfunctional socio-political context. The deportation of tens of thousands of Salvadorans from the United States since the late 1990s (a consequence of forced emigration of Salvadoran families during the civil war years and subsequent changes to U.S. immigration laws) helped spur the growth and development of these gangs, a process we describe in Section II. In recent years, and as a result of particularized political conditions and law enforcement responses in El Salvador, the dynamics of the gang phenomenon have evolved. The two major rival gangs – the Mara Salvatrucha and the Mara 18, both of which have U.S. roots and a U.S. presence – engage in brutal battles for control of neighborhoods and communities throughout the country. Gangs’ methods of recruitment, and the sanctions they impose on members who demonstrate disloyalty or who attempt to withdraw from active gang life, are increasingly violent. Active and former gang members report that it is increasingly difficult, if not impossible, for young people to escape the pressure of gang recruitment or to leave a gang. Gangs frequently use extortion to gather funds and solidify territorial control. There is evidence that organized criminal networks are operating with growing sophistication and impunity in El Salvador. The relationship between these organized criminal networks and the upper tiers of gang hierarchies is uncertain, as is the role of state actors in these activities, but the effect on Salvadoran citizens – a deepening sense of impunity and insecurity – is clear. The primary governmental response to the gang phenomenon, which relies heavily on repressive law enforcement-military tactics, mass arrests, and profiling of youth and alleged gang members, has been ineffective and even counter-productive. Governmental responses to the gang phenomenon are explored in great depth in Section III of this report. Homicide rates have soared since 2003, when former President Francisco Flores launched the Mano Dura (“Iron Fist”) crackdown. Meanwhile, the government’s focus on anti-gang efforts has distorted the complex nature of violence in El Salvador. The vast majority of homicides in El Salvador remain in impunity. Human rights organizations and civil society observers believe that some of the upsurge in killings in recent years is attributable to death squads who target alleged gang members or other criminals and who operate with impunity. Also in the past several years, the political roots of violence in El Salvador have become increasingly visible. Clashes between protesters and police on July 5, 2006 are one example of the relationship between political polarization and violence in El Salvador, and spikes in unexplained, brutal homicides in periods prior to national elections are another. In the midst of this social and political conflict, individual Salvadorans living in poor and marginalized communities have no place to hide: they are targeted by violent actors on all sides. Young people and other residents of areas with a gang presence, active gang members, and inactive gang members are targeted for threats, abuses, and even killings by gangs, police, and clandestine actors like death squads. We present narrative excerpts from interviews with victims and witnesses of gang, police, and clandestine violence in El Salvador in Section IV. The report is based on fact-finding visits to El Salvador in March- April and August-September 2006, and months of follow-up research prior to and after these trips. It draws extensively on interviews with current and former gang members and other victims and witnesses of violence in El Salvador, as well as with staff of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and governmental officials. To protect the safety of confidential sources, we refer to them only by pseudonyms and initials.

Details: Cambridge, MA: Harvard Law School, Human Rights Program, 2007. 111p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 18, 2012 at: http://www.law.harvard.edu/programs/hrp/documents/FinalElSalvadorReport(3-6-07).pdf

Year: 2007

Country: El Salvador

URL: http://www.law.harvard.edu/programs/hrp/documents/FinalElSalvadorReport(3-6-07).pdf

Shelf Number: 110108

Gang Violence
Organized Crime
Violence (El Salvador)
Violent Crime

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Title: Current Practices in Electronic Surveillance in the Investigation of Serious and Organized Crime

Summary: The value of employing electronic surveillance in the investigation of some forms of serious crime, in particular organized crime, is unquestionable. It allows the gathering of information unattainable through other means. Some countries have utilized surreptitious electronic surveillance for nearly a century. For others it is a more recent phenomenon, and for some it is not yet utilized at all. The use by law enforcement of electronic surveillance should not be an investigative tool of first resort, instead its use should be considered when other less intrusive means have proven ineffective or when there is no reasonable alternative to obtain crucial information or evidence. Even when electronic surveillance is appropriate, it will generally need to be used in conjunction with other investigation methods in order to be most effective. For those jurisdictions without any regulation, or with legislation which is lacking in some respect, the challenge is to develop a balanced system for the use of electronic evidence gathering. The balance which needs to be struck is that between the effective use of electronic evidence gathering and the protection of citizens’ rights. This includes balancing the cost of utilizing these methods against the ultimate public benefit gained from a conviction. These considerations should be weighed carefully by legislators, prosecutors, law enforcement and the like. It should also be noted that in some countries the existence of a federal system of governance means that electronic surveillance can be regulated at both a local and at a national level. Federal law will often apply where the investigation is into crime that crosses borders, however, organized crime is of course also investigated by local law enforcement. It is not possible for this document to comprehensively consider regulation of individual states, regions or provinces within countries, although their mention will occur where valuable examples arise.

Details: Vienna: UNODC, 2009. 48p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 24, 2012 at: http://www.unodc.org/documents/organized-crime/Law-Enforcement/Electronic_surveillance.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: International

URL: http://www.unodc.org/documents/organized-crime/Law-Enforcement/Electronic_surveillance.pdf

Shelf Number: 125751

Criminal Investigations
Electronic Surveillance
Organized Crime
Video Surveillance
Violent Crime

Author: Buonanno, Paolo

Title: On the Historical and Geographic Origins of the Sicilian Mafia

Summary: This research attempts to explain the large differences in the early diffusion of the mafia across different areas of Sicily. We advance the hypothesis that, after the demise of Sicilian feudalism, the lack of publicly provided property-right protection from widespread banditry favored the development of a florid market for private protection and the emergence of a cartel of protection providers: the mafia. This would especially be the case in those areas (prevalently concentrated in the Western part of the island) characterized by the production and commercialization of sulphur and citrus fruits, Sicily's most valuable export goods whose international demand was soaring at the time. We test this hypothesis combining data on the early incidence of mafia across Sicilian municipalities and on the distribution of sulphur reserves, land suitability for the cultivation of citrus fruits, distance from the main commercial ports, and a variety of other geographical controls. Our empirical findings provide support for the proposed hypothesis documenting, in particular, a significant impact of sulphur extraction, terrain ruggedness, and distance from Palermo's port on mafia's early diffusion.

Details: Unpublished Paper 2011. 24p.

Source: Internet Resource: MPRA Paper No. 37009: Accessed July 24, 2012 at: http://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/37009/1/MPRA_paper_37009.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Italy

URL: http://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/37009/1/MPRA_paper_37009.pdf

Shelf Number: 125761

Mafia (Sicily)
Organized Crime


Title: Police Reform in Guatemala: Obstacles and Opportunities

Summary: The 25,000 members of the National Civil Police (PNC) are on the front lines of Guatemala’s battle against crime. But all too often citizens distrust and fear the police – widely dismissed as inefficient, corrupt and abusive – as much as the criminals. Underfunded, poorly trained and often outgunned, they are frequently incapable or unwilling to confront criminals and gain the public trust needed to build a state based on rule of law. Drug traffickers, including Mexican cartels, move at will across porous borders, while criminal gangs dominate many urban areas. The government of President Otto Pérez Molina must reboot and revitalise police reform, as part of an overall effort to strengthen justice and law enforcement, with financial support from the U.S. and other countries interested in preventing Guatemala from becoming a haven for organised crime. Progress has been made, but achievements are fragile and easily reversed. Since the 1996 peace accords that ended 36 years of armed conflict, donors have poured tens of millions of dollars into police and justice sector reform. But despite these efforts, Guatemala, with its neighbours in the Northern Triangle of Central America, remains one of the most violent countries in the world. Governments have repeatedly promised reform, including the Pérez administration that took office in January 2012. The new president, a retired general, campaigned on the promise that his government would combat crime with an “iron fist”. Since then, he has deployed troops to help patrol high-crime areas, reinforced the military in border regions to fight drug trafficking and declared a state of siege to quell a local protest. He has also promised to strengthen the police by adding thousands of recruits, while restarting stalled efforts to overhaul the institution. The question is whether his government will be able to muster the resources and will to bolster institutional reform or will rely primarily on militarised crime-fighting operations that provide short-term gains without solving long-term problems. Some projects may provide templates for broader institutional change. Certain investigative units have demonstrated that the police can – given the proper resources, training and supervision – solve complex crimes. The UN-sponsored Commission Against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG) is providing training to both police and prosecutors. There are also encouraging developments within the area of preventive or community-oriented policing. In two municipalities outside Guatemala City, Villa Nueva and Mixco, activist mayors are trying to combat gangs and create stronger ties between the local communities and law enforcement. Those cities are also the location of two “model precincts”, supported by the U.S. government, which finances the vetting and training of police and supports programs designed to strengthen police-community collaboration. But these efforts are dependent on the financial aid and political backing of donors. The initiatives in Villa Nueva and Mixco rely on local politicians whose successors may not share their commitment. It is unclear whether reform efforts have enough support within the PNC hierarchy to survive over the long term. Without strong and consistent backing from the national government, business, civil society and the international community, the lessons learned from these pilot projects may be lost before they can be perfected and replicated. Compounding the difficulties reformers face is that change must take place following a decade of rising violence, much of it fuelled by organised crime, including Mexican drug cartels. High crime rates tend to overwhelm incremental progress, making it harder to resist calls for tough solutions that rely on the superior strength and discipline of the army. Using the army to fight crime, however, further demoralises and weakens the police, especially when the military’s role is poorly defined. This makes it harder in the long run to build the competent civilian forces needed to enforce the law under stable, democratic regimes. There is no single, fail-safe formula for reshaping an institution as complex as the police. Nor do police exist in a vacuum; permanent change can only take place within broader efforts to battle corruption and favouritism within the justice system as a whole. Nonetheless, there are steps that the government, with international backing, should undertake to ensure that the PNC becomes a professional force capable of investigating and preventing the crime that threatens Guatemalan democracy.

Details: Brussels: International Crisis Group, 2012. 30p.

Source: Internet Resource: Latin America Report N°43: Accessed July 25, 2012 at: http://www.crisisgroup.org/~/media/Files/latin-america/43-police-reform-in-guatemala-obstacles-and-opportunities

Year: 2012

Country: Grenada

URL: http://www.crisisgroup.org/~/media/Files/latin-america/43-police-reform-in-guatemala-obstacles-and-opportunities

Shelf Number: 125764

Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime
Police Reform
Policing (Guatemala)

Author: Capuano, Carlo

Title: The Macroeconomic Impact of Organized Crime: A Neo-Kaleckian Perspective

Summary: The paper analyzes how organized crime affects the economy through its impact on the effective demand, following the Neo-Kaleckian approach. From this perspective, the presence of organized crime, on the one hand, tends to reduce the effective demand draining resources through extortion, bribery of public officials and encouraging consumption of criminal goods (illegal goods and goods produced in the underground economy), on the other hand, tends to increase the effective demand using the proceeds of criminal activity in the purchase of legal consumption and investment goods. The model highlights the opposing action of these two forces and identifies the conditions for a negative impact on the degree of capacity utilization and the growth rate. For the latter, these conditions tend to be more stringent, due to the direct impact of organized crime on investment decisions. Overall, the operation of organized crime tends to negatively influence the economic activity to the extent that the income drained from the legal sector is not reused into the same sector.

Details: Naples: Department of Economics, University of Naples, 2012. 33p.

Source: Internet Resource: MPRA Paper No. 40077: Accessed July 265, 2012 at: http://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/40077/1/MPRA_paper_40077.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Italy

URL: http://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/40077/1/MPRA_paper_40077.pdf

Shelf Number: 125766

Illegal Markets
Organized Crime

Author: Institute for Security Studies

Title: Unban Violence and Humanitarian Challenges: Joint Report

Summary: This second colloquium organised jointly by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS) aimed to present the causes and humanitarian consequences of urban violence, as well as related trends and challenges for the European Union and humanitarian actors. Two case studies have been selected, focusing on different types of violence affecting urban environments. The first case study examines pilot projects to address humanitarian needs arising from organised crime and gang violence in megacities; the second is an analysis of the humanitarian challenges emerging from urban violence in the context of uprisings, referring specifically to the lessons learned from the protests in the Arab world. Urban violence represents numerous challenges for policy makers and humanitarian actors alike. Today, more than half of the world’s population lives in cities and it appears that urban centres will absorb almost all new population growth in the coming decades. It has therefore become increasingly important to understand the dynamics of violence in an urban setting. By bringing together experts, academics and representatives from various relief organisations, the ICRC and the EUISS hope to have contributed to the debate and spurred further interest in this increasingly important issue. The present publication includes summaries of both the presentations provided by the speakers and the discussions held during the colloquium.

Details: Paris: Institute for Security Studies, 2012. 88p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 25, 2012 at: http://www.iss.europa.eu/uploads/media/Urban_violence_and_humanitarian_challenges.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: International

URL: http://www.iss.europa.eu/uploads/media/Urban_violence_and_humanitarian_challenges.pdf

Shelf Number: 125774

Cities and Crime
Organized Crime
Urban Areas (International)
Violent Crime

Author: Daly, Catherine

Title: Armed with Impunity: Curbing Military Human Rights Abuses in Mexico

Summary: This report examines the current context and possible remedies to protect against human rights abuses in Mexico. The report then provides documentation and analysis of the pattern of human rights complaints that have been formally registered against the military since Mexican President Felipe Calderón took office in December 2006 and through mid-2012. • The military has played a constantly expanding role in efforts to combat drug trafficking organizations, and to provide domestic security more generally. As Calderón deployed tens of thousands of troops to regions and cities known to be drug-trafficking routes and hubs at the outset of his term. Calderón also significantly increased the size of the Mexican army, as well as military spending overall. • The Mexican public holds mixed feelings about the Calderón administration’s strategy. On the one hand, in a March 2012 poll by Consulta Mitofsky, 43% of respondents indicated that they viewed the Mexican government’s strategy as a “failure,” and 53% thought that organized crime was winning the fight against government forces. Only 28% felt Calderón’s strategy had been successful. Nevertheless, more than two-thirds of those surveyed support using the military to combat organized crime. • The massive deployment of the Mexican military has increased civilian exposure and vulnerability to military personnel. In this context, there has been a surge of formal complaints (quejas) of military abuses submitted to National Human Rights Commission (CNDH), the ombudsman that generates formal reports or “recommendations” (recomendaciones) for the government agency against which a complaint has been levied. • All told, since the organization was created in 1990 through July 22, 2012, CNDH received 140,699 written complaints, out of which the agency was able to establish that there were reasonable claims of abuse in 34,651 cases, or about one in four cases. A growing number of complaints against the Mexican army (SEDENA) were recorded since the deployment of troops after Calderón took office: 367 in 2007; 1,230 in 2008; 1,800 in 2009; 1,415 in 2010; 1,626 in 2011. As for the current year, SEDENA reported that there were 479 reports as of May 3, 2012. • Alleged military human rights violations represent a fraction of the total number of complaints in any given year. For example, in 2011, even as SEDENA reportedly held the largest number of complaints for a given agency, it accounted for only 6% of all complaints to CNDH. Still, CNDH reports that during the 12 years that it has been documenting human rights abuses, SEDENA is one of the top three institutions with the most filed complaints against it. In 2011, SEDENA reportedly led the list with 1,626 complaints. • The Mexican government points out that, as of May 3, 2012, only about 100 (less than 2%) of the 6,544 complaints against SEDENA that CNDH received since December 1, 2006 have resulted in CNDH reports of credible abuses. Moreover, SEDENA reports that 5,661 complaints have been resolved, meaning that they have This report examines the current context and possible remedies to protect against human rights abuses in Mexico. The report then provides documentation and analysis of the pattern of human rights complaints that have been formally registered against the military since Mexican President Felipe Calderón took office in December 2006 and through mid-2012. • The military has played a constantly expanding role in efforts to combat drug trafficking organizations, and to provide domestic security more generally. As Calderón deployed tens of thousands of troops to regions and cities known to be drug-trafficking routes and hubs at the outset of his term. Calderón also significantly increased the size of the Mexican army, as well as military spending overall. • The Mexican public holds mixed feelings about the Calderón administration’s strategy. On the one hand, in a March 2012 poll by Consulta Mitofsky, 43% of respondents indicated that they viewed the Mexican government’s strategy as a “failure,” and 53% thought that organized crime was winning the fight against government forces. Only 28% felt Calderón’s strategy had been successful. Nevertheless, more than two-thirds of those surveyed support using the military to combat organized crime. • The massive deployment of the Mexican military has increased civilian exposure and vulnerability to military personnel. In this context, there has been a surge of formal complaints (quejas) of military abuses submitted to National Human Rights Commission (CNDH), the ombudsman that generates formal reports or “recommendations” (recomendaciones) for the government agency against which a complaint has been levied. • All told, since the organization was created in 1990 through July 22, 2012, CNDH received 140,699 written complaints, out of which the agency was able to establish that there were reasonable claims of abuse in 34,651 cases, or about one in four cases. A growing number of complaints against the Mexican army (SEDENA) were recorded since the deployment of troops after Calderón took office: 367 in 2007; 1,230 in 2008; 1,800 in 2009; 1,415 in 2010; 1,626 in 2011. As for the current year, SEDENA reported that there were 479 reports as of May 3, 2012. • Alleged military human rights violations represent a fraction of the total number of complaints in any given year. For example, in 2011, even as SEDENA reportedly held the largest number of complaints for a given agency, it accounted for only 6% of all complaints to CNDH. Still, CNDH reports that during the 12 years that it has been documenting human rights abuses, SEDENA is one of the top three institutions with the most filed complaints against it. In 2011, SEDENA reportedly led the list with 1,626 complaints. • The Mexican government points out that, as of May 3, 2012, only about 100 (less than 2%) of the 6,544 complaints against SEDENA that CNDH received since December 1, 2006 have resulted in CNDH reports of credible abuses. Moreover, SEDENA reports that 5,661 complaints have been resolved, meaning that they have This report examines the current context and possible remedies to protect against human rights abuses in Mexico. The report then provides documentation and analysis of the pattern of human rights complaints that have been formally registered against the military since Mexican President Felipe Calderón took office in December 2006 and through mid-2012. • The military has played a constantly expanding role in efforts to combat drug trafficking organizations, and to provide domestic security more generally. As Calderón deployed tens of thousands of troops to regions and cities known to be drug-trafficking routes and hubs at the outset of his term. Calderón also significantly increased the size of the Mexican army, as well as military spending overall. • The Mexican public holds mixed feelings about the Calderón administration’s strategy. On the one hand, in a March 2012 poll by Consulta Mitofsky, 43% of respondents indicated that they viewed the Mexican government’s strategy as a “failure,” and 53% thought that organized crime was winning the fight against government forces. Only 28% felt Calderón’s strategy had been successful. Nevertheless, more than two-thirds of those surveyed support using the military to combat organized crime. • The massive deployment of the Mexican military has increased civilian exposure and vulnerability to military personnel. In this context, there has been a surge of formal complaints (quejas) of military abuses submitted to National Human Rights Commission (CNDH), the ombudsman that generates formal reports or “recommendations” (recomendaciones) for the government agency against which a complaint has been levied. • All told, since the organization was created in 1990 through July 22, 2012, CNDH received 140,699 written complaints, out of which the agency was able to establish that there were reasonable claims of abuse in 34,651 cases, or about one in four cases. A growing number of complaints against the Mexican army (SEDENA) were recorded since the deployment of troops after Calderón took office: 367 in 2007; 1,230 in 2008; 1,800 in 2009; 1,415 in 2010; 1,626 in 2011. As for the current year, SEDENA reported that there were 479 reports as of May 3, 2012. • Alleged military human rights violations represent a fraction of the total number of complaints in any given year. For example, in 2011, even as SEDENA reportedly held the largest number of complaints for a given agency, it accounted for only 6% of all complaints to CNDH. Still, CNDH reports that during the 12 years that it has been documenting human rights abuses, SEDENA is one of the top three institutions with the most filed complaints against it. In 2011, SEDENA reportedly led the list with 1,626 complaints. • The Mexican government points out that, as of May 3, 2012, only about 100 (less than 2%) of the 6,544 complaints against SEDENA that CNDH received since December 1, 2006 have resulted in CNDH reports of credible abuses. Moreover, SEDENA reports that 5,661 complaints have been resolved, meaning that they havebeen settled through reconciliation or closed for other seemingly justifiable reasons. Since Calderón took office in December 2006, CNDH has issued 101 formal reports or “recommendations” to the Mexican army (SEDENA) and 17 to the Mexican marines (SEMAR). The first recommendation filed by CNDH under Calderón was issued on May 23, 2007, and the most recent recommendation came on July 11, 2012, just weeks before this report was filed. • While there were 6 recommendations to the military from 2004-2006, all prior Calderón’s inauguration. There were 7 registered in 2007, 15 in 2008, 31 in 2009, 27 in 2010, and 31 in 2011. In 2009, 40% of the recommendations issued by CNDH were directed to the military, SEDENA accounting for 38% and SEMAR for 2%. By mid-2012, the proportion of CNDH recommendations made to the military was less than half that registered in each of the previous two years, representing only 21%. This trend may indicate that the scaling back of military involvement in key cities, such as Chihuahua, has helped to reduce the number of violations by military personnel. • Of the 118 CNDH recommendation reports directed to SEDENA since Calderón took office, physical abuse is the most common documented human rights violation, followed by obstruction to access to justice, verbal/mental abuse, excessive or arbitrary use of force or public office, and illegal detention. When broken down by year, the number and type of abuses increased most substantially in 2008 and 2009, at the height of military deployments. • While the frequency with which torture occurs has decreased since its initial spike in 2008 cases, it is still involved in just over half of all recommendations CNDH issues to the military. Thus, as the proximity with which troops interact with the public has increased over the past sexenio, so too has problem of physical abuse, whether loss of life, torture, or physical injury, the last of which was present to some extent in 95 of 118 CNDH recommendations, representing 81% of cases. • Abuses documented by CNDH occurred in 21 of Mexico’s 31 states, as well as in the Federal District. 13 states and districts comprised 92% of all violations, and just under two thirds occurred in only six states (61%), and almost half occurred in northern states along the U.S.-Mexico border. Considering Chihuahua and Michoacán, the two states that account for 36% of all human rights abuse cases reported by CNDH (29 and 13 cases, respectively), it is clear that the surge in troop deployment to these areas clearly brought an increase in documented abuses. Since Calderón took office in December 2006, CNDH has issued 101 formal reports or “recommendations” to the Mexican army (SEDENA) and 17 to the Mexican marines (SEMAR). The first recommendation filed by CNDH under Calderón was issued on May 23, 2007, and the most recent recommendation came on July 11, 2012, just weeks before this report was filed. • While there were 6 recommendations to the military from 2004-2006, all prior Calderón’s inauguration. There were 7 registered in 2007, 15 in 2008, 31 in 2009, 27 in 2010, and 31 in 2011. In 2009, 40% of the recommendations issued by CNDH were directed to the military, SEDENA accounting for 38% and SEMAR for 2%. By mid-2012, the proportion of CNDH recommendations made to the military was less than half that registered in each of the previous two years, representing only 21%. This trend may indicate that the scaling back of military involvement in key cities, such as Chihuahua, has helped to reduce the number of violations by military personnel. • Of the 118 CNDH recommendation reports directed to SEDENA since Calderón took office, physical abuse is the most common documented human rights violation, followed by obstruction to access to justice, verbal/mental abuse, excessive or arbitrary use of force or public office, and illegal detention. When broken down by year, the number and type of abuses increased most substantially in 2008 and 2009, at the height of military deployments. • While the frequency with which torture occurs has decreased since its initial spike in 2008 cases, it is still involved in just over half of all recommendations CNDH issues to the military. Thus, as the proximity with which troops interact with the public has increased over the past sexenio, so too has problem of physical abuse, whether loss of life, torture, or physical injury, the last of which was present to some extent in 95 of 118 CNDH recommendations, representing 81% of cases. • Abuses documented by CNDH occurred in 21 of Mexico’s 31 states, as well as in the Federal District. 13 states and districts comprised 92% of all violations, and just under two thirds occurred in only six states (61%), and almost half occurred in northern states along the U.S.-Mexico border. Considering Chihuahua and Michoacán, the two states that account for 36% of all human rights abuse cases reported by CNDH (29 and 13 cases, respectively), it is clear that the surge in troop deployment to these areas clearly brought an increase in documented abuses.Since Calderón took office in December 2006, CNDH has issued 101 formal reports or “recommendations” to the Mexican army (SEDENA) and 17 to the Mexican marines (SEMAR). The first recommendation filed by CNDH under Calderón was issued on May 23, 2007, and the most recent recommendation came on July 11, 2012, just weeks before this report was filed. • While there were 6 recommendations to the military from 2004-2006, all prior Calderón’s inauguration. There were 7 registered in 2007, 15 in 2008, 31 in 2009, 27 in 2010, and 31 in 2011. In 2009, 40% of the recommendations issued by CNDH were directed to the military, SEDENA accounting for 38% and SEMAR for 2%. By mid-2012, the proportion of CNDH recommendations made to the military was less than half that registered in each of the previous two years, representing only 21%. This trend may indicate that the scaling back of military involvement in key cities, such as Chihuahua, has helped to reduce the number of violations by military personnel. • Of the 118 CNDH recommendation reports directed to SEDENA since Calderón took office, physical abuse is the most common documented human rights violation, followed by obstruction to access to justice, verbal/mental abuse, excessive or arbitrary use of force or public office, and illegal detention. When broken down by year, the number and type of abuses increased most substantially in 2008 and 2009, at the height of military deployments. • While the frequency with which torture occurs has decreased since its initial spike in 2008 cases, it is still involved in just over half of all recommendations CNDH issues to the military. Thus, as the proximity with which troops interact with the public has increased over the past sexenio, so too has problem of physical abuse, whether loss of life, torture, or physical injury, the last of which was present to some extent in 95 of 118 CNDH recommendations, representing 81% of cases. • Abuses documented by CNDH occurred in 21 of Mexico’s 31 states, as well as in the Federal District. 13 states and districts comprised 92% of all violations, and just under two thirds occurred in only six states (61%), and almost half occurred in northern states along the U.S.-Mexico border. Considering Chihuahua and Michoacán, the two states that account for 36% of all human rights abuse cases reported by CNDH (29 and 13 cases, respectively), it is clear that the surge in troop deployment to these areas clearly brought an increase in documented abuses. Since Calderón took office in December 2006, CNDH has issued 101 formal reports or “recommendations” to the Mexican army (SEDENA) and 17 to the Mexican marines (SEMAR). The first recommendation filed by CNDH under Calderón was issued on May 23, 2007, and the most recent recommendation came on July 11, 2012, just weeks before this report was filed. • While there were 6 recommendations to the military from 2004-2006, all prior Calderón’s inauguration. There were 7 registered in 2007, 15 in 2008, 31 in 2009, 27 in 2010, and 31 in 2011. In 2009, 40% of the recommendations issued by CNDH were directed to the military, SEDENA accounting for 38% and SEMAR for 2%. By mid-2012, the proportion of CNDH recommendations made to the military was less than half that registered in each of the previous two years, representing only 21%. This trend may indicate that the scaling back of military involvement in key cities, such as Chihuahua, has helped to reduce the number of violations by military personnel. • Of the 118 CNDH recommendation reports directed to SEDENA since Calderón took office, physical abuse is the most common documented human rights violation, followed by obstruction to access to justice, verbal/mental abuse, excessive or arbitrary use of force or public office, and illegal detention. When broken down by year, the number and type of abuses increased most substantially in 2008 and 2009, at the height of military deployments. • While the frequency with which torture occurs has decreased since its initial spike in 2008 cases, it is still involved in just over half of all recommendations CNDH issues to the military. Thus, as the proximity with which troops interact with the public has increased over the past sexenio, so too has problem of physical abuse, whether loss of life, torture, or physical injury, the last of which was present to some extent in 95 of 118 CNDH recommendations, representing 81% of cases. • Abuses documented by CNDH occurred in 21 of Mexico’s 31 states, as well as in the Federal District. 13 states and districts comprised 92% of all violations, and just under two thirds occurred in only six states (61%), and almost half occurred in northern states along the U.S.-Mexico border. Considering Chihuahua and Michoacán, the two states that account for 36% of all human rights abuse cases reported by CNDH (29 and 13 cases, respectively), it is clear that the surge in troop deployment to these areas clearly brought an increase in documented abuses.Since Calderón took office in December 2006, CNDH has issued 101 formal reports or “recommendations” to the Mexican army (SEDENA) and 17 to the Mexican marines (SEMAR). The first recommendation filed by CNDH under Calderón was issued on May 23, 2007, and the most recent recommendation came on July 11, 2012, just weeks before this report was filed. • While there were 6 recommendations to the military from 2004-2006, all prior Calderón’s inauguration. There were 7 registered in 2007, 15 in 2008, 31 in 2009, 27 in 2010, and 31 in 2011. In 2009, 40% of the recommendations issued by CNDH were directed to the military, SEDENA accounting for 38% and SEMAR for 2%. By mid-2012, the proportion of CNDH recommendations made to the military was less than half that registered in each of the previous two years, representing only 21%. This trend may indicate that the scaling back of military involvement in key cities, such as Chihuahua, has helped to reduce the number of violations by military personnel. • Of the 118 CNDH recommendation reports directed to SEDENA since Calderón took office, physical abuse is the most common documented human rights violation, followed by obstruction to access to justice, verbal/mental abuse, excessive or arbitrary use of force or public office, and illegal detention. When broken down by year, the number and type of abuses increased most substantially in 2008 and 2009, at the height of military deployments. • While the frequency with which torture occurs has decreased since its initial spike in 2008 cases, it is still involved in just over half of all recommendations CNDH issues to the military. Thus, as the proximity with which troops interact with the public has increased over the past sexenio, so too has problem of physical abuse, whether loss of life, torture, or physical injury, the last of which was present to some extent in 95 of 118 CNDH recommendations, representing 81% of cases. • Abuses documented by CNDH occurred in 21 of Mexico’s 31 states, as well as in the Federal District. 13 states and districts comprised 92% of all violations, and just under two thirds occurred in only six states (61%), and almost half occurred in northern states along the U.S.-Mexico border. Considering Chihuahua and Michoacán, the two states that account for 36% of all human rights abuse cases reported by CNDH (29 and 13 cases, respectively), it is clear that the surge in troop deployment to these areas clearly brought an increase in documented abuses. Males above the age of 18 constitute the population mostly likely to be abused by the military in its public security efforts. Out of the 516 victims involved in cases recommended to the military, roughly 10% (51) were women and 7% (35) were minors. • Up until June 2011, the military maintained jurisdiction over all criminal cases and alleged human rights violations involving military personnel, and critics also charged that CNDH was ineffective in following up on and ensuring compliance with its recommendations. In 2011, legislative initiatives in the Mexican Senate, as well as a landmark ruling by the Mexican Supreme Court, emphasized the need for binding civilian court judgments regarding confirmed abuses by military personnel and domestic compliance with international human rights treaty obligations. It is believed that these developments will greatly bolster the ability of CNDH to protect against human rights abuses. • It still remains unclear whether recent legislation and court decisions will significantly curb military violations. The crux of the human rights issue hinges on whether the civilian court system will achieve unequivocal jurisdiction over cases of human rights abuse that involve the military and civilians, and supporting legislation to this effect has not yet been passed. Specifically, further legislative efforts are needed to revise Mexico’s code of military justice. As the Calderón administration comes to a close, the prospects of these reforms and what lies ahead under the next administration. • After PRI candidate Enrique Peña Nieto was declared the victor in Mexico’s July 1 elections, he affirmed the continued role of the military in domestic security operations. Yet, Peña Nieto has professed a commitment to uphold and preserve the human rights of Mexican citizens “first of all, through the real, objective application of [human rights] protocols to agencies that are dedicated to public security.” • When Peña Nieto takes office in December 2012, it will be important to evaluate how the incoming president will handle pending cases before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. One of the most notable cases involves the 2006 rape of 11 women by police forces in Atenco in the State of Mexico that was brought before the commission in November. Since he was the sitting governor of the State of Mexico when this incident occurred, Peña Nieto's handling of this case as president will be an important indicator of the new administration’s approach to human rights. • Ongoing concerns about human rights abuses in Mexico raise questions about what can be done to address these issues under the framework of the Mérida Initiative, a multi-year U.S.- Mexico collaboration initiative launched in 2007. The United States is therefore in a powerful position to support Mexico’s efforts to combat drug trafficking organizations, but it also has an obligation to make sure that human rights are respected in the process. If the war on drugs is a joint task, then protecting against human rights violations and other unintended consequences also should be a shared responsibility. • The authors offer several recommendations to strengthen human rights protections in Mexico, including reducing overall reliance on military deployments in Mexican counter-drug efforts, investing in greater human rights training for military and judicial sector personnel, implementing reforms to transfer all military abuse cases to civilian courts, bolstering the CNDH to fulfill its new responsibilities, strengthening civil society to combat abuses and improve security, and reframing U.S.-Mexico security collaboration to better protect human rights.

Details: San Diego: Trans-Border Institute, University of San Diego, 2012. 54p.

Source: Internet Resource: Justice in Mexico Project: Accessed August 6, 2012 at: http://justiceinmexico.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/12_07_31_armed-with-impunity.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Mexico

URL: http://justiceinmexico.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/12_07_31_armed-with-impunity.pdf

Shelf Number: 125864

Drug Trafficking
Human Rights (Mexico)
Organized Crime

Author: Rios, Viridiana

Title: To Be or Not To Be a Drug Trafficker: Modeling Criminal Occupational Choices

Summary: Violent deaths, kidnapping and extortion have spiked in Mexico’s border towns since 2004. Using a formal model and case studies from Mexico, I argue that such phenomena are partially explained by (a) a change in the politics of organized crime, (b) changes in the composition of illegal labor markets, and (c) the incentives generated at legal labor markets. With democratization, Mexico’s government became unable to keep performing its role as central enforcer of territorial boundaries between drug cartels. As cartels became guardians of their own territories, a need to recruitment new cartel members to form private armies emerged. As a result, an illegal labor market –so far closed to non-blood-related individuals– opened and modified the incentives to join/remain in the legal labor markets. The outcome was the emergence of a new generation of drug employees that (a) disdain old mafia laws, (b) are more violent and (c) are also more prone to take part of other forms of “entrepreneurial” illegal occupations such as kidnapping and extortion.

Details: Cambridge, MA: Harvard University, 2010. 22p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 6, 2012 at: http://www.gov.harvard.edu/files/Rios_MPSA2010_TobeOrNotToBe.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Mexico

URL: http://www.gov.harvard.edu/files/Rios_MPSA2010_TobeOrNotToBe.pdf

Shelf Number: 125872

Drug Cartels
Drug Trafficking
Drug Violence (Mexico)
Organized Crime

Author: Bagley, Bruce

Title: Drug Trafficking and Organized Crime in the Americas: Major Trends in the Twenty-First Century

Summary: What are the major trends that have characterized the evolution of illicit drug trafficking and organized crime (organized criminal networks) in the Americas over the last quarter of a century? What have been the principal transformations or adaptations – economic, political, and organizational - that have taken place within the region’s vast illegal drug economy during the first decade of the twenty-first century? This essay identifies eight key trends or patterns that typify the ongoing transformation of the drug trade and the organized criminal groups it has spawned as of mid-2011. They are: 1) The increasing globalization of drug consumption; 2) The limited or “partial victories” and unintended consequences of the U.S.-led ‘war on drugs,’ especially in the Andes; 3) The proliferation of areas of drug cultivation and of drug smuggling routes throughout the hemisphere (so-called “balloon effects”); 4) The dispersion and fragmentation of organized criminal groups or networks within countries and across sub-regions (“cockroach effects”); 5) The failure of political reform and state-building efforts (deinstitutionalization effects); 6) The inadequacies or failures of U.S. domestic drug and crime control policies (demand control failures); 7) The ineffectiveness of regional and international drug control policies (regulatory failures); and 8) The growth in support for harm reduction, decriminalization, and legalization policy alternatives (legalization debate).

Details: Washington, DC: Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Latin American Program, 2012. 22p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 7, 2012 at: http://www.wilsoncenter.org/publication/drug-trafficking-and-organized-crime-the-americas-major-trends-the-twenty-first-century

Year: 2012

Country: Central America

URL: http://www.wilsoncenter.org/publication/drug-trafficking-and-organized-crime-the-americas-major-trends-the-twenty-first-century

Shelf Number: 125874

Drug Control Policies
Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime
War on Drugs

Author: U.S. House. Committee on Oversight and Government Reform

Title: The Department of Justice’s Operation Fast and Furious: Fueling Cartel Violence

Summary: The previous joint staff report entitled The Department of Justice’s Operation Fast and Furious: Accounts of ATF Agents chronicled Operation Fast and Furious, a reckless program conducted by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF), and the courageous ATF agents who came forward to expose it. Operation Fast and Furious made unprecedented use of a dangerous investigative technique known as “gunwalking.” Rather than intervene and seize the illegally purchased firearms, ATF’s Phoenix Field Division allowed known straw purchasers to walk away with the guns, over and over again. As a result, the weapons were transferred to criminals and Mexican Drug Cartels. This report explores the effect of Operation Fast and Furious on Mexico. Its lethal drug cartels obtained AK-47 variants, Barrett .50 caliber sniper rifles, .38 caliber revolvers, and FN Five-seveNs from Arizona gun dealers who were cooperating with the ATF by continuing to sell to straw purchasers identified in Operation Fast and Furious. In late 2009, ATF officials stationed in Mexico began to notice a large volume of guns appearing there that were traced to the ATF’s Phoenix Field Division. These weapons were increasingly recovered in great numbers from violent crime scenes. ATF intelligence analysts alerted Darren Gil, Attaché to Mexico, and Carlos Canino, Deputy Attaché, about the abnormal number of weapons. Gil and Canino communicated their worries to leadership in Phoenix and Washington, D.C., only to be brushed aside. Furthermore, ATF personnel in Arizona denied ATF personnel in Mexico access to crucial information about the case, even though the operation directly involved their job duties and affected their host country. Rather than share information, senior leadership within both ATF and the Department of Justice (DOJ) assured their representatives in Mexico that everything was “under control.” The growing number of weapons recovered in Mexico, however, indicated otherwise. Two recoveries of large numbers of weapons in November and December 2009 definitively demonstrated that Operation Fast and Furious weapons were heading to Mexico. In fact, to date, there have been 48 different recoveries of weapons in Mexico linked to Operation Fast and Furious. ATF officials in Mexico continued to raise the alarm over the burgeoning number of weapons. By October 2010, the amount of seized and recovered weapons had “maxed out” space in the Phoenix Field Division evidence vault.1 Nevertheless, ATF and DOJ failed to share crucial details of Operation Fast and Furious with either their own employees stationed in Mexico or representatives of the Government of Mexico. ATF senior leadership allegedly feared that any such disclosure would compromise their investigation. Instead, ATF and DOJ leadership’s reluctance to share information may have only prolonged the flow of weapons from this straw purchasing ring into Mexico. ATF leadership finally informed the Mexican office that the investigation would be shut down as early as July 2010. Operation Fast and Furious, however, continued through the rest of 2010. It ended only after U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was murdered in December 2010 with weapons linked to this investigation. Only then did the ATF officials in Mexico discover the true nature of Operation Fast and Furious. Unfortunately, Mexico and the United States will have to live with the consequences of this program for years to come.

Details: Washington, DC: U.S. Congress, 2011. 60p.

Source: Internet Resource: Joint Staff Report: Accessed August 11, 2012 at: http://oversight.house.gov/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/FINAL_FINAL.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: United States

URL: http://oversight.house.gov/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/FINAL_FINAL.pdf

Shelf Number: 125969

Gun Violence
Mexican Cartels
Operation Fast and Furious (U.S.; Mexico)
Organized Crime

Author: U.S. House. Committee on Oversight and Government Reform

Title: The Department of Justice’s Operation Fast and Furious: Accounts of ATF Agents

Summary: This report is the first in a series regarding Operation Fast and Furious. Possible future reports and hearings will likely focus on the actions of the United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Arizona, the decisions faced by gun shop owners (FFLs) as a result of ATF’s actions, and the remarkably ill-fated decisions made by Justice Department officials in Washington, especially within the Criminal Division and the Office of the Deputy Attorney General. This first installment focuses on ATF’s misguided approach of letting guns walk. The report describes the agents’ outrage about the use of gunwalking as an investigative technique and the continued denials and stonewalling by DOJ and ATF leadership. It provides some answers as to what went wrong with Operation Fast and Furious. Further questions for key ATF and DOJ decision makers remain unanswered. For example, what leadership failures within the Department of Justice allowed this program to thrive? Who will be held accountable and when?

Details: Washington, DC: U.S. Congress, 2011. 51p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 13, 2012 at: http://oversight.house.gov/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/ATF_Report.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: United States

URL: http://oversight.house.gov/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/ATF_Report.pdf

Shelf Number: 126010

Gun Violence
Mexican Cartels
Operation Fast and Furious (U.S.; Mexico)
Organized Crime

Author: Farah, Douglas

Title: Transnational Crime, Social Networks and Forests: Using natural resources to finance conflicts and post-conflict violence

Summary: Three case studies are used to argue that transnational organized crime networks for trafficking commodities, specifically timber, emerge in diverse circumstances of state strength and state absence that lead to cycles of violence. Criminal non-state armed actors operate in sub-national territories beyond state control in Petén, Guatemala, and areas of Colombia, while in Liberia, a strong but criminalized state loots the marginalized, resource-rich rural areas, rather than providing a positive state presence. The paper examines the social networks required at different nodes of the commodity chain. In all three cases, the networks rely first on traditional elites to act as local fixers, supplying the criminal state or non-state armed actor with connections to the market and financial networks needed to extract and sell the commodity. These local fixers, in turn, rely on "super fixers" to supply transport as well as weapons, ammunition and war materiel needed to fuel the violence, as well as to connect them to international "shadow facilitators" who can move illicit weapons and commodities, launder money, and obtain the fraudulent international documents, bank accounts, and shell companies needed. Timber, like alluvial diamonds, is as a ‘lootable” commodity-- extractible with low capital and skill requirements and diffusely located but often abundant in remote, porous border regions. Its transport is more bulky and detectable as well as being less valuable than diamonds and cocaine, so illegally sourced timber does not produce the discipline problems and is more easily “laundered” as legal than these other commodities. The environmental devastation created by timber harvest is especially damaging to subsistence forest-dependent communities. Palm oil, the fourth commodity examined, also has severe negative consequences for local communities and environment, but differs in that it requires the displacement of local communities in order to log and establish plantations, and requires time and capital inputs so cannot be quickly looted. Finally, palm oil is a “point source” commodity requiring centralized processing, transport, and management. These characteristics make the value of the forest land the primary source of conflict.

Details: Program on Forests (PROFOR), 2012. 56p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 21, 2012 at http://www.profor.info/sites/profor.info/files/Transnationalcrime_Farah.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: International

URL: http://www.profor.info/sites/profor.info/files/Transnationalcrime_Farah.pdf

Shelf Number: 126082

Natural Resources
Organized Crime
Post-Conflict Violence
Transnational Crime

Author: Issa, Darrell

Title: Memorandum: Update of Operation Fast and Furious

Summary: Since February 2011, the House Oversight and Government and Government Reform Committee has been conducting a joint investigation with Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Chuck Grassley (R-IA) of reckless conduct in the Justice Department’s Operation Fast and Furious. The committee has held three hearings, conducted twenty-four transcribed interviews with fact witnesses, sent the Department of Justice over fifty letters, and issued the Department of Justice two subpoenas for documents. The Justice Department, however, continues to withhold documents critical to understanding decision making and responsibility in Operation Fast and Furious. This memo explains key events and facts in Operation Fast and Furious that have been uncovered during the congressional investigation; remaining questions that the Justice Department refused to cooperate in helping the Committee answer; the ongoing relevance of these questions; and the extent of the harm created by both Operation Fast and Furious and the Department’s refusal to fully cooperate. The memo also explains issues for Committee Members to consider in making a decision about holding Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress for his Department’s refusal to provide subpoenaed documents. Attached to this memo for review and discussion is a draft version of a contempt report that the Committee may consider at an upcoming business meeting.

Details: Washington, DC: United States Congress, 2012. 64p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 21, 2012 at http://oversight.house.gov/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Update-on-Fast-and-Furious-with-attachment-FINAL.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: United States

URL: http://oversight.house.gov/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Update-on-Fast-and-Furious-with-attachment-FINAL.pdf

Shelf Number: 126084

Border Security
Drug Cartels
Gun Control
Gun Violence
Guns (U.S.)
Illegal Guns
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Weaspons

Author: Molzahn, Cory

Title: Drug Violence in Mexico: Data and Analysis Through 2011

Summary: This is the third annual report by the Trans-Border Institute (TBI) on drug violence in Mexico. As with previous reports, the purpose of this study is to examine the available data, specific patterns, contributing factors, and policy recommendations related to growing toll of the drug war in Mexico. The report draws from the extensive research and analysis of the TBI Justice in Mexico Project (www. justiceinmexico.org), which in the past year has benefited from the generous financial support of The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, The Tinker Foundation, and the Open Society Initiative. This report was also informed by conferences and workshops hosted by Brown University in April 2011, the United Nations Social Science Research Council in June 2011, Stanford University in October 2011, and the Guggenheim Foundation and the Woodrow Wilson Center in December 2011.

Details: San Diego: Trans-Border Institute, Joan B. Kroc School of Peace Studies, University of San Diego, 2012. 40p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 21, 2012 at http://justiceinmexico.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/2012-tbi-drugviolence.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Mexico

URL: http://justiceinmexico.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/2012-tbi-drugviolence.pdf

Shelf Number: 126086

Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime
Violent Crime (Mexico)

Author: Stoner, Sarah

Title: Current Global Trends in the Illegal Trade of Tigers

Summary: This is a presentation detailing the crime statistics on the illegal international trade of tigers and material from tigers, crime statistics, hotspot analysis and other information.

Details: New Delhi, India: World Wide Fund (WWF) & Global Tiger Initiative, 2012. 20p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 22, 2012 at http://www.globaltigerinitiative.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/TRAFFIC_Tiger_Trade_Analysis.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: International

URL: http://www.globaltigerinitiative.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/TRAFFIC_Tiger_Trade_Analysis.pdf

Shelf Number: 126098

Crime Analysis
Crime Hotspots
Crime Statistics
Illegal Wildlife Trade
Offenses Against the Environment
Organized Crime
Wildlife Crime

Author: Australia. Parliamentary Joint Committee on Law Enforcement

Title: Inquiry Into the Adequacy of Aviation and Maritime Security Measures to Combat Serious and Organised Crime

Summary: On 14 September 2009, the then Parliamentary Joint Committee on the Australian Crime Commission (PJC-ACC) initiated an inquiry into the adequacy of aviation and maritime security measures to combat serious and organised crime. The terms of reference required the committee to examine the effectiveness of current administrative and law enforcement arrangements to protect Australia's borders from serious and organised criminal activity. In particular the committee examined: (a) the methods used by serious and organised criminal groups to infiltrate Australia's airports and ports, and the extent of infiltration; (b) the range of criminal activity currently occurring at Australia's airports and ports, including but not limited to: •the importation of illicit drugs, firearms, and prohibited items; •tariff avoidance; •people trafficking and people smuggling; •money laundering; and •air cargo and maritime cargo theft; (c) the effectiveness of the Aviation Security Identification Card (ASIC)and Maritime Security Identification Card (MSIC) schemes; includingthe process of issuing ASICs and MSICs, the monitoring of cards issuedand the storage of, and sharing of, ASIC and MSIC information between appropriate law enforcement agencies; (d) the current administrative and law enforcement arrangements and information and intelligence sharing measures to manage the risk of serious and organised criminal activity at Australia's airports and ports; and (e) the findings of the Australian Crime Commission's special intelligence operations into Crime in the Transport Sector and Illegal Maritime Importation and Movement Methodologies.

Details: Canberra: Parliamentary Joint Cmomittee on Law Enforcement, 2011. 138p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 1, 2012 at: http://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/Senate_Committees?url=le_ctte/aviation_maritime/report/index.htm

Year: 2011

Country: Australia

URL: http://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/Senate_Committees?url=le_ctte/aviation_maritime/report/index.htm

Shelf Number: 126228

Aviation Security
Border Security
Maritime Crime
Maritime Crime (Australia)
Organized Crime

Author: United Nations

Title: Action Against Transnational Organized Crime and Illicit Trafficking, Including Drug Trafficking (2011-2013). Thematic Programme

Summary: This Thematic Programme on Action Against Transnational Organized Crime provides the framework for the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) work against organized crime for the period 2011-2013. It outlines the context, the problems addressed and the challenges faced in preventing and combating organized crime in a globalized world. It describes the work of UNODC to assist countries in developing strategies, policies, action plans, programmes and projects in relation to all aspects of the United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC)and its three Protocols, as well as the three Universal Drug Conventions. This Thematic Programme develops responses to the six primary threats that have been identified. This response builds upon the Office’s core comparative advantages and expertise as a criminal justice sector provider, to close the loop on organized crime, challenging its perpetrators, disrupting its flows and its proceeds, whilst simultaneously building a culture of prevention and zero tolerance for crime and corruption, both nationally, regionally and internationally. The proposed programme strikes a balance between supporting long-term institutional capacity development objectives (for example, through building legislative and regulatory frameworks in line with international conventions, standards and norms) and working in partnership with the Governments of Member States to implement their policy priorities and strategies in a tangible and impact-orientated way. The programme presented here has three sub-programmes: • Sub-Programme 1: International Policy, Knowledge and Trends deals with UNODC’s normative role in support of the Conference of the Parties (COP) of UNTOC and the International Drug Conventions. This sub-programme drives forward critical international planning and policy making towards the framework of a coordinated and comprehensive international response. In addition, given the dynamic, opportunistic nature of organized crime, UNODC will utilize its expertise and experience to develop an evidence-based understanding of organized crime, monitor new and emerging forms of organized crime and the challenges that they present. • Sub-Programme 2: Regional and National Capacity Building and Technical Assistance guides the work of UNODC in ensuring the effective implementation of UNTOC and its Protocols through the provision of expert technical assistance, the creation of global tools (such as model laws, guides) and standardize proven approaches (through handbooks, case studies and international standards) which can serve as a platform for the customization of technical assistance and programme development via the Regional or Country Programmes which UNODC has already launched. These Programmes serve as an effective vehicle for Member States to promote international cooperation mechanisms, and build regional capacity in priority areas. • Sub-Programme 3: Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling describes the UNODC response to two heinous forms of organized crime most frequently characterized by human rights violations. As both phenomena are complex, so too are the approaches required in response. In responding to the mandate offered to UNODC through the UNTOC Protocols against Trafficking in Persons and with clear political momentum provided by the Global Plan of Action, UNODC seeks to position itself as a policy lead and central hub for the international anti-human trafficking community, and to build capacity for coordinated action around the four pillars of both the Protocol and the Global Plan of Action: prevention, protection, prosecution and partnership. The implementation of the Thematic Programme on Organized Crime and Illicit Trafficking, including Drug Trafficking, is a holistic exercise for all of UNODC, given the close inter-linkages and interdependencies of its mandates. However, the strategic leadership and accountability for delivery against this Thematic Programme is vested within the Division for Treaty Affairs, specifically the Organized Crime and Trafficking Branch (OCB) within UNODC, in close partnership and cooperation with the other substantive and geographical divisions of the Office.

Details: Vienna: United Nations, 2011. 119p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 5, 2012 at: http://www.unodc.org/documents/commissions/WG-GOVandFiN/Thematic_Programme_on_Organised_Crime_-_Final.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: International

URL: http://www.unodc.org/documents/commissions/WG-GOVandFiN/Thematic_Programme_on_Organised_Crime_-_Final.pdf

Shelf Number: 126257

Drug Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: Global Agenda Council on Organized Crime

Title: Organized Crime Enablers

Summary: The Global Agenda Council on Organized Crime focused on the enablers of organized crime during the 2011-2012 term. This broad concept includes individuals, mechanisms and situations that play an important role in facilitating organized crime activities – whether intentionally or inadvertently – increasing its benefits and scale while reducing its risks. Organized crime exacts a multibillion cost on legitimate business, distorts markets and causes widespread ill-effects on society. Fuelled by the same forces of globalization that have expanded trade, communications and information worldwide, criminal syndicates now have unprecedented reach not only into the lives of ordinary people but into the affairs of multinational companies and governments worldwide. Although law enforcement has long focused on criminal gangs and illicit markets, only recently has it paid greater attention to those factors that enable such activities. This report focuses on the impact of enablers on three critical areas: cybercrime, money laundering and Free Trade Zones. In developing this report, the Council on Organized Crime took into account two main criteria: – continuity with its work in 2010-2011 on cybercrime and on money laundering in real estate – input received by Council on Organized Crime Members during virtual meetings and at the Summit on the Global Agenda in Abu Dhabi in October 2011

Details: Cologny/Geneva Switzerland: World Economic Forum, 2012. 27p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 13, 2012 at: http://transcrime.cs.unitn.it/tc/fso/pubblicazioni/AP/GAC_Organized_Crime_2307_light_july.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: International

URL: http://transcrime.cs.unitn.it/tc/fso/pubblicazioni/AP/GAC_Organized_Crime_2307_light_july.pdf

Shelf Number: 126325

Computer Crimes
Internet Crimes
Money Laundering
Organized Crime


Title: Plain Packaging and Illicit Trade in the UK: Study on the Risks of Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products as Unintended Consequences of the Introduction of Plain Packaging in the UK

Summary: This study analyses the risks of the illicit trade in tobacco products (ITTP) which may arise as the unintended consequences of the introduction of plain packaging of tobacco products in the UK. The tobacco market is a dual market. It consists of a legitimate and an illegal part, which implies that changes to the legal market may affect the illicit market as well. The ITTP is a threat to the effectiveness of tobacco control policies aimed at curbing smoking and its dangerous effects on human health.

Details: Trento, Italy: Transcrime - Joint Research Centre on Transnational Crime, 2012. 38p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 14, 2012 at: http://transcrime.cs.unitn.it/tc/fso/pubblicazioni/AP/Transcrime-Plain_packaging_and_illicit_trade_in_the_UK.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://transcrime.cs.unitn.it/tc/fso/pubblicazioni/AP/Transcrime-Plain_packaging_and_illicit_trade_in_the_UK.pdf

Shelf Number: 126346

Counterfeit Products
Illegal Tobacco
Illicit Tobacco (U.K.)
Organized Crime

Author: Calderoni, Francesco

Title: Crime Proofing the Policy Options for the Revision of the Tobacco Products Directive: Proofing the Policy Options Under Consideration for the Revision of EU Directive 2001/37/EC Against the Risks of Unintended Criminal Opportunities

Summary: The report by Transcrime uses a widely endorsed crime proofing methodology that assesses opportunities for crime inadvertently created by regulation. Analyzing all the proposed policy options for the revision of the TPD, Transcrime found three major policy areas which are likely to increase crime: generic packaging for tobacco products, implementation of a “polluter pays principle” and a ban on the display of tobacco products at the point of sale. “The crime proofing exercise we have conducted has shown that some of the policy options envisaged by the European Commission carry significant risks of creating unintended opportunities for the illicit trade in tobacco products. In particular, there is a high risk that a measure such as generic packaging may increase the counterfeiting of tobacco products and make it difficult for consumers to distinguish legitimate products from illegitimate ones” said the report’s author, Professor Ernesto Savona. Available information on the currently on-going impact assessment for the revision of the TPD indicates that the Directorate General for Health and Consumer Protection (DG SANCO) paid almost no attention to the potential impacts on the illegal trade in tobacco products. “Contrary to their own guidelines, European policymakers rarely consider the crime risk implications when drafting new legislation and the revision of the Tobacco Products Directive by DG SANCO seems to confirm this,” continued Professor Savona. In the report, Transcrime emphasizes the need for further research and attention by policy makers to assess, among the many consequences, also the crime impact of proposed tobacco policy measures, something that has been systematically overlooked so far.

Details: Trento, Italy: Transcrime - Joint Research Centre on Transnational Crime, 2012. 60p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 14, 2012 at: http://transcrime.cs.unitn.it/tc/537.php

Year: 2012

Country: Europe

URL: http://transcrime.cs.unitn.it/tc/537.php

Shelf Number: 126347

Counterfeit Tobacco
Crime Prevention
Crime Proofing
Illegal Tobacco
Illicit Tobacco
Organized Crime
Tobacco Control Policy

Author: Finlay, Brian

Title: Beyond Boundaries in the Andean Region: Bridging the Security/Development Divide With International Security Assistance

Summary: As a direct result of globalization and expanded economic opportunity, the last half century has yielded the most remarkable exodus from poverty in human history. Yet despite this remarkable improvement in the human condition, not everyone has benefitted equally. While much advancement has been witnessed across the Andean region-Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru-these countries continue to face significant security and development threats that threaten the foundations of progress, including the intersecting challenges of lack of public health capacity, illicit trafficking in arms and drugs, and terrorism.

Details: Washington, DC: The Stimson Center and The Stanley Foundation, 2012. 29p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 21, 2012 at: Beyond Boundaries in the
Andean Region: Bridging
the Security/Development
Divide With International
Security Assistance

Year: 2012

Country: South America


Shelf Number: 126391

Drug Trafficking
Illegal Arms
Organized Crime

Author: King, Chris

Title: Spotlight On: Malicious Insiders and Organized Crime Activity

Summary: The term organized crime brings up images of mafia dons, dimly lit rooms, and bank heists. The reality today is more nuanced; especially as organized crime groups have moved their activities online. This article focuses on a cross-section of CERT’s insider threat data, incidents consisting of 2 or more individuals involved in a crime. What we found is that insiders involved in organized crime caused more damage (approximately $3M per crime) and bypassed protections by involving multiple individuals in the crime. As organized crime has made its way online, it has become a significant source of fraud and embezzlement. Several recent news articles have raised awareness of this threat. The online crimes are often committed by individuals inside the organization who are attempting to bypass increasingly sophisticated fraud prevention controls. Analysis of multiple cases of insiders and organized crime has shown that the incidents fall into two primary categories: insiders either formed their own groups to bypass controls, or were recruited by established organized crime groups for a particular task in the commission of a crime.

Details: Pittsburgh, PA: Carnegie Mellon University, Software Engineering Institute, 2012. 20p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 27, 2012 at: www.cert.org/archive/pdf/12tn001.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: United States


Shelf Number: 126469

Insider Threats
Organized Crime

Author: Findley, Michael

Title: Shell Games: Testing Money Launderers' and Terrorist Financiers' Access to Shell Companies

Summary: For criminals moving large sums of dirty money internationally, there is no better device than an untraceable shell company. This paper reports the results of an experiment soliciting offers for these prohibited anonymous shell corporations. Our research team impersonated a variety of low- and high-risk customers, including would-be money launderers, corrupt officials, and terrorist financiers when requesting the anonymous companies. Evidence is drawn from more than 7,400 email solicitations to more than 3,700 Corporate Service Providers that make and sell shell companies in 182 countries. The experiment allows us to test whether international rules are actually effective when they mandate that those selling shell companies must collect identity documents from their customers. Shell companies that cannot be traced back to their real owners are one of the most common means for laundering money, giving and receiving bribes, busting sanctions, evading taxes, and financing terrorism. The results provide the most complete and robust test of the effectiveness of international rules banning untraceable, anonymous shell companies. Furthermore, because the exercise took the form of a randomized experiment, it also provides unique insight into what causes those who sell shell companies to either comply with or violate international rules requiring them to collect identity documents from customers. Just as the random assignment to control (placebo) and treatment groups in drug trials isolates the effect of a new drug, so too the random assignment of low-risk “placebo” emails and different high-risk “treatment” emails isolated the effects of different kinds of risk on the likelihood of (a) being offered a shell company, and (b) being required to provide proof of identity. Key findings include:1 1. Overall, international rules that those forming shell companies must collect proof of customers’ identity are ineffective. Nearly half (48 percent) of all replies received did not ask for proper identification, and 22 percent did not ask for any identity documents at all to form a shell company. 5. Informing providers of the rules they should be following made them no more likely to do so, even when penalties for non-compliance were mentioned. In contrast, when customers offered to pay providers a premium to flout international rules, the rate of demand for certified identity documentation fell precipitously compared to the placebo.

Details: Nathan, Qld: Griffith University, 2012. 29p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 29, 2012 at: http://www.griffith.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0008/454625/Global-Shell-Games_CGPPcover_Jersey.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: International

URL: http://www.griffith.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0008/454625/Global-Shell-Games_CGPPcover_Jersey.pdf

Shelf Number: 126495

Financial Crimes
Money Laundering
Organized Crime
Terrorist Financing

Author: Cox, Lisa

Title: Global Monitoring Status of Action Against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children: Canada. 2nd Edition

Summary: While childa prostitution is present throughout Canada, it is most visible in larger urban centres, such as Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver, where small organised crime groups often control prostitution rings involving children. It is estimated that the average age of children entering prostitution in Canada is 13 to 18. Despite this problem, there are extremely limited services to support sexually exploited children. Experts in the field note that the single biggest challenge is securing safe housing for these child victims, as organisations providing shelter and focused services struggle to find funding to provide the full array of services needed. Several distinct groups of children are at particular risk of becoming involved in the sex trade in Canada. Those vulnerable groups include runaways, unwanted children, youth living independently, and children using Internet communications to solicit clients for sex. These children generally lack supervision and are developmentally unprepared to deal with the dangers associated with the sex trade. Canada is a source, transit, and destination country for children subjected to trafficking in persons. Across the country Canadian women and girls, particularly from Aboriginal communities, and foreign women and children, primarily from Asia and Eastern Europe, have been identified as victims of sex trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation. Victims of sex trafficking have been identified from the following countries: China, Hong Kong, Fiji, Taiwan, South Korea, the Philippines, Romania, Ukraine and Moldova. It is reported that Asian victims are found primarily in Vancouver and Western Canada while victims from Eastern Europe are primarily sent to Toronto, Montreal and Eastern Canada. Authorities also report Canadian lawmakers continue to grapple with the pressures and complexities of new technologies that increase the availability of child pornography. In the past several years, investigators in Canada have reported an increase in the number of videos available that depict child sexual abuse, as well as an increase in the size of personal collections that organised crime units are often involved and that many of the victims, especially ones from South Korea, were “in-transit” to the United States.

Details: Bangkok: ECPAT International, 2012. 62p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 3, 2012 at: http://www.ecpat.net/EI/Pdf/A4A_II/A4A_V2_AM_CANADA.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Canada

URL: http://www.ecpat.net/EI/Pdf/A4A_II/A4A_V2_AM_CANADA.pdf

Shelf Number: 126551

Child Pornography
Child Prostitution
Child Sexual Abuse
Child Sexual Exploitation (Canada)
Child Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: Nellemann, Christian, ed.

Title: Green Carbon, Black Trade: Illegal Logging, Tax Fraud and Laundering in the Worlds Tropical Forests. A Rapid Response Assessment.

Summary: This report – Green Carbon, Black Trade – by UNEP and INTERPOL focuses on illegal logging and its impacts on the lives and livelihoods of often some of the poorest people in the world set aside the environmental damage. It underlines how criminals are combining old fashioned methods such as bribes with high tech methods such as computer hacking of government web sites to obtain transportation and other permits. The report spotlights the increasingly sophisticated tactics being deployed to launder illegal logs through a web of palm oil plantations, road networks and saw mills. Indeed it clearly spells out that illegal logging is not on the decline, rather it is becoming more advanced as cartels become better organized including shifting their illegal activities in order to avoid national or local police efforts. By some estimates, 15 per cent to 30 per cent of the volume of wood traded globally has been obtained illegally. Unless addressed, the criminal actions of the few may endanger not only the development prospects for the many but also some of the creative and catalytic initiatives being introduced to recompense countries and communities for the ecosystem services generated by forests. One of the principal vehicles for catalyzing positive environmental change and sustainable development is the Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation initiative (REDD or REDD+). If REDD+ is to be sustainable over the long term, it requests and requires all partners to fine tune the operations, and to ensure that they meet the highest standards of rigour and that efforts to reduce deforestation in one location are not offset by an increase elsewhere. If REDD+ is to succeed, payments to communities for their conservation efforts need to be higher than the returns from activities that lead to environmental degradation. Illegal logging threatens this payment system if the unlawful monies changing hands are bigger than from REDD+ payments. The World’s forests represent one of the most important pillars in countering climate change and delivering sustainable development. Deforestation, largely of tropical rainforests, is responsible for an estimated 17 per cent of all man-made emissions, and 50 per cent more than that from ships, aviation and land transport combined. Today only one-tenth of primary forest cover remains on the globe. Forests also generate water supplies, biodiversity, pharmaceuticals, recycled nutrients for agriculture and flood prevention, and are central to the transition towards a Green Economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication. Strengthened international collaboration on environmental laws and their enforcement is therefore not an option. It is indeed the only response to combat an organized international threat to natural resources, environmental sustainability and efforts to lift millions of people out of penury.

Details: United Nations Environment Programme, GRID Arendal. 2012

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 4, 2012 at:

Year: 2012

Country: International


Shelf Number: 126558

Illegal Logging
Offenses Against the Environment
Organized Crime

Author: Coscia, Michele

Title: How and Where Do Criminals Operate? Using Google to track Mexican Drug Trafficking Organizations

Summary: We develop a tool that uses Web content to obtain quantitative information about the mobility and modus operandi of criminal groups, information that would otherwise require the operation of large scale, expensive intelligence exercises to be obtained. Exploiting indexed reliable sources such as online newspapers and blogs, we use unambiguous query terms and Google's search engine to identify the areas of operation of criminal organizations, and to extract information about the particularities of their mobility patters. We apply our tool to Mexican criminal organizations to identify their market strategies, their preferred areas of operation, and the way in which these have evolved over the last two decades. By extracting this knowledge, we provide crucial information for academics and policy makers increasingly interested in organized crime. Our findings provide evidence that criminal organizations are more strategic and operate in more differentiated ways than current academic literature had suggested.

Details: Cambridge, MA: Department of Government, Harvard University, 2012. 25p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 7, 2012 at http://www.gov.harvard.edu/files/CosciaRios_GoogleForCriminals.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Mexico

URL: http://www.gov.harvard.edu/files/CosciaRios_GoogleForCriminals.pdf

Shelf Number: 126637

Crime Analysis
Drug Trafficking (Mexico)
Information Technology
Organized Crime

Author: Albanese, Jay S.

Title: Assessing Risk, Harm, and Threat to Target Resources against Organized Crime: A Method to Identify the Nature and Severity of the Professional Activity of Organized Crime and its Impacts (Economic, Social, Political)

Summary: The risk, harms, and threat posed by organized crime are a central concern of governments and citizens around the world. Methods to identify, rank, and combat organized crime activity are drawing greater attention in recent years as both domestic and international organized crime activities threaten legitimate economies, governments, and public safety. In response to calls for proactive work to better understand, anticipate, and respond to organized crime, methods are being developed to calibrate the comparative risk of different crime groups and different types of legal and illegal markets at risk for infiltration. Many international efforts are in their early stages, and lack a transparent approach or method, so an effort is made here to develop a more precise empirical, theoretically-based approach to risk assessment which has relevance across jurisdictions. The result reported here is a proposed methodology that offers both law enforcement and prevention efforts a basis for targeting resources using an objective rationale and risk model. In this way, the precise nature of different organized crime-related risks will be identified empirically, and which can be defended to skeptics, and permit the allocation of scarce resources to those organized crime problems found to pose the greatest risk. Furthermore, periodic application of this risk assessment method can be used to gauge the success of organized crime interdiction and prevention efforts over time. This working paper will move forward existing research and practical assessment efforts on organized crime both within (domestic) and also among countries (international) by offering a transparent approach not confined to any particular location. But first it is necessary to be clear about the precise issues to be assessed: what is organized crime, risk, harm, and threat - the four central elements to this effort.

Details: Santiago, Chile: Global Consortium on Security Transformation (GCST), 2012. 20p.

Source: GCST Working Paper Series No. 12: Library Resource: Don M. Gottfredson Library of Criminal Justice, Rutgers Newark Law Library, Acc. # 126642

Year: 2012

Country: International


Shelf Number: 126642

Costs of Crime
Crime Prevention
Criminal Organizations
Organized Crime
Risk Assessment

Author: DiGiacomo, Richard J.

Title: Prostitution as a Possible Funding Mechanism for Terrorism

Summary: An essential component of defeating terrorist is targeting their financing and fundraising mechanisms. Successfully targeting terrorist financing may disrupt an organization’s existence, prevent an attack, or reduce the harm produced by an attack. As a result of these efforts, al Qaeda faces financial challenges they have not experienced in a decade. Whether in response to these efforts, or as a deliberate strategic shift, terrorist organizations have been extremely adaptive and creative in adjusting their fundraising efforts; specifically turning to criminal enterprises. While there is still debate regarding the level of cooperation between criminal and terrorist organizations, it is generally agreed that terrorist organizations and their affiliates are increasingly relying on criminal enterprises to fund their operations. This thesis will examine whether prostitution is funding terrorism, and if it is logical and reasonable to conclude that a highly adaptable terrorist organization would fund their operations using prostitution. Prostitution is a highly profitable business requiring no specialized skill set and very little cost to entry. The business opportunities are unlimited, and it is business that law enforcement, prosecutors, and the courts do not consider as a serious crime, but rather a harmless vice voluntarily entered into by all parties. A failure to seriously consider prostitution as a funding mechanism demonstrates a potentially fatal lack of imagination.

Details: Monterey, CA: Naval Postgraduate School, 2010. 91p.

Source: Internet Resource: Thesis: Accessed October 9, 2012 at: http://www.hsdl.org/?view&did=20517

Year: 2010

Country: International

URL: http://www.hsdl.org/?view&did=20517

Shelf Number: 126651

Organized Crime
Terrorist Financing

Author: Amnesty International

Title: Known Abusers, But Victims Ignored: Torture and Ill-Treatment in Mexico

Summary: Reports of torture and ill-treatment have risen sharply in Mexico during the militarized campaign of President Calderon’s administration to combat organized crime. The victims are often criminal suspects or simply people caught up in military and police public security operations. They face beatings, asphyxiation, drowning, electric shocks and death threats at the hands of officials usually with the aim of obtaining information or supposed confessions. Few dare to report their treatment, fearing reprisals and continued illtreatment. Those that do, face almost insurmountable obstacles to prevent information obtained by torture serving as evidence in criminal trials let alone securing justice for the abuses suffered. Impunity for torturers remains the norm encouraging its continued use as a means of investigation and punishment against perceived criminal suspects. The failure to enforce laws and uphold international human rights norms to prevent and punish torture and ill-treatment is routine. Despite the systematic use of torture and ill-treatment by members of the military and police, the government of President Calderon has ignored and dismissed this reality, leaving victims without access to justice. The hope that judicial reforms would end incentives to use torture has not materialized. Training programmes and other measures introduced over the last decade to combat torture and end impunity have failed. Nevertheless, the government refuses to acknowledge this situation, allowing the use of torture and illtreatment to become further ingrained at the same time as making general commitments to protect human rights.

Details: London: Amnesty International, 2012. 46p.

Source: Internet Resoruce: Accessed October 24, 2012 at: http://www.amnesty.org/en/library/asset/AMR41/063/2012/en/74354a01-4946-4301-b922-8d048782bfef/amr410632012en.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Mexico

URL: http://www.amnesty.org/en/library/asset/AMR41/063/2012/en/74354a01-4946-4301-b922-8d048782bfef/amr410632012en.pdf

Shelf Number: 126788

Human Rights
Organized Crime
Police Use of Force
Torture (Mexico)

Author: Leiken, Robert S.

Title: Mexico's Drug War

Summary: Mexico’s President Felipe Calderón staked his presidency on a military campaign against the country’s crime syndicates, deploying half of Mexico’s combat ready troops and tens of thousands of federal police in 18 states. The conflict has caused 50,000 deaths, more than five times what America has lost in Iraq and Afghanistan combined. In Washington, several high officials and political leaders assert that Mexico faces an insurgency that may require American military assistance. But is Mexico’s “war” a low intensity conflict or a high intensity crime scene? Does Mexico face a “criminal insurgency” or a turf war? Does the situation present a national security threat or a law enforcement crisis? Should it be addressed primarily by the military or the police? Should the U.S. be sending military or police advisors? Is the current death toll an inevitable by-product of strategic progress or a signal of failure?

Details: Washington, DC: Center for the National Interest, 2012. 34p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 25, 2012 at: http://www.cftni.org/42460_CNI_web.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Mexico

URL: http://www.cftni.org/42460_CNI_web.pdf

Shelf Number: 126798

Drug Abuse and Crime
Drug Cartels
Drug Control
Drug Trafficking
Drug War (Mexico)
Organized Crime

Author: Rollins, John

Title: Terrorism and Transnational Crime: Foreign Policy Issues for Congress

Summary: This report provides an overview of transnational security issues related to patterns of interaction among international terrorist and crime groups. In addition, the report discusses the U.S. government’s perception of and response to the threat. It concludes with an analysis of foreign policy options. In recent years, the U.S. government has asserted that terrorism, insurgency, and crime interact in varied and significant ways, to the detriment of U.S. national security interests. Although unclassified anecdotal evidence largely serves as the basis for the current understanding of criminal-terrorist connections, observers often focus on several common patterns. • Partnership Motivations and Disincentives: Collaboration can serve as a force multiplier for both criminal and terrorist groups, as well as a strategic weakness. Conditions that may affect the likelihood of confluence include demand for special skills unavailable within an organization, greed, opportunity for and proclivity toward joint ventures, and changes in ideological motivations. • Appropriation of Tactics: Although ideologies and motivations of an organization may remain consistent, criminals and terrorists have shared similar tactics to reach their separate operational objectives. Such tactics include acts of violence; involvement in criminal activity for profit; money laundering; undetected cross-border movements; illegal weapons acquisition; and exploitation of corrupt government officials. • Organizational Evolution and Variation: A criminal group may transform over time to adopt political goals and ideological motivations. Conversely, terrorist groups may shift toward criminality. For some terrorist groups, criminal activity remains secondary to ideological ambitions. For others, profit-making may surpass political aspirations as the dominant operating rationale. Frequently cited terrorist organizations involved in criminal activity include Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG), Al Qaeda’s affiliates, D-Company, Kurdistan Worker’s Party (PKK), Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), Haqqani Network, and Hezbollah. To combat these apparent criminal-terrorist connections, Congress has maintained a role in formulating U.S. policy responses. Moreover, recent Administrations have issued several strategic documents to guide U.S. national security, counterterrorism, anti-crime, and intelligence activities. In July 2011, for example, the Obama Administration issued the Strategy to Combat Transnational Organized Crime, which emphasized, among other issues, the confluence of crime and terrorism as a major factor in threatening the U.S. global security interests. While the U.S. government has maintained substantial long-standing efforts to combat terrorism and transnational crime separately, Congress has been challenged to evaluate whether the existing array of authorities, programs, and resources sufficiently respond to the combined crime-terrorism threat. Common foreign policy options have centered on diplomacy, foreign assistance, financial actions, intelligence, military action, and investigations. At issue for Congress is how to conceptualize this complex crime-terrorism phenomenon and oversee the implementation of cross-cutting activities that span geographic regions, functional disciplines, and a multitude of policy tools that are largely dependent on effective interagency coordination and international cooperation.

Details: Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service, 2012. 40p.

Source: Internet Resource: R41004: Accessed October 25, 2012 at: http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/terror/R41004.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: United States

URL: http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/terror/R41004.pdf

Shelf Number: 126799

Foreign Policy
Organized Crime
Terrorism (U.S.)
Transnational Crime

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Title: Digest of Terrorist Cases

Summary: The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) brought together senior criminal justice experts—including Attorney-Generals and Chief Prosecutors—to share experiences and good practices on how to deal with terrorism cases. The outcome is this Digest of Terrorist Cases, giving policymakers and criminal justice officials practical ideas and expert insights on how to deal with a relatively new field of jurisprudence. It complements other UNODC tools that provide guidance on how to address acts of terrorism within a legal framework, like legislative guides. The judicial cases featured in this Digest cover relevant aspects of the international legal regime against terrorism. It provides a comparative analysis of national statutory frameworks for terrorism prosecutions, and it identifies legal issues and pitfalls encountered in investigating and adjudicating relevant offences. In addition, it identifies practices related to specialized investigative and prosecutorial techniques. It also addresses the links between terrorism and other forms of crime (like organized crime, the trafficking of drugs, people and arms), as well as how to disrupt terrorist financing.

Details: Vienna: UNODC, 2010. 144p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 25, 2012 at: http://www.unodc.org/documents/terrorism/09-86635_Ebook_English.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: International

URL: http://www.unodc.org/documents/terrorism/09-86635_Ebook_English.pdf

Shelf Number: 126803

Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime
Prosecution, Terrorist Cases
Terrorist Financing

Author: Micolta, Patricia

Title: Illicit Interest Groups: The Political Impact of The Medellin Drug Trafficking Organizations in Colombia

Summary: Although drug trafficking organizations (DTOs) exist and have an effect on health, crime, economies, and politics, little research has explored these entities as political organizations. Legal interest groups and movements have been found to influence domestic and international politics because they operate within legal parameters. Illicit groups, such as DTOs, have rarely been accounted for—especially in the literature on interest groups—though they play a measurable role in affecting domestic and international politics in similar ways. Using an interest group model, this dissertation analyzed DTOs as illicit interest groups (IIGs) to explain their political influence. The analysis included a study of group formation, development, and demise that examined IIG motivation, organization, and policy impact. The data for the study drew from primary and secondary sources, which include interviews with former DTO members and government officials, government documents, journalistic accounts, memoirs, and academic research. To illustrate the interest group model, the study examined Medellin-based DTO leaders, popularly known as the "Medellin Cartel." In particular, the study focused on the external factors that gave rise to DTOs in Colombia and how Medellin DTOs reacted to the implementation of counternarcotics efforts. The discussion was framed by the implementation of the 1979 Extradition Treaty negotiated between Colombia and the United States. The treaty was significant because as drug trafficking became the principal bilateral issue in the 1980s; extradition became a major method of combating the illicit drug business. The study's findings suggested that Medellin DTO leaders had a one-issue agenda and used a variety of political strategies to influence public opinion and all three branches of government—the judicial, the legislative, and the executive—in an effort to invalidate the 1979 Extradition Treaty. The changes in the life cycle of the 1979 Extradition Treaty correlated with changes in the political power of Medellin-based DTOs vis-à-vis the Colombian government, and international forces such as the U.S. government's push for tougher counternarcotics efforts.

Details: Miami, FL: Florida International University, 2012. 290p.

Source: Internet Resource: Dissertation: Accessed October 25, 2012 at: http://digitalcommons.fiu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1732&context=etd

Year: 2012

Country: Colombia

URL: http://digitalcommons.fiu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1732&context=etd

Shelf Number: 126806

Drug Control
Drug Trafficking (Colombia)
Medellin Cartel
Narcotics Control
Organized Crime

Author: American Land Forces Institute

Title: Transnational Criminal Networks in Latin America and the Caribbean: The Network-Centric Enterprise

Summary: The purpose of this study is to understand the networks involved in transnational criminal organizations across Mexico, Central America, South America, and the Caribbean. This study uses Social Network Analysis and general socio-cultural analysis techniques to analyze information gathered from open source news media, secondary data collections, analyses conducted by academics and nonprofit organizations, and interviews with former law enforcement officials. . This study analyzes the criminal organizations of each region (Mexico, Central America, South America, and the Caribbean) in terms of their (1) historical background, (2) hierarchy and composition, (3) alliances and rivalries with other regional criminal organizations, (4) major criminal activities, (5) recruitment methods and sources, and (6) weaknesses and vulnerabilities.

Details: Mico, TX: American Land Forces Institute, 2012. 77p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 26, 2012 at: http://alfinstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Crime-Families.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Central America

URL: http://alfinstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Crime-Families.pdf

Shelf Number: 126810

Criminal Cartels
Criminal Networks
Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime
Social Network Analysis
Transnational Crime (Latin America, Caribbean)

Author: Dimico, Arcangelo

Title: Origins of the Sicilian Mafi…a: The Market for Lemons

Summary: Since its …first appearance in the late 1800s, the origins of the Sicilian mafi…a have remained a largely unresolved mystery. Both institutional and historical explanations have been proposed in the literature through the years. In this paper, we develop an argument for a market structure-hypothesis, contending that mafi…a arose in towns where fi…rms made unusually high profi…ts due to imperfect competition. We identify the market for citrus fruits as a sector with very high international demand as well as substantial fi…xed costs that acted as a barrier to entry in many places and secured high profi…ts in others. Using the original data from a parliamentary inquiry in 1881-86 on all towns in Sicily, we show that ma…fia presence is strongly related to the production of orange and lemon. This result contrasts recent work that emphasizes the importance of land reforms and a broadening of property rights as the main reason for the emergence of ma…fia protection.

Details: Nottingham, UK: University of Nottingham, 2012. 46p.

Source: Internet Resource: CREDIT Research Paper 12/01: Accessed November 2, 2012 at: http://www.econstor.eu/dspace/handle/10419/65483?langselector=en

Year: 2012

Country: Italy

URL: http://www.econstor.eu/dspace/handle/10419/65483?langselector=en

Shelf Number: 126855

Economics and Crime
Mafia (Sicily)
Organized Crime
Sicilian Mafia

Author: Ayling, Julie

Title: What Sustains Wildlife Crime? Rhino Horn Trading and the Resilience of Criminal Networks

Summary: The problem of illegal trading in wildlife is a long-standing one. Humans have always regarded other sentient and non-sentient species as resources and tradeable commodities, frequently resulting in negative effects for biodiversity. However, the illegal trade in wildlife is increasingly meeting with resistance from states and the international community in the form of law enforcement and regulatory initiatives. So why does it persist? What makes the criminal networks involved in it resilient? In this paper I consider the networks involved in the illegal trade in rhinoceros horn that is currently posing an existential threat to most rhino species. The paper considers possible sources of these networks' resilience, both internal and external, and the implications for how the trade could be tackled.

Details: Canberra, Australia: Australian National University, 2012. 22P.

Source: Transnational Environmental Crime Project, Working Paper 2/2012: Internet Resource: Accessed November 3, 2012 at http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2152776

Year: 2012

Country: International

URL: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2152776

Shelf Number: 126857

Animal Poaching
Criminal Networks
Illegal Trade
Organized Crime
Transnational Crime
Wildlife Crime
Wildlife Trade

Author: Rollins, John

Title: Terrorism and Transnational Crime: Foreign Policy Issues for Congress

Summary: This report provides an overview of transnational security issues related to patterns of interaction among international terrorist and crime groups. In addition, the report discusses the U.S. government’s perception of and response to the threat. It concludes with an analysis of foreign policy options. In recent years, the U.S. government has asserted that terrorism, insurgency, and crime interact in varied and significant ways, to the detriment of U.S. national security interests. Although unclassified anecdotal evidence largely serves as the basis for the current understanding of criminal-terrorist connections, observers often focus on several common patterns. • Partnership Motivations and Disincentives: Collaboration can serve as a force multiplier for both criminal and terrorist groups, as well as a strategic weakness. Conditions that may affect the likelihood of confluence include demand for special skills unavailable within an organization, greed, opportunity for and proclivity toward joint ventures, and changes in ideological motivations. • Appropriation of Tactics: Although ideologies and motivations of an organization may remain consistent, criminals and terrorists have shared similar tactics to reach their separate operational objectives. Such tactics include acts of violence; involvement in criminal activity for profit; money laundering; undetected cross-border movements; illegal weapons acquisition; and exploitation of corrupt government officials. • Organizational Evolution and Variation: A criminal group may transform over time to adopt political goals and ideological motivations. Conversely, terrorist groups may shift toward criminality. For some terrorist groups, criminal activity remains secondary to ideological ambitions. For others, profit-making may surpass political aspirations as the dominant operating rationale. Frequently cited terrorist organizations involved in criminal activity include Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG), Al Qaeda’s affiliates, D-Company, Kurdistan Worker’s Party (PKK), Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), Haqqani Network, and Hezbollah. To combat these apparent criminal-terrorist connections, Congress has maintained a role in formulating U.S. policy responses. Moreover, recent Administrations have issued several strategic documents to guide U.S. national security, counterterrorism, anti-crime, and intelligence activities. In July 2011, for example, the Obama Administration issued the Strategy to Combat Transnational Organized Crime, which emphasized, among other issues, the confluence of crime and terrorism as a major factor in threatening the U.S. global security interests. While the U.S. government has maintained substantial long-standing efforts to combat terrorism and transnational crime separately, Congress has been challenged to evaluate whether the existing array of authorities, programs, and resources sufficiently respond to the combined crimeterrorism threat. Common foreign policy options have centered on diplomacy, foreign assistance, financial actions, intelligence, military action, and investigations. At issue for Congress is how to conceptualize this complex crime-terrorism phenomenon and oversee the implementation of cross-cutting activities that span geographic regions, functional disciplines, and a multitude of policy tools that are largely dependent on effective interagency coordination and international cooperation.

Details: Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service, 2012. 40p.

Source: Internet Resource: R41004: Accessed November 9, 2012 at: http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/terror/R41004.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: United States

URL: http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/terror/R41004.pdf

Shelf Number: 126913

Organized Crime
Radical Groups
Transnational Crime

Author: Manning, John D.

Title: Dark Networks

Summary: he world today operates in a state of persistent conflict on a sliding scale. The conflicts in question are not traditionally military in nature and often involve nonstate actors. These conflicts present problems for the nation-state, because its historical methods for dealing with conflicts do not work in this case. To manage these conflicts, nation-states and global organizations will have to develop mechanisms to deal with "dark networks." These are networks made up of illicit traffickers, organized crime members, urban gangs, terrorists, pirates, insurgents, and other nefarious characters. The purpose of this paper is to examine the environment that feeds these dark networks, the characters who make up the networks, the networks themselves, and the policy and strategy issues related to defeating dark networks.

Details: Carlisle Barracks, PA: U.S. Army War College, 2010. 28p.

Source: Strategy Research Project: Internet Resource: Accessed November 12, 2012 at http://www.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?Location=U2&doc=GetTRDoc.pdf&AD=ADA518125

Year: 2010

Country: United States

URL: http://www.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?Location=U2&doc=GetTRDoc.pdf&AD=ADA518125

Shelf Number: 126920

Armed Conflict
Criminal Networks
Organized Crime

Author: Espach, Ralph

Title: Border Insecurity in Central America's Northern Triangle

Summary: The recent surge in drug trafficking and violent crime in Central America has drawn a spotlight to the perennial problem of lawlessness along the borders of El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. Throughout their histories, governments in these countries have neglected their peripheries, especially the jungle-covered region along the Caribbean coast, across the Peten and Yucatan high plains that border Mexico, and within the central mountain chain. Those communities, isolated due to their difficult topography and, in many cases, their ethnic differences, generally remain impoverished and isolated from national services or politics. Today, these borders are unmarked and largely unrecognized across most of their length. Public security and military forces can only afford to monitor borders in urban areas or at points where major highways cross. Away from these spots, borders are by and large meaningless except for the opportunities they present for residents to arbitrage differences in the supply, demand, and costs of various goods and services, including some that are illegal. Indeed, illicit trafficking provides income, and border communities appear to be benefiting economically from the recent surge in drug trafficking through the region. Governments regularly announce new policies to address border insecurity, but these rarely have any impact - for several reasons, including: A chronic and region wide shortage of funding, reflecting these countries' deficient tax systems; Weak, dysfunctional government institutions, particularly in the area of public security; Periodic changes in border security strategies and policies, due to the lack of independent administrative agencies; Corruption within legislatures, local and national government agencies, and security forces that allow organized criminal groups and their partners to influence and stymie policymaking. We recommend that the governments of the region and their international partners refocus their efforts in the following ways: Differentiate, conceptually and strategically, among the problems of illicit trafficking, organized crime, and violence, and tailor policies and strategies to priorities; Focus on improving public security within border communities and border regions, instead of border controls; Create new, functional national and regional security frameworks to support interagency and international coordination on public security and border security; Improve systems for information sharing and coordination; Involve local governments in security-related policymaking and policy execution.

Details: Washington, DC: Migration Policy Institute, 2012. 24p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 23, 2012 at: http://www.migrationpolicy.org/pubs/RMSG-NorthernTriangle.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Central America

URL: http://www.migrationpolicy.org/pubs/RMSG-NorthernTriangle.pdf

Shelf Number: 126948

Border Security (Central America)
Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: Rogan, Michael G.

Title: Is the Narco-violence in Mexico an Insurgency?

Summary: Since Mexican President Felipe Calderón declared war on the drug cartels in December 2006, more than 35,000 Mexicans have died due to narco-violence. This monograph examines whether the various Mexican drug trafficking organizations are insurgents or organized criminal elements. Mexican narco-violence and its affiliated gang violence have spread across Mexico’s southern border into Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador. Additionally, the narco-violence is already responsible for the deaths of American citizens on both sides of the United States – Mexico border, and the potential for increased spillover violence is a major concern. This monograph argues that the Mexican drug cartels are transnational criminal organizations (TCOs) that pose a national security threat to the regional state actors; however, they are not an insurgency for four reasons. First, none of the cartels have the political aim or capability to overthrow the Mexican government. Second, the various TCOs are competing criminal organizations with approximately 90 percent of the violence being cartel on cartel. For example, the violence in the city of Juárez is largely the result of the fighting between the local Juárez cartel and the Sinaloa cartel for control of one of the primary smuggling routes into the United States. Third, the cartels’ use of violence and coercion has turned popular support against them thus denying them legitimacy. Fourth, although the cartels do control zones of impunity within their areas of influence, the Mexican government has captured, killed, and extradited kingpins from every major TCO. The monograph also examines the violence that has taken place in Colombia as a case study comparison for the current narco-violence in Mexico. The Colombian government battled and defeated both the Medellín and Cali drug cartels in the 1990s. It also has made significant progress against two leftist insurgent groups, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and the National Liberation Army (ELN). The Colombian government also reached agreement with the right-wing United Self-Defense Groups of Colombia (AUC) who officially disbanded in April 2006. The primary implication of this monograph is that it is the responsibility of the leadership of the Mexican government, its law enforcement institutions, its judicial system, and the military to defeat the TCOs. The case study of Colombia provides strong evidence of the importance of competent political, judicial, law enforcement, and military leadership. It is also clear that the United States provided valuable assistance, but it was the Colombians’ efforts that reduced violence, secured the population, and marginalized the insurgents. The conclusion of this monograph is that the TCOs have a weak case for being an insurgency due to their lack of legitimacy because violence has been excessively cruel and lacking in purpose in the eyes of the Mexican people.

Details: Fort Leavenworth, KS: U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, School of Advanced Military Studies, 2011. 53p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 29, 2012 at: http://www.hsdl.org/?view&did=721559

Year: 2011

Country: Mexico

URL: http://www.hsdl.org/?view&did=721559

Shelf Number: 127032

Drug Cartels
Drug Trafficking (Mexico)
Gang Violence
Organized Crime
Violent Crime

Author: Center for the Study of Democracy

Title: Reinstating the Duty-Free Trade at Bulgarian Land Borders: Potential Setback in the Fight Against Organized Crime and Corruption

Summary: Since the early 1990s the duty-free shops along Bulgaria’s land-border crossings were used as a channel for illegal import of excise goods (cigarettes, alcohol and petrol). With the increase of excise and VAT taxes in the second-half of the 1990s, the risk of alcohol and cigarettes smuggling increased rapidly. The duty-free shops gradually evolved into one of the main channels for the smuggling of cigarettes, alcohol, and fuel. At that period, duty free operators existed without a legal regulation but only with a licensing permit from the Minister of Finance. The smuggling was tacitly tolerated from the highest political level.

Details: Sofia, Bulgaria: Center for the Study of Democracy, 2012. 4p.

Source: CSD Policy Brief No. 32: Internet Resource: Accessed December 2, 2012 at http://www.csd.bg/fileSrc.php?id=20861

Year: 2012

Country: Bulgaria

URL: http://www.csd.bg/fileSrc.php?id=20861

Shelf Number: 127105

Border Control
Border Security
Organized Crime

Author: Goehsing, Julia

Title: A Multi-Pronged Approach to Transnational Criminal Networks: The Case of Latin America and the Caribbean

Summary: Conventional wisdom holds that previously unimaginable commercial, political and social opportunities associated with globalization have been paralleled by an unprecedented expansion of transnational criminal networks. Policy makers and academics have been analyzing the causes of transnational criminal networks and how they weaken nation-states on the one hand (Lupsha, 1996, p. 21-48; Maltz, 1990, pp. 41-47; Allum & Siebert, 2003, pp. 38), and how weak nation-stations provide a “breeding ground” for transnational criminal networks on the other hand (Annan, Palermo Address, 2000; Farrar, U.S. State Department, 2005, p.1; Patrick, 2006, p. 1; Asia Pacific Security Center, 2000, p. 3; UNODC Signing Conference for UN Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime, 2000, p.1). Nonetheless, transnational criminal networks remain. No nation can defend itself against these threats entirely on its own. The successful prevention, containment and combat of transnational criminal networks require broad and sustainable cooperation among states, regional and international organizations. Without attempting to solve the “chicken and egg and which of them came first” component of transnational criminal networks and how they relate to the nation-state, this essay examines the characteristics of transnational criminal networks and their illegal businesses. Placing the analysis in a Latin American and Caribbean context, this essay explores national, regional and international policy options to prevent and combat the threat originating from transnational criminal networks. By suggesting that transnational criminal networks have become one of the world’s most successful and craftiest “business enterprises” (Andreas in Berdal & Serrano, 2002, p. 13), this essay concludes that the only way to redress transnational criminal networks is through a multi-pronged approach. This approach addresses what institutions and actors can do at the national, regional and international levels and reaffirms United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan’s vision that states’ and human security goes hand in hand with development and human rights.

Details: Mexico City: Mexico: Centro de Estudios y Programas Intermaericanos, 2006. 37p.

Source: Internet Resource: CEPI WORKING PAPER
No. 5: Accessed December 5, 2012 at: http://interamericanos.itam.mx/working_papers/05JULIA.pdf

Year: 2006

Country: Central America

URL: http://interamericanos.itam.mx/working_papers/05JULIA.pdf

Shelf Number: 127130

Criminal Networks
Organized Crime
Transnational Organized Crime (Latin America, Cari

Author: Tripp, Tara M.

Title: Clandestine Partnerships?: The Link between Human Trafficking and Organized Crime in Metropolitan Atlanta

Summary: Since the enactment of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000, which directly criminalized human trafficking, research on human trafficking has significantly increased. While recent studies have analyzed trafficking legislation, characteristics of offenders and victims, and types of human trafficking rings, little data has been collected on human trafficking ties to organized crime. Therefore, this research explores human trafficking and its relationship to organized crime through an analysis of public court records. Specifically, the study includes the 20 federal human trafficking cases in metropolitan Atlanta indicted between 2000 and 2012. It was found that 80% of the 20 human trafficking cases did not involve a tie to organized crime. Three cases involved rings that relied upon an organized crime group to provide services in furtherance of human trafficking. Only one case was operated by an organized crime syndicate. International cases were more likely to include organized crime relationships than domestic cases. Sex trafficking cases overwhelmingly demonstrated a more frequent tie to organized crime. Therefore, researchers should analyze sex and labor trafficking separately, and law enforcement should acknowledge the numerous forms that human trafficking may take.

Details: Kennesaw, GA: Kennesaw State University, 2012. 91p.

Source: Internet Resource: Dissertations, Theses and Capstone Projects. Paper 531: Accessed January 17, 2013 at: http://digitalcommons.kennesaw.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1533&context=etd

Year: 2012

Country: United States

URL: http://digitalcommons.kennesaw.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1533&context=etd

Shelf Number: 127288

Human Trafficking (Atlanta, Georgia)
Organized Crime
Sex Trafficking

Author: Ferragut, Sergio

Title: Organized Crime, Illicit Drugs and Money Laundering: the United States and Mexico

Summary: Organized crime permeates the life of every single country in the 21st century: its global revenues are well above a trillion dollars a year and illicit drugs are a major component of this. Drug prohibition, in effect for almost a century, has not been the deterrent to consumption it was intended to be, and the illicit drug trade has become the most profitable source of revenue for criminal organizations in many countries. This paper reviews the US-Mexican illicit drug landscape and documents the importance of this criminal activity in both countries. The United States is the primary market for illicit drugs in the world and, because of their shared 2,000-mile border, Mexico has become the number one provider of illicit drugs. More than 40 years after a ‘war on drugs’ was declared by President Richard Nixon in 1971, the flow of drugs into the United States has not been eliminated or even reduced. The law of supply-and-demand has prevailed, as should have been expected. The illicit proceeds from drug trafficking in the United States and Mexico, as with those from any criminal activity, must be laundered by criminal organizations so that their assets cannot be traced back to their origins. In recent times anti-money laundering (AML) initiatives have been at the core of the fight against organized crime around the world. Back in the 1980s it was not unusual for a drug trafficker in the United States to walk into a bank with a suitcase full of cash and have it immediately deposited into an account. At that point the money would start a journey from bank to bank and country to country, and tracing its origins became very difficult – the money was effectively laundered. During the past two decades the international financial system has been tightened and today it is much more difficult to launder money through it. However, dirty money continues to be laundered through other channels. The current controls and best practices implemented within the financial system are a necessary condition to combat money laundering; nevertheless, they are not sufficient to curtail it effectively. It is crucial that the authorities look beyond the financial system and into enterprises that accept cash as tender if AML initiatives are to be successful in depriving organized crime of the fruits of its crimes. For at least three decades the laundering of drugs-trade proceeds in Mexico has been transferring economic and political power into the hands of individuals and groups with questionable credentials; billions of dollars have been laundered in the country by drug traffickers and their business partners. This phenomenon poses a potentially serious threat to public and national security in Mexico and the United States; the newly acquired economic strength of these criminal groups positions them to influence the political landscape and acquire significant ownership positions in strategic industries. This paper illustrates how it happens and highlights some of the options available to the authorities to address the challenge.

Details: London: Chatham House, 2012. 30p.

Source: Internet Resource: The views expressed in this document are the sole responsibility of the author(s) and do not
necessarily reflect the view of Chatham House, its staff, associates or Council. Chatham House
is independent and owes no allegiance to any government or to any political body. It does not
take institutional positions on policy issues. This document is issued on the understanding that if
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International Security Programme Paper 2012/01: Accessed January 23, 2013 at: http://www.chathamhouse.org/sites/default/files/public/Research/International%20Security/1112pp_ferragut.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: United States

URL: http://www.chathamhouse.org/sites/default/files/public/Research/International%20Security/1112pp_ferragut.pdf

Shelf Number: 127370

Drug Trafficking
Illicit Drugs (U.S. and Mexico)
Money Laundering
Organized Crime

Author: Selee, Andrew

Title: Crime and Violence in Mexico and Central America: An Evolving but Incomplete U.S. Policy Response

Summary: Amid dramatic increases in crime and violence in Mexico and Central America, the US government has significantly increased its attention to public security issues in the region since 2007, with the Merida Initiative and the Central American Regional Security Initiative. The US policy response has been hampered to an extent, however, by US and regional obstacles. The authors suggest the policy emphasis has begun to shift in important ways, with more attention paid to addressing the citizen security crisis — a move away from the earlier near-total focus on combating drug trafficking and transnational crime.

Details: Washington, DC: Wilson Center, Migration Policy Institute, 2013. 20p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 25, 2013 at: http://www.migrationpolicy.org/pubs/RMSG-EvolvingPolicyResponse.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Central America

URL: http://www.migrationpolicy.org/pubs/RMSG-EvolvingPolicyResponse.pdf

Shelf Number: 127404

Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime
Transnational Crime (Central America and Mexico)
Violent Crime

Author: European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction

Title: EU Drug Markets Report: A Strategic Analysis

Summary: The EU drug markets report is the first comprehensive overview of illicit drug markets in the European Union. It covers issues such as production, consumer markets, trafficking, organised crime and policy responses, along with a review of the markets for heroin, cocaine, cannabis, amphetamine, methamphetamine, ecstasy and new psychoactive substances. It concludes with concrete action points for the areas where the current EU response to the drug market and its consequent harms may be improved. An essential reference tool for law enforcement professionals, policymakers, the academic community and the general public, the report combines Europol’s strategic and operational understanding of trends and developments in organised crime with the EMCDDA’s ongoing monitoring and analysis of the drug phenomenon in Europe and beyond.

Details: Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2013. 155p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 4, 2013 at: http://www.emcdda.europa.eu/publications/joint-publications/drug-markets

Year: 2013

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.emcdda.europa.eu/publications/joint-publications/drug-markets

Shelf Number: 127467

Drug Abuse and Addiction
Drug Trafficking
Drugs and Crime
Illegal Drug Markets (Europe)
Organized Crime

Author: Rush, Mathew C.

Title: Violent Mexican Transnational Criminal Organizations in Texas: Political Discourse and an Argument for Reality

Summary: In 2006, Mexico President Felipe Calderon, with U.S. assistance, launched a military campaign to combat Violent Mexican Transnational Criminal Organizations in attempt to disrupt the growing violence throughout Mexico. The result has been an uncontrollable drug war that has claimed more lives within Mexico than the U.S. campaigns in Afghanistan and Iraq combined. From the U.S. perspective, the threat of spillover violence emanating from Mexico is a wicked problem and one that polarizes the political discourse. Conflicting opinions about the meaning of spillover violence has driven misrepresentation of events and evidence that fuel the political narrative. Therefore, no metric for analysis can be put in place to accurately document and monitor the threat to the U.S. homeland. The term spillover violence, instead, has become the focal point. This research seeks to find a broader framework outside of political agendas that provides analysis in a systematic manner rather than focusing on semantics. This research identifies gaps in the understanding of how spillover violence is defined and captured within the current construct; examines current criminal metrics used to classify and report violent crime statistics; and evaluates the scope of Texas border operations dedicated toward violent crime crossing the Southwestern border.

Details: Monterey, CA: Naval Postgraduate School, 2012. 153p.

Source: Internet Resource: Thesis: Accessed February 5, 2013 at: http://www.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?Location=U2&doc=GetTRDoc.pdf&AD=ADA567362

Year: 2012

Country: United States

URL: http://www.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?Location=U2&doc=GetTRDoc.pdf&AD=ADA567362

Shelf Number: 127478

Criminal Cartels
Drug Trafficking
Homeland Security
Organized Crime
Violent Crime (Texas, U.S.)

Author: Kar, Dev

Title: Illicit Financial Flows from Developing Countries: 2001-2010

Summary: The developing world lost US$859 billion in illicit outflows in 2010, an increase of 11% over 2009. The capital outflows stem from crime, corruption, tax evasion, and other illicit activity. The report finds that illicit financial flows. From 2001 to 2010, developing countries lost US$5.86 trillion to illicit outflows. Conservatively estimated, illicit financial flows have increased in every region of developing countries. Real growth of illicit flows by regions over study period is as follows: •Africa 23.8 percent, •Middle East and North Africa (MENA) 26.3 percent, •developing Europe 3.6 percent, •Asia 7.8 percent, and •Western Hemisphere 2.7 percent. Top 10 countries with the highest measured cumulative illicit financial outflows between 2001 and 2010 were: 1.China: US$2.74 trillion 2.Mexico: US$476 billion 3.Malaysia: US$285 billon 4.Saudi Arabia: US$210 billion 5.Russia: US$152 billion 6.Philippines: US$138 billion 7.Nigeria: US$129 billion 8.India: US$123 billion 9.Indonesia: US$109 billion 10.United Arab Emirates: US$107 billion.

Details: Washington, DC: Global Financial Integrity, 2012.

Source: Internet Resource: accessed February 7, 2013 at: http://iff.gfintegrity.org/iff2012/2012report.html

Year: 2012

Country: International

URL: http://iff.gfintegrity.org/iff2012/2012report.html

Shelf Number: 127521

Drug Trafficking
Financial Crimes
Money Laundering
Organized Crime
Tax Evasion

Author: Government of the Plurinational State of Bolivia

Title: The Bolivia Country Program 2010-2015. Capacity Building in Response to Drugs, Organized Crime, Terrorism, Corruption, and Economic Crime Threats in Bolivia

Summary: Bolivia is located in the center of South America and shares borders with Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina, Chile and Peru. Extending across 1,098,581 km (424,160 sq miles), it has an estimated population of 10 million inhabitants (2009), 66% of whom live in urban areas. According to the Constitution, Bolivia is a Social, Unitary State of Plurinational Communitarian Law, free, independent, sovereign, democratic, intercultural, decentralized and with autonomies. It was founded on political, economic, judicial, cultural and linguistic plurality and pluralism, within the integrative process of the country. In 2005, approximately 59% of the population was living without their basic needs satisfied, and 37% lived in extreme poverty. In 2007, the estimated per capita income was US $1,363 a year. The life expectancy rate is 63 years, while the infant mortality rate for this same period was defined at 61 for every 1000 live births. After a long period characterized by political instability and social conflicts, in 2005 indigenous leader Evo Morales was elected President of what is now the Plurinational State of Bolivia, marking the beginning of a period of profound political and socioeconomic change. A Constitutional Assembly was summoned to enact these changes, and at the end of 2008 a new constitutional text was approved, which enabled all institutional structures to be adapted to the new ethno-cultural and regional plurality of the country. The New Political State Constitution incorporates important advances and changes in citizen rights, gender, natural resources and administration of justice. The Government of the Plurinational State of Bolivia has shifted from a neoliberal development model to a mixed economy, where the State plays a greater role in the economy. In so doing, the State has taken control of the principal source of income in the country: hydrocarbons, namely natural gas, and is promoting other important industrial development projects in the fields of metallurgy, construction, food and paper. The surplus generated from natural gas exportation to neighboring countries contributes to income redistribution policies, in addition to boosting the national petroleum company. In this way, the past few years have witnessed the creation of wealth redistribution mechanisms aimed at reversing the existing conditions of poverty and inequality, such as the Dignity Payment for senior citizens, the Juancito Pinto Bond for the student population and the Juana Azurduy Bond for pregnant women. The principal macroeconomic indicators show that the Bolivian economy has improved. From 2006-2009, the GDP grew at an average annual rate of 4.8%, the inflation was 0.3% at the end of this period and the fiscal surplus was 2.5% of the GDP. Private foreign inversion recovered in 2006, at US $278 million, topping off at US $370 million in 2008. Exportations in 2008 reached US $4,846 million, resulting in a positive trade balance of US $1,223 million. In 2009 the external public debt increased to US $2,583 million, following an important reduction in previous years. These indicators show a generally positive economic performance within a framework of both internal and external macroeconomic stability, providing greater strength to the Bolivian State´s fight against poverty. The Government of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, encouraged by the U.N., is making important efforts to reach the Millennium Goals. Bolivia has been declared the third country in the region free of illiteracy, with the backing of UNESCO. Likewise, gender gaps in primary education and infant and maternal mortality rates have been reduced, and basic sanitary services have reached a considerable proportion of the rural population. In Bolivia, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) has been working since the end of the 1980s on alternative development projects in coca growing regions, including the construction of infrastructure for social and productive uses, improving agricultural production, encouraging forestry and agroforestry development, promoting the microbusiness sector and job skills training. The UNODC also implemented drug prevention programs within the educational system, as well as strengthening the government entities related to controlling drug use and related crimes, including the implementation of informational systems for monitoring coca plantations, alternative development and illegal drug use. Technical cooperation activities have been reduced in the past few years, from an annual portfolio of US $5.4 million in 2002 to US $1.6 million in 2009. As a result, in April of 2009, the UNODC representative finalized his/her mission in the country and decided to reduce office personnel, as the reduced volume of activities no longer justified a Representation Office in Bolivia. As of June of 2009, development program activities were administered with the aid of the Latin America and the Caribbean Unit (LACU/DO) of UNODC, based in Vienna. In June of 2009, the Government of the Plurinational State of Bolivia requested that the Executive Director of the UNODC maintain Office Representation status in the country and continue providing technical assistance. They also asked the European Commission to reinforce the UNODC´s financial cooperation program in the country. In response to this request, the UNODC sent a programming mission headed by the Head of the Latin American and the Caribbean Unit to the country in October of 2009. The objectives of the mission were: i) Prepare a Country Program 2010- 2015 document in direct collaboration with State institutions and international organizations; ii) Exchange criteria with the Government authorities of the Plurinational State of Bolivia about the reestablishment of an active/functional Office of Representation; and iii) Support the implementation of the profile of projects currently in process. In order for the Country Program to be prepared with accurate information, the agenda of the mission included a workshop with participants from governmental institutions and international organizations. The participants analyzed the current status of the fight against drugs, organized crime and corruption. They also identified priority areas where the UNODC could provide technical assistance. Sixty three representatives of 12 different State institutions working in drug and crime prevention were present at the workshop, as well as 19 counterparts from international organizations. The workshop´s success was a result of the participants´ interest in the topic, the high level of discussion generated and the quality of proposals which were produced. This UNODC Bolivia Country Program (2010-2015) reflects the primary conclusions and recommendations which came out of the workshop, as well as information obtained in interviews with the participating institutions.

Details: La Paz, Bolivia: Government of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, 2010.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 7, 2013 at: http://www.unodc.org/documents/bolivia//proyectos_bolivia/The_UNODC_Bolivia_Country_Program_2010-2015.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Bolivia

URL: http://www.unodc.org/documents/bolivia//proyectos_bolivia/The_UNODC_Bolivia_Country_Program_2010-2015.pdf

Shelf Number: 127529

Drug Abuse and Crime
Drug Trafficking (Bolivia)
Economic Crime
Organized Crime

Author: Silverstone, Daniel

Title: A Response to “The Mobility of Criminal Groups”. A reflection in light of recent research on Vietnamese organized crime

Summary: The degree to which organized crime groups extend their activities and influence into new geographic areas is a major concern for law enforcement officials and policy makers worldwide. Over the last decade, a number of researchers have conducted specialized studies and reviews of this phenomenon, and have offered a number of explanations of its underlying drivers. Recently, Morselli, Turcotte, and Tenti (2010) were commissioned by Public Safety Canada to prepare a report on this topic, The Mobility of Criminal Groups, which reviewed several case studies and prior commentaries and, based on an inductive (evidence-based) process, offered a conceptual framework for understanding how organized crime groups come to establish themselves (successfully or unsuccessfully) in places outside of their area of origin. The current discussion paper consists of a written response to Morselli et al.’s report, reflecting on their position in light of recent research on Vietnamese organized crime in the UK (Silverstone & Savage 2010; Silverstone 2010). In particular, the current paper will provide:  an assessment of the comprehensiveness and depth of the literature review in Morselli et al’s (2010) paper;  a critical reflection and commentary on the strategic vs. emergent taxonomy described by Morselli et al (2010), as well as the associated push and pull factors;  a succinct review of recent case studies on the growth of organized crime within the Vietnamese community in the UK (Silverstone & Savage 2010; Silverstone 2010), with a particular focus on how well the events fit into Morselli et al’s (2010) strategic vs. emergent taxonomy, as well as a discussion of whether the push and pull factors identified by Morselli et al (2010) can account for these developments;  suggestions for additions to the identified push and pull factors; and recommendations for how law enforcement officials and policy makers could use knowledge of the various push and pull factors to stem the transnational spread of organized crime groups.

Details: Ottawa: Organized Crime Division, Law Enforcement and Policy Branch, Public Safety Canada, 2010. 19p.

Source: Internet Resource: accessed February 11, 2013 at: http://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2012/sp-ps/PS14-1-2011-eng.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Canada

URL: http://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2012/sp-ps/PS14-1-2011-eng.pdf

Shelf Number: 127561

Criminal Networks
Offender Mobility
Organized Crime

Author: Martin, William

Title: Cartels, Corruption, and Carnage in the Calderon Era

Summary: While Mexico and the United States have ramped up their efforts to control and perhaps defeat Mexico’s increasingly violent drug cartels, the outcome of these efforts remains in doubt and no panaceas are in sight, but prohibition has once again proved to be a failure, according to a paper from Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy. WILLIAM MARTIN The paper by Rice sociologist William Martin, “Cartels, Corruption and Carnage in the Calderón Era,” traces the origins and growth of Mexican drug cartels and the corruption, failed government policies and gruesome violence that accompanied their rise. Martin is the Baker Institute’s Harry and Hazel Chavanne Senior Fellow in Religion and Public Policy.

Details: Houston, TX: James A. Baker II Institute for Public Policy of Rice University, 2013. 20p.

Source: Internet Resource: Baker Institute Policy Report: Accessed February 11, 2013 at: http://www.bakerinstitute.org/publications/DRUG-pub-PolicyReport55.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Mexico

URL: http://www.bakerinstitute.org/publications/DRUG-pub-PolicyReport55.pdf

Shelf Number: 127563

Drug Cartels
Drug Law Enforcement
Drug Trafficking (Mexico)
Organized Crime

Author: Broadhurst, Roderic

Title: Crime in Cyberspace: Offenders and the Role of Organized Crime Groups

Summary: This working paper summarizes what is currently known about cybercrime offenders and groups. The paper briefly outlines definition and scope of cybercrime, the theoretical and empirical challenges in addressing what is known about cyber offenders, and the likely role of organized crime groups (OCG). The paper gives examples of known cases that illustrate individual and group behaviour, profiles typical offenders, including online child exploitation offenders, and describes methods and techniques commonly used to identify crimeware and help trace offenders.

Details: Canberra: Australian National University, 2013. 35p.

Source: Internet Resource: Working Paper: Accessed February 15, 2013 at: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2211842

Year: 2013

Country: International

URL: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2211842

Shelf Number: 127628

Internet Crime
Online Child Sex Offenders
Organized Crime

Author: Molzahn, Cory

Title: Drug Violence in Mexico: Data and Analysis Through 2012

Summary: The year 2012 marked the end of the six-year term of President Felipe Calderon (2006-2012), who was both lauded for his administration's unprecedented assault on organized crime groups and criticized for the loss of human life that accompanied this fight. From the beginning of his presidency, President Calderon made security a primary focus of his administration by doubling national security budgets and deploying tens of thousands of federal forces to the states most impacted by violence among drug trafficking organizations. However, under President Calderon, the number of overall homicides annually increased more than two and a half times from 10,452 in 2006 to 27,213 in 2011, according to figures from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Instituto Nacional de Estadistica y Geografia, INEGI). During the first five full years of Calderon's term - from 2007 through 2011 - INEGI reported 95,646 people killed, an average of 19,129 per year, or more than 50 people per day. By these measures, there was a 24% average annual increase in overall homicides during the Calderon administration. Calculating that overall homicides appear to have dropped by roughly 5-10% in 2012, our estimate is that the total number of homicides during the Calderon administration was likely around 120,000 to 125,000 people killed, depending on whether INEGI or the National System of Public Security (Sistema Nacional de Seguridad Publica, SNSP) data are used. In July 2012, Mexico elected a new president, Enrique Pena Nieto, who took office on December 1, restoring to power the Institutional Revolutionary Party (Partido Revolucionario Institucional, PRI), which governed Mexico without interruption for over seven decades until it lost the presidency in 2000. For better security coordination among government agencies, President Pena Nieto has instructed the Interior Ministry (Secretaria de Gobernacion, SEGOB) to oversee the creation of a new network, the System of Coordination and Cooperation (Sistema de Coordinacion y Cooperacion). In January 2012, Pena Nieto gave a clear message regarding the direction that his presidency will follow on security policy when he unveiled the "Pact for Mexico" (Pacto por Mexico), an agreement signed along with representatives from Mexico's major political parties. The Pacts 34-page itemized list of policies and reform's set forth proposals in several areas related to security and justice issues, particularly focusing on reducing homicides, kidnapping, and extortion. The Pact outlined steps to establish a 10,000-person National Gendarmerie and a unified police command system at the state-level. Above all, from the outset of his term, Pena Nieto declared that his security strategy would abandon the Calderon administration's heavy dependence on military deployments and its focus on dismantling organized crime groups. This information is part of Drug Violence in Mexico: Data and Analysis through 2012, the fourth of a series of reports that the Trans-Border Institute's Justice in Mexico Project has put together each year since 2010 to compile the latest available data and analysis to evaluate these challenges.

Details: San Diego, CA: Trans-Border Institute, Joan B. Kroc School of Peace Studies, University of San Diego, 2013. 50p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 22, 2013 at: http://justiceinmexico.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/130206-dvm-2013-final.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Mexico

URL: http://justiceinmexico.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/130206-dvm-2013-final.pdf

Shelf Number: 127699

Drug-Related Violence (Mexico)
Drugs and Crime
Organized Crime
Violent Crime

Author: U.S. Government Accountability Office

Title: Southwest Border Security: Data Are Limited and Concerns Vary about Spillover Crime along the Southwest Border

Summary: Drug-related homicides have dramatically increased in recent years in Mexico along the nearly 2,000-mile border it shares with the United States. U.S. federal, state, and local officials have stated that the prospect of crime, including violence, spilling over from Mexico into the southwestern United States is a concern. GAO was asked to review crime rates and assess information on spillover crime along the border. Specifically, this report addresses: (1) What information do reported crime rates in southwest border communities provide on spillover crime and what do they show? (2) What efforts, if any, have federal, state, and select local law enforcement agencies made to track spillover crime along the southwest border? (3) What concerns, if any, do these agencies have about spillover crime? (4) What steps, if any, have these agencies taken to address spillover crime? GAO analyzed crime data from all of the 24 southwest border counties from 2004 through 2011 and federal documentation, such as threat assessments and DHS’s plans for addressing violence along the southwest border. GAO interviewed officials from DHS and DOJ and their components. GAO also interviewed officials from 37 state and local law enforcement agencies responsible for investigating and tracking crime in the border counties in the four southwest border states (Arizona, California, New Mexico, and Texas). While the results of the interviews are not generalizable, they provided insights. GAO is not making any recommendations. DHS provided comments, which highlighted border-related crime initiatives recognized by GAO.

Details: Washington, DC: GAO, 2013. 66p.

Source: Internet Resource: GAO-13-175: Accessed March 1, 2013 at: http://www.gao.gov/assets/660/652320.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: United States

URL: http://www.gao.gov/assets/660/652320.pdf

Shelf Number: 127743

Border Security
Drug Violence
Organized Crime
Spillover Crime
Violence Crime (U.S. and Mexico)

Author: U.S. Department of Justice. National Drug Intelligence Center

Title: Puerto Rico/U.S. Virgin Islands High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Program. Drug Market Analysis 2011

Summary: The overall drug threat to the Puerto Rico/U.S. Virgin Islands (PR/USVI) High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) has remained relatively consistent over the past year. Drug trafficking organizations (DTOs) transport multikilogram quantities of cocaine and South American (SA) heroin through the PR/USVI HIDTA region en route to drug markets in the continental United States (CONUS). While most of the cocaine and heroin arriving in the region is further transported to the CONUS for distribution, a portion remains in the HIDTA region for local distribution and consumption. As a result, cocaine trafficking and heroin abuse are the principal drug threats to the PR/USVI HIDTA region. In addition, cannabis cultivation and the subsequent distribution and abuse of marijuana pose serious threats to the region. Murders and incidents of violence linked to cocaine trafficking have increased in Puerto Rico over the past year, resulting in widespread fear among the general population because of the often indiscriminate nature of the violence. Key issues identified in the PR/USVI HIDTA region include the following: • Colombian and Venezuelan DTOs have shifted some of their cocaine air transportation routes from the Dominican Republic to the eastern Caribbean in the vicinity of the British Virgin Islands and the USVI.1 • Cocaine continues to pose the greatest drug threat to the region because of the continued high level of trafficking in the PR/USVI HIDTA region. • The number of murders and other violent incidents linked to cocaine trafficking increased in Puerto Rico during the past year. • Heroin abuse is prevalent in Puerto Rico, with high rates of bacterial and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infections occurring among heroin abusers, who typically inject the drug. • The PR/USVI HIDTA region is a major bulk cash movement center for drug traffickers operating in the region and the CONUS.

Details: Johnstown, PA: National Drug Intelligence Center, 2011. 24p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 5, 2013 at: http://www.justice.gov/archive/ndic/dmas/PR-VI_DMA-2011(U).pdf

Year: 2011

Country: United States

URL: http://www.justice.gov/archive/ndic/dmas/PR-VI_DMA-2011(U).pdf

Shelf Number: 127827

Drug Markets
Drug Trafficking (Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands)
Drug-Related Violence
Illicit Drugs
Organized Crime

Author: Felbab-Brown, Vanda

Title: Focused Deterrence, Selective Targeting, DRug Trafficking and Organised Crime: Concepts and Practicalities

Summary: Organised crime and illicit economies generate multiple threats to states and societies. Yet, goals such as a complete suppression of organised crime may sometimes be unachievable, especially in the context of acute state weakness where underdeveloped and weak state insti­tutions are the norm. Focused-deterrence strategies, selective targeting, and sequential interdiction efforts are being increasingly embraced as more promising law enforcement alternatives. They seek to minimise the most pernicious behaviour of criminal groups, such as engaging in violence, or to maximise certain kinds of desirable behaviour sometimes exhibited by criminals, such as eschewing engagement with terrorist groups. The focused-deterrence, selective targeting strategies also enable overwhelmed law enforcement institutions to overcome certain under resourcing problems. Especially, in the United States, such approaches have produced impressive results in reducing violence and other harms generated by organised crime groups and youth gangs. Such approaches have, however, encountered implementation difficulties elsewhere in the world. This report first outlines the logic and problems of zero-tolerance and undifferentiated targeting in law enforcement policies. Second, it lays out the key theoretical concepts of law-enforcement strategies of focused-deterrence and selective targeting and reviews some of their applications, as in Operation Ceasefire in Boston in the 1990s and urban-policing operations in Rio de Janeiro during the 2000s decade. Third, the report analyses the implementation challenges selective targeting and focused-deterrence strategies have encountered, particularly outside of the United States. And finally, it discusses some key dilemmas in designing selective targeting and focused-deterrence strategies to fight crime.

Details: London: International Drug Policy Consortium, 2013. 20p.

Source: Internet Resource: Modernising Drug Law Enforcement
Report 2, Accessed March 5, 2013 at: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/64663568/library/MDLE-report-2_Focused-deterrence.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: International

URL: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/64663568/library/MDLE-report-2_Focused-deterrence.pdf

Shelf Number: 127836

Drug Trafficking
Drug Trafficking Control
Drugs and Crime
Organized Crime

Author: Count the Costs

Title: The War on Drugs: Wasting billions and undermining economies

Summary: Whilst accurate figures are hard to come by, global spending on drug law enforcement certainly exceeds $100 billion each year. Given current economic conditions it is more important than ever that spending is effective and not a waste of taxpayer money. However, the huge investments in enforcement have consistently delivered the opposite of their stated goals—to reduce drug production, supply and use. Instead they have created a vast criminal market. This in turn has substantial social and economic costs, through crime and ill health, far exceeding even the billions in enforcement spending. There are huge opportunity costs to wasteful expenditure on this scale. As drug enforcement budgets continue to grow, other areas are being starved of funds, and cuts in government budgets are hitting public services and support for the needy. Despite the appalling track record of failure, the level of value-for-money scrutiny applied to drug enforcement spending has been almost zero, at both national and international levels. At a time of global economic crisis, after literally trillions wasted over the last half-century, it is time to meaningfully count the real economic costs of the war on drugs.

Details: London: Transform Drug Policy Foundation, 2012. 16p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed march 8, 2013 at: http://www.countthecosts.org/sites/default/files/Economics-briefing.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: International

URL: http://www.countthecosts.org/sites/default/files/Economics-briefing.pdf

Shelf Number: 127899

Drug Law Enforcement
Drug Markets
Drug Policy
Drug Use and Abuse
Economics of Crime
Organized Crime
War on Drugs

Author: Nellemann, Christian

Title: Elephants in the Dust - The African Elephant Crisis. A Rapid Response Assessment

Summary: The African elephant, the largest remaining land mammal on the planet, is facing the greatest crisis in decades. Reports of mass elephant killings in the media vividly illustrate the situation across many African elephant range states. Results from monitoring and systematic surveys conducted under the UNEP-hosted CITES treaty reveal that poaching levels have tripled in recent years, with several elephants killed every single hour of the day. In Central and West Africa, the elephant may soon disappear from whole areas unless urgent action is taken. Organized syndicates ship several tons of ivory at a time to markets in Asia, and hundreds of elephants are killed for every container sent. Indeed, this report documents nearly a tripling in the number of large-scale ivory seizures by customs authorities, revealing the scale and heavy involvement of international criminal networks that must be addressed. The report, however, also provides optimism if action is taken by governments within Africa and in ivory market countries. Improved law enforcement methods, international collaboration with the United Nations Office for Drugs and Crime, the World Customs Organization and INTERPOL and measures to reduce demand can be implemented with success if countries and donors join forces. Indeed, large and previously secure elephant populations in Southern Africa are evidence of the fact that both elephants and their habitats cannot only be well-managed, but, coupled with tourism, can also become a source of income. Improved public awareness is also key. Many people including businessmen and women are often unaware that the ivory they may be exchanging as gifts could have been sourced illegally. Among other awareness activities, UNEP is currently working with its Goodwill Ambassador, actress Li Bingbing, and the City of Shanghai to bring the issue of ivory poaching to the attention of the public.

Details: Norway: GRID-Arendal, UNEP, CITES, IUCN, TRAFFIC, 2013. 80p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 11, 2013 at: http://www.grida.no/publications/rr/elephants/

Year: 2013

Country: International

URL: http://www.grida.no/publications/rr/elephants/

Shelf Number: 127909

Animal Poaching
Organized Crime
Wildlife Crime
Wildlife Management

Author: U.S. Department of Justice, National Drug Intelligence Center, National Gang Intelligence Center

Title: Eastern Pennsylvania Drug and Gang Threat Assessment 2011

Summary: The influence of New York area (New York City and northern New Jersey) drug trafficking organizations (DTOs) and gangs reaches nearly every sizable drug market in eastern Pennsylvania. a Dominican DTOs and gangs are the most active of these groups, and their influence within the region is increasing except in select drug markets where Mexican DTOs are dominant and growing. In Philadelphia and Reading, for instance, the influence of Dominican DTOs has diminished since 2008, when Mexican DTOs emerged as the principal wholesale drug distributors, supplying hundreds of kilograms of cocaine and heroin each year to eastern Pennsylvania drug markets. Drug-related violence, committed primarily by criminal groups against other criminals, is increasing in several eastern Pennsylvania communities even as overall violent crime rates are decreasing throughout the region. Emerging trends in the region include the following: • New York area gangs—previously significant but ad hoc suppliers of drugs to eastern Pennsylvania—are becoming increasingly organized, entrenched, and dominant in many eastern Pennsylvania drug markets. • Cocaine and heroin trafficking have represented the greatest drug-related law enforcement and healthcare challenges to communities in eastern Pennsylvania for many years. However, heroin trafficking has increased sharply in recent years, emerging as the single greatest drug threat to the region. • Heroin abuse among adolescents is increasing in eastern Pennsylvania, in part because some adolescent prescription opioid abusers are transitioning to heroin. • Dominican DTOs and gangs—the most prolific drug distributors in eastern Pennsylvania— are strengthening their operations in Hazleton, a strategic location where they are dominating and expanding drug distribution. • Mexican DTOs are the dominant wholesale cocaine distributors in Philadelphia and Reading drug markets. They are increasingly transporting wholesale shipments of cocaine from the Southwest Border to Philadelphia and Reading, contributing to strong and stable cocaine availability in those drug markets. • Rival gangs and organized thieves are more frequently engaging in home invasions, ransom kidnappings, and organized thefts from drug dealers in many eastern Pennsylvania drug markets. • Coatesville, Harrisburg, Lancaster, and Lebanon have experienced an increase in organized and deliberate drug-related violence perpetrated by street gangs and independent robbery crews that target other criminals, particularly drug dealers in possession of cash.

Details: Johnstown, PA: National Drug Intelligence Center, 2011. 38p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 26, 2013 at: http://www.justice.gov/archive/ndic/pubs44/44229/44229p.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: United States

URL: http://www.justice.gov/archive/ndic/pubs44/44229/44229p.pdf

Shelf Number: 128143

Drug Abuse and Crime
Drug Markets
Drug Trafficking (U.S.)
Gangs and Drug Violence
Organized Crime

Author: Schneider, Friedrich

Title: Money Laundering and Financial Means of Organized Crime: Some Preliminary Empirical Findings

Summary: After giving a short literature review, the paper tries a quantification of the volume of money laundering activities, with the help of a MIMIC estimation procedure for the years 1995 to 2006 for 20 highly developed OECD countries. The volume of laundered money was 273 billions USD in the year 1995 for these 20 OECD countries and increased to 603 billions USD in 2006. The overall turnover in organized crime had a value of 595 billion USD in 2001 and increased to 790 billion USD in 2006. These figures are very preliminary but give a clear indication how important money laundering and the turnover of organized crime is nowadays.

Details: Berlin: Economics of Security, c/o Department of International Economics, German Institute for Economic Research, 2010. 30p.

Source: Internet Resource: Economics of Security Working Paper 26: Accessed March 27, 2013 at: http://www.diw.de/documents/publikationen/73/diw_01.c.354167.de/diw_econsec0026.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: International

URL: http://www.diw.de/documents/publikationen/73/diw_01.c.354167.de/diw_econsec0026.pdf

Shelf Number: 128146

Financial Crimes
Money Laundering
Organized Crime

Author: Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons. Home Affairs Committee

Title: Drugs: Breaking the Cycle. Ninth Report of Session 2012–13

Summary: Key facts • England and Wales has almost the lowest recorded level of drug use in the adult population since measurement began in 1996. Individuals reporting use of any drug in the last year fell significantly from 11.1% in 1996 to 8.9% in 2011–12. There was also a substantial fall in the use of cannabis from 9.5% in 1996 to 6.9% in 2011–12. • The prevalence of drug use among 11 to 15 year olds has also declined since 2001. In 2010, 18% of pupils reported that they had ever taken drugs and 12% said they had taken drugs in the last year, compared with 29% and 20% in 2001. • Around four in five adults (78%) who had taken any illicit drug in the last year thought it was very or fairly easy for them to personally get illegal drugs when they wanted them: around a third (34%) thought it was very easy and 44% thought it fairly easy. Adults who had not taken any illicit drug in the last year perceived a slightly lower level of ease of obtaining illegal drugs if they wanted them (75% perceived it to be very or fairly easy to obtain drugs compared with 78% of those that had taken drugs in the last year). • Around 50% of all organised crime groups are involved in drugs and 80% of the most harmful groups are involved in drugs predominantly in importation/supply of class A drugs. • Drugs account for some 20% of all crime proceeds, about half of transnational organized crime proceeds and between 0.6% and 0.9% of global GDP. Drug-related profits available for money-laundering through the financial system would be equivalent to between 0.4% and 0.6% of global GDP.

Details: London: The Stationery Office Limited, 2012. 149p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 4, 2013 at: http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201213/cmselect/cmhaff/184/184.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201213/cmselect/cmhaff/184/184.pdf

Shelf Number: 128257

Drug Abuse and Crime
Drug Abuse Treatment
Drug Addiction
Drug Offenders
Drug Use and Abuse (U.K.)
Organized Crime

Author: Nordic Council of Ministers,

Title: Nordic-Baltic Campaign Against Trafficking in Women. Final report 2002

Summary: Trafficking of women and children is not a new phenomenon in the Nordic Baltic region. However, the magnitude, forms and impact are more alarming and devastating than before. The United Nations estimates that between one and four million women and children are victims of trafficking every year around the world, of these more than 500,000 are believed to be trafficked into the European Union. The majority of these women and children, mostly girls, are recruited, transported, sold and purchased by individual buyers, pimps, traffickers and members of organized crime networks within countries and over national borders for the specific purpose of sexual exploitation in the sex industry. In the past most women were trafficked for brothel prostitution. Today the forms and varieties have expanded. Trafficked women are sexually exploited through brothel prostitution, including in nightclubs, through escort service agencies, for sex tourism and military “rest and recreation,” in pornography and in other forms of sexual “entertainment” such as striptease and telephone sex. Many women are also sold to men around the world as mail order brides through newspaper ads and over the Internet, for domestic work and other forms of servitude. The majority of these women and children are trafficked from countries in the south to countries in the north, and from Eastern Europe, the Baltic countries and the countries in Central Asia to countries in Western Europe and North America. However, women and children are also trafficked domestically between neighbourhoods, from city to city, within the Nordic and Baltic countries and to and from countries in the Baltic region. An increasing number of women, often very young, from the Baltic countries are sold to Nordic men and sexually exploited in the Nordic countries. Nordic men also travel to the Baltic countries as sex tourists. Trafficking in women is extremely profitable. Due to the increasing globalization of the economy and the rapid expansion of the sex industry combined with lenient punishment, trafficking in women and children for sexual exploitation has become a relatively low risk, high profit activity that attracts opportunity-seeking individual traffickers and well-organized crime networks in the Nordic Baltic region and beyond. These local, regional and international trafficking networks recruit and transport women and children to markets around the world for buyers who demand unlimited access to a varied supply of women and children from different countries, cultures and backgrounds. It is estimated that these groups may earn several billion Euros every year, making trafficking in human beings the third largest source of profit after drugs and arms trafficking. Trafficking in women for sexual purposes is a gender-specific crime and a serious barrier to gender equality in all societies. The traffickers exploit to their full advantage the fact that most women who are victims of trafficking come from the most oppressed and vulnerable groups in society, those who are educationally, economically, ethnically and racially marginalized and often victims of prior male sexual violence. The impact on the victims is devastating. Women who have been trafficked for sexual purposes experience physical and psychological harm that has lifelong consequences. Trafficking in women for sexual purpose is also a gross violation of women’s human rights, their human dignity and their right to bodily and psychological integrity. Women who escape from the traffickers or, who courageously agree to testify against them, often run a serious risk of retaliation, to themselves, to their families and to their friends. Many women who return to their home countries may find themselves unprotected, isolated and further discriminated against due to misconceptions in the society around them.

Details: Copenhagen: Nordia Council of Ministers and the Nordic Council, 2004. 144p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 6, 2013 at: http://www.norden.org/en/publications/publikationer/2004-715/at_download/publicationfile

Year: 2004

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.norden.org/en/publications/publikationer/2004-715/at_download/publicationfile

Shelf Number: 128308

Child Sex Trafficking
Human Trafficking (Baltic Countries, Europe)
Organized Crime
Sex Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Ackerman, Gary

Title: The “New” Face of Transnational Crime Organizations (TCOs): A Geopolitical Perspective and Implications to U.S. National Security

Summary: The continually evolving strategic environment coupled with the ascendant role of Transnational Criminal Organizations (TCOs) necessitates a comprehensive understanding of these organizations. TCOs represent a globally-networked national security threat and pose a real and present risk to the safety and security of Americans and our partners across the globe. This challenge blurs the line among US institutions and far surpasses the ability of any one agency or nation to confront it. Thus countering TCOs necessitates a whole-of-government approach and beyond that vibrant relationships with partner nations based on trust. These are essential if the U.S. is to remain the partner of choice, and effectively counter TCOs globally. Weak and unstable government institutions coupled with scarce legitimate economic opportunities, extreme socio-economic inequities, and permissive corrupt environments are key enablers that allow TCOs to operate with impunity. These same factors enable the emergence of VEOs. The potential nexus between VEOs and TCOs remains an area of deep concern. In this context, deeper insight into the contemporary face of TCO's will facilitate the development of strategies to counter and defeat them. In this struggle, DoD lacks law enforcement authorities but brings to the government some unique capabilities. This white volume examines the “new” face of these transnational crime organizations and provides a geopolitical perspective and implications to U.S. national security. The nexus of culture and technology (including modern communication technologies) and their impact on the evolution of TCOs is discussed in addition to their implications to countering TCOs.

Details: Washington, DC: U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff and Department of Defense, 2013. 206p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 6, 2013 at: https://www.hsdl.org/?view&did=733208

Year: 2013

Country: United States

URL: https://www.hsdl.org/?view&did=733208

Shelf Number: 128311

Criminal Networks
Homeland Security (U.S.)
Organized Crime
Transnational Crime

Author: Sullivan, Mark P.

Title: Latin America: Terrorism Issues

Summary: U.S. attention to terrorism in Latin America intensified in the aftermath of the September 2001 terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, with an increase in bilateral and regional cooperation. In its 2011 Country Reports on Terrorism (issued in July 2012), the State Department maintained that the threat of a transnational terrorist attack remained low for most countries in the hemisphere. It reported that the majority of terrorist attacks in the hemisphere were committed by two Colombian terrorist groups—the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and the National Liberation Army (ELN)—and other radical groups in the Andean region. With regard to Mexico, the report asserted that there was no evidence of ties between Mexican drug trafficking organizations and terrorist groups, and no evidence “that these criminal organizations had aims of political or territorial control, aside from seeking to protect and expand the impunity with which they conduct their criminal activity.” Cuba has remained on the State Department’s list of state sponsors of terrorism since 1982 pursuant to Section 6(j) of the Export Administration Act. Both Cuba and Venezuela are on the State Department’s annual list of countries determined to be not cooperating fully with U.S. antiterrorism efforts pursuant to Section 40A of the Arms Export Control Act. U.S. officials have expressed concerns over the past several years about Venezuela’s lack of cooperation on antiterrorism efforts, its relations with Iran, and potential support for Colombian terrorist groups, although improved Venezuelan-Colombian relations have resulted in closer cooperation on antiterrorism and counter-narcotics efforts and border security. Over the past several years, policymakers have been concerned about Iran’s increasing activities in Latin America. Concerns center on Iran’s attempts to circumvent U.N. and U.S. sanctions, as well as on its ties to the radical Lebanon-based Islamic group Hezbollah. Both Iran and Hezbollah are reported to be linked to two bombings against Jewish targets in Argentina in the early 1990s. As in past years, the State Department 2011 terrorism report maintains that there are no known operational cells of either Al Qaeda or Hezbollah in the hemisphere, but noted that “ideological sympathizers in South America and the Caribbean continued to provide financial and moral support to these and other terrorist groups in the Middle East and South Asia.”

Details: Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service, 2013. 36p.

Source: Internet Resource: RS21049: Accessed April 12, 2013 at: http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/terror/RS21049.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Central America

URL: http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/terror/RS21049.pdf

Shelf Number: 128342

Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime
Terrorists (Latin America)

Author: Virginia. State Crime Commission

Title: Illegal Cigarette Trafficking (SJR 21, 2012)

Summary: During the 2012 Regular Session of the Virginia General Assembly, Senate Joint Resolution 21 was enacted, which directed the Crime Commission to study and report on a number of topics involving the subject of illegal cigarette trafficking. The Commission was mandated to determine: why illegal cigarette trafficking occurs, the methods and strategies used by traffickers, the beneficiaries of trafficking, the health implications of non-regulated cigarettes, methods used to counterfeit cigarettes and tax stamps, potential uses of information technology to prevent cigarette trafficking, and statutory options that Virginia could adopt to combat the problem. All cigarette trafficking schemes, regardless of the scope of the operation or the methods employed, depend upon tax avoidance to generate illegal profits. Traffickers exploit differences in tax rates between different jurisdictions or geographic locations, purchasing cigarettes in one area and then illegally transporting them to another area where the tax rates are higher. The difference in the tax rates creates the profit for the trafficker, who is also able to sell his cigarettes at lower than market prices. The lower prices, in turn, provide an incentive for retailers and consumers to purchase these black market cigarettes. Retail merchants who purchase trafficked cigarettes gain an unfair economic advantage over their competitors, due to the lower prices they can offer customers. The customers, in turn, may be unaware that these low-cost cigarettes are black market items, and may simply think they have found a great bargain. Cigarette trafficking can occur at all points along the normal production and distribution channels, with cigarettes being diverted outside normal commercial streams and into the black market. Manufacturers can produce “off the book” cigarettes, failing to pay the taxes on them. Wholesalers can similarly falsify records, under-reporting the quantities of cigarettes purchased and then re-sold. Retailers can sell some or all of their cigarettes “off the books,” thereby avoiding the payment of sales tax. And, individuals can purchase large quantities of cigarettes in one area, at the retail or wholesale level, and then transport them to another area or state, a process sometimes referred to as “smurfing.” When individuals purchase their cigarettes at the wholesale level, sometimes creating fictional retail businesses to do so, they deprive the state of tax revenue. When this occurs, not one, but two states are made the victims of tax evasion—the state where the cigarettes were purchased, and the state where the cigarettes were transported. To achieve lower costs, traffickers can arrange for their cigarettes to be manufactured overseas. Frequently, these cigarettes are counterfeits. The packaging used in popular brands of cigarettes is duplicated; however, the cigarettes inside will differ substantially from the genuine articles. A number of recent studies have reported that the manufacturing facilities used in the production of counterfeit cigarettes have little or no quality control; the counterfeit cigarettes, in turn, have alarmingly high levels of contaminants, including dangerous levels of toxic metals. In short, counterfeit cigarettes present a serious public health risk. The recent increases in state cigarette excise taxes in the north-eastern states have created a situation where Virginia has become a primary source of cigarettes for traffickers in the United States. Virginia currently has the second lowest state tax rates on cigarettes in the country, after Missouri. Meanwhile, New York, Rhode Island, and New Jersey have some of the highest cigarette tax rates in the country. In the past two years, a number of studies, some academically published in peer-reviewed journals, have determined that Virginia is currently the largest single source of out-of-state, black market cigarettes in New York City. By some estimates, up to 30% of all cigarettes purchased in New York City are black market; of those, over half may be trafficked from Virginia. The profits that can be generated by exploiting the differences in tax rates between Virginia and the states north of the Commonwealth are staggering. The state excise tax rate for a carton of cigarettes (10 packs) is $3.00 in Virginia; in New Jersey, it is $27.00; in Rhode Island, it is $34.60; and in New York, it is $43.50, while in New York City, it is $58.50. Traffickers can therefore realize a profit of around $100,000 for a smuggling run from Virginia to New York City, transporting in a car or van just 1,500 cartons of cigarettes. In turn, a tractor-trailer filled with cartons of cigarettes represents a potential profit of a few million dollars. These large amounts of money have proven irresistible to organized crime. Law enforcement intelligence reports have indicated that gangs and other organized crime rings have increasingly begun to focus their efforts on cigarette trafficking as a source of revenue. The profit margins on black market cigarettes are now greater than for cocaine, heroin, or illegal firearms. If organized crime continues to view Virginia as an ideal location to obtain cigarettes, their habitual presence may lead, in turn, to increases in attendant crimes—robberies, burglaries, credit card fraud, and money laundering. The tax stamp that Virginia currently uses on cigarette packs has a number of security features, which can assist law enforcement in determining if a particular stamp is genuine or counterfeit. Tax stamps with higher security features, and with digital encoding capabilities, exist. However, there are associated costs with the use of high-tech tax stamps, and most of the information which a digital stamp could provide can currently be obtained with Virginia’s existing stamps, albeit with more effort, such as tracing the serial number on a stamp back to the wholesaler. As almost all data and law enforcement intelligence indicates that Virginia is a source state for trafficked cigarettes, and not a destination state, switching to a digital tax stamp would probably not have a significant impact on Virginia’s tax revenues. However, technology could be used to assist manufacturers, wholesalers, and the Virginia Department of Taxation in expediting the filing of mandatory reports, and in facilitating the payments made by wholesalers for the tax stamps which they affix to packs of cigarettes. Currently, the mandatory reports made by manufacturers and wholesalers to the Virginia Department of Taxation and the Office of the Attorney General of Virginia are generated in paper format, and sent by mail. In a similar manner, the payments made for tax stamps by wholesalers could be submitted to the Virginia Department of Taxation electronically.

Details: Richmond: Virginia State Crime Commission, 2013. 32p.

Source: Internet Resource: Senate Document No. 5: Accessed April 17, 2013 at: http://leg2.state.va.us/dls/h&sdocs.nsf/fc86c2b17a1cf388852570f9006f1299/dba061dea0fa878b852579c8006e00a4/$FILE/SD5.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: United States

URL: http://leg2.state.va.us/dls/h&sdocs.nsf/fc86c2b17a1cf388852570f9006f1299/dba061dea0fa878b852579c8006e00a4/$FILE/SD5.pdf

Shelf Number: 128402

Cigarette Smuggling (Virginia)
Cigarette Trafficking
Counterfeit Cigarettes
Organized Crime
Tax Evasion

Author: U.S. Congress. Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control

Title: The Buck Stops Here: Improving U.S. Anti-Money Laundering Practices

Summary: A bipartisan report entitled The Buck Stops Here: Improving U.S. Anti-Money Laundering Practices that provides recommendations for Congress and the Obama Administration to strengthen anti-money laundering laws and regulations in the United States. “Drug traffickers are motivated by one thing: money. The illicit proceeds from their crimes are blood money, and blood money has no place in our financial system.” said Senator Feinstein. “Money laundering—very often through U.S. businesses and financial institutions—must be stopped if we are to make real progress in curtailing the drug trade. Improving our anti-money laundering laws will help better combat transnational organized crime and return revenue to the U.S. Treasury.” “Our report has common-sense recommendations to curb key shortcomings in anti-money laundering statutes and enforcement practices.” said Senator Grassley. “By cutting off financing, we can get at the criminals who misuse legitimate institutions to fuel their illegal activities. Congress and the Obama Administration should take a close look at these recommendations.” The report recommends: •Stronger enforcement of anti-money laundering laws by the Justice Department, particularly in cases where banks are accused of improperly monitoring billions of dollars in illicit proceeds; •Making pre-paid cards (known as stored value) subject to cross-border reporting requirements; •Closing a loophole that makes armored cash carriers exempt from reporting requirements; •Passage of the Incorporation Transparency and Law Enforcement Assistance Act to make it more difficult for criminal organizations to hide behind shell companies; •Passage of the Combating Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Counterfeiting Act to close gaps in anti-money laundering laws; and •Enforcement of the 2007 National Money Laundering Strategy, including the requirement that all money service businesses register with the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network.

Details: Washington, DC: Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control, 2013. 49p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 1, 2013 at: http://www.feinstein.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/files/serve/?File_id=311e974a-feb6-48e6-b302-0769f16185ee

Year: 2013

Country: United States

URL: http://www.feinstein.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/files/serve/?File_id=311e974a-feb6-48e6-b302-0769f16185ee

Shelf Number: 128503

Drug Trafficking
Financial Crimes
Money Laundering (U.S.)
Organized Crime

Author: Lamb, Robert Dale

Title: Microdynamics of Illegitimacy and Complex Urban Violence in Medellin, Colombia

Summary: For most of the past 25 years, Medellin, Colombia, has been an extreme case of complex, urban violence, involving not just drug cartels and state security forces, but also street gangs, urban guerrillas, community militias, paramilitaries, and other nonstate armed actors who have controlled micro-territories in the city's densely populated slums in ever-shifting alliances. Before 2002, Medellin's homicide rate was among the highest in the world, but after the guerrillas and militias were defeated in 2003, a major paramilitary alliance disarmed and a period of peace known as the "Medellin Miracle" began. Policy makers facing complex violence elsewhere were interested in finding out how that had happened so quickly. The research presented here is a case study of violence in Medellin over five periods since 1984 and at two levels of analysis: the city as a whole, and a sector called Caicedo La Sierra. The objectives were to describe and explain the patterns of violence, and determine whether legitimacy played any role, as the literature on social stability suggested it might. Multilevel, multidimensional frameworks for violence and legitimacy were developed to organize data collection and analysis. The study found that most decreases in violence at all levels of analysis were explained by increases in territorial control. Increases in collective (organized) violence resulted from a process of "illegitimation," in which an intolerably unpredictable living environment sparked internal opposition to local rulers and raised the costs of territorial control, increasing their vulnerability to rivals. As this violence weakened social order and the rule of law, interpersonal-communal (unorganized) violence increased. Over time, the "true believers" in armed political and social movements became marginalized or corrupted; most organized violence today is motivated by money. These findings imply that state actors, facing resurgent violence, can keep their tenuous control over the hillside slums (and other "ungoverned" areas) if they can avoid illegitimizing themselves. Their priority, therefore, should be to establish a tolerable, predictable daily living environment for local residents and businesses: other anti-violence programs will fail without strong, permanent, and respectful governance structures.

Details: College Park, MD: University of Maryland, 2010. 657p.

Source: Internet Resource: Dissertation: Accessed May 6, 2013 at: http://drum.lib.umd.edu/handle/1903/10242

Year: 2010

Country: Colombia

URL: http://drum.lib.umd.edu/handle/1903/10242

Shelf Number: 128671

Organized Crime
Rule of Law
Urban Areas
Violence (Colombia)
Violent Crime


Title: Peña Nieto’s Challenge: Criminal Cartels and Rule of Law in Mexico

Summary: After years of intense, cartel-related bloodshed that has claimed tens of thousands of lives and shaken Mexico, new President Enrique Peña Nieto is promising to reduce the murder rate. The security plan he introduced with the backing of the three biggest parties gives Mexico a window of opportunity to build institutions that can produce long-term peace and cut impunity rates. But he faces many challenges. The cartels have thousands of gunmen and have morphed into diversified crime groups that not only traffic drugs, but also conduct mass kidnappings, oversee extortion rackets and steal from the state oil industry. The military still fights them in much of the country on controversial missions too often ending in shooting rather than prosecutions. If Peña Nieto does not build an effective police and justice system, the violence may continue or worsen. But major institutional improvements and more efficient, comprehensive social programs could mean real hope for sustainable peace and justice. The development of cartels into murder squads fighting to control territory with military-grade weapons challenges the Mexican state’s monopoly on the use of force in some regions. The brutality of their crimes undermines civilian trust in the government’s capacity to protect them, and the corruption of drug money damages belief in key institutions. Cartels challenge the fundamental nature of the state, therefore, not by threatening to capture it, but by damaging and weakening it. The military fight-back has at times only further eroded the trust in government by inflicting serious human rights abuses. Some frustrated communities have formed armed “selfdefence” groups against the cartels. Whatever the intent, these also degrade the rule of law. There has been fierce discussion about how to legally define the fighting. The violence has been described as a low-intensity armed conflict, a kind of war, because of the number of deaths and type of weapons used. The criminal groups have been described as everything from gangs, drug cartels and transnational criminal organisations, to paramilitaries and terrorists. The Mexican government, much of the international community and many analysts reject the idea there is anything other than a serious criminal threat, even though those criminal groups use military and, at times, vicious terror tactics. The army and marines, too, thrown into the breach with limited police training and without efficient policing methods, have often used intense and lethal force to fight the groups, killing more than 2,300 alleged criminals in a five-year period. Within the grey world of fighting between rival cartels and security forces, there is much confusion as to who the victims of the violence are, and who killed them or made them disappear. Estimates of the total who have died in connection with the fighting over the last six years range from 47,000 to more than 70,000, in addition to thousands of disappearances. Cartel gunmen often dress in military uniforms and include corrupt police in their ranks, so people are unsure if they are facing criminals or troops. A victims movement is demanding justice and security. Mexico has also lost hundreds of police and army officers, mayors, political candidates, judges, journalists and human rights defenders to the bloodshed that is taking a toll on its democratic institutions.

Details: Brussels, Belgium: International Crisis Group, 2013. 52p.

Source: Internet Resource: Latin America Report No. 48: Accessed May 13, 2013 at: http://www.crisisgroup.org/~/media/Files/latin-america/mexico/048-pena-nietos-challenge-criminal-cartels-and-rule-of-law-in-mexico.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Mexico

URL: http://www.crisisgroup.org/~/media/Files/latin-america/mexico/048-pena-nietos-challenge-criminal-cartels-and-rule-of-law-in-mexico.pdf

Shelf Number: 128724

Drug - Related Violence (Mexico)
Drug Cartels
Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime
Violent Crimes

Author: Aning, Kwesi

Title: Drug Trafficking And Threats to National and Regional Security in West Africa

Summary: In less than one and a half decades West Africa has become a major transit and repackaging hub for cocaine and heroin flowing from the Latin American and Asian producing areas to European markets. Drug trafficking is not new to the region; the phenomenon rapidly expanded in the mid-2000s as a result of a strategic shift of Latin American drug syndicates towards the rapidly growing European market, leading UNODC to state in 2008 that ‘…the crisis of drug trafficking … is gaining attention. Alarm bells are ringing …West Africa has become a hub for cocaine trafficking. This is more than a drugs problem. It is a serious security threat.” West Africa presents an ideal choice as a logistical transit center for drug traffickers: its geography makes detection difficult and facilitates transit; the region boasts well-established networks of West African smugglers and crime syndicates; and a vulnerable political environment creates opportunities for operation. In some countries, civil wars, insurgency operations, and coups have led to diminishing human capital, social infrastructure and productive national development assets. They have also generated instability, with an increase in the number of armed groups operating in the region and an increase in flows of small arms and light weapons (SALW). Instability in the Middle East has also seen flows of heavier weapons entering through the Sahel region. As in the case of Mali, drug traffickers have often availed of this instability to further their own interests. While violence on the scale of Latin American drug trafficking is yet to manifest itself, the potential for the drug trade to become a source of violent political competition in some countries nonetheless exists. More recently and as reports on drug use in the region increase, experts have highlighted the human security threats posed by drug trafficking, for which institutions and policy makers are particularly ill prepared to respond to. One of the main challenges lies in the fact that the predominant approach to drug trafficking in the region to date has been based on the international narcotics control regime which is centered on stemming the supply of drugs through law enforcement efforts. Limited focus has been placed on the health and developmental aspects of the spillover effects of drug trafficking, which over time could constitute a greater security threat to West Africa than currently acknowledged. This background paper examines the impact of drug trafficking on national and regional security in West Africa. The first sections provide an overview of the main security threats that drug trafficking is perceived to pose to states and the sub-region, including the links between drug trafficking and terrorism. Subsequently, the paper provides an overview of how the incidence of drug trafficking and perceived threats are being articulated in policy circles; and the nature of UN, AU and ECOWAS policy responses to drug trafficking and the security threats it poses. In the final section, the paper identifies knowledge gaps in the existing literature on drug trafficking in West Africa.

Details: Accra, Ghana: West Africa Commission on Drugs, 2013. 15p.

Source: Internet Resource: WACD Background Paper No.1: Accessed May 22, 2013 at: http://www.wacommissionondrugs.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Drug-Trafficking-and-Threats-to-National-and-Regional-Security-in-West-Africa-2013-04-03.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Africa

URL: http://www.wacommissionondrugs.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Drug-Trafficking-and-Threats-to-National-and-Regional-Security-in-West-Africa-2013-04-03.pdf

Shelf Number: 128773

Drug Trafficking (West Africa)
Drug Violence
Organized Crime

Author: Organization of American States

Title: The Drug Problem in the Americas: Studies. Drugs and Security

Summary: The relationship between the drug problem and security can be explained principally by the state’s weakness in performing its law and order functions, property protection and crime prevention. The varying capabilities of different states in the region to guarantee protection for their citizens and effective law enforcement constitute a key variable in understanding why in some countries the drug problem is viewed as a major security threat, while in others its effect is less intense. While drug use tends to be high among people who have committed crimes, this does not mean that the majority of drug users commit crimes. The relationship between drug use and the occurrence of crime tends to be highest in specific urban spaces, and is generally associated with drug use by socially marginalized groups. Drug trafficking is an important factor behind the high mortality rates of some countries in the hemisphere. Nevertheless, there is not enough evidence to conclude that recent changes in drug trafficking routes have resulted in a decline in violent deaths, suggesting that other underlying factors may be driving this violence. The relationship between the drug problem and organized crime works both ways: Illegal drugs provide resources that fuel crime, while organized crime serves as the engine to sustain much of the drug market. From a security perspective, the problem is more about organized crime than drugs. Illegal firearms trafficking is a major problem throughout the hemisphere, exacerbated by the relationship between illegal drugs and organized crime. Illegal drugs drive crime, violence, corruption, and impunity. These four factors are key to understanding the interaction among prohibition, criminal organizations, and state institutions. The drug problem accentuates corruption within countries, taking advantage of institutional weaknesses, lack of controls and regulations, and lack of judicial independence. Institutional responses to address the drug problem may trigger reactions that further aggravate levels of violence and crime. Often times, State attempts to combat criminal factions simultaneously and head-on lead to fragmentation and power vacuums that exacerbate violence.

Details: Washington, DC: OAS, 2013. 48p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 25, 2013 at: http://www.cicad.oas.org/main/policy/informeDrogas2013/drogasSeguridad_ENG.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: International

URL: http://www.cicad.oas.org/main/policy/informeDrogas2013/drogasSeguridad_ENG.pdf

Shelf Number: 128798

Drug Abuse and Crime
Drug Enforcement
Drug Trafficking
Drug Violence
Organized Crime
Political Corruption

Author: Robles, Gustavo

Title: The Economic Consequences of Drug Trafficking Violence in Mexico

Summary: The levels of violence in Mexico have dramatically increased in the last few years due to structural changes in the drug trafficking business. The increase in the number of drug trafficking organizations (DTOs) fighting over the control of territory and trafficking routes has resulted in a substantial increase in the rates of homicides and other crimes. This study evaluates the economic costs of drug-­‐related violence. We propose electricity consumption as an indicator of the level of municipal economic activity and use two different empirical strategies to test this. We utilize an instrumental variable regression using as exogenous variation the instrument proposed by Castillo, Mejía, and Restrepo (2013) based on historical seizures of cocaine in Colombia interacted with the distance of the Mexican border towns to the United States. We find that marginal increases of violence have negative effects on labor participation and the proportion of unemployed in an area. The marginal effect of the increase in homicides is substantive for earned income and the proportion of business owners, but not for energy consumption. We also employ the methodology of synthetic controls to evaluate the effect that inter-­‐narco wars have on local economies. These wars in general begin with a wave of executions between rival criminal organizations and are accompanied by the deterioration of order and a significant increase in extortion, kidnappings, robberies, murders, and threats affecting the general population. To evaluate the effect that these wars between different drug trafficking organizations have on economic performance, we define the beginning of a conflict as the moment when we observe an increase from historical violence rates at the municipal level beyond a certain threshold, and construct counterfactual scenarios as an optimal weighted average from potential control units. The analysis indicates that the drug wars in those municipalities that saw dramatic increases in violence between 2006 and 2010 significantly reduced their energy consumption in the years after the change occurred.

Details: Stanford, CA: Stanford University, 2013. 38p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 28, 2013 at: http://iis-db.stanford.edu/pubs/24014/RoblesCalderonMagaloni_EconCosts5.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: United States

URL: http://iis-db.stanford.edu/pubs/24014/RoblesCalderonMagaloni_EconCosts5.pdf

Shelf Number: 128839

Drug Abuse and Crime (Mexico, U.S.)
Drug Trafficking
Drug-Related Violence
Economics of Crime
Organized Crime
Violent Crimes

Author: Acconcia, Antonio

Title: Mafia and Public Spending: Evidence on the Fiscal Multiplier from a Quasi-Experiment

Summary: We estimate the multiplier relying on differences in spending in infrastructure across Italian provinces and an instrument identifying investment changes that are large and exogenous to local cyclical conditions. We derive our instrument from the Law mandating the interruption of public work on evidence of mafia infiltration of city councils. Our IV estimates on cross sectional data allow us to address common problems in time series analysis, such as the risk of estimating spuriously high multipliers because of endogeneity and reverse causation, or the risk of confounding the effects of fiscal and monetary measures. Accounting for contemporaneous and lagged effects, and controlling for the direct impact of anti-mafia measures on output, our results suggest a multiplier as high as 1.4 on impact, and 2 including dynamic effects.

Details: Naples, Italy: CSEF - Centre for Studies in Economics and Finance, Department of Economics, University of Naples, 2013. 41p.

Source: Internet Resource: Working Paper no. 281: http://www.csef.it/wp/wp281.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Italy

URL: http://www.csef.it/wp/wp281.pdf

Shelf Number: 128851

Economics of Crime
Mafia (Italy)
Organized Crime

Author: Bury, Steven E.

Title: Analysis of West African Drug Trafficking: The Dynamics of Interdiction and State Capacity

Summary: Illegal drug trafficking through West Africa has grown dramatically in the last decade, capturing the attention of U.S., European, and U.N. policymakers. Most countries in West Africa have struggled to adapt to the challenges drug trafficking has presented. A few countries, like Ghana, have made a more concerted and successful effort to confront the problem. This thesis seeks to test the hypothesis that variations in counternarcotics interdiction success Ghana and Guinea-Bissau can be explained by the level of state capacity and the ability to absorb international counternarcotics partnerships to deal with the problem. The findings of this study suggest the success of Ghana relative to Guinea- Bissau is explained by higher level of initial state capacity and its ability to absorb international assistance. The government of Guinea-Bissau, on the other hand, is caught in an incapacity trap that has thwarted its efforts towards narcotics interdiction. Efforts at international partnership in Ghana have a foundation of state capacity to build upon and a viable partner whereas in Guinea-Bissau assistance efforts have been relegated to correcting the utter lack of capacity in an environment of political-military instability where a viable partner in the War on Drugs has not yet emerged.

Details: Monterey, CA: Naval Postgraduate School, 2011. 75p.

Source: Internet Resource: Thesis: Accessed May 30, 2013 at: http://www.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a543911.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Africa

URL: http://www.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a543911.pdf

Shelf Number: 128854

Drug Law Enforcement
Drug Trafficking (Africa)
Organized Crime


Title: Justice at the Barrel of a Gun: Vigilante Militias in Mexico

Summary: A rapid expansion in 2013 of vigilante militias – civilian armed groups that claim to fight crime – has created a third force in Mexico’s ongoing cartel-related violence. Some of these militias contain well-meaning citizens and have detained hundreds of suspected criminals. However, they challenge the government’s necessary monopoly on the use of force to impart justice. As the militias spread, there is also concern some are being used by criminal groups to fight their rivals and control territory. The Peña Nieto administration needs to develop a coherent policy for dealing with the vigilantes, so that it can work with authentic community policing projects while stopping the continued expansion of unregulated armed groups; this also requires demonstrating that the state has sufficient capacity to restore law and order on its own. If the government fails to deal with this issue, militias could spread across the country, triggering more violence and further damaging the rule of law. President Peña Nieto had expected to have to cope with the well-armed, ruthless cartels that dominate portions of the country, as well as the problems presented by uncoordinated national, state and municipal law enforcement bodies and a legacy of impunity. The appearance of a growing number of armed groups in at least nine of the 31 states, from close to the U.S. border to the south east, however, has added another dangerous level of complexity to the security challenge. Their epicentre, on which this briefing concentrates, is in the Pacific states of Guerrero and Michoacán, where thousands of armed men participate in a range of vigilante organisations. There have been more than 30 killings there since January 2013, either by or against the vigilantes, and they have become increasingly worrying hotspots of insecurity. While the vigilante killings are still only a fraction of the more than 5,000 cartel-related murders that took place across Mexico in the first five months of Peña Nieto’s administration, the concern is that this new type of violence could expand across the land. The violence has coincided with protests against government reforms in these states, including road blockades and looting of food trucks that are part of a broader challenge to authority. The government launched a major security offensive in Michoacán in May that has weakened the militia presence there, at least in the short term. In Guerrero, the state government has made agreements with some militia leaders in an attempt to lessen their impact. However, various vigilante groups are still active, and some of the core problems of insecurity that led to their presence are unresolved. The vigilantism issue is complicated by the fact that many communities, particularly indigenous, have a centuries-old tradition of community policing. Many groups have shown themselves to be successful and have demonstrated legitimate ways of providing security. However, it is legally ambiguous how far such community groups can go in bearing arms and imparting justice. Furthermore, many of the new militias copy the language and claim the same rights as these community police, even though they do not come from a local tradition or are not even rooted in indigenous communities. The government needs to work with the authentic and unarmed community police and clearly define the parameters of what they can and cannot do. Some rules can be established on the basis of guidelines that are being developed under state and federal laws or by expanding agreements being worked out between state governments and community leaders. In some cases, the government needs to require the disarmament of vigilante groups; in yet others, it needs to more aggressively detain and prosecute militias with criminal links. But the government also needs to significantly improve security in all the communities where militias have been formed. Many residents have taken up arms because the state has systematically failed to protect them. The clamour for security is legitimate; but justice is better served through functional state institutions than the barrels of private guns.

Details: Mexico City/Bogota/Brussels: International Crisis Group, 2013. 20p.

Source: Internet Resource: Latin America Briefing N°29: Accessed May 30, 2013 at: http://www.crisisgroup.org/en/regions/latin-america-caribbean/mexico/b029-justice-at-the-barrel-of-a-gun-vigilante-militias-in-mexico.aspx

Year: 2013

Country: Mexico

URL: http://www.crisisgroup.org/en/regions/latin-america-caribbean/mexico/b029-justice-at-the-barrel-of-a-gun-vigilante-militias-in-mexico.aspx

Shelf Number: 128879

Criminal Cartels
Gun Violence (Mexico)
Organized Crime
Violent Crime

Author: Wittens, Stefan

Title: Drug Related Violence in Mexico: A literature study from 1985-2011

Summary: The explanations for the escalation of drug-related violence that are found in the literature are diverse as well as numerous. Among these explanations two direct causations dominate: first, Mexican government policy and strategy, primarily since Calderon took office in 2006 and to lesser extent during the Fox administration and second, the competition between and within the Drug Trafficking Organizations (DTOs) since 2000. However, when these explanations are compared to the empirical data, the escalation of violence primarily coincides with the policy of Calderon and there are no elevated levels of violence since 2000, which reduces the validity of inter and intra-cartel violence within the timeframe of the literature. The empirical data suggests that since 2004 drug-related violence started rising slightly, with a clear break and an escalation of homicides since 2007. This also adds more weight to two more explanations: first the diversification of DTO modus operandi, a process that has essentially started with the arrival of the Zetas and second, with a decline in demand for Mexican drugs in America since 2006. Furthermore, the findings from the literature study seem best explained by the principle of producer-product, as the direct causality between policy, competition and drug-related violence could hardly exist without the existing environment. Pre-conditions like weak institutional capacity, corruption, availability of weapons, poverty, geography, culture and others are seen as exacerbates and contributors to the escalating levels of drug-related violence.

Details: Utrecht: Utrecht University, 2012. 105p.

Source: Internet Resource: Thesis: Accessed June 1, 2013 at: http://igitur-archive.library.uu.nl/student-theses/2012-1126-200608/UUindex.html

Year: 2012

Country: Mexico

URL: http://igitur-archive.library.uu.nl/student-theses/2012-1126-200608/UUindex.html

Shelf Number: 128891

Drug Cartels
Drug Trafficking
Drug-Related Violence (Mexico)
Organized Crime

Author: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of the Inspector General, Evaluation and Inspections Division

Title: The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ Efforts to Prevent the Diversion of Tobacco

Summary: The U.S. Department of Justice’s (Department) Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) is charged with investigating the diversion of alcohol and tobacco products from the legal distribution system to evade payment of federal and state excise taxes. This diversion can include several different types of criminal behavior, such as smuggling alcohol and tobacco products from a low tax state to sell in a high tax state, smuggling across international borders, avoiding taxes by pretending to export products but illegally selling them in the United States, producing counterfeit products, selling products without tax stamps or with counterfeit stamps, and selling products illegally over the Internet. In the United States, federal and state governments estimate that tobacco diversion costs over $5 billion in revenue from unpaid excise taxes annually. The primary reason that tobacco diversion is profitable in the United States is the disparity among the states’ excise taxes. For example, because South Carolina has the lowest state excise tax at 7 cents per pack of cigarettes and Rhode Island has the highest at $3.46 per pack, South Carolina is a source of less expensive cigarettes for criminals to buy and then resell at a profit in Rhode Island. While most cities or counties do not impose tobacco taxes, New York City and Chicago do, and those cities have the highest priced cigarettes in the country because of the additional city and county taxes. New York City charges $1.50 tax per pack in addition to a New York State tax of $2.75, resulting in $4.25 added to the cost of a pack of cigarettes. In Chicago, the combination of a state tax (98 cents), county tax ($2), and city tax (68 cents) adds a total of $3.66 to the cost of each pack of cigarettes. In addition to state and local taxes, federal taxes add another $1.50 to a pack of cigarettes. As of July 2009, the average retail price per pack of cigarettes across all states was $5.72, with prices ranging from $4.01 to $7.55 due to variations in state taxes and retail business practices. The incentive to profit by evading payment of taxes rises with each tax rate hike imposed by federal, state, and local governments. High state tobacco excise taxes make it profitable for individuals and groups to risk crossing state borders to smuggle and engage in other illegal sales activities. For example, solely by purchasing cigarettes in a low tax state and reselling them in a high tax state a seller can make a profit up to $23,000 on 10 cases of cigarettes (a car load), up to $90,000 on 50 cases (a van load), and up to $465,000 for 200 cases (a small truck load). The diversion of tobacco can occur anywhere on the production or supply chain – manufacturers, wholesalers, and retail outlets have been involved in diverting tobacco products. Counterfeit and authentic contraband tobacco products are available through illegal “black market” sources, through the Internet, and at legally operated retail locations. According to ATF, since 2000, organized criminal groups have become increasingly active in the diversion of tobacco products, particularly cigarettes, and are running larger scale and more complicated diversion schemes. The schemes have included the use of counterfeit tax stamps, counterfeit cigarettes, shell companies, money laundering, and fraudulent tobacco rebate forms. According to ATF, alcohol diversion that rises to the level of a federal offense is not as prevalent as tobacco diversion because alcohol is harder to transport in larger quantities than tobacco and the manufacturing of illegal alcohol is limited to specific geographic areas of the country. Consequently, alcohol diversion is generally investigated by state tax or law enforcement entities instead of ATF. Therefore, this report focuses predominantly on tobacco diversion.

Details: Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, 2009. 57p.

Source: Internet Resource: Report Number I-2009-005; Accessed June 4, 2013 at: http://www.justice.gov/oig/reports/ATF/e0905.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: United States

URL: http://www.justice.gov/oig/reports/ATF/e0905.pdf

Shelf Number: 128932

Cigarette Smuggling (U.S.)
Organized Crime
Tax Avoidance

Author: Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA)

Title: Enforcement Not Extinction: Zero Tolerance on Tiger Trade

Summary: The International Tiger Forum held in November 2010 in Saint Petersburg, Russia, provides an exciting opportunity. Convened by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, leaders of Tiger Range Countries (TRC) endorsed a declaration and Global Tiger Recovery Program (GTRP) to double the tiger population by 2022, the next Year of the Tiger, setting the tone for future national and global efforts. Many of the strategies advocated in the Forum have been proposed repeatedly since the last Year of the Tiger. Some are older still. On paper they appear objective, logical and scientific – yet governments have failed to implement them thoroughly or consistently. Will this time be any different? Can world leaders rise to the challenge and deliver meaningful action, not simply fine words? Drawing on EIA’s experience of investigating the illegal trade in consumer countries, this position paper highlights the key recommendations on law enforcement that have consistently been made over the years and examines the possible underlying reasons why they have not yet been implemented. Accepting that these enforcement recommendations are still key to the survival of the wild tiger, we identify actions that governments can take to overcome those obstacles and demonstrate real progress and change on the ground. We call upon governments to prioritise the following: • Secure greater involvement of police and Customs officers in tiger and other Asian big cat conservation • Reduce demand for tiger and other Asian big cat parts • Expand the use of intelligence-led enforcement in combating tiger trade • Improve international cooperation to disrupt transnational criminal networks • Continue with reform of judicial processes • Increase resources to combat wildlife crime • Improve the motivation of enforcement personnel • Tackle corruption in wildlife crime

Details: London: EIA, 2011. 28p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 4, 2013 at: http://www.eia-international.org.php5-20.dfw1-1.websitetestlink.com/wp-content/uploads/reports210-1.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: International

URL: http://www.eia-international.org.php5-20.dfw1-1.websitetestlink.com/wp-content/uploads/reports210-1.pdf

Shelf Number: 128960

Illegal Wildlife Trade
Organized Crime
Wildlife Crime
Wildlife Law Enforcement

Author: Great Britain HM Revenue and Customs

Title: Tackling Tobacco Smuggling–building on our success

Summary: The Government believes that tobacco smuggling must be tackled head on. Tobacco fraud costs taxpayers over £2 billion a year, depriving the general public of revenue to fund vital public services that support us all. The availability of illegal tobacco products undermines public health objectives and impacts on the health of both individuals and wider communities; circumventing health labelling requirements and age of sale restrictions. Since Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs’ (HMRC) “Tackling Tobacco Smuggling” Strategy was first introduced in 2000 the size of the illicit cigarette market has been cut by almost half with more than 20 billion cigarettes and over 2,700 tonnes of hand-rolling tobacco seized. There have been more than 3300 criminal prosecutions for tobacco offences following action by our officers. The smuggling of cigarettes and hand-rolling tobacco is also a key business for organised criminal gangs who use the proceeds of this crime to fund the smuggling of drugs, weapons and also human beings. It harms the overwhelming majority of law-abiding businesses who sell tobacco products legally, diverting revenues from retailers all over the country. This Government is committed to stepping up action to deal with this problem and “Tackling Tobacco Smuggling –building on our success” shows how HMRC with the support of UK Border Agency will work together to ensure that those who think that this is a quick, easy and above all profitable crime are targeted, tackled and punished.

Details: London: HM Revenue & Customs and the UK Border Agency, 2011. 18p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 18, 2013 at: http://customs.hmrc.gov.uk/channelsPortalWebApp/channelsPortalWebApp.portal?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=pageLibrary_MiscellaneousReports&propertyType=document&columns=1&id=HMCE_PROD1_031246

Year: 2011

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://customs.hmrc.gov.uk/channelsPortalWebApp/channelsPortalWebApp.portal?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=pageLibrary_MiscellaneousReports&propertyType=document&columns=1&id=HMCE_PROD1_031246

Shelf Number: 129011

Border Security
Illicit Trade
Organized Crime
Tobacco Smuggling (U.K.)

Author: Taft-Morales, Maureen

Title: Guatemala: Political, Security, and Socio- Economic Conditions and U.S. Relations

Summary: Since the 1980s, Guatemala, the most populous country in Central America with a population just over 14 million, has continued its transition from a centuries-long tradition of mostly autocratic rule toward representative government. A democratic constitution was adopted in 1985, and a democratically elected government was inaugurated in 1986. A 36-year civil war that ravaged Guatemala ended in 1996. This report provides an overview of Guatemala’s current political and economic conditions, relations with the United States, and several issues likely to figure in future decisions by Congress and the Administration regarding Guatemala. With respect to continued cooperation and foreign assistance, these issues include security and governance; protection of human rights and human rights conditions on some U.S. military aid to Guatemala; support for the International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala; combating narcotics trafficking and organized crime; trade relations; and intercountry adoption. In November 2011, Otto Pérez Molina won the second-round presidential election run-off with 53.8% of the vote. He took office, along with the 158-member Congress, in January 2012. A former military commander who served during the civil war period, Pérez Molina faces concerns from some regarding his role in the human rights abuses committed during that period. In a landmark case, a Guatemalan court found former dictator Efrain Rios Montt guilty of genocide and crimes against humanity on May 10, 2013. Appeals have been filed. Guatemala continues to be plagued by security issues related to narcotics trafficking and the rise of organized crime, social inequality, and poverty. Upon taking office Pérez Molina announced a controversial position to decriminalize drugs as one policy initiative to address Guatemala’s many problems. Pérez Molina's proposal has failed to garner the support of other Central American leaders, but he seems willing to continue pushing the debate forward. In his view, decriminalization has to be gradual and strongly regulated, and it has to take place in the whole region, including producer and consumer countries. In the meantime, Pérez Molina vows to continue prosecuting and jailing drug-traffickers.

Details: Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service, 2013. 21p.

Source: Internet Resource: R42580: Accessed June 18, 2013 at: http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/row/R42580.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Guatemala

URL: http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/row/R42580.pdf

Shelf Number: 129017

Criminal Justice
Drug Trafficking
Human Rights
Organized Crime
Socio-economic Conditions (Guatemala)

Author: Fuentes, Marco v. Barahona

Title: Gangs in Honduras: A Threat to National Security

Summary: Gangs in Honduras pose a real threat to national security. These criminal groups continue to develop networking and capabilities that turn them into a sort of new insurgency. Many of these gangs are growing and imposing an ideology of violence, which is contrary to democratic values and which violates human rights. In addition, this paper describes how third generation gangs are working in tandem with the Transnational Crime Organization developing a strong connections, which threaten sovereignty, stability, public security, governability and, consequently, imperil democratic legitimacy. They represent a challenge to the Honduran state that seems to have lost the ability to provide basic rights to its citizens, to control its territory and to enforce law and authority. Prevention of these gangs will require a different comprehensive approach. Gang activity must be countered through governmental commitment and cooperation, actively engagement of the private sector, participation of the local communities and the pledge of international support.

Details: Carlisle, PA: U.S. Army War College, 2012. 34p.

Source: Internet Resource: Strategy Research Project, United States Army War College: Accessed June 21, 2013 at: http://www.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?AD=ADA560682

Year: 2012

Country: Honduras

URL: http://www.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?AD=ADA560682

Shelf Number: 129125

Gangs (Honduras)
Organized Crime

Author: Hampton-Gaines, Berthea G.

Title: State Capacity and Effectiveness in Combating Crime: A Comparative Study of El Salvador and Guatemala

Summary: Less than two decades after the conclusion of brutal civil wars, El Salvador and Guatemala are once again faced with high levels of violence stemming from drug trafficking, organized crime, corruption, and gangs. Overall, El Salvador was more successful in post-war state building. However, despite having stronger institutions and more capabilities, it is not better off when it comes to public security when compared to Guatemala, a state with weaker institutions and fewer resources. In fact, El Salvador’s homicide rates have been consistently higher. According to prevailing conventional wisdom, a country with stronger institutions and more resources should be more capable and effective at maintaining order, but this is not the case. This thesis examines the nature of crime, institutional capacity, and the effectiveness of government responses to reduce violent crime. It argues that decisions made during the transition period set these states on different paths. Furthermore, while strong institutions are important to maintaining order, government policy can strengthen or weaken the effectiveness of the institution. Strong institutions are necessary, but not sufficient.

Details: Monterey, CA: Naval Postgraduate School, 2012. 95p.

Source: Internet Resource: Thesis: Accessed June 22, 2013 at: https://www.hsdl.org/?view&did=719163

Year: 2012

Country: Central America

URL: https://www.hsdl.org/?view&did=719163

Shelf Number: 129145

Drug Trafficking
Gangs (El Salvador, Guatemala, Central America)
Mara Salvatrucha
Organized Crime
Violent Crime

Author: Cohen, Mark A.

Title: Violence and Crime in Latin America

Summary: The public survey that was conducted by the IDB for this project identified the problem of “crime and violence” to be one of the areas of major concern in Latin America. In particular, the following items were identified (in descending or perceived priority): (a) high incidence of crime, (b) drug trafficking, (c) proliferation of violent youth gangs, (d) pervasiveness of money laundering, and (e) frequency of domestic violence. In conducting the research for this present paper, we evaluated the nature of the evidence on the extent to which these perceived issues would rise to the level of being “significant,” as well as the evidence on “what works” and what the benefits and costs are from programs that have been shown to be effective. Setting the boundaries of our analysis was a difficult task, but one that we needed to do in order to arrive at a solutions document that would be of value to policy makers. For example, while most incidents of crime and violence are essentially “local,” the causes and potential solutions to crime might lie well outside the local or even national jurisdiction. This is true globally – where many types of crimes are clearly of a global character and require more than local solutions. There are several very stark examples of this problem in the case of crime and violence in Latin America. For example, the demand for drugs in the U.S. and Europe will have an impact on the supply of drugs in various Latin American countries – and hence will impact organized crime and gang-related violence. Because these markets operate outside of traditional legal institutions, enforcement of property rights disputes, for example, also take place outside normal legal channels – hence contributing to the demand for violence itself. Moreover, because the demand for drugs is coming outside of Latin America, any attempt to reduce the supply of drugs in one “hot spot” country in Latin America will ultimately backfire as drug production is shifted to another country to keep up with the demand. There is good evidence that this has happened repeatedly in Latin America. Thus, without global solutions, a Latin American solution to this problem is unlikely to succeed. Drug and terrorism policy in the U.S. and Europe can also affect crime and violence in Latin America. For example, the U.S. war on drugs has led to the extradition of drug lords – something that has destabilized the Colombian drug market, for example, with the ultimate effect of more violence between organized drug cartels to gain control over local areas. This contrasts with the approach taken in Europe which is largely to treat drugs as a ‘consumption’ problem at home. Similarly, some researchers have suggested that immigration and prison policies in the U.S. affect crime and gang-related violence in Latin America. For example, illegal immigrants who have committed crimes while in the U.S. will serve time in prison and then be deported to their home country. To the extent that returning prisoners have joined gangs in U.S. prisons and transfer knowledge and experience back to their home countries – this exacerbates the gang violence problem in the home country. In this paper, we take these factors as exogenous and beyond the scope of our immediate concern – which is to identify the most cost-beneficial programs that can be implemented in Latin America to reduce crime and violence given the current situation and institutions within which we have to work. Policy discussions over crime and violence in Latin America have oftentimes been framed using political and ideological themes. Thus, for example, calls for more police and tougher prison sentences are often seen as attempts by the “right” to control the underclass. Similarly, calls for prevention programs through better education, jobs, and an enhanced standard of living to reduce the desirability of illegal occupations are often seen as “socialist” solutions by the right. Given this political backdrop as well as the fact that the field of criminology itself has historical roots in sociology, there is scant empirical evidence on either the extent of criminal behavior or the effectiveness of prevention or control strategies in Latin America. Police records are notoriously poor – and often generated by corrupt politicians or police administrations to support their point of view. There have only been a few comprehensive victimization surveys in some countries, and any significant crosscountry comparisons that can be made are of only limited value unlike more detailed surveys in the U.S. and Europe. There are also no reliable indicators of drugs or arms trafficking or the influence of organized crime. Measures of these problems are largely indirect and subject to considerable uncertainty. Thus, in the following section on the extent of crime and violence in Latin America, the uninitiated reader might be struck by the lack of solid data – but this is a persistent problem in measuring crime and violence.

Details: Unpublished paper, 2007. 46p.

Source: Internet Resource: Solutions Paper: Accessed June 22, 2013 at: http://www.iadb.org/res/ConsultaSanJose/files/ViolenceCrime_Cohen_SP_Final.pdf

Year: 2007

Country: Central America

URL: http://www.iadb.org/res/ConsultaSanJose/files/ViolenceCrime_Cohen_SP_Final.pdf

Shelf Number: 112426

Drug-Related Violence
Organized Crime
Violent Crime (Latin America)
Youth Gangs

Author: O'Regan, Davin

Title: Advancing Stability and Reconciliation in Guinea-Bissau: Lessons from Africa's First Narco-State

Summary: A string of crises stretching back more than a decade has rendered Guinea-Bissau one of the most fragile states in Africa. This recurring cycle of political violence, instability, and incapacitated governance, moreover, has accelerated in recent years, most notably following a military coup in April 2012. Exploiting this volatility, trafficking networks have coopted key political and military leaders and transformed Guinea-Bissau into a hub for illicit commerce, particularly the multibillion dollar international trade in cocaine. This has directly contributed to instability in Senegal, Guinea, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Nigeria, and elsewhere in Africa. European and African organized criminal groups have likewise established ties to the Guinea-Bissau trade. Drawn by the lucrative revenues, al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and other militant groups in West Africa have also been linked to Guinea-Bissau trafficking. Now commonly referred to as Africa’s first narco-state, Guinea-Bissau has become a regional crossroads of instability. Responses to Guinea-Bissau’s bouts of crises, however, have tended to be short lived and neglect the country’s deep institutional weaknesses and vulnerabilities. Clashes within the military, coups d’état, and strings of politically motivated killings have been met with condemnation from regional and international partners followed by calls for investigations or a transitional election—but with few genuine reforms. Oftentimes many of the perpetrators of Guinea-Bissau’s crises retain or even expand their influence and stature. Meanwhile, economic growth has been episodic, human development indicators have been stagnant, and a humanitarian emergency imperiling 300,000 people looms. Given the sensational nature of these crises, root drivers of instability are consistently overlooked, including a political system marked by the concentration of authority in the executive branch and a security sector that has gradually expanded its involvement in politics. As a result, crises inevitably reemerge. While narcotics traffickers initially targeted Guinea-Bissau because of its weak oversight and governance capacity, the drug trade has dramatically compounded these drivers of instability while spawning others. Despite Guinea-Bissau’s serious challenges, some groundwork for reform has been laid by the country’s emerging civil society actors and democratic institutions. An independent media sector, several prominent and well-organized human rights groups, an improved police force, and a national legislature that has on occasion demonstrated its influence, represent a potentially vital reform network. These civil society actors and independent reformers are under growing pressure from the increasingly emboldened military and political leadership that has captured escalating trafficking revenues, however. At the heart of Guinea-Bissau’s instability is its winner-take-all political system. To break its cycle of violence and instability, Guinea-Bissau will need to institute stronger checks and balances in order to diminish the concentration of authority in the Office of the President. This includes codifying the role of other branches of government in authorizing public expenditures and government appointments, among other responsibilities. The armed forces will also need to undergo an objective and balanced review of its management and mission. To become a constructive actor, this top-heavy institution will need to upgrade its policies of promotion, retirement, and recruitment to create a more dynamic, ethnically balanced, and threat-based force structure. Stabilization will similarly require protecting civil society actors as they represent the drivers for change internally. Institutional reforms in the political and military spheres will be contingent on reconciliation efforts to bridge entrenched inter-elite and state-society rifts following years of unresolved abuses, coups, killings, and political machinations. Given the level of polarization within Guinea-Bissau, stabilization cannot be achieved through domestic efforts alone. Instead, it will require the sustained engagement of international partners. Moreover, while Guinea-Bissau is frequently perceived as solely a domestic challenge, its instability is part of a transnational criminal threat affecting regional and international security. As such, neighboring states, as well as Europe and the United States have vested interests in a stable Guinea-Bissau. To advance this objective, international partners should expand their efforts to detect and interdict the sea and air traffic conveying bulk drug shipments to Africa via Guinea-Bissau. Additionally, international actors should investigate and prosecute trafficking networks, many of which clearly hold assets and operational bases in jurisdictions well beyond Guinea-Bissau. Countering trafficking within Guinea-Bissau will require capable multinational engagement to reconstitute the judicial sector, law enforcement, and associated legal and regulatory frameworks. Such an effort could be modeled on a unique joint United Nations-Guatemalan initiative to combat organized criminal activity and strengthen government counter-crime capacities. Efforts to stabilize Guinea-Bissau hold numerous insights on preventing and reversing the rise of other narco-states in Africa. This is an increasingly real prospect given the growing levels of cocaine, heroin, and amphetamine trafficking on the continent. Guinea-Bissau may be Africa’s first narco-state, but worrying signs in Mali, The Gambia, Ghana, Nigeria, Mozambique, Kenya, and elsewhere indicate that it is not the only country struggling against the hollowing effects of drug trafficking on security, development, and governance.

Details: Washington, DC: Africa Center for Strategic Studies, 2013. 58p.

Source: Internet Resource: ACSS Special Report No. 2; Accessed June 25, 2013 at: http://africacenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/SpecialReport-Guinea-Bissau-JUN2013-EN.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Guinea-Bissau

URL: http://africacenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/SpecialReport-Guinea-Bissau-JUN2013-EN.pdf

Shelf Number: 129150

Drug Trafficking (Guinea-Bissau, Africa)
Organized Crime

Author: Negroponte, Diana Villiers

Title: The Merida Initiative and Central America: The Challenges of Containing Public Insecurity and Criminal Violence

Summary: The rising level of violence in Central America, as well as Mexico, has created sensational headlines in the daily press and Hollywood style footage on the nightly news. The focus of this violence has been on the drug cartels and the fights among them for routes to market both in the United States and within the region. However, parallel to the drug related violence caused by the cartels are two distinct, but related issues: a pervasive sense of public insecurity and rising levels of criminal violence. Both are related, but not directly attributable, to the possession and trade in illegal drugs. Intentional homicide, assault, robbery, extortion and fraud have all risen in the last seven years leading us to ask how serious is the problem, what should national governments do to contain, if not prevent their occurrence, and what is the appropriate U.S. contribution. This monograph will examine the reasons for the growth in public insecurity within El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, known as the Northern Triangle, and seek to determine the effectiveness of government policies to restore public trust and security. In the pursuit of greater security, these governments, as well as Mexico, have called upon Washington to assist them.1 The affected governments emphasize a “shared responsibility” to engage in reducing levels of violence, reduce consumption of illegal drugs, regulate the sale of firearms to the cartels and organized crime, as well as to confront corruption and impunity that pervade state institutions.2 The problems are regional, if not global, and to be effective, the response should include both U.S. federal and state authorities.

Details: Washington, DC: Foreign Policy at Brookings, 2009. 81p.

Source: Internet Resource: Working Paper Number 3: Accessed July 1, 2013 at: http://www.brookings.edu/~/media/research/files/papers/2009/5/merida%20initiative%20negroponte/05_merida_initiative_negroponte.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: Central America

URL: http://www.brookings.edu/~/media/research/files/papers/2009/5/merida%20initiative%20negroponte/05_merida_initiative_negroponte.pdf

Shelf Number: 129221

Drug Trafficking
Drug-Related Violence
Merida Initiative
Organized Crime
Violence (Central America)
Violent Crime

Author: Gounev, Philip Martinov

Title: Backdoor Traders: Illicit entrepreneurs and legitimate markets

Summary: This dissertation examines the factors that determine the behaviour of criminal entrepreneurs in legitimate markets. The particular aspect studied is how such entrepreneurs enter a new market when they immigrate into a new country (Chapter 1). The empirical focus of the thesis is the Bulgarian illegal entrepreneurs involved in the sale of stolen cars. More specifically, the dissertation compares their market behaviour in Bulgaria and in Spain between the late 1990s and 2010. The empirical basis for the dissertation is a comprehensive analysis of summaries of 86 Spanish police investigations against organised crime networks, as well as fieldwork consisting of interviews with 79 offenders, law-enforcement officers, entrepreneurs, and car-dealers in Spain and Bulgaria (Chapter 2). To best understand the intertwining of criminal entrepreneurs and legitimate markets the thesis starts by examining the operations of the car markets in Spain and Bulgaria (Chapter 3). It goes on to explain the ‘car-theft industry’ – focusing on how criminal enterprises and networks are structured and operate (Chapter 4). The analysis then continues by comparing how stolen cars are sold by illegal entrepreneurs in Bulgaria and Spain, and the different ways in which ‘legal’ and ‘illegal’ markets intertwine (Chapter 5). The conclusion of this analysis is that Bulgarian criminal entrepreneurs failed to enter the market for used cars in Spain, and instead preferred to traffic and sell the stolen cars in Bulgaria. There are two sets of factors that explain the reasons behind this failure. The first one is the local socio-economic and historical legacies in Bulgaria, which explain how illegal entrepreneurs and buyers (typically part of local economic elites) are linked (Chapter 6), and the factors that fuel demand for stolen cars. The role of the Bulgarian immigrant community in Spain is also considered. The second set of factors, examined through the lenses of economic theories, includes the economic / business rationale that influences the illegal entrepreneurs’ behaviour when entering a market (Chapter 7). The thesis goes on to conclude (Chapter 8) that it is the first set, the complex socio-economic and historical factors that best explain the behaviour of criminal entrepreneurs and their failure to sell stolen cars in Spain.

