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Results for paramilitary policing

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Author: Laurency, Patrick

Title: Hybrid Police Work and Insecurity in the Mexican Federal State

Summary: In the years leading up to 2015, the level of violent crime against ordinary citizens continued to rise in some Mexican states. It remains alarming today, despite a steady decrease in violence related to drug trafficking since 2011. Conventional analysis suggests that citizen security deteriorated mainly as a result of the Mexican government's sudden turn toward a more confrontational policing approach, including the reliance on military and paramilitary actors. This view holds that new policing strategies - commonly referred to as mano dura in the Latin American context - ultimately provoked a splintering of drug cartels into smaller criminal units, which subsequently felt compelled to generate sufficient income by diversifying their criminal portfolio into extortion, kidnapping or armed robbery. By contrast, this paper argues that the persistence of or increase in the insecurity of ordinary citizens beyond 2011 is connected to hybridized policing systems that are increasingly marked by an undifferentiated deployment of actors of different origin (military, paramilitary, police) for public security tasks. These include, first and foremost, collaborative arrangements among different public police forces at the federal, state and municipal levels and between the police and non-commercially operating private actors, like local vigilante groups. Additionally, the Mexican policing system is heavily reliant upon the deployment of military forces for fighting criminal activities. While hybrid systems of policing can be highly effective in principle, they remain prone to significant security risks and failures in Mexico. This is largely conditioned by structural peculiarities of the Mexican state, which are highly relevant for public security, including limited statehood, an ill-managed process of decentralization and excessive partisan rivalry as well as the historical prevalence of vigilantes in the country. The paper shows that these structural circumstances of the Mexican policing system contained latent threats to public security from the beginning. Hybridized forms of policing finally brought these threats to the forefront as security risks or failures.

Details: Kitchener, Ontario, Canada: Centre for Security Governance, 2017. 50p.

Source: Internet Resource: CSG Papers, no. 17: http://secgovcentre.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/CSG-Paper-17-Hybrid-Police-Work-and-Insecurity-in-the-Mexican-Federal-State.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: Mexico

URL: http://secgovcentre.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/CSG-Paper-17-Hybrid-Police-Work-and-Insecurity-in-the-Mexican-Federal-State.pdf

Shelf Number: 148197

Paramilitary Policing
Violent Crime