Details: London: The London School of Economics and Political Science, 2011. 307p.

Source: Internet Resource: Thesis: Accessed July 7, 2013 at: http://etheses.lse.ac.uk/168/1/Gounev_Backdoor_traders.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Bulgaria

URL: http://etheses.lse.ac.uk/168/1/Gounev_Backdoor_traders.pdf

Shelf Number: 129261

Car Theft
Illegal Markets
Illegal Trade (Bulgaria)
Motor Vehicle Theft
Organized Crime
Stolen Goods
Stolen Vehicles

Author: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung

Title: Being Tough Is Not Enough – Curbing transnational organized crime

Summary: The devastating effects and challenges linked to organized crime have become ever more visible in recent years. It is no great news that organized crime is a truly globalized, transnational business. Flows of both its »products« and related illegal funds largely ignore national borders. At the same time, the scope, patterns and effects of organized crime vary locally, nationally and regionally. Any strategy to counter organized crime needs to be tailored to the respective level, while building on international collaboration. But while transnational cooperation of criminal networks is increasing and adapting, government and governance responses remain too static and stuck within the confines of national borders. International and transnational cooperation in curbing organized crime is still in its infancy. However, it is not only the transnational dimension that renders organized crime so difficult to tackle. It is also a multifaceted challenge in terms of its patterns and impact. The immediate threats to human security and the violence related to organized crime – as currently most apparent in the Mexican drug war – are the most visible negative impact. Beyond that, however, organized crime severely undermines statehood and democratic governance through corruption, intimidation or even state capture in many parts of the world. It also fuels existing violent conflicts or re-ignites dormant ones. Not only in Colombia or the Sahel region are the increasing interrelations between conflict parties, terrorist organizations and networks of organized crime a source of destabilization and concern. Adding the negative impact that organized crime has on the legal part of the economy, one begins to understand that addressing organized crime is about more than just more effective law enforcement. Tackling organized crime in a sustainable manner requires the development and implementation of intelligent, multidimensional approaches to untangle networks and address the incentive structures and enabling factors of the various business models. In the context of our work to promote peace and security, the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) aims at facilitating a strategic reflection on comprehensive policy responses to curb organized crime. In February and March 2013, a smaller expert and parliamentary meeting in Brussels and a wider international expert conference in Berlin represented milestones in this endeavor. Beyond discussing recent trends and effects of organized crime in general, the meetings zoomed in on two central aspects: the illegal drug market, which is arguably still the most profitable one for organized crime, and money laundering, the bottom line of organized crime. The meetings were part of a continuous engagement and will be systematically followed up. Some of the analysis and suggestions discussed during the meetings were results of FES’ work in the different regions. For instance, the process that led to the studies and drug policy reform proposals from Latin America were initiated within the framework of an FES regional security policy project. The respective dialogs in the various regions will continue. But during the Berlin conference, it became particularly obvious that there is also more work to be done in Germany. Given that organized crime not only operates in Germany but also compromises German and European policies – for instance in the fields of security, foreign affairs, development and health – Germany needs to engage much more pro-actively in the international development and implementation of comprehensive responses. Against this background, this conference documentation is meant not only to summarize past debates, but also to stimulate future ones. FES remains committed to providing input, facilitating dialog nationally and internationally and further strengthening the network of actors addressing the challenge of organized crime from different angles and in different parts of the world. To be sure, there will be no easy responses to the challenges posed by organized crime, as experience has shown. Curbing organized crime is more than a matter of repressive measures and law enforcement. In this sense, the subtitle of the Berlin conference remains a guiding theme of further debates and a reminder to be creative in designing comprehensive strategies and policies: Being tough is not enough.

Details: Berlin: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2013. 52p.

Source: Internet Resource: Conference Report: Accessed July 9, 2013 at: http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/iez/10034-20130603.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: International

URL: http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/iez/10034-20130603.pdf

Shelf Number: 129329

Criminal Networks
Drug Trafficking
Money Laundering
Organized Crime

Author: Ayuso, Tomas

Title: Central America : The Downward Spiral of the Northern Triangle

Summary: Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador have entered a perilously new era in their history. Caught between the rise in criminal violence domestically and the presence of the international drug trade, the so-called Northern Triangle of Central America is fighting for its survival. A bleak economic landscape has fostered youth gangs known as maras and domestic smugglers to build a relationship with the great drug syndicates of Mexico and South America with impunity permitted by a corrupt police and government. How have the cartels exerted such dominance over Central America with most of the US bound cocaine now going through these countries? And what can be done to regain control of an isthmus in free fall?

Details: NORIA: Network of Researchers in International Affairs (www.noria-research.com), 2012. 17p.

Source: Internet Resource: Research Report: Accessed July 11, 2013 at: http://www.noria-research.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Tomas-pour-PDF.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Central America

URL: http://www.noria-research.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Tomas-pour-PDF.pdf

Shelf Number: 129376

Drug Cartels
Drug Trafficking (Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador
Drug-Related Violence
Organized Crime
Violent Crime

Author: Foundation for the Development of Guatemala

Title: Drugs, Guns and Cash: Analysis and Proposals on How To Manage the Crisis in Central America

Summary: The most important message extracted from this study is that without intergovernmental and international cooperation and support, primarily between the countries most involved, Guatemala and Central America will soon collapse into failed states dominated by shadow economies and run by Criminal Organizations that buy political power. Without decisive action, these countries will be ―handed to these criminal organizations and groups of people that wish to form their own type of government system and inadvertently create greater regional instability. This scenario must not be permitted. These same groups of people will eventually take control of the agricultural and industrial markets in the region, to which the United States and many other countries depend and, will determine where and at what price they would want to sell their products. Simultaneously, the United States would lose its position and influence in Central America. As a result, the region would begin to foster a unique environment where Narco-Terrorism and quasi-states can flourish. Efforts to stem the momentum of these events from evolving must be instantaneous and holistic to produce the desired effect. The carnage and destruction experienced in Colombia and Mexico is on the doorstep of Central American countries and the criminals have resources that are far greater today. Therefore, this report was developed with the hope of achieving three purposes. First, it is a learning process and a means to bring better understanding about the deteriorating situation in Central America. Secondly, it is to engender a general awareness on the various issues that impact the national security, wellbeing and safety of the citizens of countries in Central America. Thirdly, it is to initiate a deeper and more thoughtful discussion about these topics, recognizing that old debates, paradigms, and historical assumptions must be revisited to better analyze the gravity of the situation as critically and objectively as possible. The forces of organized crime are clashing against the forces of development. This clash impedes the regions ability to develop concrete solutions. Traditional strategies have led to limited results. The type of alternative solutions that should be favored are not based on conventional wisdom but instead of a result-oriented approach. The supporting structural ideas applied throughout this report will attempt to stimulate strategic thinking, debunk myths, understand displacement and its consequences, suggest concrete and cost-effective solutions, and develop an analytical framework, which allows a balanced fact-based approach. The most significant ideas that relate to strategic thinking are cohesive intelligence sharing, combined tactics, operational strategies and a collective initiative without regional borders and barriers. In the case of debunking myths, it is necessary to end the denial phase of the current crisis in the region by confronting the reality that this is a regional problem that requires an Integrated Regional Security Strategy and, unmask numerous erroneous conceptions and assumptions within Guatemala - and other regional countries - in their political, social, and economic arenas. Lastly, to understand the seriousness of displacement and its consequences, especially around the Latin American and Caribbean region. Prioritized allocation of counter-initiative resources must be addressed in a comprehensive and coherent manner or the problem will remain being shuffled around the geographic chessboard that haunts the region. Much time and effort has been devoted to the escalating problems of the region with few concrete and cost-effective solutions implemented in a timely manner. In contrast, an integrated analytical framework will guide the type of actionable strategies that are necessary to better approach these critical issues in Central America. In brief, the goal of this study is to promote a new and informed dialogue on these complex and vastly misunderstood matters. The proposed suggestions and recommendations are not meant to be final or conclusive, but rather, they are meant to spark a debate around sustainable solutions and ideas, and their potential results and benefits to the region. Hopefully, with this Central Americans can find common ground within which these findings and recommendations can be formulated and executed. Nonetheless, this report was developed with the intention of finding immediate and strategic regional solutions, underscoring a sense of urgency more so for Guatemala.

Details: Ala Sur: Foundation for the Development of Guatemala, 2012. 113p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 11, 2013 at: http://www.fundesa.org.gt/cms/content/files/DRUGS,%20GUNS%20AND%20CASH.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Central America

URL: http://www.fundesa.org.gt/cms/content/files/DRUGS,%20GUNS%20AND%20CASH.pdf

Shelf Number: 129379

Drug Trafficking
Drug-Related Violence
Organized Crime
Violent Crime

Author: Gilbreath, Aaron Hastings

Title: From Made in America to Hecho en Sinaloa: A Historical Geography of North American Methamphetamine Networks

Summary: Most of the major drugs of abuse in the Untied States have a relatively uniform distribution. Their use may cluster in cities, for example, but that general pattern tends to repeat itself in every region of the county. This is not true of the stimulant methamphetamine, which today shows a decidedly uneven distribution. Confounding the matter more is the fact that, because it is a synthetic drug, it is theoretically possible to make methamphetamine anywhere. But it is not made everywhere. In fact, for much of its history, the drug has been concentrated in the American West. Further complicating our understanding is the public's general amnesia regarding methamphetamine's long history in the United States. Without that knowledge, it is impossible to explain the drug' present geography. This dissertation traces the evolution of the various networks that have coalesced around the production and distribution of methamphetamine and finds that much of the drug's current geography can be traced to the manner in which these various groups responded to official attempts to stem the supply of the precursors necessary to produce it.

Details: Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas, 2012. 247p.

Source: Internet Resource: Dissertation: Accessed July 13, 2013 at: https://kuscholarworks.ku.edu/dspace/handle/1808/10250

Year: 2012

Country: United States

URL: https://kuscholarworks.ku.edu/dspace/handle/1808/10250

Shelf Number: 129380

Criminal Networks
Drug Abuse and Addition (U.S.)
Geographic Analysis
Organized Crime

Author: New Jersey Commission of Investigation

Title: Scenes from an Epidemic: A Report on the SCI’s Investigation of Prescription Pill and Heroin Abuse

Summary: Stopping regularly in downtown Newark, the nondescript minivans drew a select clientele: homeless Medicaid recipients and drug addicts who had been told by flyers and word-of-mouth where to wait for a ride. Ten miles and 15 minutes later, they arrived at a strip mall “medical center” on Main Avenue in neighboring Passaic where a doctor licensed by the State of New Jersey quickly got down to the business of cursory examinations and bogus diagnoses. Then he wrote prescriptions for powerful painkillers, sedatives and cough syrup, which his “patients” could use themselves or sell on the street, their choice. They also left with $10 cash gift cards as thanks for coming in. The bill for it all went to government health insurance, which funneled a fortune in fraudulent Medicaid reimbursements into the bank accounts of the hidden entrepreneurs the doctor fronted for – associates of Russian organized crime. The flagrant and unbridled operation of this pill mill and others like it, the descent of sworn medical professionals into outright drug dealers, the intrusion of organized crime and other criminal elements into lucrative recesses of the health-care industry to feed an epidemic of demand for drugs: These are among the key findings of the State Commission of Investigation’s ongoing probe of illegal trafficking in and abuse of prescription painkillers and other addictive narcotics. Even as law enforcement authorities, public-health officials, social workers, treatment counselors, schools and families redouble their efforts to combat the purveyors and consequences of this predatory scourge, it continues to evolve in ways that few could have imagined when the so-called war on drugs was launched more than four decades ago. Staggering amounts of legitimate medicines manufactured by major pharmaceutical companies and intended for those needing relief from the pain of disease and injury have been diverted into criminal enterprises founded on drug abuse and addiction. What once was a menacing background narrative centered narrowly around subculture-based substances like opium, morphine and heroin has exploded into a mainstream horror story whose first chapter often begins with pill bottles in the average household medicine cabinet. Some medical management companies with names that incorporate benign terms like “pain management” and “wellness” have transformed street-corner drug-dealing into an orderly and seemingly ordinary business endeavor, except for the hidden financial backing from individuals linked to organized crime, the multiple bank accounts for money-laundering, the expert help of corrupt physicians and the shady characters who recruit and deliver customers and provide security. Meanwhile, conventional drug dealers – those tied to criminal street gangs and similar criminal enterprises – exploit legitimate businesses like used car dealerships, clothing outlets, barber shops, bars and liquor stores to cover their illicit retail commerce. They take advantage of advanced computers, communications and social networking technologies to facilitate criminal activities and thwart law enforcement. And they are finding new ways to profit from a market hungry for addictive drugs stretching well beyond New Jersey’s cities and into the outlying affluence of its suburbs and rural communities. On the demand side, witnesses told the Commission during an unprecedented public hearing that, given the shared properties of pain-numbing, high-inducing substances known as opiates and opioids, the widening abuse of prescription pills containing Oxycodone and related chemical ingredients has triggered a new and sustained rise in use of the original opiate of choice – heroin. Indeed, with high-quality heroin readily available on New Jersey streets today at roughly the same price as a pack of cigarettes – cheaper than painkilling pills of similar strength and effect – it should be no great surprise that the road to addiction has evolved fullcircle. And all too often ensnared in this harrowing, potentially lethal cycle – in many instances before they, or their families, even know it or suspect it – are adolescents, teenagers and twenty-somethings, young people on their way to becoming a new lost generation of what used to be called junkies. Also, much of what used to take place “underground” in the drug milieu is now happening in plain sight. With the advent of instantaneous communication technology and suburban demand, a handful of pills or a bag of heroin is only a text message or cell-phone call away as many dealers now deliver product to customers waiting in shopping-mall parking lots. Former suburban high school students told the Commission that the depth of their prescription pill and heroin dependency played out in full view of teachers and other adults who they said did not seem to have a clue or even care when they nodded off and fell asleep in class, day after day. During a three-week surveillance operation at several major intersections in downtown Trenton, Commission investigators observed a bustling open-air drug market daily during morning rush hour within blocks of New Jersey’s Statehouse. Law enforcement authorities are quite familiar with the spiking collateral damage from this disturbing trend: the thefts and violence, the burglaries, armed robberies, pharmacy holdups and worse. Elsewhere on the frontlines, drug treatment facilities are seeing record numbers of admissions for heroin and other opiate/opioid addictions.

Details: Trenton: New Jersey Commission of Investigation, 2013. 74p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 13, 2013 at: http://www.nj.gov/sci/pdf/PillsReport.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: United States

URL: http://www.nj.gov/sci/pdf/PillsReport.pdf

Shelf Number: 129390

Drug Abuse and Addiction
Drug Markets
Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime
Prescription Drug Abuse (New Jersey, U.S.)

Author: OSCE Office of the Special Representative and Co-ordinatorfor Combating Trafficking in Human Beings

Title: Trafficking in Human Beings for the Purpose of Organ Removal in the OSCE Region: Analysis and Findings

Summary: Trafficking in human beings for the purpose of organ removal (THB/OR) is, like all other forms of trafficking, a violation of the fundamental human rights and dignity of individuals, while also clearly representing a grave form of transnational organized crime. My mandate to address this form of trafficking stems back to the OSCE Action Plan to Combat Trafficking in Human Beings. Other OSCE commitments throughout the years refer to all forms of trafficking; most recently in the Vilnius Declaration , participating States expressed their deep concern for this form of trafficking. It is important to note at the outset what has not been included within the terms of reference for this research because it is not within my mandate. Firstly, our research does not address allegations of organ trafficking related to alleged war crimes, since they do not involve trafficking in human beings. Secondly, it is important to clarify an important distinction between what is known as organ trafficking, and trafficking in human beings for the purpose of organ removal. My mandate is of course based on trafficking in human beings; organ trafficking is a separate issue as has been recognized by the United Nations and the Council of Europe, it raises a whole other set of factual and legal considerations. Furthermore, our research does not cover trafficking of tissues and cells, as it is not widely recognized to fall within the meaning of “organ removal” within the relevant definition of trafficking for organ removal. This Occasional Paper is based on actual reported incidents or cases of THB/OR that have been investigated to different degrees, and in some cases, fully prosecuted. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first research paper based on an analysis of available case studies in the OSCE region. It is thus not possible to make any comparisons to the global context of the crime, even though the 2012 Global Report on Trafficking in Persons has identified a similar scope and scale of the crime. A brief annex of cases where formal criminal proceedings were initiated on THB/ OR or related charges can be found in Annex A. The methodology for this report is explained in detail but it is important to stress that wherever possible we prioritized indictments, judgments, and official government sources, and we also requested and received official information from participating States. The findings are also based on media and open source reporting, as well as interviews with key experts in relevant fields (medical, ethics, transplantation, victim care, among others). We have collated information and analysed more than ten cases of potential THB/OR, and at least two or three other incidents in which there were allegations of THB but there was insufficient evidence to proceed to investigation or prosecution. We have also included at least one case of organ trafficking which however seems to share many of the common elements of THB/OR cases. To this end, this paper confirms a trend amongst all THB cases: it remains a challenge for criminal justice actors across the OSCE region to identify and charge trafficking in human beings and not on related and in some cases, lesser, charges. If we are going to address the full scale of modern-day slavery, then we must also address the full criminality in prosecutorial strategies and charging documents.

Details: Vienna, Austria: OSCE/ Office of the Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, 2013. 80p.

Source: Internet Resource: Occasional Paper Series no. 6; Accessed July 16, 2013 at: http://www.osce.org/cthb/103393

Year: 2013

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.osce.org/cthb/103393

Shelf Number: 129399

Human Trafficking (Europe)
Organ Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: Centro Internacional para los Derechos Humanos de los Migrantes (International Centre for the Human Rights of Migrants)– CIDEHUM

Title: Forced Displacement and Protection Needs Produced by New Forms of Violence and Criminality in Central America

Summary: Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua have been characterized over the last three years as countries of origin, transit and destination of regular and irregular migrant workers1. The causes of the exit of migrants from their communities of origin are multiple, such as extreme poverty, social exclusion, lack of work, scarce possibilities for settling, intra-family violence, abuse of power and gender violence, etc. The situation of these people with regular or irregular status in the destination countries depends on the new legislation that these countries have about migration. Unlike the situation in decades past, today it can be said that no receiving country for Central American migrants is accepting workers who are not highly qualified. In the last three years the level of violence produced by OC in the countries of Central America‟s Northern Triangle and Mexico has increased. The patterns of exit or displacement of people have changed; now not only the previously mentioned traditional expulsion factors are present, but also forced displacement2 within national territory for causes linked to violence and organized criminality has increased. Although the original socio-economic causes of exit towards the north in search of work or a better life persist, the current scenario in these countries is very different due to the high levels of violence produced by organized crime. However, the variables of internal and regional security do not take into account the human dimension of internal and external forced displacement. The change corresponds to the strengthening of a very significant organized, functional structure at the territorial and social level, which has cut across these countries from another perspective (movement of drugs, arms, migrant smugglers and people traffickers) and affects the dynamics of human mobility, directly linked to violence and lack of security and protection3. Organized crime is concentrated in strategic areas, mainly in border areas and the urban centres of the main cities of the Central American region. In this new scenario, OC weakens the structures of the States whose institutions have been disrupted and experience difficulties in offering effective protection to their own citizens. In this situation it is worth noting that none of the countries of Central America‟s Northern Triangle have accepted or publicly defined the existence of a population forcibly displaced internally or externally by organized crime activity. It is around the existence of the forcibly displaced population on one had and the population at risk from OC activity on the other that this study develops its principal analysis with the aim of highlighting the protection needs of both groups. In the regional Central American framework, the States have incorporated the subject of security as one of their priorities, for example, in SICA Regional Security Strategy and recently in the Presidential Summit held in Guatemala. In turn the Inter-American Human Rights Commission and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights drew up a regional document on citizen security.

Details: Geneva, SWIT: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, 2012.

Source: Internet Resource: http://www.rcusa.org/uploads/pdfs/Violence%20in%20CA%20Final20%20July2012.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Central America

URL: http://www.rcusa.org/uploads/pdfs/Violence%20in%20CA%20Final20%20July2012.pdf

Shelf Number: 129411

Organized Crime
Violence (Central America)
Violent Crime

Author: Sullivan, John P.

Title: From Drug Wars to Criminal Insurgency: Mexican Cartels, Criminal Enclaves and Criminal Insurgency in Mexico and Central America. Implications for Global Security

Summary: Transnational organized crime is a pressing global security issue. Mexico is currently embroiled in a protracted drug war. Mexican drug cartels and allied gangs (actually poly-crime organizations) are currently challenging states and sub-state polities (in Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador and beyond) to capitalize on lucrative illicit global economic markets. As a consequence of the exploitation of these global economic flows, the cartels are waging war on each other and state institutions to gain control of the illicit economy. Essentially, they are waging a 'criminal insurgency' against the current configuration of states. As such, they are becoming political, as well as economic actors. This presentation examines the dynamics of this controversial proposition. The control of territorial space -- ranging from 'failed communities' to 'failed regions' -- will be examined. The presentation will examine the exploitation of weak governance and areas (known as 'lawless zones,' 'ungoverned spaces,' 'other governed spaces,' or 'zones of impunity') where state challengers have created parallel or dual sovereignty, or 'criminal enclaves' in a neo-feudal political arrangement. The use of instrumental violence, corruption, information operations (including attacks on journalists), street taxation, and provision of social goods in a utilitarian fashion will be discussed. Finally, the dynamics of the transition of cartels and gangs into 'accidental guerrillas' and 'social bandits' will be explored through the lens of 'third generation gang' theory and 'power-counter power' relationships. This presentation will serve as a starting point for assessing the threat to security from transnational organized crime through lessons from the Mexican cartels.

Details: Paris: Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme, 2012. 20p.

Source: Internet Resource: Working Papers Series, No. 9: Accessed July 16, 2013 at: http://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-00694083/

Year: 2012

Country: Central America

URL: http://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-00694083/

Shelf Number: 129414

Drug Cartels
Drug Trafficking
Drug-Related Violence (Mexico, Central America)
Gang Violence
Organized Crime

Author: Harvard University. Institute of Politics

Title: The War on Mexican Cartels: Options for U.S. and Mexican Policy-Makers

Summary: The situation in Mexico has become increasingly volatile since 2006. After a semester of research, the National Security Policy Group has come up with a list of recommendations that can help reduce the violence in Mexico and further weaken the cartels. Recommendations to Move Forward: · The Mexican government can better use its military and law enforcement personnel by: o Specializing portions of its military forces to deal with specific facets of the war on drugs by significantly reforming military training procedures, departmentalizing the military and integrating these departments into a larger bureaucratic system, and o Launching a more aggressive public relations campaign specifically targeting the major leaders of the cartels in order to reduce the culture of fear and helplessness created by the cartels. · The Mexican government must fight corruption at all governmental levels. It should: o Revise its federal reelection process to create greater accountability mechanisms for politicians in office, o Implement a more transparent fund flow between federal and state governments, o Allow for greater public participation in the selection of judges, and o Reform the wage system, and improve training, resource allocation and accountability mechanisms for law enforcement officers. · The Mexican government should take action to strengthen its community-level efforts by: o Building strong communities in which people have a wide set of options for legitimate careers by greater subsidizing education and focusing on community initiatives o Maintaining the status quo with regards to community-level self-governance and vigilante efforts. · The United States government should reinforce its counter-financing of narcotics efforts by: o Strengthening its intelligence collection and analysis capabilities, and o Drafting the necessary legislation to compel banks to freeze the assets of individuals associated with narcotics activities. · The United States government should strengthen its efforts to prevent U.S.-made weapons from falling into cartel hands by: o Making identification requirements for firearms and ammunition more stringent, and o Creating a task force to help Central American countries locate, document and secure old stockpiles of U.S. weapons that were abandoned in these countries. · The United States should increase the size and scope of the Mérida Initiative by: o Labeling the Mexican cartels as terrorist organizations, o Focusing on training and equipping Mexican military personnel, and o Tying Mérida Initiative funds to initiatives by local and state Mexican governments. · Lastly, the United States government should continue to place significant emphasis on treatment, prevention and enforcement measures for domestic drug consumers.

Details: Cambridge, MA: Institute of Politics, Harvard University, 2012. 34p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 5, 2013 at: http://www.iop.harvard.edu/sites/default/files_new/research-policy-papers/TheWarOnMexicanCartels.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Mexico

URL: http://www.iop.harvard.edu/sites/default/files_new/research-policy-papers/TheWarOnMexicanCartels.pdf

Shelf Number: 129510

Criminal Cartels (Mexico)
Drug Trafficking
Drug-Related Violence
Organized Crime
Violent Crime

Author: Derghougassian, Khatchik

Title: Under (Loose) Control: Drug Trafficking in Argentina

Summary: Since the emergence of drug trafficking as a major concern on the international security agenda in early 1980s, Argentina generally has remained peripheral in the global illicit market, and was seldom characterized as a country for transit and money laundering. This situation, however, changed by the end of the 20th century when the levels of drug consumption rose dramatically in Argentine society and several official reports revealed the important role that the national industry played in providing the chemical products for cocaine and other synthetic drugs processing. Yet, despite some disturbing episodes of drug-related violence that seem involving Colombian and Mexican cartels, the structure of the local drug market, both distribution and consumption, remains under control. The main reason for this loose control that avoids the outburst of violence on a major scale is decades-old symbiosis of delinquents, police and political interests commonly labeled as the “Triple P” -standing for thugs, police and politicians (Pandillas, Policía, Políticos). Based on this hypothetical argument, this paper provides a historical perspective of the inclusion of Argentina as a peripheral market in global drug trafficking to focus on the structural evolution of the phenomenon since the 1980s up to the actuality. We are mainly concerned in explaining the shift of Argentina from a country for transit to a consumers market, as well as identifying the incoming and outgoing flows of global trafficking of the illicit drug industry, to analyze its implications for predictable changes within the Triple P structure.

Details: Buenos Aires;Universidad de San Andrés, 2012. 24p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 5, 2013 at: http://www.udesa.edu.ar/files/UAHumanidades/DT/DT%20Ciencias%20Sociales/DT15_Khatchik_DerGhougassian.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Argentina

URL: http://www.udesa.edu.ar/files/UAHumanidades/DT/DT%20Ciencias%20Sociales/DT15_Khatchik_DerGhougassian.pdf

Shelf Number: 129519

Drug Trafficking (Argentina)
Drug-Related Violence
Illegal Drugs
Illicit Markets
Organized Crime

Author: Great Britain. Department of Justice

Title: Second Report of the Inter-Department Ministerial Group on Human Trafficking

Summary: This is the second report of the Inter- Departmental Ministerial Group on human trafficking. The report provides an assessment of human trafficking in the UK building on the first report of the Group which was published in October 2012. Human trafficking remains a threat to the UK. It is an evil crime which is difficult to detect because of its hidden nature. It is a crime affecting communities throughout the world. In many instances it is committed by organised criminals preying on individuals and exploiting their vulnerabilities, for their own personal gain. As a global phenomenon human trafficking requires a strong, coordinated and consistent response from the international community. The UK is committed to tackling this evil by working with partners and agencies at a local, regional, national and international level. This will be done by identifying the threat, seeking out criminal networks to deter and disrupt their activities, and to bringing the perpetrators to justice. Assessment of human trafficking in the UK - the scale of the problem Identifying the victims of human trafficking is a vital part of developing the UK's response, along with ensuring appropriate law enforcement action against perpetrators wherever possible. In 2012, 1,186 potential victims of human trafficking were referred to the National Referral Mechanism (NRM), which is a 25% increase on the number of referrals in 2011. Of these, 786 were females and 400 were males; 815 were adults and 371 were children. The source countries for the greatest number of potential victims referred into the NRM were Nigeria, Vietnam, Albania, Romania and China. Amongst adult referrals, sexual exploitation remained the most common form of abuse identified through the NRM, although reporting of labour trafficking and other forms of criminal exploitation continued to rise. For child victims, both sexual exploitation and forced labour featured prominently. The UK Human Trafficking Centre (UKHTC) Strategic Assessment for 2012 estimated that there are up to 2,255 possible victims of human trafficking in the UK.

Details: London: The Stationery Office, 2013. 60p.

Source: Internet Resource: Cm 8731: Accessed October 28, 2013 at:

Year: 2013

Country: United Kingdom

URL: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/251487/9794-TSO-HMG_Human_Trafficking.pdf

Shelf Number: 131489

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking (U.K.)
Organized Crime
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)

Title: Status of African elephant populations and levels of illegal killing and the illegal trade in ivory: A report to the African Elephant Summit

Summary: The IUCN/SSC African Elephant Specialist Group (AfESG) works with the two CITES-mandated elephant monitoring systems: the programme for Monitoring the Illegal Killing of Elephants (MIKE), managed by the CITES Secretariat, and the Elephant Trade Information System (ETIS), managed by TRAFFIC, to bring together updated and critical information and data on elephants, poaching and the illegal ivory trade in an integrated manner. Consolidated reports, including inputs on Asian elephants from the IUCN/SSC Asian Elephant Specialist Group, on legal ivory trade by UNEP-WCMC, and implementation of the African Elephant Action Plan, have been provided to the 61st and 62nd meeting of the Standing Committee to CITES. These updates, along with the 2013 report, "Elephants in the Dust" have provided comprehensive and up to date information to elephant conservationists, managers, and policy makers. This update includes data from 2012 on elephant populations, levels of illegal killing, and levels of illegal trade in ivory. The results of this analysis show that levels of poaching and the illegal ivory trade started to increase again in the mid-2000s, following an easing in the 1990s, the rate of increase jumping dramatically from 2009. The overall trend appears to be leveling off in 2012 compared to 2011, but at an unsustainably high level. The MIKE analysis suggests that 15,000 elephants were illegally killed at the 42 monitored MIKE sites in 2012. The estimated poaching rate of 7.4% in 2012 remains at an unsustainably high level, as it exceeds natural population growth rates (usually no more than 5%). Likewise, the ETIS analysis shows a slight leveling off in the bias-adjusted trend for illegal ivory in 2012. However, a number of countries have not yet reported their 2012 seizures. The overall weight and number of large-scale ivory seizures (more than 500kg) in 2013 exceeds any previous year in the ETIS data. These data have not been bias-adjusted, and the increase may reflect enhancement of law enforcement effort, or could signify an increase in overall levels of illegal trade. With the high levels of poaching being observed through the MIKE programme, the amount of illegal ivory in trade should be expected to remain high. Poverty and weak governance in elephant range States, together with demand for illegal ivory in consuming nations, are the three key factors identified by repeated MIKE analyses, including this one, as being most strongly associated with observed poaching trends. Monitoring of elephant populations, apart from at a few well-monitored sites, is sporadic and inconsistent. The low precision of most estimates makes it difficult to detect any immediate repercussion on elephant numbers in the short-term but this does not mean there are no changes. While it remains to be seen whether the situation is stabilizing, it is clear that international cooperation on law enforcement and public awareness is vital. Improved monitoring is also essential to allow informed decision-making. There is a need for continued and improved reporting to the MIKE and ETIS programmes, as well as improved and more frequent monitoring of elephant populations, including carcass counts wherever possible. The new annual reporting requirement for CITES Parties to provide information on national ivory stockpiles will also provide much-needed information.

Details: Geneva: Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), 2013. 21p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 16, 2014 at

Year: 2013

Country: Africa

URL: https://cmsdata.iucn.org/downloads/african_elephant_summit_background_document_2013_en.pdf

Shelf Number: 131773

Animal Poaching
Organized Crime
Wildlife Crime
Wildlife Management

Author: European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)

Title: Drug Supply Reduction and International Security Policies in the European Union: An Overview

Summary: The production and trafficking of illicit drugs poses complex and interlinked problems, which have a negative impact on public health and the security and stability of society. In responding to the dynamics of a globalised drug market, the EU and its partners are involved in actions within and outside the EU. Focusing on actions directed at the EU's internal security situation, this paper elaborates who is involved in setting policy, what legal and funding basis for action has been established, and what the main priorities are. In doing so, the paper looks at the EU institutions (the Parliament, the European Council, the Council and the Commission) and agencies predominately involved in the management of drug supply reduction and internal security issues. The paper explores relevant EU treaties and legislations that provide a means to target the supply of illicit drugs, as well as the financial instruments and programmes supporting this action. Additionally, this paper also discusses how these policy areas are addressed in the EU's strategic planning documents. For example, the Stockholm Programme, the EU internal security strategy, the EU policy cycle for organised and serious international crime and the EU drugs strategy 2013-20 and action plan 2013-16.

Details: Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2013. 30p.

Source: Internet Resource: EMCDDA Papers: Accessed March 12, 2014 at: http://www.emcdda.europa.eu/attachements.cfm/att_220676_EN_TDAU13006ENN.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.emcdda.europa.eu/attachements.cfm/att_220676_EN_TDAU13006ENN.pdf

Shelf Number: 131878

Drug Enforcement
Drug Markets
Drug Policy
Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: Reisman, Lainie

Title: Assessment of Crime and Violence in Mozambique and Recommendations for Violence Prevention and Reduction

Summary: This report is an assessment of crime and violence in Mozambique undertaken between August 2011 and March 2012. The objective of the assessment was to provide a broad overview of the crime and violence situation in Mozambique and help inform future programming decisions there for OSISA and the OSF CVPI. It was written on the basis of key stakeholder interviews and analysis of existing data. Given the complexity of issues surrounding crime and violence, the report attempts to highlight major initiatives in a variety of sectors and is meant to inform debate and programme design. Section 1 of the assessment introduces the report and presents the methodology. Section 2 focuses on the Background and Context of crime and violence in Mozambique. After a brief history, the emphasis is on crime and violence data and analysis. As the report argues, reliable data is hard to obtain, but recent victimization surveys indicate that Mozambique is significant in that rates of victimization are particularly high, while rates of reporting crime to the police are particularly low. This phenomena is likely linked to issues around a lack of trust in the police services and perceived corruption. Armed robberies are the major reported crime concern for most Mozambicans, although levels of domestic violence and child abuse are also estimated to be extremely high. Maputo City, Maputo Province, and Sofala are the provinces with the highest levels of reported crime. Following the analysis on crime and violence data, the section ends with a summary of the Mozambican legal and policy framework, which is considered to be well developed although clearly lacking in full implementation. Section 3 analyses the major drivers of crime and violence in Mozambique and includes a detailed analysis on inequality, urbanization, corruption, organized crime, centralization, lack of opportunities for youth, victimization of women and children, high numbers of street dwellers, culture of violence, weak criminal justice system, prevalence of HIV/AIDS, rise in vigilantism, damaging customary practices and local beliefs, and trafficking along the coastlines and land corridors. While none of these factors in isolation cause crime and violence, all contribute to the challenges faced by Mozambique. Section 4 of the assessment report highlights the key actors in crime and violence prevention. Government agencies (including MDI, MDN, PRM, MINJUS, MINED, MISAU, MMAS), key donors, non-governmental organizations, and research and academia organizations are included and their relevant initiatives and interventions presented. For ease of analysis, the NGO sector is broken down into four areas, namely 1) women victimization organizations, 2) children victimization organizations, 3) governance, human rights, and community development organizations, and 4) peace, security, and conflict prevention organizations. The assessment notes the particular emphasis placed on women and children victimization by almost all of the key actors, although also notes an absence of support for unemployed and out-of-school youth. Section 5 of the assessment highlights promising prevention initiatives in Mozambique undertaken by key stakeholders. Innovative programs range from local level interventions to national government programmes. Section 6 analyses some of the key challenges to crime and violence prevention in Mozambique including: 1) Lack of opportunities for youth, 2) Marginalized role of local government, 3) Lack of engagement of the private sector, 4) Limited research and knowledge sharing on crime and violence prevention, 5) Absence of debate on security sector reform, 6) Parenting and early childhood development not prioritized, 7) Religious sector not fully engaged, 8) Poor support for displaced people, and 9) Disconnect between national policies and programs and local realities. The final Section 7 of the report makes a series of recommendations for Open Society, largely directed towards a community based focus, the importance of knowledge generation, building off of Brazilian expertise, providing opportunities for marginalized youth, and engaging new sectors in the crime and violence prevention debate. The assessment report is also accompanied by a community case study, which analyses crime and violence issues in two communities, Magoanine C and Feroviario das Mahotas. The case study, which was conducted by FOMICRES, provides an important point of reflection and highlights the juxtaposition between the national level policy and programs and the realities on the ground in marginalized communities.

Details: Washington, DC: Open Society Foundations Crime and Violence Prevention Initiative; Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa, 2012. 64p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 13, 2014 at: http://www.osisa.org/sites/default/files/cvpi_mozambique_report_-_final_english.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Mozambique

URL: http://www.osisa.org/sites/default/files/cvpi_mozambique_report_-_final_english.pdf

Shelf Number: 131892

Crime Prevention
Crime Statistics
Organized Crime
Violent Crime

Author: Latin America Working Group Education Fund

Title: Perilous Journey: Kidnapping and Violence against Migrants in Transit through Mexico

Summary: Every year, hundreds of thousands of undocumented Central American migrants, primarily from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, travel through Mexico on their way to the U.S. border. These migrants are vulnerable during their journey through Mexico, due both to the clandestine nature in which they are obligated to travel and to the generalized context of violence and impunity that dominates Mexico. Many suffer grave human rights abuses and violence along their journey at the hands of organized crime and corrupt officials. Kidnapping and extortion of migrants are among the most lucrative - and brutal - practices by organized crime in Mexico and are pervasive along the migratory route. Roughly five years ago, advocates at migrant shelters along the south-north train route began to systematically document and gather first-hand accounts of migrants who had survived kidnapping. What may have initially appeared to be sporadic and anecdotal accounts were soon recognized as reflecting a true humanitarian crisis rooted in flawed migration policy and a culture of impunity. A series of 33 of these testimonies were published by the Centro de Derechos Humanos Miguel Agustin Pro Juarez (Miguel Agustin Pro Juarez Human Rights Center, or Center Prodh) and the Casa del Migrante de Saltillo (Migrant Shelter of Saltillo, Coahuila) in the Cuaderno sobre Secuestro de Migrantes (Report on Migrant Kidnappings) in December 2011. In the pages that follow, English translations of a sampling of those testimonies can be found. The migrants' testimonies vividly describe their experiences during kidnapping - rape and sexual assault; physical abuse and mutilation; torture; food and sleep deprivation. In some cases, victims were forced to serve as witnesses to sexual and physical assaults, and even murder. In others, migrants were forced to carry out physical abuse of fellow kidnapping victims. Although it is difficult to read the accounts of the barbaric treatment that many migrants endured, these testimonies help us to grasp the profound human impact of this crisis and confirm the experiences recounted by kidnapped migrants elsewhere. From these stories, we get a more complete picture of the depth of this humanitarian crisis that has destroyed the dignity and safety of thousands of victims and traumatized families and communities across the region.

Details: Washington, DC: Latin America Working Group Education Fund, 2013. 28p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 15, 2014 at: http://www.lawg.org/storage/LAWG2-13_Migrant_Report-v5.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Mexico

URL: http://www.lawg.org/storage/LAWG2-13_Migrant_Report-v5.pdf

Shelf Number: 131930

Illegal Immigration
Organized Crime

Author: Australian Crime Commission

Title: Organised Crime in Australia 2013

Summary: The Organised Crime in Australia 2013 report provides the most comprehensive contemporary profile of serious and organised crime in Australia. The report provides the context in which organised crime operates in Australia and gives an overview of each of the key illicit markets and the activities which fundamentally enable serious and organised crime. The report provides government, industry and the public with information they need to better respond to the threat of organised crime, now and into the future. Organised Crime in Australia is an unclassified version of the Australian Crime Commission's Organised Crime Threat Assessment (OCTA) which is part of the Picture of Criminality in Australia suite of products. The OCTA is a classified assessment of the level of risk posed by various organised crime threats, categorised by activity, market and enabler.

Details: Canberra: Australian Crime Commission, 2014. 72p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 8, 2014 at: https://www.crimecommission.gov.au/sites/default/files/ACC%20OCA%202013-1.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Australia

URL: https://www.crimecommission.gov.au/sites/default/files/ACC%20OCA%202013-1.pdf

Shelf Number: 132047

Illegal Goods
Money Laundering
Organized Crime

Author: Llorente, Maria Victoria

Title: One Goal, Two Struggles: Confronting Crime and Violence in Mexico and Colombia

Summary: Since the mid-2000s, violence related to drug trafficking and other transnational crime has increased exponentially in Mexico. By the end of the decade the public began to seriously doubt the government's strategy and its ability to guarantee public safety. The nature and intensity of violence in Mexico brought forth memories of the 1980s and '90s in Colombia, when the country was besieged by the Medellin and Cali drug cartels. Over the course of more than a decade, Colombia's security situation has improved dramatically; it has become an "exporter" of security expertise and has trained thousands of military and police personnel in Mexico, Central and South America, and the Caribbean as well as around the world. What aspects of Colombia's strategy and tactics for fighting organized crime in its own territory offer useful lessons for Mexico? What might Colombia's steps and missteps offer by way of example or counter-example? What is unique about each case such that comparisons are misleading? What do current security challenges in Colombia suggest about the threat posed by organized crime more generally? In One Goal, Two Struggles: Confronting Crime and Violence in Mexico and Colombia, international experts address the utility of comparing Colombia and Mexico's experiences and strategy for combatting organized crime and violence more generally.

Details: Washington, DC: Wilson Center, 2014. 126p.

Source: Internet Resource: Woodrow Wilson Center Reports on the Americas - #32: http://www.wilsoncenter.org/sites/default/files/Colombia_Mexico_Final.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Central America

URL: http://www.wilsoncenter.org/sites/default/files/Colombia_Mexico_Final.pdf

Shelf Number: 132052

Drug Cartels
Drug Trafficking
Gang Violence
Organized Crime
Transnational Crime
Violent Crime

Author: Kartas, Moncef

Title: On the Edge? Trafficking and Insecurity at the Tunisian-Libyan Border

Summary: Tunisia, Libya, and much of the Arab world are in the midst of political and social upheaval widely known as the 'Arab Spring-. Thus far, the tidal wave of change that began in the Tunisian town of Sidi Bouzid on 17 December 2010 has led to the end of former president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali's 23-year dictatorship and to the fall of fellow dictator Muammar Qaddafi in Libya, while also setting off government transformations and conflict across the region. The revolutions in Tunisia and Libya have not only changed the political landscapes in both countries, but also affected the informal networks and ties that have long characterized the shared border region of the two nations: the Jefara. Indeed, the revolution in each country has profoundly affected the other and will probably continue to do so. With this understanding, this report investigates how the Libyan armed conflict and its aftermath have affected the security situation in Tunisia, particularly in light of the circulation of firearms and infiltrations by armed groups. As the circulation of Libyan small arms and light weapons in Tunisia cannot be adequately understood without a closer look at the tribal structures behind informal trade and trafficking networks in the border region, this report examines how the Libyan revolution affected such structures in the Jefara. This Working Paper presents several key findings: - Despite the weakening of the Tunisian security apparatus and the ongoing effects of the armed conflict in Libya, the use of firearms connected to crime and political violence has remained relatively low in Tunisia. Even in light of recent assassinations of two prominent leftist politicians and regular armed clashes between violent extremists, the military, and security forces on the AlgerianTunisian border, the use of firearms remains the exception rather than the rule. - In Tunisia, firearms trafficking currently exists in the form of small-scale smuggling. However, larger smuggling operations have been discovered and tied to Algeria-based violent extremist networks-such as al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb-which have infiltrated the country. - Since the 1980s, tribal cartels have been in control of informal trade and trafficking in the Jefara. Their continued control rests on the cartels' strategic stance, informal agreements with the government, and their ability to withstand new, Libya-based competitors (both tribal and militia-based).

Details: Geneva: Small Arms Survey, Graduate Institute of international and Development Studies, 2013. 68p.

Source: Internet Resource: Working Paper no. 17: Accessed April 19, 2014 at: http://www.smallarmssurvey.org/fileadmin/docs/F-Working-papers/SAS-WP17-Tunisia-On-the-Edge.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Africa

URL: http://www.smallarmssurvey.org/fileadmin/docs/F-Working-papers/SAS-WP17-Tunisia-On-the-Edge.pdf

Shelf Number: 132077

Armed Conflict
Arms Trafficking
Border Security
Criminal Networks
Gun-Related Violence
Organized Crime

Author: Germany. Bundeskriminalamt

Title: Organised Crime: National Situation Report 2012

Summary: The National Situation Report on Organised Crime contains information about the current situation and developments in the field of organised crime. The report is drawn up by the Bundeskriminalamt (Federal Criminal Police Office - BKA) in cooperation with the Landeskriminalamter (Land Criminal Police Offices - LKAs), the Zollkriminalamt (Central Office of the German Customs Investigation Service - ZKA) and the Bundespolizeiprasidium (Federal Police Headquarters) on the basis of the definition of "organised crime" formulated by the Working Party of Police and Judicial Authorities (AG Justiz/Polizei) in May 1990. Data on OC investigations conducted during the year under review are compiled by applying the same set of criteria throughout the country. In a summarised form, the situation report mainly represents the results of law enforcement activities carried out by the police in relation to crime revealed by controls/monitoring. Therefore, it is a description of the recorded cases, i.e. the crime coming to police notice, and any valid estimation on the type and extent of unreported crime cases cannot be deduced from the statistical data. Statements on the developments of Organised Crime are essentially based on the analysis of the development of individual indicators taken from (retrograde) long term monitoring.

Details: Wiesbaden: Bundeskriminalamt, 2012. 28p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 23, 2014 at: http://www.bka.de/nn_194550/EN/SubjectsAZ/OrganisedCrime/organisedCrime__node.html?__nnn=true

Year: 2012

Country: Germany

URL: http://www.bka.de/nn_194550/EN/SubjectsAZ/OrganisedCrime/organisedCrime__node.html?__nnn=true

Shelf Number: 132145

Crime Statistics
Organized Crime

Author: Vira, Varun

Title: Ivory's Curse: The Militarization and Professionalization of Poaching in Africa

Summary: It has been a quarter century since Parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) placed all African elephants on Appendix I, thus eliminating commercial trade in elephant ivory. This uniform global prohibition on ivory commercialization demonstrably reduced elephant poaching, helped elephant populations to stabilize, dried up some ivory markets, and essentially made it taboo to acquire elephant ivory. All elephant ivory is bloody ivory. Since then, some southern African countries, namely Botswana, Namibia, South Africa, and Zimbabwe, have relentlessly pursued the reopening of the ivory trade. After exerting significant political pressure, they have succeeded in securing sales of stockpiled ivory to China and Japan. This inexplicable backpedal on the international ivory trade ban has stimulated markets, demand, and ultimately elephant poaching, to supply the trade. Download Ivory's Curse Report Download Acrobat PDF The bloody ivory trade was renewed. In recent years, however, it has been revealed that significant criminal syndicates and organized terrorist gangs have engaged in elephant poaching to acquire ivory, which they sell for arms to ply their deadly activities. Born Free USA, seeking an accurate and complete picture of the depths of this nefarious activity, commissioned C4ADS and its expert defense analysts to examine the military, national security, and localized conflict aspects of elephant poaching and the ivory trade to reveal, in detail, the threats to elephants across Africa. Ivory's Curse: The Militarization and Professionalization of Poaching in Africa was released April 21, and its findings are truly alarming. - From Sudan, government-allied militias complicit in the Darfur genocide fund their operations by poaching elephants hundreds of miles outside North Sudan's borders. - In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, state security forces patronize the very rebels they are supposed to fight, providing them with weapons and support in exchange for ivory. - Zimbabwean political elites, including those under international sanction, are seizing wildlife spaces that either are, or are likely to soon be, used as covers for poaching operations. - In East Africa, al-Shabaab and Somali criminal networks are profiting off of Kenyan elephants killed by poachers using weapons leaked from local security forces. - Mozambican organized crime has militarized and consolidated to the extent that it is willing to battle the South African army and well-trained ranger forces for rhino horn. - In Gabon and the Republic of Congo, ill-regulated forest exploitation is bringing East Asian migrant laborers, and East Asian organized crime, into contact with Central Africa's last elephants. - In Tanzania, political elites have aided the industrial-scale depletion of East Africa's largest elephant population. Born Free USA will use this significant, timely, and shocking report to encourage legislators, conservation authorities, and defense agencies to focus their attention, resources, and efforts on the elephant poaching hotspots we've identified, and exert appropriate pressure at all levels to stop the bloody ivory trade. The scourge of elephant poaching has reached crisis - historically shocking - levels, with an estimated 35,000 to 50,000 elephants poached per year. As a result, certain populations of African elephants are now vulnerable to extinction and may not withstand these poaching thresholds much longer. And, when these elephants disappear, if ivory markets are not eliminated, demand will lead poaching operations further south, attacking the southern African elephant populations, as well. Immediate, robust, and unequivocal action is required if we are to beat back the elephant murderers and ivory profiteers. The brutality of elephant poaching - entire families gunned down, individual animals' faces sawed in two to extract the coveted ivory tusks - should be enough to persuade a global crackdown on the ivory trade. But, the Born Free USA-commissioned Ivory's Curse adds substantial firepower to the argument, and should end the debate. This report should convince anyone who cares about elephants - or the people who are similarly subjected to violence and bloodshed - that the bloody ivory trade must end, once and for all.

Details: Washington, DC: Born Free, 2014. 104p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 28, 2014 at: http://www.bornfreeusa.org/downloads/pdf/Ivorys-Curse-2014.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Africa

URL: http://www.bornfreeusa.org/downloads/pdf/Ivorys-Curse-2014.pdf

Shelf Number: 132183

Animal Poaching
Criminal Networks
Illegal Ivory Trade
Organized Crime
Wildlife Conservation
Wildlife Crime

Author: U.S. Department of Justice. Office of the Inspector General. Evaluation and Inspections Division

Title: Review of the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces Fusion Center

Summary: This review examined the operations of the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces (OCDETF) Fusion Center (OFC) and assessed its process for sharing its analytical products. The OFC is a multi-agency intelligence center that produces intelligence products in response to requests from federal investigators (requesters). The Drug Enforcement Administration's (DEA) Special Operations Division (SOD) supports the OFC in developing these products.

Details: Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, 2014. 69p.

Source: Internet Resource: I-2014-002: Accessed April 28, 2014 at: http://www.justice.gov/oig/reports/2014/e1402.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: United States

URL: http://www.justice.gov/oig/reports/2014/e1402.pdf

Shelf Number: 132194

Criminal Intelligence
Drug Enforcement
Fusion Centers
Information Sharing
Organized Crime

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

Title: Regional Programme for Southeast Asia 2014 - 2017. Promoting the Rule of Law and Health to Address Drugs and Crime in Southeast Asia

Summary: The Regional Programme (RP) outlines the proposed scope and focus of UNODC's work in Southeast Asia from 2014 to 2017. It provides a framework for delivering a coherent programme of work to: (i) give clear focus to supporting Member States and regional partners in achieving priority crime and drug outcomes in the region; and (ii) increase the responsiveness, efficiency and effectiveness of UNODC's support to the region. The RP focuses primarily on regional crime and drug challenges that are best addressed through coordinated cross-border and intra-regional cooperation. UNODC Country Programs (where they exist) are linked to the Regional Programme and focus on specific national level needs and support requirements. The RP is supported by an expert team that ensures consistency of approach and the sharing of expertise between jurisdictions. The proposed programme of work has been developed in close consultation with countries of the region and other regional partners, and the situation analysis includes:  A profile of UNODC's global strategy, governing bodies and mandates  A brief description of the broad regional development context  An overview of the key drugs and crime challenges facing the region. Particular attention is given to: (i) transnational organised crime and illicit trafficking; (ii) anti-corruption; (iii) terrorism prevention; (iv) criminal justice; and (v) drugs and health, and alternative development  A profile of regional institutions and initiatives relevant to UNODC's mandates and work. 

Details: Bangkok: UNODC, 2014. 84p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 28, 2014 at: https://www.unodc.org/documents/southeastasiaandpacific/Publications/2013/SEA_RP_masterversion_6_11_13.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Asia

URL: https://www.unodc.org/documents/southeastasiaandpacific/Publications/2013/SEA_RP_masterversion_6_11_13.pdf

Shelf Number: 132196

Drug Abuse and Addiction
Drug Control
Drug Trafficking
Drugs and Crime
Organized Crime

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

Title: Global Study on Homicide 2013: Trends, Contexts, Data

Summary: The Global Study on Homicide 2013 seeks to shed light on the worst of crimes - the intentional killing of one human being by another. Beyond resulting in the deaths of nearly half a million people in 2012, this form of violent crime has a broad impact on security - and the perception of security - across all societies. This study, which builds on the ground-breaking work of UNODC's first Global Study on Homicide in 2011, is particularly timely as the international community is engaged in defining the post-2015 development agenda. As United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon has made clear, development progress cannot be achieved or sustained amid violence, insecurity and injustice. By improving understanding of the underlying patterns and trends related to different forms, settings and risk factors of homicide at the global, regional, national and sub-national levels, this study can be a strategic tool in supporting governments' efforts to address root causes and enhance criminal justice responses. Alongside intentional homicide related to other criminal activities and socio-political agendas, the study examines homicide related to interpersonal conflict, which includes homicides perpetrated by intimate partners or family members. Unlike other forms of homicide, which vary significantly across regions and from year to year, intimate partner and family-related homicide remains persistent and prevalent. While the vast majority of global homicide victims are men, it is overwhelmingly women who die at the hands of their intimate partners or family members. Normative standards for improving criminal justice responses to eliminate violence against women have been agreed by all United Nations Member States; clearly more must be done to improve States' capacities to effectively prevent, investigate, prosecute and punish all forms of violence against women. With regard to different settings in which lethal violence occurs, the study indicates that homicide and violence in countries emerging from conflict can become concurrent contributors to instability and insecurity. If we want to build peace, interventions must address not only the conflict itself but also surges in homicide resulting from organized crime and interpersonal violence, which can flourish in settings with weak rule of law. Specific risk factors such as alcohol and drug use and the availability of weapons are also examined in the study in order to improve understanding of how they shape patterns and prevalence of lethal violence. Deeper understanding of these enablers can inform and enhance policies aimed at preventing intentional homicides from happening in the first place. Ultimately, efforts to prevent unlawful homicide will not be effective unless governments and the international community address those who are most at risk, of both offending or becoming a victim of homicide. More than half of all global homicide victims are under 30 years of age. Much of this violence takes place in urban areas. Effective policies and strategies must not only target at-risk young people but involve them and local communities to work together to break the cycle of violence.

Details: Vienna: UNODC, 2014. 155p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 6, 2014 at: http://www.unodc.org/documents/gsh/pdfs/2014_GLOBAL_HOMICIDE_BOOK_web.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: International

URL: http://www.unodc.org/documents/gsh/pdfs/2014_GLOBAL_HOMICIDE_BOOK_web.pdf

Shelf Number: 132257

Alcohol Related Crime, Disorder
Crime Statistics
Drug Abuse and Crime
Interpersonal Violence
Organized Crime
Violent Crime

Author: Environmental Investigation Agency

Title: In Cold Blood: Combating Organised Wildlife Crime

Summary: The Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) has been documenting and analyzing environmental crimes and abuses that impact our natural world for three decades. The objective has been to motivate governments to implement and enforce policies, laws and practices to protect species and habitats threatened by trade and unsustainable exploitation. EIA's modus operandi includes undercover investigations into the criminals perpetrating these crimes. In the 1980s, EIA documented the role of the Poon family, a sophisticated and organised transnational criminal network engaged in trafficking ivory from Africa, via the Middle East to east Asia. Over a decade later, EIA's analysis of individuals and companies implicated in the seizure of more than seven tonnes of ivory in Singapore in 2002 revealed that members of the Poon network were still involved in the illegal ivory trade. To this day, none of the key players involved in the 2002 seizure have been prosecuted. A lack of effective enforcement to disrupt the international syndicates involved in wildlife crime is a common and persistent problem. This is often due to a lack of investment and commitment from the highest levels of government to deliver a proactive, multi-agency, targeted and effective response. The current unprecedented level of political attention given to wildlife crime represents a crucial opportunity to turn previous commitments to combat organised wildlife crime into action. The international community must now ensure that the rule of law is fully applied to wildlife crime, and that enforcement techniques honed in other areas of serious crime are used to dismantle wildlife trafficking syndicates. This report features case studies that illustrate the successes and shortcomings in efforts to disrupt criminal networks, prosecute criminal masterminds and confiscate the proceeds of wildlife crime. The role of serious and organized criminal networks in wildlife crime is not an overnight phenomenon, but in the face of chronic government failure to treat it seriously, networks have persisted and prospered. Yet there are also examples where enforcement has been effective. Many frontline officers take great risks to curb wildlife poaching and smuggling. Specialised agencies and international organisations are yielding results. This dedication must be backed by political commitment to turn the tide against the current escalation of wildlife crime. Now is the time for enforcement, not extinction.

Details: London: EIA, 2014. 24p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 7, 2014 at: http://eia-international.org/wp-content/uploads/EIA-In-Cold-Blood-FINAL.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: International

URL: http://eia-international.org/wp-content/uploads/EIA-In-Cold-Blood-FINAL.pdf

Shelf Number: 132284

Animal Poaching
Organized Crime
Wildlife Conservation
Wildlife Crimes
Wildlife Law Enforcement
Wildlife Trafficking

Author: Heinle, Kimberly

Title: Drug Violence in Mexico: Data and Analysis Through 2013

Summary: Violence is lower in Mexico than elsewhere in the Americas, but average for the region. Levels of violence are relatively lower in Mexico than in several other countries in the Americas, but are about average for the Western Hemisphere. Mexico's 2011 homicide rate of 23.7 was slightly below the region's average of approximately 24.5 homicides per 100,000 people. However, this was up nearly threefold from Mexico's rate of 8.1 per 100,000 in 2007. No other country in the hemisphere has seen such a large increase in the number or rate of homicides over the last decade. Homicides had been declining through the mid-2000s, reaching a record low in 2007. Continuing a long-term trend, the number of intentional homicides documented by Mexico's National Institute of Statistics, Geography, and Information (INEGI) declined significantly under both presidents Ernesto Zedillo (1994-2000) and Vicente Fox (2000-2006). Under Zedillo, the number of intentional homicides declined fairly steadily from 15,839 in 1994 to 10,737 in 2000, totaling 80,311 homicides. The annual number of homicides fluctuated somewhat under Fox, but continued to decline generally, with a total of 60,162 homicides. Moreover, the number of homicides actually reached a record low of 8,867 intentional homicides in 2007, the first full year in office for Felipe Calderon (2006-2012). Violence grew dramatically after 2008, with the number of homicides peaking in 2011. After Calderon's first year, the number of intentional homicides documented by INEGI climbed sharply, with year-over-year increases of more than 58% in 2008, 41% in 2009, 30% in 2010, and 5% in 2011. As predicted by last year's Justice in Mexico drug violence report, the number of intentional homicides documented by INEGI declined somewhat in 2012, Calderon's final year in office. Specifically, our March 2013 report predicted that INEGI would register a modest decline for 2012 (no greater than 8.5%). According to figures released in late-2013, the number of intentional homicides documented by INEGI for 2012 declined about 4% to 26,037. All told, throughout the Calderon administration, INEGI reported 121,669 homicides, an average of over 20,000 people per year, more than 55 people per day, or just over two people every hour. The total number of homicides appears to have declined by approximately 15% in 2013. While INEGI's figures are not available for 2013, preliminary data from Mexico's National Security System (SNSP) suggests that the total number of intentional homicides in 2013 declined again this year, and more than in 2012. However, some analysts are skeptical about SNSP's possible manipulation or withholding of data, so these findings should be viewed with caution. This said, at the time of this report, SNSP's tally of all intentional homicides in 2013 was 18,146, down 16.4% from about 21,700 in 2012. If the rate of decline is comparable for INEGI's tally, the total number of intentional homicides in 2012 INEGI will report for 2013 later this year will fall somewhere around 22,000 to 24,000 homicides. Mexico's recent violence is largely attributable to drug trafficking and organized crime. A large part of the sudden increase in violence in Mexico is attributable to drug trafficking and organized crime groups. Tallies compiled independently by media organizations in Mexico suggest that at least a third and as many as two-thirds of all intentional homicides in 2013 bore characteristics typical of organized-crime related killings, including the use of high-caliber automatic weapons, torture, dismemberment, and explicit messages involving organized crime groups. The Mexican newspaper Reforma put the figure at 7,163 organized-crime-style homicides in 2013 (though its coverage appeared to be less complete and less consistent with other sources than previous years), while Milenio reported 10,095 for the same year. Less violence in northern states has increased the spotlight on Pacific coastal states. In 2013, Mexico's violence - especially drug trafficking and organized-crime-style homicides - remained highly concentrated in specific regions, states, and municipalities. The elevated amounts and rates of violence were particularly concentrated in Mexico's Pacific coastal states, as violence in Northern states has diminished significantly. One exception in the north is Baja California, which saw a 31% increase in homicides, particularly as the city of Tijuana saw an increase in violence that ran counter to the significant declines elsewhere in the country. Community self-defense groups grew stronger in Guerrero, Michoacan, and other states. In 2012 and early 2013, public frustration with violence manifested itself in the form of armed community self-defense groups (autodefensas) in states like Guerrero and Michoacan. Particularly in Michoacan, where their presence has expanded into at least 29 of the state's 113 municipalities, such groups grabbed national and international headlines in early 2013 because of their direct clashes with the Knights Templar Organization (Caballeros Templarios, or KTO), a splinter organization that broke from the La Familia Michoacan (LFM) organization in 2010. There are concerns that self defense groups may have ties to organized crime groups and/or engage in acts of vigilante violence, and the Mexican government has tried to set parameters and restrictions on the use of firearms by such groups, so far with mixed results. President Pena Nieto continued to arrest major drug traffickers in 2013 and early 2014. On the campaign trail during 2012, Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto (2012-2018) had pledged to reduce the government's reliance on the counter-drug strategies employed by the Calderon administration. However, with just over one year in office, President Pena Nieto has continued the previous administration's policies, including a heavy reliance on the military and the targeted arrest of major organized crime figures. This paid off in a number of important successes, including the arrest of Miguel Angel "Z-40" Trevino (head of Los Zetas) and Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman (head of the Sinaloa Cartel). In March 2014, the Pena Nieto administration also announced that Mexican authorities had killed two top KTO leaders: Nazario Moreno Gonzalez, a.k.a. "El Chayo," who had been previously presumed dead, and Enrique "El Kike" Plancarte Solis. Recent organized crime arrests have not appeared to produce large spikes in violence. Some experts say that destroying leadership structures leads to greater violence because it contributes to infighting, splintering, and/or encroachment by rival criminal organizations. However, compared to previous years, the Mexican government's arrests of high-level members of organized crime groups have not resulted in such dramatic surges in violence due to infighting, splintering, or encroachment by rival criminal organizations. This may be attributable to a number of factors, including the dwindling size and capacity of criminal organizations in Mexico, the reduction in competition over drug production and trafficking routes, and/or the possible collusion of government officials to broker a peace. U.S.-Mexico security cooperation continues under the framework of the Merida Initiative. At the outset of the Pena Nieto administration, U.S. officials reportedly expressed concerns about the more centralized, "single window" (ventanilla unica) approach of Pena Nieto's administration to bi-national cooperation. However, while the protocols for such cooperation have changed, U.S.-Mexico cooperation has continued across all four "pillars" of the framework established under the Merida Initiative: 1) dismantling organized crime groups, 2) strengthening judicial sector institutions, 3) building a 21st century border, and 4) fostering resilient communities. Mexican security efforts appear more focused on prevention and criminal justice reform. While President Pena Nieto continued the same strategies of the previous administration during his first year in office, he also began to emphasize crime prevention and judicial system reform more strongly than in the past. Important initiatives in this regard include the creation of a new agency for crime prevention headed by Roberto Campa, as well as the introduction of a new, unified federal code of criminal procedure. The creation and training of a much-touted National Gendarmerie and a more unified police command system moved to the back burner but are still ongoing. Concerted implementation and evaluation efforts will be critical to the success of these initiatives. The drug war's future appears somewhat uncertain given changes in U.S. drug policy. Measures to legalize marijuana in 2013 in Uruguay and in two U.S. states - Colorado and Washington - have raised new questions about the future of the drug war. While public support for legalization of other drugs is very low, over half of the U.S. public now supports marijuana legalization. Legalization of marijuana will likely increase its availability and reduce its price, thereby reducing its profitability for the organized crime groups that currently produce, transport, and purvey it on the black market. While this will seriously diminish the capacity of organized crime groups in Mexico, it could also lead to innovation in their criminal activities to make up for lost revenue and other problems.

Details: San Diego: Justice in Mexico Project, University of San Diego, 2014. 59p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 10, 2014 at: http://justiceinmexico.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/140415-dvm-2014-releasered1.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Mexico

URL: http://justiceinmexico.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/140415-dvm-2014-releasered1.pdf

Shelf Number: 147748

Drug-Related Violence (Mexico)
Drugs and Crime
Organized Crime
Violent Crime

Author: International Consortium of Investigative Journalists

Title: Tobacco Underground: The Global Trade in Smuggled Cigarettes

Summary: Tobacco Underground is a project of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists. Working with reporters in more than a dozen countries, ICIJ is charting the frontlines of the illicit traffic in cigarettes. During 2000 and 2001, a team of reporters from the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists broke a series of landmark stories exposing how leading tobacco companies worked with criminal networks to smuggle cigarettes around the world. Relying on interviews with insiders and thousands of internal industry documents, the unique team - based in six countries - pieced together how smuggling played a key role in big tobacco's strategy to boost sales and increase market share. Those revelations, and others that followed, helped prompt lawsuits and government inquiries, and led to promises of a global crackdown on the illegal trade in tobacco.

Details: Washington, DC: International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, 2009. 190p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 15, 2014 at: http://cloudfront-9.icij.org/sites/icij/files/tobaccounderground_0.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: International

URL: http://cloudfront-9.icij.org/sites/icij/files/tobaccounderground_0.pdf

Shelf Number: 132375

Cigarette Smuggling
Illegal Trade
Organized Crime
Tax Avoidance

Author: University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne

Title: Protecting the Integrity of Sport Competition: The Last Bet for Modern Sport

Summary: The University Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne and the International Centre for Sport Security (ICSS) today released the ground-breaking results of a two-year research programme into sport corruption. It includes startling figures on the scale and scope of the sport-betting market, which is identified as the primary purpose for match-fixing. The report also provides detailed analysis of current efforts to combat corruption and presents guiding principles including practical steps that can be taken by sport, governments and betting. According to the Sorbonne-ICSS Report - 'Protecting the Integrity of Sport Competition: The Last Bet for Modern Sport' - the manipulation of sport competition and betting threatens all countries and regions, with football and cricket the sports most under siege. Other sports affected include: tennis, basketball, badminton and motor racing. The report states that the most manipulated competitions are at a national level but highlights that the 'fixing' of competition and betting is instigated at a transnational level. Size of sport betting market The report shows that manipulation takes place in the context of a growing sports economy, which now accounts for 2% of the global GDP, with a transnational sports-betting market of estimated wagers worth between $200 - 500 billion, more than 80% of which is illegal. The findings reveal: - Asia and Europe represents 85% of the total legal and illegal market - Europe makes up 49% of the legal market, whilst Asia makes up 53% of the illegal market - Legal sports betting currently delivers only $4 billion of official tax revenues for countries - More than 8,000 legal operators offer sports betting - 80% are in territories with a low rate of tax and few inspections. - The number of illegal operators is impossible even to estimate The advent of the internet has led to an unprecedented expansion of sport betting offers, with online betting now representing 30% of the global market. The sports betting market has been transformed into a multi-billion dollar industry with betting exchanges, live betting, betting on more low-profile events and derivative betting formulas, as well as higher return rates for bettors. Significantly though, the evolution of the betting regulatory models hasn't kept up, with authorities often ill-equipped to deal with the illegal and under-regulated betting, together with the related issues of manipulation and money laundering.

Details: Dohar, Qatar: International Centre for Sport Security, 2014. 129p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 14, 2014 at: http://www.theicss.org/sport-integrity-forum/

Year: 2014

Country: International

URL: http://www.theicss.org/sport-integrity-forum/

Shelf Number: 132453

Illegal markets
Money Laundering
Organized Crime
Sporting Events
Sports Betting

Author: Reitano, Tuesday

Title: Smuggled Futures: The dangerous path of the migrant from Africa to Europe

Summary: In October 2013, Italy captured international headlines when a boat, carrying hundreds of asylum seekers sunk off its coast, killing over 360 people. The incident reflects the tremendous increase in African migration to Europe in recent years, in part due to the Arab Spring. While Africans have been migrating to Europe for decades, the instability across North Africa and the Sahel, coupled with the erosion of Libya's capacity to control its own borders, has resulted in an unprecedented surge of migrants to Italy in recent years. This surge shows no signs of subsiding. The decision to migrate may be fuelled by a multitude of motivations. Africa has the fastest population growth rate in the world, and although the continent is making momentous economic gains, it has broadly failed to translate these gains into sustainable livelihoods for its youth. Social and economic disparities, conflict, and crime in several countries throughout the continent, many Africans seek out new opportunities across the Mediterranean. It is estimated that in 80 percent of these cases, the journey is "facilitated" by migrant smugglers and criminal groups that who provides a range of services such as transportation, fraudulent identification, corruption of border officials and settlement services. Smugglers in transit countries coordinate with smugglers in source countries to act as guides, escorting individuals across the Sahara Desert, heading towards the coast. Although some smuggling networks are organized criminal structures, many are loosely linked chains of individuals, which make it challenging for authorities to dismantle. Three main smuggling routes characterize the irregular migration to Italy and beyond. The first is the Western route, for which the main source countries are Mali, the Gambia and Senegal. The Western route often connects in the Sahel with the Central Route, for which the source countries are Nigeria, Ghana and Niger. Finally, there is the Eastern route, which sources from Somalia, Eritrea and Darfur in South Sudan, and which tends to cut north through Sudan and Egypt and then along the northern coast of Africa. All of these routes converge in the Maghreb, and in recent years mostly in Libya, for the sea crossing to Italy. The cost of a trip to Italy averages several thousands of dollars, depending on the distance and difficulty of the route, the level of institutional control over the route and on the transit and destination countries' response to the migrants' arrival. It may take years to complete, as many remain in transit hubs along their route to work to afford the next leg of their trip. As a result, many migrants are "stuck" in towns along the way to the coast. In addition to exorbitant prices, migrants endure perilous conditions. As they make their way to the Mediterranean coast, migrants are often travel in overcrowded trucks, facing starvation and thirst before even reaching the coast. Once they reach the Mediterranean, people are packed into boats set for Europe, often embarking without enough fuel to make it to Italy. All too often, migrants drown. If migrants do arrive in Italy, their reception is less than favourable. Many are sent back to Africa. Given the exponential rise of irregular migrants and the humanitarian crises that accompany their failed attempts to reach European shores, EU states, including Italy, are under a growing pressure to restructure and align their immigration and asylum policies and practices. Current efforts to limit migration have only succeeded in shifting migration routes, forcing many seeking refuge to take more dangerous, riskier routes to Europe. Finding solutions to the problem of unmanaged migration cannot be limited to Italian border control but require regional cooperation in both Europe and Africa with governments addressing the root causes of mass migration.

Details: Geneva, SWIT: Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime, 2014. 35p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 16, 2014 at: http://www.globalinitiative.net/download/global-initiative/Global%20Initiative%20-%20Migration%20from%20Africa%20to%20Europe%20-%20May%202014.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Africa

URL: http://www.globalinitiative.net/download/global-initiative/Global%20Initiative%20-%20Migration%20from%20Africa%20to%20Europe%20-%20May%202014.pdf

Shelf Number: 132466

Asylum Seekers
Human Smuggling
Illegal Immigration
Organized Crime

Author: International Crisis Group

Title: Corridor of Violence: the Guatemala-Honduras Border

Summary: Competition between criminal groups over drug routes has made the frontier between Guatemala and Honduras one of the most violent areas in Central America, with murder rates among the highest in the world. In the absence of effective law enforcement, traffickers have become de facto authorities in some sectors. Crisis Group's latest report, Corridor of Violence: The Guatemala-Honduras Border, examines the regional dynamics that have allowed criminal gangs to thrive and outlines the main steps necessary to prevent further violence as well as to advance peaceful economic and social development. The report's major findings and recommendations are: - The border corridor includes hotly contested routes for transporting drugs to the U.S. Traffickers, with their wealth and firepower, dominate some portions. On both sides of the border, violence, lawlessness and corruption are rampant, poverty rates and unemployment are high, and citizens lack access to state services. - The arrest of local drug lords has been a mixed blessing to local populations, as the fracturing of existing groups has allowed a new generation of sometimes more violent criminals to emerge. - To prevent further violence, an urgent shift in national policies is needed. The governments should send not just troops and police to border regions, but also educators, community organisers and social and health workers. If criminal structures are to be disrupted and trust in the state restored, these regions need credible, legitimate actors - public and private - capable of providing security, accountability, jobs and hope for the future. - Guatemala and Honduras should learn from other countries facing similar security threats. The Borders for Prosperity Plan in Colombia and the Binational Border Plan in Ecuador and Peru can serve as examples for economic and social development in insecure areas. The U.S., Latin American countries and multilateral organisations should provide funds, training and technical support to embattled border communities to help them prevent violence and strengthen local institutions via education and job opportunities.

Details: Brussels: International Crisis Group, 2014. 37p.

Source: Internet Resource: Latin America Report No. 52: Accessed June 16, 2014 at: http://www.crisisgroup.org/~/media/Files/latin-america/Guatemala/052-corridor-of-violence-the-guatemala-honduras-border.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Latin America

URL: http://www.crisisgroup.org/~/media/Files/latin-america/Guatemala/052-corridor-of-violence-the-guatemala-honduras-border.pdf

Shelf Number: 132467

Border Security
Criminal Networks
Drug Control
Drug Trafficking
Drug-Related Violence
Organized Crime
Violent Crime


Title: Tunisia's Borders: Jihadism and Contraband

Summary: Tunisia is embroiled in recurrent political crises whose origins in security concerns are ever more evident. While still of low-intensity, jihadi attacks are increasing at an alarming rate, fuelling the rumour mill, weakening the state and further polarising the political scene. The government coalition, dominated by the Islamist An-Nahda, and the secular opposition trade accusations, politicising questions of national security rather than addressing them. Meanwhile, the gap widens between a Tunisia of the borders - porous, rebellious, a focal point of jihadism and contraband and a Tunisia of the capital and coast that is concerned with the vulnerability of a hinterland it fears more than it understands. Beyond engaging in necessary efforts to resolve the immediate political crisis, actors from across the national spectrum should implement security but also socio-economic measures to reduce the permeability of the country's borders. The security vacuum that followed the 2010-2011 uprising against Ben Ali's regime - as well as the chaos generated by the war in Libya - largely explains the worrying increase in cross-border trafficking. Although contraband long has been the sole source of income for numerous residents of border provinces, the introduction of dangerous and lucrative goods is a source of heightened concern. Hard drugs as well as (for now) relatively small quantities of firearms and explosives regularly enter the country from Libya. Likewise, the northern half of the Tunisian-Algerian border is becoming an area of growing trafficking of cannabis and small arms. These trends are both increasing the jihadis' disruptive potential and intensifying corruption of border authorities. One ought neither exaggerate nor politicise these developments. Notably, and against conventional wisdom, military equipment from Libya has not overwhelmed the country. But nor should the threat be underestimated. The war in Libya undoubtedly has had security repercussions and armed groups in border areas have conducted attacks against members of the National Guard, army and police, posing a significant security challenge that the return of Tunisian fighters from Syria has amplified. By the same token, the aftermath of the Tunisian uprising and of the Libyan war has provoked a reorganisation of contraband cartels (commercial at the Algerian border, tribal at the Libyan border), thereby weakening state control and paving the way for far more dangerous types of trafficking. Added to the mix is the fact that criminality and radical Islamism gradually are intermingling in the suburbs of major cities and in poor peripheral villages. Over time, the emergence of a so-called islamo-gangsterism could contribute to the rise of groups blending jihadism and organised crime within contraband networks operating at the borders - or, worse, to active cooperation between cartels and jihadis. Addressing border problems clearly requires beefing up security measures but these will not suffice on their own. Even with the most technically sophisticated border control mechanisms, residents of these areas - often organised in networks and counting among the country's poorest - will remain capable of enabling or preventing the transfer of goods and people. The more they feel economically and socially frustrated, the less they will be inclined to protect the country's territorial integrity in exchange for relative tolerance toward their own contraband activities. Weapons and drug trafficking as well as the movement of jihadi militants are thus hostage to informal negotiations between the informal economy's barons and state representatives. Since the fall of Ben Ali's regime, such understandings have been harder to reach. The result has been to dilute the effectiveness of security measures and diminish the availability of human intelligence that is critical to counter terrorist or jihadi threats. In an uncertain domestic and regional context, restoring trust among political parties, the state and residents of border areas is thus as crucial as intensifying military control in the most porous areas. In the long term, only minimal consensus among political forces on the country's future can enable a truly effective approach to the border question. On this front, at the time of writing, an end to the political crisis seems distant: discussions regarding formation of a new government; finalising a new constitution and new electoral law; and appointing a new electoral commission are faltering. Without a resolution of these issues, polarisation is likely to increase and the security situation to worsen, each camp accusing the other of exploiting terrorism for political ends. Overcoming the crisis of trust between the governing coalition and the opposition is thus essential to breaking this vicious cycle. Yet the current political impasse should not rule out some immediate progress on the security front. Working together to reinforce border controls, improving relations between the central authorities and residents of border areas as well as improving relations among Maghreb states: these are all tasks that only can be fully carried out once underlying political conflicts have been resolved but that, in the meantime, Tunisian actors can ill-afford to ignore or neglect.

Details: Brussels: International Crisis Group, 2013. 48p.

Source: Internet Resource: Middle East and North Africa Report N148: Accessed June 16, 2014 at: http://www.crisisgroup.org/~/media/Files/Middle%20East%20North%20Africa/North%20Africa/Tunisia/148-tunisias-borders-jihadism-and-contraband-english.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Tunisia

URL: http://www.crisisgroup.org/~/media/Files/Middle%20East%20North%20Africa/North%20Africa/Tunisia/148-tunisias-borders-jihadism-and-contraband-english.pdf

Shelf Number: 132473

Border Security
Drug Cartels
Drug Trafficking
Firearms Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: International Fund for Animal Welfare

Title: Click to Delete: Australian Websites Selling Endangered Wildlife

Summary: Wildlife crime ranks among the most lucrative of serious and organised international crimes along with human trafficking, drug running and illegal arms and in many ways can be just as dangerous and damaging. Various organisations and reports estimate that the trade is worth at least NZ$22 billion per year worldwide1 and the threat it poses to many of the world's most iconic species including elephants, rhinos and big cats is now widely recognised.

Details: Sydney: IFAW Oceania, 2014. 12p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 17, 2014 at: http://www.ifaw.org/sites/default/files/IFAW_Internet%20Trade%20Report_NZ%20web.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Australia

URL: http://www.ifaw.org/sites/default/files/IFAW_Internet%20Trade%20Report_NZ%20web.pdf

Shelf Number: 132493

Endangered Wildlife
Illegal Trade
Organized Crime
Wildlife Crime

Author: Lavorgna, Anita

Title: Transit Crimes in the Internet Age: How new online criminal opportunities affect the organization of offline transit crimes

Summary: There is a general consensus that the Internet has expanded possibilities for so-called transit crimes-i.e., traditional trafficking activities. However, the extent to which the Internet is exploited by offenders to carry out transit crimes and the way in which it has changed those offenders' behaviors and the criminal processes remains under-investigated. The aim of this thesis is to understand what kind of criminal opportunities the Internet offers for conducting transit crimes and how these opportunities affect the organization of transit crimes, as concerns both the carrying out of the criminal activity and the patterns of relations in and among criminal networks. In order to achieve this goal, a model of script analysis-a way to highlight the sequence of actions that are carried out for a determinate criminal activity to occur- was developed in order to classify the criminal opportunities that the Internet supplies for selected transit crimes (wildlife trafficking, trafficking in counterfeit medicines, sex trafficking, and trafficking in recreational drugs), to identify cyber-hotspots, and to allow a richer and deeper understanding of the dynamics of Internet-mediated transit crimes. The data were collected by means of case study research and semi-structured interviews to law enforcement officers and acknowledged experts. For each criminal activity considered, through the script framework it has been possible to identify different types of criminal opportunities provided by the Internet. The empirical evidence presented demonstrates that the criminal markets considered have become-even if to a different extent-hybrid markets which combine the traditional social and economic opportunity structures with the new one provided by the Internet. Among other findings, this research indicates that not only has the Internet opened the way for new criminal actors, but it also has reconfigured relations among suppliers, intermediaries, and buyers. Furthermore, results were compared across transit crimes to illustrate whether and to what extent Internet usage impacts them differently. The differences seem to depend primarily on the social perception of the seriousness of the criminal activity, on the place it fills in the law enforcement agenda, and on the characteristics of the actors involved. This study, albeit with limitations, provides an accurate description of the Internet as crime facilitator for transit crimes. It concludes by highlighting the possibilities of environmental criminology as a theoretical framework to investigate Internet-mediated transit crimes, offering some final observations on how relevant actors behave online, and suggesting new directions for research.

Details: Trento, Italy: University of Trento, Doctoral School of International Studies, 2013. 212p.

Source: Internet Resource: Dissertation: Accessed June 19, 2014 at: http://eprints-phd.biblio.unitn.it/1185/1/PhD_Dissertation_Lavorgna.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: International

URL: http://eprints-phd.biblio.unitn.it/1185/1/PhD_Dissertation_Lavorgna.pdf

Shelf Number: 132532

Computer Crime
Criminal Networks
Drug Trafficking
Internet Crimes
Organized Crime
Sex Trafficking
Wildlife Trafficking

Author: Harris, Kamala D.

Title: Gangs Beyond Borders: California and the Fight Against Transnational Organized Crime

Summary: Gangs Beyond Borders: California and the Fight Against Transnational Organized Crime, addresses all three emerging pillars of transnational criminal activity: the trafficking of drugs, weapons and human beings; money laundering; and high-tech crimes, such as digital piracy, hacking and fraud. It is the result of extensive research and consultation with federal, state, and local law enforcement, non-governmental organizations, and academia. The report finds that while transnational organized crime is a significant problem, it is not insurmountable. In California, law enforcement at all levels of government have made major strides against these criminal groups, even in the face of declining resources. Law enforcement in foreign countries have made steady in-roads, as well, as demonstrated by the recent arrest in February 2014 of Joaqun "El Chapo" Guzman Loera, the reputed head of Mexico's notorious Sinaloa Federation cartel. The report describes the strategies that are working and sets forth recommendations to combat transnational organized crime. A call for sustained law enforcement funding and collaboration between federal, state, and local governments are at the center of these recommendations.

Details: Sacramento: California Attorney General, 2014. 118p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 20, 2014 at: https://oag.ca.gov/sites/all/files/agweb/pdfs/toc/report_2014.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: United States

URL: https://oag.ca.gov/sites/all/files/agweb/pdfs/toc/report_2014.pdf

Shelf Number: 132534

Computer Crimes
Digital Crimes
Drug Trafficking
Gun Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Internet Crimes
Money Laundering
Organized Crime
Transnational Crime

Author: Bjelopera, Jerome P.

Title: Domestic Federal Law Enforcement Coordination: Through the Lens of the Southwest Border

Summary: Federally led law enforcement task forces and intelligence information sharing centers are ubiquitous in domestic policing. They are launched at the local, state, and national levels and respond to a variety of challenges such as violent crime, criminal gangs, terrorism, white-collar crime, public corruption, even intelligence sharing. This report focuses on those task forces and information sharing efforts that respond to federal counterdrug and counterterrorism priorities in the Southwest border region. More generally, the report also offers context for examining law enforcement coordination. It delineates how this coordination is vital to 21st century federal policing and traces some of the roots of recent cooperative police endeavors. Policy makers interested in federal law enforcement task force operations may confront a number of fundamental issues. Many of these can be captured under three simple questions: 1. When should task forces be born? 2. When should they die? 3. What overarching metrics should be used to evaluate their lives? Task forces are born out of a number of realities that foster a need for increased coordination between federal law enforcement agencies and their state and local counterparts. These realities are particularly evident at the Southwest border. Namely, official boundaries often enhance criminal schemes but can constrain law enforcement efforts. Criminals use geography to their advantage, profiting from the movement of black market goods across state and national boundaries. At the same time, police have to stop at their own jurisdictional boundaries. Globalization may aggravate such geographical influences. In response, task forces ideally leverage expertise and resources-including money and manpower to confront such challenges. Identifying instances where geography, globalization, and criminal threat come together to merit the creation of task forces is arguably a process best left to informed experts. Thus, police and policy makers can be involved in highlighting important law enforcement issues warranting the creation of task forces. Task forces, fusion centers, and other collaborative policing efforts can be initiated legislatively, administratively, or through a combination of the two, and they can die through these same channels. While some clarity exists regarding the circumstances governing the creation of task forces, it is less clear when they should die and how their performance should be measured. Two basic difficulties muddy any evaluation of the life cycles of law enforcement task forces. First, and in the simplest of terms, at the federal level no one officially and publicly tallies task force numbers. The lack of an interagency "task force census" creates a cascading set of conceptual problems. - Without such information, it is challenging, if not impossible, to measure how much cooperation is occurring, let alone how much cooperation on a particular threat is necessary. - Concurrently, it may be difficult to establish when specific task forces should be disbanded or when funding for a particular class of task forces (e.g., violent crime, drug trafficking, counterterrorism) should be scaled back. - Additionally, how can policy makers ascertain whether task force programs run by different agencies duplicate each other's work, especially if they target the same class or category of criminals (such as drug traffickers or violent gangs)? For example, do the violent crime task forces led by one agency complement, compete with, or duplicate the work of another's? To give a very broad sense of federal task force activity in one geographic area, CRS compiled a list of task forces and fusion centers operating along the Southwest border, which are geographically depicted in this report. To be included in the list, a task force had to exhibit the possibility of either directly or indirectly combatting drug trafficking or terrorism. Thus, task forces devoted to fighting gangs, violent crime, public corruption, capturing fugitives, and money laundering may be included. Second, there is no general framework to understand the life trajectory of any given task force or class of task forces. What key milestones mark the development and decline of task forces? (Can such a set of milestones even be produced?) How many task forces outlive their supposed value because no thresholds regarding their productivity are established? Though federal law enforcement has embraced the task force concept, it has not agreed on the breadth or duration of such cooperation. Such lack of accord extends to measuring the work of task forces. This report suggests a way of conceptualizing these matters by framing task force efforts and federal strategies tied to them in terms of input, output, and outcome-core ideas that can be used to study all sorts of organizations and programs, including those in law enforcement. An official task force census coupled with a conceptual framework for understanding and potentially measuring their operations across agencies could greatly assist policy making tied to federal policing throughout the country, and particularly along the Southwest border.

Details: Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service, 2014. 40p.

Source: Internet Resource: R43583: Accessed June 26, 2014 at: http://fas.org/sgp/crs/homesec/R43583.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: United States

URL: http://fas.org/sgp/crs/homesec/R43583.pdf

Shelf Number: 132554

Border Security
Drug Trafficking
Fusion Centers
Intelligence Gathering
Organized Crime

Author: Nellemann, Christian, ed.

Title: The Environmental Crime Crisis: Threats to Sustainable Development from Illegal Exploitation and Trade in Wildlife and Forest Resources

Summary: Given the alarming pace, level of sophistication, and globalized nature that illegal trade in wildlife has now notoriously achieved, UNEP initiated a Rapid Response Assessment to provide some of the latest data, analysis, and broadest insights into the phenomenon. Tackling illegal wildlife trade demands this examination of the relationship between the environmental resources at stake, their legal and illegal exploitation, the loopholes that exacerbate the situation, the scale and types of crimes committed, and the dynamics of the demand driving the trade. In the international community, there is now growing recognition that the issue of the illegal wildlife trade has reached significant global proportions. Illegal wildlife trade and environmental crime involve a wide range of flora and fauna across all continents, estimated to be worth USD 70-213 billion annually. This compares to a global official development assistance envelope of about 135 billion USD per annum. The illegal trade in natural resources is depriving developing economies of billions of dollars in lost revenues and lost development opportunities, while benefiting a relatively small criminal fraternity. This report focuses on the far-reaching consequences of the environmental crime phenomenon we face today. The situation has worsened to the extent that illegal trade in wildlife's impacts are now acknowledged to go well beyond strictly environmental impacts - by seriously undermining economies and livelihoods, good governance, and the rule of law Even the security and safety of countries and communities is affected: the report highlights how wildlife and forest crime, including charcoal, provides potentially significant threat finance to militias and terrorist groups. Already recognized as a grave issue in DRC and Somalia by the UN Security Council, the assessment reveals that the scale and role of wildlife and forest crime in threat finance calls for much wider policy attention, well beyond those regions.

Details: Arendal, NO; Nairobi: GRID-Arendal, 2014. 106p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 30, 2014 at: http://www.grida.no/publications/rr/crime/

Year: 2014

Country: International

URL: http://www.grida.no/publications/rr/crime/

Shelf Number: 132569

Environmental Crime
Illegal Logging
Illegal Trade
Natural Resources
Organized Crime
Wildlife Crime

Author: Berg, Louis-Alexandre

Title: Crime, Violence and Community-Based Prevention in Honduras

Summary: Violent crime has emerged as a growing development challenge, affecting large segments of societies and taking a severe toll on economic development. In Honduras, the most violent country in the world as measured by its homicide rate of 90.4 per 100,000 inhabitants in 2013, variations in the level of violence across time and space suggest that some communities have successfully prevented crime. This note summarizes the findings of a study of crime dynamics and prevention practices in Honduras. The research revealed that while the transnational drug trade, economic downturn and political crisis have deepened the effects of organized crime, some communities have prevented these forces from taking root in their neighborhoods. The study identified practices that communities have pursued to prevent violence, and examined the capabilities of communities, municipal governments and national institutions that enable or constrain these responses. In the context of the World Banks Safer Municipalities Project in Honduras, this research points to evidence-based approaches for preventing violence at the community level.

Details: Washington, DC: The World Bank, 2014. 8p.

Source: Internet Resource: Just Development, Issue 4: Accessed July 1, 2014 at: http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/TOPICS/EXTLAWJUSTINST/0,,contentMDK:23587510~pagePK:148956~piPK:216618~theSitePK:1974062~isCURL:Y,00.html

Year: 2014

Country: Honduras

URL: http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/TOPICS/EXTLAWJUSTINST/0,,contentMDK:23587510~pagePK:148956~piPK:216618~theSitePK:1974062~isCURL:Y,00.html

Shelf Number: 132574

Crime Prevention
Neighborhoods and Crime
Organized Crime
Violence Prevention
Violent Crime

Author: Woodiwiss, Michael

Title: Moralism, Mafias and Markets: The evoluation of popular and governmental understanding of organized crime

Summary: By June 2012, 147 nations had signed the United Nations (UN) Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC). Most governments, therefore, broadly share a common understanding of the problem and ways to combat it. From the background literature to the Convention it is also clear that it followed on from the 1988 UN Convention against the Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances and was thus part of an effort to strengthen the global drug prohibition regime as well as to bring some order to a world where illicit trading flows seem to be out of governmental control. By signing the Convention governments agreed to put in place organized crime control methods mainly pioneered in the United States or recommended by the United States as transnational policing has evolved to combat what is now commonly perceived as an international security threat. These methods include anti-money laundering measures, the confiscation of criminal assets, the ending of bank secrecy, the protection of witnesses, the carrying out of international joint police investigations, the exchange of information, and the provision of mutual legal assistance. In 2010 the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) launched a publication entitled, The Globalization of Crime; A Transnational Organized Crime Threat Assessment. This represents the international community's current understanding and approach to organized crime and is already influencing the way individual states present the problem to their peoples. The report featured a large number of maps and charts to illustrate illicit trading flows and their markets. It found that, 'Drugs remain the highest value illicit commodities trafficked internationally, by quite a wide margin' and added that the 'flows coming closest are actually those best integrated into licit markets - counterfeit goods and illicit timber - as well as those involving illicit human movements'. The hope was that an effective review mechanism to measure progress and identify needs would emerge from the UNODC's research efforts. This paper tracks the evolution of the understanding of organized crime from its American origins to the analysis outlined in the UNODC report. It begins by describing the construction of narratives that convinced people first in the U.S. and then internationally of the need for drastic and co-ordinated action against organized crime, and the evolution of widely-accepted but inadequate national and international responses to organized and transnational organized crime. Although there are methodological flaws and false assumptions in the UNODC's analysis, as pointed out by Peter Andreas, this paper finds much that is positive in it, particularly in the move away from conspiracy interpretations towards the need for a better and more insightful understanding of criminal markets. At the same time, the analysis warns that a radical departure from the current prohibitive approach to the many and varied kinds of drugs now available in the global marketplace is required in order to limit the undoubtedly destructive impact of organized criminal activity to any significant extent.

Details: Bristol, UK: University of the West of New England, 2013. 18p.

Source: Internet Resource: Working Paper: Accessed July 2, 2014 at: http://eprints.uwe.ac.uk/22126/2/MoralismFinalVersion.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: International

URL: http://eprints.uwe.ac.uk/22126/2/MoralismFinalVersion.pdf

Shelf Number: 132607

Illegal Trade
Illicit Trade
Organized Crime

Author: Lawson, Katherine

Title: Global Impacts of the Illegal Wildlife Trade: The Costs of Crime, Insecurity and Institutional Erosion

Summary: Poaching of endangered species to feed the illicit global trade of wildlife - estimated to be worth between $8 and $10 billion per year excluding fisheries and timber - is rising at an alarming rate. Activity in the illegal ivory trade has more than doubled since 2007 and is over three times larger than it was during the last peak in 1998, with the street value of ivory capable of reaching up to $2,205 per kilogram in Beijing. Rhino horn can sell for $66,139 per kilogram - more than the price of gold or platinum - on the Chinese black market. This report analyses the global impacts of the illegal wildlife trade, investigating links between the illicit trade in wildlife products and the erosion of national institutions in affected countries, national and transnational security threats and the role of armed non-state actors in civil conflict. Elephants and rhinoceros are most prominent among the animals being killed to feed rising demand for their tusks and horns across the world. On the basis of the evidence provided by a detailed literature review, this report focuses on the illegal trade in elephant ivory and rhino horn originating in sub-Saharan Africa. Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton described the illegal wildlife trade in 2012 as 'a global challenge that spans continents and crosses oceans'. This trade can no longer be viewed exclusively as an environmental concern. Although the trafficking of live animals and animal products remains a serious conservation issue, this crime threatens the stability and security of societies involved at every point along the chain. It was the rise in illegal wildlife trade that prompted Mrs Clinton to describe this phenomenon as 'a national security issue, a public health issue, and an economic security issue'. Across Africa, elephants and rhinos are being targeted by poachers and armed non-state actors - including rebel movements such as the Lord's Resistance Army - to satisfy increasing demand from growing middle classes across the world, particularly in Southeast Asia where ivory products and rhino horn are considered status symbols and used as ingredients in traditional medicine. Meanwhile, transnational organized crime groups and armed non-state actors are able to exploit institutional weakness, civil conflict and legislative loopholes in both source and consumer countries to feed this rising demand for rare commodities, acquiring vast profits. A discordance between national legislation and institutional capacities for implementation on the one hand, and multilateral environmental agreements such as the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna (CITES) on the other, means that national legislation often remains inadequate to support these initiatives, protect endangered species and regulate cross-border trade. Attempts have been made to enhance support for the implementation of national wildlife regulations, such as the creation of the International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime (ICCWC). However, regulations stipulating which animal products can be legally traded vary greatly by country, resulting in a parallel legal and illegal trade. The legal trade in wildlife products is estimated at over $300 billion per year; a figure that can obscure the lesser but still significant value of the illegal trade. Just as important as the devastating effects on biodiversity is the evidence in this report that the illegal wildlife trade erodes state authority and fuels civil conflict, threatening national stability and provoking substantial economic losses internationally. But the true scale of the trade is unknown, as are its indirect costs in security and political implications. Restricting an analysis of the global implications of environmental crime to biodiversity considerations limits the focus to wildlife supply countries. The illegal wildlife trade involves poachers, armed non-state actors from source nations, international crime groups and institutional corruption across global network chains and a range of players involved in demand countries - from organized crime syndicates and non-state actors to legitimate authorities. To combat the threat, leaders in the international community - especially from supply and demand countries - need to collectively expand and deepen their levels of cooperation. Better and shared information will position governments to counter this transnational crime more effectively, as will enhancing the design and implementation of national and regional legislation and invoking stricter penalties against illegal traffickers and traders.

Details: London: Chatham House, 2014. 64p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 7, 2014 at: http://www.chathamhouse.org/sites/files/chathamhouse/public/Research/Africa/0214Wildlife.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: International

URL: http://www.chathamhouse.org/sites/files/chathamhouse/public/Research/Africa/0214Wildlife.pdf

Shelf Number: 132624

Animal Poaching
Organized Crime
Transnational Crime
Wild Animal Trade
Wildlife Crime
Wildlife Protection

Author: Owens, Kaitlin

Title: Honduras: Journalism in the Shadow of Impunity

Summary: This report examines the surge in violence directed against journalists following the ouster of President Jose Manuel Zelaya in June 2009. Since then at least 32 Honduran journalists have been killed and many more continue to work in a climate of fear and self-censorship. Reporters who cover corruption and organized crime are routinely targeted for their work and attacked or killed with almost complete impunity. The sources of the violence against journalists are varied. Transnational drug cartels have infiltrated the country so effectively that the present crisis in Honduras cannot be understood in isolation from its Central American neighbours. That said, it is also clear that the absence of reliable institutions has allowed the violence to escalate far more rapidly than many anticipated. Much of the violence is produced by the state itself, perhaps most significantly by a corrupt police force. In a special report on police criminality in Honduras, the Tegucigalpa-based Violence Observatory (Observatorio de Violencia) found that between January 2011 and November 2012 police officers killed 149 civilians, approximately six per month. The taint of corruption and a culture of impunity have undermined trust among state agencies and public confidence in key institutions. Public distrust of the police is so great that crimes are rarely reported. Moreover, due to widespread corruption and inefficiency among the force, only an estimated 20 per cent of crime is reported, and of that less than four per cent gets investigated. According to the State's own statistics, less than one per cent of all crime in Honduras is subject to a police investigation. Procedural flaws are evident throughout the system. Police often say an investigation is underway when there is none; the office of the Special Prosecutor for Human Rights (Fiscala Especial de Derechos Humanos) does not have the jurisdiction to try those responsible for the murders of journalists, and lacks resources to conduct even the most basic investigations into other human rights violations. On the other hand, while some legal initiatives are under-resourced, there is also a proliferation of competing agencies that notionally address the same problem. This has created a situation in which institutional responsibility has been so widely diffused that no one is ultimately accountable for the high level of impunity. With current levels of funding, the office of the Special Prosecutor for Human Rights, which was nominally responsible for over 7,000 investigations in 2012, can only investigate a small percentage of these cases each year. While the office continues to operate with a serious shortage of funds, the Honduran state is able to argue that it has made progress in addressing human rights violations through the establishment of a Special Prosecutor for Human Rights. Given these crises, this report finds that the Honduran judiciary faces significant challenges in establishing an independent legal culture capable of ensuring accountability for human rights abuses. Furthermore, legal mechanisms to protect journalists are needlessly complicated and often confusing. Even international mechanisms such as the precautionary measures issued by the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights (iachr) are poorly understood by local police and, at least as currently implemented, offer little real protection. Deep divisions among the journalists themselves hinder the fight against impunity. A striking absence of camaraderie within the profession has impaired its ability to collaborate effectively in protesting violence against journalists and in promoting protection mechanisms. Mutual suspicion is evident in many journalists' scepticism towards the official Association of Journalists of Honduras (Colegio de Periodistas de Honduras - cph) - an institution that has noticeably failed in its legislative mandate to "promote solidarity and mutual assistance among the media." This failure has meant that there is no united front pressing for greater accountability and an end to the violence. The coup that unseated President Zelaya in 2009 brought these problems into the spotlight, but the roots of the crisis lie further back in Honduras' history, notably in its failure during the demilitarization process that began in the 1980s to hold those who had committed serious human rights violations accountable for their actions. A legacy of failed reforms left the state incapable of dealing with rights violations that took place during and after the 2009 coup. As a result, the recent wave of murderous violence has been met with a familiar mixture of inadequate resources, bureaucratic ineptitude, blame-shifting and denial. The coup interrupted the demilitarization of Honduras. One human rights worker we interviewed spoke of the return of a security-state mindset in which peaceful dissent is often met with reflexive violence. Others noted that the re-emergence of the security state had been justified - as in Colombia and Mexico - as an antidote to pervasive corruption and organized crime. But the real lesson to be drawn from the use of force to compensate for the failures of transitional justice is that state actors no longer need to fear being held to account for their actions. As Bertha Oliva, co-ordinator of the Committee of Relatives of the Detained and Disappeared in Honduras (Comite de Familiares de Detenidos Desaparecidos en Honduras - cofadeh) put it: "When we allow impunity for human rights violations, we see the crimes of the past translated into the crimes of the future."

Details: Toronto: PEN Canada; London: PEN International, 2014. 48p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 7, 2014 at: http://www.pen-international.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Honduras-Journalism-in-the-Shadow-of-Impunity1.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Honduras

URL: http://www.pen-international.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Honduras-Journalism-in-the-Shadow-of-Impunity1.pdf

Shelf Number: 132630

Drug Cartels
Human Rights Abuses
Organized Crime
Political Corruption
Violence Crime

Author: United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime

Title: Focus on The Illicit Trafficking of Counterfeit Goods and Transnational Organized Crime

Summary: As a global, multibillion dollar crime, organized criminal groups have not hesitated to cash in on the trade in counterfeit goods. In many parts of the world, international, regional and national law enforcement authorities have uncovered intricate links between this crime and other serious offences including illicit drugs, money laundering and corruption. Some estimates put the counterfeit business at well in excess of $250 billion a year and hundreds of billions more, if pirated digital products and domestic counterfeit sales are included. The involvement of organized criminal groups in the production and distribution of counterfeit goods has been documented by both national and international authorities. Groups such as the Mafia and Camorra in Europe and the Americas, and the Triads and Yakuza in Asia have diversified into the illicit trafficking of counterfeit goods, while at the same time being involved in crimes varying from drug and human trafficking, to extortion and money laundering. UNODC's own research reports have recognized the strategic and operational criminal link between counterfeiting and activities such as drug trafficking. There is an additional societal impact caused by counterfeiting. The trade in counterfeit products can result in increased corruption and law enforcement costs, have a serious impact on public health and safety, lead to social and environmental concerns, and result in the infringement of other criminal and administrative laws such as tax and customs evasion as well as fraud. The illicit trafficking of counterfeit goods: A criminal act With the combination of high profits and low penalties resulting from a greater social tolerance compared to other crimes, the illicit trafficking of counterfeit goods is an attractive money-making avenue for organized criminal groups. In some instances, the illicit trafficking of counterfeit goods is more profitable than other illegal activities, such as the trafficking and sale of narcotic drugs, people and weapons. Yet while the illicit trafficking of counterfeit goods is often perceived as a 'lesser crime', the consequences can be quite serious, with the costs going far beyond just the illegal copying of products.

Details: Vienna: UNODC, 2014. 10p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 11, 2014 at: http://www.unodc.org/documents/counterfeit/FocusSheet/Counterfeit_focussheet_EN_HIRES.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: International

URL: http://www.unodc.org/documents/counterfeit/FocusSheet/Counterfeit_focussheet_EN_HIRES.pdf

Shelf Number: 132649

Counterfeit Products
Organized Crime
Transnational Crime

Author: Rios Contreras, Viridiana

Title: How Government Structure Encourages Criminal Violence: The causes of Mexico's Drug War

Summary: This work advances a theory about corruption, criminal organizations, and violence to show how political institutions set incentives and constraints that lead criminal organizations behave, organize, compromise or fight one another. It is my argument that the propensity of criminal groups to deploy violence increases when formal or informal political institutions are decentralized because violent criminal organizations are less likely to be punished. Under decentralized institutional environments, understood here as those in which different levels of government fail to act cohesively as a single decision-making body, corruption agreements with one government inhibit law enforcement operations conducted by another. As a result, belligerent criminal organizations that would otherwise be punished remain untouched. My argument sheds light on why many criminal organizations are able to operate profitably without major episodes of violence, and illuminates the causes of Mexico's large increases in drug{related violence. A formal model (Chapter 2), an analytical narrative (Chapter 3), and an empirical test (Chapter 4 and 5) show that Mexican drug trafficking organizations increased their propensity to engage in injurious behavior only recently, responding to incentives set by political decentralization that inhibited Mexico's federal government from controlling the actions of its local governments, and thus from limiting trafficker's propensity to battle for turf.

Details: Cambridge, MA: Harvard University, 2012. 233p.

Source: Internet Resource: Dissertation: Accessed July 25, 2014 at: http://www.gov.harvard.edu/files/Rios_PhDDissertation.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Mexico

URL: http://www.gov.harvard.edu/files/Rios_PhDDissertation.pdf

Shelf Number: 132772

Drug Control Policy
Drug Trafficking
Drug Wars (Mexico)
Drug-Related Violence
Organized Crime
Violent Crime

Author: World Bank

Title: Enforcing Environmental Laws for Strong Economies and Safe Communities

Summary: This roadmap for environmental and natural resources law enforcement (ENRLE) sets forth a course of action for the World Bank's ENRLE Community of Practice for FY2013-15. It outlines for senior management a strategy to mobilize and strengthen the Bank's engagement in the fight against environmental and natural resource crime, an issue that has significant detrimental effects on the economic, social, political, and environmental stability of our client countries. The roadmap also serves as a mobilizing tool for staff and management in regional departments to demonstrate the importance of ENRLE and to outline the menu of solutions that the Community of Practice (COP) can offer to strengthen our clients' fight against environmental and natural resource crime. Recent spikes in poaching, in illegal logging, and in illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing have amplified the already urgent need for action. These crimes increase poverty, shrink prosperity, and magnify social and political tensions that undermine healthy communities and strong economies. Investment returns in wise environmental and natural resource law enforcement can be high. Criminal activities that affect the environment and natural resources are on the increase and pose an increasingly serious threat to development. Data and analyses reviewed by the World Bank's Community of Practice on ENRLE begin to show the magnitude of illegal logging, poaching of wildlife, trade in endangered species, wildland arson, criminal toxic releases, and other environment and natural resource-related crimes. They also show the diversity of the criminal threat, ranging from small-scale, artisanal crime that arises from poverty and inequities to growing problems of organized transnational criminal networks and enterprises using corruption, money laundering, technology, and other sophisticated methods to exploit persistent weaknesses in resource management and law enforcement. All World Bank client countries suffer from these crimes and are underserved by existing international law enforcement institutions and available mechanisms for support, capacity building, and operational cooperation. Vulnerability to environment crimes is often deepened by overarching problems of governance, corruption, and weaknesses in accountability at the national level. Environmental and natural resource crime is common, but in many countries it is rarely prosecuted. The very elements that make these crimes possible-that natural capital is undervalued, seldom properly guarded, and often has unclear or contested ownership-also compromise prosecution. This Roadmap FY2013-15 builds on recently scaled-up support for ENRLE that includes project commitments on the order of $50-60 million per year. Along with investments, the Bank supports advisory and analytic work and leadership in regional and international processes and dialogue. While the Bank is not a law enforcement agency, its established programs to support natural resource and environmental management and to safeguard global public goods, its commitment to strengthening good governance and to fighting corruption, and its partnerships with key law enforcement agencies such as Interpol and Europol give it an opportunity and responsibility to do more. This report discusses how the World Bank Group (WBG) will mobilize to work better on ENRLE. Recognizing the evolving global context, a new and fully mobilized Community of Practice will put more emphasis on building a constituency within the WBG to work on the range of ENRLE issues, on building the capacity of WBG staff to provide investment and technical assistance on ENRLE, on strengthening analytical work to develop a pipeline of ENRLE investments, and on fostering demand among clients for Bank investment in ENRLE.

Details: Washington, DC: World Bank, 2014. 26p.

Source: Internet Resource: Agriculture and environmental services discussion paper ; no. 5: Accessed July 25, 2014 at: http://www-wds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServer/WDSP/IB/2014/02/20/000442464_20140220144545/Rendered/PDF/843960REVISED0000Enforcing0Env0Laws.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: International

URL: http://www-wds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServer/WDSP/IB/2014/02/20/000442464_20140220144545/Rendered/PDF/843960REVISED0000Enforcing0Env0Laws.pdf

Shelf Number: 132778

Crimes Against the Environment
Criminal Networks
Natural Resources
Organized Crime
Wildlife Conservation
Wildlife Crimes
Wildlife Management

Author: Gomis, Benoit

Title: Illicit Drugs and International Security: Towards UNGASS 2016

Summary: In spite of a decades-long 'war on drugs', the global drug trade persists as a significant problem for international security given its scale, the number of deaths related to trafficking and consumption it creates, and the organized crime and corruption it fuels. The international drug control system has been ineffective in reducing the size of the market and in preventing the emergence of new drugs and drug routes that cause and shift instability around the world. Current drug policies have been counter-productive, often causing more harm than the drugs themselves through capital punishment for offences, widespread incarceration, discrimination in law enforcement, violation of basic human rights in forced 'treatment' centres, and opportunity costs. In the last three years, the drug policy debate has evolved more than in the previous three decades. There remain a number of political obstacles to making recent developments sustainable ahead of the UN General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) on drugs in 2016, but these should not be used as excuses for continuing with a failed status quo.

Details: London: Chatham House, 2014. 16p.

Source: Internet Resource: Briefing Paper: Accessed July 31, 2014 at: http://www.chathamhouse.org/sites/files/chathamhouse/home/chatham/public_html/sites/default/files/0214Drugs_BP2.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: International

URL: http://www.chathamhouse.org/sites/files/chathamhouse/home/chatham/public_html/sites/default/files/0214Drugs_BP2.pdf

Shelf Number: 132853

Drug Abuse and Addiction
Drug Control
Drug Enforcement
Drug Policy
Drug Trafficking
Illicit Drugs
Organized Crime
War on Drugs

Author: InSight Crime

Title: Game Changers: Tracking the Evolution of Organized Crime in the Americas: 2013

Summary: Welcome to InSight Crime's 2013 Game Changers, where we have sought to highlight some of the year's most important and illustrative trends in the development of organized crime in the Americas. This year has been a year of contradictions. Large criminal groups that seemed untouchable appear to be on the ropes. Others waded through complicated peace and truce processes with incredible patience. Some of the more notable of these processes were initiated by the criminal groups themselves. At the same time, some dynamics in the underworld remained true to form and some new, ugly criminal economies have surged because of these dynamics. Amidst it all, weak states continued to face challenges from below and above, sometimes from those who simply feel they have no choice but to fight criminal groups on their own. These past 12 months could be termed the year of the negotiations. In Colombia, rebels from the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) continued their historic talks with the Colombian government of Juan Manuel Santos. By many accounts, these talks are moving along well, but there is concern that even if the FARC leadership signs a deal, parts of the organization will desert and enter the criminal economy. In El Salvador, the truce between the country's two largest gangs showed severe signs of fraying, if not rupturing completely. Homicides surged at the end of the year, as the presidential campaign shifted into full gear. While the mediators claimed the candidates had sought gang support for their campaigns, the country's security minister sought to undermine the truce via public and private channels. Meanwhile, a few more lasting criminal "pacts" emerged, brokered, it appeared, by the criminals themselves. In Medellin, Colombia, remnants of the old guard, known as the Oficina de Envigado, brokered a cease fire with the now surging Urabenos criminal organization, bringing homicides to their lowest levels in 30 years. In Juarez and Tijuana, Mexico, the Sinaloa Cartel's apparent dominance over those trafficking corridors led to equally dramatic drops in homicide rates and other criminal acts, such as car-jackings. The emergence of the Urabenos as the singular, monolithic criminal organization to survive the government's assault on the so-called Criminal Bands or "Bandas Criminales" (BACRIM) may be the biggest development in Latin America's underworld. The Urabenos have developed a sophisticated criminal model, which includes a huge variety of revenue streams. They appear to have overcome the loss of numerous top leaders and have an understanding of when to fight and when to make friends, as noted above. However, the Urabenos, and other groups like them, have also ushered in a new era of drug consumption in the region. The consumers are no longer just in Europe, the United States and Asia. They are in small cities and even rural areas throughout the region. They are poor; they are middle class; and they are the elite. And they are getting their drugs from the local criminal groups who are servicing the larger ones, like the Urabenos, throughout the distribution chain. From Brazil and Argentina, to Costa Rica and Mexico, this new, local criminal economy appears to be at the heart of much of the region's violence. It is this violence that pushed civilians to take up arms in places like Guerrero and Michoacan, two embattled Mexican states where so-called "self-defense" groups have surged to try to replace an inept, corrupted and co-opted state. These groups appear to have a wide range of backgrounds: from the poor peasant farmers to the sophisticated rival criminal groups. Yet, the government seems powerless to deal with them, to the point where many authorities have willingly allowed them to break the law in order to ensure others do not. A similar tension between maintaining the law and ensuring justice is also on the minds of the Bolivians as they try to keep some portions of their coca crop in the legal sphere and eliminate those deemed illegal. The challenge is monumental and, as we have seen this year, virtually impossible. Meanwhile, Bolivia's neighbor Peru, is coming to grips with the fact that it is the largest coca producing country in the world. That reality, which is a return to the 1990s status quo, has meant an influx of foreign criminal groups. Finally, for the second straight year, we need to note what is happening in Honduras. The country continues to open its doors to foreign criminal organizations, even while its homegrown groups continue to gain power. This includes one known as the Cachiros, which the US Treasury Department said had accumulated up to $800 million in assets, or roughly five percent of the country's GDP. A newly elected government, which takes power in January, seems to have little idea of how to combat these organizations, much less the resources.

Details: s.l.: InSight Crime, 2013. 141p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 4, 2014 at: http://www.insightcrime.org/gamechangers/InsightCrimeGameChangers2013.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: South America

URL: http://www.insightcrime.org/gamechangers/InsightCrimeGameChangers2013.pdf

Shelf Number: 132877

Criminal Networks
Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime
Street Gangs

Author: Paul, Christopher

Title: Mexico Is Not Colombia: Alternative Historical Analogies for Responding to the Challenge of Violent Drug-Trafficking Organizations

Summary: Drug-related violence has become a very serious problem in Mexico. Of particular concern to U.S. policymakers, violent drug-trafficking organizations produce, transship, and deliver tens of billions of dollars' worth of narcotics into the United States annually. The activities of these organizations are not confined to drug trafficking; they extend to such criminal enterprises as human trafficking, weapon trafficking, kidnapping, money laundering, extortion, bribery, and racketeering. Then, there is the violence: Recent incidents have included assassinations of politicians and judges; attacks against rival organizations, associated civilians, and the police and other security forces; and seemingly random violence against innocent bystanders. Despite the scope of the threat to Mexico's security, these groups are not well understood, and optimal strategies to combat them have not been identified. Comparison between Mexico and Colombia is a tempting and frequently made analogy and source for policy recommendations. A review of these approaches, combined with a series of historical case studies, offers a more thorough comparative assessment. Regions around the world have faced similar challenges and may hold lessons for Mexico. One point is clear, however: Mexico is not Colombia. In fact, Mexico is not particularly like any other historical case characterized by "warlordism," resource insurgency, ungoverned spaces, and organized crime. Despite the lack of a perfectly analogous case, Mexico stands to benefit from historical lessons and efforts that were correlated with the greatest improvements in countries facing similar challenges. A companion volume presents in-depth profiles of each of these conflicts.

Details: Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2014. 136p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 4, 2014 at: http://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/research_reports/RR500/RR548z1/RAND_RR548z1.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Mexico

URL: http://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/research_reports/RR500/RR548z1/RAND_RR548z1.pdf

Shelf Number: 132898

Drug Cartels
Drug Trafficking (Mexico)
Drug-Related Violence
Organized Crime
Violent Crime

Author: Paul, Christopher

Title: Mexico Is Not Colombia: Alternative Historical Analogies for Responding to the Challenge of Violent Drug-Trafficking Organizations. Supporting Case Studies

Summary: Drug-related violence has become a very serious problem in Mexico. Of particular concern to U.S. policymakers, violent drug-trafficking organizations produce, transship, and deliver tens of billions of dollars' worth of narcotics into the United States annually. The activities of these organizations are not confined to drug trafficking; they extend to such criminal enterprises as human trafficking, weapon trafficking, kidnapping, money laundering, extortion, bribery, and racketeering. Then, there is the violence: Recent incidents have included assassinations of politicians and judges; attacks against rival organizations, associated civilians, and the police and other security forces; and seemingly random violence against innocent bystanders. Despite the scope of the threat to Mexico's security, these groups are not well understood, and optimal strategies to combat them have not been identified. Comparison between Mexico and Colombia is a tempting and frequently made analogy and source for policy recommendations. A series of historical case studies offers a foundation for a more thorough comparative assessment. Regions around the world have faced similar challenges and may hold lessons for Mexico. One point is clear, however: Mexico is not Colombia. As the historical record shows, Mexico is not particularly like any other case characterized by "warlordism," resource insurgency, ungoverned spaces, and organized crime. Despite the lack of a perfectly analogous case, Mexico stands to benefit from historical lessons and efforts that were correlated with the greatest improvements in countries facing similar challenges. A companion volume describes the study's approach to assessing each historical case and presents findings from the overall analyses.

Details: Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2014. 285p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 6, 2014 at: http://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/research_reports/RR500/RR548z2/RAND_RR548z2.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Mexico

URL: http://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/research_reports/RR500/RR548z2/RAND_RR548z2.pdf

Shelf Number: 132899

Drug Cartels
Drug Trafficking (Mexico)
Drug-Related Violence
Organized Crime
Violent Crime

Author: Bumpus, John

Title: Best Practices in Reducing Violent Homicide Rates: Honduras, El Salvador, Mexico

Summary: The 2011 World Development Report aptly points out that the nature of violent conflict has changed, warning that the 20th century tools developed to prevent, mitigate, and manage traditional forms of violence may no longer be up to the task. The report's evidence shows that while interstate and civil wars are on the decline, 1.5 billion people worldwide continue to live in areas severely affected-and even debilitated- by persistent gang violence and organized crime. In Central America alone, homicides related to organized crime have increased every year since 1999. This worrying trend is evident even in states that have simultaneously made progress addressing traditional forms of political violence. This disconnect raises the question: what new policy tools are needed to prevent, mitigate, and manage contemporary forms of violence? One way that victims and states are grappling with this dilemma is by leveraging the power of local actors to forge local solutions. Some subnational authorities have taken on the responsibility of reducing gang violence in their own communities. Experiments led by innovative coalitions of mayors, private sector leaders and associations, churches, and other community groups seem to have had some positive effects in Latin American countries. Also of note, some of the best police practices and judicial approaches have occurred at the municipal level. This study identifies and assesses some of these local and innovative efforts in El Salvador, Honduras, and Mexico. Despite differences in the composition of violent actors and the nature of violence across these three countries, researchers set out to identify how local communities and nontraditional actors are addressing gang violence in their particular contexts. Findings indicate that non-traditional approaches must carefully consider the specific realities of their contexts, thus having implications for external donors and influential state actors like the United States. Summaries of country assessments, findings, and recommendations follow. Full treatment of these topics is available in each country report.

Details: Princeton, NJ: Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University, 2014(?). 49p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 6, 2014 at: https://wws.princeton.edu/sites/default/files/content/591g%20Homicide%20Reduction%20in%20Honduras_1.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Central America

URL: https://wws.princeton.edu/sites/default/files/content/591g%20Homicide%20Reduction%20in%20Honduras_1.pdf

Shelf Number: 132911

Gang-Related Violence
Organized Crime
Violent Crime

Author: Wigell, Mikael

Title: Transatlantic Drug Trade: Europe, Latin America and the Need to Strengthen Anti-Narcotics Cooperation

Summary: - The cocaine business has changed significantly in recent years. Once concentrated in Colombia, it has now expanded to the entire Latin American region with Brazil, Mexico, Central America, and Venezuela having become central corridors for the illegal traffic. - As the market for cocaine has been contracting in North America, Latin American drug networks have switched their attention to Europe, which is now the world's fastest growing market for cocaine. - The cocaine enters Europe mainly by exploiting the legitimate container trade. Most shipments continue to be directed to Western Europe, but recently the illicit trade has been expanding eastward with new entry points opening up in the Black Sea and Balkan area. There are also indications of a possible new entry point in the Eastern Baltic Sea area. - Not only are Latin American criminal organizations expanding their activities on the European drug market, but they are also exploiting the European financial crisis to launder their profits and move into other branches of the economy. - The growing transatlantic cocaine trade calls for improving inter-regional counter-narcotics cooperation. Concrete steps should be taken to promote stronger links between anti-drugs programmes, development cooperation and public security policies on both sides of the Atlantic.

Details: Helsinki: Finnish Institute of International Affairs, 2012. 9p.

Source: Internet Resource: FIIA Briefing Paper 132: Accessed August 11, 2014 at: http://www.fiia.fi/en/publication/343/transatlantic_drug_trade/

Year: 2013

Country: International

URL: http://www.fiia.fi/en/publication/343/transatlantic_drug_trade/

Shelf Number: 132969

Criminal Networks
Drug Enforcement
Drug Policy
Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: Damnjanovic, Jelena

Title: Organised Crime and State Sovereignty: The conflict between the Mexican state and drug cartels 2006-2011

Summary: Since December 2006, the government of Mexico has been embroiled in a battle against numerous criminal organisations seeking to control territory and assure continued flow of revenue through the production and trafficking of drugs. Although this struggle has been well documented in Mexican and international media, it has not received as much scholarly attention due to the difficulties involved with assessing current phenomena. This thesis seeks to play a small part in filling that gap by exploring how and why the drug cartels in Mexico have proved a challenge to Mexico's domestic sovereignty and the state's capacity to have monopoly over the use of force, maintain effective and legitimate law enforcement, and to exercise control over its territory. The thesis will explain how the violence, corruption and subversion of the state's authority have resulted in a shift of the dynamics of power from state agents to criminal organizations in Mexico. It also suggests implications for domestic sovereignty in regions experiencing similar problems with organized crime, perhaps pointing to a wider trend in international politics in the era of globalization.

Details: Sydney: University of Sydney, Department of Government and International Relations, 2011. 88p.

Source: Internet Resource: Thesis: Accessed August 11, 2014 at: http://ses.library.usyd.edu.au/handle/2123/8273

Year: 2011

Country: Mexico

URL: http://ses.library.usyd.edu.au/handle/2123/8273

Shelf Number: 132974

Drug Cartels
Drug Trafficking (Mexico)
Drug-Related Violence
Organized Crime
Political Corruption

Author: International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW)

Title: Click to Delete: Endangered Wildlife for Sale in New Zealand

Summary: Wildlife crime ranks among the most lucrative of serious and organised international crimes along with human trafficking, drug running and illegal arms and in many ways can be just as dangerous and damaging. Various organisations and reports estimate that the trade is worth at least NZ$22 billion per year worldwide1 and the threat it poses to many of the world's most iconic species including elephants, rhinos and big cats is now widely recognised.

Details: Sydney: IFAW Oceania, 2014. 12p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 12, 2014 at: http://www.ifaw.org/sites/default/files/IFAW_Internet%20Trade%20Report_NZ%20web.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: New Zealand

URL: http://www.ifaw.org/sites/default/files/IFAW_Internet%20Trade%20Report_NZ%20web.pdf

Shelf Number: 133015

Endangered Wildlife (New Zealand)
Illegal Trade
Organized Crime
Wildlife Crime

Author: Fugate, Ashleigh A.

Title: Narcocultura: A threat to Mexican national security?

Summary: This project analyzes the collective identity and narratives surrounding the culture of the drug trafficking organizations (DTOs), or narcocultura, in Mexico. It questions whether the visible cultural artifacts of the DTOs reflect a cultural identity or if they create an identity that threatens Mexican national security. The analysis establishes that narcocultura is a relevant framework to study Mexican transnational organized crime (TOC). The thesis utilizes both cultural and security studies to illuminate the development of narcocultura in Mexico. The author assesses the transmission of narcocultura through social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. In addition, the study looks at past and present methods that the Mexican government at the municipal, state, and federal level uses to prevent the spread of narcocultura. Ultimately, the aforesaid theories applied to narcocultura reveal essential vulnerabilities that the Mexican government can exploit against the DTOs.

Details: Monterey, CA: Naval Postgraduate School, 2012. 112p.

Source: Internet Resource: Thesis: Accessed August 12, 2014 at: http://calhoun.nps.edu/bitstream/handle/10945/27832/12Dec_Fugate_Ashleigh.pdf?sequence=1

Year: 2012

Country: Mexico

URL: http://calhoun.nps.edu/bitstream/handle/10945/27832/12Dec_Fugate_Ashleigh.pdf?sequence=1

Shelf Number: 133001

Drug Trafficking (Mexico)
Organized Crime

Author: Grayson, George W.

Title: The Evolution of Los Zetas in Mexico and Central America: Sadism as an Instrument of Cartel Warfare

Summary: The United States has diplomatic relations with 194 independent nations. Of these, none is more important to America than Mexico in terms of trade, investment, tourism, natural resources, migration, energy, and security. In recent years, narco-violence has afflicted Mexico with more than 50,000 drug-related murders since 2007 and some 26,000 men, women, and children missing. President Enrique Pena Nieto has tried to divert national attention from the bloodshed through reforms in energy, education, anti-hunger, health-care, and other areas. Even though the death rate has declined since the chief executive took office on December 1, 2012, other crimes continue to plague his nation. Members of the business community report continual extortion demands; the national oil company PEMEX suffers widespread theft of oil, gas, explosives, and solvents (with which to prepare methamphetamines); hundreds of Central American migrants have shown up in mass graves; and the public identifies the police with corruption and villainy. Washington policymakers, who overwhelmingly concentrate on Asia and the Mideast, would be well-advised to focus on the acute dangers that lie principally below the Rio Grande, but whose deadly avatars are spilling into our nation.

Details: Carlisle, PA: U.S. Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, 2014. 102p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 13, 2014 at: http://www.strategicstudiesinstitute.army.mil/pdffiles/PUB1195.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Mexico

URL: http://www.strategicstudiesinstitute.army.mil/pdffiles/PUB1195.pdf

Shelf Number: 133040

Drug Cartels (Mexico)
Drug Trafficking
Drug-Related Violence
Organized Crime
Violent Crime

Author: Goga, Khalil

Title: Cape Town's protection rackets: A study of violence and control

Summary: This paper examines protection racketeering in Cape Town, primarily in the central business district (CBD) and on the Cape Flats. While significant security initiatives have been undertaken in the citys CBD since 1999, protection racketeering still flourishes. This suggests that it is more than a mere reflection of deficiencies in state capacity, and that other factors should also be taken into account. This paper explains protection racketeering and contextualises its development in Cape Town.

Details: Pretoria: Institute for Security Studies, 2014. 16p.

Source: Internet Resource: ISS Paper 259: Accessed August 14, 2014 at: http://www.issafrica.org/uploads/Paper259_IDRC.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: South Africa

URL: http://www.issafrica.org/uploads/Paper259_IDRC.pdf

Shelf Number: 133049

Crimes Against Businesses
Organized Crime
Racketeering (South Africa)

Author: Diallo, Ismaila

Title: A profile of crime markets in Dakar

Summary: Several criminal markets - ranging from drug trafficking to human trafficking, piracy and counterfeiting, trafficking of pharmaceuticals, cybercrime and money laundering - can be found in Dakar, Senegal. This paper profiles those criminal markets currently active in the city and its suburbs, analyzing their structures, operations and transnational dimensions. The expansion of these criminal markets is a matter of considerable concern for West Africa's economic and social development. In every case, 'regardless of the criminal market... the common denominator is always exploitation for profit. This exploitation ultimately affects the entire country: its people and institutions; its' economic prosperity; and its social fabric'.

Details: Pretoria: Institute for Security Studies, 2014. 12p.

Source: Internet Resource: ISS Paper 264: Accessed August 14, 2014 at: http://www.issafrica.org/uploads/Paper264.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: South Africa

URL: http://www.issafrica.org/uploads/Paper264.pdf

Shelf Number: 133050

Counterfeit Medicines
Criminal Networks (South Africa)
Drug Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Money Laundering
Organized Crime

Author: Goga, Khalil

Title: The illegal abalone trade in the Western Cape

Summary: This case study provides the context in which the abalone trade in South Africa occurs, describes the various stages of the trade and analyses the impact of the illegal trade on governance. The community of Hout Bay was chosen as it appears to typify the trade across the Western Cape. The report concludes that criminal governance in the abalone trade takes various forms. These include the marginalised turning to the informal economy; both abalone wholesalers and gangsters developing a level of power over a region that renders them parallel sources of authority; the corruption and co-opting of state officials; and, arguably, the state's reliance on the seizure of poached abalone.

Details: Pretoria: Institute for Security Studies, 2014. 12p.

Source: Internet Resource: ISS Paper 261: Accessed August 14, 2014 at: http://www.issafrica.org/uploads/Paper261.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: South Africa

URL: http://www.issafrica.org/uploads/Paper261.pdf

Shelf Number: 133051

Animal Poaching
Illegal Wildlife Trade
Organized Crime
Wildlife Crime (South Africa)
Wildlife Trafficking

Author: Diarisso, Boubacar

Title: Illicit drug trading in Dakar: Dimensions and intersections with governance

Summary: The authors provide a thorough analysis of the situation with regard to illegal drugs in Senegal's capital, Dakar. The paper focuses on cannabis, cocaine and heroine, as well as counterfeit pharmaceutical products. It discusses the extent of cultivation, patterns of consumption, international trafficking methods and routes, the role of women, police action and the impact of trafficking on governance. It is concluded that while there is no evidence that hard drugs are manufactured in Dakar and there are insufficient indicators for Dakar being a drug trafficking hub, it is evident that crime networks are interested in exploiting the city for the channelling of drugs to other parts of the world.

Details: Pretoria: Institute for Security Studies, 2014. 10p.

Source: Internet Resource: ISS Paper 260: Accessed August 14, 2014 at: http://www.issafrica.org/uploads/Paper260.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Senegal

URL: http://www.issafrica.org/uploads/Paper260.pdf

Shelf Number: 133052

Drug Markets
Drug Trafficking (Senegal)
Illegal Drugs
Organized Crime

Author: Gagliardi, Pete

Title: Transnational Organized Crime and Gun Violence: a Case for Ballistic Intelligence Sharing

Summary: - National and international crime experts agree that transnational crime and its associated violence is a fast growing problem in the world today meriting the attention of the global law enforcement community. - Credible researchers have suggested that transnational crime can be considered in the context of 1. Illicit markets, and 2. Criminal groups. - Many illicit transnational markets are linked to firearms and violence (e.g. insurgency & terrorism, migrant smuggling, drug trafficking, and the poaching of endangered species). The same is true for many organized criminal groups (e.g. ethnic gangs/maras, drug cartels, regional criminal groups, outlaw motorcycle gangs, and fugitives). - Police efforts in solving the types of violence associated with transnational crime are greatly hampered because, as criminals move, evidence of their crimes is scattered across national borders. - Assuming that "every crime gun has a story to tell", law enforcement can reap great benefits by taking a "presumptive approach" to the investigation of gun crime. This approach is based on the premise that: 1. Valuable information for law enforcement use can be extracted from crime guns and related evidence; and 2. People, processes, and technology are available to help sustain the production of actionable information from this data which can help police solve and prevent gun related crimes. - The INTERPOL Ballistics Information Network (IBIN) can help police extend this "presumptive approach" across borders in an efficient and effective manner to address transnational crime and violence. IBIN was created in 2009 as a platform for the large-scale international sharing and comparing of ballistic data. Just as fingerprint data can link crimes and criminals across international borders, IBIN can identify matches between pairs of spent bullets and cartridge cases within minutes, thereby helping forensic experts give police investigators timely information about crimes, guns, and suspects. - INTERPOL'S IBIN Program leverages the power of automated ballistics technology to provide the global law enforcement community with a "world-wide ballistics data sharing network". With such a network in place, internationally mobile criminals who use firearms to further their illicit activities will find escaping detection increasingly challenging. - In searching for efficient and effective processes to implement IBIN, one does not have to look much further than INTERPOL's front door. INTERPOL routinely formulates Field Operations Support Programs that target both illicit transnational markets and transnational criminal groups. In conclusion: - The public safety benefits of collecting and exchanging of ballistics data across nations are obvious and undeniable only when ballistic intelligence sharing is viewed from a proper law enforcement context and perspective. - Cross-jurisdictional sharing of ballistics information not only makes sense when the distinctive circumstances of a case dictate it, but also when law enforcement and forensic organizations focus their efforts on the following sectors: 1. Specific border frontier regions, 2. Specific transnational illicit markets, and/or 3. Specific criminal groups. - Finally, the true benefits of transnational ballistic intelligence sharing come to light when one considers the societal costs of gun violence. Every day that we wait, a criminal somewhere remains free to shoot and kill again... and the cost of crime on our global society rises ever higher.

Details: Forensic Technology, 2010. 20p.

Source: Internet Resource: White Paper: Accessed August 22, 2014 at: http://www.forensictechnology.com/Portals/71705/docs/WP_TransnationalGunCrimesAndBallisticIntelligenceSharing_2010-10-21_A4.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: International

URL: http://www.forensictechnology.com/Portals/71705/docs/WP_TransnationalGunCrimesAndBallisticIntelligenceSharing_2010-10-21_A4.pdf

Shelf Number: 133079

Gun-Related Violence
Organized Crime

Author: Chi, Jocelyn

Title: Reducing Drug Violence in Mexico: Options for Implementing Targeted Enforcement

Summary: Between 2006 and 2012, drug-related violence in Mexico escalated to unprecedented levels. During this time, five of the top ten most violent cities in the world were found in Mexico, and over 60,000 Mexicans were killed at the hands of Violent Drug Trafficking Organizations (VDTOs). This reign of terror has expanded to include other types of violence, such as extortion, robbery, kidnapping, and spectacular public displays of violence. Most alarmingly, VDTO victims increasingly include ordinary citizens, journalists, law enforcement and military, and other government officials. To date, enforcement efforts in the United States (U.S.) have focused almost exclusively on reducing the flow of drugs from, and through, Mexico. Violence reduction has been a secondary concern, and has been mostly considered as a potential side-benefit of flow reduction policies. Until recently, Mexican authorities have focused their attacks on the upper leadership of major organized crime groups as a method of reducing flows, and in an effort to address threats to public safety. However, freshly elected President Enrique Pena Nieto has indicated that his administration will shift focus away from drug flows, in order to prioritize crime prevention and violence reduction. Given that both the Bush and Obama Administrations have acknowledged that the U.S. market for illegal drugs is largely responsible for fueling the Mexican drug trade, and that the U.S. has a strategic interest in Mexican security, the U.S. may have a currently-unexploited opportunity to reduce violence in Mexico. In this project, we explore whether the adoption of targeted enforcement in the Unites States could theoretically effect a reduction in violence in Mexico, and, if so, what form that strategy might take. We consider the operational and informational requirements for implementation, as well as the information a decision-maker would require in order to elect targeted enforcement as a strategy for addressing the security problem in Mexico. Targeted enforcement is novel in several respects. While it is not inconsistent with flow-reduction goals, the strategy leverages enforcement resources in the United States to effect violence reduction in Mexico. Furthermore, because it is a deterrent strategy, targeted enforcement requires authorities on both sides to clearly and publicly identify the target and communicate that violence will no longer be accepted as a method of conducting business. Finally, the target will encompass entire VDTOs, and not just individual offenders, which increases the cost of individual offending through internal organizational pressure. Keeping in mind current budgetary constraints, we develop four design options for violence-focused U.S.-side targeted enforcement. We evaluate our options with reference to the potential for crime and violence reduction, intelligence demands, implementation and political feasibility, and community impacts. Through a series of interviews with experts in the field, and an exhaustive review of secondary sources, we find that not only is U.S. adoption of targeted enforcement possible within existing frameworks, but that this approach has great potential for reducing Mexican-side violence. Our findings suggest: - First and foremost, we note that the adoption of a targeted violence-reduction approach need not conflict with current U.S. efforts to reduce drug flows; thus, there should be no cost in terms of drug abuse in the U.S. - While a short-term surge in violence is possible, attacking drug-trafficking revenues in the U.S. could incentivize VDTOs away from using violence to advance their drug-trafficking interests. Authorities would need to better understand the revenue portfolios of VDTOs in order to estimate how responsive organizations might be to attacks on revenues, and measure the cost-effectiveness of such a strategy. - Successful implementation requires sophisticated intelligence, and while there is some indication that both the U.S. and Mexico possess the capacity to gather this intelligence, this capacity would likely need to be refined and/or expanded. - The necessary administrative and enforcement infrastructures appear to be in place in the U.S., though resources would need to be reallocated, and additional funding might be necessary. - In the U.S., policies targeting drug flows are popular due to a perception that they decrease drug consumption; a shift towards violence reduction would probably require intensive outreach to educate stakeholders. In Mexico, current distrust in government would require clear and public communication about target selection and the role of Mexican authorities in U.S.-side enforcement. - Finally, a number of possible community impacts exist, and U.S. and Mexican authorities would need to establish mechanisms for collecting data and tracking trends in order to respond to negative externalities.

Details: Los Angeles: UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs, 2013. 52p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 25, 2014 at: http://www.wilsoncenter.org/sites/default/files/reducing_drug_violence_mexico.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Mexico

URL: http://www.wilsoncenter.org/sites/default/files/reducing_drug_violence_mexico.pdf

Shelf Number: 129923

Criminal Networks
Drug Markets
Drug Trafficking
Drug-Related Violence (Mexico)
Organized Crime
Targeted Law Enforcement
Violence Prevention
Violence Reduction
Violent Crime

Author: Guerra, Santiago Ivan

Title: From Vaqueros to Mafiosos : a community history of drug trafficking in rural South Texas

Summary: My dissertation, From Vaqueros to Mafiosos: A Community History of Drug Trafficking in Rural South Texas is an ethnographic study of the impact of the drug trade in South Texas, with a specific focus on Starr County. This dissertation examines drug trafficking along the U.S-Mexico Border at two levels of analysis. First, through historical ethnography, I provide a cultural history of South Texas, as well as a specific history of drug trafficking in Starr County. In doing so, I highlight the different trafficking practices that emerge throughout South Texas' history, and I document the social changes that develop in Starr County as a result of these illicit practices. The second half of my dissertation, however, is devoted to a contemporary analysis of the impact of the drug trade on the border region by analyzing important social practices in Starr County relating to drug abuse, policing and the criminal justice system, youth socialization and family life. Through ethnography I present the devastating effects of the drug trade and border policing on this Mexican American border community in rural South Texas.

Details: Austin, TX: University of Texas at Austin, 2011. 244p.

Source: Internet Resource: Dissertation: Accessed August 29, 2014 at: http://repositories.lib.utexas.edu/handle/2152/ETD-UT-2011-05-3036

Year: 2011

Country: United States

URL: http://repositories.lib.utexas.edu/handle/2152/ETD-UT-2011-05-3036

Shelf Number: 129918

Border Control
Border Security
Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: Inter-American Commission on Human Rights

Title: Human Rights of Migrants and Other Persons in the Context of Human Mobility in Mexico

Summary: 1. Pursuant to Article 41 of the American Convention on Human Rights and Article 58 of its Rules of Procedure, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (hereinafter "the Inter-American Commission" or "the IACHR") is presenting this report to assess the human rights situation of the international and domestic migrants in the context of human mobility in Mexico and to make recommendations to ensure that the migration and immigration policies, laws and practices in the United Mexican States (hereinafter "the Mexican State," "Mexico" or "the State") comport with the international human rights obligations it has undertaken to protect migrants, asylum seekers, refugees, victims of human trafficking and the internally displaced persons. 2. Throughout this report, various situations are described that affect the human rights of migrants, asylum seekers, refugees, victims of human trafficking and the internally displaced in Mexico. This report's particular focus is on the serious violence, insecurity and discrimination that migrants in an irregular situation encounter when traveling through Mexico, which includes, inter alia, kidnapping, murder, disappearance, sexual violence, human trafficking and the smuggling of migrants. The report also looks at the issue of immigration detention and due process guarantees for migrants, asylum seekers and refugees held in immigration holding or detention centers. The report will also examine situations that affect the human rights of migrants who live in Mexico, such as their right to nondiscrimination in access to public services and their labor rights. The last part of the report examines the difficult circumstances under which those who defend the rights of migrants perform their mission. 3. Mexico is today a country of origin, transit and destination for migrants, and increasingly a country to which they return. Mexico is the necessary gateway of mixed migration flows, which include thousands of migrants, asylum seekers, refugees and victims of human trafficking which have the United States as their main destination and, to a lesser extent, Canada. Of all the countries in the Americas, Mexico is doubtless the one that most clearly reflects the various faces of international migration in a country. Because of the enormous impact that international migration has had on Mexico, particularly as a country of origin for migrants, globally Mexico has been a principal driving force and advocate for the recognition and protection of the human rights of all migrants. 4. Furthermore, in recent years, public security in Mexico has been severely eroded by the intense violence generated by organized crime and the battle being waged against it. The spike in criminal violence in recent years in Mexico poses very complex challenges for the State, which is called upon to take every measure necessary to safeguard the security of persons within its jurisdiction, which obviously includes migrants. Security and protective measures have to be premised on respect for human rights to ensure that the actions taken by the State to fight crime do not end up becoming a source of still greater insecurity or even State abuse. Mexico does not have a citizen security and safety policy specifically geared to preventing, protecting and prosecuting crimes committed against migrants. Furthermore, the State's response to the surge in violence has be to shore up the military and police forces to help them fight crime, mainly drug trafficking. In many instances, the effect of these two factors has been to increase the violence and human rights violations committed by State agents, rather than to safeguard the security of those in Mexico. 5. While the severe insecurity that Mexico is now experiencing has had profound effects on the Mexican population, it has also revealed just how vulnerable migrants in Mexico are, particularly migrants in an irregular situation in transit through Mexico. In recent years, the Commission has been receiving news and reports of multiple cases in which migrants are abducted, driven into forced labor, murdered, disappeared and, in the case of women, frequently the victims of rape and sexual exploitation by organized crime. The Commission has also received information to the effect that in a considerable number of cases, State agents - members of the various police forces or personnel of the National Institute of Migration - have been directly involved in the commission of the crimes and human rights violations listed above. At the present time, the extreme vulnerability of migrants and other persons to the heightened risks of human mobility in Mexico is one of worse human tragedies in the region, involving large-scale and systematic human rights violations. 6. The insecurity of migrants in Mexico was why, during the hearing on the "Situation of the Human Rights of Migrants in Transit through Mexico" held on March 22, 2010, civil society organizations asked the IACHR to have its Rapporteurship on the Rights of Migrant Workers and Their Families conduct an on-site visit to Mexico to examine the situation of migrants' human rights. For its part, the Mexican State's response was that the oversight mechanisms of the Inter-American and universal systems have an open, standing invitation to visit Mexico, so that the Rapporteurship's visit would be welcome. The onsite visit was hastened by a series of communications that civil society organizations sent to the IACHR Rapporteur on the Rights of Migrant Workers, and by thematic hearings held at Commission headquarters which revealed large-scale violations of migrants' human rights in recent years, the inefficacy of the public safety and security services, and the fact that no one was made to answer for the crimes committed against migrants. The Mexican State formally invited the Rapporteur to conduct an in loco visit, which he did from July 25 to August 2, 2011.

Details: Washington, DC: Organization of American States, 2013. 272p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 12, 2014 at: http://www.oas.org/en/iachr/migrants/docs/pdf/Report-Migrants-Mexico-2013.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Mexico

URL: http://www.oas.org/en/iachr/migrants/docs/pdf/Report-Migrants-Mexico-2013.pdf

Shelf Number: 133293

Asylum Seekers
Human Rights Abuses(Mexico)
Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Immigrant Detention
Organized Crime

Author: de Blasio, Guido

Title: Down and Out in Italian Towns: Measuring the Impact of Economic Downturns on Crime

Summary: The paper investigates the effect of local economic conditions on crime. The study focuses on Italy's local labor markets and analyzes the short-term response of crime to the severe slump of 2007-2009. It shows that the downturn led to a significant increase in economic-related offenses that do not require particular criminal skills or tools (namely, thefts); on the other hand, for offenses for which specific skills and criminal experience are essential (say, robberies) the impact of the crisis was negative. The results also suggest that: i) labor market institutions (i.e. wage supplementary schemes and pro-worker contractual arrangements) had a role in slowing down the effect of the economy on crime; ii) the link between the downturn and crime was weaker in areas where the presence of organized crime is relatively more intensive.

Details: Rome: Bank of Italy, 2013. 39p.

Source: Internet Resource: Bank of Italy Temi di Discussione (Working Paper) No. 925 : Accessed September 15, 2014 at: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2293879

Year: 2013

Country: Italy

URL: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2293879

Shelf Number: 133323

Economics and Crime (Italy)
Organized Crime
Socioeconomic Conditions and Crime

Author: Banfield, Jessie

Title: Crime and Conflict: The new challenge for peacebuilding

Summary: This report is offered as a contribution to the growing effort to understand the nexus between organised crime, armed violence and fragility, and to design effective responses. At the heart of the document is the hypothesis that an application of the approaches and overall lens of peacebuilding can enrich broader efforts to reduce and transform contemporary armed violence and fragility linked to organised crime. This approach has not been widely tested in practice, but when it has the results are promising. Over the course of the 20th century, a major period of inter-state warfare and wars of decolonisation gave way to an era of predominantly civil conflicts. The last decade points to further shifts, with far fewer civil wars now recorded worldwide. In their wake, observers seem to agree that conflict is again changing, but a common narrative as to the dominant direction of these changes, and hence the contours of the global peace and security agenda, has yet to gel. However, one major factor correlated to current changing forms of armed violence is now known to be the effect of new patterns, as well as increased scope and scale, both of organised crime and shadow economies operating at national and sub-national levels. Overlapping and blurred categorisations of a raft of non-state armed groups are often strung together in attempts to describe the complexities involved. We can identify three broad dimensions to organised crime and its relationship to armed violence and fragility that can help us hone in on the key problems to be tackled. First, its connection to power holders and political interests poses challenges to governance and statebuilding approaches where the state itself is complicit. Second, attention to the incentives that pull and/or push individuals into crime helps us to identify broad-based response strategies. Third, globalized market structures in key crime commodities, such as illegal drugs, point to the need to look inwards as much as outwards in their response in countries where high demand sustains the financial flows and profits of organised crime. This paints a complex picture. Given this complexity, the degree of consensus on the limitations of current approaches to the problem is perhaps not surprising. For example: - There is widespread recognition that notions of sovereignty can protect state officials complicit in organised crime; - The emphasis on locking up criminals as a major component of the global response to the problem may actually exacerbate violence in some cases; - Little headway has been made in reducing the receptivity of fragile contexts to criminal enterprise; and - Peacebuilding interventions have yet to adequately frame the issue of organised crime within overall responses to conflict and violence. Organised crime has hitherto been treated primarily as a law and order problem. The shift away from an exclusive focus on law enforcement has begun, but it is very recent. Nevertheless, attention to the relationship between organised crime and state fragility is increasing in development policy agendas, and is the subject of a number of recent reports and seminars. This reflects growing recognition that levels of armed violence and associated fragility related to organised crime in different settings demand policy-makers and practitioners to work across the range of factors and policy arenas involved, such as law enforcement and crime prevention, security and diplomacy, development and peacebuilding, and public health. The peacebuilding sector has been slow to come to the table, no doubt influenced by funders' priorities and institutional silos that currently work against the types of joined-up responses that are needed. However, designing interventions that are broad-based and transformative in intent can help to underpin a new generation of responses. In particular: - Conflict analysis is crucial for understanding the dynamics at play. Rounded analysis through a peace and conflict lens, differentiating between root causes, proximate causes and triggers, will help to inform more holistic responses and ensure that projects 'do no harm' - avoiding the unintentional reinforcement of negative conflict dynamics; - Dialogue - often initiated, facilitated and sustained by third parties who are trusted for their impartiality and/or expertise - can bring together the actors involved in and affected by the problem in order to generate solutions; and - Civic activism and empowerment emphasise the importance of bringing a wider range of actors to the fore. The capacity to leverage lasting solutions is to be found beyond state institutions and within and across communities. This includes not only non-governmental organisations (NGOs), but also business leaders, women's organisations, religious institutions and academics. In its concluding section, this report offers five priority areas for action: 1. Conflict-sensitive approaches need to be brought to bear on law enforcement. Law enforcement will remain a key response mechanism to the nexus between organised crime, armed violence and fragility. However, it needs to adopt a 'do no harm' approach as advocated by the peacebuilding sector in relation to development assistance. 2. There is a need for improved analysis and information flow across the whole range of local, national and global dimensions of organised crime. While there has been a flurry of attention to the issues, enormous knowledge gaps remain. Greater analytical purchase across all dimensions will facilitate better monitoring of the impact of policy responses. 3. There needs to be a more innovative and creative way of dealing with predatory power holders. Current state-building approaches require a deeper understanding of the role of predatory power holders, including how criminal agendas can be factored into peace negotiations and processes.

Details: London: International Alert, 2014. 52p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 23, 2014 at: http://international-alert.org/sites/default/files/CVI_CrimeConflict_EN_2014.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: International

URL: http://international-alert.org/sites/default/files/CVI_CrimeConflict_EN_2014.pdf

Shelf Number: 133394

Armed Violence
Financial Crimes
Organized Crime
Shadow Economies
Violence and Conflict

Author: Sellar, John M.

Title: Policing the Trafficking of Wildlife: Is there anything to learn from law enforcement responses to drug and firearms trafficking?

Summary: The "tipping point" on wildlife crime is fast approaching: the extinction of key species and irreparable damage to the environment are both imminent possibilities in the near future. Growing demand for wildlife products in key markets has triggered a professionalization and aggression in poaching which is unparalleled. Armed with advanced weaponry, surveillance equipment and facilitated by extensive corruption, the criminal market in wildlife crime is now one of the most significant illicit markets in the world. Key species such as the rhino are being slaughtered at record levels. Lesser known animals are traded at a scale that is almost incomprehensible. This is no longer just a criminal act: it is warfare. The law enforcement community, at national and international levels, has long been engaged in what are described as 'wars' against narcotic and firearm trafficking. These two forms of criminality share many of the same features as those of wildlife trafficking, particularly as all three involve: the harvesting or acquisition of material or products in one State; usually require illicit export from the same State; the subsequent clandestine movement of the material or products across further national borders (regularly many borders and also intercontinentally); illicit import to the State of destination; and final delivery to customers and consumers. This paper is not an attempt to determine whether battles have been lost or won in each of these wars. Rather, it seeks to describe some of the strategies adopted by individual nations and international alliances to respond to drug and firearms trafficking, the manner in which they have rallied their troops, and examines whether illegal trade in wildlife can be thought of as a 'common enemy' and, thus, addressed in a similar fashion. The assessment and findings presented in this report are drawn from the extensive experience of the author, a law enforcement professional with over four decades of experience. The author held the role of Chief of Law Enforcement for CITES, and during 14 years with CITES he conducted 234 missions to 66 countries, assessing enforcement in the field and designing strategies to tackle wildlife trafficking. Thus while this study may not draw upon comprehensive research, it nonetheless presents an unparalleled expert perspective of the global state of affairs.

Details: Geneva, SWIT: Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime, 2014. 46p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 25, 2014 at: http://www.rhinoowners.org/WYSI/assets/SRP%20DOCS/Global%20Initiative%20-%20Wildlife%20Trafficking%20Law%20Enforcement%20-%20Feb%202014.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: International

URL: http://www.rhinoowners.org/WYSI/assets/SRP%20DOCS/Global%20Initiative%20-%20Wildlife%20Trafficking%20Law%20Enforcement%20-%20Feb%202014.pdf

Shelf Number: 133424

Animal Poaching
Illegal Wildlife Trade
Organized Crime
Wildlife Crimes
Wildlife Law Enforcement
Wildlife Trafficking

Author: Gastrow, Peter

Title: Transnational organised crime: The stepchild of crime-combating priorities

Summary: Experts continue to argue about an appropriate definition for organised crime, and ordinary citizens and lawmakers do not really know what it means. We tend to feel intense about the crime categories that make up organised crime, such as the trafficking of women and children, the poaching and smuggling of rhino horn and ivory, the selling of fake medicines, abalone poaching, the smuggling of endangered species, trafficking in narcotics, bank fraud or cybercrime. But organised crime as a concept tends to leave most people untouched. Pressure from voters on politicians and the latter's hope of re-election contribute to crime- combating strategies being short term, uncoordinated and confined within national borders. Little attention is paid to transnational organised crime even though it is developing into a major international security threat. It has gone global, but effective global responses have not been developed. Undoubtedly, some of the battles against transnational organised crime are being won, but we are losing the war. The vulnerabilities of developing countries should make the warning lights for Africa go on even stronger than elsewhere. Through its regional organisations and the AU, Africa should start working on a coordinated regional approach towards countering transnational organised crime on the continent, because individual states will no longer be able to do so on their own.

Details: Pretoria, South Africa: Institute for Security Studies, 2013. 4p.

Source: Internet Resource: Policy Brief: Accessed October 1, 2014 at: http://www.issafrica.org/publications/policy-brief/transnational-organised-crime-the-stepchild-of-crime-combating-priorities

Year: 2013

Country: International

URL: http://www.issafrica.org/publications/policy-brief/transnational-organised-crime-the-stepchild-of-crime-combating-priorities

Shelf Number: 133525

Drug Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime
Wildlife Crime

Author: Lacher, Wolfram

Title: Challenging the Myth of the Drug-Terror Nexus in the Sahel

Summary: The rise of extremist activity in the Sahel-Sahara region from 2005 onwards has gone in parallel with the growth of drug trafficking networks across the area. But are these two developments related - and if so, how? The alleged involvement of al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) and the Movement for Monotheism and Jihad in West Africa (MUJAO) in drug smuggling is being taken for granted by many media outlets. Malian and French government officials have increasingly resorted to dismissing their adversaries in northern Mali as 'narco-jihadists'. This paper reviews the evidence for the links between drug smuggling and extremist activity in the Sahel-Sahara region. While it demonstrates that such links clearly exist, the paper argues that the widespread talk of a drug-terror nexus in the Sahel is misleading, for several reasons. First, much of the evidence presented as basis for such claims can either be easily debunked, or is impossible to verify. Second, rather than the two extremist groups as such, involvement in drug trafficking appears to concern individuals and groups close to, or within, MUJAO and AQIM: within both groups, members are driven by multiple and, at times, conflicting motivations. Third, numerous other actors are playing an equally or more important role in drug smuggling, including members of the political and business establishment in northern Mali, Niger and the region's capitals, as well as leaders of supposedly 'secular' armed groups. Fourth, the emphasis on links between drug trafficking and terrorism in the Sahel serves to obscure the role of state actors and corruption in allowing organized crime to grow. Fifth, the profits derived from kidnap-for-ransom played a much more significant role in the rise of AQIM and MUJAO.

Details: West Africa Commission on Drugs, 2013. 17p.

Source: Internet Resource: WACD Background Paper No. 4: Accessed October 8, 2014 at: http://www.wacommissionondrugs.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Challenging-the-Myth-of-the-Drug-Terror-Nexus-in-the-Sahel-2013-08-19.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Africa

URL: http://www.wacommissionondrugs.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Challenging-the-Myth-of-the-Drug-Terror-Nexus-in-the-Sahel-2013-08-19.pdf

Shelf Number: 133595

Drug Trafficking (Africa)
Drug-Terror Nexus
Extremist Groups
Organized Crime
Violent Extremism

Author: Carvajal, Roger A.

Title: Violence in Honduras: An Analysis of the Failure in Public Security and the State's Response to Criminality

Summary: The incidence of violence in Honduras currently is the highest in Honduran history. In 2014, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime reported the Honduras homicide rate, at 90.4 per 100,000 inhabitants, as the highest in the world for nations outside of war. It is the foundation of this thesis that the Honduran security collapse is due to unresolved internal factors - political, economic, and societal - as well as the influence of foreign factors and actors - the evolution of the global illicit trade. Two of the most important areas affecting public security in Honduras are the challenges posed by transnational organized crime and the relative weakness and fragility of the Honduran state to provide basic needs and security to the population. The emergence of criminal gangs and drug traffickers, and the government's security policies, are all factors that have worsened public security. The crime environment has overwhelmed the police, military, judicial system and overcrowded the prison system with mostly juvenile petty delinquents. Moreover, with a high impunity rate of nearly 95 percent for homicides, killing in Honduras has become an activity without consequences. The latest state's response is with re-militarization of security, highlighting the dilemma of the challenges of combatting internal violence and transnational organized crime in a weak state.

Details: Monterey, CA: Naval Postgraduate School, 2014. 111p.

Source: Internet Resource: Thesis: Accessed October 10, 2014 at: https://calhoun.nps.edu/bitstream/handle/10945/42596/14Jun_Carvajal_Roger.pdf?sequence=1

Year: 2014

Country: Honduras

URL: https://calhoun.nps.edu/bitstream/handle/10945/42596/14Jun_Carvajal_Roger.pdf?sequence=1

Shelf Number: 133901

Drug Trafficking
Drug-Related Violence
Organized Crime
Violence (Honduras)
Violent Crime

Author: De Greef, Kimon

Title: South Africa's illicit abalone trade: An updated overview and knowledge gap analysis

Summary: More than two decades of unsustainable harvesting has had damaging, and potentially irreversible, consequences for South Africa's formerly abundant stocks of the endemic abalone, Haliotis midae. Efforts to combat the illegal trade, including listing the species in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) Appendix III in 2007, conducting government-led enforcement operations, establishing designated environmental courts to deal with abalone poachers, and developing more inclusive fisheries policies have been largely unsuccessful. This has been due to a lack of adequate resources and long standing socio-political grievances between small-scale-fishermen and the post-apartheid government. In 2010, H. midae was delisted from CITES Appendix III, despite increased levels of illegal poaching, due to difficulties in implementation according to the South African government. Organized criminal syndicates have taken advantage of this socio-political dynamic mentioned above to recruit poachers from local communities who feel disenfranchised by government policy and entitled to extract the easily harvested resource. Furthermore, evidence suggests that poachers are sometimes paid for service in illegal drugs, adding another complex layer of social challenges and addiction along the coast of South Africa. Trade data analysis on abalone reveals a complex network that links poaching to syndicated trade through various countries, some of them landlocked, across southern Africa before eventually reaching Asian markets. Calls for radical governance reform have been made, but change is slow. Nevertheless, there is value in profiling the illegal trade as fully as possible, to draw lessons for dealing with poaching and other forms of wildlife crime more effectively in the future. This briefing paper is a synthesis of current knowledge about South Africa's illegal abalone fishery, drawing on both available literature and unpublished research. The briefing paper is not exhaustive, but offers a comprehensive and up to date overview of the history, drivers, impacts and modus operandi of this country's illicit abalone trade. By profiling the current situation holistically, this briefing paper aims to inform stakeholders and stimulate discussion on recommended solutions and further areas of study as described in Section 4.

Details: Cambridge, UK: TRAFFIC International, 2014. 36p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 17, 2014 at: http://www.traffic.org/storage/USAID%20W-TRAPS%20Abalone%20Briefing%20Paper_Final.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: South Africa

URL: http://www.traffic.org/storage/USAID%20W-TRAPS%20Abalone%20Briefing%20Paper_Final.pdf

Shelf Number: 133738

Animal Poaching
Endangered Species
Illegal Trade
Organized Crime
Wildlife Crimes (South Africa)

Author: Livingston, Stephen

Title: Africa's Information Revolution: Implications for Crime, Policing, and Citizen Security

Summary: Violent crime represents the most immediate threat to the personal security of most Africans. According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 36 percent of all homicides globally occur in Africa. With 17 deaths per 100,000, the homicide rate in Africa is double the global average. Rates of robberies and rape in Africa also exceed global norms. The problem is worse in urban areas, with many of Africa's urban-dwellers often worrying about crime. The risk of violent crime has implications for Africa's development, governance, and stability. Crime ranks as one of the major inhibitors to investment on the continent according to private business owners. Parents choose not to send children to school rather than put them at risk in high-crime areas. Countries with higher rates of violent crime tend to make less progress in reducing poverty and expanding development. Closely linked to the threat of violent crime is the weakness of many of Africa's police forces. They are often underfunded, understaffed, and undertrained. Surveys show that a majority of Africans see police only infrequently, and therefore do not view the police as a source of protection. In addition to being ineffective in combatting crime, inadequate police training contributes to unprofessional behavior. In some cases, police are active participants in criminal activity. In others, corruption permeates the force. In still others, police use extrajudicial violence to intimidate and coerce suspected criminals, potential witnesses, and even victims. This generates high levels of distrust of the police in many African countries. The acuteness of the crime challenge has grown with rapid urbanization and the expansion of slums lacking basic services, including police presence. In many urban centers, this vacuum has been filled by gangs and organized criminal organizations that profit from extortion, kidnappings, and violence against the local population. At times these gangs are protected by corrupt police or politicians. As these criminal groups expand into trafficking of illicit goods - drugs, cigarettes, medicines, and arms - they tend to link up with transnational criminal networks, posing an even more formidable security problem. Consistently high levels of violence have far-reaching implications for how youth learn to resolve conflict-perpetuating tolerance for higher levels of violence in a society. This, in turn, fosters the acceptability of political violence and threatens the viability of democratic governance, which relies on dialogue, free speech, tolerance of opposing perspectives, and protection for minorities. The rapid expansion and accessibility of mobile communications technology in Africa is creating new opportunities for combatting crime and strengthening police accountability. Twitter, SMS, and event-mapping technologies are being used to connect communities with police and security forces as never before. This is precedent setting for many citizens, especially those in rural areas who have grown accustomed to fending for themselves. Now at least they are more able to alert one another to potential threats, mobilize the community in self-defense, and inform security sector authorities in the interest of gaining protection. In urban areas, citizens who would not normally have many interactions with the police now have a number they can call in times of trouble. Information and communications technologies (ICTs) are also connecting societies horizontally in real time. This is forging cross-regional ties and linkages that may not have previously existed and historically have emerged only with the development of a national transportation infrastructure. In the process, both economic and social integration are facilitated. This enhanced cohesiveness can contribute directly to greater stability. ICTs, often tapping into their crowdsourcing capabilities, also offer opportunities to improve police responsiveness and accountability. Crime maps provide the basis for allocating resources to match prevailing threats. They also establish a benchmark from which to assess the effectiveness of police responses. Bribe-reporting websites create a record and pattern of illegal police behavior that raise the profile of what are often treated as isolated events into a broader, measurable phenomenon requiring a policy response. While opening opportunities to enhance security and accountability, ICTs are not a panacea for resolving crime and corruption. Information is solely a tool and not the driver of reform. ICTs can be used for nefarious purposes - both by criminal organizations as well as unaccountable police forces. Rather, ICT-generated change requires an organized body of committed individuals who can use the increased accessibility of information to educate the public, engender popular participation, and press authorities for reform. It is this sustained engagement of on-the-ground actors, typically in the form of civil society organizations, that transforms information accessibility into concrete improvements in the lives of ordinary citizens. By lowering information barriers, ICTs are bringing discussion and analysis of crime in Africa out of the shadows, enhancing the potential for oversight of the security forces, and elevating citizen security. ICTs, therefore, are contributing to improved security through both internal channels via the strengthening of the state's crime data gathering capacity as well as external mechanisms to monitor, critique, and hold the security sector accountable.

Details: Washington, DC: Africa Center for Strategic Studies, 2013. 60p.

Source: Internet Resource: Research Paper No. 5: Accessed October 20, 2014 at: http://africacenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/ARP5-Africas-Information-Revolution1.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Africa

URL: http://africacenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/ARP5-Africas-Information-Revolution1.pdf

Shelf Number: 131514

Crime Statistics
Gang Violence
Organized Crime
Socioeconomic Conditions and Crime
Violent Crime (Africa)

Author: Chandran, Remi

Title: Bytes beyond Borders: Strengtning Transboundary Information Sharing on Wildlife Crime through the Wildlife Enforcement Monitoring System (WEMS) Initiative,

Summary: The multi-billion dollar illegal wildlife trade is a global crisis that not only threatens the conservation of protected species but also has deep implications for peace and security in nations across the world. As wildlife trafficking becomes more organized and illegal trade of wildlife continues to flourish on the ground and in cyberspace, there is an urgent need for a concerted international effort to gather and share wildlife crime information among law enforcement and policymakers, empowering them to stem the tide of wildlife trafficking. There are several good examples out of such efforts, primarily by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) and INTERPOL, to combat wildlife poaching and transboundary illegal wildlife trade. At a policy level, the formation of the International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime (ICCWC)1 can be considered as one of the major achievements in recent times, where CITES, INTERPOL, World Bank, UN Office on Drugs and Crimes (UNODC) and World Customs Organization have come together as one unit to address the issue. The good work done by civil society, including WWF, TRAFFIC, International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) and member organizations of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and Species Survival Network (SSN) including grass root NGOs, is noteworthy as well. Yet, combating wildlife crime remains a big challenge. The collective efforts of the conservation community and governments are still unable to check the behaviour of poaching syndicates and organized criminals. We remain far behind in finding an adequate response to the crisis.

Details: Yokohama: United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies, 2013. 8p.

Source: Internet Resource: Policy Brief: Accessed October 22, 2014 at: http://archive.ias.unu.edu/resource_centre/bytes_beyond_borders-strengthening_transboundary_information.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: International

URL: http://archive.ias.unu.edu/resource_centre/bytes_beyond_borders-strengthening_transboundary_information.pdf

Shelf Number: 133794

Animal Poaching
Illegal Wildlife Trade
Organized Crime
Wildlife Conservation
Wildlife Crimes
Wildlife Management

Author: Salamanca, Luis Jorge Garay

Title: Understanding the Structure of Transnational Criminal Networks Operating in the U.S./Mexico Border and the Southeastern Border of the European Union

Summary: Systemic crime and systemic corruption, much like any other activity, require the interaction of different agents. Some of those interactions are sporadic and some are permanent. In general, there are "many situations that social actors create and must negotiate in their behavior" (Radil, Flint, & Tita, 2010, p. 308), and it is possible to model and analyze those situations when arranged as a social network. Additionally several States and multilateral agencies acknowledge Transnational Criminal Networks (TCNs) as one of the most important threats for the domestic and transnational stability. Bearing this in mind, the purpose of this document is to model and analyze situations of crime consisting on Transnational Criminal Network (TCNs) operating in the southern border of The United States and the Southeastern border of the European Union, both regions concentrating some of the most dangerous and powerful TCNs on a global scale. The present document consists of eight sections. The first is the methodological and theoretical framework. The second is an introduction to the current situation of crime in Mexico. The third is the model and analysis of a TCN operating across Mexico and the United States, in which members of "Los Zetas" and "La Familia Michoacana" participate on activities of drug and hydrocarbons trafficking. The fourth section is an analysis of how the modeled Mexican TCN operates inside the United States. Implications for the stability and national security of the United States are also explored in the fourth section. The fifth section is an introduction to the situation of crime and corruption in Bulgaria, herein interpreted as the southeastern border of the European Union. In the sixth section four TCNs are modeled and analyzed: two consisting on crime transiting through Bulgaria, related to Drug Trafficking, and two consisting on exporting human trafficking from Bulgaria to Western Europe and a Skimming network. The final section is a summary of recommendations for improving the confrontation of TCNs.

Details: Bogota, Colombia: Vortex Foundation; Sophia, Bulgaria: Risk Monitor, 2013. 235p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 27, 2014 at: http://www.informeescaleno.com.ar/images/Understanding_the_Structure_Bulg_grant.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: International

URL: http://www.informeescaleno.com.ar/images/Understanding_the_Structure_Bulg_grant.pdf

Shelf Number: 133820

Border Security
Criminal Networks
Drug Trafficking
Gang Violence
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime
Political Corruption

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

Title: Criminal Justice Response to wildlife and forest crime in Lao PDR

Summary: Laos in a landlocked country of about 5.7 million people made up of 49 broad ethnic groups. Approximately eighty per cent of the population is located in rural areas and many depend on agriculture and natural resources for survival. The country is bordered by China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand and Myanmar. It is governed in the framework of a single socialist political party, the Lao People's Revolutionary Party (LPPR). Laos is a land rich in biological diversity and home to unique and rare species of flora and fauna. Many of these species are listed under Appendices I, II and III of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). These flora species include high value timber species such as Aquilaria crassna and Aquilaria baillonii commonly known as Argarwood (Appendix I) and Dalbergia cochinchinensis commonly known as Siamese Rosewood (Appendix III) and rare orchids such as the Paphiopedilum appletonianum commonly known as Appleton's Paphiopedilum (Appendix I). Some of the better known CITES listed fauna species found in Laos include the Tiger (Appendix I), Leopard (Appendix I), Clouded Leopard (Appendix I), Elephant (Appendix I), Sun Bear (Appendix I), Asiatic Black Bear (Appendix I), Pangolin (Appendix II) and several turtles including the Indochinese Box Turtle (Appendix I). Despite their protection under CITES and National Laws, Lao forests have undergone extensive commercial logging over the last 30 years with forest cover dropping from 75% in 1979 to 40% in 2009. In 2014 a government initiated planting program has increased forest cover to just over 50% but the country has a long way to go to reach its goal of 65% cover by 2015 and 70% by 2020. There is growing evidence that transnational organised crime groups are contributing to a significant degree to forest exploitation and the Lao government has come under harsh criticism for its failure to control the illegal logging of its forests. Many of Laos' fauna species have fared no better and continue to be subjected to illegal trafficking to feed markets in neighbouring China and Vietnam. The objective of this study therefore is to determine what role the criminal justice system in Laos is playing in the struggle against the illegal trade in timber and wildlife. It is based on a field visit to Laos, a review of the available primary and secondary data, interviews with key interlocutors and a roundtable meeting of senior officers from the key government departments, IGO's and NGO's held in Vientiane in September 2014. During the meeting in September the current version of the report was circulated to all participants both in Lao language and in English to solicit comments and feedback. The presentations of the senior officers at the September meeting were eventually incorporated into what has become the final version of the report. Interviews were mainly conducted with key players of the criminal justice systems such as prosecutors, police, customs and environment/forestry officials involved in law enforcement.

Details: New York: UNODC, 2014. 34p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 30, 2014 at: https://www.unodc.org/documents/southeastasiaandpacific//2014/10/trade-timber/Criminal_Justice_Responses_to_the_Illegal_Trade_in_Timber_in_South_East_Asia_v7.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Laos

URL: https://www.unodc.org/documents/southeastasiaandpacific//2014/10/trade-timber/Criminal_Justice_Responses_to_the_Illegal_Trade_in_Timber_in_South_East_Asia_v7.pdf

Shelf Number: 133831

Forest Management
Illegal Logging
Illegal Trade
Organized Crime
Wildlife Conservation
Wildlife Crimes (Laos)
Wildlife Law Enforcement
Wildlife Trafficking

Author: Stakeholder Democracy Network

Title: Communities not Criminals: Illegal Oil Refining in the Niger Delta

Summary: An estimated 150,000 barrels of crude oil are stolen every day in Nigeria. The vast majority of this is sold internationally, but approximately 25% stays in the Niger Delta for refining and consumption. Illegal oil refining in the region comes with steep economic and social costs. Unless the problem is better understood and key drivers of the illegal economy are analyzed, the trade could come to undermine the stability of Nigeria's legal oil sector. Only five years ago, billions of dollars in oil revenue were effectively locked in because of instability and crime in the Niger Delta. The United Nations Environmental Program (UNDP) Environment Assessment of Ogoniland highlighted that in addition to poor pipeline maintenance by international oil companies, illegal oil refining in the Niger Delta is a major cause of environmental degradation. Whole communities have lost their traditional livelihoods as fisherman and farmers, as the effects of illegal refining, compounded by equipment failure, pollutes their water and land. The refining process may also pose serious health risks. The dangers notwithstanding, organized theft of crude oil and the illegal refining business it feeds also support the families, small businesses and social aspirations of many Niger Delta communities. Interviewees for this report described illegal oil refining as an entrepreneurial, free market response to local economic dysfunction, socioeconomic pressures, the Niger Delta's chronic fuel shortages and government's failure to deliver basic public services. The oil companies operating in the delta and the media regularly draw attention to this illicit industry, noting for instance that some illegal oil refining camps brazenly operate in broad daylight. In response, the military Joint Task Force (JTF), charged with patrolling on-shore oil fields, each year destroys thousands of illegal refineries. However, the set up costs are so low and returns so high that within weeks illegal refiners start up new camps. Some claim the problem is worsening, with suspicions that as the 2014/15 election gets closer, oil theft and the associated environmental damage it causes will get even worse. Evidence also suggests that rogue actors within the JTF actively participate in and profit from theft and illegal refining. This is the first ever study that explores how illegal oil refining in the Niger Delta operates and what is driving its rapid growth. The underlying research attempted to gain an in-depth quantitative and qualitative understanding of how the business works, and to analyze the political, economic and societal drivers, networks and impacts and nature of local oil refining. The findings of this report are based on 12 weeks of field research, undertaken over four months in early 2013. A team of researchers visited nine illegal refining operations across Rivers, Bayelsa and Delta states. This was supplemented with 120 key informant interviews with oil companies, government representatives and members of civil society. To ensure the safety of those interviewed, identifies have been protected and this report does not ascribe any quotes to individuals. This is in keeping with SDN's operational research process which seeks to identify trends and solutions, without risks to those involved in the research process either as researchers or interviewees.

Details: London: SDN, 2013. 44p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 3, 2014 at: http://www.stakeholderdemocracy.org/uploads/SDN%20Publications/CommunitiesNotCriminals.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Nigeria

URL: http://www.stakeholderdemocracy.org/uploads/SDN%20Publications/CommunitiesNotCriminals.pdf

Shelf Number: 133938

Illegal Markets
Illegal Oil Refining
Illicit Goods
Offenses Against the Environment
Oil Theft (Nigeria)
Organized Crime
Stolen Goods

Author: Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime

Title: Improving Development Responses to Organized Crime

Summary: Over the past decade, there has been a growing realization that organized crime is a spoiler to development. This realization has been charted in a number of seminal reports: in 2005, the report of the Secretary-General "In Larger Freedom" highlighted the challenges of preventing the achievements of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) highlighted organized crime as one of the principle threats to peace and security in the 21st Century. In the same year, a UNODC report underscored the linkage between under-development and a crime prone environment. The 2010 "Keeping the Promise" report of the Secretary- General recognized that in order to achieve the MDGs, there would need to be capacity to explicitly respond to organized crime. The World Development Report 2011 concluded that both conflict and organized crime have the same detrimental effect on development: Resulting in 20% less development performance. The "Action Agenda" of the Secretary-General in 2012 cited the need to respond better to organized crime as a priority to achieving a stable world. While organized crime is not a new phenomenon, what is new is both its growth and reach, and the degree to which it threatens countries with the least capacity to respond. There are specific constituencies that are seeing a direct impact of organized crime on their ability to achieve their development objectives. For those working on environmental issues, for example, criminal flows are becoming a fairly significant problem. In areas like sustainable forestry, a substantial proportion of development assistance is being diverted through illegal logging. In addressing fisheries or marine ecosystems, addressing the problem of mass-scale illegal fishing has become more urgent than other research priorities. Globally, more citizens are killed through organized crime related violence in one year than have been killed in terrorist related incidents over the last two decades. In many parts of the world, including in some vulnerable and fragile states, organized crime both exploits and exacerbates conditions that allow it to thrive. In many developing countries organized crime has undermined state institutions across sectors, including for example, in the areas of environment, health, welfare and education, and further weakens state capacity to ensure the rule of law and provide security to citizens. The result is a vicious cycle: organized crime negatively impacts on the rule of law, human and economic development creating the conditions for further instability and distorted or weak governance. Thus while it has become a commonly accepted doctrine that organized crime is a spoiler to peace and development, where the debate has evolved in recent years is to recognize that effective solutions to reducing organized crime and mitigating its impacts are not to be found without development approaches. A combination of the extent of the impact of organized crime, but also the acknowledgement that many of its causes relate to a wider set of governance, social, developmental and other factors, has highlighted incontrovertibly that a narrow security approach will not be effective in countering the problem. It has been proven now in a number of theatres, that investments concentrated on building the capacity of security institutions - police and customs units - cannot alone provide a sustainable solution. It has become imperative that the weight of the development community and their tools can be brought to bear. While the issue may have been recognized to be of importance, the policy debate as to what this means in practical terms for development programming is now only getting underway. Within a broader context of the shifts in the development debate globally, including within the framework of the revision of the MDGs, there is now significant scope for further exploring the role of development actors in countering organized crime and building communities and state institutions that are resilient to its deleterious impacts. The development community needs to review its toolbox and align its responses in what is traditionally considered to be a security space. This report is drawn from a seminar in April 2014, hosted by the Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands. The seminar brought together 50 experts from national governments, multi-lateral organizations, think tanks and NGOs working in the development sector. Governments represented were Austria, Germany, Mexico, The Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union.

Details: Geneva, SWIT: Global Initiative Against Organized Crime, 2014. 20p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 10, 2014 at: http://www.globalinitiative.net/download/global-initiative/Global%20Initiative%20-%20Improving%20Development%20Responses%20to%20Organized%20Crime%20-%20July%202014.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: International

URL: http://www.globalinitiative.net/download/global-initiative/Global%20Initiative%20-%20Improving%20Development%20Responses%20to%20Organized%20Crime%20-%20July%202014.pdf

Shelf Number: 134008

Crime Against the Environment
Criminal Networks
Organized Crime
Wildlife Crimes

Author: Felbab-Brown, Vanda

Title: Changing the Game or Dropping the Ball? Mexico's Security and Anti-Crime Strategy under President Enrique Pena Nieto

Summary: ANALYSIS - Even as the administration of Mexico's President Enrique Pena Nieto has scored important reform successes in the economic sphere, its security and law enforcement policy toward organized crime remains incomplete and ill-defined. Preoccupied with the fighting among vicious drug trafficking groups and the rise of anti-crime vigilante militias in the center of Mexico, the administration has for the most part averted its eyes from the previously highly-violent criminal hotspots in the north where major law enforcement challenges remain. - The Pena Nieto administration thus mostly continues to put out immediate security fires - such as in Michoacan and Tamaulipas - but the overall deterrence capacity of Mexico's military and law enforcement forces and justice sector continue to be very limited and largely unable to deter violence escalation and reescalation. - Identifying the need to reduce violence in Mexico as the most important priority for its security policy was the right decision of the Pena Nieto administration. But despite the capture of Mexico's most notorious drug trafficker, Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, much of the security policy reform momentum that surrounded the Pena Nieto administration at the outset of its six-year term has prematurely dissipated. Key pillars of the policy are plodding along meekly, including the national gendarmerie, the new intelligence supercenter, and the mando unico. The October 2013 deadline to vet all police units for corruption and links to organized crime was missed once again and extended until October 2014. As with many institutional reforms in Mexico, there is large regional variation in the quality and even design of the reforms being implemented. At least, however, the Mexican Congress, overall a weak player in setting and overseeing anti-crime policy in Mexico, approved a new criminal code in the spring of 2014. The so-called National Code of Penal Procedure (Codigo Nacional de Procedimientos Penales) will be critical in establishing uniform application of criminal law across Mexico's thirty-one states and the Federal District, and standardizing procedures regarding investigations, trials, and punishment. - Instead of pushing ahead with institutional reforms, the Pena Nieto administration has highlighted poor coordination among national security agencies and local and national government units as a crucial cause of the rise of violent crime in Mexico. It has thus defined improving coordination as a key aspect of its anti-crime approach. - Despite its rhetoric and early ambitions, the Pena Nieto administration fell straight back not only into relying on the Mexican military in combination with the Federal Police to cope with criminal violence, but also doing so belatedly and with an essentially analogous lack of planning and prepositioning, and with essentially the same operational design as the previous Felipe Calderon administration. - Although homicides, including those perpetrated by drug trafficking organizations (DTOs), have decreased in Mexico, the drop did not reach the 50% reduction in the first six months in office that the Pena Nieto administration had promised. Moreover, in various parts of Mexico, the violence reduction cannot be necessarily attributed to government policies, but rather is the outcome of new balances of power being established among criminal groups in previously highly contested hotspots. Many of these balances of power among the DTOs had emerged already in the last years of the Felipe Calderon administration. In these areas of newly established criminal control and deterrence, even kidnapping and extortion might be leveling off and becoming more predictable, even as they are overall on the rise in Mexico. - In its security and law enforcement efforts, the Pena Nieto administration has largely slipped into many of the same policies of President Felipe Calderon. In particular, the current administration has adopted the same non-strategic high-value targeting that defined the previous administration. Perhaps with the exception of targeting the Zetas and Los Caballeros Templarios, this interdiction posture mostly continues to be undertaken on a non-strategic basis as opportunistic intelligence becomes available and without forethought, planning, and prepositioning to avoid new dangerous cycles of violence and renewed contestation among local drug trafficking groups. This development is partially the outcome of institutional inertia in the absence of an alternative strategy, and of operational simplicity, compared to, for example, a more effective but also more demanding policy of middle-level targeting. - Importantly, the Pena Nieto administration has sought to pay greater attention to and respect for human rights issues, such as by allowing civilian claims of human rights violations by Mexico's military forces to be tried in civilian courts and establishing a victims' compensation fund. But the efforts to increase rule of law, justice, and the protection of human rights and to reduce impunity and corruption remain very much a work in progress, with the government's resolve, policies, and outcomes varying widely among Mexico's states. - The Pena Nieto administration's focus on socio-economic anti-crime policies and other crime prevention measures is highly laudable. But its signature anti-crime socio-economic approach - the so-called poligonos program - has not been well-operationalized and is not integrated with law enforcement efforts. The discreet efforts remain scattered. The theory, implementation, and monitoring parameters of the national crime prevention strategy are not yet adequately worked out. These deficiencies undermine the program's effectiveness and risk dissipating the dedicated yet relatively small resources allocated to the effort as well as the effort's energy. Monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of socio-economic anti-crime efforts, including the poligonos approach, is particularly weak and nebulous.

Details: Washington, DC: Latin American Initiative, Foreign Policy at Brookings, 2014. 48p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 13, 2014 at: http://www.brookings.edu/~/media/research/files/papers/2014/11/mexico%20security%20anti%20crime%20nieto%20felbabbrown/mexico%20security%20anti%20crime%20nieto%20v1%20felbabbrown.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Mexico

URL: http://www.brookings.edu/~/media/research/files/papers/2014/11/mexico%20security%20anti%20crime%20nieto%20felbabbrown/mexico%20security%20anti%20crime%20nieto%20v1%20felbabbrown.pdf

Shelf Number: 134070

Criminal Justice Policy
Criminal Networks
Drug Trafficking
Drug-Related Violence
Organized Crime
Violence (Mexico)
Violent Crime

Author: Farabee, David

Title: It Came from the North: Estimating the Flow of Methamphetamine and Other Synthetic Drugs From Quebec, Canada

Summary: The focus of this study was to estimate the size of synthetic drug production (methamphetamine in particular) in Quebec, Canada, assess its export potential, and explore implications for counter-narcotics policies. Research on drug trafficking in the U.S. has mostly centered on Latin America-particularly Mexico-in recent years due to widely publicized violence. However, there have been well documented cases of drug trafficking organizations (DTOs) in Canada, such as the Hells Angels and Asian gangs, that produce and transport large quantities of cannabis and amphetamine-type stimulants (ATS) into the U.S. Official reports from both countries and the United Nations suggest that Canada is becoming a major global supplier of synthetic drugs. But little empirical research has been conducted to verify these claims or to estimate the size of the drug trade. Estimating the production and trafficking of any illicit drugs is a daunting endeavor because conventional sampling or statistical procedures are inadequate. However, without reliable empirical knowledge, policy making becomes problematic. Innovative methods therefore must be used to acquire the information in a systematic, albeit incremental, manner. In this study, we used capture-recapture sampling and multiple data sources to gauge this "hidden market" and its impact on the U.S. drug market. The scientific as well as policy implications of this empirical effort cannot be overstated at a time when there is a resurgence of high-quality synthetic drugs in the U.S. Policy makers and law enforcement agencies are searching for valid empirical measures to marshal resources to mount counter measures. The specific objectives of this study were as follows: 1. What is the scale of production and consumption of ATS in Quebec Canada, based on capture-recapture sampling and analysis of official data? 2. What is the difference between production and consumption, assuming any surplus is intended for export to other North American markets? 3. How are these drugs manufactured in Quebec (using lab records of chemical composition assays of seized drugs to establish the origin of production)? 4. What are the organizational characteristics of those involved in the production and distribution of methamphetamine and other synthetic drugs in Quebec? 5. What threats do these criminal organizations pose to both the U.S. and Canada, and what policy implications can be drawn from our impact estimates? This study capitalized on existing data sources and field research opportunities already established by our Canadian colleagues. We had access to data sources of multiple years, which are necessary for repeated sampling of the target population. The capture-recapture method specified in this proposal has been around for many years but have rarely been applied to organized crime research, particularly impact assessment. Based on our findings, it appears that the same method can be applied to assess the impact of other illicit commodities or enterprising activities because inference to larger populations is possible under theoretical and empirical assumptions. Findings from this joint effort by U.S.- and Canada-based researchers provide much needed empirical guidance to policy makers of federal and local governments of both countries.

Details: Final Report to the U.S. National Institute of Justice, 2014. 110p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 13, 2014 at: https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/248134.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Canada

URL: https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/248134.pdf

Shelf Number: 134076

Drug Enforcement Policy
Drug Markets
Drug Trafficking
Illicit Drugs
Methamphetamine (U.S.; Canada)
Organized Crime

Author: Paudel, Lekh Nath

Title: The Highway Routes: Small Arms Smuggling in Eastern Nepal

Summary: The Highway Routes: Small Arms Smuggling in Eastern Nepal, a new Issue Brief from the Small Arms Survey's Nepal Armed Violence Assessment project, examines various dimensions of the illicit trade in small arms in eastern Nepal, based on fieldwork conducted between December 2013 and April 2014, including over 100 interviews with representatives of law enforcement and the underworld. The Issue Brief analyses the sources of illicit small arms, the methods of smuggling and routes used, illicit trade and related activities, and the consumers and other actors involved, as well as relevant government policies. Its major findings include: ##Most firearms circulating in eastern Nepal are trafficked via the open border with India rather than the more heavily regulated frontier with China. They transit through towns and cities in the border areas to the main destinations of Kathmandu, Dharan, and Chitwan. - The trafficking of small arms in Nepal is predominantly an 'ant trade', carried out by individuals or loosely organized groups. ##Criminal elements increasingly prefer to rent rather than own illicit firearms because it reduces the likelihood of arrest. - The illicit traffic in small firearms is dominated by craft (country-made) and counterfeit guns. ##Government and police efforts to curb the trafficking of small arms and ammunition have included a range of legal and policy responses, with mixed results. 'Buy-and-bust' sting operations have succeeded in arresting and disbanding a number of smuggling rings, although some maintain that it is generally the carriers who are arrested rather than the main organizers.

Details: Geneva, SWIT: Small Arms Survey, 2014. 16p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 20, 2014 at: http://www.smallarmssurvey.org/fileadmin/docs/G-Issue-briefs/NAVA-IB4-Highway-Routes.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Nepal

URL: http://www.smallarmssurvey.org/fileadmin/docs/G-Issue-briefs/NAVA-IB4-Highway-Routes.pdf

Shelf Number: 134165

Illicit Trade
Illicit Trafficking (Nepal)
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Weapons

Author: Kavanagh, Camino

Title: Harmonizing Drug Legislation in West Africa - A Call for Minimum Standards

Summary: In 2008 ECOWAS produced a Political Declaration and Regional Action Plan to address the Growing Problem of Illicit Drug Trafficking, Organized Crime and Drug Abuse. In 2013, the Action Plan was formally extended, and priority was placed on the conduct of an extensive review "of existing Member states - legislation with a view to achieving a common minimum standard to ensure sufficient deterrent against illicit trafficking and enhance the use demand reduction strategies to address problem associated with drug use in line with relevant regional and international conventions." As part of that process, the Heads of ECOWAS Drug Control Committees called on the ECOWAS Commission "to harmonize ECOWAS legal texts into a single and up to date regional protocol on drug control and prevention of organized crime." In addition to the ECOWAS initiative, other efforts are underway in the region to harmonize drug legislation. The latter include: i. The Dakar Initiative, a sub-regional initiative signed by seven countries in February 2010. The Initiative intends to support the implementation of the ECOWAS Regional Action Plan and the Political Declaration. One of the main outcomes of the Dakar Initiative to date is an effort by the Senegalese Ministry of Interior to draft "a document [aimed at] harmoniz[ing] existing national legal instruments at a sub-regional level to fight drug trafficking in a coordinated and more efficient manner." A first draft of the 'harmonization law' was tabled in November 2012. ii. The West African Network of Central Authorities and Prosecutors (WACAP), a UNODC-backed initiative aimed at improving cooperation in criminal matters in the West African region and serving as a basis for capacity building. The first meeting of the Network was held in May 2013 in Abidjan, Cote dIvoire. In January 2013 the West Africa Commission on Drugs (WACD) was launched with the purpose of inter alia mobilizing public awareness, and developing evidence-based policy recommendations around drug trafficking and drug consumption and related impacts. Throughout its country visits and in the background papers commissioned to inform its work, WACD Commissioners were repeatedly informed of the significant challenges that persist with regard to drug related legislation in the sub-region, as well as challenges regarding the effective implementation of the legislation. Beyond a range of technical challenges cited, and the lack of the necessary expertise on the part of law enforcement and the judiciary for implementing drug-related legislation, the Commissioners were also informed on repeated occasions that people who use drugs and low-level drug dealers tend to be the ones who feel the brunt of the law, while high-level actors in the drug market tend to benefit most from legal inconsistencies or loopholes, corruption or political interference in due process. In addition, despite the human right protections directly or indirectly provided for in national legislation, these are rarely respected when it comes to providing treatment for people who have come into conflict with the law for drug-related offences. In this regard, and cognizant of the fact that different initiatives are already underway in West Africa, the WACD commissioned an empirically informed paper on a sampling of national drug laws and related legislation in four (4) countries in West Africa. As a means to better understand how legislation is being applied in practice, the paper was also informed by interviews with law enforcement and prison officials as well as a sampling of people in pre-trial detention or serving sentences for drug offences in the same four countries. The four countries selected for the case studies are Ghana, Nigeria, Mali and Guinea (the questionnaires for the prison sampling dimension of the case studies can be found in Annex B and C). The findings of the four case studies were presented to the WACD at its third meeting held in Accra, Ghana in October 2013. Subsequently, a small expert group drew from the case study findings, analysis of legislation in other countries (particularly Senegal, Sierra Leone and Liberia), and the findings from other background papers commissioned by the WACD to develop this synthesis report which puts forward a series of recommendations for minimum standards for drug related legislation in the region. It is hoped that the findings and recommendations of this synthesis report will fuel further discussion and serve as constructive input to ECOWAS and national policy makers as they move toward reviewing and harmonizing national drug legislation in West Africa.

Details: West Africa Commission on Drugs, 2014. 61p.

Source: Internet Resource: WACD Background paper No. 9(1): Accessed November 26, 2014 at: http://www.wacommissionondrugs.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Harmonizing-Drug-Legislation-in-West-Africa-2014-06-05.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Africa

URL: http://www.wacommissionondrugs.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Harmonizing-Drug-Legislation-in-West-Africa-2014-06-05.pdf

Shelf Number: 134256

Drug Control
Drug Policy (West Africa)
Drug Regulation
Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: Gberie, Lansana

Title: State Officials and their Involvement in Drug Trafficking in West Africa. Preliminary Findings

Summary: This paper examines a controversial problem in West Africa: the alleged complicity of state security and political officials in drug trafficking. It builds on the assumption, borne out of experiences in Latin America and the Caribbean, that drug traffickers gain a foothold in a country only through the complicity of senior state political and security officials. Yet, as noted in an earlier WACD paper, it is also informed and facilitated by "the multiple and multi-layered governance deficits in the sub-region that have made it relatively susceptible to external penetration and capture by powerful, well-endowed and tightly-organized drug trafficking networks." The low number of convictions of senior state officials for their direct or indirect involvement in drug trafficking, whether in West Africa or elsewhere, makes it difficult to research these issues. Yet, a growing number of cases in which effective investigations and collaboration between states have led to important convictions and which have clearly identified the degree of collusion required to traffic drugs through a state are rendering this task less complex. Indeed, case files or reports from administrative inquiries into trafficking incidents can provide important insights into the depth and scope of the trafficking enterprise, and the degree of involvement or complicity of state officials. Open source material, such as the leaked US diplomatic cables, can be extremely insightful, as can interviews with national and foreign intelligence personnel, judges, and customs officials and similar. Studying non-action by state actors, including the police, the judiciary, internal oversight mechanisms, and even the highest levels of government in response to mounting allegations of state involvement in drug trafficking can also shed light on who might be involved in drug trafficking, colluding with traffickers or blocking investigations into such illicit activity, as can monitoring of some of the pitched media battles that have emerged between political parties regarding illicit sources of party and election campaign funding. In a region where high political office often immunes its holders from judicial sanctions it may well indicate that in some cases this complicity, passive or active, may involve people who are very high indeed in the political hierarchy. This background paper was developed using a range of these sources. Combined with information on the significant seizures of cocaine and heroin that have been recorded in the region, the paper suggests that the trafficking of hard drugs is indeed a pernicious problem provoking or exacerbating existing governance challenges such as corruption across West Africa. An open acknowledgement of the problem by West African leaders and political actors (whether in office or in the opposition) is urgently needed in order to bolster on-going efforts to tackle drug trafficking. The paper focuses principally on hard drugs such as cocaine and heroin which are produced in other regions and which are trans-shipped through West Africa to Europe and North America, particularly the US. It, therefore, does not discuss marijuana or cannabis - which is widely cultivated, used, and trafficked in West Africa, and is in effect traditional to the region - in the category of illicit drugs that could lead to serious governance and security problems. Neither does it discuss the emerging trend in methamphetamine production and trafficking in the region, although the author recognizes the latter as representing an important emerging challenge, and one that will also have important governance, security and health implications in the coming years.

Details: West Africa Commission on Drugs, 2013. 28p.

Source: Internet Resource: WACD Background Paper No. 5(1): Accessed November 26, 2014 at: http://www.wacommissionondrugs.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/State-Officials-and-Drug-Trafficking-2013-12-03.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Africa

URL: http://www.wacommissionondrugs.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/State-Officials-and-Drug-Trafficking-2013-12-03.pdf

Shelf Number: 134257

Drug Control
Drug Trafficking (West Africa)
Organized Crime
Political Corruption

Author: Human Rights Watch

Title: Operation Likofi: Police Killings and Enforced Disappearances in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo

Summary: On November 15, 2013, the government of the Democratic Republic of Congo launched "Operation Likofi," a police operation in Congo's capital, Kinshasa, aimed at ending crime by members of organized criminal gangs known as "kuluna." Gen. Celestin Kanyama, currently the police commissioner for all of Kinshasa, was the primary commander of the operation. Over the course of three months, police officers who participated in the operation extrajudicially executed at least 51 young men and teenage boys and forcibly disappeared 33 others. In raids across the city, police in uniform, often with black masks covering their faces, and with no arrest warrants, dragged suspected kuluna at gunpoint out of their homes at night. In many cases, the police shot and killed the unarmed youth outside their homes, while others were apprehended and executed in the open markets where they slept or worked or in nearby fields or empty lots. Many others were taken to unknown locations and forcibly disappeared. Police warned family members and witnesses not to speak out about what happened, denied them access to their relatives' bodies and prevented them from holding funerals. Congolese journalists were threatened when they attempted to document or broadcast information about Operation Likofi killings. Operation Likofi: Police Killings and Enforced Disappearances in Kinshasa is based on interviews conducted in Kinshasa with over 100 witnesses to abuses, family members of victims, police officers who participated in Operation Likofi, government officials, and others. Human Rights Watch calls on the Congolese government to hold those responsible for these abuses to account. General Kanyama should be suspended immediately pending a judicial investigation. The government should also provide information to family members on the fate or whereabouts of the victims.

Details: Hew York: HRW, 2014. 63p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 15, 2015 at: http://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/reports/drc1114_forUpload_0.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Congo, Democratic Republic

URL: http://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/reports/drc1114_forUpload_0.pdf

Shelf Number: 134403

Organized Crime
Police Brutality (Congo, Democratic Republic)
Police Misconduct
Police Use of Force

Author: Coalition for Organ Failure Solutions (COFS)

Title: Sudanese Victims of Organ Trafficking in Egypt

Summary: COFS-Egypt has accumulated compelling evidence that organ traffickers have exploited and are continuing to exploit Sudanese refugees and asylum-seekers in Egypt. These abuses include removing kidneys either by inducing consent, coercion, or outright theft. In some cases, sex trafficking was associated with incidents of organ removal. The victims include men, women, and children. Many of the victims came to Egypt seeking refuge from the genocide and armed conflict in their homeland. Based on its ongoing fieldwork, COFS-Egypt identified 57 Sudanese refugees and asylum seekers in Egypt who said they were victims of organ trafficking. Each case involved the removal of a kidney. COFS-Egypt has conducted in-depth interviews with 12 of these individuals who described their experiences in compelling detail. COFS-Egypt arranged ultrasounds and physical exams for five of the victims as part of its follow-up care outreach services. These medical exams confirmed that kidneys had been removed in all five cases. Arrangements to interview and provide this care for the other victims are ongoing. Four victims also showed COFS' field researchers documents from the hospitals where their nephrectomies and the transplants occurred; the documents included their respective identifiers. Of the 57 victims identified, 39 (68%) are from Darfur, 26 (46%) are female and 5(9%) are children. The twelve victims COFS interviewed ranged in age from 11-36 years with an average of 23.5 years; four (33%) of the victims were 18 years old or younger; and five (42%) were female. Three of the interviewed victims said people smugglers/traffickers helped them to enter Egypt and worked directly with the organ traffickers who arranged their kidney removal. Statements by some of the victims interviewed indicated that some women and girls are simultaneously being trafficked for sex and organs (9 possible cases in the sample of 57), and that the actual number of females in general may far exceed that of males. Thus, women and children are of special concern. Three of the victims interviewed held official "refugee" status from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). One victim's application for refugee status was under review; another had filed an application; and seven others were illegal and had not yet applied to UNHCR at the time that they said organ traffickers victimized them. One victim told COFS' researchers that they were imprisoned in an effort to prevent them from reporting their claims of organ theft; this victim escaped during the January 25, 2011 revolution. Four of the victims said they had met the patients who had received their kidneys. Seven of the victims said they knew the nationality of the recipient. These victims reported that three recipients were from Sudan, one was from Jordan, one was from Libya, and two were from countries of the Persian Gulf. Interviewed victims also reported theft of money by the broker. All of the victims interviewed said they had experienced a deterioration of their health in addition to negative social, economic and psychological consequences as a result of the experience. COFS estimates that there are at least hundreds of Sudanese victims of organ trafficking in Egypt as well as numerous others from Jordan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia, Iraq and Syria. The total number of victims of organ trafficking in Egypt is estimated to be in the thousands. The findings presented in this report include only living victim-survivors of the organ trade that COFS was able to identify. This report does not speak to claims of people death as a result of a commercial organ removal. This has special significance considering recent reports about the kidnapping and abuse of sub-Saharan African migrants smuggled into the Sinai Peninsula en route to Israel. The reports include claims of torture and removal of organs that have resulted in death.

Details: Cairo, DC: COFS, 2011. 30p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 15, 2015 at: http://www.cofs.org/english_report_summary_dec_11_2011.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Egypt

URL: http://www.cofs.org/english_report_summary_dec_11_2011.pdf

Shelf Number: 134407

Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Organ Trafficking
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Organs (Africa)

Author: Kemp, Walter

Title: From the Margins to the Mainstream: Toward an Integrated Multilateral Response to Organized Crime

Summary: Since the end of the Cold War, organized crime has moved from being a marginal problem in a few cities and regions to being a mainstream threat to national stability and international peace and security. While the threat has become transnational, the multilateral response has been slow, disjointed, and reactive. Broad structural changes are needed to deal more effectively with illicit trafficking and other activities of organized criminal groups. This report-the third in a trilogy of publications by the "Peace without Crime" project of the International Peace Institute (IPI)1-calls for a more integrated multilateral response to organized crime. It highlights the impact of organized crime, provides an overview of international efforts made to tackle the problem, and suggests steps toward a more effective response.

Details: New York: International Peace Institute, 2014. 40p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 22, 2015 at: http://www.globalinitiative.net/download/general/global/1409_margins_to_mainstream_toc.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: International

URL: http://www.globalinitiative.net/download/general/global/1409_margins_to_mainstream_toc.pdf

Shelf Number: 134438

Criminal Networks
Illicit Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: Canada. Public Safety Canada

Title: 2012-2013 Horizontal Evaluation of the Measures to Address Contraband Tobacco: Final Report

Summary: This is the 2012-2013 Horizontal Evaluation of the Measures to Address Contraband Tobacco (MACT). Evaluation supports accountability to Parliament and Canadians by helping the Government of Canada to credibly report on the results achieved with resources invested in programs. Evaluation supports deputy heads in managing for results by informing them about whether their programs are producing the outcomes that they were designed to achieve, at an affordable cost; and, supports policy and program improvements by helping to identify lessons learned and best practices. What we examined The government announced the MACT in 2010, to help strengthen tobacco control, and advance initiatives aimed at reducing the availability and demand for contraband tobacco with a particular focus on organized crime activities. Time-limited funding of $17 million over three years was allocated to five federal departments/agencies for the following measures: - Royal Canadian Mounted Police - Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit - Contraband Tobacco Team in Cornwall, Ontario, for investigative purposes. - A dedicated liaison resource to increase awareness of the dangers of organized crime involvement in contraband tobacco. - Public Prosecution Service of Canada - Legal advice to the Contraband Tobacco Team and prosecution services. - Canada Border Services Agency - Contraband Tobacco Detector Dog Teams in the Vancouver International Mail Center and in the marine port of Montreal. - Research and develop new scientific methods to determine the origin of tobacco and to compare tobacco products to support law enforcement efforts to target criminal groups (herein refer to as the Laboratory). - Canada Revenue Agency - An advertising campaign aimed at increasing public awareness among young adults in Ontario and Quebec concerning the sale of contraband tobacco in financing criminal activities. - Public Safety Canada - Development and delivery of a performance measurement strategy, and to conduct a horizontal evaluation during the third-year. Funding approval requirements for this time-limited initiative specified that an evaluation be conducted in the third year of the Initiative. Over the past decade, the Government of Canada has introduced numerous initiatives to address tobacco control, including the Federal Tobacco Control Strategy (Health Canada) in 2001; the Contraband Tobacco Enforcement Strategy (the Royal Canadian Mounted Police) in 2008; the Task Force on Illicit Tobacco Products (Public Safety Canada) in 2008; and, most recently, the Anti-Contraband Tobacco Force (the Royal Canadian Mounted Police) in 2013

Details: Ottawa: Public Safety Canada, 2014. 48p.

Source: Internet Resource: 2014-05-29: Accessed January 30, 2015 at: https://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/cnt/rsrcs/pblctns/2013-hrzntl-vltn-msrs-cntrbnd-tbcc/2013-hrzntl-vltn-msrs-cntrbnd-tbcc-en.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Canada

URL: https://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/cnt/rsrcs/pblctns/2013-hrzntl-vltn-msrs-cntrbnd-tbcc/2013-hrzntl-vltn-msrs-cntrbnd-tbcc-en.pdf

Shelf Number: 134498

Illegal Cigarettes
Illegal Tobacco (Canada)
Organized Crime
Tobacco Control

Author: Verite

Title: Strengthening Protections Against Trafficking in Persons in Federal and Corporate Supply Chains

Summary: More than twenty million men, women and children around the world are currently believed to be victims of human trafficking, a global criminal industry estimated to be worth $150.2 billion annually. As defined in the US Department of State's 2014 Trafficking in Persons Report (TIP Report), the terms "trafficking in persons" and "human trafficking" refer broadly to "the act of recruiting, harboring, transporting, providing, or obtaining a person for compelled labor or commercial sex acts through the use of force, fraud, or coercion," irrespective of whether the person has been moved from one location to another. Trafficking in persons includes practices such as coerced sex work by adults or children, forced labor, bonded labor or debt bondage, involuntary domestic servitude, forced child labor, and the recruitment and use of child soldiers. Many different factors indicate that an individual may be in a situation of trafficking. Among the most clear-cut indicators are the experience of coercive or deceptive recruitment, restricted freedom of movement, retention of identity documents by employers, withholding of wages, debt bondage, abusive working and living conditions, forced overtime, isolation, and physical or sexual violence. The United States Government is broadly committed to combating trafficking in persons, as guided by the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) of 2000, and the UN Palermo Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, Supplementing the United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime. In September 2012, the United States took an unprecedented step in the fight against human trafficking with the release of a presidential executive order (EO) entitled "Strengthening Protections Against Trafficking in Persons in Federal Contracts." In issuing this EO, the White House acknowledged that "as the largest single purchaser of goods and services in the world, the US Government has a responsibility to combat human trafficking at home and abroad, and to ensure American tax dollars do not contribute to this affront to human dignity." The EO prohibits human trafficking activities not just by federal prime contractors, but also by their employees, subcontractors, and subcontractor employees. Subsequent amendments to the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and the Defense Acquisition Regulations System (DFARS) in the wake of the EO will affect a broad range of federal contracts, and will require scrutiny by prime contractors of subcontractor labor practices to a degree that has not previously been commonplace. Top level contractors will now need to look actively at the labor practices of their subcontractors and suppliers, and to consider the labor involved in production of inputs even at the lowest tiers of their supply chains.

Details: Amherst, MA: Verite, 2015. 152p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 31, 2015 at: http://www.state.gov/documents/organization/237137.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: United States

URL: http://www.state.gov/documents/organization/237137.pdf

Shelf Number: 134508

Child Labor
Forced Labor
Human Trafficking (U.S.)
Labor Practices
Organized Crime
Supply Chains

Author: InSight Crime

Title: Game Changers: Tracking the Evolution of the Organized Crime in the Americas: 2014

Summary: Welcome to InSight Crime's Game Changers for 2014, where we highlight the year's most important trends in organized crime in the Americas. This year was one of dashed hopes. In the same year that Mexico celebrated the capture of the world's most wanted drug trafficker, Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, it also had to accept the horror that came with a smaller, splinter criminal group executing 43 protesting students and burning their bodies to destroy the evidence. The group, known as the Guerreros Unidos, was believed to be acting in concert with the local police, a local mayor and his politically ambitious wife, in what is a blatant example of the regular collusion that exists between local authorities and criminal organizations throughout the region. The death of the students in Mexico shattered the facade created by the administration of President Enrique Pena Nieto that by capturing the country's most wanted figures -- which, in addition to El Chapo, included the heads of the Juarez Cartel and the Beltran Leyva Organization (BLO) -- and largely ignoring institutional reform, it could quell Mexico's criminal problem. Instead, the resulting atomization of large criminal organizations into smaller, more volatile groups that depend on local revenue streams, has led to bloody battles over the territory they need to keep the money flowing. The Guerreros Unidos, for instance, were once a part of the BLO. This fragmentation is a regional phenomenon. From Colombia to Brazil to Guatemala, large, hierarchical structures are now small, amorphous cells, working in networks, which are responsible for much of the violence that has made Latin America and the Caribbean the most homicidal region in the world. They are thriving, in part, because of the increase in the domestic consumption of illegal narcotics. The US market, while still the biggest consumer of drugs, is being challenged by growing drug use in countries like Brazil, Argentina, Colombia and Mexico, to name but a few, and these new markets are giving birth to new criminal syndicates that are feeding this violence. Lastly, the Mexico case highlighted a stark reality about security forces: that they are at the heart of much of the violence. This has been a central feature of the Colombian civil conflict and the same is true in Brazil. Brazil continues to implement its once vaunted citizen security project, the UPP, although belief that the program is a panacea is now waning, especially amidst continuing concern over the police's repressive tactics. Not even cameras attached to the police's shirt pockets and fixed to the inside of official vehicles, it appears, can impede the police from doing what they have been doing for years: executing suspects. Brazil also fell under the spotlight this year as it hosted the World Cup. Lost in the pageantry and spectacular performances of the players was the fact that soccer remains central to organized crime. From owners of local teams in the smallest villages to the largest club teams and their most celebrated players, criminal groups use soccer, and the social and political capital it generates, to make huge profits and continue their illicit operations in relative impunity. Efforts to defuse conflicts with large political-criminal organizations also faltered this year. The peace process in Colombia between the government and the country's insurgencies stumbled, after guerrillas from the country's largest rebel group, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), kidnapped an army general. The FARC, the region's oldest and arguably most criminalized insurgency, now seems to be splitting into pieces, some of which may adhere to their Secretariat's move towards peace and demilitarization, and some of which may break away and form their own criminal organizations. El Salvador's government-brokered truce with the two most powerful street gangs, the MS13 and the Barrio 18, also unraveled as a new administration took power and sidelined the efforts. For many who saw the truce as a farce and believe the gangs could develop into transnational criminal organizations (TCOs), the death of the truce was a relief. But for those seeking a reprieve from the resurging violence in that country -- including an increasing number of attacks on security forces and a surge in unaccompanied minors to the United States -- there are few answers. The one silver lining can be found in the slow move towards a new drug policy paradigm, one that so far decriminalizes drug use while continuing to criminalize those who create illegal, dangerous and destabilizing criminal structures. The region is not exactly poised to overturn a century of international legal precedent, but it is taking steps to measure just what levers it can pull and push in order to slow the criminal dynamics that have helped make the Americas the most violent place on the planet.

Details: s.l.: InSight Crime, 2014. 197p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 31, 2015 at: http://www.insightcrime.org/images/PDFs/game_changers_2014.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: South America

URL: http://www.insightcrime.org/images/PDFs/game_changers_2014.pdf

Shelf Number: 134509

Criminal Networks
Drug Trafficking (South America)
Organized Crime
Street Gangs

Author: Connolly, Johnny.

Title: Illicit Drug Markets in Ireland

Summary: Understanding the organisation, scale, nature and dynamics of illicit drug markets is a critical requirement for effective policy-making and for interventions designed to disrupt their operation and to minimise the associated harms. Through in-depth research with people involved in the illicit drug market in Ireland, as drug users or sellers, as professionals responding to it or as residents affected by it, this research fills a significant knowledge gap in this important area of Irish drug policy. The study objectives were to: - Examine the various factors that can influence the development of local drug markets. - Examine the nature, organisation and structure of Irish drug markets. - Examine the impact of drug-dealing and drug markets on local communities. - Describe and assess interventions in drug markets with a view to identifying what further interventions are needed.

Details: Dublin: National Advisory Committee on Drugs and Alcohol (NACDA), 2014. 328p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 7, 2015 at: http://health.gov.ie/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/NACDA-report-on-Illicit-drugs-markets-in-Ireland-Oct-14.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Ireland

URL: http://health.gov.ie/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/NACDA-report-on-Illicit-drugs-markets-in-Ireland-Oct-14.pdf

Shelf Number: 134566

Drug Abuse and Crime
Drug Markets (Ireland)
Drug Policy
Organized Crime

Author: Regional Mixed Migration Secretariat

Title: Migrant Smuggling in the Horn of Africa & Yemen: The political economy and protection risks

Summary: This publication, the first in a new series of studies by the RMMS on specific mixed migration issues, focuses on migrant smuggling in the Horn of Africa and Yemen. Globally, migration and mobility are important survival and poverty reduction strategies for a large and growing number of people. This is no different in the Horn of Africa and Yemen, a poor, environmentally fragile and conflict-prone region that has generated a heavy flow of mixed migration in recent years. In 'mixed migration', different groups of migrants may travel with or alongside each other, using the same routes and means of transport but with different motivations and objectives. The term is relatively new and encompasses groups of refugees, asylum seekers, economic migrants, Internally Displaced People, stateless persons on the move and trafficked persons. The 'status' (regular, irregular) of people on the move often changes and adapts over the course of a journey, leading to increased difficulties in classification. In this report the term migrant is often used to include all those in the mixed migration flows, even if they include refugees and asylum seekers. According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), such movements often involve irregular or clandestine travel, "exposing people to exploitation and abuse by smugglers and traffickers or placing their lives at risk. Most migrants, when they travel irregularly, are in vulnerable situations". The majority in the Horn of Africa and Yemen move with the assistance or under the control of migrant smugglers. Although the results of migration may contribute to social and economic development, such forms of irregular migration represent huge challenges for governments and international organisations with regard to promoting the rights of migrants, addressing the issue of irregular migration and border management, ensuring national security and correct immigration procedures, and countering the activities of criminal networks. Migrant smuggling is a disturbing phenomenon due to the power dynamics and attendant protection risks between migrant and smuggler as well as between migrant and officials in the states through which migrants travel. Unlike human trafficking, the migrant starts his or her journey on a consensual basis, but this often soon changes. According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), migrant smuggling can be a 'deadly' business. Between 2006 and 2012, when regular monitoring of new arrivals first began, a conservative estimate indicates that almost half a million migrants (447,000) have set off to Yemen in boats from Djibouti or the Somali port city of Bossaso, almost all of them Somalis and Ethiopians. According to Human Rights Watch, and as this study will illustrate, asylum seekers, refugees and other migrants travelling to Yemen from the Horn of Africa suffer severe human rights abuses, violence or loss of life. They also claim that "despite the numbers and despite the human rights abuses, this has been largely ignored by the outside world". Many Eritrean migrants and asylum seekers take the western route through Sudan into Libya, while a large cohort of other Ethiopians and Somalis stream south through Kenya and towards South Africa. Almost all of this movement is facilitated by human smugglers.

Details: Nairobi: RMMS, 2013. 80p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 9, 2015 at: http://regionalmms.org/fileadmin/content/monthly%20summaries/series_booklet_Leo.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Africa

URL: http://regionalmms.org/fileadmin/content/monthly%20summaries/series_booklet_Leo.pdf

Shelf Number: 134573

Asylum Seekers
Criminal Networks
Human Smuggling (Africa)
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: Beltran, Isaac De Leon

Title: Urban drug markets and zones of impunity in Colombia: The assumptions and the facts behind the retail drug trade and the responses to it

Summary: On 1 April 2013, after visiting the Bronx, one of Bogota's main enclaves of crime and drug dealing, President Juan Manuel Santos announced that the authorities would be dismantling 24 drug outlets in 20 cities around the country in the space of 60 days. "War unleashed against Colombia's 'ollas' (drug dens)" was the headline in one of the country's leading newspapers. One year later, the national news channels broadcast images of bulldozers literally demolishing the buildings where the drug dens functioned, in joint operations by the police and the public prosecutor's office. The measure looked like a publicity coup in the midst of the election contest, but several organisations and analysts warned that it would do nothing to solve a problem that has multiple causes. Those narratives and explanations that place the local drug market alongside violence and crime - especially in urban settings - have gained strength in the last decade. This is despite the fact that drug trafficking in cities and the influence of criminal organisations in the local urban economy is nothing new. On the contrary, although the major trafficking networks have given priority to exporting the drugs produced in the country, they have also shown interest in the local market, which has allowed them to gain control of urban territory. The retail drug trade has been identified by the authorities as a strategic priority, under the hypothesis that it is one of the main triggers of violence and crime, as well as a response by the criminal organisations to their loss of influence in global markets. How valid is this argument? The interaction of local drug markets with violence and crime is complex and goes in more than one direction. Furthermore, at least in the case of Colombia's cities, it is very difficult to separate it off from other types of criminal economies. The aim of this briefing is to put to the test the starting points and assumptions underlying the definition of this 'new' threat, and provide an overview of local drug markets and their relationship with violence and crime in Colombia's cities. It will therefore analyse recent developments in criminal activity, how the criminal organisations have adapted in response to interventions by the state, and the forces involved in shaping the local drug market. In particular, it will analyse the retail drug trade in two of Colombia's cities, Cali and Barranquilla, in order to connect this illegal market to the presence of criminal organisations and high-impact crimes. These two cases will provide important evidence regarding the spatial dynamics of the retail drug trade and its implications for urban security. Finally, the main findings will be contrasted with government proposals to tackle the problem, offering some lessons learned and recommendations.

Details: Amsterdam: Transnational Institute (TNI), 2014. 16p.

Source: Internet Resource: Briefing Series on Drug Markets and Violence Nr 2: Accessed February 27, 2015 at: http://www.tni.org/sites/www.tni.org/files/download/dmv2.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Colombia

URL: http://www.tni.org/sites/www.tni.org/files/download/dmv2.pdf

Shelf Number: 134725

Drug Addiction and Crime
Drug Markets (Colombia)
Drug Related Violence
Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: Montesh, Moses

Title: Rhino Poaching: A New Form of Organised Crime

Summary: African rhinos are suffering a new poaching onslaught for their priced horns. Despite intensified anti- poaching activities, the number of rhinos poached per day has continued to increase since 2008. During 2012, about 668 rhinos were poached while a higher number is projected for 2013. This trend of increased poaching will reverse overall positive rhino population growth in the long-term in South Africa. In response to this problem, a rhino emergency summit comprising of rhino range States' representatives, the private sector, government officials and non-governmental organizations was convened in Nairobi during April 2012. Following this summit, members proposed an integrated framework directed at reducing the demand and supply ratio associated with the use of rhino horn. The framework is envisaged to guide short- as well as medium- to long-term responses by range States directed at reducing the incentives for poaching and ensuring the persistence of rhinos. In this paper, the author will begin by outlining the extent of rhino poaching, the background to rhino poaching, the role of organised crime syndicates in rhino poaching, the demand and supply of rhino horns as well as proposing measures to combat rhino poaching.

Details: Pretoria: University of South Africa, College of Law, 2012. 23p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 11, 2015 at: http://www.rhinoresourcecenter.com/index.php?s=1&act=pdfviewer&id=1368077595&folder=136

Year: 2012

Country: South Africa

URL: http://www.rhinoresourcecenter.com/index.php?s=1&act=pdfviewer&id=1368077595&folder=136

Shelf Number: 134887

Animal Poaching (South Africa)
Organized Crime
Wildlife Crime

Author: Garzon Vergara, Juan Carlos

Title: Fixing a broken system: Modernizing drug law enforcement in Latin America

Summary: Despite efforts by governments in Latin America, illicit drugs continue to provide one of the largest incomes for criminal organizations, enabling them to penetrate and corrupt political and social institutions. Criminal organizations exploit the vulnerabilities of the state and take advantage of governments' inability to provide security to their citizens. With few exceptions, the weak capacity of Latin American governments is reflected in high rates of homicides, notorious levels of impunity, and the feeling of mistrust that citizens harbour regarding justice institutions and the police. Drug law enforcement in Latin America operates in a context of institutional fragility in which the "war on drugs" has mostly failed to reduce supply and demand, while generating new problems and vast collateral damage. The perverse incentives created by the prohibitionist approach in the face of a persistently strong market demand for drugs has been an important cause of violence and crime in many places. At the same time, state responses to repress this illegal market have serious negative side effects, but only a limited capacity to impact upon the drug chain. Given this reality, different voices are demanding changes in the way the state responds not only to the drug problem but also to the threat of multiple criminal economies that affect the everyday lives of the citizens. The assumption is that moving away from the "war on drugs" can contribute to de-escalating violence and crime and can deprive organized crime groups of resources. Key points - Drug law enforcement in Latin America operates in a context of institutional fragility in which the "war on drugs" has mostly failed to reduce supply and demand, while generating new problems and vast collateral damage. - The modernization of drug law enforcement can be a galvanizing force for changing the broader criminal justice system and perhaps show the way toward fixing a broken system. - The 4W-Challenge (Wrong assumptions; Wrong goals and indicators; Weak institutions; and Worse outcomes) outlines the four main challenges to modernize drug law enforcement in the region - In future law enforcement strategies violence reduction must be a priority and law enforcement measures should not cause additional harm. - The criminal justice system should be focused on the most prejudicial and dangerous criminals, those that have more resources and capacities to use violence and corruption. - Alternatives to incarceration should be developed for the weakest links in the drug trade. - "Success" should be measured not via process indicators (arrests, seizures, extraditions) but rather in terms of outcomes and the impact of policy upon societies(levels of corruption, public health and human security). - The United Nations General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) on the drug problem in 2016 provides an opportunity to rethink drug law enforcement and its consequences for security and development.

Details: Amsterdam: Transnational Institute, 2014. 16p.

Source: Internet Resource: Series on Legislative Reform of Drug Policies No. 29: Accessed March 11, 2015 at: http://www.tni.org/sites/www.tni.org/files/download/dlr29.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Latin America

URL: http://www.tni.org/sites/www.tni.org/files/download/dlr29.pdf

Shelf Number: 134888

Drug Enforcement
Drug Reform
Drug Trafficking (Latin America)
Organized Crime
War on Drugs

Author: Blickman, Tom

Title: Cannabis policy reform in Europe: Bottom up rather than top down

Summary: With the regulation of recreational cannabis markets in Uruguay and the US states of Colorado and Washington in 2013, and - in November 2014 - the approval of cannabis regulation ballots in the states of Oregon and Alaska, a breakthrough in conventional cannabis policy is emerging. The current policy trend towards legal regulation of the cannabis market is increasingly seen as a more promising model for protecting people's health and safety and has changed the drug policy landscape and the terms of the debate. The prohibitive model has failed to show any sustained impact in reducing the market, while imposing heavy burdens upon criminal justice systems; producing profoundly negative social and public health impacts; and creating criminal markets supporting organised crime, violence and corruption. While in the Americas cannabis policy reform is taking off, Europe seems to be lagging behind. That is to say, in European nations at the level of national governments - where denial of the changing policy landscape and inertia to act upon calls for change reigns. At the local level, however, disenchantment with the current cannabis regime gives rise to new ideas. In several countries in Eu rope, local and regional authorities are looking at regulation, either pressured by grassroots movements - in particular the Cannabis Social Clubs (CSCs) - or due to the involvement of criminal groups and public disorder. This briefing will give an overview of recent developments in Europe.

Details: Amsterdam: Transnational Institute, 2014. 24p.

Source: Internet Resource: Series on Legislative Reform of Drug Policies No. 28: Accessed March 11, 2015 at: http://www.tni.org/sites/www.tni.org/files/download/dlr28.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.tni.org/sites/www.tni.org/files/download/dlr28.pdf

Shelf Number: 134889

Drug Legalization
Drug Policy (Europe)
Drug Reform
Organized Crime

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

Title: Southeast Asia Opium Survey 2014: Lao PDR, Myanmar

Summary: This year's Southeast Asia Opium Survey shows that despite continued eradication efforts, opium production remains a significant challenge to sustainable development in the region. Poppy cultivation in the 'Golden Triangle' of Myanmar and Lao PDR rose in 2014 to 63,800ha, compared with 61,200ha in 2013. The estimated total amount of opium produced in the area in 2014 is approximately 762 tons, with the overwhelming majority of cultivation continuing to take place in Myanmar. The data further emphasize the urgent need to address root causes of cultivation and promote alternative development. Surveys of farmers indicate that, for many, the money made from poppy cultivation is an essential part of family income and support. Villages threatened with food insecurity and poverty need sustainable alternatives, or they will have little choice beyond growing this cash crop out of desperation. Indications of high levels of consumption of the refined form of opium - heroin - in parts of the region also represent a clear danger to health and development, underscoring the need for evidence-based, health-centred approaches to prevention and treatment. Efforts to tackle the trafficking of heroin and essential precursor chemicals by criminal groups must also be supported. Most of the heroin trafficked from Myanmar goes to neighbouring countries to meet demand in large population centres, but it is also trafficked to other parts of the region and to global markets. Meanwhile, precursors required to produce heroin are trafficked into Myanmar from neighbouring countries. This two-way trade in and out of the Golden Triangle needs to be halted. Traffickers also appear to be exploiting well-intended regional connectivity and integration plans, including the ASEAN Economic Community and supporting initiatives of international financial institutions. Efforts need to be made to strengthen the capacity and coordination of border, justice and health authorities to counter this transnational challenge. A balanced approach addressing opium production through alternative livelihood initiatives, preventing drug use and providing evidence-based treatment, while countering trafficking of heroin and related precursor chemicals, in line with the international drug control conventions and compliance with human rights standards, should be prioritized by states and international partners to safeguard and promote the region's sustainable development.

Details: Bangkok: UNODC Regional Office for Southeast Asia and the Pacific, 2014. 105p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 11, 2015 at: http://www.unodc.org/documents/crop-monitoring/sea/SE-ASIA-opium-poppy-2014-web.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Asia

URL: http://www.unodc.org/documents/crop-monitoring/sea/SE-ASIA-opium-poppy-2014-web.pdf

Shelf Number: 134897

Drug Abuse and Addiction
Drug Trafficking
Opium (Asia)
Organized Crime

Author: Strehl, Talinay

Title: Street-Working and Street-Living Children in Peru:Conditions and Current Interventions

Summary: The 1990s witnessed serious interest from Peruvian NGOs in the issue of street children and, as a result, many street child welfare services were initiated, especially in Lima. However, since that time the interest has once again waned, even though the problem has not decreased. In recent years, hardly any anthropological research with street children has been done in Peru. Although GOs and NGOs have a lot of relevant knowledge concerning street children, this knowledge lacks actualisation and analysis to be positively used for the formulation of policy. This research will expose the reality of street children, which will enable us to understand the relation between street children and the organisations that intervene in their name. The focus will be more on the street-living than on the street-working children. One of the central objectives of this IREWOC research therefore was to reveal the faces and voices of street children and analyse their various backgrounds, relations to the streets and their perceptions of their situation. The research results were expected to give relevant insights into the various reasons why children are in the streets, the activities in which the children engage and how they generate income and the consequences that the children experience from their working/living/being in the streets. The anthropological outline of the lives of street children will form a basis for the second objective of this research, namely to map different policy initiatives for street children and to identify the best practices to satisfy street children's needs. Are organisations working with street children alleviating the problem or are they reproducing it, i.e. are their policies pulling children to the streets? These research objectives have been translated to the following research questions: - What are the street children's coping mechanisms? What labour activities or other activities do the children perform to generate income and what do they use it for? - What consequences does living/working in the streets have for these children's lives: what are the specific problems that the various types of street children face? - What are their urgent (self-declared) needs and what are their (perceived) aspirations? - Which specific strategies and interventions are used by GOs and NGOs to improve the situation of street children? - What are the effects of the different GO and NGO interventions on the street children and which strategies can be identified as most effective in improving the daily life situation and the future prospects of the street children? - Do GOs and NGOs work in a complementary way? What are bottlenecks in cooperation? The fieldwork locations for this research were Lima and Cusco. Lima was chosen because of its urban and metropolitan character and high number of street children, and Cusco because of its tourism industry and more rural and indigenous influences.

Details: Leiden: Foundation for International Research on Working Children (IREWOC), 2010. 145p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 18, 2015 at: https://www.essex.ac.uk/armedcon/story_id/Street%20Children%20Peru_Strehl_IREWOC_2010.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Peru

URL: https://www.essex.ac.uk/armedcon/story_id/Street%20Children%20Peru_Strehl_IREWOC_2010.pdf

Shelf Number: 134964

Child Abuse
Child Labor
Child Prostitution
Homeless Children
Organized Crime
Sexual Exploitation
Street Children (Peru)

Author: Anti-Slavery International

Title: Trafficking for Forced Criminal Activities and Begging in Europe

Summary: European states fail to protect thousands of people trafficked and forced into crime, a new study by the RACE in Europe Project lead by Anti-Slavery International claims. The report, entitled simply "Trafficking for Forced Criminal Activities and Begging in Europe" analyses the phenomenon of trafficking into crime such as cannabis cultivation, ATM theft, pickpocketing, bag-snatching, counterfeit DVD selling, benefit fraud and forced sham marriage, as well as being forced to beg. The report explores the situation in the project partner countries (Ireland, the UK, the Czech Republic, and the Netherlands) and provides an overview of the rest of Europe. It exposes the dearth of systematic information and awareness about this type of exploitation amongst the policy makers and justice system actors with very few cases reported in official statistics and many victims misidentified as offenders. The findings show that the issue is more widespread than previously reported, with potentially thousands of victims being exploited through a variety of criminal activities. One of the biggest issues connected to these forms of exploitation is that the victims caught in the criminal act by the police end up being prosecuted against, whilst the real criminals remain untouched. The research found that the issue is more widespread than is currently reported, even in those countries, such as the UK, where this form of trafficking is acknowledged in national statistics. In countries where this type of trafficking has not been formally identified, NGOs and other frontline professionals are nevertheless identifying victims. The report concludes that although legislative and law enforcement tools exists at the EU level offered by Eurojust and Europol, they are underused to counter this form of trafficking.

Details: London: Anti-Slavery International, 2014. 124p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 18, 2015 at: http://www.antislavery.org/includes/documents/cm_docs/2014/r/race_europe_report.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.antislavery.org/includes/documents/cm_docs/2014/r/race_europe_report.pdf

Shelf Number: 134965

Child Trafficking
Forced Begging
Human Trafficking (Europe)
Organized Crime

Author: Australian Crime Commission

Title: The Australian methylamphetamine market: the national picture

Summary: This report aims to provide a concise understanding of the nature of organised crime involvement in the Australian methylamphetamine market. The ACC monitors all illicit drug markets through its High Risk and Emerging Drugs Special Operation. Through this work, the ACC has assessed that methylamphetamine poses the greatest threat to the Australian public of all illicit drug types. The ACC's annual Illicit Drug Data Report provides a detailed and comprehensive statistical picture of the illicit drug threat to Australia and provides an in-depth statistical analysis of the illicit drug market. The Australian Methylamphetamine Market: The National Picture is a complementary intelligence report. This report provides a brief summation of the national picture of the methylamphetamine threat. It explores the international and national dimensions of the methylamphetamine market, outlines the role of organised crime in driving the Australian market, the nature of the market, and the harms associated with methylamphetamine use. It also examines the diversion of precursor chemicals required to produce methylamphetamine in clandestine laboratories. It does this by consolidating open source information with operational and strategic intelligence collected by the ACC and Commonwealth, state and territory law enforcement agencies. The release of this report is designed to: inform the widest possible audience, including those who are not privy to classified law enforcement intelligence; generate discussion and dialogue about what can be done to tackle the methylamphetamine problem; enable individuals, friends and families to understand the nature of the harms; caused by methylamphetamine and influence those around them to minimise harm inform the national response to the methylamphetamine market.

Details: Canberra: Australian Crime Commission, 2015. 24p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 26, 2015 at: http://apo.org.au/files/Resource/acc_theaustralianmethylamphetaminemarket_mar_2015.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Australia

URL: http://apo.org.au/files/Resource/acc_theaustralianmethylamphetaminemarket_mar_2015.pdf

Shelf Number: 135060

Drug Abuse and Addiction
Drug Markets (Australia)
Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: Przyswa, Eric

Title: Counterfeit Medicines and Criminal Organisations

Summary: Counterfeit Medicines are a major threat that is spreading dangerously across the globe and the International Institute of Research Against Counterfeit Medicines (IRACM) has decided to present a study report to decipher the relationship between organized crime and medicine counterfeiting. Today, every country, every person can come into contact with counterfeit medicines. The risk of taking counterfeit medicines "involuntarily" is increased exponentially for any potential patient of the "global village". This risk can become a real danger to individual lives, but also a global threat to public health. The IRACM wishes to alert the public by publishing this report to raise awareness among governments and citizens and help consumer-patients to make careful choices, whether on the internet or at markets in developing countries where drugs are sold on stalls at lower prices. The purpose of such a report is a hot topic as medicine counterfeiting issues have escalated to worrying heights with the growth of international trade and the Internet. This problem now generates major public health issues on an international scale. As for criminal organizations, they are often perceived simplistically in public debate and this research on this new subject seeks to attempt to characterize the structures that exist. The study focuses not only on Western countries but also on Russian and especially Chinese aspects, often regarded as strategic. This novel research report includes the best international academic sources and seeks to identify the logic behind the most significant criminal strategies rather than provide a hypothetical exhaustive list of organizations involved in such illegal trafficking. Many criminal organizations Based on our research, it is clear that criminal organizations are involved in medicine counterfeiting and three types of organization can be identified: Small-sized organizations (two to five people) often created by opportunistic individuals motivated by short-term gains. These organizations offer specific products at attractive prices. Medium-sized transnational organizations whose criminal profile varies: these may be structures stemming from organized crime (Wuppertal case1), opportunistic businessmen using sophisticated techniques to manage their organization (Arnaud B. case2) or people more directly connected to the pharmaceutical industry (Gillespie case). Large-scale and transnational organizations as seen in two significant cases: - The RxNorth case involving a Canadian distributor which, in parallel with its business, organized a complex system to import counterfeit medicines made in China into the United States, transiting them through Hong Kong, the Middle East, the UK and the Bahamas. - Another, even more complex example: a so-called "Jordanian-Syrian" network created in 2003 during the U.S. invasion of Iraq and which, through a succession of opportunities, evolved into multiple subnetworks in the region (Jordan, Palestinian territories, Egypt, Syria), then moved to the West with a counterfeit cancer drug whose network transited through several countries (Egypt, Turkey, Switzerland, Great Britain) before finally reaching the U.S. market. This case, which has received little media coverage, is thought to be the largest criminal network of medicine counterfeiting still active. Chinese organized crime has a very strategic role and it is important to distinguish Chinese criminal cases involving the Western market (the case of Kevin Xu, a businessman who specialized in exports), from cases mostly involving the local market where the criminals often have connections to the healthcare sector. Lastly, there are foreign structures that create local companies that serve to build transnational networks based in this leading region for the manufacture of counterfeit medicines. On the Internet there are two types of criminal structures. The first category includes opportunistic online networks set up on an ad hoc basis by being grafted onto "real" trade with the end consumer in the distribution phase. The second category of organizations is dedicated exclusively to online distribution with globalized affiliation techniques and aggressive advertising on search engines or through spam. The most significant case of a cybercrime organization in recent years involves the Russian Glavmed and SpamIt affiliation programs. The affiliates of these two networks benefited from "prefabricated" online pharmacies and a dozen SpamIt affiliates earned over $1 million in commission on their website. Vast criminal organizations Generally speaking, certain analytical limitations in deciphering these organizations have been identified and differentiate our analyses from most sources on the subject. Despite the proven involvement of Italian criminal organizations in the counterfeiting of luxury goods and the healthcare sector, their presence in the organization of counterfeit medicine trafficking is difficult to prove. However, the report raises the theoretical possibility of the Mafia's involvement in certain strategic locations such as harbours. As for the Chinese Triads, analysing their involvement has proven to be difficult, as research in mainland China is complex. In short, we must be cautious regarding the presence of traditional criminal organizations in our field of study. The involvement of terrorist organizations is also difficult to prove, despite many reports seeking to document money laundering linked to counterfeit medicine trafficking. But the explanations given are often related to broader geopolitical issues, raising doubts over the objectivity of such analyses (Hezbollah for example). However, the involvement of the IRA in the organization of a vast counterfeit veterinary drug trafficking network in the early 90s between Northern Ireland and Florida has been clearly proven. In sum, the report identifies these criminal organizations and their activities and characterizes them in several ways: - Fragmented crime through better access to illegal activities. The "massification" of printing, production and distribution techniques has clearly facilitated such developments. - Criminal organizations often operate based on a "structural holes" approach, seeking to maximize the systemic flaws in the supply chain or on a broader scale (free trade zones, tax havens, servers hosted in "protected" areas, etc.). - On a large scale, these organizations are characterized by a hybrid network structure, where licit operators can cooperate with illicit ones or be directly involved in such criminal trafficking. - In terms of timelines, it is important to distinguish between organizations likely to generate a major risk over a relatively short period of time, and that need to be dismantled as quickly as possible, and large hybrid organizations whose total elimination can take years. - To our knowledge, there are no sustainable large-scale transnational criminal organizations that combine trafficking on the Internet and trafficking in the "real" world. - Paradoxically, networks on the Internet often seem to have a more structured and consistent organization than organizations involved in medicine counterfeiting in the "real" world, which are more difficult to observe. - The counterfeit medicines distributed are no longer limited to "convenience" drugs but also include major diabetes and cancer treatments.

Details: Paris: Institut de Recherche Anti-Contrefacon de Medicaments, 2013. 129p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 9, 2015 at: http://www.iracm.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Contrefacon-de-Medicaments-et-Organisations-Criminelles-EN.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: International

URL: http://www.iracm.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Contrefacon-de-Medicaments-et-Organisations-Criminelles-EN.pdf

Shelf Number: 135203

Counterfeit Goods
Counterfeit Medicines
Illegal Goods
Organized Crime

Author: Environmental Investigation Agency

Title: Sin City: Illegal Wildlife Trade in Laos' Golden Triangle Special economic Zone

Summary: This report takes a journey to a dark corner of north-west Lao PDR (hereafter referred to as Laos), in the heart of the Golden Triangle in South-East Asia. Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) and Education for Nature Vietnam (ENV) have documented how the Golden Triangle Special Economic Zone (GT SEZ) in Bokeo Province, in Laos has become a lawless playground, catering to the desires of visiting Chinese gamblers and tourists who can openly purchase and consume illegal wildlife products and parts, including those of endangered tigers. Despite being a part of Laos territory, the GT SEZ is run by the Chinese company Kings Romans Group. It has a 99-year lease and an 80 per cent stake in the operation. Clocks are run on Beijing time, all business is done in Chinese currency and businesses are Chinese-owned. With its 20 per cent stake in the GT SEZ, the Government of Laos is a complicit partner in what is a free-for-all illegal wildlife supermarket and has granted special benefits to the businesses in the SEZ by declaring it a duty-free area. While Laos' wildlife laws are weak, there is not even a pretence of enforcement in the GT SEZ. Sellers and buyers are free to trade a host of endangered species products including tigers, leopards, elephants, rhinos, pangolins, helmeted hornbills, snakes and bears, poached from Asia and Africa, and smuggled to this small haven for wildlife crime. The unchecked illegal wildlife trade in the GT SEZ is illustrative of illegal wildlife trade across the region, largely catering to growing numbers of Chinese visitors. The casino-led set-up is a model exported from Mong La in Myanmar, one of the longest-standing illegal wildlife markets in the region. The Government of China is acutely aware of the footprint of Chinese businesses and consumers in relation to poaching, trafficking and the consumption of illegal wildlife. If the Government of China is truly committed to ending illegal wildlife trade, there is much it can do to help end the illegal wildlife trade at the GT SEZ. The blatant illegal wildlife trade by Chinese companies in this part of Laos should be a national embarrassment and yet it appears to enjoy high-level political support from the Laos Government, blocking any potential law enforcement. Cleaning up the GT SEZ, reversing Laos' role as the weak link in the regional wildlife crime chain and ending tiger farming throughout the country will require a major policy shift from the top. The international community has a responsibility to stop fawning over lip-service commitments to combating organised wildlife crime and reducing demand. This is not a new phenomenon, but one that has persisted and escalated because of a failure to take bold action. Business-as-usual is a recipe for disaster for wild tigers and other endangered species.

Details: London: EIA, 2015. 24p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 15, 2015 at: http://eia-international.org/wp-content/uploads/EIA-Sin-City-FINAL-med-res.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Laos

URL: http://eia-international.org/wp-content/uploads/EIA-Sin-City-FINAL-med-res.pdf

Shelf Number: 135230

Animal Poaching
Endangered Species
Illegal Wildlife Trade
Organized Crime
Wildlife Crime
Wildlife Trafficking

Author: Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA)

Title: High Profit/Low Risk: Reversing the wildlife crime equation

Summary: In February 2014, global leaders convened for The London Conference on Illegal Wildlife Trade, an unprecedented gathering "to help eradicate illegal wildlife trade and better protect the world's most iconic species from the threat of extinction". The outcome was the London Declaration, calling for a range of actions including: the designation of wildlife crime as a serious crime; applying the same investigative techniques and tools currently applied to other transnational organised crimes; enhanced international cooperation; demand-reduction; supporting communities; and addressing corruption and money-laundering. International wildlife crime has long been recognised as a serious organised crime with far-reaching global impacts. It is destabilising, subverts the rule of law and the proceeds may fuel other organised criminal activities and conflict. While accelerating biodiversity loss, wildlife crime robs resource-dependent communities of livelihoods, undermines local and national economies and also poverty alleviation efforts. A single live wild elephant can generate over US$1.6 million for tourism revenue over its lifetime, yet some of the least developed countries are experiencing high levels of elephant poaching for ivory trade. Meanwhile, rangers risk their lives on the front line of ecosystems: in 10 years, an estimated 1,000-plus park rangers have been killed, 80 per cent by commercial poachers and armed militia groups. It has become increasingly dangerous to defend rights to land and the environment, yet killers of environmental defenders are not being brought to justice. The London Declaration of 2014 was one of a number of events, announcements and declarations from the international community, variously recognising the serious nature of wildlife crime and urging steps to address it. The Declaration itself lists 16 other wildlife-related meetings and initiatives which took place between 2010 and the London meeting and urges the full implementation of their measures; additionally, there have been several meetings since, including some at high-level. In March 2015, the Government of Botswana hosts the follow-up conference to review status of implementation of the actions agreed as part of the London Declaration. A year down the line, it is time for signatories to describe their progress against commitments, although formal indicators of activity are yet to be formulated. Wildlife crime has brought about devastating impacts in one year alone. The South African Government reported it lost 1,215 of its rhinos to poaching in 2014,9 an average of three rhinos killed every day in an escalating slaughter driven by resurgent rhino horn trade in Vietnam and China. Asian rhinos are also under threat: in 2014, 35 rhinos were poached in India. Elephants continue to face the devastating consequences of ivory trade, with a 2014 study finding 100,000 elephants had been killed over three years11 and initial reports show at least 26 tonnes of ivory seized internationally during 2014, representing at least 3,880 dead elephants; while 215 Asian big cats were intercepted in illegal trade, including 61 tigers. This briefing highlights examples of best practice, showing how countries have implemented some elements of the London Declaration. It also shows where barriers to implementation remain and the gaps which countries can fill to deter wildlife criminals. EIA supports the London Declaration commitments regarding anti-poaching and communities but, given EIA's organisational focus, the examples relate primarily to those sections of the London Declaration concerning legislative law enforcement and demand-reduction.

Details: London; Washington, DC: EIA, 2015. 16p.

Source: Internet Resource: A briefing for the Kasane Conference on Illegal Wildlife Trade March 25, 2015: Accessed April 15, 2015 at: https://drive.google.com/viewerng/viewer?url=http://eia-international.org/wp-content/uploads/EIA-High-Profit-Low-Risk-FINAL.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: International

URL: https://drive.google.com/viewerng/viewer?url=http://eia-international.org/wp-content/uploads/EIA-High-Profit-Low-Risk-FINAL.pdf

Shelf Number: 135239

Animal Poaching
Illegal Wildlife Trade
Organized Crime
Wildlife Crime

Author: Balarezo, Christine A.

Title: Selling Humans: the Political Economy of Contemporary Global Slavery

Summary: Human trafficking is a growing illegal crime, both in terms of numbers and profits. Thus, important to consider, as it is a human rights, political, criminal justice, national security, and economic issue. Previous studies have these examined these human trafficking factors independently, yet none have really taken into account how they work simultaneously. This study examines why human trafficker continues to occur, particularly at the domestic and transnational level, and also why some countries are better able to effectively deal with this problem in terms of criminalizing human traffickers. It is argued that at the domestic level, traffickers first must take into account the operating costs, illegal risks, bribery, and profits of the business. After considering these basic elements, they then need to consider the world, including economic, political, geographic, and cultural factors that may help facilitate human trafficking. However, human trafficking can occur across large geographic distances, though rare. This is more likely to happen based on the type of human trafficking group, available expatriate or immigrant networks, the origin-transit-destination country connection, or strength of the bilateral economic relationship between origin and destination countries. Finally, looking at why some countries are better able to criminalize traffickers helps us to better understand how human trafficking can be discouraged. In short, conformity of a country's domestic anti-human trafficking law, as well as the degree of enforcement, should increase the probability of criminalizing a human trafficker. These three theoretical arguments help to better understand the nature of the business, and more importantly, why human trafficking continues.

Details: Denton, TX: University of North Texas, 2013. 249p.

Source: Internet Resource; Dissertation: Accessed April 20, 2015 at: http://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc407818/

Year: 2013

Country: International

URL: http://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc407818/

Shelf Number: 135280

Human Slavery
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Champion, Sarah, Chair

Title: Report of the Parliamentary inquiry into the effectiveness of legislation for tackling child sexual exploitation and trafficking within the UK

Summary: Child sexual exploitation (CSE) is a form of child abuse, which can happen to boys and girls from any background or community. It can range from seemingly 'consensual' relationships, informal exchanges of sex in order to get affection, accommodation or gifts, through to exploitation by gangs involved in serious, organised crime. We are asking the UK Government to: -raise awareness to enable early identification of CSE -improve statutory responses to CSE and access to services -increase the evidence base on the prevalence and forms of CSE -improve prosecution procedures with an emphasis on victim support.

Details: Ilford, Essex, UK: Barnardo's, 2014. 44p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 22, 2015 at: http://www.barnardos.org.uk/cse_parliamentary_inquiry_report.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.barnardos.org.uk/cse_parliamentary_inquiry_report.pdf

Shelf Number: 135335

Child Abuse and Neglect
Child Sex Trafficking
Child Sexual Abuse (U.K.)
Child Sexual Exploitation
Organized Crime

Author: Shetret, Liat

Title: Tracking Progress: Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism in East Africa and the Greater Horn of Africa

Summary: Money laundering and terrorism financing pose a significant threat to security and developmental efforts worldwide and increasingly undermine the integrity of the global financial system and its long-term stability. Many states in the Greater Horn of Africa region are experiencing rapid economic growth and have increasing access to global markets. With predominantly informal and cash-based economies, these states are particularly vulnerable to money laundering and terrorism financing activities. This vulnerability is further enhanced by absent, nascent, or incomplete financial regulatory mechanisms as well as limited law enforcement and judicial capacities to respond to violations. Poverty, weak governance, corruption, porous borders, and political instability all contribute to the enabling environment for transnational organized criminal and terrorist groups in the Greater Horn region. Although overarching regulatory frameworks and institutional capacities remain low, political interest and technical attention and resourcing is growing in the region. In particular, a willingness to engage on these issues at the national level is rising. This report provides a new assessment of developments related to anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism (AML/ CFT) efforts in East Africa and the Greater Horn region and offers a review and analysis of 10 countries: Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, and Yemen. It builds on the 2012 baseline study, titled "ISSP-CGCC Joint Baseline Study on Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism in the IGAD Subregion," and includes two additional countries, Tanzania and Yemen, because of the geographical and strategic importance of these two countries to the cross-border risks shared among Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) member states and these non-IGAD members. This report combined desk research and analysis with limited in-country visits. To the extent possible, each country's assessment covers similar areas, including a recap of the findings from the 2012 baseline study and a summary of findings and recommendations to date; a broad economic snapshot of the country and relevant political context; progress on AML/ CFT efforts, such as the national legal framework and the operationalization of a financial intelligence unit; ongoing risks and vulnerabilities, largely focused on sectoral risks and concrete implementation of legal frameworks; and emergent entry points for action and further development.

Details: Goshen, IN: Global Center on Cooperative Security, 2015. 104p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 23, 2015 at: http://www.globalcenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Tracking-Progress-low-res.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Africa

URL: http://www.globalcenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Tracking-Progress-low-res.pdf

Shelf Number: 135379

Financial Crime
Money Laundering (Africa)
Organized Crime
Terrorist Financing

Author: Enste, Dominik H.

Title: The shadow economy in industrial countries: Reducing the size of the shadow economy requires reducing its attractiveness while improving official institutions

Summary: The shadow (underground) economy plays a major role in many countries. People evade taxes and regulations by working in the shadow economy or by employing people illegally. On the one hand, this unregulated economic activity can result in reduced tax revenue and public goods and services, lower tax morale and less tax compliance, higher control costs, and lower economic growth rates. But on the other hand, the shadow economy can be a powerful force for advancing institutional change and can boost the overall production of goods and services in the economy. The shadow economy has implications that extend beyond the economy to the political order. The shadow economy should not be seen as solely an economic problem, to be resolved by attacking the symptoms through higher fines and tougher controls. A country-specific analysis of causes and consequences is necessary in order to develop policy measures appropriate to the country's level of development. Policymakers should view illicit work as a signal of the need to decrease the attractiveness of the shadow economy through better regulation, a fair and transparent tax system, and more efficient institutions (good governance). Organized crime and illegal employment should nevertheless be fought through stricter controls and enforcement.

Details: Bonn: IZA World of Labor, 2015. 10p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 24, 2015 at: http://wol.iza.org/articles/shadow-economy-in-industrial-countries-1.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: International

URL: http://wol.iza.org/articles/shadow-economy-in-industrial-countries-1.pdf

Shelf Number: 135386

Financial Crime
Illicit Work
Organized Crime
Shadow Economy
Tax Evasion
Underground Economy

Author: Bondaroff, Teale N. Phelps

Title: The Illegal Fishing and Organized Crime Nexus: Illegal Fishing as Transnational Organized Crime

Summary: More than 90% of the world's fisheries are currently fully or over-exploited. A 2008 study estimated that the annual global illicit fishing catch was between 11 - 26 million tonnes, equal to more than 1,800 pounds of wild-caught fish stolen from the oceans every second. Despite this, illicit fishing is treated predominantly as a regulatory issue, a matter of different actors violating regulations, perhaps opportunistically or out of ignorance. However, as this report, "The Illegal Fishing and Organized Crime Nexus," commissioned jointly by the Global Initiative with The Black Fish, a Netherlands-based international organisation working to end illegal overfishing, now proves, illicit fishing practices are increasingly taking the form of a highly organized transnational crime. Rather than fishers accidentally violating regulations, this evidence-based account documents systematic and highly coordinated efforts to violate fishing laws and regulations around the world, putting the stability of marine ecosystems in serious jeopardy. We see how illicit fishers enable their activities through the violation of labour and environmental standards, corruption, bribery and violence. Case studies presented in the report also reveal an even darker side to illicit fishing - connected to human trafficking, illegal drug smuggling, serious violence and murder. It demonstrates the engagement of known mafia groups and criminal networks that profit from the practice. Despite this evidence, illicit fishing continues to be treated as a regulatory issue instead of as a form of transnational crime, and as such this practice is able to flourish with minimal enforcement or penalties. The report concludes that urgent and multilateral action is to be initiated to halt the growing multi-billion dollar illegal fish market. Recommendations advocate for the importance of urgently strengthening international regulations regarding shipping and vessels, creating domestic legislation designed to treat IUU fishing as a crime; dramatically increasing the punishments of offenders and significant enhancement of monitoring and enforcement are additional recommendations.

Details: Geneva, SWIT: Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime, 2015. 84p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 25, 2015 at: http://www.globalinitiative.net/download/global-initiative/GI%20Black%20Fish%20-%20Illegal%20Fishing%20and%20Organized%20Crime%20Nexus%20-%20April%202015.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: International

URL: http://www.globalinitiative.net/download/global-initiative/GI%20Black%20Fish%20-%20Illegal%20Fishing%20and%20Organized%20Crime%20Nexus%20-%20April%202015.pdf

Shelf Number: 135390

Illegal Fishing
Maritime Crime
Offenses Against the Environment
Organized Crime
Wildlife Crimes

Author: Neanidis, Kyriakos C.

Title: Crime versus Organized Crime in Italy: Do their Drivers Differ?

Summary: This paper empirically examines the determinants of organized crime and of common crime in a panel of Italian regions over the period 1983-2003. In line with the literature, these factors include economic, socio-demographic, and crime-deterrence indicators. The analysis shows that both organized and common crimes respond symmetrically to some drivers, such as crime-deterrence variables and the share of a region's economically active population, reducing both categories of crime. At the same time, there are drivers that influence only one of these types of crime, with higher education and population density both raising organized crime. Overall, this study points to the importance of disentangling the examination of the factors that drive organized crime from those of common crime, useful for the development of strategies specific to addressing each type of crime.

Details: Manchester, UK: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research, Economic Studies, University of Manchester, 2014. 36p.

Source: Internet Resource: Discussion Paper Series, No. 190: Accessed April 29, 2015 at: http://www.socialsciences.manchester.ac.uk/medialibrary/cgbcr/discussionpapers/dpcgbcr190.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Italy

URL: http://www.socialsciences.manchester.ac.uk/medialibrary/cgbcr/discussionpapers/dpcgbcr190.pdf

Shelf Number: 135413

Crime (Italy)
Economics of Crime
Organized Crime

Author: Seelke, Clare Ribando

Title: U.S.-Mexican Security Cooperation:The Merida Initiative and Beyond

Summary: Violence perpetrated by a range of criminal groups continues to threaten citizen security and governance in some parts of Mexico, a country with which the United States shares a nearly 2,000-mile border and more than $500 billion in annual trade. Although organized crime-related violence in Mexico has generally declined since 2011, analysts estimate that it may have claimed more than 80,000 lives between December 2006 and December 2014. Recent cases - particularly the disappearance of 43 students in Guerrero, Mexico in September 2014 - have drawn attention to the problems of corruption and impunity for human rights abuses in Mexico. Supporting Mexico's efforts to reform its criminal justice system is widely regarded as crucial for combating criminality and better protecting citizen security in the country. U.S. support for those efforts has increased significantly as a result of the development and implementation of the Merida Initiative, a bilateral partnership launched in 2007 for which Congress has appropriated some $2.5 billion. U.S. assistance focuses on (1) disrupting organized criminal groups, (2) institutionalizing the rule of law, (3) creating a 21st century border, and (4) building strong and resilient communities. Inaugurated to a six-year term in December 2012, Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto has continued U.S.-Mexican security cooperation begun during the Felipe Calderon government. Pena Nieto has requested increased assistance for judicial reform and prevention efforts, but limited U.S. involvement in some law enforcement and intelligence operations. Despite those restrictions, U.S. intelligence has helped Mexico arrest top crime leaders, including Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman - the world's most wanted drug trafficker - in February 2014.The Interior Ministry is now the primary entity through which Merida training and equipment requests are coordinated and intelligence is channeled. The 114th Congress is continuing to fund and oversee the Merida Initiative and related domestic initiatives. From FY2008 to FY2015, Congress appropriated roughly $2.5 billion in Merida Initiative assistance for Mexico, including some $194 million provided in the FY2015 Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act (P.L. 113-235). That total is $79 million above the Administration's request; it aims to support efforts to secure Mexico's southern border and justice sector programs. As of April 2015, more than $1.3 billion of Merida Initiative assistance had been delivered. The FY2016 request for the Merida Initiative is for $119 million to help advance justice sector reform, modernize Mexico's borders (north and south), and support violence prevention programs. Possible questions for oversight may include the following. 1) How is the State Department measuring the efficacy of Merida programs and improving or eliminating ineffective programs? 2) To what extent is the Mexican government moving judicial and police reform efforts forward, and how is U.S. assistance supporting those reforms? 3) Are Merida-funded programs helping the Mexican government respond to new challenges and priorities, including securing its southern border? 4) Is Mexico meeting the human rights conditions placed on Merida Initiative funding?

Details: Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service, 2015. 31p.

Source: Internet Resource: R41349: Accessed May 13, 2015 at: https://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/row/R41349.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Mexico

URL: https://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/row/R41349.pdf

Shelf Number: 135554

Border Security
Criminal Justice Reform
Drug Trafficking
Merida Initiative
Organized Crime

Author: Europol

Title: 2015 Situation Report on Counterfeiting in the European Union

Summary: Although the majority of counterfeit products in circulation in Europe are manufactured outside the EU - and evade detection at the EU's external borders - research for the report highlights how domestic EU production is on the rise with cases originating in Belgium, the Czech Republic, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Spain and the UK. This large-scale domestic production of counterfeit goods in the EU is becoming an increasingly profitable business for organised crime groups and organisations. Counterfeiters, who operate with significantly lower risks, have been found to have links with other forms of crime such as trafficking in human beings - notably for labour exploitation - as well as with other criminal groups, originating from different countries in and outside Europe. The most significant enabler for distributing these counterfeit goods is the Internet. Consumers are drawn to e-commerce sites due to their prices, 24/7 availability and direct delivery. Some websites are of such high quality that they rival those of the rights holder. Counterfeiters are able to function across multiple jurisdictions, evading capture, and are also able to take down and set up new websites overnight without losing their customer base. The report explores how Chinese organised criminal groups involved in distributing counterfeit goods are highly mobile, specialised teams. Those operating in Italy are known to have close relationships with the Camorra and collaborate to import counterfeit goods. Chinese diaspora communities across Europe are extensive and there is a concentration of Chinese counterfeit businesses in several Italian provinces that are all associated with the textile and fashion industries. Parts of Madrid and its suburbs have also been infiltrated by Chinese organised crime groups. These criminal groups operate across Europe and use legitimate businesses to facilitate the movement of counterfeit products. They have also established and developed collusive relationships with a network of money transfer agencies, enabling them to launder and send large amounts of money to China. After China, India is the next priority concern due to its impact on the EU through counterfeit pharmaceutical products; Turkey for foodstuffs; Indonesia for weak legislation and corruption issues; and the Philippines for low rates of enforcement.

Details: The Hague: Europol, 2015. 70p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 20, 2015 at: https://www.europol.europa.eu/content/2015-situation-report-counterfeiting-european-union

Year: 2015

Country: Europe

URL: https://www.europol.europa.eu/content/2015-situation-report-counterfeiting-european-union

Shelf Number: 135731

Consumer Protection
Counterfeit Goods
Organized Crime

Author: Levy, Horace

Title: Youth Violence and Organized Crime in Jamaica: Causes and Counter-Measures. An Examination of the Linkages and Disconnections

Summary: This Project emanated from the need to establish research-based grounds of solid value for an alternative to the mano dura approach, elements of which the authorities planned to continue using, or even extending, to address Jamaica's high homicide rates. The objective, therefore, was to investigate the relationship between youth violence and organized crime, with special attention given to the role of women and best practices and with the aim of influencing policy. Enabled by the Participatory Learning and Action (PLA) qualitative methodology, the Institute of Criminal Justice and Security (ICJS) research team was able, through focus groups and interviews with key informants, to engage directly with gangs and crews in communities in Kingston, and to a lesser extent, those in Spanish Town. The team encountered "defence crews" that were aligned to communities. These crews did not exhibit behaviour similar to that of illegal, wealth-seeking criminal gangs and, indicated no movement in that direction. Instead, they were strongly supported by women and responded positively to the mediatory and developmental "best practices" of state and non-state agencies. A significant number of criminal gang members also showed interest in pursuing an alternative and legal lifestyle. Women, for their part, were not associated with personal weapon usage. They tried to discourage conflicts and played an important part in community bonding. However, by having sexual relationships with "the enemy", they were often the ones blamed for provoking conflicts. For inner-city people, the community is of prime importance and defence crews and sometimes gangs are embedded in it. The various crews provide a constant source of enjoyment for inner-city people who live in depressed conditions. The research team recommends a national security policy that, rather than focusing simply on attacking the gangs, proposes the combination of community policing with community development and firmly asserting the central authority of the state. In the series of public forums held with security officials, the researchers received support for this approach from high-ranking officers of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF). A number of specific recommendations include the provision of additional resources to "best practices", and women's empowerment, as well as ceasing to grant contracts to criminal gangs.

Details: Ottawa: International Development Research Centre (IDRC), 2012. 74p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 22, 2015 at: https://idl-bnc.idrc.ca/dspace/bitstream/10625/51348/1/IDL-51348.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Jamaica

URL: https://idl-bnc.idrc.ca/dspace/bitstream/10625/51348/1/IDL-51348.pdf

Shelf Number: 135756

Juvenile Offenders
Organized Crime
Socioeconomic Conditions and Crime
Violent Crime
Youth Gangs

Author: Australian Crime Commission

Title: Organised Crime in Australia 2015

Summary: The Organised Crime in Australia 2015 report provides the most comprehensive contemporary profile of serious and organised crime in Australia. The report provides the context in which organised crime operates in Australia and gives an overview of each of the key illicit markets and the activities which fundamentally enable serious and organised crime. The report provides government, industry and the public with information they need to better respond to the threat of organised crime, now and into the future. Organised Crime in Australia is an unclassified version of the Australian Crime Commission's Organised Crime Threat Assessment (OCTA) which is part of the Picture of Criminality in Australia suite of products. The OCTA is a classified assessment of the level of risk posed by various organised crime threats, categorised by activity, market and enabler.

Details: Canberra: ACC, 2015. 87p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 23, 2015 at: https://www.crimecommission.gov.au/sites/default/files/FINAL-ACC-OCA2015-180515.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Australia

URL: https://www.crimecommission.gov.au/sites/default/files/FINAL-ACC-OCA2015-180515.pdf

Shelf Number: 135763

Identity Theft
Illicit Markets
Organized Crime

Author: United Nations Environment Programme

Title: Experts' background report on illegal exploitation and trade in natural resources benefitting organized criminal groups and recommendations on MONUSCO's role in fostering stability and peace in eastern DR Congo

Summary: This report examines the role of transnational environmental crime as one of the several key factors fuelling the protracted conflict cycle in eastern Democratic Congo. It makes recommendations on how MONUSCO, in its forthcoming down-sizing phase, might wick to endeavor supporting the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo in addressing apparent segments of the Congolese political economy that are linked to transnational environmental crime.

Details: Nairobi, Kenya: UNEP, 2015. 39p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 23, 2015 at: http://postconflict.unep.ch/publications/UNEP_DRCongo_MONUSCO_OSESG_final_report.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Congo, Democratic Republic

URL: http://postconflict.unep.ch/publications/UNEP_DRCongo_MONUSCO_OSESG_final_report.pdf

Shelf Number: 135775

Illegal Trade
Natural Resources
Offences Against the Environment
Organized Crime

Author: Farah, Douglas

Title: Central America's Northern Triangle: A Time of Turmoil and Transition

Summary: Transnational Organized Crime Groups with ties to Mexican drug cartels tip the balance of power in Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador from fragile and corrupt states to potentially criminalized states.

Details: IBI Consultants LLC, 2013.46p.

Source: Accessed May 26, 2015 at: http://www.ibiconsultants.net/_pdf/turmoil-and-transition-2.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Central America

URL: http://www.ibiconsultants.net/_pdf/turmoil-and-transition-2.pdf

Shelf Number: 129685

Drug Cartels
Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: Eguizabal, Cristina

Title: Crime and Violence in Central America's Northern Triangle: How U.S. Policy Responses are Helping, Hurting, and Can Be Improved

Summary: Throughout the spring and summer of 2014, a wave of unaccompanied minors and families from Central America began arriving at the U.S.-Mexican border in record numbers. During June and July over 10,000 a month were arriving. The unexpected influx triggered a national debate about immigration and border policy, as well as an examination of the factors compelling thousands of children to undertake such a treacherous journey. Approximately two-thirds of these children are from Central America's Northern Triangle-El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. According to interviews with the children their motives for migrating ranged from fleeing some of the world's highest homicide rates, rampant extortion, communities controlled by youth gangs, domestic violence, impunity for most crimes, as well as economic despair and lack of opportunity. Many hoped to reunite with family members, especially parents, who are already in the United States. The wave of migrants has underscored chronic problems in the region that stem back decades. It is often assumed that international drug trafficking explains the surge in violence since 2009, but other important factors are also at play. Drug trafficking is certainly a factor, especially in areas where criminal control of territory and trafficking routes is contested, but drugs do not explain the entirety of the complex phenomenon. Other factors have also contributed. While there are important differences among the three countries, there are also common factors behind the violence. Strong gang presence in communities often results in competition for territorial and economic control through extortion, kidnapping and the retail sale of illegal drugs. Threats of violence and sexual assault are often tools of neighborhood control, and gang rivalries and revenge killings are commonplace. Elevated rates of domestic abuse, sexual violence, and weak family and household structures also contribute as children are forced to fend for themselves and often chose (or are coerced into) the relative "safety" of the gang or criminal group. Likewise, important external factors such a weak capacity among law enforcement institutions, elevated levels of corruption, and penetration of the state by criminal groups means impunity for crime is extraordinarily high (95 percent or more), and disincentives to criminal activity are almost non-existent. Public confidence in law enforcement is low and crime often goes unreported. U.S. policy and practice are also a major contributing factor to the violence. U.S. consumption of illegal drug remains among the highest in the world, and U.S. and Mexican efforts to interdict drug trafficking in the Caribbean and Mexico has contributed to the trade's relocation to Central America. Furthermore, the policy of deporting large numbers of young Central Americans in the 1990s and 2000s, many of them already gang members in the United States, helped transfer the problem of violent street gangs from the United States to Central America's northern triangle. El Salvador now has the largest number of gang members in Central America followed close behind by Honduras and Guatemala. Finally, the trafficking of firearms, especially from the United States, has also contributed to the lethality and morbidity of crime. Efforts to slow firearms trafficking from the United States have encountered many domestic and political barriers and continue largely unchecked. Over the past year, the Woodrow Wilson Center's Latin American Program has undertaken an extensive review of the principal United States security assistance program for the region-the Central America Regional Security Initiative (CARSI). This review has focused on the major security challenges in the Northern Triangle countries of El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras and how CARSI seeks to address these. This publication includes country reports on each country including a review of the current in-country security context, as well as assessing CARSI's effectiveness for addressing these challenges. The report also includes a chapter providing an in-depth analysis of the geographic distribution of homicides and an examination of how such an analysis can help policy makers design more effective targeted strategies to lower violence. A final chapter outlining policy options for the future completes the report.

Details: Washington, DC: Latin America Program, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 2015. 155p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 26, 2015 at: http://www.wilsoncenter.org/sites/default/files/FINAL%20PDF_CARSI%20REPORT_0.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Central America

URL: http://www.wilsoncenter.org/sites/default/files/FINAL%20PDF_CARSI%20REPORT_0.pdf

Shelf Number: 135789

Border Security
Drug Trafficking
Drug-Related Violence
Illegal Immigration
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Firearms

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

Title: Transnational Organized Crime in Eastern Africa: A Threat Assessment

Summary: Key Findings: - Transnational organized crime in Eastern Africa is a product of both illicit markets that span continents and an underlying weakness in the rule of law. - Due to conflict and poverty, Eastern Africa produces a large and vulnerable stream of smuggled migrants, who are abused and exploited at multiple stages of their journey. - More than 100,000 people paid smugglers to transport them across the Gulf of Aden or Red Sea to Yemen in 2012, generating an income for the boatmen of over US$15 million. - Around 80,000 of these migrants attempted to cross Yemen to Saudi Arabia, but many of these were waylaid by smugglers and subjected to a range of abuses, including confinement, beatings, extortion and rape. - Despite the large numbers, the flow of migrants is concentrated, with most embarking from two port areas (Obock, Djibouti and Boosaaso, Somalia) where interventions could be addressed. - Heroin has been trafficked to and through Eastern Africa since at least the 1980s, but a series of recent large seizures suggests that this flow has increased. - Some air couriering has been noted, but it appears the great bulk of the heroin is being transported by dhow from the Makran Coast, an area that spans Iran and Pakistan. - The local market is estimated to consume at least 2.5 tons of pure heroin per year, worth some US$160 million in local markets. The volumes trafficked to the region appear to be much larger, as much as 22 tons, suggesting substantial tran-shipment. Eastern Africa is a known transit area for heroin destined for South Africa and West Africa. - Given the prevalence of blood borne disease and known injection drug use, the spread of heroin throughout the region must be carefully monitored and addressed. - Recent research indicates that the rate of poaching in Eastern Africa has increased, rising to levels that could threaten the local elephant population. - The bulk of the large ivory shipments from Africa to Asia appears to pass through the container ports of Kenya and the United Republic of Tanzania, where interventions could be addressed. - It is estimated that between 5,600 and 15,400 elephants are poached in Eastern Africa annually, producing between 56 and 154 metric tons of illicit ivory, of which two-thirds (37 tons) is destined for Asia, worth around US$30 million in 2011. - Somali pirates brought in an estimated US$150 million in 2011, which is equivalent to almost 15% of Somalia's GDP. - Effective intervention has forced pirates to range ever further from the coast to attain their targets: in 2005, the average successful pirate attack was 109 km from the Somali coast; in 2012, it was 746 km. Ships have also become more effective at defending themselves. - The increase in risk associated with protracted expeditions and international countermeasures have contributed to a decline in piracy: in April of 2009 alone, pirates hijacked 16 ships, but after April 2011, they averaged less than one per month. There were no successful hijackings for ransom in the Somali area of operations in the first half of 2013.

Details: Vienna: UNODC, 2013. 54p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 28, 2015 at: http://www.unodc.org/documents/data-and-analysis/Studies/TOC_East_Africa_2013.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Africa

URL: http://www.unodc.org/documents/data-and-analysis/Studies/TOC_East_Africa_2013.pdf

Shelf Number: 129829

Animal Poaching
Drug Trafficking
Human Smuggling
Organized Crime
Wildlife Crime

Author: Braehler, Verena Barbara

Title: Inequality of Security: Exploring Violent Pluralism and Territory in Six Neighbourhoods in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Summary: Security is a universal human right and a highly valued societal good. It is crucial for the preservation of human life and is of inestimable value for our societies. However, in Latin America, the right to security is far from being universally established. The aim of this sequential, exploratory mixed methods study is to explore the logic of security provision in six neighbourhoods in Rio de Janeiro (Vidigal, Santissimo, Complexo do Alemao, Tabuleiro, Botafogo and Novo Leblon) and assess its implications for citizens' right to security. The findings from the research show that, on a city level, Rio de Janeiro's security network can best be understood as an oligopoly because different security providers (police, municipal guards, military, private security companies, militias and drug trafficking factions) are connected through cooperative, neutral or conflictual relationships and need to consider the actions and reactions of other groups when taking strategic decisions. On a neighbourhood level, the preferred option for security providers are monopolistic-type constellations, characterised by relative peace and stability. However, all actors are willing to engage in violence if the perceived political and/or economic benefits are great enough. The thesis shows that the relative power and influence of the security providers are primarily determined by the way they are perceived by the local communities and by their capacity to use violence effectively. Despite its appearance as chaotic, violence is therefore an instrument which is negotiated and managed quite carefully. The thesis concludes that insecurity and violence in Rio de Janeiro are primarily fuelled by the struggle for territorial control between conflicting security providers within the oligopoly. The oligopolistic constellation of security providers leads to an inequality of security, defined as a condition in which the right to security is not enjoyed by all residents to the same extent.

Details: London: University College London, 2014. 292p.

Source: Internet Resource: Dissertation: Accessed May 30, 2015 at: http://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/1457437/1/Verena_Barbara_Braehler_PhD_thesis.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Brazil

URL: http://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/1457437/1/Verena_Barbara_Braehler_PhD_thesis.pdf

Shelf Number: 135808

Neighborhoods and Crime
Organized Crime
Urban Areas
Violent Crime

Author: Santamaria, Gema

Title: Drugs, gangs and vigilantes: how to tackle the new breeds of Mexican armed violence

Summary: Since 2007 Mexico has experienced a steady increase in lethal and non-lethal forms of violence, including kidnappings, extortion, extra-judicial killings and forced disappearances. This spiral of violence has been driven by the consolidation and expansion of non-conventional armed actors operating in an institutional and political climate characterised by pervasive levels of corruption, impunity and criminal collusion. Public indignation over this state of affairs reached a high after the disappearance of 43 trainee teachers in the town of Iguala in September 2014. This report analyses the objectives, structures and impact of non-conventional armed actors in Mexico, focusing on drug-trafficking organisations, street gangs and so-called self-defence forces. It examines the pitfalls and lessons learned from the country's past and present security strategies, and lays out the basis for an alternative approach to understanding and tackling non-conventional armed violence. Based on a careful analysis of the dynamic and hybrid character of these groups, the report argues for an approach that prioritises the fight against corruption and the protection of embattled communities through localised prevention, geographic sequencing and knowledge-based policing.

Details: Oslo: Norwegian Peacebuilding Resource Centre, 2014. 9p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 2, 2015 at: http://www.clingendael.nl/sites/default/files/Santamar%C3%ADa_NOREF_Drugs%2C_gangs_and_vigilantes_December%202014.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Mexico

URL: http://www.clingendael.nl/sites/default/files/Santamar%C3%ADa_NOREF_Drugs%2C_gangs_and_vigilantes_December%202014.pdf

Shelf Number: 135843

Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime
Political Corruption
Violent Crime

Author: Livingston, Andrew

Title: A Reputation for Violence: Fractionalization's Impact on Criminal Reputation and the Mexican State

Summary: Friday night, July 8th 2011 - gunmen aligned with Los Zetas smash their way into a bar in the Northern Mexican city of Monterrey. They open fire and kill 20 people while wounding even more. The next morning, in an unrelated incident, police find 10 people shot and left to rot in an abandoned SUV. In just 24 short hours, 30 people are added to the ever-expanding casualty count. Horrific days of violence like these have become more frequent over the past few years. The Government of Mexico responds to violent organized criminal groups (OCGs) by increasing enforcement and the OCGs retaliate with brazen acts of aggressive defiance. The 15,000 that died in 2010 alone, elevates the death toll from the Mexican Drug War to around 35,000 since 2007. These huge numbers have a way of desensitizing us to the reality of death. That cannot be allowed to happen. On average, 14 sons, daughters, husbands, wives, friends and neighbors are murdered every day in the violent border city of Juarez. Fourteen died yesterday and more will perish today, tomorrow, and the day after. In an effort to reduce violence and the power of criminal organizations, US and Mexican strategy has focused primarily on removing high valued targets within an OCG's top leadership in order to fracture the organization's power structure. Mexican President Felipe Calderon believes breaking up the gangs will turn a criminal problem that threatens Mexican national security into a regional safety issue. But in the short run fragmentation causes spikes in violence because conflicts arise within and between criminal organizations. After the pre-existing power relationship disintegrates, leaders of criminal groups attempt to increase their market share by muscling out the competition. The United States Drug Enforcement Administration views this escalation in violence as "a sign of success in the fight against drugs" an instance of "caged animals, attacking one another." But this view may be oversimplified. Organized crime groups are horizontally structured for-profit criminal businesses that operate to maximize revenues gained from illegal activities. They typically engage in violence only when it serves a specific business purpose. The strategy of continually breaking apart criminal organizations has kept the balance of power from reaching a stable equilibrium. These uncertain conditions incentivize OCGs to forcefully take advantage of their rivals' unstable control over market share. But physical violence is only one way to increase market share and control competitors. Establishing a threatening reputation from past displays of violence and corrupting government officials are integral components of a combined strategy that allow an OCG to attain a dominant status within the market hierarchy without having to resort to expensive warfare. The following analysis considers criminal violence in Mexico from an economic perspective of illegal firms' incentives to build violent reputation capital. Studying the costs and benefits of utilizing violent intimidation and institutional corruption to gain an economic advantage provides an objective point from which the success or failure of the US-Mexican strategy of fragmentation can be analyzed. Reputation building by criminal organizations will be discussed in the context of their effect on the local population, the government and rival OCGs. This analysis will attempt to answer the central question of whether President Calderon's war against the organized crime groups increases violence and destabilizes the Mexican state. In the end, the continuous periods of intense violence that occur when government enforcement keeps the market destabilized perpetuates an environment where reputation must be constantly rebuilt and reaffirmed with actual displays of violence. This violent environment selects for the most aggressive and brutal leaders all while overburdening criminal justice system and eroding public confidence in the rule of law. Going after the dangerous criminals that control Mexico's illicit underworld sounds like a reasonable and responsible plan to weaken their power over the state but in the end, constantly breaking apart criminal organizations exacerbates many of the problems the government is trying to solve.

Details: Hamilton, NY: Colgate University, 2011. 53p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 13, 2015 at: http://www.colgate.edu/portaldata/imagegallerywww/096e1793-d3a4-43b3-b7fa-bd595c56c799/ImageGallery/LivingstonA(1)FinalCopy.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Mexico

URL: http://www.colgate.edu/portaldata/imagegallerywww/096e1793-d3a4-43b3-b7fa-bd595c56c799/ImageGallery/LivingstonA(1)FinalCopy.pdf

Shelf Number: 135999

Drug Cartels
Drug Trafficking
Drug-Related Violence
Organized Crime
Violent Crime
War on drugs

Author: Savona, Ernesto U.

Title: From Illegal markets to Legitimate Businesses: the Portfolio of Organised Crime in Europe

Summary: This is the final report of Project OCP - Organised Crime Portfolio (www.ocportfolio.eu). Aim of OCP is to carry out an exploratory study of the economics of organised crime in Europe, and in particular to address three research questions, which are covered by the three sections of this report: - Where organised crime proceeds are generated, from which illicit markets (Part 1); - Where these proceeds are then invested in the legitimate economy, in which regions, assets and business sectors (Part 2); - The extent to which these proceeds are confiscated by European authorities (Part 3). The project focuses on seven EU member states (Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and the United Kingdom), represented by OCP partners, and for which provides an in-depth analysis. However, the report also presents a broader examination of the situation in Europe as a whole. OCP deals with issues crucial from a policy standpoint but which are characterised by a lack of data and of previous studies. OCP addresses this research gap by adopting an innovative methodology and using a wide range of information, both qualitative and quantitative, deriving from very different sources. Despite its pioneering nature and its data limitations, this report represents a first step towards better understanding of how the organised crime business works. In line with the Transcrime research agenda, it is a starting point for a better identification and reduction of the opportunities exploited by criminals to infiltrate illicit and legitimate markets in Europe. In this sense, this report constitutes an important tool for both public and private institutions to improve the assessment of the risks of organised crime infiltration and to strengthen the tracing and the confiscation of criminal assets in Europe.

Details: Milan, Italy: Transcrime, 2015. 341p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 13, 2015 at: http://www.transcrime.it/en/pubblicazioni/the-portfolio-of-organised-crime-in-europe/

Year: 2015

Country: Europe

URL: https://www.int-comp.org/media/1997/ocp-full-report.pdf

Shelf Number: 136004

Asset Forfeiture
Economics of Crime
Illicit Markets
Organized Crime
Proceeds of Crime

Author: Matrix Insight

Title: Assessing the effectiveness of EU Member States' practices in the identification, tracing, freezing and confiscation of criminal assets

Summary: The EU Action Plan to combat organised crime of April 19971 States that: "The European Council stresses the importance for each Member State of having well developed and wide ranging legislation in the field of confiscation of the proceeds of crime..." Furthermore, the EU Millennium Strategy States that "The European Council is determined to ensure that concrete steps are taken to trace, freeze, seize and confiscate the proceeds of crime". In line with these undertakings, and having regard to the urgency of controlling criminal assets in the face of terrorist threat, the Action Plan for the Hague Programme is currently reviewing EU legislation in this area and, if necessary, will strengthen it. The target date for completing this process is 20083. Obtaining an accurate, reliable and comprehensive overview of the practice of, and provisions for, criminal asset identification, tracing, freezing and confiscation across EU Member States is a critical phase in this process. The European Commission DG JLS therefore commissioned Matrix Knowledge Group (referred to in the text as "Matrix") to provide an overview of the enforcement of confiscation provisions in all EU Member States. For this purpose, Matrix has undertaken a literature review, interviews, case studies and a statistical and qualitative quota sample survey in order to: - map current practice around the investigative, judicial and disposal phases of the asset recovery process, noting use of specific tools and techniques in investigation (with relative frequency of use) and levels of cooperation with banks, financial and nonfinancial institutions; - identify effective practice by country (with a view to knowledge transfer); - identify obstacles to effective implementation of existing legal provisions by country; distinguishing where possible between jurisprudential and other causes of impediment and, where jurisprudential causes are identified, whether modification of the relevant EU instrument would be appropriate; - examine the potential for cooperation and information exchange between EU Member State asset recovery agencies and between those agencies and similar agencies in third party jurisdictions; - set up and, as far as practicable, populate a statistical model of Member States' asset recovery activities; - propose a performance index for asset recovery operations of Member States (such an index may contain input, output and outcome elements); - produce a set of overarching summary conclusions about the effectiveness of asset recovery procedures at an operational level, diagnosis of shortcomings classified by type of cause and recommendations about potential points of treatment intervention and the nature of plausible treatments; - estimate the likely benefits accruing from implementing recommended treatments and identifying the main points of institutional and agency impact; - provide an impact map identifying which Member States are likely to experience the greatest degree of positive change if recommendations are implemented.

Details: Brussels: European Commission, Directorate-General Justice, Freedom & Security, 2009. 189p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 13, 2015 at: http://ec.europa.eu/home-affairs/news/intro/docs/20120312/final_asset_recovery_report_june_2009.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: Europe

URL: http://ec.europa.eu/home-affairs/news/intro/docs/20120312/final_asset_recovery_report_june_2009.pdf

Shelf Number: 136006

Asset Forfeiture
Economic Sanctions
Organized Crime
Proceeds of Crime

Author: Europol

Title: Why is Cash Still King? A strategic report on the use of cash by criminal groups as a facilitator for money laundering

Summary: In spite of the rapidly changing face of criminality and the rise of cybercrime, money laundering methods detected by law enforcement remain overwhelmingly traditional. Europol's latest strategic report, 'Why is cash still king?', shows that while cash is slowly falling out of favour with consumers, it is still one of the preferred methods used to launder the proceeds of crime. Almost all crime types make use of cash to facilitate money laundering at some stage, not only traditional crimes which generate cash profits, but also threats now arising from new technologies such as virtual currencies, where cash is used as an instrument to disguise the criminal origin of proceeds. In the EU, the use of cash is the main reason triggering suspicious transaction reports within the financial system, accounting for more than 30% of all reports. Reports on detections of suspicious physical cash movements represent around one third of all contributions to Europol in the area of money laundering. Although the use of cash for payments has experienced a moderate decline in the EU, the demand for high denomination notes not commonly used for payments, such as the EUR 500 note, has been sustained. The EUR 500 note alone accounts for over 30% of the value of all banknotes in circulation (1). This raises questions about the purpose for which they are being used and whether this could be linked to criminal activity, which should be further explored. Linking cash to criminal activities remains a key challenge for law enforcement. "The use of cash by criminals remains one of the most significant barriers to successful investigations and prosecution," says Rob Wainwright, Director of Europol. "It is a threat that has not received sufficient international attention or legislative solutions. A fragmented enforcement approach at national and international level, and the differing regulatory frameworks across the EU Member States, are widely exploited by criminals, who adapt their methods and routes to take advantage of these loopholes. Stepping up efforts to increase international cooperation and information exchange, and establishing a more harmonised approach among EU Member States concerning cash movements within the EU, are crucial if we are to tackle these criminal activities." One of the prevalent methods used by criminals to launder profits remains physical cash smuggling. It is difficult to assess the scale of this criminal activity, but highly conservative estimates based on records received by Europol show that EUR 1.5 billion in cash is detected and/or seized by EU Member State authorities each year. The findings of 'Why is cash still king?' are reflected in a set of recommendations aimed at providing practical solutions which could assist in preventing the use of cash for criminal purposes as well as enabling investigators to achieve higher rates of successful convictions.

Details: Paris: Europol, 2015. 54p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 15, 2015 at: https://www.europol.europa.eu/content/why-cash-still-king-strategic-report-use-cash-criminal-groups-facilitator-money-laundering

Year: 2015

Country: Europe

URL: https://www.europol.europa.eu/content/why-cash-still-king-strategic-report-use-cash-criminal-groups-facilitator-money-laundering

Shelf Number: 136064

Money Laundering
Organized Crime

Author: Miraglia, Paula

Title: Drugs and Drug Trafficking in Brazil: Trends and Policies

Summary: Key Findings - Brazil is one of the most violent countries in the world with a national homicide rate of 27.1 per 100,000 inhabitants. A large part of this violence and criminality can be linked to arms and drug trafficking operations by organized crime groups. - Brazil's increased domestic drug consumption in recent years has affected the domestic drug market and changed the structure, profile, and modes of operation of organized crime groups. - In 2006, Brazil adopted a new drug law intended to make a clear and definitive distinction between drug users and dealers. However, a discriminatory culture in the justice system, combined with great discretion given to the authorities to classify offenses as trafficking, resulted in increased imprisonment of addicts. - Today, Brazil has the world's fourth largest imprisoned population, which points to the need for alternatives in dealing with violence and crime, particularly when related to drug consumption. - Brazil boasts innovative programs, such as the Sao Paulo de Bracos Abertos program and the Unidades de Polcia Pacificadora in Rio de Janeiro, but each of these faces complex challenges to their success. Policy Recommendations - Brazil needs criminal justice system reform, together with improved drug legislation that classifies offenses more precisely, to minimize the discretionary imprisonment of addicts. - Brazil should develop improved mechanisms to prevent police brutality and lethality, and should also adopt reforms to improve police efficiency and effectiveness. - Brazil should mainstream the concept of prevention in its domestic drug policy programs.

Details: Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 2015. 16p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 20, 2015 at: http://www.brookings.edu/~/media/Research/Files/Papers/2015/04/global-drug-policy/Miraglia--Brazil-final.pdf?la=en

Year: 2015

Country: Brazil

URL: http://www.brookings.edu/~/media/Research/Files/Papers/2015/04/global-drug-policy/Miraglia--Brazil-final.pdf?la=en

Shelf Number: 136103

Drug Abuse and Addiction
Drug Policy
Drug Trafficking
Drug-Related Violence
Organized Crime

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. Independent Evaluation Unit

Title: In-Depth Evaluation of the Container Control Programme

Summary: Background and Context As containerized trade supply chain security requires significant knowledge in the technical fields of profiling and customs, UNODC reached out to the leading International organization in the field of customs, the World Customs Organization (WCO), based in Brussels, Belgium. Both Organizations have been successfully partnering from the onstage of the Programme. From a pilot designed in early 2003, and carrying out its initial activities in 2004 through the development of a Joint Port Control Unit in the port of Guayaquil in Quito, and further expanding to Pakistan, the CCP was operational in 12 countries1 at the time of the current evaluation. In brief, the Programme is managed by a Senior Programme Coordinator based in UNODC HQ, in charge of the overall programme management, finances and donor relations. In addition, a Programme Manager oversees the Global coordination of the implementation on WCO side, with a focus on all training activities of the Container Control Programme (CCP). The CCP relies on a network of highly qualified technical experts posted in the Regions and Countries where CCP deploys its activities . Main Objectives of the Programme The main objectives of the Programme, as per the initial design, are the establishment of inter agency units for the profiling of containers and the promotion of improved cooperation between all stakeholders operating in the given ports to improve the security in the international containerised supply chain. Profiling is the main technique used and it is based on risk indicators assessed through the review and analysis of cargo manifests, customs declarations and all relevant information, which is to be provided by all the stakeholders operating in port structures. This information is then shared within the network of CCP countries and within the ports to increase the knowledge in container security and international transport of illicit goods. Several tools were developed as part of this Programme to capture and to manage the knowledge acquired and are used by the CCP members and partners on a daily basis. To attain these objectives, the CCP has developed a process which starts with high level meetings between UNODC and the requesting party, and they are followed by the signature of Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) between several Law Enforcement Agencies, in which they all agree to work jointly within a Joint Port Control Unit, uniting their efforts under the leadership of a selected Agency to become first among equals. Prior to the signature of MoUs, port assessments are conducted to determine the port security level, define the present port situation, understand the needs for the JPCUs under the implementation phase and define the level of trainings which need to be envisaged for such port units to become operational and carry out the profiling autonomously. In addition to the initial, basic trainings, more complex sessions are planned and delivered along with a mentoring and monitoring system. This system is based on the provision of designated trainers to follow the Joint Port Control Units (JPCU) teams throughout time and to accompany them in their learning slope until they can themselves train additional colleagues, and when ready, provide training to neighbouring countries. Outcomes of the Programme The initially planned outcomes of the Programme, which proved through the present evaluation to have been mostly successfully met, are three and are as follows: (a) Outcome 1 : Measurable results are achieved as a product of law enforcement officials working in the newly created inter-agency Port Control Unit (PCUs) consistently applying the acquired technical skills in the targeting, selection and inspection of high risk shipping containers. (b) Outcome 2: In the selected sea and dry ports, the inter-agency Port Control Units (PCUs) and the private sector cooperate to greater effect and develop the mutual trust and understanding necessary to strengthen and protect the containerized trade supply chain. (c) Outcome 3: New tools and mechanisms for the collection, sharing and analysis of information about container crime, in particular CEN/ContainerComm and ICPO-Interpol I-24/7, are used regularly and effectively at the national, regional and/or international level, as appropriate.

Details: Vienna: UNODC, 2013. 83p.

Source: Internet Resource: GLO G80: Accessed July 20, 2015 at: https://www.unodc.org/documents/evaluation/indepth-evaluations/2013/CCP_Final_Evaluation_Report_22NOV2013_IEU.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: International

URL: https://www.unodc.org/documents/evaluation/indepth-evaluations/2013/CCP_Final_Evaluation_Report_22NOV2013_IEU.pdf

Shelf Number: 136106

Cargo Security
Drug Trafficking
Maritime Crime
Organized Crime
Port Security
Supply Chain Security

Author: European Parliament. Directorate-General for Internal Policies. Policy Department D Budgetary Affairs

Title: Workshop: Cigarette Smuggling. Proceedings

Summary: This report analyses the relationship between EU policy and the illicit trade in tobacco products. We consider three EU policies: (1) the EC Strategy and the Action Plan to tackle the illicit trade in tobacco products, (2) the revised Tobacco Products Directive, and (3) the Agreements between the European Community, individual Member States and the four major tobacco companies.

Details: Brussels: European Union, 2014. 132p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 20, 2015 at: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/workshop/join/2014/490681/IPOL-JOIN_AT(2014)490681_EN.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/workshop/join/2014/490681/IPOL-JOIN_AT(2014)490681_EN.pdf

Shelf Number: 136107

Illicit Products
Organized Crime
Tobacco Smuggling

Author: Calderon, Gabriela

Title: The Beheading of Criminal Organizations and the Dynamics of Violence in Mexico

Summary: In 2006 the Mexican government launched an aggressive campaign to weaken drug- trafficking organizations (DTOs). The security policies differed significantly from those of previous administrations in the use of a leadership strategy (the targeting for arrest of the highest levels or core leadership of criminal networks). While these strategies can play an important role in disrupting the targeted criminal organization, they can also have unintended consequences, increasing inter-cartel and intra-cartel fighting and fragmenting criminal organizations. What impact do captures of senior drug cartel members have on the dynamics of drug-related violence? Does it matter if governments target drug kingpins vs. lower ranked lieutenants? We analyze whether the captures or killings of kingpins and lieutenants have increased drug-related violence and whether the violence spills over spatially. To estimate effects that are credibly causal, we use different empirical strategies that combine difference-in-differences and synthetic control group methods. We find evidence that captures or killings of drug cartel leaders have exacerbating effects not only on DTO-related violence, but also on homicides that affect the general population. Captures or killings of lieutenants, for their part, only seem to exacerbate violence in "strategic places" or municipalities located in the transportation network. While most of the effects on DTO-related violence are found in the first six months after a leader's removal, effects on homicides affecting the rest of the population are more enduring, suggesting different mechanisms through which leadership neutralizations breed violence.

Details: Palo Alto, CA: Stanford University, Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law, 2015. 49p.

Source: Internet Resource: CDDRL Working Paper: Accessed July 20, 2015 at: http://cddrl.fsi.stanford.edu/publication/beheading-criminal-organizations-and-dynamics-violence-mexico%E2%80%99s-drug-war

Year: 2015

Country: Mexico

URL: http://cddrl.fsi.stanford.edu/publication/beheading-criminal-organizations-and-dynamics-violence-mexico%E2%80%99s-drug-war

Shelf Number: 136109

Drug Cartels
Drug Trafficking
Drug-Related Violence
Organized Crime

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

Title: Combating Transnational Organized Crime Committed at Sea

Summary: The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) is the guardian of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC) and its supplementary Protocols, and of the United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances. The United Nations Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ), in its twentieth session in 2011 considered the problem of combating transnational organized crime committed at sea. Resolution 20/5 mandates UNODC to convene an expert meeting to "facilitate the investigation and prosecution of such cases by Member States, including by identifying gaps or possible areas for harmonization, and measures to strengthen national capacity, in particular in developing countries, to more effectively combat transnational organized crime". This Issue Paper is the product of discussions held in Vienna on 12-13 November 2012 at the expert group meeting convened pursuant to resolution 20/5 of the CCPCJ. It is also based on a desk review of research carried out on the issue, with particular emphasis on existing UNODC materials concerning transnational organized crime at sea and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. Its goal is to serve as a background document to the recommendations of the expert meeting, which will be presented to the CCPCJ at its twenty-second session to be held 22-26 April 2013. The Issue Paper underscores the common and interlinked emerging crimes at sea, including piracy and armed robbery at sea, migrant smuggling and trafficking in persons, drug trafficking, organized crime within the fishing industry and oil bunkering; it identifies the applicable maritime laws and regulations and their potential gaps as well as the relevant good practices and challenges in international cooperation at the legal and operational level with respect to crimes at sea; it discusses the problems concerning the investigation and prosecution of crimes at sea, including questions such as where capacity-building is needed.

Details: Vienna: UNODC, 2013. 63p.

Source: Internet Resource: Issue Paper: Accessed July 22, 2015 at: http://www.unodc.org/documents/organized-crime/GPTOC/Issue_Paper_-_TOC_at_Sea.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: International

URL: http://www.unodc.org/documents/organized-crime/GPTOC/Issue_Paper_-_TOC_at_Sea.pdf

Shelf Number: 136126

Drug Trafficking
Fishing Industry
Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Maritime Crime
Organized Crime

Author: Dongen, Teun van

Title: Detecting Elusive Criminals

Summary: Organized crime for the European market is a multi-billion dollar business that feeds on, as well as sustains, poverty and poor governmental control. As factors like the economic crisis and the emergence and growth of urban slums will sustain organized crime, this threat is likely to stay with us in the foreseeable future. Against this background, this report answers the following question: what research strands need to be explored further in order to find solutions for the threat posed to Europe by transnational organized crime? The flexibility of criminal networks is remarkable, as they seem to think nothing of moving operations to other countries, entering into new partnerships and using other modes of transportation. Also, they are often quick to pick up on new technologies that help them run their businesses. The consequent lack of signature and standard operating procedures on the part of criminal networks means that they are increasingly difficult to detect. The fact that a criminal cell has at one point been in touch with another cell, says little to nothing about the likelihood that they will be in touch again. In general, it is questionable to what extent past behaviors can be used as clues to predict future conduct and eventually find and catch criminal cells. Current research strands that have to do with the detection of criminal networks fail to take into account the state of flux that is characteristic of organized crime. Technological detection tools like scanners and air sampling devices are deployed statically, and fail to uncover more than a small part of all organized criminal activity. Knowledge discovery approaches, in which criminal networks can be detected through the analysis of digital data, are mostly based on police records. This means that approaches along these lines are largely reactive in nature. A similar objection can be raised against crime mapping exercises that are carried out by scholars and government research departments. They register trends and developments in organized crime after they have taken place. This means that organized crime mapping, while useful, is always a step behind- a shortcoming which could be a problem against a threat that changes rapidly and constantly. Therefore, we suggest a series of research strands that are more preventive in nature. First, the detection of criminal networks should be applied to the preventive and early warning phase. We should development frameworks and vulnerability assessment tools to predict or estimate whether a certain area - a neighborhood, a city, a region - will in the near future have to deal with criminal networks. This will help governments act quickly and at an early stage, which is crucial when dealing with a fluid and adaptive threat like the one posed by organized crime. For the development of such vulnerability and early warning frameworks, we need more research into what contextual factors make areas vulnerable to organized crime, and into the motives of criminal networks to choose certain areas of operation over others. We need, in other words, to learn more about the causes behind the trends and developments in organized crime. Second, research is needed to identify and address legal obstacles to the sharing of information between and within governments needed to detect criminal networks or make vulnerability assessments. What should be addressed is not only the legal obstacles between governments, but also within governments and between the government and the private sector. Finally, we should look into technological tools for criminal network detection (e.g., data mining) as well as into possibilities to generate human criminal intelligence, as such an approach will be non-intrusive and will help law enforcement agencies win the trust of the local population.

Details: The Hague: The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies and TNO, 2012. 65p,

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 22, 2015 at: http://www.hcss.nl/reports/detecting-elusive-criminals/122/

Year: 2012

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.hcss.nl/reports/detecting-elusive-criminals/122/

Shelf Number: 136127

Criminal Investigation
Criminal Networks
Organized Crime

Author: Heinle, Kimberly

Title: Drug Violence in Mexico: Data and Analysis Through 2014

Summary: - Violence is lower in Mexico than elsewhere in the Americas, but average for the region. Levels of violence are relatively lower in Mexico than in several other countries in the Americas, but are about average for the Western Hemisphere. Mexico's 2012 homicide rate of 21.5 was just above the region's average of approximately 21.4 homicides per 100,000 people. However, this was up nearly threefold from Mexico's rate of 8.1 per 100,000 in 2007. No other country in the hemisphere has seen such a large increase in the number or rate of homicides over the last decade. - Homicides had been declining through the mid-2000s, reaching a record low in 2007. Continuing a long-term trend, the number of intentional homicides documented by Mexico's National Institute of Statistics, Geography, and Information (INEGI) declined significantly under both presidents Ernesto Zedillo (1994-2000) and Vicente Fox (2000-2006). Under Zedillo, the number of intentional homicides declined fairly steadily from 15,839 in 1994 to 10,737 in 2000, totaling 80,311 homicides. The annual number of homicides fluctuated somewhat under Fox, but continued to decline generally, with a total of 60,162 homicides. Moreover, the number of homicides actually reached a record low of 8,867 intentional homicides in 2007, the first full year in office for Felipe Calderon (2006-2012). - Violence grew dramatically after 2008, with the number of homicides peaking in 2011. After Calderon's first year, the number of intentional homicides documented by INEGI climbed sharply, with year-over-year increases of more than 58% in 2008, 41% in 2009, 30% in 2010, and 5% in 2011. As predicted by last year's Justice in Mexico drug violence report, the number of intentional homicides documented by INEGI declined somewhat in 2012, Calderon's final year in office. Specifically, our March 2013 report predicted that INEGI would register a modest decline for 2012 (no greater than 8.5%). According to figures released in late-2013, the number of intentional homicides documented by INEGI for 2012 declined about 4% to 26,037. All told, throughout the Calderon administration, INEGI reported 121,669 homicides, an average of over 20,000 people per year, more than 55 people per day, or just over two people every hour. - The total number of homicides appears to have declined by nearly 15% again in 2014. While INEGI's figures are not available for 2014, preliminary data from Mexico's National Security System (SNSP) suggests that the total number of intentional homicides in 2013 declined again this year by about the same proportion as in 2013. However, some analysts are skeptical about SNSP's data because of concerns about possible political manipulation by the Peea Nieto administration, so these findings should be viewed with caution. Keeping such concerns in mind, at the time of this report, SNSP's tally of all intentional homicides in 2014 was 15,649, down 13.8% from the 18,146 reported for 2013 the same time last year. The authors estimate a more modest rate of decline (about 9%) for INEGI's figures, to be released later in 2015. - Mexico's recent violence is largely attributable to drug trafficking and organized crime. A large part of the sudden increase in violence in Mexico is attributable to drug trafficking and organized crime groups. Tallies compiled independently by media organizations in Mexico suggest that at least a third and as many as half of all intentional homicides in 2014 bore characteristics typical of organized-crime related killings, including the use of high-caliber automatic weapons, torture, dismemberment, and explicit messages involving organized-crime groups. The Mexican newspaper Reforma put the figure at 6,400 organized-crime-style homicides in 2014 (though its coverage appeared to be less complete and less consistent with other sources than previous years), while Milenio reported 7,993 for the year. - Amid declining violence, serious security crises continued in central & Pacific states. Even amid the overall reduction in violence, there were serious security crises in central and Pacific states, notably the states of Guerrero, Mexico, and Michoacan. In early 2014, clashes broke out between the Knights Templar Organization (Caballeros Templarios, or KTO) and local "self-defense" (autodefensa) groups in Michoacan, causing the federal government to intervene and deputize some self-defense groups, creating official Rural Defense Forces. In late 2014, there were a series of violent crackdowns by authorities that resulted in the deaths of scores of people - including both alleged criminals and innocent civilians - in the states of Mexico and Guerrero, provoking national and international condemnations. In particular, when municipal authorities in the town of Iguala, Guerrero allegedly turned over dozens of student protestors to a local organized crime group known as the Guerreros Unidos, the perceived corruption and ineptitude of government officials led to massive protests and even acts of violence throughout the country. - The Mexican government arrested major drug traffickers, including "El Chapo" Guzman. Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto (2012-2018) has continued the previous administration's efforts to arrest major organized crime figures. In early 2014, the Pena Nieto administration succeeded in arresting Mexico's most notorious drug trafficker Joaqun "El Chapo" Guzman (head of the Sinaloa Cartel). In 2014, federal authorities also eliminated key leaders of the Knights Templar Organization, killing Nazario Moreno Gonzalez, a.k.a. "El Chayo" (who had been previously presumed dead) and Enrique "El Kike" Plancarte Solis. In early 2015, authorities continued to make important arrests targeting the Knights Templar Organization, the Gulf Cartel, the Cartel de Jalisco Nueva Generacion, and the Zetas. - Recent organized crime arrests have not appeared to produce large spikes in violence. Some experts say that destroying leadership structures leads to greater violence because it contributes to infighting, splintering, and/or encroachment by rival criminal organizations. However, compared to previous years, the Mexican government's arrests of high-level members of organized crime groups have not resulted in such dramatic surges in violence due to infighting, splintering, or encroachment by rival criminal organizations. This may be attributable to a number of factors, including the dwindling size and capacity of criminal organizations in Mexico, the reduction in competition over drug production and trafficking routes, and/or the possible collusion of government officials to broker a peace. - Mexican security efforts appear more focused on prevention and criminal justice reform. While President Pena Nieto continued the same strategies of the previous administration during his first year in office, he also began to emphasize crime prevention and judicial system reform more strongly than in the past. Indeed, both the federal and state governments have moved into high gear in the effort to transition Mexico to a new oral, adversarial criminal procedure - popularly referred to as "oral trials" (juicios orales) - that proponents believe will provide greater transparency, efficiency, and fairness in the Mexican criminal justice system. In 2014, the Pena Nieto administration moved these efforts forward considerably by approving a Unified Code of Criminal Procedure that will be implemented at the federal and state levels throughout the country by June 2016.

Details: San Diego: Justice in Mexico Project, University of San Diego, 2015. 60p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 23, 2015 at: https://justiceinmexico.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/2015-Drug-Violence-in-Mexico-final.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Mexico

URL: https://justiceinmexico.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/2015-Drug-Violence-in-Mexico-final.pdf

Shelf Number: 136142

Drug Trafficking
Drug-Related Violence (Mexico)
Drugs and Crime
Organized Crime
Violent Crime

Author: Ireland. Department of Justice and Law Reform

Title: Organised and White Collar Crime

Summary: The purpose of this paper is to examine a range of criminal activity not covered in detail by the White Paper on Crime discussion documents produced to date. The emphasis in the earlier papers, and in the first paper in particular, was largely on volume or 'street crimes' such as assault, theft and public order offences. These impact greatly on individuals and communities in an immediate and obvious fashion and are often to the forefront in debates on crime. Other types of criminal activity may appear to be less frequent but undoubtedly cause serious harm and must be confronted as part of an overall crime strategy. This paper will examine these by looking at organised or 'gangland' crime, as well as white-collar crime and a range of other complex types of criminal activity. The specific areas covered in detail are: 􀂃 drug trafficking 􀂃 fraud (including fiscal fraud) 􀂃 human smuggling and trafficking 􀂃 money laundering 􀂃 counterfeiting and piracy 􀂃 cybercrime 􀂃 tackling white collar crime 􀂃 bribery and corruption 􀂃 regulatory crime These types of crime can often attract organised criminals, but can also involve individuals, companies or very ad hoc groups. While there are interconnections between several of these fields, each gives rise to its own discrete issues and law enforcement responses. The various activities examined are diverse but have the common characteristic of being complex or requiring a high degree of organisation, in contrast to a great deal of volume crime. In light of their complexity, the crime control response to these offences typically involves additional strategies over and above those used in traditional law enforcement. A further feature of these crimes is that they are rapidly evolving and increasingly enabled by new technologies. Accordingly, an important objective in this discussion document is to seek to identify emerging trends with a view to ensuring that the White Paper on Crime anticipates future challenges as far as possible.

Details: Dublin: Department of Justice and Law Reform, 2010. 72p.

Source: Internet Resource: White Paper on Crime: Discussion Document No. 3: http://www.justice.ie/en/JELR/White%20Paper%20on%20Crime%20Discussion%20Document%20No.%203%20-%20Organised%20and%20White%20Collar%20Crime.pdf/Files/White%20Paper%20on%20Crime%20Discussion%20Document%20No.%203%20-%20Organised%20and%20White%20Collar%20Crime.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Ireland

URL: http://www.justice.ie/en/JELR/White%20Paper%20on%20Crime%20Discussion%20Document%20No.%203%20-%20Organised%20and%20White%20Collar%20Crime.pdf/Files/White%20Paper%20on%20Crime%20Discussion%20Document%20No.%203%20-%20Organised%

Shelf Number: 136159

Organized Crime
White Collar Crime

Author: Beittel, June S.

Title: Mexico: Organized Crime and Drug Trafficking Organizations

Summary: Reversing a fairly robust record of capturing and imprisoning leaders of Mexico's drug trafficking organizations (DTOs), the escape of notorious cartel leader Joaquin El Chapo Guzman on July 11, 2015, was a huge setback for the Mexican government already beleaguered by charges of corruption and low approval ratings. Mexico's efforts to combat drug traffickers have touched all of the major organizations that once dominated the illicit drug trade: for example, the February 2014 capture of Guzman who leads Sinaloa, Mexico's largest drug franchise; top leaders of Los Zetas in 2013 and March 2015; the October 2014 arrests of Hector Beltran Leyva of the Beltran Leyva Organization and, later, of Vicente Carrillo Fuentes of the once-dominant Juarez cartel. The DTOs have been in constant flux in recent years. By some accounts, in December 2006 there were four dominant DTOs: the Tijuana/Arellano Felix organization (AFO), the Sinaloa cartel, the Juarez/Vicente Carillo Fuentes organization (CFO), and the Gulf cartel. Since then, the more stable large organizations have fractured into many more groups. In recent years, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) identified the following organizations as dominant: Sinaloa, Los Zetas, Tijuana/AFO, Juarez/CFO, Beltran Leyva, Gulf, and La Familia Michoacana. In some sense, these might be viewed as the traditional DTOs. However, many analysts suggest that those 7 seem to have now fragmented to 9 or as many as 20 major organizations. Several analysts estimate there have been at least 80,000 homicides linked to organized crime since 2006. Few dispute that the annual tally of organized crime-related homicides in Mexico has declined since 2011, although there is disagreement about the rate of decline. It appears that the steep increase in organized crime-related homicides during the six-year administration of Mexican President Felipe Calderon (2006-2012) is likely to trend down far more slowly than it rose. The Mexican government no longer publishes data on organized crime-related homicides. However, the government reported the rate of all homicides in Mexico has declined by 30% since 2012 (roughly 15% in 2013, and another 15% in 2014). Although murder rates have diminished, the incidence of other violent crimes targeting Mexican citizens, such as kidnapping and extortion, has increased through 2013 and stayed elevated. Notably, questions about the accuracy of the government's crime statistics persist. Former President Calderon made his aggressive campaign against the DTOs a defining policy of his government, which the DTOs violently resisted. Operations to eliminate DTO leaders sparked organizational change that led to significantly greater instability among the groups and continued violence. Since his inauguration in December 2012, Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto has faced an increasingly complex crime situation. The major DTOs have fragmented, and new crime groups have emerged. Meanwhile, the DTOs and other criminal gangs furthered their expansion into other illegal activities, such as extortion, kidnapping, and oil theft, and the organizations now pose a multi-faceted organized criminal challenge to governance in Mexico no less threatening to the rule of law than the challenge that faced Pena Nieto's predecessor. According to the Pena Nieto Administration, 93 of the 122 top criminal targets that their government has identified have been arrested or otherwise "neutralized" (killed in arrest efforts) as of May 2015, although Guzman's escape confounds that achievement. Congress remains concerned about security conditions inside Mexico and the illicit drug trade. The Mexican DTOs are the major wholesalers of illegal drugs in the United States and are increasingly gaining control of U.S. retail-level distribution through alliances with U.S. gangs. This report provides background on drug trafficking and organized crime inside Mexico: it identifies the major DTOs, and it examines how the organized crime "landscape" has been significantly altered by fragmentation.

Details: Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service, 2015. 37p.

Source: Internet Resource: R41576: Accessed July 28, 2015 at: https://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/row/R41576.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Mexico

URL: https://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/row/R41576.pdf

Shelf Number: 136160

Border Patrol
Border Security
Drug Cartels
Drug Trafficking
Drug-Related Violence
Organized Crime

Author: Coyne, John William

Title: Strategic Intelligence in Law Enforcement: Anticipating Transnational Organised Crime

Summary: Law enforcement strategic intelligence theory and practice has developed slowly as a result of intelligence-led policing methodologies and police cultural resistance. The implementation of "intelligence-led policing" - one of the most widely supported police management methodologies - has focused on tactical implementation of intelligence support. As a result, most law enforcement intelligence research, as well as organizational and professional intelligence doctrine, has had a sharp tactical focus which has centred on information collection, collation and sense-making at the street and case level. Since the late 1980s, law enforcement agencies have become increasingly aware that their capabilities have been surpassed by the number of criminal acts and their increasing complexity. This issue has been particularly evident with regards to transnational organized crime (TOC). Organised crime activities and interests have rapidly expanded from being localised, then nationalised, followed by regionalised and finally globalised making the threat that TOC poses to national and regional security significantly greater. This increased threat has been accompanied by an increase in the complexity of TOC structures and activities. Globally law enforcement agencies have experimented with, developed and implemented a range of police management methodologies to move from responsive to proactive paradigms in response to developments in the crime environment - especially TOC. The application of strategic intelligence in law enforcement has been viewed by some justice policy professionals and senior police officers as the means by which decision-making on strategy setting and policy, using incomplete or complex data sets, can be made more objective. In this context intelligence is used to make "sense" of the sheer volume of information now available. This becomes increasingly important in an age where the role of police has morphed from a simplistic response and enforcement activity to one of managing human security risk. The primary research question which guided this thesis was "How can strategic intelligence be used to support law enforcement decision-makers in preventing, detecting, disrupting, and investigating transnational organised crime". This research was underpinned by an interpretivist theoretical perspective. The research methodology allowed for the selection of an explorative approach, using case studies that then permitted the development of a new strategic intelligence framework. The complexity of the variables involved and the selected exploratory approach necessitated the use of multiple data collection methods incorporating a multi-disciplinary theoretical framework. This framework allowed for the use of inductive reasoning in theory development. It also highlighted the need to undertake a comparative approach that utilised historical and archival research, case study analysis and the application of triangulation given its capacity to provide a better understanding of strategic TOC intelligence. The thesis develops a hybrid conceptual model for strategic intelligence in law enforcement, which explains how strategic intelligence interacts and influences police management processes. The research provides an understanding of the impact of strategic intelligence across the range of strategic responses to transnational organised crime and the implications this has for police management and intelligence theory.

Details: Brisbane: Queensland University of Technology, School of Justice, 2014. 313p.

Source: Internet Resource: Dissertation: Accessed July 29, 2015 at: http://eprints.qut.edu.au/71394/2/John_Coyne_Thesis.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Australia

URL: http://eprints.qut.edu.au/71394/2/John_Coyne_Thesis.pdf

Shelf Number: 136165

Intelligence Gathering
Intelligence-Led Policing
Organized Crime
Police Management

Author: Australian Crime Commission

Title: 2013-14 Illicit Drug Data Report

Summary: The Australian Crime Commission's Illicit Drug Data Report, now in its 12th edition, informs Australia's understanding of the illicit drug threat and focuses our collective efforts by bringing together data from a wide range of sources into the one unique report. Serious and organised criminals are at the centre of the Australian illicit drug market. Motivated by greed and power, many of these groups and individuals use the illicit drug market as their primary income stream, profiting from the misery illicit drugs inflict on the nation. Targeting illicit drug importation, production and distribution is a focus of the Australian Crime Commission and its partners. In 2013-14, law enforcement agencies recorded more than 93 000 illicit drug seizures, with a combined weight of 27 tonnes and more than 110 000 arrests. These figures are all the highest on record. While this is testament to the vigilance and achievements of law enforcement in combating the illicit drug trade, it also demonstrates the continued prevalence of drugs in our society and the need for a collective approach. All illicit drug activity is a concern for law enforcement and the wider community. But in my 38 years in law enforcement, I have never seen a substance as destructive as methylamphetamine, particularly crystal methylamphetamine (ice). Methylamphetamine is wreaking havoc in every state and territory. It is ruining lives, families and communities. We are now seeing demand for methylamphetamine in areas where the drug has not previously been a significant issue. This includes urban and rural areas and disadvantaged communities where it is having a destructive impact. Seizures in 2013-14 include a record 10 tonne seizure of benzaldehyde - a chemical used to make methylamphetamine. If not seized, this chemical could have been used to produce up to 4.5 tonnes of methylamphetamine - this equates to an estimated 45 million individual street deals, with an estimated value of $3.6 billion. More than 740 clandestine laboratories were detected this reporting period. Add that to the previous two reporting periods and that's more than 2 300 labs detected. These are dangerous, with many of the chemicals used hazardous and corrosive in nature, posing significant risk to the community and the environment. While the methylamphetamine market is the primary concern, there was also a number of records reported across other drug markets. These include a record number of national amphetamine-type stimulant seizures and arrests, a record number of national cannabis arrests, a record number of national cocaine seizures and arrests, a record number of national steroid seizures and arrests, a record number of national hallucinogen arrests and a record number of national other opioid seizures. The Illicit Drug Data Report 2013-14 provides governments, law enforcement agencies, policy makers, academia, interested stakeholders and the community with a robust statistical picture of the Australian illicit drug market.

Details: Canberra: Australian Crime Commission, 2015. 228p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 29, 2015 at: https://crimecommission.gov.au/sites/default/files/IDDR-201314-Complete_0.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Australia

URL: https://crimecommission.gov.au/sites/default/files/IDDR-201314-Complete_0.pdf

Shelf Number: 136228

Drug Abuse and Addiction
Drug Abuse and Crime
Drug Enforcement
Drug Markets
Illicit Drugs
Organized Crime

Author: Anderson, Bridget

Title: Forced Labour and Migration to the UK

Summary: The disaster in which 21 Chinese migrants died picking cockles in the treacherous tides off Morecambe Bay in February 2004 has led to increased public awareness of the abusive employment relations and poor living conditions of many migrants working in the United Kingdom. Press coverage of these issues can adopt a very mixed tone. On the one hand the migrants involved are depicted as 'victims' working in Dickensian conditions; the employers and ubiquitous gangmasters as morally reprehensible and, more often than not, foreign. On the other hand migrants are also frequently portrayed as persons benefiting from undeserved opportunities. However, this short exploratory report offers a new framework with which we might begin to discuss the problem of super-exploitation in the workplace, particularly that which affects migrant workers. The report begins by answering questions such as What are the indicators of forced labour? and Why do people become vulnerable to forced labour? Focussing on four sectors - agriculture, construction, care workers and contract cleaning - the report highlights issues such as health and safety, accommodation and subcontracting. A key finding is that future discussion must begin to separate the control of immigration and the protection of workers rights.

Details: Oxford, UK: Center on Immigration Policy and Society, and London: Trades Union Congress, 2004. 68p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 29, 2015 at: http://www.ituc-csi.org/IMG/pdf/Forced_labour_in_UK_12-2009.pdf

Year: 2004

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.ituc-csi.org/IMG/pdf/Forced_labour_in_UK_12-2009.pdf

Shelf Number: 136229

Forced Labor
Human Rights
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: Ellis, Clare, ed.

Title: Disrupting Organised Crime: Developing the Evidence Base to Understand Effective Action

Summary: Organised crime is a threat to national security. Indeed, the National Security Strategy has identified it as a tier two priority risk. Organised crime undermines the integrity of our financial system and threatens our economic prosperity; human trafficking challenges the security of our borders, while various forms of organised criminality directly facilitate terrorist activity. Organised crime is equally a serious concern for local policing. A previous conference in this series highlighted the ways in which extremism undermines community cohesion; organised crime has a similar impact, causing significant harm to the communities it touches. The importance of tackling organised crime is clear, but without the means to analyse our impact, it is difficult to determine which policies, strategies or operational tactics are effective. The scale and complexity of this challenge is further amplified by the focus of the Serious and Organised Crime Strategy on 'relentless disruption', meaning that any metric must be able to measure the impact of a diverse range of tactics. Without this evidence base, how can we allocate increasingly scarce resources efficiently? These fundamental issues were the driving force behind this conference. The challenge is complex, but the era of Big Data analytics offers new opportunities that are worth exploring.

Details: Swindon: Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) and London: Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), 2014. 84p.

Source: Internet Resource: ST FC/RUSI Conference Series No. 5: Accessed July 29, 2015 at: https://www.rusi.org/downloads/assets/201411_STFC_Serious_Organised_Crime_Web_final.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: United Kingdom

URL: https://www.rusi.org/downloads/assets/201411_STFC_Serious_Organised_Crime_Web_final.pdf

Shelf Number: 136233

Human Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: Financial Action Task Force

Title: Money laundering and terrorist financing risks and vulnerabilities associated with gold

Summary: Gold provides an alternative means for criminals to store or move their assets as regulators implement stronger anti-money laundering and counter terrorist financing measures to protect the formal financial sector from abuse. The joint FATF-Asia/Pacific Group on Money Laundering report, money laundering / terrorist financing vulnerabilities associated with gold, identifies the many features that make gold attractive to criminals to use as a vehicle for money laundering: it has a stable value, it is anonymous and easily transformable and interchangeable. The highly lucrative gold market also presents proceed-generating opportunities for criminals at each stage, from mining to retailing. Understanding what makes gold - like other precious metals and stones, such as diamonds - attractive to criminals to legitimise their assets and to generate profits is essential in identifying this sector's money laundering and terrorist financing risks. This report provides a series of case studies and red flag indicators to raise awareness of the key vulnerabilities of gold and the gold market, particularly with anti-money laundering/ countering the financing of terrorism practitioners, and companies involved in the gold industry.

Details: Paris: FATF, 2015. 42p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 29, 2015 at: http://www.fatf-gafi.org/media/fatf/documents/reports/ML-TF-risks-vulnerabilities-associated-with-gold.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: International

URL: http://www.fatf-gafi.org/media/fatf/documents/reports/ML-TF-risks-vulnerabilities-associated-with-gold.pdf

Shelf Number: 136240

Money Laundering
Organized Crime
Precious Metals
Terrorist Financing

Author: Gramizzi, Claudio

Title: Tackling illicit small arms and light weapons and ammunition in the Great Lakes and the Horn of Africa

Summary: Following a decision of the Council of the European Union on 27 February 2012, a two-year project on 'Supporting EU-China-Africa dialogue on conventional arms control' was launched on 5 June 2012. Implemented by Saferworld, together with the China Arms Control and Disarmament Association and the Africa Peace Forum the project was aimed at enhancing dialogue between the African, the Chinese and the European civil society and research communities on conventional arms control and the struggle against illicit proliferation and circulation of small arms and light weapons (SALW) through the creation of an 'Africa-China-EU Expert Working Group on conventional arms' (EWG) and its activities. During the project, the EWG, made up of nine high-profile arms control and non-proliferation experts from Africa, China and Europe, acted as a driving force to facilitate dialogue, dissemination of information and research, and to share ideas and expertise among its members and relevant partners on issues related to the illicit proliferation and circulation of SALW and conventional military equipment in Africa, with a specific focus on the Great Lakes and Horn of Africa region of the continent. The main objective of this working paper is to provide an assessment of the threats posed by the proliferation and illicit circulation of SALW and their impact on security and social-economic development in the countries of the Great Lakes and Horn of Africa; to illustrate the outcomes of the EWG activities and experiences; to highlight lessons learnt during the meetings and consultations held within the EWG and with relevant partners in Africa, China and the EU; and formulate recommendations regarding ways to maximise the results obtained over the two-year period of the project, and how this might be used to inform future work through Africa-China-EU tripartite cooperation in the area of SALW and arms control.

Details: London: Africa Peace Forum, China Arms Control and Disarmament Association, Saferworld, 2014. 34p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 30, 2015 at: http://www.saferworld.org.uk/resources/view-resource/838-tackling-illicit-small-arms-and-light-weapons-and-ammunition-in-the-great-lakes-and-the-horn-of-africa

Year: 2014

Country: Africa

URL: http://www.saferworld.org.uk/resources/view-resource/838-tackling-illicit-small-arms-and-light-weapons-and-ammunition-in-the-great-lakes-and-the-horn-of-africa

Shelf Number: 136279

Arms Trafficking
Illicit Trade
Organized Crime

Author: Fraschini, Giorgio

Title: Illicit Assets Recovery in Italy.

Summary: Transparency International Italy (TI -It), in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce of Naples, presents today, February 27th, the report "ILLICIT ASSETS RECOVERY IN ITALY - Enhancing Integrity and Effectiveness of Illegal Asset Confiscation" at the Chamber of Commerce in Naples. The report is the result of a research carried out within the European project "Enhancing Integrity and Effectiveness of Illegal Asset Confiscation - European Approaches" ( www.confiscation.eu), commissioned and funded by the European Commission. Transparency International Italy participates in the project along with two other national chapters of Transparency International: Transparency International Romania and Bulgaria. The cooperation among European partners is even more important now in light of the resolution adopted by the European Parliament two days ago in order to facilitate the confiscation proceedings and the cooperation among national authorities of EU Member States. The Italian report digs into our illicit assets confiscation system, through a detailed analysis of the legislation, interviews and statistics. It investigates the weaknesses of the system and also promotes practical recommendations. Considering the urgency of fighting corruption in Italy, confiscation of assets coming from illegal activities, such as corruption, becomes crucial, because it has both a punitive and preventive value. "Italian legislation reflects this duality, which is almost a unique worldwide: Italy has in fact both a criminal and preventive system of confiscation" - researchers Chiara Putaturo and Giorgio Fraschini say - "The strong precautionary power of confiscation lies mainly in the re-use of assets for social purposes. If properly implemented , it has a high educational and exemplary value for the entire community". Maria Teresa Brassiolo, Past President of Transparency International Italy, highlights one of the main risks: "Unfortunately, most confiscated companies are not efficiently managed. This must to be solved immediately. The weakness or the closure of legal businesses can create a strong negative image of a context where criminal organisations can run their activities and create jobs, hiding the dark side of illegality, such as tax evasion, labour and insurance violations. Criminals, at the same time benefit, without paying, from infrastructure , schools, hospitals, which are finanaced by citizens and legal firms". TI-It offers a list of recommendations: - A consolidated act of law on confiscation - Speeding up judicial and assignment procedures - Strengthening of the National Agency for the administration and the assignment of the goods seized and confiscated from criminal organizations - Computerising the system - Immediate availability of funds recovered through the sale of movable assets to support the effective management of immovable assets and companies - allocation and efficient use of resources of the Justice Unique Fund for the management of seized companies, too - Involvement of expert with managerial skills - Implementation of the support units at the Prefectures - Establishment of a monitoring system

Details: Naples: Transparency International Italia, 2013. 68p.

Source: Internet Resource: Enhancing Integrity and Effectiveness of Illegal Asset Confiscation - European Approaches" project report: http://www.transparency.bg/media/cms_page_media/141/NationalReport_TI-IT_en_Illicit_Assets_Recovery_in_Italy.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Italy

URL: http://www.transparency.bg/media/cms_page_media/141/NationalReport_TI-IT_en_Illicit_Assets_Recovery_in_Italy.pdf

Shelf Number: 136290

Asset Forfeiture
Financial Crimes
Organized Crime

Author: Australian Crime Commission

Title: Serious and Organised Investment Fraud in Australia

Summary: Serious and organised investment fraudsters target Australian investors with promises of high investment returns, using 'cold call' techniques and backing up their claims with fraudulent websites to which the criminals can direct unsuspecting investors. This type of fraud involves the illegal and often aggressive selling of worthless or overpriced shares. It is generally highly organised, spans multiple jurisdictions and uses sophisticated technology. This type of fraud also involves non-compliance with share-listing requirements, making fraudulent statements to shareholders and using false identities. Serious and organised investment frauds place high pressure on people to take up the investment offer. Typically based off shore, these investment frauds use the internet to conduct their illegal operations. They are incredibly sophisticated and very difficult for even experienced investors to identify.

Details: Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology, 2012. 43p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 3, 2015 at: https://www.crimecommission.gov.au/sites/default/files/SOIFA_Report_030812.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Australia

URL: https://www.crimecommission.gov.au/sites/default/files/SOIFA_Report_030812.pdf

Shelf Number: 136291

Financial Crimes
Fraud and Corruption
Internet Crimes
Investment Fraud
Organized Crime

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

Title: Criminal Justice Response to Wildlife and Forest Crime in Cambodia: A Rapid Assessment

Summary: The Kingdom of Cambodia is a land rich in biological diversity, home to unique and rare species of flora and fauna. It is the most ethnically homogenous country in South East-Asia with 94% of its 15.5 million population made up of Ethnic Khmer. It is bordered by Vietnam, Thailand and Lao PDR and it is a royal monarchy governed by the Cambodian People's Party. The Cambodian government and people have made tremendous advances rebuilding the social infrastructure that was so devastated by decades of war. This growth has been fuelled by international aid and the exploitation of their natural resources, both flora and fauna. In particular the Cambodian forests have undergone extensive commercial logging over the last 30 years with forest cover dropping from 72% in 1973 to 46% in 2013. The percentage of timber products in 2011 was an estimated production volume of 50,000m3 of sawn-timber minus 25,000m3 of reported export timber, which clearly indicates that the domestic market consumes about 50% of the total production. Companies exporting wood products must obtain an export license usually valid for one year based on the sales contract. The export systems adopted in Cambodia, also, include the inspection of products that can be ultimately traced to the exporter and production mill, through export documentation such as PC-IMEX, export permits and export licenses. This exploitation has resulted in the extinction of some species and the reduction in others to such a degree as to make any trade in them illegal. Several flora and fauna species indigenous to Cambodia are now afforded protection under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). These species include high value timber species such as Dalbergia cochinchinensis commonly known as Siamese Rosewood (Appendix II) and fauna species such as the Tiger (Appendix I), Leopard (Appendix I), Clouded Leopard (Appendix I) Elephant (Appendix I), Sun Bear (Appendix I), Banteng (Appendix I), Pangolin (Appendix II) and the iconic Irrawaddy Dolphin (Appendix I). Despite protection under CITES, national laws, Royal Decrees and Prime Ministerial Sub Decrees there is growing evidence that transnational organised crime groups are continuing to target high value timber species in Cambodia and adjoining countries, particularly Thailand. Illegal logging and timber smuggling are a high reward but risky criminal activity which have resulted in armed confrontations, casualties and several deaths among rangers and smugglers. It is not only Cambodia's forests that have been exploited. Many of Cambodia's fauna species have also been targeted and continue to be subjected to illegal trafficking to feed markets in China and Vietnam. Recent seizures point to transnational organised crime groups targeting Cambodia as a transit point for ivory and rhino horn from Africa. The objective of this study therefore is to determine what role the criminal justice system in Cambodia plays in combating the illegal trade in timber and wildlife. In order to coherently achieve this goal, this report relayed primarily on qualitative research methods applying an inductive interpretivist approach, by adopting a series of methods of data generation. This information, empirical and statistical, has been obtained through a variety of sources which include both primary - in the form of structured interviewing techniques - and secondary sources, i.e. publications, articles, government documents. Although a variety of sources, and consequently conclusions and recommendations, will be presented at the end of this study, this report aspires to analyse the role of the criminal justice system in combating the illegal trade in timber and wildlife with a view to engage the Government of Cambodia to improve its performance. There has been careful consideration in the selection of the studied documents with regards to the origins in order to obtain a diverse range of material and at the same maintain a constructive dialogue with the Government. Ultimately, one must also acknowledge that establishing a methodology with the aim of assessing the criminal justice system in Cambodia is problematic within itself and a process susceptible of bias as influenced by numerous assumptions. The political commitment to use criminal justice resources to target the illegal exploitation and trade in timber and wildlife crime is one of the starting points for this country analysis. Criminal justice systems deal with multiple crimes and face considerable public and political pressure on a range of issues. Prioritising interventions is in practice the mechanism that criminal justice actors use to meet large demands with limited resources. The issue of political will is of great relevance too given on-going accusations of wide spread corruption and the protection of wildlife and timber smuggling by those, including political leaders and senior officials, who profit from it. For the purposes of this report "Wildlife and Forest Crime" refers to the taking, trading (supplying, selling or trafficking), importing, exporting, processing, possessing, obtaining and consumption of wild fauna and flora, including timber and other forest products in contravention of national or international law. This study has analysed the framework of responses to crime as defined by national laws.

Details: Vienna: UNODC, 2015. 38p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 3, 2015 at: https://www.unodc.org/southeastasiaandpacific/en/regional-programme/toc/environmental-crime.html

Year: 2015

Country: Cambodia

URL: https://www.unodc.org/southeastasiaandpacific/en/regional-programme/toc/environmental-crime.html

Shelf Number: 136295

Illegal Logging
Natural Resources
Offenses Against the Environment
Organized Crime
Wildlife Crime
Wildlife Trafficking

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

Title: Criminal Justice Responses to the Illegal Trade in Timber in Vietnam

Summary: A third of South East Asia is covered by forests and Asia as a whole accounts for 18 per cent of total global forested areas. This substantial resource has attracted considerable attention from national and international institutions, civil society and analysts, all concerned by the rate at which the forest is legally and illegally felled. Most discussions have focused on these threats from an ecological standpoint while, until recently, less attention has being given to assessing this depletion as a result of criminal activity. There is however growing evidence that sophisticated criminal operations are contributing to a significant degree to forest exploitation. As more laws and regulatory frameworks are applied to manage the remaining forests in a sustainable way, and in the context of the on-going demand for timber, this is a challenge which is likely to grow rather than diminish. The objective of this study therefore is to determine what role criminal justice system in Viet Nam is playing in the struggle against the illegal trade in timber. It is based on a series of field visits to the country, a review of the available primary and secondary data, as well as interviews with key interlocutors. Interviews were mainly conducted with key players of the criminal justice system such as prosecutors, police, customs and environment/forestry officials involved in law enforcement. Whenever possible interviews were conducted at the level of officers in charge of investigations. In parallel, interviews were conducted with representatives of International Organizations and Civil Society. The results of the study were presented to the Government of Viet Nam during the workshop Good Governance and the threats of Transnational Organized Crime in the forestry sector, organized by UNODC in Hanoi on 14 October 2013. This report is primarily concerned with the illicit exploitation of timber within forest areas and its movement and then trafficking across borders for profit. These activities often exist in the grey area between clandestine and legitimate business activities. For the purposes of this report then the broad term "illegal timber trade" will be used to refer to the illicit movements (often transboundary) of illegal and quasi-legal timber and wood products. When used in the report, the term "forest crime" refers to a broader set of criminal activities against flora and fauna in forest areas. In this formulation, the illegal trade in timber is a subset of forest crime. For the purpose of this study no specific analysis has been conducted to identify a common and internationally acceptable notion of "illegal timber". This study has simply analyzed the framework of responses to crime as defined by national laws. The political commitment to use criminal justice resources to target the illegal exploitation and trade in timber is one of the starting points of the country analysis. The criminal justice system deals with multiple crimes and face considerable public and political pressure on a range of issues. Prioritising interventions is in practice the mechanism that criminal justice actors use to meet large demands with limited resources. The issue of political will is of great relevance too given on-going accusations of level corruption and the protection of illicit logging by those, including political leaders and senior officials, who profit from it. While criminal justice systems are designed in theory to respond to all crimes, the purpose of this report is to map out as far as possible the processes in which forest crimes are detected, investigated and prosecuted - and by whom. The latter question is critical: the crime of timber exploitation and trafficking falls in the purview of multiple departments and effective coordination between them is crucial for success. Examining the different inter-linkages between the agencies involved, the report aims at stimulating a wider debate as to how the system may be assisted by external actors. The recommendations of the report are aimed at national policy makers, but also at generating a wider discussion as to how criminal justice interventions could play a more effective role in curbing the illegal exploitation and trafficking of timber. The opening section of the report introduces briefly the extent of the illicit timber trade in South East Asia and some of the challenges that have been associated with controlling it. It then provides a short overview of the key issues and mechanisms through which the criminal justice system could play a more important role in the response to the illicit timber trade. The main body of the report is constituted by the country study. This is followed by a series of concluding recommendations.

Details: Vienna: UNODC, 2013. 44p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 3, 2015 at: http://www.unodc.org/documents/southeastasiaandpacific//Publications/wildlife/CJS_Response_-_VIETNAM_01_13_Dec_201.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Vietnam

URL: http://www.unodc.org/documents/southeastasiaandpacific//Publications/wildlife/CJS_Response_-_VIETNAM_01_13_Dec_201.pdf

Shelf Number: 136297

Illegal Logging
Illegal Trade
Offenses Against the Environment
Organized Crime

Author: Haahr, Kathryn

Title: Addressing the Concerns of the Oil Industry: Security Challenges in Northeastern Mexico and Government Responses

Summary: This case study analyzes the Mexican Government's response to recent threats to and attacks against energy infrastructure and personnel in Tamaulipas and Veracruz. The government is addressing the issue of cartel-induced violence in Tamaulipas and Veracruz by mobilizing security frameworks for newly established and existing state law enforcement entities and the Military. The security arrangements, that include policing of major ports and protecting Pemex facilities and operations, should help the oil and gas industry to better absorb the financial risks to its business operations.

Details: Washington, DC: Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 2015. 21p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 4, 2015 at: http://www.wilsoncenter.org/sites/default/files/Addressing%20the%20Concerns%20of%20the%20Oil%20Industry_0.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Mexico

URL: http://www.wilsoncenter.org/sites/default/files/Addressing%20the%20Concerns%20of%20the%20Oil%20Industry_0.pdf

Shelf Number: 136309

Drug Cartels
Drug-Related Violence
Infrastructure Security
Oil Industry
Organized Crime

Author: Edwards, Charlie

Title: On Tap: Organised Crime and the Illicit Trade in Tobacco, Alcohol and Pharmaceuticals in the UK

Summary: The illicit trade in tobacco, alcohol and pharmaceuticals is often more attractive to organised criminals than, for example, drug trafficking, given that it is a low-risk and high-value activity. The high profit margins associated with illicit trade are used to fund other criminal activities - a fact not widely understood by the British public. The true scale of the illicit trade in the UK is hard to determine, but not impossible to measure. On Tap is the culmination of a twelve-month study on illicit trade conducted in three regions of the UK - the northwest, east and southwest of England. It provides the first in-depth investigation of the intersection of organised crime and illicit trade in tobacco, alcohol and pharmaceuticals, and suggests a number of steps the government and other actors should take to combat the problem.

Details: London: Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies, 2014. 79p.

Source: Internet Resource: Whitehall Report 3-14: Accessed August 5, 2015 at: https://www.rusi.org/publications/whitehallreports/ref:O54DB446798BA2/

Year: 2014

Country: United Kingdom

URL: https://www.rusi.org/publications/whitehallreports/ref:O54DB446798BA2/

Shelf Number: 136330

Illegal Products
Illegal Tobacco
Illicit Trade
Organized Crime

Author: European Interdisciplinary Analysis Project

Title: Criminal Money Management as a Cutting Edge between Profit Oriented Crime and Terrorism.

Summary: The strategic orientation of the LKA NRW is adjusted to the future. In this concept it is essential, in particular with respect to the fight against organised criminal groups and terror organisations to act jointly and across national borders - with newest methods like the so-called scenario-technique, to come to a better "pre-thinking" of the criminal future. Once more the LKA NRW sets an initiative in this direction. Beginning in December 2005, the LKA NRW, in cooperation with EUROPOL, the University of Ghent and Turkish National Police (TNP) conducted the inter-disciplinary analysis project EDGE with financial support of the EU `AGIS` funding. In the project, on the one hand the scenario method was examined regarding its usability as an instrument for future oriented strategic planning on the field of law enforcement. On the other hand, the field of `Criminal Money Management` as a cutting EDGE between profit oriented crime and terror-ism was chosen as a relevant topic to conduct this examination. As a result, future scenarios and future robust strategic recommendations were developed. The unique collection and analysis of actual international money flows with an illegal background in Europe and Turkey and the interdisciplinary cooperation of experts from the banking sector, criminological science and law enforcement with a harmonized result have, among others, to be regarded as the relevant outputs of the project.

Details: Ghent, Belgium: Ghent University, Institute for International Research on Criminal Policy, 2005. 125p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 5, 2015 at: http://www.csd.bg/fileadmin/user_upload/Countries/Germany/EDGE_Final_Results.pdf

Year: 2005

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.csd.bg/fileadmin/user_upload/Countries/Germany/EDGE_Final_Results.pdf

Shelf Number: 136331

Money Laundering
Organized Crime
Terrorist Financing

Author: Renard, Thomas

Title: Partners in crime? The EU, its strategic partners and international organised crime

Summary: Organised crime is a major security challenge. Recognising the importance of this challenge, the European Union (EU) has acquired more competences in the area of justice and home affairs (JHA) over the last years and has become more active in the fight against organised crime, not only internally but also externally. Although the EU remains a modest player at the global level, it has become an interlocutor, and sometimes even a partner, in terms of combating various dimensions of organised crime, including drug-trafficking. This paper focuses specifically on the EU's cooperation with its strategic partners on international crime-related issues. First, it describes organised crime as a security challenge, particularly to Europe. It then reviews the EU's strategic approach to cope with this challenge, and how it is implemented. Subsequently, the paper looks at the EU's cooperation with its strategic partners against organised crime, with a view to assessing the general effectiveness of these partnerships. This paper concludes that many strategic partnerships are still under-delivering, but most of them hold large potential for further cooperation.

Details: Madrid: Fundacion para las Relaciones Internacionales y el Dialogo Exterior, European Strategic Partnerships Observatory, 2015. 32p.

Source: Internet Resource: Working Paper 5: Accessed August 5, 2015 at: http://eulacfoundation.org/en/system/files/Partners%20in%20crime%20The%20EU%2C%20its%20strategic%20partners%20and%20international%20organised%20crime.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: International

URL: http://eulacfoundation.org/en/system/files/Partners%20in%20crime%20The%20EU%2C%20its%20strategic%20partners%20and%20international%20organised%20crime.pdf

Shelf Number: 136332

Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: Jago, Sue

Title: Gathering evidence of the sexual exploitation of children and young people: a scoping exercise

Summary: The original aim of the scoping exercise was to focus on the investigation process. However, almost half the areas included in the exercise were 'just starting out' to establish a multi-agency response to child sexual exploitation which includes challenging offenders. Local partnerships that are developing expertise in building successful prosecution cases initially face significant organisational issues. As a result the key messages from the scoping exercise address these issues as well as those directly related to the gathering of evidence, disruption plans and building cases for prosecution. The key findings are set out below and grouped under headings that reflect the way the report has been organised: A multi-agency approach Existing guidance1 on tackling child sexual exploitation makes clear the importance of a proactive and coordinated approach to tackling perpetrators. This section relates to the delivery of these objectives through a multi-agency partnership: - in many areas there was evidence of a lack of focus on the proactive investigation of the perpetrators of child sexual exploitation. Child protection units have been traditionally reactive but the move to inclusion in the work of PPUs is helping to develop a more proactive approach - recognising the link between missing children and vulnerability to sexual exploitation enhances the criminal justice response - raising the priority of investigating child sexual exploitation is likely to require resources as well as reorganisation - an appropriate allocation of resources to child sexual exploitation is likely to require the introduction of relevant performance indicators - the involvement of voluntary sector specialist projects in multi-agency partnerships is invaluable for the delivery of intervention packages but requires the support of the LSCB - the most robust organisational response is a dedicated unit with co-located staff - in other models the development of a virtual team and the appointment/identification of a child sexual exploitation coordinator supports effective partnership working. The foundation for effective evidence gathering Difficulties with translating information into viable evidence has been a barrier to securing prosecutions. This section relates to ways to improve the gathering, sharing and recording of information as a basis for building a case against a perpetrator: - information sharing protocols based on child protection are likely to require adaptation to meet the needs of early intervention and investigation in cases of child sexual exploitation - identifying risk factors and addressing them through early intervention demonstrates care for the young victim and builds trust to enable exploitation to be challenged - specialist agencies, particularly if seen to be non-statutory, are well placed to build trusting relationships with young victims and their parents and carers - providing support from first referral to post conviction, and beyond age 18 where required, can prevent re-victimisation and is more likely to be provided by a non-statutory specialist agency - a child sexual exploitation coordinator, working with points of contact in each agency, provides a focal point for collating information and has been a turning point for building successful cases against perpetrators - a wide range of agencies needs to be involved, including those who have not traditionally seen evidence gathering against perpetrators of child sexual exploitation as part of their role - support from the CPS to raise awareness about collecting and preserving information in an evidentially viable way can be crucial to building a sound prosecution case data collection systems for missing persons can be useful for collating information on child sexual exploitation - intelligence systems not only support individual investigations but also enable areas to map local activity to identify 'hotspots' and other common factors, and can contribute to a national picture of trends. Developing a disruption plan Disruption is not necessarily a fall-back position. Developing a disruption plan can prevent children and young people at risk from becoming involved in exploitative relationships, and can help both victims and perpetrators to recognise the criminal nature of such relationships: - coercive relationships are difficult to dislodge without a disruption plan abduction warnings can be an effective way to sever contact between victims and perpetrators - there is scope for greater use of police powers and court orders including SOPOs and RSHOs - there is scope for increasing cooperation with other enforcement agencies to disrupt the process of exploitation. Preparing a prosecution case This was at the heart of the scoping exercise. The main issue to be addressed was the general reluctance of young people to recognise or report exploitation, and the consequent difficulties of relying on their evidence: - sexual exploitation is a form of child abuse but it raises unique issues as it involves particularly challenging young people who often do not recognise the coercive nature of their relationships - creative investigative techniques help to corroborate the evidence of chaotic and/or reluctant young victims and witnesses - a key worker approach provides the best support for young people during the investigation and prosecution process - more effective outcomes are achieved where there is an early meeting between the police and the CPS - child sexual exploitation strategies can be strengthened by discussing with the CPS how to integrate their policy on prosecuting criminal cases involving children and young people.

Details: Luton, UK: University of Bedfordshire, 2008. 49p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 5, 2015 at: http://www.beds.ac.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0018/40824/Gathering_evidence_final_report_June_08.pdf

Year: 2008

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.beds.ac.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0018/40824/Gathering_evidence_final_report_June_08.pdf

Shelf Number: 113966

Child Sexual Abuse
Child Sexual Exploitation
Criminal Investigation
Organized Crime

Author: Mills, Hannah

Title: Understanding Organised Crime: Estimating the scale and the social and economic costs

Summary: Understanding the costs of organised crime to the UK is an important priority, as discussed in "Local to Global: Reducing the Risk from Organised Crime" (HM Government, 2011). Estimates of the scale and social and economic costs of organised crime help us set policy and law enforcement priorities and highlight the relative potential benefits of different ways of tackling organised crime. The current research improves estimation methods, discusses a wider range of data, and ultimately provides a considerably broader and more detailed picture of the scale and costs of organised crime to the UK than has previously been available. - The social and economic costs of organised crime to the UK amount to many billions of pounds. Drugs supply ($10.7 billion), organised fraud ($8.9 billion) and organised immigration crime types ($1.0 billion) have major impacts on the UK, and other less visible crimes also cause substantial harm. This report outlines evidence on organised acquisitive crime types; organised child sexual exploitation; counterfeit currency; drugs supply; organised environmental crime; firearms; organised fraud; organised immigration crime; organised intellectual property crime; and organised wildlife crime, which all cause damage to the UK. - The scale of organised crime markets is considerable and the report considers the scale of a range of crime types including drugs, organised fraud and organised immigration crime which clearly generate substantial criminal revenues. Other organised crime types such as organised acquisitive crime, counterfeit currency, and organised intellectual property crime and others are also assessed, as these also provide substantial criminal revenues. - The report takes a cautious approach and applies high standards to the data; data is only included where there is a strong degree of confidence in accuracy.

Details: London: Home Office, 2013. 137p.

Source: Internet Resource: Research Report 73: Accessed August 6, 2015 at: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/246390/horr73.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: United Kingdom

URL: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/246390/horr73.pdf

Shelf Number: 131868

Cost Effectiveness
Economics of Crime
Organized Crime

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. Independent Evaluation Unit

Title: Counteracting Human Trafficking in Brazil

Summary: The technical cooperation project on Counteracting Trafficking in Persons in Brazil (AD/BRA/05/S25) aimed to improve the institutional capacity of the country in dealing with the domestic and international trafficking of persons and its related human rights violations. The primary objective was to coordinate the Federal Executive government and subnational governments in the formulation and development of a national policy and plan to curb trafficking in persons. This project, which was proposed to cover the period between 2007 and 2010, was extended to 2011. This independent evaluation was conducted at the request of the UNODC regional office and the Brazilian government, between November and December 2011 (with field missions in Brasilia and Sao Paulo). It relied on in-depth interviews with stakeholders and documentary research to evaluate the quality of project concept and design; effectiveness; efficiency; effectiveness; relevance; sustainability; impact in achieving its planned objectives; results (whether planned or not). The evaluation also intended to provide policy recommendations to the UNODC and the Brazilian government and indentify lessons learned for other countries willing to scale up anti-human trafficking initiatives. Relevance. Because of the large territorial landscape, the improving economic conditions and population vulnerability (in some regions as the North), Brazil serves as an origin, transit and destination of trafficking victims. Brazil's Congress and the Executive government ratified the 2000 UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and its additional protocols in 2003 and 2004, respectively. Although this was an important step in anti-human trafficking initiatives, Brazil had little experience in responding to this problem. In this sense, the collaboration with the UN through the Project S25 was crucial to strengthen the institutional capacity to deal with human trafficking by coordinating initiatives at Federal level and between states and by disseminating knowledge on counteracting human trafficking. Quality of design. The main actors engaged in the project design in 2006 were the National Secretariat of Justice (SNJ) and the UNODC. The objectives were formulated according to previous studies/diagnostics at the request of both institutions. Additionally, the project was sensitive to successful local experiences but also to the overall guidelines of the UNODC (prevention, prosecution and assistance to the victims). The original project provided a detailed list of expected outcomes and products. However, these were unsatisfactory in terms of clarity and means of verification. It is important to recall that, until then, Brazil had little experience in developing a response to this social problem. On the other hand, despite the UNODC capacity of aggregating experiences from other settings, the global response was under development. Thus, best practices to respond to this social problem were being constructed at that time. Efficiency of implementation and quality of management. In 2009, there was an important reformulation of some outputs to adjust to the evolution of Brazil's response and the international guidelines. For instance, increasing the participation of Brazil's resources and the exclusion of "smuggling of migrants" in the title (to align it with international standards). The disbursement of resources increased steadily over the years and delays were related to challenges of implementation. These referred to constant changes in project coordination and to the fact that the Brazilian government has limited the activities to be funded with international cooperation's resources. The financial execution of the project was constantly monitored by the UNODC, the Office of Comptroller General (CGU) and the SNJ. Despite minor improvements required on financial implementation, CGU's audit reports clearly stated that there were adequate internal control mechanisms. Nevertheless, monitoring reports of the project's activities were unsatisfactory given its poor description of activities implemented and its briefness. Effectiveness. The project was decisive to diffuse knowledge on this theme among subnational governments by training local professionals and police officers, but also to the media through an aggressive awareness campaign at the airports. The project also sponsored important events related to trafficking in humans in Brazil, such as the presentation of the UN Global Report on Trafficking in Persons and a meeting of the network of professionals working on this issue in 2010. In addition, the project facilitated the participation of civil society in these events (e.g. through transportation) and in the formulation of the national plans (e.g. development of a methodology of public consultation). However, there is still a necessity to foster the training of professionals when assisting the victims and knowledge of federal police officers. Lastly, Brazil is yet to promote a mass awareness campaign to inform the general population (e.g. the Blue Hearth campaign has not been promoted within the country to date). Finally, the proposed database integrating information from different services on human trafficking (assistance to the victims and criminal investigations) is yet to be fully implemented. Impact and sustainability. There was a general consensus among stakeholders that the project was crucial in order to place human trafficking on the agenda of the Ministry of Justice, promote knowledge about this issue within different levels of government and empower civil society groups. There are reasons to believe that Brazil will continue and expand these initiatives: the second national plan was developed and there are signs of commitment of subnational governments to respond to trafficking (12 states have implemented centres to refer victims, while 5 municipalities have created unities in the airports to identify possible victims among deported citizens). Finally, the findings of this independent evaluation suggest that project S25 was crucial to strengthen Brazil's capacity in dealing with this social problem. It is reasonable to infer that, by initiating prevention and assistance to the victims and control and punishment to the offenders, Brazil has limited the channels of this criminal activity and sent a strong message to other countries on how to curb it. Based on the information provided by the stakeholders and desk review findings, this evaluation recommends that it is necessary to: continue to strengthen the training of professionals working at the centres and unities, implement mass awareness campaigns such as the Blue Heart Campaign, foster the debate on the necessity to expand the legislation on human trafficking, encourage studies to diagnose and map the extent of this problem in Brazil, and improve the progress reports and monitoring mechanisms (e.g. mid-term evaluations).

Details: Vienna: UNODC, 2011. 56p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 7, 2015 at: http://www.unodc.org/documents/evaluation/ProEvals-2009/ProEvals-2010/ProEvals-2011/S25_Report_FINAL-FINALrev.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Brazil

URL: http://www.unodc.org/documents/evaluation/ProEvals-2009/ProEvals-2010/ProEvals-2011/S25_Report_FINAL-FINALrev.pdf

Shelf Number: 136344

Human Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. Independent Evaluation Unit

Title: Law Enforcement Capacity Building in the Fight against Illicit Drug Trafficking in Selected Countries in West Africa

Summary: This Report provides an independent evaluation of UNODC project XAW/U53, entitled "Law Enforcement Capacity Building in the Fight against Drug Trafficking in Selected Countries in West Africa". This project is a direct response to one of the main thematic priorities of the ECOWAS Political Declaration end resulting "Regional Action Plan to Address the Growing Problem of Illicit Drug Trafficking, Organized Crime and Drug Abuse in West Africa, 2008-2011". The project was implemented by UNODC in 2009-2011, with the support of the Government of Italy. The project objective was to build enhanced capacity of law enforcement agencies to combat illicit drug trafficking to and from beneficiary states, i.e. Guinea Bissau, Mali, Sierra Leone and Senegal. On the basis of preliminary assessment missions conducted in July 2009 beneficiary countries clearly expressed the need for the project to focus on the financial crimes component of drug trafficking and TOC, i.e. money laundering. This would enable the project to usefully complement other assistance initiatives that very much focus on law enforcement capacity building, by providing added value when investigating drug trafficking and organized crime cases. The implementing activities consisted essentially of specialized training and were complemented with the delivery of IT and office equipment to the beneficiaries. An independent evaluation was initiated upon completion of project activities. It consisted of a desk review of relevant documents, followed by a field mission that took place from 10 October to 4 November 2011. The purpose of this evaluation was to assess the impact of project activities, as well as to draw lessons from project implementation and make recommendations. Those could be the basis for instituting improvements when planning, designing and managing UNODC technical assistance in the interrelated fields of law enforcement capacity building, countering drug trafficking and anti money laundering.

Details: Vienna: UNODC, 2011. 46p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 7, 2015 at: http://www.unodc.org/documents/evaluation/ProEvals-2009/ProEvals-2010/ProEvals-2011/XAW_U53_Final_Report_rev3.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Africa

URL: http://www.unodc.org/documents/evaluation/ProEvals-2009/ProEvals-2010/ProEvals-2011/XAW_U53_Final_Report_rev3.pdf

Shelf Number: 136345

Drug Trafficking
Money Laundering
Organized Crime
Police Training

Author: Gaspar, Roger

Title: Establishment of Interagency Law Enforcement Mobile Groups in Kyrgyzstan: Counter-narcotics enforcement

Summary: This project was a three year plan to create small interagency mobile law enforcement groups called MOBITs based in south Kyrgyzstan to increase resources in the difficult border region with Tajikistan to interdict drug trafficking into the country. The concept included certain key ideas: interagency composition to enhance the cooperation between agencies and as a counter corruption component, special vetting and bonus payments to ensure a high level of integrity within the teams and training in special investigation techniques to expand their capacity for operations. The teams were also intended to participate in enhanced intelligence collection and analysis, improve the qualitative and quantitative information and knowledge within Kyrgyzstan on the extent of various types of crime and to engage in collaboration with law enforcement agencies of neighbouring and other countries. How they were to do this was poorly addressed. The teams were provided with vehicles, a separate base and advanced strongholds in the difficult border areas and the project implied a flexible rapid deployment when required and the ability to initiate operations from their own information sources. It appears to have been assumed that the provision of a correctly trained and resourced team was sufficient to achieve a new level of impact against drug trafficking and organised crime but a lack of development of information sources undermined the concept. The formal objectives were: Objective 1: Improve national interdiction results and investigative capacity Output 1 - establishment of joint mobile interdiction teams Output 2 - Enhancement of intelligence analysis/investigative capacity of the joint mobile interdiction teams Objective 2: Ensure integrity and sustainability of joint mobile interdiction teams Output 1 - system in place for the constant monitoring of integrity of mobile teams Output 2 - Mechanism for self-sustainability of joint mobile interdiction teams under development The project commenced in late 2007 after some procedural delays and concluded at the end of 2010. The initial host agency for the MOBIT teams was the Drug Control Agency and under their aegis and that of this project, four teams were constructed, based in Osh in southern Kyrgyzstan with advanced strongholds in Alay, Aidarken and Batken. Equipment and training was funded or provided the donor or CENTCOM on a bi-lateral basis. Initial results of interdiction were slow and at the mid term review in 2009, concern was expressed over performance levels. No issues were, however, raised over integrity. In late 2009, the then President, President Bakiyev abolished the DCA (the host agency) and transferred the MOBIT resources into the Ministry of Interior. As the independence of the Units had been an important aspect of the project and was thus compromised, the project was suspended at the request of the donor. In March, 2010, MOBITs were formally moved into the newly created Chief Department on Counter Drug Trafficking of the Ministry of the Interior and a request for the reinstatement of the project was accepted. Subsequently in August, 2010, President Otunbaeva established the new State Service on Drug Control and the MOBIT resources were to be moved from the MoI to the SSDC. This process of movement was slow and indeed some resources are not yet recovered. Following a further project revision, support was continued until the closure of the project at the end of December, 2010. The impact of the changes in host agency means that at the end of the project, there were no active MOBIT teams. The SSDC is, however, in the process of reconstructing the teams and approximately one third of the personnel have now been inducted. It is no fault of the project that the host agencies were changed. The implication for the evaluation is that most key interlocutors were no longer available and that the evaluation had to proceed by taking stock of what had been achieved under the DCA and MoI and what is planned under the SSDC. The evaluation found justification for the concept of interagency mobile teams that had been specially vetted and secured against corruption and the need for arrangements for a counter narcotics team to operate in the restricted border area. However, the value of confining such a special team to interdictions within the border area is not supported. Such a team is unique within Kyrgyzstan and can have a broader value. In this context it is interesting to note that while under DCA control, they were deployed, inter alia, on controlled deliveries indicating that they were at least from time to time operating in a broader role. The concerns over performance identified at the mid year review in 2009 are valid. MOBIT teams recovered only 6.6% of the total annual national heroin seizures in 2008, 7.7% in 2009 and 19.4% in the first seven months of 2010. Overall, seizures for the whole country fell between 2008 and 2010. This is a disappointing performance in the context of the project objectives for improving national interdiction results and in relation to the MOBITS is considered to be linked to the disappointing outcome of the aspirations of this project to enhance the intelligence and analysis ability of the teams. The objective to enhance the intelligence and analysis ability is entirely in the right direction. Drug trafficking is a highly skilled clandestine activity with few visible opportunities for law enforcement. Investments in the development of new sources of information, dedicated analysts and active management are essential to provide the opportunities for skilled teams such as MOBITs. However, the MOBIT teams are small units, their training has concentrated on special investigative techniques and it is doubtful if they had the capacity for developing the kind of enhanced intelligence collection and analysis envisaged in the project document. This was something better intended for development with the host agency - in which the MOBIT teams should obviously participate. Without better sources of information, it is difficult to see how the MOBIT teams could deliver the higher level of interdiction expected and whilst this was not articulated, it is assumed the principle behind the project concept was that there was either ample information waiting to be acted upon or once the threat of corruption was removed, there would be no shortage of information from which the MOBITs could benefit. Whether this is a correct deduction of the thinking at the time of the project concept, the reality has been that insufficient information appears to be available to lift the MOBIT teams to a new level of performance. Since the SSDC is currently rebuilding the MOBITs as envisaged in the project document, this will be an issue to be addressed.

Details: Vienna: UNODC, 2011. 60p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 7, 2015 at: http://www.unodc.org/documents/evaluation/ProEvals-2009/ProEvals-2010/ProEvals-2011/kgz_i75_establishment_of_interagency_law_enforcement_mobile_groups_in_kyrgyzstan_rev.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Kyrgyzstan

URL: http://www.unodc.org/documents/evaluation/ProEvals-2009/ProEvals-2010/ProEvals-2011/kgz_i75_establishment_of_interagency_law_enforcement_mobile_groups_in_kyrgyzstan_rev.pdf

Shelf Number: 136346

Drug Enforcement
Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: Obokata, Tom

Title: North-South Irish Responses to Transnational Organised Crime: Research Report of Findings

Summary: This project was funded by the Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC) for the duration of two years (2012-2014). Its main objective was to critically analyse the extent to which Northern Ireland and Ireland have been successful in implementing effective action against transnational organised crime, including the observance of relevant human rights norms and principles, with particular reference to cross-border co-operation. The core research team consisted of Professor Tom Obokata (Principal Investigator), Dr Brian Payne (Research Fellow), and Professor John Jackson (Consultant). The project was overseen by an advisory board of stakeholders from both jurisdictions, representing agencies such as the Police Service of Northern Ireland, An Garda Siochana, the Department of Justice Northern Ireland, the Department of Justice and Equality in Ireland, the Organised Crime Task Force in Northern Ireland, HM Revenue & Customs, the Committee on the Administration of Justice, and the Irish Council for Civil Liberties. They provided advice on the direction of the project and identified relevant stakeholders for in-depth interviews. The research team would like to express its immense gratitude to the members of the advisory board for their support and guidance throughout the research cycle. Before the initiation of the project, the following research questions were identified: - How is organised crime defined in Northern Ireland and Ireland? Do the definitions adopted by both jurisdictions reflect the regional or international standards? If not, why not? - What are the key law enforcement strategies and measures being adopted in these two jurisdictions, including those relating to protection and promotion of human rights? - What provision is there to facilitate cross-border co-operation? - What are the factors affecting the effective prevention and suppression of organised crime? Are these factors common to both jurisdictions or particular to one? - What challenges are posed to the protection of the human rights of those suspected of organised crime and its victims as well as the general public? - Is there a strong link between organised crime and terrorism, particularly in Northern Ireland? Are the law enforcement responses adequate to address this nexus? - In light of the devolution of powers relating to criminal justice and policing in Northern Ireland, what are the key challenges facing authorities from both jurisdictions, particularly in relation to cross-border co-operation? - How are the regional (EU law) and international (UN Convention) standards implemented in practice at the national level? This final report provides answers to these research questions. In order to facilitate maximisation of impact, it also highlights numerous examples of good practice and recommendations for further consideration. Many issues discussed in this report also have wider implications beyond the island of Ireland, and it is hoped that relevant stakeholders and scholars in other jurisdictions find it useful. In relation to research methodologies, the bulk of the research was based on a desktop analysis (literature survey) of relevant national, regional, and international legislation, reports published by governmental and non-governmental organisations, and national/international cases, as well as academic literature on the subject. This desktop work was significantly supplemented by a series of semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders. The research team was granted unprecedented access to key law enforcement agencies, civil society organisations, and the legal profession in both jurisdictions, allowing it to interview over 90 stakeholders. The research team is extremely grateful to everyone who kindly offered his/her time to be interviewed as well as to the advisory board for their assistance in identifying interviewees. This report is divided into several sections. Section 1 starts with an analysis of the legal and nonlegal definitions of organised crime adopted in Northern Ireland and Ireland. Section 2 examines the legislative frameworks relating to three forms of organised crime: human trafficking, drug offences, and fiscal/excise fraud. Section 3 continues with an analysis of law enforcement practice. The major focus was placed upon the use of special investigative techniques which facilitate intelligence-led law enforcement, including surveillance and interception of communications, and provisions for formal and informal cross-border co-operation. In Section 4, issues relating to criminal proceedings and confiscation of criminal proceeds-such as trial without jury, evidential matters, and civil recovery-are explored. Section 5 looks at prevention initiatives implemented by both jurisdictions. Finally, in Section 6, appropriate benchmarks to measure the effectiveness of action against organised crime are proposed.

Details: Keele, UK: Arts & Humanities Research Council, Keele University, 2014. 88p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 7, 2015 at: http://www.keele.ac.uk/law/research/researchprojects/respondingtotransnationalorganisedcrimeintheislandofireland/AHRC%20OC%20Project%20Final%20Report.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.keele.ac.uk/law/research/researchprojects/respondingtotransnationalorganisedcrimeintheislandofireland/AHRC%20OC%20Project%20Final%20Report.pdf

Shelf Number: 136347

Border Security
Organized Crime

Author: Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime

Title: Organized Crime: A Cross-Cutting Threat to Sustainable Development

Summary: The international community has become increasingly aware of the extent to which organised crime serves as a spoiler of sustainable development. This realisation has been enshrined in a number of seminal reports. In 2005, the report of the United Nations (UN) Secretary-General, "In Larger Freedom," which identified the challenges preventing the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), highlighted organised crime as one of the principle threats to peace and security in the 21st century. The 2010 "Keeping the Promise" report of the Secretary-General recognised that in order to achieve the MDGs, there would need to be capacity to respond specifically to organised crime. The World Development Report 2011 concluded that both conflict and organised crime have the same detrimental effect on development, resulting in 20% less development performance. As such, combatting organised crime and promoting greater economic and social resilience to its most deleterious impacts has become an integral part of the 2012 "Action Agenda" of the Secretary-General, as a priority for achieving a stable world. While organised crime is not a new phenomenon, the spread, impact and forms of organised crime in the modern world are unprecedented. The effects of organised crime are being felt in fragile and developed nations alike, and in many parts of the world, organised crime creates the very conditions that allow it to thrive, resulting in a self-perpetuating cycle of insecurity and diverted development. In fragile states and in situations of peacebuilding and state consolidation, organised crime is an increasing threat. In a number of theatres, criminal groups and illicit flows have been proven to fund conflict and perpetuate violence and insecurity. It is widely recognised, for example, that illicit trafficking and organised crime played a pivotal role in reducing the credibility of the government and financing armed groups that prompted the collapse of the state in Mali in 2011. More recently in Libya, organised crime and the armed groups that perpetrate it are having a decisive impact on the country's development, undermining transitions to stability, obstructing the functioning of central state institutions, holding the democratic process hostage, disenfranchising citizens and increasing the insecurity and life chances of communities. Organised crime and related corruption have been seen to reach up to the highest levels of government and the state, impacting stability, governance, development and the rule of law. Even in what are considered strong and prospering states, organised crime has a serious corrosive effect. A number of recent studies in Africa, for example, have demonstrated that while much of the continent is admired for its active civil society and free media, there is a very real danger of internal decay as organised crime and the associated corruption undermine state institutions. Weaknesses in public and private structures can result in the diversion of resources away from critical infrastructure and governmental services, including the provision of health, education and social welfare. Poverty and inequality are associated with increases in organised crime, not least in relation to human trafficking, smuggling of counterfeit goods, the production of illicit crops, and everyday extortion and bribery. Prominent examples of these insidious relationships are visible in Central and South America; South, West and North Africa; and areas of Eastern Europe, where a combination of drug cartels, transnational gangs, money laundering entities and public entities are colluding with critical effects on human security and development. Moreover, there is a growing body of anecdotal evidence of the myriad ways organised crime negatively impacts the environment, such as by destroying biodiversity, threatening key species, or reducing the sustainability of ecosystems. In dealing with fisheries and marine ecosystems, addressing the problem of large-scale illegal fishing has become more urgent than other research priorities. In fields like sustainable forestry, a substantial proportion of development assistance is being diverted through illegal logging. Drug trafficking has also been a cause of deforestation of large portions of the Amazon and the Isthmus of Panama.

Details: Geneva, SWIT: The Initiative, 2015. 96p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 7, 2015 at: http://www.globalinitiative.net/download/global-initiative/Global%20Initiative%20-%20Organized%20Crime%20as%20a%20Cross-Cutting%20Threat%20to%20Development%20-%20January%202015.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: International

URL: http://www.globalinitiative.net/download/global-initiative/Global%20Initiative%20-%20Organized%20Crime%20as%20a%20Cross-Cutting%20Threat%20to%20Development%20-%20January%202015.pdf

Shelf Number: 136348

Illicit Goods
Offenses Against the Environment
Organized Crime
Sustainable Development

Author: Council of Europe. Committee of Experts on the Evaluation of Anti-Money Laundering Measures and the Financing of Terrorism (MONEYVAL)

Title: Typologies Report on Laundering the Proceeds of Organised Crime

Summary: 1. The project to examine the laundering methods used by organised crime (OC) was approved by the 41st MONEYVAL Plenary in April 2013. It was agreed that the project team should examine the methods used by organised criminal groups to launder illegally earned profits and should try to assess potential regional vulnerabilities. It was also agreed that trends, methods, red flags and indicators, the means of identification and analysis of organised crime money flows should all be addressed in the report in order to enhance the capabilities of competent authorities in such cases. 2. Two expert meetings were held in the context of this research: the inaugural meeting of delegations was organised in October 2013 in Strasbourg; this was followed by a second meeting, bringing together prosecutors and judges in May 2014 in San Marino. 3. The reason for conducting this research is the recognition that OC presents one of the major threats to the Rule of Law in Europe and globally. A large percentage of all the criminal proceeds that are laundered world-wide are laundered by or on behalf of OC. 4. The report highlights a number of significant challenges to the effective investigation and prosecution of laundering the funds derived from organised crime and achieving final confiscation of assets. Some of these problems arise due to a lack of resources or relevant expertise, some due to reluctance of prosecutors in some jurisdictions to tackle difficult cases and some are caused by the very nature of the laundering techniques themselves. The main problems identified were: - Lack of financial, accounting and IT expertise; - Intelligence gaps; - Lack of adequate risk analysis; - Inadequate domestic coordination; - Failure to use the full range of powers and practices available; - The perception of some prosecutors that they have always to identify a specific predicate offence from which the proceeds are derived for a successful 3rd party prosecution; - Reluctance of prosecutors to tackle difficult cases; - Delay in applying provisional measures rendering any subsequent confiscation orders less effective; - Transnational transactions and difficulties caused by mutual legal assistance; - Exploitation of new technologies by organised crime groups; - Lack of transparency of corporate vehicles. 5. The report sets out a number of recommendations on measures that jurisdictions can adopt in order to improve the investigation and prosecution of OC-related ML and the final confiscation of their criminal proceeds. In particular, the report highlights the need to make full use of the powers available to investigators and prosecutors. The recommended measures include: - Ensuring that there is more high-level commitment to prosecuting OC ML and pursuing deterrent confiscation orders in those cases; - Including any special issues raised by OC in the ML national risk assessment; - Ratifying the Warsaw Convention and implementing the revised Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Recommendations 2012 (in particular Recommendation 30 (Responsibilities of law enforcement and investigative agencies)); - Focusing on confiscation; - Focusing on third party money laundering; - Making full use of FIU powers and expertise; - Using financial profiling, trained specialists and expert witnesses; - Developing national cooperation, coordination and feed-back and improving domestic information exchange; - Expediting international information exchange; - Increasing the transparency of information on the real owners of companies and trusts; - Improving financial supervision; - Utilising media campaigns, particularly in relation to the risks of persons being exploited unintentionally by OC as money mules. 6. The report draws conclusions on trends from the responses received. It is noted that OCGs will in practice use all available means to launder the proceeds of crime and have the ability to adapt quickly to changing law enforcement and AML/CFT environments. Nonetheless, a number of particular trends were identified, including exploitation of poorly regulated financial institutions and DNFBPs, as well as an increasing use of international transactions by OCGs. The main trends are, however, mostly typical of money laundering generally, but specifically in the OC context include: - Exploitation of poorly regulated sectors; - Development of transnational infrastructures to launder funds; - Use of legal persons to hide criminally derived funds; - Use of professionals; - Use of new technologies. 7. The report assesses some of the techniques that have proved successful in investigating and prosecuting the laundering of the proceeds from OC and achieving final confiscations. The analysis considers risk identification as a strategic starting point, ways of detecting potential OC-related transactions (both at the level of FIUs and LEAs), the analytical processes involved, financial investigations and financial profiling and also covers challenges to and best practices for the achievement of convictions and confiscations. 8. It appears that OC and ML are rarely analysed at a strategic level by decision-makers together in jurisdictions. The report suggests that a better collective understanding of the OC vulnerabilities and threats is critical for those who are responsible for overall resource allocation for investigation and prosecution of OC cases. 9. The ability of the reporting entities themselves to detect OCG-related funds for reporting purposes seems limited. Financial institutions rely typically on the information available on the internet or from public and commercial databases. 10. At the FIU level, in order to identify potential OCG indicators, the analysts mostly rely on the number of persons involved in suspicious transaction reports (STR). There are no distinctive procedures for OCG-related STRs but, when recognised, such cases are prioritised and analysed in more detail. 11. Financial investigations are always a key element in ML cases, whether the proceeds result from OC activities or not. This survey revealed that, when deciding upon the initiation of parallel financial investigations, there are no differences between an organised crime case and any other case. 12. In some jurisdictions, the criteria for initiation of a parallel financial investigation is provided by legislation and can be activated automatically in proceeds-generating cases. In other jurisdictions the decision is taken by investigators and prosecutors on a case-by-case basis. There are no special investigative powers dedicated to financial investigations carried out in OC cases. The report concludes that wider use of the power to monitor bank accounts and/or to postpone transactions should increase effectiveness in the asset tracing and freezing processes. 13. One useful tool in asset recovery which has been identified is the use of financial profiles. These are descriptions of the investigated persons' licit income compared with their expenditure and lifestyle. Building such profiles can better assist the authorities to identify unexplained wealth. Nonetheless, such profiles are not routinely conducted in OC financial investigations. In some jurisdictions they are made exclusively in the pre-trial stage and do not always constitute admissible evidence. In order to create accurate profiles, LEAs may need access to a variety of information held by others, including Tax, Customs and the FIU. In some jurisdictions this access is on-line; in others formal requests to another authority need to be made. 14. There appears to be a direct link between the international element of ML cases related to OCG, and the duration of the investigation and prosecution processes. These processes frequently become prolonged because of delays in receiving responses to mutual legal assistance requests. The report notes that prosecutors may sometimes request mutual legal assistance, where the evidence required may be capable of proof in other ways, through the more focused use of domestically available circumstantial evidence. 15. In order to increase timeliness and success of prosecutions, some jurisdictions have introduced special courts and/or prosecutors' offices as part of the judicial system, which have nationwide competences and jurisdiction for a series of specific offenses. This system has the advantage of reducing the possibility of local influence and corruption and deepening specialisation of judges and prosecutors in OC-related cases. 16. The report found that various FIUs and other LEAs, with long-standing experience in the ML area (including in its OC component), are capable individually of addressing the issues related to the fight against the legalisation of OC profits, but that often these efforts are fragmented and the overall outcome is limited. The report identifies obstacles in this area. Some of the most frequently noted difficulties related to obtaining evidence from abroad (especially from offshore jurisdictions) and to the continuing lack of transparency of the ownership of investigated corporate vehicles. The complexity of the financial flows which can be involved create particular challenges for investigators and prosecutors. 17. On a more positive note, valuable tools for OC asset tracing, freezing and confiscation were identified in the course of the research. These include exploitation of the analysis by the FIUs, use of FIU powers (monitoring of transactions, postponement), and use of financial profiling techniques. In addition, the more active use of Joint Investigations Teams (JITs) in appropriate transnational OC investigations is recommended. 18. The report identifies that some jurisdictions achieve success in autonomous ML cases without the necessity to establish precisely from which predicate offenses the laundered property comes. These cases are usually based on inferences drawn from facts and circumstances. This is particularly helpful in OC cases. However, the survey also indicated that there still remains resistance in many jurisdictions to challenging the courts with these types of autonomous and stand-alone cases. The report explains some of the jurisprudence in England and Wales on autonomous and stand-alone ML that has been followed in several other jurisdictions. The case studies also describe some of the successes that have been achieved following this line of jurisprudence. It is strongly recommended that more jurisdictions challenge their courts with cases based on this line of jurisprudence where there are OC connections. 19. The infiltration of financial institutions by OC through corruption (or by other means) is sometimes associated with identified criminal activities, such as illicit waste disposal, trafficking in endangered species, illegal investment in real estate projects, the facilitation of illegal immigration, drug and weapons trafficking, document counterfeiting and crimes which can be facilitated only with the authorisations of local or national administrations. While the incidence of this finding is not measured, it is considered that jurisdictions where the above-mentioned predicate offenses are prevalent, should be more alert to the risks of OC infiltrating financial institutions for ML purposes. 20. Finally the report focuses on typologies of ML cases where OC proceeds were laundered. It appears that the most common proceeds-generating crimes are of a financial nature (all forms of fiscal frauds, including tax evasion and internet-related frauds). The survey revealed that the FIUs' capacity and expertise in financial analysis is underused by law enforcement.

Details: Strasbourg: COE, 2015. 93p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 7, 2015 at: http://www.coe.int/t/dghl/monitoring/moneyval/Typologies/MONEYVAL(2015)20_typologies_launderingtheproceedsoforganisedcrime.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.coe.int/t/dghl/monitoring/moneyval/Typologies/MONEYVAL(2015)20_typologies_launderingtheproceedsoforganisedcrime.pdf

Shelf Number: 136350

Asset Forfeiture
Criminal Investigations
Financial Crimes
Money Laundering
Organized Crime

Author: European Commission. Centre for Strategy and Evaluation Services

Title: Study to Support an Impact Assessment on Options for Combatting Illicit Firearms Trafficking in the European Union

Summary: The purpose of the study was to: - Analyse the current legal framework in all Member States including the definitions of specific offences relating to firearms trafficking, the sanctions, the liability of legal and natural persons and the notions of intent, negligence and aggravating or mitigating circumstances; - Analyse the implementation of the above-mentioned offences in practice and identify possible obstacles in police and judicial cooperation due to the existence of different legal systems; - Make recommendations as to the advisability of the approximation of certain offences and sanctions and suggest specific provisions if appropriate. The purpose of this study was to provide DG Home with information required for the Impact Assessment to determine the most appropriate policy option within the context of possible changes to the 2008 Directive. The research involved desk research to examine legal frameworks and other information, a survey of key stakeholders, an interview programme, and three workshops covering the Benelux countries, Baltic States and the Western Balkans, Austria and Hungary, which were attended by representatives from a total of 11 Member States. 2. Main Conclusions The study's main findings and conclusions are summarised below under three sub-headings - the problem of illicit firearms trafficking, existing legal frameworks to combat illicit arms trafficking, and policy objectives and evaluation of policy options. 2.1 The problem of illicit firearms trafficking Overall, the research confirms that Europe faces a serious illicit firearms trafficking problem. This is a problem in its own right but also as an important factor contributing to other criminal activities such as drugs smuggling and human trafficking as well as terrorist-related activities that threaten the security of EU Member States and their citizens. Trafficked firearms also contributes to increased lethality of criminal violence by adding to firearms availability. The nature and scale of illicit firearms trafficking in the EU is difficult to assess given the hidden nature of the problem. Two approaches could be used - a broad indicator based on the number of unregistered firearms and a narrower measure based on firearms seizures - but they give widely differing estimates (there are 67 million unregistered firearms in the EU or 79% of the 81 million total licit and illicit firearms; seizures are estimated to account for around 1% or 81,000 of the total). The first of these approaches is likely to be very much an overestimate of the quantity of illicit firearms whilst the second calculation is almost certainly an underestimate. Informed estimates by national enforcement authorities or other institutions using various other methodologies are illuminating but also unreliable. The conclusion is that the illicit firearms trafficking cannot be estimated precisely and only quantified in terms of a broad range. Notwithstanding the methodological complications in measuring the phenomenon, most of the literature suggests however that illicit arms trafficking takes place on a considerable scale. In many respects, the scale of the illicit firearms trafficking problem is usefully measured by the number of firearms-related homicides. It is estimated that illicit firearms trafficking has been directly responsible for at least 10,000 firearms-related deaths in EU Member States over the past decade. Some other estimates (e.g. by the UNODC) put the deaths at a higher level than this (around 1,200 p.a.). Availability of firearms during violent incidents tends to substantially increase the lethality of injuries. In addition to murders committed by individuals, illegally-held firearms are often used by organised crime groups to coerce and to intimidate their victims. Moreover, the use of illicit firearms in organised crime activities such as drug trafficking, prostitution, and money laundering leads to further deaths (e.g. from drugs use). Terrorists and extremists have also used illicit firearms to carry out attacks. Overall, the use of firearms is a significant destabilising factor in European societies. In terms of the drivers of illicit firearms trafficking, three main types of players can be identified on the demand and supply sides of the problem. On the demand-side, the illicit firearms end users of most concern are criminal or terrorist individuals and groups that procure firearms illegally to use in the pursuit of their goals. Secondly, traffickers and other intermediaries are involved in the actual trafficking of firearms either for profit or other reasons (e.g. being linked to a criminal conspiracy). Lastly, on the supply-side, suppliers are individuals and organisations that provide a source of illicit firearms (either intentionally or unintentionally) who are again likely to be motivated by financial considerations, at least where the act of supplying illicit weapons is intentional. The main sources of illegal weapons in the EU are the reactivation of neutralised weapons, burglaries and thefts, embezzlement of legal arms, legal arms diverted to the illegal market, firearms retired from service by army or police, and the conversion of gas pistols. Most illicit firearms originate from cross-border trafficking, often from outside the EU. Since the early 1990s, the firearms illicitly trafficked have originated from three main sources that have replaced each other: first of all the former Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact bloc were a source of illicit firearms due to the fall of the iron curtain; then, during the wars of Yugoslav succession, the Western Balkans became an important source of illicit firearms; and more recently, North Africa has superseded the former, with a pool of weapons available and following some of the main drug trafficking routes into the EU. According to Europol, the amount of heavy firearms and Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) in circulation in the EU seems to satisfy much of the demand at present and suppliers in south-eastern Europe have the capacity to meet any rise in demand in the foreseeable future. There is already extensive cross-border cooperation between EU Member States and their law enforcement agencies to combat illicit firearms trafficking. Whilst there are many examples of successful operations to intercept weapons before they can be used, there are also cases where police and/or judicial cooperation has been made more difficult because of differences in legal frameworks in different countries. There are also significant complications of tackling cross-border illicit firearms trafficking of a non-legal nature. 2.2 Existing legal frameworks to combat illicit arms trafficking At present, there are significant differences with regard to EU Member States' legal frameworks for combatting illicit firearms trafficking. This applies to the definition of offences, the types and levels of penalties applicable to legal and natural persons, the treatment of aggravating or mitigating circumstances, and the factor of negligence and degrees of intent. International and EU legal frameworks that have a bearing on illicit firearms trafficking are broadly defined and leave signatories with considerable discretion on how key provisions are implemented. Example provisions on the criminalisation of illicit firearms trafficking are included in the UNODC's Model Law. However, the Model Law itself has no binding force on EU Member States. What is more, to leave a 'margin of discretion' for national legislators to implement the instruments in the most appropriate manner in line with their legal traditions, neither the Model Law clauses nor the other international or EU instruments are prescriptive as regards the various legal elements of an illicit firearms trafficking offence. Similarly, the relevant provisions of the UN Programme of Action on Small Arms and Light Weapons and the Firearms Protocol to the UN Convention on Organised Crime also leave considerable scope for discretion on these matters. As a result of the different legal histories and cultures and the non-prescriptive approach at international/EU level, there is a diversity of legal frameworks in relation to illicit firearms trafficking at the national level. Differences exist with regard to the definition of offences, penalties and sanctions, the existence of aggravating or mitigating circumstances and the possibility of a negligent illicit firearms trafficking offence. Other important issues where there are differences relate to the ways in which firearms trafficking offences are prosecuted (as mere possession in some instances) and seizure in transit (and tracing issues). However, divergences in national legislation are not per se a rationale for EU intervention. The relevant issue is whether, pursuant to Article 83(1) TFEU, there is a need to establish minimum rules concerning the definition of criminal offences and sanctions in the area of illicit firearms trafficking with a cross-border dimension resulting from the nature or impact of this offence or from a special need to combat such trafficking on a common EU basis. Minimum, EU-wide rules on illicit firearms trafficking would have the benefit of reducing legal uncertainty produced by these divergences for national police and investigating authorities, facilitate prosecutions, ensure that criminals are unable to exploit loopholes, and reduce incentives for criminals forum shop between EU jurisdictions. The research indicates that divergences do indeed affect cross-border police and judicial cooperation - and that, given the intrinsically cross-border nature of illicit firearms trafficking, there is a strong need to combat the offence on an EU-wide basis. However, the evidence also suggests that practical issues such as lack of resources, conflicting policy priorities (for example with anti-terror legislation) and lack of enforcement of existing laws are equally significant impediments to cross-border efforts to combat illicit firearms trafficking than differences in national legislation in this area. Feedback from the research indicates that cooperation between the police and other law enforcement agencies on cross-border cases is generally good, if often cumbersome and dependent on the quality of networks of contacts. However, at the judicial stage, e.g. in seeking permission for controlled deliveries or asking for a prosecutor to take up a case following an investigation, these differences in legal frameworks can cause complications. In considering any EU initiative, however, it should be acknowledged that there are likely to be political sensitivities in approximating some elements of the illicit firearms trafficking offence given that questions of aggravating or mitigating circumstance, sanctions and penalties, and the factor of negligence and degrees of intent touch on fundamental principles of criminal law at the national level. 2.3 Policy Objectives and Evaluation of Policy Options The overall policy objectives of any new EU-level initiative should be to help Member States to combat illicit firearms trafficking more effectively and by doing so, enhancing the common area of freedom, security and justice. More specific goals include deterring criminal offences related to firearms, improving cooperation between law enforcement authorities in preventing detecting, disrupting, investigating and prosecuting illicit arm trafficking; and providing a model which can be promoted in discussions with third countries on firearms risk reduction. Operational goals are defined as being to minimize the differences in definitions of firearms offences and levels of sanctions across the EU; to put in place a system for regular monitoring the effectiveness of efforts to disrupt firearms crime, and to further encourage the sharing of information and intelligence. Several Policy Options have been defined and assessed in the report. To summarize: - Policy Option 1: Status Quo - continuation of the current situation with no new EU intervention. - Policy Option 2(a): Non-legislative action - promoting closer collaboration between Member States rather than introducing new EU-level initiatives (although these may be necessary to promote close collaboration). This option would include non-statutory intervention, either as a first step or supporting action for implementing EU legislation in the future. - Policy Option 2(b): Minimum legislative intervention at the EU level - a minimum level of legislative intervention at EU level to strengthen cross-border cooperation between law enforcement agencies by making certain types of cooperation obligatory. - Policy Option 3: Comprehensive legislative solution at EU level - EU action to introduce legally-binding common minimum standards across Member States with regard the definition of criminal offences and their sanctions related to illicit arms trafficking and linked offences. - Policy Option 4 - Combination of legislative and non-legislative actions, i.e. Policy Options 2 and 3. In essence, Policy Option 1 entails a continuation of the status quo as defined in the problem assessment (this could mean a potential worsening of the problem caused by illicit firearms trafficking) with the 'advantageous effects' of Policy Options 2 and 3 being measured against this baseline. Because it is difficult to quantify what impact different Policy Options might have on the current level of illicit firearms trafficking, the assessment of the merits and drawbacks of different Policy Options is essentially qualitative. Drawing on the results of the analysis of expected financial and economic, social and other impacts, including the implications for fundamental rights, the conclusion is that Policy Option 4 (i.e. a combination of Policy Options 2 and 3) will have the most advantageous effect on the problem and on promoting EU policy aims. Policy Option 4 is therefore the recommended option.

Details: Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2014. 204p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 7, 2015 at: http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/home-affairs/e-library/documents/policies/organized-crime-and-human-trafficking/general/docs/dg_home_-_illicit_fireams_trafficking_final_en.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Europe

URL: http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/home-affairs/e-library/documents/policies/organized-crime-and-human-trafficking/general/docs/dg_home_-_illicit_fireams_trafficking_final_en.pdf

Shelf Number: 136351

Firearms Trafficking
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Weapons

Author: AsiaPacific Group on Money Laundering

Title: APS Typology Report on Trade Based Money Laundering

Summary: 1. Trade Based Money Laundering (TBML) was recognized by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) in its landmark 2006 study as one of the three main methods by which criminal organizations and terrorist financiers move money for the purpose of disguising its origins and integrating it back into the formal economy. This method of money laundering (ML) is based upon abuse of trade transactions and their financing. The 2006 FATF Study highlighted the increasing attractiveness of TBML as a method for laundering funds, as controls on laundering of funds through misuse of the financial system (both formal and alternate) and through physical movement of cash (cash smuggling) become tighter. 2. In recent years APG members have continued to highlight vulnerabilities for TBML, but very few cases investigations or prosecutions appear to have been undertaken in the Asia/Pacific region and very few case studies had been shared. 3. The APG's TBML study aims to build on the existing studies, in particular those of the FATF, in order to study the extent of the prevalence of TBML and highlight current methods, techniques and modus operandi for TBML as well as to identify 'red flags' to detect and respond to TBML. 4. In determining the magnitude of TBML, the study considered why so few cases of TBML have been detected since the FATF's 2006 study. The Paper has sought to clarify and furnish explanations for terms and processes of 'trade finance' which are comprehensible to Money Laundering (ML) investigators. 5. This Paper has focused on TBML occurring in the course of international trade in goods. The study does not include in its scope capital flight, tax evasion, trade in services and domestic trade. The features of the dynamic environment that distinguish TBML from other forms of ML are its occurrence through intermingling of the trade sector with the trade finance sector in cross- border transactions. The foreign exchange market and the long supply chain make international trade particularly vulnerable to TBML. 6. The study included circulation of a questionnaire to APG and FATF members seeking statistically significant indicators. The Paper sets out a number of Case Studies to illustrate trends of TBML. Simplified explanations of the terms and processes of trade finance have been attempted through interaction with the private sector. A brief review of the literature on the subject generated by the FATF, FSRBs and other authors has been made. 7. There is a growing concern on how the rapid growth in the global economy has made international trade an increasingly attractive avenue to move illicit funds through financial transactions associated with the trade in goods and services. TBML is a complex phenomenon since its constituent elements cut across not only sectoral boundaries but also national borders. The dynamic environment of international trade allows TBML to take multiple forms.

Details: Sydney: Asia/Pacific Group on Money Laundering, 2012. 93p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 7, 2015 at: http://www.fatf-gafi.org/media/fatf/documents/reports/Trade_Based_ML_APGReport.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Asia

URL: http://www.fatf-gafi.org/media/fatf/documents/reports/Trade_Based_ML_APGReport.pdf

Shelf Number: 136353

Financial Crime
Illegal Trade
Money Laundering
Organized Crime
Terrorist Financing

Author: European Commission. Directorate General Justice, Freedom and Security

Title: Study on "Best Practices in Vertical Relations between the Financial Intelligence Unit and (1) Law Enforcement Services and (2) Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Reporting Entities with a View to Indicating Effective Models for Feedback on Fol"

Summary: The objective of the study was to make an inventory on the provision of feedback between the Reporting Entities (REs), the Financial Intelligence Units (FIUs) and Law enforcement Authorities (LEAs). 25 Member States were visited and a large number of interviews were held. Feedback should be provided and received in the following ways: (1) Feedback should be received by the REs in reaction to the financial reports (STRs) the REs are legally obligated to send to the FIUs of the different Member States. (2) Feedback should be provided by LEAs to the FIUs in reaction on the dissemination by the FIU of financial information on the basis of the STRs received from the REs. The interviews of personnel from the REs, FIUs and LEAs indicated a level of feedback (FIU->RE) as generally recommended in the Best practice Guidelines on Providing Feedback, published in 1998 by the FATF. There are some new developments like indications on quality of STRs being fed back to the REs. The main forms of feedback between those entities (FIU->RE) are however still based on the recommendations of the FATF. Feedback in the 25 Member States consists mainly of general feedback (the organisation of AML-meetings, workshops, statistics, typologies, trends, sanitised cases etc.) and specific feedback (individual or case to case) on the outcome of specific STRs reported by the REs. This last form of feedback seems to be provided in an informal way in most Member States. Some forms of formal obligations to provide specific feedback between FIUs and LEAs and from the FIUs to REs were found in some Member States. It was also found that even if there was a formal obligation for LEAs and the FIU to provide feedback to each other and the REs, this not always meant that feedback was supplied to the REs. The general impression of the AML activities in relation to feedback within the Member States visited by the Team is that most Member States still rely on the "old" recommendations of the FATF (1998) on feedback. New ways to provide feedback are hardly developed. Good communication and information exchange with the REs is not sufficiently implemented in a lot of Member States. Contacts between reporting Entities and the FIU as well as Law enforcement authorities seem to have decreased in some Member States. "The number of meeting, conferences and training sessions have become less and less, AML information is not sent as frequently as in the past, the relation between FIUs, Reporting Entities and Law enforcement, in relation to the money laundering approach has cooled down". General Remarks like this by a number of REs seem to suggest a declining interest in AML activities. A possible explanation for this may be the lack of communication and cooperation within the AML chain (REs, FIUs and LEAs), continuous organisational changes that some institutions are facing, complicated AML legislation and lack of sufficient results in the form of ML convictions. Audits performed in some Member States on the effectiveness of AML Institutions showed few achievements in the fight against ML, and as a consequence, usually a reorganisation of the AML institutions was undertaken in some countries. Some examples of these changes are The Netherlands (2006 MOT to the FIU the Netherlands), The United Kingdom (2006 NCIS to SOCA) and presently Italy (2008). Other Member States have relocated their FIU organisation or created new functions like a police liaisons within their units, e.g. Bulgaria, Lithuania, Hungary and Estonia. In addition, FIUs and REs expressed their concern about the increasing number of tasks that have been assigned to them in relation to the traditional AML activities and or new specific tasks regarding the financing of terrorism. This report certainly does not pretend to be of a scientific nature but merely an introduction to the problem of feedback. One thing is certain, there is a lot of improvement to be made in the communication and cooperation between the different AML institutions.

Details: Brussels: European Commission, 2008. 101p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 8, 2015 at: http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/home-affairs/doc_centre/crime/docs/study_fiu_and_terrorism_financing_en.pdf

Year: 2008

Country: Europe

URL: http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/home-affairs/doc_centre/crime/docs/study_fiu_and_terrorism_financing_en.pdf

Shelf Number: 136357

Criminal Investigation
Financial Crimes
Information Sharing
Law Enforcement
Money Launderings
Organized Crime
Terrorist Financing

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

Title: UNODC Study on Firearms: 2015. A study on the transnational nature of and routes and modus operandi used in trafficking in firearms

Summary: The Study was developed to raise global knowledge on illicit trafficking in firearms, including its transnational nature and the routes and modus operandi used, by enhancing understanding of this phenomenon and its links to other serious crimes. The Study is the first of its kind and all Member States were invited "to participate in and contribute to it as appropriate" (para. 7, Conference resolution 6/2). It lays the foundation for further research at the international level on trafficking in firearms. One of the primary objectives was to demonstrate the importance of data collection and analysis on trafficking in firearms and, consequently, highlight the usefulness of monitoring illicit firearms trafficking flows at the national, regional and international levels. This Study demonstrates the importance of continuing efforts to enhance national systems for collection and analysis of detailed data on illicit firearms trafficking. It is a demonstration of the potential future value of improved national systems to collect data and international cooperation in collating and analysing that data.

Details: Vienna: UNODC, 2015. 160p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 8, 2015 at: https://www.unodc.org/documents/firearms-protocol/UNODC_Study_on_Firearms_WEB.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: International

URL: https://www.unodc.org/documents/firearms-protocol/UNODC_Study_on_Firearms_WEB.pdf

Shelf Number: 136359

Organized Crime
Trafficking in Firearms
Trafficking in Weapons

Author: Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis

Title: A Comprehensive Approach to Combating Illicit Trafficking

Summary: Responsible for more than $300 billion per year in trade and comprising a wide variety of products shipped over a complex web of interlocking transport routes, illicit trafficking constitutes a major security challenge that no single country or anti-trafficking organization could possibly manage alone. Indeed, the cross-border and transnational nature of the trade, combined with its diversity and the increasing agility and technological sophistication of the traffickers involved, demands a multilateral and multidimensional response from those who hope to combat it. An effective response, moreover, will require much closer coordination between the public and private sectors than exists today, as well as sturdier partnerships between and among the many national, regional, and international agencies - including a host of intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) - now charged with responsibility for one or another dimension of the illicit trafficking challenge. Indeed, pooling the expertise and resources of all the relevant stakeholders in support of an overarching comprehensive approach that leverages their collective capabilities is arguably the only way to make As for the specifics of a comprehensive approach, it must address several underlying characteristics of the current trafficking problem that are not widely understood and remain difficult to manage. First, in addition to the multi-product and inter-regional aspects of illicit trafficking noted above, a comprehensive approach must come to grips with the way in which many legal activities - including those performed by white-collar, middle-class collaborators - are intertwined with and help to facilitate illegal activities in the trafficking realm. Second, such an approach must also understand (and target) the many linkages that exist between and among the various trafficking streams for the shipment of drugs, small arms and light weapons (SALW), chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) materials, counterfeit products, laundered money, and human beings, as well as the way in which control over the transit route for one type of commodity may allow traffickers to control the flow of other goods, both legal and illegal, that pass along the same route. Third, and on a related note, the anti-trafficking community must fully expect, and prepare for the prospect, that illicit traffickers will try to shift their shipments, if at all possible, from route to route - and from one form of transport to another - in order to avoid detection and interception. Closing off one trafficking flow, therefore, may simply trigger the opening of a new route in a less carefully monitored part of the world. Further on this last point, in today's globalized economy, illicit traffickers are increasingly inclined to base their operations in remote and poorly governed areas, where they can conduct business relatively free of outside interference. They appear to be especially partial to what the head of the UN's Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) recently referred to as "geographic blind spots" - that is, largely forgotten areas in failed or failing states that are "out of government control, and too scary for investors and tourists," where radar, satellite, and other forms of surveillance are limited or nonexistent. Operating from such locations, traffickers can run fleets of ships, planes, and trucks loaded with a mix of products with little fear of disruption. Many of these areas, moreover, are burdened with large numbers of unemployed youth who are often all too willing to provide the traffickers with a local workforce that has few alternatives to make money, and is likely to remain compliant. Hence, in addition to better surveillance and interdiction capabilities, any serious effort to stem illicit trafficking must also include a development component aimed at easing (if not eradicating) the socio-economic and political vulnerabilities in "blind spot" territories that traffickers seek to exploit. As suggested above, yet another increasingly important dimension of illicit trafficking to bring under a comprehensive approach is the ever-expanding and more sophisticated use of technology by traffickers. Access to the latest technology, including satellite hook-ups, cell phones, and GPS equipment, is effectively what has empowered loose bands of poor, illiterate Somalis to capture ocean-going vessels operated and/or relied upon by the world's richest and most powerful countries. So, too, cyber crime has allowed traffickers in remote areas to steal the identities of people half a world away, while also facilitating money laundering via lax banks and/or corrupt officials. In the not too distant future, access by traffickers to the technical skills and equipment necessary to handle CBRN-related materials could easily promote a growth in the trade of these key components of weapons of mass destruction (WMD). Getting a better handle on the many ways in which technology is likely to be used by traffickers and their fellow travelers in the years to come, therefore, will require input from a wide array of public- and private-sector technology experts. Equally important, a public-private initiative along these lines holds the best chance of discovering how the anti-trafficking community itself can leverage technology to detect and disrupt smuggling and related crimes. There is also a need for much greater informa eater information sharing between and among anti-trafficking groups with regard to current and emerging trafficking routes, the products and services being trafficked along these routes, the number of traffickers using these routes, and the inter-relationships between and among these traffickers. Closer institutional collaboration on such matters would be particularly helpful within regions (and between adjacent regions) where illicit trafficking is well entrenched, but where intra- and inter-regional cooperation may be hampered by ethnic and sectarian rivalries, unresolved border disputes, and contrasting approaches to law enforcement. Important steps have been taken in this regard, including ongoing efforts to strengthen countersmuggling capabilities along the infamous Great Silk Road via national and IGO support for the Southeast European Cooperative Initiative (SECI) in Romania and the Central Asian Regional Information and Coordination Centre (CARICC) in Kazakhstan. Similar initiatives can and should be pursued in other regions where traffickers now thrive.

Details: Cambridge, MA: Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis, 2010. 202p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 8, 2015 at: http://www.sipri.org/research/security/transport/files/existing-good-practice/united-states-4

Year: 2010

Country: International

URL: http://www.sipri.org/research/security/transport/files/existing-good-practice/united-states-4

Shelf Number: 136363

Human Trafficking
Illegal Trade
Illicit Trafficking
Money Laundering
Organized Crime

Author: Schunemann, Julia

Title: Reform Without Ownership? Dilemmas in Supporting Security and Justice Sector Reform in Honduras

Summary: Honduras simultaneously faces the recovery from a severe political crisis due to a coup d'etat in June 2009 as well as a sustained crisis of security and legitimacy. Since then, society has been ever more marked by polarisation and the political equilibrium is very fragile. Levels of violence are at an all-time high and organized crime, especially drug trafficking, is threatening the bases of state institutions and people's physical security. The country's socio-economic situation is dire and the global economic crisis has fuelled increasing levels of poverty and unemployment. Honduras' security and justice sector suffers from severe deficiencies. It remains largely inefficient and unable to safeguard security and the rule of law for its citizens. Criminal investigative units are plagued with serious problems of incompetence, corruption and progressive penetration by organised crime. The judiciary lacks independence and is subject to systematic political interference. Inter-institutional coordination is poor and flawed by a climate of mutual mistrust and rivalry over competencies. This report describes and analyses the EU's contribution to strengthening security and the rule of law in Honduras through a major security sector reform (SSR) programme earmarked with a budget of L44 million. The report underlines the crucial need for increased local ownership as a sine qua non condition if the EU's endeavours are to trigger sustainable institutional change and thus further human security in Honduras. The report also examines prospects for the creation of an international commission against impunity, following the example of the International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG). The EU's Support Programme to the Security Sector (PASS) in Honduras meets local needs, is comprehensive in its approach and targeted at the relevant institutions. However, the current political climate of polarization and a government that is weak and lacking in legitimacy seriously compromises the programme's prospects for successful implementation. A solid political, legal and budgetary framework for reform is missing, as is local ownership. The EU and other donors eager to support security and justice sector reform in Honduras should use their joint weight to ensure basic conditions are met with regards to the political, legal and budgetary framework, thus preparing the ground for reasonable prospects for successful implementation and the sustainability of their activities.

Details: Madrid: Initiative for Peacebuilding, 2010. 24p.

Source: Internet Resource: IFP Security Cluster: Country Case Study: Honduras: Accessed August 8, 2015 at: http://www.initiativeforpeacebuilding.eu/pdf/020711honduras.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Honduras

URL: http://www.initiativeforpeacebuilding.eu/pdf/020711honduras.pdf

Shelf Number: 136367

Criminal Justice Reform
Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime
Socioeconomic Conditions and Crime
Violent Crime

Author: Kavanagh, Camino

Title: Getting Smart and Scaling Up: Responding to the Impact of Organized Crime on Governance in Developing Countries

Summary: Tackling organized crime is listed as a priority for the UK Government under its National Security Council and Strategic Defense and Security Review. It is, first, a clear domestic threat to the UK, causing economic and social costs of between L20 and L40 billion per year. It also impacts the UK's development assistance as many sources suggest that organized crime has a significantly detrimental impact on governance in many developing countries. In some states, circumstantial evidence suggests deep interdependent links between organized crime, politics, and the public sector, fostering, in some cases, a form of symbiosis between the state and criminal organizations, and in more extreme cases, both deep or transitory links between crime, terror, and militant groups. Despite these disconcerting signs, investment in academic research on the effects of organized crime on governance remains limited. There is a wide range of criminological literature, and some relevant work on the fringes of the governance and conflict field, but few, policy-oriented studies specifically examining the impact of organized crime on governance exist. The World Bank's World Development Report 2011 cited organized crime as one factor linked to post-conflict violence in fragile states and hinted at the role weak institutions and corruption play in this regard, but did not provide any detailed analysis of these links. This report presents an overview of the research team's findings and is divided into four parts: Section I presents the main Policy Summary. Section II presents the main findings and lays out five areas for targeted action as the basis of an 'organized crime-sensitive' programming framework. Section III provides donors with options for assessing when to engage on organized crime-related issues and, depending on the nature of relations between organized crime and political and governance institutions, an analysis framework to help determine what specifically within the five areas of action to focus on. The final section provides concluding remarks and a suggested programming framework, combining elements of sections II and III.

Details: New York: New York University, Center on International Cooperation, 2013, 242p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 10, 2015 at: http://cic.nyu.edu/sites/default/files/kavanagh_crime_developing_countries_report_w_annexes.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: International

URL: http://cic.nyu.edu/sites/default/files/kavanagh_crime_developing_countries_report_w_annexes.pdf

Shelf Number: 131146

Developing Countries
Organized Crime
Political Corruption

Author: Althaus, Dudley

Title: Mexico's Security Dilemma: Michoacan's Militias. The Rise of Vigilantism in Mexico and Its Implications Going Forward

Summary: Since 2006, violence and criminality in Mexico have reached new heights. Battles amongst criminal organizations and between them have led to an unprecedented spike in homicides and other crimes. Large criminal groups have fragmented and their remnants have diversified their criminal portfolios to include widespread and systematic extortion of the civilian population. The state has not provided a satisfactory answer to this issue. In fact, government actors and security forces have frequently sought to take part in the pillaging. Frustrated and desperate, many community leaders, farmers and business elites have armed themselves and created so-called "self-defense" groups. Self-defense groups have a long history in Mexico, but they have traditionally been used to deal with petty crime in mostly indigenous communities. These efforts are recognized by the constitution as legitimate and legal. But the new challenges to security by criminal organizations have led to the emergence of this new generation of militias. The strongest of these vigilante organizations are in Michoacan, an embattled western state where a criminal group called the Knights Templar had been victimizing locals for years and had co-opted local political power.

Details: Washington, DC: Wilson Center, Mexico Institute, 2014. 21p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 17, 2015 at: http://www.wilsoncenter.org/sites/default/files/MichSelfDefense_Althaus_Dudley.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Mexico

URL: http://www.wilsoncenter.org/sites/default/files/MichSelfDefense_Althaus_Dudley.pdf

Shelf Number: 136439

Organized Crime

Author: Planta, Katrin

Title: Fit for negotiation? Options and risks in the political transformation of non-conventional armed groups

Summary: Is it possible to envisage the use of political incentives as bargaining chips when negotiating with organized crime networks, youth gangs and other non-conventional violent actors? What types of political incentives could be provided and what challenges might they represent for democracy? What pitfalls do national and international actors willing to consider new engagement options with non-conventional actors need to consider? This report discusses the opportunities for and dilemmas of using political incentives as a means to respond to organised violence outside the conventional arena of armed conflict. It suggests refraining from blacklisting actors on the basis of their criminal, apolitical or non-conflict nature and turning instead to other possible options for engagement. While the report argues that many principles of engagement with conflict parties can be fruitfully transferred to the ambit of non-conventional armed actors, offering incentives for political conversion or reconversion must be approached with great care. This can be done by addressing the particularities of the actors in question, such as their level of social legitimacy and the coherence of their political agenda, as well as the specificities of the context in which they operate, including whether a formal peace process is under way.

Details: Oslo: Norwegian Peacebuilding Resource Centre (NOREF), 2015. 11p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 19, 2015 at: http://www.isn.ethz.ch/Digital-Library/Publications/Detail/?ots591=0c54e3b3-1e9c-be1e-2c24-a6a8c7060233&lng=en&id=192042

Year: 2015

Country: International

URL: http://www.isn.ethz.ch/Digital-Library/Publications/Detail/?ots591=0c54e3b3-1e9c-be1e-2c24-a6a8c7060233&lng=en&id=192042

Shelf Number: 136489

Armed Violence
Organized Crime
Violent Crime

Author: Rubio Grundell, Lucrecia

Title: EU Anti-Trafficking Policies: from Migration and Crime Control to Prevention and Protection

Summary: Trafficking in Human Beings (THB) emerged on the EU's agenda in the mid-1990s. Since then, it has been the subject of increased media attention, intense political cooperation and much legal regulation. Despite three decades of commitment to maximizing co-operation in the fight against THB however, facts regarding prevention, prosecution and especially protection remain extremely discouraging. The upcoming adoption of the European Agenda on Migration therefore, which points to the "fight against criminal human trafficking networks" as one of its four priorities, is promising. It may mark the stepping up the EU's efforts to implement the existing tools and cooperation in dealing with THB. Even more so, when the transitional period for the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty's provisions regarding Justice and Home Affairs expired in December 2014. This policy brief argues however, that even though the absence of internal borders renders a European approach indispensable, the management of migration flows from third countries is not an adequate framework within which to tackle THB. In fact, the incorporation of THB into the category of migration, especially irregular migration, is arguably one of the main reasons for the lack of success of EU anti-trafficking policies to date. A revision of EU anti-trafficking policies should ensure a more inclusive decision-making process, a focus on exploitation and not on the irregular crossing of borders, a harmonization of penalties and the guarantee that measures regarding protection are made compulsory, non-discriminatory, unconditional and adequate. Moreover, the root causes of THB must be addressed and this must include a review of the impact of EU migration laws themselves.

Details: Florence, Italy: Migration Policy Centre Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies - European University Institute, 2015. 12p.

Source: Internet Resource: Policy Brief: Accessed August 20, 2015 at: http://cadmus.eui.eu/bitstream/handle/1814/35745/MPC_PB_2015_09.pdf?sequence=1

Year: 2015

Country: Europe

URL: http://cadmus.eui.eu/bitstream/handle/1814/35745/MPC_PB_2015_09.pdf?sequence=1

Shelf Number: 136497

Human Trafficking
Illegal Immigration
Organized Crime

Author: Centre for Security Studies - BH

Title: Study of Organised Crime in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Summary: The Study of Organised Crime in Bosnia and Herzegovina is based on the need to make it easier for decision-makers in government institutions to identify the priority strategic areas in the fight against organised crime. It was initiated by the wish to fill the possible gaps that may appear in the public policies developed solely on the information and data in the possession of government institutions. The analysis of the citizens' views and perceptions of the issues falling within the scope of responsibility of the relevant agencies should be one of the sources of information to which officials will give adequate attention, in particular bearing in mind that it is related to the rule of law and threats to human security. The results presented in this study are the product of the analysis of the qualitative and quantitative data, within a complex approach to the phenomenon of organised crime which had to be examined from various aspects. Hence, the approach to the implementation of the research had to be multi-dimensional, giving the same amount of weight to institutions in the area of justice and security but also to the sources which are not part of government albeit deeply engaged in efforts to fight organised crime through their own activities. This study does not go deep into or draw attention to either completed or still pending investigations of individual criminal activities conducted by relevant institutions. Rather, its goal is to identify, from the civil society perspective, the areas of real threats which should be taken into consideration when developing national strategies, with recommendations for concrete actions plans to fight organised crime. - A diverse array of criminality covered under organised crime, the various forms of its manifestation and a multitude of other characteristics organised crime contains resulted in the absence of the general consensus in either theory or legislation over what the term organised crime encompasses. - Most of domestic and international authors believe that organised crime encompasses the component of the necessary existence of the link between a criminal organisation and the state and its authorities, as an important element of organised crime. - International literature contains the vast array of definitions of organised crime. Prominent among them is the UN definition under which organised crime is: "a large scale and complex criminal activity carried on by groups of persons, however loosely or tightly organised, for the illegal enrichment of those participating at the expense of the community and its members". - The European Union did not accept the model of developing a single definition of organised crime. Rather, it adopted a list of 11 characteristics of organised crime, of which six must be present for any crime to be classified as organised crime. - Under the Criminal Code of Bosnia and Herzegovina, an organised crime group is defined as an organised group of at least three persons, which has existed over a certain period of time, operating for the purpose of committing one or more criminal acts which are punishable by imprisonment for a term not less than three years or a heavier punishment. - The authors from our country and the region share the opinion that the main motivating power of organised crime, as a heterogeneous and complex phenomenon, is financial gain, or more precisely, generation of massive profits quickly, and no risk of exposure in such criminal activities. - Analysing the significant number of international documents treating organised crime-related issues, we can say that there is a huge number of organised crime activities, although among the most dominant are certainly trafficking in drugs, money laundering, trafficking in human beings, and vehicle theft. - Bosnia and Herzegovina's institutional capacities for fighting organised crime exist. They are numerous, ranging across a broad spectrum, from legislative, operational, advisory to controlling capacities. At the level of BiH, there are 142 institutions which have a role to play in fighting organised crime.

Details: Sarajevo: Centre for Security Studies, 2014. 106p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 20, 2015 at: http://europa.ba/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/delegacijaEU_2014080112003740eng.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina

URL: http://europa.ba/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/delegacijaEU_2014080112003740eng.pdf

Shelf Number: 136503

Drug Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Money Laundering
Organized Crime
Vehicle Theft

Author: Santana, Geraldo

Title: Can cocaine production in Colombia be linked to environmental crime?: A case study into the effect of EU legislation on the trade

Summary: This case study highlights the interrelationship between cocaine production, a drug-related criminal activity and environmental pollution and degradation, activities that are considered to be environmental crimes in many parts of the world today. To a lesser extent, this case study also explores the links between cocaine trafficking and organised crime groups, such as the militias in Colombia. There, cocaine production is not just an ordinary illicit activity, it is also a means used by the militias to secure territory, power, finances and weaponry. The European Union represents the second largest market in the world for cocaine. It also exports 20% of the world's chemical precursors, with Germany as the largest European producer with 5.7% share of the global sales. Chemical precursors such as potassium permanganate, an essential ingredient in cocaine production, are highly monitored yet Colombia seized 80% of the global seizure of illicit potassium permanganate for the period of 2007-2012. Criminals have adopted various diversion methods to make up for their losses from tighter controls on chemical precursors trafficking. There is legislation in place that monitor the trade of chemical precursors within and outside the borders of the EU. The case study seeks to examine if the said legislation has been effective in preventing the illicit use of chemical precursors in cocaine production in Colombia and as a consequence help to prevent further environmental pollution and degradation.

Details: The Hague: Institute for Environmental Security, 2015. 30p.

Source: Internet Resource: A study compiled as part of the EFFACE project. Accessed August 21, 2015 at: http://efface.eu/sites/default/files/EFFACE%20Can%20cocaine%20production%20in%20Colombia%20be%20linked%20to%20environmental%20crime_0.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Colombia

URL: http://efface.eu/sites/default/files/EFFACE%20Can%20cocaine%20production%20in%20Colombia%20be%20linked%20to%20environmental%20crime_0.pdf

Shelf Number: 136517

Drug Trafficking
Environmental Crime
Environmental Pollution
Organized Crime

Author: Sollund, Ragnhild

Title: Illegal wildlife trade: A case study report on the illegal wildlife trade in the United Kingdom, Norway, Colombia and Brazil

Summary: Illegal Wildlife Trade [IWT], commonly positioned alongside the illegal drugs and arms trade and human trafficking, is one of the fastest growing illegal markets worldwide. The clandestine character of the IWT trade, and weak controls and enforcement, make it difficult to measure the scale of the trade, though current estimates suggest it is worth between 6 and 20 billion dollars annually. Growing awareness of the widespread impacts of the IWT has led to increased international attention in recent years, evidenced by the role the United Nations, Interpol, Europol, EU and UK have played in bringing together global leaders and stakeholders to help eradicate the trade. Research suggests the IWT contributes to civil conflict, economic loss, poverty, climate change and negatively impacts on national security and stability, state authority and biodiversity and public health. In particular, the links between the IWT and organised crime and the demise of iconic species has stimulated current international debate. This report provides an overview of a multi-method qualitative research project on the IWT in the UK, Norway, Colombia and Brazil. It identifies common and different features of the IWT in these four locations, exploring the various motivations for why people engage in the trade, the nature of the trade and types of victimisation. An overview of the response to the trade is discussed and evaluated through SWOT analysis - identifying strengths and weaknesses, and proposing suggestions for improvements. The literature review collates the salient issues addressed in relevant academic and official literature, providing a broader context for discussing the findings. The report focuses predominantly on terrestrial fauna. Findings suggest the nature of the IWT in the UK and Norway is similar. Specifically, the type of animal victims, the cost of the trade and offender motivations are consistent. However, when the response to the trade is evaluated, variations appear. Each of the case study countries address the IWT through international convention treaties and domestic legislation and enforcement, though responses are complex and diverse and their effectiveness varies considerably. Central to these variations are levels of awareness of the serious negative consequences of the IWT, political and criminal justice system support and resources, and punishment. Additionally, the integrated role of NGOs in the enforcement process and in developing other responses in the UK contrasts starkly with the insufficient enforcement response evident in Norway, Colombia and Brazil. NGOs play an important role in the UK, Colombia and Brazil in creating awareness and preventing the trade, but are almost nonexistent as stakeholders in Norway. A common theme from interviews in the case study countries is the importance of key personnel working to prevent and respond to the trade. Experts and practitioners alike show us that an effective response is one that is intelligence led, systematic, integrated and synergistic; they cite the importance of cooperation between enforcement agencies and NGOs and the necessity for increased prioritisation of these crimes by criminal justice systems

Details: Oslo: University of Oslo and Treforst, Wales, UK: University of South Wales, 2015. 61p.

Source: Internet Resource: A study compiled as part of the EFFACE project. http://efface.eu/sites/default/files/EFFACE_Illegal%20Wildlife%20Trade_revised.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: International

URL: http://efface.eu/sites/default/files/EFFACE_Illegal%20Wildlife%20Trade_revised.pdf

Shelf Number: 136519

Illegal Trade
Organized Crime
Wildlife Crime
Wildlife Trade

Author: Saunders, Jade

Title: EUTR CITES and money laundering: A case study on the challenges to coordinated enforcement in tackling illegal logging

Summary: This paper considers three EU policy mechanisms which have the potential to reduce incentives for illegal exploitation of forest resources in producer countries: the EU Timber Regulation (EUTR), CITES and anti-money laundering legislation. Looking at four EU countries (the Czech Republic, Italy, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom) and two producer countries (Ghana and Indonesia) it describes sanctions regimes and enforcement efforts, and identifies opportunities for improved cooperation by national and EU agencies. While the available data is limited, the paper finds that enforcement has been reasonably successful given the early stage of implementation. There are some synergies between EUTR and CITES, whereas anti-money laundering legislation is not generally relied on to address environmental crimes. The paper finds significant variance between enforcement systems in the EU member states, and concludes that European Commission leadership is essential to establishing the consistency necessary for effective enforcement in the EU market. With regard to the issue of environmental crime generally, the paper concludes that in the case studies, 'criminalization' of environmentally harmful activities has primarily been guided by the nature of the sanctions considered necessary to address the problem in question.

Details: London: Chatham House, 2015. 47p.

Source: Internet Resource: A study for the EFFACE project. Accessed August 21, 2015 at: http://efface.eu/sites/default/files/EFFACE_EUTR%20CITES%20and%20money%20laundering%20A%20case%20study%20on%20the%20challenges%20to%20coordinated%20enforcement%20in%20tacking%20illegal%20logging.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Europe

URL: http://efface.eu/sites/default/files/EFFACE_EUTR%20CITES%20and%20money%20laundering%20A%20case%20study%20on%20the%20challenges%20to%20coordinated%20enforcement%20in%20tacking%20illegal%20logging.pdf

Shelf Number: 136522

Illegal Logging
Money Laundering
Offenses Against the Environment
Organized Crime

Author: D'Alisa, Giacomo

Title: Victims in the "Land of Fires": A case study on the consequences of buried and burnt waste in Campania, Italy

Summary: The "Land of Fires" indicates an area in Campania, in the south of Italy were, systematically, since the end of the '80s, toxic wastes have been dumped by organized crime (i.e., camorra, the name for the Neapolitan mafia). Organised crime plays, as a matter of fact, a significant role in the waste management industry; however, organized criminals are not the only players. Although in the public opinion the mafia clans are the most important subjects involved in the illegal waste trafficking, a significant role is also played in this field by many businessmen and firms. Corruption is a crucial element that connects all these actors in the waste sector, characterized by the grant of public licenses and authorizations. Moreover, this sector needs large economic investments and has to face a huge bureaucratic machine, which makes the ground even more fertile for corruption. All these conditions hamper the competition and facilitate the creation and the development of oligopolistic forces, where the strength of mafia intimidation turns out to be particularly effective. The weak (or the absolute lack of) enforcement power at both national and regional levels has been used to explain this widespread illegal situation, but responsibilities actually lie at various governance levels, spanning from inefficient bureaucracy to political patronage and criminal malfeasance. Moreover, the lack of adequate (and effectively enforced) waste management policies has created institutional and regulatory uncertainty which fosters the illegal market of waste. On these premises, with the present case study report we aim to investigate how and why some associations and organizations become a reference point for the victims of those waste-related environmental crimes. The victims of the present analysis are not such ex-lege, but are those people who maintain the status of being victims of illegal waste disposal, and that were identified through several semi-structured interviews. An affiliation networks analysis was developed to study how the victims interacted over time with different associations; the findings obtained allows us to say that victims are strengthening their relationships with local associations in the network and are starting to play an important role to reinforce their socio-political and judicial actions and to combat the illegal practices that can considerably affect their lives.

Details: Rome: University of Rome, 2015. 53p.

Source: Internet Resource: Case study compiled as part of the EFFACE project. Accessed August 21, 2015 at: http://efface.eu/sites/default/files/EFFACE%20Victims%20in%20the%20Land%20of%20Fires_0.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Italy

URL: http://efface.eu/sites/default/files/EFFACE%20Victims%20in%20the%20Land%20of%20Fires_0.pdf

Shelf Number: 136525

Illegal Waste
Offenses Against the Environment
Organized Crime

Author: Technopolis

Title: Evaluation of the Firearms Directive.

Summary: The Firearms Directive (i.e. Directive 91/477/EEC as amended by Directive 2008/51/EC) aims at balancing internal market objectives (i.e. cross border movement of firearms) and security policy objectives (i.e. high level of security and protection against criminal acts and illicit trafficking) within the EU. The Firearms Directive was adopted in 1991. At that time, intra-EU frontiers and borders controls were about to be abolished including the firearms sector, which raised concerns as regards security safeguards. The Directive thus laid down the minimum requirements that Member States should impose as regards the acquisition and possession of the different categories of firearms to facilitate commercial exchange across Member Sates while guaranteeing the security of EU citizens. Furthermore, it regulates the conditions for the transfer of firearms across Member States, while granting more flexible rules for the transfer of hunting and target shooting weapons. The Firearms Directive is part of a set of initiatives taken at international level for the regulation of firearms. Its amendment in 2008 reinforces its security dimension to meet the EU international obligations which result from the Firearms Protocol2, in particular Art. 10 thereof on the prevention of illicit manufacturing and trade of firearms, their components and ammunition. The EU legislation includes comprehensive rules on the acquisition, possession and import/export of firearms, but it also leaves scope for national interpretation, standards and procedures on several aspects. Within the EU framework, Member States are indeed allowed to take more stringent measures in order to meet specific national needs.

Details: Brussels: European Commission, Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry, 2014. 106p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 24, 2015 at: ec.europa.eu/

Year: 2014

Country: Europe

URL: ec.europa.eu/

Shelf Number: 136539

Border Security
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Weapons

Author: Transparency International

Title: Confiscation of Criminal and Illegal Assets: European Perspectives in Combat against Serious Crime

Summary: In order to disrupt organised crime activities it is essential to deprive criminals of the proceeds of crime. Organised crime groups are building large-scale international networks and amass substantial profits from various criminal or illegal activities. The proceeds of crime are laundered and re-injected into the economy in order to be legalised. The confiscation/forfeiture of criminal or illegal assets is considered as a very effective way to fight organised crime, which is essentially profit-driven. Seizing back as much of these profits as possible aims at hampering activities of criminal organisations, deterring criminality and providing additional funds to invest back into law enforcement activities or other crime prevention initiatives. The relevance of this issue is in removing the economic gain from serious crime (including, but not limited to drug trafficking, corruption, money laundering, organised crime) in order to discourage the criminal and illegal conduct. The confiscation/forfeiture of assets has been in the focus of the attention of the European Union (EU) for quite some time now, but since 2001 there are documents that can indicate developments in the concept on behalf of European institutions. Confiscation of criminal assets and Illegal asset forfeiture policy follows the course set forth by the common EU policy in the area of justice and home affairs. This course is demonstrated by the special focus on corruption and organised crime in the Lisbon Treaty and the Stockholm Programme alike2. The EU strategic vision on these issues is reflected in the Stockholm Programme which sets down the priorities of the European Union in the area of justice, freedom and security for the period 2010 - 2014. Building on the achievements of past programmes, namely the Tampere and Hague Programmes, it aims at meeting future challenges and strengthening this area by measures focused on citizens' interests and needs.

Details: Bulgaria: Transparency International; Bucuresti, Romania: Transparency International; Milan: Transparency International, 2015. 16p.

Source: Internet Resource: Policy Paper: Accesses August 24, 2015 at: http://www.confiscation.eu/site/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Policy_Paper_EN_web.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.confiscation.eu/site/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Policy_Paper_EN_web.pdf

Shelf Number: 136558

Asset Forfeiture
Illegal Proceeds
Organized Crime

Author: European Commission. Directorate-General for Home Affairs

Title: Study on Preventing and Fighting Illicit Trafficking in Cultural Goods in the European Union

Summary: The trafficking in cultural goods is among the biggest criminal trades, estimated by some to be the third or fourth largest, despite the fact that, as INTERPOL notes, there are hardly any instruments for measuring this trade or any data on illicit commerce. The information dossier that UNESCO produced for the 40th anniversary of the 1970 Convention observes that, together with the drugs and armaments trades, the black market in antiquities and culture constitutes one of the most firmly rooted illicit trades in the world. Despite the difficulty of obtaining statistics, the scale of this phenomenon calls for concentrated and convergent efforts on the part of States and at the European and international levels. At stake is the safeguarding of the heritage of States. The European Union can today take a more active approach to preventing and combating the trafficking in cultural goods. As the Council of the European Union recalls, "one of the objectives of the European Union is to protect Europe's public and private cultural heritage by combating trafficking in cultural goods", and it further emphasizes that "in view of the economic and commercial dealings which characterise it and the artistic and cultural heritage which it contains, the territory of the European Union is a favoured target for criminal organizations". Hence the need to launch a specific reflection on developing more effective means within Europe, in close relation with the instruments developed at international level. It was with this in mind that the process of reflection in the context of this study, entrusted by the Commission to CECOJI, was undertaken.

Details: Brussels: The European Commission, 2011. 192p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 24, 2015 at: http://ec.europa.eu/home-affairs/doc_centre/crime/docs/Report%20Trafficking%20in%20cultural%20goods%20EN.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Europe

URL: http://ec.europa.eu/home-affairs/doc_centre/crime/docs/Report%20Trafficking%20in%20cultural%20goods%20EN.pdf

Shelf Number: 136560

Black Markets
Cultural Heritage
Illicit Trading
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Cultural Goods

Author: Grigorov, Grigor

Title: Forfeiture of Illegal Assets: Challenges and Perspectives of the Bulgarian Approach

Summary: Confiscation of property acquired through crime and the forfeiture of illegal assets are instruments for active counteraction of serious crimes that are of nature to generate economic gain for their perpetrators or related persons. The application of such mechanisms indicates a firm political will and a particular governmental policy to combat crime. It is grounded on the awareness of an existing high risk of growing organised crime and corruption and the perception for its growing negative effect on the governance and economic development of the country. The reasons behind the adoption of legislation for forfeiture of illegal assets differ from one country to another but this specific approach should be taken as a clear policy against cumulation of assets whose legal origin cannot be proven. It aims at prevention and provides for dissuasive effect on future perpetrators. Ireland was one of the first countries to introduce in 1996 Asset Forfeiture in the form of the Criminal Assets Bureau which initiates civil forfeiture proceedings. Ever since this instrument has been part and parcel of a whole set of special legal provisions and institutions designed to enhance the effectiveness of counteracting organised crime and corruption in a large number of countries. Applying such an asset forfeiture mechanism in itself is a manifestation of a particular policy aiming to combat serious crime. The relevance of this problematic is in removing the economic gain from serious crime (including, but not limited to drug trafficking, corruption, money laundering, organised crime) in order to discourage the criminal conduct. Its importance is evidenced by the number of multilateral treaties that have been concluded and provide obligations for states to cooperate with one another on confiscation, asset sharing, legal assistance, and compensation of victims. Several United Nations conventions (including the United Nations Convention against corruption) and multilateral treaties contain provisions with regard to forfeiture of assets. The policy of counteracting organised crime and corruption signals a different approach in forfeiture of illegally acquired assets in favour of the state, in particular in view of the different problems it is designed to tackle. For example in Ireland the major objective is counteracting terrorism, and in Italy - forfeiture of assets belonging to the mafia. By its special nature the so called civil forfeiture allows for sanctioning of a larger set of actions related to strengthening the rule of law and restoring social justice. By its nature this is an encompassing policy - it is aimed not only at forfeiture of proceeds of crime in favour of the state as an ancillary mechanism regardless of the imposed penalty and the outcome of the criminal proceedings, but at any illegal assets (that is assets whose origin cannot be proven).

Details: S0fia: Transparency International Bulgaria, 2014. 109p.

Source: Internet Resource: National Report for Bulgaria: Accessed August 24, 2015 at: http://www.transparency.bg/media/cms_page_media/141/NationalReport_TI-BG_en_Forfeiture_of_Illegal_Assets_in_Bulgaria.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Bulgaria

URL: http://www.transparency.bg/media/cms_page_media/141/NationalReport_TI-BG_en_Forfeiture_of_Illegal_Assets_in_Bulgaria.pdf

Shelf Number: 136564

Asset Forfeiture
Illegal Proceeds
Organized Crime

Author: Galabov, Antoniy

Title: Legislation Meets Practice: National and European Perspectives in Confiscation and Forfeiture of Assets: Comparative Report.

Summary: In order to disrupt organised crime activities it is essential to deprive criminals of the proceeds of crime. Organised crime groups are building largescale international networks and amass substantial profits from various criminal activities. The proceeds of crime are laundered and re-injected into the economy to be legalised. The confiscation/forfeiture and recovery of criminal or illegal assets is considered as a very effective way to fight organised crime, which is essentially profit-driven. Seizing back as much of these profits as possible aims at hampering activities of criminal organisations, deterring criminality and providing additional funds to invest back into law enforcement activities or other crime prevention initiatives. The relevance of this problematic is in removing the economic gain from serious crime (including, but not limited to drug trafficking, corruption, money laundering, organised crime) in order to discourage the criminal conduct. Its importance is evidenced by the number of multilateral treaties that have been concluded and provide obligations for states to cooperate with one another on confiscation, asset sharing, legal assistance, and compensation of victims. Several United Nations conventions and multilateral treaties contain provisions with regard to confiscation and forfeiture. The issue is also a matter of interest at European Union (EU) level with the new legislation adopted. However challenges still remain and should be addressed, so that cooperation can be more effective, since anti-fraud policy should be targeted in a trans-border perspective. The Stockholm programme called upon the Member States and the Commission to make the confiscation of criminal assets more efficient and to strengthen the cooperation between Asset Recovery Offices (AROs)3; EC report on cooperation between AROs (2011) has identified common capacity problems (insufficient personnel and resources, lack of common legislative framework), inadequate access to databases and judicial statistics. In this context, three national chapters of Transparency International, being also EU Member States, (TI-Bulgaria, TI-Italy and TI-Romania) are conducting a 24-month research and independent civil monitoring over the legal, institutional, and operational modes of the Asset Recovery Offices (AROs) and policies to outline their main strong and weak aspects in terms of competencies, capacity, performance and integrity. The aim of the project "Enhancing Integrity and Effectiveness of Illegal Asset Confiscation - European Approaches", funded by the "Prevention of and Fight against Crime" programme carried out by DG Home Affairs of the European Commission, is to support the effectiveness, accountability and transparency of asset confiscation/ forfeiture policies and practices in Europe, allowing for improved cooperation between authorities in Member states (MSs). The research provided for objective understanding of main strong and weak points in asset confiscation/ forfeiture legal, institutional and policy practices in Bulgaria, Romania and Italy. It became the basis for the independent civil monitoring and the exchange of know-how and good practices. The addressed shortcomings and recommendations will trigger improvement of the institutional and procedural capacities of national confiscation/forfeiture authorities at local and EU level, especially regarding transparency, accountability, integrity, modes of operation, human resource management, coherence with other relevant authorities, access to databases, use of expertise in asset assessments, cost effectiveness. The project findings from the monitoring (lessons learnt) will also be disseminated via the Transparency International network on regional, EU and international level. Ultimately, this means strengthened capacities of AROs, better chances for cooperation between MSs and civil society representatives. The publication is based on the work of the three national chapters of Transparency International that analyse and monitor the national models of confiscation/forfeiture of assets in Bulgaria, Italy and Romania. The aim is to provide information on the national approach on confiscation/forfeiture as regulated by the national law as well as to provide information on its implementation, based on civil monitoring on real cases tackled by the national confiscation authorities. The publication includes summaries of the three national models of confiscation/forfeiture of illegal/criminal assets (Bulgaria, Italy and Romania). In this part a critical analysis of the legislation is made to be used as a basis for identification of strong and weak features of each model. This is the basis for concrete recommendation for improvement of each model. The second part of the publication includes summaries of the reports for monitoring of the activities of the national confiscation/forfeiture authorities in the three countries. The actual reports are presented as attachments at the end of the book. Each monitoring report includes specific recommendations for improvement. The analysis of the indicators for transparency, integrity, accountability and efficiency in the work of confiscation authorities, based on the active monitoring, is provided as well. In addition the paper provides for a model for civil monitoring of the activities of national confiscation/ forfeiture authorities, which is irrelevant of the specific national model and could be used by civil society organizations in any country to monitor the activities of institutions in this respect. The presentation gives a special focus on the elaboration of an "ideal model" for confiscation/forfeiture at national level. This model is perceived as a set of common standards which should be applied in all EU MSs, in order to achieve transparency, accountability, integrity, efficiency and human rights protection, when confiscation/forfeiture procedures are at stake. Last but not least, the book provides for recommendations for adoption of more advanced common European standards at EU level in the field of confiscation/forfeiture of assets. Further improvement of the existing EU regulations shall contribute to the more successful work of national authorities.

Details: Sofia: Transparency International Bulgaria, 2015. 132p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 24, 2015 at: http://www.transparency.bg/media/publications/Final_Report_EN_web.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.transparency.bg/media/publications/Final_Report_EN_web.pdf

Shelf Number: 136565

Asset Forfeiture
Drug Trafficking
Money Laundering
Organized Crime
Proceeds of Crime

Author: United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research

Title: Developing a Mechanism to Prevent Illicit Brokering in Small Arms and Light Weapons: Scope and Implications

Summary: During the past decade, the problems posed by unregulated arms brokering activities have become an issue of growing concern for governments, international organizations and civil society in the context of international efforts against the illicit trade in small arms and light weapons. An important body of research has brought the role of arms brokers in facilitating arms transfers to unlawful or illegitimate recipients to the fore of the political agenda. Despite their central role in the arms business, the activities of arms brokers are often unregulated. Arms brokers who facilitate unlawful arms transfers are aiding and abetting violators of arms embargoes, armed groups, criminal gangs and terrorists, thus fuelling insecurity and conflict in many regions of the world. A number of regional organizations such as the African Union, the Andean Community, the Economic Community of West African States, the European Union, the Organization of American States, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, and the Southern African Development Community, as well as the states parties to the Wassenaar Arrangement and the states of the Great Lakes Region and the Horn of Africa, have developed instruments and standards for the regulation of brokering activities that the respective member states are encouraged or required to adopt. Such instruments could form the basis of a global effort to curb illicit arms brokering. Partly as an effect of these regional agreements, about 40 countries throughout the world have developed specific controls on brokering activities. In the majority of national legislations, however, brokering activities remain unregulated. In addition, loopholes and inconsistencies in existing systems of control continue to be exploited by unscrupulous brokers. Following the Secretary-General's consultations with all Member States and interested regional and subregional organizations, and recognizing the need for concerted global action, in 2005 the United Nations General Assembly adopted resolution 60/81 establishing a group of governmental experts to consider further steps to enhance international cooperation in preventing, combating and eradicating illicit brokering in small arms and light weapons. This study, conducted under the auspices of the United Nations Coordinating Action on Small Arms (CASA), examines existing instruments at the national and international levels. It aims to identify common elements and options for regulation, to enhance understanding of the issue and to clarify its most complex aspects.

Details: Geneva, SWIT: UNIDIR, 2006. 219p.

Source: Internet Resource: accessed August 24, 2015 at: http://ipisresearch.be/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/ChaptersBrokeringNov06.fm_.pdf

Year: 2006

Country: International

URL: http://ipisresearch.be/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/ChaptersBrokeringNov06.fm_.pdf

Shelf Number: 136568

Illegal Arms Transfers
Illegal Trade
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Weapons

Author: Human Rights First

Title: Disrupting the Supply Chain for Mass Atrocities. How to Stop Third-Party Enablers of Genocide and Other Crimes Against Humanity

Summary: Mass atrocities are organized crimes. Those who commit genocide and crimes against humanity depend on third parties for the goods and services-money, materiel, political support, and a host of other resources-that sustain large-scale violence against civilians. Third parties have supplied military aircraft used by the Sudan Armed Forces against civilians, refined gold and other minerals coming out of eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, and ensured a steady flow of arms into Rwanda. Governments seeking to prevent atrocities cannot afford a narrow and uncoordinated focus on the perpetrators of such violence. Rather, an effective strategy must include identifying and pressuring third-party enablers - individuals, commercial entities, and countries - in order to interrupt the supply chains that fuel mass violence against civilians.

Details: New York: Human Rights First, 2011. 14p.

Source: Internet Resource: Briefing Paper: Accessed August 25, 2015 at: https://www.humanrightsfirst.org/wp-content/uploads/pdf/Disrupting_the_Supply_Chain-July_2011.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: International

URL: https://www.humanrightsfirst.org/wp-content/uploads/pdf/Disrupting_the_Supply_Chain-July_2011.pdf

Shelf Number: 136573

Human Rights
Mass Atrocities
Mass Violence
Organized Crime

Author: Bigo, Didier

Title: Justice and Home Affairs Databases and a Smart Borders System at EU External Borders An Evaluation of Current and Forthcoming Proposals

Summary: This study examines current and forthcoming measures related to the exchange of data and information in EU Justice and Home Affairs policies, with a focus on the 'smart borders' initiative. It argues that there is no reversibility in the growing reliance on such schemes and asks whether current and forthcoming proposals are necessary and original. It outlines the main challenges raised by the proposals, including issues related to the right to data protection, but also to privacy and non-discrimination.

Details: Brussels: Center for European Policy Studies (CEPS), 2012. 97p.

Source: Internet Resource: CEPS Paper in Liberty and Security in Europe No. 52: Accessed August 25, 2015 at: http://www.ceps.eu/system/files/No%2052%20JHA%20Databases%20Smart%20Borders.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.ceps.eu/system/files/No%2052%20JHA%20Databases%20Smart%20Borders.pdf

Shelf Number: 136574

Border Security
Illegal Immigration
Information Sharing
Organized Crime

Author: Eren, Yunus

Title: The Impact of Land Border Security on Terrorism Financing: Turkey's Southeast Land Border and the PKK

Summary: Terrorism has become the one of the major threats facing many states. Understanding the potential sources of and preventing the financial support of terrorist organizations takes an important place in countering terrorism. This thesis focuses on the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) financing activities through the land border of Turkey. In doing so, this study mainly examines how the Turkish border security system can stop the trans-border financial activities of PKK along its land borders with Iran, Iraq and Syria. This thesis also takes the U.S. as a case study in terms of border security measures, and within that framework, makes recommendations for safeguarding Turkey's land borders to prevent financial activities of the PKK terrorist organization without affecting free trade and the economic flow of services. Presently, the Turkish border security system is fragmented and poorly coordinated. Border management is currently split between the army, gendarmerie, police and coast guard. Moreover, international and interdepartmental collaborations are extremely limited. The prevention of cross-border financial activities of the PKK might be accomplished by forming an independent border security agency, adopting modern international standards and the latest technological innovations, and sustaining international and interdepartmental cooperation.

Details: Monterey, CA: Naval Postgraduate School, 2013. 90p.

Source: Internet Resource: Thesis: Accessed August 25, 2015 at: http://calhoun.nps.edu/bitstream/handle/10945/38924/13Dec_Eren_Yunus.pdf?sequence=1

Year: 2013

Country: Turkey

URL: http://calhoun.nps.edu/bitstream/handle/10945/38924/13Dec_Eren_Yunus.pdf?sequence=1

Shelf Number: 136575

Border Patrol
Border Security
Organized Crime
Terrorist Financing

Author: Fontana, Alessandra

Title: Making development assistance work at home: DfID's approach to clamping down on international bribery and money laundering in the UK

Summary: Corruption will remain a profitable crime in developing countries as long as counterparts in rich countries are willing to hide stolen resources. Working to improve governance in poor countries will only address part of the issues. To disrupt the mechanisms that enable illicit outflows, the UK Department for International Development is funding the City of London Police, the Metropolitan Police and the Crown Prosecution Service to increase investigations on money laundered by senior political figures in the UK. In 4 years, millions of pounds have been frozen and repatriated - indicating a shift in thinking in what counts as development work in a world with global patterns of corruption.

Details: Bergen: Chr. Michelson Institute, Anti- Corruption Resource Centre, 2011. 13p.

Source: Internet Resource: U$ Practice Insight, 2011:5: Accessed August 25, 2015 at; http://www.u4.no/publications/making-development-assistance-work-at-home-dfid-s-approach-to-clamping-down-on-international-bribery-and-money-laundering-in-the-uk/

Year: 2011

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.u4.no/publications/making-development-assistance-work-at-home-dfid-s-approach-to-clamping-down-on-international-bribery-and-money-laundering-in-the-uk/

Shelf Number: 136581

Asset Forfeitures
Money Laundering
Organized Crime

Author: Katsouris, Christina

Title: Nigeria's Criminal Crude: International Options to Combat the Export of Stolen Oil

Summary: This report analyses the international dimensions of Nigerian crude oil theft and explores what the international community could do about it. - Nigerian crude oil is being stolen on an industrial scale. Nigeria lost at least 100,000 barrels of oil per day, around 5% of total output, in the first quarter of 2013 to theft from its onshore and swamp operations alone. Some of what is stolen is exported. Proceeds are laundered through world financial centres and used to buy assets in and outside Nigeria, polluting markets and financial institutions overseas, and creating reputational, political and legal hazards. It could also compromise parts of the legitimate oil business. - Officials outside Nigeria are aware that the problem exists, and occasionally show some interest at high policy levels. But Nigeria's trade and diplomatic partners have taken no real action, and no stakeholder group inside the country has a record of sustained and serious engagement with the issue. The resulting lack of good intelligence means international actors cannot fully assess whether Nigerian oil theft harms their interests. - Nigeria's dynamic, overcrowded political economy drives competition for looted resources. Poor governance has encouraged violent opportunism around oil and opened doors for organized crime. Because Nigeria is the world's 13th largest oil producer - exports often topped two million barrels per day in 2012 - high rents are up for grabs. The report recommends the following four first steps for building a cross-border campaign against Nigerian oil theft: - Nigeria and its prospective partners should prioritize the gathering, analysis and sharing of intelligence. - Nigeria should consider taking other steps to build the confidence of partners. - Other states should begin cleaning up parts of the trade they know are being conducted within their borders. - Nigeria should articulate its own multi-point, multi-partner strategy for addressing oil theft.

Details: London: Chatham House (The Royal Institute of International Affairs), 2013. 85p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 26, 2015 at: http://www.chathamhouse.org/sites/files/chathamhouse/public/Research/Africa/0913pr_nigeriaoil.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Nigeria

URL: http://www.chathamhouse.org/sites/files/chathamhouse/public/Research/Africa/0913pr_nigeriaoil.pdf

Shelf Number: 131149

Maritime Crime
Oil Theft
Organized Crime

Author: Center for the Study of Democracy

Title: Overcoming Institutional Gaps to Tackle Illicit Financing

Summary: The EU legal framework requires that all Members States criminalise the financing of organised crime. According to the provisions of Article 2 (a) of the Council Framework Decision 2008/841/JHA of 24 October 2008 on the fight against organised crime "Each Member State shall take the necessary measures to ensure that one or both of the following types of conduct related to a criminal organisation are regarded as offences: (a) conduct by any person who, with intent and with knowledge of either the aim and general activity of the criminal organisation or its intention to commit the offences in question, actively takes part in the organisation's criminal activities, including the provision of information or material means, the recruitment of new members and all forms of financing of its activities, knowing that such participation will contribute to the achievement of the organisation's criminal activities." Nevertheless, criminal justice authorities in Members States rarely make use of these provisions.

Details: Sofia: Center for the Study of Democracy, 2015. 9p.

Source: Internet Resource: Policy Brief No. 50: Accessed August 26, 2015 at: http://www.csd.bg/artShow.php?id=17367

Year: 2015

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.csd.bg/artShow.php?id=17367

Shelf Number: 136589

Financial Crime
Money Laundering
Organized Crime

Author: Center for the Study of Democracy

Title: Financing of Organised Crime

Summary: Enhancing the knowledge of the financing of organised crime is an indispensable component of more effective and smarter approaches to prevention and investigation. Accessing capital is a significant constraint for some criminals when they seek to become big players in illicit markets for goods and services, yet the processes and structures involved in the financial investment of criminal markets are largely under-researched. Whilst there is general information available regarding the level of financing required for a criminal group's operations in specific illicit markets - for example, the illicit drugs market is relatively well documented and there is a reasonably sound understanding of the pricing available along the entire value chain of operations, from production prices, smuggling and wholesale prices, middle-level dealing, to retail distribution, as well as with costs of the business - this is not the case with a number of other illicit markets such as organised VAT fraud, illicit excisable goods, smuggling/trafficking in human beings, counterfeiting of goods and money, payment card fraud, and trafficking in stolen vehicles, etc. To enter a criminal market at the wholesale level, organised criminals may need significant financial resources including, but not restricted to, credit facilities. Their need for financing concerns every level of organized crime. However, while millions (upfront and/or on credit) may be needed to enter the cocaine market at wholesale level, participation at the retail level requires only modest resources. The same applies to manifestations of organised crime that do not require entrepreneurial characteristics and are based on predatory activities. For example, small criminal groups may need only several tens of thousands of euros to launch an international banking fraud. The entry costs for many e-crimes are insignificant. Various financial mechanisms and opportunities are available for criminal actors to fund new or existing illicit activities. However, fairly little has been done in terms of systematically analysing or targeting individuals or processes that are mainly involved in the financing of criminal structures and organised criminal activities. The financing of organised crime is the type of horizontal issue that several analyses as well as threat and strategic assessments - analyses and assessments that have been previously criticised us unreliable sources of information on organized crime - often skip, focusing instead on the proceeds of crime, criminal assets and/or money laundering. Official and informal financial services may all be used to finance organised criminal operations in one way or another. Previous research has shown that financiers are often behind the financing of large-scale trafficking of commodities such as cigarettes or drugs. Yet despite the influence of these financiers, they remain outside the scope of analysis of organised crime being done at EU level, where such information is largely omitted. Although considerable research has been conducted on the proceeds of crime and the financial management of several organised criminal activities, the financing of terrorism and money laundering, little has been done in terms of analysing or targeting individuals, structures and processes that are involved in the "preceeds" of crime, especially on crimes unconnected with the financing of terrorism. Little has also been done in terms of analysing whether criminal entrepreneurs engage in a process that disguises a legitimate source of funds that are to be used for illegal purposes, a process that has been defined as "reverse money laundering." Following these observations, a number of academics and law-enforcement officials from across Europe were contacted in order to gather information regarding the respective situations in their countries. It was established that many faced a similar situation, where some operational knowledge on the issue existed, yet (excepting the Netherlands) analytical units had not given much specific attention to it. Therefore, an interest was expressed to gather this knowledge at the EU level, as well as to exchange knowledge and experiences with partner countries where this issue has been paid more attention.

Details: Sofia: Center for the Study of Democracy, 2015. 464p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 26, 2015 at: http://www.csd.bg/artShow.php?id=17317

Year: 2015

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.csd.bg/artShow.php?id=17317

Shelf Number: 136598

Human Trafficking
Illegal Markets
Organized Crime
Stolen Vehicles
Terrorist Financing

Author: Qosaj-Mustafa, Ariana

Title: Fulfilling the EU Requirements in Anti-Corruption and Organised Crime

Summary: Stuck in a limbo between declarative willingness to fight corruption by its current political elite and actual results on the ground, Kosovo remains captured by affairs of corruption awaiting further investigations. An overall mantra of the government as of 2008, the fight against corruption, will continue as long as the investigations and prosecutions of high profile cases would not involve the major political figures of the current government. In addition, as of 15th of June 2014, the EULEX Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo has transferred its competencies to their local counterparts, decreasing further any hope that high profile cases implicating also the current government will be trialed. The transfer of competencies has already shown weak results as evidenced by the low number of corruption cases dealt by the Anti-Corruption Task Force with only five criminal cases initiated by special prosecutors within this body. With the ongoing allegations of corruption for the largest EU civilian mission- EULEX- of their former and current EULEX judges and prosecutors, and joint investigations as of 2013 by EULEX and Kosovo judicial authorities into these allegations, the hopes of Kosovo tackling high profile corruption keeps fading away. The presence and the need to combat corruption in Kosovo has been a continuous requirement of the EU. Few of the recommendations for Kosovo are requirements for many years now with Kosovo institutions continuously failing to implement these recommendations. In 2014, Kosovo was again valued by the EU to have had made limited progress and is at an early stage in the fight against corruption. Furthermore, the second monitoring report on progress by Kosovo in fulfilling the requirements of the Visa Liberalisation Roadmap has indicated that there have been improvements in the fight against corruption, but there still appears to be a lack of actual results in courts. Furthermore, the EU encourages cooperation of Kosovo institutions with the CSOs sector in order to increase the communication of the government with its citizens as well as share of different experiences including analysis of on-going efforts and lessons learned by Kosovo institutions in the fight against corruption and organised crime. This commitment is also shown by the EU support to a number of civil society organisations to monitor and report on the corruption efforts ongoing in Kosovo. This brief is a result of a joint quarterly monitoring of KIPRED and SiV from July-October 2014. The brief offers an overview of the current findings on the fulfilment of the EU criteria in the fight against corruption and organised crime by analysing the capacities of current structures mandated to fight these phenomenas, focusing on the courts and law enforcement agencies. The brief provides a number of recommendations in line with the EU requirements for Kosovo institutions needed for Kosovo to demonstrate willingness to administer the state based on rule of law principles and strengthen its fight against corruption and organised crime.

Details: Prishtina, Kosovo: Kosovar Institute for Policy Research and Development (KIPRED), 2014.

Source: Internet Resource: Policy Brief, No. 2/14: Accessed August 28, 2015 at: http://www.kipred.org/repository/docs/KIPRED_SiV_Brief_Fulfilling_the_EU_Requirements_in_Anti_Corruption_and_Organized_Crime_833217.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.kipred.org/repository/docs/KIPRED_SiV_Brief_Fulfilling_the_EU_Requirements_in_Anti_Corruption_and_Organized_Crime_833217.pdf

Shelf Number: 136605

Organized Crime

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

Title: Support to strengthening of immigration control capacity at the international border gates and international cooperation to prevent and control migrant smuggling and human trafficking

Summary: This report is the independent final evaluation (FE) of the project "Support to Strengthening of Immigration Control Capacity at the International Border Gates and International Cooperation to Prevent and Control Migrant Smuggling and Human Trafficking", implemented by the UNODC Office in Ha Noi, Viet Nam (refer nr VNMS79). Implementation commenced in February 2010 with a duration of 3 years and 6 months, with a budget of USD 1,078,540 (both after project revision). In supporting the Government of Viet Nam to combat the smuggling of migrants and trafficking of people, VNMS79 was designed with a focus on building capacities at land-, air- and seaports through the strengthening of law enforcement and immigration methods (e.g. detection of document and passport fraud, information and trend analysis) in order to better identify and investigate cases of trafficking and smuggling. The objective of VNMS79 is defined as 'To strengthen the capacity of immigration control at the border gates and improved skills of investigation, detection and information processing on migrant smuggling and human trafficking in line with the requirements of the United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC) and its Protocols Against Trafficking of Persons and Smuggling of Migrants'. It is supported by two outcomes: (1) 'Improved capacities at selected border gates to prevent, detect and investigate human trafficking and migrant smuggling', further aided through six outputs, and (2) 'Enhance international cooperation to prevent and control migrant smuggling and trafficking', supported by two outputs. The outputs include delivery of training, supporting equipment and the provision of legal assistance in setting up legal frameworks and cooperation mechanisms.

Details: New York: UNODC, 2013. 61p.

Source: Internet Resource: VNMS79: Accessed August 28, 2015 at: https://www.unodc.org/documents/evaluation/Independent_Project_Evaluations/2014/VNMS79_Final_Evaluation_Report_2014.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Vietnam

URL: https://www.unodc.org/documents/evaluation/Independent_Project_Evaluations/2014/VNMS79_Final_Evaluation_Report_2014.pdf

Shelf Number: 136613

Border Security
Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Immigration Enforcement
Organized Crime

Author: Derghougassian, Khatchik

Title: Illicit Associations in the Global Political Economy: Courtesan Politics, Arms Trafficking and International Security

Summary: The accelerated trend of globalization has transformed the traditional role of the state. According to James Mittelman and Robert Johnston, the state is engaged in a courtesan role, which consists in shifting from serving citizens to acting as tacit partners in market relations, including with globally organized criminal groups. Building on the concept of the courtesan role of the state, this study addresses: (a) the general question of direct and indirect connections of states with illicit transactions in the post-Cold War, with a special attention to arms trafficking; (b) the reaction of the United States, as the remaining unique superpower, to the behavior of states associated with global illicit transactions, especially when involving security-sensitive cases such as arms transfer; (c) the security implications of this particular feature of the global illicit economy, particularly how threats are defined in international politics in the post-Cold War unipolar world. Focusing on the Argentina venta de armas case of illicit arms transfer to the Balkans and Ecuador in the 1990s, the research explores (a) the structural conditions and the domestic roots of a state engaged in illegal transactions in the post-Cold War; (b) the superpower's reaction to policies involving illicit transactions; (c) the security consequences. Through these venues, the dissertation aims at refining the debate in IR Theory to provide a better understanding of the international security dynamics in the post-Cold War.

Details: Coral Gables, FL: University of Miami, 2010. 584p.

Source: Internet Resource: Dissertation: Accessed August 28, 2015 at: http://scholarlyrepository.miami.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1466&context=oa_dissertations

Year: 2010

Country: International

URL: http://scholarlyrepository.miami.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1466&context=oa_dissertations

Shelf Number: 136618

Illegal Trade
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Weapons

Author: Haigner, Stefan D.

Title: The Financial Flows of Terrorism and Transnational Crime

Summary: Yearly revenues from transnational criminal activity account for USD 1 to 1.6 trillion, and a wide variety of methods is employed to transfer those revenues across borders and launder it. The specific type of crime largely determines the choice of methods. Terrorists, for example, use both "legal" as well as illegal activity, in particular drug dealing, to raise funds, and largely employ the formal financial sector as well as physical cross-border transfers to move funds across borders. Money attributable to terrorism, however, accounts only for a tiny share of international proceedings from illicit activity.

Details: Berlin: EUSECON - Department of Development and Security, German Institute for Economic Research, 2012. 4p.

Source: Internet Resource: EUSECON Policy Briefing 17: Accessed September 5, 2015 at: http://www.diw.de/documents/publikationen/73/diw_01.c.399439.de/diw_eusecon_pb0017.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: International

URL: http://www.diw.de/documents/publikationen/73/diw_01.c.399439.de/diw_eusecon_pb0017.pdf

Shelf Number: 136663

Financial Crimes
Organized Crime
Terrorist Financing

Author: Moyle, Brendan

Title: The Black Market in China for Tiger Products

Summary: China is an important source of demand for tiger products. Given most wild tiger populations are found in neighboring Asian states, criminal organizations have developed to procure, transport and distribute tiger products. Their organizational form adjusts to reduce the most significant transaction cost faced at each stage in the supply chain. Procurement is subcontracted to skilled local hunters. Tiger forms a minority part of a wider portfolio of wildlife harvested by poachers. Transport to the Chinese border is the largest cost and minimized by use scale economies to transport wildlife products in bulk. Successful criminal organizations have evaded detection for years. In China Tibet absorbs of the demand for skin, while bone is consumed as medicine in Eastern provinces. There is not an homogeneous black market in tiger parts in China. Harsh penalties in China for tiger trafficking favor networks that specialize in the distribution of just tiger bone, with few intermediaries and likely in secretive settings. Transaction costs limit the penetration of tiger parts to provinces that are proximate to range states. The ability of law enforcement agencies to reduce poaching to safe levels appears unlikely given the evasions strategies available to smugglers.

Details: Auckland, NZ: Department of Commerce, Massey University, 2008. 30p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 5, 2015 at: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1294907

Year: 2008

Country: China

URL: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1294907

Shelf Number: 136683

Animal Poaching
Illegal Wildlife Trade
Organized Crime
Wildlife Crime

Author: Presidia Security Consulting

Title: Economic Sectors Vulnerable to Organized Crime: Marine Port Operations

Summary: The goal of this project is to provide a comprehensive description and analysis of the vulnerabilities of Canadian commercial marine ports to organized crime. Research for this project places particular emphasis on the following key issues: - the different purposes behind the usage of marine ports by criminals and criminal organizations; - commodities smuggled through Canadian marine ports; - methods and techniques used to facilitate the criminal use of marine ports; - recent trends with respect to the vulnerability of marine ports to organized crime; - marine ports in Canada that are particularly vulnerable to organized crime; - conditions that contribute to the vulnerability of marine ports to organized crime; and - successful enforcement measures at Canadian marine ports. The vast majority of information for this study was gathered through a review of open source literature. Interviews were conducted with seven officials from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the Canada Border Services Agency, Transport Canada, and the Montreal Port Authority

Details: Ottawa: Public Safety Canada, 2011. 127p.

Source: Internet Resource: Report No. 25: Accessed September 5, 2015 at: http://publications.gc.ca/site/eng/412723/publication.html

Year: 2011

Country: Canada

URL: The goal of this project is to provide a comprehensive description and analysis of the vulnerabilities of Canadian commercial marine ports to organized crime. Research for this project places particular emphasis on the follow

Shelf Number: 136698

Marine Security
Marine Terminals
Maritime Crime
Organized Crime
Port Security

Author: Melara, Christian N.

Title: Fighting narcotraffic in Latin America: Mexico and El Salvador - a comparative approach

Summary: Mexico and El Salvador have been fighting organized crime for decades. While Mexico has fought drug cartels with the support of the U.S. government, El Salvador has struggled to lower high crime rates mostly with its own resources. Mexico, which has a different government structure from El Salvador's, has not been able to control drug trafficking despite the use of armed forces. Although Mexico's approach to fighting drug cartels differs from El Salvador's approach, neither country has been able to control organized crime in its own territory. While both countries have used armed forces, the outcomes vary. Mexico achieved partial success by incarcerating drug cartel leaders and seizing drugs; however, drug trafficking continued. El Salvador'suse of armed forces has been limited, and the strategy did not lower high crime rates. Human rights issues have aroused negative attention to both countries. The magnitude of the criminal activity in both countries requires a more comprehensive approach, rather than the use of armed forces to counter criminal organized crime.

Details: Monterey, CA: Naval Postgraduate School, 2015. 91p.

Source: Internet Resource: Thesis: Accessed September 9, 2015 at: https://calhoun.nps.edu/bitstream/handle/10945/45226/15Mar_Melara_Christian.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y

Year: 2015

Country: Latin America

URL: https://calhoun.nps.edu/bitstream/handle/10945/45226/15Mar_Melara_Christian.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y

Shelf Number: 136710

Drug Cartels
Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: Interdisciplinary Group of Independent Experts (GIEI)

Title: Ayotzinapa Report: Research and intial conclusions of the disappearances and homicides of the normalistas from Ayotzinapa

Summary: The report issued on September 6 by the Interdisciplinary Group of Independent Experts (GIEI) concludes that the Mexican government's version of the fate of the 43 forcibly disappeared students from Ayotzinapa is wrong and not substantiated by scientific evidence. The Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA) is deeply troubled by the government's grave mishandling of the case and supports the experts' call for the government to pursue further lines of investigation to clarify what happened to the students and provide truth and justice to their families. Mexico's Attorney General, Arely Gomez, who replaced former Attorney General Jesus Murillo Karam shortly after he presented the Mexican government's grossly flawed version of the students' disappearance, affirmed that her office will analyze all aspects of the report to determine whether to incorporate them into the investigation but refrained from making any statements about the government's grave errors in the case. "Rather than doing new tests to prove a theory that has already been discarded, the Mexican government should work to restructure the investigation and pursue all of the proposed lines of investigation," affirmed Maureen Meyer, WOLA Senior Associate for Mexico. "Given the multiple failures of the government's investigators, a new team should be created within the Attorney General's Office to be in charge of this next stage of the investigation," she stated. The group of five renowned experts on criminal prosecutions and human rights was formed by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) based on an agreement with the students' families, their representatives, and the Mexican government. They began their work on March 2, 2015 and have been providing vital technical assistance for the case. Their report reflects six months of extensive work to search for the students, investigate those responsible, provide attention to the surviving victims of the attacks and victims' families, and to develop proposals regarding enforced disappearances in Mexico. The report negates the Mexican government's narrative that after the students had been forcibly disappeared by municipal police they were handed over to a criminal group and subsequently incinerated in a trash dump. "'The experts' report makes clear that the government attempted to sell to the families, Mexican society, and the international community a version of the events that, far from being the truth, is not backed up by scientific evidence," affirmed Meyer. "The government preferred expediency over veracity and went to great lengths, including likely torture, to back up their version of the events," she said. The report also shows that several areas of investigation remain unexplored. In particular, the experts suggest that the extreme violence that was used against the students may have been related to the fact that buses were being used by organized criminal groups in Iguala to transport heroin. Lastly, the report also makes clear that state and federal security forces knew that the students were being pursued and attacked by the municipal police yet they did nothing to come to the students' aid.

Details: Grupo Interdisciplinario de Expertos Independientes. Ayotzinapa (GIEI),2015. 35p. (English summary)

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 11, 2015 at: http://media.wix.com/ugd/3a9f6f_e1df5a84680a4a8a969bd45453da1e31.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Mexico

URL: http://media.wix.com/ugd/3a9f6f_e1df5a84680a4a8a969bd45453da1e31.pdf

Shelf Number: 136721

Criminal Investigation
Organized Crime

Author: Maguire, Tom

Title: An Illusion of Complicity: Terrorism and the Illegal Ivory Trade in East Africa

Summary: A number of myths and misperceptions have grown alongside the illegal ivory trade - none more troubling than the alleged participation of terrorist groups. In East Africa, the Somali terror group Al-Shabaab has supposedly received up to 40 per cent of its running costs through the illegal ivory trade alone. This is a powerful narrative, espoused by some politicians, policy-makers and practitioners. But it is largely wrong. Evidence for Al-Shabaab involvement in poaching and trafficking remains extremely limited and controversial. Briefings given to policy-makers on terrorism and the illegal ivory trade continue to refer to unverified sources. This is a cause for concern: such a narrative risks diverting attention from the trade's main facilitators and, counter-intuitively, from Al-Shabaab's known funding sources. To address these misconceptions, this report explores the complex ecosystems of terrorism, poaching and ivory trafficking in East Africa. Its key findings are that: - Highly networked organised crime groups (OCGs), brokers and corrupt government officials continue to drive the illegal ivory trade across East Africa. Weak legislation and enforcement by security agencies provides a benign environment for their activities - The OCGs, brokers and corrupt officials involved - and the routes and methods used - likely overlap with other forms of organised crime (such as the trafficking of drugs, humans and small arms) - The majority of ivory that transits East Africa comes from source areas on the Tanzania-Mozambique border and in central Tanzania. These are far removed from Al-Shabaab territory - Few, if any, elephants are present directly within Al-Shabaab's area of influence in south-central Somalia and northeastern Kenya. The majority of elephants in Kenya roam at significant distances from the border - There is little evidence of large ivory flows transiting Somalia; established Kenyan and Tanzanian ports remain the primary points for export. This makes the assertion that Al-Shabaab's monthly ivory revenues total $200,000-$600,000 highly unlikely - Estimates of the proportion of Al-Shabaab funds raised from ivory trafficking rely on flawed sums. A range of other sources (including the taxation of charcoal and sugar) are more important to the terrorist organisation - Any Al-Shabaab involvement in the ivory trade to date is likely to have been opportunistic, ad hoc and small-scale. These findings suggest that the illusion of a terrorism - ivory trade nexus distracts policy-makers and law-enforcement agencies from effectively managing limited resources to tackle both terrorist financing and the illegal ivory trade.

Details: London: Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies, 2015. 58p.

Source: Internet Resource: Occasional Paper: Accessed September 30, 2015 at: https://www.rusi.org/downloads/assets/201509_An_Illusion_of_Complicity.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Africa

URL: https://www.rusi.org/downloads/assets/201509_An_Illusion_of_Complicity.pdf

Shelf Number: 136892

Animal Poaching
Illegal Wildlife Trade
Organized Crime
Terrorist Financing
Wildlife Crime

Author: Chaudhry, Peggy

Title: The Impact of Plain Packaging on the Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products

Summary: The illicit trade in consumer products is a dynamic problem with a global reach. Measuring the scale of this trade and the worldwide value of illicitly-traded products is inherently difficult given the illegal nature of this activity, but most accept that it has grown significantly over the last few decades. While the loss of tax revenue is the most measurable impact of illicit trade, other negative consequences center on: harm to consumers; damage suffered by intellectual property owners and legitimate supply chain members; and profits to organized criminal groups. Packaging is a critical deterrent to the counterfeiting of consumer products. Reflecting the challenges of measuring the scale of all global illicit trade, there are no reliable statistics for calculating precisely the size of the worldwide illicit tobacco problem. Some estimates suggest that around 10 to 11% of the global cigarette market is illicit, representing over 600 billion cigarettes a year. Cigarettes can be thought of as the 'ideal smuggled product' since the product is light, extremely valuable for its size and weight, and easy to transport and conceal in shipments of other products. There are various types of illicit tobacco products and the nature of this trade varies between markets. Some markets are mainly a source of illicit products, others are transit routes, and still others are destination markets for consumption. In this report, the serious illicit trade issues affecting the UK are used as a case study. Factors spurring the growth of illicit tobacco trade include: affordability of unlawful cigarettes compared to lawful ones; huge profit incentives for illicit traders; low criminal penalties disproportionate to these profit incentives; and widespread consumer complicity. This trade is assisted by the geographic characteristics of some markets (e.g., destination countries with borders more conducive to receiving illicit product). Currently packaging that is complex or innovative acts as a deterrent to counterfeiters of tobacco products since keeping up with the evolving packaging of genuine product is an expensive and time-consuming process. Packaging is also one of the few ways smokers and law enforcement agencies can use to assess whether a product is genuine or counterfeit. Illicit traders are often nimble, adapting to changing consumer demands and the regulatory environment. They enjoy the business benefits of product diversification without the regulatory constraints faced by manufacturers of legitimate product. The organized criminal gangs often behind the illicit tobacco trade also have the ability to exploit global networks of contacts and to work closely with other criminal enterprises. Tackling the illicit trade in tobacco products requires a multi-level response including national and international collaboration between regulators, enforcement agencies, and those who operate within the legitimate product supply chain. A careful review of the relationship between plain packaging for tobacco products and illicit tobacco trade is required given the pre-existing, serious societal impacts of this illegitimate trade. In our expert opinion, plain packaging for tobacco products will worsen the illicit trade in tobacco products as it would open a number of new opportunities for illicit traders. Notably, plain packaging will allow the illicit traders to provide counterfeit cigarettes using the mandated plain packaging specified by national legislation. The advent of plain packaging may also encourage new entrants to the lucrative business of counterfeiting cigarette packs since the costs and barriers of getting into this business will be reduced; reductions in start-up costs may encourage those without the resources to manufacture an authentic-looking copy of currently available sophisticated pack designs to begin counterfeiting plain packs. The recent Australian plain packaging legislation shows why this is the case: - Plain packs will be easier to counterfeit. In Australia, each cigarette pack can be covered only in a shade of "drab brown" specified by the regulator. In addition, the law forces the use of the most commonly counterfeited pack shape - a flip top box. - Illicit traders are effectively given a blueprint of 'how to make the pack.' Pack specifications will be made available online in contrast to the current practice where design specifications and colors are deliberately kept confidential in order to deter counterfeiters. - Static packaging reduces future cost burdens for illicit traders. A uniform pack design, like the one mandated in Australia, removes the need to keep up with the manufacturers' evolving pack innovations and developments, therefore, reducing the cost burden on counterfeiters since there will be no additional investment necessary until there is a further change in the law. - Plain packaging creates economies of scale in production. Once one plain pack brand is faked, the counterfeiter can reproduce packaging of each brand on the market with minimum effort since the only difference on each pack is the 'brand and variant names' that appear only in a specified font/size. Ironically, while plain packaging makes life easier and cheaper for counterfeiters, it may make life more difficult for consumers, retailers, and law enforcement agencies to differentiate between genuine and fake packs. Those who conduct forensic investigative analysis of packs may have to resort to more resource-intensive and time-consuming tools of verification in a plain packaging environment. Complex health warnings, tax stamps, or holograms will not be an effective deterrent to counterfeiting these much simpler packs. Such 'anti-counterfeiting' markings are already easily faked and counterfeiters generally only replicate enough to 'fool the consumer.' Track and trace requirements are also not the answer as these apply only to manufacturers of genuine product (and, even then, not all of them). In addition, these requirements cannot provide the information smokers need to tell if they have bought a fake pack. Plain packaging would also provide illicit traders with new opportunities to: - Offer counterfeit branded packaging that predates the introduction of the plain packaging measure. While brand owners will be prevented from using their iconic branding, criminals will not. Smokers who want to use familiar branded packs may continue to - wrongly - assume that the branded illicit product being offered is genuine but produced in another market when it is, in fact, fake. - Maintain or increase sales other types of branded packs: 'illicit whites' and contraband genuine product. In our expert opinion, plain packaging is highly likely to aggravate the existing negative impacts of the already serious and socially damaging trade in illicit tobacco. Since illicit products are often more accessible to those underage and those from low-income groups, plain pack laws risk undermining a key objective of plain packaging: to reduce smoking by these groups. We foresee that creating a plain packaging environment will also intensify the following serious societal impacts of the illegitimate trade: - Negative impacts on governments and taxpayers. The loss of tax revenues as more smokers shift from licit to illicit product has a multiplier effect since governments have less funding for healthcare, education, and other public services. 'Cross border shopping' is also likely to increase with the search for familiar branded packs providing an added incentive to the price benefits of buying packs abroad, further reducing government tax revenue in the smoker's 'home market.' - Detrimental influences on communities and society. An array of problems arises from illicit trade that range from cultivating consumers of illicit product who disrespect the law to fostering organized crime groups. These groups often penetrate low-income communities with their cheap products and enlist vulnerable people to perform perceived 'soft crimes,' such as 'ant smuggling.' In the long run, this illicit trade may 'normalize' criminal behavior and lead the individuals involved towards other acts of criminality. - Costs to legitimate manufacturers and retailers. Increased sales of fake products shift revenues from legitimate manufacturers and jobs from the highly-skilled legitimate workforce employed at all levels of the supply chain. Legitimate retailers already lose business to those involved in illicit tobacco trade. - Additional harmful effects to smokers. Regulators and public health officials have repeatedly expressed the concern that smokers are exposed to greater health risks by consuming illicit product. - Profits made by serious criminal organizations. The profits stemming from illicit tobacco trade are often used to finance other serious criminal or terrorist activity including prostitution, human trafficking, and trading of lethal weapons. In summary, we recommend a careful appraisal be given to these unintended negative consequences before plain packaging regulations are developed. Policy makers should be aware that plain packaging will, in our expert opinion, make the illicit trade in tobacco worse and these policy makers should therefore be exceptionally careful to ensure that such regulations do not inadvertently undermine anti-illicit trade programs and initiatives.

Details: Villanova, PA: The Authors, 2012. 187p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 30, 2015 at: http://www.peggychaudhry.com/publications/Impact_on_illicit_trade.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: International

URL: http://www.peggychaudhry.com/publications/Impact_on_illicit_trade.pdf

Shelf Number: 136921

Counterfeit Goods
Design Against Crime
Illegal Tobacco
Illicit Trade
Organized Crime

Author: National Crime Research Centre (Kenya)

Title: A Study of Organized Criminal Gangs in Kenya

Summary: The aim of the study was to identify the nature of organized criminal gangs that operate in Kenya, the types of crimes they commit, their modus operandi including the command structure and networks, and to provide a rapid assessment of the public perception of organized criminal gangs and the effect of their activities on Kenyans. The study further sought to establish the extent to which organized criminal gangs have infiltrated the public/security sector. The scope of the work included; a review of literature on theories of crime and organized criminal gangs in Kenya and based on the study findings purpose practical solutions on how to address the problem of organized crime in Kenya. UNODC (2002) adopted the Transnational Organized Crime (TOC) Convention, Article 2(a) definition which states an organized criminal group as a structured group of three or more persons existing for a period of time and acting in concert with the aim of committing one or more serious crimes or offences in order to obtain directly or indirectly a financial or other material benefit. The UNODC (2002) further provided a useful framework for understanding organized criminal groups as comprising of: structure, size, activities, identity, level of violence, use of corruption, political influence, penetration into the legitimate economy and so on. In the context of methodology, the study had three major components; a survey of community perceptions of organized criminal gangs, key informant interviews development of case studies and secondary statistics. A total of 1343 respondents proportionately sampled across the eight regions of the country were interviewed using a survey questionnaire. Focus Group Discussions involving members of the public and key informant interviews involving senior officers from the provincial administration, police, CID, prisons, judiciary, business and civil society were interviewed. Other respondents were active, inactive and convicted members of organized criminal gangs, their relatives, friends and victims. The following case studies of organized criminal gangs were selected for in-depth analysis; The 42 Brothers, Mombasa Republican Council, Angola-Musumbiji, Sungu Sungu, Mungiki and Al Shaabab. However, two challenges became apparent in the conduct of the study: the sensitivity of the topic made many members of the public decline interviews or otherwise provide information for fear of reprisals and the lack of cooperation by some government officers especially in Western, Eastern and Coast regions. Literature on crime and deviance presents a consensus that there does not exist one vision about them but many. Each theory has its own history and supported by a distinct body of knowledge. Wilson (1975) was most pessimistic of all theories that made no manifest contribution on how to control crime yet crime is distressing and disruptive to the social order, it inflicts pain, subverts trust and community. Durkheim (1965) in anomic theory argues that, the source of high crime rate in organic societies lay in normlessness, modernization and urbanization. Neo-classical explanations of crime emphasize the free-will and rationalistic hedonism and it emerged as a protest against spiritual explanation of crime as initially formulated by the theologist St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274). Social contract theorist's position constructed ideas that included a purposive approach, natural and rational basis for explaining crime and the state's response (Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Montesquieu, Voltaire and Rousseau). Beccarias contributions to the study of criminology and punishment is largely summarised in the following prescriptions; seriousness of crime in terms of harm it inflicts on society; proportionate punishment in terms of crime committed, severity of punishment vis a vis the crime committed, promptness of punishment following commission of crime and the certainty of punishment. Biological theories of crime causation focus on the genetic make up of criminals (Goring, 1913). However Sharh and Roth (1974) favoured environmental factors in crime causation. Merton (1968) in strain theory showed that social conditions in which individuals find themselves force them to commit crime as it limits the appetites of those individuals to satisfy them using legitimate means. Crime then becomes a rational response to overcome the limitations. It is closely associated with anomic theory which explains urban, lower class and male gang delinquency behaviour. Learning theories imply that habits and knowledge develop as a result of the experiences of the individual learning (Bower and Hilgard, 1981). Learnt behaviour can be reinforced or not through punishment as in operant conditioning. Tarde (1943-1904) in the law of imitation showed that crime is a normal learnt behaviour (Vine, 1972). Sutherland (1924) in differential association theory posits that associative interaction generates criminality. In October 2010 the Prevention of Organized Crime Act was enacted and subsequently a Gazette Notice banning 33 organized criminal groups on October 18, 2010 issued. The selected case studies are part of the 33 criminal gangs banned by the Kenya government. The main findings of the study are: most Kenyans (55.2%) were aware of the existence of an organized criminal gang in the area where they live or elsewhere. Again 38.9% knew the organized criminal gangs by name. However 59.0% were too afraid to mention the organized criminal gang by name for fear of reprisals. Countrywide, a total 46 organized criminal gangs were identified by the public. In terms of government commitment to fight organized crime 58.0% were of the view that the government was not doing enough because many members of such gangs are known to the public but they are not arrested. There is also alleged collusion by some government officers with members of organized criminal gangs and that police frequently release them even when there is overwhelming evidence. There is a clear gender division of labour in organized criminal gangs between male and female members. While men undertake execution of tasks, women provide support services including sex, identification of clients/victims, food, spying and storing stolen property. Children play an active spying role as well as opening doors while the elderly specialize in oathing, recruitment, resolution of disputes, spying, and so on. In order to survive 39.7% respondents indicated that organized criminal gangs obtain support of its ethnic group and that ethnic support is crucial for their survival. The support of the ethnic group is either voluntary (23.3%) or involuntary (21.1%), according to the public. Ethnic members conceal the identity of the members. The intra-gang support exists in form of financial, advisory, protection and shelter, bailing out of court, payment of cash court fines, hiring of lawyers and so on. In terms of law enforcement, 49.1% of the respondents were not aware of any arrests of members of organized criminal gangs in the previous three years even when serious crimes had been committed by them. Corruption of the police, judiciary, political influence, lack of police cooperation, difficulties in identifying the members, delayed arrival of police, fear of reporting were identified as factors that energize organized criminal gangs. The use of violence by members of organized criminal gangs against their targets was confirmed by 68.3% of the respondents but intra-group violence does occur against its members too. A total of 30.7% reported that there is inter-group conflict usually over control or sharing of booty or lucrative business. Organized criminal gangs have infiltrated legitimate formal and informal business and scrap metal. Extortion from the public (34.3%) and theft (19.4%) and politicians especially public transport, car wash, motorcycle, rental houses, exhibition shops were the main sources of funds for their operations. Illicit drug trafficking, counterfeiting, armed robbery, vehicle theft, kidnap for ransom, extortion, livestock theft, firearms smuggling were identified as the other sources of funds for organized criminal gangs. According to 29.6% of the respondent's business people support and benefit from organized criminal gangs in terms of protection. A total of 25.8% strongly agreed, 21.7% agreed and 36.1% disagreed to the allegation that politicians channel funds to members of organized criminal gangs for support and campaign. In this regard 14.3% strongly agreed, 20.8% agreed and 48.3% disagreed to the claim that supporters of organized criminal gangs had been elected to parliament during the 2007 parliamentary elections. Organized criminal gangs in Kenya are more focused on crimes that do not require technological applications. In terms of effect of organized crime in society, (75.1%) respondents expressed more fear than before, (76.1%) do not feel secure, (66.9%) are more restless and 18.2% reported a close relative or another close person known to them had been murdered by members of organized criminal gangs and up to 16.8% indicated they had been forced to change residence and 36.0% now carry a weapon for self-defence at all times than before. There is also observed change in behaviour patterns for example, consumers of alcohol stop drinking much earlier than before, for business people they close much earlier. A total of 43.9% respondents were forced to change or review their travel patterns and 49.1% no longer go to certain places they frequented before. To business people the cost of doing business has increased and ordinary people have been forced to install security apparatus/services that were not necessary before. All the organized criminal gangs in this study had a clear organizational/command structure across the areas they operate including specialization of tasks. Idleness occasioned by lack of employment after school was a principal factor in the ease with which recruitment of new members is done. The study recommended the following: the policy makers in public and private sector need to devise ways that create employment to the youth to lower their vulnerability to join organized criminal gangs; the government at national and county levels need to channel enough resources to the police to be effective in crime prevention; since there is alleged or suspected collusion between some police and members of organized criminal gangs there is need for verification of such claims and those found punished; the media needs to play an active role by highlighting arrests and convictions of members of organized criminal gangs and the public needs to play a more active role by providing information to relevant government authorities for action. At community level there is need for institutions including educational and religious to educate the youth to live positively. In conclusion the increase in number of organized criminal gangs has serious implications for national security.

Details: Nairobi, Kenya: National Crime Research Centre, 2012. 152p., ex. summary

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 1, 2015 at: http://ncia.or.ke/ncrc/phocadownload/ncrc%20-%20organized%20criminal%20gangs%20in%20kenya.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Kenya

URL: http://ncia.or.ke/ncrc/phocadownload/ncrc%20-%20organized%20criminal%20gangs%20in%20kenya.pdf

Shelf Number: 136931

Gang-Related Violence
Organized Crime
Violent Crime

Author: Great Britain. HM Treasury

Title: UK national risk assessment of money laundering and terrorist financing

Summary: This is the UK's first money laundering and terrorist financing national risk assessment (NRA). In conducting this assessment the aim is to identify, understand and assess the money laundering and terrorist financing risks faced by the UK. Money laundering can undermine the integrity and stability of our financial markets and institutions. It is a global problem. The European Commission's 2013 impact assessment of the EU anti-money laundering/counter terrorist financing legislative framework points to global criminal proceeds potentially amounting to some 3.6% of GDP; around US$2.1 trillion in 2009. The best available international estimate of amounts laundered globally would be equivalent to some 2.7% of global GDP or US$1.6 trillion in 2009. Both money laundering itself, and the criminality which drives the need to launder money, present a significant risk to the UK. The laundering of proceeds of overseas corruption into or through the UK fuels political instability in key partner countries. The NCA judges that billions of pounds of suspected proceeds of corruption are laundered through the UK each year. Money laundering is also a key enabler of serious and organised crime, the social and economic costs of which are estimated to be $24 billion a year. Taken as a whole, money laundering represents a significant threat to the UK's national security. The government's 2013 Serious and Organised Crime Strategy set out plans to make it harder for criminals to move, hide and use the proceeds of crime. There is a marked overlap between money laundering and terrorist financing - both criminals and terrorists use similar methods to store and move funds. However, the motive for generating and moving funds differs. Terrorists ultimately need money to commit terrorist attacks. Unlike criminal gangs, terrorist groups involve disparate individuals coming together through a shared motivation and ideology. Finance is an essential aspect of enabling terrorist groups to function, recruit and commit terrorist acts. A lack of funds can have a direct effect on the ability of terrorist organisations and individuals to operate and to mount attacks. There is evidence of terrorist financing activity in the UK and terrorist financing poses a significant threat to the UK's national security. The UK recognises that countering terrorist financing is important in protecting national security. Countering terrorist financing forms a key part of the UK's CONTEST counter-terrorism strategy with the aim being to reduce the terrorist threat to the UK and its interests overseas by depriving terrorists and violent extremists of the financial resources and systems required for terrorism-related activity.

Details: London: HM Treasury and Home Office, 2015. 110p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 15, 2015 at: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/468210/UK_NRA_October_2015_final_web.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: United Kingdom

URL: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/468210/UK_NRA_October_2015_final_web.pdf

Shelf Number: 136990

Money Laundering
Organized Crime
Terrorist Financing

Author: Briscoe, Ivan

Title: Crime after Jihad: armed groups, the state and illicit business in post-conflict Mali

Summary: Mali's descent into a war of secession at the start of 2012 was a conflict foretold. Yet what followed proved radically distinct from the country's three previous episodes of insurgency in its vast, impoverished and arid north. Radical Islamists seized control of the main urban centres of northern Mali, displacing the Tuareg rebels with whom they had struck a working relationship. In the capital, Bamako, a military coup led by an unknown and low-ranking army captain overthrew a president who had been in power for a decade. An uneasy stand-off came into being: Mali's debilitated military guarded the frontiers to the south, while Islamist hardliners and criminals meted out their own version of sharia justice across the north. As is well known, the decomposition of Malian state authority was finally halted early in 2013. Faced with an Islamist advance to the south, French military forces embarked on a lightning intervention that scattered the extremists and reasserted control over the north. Since then, the pace of Mali's post-conflict recovery and stabilization has been astonishing: a UN peacekeeping mission and a host of bilateral and EU programmes have been put into place; a new president and a new National Assembly have been elected; peace talks with the more moderate armed groups, though stuttering, are under way. But as the national government and the international community leave behind the heat of the crisis, it is now incumbent on them to understand what caused such a perilous tailspin to start in Mali, so as to prevent it from reoccurring. As in other countries of West Africa and the Sahel, transnational organized crime has played a prominent role in the affairs of Mali over the past two decades, above all in the north. Drug trafficking, including large consignments of high-value cocaine from Latin America, as well as kidnapping rackets led by Islamist terror groups operating freely across the borders of the Sahel, are both widely regarded as playing key roles in fomenting the instability, unrest and violence that climaxed in 2012. However, the depiction of a crime-terror nexus in Mali, whereby criminal profits feed insurgent arms and recruitment, does not do justice to the multi-faceted role played by illicit activity across the country. This paper is an attempt to marshal all the available evidence, along with the insights provided by experts in Mali, so as to understand the relations that were forged prior to 2012 between criminal enterprises, communities, political and social elites, armed groups, the Malian state and neighbouring countries. On the basis of recent developments, the paper seeks to outline the likely adaptations that the main illicit networks will now make, and to draw out some recommendations as to how best to temper the criminality and violence that menace Mali's post-conflict transition. At the heart of this analysis is an account of how Mali was both the victim of the displacement of drug-trafficking routes and armed jihadist activity from other countries, and a deeply complicit partner in profiting from the incoming wave of illicit trade and Islamist terror. Behind this willing complicity lay the particular vulnerabilities of Malian state and society. Government in Bamako, the country's capital, had by 2006 replaced direct authority over the north with sporadic, ham-fisted interference. Chronic competition between the north's many ethnic, caste and clan groups offered numerous possibilities for the political elite in Bamako to find useful allies to do its bidding. However, these social fissures were also fodder for the designs of other, newer parties: nearby states such as Algeria and Libya, criminal organizations seeking to traffic drugs, and radical armed groups. The resulting transactions between supranational forces and local ethnic or tribal factions were to set Mali on the way to the fourth, and arguably the most threatening, insurgency of its post-colonial history. But Mali's war was not merely the product of radicalized and internationalized disaffection in the north. The conflict also threw a harsh light on the degradation of the state itself. A model for democratic virtue in Africa, half of whose budget was financed by foreign donors, Mali re-emerged after its coup as a state that had been afflicted by multiple vices. Illicit practices had become rampant across the public sector, corroding popular faith in politicians; Mali's celebrated elections had in fact received some of the lowest turnouts in the democratic world. Moreover, the day-to-day corruption, patronage and nepotism formed a permissive soil on which an all-powerful presidency could nurture the construction of a shadow state. The greatest drug trafficking scandal of Malian history, the Air Cocaine case of 2009, suggests that official complicity in the criminal business had penetrated the highest echelons of power. Mali has now set the course for a recovery of legitimate and accountable state authority. Its new president, Ibrahim Boubacar Keita, has backed a clean sweep of the judicial system and a Truth Commission on violence in the north. Captain Sanogo, the coup leader, is in jail, along with his accomplices. Key Islamist leaders and narco-traffickers have been scattered or neutered, as have the masterminds of the shadow state. From the information available, it would seem that major illicit trafficking across the north has also diminished in scale. However, it is far too soon to proclaim an end to the crisis. Occasional terrorist attacks and ethnic skirmishes remain a constant headache for local people and UN peacekeepers. At the same time, the pre-war illicit networks are never far away: clearing corruption from the public sector is set to be a long and arduous haul, while illicit networks in political life are destined to regroup and reconfigure, as they have in many other criminalized environments, notably in Latin America. Nearby countries such as Niger and Libya have quickly emerged as staging posts in the Saharan and Sahelian criminal economy. As Mali negotiates its post-conflict recovery, the focus must be directed at ways to reduce the systemic threat from criminal business while avoiding the sorts of blind repressive policies that have engineered insurgencies in Afghanistan, or terrible bloodshed in Mexico. This paper outlines a number of approaches that should lie at the heart of such a balanced, conflict-sensitive strategy towards crime. A robust and inclusive political settlement for the north is critical, though for this to work attention must now focus on how decentralized or autonomous regional authorities can be supervised without the risk of meddling from Bamako. Provision of security and security reform must be imbued with realism as to what can be achieved with the institutions available, and should be shaped by an emphasis on intelligence-led policing that seeks to sever the most dangerous criminal linkages to power-brokers. Counter-terrorism must also be wise to the intermediation of criminal figures, and to the armed networks that illicit businessmen have cultivated. And lastly, it remains imperative that renascent Mali attacks the roots of the shadow state, and is backed by an international community willing to abandon its hunger for fixers in the state and short-term solutions.

Details: The Hague: Conflict Research Unit, the Clingendael Institute, 2014. 65p.

Source: Internet Resource: CRU Report: Accessed October 30, 2015 at: http://www.clingendael.nl/sites/default/files/Crime%20after%20Jihad.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Mali

URL: http://www.clingendael.nl/sites/default/files/Crime%20after%20Jihad.pdf

Shelf Number: 137180

Criminal Networks
Drug Trafficking
Illicit Networks
Organized Crime

Author: Council of Europe

Title: Impact Study on Civil Forfeiture

Summary: From the late 1980s onwards, the imperative for those (at both international and national levels) seeking to combat serious organised crime and other transnational offences (including corruption, economic crime and drug trafficking) has been to deprive those benefiting from such criminality of the financial rewards that they thereby obtain. As a result, one of the key changes in approach has been a shift in sentencing policy both nationally and as expressed in international instruments from the traditional aim which centred on penal measures up to and including imprisonment, rather than denying criminals of their illicit gains. Although confiscation had been available to courts in a number of jurisdictions from much earlier on, it tended to relate to confiscation of items such as seizure and destruction of drugs, or to weapons if used as instrumentalities to commit crimes. To address the modern trend of increasingly acquisitive (and very often cross-border) criminality the traditional approach was found to be insufficient as the fruits of the offending were still available for a criminal's enjoyment at the end of a prison sentence. The criminal justice sector across regions came to recognize that, if the aim of sentencing policy was to be effective deterrence, then it needed to hit the true aim of such criminality: making a profit. International instruments such as the 1988 Vienna Convention on Drug Trafficking, as the pioneering instrument, introduced the mechanism of confiscation for drug trafficking. This paved the way for extending confiscation to all other acquisitive crimes, including for bribery and corruption (first in a limited way in the UN Convention on Transnational and Organised Crime (UNTOC) and then, in 2003, more comprehensively in the UN Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC)). Meanwhile, in Europe, both the Council of Europe and the EU led the way in taking decisive steps to obligate their respective member states to put in place a framework for the restraint/seizure and confiscation of illicitly obtained assets. This was achieved through, in particular, the Council of Europe Convention on Laundering, Search, Seizure and Confiscation of the Proceeds from Crime and on the Financing of Terrorism 2005 (the Council of Europe 2005 Convention) and four key EU Framework Decisions (2001/500/JHA; 2003/577/JHA; 2005/212/JHA; 2006/783/JHA). It should be noted, however, that the international instruments, although seminal to the development of asset recovery, have focused on post-conviction confiscation/asset recovery and have not, generally, addressed the subject matter of this study, civil forfeiture (sometimes referred to as confiscation in rem). They have certainly not discouraged it and, to that extent, they have left the way open to states to introduce it, but they have not taken the concept forward in any concerted way. The exception, and a powerful indicator of the importance of civil forfeiture in countering corruption, is UNCAC, which obligates each state party to consider whether civil forfeiture should be introduced within its jurisdiction . As a result of the (understandable and necessary) drive to establish a post-conviction confiscation framework in states, the reader is likely to be familiar with the legal mechanism for the recovery of illicitly obtained assets through criminal proceedings, where, at the end of a criminal trial, the Court, upon the application of the prosecution, or as a requirement of law, considers whether property derived from criminal activity should be forfeited so as to deprive the convicted person from enjoying the fruits of his criminality. This is the usual course of events and will, generally speaking, be the preferred option where the accused is found in the territory of a State and there is sufficient evidence to support a criminal prosecution. Indeed, this is, today, the position in most states.

Details: Belgrade: Council of Europe, Belgrade Office, 2013. 96p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 9, 2015 at: https://www.coe.int/t/dghl/cooperation/economiccrime/corruption/Publications/CAR/Impact%20Study%20on%20Civil%20Forfeiture_EN.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Serbia and Montenegro

URL: https://www.coe.int/t/dghl/cooperation/economiccrime/corruption/Publications/CAR/Impact%20Study%20on%20Civil%20Forfeiture_EN.pdf

Shelf Number: 137221

Asset Forfeiture
Financial Crimes
Organized Crime
Proceeds of Crime

Author: Sharma, Saswot Raj

Title: Terrorist, White Collar and Organized Crime Financing Case Study and Forensic Audit

Summary: Terrorism, white collar crime and organized crime usually are inevitable fact and black truth on human civilization. They need funds for operation and all the illicit money gathered cannot be used for operation until and unless it is cleaned by the means on Money laundering. Money laundering usually occurs in three steps: Placement is the transfer of illegal activities' proceeds into financial systems without attracting the attention of financial institutions and government authorities. Money launderers accomplish this by dividing their tainted cash into small sums and executing transactions that fall beneath banks' regulatory reporting levels. Layering is the process of generating a series of transactions in order to distance the proceeds from their illegal source and to obfuscate the audit trail. Common layering techniques include outbound electronic funds transfers, usually directly or subsequently into a - bank secrecy haven,- or a jurisdiction with lax recordkeeping and reporting requirements, and withdrawals of already placed deposits in the form of highly liquid monetary instruments, such as money orders or travelers checks. Integration, the final money laundering stage, is the unnoticed reinsertion of successfully laundered, untraceable proceeds into an economy. This is accomplished through a variety of spending, investing and lending techniques and cross-border, seemingly legitimate transactions. Independent auditors have a responsibility under SAS no. 54, Illegal Acts by Clients, to be aware of the possibility that illegal acts may have occurred, indirectly affecting amounts recorded in an entity's financial statements. If an accountant believes the consequences of the money laundering have not been properly accounted for or disclosed on the financial statements, SAS 54 states that the auditor should Criminal Financing Forensic Audit 5 Saswot Raj Sharma /ICAI/ Feb 14 express a qualified or adverse opinion on the financial statements. If the client refuses to accept the auditor's modified report, the auditor should resign. Punishment: Generally internationally the punishment is usually as follows: (a) A person who finances in terrorist activities shall be punished by an imprisonment up to five years and a fine equal to the amount used in offence and where such amount is not identified up to five hundred thousand rupees. (b) A person who commits money laundering offence under Chapter-2 of the AMLA except one mentioned in Sub-Section (1) shall be punished by an imprisonment between one and four years and a fine equal to the amount used in the offence. (c) An additional punishment of ten percent shall be awarded where a public official or the chief or official of a bank, financial institution or non-financial institution is involved in the offence.

Details: Kirtipur, Nepal: Tribhuvan University, 2014. 81p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 9, 2015 at: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2664340

Year: 2014

Country: International

URL: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2664340

Shelf Number: 137580

Financial Crimes
Money Laundering
Organized Crime
Terrorist Financing
White-Collar Crime

Author: Briscoe, Ivan

Title: A violent compound: competition, crime and modern conflict

Summary: A notable characteristic of several of the most intractable conflicts in the world today is the presence of more than one sort of violence. In cases such as Syria, Mali and Libya the lines between armed conflict and other forms of organised violence have blurred. Conflicts that originated in political divisions have assumed criminal dimensions. At the same time highly criminalised parts of Central America and Mexico have witnessed the coercion of the state and society by groups whose methods resemble the military strategies of an insurgency. "Non-conventional armed violence" is the term used to describe forms of organised violence that do not fit the formal classification of armed conflict as a "contested incompatibility" between two or more parties. However, violence without a clear political or ideological goal is no soft alternative to old-fashioned war. It can be as lethal as conflict, and is a notorious presence in protracted wars where both multiple factions and the state are fighting. The search for new streams of illicit revenue, connections to transnational crime, volatile ties to local communities, the collapse of vertical chains of military authority, and a certain ambivalence to official state and security institutions when these can partly be captured for shared material gain are the hallmarks of this violence wherever it flourishes. Drawing on a series of 12 NOREF reports studying six countries affected by non-conventional armed violence, as well as core areas for policy responses, this synthesis report points to the importance of understanding and addressing this violence due to the critical role it plays in perpetuating insecurity, blocking peace and causing complex emergencies. Among its recommendations, the synthesis report calls for more flexible forms of mediation and reintegration for non-conventional armed groups, the redesign of humanitarian responses, and the implementation of novel controls over illicit flows connected to violent groups.

Details: Oslo: Norwegian Peacebuilding Resource Centre (NOREF); The Hague: the Clingendael Institute, 2015. 14p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 11, 2015 at: http://www.clingendael.nl/sites/default/files/A%20violent%20compound.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: International

URL: http://www.clingendael.nl/sites/default/files/A%20violent%20compound.pdf

Shelf Number: 137236

Conflict Related Violence
Organized Crime
Violent Crime

Author: Forsaith, James

Title: Study for an impact assessment on a proposal for a new legal framework on the confiscation and recovery of criminal assets

Summary: The confiscation and recovery of criminal assets, which has a long pedigree within the criminal justice systems of many Member States, has in recent decades assumed a prominent position in the fight against organised crime. Led by Italy, many EU Member States have introduced asset confiscation laws which, by targeting the motivation for profit-driven crime, aim to deter would-be criminals. The force of this logic is easily demonstrated at the microeconomic level (by examining the choices facing individual decision-makers) but the macroeconomic consequences of asset confiscation remain poorly researched. Nevertheless, the logic is widely accepted - no doubt in part because depriving criminals of their ill-gotten gains is a politically attractive concept. Although asset confiscation is a popular concept with a basis in international law, EU law and Member State laws, these laws remain underdeveloped and underutilised. It is unlikely that any Member State confiscates a significant proportion of criminal assets and, accordingly, it is unlikely that the laws themselves are achieving their stated aim. To a large extent this may be because asset confiscation presents as a paradigm shift in criminal justice and agents of the state are likely to remain focused upon their tradition roles (arrest and prosecution) unless they face specific incentives to use the available tools. There are noticeable trends towards improved laws and greater utilisation, but these trends are not so strong as to render EU-level action unnecessary. This study for an impact assessment on a proposal for a new legal framework on the confiscation and recovery of criminal assets aims to assist the European Commission by providing inputs in aid of a formal impact assessment. These inputs consist of policy options for EU-level intervention analysed against evaluation criteria. The evaluation criteria and policy options have both been derived in consultation with the European Commission: the former based on the European Commission's own Impact Assessment Guidelines and the latter based on a problem definition produced as part of this study. This problem definition is based on extensive desk research and fieldwork which generated a detailed map of Member State asset confiscation laws, sought to understand their operation in practice and collated available statistical data.

Details: Santa Monica, CA: RAND Europe, 2012. 259p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 14, 2015 at: http://ec.europa.eu/home-affairs/doc_centre/crime/docs/RAND%20EUROPE%20Study%20Final%20Report.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Europe

URL: http://ec.europa.eu/home-affairs/doc_centre/crime/docs/RAND%20EUROPE%20Study%20Final%20Report.pdf

Shelf Number: 137286

Asset Forfeiture
Organized Crime
Proceeds of Crime

Author: Elek, Bojan

Title: Towards More Effective Police Cooperation Between Serbia and Kosovo

Summary: The process of normalisation of relations between Serbia and Kosovo has surfaced as a top priority for the EU's approach to enlargement in the Western Balkans. Belgrade and Pristina have embarked upon a laborious road to negotiate outstanding technical and political issues, under the auspices of an EU mediated dialogue. Although the EU's shiniest trophy thus far, the April 2013 Brussels Agreement, heralded a positive breakthrough in relations between the two sides, its implementation has met with significant obstacles on the ground. A number of issues are yet to be addressed at the bilateral level, including both political matters (to be negotiated under Chapter 35 of the accession talks) and technical questions stemming from the process of harmonising national legislation with the EU acquis. The most important issues are encapsulated by Chapter 23 (Judiciary and Fundamental Rights) and Chapter 24 (Area of Freedom, Security and Justice). Within the latter the European Commission explicitly requested from Serbia to raise cooperation with Kosovo to the same level as with any other neighbouring country for a number of policy areas, including police cooperation. Although an elaborate web of mechanisms for exchange of information is in place, the establishment of direct police cooperation remains to be addressed as a part of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue. Police cooperation is still at a nascent level, which significantly affects the ability of the competent authorities to enforce the law and fight organised crime, while also having detrimental effects on the level of human security in the region. Based on the analysis of the Serbian Government's strategic approach to the transposition and implementation of the best EU standards and practices in the area of police cooperation and also taking into account agreements already reached and mechanisms put in place, a set of recommendations is proposed to Belgrade and Pristina, as well as to the EU institutions.

Details: Belgrade: Belgrade Centre for Security Policy, 2015. 13p.

Source: Internet Resource: Policy Brief: Accessed November 16, 2015 at: http://www.bezbednost.org/upload/document/towards_more_effective_police_cooperation_between_.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Serbia and Montenegro

URL: http://www.bezbednost.org/upload/document/towards_more_effective_police_cooperation_between_.pdf

Shelf Number: 137290

Organized Crime
Police Effectiveness

Author: Europol

Title: The Internet Organised Crime Threat Assessment (IOCTA) 2015

Summary: 2015 Internet Organised Crime Threat Assessment (IOCTA) is a law enforcement-centric threat assessment intended to inform priority setting for the EMPACT Operational Action Plan for 2016 in the three sub-priority areas of cybercrime (cyber attacks, child sexual exploitation online and payment fraud). The IOCTA also seeks to inform decision-makers at strategic, policy and tactical levels on how to fight cybercrime more effectively and to better protect online society against cyber threats. The 2015 IOCTA provides a view from the trenches, drawing primarily on the experiences of law enforcement within the EU Member States to highlight the threats visibly impacting on industry and private citizens within the EU. The IOCTA is a forward-looking assessment presenting analyses of future risks and emerging threats, providing recommendations to align and strengthen the joint efforts of EU law enforcement and its partners in preventing and fighting cybercrime

Details: The Hague: Europol, 2015. 75p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 17, 2015 at: https://www.europol.europa.eu/content/internet-organised-crime-threat-assessment-iocta-2015

Year: 2015

Country: Europe

URL: https://www.europol.europa.eu/content/internet-organised-crime-threat-assessment-iocta-2015

Shelf Number: 137309

Internet Crimes
Organized Crime

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Country Office Pakistan

Title: Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Air and Sea in Pakistan: A Review of National Laws and Treaty Compliance

Summary: Irregular migration, especially in the form of migrant smuggling and trafficking in persons, and associated criminal activities such as money laundering, document fraud, and corruption, are of imminent concern to Pakistan. Recent reports confirm that Pakistan is simultaneously a sending, transit, and destination point for smuggled migrants. Smuggling of migrants involves the procurement for financial or other material benefit of illegal entry of a person into a State of which that person is not a national or resident. Virtually every country in the world is affected by these crimes. The challenge for all countries, rich and poor, is to target the criminals who take advantage of desperate people and to protect and assist smuggled migrants, many of whom endure unimaginable hardships in their bid for a better life. In response to the emergence of migrant smuggling, the Government of Pakistan has taken some action to develop national strategies to prevent and suppress this crime. Pakistan's Federal Investigation Agency (FIA), as the country's chief national law enforcement agency, has the mandate to prevent and suppress migrant smuggling and is in a unique position to comprehensively combat this phenomenon, along with associated crime such as money laundering, document fraud, and corruption. UNODC, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, is the guardian of the United Nations (UN) Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrant by Land, Air, and Sea (the Migrant Smuggling Protocol)1 and the Convention against Transnational Organised Crime. UNODC leads international efforts to comprehensively prevent and suppress migrant smuggling and protect smuggled migrants. UNODC's Country Office in Islamabad stands ready to assist Pakistan's authorities in their efforts. To this end, in August 2010, UNODC requested the services of independent experts to assess the compliance of national laws and regulations in Pakistan against the requirements of international law and international best practice relating to the smuggling of migrants. The purpose of this report is to identify domestic laws, regulations, and policies in Pakistan relating to migrant smuggling and assess them against the requirements articulated in international law and the standards set by international best practice guidelines. Based on this assessment, recommendations for law reform, policy change, and for further analysis are made.

Details: Islamabad : United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Country Office Pakistan, 2011. 78p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 25, 2015 at: https://www.unodc.org/documents/pakistan//2011.10.00_Laws_relating_to_Migrant_Smuggling_in_Pakistan_final.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Pakistan

URL: https://www.unodc.org/documents/pakistan//2011.10.00_Laws_relating_to_Migrant_Smuggling_in_Pakistan_final.pdf

Shelf Number: 137339

Human Smuggling
Illegal Immigration
Migrant Smuggling
Organized Crime

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Country Office Pakistan

Title: Pakistan's law enforcement response to the smuggling of migrants and trafficking in persons.

Summary: This report assesses the legal frameworks, law enforcement strategies, capacities, and methodologies pertaining to migrant smuggling and trafficking in persons in Pakistan, focusing specifically on the mandate, organisation, and operations of Pakistan's Federal Investigation Agency. The report identifies, maps, outlines, and explores existing law enforcement responses and assess these against international law requirements and against the standards set by international best practice guidelines. This report reveals strengths of existing arrangements and identifies areas where further development or reform may be needed. This report shows that Pakistan has solid policy, legislative, and organisational frameworks to combat trafficking in persons and, to a lesser degree, the smuggling of migrants. The Government of Pakistan has to be commended for setting up a National Action Plan for Combating Human Trafficking in 2004 and enacting the Prevention and Control of Human Trafficking Ordinance two years earlier. This report shows enforcement mandates pertaining to trafficking in persons, especially those of the FIA, are sufficiently clear and are supported by relevant enforcement powers. Legislative and law enforcement frameworks for migrant smuggling are not well developed or, as confirmed by other reports, non-existent and concerns remain over ongoing confusion between migrant smuggling and trafficking in persons in Pakistani law and by Pakistani authorities. Pakistan is also not a Signatory to the United Nations Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Air, and Sea and the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children. Pakistan has, however, signed the Convention against Transnational Organised Crime. Pakistan's relatively sound policy, legal, and organisational frameworks are, however, not matched by consistent implementation and execution; words are often not followed by actions. This assessment has found major deficiencies in the training of FIA personnel and in the facilities and equipment used by and available to FIA investigators and front-line officers. Most FIA officers working in units charged with investigating migrant smuggling and trafficking in persons obtain no training at all and frequently lack the most basic equipment to carry out their duties. FIA facilities in local areas are often in poor condition and lack reliable electricity supplies. Practical mechanisms for the protection of smuggled and migrants and, in particular, victims of trafficking in persons are, for the most part, non-existent, under-developed, or are only addressed in very rudimentary and ad-hoc ways. Also of concern are deficiencies in inter-departmental cooperation, national coordination, human resources, case management and data storage, information and evidence gathering.

Details: Islamabad : United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Country Office Pakistan, 2011. 147p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 25, 2015 at: https://www.unodc.org/documents/pakistan//2011.10.00_Pakistans_Law_Enforcement_Response_final.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Pakistan

URL: https://www.unodc.org/documents/pakistan//2011.10.00_Pakistans_Law_Enforcement_Response_final.pdf

Shelf Number: 137340

Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Illegal Immigrants
Illegal Immigration
Immigration Enforcement
Migrant Smuggling
Organized Crime

Author: Spapens, A.C.M., ed.

Title: Administrative approaches to crime. Administrative measures based on regulatory legislation to

Summary: Over the last years a great deal of attention has been devoted to the administrative approach at the European level, within the context of preventing and combating organised crime. In fact, the Stockholm programme, the Internal Security Strategy and the COSI work programme all view this approach as a useful supplement to the traditional judicial and police approach against organised crime. The administrative approach was already subject to a range of initiatives, among them the delivery of different EU handbooks on complementary approaches and actions to prevent and combat organised crime, and the establishment of the Informal Network of contact points on the administrative approach. In 2010, during the Belgian EU Presidency, the Council adopted conclusions in which the Informal Network was requested to assess the possibilities to strengthen the exchange of information between administrative bodies and traditional law enforcement organisations. To this end the Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice (coordinator), together with Tilburg University (the Netherlands) and the KU Leuven - University (Belgium), supported by the Belgian Home Affairs Ministry, applied for a grant at the Prevention of and Fight against Crime Programme of the European Commission. In 2011, the European Commission awarded this ISEC grant to conduct a 'study on the potential for information exchanges between administrative bodies and traditional law enforcement organizations to support the use of administrative measures within EU Member States and at EU level'. The underlying report is the result of this ISEC grant. The study aims to contribute to the existing body of knowledge concerning an administrative approach to crime in the European Union in the following manner. First, it explored the legal options available to national administrative authorities in the selected Member States. Options that prevent criminals from misusing the legal infrastructure, such as licensing procedures or tender procedures. This resulted in ten separate country reports (Chapters 2-11), as well as a comparison of those legal options in the ten Member States (Chapter 12). Second, it considered the practical application of the legal options available in the selected Member States. The results of this empirical study are reviewed in Chapter 13. Chapter 14 explored the potential for information exchange between EU Member States in support of an administrative approach to crime. Last, the conclusions and the way forward were presented in part V of this study (Chapter 15 and 16).

Details: Brussels: European Commission, Directorate-General Home Affairs, 2015. 603p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed December 2, 2015 at: http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/home-affairs/e-library/documents/policies/organized-crime-and-human-trafficking/crime-prevention/docs/final_report_eu_study_administrative_approaches_to_crime_en.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Europe

URL: http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/home-affairs/e-library/documents/policies/organized-crime-and-human-trafficking/crime-prevention/docs/final_report_eu_study_administrative_approaches_to_crime_en.pdf

Shelf Number: 137422

Crime Prevention
Organized Crime
Serious Crime

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

Title: The Concept of "Exploitation" in the Trafficking in Persons Protocol

Summary: Article 3(a) of the United Nations Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (Trafficking in Persons Protocol) defines trafficking in persons as constituting three elements: (i) an "action", being recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons; (ii) a "means" by which that action is achieved (threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, abduction, fraud, deception, abuse of power or a position of vulnerability, and the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve consent of a person having control over another person); and (iii) a "purpose" (of the action/means): namely, exploitation. Exploitation is not specifically defined in the Protocol but stipulated to include, at a minimum: "the exploitation of the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labour or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude or the removal of organs." The definition further clarifies in Article 3(b), that consent of the victim to the intended exploitation is irrelevant when any of these 'means' have been used. All three elements (act, means and purpose) must be present to constitute 'trafficking in persons' in the Trafficking in Persons Protocol. The only exception is that when the victim is a child, the 'means' element is not part of the definition. The Protocol definition has been widely embraced by States and the international community. However, over the past decade it has become evident that questions remain about certain aspects of that definition and its practical application. This is important because to characterize certain conduct as 'trafficking' has significant and wide-ranging consequences for the alleged perpetrators of that conduct, and for the alleged victims. There may also be consequences for States - both internally in terms of constructing a national understanding of the nature and extent of the 'trafficking problem', and externally, in relation to various institutions and mechanisms that concern themselves with States' response to 'trafficking'. The potential breadth and narrowness of the definition has raised several issues to which States have taken quite different positions. Those who support a conservative or even restrictive interpretation of the concept of trafficking consider that too wide a definition may encompass practices that do not meet the high seriousness threshold expected of 'trafficking'. Those who advocate for a more expansive interpretation consider that too narrow an understanding of what is 'trafficking' may impede investigations, prosecutions and convictions related to practices that should indeed fall within this term - or indeed operate to exclude such practices altogether. Claims that 'all trafficking is slavery' and 'all forced labour is trafficking' are just two manifestations of what has been termed 'exploitation creep'. The risk that important concepts contained in the Protocol are not clearly understood and, therefore, are not consistently implemented and applied has been acknowledged by States Parties. In 2010, the Open-ended Interim Working Group on the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (Working Group on Trafficking in Persons) recommended that UNODC prepare a series of Issue Papers "to assist criminal justice officers in penal proceedings" on several concepts identified as problematic. The first Issue Paper, on the concept of "abuse of a position of vulnerability and other 'means'" was completed and issued in 2012, along with a Guidance Note for Practitioners. The second study, which dealt with the issue of "consent" was completed and issued in 2014. That study did not lend itself to a Guidance Note but a list of 'Key Considerations" for practitioners was formulated and included as an annex to the Issue Paper. The present study focuses on the third definitional concept identified as requiring attention: the concept of "exploitation". Each study has adopted a similar methodology, with occasional refinements to reflect lessons learned. The methodology includes (i) a desk review of relevant literature including legislation and case law; (ii) a survey of States representing different regions and legal traditions through legislative and case review as well as interviews with practitioners; (iii) preparation of a draft issue paper; (iii) review of the draft issue paper and development of additional guidance at an international expert group meeting; and (v) finalization of the Issue paper and any associated guidance. This present Issue Paper is divided into five parts. Part 1 sets out introductory and background material. Part 2 provides an overview and analysis of the international legal and policy framework around exploitation with a particular focus on the Trafficking in Persons Protocol. Part 3 summarises and analyses the results of the survey conducted of national law and practice as it relates to exploitation within the definition of trafficking. Part 4 seeks to draw together the findings from the survey. The final part, Part 5, provides guidance emanated in the process of developing this paper, including through the surveys and expert interviews as well as in the expert group meeting in October 2014.

Details: Vienna: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2015. 136p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 12, 2016 at: https://ec.europa.eu/anti-trafficking/sites/antitrafficking/files/unodc_ip_exploitation_2015.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: International

URL: https://ec.europa.eu/anti-trafficking/sites/antitrafficking/files/unodc_ip_exploitation_2015.pdf

Shelf Number: 137472

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime
Sexual Exploitation

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

Title: The role of recruitment fees and abusive and fraudulent recruitment practices of recruitment agencies in trafficking in persons

Summary: The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), as the guardian of the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons (the Trafficking in Persons Protocol), assists Member States in their efforts to effectively implement the Trafficking in Persons Protocol and to build comprehensive and effective responses to trafficking in persons. Among other work, UNODC supports Member States through the development of various research and issue papers and reports on trafficking in persons. The purpose of this work is to help improve understanding of the complex nature of the crime of trafficking in persons, with the ultimate goal to allow for better prevention of the crime, prosecution of traffickers, protection of trafficking victims, and creation of more effective partnerships and cooperation among States and between different stakeholders. The present report aims to shed light on one of the burning issues concerning trafficking in persons, namely the linkages between recruitment fees and abusive and fraudulent practices of recruitment agencies and trafficking in persons. Recruitment agencies can play a legitimate and essential role in facilitating supply and demand in labour markets, across geographies and sectors. In particular, they often facilitate the movement of workers looking for job opportunities outside their home countries. Yet, abusive recruitment practices seem to flourish in all parts of the world. Such practices seem to be closely linked with trafficking in persons. In many countries recruiters and recruitment agencies charge workers fees for recruitment services that far exceed the legal limits or that might be prohibited altogether. The indebtedness that often follows and the need to repay the debt often drives workers to accept difficult or exploitative working conditions, making them vulnerable to trafficking in persons. In addition, the role of recruitment fees and agencies in trafficking in persons can go beyond just creating vulnerabilities in workers to trafficking in persons. Recruiters and recruitment agencies might be directly involved in trafficking criminal networks aiming to exploit workers. The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between recruitment fees and other abusive and fraudulent practices of recruitment agencies and trafficking in persons, with a particular focus on criminal justice measures to address this relationship. While there have been numerous incidents of abusive recruitment practices and subsequent labour exploitation reported in all parts of the world, little is known about how States respond to the phenomenon and whether they use their anti-trafficking legislation to prosecute persons involved in such recruitment practices. The paper examines the State practice with a view to highlighting lessons learned and providing recommendations on how to adequately respond to the issue. Addressing the role of recruitment fees and agencies in trafficking in persons is a challenging undertaking, since the topic has not yet been thoroughly examined and globally the criminal justice responses and measures in this regard appear to be very limited. Yet, it is hoped that the report will increase knowledge and awareness of the linkages between trafficking in persons and abusive recruitment practices and shed light on the existing responses. It should be noted that the present report is complemented by the report "Regulating labour recruitment to prevent human trafficking and to foster fair migration: models, challenges and opportunities" prepared by the International Labour Organization (ILO), an outcome document of the ILO's parallel, related research. While these are two separate reports, UNODC and the ILO have developed joint recommendations stemming from both Organizations' research, which will be launched together with the respective publications of ILO and UNODC.

Details: Vienna: UNODC, 2015. 86p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 12, 2016 at: https://www.unodc.org/documents/human-trafficking/2015/15-05035_ebook-_Recruitment_Fees.Agencies.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: International

URL: https://www.unodc.org/documents/human-trafficking/2015/15-05035_ebook-_Recruitment_Fees.Agencies.pdf

Shelf Number: 137473

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: Freire, Danilo Alves Mendes

Title: Entering the Underworld: Prison Gang Recruitment in Sao Paulo's Primeiro Comando da Capital

Summary: The present thesis provides a throughout discussion of the emergence of the Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC), a prison gang based in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Its main goal is to analyse how this criminal group selects its potential members. The work starts with a review of the recent literature on prison culture and gangs, with special emphasis on the Brazilian contributions to the field. Then it presents the first historical account of the PCC in the English language since previous research has been solely conducted in Portuguese. Lastly, the thesis offers a simple game-theoretical model to analyse both the incentives for a criminal to join a prison gang and how the PCC has been able to hire competent criminals under conditions of uncertainty and information asymmetry. The model suggest three findings. First, it stresses the role of informers in the gang's recruitment process. Informers allow the prison gang to keep a lower entry cost, so the gang can attract a larger pool of applicants and still be able to select competent candidates. Second, it indicates that there are cases in which joining a prison gang is not the best option for an inmate. When the detainee has enough skills to endure prison conditions by himself, the prisoner might be better off if he decides to "go it alone" and devote his ability exclusively to his own survival. Third, the models confirms the idea that the prison gang is not only a "school of crime", but perhaps most importantly, a highly effective screening device. Prison gangs increase the welfare of the inmates by providing an extremely valuable public good: reliable information. Public policies implications and possible extensions of the current study are also discussed.

Details: Geneva : Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, 2014. 93p.

Source: Internet Resource: Thesis: Accessed January 22, 2016 at: https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/pfigshare-u-files/1723348/MA_Thesis.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Brazil

URL: https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/pfigshare-u-files/1723348/MA_Thesis.pdf

Shelf Number: 137648

Organized Crime
Prison Gangs

Author: Ajzenman, Nicolas

Title: On the Distributed Costs of Drug-Related Homicides

Summary: Reliable estimates of the effects of violence on economic outcomes are scarce. We exploit the many-fold increase in homicides in 2008-2011 in Mexico resulting from its war on organized drug traffickers to estimate the effect of drug-related homicides on house prices. We use an unusually rich dataset that provides national coverage on house prices and homicides and exploit within-municipality variations. We find that the impact of violence on housing prices is borne entirely by the poor sectors of the population. An increase in homicides equivalent to one standard deviation leads to a 3% decrease in the price of low-income housing. In spite of this large burden on the poor, the willingness to pay in order to reverse the increase in drug-related crime is not high. We estimate it to be approximately 0.1% of Mexico's GDP.

Details: Washington, DC: Center for Global Development, 2014. 50p.

Source: Internet Resource: Working Paper 364: Accessed January 28, 2016 at: http://www.cgdev.org/sites/default/files/distributive-costs-drug-related-homicides_0.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Mexico

URL: http://www.cgdev.org/sites/default/files/distributive-costs-drug-related-homicides_0.pdf

Shelf Number: 132248

Drug Trafficking
Drug Violence
Drug-Related Violence
Drugs and Crime
Economics of Crime
Organized Crime

Author: International Displacement Monitoring Centre

Title: Forced displacement linked to transnational organised crime in Mexico

Summary: Drug cartel violence in Mexico has increased dramatically since 2007, when the new government of President Felipe Calderon identified insecurity as a key problem and began deploying the military to fight the cartels in key locations. According to various analysts the strategy has backfired, stirring up a hornet's nest by disturbing existing arrangements between the cartels, and sparking wars both within and between them. The impact of the violence has been enormous. Government figures put the number of people killed since the launch of the security strategy at 47,000, with more than 15,000 losing their lives in 2010 and 12,900 in the first nine months of 2011. The media have repeatedly put the death toll at 50,000, and many have referred to the violence as an insurgency or armed conflict. It is clear, however, that the cartels do not have a political agenda or ideology, and such references have prompted angry responses from the Mexican government. Whether the violence can be defined as an internal armed conflict under international humanitarian law or not, its effects on the civilian population have been significant and the response inadequate. One impact has been forced migration, both internal and cross-border. Because of available resources and timeframe this study focuses exclusively on the former. Civil society organisations, academic institutions and the media have increasingly documented cases and patterns of forced internal displacement caused by drug cartel violence. That said, aside from two cases of mass displacement - in Tamaulipas in 2010 and in Michoacan in 2011 - most people have fled individually, and as a result information is scattered. This study aims to fill that information gap. Firstly, it documents an empirical link between drug cartel violence and forced displacement at the national level, distinguishing it from economic migration and where possible identifying patterns of displacement. Secondly, it identifies and describes the vulnerabilities of those affected, focusing on access to the basic necessities of life and livelihood opportunities in places of displacement, and housing, land and property rights. Thirdly, it maps government responses at both the federal and state level.

Details: Geneva, SWIT: IDMC, 2012. 42p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 28, 2016 at: http://www.internal-displacement.org/assets/publications/2012/2012005-am-mexico-Mexico-forced-displacement-en.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Mexico

URL: http://www.internal-displacement.org/assets/publications/2012/2012005-am-mexico-Mexico-forced-displacement-en.pdf

Shelf Number: 137705

Drug Cartels
Drug Violence
Drug-Related Violence
Forced Migration
Organized Crime

Author: Briscoe, Ivan

Title: The new criminal powers: The spread of illicit links to politics across the world and how it can be tackled

Summary: Treating organized crime and corruption as a 'cancer' or a 'virus' has become shorthand in international policy circles. It is used as a diagnosis to explain how countries as diverse as Mali, Ukraine or Mexico have fallen under the influence of criminal rackets that exercise control over certain state bodies, politicians, judges, police forces or territory. However, in this web report it is argued that an approach rooted in the notion of institutional capture by an external criminal force is - despite its persuasive rhetoric - gravely mistaken. For various reasons, illicit activity has become part of the living organism of many countries' public and business affairs. It must be treated not as a foreign body, but as an integral part of governance and economic systems. It is therefore essential that policy responses are adapted to this reality. Organized crime has undergone fundamental changes in size and shape over the past two to three decades. The authors seek to explain how these changes in criminal patterns and effects have occurred, and what might be done to respond to them in a way that would emphasize the protection of democracy, good governance and human welfare.

Details: The Hague: Clingendael (Netherlands Institute of International Relations), 2016. 44p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 28, 2016 at: http://www.clingendael.nl/publication/new-criminal-powers

Year: 2016

Country: International

URL: http://www.clingendael.nl/publication/new-criminal-powers

Shelf Number: 137706

Organized Crime
Political Corruption

Author: European Commission. Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs

Title: Europeans' Attitudes Towards Security

Summary: Overall perception of security - Around 90% of people say that their immediate neighbourhood and their city, town or village are safe places to live. - Around 80% say that their own country and the EU are secure places to live. - Respect for fundamental rights and freedoms is thought to have the most positive impact on one's personal sense of security - 42% of respondents say this. Perceived threats and challenges - Terrorism is seen as the EU's most important security challenge, with half of all respondents describing it as important. - However, the level of concern varies considerably from country to country: 62% of people in Malta, but only 22% in Latvia, think terrorism is an important challenge. - Since 2011, the proportion of people identifying terrorism and religious extremism as important challenges has increased substantially. Fewer people now think that economic and financial crises are the most important challenge to security. - 65% of people think that terrorism is a very important internal security challenge for the EU, and 92% think it is important. - Over two-thirds of people think that the threat of terrorism is likely to increase over the next three years, with over half also saying that cybercrime and organised crime will increase. - Over eight out of ten respondents think that extremist ideologies, war and political instability, and poverty and social exclusion, are potential sources of threats to EU security. - Only seven out of ten people see climate change and pollution as a potential source of security threats. Responses to address security challenges - The police and the judicial system are seen as being chiefly responsible for ensuring the security of citizens: around nine out of ten respondents say this. - The police are seen as the organisation with the biggest role in ensuring the security of citizens in all but five Member States, where the judicial system is listed first. - Over half of the respondents think the police are doing enough to fight terrorism and drug trafficking, but less than half say enough is being done to fight other crimes. - A majority of respondents think that citizens' rights and freedoms have been restricted for reasons related to fighting terrorism and crime. - People are generally positive about the impact of new technologies, but a quarter think they will have a negative impact on the security of citizens.

Details: Luxembourg: The Commission, 2015. 108p.

Source: Internet Resource: http://ec.europa.eu/public_opinion/archives/ebs/ebs_432_en.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Europe

URL: http://ec.europa.eu/public_opinion/archives/ebs/ebs_432_en.pdf

Shelf Number: 137809

Extremist Groups
Organized Crime
Police Effectiveness
Public Safety

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. Independent Evaluation Unit

Title: Anti-organized crime and counter-narcotics enforcement in Cape Verde Project (ANTRAF)

Summary: Cape Verde is an archipelago consisting of 10 islands (being one uninhabited) located at 500 kilometres off the coast of Senegal. According to 2010 Census, the country is home to almost 492 thousand people, out of which 39% is less than 18 years old. Most of the population (62%) now lives in the urban centres. In the early 2000s, Cape Verde was identified as a transit route for drug trafficking between Latin America and Europe. In the same period, internally, drug trafficking and abuse as well as all sorts of criminal behaviour were on the rise. In 2002, Cape Verde requested UNODC assistance to tackle drug trafficking and organized crime, which had turned into a real concern in the archipelago. The CAVE INTECRIN Programme (Cape Verde Integrated Crime and Narcotic Programme) was signed in 2005, as the result of a constructive dialogue developed with the relevant national authorities in 2003 and 2004. The objectives have been set out with a view to meeting both the request for technical assistance of the Government of Cape Verde and the overall mandates of UNODC, particularly in relation to its three main areas of operations, viz. anti-trafficking, reduction of uncivil behaviours, and rule of law. The ANTRAF project (CPV/S28) - subject of this evaluation - was part of the CAVE INTECRIN programme. The Government of Cape Verde and UNODC signed the CPV/S28 in September 2005, with an approved duration of 30 months (from January 2006 to March 2008) and a total budget of USD 5.8 million. As of 31 December 2011, the project had undergone to four revisions (one in 2009, two in 2010 and one in 2011), and it has been extended up to December 2014. The overall purpose for this evaluation is to assess whether the implementation of the CAVE ANTRAF CPV/S28 project has been contributing to meet the project's objectives, outcomes and outputs, so that lessons can be drawn and recommendations made, which in turn will constitute the basis for making decisions regarding instituting improvements to project planning, implementation, design and management. The evaluation used a mix of qualitative and quantitative approaches in order to analyse data, assess the status of outputs and outcomes, and triangulate evidence. The methods utilized in the evaluation were: desk review of relevant documents, interviews with key stakeholders, field visits, data analysis and focus group discussion. The main constraints of the evaluation were related to the availability of data; the time available for conducting the evaluation; the geographical coverage for the field visits that were limited to the capital of the country; the lack of inputs to perform an outcome and impact evaluation; and the political constraints related to the project's thematic areas.

Details: Vienna: UNODC, 2012. 70p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 12, 2016 at: https://www.unodc.org/documents/evaluation/Independent_Project_Evaluations/2012/CPVS28_Eval_Report_Final_edited.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Cape Verde

URL: https://www.unodc.org/documents/evaluation/Independent_Project_Evaluations/2012/CPVS28_Eval_Report_Final_edited.pdf

Shelf Number: 137855

Drug Enforcement
Drug Trafficking
Money Laundering
Organized Crime

Author: Kyle, Chris

Title: Violence and Insecurity in Guerrero

Summary: This paper is a continuation of the series Building Resilient Communities in Mexico: Civic Responses to Crime and Violence, a multiyear effort by the Mexico Institute at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and the Justice in Mexico Project at the University of San Diego to analyze the obstacles to and opportunities for improving citizen security in Mexico. Insecurity and violence associated with organized criminal activity are pervasive in Mexico's southern state of Guerrero. The state's homicide rate is the highest in the country and extortion and kidnapping are commonplace. For perpetrators, there is near complete impunity. The state is divided into territories within which either drug trafficking organizations (DTOs) or community policing networks exercise control over local policing functions. Local, state, or federal authorities occasionally join this competition, but for the most part policing powers are held by others. In rural areas competition between groups of traffickers over the state's prodigious narcotics output has created violent no-man's-lands in buffer zones between territories controlled by rival groups. In cities violence is mostly a byproduct of efforts to establish and preserve monopolies in extortion, kidnapping, and retail contraband markets. Despite claims to the contrary by state and federal authorities, there has been no discernible improvement in public security in recent months or years. Restraining the violence in Guerrero will require that state authorities make a systematic effort to address two existing realities that sustain the criminal activities producing violence. Thus, this paper examines the security situation in the state of Guerrero, including the operation of drug trafficking organizations, and proposes possible solutions to the security crisis.

Details: Washington, DC: Wilson Center, Mexico Institute, 2015. 51p.

Source: Internet Resource: Building Resilient Communities in Mexico: Civic Responses to Crime and Violence Briefing Paper Series: accessed February 17, 2016 at: https://www.wilsoncenter.org/sites/default/files/Violence%20and%20Insecurity%20in%20Guerrero.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Mexico

URL: https://www.wilsoncenter.org/sites/default/files/Violence%20and%20Insecurity%20in%20Guerrero.pdf

Shelf Number: 137864

Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime
Violent Crime

Author: Smith, Christina M.

Title: The Shifting Structure of Chicago's Organized Crime Network and the Women It Left Behind

Summary: Women are underrepresented in crime and criminal economies compared to men. However, research on the gender gap in crime tends to not employ relational methods and theories, even though crime is often relational. In the predominantly male world of Chicago organized crime at the turn of the twentieth century existed a dynamic gender gap. Combining social network analysis and historical research methods to examine the case of organized crime in Chicago, I uncover a group of women who made up a substantial portion of the Chicago organized crime network from 1900 to 1919. Before Prohibition, women of organized crime operated brothels, trafficked other women, paid protection and graft fees, and attended political galas like the majority of their male counterparts. The 1920 US prohibition on the production, transportation, and sale of alcohol was an exogenous shock which centralized and expanded the organized crime network. This organizational restructuring mobilized hundreds of men and excluded women, even as women's criminal activities around Chicago were on the rise. Before Prohibition, women connected to organized crime primarily through the locations of their brothels, but, during Prohibition, relationships to associates of organized crime trumped locations as the means of connection. Relationships to organized crime were much more accessible to men than to women, and consequently gender inequality increased in the network. The empirical foundation of this research is 5,001 pages of archival documents used to create a relational database with information on 3,321 individuals and their 15,861 social relationships. This research introduces a unique measure of inequality in social networks and a relational theory of gender dynamics applicable to future research on organizations, criminal or otherwise.

Details: Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2015. 233p.

Source: Internet Resource: Dissertation: Accessed February 17, 2016 at: http://scholarworks.umass.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1464&context=dissertations_2

Year: 2015

Country: United States

URL: http://scholarworks.umass.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1464&context=dissertations_2

Shelf Number: 137867

Criminal Networks
Female Offenders
Organized Crime
Social Networks

Author: de Hoyos, Rafael

Title: Idle youth in Mexico : trapped between the war on drugs and economic crisis

Summary: The present study combines data from Mexico's employment surveys (Encuesta Nacional de Empleo and Encuesta Nacional de Ocupacion y Empleo) with the country's official statistics on murder rates to create a state-level panel data set covering the period 1995 to 2013. Including most of the common controls identified by the literature, the results show that the rate of male youth ages 19 to 24 not studying and out of work (the so-called ninis), is not correlated with homicide rates during the period 1995 to 2006. However, there is evidence that a positive correlation between male ninis and murder rates arises between 2007 and 2013, a period during which murder rates in Mexico increased threefold. The association between ninis and homicide rates is stronger in states located along the border with the United States, a region particularly affected by organized crime and the international financial crisis of 2008-09.

Details: Washington, DC: The World Bank, 2016. 34p.

Source: Internet Resource: Policy Research working paper; no. WPS 7558: Accessed February 17, 2016 at: http://www-wds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServer/WDSP/IB/2016/02/04/090224b084147697/1_0/Rendered/PDF/Idle0youth0in000and0economic0crisis.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Mexico

URL: http://www-wds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServer/WDSP/IB/2016/02/04/090224b084147697/1_0/Rendered/PDF/Idle0youth0in000and0economic0crisis.pdf

Shelf Number: 137868

At-Risk Youth
Crime Rates
Organized Crime
Unemployment and Crime

Author: Great Britain. Home Office. Research, Information and Communications Unit

Title: Serious and Organised Crime Protection: Public Interventions Model

Summary: The public interventions model maps people's vulnerability to financial and cyber crime. The research identifies: - who is at risk from cyber, fraud and financial crime - what makes them vulnerable - how government, law enforcement and cross-sector partners can better protect them from becoming victims

Details: London: Home Office, 2016. 74p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 24, 2016 at: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/502960/Gov.uk_Serious_Organised_Crime_deck_vF.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: United Kingdom

URL: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/502960/Gov.uk_Serious_Organised_Crime_deck_vF.pdf

Shelf Number: 137949

Financial Crimes
Internet Crimes
Online Victimization
Organized Crime
Serious Crime

Author: INTERPOL. Office of Legal Affairs

Title: Countering Illicit Trade in Goods: A Guide for Policy-Makers

Summary: Illicit trade in goods is of growing concern internationally, and one of the greatest law enforcement challenges to date. It has various manifestations, involves many different actors and affects several interests at the same time. It is a high profit activity, the reason for its allure. While illicit trade has specific features, depending on the goods and the methods employed, calling for the adoption of targeted legal measures by States, one common denominator is the involvement of criminal organizations. These are often highly sophisticated, flexible structures, able to quickly adapt to market changes and grab new criminal opportunities. They resort to corruption and money laundering as the chief means of conducting their illicit trade business and re-introducing proceeds into the legal economy. They act transnationally by exploiting a global environment which encourages the free circulation of goods. This handbook presented by the INTERPOL Office of Legal Affairs is the first publication in its Legal Handbook Series. The aim of these publications is to provide a solid and thorough overview of illicit trade thereby guiding the reader through the applicable international legal frameworks and offering pioneering legal solutions. The Legal Handbook Series was developed to assist policy-makers in INTERPOL's member countries to design effective national strategies against illicit trade. Given the complexity of the problem, solutions are not easily arrived at in isolation. Working with other specialized agencies and optimizing the use of available expertise and resources has been a priority, ensuring the accuracy and relevance of the analysis. Hence this handbook is the result of close collaboration with various international organizations that have significantly contributed to it by providing their perspectives.

Details: Paris: INTERPOL, 2014. 260p.

Source: Internet Resource: Legal Handbook Series: Accessed February 25, 2016 at: www.interpol.int

Year: 2014

Country: International

URL: www.Interpol.int

Shelf Number: 137978

Illegal Trade
Illicit Goods
Illicit Trade
Organized crime

Author: INTERPOL. Office of Legal Affairs

Title: Countering Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products: A Guide for Policy-Makers

Summary: Illicit trade in tobacco products (ITTP) is a global occurrence, affecting all regions and countries. It holds an allure for criminals to engage in it as tobacco products are light, small, easy to transport and to conceal. Tobacco is one of the most smuggled commodities in the world, allowing offenders to amass huge profits. Further, penalties are often not sufficient to act as a deterrent. Illicit trade in tobacco products has negative and harmful consequences for countries at many levels. It affects consumers' health, reduces States' budgets, creates unfair competition for legitimate businesses, and feeds organized criminal groups who channel the profits obtained into other illegal activities. This handbook aims to offer the first comprehensive legal analysis of the international legal framework against the ITTP. It provides guidance to policy-makers and law enforcement authorities on the implementation of key international instruments in the field, with an emphasis on the new Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products. The ITTP holds many challenges for governments. One of the biggest is the involvement of organized criminal networks which employ increasingly sophisticated and varied methods to counterfeit and smuggle products. INTERPOL recognizes this as a growing issue threatening the security of States. A joint and coordinated effort is needed to find and implement lasting solutions to this multi-faceted problem.

Details: Lyon, France: INTERPOL Office of Legal Affairs, 2014. 290p.

Source: Internet Resource: Legal handbook Series: Accessed February 26, 2016 at: http://www.interpol.int/Crime-areas/Trafficking-in-illicit-goods-and-counterfeiting/Legal-assistance/Legal-publications

Year: 2014

Country: International

URL: http://www.interpol.int/Crime-areas/Trafficking-in-illicit-goods-and-counterfeiting/Legal-assistance/Legal-publications

Shelf Number: 137982

Counterfeit Goods
Illicit Goods
Illicit Trade
Organized Crime
Smuggled Goods
Tobacco Smuggling

Author: Savona, Ernesto U.

Title: Organized Crime Infiltration of Legitimate Businesses in Europe: A Pilot Project in Five European Countries. Final report on Project Ariel

Summary: This research is an exploratory study on the infiltration of organised crime groups (OCGs) in legal businesses. Infiltration occurs in every case in which a natural person belonging to a criminal organisation or acting on its behalf, or an already infiltrated legal person, invests financial and/or human resources to participate in the decision-making process of a legitimate business. The main output of the research is a list of risk factors of OCG infiltration in legal businesses, i.e. factors that facilitate or promote infiltration. Risk factors are derived from an unprecedented cross-national comparative analysis of the vulnerabilities of territories and business sectors, criminal groups' modi operandi, and the characteristics of infiltrated businesses. Infiltration risk factors provide inputs for the development of a risk assessment model of OCG infiltration. Its development will assist Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) in identifying the factors facilitating and/or promoting infiltration and enhancing the prevention and enforcement of criminal infiltration. This will help protect EU MS legitimate economies from the misuse of legal businesses for illicit purposes. Project ARIEL - Assessing the Risk of the Infiltration of Organised Crime in EU MSs Legitimate Economies: a Pilot Project in 5 EU Countries (www.arielproject.eu) - was carried out with the financial support of the European Commission, DG Home Affairs, within the Prevention of and Fight against Crime (ISEC) Programme. It focused on five EU MS: Italy, the Netherlands, Slovenia, Sweden, and United Kingdom.

Details: Trento: Transcrime -- Universita degli Studi di Trento, 2015. 135p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 29, 2016 at: http://www.transcrime.it/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Project-ARIEL_Final-report.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.transcrime.it/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Project-ARIEL_Final-report.pdf

Shelf Number: 137990

Crimes Against Businesses
Organized Crime

Author: Zervos, Eleni

Title: The Invisible Crime: Sex Trafficking in Greece. An Analysis of the Structural Barriers and Vulnerability Victims Face in Seeking Protection

Summary: Human trafficking remains one of the most pervasive and profitable organized criminal activities in the world. Generating $150 billion globally, it ranks as the third largest and fastest growing international crime, exploiting millions of people in the process. A criminal industry driven by market demands, its vast spread can be credited to its economic model as a low risk enterprise with immense financial gains. It ranges from both sexual and labor exploitation, to organ harvesting and, in some cases, forced begging and theft5. Of the 21 million people human trafficking victimizes, 11.4 million are women and girls while 9.5 million are men and boys. 33% are children7. The most common form of trafficking, accounting for 53% of all individuals trafficked, is sexual exploitation8 victimizing 4.1 million people9 with females making up an overwhelming majority of 97%. Unfortunately, given the illicit nature of these human rights violations, it is difficult to accurately assess the full scope of this crime and any data collected represents either only one portion of this large-scale issue or is based on estimates. When reviewing these statistics, it is also important to take into consideration that higher numbers of reported trafficking victims in one country do not necessarily signify higher actual numbers of victims, but might simply represent a more sophisticated means of data acquisition in that particular country. There are, however, global trends that can be identified when studying how human trafficking spreads throughout the world. While it is a crime with international reach, victims are often from impoverished countries with limited resources. Wealthier countries are generally where demand and exploitation is highest. In particular, human trafficking tends to thrive in countries where women's rights are devalued, and where women typically hold economically disadvantaged positions in comparison to their male counterparts. Trafficking is prevalent in conflict zones, both because they are intrinsically a context where the risk of exploitation is elevated, and because some members of local peacekeeping missions have been known to solicit sexual activity with trafficking victims themselves.

Details: Athens: Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign policy, 2015. 48p.

Source: Internet Resource: Working Paper No. 69/2015: Accessed March 4, 2016 at: http://www.eliamep.gr/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/69_2015_-WORKING-PAPER-_Eleni-Zervos.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Greece

URL: http://www.eliamep.gr/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/69_2015_-WORKING-PAPER-_Eleni-Zervos.pdf

Shelf Number: 138036

Forced Labor
Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime
Sex Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

Title: Illicit Trade: Converging Criminal Networks

Summary: Illicit trade is a worldwide phenomenon. Globalisation has provided opportunities for criminal networks to expand the scope and scale of their operations, with serious negative consequences for the economy, the environment and society. Illicit trade also undermines good governance, the rule of law and citizens' trust in government, and can ultimately threaten political stability. This report provides analysis of some of the main areas of illicit trade, including trafficking in persons, wildlife, counterfeit medicines, narcotics, tobacco, alcohol and sports betting. It looks at what drives and facilitates such activity, estimates the volume of trade and amount of revenue it generates, maps the pathways of illicit goods from production to consumer, describes the shortcomings of current policies for reducing or deterring illicit trade, and suggests avenues for improvement. Understanding illicit trade It is important to clearly define and measure illicit trade, and understand the context that allows it to flourish. However, countries - and sometimes regions within countries - do not always agree on what goods can be legally traded, and there is even greater variance in the application of quality standards and the protection of intellectual property rights. These differences can make cross-country measurement of illicit trade as a whole very difficult, which is why this report takes a sectoral approach. Our increasingly interconnected economies and societies have allowed organized crime to expand alongside the exponential growth in legitimate international trade. Criminal networks exploit differences in regulatory and tax regimes to move goods and services across borders. While exact measurements can be difficult given the clandestine nature of illicit transactions, one estimate puts the profits of international organised crime as high as USD 870 billion, or 1.5% of global GDP. Calculating and tracking the money made from these activities is important as it can provide crucial information to law enforcement. More data and information sharing is needed to develop a clearer understanding of illicit trade and how to combat it. A more holistic view of the cost of illicit trade also takes into account its harmful impacts on consumers, the environment, tax revenues and jobs. Traffic in humans and narcotics, for example, also exact a very heavy social toll. Illicit trade can also be closely linked to criminal violence and terrorism. Costs in terms of law enforcement, incarceration and rehabilitation should also be taken into account. Finally, illicit trade can cause longer-term damage to the rule of law, public trust, human capital and public health, as well as deter foreign investment. Trafficking in persons According to estimates by the International Labour Organisation (ILO), 20.9 million people are forced into slavery worldwide causing immense, long-term damage to individuals, communities, and nations. Trafficked persons tend to flow from poorer regions to richer regions and from conflict regions to more stable regions. Governments need to give priority to implementing laws for preventing trafficking, protecting victims and prosecuting both traffickers and the corrupt public officials who assist them. Illicit trade in wildlife Demand for elephant ivory and rhino horn has driven dramatic growth in illegal wildlife markets in recent years due primarily to a growing consumer base in East Asia. Taken together, all forms of wildlife trafficking constitutes one of the most lucrative forms of illicit trade, and the sector has more than doubled since 2007. Monitoring and enforcement in source countries can be effective means to reduce poaching, but training and information systems are needed to build adequate capacity. Counterfeit medicines The trade in counterfeit medicine is a huge industry, generating as much as USD 200 billion a year in tangible goods alone according to OECD's study of 2005 data, which is soon to be updated. It has a direct negative impact on health, depriving users of appropriate treatment and contributing to global microbial resistance. Pharmaceutical companies also suffer a loss in revenue and reputation, and increased costs for security. Successfully combatting counterfeiting will require more extensive information sharing across agencies and nations. Finally, the development and adoption of an international public health treaty would be a significant step toward protecting patients and public health globally. Tobacco products The illicit trade in tobacco is perhaps the most widespread and most documented sector in the shadow economy. It has been estimated that 570 billion illicit cigarettes were consumed worldwide in 2011. Illicit tobacco is an important source of revenue for criminal networks, and deprives government services of excise tax revenues at the same time. To counter the illicit trade in tobacco products, governments developing a multifaceted approach, including: building partnerships, increasing data validity and reliability, launching educational and public awareness campaigns, increasing capacity-building efforts, and prioritising countering illicit tobacco products and its associated crimes. Narcotics The global narcotics trade is thought to be the single largest black market in the world, and is a source of revenue for international criminal organization. In addition to the negative impact on human health and well-being caused by the narcotics themselves, the criminal violence that accompanies all aspects of drug trafficking erodes state institutions and is often difficult to reverse. Tackling the narcotics trade effectively will require not only punitive approaches and sanctions but also state building, economic development and good governance practices. Alcohol It is estimated that billions of dollars from trafficking and illegal trade in alcoholic beverages flow through the global economy each year, distorting local economies, diminishing government and legitimate business revenues, and in some cases posing a serious health risk to consumers. It is estimated that illicit sources account for 25% of total worldwide adult alcoholic consumption. Contributing factors include the higher cost of legal products from taxes, weak laws, lack of enforcement and social acceptance of contraband in some countries. Sports manipulation The globalisation of sports has led to an increase in unregulated sports betting, which is increasingly used for money laundering and has been connected to corruption in sports (match-rigging). An internationally co-ordinated, pro-active response is needed, including initiatives targeting bettors and offenders, police action and co-operation with financial institutions. It is also important to communicate on the subject of sports integrity to all stakeholders, including the public and the media.

Details: Paris: OECD, 2015. 259p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 5, 2016 at: http://www.oecd.org/gov/risk/illicit-trade-converging-criminal-networks.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: International

URL: http://www.oecd.org/gov/risk/illicit-trade-converging-criminal-networks.pdf

Shelf Number: 138115

Counterfeit Medicines
Criminal Networks
Drug Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Illegal Trade
Illicit Tobacco
Illicit Trade
Organized Crime
Sports Betting
Wildlife Crime

Author: Miklaucic, Michael

Title: Convergence: Illicit Networks and National Security in the Age of Globalization

Summary: Acceleration. Magnification. Diffusion. Entropy. Empowerment. The global environment and the international system are evolving at hypervelocity. A consensus is emerging among policymakers, scholars, and practitioners that recent sweeping developments in information technology, communication, transportation, demographics, and conflict are making global governance more challenging. Some argue these developments have transformed our international system, making it more vulnerable than ever to the predations of terrorists and This view continues to dominate mindsets within the U.S. national security community. It fails to fully appreciate the growing power of nonstate actors and adversaries, or the magnitude of the threat they pose and the harm they impose on the international system itself. It underappreciates the possibility - indeed likelihood - of the convergence, whether for convenience or growing ambition, of criminal, terrorist, and even insurgent networks. More important even than insufficient recognition of the efficacy of these adversaries is the absence of a plan to counter the threat they pose to both national security and the international state system. In short, this view does not see the big picture - the long view of the declining robustness and resilience of the global system of nation-states that has been dominant for centuries, and the unprecedented attacks on that system. The failure of that system - in which we and so many have prospered beyond belief or precedent in history - would be a catastrophic and existential loss. Global trends and developments - including dramatically increased trade volumes and velocity, the growth of cyberspace, and population growth, among others - have facilitated the growth of violent nonstate actors, the strengthening of organized crime, and the emergence of a new set of transcontinental supply chains as well as the expansion of existing illicit markets. The resourcefulness, adaptability, innovativeness, and ability of illicit networks to circumvent countermeasures make them formidable foes for national governments and international organizations alike. Their increasing convergence gives them ever-improved ability to evade official countermeasures and overcome logistical challenges as well as ever better tools for exploiting weaknesses and opportunities within the state system, and attacking that system. Since illicit actors have expanded their activities throughout the global commons, in the land, sea, air, and cyber domains, nations must devise comprehensive and multidimensional strategies and policies to combat the complex transnational threats posed by these illicit networks. This book is an attempt to map the terrain of this emerging battlespace; it describes the scope of the security threat confronting the United States and the international community from transnational criminal organizations and what is being done to combat that threat - from the strategic level with the release, in July 2011, of the U.S. Government's Strategy to Combat Transnational Organized Crime: Addressing Converging Threats to National Security and, in April 2011, of the Department of Defense (DOD) Counternarcotics and Global Threats Strategy - to the operational level with increased regional partnerships and dialogues. criminals. Others argue that despite this significant evolution, organized crime, transnational terrorism, and nonstate networks have been endemic if unpleasant features of human society throughout history, that they represent nothing new, and that our traditional means of countering them - primarily conventional law enforcement - are adequate. Even among those who perceive substantial differences in the contemporary manifestations of these persistent maladies, they are viewed as major nuisances not adding up to a significant national or international security threat, much less an existential threat.

Details: Washington, DC: National Defense University Press, 2013. 304p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 5, 2016 at: http://ndupress.ndu.edu/Portals/68/Documents/Books/convergence.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: International

URL: http://ndupress.ndu.edu/Portals/68/Documents/Books/convergence.pdf

Shelf Number: 131162

Criminal Networks
Illegal Trade
Illicit Markets
Illicit Trade
National Security
Organized Crime

Author: Connery, David

Title: A Web of Harms: Serious and organised crime and its impact on Australian interests

Summary: This special report examines transnational, serious and organised crime and the harms it causes to Australia's interests. The report aims to encourage a reinvigorated discussion among Australians about this critical matter. The harms include negative impacts upon individuals and the community and unfair competition for some legitimate businesses. Serious and organised crime - whether transnational or domestic - also imposes costs on Australian governments and denies them revenue. What's more, serious and organised crime groups acting overseas work against Australia's foreign policy interests and increase risks to Australians (and others) who live, invest and travel abroad. There's an urgent need for the Australian community to discuss the criminal threats facing it in a more deliberate and broader-reaching way. Thats because dealing with serious and organised crime is not a task for government alone: the Australian public and business have key roles. After all, consumer demand creates illicit markets that serious and organised crime seeks to supply. Additionally, the internet is increasing the speed, reach and depth of penetration by serious and organized crime into the lives of all Australian families and businesses. Simply put, you don't need to go to nightclubs in red-light districts to meet organised crime: you need go only as far as your computer. It's also worth examining better ways to increase the roles of non-law-enforcement agencies, business and the community in efforts to address serious and organised crime. We should bring the full range of social, education, regulatory and health instruments into the fight, and subdue the potential of internet-enabled financial crime to damage our current and future prosperity. International cooperation in this fight is essential, especially given the role of overseas actors in our crime challenge.

Details: Barton, ACT, AUS: Australian Strategic Policy Initiative, 2015.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed march 9, 2016 at: https://www.aspi.org.au/publications/a-web-of-harms-serious-and-organised-crime-and-its-impact-on-australian-interests/SR81_Web_Harms.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Australia

URL: https://www.aspi.org.au/publications/a-web-of-harms-serious-and-organised-crime-and-its-impact-on-australian-interests/SR81_Web_Harms.pdf

Shelf Number: 138147

Financial Crimes
Internet Crimes
Money Laundering
Organized Crime

Author: Australia. Parliamentary Joint Committee on Law Enforcement

Title: Inquiry into the gathering and use of criminal intelligence

Summary: Contemporary law enforcement agencies face considerable challenges brought about by greater mobility of people, goods and services across designated borders, improved communications and information technologies, and the emergence of a globalised economy. The transnational nature of organised crime means that in the commission of their crime, criminal networks forge bonds across geographical borders, transcend linguistic and cultural barriers and operate across markets. In Australia, the operations of organised criminal entities are fluid, adaptive and transcend borders, sectors and crime types. As serious and organised crime in Australia exploits the legislative, structural and resource gaps in law enforcement, it demands a nationally consistent approach. It also requires strategic investigative methodologies focused on intelligence-led investigations as well as identifying sector vulnerabilities open to exploitation in order to prevent and disrupt serious and organised crime rather than relying on reactive policing. As the national criminal intelligence body, the central function of the Australian Crime Commission (ACC) is to collect, analysis and disseminate criminal intelligence in relation to nationally significant organised crime. Its modus operandi is to work in partnership with law enforcement, national security agencies, government and industry to deliver advanced criminal intelligence. Recent amendments to the Australian Crime Commission Act 2002 have allowed for greater dissemination of ACC information to partner agencies, government and the private sector. However, evidence to the committee suggests that the intention behind these new arrangements, which is to provide for a more comprehensive response to organised crime, cannot be fully realised until existing limitations, challenges and hurdles within the current criminal intelligence framework are addressed. This inquiry has brought to light serious legislative, technological, resource and cultural impediments to the flow of intelligence which produce unequal intelligence holdings, an incomplete picture of criminal threats and undermine stakeholder confidence. Some law enforcement agencies hold reservations about sharing their own information and seem not to recognise the value added to that information when converted into intelligence and returned to them. Such concerns are exacerbated by the absence of a common approach to collecting, collating, analysing and disseminating criminal intelligence underpinning a common ethos. Efforts to establish an interoperable criminal intelligence system capable of producing a comprehensive national picture of organised crime are hindered for these reasons.

Details: Canberra: Parliamentary Joint Committee on Law Enforcement, 2013. 122p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 12, 2016 at: http://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/Joint/Law_Enforcement/Completed_inquiries/2010-13/criminal_intelligence/report/index

Year: 2013

Country: Australia

URL: http://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/Joint/Law_Enforcement/Completed_inquiries/2010-13/criminal_intelligence/index

Shelf Number: 138191

Criminal Intelligence
Intelligence Gathering
Organized Crime
Police Intelligence

Author: Souza Pinheiro, Alvaro de

Title: Irregular Warfare: Brazil's Fight Against Criminal Urban Guerrillas

Summary: This monograph by Major General Alvaro de Souza Pinheiro contributes to the discussion of urban guerrillas, their impact on society, and the role of the armed forces in countering criminal elements. The rise of urban guerrillas is a result of an evolution in command and control capabilities, weapons, and doctrine that has given them strong influence over the daily lives of citizens living in neighborhoods where government support and control is limited or absent. The favelas (ghettos, slums) of Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo are ready examples that provide the setting for General Alvaro's monograph. The urban guerrilla, however, is emblematic of a wider-felt problem, not limited to Brazil. What makes General Alvaro's monograph compelling is that this Brazilian story has universal application in many locales that are under-governed and under-supported by constituted authorities. Urban guerrillas flow from a witch's brew of ersatz political doctrine, readily available and powerful weapons, and criminal gangs that typically are financed by the drug trade. Criminal groups like the Red Command (Comando Vermelho-CV) and Third Command have been able to thrive in the favelas because of ineffective policing and lack of government interest. These Brazilian gangs have filled the void with their own form of governance. As General Alvaro indicates herein, criminal urban guerrillas have latched on to revolutionary doctrine, such as the Minimanual of the Urban Guerrilla and the First Capital Command Statute, so as to give political legitimacy to their lawlessness. In fact, these are gangs that terrorize the residents of the favelas, holding them hostage to criminal exploits, while keeping government legitimacy and security in check. As in the United States, when the general welfare of civil society is at risk, the President may call upon the armed forces to aid the police or take control. Under the Brazilian Constitution the President can "intervene -- to put an end to serious jeopardy to public order --" through his power to "decree and enforce federal intervention." This is akin to the U.S. President's authorities for civil disturbances and other emergencies, but a notable difference is the expansive role that Brazilian armed forces can take. Under the Brazilian Constitution the armed forces "are intended for the defense of the Country, for the guarantee of the constitutional powers [legislative, executive, judicial], and, on the initiative of any of these, of law and order." Thus during the crisis to restore public order in Rio de Janeiro in November 1994 through January 1995, the military was put in charge as the lead agency, with operational control over federal and state police. With Presidential authorization, the Brazilian Minister of the Army designated the Eastern Military Commander as the General Commander of Operations. Operation Rio commenced with the goals of reducing urban violence and reestablishing government authority. Operations consisted of isolating lawless areas, conducting squad patrols and large sweeps, and on several occasions, attacking the urban guerrilla directly. The operation suppressed urban guerrilla activity-for a time. There was a decrease in bank robberies, car thefts, gang shootouts, drug trafficking and weapons smuggling, plus some 300 automatic rifles and 500 hand guns were confiscated. Yet as General Alvaro illustrates in this monograph, the problem persists today with similar public order crises in Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, and other cities. It is for good reason that General Alvaro includes in this monograph a translation of Carlos Marighella's Minimanual of the Urban Guerrilla, since the man and his manual continue to inspire miscreants and would-be revolutionary groups. Much as psychiatrist-philosopher Frantz Fanon provided a rationale for African anticolonialists to kill the white interlopers, Marighella is a symbol for ideological activists who would resist authority, as well as for criminals who profit when government presence and legitimacy are wanting. The military planner and strategist should be familiar with the Minimanual and similar writings since they contribute to the development of the strategic environment as we find it, and it is against this backdrop that we plan for countering insurgencies and terrorism. The military will continue to play an important part in countering the urban guerrilla, whose goal is to separate the population from the government (typically by making government forces overreact) then supplanting it. This suggests that the military will need to conduct a range of irregular warfare activities in coordination with civilian agencies. Whatever the combination of direct and indirect actions that are applied to counter the urban guerrilla, the military planner will be well served to consider General Alvaro's insights about Brazil's Fight Against Criminal Urban Guerrillas.

Details: Hurlburt Field, FL: Joint Special Operations University, 2009. 98p.

Source: Internet Resource: JSOU Report 09-8: Accessed March 12, 2016 at: http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/report/2009/0909_jsou-report-09-8.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: Brazil

URL: http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/report/2009/0909_jsou-report-09-8.pdf

Shelf Number: 138195

Criminal Networks
Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime
Urban Guerrillas
Urban Violence
Violent Crime
Weapons Smuggling

Author: Wood, Helena

Title: Enforcing Criminal Confiscation Orders: From Policy to Practice

Summary: The enforcement process for criminal confiscation orders operating under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (POCA) has faced considerable criticism from both parliamentary and media commentators. The POCA was indeed a significant step forward and addressed the need to adopt effective measures to tackle the proceeds of criminal activity. However, the criminal-confiscation regime has a number of flaws, particularly in the practical challenges of enforcement. These were most prominently highlighted by the 2013 review conducted by the National Audit Office which led to calls for the development of a more effective system. The headlines make for stark reading: L1.6 billion in unenforced confiscation orders, an amount which is continuing to rise. This paper is structured around two key issues. First, it examines how the law has been framed and applied. It provides a detailed analysis of the process, shedding light on some of the weaknesses of the current legislative environment. In addressing the second issue - unenforced confiscation orders - the paper specifically examines the assets on which these orders are based. The paper's overall purpose is to assess the extent to which the law, rather than administrative failings, is the root cause of the large value of uncollected orders. In short, to what extent do real assets exist against which the authorities can take enforcement action?

Details: London: London: Royal University Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies (RUSI), 2016. 26p.

Source: Internet Resource: Occasional Paper: Accessed March 14, 2016 at: https://rusi.org/sites/default/files/201602_op_enforcing_criminal_confiscation_orders.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: United Kingdom

URL: https://rusi.org/sites/default/files/201602_op_enforcing_criminal_confiscation_orders.pdf

Shelf Number: 138224

Asset Forfeiture
Confiscation Orders
Organized Crime
Proceeds of Crime

Author: Alesina, Alberto

Title: Organized Crime, Violence, and Politics

Summary: We investigate how criminal organizations strategically use violence to influence elections and national politics in order to get captured politicians elected. The model offers novel testable implications about the level of electoral violence under different types of electoral systems and different degrees of electoral competition. We test these implications by exploiting data on homicide rates in Italy since 1887, and compare the extent of 'electoral-violence cycles' between areas with higher and lower presence of organized crime, under democratic and non-democratic regimes, and different types of electoral rules. We provide additional evidence on the influence of organized crime on politics using the parliamentary discourses of politician-selected in Sicily during the period 1945-2013.

Details: Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, 2016. 45p.

Source: Internet Resource: NBER Working Paper Series; Working Paper 22093: Accessed March 21, 2016 at: http://www.nber.org/papers/w22093.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Italy

URL: http://www.nber.org/papers/w22093.pdf

Shelf Number: 138343

Organized Crime
Political Elections
Violent Crime

Author: European Parliament. Directorate-General for Internal Policies. Policy Department A Economic and Scientific Policy

Title: Wildlife Crime

Summary: Wildlife crime poses not only a real threat to biodiversity, but has also come to be regarded as a security issue in some source countries. While the latter is also relevant to the EU as part of the international community, the EU is first and foremost one of the main global markets for wildlife trade. The present study gives an overview over the state of wildlife crime in Europe based on available documents, data from the EU-TWIX database which centralises data on seizures reported by the EU Member States, and empirical research including interviews with experts. It has to be noted that any overview on this topic is limited by the fact that comprehensive data on illegal activities are not available; even where data on wildlife crime could be obtained they are not always reliable and coherent. Illegal wildlife trade within the EU The EU is both a destination and a transit region for wildlife products. Although European countries seem to have become less important consumers in the trade with African mammals, many countries still seem to have a very important role as a trading hub in that trade. This trade is conducted via the major trade hubs (airports and ports) but new trade hubs (e.g. smaller European airports with direct connections to Africa and Asia) are also emerging. On the other hand, European countries still seem to be very important consumers and importers of pets, especially of reptiles and birds. As this trade is often not conducted via the main trade hubs, but via the Eastern European land borders and the Mediterranean and Black Sea, enforcement is even more challenging. Moreover, the demand for alternative medicinal products very often produced in Asia from endangered wildlife appears to have increased in Europe. The available information on trade routes is not very detailed, but the following four important trade routes could be identified: - Large mammals like elephants, rhinos and big cats from Africa and South America to major trade hubs and for further transit to Asia - Coastal smuggling of leeches, caviar, fish, as well as reptiles and parrots for the pet trade in Europe - Endangered birds from South Eastern Europe to Southern Europe - Russian wildlife and Asian exports via Eastern European land routes. The overall trend in wildlife crime measured in the number of seizures has been roughly constant in recent years. Seizures are concentrated in countries with large overall trading volumes like Germany, the Netherlands, Spain and France. Overall the UK, Germany and Netherlands are responsible for more than 70% of seizures in 2007-2014. The high number of seizures may also be attributable to well developed enforcement in these countries. The most frequently seized species are reptiles, mammals, flowers and corals. About half of the seizures are carried out at airports (e. g. London Heathrow, Paris Charles de Gaulle, Frankfurt a. M. and Amsterdam Airport Schiphol). Mailing centres are expected to become more important in the coming years. Most of the products confiscated are reported as imports in the EU-TWIX database although it is not clear whether parts of these imports are destined for re-selling to other countries. For the illegal trade in wildlife and its products the internet is becoming an increasingly important place.

Details: Brussels: European Parliament, 2016. 124p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 25, 2016: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/STUD/2016/570008/IPOL_STU(2016)570008_EN.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/STUD/2016/570008/IPOL_STU(2016)570008_EN.pdf

Shelf Number: 138414

Illegal Wildlife Trade
Money Laundering
Offenses Against the Environment
Organized Crime
Wildlife Crime
Wildlife Smuggling
Wildlife Trafficking

Author: Novis, Roberta

Title: Hard Times: Exploring the Complex Structures and Activities of Brazilian Prison Gangs

Summary: This research examines the presence of organised criminal groups in prison and its influence on inmate's interaction and on the prison system of Rio de Janeiro. Information collected from a series of in-depth interviews with prisoners and ex-prisoners, members and non-members of the criminal groups and authorities of the criminal justice system, suggests that the current social organisation of prisons is working favourably towards the further development of organised crime and deviant behaviour. Prisoners are subordinated not only to the prison administration but also to the gang leaders. If a convict had no links with drug trafficking prior to incarceration, they definitely create one behind bars. Ninety-eight percent (98%) of interviewees from the sensitive sample engaged in drug trafficking while in prison. Off-brand inmates, those who are the less conspicuous convicts, end up engaging in illegal activities to avoid retaliation, perpetuating then a cycle of violence in a fragmented geopolitical gang space behind bars. Political pressure towards the validity of the classification system stratified by gang affiliation has impacted on the prison administration to create multiple categories of prisoners, which are mutually exclusive. This has had pervasive impacts on penal affairs such as allocation of sentences, lack of vacancies and disruption of prisoner's routine. The research shows that the State goes beyond classification of inmates by gang affiliation; it has incorporated elements of gang's violent tradition to assess and influence justice and prisoner's progression. This study offers an interesting scope for a comparative analysis through the study of anti-prison gang strategies. Experiences around the globe have been driven to target gangs with racial and ethnical rivalries. Prison gangs in this study are devoted to a more capitalist goal: the monopoly of illegal drug markets in the streets. Such understandings and contextualizing make a significant contribution to re-examining the role of inmate culture as well as the value of contemporary penal reforms designed to making the penal institutions more responsive and interventionist in addressing inmate needs.

Details: London: London School of Economics, 2013. 279p.

Source: Internet Resource: Dissertation: Accessed March 29, 2016 at: http://etheses.lse.ac.uk/958/1/Novis_hard_times.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Brazil

URL: http://etheses.lse.ac.uk/958/1/Novis_hard_times.pdf

Shelf Number: 138455

Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime
Prison Administration
Prison Gangs
Prison Violence

Author: Queensland Organised Crime Commission of Inquiry

Title: Report

Summary: The Commission commenced on 1 May 2015, by Commissions of Inquiry Order (No. 1) 2015, to make inquiry into the extent and nature of organised crime in Queensland and its economic and societal impacts. The otherwise very broad nature of such an inquiry was somewhat narrowed by the Terms of Reference within the Order in Council, which focused the Commission on four key areas: - the major illicit drug and/or precursor markets - online child sex offending, including the child exploitation material market - financial crimes, primarily investment/financial market fraud and financial data theft - the relationship between organised crime and corruption in Queensland. The Commission was also required to investigate the extent to which organised crime groups use various enabling mechanisms or services: in particular, money laundering, cyber and technology-enabled crime, identity crime, professional facilitators, violence and extortion. In carrying out the Inquiry, the Commission was to examine the adequacy and appropriateness of current responses to organised crime by law enforcement, intelligence, and prosecution agencies, as well as the adequacy of legislation and of the resources available to such agencies. The six-month timeframe given for the Inquiry was limited, given the areas required to be examined.

Details: Sydney: The Commission, 2015. 578p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 30, 2016 at: https://www.organisedcrimeinquiry.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0017/935/QOCCI15287-ORGANISED-CRIME-INQUIRY_Final_Report.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Australia

URL: https://www.organisedcrimeinquiry.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0017/935/QOCCI15287-ORGANISED-CRIME-INQUIRY_Final_Report.pdf

Shelf Number: 138491

Child Sexual Exploitation
Drug Markets
Drug Trafficking
Financial Crimes
Identity Theft
Money Laundering
Motorcycle Gangs
Organized Crime

Author: Carrera, Sergio

Title: The Cost of Non-Europe in the Area of Organised Crime and Corruption: Annex I - Organised Crime

Summary: This Research Paper examines the costs of non-Europe in the field of organised crime. It provides an interdisciplinary analysis of the main legal/ethical, socio-political and economic costs and benefits of the EU in policies on organised crime. It offers an in-depth examination of the transformative contribution that the EU has made, in terms of investigation, prosecution and efficiency, to trans-border operational activities and the protection of its citizens' rights. Finally, it seeks to answer the questions of what are the costs and benefits of European cooperation and what forms of cooperation would bring more European added value.

Details: Brussels: European Parliamentary Research Service, 2016. 177p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 30, 2016 at: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/STUD/2016/579318/EPRS_STU(2016)579318_EN.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/STUD/2016/579318/EPRS_STU(2016)579318_EN.pdf

Shelf Number: 138492

Costs of Crime
Drug Trafficking
Economic Crimes
Environmental Crime
Human trafficking
Organized Crime
Weapons Trafficking

Author: Wagner, Livia

Title: Organized Crime and Illegally Mined Gold in Latin America

Summary: Throughout history, man has venerated gold. Gold was the first of the three gifts of the Magi to Jesus. For much of the 19th and 20th centuries, the values of world currencies were fixed in terms of gold (the Gold Standard). Olympic athletes vie for gold medals and the best footballer in the world is awarded the Ballon d'Or. An extremely well behaved child is 'as good as gold' and a generous person has 'a heart of gold'. It is only natural to think positively about gold, just as it is equally natural to think negatively about drugs. But, as the Global Initiative proves in its latest research report: Organized Crime and Illegally Mined Gold in Latin America, illegally mined gold is now more important to organized crime in some countries of Latin America than narcotics: - In Peru and Colombia - the largest cocaine producers in the world - the value of illegal gold exports now exceeds the value of cocaine exports. - Illegal mining is the easiest and most profitable way to launder money in the history of Colombian drug trafficking In the first decade of the 21st century, two trends intersected: soaring gold prices greatly increased the profitability of gold mining, whilst the US led "War on Drugs", notably in Colombia and Mexico ('Plan Colombia' and the 'Merida Initiative'), sharply reduced the profitability of drug trafficking from Latin America to the USA. As a result, there were considerable incentives for the criminal groups that control the drug trade to move into gold mining, and the fragmented nature of artisanal gold mining in Latin America greatly facilitated their entry. These groups were quick to realise that taking control of large swaths of land remote from government attention and dominating the enterprises that mined that land would enable them to generate larger profit margins with much lower risk. Even though global gold prices have gradually decreased in recent years, organized criminal groups have continued to drive the expansion of illegal gold mining. The region is now unique in the high percentage of gold that is mined illegally; about 28% of gold mined in Peru, 30% of gold mined in Bolivia, 77% of gold mined in Ecuador, 80% of gold mined in Colombia and 80-90% of Venezuelan gold is produced illegally. Illegal gold mining employs hundreds of thousands of workers across Latin America, many of whom are extremely vulnerable to labour exploitation and human trafficking.

Details: Geneva, SWIT: Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime, 2016. 100p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 30, 2016 at: http://www.globalinitiative.net/download/global-initiative/Global%20Initaitive%20-%20Organized%20Crime%20and%20Illegally%20Mined%20Gold%20in%20Latin%20America%20-%20April%202016%20(web).pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Latin America

URL: http://www.globalinitiative.net/download/global-initiative/Global%20Initaitive%20-%20Organized%20Crime%20and%20Illegally%20Mined%20Gold%20in%20Latin%20America%20-%20April%202016%20(web).pdf

Shelf Number: 138482

Illegal Mining
Organized Crime
Precious Metals

Author: U.S. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations

Title: Ivory and Insecurity: The Global Implications of Poaching in Africa

Summary: Ivory poaching, like all forms of illegal wildlife trade, is a profitable business. Indeed, the U.S. State Department estimates the market price of poached ivory at $400 per pound. Global Financial Integrity recently estimated the global value of the illicit trade in all forms of wildlife, excluding fishing, at between $7.8 and $10 billion. In recent years, organized crime syndicates, militias, and even terrorist elements have taken notice of the profits that can be made in the illegal trafficking of wildlife, generating an alarming up-tick in the scale of the industry and posing serious national security concerns for the United States and our partners.

Details: Washington, DC: GPO, 2012. 68p.

Source: Internet Resource: S Hrg. 112-602: Accessed march 30, 2016 at: https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CHRG-112shrg76689/pdf/CHRG-112shrg76689.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Africa

URL: https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CHRG-112shrg76689/pdf/CHRG-112shrg76689.pdf

Shelf Number: 138494

Animal Poaching
Illicit Trade
Organized Crime
Terrorist Financing
Wildlife Crime

Author: Rolles, Steve

Title: The Alternative World Drug Report. 2nd edition

Summary: In April, the world will come together at the UN to discuss the future of international drug policy. It will be the first time that far-reaching drug policy reforms are meaningfully discussed at such a high level. The current enforcement-based, UN-led drug control system is coming under unparalleled scrutiny over its failure to deliver a promised "drug-free world", and for what the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) describes as its negative "unintended consequences". It is unacceptable that despite acknowledging these negative impacts, the UNODC does not include them in its annual World Drug Report, and neither the UN nor its member states have meaningfully assessed whether these unintended consequences outweigh the intended consequences. The second edition of the Alternative World Drug Report fills this gap by detailing the full range of negative impacts caused by the drug war. It demonstrates that the current approach is creating crime, harming health, and fatally undermining all "three pillars" of the UN's work - peace and security, development, and human rights. The stark failure of the current system has meant that alternative drug policy approaches are a growing reality. This report therefore explores a range of options for reform, including decriminalisation and legal regulation, that could deliver better outcomes,. The global prohibitionist consensus has broken, and cannot be fixed. This Alternative World Drug Report is intended to help policymakers shape what succeeds it

Details: London: Transform Drug Policy Foundation, 2016. 192p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 6, 2016 at: http://www.countthecosts.org/sites/default/files/AWDR-2nd-edition.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: International

URL: http://www.countthecosts.org/sites/default/files/AWDR-2nd-edition.pdf

Shelf Number: 138575

Costs of Crime
Costs of Criminal Justice
Drug Abuse and Addiction
Drug Enforcement
Drug Policy
Illegal Drugs
Organized Crime

Author: Porteux, Jonson Nathaniel

Title: Police, Paramilitaries, Nationalists and Gangsters: The Processes of State Building in Korea

Summary: This dissertation seeks to understand why developed democracies with high state capacity tolerate, and in some cases cooperate with criminal organizations such as paramilitaries, mafia organizations, and vigilantes. The symbiotic relationship between these groups is surprisingly common, but it blurs the lines between legitimate and illegitimate use of violence and allows political actors to circumvent democratic checks on state authority. While previous research has linked illicit violence to weak or failing states, my study is unique in its empirical and theoretical focus on both economically and politically developed governments. It is argued that state monopoly over the use of violence purposefully varies. Political actors must continually exercise their authority in the face of both resource and politically driven constraints in the complex processes of state building, and state maintaining. In the face of resource constraints, political actors sub-contract violence in order to extend their reach and expand their forces. Sub-contracting as a result of principally politically driven constraints however, serves two goals beyond an expansion of forces. First, it allows political actors to distance themselves from police actions deemed illiberal-and hence unpopular-by society. Second, because criminal groups are extra-legal organizations, subcontracting allows the state to avoid transparency and accountability constraints. The choice to subcontract is thus conditioned not only by the end goal, but also by social pressures regarding appropriate means to bring about preferred outcomes. Importantly, the political payoffs from subcontracting are high in states with high levels of operational capacity, as they can best manage the potential risk that criminal groups metastasize and challenge state authority directly. Unbiased, quantifiable data on the linkage between state actors and illicit organizations are-largely by design-impossible to obtain. My primary analysis is based on a year of fieldwork in South Korea, utilizing evidence gleaned from interviews with the police, prosecutors, journalists, mafia members, and victims.

Details: Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, 2013. 218p.

Source: Internet Resource: Dissertation: Accessed April 6, 2016 at: https://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/handle/2027.42/102333/jporteux_1.pdf?sequence=1

Year: 2013

Country: Korea, South

URL: https://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/handle/2027.42/102333/jporteux_1.pdf?sequence=1

Shelf Number: 138588

Criminal Justice Systems
Criminal Violence
Organized Crime
Paramilitary Groups

Author: Inter-American Commission on Human Rights

Title: Violence, Children and Organized Crime

Summary: The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) presents a regional report on violence and other violations of rights to which children and adolescents fall victim in contexts in which organized crime and violent or criminal groups operate. The report identifies the leading factors that make the Americas the region with the highest rates of violence in the world, and focuses primarily on analyzing how children and adolescents are affected by different forms of violence in their communities, especially acts committed by members of armed groups but also by agents of the State. Conditions of insecurity and violence in the region are significant factors of concern which involve serious violations of people's human rights. The public often associates these situations with adolescents, who are blamed to a large extent for the climate of insecurity experienced by many communities. The focus tends to be on male adolescents from poor and marginal neighborhoods who belong to groups that have traditionally been excluded and discriminated against and who are stigmatized on a daily basis and singled out as "potential dangers to society" who must be brought under control. However, as the IACHR explains in the report, the reality is different from these perceptions and much more complex. Children and adolescents, in fact, represent one of the groups most affected by different forms of violence and rights violations, as well as by the actions of criminal groups and by repressive citizen security policies. The inhabitants of some communities suffer the scourge of violence more intensely. The areas that are particularly hard-hit are the least developed neighborhoods where there is limited access to basic services, a lack of opportunities, and little State presence. These are areas with populations living in vulnerable conditions, in which their rights are not guaranteed due to structural situations of marginalization and social exclusion. These factors facilitate the emergence and expansion of criminal groups and organized crime. In addition, the enormous financial revenues associated with the illegal drug market have contributed significantly to the expansion of criminal groups that compete for this market and its benefits, unleashing spiraling violence due to clashes between criminal groups and State security forces. Easy access to firearms and the large number of guns in the hands of private individuals exacerbate the existing climate of insecurity and violence. In the report, the IACHR observes with concern that the conditions for children and adolescents living in these contexts can be daunting. Many of them experience situations of violence, abuse, and neglect in their homes, communities, and schools, at the hands of adults, their peers, and even the police. The quality of education is poor, and there are many barriers to accessing higher education and access to job opportunities and decent employment. Children and adolescents are often subjected to pressure, threats, or trickery to get them to join these organizations; other adolescents seek out these groups in search of opportunities, recognition, protection, and a sense of belonging, aspects that they would otherwise not be able to find. Once they are within these structures, they are used and exploited by the adults for a broad range of activities, including surveillance, the transport and sale of drugs, robberies, extortions, kidnappings, and other violent activities related to maintaining the interests of criminal groups. Girls and adolescents in particular are the primary victims of sexual violence and human trafficking for sexual exploitation. Adults use them as disposable, interchangeable parts of criminal structures - the last link in the chain - with the average age of recruitment 13 years old. State responses to these challenges are primarily based on policies that are strongly focused on aspects of coercive control by security forces and punitive repression through the criminal justice system. The common denominator of security strategies in the region has been the allocation of greater responsibilities to State security forces, along with a progressive militarization of the police and their operations and the participation of the army in citizen security tasks. However, these strategies have not significantly eased the climate of insecurity; on the contrary, many countries have experienced a resurgence of violence, in addition to reported abuses, arbitrary practices, and human rights violations carried out by State security forces. In this report, the IACHR expresses its concern regarding the high rates of arbitrary detentions; excessive use of force and lethal force; cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment, even extrajudicial executions and forced disappearances, as well as sluggish investigations and high levels of impunity for these types of acts. Due to the social stigma they face, some adolescents from certain groups of society are often victims of these types of abuses and arbitrary practices. Among the situations it found, the IACHR has observed that the application of the crime of "unlawful assembly" or "conspiracy" or "belonging to a criminal group" has increased the number of arbitrary detentions of adolescents based on their appearance and on the belief that they may belong to a gang or a criminal group, without any evidence that a crime has been committed. Current drug policies have also contributed to an increase in the number of children and adolescents deprived of liberty for drug-related offenses such as micro-trafficking and possession of small quantities. In several countries of the region, adolescents who are poor, of African descent, or members of minorities are over-represented among those detained by the police. The prosecution of crimes of "unlawful assembly" and drug-related crimes has also led to an increase in pretrial detentions and for longer periods, due to an overextended criminal justice system. Meanwhile, States in the region tend to prioritize punitive and retributive responses to adolescent offenders, with incarceration the most widespread measure used. State responses have focused on proposals to reduce the age of criminal responsibility for adolescents, in some cases starting at age 12, and to lengthen prison sentences. In practice, this might mean that they would be locked up for their entire adolescence - a crucial phase for their personal development, growth, and education. Added to this is the fact that detention centers, where conditions are generally alarming in terms of safety, health, and overcrowding, have become factors aggravating adolescents' vulnerability and exposure to violence and crime, which only worsens and reinforces the problem States are seeking to solve. The IACHR reiterates in the report that measures designed to hold adolescents accountable for their actions should be based primarily on a model of restorative justice and socio-educational measures, one whose purpose is to rehabilitate adolescents and reintegrate them into society. In the Inter-American Commission's judgment, current policies seek to show short-term results but do not adequately address structural causes or focus sufficiently on prevention or on social investment programs and promotion of rights. The current policies do not take into account the specific consequences of these environments for adolescents who are in an especially vulnerable and unprotected situation which puts them at risk of being captured and used by organized crime, becoming involved in violent and criminal activities, or becoming victims of such activities. The report concludes with a series of recommendations to the States to address violence and insecurity through comprehensive, holistic public policies that take into account the centrality of human rights and effectively ensure the exercise of rights by children and adolescents.

Details: Washington, DC: Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, 2016. 227p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 7, 2016 at: http://www.oas.org/en/iachr/reports/pdfs/ViolenceChildren2016.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: South America

URL: http://www.oas.org/en/iachr/reports/pdfs/ViolenceChildren2016.pdf

Shelf Number: 138593

Children and Violence
Criminal Networks
Organized Crime
Youth Gangs
Youth Violence

Author: Katsarova, Ivana

Title: Match-fixing: Issues and policy responses

Summary: As sport has grown increasingly popular worldwide, it has become a greater target for individuals and groups of people wishing to take advantage of its lucrative aspects. A conservative Interpol estimate for the period 1 June 2012 to 31 May 2013 indicates that match-fixing - i.e. the manipulation of results of sporting contests, or elements within a game - has been reported in over 70 countries across six continents, for football alone. Globalisation has further aggravated the phenomenon, with transnational criminal organisations taking advantage of changes in regulations, and flaws in legal and judicial systems. Various sports have been affected by match-fixing, even though most cases occur in cricket, football, and tennis. Contests are not always rigged by individual players or referees; some cases involve coaches, club managers, and more unexpectedly, maintenance staff. Match-fixing is often linked to gambling, with criminal networks exploiting unregulated gambling markets, notably in Asia. In the EU, the Framework Decisions on combatting corruption and the fight against organised crime underpin the operational work carried out by Europol and Eurojust. However, their provisions are still insufficiently well enacted by EU countries. The impact of international legal instruments, such as the United Nations and Council of Europe conventions, is also limited, since their provisions are not mandatory. In this context, the International Olympic Committee, due to its political, social and sporting authority, appears as a key factor in the continuing fight against manipulation in sport.

Details: Strasbourg: European Parliamentary Research Service, 2016. 10p.

Source: Internet Resource: Briefing: Accessed April 8, 2016 at: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/BRIE/2016/580891/EPRS_BRI(2016)580891_EN.pdf at:

Year: 2016

Country: International

URL: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/BRIE/2016/580891/EPRS_BRI(2016)580891_EN.pdf

Shelf Number: 138607

Organized Crime
Sporting Events
Sports Betting

Author: Europol

Title: Migrant Smuggling in the EU

Summary: Europe has seen an unprecedented increase in the number of irregular migrants arriving in the European Union since 2014. The scale of these migratory flows reached previously unseen heights in 2015. This trend of exponentially increasing numbers of migrants arriving in the EU is set to continue in 2016. In 2015, more than one million migrants reached the EU. This development has had a profound impact on Europe's criminal landscape. Criminal networks have quickly adapted to this development and substantially increased their involvement in migrant smuggling. More than 90% of the migrants travelling to the EU used facilitation services. In most cases, these services were offered and provided by criminal groups. A large number of criminal networks as well as individual criminal entrepreneurs now generate substantial profits from migrant smuggling. Criminal networks exploit the desperation and vulnerability of migrants. They offer a broad range of facilitation services such as the provision of transportation, accommodation and fraudulent documents at excessively high prices. In many cases, irregular migrants are forced to pay for these services by means of illegal labour. The scale of this exploitation is set to further increase in 2016. In 2015 alone, criminal networks involved in migrant smuggling are estimated to have had a turnover of between EUR 3 -6 billion. This turnover is set to double or triple if the scale of the current migration crisis persists in the upcoming year. Migrant smuggling to and within the EU is a highly attractive business for criminal networks and has grown significantly in 2015. As the fastest growing criminal market in Europe and other regions, this trend is set to continue in 2016. In tackling the sophisticated international and European migrant smuggling networks generating enormous profits, law enforcement authorities face a significant challenge over the coming years.

Details: The Hague: EUROPOL, 2016. 15p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 11, 2016 at: https://www.europol.europa.eu/content/migrant-smuggling-eu

Year: 2016

Country: Europe

URL: https://www.europol.europa.eu/content/migrant-smuggling-eu

Shelf Number: 138619

Criminal Networks
Forced Labor
Human Smuggling
Illegal Migrants
Organized Crime

Author: Europol

Title: The THB Financial Business Model: assessing the current state of knowledge

Summary: Europol's Report on Trafficking in Human Beings (THB) Financial Business Model 2015 is now available online. This document has been prepared by experts at Europol and is oriented towards explaining the current crime situation, providing an overview of all relevant factors e.g. organised crime groups (OCGs), criminal markets, and geographical dimension. The main key findings detailed in the report show how OCGs involved in THB tend to work independently from other groups and launder their own criminal proceeds with little use of experts. These OCGs are mainly small and based on family and ethnic ties. The family cell is used to support trafficking operations and money laundering activities. There are no new methods of money laundering specific to THB groups, but the exploitation of innovative technologies is increasing. Financial institutions, money service businesses and other types of financial providers are at most risk of being exploited by the money laundering activities of OCGs.

Details: The Hague: Europol, 2015. 14p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 13, 2016 at: https://www.europol.europa.eu/content/trafficking-human-beings-financial-business-model

Year: 2015

Country: Europe

URL: https://www.europol.europa.eu/content/trafficking-human-beings-financial-business-model

Shelf Number: 138650

Financial crimes
Human Trafficking
Money Laundering
Organized Crime
Proceeds of Crime

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

Title: Trafficking in Persons for the Purpose of Organ Removal: Assessment Toolkit

Summary: The present toolkit deals with trafficking in persons for the purpose of organ removal, as defined by the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children, (Trafficking in Persons Protocol), supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (Organized Crime Convention). Terms like 'organ trafficking', 'illegal organ trade', 'transplant tourism', 'organ purchase' and others are often used interchangeably with trafficking in persons for the purpose of organ removal, even where they would not refer to the same phenomenon. Any conduct described by such terms will only be within the scope of this toolkit, if it meets the definition provided by the Trafficking in Persons Protocol. Trafficking in persons for the purpose of organ removal is not a new phenomenon. Over the years, the crime has received significant attention from media, NGOs, academia and also from international and regional actors such as the Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, especially in women and children and the Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Being Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe. The issue was also taken up at the UN Economic and Social Council and the General Assembly, which, e.g., in 2013 adopted resolutions that inter alia request UNODC to collect and analyse information on trafficking in persons for organ removal and encourage Member States to provide to UNODC evidence-based data on patterns, forms and flows of trafficking in persons, including for the purpose of the removal of organs respectively.

Details: Vienna: UNODC, 2015. 149p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 21, 2016 at: https://www.unodc.org/documents/human-trafficking/2015/UNODC_Assessment_Toolkit_TIP_for_the_Purpose_of_Organ_Removal.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: International

URL: https://www.unodc.org/documents/human-trafficking/2015/UNODC_Assessment_Toolkit_TIP_for_the_Purpose_of_Organ_Removal.pdf

Shelf Number: 139094

Human Trafficking
Organ Trafficking
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Organs

Author: Pascalev, A.

Title: Trafficking in human beings for the purpose of organ removal: A comprehensive literature review

Summary: Trafficking in human beings for the purpose of organ removal (THBOR) is prohibited worldwide, yet a growing number of reports indicate its increase across the globe. Many countries in and outside the European Union (EU) have implemented proper legislation against THBOR. However, information regarding the incidence of THBOR and the non-legislative response to it is practically non-existent and unavailable to judicial and law enforcement authorities in the EU member states. Transplant professionals, human rights NGOs and international organizations also have little knowledge and awareness of the crime (1). This knowledge gap hampers the development of a structured and effective action to this repugnant form of human trafficking, which brings physical and psychological harms to vulnerable individuals. The HOTT project has four objectives aimed at addressing the knowledge gaps and improving the non-legislative response to THBOR. These objectives are: - to increase knowledge about THBOR - to raise awareness among target groups - to organize an expert meeting where organ trafficking experts and competent authorities can express their views on project results - to provide recommendations to improve the non-legislative response This report contributes to the first objective: to gather information and increase knowledge about THBOR. It does so by describing the state-of-the-art of literature on the ethical aspects, causes and the actors involved in THBOR.

Details: Rotterdam, NETH: Erasmus MC University Hospital Rotterdam, Department of Internal Medicine, Section Transplantation and Nephrology, 2013. 79p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 21, 2016 at: http://hottproject.com/userfiles/HOTTProject-TraffickinginHumanBeingsforthePurposeofOrganRemoval-AComprehensiveLiteratureReview-OnlinePublication.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: International

URL: http://hottproject.com/userfiles/HOTTProject-TraffickinginHumanBeingsforthePurposeofOrganRemoval-AComprehensiveLiteratureReview-OnlinePublication.pdf

Shelf Number: 139093

Human Trafficking
Organ Trafficking
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Organs

Author: Ambagtsheer, F.

Title: Trafficking in Human Beings for the Purpose of Organ Removal: Results and Recommendations

Summary: When, in the early 1990's I began a multisided medical anthropological field research project in the transplant units, blood clinics, dialysis centers, prisons, kidney motels, safe houses, and refugee centers where underground transplants were negotiated and cobbled together by brokers for patients willing to travel to parts unknown for a back door transplant from invisible living suppliers in the global South, there was only one scientific article on the topic. That article was concerned only with the risks for the foreign recipients of South Asian kidneys. There were no concepts, categories, legal or philosophical language to identify what was going on. Consequently, the existence of human trafficking for the purpose of organ removal for illicit transplants was denied. Even as late as 2009, the joint United Nations/Council of Europe on 'Trafficking in organs, tissues and cells and trafficking in human beings for the purpose of the removal of organs' never once referred in the text of the document to human trafficking but rather to 'organ trafficking', thus unintentionally erasing the trafficked kidney sellers from any consideration or discussion. The problem was solid organs, not people, that were being trafficked and in a sense, sold While this sematic problem still exists, as it did in the Rosenbaum case discussed in this book, the dedicated and collaborative work of the EU-funded HOTT project will make it much more difficult for medical professionals, police, prosecutors and judges to ignore the vast scholarly and scientific literature on the topic, and the hard evidence produced in the first prosecutions of international organized crime syndicates pretending to be merely facilitating medical tourism rather than the illicit networks of human trafficking for human kidney sellers that they are. The extensive bibliography, original reports on the extent and consequences of human trafficking to procure organs and the case study reports and summaries, required considerable archival and field research to identify the networks, the investigations, indictments, and prosecutions of surgeons, nephrologists, transplant brokers, kidney hunters, mobile patients/kidney recipients, and trafficked kidney providers. The complexity of these international illicit networks explains their resilience. The obstacles include differences in legal jurisdictions, incompatible laws, and the immunity of complicit transplant surgeons. The first, and most successful of the prosecutions of an international human trafficking syndicate for the procurement of paid organ sellers was in Brazil in 2004, a key link in the Netcare case in South Africa described here. The Brazilian police sting, Operation Bisturi (scalpel) led to the indictment of twenty five participants, eleven of whom were eventually tried and found guilty of human trafficking of recruited kidney sellers from the slums of Recife. They were convicted for the recruitment, handling, medical pre-screening and transport of the men to private Netcare clinics in Durban and Johannesburg where their kidneys were removed and transplanted into the bodies of international patients, mostly from Israel. The case was handled efficiently by the Brazilian court's precise application of the 2000 Palermo Convention. The chief of the syndicate, Gedalya (Gaddy) Tauber, of Israel, and his Brazilian partner, Ivan Bonifacio da Silva, both retired military police officers, were given stiff sentences along with several other intermediaries that included a distinguished, middle aged woman lawyer, who hid the money in her private bank safe at the Recife branch of City Bank. One of the convicted was a kidney seller who joined the scheme and became a ruthless and dangerous kidney hunter, and the alleged head of a local death squad. Only the Brazilian doctor who conducted the blood tests escaped conviction. However, the presence of the suspects - perpetrators, intermediaries, and victims - in court room caught the attention of the ferocious Brazilian media. It was a major scandal in which Brazil was the victim and the nation was outraged that their citizens had been preyed upon and used by international transplant trafficking networks. This prosecution led to other investigations and prosecutions of domestic trafficking in humans for organs. More difficult to adjudicate are the cases where the buyers, sellers, brokers, and surgeons are from the same nation although branching out to other diasporic sites. In these instances we enter the ethical gray zone described by Primo Levi where perpetrators and victims, government officials and ordinary by-standers are partially complicit but feel helpless to extract themselves from a traffic in 'goods' (a healthy organ) rather than a traffic in 'bads' (illicit drugs and guns). The criminals could operate freely within the international legal lacuna that protected them. Moreover, human trafficking for organ procurement is often seen even by police, prosecutors, federal agents and judges as essentially a victimless crime. The judge in the Rosenbaum Sentencing based on a plea bargain, that it was a 'sorry story;, but one in which, she said, 'buyers and sellers both got something out of the deal'. What had been revealed in this first US prosecution of what the court described as three cases of illicit brokering and payment for an organ was not even the tip of the iceberg. The language of THBOR was not available to the federal prosecutors nor did US laws on human trafficking include those that are trafficked to provide 'spare' kidneys. The new term, THBOR though awkward, has given long overdue recognition of the real crime that is at stake here. Because most of the damages take place elsewhere and out of sight of the police and the courts that handle these cases, THBOR remained invisible. The complexity and the tragedy is that this form of human trafficking can save or enhance some lives at the expense of other disposable lives, sub-citizens in the global world. There are many excellent recommendations in this book, but the political will to apply them cannot be assumed. Trafficking in human beings for the purpose of organ removal is unlike other forms of human trafficking, even though the same international traffickers may also be involved in drug, small arms, and sex trafficking. Human trafficking in fresh organs is small, complicated, expensive and highly lucrative. But unlike other forms of human trafficking the good news is that it can be eradicated. The traffic is dependent on hospitals, nurses, doctors and surgeons. Without their complicity, knowingly or not, the traffic in humans for their fresh organs cannot exist. This report is the first to highlight the role and responsibilities of the medical transplant surgeons. We are dealing with a medical-surgical crime and it should be treated as such. Among the recommendations are that all persons who forfeit an organ (usually a kidney) for money within an organized international crime network are ipso facto victims, even if the person agreed to it. Another is that surgeons should be held responsible for removing and/or implanting a kidney from a trafficked person. We ask that surgeons and doctors cooperate with law enforcement and not to hide behind doctor-patient confidentiality when crimes may have been committed. Surgeons and nephrologists should inform their patients who are planning to travel abroad for an illicit transplant of the medical, ethical, and legal consequences. We ask that customs officials be required to ask those coming and leaving a country to declare whether they are traveling for the purpose of a transplant, which may or may not be legal.

Details: Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers, 2016. 154p.

Source: Internet Resource: The HOTT Project: Accessed April 21, 2016 at: https://thbregionalimplementationinitiative.files.wordpress.com/2015/09/hott_project-book_2016.pdf

Year: 2916

Country: International

URL: https://thbregionalimplementationinitiative.files.wordpress.com/2015/09/hott_project-book_2016.pdf

Shelf Number: 139092

Human Trafficking
Organ Trafficking
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Organs

Author: Paquel, Kamila

Title: Wildlife Crime in Poland. An In-depth Analysis for the ENVI Committee

Summary: Wildlife crime is not a priority for Polish authorities involved in environmental and criminal legislation and enforcement. Despite a decreasing number of seizures of illegally handled CITES species that is ascribed to trainings provided to CITES enforcement bodies and an increased awareness of wildlife crime among the Polish society, there is no evidence that the scale of wildlife crime in Poland has been reduced. Recent findings by regional NGOs indicate that Poland is a leading country in terms of the volume of illegal on-line trade in protected fauna and flora in the Central and Eastern part of the EU. There is, however, very little information in this regard collected by the public enforcement authorities involved in wildlife protection. In terms of illegal imports and (re)exports of wildlife, Poland is mainly a destination country, but it is also a territory of transit and, to some extent, of origin. The actual scale of wildlife traffic is not certain. However, it is estimated that the Customs Service only discloses some 10-15 % of illegal traffic of protected species. Illegal markets of traditional Asian medicine, avifauna (including birds of prey), exotic wood, and wildlife suitable for aquaria and terraria are growing. In this context, wildlife crime can be considered a significant problem in Poland, and its scale is believed to grow proportionately to the increase in economic welfare of the Polish society and the demand by Asian minorities in Poland. Limited capacities of enforcement authorities, a lack of a holistic vision, and inadequate legislation further aggravate the problem. Apart from CITES-related offences, the number of illegal poaching instances reported in Poland every year is significant and increasing. While national legislation implementing EU law relevant to wildlife protection is in place, Poland is struggling to ensure adequate human resources in terms of volume and skills to counteract wildlife crime effectively. This may partly explain why wildlife crime is not among the major issues law enforcement entities are dealing with in Poland. Due to limited resources, these bodies do not have the capacity to follow all threads linked to wildlife crime and effectively counteract it. Moreover, some technical barriers are reported to hinder CITES enforcement. For example, enforcement officers in Poland often have difficulties with establishing the legal origin of captive-bred specimens originating from breeding operations across the EU. The difficulty is considered to stem, among others, from non-harmonised formats of documentation used as a proof of legality of the species' origin. In terms of judicial action, in the majority of CITES-related cases, Polish courts close the cases in an early phase or impose low penalties unlikely to deter commercial perpetrators. This is likely to stem from an overly rigid system of sanctions for CITES infringements embedded in the Polish Penal Code, which categorizes any breach in this respect as a crime and thus creates a risk of congestion of criminal cases in the already saturated Polish courts. According to stakeholders CITES implementation in Poland would be better if the law was more reflective of the wildlife crime specificity and trainings were provided to the judiciary sector. In what can still be largely considered a learning process, Poland's efforts against wildlife crime are based on education and public outreach. A number of dedicated trainings have been provided to public enforcement bodies dealing with wildlife protection. To tackle the demand side, awareness-raising is promoted in seminars organised in schools at different levels, as well as by glass displays in airports, border posts and other public places. In both, training and education, the role of conservationist NGOs (namely WWF Poland and PTOP 'Salamandra') has been prominent, often compensating for the constrained capacity of the public authorities in the area of wildlife crime prevention and control.

Details: Brussels: European Parliament, 2016 29p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 22, 2016 at: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/IDAN/2016/578960/IPOL_IDA%282016%29578960_EN.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Poland

URL: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/IDAN/2016/578960/IPOL_IDA%282016%29578960_EN.pdf

Shelf Number: 138726

Animal Poaching
Illegal Wildlife Trade
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Wildlife
Wild Animal Trade
Wildlife Conservation
Wildlife Crimes
Wildlife Smuggling

Author: Fajardo Del Castillo, Teresa

Title: Wildlife Crime in Spain. In-depth Analysis for the ENVI Committee

Summary: Spain is a relevant entry point to Europe as well as a country of origin and transit of wildlife crime with trade routes introducing illegal timber from Latin American and Barbary Macaques and elephants and rhino trophies from African countries as well as trade routes of eels, raptors and ivory to the Middle East and Asia. Recent police operations point to the existence of criminal groups, with organized crime infrastructures and their modus operandi. The internet is increasingly used for selling rare species outside the legal market. As examples of good practice, the Spanish Environmental Police, (SEPRONA), is one of the few specialized forces in Europe fighting environmental crime as well as its CITES Management Authorities which implement CITES and EU legislation. SEPRONA has developed and implemented day-to-day strategies against wildlife crime. Its agents have engaged in significant major wildlife crime operations, some of which have been perpetrated by organized criminal groups, however, the examined case law shows a limited number of convictions and lenient punishments due to difficulties in providing the required evidence and the resistance of judges to consider environmental crime as serious. Spain also has a specialized Prosecutor's Office that cooperates closely with CITES Management Authorities and SEPRONA. Both SEPRONA and the Spanish CITES Management Authorities cooperate with authorities of other Member States and third countries on a regular basis as well as in coordinated operations that show the importance of institutional contacts of the CITES Authorities as well as the institutional networks and agencies, such as EUROPOL and INTERPOL. This cooperation contributes to overcoming the limits of the CITES Convention and EU Regulation that in the opinion of the experts interviewed are fragmented and lack clarity. Moreover, the legal instruments at domestic and European level to fight against organized crime do not envisage environmental crime or wildlife crime, and can hardly be applied to fight them since they are destined to fight serious crimes. It is the opinion of the Spanish Management Authorities as well as the Prosecution Office that a specific legal instrument to fight wildlife crime would be most useful to overcome these problems.

Details: Brussels: European Parliament, 2016. 36p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 22, 2016 at: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/IDAN/2016/578962/IPOL_IDA%282016%29578962_EN.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Spain

URL: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/IDAN/2016/578962/IPOL_IDA%282016%29578962_EN.pdf

Shelf Number: 138727

Illegal Wildlife Trade
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Wildlife
Wild Animal Trade
Wildlife Conservation
Wildlife Crimes
Wildlife Smuggling

Author: Illes, Andrea

Title: Wildlife Crime in the United Kingdom. An In-depth Analysis for the ENVI Committee

Summary: The illegal trade of wildlife is a major problem in the UK, which is a significant transit and destination country. There is a very wide range of species affected by the illegal trade, including reptiles, endangered birds and their eggs, caviars, corals, ivory from elephant and hippo and horns from rhino. The number of seizures is high; between 2009 and 2014 UK Border Forces made 2 853 seizures in total1. Nevertheless, wildlife crime covers not only illegal trade in wildlife but other illegal actions, such as poaching. Within the UK, the other most common wildlife crimes include badger persecution, bat persecution, deer and fish poaching, hare coursing and raptor persecution (NWCU, 2014). Links between wildlife crime and organised crime groups have also been identified. Organised crime and illegal wildlife trade is known to be linked to rhino horn thefts and trade, to trade in raptors and bird eggs, and to the repeated sale of traditional medicine products (Sollund and Maher, 2015, p. 24), while poaching and raptor persecution are sometimes linked to organised crime groups. At the same time, the efforts to combat wildlife crime in the UK are wide-ranging and numerous actions taken provide good practice examples that could be followed in other EU Member States. The UK government has undertaken a large number of capacity-building and cooperative actions both within the UK and with international actors. Some of the most prominent examples include the organisation of the high-level London Conference on Illegal Wildlife Trade where the London Declaration on Illegal Wildlife Trade was adopted, the establishment of the Illegal Wildlife Trade Challenge Fund, which supports projects in the developing world focusing on the reduction of demand for endangered species, and the Government's support for the Global Tiger Initiative Multi Donor Trust Fund and the International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime (ICCWC). Furthermore, numerous awareness-raising campaigns have been launched with the involvement of nongovernmental organisations (NGOs). The current domestic regulation on CITES, the Control of the Trade in Endangered Species (COTES) Regulation, is under review with the aim of further strengthening enforcement. There is a well-established institutional set up with various governmental actors involved in wildlife crime related issues. The National Wildlife Crime Unit (NWCU) within the UK Police Force and the UK Border Forces specialised CITES team based at Heathrow Airport play an important role in tackling wildlife crime. Furthermore, the UK Partnership for Action Against Wildlife Crime (PAW UK), a multi-agency group comprising representatives of statutory bodies and NGOs involved in wildlife law enforcement in the UK, is also a key player. Finally, national and international NGOs, such as the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the wildlife trade monitoring network TRAFFIC and the World Society for the Protection of the Animals (WSPA) also contribute to ending wildlife crime in the UK and to raising awareness of the issue.

Details: Brussels: European Parliament, 2016. 31p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 22, 2016 at: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/IDAN/2016/578963/IPOL_IDA%282016%29578963_EN.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/IDAN/2016/578963/IPOL_IDA%282016%29578963_EN.pdf

Shelf Number: 138728

Animal Poaching
Illegal Wildlife Trade
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Wildlife
Wild Animal Trade
Wildlife Conservation
Wildlife Crimes
Wildlife Smuggling

Author: Ambagtsheer, F.

Title: Trafficking in Human Beings for the Purpose of Organ Removal: A Case Study

Summary: The present report builds upon the conclusions presented in the HOTT project's literature review, 'Trafficking in human beings for the purpose of organ removal: a comprehensive literature review'. This review concluded that a study of the current literature provides limited information and knowledge about the nature and incidence of the crime, and needs to be strengthened by other sources of information. The HOTT project's objectives are to: - increase knowledge about trafficking in human beings for the purpose of organ removal - raise awareness among target groups - improve the non-legislative response Purpose of study This case study report addresses the gaps that were already highlighted in the HOTT project's literature review. This study's purpose is to contribute to existing gaps in knowledge concerning a) the actors and their modus operandi of contemporary organ trafficking networks and b) the experiences of police and prosecution in disrupting and prosecuting the persons involved in these networks. Selection of countries and cases To acquire in-depth knowledge about the criminal networks involved in trafficking in human beings for the purpose of organ removal (THBOR), the research team collected information in the field by interviewing people worldwide who were directly involved in and affected by the events that led to prosecutions and convictions. With the financial support of the European Commission Directorate General Home Affairs, the Central Division of the National Police of the Netherlands, the Magnus Bergvalls Foundation (Sweden) and the Royal Physiographic Society (Sweden), the research team travelled to 4 countries to study 3 trafficking cases: 1. South Africa, Durban (November 2012) - Netcare case 2. Republic of Kosovo, Pristina (September 2013) - Medicus Clinic case 3. State of Israel, Tel Aviv and Jerusalem (October 2013) - Netcare and Medicus Clinic case 4. United States of America (USA), New York (March 2013) - Rosenbaum case Visiting these countries made it possible to talk to key persons and to access data that would not have been acquired through literature- or desk research. The countries and cases were selected because of common features: police and prosecution investigated international networks involving (elements of) THBOR and succeeded in gathering sufficient evidence to bring these cases to court that led to convictions of the accused, they relied on assistance from other countries and were able to demonstrate how to achieve successes and overcome obstacles in international criminal collaboration.

Details: Rotterdam: Erasmus MC University Hospital Rotterdam Department of Internal Medicine, Section Transplantation and Nephrology, 2014. 32p.

Source: Internet Resource: HOTT Project: Accessed April 23, 2016 at: http://hottproject.com/userfiles/Reports/3rdReportHOTTProject-TraffickinginHumanBeingsforthePurposeofOrganRemoval-ACaseStudyReport.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: International

URL: http://hottproject.com/userfiles/Reports/3rdReportHOTTProject-TraffickinginHumanBeingsforthePurposeofOrganRemoval-ACaseStudyReport.pdf

Shelf Number: 138783

Human Trafficking
Organ Trafficking
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Organs

Author: Ambagtsheer, F.

Title: Organ Recipients Who Paid for Kidney Transplantations Abroad: A Report

Summary: Worldwide, there is a mismatch between the increase in the number of those waiting and the increase in those identified as potential donors. Kidney transplant wait lists grow most prominently. By the end of 2013, 49.266 people were waiting for a kidney transplantation in the European Union, whilst only 19.227 transplantations were performed that year. Eurotransplant's wait list has an average waiting time of 3-5 years. About 15-30% of the patients die before receiving a kidney (3). Also in other parts of the world such as in the United States of America (USA), the number of candidates on the kidney wait list is increasing. Between 1980 and 2009 the list increased by 600%. Yet, the number of annual donors between 2004 and 2011 remained relatively stagnant at 13.000, making the gap between organ supply and demand even larger. The list in the USA now has a median wait time of over 4 years. The activity of organ transplantation worldwide is less than 10% of the global need. Furthermore there are substantial disparities in access to transplantation, not only globally, but within countries as well. Organ recipients travel across the world for transplantation, the most common being live kidney transplantation (8-13). Although travelling abroad does not imply an illegal transplant purchase, it is commonly perceived to be an illegal and/or immoral endeavour involving health risks. Several qualitative studies have been performed among patients who purchase kidneys (17-22). Some of these studies reveal that patients bring back little or no information about their operation, such as the origin of their kidney, the transplantation costs or where and by whom the transplantation was performed. The limited amount of data about transplantations abroad makes it difficult to draw firm conclusions about its scale, nature and potential illegality. Also, little knowledge exists about the motivations, experiences and characteristics of patients travelling abroad. Purpose of study The main conclusion of the HOTT project's first report, 'Trafficking in human beings for the purpose of organ removal: a comprehensive literature review' (23) (hereafter: literature review), is that a literature study provides limited information and knowledge about the nature and incidence of the crime. The underlying report aims to fulfil gaps of knowledge highlighted in the literature review by presenting the results of interviews with patients who travelled abroad for paid kidney transplantations. The purpose of this study is to describe the process of the transplantation (how, where and by whom it was facilitated) and the perspectives, experiences, behaviors and motivations of these patients. Research questions The research questions are as follows: 1. Do patients travel abroad for paid kidney transplantations? 2. How, where and by whom were their transplantations facilitated? 3. What are patients' motivations, experiences and characteristics?

Details: Rotterdam: Erasmus MC University Hospital Rotterdam Department of Internal Medicine, Section Transplantation and Nephrology, 2014. 25p.

Source: Internet Resource: HOTT Project: Accessed April 23, 2016 at: http://hottproject.com/userfiles/Reports/2ndReportHOTTproject-OrganRecipientsWhoPaidForKidneyTransplantsAbroad.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: International

URL: http://hottproject.com/userfiles/Reports/2ndReportHOTTproject-OrganRecipientsWhoPaidForKidneyTransplantsAbroad.pdf

Shelf Number: 138784

Human Trafficking
Organ Trafficking
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Organs

Author: Lauck, Elizabeth

Title: Measuring Impact: Summary of Indicators for Combating Wildlife Trafficking

Summary: Killing protected or managed species and the illegal trade in wildlife and their related parts and products (hereafter wildlife crime) are among the most severe threats to biodiversity. Globally, hundreds of millions of individual animals belonging to hundreds of species across all animal taxa are the targets of illegal harvesting and trade. Wildlife crime not only threatens the survival of focal species, but may also significantly alter ecosystem function and stability through biodiversity loss and the species introductions that are a common byproduct of this activity. High-value wildlife products are often trafficked by organized criminal syndicates and the revenue generates is known to finance violent non-state actors including terrorist groups and unsanctioned militias. Armed conflict can exacerbate wildlife crime, and wildlife crime is frequently associated with other forms of crime, such as money laundering (Loucks et al. 2009; UNODC 2012). In addition, wildlife traffickers generate insecurity in rural communities and are responsible for killing park rangers, which hurts morale and park staff recruitment. This, in turn, reduces tourism and associated revenue needed for conservation and community development. For developing countries, loss of revenue from trade, taxes, and/or tourism can be significant and particularly damaging (Rosen & Smith 2010). Additionally, the illegal trade in wildlife can introduce and/or spread pathogens endemic to the exporting regions or transmitted during transit (Gomez & Aguirre 2008). This poses a major risk to human and livestock health, with implications for food security, commerce, and labor productivity (consider recent outbreaks of Ebola virus, SARS coronavirus, and avian influenza). Despite focused efforts often lasting several decades, wildlife crime remains a global threat (Broad & Damania 2010; Sharma et al. 2014). The importance of wildlife crime as a threat to conservation and development has attracted the attention of governments, non-governmental organizations, research institutions, and multilateral organizations all over the world. Strategies to combat wildlife crime depend on accurate and reliable knowledge about the status of focal species and the basic attributes of illegal wildlife supply chains;1 however, the clandestine nature of this activity, its geographic spread, the large number of people involved, and the size of the trade make analysis of status and trends, as well as measuring progress in combating it, a challenge (Blundell & Mascia 2005; UNODC 2012). A report by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime concludes that many of the available figures on wildlife crime "are the result of guesswork rather than of systematic analysis" (UNODC 2012). Global knowledge about wildlife crime remains fragmented and lacking in common standards, which hinders the design, implementation, and monitoring of strategies to combat it. In July 2013, President Obama issued an Executive Order on Combating Wildlife Trafficking, resulting in a National Strategy to Combat Wildlife Trafficking released February 2014. A Congressional directive required $45 million in FY2014 foreign assistance funds to combat wildlife trafficking, including a minimum of $30 million managed by USAID. The Agency has a long history of investing in programs that support compliance with and enforcement of laws and regulations to protect wildlife, and in other strategies aimed at decreasing the threats to conservation and development that stem from wildlife crime. In 2014, the Agency's Office of Forestry and Biodiversity/Bureau for Economic Growth, Education and the Environment (E3/FAB) identified a need to develop robust indicators with which to track progress on USAID's investments in combating wildlife trafficking (CWC). As part of these efforts, Measuring Impact staff developed a CWC Situation Model (Activity 2.2.3.A from the Measuring Impact FY15 work plan; Figure 1), facilitated a workshop on CWC indicators and theories of change (Activity 2.2.3.C), and will produce a final report on recommended CWC indicators (Activity 2.2.3.D). Measuring Impact also conducted a survey and analysis of existing wildlife crime indicators (Activity 3.1.2) to inform the development of USAID indicators and build the evidence base for better alignment of the Agency's monitoring efforts with best practices. This report summarizes the search strategy and main results of the survey.

Details: Washington, DC: United States Agency for International Development, 2015. 30p.

Source: Internet Resource: http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PA00KJRB.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: United States

URL: http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PA00KJRB.pdf

Shelf Number: 138786

Endangered Species
Illegal Wildlife Trade
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Wildlife
Wildlife Crime
Wildlife Smuggling
Wildlife Trafficking

Author: Victorian Law Reform Commission

Title: Use of Regulatory Regimes in Preventing the Infiltration of Organised Crime into Lawful Occupations and Industries - Consultation Paper

Summary: Referral to the Commission 1.1 On 29 October 2014, the then Attorney-General, the Hon. Robert Clark, MP, asked the Victorian Law Reform Commission, under section 5(1)(a) of the Victorian Law Reform Commission Act 2000 (Vic), to review and report on the use of regulatory regimes to help prevent organised crime and criminal organisations entering into or operating through lawful occupations and industries. 1.2 Lawful occupations and industries may be used to enable or facilitate organised crime and to conceal or launder the proceeds of crime. In 2014, the Parliament of Victoria Law Reform, Drugs and Crime Prevention Committee recommended that the Victorian Government investigate the appropriateness of using administrative regulatory measures to reduce the opportunities available to organised crime groups for engaging in illegal activities in Victoria. 1.3 Regulatory regimes are the laws, regulations, policies and instruments that regulate particular occupations and industries; for example, laws that provide that only fit and proper people can obtain licences to operate in particular occupations or industries. Regulatory regimes may assist in preventing the infiltration of organised crime groups into lawful occupations and industries. 1.4 There are other legal responses to organised crime under Victorian and Commonwealth law which are, in general, not focused on specific occupations or industries. These include anti-association laws, anti-fortification laws, tools for the investigation and prosecution of criminal offences committed by organised crime groups, anti-money laundering laws, laws allowing for the forfeiture or confiscation of the proceeds of crime, and "unexplained wealth" laws. Scope of the review 1.5 The Commission's review is determined by the terms of reference. The terms of reference ask the Commission whether a framework of principles can be established for: - assessing the risks of organised crime infiltration of different lawful occupations or industries - developing suitable regulatory responses. 1.6 The Commission's report will present recommendations for these two sets of principles. In establishing these principles, the Commission has been asked to consider, among other matters: - the experience of Victoria and other jurisdictions in using occupational and industry regulation to help prevent organised crime infiltration of lawful occupations or industries - the implications for the overall efficiency and effectiveness of regulatory regimes of using such regimes to help prevent organised crime infiltration of lawful occupations or industries - the costs and benefits of regulatory options to assist in preventing organised crime infiltration of lawful occupations or industries.

Details: Melbourne: The Commission, 2015. 88p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 23, 2016 at: http://www.lawreform.vic.gov.au/sites/default/files/VLRC_Regulatory_Regimes_consultation_paper_%20for_web.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Australia

URL: http://www.lawreform.vic.gov.au/sites/default/files/VLRC_Regulatory_Regimes_consultation_paper_%20for_web.pdf

Shelf Number: 138790

Asset Forfeiture
Money Laundering
Organized Crime
Proceeds of Crime

Author: Association of Chief Police Officers

Title: Heritage and Cultural Property Crime: National Policing Strategic Assessment

Summary: What is Heritage and Cultural Property Crime? Heritage and cultural property crime can be defined as any offence involving damage or loss to the historic environment, including all offences involving cultural property. Alongside a local policing approach, coordinated by police Safer Neighbourhood Teams, chief police officers are now working directly with Government departments, partner law enforcement agencies and heritage sector professionals to tackle the longer term causes and effects. In this Heritage and Cultural Property Crime National Policing Strategic Assessment, the ACPO led Heritage and Cultural Property Crime Working Group (H&CPCWG) combine a wealth of expertise from members to highlight threats and opportunities to reduce the impact of crime to the historic environment and cultural property. Why be concerned? Amongst a number of other socio-economic and demographic factors, market forces drive acquisitive crime - national crime statistics bear this out. Fluctuations in exchange rates or global commodity prices can, for example, very quickly switch demand for lead, often from historic buildings, to demand for platinum from catalytic converters. Criminals intent on converting metal into cash do not see the damage, loss or heartache they cause to communities, they simply see a commodity that will provide a tax free income or their next drug fix. These thefts are not limited to metal from church roofs or listed buildings; coping stones, floor tiles, slate, intrinsically valuable artefacts and items of intricate metalwork from war memorials are all equally valuable to those operating in the moral vacuum of what we now know as heritage and cultural property crime. In addition to commodity price fluctuation, it is known that anniversaries of significant events in history drive demand for heritage assets. As we approach the centenary of the First World War, law enforcement and heritage sector professionals acknowledge the increasingly likely risk of the theft of memorabilia from museums and battlefields. The vast majority of crimes committed against the historic environment are not intricately planned offences committed by organised criminal gangs - they are committed by individuals or small groups following the path of least resistance to easy cash. A clear example of this can be seen in the theft of Henry Moore's 'Sundial' sculpture from the Henry Moore Foundation in Perry Green, Hertfordshire. In July 2012, it is doubtful that thieves realised the shiny garden ornament they were stealing from a house adjacent to a country lane was a nationally significant work of art worth $500,000 when they later sold it to a Cambridgeshire scrap metal dealer for $46.50. As of 1 October this year, the Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013 will make offences of this nature less appealing to offenders, who are now unable to sell scrap metal for cash; however, police and other law enforcement professionals must not be complacent in failing to identify new markets available through technological advances in online dealing. The historic environment and cultural property is vulnerable because assets are often located in isolated, sometimes rural localities or are displayed for the public to enjoy. Police officers cannot patrol every neighbourhood for every hour of every day. The delivery of intelligent and efficient law enforcement activity in financially challenging times must, therefore, include a focus on 'Collective efficacy'; law enforcement professionals working with local people and partner agencies to protect heritage assets from theft and damage to the historic environment. In addition to crimes against the historic environment, offenders are also increasingly targeting cultural property, national treasures and works of art displayed in museums, libraries, archives and private collections. A recent and well publicised example of this type of offence is provided by Operation Shrewd, a national inquiry into the theft of rhino horn, jade and Chinese artefacts (predominantly from the early Ming and Qing Dynasties) from provincial museums and private collections in the UK and Europe. As a result of this investigation, it is now known that organised criminal groups have targeted museums providing access to antiquities and artefacts valued at several million pounds. Gone are the days when organised criminal gangs focused on criminal activity such as robbing banks and safety deposit boxes, or importing drugs to further their criminal enterprise. These criminals have now accessed a rich vein of significantly higher return, and with much lower associated risk, directing offences against 'softer' targets to feed the demand from Far Eastern and South East Asian markets for rhino horn and cultural property.

Details: London: Association of Chief Police Officers, 2013. 32p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 23, 2016 at: http://www.museumsassociation.org/download?id=1038797

Year: 2013

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.museumsassociation.org/download?id=1038797

Shelf Number: 138791

Art Theft
Cultural Property
Heritage Crime
Metal Theft
Organized Crime
Property Theft
Scrap Metal

Author: Reed, Jack K.

Title: Marijuana Legalization in Colorado: Early Findings. A Report Pursuant to Senate Bill 13-283

Summary: In 2013, following the passage of Amendment 64 which allows for the retail sale and possession of marijuana, the Colorado General Assembly enacted Senate Bill 13-283. This bill mandated the Division of Criminal Justice in the Department of Public Safety to conduct a study of the impacts of Amendment 64, particularly as these relate to law enforcement activities. This report seeks to establish and present the baseline measures for the metrics specified in S.B. 13-283, codified as C.R.S. 24-33.4-516. The majority of the information presented here should be considered pre-commercialization, baseline data because much of the information is available only through 2014, and data sources vary considerably in terms of what exists historically. Consequently, it is too early to draw any conclusions about the potential effects of marijuana legalization or commercialization on public safety, public health, or youth outcomes, and this may always be difficult due to the lack of historical data. Furthermore, the information presented here should be interpreted with caution. The decreasing social stigma regarding marijuana use could lead individuals to be more likely to report use on surveys and to health workers in emergency departments and poison control centers, making marijuana use appear to increase when perhaps it has not. Finally, law enforcement officials and prosecuting attorneys continue to struggle with enforcement of the complex and sometimes conflicting marijuana laws that remain. Thus, the lack of pre-commercialization data, the decreasing social stigma, and challenges to law enforcement combine to make it difficult to translate these early findings into definitive statements of outcomes.

Details: Denver, CO: Colorado Division of Criminal Justice, Department of Public Safety, 2016. 147p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 23, 2016 at: http://cdpsdocs.state.co.us/ors/docs/reports/2016-SB13-283-Rpt.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: United States

URL: http://cdpsdocs.state.co.us/ors/docs/reports/2016-SB13-283-Rpt.pdf

Shelf Number: 138798

Drug Abuse and Addiction
Drug Abuse and Crime
Drug Law Enforcement
Drug Legalization
Drug Policy
Organized Crime

Author: Nese, Annamaria

Title: Cooperation, Punishment and Organized Crime: A Lab-in-the Field Experiment in Southern Italy

Summary: This paper reports the results of an experimental investigation which allows a deeper insight into the nature of social preferences amongst organized criminals and how these differ from "ordinary" criminals on the one hand and from the non-criminal population in the same geographical area on the other. We provide experimental evidence on cooperation and response to sanctions by running Prisoner's Dilemma and Third Party Punishment games on three different pools of subjects; students, 'Ordinary Criminals' and Camorristi (Neapolitan 'Mafiosi'). The latter two groups being recruited from within prisons. We are thus able to separately identify 'Prison' and 'Camorra' effects. Camorra prisoners show a high degree of cooperativeness and a strong tendency to punish, as well as a clear rejection of the imposition of external rules even at significant cost to themselves. In contrast, ordinary criminals behave in a much more opportunistic fashion, displaying lower levels of cooperation and, in the game with Third Party punishment, punishing less as well as tending to punish cooperation (almost as much) as defection. Our econometric analyses further enriches the analysis demonstrating inter alia that individuals' locus of control and reciprocity are associated with quite different and opposing behaviours amongst different participant types; a strong sense of self-determination and reciprocity both imply a higher propensity to cooperate and to punish for both students and Camorra inmates, but quite the opposite for ordinary criminals, further reinforcing the contrast between the behaviour of ordinary criminals and the strong internal mores of Camorra clans.

Details: Bonn: Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), 2016. 28p.

Source: Internet Resource: IZA Discussion Paper No. 9901: Accessed April 27, 2016 at: http://ftp.iza.org/dp9901.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Italy

URL: http://ftp.iza.org/dp9901.pdf

Shelf Number: 138823

Economics of Crime
Organized Crime

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

Title: The Afghan Opiate Trade and Africa - A Baseline Assessment

Summary: This report presents a "Baseline Assessment" of the illicit Afghan opiate trafficking situation in Africa, with a focus on heroin trafficking along the southern route out of Afghanistan into, through and from Africa. The main objective of this report is to provide an initial evidence base to support policymakers and law enforcement officials in evaluating the trafficking of Afghan opiates into and across the continent, and to allow the development of effective responses to the issue. While Africa has traditionally been perceived as a transit region for heroin and other drugs moving to destination markets in Europe, North America and Asia, drug trafficking and organized crime is increasingly posing a multifaceted challenge to health, the rule of law and development within the continent itself. Eastern Africa faces many challenges. Natural disasters and civil war, recurrent food shortages and droughts have left many of the region's 180 million people struggling under extreme poverty, and this has been exacerbated by corruption and poor governance. Eastern Africa is increasingly becoming a major landing point for heroin shipped from Afghanistan to Africa via the Indian Ocean. However, despite this increase in maritime smuggling, seizure rates of opiate within Eastern Africa remain low. In Western Africa, drug trafficking, notably via air couriers, has been going on for decades with trafficking networks making extensive use of established courier networks to move drugs, both heroin and cocaine, towards destination markets. This is one of the poorest regions in the world, and in many of the countries in this region governance and law enforcement continues to face challenges as a result of a lack of resources, making the region vulnerable to organised crime. These factors, combined with West Africa's geographic location along major and well established trafficking routes between, for example, South America and Europe, make it attractive to organized crime. Northern Africa appears to be somewhat of an outlier in this analysis of the opiate trade in the African continent, possibly due to being separate from wider drug trafficking trends seen in sub-Saharan Africa, and as a result of being mainly supplied by a sub-section of the Balkan route rather than the southern route. Heroin seizures in Northern Africa are limited and drug addiction rates are generally low. Knowledge of the current drug trafficking picture in Southern Africa is limited. A lack of heroin seizure, purity and consumption data is notable across the region, largely due to a lack of law enforcement capacity and poor data collection processes. While Mozambique and South Africa are known to be major transshipment countries for Afghan opiates, the broader picture of how this affects Southern Africa remains largely unknown. There remains a risk that traffickers will exploit limited law enforcement capacity in Southern Africa, leading to increasing drug trafficking and use, which in turn will further inhibit economic and social development within the region. Comprehensive data on the prices of opiates throughout Africa is currently unavailable. Although heroin commands a reasonably high price in parts of Africa, greater profits can generally be made in other destination markets and it is likely that prices of heroin in Africa remain significantly lower than in other international markets. There is limited data on the purity of heroin trafficked into, through and out of Africa, and there is no evidence to suggest that heroin is produced in Africa itself. Globally, Africa is estimated to be home to 11 per cent of global opiate users and of this 11 per cent of users living in Africa, more than 50 per cent live in Western and Central Africa. While cannabis remains the number one illicit drug used both on the continent and globally, and the only drug produced in Africa for export in large quantities, heroin appears to be becoming more popular in some areas, particularly in Eastern Africa. Synthetic opiates such as Tramadol are also used in Africa and use of such opiates may lead to the use of Afghan opiates, should market conditions for heroin change. Use of Afghan-sourced heroin has wider public health impacts in Africa, including on transmission rates of HIV and Hepatitis C, although data on this area remains limited.

Details: Vienna: UNODC, 2016. 78p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 28, 2016 at: https://www.unodc.org/documents/data-and-analysis/Afghanistan/Afghan_Opiate_trade_Africa_2016_web.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Africa

URL: https://www.unodc.org/documents/data-and-analysis/Afghanistan/Afghan_Opiate_trade_Africa_2016_web.pdf

Shelf Number: 138840

Drug Abuse and Addiction
Drug Smuggling
Drug Trafficking
Maritime Crime
Organized Crime

Author: Australia. Department of Social Services

Title: Review of Illegal Offshore Wagering Report

Summary: Across the global gambling market, online games and wagering are the fastest growing market segments over recent years. These sectors of the gambling market are also subject to a range of regulatory restrictions in a number of Australian jurisdictions. Wagering is the fastest growing gambling sector in Australia. Fast growth in a market of this size, particularly where the platforms are largely online, raises concerns about the harmful impacts on our community, especially on the largely young male audience to whom these interactive products are marketed. As operators in these markets are operating outside the regulatory reach of Australian law enforcement and regulators, strategies to mitigate harm are particularly important. A key determinant of the relative size of the legal and illegal market is the ability of the regulatory framework to attract offshore bookmakers operating illegally to move onshore and submit to Australian regulatory requirements. This is in part influenced by a regulatory framework that places legal operators on a competitive footing with the illegal market. Key elements of the regulatory framework that may influence the relative size of the legal and illegal markets include taxation levels, the types of services and product fees permitted or prohibited (such as online in-play wagering on sporting events) and the range and scope of regulatory harm minimisation measures. The importance of appropriate harm minimisation measures to ensure adequate consumer protection is well documented, as is the need to manage the social and economic impacts of both problem gambling and illegal offshore wagering. Australia's online gambling market is subject to a range of regulatory measures that aim to protect our community and industry from potentially harmful gambling activities. Successive governments have acknowledged that enforcement of Australian regulations against illegal offshore online wagering operators is difficult, and previous studies have highlighted the challenges of bringing illegal offshore wagering activities into a regulated onshore environment. The Interactive Gambling Act 2001 (the Act) is directed at controlling the provision of online gambling services to Australians. Under the Act, it is an offence to provide certain interactive gambling services to consumers located in Australia. This carries a maximum penalty of $360,000 per day for individuals and $1.8 million per day for corporations, which applies to all providers whether they are located in Australia or offshore. On 7 September 2015, the Commonwealth announced a review of the illegal offshore wagering market in Australia (the Review). The Review has involved extensive consultation and engagement with a broad range of community, industry and government stakeholders directed to strengthening enforcement of the Act and ensuring Australians are adequately protected from the impacts of illegal offshore wagering operators.

Details: Canberra: Department of Social Services, 2015. 188p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 3, 2016 at: https://www.dss.gov.au/sites/default/files/documents/04_2016/review_of_illegal_offshore_wagering_18_december_2015.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Australia

URL: https://www.dss.gov.au/sites/default/files/documents/04_2016/review_of_illegal_offshore_wagering_18_december_2015.pdf

Shelf Number: 138897

Financial Crimes
Gambling and Crime
Illegal Gambling
Organized Crime
Sports Gambling

Author: Queensland. Taskforce on Organised Crime Legislation

Title: Taskforce on Organised Crime Legislation: Report

Summary: The purpose and the work of the Taskforce was contained in Terms of Reference signed by the Attorney-General and Minister for Justice and Minister for Training and Skills, the Honorable Yvette D'Ath, on 7 June 2015. Those Terms of Reference are Attachment 1. They initially called for the Taskforce to report on 15 December 2015. Later, when its chair was asked to simultaneously review earlier anti-OMCG, anti-organised crime legislation - the Criminal Organisations Act 2009 (Qld) (COA) - that date was extended to 31 March 2016. A primary purpose of the Taskforce under the Terms was to review and make recommendations about legislation introduced and passed in the Queensland Legislative Assembly in 2013. Those laws (the 2013 suite) were represented to target organised crime but were principally directed at outlaw motorcycle gangs (OMCGs) and their members. The Terms required the Taskforce to consider the repeal and replacement of the 2013 suite (whether by substantial amendment or new legislation) but also, in doing so, to consider whether the provisions of the 2013 suite were effectively facilitating the successful detection, investigation, prevention and deterrence of organised crime. They also asked it to develop a new 'serious organised crime' offence, with mandatory penalties. The Taskforce took this to mean that it was neither compelled nor constrained in its consideration of the 2013 legislation (ie, if the Taskforce considered that the 2013 suite did not require amendment then the Terms of Reference did not prevent such a recommendation being made). The Taskforce also took the Terms to mean that, in light of the range and depth of expertise amongst its members, it was charged with considering the 2013 suite in the overall context of anti-organised crime legislation and, if possible, advising on the form that legislation should take. Members accepted that responsibility and developed a new legislative package which it called the Organised Crime Framework.

Details: Brisbane: Department of Justice and Attorney-General, 2016. 471p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 3, 2016 at: http://www.justice.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0017/463022/report-of-the-taskforce-on-organised-crime-legislation.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Australia

URL: http://www.justice.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0017/463022/report-of-the-taskforce-on-organised-crime-legislation.pdf

Shelf Number: 138899

Organized Crime
Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs

Author: Interpol

Title: Against Organized Crime: Interpol Trafficking and Counterfeiting Casebook 2014

Summary: INTERPOL has launched a casebook outlining the links between illicit trade, counterfeiting and organized crime. 'Against Organized Crime: INTERPOL Trafficking and Counterfeiting Casebook 2014' is a compilation of cases from law enforcement worldwide involved in the fight against trafficking in illicit goods and counterfeiting. Through these real-life examples divided into chapters, the reference book details the strong connections between illicit trade and other crimes such as counterfeiting and smuggling, fake medicines, arms smuggling, trafficking in human beings and organs, drug trafficking, financial crimes, terrorism, environmental crime and cybercrime. "The criminal networks behind trafficking in illicit goods and counterfeiting are complex and pervasive, reaching far beyond national borders. The INTERPOL Trafficking and Counterfeiting casebook is the first publicly released study to provide comprehensive evidence of the clear connection between illicit trade and other types of organized crime," said INTERPOL Secretary General Ronald K. Noble. The casebook discusses the organized criminal networks which are often behind illicit trade, using the profits to fund other criminal endeavours. It also highlights the role INTERPOL is playing to assist law enforcement around the globe in combating these crimes through its Trafficking in Illicit Goods and Counterfeiting programme, by coordinating regional operations, bringing police together, organizing capacity building and training sessions, and awareness raising.

Details: Lyon, France: Interpol, 2014. 132p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 4, 2016 at: http://www.interpol.int/News-and-media/News/2014/N2014-057

Year: 2014

Country: International

URL: http://www.interpol.int/News-and-media/News/2014/N2014-057

Shelf Number: 138918

Illicit Goods
Illicit Networks
Illicit Trade
Organized Crime

Author: O'Neil, Shannon K.

Title: Mexico on the Brink

Summary: The headlines don't mislead. Mexican society is reeling from the collateral damage of the permanent war on drugs in the Americas, as crime cartels duke it out for control of illicit exports to the US. Indeed, high levels of violence largely explain why Mexico ranked 104th out of 142 countries in the Safety and Security category in the 2013 Legatum Prosperity Index - and why, in spite of a very high ranking (27th) in the Economy category, the country is only 59th in the overall prosperity ranking. But that's just one element of the story of contemporary Mexico. Here, Shannon O'Neil, a senior fellow for Latin American Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations (and author of the new book, Two Nations Indivisible: Mexico, the United States, and the Road Ahead), focuses on Mexico's progress in escaping what development economists call the "middle-income trap". In the early 1980s, Mexico began to shake off the political and economic torpor created by one-party, Tammany Hallstyle rule and self-imposed isolation from the competitive pressures of a rapidly integrating global economy. Reform was initially forced on the country as a condition for relief from the consequences of default on its foreign loans. But it triggered a series of secondary tremors that shook the domestic economic and political landscape, leading first to the free trade agreement with the US and Canada, and then to the opening of the political system to interests that had no stake in preserving a bloated, bureaucratic government and corrupt, state-owned enterprises. O'Neil picks up the story from there. Arguably the least understood aspect of Mexico's coming of age, she suggests, is the role played by global supply chains in manufacturing. Mexico's combination of competitively priced labour, proximity to the US and Canada, and market-friendly regulation has led to an unprecedented degree of integration between the three economies, powering the growth of Mexico's middle-class. O'Neil makes it clear that the path forward is not strewn with roses, however. Organised crime still makes life terrifying for millions on a daily basis. Public services - in particular, public education - remain inadequate to meet the challenge of creating a workforce the equal of, say, the US or Northern Europe. The national oil monopoly is still corrupt, poorly managed and woefully lacking in modern technology. But by O'Neil's reading, Mexico really does have a shot at joining the elite club of rich, democratic nations.

Details: London: Legatum Institute, 2013. 19p.

Source: Internet Resource: Prosperity in Depth: Mexico: Accessed May 13, 2016 at: https://lif.blob.core.windows.net/lif/docs/default-source/country-growth-reports/pid-mexico-2013---mexico-on-the-brink.pdf?sfvrsn=0

Year: 2013

Country: Mexico

URL: https://lif.blob.core.windows.net/lif/docs/default-source/country-growth-reports/pid-mexico-2013---mexico-on-the-brink.pdf?sfvrsn=0

Shelf Number: 139017

Drug Trafficking
Drug-Related Violence
Drugs and Crime
Organized Crime
Socioeconomic Conditions and Crime
Violent Crime

Author: Apraxine, Pierre

Title: Urban Violence and Humanitarian Challenges

Summary: This second colloquium organised jointly by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS) aimed to present the causes and humanitarian consequences of urban violence, as well as related trends and challenges for the European Union and humanitarian actors. Two case studies have been selected, focusing on different types of violence affecting urban environments. The first case study examines pilot projects to address humanitarian needs arising from organised crime and gang violence in megacities; the second is an analysis of the humanitarian challenges emerging from urban violence in the context of uprisings, referring specifically to the lessons learned from the protests in the Arab world. Urban violence represents numerous challenges for policy makers and humanitarian actors alike. Today, more than half of the world's population lives in cities and it appears that urban centres will absorb almost all new population growth in the coming decades. It has therefore become increasingly important to understand the dynamics of violence in an urban setting. By bringing together experts, academics and representatives from various relief organisations, the ICRC and the EUISS hope to have contributed to the debate and spurred further interest in this increasingly important issue. The present publication includes summaries of both the presentations provided by the speakers and the discussions held during the colloquium.

Details: Paris: EU Institute for Security Studies, 2012. 88p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 16, 2016 at: http://www.iss.europa.eu/uploads/media/Urban_violence_and_humanitarian_challenges.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.iss.europa.eu/uploads/media/Urban_violence_and_humanitarian_challenges.pdf

Shelf Number: 125774

Gang Violence
Neighborhoods and Crime
Organized Crime
Public Disorder
Urban Areas and Crime
Urban Violence

Author: Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime

Title: Understanding Illicit Trade: Impact of Human Trafficking and Smuggling on the Private Sector

Summary: Around the globe, an estimated 20.9 million people are in situations of so-called modern day slavery, or forced labour, at any point of time. Many of these victims are trafficked within their country or across borders. Considering this number, there is an urgent need to improve our understanding of criminal activities in the area of human trafficking and exploitation, the difficulties to track perpetrators and protect victims. The individual criminals and complex networks behind different forms of trafficking and exploitation as well as the high level of profits connected to their illicit activities stress the need to consider human trafficking and exploitation in terms of transnational organised crime. Drawn from a series of webinars hosted by the Global Initiative and Babson College in 2014-15, this report highlights emerging human trafficking challenges and identifies promising anti-trafficking initiatives from the private sector. Each chapter of the report covers one of five key areas of human trafficking: - Migrant workers in the USA and their vulnerability to labour exploitation - Online sexual exploitation of children and recent technological developments in detecting this form of crime - Human trafficking in football, particularly in the area of recruitment of young athletes - Labour exploitation and the construction industry, using the example of the kafala system in the Gulf countries to highlight flawed national regulation putting migrant works at risk of being trafficked and exploited - Responding to the global black market in illicit organs and the intrinsic role the private sector has played in enabling this illicit business Whilst each chapter clearly shows the organised criminal networks behind the different forms of trafficking and exploitation, there are significant differences in the types of crimes and their individual complexities. It is, therefore, crucial to deepen the research into each of the areas and to develop individual responses and strategies private sectors can apply to counter criminal networks across the globe. The report finds that the private sector needs to play a stronger role in ensuring ethical and fair practices, and to contribute its unique knowledge and expertise to help in the fight against human trafficking. Overall, he private sector is an increasingly important actor in enabling as well as in combating the different aspects of human trafficking.

Details: Geneva, SWIT: The Initiative, 2016. 52p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 18, 2016 at: http://www.globalinitiative.net/download/global-initiative/Understanding%20Illicit%20Trade_06.05.16(1).pdf

Year: 2016

Country: International

URL: http://www.globalinitiative.net/download/global-initiative/Understanding%20Illicit%20Trade_06.05.16(1).pdf

Shelf Number: 139069

Forced labor
Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Illicit Trade
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Organs

Author: McCarthy-Jones, Anthea

Title: Mexical Drug Cartels and Dark-Networks: An Emerging Threat to Australia's National Security

Summary: Over the past decade Mexican drug cartels' power and the violent struggles between them have increased exponentially. Previously Mexico, and in particular the border regions with the US, were the key battle grounds for control of distribution routes. However, today Mexican drug cartels are now looking abroad in an attempt to extend their operations. This expansion has seen several cartels moving into lucrative international markets in Europe and the Asia Pacific. It is in this context that Australia has now become a target of several Mexican cartels. They have already established linkages in the Asia Pacific and are further attempting to strengthen and expand these - with a particular focus on penetrating the Australian market. These developments show how Mexican drug cartels operate as 'dark-networks', successfully creating a global system that seeks to capture new markets, and further extend their control and dominance of the flow of illicit drugs around the world. For Australia, the emergence of Mexican drug cartels in local markets presents not only criminal but strategic challenges. The size of these operations, their resources and 'dark-network' structure makes them a difficult opponent. Their presence threatens to not only increase the supply of illicit drugs in Australia, but encourage turf wars, increase the amount of guns in the country, tax border security resources and threaten the stability and good governance of South Pacific transit spots. This represents the end of Australia's 'tyranny of distance', which previously acted as a buffer and protected Australia from the interests of remote criminal groups such as the Mexican cartels.

Details: Australian National University, Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, 2016. 12p.

Source: Internet Resource: Centre of Gravity Series: Accessed May 18, 2016 at: http://ips.cap.anu.edu.au/sites/default/files/COG%20%2325%20Web%20v3.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Australia

URL: http://ips.cap.anu.edu.au/sites/default/files/COG%20%2325%20Web%20v3.pdf

Shelf Number: 139078

Border Security
Dark Networks
Drug Cartels
Drug Trafficking
Illegal Drugs
Organized Crime

Author: Jones, Nathan P.

Title: The State Reaction: A Theory of Illicit Network Resilience

Summary: This dissertation elucidates the relationship between a profit-seeking illicit network's (PSIN's) business strategy and resilience. The dissertation finds that territorial PSIN business strategies challenge "the territorially sovereign state" through activities like kidnapping and extortion. The intensity of the state reaction to the illicit network was the single most important factor in its ability to survive disruptive events. The state, in this case Mexico, reacted more intensely to territorial PSIN's in collaboration with civil society, other states and rival "transactional" PSIN's. In this case the state (Mexico) dissolved a territorial PSIN, suggesting that the state is capable of effectively confronting this illicit network type. On the other hand, the case finds that the state was corrupted by transactional PSINs whose business strategies made them resilient. This finding suggests that through corruption, transactional PSINs will pose a long-term threat to democratic institutionalization in Mexico and internationally anywhere that states must address these illicit networks. The dissertation is an in-depth historical case study of the Tijuana Cartel, also known as the Arellano Felix Organization (AFO). Through archival research and interviews with experts on the illicit network a case study was constructed. Experts interviewed for the dissertation during nine months of fieldwork in Mexico City and Tijuana, included: journalists, law enforcement, scholars, extortion victims and businessmen. Given the similar structures of illicit networks, the findings of this dissertation have important implications for understanding other drug trafficking organizations, prison gangs, terrorists, insurgencies, arms traffickers, among a host of other potential "dark network" actors.

Details: Irvine, CA: University of California, Irvine, 2011. 299p.

Source: Internet Resource: Dissertation: Accessed May 18, 2016 at: http://wpsa.research.pdx.edu/awards/jones.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Mexico

URL: http://wpsa.research.pdx.edu/awards/jones.pdf

Shelf Number: 139085

Dark Networks
Organized Crime

Author: Hubschle, Annette Michaela

Title: A Game of Horns: Transnational Flows of Rhino Horn

Summary: A multi-sectorial regime of protection including international treaties, conservation and security measures, demand reduction campaigns and quasi-military interventions has been established to protect rhinos. Despite these efforts, the poaching of rhinos and trafficking of rhino horn continue unabated. This dissertation asks why the illegal market in rhinoceros horn is so resilient in spite of the myriad measures employed to disrupt it. A theoretical approach grounded in the sociology of markets is applied to explain the structure and functioning of the illegal market. The project follows flows of rhino horn from the source in southern Africa to illegal markets in Southeast Asia. The multi-sited ethnography included participant observations, interviews and focus groups with 416 informants during fourteen months of fieldwork. The sample comprised of, amongst others, convicted and active rhino poachers, smugglers and kingpins, private rhino breeders and hunting outfitters, African and Asian law enforcement officials, as well as affected local communities and Asian consumers. Court files, CITES trade data, archival materials, newspaper reports and social media posts were also analysed to supplement findings and to verify and triangulate data from interviews, focus groups and observations. Central to the analysis is the concept of "contested illegality", a legitimization mechanism employed by market participants along the different segments of the horn supply chain. These actors' implicit or explicit contestation of the state-sponsored label of illegality serves as a legitimising and enabling mechanism, facilitating participation in gray or illegal markets for rhino horn. The research identified fluid interfaces between legal, illegal and gray markets, with recurring actors who have access to transnational trade structures, and who also possess market and product knowledge, as well as information about the regulatory regime and its loopholes. It is against the background of colonial, apartheid and neoliberal exploitation and marginalization of local communities that a second argument is introduced: the path dependency of conservation paradigms. Underpinning rhino conservation and regulation are archaic and elitist conservation regimes that discount the potential for harmonious relationships between local communities and wildlife. The increasing militarization of anti-poaching measures and green land grabs are exacerbating the rhino problem by alienating communities further from conservation areas and wild animals. The third argument looks at how actors deal with coordination problems in transnational illegal markets. Resolving the coordination problems of cooperation, value and competition are considered essential to the operation of formal markets. It is argued that the problem of security provides an additional and crucial obstacle to actors transacting in markets. The systematic analysis of flows between the researched sites of production, distribution and consumption of rhino horn shows that the social embeddedness of actors facilitates the flourishing of illegal markets in ways that escape an effective enforcement of CITES regulations.

Details: Koln,Germany: International Max Planck Research School, 2016. 418p.

Source: Internet Resource: Dissertation: Accessed May 18, 2016 at: http://kups.ub.uni-koeln.de/6685/

Year: 2016

Country: Africa

URL: http://kups.ub.uni-koeln.de/6685/

Shelf Number: 139087

Animal Poaching
Illegal Markets
Illegal Wildlife Trade
Organized Crime
Wildlife Crime
Wildlife Trafficking

Author: Balajapalli, Sudha

Title: The Impact of the Global Tiger Recovery Program on Wildlife Crime

Summary: At the end of the 19th century, there were 100,000 wild tigers (Wikramanayake et al., 2011). Today, there are 3,200-3,600 wild tigers (Seidensticker, 2010). Next to habitat destruction, wildlife crime is the second-largest direct threat to wildlife (WWF, 2015a). The Global Tiger Recovery Program (GTRP) aims to double the current tiger population numbers by 2022. One GTRP goal is to eliminate poaching, illegal trade, and trafficking in wild tigers and their derivatives (GTRP, 2010). The objectives of this study are to test whether strengthening law enforcement efforts through additional funding increased tiger seizures and to explore whether legislative, social, and/or leadership factors increased tiger seizures; Bangladesh and Nepal served as case study countries. A metric used to measure law enforcement efforts was tiger seizures in both countries (Stoner and Pervushina, 2013). Strengthening Regional Cooperation for Wildlife Protection (SRCWP) funding was used to assess funding for tiger protection. Population trends were assessed using tiger survey data in Nepal and tiger abundance index data in Bangladesh. In both countries, the results indicated that there was a possible negative relationship between SRCWP funding and the number of tigers seized. In Bangladesh, there was a possible negative relationship between the tiger abundance index and the number of tigers seized. In Nepal, there was a possible positive relationship between tiger population numbers and the number of tigers seized. There was insufficient information and data to accurately access the relationship between tiger seizures, SRCWP funding, and tiger population trends. Based on the best available information, suggestions were developed to enhance the effectiveness of SRCWP funding and project implementation. Additionally, national wildlife legislation, its integration of CITES, and social and leadership factors were examined to improve tiger protection and strengthen law enforcement in both countries.

Details: Fairfax, VA: George Mason University, 2015. 69p.

Source: Internet Resource: Thesis: Accessed May 23, 2016 at: http://digilib.gmu.edu/xmlui/bitstream/handle/1920/9930/Balajapalli_thesis_2015.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y

Year: 2015

Country: Asia

URL: http://digilib.gmu.edu/xmlui/bitstream/handle/1920/9930/Balajapalli_thesis_2015.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y

Shelf Number: 139132

Animal Poaching
Illegal Wildlife Trade
Organized Crime
Wildlife Conservation
Wildlife Crime
Wildlife Law Enforcement

Author: Miller, Jackson

Title: Species of Crime: Typologies and Risk Metrics for Wildlife Trafficking

Summary: The recognition of wildlife crime as a global transnational crime threat has taken on new urgency since President Obama's 2013 Executive Order on Combating Wildlife Trafficking. Meanwhile, private transportation logistics and financial services companies have independently expressed concern due to their potential exposure to wildlife and environmental transnational organized crime (TOC) activity, and also a desire to take action. A key impediment to addressing their concerns has been a lack of information on both the types of supply chain abuse that may occur and the types of wildlife criminal networks that may be operating. Such information may help refine and strengthen compliance controls to ensure that funds and services reach their intended beneficiaries. This paper begins to address this need by: 1. Outlining context; 2. Identifying red flag indicators, high-risk jurisdictions and container profiles; 3. Providing typologies with examples of wildlife TOC network activity. We intend for our research to launch a more robust examination of wildlife TOC activity. We hope our efforts may begin to bridge a critical knowledge gap by disseminating information to help African and East Asian - linked private - sector transport and payments businesses better monitor their risk. We also recommend that organizations review the US Federal Government's "Implementation Plan" for the National Strategy on Wildlife Trafficking, along with the Yearly Typologies Reports released by Asia/Pacific Group on Money Laundering.

Details: Washington, DC: C4ADS, 2015. 24p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 1, 2016 at: http://ejfphilanthropies.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/species-of-crim.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: International

URL: http://ejfphilanthropies.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/species-of-crim.pdf

Shelf Number: 139269

Criminal Networks
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Wildlife
Wildlife Crime
Wildlife Trafficking

Author: Waterland, Shelley

Title: Illegal Wildlife Trade Review, Malawi

Summary: An exponential increase in the scale and nature of the Illegal Wildlife Trade (IWT) globally has left governments, policy makers and conservationists lagging far behind the perpetrators of the crime. In many countries, criminals are shipping enormous quantities of high value products such as ivory, rhino horn and pangolin scales largely untouched by ineffective enforcement efforts. Given significant black market prices for wildlife products, and woeful detection and prosecution rates for wildlife offences, it is not surprising that organised crime networks have turned their attention to IWT. The rewards for wildlife crime, in most cases, far exceed the risks. This situation is true in Malawi, as with several other countries. However, Malawi for a long time has remained largely under the radar of those trying to combat IWT, due to its small size and relatively small numbers of wildlife. This Review of Illegal Wildlife Trade in Malawi used the ICCWC Wildlife and Forest Crime Analytic Toolkit to analyse wildlife crime data, wildlife legislation, enforcement capacity and agencies, judiciary and prosecution services and the drivers of wildlife crime. The findings are comprehensive and show that although Malawi is setting some excellent examples and making some crucial progressive steps - e.g. being signatory to several wildlife conservation Agreements and Declarations and establishing an Inter-Agency Committee on Combating Wildlife Crime (IACCWC) - there is still a long way to go and a lot of work to be done if Malawi is to effectively combat IWT and rid itself of wildlife criminals.

Details: Lilongwe, Malawi: Lilongwe Wildlife Trust, 2015. 251p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 1, 2016 at: http://www.lilongwewildlife.org/wp-content/uploads/IWT-Review-Malawi.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Malawi

URL: http://www.lilongwewildlife.org/wp-content/uploads/IWT-Review-Malawi.pdf

Shelf Number: 139271

Animal Poaching
Illegal Wildlife Trade
Organized Crime
Wildlife Conservation
Wildlife Crime
Wildlife Law Enforcement

Author: Witte, Eric A.

Title: Undeniable Atrocities: Confronting Crimes Against Humanity in Mexico

Summary: This report focuses on the nine-year period of December 1, 2006 to December 31, 2015. This covers the entirety of Felipe Calderon's presidency (December 1, 2006 to November 30, 2012), and just over half of the six-year term of current President Enrique Pema Nieto. To put statistics and institutional developments in context, however, the report includes some information from previous years, and especially the final years of the Vicente Fox presidency (December 1, 2000-November 30, 2006). The current crisis is the most intense period of violence in Mexico's modern history, but not its first. Accordingly, the report includes a brief overview of prior periods in which the government was also implicated in atrocity crimes for which there has been no accountability - including the period of the so-called "Dirty War," waged by the government against left-wing students and dissidents from the late 1960s to 1980s - in order to situate the recent surge in violence within a broader historical and political context. WHAT ARE "ATROCITY CRIMES"? The United Nations defines the term as encompassing the crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes. This report uses the term to refer to particular forms of violent crime that have affected many tens of thousands of civilians and may amount to crimes against humanity. Those affected include not only Mexicans but migrants from Central America, who travel a perilous path through the country and are increasingly the victims of vicious cartel violence. Specifically, the report examines three types of atrocity crimes: killings, disappearances, and torture and other ill-treatment. The report attempts to paint a composite picture based on a good-faith effort to synthesize all available statistics on and documentation of atrocity crimes in Mexico from December 2006. But that picture is only partial. Only accurate and complete data can reveal the full nature and scale of these crimes. The bulk of the data on which the analysis rests necessarily comes from government sources. This creates a considerable methodological challenge because government data on atrocity and other crime in Mexico is notoriously incomplete, skewed towards minimization, and therefore often unreliable. Collection of crime data is decentralized; states vary in their capacity and will to collect and share data with the federal government and public; some states keep data electronically and online, while others still keep records on paper, which are difficult to access. Particularly for atrocity crimes, data suffers from inaccurate and inconsistent categorization, itself a symptom of enduring denial about the scope and gravity of the situation. For instance, if charged at all, torture is often categorized as a lesser crime, such as "abuse of authority," and enforced disappearances may instead be classified as "kidnappings." Decades of impunity have engendered popular distrust in the justice sector, culminating in one of the greatest barriers to collecting accurate crime statistics: the fact that over 90 percent of crimes in Mexico are never reported to authorities in the first place. All of this has contributed to widely varying assessments of the scale and nature of atrocity crime, and confusion over the adequacy of the justice system's response. Some government data used here comes from public reports and statements from agencies including the federal Attorney General's Office (PGR), the Executive Secretariat of the National System of Public Security (SNSP), the autonomous government statistics office (INEGI), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE), and the Defense Ministry (SEDENA). Reports and publications of Mexico's National Human Rights Commission (CNDH) provide another important, if flawed, source of data. BEYOND PUBLIC REPORTS FROM GOVERNMENT ENTITIES, this report relies on information obtained through extensive use of Mexico's progressive legal regime on the right to information. Although critical public information is still too often withheld, the Open Society Justice Initiative, its partners, and others have been able to gain new insight into atrocity crime data, specific cases, and the functioning of justice institutions through information requests submitted to the federal and state governments. This report also relies on an extensive review of United Nations and Inter-American treaty body jurisprudence and reports; federal and state human rights commissions; national, regional, and international civil society reports; legal scholarship by Mexican and non-Mexican academics and political analysts; as well as investigative reports from Mexican and international media. These resources were augmented by over 100 first-hand interviews conducted by Mexico-based and international Justice Initiative staff and consultants, in person and by email and telephone, over the course of 2013-2015. Most in-person interviews were conducted in Mexico City, Coahuila, Guerrero, Nuevo Leon, Oaxaca, and Queretaro, although a small number were conducted in Morelos and Geneva. Almost all interviews were conducted in Spanish; for some, there was simultaneous interpretation into English, with the Spanish version considered definitive. All interviews were conducted with the verbal consent of the interviewee. Some sourcing has been anonymized at the request of the interlocutor. Those interviewed included government officials at the federal and state levels, including prosecutors, police, judges, members of congress and congressional staff, and officials at human rights and truth commissions. Research also included numerous interviews with Mexican and international experts and civil society representatives, as well as diplomats and academics.

Details: New York: Open Society Foundations, 2016. 220p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 7, 2016 at: https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/sites/default/files/undeniable-atrocities-en-20160602.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Mexico

URL: https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/sites/default/files/undeniable-atrocities-en-20160602.pdf

Shelf Number: 139298

Crime Against Humanity
Human Rights
Organized Crime
Violent Crime

Author: Rucevska, Ivea

Title: Waste Crime -- Waste Risks: Gaps in Meeting the Global Waste Challenge

Summary: A staggering 1.3 billion tonnes of food is produced each year to feed the world's 7 billion people. Yet, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), around US$1 trillion of that food goes to waste. With 200,000 new people added every day, the world can ill afford to waste such a massive amount of food. Global waste, however, does not stop at food. Consumers are increasingly buying products that are wrapped in plastics and paper. Much of this packaging - and eventually the products themselves - will end up in landfills. This trend has both health and environmental consequences, especially given the rapid rise of hazardous waste such as electronics. Innovative solutions to combat "e-waste" are emerging. Recovering valuable metals and other resources locked inside electronic products, for example, can reduce e-waste. Not only can recycling reduce pressure on the environment, it can also create jobs and generate income. Indeed, the global waste market sector - from collection to recycling - is estimated to be US$410 billion a year, excluding a very large informal sector. As with any large economic sector, however, there are opportunities for illegal activities at various stages of the waste chain. In the rush for profits, operators may ignore waste regulations and expose people to toxic chemicals. On a larger scale, organized crime may engage in tax fraud and money laundering. About 41.8 million metric tonnes of e-waste was generated in 2014 and partly handled informally, including illegally. This could amount to as much as USD 18.8 billion annually. Without sustainable management, monitoring and good governance of e-waste, illegal activities may only increase, undermining attempts to protect health and the environment, as well as to generate legitimate employment. The evolution of crime, even transnational organized crime, in the waste sector is a significant threat. Whether the crime is associated with direct dumping or unsafe waste management, it is creating multi-faceted consequences that must be addressed.

Details: United Nations Environment Programme and GRID-Arendal, Nairobi and Arendal, www.grida.no, 2015. 68p.

Source: Internet Resource: UNEP Rapid Response Assessment: Accessed June 7, 2016 at: http://www.unep.org/delc/Portals/119/publications/rra-wastecrime.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: International

URL: http://www.unep.org/delc/Portals/119/publications/rra-wastecrime.pdf

Shelf Number: 139301

Electronic Waste
Hazardous Waste
Offenses Against the Environment
Organized Crime
Plastic Waste

Author: Nellemann, C.

Title: The Rise of Environmental Crime: A Growing Threat to Natural Resources, Peace, Development and Security

Summary: The slaughter of elephants and rhinos has raised awareness of the illegal trade in wildlife. We are facing mass extinctions and countries are losing iconic wildlife species. However, the scope and spectrum of this illegal trade has widened. Criminals now include in their trafficking portfolios waste, chemicals, ozone depleting substances, illegally caught seafood, timber and other forest products, as well as conflict minerals, including gold and diamonds. The growth rate of these crimes is astonishing. The report that follows reveals for the first time that this new area of criminality has diversified and skyrocketed to become the world's fourth largest crime sector in a few decades, growing at 2-3 times the pace of the global economy. INTERPOL and UNEP now estimate that natural resources worth as much as USD 91 billion to USD 258 billion annually are being stolen by criminals, depriving countries of future revenues and development opportunities. Environmental crime has impacts beyond those posed by regular criminality. It increases the fragility of an already brittle planet. The resulting vast losses to our planet rob future generations of wealth, health and wellbeing on an unprecedented scale. They also compromise our ability to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. An additional by-product of environmental crime is that it undermines peace. It is not surprising that the UN Security Council has recognized the serious threat to security posed by environmental crime, with UN reports pointing to armed groups and potentially even terrorists sustained through the spoils of this rising criminal industry. However, an enhanced law enforcement response can help address this worrying trend. There are significant examples worldwide of cross-sectoral efforts working to crack down on environmental crime and successfully restore wildlife, forests and ecosystems. Such collaboration, sharing and joining of efforts within and across borders, whether formal or informal, is our strongest weapon in fighting environmental crime. But to meet the scale of this threat, a broad-ranging, targeted effort must be put forward so that peace and sustainable development can prevail.

Details: United Nations Environment Programme and RHIPTO Rapid ResponseNorwegian Center for Global Analyses, 2016. 108P. www.rhipto.org

Source: Internet Resource: A UNEPINTERPOL Rapid Response Assessment; Accessed June 7, 2016 at: http://unep.org/documents/itw/environmental_crimes.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: International

URL: http://unep.org/documents/itw/environmental_crimes.pdf

Shelf Number: 139302

Conflict Minerals
Environmental Crime
Illegal Wildlife Trade
Offenses Against the Environment
Organized Crime
Wildlife Crime

Author: ADM Capital Foundation

Title: Wildlilfe crime: Is Hong Kong Doing Enough?

Summary: The global demand for wildlife products is highest in Asia, where growing affluence has fueled an unprecedented rise in the trafficking of threatened species. The harvesting, transportation and delivery of threatened fauna and flora into legal through laundering and clandestine markets is now recognized to involve considerable levels of criminality. Transnational organized crime networks are increasingly engaged in such activities, not only because of the high profits which can be made, but also because they have the set up the trade routes and personnel required to conduct and control such operations. 'Black market' prices for several forms of wildlife exceed, sometimes vastly, the monies paid for cocaine, diamonds, gold or heroin. These same organized crime groups have brought to what, historically, might have been viewed as illicit trade, degrees of violence, intimidation, corruption and fraud that are more commonly associated with the trafficking of narcotics, firearms and human trafficking. Trafficking in wildlife involves money-laundering, counterfeiting of permits and licenses, avoidance of currency controls, taxes and import/exit duties or the acquisition of necessary documents through extortion, coercion and bribery. The monetary value of all transnational organized environmental crime is estimated at between USD70-213 billion annually. Several components of this trade represent signficant sums: the illegal trade in flora and fauna is valued at USD7-23 billion, illegal fisheries at USD11-30 billion and illegal logging and forest timber crime at USD30-100 billion. Hotspots where wildlife trafficking is rife include the Chinese borders, particularly China's border with Hong Kong, which is also the busiest cargo airport, third-largest passenger airport and the fourth-largest deep-water port in the world. It further aims to be a hub and super-connector as part of mainland China's ambitious "One Belt One Road" initiative looking forward. Utilizing Hong Kong's free port status, the multi-billion dollar wildlife trade industry uses air and sea entry points to access the mainland. Annually, more CITES seizures are made at the international border between Hong Kong and China than at any other border in China.

Details: Hong Kong: ADM Capital Foundation, 2015. 52p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 8, 2016 at: http://www.admcf.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Wildlife-CrimeReport15_12_1910.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Hong Kong

URL: http://www.admcf.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Wildlife-CrimeReport15_12_1910.pdf

Shelf Number: 139311

Endangered Species
Illicit Trade
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Wildlife
Wildlife Crime
Wildlife Trafficking

Author: United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI)

Title: Counterfeit Medicines and Organised Crime

Summary: Counterfeit medicines are among the counterfeit products with the greatest potential for harming the health of consumers. The production of pharmaceuticals is heavily regulated in order to ensure product compliance with the highest quality and safety standards. All drugs must undergo clinical trials before being marketed in order to test their efficiency, verify their quality and exclude the potential existence of side effects on patients. These institutional and technical measures are meant to work as a safety valve to guarantee the quality of medicines. Counterfeit products do not respect any of these regulations and requirements. Despite the existence of controls, counterfeit products exist in the market, creating consequences ranging from ineffective therapeutic results to severe health problems or death. Before considering the various elements of the problem, the term "counterfeit drug" The meaning associated with "counterfeit medicines" may also incorporate other cases that -- for various reasons -- are ascribable to the adulteration/replication of a product and/or tampering of the packaging: - products containing the same active ingredients and the same excipients of the original pharmaceutical agent and that are correctly packaged and labelled but which have been illegally imported into a country; - products containing the same ingredients of the genuine medicine and with genuine packaging but which contain incorrect amounts of ingredients; - products which -- despite being identical from an external point of view and have genuine packaging -- do not contain any active ingredient; - products externally similar to the originals and with genuine packaging but that contain harmful substances instead of the correct active ingredients; - products with counterfeit packaging and correct amounts of active ingredients; - products with counterfeit packaging but with different amounts of active ingredients; - products with counterfeit packaging that contain a different active ingredient or harmful substances; - products with counterfeit packaging that do not contain active ingredients. should be defined. According to the 1992 World Health Organization (WHO) definition, a counterfeit drug is a pharmaceutical product "which is deliberately and fraudulently mislabeled with respect to identity and/or source." The WHO further clarifies that this definition applies to both branded and unbranded medicines, the so-called generics, and it includes products "with the correct ingredients or with the wrong ingredients, without active ingredients, with insufficient active ingredients or with fake packaging." This definition stresses out the adulteration, inappropriateness, illegality and by extension, the danger of these products.

Details: Turin: UNICRI, 2012. 119p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 10, 2016 at: http://www.unicri.it/topics/counterfeiting/medicines/report/Ctf_medicines_and_oc_advance_unedited2013.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: International

URL: http://www.unicri.it/topics/counterfeiting/medicines/report/Ctf_medicines_and_oc_advance_unedited2013.pdf

Shelf Number: 139367

Consumer Fraud
Counterfeit Goods
Counterfeit Medicines
Organized Crime

Author: Center for the Study of Democracy

Title: Extortion Racketeering in the EU: Vulnerability Factors

Summary: Extortion racketeering has been long pointed out as the defining activity of organised crime. Although in recent years this crime has not been among the top listed organised crime threats in the strategic EU policy documents, it still remains ever present in European countries. The seriousness of the phenomenon has been recognised at the EU level and the crime has been listed in a number of EU legal acts in the field of police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters. The report Extortion Racketeering in the EU: A six country study of vulnerability factors analyses extortion racketeering forms and practices in six EU member states. The analysis disentangles the risk and the vulnerability factors for enterprises in two business sectors - agriculture and hospitality - as well as in the Chinese communities. Drawing on the results of the analysis, the report suggests new policies for tackling extortion racketeering in the EU. This report has been produced with the joint efforts of the Center for the Study of Democracy, Instituto de Ciencias Forenses y de la Seguridad - Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Transcrime - Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano and Vitosha Research and with the support of Guardia Civil in Spain.

Details: Sofia, Bulgaria: Center for the Study of Democracy, 2016. 351p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 13, 2016: http://www.csd.bg/artShow.php?id=17701

Year: 2016

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.csd.bg/artShow.php?id=17701

Shelf Number: 139413

Organized Crime

Author: Collodi, Jason

Title: Addressing and Mitigating Violence: Uptake Strategy, Year Four Update

Summary: The overarching purpose of the Addressing and Mitigating Violence (AMV) theme is to generate useful analysis to tackle policy dilemmas relating to 'newer' forms of violence and organised crime. Such a focus is becoming increasingly pertinent following the complex crises that have emerged, particularly in the Middle East, and which are dominating global foreign policy. Year four of the AMV programme showcased and built on the following sub-themes: strengthening core state functions and citizen agencies to mitigate and prevent routine forms of violence as well as organised violence and crime; improving access to livelihoods, jobs and basic services in violent contexts, including in large urban settings; and external stresses and violence mitigation in fragile contexts.

Details: Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies, 2016. 11p.

Source: Internet Resource: Addressing and Mitigating Violence, Evidence Report No. 186: Accessed June 28, 2016 at: http://opendocs.ids.ac.uk/opendocs/bitstream/handle/123456789/10406/ER186_AddressingandMitigatingViolenceUptakeStrategyYearFourUpdate.pdf?sequence=1

Year: 2016

Country: International

URL: http://opendocs.ids.ac.uk/opendocs/bitstream/handle/123456789/10406/ER186_AddressingandMitigatingViolenceUptakeStrategyYearFourUpdate.pdf?sequence=1

Shelf Number: 139443

Organized crime
Violent Crime

Author: Sina, Stephan

Title: Wildlife Crime

Summary: This study on wildlife crime was commissioned by Policy Department A at the request of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety. It gives an overview of the state of wildlife crime in Europe based on available documents, EU-TWIX data and empirical research including interviews. The study identifies main routes and species linked to illegal wildlife trade, as well as enforcement deficits. It also develops policy recommendations in view of the upcoming EU Action Plan. EU is both a destination and a transit region for wildlife products. Although European countries seem to have become less important consumers in the trade with African mammals, many countries still seem to have a very important role as a trading hub in that trade. This trade is conducted via the major trade hubs (airports and ports) but new trade hubs (e.g. smaller European airports with direct connections to Africa and Asia) are also emerging. On the other hand, European countries still seem to be very important consumers and importers of pets, especially of reptiles and birds. As this trade is often not conducted via the main trade hubs, but via the Eastern European land borders and the Mediterranean and Black Sea, enforcement is even more challenging. Moreover, the demand for alternative medicinal products very often produced in Asia from endangered wildlife appears to have increased in Europe. The available information on trade routes is not very detailed, but the following four important trade routes could be identified: - Large mammals like elephants, rhinos and big cats from Africa and South America to major trade hubs and for further transit to Asia - Coastal smuggling of leeches, caviar, fish, as well as reptiles and parrots for the pet trade in Europe - Endangered birds from South Eastern Europe to Southern Europe - Russian wildlife and Asian exports via Eastern European land routes. The overall trend in wildlife crime measured in the number of seizures has been roughly constant in recent years. Seizures are concentrated in countries with large overall trading volumes like Germany, the Netherlands, Spain and France. Overall the UK, Germany and Netherlands are responsible for more than 70% of seizures in 2007-2014. The high number of seizures may also be attributable to well developed enforcement in these countries. The most frequently seized species are reptiles, mammals, flowers and corals.

Details: Brussels: European Parliament, Environment, Public Health, Food Safety (ENVI), 2016. 124p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 28, 2016 at: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/STUD/2016/570008/IPOL_STU(2016)570008_EN.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/STUD/2016/570008/IPOL_STU(2016)570008_EN.pdf

Shelf Number: 139528

Illegal Wildlife Trade
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Wildlife
Wildlife Conservation
Wildlife Crime
Wildlife Trafficking

Author: Hofmeister, Wilhelm

Title: Trafficking in Human Beings: learning from Asian and European Experiences

Summary: Trafficking in human beings is a strong violation of basic rights and a severe transnational organized crime. But human trafficking is also a highly profitable business in both Europe and Asia. People can be trafficked for different purposes, including sexual exploitation, labour exploitation, organ smuggling and as brides/grooms. Victims of this crime are highly vulnerable and are often coerced by the traffickers through threats to harm their family members, to abuse them or to sell them. At the same, the victims are granted hardly any rights in the destination countries and cooperation with the police is limited due to fear or the fact that the police might be corrupt and involved in the crime as well. Conservative estimates by the International Labour Organization (ILO) indicate around 20.9 million persons in situations of forced labour in 2012. This does not include people being trafficked for organ removal, forced marriage or adoption. More than 50 percent of these people originated from countries in the Asia-Pacific region. The actual numbers of identified victims and convicted traffickers is only a very small percentage of this estimate. This highlights the two key challenges in combating human trafficking - victims identification and prosecution of traffickers.

Details: Singapore : Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung [and] East Asian Institute [and] European Policy Centre [and] European Union Centre in Singapore, 2014. 150p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 11, 2016 at: http://www.kas.de/wf/doc/kas_40567-1522-2-30.pdf?150227075526

Year: 2014

Country: International

URL: http://www.kas.de/wf/doc/kas_40567-1522-2-30.pdf?150227075526

Shelf Number: 139589

Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Irregular Immigration
Organized Crime

Author: PriceWaterhouseCoopers

Title: How does organised crime misuse EU funds?

Summary: This study focuses on the relevance wh ether and to what extend organised crime is involved in defrauding the EU. By research and interviews it is clear that there is no universal definition of organised crime. Different working definitions are being used by EU agencies . In this study research is conducted on the means and methods of misuse of EU funds by organised crime, a risk analysis on the different EU funds and the quantification of EU funds misused by organised crime in 2009. In additi on, several recommendations are made focussing on a future implementation of a more uniform definition of 'misuse/fraud' and 'organised crime', a permanent uniform fraud prevention program in the EU institutions, a more uni form registration of cases for further analysis, a different focus from the EU ag encies and the possibility of more peer review. In addition, we be lieve it is recommended to further develop proactive review of beneficiaries of EU funds an d strive for increased transparency and accountability

Details: Brussels: Policy Department D Budgetary Affairs European Parliament, 2011. 124p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 11, 2016 at: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/meetdocs/2009_2014/documents/cont/dv/crime_misuse_/crime_misuse_en.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/meetdocs/2009_2014/documents/cont/dv/crime_misuse_/crime_misuse_en.pdf

Shelf Number: 139603

Fraud and Corruption
Organized Crime

Author: Calderoni, Francesco

Title: France: the factbook on the illicit trade in tobacco products

Summary: This report provides the French country profile of the project The Factbook on the Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products . In France, the illicit trade in tobacco products is a key issue due to its high penetration in the French tobacco market, reaching 14.7% of total consumption in 2014 (KPMG 2015). Tobacco control policies are at the top of the French policy agenda, and a national action plans against the ITTP was launched in 2011. Moreover, the recent ratification of the Protocol Against Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products (WHO FCTC), in November 2015, demonstrates France's commitment to tackling the illicit trade. The growing attention of the French Customs to tobacco smuggling is evidenced by the increasing number of seizures. WHAT CAN BE FOUND IN THIS REPORT? This report is updated at December 2015. It is organised into three chapters: -- Chapter one deals with the five drivers of the ITTP: society and economy, the legal market, regulation, the crime environment and enforcement. The drivers are important areas whose structures may positively or negatively impact on the ITTP. To enable comparison with other country profiles, five key indicators have been selected for each driver. The data for the driver indicators come from comparable sources (latest available years). When possible, the report provides the most up-to-date data from national sources. -- Chapter two focuses on the four components of the ITTP: demand, products, supply, modus operandi and geographical distribution. -- Chapter three identifies the key factors of the ITTP in France and frames the drivers in the components, analysing how different elements of the drivers influence the components of the ITTP.

Details: Milan: Transcrime, 2016. 100p.

Source: Internet Resource: The Factbook on the Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products 8: Accessed July 12, 2016 at: http://www.transcrime.it/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/The-Factbook-on-the-ITTP-France_EN.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: France

URL: http://www.transcrime.it/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/The-Factbook-on-the-ITTP-France_EN.pdf

Shelf Number: 139618

Cigarette Smuggling
Illicit Trade
Organized Crime

Author: European Union Action to Fight Environmental Crime (EFFACE)

Title: Evaluation of the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities associated with EU efforts to combat environmental crime

Summary: Since its inception in 2013, the EFFACE project has researched many different aspects of environmental crime. This report, 'Evaluation of the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities (SWOT) associated with EU efforts to combat environmental crime,' brings together insights of the current approach of the EU and its Member States in combatting environmental crime, as a basis to later develop policy recommendations. The project identified nine relevant dimensions of the EU's current approach towards combatting environmental crime: The nine dimensions identified are: Data and information management (relevant for Member State and the EU level) Further harmonisation of substantive environmental criminal law at EU level (excluding sanctions) System of sanctions (administrative vs. criminal vs. civil proceedings (relevant for Member States/EU level) Functioning of enforcement institutions and cooperation between them (relevant for Member States/EU level) Trust-based and cooperation-based approaches: environmental crime victims and civil society External dimension of environmental crime - what can EU do (EU only) Use of environmental liability (relevant for Member States/EU level) Organised environmental crime Corporate responsibility and liability in relation to environmental crime Each theme is evaluated in a consistent way; the governance levels analysed include that of the Member States, the EU and the international level. In addition, the aspects above interact with each other; therefore the authors stress the importance of moving forward with policy recommendations that consider these different aspects as a whole and not in isolation. The final recommendations of EFFACE will build on the SWOT analysis.

Details: Berlin: EFFACE, 2016. 131p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 12, 2016 at: http://efface.eu/sites/default/files/publications/EFFACE_SWOT%20Analysis.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Europe

URL: http://efface.eu/sites/default/files/publications/EFFACE_SWOT%20Analysis.pdf

Shelf Number: 139619

Corporate Crime
Environmental Crime
Offenses Against the Environment
Organized Crime

Author: Calderoni, Francesco

Title: The Belarusian Hub for Illicit Tobacco

Summary: Key hubs are crucial sets of countries on the regional, continental or global map of the illicit trade in tobacco products (ITTP). The analysis of key hubs instead of single countries enables a more comprehensive understanding of the factors determining transnational illicit flows and a more effective identification of the strategies needed to fight and prevent the ITTP. The following elements often characterise key hubs: - medium to high levels of the ITTP in the hub, - significant price differentials of tobacco products across the hub, - extensive engagement of local manufacturers in the ITTP and - substantial flows of illicit tobacco to, within or from the hub to other countries. This report focuses on the Belarusian hub for illicit cigarettes. Belarus is the center of the hub because it is a source for illegal tobacco products destined to the EU. The surrounding countries are included for different reasons. Russia and Ukraine used to play a significant role in the ITTP flows and still remain important sources of illicit products. Other countries within the hub, such as Lithuania, Poland, Latvia, are both destination and transit countries of the Belarusian illicit tobacco flows. The report takes the name of the center of the hub.

Details: Milan: Transcrime, 2013. 54p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 12, 2016 at: http://www.transcrime.it/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/The-Belarusian-Hub-for-Illicit-Tobacco.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Belarus

URL: http://www.transcrime.it/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/The-Belarusian-Hub-for-Illicit-Tobacco.pdf

Shelf Number: 139622

Cigarette Smuggling
Illicit Trade
Organized Crime

Author: Rademeyer, Julian

Title: Tipping Point: Transnational organised crime and the 'war' on poaching

Summary: More than six thousand rhinos have fallen to poachers' bullets in Africa over the past decade. Dozens more have been shot in so-called "pseudo-hunts" in South Africa. Across Europe, castles and museums have been raided by criminal gangs in search of rhino horn trophies. And in the United States, businessmen, antique dealers - even a former rodeo star and a university professor - have been implicated in the illicit trade. Driven by seemingly insatiable demand in Southeast Asia and China, rhino horn has become a black market commodity that rivals the value of gold and platinum. The impact of rampant poaching and deeply entrenched transnational criminal networks over the past decade has been severe. Today there are estimated to be about 25,000 rhino left in Africa, a fraction of the tens of thousands that existed just half-a-century ago. Numbers of white rhinos ( Ceratotherium simum ) have begun to stagnate and decline, with 2015 population figures estimated at between 19,666 and 21,085. While the numbers of more critically endangered black rhino ( Diceros bicornis ) - estimated to number between 5,040 and 5,458 - have increased, population growth rates have fallen. Since 2008, incidents of rhino poaching have increased at a staggering rate. In 2015, 1,342 rhinos were killed for their horns across seven African range states, compared to just 262 in the early stages of the current crisis in 2008. The vast majority of poaching incidents occurred in South Africa, home to about 79% of the continent's last remaining rhinos. The country's Kruger National Park - which contains the world's largest rhino population - has suffered the brunt of the slaughter. While South Africa experienced a marginal dip in poaching figures in 2015 - the first time that the numbers had fallen since 2008 - this was offset by dramatic spikes in poaching in Namibia and Zimbabwe, two key black rhino range states. Namibia, which had experienced little to no poaching from 2006 to 2012 saw Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime Tipping Point: Transnational organised crime and the 'war' on poaching incidents increase from four in 2013 to 30 in 2014 and 90 in 2015. In Zimbabwe, 51 rhinos were killed, up from twenty in 2014. It was the country's worst year on record since 2008, when 164 rhinos were lost to poachers. While Vietnam remains a key destination and transit country, growing numbers of Chinese nationals have been arrested and prosecuted in recent years in Africa, Europe, Asia and the United States for smuggling rhino horn. Research conducted by TRAFFIC has pointed to a thriving online market for rhino horn on Vietnamese and Chinese social media platforms. There is some evidence of divergent markets in Vietnam and China with demand for "raw", unworked rhino horn in the former and carvings, libation cups and fake antiques - commonly referred to as zuo jiu - in the latter. In Vietnam, for instance, a number of artisanal villages are known to produce rhino horn bangles, bracelets, beads and libation cups for Chinese buyers. China has also emerged a significant destination for antique rhino horn carvings that have been auctioned in Europe, the United States and Australia. The killing shows little sign of slowing. Despite the valiant efforts of many law enforcement and government officials, prosecutors and game rangers, the transnational criminal networks trafficking rhino horn are as resilient as ever and - with rare exceptions - impervious to attempts to disrupt their activities. Fragmented law enforcement strategies - often led by environmental agencies with little political power and no mandate to investigate or gather intelligence on organised crime networks - have had little impact on syndicates that operate globally, with tentacles reaching from Africa to Europe, the United States and Asia. Borders, bureaucracy and a tangle of vastly different laws and legal jurisdictions are a boon to transnational criminal networks and a bane to the law enforcement agencies rallied against them. Entities like Interpol, Europol, CITES and the World Customs Organisation are only as good as the government officials in member states who are delegated to work with them. Again and again, their efforts to target syndicates in multiple jurisdictions are hamstrung by corruption, incompetence, governments that are unwilling or incapable of acting, a lack of information-sharing, petty jealousies and approaches to tackling crime that wrongly emphasise arrests and seizures over targeted investigations and convictions as a barometer of success.

Details: Geneva, SWIT: Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime, 2016. 64p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 15, 2016 at: http://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Global-Initiative-Tipping-Point-Part1-July-2016.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: South Africa

URL: http://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Global-Initiative-Tipping-Point-Part1-July-2016.pdf

Shelf Number: 139645

Animal Poaching
Organized Crime
Trafficking Wildlife
Wildlife Crime
Wildlife Trafficking

Author: Rademeyer, Julian

Title: Beyond Borders: Crime, conservation and criminal networks in the illicit rhino horn trade

Summary: The Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime, the WWF and the Geneva Environment Platform organised the Geneva launch of "Beyond borders: Crime, conservation and criminal networks in the illicit rhino horn trade", the second of two reports investigating the illegal trade in rhino horn and law enforcement responses, on 13 July 2016 in the International Environment House. Six thousand rhinos have fallen to poachers' bullets in Africa over the past decade and only about 25,000 remain - a fraction of the tens of thousands that roamed the parts of the continent fifty years ago. Driven by the seemingly insatiable demand in Southeast Asia and China, rhino horn has become a black market commodity rivalling gold and platinum in value. This report, the second of two, is a major investigation into Southern African rhino horn trafficking networks. It focuses on rhino poaching, smuggling and organised crime in Zimbabwe and Mozambique, two source countries for rhino products where legal and law enforcement frameworks to curb rhino poaching are in place, yet poorly implemented. It also investigates the involvement of the diplomatic world in the rhino horn trade including recent revelations of North Korean embassy involvement.

Details: Geneva, SWIT: Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime, 2016. 44p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 15, 2016 at: http://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Global-Initiative-Beyond-Borders-Part2-July-2016-1.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: South Africa

URL: http://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Global-Initiative-Beyond-Borders-Part2-July-2016-1.pdf

Shelf Number: 139646

Animal Poaching
Organized Crime
Trafficking Wildlife
Wildlife Crime
Wildlife Trafficking

Author: Letlatsa, Oumama Tryphosa

Title: The effects of organised crime on the macroeconomic stability of South Africa

Summary: Economists usually distinguish between five macroeconomic objectives, namely, high and sustainable economic growth, full employment, price stability, balance of payments stability and the equitable distribution of income. This research deals with the economics of organised crime. It aims to examine the relationship between organised crime and the five macroeconomic objectives. To prove that organised crime has an impact on macroeconomic stability, it is necessary to show that it involves large sums of money relative to overall economic activity. Crime has always been mentioned as a factor that has an impact on the economic growth of a country, but the extent to which crime constrains growth and by what mechanisms it limits growth and development is unknown. This can be attributed to the underground nature of most organised criminal activities, such as money laundering. Very little research has been done on the costs and the extent of organised crime on the macroeconomy of South Africa. In attempting to quantify the costs of crime relative to the macroeconomy of South Africa, this research identifies various organised criminal activities. It examines the extent of the costs and the threats they pose to the macroeconomic stability of South Africa. This research shows that the political transformation and the resultant globalisation of South Africa during the early 1990s provided an ideal opportunity for organised crime structures to expand. It also shows that organised crime imposes direct and indirect costs on households and businesses, and therefore on the economy of South Africa as a whole. Organised crime diverts funds that could otherwise be invested in productive capacity, it discourages foreign investment and induces the government to spend money on law enforcement, crime prevention and the administration of justice, instead of spending it on the creation of additional employment opportunities. Tax revenue is also lost to money laundering. The abuse of the informal economy by money launderers has an impact on growth. Crime has prevented the growth of the tourist industry to its full potential given the country's reputation of violence. A loss of skilled personnel who left the country has also been experienced, citing crime as a reason to immigrate.

Details: Johannesburg: University of Johannesburg, 2008. 118p.

Source: Internet Resource: Dissertation: Accessed July 28, 2016 at: http://ujdigispace.uj.ac.za/bitstream/handle/10210/3453/Letlatsa.pdf?sequence=1

Year: 2008

Country: South Africa

URL: http://ujdigispace.uj.ac.za/bitstream/handle/10210/3453/Letlatsa.pdf?sequence=1

Shelf Number: 139653

Economics and Crime
Organized Crime
Socioeconomic Conditions and Crime

Author: Dranginis, Holly

Title: The Mafia in the Park: A charcoal syndicate is threatening Virunga, Africa's oldest national park

Summary: An illegal charcoal cartel is helping to finance one of the most prominent militias in central Africa and destroying parts of Africa's oldest national park. Nursing alliances with Congolese army and police units and operating remote trafficking rings in the sanctuaries of Congo's protected forests, the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) is a kingpin in Africa's Great Lakes region's organized crime networks and a continuing threat to human security.

Details: Washington, DC: Enough Project, 2016. 45p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 22, 2016 at: http://www.enoughproject.org/files/report_MafiaInThePark_Dranginis_Enough_June2016.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Africa

URL: http://www.enoughproject.org/files/report_MafiaInThePark_Dranginis_Enough_June2016.pdf

Shelf Number: 139794

Illegal Trade
Natural Resources
Organized Crime
Theft of Natural Resources

Author: Long, Iain W.

Title: Essays on the Economics of Crime

Summary: I present three essays on the economics of crime. The first considers an activity associated with 55% of all criminal offences in the UK: binge drinking. One group inextricably linked with such behaviour is the sports team. Members regularly engage in post-match drinking, where the team's reputation is at stake. Teams often apply peer pressure (the threat of punishment for refusal to compete) to ensure each member gets involved. Chapter 1 presents a simple model of competitive drinking, and evaluates the amount of peer pressure a team needs to apply when multiple equilibria exist. The thesis then turns attention towards criminal organisations. Chapter 2 discusses the use of initiation by protection rackets. Such rituals are widely used, and serve several purposes. Firstly, they allow initiates' skills to be assessed. Secondly, they act as an incentive to invest in skills. Thirdly, they signal to the racket's customers. The chapter derives conditions on the underlying distribution of abilities such that a racket can adjust initiation difficulty to improve its reputation. It then discusses these conditions in light of "key player" policies, suggesting they may be more effective than previously thought. Chapter 3 evaluates the impact of a variety of anti-crime policies on how a criminal gang recruits. Gangs counteract policy effects by adjusting the wage they offer and the intensity of violence they require their members to inflict. This can lead to policies backfiring; increasing the social cost of the gang. A policy which reduces the youths' incentive to join a gang leaves only hardened criminals as recruits. If gang size and violence are weak revenue complements, this causes the gang to substitute towards more violence. Policies are therefore most effective when they not only reduce the incentive to join the gang, but also increase youths' sensitivity towards inflicting violence.

Details: London: London School of Economics and Political Science, 2012. 157p.

Source: Internet Resource: Dissertation: Accessed July 25, 2016 at: http://etheses.lse.ac.uk/416/1/Long_Essays%20on%20the%20Economics%20of%20Crime.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://etheses.lse.ac.uk/416/1/Long_Essays%20on%20the%20Economics%20of%20Crime.pdf

Shelf Number: 139853

Binge Drinking
Economics of Crime
Organized Crime
Protection Rackets

Author: Schloenhardt, Andreas

Title: Irregular migration and associated crime in Pakistan: a review of the Federal Investigation Agency's (FIA) training programmes

Summary: This report reviews existing training programmes on irregular migration and associated crime offered by the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and develops recommendations to enhance the training of FIA officers and other law enforcement personnel in this field. Irregular migration, especially in the form of migrant smuggling and trafficking in persons, and associated criminal activities such as money laundering, document fraud, and corruption, are of imminent concern to Pakistan. Trafficking in persons is the acquisition of people by improper means such as force, fraud or deception, with the aim of exploiting them. Smuggling of migrants involves the procurement for financial or other material benefit of illegal entry of a person into a State of which that person is not a national or resident. Virtually every country in the world is affected by these crimes. Recent reports confirm that Pakistan is simultaneously a sending, transit, and destination point for smuggled migrants and trafficked persons. Domestic trafficking, especially of women and children, is also of ongoing concern. The challenge for all countries, rich and poor, is to target the criminals who exploit desperate people and to protect and assist victims of trafficking and smuggled migrants, many of whom endure unimaginable hardships in their bid for a better life. Pakistan's Federal Investigation Agency (FIA), as the country's chief national law enforcement agency, has a mandate to prevent and suppress trafficking in persons and migrant smuggling and is in a unique position to comprehensively combat these phenomena, along with associated crime such as money laundering, document fraud, and corruption. In response to the emergence of migrant smuggling and trafficking in persons, the Government of Pakistan has taken decisive action to develop national strategies to prevent and suppress these crime types and protect the rights of victims. In 2002, a Prevention and Control of Human Trafficking Ordinance was enacted. This was followed by the development of a National Action Plan for Combating Human Trafficking and the creation of an Anti-Trafficking Unit within the FIA. UNODC, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, is the guardian of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised Crime and the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress, and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children and the Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Air, and Sea. UNODC leads international efforts to comprehensively prevent and suppress migrant smuggling and trafficking in persons and protect the victims of these heinous crimes. UNODC's Country Office in Islamabad stands ready to assist Pakistan's authorities in their efforts.

Details: Pakistan: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2011. 42p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 25, 2016 at: https://www.unodc.org/documents/pakistan/2011.10.00_Irregular_Migration_Associated_Crime_in_PakTNA_of_FIA_Academy_fin.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Pakistan

URL: https://www.unodc.org/documents/pakistan/2011.10.00_Irregular_Migration_Associated_Crime_in_PakTNA_of_FIA_Academy_fin.pdf

Shelf Number: 139856

Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Illegal Migration
Organized Crime

Author: Rettberg, Angelika

Title: Gold, Oil and the Lure of Violence: The Private Sector and Post-conflict Risks in Colombia

Summary: For the first time in decades Colombia seems to be on course towards a negotiated settlement with its two remaining guerrilla groups, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia and the National Liberation Army. However, the post-conflict prospects are not altogether auspicious. Abundant weapons in circulation, demobilised combatants with criminal expertise, and multiple opportunities for applying this know-how in both legal and illegal activities and organisations as part of the steady and continuing reconfiguration of criminal groups pose serious risks to stability and the sustainability of peace in Colombia over the coming years. This report presents a number of the challenges for Colombia's post-conflict stability arising from criminal networks and activities in regions associated with the extractive industry - and specifically in regions dedicated to oil extraction and gold mining. While domestic and foreign investments have risen over recent years, and overall security conditions have improved, it is likely that armed violence will continue and undergo further transformations in these regions. The emergence of new sorts of non-conventional armed violence, operating across the spectrum between conflict and criminality, illustrates the challenge of consolidating a post-conflict arrangement in Colombia.

Details: Oslo: Norwegian Peacebuilding Resource Centre (NOREF), 2015. 13p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 28, 2016 at: https://www.clingendael.nl/sites/default/files/Rettberg_NOREF%20Clingendael_Gold%20oil%20and%20the%20lure%20of%20violence_the%20private%20sector%20and%20post-conflict%20risks%20in%20Colombia_Sept%202015_FINAL.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Colombia

URL: https://www.clingendael.nl/sites/default/files/Rettberg_NOREF%20Clingendael_Gold%20oil%20and%20the%20lure%20of%20violence_the%20private%20sector%20and%20post-conflict%20risks%20in%20Colombia_Sept%202015_FINAL.pdf

Shelf Number: 139886

Criminal Networks
Natural Resources
Organized Crime
Theft of Natural Resources

Author: Power, Gerald

Title: Illicit Tobacco in South East London: A Survey of Smokers

Summary: The illicit tobacco trade is often seen as a 'Robin Hood' type enterprise with a few locals smuggling cigarettes for their friends so they can enjoy an otherwise expensive luxury. However, if this was ever true, the reality of this trade is now is very different. Criminal gangs are very heavily involved in the illicit tobacco trade and the majority of the illicit cigarettes sold are counterfeits manufactured outside the EU specifically to be smuggled into the UK in bulk. One sea container full of counterfeit cigarettes can generate well over a million pounds in profit for a gang. Also heavy tobacco consumption is now strongly associated with deprivation rather than being a luxury enjoyed by richer communities. This can be seen in all six South East London Boroughs where smoking rates for routine and manual workers within boroughs are consistently much higher than the borough averages. Furthermore, as national and regional levels of smoking and smoking related diseases fall as a result of taxation, education , support in quitting and laws limiting where people can smoke, illicit tobacco has the potential to maintain heath inequalities in communities. In recognition of this Health and Trading Standards Teams have been working together in South East London as part of an initiative to reduce the harm done by illegal tobacco in these communities. This work is aimed at joining up health and trading standards enforcement work to get the best outcomes for communities. In simple terms, if the supply of cheap illicit tobacco in to a community can be stemmed, then the investments in health and education work produce a far better set of outcomes. Limiting the trade also limits the presence of the criminal gangs that manage it. This survey of one thousand seven hundred smokers within the boroughs of Bexley, Bromley, Greenwich, Lambeth, Lewisham and Southwark was part of that joint work and aims to better understand the illicit tobacco trade and help in finding better ways of dealing with it.

Details: London: South East London Illegal Tobacco Cluster, 2013. 32p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 2, 2016 at: https://www.lambeth.gov.uk/sites/default/files/ssh-illicit-tobacco-survey-report.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: United Kingdom

URL: https://www.lambeth.gov.uk/sites/default/files/ssh-illicit-tobacco-survey-report.pdf

Shelf Number: 139950

Counterfeit Cigarettes
Illegal Tobacco
Organized Crime
Smuggling Cigarettes
Tobacco Smuggling

Author: Rogers, Douglas B.

Title: Organizing Crime: Towards a Theory of the Criminal Firm

Summary: This dissertation investigates the industrial organization of criminal enterprise. We argue that differences in contestability across criminal industries crucially shape how producers in these industries organize. In more contestable criminal industries, producers use organizational hierarchy to enforce collusion and preserve their returns. However, hierarchy creates scope for boss self-dealing and so is costly. In less contestable criminal industries, where producers' benefit from colluding is smaller, this cost exceeds organizational hierarchy's benefit. Here producers organize "flatly" instead. To examine this hypothesis we explore history's most infamous criminal organizations: the Sicilian Mafia and Caribbean pirates. It also investigates the problem of external costs within a violent criminal industry. These costs arise when the activities of one criminal enterprise result in increased pressure by the state on other criminal enterprises. Since the costs of violent crime are borne in part by other criminal enterprises, each criminal enterprise engages in a suboptimally high degree of criminal activity from the perspective of the industry as a whole, driving profitability towards zero. In order to internalize the costs of violence, and thus sustain criminal activity, criminals establish collusive inter-firm institutions designed to regulate the overall amount of criminal activity. These institutions, however, once established, increase profitability in the industry and thus elicit competition amongst the cartel members, increasing the amount of criminal activity. Thus, criminal industries facing problems of external costs exhibit a cycle of regulated and unregulated violent activity. To test this hypothesis, I examine inter-firm institutions, known as commissions, in La Cosa Nostra1. Finally, a laboratory experiment was conducted to examine the performance of a market for protection in the absence of external enforcement. The focus of the experiment is whether subjects given the power to protect or predate, designated as "elites," form a cartel and charge a monopoly price to a set of subjects we label "peasants", or whether these elites compete as separate entities and charge peasants a competitive price. The price of protective services is measured by the amount of tribute transferred by peasants to a particular elite. Since we endow elites with superior ability in the use of force, they may also utilize involuntary transfers, La Cosa Nostra is commonly referred to as the Sicilian Mafia. which incur deadweight losses, to transfer resources. Thus, the subjects are motivated to devise a voluntary means of transfer through tribute within our environment. A baseline treatment was run where there was only a single provider of protection to establish a benchmark comparison. In building the design design, several different literatures were drawn upon, which discuss the viability of a private market for protection. This debate is particularly salient to discussions of protection services in developing countries.

Details: Fairfax, VA: George Mason University, 2011. 103p.

Source: Internet Resource: Dissertation: Accessed August 3, 2016 at: http://mars.gmu.edu/bitstream/handle/1920/6380/Rogers_dissertation_2011.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y

Year: 2011

Country: International

URL: http://mars.gmu.edu/bitstream/handle/1920/6380/Rogers_dissertation_2011.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y

Shelf Number: 139958

Criminal Networks
Organized Crime

Author: Verite

Title: The Nexus of Illegal Gold Mining and Human Trafficking in Global Supply Chains: Lessons from Latin America

Summary: Research carried out by Verite has found that Latin American countries export staggering amounts of illegally mined gold tied to human trafficking. This presents legal and reputational risks for major companies with gold in their supply chains. The paper, The Nexus of Illegal Gold Mining and Human Trafficking in Global Supply Chains, provides analysis of the risk of labor trafficking linked to illegal gold mining in Latin America, drawing upon in-depth field research carried out by Verite in Peru in 2012-2013 and in Colombia in 2015, and desk research carried out across the Latin American region. The diminishing supply and increasing demand for gold, combined with criminal and armed groups' quest for new sources of illicit revenue, have contributed to a surge in illegal extraction of gold from increasingly remote and lawless regions. Latin America is a vitally important player in the global gold trade, contributing 20 percent of the world's gold production in 2013. Latin American countries, along with Canada (which is a major conduit for Latin American gold), constitute all top ten exporters of gold to the United States. In several Latin American countries, unregulated illegal and informal mines account for over 75 percent of gold produced. In Peru and Colombia-the two largest cocaine producers in the world-the value of illegal gold exports has in recent years surpassed the value of cocaine exports, becoming the largest illicit export from these two countries. In Latin America, and elsewhere in the world, illegally mined gold is strongly linked to human trafficking and other labor abuses as these mines are usually located in areas with a weak presence of government authorities and a strong presence of armed and criminal groups. Verite's in-depth research in Peru found many other indicators of forced labor in illegal gold mining, all of which increase the risk of human trafficking. In Colombia, both men and women were found to be vulnerable to labor trafficking in mines controlled by armed and criminal groups. Small-scale artisanal miners, who should in no way be confused with the groups that control illegal mines, are also increasingly vulnerable to becoming victims of debt bondage, both because they are extorted by these groups and because some governments treat them as criminals rather than as potential victims. In addition, illegal gold mining is closely associated with child labor, severe threats to workers' health and safety, and sex trafficking. Child labor - including forced child labor-is common in illegal gold mining. While children are generally employed in peripheral services such as tire and motorcycle repair and stores, teenagers are employed in many of the most dangerous jobs in illegal gold mines, such as swimming in mercury-filled pools of water to suck up gold-laced sand with powerful hoses, risking drowning and being disemboweled by the powerful hoses. Workers also face mine collapses and explosions, repetitive tasks, heavy work, and exposure to extreme heat, dust, noise, tropical illnesses, and mercury and cyanide. Verite field research found that sex trafficking, including of girls as young as 12, is extremely pervasive in illegal mining areas. Illegally mined gold is "laundered" and exported, with the help of corrupt government officials, to prominent refineries, which supply some of the biggest central banks, jewelry companies, and electronics producers in the world. In contrast to other goods produced by organized criminal groups such as cocaine or heroin, illegally mined gold can easily be laundered, after which it becomes a legitimate consumer commodity that moves easily and legally across international borders. The ubiquity of illegally-mined gold and the lack of transparency upstream of most gold refineries means that companies buying gold from major refineries are often at risk of illegally mined gold entering their supply chains. A Verite analysis of Dodd-Frank Act compliance records found that 72 of the Fortune 500 companies filed conflict mineral reports during 2015 listing the smelters and refineries from which they obtained their gold the previous year. Verite found that approximately 90 percent of these companies purchased gold from refineries that have demonstrated a pattern of purchasing illegally mined gold from Latin America. Companies that source illegally produced gold from Latin America face severe reputational and legal risks, including potential liability under a number of statutes covering company complicity in trafficking in persons, forced and child labor, organized crime, corruption, and conflict minerals. Some of these statutes stipulating steep fines for companies and even long jail sentences for their executives. Combatting illegal gold mining and the human and labor rights abuses that accompany it requires a coordinated, multi-pronged approach by the governments of gold producing countries, as well as the countries and companies that import gold. While some Latin American governments have recently stepped up efforts to prosecute individuals and companies that illegally extract and export gold, the governments of gold importing countries have thus far done relatively little to hold accountable the companies that import this gold, although they have the tools and mandate to do so. Companies must also take steps to ensure that they are not responsible for perpetuating organized crime, violence, corruption, and human trafficking by purchasing, directly or indirectly, illegally mined gold from Latin America.

Details: Amherst, MA: Verite, 2016. 17p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 30, 2016 at: http://www.verite.org/sites/default/files/Verite-Report-Illegal_Gold_Mining.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Latin America

URL: http://www.verite.org/sites/default/files/Verite-Report-Illegal_Gold_Mining.pdf

Shelf Number: 140083

Child Labor
Conflict Minerals
Forced Labor
Gold Mining
Human Trafficking
Natural Resources
Organized Crime
Supply Chains

Author: de Lacy, Elen

Title: Illegal Tobacco: Undermining Tobacco Control Measures in Wales

Summary: ASH Wales Cymru has identified illegal tobacco as a priority area for tobacco control in Wales. Around 531,000 adults, or approximately 21% of the adult population in Wales, are smokers1. Illegal (or illicit*) tobacco constitutes a serious public health risk by undermining initiatives aimed at reducing smoking rates. Smuggled tobacco is most likely to be sold in deprived areas2 where rates of tobacco consumption are already creating significant ill health in Wales. ASH Wales Cymru is committed to raising awareness of the problem of illegal tobacco among key stakeholders and the Welsh public. Article 1 of the World Health Organization (WHO) Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) defines illicit trade as 'any practice or conduct prohibited by law and which relates to production, shipment, receipt, possession, distribution, sale or purchase including any practice or conduct intended to facilitate such activity' 3. The main forms of tobacco smuggling are: - Counterfeit - Non-Duty Paid - Cheap Whites/Illegal Whites In 2014 ASH Wales Cymru received a grant from the Tobacco Advisory Group at Cancer Research UK to commission the first ever study into the scale and problem of illegal tobacco across Wales. This study is based on similar work from the 'Tackling Illicit Tobacco for Better Health' programme which has had a measurable effect on the problem in three regions of England (North East, North West, South West)4 . ASH Wales Cymru has produced this report to set out clear recommendations to reduce the availability and consumption of illegal tobacco across Wales. An all-Wales tackling illegal tobacco stakeholder group oversaw this work. As part of this study ASH Wales Cymru commissioned two pieces of work: 1) A pan-Wales illegal tobacco survey conducted by NEMS Market Research** NEMS market research was commissioned in March 2014 to undertake a Wales-wide survey to provide a baseline on illegal tobacco use and to better understand the cheap tobacco market. 2) An enforcement report An enforcement report was commissioned in June 2014 to examine the crime and enforcement aspects of the supply of illegal tobacco in Wales. This has been produced by Steven Hay (Littleton Murdoch Ltd.) who has over 20 years of operational and managerial experience of working in Local Authority Regulatory Services.

Details: Cardiff: Ash Wales; Cancer Research UK, 2015. 57p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 30, 2016 at: http://ashwales.org.uk/assets/factsheets-leaflets/illegal-tobacco-undermining-tobacco-control-measures-in-wales-eng.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://ashwales.org.uk/assets/factsheets-leaflets/illegal-tobacco-undermining-tobacco-control-measures-in-wales-eng.pdf

Shelf Number: 140102

Counterfeit Tobacco
Illegal Tobacco
Illicit Tobacco
Organized Crime
Tobacco Control
Tobacco Smuggling

Author: InSight Crime

Title: Honduras Elites and Organized Crime

Summary: Honduras is currently one of the most violent countries on the planet that is not at war. The violence is carried out by transnational criminal organizations, local drug trafficking groups, gangs and corrupt security forces, among other actors. Violence is the focal point for the international aid organizations, governments and multilaterals providing Honduras with assistance, and it is the central theme of media coverage inside and outside of of the country. There are good reasons for this focus. Violence disproportionately impacts people in poor and marginal areas and tends to remain concentrated in those communities, closing the circle on a vicious cycle that impoverished nations find hard to break. In addition, violence impedes economic development and disrupts lives across a wide socio-economic spectrum. It can lead to major demographic shifts and crises as large populations move to urban areas or try to migrate to other nations. It can undermine governance and democracy, and it can serve as a justification for repression and hardline security policies that divert resources away from much-needed social and economic programs, thus perpetuating the problem. Organized crime plays a role in this violence, but it is more like the gasoline than the engine: it provides an already corrupt system with the fuel it needs to run. That corrupt system is the focus of this study on Honduras. Its most visible manifestation is an inept and criminalized police force that a former security minister once called "air traffic control men" for drug flights coming into the country. Parts of this police force also work as custodians and assassins for criminal groups; rob drugs and resell them to the underworld; and, for a price, they can attack client's rivals and disrupt criminal investigations. But beneath this most obvious form of criminal connection to state officials is a more insidious brand of corruption. This is further from the headlines and much more difficult to tackle since it is embedded in the country's political, economic and social systems. It operates in a gray area, mixing legal and illegal entities, paper companies and campaign contributions, and sweeping its illicit acts under the rug using co-opted members of the justice system and security forces. What we are talking about, of course, is the elite connection to organized crime that this investigation exposes. The elites in Honduras are not like those in the rest of the region. The traditional, agro-export and industrial elites who rule in places like Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua are less prominent in Honduras, mostly because of the country's long history as an enclave economy dominated by multinational companies: the original Banana Republic. Instead, the country's most powerful economic elites have emerged from the service, banking, media, and telecommunications sectors. They are called transnational elites since many of them are first or second generation immigrants from the Middle East and Eastern Europe and depend on international business dealings to accumulate capital. Traditional, land-based elites are present in Honduras. But they have long been relegated to a second tier, forced to seek power through control of government posts, rather than using financial leverage. While the ruling elites in Honduras do not share the same origins or economic base as their counterparts elsewhere in the region, they do share their neighbors' penchant for employing the state for their own ends and systematically impoverishing it. Both the traditional and transnational elites have for years used the military and police to protect their personal land holdings and businesses. They have benefitted from the sale of public companies and lands, and they have enjoyed tax exonerations for their multitude of businesses. They have also pillaged its resources, and, as the government's importance to the economy has grown, relied on it to generate more capital. Their dependence on the state has opened the way for a third set of what we are calling bureaucratic elites, who have developed a power base of their own because of the government positions they occupy. Honduras, meanwhile, has become one of the poorest, most unequal and indebted countries in the world. Any attempts to change this system have been met with stern and often unified opposition from elites of all stripes. And attempts to exert more regulatory control over the activities of the elites are smothered before they begin. It is little surprise then that the country offers criminals, large and small, one of the most propitious environments from which to work. On one side, an ineffective justice system and corrupt security forces, long exploited by these elites, opens the way for large criminal groups to operate with impunity. On the other side, an impoverished populace - which sees and understands exactly how elites abuse a broken system - seeks to get its share by working directly with criminals in the illegal and legal enterprises these criminals operate. Crime, as it turns out, is one of the few forms of social mobility. It is within this gray area that the elites themselves also interact with organized crime. Far from being distant from illegal activities, the elites have long operated in this realm. From dealing in contraband goods and services to buying permission for their illegal dealings and "get-out-of-jail-free cards," those who do politics or business in Honduras understand that the laws governing the nation of eight million people are but a means to make money. Their connection to the underworld therefore is about societal, commercial and political interactions in the multiple spaces where business and politics happen in Honduras. The result is an organic relationship with organized crime that helps some elites reach the top and others stay there.

Details: InsightCrime.org, 2016.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 2, 2016 at: http://www.insightcrime.org/images/PDFs/2016/Honduras_Elites_Organized_Crime

Year: 2016

Country: Honduras

URL: http://www.insightcrime.org/images/PDFs/2016/Honduras_Elites_Organized_Crime

Shelf Number: 140111

Contraband Boods
Organized Crime
Political Corruption
Violent Crime

Author: Hughes, Caitlin

Title: Trafficking in Multiple Commodities: Exposing Australia's poly-drug and poly-criminal networks

Summary: International law enforcement agencies have increasingly pointed to an apparent rise in poly-drug traffickers: high level drug traffickers who choose to trade in multiple illicit drugs. This project provided the first detailed examination of poly-drug and poly-crime trafficking in Australia. It used three different types of Australian Federal Police data (border seizures, cases and linked-cases) and court sentencing data to estimate the scale of and trends in poly-drug commercial importation at the Australian border from 1999-2012; generate and compare criminal profiles of 20 poly-drug and 20 mono-drug traffickers; and conduct social network analysis of three Australian poly-drug networks. The analysis showed that over the 14 year period, from 1999 to 2012, between 5% and 35% of commercial importations at the Australian border involved poly-drug trafficking. Poly-drug trafficking occurred in almost every year of analysis: and increased only slightly over time. Finally, poly-drug traffickers were associated with more serious and potentially harmful behaviour. For example, compared to mono-drug traffickers, poly-drug traffickers were associated with larger quantities of drug seized, larger networks, longer periods of operation, and greater involvement in other types of serious crime. The project concluded that some fears about poly-drug traffickers may have been overstated particularly about the inherent escalation of this form of trafficking, but that poly-drug traffickers are likely to pose added risks to governments and law enforcement than mono-drug traffickers. Two key implications are that first, poly-drug traffickers warrant increased attention in Australia; and second, regulatory or law enforcement responses aimed at one drug may increase the problems associated with another drug. This demands a new way of thinking about Australian illicit drug markets that can better respond to drug traffickers operating in an inter-connected marketplace.

Details: Canberra: National Drug Law Enforcement Research Fund, 2016. 133p.

Source: Internet Resource: Monograph Series No. 62: Accessed September 2, 2016 at: http://www.ndlerf.gov.au/sites/default/files/publication-documents/monographs/monograph-62.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Australia

URL: http://www.ndlerf.gov.au/sites/default/files/publication-documents/monographs/monograph-62.pdf

Shelf Number: 140130

Criminal Networks
Drug Markets
Drug Trafficking
Illicit Drugs
Organized Crime

Author: Antigone

Title: Organized Crime and Juvenile Crime in Greek Society: a depiction of the reality

Summary: The present paper has been prepared in autumn 2015 by "ANTIGONE - Information and Documentation Centre on Racism, Ecology, Peace and NonViolence" ( www.antigone.gr ) in the framework of the project "Waves of Citizenship, Waves of Legality" that is being funded by the Europe for citizens Programme of the European Union. This national research provides a general overview of two major issues in Greece: Organized crime and juvenile crime. In this regard, the presented information in this paper serves as a case study for Greece while containing both quantitative information (in terms of statistics on organized crime and juvenile crime) as well as qualitative information (in terms of interviews with key witnesses), together with some information on the Greek legal framework concerning these two aspects. Our report firstly presents statistical information about the current situation and continues with the countermeasures both taken by the Greek state through its legal system as well as at a grassroots level by NGOs. Furthermore, it examines what should be done from now on, on the part of public authorities and institutions in order to address both organized crime and juvenile crime more effectively. The aim of this survey is to identify detailed information about the current situation of juvenile and organized crime in Greece. Among them one can find data about: 1. the present reality of organized and juvenile crime in Greece including the socio-cultural backgrounds of young offenders, 2. the current legal position on organized and juvenile crime, 3. national and local programs and networks, which foster active citizenship and prevent and fight against organized and juvenile crime Although the initial aim was, through the present report, to try to establish a link between organized and juvenile crime in order to identify whether and how these two influence each other, however, all information gathered have not given crucial data in order to answer to questions such as: is there a higher rate of juvenile crime in geographical regions where organized crime is practiced? Which are the direct and indirect impacts of organized crime on youth? Which types of organized crime involve especially young people? As a result, the link between organized and juvenile crime has remained unclear and may be the subject of future researches.

Details: Thessaloniki, Greece: Antigone, 2015. 34p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 3, 2016 at: http://www.antigone.gr/files/projects/waves/Waves_Research%20paper_ANTIGONE_FINAL_20_11_2015.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Greece

URL: http://www.antigone.gr/files/projects/waves/Waves_Research%20paper_ANTIGONE_FINAL_20_11_2015.pdf

Shelf Number: 140153

Juvenile Crime
Juvenile Offenders
Organized Crime

Author: Duijn, Paul A.C.

Title: The Relative Ineffectiveness of Criminal Network Disruption

Summary: Researchers, policymakers and law enforcement agencies across the globe struggle to find effective strategies to control criminal networks. The effectiveness of disruption strategies is known to depend on both network topology and network resilience. However, as these criminal networks operate in secrecy, data-driven knowledge concerning the effectiveness of different criminal network disruption strategies is very limited. By combining computational modeling and social network analysis with unique criminal network intelligence data from the Dutch Police, we discovered, in contrast to common belief, that criminal networks might even become 'stronger', after targeted attacks. On the other hand increased efficiency within criminal networks decreases its internal security, thus offering opportunities for law enforcement agencies to target these networks more deliberately. Our results emphasize the importance of criminal network interventions at an early stage, before the network gets a chance to (re-)organize to maximum resilience. In the end disruption strategies force criminal networks to become more exposed, which causes successful network disruption to become a long-term effort.

Details: Sci. Rep. 4, 4238; DOI:10.1038/srep04238 2014. 15p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 6, 2016 at: http://www.nature.com/articles/srep04238?WT.ec_id=SREP-704-20140304

Year: 2014

Country: Netherlands

URL: http://www.nature.com/articles/srep04238?WT.ec_id=SREP-704-20140304

Shelf Number: 140167

Criminal Networks
Organized Crime
Social Network Analysis

Author: World Economic Forum

Title: State of the Illicit Economy: Briefing Papers

Summary: While the state of the global economy continues to fluctuate, its illegitimate counterpart, the illicit economy, has seen unprecedented growth. As such, it has etched its way into all aspects of society, and is cause for serious global concern. From healthcare to infrastructure to the arts, the illicit economy does not affect just one aspect of society, but all of them: business, government, civil society and individuals. It is a disruptor of social order to the greatest extent. A call to action must be made. The illicit economy is formed from the proceeds of illicit trade which is, in turn, largely rooted in organized crime. Whether it is human trafficking, arms trafficking, the illegal wildlife trade, counterfeiting or money laundering, these activities are incredibly lucrative and fuel the magnitude of the illicit economy. Our Global Agenda Council on Illicit Trade 2012-2014 estimated the shadow economy to be worth $650 billion. More current research projects that the cost to the global economy of counterfeiting alone could reach USD 1.77 Trillion in 2015. With technological advancements and the international nature of trade in the world today, this value is expected to continue to rise. Illicit trade operates on a vast scale and unprecedented pace, making it increasingly challenging to tackle. There are multiple initiatives and organizations, as well as public and private initiatives, dedicated to combating one or several aspects of illicit trade, but this is not a fight that can be won unilaterally. To achieve success, a global and multidisciplinary approach is needed in which the knowledge, expertise and experiences of various actors can be tapped into and shared. As an international institute for public-private partnership, the World Economic Forum provides a neutral platform for parties to come together and discuss the issue of illicit trade. The aim is to foster structured dialogue between business, civil society and government so that common methods and solutions of tackling this trade can be found. Through multidisciplinary cooperation and joint action, results can be achieved. We can disrupt the proliferation of illicit trade, whether it is by simply raising awareness of the problem within affected communities, or by finding ways of detecting and preventing crimes that contribute to ruining the economy. The World Economic Forum's Meta-Council on the Illicit Economy aims to take this principle of public-private cooperation forward. By engaging leading experts in the field, the Meta-Council will try to find viable multi-stakeholder solutions to limiting this criminal activity. This paper on the State of the Illicit Economy is the first step in the process. It sets out the parameters within which illicit trade operates, the contributing factors to illicit trade, the role that various societal sectors can play in the fight against it, and the types of solutions needed to combat it.

Details: Geneva, SWIT: World Economic Forum, 2015. 20p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 8, 2016 at: http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_State_of_the_Illicit_Economy_2015_2.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: International

URL: http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_State_of_the_Illicit_Economy_2015_2.pdf

Shelf Number: 140237

Human Trafficking
Illegal Trade
Illicit Mining
Illicit Trade
Organized Crime

Author: Tuan Do, Anh

Title: Measuring the effectiveness of the enforcement of organised wildlife trade crime : a comparative assessment between Vietnam and England and Wales

Summary: In recent decades, the public has become increasingly aware that the many beautiful and varied forms of endangered wildlife species are an irreplaceable part of the natural system of the earth that must be protected for this and the next generations to come. Today, this is of more concern than ever because of the rapid rate of wildlife extinction around 27 thousand wildlife species being disappeared yearly. At this rate, one third to two thirds of all wildlife species are expected to be lost during the second half of the present century which would be equal to the total past extinctions. Meanwhile, there is much evidence to affirm that, next to habitat destruction, illegal trade offers the greatest threat to world's rarest wildlife species. Each year, about 350 million wildlife species of fauna and flora are traded on average, irrespective of international law enforcement efforts. Vietnam and England and Wales are CITES country members, both have made a lot of attempts to protect endangered wildlife species, laws relating to crime and also powers provided to law enforcement agencies have been made however they are still in danger and need both countries to do more.

Details: Bristol, UK: Bristol law School, University of the West of England, 2010. 420p.

Source: Internet Resource: Dissertation: Accessed September 8, 2016 at: http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.525193

Year: 2010

Country: International

URL: http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.525193

Shelf Number: 140241

Illegal Wildlife Trade
Organized Crime
Wildlife Crime
Wildlife Law Enforcement

Author: InSight Crime

Title: Game Changers: Tracking the Evolution of Organized Crime in the Americas: 2015.

Summary: Welcome to InSight Crime's Game Changers 2015, where we highlight the year's most important trends in organized crime in Latin America and the Caribbean. This year saw some potentially game changing developments related to government corruption, organized crime, and rising pressure to alter alliances between members of the state and criminal groups. It also saw important shifts in the criminal world, in particular related to street gangs and the realignment of large criminal enterprises. From Mexico to Brazil and numerous places in between, officials came under fire for establishing mafia-like schemes that defrauded their citizens and ensured impunity for government officials connected to criminal groups. The long-term results of the widespread outcry from multilateral bodies, non-governmental organizations, private sector, political organizations, and religious and civic groups designed to disrupt these criminal networks are not yet clear, but the short-term impact has been profound. In August, Guatemala's President Otto Perez Molina resigned. This came just three months after Guatemala's Vice President Roxana Baldetti resigned. The two were accused of running a massive customs fraud scheme, which has been a mainstay of a criminal network run by current and ex-military officials for decades. Perez and Baldetti's departures came after the United Nations-backed International Commission Against Impunity in Guatemala (Comision Internacional Contra la Impunidad en Guatemala - CICIG), working with the Attorney General's Office, began revealing a spate of corruption cases. These investigations touched the highest levels of congress, as well as government purveyors such as the social security institute and mayors' offices. All of these had set up criminal networks to embezzle money from the government coffers. The public outcry that followed hastened the officials' departures. In Mexico, the power and popularity of President Enrique Pena Nieto's government has eroded in large part due to its handling of several major security crises, some of which spilled over from 2014. These events include the disappearance and likely murder of 43 students at the hands of a criminal group with deep ties to the local government and police; the apparent massacre of at least 22 suspected criminals by the Mexican army; and the dramatic escape of Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman from a high security prison in June. Outside investigators from the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) pilloried Mexico's Attorney General's Office for the numerous gaps, inconsistencies, and improbable explanations about what happened to the student teachers. In October, the government's own Human Rights Commission confirmed that the army extra-judicially executed at least 15 of the 22 suspected criminals in the so-called Tlatlaya massacre. And in September, the government arrested 13 officials - including the former head of the prison system - for allegedly assisting Guzman's flight to freedom via a one kilometer tunnel that ran from underneath the shower in his jail cell to a small farmhouse.

Details: s.l.: InSight Crime, 2015. 162p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 10, 2016 at: http://www.insightcrime.org/images/PDFs/2015/GameChangers2015.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: South America

URL: http://www.insightcrime.org/images/PDFs/2015/GameChangers2015.pdf

Shelf Number: 140254

Criminal Networks
Drug Trafficking (South America)
Organized Crime
Street Gangs

Author: Liang, Christina Schori

Title: The Criminal-Jihadist: Insights into Modern Terrorist Financing

Summary: Terrorism is proving to be an enduring global security threat. Since the late 1990s terrorist groups have become more lethal, networked, and technologically savvy. The world is currently dealing with two global terrorist groups - al-Qaeda and IS - that have recruited affiliates across the globe. In 2014 the lives lost due to terrorism around the world increased by 80 per cent compared to the previous year. Several terrorist groups currently have the ability to control land and hold entire cities hostage. The growing power of terrorist groups is linked to their ability to generate revenue from numerous criminal activities with almost complete impunity. Without funding, terrorist groups can neither function nor carry out attacks. To strip terrorists of their power, world leaders and the international community must work together to combat related crime and to implement and enforce global mechanisms for preventing terrorist financing. This paper provides a snapshot of how modern terrorist groups finance their organisations and operations. It will identify the key issues that are driving the growing nexus of terrorism and organised crime. The paper will also explore the various working relationships between terrorist and criminal groups, outlining under what conditions and to what extent they cooperate. This will help to identify existing and potentially new countermeasures to dry up terrorist funding, and to dismantle and destroy terrorist-criminal networks in the future.

Details: Geneva: Geneva Centre for Security Policy, 2016. 12p.

Source: Internet Resource: Strategic Security Analysis, no. 10: Accessed September 14, 2016 at: http://www.gcsp.ch/News-Knowledge/Publications/The-Criminal-Jihadist-Insights-into-Modern-Terrorist-Financing

Year: 2016

Country: International

URL: http://www.gcsp.ch/News-Knowledge/Publications/The-Criminal-Jihadist-Insights-into-Modern-Terrorist-Financing

Shelf Number: 147742

Criminal Networks
Organized Crime
Terrorist Financing

Author: Forest Trends

Title: European Trade Flows and Risk

Summary: Illegal logging, as defined in the EU Timber Regulation (EUTR), is the harvesting of timber in contravention of the laws and regulations of the country of harvest. Illegal logging is a global epidemic with significant negative economic, environmental and social impacts. Recent studies indicate that illegal logging accounts for 50-90 percent of the volume of all timber production in key producer tropical countries in the Amazon Basin, Central Africa, and Southeast Asia, and 15-30 per cent globally. In economic terms illegal logging results in lost revenues from taxes and other duties that could be used by producer countries for sustainable development purposes and other benefits. In environmental terms illegal logging is associated with deforestation, water pollution, spread of disease, climate change and a loss of biodiversity due to habitat destruction. In social terms illegal logging can be linked to conflicts over land and other resources, the disempowerment of local and indigenous communities, the loss of lives and livelihoods, human rights violations, corruption, and armed conflicts. Illegal logging also undermines international security, supports organized crime and money laundering activities, and leads to unfair competition in the marketplace that negatively impacts the sincere efforts of responsible operators in Europe and other regions of the world to comply with the law.

Details: Washington, DC: Forest Friends, 2013. 28p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 17, 2016 at: http://forest-trends.org/documents/files/doc_4085.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Europe

URL: http://forest-trends.org/documents/files/doc_4085.pdf

Shelf Number: 140329

Illegal Logging
Money Laundering
Natural Resources
Offenses Against the Environment
Organized Crime

Author: InSight Crime

Title: Guatemala Elites and Organized Crime

Summary: Guatemala is Central America's most populous country and its largest economy. But an intransigent elite, an ambitious military and a weak state has opened the way for organized crime to flourish, especially since the return of democracy. During three decades of democratic rule since 1985, the longest such period in Guatemala's history, economic elites have sought to gain hegemonic control. In doing so they have tried to exercise power that is not sustained by military force, but rather by legitimacy and consensus, at least among the diverse group of elites who share power. Historically, there were two prominent power actors: ideologically conservative businessmen and high-ranking military officials from the middle classes who derived their influence by maintaining the army as an institution of social and political control. The political parties distinguished themselves between those that mobilized the social base to gain power and those who opposed them while at a disadvantage and under persecution. In contrast, almost all popular movements were opposed to the power groups, or openly challenged the established political system. Some of these popular movements eventually formed the core of insurgent groups which fought with the state between 1960 and 1996 in a brutal civil war that left more than 200,000 dead and 70,000 disappeared. Throughout, elites have remained central actors in Guatemalan politics, as their economic power is based on their influence within political circles. They employ diverse mechanisms -- formal and informal -- to influence public policy. They can differ in their interests, values and functions, and operate on an unequal plane of power relations, being simultaneously in conflict with and dependent on society. These actors exercise autonomy and can formulate as well as carry out projects at the local and national level.

Details: InsightCrime.org, 2016. 112p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 19, 2016 at: http://www.insightcrime.org/images/PDFs/2016/Guatemala_Elites_Organized_Crime

Year: 2016

Country: Guatemala

URL: http://www.insightcrime.org/images/PDFs/2016/Guatemala_Elites_Organized_Crime

Shelf Number: 140351

Criminal Networks
Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime
Political Corruption

Author: Marston, Jerome Francis

Title: Parallel Power: Challengers to the Democratic Rule of Law in Rio de Janeiro Brazil from 2000 to 2010

Summary: his thesis seeks to explore how drug cartels achieved de facto sovereign control over the favelas of Rio de Janeiro between 2000 and 2010, effectively preventing the Brazilian state from guaranteeing the rule of law uniformly throughout national territory. It also investigates the extent to which Brazilian citizens have suffered human rights abuses as a result. Drawing on both primary and secondary evidence, I argue that drug cartels gained sovereignty over these enclaves as a combined result of state weakness and cartel strength. The Brazilian state forfeited these territories a century ago, because it was infrastructurally weak to such an extent that it was unable to systematically penetrate them in order to monopolize violence, enforce laws, and provide public services. The cartels, in turn, exploited the favelas as ideal locations for the transport, repackaging, and sale of drugs. Benefiting from the profits of illicit activities, the gangs transformed into well-armed, bellicose organizations that maintained authority over the communities by performing state-like duties. In due course, organized crime amassed sufficient control over the favelas to thwart most state encroachments. Examining the exceptions, I found that the limited police encroachments were largely rights abusive - save those made by the Pacifying Police Units. State weakness and cartel strength have disjointed the rule of law and undermined democracy in Brazil.

Details: Boston: Boston College, 2013. 106p.

Source: Internet Resource: Thesis: Accessed September 20, 2016 at: http://dlib.bc.edu/islandora/object/bc-ir:101598

Year: 2013

Country: Brazil

URL: http://dlib.bc.edu/islandora/object/bc-ir:101598

Shelf Number: 140372

Organized Crime
Rule of Law

Author: Leuprecht, Christian

Title: Smoking Gun: Strategic Containment of Contraband Tobacco and Cigarette Trafficking in Canada

Summary: anadians think of contraband tobacco and cigarettes as a nuisance at best, or a tax-revenue problem at worst, not in terms of organized crime or terrorism. This authoritative study of the size, scope, and operations of contraband tobacco and cigarettes in Canada reveals this to be a false dichotomy. Canadian law enforcement seizures of contraband tobacco routinely include high-powered weapons, hard and designer drugs, stolen vehicles and other merchandise, and lots of cash. Indeed the week this report was released, police in Quebec carried out 70 raids and made 60 arrests against an international criminal network involved in drug and contraband tobacco trafficking, and money laundering, in the largest anti-contraband operation to date. Contraband tobacco is lucrative, it is produced and trafficked systematically alongside other illicit goods, and Canadian crime syndicates are heavily invested in its proceeds. Globally, money from contraband tobacco and cigarettes is a major source of revenue for the likes of ISIS, al-Qaeda, and Hezbollah, whose contraband fundraising activities in North America have been subject to indictments. Producers and traffickers of contraband prey on the most vulnerable population groups in Canadian society. They brazenly flaunt restrictions on procurement, manufacturing, packaging, promotion, and sale of tobacco and cigarettes. Their ranks count hardened Mafioso and notorious criminal bikers who exploit Native communities. Tobacco farmers divert crops to the illicit market; some cooperate to reap higher profits, some uncooperative ones are coerced or have their tobacco stolen. Compared to illicit drugs, materials and manufacture are readily accessible, and the market for contraband tobacco and cigarettes is huge, highly profitable and easy to reach. The loss factor is minimal because chances of detection are small, penalties lenient (if any are imposed at all), and social stigma less than for alternative illicit activities. Canada's contraband market in tobacco and cigarettes is estimated at more than $1.3 billion, which rivals the narcotics market. In Ontario alone, the illicit cigarette market is roughly $500 million annually and forgone tax revenue between $1.6 billion and $3 billion. Enforcement is hampered by entangled jurisdictional issues, collective action problems within and across jurisdictions, scarce enforcement resources, legislative gaps, and, it seems, lack of a comprehensive plan, let alone strategy. There has been some institutional learning, and worthwhile innovations at different jurisdictional levels - federal, provincial, and First Nations. This study explores and compares some of these innovations to forge a comprehensive approach to contraband tobacco and cigarettes. Although law enforcement has a role to play, like so much other criminal activity, we are clearly not going to arrest our way out of this problem. Ultimately, a comprehensive strategy needs to change the incentive structures in place on both the demand and supply sides, optimize legislative and regulatory frameworks, and improve inter-agency and inter-jurisdictional coordination. Key recommendations include: Revenue sharing with First Nations The collection and administration of an excise tax by First Nations governments promises a sustained stream of revenue for community development and infrastructure projects and a significant incentive to reduce tax evasion in cigarette sales to non-Natives. In return for greater fiscal autonomy, sales to ineligible customers would be curbed by reducing the quota allocation to First Nations. Halting diversion from legitimate growers in Ontario Ontario is the only Canadian jurisdiction where tobacco is grown. Although the transition from the Ontario Flue-Cured Tobacco Growers' Marketing Board to the Ontario Ministry of Finance has tightened monitoring and enforcement of raw leaf tobacco, three changes will hamper the ability to investigate and interrupt diversion of tobacco to illicit markets: once harvested, growers no longer need to identify the source and the final destination of raw leaf; labelling information that tracks baled raw leaf tobacco is no longer required; and reporting frequency has been loosened from weekly to quarterly. Criminalizing the unlicensed growth, sale, purchase, and/or transport of raw leaf would acknowledge the serious consequences of diverted raw leaf and empower police to reinforce the licensing regime. Federal coordination and a Tobacco Ombudsman C-10 opens the opportunity for the federal government to facilitate coordination of a unified taxation structure for tobacco and cigarettes for all Canadian peoples, across provinces and reserves. This authority could be administered and enforced by a Canadian Tobacco Ombudsman under the aegis of the Minister of Public Safety. An ombudsman could improve coordination and communication among law enforcement agencies and between law enforcement and other regulatory bodies. Enforcement: Lessons learned Ontario recently announced a Contraband Tobacco Enforcement Team that stands to draw lessons from Quebec, where Project ACCES has proven quite successful over more than a decade. Moreover, it and its outcomes come at no additional cost to government. In fact, it more than pays for itself: by reaping fines and seizures, and realizing a growing tax base due to deterring contraband without a change in smoking rates, the project has seen a return of as much as 16 times the investment. Public awareness Consumers of contraband tobacco are blissfully unaware of their habit's connection with organized crime; greater awareness might stem consumption, especially if on-reserve manufacturers associated with organized crime are clearly distinguished from those who are not. Contraband has a more pervasive impact on the public safety of Canada, Canadians, and Canadian interests than terrorism has ever had. If Canadians only knew, they would demand that government act accordingly. Now they do. It is time to act to ensure the benefits of taxation accrue to all citizens instead of organized criminals and terrorists.

Details: Ottawa, ONT: Macdonald-Laurier Institute, 2016. 65p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 21, 2016 at: http://www.macdonaldlaurier.ca/files/pdf/MLILeuprechtContrabandPaper-03-16-WebReady.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Canada

URL: http://www.macdonaldlaurier.ca/files/pdf/MLILeuprechtContrabandPaper-03-16-WebReady.pdf

Shelf Number: 145611

Cigarette Smuggling
Contraband Goods
Contraband Tobacco
Illegal Cigarettes
Illegal Tobacco
Organized Crime
Tax Evasion

Author: Gill, Martin

Title: Retail Loss Prevention in Perspective

Summary: There is a new report out today which provides a view of the state of loss prevention from those who are in charge of it. Leading loss prevention managers have contributed to this report. It shows that while organised crime is perceived to be a more significant problem now than in the past, the aggravating factor appears to be a strong view that the police are ever more neglectful of retailers. This problem is stoked by other trends such as a tendency to have fewer staff available on the shop floor (and thus less oversight of it); the speed with which retailers make moves in the market to gain a competitive edge without the time to assess the loss/security implications; and the growing practice of opening stores in difficult geographical areas. Against this background, margins in retailing were generally seen to be tight and it was becoming increasingly more difficult to get support for spending on loss prevention measures, although there were some notable successes. Those interviewed generally (but not exclusively) felt they were doing a good job although for most there was room for improvement. Most felt they were supported by the Board but again there was often room for improvement here, and part of the difficulty was that loss prevention was typically distanced from the Board. Moreover, while most were judged at least in part (although often in large part) on loss figures it was noted that this was not something over which they had complete control. Resources were seen as tight and this was sometimes a limitation interviewees said they had to work within. It was seen as difficult to compare performance because figures on shrink were deemed unreliable; it certainly complicated comparisons. Some retailers are moving to 'Total Loss', and this is creating a slight change in focus. Guards were seen to have a use in responding to problems and in providing a visible deterrent but some pointed to lower losses even when guards were taken out of stores. Likewise CCTV was sometimes seen as an essential part of a strategy but others pointed to out of date technology and cameras not being used to their full potential even when present. EAS was sometimes seen as effective against opportunists in particular but also as a poor relation to RFID although for the most part the jury was out on this when assessed in terms of theft prevention rather than stock management. In short, all security measures were seen as good by some and not by others. That said, the favoured crime prevention tool was most often staff; offering both a visible presence and an opportunity to prevent thefts and intervene when necessary. Going forward there is likely to be a greater use of data and linking different databases to inform loss prevention approaches. There were mixed views of both civil recovery schemes and the usefulness of crime partnerships. It was not so much that when done well they were not both praised, they were. Rather it was the case that often practice did not match the potential to influence loss reduction. This was the cause of some anxiety and highlights areas where there are opportunities for improvement. Those working in loss prevention claimed to generate ideas and insights from each other, and there was willingness to work with others potentially pooling resources where appropriate, to improve the loss prevention lot. While some lamented that loss prevention has not raised its game sufficiently others saw potential via greater use of data and intelligence, better use of technologies, more effective engagement from front line staff and via - in certain circumstances - sharing resources to increase their future impact.

Details: Tunbridge Wells, UK: Perpetuity Research & Consultancy International, 2016. 45p.

Source: Available at the Rutgers Criminal Justice Library

Year: 2016

Country: International


Shelf Number: 145577

Crime Prevention
Crimes Against Businesses
Loss Prevention
Organized Crime
Retail Theft

Author: Zhilla, Fabian

Title: Organised crime risk assessment in Albania: Executive summary

Summary: This study focuses on the organised crime activities in Albania, as well as those conducted by Albanian criminal networks in the region and beyond. The study analyses organised crime activities such as trafficking in persons, illicit drugs and arms, smuggling of migrants, extortion, contract killings, organised cybercrime and money laundering. In some cases, so as to be able to clearly identify them, comparisons were made between various criminal activities and groups, despite the difficulties encountered with resources and the method applied. Various sources are used (both primary and secondary), including national official reports, and European and international agencies fighting organised crime. In addition, 44 interviews were conducted with experts that have a direct or indirect relation with the fight against organised crime, for instance, serious crime judges, prosecutors, lawyers, investigative journalists, civil society representatives and experts of organised cyber-crime. The total duration of recorded interviews is 24 hours and 12 minutes. Our findings and the opinions of the interviewees suggest that the elements that have stimulated organised crime in the country are of a social, economic and political nature: - Transition from a totalitarian regime with a stringent policy on crime, to a fragile democracy with weak and unconsolidated institutions, and staff without sufficient education and/or experience; - Chaotic situation post-1997 with the collapse of the pyramid schemes; - Institutions that are subject to reform, with staff turnover due to changes in government; - Lack of institutional independence, and endemic corruption in the police and law-enforcement agencies; - Albania's favourable geographical position - with drug-producing and supplier countries such as Afghanistan and Turkey in the East, and high-consumption countries in the West; - International nature of organised crime and the impact of globalisation; - Lack of political stability in the country for more than two decades; - Weak economy with high levels of unemployment and insufficient earnings per capita (one of the lowest in the continent); - Dismantling of social structures, adversely affecting the family as the nucleus; - Continuous immigration waves, importing experiences and criminal connections obtained abroad; - Support from members of the Albanian diaspora; - Conflicts in the region, with 'golden opportunities' to obtain money from the trafficking of arms, smuggling activities, etc; - Use of technology and advanced communication tools

Details: Tirana, Albania: Open Society Foundation for Albania, 2016. 16p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 22, 2016 at: https://www.osfa.al/sites/default/files/press_permbledhje_english_0.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Albania

URL: https://www.osfa.al/sites/default/files/press_permbledhje_english_0.pdf

Shelf Number: 140410

Drug Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Money Laundering
Organized Crime

Author: Korthuis, Aaron

Title: The Central America Regional Security Initiative in Honduras

Summary: In November 2013, Hondurans headed to the election polls for a second time since the 2009 coup d'etat that destabilized the country and left unchecked a problem that the country has long failed to address: violence and organized crime. According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime's (UNODC) latest homicide report, Honduras continues to struggle with the highest homicide rate in the world. The seriousness of the security situation has provoked travel warnings from the U.S. Department of State and infamy in the international press tied to the violence experienced in Honduran cities and the abuses perpetuated by state security forces. Over the past decade, drug trafficking through the country has surged, making it the "favoured northbound route for cocaine from South America" for many years. Given the country's historically weak law enforcement institutions, persistent problems with corruption, and poverty, as well as a continued U.S. appetite for cocaine, these problems are hardly a novelty - and present grave problems for the country's leaders. Unsurprisingly then, this problem was consistently featured in the leading presidential candidates' discourse and public debate, and was undoubtedly a major factor in the final outcome. National Party candidate and eventual victor, Juan Orlando Hernandez, called for a heavy-handed approach to security that relied on a newly created military police, while LIBRE candidate Xiomara Castr's voice resounded on public airwaves calling for Honduran soldiers to return to their barracks and their traditional role. These starkly divergent views stem from a Honduran population tired of years of violence, organized criminal activity, declining security, and increasingly accustomed to the military's involvement in traditional policing. Alarmingly, only 27 percent of Hondurans expressed any confidence in the civilian police in August 2013, while 73 percent disagreed with the idea that the military should remain in the barracks (and by extension, presumably refrain from involvement in policing efforts). Efforts to address burgeoning organized crime and violence and instigate reform of Honduras' security and justice institutions have consumed the country over the past few years and feature prominently in President Hernndezs plans. Yet, at best, these efforts have produced mixed results, and at worst have resulted in a depressingly stagnant landscape. The United States, through the Central America Regional Security Initiative (CARSI), seeks to strengthen and improve Honduran initiatives through law enforcement cooperation, capacity building, and prevention programs. These programs persist amidst Honduras' difficult political environment and staggering problems, and success remains isolated, although hope remains that reform may finally gain momentum.

Details: Washington, DC: Wilson Center, Latin American Program, 2014. 61p.

Source: Internet Resource: Working Paper: Accessed September 22, 2016 at: https://www.wilsoncenter.org/sites/default/files/CARSI%20in%20Honduras.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Honduras

URL: https://www.wilsoncenter.org/sites/default/files/CARSI%20in%20Honduras.pdf

Shelf Number: 144861

Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime
Violent Crime

Author: Phillips, Nicholas

Title: CARSI In Guatemala: Progress, Failure, and Uncertainty

Summary: To the extent that the Central America Regional Security Initiative (CARSI) is a coherent policy, Guatemala is its centerpiece. This land of sultry jungles, volcanic highlands and buzzing cities boasts a population of nearly 16 million-the largest on the isthmus, with roughly 39 percent self-identifying as indigenous. During the first five years of CARSI, no country in Central America received more of the initiative's funds, or was allocated more non-CARSI security aid. Thus it would appear that the U.S. Congress is aware of Guatemala's problems: its weak institutions, drug smuggling, violence, gangs, poverty, inequality, impunity, corruption, and malnutrition. We may now add to this list the recent swell of Guatemalan youth who abandoned their homeland and were caught crossing illegally and unaccompanied onto American soil. But is CARSI a catalyst for adequate solutions? In some ways, yes. In others, no. And in some areas, it is hard to say for lack of performance evaluations. CARSI funds have bolstered the criminal courts and the police's anti-gang unit, for example, but have failed to produce an exemplary police precinct or eradicate poppy farms. Furthermore, some crime prevention efforts bankrolled by CARSI have never been audited, so their effectiveness is not clear. This chapter will shed some light on CARSI's successes, challenges, and unknowns in Guatemala.

Details: Washington, DC: Wilson Center, Latin American Program, 2014. 53p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 22, 2016 at: https://www.wilsoncenter.org/sites/default/files/CARSI%20in%20Guatemala_1.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Guatemala

URL: https://www.wilsoncenter.org/sites/default/files/CARSI%20in%20Guatemala_1.pdf

Shelf Number: 144860

Criminal Courts
Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime
Violent Crime

Author: Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime

Title: Protecting Politics: Deterring the Influence of Organized Crime on Local Democracy

Summary: Local democracy encompasses formal and informal sub-national institutions that respond to citizens' needs. At the centre of local democratic practice are open governments, which provide people with space to promote participation, deliberation and a focus on public interests. However, local state fragility undermines democracy. Organized crime increasingly exploits such weaknesses in order to protect its illicit businesses, as political corruption is an ideal avenue preferred by organized criminal groups. This report examines the interlinkages between organized crime networks and political actors at the local level. It also analyses policy responses (particularly decentralization policies) that haveintentionally or unintentionally- enabled or prevented organized crime engagement in political corruption at the local level. Case studies from Afghanistan, Colombia and Niger illustrate how illicit networks relate to local levels of government and decentralization processes.

Details: Stockholm, Sweden: International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance; Geneva, SWIT: Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime, 2016. 71p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 26, 2016 at: http://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/protecting-politics-deterring-the-influence-of-organized-crime-on-local-democracy-pdf.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: International

URL: http://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/protecting-politics-deterring-the-influence-of-organized-crime-on-local-democracy-pdf.pdf

Shelf Number: 140460

Criminal Networks
Drug Cartels
Illicit networks
Organized Crime

Author: Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime

Title: Protecting Politics: Deterring the Influence of Organized Crime on Public Service Delivery

Summary: Public service delivery is one of the main tasks citizens expect from their governments. Democracy is a political system that should improve service delivery as it offers the building blocks for equitable resource distribution and sustainable development. Indeed, in the frameworks of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the democratic principles of transparency and accountability play a key role in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. However, in many contexts, public service delivery is fraught with corrupt practices, leading to less accountable and less effective public services that are not adequately reaching those they are intended to serve. Particularly in fragile and conflict affected states, corrupt practices can sometimes be linked to organized crime. These illicit groups and networks increasingly form parallel structures that compete with the state to provide services, either in open conflict with the state, or sometimes working with the explicit or tacit agreement of the authorities. In other cases, however, organized crime does not become a service provider but instead hinders the state's provision of services by leeching off state resources through corruption in public contracts. In all of these cases, organized crime perpetuates poverty and inequality, while threatening economic growth and, by extension, democracy itself. Furthermore, organized crime challenges the state's legitimacy by profiling itself as a viable provider of services to the population, while the state's capacity to provide services is undermined. Citizens are consequently left with hollow democratic state institutions that are not capable of delivering better lives for them. Growing discontent with politics, as reflected in a number of public perceptions surveys and massive protests around the world, are important wake-up calls to implement serious strategies to prevent and mitigate political corruption linked to organized crime. The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) and the Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime (GI) are therefore committed to supporting countries around the world in addressing the threat that organized crime poses to their democracies. Understanding how organized crime challenges the state's legitimacy as public service provider is therefore one important contribution to these efforts. That is why, in 2011, International IDEA launched the Protecting Politics project, conducting research and providing policy support to tackle the nexus between organized crime and political actors. Most importantly, in 2015 International IDEA joined forces with GI to explore the linkages between organized crime and public service delivery. This report summarizes these findings, drawing on case studies from Afghanistan, Colombia and Somalia to analyse in detail how organized crime has become a viable service provider in some localities in these countries, and how it has captured legitimacy from the state in the process. This report complements three other papers that examine how organized crime affects political parties, elections and local democracy, respectively. Together, these four reports provide a unique and detailed overview of democratic systems' capacity to deal with complex security threats such as organized crime.

Details: Stockholm, Sweden: International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance; Geneva, SWIT: Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime, 2016. 65p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 26, 2016 at: http://www.idea.int/publications/protecting-politics-organized-crime-public-service-delivery/loader.cfm?csModule=security/getfile&pageID=80689

Year: 2016

Country: International

URL: http://www.idea.int/publications/protecting-politics-organized-crime-public-service-delivery/loader.cfm?csModule=security/getfile&pageID=80689

Shelf Number: 140461

Criminal Networks
Drug Cartels
Illicit networks
Organized Crime

Author: Briscoe, Ivan

Title: Illicit Networks and Politics in Latin America

Summary: Organized criminal networks are global phenomena that distort local and global economic markets, bring violence and blur the role of the state in providing basic services, all in the interest of increasing their wealth. The main weapon used by such networks is corruption - of politicians and of many of the state apparatuses in the countries in which they operate. This undermines the basic principles of democracy and puts the state at the mercy of illicit economic interests. This is a global challenge. Latin America has particularly suffered from these issues for a number of reasons. The strong presence of illicit networks dedicated to illegal mining, the trafficking of exotic species, arms trafficking and, in particular, the production and sale of illegal drugs such as cocaine has created a massive inflow of illicit money. Together with the high cost of political activity in the region and difficulties in controlling political contributions, this has allowed organized crime to penetrate the political landscape. However, efforts made in different Latin American countries to confront these networks have seen significant achievements. There is a wealth of positive and negative experience on how these problems can be confronted that will be useful for countries in the same region and on other continents. This book focuses on experiences in Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras and Peru. The authors draw on research that illustrates how relationships are forged between criminals and politicians. They identify numerous mechanisms for tackling these relations, and discuss both the achievements and the challenges concerning their practical application.

Details: The Hague: Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy (NIMD) and Netherlands Institute of International Relations (Clingendael), 2014. 305p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 26, 2016 at: http://www.idea.int/publications/illicit-networks-and-politics-in-latin-america/en.cfm

Year: 2014

Country: Latin America

URL: http://www.idea.int/publications/illicit-networks-and-politics-in-latin-america/en.cfm

Shelf Number: 140463

Criminal Networks
Drug Trafficking
Illegal Mining
Illicit Networks
Money Laundering
Organized Crime
Political Corruption
Wildlife Trafficking

Author: Kruijt, Dirk

Title: Drugs, Democracy and Security: The impact of organized crime on the political system of Latin America

Summary: This study is a comparative analysis about the impacts of organized crime - and specifically drugs related crime - on the Latin American and Caribbean political systems. According to the terms of reference, the focus of the study is on Mexico, Guatemala, Colombia and Bolivia. A first draft of this paper was presented at a conference organized by New York University (NYU), International IDEA, the Open Society Institute (OSI) and NIMD and held in Lima from 8 to 11 February 2011. While travelling and collecting data I added information about additional countries in order to facilitate a more general overview of the problem. During previous missions in 2010 I had also accumulated information about organized crime and drugs in Central America and the Andean countries. The result is that in this study comparative data are presented about the three major Andean coca-producing countries and the most affected Meso-American transition countries (namely, Mexico and the northern triangle of Central America). The seven countries analysed in this study have different profiles with respect to their internal stability; the level of crime related violence; the strength of political institutions, security apparatus and the judiciary; and the national policies with respect to coca cultivation, cocaine production and crime prevention. The effects on the political system, key institutions and political parties also differ by country. Colombia and Mexico are heavily affected by crime-related violence. One characteristic of these two countries is the fact that coca cultivation and cocaine production are strictly illegal and penalised. The prevailing strategy in both countries is a militarised countering strategy, with strong financial and intelligence support from the United States' government agencies. By contrast, Peru and Bolivia are substantially more tolerant with respect to the cocaleros, the generally poor peasants who cultivate coca. These two countries are less affected by crime-related violence. While the level of violence directly associated with coca cultivation and cocaine production is extremely high in Colombia, it is remarkably moderate in Peru, and considerably low in Bolivia. Contrary to the opinion of some participants in the debate about organized crime and the state, there are no failed states in Latin America, though areas exist where effective state control is not in place. Even in Colombia and Mexico the core regions and cities are relatively unaffected by the drug wars and the associated violence. In Central America, and in particular Guatemala, the security forces are on the defensive. In all countries the police are the weakest link in the cluster of institutions involved in countering strategies. In all countries the armed forces appear to be less infiltrated by crime. With the exception of Honduras, the armed forces in Latin American or Caribbean countries do not act as political players with ambitions of participating in the political arena. In Guatemala, the national government decided in the mid-2000s that its security institutions and judicial system were so frail and vulnerable that the country was in need of an international commission, the Comision Internacional Contra la Impunidad en Guatemala (CICIG) to supervise the functioning of these vital institutions. No other government has felt the need to request this sort of international assistance or supervision. I also maintain that theses about 'state capture' by organized crime are not based on strong empirical studies. In this study I make a comparison with the former guerrilla organizations and the counterinsurgency strategies that prevailed in Latin America between the 1960s and the late 1980s. Present countering strategies in the region have some resemblance to the more or less classical counterinsurgency strategy and tactics used during the anti-guerrilla campaigns, which were then generally designed and procured by military dictatorships. There are, of course, also fundamental differences: previously, guerrilla movements were 'politico-military' organizations whose ideologies were explicitly aimed at overthrowing dictatorships and establishing more democratic and socialist governments. The criminal organizations of the present day are 'economic-military' rather than 'politico-military' organizations, aiming not for the overthrow of the state but for an uninterrupted and easily obtained economic surplus. This is to be achieved through violence and corruption - either via the easy way (by corrupting authorities) or the hard way (by guns and gangs). Their strategy is to control territories or commercial corridors which act as leeways for production and trafficking and which guarantee uninterrupted profits. Their final objective is surplus, a 'good life' and their incorporation within elite segments of society and politics. Defining 'state capture' as a final objective tends to obscure the perverse effects of organized crime, including long-term corruption of key institutions of law and order and a semi-permanent state of impunity and immunity with respect to law enforcement. More specifically, we can identify four main effects: 1 Impunity has as a long-lasting effect in the form of the de-legitimisation of national security and the judicial and penitentiary system, an avalanche process in which political parties and social movements are also affected. 2 A second perverse effect is the phenomenon of the widespread infiltration, at the local and regional level, of political parties and political representatives. In Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala, Mexico and other countries the corruption and intimidation of 'tame' politicians has been ironically dubbed the system of 'para-politica' or 'para-politicos'. 3 A third perverse effect is the deteriorating reputation of local politicians. Populist presidents, from Menem in Argentina to Fujimori in Peru, have used the stereotype of easy-to-corrupt magistrates and politicians to launch themselves as the 'true defenders of the poor' against parliament and the courts. 4 A fourth perverse effect is the confusion between hard-core crime organizations, operating with military-like enforcers or paramilitary organizations, and the 'normal' but much more visible groupings of criminal youth gangs or maras in Central America and several metropolitan areas in Latin America and the Caribbean. In Central America this has resulted in mano dura (zero tolerance) presidential campaigns, aimed not at a solution to organized crime but at the elimination or imprisonment of the highly visible (and tattooed) mara members. It is my conviction that political parties in particular need to be responsible for adequate security agendas. However, in most Latin American and Caribbean countries, politicians are inclined to delegate this all-important agenda to 'experts': that is, former generals and commanders of specialised police task forces. One recommendation I would therefore make is that donor organizations such as NIMD should provide policy research and assist in the design of integral security agendas and related policies, making them accessible to political parties and civil society in general.

Details: The Hague: Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy, 2011. 74p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 28, 2016 at: http://nimd.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Drugs_democracy_and_security_english_-_nimd_june_2011.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Latin America

URL: http://nimd.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Drugs_democracy_and_security_english_-_nimd_june_2011.pdf

Shelf Number: 140490

Drug-related Violence
Organized Crime
Political Corruption

Author: Villaveces-Izquierdo, Santiago

Title: Illicit Networks and Politics in the Baltic States

Summary: One of the biggest threats to democracy today is infiltration of political processes by transnational organized crime. It undermines constitutional frameworks and the rule of law, it violates the integrity of the electoral process, and it corrupts political parties and the very principle of democratic representation. This study explores how the Baltic States are affected by illicit interests. It looks into how illicit networks and political actors forge relations in this region, from illicit financing of political campaigns, to intimidation of voters, establishment of new political parties, joint economic enterprises and money laundering operations. The authors identify policy responses to this phenomenon, highlighting challenges in implementing them and proposing options on how to strengthen these responses.

Details: Stockholm, Sweden: International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA), 2013. 40p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 28, 2016 at: http://www.idea.int/publications/illicit-networks-and-politics/index.cfm

Year: 2013

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.idea.int/publications/illicit-networks-and-politics/index.cfm

Shelf Number: 146117

Criminal Networks
Illicit Networks
Organized Crime
Political Corruption

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

Title: Transnational Organized Crime in the Pacific: A Threat Assessment

Summary: This report presents major threats posed by transnational organized crime in the Pacific region, mainly focusing on the Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs). Based on consultations with the Pacific Island Forum Secretariat (PIFS) and information obtained from desk reviews conducted by UNODC, this report focuses on four major types of transnational organized crime affecting the Pacific region: - Drug and precursor trafficking; - Trafficking in persons & smuggling of migrants; - Environmental crimes (fishery crime and other wildlife trafficking & illegal logging and timber trafficking); and - Small arms trafficking. In addition to the major four types of transnational crime, the report also includes some information on the trafficking of counterfeit goods, including fraudulent medicines, and cybercrime to shed light on emerging threats in the region. The four major illicit flows discussed in the report are different sorts of illicit activities, yet they all pose immense challenges to the region. There are strong indications that the PICTs are increasingly targeted by transnational organized crime groups due to their susceptibility to illicit flows driven by several factors. These include (a) the geographical location of the PICTs situated between major sources and destinations of illicit commodities; (b) extensive and porous jurisdictional boundaries; and (c) differences in governance and heterogeneity in general law enforcement capacity across numerous PICTs and the region in general. These complexities also underscore the inherent difficulties in detecting, monitoring, preventing and responding to transnational organized crimes in the region. In this context, transnational criminal activities continue to increase throughout the Pacific and have detrimental impacts on communities, sustainable economic development and regional security. At a regional level and across all transnational organized crime types discussed in this report, a fundamental problem is the significant gaps in data and information related to transnational crime among the PICTs. This is a major hindrance in developing effective and evidence-based responses to transnational organized crime.

Details: Bangkok: UNODC, 2016. 130p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 30, 2016 at: http://www.unodc.org/documents/southeastasiaandpacific/Publications/2016/2016.09.16_TOCTA_Pacific_web.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Asia

URL: http://www.unodc.org/documents/southeastasiaandpacific/Publications/2016/2016.09.16_TOCTA_Pacific_web.pdf

Shelf Number: 140518

Counterfeit Goods
Drug Trafficking
Environmental Crimes
Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Illegal Fishing
Illegal Logging
Organized Crime
Wildlife Crime
Wildlife Trafficking

Author: Burt, Geoff

Title: Deportation, Circular Migration and Organized Crime: Haiti Case Study

Summary: Like all OECD countries, Canada has a policy of deporting immigrants who have committed certain kinds of crime back to their countries of origin. This pattern of circular migration - immigration to Canada followed by deportation - has unique implications for the development of transnational organized crime. In some cases, criminal deportations have facilitated the development of transnational organized crime networks, which later threatened the security of the deporting country. This report examines the impact of deportations from Canada to Haiti on crime trends in both countries and analyzes the threats to public security in Canada. Canada's policy on criminal deportation must balance a number of competing factors. It must prioritize the safety of Canadian society while acknowledging the wide-ranging impacts of deportation on immigrant communities in Canada and the stability and security of the country accepting the deportees. Haiti suffers from widespread instability and a lack of law enforcement capacity. As a long-standing development partner of the Canadian government, the impact of deportations on crime trends in Haiti is a significant concern. While there is limited evidence that organized crime groups located in Haiti are a threat to security in Canada, the country's geographical location next to the Dominican Republic - the largest transshipment point for drugs entering Canada - suggests that this threat could materialize in the future. Building on best practices developed in other contexts, the report concludes with a discussion of mitigation strategies to minimize the negative impacts of criminal deportation both in Canada and in Haiti, and an examination of ongoing policy issues relating to forced criminal deportation to Haiti.

Details: Ottawa: Public Safety Canada, Research Division, 2016. 35p.

Source: Internet Resource: Research Report: 2015-R031: Accessed September 30, 2016 at: https://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/cnt/rsrcs/pblctns/2015-r031/2015-r031-en.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Haiti

URL: https://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/cnt/rsrcs/pblctns/2015-r031/2015-r031-en.pdf

Shelf Number: 140519

Alien Criminals
Criminal Deportations
Organized Crime

Author: Bouchard, Martin

Title: Proportion of Criminal Incidents Associated with Organized Crime

Summary: The current report provides: 1) a measure of the proportion of criminal incidents that are associated with organized criminal activities (overall and for each offence type) in Montreal; 2) situates potential organized crime offenders within the wider population of co-offenders, that is, beyond the region under study and; 3) gauges the various types of resources allocated by law enforcement agencies in responding to and combating activities associated with organized crime. The estimates of criminal incidents associated with organized criminal activities are based on three different, yet complementary, models: 1) the wide net model (2 co-offenders); 2) the standard definition model (3+ co-offenders); and 3) the post hoc flag model (modified 3+ co-offenders). Each of these models is subjected to three different thresholds based on the seriousness of offences: A) none (all offences); B) broad (offences classified as serious plus "unclassified offences"; and C) strict (offences classified as serious). Depending on the model and threshold applied to data, the proportion of incidents that fit the definition of organized crime range between 1.6 and 6.9 percent for the first model; 3.9 and 22.8 percent for the second; and 0.26 and 2.93 percent for the third. It was found that roughly half of these organized crime (OC) offenders are connected to the wider provincial OC network in one way or another. Also, combining estimates across units with mandates to only combat OC and those that deal primarily with OC incidents, suggests that there are approximately 250 law enforcement officials at Service de Police de la Ville de Montreal (SPVM) who are directly involved in combating OC.

Details: Ottawa: Public Safety Canada, 2016. 55p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 30, 2016 at: https://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/cnt/rsrcs/pblctns/2015-r023/2015-r023-en.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Canada

URL: https://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/cnt/rsrcs/pblctns/2015-r023/2015-r023-en.pdf

Shelf Number: 140523

Crime Statistics
Criminal Statistics
Organized Crime

Author: Masse, Frederic

Title: Due Diligence in Colombia's Gold Supply Chain

Summary: The OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas (hereafter OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Minerals) provides detailed recommendations to help companies respect human rights and avoid contributing to conflict through their mineral purchasing decisions and practices. The Due Diligence Guidance is for use by any company potentially sourcing minerals or metals from conflict-affected and high-risk areas and is global in scope. Colombia adhered to the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Minerals in May 2012. To support implementation efforts by producing countries, the OECD commissioned a baseline assessment of the gold supply chain in Colombia. The aim of the baseline assessment is to analyse the gold mining sector in Colombia and the potential to build responsible mineral supply chains as defined in the Due Diligence Guidance for Minerals. The assessment should furthermore assess stakeholders' awareness of supply chain risks, the Due Diligence Guidance and the level of implementation - if any - of due diligence initiatives and related government initiatives that could be leveraged. The assessment should lead to strategic recommendations on how to advance responsible sourcing in the gold sector in a manner that makes a positive contribution to socioeconomic development of producer countries and communities. The following overview report is the first of a series of baseline assessment and aims to develop an initial approach and analysis for how risks outlined in Annex II of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Minerals are relevant in the Colombian context. The research for this report was undertaken by independent experts in 2015 and is based on previous research, new analysis of secondary sources, and exploratory interviews with key stakeholders in the mining and security sectors in Colombia.3 This initial report will be complemented by five regional case studies (phase II) and a concluding report (phase III) assessing ongoing due diligence and traceability projects and outlining recommendations on how these can be leveraged, improved and scaled up.

Details: Paris: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 2016. 48p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 30, 2016 at: https://mneguidelines.oecd.org/Colombia-gold-supply-chain-overview.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Colombia

URL: https://mneguidelines.oecd.org/Colombia-gold-supply-chain-overview.pdf

Shelf Number: 140534

Conflict Minerals
Illegal Mining
Natural Resources
Organized Crime
Supply Chains

Author: Mani, Kristina

Title: Beyond the Pay: Current Illicit Activities of the Armed Forces in Central America

Summary: The growth of criminal gangs and organized crime groups has created unprecedented challenges in Central America. Homicide rates are among the highest in the world, countries spend on average close to 10 percent of GDP to respond to the challenges of public insecurity, and the security forces are frequently overwhelmed and at times co-opted by the criminal groups they are increasingly tasked to counter. With some 90 percent of the 700 metric tons of cocaine trafficked from South America to the United States passing through Central America, the lure of aiding illegal traffickers through provision of arms, intelligence, or simply withholding or delaying the use of force is enormous. These conditions raise the question: to what extent are militaries in Central America compromised by illicit ties to criminal groups? The study focuses on three cases: Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Honduras. It finds that: - Although illicit ties between the military and criminal groups have grown in the last decade, militaries in these countries are not yet "lost" to criminal groups. - Supplying criminal groups with light arms from military stocks is typical and on the rise, but still not common. - In general the less exposed services, the navies and air forces, are the most reliable and effective ones in their roles in interdiction. - Of the three countries in the study, the Honduran military is the most worrying because it is embedded in a context where civilian corruption is extremely common, state institutions are notoriously weak, and the political system remains polarized and lacks the popular legitimacy and political will needed to make necessary reforms. - Overall, the armed forces in the three countries remain less compromised than civilian peers, particularly the police. However, in the worsening crime and insecurity context, there is a limited window of opportunity in which to introduce measures targeted toward the military, and such efforts can only succeed if opportunities for corruption in other sectors of the state, in particular in law enforcement and the justice system, are also addressed. Measures targeted toward the military should include: - Enhanced material benefits and professional education opportunities that open doors for soldiers in promising legitimate careers once they leave military service. - A clear system of rewards and punishments specifically designed to deter collusion with criminal groups. - More effective securing of military arsenals. - Skills and external oversight leveraged through combined operations, to build cooperation among those sectors of the military that have successful and clean records in countering criminal groups, and to expose weaker forces to effective best practices.

Details: Miami: Western Hemisphere Security Analysis Center, Florida International University, 2011. 55p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 6, 2016 at: https://new.oberlin.edu/dotAsset/4690459.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Central African Republic

URL: https://new.oberlin.edu/dotAsset/4690459.pdf

Shelf Number: 140538

Drug Trafficking
Military Personnel
Organized Crime

Author: de Leon-Escribano, Carmen Rosa

Title: Capabilities of Police and Military Forces in Central America -- A Comparative Analysis of Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras an d Nicaragua

Summary: A difficult transition to a new paradigm of Democratic Security and the subsequent process of military restructuring during the nineties led El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala and Nicaragua to re-consider their old structures and functions of their armed forces and police agencies. This study compares the institutions in the four countries mentioned above to assess their current condition and response capacity in view of the contemporary security challenges in Central America. This report reveals that the original intention of limiting armies to defend and protect borders has been threatened by the increasing participation of armies in public security. While the strength of armies has been consolidated in terms of numbers, air and naval forces have failed to become strengthened or sufficiently developed to effectively combat organized crime and drug trafficking and are barely able to conduct air and sea operations. Honduras has been the only country that has maintained a proportional distribution of its armed forces. However, security has been in the hands of a Judicial Police, supervised by the Public Ministry. The Honduran Judicial Police has been limited to exercising preventive police duties, prohibited from carrying out criminal investigations. Nicaragua, meanwhile, possesses a successful police force, socially recognized for maintaining satisfactory levels of security surpassing the Guatemalan and El Salvadoran police, which have not achieved similar results despite of having set up a civilian police force separate from the military. El Salvador meanwhile, has excelled in promoting a Police Academy and career professional education, even while not having military attaches in other countries. Regarding budgetary issues, the four countries allocate almost twice the amount of funding on their security budgets in comparison to what is allocated to their defense budgets. However, spending in both areas is low when taking into account each country's GDP as well as their high crime rates. Regional security challenges must be accompanied by a professionalization of the regional armies focused on protecting and defending borders. Therefore, strong institutional frameworks to support the fight against crime and drug trafficking are required. It will require the strengthening of customs, greater control of illicit arms trafficking, investment in education initiatives, creating employment opportunities and facilitating significant improvements in the judicial system, as well as its accessibility to the average citizen.

Details: Miami: Florida International University, Western Hemisphere Security Analysis Center, 2011. 73p.

Source: Internet Resource: Western Hemisphere Security Analysis Center. Paper 10. Accessed October 6, 2016 at: http://digitalcommons.fiu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1009&context=whemsac

Year: 2011

Country: Central America

URL: http://digitalcommons.fiu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1009&context=whemsac

Shelf Number: 140540

Drug Trafficking
Illicit Arms
Organized Crime
Public Security

Author: Joseph, Regina

Title: Rio and the Reds: The Comando Vermelho, Organized Crime and Brazil's Economic Ascent

Summary: Brazil‟s growing status as a potential world power cannot obscure the characteristics of its other reality: that of a country with vast inequalities and high crime rates. The Comando Vermelho, the most prominent organized crime syndicate in Rio de Janeiro, besieges the beauty and charm that attracts tourists to this city. The CV arose not only as a product of the political dictatorship of the seventies, but also of the disenfranchised urban poor crammed into Rio's favela slums. Today, the CV presents a powerful challenge to the State's control of parts of Rio territory. As Brazil‟s soft power projection grows, it is seriously challenged by its capacity to eliminate organized crime. Economic growth is not sufficient to destroy a deeply embedded organization like the CV. In fact, Brazil's success may yet further retrench the CV's activities. Culpability for organized crime cannot be merely limited to the gangs, but must also be shared among the willing consumers, among whom can be found educated and elite members of society, as well as the impoverished and desperate. The Brazilian government needs a top-down response addressing the schism between rich and poor. However, Brazil's citizens must also take responsibility and forge a bottom-up response to the drug- and corruption-riddled elements of its most respected members of society. Brazil must target reform across public health, housing, education and above all, law enforcement. Without such changes, Brazil will remain a two-track democracy. Rio's wealthy will still be able to revel in the city's beauty, albeit from behind armored cars and fortified mansions, while the city's poor will yield-either as victims or perpetrators-to the desperate measures of organized crime.

Details: Miami: Florida International University, Western Hemisphere Security Analysis Center, 2011. 37p.

Source: Internet Resource: Western Hemisphere Security Analysis Center. Paper 36: Student's Paper Series: Accessed October 6, 2016 at: http://digitalcommons.fiu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1035&context=whemsac

Year: 2011

Country: Brazil

URL: http://digitalcommons.fiu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1035&context=whemsac

Shelf Number: 140585

Organized Crime
Socioeconomic Conditions and Crime

Author: Felbab-Brown, Vanda

Title: Human Security and Crime in Latin America: The Political Capital and Political Impact of Criminal Groups and Belligerents Involved in Illicit Economies

Summary: Organized crime and illegal economies generate multiple threats to states and societies. But although the negative effects of high levels of pervasive street and organized crime on human security are clear, the relationships between human security, crime, illicit economies, and law enforcement are highly complex. By sponsoring illicit economies in areas of state weakness where legal economic opportunities and public goods are seriously lacking, both belligerent and criminal groups frequently enhance some elements of human security of the marginalized populations who depend on illicit economies for basic livelihoods. Even criminal groups without a political ideology often have an important political impact on the lives of communities and on their allegiance to the State. Criminal groups also have political agendas. Both belligerent and criminal groups can develop political capital through their sponsorship of illicit economies. The extent of their political capital is dependent on several factors. Efforts to defeat belligerent groups by decreasing their financial flows through the suppression of an illicit economy are rarely effective. Such measures, in turn, increase the political capital of anti-State groups. The effectiveness of anti-money laundering measures (AML) also remains low and is often highly contingent on specific vulnerabilities of the target. The design of AML measures has other effects, such as on the size of a country‟s informal economy. Multifaceted anti-crime strategies that combine law enforcement approaches with targeted socioeconomic policies and efforts to improve public goods provision, including access to justice, are likely to be more effective in suppressing crime than tough nailed-fist approaches. For anti-crime policies to be effective, they often require a substantial, but politically-difficult concentration of resources in target areas. In the absence of effective law enforcement capacity, legalization and decriminalization policies of illicit economies are unlikely on their own to substantially reduce levels of criminality or to eliminate organized crime. Effective police reform, for several decades largely elusive in Latin America, is one of the most urgently needed policy reforms in the region. Such efforts need to be coupled with fundamental judicial and correctional systems reforms. Yet, regional approaches cannot obliterate the so-called balloon effect. If demand persists, even under intense law enforcement pressures, illicit economies will relocate to areas of weakest law enforcement, but they will not be eliminated.

Details: Miami: Florida International University, Western Hemisphere Security Analysis Center, 2011. 57p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 6, 2016 at: https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/09_latin_america_crime_felbab_brown.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Latin America

URL: https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/09_latin_america_crime_felbab_brown.pdf

Shelf Number: 147800

Illicit Economies
Money Laundering
Organized Crime
Police Effectiveness
Police Legitimacy

Author: Cockayne, James

Title: Hidden Power: The Strategic Logic of Organized Crime: Sicily, New York and the Caribbean, 1859- 1968, and Mexico and the Sahel.

Summary: Criminologists have long recognized that some groups govern criminal markets. Strategists and political scientists, however, downplay the role organized crime plays in domestic and international politics - though the United Nations Security Council, World Bank and White House have warned that role may be growing. The assumption has been that states and insurgents exist in a political 'upperworld' while organized crime exists in a separate, profit-driven 'underworld'. We consequently lack a framework for understanding the strategic logic of organized crime: how it uses force, and other means, to compete, cooperate and collaborate with states and other political organizations for governmental power. This dissertation develops such a framework, drawing on strategic theory, criminology, and economic and management theory. It applies the framework to the emergence, development and movement of mafias in Sicily, New York, and the Caribbean between 1859 and 1968. Using unpublished judicial, intelligence and diplomatic material, mafia memoires, and published secondary sources, the dissertation reveals mafias becoming autonomous strategic actors in both domestic and international politics. They deliberately influenced elections, organized domestic insurgency and transnational armed attacks, attempted regime change, and formed governmental joint ventures with ruling groups. Mafias played important and unappreciated military and political roles during the Second World War, the Bay of Pigs and the Cuban Missile Crisis. Based on this historical analysis, the dissertation identifies six ways criminal groups position themselves in the 'market for government'. These positioning strategies help explain the emergence and behaviours of mafias, warlords and gang rulers; political-criminal alliances; acts of terrorism by criminal groups; and criminal sponsorship of new political structures ('blue ocean' strategy). The final section applies these concepts to two contemporary cases - Mexico and the Sahel - and considers the overall implications for strategic theory, efforts to combat organized crime and the management of criminal spoilers in peace processes.

Details: London: King's College London, 2015. 376p.

Source: Internet Resource: Dissertation: Accessed October 6, 2016 at: https://kclpure.kcl.ac.uk/portal/files/44634722/2015_Cockayne_James_1018212_ethesis.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: International

URL: https://kclpure.kcl.ac.uk/portal/files/44634722/2015_Cockayne_James_1018212_ethesis.pdf

Shelf Number: 140599

Criminal Networks
Organized Crime

Author: Europol

Title: Internet Organised Crime Threat Assessment. IOCTA 2016

Summary: The 2016 Internet Organised Crime Threat Assessment (IOCTA) is a law enforcement-centric threat assessment intended to inform priority setting for the EMPACT Operational Action Plans in the three sub-priority areas of cybercrime (cyber attacks, child sexual exploitation online and payment fraud). The IOCTA also seeks to inform decision-makers at strategic, policy and tactical levels on how to fight cybercrime more effectively and to better protect online society against cyber threats. The 2016 IOCTA provides a view from the trenches, drawing primarily on the experiences of law enforcement within the EU Member States to highlight the threats visibly impacting on industry and private citizens within the EU. The IOCTA is a forward-looking assessment presenting analyses of future risks and emerging threats, providing recommendations to align and strengthen the joint efforts of EU law enforcement and its partners in preventing and fighting cybercrime.

Details: The Hague: European Police Office, 2016. 72p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 6, 2016 at: https://www.europol.europa.eu/content/internet-organised-crime-threat-assessment-iocta-2016

Year: 2016

Country: Europe

URL: https://www.europol.europa.eu/content/internet-organised-crime-threat-assessment-iocta-2016

Shelf Number: 147825

Child Sexual Exploitation
Organized Crime
Payment Fraud

Author: L'Aurora, Marika

Title: "1992-2012: Laws' implementation on one side and changes on yakuza's organizations on the other." -What has been going on?-

Summary: In the postwar period, developments and changes, among the others, occurred also within yakuza organizations. On both levels, local and international, different reasons lead to the decision of taking action against the organized crime. Due to local factors, mostly a deeper involvement of the citizens in gang related activities, implying more danger in the daily life; and due to international factors, mainly the union of the 'democratized countries' against the fight of organized crime, with particular reference to drug related offences, Japan moved for the first time in a serious way against yakuza. In 1992 The Botaiho, or 'Anti-bryokudan law', law No. 77 was implemented. Together with the anti- boryokudan law, through the years, other laws have been improved, or enacted, with the purpose of controlling, or confining yakuza activities out of the Japanese society. The most recent is the introduction of prefectural ordinances: these, carrying the same purpose of isolating boryokudan - in "boryokudan members" through the ban of their commercial relations with the societies' members. Looking at yakuza activities and developments during the twenty years between the first anti-boryokudan law enforcement (1992) and the recent enactment of the prefectural ordinances (2012), did the laws do what they were supposed to? Have the goals that the laws were aimed at been realized?

Details: Leiden: Leiden University, Asian Studies, 2015. 80p.

Source: Internet Resource: Thesis: Accessed October 12, 2016 at: https://openaccess.leidenuniv.nl/bitstream/handle/1887/36069/MA%20Thesis_%20L%27Aurora%20Marika.pdf?sequence=2

Year: 2015

Country: Japan

URL: https://openaccess.leidenuniv.nl/bitstream/handle/1887/36069/MA%20Thesis_%20L%27Aurora%20Marika.pdf?sequence=2

Shelf Number: 140664

Organized Crime

Author: Sutton, Mitchell

Title: Transnational crime in Sri Lanka: Future considerations for international cooperation

Summary: This report examines transnational, serious and organised crime in Sri Lanka, its impact on neighbouring states, law enforcement cooperation, and the influence of Sri Lanka's changing geopolitical and economic orientation on criminal activity. Geopolitical change was a major influence on the patterns of transnational crime in Sri Lanka, especially the end of the civil war in 2009 and the destruction of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). The LTTE's demise ended some activity while changing the patterns of transnational crimes such as arms smuggling, people smuggling and human trafficking. Still, the threat of transnational crime hasn't disappeared from Sri Lanka since the end of the civil war. Local law enforcement agencies and the military are struggling to develop strategies to combat a multifaceted threat exacerbated by the country's porous border with India, international drug rings and cartels, government corruption, and proximity to swathes of under- or ungoverned territory in Myanmar, India, Bangladesh and Pakistan. Historical and new international relationships-especially with Russia, China and the Middle East - have also influenced crime patterns in Sri Lanka. Regional states have felt strong impacts from criminal activities involving Sri Lanka. Those impacts have differed markedly, as each affected state has been incorporated into a different place along the contraband supply chain. People smuggling and associated crimes are likely to remain the main concerns for Australia. Drug, arms and human trafficking are likely to pose problems for India and Southeast Asia. Because this criminal activity is diffuse, solutions must necessarily come from both domestic and regional sources, and involve neighbouring states working with the Sri Lankan Government to develop strategies to jointly reduce the threat. Already, a proliferation of different multilateral and bilateral law enforcement cooperation agreements has emerged in response to these challenges. Future engagement should focus on enhancing the intelligence capabilities of Sri Lanka's military and law enforcement agencies, encouraging reforms to eliminate corruption and inefficiency and realigning government agencies to fit the new threat.

Details: Barton,. ACT: Australian Strategic Policy Institute, 2016. 32p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 13, 2016 at: https://www.aspi.org.au/publications/transnational-crime-in-sri-lanka-future-considerations-for-international-cooperation/SR94_Sri-Lanka.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Sri Lanka

URL: https://www.aspi.org.au/publications/transnational-crime-in-sri-lanka-future-considerations-for-international-cooperation/SR94_Sri-Lanka.pdf

Shelf Number: 145538

Arms Smuggling
Drug Trafficking
Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Firearms

Author: de Casio, Ana Cardenas Gonzalez

Title: The Effect of the 'War on Organised Crime' on the Mexican Federal Judiciary: A Comparative Case Study of Judicial Decision-Making

Summary: Using a comparative case study design, this thesis explores the impact on the Mexican federal judiciary of steep rises in violent crime, proliferation of armed organised crime groups, greater involvement of the military in crime control activities and the government's 'war on organised crime'. The thesis develops 'enemy penology' as a theoretical framework based on the observation that the Mexican government has increasingly conceptualised offenders as enemies and called for an explicitly militarised criminal justice response. Drawing on this theoretical framework, the thesis analyses qualitative data from two different sites - a 'crime control as warfare' scenario (highly militarised state) and an unchanged context (less militarised state). Findings are examined within the enemy penology framework and also drawing on theories of judicial behaviour and judicial roles in order to explain the overarching finding that judges seem to have insulated themselves from the 'enemy penology' promulgated by the government. Analysis of 40 written judgements in drug cases and 28 semi-structured interviews with judges (drawn from a total of 56 interviews achieved during the fieldwork) indicated that decision making, guilt determination and sentencing were almost identical in the two locations despite stark differences in context. In both locations, the study observed an inclination to privilege police evidence, high conviction rates despite poor prosecutorial performance and insufficient evidence, and a tendency to impose minimum sentences. Interviewees discussed these issues as well as the impact of armed criminality, military involvement in crime control and judicial independence. Overall, the Federal judiciary appeared to be not influenced by the enemy penology paradigm reproduced by public officials and criminal policies. Mexican judicial behaviour was found to be strongly shaped by a formalistic and legalistic understanding of judicial duties where accuracy in law interpretation is expected, disregarding other goals, including politics and policy considerations. This understanding is enhanced by the judiciary through strict observance of precedents, reversals and enhancing law-interpreter and ritualist judicial roles. Nonetheless, the empirical data also showed that judges' views and opinions are informed by strategic goals, attitudes, motives, managerial needs and the pursuit of self-respect and recognition. In sum, examining court judgements and judges' views about deciding cases in the light of the prevalent 'enemy penology' provided a rich understanding of the way decision- making in criminal matters is constructed by judges as well as the complex and often contradictory layers that comprise the image and role of the Mexican federal judge.

Details: London: King's College London, Dickson Poon School of Law, 2016. 332p.

Source: Internet Resource: Dissertation: Accessed October 13, 2016 at: https://kclpure.kcl.ac.uk/portal/files/57599059/2016_Gonz_lez_De_Cos_o_Ana_C_rdenas_1140394_ethesis.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Mexico

URL: https://kclpure.kcl.ac.uk/portal/files/57599059/2016_Gonz_lez_De_Cos_o_Ana_C_rdenas_1140394_ethesis.pdf

Shelf Number: 145441

Drug Offenders
Judicial Decision-Making
Organized Crime
Violent Crime

Author: Briscoe, Ivan

Title: Protecting Politics: Deterring the Influence of Organized Crime on Elections

Summary: Elections are essential elements of democratic systems. Unfortunately, abuse and manipulation (including voter intimidation, vote buying or ballot stuffing) can distort these processes. However, little attention has been paid to an intrinsic part of this threat: the conditions and opportunities for criminal interference in the electoral process. Most worrying, few scholars have examined the underlying conditions that make elections vulnerable to organized criminal involvement. This report addresses these gaps in knowledge by analysing the vulnerabilities of electoral processes to illicit interference (above all by organized crime). It suggests how national and international authorities might better protect these crucial and coveted elements of the democratic process. Case studies from Georgia, Mali and Mexico illustrate these challenges and provide insights into potential ways to prevent and mitigate the effects of organized crime on elections.

Details: Stockholm, Sweden: International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance; The Hague: Clingendael, 2016. 76p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 14, 2016 at: http://www.idea.int/publications/protecting-politics-organized-crime-elections/index.cfm?css=new2013

Year: 2016

Country: International

URL: http://www.idea.int/publications/protecting-politics-organized-crime-elections/index.cfm?css=new2013

Shelf Number: 144810

Organized Crime
Political Corruption

Author: Campaniello, Nadia

Title: Returns to Education and Experience in Criminal Organizations: Evidence from the Italian-American Mafia

Summary: Is there any return to education in criminal activities? This is the first paper that investigates whether education has not only a positive impact on legitimate, but also on illegitimate activities. We use as a case study one of the longest running criminal corporations in history: the Italian-American mafia. Its most successful members have been capable businessmen, orchestrating crimes that require abilities that might be learned at school: extracting the optimal rent when setting up a racket, weighting interests against default risk when starting a loan sharking business or organising supply chains, logistics and distribution when setting up a drug dealing system. We address this question by comparing mobsters with their closest (non-mobster) neighbors using United States Census data in 1940. We document that mobsters have one year less education than their neighbors on average. None of the specifications presented identified any significant difference in the returns to education between these two groups. Private returns to education exist also in the illegal activities characterised by a certain degree of complexity as in the case of organized crime in mid-twentieth century United States.

Details: Essex, UK: University of Essex, Department of Economics, 2015. 34p.

Source: Internet Resource: Working Paper No. 763: Accessed October 17, 2016 at: http://repository.essex.ac.uk/13795/1/dp763.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: United States

URL: http://repository.essex.ac.uk/13795/1/dp763.pdf

Shelf Number: 145075

Economics and Crime
Education and Crime
Organized Crime

Author: Lembovska, Magdalena

Title: Analysis of the national policies and practices dealing with illegal migration and asylum seekers

Summary: The past decade has seen rapid changes in the migration flows in, from and through the countries of the Western Balkans. Regular migration is very important for the country's socio-economic and demographic development; however, irregular migration also deserves special attention by the competent authorities. It is an issue of both state security and human security and is usually connected with serious and organized crime and the infringement of human rights. Following visa liberalization for the Western Balkans counties, the region is usually seen as the origin of illegal migration into the European Union. During the last few years all eyes were focused on asylum seekers from the Western Balkans countries. However, it is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the fact that the region is also a transit area for migrants towards the EU. So far there has been little discussion about this phenomenon among researchers and policy makers, although the national and regional media are becoming more interested in the issue, bringing it closer to citizens. Macedonia, with its central location within the Balkan region, is vulnerable to illegal migration. Recent political and social developments in the Middle East and North Africa have had significant impact on migration flows and affect other regions, including ours. The number of illegal migrants from those regions is increasing from year on year, especially following the Arab uprisings that started in late 2010 and spread during 2011. From the evidence on the ground it can be concluded that in most of the cases Macedonia is not their final destination, but a transit route to the EU countries. However, they do spend certain period of time within the Macedonian borders, before they continue their journey towards Central and Western Europe. The fact that Macedonia, with its central location, represents a natural and geographical crossroads between Europe, Asia and Africa is acknowledged in the National Concept for Security and Defense, the basic strategic security document of the country, adopted in 2003. It is admitted that, from a security perspective, Macedonia is one of the main pathways of terrorism, illegal migration, illegal trafficking with drugs, weapons and human beings from Asia and Africa towards Western Europe. This paper examines the trends of illegal migration in the period 2009-2012, including data – when available - from the first months of 2013. It gives an account of the legal and institutional set up aimed at dealing with illegal migration and highlights the main challenges that national authorities are facing when using already established mechanisms at their disposal. Furthermore, the paper sheds light on the main factors that cause and enable illegal migration (push and pull factors) and link it with asylum seekers and criminal offenses, such as smuggling of migrants. However, due to time limitations and resource availability, not all aspects of illegal migration have been examined. Further studies, focusing on the role of the courts, public prosecution and the corruption within the border police, are therefore recommended. It should be noted that different authors and organizations are using different terms which, in essence, refer to the same phenomena – illegal, irregular or undocumented migration. In this text, the term "illegal migration" and "illegal migrants" will be used. Illegal migration is usually connected with illegal entry into a state, defined as "crossing borders without complying with the necessary requirements for legal entry into the receiving State". In the author’s opinion, irregular migration is a broader concept encompassing the irregularity of residence by other groups that are not subject of this analysis, such as foreigners that entered legally but had lost their regulated status due to circumstances like expired visa or passport, or "tourists" engaged in the grey economy etc. Moreover, the term "illegal migration" is also used by the National Commission for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings and Illegal Migration in Macedonia. It should be noted that the paper focuses on migrants using the so-called Balkan Route. The paper also examines the trends in asylum seeking in Macedonia. In this context, an 'asylum seeker' is a foreigner that seeks protection from the Republic of Macedonia and has submitted an application for recognizing the right of asylum, when there is no final decision and there is an ongoing procedure for recognition of the right of asylum. Very often there is a strong connection between illegal migration and asylum seeking trends. It should be noted that in the period when a person applies for asylum, he/she cannot be considered an illegal migrant. If the country decides to accept the claims, the person becomes a refugee or person under subsidiary protection, depending on the case, in line with the UNHCR Convention related to the status of refugees from 1951. The methodological apparatus is composed of qualitative and quantitative methods, including statistical information gathered utilizing the Law on free access to public information, analysis of the legal framework and national strategic documents, qualitative interviews with stakeholders and experts, as well as information from reports issued by relevant international organizations. In addition, field visits to the Reception Center for Asylum Seekers and to the village of Lojane have been conducted.

Details: Skopje, Macedonia: Analytica |Thinking Laboratory, 2013. 30p.

Source: Internet Resource: Policy Paper: Accessed October 26, 2016 at: http://www.analyticamk.org/images/stories/files/report/14055_illagal_migration.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.analyticamk.org/images/stories/files/report/14055_illagal_migration.pdf

Shelf Number: 140845

Asylum Seekers
Illegal Immigration
Organized Crime
Undocumented Immigrants

Author: Van Riper, Stephen K.

Title: Tackling Africa's First Narco-State: Guinea-Bissau in West Africa

Summary: The U.S., Europe and regional African players must tackle drug smuggling in West Africa to prevent that region from falling into chaos. Today, West Africa is a significant nexus for the illegal trafficking of oil, weapons, cigarettes, drugs and other commodities. The United States has labeled Guinea-Bissau Africa's first narco-state and it has become the epicenter of a region where Transnational Criminal Organizations are corrupting governments and societies at an alarming rate. Their nefarious efforts, and Guinea-Bissau's state failure, conflict with U.S. stated interests. Tackling corruption, neutralizing spoilers, and increasing the societies' culture of lawfulness are necessary steps to save West Africa. This will be challenging in Guinea-Bissau due to geography, culture, government structure, and a corrupted military. But with the right adjustments to resources, authorities and priorities, it can be done.

Details: Carlisle Barracks, PA: United States Army War College Press, 2014. 47p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 26, 2016 at: http://pksoi.army.mil/default/assets/File/VanRiper_monograph_Final.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Guinea-Bissau

URL: http://pksoi.army.mil/default/assets/File/VanRiper_monograph_Final.pdf

Shelf Number: 146013

Drug Trafficking
Oil Industry
Organized Crime
Trafficking of Goods

Author: Landsdowne Technologies Inc.

Title: Developing and Applying an Organized Crime Harm Index: A Scoping and Feasibility Study

Summary: The over-arching goal of this study is to produce a report that assesses the feasibility and utility of developing and applying rigorous methodological and analytical models that can reliably measure the harm of organized crime in Canada. Within the context of exploring the development of an Organized Crime Harm Index, this study mandated the team to: - determine if harm assessment research can produce accurate and reliable findings; - analyze the utility of harm assessment research and indices in contributing to the larger goal of organized crime control; and - assess the feasibility and cost-effectiveness of implementing an Organized Crime Harm Index in Canada. 1.1 Research Findings and Analysis Accurately and reliably assessing the harm of organized crime in Canada Do reliable data and data sources exist within Canada for research that measure the scope of and harm caused by organized crime generally and for the development of an Organized Crime Harm Index specifically? This study concludes that, in general, there are insufficient existing sources of quantifiable data in Canada that could be used to reliably measure the scope and harm of the organized criminal activities prioritized in this report. This problem is epitomized by the shortcomings of police-recorded data, which is critical for harm assessment research into organized crime. The only national source of police-recorded data is collected through the Uniform Crime Reporting survey, which under-estimates the scope of criminal activities, is not representative of the population of criminal occurrences, and does not isolate incidents committed as part of organized criminal conspiracies. Outside of the UCR survey data; there is no national, centralized database of relevant, representative police-recorded data that can be sampled for quantitative research purposes. In short, much of the existing data that can be used to measure the scope and impact of organized criminal activities suffers from reliability issues in the sense that precise and accurate estimate of the scope of the problem are difficult to produce. Do rigorous data collection methods exist that can facilitate the production of reliable estimates of the scope and harms of organized crime in Canada? To what extent can data collection methods offset the inherent weaknesses of the data? To what extent can foreign models be replicated in Canada? Most quantitative studies that measure the scope and impact of organized crime rely on traditional criminological research methods, such as household surveys (to estimate the extent and impact of victimization or consumption of illegal goods and services) or surveys of police-recorded data ( in particular the Uniform Crime Reporting survey). Canadian researchers have implemented a number of rigorous methodologies and sophisticated analytical models that can serve as a partial foundation to estimate the scope and impact of at least some of the organized crime activities examined in this report. This can be augmented by methods and analytical models used in other countries. While these rigorous research designs and analytical models can help offset some of the weaknesses of the data, they cannot completely overcome the shortcomings as far as producing precise, accurate, nationally representative estimates of the scope and impact of organized criminal activities. The data collection and analytical models are also fraught with limitations that undermine the reliability of a harm index. Moreover, the methods employed in Canada to date have not produced comprehensive estimates of the scope and impact of the prioritized criminal activities. To produce the harm estimates required of a comprehensive OCHI, new data collection methods will have to be developed for most of the criminal activities or existing ones expanded to ensure comprehensiveness in terms of fully measuring the scope and impact of the prioritized criminal activities. The contribution of harm assessments to the larger goal of organized crime control in Canada Can an OCHI and supporting research contribute to the larger goal of organized crime control in Canada? Can such models assess whether enforcement initiatives have had some effect? This study found that harm assessment research, and harm indices specifically, can contribute to criminal justice policy-making. The literature review revealed studies that advocate the utility of harm assessment research in guiding public policy and programs, especially which respect to drug trafficking and illegal drug abuse. The growing importance of evidence-based policy-making, combined with the ostensible harm reduction purpose of the criminal justice system, underlies the utility of research that measures the scope and impact of crime. Some countries, such as the U.K., Australia, and New Zealand, have attempted to measure the harm of illegal drugs and integrate these measurements into a broader policy initiative. The U.K. has developed a Drug Harm Index to capture the harms generated by the problematic use of any illegal drug and is used as an analytical tool to monitor the success of national drug strategy policies in reducing harms. Interviews and focus groups with criminal justice policy-makers and operational personnel in Canada also revealed strong support for research that measures the harms caused by organized crime. Such research would nurture a better understanding of organized crime, which in turn, can serve numerous purposes at the intelligence, operational and public policy levels. This includes identifying specific and serious harms that need to be addressed through public policy and programs; prioritizing organized crime groups and activities operational targeting; and expanding the repertoire of approaches to dealing with organized crime and its aftermath, which includes a harm reduction approach. As in the U.K., a harm index can also be used to help evaluate organized crime control strategies and, as such, may contribute to more effective and cost-effective control strategies. However, this study concludes that it is unlikely that a harm index potentially could be used to evaluate tactical law enforcement operations. The feasibility and cost-effectiveness of conducting harm assessment research Is an OCHI feasible? Are studies that measure the scope and harms of organized criminal activities feasible? Are they cost-effective? Can such models be implemented in a feasible and cost-effective manner in Canada? A national, comprehensive OCHI will be costly due, in part, to the necessity of measuring a wide range of criminal activities and the complexity of any research that attempts to measure the scope and impact of organized crime. The cost-effectiveness of implementing an OCHI is undermined by the lack of a reliable centralized national repository of relevant, quantifiable police-recorded data and the significant challenges that may be encountered in convincing law enforcement agencies to share information. An increase in the cost-effectiveness of the research may be realized by using the same instrument to collect information on different organized criminal activities (e.g., a comprehensive household victimization survey). The rigour of the research methodology and reliability of the findings positively correlates with the budget provided. Thus, inadequate funding (and other half measures) will undermine the rigour of the research and the reliability of the findings. 1.2 Conclusion This research identified numerous benefits of an OCHI in informing and assessing organized crime control strategies. All future considerations of an OCHI, however, are contingent upon the ability of the supporting research and analysis to produce reasonably precise and reliable estimates. In general, the results of any research that measures the scope and impact of organized crime must be treated as broad estimates; it is unlikely that the scope of or harms caused by organized crime can be measured with exacting precision or accuracy. This is due to the inherently hidden and secretive nature of organized crime and the significant limitations of existing data sources, data collection methods, and analytical models. Governments in other developed countries have funded research that measures the harm caused by organized crime activities, in particular illegal drugs, and have pledged to use the results to inform public policy decisions. The indices that result from the research (e.g. the U.K. Drug Harm Index) take into consideration the shortcomings and limitations of the data. Doing so, however, undermines and narrows the public policy utility of the index. Canada does boast a number of experts, rigorous research designs, sophisticated analytical models, and existing harm assessment studies that can form the basis of an OCHI. However, there are significant weaknesses in existing data sources in this country, which is compounded by shortcomings in data collection methodologies and analytical models. Because of these weaknesses and shortcomings, it is unlikely that precise and rigorous data can be inputted into and reliable and precise estimates produced from an OCHI. The development and implementation of a rigorous, comprehensive, and national OCHI in Canada is a highly ambitious and complex endeavour that will require a nation-wide criminological/criminal justice research strategy that will be unprecedented in this country. It will also be costly, reaching into the millions of dollars, with no guarantee as to the degree of precision, reliability, and accuracy of the findings or its use or utility by government policy makers. The extent to which governments and other key partners are willing to undertake the development and implementation of an OCHI will be contingent upon their willingness to invest in an ambitious, complex, and costly research project, while assuming the risks that it may not yield accurate or reliable results.

Details: Ottawa: Research and National Coordination, Organized Crime Division, Law Enforcement and Policy Branch, Public Safety Canada, 2010. 186p.

Source: Internet Resource: Report No. 011, 2010. Accessed October 28, 2016 at: http://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2012/sp-ps/PS4-99-2010-eng.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Canada

URL: http://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2012/sp-ps/PS4-99-2010-eng.pdf

Shelf Number: 144943

Crime Control
Crime Prevention
Organized Crime

Author: Skidmore, Michael

Title: Organised crime and child sexual exploitation in local communities

Summary: Key Messages - Two years of police crime and intelligence records for a single city were examined to identify the victims and perpetrators of child sexual exploitation (CSE) and assess the links to organised crime. - Perpetrators that appeared to operate as a group had victimised or presented a risk to over half (58 per cent) of all young people known by local police to be at risk of CSE. - There were an estimated 43 groups linked to child sexual exploitation (CSE) perpetrated in the city, many more than the six organised crime groups (OCGs) mapped by the local police force. This meant specialist resources were not always made available to tackle them. - There was a high degree of interconnectivity between CSE and other types of serious and organised crime such as drugs supply, criminal exploitation, sexual exploitation for financial gain, and violence - Knowledge of CSE among frontline practitioners was poor and there was a lack of understanding at all levels of what constitutes an OCG involved in this area of crime. - Support agencies in communities are the frontlines for identifying and tackling the threat of CSE but information was not systematically shared between them to produce a single consolidated assessment of the threat.

Details: London: The Police Foundation, 2016. 6p.

Source: Internet Resource: Reducing the Impact of Serious Organised Crime in Local Communities: Accessed November 1, 2016 at: http://www.police-foundation.org.uk/uploads/holding/projects/organised_crime_and_cse.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.police-foundation.org.uk/uploads/holding/projects/organised_crime_and_cse.pdf

Shelf Number: 145786

Child Prostitution
Child Sexual Exploitation
Organized Crime

Author: Matfess, Hilary, ed.

Title: Beyond Convergence: World Without Order

Summary: The world order built upon the Peace of Westphalia is faltering. State fragility or failure are endemic, with no fewer than one-third of the states in the United Nations earning a "high warning" -- or worse -- in the Fragile States Index, and an equal number suffering a decline in sustainability over the past decade. State weakness invites a range of illicit actors, including international terrorists, globally networked insurgents, and transnational criminal organizations (TCOs). The presence and operations of these entities keep states weak and incapable of effective governance, and limit the possibility of fruitful partnerships with the United States and its allies. Illicit organizations and their networks fuel corruption, eroding state legitimacy among the governed, and sowing doubt that the state is a genuine guardian of the public interest. These networks can penetrate the state, leading to state capture, and even criminal sovereignty. A growing number of weak and corrupt states is creating gaping holes in the global rule-based system of states that we depend on for our security and prosperity. Indeed, the chapters of this book suggest the emergence of a highly adaptive and parasitic alternative ecosystem, based on criminal commerce and extreme violence, with little regard for what we commonly conceive of as the public interest or the public good. The last 10 years have seen unprecedented growth in interactivity between and among a wide range of illicit networks, as well as the emergence of hybrid organizations that use methods characteristic of both terrorist and criminal groups. In a convergence of interests, terrorist organizations collaborate with cartels, and trafficking organizations collude with insurgents. International terrorist organizations, such as al-Qaeda and Hezbollah, engage energetically in transnational crime to raise funds for their operations. Prominent criminal organizations like Los Zetas in Mexico and D-Company in Pakistan have adopted the symbolic violence of terrorists—the propaganda of the deed—to secure their “turf.” And networked insurgents, such as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), have adopted the techniques of both crime and terror. An Emerging Criminal Ecosystem The unimpeded trajectory of these trends -- convergence, hybridization, and state capture -- poses substantial risks to the national security interests of the United States, and threatens international security. Illicit networked organizations are challenging the fundamental principles of sovereignty that undergird the international system. Fragile and failing states are both prey to such organizations, which feed on them like parasites, and Petri dishes for them, incapable of supporting effective security partnerships. The Westphalian, rule-based system of sovereign polities itself is at risk of fraying, as fewer and fewer capable states survive to meet these challenges, and populations around the world lose faith in the Westphalian paradigm. The emergence of an alternative ecosystem of crime and violence threatens us all and much of the progress we have seen in recent centuries. This dark underworld weakens national sovereignty and erodes international partnerships. We should not take for granted the long-term durability of the Westphalian system. It was preceded by millennia of much less benign forms of governance, and alternative futures are imaginable. This book describes "convergence" (the interactivity and hybridization of diverse illicit networks), the emergence of new networks and new domains or "battlespaces," and the threat illicit networks pose to national and international security. It examines dystopian visions of a world in which these trajectories go indefinitely unimpeded, and concludes by discussing possible countermeasures to be explored. While some recognize the growing threat to the global system of governance that these new phenomena impose, others are skeptical. According to the conventional wisdom, TCOs and international terrorist organizations are unlikely candidates for partnership. Such analysis suggests that criminals are motivated by the pursuit of wealth in defiance of law, morality, or ideology. They typically prefer to remain undetected, and have little interest in the violence committed by, or risks taken by, international terrorists. Already pursued by law enforcement, criminals are not keen to receive the attention of the Central Intelligence Agency or SEAL Team Six. International terrorists and insurgents, on the other hand, are politically motivated; driven by ideological, religious, or nationalistic motives; and repelled by the vulgar materialism and greed of criminals. They have no desire to get on the radar of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), or other national or international law enforcement agencies. This logic is understandable, and may have prevailed in previous times, but the evidence of extensive interconnectivity -- if not explicit partnership -- between TCOs, international terrorists, and globally networked insurgents is compelling. Recent research undertaken by the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point reveals that, "criminals and terrorists are largely subsumed (98 percent) in a single network as opposed to operating in numerous smaller networks."4 In its Performance Budget Congressional Submission for FY 2014, the DEA stated that by "the end of the first quarter of FY 2013, 25 of the 67 organizations on the Attorney Generals Consolidated Priority Organization Target (CPOT) List are associated with terrorist organizations." According to a more recent DEA statement, roughly half of the Department of State's 59 officially designated foreign terrorist organizations have been linked to the global drug trade. The six degrees of separation that may have once divided people is a relic of the past—today, international terrorists, insurgents, and criminals are merely a click away from each other. It might be argued that terrorism, insurgency, and organized crime have existed since time immemorial, and that their modern iterations represent nothing new. Such an argument naively discounts modern enablers such as information and communication technology, transportation advances, and the unprecedented volumes of money generated in illicit markets. These are game changers. They permit illicit actors to avail themselves of lethal technology, military-grade weaponry, real-time information, and professional services of the highest quality, including legal, accounting, technological, security, and paramilitary services. Cartels and gangs, as well as terrorists and some insurgents, can now out-man, outspend, and outgun the governments of the countries where they reside. They can communicate across the globe in real time, using widely available and inexpensive technology. The November 2008 Mumbai terrorist attackers used satellite phones, internet communications, and global positioning systems, under the direction of Pakistan-based handlers to carry out an atrocious binge of murder and terror. The string of ISIL attacks across Europe in 2015 and 2016 further illustrates the global consequences of this technological acceleration. International travel has never been easier or cheaper than it is today, and would-be terrorists, traffickers, launderers, and even assassins can fly nearly undetected from continent to continent, in the sea of traveling humanity. Though it is clear that this connectivity is widespread and threatens global security, the details of the agreements or arrangements between terrorist, insurgent, and transnational criminal organizations remain murky. A partial exception to this is in instances where both organizations wish for new relationships to be known, such as the 1998 merger of Ayman al-Zawahiri's Egyptian Islamic Jihad organization with Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaeda.8 Other relationships, such as between the FARC and al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), are opaque as neither organization has an interest in revealing the relationship. It is unclear in the majority of cases what kinds of partnerships these are, and we are often unable to discern whether such instances of cooperation are one-time affairs or longer-term arrangements. This lack of information handicaps our response and threatens global security. The purposeful opacity of illicit organizations presents a vexing challenge to mapping and understanding these actors. Operating by intention outside the vision of regulators or researchers, their activities and revenues are hidden. So how do we determine the magnitude of their operations, or the harm they inflict? How do we know the value of their transactions? We extrapolate from extremely inexact evidence, such as seizures, arrests, convictions, and the associated testimony of witnesses, often themselves members of such organizations and motivated to dissemble. Analysts still rely on the nearly 20-year-old "International Monetary Fund (IMF) consensus range," of "$1 to $3 trillion" or "two to five percent" of global product. In 1998, Michel Camdessus, then managing director of the IMF, provided that estimate of the amount of money laundered annually across the globe. Given what we know about global trafficking in drugs, persons, weapons, counterfeits, and other contraband it seems unlikely that the value of illicit trade has decreased over the past 20 years. Even at a “mere” two to five percent of global product, Camdessus described the magnitude of the problem as “almost beyond imagination….”9 Less difficult, but still challenging and far more visceral to calculate, is the cost of global terrorism in human lives. At publication, the most recent estimates suggest that 2014 saw an increase of 35 percent in the number of terrorist attacks globally, with total fatalities rising to nearly 33,000 by some counts; 2015 is likely to mark another increase, as ISIL continues its brutal global campaign, and Boko Haram terrorizes the Lake Chad Basin.10 This does not take into account nonfatal injuries, the destruction of families and communities, and the economic costs. These cannot be monetized, but few would deny that the opportunity cost of the "global war on terror" (GWOT) has been huge. A 2008 estimate by Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz and Linda J. Bilmes put the long-term costs of the Iraq War at $3 trillion. The Cost of War Project puts the total economic cost of America's post-9/11 campaigns at $4.4 trillion through FY 2014.12 These two sets of costs -- the global illicit market plus the costs associated with the GWOT -- comprise a staggering portion of global product, and give a plausible indication of the magnitude of the emerging alternative ecosystem. Consider the drag on global productivity and development if so much of human activity is dedicated to transnational crime and terrorism. Adding to this, the cost of networked insurgencies in countries such as Afghanistan, Colombia, Sri Lanka, and South Sudan, suggests that an unconscionable proportion of global resources is being expended by efforts to undermine the well-being of citizens worldwide. Imagine what might be accomplished for all mankind if those resources were available for more constructive investment. Net Systemic Costs Not only do these networks divert economic resources globally, but they also reduce the capacity of states to govern, rendering them incapable of effectively governing their territory or borders, let alone exercising a monopoly of the legitimate use of force, or providing other vital public services. The net systemic harm is imposed at four levels: the inability of states to govern their populations and territories, which creates seedbeds for international terrorism, networked insurgency, and transnational crime, causing immense human suffering; the regional spillover effect from state fragility and instability, that sometimes penetrates key U.S. allies and partners; the growing feral regions that serve as launch pads for attacks against U.S. national security interests worldwide, as well as potentially direct attacks on the homeland, as occurred on September 11, 2001; and the cost associated with the decline of the global, rule-based system and the shrinking Westphalian domain. A cursory examination of a few key states shows the toll illicit networks take on our national security interests. Though Mexico's death rate has subsided somewhat over the past two years, the wars between the narcotics cartels and state authorities, and between the cartels themselves, are thought to have caused as many as 130,000 deaths between 2007 and 2013, or over 20,000 per year. Mexican cartels today work hand-in-hand with the criminal gangs of Central America's Northern Triangle -- comprised of El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala -- resulting in some of the highest homicide rates in the world. El Salvador's official forensic unit estimated the homicide rate in 2014 at nearly 70 per 100,000. Despite their collaborative intentions, these countries are under such duress that their security partnership contributions cannot yet inspire confidence. Indeed, in 2014, nearly 70,000 unaccompanied children from Central America and Mexico made their way through Mexico to the United States to escape the tormented lands of their births. Another key security partner, Nigeria is the most populous African state with the largest economy, and a major oil producer. Nigeria could and should play a stabilizing role throughout the continent. In fact, Nigerian forces were critical in staunching the civil wars that hemorrhaged West Africa in the 1990s through the 2000s. Yet today, Nigeria is hobbled by the burgeoning Boko Haram insurgency in the north, and resurgent gang insurgency in the Niger Delta. Moreover, the Boko Haram scourge has bled into the neighboring countries of the Lake Chad Basin. The once-hopeful suppositions that Iraq and Afghanistan could act as U.S. security partners now seem to be wishful thinking. Despite the investment of hundreds of billions of dollars to bolster the capacity of these two potential partners, effective collaboration seems extremely unlikely for the foreseeable future. Afghanistan today struggles to survive the attacks of al-Qaeda, the Taliban and Haqqani networks, and more recently ISIL. Though the Government of Afghanistan welcomes U.S. engagement, its effectiveness as a security partner remains questionable. Similarly, Iraq struggles to survive as an autonomous state, depending on Kurdish and Shia nonstate militias in its fight with ISIL. Afghanistan and Iraq may continue to act as incubators for terrorist groups planning attacks against the United States well into the future. Though the nature or extent of the connections between these terrorist and criminal organizations is not transparent, what is clear is that when they desire to interact, they are able to do so. Joint training, learning, and sharing of experience are certainly likely, if not yet joint operations. While states unwillingly and unwittingly act as safe havens for destabilizing global actors, even more troubling are instances in which there is clear collusion between such groups and elements of sovereign states. For example, Iran's Quds Force, a special forces unit of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, has been both directly engaged in terrorist acts around the world, and is supportive of other terrorist organizations. Ominously, in 2011, an attempt by the Quds Force to collaborate with the Los Zetas cartel to assassinate the Saudi Arabian ambassador to the United States was intercepted. That this effort was interdicted by the vigilant DEA is extremely fortunate -- at that particular moment in time, with the combustible tension between Iran and Saudi Arabia, and between Sunni and Shia throughout the Islamic world, the consequences of the intended assassination are difficult to imagine. One need only consider the consequences of the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand in Sarajevo just a century ago to put this into perspective. This effort by the Quds Force to conspire with Los Zetas, now fully documented in U.S. case law, demonstrates beyond a reasonable doubt the potential collusion of sovereign states and terrorist organizations with criminal organizations. This type of collusion is not limited to the Middle East. As Douglas Farah has written, Venezuela has utilized the state's diplomatic tools to support criminal and terrorist activity. North Korea has long been known as a hub of illicit activity, allegedly including smuggling, counterfeit trade, production of controlled substances, illegal weapons trafficking, and money laundering. Pyongyang's infamous Bureau 39 is thought to generate between $500 million and $1 billion per year from such illicit activities.

Details: Washington, DC: Center for Complex Operations, Institute for National Strategic Studies, National Defense University, 2016. 402p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 3, 2016 at: http://cco.ndu.edu/Portals/96/Documents/books/Beyond%20Convergence/BEYOND%20CONVERGENCE%20%20World%20Without%20Order%20.pdf?ver=2016-10-25-125406-170

Year: 2016

Country: International

URL: http://cco.ndu.edu/Portals/96/Documents/books/Beyond%20Convergence/BEYOND%20CONVERGENCE%20%20World%20Without%20Order%20.pdf?ver=2016-10-25-125406-170

Shelf Number: 144992

Counterfeit Trade
Illicit Networks
National Security
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Weapons

Author: Crabtree, Ben

Title: The nexus of conflict and illicit drug trafficking: Syria and the wider region

Summary: Evidence of drug seizures shows that captagon has become the major drug in the Middle East, enriching criminal and terrorist networks and fueling conflict across the region, sidelining other drug routes such as the billion-dollar business of Afghan heroin via the Balkan route. With seizures of 69.5 million pills in Syria, Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon in 2015 alone, the captagon market has exploded. One captagon pill, sold on the streets in the Gulf countries, would fetch US 10-20$. Thus, the market can be estimated at a worth as much as 1.39$ billion. This means that millions of dollars are being raised from drug trafficking and directly benefit different groups involved in the Syrian conflict. This Global Initiative investigation shows that captagon has become the conflict drug of choice -- not only in directly financing the ever deteriorating war in Syria but also slowly fueling the appetite for conflict: Evidence suggests that ISIS is also not only involved in captagon trafficking but also in prescription drug trafficking and abuse (tramadol). Both captagon and tramadol are used by ISIS fighters to suppress feelings of pain, induce feelings of euphoria and thereby increase levels of violence. In addition, migration and displacement feed into another vicious cycle. As drug trafficking sprawls, so does the potential for increased abuse and addiction by Syrian nationals both within the country and among the refugee populations. Further evidence suggests the increasing vulnerabilities and mental health issues of the displaced population, leading to spiking levels of drug abuse. This new Global Initiative report, launched on 1st of November, is a timely piece of analysis based on field research in six countries. It examines the dimensions of regional drug trafficking and highlights the troubling consequences for the possible resolution of the Syria conflict and the region's long-term stability. This report finds that despite limited reliable information: Drug trafficking and its impact on the rule of law is extensive and chronic, and its impact goes beyond the borders of Syria. This must be factored into development implementations in a post-conflict Syria. Development policies should have a mid- to long term focus understanding the local needs and conflicts and development of the rule of law as a cornerstone for success. Captagon production within Syria has been occurring for at least a decade. However, the current conflict has merely exploited the breakdown of the rule of law to intensify production and trafficking and added a regional facet to the issue, because The current level of conflict within Syria has forced some traffickers to move production of captagon to Lebanon and Turkey and potentially other countries within the region including Sudan. If the conflict worsens for either the regime, FSA, or ISIS and extremist groups, captagon drug trafficking could be moved on a larger scale to neighboring countries. It is unclear if ISIS is a net exporter of captagon due to other more reliable sources of funding (oil, extortion). However, there are clear links between tramadol trafficking and ISIS. Destination markets for captagon are predominantly in the Arab Peninsula and East Africa with consumption in Turkey and Syria also rising precipitously. Overall, drug trafficking and serious organized crime are a significant challenge to some countries in the region, due to newer priorities and limited capacity of law enforcement.

Details: Geneva: Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime, 2016. 48p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 3, 2016 at: http://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/global-initiative-the-nexus-of-conflict-and-illicit-drug-trafficking--syria-and-the-wider-region-november-2016_low.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Syria

URL: http://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/global-initiative-the-nexus-of-conflict-and-illicit-drug-trafficking--syria-and-the-wider-region-november-2016_low.pdf

Shelf Number: 144991

Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime
Terrorist Financing

Author: Ferradi, Houda

Title: When Organized Crime Applies Academic Results A Forensic Analysis of an In-Card Listening Device

Summary: This paper describes the forensic analysis of what the authors believe to be the most sophisticated smart card fraud encountered to date. In 2010, Murdoch et al. described a man-in-the-middle attack against EMV cards. demonstrated the attack using a general purpose FPGA board, noting that "miniaturization is mostly a mechanical challenge, and well within the expertise of criminal gangs". This indeed happened in 2011, when about 40 sophisticated card forgeries surfaced in the field. These forgeries are remarkable in that they embed two chips wired top-to-tail. The first chip is clipped from a genuine stolen card. The second chip plays the role of the man-in-the-middle and communicates directly with the point of sale (PoS) terminal. The entire assembly is embedded in the plastic body of yet another stolen card. The forensic analysis relied on X-ray chip imaging, side-channel analysis, protocol analysis, and microscopic optical inspections.

Details: Unpublished paper, 2015. 20p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 8, 2016 at: https://eprint.iacr.org/2015/963.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: International

URL: https://eprint.iacr.org/2015/963.pdf

Shelf Number: 145387

Credit Card Fraud
Organized Crime

Author: Walton, Grant

Title: The dark side of economic globalisation: politics, organised crime and corruption in the Pacific

Summary: While organised crime comes in a variety of guises, in this paper we argue that organised crime in the Pacific can be best framed as a nexus between political elites and seemingly licit actors. We argue that three changes over the past two decades have made it increasingly likely that the relationship between politics and organised crime is likely to strengthen. The first is the systematic weakening of crime prevention and oversight institutions – which is often contributed to by powerful politicians. The second is the increasing and often unregulated transnational movement of goods (including contraband), money and people associated with deepening globalisation, including intensified levels of extractive enterprise in some countries. The shifting nature of politics and international diplomacy across the Pacific is the third key trend we identify. We argue that these factors in combination are making it more difficult for elements of the political class to resist, and be investigated for, links to organised criminals.

Details: Canberra: Australian National University, Development Policy Centre, 2016. 33p.

Source: Internet Resource: Development Policy Centre Discussion Paper 48: Accessed November 11, 2016 at: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2848016

Year: 2016

Country: Papua New Guinea

URL: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2848016

Shelf Number: 141103

Organized Crime
Political Corruption

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

Title: Smuggling of Migrants: A risk assessment of border communities: Cambodia, Lao PDR and Thailand

Summary: Southeast Asia continues to experience rapid economic and social development. In the Greater Mekong Sub-Region (GMS), economic development in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, and Thailand is progressing at different paces. The resulting economic disparity between these countries is a driving force for both regular and irregular labor migration to Thailand. Since regular labor migration channels and opportunities are not sufficient to match the demand for unskilled or low-skilled migrant workers in Thailand, irregular migration continues to flourish. In this context, migrant smuggling - the procurement of illegal entry of a person into a State of which the person is not a national for a financial or other material benefit - accounts for much of the irregular migration in the GMS. Driven by supply and demand, illegal flows of goods and people tend to be more prevalent in specific border areas, which become core hubs for organizing illegal border transportation and crossing. This makes the underdeveloped border communities of these GMS countries susceptible targets for organized criminal groups that seek to generate profits from transporting and facilitating illegal entry for migrants. The objectives of this study are to determine key motivators and facilitators of irregular migration, explore the concept of Border Community Committees and their potential effectiveness in reducing the smuggling of migrants, evaluate existing mechanisms for combating irregular migration, and assess the role of law enforcement officials in preventing and prosecuting migrant smuggling and irregular migration practices.

Details: Bangkok: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Regional Office for Southeast Asia and the Pacific, 2014. 28p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 12, 2016 at: https://www.unodc.org/documents/southeastasiaandpacific/2014/08/patrol/Final_Report_SOM_in_Border_Communities_11_25_Aug_2014.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Asia

URL: https://www.unodc.org/documents/southeastasiaandpacific/2014/08/patrol/Final_Report_SOM_in_Border_Communities_11_25_Aug_2014.pdf

Shelf Number: 146667

Border Security
Human Smuggling
Illegal Immigrants
Migrant Smuggling
Organized Crime

Author: Skidmore, Michael

Title: The role and impact of organised crime in the local off-street sex market

Summary: Key Messages • In a single city 65 brothels, linked to 74 offenders, were identified over a two-year period. Over three quarters (77 per cent) displayed links to organised crime groups. • There was a high level of turnover and movement of those working in brothels. In a third (29 per cent) of brothels there was evidence that sex workers' movements had been controlled. • Organised crime pervades the off-street sex market but was not prioritised for a response by local police teams. • No single agency took ownership of the problem of exploitation in the off-street sex market and there was very little proactive engagement with vulnerable sex workers.

Details: London: The Police Foundation, 2016. 6p.

Source: Internet Resource: Reducing the Impact of Serious Organised Crime in Local Communities: Accessed November 16, 2016 at: http://www.police-foundation.org.uk/uploads/holding/projects/organised_crime_and_the_adult_sex_market.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.police-foundation.org.uk/uploads/holding/projects/organised_crime_and_the_adult_sex_market.pdf

Shelf Number: 144846

Organized Crime
Sex Markets
Sex Workers

Author: Europol

Title: IOCTA 2016: Internet Organised Crime Threat Assessment

Summary: The 2016 Internet Organised Crime Threat Assessment (IOCTA) is a law enforcement-centric threat assessment intended to inform priority setting for the EMPACT Operational Action Plans in the three sub-priority areas of cybercrime (cyber attacks, child sexual exploitation online and payment fraud). The IOCTA also seeks to inform decision-makers at strategic, policy and tactical levels on how to fight cybercrime more effectively and to better protect online society against cyber threats. The 2016 IOCTA provides a view from the trenches, drawing primarily on the experiences of law enforcement within the EU Member States to highlight the threats visibly impacting on industry and private citizens within the EU. The IOCTA is a forward-looking assessment presenting analyses of future risks and emerging threats, providing recommendations to align and strengthen the joint efforts of EU law enforcement and its partners in preventing and fighting cybercrime.

Details: Paris: EUROPOL, 2016. 72p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 22, 2016 at: https://www.europol.europa.eu/activities-services/main-reports/internet-organised-crime-threat-assessment-iocta-2016

Year: 2016

Country: Europe

URL: https://www.europol.europa.eu/activities-services/main-reports/internet-organised-crime-threat-assessment-iocta-2016

Shelf Number: 147314

Computer Crimes
Internet Crimes
Organized Crime

Author: Johnston, Nick

Title: Cigarette Smuggling: Poland to Sweden

Summary: Cigarette smuggling is a multibillion dollar industry which directly feeds off government revenue. Within the European Union (EU) there are losses of around 11.3 billion euro in tax revenue each year as a result of this criminal activity. The unique socioeconomic environment of the EU coupled with the open borders policy provides smugglers with opportunities to make incredible profits. The demand for cheap tobacco products across Europe is high so the illicit production industry is a viable market for many to capitalize on. Attempts to curtail the trade are weighed down by ineffective legislation and limited resources. The limited legal repercussions and immense profit margins make the cigarette smuggling an incredibly attractive enterprise. Smugglers to convey their supply from Poland, Belarus and the Baltic states up to Sweden and Norway where they can make profit margins of up to 1000%. The methods used to transport the contraband can be as intuitive as they are audacious. Ranging from flying in small aircraft into abandoned Swedish airports to smuggling in thousands of cigarettes in a concrete segment of a bridge awaiting construction. This report explores the extent of the illegal tobacco trade within the EU, detailing how government institutions are affected. There is a special focus on cigarette trends in Poland, which is the prevailing origin of tobacco products within the EU. Through uncovering the plights of the system which allows for illicit trade to flow through, the report provides recommendations for all levels of law enforcement, from local to international, on addressing the growing issue.

Details: Stockholm: SWE: Institute for Security & Development Policy, 2016. 42p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 22, 2016 at: http://isdp.eu/content/uploads/2016/10/Cigarette-Smuggling-Report-2016.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Europe

URL: http://isdp.eu/content/uploads/2016/10/Cigarette-Smuggling-Report-2016.pdf

Shelf Number: 147312

Cigarette Smuggling
Illegal Trade
Organized Crime

Author: Smith, Marcus

Title: Procedural impediments to effective unexplained wealth legislation in Australia

Summary: Australia’s unexplained wealth laws form part of a range of measures introduced in response to growing concern about the prevalence and impact of organised crime. The confiscation of criminal assets, including through the use of unexplained wealth legislation, seeks to undermine the business model of organised crime by removing its financial return, punishing offenders, compensating society, preventing the improper use of assets and deterring participation in crime (Bartels 2010a). The Australian Crime Commission has conservatively estimated that serious and organised crime cost Australia $36b in 2013–14 (ACC 2015). According to published national statistics, the total value of assets confiscated in Australian jurisdictions between 1995–96 and 2013–14 was approximately $800m, averaging around $44m annually. The discrepancy between these two amounts clearly shows more needs to be done to target the profits of organised crime. This paper reviews Australia’s current approaches to confiscating unexplained wealth and aims to identify any barriers to their implementation, to inform effective procedural reforms to the laws and better target the proceeds of crime of Australia’s most serious criminals.

Details: Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology, 2016. 9p.

Source: Internet Resource: Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice, no. 523: Accessed December 5, 2016 at: http://aic.gov.au/media_library/publications/tandi_pdf/tandi523.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Australia

URL: http://aic.gov.au/media_library/publications/tandi_pdf/tandi523.pdf

Shelf Number: 140298

Asset Forfeitures
Financial Crimes
Organized Crime
Proceeds of Crime

Author: Mann, Monique

Title: A Story of Organized Crime: Constructing Criminality and Building Institutions

Summary: his is a narrative about the way in which a category of crime-to-be-combated is constructed through the discipline of criminology and the agents of discipline in criminal justice. The aim was to examine organized crime through the eyes of those whose job it is to fight it (and define it), and in doing so investigate the ways social problems surface as sites for state intervention. A genealogy of organized crime within criminological thought was completed, demonstrating that there are a range of different ways organized crime has been constructed within the social scientific discipline, and each of these were influenced by the social context, political winds and intellectual climate of the time. Following this first finding, in-depth qualitative interviews were conducted with individuals who had worked at the apex of the policing of organized crime in Australia, in order to trace their understandings of organized crime across recent history. It was found that organized crime can be understood as an object of the discourse of the politics of law and order, the discourse of international securitization, new public management in policing business, and involves the forging of outlaw identities. Therefore, there are multiple meanings of organized crime that have arisen from an interconnected set of social, political, moral and bureaucratic discourses. The institutional response to organized crime, including law and policing, was subsequently examined. An extensive legislative framework has been enacted at multiple jurisdictional levels, and the problem of organized crime was found to be deserving of unique institutional powers and configurations to deal with it. The social problem of organized crime, as constituted by the discourses mapped out in this research, has led to a new generation of increasingly preemptive and punitive laws, and the creation of new state agencies with amplified powers. That is, the response to organized crime, with a focus on criminalization and enforcement, has been driven and shaped by the four discourses and the way in which the phenomenon is constructed within them. An appreciation of the nexus between the emergence of the social problem, and the formation of institutions in response to it, is important in developing a more complete understanding of the various dimensions of organized crime.

Details: Griffith University, School of Humanities, 2014. 238p.

Source: Internet Resource: Dissertation: Accessed December 7, 2016 at: http://eprints.qut.edu.au/91930/1/PhD_MANUSCRIPT_REVISED_MANN.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Australia

URL: http://eprints.qut.edu.au/91930/1/PhD_MANUSCRIPT_REVISED_MANN.pdf

Shelf Number: 147924

Organized Crime

Author: Solar, Carlos

Title: The Governance of Organised Crime in Chile 1990-2014

Summary: The re-democratisation of Chile set an important landmark for the governing of the country's security. Despite the initial effort undertaken by the democratically elected authorities to ensure the rule of law, the passing of time soon exposed the state's limited capacity for confronting the pressing risks that came along with more openness in the country. The perilous evidence of organised crime swarming in the country caught many of the country’s public security actors unaware and thus confused regarding their response. A series of factors undermining an encompassing response to complex criminality were evident. Public security institutions lacked the knowledge, skills, and resources and, what is more, they were highly divorced from one another due to their previous experiences in delivering security within a dictatorship. However, and almost 25 years later, the governance of organised crime had been transformed into a complex engagement of policy dissimilar to that of early re-democratisation. Multiple public institutions, demonstrating a set of highly interconnected relationships, were able to engage in policy networks to put forth a series of security policy plans. This thesis aims to explore the scholarly relevance of such governance evolution by asking the following research question: how can we explain the governing relationships that Chile’s public institutions have put up to confront organised crime since redemocratisation? This research project explains therefore how public security actors have been able to move away from inward and hierarchical patterns of policy action and develop instead horizontal relations that favour an inter-institutional style of policy-making. Through its empirical research, this thesis argues that Chile's state bureaucracies have been able to steer the governance of organised crime; however, not within the realms of a central unified authority, but through a set of self-governing institutions that, since the 1990 return to democracy, have gradually adopted norms, practices, and beliefs.

Details: York, UK: University of York, 2016. 298p.

Source: Internet Resource: Dissertation: Accessed December 7, 2016 at: https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/42606048.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Chile

URL: https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/42606048.pdf

Shelf Number: 147929

Criminal Networks
Organized Crime
Rule of Law

Author: FICCI

Title: Socio-Economic Impact of Counterfeiting, Smuggling and Tax Evasion in Seven Key Indian Industry Sectors: Executive Summary

Summary: This report is a first ever compilation of facts and figures on counterfeiting, smuggling and tax evasion in seven key industry sectors in India. This research has deployed a methodology which is by far the most comprehensive till date, at least in India. Lakhs of data points have been analyzed and 129 existing sources have been referred and relied upon. The data crunching was followed by a robust validation exercise with relevant stake holders. This qualitative element is the most significant part of the research that needs to be emphasized before this audience and all those who read and make use of it. Our industry and government is very concerned about weak intellectual property protection and enforcement in India. The exponential growth of intellectual property (IP) crime has been illustrated very clearly by various studies and information from a variety of sources as well as the media. While counterfeiting used to consist primarily of apparel and other such items, the high profitability and low risk involved has allowed criminals, including organized crime rings, to become very active, counterfeiting virtually everything including, for instance, pharmaceutical products, electrical products, software, movies, food, wine, personal care products, automobile parts and luxury goods. While IP crime can lack, for some, the social stigma of many other criminal offences, this illegal activity is a drain on the economy and is responsible for loss of employment, a reduction in tax revenues for governments, and poses serious consumer health and safety risks due to the poor quality of products and sometimes hazardous nature of the fakes. Virtually no industry escapes this illegal activity.

Details: New Delhi: FICCI, 2012. 9p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed December 14, 2016 at: http://ficcicascade.com/studies.php?adjacents=10&page=4

Year: 2012

Country: India

URL: http://ficcicascade.com/studies.php?adjacents=10&page=4

Shelf Number: 146104

Counterfeit Goods
Organized Crime
Smuggling of Goods
Tax Evasion

Author: Eurojust

Title: Strategic project on environmental crime: report

Summary: Eurojust is pleased to present this report on the outcome of the Strategic Project (the 'Strategic Project') on Environmental Crime (the 'Report'). Eurojust launched the Strategic Project in spring 2013 on the basis of an intriguing paradox: there was growing evidence of an increasing understanding that environmental crime is a serious crime, often involving a cross-border dimension and organised crime groups (OCGs), while at the same time, statistics on prosecutions of environmental crime in the Member States did not appear to reflect the real impact of this crime. The number of cases referred to Eurojust, at that time, was also very low. A number of project activities carried out during the past year has enabled Eurojust to build significant expertise in the fight against environmental crime, to collect knowledge on the main obstacles as well as best practice when prosecuting environmental crime cases, and to look into possible solutions and the way ahead. This Report presents in its second chapter the project objectives, the methodology used to implement these objectives and the project activities undertaken to achieve these objectives. Based on the different sources of information available, the Environmental Crime Project Team (the Project Team) analysed the main issues in the prosecution and investigation of environmental crime, with a special focus on three topics: trafficking in endangered species, illegal trafficking in waste and surface water pollution. The first two are particularly important today at European Union level and are the focus of a number of EU and international initiatives. The analysis carried out on the three topics mentioned above is described in detail in three chapters. Two separate chapters are subsequently devoted to the national enforcement structure and access to expertise, and to possible solutions and best practice in tackling the challenges identified. In this context, it should be stressed that possibilities for enhanced cooperation among key stakeholders could assist Member States and Eurojust in supporting the investigation and prosecution of environmental crime cases more efficiently. Within this framework, it has already been proven that the partnership established through the Strategic Project between Eurojust and the European Network of Prosecutors for the Environment (ENPE) is particularly successful. In the conclusions, the main findings and challenges identified by the Project Team are presented. Eurojust hopes that the present Report will be instrumental in supporting the current developments and initiatives undertaken at EU and international level in the fight against environmental crime. Additionally, Eurojust believes that this Report could also contribute to raising awareness among practitioners, legislators and policy makers about the serious impact of this important crime phenomenon

Details: The Hague: Eurojust, 2014. 96p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed December 15, 2016 at: http://www.eurojust.europa.eu/doclibrary/eurojust-framework/casework/strategic%20project%20on%20environmental%20crime%20(october%202014)/environmental-crime-report_2014-11-21-en.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.eurojust.europa.eu/doclibrary/eurojust-framework/casework/strategic%20project%20on%20environmental%20crime%20(october%202014)/environmental-crime-report_2014-11-21-en.pdf

Shelf Number: 146122

Environmental Crime
Offenses Against the Environment
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Waste
Trafficking in Wildlife

Author: Sahan Foundation

Title: Human Trafficking and Smuggling on the Horn of Africa-Central Mediterranean Route

Summary: As Europe struggles to manage its largest migrant crisis in more than half a century, attention has focused largely upon the refugee flows from Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan, where years of war and instability are driving the exodus. But in 2015, an estimated 154,000 migrants entered Europe via the Central Mediterranean Route – an increase of nearly 400% over the previous year, and more than 1,000% over 2012 – most of them from the Horn of Africa. By far the largest contingent of migrants – nearly 39,000 in 2015 – is from the sub-region's second smallest country: Eritrea. In contrast with the mass, largely uncontrolled movements of refugees from the Middle East, irregular migration from the Horn of Africa is dominated by highly integrated networks of transnational organised criminal groups. Coordinated by kingpins based chiefly in Libya and the Horn of Africa, these networks "recruit" their clients via schools, the Internet and word of mouth; they corrupt government officials to ensure seamless travel across borders; they collude with Libyan militias to secure safe passage across the desert to launching points on the southern shores of the Mediterranean; and they cast their human cargoes adrift at the limit of Libyan territorial waters in order to avoid interdiction and arrest by European security forces. Inception and Purpose of the Report Security has long been a shared preoccupation of countries of the region. The "revitalisation" of IGAD in 1996 expanded the organisation’s mandate to more directly address challenges of peace and stability in the sub-region, including, under Article 18(a), "effective collective measures to eliminate threats to regional cooperation, peace, and stability." In 2002, the states of the region signed the African Union Peace and Security Council (PSC) Protocol, which outlined the various components of a new African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA) built around structures, objectives, principles, and values, as well as decision-making processes relating to the prevention, management, and resolution of crises and conflicts, post-conflict reconstruction and development in the continent. In this context, in 2003, the IGAD Summit of Heads of State and Government endorsed a new strategy for Conflict Prevention, Management, and Resolution (CPMR), which was enlarged upon in October 2005 to develop an IGAD “Peace and Security Strategy” in line with APSA. Although the new strategy remained heavily focused on inter-state and intra-state conflict, it called for the enhancement of IGAD activities on countering emerging transnational security threats. IGAD, coming to terms with the expanding scope of regional security challenges, adopted a new Security Strategy in December 2010 and, in October 2011, launched the IGAD Security Sector Programme (ISSP), whose expanded mandate included counter-terrorism, transnational organised crime (TOC), maritime security, and security institutions' capacity-building.

Details: Sahan Foundation, 2016. 39p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed December 20, 2016 at: http://eritreanrefugees.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/IGAD-Sahan-2015-Trafficking-Report.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Africa

URL: http://eritreanrefugees.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/IGAD-Sahan-2015-Trafficking-Report.pdf

Shelf Number: 147783

Border Security
Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Maritime Crime
Maritime Security
Organized Crime

Author: Grace, Anita

Title: Organized Urban Violence: An Examination of the Threat of Organized Armed Groups to Urban Environments

Summary: This research contributes to the assessment of urban violence by developing a category of urban violence, namely organized urban violence (OUV), defined as that which is generated by urban non-state organized armed groups (OAGs) who exert territorial and social control in urban areas. Through detailed examination of academic and policy literature, this thesis explores the types of non-state OAGs involved in urban violence – such as private security companies (PSCs), vigilantes, gangs, and organized crime groups – their characteristics and their impacts on urban environments. The category of OUV is further developed through two case studies: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and Cape Town, South Africa – cities which have a proliferation of urban non-state OAGs and high levels of urban violence.

Details: Ottawa: Saint Paul University, 2011. 158p.

Source: Internet Resource: Thesis: Accessed December 23, 2016 at: https://www.ruor.uottawa.ca/handle/10393/20009

Year: 2011

Country: International

URL: https://www.ruor.uottawa.ca/handle/10393/20009

Shelf Number: 147787

Gang-Related Violence
Neighborhoods and Crime
Organized Crime
Urban Areas and Crime

Author: Agreste, Santa

Title: Network Structure and Resilience of Mafia Syndicates

Summary: In this paper we present the results of the study of Sicilian Mafia organization by using Social Network Analysis. The study investigates the network structure of a Mafia organization, describing its evolution and highlighting its plasticity to interventions targeting membership and its resilience to disruption caused by police operations. We analyze two different datasets about Mafia gangs built by examining different digital trails and judicial documents spanning a period of ten years: the former dataset includes the phone contacts among suspected individuals, the latter is constituted by the relationships among individuals actively involved in various criminal offenses. Our report illustrates the limits of traditional investigation methods like tapping: criminals high up in the organization hierarchy do not occupy the most central positions in the criminal network, and oftentimes do not appear in the reconstructed criminal network at all. However, we also suggest possible strategies of intervention, as we show that although criminal networks (i.e., the network encoding mobsters and crime relationships) are extremely resilient to different kind of attacks, contact networks (i.e., the network reporting suspects and reciprocated phone calls) are much more vulnerable and their analysis can yield extremely valuable insights.

Details: Unpublished paper, 2015. 22p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed December 23, 2016 at: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1509.01608v1.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: International

URL: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1509.01608v1.pdf

Shelf Number: 147811

Criminal Networks
Organized Crime
Social Network Analysis
Social Networks

Author: InSight Crime

Title: Game Changers: Tracking the Evolution of Organized Crime in the Americas: 2016.

Summary: Welcome to InSight Crime's GameChangers 2016, where we highlight the most important trends in organized crime in the Americas. This year we put a spotlight on crime and corruption among the region's political elites, while reporting on government struggles to corral criminality fueled by street gangs, drug cartels and Marxist rebels alike. Top government officials spent much of the year fending off accusations of corruption and organized crime with varying degrees of success. At the center of the storm was Brazil, where government deals led to bribes and kickbacks that over time reached into the billions of dollars. The top casualty of the scandal was Dilma Rousseff who, ironically, was ousted from the presidency for misuse of funds, not corruption. In reality, it is her Worker's Party that more resembles a criminal organization than she does. Like a mafia, the party collected and distributed money to keep the wheels of political power moving and laundered that money through elaborate schemes involving construction companies and offshore accounts. Rousseff's mentor, the celebrated former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva was charged with what appeared to be the type of routine payments all Brazilian politicians and ex-politicians get from the movement of state contracts. Indeed, those who ousted Rousseff are facing similar corruption allegations, illustrating just how institutionalized the problem appears to be. Venezuela's President Nicolás Maduro is facing down a different type of crisis, one that includes an economic emergency, widespread corruption and rising crime rates at home, and an increasing number of current and ex-officials charged with drug trafficking abroad. The US government's case against the first lady's "Narco Nephews" got most of the headlines, but numerous other former military officials are revealing to US investigators just what the Venezuelan government looks like from the inside. It is a not a pretty picture, and Maduro's domestic and international issues appear to be pushing him into tighter alliances with the criminal elements in his government. Guatemala's Attorney General's Office and its United Nations-backed appendage, the International Commission Against Impunity in Guatemala (Comisión Internacional Contra la Impunidad en Guatemala - CICIG), continued to arrest and charge more suspects from the mafia state established under former President Otto Pérez Molina, his Vice President Roxana Baldetti and their Patriotic Party (Partido Patriota - PP). The most startling and revealing case was one they termed the "cooptación del estado," or the "Cooptation of the State," a scheme involving numerous campaign contributors whose return on investment was guaranteed once the PP took power in 2012. Among those arrested for the Cooptation of the State case was former Interior Minister Mauricio López Bonilla. Once a staunch US counter-drug ally and hero from that country's civil war, López Bonilla is also being investigated for his multiple shady deals with drug traffickers such as Marllory Chacón Rossell, to whom he provided a government protection service even after she was accused of money laundering by the US Treasury Department; and with Byron Lima, a former army captain who was killed in jail amidst a public squabble with the former interior minister. Potential corruption and organized crime cases continue to shake the foundations of Guatemala, including one that connects a now extradited drug trafficker to the current vice president and a corruption scandal connected to the current president's son and his brother.

Details: s.l.: Insight Crime, 2016. 55p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 25, 2017 at: http://www.insightcrime.org/images/PDFs/2016/GAMECHANGERS_2016.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: South America

URL: http://www.insightcrime.org/images/PDFs/2016/GAMECHANGERS_2016.pdf

Shelf Number: 140596

Criminal Networks
Drug Trafficking (South America)
Organized Crime
Street Gangs

Author: Kruisbergen, Edwin W.

Title: Combating organized crime: A study on undercover policing and the follow-the-money strategy

Summary: This thesis presents empirical evidence on two counterstrategies to organized crime in the Netherlands: the criminal justice approach and the financial approach. For the criminal justice approach, it focuses on a specific method of criminal investigation: undercover policing. For the financial approach, it looks into what organized crime offenders actually do with their money as well as the efforts of law enforcement agencies to confiscate criminal earnings. Index General introduction Undercover policing: assumptions and empirical evidence Infiltrating organized crime groups: theory, regulation and results of a last resort method of investigation Profitability, power, or proximity? Organized crime offenders investing their money in legal economy Explaining attrition: investigating and confiscating the profits of organized crime Conclusion and discussion

Details: The Hague: WODC, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2017. 204p.

Source: Internet Resource: Dissertation: Accessed January 25, 2017 at: https://www.wodc.nl/binaries/Kruisbergen_dissertation_full%20text_tcm28-237785.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: Netherlands

URL: https://www.wodc.nl/binaries/Kruisbergen_dissertation_full%20text_tcm28-237785.pdf

Shelf Number: 147799

Criminal Investigation
Organized Crime
Proceeds of Crime
Undercover Policing

Author: Ralby, Ian M.

Title: Downstream Oil Theft: Global Modalities, Trends, and Remedies

Summary: At peak prices, tapping a Mexican pipeline of refined oil for only seven minutes could earn a cartel $90,000. In 2012 alone, hydrocarbons fraud cost the European Union €4 billion in lost revenues. In Nigeria, 30 percent of all hydrocarbons products are smuggled into neighboring states. An estimated 660,000 cars in Morocco and Tunisia run all year long on fuel smuggled from Algeria. In its first year, a fuel marking and vehicle tracking program in Uganda reduced the amount of adulterated fuel from 29 percent to as little as 1 percent. But at the same time, the regulators who test the state’s fuel marking program routinely steal 22 liters per truckload, amounting to 1.2 million liters per year at one border crossing alone. Theft, fraud, smuggling, laundering, corruption. Hydrocarbons crime, in all its forms, has become a significant threat not only to local and regional prosperity but also to global stability and security. Combating this pervasive criminal activity is made only more difficult by the reality that many of those in a position to curb hydrocarbons crime are the ones benefiting from it. This is the first major study of refined oil theft around the globe, and while Part I provides only a limited snapshot of the problem, it offers useful insight into the modalities of theft, the culprits responsible, the stakeholders who suffer, and the approaches that could change the illicit dynamics. Part I examines the contours of illicit hydrocarbons activity in ten case studies: Mexico, Nigeria, Ghana, Morocco, Uganda, Mozambique, Thailand, Azerbaijan, Turkey, and the European Union (including the United Kingdom). The modalities of theft across these geographically and contextually disparate cases range from low-level tapping, siphoning, adulteration, and smuggling to extremely sophisticated maritime operations involving extensive networks of actors to brazenly corrupt dynamics in which states lose billions of dollars per year while their officials profit from those losses. Illicit activity is highest in states where oil is refined, but the most common determinant of oil theft is a significant price discrepancy between one state and its neighbor. Other factors in neighboring states— instability, currency imbalances, and lack of border controls—also impact the extent to which a state experiences downstream illicit activity. Areas where there are few fuel distribution centers are particularly ripe for organized criminal groups to fill the void. At the same time, security forces, regulatory authorities, company insiders, terminal workers, and officials at every level are all potential participants in illicit hydrocarbons schemes that rob governments of revenue and enrich the individuals involved. Some mitigation efforts—most notably fuel marking and vehicle tracking—have proved extremely useful in efforts to stem illicit activity and regain lost tax revenue. But others, including closing borders, have had little, if any, effect. This report is divided into three parts. The first focuses on the culprits, modalities, and amounts of downstream illicit hydrocarbons activity. It details each of the case studies and examines the forms of hydrocarbons crime, highlighting who benefits, who suffers, and, to the extent possible, how much is being lost by governments in the process. Part II draws on the details of the case studies to analyze trends in the global illicit market. Part III then focuses on the various stakeholders and their reasons and opportunities for mitigation, and provides concrete recommendations about what might be done. Fuel is vital to human life, and everyone wants a discount. Across the globe, people are willing to break the law in order to pursue that discount. The global scourge of illicit downstream hydrocarbons activity remains relatively invisible. This study, in shining a light on it, constitutes the first step toward effectively addressing this pervasive, yet unrecognized threat to global security, stability, and prosperity.

Details: Washington, DC: Atlantic Council, Global Energy Center, 2017. 116p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 25, 2017 at: http://www.atlanticcouncil.org/images/publications/Downstream_Oil_Theft_web_0106.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: International

URL: http://www.atlanticcouncil.org/images/publications/Downstream_Oil_Theft_web_0106.pdf

Shelf Number: 147797

Natural Resources
Oil Industry
Oil Theft
Organized Crime
Terrorist Financing

Author: Lopez Guevara, Estefania

Title: Coltan Trafficking Network in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Summary: Trafficking of Coltan is the main economic, social and political source of instability in The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and surrounding countries, including Rwanda and Burundi. The illegal market of the ore has roots in transnational and domestic corruption, financial support to armed groups, violation of workers' rights, multinationals collusion, instability of international prices minerals and lack of diversification. Armed groups earn hundreds of millions of dollars every year by trading coltan that is smuggled out of Congo throughout neighboring countries and then shipped to smelters for refinement. Once the coltan is processed, it is difficult to trace its origin, so it easily makes its way all over the world, mainly, in electronic products. The sophisticated trafficking system of coltan is based on elite networks that operate mainly in DRC, linked to transnational organized crime and also to transnational lawful agents, such as corporations. Several lawful and unlawful agents conform each network. In fact, it has been reported that there is - competition between corrupt generals and rebels. In the case of the militia groups profits go on buying arms on the black market. With the generals, some [profits] go on arms, but lots of it goes on luxury things like villas. The profits are funding the war for everyone - both sides. It's a self-supporting war. (France 24, 2008) This document is the analysis of a criminal network traffics coltan, diamonds, arms, gold, and other minerals and commodities across the DRC and surrounding countries. The document has five parts: The first part is an introduction; the second part is a description of the methodology and the concepts related to Social Network Analysis, which is the methodological approach herein applied; the third part is a presentation of a criminal network defined as a "coltan trafficking and elite network in DRC", as well as the sources gathered and processed in this analysis; the fourth part is a presentation of the characteristics of the criminal structure, which includes a description of the types of nodes/agents, the interactions established, and the nodes/agents concentrating direct interactions and the capacity to arbitrate resources. The fifth part includes conclusions related to the characteristics the analyzed network.

Details: Bogotá, Colombia: Vortex Foundation, 2016. 39p.

Source: Internet Resource: The Global Observatory of Transnational Criminal Networks: Research Paper No. 19. VORTEX Working Papers no. 14: Accessed January 27, 2017 at: http://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/522e46_f0896eb2340e4941bdd0de3f52e3bc65.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Congo, Democratic Republic

URL: http://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/522e46_f0896eb2340e4941bdd0de3f52e3bc65.pdf

Shelf Number: 145815

Conflict Minerals
Criminal Networks
Illegal Mining
Mining Industry
Natural Resources
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Natural Resources

Author: Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime

Title: Development Responses to Organized Crime: new agendas, new opportunities

Summary: There are a number of signifcant policy processes advancing that are changing the way that development actors will engage with organized crime programming. The adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (ASD2030) by the General Assembly on the 25 September 2015 places the issue of organized crime firmly within the realm and mandate of development actors. The shifts in the rules for recording development assistance contributions under the revised Financing for Development framework and the clarification of the ODA rules will make it easier for development actors to engage in programming directly related to tackling organized crime, mitigating its impact and building the resilience of communities to criminal flows. In addition, as preparation for the 2016 United Nations General Assembly Special Session on Drugs (UNGASS) intensifies, this will shine a spotlight on the debates around what are the appropriate responses to transnational organized crime, and how we achieve balanced, integrated approach that can include both criminal justice, security and development responses. The Development Dialogue is a process that the Global Initiative has facilitated since early 2013, and it is clear that a lot of ground has been covered since those initial discussions, in which development actors were only beginning to come to terms with organized crime, and the evidence base was still largely yet to be determined. A number of the most pressing challenges which the international community and individual states are grappling with have highlighted the importance: illicit migration, but also debates around reducing the harm from drug trafficking, or protecting key species from extinction for example. This conference is the fourth meeting of the Development Dialogue: the first was held in the Hague in April 2013, the second in Berlin in November 2014, and the third in Oslo in March 2015.1 In each meeting, the hosting country partnered with the Global Initiative to use the discussion to learn from thematic and regional specialist, and to raise awareness and catalyze the debate internally. In a small way, this has contributed to the growing momentum around the debate, and has provided policymakers an opportunity to benchmark and compare approaches. This meeting brought together some 50 policymakers, experts and development practitioners at the HMS President facility in London, offered by the UK Ministry of Defense, and co-hosted between the Global Initiative and the UK’s Department for International Development. Representatives from twelve separate UK Government departments participated in the meeting, highlighting how wide the debate has become, and the ever-increasing need to build bridges between different departments, build a common language and create whole of government approaches. The meeting was held under the Chatham House rule. The debate has unquestionably progressed. The ASD2030 outcome shows us is that there is no longer a question that development actors have a role to play in countering organized crime – this was less clear when the Development Dialogue process began – but the challenge remains complex, without simple solutions. Debating the complexity, discarding simple solutions, innovating new response and seeking ways to measure progress are the key things on the agenda now, and there is a hope that the Development Dialogue can continue to add value to that process.

Details: Geneva, SWIT: Global Initiative Against Organized Crime, 2015. 29p.

Source: Internet Resource: A Conference Report: Accessed January 27, 2017 at: http://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/2015-Crime.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: International

URL: http://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/2015-Crime.pdf

Shelf Number: 144927

Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

Title: Violence, Crime and Illegal Arms Trafficking in Colombia

Summary: Colombia has one of the highest homicide rates in the world. Most of those killings involve firearms. What is the relationship between violence, crime and arms trafficking in Colombia? This report aims to find out. The biggest problem is that in parts of Colombia, the State does not have a monopoly on the use of force. Highly organized criminal structures such as drug trafficking mafias and paramilitary groups are well-armed and dangerous. There are many private security companies, some of which use illegal weapons. Most Colombians who die from bullets do not die through indiscriminate violence. Rather, firearms are being used in the “professional” exercise of violence. The Government therefore has a major challenge to disarm such groups and reduce violence. It also needs to strengthen gun control by increasing penalties for arms trafficking and the illegal carrying of arms. Furthermore it needs to cut the supply of weapons by stopping the illicit trafficking in firearms. As demonstrated in this report, this is a trans-border issue. Weapons and ammunition are being smuggled into Colombia, very often in return for drugs. Regional cooperation and improved border control are essential to cut the links between drug trafficking, organized crime and insurgency. Colombia deserves praise for its regional and international efforts to regulate and control small arms and light weapons. It understands from its bitter experience the need to reduce arms trafficking and that international cooperation, particularly with neighbouring States, is vital. More countriesshould learn from Colombia’s experience. Since 2005 the world has had a powerful instrument against the illicit manufacturing of and trafficking in firearms, their parts and components and ammunition, namely a Protocol which supplements the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime. Ratification of this protocol is shamefully slow considering the seriousness of the threat posed by illegal weapons. Preventing, combating and eradicating the illicit manufacture and trafficking in firearmsis not an impossible dream. Whereas in the past people have talked about the importance of beating swords into ploughshares, some inspired Colombians are showing the world that you can turn guns into guitars. Colombian musician and peace activist Cesar Lopez has builtseveral "escopetarra" – part rifle (escopeta) and part guitar (guitarra). With more activistslike Mr. Lopez, greater domestic gun control and greater regional and global cooperation, Colombia and the rest of the world will have less guns and more guitars.

Details: Bogota: UNODC, 2006. 127p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 27, 2017 at: https://www.unodc.org/pdf/Colombia_Dec06_en.pdf

Year: 2006

Country: Colombia

URL: https://www.unodc.org/pdf/Colombia_Dec06_en.pdf

Shelf Number: 144925

Drug Trafficking
Gun-Related Violence
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Weapons
Violent Crime

Author: Ellis, Clare

Title: On Tap Europe: Organised Crime and Illicit Trade in Spain: Country Report

Summary: The criminal networks behind Spain's illicit trade are sophisticated, agile and often active in other areas of criminality. In contrast to other countries studied, there does not appear to be a decisive shift away from the established high-risk activities of organised crime (such as trafficking narcotics) towards illicit trade, which is considered comparatively low-risk both in terms of detection and potential sanctions. Instead, the flexibility of organised crime groups in Spain includes both forms of activity, with groups moving between different illicit commodities and between crime types as opportunities arise. While Spain has long acted as a transit hub, a substantial domestic market for illicit goods has also developed. There appears to be limited infiltration of legal supply chains, with stringent regulatory systems largely preventing illicit goods from being sold through registered retailers. However, such goods remain readily available from a variety of sources, suggesting that measures have displaced rather than suppressed the sale of illicit products. Production of illicit goods within Spain is also an emerging trend, with illegal tobacco, alcohol and pharmaceutical factories uncovered in recent years. This paper identifies four specific drivers that underpin this complex and evolving role: the significant price differentials with nearby countries and territories; the impact of the global financial crisis on the Spanish economy; a social acceptance of illicit goods and the perception among the public that illicit trade is not a serious criminal issue; and the application of relatively lenient sanctions against those convicted of crimes related to illicit trade. It is the combination of these factors that has simultaneously created demand for illicit products, fuelled their supply, and offered limited deterrence for participation in this form of criminality.

Details: London: Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies, 2017. 53p.

Source: Internet Resource: Occasional Paper; On Tap Europe Series No. 2: Accessed January 30, 2017 at: https://rusi.org/sites/default/files/201701_op_on_tap_europe_spain_final.2.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: Spain

URL: https://rusi.org/sites/default/files/201701_op_on_tap_europe_spain_final.2.pdf

Shelf Number: 145542

Drug Trafficking
Illegal Tobacco
Illicit Goods
Illicit Trade
Organized Crime

Author: Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime

Title: Development Responses to Organized Crime: An analysis and programme framework

Summary: With the approval of the Sustainable Development Goals 2030, development actors are increasingly both recognising the need and being called upon to respond to the challenges of organised crime and its impact. But there remains a significant lacuna on what the implications are for how development programming should be delivered. This framework is an attempt to shift to a situation where development actors are proactively acknowledging and addressing crime and criminal actors in their work. This framework provides a three-step exercise, which attempts to move beyond traditional approaches by offering • a means for policy-focused analysis, • a structure through which responses can be prioritised using the nature of the impact and harm caused as the primary lens of analysis, and • a set of programmatic responses that are sensitive to opportunities and entry points for engagement.

Details: Geneva, SWIT: The Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime, 2016. 45p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 30, 2017 at: http://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Global-Initiative-Assessment-and-Programmign-Tool-for-Organized-Crime-and-Development-April-2016.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: International

URL: http://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Global-Initiative-Assessment-and-Programmign-Tool-for-Organized-Crime-and-Development-April-2016.pdf

Shelf Number: 147338

Criminal Networks
Organized Crime

Author: Nasser Saidi Associates

Title: Taxation, Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products and Finance of Terrorism

Summary: This White Paper addresses two important issues relevant to imposing and increasing excise taxes on tobacco: (a) the need to avoid sudden, large tax hikes that would lead to an increase in illicit trade and (b) as a result provide financing to organised crime groups (OCGs) and terrorist organisations operating in or out of the Middle East region. The vastness of the illicit trade network is evident in the fact that trade in illicit (and untaxed) tobacco recently became the fourth-largest global tobacco business by volume, just behind British American Tobacco, Philip Morris International and Japan Tobacco International. The GCC countries currently have relatively low illicit penetration rates, but are wedged between the tobacco industry’s established smuggling centres. Tariff and tax induced price differentials along with the lack of secure borders within the Middle East are a major driver of illicit trade. We find that an increase in ad-valorem taxes could lead to a massive spread (of more than USD 1 million per container) in cigarette prices between the lowest and highest markets across the region: a definite incentive for a surge in illicit trade.

Details: a.l.: Nasser Saidi & Associates, 2015. 15p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 30, 2017 at: http://www.thecre.com/ccsf/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Tax-Illicit-Trade-and-Terrorism-June-2015-Final-English-Version.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: International

URL: http://www.thecre.com/ccsf/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Tax-Illicit-Trade-and-Terrorism-June-2015-Final-English-Version.pdf

Shelf Number: 140763

Illicit Trade
Organized Crime
Terrorist Financing
Tobacco Trade

Author: European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)

Title: Drug supply reduction: an overview of EU policies and measures

Summary: The operation of illicit drug markets is dependent on a chain of events with a global span. At each stage of the process, from the production to the trafficking through to the consumption and the derived profits, the health and security of different countries is compromised by organised crime groups. This paper looks at EU policies and responses to the production and trafficking of illicit drugs, set within the global context. It considers the different strategic areas where these challenges are addressed, the EU structures involved, and some of the key measures currently being implemented by the EU and its international partners. Drug supply reduction issues arise in many policy areas, including illicit drug policy, security, organised crime, and maritime and regional cooperation policy. Issues related to drug production and trafficking arise in the work of several institutions, bodies and EU agencies. The operation of smuggling routes challenges the security of the EU in different ways and measures have been adopted to counteract these problems. These include developing intelligence-led policing and improved border management and surveillance as well as legislative tools to target criminal profits. The EU is involved in a range of projects and initiatives around the world designed to reduce the supply of illicit drugs, including capacity-building initiatives targeting smuggling routes and measures to support economic, legislative and monitoring infrastructural development.

Details: Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2017. 24p.

Source: Internet Resource: EMCDDA Papers: Accessed February 1, 2017: http://www.emcdda.europa.eu/system/files/publications/3633/TDAU16002ENN_web_file.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.emcdda.europa.eu/system/files/publications/3633/TDAU16002ENN_web_file.pdf

Shelf Number: 145072

Drug Policy
Drug Supply Reduction
Drug Trafficking
Illicit Drug Markets
Illicit Drugs
Organized Crime

Author: Gestel, B. van

Title: Crossing borders on the trail of thieves: Research on facilitating itinerant crime groups based on fifteen criminal investigation studies in the Netherlands

Summary: In recent years, the Minister of Security and Justice has repeatedly expressed his concerns about the broad range of offences against property committed by itinerant crime groups and the resulting damage suffered by citizens and businesses. Dutch policy emphatically focuses on preventing mobile banditry, in addition to intensifying investigation efforts. Collecting information about the different ‘steps’ in the criminal operation of an itinerant crime group will help clarify how such groups are facilitated and which legal actors and opportunities they exploit. The government can consequently use this knowledge to stop or disrupt criminal operations. The Minister of Security and Justice requested that research be carried out by the Dutch Research and Documentation Centre [WODC] for the purpose of fighting itinerant crime groups. The Research and Documentation Centre study primarily focuses on facilitating itinerant crime groups and has been carried out in two parts. The first part consists of a research synthesis and was carried out in 2014. The synthesis contains findings from current scientific studies on the facilitation of itinerant crime groups. The findings of this research synthesis can be summarised briefly in terms of the three dimensions that offer itinerant crime groups the opportunity to operate. These are legal occupational groups, social ties and convergence settings. These dimensions provide insight into the actors and the circumstances that play a facilitating role in the (continued) existence of itinerant crime groups. They are shown to be dynamic, recurrent dimensions that may play a facilitating role for itinerant crime groups in various phases of the criminal operation. This report contains the findings of the empirical follow-up research. The aim of this study is to collect current information on facilitating itinerant crime groups, specifically with regard to the situation in the Netherlands. In this study , the following questions are key:  How are itinerant crime groups composed and what crimes do they focus on?  How are itinerant crime groups facilitated? Which actors and circumstances can be identified?  How is information exchanged with investigation partners in other regions and other countries during and after a criminal investigation?

Details: The Hague: WODC (Research and Documentation Centre, Minister of Security and Justice), 2016. 7p.

Source: Internet Resource: Cahiers 2016-08: Accessed February 4, 2017 at: https://english.wodc.nl/binaries/Cahier%202016-8_Summary_nw_tcm29-228345.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Netherlands

URL: https://english.wodc.nl/binaries/Cahier%202016-8_Summary_nw_tcm29-228345.pdf

Shelf Number: 145883

Handling stolen goods
Offender mobility
Organized crime
Stolen goods

Author: European Parliament. Directorate-General for Internal Policies. Policy Department C Citizens' Rights and Constitutional Affairs

Title: A Review and Assessment of EU Drug Policy

Summary: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The challenges facing Europe in the field of drugs are still significant and have increased in complexity in recent years. In addition to the key issue of mortality and morbidity as a result of opioid use, new and emerging problems are being experienced across the EU. These include the creation of new psychoactive substances and the increasing dynamism of illicit drug markets. This study aims to provide evidence on international and EU approaches to drug policy, including these challenges and focusing on several case study countries. This evidence has been used to identify and develop policy proposals. Drug policy at the UN and EU levels The main tenets of the UN's approach to drugs are the 1961 UN Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, the 1971 UN Convention on Psychotropic Substances and the 1988 UN Convention against illicit traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances. A key UN policy document is the 2009 'Political Declaration and Plan of Action on International Cooperation towards an Integrated and Balanced Strategy to Counter the World Drug Problem'. This document details a set of goals to be achieved by 2019, including significant and measurable progress in eliminating the illicit cultivation of opium poppy, coca bush and cannabis plant, as well as actions to be implemented by countries across three main pillars. In April 2016, the UNGASS on the World Drug Problem was convened; a UN General Assembly special session seen as an important milestone in achieving the goals set out in the 2009 policy document. The UNGASS resulted in the adoption of the outcome document 'Our joint commitment to effectively addressing and countering the world drug problem. This document provided a range of operational recommendations and broadened the original pillar structure to 7 pillars (see chapter 2). Several new themes were added including drugs and health, drugs and human rights, new drug related challenges such as NPS and use of the internet, and international and development related cooperation. At the EU level, although the primary onus for developing drug policy and legislation remains with the Member States, there are a several legal bases for EU action, as stipulated in the Treaty of Lisbon. These cover the context of adopting minimum rules on the definition of criminal offences and sanctions on serious organised crime (Article 83 TFEU), public health (Article 168 TFEU), the internal market (Article 114 TFEU) and judicial cooperation in criminal matters (Articles 82-86 TFEU). In terms of EU policy, the most prominent current instrument is the EU Drugs Strategy 2013-2020. The Strategy provides the overarching political framework and priorities for EU drug policy. The EU Drugs Strategy has 5 main objectives, namely to reduce demand and harm, disrupt the drugs market, discourse and analysis, cooperation, and research and monitoring. The implementation of the Strategy's long-term objectives have been operationalised in 4- year Action Plans. In November 2015, the Commission adopted a report on the progress of the implementation of the EU Drugs Strategy and Action Plan. The mid-term evaluation of the first Action Plan (2013-2016) is due to be completed by the end of 2016 or, at the latest, early 2017. The findings from the mid-term evaluation and the Public Consultation, which was launched by the European Commission in March 2016, will inform the Commission's decision to propose a new Action Plan for 2017-2020. Recent EU legislative developments relate to a package of two proposals regarding new psychoactive substances. These proposals were put forward by the European Commission is 2013. As Member States expressed doubts in the Council concerning the choice of Article 114 TFEU as the legal basis for the proposed Regulation, inter-institutional negotiations of this legislative package were ongoing for more than two years. As a result, the Commission withdrew its proposal on 29 August 2016 and tabled a proposal amending the founding Regulation of the EMCDDA (Regulation (EC) No 1920/2006 on the EMCDDA). Under this proposal, deadlines for decision-making on NPS will be significantly reduced and Europol will take on a more active role in the risk assessment procedure and the Early Warning System (EWS), with a view to quicker identification and assessment of the involvement of criminal groups. The new proposal was welcomed by all Member States and was backed by the European Parliament's LIBE Committee on 17 November 2016.

Details: Brussels: European Parliament, 2016. 224p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 8, 2017 at: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/STUD/2016/571400/IPOL_STU(2016)571400_EN.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/STUD/2016/571400/IPOL_STU(2016)571400_EN.pdf

Shelf Number: 144946

Drug Abuse and Addiction
Drug Control Policy
Drug Enforcement
Drug markets
Drug Policy
Illicit Drugs
Organized Crime

Author: Chioda, Laura

Title: Stop the Violence in Latin America: A Look at Prevention from Cradle to Adulthood. Overview booklet.

Summary: For a long time, the logic seemed unassailable: Crime and violence were historically thought of as symptoms of a country’s early stages of development that could be "cured" with economic growth and reductions in poverty, unemployment, and inequality. More recently, however, our understanding has changed. Studies now show that economic progress does not necessarily bring better security to the streets. Developments in Latin America and the Caribbean exemplify this point. Between 2003 and 2011, average annual regional growth in Latin America and the Caribbean, excluding the global crisis of 2009, reached nearly 5 percent. What’s more, the growth rate among the bottom 40 percent of the population eclipsed that of the same group in every other region of the world. During that same decade, the region experienced unprecedented economic and social progress: extreme poverty was cut by more than half, to 11.5 percent; income inequality dropped more than 7 percent in the Gini index; and, for the first time in history, the region had more people in the middle class than in poverty. Despite all this progress, the region retained its undesirable distinction as the world’s most violent region, with 23.9 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants. The rate of homicide actually accelerated during the latter half of the decade. The problem remains staggering and stubbornly persistent. Every 15 minutes, at least four people are victims of homicide in Latin America and the Caribbean. In 2013, of the top 50 most violent cities in the world, 42 were in the region. And between 2005 and 2012, the annual growth rate of homicides was more than three times higher than population growth. Not surprisingly, the number of Latin Americans who mention crime as their top concern tripled during those years. Violence makes people withdraw, hide behind closed doors, and avoid public spaces, weakening interpersonal and social ties that bind us as a community. Insecurity is the result of a combination of many factors, from drug trafficking and organized crime, to weak judicial and law enforcement systems that promote impunity, to a lack of opportunities and support for young people who live in deprived communities. Youth bear a disproportionate share of the risk of committing and falling victim to violence, with important repercussions for their life trajectories and society as a whole. The complexity of the issue (and multiplicity of its causes) is one of its defining characteristics and the main reason why there is no magic formula or a single policy that will fix the violence in our region. We will not solve the problem by relying only on greater police action or greater incarceration, or through more education or employment. We must do all this and do it in a deliberate way, based on reliable data and proven approaches, while continuously striving to fill existing knowledge and data gaps to improve policy design. To that end, Stop the Violence in Latin America: A Look at Prevention from Cradle to Adulthood is a significant contribution. This report takes a new and comprehensive look at much of the evidence that now exists in preventing crime and violence. It identifies novel approaches —both in Latin America and elsewhere—that have been shown to reduce antisocial behavior at different stages in life. Effective prevention starts even before birth, the report argues, and, contrary to common perceptions, well-designed policies can also be successful later in life, even with at-risk individuals and offenders. The report emphasizes the importance of a comprehensive approach to tackle violence, and it highlights the benefits and cost-effectiveness of redesigning existing policies through the lens of crime prevention. This will require substantial coordination across ministries, as well as accountable and efficient institutions. While economic and social development do not necessarily lead to a reduction in crime and violence, high levels of crime and violence do take a toll on development. And in that regard, we at the World Bank are fully aware that in order to succeed in our goals to eradicate extreme poverty and boost prosperity, the unrivaled levels of crime and violence in the region need to come to an end.

Details: Washington, DC: World Bank Group, 2017. 80p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 11, 2017 at: https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/bitstream/handle/10986/25920/210664ov.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: Latin America

URL: https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/bitstream/handle/10986/25920/210664ov.pdf

Shelf Number: 144833

Crime Prevention
Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime
Political Corruption
Violence Prevention
Violent Crime

Author: Benelux Secretariat General

Title: Tackling Crime Together: The Benelux and North Rhine-Westphalia Initiative on the Administrative Approach to Crime Related to Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs in the Euregion Meuse-Rhine. Program Report

Summary: In September 2015, Belgium presented a proposal to the Standing Committee on Operational Cooperation on Internal Security (COSI) within the EU, in order to put the administrative approach, in particular with regard to the issue of outlaw motorcycle gangs (OMCG), on the agenda of the Network of Contact Points on the Administrative Approach to Prevent and Fight Organised Crime. At present, the Dutch EU Council Presidency 2016 is working towards the further development of an integrated approach to organised crime, focusing on the introduction of administrative measures and information exchange between administrative authorities and law enforcement agencies both at Member States and EU level. In the ISEC funded study (published in 2015) 'Administrative measures to prevent and tackle crime' the following definition of the administrative approach was used: "an administrative approach to serious and organized crime involves preventing the facilitation of illegal activities by denying criminal' the use of the legal administrative infrastructure as well as coordinated interventions 'working apart together' to disrupt and repress serious and organized crime and public order problems". The fight against organised crime is not only a major concern for police forces and judicial authorities; local and supra-local administrations and tax and inspection agencies also have an important role to play in detecting, undermining and repressing a wide range of organised crime phenomena, like corruption, money laundering, fraud, human trafficking and forced labor. Although classic methods used by investigation services within police services and judicial authorities remain essential, Member States in the European Union should introduce a more intensive monitoring and screening, a more restrictive permit policy and more repressive administrative operations, in order to maintain a fair financial, economic and social system in European cities and municipalities. Administrative actions against organised crime do not replace police operations or criminal trials, but they act as complementary, and they strengthen the law enforcement system. We also want to underline that an administrative approach to organised crime unequivocally implies a repressive as well as a preventive component. Pressure points to be considered for the expansion of an administrative approach to organised crime, in EU Member States as well as at the EU level, are for instance privacy intrusion concerns, professional confidentiality and competence restrictions.

Details: Brussels: General Secretariat of the Benelux Union, 2016. 32p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 11, 2017 at: http://www.benelux.int/files/7014/5856/5150/487-Crime-Uk-web.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.benelux.int/files/7014/5856/5150/487-Crime-Uk-web.pdf

Shelf Number: 144827

Motorcycle Gangs
Organized Crime
Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs

Author: International Alert

Title: Organised Crime in Mali: Why It Matters for a Peaceful Transition from Conflict

Summary: Inadequate governance, institutional fragility and widespread insecurity are both consequences and causes of the expansion of criminal activities. The impact of their proliferation is key to understanding the current - and endemic - instability affecting Mali. Yet, to date, there is little indication that policy strategies put forward by the Malian government, as well as by its international partners, are learning from the past to engage with the issue of organised crime as a threat to peace and security. This policy brief aims to help address this gap. Understanding how crime impacts on the achievement of development goals, on conflict risks, and on mounting fragility and safety threats is indeed crucial for building long-lasting and sustainable peace in Mali.

Details: London: International Alert, 2016. 5p.

Source: Internet Resource: Policy Brief: Accessed February 11, 2017 at: http://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Mali_OrganisedCrime_EN_2016.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Mali

URL: http://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Mali_OrganisedCrime_EN_2016.pdf

Shelf Number: 145090

Criminal Networks
Organized Crime

Author: Farooghi, Mana

Title: Sustainable approaches to organised crime in Mali and the Sahil

Summary: Although the ongoing crisis in Mali had diverse local proximate causes and triggers, analysts and policy-makers agree on a core set of causes that exacerbated latent inter- and intracommunity tensions leading to open conflict: a failure of governance and functional democracy, corruption of the state, lack of development and service delivery both in the north and the south, unresolved issues of political and economic marginalisation and rebellion, lack of civilian trust in law enforcement forces, weak border security and the settling in the north of "extremist" groups, a free flow of weapons following the Libya crisis, and finally organised crime i.e. illicit trade and its alleged links to terrorism. While most of these causes are being addressed in the current peacebuilding and reconstruction efforts, the latter seems to fall through the cracks. Although organised crime is mentioned as a key factor of instability by Malian and international actors, alongside terrorist networks and usually in direct relation to them, in practice, only counter-terrorism programmes are being unfolded, and the issue of addressing criminal flows is a peripheral issue in negotiations around future governance agreements. It appears that development actors simply are not ready or equipped to tackle the impact of crime on peace and development. While some cooperation and development institutions consider the issue of crime outside of their mandate, others are increasingly aware of its socio-economic root causes and impact and are willing to adapt their programming, but simply don't have the experience and toolbox to do so, and thus, in many cases, caution outweighs impetus as state complicity and corruption seem to be core issues at stake. Nevertheless, rebuilding Mali without directly tackling this issue in collaboration with Malian state and non-state actors is precarious, and likely to ensure that the triggers for instability that prompted the previous round of the Mali conflict remain in place. Although efforts to negotiate with selected armed groups, restore security, deliver justice and reconciliation and improve service delivery are worthy, they will prove unable to prevent another crisis if they fail to address underlying structures, cultures and institutions that promote violent conflict. As many analysts and practitioners point out, no alternative livelihood project has so far been able to compete with the high-profit margins offered by trafficking, kidnapping or banditry. Failing to understand the contextual socio-economic dynamics at stake in a region where the informal and illicit economies are intricately woven in family, cultural and livelihood strategies, will not only undermine efforts towards a sustainable peace but potentially harm existing endogenous resilience mechanisms and further destabilise the region. Furthermore, as long as armed groups remain well-resourced by illicit funds, they will have little incentive to engage in efforts towards peacebuilding and central state consolidation. International Alert, in collaboration with the Global Initiative against Transnational Organised Crime, held a dialogue meeting in Bamako on 14-15 October, where Malian government and civil society representatives, multilateral organisations and bilateral institutions exchanged their analysis and definitions of organised crime in Mali and the Sahel and started exploring collaborative approaches to tackling organised crime in a sustainable way.

Details: Based on Highlights from roundtable discussion held at the Ecole de Maintien de la Paix Alioune Blondin Beye, on 14 and 15 October 2014. 9p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 13, 2017 at: http://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Mali_SustainableApproachesOrganisedCrime_EN_2014.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Mali

URL: http://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Mali_SustainableApproachesOrganisedCrime_EN_2014.pdf

Shelf Number: 145016

Illicit Trade
Organized Crime

Author: Hicks, Tristram

Title: Model Approach for Investigating the Financing of Organised Crime

Summary: The financing of organised crime is a horizontal issue for all criminal markets, although it rarely falls in the focus of law enforcement agencies. The intelligence gathering of law enforcement agencies has traditionally been focused on uncovering the members of crime groups and tracing the illicit goods or services. Financial transactions are traced mainly for the purposes of money laundering investigations, where the focus is on the proceeds and not on the investments related to the criminal activities. The reason for this is that currently criminal prosecution procedures in all Member States are entirely focused on collecting evidence in regards to possession, transporting, manufacturing or sale of illicit products or services. Financing of organised crime is also often passed over in threat assessments and strategic analyses of organised crime.

Details: Sofia, Bulgaria: Center for the Study of Democracy, 2015? 16p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 13, 2017 at: http://www.csd.bg/artShow.php?id=17318

Year: 2015

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.csd.bg/artShow.php?id=17318

Shelf Number: 145770

Criminal Investigation
Illicit Products
Money Laundering
Organized Crime

Author: Rabasa, Angel

Title: Counternetwork: Countering the Expansion of Transnational Criminal Networks

Summary: In July 2011, President Barack Obama promulgated the Strategy to Combat Transnational Organized Crime. In the letter presenting the strategy, the president stated that the expanding size, scope, and influence of transnational organized crime and its impact on U.S. and international security and governance represent one of the most significant challenges of the 21st century. Through an analysis of transnational criminal networks originating in South America, this report develops a more refined understanding of the operational characteristics of these networks; the strategic alliances that they have established with state and other nonstate actors; and the multiple threats that they pose to U.S. interests and to the stability of the countries where they operate. It identifies U.S. government policies and programs to counter these networks; the roles of the Department of Defense, the geographic combatant commands, component commands, and task forces; and examines how U.S. Army assets and capabilities can contribute to U.S. government efforts to counter these networks. The report also recommends reconsidering the way in which nontraditional national security threats are classified; updating statutory authorities; providing adequate budgets for the counternetwork mission; and improving interagency coordination. Key Findings Countering Transnational Organized Crime Is a New Mission for the Department of Defense Success in counternarcotics has been traditionally measured by the amount of illicit drugs interdicted. However, even if drug flow reduction goals are met, the drug trafficking infrastructure would still be in place. Countering transnational criminal networks requires identifying the critical nodes in the criminal organizations and determining where operations can achieve the greatest effect. Gaps in authorities may create difficulties in military abilities to participate in this effort. Destabilizing Effects of Transnational Criminal Networks These criminal organizations take root in supply areas and transportation nodes while usurping the host nations' basic functioning capacity. Over time, the illicit economy grows and nonstate actors provide an increasing range of social goods and fill the security and political vacuum that emerges from the gradual erosion of state power, legitimacy, and capacity. The U.S. Army Could Play a Role in Combating Transnational Criminal Networks Combating transnational criminal organizations is an endeavor in which the Army could help develop interagency and multinational strategies to more effectively counter these organizations and then assist with planning to implement those strategies. Such initiatives would constitute a valuable expansion from the Army's current efforts to build partner capacity, perform network analysis, and support detection and monitoring. Recommendations The U.S. government could bring authorities and policy guidance in line with the strategy to combat transnational organized crime. Interagency efforts to combat these networks could be improved, roles could be better defined, and joint doctrine could be developed. The Army could take several steps to clarify its role in countering criminal networks, including participating in strategy development, increasing support to network analysis efforts, and working with partner nations and militaries to help them strengthen border control.

Details: Santa Monica, CA: RAND< 2017. 215p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 15, 2017 at: http://www.rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RR1481.html

Year: 2017

Country: International

URL: http://www.rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RR1481.html

Shelf Number: 145102

Border Security
Criminal Networks
Illegal Drug Trade
Organized Crime
Transnational Crime

Author: Ramsey, Geoff

Title: Uruguay: Marijuana, Organized Crime and the Politics of Drugs

Summary: Uruguay is poised to become the first country on the planet to regulate the production, sale, distribution, and consumption of marijuana. This report looks at the political, economic, and criminal challenges to Uruguay's new marijuana regulations.

Details: s.l.: Insight Crime, 2013. 16p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 15, 2017 at: http://www.insightcrime.org/images/PDFs/2016/uruguay_legalization.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Uruguay

URL: http://www.insightcrime.org/images/PDFs/2016/uruguay_legalization.pdf

Shelf Number: 145101

Drug Control Policy
Drug Markets
Organized Crime

Author: Osorio, Javier

Title: Hobbes on Drugs: Understanding Drug Violence in Mexico

Summary: This dissertation analyzes the unprecedented eruption of organized criminal violence in Mexico. To understand the dynamics of drug violence, this dissertation addresses three questions. What explains the onset of the war on drugs in Mexico? Once the conflict starts, why does drug violence escalate so rapidly? And lastly, why is there subnational variation in the concentration of violence? Based on a game theoretic model, the central argument indicates that democratization erodes the peaceful configurations between the state and criminal organizations and motivates authorities to fight crime, thus triggering a wave of violence between the state and organized criminals and among rival criminal groups fighting to control strategic territories. In this account, state action is not neutral: law enforcement against a criminal group generates the opportunity for a rival criminal organization to invade its territory, thus leading to violent interactions among rival criminal groups. These dynamics of violence tend to concentrate in territories favorable for the reception, production and distribution of drugs. In this way, the disrupting effect of law enforcement unleashes a massive wave of violence of all-against-all resembling a Hobbesian state of war. To test the observable implications of the theory, the empirical assessment relies on a novel database of geo-referenced daily event data at municipal level providing detailed information on who did what to whom, when and where in the Mexican war on drugs. This database covers all municipalities of the country between 2000 and 2010, thus comprising about 9.8 million observations. The creation of this fine-grained database required the development of Eventus ID, a novel software for automated coding of event data from text in Spanish. The statistical assessment relies on quasi-experimental identification strategies and time-series analysis to overcome problems of causal inference associated with analyzing the distinct - yet overlapping - processes of violence between government authorities and organized criminals and among rival criminal groups. In addition, the statistical analysis is complemented with insights from fieldwork and historical process tracing. Results provide strong support for the empirical implications derived from the theoretical model.

Details: Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame, 2013. 485p.

Source: Internet Resource: Dissertation: Accessed February 15, 2017 at: http://pqdtopen.proquest.com/doc/1749033212.html?FMT=ABS

Year: 2013

Country: Mexico

URL: http://pqdtopen.proquest.com/doc/1749033212.html?FMT=ABS

Shelf Number: 150551

Drug Trafficking
Drug Violence
Drug-Related Violence
Organized Crime

Author: Bulanova-Hristova, Gerganga, ed.

Title: Cyber-OC-Scope and Manifestations in Selected EU Member States

Summary: The threats arising from different types of cybercrime are real and constantly evolving, as the internet with its anonymity and borderless reach provides new opportunities for physical and virtual criminal activities. We can see complex cybercriminal networks connecting subgroups and also single individuals that are active on, through and against the internet. At the same time there are also 'offline' criminal organisations using the internet to facilitate their activities and to increase their profit. Even so-called 'traditional' organised crime groups are widening their criminal portfolios by committing cybercrime. By constantly evolving online opportunities, their acts of 'traditional crimes' become even more far-reaching and damaging, thus benefiting the criminal organisation. It is not only the involvement of organised crime in cybercrime that is dangerous, but also cybercrime committed in an organised manner. Cyber-OC represents the convergence of these two phenomena. Despite the huge threat arising from its cumulative character, Cyber-OC is frequently underestimated and differently defined even by law enforcement authorities.

Details: Wiesbaden: Bundeskriminalamt, 2016. 298p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 16, 2017 at: http://eucpn.org/sites/default/files/content/download/files/52._cyber-oc_-_scope_and_manifestations_in_selected_eu_member_states.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Europe

URL: http://eucpn.org/sites/default/files/content/download/files/52._cyber-oc_-_scope_and_manifestations_in_selected_eu_member_states.pdf

Shelf Number: 141043

Computer Crime
Computer Security
Organized Crime

Author: Vesterhav, Daniel

Title: Criminal Networks and Groups: Police Perception of Power Structures and Criminal Markets

Summary: "Organised crime" is an expression which is used freely in public debate in Sweden. However, the term encompasses a host of different phenomena and forms of organisation, and the import of "organised crime" thus varies depending on who uses the term and how, and when, the term is used. This report presents a theoretical framework – a conceptual structure – for the various forms of networks, groups, and phenomena that usually fall under the larger "umbrella" known as organised crime. The purpose of the categorisation is to make it simpler to describe and understand power structures, criminal markets, and the criminality which is carried out by different forms of networks, constellations, and groups. The second and third parts of the report apply the conceptual structure to various forms of organised crime on the basis of some 60 interviews with police employees and a review of some 60 intelligence reports. This means that the descriptions of organised crime provided in the report articulate the perceptions of the interviewed police employees. The fourth and final part of the report provides overall reflections. An appendix to the report sets forth police employees' ideas for measures against various forms of organised crime. These are based on three seminars which were conducted with police employees in Stockholm, Gothenburg, and Malmö.

Details: Stockholm: Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Brå) , 2016. 15p.

Source: Internet Resource: English Summpary of BRA report 2016:12: Accessed February 17, 2017 at: https://www.bra.se/download/18.4a33c027159a89523b11c65d/1485182325798/2016_12_Criminal_networks_and_groups.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Sweden

URL: https://www.bra.se/download/18.4a33c027159a89523b11c65d/1485182325798/2016_12_Criminal_networks_and_groups.pdf

Shelf Number: 146982

Criminal Networks
Organized Crime

Author: CNDH Mexico

Title: Adolescentes: Vulnerabilidad y Violencia

Summary: This report Examines the impact of poverty, social disorganization, and the influence of peers and adults that encourage crime and violence among juveniles in Mexico. It consists of interviews who explain how and why they became involved in organized crime.

Details: Mexico: CNDH, 2016. 188p.

Source: Internet Resource: Informe Especial: Accessed February 17, 2017 at: http://www.cndh.org.mx/sites/all/doc/Informes/Especiales/Informe_adolescentes_20170118.pdf (In Spanish)

Year: 2016

Country: Mexico

URL: http://www.cndh.org.mx/sites/all/doc/Informes/Especiales/Informe_adolescentes_20170118.pdf

Shelf Number: 147326

Juvenile Offenders
Juvenile Violence
Organized Crime
Social Disorganization
Socioeconomic Conditions and Crime

Author: Implementation Agency for Crime and Security (IMPACS)

Title: CARICOM Crime and Security Strategy 2013: Securing the Region

Summary: I. The ideals of the CARICOM integration movement and the pillars of its foundation can only be realised in a safe and secure Community. The CARICOM Crime and Security Strategy (CCSS) constitutes an historic and defining moment for the Community in clearly articulating its security interests within the wider context of the shifting balance of global geopolitical power, increasing market competitiveness, public debt financing and profound economic uncertainties, threats of climate change and scarcity of key resources.This current situation is further exacerbated by profound influence of new technology and social media, the increasingly asymmetric nature of conflict, and the growing power of non-state actors, including transnational organized crime. II. The multidimensional and multifaceted nature of the risks and threats faced by CARICOM Member States are increasingly interconnected, cross-cutting, network-centric and transnational. The repercussions of emerging threats now propagate rapidly around the world, so that events in any part of the world are now far more likely to have immediate consequences for the Caribbean region. This rapidly - evolving set of security scenarios - and the absence of a common analysis of the risks and threats that affect CARICOM Member States - make this Strategy vitally necessary. III. The Council of Ministers Responsible for National Security and Law Enforcement (CONSLE) at its 5th Meeting mandated the CARICOM Implementation Agency for Crime and Security (IMPACS) to develop a "Regional Crime and Security Strategy" (hereafter called the CARICOM Crime and Security Strategy). IV. The Strategy is guided by the principles and values of democratic choice, freedom, justice, prosperity, respect for territorial integrity, respect for and promotion of human rights and good governance all of which reflect the deepest convictions of the Community. V. The goal of the CARICOM Crime and Security Strategy is to significantly improve citizen security by creating a safe, just and free Community, while simultaneously improving the economic viability of the Region. VI. The Strategy identifies and prioritises the common security risks and threats which CARICOM is facing now, and likely to face in the future. It articulates an integrated and cohesive security framework to confront these challenges,and will therefore guide the coordinated internal and external crime and security policies adopted by CARICOM Member States, under their respective legal frameworks to the fullest extent. VII. The risks and threats identified in the CARICOM Crime and Security Strategy are prioritised into four (4) Tiers: • Tier 1 -Immediate Significant Threats. These are high-probability, high-impact events. They are the currentand present dangers. • Tier 2 - Substantial Threats. These are both likely and high-impact, but are not as severe as Tier 1 Threats. • Tier 3 - Significant Potential Risks. These are high-impact, but low-probability. • Tier 4 - Future Risks. These are threats where the probability and impact cannot be assessed at this stage. VIII. Tier 1 Threats consist of the mutually-reinforcing relationship between transnational organised criminal activities involving illicit drugs and illegal guns; gangs and organised crime; cyber-crime; financial crimes and corruption. Tier 1 Threats are the main drivers of current criminality levels, and has the potential to cripple the already fragile socio-economic developmental progress in CARICOM and the advancement of CSME. Tier 1 Threats are the Immediate Significant Threats to the Community and are primarily responsible for the Caribbean having one of the highest homicide rates in the world -30 people killed for every 100,000 inhabitants; (compared to a world average of 5). IX. The criminality perpetuated by the Tier 1 Threats is driven by the desire and pursuit of profit, power and prestige. The criminals are supported by the facilitatorswhich consist of unscrupulous and corrupt professionals within key sectors of the economy such as the financial, legal, justice, law enforcement and security, public officials and even government officialswho help them to secure and conceal their assets. X. Organised crime depends on the facilitators of criminality. It is the facilitators who operate both in the licit and illicit world who shield organised crime and allow it to flourish. There are also a range of social factors that enable and support this criminality, including large economic disparities, poverty, the rising cost of living, social exclusion and marginalisation, unemployment and multiple governance failures. XI. Tier 2 Threats are Substantial Threats to the Region. They include human trafficking and smuggling, natural disasters and public disorder crimes. XII. Tier 3 Risks consist of Significant Potential Risks and include attacks on critical infrastructure and terrorism. XIII. Tier 4 Risks consist of Future Risks, with unknown probabilities and consequences. They include climate change, pandemics and migratory pressure.

Details: Washington, DC: U.S. State Department, 2013. 63p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 17, 2017 at: https://www.state.gov/documents/organization/210844.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Caribbean

URL: https://www.state.gov/documents/organization/210844.pdf

Shelf Number: 146969

Financial Crimes
Human Trafficking
Illegal Guns
Illicit Drugs
Organized Crime
Public Disorder

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

Title: UNODC Regional Programme in support of the CARICOM Crime and Security Strategy: Preventing and Countering Illicit Trafficking and Organized Crime for Improved Governance, Justice and Security

Summary: The Caribbean is situated in the midst of some of the world's major drug trafficking routes, between the worlds main drug producing countries to the South and the major consumer markets of the North. The geographic location of the region, the general lack of adequate law enforcement capacities to effectively monitor vast coastlines, as well as its susceptibility to exogenous shocks, are some of the factors explaining the Caribbean's extreme vulnerability to the threat of transnational organized crime and its various manifestations. The nature of these challenges makes regional cooperation and a coordinated response key factors in addressing the increasing plague of transnational crime, which threatens not only regional security, but also sustainable development and growth. 2. The UNODC Regional Programme (2014-2016) in support of the CARICOM Crime and Security Strategy serves as an overarching policy framework for UNODC’s technical assistance to the Caribbean region. The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) 'Crime and Security Strategy 2013' (CCSS) clearly illustrates the areas of greatest concern regarding regional security and outlines a set of Strategic Goals aimed at strengthening the region's capacity to combat transnational organized crime and its manifestations. In an effort to support the region in achieving these Goals, UNODC has worked closely with the CARICOM Secretariat and its Implementation Agency for Crime and Security (IMPACS) to align technical assistance in such a way that these main areas of priority are adequately addressed, while avoiding any duplication of initiatives. 3. The Regional Programme consists of the following five sub-programmes, which not only reflect the range of thematic areas covered by the UNODC mandate, but also directly target the priority goals of the CARICOM Strategy: (i) Countering transnational organized crime, Illicit Trafficking and Terrorism; (ii) Countering Corruption and Money Laundering; (iii) Preventing Crime and Reforming Criminal Justice; (iv) Drug Use, Prevention and Treatment and HIV/AIDS and (v) Research, Trend Analysis and Forensics. These sub-programmes will guide the development of concrete UNODC projects and initiatives to be implemented in the region. The indicative budget of the Regional Programme, for its 3-year timeframe, stands at US$ 11,690,257. 4. The direct responsibility for the implementation of the initiatives included in this Regional Programme will lie with the UNODC Regional Office for Central America and the Caribbean in Panama (ROPAN). Standard UNODC rules and procedures will be observed, so as to ensure the appropriate level of internal oversight and evaluation. Furthermore, in line with the regional consensus on programme management, UNODC will adhere closely to agreed coordination and oversight mechanisms, through the submission of annual reports to the CARICOM Council of Ministers for Security and Law Enforcement (CONSLE), which will provide strategic guidance to and oversight of the Regional Programme’s implementation, so as to ensure adequate coordination in the implementation of activities at the regional level. . 1CARICOM Crime and Security Strategy 2013, Chapter 1 (Strategic Security Environment), paragraph 1.6. 2 The CARICOM Crime and Security Strategy 2013 was adopted at the Twenty-Fourth Inter-Sessional Meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government of CARICOM, 18-19 February 2013, Port-au-Prince, Haiti. The Strategy, which is based on a 3-year timeframe, is the authoritative reference and guiding document for security issues within CARICOM. 5. This Regional Programme (2014-2016) is an over-arching policy framework defining the joint priorities for UNODC’s technical assistance to Caribbean Member States, in alignment with and in support of the implementation of the CCSS. In their "Political Declaration on Combating Illicit Drug Trafficking, Organized Crime, Terrorism and other Serious Crimes in the Caribbean", which was approved by the Caribbean Member States during a Ministerial Conference on 'Illicit Drug Trafficking, Transnational Organized Crime and Terrorism as Challenges for Security and Development in the Caribbean' (Santo Domingo, 17-20 February 2009), the participating Member States requested “UNODC to prepare, in coordination with regional and sub-regional partners, thematic programmes identified by the region, covering the priority concerns”. UNODC's Regional Programme constitutes the key element of UNODC's response to this request as well as to the more recent calls by Member States in the region for a revitalized engagement of the Office in the Caribbean. These requests are a consequence of the perception, by Governments in the region, of the increased threats that are posed to Caribbean societies and institutions by transnational organized crime. There is a strong recognition that, in order to prevent and counter the problem of illicit drugs and organized crime affecting the Caribbean, there is a need for enhanced technical cooperation and assistance by UNODC. 6. The Programme has been developed in close collaboration with the CARICOM Secretariat, the CARICOM Implementation Agency for Crime and Security (IMPACS), the Regional Security System (RSS), the Caribbean Aviation Safety and Security Oversight System (CASSOS), as well as Member States in the region (through programming missions as well as discussions with Permanent Missions), and reflects the key priorities of regional and national stakeholders. Substantively, the Regional Programme is underpinned by and alligned with the Strategic Goals outlined in the CCSS. 7. The Regional Programme also draws significant elements from the Caribbean Community Action Plan for Social and Development Crime Prevention 2009-2013, as it fully incorporates its main pillars and updates its priorities for the period 2014-2016. 8. In the context of the CCSS, this Regional Programme will therefore cover Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent & the Grenadines, Suriname and Trinidad & Tobago. Strategic and programmatic synergies will also be sought with Cuba and the Dominican Republic in the framework of CARIFORUM. 9. The Regional Programme is designed as a strategic tool that reflects the region's main priorities for action, and ensures complementarity with the various on-going and future initiatives of UNODC and its main partners in the region in the area of justice and security. It provides a roadmap towards providing required expertise, technical tools and services to enhance national and regional capabilities to prevent and counter organized crime, including drug trafficking and terrorism, by building stronger societies based on the rule of law and human rights. It promotes regional cooperation and integration, and supports regional and country-level capacity building, as determined by existing national needs, priorities and specificities. 10. The overall vision is that, by the year 2016, countries of the region will be in a position to count on strengthened institutions and cooperate in an effective and sustainable manner to counter the destabilizing impact of organized crime. While the ultimate attainment of this vision depends on the commitment of countries in the region and their international partners, UNODC, through the development of this Regional Programme, reiterates its commitment to support the realization of this vision through its engagement at the regional, sub-regional, national and local levels, in close collaboration with the CARICOM Secretariat, CARICOM IMPACS and other relevant regional security insitutions, such as the RSS and CASSOS.

Details: New York: UNODC, 2013. 79p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 18, 2017 at: https://www.unodc.org/documents/ropan/UNODC_Regional_Programme_Caribbean/UNODC_Regional_Programme_for_the_Caribbean_2014-2016_in_support_of_the_CARICOM_Crime_and_Security_Strategy_2013.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Caribbean

URL: https://www.unodc.org/documents/ropan/UNODC_Regional_Programme_Caribbean/UNODC_Regional_Programme_for_the_Caribbean_2014-2016_in_support_of_the_CARICOM_Crime_and_Security_Strategy_2013.pdf

Shelf Number: 146652

Drug Trafficking
Drug-Related Crime
Money Laundering
Organized Crime
Terrorist Financing

Author: Petrunov, Georgi

Title: Analysis of Social Network Models of Transnational Criminal Networks operating in the Southeastern Border of the European Union

Summary: This paper examines the transnational criminal networks (TCN) operating in the Southeastern border of the European Union (SBEU). More specifically, the analysis focuses on TCN operating on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, which became the external border of the European Union after the country’s accession to the EU in 2007. The primary data used for the analysis is based on court rulings from four criminal trial cases in Bulgaria. The indictments for each of the four cases were also studied, in order to provide more details about the criminal activities of the TCN.

Details: Bogota, Colombia: Vortex Foundation, 2013. 76p.

Source: Internet Resource: Vortex Working Paper no. 10: Accessed February 23, 2017 at: http://media.wix.com/ugd/522e46_c7a68970d13d4fad80374ad3c7ffc0a7.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Bulgaria

URL: http://media.wix.com/ugd/522e46_c7a68970d13d4fad80374ad3c7ffc0a7.pdf

Shelf Number: 141199

Border Security
Criminal Networks
Organized Crime
Social Network Analysis

Author: Garay-Salamanca, Luis Jorge

Title: Illicit Networks Reconfiguring States: Social Network Analysis of Colombian and Mexican Cases

Summary: People have often thought that as a rule, criminal gangs confront the State. We have this preconceived notion of the State as a homogeneous entity acting as a block to guarantee law enforcement, and of organized crime, such as drug trafficking, seeking ways to get away with breaking the law. In achieving these two objectives, violence ensues: the State resorts to coercion, and organized crime resorts to bribery, kidnapping, murder, or terrorism. However, research carried out during recent years shows that the history of the relationship between the State and organized crime is not always one of confrontation. Indeed, in some cases the latter has been able to infiltrate and to co-opt some State institutions in order to achieve its unlawful objectives. On the other hand, government officials and politicians, in many cases, get along well with organized crime, taking advantage of its criminal power in order to obtain egoistic, exclusive and morally unlawful benefits to the detriment of public interests. It has been reported around the world that policemen infiltrate gangs, criminal gangs bribe government officials to obtain privileged information, and government officials reach secret agreements with gangs of outlaws. However, the social situations analyzed in this book go beyond the classic stories of bribed policemen, infiltrated gangs, or egoistic government officials. This book analyzes cases in which the State has been infiltrated and manipulated, sometimes resulting from alliances between the organized crime and lawful officials and organizations. These alliances can be observed even at high decision-making levels, affecting the structure and operation of institutions. In previous books, the concept of Co-opted State Reconfiguration (CStR) has been introduced to describe situations in which unlawful groups reach agreements with authorities in order to infiltrate State institutions. This concept was also useful to describe situations in which lawful organizations, such as political movements, groups of individuals as landowners, government officials and politicians, establish alliances with unlawful groups to take advantage of their criminal and violent potential. In both cases, the objective is to manipulate and use legitimate institutions in order to obtain unlawful benefits, or obtain lawful benefits that are socially questionable. In both cases the result goes beyond the economic framework, encompassing objectives of political, criminal, judicial and cultural manipulation, and to gain social legitimacy. The CStR has been defined as a more developed and complex process of State Capture (StC), since in the traditional StC lawful economic groups manipulate law making in order to attain exclusive economic benefits. Against this backdrop, the objective of this book is to go deeper into the conceptual, methodological, and empirical issues of the State Capture (StC) and Co-opted State Reconfiguration (CStR). To fulfill this objective, a conceptual and empirical analysis of specific cases of organized crime in Colombia and Mexico will be made. A methodology identifying when a social situation may be defined as either traditional or systemic corruption, StC or CStR, will be presented, developed, and applied. This methodology will also be used to infer the institutional scope, or the degree of damage that a criminal organization may impinge on informal and formal State institutions. Therefore, the StC and CStR will be the guiding concepts throughout the book. The empirical issues will be developed through the social network analysis (SNA), in which alliances such as the above mentioned are found. The first network analyzed is a Mexican cartel, well known for its extreme violent actions throughout the past decade. The second network analyzed is related to an unlawful paramilitary group operating in a Colombian province called Casanare. This province has been favored for more than two decades with huge amounts of public resources coming from oil royalties. However, most of the province’s budget has been misspent, stolen, or appropriated by lawful agents and outlawed organizations, and diverted for purposes other than providing for the social needs of a poor and backward population. The third network is related to five Colombian provinces in the Atlantic Coast of Colombia: Sucre, Córdoba, Cesar, Atlántico, and Magdalena. In these provinces, the United Self–Defense Forces of Colombia [Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia, AUC], the most powerful unlawful paramilitary group that has ever existed in the recent Colombian history, consolidated its unified command at the end of the nineties. This group, with its increase of de facto power, combined violent actions, drug trafficking, and corruption in order to grab large portions of public budget, manipulate elections, and ultimately, get elected to the Colombian Congress. These actions were carried out with the purpose of promoting law making that favors its interests and achieving social legitimacy at the same time.

Details: Bogota, Colombia: Metodo Foundation, 2010. 140p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 23, 2017 at: http://media.wix.com/ugd/f53019_f5aa311ed5854d24b2d823f0176e593c.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Colombia

URL: http://media.wix.com/ugd/f53019_f5aa311ed5854d24b2d823f0176e593c.pdf

Shelf Number: 141201

Criminal Networks
Criminal Violence
Gang-Related Violence
Organized Crime
Social Network Analysis

Author: Jaitman, Laura

Title: The Costs of Crime and Violence: New Evidence and Insights in Latin America and the Caribbean

Summary: This publication is the first to provide a comprehensive, systematic, and rigorous analysis of the costs of crime in Latin America and the Caribbean. The main challenges in the region are addressed: the social cost of homicides, private and public spending on security, the penitentiary crisis, violence against women, organized crime, and cybercrime. The volume estimates that the direct cost of crime for 17 LAC countries in 2010-2014 is, on average, 3.5 percent of the region's GDP, twice as much as in the developed world. It also provides a detailed analysis of the costs of crime in Brazil by state, as well as an examination of the geographical distribution and drivers of crime in the most dangerous subregions: the Northern Triangle in Central America and the Caribbean. The situation in terms of violence against women and cybercrime is assessed: the region is lagging behind to confront these new and old crimes.

Details: Washington, DC: Inter-American Development Bank, 2017. 129p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 23, 2017 at: https://publications.iadb.org/bitstream/handle/11319/8133/The-Costs-of-Crime-and-Violence-New-Evidence-and-Insights-in-Latin-America-and-the-Caribbean.pdf?sequence=7

Year: 2017

Country: Latin America

URL: https://publications.iadb.org/bitstream/handle/11319/8133/The-Costs-of-Crime-and-Violence-New-Evidence-and-Insights-in-Latin-America-and-the-Caribbean.pdf?sequence=7

Shelf Number: 141203

Costs of Crime
Costs of Criminal Justice
Economics of Crime
Organized Crime
Violence Against Women
Violent Crime

Author: Jeffray, Calum

Title: On Tap Europe: Organised Crime and Illicit Trade in Greece: Country Report

Summary: Organised crime in Greece has historically been presented as an external threat, and the country’s vast coastline is indeed vulnerable to small-scale smuggling of various illicit goods from overseas, while its two major ports are frequently targeted by smugglers. As a result, Greece is widely cited as a key entry point for illicit goods into Europe, with the majority of illicit trade occurring in the regions where the two biggest cities and ports – Athens and Thessaloniki – are located. Illicit trade is not seen as an isolated problem in Greece, but as part of a broader category of economic crimes. It is closely linked to tax evasion, corruption and fraud. However, specific information on the scale and the scope of illicit trade in Greece is limited and tends to be largely anecdotal, reflecting a lack of publicly available information on organised crime more broadly. Authorities suggest that the way in which criminals in Greece organise themselves has evolved from strict, hierarchical structures to a more flexible ‘enterprise model’ in which a network of smaller OCGs is established for a particular operation. Groups that smuggle goods tend to deal across multiple commodities, moving between products based on the profit that can be made at any one time, regardless of the risk. Some illicit markets seem to be growing: data show that legitimate tobacco and alcohol sales are both decreasing, but there has not been a similar reduction in consumer demand. This paper makes various key findings. First, the debt crisis that has affected Greece since 2008 has undeniably had an impact on local illicit markets, making the black market more attractive to some consumers and affecting the resources available to law enforcement authorities. Second, during this period of economic uncertainty, authorities have focused on tackling crimes that they believe have the biggest impact on state revenues, such as tax evasion, excise evasion, fraud, and bribery and corruption. Third, Greece has become an attractive hub for smuggling activity for various reasons, including its combination of remote and porous land borders and its long coastline, the scale of operations at the port of Piraeus, which makes monitoring the content of incoming containers a challenge, and because the country is in the Schengen Area, which means that the circulation of goods into the rest of Europe is relatively straightforward. Fourth, there is only limited information available on the scale and scope of organised crime activity, and of illicit trade in particular. Finally, identifying 'little and often' smuggling operations, whether by sea or by land, requires an excellent intelligence picture, which Greece has struggled to achieve.

Details: London: Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies, 2017. 51p.

Source: Internet Resource: Occasional Paper; On Tap Europe Series No. 3: Accessed February 24, 2017 at: https://rusi.org/sites/default/files/201702_op_on_tap_europe3_greece.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: Greece

URL: https://rusi.org/sites/default/files/201702_op_on_tap_europe3_greece.pdf

Shelf Number: 141207

Corruption and Fraud
Drug Trafficking
Illegal Tobacco
Illicit Goods
Illicit Trade
Organized Crime
Tax Evasion

Author: Lopez Guevara, Estefania

Title: Trafficking of Coltan in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Summary: The subjects analyzed in the document are the commerce, fraud, and contraband, as well as mechanisms and agents at internal and external levels intervening in the trafficking of coltan. This document also examines the (i) key criminal agents and other activities relating to the traffic of the ore, (ii) hotspots and (iii) recent cases covered by media.

Details: Bogota, Colombia: Vortex, 2016. 27p.

Source: Internet Resource: Research Paper No. 4.: Accessed February 24, 2017 at: http://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/522e46_bee14894ac2a4354a2ae49710c88bdd0.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Congo, Democratic Republic

URL: http://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/522e46_bee14894ac2a4354a2ae49710c88bdd0.pdf

Shelf Number: 141218

Conflict Minerals
Criminal Networks
Illegal Mining
Mining Industry
Natural Resources
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Natural Resources

Author: Diaz-Cayeros, Alberto

Title: Caught in the Crossfire: The Geography of Extortion and Police Corruption in Mexico

Summary: When Mexican president Felipe Calderón took office in December 2006 he declared a war on the nation’s drug traffic organizations (Ríos and Shirk, 2011). Violence escalated as criminal organizations became increasingly fragmented and disputed their territories (Killebrew and Bernal, 2010; Beittel, 2011). The main strategy followed by the federal government involved capturing leaders and lieutenants of criminal organizations (Calderón et al. forthcoming). This seemed to provoke even more violence, by making the competition over-territorial control fiercer and providing incentives for many gangs to make extortion and protection fees (derecho de piso) an additional source of revenue (Guerrero-Gutiérrez, 2010). Given the absence of legal(and peaceful) rules and enforcement mechanisms for competitors in the illegal drug market, disagreements were usually solved violently. Under the pressure of the crackdown by the federal police, the navy and the army, contracts among criminal gangs were often disrupted, leading to even more violence. Competition over the strategic routes towards the market in the United States was settled by literally eliminating rivals (Dell, 2012). The wide availability of illegal guns crossing from the US border (Dube et al., 2013) turned firearm deaths into the main cause of death among young men in Mexico.Meanwhile, citizens became caught in the crossfire of rival drug cartels and extortion at the hands of criminal gangs. A highly visible example of this was the case of two students in the prestigious private university Tecnológico de Monterrey who were kidnapped by drug traffickers in 2010, but then killed by the military in a botched attempt to rescue them. The case became particularly controversial due to the excessive use of force by the army and their effort to cover up the case with planted evidence. During the late 1990s and early 2000s Mexico gradually changed from being a transit territory for drugs heading to the United States market to a place of increasing consumption (Castañeda and Aguilar, 2010). This transformation was partially driven by a change in the way that wholesale drug importers were paying for services; they switched from payments only in cash to payments with part of the same drug they were distributing (Grillo, 2011:80). The change from a transportation to a retail distribution business implied that drug cartels had to increase the number of personnel. Having a larger full-time workforce, the cartels could now count on small armies of salaried criminals at their disposal. The perfect complement to this new industrial organization was an easily corruptible police and judicial system at all levels of government. Increasingly fragmented criminal organizations began to diversify their illegal activities–to extortion of small businesses, kidnappings of middle-class individuals, racketeering and control of retail trade in their territories, and extortion of migrant workers– perhaps in associations with police departments. Although it is difficult to provide evidence on how much real progress has been made, there is no question that efforts at reforming the police forces in Mexico face a momentous challenge in such environment. Although a new federal police force was created after 2006 and, in principle, all police had to comply with background checks and other administrative procedures, in fact, state and municipal police forces remain not just corrupt but also keep on using excessive force and violating human rights. This became patently clear in the case of the 43 Ayotzinapa missing students that in October of 2014 were detained by the municipal police of the city of Iguala, to be handed in to the killers of a drug traffic organization. The police forces of Iguala are not the only ones that are penetrated by organized crime and have failed to protect citizens. This chapter explores the connection between police distrust, corruption and extortion. Despite the difficulty in measuring these phenomena through conventional public opinion polls and citizen or firm level surveys,much can be learned from the variation across geographic units in reported victimization and corruption. We use a list experiment collected through the Survey on Public Safety and Governance in Mexico (SPSGM), to study the practices of extortion by both police forces and criminal organizations. Using a Bayesian spatial estimation method, we provide a mapping of the geographic distribution of police extortion. Our findings suggest that weak state institutions in vast regions within Mexico have become captured, through corruption, by competing drug traffic organizations. Extortion prevails either because police forces have become agents of criminal organizations or because criminals can engage in racketeering without any police intervention. We conclude with a discussion of the emergence of self-defense groups as a strategy for coping with extortion; a strategy that while effective at protecting citizens,may further undermine state capacity.

Details: Stanford, CA: Center on Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law, Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, Stanford University, 2014. 27p.

Source: Internet Resource: CDDRL Working Paper; Accessed February 28, 2017 at: http://fsi.stanford.edu/sites/default/files/caught_in_the_crossfire_final_final.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Mexico

URL: http://fsi.stanford.edu/sites/default/files/caught_in_the_crossfire_final_final.pdf

Shelf Number: 141225

Drug Cartels
Drug Trafficking
Gun-Related Violence
Organized Crime
Police Corruption

Author: Magaloni, Beatriz

Title: The Mexican War on Drugs: Crime and the Limits of Government Persuasion

Summary: In order to successfully battle organized crime, governments require a certain degree of citizens' support. Governments are sometimes able to influence citizens' opinions, but sometimes they are not. Under what circumstances do pro-government frames influence citizens' opinions? Will individuals who are victims of crime be equally sensitive to frames than those who are not? We argue that crime victimization desensitizes citizens to pro-government frames. This further complicates governments' fights against criminals, creating a vicious circle of insecurity, distrust, and frustrated policy interventions. To test our argument, we conducted a frame experiment embedded in a nationwide survey in Mexico. The empirical evidence supports our argument in most circumstances; yet desensitization is moderated by love media-exposure and identification with the president's party.

Details: Stanford, CA: Center on Democracy, Development, and The Rule of Law, Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, 2013. 32p.

Source: Internet Resource: CDDRL Working Paper no. 144: Accessed February 28, 2017 at: http://cddrl.fsi.stanford.edu/sites/default/files/144.Romero_Magaloni_Diazcayeros_frameeffects_v6.0.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Mexico

URL: http://cddrl.fsi.stanford.edu/sites/default/files/144.Romero_Magaloni_Diazcayeros_frameeffects_v6.0.pdf

Shelf Number: 141226

Drug Cartels
Drug Trafficking
Drug-Related Violence
Organized Crime
War on Drugs

Author: Romero, Vidal

Title: How do Crime and Violence Impact Presidential Approval? Examining the Dynamics of the Mexican Case

Summary: In order to effectively fight criminal organizations, governments require support from significant segments of society. If citizens have a positive assessment of the executive’s job, the likelihood that they will report crimes, and act as allies in the fight increases. This provides important leverage for incumbents, and allows them to continue their policies. Yet, winning the hearts and minds of citizens is not an easy endeavor. Crime and violence affect citizens' most valuable assets: life and property. Thus, one would expect a close relationship between public security and presidential approval? To generate robust answers to this question, and its multiple implications, we use Mexico as a case study, and use data at both the aggregate and at the individual level. We find that approval levels are indeed affected by crime, but not by all crimes. Perhaps surprisingly, they are not affected by the most serious of crimes: homicide. At the individual level, we find that support for the mere act of fighting organized crime has a stronger effect on approval than actual performance on public security. We also find no effect of crime victimization on approval at the individual level.

Details: Stanford, CA: Center on Democracy, Development, and The Rule of Law, Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, 2013. 36p.

Source: Internet Resource: CDDRL Working Papers, Vol. 142: Accessed February 28, 2017 at: http://cddrl.fsi.stanford.edu/sites/default/files/142.Magaloni_DiazCayeros_Romero_ApprovalandCrime_v1.4..pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Mexico

URL: http://cddrl.fsi.stanford.edu/sites/default/files/142.Magaloni_DiazCayeros_Romero_ApprovalandCrime_v1.4..pdf

Shelf Number: 141227

Organized Crime
Violent Crime

Author: Follmar-Otto, Petra

Title: Human trafficking in Germany; strengthening victim's human rights

Summary: The previously marginalised phenomenon of human trafficking became a mainstream political issue more than ten years ago. Human trafficking is not only perceived as a severe form of transnational organised crime but is also denounced as a human rights violation. Many international, regional, and national initiatives and programmes have been created. The 2000 UN Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons and the 2005 Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings are specialised legal instruments that have led to legal changes at the regional and national levels. In spite of these developments, human trafficking remains one of the most urgent human rights issues for Germany and other industrialised countries: first – in spite of the necessary scepticism about the data on human trafficking – there is every indication that the extent of human trafficking in Europe and worldwide remains very high. Second, victim's rights have made only marginal progress in spite of the attention human trafficking receives in Germany: the vast majority of trafficked persons are not identified as victims of human trafficking. In practice, even those who are so identified cannot assert rights to (temporary) residence, safe accommodation, material and psychosocial assistance, and remuneration and compensation unless they agree to appear as witnesses in criminal proceedings. Trafficked persons are not perceived as legal subjects, and there is a lack of legal clarity and legal certainty. Third, the prevention of human trafficking is not integrated into a way of organising (labour) migration that is generally oriented to human rights and aims to ensure that regular and irregular migrants never end up in situations of exploitation that are similar to slavery. Announcements are often made to the public that enough has been said about human trafficking and that it is now time to act. This is certainly right – but, given the steps that have already been taken, it is also necessary to review the underlying concepts and the effects that actions taken against human trafficking can have on human rights. Trafficked persons are caught in the competing political interests of fighting crime, migration policies, and human rights. In many countries, including Germany, actions that are taken and reforms of the law still emphasise criminal prosecution. A full human rights approach has not yet been developed. The specific international instruments on human trafficking are still far from covering all obligations under the core human rights treaties, such as the UN Covenant on Civil and Political Rights or the UN Convention for the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). Measures against human trafficking can even lead to violations of the human rights of trafficked persons (or people who could potentially be trafficked) or other groups, such as migrants or sex workers. In some contexts, combating human trafficking is also used as a pretext for introducing restrictive and repressive measures into migration or security policies or the regulation of sex work. This study is therefore intended to contribute to the analysis of policies against human trafficking from the viewpoint of human rights. In the public debate there is often uncertainty about how to describe this phenomenon, which makes it difficult to take effective, appropriate action against human trafficking. This study therefore begins with definitions, explains the necessary distinctions, and provides data and facts about human trafficking (section 2). The third section covers the causes of human trafficking and the various approaches to combating it and describes the status quo in Germany. The fourth section discusses in greater detail how the prohibition of human trafficking and the resulting state obligations are anchored in human rights. The more recent specialised international agreements on human trafficking and law-making in the European Union are then presented (section 5). The emphasis is on the Council of Europe Convention, which professes to treat human trafficking in a human rights context. The final chapter summarizes elements of a human rights approach against human trafficking and makes recommendations for further development of policies. This study concentrates on trafficking in adults. Women, who make up the vast majority of the trafficked persons in Europe, are in the forefront. The field of trafficking in children is not covered by this study. Where that issue is concerned, reference is made to a recently published study by the Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) of the European Union, which investigates the legal framework and measures against trafficking in children in the EU Member States.

Details: Berlin: German Institute for Human Rights, 2009. 96p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 28, 2017 at: http://www.stiftung-evz.de/fileadmin/user_upload/EVZ_Uploads/Publikationen/Studien/2009_study_human_trafficking_in_germany.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: Germany

URL: http://www.stiftung-evz.de/fileadmin/user_upload/EVZ_Uploads/Publikationen/Studien/2009_study_human_trafficking_in_germany.pdf

Shelf Number: 141254

Human Rights Abuses
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime
Victims of Trafficking

Author: Sullivan, John P.

Title: Cross-Border Connections: Criminal Inter-Penetration at the U.S.-Mexico "Hyperborder"

Summary: The United States (US) and Mexico share a complex border and a common threat for transnational organized crime. The US-Mexico border is one of the most complex in the world. At first glance cross-border threats appear to be concentrated along the nearly 2,000 mile long frontier. This frontera divides the American states of California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas from their Mexican counterparts Baja California, Sonora, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo León, and Tamaulipas. Yet, as I will describe the impact of cross-border criminal connections reach far from the frontera and influences crime and corruption in major cities and exurban enclaves far from the actual border.

Details: Bogota, Colombia: Vortex Foundation, 2013. 24p.

Source: Internet Resource: Vortex Working Paper no. 11: Accessed February 28, 2017 at: http://media.wix.com/ugd/522e46_bd5201a66cbd4437b6ef6dc91dce4b46.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Mexico

URL: http://media.wix.com/ugd/522e46_bd5201a66cbd4437b6ef6dc91dce4b46.pdf

Shelf Number: 141256

Border Security
Organized Crime

Author: Guevara Moyano, Inigo

Title: Sharp Around the Edges: A Comparative Analysis of Transnational Criminal Networks on the Southern Borders of NAFTA and the EU

Summary: Although radically different in so many ways, Mexico and Bulgaria share the common benefits, grievances, and some major misfortunes of being on the bottom end of the two most powerful economic development polls in the Western World: NAFTA and the EU. The most disrupting of misfortunes is that both countries have become hubs to a broad number of Transnational Criminal Networks (TCNs). This paper compares TCN's in Mexico and Bulgaria, analyzing their network’s structure, modus operandi, and development, prescribing a set of recommendations to assist the institutions in charge of combating them as well as those that need to survive them.

Details: Bogota, Colombia: Vortex Foundation, 2014. 19p.

Source: Internet Resource: Vortex Working Paper no. 13: Accessed March 2, 2017 at: http://www.casede.org/BibliotecaCasede/13VWPSharpAround.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Mexico

URL: http://www.casede.org/BibliotecaCasede/13VWPSharpAround.pdf

Shelf Number: 141259

Criminal Networks
Economics of Crime
Organized Crime
Socioeconomic Conditions and Crime

Author: Muggah, Robert

Title: Securing the Border: Brazil's

Summary: Brazil is at a crossroads in the fight against transnational organized crime. For one, Brazil is claiming a wider involvement in the international peace and security agenda and pursuing priorities overseas. At the same time, the country is adopting what might be described as a "South American first" approach to dealing with narco-trafficking, arms smuggling, money laundering and cybercrime. It consists of investing in subregional institutions and discrete bilateral agreements in its near abroad. This more localized approach is contributing to the consolidation of Brazilian state institutions in its hinterland. But what direction will Brazil take in the coming decade? This Strategic Paper offers an overview of the scope and scale of organized crime in Latin America and Brazil more specifically. It critically reviews Brazil's normative and institutional responses – both regional and national – and considers likely future security postures.

Details: Rio de Janeiro: Igarapé Institute, 2013. 29p.

Source: Internet Resource: Strategic Paper 5: Accessed March 4, 2017 at: https://igarape.org.br/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/AE-05_EN_Securing-the-border.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Brazil

URL: https://igarape.org.br/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/AE-05_EN_Securing-the-border.pdf

Shelf Number: 146410

Arms Smuggling
Border Security
Drug Trafficking
Money Laundering
Organized Crime

Author: Taheri-Keramati, Yashar

Title: Drugs, Police Inefficiencies, and Gangsterism in Violently Impoverished Communities like Overcome

Summary: This research establishes an understanding of the relationship between gangsterism, the drug commodity and inefficiencies in the state's policing institution, as well as the consequences of this relationship, in the context of Overcome squatter area in Cape Town. Overcome is representative of other violently impoverished Cape Town communities with its high rate of unemployment, low quality of education, domestic abuse, stagnant housing crisis, lack of access to intellectual and material resources or opportunities for personal growth, gangsterism, inefficient policing, substance-dependency, and violence. This research demonstrates that the current relationship between the gangs, drugs and the police fosters an unpredictable, violent environment, leaving residents in a constant state of vulnerability. The argument is developed around three key historical junctures in the development of organized crime in South Africa, starting with the growth of the mining industry in the Witwatersrand after 1886, followed by forced removals and prohibition like policies in Cape Town circa 1970, and finally the upheaval created around transition away from apartheid in 1994. Research for this paper was both quantitative and qualitative in nature, and included expert interviews on the subjects of police criminality, narcotic sales, and gangsterism. Newspapers articles, crime statistics, books, census figures, and a host of journals were also utilized. Upon reviewing a host of police inefficiencies and criminal collusions, the research concludes that public criminals related to the state, such as police, and private criminals, such as gangsters, work together in a multitude of ways in a bid to acquire wealth, most notably through an illicit drug market today dominated by 'tik'. It is shown that this violent narcotics market binds police and gangsters together at the expense of creating a state of insecurity for those living in poor drug markets.

Details: Cape Town: University of Cape Town, 2013. 73p.

Source: Internet Resource: Thesis: Accessed March 6, 2017 at: https://open.uct.ac.za/bitstream/item/3536/thesis_hsf_2013_taheri-keramati_y.pdf?sequence=1

Year: 2013

Country: South Africa

URL: https://open.uct.ac.za/bitstream/item/3536/thesis_hsf_2013_taheri-keramati_y.pdf?sequence=1

Shelf Number: 141342

Drug markets
Drug-Related Violence
Organized Crime
Socioeconomic Conditions and Crime
Violent Crime

Author: Miller, Rena S.

Title: Anti-Money Laundering: An Overview for Congress

Summary: Anti-money laundering (AML) refers to efforts to prevent criminal exploitation of financial systems to conceal the location, ownership, source, nature, or control of illicit proceeds. Despite the existence of longstanding domestic regulatory and enforcement mechanisms, as well as international commitments and guidance on best practices, policymakers remain challenged to identify and address policy gaps and new laundering methods that criminals exploit. According to United Nations estimates recognized by the U.S. Department of the Treasury, criminals in the United States generate some $300 billion in illicit proceeds that might involve money laundering. Rough International Monetary Fund estimates also indicate that the global volume of money laundering could amount to as much as 2.7% of the world's gross domestic product, or $1.6 trillion annually. Money laundering is broadly recognized to have potentially significant economic and political consequences at both national and international levels. Despite robust AML efforts in the United States, the ability to counter money laundering effectively remains challenged by a variety of factors. These include:  the scale of global money laundering;  the diversity of illicit methods to move and store ill-gotten proceeds through the international financial system;  the introduction of new and emerging threats (e.g., cyber-related financial crimes);  the ongoing use of old methods (e.g., bulk cash smuggling);  gaps in legal, regulatory, and enforcement regimes, including uneven availability of international training and technical assistance for AML purposes; and  the costs associated with financial institution compliance with global AML guidance and national laws. AML Policy Framework In the United States, the legislative foundation for domestic AML originated in 1970 with the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) of 1970 and its major component, the Currency and Foreign Transaction Reporting Act. Amendments to the BSA and related provisions in the 1980s and 1990s expanded AML policy tools available to combat crime, particularly drug trafficking, and prevent criminals from laundering their illicitly derived profits. Key elements to the BSA’s AML legal framework, which are codified in Titles 12 (Banks and Banking) and 31 (Money and Finance) of the U.S. Code, include requirements for customer identification, recordkeeping, reporting, and compliance programs intended to identify and prevent money laundering abuses. Substantive criminal statutes in Titles 31 and 18 (Crimes and Criminal Procedures) of the U.S. Code prohibit money laundering and related activities and establish civil penalties and forfeiture provisions. Moreover, federal authorities have applied administrative forfeiture, non-conviction based forfeiture, and criminal forfeiture tools. In response to the terrorist attacks on the U.S. homeland on September 11, 2001, Congress expanded the BSA's AML policy framework to incorporate additional provisions to combat the financing of terrorism (CFT). Although CFT is not the primary focus of this CRS report, post- 9/11 legislation provided the Executive Branch with greater authority and additional tools to counter the convergence of illicit threats, including the financial dimensions of organized crime, corruption, and terrorism. Policy Outlook for the 115th Congress Although CFT will likely remain a pressing national security concern for policymakers and Congress, some see the beginning of the 115th Congress as an opportunity to revisit the existing AML policy framework, assess its effectiveness, and propose regulatory and statutory changes. Such efforts could further address issues raised in hearings and proposed legislation during the 114th Congress, including beneficial ownership, the application of targeted financial sanctions, and barriers to international AML information sharing. Drawing from past legislative activity, the 115th Congress may also revisit proposals to require the Executive Branch to develop a roadmap for identifying key AML policy challenges and balancing AML priorities in a national strategy. Some observers have gone further to propose broader changes to the BSA/AML regime. The 115th Congress may also seek to address tensions that remain in balancing the policy objectives of improving financial services access and inclusion while also accounting for money laundering risks and vulnerabilities that may result in the exclusion (or "de-risking") of others from the international financial system.

Details: Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service, 2017. 30p.

Source: Internet Resource: CRS Report R44776: Accessed March 6, 2017 at: https://fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/R44776.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: United States

URL: https://fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/R44776.pdf

Shelf Number: 145581

Financial Crimes
Money Laundering
National Security
Organized Crime
Proceeds of Crime
Terrorist Financing

Author: Hunter, Marcena

Title: Follow the Money: Financial Flows Linked to Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining in Sierra Leone: A Case Study

Summary: Artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) has largely been dismissed as an economically insignificant, subsistence based activity in Sierra Leone. This is in sharp contrast to the artisanal diamond sector, which has historically been seen as a much more significant livelihood option. As one Mining Ministry agent stated: it's different with diamonds, you understand. If you are in diamonds, you want the license, because it's worth so much. But with gold, not so much: it's small and quick and just for survival. However, an investigation into the sector reveals that Sierra Leone's ASGM sector is not only active and vibrant, but also generating significant economic value. Despite government and civil society efforts at formalisation, Sierra Leone's ASGM remains largely in the informal sector. Investigations reveal most of Sierra Leone's gold never enters the formal supply chains within its borders. Rather, gold is mined, bought, sold and exported through informal networks that only occasionally and selectively intersect with formal supply and value chains prior to crossing the border. Consequently, the country records minimal gold exports and the Government of Sierra Leone (GoSL) reaps little benefit from the gold sector through formal channels of taxation. This is not to say the sector is not benefitting the people of Sierra Leone. ASGM is providing rural communities a critical livelihood option across Sierra Leone. Sierra Leone registers some of the most challenging development and poverty statistics in the entire world, ranking 181 out of 188 countries on the Human Development Index. The Ebola crisis (2014 - 2016) seriously exacerbated these challenges, extracting a massive socio-economic toll on the country. ASGM has evolved in this context as a strong economic magnet, drawing in old stakeholders and new entrants alike. In addition, ASGM plays a vital economic function in many communities, providing investment opportunities, an economic social safety net, an avenue to social mobility, and contributing to local economic growth. While a number of positive attributes can be linked to ASGM in Sierra Leone, the informality of the sector also results in undesirable outputs and impacts including: value from the ASGM sector is not equitably distributed; evidence of bribery and corruption of traditional and government officials; negligible protections against environmental degradation; and opportunity for money laundering and criminal exploitation. In turn, while there are a number of short-term benefits to informality, persistent informality has the potential to undermine long-term development and governance aims. The informality of Sierra Leone's gold sector is perpetuated and exacerbated by downstream illicit financial flows (IFFs). Defined as 'money illegally earned, transferred or used', IFFs are paradoxically dualistic. On the one hand, IFFs linked to ASGM serve a critical economic function, fuelling an informal sector which plays an important role in poverty alleviation and economic development in Sierra Leone. On the other hand, IFFs are facilitating complicated layers of exploitation and victimisation by opportunistic actors along the value chain. In the Sierra Leonean context, many upstream financial transactions (i.e. those which take place at the mine site) are better characterised as informal transactions, while those that take place further downstream (i.e. the buying and selling of smuggled gold) are IFFs. Upstream actors who engage in IFFs tend to reinvest profits back into the ASGM sector, thus perpetuating supply chains and financial relationships reliant on informal and illicit activity at all levels. In turn, IFFs are a bulwark against ASGM sector formalisation efforts in Sierra Leone. Any attempt must acknowledge the complex nature and impacts of IFFs if they are to hope to be successful without further marginalizing vulnerable populations. Without appreciating the extent and efficiency of ASGM and related IFFs to meet local economic needs, formalisation efforts will fail to replace them, and at worst could have devastating consequences. As a government agent stated, gold mining is a livelihood activity, so it is difficult to strongly enforce laws that are perceived to be harmful to local people (GOV080716c).

Details: Geneva: Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime, 2017. 56p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 8, 2017 at: http://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/sierra-leone_06.03.17.compressed.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: Sierra Leone

URL: http://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/sierra-leone_06.03.17.compressed.pdf

Shelf Number: 146411

Financial Crimes
Gold Mining
Illicit Gold
Money Laundering
Organized Crime
Socioeconomic Conditions and Crime

Author: Rostami, Amir

Title: Criminal Organizing: Studies in the sociology of organized crime

Summary: What organized crime is and how it can be prevented are two of the key questions in both organized crime research and criminal policy. However, despite many attempts, organized crime research, the criminal justice system and criminal policy have failed to provide a shared and recognized conceptual definition of organized crime, which has opened the door to political interpretations. Organized crime is presented as an objective reality—mostly based on anecdotal empirical evidence and generic descriptions—and has been understood, as being intrinsically different from social organization, and this has been a justification for treating organized crime conceptually separately.In this dissertation, the concept of organized crime is deconstructed and analyzed. Based on five studies and an introductory chapter, I argue that organized crime is an overarching concept based on an abstraction of different underlying concepts, such as gang, mafia, and network, which are in turn semi-overarching and overlapping abstractions of different crime phenomena, such as syndicates, street-gangs, and drug networks. This combination of a generic concept based on underlying concepts, which are themselves subject to similar conceptual difficulties, has given rise to a conceptual confusion surrounding the term and the concept of organized crime. The consequences of this conceptual confusion are not only an issue of semantics, but have implications for our understanding of the nature of criminal collaboration as well as both legal and policy consequences. By combining different observers, methods and empirical materials relating to dimensions of criminal collaboration, I illustrate the strong analogies that exist between forms of criminal collaboration and the theory of social organization.I argue in this dissertation that criminal organizing is not intrinsically different from social organizing. In fact, the dissertation illustrates the existence of strong analogies between patterns of criminal organizing and the elements of social organizations. But depending on time and context, some actions and forms of organizing are defined as criminal, and are then, intentionally or unintentionally, presumed to be intrinsically different from social organizing. Since the basis of my argument is that criminal organizing is not intrinsically different from social organizing, I advocate that the study of organized crime needs to return to the basic principles of social organization in order to understand the emergence of, and the underlying mechanism that gives rise to, the forms of criminal collaboration that we seek to explain. To this end, a new general analytical framework, “criminal organizing”, that brings the different forms of criminal organizations and their dimensions together under a single analytical tool, is proposed as an example of how organizational sociology can advance organized crime research and clarify the chaotic concept of organized crime.

Details: Stockholm, SWE: Stockholm University, 2016. 103p.

Source: Internet Resource: STOCKHOLM STUDIES IN SOCIOLOGY, CRIMINAL ORGANIZING, NEW SERIES 62: Accessed March 24, 2017 at: https://su.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:921818/FULLTEXT01.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Sweden

URL: https://su.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:921818/FULLTEXT01.pdf

Shelf Number: 144573

Criminal Gangs
Criminal Networks
Organized Crime

Author: Petrie, Dennis

Title: Interface of Churches and Organised Crime in Latin America

Summary: Structural violence – in its diverse forms – has become one of the main concerns for Latin American citizens and their governments. Its effects are clearly visible in a number of Latin American countries (mainly Mexico, the Northern Triangle of Central America and Colombia), corrupting government institutions and distorting the overall functioning of society by creating a culture of fear and impunity. In other countries (Costa Rica, Panama, Andes, Southern Cone), organized crime is less visible but still present. "Organised crime" is an umbrella term that includes a broad range of illegal and criminal activities and organisations. In Latin America, organised crime groups - ranging from youth gangs to paramilitary organisations - operate in transnational networks, consisting of professionally organized chains of violence and terror. These organisations are generally not ideological but driven by drug trafficking and to a lesser extent dedicated to other forms of criminal activity such as arms trafficking, human trafficking, extortions, hired killings, kidnappings etc. Faced with the growing influence of organised crime in society, churches should not remain silent. The Gospel teaches the pursuit of public justice and the transformation of society through the love of Christ as leading principles for the social involvement of Jesus' disciples. This world view radically contradicts the logics and dynamics of organised crime. Yet, the actual response and attitude of church leaders and their members to organised crime has scarcely been investigated. At this moment there are no comprehensive studies on the relationship between organised crime in Latin America and the churches. It is not clear to what extent the churches actually constitute a threat to organised crime. The objective of this report is to contribute to the understanding of the influence of (the constellation of) organised crime groups on the functioning of the churches. Specifically, this report will seek to give answers to the following questions: 1. In which countries in Latin America is organised crime remarkably present? Specify also specific regions within the countries. 2. What is known in literature about tensions or conflicts between churches (leaders, members) and organised crime groups? 3. Are pastors or church members afraid to address issues related to practices of organised crime groups and their allies in society or in public? 4. Are pastors or church members afraid to address issues related to practices of organised crime groups and their allies within their churches? In order to respond to these questions, this report will firstly give a general description of the context of organised crime in Latin America (I., research question 1). Subsequently, an analysis will be made of the relationship between churches and their members, and organised crime groups (II., research questions 3-4), followed by a descriptive survey of the available literature on the topic (III., research question 2). Finally, a number of conclusions will be formulated (IV.). Being a desk research, this report is only an initial effort to broach the complex issue of the relationship between churches and organised crime. Its main sources are literature research, complemented by interviews. The interviews turned out to be the most valuable source of information, since literature on the topic is scarce. There are virtually no analytical reports on the impact of organised crime on churches. The only information that can be found are compilations of testimonies, but no in depth studies of the social, political and cultural dynamics of persecution in areas affected by organised crime

Details: s.l.: Open Doors, 2012. 32p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 27, 2017 at: http://theanalytical.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Interface-of-Churches-and-Organised-Crime-in-Latin-America-2012.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Latin America

URL: http://theanalytical.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Interface-of-Churches-and-Organised-Crime-in-Latin-America-2012.pdf

Shelf Number: 144586

Organized Crime
Religion and Crime

Author: McAndrews, James

Title: The Case for Cash

Summary: Cash is an extremely useful social contrivance. Two possible drawbacks of high-denomination cash have recently been discussed by Kenneth Rogoff in his book The Curse of Cash, and echoed by other economists. They are the extensive use of high-denomination cash by criminals and others engaged in illicit and corrupt activities, and the role that cash plays in avoiding deeply negative nominal interest rates imposed on bank accounts. Rogoff and others call for a phaseout of high-denomination cash over a long time. The use of cash in crime, I argue, is preferable to the alternative, and there are limits to the benefits of deeply negative nominal interest rates. There are no adequate alternatives to cash for poor and unbanked people. Consequently, the current high-denomination cash in the United States

Details: Tokyo: Asian Development Bank Institute, 2017. 20p.

Source: Internet Resource: ADBI Working Paper Series no. 679: Accessed April 1, 2017 at: https://www.adb.org/sites/default/files/publication/231516/adbi-wp679.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: International

URL: https://www.adb.org/sites/default/files/publication/231516/adbi-wp679.pdf

Shelf Number: 144691

Crime Prevention
Economics of Crime
Money and Crime
Organized Crime

Author: May, Channing

Title: Transnational Crime and the Developing World

Summary: his March 2017 report from Global Financial Integrity, "Transnational Crime and the Developing World," finds that globally the business of transnational crime is valued at an average of $1.6 trillion to $2.2 trillion annually. The study evaluates the overall size of criminal markets in 11 categories: the trafficking of drugs, arms, humans, human organs, and cultural property; counterfeiting, illegal wildlife crime, illegal fishing, illegal logging, illegal mining, and crude oil theft. The combination of high profits and low risks for perpetrators of transnational crime and the support of a global shadow financial system perpetuate and drive these abuses. The report also emphasizes how transnational crime undermines economies, societies, and governments in developing countries. National and global policy efforts that focus on curtailing the money are needed to more successfully combat these crimes and the illicit networks perpetrating them. Primary Findings Transnational crime is a business, and business is very good. Money is the primary motivation for these illegal activities. Of the 11 illicit activities studied, counterfeiting ($923 billion to $1.13 trillion) and drug trafficking ($426 billion to $652 billion) have the highest and second-highest values, respectively; illegal logging is the most valuable natural resource crime ($52 billion to $157 billion). The ranges demonstrate the serious magnitude of and threat posed by global transnational crime. The revenues generated from the 11 crimes covered in this report not only line the pockets of the perpetrators but also finance violence, corruption, and other abuses. Very rarely do the revenues from transnational crime have any long-term benefit to citizens, communities, or economies of developing countries. Instead, the crimes undermine local and national economies, destroy the environment, and jeopardize the health and well-being of the public. The report rankings for the illicit markets examined are: Counterfeiting $923 billion to $1.13 trillion Drug Trafficking --$426 billion to $652 billion Illegal Logging $52 billion to $157 billion Human Trafficking -- $150.2 billion Illegal Mining -- $12 billion to $48 billion IUU Fishing -- $15.5 billion to $36.4 billion Illegal Wildlife Trade -- $5 billion to $23 billion Crude Oil Theft -- $5.2 billion to $11.9 billion Small Arms & Light Weapons Trafficking -- $1.7 billion to $3.5 billion Organ Trafficking -- $840 million to $1.7 Total --$1.6 trillion to $2.2 trillion Policy Recommendations Transnational crime will continue to grow until the paradigm of high profits and low risks is challenged. In addition to current efforts to fight these crimes, this report calls on governments, experts, the private sector, and civil society groups to seek to address the global shadow financial system by promoting greater financial transparency. This will help cutoff the money flows and the profits, and it will increase the ability to bring these criminals to justice and defeat their illicit transnational networks. GFI recommends several steps governments and other regulatory bodies can take to increase the levels of detection and interdiction of the proceeds of transnational crime: Require that corporations registering and doing business within a country declare the name(s) of the entity's true, ultimate beneficial owner(s) Flag financial and trade transactions involving individuals and corporations in "secrecy jurisdictions" as high-risk and require extra documentation Scrutinize import and export invoices for signs of misinvoicing, which may indicate technical and/or physical smuggling Use world market price databases such as GFTradeTM to estimate the risk of misinvoicing for the declared values and investigate suspicious transactions Share more information between agencies and departments on the illicit markets and actors that exist within a country"s border

Details: Washington, DC: Global Financial Integrity, 2017. 166p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 7, 2017 at: http://www.gfintegrity.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Transnational_Crime-final.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: International

URL: http://www.gfintegrity.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Transnational_Crime-final.pdf

Shelf Number: 144741

Criminal Networks
Developing Nations
Financial Crimes
Illegal Markets
Illicit Markets
Organized Crime
Transnational Crime

Author: Raineri, Luca

Title: Organised crime and fragile states: African variations

Summary: Exactly how transnational organised crime (TOC) poses a security threat that may undermine the state, including its societal institutions, geopolitical stability and economic prosperity, is a question that has gained traction in public debates over the past decades. And discussions about extra-legal governance - i.e. those political, economic and social arrangements that take shape beyond and against the law - are very much present in Africa, where states are often portrayed as defective. Such discussions are often articulated through dichotomies, such as fragility vs. resilience, good governance vs. ungoverned spaces, and legal vs. criminal activity. Frequently inspired by abstract templates and moral logics, these dichotomies sometimes rest on the use of loose concepts, and hardly convey the meaning given to them by those people who deal with them in their daily lives.

Details: Paris: European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS), 2017. 4p.

Source: Internet Resource: Issue Brief: Accessed April 8, 2017 at: http://www.iss.europa.eu/uploads/media/Brief_8_Crime_in_Africa.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: Africa

URL: http://www.iss.europa.eu/uploads/media/Brief_8_Crime_in_Africa.pdf

Shelf Number: 144756

Armed Violence
Organized Crime
Violent Crime

Author: Tarre Briceno, Marcos

Title: Como afecta la delincuencia organizada al ciudadano Con la intencion de conocer, investigar e informar sobre el Delito Organizado en Venezuela, nace en el 2012 el Observatorio de Delito Organizado, una accion emprendida por la Asociacion Civil Paz Activa

Summary: In this brief manual it is a question of delving into the fact that one of the main problems of Central and South America is precisely Organized Delinquency, whether Transnational or National, which affects the State, society and citizens for being a A multiplier of violence and that, on the other hand, certain types of organized crime directly affect the citizen. Three of these modalities are studied - marked in yellow in the tables - and models are proposed to visualize, to prevent and to disintegrate it. In Venezuela, a nation that in a few years has become the second country in the world with the highest rate of homicide, some experts see a clear parallel between the strengthening of organized crime in the country and the excessive increase in violence. Between 34.4% and 55.1% of the 24,000 homicides recorded per year would be related to organized crime.


Source: Internet Resource: MONOGRAFIAS VISIBILIZANDO EL DELITO ORGANIZADO No. 1: Accessed April 10, 2017 at: http://observatoriodot.org.ve/cms/images/documentos/odo-manual1-crimorg-web.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Venezuela

URL: http://observatoriodot.org.ve/cms/images/documentos/odo-manual1-crimorg-web.pdf

Shelf Number: 144767

Organized Crime
Violent Crime

Author: Eurojust

Title: Foreign Terrorist Fighters: Eurojust's Views on the Phenomenon and the Criminal Justice Response

Summary: Over the past year, Europe has experienced severe terrorist attacks claiming hundreds of lives. The attacks were committed by returning FTFs, JSJS sympathisers and followers, some of whom were previously convicted of terrorist or other offences. Several other attacks have been thwarted. As the threat of FTFs and ISIS followers has become more visible, the European Union and the Member States have adapted their policies, legislation and practices, seeking to address the evolving threat and its consequences in a proactive and efficient manner; measures to reinforce the criminal justice response to FTFs, their recruiters, facilitators and supporters have also been implemented. In addition to criminalising certain types of conduct, e.g. self-training to commit terrorist offences, preparatory acts of terrorists acting alone, financing of individual terrorists not linked to a specific terrorist act, unlawful participation in an armed conflict abroad, etc., Member States have also amended their procedural law provisions applied to terrorism proceedings to render them more efficient. In view of the difficulty of maintaining working MLA relations with Syria and Jraq, information collected by intelligence services is deemed crucial to gaining insights on structures and members of terrorist organisations active in that region. The scale and widespread nature of terrorist threats require national authorities to bridge the existing gaps among intelligence, law enforcement and prosecution services. None of the latter should work in isolation and intelligence gathered in terrorism matters should eventually support investigations and prosecutions of terrorist suspects. Nonetheless, no uniformed approach exists across the Member States towards the evidentiary use of intelligence. As jurisprudence experience in FTF cases across Europe is growing, courts must address more diverse and complex issues. In a number of cases, the scope and definition of terrorist offences and the classification of certain conduct as terrorist in nature was deliberated. While Member States have implemented a number of recent international instruments designed to align the definition of terrorism, differences still exist in the type of conduct that is considered terrorist in nature. The policies and practices adopted in the Member States concerning alternatives to prosecution and detention also vary. In some cases, custodial sentences as well as alternatives to imprisonment have been imposed in respect to FTFs, often accompanied by specific conditions for rehabilitation, disengagement and/ or de-radicalisation. Member States increasingly report links between terrorism and organised crime, especially regarding illicit trafficking in firearms and explosives, illegal immigrant smuggling and document counterfeiting. Acknowledging the close connection between terrorism and organised crime, and recognising the need to improve the ability to effectively counter those two criminal phenomena, a number of Member States have recently passed legislation to broaden the applicable investigative techniques and prosecutorial tools. Member States continue to seek Eurojust's assistance to support their investigations and prosecutions. Eurojust's coordination tools, experience and expertise assist national authorities in coordinating in a more efficient manner, defining and pursuing common strategies and building synergies in addressing the terrorist threat, thus leading to concrete operational results. The crucial importance of information sharing between Member States, and also with relevant EU agencies, makes the use of existing platforms and services in a consistent and systematic manner essential. Ensuring that information shared can be used as evidence is of great importance in judicial cooperation, and Eurojust plays a major role in assisting the Member States in this respect. For Eurojust, judicial cooperation with key third States, particularly in the Western Balkans and the MENA region, also remains a priority and possibilities for posting Eurojust Liaison Magistrates to third States are currently being considered. Eurojust's analysis of the evolving criminal justice response to the FTF phenomenon confirms the need to continue seeking more efficient ways to address the growing threat and tackle its changing nature in a proactive manner. Renewed legal frameworks, efficient cooperation, and timely and comprehensive exchange of information are key components of this approach and should remain a priority for the Member States and the European Union.

Details: The Hague: Eurojust, 2015. 40p.

Source: Internet Resource: Fourth Eurojust Report: Accessed April 11, 2017 at: http://statewatch.org/news/2017/mar/eu-eurojust-foreign-fighters-legal-response-report-restricted-11-16.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Europe

URL: http://statewatch.org/news/2017/mar/eu-eurojust-foreign-fighters-legal-response-report-restricted-11-16.pdf

Shelf Number: 144794

Foreign Terrorist Fighters
Organized Crime
Terrorist Recruitment

Author: Connery, David

Title: For the right reasons, in the right ways (Part 1): A four-nation survey of information sharing about organised crime

Summary: This special report examines how government, business and the community in four nations share information about organised crime. Its key finding is that the Australian Government, businesses and community as a whole must be open to new kinds of information sharing partnerships. The report begins by defining information sharing as 'the trusted exchange of relevant knowledge or data between organisations to achieve their mutual objectives'. The types of information shared are then divided into two: case information that involves data about individuals who are usually suspected of involvement in criminal activity; and bulk data that includes people in a given set regardless of any possible connection with crime. The field work involved over 80 interviews, including visits to or discussions about a range of information sharing mechanisms in Israel, the UK, the Netherlands and the US. Those mechanisms were broadly differentiated by their location (within or outside government) and the nature of the sharing interaction (exchange or collaboration). The variety of mechanisms used in the four selected nations shows that information sharing is valued and strongly shaped by the particular national context. This means some countries rely heavily on informal systems, others have large numbers of specialised exchanges, and some are more risk accepting in their arrangements than others. The field work showed that a wide range of options for sharing information about crime exist, and Australian authorities and businesses might wish to consider a number of them in more detail. This research found both upsides and downsides to information sharing about crime. Some benefits are clear, including the opportunity to shape better interventions and build economy of effort in activities. While these upsides are undoubtedly attractive, it seems that the possible downsides of sharing - such as loss of control, the potential to compromise sensitive activities or an unwillingness to risk breaking laws, including those around privacy - were viewed as considerably strong downsides to sharing. Still, it's clear that sharing must occur. That's because the scale of the challenge posed by organised crime - and the speed, reach and depth of penetration that the internet enables - means information sharing is critical for all three groups. This report explains that information sharing is best promoted by building a strong sense of shared interest among the participants and then developing a strong system for information sharing that's governed by understood rules. This finding stands in contrast to those who emphasise interpersonal trust as the basis for sharing. Factors that work against information sharing about crime include legislative barriers and complexity, poor value propositions around sharing, the self-conceptions of the actors and what they value information for, and cultural barriers. Such barriers include a culture of secrecy in government, a lack of willingness to expose possible flaws, and the view that 'information is power'. These are perhaps the most powerful inhibitors to sharing. Efforts to enhance Australia's methods of sharing information about organised crime should be designed to cope with these inhibitors while making best use of the factors that promote this activity. Options for hosting information sharing organisations outside government, accepting a greater role for private funding for law enforcement activities, and encouragement of commercial efforts to gather and collate information, should all be considered by the Australian Government as it looks for new ways to undermine organised crime.

Details: Barton ACT: Australian Strategic Policy Institute, 2016. 32p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 11, 2017 at: https://www.aspi.org.au/publications/for-the-right-reasons,-in-the-right-ways-part-1-a-four-nation-survey-of-information-sharing-about-organised-crime/SR96_info_sharing_crime.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Australia

URL: https://www.aspi.org.au/publications/for-the-right-reasons,-in-the-right-ways-part-1-a-four-nation-survey-of-information-sharing-about-organised-crime/SR96_info_sharing_crime.pdf

Shelf Number: 144798

Information Sharing
Organized Crime

Author: Correa-Cabrera, Guadalupe

Title: Trafficking in Persons Along Mexico's Eastern Migration Routes: The Role of Transnational Criminal Organizations

Summary: The aim of this research is to understand the role of transnational organized crime in human trafficking along Mexico's eastern migration routes, from Central America to Mexico's northeastern border. In this region, drug traffickers are smuggling and trafficking unauthorized migrants in order to diversify their revenue streams. This project analyzes the new role of Central American gangs and Mexican -origin drug trafficking organizations--now known as transnational criminal organizations (TCOs) - in the trafficking of persons from Central America to Mexico's northeastern border.

Details: Washington, DC: Wilson Center, Latin American Program, 2017. 14p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 11, 2017 at: https://www.wilsoncenter.org/sites/default/files/final.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: Mexico

URL: https://www.wilsoncenter.org/sites/default/files/final.pdf

Shelf Number: 144799

Criminal Networks
Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Illegal Immigrants
Organized Crime

Author: Espach, Ralph

Title: The Dilemma of Lawlessness: Organized Crime, Violence, Prosperity, and Security along Guatemala's Borders

Summary: For centuries, the Central American region has been among the world's most important transit zones. The Spanish shuttled the gold, silver, and other valuables from Southeast Asia and from South America across the Panamanian isthmus. Later, the French and the Americans competed to control and improve that route with a water canal, either in Panama or Nicaragua. Since the emergence of the United States as a major economy and consumer market, the region has been a key zone for the northward flow of all kinds of products - legal and illegal. Economically, the countries of Central America, particularly northern Central America (including Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, and El Salvador), have traditionally been among the most unequal in the Americas. Throughout most of these countries' histories, political power and state resources were controlled by the same families and networks that owned most of the land and industries. Relatively few resources and little state attention were dedicated to improving the lives of the poor, especially in isolated rural areas. Except during infrequent instances of insurgency, civil war, or interstate conflict, border control or even preserving a state presence in rural areas in these regions was not an important concern. In practical terms, national territorial borders were unmarked and did not exist. What is today considered smuggling was a normal, everyday practice. Many border communities had closer economic ties to cities, agricultural zones, or economic infrastructure such as railroads or ports in countries across the border than they did to those within their own country. Moreover, most of the residents of these rural areas were indigenous and largely disconnected from the country in which they lived and the government that notionally had authority over them. In this way, most border zones in these countries have traditionally been "ungoverned," or "undergoverned," in terms of their relations with the national and provincial or departmental governments. Over the decades, numerous groups have taken advantage of the porousness of these borders, and the general lawlessness of these remote areas (many of which are heavily forested and/or mountainous), to elude governments or armed forces. In addition to the ever-present smugglers, armed insurgent groups from both the left and the right, as well as paramilitaries of all stripes, crossed borders to conduct their operations during the Cold War. The most recent, and by some accounts the most dangerous, type of actors to exploit these weakly governed, porous borders in northern Central America have been narcotics trafficking networks. Illegal drugs have been smuggled from the world's foremost coca production zone - the northern Andean foothills - to the world's richest and largest drug consumption market - the United States - since at least the 1980s. Beginning in the 1990s, however, an international crackdown on drug smuggling through the Caribbean region led Colombian cartels to favor overland routes through Central America and Mexico. The Colombians moved product through the region largely by buying the services of local trafficking networks. These networks were particularly well developed in Guatemala as a result of the intelligence and transport networks the military created during that country's civil war from the 1960s to the 1990s. Over time, Mexican trafficking networks grew into competitive cartels themselves and began to fight each other for control over valuable transport and smuggling routes. Mexico's largest cartels-including the Sinaloa Federation, the Gulf Cartel, and the Zeta-grew their operations from merely trafficking the product of others to buying the product upstream and controlling its transit in Central America. Traditionally, Colombian- or Mexican-run trafficking cartels operated in Guatemala by buying the services of local trafficking networks, but around 2008 they began to seek to control routes themselves. Many of these routes lie along the Guatemalan coast, where drugs are brought in by boat and then transferred onto land for transit into Mexico. Other routes enter from Honduras, with the drugs being flown in from Venezuela or brought in via boat. Recently, there has been evidence not only of a broad presence of Mexican drug-trafficking networks across Guatemala but also of the expansion of their operations there, particularly into drug processing. They also sell more of their product in local markets, rather than shipping it onward, fueling local gang activity and urban violence.

Details: Arlington, CA: CNA; Quantico, VA: Marine Corps University Press, 2016. 102p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 17, 2017 at: https://www.cna.org/CNA_Files/PDF/TheDilemmaOfLawlessness.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Guatemala

URL: https://www.cna.org/CNA_Files/PDF/TheDilemmaOfLawlessness.pdf

Shelf Number: 144948

Border Security
Criminal Cartels
Drug Markets
Drug Trafficking
Gang-Related Violence
Organized Crime
Violent Crime

Author: Cengiz, Mahmut

Title: Amped in Ankara: Drug trade and drug policy in Turkey from the 1950s through today

Summary: KEY FINDINGS Drug trafficking in Turkey is extensive and has persisted for decades. A variety of drugs, including heroin, cocaine, synthetic cannabis (bonsai), methamphetamine, and captagon (a type of amphetamine), are seized in considerable amounts there each year. Turkey is mostly a trans-shipment and destination country. Domestic drug production is limited to cannabis, which is produced mainly for domestic consumption, and small amounts of captagon. An effective poppy cultivation licensing scheme in the 1970s ended illegal poppy cultivation and the diversion of opiates into the illegal trade. Since the 1970s, Turkish drug trafficking groups have grown in terms of their power, global reach, and market control. They are also among Europe's most powerful organized crime groups when it comes to heroin trafficking. Moreover, other international drug trafficking groups also operate in Turkey. The civil wars in Iraq and Syria have reshaped drug smuggling routes in the Middle East. Syrian drug traffickers now play a significant role in Turkey's illegal drug trade. The illegal drug trade in Turkey is a complex and multidimensional issue that poses public safety, national security, and public health threats and risks. The Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) is strongly involved in drug trafficking and closely connected to terrorism in the region. Meanwhile, Turkish drug trafficking groups have also become involved in human smuggling, cigarette smuggling, and antiquities trafficking. Turkey's drug policy under-emphasizes treatment, prevention, and harm reduction approaches, while overemphasizing drug seizures. Tens of thousands of people have been charged with drug trafficking for possession and sale of cannabis. POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS To improve its drug policies, Turkey should take a more balanced, evidence-based, comprehensive, and integrated approach. It should focus on and expand resources for reducing both demand and harm. Turkey should strengthen the capacity and independence of law enforcement and the judiciary through better laws, investigative procedures, and bolstered capacities. The government should improve anti-money laundering and anti-corruption capacities, regional counter-narcotics cooperation, border security, and the vetting of migrants and refugees in Turkey for connections to terrorism and organized crime.

Details: Washington, DC: Drug Policy at Brookings, 2017. 20p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 17, 2017 at: https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/fp_201704_turkey_drug_policy.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: Turkey

URL: https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/fp_201704_turkey_drug_policy.pdf

Shelf Number: 144986

Drug Policy
Drug Trafficking
Illegal Drug Trade
Money Laundering
Organized Crime

Author: Heinle, Kimberly

Title: Drug Violence in Mexico: Data and Analysis Through 2016

Summary: This report examines trends in violence and organized crime in Mexico through 2016. Over the years, this series of Justice in Mexico special reports has compiled and attempted to reconcile often imperfect, confusing, and even conflicting information from both official and non-governmental sources regarding trends in violence and organized crime, and particularly "drug-related" violence. As the eighth annual report on Drug Violence in Mexico, this study compiles the latest available data and analysis of trends to help separate the signals from the noise to help better understand the facets, implications, and possible remedies to the ongoing crisis of violence, corruption, and human rights violations associated with the war on drugs. - Mexico has experienced dramatic increases in crime and violence in recent years. The number of intentional homicides documented by Mexico's National Institute of Statistics, Geography, and Information (INEGI) declined significantly under both presidents Ernesto Zedillo (1994-2000) and Vicente Fox (2000-2006), but rose dramatically a year after President Felipe Calderon (2006-2012) took office. All told, throughout the Calderon administration, INEGI reported 121,669 homicides, an average of over 20,000 people per year, more than 55 people per day, or just over two people every hour. No other country in the Western Hemisphere saw such a large increase either in its homicide rate or in the absolute number of homicides over the last two decades. - After a decline in 2012-2014, homicides began to rise again in 2015 and jumped 20% in 2016. Official homicide statistics from Mexico's National Security System (SNSP) registered significant decreases in 2012 (about 5%), in 2013 (about 16%), and in 2014 (about 15%), before climbing upwards again in 2015 (+7%) and 2016 (+22%). SNSP reported the number of intentional homicides at 18,650 in 2015 to 22,932 in 2016. The worsening of security conditions over the past two years has been a major setback for President Enrique Pena Nieto (2012-2018), who pledged to reduce violence dramatically during his administration. - In 2016, increases in cases of intentional homicide were registered in 24 states. Fueling the national increase in homicides were increases in 24 states. Notably, the largest increases were registered in Colima with a 600% increase from 2015 to 2016, Nayarit (500% increase), and Zacatecas (405% increase), all of which have an important role in drug production or trafficking and are contested by rival organized crime groups. Meanwhile, several states registered noticeable decreases, including Queretaro with a 69% decrease in intentional homicides and Campeche with a 24% decrease. - Local officials and journalists remained prime targets of violence in 2016. According to Justice in Mexico's Memoria dataset, seven current or former mayors were killed in 2016 (in comparison five mayoral candidates, two sitting mayors, and one former mayor were killed in 2015). Justice in Mexico also documented 11 journalists and media-support workers killed in 2016 in Mexico, continuing a slight downward trend from the 14 killed in 2015 and 15 killed in 2014. - Mexico's recent violence is largely attributable to drug trafficking and organized crime. What is particularly concerning about Mexico's sudden increases in homicides in recent years is that much or most of this elevated violence appears to be attributable to "organized crime" groups, particularly those involved in drug trafficking. While there are important methodological problems with compiling data on organized crime-related killings, tallies produced over the past decade by government, media, academic, NGO, and consulting organizations suggest that roughly a third to half of all homicides in Mexico bear signs of organized crime-style violence, including the use of high-caliber automatic weapons, torture, dismemberment, and explicit messages involving organized crime groups. In 2016, there was greater disparity in the estimated number of organized crime-style killings documented by some sources (6,325 according to Reforma newspaper and 10,967 according to Milenio), but the proportion of total homicides was at least 25% and perhaps greater than 40%. - "El Chapo" Guzman's arrest and extradition appear to be partly fueling violence. The notorious kingpin leader of the Sinaloa Cartel, Joaqun "El Chapo" Guzman, was arrested in early 2016. Guzman had been arrested previously in 2001, after which he escaped prison. He was then arrested in 2014, only to escape again in 2015. After the most recent arrest, demands for Guzman's extradition to the United States where he would face a 17- count indictment came to fruition. In early 2017, Guzman arrived in New York to face charges of organized crime, murder, and drug trafficking, among others. The analysis in this report suggests that a significant portion of Mexico's increases in violence in 2015 and 2016 were related to inter- and intra-organizational conflicts among rival drug traffickers in the wake of Guzman's re-arrest in 2016. - Constitutional deadline for New Criminal Justice System implementation passes. The New Criminal Justice System (NJSP) is in full effect nationwide, with the constitutional deadline for all 32 states to launch the system having passed on June 18, 2016. The justice system's overhaul from the traditional 'mixed inquisitorial' model of criminal procedure to an 'adversarial' model is significant step toward strengthening Mexico's democracy. However, many recognize that substantial further efforts will be needed to bolster the rule of law. - President Pena Nieto's approval rating hits new low amid concerns about corruption. Despite some important achievements, in 2016 President Peea Nieto (2012-2018) received the public's lowest approval rating not just for his first four years in office, but the lowest of all time for any president since Mexico began documenting approval ratings. In addition to accusations of corruption in his government and among fellow PRI politicians, Pena Nieto's unpopularity also reflects dissatisfaction with the country's recent economic and security problems, including the federal government's poor handling of the disappearance and murder of dozens of students from Ayotzinapa, Guerrero in 2014. - President Donald Trump prioritizes counter-narcotics efforts in Mexico. Drug trafficking from Mexico has become a more urgent concern in light of the mounting heroin epidemic in the United States, with the U.S. Center for Disease Control reporting that heroin-related deaths quadrupled to more than 8,200 people from 2002-2013. Initial diplomatic signals suggest that newly inaugurated U.S. President Donald Trump wants to push the Mexican government to reinvigorate its counter- narcotics efforts and also work to increase U.S. security measures along the 2,000 mile Southwest border. However, tensions between the two countries could undermine the close law enforcement and security cooperation achieved under the administrations of presidents George W. Bush (2000-2008) and Barack Obama (2008-2016).

Details: San Diego: Justice in Mexico, Department of Political Science & International Relations, University of San Diego, 2017. 60p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 21, 2017 at: https://justiceinmexico.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/2017_DrugViolenceinMexico.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: Mexico

URL: https://justiceinmexico.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/2017_DrugViolenceinMexico.pdf

Shelf Number: 145064

Drug Trafficking
Drug-Related Violence (Mexico)
Drugs and Crime
Organized Crime
Violent Crime

Author: Associacion Civil Paz Activa

Title: 2 - Informe del Observatorio de delito organizado en Venezuela (The increase in Organized Crime is a threat to democracy

Summary: Venezuelans perceive that the state security forces, instead of fighting, favor the existence and operation of Organized Crime. Sixty-six percent of the interviewees considered that it was the police and the military who sold arms to Organized Crime. The three most common activities at the national level are: drug trafficking, product smuggling and theft and sale of vehicles and spare parts. On average, about one in 3 respondents who said that drug trafficking is "very present" in the country, one interviewee said that they are "not present". The Organized Crime Observatory and the Social Sciences Laboratory (LACSO) are pleased to present the II report of the Organized Crime Observatory, based on the "Results of the 2nd Organized Crime Survey in Venezuela", a study carried out in 7 regions Of the national territory in the period of July and August of this year 2015. Beyond the mere disclosure of the results of our research, we consider it extremely important to inform the citizen in some way about the nature of these crimes and how not to be part of them or victims of these in particular. As reflected in the pages of this publication, more than half of Venezuelans believe that the increase in Organized Crime is a threat to democracy, and even more so in this time where we perceive their presence in much of our daily lives. Here are some relevant results of this study: The three most common activities at the national level are: drug trafficking, product smuggling, theft and sale of vehicles and spare parts. Gangs, mafias and bands, along with pranes and armed groups, are the groups that are considered to be the cause of Organized Crime. For every 3 people who reported that the activity of gangs, mafias and gangs are responsible for Organized Crime, 1 person said otherwise. Sixty-six percent of the interviewees considered that it was the police and the military who sold arms to Organized Crime. More than half of the interviewees expressed fear of the complaint and cooperated with the police and the judicial system. Half of those surveyed nationwide in the past 12 months have been the victims of robbery or theft. Sixty-four percent of respondents felt that it was easy or very easy to get drugs in their community. This perception has increased little between 2013 and 2015 by 3 percentage points. The interviewees consider that personal insecurity has worsened in the country in the last twelve months. This is perceived by 76% of the respondents. The actors identified as responsible for Organized Crime were gangs, mafias and gangs, prisons in the prisons and groups. There was little attribution to the paramilitaries and guerrillas. An important majority of the population considered that the military had been corrupted by drug trafficking. The population considers that organized crime should be combated with the application of the law and not negotiate with criminals or zones of peace. The vast majority of the population, throughout the country and all social or political sectors, believes that the increase in Organized Crime is a threat to democracy. English Summary

Details: Caracas: Asociacion Civil Paz Activa, Observatorio de delito organizado. 2015. 78p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 22, 2017 at: http://observatoriodot.org.ve/cms/images/documentos/ODO_2do_informe_web_v11_carta.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Venezuela

URL: http://observatoriodot.org.ve/cms/images/documentos/ODO_2do_informe_web_v11_carta.pdf

Shelf Number: 145156

Automobile Theft
Citizen Security
Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: Dewey, Matias

Title: Crisis and the Emergence of Illicit Markets: A Pragmatist View on Economic Action outside the Law

Summary: Although illicit exchange has also been an organized, silent, and ever-present response to harsh economic crisis, only protest and social movements have captured scholars' attention. In order to fill this void, this paper analyzes the emergence of illegal markets under situations of social breakdown. I claim that an illicit market emerging under socio-economic crisis conditions might be understood as the result of a constant valuation process and the intervention of what Herbert Mead called "generalized others." In the new arena of exchange, individuals are able to anticipate the reactions of others, inhibit undesirable impulses, and guide their conduct accordingly by visualizing their own line of action from a generalized standpoint. This approach to illicit markets is based on a critical reading of two other approaches: the anomie theory and the field of organized-crime studies. Both perspectives, according to the argument, operate with a model of action characterized by fixed ends and means, a priori assumptions that hinder the ability to perceive the gradual and transforming dynamics of a crisis situation. The paper also offers empirical evidence on the process of the emergence of an illicit market under a crisis situation. By referring to La Salada market, an arena of exchange which emerged during the 1990s in Argentina, I describe a process characterized by an intensification of communicative activities, the adjustment of mutual expectations, the search for definitions that legitimate expectations, and role-taking in the market.

Details: Cologne, Germany: Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne, 2014. 33p.

Source: Internet Resource: MPIfG Discussion Paper 14/6: Accessed May 1, 2017 at: http://www.mpifg.de/pu/mpifg_dp/dp14-6.pdf

Year: 133334

Country: Argentina

URL: http://www.mpifg.de/pu/mpifg_dp/dp14-6.pdf

Shelf Number: 2014

Economics and Crime
Illegal Markets
Illicit Markets
Organized Crime
Socioeconomic Conditions and Crime

Author: D'Angelo, Elena

Title: Organized Crime and the Legal Economy: The Italian Case

Summary: Italy's economy is one of the largest, not only in Europe but also with reference to the global context. Its financial and industrial sectors are significant. In addition, domestic organized crime groups, especially the Camorra, the 'Ndrangheta, and the Cosa Nostra, operate across numerous economic sectors, both in Italy and abroad, and their illicit proceeds represent the main source of laundered funds. Illicit markets remain the main source of profit for organized crime groups in Italy, and more broadly in Europe. There have been various attempts to estimate the total revenue of organized crime in Italy. For example, the U.S. Department of State (2015) estimated Italy's black market to be to 12.4% of the country's GDP, approximately $250 billion. The Italian Parliament's Antimafia Commission estimated that the total turnover of endogenous organized crime in Italy valued at L150 billion in 2012. However, the border between illegal and legal activities of organized crime is hard to define. Financial as well as human resources are increasingly being circulated from one sector to the other, without interruption. While maintaining their interests in traditional fields of action related to illicit trade, organized crime groups have been expanding their presence and influence into the legal economy - creating threats to society on an array of levels. Research Questions Two main research questions (RQs) guide the present study: 1. How does organized crime infiltrate the legal economy? 2. What is the impact of organized crime infiltration in the legal economy? The qualitative section of the report answers the first RQ, further detailed in the following subquestions: 1. What are the main reasons behind the diversification of investments into the legal sector? 2. Which is organized crime's modus operandi? 3. How does organized crime exploit existing vulnerabilities and what are the facilitating factors?

Details: Torino, Italy: United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), 2016. 111p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 3, 2017 at: http://files.unicri.it/UNICRI_Organized_Crime_and_Legal_Economy_report.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Italy

URL: http://files.unicri.it/UNICRI_Organized_Crime_and_Legal_Economy_report.pdf

Shelf Number: 145251

Illegal Markets
Illicit Trade
Money Laundering
Organized Crime
Proceeds of Crime

Author: Ryan, Nigel

Title: Ice Dragon: A proposal to target the supply of methamphetamine from China to Australia

Summary: This paper addresses the issue of methamphetamine supply into Australia, aiming to identify viable options to reduce the amount of the drug and its chemical precursors that enter the country, particularly originating from China. It contends that the situation in Australia is quite drastic, exacerbated by the role and impact of organised crime groups, which are targeting Australia because of the demand for amphetamines and the high profits that can be gained as a result. The paper makes five recommendations aimed at enhancing the detection capabilities and collaborative efforts in reducing the supply of methamphetamine and its precursors into Australia, taking account of the recommendations already made by the National Ice Taskforce. It asserts that the advocated options and recommendations should assist in reducing the supply of methamphetamine from China and, as a consequence, addressing the methamphetamine issue in Australia more generally.

Details: Sydney: The Centre for Defence and Strategic Studies (CDSS), 26p.

Source: Internet Resource: Indo-Pacific Strategic Papers ;Accessed May 6, 2017 at: http://www.defence.gov.au/ADC/Publications/IndoPac/Ryan_IPSP.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: Australia

URL: http://www.defence.gov.au/ADC/Publications/IndoPac/Ryan_IPSP.pdf

Shelf Number: 145327

Drug Enforcement
Drug Markets
Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: Schouwstra, Robert

Title: Strengthening the security and Integrity of the Precious Metals Supply Chain

Summary: In its resolution 2013/38 entitled "Combating transnational organized crime and its possible links to illicit trafficking in precious metals," the Economic and Social Council calls upon the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) to conduct a comprehensive study on the possible links between transnational organized crime, other criminal activities and illicit trafficking in precious metals. UNICRI has developed a programme to promote an international strategy to combat illicit trafficking in precious metals, in which the comprehensive study requested in ECOSOC resolution 2013/38 is the major component of an Assessment Phase to be followed by an Operational Phase. An Expert Meeting on "Promoting an international strategy to combat illicit trafficking in precious metals," organised by UNICRI in September 2015 in Turin (Italy), allowed the collection of experts' views on the issues and challenges that needed to be addressed and emphasized in the study. The present technical report aims at giving a comprehensive overview of the current trends related to precious metals trafficking, in particular it focuses on the precious metals supply chain, the different threats and challenges hanging over this market - including the involvement of organised crime groups and associated criminal activities - as well as the regulatory frameworks and initiatives in place to guarantee the integrity of the supply chain. The knowledge acquired throughout this report is used to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to address the challenges. A series of recommendations concerning the implementation of an international strategy to prevent and combat illicit trafficking in precious metals are included in the assessment. The report is intended to address the following research questions and sub-questions: - What is the extent of illicit trafficking in precious metals? - Is illicit trafficking in precious metals linked to transnational organized crime and other associated criminal activities? - Is illicit trafficking in precious metals linked to terrorist activities? - What are the vulnerabilities of the precious metals supply chain? - How can illicit trafficking in precious metals be prevented and countered? - What are the strengths and weaknesses of existing initiatives?

Details: Torino - Italy: United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), 2016. 123p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 6, 2017 at: http://files.unicri.it/PM_draft_onlinev.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: International

URL: http://files.unicri.it/PM_draft_onlinev.pdf

Shelf Number: 145328

Illicit Trafficking
Natural Resources
Organized Crime
Precious Metals
Supply Chain Security
Supply Chains
Trafficking in Metals

Author: De Greef, Kimon

Title: The booming illegal abalone fishery in Hangberg: Tough lessons for small-scale fisheries governance in South Africa

Summary: Marine capture fisheries around the world are widely perceived to be in a state of crisis, with growing recognition that conventional resource-centred management strategies are insufficient to counter ongoing problems of over-exploitation. This is considered particularly true in the small‐scale sector, which employs the overwhelming majority of the world's fishers but has historically been overlooked. To manage marine resources more sustainably, new approaches to fisheries governance have been sought that recognise the complex nature of fisheries systems, paying attention to the social dimensions of fisheries management in addition to important ecological processes. In South Africa, many of these new approaches have been embraced in a recently adopted policy for the small-scale sector. Attempts to reform marine fisheries have been ongoing in the country since the end of apartheid (a system of legalised racial segregation and white supremacy that ruled for almost 50 years) but have largely failed to bring meaningful change to impoverished fishing communities. Frustration at ineffective reform has contributed to widespread non-compliance - most notably in the abalone fishery, which has collapsed in the face of rampant poaching, driven by a lucrative, illegal export market to the Far East. Although the new small-scale fisheries (SSF) policy has been hailed as a progressive shift in thinking, questions remain about how it is to be implemented. One major challenge will be dealing with illegal fishing. The purpose of this study, was to profile the human dimensions of abalone poaching in the Cape Town fishing community of Hangberg and to draw lessons for implementing the new SSF policy. A qualitative multi-method research approach, based mainly on unstructured interviews and participant observation, was used to access the clandestine fishery and investigate its historical development, current structure, scale and methods of operation and main socio-economic drivers and impacts. It was found that abalone poaching has become deeply embedded in Hangberg, having evolved into a highly organized boat-based fishery in a period of less than 15 years. At least five local poaching groups - representing some 250 individuals in total - currently used dedicated high-powered vessels to access reefs around the Cape Peninsula. Profits earned from poaching are substantial but vary, with poachers operating according to a loose hierarchy and performing a range of different tasks in the fishery. This variation notwithstanding, the illegal fishery appears to have become a mainstay of the impoverished local economy, funding poachers' expensive lifestyles, in addition to contributing more meaningfully to the livelihoods of an estimated 1000 residents.

Details: Cape Town: University of Cape Town, 2013. 117p

Source: Internet Resource: Dissertation: Accessed May 6, 2017 at: https://open.uct.ac.za/handle/11427/9187

Year: 2013

Country: South Africa

URL: https://open.uct.ac.za/handle/11427/9187

Shelf Number: 145344

Animal Poaching
Endangered Species
Illegal Fishing
Illegal Trade
Organized Crime
Wildlife Crimes (South Africa)

Author: Heuvelink, Teun

Title: Mobsters and hooligans: The identity construction of the barra brava of Boca Juniors in the Buenos Aires neighbourhood La Boca

Summary: In the heart of the Buenos Aiores neighbourhood La Boca, resides football club Boca Juniors. This club has one of the most infamous and feared group of supporters in the world: La Doce. In Europe La Doce would be compared to a group of hooligans, but in reality they are very different from hooligans. It is an organized crime group that has its roots in the La Boca, but over the years the connection to the neighbourhood grew thin. They also have some things in common with latin American youth gangs. Although members of La Doce see themselves as hooligans, residents and non-residents of La Boca, a marginalized immigrant neighbourhood, identify La Doce as a mafia. Residents do not identify La Doce with La Boca anymore, because most members of La Doca do no longer live in the neighbourhood. Non residents do identify La Doce with La Boca because they have some characteristics thet they share. These characteristics are mainly based on prejudices coming from stigmatization, especially in the case of the neighbourhood. The self-image of La Doca differs from the way residents and non-residents identify them, but these differences are very relatable to each other

Details: Utrecht: Universiteit Utrecht, 2011. 66p.

Source: Internet Resource: Thesis: Accessed May 9, 2017 at: https://dspace.library.uu.nl/handle/1874/198754

Year: 2011

Country: Argentina

URL: https://dspace.library.uu.nl/handle/1874/198754

Shelf Number: 131385

Gang-Related Violence
Neighborhoods and Crime
organized Crime

Author: Tavares, Cynthia

Title: Money laundering in Europe Report of work carried out by Eurostat and DG Home Affairs

Summary: Statistics on crime and criminal justice represent one of the newest areas of Eurostat's activities. The collection of data on this subject from the Member States began in response to the mandate issued by the European Council in the Hague Programme in 2004: ... the European Council welcomes the initiative of the Commission to establish European instruments for collecting, analysing and comparing information on crime and victimisation and their respective trends in Member States, using national statistics and other sources of information as agreed indicators. Eurostat should be tasked with the definition of such data and its collection from the Member States1. In response to this challenge, Eurostat has established contact with the organisations principally responsible for crime statistics in each of the European Union Member States. These organisations have contributed substantially to the development of an international collection of crime statistics within the framework of the European Statistical System. Eurostat wishes to thank the colleagues concerned in these organisations for their co-operation in this field. The progress made to date may be followed on the Eurostat website and in successive issues of the series Statistics in Focus. It has always been evident that comparable information on 'traditional' types of crime such as theft and assault would be easier to obtain than in so-called 'new areas' such as for example cybercrime, human trafficking, fraud and corruption. For such types of offence (which are often associated with the concept 'organised crime') the absence of an international framework of methods and definitions has necessitated a far more intensive process of conceptual development. This process has been undertaken in active collaboration with the Member States and according to the strategy set out in the Action Plan adopted by the Commission to implement the Hague Programme. The present publication represents the first fruits of this process. The specific crime of money-laundering is among the priority areas identified in the Action Plan and data has been collected by Eurostat from the Member States in several stages, followed each time by a careful analysis of the figures received and subsequent adjustment of the methodology. The contribution to this process of the Commission's Directorate-General for Home Affairs is gratefully acknowledged. It is recognised that the current state of the results does not entirely comply with the stringent requirements of the European Statistics Code of Practice. Further development is planned to improve data quality in future collections. Nevertheless the political demand for this information is such that it seems opportune to make it available at this stage in the form of a Eurostat Working Paper. This implies that suitable caution should be exercised in interpreting the figures, and that the methodological notes and caveats provided should be rigorously taken into account in all subsequent analysis.

Details: Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2010. 92p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 10, 2017 at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/documents/3888793/5846749/KS-RA-10-003-EN.PDF/d6540680-3944-4c22-9b8b-8109ec0b6d92?version=1.0

Year: 2010

Country: Europe

URL: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/documents/3888793/5846749/KS-RA-10-003-EN.PDF/d6540680-3944-4c22-9b8b-8109ec0b6d92?version=1.0

Shelf Number: 145400

Crime Statistics
Financial Crimes
Money Laundering
Organized Crime

Author: Munch, Christopher

Title: Measuring organized crime in Canada: Results of a pilot project

Summary: Organized crime has long been identified as a government priority and a public safety issue. As a result of high profile incidents in the 1990s and extensive consultations by the government, the Criminal Code of Canada was amended in 1997 to help identify criminal organizations and to protect justice system participants (Parliament of Canada n.d.).The aim of this and subsequent legislation was to provide law enforcement and justice officials with tools to respond to organized crime, including a clear national definition of a criminal organization, broader powers through sentencing guidelines, and the ability to seize property obtained for the benefit of organized crime (Parliament of Canada 2014). Since then, a number of reports have underscored the issue (40th Parliament Speech from the Throne 2010; Criminal Intelligence Service Canada 2014). For instance, in 2006 Public Safety Canada outlined the issue as follows: Organized crime affects Canadian's basic rights to peace, order and good government. Although the effects of illicit activities are not always obvious, all Canadians, through one form or another, feel them through victimization, higher insurance rates, fewer tax dollars to support social programs, and the eventual undermining of Canadian institutions and consumers. No community is immune from the effects of organized crime (Public Safety Canada 2006). To address the issue of organized crime, data are needed to inform both resourcing and policy questions related to detection, prevention and officer and public safety. Recent reports have indicated that the complexity of organized crime creates additional resource demands on policing (Public Safety Canada 2013; Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security 2014; Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police Research Foundation 2015). Further, the nature of organized crime is to constantly evolve to adapt and exploit new opportunities-characteristics which, without data and data sharing among law enforcement and those responsible for public safety, make it even more challenging to fight (Criminal Intelligence Service Canada 2014). Despite the need for data to inform resourcing and policy, there are currently no standardized data to monitor the nature and extent of organized crime at the national, provincial/territorial or local levels. This Juristat article provides an overview of existing measures of organized crime in Canada and raises awareness regarding data availability and the efforts being made to collect national police-reported data through the Uniform Crime Reporting Survey (UCR).The article draws from a pilot project launched to determine best practices in the collection of police-reported data on organized crime. The data presented in this article include organized crime data reported by police services involved in the UCR organized crime pilot project for the years 2013 and 2014. These data are limited to a select group of police services reporting on a select group of UCR violations (murder, manslaughter, attempted murder, and conspire to commit murder for Phase I of the pilot data collection, and; drug production and trafficking for Phase II of the pilot). The data are not representative of Canada and are limited to the police jurisdictions that participated in the pilot.

Details: Ottawa: Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, 2017. 13p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 10, 2017 at: http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/85-002-x/2017001/article/14689-eng.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: Canada

URL: http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/85-002-x/2017001/article/14689-eng.pdf

Shelf Number: 145402

Crime Statistics
Illicit Activities
Organized Crime

Author: Hart, Rachel

Title: An Analysis of Global Homicide Patterns

Summary: Homicide rates, like all other crimes, historically suffer from underreporting biases and datasets lacking a wide enough range of countries. However, the UNODC's Global Study on Homicide have made strides in complete data collections as well as analyzing homicide patterns globally. This paper takes advantage of this dataset and information source to perform a cross-country, fixed-effects regression analysis in order to determine the kinds of factors that give the best explanatory power over global homicide rates. While this paper does not succeed in a complete representation of homicide rate determinants, the fixed effects regressions do find that variables related to inequality and instability - income inequality, organized crime, and democracy - prove better explanations than other variables.

Details: Berkeley: University of California, Berkeley, 2015. 32p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 12, 2017 at: https://www.econ.berkeley.edu/sites/default/files/HART-Honors%20Thesis.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: International

URL: https://www.econ.berkeley.edu/sites/default/files/HART-Honors%20Thesis.pdf

Shelf Number: 145448

Crime Statistics
Organized Crime
Socioeconomic Conditions and Crime
Violent Crime

Author: Human Security Report Project (Simon Fraser University)

Title: Human Security Report 2013: The Decline in Global Violence: Evidence, Explanation, and Contestation

Summary: During the past decade, an increasing number of studies have made the case that levels of violence around the world have declined. Few have made much impact outside the research community-Steven Pinker's The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined is a major exception. Published in 2011, Better Angels' central argument-one made over some 700 densely argued pages of text, supported by 70 pages of footnotes-is that there has been an extraordinary but little-recognized, long-term worldwide reduction in all forms of violence-one that stretches back at least to 10,000 BCE. Better Angels has received high praise for its extraordinary scope, its originality, and the breadth and depth of its scholarship. It is engagingly written, powerfully argued, and its claims are supported by a mass of statistical evidence. It has also generated considerable skepticism and in some cases outright hostility. Part I of this Report discusses the central theses of Better Angels and examines the major claims of its critics. Part II presents updated statistics on armed conflicts around the world since the end of World War II, plus post-Cold War trends in assaults on civilians and conflicts that do not involve governments.

Details: Vancouver, Canada: Human Security Report Project, 2014. 127p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 13, 2017 at: https://www.files.ethz.ch/isn/178122/HSRP_Report_2013_140226_Web.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: International

URL: https://www.files.ethz.ch/isn/178122/HSRP_Report_2013_140226_Web.pdf

Shelf Number: 145152

Armed Conflict
Crime Statistics
Organized Crime
Violent Crime

Author: Magalingam, Pritheega

Title: Complex network tools to enable identification of a criminal community

Summary: Retrieving criminal ties and mining evidence from an organised crime incident, for example money laundering, has been a difficult task for crime investigators due to the involvement of different groups of people and their complex relationships. Extracting the criminal association from enormous amount of raw data and representing them explicitly is tedious and time consuming. A study of the complex networks literature reveals that graph-based detection methods have not, as yet, been used for money laundering detection. In this research, I explore the use of complex network analysis to identify the money laundering criminals' communication associations, that is, the important people who communicate between known criminals and the reliance of the known criminals on the other individuals in a communication path. For this purpose, I use the publicly available Enron email database that happens to contain the communications of 10 criminals who were convicted of a money laundering crime. I show that my new shortest paths network search algorithm (SPNSA) combining shortest paths and network centrality measures is better able to isolate and identify criminals' connections when compared with existing community detection algorithms and k-neighbourhood detection. The SPNSA is validated using three different investigative scenarios and in each scenario, the criminal network graphs formed are small and sparse hence suitable for further investigation. My research starts with isolating emails with 'BCC' recipients with a minimum of two recipients bcc-ed. 'BCC' recipients are inherently secretive and the email connections imply a trust relationship between sender and 'BCC' recipients. There are no studies on the usage of only those emails that have 'BCC' recipients to form a trust network, which leads me to analyse the 'BCC' email group separately. SPNSA is able to identify the group of criminals and their active intermediaries in this 'BCC' trust network. Corroborating this information with published information about the crimes that led to the collapse of Enron yields the discovery of persons of interest that were hidden between criminals, and could have contributed to the money laundering activity. For validation, larger email datasets that comprise of all 'BCC' and 'TO/CC' email transactions are used. On comparison with existing community detection algorithms, SPNSA is found to perform much better with regards to isolating the sub-networks that contain criminals. I have adapted the betweenness centrality measure to develop a reliance measure. This measure calculates the reliance of a criminal on an intermediate node and ranks the importance level of each intermediate node based on this reliability value. Both SPNSA and the reliance measure could be used as primary investigation tools to investigate connections between criminals in a complex network.

Details: Melbourne: School of Mathematical and Geospatial Sciences, College of Science, Engineering and Health, RMIT University, 2015. 129p.

Source: Internet Resource: Dissertation: Accessed May 13, 2017 at: https://researchbank.rmit.edu.au/eserv/rmit:161407/Magalingam.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Australia

URL: https://researchbank.rmit.edu.au/eserv/rmit:161407/Magalingam.pdf

Shelf Number: 145462

Criminal Investigation
Criminal Networks
Geospatial Analysis
Money Laundering
Network Analysis
Organized Crime

Author: International Centre for Missing & Exploited Chidlren

Title: Child Pornography: Model Legislation & Global Review. 7th edition

Summary: Since this report was first released by the International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children (ICMEC) in April 2006, ICMEC has continued to update its research into the child pornography legislation currently in place in the nations of the world to gain a better understanding of existing legislation and to gauge where the issue stands on national political agendas.1 In particular, we are looking to see if national legislation: (1) exists with specific regard to child pornography; (2) provides a definition of child pornography; (3) criminalizes computer‐facilitated offenses; (4) criminalizes the knowing possession of child pornography, regardless of the intent to distribute; and (5) requires Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to report suspected child pornography to law enforcement or to some other mandated agency. In the summer of 2009, ICMEC conducted a thorough update of our research on existing child pornography legislation, expanding our review beyond the 187 Interpol member countries to include 196 countries. Our work included independent research as well as direct contact with Embassies in Washington, D.C. to ensure the accuracy of the report. A new review of the 196 countries began in the Spring of 2011. The process remained much the same; reviewing the existing legislation of each country in search of laws specifically focused on child pornography offenses and verifying the information through the Embassies in Washington, D.C., U.N. Permanent Missions in New York, and in‐country law enforcement contacts. However, the 7th edition report also contains several new sections including expanded information on online grooming, information on the new EU Directive on combating the sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of children and child pornography, a review of data retention and preservation policies, and a discussion of implementation. Results The 1st edition, published in 2006, returned shocking results: -- only 27 had legislation sufficient to combat child pornography offenses (5 countries met all of the criteria set forth above and 22 countries met all but the last criteria, pertaining to ISP reporting); and -- 95 Countries had no legislation at all that specifically addresses child pornography. Of the remaining 62 Countries that did have legislation specifically addressing child pornography:-- 54 Countries did not define child pornography in national legislation;-- 27 Countries did not provide for computer‐facilitated offenses; and-- 41 Countries did not criminalize possession of child pornography, regardless of the intent to distribute. The 6th edition, published in late 2010, revealed progress. Of the 196 countries reviewed:-- 45 Countries had legislation sufficient to combat child pornography offenses (8 countries met all of the criteria set forth above and 37 countries met all but the last criteria, pertaining to ISP reporting); and-- 89 Countries still had no legislation at all that specifically addresses child pornography. Of the remaining 62 countries that did have legislation specifically addressing child pornography:-- 52 did not define child pornography in national legislation;-- 18 did not provide for computer‐facilitated offenses; and-- 33 did not criminalize the knowing possession of child pornography, regardless of the intent to distribute. Forward movement continues to be visible in this edition, though much remains to be done. Our updated research shows that of the 196 countries reviewed:-- 69 Countries have legislation sufficient to combat child pornography offenses (11 countries met all of the criteria set forth above and 58 countries meet all but the last criteria, pertaining to ISP reporting); and-- 53 Countries still have no legislation at all that specifically addresses child pornography. Of the remaining 74 countries that do have legislation specifically addressing child pornography:-- 60 do not define child pornography in national legislation;-- 21 do not provide for computer‐facilitated offenses; and-- 47 do not criminalize the knowing possession of child pornography, regardless of the intent to distribute.

Details: Alexandria, VA: The Centre, 2012. 52p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 16, 2017 at: http://www.icmec.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/7th-Edition-EN.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: International

URL: http://www.icmec.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/7th-Edition-EN.pdf

Shelf Number: 131374

Child Pornography
Child Sexual Exploitation
Children, Crimes Against
Internet Crimes
Online Grooming
Organized Crime
Sex Crimes
Sex Offenders

Author: U.S. Government Accountability Office

Title: Border Security: Additional Actions Could Strengthen DHS Efforts to Address Subterranean, Aerial, and Maritime Smuggling

Summary: Why GAO Did This Study As DHS has increased the security of overland smuggling routes, transnational criminal organizations have adapted their techniques to smuggle drugs and humans through alternative methods. These methods include cross-border tunnels, ultralight aircraft, panga boats, and recreational maritime vessels. While these methods account for a small proportion of known smuggling, they can be used to transport significant quantities of drugs or for terrorist activity. GAO was asked to review DHS's efforts to address subterranean, aerial, and maritime smuggling. This report addresses, among other things, (1) the known prevalence of the aforementioned smuggling methods, (2) efforts to address them, and (3) efforts to assess the results of activities to counter them. GAO analyzed relevant procedures, reports, and data for fiscal years 2011 through 2016. GAO also interviewed DHS officials and conducted site visits to locations in California, Arizona, and Florida, chosen based upon past detection of smuggling by the selected methods, among other things. The information from the site visits is not generalizable, but provided valuable insights. What GAO Recommends GAO is making six recommendations, including that DHS establish procedures for addressing tunnels, assess ultralight aircraft technology, and establish performance measures and targets. DHS concurred with four recommendations and disagreed with those to establish tunnel procedures and maritime performance measures, citing other efforts. GAO believes the recommendations remain valid, as discussed in the report.

Details: Washington, DC: GAO, 2017. 69p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 17, 2017 at: http://www.gao.gov/assets/690/684408.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: United States

URL: http://www.gao.gov/assets/690/684408.pdf

Shelf Number: 145500

Drug Trafficking
Homeland Security
Human Smuggling
Maritime Crime
Organized Crime

Author: Couch, Neil

Title: 'Mexico in Danger of Rapid Collapse'. Reality or Exaggeration?

Summary: More than 55,000 people have been killed in Mexico's vicious drug wars between 2006 and 2011. The Pentagon's Joint Operating Environment Paper 2008 speculated that the country was one of two major states at risk of rapid and sudden collapse. This paper investigates the potential causes of state failure and the extent to which these are present in Mexico today as a result of corruption and violent, lucrative organised crime. It explains the mutual dependency between the two and shows how deeply entrenched and extensive their power and influence have become at all levels of government and in key state institutions. It examines progress in the National Security Strategy and the impact of crime and corruption on key strategic measures of success. It concludes that the Pentagon's failure to understand the nature of the conflict led to a gross overstatement of the risk to the country. It also demonstrates, however, that crime and corruption threaten the transitional democracy that has emerged in Mexico since the turn of the century. Finally, it raises questions regarding the reliability and general applicability of some theories of state failure, state legitimacy and civil-military relations.

Details: London: Defence Academy of the United Kingdom, 2012. 54p.

Source: Internet Resource: Seaford House Paper: Accessed May 17, 2017 at: http://www.da.mod.uk/Publications/category/90/mexico-in-danger-of-rapid-collapse-reality-or-exaggeration-14620

Year: 2012

Country: Mexico

URL: http://www.da.mod.uk/Publications/category/90/mexico-in-danger-of-rapid-collapse-reality-or-exaggeration-14620

Shelf Number: 131268

Drug Trafficking
Drug Wars
Drug-Related Violence
Organized Crime
Political Corruption

Author: Levi, Michael

Title: Drug Law Enforcement and Financial Investigation Strategies

Summary: Since the 1980s, there has been a major push in rhetoric and institution-building, emphasizing the centrality of attacking the financial lifeblood of drug trafficking networks and organised economic crimes. Much progress has been made in legislation and the creation of financial intelligence units. However, there are volumes of commentary and legal analysis, but almost nowhere in the world is there any systematic analysis of law enforcement or criminal justice inputs or outputs, let alone of outcomes in terms of reduced crimes of any kind or reduced harms arising from the 'organised' nature of crime. Much depends on how plausible it is that the sources of funds can be represented as being licit when saving or investing: but a global, well-advertised set of financial intermediaries exist upon whom to experiment, and expectations of being reported following failed attempts may be quite low. Judging from the continued involvement of major banks in negligently or actively facilitating a variety of suspected illicit activities, and the relative impunity of institutions that are 'too big to be prosecuted', normal risk perceptions of relevant parts of financial institutions are not nearly high enough to deter all serious noncompliance to AML regulation, though without increasing perceived and/or actual detection risks and reducing elapsed time to action, raising sanctions alone may not work. This report makes no claim to be offering a certain route to success, but is offering an overview of some better and some false steps that have been undertaken in the field of drug law enforcement and financial investigation strategies.

Details: London: International Drug Policy Consortium, 2013. 20p.

Source: Internet Resource: Modernising Drug Law Enforcement Report 5: Accessed May 18, 2017 at: https://www.tni.org/files/MDLE-5-drug-law-enforcement-financial-investigation-strategies_0.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: International

URL: https://www.tni.org/files/MDLE-5-drug-law-enforcement-financial-investigation-strategies_0.pdf

Shelf Number: 131377

Drug Enforcement
Drug Policy
Drug Reform
Drug Trafficking
Financial Investigations
Money Laundering
Organized Crime

Author: Muchapondwa, Edwin

Title: Abalone Conservation in the Presence of Drug Use and Corruption: Implications for Its Management in South Africa

Summary: The illegal exploitation of wild abalone in South Africa has been escalating since 1994, despite increased enforcement, leading to collapse in some sections of its range. South Africa banned all wild abalone fishing in 2008 but controversially reopened it in 2010. This paper formulates a poacher's model, taking into account the realities of the abalone terrain in South Africa-the prevalence of bribery, corruption, use of recreational drugs, and the high value of abalone-to explore why poaching has not subsided. The paper suggests two additional measures that might help ameliorate the situation: eliminating the demand side through enforcement targeted on organized crime, and ceding the resource to the local coastal communities. However, local communities need to be empowered to deal with organised crime groups. Complementary measures to bring back community patriotism will also be needed given the tattered social fabric of the local coastal communities.

Details: s.l.: Environment for Development, 2012. 24p.

Source: Internet Resource: Discussion Paper Series 12-15: Accessed May 19, 2017 at: http://www.rff.org/files/sharepoint/WorkImages/Download/EfD-DP-12-15.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: South Africa

URL: http://www.rff.org/files/sharepoint/WorkImages/Download/EfD-DP-12-15.pdf

Shelf Number: 145632

Organized Crime
Wildlife Conservation
Wildlife Crime

Author: UNICEF

Title: A Child is a child: Protecting children on the move from violence, abuse and exploitation

Summary: Millions of children are on the move across international borders - fleeing violence and conflict, disaster or poverty, in pursuit of a better life. Hundreds of thousands move on their own. When they encounter few opportunities to move legally, children resort to dangerous routes and engage smugglers to help them cross borders. Serious gaps in the laws, policies and services meant to protect children on the move further leave them bereft of protection and care. Deprived, unprotected, and often alone, children on the move can become easy prey for traffickers and others who abuse and exploit them. Alarming numbers of children are moving alone Many children move alone and face particularly grave risks. In parts of the world, the number of children moving on their own has skyrocketed. On the dangerous Central Mediterranean Sea passage from North Africa to Europe, 92 per cent of children who arrived in Italy in 2016 and the first two months of 2017 were unaccompanied, up from 75 per cent in 2015. At least 300,000 unaccompanied and separated children moving across borders were registered in 80 countries in 2015-2016 0- a near five-fold increase from 66,000 in 2010-2011. The total number of unaccompanied and separated children on the move worldwide is likely much higher. Specific reasons motivate children to undertake journeys alone. Many seek to reunite with family members already abroad. Others pursue their families' aspirations for this generation to have a better life. Perceptions of the potential benefits of children moving, especially to certain destinations, filter through social networks. Other factors include family breakdown, domestic violence, child marriage and forced conscription. Without safe and legal pathways, children's journeys are rife with risk and exploitation Whatever their motivation, children often find few opportunities to move legally. Family reunification, humanitarian visas, refugee resettlement spots, and work or study visas are out of reach for most. But barriers to legal migration do not stop people from moving, they only push them underground. Wherever families and children desperate to move encounter barriers, smuggling in human beings thrives. Smugglers range from people helping others in need for a fee to organized criminal networks that deliver children into hazardous and exploitative situations. Once children and families place their fates in the hands of smugglers, the transaction can readily take a turn towards abuse or exploitation - especially when children and families incur debts to pay smugglers' fees. Europol estimates that 20 per cent of suspected smugglers on their radar have ties to human trafficking - they help children cross borders, only to sell them into exploitation, sometimes akin to contemporary forms of slavery. Some routes are particularly rife with risks. In a recent International Organization for Migration survey, over three-quarters of 1,600 children aged 14-17 who arrived in Italy via the Central Mediterranean route reported experiences such as being held against their will or being forced to work without pay at some point during their journeys - indications that they may have been trafficked or otherwise exploited. Traffickers and other exploiters thrive especially where state institutions are weak, where organized crime abounds, and also where migrants become stuck and desperate.

Details: New York: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), 2017. 64p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 7, 2017 at: https://www.unicef.org/publications/files/UNICEF_A_child_is_a_child_May_2017_EN.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: International

URL: https://www.unicef.org/publications/files/UNICEF_A_child_is_a_child_May_2017_EN.pdf

Shelf Number: 145948

Child Abuse and Neglect
Child Maltreatment
Child Protection
Child Sexual Exploitation
Children Exposed to Violence
Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Migrant Children
Organized Crime
Unaccompanied Children

Author: Savona, Ernesto U.

Title: Assessing the risk of money laundering in Europe: final report of project IARM

Summary: Project IARM develops an exploratory methodology for assessing the risk of money laundering (ML). In particular, it develops a composite indicator of money laundering risk: - at geographic area level - at business sector level The methodology is tested in three pilot countries (Italy, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom) and follows 7 methodological steps, which include: - identifying ML risk factors across areas and sectors; - operationalising risk factors into a set of proxy variables to allow measurement; - combining the variables, through various statistical techniques, into a final indicator of ML risk; - validating the indicator through a sensitivity analysis and comparison with other measures of ML. IARM adopts a quantitative approach which complements the qualitative perspective of most existing national and supranational ML risk assessments (NRA and SNRA). It responds to the need, stressed by regulatory developments at both EU and national level, to develop objective and robust methodologies for ML risk assessment. Risk factors In each of the three pilot countries, a country-specific set of risk factors is identified on the basis of: - the relevant international and national literature (e.g. FATF guidelines, FIU reports, judiciary evidence, academic literature); - interviews with experts (e.g. FIU officers, investigators, policy-makers, private sector); - data availability: because it is not possible to find the same data and variables in all the three countries. Risk factors are distinguished between ML threats and vulnerabilities, as suggested by FATF and as depicted in Figures 1 and 2.

Details: Milano: Transcrime - Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2017. 184p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 13, 2017 at: http://www.transcrime.it/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/ProjectIARM-FinalReport.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.transcrime.it/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/ProjectIARM-FinalReport.pdf

Shelf Number: 1406083

Financial Crimes
Money Laundering
Organized Crime

Author: Aning, Kwesi

Title: Getting Smart and Scaling Up: The Impact of Organized Crime on Governance in Developing Countries. A Case Study of Ghana

Summary: his case study presents findings of field research on the impact of organized crime on governance and development in Ghana. The objective is not to paint a negative picture of Ghana, but rather to highlight core structural weaknesses that enable organized crime to flourish largely uncontested, placing significant, albeit not immediately obvious, pressure on the democratic and development gains made over the past two decades. The case study is divided into five sections. Section I begins with an overview of the political context in Ghana, with specific reference to the emergence of democratic politics and the nature of the political economy in the post-independence era. It reviews trends in Ghana's economic development and governance since 1992, and examines the nature of formal and informal institutions and prevalent norms of behaviour. Section II examines the nature and scope of organized crime in Ghana, namely drug trafficking, money laundering, illegal mining, electronic waste dumping, cybercrime, human trafficking, and small arms trafficking and manufacturing. Section III focuses on the impact of organized crime on governance and development, while Section IV suggests some initial recommendations.

Details: New York: Center on International Cooperation, New York University, 2013. 38p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 14, 2017 at: https://www.gov.uk/dfid-research-outputs/getting-smart-and-scaling-up-the-impact-of-organized-crime-on-governance-in-developing-countries-a-case-study-of-ghana

Year: 2013

Country: Ghana

URL: https://www.gov.uk/dfid-research-outputs/getting-smart-and-scaling-up-the-impact-of-organized-crime-on-governance-in-developing-countries-a-case-study-of-ghana

Shelf Number: 146138

Drug Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Illegal Mining
Organized Crime

Author: Reitano, Tuesday

Title: Libya: The Politics of Power, Protection, Identity and illicit Trade

Summary: Post-Revolution Libya has fractured into a volatile plethora of political ecosystems and protection economies, in which access to resources has become critical to survival. The struggle for control over illicit flows has shaped Libya's civil conflict and remains a decisive centrifugal force, actively preventing central state consolidation. Illicit flows exposed the deep fissures within Libyan society, divisions that the Gaddafi regime had controlled through a combination of force and the manipulation of economic interests in both the legitimate and illicit economy. The impact of illicit flows, however, has been different in different parts of the country: in a perverse resource triangle, coastal groups, while linked to the illicit economy (particularly through the control of ports and airports), have been paid by the state, while also relying on external financial support in a proxy war between competing interests centered in the Gulf. In the southern borderlands of the country, by contrast, control of trafficking, and the capture of the country's oil resources, have been key drivers in strengthening conflict protagonists. For some of the minority players in Libya's patchwork state, control over illicit resources became a way to bargain for attention in the transition. The gradual erosion of the legitimate economy following six years of protracted conflict and political stalemate has resulted in a status quo where the size and dynamism of illicit markets for fuel, human smuggling and subsidised goods far outweighs legitimate alternatives for several groups, thereby building the legitimacy of criminal actors over formal institutions. While the focus of much of the coverage of the external reporting of the Libyan conflict is on the divide between east and west, putting a spotlight on illicit trafficking also highlights the disparities between the coast and the interior. Unless the illicit economy, and the priorities of those who control it, are addressed holistically as part of the political transition, the possibilities for a peaceful settlement remain remote and the viability of the central state questionable. There are now no easy policy options.

Details: Tokyo: United Nations University Centre for Policy Research, 2017. 16p.

Source: Internet Resource: Crime-Conflict Nexus Series: No 3: Accessed June 16, 2017 at: https://i.unu.edu/media/cpr.unu.edu/attachment/2523/Libya-The-Politics-of-Power-Protection-Identity-and-Illicit-Trade-02.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: Libya

URL: https://i.unu.edu/media/cpr.unu.edu/attachment/2523/Libya-The-Politics-of-Power-Protection-Identity-and-Illicit-Trade-02.pdf

Shelf Number: 146193

Drug Trafficking
Illegal Trade
Illicit Markets
Illicit Trade
Organized Crime

Author: Arbid, Jeremy

Title: Captured by Captagon? Lebanon's evolving illicit drug economy

Summary: Lebanon has a long history of drug cultivation and trafficking, which predated the civil war, and has long been attributed with resourcing conflict protagonists thereby prolonging it. By the end of the war in 1990, Lebanon was home to a multi-billion drug economy which was firmly entrenched both into local and central politics and power. The Bekaa valley, which assumed prominence as a drug producing hotspot during the conflict, has retained its reputation as a source of opium and hashish production. Estimating the exact size of the country's current drug trade is difficult given the paucity of reliable figures, although its assumed to have reduced since the war. There is however a worrying new trend: the growth of the illicit economy around the drug Captagon - a global illicit industry worth an estimated US $ 1 billion a year. Captagon is an amphetamine and popular party pill widely used throughout the Gulf countries. Profit margins of Captagon are astonishingly high: a single pill can be produced for a few cents with easy to access precursor chemicals, but currently retails at up to US$20 in the Gulf. Evidence presented in an earlier Global Initiative report, "The Nexus of Drug Trafficking and Conflict in Syria and the Wider Region" suggests that the trade in Captagon is burgeoning, with much of the production in Syria and its neighbouring countries. and profits from the drug trade once again fuelling conflict actors. This paper explores the evolution of Lebanon's drug trade, and in particular the production and trafficking of Captagon. Major seizures were made in Lebanon in 2014 in particular, but the subsequent steady decline in seizures suggests, that smuggling groups have adapted to law enforcement interventions rather than increased efficacy of enforcement. Given the litany of other challenges faced by the Lebanese government, curbing the illegal trade in drugs is not a priority. Lebanon's military is focussed on more significant cross-border threats and terrorist violence, and the police force is understaffed, underfunded and under equipped. A central directorate for drug control within the Ministry of Interior exists only on paper. Lebanon's own Finance Minister has suggested that weeding out corrupt personnel at Beirut's airport is a more urgent need to combat smuggling than to reinforce capacity or introduce new technologies aimed at curbing these illicit practices. Legal and institutional frameworks are inadequate and international support in the area of organised crime and drug trafficking is small. Tracking the money flow is next to impossible, but various patterns for laundering money in Lebanon are clearly apparent: from Halawa cash transfer networks, to smuggled telephones, to a real estate sector where cash-based transactions are still common. Drug use, addiction prevalence and rehabilitation statistics in Lebanon are nearly non-existent, as is the amount the state dedicates to the war on drugs that officials involved insist they are waging. Lacking reliable data, drawing detailed recommendations is difficult, but what is clear is that Lebanon needs more of everything (funding, manpower, strategy, rehabilitation facilities) if it ever wants to genuinely address its growing drug problem. A lack of resources continues to bedevil attempts at border control and law enforcement. The international community and the Lebanese themselves may rue this lack of attention in future.

Details: Geneva, SWIT: Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime, 2017. 48p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 16, 2017 at: http://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/lebanon-drug-report_24.05.17_low.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: Lebanon

URL: http://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/lebanon-drug-report_24.05.17_low.pdf

Shelf Number: 147632

Drug Cultivation
Drug Trafficking
Illegal Drugs
Illicit Drugs
Organized Crime

Author: Shaw, Mark

Title: Global Illicit Flows and Local Conflict Dynamics: The Case for Pre-Emptive Analysis and Experimental Policy Options

Summary: INTRODUCTION This paper seeks to address three interconnected policy questions: - First how do global illicit flows impact on local conflict dynamics? Are there specific conceptual features that can be identified that may assist us to analyse this phenomenon across cases? - By understanding these, second, what can be done to limit the negative impact of organised crime on violent conflict? Are new ideas required or is it only a question of recalibrating existing policy alternatives? - Third, what are the implications for international involvement in conflict affected states? Given the potential complexities of engaging in conflict spaces on what are often hidden or little understood criminal resource flows, are these even viable objectives for policy intervention, for either development or security actors? The paper draws at the outset on two contrasting case studies - that of conflict in Libya and Nigeria in the recent past - both of which have shaped our work and thinking on the topic. Libya and Nigeria have some interesting parallels and some important differences. In both cases the oil economy is an important resource and driver of some aspects of the conflict. However, in Libya's case transnational or cross-border flows and their control have played a more important role then in Nigeria. In the case of the latter, the Boko Haram insurgency shows little evidence of resourcing from wider criminal flows; the movement has largely survived on extortion or protection money of local trade to raise funds. In Libya, payments from proxies and the state (in the form of legal transfers) have sustained the conflict. In Libya the central state has little reach. In Nigeria, the central state is comparatively stronger, but suffers from a debilitating level of corruption, providing opportunities for collusion between state and non-state actors which sustain conflict. Thus, with respect to the conflict in the Niger Delta, there is strong complicity between state, business and criminal actors. While the paper's focus is largely on Africa, given that much of the discussion on the political economy of conflict has had a link to conflicts on the continent, it also seeks to build on our wider experience of working in and researching conflict zones elsewhere and engaging with the range of stakeholders involved. The discussion begins with a short overview of the history of the debate on the linkages between organised crime and conflict with an African focus. This schematic serves as an introduction to a series of analytical issues that we have drawn from both the Libyan and Nigerian case studies as well as our own analytical work conducted on organised crime and illicit networks in several other conflict zones. While we do not claim these to be a definitive list, we hope that they serve to promote debate about the state of the evolving discussion and the linkages between global flows and local conflicts. Referring to the connection between criminal flows and conflicts is not necessarily new. However, the scale of the challenge has changed as has the analytical discourse that is increasingly being adopted. The current debate in our views reflects a merging between an older literature on "greed or grievance" as a cause of conflict, and a newer (and less developed) one that has sought to identify organised crime as one 'driver' of conflict. Driver in this context has four overlapping dimensions: 1. Conflict over the control of illicit markets; 2. Illicit markets providing resources for continuing conflicts; 3. Illicit revenue streams associated with conflict (and the disruption that it brings) postponing peace by ensuring that incentives from the criminal economy are seen as more advantageous than from peace; and, 4. External resourcing of conflict actors and/or wide spread corruption associated with illicit markets which is a "bleeding sore" that erodes the state, preventing a decisive end to conflict (and through collusion in illicit markets provides incentives for state actors to gain from its continuance). As these points suggest, and as we will argue as the paper unfolds, there are important overlaps between the older work on "greed and grievance" and the emerging focus. What is lacking is a better way of conceptually framing the connections to allow a more sophisticated policy discussion. We conclude that policy in this area is better informed by identifying a set of principles around which to frame responses rather than a set of 'actions' that are unlikely to be replicable across conflicts.

Details: Tokyo: University Nations University, 2017. 14p.

Source: Internet Resource: Crime-Conflict Nexus Series: No 2: Accessed June 20, 2017 at: https://i.unu.edu/media/cpr.unu.edu/attachment/2518/Global-Illicit-Flows-and-Local-Conflict-Dynamics.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: Africa

URL: https://i.unu.edu/media/cpr.unu.edu/attachment/2518/Global-Illicit-Flows-and-Local-Conflict-Dynamics.pdf

Shelf Number: 146316

Crime-Conflict Nexus
Illicit Goods
Illicit markets
Illicit Trade
Organized Crime

Author: Jesperson, Sasha

Title: Conflict Obscuring Criminality: The Crime-Conflict Nexus in Nigeria

Summary: Both conflict and organised crime are deeply entrenched in Nigeria. In 2015, the Global Terrorism Index listed Boko Haram as the deadliest terrorist group, with Fulani militants in the Middle Belt of Nigeria responsible for the 4th most fatalities globally. Although there has been a reduction in fatalities in 2016, new militant groups emerged in the Niger Delta region, making Nigeria home to three active conflicts. Conflict in all three regions is connected to economic and political grievances, which suggests that armed groups are strategic in nature, responding to the needs of civilians in their area of operation. Increasing literature on the strategic nature of criminal organisations and warring parties highlights a variety of criminal and political motives that evolve over time, adapting to changing situations in order to maximise opportunities. While armed groups in all three regions may engage in criminality to sustain their activities, there is no evidence that they are filling governance roles or supporting civilians in their regions. In parallel, the World Bank identified conflict and fragility as creating conducive conditions for organised crime. While in some countries, such as Afghanistan and Colombia, illicit and criminal economies are closely linked to insurgency and conflict, this is not the case for Nigeria. Despite several conflict-affected regions and a high concentration of organised crime entities, for the most part crime and conflict remain separate. The prevalence of corrupt officials and the entrenchment of organised crime means that conflict is not required as a cover to move illicit goods. The banking and transport infrastructure of major cities is more important and useful, whereas the three conflicts underway in Nigeria are in rural areas. But criminal activity continues to influence local conflict dynamics in all three regions. Despite claims of a linkage by Boko Haram's leadership, organised crime entities have little to do with the group aside from supplying illicit goods. But Boko Haram has created a profitable protection economy in northeastern Nigeria that is exploited by many other groups and individuals. Organised crime activities in the Niger Delta are largely driven by politicians who use militant groups to assist and provide plausible deniability. Militants in the Middle Belt continue to engage in cattle rustling in order to target their opponents. Aside from the Delta region, criminality is not linked to global illicit flows, but in all three regions criminal activities are fuelling conflict. Given this complexity, this case study seeks to understand how crime and conflict intersect in Nigeria, focusing on the insurgency of Boko Haram and the emergence of new militant groups in the Niger Delta. The aim is to assess the impact of global illicit flows on local conflict dynamics, while also considering how international actors can respond. The paper first engages with the nature of conflict in Nigeria and how it has evolved alongside, but separate from 'organised' crime. The forms and function of criminal activity in the two conflict-affected regions is then discussed, followed by an analysis of the impact of criminality on conflict and some recommendations on how international actors can respond. The analysis presented in this case study is based on extensive desk-based research and fieldwork conducted in Nigeria in November 2016. Local researchers conducted fieldwork in Maiduguri, Kano and Yobe, interviewing government representatives, NGOs, and community members. In Lagos and Abuja, interviews were conducted with journalists, researchers, security analysts, government representatives, NGOs, UN agencies and embassy officials. Although fieldwork was not conducted in the Niger Delta region, NGOs and experts were consulted either in Lagos or Abuja or via Skype.

Details: Tokyo: University Nations University, 2017. 14p.

Source: Internet Resource: Crime-Conflict Nexus Series: No 4: Accessed June 20, 2017 at: https://i.unu.edu/media/cpr.unu.edu/attachment/2455/Conflict-Obscuring-Criminality-The-Crime-Conflict-Nexus-in-Nigeria.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: Nigeria

URL: https://i.unu.edu/media/cpr.unu.edu/attachment/2455/Conflict-Obscuring-Criminality-The-Crime-Conflict-Nexus-in-Nigeria.pdf

Shelf Number: 146323

Cattle Rustling
Crime-Conflict Nexus
Illicit Goods
Organized Crime

Author: National Intelligence Council

Title: Global Implications of Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing

Summary: Global fisheries face an existential threat in the decades ahead from surging worldwide demand, declining ocean health, and continued illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing. IUU fishing also harms legitimate fishing activities and livelihoods, jeopardizes food and economic security, benefits transnational crime, distorts markets, contributes to human trafficking, and undermines ongoing efforts to implement sustainable fisheries policies. It can also heighten tensions within and between countries and encourage piracy. The illicit nature of IUU fishing means that the size of the problem and its negative consequences, can only be roughly estimated.

Details: Washington, DC: The Council, 2016. 21p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 21, 2017 at: https://fas.org/irp/nic/fishing.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: International

URL: https://fas.org/irp/nic/fishing.pdf

Shelf Number: 146337

Fishing Industry
Illegal Fishing
Maritime Crime
Offenses Against the Environment
Organized Crime
Unregulated Fishing
Wildlife Crimes

Author: Silva Avalos, Hector

Title: Corruption in El Salvador: Politians, Police, and Transportistas

Summary: Corruption and the infiltration of public institutions in Central America by organized crime groups is an unaddressed issue that lies at the core of the increasing violence and democratic instability that has afflicted the region in the last decade. In El Salvador, infiltration has mutated into a system capable of determining important political and strategic decisions, such as the election of high-level judicial officials and the shaping of the state approach to fighting crime. This paper addresses corruption in El Salvador's National Civil Police (PNC), the law enforcement agency created under the auspices of the 1992 Peace Accord that ended the country's 12-year civil war. Archival and field research presented here demonstrates that the PNC has been plagued by its own "original sin": the inclusion of former soldiers that worked with criminal groups and preserved a closed power structure that prevented any authority from investigating them for over two decades. This original sin has allowed criminal bands formed in the 1980s as weapon or drug smugglers to forge connections with the PNC and to develop into sophisticated drug trafficking organizations (DTOs). These new DTOs are now involved in money laundering, have secured pacts with major criminal players in the region - such as Mexican and Colombian cartels - and have learned how to use the formal economy and financial system. These "entrepreneurs" of crime, long tolerated and nurtured by law enforcement officials and politicians in El Salvador, are now major regional players themselves.

Details: Washington, DC: Center for Latin American & Latino Studies, American University, 2014. 36p.

Source: Internet Resource: CLALS Working Paper Series, No. 4: Accessed June 26, 2017 at: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2419174

Year: 2014

Country: El Salvador

URL: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2419174

Shelf Number: 146382

Drug Cartels
Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime
Police Corruption
Political Corruption

Author: Salcedo-Albaran, Eduardo

Title: The "Medicus Case": Organ Trafficking Network in Kosovo

Summary: One of the most relevant and recent cases of organ trafficking took place in Pristina, Kosovo, in 2008, at the Medicus Clinic. With the purpose of understanding the structure of a criminal network focused in organs trafficking, in this document we present a model and analysis of the transnational criminal network that represents the Medicus specific case. The document has 4 parts. In the first part we present the methodology and concepts related to Social Network Analysis. In the second part we discuss the modeled judicial case and the sources gathered and analyzed. The third part includes characteristics of the modeled criminal structure, such as types of nodes/agents, interactions established and the nodes/agents with the highest indicators of direct centrality and betweenness. In the last section, conclusions are presented and discussed.

Details: Bogota: Vortex Foundation, 2017. 26p.

Source: Internet Resource: The Global Observatory of Transnational Criminal Networks - Research Paper No. 14.; VORTEX Working Papers, No. 28: Accessed July 5, 2017 at: http://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/522e46_93f73ba35e8d4480bc7fb7ecfdaba0ae.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: Europe

URL: http://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/522e46_93f73ba35e8d4480bc7fb7ecfdaba0ae.pdf

Shelf Number: 146501

Organ Trafficking
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Organs

Author: Salcedo-Albaran, Eduardo

Title: Transnational Trafficking of Organs, Tissues and Cells

Summary: The aim of this document is to inform about the criminal networks participating in traffic of organs, tissues and cells (OTCs). The document has four parts: (i) A description of organ trafficking as an organized crime activity, (ii) an explanation of the main actors involved in transnational criminal networks trafficking OTC, (iii) a description of the usual operation these networks, and (iv) recent and relevant cases related to OTC trafficking.

Details: Bogota: VORTEX Foundation, 2017. 18p.

Source: Internet Resource: The Global Observatory of Transnational Criminal Networks - Research Paper No. 13. VORTEX Working Papers No. 27; Accessed July 5, 2017 at: http://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/522e46_768142f9934742e19635e73e0e571d12.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: International

URL: http://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/522e46_768142f9934742e19635e73e0e571d12.pdf

Shelf Number: 146502

Organ Trafficking
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Organs

Author: Hubschle, Annette Michaela

Title: The Groenewald Criminal Network: Background, legislative loopholes and recommendations

Summary: This paper provides a brief perspective of the Groenewald gang in the broader wildlife crime context before assessing whether the case presents an exception or a common trend. In a second step, the legislative and institutional loopholes are discussed. The paper also assesses whether regulators are aware of the scheme and what measures have been taken to address this. Finally, an assessment is made whether "gray" nodes (legal players who participate in illegal activities) are dealt within the most expedient manner and what lessons could be learned from the model

Details: Bogota: VORTEX Foundations, 2017. 21p.

Source: Internet Resource: The Global Observatory of Transnational Criminal Networks - Research Paper No. 11. VORTEX Working Papers No. 25: Accessed July 5, 2017 at:

Year: 2017

Country: International

URL: http://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/522e46_eb15f7ef5f0544018473f4a8f003206e.pdf

Shelf Number: 146504

Animal Poaching
Criminal Networks
Ivory Trade
Organized Crime
Wildlife Crime

Author: Goga, Khalil

Title: Rhino poaching and Rhino Horn Traffic in South Africa

Summary: While rhino poaching has often been portrayed as a conflict between 'dark' and 'bright' agents, the reality of the trade is far more complex and compromises a host of actors in a variety of fields in legitimate and illegitimate spheres. As it is explained in this document, it is critical to understand the participation of agents operating within lawful public and private positions, who participate in various activities from the poaching to the final consumption and use of the rhino horn.

Details: Bogota: VORTEX Foundation, 2017. 19p.

Source: Internet Resource: The Global Observatory of Transnational Criminal Networks - Research Paper No. 9. VORTEX Working Papers No. 23: Accessed July 5, 2017 at: http://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/522e46_838df24339064fcf9a0a510bb1ebed18.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: South Africa


Shelf Number: 146506

Animal Poaching
Criminal Networks
Organized Crime
Wildlife Crime

Author: Paoli, Giacomo Persi

Title: Behind the curtain: The illicit trade of firearms, explosives and ammunition on the dark web

Summary: The potential role of the dark web in facilitating trade in firearms, ammunition and explosives has gained increased public attention following recent terrorist attacks in Europe. However, the hidden and obscure parts of the web are used also by criminals and other types of individuals to procure or sell a wide range of weapons and associated products through cryptomarkets and vendor shops. While the use of these platforms as facilitators for illicit drug trade has been increasingly researched by a number of academics, little has been done to investigate the role of the dark web in relation to the illegal arms trade. To address this gap, and with a view to supporting policy and decision makers, RAND Europe and the University of Manchester designed this research project to explore the worldwide illegal arms trade, with a focus on the role played by the dark web in fuelling and/or facilitating such trade. The research was funded by the UK Partnership for Conflict, Crime and Security Research (PaCCS) under the Transnational Organised Crime theme, which is led by the Economic and Social Research Council on behalf of the Partnership. The overall aim of the study was to estimate the size and scope of the trade in firearms and related products on cryptomarkets, including the number of dark web markets listing firearms and related products and services for sale, and the range and type of firearms and related products advertised and sold on cryptomarkets. Key Findings - The dark web is an enabler for the circulation of illegal weapons already on the black market, as well as a potential source of diversion for legally owned weapons. - The dark web is increasing the availability of better performing, more recent firearms for the same, or lower, price, than what would be available on the street on the black market. - The US appears to be the most common source country for arms that are for sale on the dark web. Almost 60 per cent of the firearms listings are associated with products that originate from the US. However, Europe represents the largest market for arms trade on the dark web, generating revenues that are around five times higher than the US. - Firearms listings (42 per cent) were the most common listings on the dark web, followed by arms-related digital products (27 per cent) and others, including ammunition (22 per cent). - The dark web has the potential to become the platform of choice for individuals (e.g. lone-wolves terrorists) or small groups (e.g. gangs) to obtain weapons and ammunition behind the anonymity curtain provided by the dark web. In addition, the dark web could be used by vulnerable and fixated individuals to purchase firearms. - The illegal arms trade presents further challenges for law enforcement agencies and national governments. These challenges largely derive from the anonymity of individuals that use the dark web to purchase arms.

Details: Santa Monica, CA; Cambridge, UK: RAND Europe, 2017. 148p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 27, 2017 at: https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RR2091.html

Year: 2017

Country: Europe

URL: https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RR2091.html

Shelf Number: 146585

Dark Networks
Illegal Markets
Illicit Trade
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Firearms
Trafficking in Weapons

Author: Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA)

Title: The Shuidong Connection: Exposing the global hub of the illegal ivory trade

Summary: Surprising many, and putting other countries to shame, China has taken significant steps to close its legal domestic ivory market in the past year. This is a positive move by a country with one of the biggest ivory markets and demonstrates leadership and pragmatism. However, there remain serious questions on the lack of enforcement in China, and abroad, against Chinese nationals deeply involved in the illegal ivory trade, who continue to operate with complete impunity. Following on from leads gathered in Tanzania in 2014, the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) began investigating neighbouring Mozambique, a country whose elephant population has been devastated by poaching and the illegal ivory trade. What followed was beyond anything EIA could have anticipated. The investigation in Mozambique revealed a Chinese-led criminal syndicate which for over two decades has been trafficking ivory from Africa to Shuidong, its hometown in southern China. According to this syndicate, it is just one of about 10 to 20 similar groups originating from Shuidong. Their criminal exploits reveal how their small hometown has become, and remains, the world's largest hub for ivory trafficking: the group claims up to 80 per cent of tusks from poached elephants in Africa pass through Shuidong. Over the course of more than a year, discussions with the traffickers gave an unprecedented insight into the methods used to source, ship and sell raw tusks, and to manage profits. They provided fascinating detail on the significance of Shuidong in global illegal ivory flows. Since supplanting Chinese gangs from Fujian as the main raw ivory traffickers more than a decade ago, the Shuidong syndicates have remained untouched by any enforcement action in China or abroad. Although some ivory shipments have been intercepted, the only loss is financial and the groups have developed various mechanisms for limiting this risk. By being flexible and adaptable, the Shuidong syndicate is relentless in its pursuit of profit from wildlife crime. With the profitability of tusks from East Africa falling, the Shuidong smugglers have moved into more profitable forest elephant ivory and pangolin scales. When enforcement improved in Tanzania, they shifted to neighbouring Mozambique. Their relentless criminal activities continue to be a major factor in the ongoing slaughter of elephants and other wildlife across Africa. Without enforcement action against organised criminal networks, elephants and other wildlife will continue to be threatened by the illegal wildlife trade. The Shuidong syndicates in China and Africa need to be investigated and prosecuted urgently. Continued inaction against groups such as these, undermines China's announcement to close its legal domestic ivory market and will render it futile in the fight against elephant poaching. Specific policy and enforcement recommendations are included at the end of this report.

Details: London: EIA, 2017. 24p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 29, 2017 at: https://eia-international.org/wp-content/uploads/EIA-The-Shuidong-Connection-FINAL-1.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: International

URL: https://eia-international.org/wp-content/uploads/EIA-The-Shuidong-Connection-FINAL-1.pdf

Shelf Number: 146593

Animal Poaching
Illegal Trade
Ivory Trafficking
Organized Crime
Wildlife Crime

Author: Haenlein, Cathy

Title: Below the Surface: How Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing Threatens our Security

Summary: Illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing is conventionally treated by governments worldwide as the result of technical regulatory infringements. As such, it is often deemed a matter for industry regulators and dismissed as a trivial issue insofar as it relates to national security. This diagnosis is flawed. Certainly, IUU fishing is often small in scale and conducted by artisanal fishers out of ignorance of laws, or opportunism. Yet there is also evidence that much of today's IUU fishing activity takes place on an organised, systematic scale across multiple jurisdictions. Testament to this are the volumes involved. Although numerous difficulties affect such calculations, global losses to IUU fishing have been estimated at some $10-23.5 billion annually - equivalent to 11-26 million tonnes of fish per year. The result is the plunder of the world's oceans, threatening not only marine ecosystems, but also the security of human populations. Large-scale IUU fishing endangers food security, threatens livelihoods, undermines the rule of law and deprives states of revenues. It also intersects with other crimes, further amplifying the threat to security. Yet research on these security dimensions is limited and fragmented; our understanding of their dynamics remains partial. Policy and practical responses, meanwhile, remain ill-suited, failing to keep pace with the complexity of the threat posed. Recommendations This paper makes the following recommendations for governments, NGOs and international agencies looking to address the security dimensions of large-scale IUU fishing: 1. Recognise large-scale IUU fishing as transnational organised crime. There is a critical need for policymakers and practitioners to treat high-volume IUU fishing as more than a fisheries management problem. Large-scale IUU fishing is transnational organised crime and must be recognised and treated as such. A paradigm shift is needed in the way we view and respond to the phenomenon, to ensure that responses are commensurate with the scale, complexity and diversity of the threat faced. 2. Recognise large-scale IUU fishing as 'convergence crime'. Awareness that large-scale IUU fishing commonly occurs in conjunction with other crime types must increase. Policymakers must adapt to a more sophisticated operating reality, with front line investigators trained to recognise not just IUU fishing, but also crimes such as human trafficking and corruption. Broader responses must draw on expertise associated with all crime types involved, in an integrated, multi-agency approach. 3. Strengthen domestic legislation. States must strengthen fisheries legislation and harmonise all other relevant laws, such that penalties and the likelihood of their application create real deterrence. Domestic criminalisation must meet the criteria - a four-year minimum custodial sentence - for large-scale IUU fishing to qualify as serious crime under the UN Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC). 4. Strengthen international responses. International-level reform is required to ensure that IUU fishing is recognised under UNTOC, conferring binding obligations on 179 states to cooperate on law enforcement action. Global bodies must also clarify roles and responsibilities, address overlapping mandates and deepen cooperative arrangements. 5. Strengthen monitoring and enforcement. Capacity building to interdict those engaged in large-scale IUU fishing and associated crimes must be provided. To further facilitate monitoring and enforcement, vessels above a certain size and/or operating beyond the jurisdiction of flag states must be required to have International Maritime Organization numbers - as must their owners. 6. Bolster information sharing. Overlaps between IUU fishing and other crimes challenge the common separation of national fisheries management and policing agencies. Flexibility is needed to match perpetrators' shifting portfolios, as is stronger collaboration between coast guards, customs, immigration, anti-narcotics, fisheries management and financial crime agencies, as well as international organisations. 7. Expand regional approaches and partnerships. Promising initiatives already underway must be more fully resourced and prioritised. Innovative regional and multisectoral approaches, such as FISH-i Africa, should be expanded, scaled up and replicated as models in other, particularly financially constrained, locations. 8. Bolster efforts to prevent fish laundering. More states must be persuaded to ratify the Food and Agriculture Organization's Agreement on Port State Measures to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate IUU Fishing, to ensure that no port is used as a shelter for non-compliance. Implementation of the Agreement must also be supported through sustained capacity building in developing coastal and small-island states. 9. Expand multilateral initiatives. In light of its organised and poly-threat nature, the priority assigned to large-scale IUU fishing under multilateral maritime security initiatives should increase. Defence and security-focused programmes that prioritise maritime security but exclude IUU fishing should be expanded to include it. 10. Follow the money. Financial investigation tools should be used to reveal ownership information, uncover money laundering and tax fraud, and make strategic arrests of the true beneficiaries of high-volume IUU fishing. To enable this, legislative reform in many jurisdictions to provide for IUU fishing as a predicate offence to money laundering is crucial. 11. Prosecute under alternative legislation. Crime convergence provides options to arrest and prosecute perpetrators using laws other than those relating to fisheries. For example, prosecution of large-scale IUU operators under economic crimes legislation may increase the prospects for imposing substantial penalties where associated crimes carry weightier sentences. 12. End use of flags of convenience. To bolster enforcement, the exploitation of flags of convenience must be ended. This could be achieved by encouraging flag-of-convenience states to close registries, by requiring coastal states not to issue licences to flag-of-convenience vessels, and by pursuing action by regional fisheries management organisations and international bodies.

Details: London: Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies (RUSI), 2017. 56p.

Source: Internet Resource: Occasional Papers: Accessed July 29, 2017 at: https://rusi.org/sites/default/files/201707_rusi_below_the_surface_haenlein.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: International

URL: https://rusi.org/sites/default/files/201707_rusi_below_the_surface_haenlein.pdf

Shelf Number: 146595

Fishing Industry
Illegal Fishing
Organized Crime
Unregulated Fishing
Wildlife Crimes

Author: Australia. Parliamentary Joint Committee on Law Enforcement

Title: An inquiry into human trafficking, slavery and slavery-like practices

Summary: On 2 December 2015, the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Law Enforcement (the committee) initiated an inquiry into human trafficking, which lapsed at the end of the 44th Parliament. The committee had received a number of submissions to the inquiry at the time the inquiry lapsed. On 12 October 2016, during the 45th Parliament, the committee reinstated this inquiry. The committee resolved that all correspondence that it received in the 44th Parliament, including documents accepted as submissions, would be considered in respect of the current inquiry. The committee also resolved to accept additional submissions to the current inquiry. The terms of reference for the inquiry were as follows: Pursuant to the committee's functions set out in paragraph 7(1)(g) of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Law Enforcement Act 2010, the committee will examine Commonwealth law enforcement responses to human trafficking, including slavery, slavery-like practices (such as servitude, forced marriage and forced labour) and people trafficking, to and from Australia. In particular, the committee examined: 1. the prevalence of human trafficking in Australia, including in culturally and linguistically diverse communities; 2. the role and effectiveness of Commonwealth law enforcement agencies in responding to human trafficking; 3. practical measures and policies that would address human trafficking; 4. the involvement of organised crime, including transnational organised crime, in human trafficking; 5. the extent to which human trafficking is facilitated by: a. migration visas (including marriage, partner, student and work visas), b. technology, and c. false identities; 6. the effectiveness of relevant Commonwealth legislation and policies; and 7. other related issues

Details: Canberra: The Committee, 2017. 112p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 4, 2017 at: http://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/Joint/Law_Enforcement/Humantrafficking45/Report

Year: 2017

Country: Australia

URL: http://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/Joint/Law_Enforcement/Humantrafficking45/Report

Shelf Number: 146714

Forced Labor
Forced Marriage
Human Trafficking
Modern Slavery
Organized Crime

Author: KPMG

Title: Project Sun: study of the illicit cigarette market in the European Union, Norway and Switzerland

Summary: Project SUN is KPMG's annual study that estimates the scale and development of the illicit cigarette market in the EU, Norway and Switzerland, commissioned by the Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Services. Key findings: Counterfeit and contraband (C&C) declined by 8.8%, to 48.3 billion cigarettes in 2016, but still accounted for over 9% of total consumption C&C continued to account over 9% of total consumption, representing a tax loss of up to L10.2 billion, making illicit trade one of the largest major competitors within the cigarette market In many cases illicit trade hotspots remained while the brands and countries of origin changed, demonstrating how local demand for illicit cigarettes continued despite the changing routes and sources used by cigarette smugglers Organised crime groups engaged in the illicit cigarette trade are increasingly diverse in the routes and methods they employ and in the products they manufacture, transport and sell.

Details: London: KPMG, 2017. 234p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 4, 2017 at: https://assets.kpmg.com/content/dam/kpmg/uk/pdf/2017/07/project-sun-2017-report.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: Europe

URL: https://assets.kpmg.com/content/dam/kpmg/uk/pdf/2017/07/project-sun-2017-report.pdf

Shelf Number: 146716

Black Markets
Contraband Cigarettes
Contraband Tobacco
Illegal Cigarettes (Europe)
Illegal Tobacco
Illegal Trade
Illicit Trade
Organized Crime

Author: Garzon Vergara, Juan Carlos

Title: What is the relationship between organized crime and homicide in Latin America?

Summary: Criminal and gang violence is believed to generate as much as a third of all homicides in the Western hemisphere. In some countries where collective violence is acute, this may well be true. But it is only part of the story. Organized crime groups can also reduce the extent of lethal violence in a given setting: they often regulate murder and violent crime. The extent to which such entities exert control is often in direct proportion to the relative fragility of state institutions. Where public authorities are unable to exert a monopoly over the use of force, criminal actors step in. This Homicide Dispatch critically examines the relationships between organized crime and lethal violence. In the process, it shines a light on the challenges facing public authorities intent on fighting crime. Owing to the inherent weaknesses of many governments across Latin America, they have only limited ability to reduce homicidal violence. It is only by shoring up the state's ability to guarantee fundamental rights that meaningful improvements will be possible.

Details: Rio de Janeiro: Igarape Institute, 2016. 22p.

Source: Internet Resource: Homicide Dispatch 3: Accessed August 7, 2017 at: https://igarape.org.br/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Homicide-Dispatch_3_EN_23-05.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Latin America

URL: https://igarape.org.br/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Homicide-Dispatch_3_EN_23-05.pdf

Shelf Number: 146754

Gang-Related Violence
Organized Crime

Author: Mann, Monique

Title: Capturing "Organised Crime" in Australian Law

Summary: This briefing paper presents and foreshadows ongoing PhD research by the first author into how understandings of organised crime in Australia have been shaped, and the extent to which these perceptions have influenced legislative and policing responses. It begins with an historical survey of significant models of organised crime, then reviews current Australian legislative strategies, and goes on to raise questions about the conceptual model that underpins these strategies. The paper concludes with a discussion of the potential policy implications of this research.

Details: Nathan, QLD: ARC Centre of Excellence in Policing and Security, 2012. 6p.

Source: Internet Resource: ARC Centre of Excellence in Policing and Security Briefing Paper, 2012(19), pp. 1-6.: Accessed August 18, 2017 at: https://eprints.qut.edu.au/91926/1/Mann_Ayling_CEPS_Briefing_Paper.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Australia

URL: https://eprints.qut.edu.au/91926/1/Mann_Ayling_CEPS_Briefing_Paper.pdf

Shelf Number: 127269

Motorcycle Gangs
Organized Crime

Author: U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Title: Measuring the Magnitude of Global Counterfeiting: Creation of a Contemporary Global Measure of Physical Counterfeiting

Summary: Counterfeiting today represents a tremendous and ever increasing global threat. Counterfeit products- from goods and merchandise, tobacco products and industrial parts to currency and medicines - circulate across the globe. Yet these products cause real damage to consumers, industries and economies. First and foremost, counterfeit goods jeopardize consumers and pose a serious safety risk: fake toys contain hazardous and prohibited chemicals and detachable small parts; brake pads made of compressed grass; counterfeit microchips for civilian aircrafts; all these and many more may and tragically already have led to injuries and deaths. Counterfeit products also result in detrimental effects on economies due to decreased innovation, loss of revenue and taxation, and higher employment rate. Disturbingly, a growing body of evidence draws a clear link between physical counterfeiting and terrorist groups which exploit the easy-made money and high profit margin to fund terror activities around the world. The continuous growth of the global counterfeiting industry is a major cause for concern. Fueled by the proliferation of internet use and social media platforms, the magnitude of global physical counterfeiting is estimated to have increased considerably since the beginning of this century. One prominent example for this increase is reflected in the OECD's studies on global counterfeiting. In its first study from 2008 - The Economic Impact of Counterfeiting and Piracy - the OECD estimated that global trade of counterfeit goods accounted for 1.9% of world trade in 2007, or 250 billion USD. In its recently published study of 2016 - Trade in Counterfeit and Pirated Goods: Mapping the Economic Impact - the OECD now estimates that global trade-related counterfeiting accounts for 2.5% of world trade, or 461 billion USD. A key finding from these two OECD studies is that global counterfeiting has grown both organically with a growth rate of 0.6% (of its estimated share of world trade), and, since world trade has in itself increased constantly since 2009, also grown in its overall dollar figure. In this context, the US Chamber's Measuring the Magnitude of Global Counterfeiting study seeks to make a contribution to this growing body of literature and complement the OECD's work in two ways: 1. The study provides a deep-dive analysis of trade-related physical counterfeiting on a comparative level, and; 2. It provides a breakdown of the share of the global rate of physical counterfeiting (as both a percentage and with a USD figure) for the 38 economies included in the 2016 U.S. Chamber of Commerce's GIPC International IP Index (fourth edition published in February 2016) based on new modeling of an economy's propensity for counterfeiting, including factors such as broader levels of IP enforcement and estimated rates of corruption. The study makes the following key findings: 1. China alone is estimated to be the source for more than 70% of global physical trade-related counterfeiting, amounting to more than 285 billion USD. Physical counterfeiting accounts for the equivalent of 12.5% of China's exports of goods and over 1.5% of its GDP. China and Hong Kong together are estimated as the source for 86% of global physical counterfeiting, which translates into 396.5 billion USD worth of counterfeit goods each year. 2. Despite China and Hong Kong's dominant share of global counterfeiting, a considerable amount of physical counterfeiting activity as share of world trade can be attributed to other economies as well. Indeed, the level of counterfeiting activity attributed to some economies is substantial and bears significant economic and public health implications, both locally and internationally. 3. In addition to the modeled estimates of rates of global physical counterfeiting and percentage attributed to each economy, this report has also examined the value of seized counterfeit goods in the 38 economies sampled and the World Customs Organization (WCO). The value of counterfeit goods seized and reported by customs authorities today from our sample of 38 economies ($5.2 billion) represents slightly less than 2.5% of the global measure of physical counterfeiting of $461 billion dollars. This suggests that though customs authorities' activities yield results and their efforts are highly laudable, the extent of their successes still represents "a drop in an ocean." This does not mean to say that economies should not continue to step up efforts to combat counterfeiting. Recent actions taken by economies include enhancing customs authorities' scope of action, strengthening IP protection, introducing targeted measures aimed at deterring counterfeiting, and joining international trade and enforcement initiatives. Taken together, these steps are expected to increase economies' ability to limit counterfeiting activities both domestically and globally over time. 4. Our analysis of seizure data from customs authorities shows that the dearth of seizure data is acute. Of the 38 economies examined in this study, only a third of the customs authorities publish data. Moreover, only a small proportion of these publish reliable, consistent, and detailed seizure statistics. Additionally, the data are often focused on intermittent seizures of varying scope and so do not necessarily reflect systematic efforts against counterfeiting.

Details: Washington, DC: U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Global Intellectual Property Center, 2016. 40p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 30, 2017 at: http://www.theglobalipcenter.com/wp-content/themes/gipc/map-index/assets/pdf/2016/GlobalCounterfeiting_Report.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: International

URL: http://www.theglobalipcenter.com/wp-content/themes/gipc/map-index/assets/pdf/2016/GlobalCounterfeiting_Report.pdf

Shelf Number: 146943

Counterfeit Products
Illegal Trade
Organized Crime
Pirated Goods
Terrorist Financing

Author: Kemp, Walter

Title: Crooked Kaleidoscope: Organized Crime in the Balkans

Summary: The Balkans is back in the spotlight. A coup attempt in Montenegro, tensions between Belgrade and Pristina over the status of northern Kosovo, a wire-tapping scandal followed by political unrest in Macedonia, rivalries in Bosnia about the future status of Republika Srpska, as well as the impact of the refugee crisis have started to ring alarm bells. A region which had been out of the limelight for a decade and considered to be on a path towards peace and prosperity is once again looking vulnerable. This can be attributed in part to the failure of the region - and its friends - to come to terms with organized crime and corruption. The report urges countries and organizations that have invested so much economically and politically over the past 25 years to stay engaged in the region and help it avoid back-sliding. In particular, it calls for stronger measures to fight corruption, enhance justice, and go after the proceeds of crime rather than just focusing on police reform. It recommends a more joined-up approach to looking at and responding to organized crime in the Balkans, as well as for enhancing networks to strengthen resilience to this threat. This report looks at organized crime in the Western Balkans. In particular, it focuses on the impact of organized crime on politics and stability. It warns about the impact of relations between political, business and criminal elites, and the spill-over effect of illicit activity in areas of weak governance. Chapter 1 provides an overview of the current situation, and asks why the Balkans is vulnerable to organized crime. Chapter 2 looks at the main types of organized crime in the region, particularly drugs, weapons and the smuggling of migrants. Chapter 3 looks at the relationship between crime and governance. It asks if organized crime is a transitory phase of state-building, or if there is a more deep-seated relationship between crime and politics in the Balkans that results in criminalized states. Montenegro is used as an illustrative case study. The dangerous nexus between crime and ethnicity is looked at in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Chapter 4 looks at responses of the international community to organized crime in the Balkans. Chapter 5 concludes by warning that the international community, particularly Western European institutions, should pay greater attention to the impact of organized crime in the Balkans. It also provides recommendations of what can be done to more effectively prevent and combat organized crime. This report illustrates that in the Balkans things are not always what they seem. When first looking through the hole of the kaleidoscope, certain shapes appear. Turn the kaleidoscope, and while some of the figures may be the same, the impression changes. Such is the Balkans: what might look like an ethnic conflict is actually a diversion from high-level bi-ethnic collusion. Someone who looks like a businessman one day may be a politician or a crook the next. With one quick twist, a calm image can fracture into myriad pieces. Friends may betray you, while enemies may assist you. This is the crooked kaleidoscope of organized crime in the Balkans.

Details: Geneva, SWIT: Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime, 2017. 44p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 30, 2017 at: https://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/OC_balkans.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: Europe

URL: https://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/OC_balkans.pdf

Shelf Number: 146952

Organized Crime
Political Corruption

Author: Gywat, Oliver

Title: Counterfeit Products: New risks in global value chains

Summary: Such profitability has seen counterfeiting expand from its traditional core markets of luxury goods and art in recent years. It is now present, for example, in the automotive, chemicals, consumer electronics, foods and beverages, agricultural products and pharmaceuticals industries. For businesses in these sectors, its presence causes concern over loss of revenue and reputation as well as loss of consumer trust. The purchase of a counterfeit product may seem like a good bargain, particularly as the fall-out from the 2008 financial crisis continues to constrain household budgets. Yet counterfeits pose real risks to consumers, whether or not they are aware that the product is a fake. For example, counterfeiters routinely ignore health and safety regulations, which results in many counterfeits being 'laced' with unsuitable, and often harmful, substances to cut production costs. Counterfeits also have negative consequences for workers, public finances and the environment. But the most worrying, and most widely underestimated, aspect of counterfeiting is the pace at which it is evolving. The impact of a globalized economy, digitalisation and investment by international organised crime groups is rapidly enhancing the production and organizational quality of counterfeiting. In many cases, this has led to anti counterfeiting technology being bypassed and elaborate initiatives - such as the establishment of an entire fake company - to pass products off as legitimate. Recent cases have shown that counterfeiters quickly adopt any new fabrication and packaging technologies that assist their illicit activities. In future this might include, for example, 3D printing and other advanced, computer-controlled manufacturing techniques, which in principle allows for the production of fake goods directly in the targeted markets, avoiding risky imports through customs. The increasing sophistication of counterfeiters means that their products are no longer limited to cheap imitations sold on the black market. Given new opportunities provided by globalisation and outsourcing, counterfeits are now infiltrating distribution chains, masquerading as authentic products to wholesalers and retailers. Counterfeits are also entering official supply chains as intermediate products, for example as parts of automobiles or aircraft. The difficulty for distributors and manufacturers in identifying fakes exposes them to liability claims where the offending products cause harm to consumers, costly product recalls and expensive lawsuits. To respond effectively to the threat posed by counterfeiting, governments, regulators and the private sector must work together. Regulation must be applied more consistently at a regional and global level and be cognizant of where loopholes may lie in order to close them. Governments must similarly address counterfeiting on a broader basis, with an emphasis on raising public awareness, protecting intellectual property (IP) rights and customs enforcement. Businesses must prioritize the fight against counterfeiting as a board level issue. They should look to increase their internal resilience around IP and supply chain management, and consider new technology to identify fakes. Greater understanding of a firm's market and customers will also be helpful in these efforts, as will collaboration with industry peers and authorities at a national and international level. Finally, companies should assess their insurance coverage to clarify the extent to which risks posed by counterfeits are covered. They can then take appropriate action, drawing upon the risk engineering and safety expertise of insurance providers where necessary.

Details: Zurich: Zurich Insurance Company, 2014. 36p.

Source: Internet Resource: Risk Nexus: Accessed August 31, 2017 at: https://www.zurich.com/_/media/dbe/corporate/knowledge/docs/risk-nexus-november-2014-counterfeit-products.pdf?la=en&hash=C99A131C66D6F711815CCA715C2C1EACC2D54255

Year: 2014

Country: International

URL: https://www.zurich.com/_/media/dbe/corporate/knowledge/docs/risk-nexus-november-2014-counterfeit-products.pdf?la=en&hash=C99A131C66D6F711815CCA715C2C1EACC2D54255

Shelf Number: 146960

Counterfeit Programs
Organized Crime
Supply Chains

Author: Nkoke, Christopher Sone

Title: Ivory Markets in Central Africa: Market Surveys in Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo and Gabon: 2007, 2009, 2014/2015

Summary: Weak governance, corruption and shifting trade dynamics are significant factors seriously undermining the control of ivory trafficking throughout five countries in Central Africa, according to a new TRAFFIC study launched today. Ivory Markets in Central Africa for investigations and analysis spanning a decade In the first comprehensive assessment of ivory trade in the region in nearly two decades, investigators from TRAFFIC visited major cities across Cameroon, Central African Republic (CAR), Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and Gabon in 2007, 2009 and 2014/2015. The investigators posed as buyers at known and newly identified ivory markets and workshops throughout the Congo Basin, interviewing everyone that they encountered connected to the ivory industry. In addition, discussions were held overtly with major stakeholders, including government officials in the five countries. The illegal and unregulated domestic ivory markets in (each of) the five Central African countries have been one of the main sources fuelling ivory trade in the region, as well as in West and Southern Africa and beyond (especially to Asia) in recent years. The report's findings show that open ivory markets in the region are disappearing, largely due to increased enforcement and competition with underground criminal networks. In its place, high-level corruption and poor governance are helping enable sophisticated international trade. Corruption, Collusion and Weak Political Pressure Current legislation prohibits domestic ivory trade in all countries except Cameroon. However, according to the report "there is a loose and ambiguous interpretation of the law in all countries, not only by the authorities in charge of enforcement, but also by many other actors...enforcement efforts are hampered by corruption, often involving high-level governmental officials, insufficient human and financial resources, mismanagement and weak political will." In DRC, one ivory trader interviewed claimed to have a relative in the army who supplied him with raw ivory. He also alleged that the main suppliers are government officials and, to some extent, UN peace keepers, who have the ability to move around the country frequently. Also in DRC, researchers recorded well-informed claims that the FARDC, the country's official army, was one of the main groups responsible for elephant poaching in Virunga National Park, with the ivory exported by the non-State "Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda" (FDLR) to whom the army would sell arms and military equipment. Open Ivory Markets Shifting Underground Throughout the multi-year investigation, market research showed that the region's open illegal ivory markets are disappearing or going underground, often in the face of increasing pressure from authorities conducting frequent law enforcement operations. TRAFFIC investigators recorded less than 1 kg of ivory products openly displayed in 2014/2015 within CAR, Congo, Gabon and Cameroon, compared to around 400 kg in 2007, and more than 900 kg in 1999 between all four countries. The one exception was the ivory market in Kinshasa, DRC, where over 400 kg of ivory products were recorded in 2015. DRC, however, has recently committed to stronger enforcement against the illegal ivory market in Kinshasa, a milestone which TRAFFIC and WWF supported last month. Carved ivory items were said to be bought by a mixture of African and non-African buyers: the former mainly acting as middlemen for foreign buyers. In 2014/2015 80% of foreign buyers were ethnic Asians, especially Chinese but also Malaysians and Vietnamese. In earlier studies, in 2007 and 2009, other nationalities were more regularly mentioned as buyers including French, Japanese, Koreans, Lebanese, Portuguese, Russians, Spaniards, and US Americans, according to the report. Rising International Criminal Networks "The generally positive news contained in this report about the decline of Central African ivory markets needs to be weighed against the fact that, throughout this sub-region, there are still many issues to be addressed and underlying trade dynamics may be shifting beyond local markets," according to Sone Nkoke of TRAFFIC and lead author of the report. common theme heard throughout the sub-region were allegations concerning Chinese citizens operating within organized criminal networks as key actors in the ivory trade. The sharp increase in raw ivory prices locally in recent years was ascribed to "high demand and limited supply owing to the shift to exportation through transnational ivory networks and syndicates with greater financial resources." The study found that "ivory trade in the region is shifting from an open domestic retail trade of worked ivory to underground transactions with a focus on the export of raw ivory to foreign markets, especially China." Among other key issues identified was the lack of robust and transparent mechanisms in place to ensure effective management of stockpiles in all the target countries. In Kinshasa, DRC, the investigators found raw tusks and worked ivory pieces in unsecured government offices - signalling a high potential for leakage into the local market. In Bangui, Central African Republic, the investigators were unable to perform a stockpile survey in 2015 as the storage facility had been looted by rebels. "Real concerted efforts are needed to address the serious decline in elephant populations throughout Central Africa: this is no longer just a wildlife issue, but an ecological disaster strongly driven by highly-organized crime syndicates. Criminals involved in international ivory trade are regularly exploiting weak State governance, and official collusion, confusion and corruption," said Sone Nkoke. "Clearly Central African countries face significant governance and enforcement challenges in regulating elephant poaching and ivory trafficking. They urgently need to ramp up their efforts to implement a range of commitments that they have made at multiple international fora over the last ten years," said Paulinus Ngeh, Director of the TRAFFIC Central Africa Regional Office. "Such efforts will need to be continuously and transparently monitored for quality and action." Central African States have pledged commitments to stop elephant poaching and illegal ivory trade under CITES, the African Union Common Wildlife Strategy, and other regional strategies, as well as under the United Nations fora on combatting corruption. Follow-through on these commitments is crucial to sustain wildlife in the region.

Details: Yaounde, Cameroon and Cambridge, UK: TRAFFIC, 2017. 116p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 9, 2017 at: http://www.traffic.org/home/2017/9/7/new-traffic-study-lifts-lid-on-central-africa-ivory-markets.html

Year: 2017

Country: Africa

URL: http://www.traffic.org/home/2017/9/7/new-traffic-study-lifts-lid-on-central-africa-ivory-markets.html

Shelf Number: 147176

Animal Poaching
Illegal Markets
Illegal Trade
Illegal Wildlife Trade
Organized Crime
Political Corruption
Trafficking in Wildlife
Wildlife Crime

Author: Gastelum Felix, Siria

Title: Resilience in Sinaloa: Community Responses to Organized Crime

Summary: The term resilience has started to sound like a cliche. The concept has become a popular buzzword in development discourses over the last decade, but in the international global policy fora, resilience remains a loosely defined conceptual approach. The empirical ambiguity of the concept, its incipient implementation as well as its rising popularity can make resilience susceptible to becoming another empty rhetorical promise in development brochures. However, the resilience approach to development has the potential to show us new modes of learning about the ways we organize ourselves into more effective networks to achieve common goals and overcome disruptions. This report is the first of a series of evidence-based research in Sinaloa, Mexico on community resilience and organized crime supported by the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime (GI) as part of the #GIresilience Project. The Resilience Series, as it is formally known seek to provide substantial knowledge and data on building community resilience in the context of organized crime to the ongoing multi-stakeholder dialogue in the international global development policy fora. Drug wars, illicit economies, and weak governance have marred Sinaloa for decades, along with countless failed security policies. In the last thirty years, the state became the base of one of the largest transnational drug-trafficking networks in the world: the Sinaloa Cartel. As the power of the Sinaloa DTO increased, the influence of organized crime became prominent in citizen's daily lives. The Sinaloa Federation became a separate power structure effectively challenging and overpowering legitimate state institutions. Against this tumultuous background, extraordinary civic responses to the effects of organized crime have been taking place at the community level. These responses are effectively non-violent and demonstrate great capacities of resilience at the grassroots where violence and violations are intensified. Our intention is to bring these perspectives and resilient actors into the global policy dialogue on organized crime and development, to discuss alternatives to the traditional security-driven responses. The ultimate aim of the #GIresilience Project is to create a global network of resilient communities to counter and mitigate the effects of criminal networks. This involves a) highlighting the courageous and inspiring work done under the most arduous circumstances, and b) incubating and developing resilience-based initiatives that can protect, enable and empower citizens who have taken and continue to take a stand against organized crime. By tapping into these communities' own sources of resilience, we can build sustainable responses to organized crime and develop their capacity to thrive.

Details: Geneva, SWIT: Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime, 2017. 40p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 12, 2017 at: https://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Resilience-in-Sinaloa-community-responses-to-OC.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: Mexico

URL: https://globalinitiative.net/resilience-in-sinaloa/

Shelf Number: 147222

Drug Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: Schneider, Friedrich

Title: Restricting or Abolishing Cash: An Effective Instrument for Fighting the Shadow Economy, Crime and Terrorism?

Summary: This paper has four goals: First, the use of cash as a possible driving factor of the shadow economy is investigated. Second, the use of cash in crime, here especially in corruption, is also econometrically investigated. The influence is somewhat larger than on the shadow economy, but it is certainly not a decisive factor for bribery activities. Some figures about organized crime are also shown; the importance of cash is diminishing. Third, some remarks about terrorism are made and here a cash limit doesn't prevent terrorism. Fourth, some remarks are made about the restriction or abolishment of cash on civil liberties, with the result that this will extremely limit them. The conclusion of this paper is that cash has a minor influence on the shadow economy, crime and terrorism, but potentially a major influence on civil liberties.

Details: Paper presented at International Cash Conference 2017 - War on Cash: Is there a Future for Cash? 25 - 27 April 2017, Island of Mainau, Germany. 39p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 13, 2017 at: https://www.econstor.eu/bitstream/10419/162914/1/Schneider.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: International

URL: https://www.econstor.eu/bitstream/10419/162914/1/Schneider.pdf

Shelf Number: 147226

Civil Liberties
Financial Crimes
Money Laundering
Organized Crime
Proceeds of Crime
Shadow Economy
Terrorist Financing

Author: National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion

Title: Preventing and Reducing Illicit Tobacco Trade in the United States

Summary: Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable disease and death in the United States, and results in more than 480,000 premature deaths and nearly $300 billion in direct health care expenditures and productivity losses annually (US Department of Health and Human Services, 2014). Comprehensive tobacco control strategies include higher pricing, smoke-free policies, mass media campaigns, barrier-free access to cessation tools, and state and community programs to reduce the prevalence of tobacco use. Increasing the price of tobacco products is one of the most effective means of preventing tobacco use, particularly among price-sensitive populations, such as youth (Chaloupka et al., 2012). Illicit tobacco trade (illicit trade) can undermine the effectiveness of raising tobacco prices by increasing the accessibility and affordability of tobacco products (Joossens and Raw, 2012). An estimated 8% to 21% of the approximately 264 billion (in 2014) (Maxwell, 2015) cigarettes consumed in the United States avoid or evade taxes, which equates to $2.95 billion to $6.92 billion in lost local and state revenues annually (National Research Council [NRC] and Institute of Medicine [IOM], 2015). Globally, the illicit tobacco market is dominated by smuggling across international borders. However, in the United States, illicit trade primarily occurs when cigarettes are bought in jurisdictions with lower or no excise taxes for individual consumption (tax avoidance) or bought in low-tax jurisdictions and resold in high-tax jurisdictions, often through larger, organized crime efforts (tax evasion)

Details: Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2015. 48p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 13, 2017 at: https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/stateandcommunity/pdfs/illicit-trade-report-121815-508tagged.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: United States

URL: https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/stateandcommunity/pdfs/illicit-trade-report-121815-508tagged.pdf

Shelf Number: 147238

Illegal Tobacco
Illicit Tobacco Trade
Organized Crime
Tax Evasion

Author: Bouche, Vanessa

Title: An Empirical Analysis of the Intersection of Organized Crime and Human Trafficking in the United States

Summary: The purpose of this research is threefold: 1) to examine the extent to which human trafficking in the United States is perpetrated by organized criminal groups; 2) to better understand the groups, individuals, and operations of the organized crime groups engaged in human trafficking; and 3) to make available the full corpus of federally prosecuted human trafficking cases in a dynamic, open-source, searchable online database at HumanTraffickingData.org. BACKGROUND & RESEARCH QUESTIONS Since at least 2000, when the United Nations adopted the Palermo protocols, scholars have espoused the idea that transnational organized crime is behind global trafficking in persons. However, a lack of empirical testing led to criticism of the claim that human trafficking is an organized crime issue. The aim of this research is to fill that empirical gap by answering the following questions: 1) To what extent is human trafficking in the United States perpetrated by organized crime groups? 2) What types of organized crime groups are engaged in human trafficking in the United States? 3) Who are the individuals that comprise the organized crime groups engaged in human trafficking in the United States? 4) Where do these organized crime groups operate? 5) How do these organized crime groups operate?

Details: Fort Worth, TX: Texas Christian University, Department of Political Science, 2017. 128p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 16, 2017 at: https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/250955.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: United States

URL: https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/250955.pdf

Shelf Number: 147355

Human Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: McLain, Andrea

Title: Organized Group Activity in Insurance Fraud: 2008-June 2012

Summary: According to NICB, organized crime group generate millions of dollars annually through fraudulent insurance schemes within the US. NICB defines organized crime groups as "any specific group made up of entities and/or individuals who systematically and repeatedly conduct pre-planned activities for the purpose of generating fraudulent insurance schemes". In this NICB ForeCAST Report, a quantitative analysis of organized crime in insurance fraud was conducted with the use of the Organized Group/Ring Activity (OGA) Referral Reason. When NICB member companies refer claims to the NICB Questionable Claims, the submission may include up to 7 Referral Reasons. As the OGA Referral Reason is an indicator of the possible involvement of organized crime in insurance fraud, all Questionable Claims (QCs) that were referred between 2008 and June 30, 2012, regardless of Date of Loss (DOL), with OGA as any one of the seven potential Referral Reasons were pulled from ISO ClaimSearch. Results in which almost all fields were left blank were removed from this study. It is important to also note that ISO ClaimSearch is a multifaceted database where different insurance companies are continually inputting new information. Standards, procedures, or practices relating to the identification of fraud, the selection of referral reasons, and the submission of QCs in ISO ClaimSearch may not be completely uniform between NICB member companies. This ForeCAST is organized into 2 sections: "The Scope of the Problem" and "Insurance Classifications". "The Scope of the Problem" includes analyses of OGA QCs by: Year, Month, Loss State, and Loss City. "Insurance Classifications" discuss the descriptive fields pertaining to insurance lines of business. Sections under "Insurance Classifications" include analysis of OGA QCs by: Policy Type, Loss Type, and OGA QC additional Referral Reasons. Throughout a majority of the tables, figures, and analyses of this report, totals are calculated from 2008 through June 2012 and appear in "Red", all percentage changes are calculated from 2008 through 2011 (unless specified otherwise) and appear in "Blue", and all information regarding the first half of 2012 is followed by an asterisk as a reminder that it is incomplete data. Also, all percents were rounded to the nearest whole number. Exactly 13,014 QCs were identified with the OGA referral reason in ISO ClaimSearch from 2008 through June 2012. In summary, the analysis of OGA QC referral submissions from 2008 through June 2012 yielded the following results: The number of OGA QC referrals per referral year has increased by 47% from 2008 to 2011, and is likely to continue on par from 2011 to 2012 despite a decrease from 2010 to 2011. OGA QCs were referred at a rate of 8 per day. Florida was the state with both the most OGA QC referral submissions by volume and the highest rate of OGA QCs per 100,000 persons. Notably, the city with the most OGA QCs was Los Angeles, CA, followed by New York, NY. The vast majority of OGA QCs were referred on personal automobile policies where the loss involved bodily injury, personal injury protection, or collision. Lastly, the Referral Reason that was selected in combination with the OGA referral reason most often was Staged/Caused Accident.

Details: Des Plaines, IL: National Insurance Crime Bureau, 2012. 11p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 19, 2017 at: https://www.nicb.org/newsroom/news-releases/organized-crime-and-insurance-fraud

Year: 2012

Country: United States

URL: https://www.nicb.org/newsroom/news-releases/organized-crime-and-insurance-fraud

Shelf Number: 147391

Insurance Fraud
Organized Crime
White-Collar Crime

Author: Gestel, B. van

Title: Exploratory study into contract killings by organized crime groups

Summary: The Netherlands has seen a series of violent contract killings by organised crime groups in recent years. While contract killings are by no means new to the Netherlands (with around twenty to thirty cases a year over the last few decades), there is reason to believe that the nature of the killings has changed. Insight into the phenomenon itself and any changes that it may have gone through, however, is currently fragmented, and the policy department of the Ministry of Security and Justice expressed the need for an overview of the available knowledge. The Research and Documentation Centre (Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek- en Documentatiecentrum, WODC) was asked to perform an exploratory study into the subject. As such, we have taken stock of what knowledge is available on the subject on the 'shop floor' - among police-officers and public prosecutors - who are charged with investigation and prosecution of contract killings and, in that capacity, have accrued knowledge on the subject. This report sets out the results of that exploration..

Details: The Hague: WODC (Research and Documentation Centre, Minister of Security and Justice), 2017. 3 p. (English Summary)

Source: Internet Resource: Cahiers 2027-07: Accessed Septemer 25, 2017 at: https://english.wodc.nl/binaries/Cahier%202017-7_2624_Summary_tcm29-263765.pdf (Full text only available in Dutch)

Year: 2017

Country: Netherlands

URL: https://english.wodc.nl/binaries/Cahier%202017-7_2624_Summary_tcm29-263765.pdf

Shelf Number: 147439

Contract Killings
Organized Crime

Author: Aucoin, Ciara

Title: Guns, poison and horns: Organised wildlife crime in Southern Africa

Summary: The incident monitoring component of the new ENACT project is an effort to systematically record instances of transnational organised crime in Africa to strengthen the evidence base of the scale and impact of the phenomenon. The pilot phase of the study focused on the topic of wildlife crime, and covered 10 countries in Southern Africa between 2000 and 2016. Information was collected on 27 different variables including crime type, location, date, species involved and state responses. Key points - The ENACT incident monitoring pilot used media monitoring to track reported incidents of organised wildlife crime in the southern region of Africa between 2000 and 2016. - Since 2010, the number of wildlife crimes in the region has nearly tripled. - Incidents are dominated by poaching, trafficking and transnational trade in rhino horn, ivory, abalone, big cat parts and pelts (in descending order). - Based on review of the pilot, modifications were made to the methodology for the next phases. - Media monitoring and in-depth qualitative research must be used in tandem (with supplemental techniques where possible) to gather a more robust sense of the scale, scope, structure and operation of organised crime in Africa.

Details: Pretoria: ENACT Project, 2017. 16p.

Source: Internet Resource: Research Paper, Issue 01: Accessed September 26, 2017 at: https://enact-africa.s3.amazonaws.com/site/uploads/enact-paper1.pdf

Year: 147463

Country: Africa

URL: https://enact-africa.s3.amazonaws.com/site/uploads/enact-paper1.pdf

Shelf Number: 147463

Animal Poaching
Organized Crime
Wildlife Crime

Author: Shaw, Mark

Title: Africa's Changing Place in the Global Criminal Economy

Summary: Africa's role in the global criminal economy is shifting. This is a function of several factors, including changes in African and global illicit markets, as well as the kinds of vulnerabilities that have marked the continent's recent history. This shift has happened in a fairly short space of time - notably over the last two decades. Tracking this change is challenging, however. Data is scarce given that research on how Africa is connected to the global criminal economy is but in its infancy. But if the detrimental effects on Africa caused by global illicit markets and organised crime could be efficiently captured and measured - in terms of lost lives and lost livelihoods, poor governance, conflict, the obliteration of natural resources (such as rare animal species) - then the cumulative damage would no doubt be clearer for all to see. The results would highlight the need for a sustained focus to address the challenge. But, even with the fragmentary data that we do have, there can be little doubt that organised crime has emerged as a key feature of the African policy debate in recent years. Its impact is widespread and growing, yet it is little understood. The rising influence of criminal networks is part of a wider realignment of the international system, to which Africa belongs. An array of networks - commercial, social, political and criminal - now stand alongside traditional forms of statehood.1 Disentangling these interwoven networks and understanding how the criminal economy in particular, shapes governance and distorts development must now be key objectives for analysts of African affairs. References to criminal influence and 'shadow economies' are now pervasive in much of the recent writing on Africa, but there have been few attempts to consider these phenomena in their own right. Several analysts have observed that, far from isolating Africa from the global economy, illicit markets are integrating the continent in a significant way - even if only into the perverse underside of globalisation. Criminal markets, for example, have revitalised ancient African trade and pilgrimage routes that connect the continent to the Mediterranean and the Middle East. In patterns that are both old and new, Africa is becoming more enmeshed in a global web of illicit economic networks. Today, the continent is regularly featured in media reports on worldwide criminal markets and organised crime. Such coverage often focuses on what might be called organised corruption; the so-called 'migrant crisis' enabled by human smuggling from North Africa and the Sahel; or the poaching of animal species, such as rhinos and elephants in Southern Africa; the growth of different types of financial fraud; or the illegal trade in commodities or drugs across the continent. Indeed, one of the marked features of Africa's criminal economy is its diversity. How do we analyse the recent growth of these illicit markets and the organised-crime networks associated with them in Africa? And how do we understand and measure their impact on indicators such as governance, economic development, poverty reduction, human security and quality of life? What impact do they have on Africa's long-standing (and increasing) conflicts and on violence? And how can we do so in a way that is useful across the plethora of criminal challenges Africa now faces? These are the challenges that the ENACT project aims to address. The objective of ENACT is to enrich the foundation of the evidence basis on organised crime and its activities across the continent through research, qualitative and quantitative data gathering, multi-sectoral policy engagement, awareness raising and advocacy. But at the outset of this project, it is clear that the way in which organised crime in Africa has evolved cannot be understood without understanding wider trends in the global criminal economy. That is the focus of this report.

Details: Pretoria: ENACT, 2017. 44p.

Source: Internet Resource: Continental Report 01: Accessed September 27, 2017 at: https://enact-africa.s3.amazonaws.com/site/uploads/2017-09-26-enact-continental-report1.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: Africa

URL: https://enact-africa.s3.amazonaws.com/site/uploads/2017-09-26-enact-continental-report1.pdf

Shelf Number: 147471

Criminal Markets
Criminal Networks
Economics of Crime
Illegal trade
Illicit Markets
Organized Crime

Author: Burnett, Kim

Title: Memoranda of understanding and the administration of anti-organized crime integrated units

Summary: Previous research has underscored the importance of having a memorandum of understanding (MOU) in place at the establishment of an anti-organized crime integrated unit because of the liabilities and risks that can be involved, as well as to help maximize the effectiveness and efficiency of the unit. Unfortunately, finalizing an MOU can take considerable time as partners and their respective legal departments work through the process of finding terms acceptable to all parties. As a result, integrated units are often operational for a significant amount of time prior to the finalization and endorsement of an MOU. The purpose of the present study is to identify best practices and areas for improvement in processes surrounding the creation and endorsement of MOUs through interviews with front line police officers and other persons involved in the process. To that end, 17 semi-structured interviews were conducted over the telephone, including 11 with members of anti-organized crime integrated units, 6 with respondents who worked in an MOU coordination unit or in a similar role, and two with legal counsel. The interviews were recorded, transcribed, and analysed using thematic analysis methods. Compared to other police work undertaken to combat organized crime, the drafting of an MOU is not seen as a priority, and key persons involved in the drafting and review process suggested that it should not be a priority. Dedicating resources to form new MOU units or to compensate legal services for the review of MOUs during an economically difficult time may not be the best use of limited police budgets. Instead, mutually developed training and more hands-on project management could ameliorate some of the delays experienced in the drafting and review of MOUs. An online course that MOU drafters could attend at a time and place convenient for them and useful for their integrated unit is suggested as the best approach. Assigning a person who works in an administrative capacity as responsible for drafting and ushering the MOU through the review process, including setting deadlines for feedback and following up when those deadlines are not met, could expedite the delays currently experienced in the MOU process. Police forces that do not have MOU templates could use existing MOU templates as a starting point to create their own template (particularly if the recommendation with respect to legal services is adopted). Where there are competing MOU templates, the integrated unit could either defer to the lead agency's MOU template or to whichever MOU template has the most strict requirements, as consolidating MOU requirements takes considerable time, which may not reflect the risk associated with deferring to one standard or the other. Many respondents indicated that the MOU consultation process is overly burdensome. It may be useful to create a checklist that drafters could use to ensure their MOU is in line with departmental policies (of the lead agency or the agency with the most exacting requirements). Although the determination of whether an MOU is in conflict with other previously signed MOUs is useful for consistency, it may not be necessary if the MOU is in line with policy, particularly if this step significantly contributes to the delays in reviewing the MOU. With respect to the involvement of financial services, MOU drafters could foster a better working relationship with financial services personnel, which could be accomplished through short phone calls or, where possible, in-person meetings

Details: Ottawa: Public Safety Canada, 2012. 70p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 28, 2017 at: http://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2013/sp-ps/PS14-8-2012-eng.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Canada

URL: http://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2013/sp-ps/PS14-8-2012-eng.pdf

Shelf Number: 131397

Organized Crime

Author: Moneron, Sade

Title: Pendants, Powder and Pathways: A Rapid Assessment of Smuggling Routes and Techniques Used in the Illicit Trade in African Rhino Horn

Summary: Facilitated by highly adaptive transnational criminal networks, the global illegal trade in African rhino horn is driven by seemingly insatiable consumer demand in Asia. This assessment reveals worrying new evidence that entrenched criminal syndicates of Chinese origin, operating in South Africa, have begun manufacturing bracelets and beads, cutting horn into rough "disks" and packaging off-cuts and rhino horn powder locally to facilitate smuggling efforts, evade detection at airports and supply readymade products to consumers in Asia. Should these methods become more widespread, it is likely to significantly heighten the law enforcement challenge in Africa and along the trade chain to Asia. In addition, there is growing evidence that fraudsters are exploiting the demand for rhino horn to produce and sell bovine fakes to gullible consumers. Trade in fakes-which include beads and bracelets-will further complicate the ability of law enforcement agencies to detect and intercept rhino horn products. This report, which draws on 456 records in TRAFFIC's global database of wildlife seizures (TRAFFIC's database), covering the period 2010 to June 2017, also examines the complex and dynamic smuggling routes used by networks ferrying their contraband from Africa to Asia, identifies key hotspots and presents an overview of smuggling methods employed by rhino horn traffickers. The assessment aims to deepen understanding of smuggling techniques and the highly adaptive routes that facilitate the movement of African rhino horn along the illicit rhino horn supply chain. Based on the evidence gathered for this assessment and analyses of known smuggling routes, the report's recommendations call for improved co-operation between law enforcement agencies at local, national, regional and international levels; heightened anti-corruption measures; targeted investigations to disrupt transnational criminal networks; increased follow-up action to seizures that lead to arrests and successful prosecutions of perpetrators; and improved data collection and information sharing on seizures and methods of concealment.

Details: Pretoria: TRAFFIC, East/Southern Africa, 2017. 30p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 29, 2017 at: https://c402277.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.com/publications/1094/files/original/TRAFFIC_Pendants_Powder_and_Pathways-FULL-REPORT.pdf?1505834688

Year: 2017

Country: Africa

URL: https://c402277.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.com/publications/1094/files/original/TRAFFIC_Pendants_Powder_and_Pathways-FULL-REPORT.pdf?1505834688

Shelf Number: 147494

Criminal Networks
Illegal Trade
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Wildlife
Wildlife Conservation
Wildlife Crime

Author: Harris, Kirsten

Title: An Exploratory Study of Congolese "Bouncers" in Cape Town: constructing masculine identities in liminal spaces

Summary: The intended purpose of the following thesis was to explore and attempt to understand how Congolese Bouncers, specifically in Cape Town, construct their own masculine identities in liminal spaces. This exploration entailed examining the complexities and connections between immigrants, immigrant bouncers and masculine identities; within those areas, encompassing a multitude of periphery factors. The literature reviewed for this thesis then encompassed research on immigrants in South Africa, masculinities and masculine identities, bouncers, and illegal substances; individually as well as the correlations between and amongst the different areas. Thus, the following thesis consists of five chapters, with three, identified, key themes set out in individual chapters. A Foucauldian framework was used as a means of synthesising the often divergent areas of thought, as, at their core, they share concerns with knowledge, power, violence (in various forms) and identity. In the attempt to understand the subjective experiences and realities of these Congolese bouncers, the methodology employed for the collection of data was entirely qualitative in nature; specifically, that of phenomenological research. This method was situated within the (social) constructivist paradigm, used to guide the researcher in understanding "a phenomenon from the perspective of those experiencing it" (Constantino, 2008:119); using participant observation and interviewing as the primary forms of data collection. Upon listening to the individual "stories" and lived realities of the research participants, one of the key understandings in the conclusion of this thesis is that the "immigrant bouncer", in a South African context, exists in different realities. His identity, and more specifically his construction of masculinity, is divided by necessity between day and night. An identity that is constantly shifted and adapted to unfixed social structures. Through this research the hope is to create space for an alternative discussion which disrupts current conceptions around both immigrants and bouncers.

Details: Cape Town: University of Cape Town, 2017. 95p.

Source: Internet Resource: Dissertation: Accessed November 2, 2017 at: https://open.uct.ac.za/handle/11427/24895

Year: 2017

Country: South Africa

URL: https://open.uct.ac.za/handle/11427/24895

Shelf Number: 147961

Alcohol-Related Crime, Disorder
Organized Crime

Author: Eastern and Southern Africa Anti-Money Laundering Group - ESAAMLG

Title: A Special Typologies Project Report on Poaching, Illegal Trade in Wildlife and Wildlife Products and Associated Money Laundering in the ESAAMLG Region

Summary: 1. The majority of ESAAMLG member countries have vast resources in wildlife, which during the last few years have seen unprecedented targeting by both individuals and syndicates involved in poaching and other illegal wildlife activities. This typology project focused on poaching and illegal trade in wildlife and wildlife products and associated money laundering in the ESAAMLG Region. 2. Illicit wildlife trafficking is one of the most lucrative types of transnational organized crime today, with annual revenues estimated to be between USD 7.8 billion and USD 10 billion per year1 (excluding fisheries and timber). These illegal proceeds are suspected to be laundered into the financial systems worldwide. 3. Common to wildlife poaching is its localized and cross-border phenomenon which is often orchestrated by well organised, sophisticated and at times heavily armed poachers. The cross border nature of poaching puts the illegal activity beyond the capacities of most governments in the Region. Poaching invariably transcends into illegal wildlife trade which has been associated with well organised crime groups which through the unlawful trade and complex laundering means of the proceeds have amassed a lot of resources. The resources include immediate large amounts of disposable cash, modern technology and established corrupt transportation routes. 4. The Independent newspaper, a daily publication in Britain, reported on 6 February 2014 that the dangerous criminal networks that run the global wildlife trade have been allowed to persist and prosper as a result of "chronic government failures" to treat them seriously. The report further states that the industry (dealing in illegal wildlife business) is the world's fourth biggest illegal trade after narcotics, human trafficking and counterfeiting. Feedback from regional wildlife NGOs (using former Police officers as consultants), indicated that the criminal networks involved in smuggling drugs, humans, extra are almost always the same networks involved in smuggling wildlife products. This is because they already have an established "network" - and the wildlife product is just a different product. 5. The ESAAMLG region, given its vast resources in wildlife is uniquely placed to study and uncover the illegal trends in this industry, in an effort to assist governments of its member states and other stakeholders in setting up an informed policy framework on wildlife resources. 6. The findings in this report also confirms that despite arresting traffickers and seizing illegal wildlife products, law enforcement have failed to arrest or convict, let alone confiscate/forfeit illegally acquired assets by the criminal masterminds wreaking havoc in this area across Africa. A report by the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA), which has been investigating illegal wildlife trade for more than three decades states; "Despite record seizures of illegal ivory, not a single criminal kingpin involved in the international illegal trade of ivory has been prosecuted and convicted to date. That is a damning indictment. With less than 3,500 wild tigers left, elephant numbers plummeting and rhinos under attack again, we need to get it right,". 7. Azzedine Downes, a researcher on wildlife poaching, in an article titled; "When it comes to poaching, hate the crime not the criminal", highlights factors contributing to wildlife poaching being: the amounts of money generated, low risk of arrest, lenient penalties, killing and thefts done quickly, inexpensive and little social stigma associated with the crime (compared to other crimes such as murder, robbery, kidnapping, etc). The ESAAMLG Region, through this study found indications which may support the above factors as contributing to the ever increasing incidences of wildlife poaching and associated wildlife illegal trade in the region. 8. The ramifications of poaching and other wildlife crimes and illegal trade are horrendous. ESAAMLG member countries' future generations stand the possible risk of not seeing the wonderful wildlife which the Region has been naturally enriched with. This study found that cultural beliefs which do not have their origin in the ESAAMLG Region and the huge financial benefits derived from wildlife illegal trade and their successful laundering could be some of the factors fuelling poaching of wildlife in the Region. In summary the study, among other things, presents indications, trends and typologies to help understand how these crimes are organised, identify the players, proceeds generated and their movement with specific attention being paid to the laundering trends of the illegal proceeds. Ultimately the study is intended to influence policy change by the ESAAMLG member countries in their approach to combatting illegal wildlife activities and mitigate the gaps in combating wildlife crimes and laundering of the generated illegal proceeds. 9. The project was approved by the ESAAMLG Council of Ministers at its meeting in Luanda, Angola, in September 2014. The project team consisted of Mozambique, Zambia, Kenya, Tanzania, Botswana, Zimbabwe, South Africa and Namibia. Namibia was the project chair. C. Executive summary 10. This typology report primarily looks at the poaching, trafficking and the proceeds thereof (illegal trade), in the ESAAMLG member countries and Africa as a secondary part of the scope. Given the significant demand for wildlife and wildlife products harvested in member countries, it is clear that there are significant financial flows associated with these crimes. Such financial flows constitute proceeds of crime, and thus fall within the ambit of money laundering, and to a certain extend these financial flows may in one way or the other be used to support terrorist financing activities in Central Africa. 11. The major finding is that wildlife crimes, particularly rhino and elephant poaching are escalating at alarming levels, with extinction being a reality. The study further found that a number of vulnerabilities in wildlife crime combatting frameworks across the various member countries are exploited by syndicates committing these crimes. The most common shortcoming highlighted by member countries as a hindrance to adequate and effective combative efforts is the general lack of resources for the various wildlife crime combative stakeholders aided by corrupt public officials. 12. The report aims to provide an overview on the: - Predicate offences of wildlife crimes; - Syndicates and persons committing these crimes and their methods of operation; - Notable trends and typologies in the flow of finances related to these crimes; - Notable preventative measures in place to mitigate these wildlife crimes and related financial flows; - Areas within combative and intelligence frameworks that may need improvement;  Destination countries (regions) of poached wildlife products. 13. The study found that there is a growing demand for wildlife and wildlife products mostly in the Asian countries and U.S.A. In an effort to supply this demand, it came to the fore that organized transnational criminal syndicates have created networks that facilitate the execution of poaching and related wildlife crime activities and the trafficking of wildlife and wildlife products from mainly African countries to consumer destinations in Asia and U.S.A. These networks involve recruitment of locals who are in the ESAAMLG region into poaching activities for minimal financial rewards, the bribing of authorities at crucial points of entry and exits such as border posts and airports to help facilitate the smuggling of wildlife and wildlife products, ultimately compromising the border security. 14. It is however worth noting that despite the case studies indicating a lucrative business with significant financial gains in trading wildlife products such as ivory, almost all ESAAMLG member countries could not provide details on financial flows such as methods and techniques used to fund poaching activities in cases investigated. This is compounded by the fact that most ESAAMLG member countries' economies are predominantly cash based. Additionally, the study could not obtain data and information related to methods used to pay for the wildlife and wildlife products by end users and/or kingpins of the organized criminal syndicates, in the consumer countries. This lack of information in itself may explain why authorities in member countries did not paint successful wildlife crime combatting efforts as per information requested for this study. 15. The study equally found that the FIUs in member countries are hardly involved in investigative operations (tactically or strategically) concerning wildlife crimes. Apart from South Africa, LEAs in other member countries such as the police and the various environmental authorities do not have engagements through formal MoUs with the resident FIUs, let alone foreign FIUs, in an effort to coordinate and benefit from the strengths of one another. It goes without saying that despite the transnational nature of wildlife crimes, countries generally reported poor international cooperation as an area of concern in the combatting of wildlife crimes. 16. The study equally reviewed counter wildlife trafficking efforts in Asian countries, as destinations of wildlife and wildlife products. It is worth noting that information requested from most of the countries identified as the largest consumers of illegal wildlife products harvested from ESAAMLG member countries has to date not been provided by the relevant authorities in those countries. In two of the countries where wildlife and wildlife products from ESAAMLG member countries are consumed, it was surprising to find that these countries have only criminalised possession of wildlife and wildlife products, if same is originating from within their jurisdictions. This means, in these countries, being found in possession of wildlife and wildlife products from Africa is not a criminal offence. 17. Despite the various counter wildlife trafficking laws in most Asian countries advocating for investigative authorities to liaise with and involve the countries of origin of the wildlife and wildlife products seized or found in their jurisdictions, there were hardly any cases provided by such jurisdictions to show if this is indeed happening. In almost all cases provided for this study, by Asian countries, the wildlife crime investigations do not engage with relevant African authorities and the seized wildlife products such as rhino horns and elephant tusks are destroyed, if not reserved for local state museums. These factors may point a need to strengthen international cooperation, with the aim of enhancing combative efforts both locally and in consumer jurisdictions.

Details: Dar es Salaam - United Republic of Tanzania: ESAAMLG Typologies Working Group, 2016. 131p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 8, 2017 at: https://www.esaamlg.org/userfiles/Typologies%20Report%20on%20the%20Wildlife%20Crimes%20and%20Related%20ML.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Africa

URL: https://www.esaamlg.org/userfiles/Typologies%20Report%20on%20the%20Wildlife%20Crimes%20and%20Related%20ML.pdf

Shelf Number: 148054

Animal Poaching
Illegal Wildlife Trade
Money Laundering
Organized Crime
Terrorist Financing
Trafficking in Wildlife
Wildlife Crime
Wildlife Trafficking

Author: Hale, Gary J.

Title: Vigilantism in Mexico: A New Phase in Mexico's Security Crisis

Summary: The violent struggle between rival Mexican drug cartels and other criminal groups has left tens of thousands dead and towns across Mexico paralyzed with fear. With overwhelmed police forces relatively powerless to control drug-related murders and kidnappings, a growing number of vigilante organizations, or self-defense groups, aim to restore order-but now even they are fighting, and killing, among themselves. The rise of these vigilantes is yet another test for the Mexican government. Will people continue to take security matters into their own hands? How long will they operate as independent security units? In Michoacan, what started as a cooperative agreement between self-defense groups and the federal government has become a tug-of-war over which group will ultimately provide security in Western Mexico. In one incident, police in March 2014 found two charred bodies-believed to be members of a self-defense group-in the back of a pickup truck. Days later, Mexican federal police arrested Hipolito Mora, leader of a prominent, rival self-defense group.1 Internecine fighting among the vigilante groups only means trouble for their future- and the government that deputized them as armed, rural defense forces.

Details: Baker Institute, Rice University, 2014. 4p.

Source: Internet Resource: Issue Brief 04.18.14: Accessed November 16, 2017 at: https://www.bakerinstitute.org/media/files/Research/3e645892/BI-Brief-041814-Vigilantism.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Mexico

URL: https://www.bakerinstitute.org/media/files/Research/3e645892/BI-Brief-041814-Vigilantism.pdf

Shelf Number: 148201

Organized Crime

Author: B.C. Task Force on Illegal Firearms

Title: Illegal Firearms Task Force: Final Report

Summary: British Columbia continues to experience troubling and highly dangerous incidents of firearms violence that have resulted in numerous deaths and injuries. Highly public and brazen acts, often linked to organized crime and gangs, place innocent members of the public at risk, create fear, hardship and tragedy for the individuals and communities affected, and impose substantial burdens on public resources. The Government of B.C., in an enhanced provincial strategy to combat guns and gangs, convened an Illegal Firearms Task Force to make recommendations for action to the B.C. Minister of Public Safety & Solicitor General. The Task Force, consisting of provincial experts with a wide range of experience in managing illegal firearms and organized crime, reviewed and analyzed the existing published research, interviewed numerous individuals and organizations, and conducted community consultations around B.C. It reviewed the information presented and developed recommendations addressing both specific issues that had been identified and broad strategic approaches. Four themes - The recommendations fall into four themes: Theme #1: Strategic Approaches Coordinating and focussing the efforts of the diverse agencies that work to reduce crime and enhance public safety will ensure the most effective use of resources and the greatest impact in limiting the availability and use of illegal firearms. Action categories include: - An illegal firearms-focussed approach - Alignment of existing and enhanced resources in order to improve outcomes relative to illegal firearms trafficking, their availability to criminals and the manner in which they are used by organized crime - Road safety and illegal firearms - Road safety initiatives to reduce the incidence of illegal firearms possession in motor vehicles and the concurrent use of illegal firearms and motor vehicles to carry out organized crime violence - Provincial Tactical Enforcement Priority - Leveraging the innovative and unique capabilities of the Provincial Tactical Enforcement Priority model to maximize intelligence, disruption and enforcement of illegal firearms traffickers and the targeting of those who use firearms to support violent organized crime activity - Firearms tracing hub and labs - The enhanced and timely analysis of all recovered firearms and the determination of their potential association with crime to provide investigative information and strategic intelligence - Alignment of law enforcement policy - The alignment and modernization of law enforcement policy with the education of law enforcement officers and Crown prosecutors to realize strategic objectives related to illegal firearms trafficking and the use of illegal firearms in violent crimes - "Bar Watch" programs - Expansion of a successful Vancouver program to deter and mitigate gang and firearms violence within licenced liquor establishments throughout the province Theme #2: Legislative Initiatives Firearms possession and the criminal use of firearms are primarily governed by federal legislation. The Task Force has made several recommendations related to the enhancement of federal legislation and the creation of provincial legislation in order to reduce the risks of illegal firearms use. Action categories include: - Quebec's mass shooting and firearms violence mitigation: A model for provincial actions - Legislation that enhances the ability of law enforcement and partner agencies to identify and prevent firearms violence through the timely sharing of information - Imitation firearms - Legislation to control the access and use of readily available imitation firearms; to limit their risk to communities, first responders and those who possess them; and to disrupt early patterns of illegal firearms use by youth - Straw purchasers and point-of-sale record-keeping - Legislation requiring sellers to keep records of firearms sales (not a central registry), enhancing the ability of judicially authorized law enforcement to trace crime guns, collect firearms trafficking intelligence and deter firearms traffickers - Manufacture of untraceable firearms - Legislation to prohibit access to unmarked firearms parts and parts that can be assembled into illegal firearms Theme #3: Education and Prevention Focussed efforts by a wide range of stakeholders and agencies working with the public, industry and communities will create awareness, build resilience and reduce the acquisition, availability and use of illegal firearms in B.C. communities. Action categories include: - Safe schools, student and parent education - Leveraging existing school-based programs to disrupt potentially violent antisocial behaviour, including the use of firearms, and to ensure the understanding of educators and parents on the factors and indicators related to violence prevention - Community-based programs - Rural and First Nations communities - Tailored community-based strategies designed to recognize the specific risks associated with communities in which firearms are readily available and which experience violence and organized crime involving firearms - Canadian Firearms Program compliance strategies - Enhancing compliance efforts pursuant to the firearms regulations designed to prevent and deter illegal firearms trafficking - Registration issues from the former Restricted Weapons Registration System - Initiatives to reduce the large number of restricted and prohibited firearms that are not in compliance with current registration requirements and no longer under the oversight of the Canadian Firearms Program Theme #4: Data Collection and Information Sharing The purposeful collection of intelligence from a variety of sources will inform prevention, enforcement and disruption efforts by all stakeholders against the trafficking, possession and use of illegal firearms. The Task Force has made recommendations in two action categories, including: - Intelligence and data quality - Assigning a lead intelligence agency and data warehouse to coordinate all intelligence collection, assure data quality and facilitate analysis related to the trafficking, possession and use of illegal firearms - PRIME-BC access by all key stakeholders - Providing necessary access to B.C.'s own Police Record Information Management System (PRIME-BC) to key agencies engaged in illegal firearms prevention, enforcement and disruption

Details: Victoria, BC: Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General of British Columbia, 2017. 138p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 29, 2017 at: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/law-crime-and-justice/criminal-justice/police/publications/government/iftf_final_report_pdf.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: Canada

URL: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/law-crime-and-justice/criminal-justice/police/publications/government/iftf_final_report_pdf.pdf

Shelf Number: 148534

Gun Control Policy
Gun Violence
Gun-Related Violence
Illegal Firearms
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Firearms


Title: Australia's Securities and Derivatives Sector: Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing Risk Assessment

Summary: The overall ML/TF risk for the securities and derivatives sector is assessed as medium. Australia's securities and derivatives sector attracts a wide range of criminal threats that often involve sophisticated tactics and methods. Serious and organised crime groups have exploited the sector to launder money and engage in market manipulation. The most common crime type reported in the sector is fraud; with money laundering, insider trading and market manipulation also posing a risk. This risk assessment provides sector-specific information on ML/TF risks at the national level for entities operating in securities and derivatives. Its primary aim is to assist the sector to identify, understand and disrupt ML/TF and other criminal offences targeting Australia's financial system.

Details: West Chatswood NSW: AUSTRAC, 2017. 28p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 29, 2017 at: http://www.austrac.gov.au/sites/default/files/securities-and-derivitives-ra-FINAL-2.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: Australia

URL: http://www.austrac.gov.au/sites/default/files/securities-and-derivitives-ra-FINAL-2.pdf

Shelf Number: 148582

Financial Crimes
Money Laundering
Organized Crime
Risk Assessment
Terrorist Financing

Author: Hunter, Marcena

Title: Follow the Money: Mongolia

Summary: In artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM), a sector that employs approximately 15 million people around the world, mercury is often used to help extract gold from mined ore. Although inexpensive and relatively effective in extracting gold from ore, mercury emissions and releases can cause serious harm to people and the environment when handled unsafely. Recognising the threat, a call for global action was initiated in 2009 which culminated in 2013 when the Minamata Convention on Mercury was adopted. The Convention mandates a reduction, and elimination, if possible, in mercury usage around the world, including in ASGM. As of this writing, the 50th instrument of ratification has been submitted to the Minamata Secretariat and the Convention will enter into force on Aug. 16, 2017. Signatories to the Convention include many gold-mining countries, including Mongolia and the Philippines. While ASGM is a significant global sector, the vast majority of ASGM is informal (and/or illicit) and unregulated, i.e. operating without the required licenses or legal approval. Pervasive informality is a result of several factors, including: onerous licensing requirements that create a barrier to entry for many miners; a lack of clarity in legal texts governing artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM); insufficient or inaccessible legally mandated mining areas; a lack of awareness of legal requirements amongst miners; and miners' inability to access administrative capitals. This omnipresent informality can prevent miners from accessing necessary resources such as trainings and legitimate forms of credit; render them vulnerable to bribery and extortion attempts (particularly by police and other government officials); and drive them to work in dangerous locations that are less accessible to law enforcement. Experience has shown options to introduce and maintain environmental compliance through pure voluntary compliance ("formalization-free") are unlikely to see long-term success. Specifically with regard to mercury usage by ASGM, the informality of much of the sector can impede the delivery of non-mercury technology, trainings and the distribution of information materials to miners and processors, thus creating a knowledge vacuum in the sector about the dangers of mercury. It can also prevent authorities from adequately policing the use of mercury in mining communities and processing regions, and controlling its distribution. Financial flows, in particular illicit financial flows (IFFs), play an integral role in perpetuating informality (as well as illegality) in the ASGM sector. IFFs are defined as "money illegally earned, transferred or used" and can flow into and out of ASM operations. The informality of much of the sector is often appealing to illicit financiers, as it helps to keep illicit activities and related profits, such as gold smuggling, tax evasion and money laundering, hidden from governments. Thus, wide-scale formalisation of ASM is arguably not something such financiers would want to see occur, nor would they be likely to advocate it in the mines they help to finance. In addition, the lack of access to formal financing means informal or illicit financing options are often the only options available to artisanal and small-scale miners (ASMers), making investment a low-risk, high-profit venture for illicit financiers. Moreover, IFFs are often reinvested back into the sector and community, with buyers providing economic benefits to local populations outside of mining, further perpetuating informality and contributing to a sense of legitimacy around informal ASGM practices and associated financial flows. Consequently, financial flows can significantly contribute to a self-reinforcing cycle of informality (and illegality in some instances), which can be difficult to break without a nuanced understanding of the financial flows linked to ASGM and their impacts on mining communities and local populations. The formalisation of ASGM and the elimination of mercury usage go hand-in-hand. Building a better understanding of financial flows and their impact on ASGM is therefore vital. Recognizing the need for a greater understanding of gold-related financial flows to strengthen international responses, the Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime (Global Initiative) and Levin Sources established the GIFF Project in 2015 to provide greater insight into this issue and to develop solutions that will improve efforts to formalize the ASGM sector globally. UNIDO has become a strong partner and advocate of the GIFF Project and advocating for a better understanding of financial flows linked to ASGM.

Details: Vienna: United Nations Industrial Development Organization, 2017. 52p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed December 5, 2017 at: http://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/mongolia-report-_20.11.17_low.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: Mongolia

URL: http://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/mongolia-report-_20.11.17_low.pdf

Shelf Number: 14870

Environmental Crimes
Financial Crimes
Gold Mining
Illicit Gold
Money Laundering
Organized Crime

Author: Martinez, Cesar

Title: Security Policy in Mexico: Recommendations for the 2018 Presidential Election

Summary: For over ten years, Mexico's security situation has been a consistent public concern and policy priority. Since the 2000 democratic transition, the country's criminal landscape has changed dramatically. The dissolution of implicit organized-crime political agreements, a move toward more confrontational security strategies, and intra- and inter-group fighting have shattered criminal groups, pushed criminal activity into new industries and exploitative practices, and forced the Mexican government to rethink and continuously adjust its security strategy. The result of these changes is that today's organized criminal groups look different from their historic predecessors, which dedicated their time and energy primarily to transporting and cultivating drugs and keeping a low profile. Today's groups experiment with a range of illicit revenue-generating activities and have adopted shockingly brutal and violent tactics. These profits are then funneled into corrupting political institutions at every level, weakening the government's ability to fulfill its mandate and decimating public trust. The overall insecurity also hurts the country's economy, with estimates that it slashes 1.25 percent off the country's GDP every year. In July 2018, Mexico will elect its next president for the following six years. In the backdrop, the country's homicide level is once again on the rise after a two-year drop. Further, almost 60 percent of the population reported in 2016 that insecurity or delinquency was Mexico's principal problem. These ongoing challenges and concerns will ensure that public security features prominently in the upcoming presidential campaigns and will be a central issue for the incoming administration. To address some of these issues, this Policy Research Project on Mexico's security policy- sponsored by the Robert Strauss Center for International Security and Law-will address Mexico's major security challenges and offer a series of policy recommendations. The report is divided into four chapters, focusing on the overall security strategy, important domestic and international security issues, illicit economic markets, and civil society efforts. Within each chapter, the authors identify the current policies, evaluate their effectiveness, and provide steps for a path forward to a safer and more secure Mexico.

Details: Austin, TX: Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, University of Texas at Austin, 2017. 166p.

Source: Internet Resource: Policy Research Project Report Number 193 ; Accessed December 6, 2017 at: https://repositories.lib.utexas.edu/bitstream/handle/2152/61475/prp_193-security_policy_in_mexico-2017.pdf?sequence=3&isAllowed=y

Year: 2017

Country: Mexico

URL: https://repositories.lib.utexas.edu/bitstream/handle/2152/61475/prp_193-security_policy_in_mexico-2017.pdf?sequence=3&isAllowed=y

Shelf Number: 148728

Drug Trafficking
Illegal Markets
Illicit Markets
Organized Crime
Public Security
Violent Crime

Author: Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime

Title: Transnational Organized Crime and the Impact on the Private Sector: The Hidden Battalions

Summary: his paper is based on a detailed review of the scale and nature of organised crime's infiltration of the private sector. These findings are a 'call to arms' for the international private and public sectors to transform their co-operation and teamwork. We have adopted a practical definition of organized crime as that which is carried out by a group of people, suspected of serious criminal offences, over a prolonged period, motivated by profit or power. In our analysis of six major private sector industries, six specific forms of organised crime stood out as either having material impact on the private sector, or using the private sector as facilitators. Money laundering is the process of making dirty money look clean. One estimate puts it at 2% of global GDP - c.$1.5 trillion. Money-laundering is an 'enabling crime', facilitating organized crime (as well as terrorism) with social and economic costs. Asset misappropriation refers to stealing from businesses. For example, cargo thefts cost as much as $30 billion in losses each year worldwide. Counterfeiting and contraband, whilst thought of as being a consumer goods crime, is rife in a broad range of sectors, in particular technology products and pharmaceuticals, to devastating effect. It is estimated by OECD at $461billion, or 2.5% of world trade. Fraud and extortion remain strongly present in the financial, construction and real estate industries. In construction extortion could account for of 20-30 per cent of lost project value. Human trafficking. High volume, low skilled labour enterprises such as construction and building, have the highest penetration of trafficking incidence in the private sector. Cyber Crime. Hacking attacks cost the average American firm $15.4 million per year over. In 2015 68,000 URLs containing child sexual exploitation and abuse (CSEA) images were hosted online on 1,991 domains. The reputational impact means major tech companies apply significant collaborative resources to weeding out criminal, terrorist and CSEA activity. Finding#1: The Scale and Impact of Crime in the Private Sector is Truly Staggering. A conservative estimate of the value of organized crime was $3.6-$4.8 trillion, in 2015/2016, 7% of global GDP. The broader impact of organized crime is difficult to assess as it is multi-dimensional, and shared across the private, public sector, and society itself. The impact on the private sector only - in terms of revenue loss - is estimated at c$130 billion. The Institute of Economics and Peace (IEP) calculated the financial cost of terrorism at over $52 billion in 2014. A conservative estimate of total transnational organized crime is $870 billion a year. This is more than six times the amount of official development assistance and close to 7% of the world's exports of merchandise Finding #2 Private sectors are either facilitators or targets. Crimes are either done 'to' private sector organisations, or 'through' them. Sectors are either the targets of fraud or asset theft themselves, particularly in construction, consumer goods ($460 billion counterfeit goods), and financial card fraud, or they facilitate crime unwittingly, through use of technology networks by fraudsters to target victims, e.g. the real estate sector laundering dirty funds or the transport industry moving illicit goods. Regulation varies between the 'victim' and 'enabling' industries. Laws are in place to criminalise the use of the private sector for technology or money laundering crime. The victim industries, however, often are reliant on existing laws around theft, or copyright infringement, which are not tailored to the activities of TOC groups and tend to have lower penalties for infringement. Finding #3 Organized crime's impact on the private sector is growing not shrinking. Counterfeit goods have risen from $250 billion to $461 billion in the last 8 years. Asset theft in the transport and logistics theft rose by over 90% 2015 to 2016. There is a sense that regulation is not working: money laundering seizures equated to 0.2% of all laundered funds in one study; and after the dark web's Silk Road was taken down, many sites sprung up to take on and indeed grow the trade. Finding #4 Direct impact of Crime Disproportionately felt in the global south. Sweatshops flourish in South Asia; trafficking of labour and sex workers originates predominantly in Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe; corruption in natural resources damages production in Africa and the Caucasus; technology fraud is driven from eastern and southern Europe, West Africa and the Middle East. Whereas in developed economies counterfeit drugs may comprise less than 0.2 percent of the market developing markets are often beset by 30% fakes, as a UNODC report showed for anti-malarial drugs in Africa. Globalization is increasing the 'attack surface' for TOC groups. The abuse of the often weaker regulatory regimes in the Global South by TOC groups further increases the risk for the private sector operating in these areas. Finding #5 Responses re confrontational rather than collaborative. There are very few examples of successful public and private sector co-operation against TOC groups. Private sector organisations complain that communication with the law enforcement sector is one-way and that the regulatory reporting burden, designed to combat crime, can act as a deterrent to co-operation. Tangible results have been seen when industries take the lead on disrupting the work of TOC groups, such as TAPA the Transported Asset Protection Association

Details: Geneva, SWIT: The Global Initiative, 2017. 84p.

Source: Internet Resource: accessed December 7, 2017 at: http://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/gitoc_tocprivatesector_web-1.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: International

URL: http://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/gitoc_tocprivatesector_web-1.pdf

Shelf Number: 148755

Cargo Theft
Counterfeit Goods
Human Trafficking
Illicit Trade
Money Laundering
Organized Crime
Private Sector
Stolen Property
Theft of Goods

Author: Murphy, Tommy E.

Title: Following the Poppy Trail: Causes and Consequences of Mexican Drug Cartels

Summary: We study the historical origins and consequences of Mexican cartels. We first trace the location of current cartels to the location of Chinese migration at the beginning of the XX century, and document that both events are strongly connected. We then use Chinese presence in 1930 as an instrument for cartel presence today. We find a positive link between cartel presence and good socioeconomic outcomes, such as lower marginalization rates, lower illiteracy rates, higher salaries, and better public services. We also report that municipalities with cartel presence have higher tax revenues and more political competition. Given that Chinese immigration at the end of the century was driven by elements largely exogenous to the drug trade, the link between cartel presence and good socioeconomic outcomes can be interpreted in a causal way. Previous research has shown that the presence of organized crime is associated with bad outcomes at the macro level (Pinotti, 2015) and has deep effects at individual level, making children more likely to be criminals in adulthood (Sviatschi, 2017a; 2017b). Our paper reconciles this previous literature with the fact that drug lords, the leaders of this particular form of organized crime, have great support in the local communities in which they operate.

Details: Buenos Aires, Argentina: Universidad de San Andres, 2017. 60p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 17, 2018 at: ftp://webacademicos.udesa.edu.ar/pub/econ/doc130.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: Mexico

URL: ftp://webacademicos.udesa.edu.ar/pub/econ/doc130.pdf

Shelf Number: 148851

Drug Cartels
Drug Trafficking
Drug-Related Violence
Economics of Crime
Opium Poppy Cultivation
Organized Crime
Socioeconomic Conditions and Crime

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

Title: Wildlife and Forest Crime Analytic Toolkit: Report of UNODC Mission to Viet Nam

Summary: Wildlife and forest crime (WLFC) is a growing threat globally. Criminal networks benefit from illegal fishing, logging and poaching, and illicit trafficking in endangered species. WLFC often funds other crime types and is linked to corruption and money laundering. Organised crime groups exploit natural resources leading to a devastating impact on biodiversity, security, the livelihood of communities and economies. Viet Nam is a biodiverse country, home to some of the most iconic and endangered species of fauna and flora. Viet Nam has recognised WLFC as a serious and growing threat. There is commitment from the highest level of government to respond with coordinated and concerted effort. The International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime (ICCWC) developed the Wildlife and Forest Crime Analytic Toolkit (the Toolkit) to provide a framework to enable and support countries to undertake national analysis to better understand the current situation and main challenges in relation to wildlife and forest crime. The government of Viet Nam therefore requested ICCWC support for such an analysis to further their work in this area. The Government-led process was carried out with the participation of relevant stakeholder agencies in the country. In support of the Toolkit process in Viet Nam, representatives from UNODC, WCS and CITES undertook a fact finding mission from 26 January to 10 February, 2015 to various parts of the country; ranging from border crossings, national parks, sea and airports and markets, to the two major cities and many provinces. Consultations were held with representatives and officials from central, provincial and local government, donor countries and civil society groups, including NGO representatives, judges, prosecutors, customs officials, police, border guard officers, and forest and park rangers. An additional fact finding mission was made to the Lao Bao border gate in Quang Tri province in August 2015. As this report highlights, there needs to be timely and reliable information and actionable intelligence sharing, coupled with the necessary technical skills and advanced capabilities to identify, target and arrest criminals. There is room for improvement across all sections of the legal framework, and there are some serious deficiencies that are having a paralysing effect on successful prosecutions, particularly in relation to wildlife. Viet Nam must also look beyond seizures and administrative sanctions as a measure of success in combating WLFC. Seizures made in the absence of arrests, particularly of the organisers and financers of WLFC, have no impact on the trade, and there is a strong argument that seizures on their own merely perpetuate more WLFC. The findings and recommendations of the analysis described in this report reflect both strengths and weaknesses of Viet Nam's capacity and capabilities to tackle WLFC, and have been used to design a detailed programme for national capacity building and technical assistance delivery in Viet Nam.

Details: Bangkok: UNODC, 2015. 140p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 20, 2018 at: https://www.unodc.org/documents/southeastasiaandpacific/Publications/wildlife/Vietnam_Toolkit_Report_EN_-_final.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Vietnam

URL: https://www.unodc.org/documents/southeastasiaandpacific/Publications/wildlife/Vietnam_Toolkit_Report_EN_-_final.pdf

Shelf Number: 148893

Illegal Logging
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Wildlife
Wildlife Crime
Wildlife Trafficking

Author: Garzon, Juan Carlos

Title: Mafia & Co.,: The Criminal Networks in Mexico, Brazil, and Colombia

Summary: Mafia & Co. provides an analytical perspective of the inner workings and expansion of organized crime in three Latin American countries. Juan Carlos Garzon, a Colombian political scientist, provides a comparative investigation looking specifically at criminal networks in Colombia, Mexico, and Brazil.

Details: Washington, DC, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Latin American Program, 2008. 190p.

Source: Internet Resource: accessed January 22, 2018 at: https://www.wilsoncenter.org/sites/default/files/mafiaandcompany_reducedsize.pdf

Year: 2008

Country: Latin America

URL: https://www.wilsoncenter.org/sites/default/files/mafiaandcompany_reducedsize.pdf

Shelf Number: 121335

Criminal Networks
Organized Crime

Author: Interpol

Title: Motor Vehicle Crime in Global Perspective. Analytical Report

Summary: The existence of transnational organized crime groups active in motor vehicle crime is acknowledged by the majority (89.8%) of member countries that replied to the questionnaire. Another majority of 82% of the member countries that replied to the questionnaire have special units in place that deal with motor vehicle crime or take part in regularly organized operations that focus on motor vehicle crime. There is no accurate standard, model or metric available to measure organized crime. At best, calculated estimates can be made using statistics, economic trade models and known financial flows in combination with seizures, arrests and convictions of perpetrators. Similarly, there are no comparable statistics available on the economic damage caused by Motor Vehicle Crime. Indications and estimations are made using statistics provided by insurance companies that supply vehiclerelated insurance policies. INTERPOL's Stolen Motor Vehicle database, in combination with the automated search facility, is a tool already in place to develop and standardize statistics with regard to transnational motor vehicle crime. Stakeholders that are affected by motor vehicle crime are car manufacturers, the vehicle owner, law enforcement agencies, registration authorities, insurance companies, legislative bodies, justice departments and vehicle related business such as rental companies and scrap yards. Legislation and the enforcement of laws with regard to, for example, vehicle-related insurance, technical status of the vehicle and import/export procedures varies greatly in different countries. This negatively influences international cooperation with regard to transnational motor vehicle crime. Targeted stolen vehicles can be divided into two categories. The majority is readily available and of a common car make and model (quantity). The second category of vehicles (quality) are those that are extra lucrative (Sport Utility Vehicles and luxury cars, for example) that are sometimes targeted especially. A majority of 59% of the member countries that replied to the questionnaire state that some level of violence is used in the theft of a motor vehicle with a wide range of violence levels. The modus operandi with regard to motor vehicle crime in South American countries seem to involve more violence and the use of psychotropic substance compared to other regions. A majority of 87.7% of member countries report that stolen vehicles as a whole or in parts are taken to their bordering countries. At present, there is no in-depth analysis on routes and the flux of routes available. A shared language and ethnicity as well as the homogeneous structure of organized crime groups are important factors to consider in the (facilitated) movement of illicit goods in general, and stolen motor vehicles in particular. Transnational organized Motor Vehicle Crime is often linked to other crime areas such as corruption, terrorism, robbery, trafficking in human beings, drug trafficking and the illicit trade in weapons.

Details: Paris: Interpol, 2014. 28p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 31, 2018 at: https://www.interpol.int/Crime-areas/Vehicle-crime/Vehicle-crime

Year: 2014

Country: International

URL: https://www.interpol.int/Crime-areas/Vehicle-crime/Vehicle-crime

Shelf Number: 148930

Automobile Theft
Motor Vehicle Crime
Organized Crime
Stolen Vehicles
Vehicle Crime

Author: Porter, Alex

Title: Finding a foothold. Assessing forecastability in transnational organised crime

Summary: To what extent can the scale and scope of transnational organised crime be forecast? This paper offers insights for modelling various crime types. States and intergovernmental bodies increasingly recognise the threats transnational organised crime (TOC) poses to human wellbeing, state legitimacy and the global economy, but we do not have a clear understanding of its scale or scope. This paper outlines a conceptual background for understanding and quantifying the future in broad terms and in the context of TOC. It provides an overview of data estimation and modelling, and offers a framework for beginning to think about forecasting types of TOC. The paper offers an assessment of 'forecastability' in five TOC categories, reviewing research and data estimation in each category. Key points - Modelling and/or forecasting transnational organised crime (TOC) could provide a useful tool for governments and policy-makers to better understand and combat TOC. - However, the illicit and hidden nature of TOC makes it difficult to define and accurately measure. - Barriers to measurement and understanding of TOC mean that it is not possible to model and forecast at this juncture. - It may, however, be possible to find a foothold in forecasting TOC by modelling illicit drug demand. - Modelling illicit drug demand could provide insight into long-term trends within the international illicit drug trade.

Details: ENACT Africa, 2017. 28p.

Source: Internet Resource: Research paper: Issue 02: Accessed February 1, 2018 at: https://enact-africa.s3.amazonaws.com/site/uploads/2017-30-11_Denver_ResearchReport_Findingafoothold.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: Africa

URL: https://enact-africa.s3.amazonaws.com/site/uploads/2017-30-11_Denver_ResearchReport_Findingafoothold.pdf

Shelf Number: 148964

Drug Trafficking
Illicit Drug Trade
Organized Crime

Author: Interpol

Title: Operation Opson VI: Targeting Counterfeit and Substandard Foodstuff and Beverage: December 2016 - March 2017

Summary: KEY ELEMENTS  65 countries and 20 private partners, from 22 EU Member States (MS) and 43 non-EU countries, participated in Operation OPSON VI. This represents the largest number of participating countries, especially for non EU countries, since the beginning of OPSON in 2011. 57 countries took part in OPSON V.  In total, 13,407.60 tonnes, 26,336,305.3 litres and 11,118,832 units of either counterfeit or substandard food and beverages have been seized during the four month operational phase of OPSON VI. The total value of these illicit goods amounts to 235,681,849.87 EUR.  Participating countries reported more than 50,128 inspections and checks, and 13,711 persons arrested or investigated. They opened 6,282 administrative and criminal cases. Investigations started in the framework of OPSON VI led to the dismantling of seven organised crime groups, reported as such by the countries and involved in the production of illegal food, other goods smuggling and other criminal activities.  In terms of product range, the levels of seizure within OPSON VI differ significantly compared with OPSON V. The highest quantity of seized products is alcohol whereas the first category of seized products in OPSON V was condiments (e.g. vegetable oil, spices, and sauces). Enforcement actions during OPSON VI led to the closure of at least 183 illegal alcohol factories and to the seizures of production materials, ranging from special bottling machines to counterfeit excise stamps, caps, labels or bottle security rings. The second category of seized goods is meat with almost 5,146 tonnes removed from the markets.  The reported infringements are, in most cases, related to deceiving consumers (27%, of which 1% are IPR violations), food safety (22%) and fiscal infringements (19%).  Besides the seizures of food and beverages, the participating countries reported important seizures of tobacco, coca leaves (in Peru), pharmaceuticals and cannabis (in Djibouti) which were discovered in the course of OPSON VI.  The debriefing meeting was hosted by the Irish authorities in Dublin on 2 - 3 October 2017.

Details: The Hague: INTERPOL, 2017. 52p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 2, 2018 at: https://www.europol.europa.eu/publications-documents/operation-opson-vi-targeting-counterfeit-and-substandard-foodstuff-and-beverage

Year: 2017

Country: International

URL: https://www.europol.europa.eu/publications-documents/operation-opson-vi-targeting-counterfeit-and-substandard-foodstuff-and-beverage

Shelf Number: 148974

Consumer Protection
Counterfeit Goods
Counterfeit Products
Organized Crime

Author: Slot, Brigitte

Title: Interwovenness of organised crime and terrorist jihadi groups regarding the procurement of firearms

Summary: The question if and how organised crime and terrorist jihadi groups are interwoven regarding the procurement of (automatic) firearms is of great interest for investigative and intelligence services. This research sheds light on the issue through three elements: - a literature review, - an exploration of the added value of social network analysis (SNA), - an illustration of this added value based on a concrete Dutch case. The literature review expounds the (criminological) theory behind the interwovenness of organised crime and terrorist jihadi groups, and elaborates the most recent developments in our thinking about the issue: criminal and terrorist organisations recruit their members from the same pool; perpetrators of (foiled) attacks in Europe often had a criminal background; in the Paris attacks firearms were found from a batch that is connected to a known firearms supply line. With the knowledge about the international and European context as a background, an exploration has been conducted of the added value of SNA on this issue for investigative services. Based on a round of discussions with various departments of the National Police tasked with monitoring developments of this issue, it is concluded that for a variety of reasons currently SNA is applied to a limited extent. After a short explanation of what SNA entails, it is subsequently discussed how an SNA can be applied to studying this nexus. Next, the added value is illustrated through the analysis of a large case involving the smuggling of and trade in firearms: - Based on primary police data (registrations and antecedents) and discussions with involved experts the case is framed and a starting group of suspects is identified. The direct network of these persons has been mapped (in connection with which other persons were they known by the police?), after which the direct network of these newly added persons-of-interest was mapped, thereby resulting in a network comprising the network of our starting group to the second degree. In addition, various personal traits of the members of the network were mapped: were they encountered with firearms? Are they of interest in the context of counterterrorism, extremism and radicalisation (CTER) monitoring? Are the known to be firearms dealers? - In this way, interrelations between over 700 persons were mapped, as well as their profile ('firearms possessor', 'firearms dealer', 'terrorism suspect'). This resulted in 24 larger and smaller networks, which operated independently of one another (no interrelations were found between these networks, based on second degree connections). In additions, new connections that had not previously been visible came to light. - Based on the data gathered, SNA-specific network indicators were calculated, which help with identifying the function of a person within a network: who is important acting as a bridge between sub-networks, who are central actors in a network, who have the most connections with 'important' persons? Proceeding from the values on these indicators, a number of persons have been identified as potentially interesting for follow-up by the investigative services A further deepening of this theme is recommended as a result of this exploration. In the context of this research, a number of concrete possibilities have been described for how to apply SNA within the police agencies to this theme and related issues. SNA can support the process of gathering further information regarding the nexus of organised crime and terrorist jihadi groups, and can assist in the decision-making concerning how to prioritise follow-up investigatory work.

Details: Rotterdam: Ecorys, 2017. Executive summary.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 2, 2018 at: https://english.wodc.nl/binaries/2738_Summary_tcm29-291432.pdf (full text only available in Dutch)

Year: 2017

Country: Netherlands

URL: https://english.wodc.nl/binaries/2738_Summary_tcm29-291432.pdf

Shelf Number: 148985

Crime Analysis
Illegal Arms Trade
Illegal Firearms
Jihadi Groups
Organized Crime

Author: Lau, Wilson

Title: An assessment of South African dried abalone Haliotis midae consumption and trade in Hong Kong

Summary: The report, "An assessment of South African dried abalone Haliotis midae consumption and trade in Hong Kong," produced by TRAFFIC as part of the USAID-funded Wildlife TRAPS Project, shows that South African abalone imports to Hong Kong have increased in recent years, despite severe restrictions on wild harvest. It estimates that of South African abalone imports to Hong Kong in 2015, 65% was illegally sourced and trafficked compared to the 35% that was legally wild-caught or produced through aquaculture operations. In the past decade, efforts to protect the legal abalone fishery have been undermined by international underground criminal networks. After South Africa took a number of regulatory measures in 2007 and 2008 to protect crashing abalone populations, the new report reveals that illicit trade routes shifted. Instead of mainly exporting poached abalone directly to Hong Kong, traffickers increasingly smuggled abalone to nearby African countries, such as Mozambique and Zimbabwe, before re-exporting the product. Between 2008-2015, 61% of South African abalone exports to Hong Kong came from African countries outside South Africa, a significant increase from the 36% that was exported from outside South Africa between 2000-2007. Aside from one small farm in Namibia, no other African country legally exports the marine mollusk. This highly profitable trade is managed by organised criminal syndicates that reach sellers and buyers in Hong Kong who may or may not realise their involvement is bankrolling illegal activities. Once poached abalone arrives in Hong Kong, under the current legislation, it can be openly traded and sold in markets alongside legally sourced abalone. The report shows that the majority of abalone traders, about 80%, are aware of some form of illegal activity surrounding South African abalone, but less than half of consumers had any knowledge of abalone poaching in South Africa. Current levels of abalone poaching have serious implications for the sustainability of the South African fishery, which in turn, could have rippling impacts on the market. One-third of all abalone imported by Hong Kong is of South African origin, and the report's findings indicate that the availability of this abalone, along with its quality and reasonable price (compared to other more expensive abalone varieties), helps boost South African abalone's popularity among consumers. Any reduction in South African abalone's availability could affect Hong Kong buyers' strong preference for the product-creating a strong incentive for legal producers to support measures that ensure the sustainability of supplies. To reduce the threat of poaching and trafficking, the report offers nine recommendations for governments, legal producers, conservation groups and the donor community to take action. They include listing and enforcing regulations for dried Haliotis midae trade under CITES, working with industry to support the trade in legally sourced South African abalone, and implementing methods for strengthening law enforcement, improving traceability, and raising public awareness about the species and illegal trade.

Details: Cambridge, UK: TRAFFIC International, 2018. 114p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 13, 2018 at: http://www.traffic.org/home/2018/2/8/poached-abalone-from-south-africa-is-flowing-into-hong-kong.html

Year: 2018

Country: Hong Kong

URL: http://www.traffic.org/home/2018/2/8/poached-abalone-from-south-africa-is-flowing-into-hong-kong.html

Shelf Number: 149119

Animal Poaching
Environmental Crime
Fishing Industry
Illegal Fishing
Illegal Trade
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Wildlife
Wildlife Crime
Wildlife Trafficking

Author: Lopes, Adrian Anthony

Title: Essays on the Economics of Poaching

Summary: Charismatic mega-fauna species such as elephants and rhinos have valuable tusks and horns that are sought after by opportunistic poachers. Poaching also assumes the form of subsistence hunting by households living in and around protected areas. The conservation of endangered animal species is important for the environmental sustainability of natural ecosystems. This dissertation consists of four separate essays on the economics of poaching and protection of endangered species. The first essay examines the labor allocation problem of an opportunistic poacher harvesting an endangered species within a protected area. The labor allocation problem is coupled with the species' population dynamics to estimate how poaching responds to economic parameters over time. The model provides insight into the relationship between species population dynamics, economic parameters, and biological parameters. Interesting and counterintuitive results are observed for a wide range of economic and biological parameters. Civil unrest and political instability have been associated with poaching. In the second essay I examine an empirical data set on rhino poaching in Assam, India. Assam witnessed a prolonged period of civil unrest and political instability during which rhino poaching increased dramatically. The relationship between civil unrest and rhino poaching is identified through an econometric exercise. I factor in the relationship between poaching and other variables associated with it - including black-market rhino horn prices, potential size of black markets, and anti-poaching efforts. These variables are seen to have the predicted associations with poaching, and help identify the latter's relationship with civil unrest. International criminal syndicates sponsor elephant poaching in Africa. The third essay develops a dynamic a model of organized criminal poaching. Under plausible conditions poaching is insensitive to black-market price of ivory, but changes dramatically with the probability of interception by anti-poaching patrols. Parameter space is analyzed extensively to ascertain the effect of economic parameters on elephant population sustainability. In the fourth essay I examine the strategic interaction between poachers and anti-poachers in a spatiotemporal setting. A space is conceptualized within which meta-populations of elephants disperse temporally. Optimal locational strategies of poachers and anti-poachers are solved for, and their effects on elephant population dynamics are examined.

Details: Ithaca, NY: Cornell University, 2014. 158p.

Source: Internet Resource: Dissertation: Accessed February 27, 2018 at: http://www.rhinoresourcecenter.com/pdf_files/142/1421570131.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: India

URL: http://www.rhinoresourcecenter.com/pdf_files/142/1421570131.pdf

Shelf Number: 149267

Animal Poaching
Civil Unrest
Economics of Crime
Illegal Markets
Illegal Wildlife Trade
Organized Crime
Wildlife Conservation
Wildlife Crime

Author: Garcia, Nilda M.

Title: The Dark Side of Social Media: The Case of the Mexican Drug War

Summary: The rapid increase in the use of social media during the "war on drugs" in Mexico, especially in the first decades of the 21st century, has stimulated a growing research agenda in academia. To date, this scholarship has focused primarily on investigating the opportunities social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube offer to civilians as organizing mechanisms, to fill the informational vacuum left by the tightly self-censured mainstream media outlets, and as a tool for survival. Yet, in Mexico, the use of these platforms has taken a darker, more sinister turn. Research exploring the use of social media platforms has largely ignored the fact that these communication outlets also provide major opportunities for criminal organizations to engage in public relations strategies, ease their recruitment tactics, send threatening messages to government authorities, civilians, and to warn off potential rivals. With the intent to fill the theoretical and empirical vacuum, this dissertation answers: What is the effect of social media use on drug cartels survival capacity in Mexico? Is the use of social media empowering Mexican drug cartels?

Details: Miami: University of Miami, 2017. 210p.

Source: Internet Resource: Dissertation: Accessed March 8, 2018 at: https://scholarlyrepository.miami.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=3011&context=oa_dissertations

Year: 2017

Country: United States

URL: https://scholarlyrepository.miami.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=3011&context=oa_dissertations

Shelf Number: 149402

Criminal Organizations
Drug Cartels
Drug Trafficking
Drug War
Organized Crime
Social Media
War on Drugs

Author: Reitano, Tuesday

Title: Mitigating the threat of organised crime in Africa's development

Summary: Organised crime presents a manifold threat to sustainable development. This is recognised by the Sustainable Development Goals and Agenda 2063. However, policy statements which recognise the cross-cutting threat of organised crime have not been translated to the implementation framework in a systematic way, and policy tends to focus on the fight against organised crime at the sectoral level. Development actors need to understand not only how organised crime will undermine their objectives, but also that development itself presents opportunities for organised crime to flourish. As Africa focuses on stimulating economic growth, investment and infrastructure, the danger is that development goals will be subverted. Development actors need to both crime-proof existing interventions and ensure future investments are crime sensitive. Key points - Organised crime threatens all aspects of the continent's sustainable development. - Too much of the response to organised crime is crafted as policies to counter specific illicit markets rather than examining the issue and its impacts holistically. - The illicit economy can be a source of livelihoods and a resilience strategy for the poor and vulnerable. There is thus a development paradox at play. - Both the SDGs and Agenda 2063 emphasise economic stimulus and investment through public-private partnerships. However, without proper oversight, organised crime reinforces negative governance patterns that create an unhealthy alliance between crime, government and business. - Development itself comes with organised crime risks, which can facilitate the growth of illicit markets. - If SDG goals are to be achieved, development must be crime-sensitive and crime-proof.

Details: s.l.: ENACT Programme, 2018. 12p.

Source: Internet Resource: Policy Brief: Accessed March 15, 2018 at: https://enact-africa.s3.amazonaws.com/site/uploads/2018_02_20_PolicyBrief_OCinAfrica_OCSDGs.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: Africa

URL: https://enact-africa.s3.amazonaws.com/site/uploads/2018_02_20_PolicyBrief_OCinAfrica_OCSDGs.pdf

Shelf Number: 149471

Development and Crime
Economic Development
Organized Crime
Socioeconomic Conditions and Crime

Author: Coyne, John

Title: 'Santa Muerte', are the Mexican cartels really coming?

Summary: Whether in Mexico, the US or Australia, the image of the transnational serious and organised crime (OC) threat from 'Mexican cartels' used to construct policy doesn't appear to engage with the reality that there's no homogeneous Mexican cartel, cartels or OC group. In popular culture, the labels 'Mexican cartel' and 'street gang' conjure an image of a highly organised, hierarchically commanded and ultraviolent crime group. Even Mexico's infamous Sinaloa cartel, rumoured to have an increasingly ominous presence in Australia, is more an alliance of criminal figures than a hierarchical organisation. There should be little doubt that these groups, as a collective phenomenon, have consistently demonstrated a propensity to regularly use breathtakingly barbaric violence for revenge and intimidation. Unfortunately, popular characterisations of the structure and organisation of these groups does little justice to the complexity of the threat that they pose. These generalisations lack the necessary granularity to be useful in the development of disruption- and mitigation-focused strategies. For policymakers, it's convenient to conflate well-known US-based Mexican street gangs, transnational street gangs such as the 'Mexican Mafia' and transnational OC groups such as the 'Mexican cartels' into a singular homogeneous threat grouping or strategy: 'the cartels'. It's equally convenient to link all Mexican OC activity together with the cartel thread. With this kind of conflation, the seriousness of the threat at hand can clearly and concisely be communicated to government decision-makers in terms that will ensure funding and strategy responses. Frustration with the inability of law enforcement arrest and seizure strategies to undermine the drug trade and its associated OC has further complicated the policy decision-making in this space. In the US and Mexican governments' cases, it's likely that this frustration has underpinned government policy, thereby expanding the role of the military and intelligence agencies in the 'war on drugs'. Unfortunately, conflating these groups doesn't produce the kinds of policies and strategies that will result in operational activity that has long-term disruption impacts on the groups involved. Moreover, the current understanding arguably does not allow for the involvement and integration of enforcement operations with other whole-of-government social, economic and development strategies. This report argues that, for Australia and Asia, the menace of Mexican OC is no longer looming on the horizon; it has already arrived. However, the nature of the Mexican OC problem in Australia and Asia is not likely to be the same as that found in either the US or Mexico. To fully understand the implications of this development for Australia and the region, this threat needs to be viewed in context.

Details: Barton, ACT, AUS: Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI), 2017. 28p.

Source: Internet Resource: accessed April 2, 2018 at: http://www.css.ethz.ch/content/dam/ethz/special-interest/gess/cis/center-for-securities-studies/resources/docs/ASPI-SR107_Mexican-cartels.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: Australia

URL: http://www.css.ethz.ch/content/dam/ethz/special-interest/gess/cis/center-for-securities-studies/resources/docs/ASPI-SR107_Mexican-cartels.pdf

Shelf Number: 149648

Drug Cartels
Drug Trafficking
Drug-Related Violence
Gang Violence
Mexican Cartels
Organized Crime
Street Gangs

Author: Perotti, Victoria

Title: Imagining the Future of Crime and Politics

Summary: Organized crime networks dedicated to illicit trafficking of drugs, people and wildlife-as well as money laundering and cybercrime, among other activities-are engines of instability. From Latin America to West Africa, from West Asia to Eastern Europe, and from Central Africa to Southern Europe, these networks engage in corruption to advance their interests, depriving the state of precious resources needed to build resilient institutions (OECD 2014). Corruption is channeled through multiple avenues, including by pouring illicit money into political institutions and actors (Villaveces-Izquierdo and Uribe Burcher 2013; Briscoe, Perdomo and Uribe Burcher 2014; Perdomo and Uribe Burcher 2016). The world is experiencing several parallel trends-including increased violent conflict, democratic backsliding and technological advancements-that affect these corrupt dynamics. Given that conflict and weak governance typically create a fertile environment for organized crime to engage in public sector corruption (Lupsha 1996; Cockayne and Pfister 2008: 18; Kupferschmidt 2009), and since technology may facilitate or hinder criminal behaviour (Baker 2014), these trends will presumably have a pivotal impact on the fight against organized crime and political corruption. On 4 May 2017, International IDEA hosted the workshop 'Political corruption and organized crime: Drivers, effects and responses' at the 2017 Stockholm Forum on Peace and Development, organized by Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI 2017). The workshop aimed to discuss potential future trends regarding corruption linked to organized crime and strategic policy responses. It gathered scholars and practitioners in anticorruption, international crime prevention and peacebuilding in a common dialogue. This Discussion Paper was initially drafted as a scenario-building exercise to inform the workshop and was further developed with the input of its participants. Scenario building is an analytical method that encourages prospective thinking within a thematic field to identify new strategic policy alternatives (Conway 2006). Specifically, the scenarios consist of an illustration of possible futures. As such, they are not intended to predict the future (European Commission 2007). The methodology tends to be qualitative and engages a group of people in a simulation process. By developing a future narrative that takes existing interconnected trends to the extreme, participants can challenge assumptions and expand their perceptions of options available, ultimately engaging in strategic conversations. This Discussion Paper and the adapted scenario-building exercise on which it is based were therefore developed from the perspective of a fictitious criminal network. Its hypothetical activity focus is diverse and, depending on the opportunities, it could hypothetically venture to any existing and new illicit activities. Its structure is flexible as well; as such, it can potentially adapt to new markets. Section 1 illustrates some of the key geopolitical trends and drivers in governance, peace and technology that may affect corruption dynamics in relation to organized crime in the coming 10 years. Written from the perspective of a fictitious criminal network, it depicts a scenario where conflict, democratic decline and new technologies exacerbate the negative impact of organized crime on the state. By describing an imaginary future, it includes the most relevant concerns for practitioners within the field. Section 2 briefly presents current policy options for tackling organized crime and political corruption, and outlines recommendations for future policy adjustments that may contribute to the improvement of crime and corruption prevention and mitigation. The main argument of this Discussion Paper is that the policies that seek to address corruption and organized crime should be brought closer together in the promotion of global peace and stability.

Details: Stockholm: International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, 2018. 23p.

Source: Internet Resource: International IDEA Discussion Paper 2/2018: Accessed April 3, 2018 at: https://www.idea.int/sites/default/files/publications/imagining-the-future-of-crime-and-politics.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: International

URL: https://www.idea.int/sites/default/files/publications/imagining-the-future-of-crime-and-politics.pdf

Shelf Number: 149660

Criminal Networks
Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime
Political Corruption
Wildlife Crime

Author: Allnock, Debbie

Title: What Do We Know About Child Sexual Abuse and Policing in England and Wales?

Summary: 1.1 The purpose of this briefing is to provide the National Policing Lead for Child Protection and Abuse Investigation with evidence for consideration in the development of a National Policing Safeguarding Action plan. The methodology can be found in an associated document. This briefing distils key messages from research evidence on policing and child protection in the United Kingdom (UK). 1.2Evidence on policing and child protection/ safeguarding in the UK primarily relates to child sexual abuse (CSA), including child sexual exploitation (CSE), although the evidence base is relatively limited. The review identified no significant UK evaluations of police response in tackling child abuse more broadly, or CSA or neglect specifically. The most substantial area of evidence relates to police forensic interviews in cases of CSA. There are a number of small and discrete research studies that have been carried out in relation to particular child protection issues within the criminal justice system (CJS). These have highlighted promising practice and areas for improvement in relation to some aspects of the process, such as attrition and the experiences of children and young people proceeding through 'the system'. Historically, the research on forensic interviews focussed on the aim of obtaining the best evidence for court but there has been a more recent focus on safeguarding and children's well-being during the process. Experts hypothesize that these two issues are inseparable however; improving children and young people's experiences and addressing their well-being can be also seen as a means of improving attrition rates and gathering better quality evidence. 1.3This briefing is structured to reflect the journey through the CJS with additional messages from research on police preparation and planning. In order to limit the briefing to police-relevant information, findings on the court process have been omitted except where they are relevant for policing. The areas covered align in various ways to the four Ps of policing - a framework for responding to serious and organised crime: 1) Prepare: reduce the impact of this criminality where it takes place 2) Protect: increase protection against serious and organised crime 3) Prevent: prevent people from engaging in serious and organised crime 4) Pursue: prosecute and disrupt people engaged in serious and organised crime.

Details: Bedfordshire, UK: University of Bedfordshire, Institute of Applied Social Research, 2015. 28p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 9, 2018 at: https://www.uobcsepolicinghub.org.uk/assets/documents/CSA-and-policing-briefing-FINAL.pdf-DA.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: United Kingdom

URL: https://www.uobcsepolicinghub.org.uk/assets/documents/CSA-and-policing-briefing-FINAL.pdf-DA.pdf

Shelf Number: 149734

Child Protection
Child Sexual Abuse
Organized Crime
Police Effectiveness

Author: Haugaard, Lisa

Title: Between a Wall and a Dangerous Place: The Intersection of Human Rights, Public Security, Corruption & Migration in Honduras and El Salvador

Summary: In January 2018, the Trump Administration made the decision to terminate in 18 months the special immigration protections, Temporary Protected Status, which allowed some 200,000 Salvadoran men and women to work and live legally in the United States, following natural disasters affecting their country. In May 2018, the administration will determine the fate of some 57,000 Hondurans under the same program. Salvadorans and Hondurans in the United States are also dramatically affected by other new restrictions and uncertainties on immigration policies, including the termination of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (the DACA program) for the young people known as the Dreamers-some 50,000 of whom are from these two countries. Hondurans and Salvadorans fleeing violence today and seeking refuge in the United States face increased difficulties in accessing protections at the border and applying for asylum. Back in their home countries, gang violence and organized crime grimly affect Hondurans' and Salvadorans' daily lives and force them to go into hiding or leave their homes. Their governments' failures to adequately protect their citizens, and indeed, state security forces pursuing hardline strategies that put people, especially young men, at risk, add to the harsh facts of life in El Salvador and Honduras. Women face additional risks from gangs and from domestic violence, and LGBTI persons face violence motivated by societal prejudice-including from police. To this dangerous mix is added another trauma in Honduras: following a disputed presidential election, state violence against protestors left over two dozen people dead and President Juan Orlando Hernandez's government is moving to close space for citizens to defend their rights. This report is a series of blog posts written from October 2017 through March 2018 about the dangers and challenges faced by Honduran and Salvadoran citizens in their home countries, even as the Trump Administration moves to deport more Honduran- and Salvadoran-born people in the United States back to home countries they may no longer know and restrict protections to those fleeing. The series, based on interviews with activists, government officials, journalists, humanitarian workers, diplomats, and academics, shows how the dangers that propel children, teenagers, women, and men from those countries to seek refuge in the United States, Mexico, and elsewhere have not ended.

Details: Washington, DC: Latin America Working Group Education Fund, 2018. 48p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 10, 2018 at: http://lawg.org/storage/documents/Between_a_Wall_and_a_Dangerous_Place_LAWGEF_web.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: Latin America

URL: http://lawg.org/storage/documents/Between_a_Wall_and_a_Dangerous_Place_LAWGEF_web.pdf

Shelf Number: 149747

Human Rights
Organized Crime
Public Security
Violent Crime

Author: Savona, Ernesto U.

Title: Fighting Illicit Firearms Trafficking Routes and Actors at European Level: Final Report of Project FIRE

Summary: Project FIRE - Fighting Illicit firearms trafficking Routes and actors at European level (www. fireproject.eu) - was carried out with the financial support of the European Commission, DG Home Affairs, within the Prevention of and the Fight against Crime (ISEC) Programme. The research is an exploratory study on the illicit trafficking of firearms (ITF) in the EU. Based on the results obtained, it also provides recommendations on how to improve the fight against and the prevention of ITF. For the purposes of the study, ITF has been defined as every case in which the illicit acquisition, sale, delivery, movement or transfer of firearms, their parts or ammunition occur from, to, or within the territory of the EU. Background The availability of firearms is recognised as an increasingly pressing issue because of the lethal impact that firearms can have in terms of violence and terrorism. For this reason, the EU is currently revising its Firearms Directive, and the fight against organised crime and terrorism ranks high on the European security agenda. However, the role that ITF plays in feeding into violence within the EU has long been disregarded. This has been mirrored by a lack of priority given to rigorous investigation of the origins of firearms involved in the commission of crimes-and a lack of scientific research in the field. In addition, there is a lack of public official data on ITF. Approach Project FIRE adopts an integrated market perspective to address these difficulties and to study ITF within a wider framework of illicit markets. This approach makes it possible to combine analysis of both the various stages within the illicit supply chain of ITF and the demand for illicit firearms. It develops a methodology based on the collection and analysis of data from online news and law enforcement agencies (LEAs) and custom press releases, providing high level of detail and a large number of variables. For this purpose, firearm seizures have been considered as a proxy for the ITF, and deadly and non-deadly shootings as proxies for the demand for illicit firearms. This study represents a first step towards better understanding of the ITF in the EU. It is accordingly an important resource for both public and private institutions and researchers. The results from the project have been grouped into three parts: - ITF in the EU (Part I) - The EU's regulatory framework to counter ITF (Part II) - Recommendations on how to improve the prevention of and fight against ITF (Part III).

Details: Milano: Transcrime - Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore 2017. 116p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 10, 2018 at: http://www.transcrime.it/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/FIREFinalReport.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.transcrime.it/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/FIREFinalReport.pdf

Shelf Number: 149749

Firearms Trafficking
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Firearms
Trafficking in Weapons

Author: Danelo, David J.

Title: For Protection or Profit? Free trade, human smuggling and international border management

Summary: For the past two decades, policy officials and human-rights groups in both Europe and the US have participated in a vicious cycle of criticizing each other over the impact of border-control policies. Many activists hold enforcement authorities responsible for the human impact of migration enforcement, evident in allegations of increases in human smuggling and the grim realities of migrant deaths. In contrast, policymakers often claim that humanrights advocates encourage migration and risk-taking by proposing consequence-free international transit, which exacerbates the problem. Although the role of free-trade policies and supply chains is critical to understanding the border-management landscape in which these activities play out, customs laws are rarely considered by either side in this debate. This policy paper considers the impact of multinational corporations on border control through so-called trusted trader and traveller programmes, whose aim is to reduce border inspections for individuals and companies by allowing inspectors to pre-screen cargo and passengers who pass background investigations. Although these programmes have become essential to the management of global supply chains, they often create an illusion of increased security while simultaneously intensifying the divide between those who are and those who are not willing to pay the fees to participate in them. The paper also critically examines two pillars of American border policy - beyond-the-border initiatives and joint border management - and compares them with security elements of the European system. These mechanisms, which increased sharply through American-led initiatives following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, often appear effective and harmless, and therefore receive little scrutiny. Both in the US and Europe, multinational border-control agreements have been subjected to little scrutiny because of the failure of stakeholders to hold the global transportation system and state authorities accountable for these agreements. Although scant empirical evidence is available, what little does exist suggests that illicit activities, such as smuggling, are only marginally deterred by these strategies. By taking advantage of the vulnerabilities in such border-control agreements, smugglers of migrants and contraband are able to exploit trusted trader/ traveler programmes and public-private partnerships by using companies or people that are participants to make illicit transits. Although these agreements should not be eliminated, Europe should be cautious about mirroring the American approach to border management. And amid the current political climate of increasingly xenophobic US immigration policies, European policy negotiators should consider stipulating minimum requirements for participation in US programmes, including protections for people seeking humanitarian relief.

Details: Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime, 2018. 22p.

Source: Internet Resource: Policy Note: Accessed April 18, 2018 at: http://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/For-Protection-or-Profit-Intl-Border-Management-March-2018-web.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: International

URL: http://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/For-Protection-or-Profit-Intl-Border-Management-March-2018-web.pdf

Shelf Number: 149847

Asylum Seekers
Border Control
Border Security
Human Smuggling
Illegal Immigration
Migration Enforcement
Organized Crime

Author: Douglas, Kaylene

Title: Disengagement from involvement in organised crime: processes and risks

Summary: This paper provides insight into the processes and risks associated with disengaging from involvement in organised crime. It seeks to offer an understanding of what membership of an organised crime group entails, the motivations for leaving, processes of disengagement and potential repercussions that may be encountered as a result. Suggestions for promoting disengagement are also canvassed. Given the expansive nature of organised crime that takes place in Australia and globally, the different contexts of membership and personal involvement, and the cultural and social factors involved, disengagement is clearly complex and difficult to manage. Improved understanding of the processes and risks will enable policymakers to assist in the disruption of organised crime groups through the implementation of strategies designed to facilitate easy and effective disengagement from serious criminal activity.

Details: Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology, 2018. 15p.

Source: Internet Resource: Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice no. 542: Accessed April 24, 2018 at: https://aic.gov.au/publications/tandi/tandi542

Year: 2018

Country: Australia

URL: https://aic.gov.au/publications/tandi/tandi542

Shelf Number: 149876

Criminal Careers
Organized Crime

Author: Ramirez, Socorro

Title: Drug Policy in the Andes: Seeking Humane and Effective Alternatives

Summary: The Andean-United States Dialogue Forum, which is supported by the Carter Center and the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA), met in 2010 and 2011 with the participation of 35 prominent citizens who are involved in diverse social processes and the shaping of public opinion and dialogue with governments. Participants came from a variety of sectors in six countries (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, the United States and Venezuela). The working group on drug policy and organized crime was established at the first meeting of the Forum and implemented a plan for national consultations through meetings, events and interviews in the five Andean countries, to analyze drug policy successes, failures and alternatives. Two members of the working group, Socorro Ramirez and Coletta Youngers, were asked to develop a report as a contribution to the current discussion of the issue and efforts to develop effective, humane policies. Fifty years after signing the United Nations Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs and 40 years after the U.S. government declared a "war on drugs," many obstacles remain despite the partial successes of efforts to counter the problem. Organized crime tied to drug trafficking continues to rise, aggravating violence that involves gangs and hired assassins, murders and arms trafficking. These criminal organizations take advantage of all forms of illicit interaction with the state: corruption, impunity and infiltration. They also try to block action by police and the courts by co-opting or assassinating public officials, legislators and prosecutors. A growing symbiosis between the state and organized crime spreads insecurity and weakens democratic institutions. The election of Barack Obama raised expectations that Washington would acknowledge the urgent need for a change in drug policy. It is fair to highlight a shift in language and tone under the Obama administration, which has stopped using the term "war on drugs" and has acknowledged the need to treat drug use as a public health problem. It is also noteworthy that the White House is taking a less interventionist stance in response to alternatives emerging in the region. Specific policy reforms have yet to be defined, however. The regional dynamic has changed with the "left turn" that has occurred in the majority of South American countries, as well as the diversification in these countries' international relations. Countries are seeking their own platform, such as the Andean Community (CAN) and the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR), to discuss policies and respond to priority issues on the international agenda. The limitations of the current drug policy is causing increasing frustration within and between countries and is leading policy makers, experts and activists in the region to seek new strategies to contain the escalation of illicit markets and minimize the harm done to people, communities and states by drug production and use. The work of the Latin American Commission on Drugs and Democracy and of the Global Commission on Drug Policy has begun to break the taboo that has blocked progress in discussions of policy assessment and alternatives. In the present report, the authors describe a series of alternatives being considered and, in some cases, implemented in Latin America. These alternative policies are reflected in the following recommendations. The authors recommend that governments, shapers of public opinion and civil society in the Andean countries: Take the proposals of the Latin American Commission on Drugs and Democracy and the Global Commission on Drug Policy as points of departure when formulating drug policy and launch an educational and media campaign to help remove ideological biases from the debate while promoting a more evidence-based and regional approach to drug policy. Include additional state institutions (not just those related to police or military activities) in this shared task, along with the widest possible range of eminent individuals, communications media, health experts, non-governmental organizations, civil society and community organizations, churches and academics. Support the Global Commission on Drug Policy's call for a deeper debate on new approaches that focus on reducing the harm caused to the most vulnerable sectors of society affected by the production, trafficking and consumption of drugs, which would benefit the Andean countries in their efforts to develop humane and effective policies. Take into consideration efforts to implement new policies based on specific national situations and local cultural or social circumstances. Support the August 10, 2009 declaration by the governments of the UNASUR countries, in which they "recognize that the chewing of coca leaves is an ancestral cultural manifestation of the Bolivian people which must be respected by the international community." Strengthen dialogue and agreements among the Andean countries and within the frameworks of CAN and UNASUR and ensure the participation of civil society in these regional entities; implement UNASUR's South American Council on the World Drug Problem; and hold a regional meeting to discuss the development of a common agenda on drug policy. Implement solid drug use prevention, treatment and harm-reduction policies that respect human rights and offer adequate care to those who need it, treat drug use as a public health problem rather than a crime, and allocate the necessary resources to achieve this goal. Support the recommendation of the Latin American Commission on Drugs and Democracy to evaluate "the convenience of decriminalizing the possession of cannabis for personal use." Decriminalize personal consumption, use alternatives to incarceration for perpetrators of minor, non-violent crimes, and apply humanitarian considerations to confront the devastating impact the increase of women incarcerated for drug trafficking is having on their lives, their families and their communities. Advance towards an agreement among the Andean countries to end the forced eradication of small farmers' crops and redirect resources toward rural development. Adopt an "alternative livelihoods" approach that involves an appropriate sequence of actions: once other sources of income are established, crops for illegal markets can be reduced. This strategy implies decriminalizing relations with small farmers, instead making them partners in the effort to foster integrated rural development. Redirect law-enforcement efforts toward dismantling criminal organizations and networks linked to drug trafficking; improve and target intelligence activities; transform the exercise of politics; strengthen institutions; confront corruption and empower communities-especially those located in border areas. Strengthen mechanisms to protect democratic institutions from the corrosive influence of illicit political financing from drug trafficking by leveling the electoral playing field through measures such as public financing for parties and candidates, financial transparency during campaigns and sanctions against parties that include confirmed "narco-candidates" on their tickets.

Details: Stockholm: International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance - International; Atlanta, GA: The Carter Center, 2011. 88p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 24, 2018 at: https://www.tni.org/files/publication-downloads/book-drug-policy-in-the-andes.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Latin America

URL: https://www.tni.org/files/publication-downloads/book-drug-policy-in-the-andes.pdf

Shelf Number: 149881

Drug Control Policy
Drug Enforcement
Drug Policy Reform
Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: McDermott, Jeremy

Title: The Changing Face of Colombian Organized Crime

Summary: - Colombian organized crime, that once ran, unchallenged, the world's cocaine trade, today appears to be little more than a supplier to the Mexican cartels. Yet in the last ten years Colombian organized crime has undergone a profound metamorphosis. There are profound differences between the Medellin and Cali cartels and today's BACRIM. - The diminishing returns in moving cocaine to the US and the Mexican domination of this market have led to a rapid adaptation by Colombian groups that have diversified their criminal portfolios to make up the shortfall in cocaine earnings, and are exploiting new markets and diversifying routes to non-US destinations. The development of domestic consumption of cocaine and its derivatives in some Latin American countries has prompted Colombian organized crime to establish permanent presence and structures abroad. - This changes in the dynamics of organized crime in Colombia also changed the structure of the groups involved in it. Today the fundamental unit of the criminal networks that form the BACRIM is the "oficina de cobro", usually a financially self-sufficient node, part of a network that functions like a franchise. In this new scenario, cooperation and negotiation are preferred to violence, which is bad for business. - Colombian organized crime has proven itself not only resilient but extremely quick to adapt to changing conditions. The likelihood is that Colombian organized crime will continue the diversification of its criminal portfolio, but assuming an ever lower, more discrete profile and operating increasingly abroad.

Details: Berlin: Friedrich Ebert Sstiftung, 2014. 14p.

Source: Internet Resource: Perspectivas 9/2014: Accessed April 26, 2018 at: http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/bueros/la-seguridad/11153.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Colombia

URL: http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/bueros/la-seguridad/11153.pdf

Shelf Number: 149898

Drug Cartels
Drug Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: Schloenhardt, Andreas

Title: Organised Crime and Migrant Smuggling: Australia and the Asia-Pacific

Summary: Over the past two decades, smuggling in migrants has become a significant source of income for criminal organisations. Every year, thousands of migrants are being smuggled to Australia, throughout the Asia-Pacific region and around the world, by increasingly sophisticated criminal enterprises that earn billions of dollars by exploiting those fleeing poverty and persecution. The aim of this study is to explain the organised crime aspect of migrant smuggling in the Asia-Pacific region. In order to develop appropriate and effective countermeasures, the study seeks to identify and investigate the structural patterns of migrant smuggling. The report includes a brief discussion of what organised crime is, what it is not, and how it can best be approached. It examines why, when and where organised crime and migrant smuggling emerge. This provides the theoretical background for a detailed analysis of the organisational and operational aspects of migrant smuggling in Australia and the Asia-Pacific region.

Details: Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology, 2002. 92p.

Source: Internet Resource: Research and public policy series no. 44: Accessed April 27, 2018 at: https://aic.gov.au/publications/rpp/rpp44

Year: 2002

Country: Australia

URL: https://aic.gov.au/publications/rpp/rpp44

Shelf Number: 149926

Human Smuggling
Illegal Migrants
Organized Crime

Author: Finlay, Brian D.

Title: Public Threats, Private Solutions: Meeting Nonproliferation Challenges with the Force of the Market

Summary: The rapid pace and geographic breadth of technology innovation; the rapidity and volume of international trade; globalized business practices from outsourcing to offshoring and supply-chaining; the atomization of government interests and bureaucratic organization; and the inherent inability of governments to act at the speed of 21st-century commerce: these are but a few factors negatively influencing our ability to manage the lengthening global proliferation supply chain. The net result has been the global diffusion of the "means of production" of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) at the very moment that the traditional instruments of control are being challenged by downward budgetary pressures in government, complex cost-benefit calculations by political leaders, and a rapid evolution of the nature and modalities of the proliferation threat. These realities necessitate the advent of new approaches that better match and ultimately defeat emerging avenues for proliferation threats. Governments can no longer be solitary nonproliferation activists. The end of the last millennium brought with it a host of challenges that transcend national borders and institutional and conceptual boundaries: 9/11 and the rise of non-state actors, global disease pandemics, economic crises, and climate change. Globalization has clearly yielded a more uncertain and potentially dangerous world. A rapid increase in the movement of goods and people around the world has fueled a concomitant rise in illicit trade and a surge in profits to global gray and black markets. In 2012 the United Nations (UN) Secretary General's report noted that while over 500 million maritime containers move around the world every year, accounting for 90 percent of international trade, only 2 percent of these containers are physically inspected for contraband on an annual basis. In 2009, the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) estimated that transnational organized crime generates $870 billion a year, an amount equal to 1.5 percent of the global gross domestic product and six times the amount of official development assistance. More recent estimates put this number even higher, at closer to $3 trillion annually. Cybercrime, for which private industry bears most of the cost, is also surging. Cyber activities have increased by 26 percent since 2012, and reportedly now cost victims $11.56 million per year. And successive reports by the UN Sanctions Committees on North Korea and Iran demonstrate the widespread exploitation of private industry as both a witting and unwitting facilitator of proliferation. For security analysts, the conclusion is clear: globalization has made the world a far less safe and predicable place. Yet these grand challenges resulting from globalization have also yielded heretofore unimagined technological, economic, and development opportunities in virtually every corner of the globe. For instance, thanks in large measure to globalization, extreme poverty has declined significantly over the last two decades. In 1990, nearly half of the population in the developing world lived on less than $1.25 a day. Today, that proportion has dropped to just 14 percent - the largest mass migration from poverty in human history. For most of the planet's population, globalization and technology diffusion are rightly celebrated as truly life-changing - and in many cases life-saving - phenomena.

Details: Washington, DC: Stimson Center, 2016. 40p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 10, 2018 at: https://www.stimson.org/sites/default/files/file-attachments/public-threats-private-solutions.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: International

URL: https://www.stimson.org/sites/default/files/file-attachments/public-threats-private-solutions.pdf

Shelf Number: 150134

Black Markets
Illicit Trade
Organized Crime
Supply Chains

Author: Chavez Villegas, Cirenia

Title: Youth and Organised Crime in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico: An exploration of contributing factors

Summary: This research explores why young men participate in organised crime in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. From an ecological perspective, decisions are the result of a combination of factors at the macro, micro, and individual levels. The research explores factors at each of these levels, particularly the role of unfulfilled aspirations, the family and community environments, as well as different dimensions of poverty. In doing so, it uses an original survey covering a sample of 180 delinquent young men aged 12 to 29, who were in prison for organised criminal activity, and a sample of 180 non-delinquents with the same age, social background, and geographical origin in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. Twenty in-depth interviews were also carried out with a subsample of delinquents. To my knowledge, this is the first study to use a quasi-experimental approach to understand why young men in Mexico participate in organised crime that considers their aspirations and measures multidimensional poverty amongst a population that is commonly excluded from census data. The thesis draws on several theoretical frameworks from the fields of criminology and sociology, including anomie and attachment theories. The findings lend support to the importance of aspirations at the individual level. Opportunity constraints predict criminal participation and delinquents tend to place greater value on material items than their nondelinquent counterparts, which calls for the co-creation and management of aspirations of former delinquents and at-risk youth with the aid of counsellors. In the family environment, being raised in a single parent household was a significant predictor of participation in organised crime. As these households are often headed by women, greater support for working mothers is pressing, as work in the assembly plants in Juarez (the prime source of employment) is not accompanied with childcare. More involved fathers who constitute positive role models are necessary to mitigate the risks of criminal participation. In the community environment, regularly spending time in a gang significantly predicted organised crime participation. Although gangs constitute a gateway, they do not unequivocally lead to organised crime. This calls for an adequate assessment of gangs, a phenomenon that is still poorly understood in Mexico. At the macro level, the findings reveal that those who are more income deprived have a lower probability of having participated in crime, suggesting that participation reduces income poverty marginally. However, a higher proportion of delinquent participants are vulnerable due to deprivation in several social indicators and most delinquent participants are still multidimensionally poor, despite their participation in organised crime. This indicates that participating in crime does not constitute an effective or sustained pathway out of poverty, a message that should be communicated to at-risk youth. A more robust poverty and inequality reduction program accompanied by fiscal reform and higher minimum wages are also among the key policy recommendations.

Details: Cambridge, UK: Queens' College, University of Cambridge, 2018. 266p.

Source: Internet Resource: Dissertation: Accessed May 10, 2018 at: https://www.repository.cam.ac.uk/bitstream/handle/1810/273773/Chavez-2018-PhD.pdf?sequence=1

Year: 2018

Country: Mexico

URL: https://www.repository.cam.ac.uk/bitstream/handle/1810/273773/Chavez-2018-PhD.pdf?sequence=1

Shelf Number: 150144

Juvenile Delinquents
Organized Crime
Socioeconomic Conditions and Crime
Violent Crime
Youth Gangs
Youthful Offenders

Author: Blake, Damion Keith

Title: Violent Actors and Embedded Power: Exploring the Evolving Roles of Dons in Jamaica

Summary: The Jamaican don is a non-state actor who wields considerable power and control inside that nation's garrison communities. A don is a male figure, usually from the community in which he plays a leadership role. Garrisons in Jamaica have often emerged as neighborhoods that are don-ruled shadow versions of the official State. These are poor inner city communities characterized by homogeneous and, in some cases, over-voting patterns for one of Jamaica's two major political parties: the Peoples National Party (PNP) or the Jamaica Labor Party (JLP). This dissertation explores the major roles dons played in Jamaican garrisons. It focused on one community in the downtown metro area of one of the nation's cities. Additionally, it investigated the factors that account for the evolution of such roles performed by dons from the 1960s to the present. I used governance theories and the concept of embeddedness as an analytic framework to interpret the power and authority dons have in garrisons. Dons, as it turned out, perform four central roles in garrisons: security/protection, social welfare, partisan mobilization and law, order and conflict resolution via "jungle justice" measures. Different types of dons perform alternate mixes of these roles. The case study described here led me to develop a taxonomy of these informal community leaders by separating them into Mega, Area and Street Dons. I argue overall that dons are embedded governing authorities in Jamaican garrisons based on the socio-economic and political roles they carry out. By examining the responsibilities of dons in Jamaica, this analysis contributes to the literature on the activities of non-state criminal actors and their forms of influence on governance processes. The study suggests that it may now be appropriate to re-think the nature of governance and the actors we broadly assume are legitimate holders of power and authority in developing nation contexts.

Details: Blacksburg, VA: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2012. 213p.

Source: Internet Resource: Dissertation: Accessed May 14, 2018 at: https://vtechworks.lib.vt.edu/bitstream/handle/10919/49569/Blake_DK_D_2012.pdf?sequence=1

Year: 2012

Country: Jamaica

URL: https://vtechworks.lib.vt.edu/bitstream/handle/10919/49569/Blake_DK_D_2012.pdf?sequence=1

Shelf Number: 150186

Drug Trafficking
Gun Trafficking
Organized Crime
Violent Crime

Author: Europol

Title: Two Years of EMSC: Activity Report Jan. 2017 - Jan. 2018

Summary: Ruthless and violent criminals are increasingly providing smuggling services to irregular migrants to evade border controls, migration regulations and visa requirements. Most irregular migrants resort to the assistance of profit-seeking smugglers. With improved border controls, migrants are deterred from attempting to illegally cross borders by themselves and are diverted into the hands of smugglers who put migrants' lives at serious risk and therefore pose a security challenge to the internal security of the European Union (EU). A pan-European response to efficiently disrupt migrant smuggling activities is still needed and the European Migrant Smuggling Centre (ESMC) is leading it by strongly supporting EU Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs). Migrant smuggling continues to represent a highly-profitable business in which criminal syndicates enjoy low risk of detection and punishment. The business model of criminals involved in migrant smuggling is continuously evolving and responding to the dynamics and the needs of the migratory flows impacting the EU. Migrant smugglers are becoming more and more organised, establishing sophisticated professional networks, operating transnationally from source towards destination countries. According to the vast amount of data and information reported to the EMSC in recent months, targeting migrant smuggling therefore persists as one of the most relevant priorities. These factors highlight the need to continue developing comprehensive and coordinated responses across and between affected continents to efficiently combat migrant smuggling. Adaptable, innovative and agile support to EU Member States in the fight against this serious crime is required in order to face new challenges and that is where the EMSC is investing its efforts and allocating resources. The results of this report are the outcome of the cooperation between Europol, EU and non-EU law enforcement partners.

Details: The Hague: European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation 2018. 28p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 17, 2018 at: https://www.europol.europa.eu/publications-documents/two-years-of-emsc

Year: 2018

Country: Europe

URL: https://www.europol.europa.eu/publications-documents/two-years-of-emsc

Shelf Number: 150248

Human Smuggling
Illegal Immigrants
Illegal Immigration
Migrant Smuggling
Organized Crime

Author: Morgan, Anthony

Title: Impact of ballistic evidence on criminal investigations

Summary: The challenges associated with investigating serious crime, particularly organised crime, are well known. Increasingly, police are turning to new information technologies to support traditional investigative techniques. Automated ballistic information technology allows police to link cases that would otherwise not be known to be related. By linking investigations, police can identify new leads and suspects. The current study used interviews with investigators in two states to understand what impact ballistic evidence has on criminal investigations into firearm crime. The results revealed a significant number of cases benefited from linked investigations- including cold cases and cases involving organized crime groups. This research helps to demonstrate the potential value of technology to law enforcement, and the circumstances in which it is most effective.

Details: Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology, 2018. 16p.

Source: Internet Resource: Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice no. 548: Accessed May 23, 2018 at: https://aic.gov.au/publications/tandi/tandi548

Year: 2018

Country: Australia

URL: https://aic.gov.au/publications/tandi/tandi548

Shelf Number: 150330

Criminal Investigations
Forensic Evidence
Gun Violence
Guns-Related Violence
Organized Crime

Author: Freire, Danilo Alves Mendes

Title: Beasts of Prey or Rational Animals? Private Governance in Brazil's Jogo do Bicho

Summary: This work presents a rational choice account for the jogo do bicho ('animal game'), possibly the largest illegal lottery game in the world. Over 120 years, the jogo do bicho has grown into a multimillion-dollar business and exerted a significant impact on the Brazilian society. The lottery has been a major sponsor of the Carnival Parade in Rio de Janeiro, which is among the world's most famous popular festivals, and it has remained an important driver of state corruption in the country. This work investigates the institutions that have caused the jogo do bicho's notable growth and long-term survival outside the boundaries of the Brazilian law. It also explains the emergence of the informal rules that govern the game as well as their enforcement mechanisms.

Details: Unpublished paper, 2017. 37p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 1, 2018 at: https://osf.io/preprints/socarxiv/se2jr/

Year: 2017

Country: Brazil

URL: https://osf.io/preprints/socarxiv/se2jr/

Shelf Number: 150425

Criminal Networks
Organized Crime

Author: La Rosa, Lucy

Title: The New Generation: Mexico's Emerging Organized Crime Threat

Summary: Over the past decade, more than 200,000 people have been murdered in Mexico, including the record 29,000 murders that occurred in 2017 alone. While there are complex underlying factors behind every individual homicide, a substantial portion of Mexico's recent violence is attributable to organized crime groups. In an effort to reduce the operational capabilities of these groups, the government of Mexico has responded to this crisis with a deliberate strategy to target top organized crime figures for arrest and even extradition. In January 2017, these efforts culminated in the downfall of famed drug trafficker, Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, who was extradited to the United States and is currently preparing to stand trial for various related crimes in New York. One of the unintended consequences of Guzman's downfall has been an increase in homicides to unprecedented levels. Following Guzman's removal as the purported head of the Sinaloa Cartel, one of Mexico's most powerful criminal organizations, splinter groups and rival organizations have competed to take over the lucrative drug trafficking routes he formerly controlled. One group that has been behind much of this violence is a relatively new organized crime syndicate known as the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion, CJNG), an offshoot of the Sinaloa Cartel that has managed to re-brand itself, consolidate splintered criminal networks, and emerge as one of the most powerful drug trafficking organizations in Mexico.

Details: San Diego: Justice in Mexico, 2018. 28p.

Source: Internet Resource: Policy Brief: Accessed June 20, 2018 at: https://justiceinmexico.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/180319-Policy_Brief-CJNG.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: Mexico

URL: https://justiceinmexico.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/180319-Policy_Brief-CJNG.pdf

Shelf Number: 150594

Criminal Networks
Drug Cartels
Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime
Trafficking Drugs

Author: Arredondo Sanchez Lira, Jaime

Title: The Resurgence of Violent Crime in Tijuana

Summary: This policy brief provides an assessment of the recent resurgence of violent crime in the Mexican border city of Tijuana in the state of Baja California. With an estimated 1.8 million inhabitants in 2017, Tijuana is the largest Mexican city on the U.S.-Mexico border. The city is home to roughly 49% of Baja California's population, while comprising only around 2% of the state's territory. Today one of Mexico's fastest growing cities, Tijuana reportedly grows at an annual rate of 35,000 people per year, or nearly 96 new inhabitants per day, drawing large numbers of immigrants from elsewhere in Mexico to join the city's robust economy. A longtime destination for cross-border tourism, Tijuana has long prided itself as the "world's most visited city." Today, nearly 190,000 people cross the border between Tijuana and neighboring San Diego on a daily basis for work, commerce, schooling, fine dining, family gatherings, and other recreational pursuits. Moreover, an estimated 200,000 U.S. citizens reside in the state of Baja California (roughly one in five of all U.S. citizens estimated to reside in Mexico), with many of them living in Tijuana. The city's thriving manufacturing sector makes Tijuana a vital part of the vibrant cross-border economic area known as the "Cali-Baja" region, particularly in areas such as electronics and medical devices; one study estimates that this region is responsible for roughly 40% of all audio-visual manufacturing in North America. Yet, dating back to the Prohibition-era of the 1920s, Tijuana also has long suffered a reputation as a city of vice. Over the last decade, that reputation has been further damaged by dramatic surges of violent crime, often attributable to drug-trafficking and organized crime groups. The city also has high levels of drug use that are shaped by its proximity to the United States. While methamphetamine is the main illicit drug used in the State of Baja California, the city has a higher concentration of heroin drug users compared to the national average, resulting in a concentrated epidemic of HIV and Hepatitis C virus among this high-risk population. In 2017, Tijuana had more homicides than any other city in Mexico, in a record year for national homicide figures. According to information from the Baja California Ministry of Public Safety, from 2016 to 2017 Tijuana saw the number of investigations on homicide cases rise from 872 to 1,618, an increase of roughly 86% in just one year. Preliminary figures from the Baja California State Secretary of Public Security put the total number of homicides in these cases at 1,780 homicide victims in Tijuana. 8 Preliminary data from Mexico's National Public Security system puts the total number of victims of homicide in the country at 29,168, a number that could increase to over 30,000 when final tallies are completed in the coming months.9 Based on these figures, the authors calculate that in 2017 one out of twenty murders in Mexico took place in Tijuana.

Details: San Diego: Justice in Mexico, 2018.

Source: Internet Resource: Policy Brief: Accessed June 20, 2018 at: https://justiceinmexico.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/180205_TJViolence.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: Mexico

URL: https://justiceinmexico.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/180205_TJViolence.pdf

Shelf Number: 150597

Drug Trafficking
Illicit Drugs
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Drugs
Violent Crime

Author: Mannings, Jaime

Title: Individual Factors Motivating People to Join Organized Violent Movements

Summary: A guerilla-style opponent is one of the toughest missions conventional military forces will ever face. Political violence is difficult to stop in any country. These conflicts last years, sometimes decades. This is the case in Colombia, where the government has been fighting Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia Ejrcito del Pueblo (FARC-EP) since 1965; in Peru, where the government has been fighting Sendero Luminoso since 1980; and in Mexico, where the government has been trying to defeat the Ejrcito Zapatista de Liberacin Nacional since 1994. Why are these movements so difficult to quell? Is it because of the governments' inability to design suitable defeat mechanisms? Is there failure to understand what motivates people to join an organized violent movement (OVM)? This study addresses this problem by focusing on identifying the individual motivational factors causing people to join an OVM using a qualitative multiple-case study comparative analysis. This investigation analyzes a plethora of literature placing special emphasis on documented interviews of former combatants to extrapolate the true reason why they chose to fight.

Details: Fort Leavenworth, KS: US Army Command and General Staff College, 2017. 111p.

Source: Internet Resource: Thesis: Accessed June 20, 2018 at: http://www.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/1038778.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: United States

URL: http://www.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/1038778.pdf

Shelf Number: 150603

Organized Crime
Violent Extremists

Author: New Jersey. Commission of Investigation

Title: Corrupt Commerce: Heroin, Thievery and the Underground Trade in Stolen Goods

Summary: In two years, he burned through an $800,000 inheritance, lost his home and allowed his family business to die. Desperate and broke, he found a lucrative new way to fund the heroin addiction that consumed his fortune and his life: stolen metal. He tore wire and copper pipe from buildings. He heaved manhole covers from the streets, ripped storm drains from parking lots, pulled heavy metal pins from construction barriers. Then, in an old sedan weighed down nearly to the pavement, he routinely took his haul to a booming scrap yard linked to organized crime in Hillsborough, Somerset County. There, the owner and employees readily bought the stolen metal for cash, no questions asked, not a word to the police. A hundred miles to the south, a young woman hit upon her own way to remedy the dopesickness that dictated her daily rhythms. She led a crew that shoplifted more than $100,000 in goods from major retail chains, then returned the items for gifts cards in the amount of the stolen merchandise. She sold those cards for 50 cents on the dollar to willing businesses across South Jersey. Again, no questions asked, no alert about suspicious behavior. The State Commission of Investigation has found that these circumstances are emblematic of a corrupt and enduring commerce in New Jersey's lightly regulated and often lawless world of scrap yards, pawn shops, cash-for-gold outlets and secondhand goods operations. Driven largely by the heroin and opioid epidemic, this shadowy underground economy is being exploited for profit across the state by convicted felons and elements of organized crime. In business after business, Commission investigators identified owners and employees with extensive criminal histories, including convictions for fraud, burglary, receiving stolen property, assault, firearms violations, narcotics distribution and racketeering. The SCI found evidence of drug-dealing directly from the counter at one shop, the illegal sale of handguns at another and links to a mob-related loansharking scheme at a third. At those locations and others, investigators found that owners and employees regularly accepted stolen goods, from jewelry to power tools, and in some cases directed customers to steal in-demand items likely to maximize profits upon resale. Collectively, the Commission estimates, the businesses have bought and sold tens of millions of dollars in stolen goods in recent years. This thriving marketplace, operating with little oversight or accountability, incentivizes theft and promotes destructive acts against both public and private infrastructure, putting residents in jeopardy. The widespread plundering of copper wiring and heavy-duty backup batteries from cell phone towers undermines cellular service during power outages. The theft of wire that transmits signals along train tracks delays commuters, requires costly repairs and strains an already overtaxed transit system. The removal of electricity-conducting wire from utility substations compromises the power grid. Little is off limits. Scrap hunters have ripped the risers from bleachers at schools, made off with aluminum street lamps from highways and stolen bronze vases from graves. The enormous costs of the illicit bargain between thieves and unscrupulous owners are borne by all New Jerseyans: the ratepayers who see higher bills for cell service and electricity; the consumers who pay more for goods at retail stores; the taxpayers ultimately responsible for replacing infrastructure that has vanished in the night. By providing an easy route for drug addicts and opportunists to cash in on stolen metal and merchandise, these enterprises have helped spawn an endless cycle of theft, one that law enforcement cannot keep pace with, much less end, without a muscular response from the State. The Commission carried out this investigation in keeping with its 50-year-old statutory mandate to identify and expose corruption, to highlight government laxity and gaps in oversight, to determine the effectiveness of New Jersey's laws and to inform the Governor, the Legislature, the Attorney General and the public about the influence and intrusion of organized crime. In particular, the findings set forth in this report build upon groundbreaking investigative work dating back nearly a decade when the SCI became one of the first agencies of government to identify the burgeoning opioid and heroin epidemic. Over the course of this inquiry, SCI investigators issued scores of subpoenas, analyzed banking records and conducted more than 100 interviews with law enforcement officers, metal recyclers, state and municipal officials, representatives of the telecommunications and retail industries, and the owners and employees of outfits engaged in suspect or illegal behavior. Just as significantly, the SCI interviewed those with the clearest view of interactions with these businesses: the addicts and former addicts who carried out thefts for drug money. SCI agents also conducted surveillance at suspect establishments and, in cooperation with police departments and confidential sources, participated in sting operations at scrap yards and secondhand goods stores. In those cases, items purchased by the Commission or lawfully obtained from utilities, phone companies and retail stores were sold to owners or employees with the fictive understanding the items had been stolen. The inquiry found that state and municipal regulations governing these businesses are scattershot, inadequate and unevenly enforced. The State licenses traditional pawn shops, which provide collateral-based loans, while municipalities license cash-for-gold shops, secondhand goods stores and scrap yards. Ordinances vary widely in strength and effectiveness from municipality to municipality. Laws governing some aspects of the businesses have proven to be window dressing, too minimal in scope and so erratically enforced they have failed to deter the prodigious flow of stolen goods. Equally troubling, SCI investigators found that many owners regularly flout the few rules that apply to them with little or no consequence. In some towns, the Commission found, law enforcement officials were unaware their governing bodies had passed ordinances giving police the means to crack down on the businesses - a breakdown in communication and coordination that has sapped accountability. The Commission is mindful that pawn outlets, secondhand goods stores and scrap metal recyclers contribute to the tax base in their communities and provide services helpful to the public. Local scrap yards are building blocks in the international commerce of recycled metal. In addition, not all owners and employees operate flagrantly outside the bounds of decency and the law. But in the absence of meaningful oversight, far too many of these operations have been subverted by criminal activity. The Commission recommends the State take the lead in licensing and regulating these industries. As the Legislature in recent decades has moved to root out organized crime from New Jersey's trash-hauling companies and casinos, so, too, should the State ban mob associates and those with extensive criminal records from trades that remain obvious and attractive pathways for the disposal of stolen property. Further, the Commission recommends requiring owners and employees to record all transactions in an online database accessible by law enforcement. Two such databases are already in use in neighboring states and in a minority of New Jersey municipalities, allowing investigators to more efficiently track sales, identify trends, find stolen merchandise and hold dishonest owners and employees accountable.

Details: Trenton: The Commission, 2018. 108p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 21, 2018 at: https://www.nj.gov/sci/pdf/Stolen%20Goods%20Report%20Final.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: United States

URL: https://www.nj.gov/sci/pdf/Stolen%20Goods%20Report%20Final.pdf

Shelf Number: 150626

Illegal Trade
Metal Theft
Opioid Crisis
Organized Crime
Scrap Metal Theft
Stolen Goods
Stolen Property
Trafficking in Narcotics
Underground Economy

Author: Blokland, Arjan

Title: Profielen van Nederlandse outlawbikers en Nederlandse outlawbikerclubs

Summary: The criminal careers of members of Dutch outlaw motorcycle clubs and their supportclubs: a study using conviction data Decisive action against criminal outlaw motorcycle gangs (OMG's) ranks high on the Dutch criminal justice agenda since 2012. Nevertheless, the number of OMG-chapters in the Netherlands, and presumably therefore the number of Dutch OMG-members, has rapidly increased over the last couple of years. This rise was accompanied by an increase in the number of official support clubs or puppet clubs as well. There are reasons to believe that these support clubs are not only used as incubators for new OMG-members, but also to lend a hand in criminal activities and to provide leverage in intergang conflict. The current study aims to describe the (officially registered) criminal behavior of OMG- and support club-members. This research builds on previous research into the criminal careers of Dutch OMG-members by using official data on the conviction histories of 1.617 police-identified OMG-members, and 473 members of support clubs. Results show that the vast majority of OMG- and support club-members is convicted at least once. Convictions often also pertain to serious crimes. Several criminal trajectories can be distinguished, of which some are characterized by a rather high level of convictions during the adult years. Profiles of Dutch outlaw bikers: a latent class analysis The Netherlands are confronted with a rapid growth of the outlaw biker subculture. On theoretical grounds it is expected that such a steep increase is accompanied by radicalization of the outlaw biker milieu, and an increasing number of OMG members involved in organized crime. Expansion also leads to increased rivalry between OMG's, further contributing to radicalization by making membership attainable to those motivated by other sentiments than a love for motorcycles. In a partial test of these explanations the current study examines the nature of the crimes committed by OMG- and support club-members, and whether, based on combinations of different types of offenses, meaningful criminal career types can be distinguished. Results show that in OMG's and support clubs different criminal career types can be distinguished, but that these criminal career types are not the same in OMG and support clubs. Over one third of Dutch OMG-members exhibits a criminal career type that is indicative of radical sentiments. Among support club-members a criminal career type is found that is characterized by violence. Crime amongst Dutch outlaw motorcycle gangs Crimes by outlaw motorcycle gangs are a source of concern for the Dutch police and local authorities. Since 2012, OMG's have therefore been subjected to a whole-of-government approach, targeting in principle every Dutch OMG. Spokesmen of OMG's have opposed to this approach on the grounds that it indiscriminately and unjustly puts all OMG's on the same level. Based on a sample of 1617 police-identified members of Dutch OMG's, the current study paints a quantitative picture of the extent to which Dutch OMG's are involved in various types of crime. By distinguishing between common club-members and club leaders, Dutch OMG's can be placed along the club/gang-continuum proposed by Barker (2007; 2015). Results show that Dutch OMG's differ in both the percentage of ever convicted members, as well as the average extent of these members' criminal records

Details: Apeldoorn;: University of Leiden, Law School, 136p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 26, 2018 at: https://www.politieenwetenschap.nl/cache/files/5b324baabe80ePW101.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: Netherlands

URL: https://www.politieenwetenschap.nl/cache/files/5b324baabe80ePW101.pdf

Shelf Number: 150701

Criminal Careers
Motorcycle Gangs
Organized Crime

Author: Moors, H.

Title: Criminal families in North Brabant. An exploration of generation effects in organized crime - Criminele families in Noord-Brabant. Een verkenning van generatie-effecten in de georganiseerde misdaad.

Summary: The association of North Brabant and organized crime is current. Almost weekly, pieces appear in the newspaper of sobre rolled up hemp nurseries, dumping of chemical waste from drug labs in the outlying area the on the city sewer, threats to the mayors and aldermen about how close the underworld and the upper world sometimes seem to be to each other. 'This is the situation: we are dealing with an unorganized government versus organized crime, 'said the King's commissioner Wim van de Donk in the Volkskrant note: 'Nosotros only catch the losers. I have heard from a few experts that it was not. ' Interestingly, organized crime is often also connected is brought with a criminal culture that would be typical of Brabant. It is then una vez mas una economia moral originates from an inward culture, from a feeling of orphan una cultura de la historia de Government but long-term social relations within villages, city neighborhoods, the familias are the main source of trust. De Brabander would be contrarian and silent because of the 'we know US '. And on that breeding ground the crime would thrive.

Details: Amsterdam: Reed Business, 2017. 192p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 27, 2018 at: http://www.emma.nl/files/documenten/criminele_families.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: Netherlands

URL: http://www.emma.nl/files/documenten/criminele_families.pdf

Shelf Number: 150719

Neighborhoods and Crime
Organized Crime

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

Title: Results of a pilot survey of forty selected organized criminal groups in sixteen countries

Summary: Globalization and growing economic interdependence have encouraged and promoted the transformation of crime beyond borders in all parts of the world. Improved communications and information technologies, increased blurring of national borders, greater mobility of people, goods and services across countries, and the emergence of a globalized economy have moved crime further away from its domestic base. The nature of organized crime in the contemporary world then cannot be understood separately from the concept of globalization. In 1998, in recognition of these factors, the Member States of the United Nations decided to established an ad hoc Committee for the purpose of elaborating a comprehensive international Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (TOC). The ad hoc Committee succeeded in drafting four international legal instruments -- the Convention and three Protocols on Trafficking in Persons, Smuggling of Migrants and Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms -- that will facilitate the prevention and combating of transnational organized crime. Through the ratification of these instruments several new legal concepts and mechanisms will be adopted by the State Parties who ratify the Convention. Of importance in this regard, is the criminalizing of participation in the activities of a criminal group itself. Importantly too, the Convention will provide a basic framework of cooperation across a large number of countries in the fight against organized crime. Critical to the implementation and monitoring of the TOC Convention will be the ability to access reliable information on international organized crime trends. Adequate information on ongoing developments from a global perspective may provide a useful marker against which progress can be measured and changes in the nature of organized crime assessed. At the same time, an international effort to collect data on developments in organized crime around the globe would provide a platform for the work of a wide ranging number of individuals and governments who are increasingly adopting more systematic ways of acquiring information on organized criminal groups. Beyond the establishment of an overall measure to assess trends in organized crime, the development of a more comprehensive system of classification and the ongoing collection of data on criminal groups provides a useful tool for both law enforcement officials and prosecutors. Information on various criminal groups serves not only to inform counterparts in other countries what kind of criminal groups are being investigated in specific states, but allows information on the activities of similar groups to be compared. If combined with data about institutional arrangements and strategies of states in addressing crime, it provides insights into the viability of measures and strategies adopted in tackling various types of criminal groups. Important to note here is that by providing a standard set of agreed upon definitions, for example for the term "organised crime group" and for offences such as "trafficking in human beings", the Convention and its Protocols have in effect established a base-line for future research and analysis. If all the countries which ratify the Convention use the same terminology and definitions, the task of comparative analysis is made much easier. To further the debate on measures and instruments to collect data on organized crime trends at an international level, this report presents the findings of a survey of 40 selected organized criminal groups in 16 countries and one region. The survey was conducted by the Centre for International Crime Prevention (CICP) in an attempt to both build the knowledge base on organized crime groups, and to develop a comparative framework for the study of the phenomenon. The mechanism in which the data was collected and analyzed is explored below and the findings presented. Among other results, the data has allowed the development of a typology of organized criminal groups.

Details: New York: UNODC, 2002. 123p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 28, 2018 at: https://www.unodc.org/pdf/crime/publications/Pilot_survey.pdf

Year: 2002

Country: International

URL: https://www.unodc.org/pdf/crime/publications/Pilot_survey.pdf

Shelf Number: 150727

Human Smuggling
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Firearms
Transnational Organized crime

Author: Hunter, Marcena

Title: Measures that Miss the Mark: Capturing proceeds of crime in illicit financial flows models

Summary: Illicit financial flows (IFFs) are generally viewed as the financial side of criminal activity, and there is widespread agreement IFFs are a global threat. There is also agreement that IFFs, particularly prevalent and damaging in the context of weak, developing and fragile states, are a threat to sustainable development. International recognition of IFFs as a development threat include Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) target 16.4, which states: "[b]y 2030, significantly reduce illicit financial flow". However, the concept remains vague and its content controversial. Furthermore, misalignment between terminology used to define IFFs and methodology to measure the scale of IFFs has troubling implications for policy response. Terminology encompasses a wide variety of illicit flows, while existing measures tend to be narrower and inherently give greater weight to IFFs linked to the classifications of commerce, as compared to those generated by crime and corruption. Furthermore, IFFs from the least developed states are at high risk of being undervalued. This paper examines how terminology and measurement frameworks can better reflect the form and scale of IFFs linked to crime.Due to the complex nature of the phenomenon, a more accurate and multifaceted approach to defining and measuring crime-related IFFs is critical to better reflect the detrimental impact these types of flows have on development and to formulating effective responses. Continuing to treat IFFs as a single, indivisible phenomenon inhibits the development of comprehensive and effective responses. Disaggregation of analysis and measures of IFF types is therefore essential.Key recommendations: Develop more accurate terminology and definitions, including better accounting for elements especially relevant to developing nations and crime IFFs; Represent estimates of IFFs more accurately and transparently; Adopt a multi-step model that makes use of both crime- and country-specific assessments and the gravity model, as well as information from both quantitative and qualitative sources; and, Utilize assessment frameworks that go beyond monetary values and account for harm.

Details: Geneva: Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime, 2018. 39p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 29, 2018 at: http://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/TGIATOC-Illicit-Financial-Flows-report-1941-hi-res-2-1.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: International

URL: http://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/TGIATOC-Illicit-Financial-Flows-report-1941-hi-res-2-1.pdf

Shelf Number: 150735

Financial Crimes
Money Laundering
Organized Crime
Proceeds of Crime

Author: InSight Crime

Title: Game Changers 2017: What to Watch for in 2018

Summary: Organized crime thrives amid political corruption and uncertainty. There will be plenty of this in Latin America in 2018, helping organized crime deepen its roots across the region over the course of the year. This is the moment when we draw on our extensive research and experience to make our predictions for the coming year. And the panorama for 2018 is one of the bleakest that InSight Crime has faced in our nine years of studying criminal phenomena in Latin America and the Caribbean. Tackling organized crime requires stable governments with purpose, strategy, strong security forces, healthy democracy and transparency, along with international cooperation. These currently seem in short supply around the region. Political chaos, infighting and upheaval ensure that attention is occupied on survival and manipulation of democracy, not with tackling organized crime. State legitimacy has come into question in certain nations in the region, as political leaders are investigated for corruption or manipulation of power. Embattled political leaders will often cut backroom deals with criminal elements to ensure their survival. Moreover, several countries will see important elections in the coming year, contributing to political instability. Political Hangovers From 2017 As we wrote in our introduction to this GameChangers, 2017 saw corruption take hold at high levels in governments across the region. So we enter 2018 with several political hangovers, where we believe corruption will assume a still stronger grip: Venezuela, where the last fig leaf of democracy has fallen and a corrupt regime is entrenching itself in power. As oil revenue dries up, the government may further criminalize to survive. The disintegration of the Venezuelan state and its total corruption has far-reaching regional implications for criminal dynamics. These are most immediately impacting on neighbors like Colombia, Brazil and Caribbean nations (Trinidad and Tobago, Aruba and the Dominican Republic foremost among them), but the effects are spreading further afield. Honduras, where the re-election of President Juan Orlando Hernandez has been disputed amid claims of fraud and corruption. This has further undermined his already battered legitimacy. This Northern Triangle nation is of extraordinary importance for drugs moving from South America to the United States. Peru, which saw President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski narrowly avoid being removed from power amid accusations of corruption. He survived only by pardoning former President Alberto Fujimori, who was jailed for human rights abuses. The Fujimori family control one of the most powerful factions in Congress. Kuczynski has been fatally weakened and discredited. We expect to see major underworld activities such as cocaine, timber and gold trafficking strengthened as a result. Bolivia's president, Evo Morales, has manipulated the constitution and looks set to perpetuate himself in office by standing for a fourth term. Most checks on his power now seem to have been stripped away, even as the country plays a central role in South America's drug trade. Ecuador has seen its vice president removed after a conviction for corruption, while President Lenin Moreno find himself locked in a political war with former President Rafael Correa. Organized crime is far down the president's list of priorities, despite that the fact that we believe the port of Guayaquil to be one of the major departure points for cocaine shipments across the globe. Presidential Elections in 2018 To further feed the political uncertainty, there are elections in six important nations, which mean that political attention will be utterly focused on these and not on the fight against organized crime. Brazil has a president with around five percent approval rating universally seen as corrupt. The favorite to win this election, Luiz Inacio "Lula" da Silva, was convicted in July of accepting bribes from an engineering firm in exchange for public works contracts. Colombia, the world's foremost producer of cocaine, is struggling to implement a peace agreement with Marxist rebels and prevent a recycling of criminal actors. The enemies of peace seem stronger than its friends as the candidates line up. Costa Rica, sat astride the Central America route for cocaine heading towards the United States, has seen transnational organized crime take root and feed national criminal structures. Mexico has seen violence reach new heights and its current president, Enrique Peea Nieto, has provided few new strategies to tackle homicides or the organized crime that feeds them. New leadership is desperately needed, but no matter who wins the July elections no real changes in strategy are expected until the end of the year, when a new president will take office. Paraguay, South America's most prolific producer of marijuana already has a president associated with criminal activity in the form of cigarette smuggling. With Brazilian criminal groups projecting themselves into this landlocked nation, clear leadership is needed to contain rampant criminal activity. Venezuela is due to have presidential elections, but with President Nicolas Maduro now operating a dictatorship, there are no guarantees these will be held, much less that any real change will occur. Economic collapse is more likely to produce change than political challenge. Even in Cuba, dominated by the Castro brothers since 1959, change is coming as Raul Castro has promised to step down in 2018. And Nicaragua's president Daniel Ortega, in power since 2007, is tightening his grip on the levers of power and undermining democracy. Not since the days of the Cold War have democracy and good governance been under such threat in Latin America. These conditions have in part been created by organized crime and the corruption it feeds. And organized crime will continue to profit from the chaos. Cooperation is also key to fighting transnational organized crime and for good or ill, the United States has often provided coherency and leadership in the war on drugs and organized crime. That leadership is gone along with much US credibility in the region. All this simply gives yet more room for criminals to maneuver. More 'Plata' Than 'Plomo' There is another aspect of organized crime worth mentioning when we look to 2018. While corruption has always been one of the primary tools for organized crime, its flip side has been intimidation and violence. Pablo Escobar used to famously offer his victims two choices: "plata" ("silver," a bribe) or "plomo" ("lead," a bullet). What is becoming clear to the most sophisticated criminals is that bribery now gets you a lot further, a lot quicker, than violence. The expanding corruption scandals are evidence of this. While Mexico, Venezuela and much of the Northern Triangle countries of El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras register epidemic levels of homicides, Colombia is bucking the trend. Even as cocaine exports reach record levels, along with internal drug consumption, with other booming illegal economies such as gold mining and extortion, murders are falling. While this is in part due to the de-escalation of the civil conflict with the demobilization of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia - FARC), the other major factor is the development of a Pax Mafiosa. The first "mafia peace" was forged in Medellin, the capital of the cocaine trade, and expanded from there across the country. This means that our mission of exposing organized crime is getting harder here in our home base of Colombia. The criminal history of Latin America has been driven by criminal entrepreneurs, principally in the forms of the drug cartels. This is not the case in Africa, where criminal activity is often managed by elements within government. As Latin organized crime continues to fragment, and corruption becomes the preferred method of doing illicit business, Latin America may begin to look more like Africa. Criminality may not only be protected at the highest levels of government but perhaps run by these elements. This is a phenomena we have studied closely in our "Elites and Organized Crime" investigations. We will dedicate yet more resources to these kinds of investigations as we believe they point the way forward in terms of criminal evolution. SEE ALSO: InDepth Coverage of Elites and Organized Crime Transnational organized crime is the most agile business on the planet and adapts to changing conditions much faster than governments. When those governments become weakened, undermined and corrupted by transnational crime groups, the already uneven playing field become yet further skewed. This year is likely to be a year of further criminal entrenchment in the region, of further corruption of high levels of government or even state capture. Be ready, because we need to pay very close attention, if we are to see the hand of organized crime amid the political chaos

Details: s.l.: InSight Crime, 2018. 60p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 29, 2018 at: https://www.insightcrime.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/GAMECHANGERS-2017-InSight-Crime-FINAL.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: South America

URL: https://www.insightcrime.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/GAMECHANGERS-2017-InSight-Crime-FINAL.pdf

Shelf Number: 150738

Criminal Networks
Drug Trafficking (South America)
Organized Crime
Street Gangs

Author: Beittel, June S.

Title: Mexico: Organized Crime and Drug Trafficking Organizations

Summary: The notorious drug trafficking kingpin Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman is now imprisoned in the United States awaiting trial, following the Mexican government's decision to extradite him to the United States on January 19, 2017, the day before President Trump took office. Guzman is charged with operating a continuing criminal enterprise and conducting drug-related crimes as the purported leader of the Mexican criminal syndicate commonly known as the Sinaloa cartel. The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) maintains that the Sinaloa cartel has the widest reach into U.S. cities of any transnational criminal organization. In November 2016, in its National Drug Threat Assessment, the DEA stated that Mexican drug trafficking groups are working to expand their presence, particularly in the heroin markets inside the United States. Over the years, Mexico"s criminal groups have trafficked heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine, marijuana, and increasingly the powerful synthetic opioid fentanyl. Mexico's drug trafficking organizations (DTOs) have been in constant flux. By some accounts, in 2006, there were four dominant DTOs: the Tijuana/Arellano Felix organization (AFO), the Sinaloa cartel, the Juarez/Vicente Carillo Fuentes organization (CFO), and the Gulf cartel. Since then, the more stable large organizations have fractured. In recent years, the DEA has identified the following organizations as dominant: Sinaloa, Los Zetas, Tijuana/AFO, Juarez/CFO, Beltran Leyva, Gulf, and La Familia Michoacana. In some sense, these organizations might be viewed as the "traditional" DTOs, although the 7 organizations appear to have fragmented to at least 9 (or as many as 20) major organizations. New crime groups have emerged since the December 2012 inauguration of Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto, who has faced an increasingly complex crime situation. The major DTOs and new crime groups have furthered their expansion into such illicit activity as extortion, kidnapping for ransom, and oil syphoning, posing a governance challenge to President Pena Nieto as daunting as that faced by his predecessors. Former Mexican President Felipe Calderon (2006-2012) initiated an aggressive campaign against Mexico's drug traffickers that was a defining policy of his government and one that the DTOs violently resisted. Operations to eliminate DTO leaders sparked organizational change, which led to significant instability among the groups and continued violence. Such violence appears to be rising again in Mexico. In January 2017, the country registered more homicides than in any January since the government began to release national crime data in the late 1980s. In a single weekend in April 2017, more than 35 died in what was assumed to be drug trafficking-related violence. Although the Mexican government no longer estimates organized crime-related homicides, some independent analysts have claimed that murders linked to organized crime may have exceeded 100,000 since 2006, when President Calderon began his campaign against the DTOs. Mexico's government reported that the annual number of all homicides in Mexico declined after Calderon left office in 2012 by about 16% in 2013 and 15% in 2014, only to rise in 2015 and 2016. In 2016, the Mexican government reported a 22% increase in all homicides to 22,932, almost reaching the high point of nearly 23,000 murders in 2011, Mexico's most violent year. The 115th Congress remains concerned about security conditions inside Mexico and the illicit drug trade. The Mexican DTOs are the major wholesalers of illegal drugs in the United States and are increasingly gaining control of U.S. retail-level distribution. This report examines how the organized crime landscape has been significantly altered by fragmentation and how the organizational shape-shifting continues

Details: Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service, 2017. 32p.

Source: Internet Resource: R41576: Accessed June 29, 2018 at: https://fas.org/sgp/crs/row/R41576.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: Mexico

URL: https://fas.org/sgp/crs/row/R41576.pdf

Shelf Number: 150740

Drug Cartels
Drug Trafficking
Drug Violence
Drug-Related Violence
Illegal Drugs
Organized Crime

Author: Haysom, Simone

Title: The heroin coast: A political economy along the eastern African seaboard

Summary: This report examines the characteristics of the heroin trade off the East African coast and highlights the criminal governance systems that facilitate drug trafficking along these routes. In recent years, the volume of heroin shipped from Afghanistan along a network of maritime routes in East and southern Africa appears to have increased considerably. Most of this heroin is destined for Western markets, but there is a spin-off trade for local consumption. An integrated regional criminal market has developed, both shaping and shaped by political developments in the region. Africa is now experiencing the sharpest increase in heroin use worldwide and a spectrum of criminal networks and political elites in East and southern Africa are substantially enmeshed in the trade. This report focuses on the characteristics of the heroin trade in the region and how it has become embedded in the societies along this route. It also highlights the features of the criminal governance systems that facilitate drug trafficking along this coastal route.

Details: s.l.: ENACT, 2018. 54p.

Source: Internet Resource: Research Paper, Issue 04 : Accessed July 5, 2018 at: https://enact-africa.s3.amazonaws.com/site/uploads/2018-07-02-research-paper-heroin-coast.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: Africa

URL: https://enact-africa.s3.amazonaws.com/site/uploads/2018-07-02-research-paper-heroin-coast.pdf

Shelf Number: 150768

Criminal Networks
Drug Markets
Drug Trafficking
Illicit Drugs
Organized Crime

Author: Center for the Study of Democracy

Title: Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation in Bulgaria: Criminal Finances and Capacity for Financial Investigations

Summary: rafficking in human beings (THB) for the purpose of sexual exploitation has become one of the largest Bulgarian criminal markets since the beginning of the new millennium. After the lifting of Schengen visas for Bulgarian nationals in 2001, Bulgaria became a major country of origin for the trafficking in human beings exploited in the EU. THB and prostitution not only generate huge incomes for Bulgarian organised crime but also have detrimental social and economic impact on local communities. There is an urgent need to develop effective mechanisms for coordination between criminal and financial investigations within the prosecution, as well as with the other relevant institutions

Details: Sofia: Center for the Study of Democracy, 2018. 16p.

Source: Internet Resource: Policy Brief No. 78: Accessed July 26, 2018 at: http://www.csd.bg/artShow.php?id=18271

Year: 2018

Country: Bulgaria

URL: http://www.csd.bg/artShow.php?id=18271

Shelf Number: 150927

Human Trafficking
Organized Crime
Sex Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Pavlovic, Dusan

Title: Online gambling in the EU: From data protection to gambler protection

Summary: 'EU gambling regulation has not succeeded' - this ascertainment is often repeated among stakeholders in the European gambling domain. However, this claim is not absolutely true. Rather, EU gambling regulation does not yet exist and thus, it is more appropriate to claim that regulative initiatives at the EU level have failed. The main reason why the regulation of online gambling at the level of the EU has been unsuccessful seems to be because Member States have been striving to regulate gambling activities on their own at the national level. By doing so, they avoid harmonizing their national legislations in the domain of gambling, including online gambling. Julia Hrnle has described the relation between EU initiatives for harmonizing gambling regulations and the regulative aspirations of Member States as that of a "tug of war without a winner". Member States call upon different cultural, social and political features regarding gambling in order to justify the use of the principle of subsidiarity to regulate gambling at the national level. As a consequence, online gambling as a service with various distinctive attributes is controlled, organized and regulated exclusively at the national level. This approach is officially justified by reference to the need to protect national policies (e.g. public health policies, youth policies etc.). Besides the principle of subsidiarity, the cornerstones for regulating gambling at the national level are provided by several rulings made by the European Court of Justice (hereinafter CJEU). The CJEU's case law could be seen as providing a carte blanche, with only some limitations placed on Member States that regard regulating gambling in accordance with national policies. Gambling legislation enacted by Member States varies from 'totally prohibitive' to 'liberal prohibitive'. In recent years, it is noticeable that there exist certain tendencies toward the liberalization of the gambling sector. However, despite efforts having been made towards liberalization, when it comes to the regulation of gambling in the EU, the current state of the field can be described as legislatively fragmented (28 Member States with 28 different gambling legislations), without taking into account the principle of freedom to provide services in the EU. So far, practice has demonstrated that the fragmentation of gambling legislation in the EU is not a very successful strategy for fighting illegal online gambling. Despite the efforts made by national governments to eliminate illegal entities who operate in the realm of online gambling, and minimize their activities, so-called 'gray' and illegal online markets have developed in the EU due to the co-existence of different Member State regulatory models and the problems related to their enforcement. As an illustration, in 2011 more than 85% of gambling sites in Europe were operating without a license. Member States did not achieve the desired results in relation to the requirement of online gambling service providers having to obtain national licenses. The operation of illegal entities usually has undesirable impacts on certain societies. One element of this is that the protective function of law is insufficiently effected: it is highly disputable whether (and if so, how) national gambling legislations can effectively protect online gamblers in Europe when the prevalence of illegal or 'gray' online gambling service providers in the European market is so evident. The current state of affairs creates numerous risks that practically jeopardize online gamblers in Europe. It is very common for players to access an online gambling service regardless of where the service provider is registered. But by doing so, gamblers expose themselves to different risks. Gambling services may be offered illegally as a result of a criminal organizations' efforts to penetrate the gambling market. Criminals may also try to make improper use of legal forms of gambling (e.g. certain criminals might engage in match-fixing and gamble on sporting events whose outcomes they already know in advance). Emerging technologies could even serve as instruments that may further stimulate the impetus to gamble and provoke gambling addiction. Gambling addiction can lead an individual to engage in various different forms of behavior and acts, including the committing of crimes.8 Notwithstanding the various risks deriving from gambling activities, this research pays particular attention to the prevention of problem gambling and the implementation of responsible gambling approaches that will be analyzed in detail in the coming chapters. It has to be stressed that online gambling is a lucrative service that crosses borders and that is considered to be one of the most progressive online services in the EU. Statistical data even shows that online gambling is the service with the highest annual growth in EU. In recent years, online gambling has been constantly developing and attracting new players. Notwithstanding the beneficial aspects related to the progression of this business, one noticeable downside is gambling addiction, also known as problem gambling. In the EU, problem gambling rates are at about 0.5-2%, with this number rising to around 3% in some countries. Thus, the increasing number of gamblers in the overall population leads to an incremental number of people who suffer from problem gambling.

Details: Tilburg, Netherlands: Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society, 2018. 216p.

Source: Internet Resource: Dissertation: Accessed July 31, 2018 at: https://pure.uvt.nl/portal/files/26402490/Pavlovic_Online_26_06_2018.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: Europe

URL: https://pure.uvt.nl/portal/files/26402490/Pavlovic_Online_26_06_2018.pdf

Shelf Number: 150980

Data Protection
Illegal Gambling
Internet Gambling
Organized Crime

Author: Coyne, John

Title: I can see clearly now! Technological innovation in Australian law enforcement: a case study of anti-money laundering

Summary: The Australian government's technological monopolies have ended. Technological developments, especially those that have been disruptive, have been driven primarily by private corporations for at least the past ten years. Meanwhile, legislative responses to those changes, be they disruptive or otherwise, have been increasingly delayed. Acceleration in the development and use of technology has been matched by changes in the capability of those who would do us harm. In the face of rapid social change, governments have lost more than a technological edge, as the very conceptualisations of sovereignty and geographical jurisdictions are being challenged. Law enforcement agencies' traditional business models for dealing with organised crime are under significant pressure from threat actors that are able to operate more agile decision-making cycles and exploit seams between jurisdictions and in law enforcement agencies' capabilities. In this context, Australian law enforcement agencies face an increasing number of challenges from emergent technologies. A key policy challenge underpinning these issues relates to the limited capacity of law enforcement to introduce innovative strategies in response to disruptive technology. Another is how to make cross-jurisdictional cooperation simpler and easier. This report explores technological innovation in law enforcement through a specific crime type case study of anti-money laundering (AML) provisions. It analyses the factors that support or restrict technological innovation in federal law enforcement's AML efforts and argues that the current ecosystem for innovation for AML needs to be enhanced to engage with the dual challenge of disruptive technology, and the integration of existing pockets of AML excellence into a holistic whole-of-government innovation program. The initial steps for responding to this challenge should include an analysis of the central assumptions that underpin innovation, policy-making, strategy and finance in this space.

Details: Barton, ACT: Australian Strategic Policy Institute, 2018. 35p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 31, 2018 at: https://s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/ad-aspi/2018-07/SR%20123%20I%20can%20see%20clearly%20now.pdf?jLRQZUtiZ44.o66ipdnFVjoXF2plYehv

Year: 2018

Country: Australia

URL: https://s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/ad-aspi/2018-07/SR%20123%20I%20can%20see%20clearly%20now.pdf?jLRQZUtiZ44.o66ipdnFVjoXF2plYehv

Shelf Number: 150983

Anti-Money Laundering
Financial Crime
Money Laundering
Organized Crime
Police Technology

Author: Mann, Lori

Title: Trafficking in Human Beings and Smuggling of Migrants in ACP Countries: Key Challenges and Ways Forward Informing discussions of the ACP-EU Dialogue on Migration and Development

Summary: This report was commissioned by the ACP-EU Migration Action in 2017 as part of the Action's efforts to collect, analyse and disseminate information and knowledge on the results achieved through its activities. Focusing on trafficking in human beings (THB) and the smuggling of migrants (SoM), experts from ACP and EU countries met in Brussels in July 2014 to discuss their respective policies pertaining to these fields, and to identify concrete areas of cooperation in order to tackle both phenomena in a spirit of shared responsibility and cooperation. The meeting demonstrated a shared commitment to address challenges, and recognized the necessity to deepen cooperation among countries of origin, transit and destination, including by fostering a South-South perspective. The recommendations elaborated during the experts' meeting were subsequently validated by the Ambassadors' meeting in January 2015. Soon after, the ACP-EU Migration Action began implementing activities to address the issues of THB and SoM. The ACP-EU Dialogue recommendations on THB and SoM include: - Enact (or amend) comprehensive national legislation on both trafficking in human beings and the smuggling of migrants, in line with the Palermo Protocols and EU legislation; - Effectively implement national legislation on trafficking in human beings and migrant smuggling, ensuring victim identification and protection and the prosecution of perpetrators for the full range of existing forms of exploitation; - Raise awareness regarding THB and SoM among all key stakeholders, including: law enforcement, the judiciary, health care workers and labour inspectors, among others, by providing information and training; - Promote cross-border and international cooperation among countries of origin, transit and destination through bilateral Memorandums of Understandings (MoUs) and a special focus on South-South cooperation; - Improve data collection on THB and SoM as a prerequisite for evidence-based policy action; - Promote a victim-centred, human rights-based, gender-sensitive approach to ensure victim protection and identification in full cooperation with NGOs; - Dismantle criminal networks through financial tracking and tackling corruption among public officials, and prosecute traffickers and smugglers to prevent impunity; mentation of existing laws, the lack of comprehensive legislation on trafficking- and smuggling-related issues and underlying primary governance problems constitute additional significant barriers to addressing THB and SoM. The prevention of, and response to, trafficking in human beings and migrant smuggling requires a comprehensive, "whole of government" approach. It touches upon a myriad of related issues, inter alia: corruption, access to civil registration documents, labour laws and inspections, access to social welfare, gender-based violence, child protection and migration. As many of the recipients of the Action's support are poor and/or Small Island States, they face basic infrastructure and primary governance challenges that necessitate, but at the same time complicate, the provision of specialized technical assistance. Meeting the demand for institutional strengthening and capacity building requires adapting methodologies to the particularities of each country, including geographical and resource constraints, as well as the ways in which social and cultural norms function in relation to forms of exploitation and gender-based violence that lead to, or themselves might constitute of trafficking in human beings. Cooperation is the cornerstone of effective anti-trafficking and anti-migrant smuggling initiatives, and is required between States, institutions and non-State actors at all levels: subnational, national and international. Several ACP State recipients demonstrate increasingly effective cooperation at diverse levels, especially where such efforts benefit from existing structures and/or support at the regional level, such as regional platforms or cooperation agreements. However, for most State recipients, weak inter-agency cooperation at the national level constitutes a huge barrier to the effective implementation of laws and policies. National inter-agency coordination mechanisms to address trafficking in human beings and migrant smuggling (where existent) remain new for many of the examined ACP States, and few work systematically with civil society organizations. Cooperation between States is crucial for disrupting both the smuggling and trafficking business models, given the inherently transnational nature of the former and the often -albeit not always- international character of the latter. Cross-border collaboration must hence also be strengthened, especially with regards to data sharing, investigations, prosecutions and returns. Yet, the best examples of cooperation do not focus on policing alone, but include elements of prevention and development, and the integration of a human rights-based approach. The potential use of regional mechanisms should be highlighted too, given the increased interest by stakeholders in this modality of South-South cooperation, and the large percentage of victims trafficked regionally. The most striking gap among ACP State recipients is the absence of the provision of assistance to, and the protection of, trafficking victims and smuggled migrants, which should be at the heart of any anti-THB and anti-SoM strategy. Upholding human rights remains central for all cases. In addition to the rights accorded to trafficking victims, and those accorded to smuggled migrants, specific needs due to individual trafficking or smuggling experience, as well as characteristics such as gender and age and socio-cultural norms, should be taken into account. To date, little efforts have been made in most of the examined countries to develop referral systems and for ensuring that victims are duly identified and receive the needed assistance. Moreover, cases were noted where victims of trafficking and smuggled migrants were not shielded from prosecution - as is set forth by the Protocols - and in few countries they are subject to immediate deportation and potential refoulement. In some countries, civil society actors play an important role in providing shelter and other basic necessities. Yet sometimes they operate with no clear mandate to assist trafficking victims or vulnerable migrants specifically, indicating a potential lack of experience and expertise in addressing the needs and rights of trafficking victims and smuggled migrants. In addition, many operate with little if any government support or involvement. Prevention efforts should raise awareness on trafficking in human beings and smuggling of migrants among the public, while addressing the root causes of both phenomena, and targeting a wide range of stakeholders. Many of the examined ACP countries have organized, or are in the process of organizing capacity building for government entities at the policy and/or frontline level, including awareness raising on these phenomena. However, prevention and awareness raising should target and actively involve a wider range of stakeholders, for example traditional community leaders and diaspora, given the direct contact they have with (aspiring) migrants in many ACP countries. Communities should also be consulted in the design of awareness campaigns. The private sector is another key partner for prevention efforts in ACP countries, especially when addressing the demand side of the trafficking chain. Any meaningful prevention effort must be associated with realistic alternative options to unsafe migration, such as development and work opportunities that benefit migrants and their societies in the countries of origin and destination. Finally, reliable data is the most basic prerequisite for developing policies that are evidence based and respond appropriately to the local context. However, in many of the examined ACP countries, data tends to range from anecdotical to non-existent. In many instances, capacity building on data management, analysis and sharing is needed, at the inter-agency as well as the international level. Proper case management systems with standardized interfaces are also essential. However, the limitations in both infrastructure and resources should be taken into account and in that sense, international methodologies and systems for data collection and management should be adapted to the local context. Through a series of baseline assessments, the ACP-EU Migration Action has identified the above mentioned gaps among other specific barriers to effective anti-trafficking and anti-smuggling strategies. Such assessments are conducted within each targeted country and form the foundation of the related technical assistance support. In light of its work with States and Regional Organizations throughout the African, Caribbean and Pacific regions, the Action remains poised to provide the needed technical assistance and to contribute new knowledge to the concrete dialogue that is ongoing between States within the ACP-EU Partnership framework. The recommendations presented at the conclusion of the report build upon those issued by the ACP-EU Dialogue on Migration and Development and seek to highlight emerging challenges while bringing the achievement of stakeholders and the related good practices to the fore. This analysis seeks to produce knowledge that can be adapted for use in other context where States struggle with these same phenomena.

Details: Brussels: IOM, 2018. 233p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 1, 2018 at: http://acpeumigrationaction.iom.int/sites/default/files/final_web.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: Africa

URL: http://acpeumigrationaction.iom.int/sites/default/files/final_web.pdf

Shelf Number: 151003

Criminal Networks
Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Illegal Immigration
Organized Crime
Victims of Trafficking

Author: McGovern, Tara Alexandra

Title: New Armed Groups in Colombia: The Emergence of the Bacrim in the 21st Century

Summary: The 2003-2006 paramilitary demobilization in Colombia created major public policy challenges for the government, including the emergence of new illegal groups (Bacrim or bandas criminales). To date, there is no agreement between the government, academicians, and non-governmental organizations about the nature of these bacrim. The lack of shared understanding inhibits the establishment of a comprehensive plan to combat the bacrim and does a disservice to prior demobilization efforts. If these groups are legitimate participants in the on-going conflict, members will reap economic and legal benefits; otherwise, they will face criminal consequences. In this dissertation, I used an embedded case study of five major bacrim (Las Aguilas Negras, ERPAC, Los Paisas, Los Rastrojos, and Los Urabenos) to examine their origins and leadership, members and structure, ideology and activities, and territory. I developed a comparative framework to identify key characteristics of paramilitary groups, drug trafficking organizations, gangs, and new types of organized crime. I also developed a supporting quantitative analysis of crime statistics and public opinion surveys. The case study revealed heterogeneity across all five groups, calling into question the utility of the umbrella term bacrim. The quantitative research showed a substantial postdemobilization decline in homicides and other violent crimes but steady and/or increasing extortion and corruption. Identifying and ameliorating long-standing social and economic problems, in addition to developing strategies for individual groups, will do more to support peace in Colombia than focusing on short-term homogeneous approaches to the bacrim, such as kingpin removal.

Details: Fairfax, VA: George Mason University, 2016. 357p.

Source: Internet Resource: Dissertation: Accessed August 17, 2018 at: http://ebot.gmu.edu/bitstream/handle/1920/10611/McGovern_gmu_0883E_11303.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y

Year: 2016

Country: Colombia

URL: http://ebot.gmu.edu/bitstream/handle/1920/10611/McGovern_gmu_0883E_11303.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y

Shelf Number: 151161

Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime
Paramilitary Groups
Violent Crime

Author: Schmid, Alex P.

Title: Revisiting the Relationship between International Terrorism and Transnational Organised Crime 22 Years Later

Summary: The Research Paper opens with a conceptual discussion about definitions of 'organised crime/groups' (OCGs) and 'terrorism/terrorist groups (TGs)'. It distinguishes between four types/levels of 'links' between OCGs and TGs and identifies two special types of violent hybrid organisations. It first summarises the main findings of a background report on the links between transnational organised crime groups and international terrorist groups, prepared by the author for the UN Crime Commission in the mid-1990s. After presenting key aspects of transnational OCGs and TGs in the 1990s, and comparing some of the features noted then to the situation today, the paper elaborates key differences and similarities between these two types of organisations. In the mid-1990s, transnational organised crime groups and terrorist organisations were decidedly distinct, linked in some ways but separated in more important other ways. Today the situations has evolved as there are new features not prominent in 1996. Looking at the present situation, the paper notes that recruiters of OCGs and TGs in Western diasporas increasingly fish in the same pool of mainly ethnic youth gangs and petty criminals. Another novelty is the role of prisons where convicted terrorists have successfully radicalised common petty criminals and members of OCGs. The report also draws attention to the situation in Sub-Saharan Africa where some smuggling and trafficking networks and jihadist networks have assumed a hybrid character. The criminalisation of some states and the involvement of government officials in organised crime or in supporting terrorism is also addressed. Concluding, the Research Paper notes an increase in both organised crime and terrorism since the mid-1990s but sees the main cause for this not so much in greater and deeper links between terrorist and organised crime groups but in the development of in-house capabilities of organised crime methods by TGs and terrorist tactics by OCGs and - more importantly - in changes in their operational environments due to, inter alia, globalisation and the role of the Internet. While the links between TGs and OCGs are a matter of serious concern for the international community, the far greater problem is that increasingly past and present political power holders are involved as third parties, whereby state facilities (e.g. diplomatic channels) are used as vehicles and cover for violent and predatory crimes across international borders. The paper also features an extensive, up-to-date bibliography on the nexus between international terrorism and transnational organised crime.

Details: The Hague: The International Centre for Counter-Terrorism, 2018. 40p.

Source: Internet Resource: ICCT Research paper: Accessed August 31, 2018 at: https://icct.nl/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/ICCT-Schmid-International-Terrorism-Organised-Crime-August2018.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: International

URL: https://icct.nl/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/ICCT-Schmid-International-Terrorism-Organised-Crime-August2018.pdf

Shelf Number: 151320

Criminal Networks
Organized Crime

Author: International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH)

Title: Mexico Coahuila: ongoing crimes against humanity Communication to the International Criminal Court

Summary: This report, along with a series of confidential annexes, will be submitted on July 6th as a communication to the Office of the Prosecutor (OTP) of the International Criminal Court (ICC) under Article 15 of the ICC Statute. It details a number of crimes committed against the civilian population in the State of Coahuila de Zaragoza, Mexico, including murder, illegal imprisonment, enforced disappearance, torture and sexual violence. The crimes detailed herein are limited to a certain number of representative cases occurring between 2009 and 2016. However, these cases are non-exhaustive and indicative of broader patterns of abuse, both in the state of Coahuila and in other regions in Mexico, pushing this situation past a matter of organised crime and into the field of crimes against humanity. The present communication to the Office of the Prosecutor of the ICC is presented by the FIDH, Familias Unidas en Busqueda y Localizacion de Personas Desaparecidas, Fuerzas Unidas por Nuestros Desaparecidos en Mexico, and Centro Diocesano para los Derechos Humanos Fray Juan de Larios, in partnership with Red Todos los Derechos Para Todas y Todos (which gathers more tan 80 non governmental organizations in Mexico), la Comision Mexicana de Defensa y Promocin de los Derechos Humanos (PDH), I(dh)eas Litigio Estrategico en Derechos Humanos, la Fundacion Para La Justicia y el Estado Democratico de Derecho, el Centro de Derechos Humanos Juan Gerardi, la Iniciativa Mesoamericana de Mujeres Defensoras de Derechos Humanos, las Asociadas por lo Justo, el Instituto Mexicano de Derechos Humanos and Democracia, Fundar Centro de Analisis e Investigacin, Casa del Migrante de Saltillo, Pastoral Penitenciaria de Saltillo Pastoral Social de la Diocesis de Saltillo. Mexico ratified the Rome Statute on October 28, 2005. Accordingly, the ICC has subject matter jurisdiction and temporal jurisdiction over the crimes committed in Mexican territory or by Mexican nationals from January 1, 2006 forward, according to Article 2 (2) and Article 126 (2) of the Rome Statute. Our organisations respectfully request the OTP to consider this Communication according to its obligations under Article 15 of the ICC Statute by opening a preliminary examination into the situation in Mexico, with a view towards a future investigation, as there is a reasonable basis to believe that crimes within the jurisdiction of the ICC have been committed.

Details: Paris: FIDC, 2017. 70p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 31, 2018 at: https://www.fidh.org/IMG/pdf/angmexico_coahuila_ongoing_crimes_against_humanity_fidh-final_a_revisar-1.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: Mexico

URL: https://www.fidh.org/IMG/pdf/angmexico_coahuila_ongoing_crimes_against_humanity_fidh-final_a_revisar-1.pdf

Shelf Number: 151511

Human Rights Abuses
Organized Crime
Sexual Violence

Author: Kasipo, Mafaro

Title: Political Transition in Zimbabwe. A New Era for Organized Crime?

Summary: This policy brief constitutes a first step towards developing more comprehensive assessments that will broaden our understanding of organized crime and illicit markets in Zimbabwe. It analyzes the development of illicit economies during the three periods of political transition that occurred in Zimbabwe since the country attained independence in 1980, and looks ahead to the current phase of transition under its new president, Emmerson Mnangagwa, whose young administration was cemented by victory for his party at the polls on 30 July 2018.The brief outlines the relationship between Zimbabwe's political transitions and its illicit economies, in particular the central role played by the state in controlling, shaping and benefiting from organized crime. Certain forms of state-sponsored illicit activity have been prevalent during specific phases in Zimbabwe's political trajectory, but are not exclusive to those transitions.In Zimbabwean politics, illicit economies have been a mainstay of the patronage system that ensured that the ruling party, ZANU-PF (Zimbabwe African National Union - Patriotic Front), remained in power for 37 years under Robert Mugabe. Arguably, therefore, there is a possibility that illicit economies will continue to pose a threat to the implementation of a legitimate constitutional democracy in the post-Mugabe era.

Details: Geneva, SWIT: Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime, 2018. 25p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 4, 2018 at: http://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/TGIATOC-Zim-Organised-Crime-Report-WEB.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: Zimbabwe

URL: http://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/TGIATOC-Zim-Organised-Crime-Report-WEB.pdf

Shelf Number: 151343

Illicit Markets
Organized Crime
Political Corruption

Author: Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime

Title: Responding to the human trafficking-migrant smuggling nexus with a focus on the situation in Libya

Summary: Probably nowhere more than in Libya have the definitional lines between migrant smuggling and human trafficking become as blurred or contested. Hundreds of thousands of migrants have left Libya's shores in the hope of a new life in Europe; tens of thousands have died in the process. The inhumane conditions migrants face in Libya are well documented. The levels of brutality and exploitation they experience in Libya's turbulent transitional environment have led to smuggling and trafficking groups being bundled under one catch-all heading by authorities and policymakers, and targeted as the root cause of the migration phenomenon. In many respects, this would appear to conveniently serve the interests of EU leaders and governments, who choose to disguise the anti-migration drive they urgently seek support for behind a policy of cracking down on both trafficking and smuggling rings, which they conflate as a common enemy, and one and the same. Given the highly complex context of Libya, this report proposes instead that any intervention to address the so-called migrant crisis should place the human rights of migrants at its centre, as opposed to necessarily demonizing smugglers, who are often the migrants' gatekeepers to a better existence elsewhere.

Details: Geneva, SWIT: The Global Initiative, 2018. 20p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 4, 2018 at: http://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Reitano-McCormack-Trafficking-Smuggling-Nexus-in-Libya-July-2018.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: Libya

URL: http://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Reitano-McCormack-Trafficking-Smuggling-Nexus-in-Libya-July-2018.pdf

Shelf Number: 151508

Human Smuggling
Human Trafficking
Organized Crime

Author: Bate, Roger

Title: Large Cigarette Tax Hikes, Illicit Producers, and Organized Crime: Lessons from Pakistan

Summary: With the stated aim of increasing revenue and discouraging smoking, Pakistan raised tobacco duties over the past five years. The result empowered illicit actors, with a flourishing of illicit production and smuggling of cigarettes. Revenue rose initially, only to fall back as untaxed products proliferated. While organized crime and local production interests were the big winners, smoking rates have remained largely unchanged. Pakistan's authorities have tried to resolve the problem through better enforcement and lowering of duties for certain products, but overall the lesson learned is that rapid duty increases have significant negative effects that are difficult to reverse when illegal supply cannot be controlled.

Details: Washington, DC: American Enterprise Institute, 2018. 10p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 8, 2018 at: https://www.aei.org/publication/large-cigarette-tax-hikes-illicit-producers-and-organized-crime-lessons-from-pakistan/

Year: 2018

Country: Pakistan

URL: https://www.aei.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Large-Cigarette-Tax-Hikes-Illicit-Producers-and-Organized-Crime.pdf

Shelf Number: 151466

Illicit Trade
Organized Crime
Smuggling of Goods

Author: Rico, Daniel M.

Title: The Dimension of International Organized Crime in Colombia: The Bacrim, Routes, and Shelters - La Dimension Internacional del Crimen Organizado en Colombia: Las Bacrim, sus Rutas y Refugios

Summary: The dimensions and structures of organized crime in Colombia have been drastically transformed in the last ten years. The clearing part of the paramilitary structures and the advantages of a reintegration process that take several years and I do not include agreements on drug trafficking, it generated a criminal diaspora that incubated the new structures of criminal gangs - more known as Bacrim - initially dedicated to drug trafficking in several regions of Colombia. Since then, around the Bacrim have been generated multiple political, legal debates and to a lesser extent, scholars who argue their similarities and differences vis-a-vis paramilitarism, the challenges that represent the national security and the efficiency of policies public implemented for its containment. However, the understanding and analysis of international dimensions of this generation of criminal organizations have been modest and scarce.

Details: Washington, DC: Wilson Center, 2013. 26p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 14, 2018 at: https://www.wilsoncenter.org/sites/default/files/Daniel%20Rico.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Colombia

URL: https://www.wilsoncenter.org/sites/default/files/Daniel%20Rico.pdf

Shelf Number: 151543

Criminal Gangs
Drug Trafficking
National Security
Organized Crime

Author: Crino, Rosario

Title: Fighting Mobile Crime

Summary: We develop a model in which two countries choose their enforcement levels non- cooperatively, in order to deter native and foreign individuals from committing crime in their territory. We assume that crime is mobile, both ex ante (migration) and ex post (fleeing), and that criminals who hide abroad after having committed a crime in a country must be extradited back. We show that, when extradition is not too costly, countries over-invest in enforcement compared to the cooperative outcome: insourcing foreign criminals is more costly than paying the extradition cost. By contrast, when extradition is sufficiently costly, a large enforcement may induce criminals to flee the country in which they have perpetrated a crime. Surprisingly, the fear of extraditing criminals enables countries to coordinate on the e cient (cooperative) outcome.

Details: Naples, Italy: Centre for Studies in Economics and Finance (CSEF), University of Naples, 2018. 31p.

Source: Internet Resource: CSEF Working Paper no. 504: Accessed September 18, 2018 at: http://www.csef.it/WP/wp504.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: International

URL: http://www.csef.it/WP/wp504.pdf

Shelf Number: 151568

Immigrants and Crime
Migrants and Crime
Offender Mobility
Organized Crime

Author: Comision Mexicana de Defensa y Promocion de los Derechos Humanos

Title: Violaciones graves a derechos humanos en la guerra contra las drogas en Mexico (Human rights violations in the context of the war on drugs in Mexico)

Summary: Prohibition policies regarding drugs have failed in their goal of achieving a "drug-free world" and have forced the drug market to remain illegal. This has triggered an illicit market, exclusively controlled by organized crime cartels, who have created links to other criminal markets and use violence as a primary form of regulation. In December 2006, former President Felipe Calderon Hinojosa (2006-2012) launched an open confrontation strategy against organized crime locally known as guerra contra el narcotrafico and known internationally as the war on drugs. This policy set de facto military control over the country's public security through the deployment of thousands of troops throughout the national territory and the replacement of multiple civil government leaders of public security institutions at all levels by active and retired military elements. An example of this is the fact that elements of the military and federal, state and municipal police forces systematically transfer arrested civilians to military or exclusive control facilities, where without any monitoring of civil authorities, detainees suffer ill treatment, torture and even enforced disappearance. It has also been documented how in joint operations with civilian authorities, military elements dress in civilian clothing. The press and mass media have systematically spread the federal government's vision, where people who are killed as a result of the strategy against organized crime are not civilians but "fallen criminals", without any prior investigation and despite the fact that in many cases it was subsequently proven that they did not belong to any group or organized crime and posed no "threat" to society. Additionally, the violent confrontation of civil public security and armed forces against organized crime groups has increased. The cartels' territorial division was disbanded, the fight for drug distribution routes intensified and large cartels were fragmented into smaller groups that fought for territorial control, diversifying their criminal activity. Likewise, there has been indiscriminate use of lethal force and an unjustifiable extension of State powers, through the adoption of laws and figures, such as arraigo (pre-charge judicial detention) and protected witnesses, which operate to the detriment of judicial rights and guarantees. In 2012 the administration of President Enrique Pena Nieto began. The discourse of war promoted by the Calderon administration was replaced by one of institutional strengthening and building a full rule of law. However, the security strategy has not changed significantly. As a result of the inertia of these strategies, Mexico has accumulated alarming numbers of dead, enforced disappeared and displaced persons, and as a result of the widespread violence there has been an increase in corruption and impunity.

Details: Del. Cuauhtemoc, Mexico: PDH, 2016?. 28p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 18, 2018 at: https://www.pdh.org/publicaciones-pdf/pdh-violaciones-graves-a-ddhh-en-la-guerra-contra-las-drogas-en-mexico.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Mexico

URL: https://www.pdh.org/publicaciones-pdf/pdh-violaciones-graves-a-ddhh-en-la-guerra-contra-las-drogas-en-mexico.pdf

Shelf Number: 151591

Drug Trafficking
Drug-Related Violence
Human Rights Abuses
Illicit Markets
Organized Crime
War on Drugs

Author: Europol

Title: Internet Organised Crime Threat Assessment: 2018

Summary: For the fifth year in a row, Europol has produced the Internet Organised Crime Threat Assessment (IOCTA). The aim of this Assessment is to provide a comprehensive overview of the current, as well as anticipated future threats and trends of crimes conducted and/or facilitated online. While current events demonstrate how cybercrime continues to evolve, this year's IOCTA shows us how law enforcement has to battle both innovative as well as persistent forms of cybercrime. Many areas of the report therefore build upon previous editions, which emphasises the longevity of the many facets of cybercrime. It is also a testimony to an established cybercrime business model, where there is no need to change a successful modus operandi. The report also highlights the many challenges associated with the fight against cybercrime, both from a law enforcement and, where applicable, a private sector perspective.

Details: The Hague: European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation, 2018. 72p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 25, 2018 at: https://www.europol.europa.eu/activities-services/main-reports/internet-organised-crime-threat-assessment-iocta-2018

Year: 2018

Country: Europe

URL: https://www.europol.europa.eu/activities-services/main-reports/internet-organised-crime-threat-assessment-iocta-2018

Shelf Number: 151662

Computer Crimes
Internet Crimes
Organized Crime

Author: Center for the Study of Democracy

Title: The Illicit Trade of Tobacco Projects Along the Balkan Route: Bulgaria, Greece, Italy and Romania

Summary: The Balkans have long been a key route for various illicit goods and flows - drugs, firearms, human trafficking and human smuggling, etc. Since 2000 Greece became a key entry point and a source of 'illicit white' cigarettes. Upon entering Greece, the 'illicit whites' were further trafficked either to Italy and Western Europe or through Bulgaria and Romania to Central European markets. This was the onset of a resilient and hard to curb transnational criminal infrastructure. Apart from that Bulgarian organized crime is extensively involved in setting up clandestine factories for production of 'counterfeited' or 'illicit white' brands in various countries across the EU. Furthermore Bulgaria, Italy, Greece and Romania are the four top-ranking in the EU in terms of levels of perceived corruption according to the Control of Corruption indicator of the World Governance Indictors (WB, 2014), as well as according to the most recent Corruption Perception Index (Transparency International, 2016). Against this background, the current initiative aims are threefold: 1) to bring to light the institutional gaps impeding the effective response to the illicit trade of tobacco products and propose a method for evaluating institution's performance at regional level; 2) to examine the role of corruption as crime enabling factor for illicit trade of tobacco products, as well as suggest a method to assess it on regional level; 3) to advocate for more effective, evidence-based legislative and policy actions, and to put pressure on the relevant authorities in Bulgaria, Italy, Greece and Romania to step up their efforts to curb these organised crime activities and related corruption. The research initiative The illicit trade of tobacco products along the Balkan route: addressing institutional gaps and corruption is led by CSD group and is among the 32 projects, selected from more than 200 proposals in the first funding round of PMI IMPACT- a global initiative dedicated to support fight against illicit trade and related crimes. The research team involves experts from Bulgaria (CSD), Italy (Intellegit), Romania (SCE), as well as three independent criminology researchers from Greece. Over the next two years, the project will elaborate tools for performance evaluation and corruption risk assessment of law enforcement and revenue authorities with regards to illegal tobacco trade. Key points - The national tobacco policies in Bulgaria, Italy, Greece and Romania reflect the main trends and developments set by the international and EU regulatory mechanisms. However each country faces different challenges in the implementation due to differences in the institutional setup and administrative capacity. - The tobacco sector in the four countries has underwent very similar evolution, where following the liberalisation, the Big Tobacco producers hold between 80 % and 90 % of the market, although local producers still maintain their presence on national level. - The peak of the ITTP in the four countries was triggered by the economic crisis in 2008 - 2010, which led to 4 to 5 times increase in the consumption of illicit tobacco products. However, while Bulgaria and Italy eventually managed to stifle their illicit markets, Greece and Romania continue to face high levels of ITTP. - Greece, Italy and Romania are among the top five transit points in the EU and Bulgaria is an important regional transit point. There is a long history of well-established collaboration between the criminal networks of the four countries. - Three major categories of risks and vulnerabilities have been identified with regards to ITTP 1) Risks deriving from the overall political, institutional and legal environment in each country; 2) Risks related to the licit tobacco sector; 3) Risks related to the crime context in each country

Details: Sofia: CSD, 2018. 28p.

Source: Internet Resource: Policy Brief No. 80: Accessed October 5, 2018 at: http://www.csd.bg/artShow.php?id=18053

Year: 2018

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.csd.bg/artShow.php?id=18053

Shelf Number: 152838

Illegal Tobacco Trade
Illicit Tobacco
Illicit Trade
Organized Crime
Tobacco Industry

Author: Beittel, June S.

Title: Mexico: Organized Crime and Drug Trafficking Organizations

Summary: Mexican drug trafficking organizations (DTOs) pose the greatest crime threat to the United States, according to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration's (DEA's) National Drug Threat Assessment published in October 2017. These organizations have for years been identified for their strong links to drug trafficking, money laundering, and other violent crimes. These criminal groups have trafficked heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine, marijuana, and, increasingly, the powerful synthetic opioid fentanyl. U.S. overdoses due to opioid consumption sharply increased to a record level in 2016, following the Mexican criminal syndicates expanded control of the heroin and synthetic opioids market. The major DTOs and new crime groups have furthered their expansion into such illicit activity as extortion, kidnapping, and oil theft that costs the government's oil company more than a billion dollars a year. Mexico's DTOs have also been in constant flux. Early in his term, former Mexican President Felipe Calderon (2006-2012) initiated an aggressive campaign against Mexico's drug traffickers that was a defining policy of his government and one that the DTOs violently resisted. By some accounts, in 2006, there were four dominant DTOs: the Tijuana/Arellano Felix organization (AFO), the Sinaloa cartel, the Juarez/Vicente Carillo Fuentes organization (CFO), and the Gulf cartel. Government operations to eliminate DTO leadership sparked organizational changes, which led to significant instability among the groups and continued violence. In recent years, larger and more stable organizations have fractured, leaving the DEA and other analysts to identify seven organizations as predominant: Sinaloa, Los Zetas, Tijuana/AFO, Juarez/CFO, Beltran Leyva, Gulf, and La Familia Michoacana. In some sense, these organizations include the "traditional" DTOs, although the 7 organizations appear to have fragmented further to at least 9 (or as many as 20) major organizations. A new transnational criminal organization, Cartel Jalisco-New Generation, which split from Sinaloa in 2010, has sought to become dominant with brutally violent techniques. During the term of President Enrique Peea Nieto that will end in 2018, the government has faced an increasingly complex crime situation that saw violence spike. In 2017, Mexico reached its highest number of total intentional homicides in a year, exceeding, by some counts, 29,000 murders. In the 2017-2018 election period that opened in September 2017 and ran through June 12, 2018, 114 candidates and politicians were killed allegedly by crime bosses and others in an effort to intimidate public office holders, according to a security consultancy that tracks these homicides. On July 1, 2018, Andres Manuel Lopez Obredor won the election for President by as much as 30 points over the next contender. He leads a new party, Morena, but has served as Mayor of Mexico City and comes from a leftist ideological viewpoint. Lopez Obredor campaigned on fighting corruption and finding new ways to combat crime and manage the illicit drug trade. U.S. foreign assistance for Mexico in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018 (P.L. 115-141) totaled $152.6 million, with more than $100 million of that funding focused on rule of law and counternarcotics efforts. The 115th Congress pursued oversight of security conditions inside of Mexico and monitored the Mexican criminal organizations not only because they are the major wholesalers of illegal drugs in the United States but also to appraise their growing control of U.S. retail-level distribution. This report examines how the organized crime landscape in Mexico has been altered by fragmentation of criminal groups and how the organizational shape-shifting continues.

Details: Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service, 2018. 32p.

Source: Internet Resource: R41576: Accessed )ctober 22, 2018 at: https://fas.org/sgp/crs/row/R41576.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: Mexico

URL: https://fas.org/sgp/crs/row/R41576.pdf

Shelf Number: 153043

Drug Cartels
Drug Trafficking
Drug Violence
Drug-Related Violence
Illegal Drugs
Organized Crime

Author: Slade, Gavin

Title: Mafia and Anti-Mafia in the Republic of Georgia: Criminal Resilience and Adaptation Since the Collapse of Communism

Summary: 'Thieves-in-law' (vory-v-zakone in Russian or kanonieri qurdebi in Georgian) are career criminals belonging to a criminal fraternity that has existed at least since the 1930s in the Soviet Gulag. These actors still exist in one form or another in post-Soviet countries and have integrated into transnational organised criminal networks. For reasons yet to be explicated, thieves-in-law became exceptionally prevalent in the Soviet republic of Georgia. Here, by the 1990s, they formed a mafia network where this means criminal associations that attempt to monopolize protection in legal and illegal sectors of the economy. In 2005, Mikhail Saakashvili, the current president of Georgia claimed that 'in the past 15 years...Georgia was not ruled by [former President] Shevardnadze, but by thieves-in-law.' Directly transferring anti-organised crime policy from Italy and America, Saakashvili's government made reform of the criminal justice system generally and an attack on the thieves-in-law specifically a cornerstone of the Rose Revolution. New legislation criminalises the possession of the status of 'thief-in-law' and of membership of criminal associations that constitute what is known as the 'thieves world' (qurduli samkaro). Along with a sweeping reform of the police and prisons and a 'culture of lawfulness' campaign, Georgian criminal justice reforms since 2003 may be seen as the first sustained anti-mafia policy to be implemented in a post-Soviet country. It also appears to have been very successful. The longevity and sudden decline of the thieves-in-law in Georgia provides the main questions that the following study addresses: How do we account for changes in the levels of resilience to state attack of actors carrying the elite criminal status of 'thief-in-law'? How has this resilience been so effectively compromised since 2005? Utilising unique access to primary sources of data such as police files, court cases, archives and expert interviews this thesis studies the dynamics of changing mafia activities, recruitment practices, and structural forms of a criminal group as it relates to changes in the environment and, in particular, the recent anti-organised crime policy.

Details: Oxford, UK: St. Antony's College, Oxford University, 2011. 339p.

Source: Internet Resource: Dissertation: Accessed October 23, 2018 at: https://ora.ox.ac.uk/catalog/uuid:1a0fdb4a-a671-4675-840d-dea296bc5272/download_file?file_format=pdf&safe_filename=THESIS01&type_of_work=Thesis

Year: 2011

Country: Georgia

URL: https://ora.ox.ac.uk/catalog/uuid:1a0fdb4a-a671-4675-840d-dea296bc5272/download_file?file_format=pdf&safe_filename=THESIS01&type_of_work=Thesis

Shelf Number: 153065

Career Criminals
Criminal Networks
Organized Crime

Author: Ashby, Paul

Title: NAFTA-land Security: The Merida Initiative, Transnational Threats, and U.S. Security Projection in Mexico

Summary: This thesis explores recent U.S. bilateral aid to Mexico through the Merida Initiative (MI), a $2.3 billion assistance commitment on the part of the United States (U.S.) officially justified as helping Mexico build its capacity to take on violent drug cartels and thereby improve security in both countries. There has been a good amount of engaging work on the MI. However this extant literature has not undertaken detailed policy analysis of the aid programme, leading to conclusions that it is a fresh approach to the Mexican counternarcotics (CN) challenge, or that CN is a 'fig leaf' for the U.S. to pursue other 'real' goals. This is a core gap in the literature this project seeks to fill. Through policy analysis, I make an empirically supported argument that Merida is a component of a far more ambitious policy agenda to regionalise security with Mexico more generally. This involves stabilising Mexico itself, not least in response to serious drug-related violence. However the U.S. also aims to improve its own security by giving greater 'depth' to its borders, and seeks protect the political economy of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) from variegated security threats. In this way, recent U.S. policy in Mexico is both derivative of its wider grand strategic traditions in stabilising key political economies in line with its interests, and representative of some distinct developments stemming from the deeply integrated U.S.-Mexican economy as part of NAFTA. To assure U.S. interests accrued to it through the increasingly holistic North American economy, the U.S. has used the MI as the main vehicle in the construction of a nascent 'NAFTA-land Security' framework.

Details: Canterbury, UK: University of Kent, 2015. 322p.

Source: Internet Resource: Dissertation: Accessed October 24, 2018 at: https://kar.kent.ac.uk/48367/

Year: 2014

Country: Mexico

URL: https://kar.kent.ac.uk/48367/

Shelf Number: 153069

Drug Cartels
Drug Trafficking
Drug-Related Violence
Homeland Security
Merida Initiative
Organized Crime
War on Drugs

Author: Slutzky, Pablo

Title: Organized Crime and Firms: Evidence from Italy

Summary: We exploit staggered municipality-level anti-mafia enforcement actions over the 1995-2015 period to study the effect of organized crime on firms. We find that as organized crime weakens, firm turnover increases through entry of new and exit of existing firms. Firms that do not exit shrink in size and experience reduced operational efficiency. These results are more pronounced among manufacturing firms and firms founded during the heydays of the mafia. Furthermore, the weakening of organized crime leads to increased innovative activity and competition for procurement contracts. Our results suggest that organized crime facilitates collusion among existing firms, which benefits inefficient incumbents but hinders entry of new innovative firms.

Details: Michigan: University of Michigan, 2018. 52p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 2, 2018 at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qGGI9bs4PsNthxDA_3xN4ukI_Rh04Ga6/view

Year: 2018

Country: Italy

URL: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qGGI9bs4PsNthxDA_3xN4ukI_Rh04Ga6/view

Shelf Number: 153118

Anti-Mafia Enforcement
Business Development
Organized Crime

Author: Reed, Jack K.

Title: Impacts of Marijuana Legalization in Colorado. A Report Pursuant to Senate Bill 13-283

Summary: In 2013, following the passage of Amendment 64 which allows for the retail sale and possession of marijuana, the Colorado General Assembly enacted Senate Bill 13‐283. This bill mandated that the Division of Criminal Justice in the Department of Public Safety conduct a study of the impacts of Amendment 64, particularly as these relate to law enforcement activities. This report seeks to establish and present the baseline measures for the metrics specified in S.B. 13‐283 (C.R.S. 24‐33.4‐516.) The information presented here should be interpreted with caution. The majority of the data should be considered baseline and preliminary, in large part because data sources vary considerably in terms of what exists historically. Consequently, it is difficult to draw conclusions about the potential effects of marijuana legalization and commercialization on public safety, public health, or youth outcomes, and this may always be the case due to the lack of historical data. Furthermore, the measurement of available data elements can be affected by very context of marijuana legalization. For example, the decreasing social stigma regarding marijuana use could lead individuals to be more likely to report use on surveys and also to health workers in emergency departments and poison control centers, making marijuana use appear to increase when perhaps it has not. Finally, law enforcement officials and prosecuting attorneys continue to struggle with enforcement of the complex and sometimes conflicting marijuana laws that remain. In sum, then, the lack of pre‐commercialization data, the decreasing social stigma, and challenges to law enforcement combine to make it difficult to translate these preliminary findings into definitive statements of outcomes.

Details: Denver, CO: Colorado Department of Public Safety Division of Criminal Justice, 2018. 266p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 12, 2018 at: http://fileserver.idpc.net/library/Impacts-of-Marijuana-Legalization-in-Colorado.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: United States

URL: http://fileserver.idpc.net/library/Impacts-of-Marijuana-Legalization-in-Colorado.pdf

Shelf Number: 153389

Drug Abuse and Addiction
Drug Abuse and Crime
Drug Law Enforcement
Drug Legalization
Drug Policy
Organized Crime

Author: U.S. Department of Justice. Drug Enforcement Administration

Title: 2018 National Drug Threat Assessment

Summary: The 2018 National Drug Threat Assessment (NDTA)1 is a comprehensive strategic assessment of the threat posed to the United States by domestic and international drug trafficking and the abuse of illicit drugs. The report combines federal, state, local, and tribal law enforcement reporting; public health data; open source reporting; and intelligence from other government agencies to determine which substances and criminal organizations represent the greatest threat to the United States. Illicit drugs, as well as the transnational and domestic criminal organizations who traffic them, continue to represent significant threats to public health, law enforcement, and national security in the United States. Drug poisoning deaths are the leading cause of injury death in the United States; they are currently at their highest ever recorded level and, every year since 2011, have outnumbered deaths by firearms, motor vehicle crashes, suicide, and homicide. In 2016, approximately 174 people died every day from drug poisoning (see Figure 1). The opioid threat (controlled prescription drugs, synthetic opioids, and heroin) has reached epidemic levels and currently shows no signs of abating, affecting large portions of the United States. Meanwhile, as the ongoing opioid crisis justly receives national attention, the methamphetamine threat remains prevalent; the cocaine threat has rebounded; new psychoactive substances (NPS) are still challenging; and the domestic marijuana situation continues to evolve. Controlled Prescription Drugs (CPDs): CPDs are still responsible for the most drug-involved overdose deaths and are the second most commonly abused substance in the United States. As CPD abuse has increased significantly, traffickers are now disguising other opioids as CPDs in attempts to gain access to new users. Most individuals who report misuse of prescription pain relievers cite physical pain as the most common reason for abuse; these misused pain relievers are most frequently obtained from a friend or relative. Heroin: Heroin use and availability continue to increase in the United States. The occurrence of heroin mixed with fentanyl is also increasing. Mexico remains the primary source of heroin available in the United States according to all available sources of intelligence, including law enforcement investigations and scientific data. Further, significant increases in opium poppy cultivation and heroin production in Mexico allow Mexican TCOs to supply high-purity, low-cost heroin, even as U.S. demand has continued to increase. Fentanyl and Other Synthetic Opioids: Illicit fentanyl and other synthetic opioids - primarily sourced from China and Mexico - are now the most lethal category of opioids used in the United States. Traffickers- wittingly or unwittingly- are increasingly selling fentanyl to users without mixing it with any other controlled substances and are also increasingly selling fentanyl in the form of counterfeit prescription pills. Fentanyl suppliers will continue to experiment with new fentanyl-related substances and adjust supplies in attempts to circumvent new regulations imposed by the United States, China, and Mexico. Cocaine: Cocaine availability and use in the United States have rebounded, in large part due to the significant increases in coca cultivation and cocaine production in Colombia. As a result, past-year cocaine initiates and cocaine-involved overdose deaths are exceeding 2007 benchmark levels. Simultaneously, the increasing presence of fentanyl in the cocaine supply, likely related to the ongoing opioid crisis, is exacerbating the re-merging cocaine threat. Methamphetamine: Methamphetamine remains prevalent and widely available, with most of the methamphetamine available in the United States being produced in Mexico and smuggled across the Southwest Border (SWB). Domestic production occurs at much lower levels than in Mexico, and seizures of domestic methamphetamine laboratories have declined steadily for many years. Marijuana: Marijuana remains the most commonly used illicit drug in the United States. The overall landscape continues to evolve; although still illegal under Federal law, more states have passed legislation regarding the possession, use, and cultivation of marijuana and its associated products. Although seizure amounts coming across the SWB have decreased in recent years, Mexico remains the most significant foreign source for marijuana available in the United States. Domestic marijuana production continues to increase, as does the availability and production of marijuana-related products. New Psychoactive Substances (NPS): The number of new NPS continues to increase worldwide, but remains a limited threat in the United States compared to other widely available illicit drugs. China remains the primary source for the synthetic cannabinoids and synthetic cathinones that are trafficked into the United States. The availability and popularity of specific NPS in the United States continues to change every year, as traffickers experiment with new and unregulated substances. Mexican Transnational Criminal Organizations (TCOs): Mexican TCOs remain the greatest criminal drug threat to the United States; no other group is currently positioned to challenge them. The Sinaloa Cartel maintains the most expansive footprint in the United States, while Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion's (CJNG) domestic presence has significantly expanded in the past few years. Although 2017 drug-related murders in Mexico surpassed previous levels of violence, U.S.-based Mexican TCO members generally refrain from extending inter-cartel conflicts domestically. Colombian TCOs: Colombian TCOs' majority control over the production and supply of cocaine to Mexican TCOs allows Colombian TCOs to maintain an indirect influence on U.S. drug markets. Smaller Colombian TCOs still directly supply wholesale quantities of cocaine and heroin to Northeast and East Coast drug markets. Dominican TCOs: Dominican TCOs dominate the mid-level distribution of cocaine and white powder heroin in major drug markets throughout the Northeast, and predominate at the highest levels of the heroin and fentanyl trade in certain areas of the region. They also engage in some street-level sales. Dominican TCOs work in collaboration with foreign suppliers to have cocaine and heroin shipped directly to the continental United States and its territories from Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela, and the Dominican Republic. Family members and friends of Dominican nationality or American citizens of Dominican descent comprise the majority of Dominican TCOs, insulating them from outside threats. Asian TCOs: Asian TCOs specialize in international money laundering by transferring funds to and from China and Hong Kong through the use of front companies and other money laundering methods. Asian TCOs continue to operate indoor marijuana grow houses in states with legal personal-use marijuana laws and also remain the 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, commonly known as Ecstasy) source of supply in U.S. markets by trafficking MDMA from clandestine laboratories in Canada into the United States. Gangs: National and neighborhood-based street gangs and prison gangs continue to dominate the market for the street-sales and distribution of illicit drugs in their respective territories throughout the country. Struggle for control of these lucrative drug trafficking territories continues to be the largest factor fueling the street-gang violence facing local communities. Meanwhile, some street gangs are working in conjunction with rival gangs in order to increase their drug revenues, while individual members of assorted street gangs have profited by forming relationships with friends and family associated with Mexican cartels. Illicit Finance: TCOs' primary methods for laundering illicit proceeds have largely remained the same over the past several years. However, the amount of bulk cash seized has been steadily decreasing. This is a possible indication of TCOs' increasing reliance on innovative money laundering methods. Virtual currencies, such as Bitcoin, are becoming increasingly mainstream and offer traffickers a relatively secure method for moving illicit proceeds around the world with much less risk compared to traditional methods.

Details: Washington, DC: DEA, 2018. 164p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 14, 2018 at: https://www.dea.gov/sites/default/files/2018-11/DIR-032-18%202018%20NDTA%20final%20low%20resolution.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: United States

URL: https://www.dea.gov/sites/default/files/2018-11/DIR-032-18%202018%20NDTA%20final%20low%20resolution.pdf

Shelf Number: 153464

Drug Abuse and Addiction
Drug Cartels
Drug Enforcement
Drug Trafficking
Illicit Drugs
Opioid Crisis
Organized Crime

Author: Cartwright, Robin

Title: The rise of counterfeit pharmaceuticals in Africa

Summary: The growing phenomenon of counterfeit medicines in Africa puts people's lives at risk and causes profound public health challenges. Sustainable Development Goal 3 (SDG 3) places significant emphasis on populations' health, and sub-target 3.8 specifies access 'to safe, effective, quality and affordable essential medicines and vaccines for all'. Yet, remarkably missing from the discourse around achieving this goal is the need to address the growing phenomenon of counterfeit medicines, which disproportionately affects developing countries. Counterfeit medicines put people's lives at risk, finance criminal groups and cause profound public health challenges. The full scale of the challenge in Africa is not fully understood, but research suggests that the problem and its impact are severe. If the continent is to make headway in achieving SDG 3, the issue of counterfeit medicines must move higher up on policy agendas. Experience elsewhere suggests that there would be scope for significant positive results.

Details: s.l.: ENACT, 2018. 16p.

Source: Internet Resource: Police Brief, Issue 06: Accessed November 16, 2018 at: https://enact-africa.s3.amazonaws.com/site/uploads/2018-11-12-counterfeit-medicines-policy-brief.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: Africa

URL: https://enact-africa.s3.amazonaws.com/site/uploads/2018-11-12-counterfeit-medicines-policy-brief.pdf

Shelf Number: 153493

Consumer Fraud
Counterfeit Medicines
Organized Crime

Author: Ceesay, Hassoum

Title: Razing Africa: Combatting Criminal Consortia in the Logging Sector

Summary: Organised-crime syndicates often with connections to Chinese markets have been consolidating illegal timber exploitation in various African countries on an unprecedented and accelerating scale. This report, the result of ENACT research, analyses the layers of criminality that have come to define the logging supply chain, from extraction of rare species through to the sale of high-value timber in international markets. The report reveals how transnational organised crime allies with corrupt actors at the highest levels of states to profit from this lucrative and environmentally destructive illicit trade. ENACT research recommends for a policy-orientated investigation on organised crime in the forestry sector to be prioritized, advocating strongly for approaches targeted at disrupting these criminal consortia.

Details: ENACT Programme, 2018. 32p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 25, 2018 at: https://enactafrica.org/research/research-papers/razing-africa-combatting-criminal-consortia-in-the-logging-sector

Year: 2018

Country: Africa

URL: https://enact-africa.s3.amazonaws.com/site/uploads/2018-09-20-research-paper-06-logging.pdf

Shelf Number: 153026

Asian Markets
Environmental Crime
Forestry Sector
Illegal Logging
Illegal Wildlife Trade
Illicit Trade
International Markets
Organized Crime
Supply Chain
Timber Harvesting
Timber Theft
Transnational Organized Crime
Wildlife Crime

Author: Maihold, Gunther

Title: El Narcotrafico y su Combate: Sus efectos sobre las relaciones internacionales

Summary: International relations have been affected by the transnational presence of the esupefacientes and the strategies of their struggle. Drug trafficking has expanded not only territorially, but also in terms of the number of crimes and has become the most attractive illegal business worldwide. The power that drug cartels have acquired has allowed them to become centers of parallel power. There are changes in the productive and commercial circuits of the different types of drugs and in the laundering of benefits. The difficulties of controlling and tackling international drug trafficking networks have given rise to debates about the need to refocus drug policies and the possibilities of their regulation. This volume gathers these deliberations with contributions from Latin American and US analysts.

Details: Berlin: Catedra Humboldt/Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, 2014. 301p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed Dec. 6, 2018 at: https://works.bepress.com/gmaihold/3/ (In Spanish)

Year: 2014

Country: Latin America

URL: https://works.bepress.com/gmaihold/3/

Shelf Number: 153924

Drug Cartels
Drug Trafficking
Drug Violence
Drug-Related Violence
International Relations
Organized Crime

Author: Sanchez, Gabriella

Title: Border Crossing: Human Smuggling Operations in the Southwest

Summary: Following the implementation of federal immigration control measures in the 1990s, Arizona became the main point of entry for undocumented immigrants along the US border with Mexico in the early 2000s. Since then, reports have blamed human smuggling facilitators for the increase of undocumented immigration into the state and the apparent development of violent practices targeting the undocumented. However, little is known about the organization of the groups who work at facilitating the transit of undocumented immigrants along the US Mexico Border. Based on interviews and narratives present in legal files of smuggling cases prosecuted in Phoenix, Arizona, the present study provides an analysis of local human smuggling operations. It argues that far from being under the control of organized crime, smuggling is an income generating strategy of the poor that generates financial opportunities for community members in financial distress. The study, raises questions over smuggling's perceptions as violent and instead identifies smuggling-related violence as a reflection of the structural violence carried out by the state against immigrant communities through policing, surveillance and the consistent and systematic exercise of race-based policies.

Details: Tempe: Arizona State University, 2011. 260p.

Source: Internet Resource: Dissertation: Accessed Dec. 7, 2018 at: https://repository.asu.edu/attachments/56811/content/Sanchez_asu_0010E_10745.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: United States

URL: https://repository.asu.edu/attachments/56811/content/Sanchez_asu_0010E_10745.pdf

Shelf Number: 153945

Border Security
Human Smuggling
Immigration Enforcement
Immigration Policy
Organized Crime
Undocumented Immigrants

Author: Neumann, Vanessa

Title: The many criminal heads of the Golden Hydra: How the Tri-Border Area's Interlocking Arcs of Crime Create LatAm's #1 International Fusion Center

Summary: The Tri-Border Area ('TBA') that straddles the intersection of Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil is considered the 'Golden Hydra,' as it is the lucrative regional entry point of many 'heads' of transnational criminal organizations (TCOs) and foreign terrorist organizations (FTOs) that all lead to the underworld of illicit trade for more than forty years. This is partly a consequence of its ethnic composition and open borders, set by a policy to facilitate immigration from the Middle East, and also the connecting infrastructure to facilitate cross-border trade. The TBA gained notoriety in the 1990s after the bombings of the Israeli embassy (1992) and the AMIA center (1994), both in Buenos Aires, by Lebanese Hezbollah militants. The money, operatives and bomb parts all moved through the TBA. After 9/11, it again became the target of US counter-terrorism surveillance, as a 'safe haven' for terrorists from groups like Al Qaeda and Hamas, in addition to Hezbollah. With the world's attention firmly focused on the Middle East since then, the TBA has grown into a mini-state that benefits a corrupt elite while maintaining a large and efficient money laundering center for the world's organized crime and terrorist groups, not just in the region, but throughout the world, yielding TCOs and FTOs an estimated US$ 43 billion a year. Illicit trade of all sorts (including the illicit trade in tobacco products, 'ITTP') has been growing rapidly in recent years, corrupting good governance in all three countries and exploiting the degrading security and economic situation in both Argentina and Brazil. The TBA has become a regional crime fusion center where corrupt politicians work with drug cartels from Bolivia, Colombia, Mexico and Brazil, as well as organized crime groups from China, in conjunction with a large Lebanese merchant community, part of which gives support to Hezbollah. Though illicit funding for Hezbollah is generally high on the US agenda, that is not the case for the countries of the TBA. For historical reasons, Hezbollah is on the political agenda of Argentina. Brazil, however, does not consider Hezbollah a terrorist group; it considers only three groups as terrorists: the Taliban, Al Qaeda and ISIS. Paraguay considers Lebanese Hezbollah a group that poses a problem for its neighbors Argentina and Brazil, but not for Paraguay. authorities and mandates, Paraguay is constitutionally structured for corruption and illicit trade. Despite its smaller population and economy, it is the source and economic driver of illicit trade and money laundering affecting the other two countries. At the heart is Paraguay's lame-duck president, Horacio Cartes, the architect of the region's ITTP; he is the owner of Tabesa tobacco company. Furthermore, the removal of Carts from the presidency and its assumption by his successor (and fellow party member) Mario Abdo Benitez , will not reduce this illicit trade: Cartes will continue to wield tremendous power as a senator; several of his close friends will also enter the Senate, and his party won the presidency in the April 2018 elections. Security is the highest-ranked agenda item in Brazil's upcoming presidential elections in October 2018. This is primarily because of the military operations in Rio's favelas, where the criminal group Comando Vermelho (CV) and its affiliates are so widespread and heavily-armed, they are challenging the state for supremacy. The CV is enabled and funded by drugs and weapons that come mainly from Paraguay. This growing illicit trade has also turned Brazil into a prime export point for narcotics from South America to North America, Europe, Asia and Africa. Because of the complexity of the TBA's organized crime cluster, as well as the weakness of regional counter-terrorist protocols, we recommend engaging international authorities with regional mandates over the core crimes of corruption, money laundering, and proceeds of crime, with the aim of dismantling the source from the fusion centre. These authorities include: the IMF, UNODC, UN CTED, and FATF. Given that the US is largely absent from the region, it is recommended to open pathways to the US and European enforcement communities and the aforementioned authorities through well-structured workshops in Washington, DC and other key cities to build awareness. The other way to influence regional ITTP is to become a larger stakeholder in the Paraguayan tobacco industry.

Details: New York: Counter Terrorism Project, 2018. 119p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed Dec. 12, 2018 at: https://www.counterextremism.com/sites/default/files/The%20Many%20Criminal%20Heads%20of%20the%20Golden%20Hydra%20%28May%202018%29.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: South America

URL: https://www.counterextremism.com/sites/default/files/The%20Many%20Criminal%20Heads%20of%20the%20Golden%20Hydra%20%28May%202018%29.pdf

Shelf Number: 154457

Illicit Tobacco
Illicit Trade
Money Laundering
Organized Crime
Proceeds of Crime

Author: Matfess, Hilary, ed.

Title: Power, Elitism, and History: Analyzing Trends in Targeted Killings in Nigeria, 2000 to 2017

Summary: Nigeria, Africa's most populous country and largest economy, has attracted considerable policy and academic attention. Studies by Transparency International and others have revealed breathtaking levels of official corruption and graft in the country. Despite the attention paid to Nigeria, there is little information about the prevalence of targeted killings against individuals in the country - and the relationship between this phenomenon and corruption is not well understood. The lack of attention paid to targeted killings in Nigeria reflects a gap in the literature on political violence more generally. Zaryab Iqbal and Christopher Zorn lament in their paper 'The political consequences of assassination' that social scientists 'have paid relatively little attention to explaining assassination as a form of political violence, and even less to assessing its social and political consequences'. In Nigeria, where power is often personalized and the mechanisms to transfer power are often opaque and non-institutionalized, assassination and other types of targeted killings play a particularly important role, making the dearth of information on this type of violence all the more glaring. Reflecting on the country's history of targeted killings and assassinations, a 2009 op-ed published in news agency Sahara Reporters said, 'Obviously, Nigerians are accepting the situation as part and parcel of our day to day living, thus it is not unusual that when new about the assassination of a journalist, politician, businessman or just about any other Nigerian breaks on television or radio, people no longer cringe. We just shake our heads and move on.' The first step towards explaining a phenomenon lies in knowing its dimensions. To this end, the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized crime created a dataset, Targeted Killings in Nigeria, 2000-2017, as a means of remedying these gaps. This data sought to document instances in which individuals were specifically targeted for violence. For the purposes of this report, the term 'targeted killings' is used to denote planned violence directed at an individual, which may not necessarily result in death. In this paper, 'targeted killing' therefore includes planned, fatal and non-fatal attacks on specifically targeted individuals. By analyzing newspaper reports from 2000 to 2017 using LexisNexis, and a small team of researchers and human coders, the Targeted Killings in Nigeria dataset has catalogued more than 1,650 targeted killings in Nigeria. Emerging from the dataset is the suggestion that criminality may be linked with targeted killings to a greater degree than with other forms of non-state, anti-state or violent organizations. Whereas the country's North East has been ravaged by Boko Haram, whose indiscriminate violence has claimed tens of thousands of lives, the region has seen comparatively few targeted killings. Conversely, the country's southern states, which are renowned for criminal activity, are where most targeted killings occur. The dataset suggests that the current configuration of power and authority in Nigeria, and particularly in the country's south, has resulted in staggering numbers of targeted killings, which require domestic and international policy attention. This report examines the patterns of targeted killings in Nigeria in an attempt to shed light on this oft-overlooked category of political violence, and to probe what historical, economic and social forces have contributed to the prevalence of this form of violence. The dataset also suggests that the country's return to democracy in 1999 did not herald an era of peace and stability, nor a shift away from criminality within the political sphere. The findings corroborate the idea that electoral freedom has been insufficient to comb through the tangled relationships between politicians, businessmen, criminals, civil servants, traditional leaders and the perpetration of violence. If this is the case, Nigeria is far from alone in experiencing a deeper entanglement of criminality with the state following the introduction or resumption of electoral freedom. Instances in which democratization has increased opportunities for criminal outfits have been noted elsewhere: in describing 'criminal politics', Nicholas Barnes notes that in many instances, 'the transition to democracy has also produced, not resolved, competitive state-building dynamics', offering as an example the development of the Russian mafia, whereby 'violent entrepreneurs - former military and public security officers - form(ed) their own criminal organizations and private protection firms that undermined the state's own monopoly of violence'. It is therefore entirely possible, though beyond the scope of this dataset, that the imperfect process of democratization, the shadowy workings of Nigerian political parties, and the demands of competition over votes in Nigeria may have contributed to the further entanglement of these various sectors and groups since the end of military rule in 1999. By documenting and assessing instances of targeted killings between 2000 and 2017, the Targeted Killings in Nigeria dataset is the first step towards assessing the prevalence and characteristics of targeted killings in Nigeria's Fourth Republic, and the data and findings lay a foundation for further study of criminality, corruption, governance and violence in modern Nigeria.

Details: Geneva, Switzerland: The Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime, 2018. 39p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed December 18, 2018 at: https://globalinitiative.net/analyzing-trends-in-targeted-killings-in-nigeria/

Year: 2018

Country: Nigeria

URL: https://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/TGIATOC-Targeted-Kilings-in-Nigeria-Report-1975-web.pdf

Shelf Number: 154066

Organized Crime
Political Violence
Targeted Killings

Author: Home Office

Title: Serious and Organized Crime: Home Office Research Priorities 2018/19 - 2020/21

Summary: Summary This document summarises research priorities to support the current and future needs of the Government's 2018 serious and organised crime (SOC) strategy. It aims to set out clearly the most important areas for research and analysis in this area, improving the evidence base on which policy choices are made and the targeting of resources on the most important risks and vulnerabilities. The research priorities presented here have been identified in discussion with a range of partners and relate specifically to the priorities set out in the current SOC strategy. This is to ensure that research is focused on the questions that are most relevant to current policy priorities and will have the greatest impact. They are grouped into the following four thematic areas, though there is considerable overlap between them and they should not be viewed in isolation. 1. Understanding the threat: It is likely that SOC will continue to operate in new ways and places. Improved research and intelligence in this area will help to develop a better evidence base on the changing landscape of SOC and the harms it presents. 2. Criminal markets: The supply and demand of illicit goods or services is a key characteristic of organised crime. Understanding more about the threat posed by SOC markets and their operating models will help to inform the most effective response. 3) Vulnerabilities: Organised crime groups (OCGs) exploit the vulnerabilities of individuals, businesses and society at large to further their criminal interests. Improving our understanding of the vulnerabilities of both victims and offenders will help to direct when and where to respond. 4. What works: The threat from SOC is complex and wide-ranging, requiring an equally diverse response. Improving the evidence base of what works in terms of prevention, disruption and tackling SOC, will achieve better value for money interventions. It can help to ensure that the most appropriate and up-to-date tools are used to respond at the most effective points. The remainder of this document sets out the key research questions underpinning these cross-cutting thematic topic areas, including a description of broad, high-level questions applying to the range of SOC threats as well as considering individual crime types where relevant. It also includes details of how we intend for this document to be used, outlines sources of funding for research and existing centres of expertise. Finally, it also includes contact details for Home Office analysts working in this area. We are committed to working collaboratively with the wider research community to improve the evidence base on SOC.

Details: London, UK: Home Office, 2018. 25p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 9, 2019 at: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/753188/serious-and-organised-crime-research-priorities-horr105.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: United Kingdom

URL: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/753188/serious-and-organised-crime-research-priorities-horr105.pdf

Shelf Number: 154048

Criminal Markets
Evidence-Based Policy
Illicit Services
Illicit Trade
Organized Crime
Organized Crime Groups
Serious and Organized Crime

Author: Fell, Emily

Title: Understanding Organised Crime 2015/16: Estimating the Scale and the Social and Economic Costs

Summary: This report aims to improve our understanding of organised crime in the UK by updating estimates of the scale, and the social and economic cost, for a range of organised crime types based on the 2013 report of the same name (Mills, Skodbo, & Blyth, 2013). In 'Understanding Organised Crime' (UOC) 2013, the social and economic cost of organised crime was estimated to be at least L24 billion in financial year (FY) 2010 to 2011. The social and economic costs of organised crime to the UK is estimated to be approx. L37 billion in FY 2015 to 2016. The scale of organised crime is estimated to be approx. L20 billion in FY 2015 to 2016. These estimates are likely to be a lower bound since the contributing estimates are generally conservative and in some cases partial; this is discussed in more detail in the Introduction. The largest components of the social and economic cost estimate are: - drugs supply (L20 billion) - economic crime (L8 billion) - modern slavery (L2 billion) This report produces two estimates: the scale of organised crime, and the social and economic costs associated with it. The scale estimates provide a sense of the size of known activity across organised crime types. Social and economic cost estimates consider, where possible, both direct and indirect costs resulting from the crime and of reactions to the crime. These are defined in more detail in the Introduction. The scale and social and economic costs are estimated for the UK; however, for some SOC types, it was not possible to access data from Wales, Northern Ireland and/or Scotland so estimates may be scaled up in proportion with population figures. All estimates are for FY 2015 to 2016. The estimates provided throughout the report are all approximate and are rounded.

Details: London, UK: Home Office, 2018. 124p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 16, 2019 at: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/752818/understanding-organised-crime-mar16-horr103.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: United Kingdom

URL: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/752818/understanding-organised-crime-mar16-horr103.pdf

Shelf Number: 154215

Costs of Crime
Economic of Crime
Modern Slavery
Organized Crime
Social Cost

Author: McBride, David

Title: Who is a Member? Targeted Killings against Members of Organized Armed Groups

Summary: INTRODUCTION This paper argues that the most practical and legally correct definition is somewhere between the extreme views of Dr Melzer or the one hand, and Brigadier General Watkin on the other. It is submitted, to be properly categorized as a 'member of organized armed group' a person does not have to directly inflict harm in one causal step on a recurrent basis. However, neither should 'a cook' be properly considered a 'member of an organized armed group'. A more accurate reflection of who is a legitimately targetable member of an organized armed group is based not on the harm the individual causes, but simply on conduct that shows they intentionally enable the operational activities of the group. Accordingly, this paper will submit that a more satisfactory way of defining them will come from simply considering whether they form part of the 'armed force', in a not dissimilar way one might recognise a State Armed force, without recourse to formal membership, or indicia such as uniforms. This is quite a different test to one used to decide whether a civilian has lost his protection from attack, and I submit it produces a more logical representation of an armed group than a test that is based on an individual's proximity to the causing of harm, let alone one based on the causing of harm in a single causal step.

Details: S.L., 2013. 46p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 21, 2019 at: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2261128

Year: 2013

Country: International

URL: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2261128

Shelf Number: 154338

Armed Force
Armed Groups
Criminal Groups
Criminal Networks
Organized Crime
Organized Crime Groups
Targeted Killings

Author: Center for the Study of Democracy

Title: Financing Organised Crime: Human Trafficking in Focus

Summary: The report Financing of Organised Crime: Human Trafficking in Focus contributes to a better understanding of the financial aspects of this infamous phenomenon. The analysis explores the sources and mechanisms of the financing of trafficking in human beings, settlement of payments, access to financing in critical moments, costs of business, and the management of profits. The report draws on the findings of nine in-depth country case studies in Belgium, Bulgaria, Italy, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Romania, Spain, and the United Kingdom. Based on the results of the analysis and the examination of the current practices with regards to financial investigations, the report also suggests recommendations for tackling this crime. The chapters of this report have been written by: Introduction - Atanas Rusev; Chapter 1 - Atanas Rusev, Nadya Stoynova, Fiamma Terenghi, Andrea Di Nicola, and Jelle Janssens; Chapter 2 - Fiamma Terenghi and Andrea Di Nicola; Chapter 3 - Atanas Rusev, Mois Faion, Nadya Stoynova, Anton Kojouharov, and Marian Sabev; Chapter 4 - Sigrid Raets and Jelle Janssens; Chapter 5 - Sigrid Raets and Jelle Janssens; Implications for Policy - Atanas Rusev and Nadya Stoynova.

Details: Sofia, Bulgaria: The Center, 2019. 448p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 23, 2019 at: http://www.csd.bg/artShow.php?id=18388

Year: 2019

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.csd.bg/artShow.php?id=18388

Shelf Number: 154385

Financial Investigations
Human Trafficking
Money Laundering
Organized Crime

Author: Kruisbergen, Edwin W.

Title: De digitalisering van georgansieerde criminaliteit

Summary: Justitiele verkenningen (Judicial explorations) is published six times a year by the Research and Documentation Centre of the Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice in cooperation with Boom juridisch. Each issue focuses on a central theme related to judicial policy. The section Summaries contains abstracts of the internationally most relevant articles of each issue. The central theme of this issue (no. 5, 2018) is The digitalization of organized crime. The effect of the internet on the structure of organized cybercrime. Findings from an international empirical study Geralda Odinot, Christianne de Poot and Maite Verhoeven Worldwide, the digitalization of society is proceeding rapidly and this brings new forms of crime. The threats arising from different types of cybercrime are real and constantly evolving, as the internet with its anonymity and borderless reach, provides new opportunities for criminal activities. This article describes some results from an international empirical study aimed to gather more insight on the link between cybercrime and organized crime as well as on the question whether cybercrime is organized. It shows how cybercriminals cooperate with each other and what this organization structure looks like. Criminal money flows and IT. On innovative modi operandi, old certainties, and new bottlenecks Edwin Kruisbergen, Rutger Leukfeldt, Edward Kleemans and Robby Roks In this article we analyze how organized crime offenders use IT to handle their money flows. How and to what extent do offenders use IT-facilitated possibilities, such as bitcoin, to launder their money? The empirical data consist of thirty large-scale police investigations. These thirty cases are part of the Organized Crime Monitor, an ongoing research project into the nature of organized crime in the Netherlands. One of the most striking findings is the fact that cash is still king - even for online drug dealers who get paid in digital currencies. Summaries 119 Organized child pornography networks on the Dark Web Madeleine van der Bruggen The emergence of Dark Web child pornography forums and their availability to large offender communities has enabled a professional form of child pornography distribution as well as an increased exchange of criminal and social capital. Offenders have access to a new platform in which strong ties and long-lasting relationships with co-offenders are formed. Moreover they could be classified as organized crime, because child pornography Dark Web forums are characterized by a hierarchical order, a clear role division and illegal power structures that regulate the illegal activities. The implications from a law enforcement as well as from scientific perspective are discussed. The non-human (f)actor in cybercrime. Cybercriminal networks seen from a cyborg crime perspective Wytske van der Wagen and Frank Bernaards Botnets, banking malware and other high-tech crimes are increasingly analyzed by criminological scholars. Their distributed and automated nature poses however various theoretical challenges. This article presents an alternative approach, denoted as the 'cyborg crime' perspective, which adopts a more hybrid view of networks and also assigns an active role to technology. The value of this approach is demonstrated by reflecting on findings from earlier empirical work that analyzes conversations between cybercriminals involved in botnets and related activities. The research shows that technological nodes can take an important position in the organizational structure of cybercriminal networks and do not merely have a functional role. Viewing technology as an actor within a criminal network might offer new criminological insights in both the composition of these networks and how to disrupt them. Out of the shadow. Opportunities for researchers in studying dark markets Thijmen Verburgh, Eefje Smits and Rolf van Wegberg In this article the authors present the lessons learned from previous research efforts into dark markets. First the important features of dark markets are discussed, i.e. anonymity and trust, as well as the question how data on dark markets can be collected. Next, the authors illustrate 120 Justitiele verkenningen, jrg. 44, nr. 5, 2018 how this data can be used to study the phenomenon of dark markets itself as well as the impact of police interventions on dark markets. Befriending a criminal suspect on Facebook. Undercover powers on the Internet Jan-Jaap Oerlemans This article investigates which online undercover investigative methods are applied in practice and how they fit in the Dutch legal framework. In particular, the three special investigative powers of a pseudo purchase, systematic information gathering and infiltration are examined. Investigative powers cannot be applied unilaterally (across state borders). When law enforcement officials cannot reasonably determine the location of the suspect, the online unilateral application of undercover investigative powers is allowed. However, there is still a risk that diplomatic tensions arise with the involved state. States should agree in treaties under which circumstances cross-border online undercover operations are allowed. New investigative powers and the right to privacy. An analysis of the Dutch Cybercrime III Act Bart Custers In 2018 the Dutch parliament accepted new cybercrime legislation (the Cybercrime III Act) that creates several new online criminal offences and gives law enforcement agencies new investigative powers on the Internet. This article describes the background of Dutch cybercrime legislation and the contents of the Cybercrime III Act. The newly introduced cybercrimes are discussed as well as the new investigative competences. Particularly the legitimacy and the necessity of the investigative power of the police to hack computer systems of suspects may significantly interfere with the right to privacy.

Details: The Hague: Netherlands Ministry of Justice, 2018. 120p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 24, 2019 at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/325966795_Georganiseerde_criminaliteit_en_ICT_-_Rapportage_in_het_kader_van_de_vijfde_ronde_van_de_Monitor_Georganiseerde_Criminaliteit/related

Year: 2018

Country: Netherlands

URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/325966795_Georganiseerde_criminaliteit_en_ICT_-_Rapportage_in_het_kader_van_de_vijfde_ronde_van_de_Monitor_Georganiseerde_Criminaliteit/related

Shelf Number: 154396

Child Pornography
Dark Networks
Internet Crimes
Organized Crime
Undercover Investigations

Author: Le Cour Grandmaison, Romain

Title: No More Opium for the Masses: From the U.S. Fentanyl Boom to the Mexican Opium Crisis: Opportunitiee Amidst Violence?

Summary: This report examines the effects of the upsurge in U.S. fentanyl use on opium producing areas in Mexico. By using available quantitative data on Mexican opium production as well as qualitative field research from opium producing communities in Nayarit and Guerrero, this paper offers valuable insights into Mexico's illicit drug trade. In particular, this paper demonstrates the extent to which certain villages in the Golden Triangle, but also in Guerrero, Nayarit, and Oaxaca rely on opium production for survival. The authors estimate that the opium economy channeled around 19 billion pesos ($1 billion dollars) to some of the poorest communities in Mexico in 2017. This is a vast amount, nearly three times the total legal agricultural output of the entire state of Guerrero. Up to around 2017, opium growers in Mexico were earning around 20,000 pesos ($1,050 dollars) a kilo of raw opium, and families could bring in up to 200,000 pesos ($10,500 dollars) per year. With the upsurge in fentanyl use, the demand for Mexican heroin has fallen sharply, by an estimated 7 billion pesos ($364 million dollars). This has had an immediate knock-on for opium producers. Farmers are now being paid around 6000 to 8000 pesos ($315 - 415 dollars) per kilo of raw opium. These losses have caused farmers' profits to disappear, village economies to dry up; and out-migration to increase. These findings have important implications for public security in Mexico, as well as major ramifications for international counter-drug efforts. Criminal groups in Mexico are nothing if not supple and adaptable to change. If current trends continue in the coming years, such groups may continue to dominate poppy-growing regions through other industries including illegal logging, illegal mining or the production of synthetic drugs. While legalization and crop substitution have been touted as possible alternatives, these should not be conceived of as silver bullets. However, if properly researched and managed, both policies could be introduced relatively cheaply and effectively. Initially at least, they would loosen the grip of organized crime groups on the regions and tie farmers to licit international markets. Combined with other broader security policies, they could integrate these marginalized areas into the country for good. Resolving this crisis requires further in-depth, policy-focused research in Mexico. It is urgent to design policies that are based on solid, updated knowledge about local dynamics of violence in the country. Any political response must be based on further research and diagnosis, conducted in the most critical opium producing regions of the country. Mexican government officials and international aid agencies should work to strengthen programs to promote long-term crop-substitution and economic development opportunities. Such policies are urgently needed to encourage local agricultural producers to focus on legitimate, locally sustainable crops and alternative industries. Recent proposals to legalize opium for the pharmaceutical industry should be considered seriously. Yet, legalization would only solve a one part of the issue, since Mexican demand for legal opioids is massively lower than the country's current illegal production. Hence, the solution must be articulated both at the national and international level, in order to tackle supply and demand simultaneously.

Details: s.l.: Noria Research, Washington, DC: Mexico Institute at the Wilson Center. 2019. 35p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 14, 2019 at: https://www.noria-research.com/app/uploads/2019/02/NORIA_OPIUM_MEXICO_CRISIS_PRO-1.pdf

Year: 2019

Country: Mexico

URL: https://www.noria-research.com/app/uploads/2019/02/NORIA_OPIUM_MEXICO_CRISIS_PRO-1.pdf

Shelf Number: 154601

Illegal Drugs
Illicit Drug Trade
Opioid Epidemic
Organized Crime

Author: Interpol

Title: Overview of Serious and Organized Crime in North Africa

Summary: Executive Summary Transnational organized crime in Northern Africa poses a substantial threat to the safety and security of all member countries in the region, and poses a significant challenge to law enforcement agencies. As a result, INTERPOL, under the European Union funded ENACT Project, has sought to catalogue and assess organized crime in the region to help drive a more strategic law enforcement response. International criminal organizations target North Africa due to the significant illicit wealth that can be generated from criminal market opportunities throughout the region, notably but not limited to drug trafficking, arms trafficking, human smuggling and trafficking, the counterfeiting of a range of goods, and the illicit traffic of cultural heritage. Crime syndicates exploit various social issues and take advantage of state fragility and limited law enforcement policing capacities to conceal and develop their activities. In addition, there are a number of additional facilitating factors bolstering organized criminality throughout the region such as the length of the region's borders with sub-Saharan Africa, the strategic geographic position of the region between sub-Saharan Africa and Europe, the inclusion of North African countries in global trade flows, fragile economies, war profiteering stemming from many of the recent conflicts in the region or its vicinity, as well as corruption to varying degrees. The threat from organized crime in Northern Africa is therefore substantial, yet often going undetected and underreported, despite various data sources indicating major activities and dynamics of groups and networks active in the region. This mostly stems from limited and unequal capacity amongst law enforcement in the region to manage complex organized crime issues. A greater awareness of the scope and functioning of organized crime in North Africa, nurturing stronger partnerships amongst law enforcement agencies in the region, will contribute to better tackle the threat posed by organised crime.

Details: Lyon, France: Interpol, 2018. 47p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 9, 2019 at: https://enactafrica.org/research/analytical-reports/interpol-overview-of-serious-and-organised-crime-in-north-africa-2018

Year: 2018

Country: Africa

URL: https://enact-africa.s3.amazonaws.com/site/uploads/2018-12-12-interpol-north-africa-report.pdf

Shelf Number: 154820

Arms Trafficking
Crime Syndicates
Criminal Networks
Drug Trafficking
Human Smuggling
North Africa
Organized Crime
Transnational Organized Crime

Author: Smith, Russell G.

Title: Understanding and responding to serious and organised crime involvement in public sector corruption

Summary: his paper examines the nature of serious and organised crime group (SOCG) involvement in public sector corruption, associated risk factors and best-practice responses and prevention strategies. The paper draws on an environmental scan of international literature on the corruption of public sector officials by SOCGs to determine how corruption occurs and how it can best be prevented. The approaches of other countries were analysed to identify which initiatives can most effectively be applied to problems within Australia. Although the scale of the threat is less in Australia than in other countries, we can learn from overseas experiences how best to minimise this threat in future.

Details: Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology, 2018. 16p.

Source: Internet Resource: Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice No. 534: Accessed march 18, 2019 at: https://aic.gov.au/publications/tandi/tandi534

Year: 2018

Country: Australia


Shelf Number: 155028

Organized Crime
Public Corruption

Author: International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children

Title: Child Pornography: Model Legislation & Global Review. 9th ed.

Summary: As global accessibility to technology platforms and the Internet has increased, so too has children's online presence. According to UNICEF, one in three Internet users worldwide is a child. And while the digital world offers countless benefits and opportunities, it also vastly multiplies the risks to children. As ICMEC enters its 20th year, we still believe that protecting children is a global imperative. We recognize the continued need for ever stronger laws, policies, and mechanisms; increased coordination across sectors; and the value of sharing ideas, perspectives, and best practices to positively influence child protection responses. We also celebrate the progress of recent years as organizations and institutions around the world have come together in collaborative initiatives such as the WePROTECT Global Alliance, utilizing tools like the Model National Response and the World Health Organization's INSPIRE Strategies to fulfill the UN Sustainable Development Goals and enhance support for children on all fronts. We are particularly excited that adoption of our Model Legislation has been included as a key recommendation of the recent Child Dignity Alliance Technology Working Group Report. Twelve years ago, in an effort to better understand the global legislative landscape as it related to child sexual abuse material (then referred to as "child pornography"), ICMEC launched an initiative that some have called our "Rule of Law" project. We developed model legislation, after careful consideration and consultation, to increase global understanding and concern, and enable governments around the world to adopt and enact appropriate legislation necessary to combat this crime and better protect children. Since we first published the Model Legislation report in 2006, 150 countries have refined or implemented new legislation combating child sexual abuse material. We have seen tremendous progress during the 9th Edition review period, nearly the most we have seen to date. This does not, however, mean that there is nothing left to do - rather, this is the time to be diligent, to persist and push forward to help bring the remaining countries into the fold. As always, it is important to note that the legislative review accompanying our model legislation is not a scorecard or a scold, but an effort to assess the current state and awareness of the problem. Realizing the importance of taking into consideration varying cultural, religious, socio-economic, and political norms, our model legislation continues to resemble a menu of concepts that can be applied universally, as opposed to actual statutory language. With this latest edition, we continue our efforts to improve the legislative landscape and strengthen child protection efforts by introducing new and updated sections in the model law, incorporating additional international and regional legal instruments, and featuring new initiatives related to implementation.

Details: Alexandria, VA: The Centre, 2018. 68p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed march 18, 2019 at: https://www.icmec.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/CSAM-Model-Law-9th-Ed-FINAL-12-3-18.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: International

URL: https://www.icmec.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/CSAM-Model-Law-9th-Ed-FINAL-12-3-18.pdf

Shelf Number: 155029

Child Pornography
Child Sexual Exploitation
Children, Crimes Against
Internet Crimes
Online Grooming
Organized Crime
Sex Crimes
Sex Offenders

Author: InSight Crime

Title: Criminal Game Changers 2018

Summary: Welcome to InSight Crime's Criminal GameChangers 2018, where we highlight the most important trends in organized crime in the Americas over the course of the year. From a rise in illicit drug availability and resurgence of monolithic criminal groups to the weakening of anti-corruption efforts and a swell in militarized responses to crime, 2018 was a year in which political issues were still often framed as left or right, but the only ideology that mattered was organized crime. Some of the worst news came from Colombia, where coca and cocaine production reached record highs amidst another year of bad news regarding the historic peace agreement with the region's oldest political insurgency, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia - FARC). The demobilization of ex-FARC members has been plagued by government ineptitude, corruption, human rights violations, and accusations of top guerrilla leaders' involvement in the drug trade. And it may have contributed directly and indirectly to the surge in coca and cocaine production. It was during this tumult that Colombia elected right wing politician Ivan Duque in May. Duque is the protege of former president and current Senator Alvaro Uribe. Their alliance could impact not just what's left of the peace agreement but the entire structure of the underworld where, during 2018, ex-FARC dissidents reestablished criminal fiefdoms or allied themselves with other criminal factions; and the last remaining rebel group, the National Liberation Army (Ejercito de Liberacion Nacional - ELN), filled power vacuums in Colombia and neighboring Venezuela, making it one of our three criminal winners this year. Meanwhile, a new generation of traffickers emerged, one that prefers anonymity to the large, highly visible armies of yesteryear. Also of note in 2018 was a surge in synthetic drugs, most notably fentanyl. The synthetic opioid powered a scourge that led to more overdose deaths in the United States than any other drug. Fentanyl is no longer consumed as a replacement for heroin. It is now hidden in counterfeit prescription pills and mixed into cocaine and other legacy drugs. It is produced in Communist-ruled China and while much of it moves through the US postal system, some of it travels through Mexico on its way to the United States. During 2018, the criminal groups in Mexico seemed to be shifting their operations increasingly around it, especially given its increasing popularity, availability, and profitability. The result is some new possibly game changing alliances, most notably between Mexican and Dominican criminal organizations. Among these Mexican criminal groups is the Jalisco Cartel New Generation (Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion - CJNG), another of our three criminal winners for 2018. The CJNG has avoided efforts to weaken it with a mix of sophisticated public relations, military tactics and the luck of circumstance - the government has simply been distracted. That is not the say it is invulnerable. The group took some big hits in its epicenter in 2018, and the US authorities put it on its radar, unleashing a series of sealed indictments against the group. Mexico's cartels battled each other even as they took advantage of booming criminal economies. The result was manifest in the record high in homicides this year. The deterioration in security opened the door to the July election of leftist candidate Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. AMLO, as he is affectionately known, did not necessary run on security issues, but he may have won on them, and in the process, inherited a poisoned security chalice from his predecessor. While Pena Nieto can claim to have arrested or killed 110 of 122 criminal heads, AMLO faces closer to a thousand would-be leaders and hundreds of criminal groups....

Details: s.l.: Insight Crime, 2019.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 25, 2019 at: https://www.insightcrime.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/CRIMINAL-GAMECHANGERS-2018-InSight-Crime.pdf

Year: 2019

Country: Latin America

URL: https://www.insightcrime.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/CRIMINAL-GAMECHANGERS-2018-InSight-Crime.pdf

Shelf Number: 155157

Criminal Networks
Drug Cartels
Drug Trafficking
Illicit Drugs
Organized Crime
War on Drugs

Author: Felbab-Brown, Vanda

Title: Mexico's Out-of-Control Criminal Market

Summary: This paper explores the trends, characteristics, and changes in the Mexican criminal market, in response to internal changes, government policies, and external factors. It explores the nature of violence and criminality, the behavior of criminal groups, and the effects of government responses. Over the past two decades, criminal violence in Mexico has become highly intense, diversified, and popularized, while the deterrence capacity of Mexican law enforcement remains critically low. The outcome is an ever more complex, multi-polar, and out-of-control criminal market that generates deleterious effects on Mexican society and makes it highly challenging for the Mexican state to respond effectively. Successive Mexican administrations have failed to sustainably reduce homicides and other violent crimes. Critically, the Mexican government has failed to rebalance power in the triangular relationship between the state, criminal groups, and society, while the Mexican population has soured on the anti-cartel project. Since 2000, Mexico has experienced extraordinarily high drug- and crime-related violence, with the murder rate in 2017 and again in 2018 breaking previous records. The fragmentation of Mexican criminal groups is both a purposeful and inadvertent effect of high-value targeting, which is a problematic strategy because criminal groups can replace fallen leaders more easily than insurgent or terrorist groups. The policy also disrupts leadership succession, giving rise to intense internal competition and increasingly younger leaders who lack leadership skills and feel the need to prove themselves through violence. Focusing on the middle layer of criminal groups prevents such an easy and violent regeneration of the leadership. But the Mexican government remains deeply challenged in middle-layer targeting due to a lack of tactical and strategic intelligence arising from corruption among Mexican law enforcement and political pressures that makes it difficult to invest the necessary time to conduct thorough investigations. In the absence of more effective state presence and rule of law, the fragmentation of Mexican criminal groups turned a multi-polar criminal market of 2006 into an ever more complex multi-polar criminal market. Criminal groups lack clarity about the balance of power among them, tempting them to take over one another's territory and engage in internecine warfare. The Mexican crime market's proclivity toward violence is exacerbated by the government's inability to weed out the most violent criminal groups and send a strong message that they will be prioritized in targeting. The message has not yet sunk in that violence and aggressiveness do not pay. For example, the destruction of the Zetas has been followed by the empowerment of the equally aggressive Cartel de Jalisco Nueva Generacion (CJNG). Like the Zetas, the Jalisco group centers its rule on brutality, brazenness, and aggressiveness. Like the Zetas and unlike the Sinaloa Cartel, the CJNG does not invest in and provide socio- economic goods and governance in order to build up political capital. Equally, the internal re-balancing among criminal groups has failed to weed out the most violent groups and the policy measures of the Mexican governments have failed to reduce the criminal groups' proclivity toward aggression and violence. The emergence of the CJNG has engulfed Mexico and other supply-chain countries, such as Colombia,in its war with the Sinaloa Cartel. The war between the Sinaloa Cartel and CJNG provides space for local criminal upstarts, compounds instability by shifting local alliances, and sets off new splintering within the two large cartels and among their local proxies. To the extent that violence has abated in particular locales, the de-escalation has primarily reflected a "narco-peace," with one criminal group able to establish control over a particular territory and its corruption networks. It is thus vulnerable to criminal groups' actions as well as to high-value targeting of top drug traffickers. In places such as Ciudad Juarez, Tijuana, and Monterrey, local law enforcement and anti-crime socio-economic policies helped in various degrees to reduce violence. When the narco-peace was undermined, the policies proved insufficient. At other times, the reduction of violence that accompanied a local narco-peace gave rise to policy complacency and diminished resources. Socio-economic policies to combat crime have spread resources too thinly across Mexico to be effective. Violence in Mexico has become diversified over the past decade, with drug trafficking groups becoming involved in widespread extortion of legal businesses, kidnapping, illegal logging, illegal fishing, and smuggling of migrants. That is partially a consequence of the fragmentation, as smaller groups are compelled to branch out into a variety of criminal enterprises. But for larger groups, extortion of large segments of society is not merely a source of money, but also of authority. Violence and criminality have also become "popularized," both in terms of the sheer number of actors and also the types of actors involved, such as "anti-crime" militias. Widespread criminality increases the coercive credibility of individual criminals and small groups, while hiding their identities. Low effective prosecution rates and widespread impunity tempt many individuals who would otherwise be law-abiding citizens to participate in crime. Anti-crime militias that have emerged in Mexico have rarely reduced violence in a sustained way. Often, they engage in various forms of criminality, including homicides, extortion, and human rights abuses against local residents, and they undermine the authority of the state. Government responses to the militias-including acquiescence, arrests, and efforts to roll them into state paramilitary forces-have not had a significant impact. In fact, the strength and emergence of militia groups in places such as Michoacan and Guerrero reflect a long-standing absence of the government, underdevelopment, militarization, and abuse of political power. In places such as Guerrero, criminality and militia formation has become intertwined with the U.S. opioid epidemic that has stimulated the expansion of poppy cultivation in Mexico. The over-prescription of opioids in the United States created a major addiction epidemic, with users turning to illegal alternatives when they were eventually cut off from prescription drugs. Predictably, poppy cultivation shot up in Mexico, reaching some 30,000 hectares in 2017. Areas of poppy cultivation are hotly contested among Mexican drug trafficking groups, with their infighting intensely exacerbating the insecurity of poor and marginalized poppy farmers. Efforts to eradicate poppy cultivation have often failed to sustainably reduce illicit crop cultivation and complicated policies to pacify these areas, often thrusting poppy farmers deeper into the hands of criminal groups that sponsor and protect the cultivation. Eradication is easier than providing poppy farmers with alternative livelihoods. Combined with the Trump administration's demands for eradication, the Enrique Peea Nieto administration, and Mexico historically, showed little interest in seriously pursuing a different path. Poppy eradication in Mexico does not shrink the supply of illegal opioids destined for the U.S. market, since farmers replant poppies after eradication and can always shift areas of production. The rise of fentanyl abuse in the United States, however, has suppressed opium prices in Mexico. Drug trafficking organizations and dealers prefer to traffic and sell fentanyl, mostly supplied to the United States from China, because of its bulk-potency-profit ratio. The CJNG became a pioneer in fentanyl smuggling through Mexico into the United States, but the Sinaloa Cartel rapidly developed its own fentanyl supply chain. Although the drug is deadly, the Sinaloa Cartel's means of distribution remain non- violent in the United States. Fentanyl enters the United States from Mexico through legal ports of entry. In the short term, fentanyl has not altered the dynamics of Mexico's criminal market, but in the long term, fentanyl can significantly upend global drug markets and the prioritization of drug control in U.S. agendas with other countries. If many users switch to synthetic drugs, the United States may lose interest in promoting eradication of drug crops. Such a switch would also weaken the power of criminal and insurgent groups who sponsor illicit crop cultivation. Even if they switch to the production of synthetic drugs, they will only have the capacity to sponsor the livelihoods of many fewer people, thus diminishing their political capital with local populations and making it less costly for the government to conduct counter-narcotics operations. Mexico's violence can decline in two ways. First, a criminal group can temporarily win enough turf and establish enough deterrence capacity to create a narco-peace, as has been the case so far. Alternatively, violence can decline when the state at last systematically builds up enough deterrence capacity against the criminals and realigns local populations with the state, from which they are now often alienated. Mexico must strive to achieve this objective.

Details: Washington, DC: Foreign Policy at Brookings Institute, 2019. 29p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 27, 2019 at: https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/FP_20190322_mexico_crime-2.pdf

Year: 2019

Country: Mexico

URL: https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/FP_20190322_mexico_crime-2.pdf

Shelf Number: 155192

Criminal Cartels
Drug Markets
Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime
Socioeconomic Conditions and Crime

Author: Haysom, Simone

Title: The Illicit Tobacco Trade in Zimbabwe and South Africa: Impacts and Solutions

Summary: This groundbreaking study of the illicit tobacco trade in southern Africa explores how this trade supports organized crime, helps enable official corruption, and erodes state structures. A major feature of South Africa's, and to a lesser extent Zimbabwe's, political economy revolves around conflict-overt and covert, violent and non-violent-over who makes the most money from the illicit tobacco trade, who controls that trade, and how the state responds to it. This conflict now takes places in the midst of huge political transitions within the ruling parties of both countries. The study maps the key dimensions of the illicit cigarette trade in Zimbabwe and South Africa, including the key actors, the pathways of trade and the accompanying 'modalities' of criminality, as well as other important dimensions of the illicit cigarette market in southern Africa. It identifies "good-faith actors," primarily in South Africa, whose positions could be strengthened by policy and technical interventions, explores opportunities for such intervention, and assesses the practical solutions that can be applied to combat illicit trade and tax evasion in the tobacco industry.

Details: Washington, DC: Atlantic Council, Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, 2019. 28p.

Source: Internet Resource: Working Paper: Accessed April 13, 2019 at: https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/images/publications/The_Illicit_Tobacco_Trade_in_Zimbabwe_and_South_Africa.pdf

Year: 2019

Country: South Africa

URL: https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/images/publications/The_Illicit_Tobacco_Trade_in_Zimbabwe_and_South_Africa.pdf

Shelf Number: 155397

Illegal Tobacco Trade
Illicit Tobacco
Illicit Trade
Organized Crime

Author: Calderon, Laura

Title: Organized Crime and Violence in Mexico. Analysis Through 2018

Summary: Justice in Mexico, a research-based program at the University of San Diego, released its 2019 report on Organized Crime and Violence in Mexico, co-authored by Laura Calderon, Kimberly Heinle, Octavio Rodriguez Ferreira, and David A. Shirk. This report analyzes the latest available data to broadly assess the current state of violence, organized crime, and human rights in Mexico. The tenth edition in a series is published under a new title to reflect the gradual shift that has occurred to the restructuring illicit drug trade and the rise of new organized crime groups. In 2018, Mexico saw record violence with 28,816 homicide cases and 33,341 victims reported by the Mexican National Security System (Sistema Nacional de Seguridad Publica, SNSP). This reflects the continued augmentation in violent crime in Mexico for more than a decade with a notable increase in the last few years. The homicide rate has dramatically escalated from 16.9 murders per 100,000 inhabitants in 2015 as reported to UNODC to 27.3 per 100,000 in 2018 based on SNSP figures. In this and past reports, the authors attribute much of the violence, between a third to a half, to the presence of organized crime groups, particularly drug trafficking organizations. According to the report, violence has become more pervasive throughout the country but remains highly concentrated in a few specific areas, especially in the major drug trafficking zones located in the northwest and the Pacific Coast. The top ten most violent municipalities in Mexico accounted for 33.6% of all homicides in Mexico in 2018, with 24.7% concentrated in the top five: Tijuana (2,246), Ciudad Juarez (1,004), Acapulco (839), Cancun-Benito Juarez (537), Culiacan (500).

Details: San Diego: Justice in Mexico, Department of Political Science & International Relations, University of San Diego, 2019. 71p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 2, 2019 at: https://justiceinmexico.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Organized-Crime-and-Violence-in-Mexico-2019.pdf

Year: 2019

Country: Mexico

URL: https://justiceinmexico.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Organized-Crime-and-Violence-in-Mexico-2019.pdf

Shelf Number: 155611

Drug Trafficking
Human Rights
Organized Crime
Violent Crime

Author: International Crisis Group

Title: Tunisia's Borders: Jihadism and Contraband

Summary: Tunisia is embroiled in recurrent political crises whose origins in security concerns are ever more evident. While still of low-intensity, jihadi attacks are increasing at an alarming rate, fuelling the rumour mill, weakening the state and further polarising the political scene. The government coalition, dominated by the Islamist An-Nahda, and the secular opposition trade accusations, politicising questions of national security rather than addressing them. Meanwhile, the gap widens between a Tunisia of the borders - porous, rebellious, a focal point of jihadism and contraband - and a Tunisia of the capital and coast that is concerned with the vulnerability of a hinterland it fears more than it understands. Beyond engaging in necessary efforts to resolve the immediate political crisis, actors from across the national spectrum should implement security but also socio-economic measures to reduce the permeability of the country's borders. The security vacuum that followed the 2010-2011 uprising against Ben Ali's regime - as well as the chaos generated by the war in Libya - largely explains the worrying increase in cross-border trafficking. Although contraband long has been the sole source of income for numerous residents of border provinces, the introduction of dangerous and lucrative goods is a source of heightened concern. Hard drugs as well as (for now) relatively small quantities of firearms and explosives regularly enter the country from Libya. Likewise, the northern half of the Tunisian-Algerian border is becoming an area of growing trafficking of cannabis and small arms. These trends are both increasing the jihadis' disruptive potential and intensifying corruption of border authorities. One ought neither exaggerate nor politicise these developments. Notably, and against conventional wisdom, military equipment from Libya has not overwhelmed the country. But nor should the threat be underestimated. The war in Libya undoubtedly has had security repercussions and armed groups in border areas have conducted attacks against members of the National Guard, army and police, posing a significant security challenge that the return of Tunisian fighters from Syria has amplified. By the same token, the aftermath of the Tunisian uprising and of the Libyan war has provoked a reorganisation of contraband cartels (commercial at the Algerian border, tribal at the Libyan border), thereby weakening state control and paving the way for far more dangerous types of trafficking. Added to the mix is the fact that criminality and radical Islamism gradually are intermingling in the suburbs of major cities and in poor peripheral villages. Over time, the emergence of a so-called Islamo-gangsterism could contribute to the rise of groups blending jihadism and organised crime within contraband networks operating at the borders - or, worse, to active cooperation between cartels and jihadis. Addressing border problems clearly requires beefing up security measures but these will not suffice on their own. Even with the most technically sophisticated border control mechanisms, residents of these areas - often organised in networks and counting among the country's poorest - will remain capable of enabling or preventing the transfer of goods and people. The more they feel economically and socially frustrated, the less they will be inclined to protect the country's territorial integrity in exchange for relative tolerance toward their own contraband activities. Weapons and drug trafficking as well as the movement of jihadi militants are thus hostage to informal negotiations between the informal economy's barons and state representatives. Since the fall of Ben Ali's regime, such understandings have been harder to reach. The result has been to dilute the effectiveness of security measures and diminish the availability of human intelligence that is critical to counter terrorist or jihadi threats. In an uncertain domestic and regional context, restoring trust among political parties, the state and residents of border areas is thus as crucial as intensifying military control in the most porous areas. In the long term, only minimal consensus among political forces on the country's future can enable a truly effective approach to the border question. On this front, at the time of writing, an end to the political crisis seems distant: discussions regarding formation of a new government; finalising a new constitution and new electoral law; and appointing a new electoral commission are faltering. Without a resolution of these issues, polarisation is likely to increase and the security situation to worsen, each camp accusing the other of exploiting terrorism for political ends. Overcoming the crisis of trust between the governing coalition and the opposition is thus essential to breaking this vicious cycle. Yet the current political impasse should not rule out some immediate progress on the security front. Working together to reinforce border controls, improving relations between the central authorities and residents of border areas as well as improving relations among Maghreb states: these are all tasks that only can be fully carried out once underlying political conflicts have been resolved but that, in the meantime, Tunisian actors can ill-afford to ignore or neglect.

Details: Brussels: Author, 2013. 48p.

Source: Internet Resource: Middle East/North Africa Report No148 : Accessed May 14, 2019 at: https://www.refworld.org/pdfid/529c448c7.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Tunisia

URL: https://www.refworld.org/pdfid/529c448c7.pdf

Shelf Number: 155828

Border Security
Drug Trafficking
Organized Crime
Trafficking in Weapons

Author: Scognamiglio, Annalisa

Title: When the Mafia Comes to Town

Summary: This paper investigates the effect of diffusion of organized crime on local economies by examining a legal institution that operated in Italy between 1956 and 1988. The law allowed Public Authorities to force mafiosos to resettle to another town. Using variation in the number of resettled mafia members across destination provinces in a differences-in-differences setting, I find no conclusive evidence on the effect of the policy on crime or homicides, while there is a very robust positive impact on employment in the construction sector. Results are consistent with mafia exploiting these new locations mainly for money laundering.

Details: Naples, Italy: Centre for Studies in Economics and Finance, 2015. 30p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 23, 2019 at: https://ideas.repec.org/p/sef/csefwp/404.html

Year: 2015

Country: Italy

URL: https://ideas.repec.org/p/sef/csefwp/404.html

Shelf Number: 156028

Money Laundering
Organized Crime

Author: Congressional Research Service

Title: Combating Corruption in Latin America: Congressional Considerations

Summary: Corruption of public officials in Latin America continues to be a prominent political concern. In the past few years, 11 presidents and former presidents in Latin America have been forced from office, jailed, or are under investigation for corruption. As in previous years, Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index covering 2018 found that the majority of respondents in several Latin American nations believed that corruption was increasing. Several analysts have suggested that heightened awareness of corruption in Latin America may be due to several possible factors: the growing use of social media to reveal violations and mobilize citizens, greater media and investor scrutiny, or, in some cases, judicial and legislative investigations. Moreover, as expectations for good government tend to rise with greater affluence, the expanding middle class in Latin America has sought more integrity from its politicians. U.S. congressional interest in addressing corruption comes at a time of this heightened rejection of corruption in public office across several Latin American and Caribbean countries. Whether or not the perception that corruption is increasing is accurate, it is nevertheless fueling civil society efforts to combat corrupt behavior and demand greater accountability. Voter discontent and outright indignation has focused on bribery and the economic consequences of official corruption, diminished public services, and the link of public corruption to organized crime and criminal impunity. In some countries, rejection of tainted political parties and leaders from across the spectrum has challenged public confidence in governmental legitimacy. In some cases, condemnation of corruption has helped to usher in populist presidents. For example, a populist of the left won Mexico's election and of the right Brazil's in 2018, as winning candidates appealed to end corruption and overcome political paralysis. The 2017 U.S. National Security Strategy characterizes corruption as a threat to the United States because criminals and terrorists may thrive under governments with rampant corruption. Studies indicate that corruption lowers productivity and mars competitiveness in developing economies. When it is systemic, it can spur migration and reduce GDP measurably. The U.S. government has used several policy tools to combat corruption. Among them are sanctions (asset blocking and visa restrictions) against leaders and other public officials to punish and deter corrupt practices, and programming and incentives to adopt anti-corruption best practices. The United States has also provided foreign assistance to some countries to promote clean or "good" government goals. U.S. efforts include assistance to strengthen the rule of law and judicial independence, law enforcement training, programs to institutionalize open and transparent public sector procurement and other clean government practices, and efforts to tap private-sector knowledge to combat corruption. This report examines U.S. strategies to help allies achieve anti-corruption goals, which were once again affirmed at the Summit of the Americas held in Peru in April 2018, with the theme of "Democratic Governance against Corruption." The case studies in the report explore: - Brazil's collaboration with the U.S. Department of Justice and other international partners to expand investigations and use tools such as plea bargaining to secure convictions; - Mexico's efforts to strengthen protections for journalists and to protect investigative journalism generally, and mixed efforts to implement comprehensive reforms approved by Mexico's legislature; and - the experiences of Honduras and Guatemala with multilateral anti-corruption bodies to bolster weak domestic institutions, although leaders investigated by these bodies have tried to shutter them. Some analysts maintain that U.S. funding for "anti-corruption" programming has been too limited, noting that by some definitions, worldwide spending in recent years has not exceeded $115 million annually. Recent congressional support for anti-corruption efforts includes: training of police and justice personnel, backing for the Trump Administration's use of targeted sanctions, and other efforts to condition assistance. Policy debates have also highlighted the importance of combating corruption related to trade and investment. The 116th Congress may consider the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), which would revise the NAFTA trade agreement, and contains a new chapter on anti-corruption measures.

Details: Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service, 2019. 48p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 28, 2019 at: https://fas.org/sgp/crs/row/R45733.pdf

Year: 2019

Country: Latin America

URL: https://fas.org/sgp/crs/row/R45733.pdf

Shelf Number: 156054

Latin America
Organized Crime
Public Officials
Public Services

Author: Scheye, Eric

Title: Heart of Africa's Organised Crime: Land, Property and Urbanisation

Summary: Most analyses of organised crime in Africa focus on illegal trafficking of commodities such as drugs, arms and wildlife. However, there have been few studies of what may be the largest type of organised criminal activity in Africa: land allocation, real estate and property development, which includes infrastructure and the delivery of basic public services such as water and electricity, particularly in urban areas. All 10 of the world's fastest-growing cities are in Africa and Africa's urban population is projected to double by 2030 - 2035. By then, 50% of all Africans are likely to live in urban areas, mainly in informal settlements. This policy brief recommends steps that can make urban development less vulnerable to crime.

Details: Pretoria, South Africa: Enhancing Africa's Response to Transnational Organised Crime, 2019. 12p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 5, 2019 at: https://enactafrica.org/research/policy-briefs/heart-of-africas-organised-crime-land-property-and-urbanisation

Year: 2019

Country: Africa

URL: https://enact-africa.s3.amazonaws.com/site/uploads/2019-05-10-urbanisation-policy-brief-001.pdf

Shelf Number: 156196

Land Rights
Organized Crime

Author: Musing, Louisa

Title: Corruption and Wildlife Crime: A Focus on Caviar Trade

Summary: Corruption is a severe threat to wildlife conservation globally. While conservation practitioner anecdotes and existing empirical research all point to corruption as a main facilitator enabling wildlife crime, there is still limited knowledge about what can change this situation and help reverse the pernicious impact of corruption on conservation outcomes in practice. Corruption has a negative impact on conservation by reducing the effectiveness of conservation programmes, reducing law enforcement and political support, as well as establishing incentives for the over-exploitation of resources. It undermines the effectiveness and legitimacy of laws and regulations and can be an indicator of the presence of organised crime groups. Corruption needs to be addressed as a central part of the approach to tackling wildlife crime. As part of a wider project by TRAFFIC in collaboration with WWF to understand global caviar markets and to identify hotspots for illegal trade (Harris and Shiraishi, 2018), funding was provided by WWF to incorporate an anti-corruption component, working in partnership with and under the guidance of the U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre. The objectives of this component were to deepen understanding of how corruption may be facilitating the flow of illegal caviar along the value chain, to identify possible intervention strategies, and to inform further studies concerning environmental / wildlife crime and corruption. A typology of corruption for the illegal caviar trade was developed through the review of information gathered by TRAFFIC from academic literature and media reports, interviews with stakeholders who had some knowledge of illegal caviar trade, and the rapid market assessments in Beijing, Berlin, Chicago, Moscow, Paris and Tokyo that were conducted as part of the global caviar markets study (Harris and Shiraishi, 2018). Furthermore, a discussion group with anti-corruption, wildlife trade and sturgeon conservation experts (Table 1) was organised in April 2018 to discuss initial findings from TRAFFIC's rapid assessments, to refine the typology (Figure 3), to develop recommendations for policy and practice, and to build working relationships to support possible future studies (see Annex 1 for discussion group agenda). This report summarises key themes of corruption and wildlife crime as drawn from the literature reviews and interviews, and salient points arising from the discussion group in April 2018.

Details: Cambridge, UK: A TRAFFIC, WWF, U4 ACRC, Utrecht University, and Northumbria University report , 2019. 42p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 12, 2019 at: https://www.traffic.org/site/assets/files/11818/corruption-and-caviar-final.pdf

Year: 2019

Country: International

URL: https://www.traffic.org/site/assets/files/11818/corruption-and-caviar-final.pdf

Shelf Number: 156400

Environmental Crime
Illegal Trade
Organized Crime
Political Corruption
Wildlife Conservation
Wildlife Crime

Author: Economist Intelligence Unit

Title: The Global Illicit Trade Environment Index: Free Trade Zones: Five Case Studies

Summary: Free trade zones (FTZs) are the problem child of global trade. On the one hand they highly valued for their contributions to trade facilitation but on the other they are criticized for vulnerabilities that facilitate many forms of illicit trade and other illegal activities. Though the concept of a "geographically delimited area administered by a single body, offering incentives [to business]" has been around for hundreds of years, it wasn't until the 1980s that countries, mainly in the developing world, truly started creating them. And they were conceived as a means of stimulating economic growth, which in many instances is what they have done, with the most prominent example being the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone (SEZ). Many of the zones have come at a cost, however. In enticing businesses with the promise of a tax-free environment, with little in the way of regulation, governments across the world have created within their borders unmonitored havens ripe for criminal operations, including those of transnational organised crime networks. Over the past decade, numerous international bodies, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and consultancies, including the OECD, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, as well as The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), have documented the myriad ways that free trade zones are used to facilitate trade in illicit goods. While no one knows for certain the precise volume or value of illicit trade that flows through the zones, it is estimated, by almost everyone, to be substantial and include counterfeits, narcotics, alcohol, tobacco, pharmaceuticals, wildlife and humans. Moreover, FTZs have been exploited by criminals as a means to initiate and facilitate illicit financial transactions, such as traditional money laundering, trade-based money laundering (TBML) and terrorist financing. Yet, it didn't - and doesn't - have to be this way. Free trade zones don't need to be free of oversight to deliver on their commercial and economic promise, and many governments are grappling with approaches to find the balance between facilitation and control/monitoring. Perhaps what might be concerning are cases where governments appear to be indifferent to the issue, some actively so. To measure how nations are addressing the issue of illicit trade, the Transnational Alliance to Combat Illicit Trade (TRACIT) has commissioned the Economist Intelligence Unit to produce the Global Illicit Trade Environment Index. The global index expands upon an Asia-specific version, originally created by The Economist Intelligence Unit in 2016 to score 17 economies in Asia on the extent to which they enabled or prevented illicit trade. The Asian index generated much needed attention on the issue of illicit trade within the region. Building upon the success of the Asia index, the global index now includes 84 economies, providing a global perspective and new insights on the social and economic impacts of illicit trade.

Details: New York: Transnational Alliance to Combat Illicit Trade (TRACIT), 2018. 28p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 21, 2019 at: http://illicittradeindex.eiu.com/documents/EIU%20Global%20Illicit%20Trade%20Environment%20Index%202018%20-%20FTZ%20June%206%20FINAL.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: International

URL: http://illicittradeindex.eiu.com/documents/EIU%20Global%20Illicit%20Trade%20Environment%20Index%202018%20-%20FTZ%20June%206%20FINAL.pdf

Shelf Number: 156581

Free Trade Zones
Illegal Trade
Illicit Trade
Organized Crime

Author: Economist Intelligence Unit

Title: The Global Illicit Trade Environment Index: Serbia, Bosnia and Montenegro

Summary: Geography, history and political culture (characterised by high levels of corruption) combine in the economies of the former Yugoslavia (and the Balkans in general) to create a range of issues when it comes to combatting illicit trade. Serbia, for one, lies on a major trade corridor known as the Balkan route, which is used by criminal groups for various activities, including human trafficking and the trafficking of drugs coming from Asia and South America. Montenegro's ports are similarly used as transit points for the unloading and reloading of illicit cargo destined for Central and Western Europe. Bosnia's porous borders with the former two economies, as well as with neighbouring Croatia, enable easy transit from Eastern Europe and the Balkans region to economies in Western Europe. This could be made worse by the adoption of a Visa Liberalisation Agreement between the European Union's (EU) Schengen zone and Kosovo (which lies in an area considered by Serbia to be vulnerable to trafficking), expected by the end of the year. Compounding the problem, the disintegration of Yugoslavia in the 1990s, and the accompanying conflicts, is thought to have led to an increased risk of terrorism in the region - with an increase in Islamic radicalisation and in nationals of countries and territories in the region joining the so-called Islamic State (IS) as foreign fighters in Syria and Iraq. Ethnic separatist and religious extremist groups are active in some southern regions of Serbia and Kosovo, whose declaration of independence in 2008 was not recognised by Belgrade. These factors lead to increased terrorist financing and thus money laundering. Bosnia's complex and decentralised government structure has also been an obstacle to reforms, and corruption is prevalent in all three economies. This briefing paper will look at the illicit trade environment in Bosnia, Serbia and Montenegro across the four categories of the index: government policy, supply and demand, transparency and trade, and the customs environment. It will consider how these economies compare at global and regional levels, as well as looking at some of the details particular to each.

Details: New York: Transnational Alliance to Combat illicit Trade (TRACIT), 2018. 22p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 21, 2019 at: https://www.tracit.org/uploads/1/0/2/2/102238034/eiu_serbia_bosnia_and_montenegro_illicit_trade_paper_final.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: Serbia and Montenegro

URL: https://www.tracit.org/uploads/1/0/2/2/102238034/eiu_serbia_bosnia_and_montenegro_illicit_trade_paper_final.pdf

Shelf Number: 156582

Drug Trafficking
Extremist Groups
Financing of Terrorism
Human Trafficking
Illegal Trade
Illicit Trade
Organized Crime
Political Corruption

Author: Transnational Alliance to Combat Illicit Trade

Title: The Global Illicit Trade Environment Index: TRACIT Recommendations to Combat illicit Trade

Summary: The problem of illicit trade - Illicit trade presents a major and growing policy challenge worldwide. It encompasses a wide spectrum of illegal activities, both offline and online, including narcotics and arms trafficking, human trafficking, environmental and wildlife crime (e.g., ivory trade), robbery and resale of antiquities and cultural artifacts. On the commercial side, illicit trade is a nemesis to major industries such as pharmaceuticals, tobacco, alcohol, entertainment content, petroleum products, fishing, forestry, agri-foods, diamonds and pesticides - just to name a few. The adverse knock-on impact of illicit trade exposes consumers to poorly made, unregulated products; drains global GDP; robs governments of tax collections; clogs legitimate trade routes and internet bandwidth; multiplies burdens on border control; perpetuates corruption; amplifies the demand for forced labor; poses environment risks; undermines rule-of-law; puts cash in the hands of organized criminals and bankrolls terrorists around the globe. These are major and sometimes horrific scars on global society that cry out for an urgent policy response by governments - and their international governance bodies - worldwide. Evidence-based policy-making - Policymakers typically require clear evidence that a phenomenon has attained a certain threshold of seriousness to be able to orient and prioritize policy and legislative responses. To make the case for prioritizing illicit trade, estimates from experts are often cited. In this case: research from the World Economic Forum (WEF) places the value of illicit trade and transnational criminal activities at 8% to 15% of global GDP; and similar work conducted by Global Financial Integrity indicates financial losses across 11 industrial sectors susceptible to illicit trade amount to US$ 1.6 to 2.2 trillion per year. There also exist valuable quantifications of illicit trade in specific sectors, such as the World Health Organization (WHO) estimate that counterfeit medicines account for 10% of all medicines available globally; the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the Walk Free Foundation assessment that 25 million people globally are trapped in forced labor. Other sources estimate that: $133 billion of oil and fuels are illegally stolen, adulterated or defrauded every year; global illicit trade in tobacco has grown to more than $35 billion annually, causing substantial tax losses and providing a major source of financing for organized criminal groups; and food fraud robs the global food industry of $30-40 billion each year. And, the commercial value of music digital piracy in 2015 was estimated at $29 billion worldwide and could grow to $53-$117 billion in 2022. The Index: an additional policy tool to help prioritize action In addition to the vital necessity for more research and data, it is equally important to improve the understanding of the regulatory environment and economic circumstances that enable illicit trade - and critically to assess a nation's capability to prevent illicit trade II. RECOMMENDATIONS - Many of recommendations presented in this report reflect the thematic categories upon which the Global Illicit Trade Environment Index is constructed: (i) government policy, (ii) supply and demand, (iii) transparency and trade, and (iv) customs environment. Additional specific recommendations are also put forward in Section III, and these are based on standards and guidelines contained in relevant international instruments, selected national best practices and operational experience from TRACIT member companies in their respective efforts to combat illicit trade. They are all intended to highlight critical priority actions and help policy makers identify, initiate and improve practical and actionable steps to combat illicit trade.

Details: New York: TRACIT, 2018. 20p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 21, 2019 at: https://www.tracit.org/uploads/1/0/2/2/102238034/tracit_policy_recommendations_global.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: International

URL: https://www.tracit.org/uploads/1/0/2/2/102238034/tracit_policy_recommendations_global.pdf

Shelf Number: 156584

Illegal Trade
Illicit Activities
Illicit Trade
Organized Crime

Author: Transnational Alliance to Combat Illicit Trade

Title: Oil and Fuel Theft: An Emerging Global Policy Challenge

Summary: - Despite the negative effects on the economy and environment, oil and fuel theft has been largely unchecked and hidden from international attention - The ripple effects include undercutting GDP, environmental degradation and facilitating illegal international financial flows and organized criminal activity - Fighting fuel fraud is a global responsibility, as well as a prerequisite for the achievement of the UN SDGs - Molecular marking of fuel is currently the most effective solution to reduce fuel fraud and minimize tax evasion - Governments need to promote shared policy development and ramp up implementation of enforcement measures

Details: New York: Author, 2018. 4p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 21, 2019 at: https://www.tracit.org/uploads/1/0/2/2/102238034/tracit_oil_and_fuel_theft_an_emerging_global_policy_challenge_april2018l.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: International

URL: https://www.tracit.org/uploads/1/0/2/2/102238034/tracit_oil_and_fuel_theft_an_emerging_global_policy_challenge_april2018l.pdf

Shelf Number: 156586

Fuel Theft
Oil Theft
Organized Crime

Author: Euromonitor International,

Title: Size and Shape of the Global Illicit Alcohol Market

Summary: Alcoholic beverages are deeply ingrained in most societies worldwide, with global consumption in 2017 generating US$1.6 trillion in legally registered sales1 of 222.8 million hectolitres of pure alcohol ("hectolitres of alcohol equivalent", or hl lae). However, despite the efforts of policy-makers, law enforcement officials, and legitimate alcohol manufacturers, illicit alcoholic beverages still account for a significant share of the total volume of alcohol consumed in many countries. This white paper explores critical issues affecting the problem of illicit alcohol in today's global alcohol industry. To this end, the paper analyses research conducted in 24 countries in Latin America, Africa, and Eastern Europe, and examines the major factors shaping their illicit alcohol markets. Illicit alcohol is prevalent in these countries: Of the 42.3 million hl lae of total alcohol consumed each year, approximately 25.8% is illicit. In other words, nearly 10.9 million hl lae of illicit alcohol is consumed annually in these 24 countries alone. This suggests they represent an effective sample for exploring this important topic. Illicit alcoholic beverages are defined as those not complying with the regulations and taxes in the countries where they are consumed, resulting in serious health risks to consumers, revenue loss, and brand degradation for legitimate manufacturers, as well as reduced tax revenue for governments. These products are responsible for hundreds of cases of death and illness due to accidental methanol intoxication, millions of dollars used to fund other criminal activities, and the fiscal loss of billions of dollars in unpaid taxes. Health risks affect the poorest and most vulnerable consumers by contributing to widening health inequalities. The most significant risks and costs for each country depend on the characteristics of the local market for illicit alcohol. The landscape of illicit alcohol is varied and complex, ranging from homemade artisanal beverages sold without the proper sanitary permits to legitimately branded bottles of alcohol smuggled illegally into a country. However, although market characteristics differ across countries, the problem of illicit alcohol exists in every region, in developed and developing countries, urban and rural areas, and higher-income and lower-income neighbourhoods alike. Governments, businesses, and civil society organizations - all stakeholders with vested interests in curbing illicit trade - have responded to this problem from many angles. The approaches are as varied as the markets themselves, but have often been partial or ineffective, especially due to rapid adaptation of illicit businesses to new regulations and restrictions This white paper analyses and summarises findings that may help stakeholders better understand the illicit alcohol trade. In particular, the paper identifies five themes that are shaping the global illicit alcohol trade and affecting the stakeholder initiatives intended to reduce it.

Details: London: Author, 2018. 42p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 24, 2019 at: https://www.tracit.org/uploads/1/0/2/2/102238034/illicit_alcohol__-_white_paper.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: International

URL: https://www.tracit.org/uploads/1/0/2/2/102238034/illicit_alcohol__-_white_paper.pdf

Shelf Number: 156727

Alcohol Industry
Consumer Fraud
Illicit Alcohol
Illicit Markets
Illicit Products
Illicit Trade
Organized Crime

Author: Walker, Summer

Title: Fragmented But Far-Reaching: The UN System's mandate and response to organized crime

Summary: From peace operations to how to better manage forests and food supply chains, the United Nations (UN) is engaged in the fight against organized crime and efforts to mitigate its impact within the ambit of the UN's wider goals: peace and security, human rights and sustainable development. Mandates relating to key crime types are often allocated to one or more agencies or departments across the UN System, but, as always, mandates evolve, and information about these mandates and the relevant programmes and activities carried out by agencies can be fragmented, scattered and duplicatory. For some emerging or resurging forms of crime, mandates allocated decades ago have required a far more comprehensive set of responses in their contemporary forms. To better understand the UN's overall mandate for addressing organized crime, the Global Initiative conducted a desk review of the UN's entities and agencies to identify their mandates and working agendas for organized crime, specifically in relation to the UN's work on six crime types that have had major impacts on broader UN goals, including the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This paper is a companion piece to an interactive online tool, which displays the organized-crime agendas within the UN System. The tool's purpose is to provide a better understanding of the UN's counter-crime work and serve as a basis for discussion about how organized crime challenges, which are now far-reaching and serious, could be more effectively met and how UN System resources can be used more coherently. The mandate for addressing organized crime extends across the UN System in a way that is expansive, exhaustive and certainly under-appreciated. A review by the Global Initiative has identified a working agenda for 79 out of the UN's 102 entities, bodies and agencies, or nearly 77 per cent. The research (see Figure 1) found that 37 per cent of these entities address human trafficking, and 33 per cent work on illicit drugs. Environmental crime was third, with 28 per cent of entities addressing related issues. Cybercrime and financial crime both saw 22 out of the 102 entities addressing the issue (21 per cent), and arms trafficking is worked on by 21 entities, yet this understanding of arms trafficking does not include illicit chemical and nuclear material trafficking. This paper examines the implications this has for the UN System given such a widely dispersed mandate. Organized crime is a cross-cutting threat to the goals of many different sectors, in all three core areas of the UN's work: peace and security, human rights and development. Previous analysis conducted by the Global Initiative found that organized crime affects a high proportion of the SDGs. An additional Global Initiative review of UN Security Council (UNSC) resolutions in 2018 found that 22 of the 54 resolutions (40 per cent) referred to a form of organized crime, showing a significant recognition of the problem on the international security agenda. Given the diverse nature of organized-crime threats, it is possible to argue that perhaps it is only right that the requirement to respond to organized crime is distributed across the UN System so widely. But without a coherent strategy underpinning this wide mandate, responses to organized crime across the system can be fragmented, and opportunities to achieve synergies and learn lessons from responses are not maximized, or perhaps not realized at all. Organized crime is a challenge that rises and falls on the global policy priority list. The diversity of illicit markets and the fact the harm caused by organized crime tends to be more corrosive in nature than sensational mean that it is often overlooked or downgraded on the priority list. However, over the past two decades, there have been certain points when the threat of a specific form of organized crime became so compelling that it demanded an urgent response from the international community and the UN System. These flashpoints in the debate - for example, during the piracy crisis in the Gulf of Aden in 2011/12 (see page 3), or the demand for a response to human smuggling and trafficking in 2016/17 - have regrettably shone a light on the UN System's shortcomings rather than draw attention to the efficacy of the world's global governance mechanism to respond to shared, transnational threats that require collective response. Many efforts have been made to create better UN System coherence, but with the global scale and impact of organized crime on the rise, the need to recognize its corrosive impact on major UN objectives should be an imperative for the following reasons: - Organized crime is a leading cause of violence and homicide globally. - Criminal interests and corruption in natural-resource sectors are leading drivers of deforestation and unsustainable natural-resource extraction. - Organized crime has a destructive impact on governance, anti-corruption, economic development and trade, and environmental protection efforts. - Serious rights violations to individuals are caused by organized crime, such as the interlinking phenomena of modern slavery, forced labour, human trafficking and aggravated smuggling. It is very clear when looking at the spread of activity across the system that the issue is not solely a law-enforcement problem. Threats posed by criminal groups are wide-ranging: they impact good governance, breed corruption and weaken development agendas. A holistic view of the issues aligned with increased coherence would help shrink the learning curve on the pervasive impact of organized crime on international security, development and human rights.

Details: Geneva: Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime, 2019. 28p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 24, 2019 at: https://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/gitoc_un_june_19.pdf

Year: 2019

Country: International

URL: https://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/gitoc_un_june_19.pdf

Shelf Number: 156607

Arms Trafficking
Environmental Crime
Financial Crime
Human Rights
Human Trafficking
Illicit Drugs
Modern Slavery
Organized Crime
Transnational Organized Crime
United Nations

Author: Corruption Watch

Title: State capture and the political manipulation of criminal justice agencies. A joint submission to the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Allegations of State Capture

Summary: This joint submission from Corruption Watch and the Institute for Security Studies, two South African civil society organisations, is concerned with the manipulation of criminal justice agencies by the Executive under the administration of former president Jacob Zuma. This manipulation was a critical factor in entrenching state capture. The criminal justice agencies that are focused on are the South African Police Service (SAPS), particularly its crime intelligence division; the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (the Hawks); the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA); and to a lesser degree, the Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID). Manipulation of these agencies by the Executive has ensured impunity for members of the Executive (including the former president himself), their key political allies, and those involved in their networks of patronage. It has also been used to intimidate and coerce opponents, as well as employees of the criminal justice system. In addition, the crime intelligence division of the SAPS was used to promote the power of the dominant faction within the ANC during the Zuma era, inter alia by manipulating party processes such as national, provincial and local internal elections. Manipulation of the criminal justice system was also in evidence during the Thabo Mbeki era. However under the Zuma era it was pursued more consistently and aggressively, to the point where it was pursued at the expense of the criminal justice system and thus of the safety and security of South Africans. The issue of manipulation of criminal justice agencies is directly relevant to the terms of reference of this Commission. Increased manipulation of criminal justice agencies during the Zuma era was strongly connected to the viability of the state capture project. Apart from explicitly protecting Zuma and his family and friends from prosecution, the manipulation of criminal justice agencies functioned to secure control of the ANC for the Zuma faction. The viability of state capture in South Africa relied on the control of the ANC by Jacob Zuma and his allies and ensuring that they were not held accountable for illegal activity. At its broadest level the Commission is concerned with the involvement of public representatives, public servants and personnel attached to state entities in criminal acts that constitute corruption and fraud, and that involve illegal 'inducements for gain'. Manipulation of criminal justice agencies allowed high-level corruption to proliferate by ensuring that criminal justice agencies largely disregarded it. Manipulation of criminal justice agencies has not affected all criminal justice agencies equally at all times. In some cases senior leaders of agencies have resisted interference. Nevertheless, during the Zuma presidency, the Executive, and their agents within state agencies, consistently and repeatedly sought to undermine the ability of criminal justice agencies to function independently and in line with constitutional principles. Structure and purpose of this submission A major part of this submission is devoted to outlining evidence that provides the basis for the contention that criminal justice agencies have been manipulated. Currently, partly as a consequence of various court judgments pertaining to the Hawks, IPID and NPA, the legal provisions regarding these bodies may be regarded as largely consistent with international standards for the independence of anti-corruption bodies and criminal justice agencies. However one source of vulnerability has been the authority of the Executive regarding senior appointments in the SAPS, Hawks and NPA. These have amounted to an 'Achilles heel' with respect to their integrity and independence. Provisions relating to procedures for removal from office have also been undermined. The submission discusses in some detail the way in which appointment and removal processes have been manipulated. It also outlines the basis for allegations regarding the involvement of some of those appointed in undermining the functioning of the key criminal justice agencies. However the evidence that is provided in this regard is merely provided in order to demonstrate the basis for the assertion that there has been systematic manipulation of the criminal justice system. The purpose of this submission is ultimately preventive in nature as encapsulated in the recommendations at the end of this submission. These are proposed steps that, it is motivated, should be taken by government to reduce the risk of future manipulation of criminal justice agencies, which has been a key enabler for state capture.

Details: Pretoria: Authors, 2019. 74p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 26, 2019 at: https://cisp.cachefly.net/assets/articles/attachments/78672_iss-corruption-watch-submission-to-the-zondo-commission-1-april-2019.pdf

Year: 2019

Country: South Africa

URL: https://cisp.cachefly.net/assets/articles/attachments/78672_iss-corruption-watch-submission-to-the-zondo-commission-1-april-2019.pdf

Shelf Number: 156708

Criminal Justice System
Organized Crime
Political Corruption

Author: KPMG

Title: Eurasian Economic Union Illicit Cigarette Report

Summary: Key findings: Illicit cigarette consumption has grown rapidly in the Eurasian Economic Union from 2015 to 2018 - Illicit cigarette consumption rose from 0.6% to 6.8% of total consumption in the past 4 years, representing over 20bn cigarettes in 2018 - Had these cigarettes been sold legally in 2018, an additional 68bn RUB would have been collected in taxes (VAT & Excise) across the Eurasian Economic Union in 2018, with 99% of the taxes lost from Russia - A large proportion of the growth occurred in the Russian Federation, where non-domestic cigarette consumption increased from 0.7% to 8.7% of consumption, of which 90% was illicit. Widening price differences between countries and free movement of goods and people are two possible drivers behind the growth in illicit cigarette consumption - The price differences (in particular between Belarus and Russia) have increased by over 40%, making cigarettes from Belarus more affordable(с) - In addition, the establishment of the EEU (in 2015) enabled free movement of goods and people, reducing customs inspections between countries and removing limits on goods imported for personal consumption - The 8 billion Belarusian labelled cigarettes identified in Russia were not supported by the number of travellers buying for their own personal consumption, indicating that a high volume of cigarettes are contraband. Furthermore the seizures of millions of Belarusian labelled cigarettes in Russia indicated that these cigarettes are transported by criminal networks. Distributors of illicit cigarettes have grown to exploit the price differences, reduced affordability and the lack of personal allowance quotas when travelling between EEU countries, especially from Belarus to Russia - Belarus is the primary source of illicit cigarettes, with almost 8 billion of the 20 billion illicit cigarettes identified in this study coming from Belarusian trademark-owned manufacturers, whilst production capacity was reported at 29 billion cigarettes(4) which is not supported by domestic consumption (estimated at 16 billion) - Belarusian labelled cigarettes were identified across Russia, indicating that they are being purchased by consumers who are not travelling across the Belarusian border - In addition, 47% of C&C identified had no identifiable origin including counterfeit, illicit whites and cigarettes with suspicious Russian tax stamps, which have had no taxes paid in any jurisdiction. Some may be illegally manufactured inside Russia - Illicit cigarette smuggling has been shown to help enable Organised Criminal Groups (OCGs), using similar networks to sell other products and its rapid growth in EEU is unlikely to be any different, as profits can be high whilst penalties remain low. Throughout the report, our analysis has focussed on the following categories of cigarette consumption: Legal domestic consumption - Cigarettes legally purchased and consumed within the country of study, based on In Market Sales data provided by the tobacco industry Non-domestic legal (ND(L)) - ND(L) represents cigarettes which are purchased in another country but legally consumed in the country of study, through cross-border or tourism purchases. This represents 0.8% of total consumption in the EEU Illicit consumption - divided into three components: - Illicit Whites: Cigarettes that are usually manufactured in one country/market but which the evidence suggests have been smuggled across borders during their transit to the destination market under review where they have limited or no legal distribution and are sold without payment of tax - Contraband (Other): Cigarettes where the tax was paid legally in one country, but the cigarettes were taken to another country and re-sold without any applicable tax, mainly when the excise tax regimes in the source country are lower than the destination country. Many of these cigarettes originated from an EEU country and whilst they were legally transported (due to no legal personal allowance limits) they were then re-sold illegally - Counterfeit: Cigarettes that deliberately copy a legally traded brand, deceiving consumers who believe that they are purchasing this brand. Counterfeit was only identified by participating trademark owners in the Empty Pack Survey - Russian suspicious tax stamps: Cigarettes where further analysis has revealed that the packs may have been sold without the payment of tax, despite bearing domestic labelling

Details: London: Author, 2019. 48p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 28, 2019 at: https://www.stopillegal.com/docs/default-source/external-docs/eea-illicit-cigarette-report-2018-english.pdf?Status=Temp&sfvrsn=ab4677d7_2

Year: 2019

Country: Europe

URL: https://www.stopillegal.com/docs/default-source/external-docs/eea-illicit-cigarette-report-2018-english.pdf?Status=Temp&sfvrsn=ab4677d7_2

Shelf Number: 156923

Counterfeit Cigarettes
Counterfeit Goods
Illicit Cigarettes
Illicit Markets
Illicit Trade
Organized Crime
Tax Evasion

Author: Interpol

Title: Operation Opson VII: Analysis Report

Summary: KEY ELEMENTS: - 67 countries, among them 24 EU Member States (MS) participated in Operation OPSON VII. As a comparison, 65 countries took part in OPSON VI. This year, 22 private partners supported OPSON VII. - According to the results reported by countries, almost 3,950 tons, 9.7 million liters and almost 14.5 million pieces of potentially harmful food and beverages were withdrawn from the markets. Converted in tons, these quantities represent a total of 19,358 tons. - The value of the illicit food products seized is estimated at approximately 78.5 million USD (67.5 million EUR). - Considering quantities of products seized, alcohol was the most seized product during OPSON VII. - By value, meat and meat products represent the first category of seized goods, with seizures estimated at more than 32 million USD (27.5 million EUR). - Participating countries reported 41,293 inspections and checks, 3,029 criminal cases, 3,201 administrative cases, 3,325 arrests warrants and 713 search warrants executed. - Sixty-six organized crime groups involved in the production of illicit food, goods smuggling as well as other criminal deeds were disrupted. - Seventy-four illicit factories have been dismantled, 71 of which produced alcohol, two manufactured substandard food supplements and medicines and one illegally produced in the same premises food products, cosmetics and pesticides. - Regarding side seizures, during OPSON VII, the participants seized around 10.6 million pieces and more than 80 tons of illicit products, evaluated at approximately 10 million USD (8.6 million EUR). Amongst the most notable side seizures were: smuggled cigarettes, car spare parts and lubricants, pharmaceutical products, clothes and shoes, mobile phones, toys as well as fuel. Firearms and ammunitions were also seized.

Details: The Hague: Interpol, 2018. 59p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 2, 2019 at: https://www.europol.europa.eu/publications-documents/operation-opson-vii-analysis-report

Year: 2018

Country: International

URL: https://www.europol.europa.eu/publications-documents/operation-opson-vii-analysis-report

Shelf Number: 158105

Consumer Protection
Counterfeit Goods
Counterfeit Products
Illicit Cigarette Trade
Illicit Food
Organized Crime